#this is the biggest project I ever made it stayed in the drafts for all this time 😭
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faceglitchsworld · 2 months ago
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One Year with Aniteez wishing Happy Birthday to their fathers Ateez
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storycraftcafe · 1 year ago
Hello there!
Do you have any neurospicy friendly tips for staying motivated? I'd love to write more, especially long-form, multi-chapter works but after a chapter or two I either get bitten by other plot bunnies or real life eats me whole.
Hello friend!
Oh this is right up my alley, grab a cuppa, I get wordy.
As a chronic “too many ideas, too little dopamine” ADHD brain that’s always seeking that lil extra dopamine, I suffer from the exact same problem. My motivation is a fickle thing, as is my ability to focus and my goblin brain is always after the new shiny idea.
But, I’m also at the end of drafting the biggest project I’ve ever completed(it's over 100k words right now), while also planning a novel, developing a few more ideas and writing short stories and doing this blog (intermittently at least for now).
How the hell did I manage that?
I learned to work with my brain, lean into novelty, made things really easy for myself and when needed, got some help and made things fun. 
The truth is, motivation comes and goes, as does inspiration. So we have to figure out how to keep writing without it, and how to wrangle those plot bunnies. That’s the work we do. 
My short answer is this: The solution to focusing on a big project is to make working on this project easier than working on anything else, make it the most enjoyable, and make it the most rewarding.
Here’s some advice on how:
Advice Tidbit the First: Work with your brain
Since us neurospicy types come in so many flavours, it’s impossible to give advice that works for everyone. So find what works for you. You know what helps you focus, you know what your weaknesses are and you know how your brain works. If you don’t, now is the time to find out how to work with your brain chemistry rather than against it. 
If this means having music, using a pomodoro timer, something like a special focus based word processor or a notebook, use it. If this means working with a trusted friend, a community, or alone, do that. 
For me it really means that the big project is always front and centre. It is always open, it is always flagged in my notebook, it is always present and easy to come back to and I always know where I’m going with it.
I’m gonna share some things that work for me and I encourage you to try them, keep what works, and cast off the rest.
Advice Tidbit the Second: Lean into Novelty
My brain relishes novelty, and will happily chase a new idea down a rabbit hole like a Jack Russell on speed and after years of fighting it, I’ve learned sometimes, it’s best to chase the white rabbit and see where it ends up. Just make sure you have a way of putting that idea on a back burner and coming home to the project you want to focus on.
And I do this through a few different means. 
First I write that new idea down, which in turn helps me get it out of my head instead of it repeating ad nauseum like the chewiest earworm. The brain repeats things to remember them, but if you write it down, and then immediately get what you wanna focus on in front of your eyeballs, you might be able to switch gears and get back on track.
Second, I create my own novelty by balancing a few projects at once, that are all at different stages of development, and focus on different ideas. I have the big one that's almost done, I have a novel that’s in planning, a few short story ideas that’s percolating  and this blog which is focused less on creation and more explaining things I’ve learned. And I bounce from these, as needed, to keep things fresh. 
Third, if all else fails, I stop fighting and go wild. I’ve stumbled onto some amazing gems of projects by embracing the mad rush of inspiration until I hit a wall. And the trick for me is, once I hit that wall, I go back to my big project and it always feels a little fresher after that time away.
Writers are creative creatures, and inspiration is a wonderful, amazing, maddening thing that we cannot rely on, but shouldn’t ignore when it strikes. 
Advice Tidbit the Third: Make that shit easy.
A fun, and by fun I mean hellish aspect of my brain chemistry is that the more barriers between me and doing a thing there are, the less likely I am to do the thing. Executive dysfunction is an asshole and should pay but until I can figure out a way to do that, I instead focus on making this as easy for me as possible. 
When it comes to focusing on a specific project, I make sure I have it ready to go when I wanna work on it. I open up the word doc before I go to bed, I leave some notes for myself before leaving it, I never close it unless I absolutely have to, and I always, always have a notebook or my phone on hand to write with, and I have a playlist on hand to get me in the mindset while writing or walking, or working out.
Now if you’re looking at that and going “But Cas, that’s a lot of prep-work”, yeah, it is, and that’s what I do to make things easier to start and stay focused with. Call it the neurospicy-tax. Sometimes shit comes with extra prepwork, but it will help you in the long run.
Thankfully the execution is less painful than it sounds. I just don’t close the word doc for my main project unless I absolutely have to. Opening it first thing is a habit I’ve developed over time as is carrying my notebook around everywhere. Right now I’m trying to build the habit of writing first thing in the morning after breakfast, which means I have the project, or project notes up to read while I eat.
