#this is the last one i promise lol sorry for the spam
arcanescreencaps · 4 months
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8k upscale of Caitlyn and Vi in Arcane Season 2's teaser
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wileys-russo · 10 months
childhood sweethearts (10) II a.russo x reader
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playlist one two three four five six seven eight nine
childhood sweethearts (10) II a.russo x reader
"jesus." you mumbled to yourself, wincing at the bright beam of sunlight which blinded you as you cracked an eye open, rolling onto your stomach and exhaling deeply.
thats when you realised, these weren't the same bedsheets you'd changed over yesterday, the rattan bedhead behind you also wasn't yours, in fact this bed was not yours. given you knew your best friends house almost as well as your own you also knew this was not her spare bedroom either.
"oh christ." you hissed clutching your pounding head as you shot up in the unfamiiar bed, entirely too fast for the lack of water and abundance of alcohol still left in your bloodstream.
taking a moment and a deep breath you opened your eyes a little slower this time, looking around the unfamiliar room as your eyebrows knitted into a hopelessly confused frown.
lifting up the crisp white duvet you sighed a little in relief seeing you were fully clothed, though just exactly whose clothes these were that you were currently wearing was still a mystery to you. fumbling around to grab your phone you noticed a glass of water and two small white pills beside it on the bedside table.
having no clue where you were you were hardly about to ingest anything left wordlessly for you, for all you knew the water could be tampered with or the pills could be any assortment of drugs.
your confusion deepened though seeing your phone was fully charged, realizing whoever's house you were currently in had not only brought you home, changed you and neatly hung up your dress from last night on the back of the door but also made sure your phone had been on charge all night.
your vision adjusting to the sunlight streaming in through the open window meant you started to actually take in your settings, frown returning at the assortment of trophies and medals littering the walls and shelves in the corner.
hoping they might help you to put together the pieces of the puzzle you were currently living in you swung yourself out of bed, shivering a little as a crisp breeze whipped in through the open window and you made your way over.
but before you could even inspect the silverware your eyes were drawn to a large frame hanging on the other wall that you'd somehow missed in your hungover state, and there was no mistaking that infamous number and five letter word among the grass stains littering the england jersey.
23, russo.
you weren't sure if it was panic or relief which flooded your body now you'd finally cracked the mystery of just who it was who'd brought you home last night, which admittedly you were struggling to remember much of.
you jumped in surprise as your phone buzzed repeatedly on the bed, screen lighting up with a flood of notifications.
iMessages from; alessia r
10:04am - hey, i'm sure you have a lot of questions and are probably not feeling the greatest this morning. i'd totally understand if you left but i'm in the kitchen cooking if you wanted breakfast and a chat before you go :)
10:04am - sorry i don't know why the ':)' felt passive aggressive? lol
10:05am - maybe i'm overthinking this
10:05am - no im definitely overthinking this sorry
10:05am - sorry i'll stop messaging you now
10:06am - oh there's advil on the table too
10:07am - i am in the kitchen cooking though so i really could have just come and said this in person but i don't even know if you're awake or still here or anything
10:08am - also didn't want to freak you out
10:10am - sorry i promise im not usually such a spam texter lol
despite your mixture of both panic and relief at the fact you were in alessia's home and had spent the night you couldn't help but let out a small smile at the influx of messages, imagining the way she'd nervously ramble through the same sentences would she have come and spoke to you in person.
though the blonde wasn't wrong, you were far from feeling the greatest and you did have questions, the main one being why the hell you ended up in her spare bed and not at home in your own.
placing down your phone you rubbed your face tiredly, and now knowing where you were you were quick to down the pills and glass of water, not realizing just how dry your mouth felt until you had.
you spent a few more minutes ticking over in your head everything that you could remember, trying desperately to piece together the night from start to finish, but there was still a significant amount of gaps and right now there was only one person who could help you to fill them.
so with a deep breath and a long exhale your hand fell to the doorknob, tugging it open and being immediately hit with the smell of bacon and coffee.
alessia heard you before she saw you, the slight squeak of the door all she needed for her entire body to snap to attention, and with a glance up her eyes met yours, relieved to see no signs of distress or anger in your features at what was likely an uncomfortable situation to be waking up to.
"hi." you sent her a small smile which the blonde returned, and when she noticed it didn't seem you were in a rush to leave gesturing for you to take a seat at the bench. "coffee?" alessia offered as you shook your head declining politely, the thought of that already setting your stomach into a churn.
"water then?" the striker smiled as you accepted a bottle from the fridge gratefully, taking a large mouthful before pressing it to your forehead. "did you sleep alright?" alessia asked, slight concern present in her gaze which flickered between you and the food cooking on the stovetop.
"i think so? i don't really remember going to sleep if i'm honest."
"-then i got you out of the taxi and helped you inside and into bed." alessia finished recounting her recollection of events, shoveling another mouthful of breakfast into her mouth as you nodded along.
"i'm sorry you didn't really get a say in any of it. i was just worried about you hitting your head or falling over and having no one there to check up on you." alessia admitted softly, refusing to meet your eye line as she stared down at her plate of food as if it was the most interesting one she'd ever seen.
"hey less." you noticed her internal battle right away as her eyebrows knit into a frown, tapping your fork lightly against your plate to catch her attention.
"i appreciate that you were just looking out for me, thats what friends do right?" you smiled trying to be reassuring as alessia nodded, seemingly a little more settled. though unbeknownst to you that singular word was like a fork to her heart, friends. that's all the two of you were, friends.
and alessia needed to get out of her own head and realise that, or she risked losing you for good again and that wasn't worth the extra heartbreak it would cause her.
if it was a friend you needed then alessia would be the best one to you she possibly could be, because if thats what it took for you to stay in her life then thats all that mattered.
or at least, thats what she was telling herself.
"i can't believe that girl turned out to be such a creep. i dread to think what would have happened if you weren't there looking out for me less, thank you." your words felt heavy but you spoke gently, doing your best not to think about what might have happened had the blonde not stepped in.
"hey i'd have never let anything bad happen, i promise." alessia spoke a little more firmly, being sure to catch your eyes as a strange feeling settled in your stomach at the display of protection, nodding gratefully and putting the weird churning of your insides down to your hangover which was slowly starting to bleed away.
the two of you ate the rest of your meal in a comfortable silence, both admittedly a little lost in your own thoughts. you refused to listen to alessia's demands that you not help her wash up, the two of you also doing that task with minimal chatter between you.
"would you want to stay and watch some movies or something?" alessia blurted out suddenly, glancing to you briefly but unable to read your face her attention shifted back to the sink full of soapy water.
she had already prepared for the no from the moment that she'd asked the question, already kicking herself for being bold enough to ask after the weird situation already brewing after last night and the fact the two of you were still rebuilding things with one another.
but much to her shock, that no never came.
"yeah sure, that sounds nice."
"wait, really?" alessia asked, unsure if she'd heard you correctly as you gave her an odd look. "yeah...unless you don't want me to?" you clarified slowly, a little perplexed by her surprise as she was quick to assure you not.
"did you want a shower? i'll grab you a towel!" you bit your lip to stifle your laughter as the taller girl hurried away, tripping over her own feet in her haste and tumbling to the floor. "still don't know the size of your own legs then less?" you smiled in amusement as she stood, rubbing her tailbone with a wince.
"nah, ground just looked lonely."
"-i still say i could pull this off, easy." you shrugged, shoveling a handful of popcorn in your mouth. "no way! you'd be caught before you even assembled a team." alessia scoffed, doing the same.
"no! i'm a criminal mastermind." you disagreed. "you couldn't even steal a pack of gum for a dare." alessia grinned at the memory. "thats not fair! i was a dead nervous wreck and you're a terrible influence." you shook your head at her.
"terrible influence, excellent thief." alessia beamed wiggling her eyebrows. "can't wait till i leak that to the daily mail. i can see the headlines now; russo goes rough, opens up about grim life of childhood theft!" you mocked in your best newsreader voice, the older girl shoving your shoulder playfully.
again it was all too easy to fall back into your usual playful banter as if no time had passed, the two of you bickered back and forth for a moment before you shushed the blonde. "i love this scene." the two of you fell into a comfortable silence, both sat watching oceans eight.
