#this is the consequences of codependent homoerotic friendships
sumarmz 10 days
Someone take my phone off me because I have typed the words I'm in love with you to my crush and then deleted them immediately after but I get closer and closer to actually sending it everyday I'm gonna explode
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i can't help but think how that's kyomami (especially the 'you are not permitted moral distance) to me because in canon they're literally "i survived a codependent homoerotic friendship" it's not asecret that kyouko has looser morals (in a "loose morals but more "sense) than mami, but that it didn't start that way at first, she was very similar to early sayaka with heroes and justice and stuff and mami seemed the perfect hero, so kyouko tried to be like her of course they had their breakup but the thing about "your soft hands are just as bloody as mine"
it's that mami isn't so different from kyouko post-breakup, at least when looking at the consequences of their actions when kyouko went back to her home turf, she got full survival mode, and any magical girl that passed through her territory was more often than not not kindly asked to go away she beat up nomad magical girls, magical girls with no territory that often have trouble finding a stable supply of grief seeds and well magical girls are resilient, very resilient, but they're also very fragile, one bad enough day and poof they're a witch now and well, how many magical girls that kyouko beat up, for no other reason than because she could, or because it was her territory, ended up becoming witches or dead i'd say quite a few in a few years that's not to say kyouko is evil or anything, but she has some blood on her hands plus you can't tell me she hasn't killed a magical girl at some point, magical girls fights are vicious kyouko has blood on her hands, she knows it, she acknolesge it, she doesn't shy away from it, she survives then there's mami mami is powerful very powerful and that along with the nature of her powers help her take down magical girls who would want to take over her territory without killing them mami is allowed to be merciful because she's strong and she takes pity probably, if a magical girl is pitiful enough, alone enough, she'll either give her grief seed or offer to take the magical girl under her wing
they leave eventually, they always leave (mami always ends up alone in the end, maybe it's because she comes on too strong, she's desperate not to be alone) but they stay, for a while, and some of mami's morals bleed on them how could it not, mami is strong, she looks like the hero of justice children dreams of (she desperately try to look the part, crumbling all the way) how many magical girls died because they believed mami, because they thought others would be like her (some are, and it's not fair to say that it's mami's fault, but the magical girls world is ruthless, and mami not truly acknowledging that fact because she's strong, or because she's scared, does the magical girls under her wing a disservice) but what about the girls she pushed/convinced to become magical girls (sure they get a wish, but you know how much of an scam that is) how many of these newly born magical girls, who only knew of heros magical girls, who were pushed into an unwinnable fight died, because mami tried to fill the hole in her heart so yes, mami has blood on her hands and kyouko hates that mami refuse to acknowledge that fact, and maybe pities her that's where the "admit your soft hands are just as bloody as mine. say it. say it" kyouko wants mami to acknowledge what she did, she wants mami to acknowledge herself, that way, maybe she could understand, or at least accept what kyouko did without looking at her like she's some kind of horrible, greedy, lost soul kyouko loves mami, she'll always love mami, even if she hates her they got too close, too dependant on each other before for everything to be swept away just like that and if mami just acknowledged everything, if she stopped putting a "moral distance" between them (kyouko won't allow her to) well kyouko would do just about anything for mami
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i鈥檓 not sure if kirby鈥檚 relationships with her classmates in scream 4 is as interesting a topic as her dynamics with the core four but if you have any thoughts i would love to hear them!! 鉂わ笍 jill charlie olivia and robbie and all of them
Ahhh this is a fun question! I'm going to be pulling somewhat shamelessly from my fic i'll be your dead bird, you'll be my bloodhound because it gets into a lot of my main headcanons about them! Also because I love that fic and more people should read it
Let's get the cat out of the bag right from the start: she was in love with Jill. We all joke about her surviving a codependent homoerotic teenage friendship, but that's what that was, without a doubt. Jill was her first love, her first kiss (they had to practice. for boys), and the person that she always, always wanted to protect. She totally accepted that she was the sidekick, that her main role in life was to lift up Jill Roberts.
As a consequence of that, she always hated Trevor. Had literally no idea what her best friend saw in the guy. Okay, sure, he's conventionally attractive, but he has all the personality of a napkin drifting in the wind under a freeway. However, Jill was the most important thing, so she kept her opinions to herself when they were actually dating and only got to be a bitch once the cheating allegations came to light.
Similarly, there was a childhood jealousy of Olivia. Jill and Olivia were best friends first because they were neighbors, so they went on neighbor playdates. Ironically, while Jill's interest in boys created friction in the friend group, when Olivia started dating, it was a relief, because she was no longer the immediate competition.
Now, did Jill actually love her back? Insomuch as she was capable of loving anyone, maybe. She liked the attention that she was getting, absolutely. That's maybe the most honesty we can ask for.
Robbie and Kirby have such an interesting dynamic to explore. Based on the casting call for Kirby and everything else about her, I think it's pretty clear that Olivia and Jill were the popular ones, and Kirby's social status was dependent on her being in with them, because otherwise she's just as much of a dork as the Cinema Club guys. There's a bit of self-reflection through the other with Robbie that lends her to keep her distance, be more sardonic towards him, because anything else might cause her place to slip. She pities him.
Charlie was the last person to join their little social web -- they obviously didn't meet until high school ("4 years of classes together," etc.) Now, you know how pairs of people tend to happen? Jill was dating Trevor, Robbie was head over heels for Olivia, that left Charlie and Kirby.
Enter the most toxic lesbian/straight man dynamic, a universal experience for those of us who graduated high school in the 2010s. You meet a guy who shares some of your interests. You realize he's kind of a pompous dick about it. You grow to hate his guts. Through the shadow of heteronormativity, everyone thinks this is flirty bickering, but you genuinely hate this man.
Bisexual Kirby truthers, I see you and I respect you, but I don't see it. At no point before the almost-kiss does anything register beyond "jfc can you go be annoying somewhere else." Now, drunk and realizing that she might die and that she's fallen behind all her peer's social benchmarks, here's when comphet sneaks in, tells her, Hey, this boy is interested in you. You don't want to die a total loser, do you?
The inherent tragedy of Kirby Reed: knowing that your place in the school's social hierarchy is entirely dependent on the whims of the girl you happen to be in love with, who all the time is chiding you about the boy you should like
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