"okay shoot, shag, marry. sandra bullock, anne hathaway, rihanna." alessia challenged, shifting her body to look at you as you let out a troubled sigh. "you can't expect me to shoot one of them!" you groaned with a shake of your head.
"i'd just shoot the guy she frames who got her arrested, marry any of them because they're all rich now and also shag, any of them!" you answered honestly, alessia laughing and accepting your answer.
"bet you i can catch more of these in my mouth in a row than you can." you challenged now, tapping the bowl of popcorn between you as alessia scoffed.
"please. you're on!"
it was a few hours later that you realized you'd fallen asleep, your eyes fluttering open feeling a little dazed and confused. the sun now having set alessia's living room was only lit up by the tv and you blinked a few times as your eyes adjusted.
it was then that you realised a warmth was enveloping you that you didn't remember being there when you were awake, and you quickly realised it was alessia's hoodie clad arm wrapped around your shoulders, your cheek pressed into her chest as the two of you were squished together on one end of her lounge.
your body tensing up at the new position you spared a glance upwards to see her eyes closed, feeling her chest moving up and down beneath you, the striker seemingly also dead asleep.
you carefully unwound her arm, hearing her stir as you sat up and shuffled a little bit further away from her, stretching out and rubbing your face tiredly.
"you alright?" you heard her ask, voice thick with sleep as she sat up with a small grunt, turning her head and cracking her neck. "i should get going, its almost dark and i have to prep for my class tomorrow." you smiled, trying to ignore the strange feelings arising in your stomach.
"course, i'll drive you." alessia exhaled deeply, clearly still tired as you hurried to shake your head. "it's literally a ten minute walk less. i'll be fine!" you smiled reassuringly, standing up and moving to grab your clothes from last night off the counter.
"you can't walk home in a dress and heels, it's freezing outside." alessia frowned, peering at you in concern over the top of the lounge. "i was fine last night!" you argued stubbornly. "you aren't drunk right now, there isn't alcohol to warm your blood stream up." alessia shot back as you struggled to come up with a response.
"i don't think that's how it works."
"just stay in my clothes, i'll get them off you another day." alessia heaved as she stood and stretched her arms up, your eyes wandering to the sliver of her toned stomach which flashed out as her hoodie rose up.
you quickly looked away feeling your cheeks warm a little. "i'll grab you some trainers." before you could even speak she'd darted off to her room, returning with a pair of brown dunks.
"might be a bit big but just do them up tight." she placed them on the table, excusing herself to use the toilet as you sat down at the table to put them on.
"ready?" alessia returned, grabbing her keys off the hook and waiting by the door. "i told you! i'll walk. driving literally five minutes away is a waste of petrol, think of the environment." you teased, bundling your belongings as she opened the front door.
"alright fair, i'll walk you then." she grabbed a puffer jacket which hung by the door, flicking her hood up and settling into it. "you're not going to take no for an answer are you?" you questioned, the blonde shaking her head firmly.
"of course not." you sighed knowingly, dumping your clothes and heels into a tote bag she offered you. "always trying to force the football on me aren't you." you tutted noticing the bright red arsenal crest donning the front of the bag and the pocket of her puffer jacket.
she shoved you with a smile grabbing her house keys and closing the door after herself, the two of you downing her front steps and starting to walk. "do you just wear this around sometimes so you get free coffees?" you smiled, tugging on her jacket.
"oh yeah absolutely. free coffees, free ice cream, free trainers and clothes, free social media abuse." alessia shot back, and though she said it jokingly you knew the element of truth which lay behind her words.
"i always knew you'd end up here anyway." you shrugged, not meeting her eyes which looked at you curiously. "where? london?" the blonde questioned with a frown.
"no you idiot. like a pro footballer, a proper one." you chuckled with a small shake of your head. "hello testing testing anyone home?" you teased, knocking on her forehead. "hey!" alessia laughed, grabbing your hands in hers as the two of you arrived out the front of your own place.
"you are still annoying as ever." the taller girl sighed, shaking her own head, your hands still clasped in hers. "i seem to remember i was always labelled the sensible, responsible friend, and you were the-" you paused to think.
"-i believe our teachers used to say you were distracting, loud mouthed, immature-" you recounted, only cut off by the blonde pulling you into a headlock not unlike she used to often when the two of you were younger.
"alessia!" you laughed, struggling to pull away. "i seem to remember this was one of the only ways to shut you up!" the striker teased, dragging you along with her to your front door.
"so immature." you mocked as she finally let you up, punching her lightly as your hand easily bounced off the thick puffer jacket covering her. "thank you. for a nice day and for last night." you smiled once the two of you had calmed down from your laughter.
"course. think that makes us even now!" alessia joked lightly, rocking back and forth on the heels of her feet.
"yeah i guess it does, maybe next time we go out for a drink we agree to be the same amount of tipsy. no need for any rescuing then!" you smiled, alessia having to control the immense happiness which flooded her entire body hearing you speak so loosely about the two of you spending time together.
"like i said, i'd never let anything bad happen to you." the taller girl smiling down at you sincerely as once again the strange twinge settled in your stomach, the two of you locking eyes for just a few seconds too long as you cleared your throat.
"let me know once you get home yeah?" you raised an eyebrow, one hand hovering on your door knob as alessia nodded. the two of you stood in silence for a moment, both clearly debating the same thing as the seconds ticked by and time seemed to stall.
then like magnets, you drew toward one another.
you couldn't ever deny that a hug from her felt good, beyond good. the way her taller body encased yours, your head falling to her chest as one hand always rubbed your back and the other grazed your sides she held you with just the right amount of pressure.
but it felt familiar, too familiar.
"night less." you forced a smile as you suddenly pulled away, and then within seconds you were back inside and exhaling a breath you didn't realise you'd been holding in.
that strange feeling in your stomach not ceasing, that very same night was the first in a long time that you slept in her hoodie.
the rest of your week passed by in a blur. the stomach flu gracing the walls of your school had meant that your class was half its normal size with a lot of the kids out sick, which was bitter sweet.
you could no longer fend off your mothers insistence you come over for dinner so thats how your wednesday night was spent, admittedly quite enjoying a home cooked meal that you didn't have to make. it was also the night you found out your sister was pregnant with twins, a surprise for the whole family, her poor husband included.
by the time friday rolled around you were in disbelief at just how quickly the days had passed, and maybe now you could truly get behind that a four day work week was more efficient.
most of your students back and in full force from an unusual but gloriously sunny day, you'd struggled all day to keep their focus. so when it came time to take them all to the football clinic, you couldn't have been more relieved.
you gave alessia a small wave and a smile as she spotted you, falling back into conversation with your coworkers as she zoned back into the games she was running with her group.
the two of you had started to message more, the communication not constant but it was consistent. it helped ease your worries a little more that things would fall apart again right as they started to feel just slightly normal with the two of you trying to build up your friendship.
which is why you weren't surprised to find the tall blonde making her way over to you once you'd made sure your class all got off school grounds safely, and she'd assisted with the pack up of all the equipment.
wishing your fellow grade two teachers a good weekend and promising to organise drinks and dinner soon you'd turned and suddenly she was there. "hi." you smiled, pulling her into a hug much to both alessia's surprise and delight.
"hey." she murmured back, squeezing you for a second before letting go. "hope they behaved for you. god knows they were doing my head in today, bouncing off the walls!" you chuckled, alessia grinning at your words.
"definitely full of beans but a lovely bunch of kids, and they adore you. wouldn't shut up about you actually!" the striker revealed, leaning against the wall and crossing her arms, forcing you to notice just how in shape she really was as your eyes glanced over her biceps.
"fishing for information about me from my students? new low for you russo." you tutted, lips tugging into a smile as she reached out and pushed you with a roll of her eyes.
"very funny. they were actually telling me all about their excursion on monday, and how it wasn't the best one because you weren't there." she smiled softly, your heart melting a little.
"can see how much you love this, and how much it suits you. your eyes light up anytime you talk about it, you're clearly very passionate, the kids adore you and you just seem...well happy." alessia complimented as you blushed a little at her words.
"thank you lessi." you mumbled, turning to pack up your bags as she chuckled. "never could take a compliment, always so shy!" the older girl teased as you now shoved her. "i was only the shy one as a kid because you did all the talking for the pair of us, big mouth!" you hit back, alessia scoffing and holding her hand on her chest in mock offence.
"oi less!" she glanced over her shoulder, seeing leah gesture wildly at her and giving her a small thumbs up.
"i won't hold you up, enjoy your weekend less." you smiled sincerely, slinging your bag over your shoulder and going to leave but her hand shot out to gently grab your wrist.
"no no its not like that. leah just, well she wanted me to invite you round for a pizza night tonight at her place." alessia spoke, the invitation admittedly catching you quite off guard. "me?" you asked with a confused frown.
"yeah you. think you really got her on side the other night with those tequila shots." alessia chuckled, awkwardly rubbing the back of her neck as she let go of your arm.
"look thats really lovely of her but fridays are sort of...my night. got a bottle of wine and some trashy reality shows calling my name." you declined as politely as you could but it seemed to fall on deaf ears.
"look i said invite. but with leah really its more of a courtesy to ask, if you say no she would just come over here herself and somehow either charm you into saying yes or coerce you into giving her your address so she can come and pick you up herself." alessia smiled knowingly making you laugh.
"i'm serious! she's nothing if not efficient, and very hard headed."
"lovely way to talk about the captain of england there." you teased, sparing a glance over her shoulder to see the older girl you were discussing staring at the two of you, hands planted firmly on her hips.
"well if i've not got a choice then i guess that sounds nice." you laughed giving in, getting the sense alessia was not joking about her friends insistence.
"really? great. i can take you if you like? since we're not far from each other and i know the address." alessia offered as you agreed gratefully, also knowing you'd be far less nervous walking in with her than arriving by yourself.
"i'll come and get you around like six?" she checked her watch and raised an eyebrow as you nodded, that gave you around two hours to get ready and psych yourself up.
"yeah that sounds good, i'll see you at six."
"hello! you came, lovely." you were pulled right into a warm hug by leah the moment she'd opened the door, alessia smiling at the sight as she and leah hugged before she lead you both inside.
"i'll give you the grand tour later but i'll introduce you to the girls. don't believe a word they say unless it's about less and a story about her falling over something at training." leah sent alessia a wolfish grin over her shoulder.
"oh i can promise i've got more." you smiled, alessia huffing and poking you in the back with a glare only making leah chuckle. "i'll be holding you to that later mate. but this is laura, lia, beth, viv and kim." leah introduced you pointing to each girl who smiled, introducing you back to them as alessia moved to greet them all.
"i would like to formally apologise that the last time you saw me i couldn't keep my head up." you joked awkwardly toward beth, remembering her from the group alessia was with on the weekend.
"ah don't worry about it. who hasn't had a big night with some regrets!" the girl waved off your worries, hugging you and pulling you down to talk with her and her girlfriend viv.
"so have they only left you in charge because you're italian?" you teased, moving away from the small group in the living room and joining alessia in the kitchen where she was busy kneading the pizza dough.
you'd been here an hour now and felt much more at ease than you'd spent the entire afternoon worrying about, all of alessia's friends and team mates nothing but welcoming and kind.
you were however grateful it wasn't the entire team, just a small handful of them with nothing much better to do, and based on your conversations with them this seemed to be the norm most nights that someone would be round since leah couldn't and didn't cook for herself.
"laura and leah are supposed to be helping me but laura just keeps eating everything she chops up and leah keeps getting fomo about what the girls are talking about and what she's missing out on." alessia chuckled with a playful roll of her eyes.
you offered to help her out, laura and lia joining the two of you after a while, your combined hands making quick work of the prep as lia called the other girls over to start assembling their pizza's.
"pineapple! honestly and you call yourself an italian." you tutted with a disgusted wince at alessia's choice of toppings. "hey! pineapple belongs on pizza thanks." she bumped her shoulder gently into yours as a debate quickly broke out among the group over the seemingly hot topic.
"yeah sorry, half italian." you smirked, laura laughing at the comment. "doesn't even speak the language!" you teased further. "do too! well, a little bit." alessia frowned making you smile.
"oi! hands to yourself thanks." you bumped into her as she stole a piece of pepperoni off your pizza with a grin. "hey listen to your own words!" the taller girl mocked as you dropped a handful of spinach onto hers.
"you wanted it anyway!" you laughed as she spread it out. "not with your grubby little hands all over it." she shot back. "less!" you pushed her away with her hip as she in retaliation dropped a few cut up tomatoes onto your perfectly curated pizza.
"no! stop it." you laughed as she grabbed a piece and tried to force it into your mouth as you pushed her away and attempted to hide behind laura.
"and they are just friends?" lia murmered quietly to leah who stood beside her, watching the two of you. leah only gave her a look in return which said something alone the lines of 'i'll explain more later' as lia smiled in silent understanding, the two heading outside to put their pizzas in to cook.
"right! you three, stop messing about. you two are on pizza supervision duty, and laur is on clean up!" leah clapped to gain your attentions as laura groaned loudly, her protests falling on deaf ears as viv stepped in to help.
"now you wouldn't happen to be meddling, would you williamson?" beth accused, nodding to you and alessia stood alone outside with a raised eyebrow, also having been watching how the pair of you were so comfortable in your interactions.
"who me? why bethany i would never." leah grinned holding a hand to her chest. "less is different round her though, not in a bad way. just-" the blonde struggled to think of the right word.
"more playful, outgoing, and also very clearly pining over her?" "yeah you know what that just about sums it up."
"since when are you so into country music?" you laughed as alessia drove the two of you home, the last three songs in her playlist all of that genre you'd not ever known her to be so passionate about.
"cause it's great! i hate that it gets so much shit." she rolled her eyes, only turning it up louder and to your amusement starting to sing along, turning to grin at you every now and then, the melodic chime of your laughter echoing around her car only spurring her on further.
"well i actually had a really nice night less, thank you." you smiled sincerely as alessia parked out the front of your place, turning her music right down and putting her mercedes into park.
"even if i've learnt that you now like country music and pineapple on pizza." you grimaced in disgust, gagging as you unbuckled yourself. "least i didn't drop my pizza!" alessia quipped back with a smirk as your cheeks flushed bright red.
"that was laura's fault, she tripped me!" you defended with a huff, the memory of how embarrassed you'd been flooding your body, though despite a few light hearted jokes her friends hadn't made you feel that way.
"mhm i'm sure." alessia hummed with a grin and a nod as you playfully shoved her forehead. "i've been hanging around you too much, your clumsiness is starting to infect me like a rash." you scratched at your arms before slipping out of the car.
though as you walked around her car to the curb and alessia sent you a knee buckling smile through the window, you had a sudden realization that you didn't want to say goodbye just yet. and so before you could overthink and spiral over what that meant, you acted on impulse.
"it's not super late. would you want to come in and maybe watch a film or something?" you offered with a shy smile, alessia perking up in surprise as she nodded eagerly, internally berating herself for not trying to be a bit more subtle about it.
though it seemed her body betrayed her as well as she hastily opened her door, trying to step out and catching her foot on the curb, sending her hurtling to the ground with a thump.
"oh my god are you alright?" you hurried to help her out as she nodded with a wince, closing her door and locking her car.
"yeah yeah fine, ground just looked a bit lonely again."
"oh i love this!" alessia grinned as she returned from the toilet to see which movie you'd chosen, insisting that she didn't mind what you watched and hurrying off for a wee.
"still one of your favourites then?" you asked as she collapsed into your sofa nodding eagerly, the princess diaries loaded and ready to go.
"you remembered." she sent you a soft smile before you clicked play, both your hands wrapped around warm mugs of hot chocolate.
"how do you prefer him over michael?" alessia scoffed in disbelief, sprawled across your couch as you laughed. "i said i preferred his looks, not his personality! i like his blonde shaggy hair." you defended yourself as alessia gagged and you smacked her leg.
"you look like that when you dance." you teased her, pointing to the young security guard trying desperately to buck and shimmy his way across the dance floor.
"i do not!" she gasped, kicking you with her leg as you smacked her again, maybe a little harder than you intended. the two of you shared a look as if waiting for someone to say something, then within seconds she'd lunged at you.
your laughters floated around your living room, movie long forgotten as alessia desperately tried to grapple with you, the two of you rolling around and hitting and pinching one another just like you had when you were much younger.
"wait lessi watch the-" you started to warn but it was too late as she slipped off the edge of the sofa, hands curled tightly into your jumper she'd taken you down with her as she smacked her head on the coffee table and you landed on top of her with a grunt.
"fuck ow!" she groaned loudly clutching her throbbing head, both of you still laughing furiously as your face smushed into her shoulder, both your bodies vibrating with amusement against one anothers.
eventually after you'd confirmed she was okay your laughter died down into small giggles and you took a moment to catch your breath, glancing down and into her bright blue eyes.
your chests still heaving lightly trying to recover, a thick silence enveloped the room, neither of you paying attention to anything than one another when you suddenly found yourself admiring and studying over ever little feature of her face.
you couldn't explain where it came from or which cruel individual was responsible, but once more like magnets the two of you found yourself drawn together.
the longer you maintained eye contact the smaller and smaller the room seemed to become, alessia's eyes flickering down to your lips just for a fleeting second but it didn't go unnoticed.
thats when the alarm bells sounded in your head, loud and obnoxious and clearly trying to warn you of how terribly dangerous an idea this was.
but suddenly they weren't important and instead you could only focus on the small voice at the very back of your mind which egged you on to continue.
curiosity took hold of your mind, causing you to wonder how she tasted, how her lips would feel on yours again and in turn the effect it would have on your entire body, this time not fueled on by emotion or sadness or rage.
unable to lay there in limbo anymore, debating over and over all the possible pros and cons of the next ten seconds you once more let your impulses take over.
your hand moved to brush a few strands of her golden blonde hair out of her face, having fallen out of the bun which sat on top of her head, leaning in ever so slowly.
in turn alessia's own hand came to rest on the side of your face, thumb tracing a soft circle on your cheek, ever so gently guiding your mouth within millimeters of her own.
then before either of you could object the small gap was diminished, and your lips pressed together in an ever so tender kiss.
your stomach lurched at the feeling, alessias hand moving to softly rest on the back of your neck as yours tangled in her hair, your lips moving together in perfect unison, repeating a routine that despite the time that had passed was still burned into both your minds.
like clockwork alessia knew exactly how to kiss you to send your head spinning into oblivion like a top. ever so hesitantly her tongue swiped across your bottom lip, hand squeezing the back of your neck just a little bit as your mouth parted for her on instinct, her tongue roaming your mouth as the kiss deepened.
her hand let go of your neck, slowly slipping down to the small of your back as she tapped twice lightly, and without breaking contact for even a moment you both sat up.
alessias hands warm and familiar, gripped your hips to pull you to sit on her lap, her own legs stretched out straight as her hand returned to the back of your neck.
your own clasped her cheeks in your palms, pulling her even closer into you if that was even possible, your bodies flushed together tightly, blood racing red hot at the resuming of what once upon a time was both of your favorite past times.
but then still in a pleasure drunken haze, did reality actually kick in for the pair of you, both detaching and jumping away from one another as if you'd been electrically shocked.
you hastily sat back on the edge of the sofa as alessia scrambled to her feet, mumbling something incoherent and racing out the front door before you could even say another word, your head in the clouds and only yanked out at the sound of it slamming after her.
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t34-mt · 7 months
I’m sure this was already mentioned but, in the war, who’s fighting who? Is it an ideological or territorial battle? The war is mentioned a lot in here but what is it? And of course what’s the outcome?
Sorry for just spamming you with questions lol I’m just curious
no it wasn't! This has been sitting in my inbox cause it's not something I could resume in 1 ask without getting mad at myself for bastardizing stuff with years of context in the world. Also, I started writing it then never finished, which thank god cause it was old info and now i can use this ask in another way. I'd like to clarify things about that period that I don't want people to assume!
I don't remember whatever I said about it on my blog, and since I don't trust myself I'll assume all of it is old content from when I wasn't sure what I wanted. Either way I started altuyur when i was 17 its my problem if it sucked.
1 - The first contact didn't instantly explode into GA.
first contact refers to kyhuines having first contact with their bigger cousins, maanuls, after the successful expedition to traverse the Mashrkhfrah mountain range. A mountain belt that almost surrounded the entirety of kyhuine's habitats.
The other exit of it being a biome kyhuines couldn't traverse with the technology they had at the time, "mierthri" biomes or "deep red". The microorganisms found in the air and water there are lethal to them, and the density of the flora (most of it are actually mushrooms that evolved to act more like plants) and the fauna found there don't help either. It was safer to pass by the mountain range, however it wasn't easy either. 
The subject of the traverse itself is years of content too in the world with context on why and who, so its not something i can talk about in-depth here either. I will say that the mountains are a sacred place for multiple cultures where traversing the Alps wasn't permitted. It was taboo for many, politically many groups and representatives were involved, and so on.
The two species knowing each other lasts decades. Meeting maanuls after the traverse was a shock, obviously. However, they didn't go to war just cause they found a new species, because that's not what the war is about. 
2 - GA isn't about a species war
GA isn't maanuls or kyhuines wanting the other extinct or some odd reasons.
There are many reasons why conflict started, which are mainly about systems sucking rather than them being species racist. Sure, harmful beliefs founded on baseless rumors could happen in some factions such as red troupes and section 4. But they were more based on the place they lived in rather than their species. The belief that “kaar’kchir people love living under this system, they all support it, it's in their nature” was a solid one during the conflict and even a bit after.
In short, a list of what caused it. But the causes in the world remain a debated issue in KEO period.
Civil wars in surrounding colonies of kaar’kchir city
Rise of milletarism in kaar’kchir
Security dilemmas
Growth of “nationalism” (in quotes because countries aren't a thing there)
Territorial disputes
 which are linked to:
resource problems and famines
And so on. New political factions formed in response to specific events or actions from other groups. Them gained importance, the belief that war was inevitable, and misunderstandings in diplomatic communications didn't help. There is many factors, so much so that people who joined military factions weren't even sure what was truly happening, being lured in with promises of becoming a hero for your people.
The major factions of it
bronze talons, known as red troupes after reform (it is intentional to be written as “troupe”)
section 4
there are other groups around but the most known and important were these 4.
3 - GA isn't the first conflict ever
Conflicts has always been a thing between colonies on Altuyur. While their history was quite peaceful compared to ours in general, it doesn't mean they never had conflicts between two different colonies. however, they were vastly resolved through talk, and debates that could last days or up to a week. Or through organized matches, ranging from culture-specific board games to even sports. Wrestling an important cultural sport in the north, even originated from this.
If there truly was no way to settle on an agreement between the two colonies. Members who wanted to do it their way, thinking there was no reasonable agreement to be had, would sometimes (although keep in mind rarely) make small groups and would plan to attack the others. Due to resolving to violence instead of finding another way, they'd be shamed by their home colony for their behavior and other neighboring groups could go as far as not wanting to trade for a while with them. Even if combats can be a grey thing in certain situations for them there's generally never an excuse for it. But, that is different among certain cultures that aren't so against violence. High plateau kyhuine groups do not see the shame others do in the act of organizing combats with talon extension to resolve conflicts. 
However while small conflicts were always a thing, that in the vast majority would be resolved quickly or at least with minimal harm, they never had an actual war. At least never something so big and important until the GA period.
Bonus - Forget everything you know about GA characters honestly 
I am ridiculously shy about them online and used to not know what to do with these freaks before. So sadly my blog is a shelter for old characterization. I am well aware for example that Monmartre is my most known character yet its the one no one knows anything about especially considering the complete rewrite of it i did almost a year ago now.
But whatever I'll try to be more open about them someday, since they’re people of altuyur history some can be somewhat important to it.
Bonus 2 -The traverse wasn't the first actual contact!
Tales of "giants with a sword face" for kyhuines, or "tiny people" for maanuls, might stem from them meeting their cousin's thousands of years ago during what's considered as "prehistory" for them. Some rare cave paintings also depict people that look like x species.
They forgot about each others, and they became rumors that turned into mythical beasts.
yes i disappeared for a while and now i come back saying i wrote garbage on this blog before yeah 
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tanblaque · 8 months
Who would you say is your favourite Princess in StP? Who were the first 5 you got? My favourite is TSM in her entirety, but that's because I have a soft spot for eldritch horror creatures that are in love with you (which started with Vader Eloha and all the theories surrounding her lol)
P.S False alarm, the game isn't actually like 'don't sleep at night' scary, I just got unlucky and got Moment of Clarity as my 2nd Princess (after Damsel lmaoooo)
Sorry for spamming your inbox like this, StP has got me hook line and sinker and I wanted to hear your opinion on it since you're the one who introduced it to me i guess, this is my last question for a while I promise
The Thorn - I really like how fleshed out her route is. With the theme of betrayal, but choosing to trust you, all her lines HIT SO HARD like relationships will only work when people are willing to put the effort to change and trust, and actions vs sorry from all the pain speak louder. (Also, the kiss and annoying the heck out of The Narrator hehe)
The Specter - She's so sassy and chill. And idk, she's just got that charm and she really follows up with her end of the bargain.
The Witch - Little gremlin cat
The sassy 1st version you get when you bring the knife - said enough
The Razor - Knives
ACTUUALLLYY YOU'RE SO REAL FOR THAT. (Though I didn't have a first princess because I watched Manly play the game)
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defensivelee · 2 months
what if six lives! mary had tumblr
yeah what if. that would be crazy lol
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🗝️ cross-marked-angel
daddy finally fucked off 🥳 pls wish him a good trip. i'm going live in ten
🗝️ cross-marked-angel
does @raccoongirlbush want to join.. the stream always makes more when we pretend to kiss 💛 i PROMISE i'll take you out later with the extra dono money, wear something nice!!!!
🦝 raccoongirlbush Follow
🗝️ cross-marked-angel
anne i swear to lo!!! ok whatever click here to join the stream, i look forward to seeing all of you there~
#streams #i'm just kidding ily anne... #please accept dinner as my humble apology #i'll peg you later <3 #wait how many followers do i have on here again?
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🧡 menhera-prince-unlimited Follow
We're all seeing this, right? The fucking election results? I feel so bad for Rersetia, getting stuck with an Ally governor who does nothing but fear-monger and whine about the Overlifers-- all bark and no bite, that one. Unfortunately, woke little brats who don't know any better will flock to this one and decide it's a great victory instead.
I think I know what the next podcast episode will be about. It's about time we get the Allies to step down-- power doesn't mean competence. There are better people, with horns and tails, nothing but pure devil blood running through their veins, waiting for their chance out there, but when will Altos Diablos realize that?
🦌 allybentincksmain Follow
william please
🧡 menhera-prince-unlimited Follow
hans omg i forgot you followed me here haiiii ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
#hanni tag
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🤍 vitamarkedheart Follow
just seen the UGLIEST girl omg
🤍 vitamarkedheart Follow
bitches still go out like this.
🤍 vitamarkedheart Follow
wear green stockings or don't show your legs at all, fucking cow lol
🗝️ cross-marked-angel
on it bossman 🤍💚
🤍 vitamarkedheart Follow
wasn't talking to you. but can you dox that girl for me
#and then stop stalking my blog thank you #i love you princess <3 but get out #you are such a creep
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🦝 raccoongirlbush Follow
when is @/menhera-prince-unlimited going to come out with the Ally Bentinck sex tapes like we all know what he's hiding
#ally bentinck #religious posts #horny posts
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🐾 madwoofwoofspiritboy Follow
my girl got me a new collar :3 gonna post a pic later on the alt, horny timezone bitches are gonna have to wait
#m woof woofs
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🌠 lord-marlborough-official Follow
Please be normal about seeing James Stewart and I together tonight. For the last time, honestly...!
🌠 lord-marlborough-official Follow
Even just allegations of abuse can ruin a person's life, literally fuck off with that. You all think you know everything.
🗝️ cross-marked-angel
you fucking wish it was just allegations lol
🌠 lord-marlborough-official Follow
I thought I blocked you, did you make another account?
🗝️ cross-marked-angel
hehehe <3 you're amazing at changing the subject... it's why he loves you 💚
🌠 lord-marlborough-official Follow
High again? @vitamarkedheart can you come deal with her now?
#sorry about this lol #don't believe them for a second #or her for that matter #marly reblogs
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💌 idolofthedevils Follow
HELLO Everyone I must Tell You NOW!!!!11 That none other than Next Month, Devils Willing,,, I will have a NEW FEATURE (๑>◡<๑) for the Pup Hoods that you all so Adore very very Very very much~ for the first time Everrrr <3 now you shall ALLLL have the option to pay for ☆Custom☆ Pup Hoods up on the site, at the LOW low Low price of an extra Twenty Guilders ♡ ~('▽^人) and nouuu Additional Wait :3 doesn't that sound great n amazing n Everything you ever wanted???? Stop moping around, Get it up, let me see you all Happy now ( ◡‿◡ ) you weird Furries with Fursonas may join in the Celebrations naowwwww~
I love you all Forever and ever ♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡ please make me very Happy and very much Richer!!!!! TOO!!!
#business spam #small business #JUST KIDDING FUCKETTES!!!! #you wish you were me #go make monopolies elsewhere ily <3
11,387 notes
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🫁 nassauphilia Follow
sometimes I miss the feeling of knowing that at least death is a certainty
🗝️ cross-marked-angel
it can still be one 😘
🫁 nassauphilia Follow
is that supposed to be comforting or a threat??
#and how did u find my vent blog
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🦌 allybentincksmain Follow
The word of the Western Kingdom today is to have UNPROTECTED SEX 🙏🔥!!! Please enjoy yourselves, suck a lot of dick for good luck 🧡!!
#i love you all <3
6,409 notes
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🩸 tail-tangled-of-este Follow
hot take, maybe, but I think they should bring back teaching Messianic in schools. you can't take children to a museum and expect them to be moved at the valiance of the devils when they don't know what the angels wanted.
#i don't remember who taught it to me but i am eternally grateful #maria.txt
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anti-amzy · 2 months
Cobra Kai Season 6 Part 1
My unpopular opinions
(Spoiler warning)
I actually really enjoyed the first part of the season. Much more than the first part of season 5. I’m glad they worked on the inner relationships inside the dojo.
“Hawk got nerfed” no he didn’t lol. This actually fits perfectly with his character. Hawk is an overly emotional fighter when his emotions get messed with he can either become a good fighter or suck ass. I think him and Robby both have this issue (more on Robby in the next point). We see this in season 4 where he’s emotional because he’s depressed about his hair and the Moon breakup, he’s having trouble fighting until Moon kisses him which boosts his confidence. Demetri beating him is not that crazy (he literally threw him into a trophy case season 2). Hawk was feeling way more sad than angry about MIT. He let his emotions and sympathy for his friend get the best of him while Demetri was more angry which caused him to lose. Also Hawk has a tendency to underestimate or go easy on his opponents. We see this in season 5 with Kenny (he got a point even before the silver bullet move because Hawk was going easy on him) He obviously went easy on his best friend + the points I put before. Hawk is obviously a good fighter but he is definitely not better or on par with the core 4 (at least in this season).
Side note: Where is Moon lol
My next opinion is about Robby. “Miguel got nerfed he should’ve won” y’all fanboys say everyone gets nerfed. I actually like Miguel and Robby they’re both in my top 3 characters of the show. Robby is also an emotional fighter which we can see during the captaincy fight. I honestly think he would’ve won season 4 All Valley if he wasn’t distracted by Kenny (sorry Hawk fanboys). Once Tory showed up he was finally able to stop worrying about that and get in the right headspace to win the fight. Miguel was obviously stressed about college which made him perform worse but that doesn’t mean he got nerfed. I think Miguel is still the best fighter but Johnny was 100% correct you can’t win every fight and everyone has bad days. I promise Miguel will be okay. He can lose one fight without fanboys crying nerfed.
“Kenny got nerfed” I’m so tired of the word nerfed, but again no he didn’t. Did Kenny get cheated, yes 100%. But i’ve seen people say he is on par with Hawk, which no he is absolutely not. I like Kenny and understand his troubles but he’s not on the level of Miguel or Robby. He couldn’t even get past Tory and Sam during the batting cages. His brother mentioned Tory and Sam had open shots during that fight but didn’t take them. I’m sure if they did Kenny would’ve been beat. Hawk also would’ve beat him in season 5 if he wasn’t spamming that silver bullet. He obviously got cheated with what Devon did but saying he got nerfed is insane. He didn’t even fight anyone fr. Just because Devon cheated does not mean they’re making Kenny weaker, she just literally cheated that’s it.
They have got to give Sam a better reason for wanting to win Sakai taikai. Like she wants closure…okay. The other 3 have better and more established/important reasons for wanting to win. Mind you I don’t think Sam has lost a fight in the series yet. She’s either won or they’ve been stopped early. She didn’t even really lose the All Valley. Let’s say she would’ve won the fight against Tory for captaincy without it being stopped. Okay cool. Sooooooo, what is her motivation then for the Sakai taikai? She would’ve already beaten her nemesis (or former); so what now? “She wants to be the best in the world” I’m sure all the kids going there do also but that’s not enough for me to root for her. I need them to expand on what Sam actually wants and what she’s fighting for in part 2, because does she even really want to go to Stanford either? Like I just have no reason to root for her at this moment. I’ve liked her character a lot more last season and this season but still give her something please lol.
Mr. Miyagi doing some shady stuff is not bad or ruining his legacy. That dude was around for years before he met Daniel. He was a war veteran. Giving him flaws is actually very interesting because it shows that he grew into the person that Daniel knew and that’s not a bad thing. I don’t think it was executed the best way but it’s not a down side that he has flaws. I would be more surprised if he was the way Daniel described him and how we saw him for his entire life.
Last one for right now but Johnny and Daniel being done with each other after the tournament would not be crazy. Obviously they’re not going down that root and they’ll become buddies again but sometimes people just don’t get along and that’s okay. If they’re still fighting now they’ll probably fight again in the future. Maybe therapy would actually help but yk.
Anyway that’s all off the top of my head but I actually enjoyed part 1 and am excited for part 2
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yinyuedijun · 5 months
hii I’m the anon who requested for the bluebird post!
Im so sorry to hear about the discourse surrounding it, I had absolutely no idea. It’s definitely one of the best works out there. I appreciate it really so much. All my friends are tired of me talking about it so much and everytime I pass a can of spam in the grocery store, I stop and grieve.
I understand that you might feel burned out from all the discourse and hate (which I don’t understand why it exists in the first place?) but I just wanted to let you know if u ever decide to pick it up again, I’d be here waiting for quite literally forever. I read it almost half a year ago on ao3, so I suppose I can live off the crumbs.
I am just so fascinated and impressed by how you write the whole deal about the aftermath of the Gun devil attack. The gymnasium, the rations, the orphanage, the caseworkers?? It is so detail that it quite literally blows my mind. I genuinely can’t put in words how much I love it.
So please if you do ever end up working on it, please let me know. In the meantime, I’ll be waiting and refreshing your blog ever so often for a silver of hope.
Do you mind reblogging the chapter 1 too? :( I have searched high and low for it.
Big fan of bluebird and your love for aki <3
Thank you so much! Lots of love :3
OHHH ANON T_T this is the sweetest message ever, thank you!!! not the spam in the grocery store gdldhaksuaja I'm sorry for ruining your shopping trips 💔 it actually means a lot to me that after so much time, you still remember so many details about the fic LOL and now I do feel kind of wistful about it!!! because I really enjoyed working on all that world building!! It makes me happy to know that it left such a lasting impression on you 🥺💗
the discourse was so silly, it wasn't over bluebird specifically but just over dark content as a whole, which I have since gone back to writing anyway because I have deranged writing tendencies and I'm a glutton for punishment 💀 I guess I could just post chapter three this weekend since it's already written and I've been saying I would anyway. a lot of it is SUPER awkward because they're teenagers (lol), but I promise that toward the end it returns to that sweet traumatic worldbuilding 🫡 SO I'll try to get that up if I survive the work week!!
thanks so much for sending this msg 🫶 I reblogged chapter one earlier today also, hope you enjoy!! sending you love!!!! 💖💖💖
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tealenko · 5 months
Tons of tag games
I gonna catch with tags from 3 months (sorry for the spam XDDD)
Here's the 1st:
WIP Anytime!/WIP Whenever
Literally lol XDDDDDDDDD Tagged by: @sillyliterature @vela-ad-astra
Thanks a lot for the tag, and sorry it's taken me so long to reply 😅
Just spent 5 months writing the last chapter of my fic (just posted it) so I haven't written a lot of my next chapter, but here are all my notes I guess XDDDDDDDDDD
Didn't Have the Heart ch.10 - Notes
⬇Keep reading to see it⬇
Ch10: The Next Time
Recorded notes
Potential flashback moments
In the Kodiac, back to the Normandy, with Legion / Kaidan / Garrus
Garrus (could be Tali, but I don’t think she’s been present for all of it in ME2 [project overlord] and ME3 [Grissom Academy], consult the timeline) freaks out a little
Recalls project overlord
Kaidan is like: yeah, I kinda agree, but Shepard is gonna do Shepard things.
He’s also processing all the new info like: wow…
He loves/hates her courage 
Perhaps Legion’s comments that they wouldn’t endanger Shepard.
G to K: “Aren’t you gonna say a fucking thing about this!?”
K to G: “What do you want me to say? I have no power to stop her from being that way. I’m a mere spectator here. Just doing my best to process everything while helping.”
G to K: Thanks for the help man.
G: I’m more affected: after all these years of suicide plans and all the Cerberus shit.
S to G: I appreciate the sentiment, Garrus, but I’m fine, as you can see.
Kaidan leaves them arguing and talks to Legion for a while -> last oportunity
Shepard picks Garrus on the mission because she wants to prove him wrong, but then she cannot help herself and adds Kaidan to the squad -> She sends him as leader of the 3rd mission because she’s kinda mad that he’s right -> back to back missions (just as they did with Cerberus) -> so the order is Korris/Geth dream/Filler mission
Admiral Korris mission related stuff
They talk as they get on/off their armor (alone)
Talking to the quarians / mission report
And now I have to go talk with the quarians, which I’m honestly dreading way more
 “That would explain the outfit”
She huffs and tries to stretch out the fabric arround her neck: “As if talking to politicians wasn’t torture enough…”
“Try not to punch anyone this time around…”
 “I won’t make any promises…
Things I really want to feature in this fic
There’s a cot in Starboard observation (Kaidan’s room) -> It’s Kasumi’s old cot
Have her mention the amount of reports she has to do
I’d like to add the ring thing -> nightmares (maybe I can show a little on the ME2 beginning when she gives it to Kaidan)
Actual Timeline
2 missions
They send another squad to the third one
She’s like: I should go get some sleep -> fluff moment
We do here the “smut path” 
She goes to her cabin
Tries to sleep
Sees her formal uniform in a puddle
Flashes of her table fantasy in her mind -> fuck it!
She goes to his room
Have her mention the amount of reports she has to do
And smut happens -> against the window?
She falls asleep on the sofa
And we do the “nightmare path” here
She has a nightmare
Mention the ring here perhaps
Flash to the bar chapter in LBIG?
She wakes up less shaken than usually -> Bittersweet moment of mourning the dead but being comforted by spending some time in their company, even if it’s on her dreams
Wakes up
Finds him sleeping, he’s done all her work
She hesitates, almost leaves, but doesn’t in the end
And we end with fluff
She joins him in the cot
He hugs her and smiles
She reprimands him for not following her orders (waking her up to do the reports and doing her job instead)
We end the chapter as he replies: I didn’t have the heart 
Fic timeline / Narrative order
Start at the entrance of the starboard port? -> Flashback
Decides not to enter -> Flashback -> Make it a tough one
Goes to the port observation 
Is about to serve herself a drink -> flash/expl. that she doesn’t drink alcohol when she feels like she need it 
Goes to the kitchen instead -> Flashback
Drinks water/coffee -> Flashback
Goes back to the room -> Flashback
Enters. -> The rest happens
Fluff to spicy banter
They spend a while talking on the sofa
She falls sleep
When she’s woken up she sees him passed out on the cot, surrounded by datapads -> she pulls all that stuff on one of the tables and checks that he’s done indeed all her job (informs and all that stuff)
Grabs a blanket and covers him
She’s about to leave but remembers his words
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sneezemonster15 · 2 years
So this person @tiesthatbindel @neolavender @neolilac @itunisaaa @neosprivateacc who champions Sakura and holds that Naruto is straight (they said he wasn't gay, didn't say he was bi either, and didn't seem to question his sexuality at all),
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who holds Kishi is heteronormative and homophobic (🤦), has been harassing me on my private message and askbox. Here as well. They are using multiple accounts to do so.
Sorry guys, I had to shut off my ask box because this person is just refusing to leave me alone, all because I wrote lol to their comment. I was polite to them, and slightly dismissive perhaps, but this person is making it a mission to gather their followers to block me and hate on me. But seems their only followers are their own alt accounts. Heheh.
I think they feel slighted because I won't take them seriously. They really went from calling my content stellar, and God tier, to harassing me and trying to report me because I wrote a post over a year ago where I talked about my community being on the receiving end of systemic ethnic and religious discrimination in my country.
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And a lot more but I blocked them. They are not only badmouthing me but denegrating other SNS fans that I happily interact with. And I am baffled. They simply won't stop.
To prove their point, they also gathered screenshots from a Hinata stan called 'chhote-pandit' who harassed me and several other SNS fans last year, someone who threatened to feed our intestines to their cats for shipping 'brothers', and called SNSers horny fujoshis and dirty lesbians. That person was banned by Tumblr. This person's account also seems to be partially banned. Why are SS and NH stans like this? Bah. Like it's some type of neurosis.
They think Sasuke shinden is canon. Lol. Thing is they went personal, and petty. While I put effort to link them to my content for their benefit, they skipped all of that and started to harass me on my message boards. When I saw that they were spamming my posts, I blocked them. Like I would with any other person. And THAT was their undoing.
Ah. Now one would think I am affected. And I do feel bad, both for myself and them because I didn't deserve this much craziness for saying fanfic writers should dig deeper and presented a research based and well reasoned perspective. And they chose to take offense and take it to a personal level, getting petty, verbally abusing me.
Meanwhile they don't know anything about my ethnicity, my background, my struggles. And if I told them, I can promise they will take it all back. Heh. It can be grounds for even suing them. Yeah, it's that significant. I come from a very interesting (and rare) socio politico cultural intersection. But I value my privacy and anonymity. One other SNSer asked me about it politely and as a response, I left some reading material with them as answer. It explains it much better than I can.
I also am not really bothered as of now because I think I hurt their ego real bad. Just by not taking them seriously. Because I said lol to their comments. They have bigger problems than my dismissal of them.
Anyway, I understand fandoms can be challenging and a lot of people with strong voices get dragged for it on Tumblr. Especially in Naruto fandom. Heh. But the simplest way for them to deal with it was to actually talk storytelling and characters with me, like I did, by sharing links to my content. Instead they got personal while not really doing any of that.
The reason I am here is the story, my boys, Kishi and I find it a lot of fun interacting with other SNSers here. I am grateful that people even make time to read my long winding, seriously long ass posts. Hehehe.
So if you see some stuff somewhere where people are talking about blocking me or talking shit, that's what it's about.
Cheerios. :)
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daisynik7 · 9 months
WIFEY! i woke up rolling off my bed and landed on a back scratcher that was on my floor and now there’s a dent in my knee LMAO. your wife is not only a sleepy, silly girlie, she’s also a clumsy girlie. i’ve also been incessantly crying over your messages it’s fine 🥲
but i’m sorry to hear about that, i’m glad to hear it was almost and not did get into a car accident, even then i don’t know if you suffered from whiplash or anything but as long as you're safe and unharmed, i’m happy. i do feel bad for the person who randomly broke down, especially on the freeway, hope they’re ok too :( 
i have family that lived in the midwest and can attest to how brutal the cold and snow is, and yes driving must’ve been an absolute nightmare! another reminder to my snookums to stay warm on all fronts bundled up, and eat warm foods (soup!!!!!!) 🥰
AND THANK YOU for hosting the swap and for your recs! given your impeccable tastes i know i will enjoy them thoroughly, and i can’t get over how well-detailed your descriptions of each and why you love them, i’m excited to read them! 
i have to say one thing i’ve always loved about your fic reblogs is your in-depth analysis i.e. the screenshots and highlights of particular excerpts that stood out to you and loved, there’s truly no one like you 🥹 and for you to that to something i wrote??? I’M HONOURED, AND I’M SOFT NOBODY TOUCH ME I’M A SOBBING MESS wait no please hug me 😭 i am absolutely in love with your love and care for others, and that has shown in your feedback to others and your check-ins, thank you for your sweet words and support <3
as i’m typing this i just got your message, (don’t feel pressured to respond to this!) do as you please, i’m honoured, thank you for the follow!!! <3 and once again thank you for your sweet words on How It’ll Be, i’m shrieking!
 i hope the rest of your week is productive and your weekend is well spent and restful! i’m so proud of you!!!! in the meantime, i’m sending you all my love, all my kisses, all my hugs, and cuddles 🤍🤍🤍
also, my internet is being a little silly billy so i don't know if this message was sent the first time, i'm hoping not 🫠
lastly, i’d like to inform you that you have permanent residence in a very special place in my heart where I have you safely tucked in and you are not allowed to leave (there are snacks, i promise) 🫢 in all seriousness, hope you’ve had a wonderful day and night and i love you endlessly my darling wife, treat yourself kindly, always! 🥰
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my sleepy, silly, clumsy, beautiful wifey! I'm sorry your rolled off your bed, but I'm assuming it's because you had such a pleasant dream, so I hope it was at least worth it. and if not, I'm kissing the little dent on your knee to heal it if it isn't fully healed already!
I'm totally safe from the near accident, it sounds more dramatic than I'm making it sound and the person who stopped seemed to be fine physically. hoping they were able to move to safer location and get their car fixed because it didn't seem like anything was wrong (which is good).
thank you for participating in the fic swap! I still have yet to read the rest of the fics you recommended, been a busy and distracted girl this week, but they are still on my radar and I'm very excited!
I try to leave more in-depth comments whenever I can just because I feel like I can better express myself doing that instead of spamming the tags LOL. I got inspired by another mutual I have on here who does it often, so I can't take credit for it! I just want to show how much I appreciate the writers on here because I feel like we (as a Tumblr community) don't do that enough!
I never want to leave this safe space I have in your heart! 🥹 I am the most cozy and comfortable there and I'm not leaving for anything (so you better get used to me lol). I love you so so dearly my snookums, always thinking of you even when I'm away! I hope you had a relaxing and/or productive weekend and that these last few weeks of 2023 go by smoothly. love you so much thea ♥️
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rogue-bard · 1 year
I placed first in every Duolingo league since I downloaded the app; now finished first in Diamond League, so I made myself the promise that I will either find a way to disable leagues or uninstall the app.
Those leagues are toxic af, you're not learning anything, just spamming the same quick lesson to get 70k points every week. They're just there to artifically inflate their use-statistics, and get people hooked via sunken-cost-fallacy.
The reason I downloaded Duolingo in the first place, was to compare several language learning apps. And together with the complete lack of any grammar lessons or at least explanations, this is why it will rank dead last in everything I've tested so far lol.
(Not to mention the disregard that languages like German make a big distinction between the word "laden" (to load) and "Laden" (a store you buy stuff in). There are languages that need capitalization to distinguish between words and Duolingo itself jumbles up capital letters in a randomizer, it seems like.)
Sorry for the rant but I can't comprehend why THE language app that everyone knows, is conceptually the worst one (I've tried yet). I do have to admit that it is way more addicting than others, but since it keeps you addicted with leagues that discourage you from learning anything, I'm not sure if that's a good thing.
We'll see how I feel about this with leagues turned off.
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Thanks @renegadedoughnut for tagging me. On FB I never participate in chain posts etc., it feels more like spam... But around here, it feels more like an honor :))) Also, these are much more fun...
Rules: Spell your url with song titles and then tag as many people as there are letters.
Schwarz - Rammstein (heard that one too many times these days not to start with it)
Hold On - All Good Things
Ich Hasse Kinder - Lindemann (LOL what else! ~The days without stucking a wire into some unfortunate kid: 0 😈🤣🤣🤣 )
Promise - Chris Cornell (breaks my heart for so many reasons everytime shuffle-god deems the day worthy of it...)
Schwarz Tot Gold - Lord Of The Lost (literally the only song I know from this artist and it lived stuck for days in my head thanks to Tumblr. LOL)
Whorehouse Blues - Mottorhead (no comment. Lemmy...)
Invincible - Skillet (kinda miss those days I used to sing and feel that...)
Turbulence - Pink ( Pink 💗💗💗)
Heart of Twilight - Edguy (too bad The headless game has the *the*)
Ohne Dich - Rammstein (sorry I know I have them here already, but they have been my most fav band last few months and Ohne Dich live, on the small podium, Till with the collar.... that like lives in my head permanently and ... like that is a unique and very complex feeling on it's own, thank you)
*where tf is my wine* ... and also who TF came up with this longass name ffs! Sorry for the long text post...
Under the Violet Moon - Blackmore's night (there! Beautiful fairy queen from fairytales, that's what this list was missing :)))
This Is War - Nickelback (go to fight-song, Nickelback rock, change my mind :-p)
Call of the Mountains - Eluveitie (mountains 💚💙)
Auslander - Rammstein - 🙊🙈🤷 I have to.... That's the song that makes me dance while riding a motorbike. Everytime. And the only two other I can think of rn are Adieu und Adios, so... LOL
Party in My Head - Pain (OK, I do head-bang to this one while on bike, that's true.... I think I might scare the other drivers sometimes... LOL)
Time Of Dying - Three Days Grace (well, Three Days Grace is also one complex unique emotion...not the best, but sooo spot on sometimes)
A Little Bit Off - Five Finger Death Punch (right there with 3DG)
I Miss My Mind - Russel Crowe & The Ordinary Fear Of God (I love love love Crowe's singing and this song hits the f*cking bulls eye for me atm, so.... yup, that there!)
No Return - Avantasia (not the best song, but Ava was missing here...)
Shiny - Jonathan Young (metal covers of Disney? Great music to work out to :-)))
OK, that was fun :)
I don't wanna tag anybody I think.... I have so many letters that I could just tag everybody following me LOL And I only feel comfortable tagging one person, but also don't wanna piss off that one person.... 😜😂😂😂
... buuuut ..... @anwiel13? I want somebody to mention Feeling B songs, pls? Next drinks on me??? ;p
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distortedclouds · 1 year
So, I've been wanting to say this for a while now xD (read: months and months).
You may (or may not) have wondered why someone (me lol) has been interacting with you so much on Tumblr all of a sudden, but there's a reason for it.
I've been a long time reader of all the work you've written, but you've never seen me in your AO3 comment section. I also never turned up in your dash here. It's been almost two years that I've been going through crippling depression and the usual other shitty things life throws at us for fun - and I had no energy or will to reopen any of my social media, nor login into my AO3 acc. I love nights but some were so dark and scary that I had severe bouts of insomnia. What did keep me sane however, was your writing. The first work I read was "I'm begging for you to take my hand" and I still remember how much comfort it brought me. Even your crack fics, you meant for them to be crack but I was restless to read them every night after awful days. More recently ofc, BW, ah god, I have so much to say, but that's for the comment section ofc.
In short, thank you so much for all your hard work and serious effort. For me when I look back on the last 1.5 years, I think of lots of unpleasant things but also, the good things and one of them is definitely your AO3 treasure trove. A light at the end of the tunnel for me. A warm blanket that tells me things will be okay. Always will be.
So thank you once again. Everything you've written (and continue to do so) brings me so much happiness and inspiration. Things are so much better for me these days and a big part of why I began to write again is because of you. I'm just waiting for my free time so I can spam you on AO3 haha xD So happy to see you on my dash too!
(ah none of this is sensitive or private info btw haha xD Feel free to post publicly. Everyone should know how beautiful your writing is!)
I've read this message like, half a dozen times already and I still don't know what so say. I know our time on Tumblr is relatively short, but it's always nice to see you on my dashboard, especially after reading your aruani fics and I'm honored to know that I inspired you to write
I'm sorry to hear about the hardships you were going through. Times like that feel like they could go on forever and that there's no light at the end of the tunnel. As much as I'd like to say "it be like that sometimes" I genuinely understand since both reading and writing fanfiction for the past 8ish years has been really healing for me, and I'm glad my work was of help for you. Especially with how feel about night, it can be the most devastating when something that we loved turns against us and becomes a place of fear and anxiety
On a more specific note, learning that "I'm begging for you to take my hand" meant so much to you is kind of making me reconsider and view it in a new light. It was my least favorite and everytime I'd get a Kudos on it and I'd internally scream 'nooooo not this one!! go to my other stuff!!' But yeah, it's already being elevated in my brains as I type this
I think in online fandoms we stress so much that fanfic is 100% self indulgent and that we write only for ourselves but choose to share with other. and while I wholly agree with that viewpoint, but I also think writing (which includes fanfic) is also meant to move others and elicit emotions in them, and I'm truly happy I could provide the same joy and comfort your fics provided for me
I look forward to reading your future works for as long as you're happy to create them and I'm honored to learn that you're anticipating more of mine <3
I promise I'll get around to updating BW soon!!
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s4bt00nz · 7 months
OK LAST ONE I PROMISE. heres some digital art finally! this is an oc i have, called adam... he's in the same universe of that one werewolf dude i sent the ref of a while ago lol
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aaand some traditional concept sketches for other OCs within this same universe that i plan to digitalize soon!
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OK i hope this is the last batch of art i need to post sorry for spam lol
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thebiggerbear · 8 months
Writing Updates - Feb 2024
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Hey guys! Sorry for all the spamming of masterlists lately, I'm just trying to get set up so when I come in to post works in the near future, it's bing, bang, boom and I don't have to spend so much time linking. It's just easier for me tbh. I will say though that I don't post any masterlist unless there is something currently being written/outlined for the character/ship/fandom. :)
I have a lot I want to accomplish over this year but for this month I'm primarily going to be focusing on:
AO3 Request One Shot - SDV Leah x Insecure!Reader
Tumblr Request One Shot - Dean x Angel!Reader
Chap 2 of Ghosts (I know I keep saying it but I promise I will get this out sooner rather than later, I'm still working on it, promise)
finishing the fleshing out of Part 2 of Follow Me
Jake Gray one shot (I am SO excited for this one, I recently rewatched this movie and this idea popped into my head, I really hope you guys like it!!!)
also gonna try to get out the Jake x Dakota one shot I had an idea for around the same time if I can
Another Jason Teague work that just popped into my head last week that I really want to dive into
another Multi-Character Prompt Response project (that will start delving into characters I've recently added to the character masterlist while also bringing back a familiar few)
the short story for Beau I previewed last month (it's basically written, I just have to go through and make some tweaks here and there)
A John Winchester one shot
A Benny Lafitte one shot
2 more Dean one shots
posting Chapter 1 for Keep Me Inside
revisiting Chapter 4 of Holding & Chapter 3 of Thunder
the one shot I previewed last month for CJ has actually turned into a prompt response so I would like to get that out along with its sister prompt response for another character
sequel to Dean's "Sleep. I'll keep you safe."
I'm currently also working with the Twi/HP/HL/SPN/GoT//MCU/TWD/Outlast characters/ships I've posted about and visiting those worlds/dynamics has been a lot of fun
a Whipplocke one shot that popped into my head over the weekend
and more! (not saying it will all get done by the end of Feb, but I do plan to dedicate my writing time to the projects listed)
I will be posting a sort of WIP masterlist soon. Ngl, it's huge (it's making my beta's head spin and want to pop off lol), but a lot of it is in groups, like the prompt responses.
If you'd like to be tagged for anything, please feel free to let me know in the tag form. I still have to update it but if there's anything not there that you've seen here or something you want to see, just let me know and I'll add you/add it. :)
Happy February!!!!
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antvnger · 8 months
((I decided to go with your recommendation to start with the Lady Sherlock series. At least the first book just to see how it goes. I rented the audiobook for it from my library because it's not available at my bookstore and I avoid ebooks at any and all costs lol.
Anyway, I'll be sure to update you on how it goes when I finish it. It might take a little bit because I'm on a wait list.
Sorry for all the OOC asks btw 😅. This might be the last one until I finish the audiobook and update you, so there shouldn't be more spam))
((First of all, these are not spam asks! You’re totally fine! I’m really glad you’re reaching out and talking about it with me!
If you’d rather spam my blog about this instead of Scott’s, then you can reach me at @aeterna-auroral-avenger I have anon turned on there too. But I promise Scott doesn’t mind this being in his blog either. Don’t you, Scott?))
Oh yeah, I don’t mind; I promise.
Anyway, I’m glad you’re taking my suggestion, and I really really hope you enjoy it! I love audiobooks even though I’m a bit picky about them, so let me know if you like this book on audio.))
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