The less I have to think about it, the less steps it takes to start, the easier it is to just do. And do it enough, consistently enough, it becomes habitual. Ish.
Advice Tidbit the Fourth and Most Important: Make the writing easier too.
Yeap. I’m gonna say it. Learn to plan in a way that works for you.
It is so much easier to write freely, consistently and confidently when I have a damn good idea of where I’m going and what targets I’m trying to hit. If you’ve read my waffling about approaching chapters, I go on at length about how that pre-planning makes the work easier. This doesn’t mean you need to have the whole thing planned down to the finest detail, you don’t need every chapter and scene on cards ready to go, unless that’s what works best for you.
However, I have found that I can stick with big projects the best if I have a rough plan consisting of story beats, knowing my character arcs, and solid idea of the ending. With that roadmap, it doesn't matter how lost or distracted I get or how long I spend in the warren of Ploticus Bunnicus, because I have that guide at hand to bring me back to my story. But when I don’t have it
 I get lost. And I stay lost. I lose motivation, it’s harder to pick it up again, I lose hope and I abandon that story and feel awful about it.
So if there’s any advice I want you to try it’s this: Figure out where your story is going, where you want it to end up, a few ideas on how you’ll get there, and make a map to keep you heading in the right direction.
It can be as easy as dot points giving you a few ideas about what’s ahead, a few notes from the last writing session to remind you of where you were going, or a paragraph blocking out events in a really condensed summary. Whatever works for you, but have a plan for where you’re going for those moments when something shiny crosses your path. Make working on this main project easier than working on anything else, make it the most enjoyable, make it the most rewarding. Let me know if you want me to talk about my roadmapping/planning process.
Advice Tidbit the Fifth: Get some help.
I would not be as far along in my big project as I am if I didn’t have two really amazing people that helped me along my way as alpha readers. Ie: the two people who got frantic messages at 3am asking if they could look at the raw draft I had just churned out to see if it was okay, and who also, graciously, acted as rubber duckies and brainstorming partners and problem solvers as I figured my own process out.
I owe these two so much.
Writing can be a terribly solitary craft but it doesn’t have to be. So get a buddy, someone that can hold you to task, who can give their opinion, act as a sounding board, who is as excited about the project as you are. I am so glad to be that person for my bestest buddies and they are that person for me.
So find that person, someone you can trust, a friend, another writer, or just someone that has your back. And if you don’t have that person, there are communities aplenty floating around. And I am always, always, ready to cheerlead a fellow writer. Hell, I created a whole damn server just to help other writers that I haven’t been brave enough to advertise yet.  You can find it here. [If the link isn't active, feel free to ask me for one!]
Advice Tidbit the Sixth: Make that shit fun.
Writing is work, there’s no way to get around that and writing a big multi-chapter project is a LOT of work even if you don’t plan, edit, revise, or rewrite (though you should). All my advice so far has been focused on making that work easier, on working with your brain, embracing novelty for your own ends, making the work easier, and working with a friend.
Now we get to have fun.
What makes writing enjoyable for you? Is it having a tasty treat while working or after as a reward? Is it good music? An excuse to go to a cafe? To use a pretty pen? Whatever it is, DO IT. 
I like to have a nice cup of tea in a nice mug while I write. I always have music or something ignorable for background noise on the tv. And I use my very pretty pens in my very nice notebooks.
If you’re anything like me, you possess strong opinions regarding notebooks and pens, and likely have a neglected collection of some pretty stuff. So I’m gonna say something shocking: You should use those nice pens and notebooks.
 No seriously. 
Use them. Use the pretty inks and lovely pens and use them to make writing fun. Switch colours at the drop of a hat or to show scene and pov transitions, practise your handwriting. Use different notebooks for different projects or one big bullet journal style thing for all your writing. 
Create yourself an everyday writers kit and take it everywhere with you. Use it. If you’re doom scrolling, switch your phone for your writing kit and start jotting down some ideas or write a single sentence for your story. Use these pretty shiny things. I dare you.
Keep in mind, you DO NOT need expensive pens or papers ever at all. You can do this with a cheap notebook and a ballpoint. I’m just a stationery nerd and I like using the nice things I’ve bought instead of them sitting there doing nothing.
Here’s my kit, a black traveller’s notebook with three inserts and a kraft folder, two pen loops stuck onto the folder and two TWSBI eco fountain pens. Each insert is for a different kind of project (drafting the long project, brainstorming and planning or short stories, and planning and drafting articles for this blog.) and I have sticky tabs in the folder to make pages and specific projects. Sometimes I add a pouch of yet more fountain pens because I don’t have a problem, I have a collection.
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Flex aside, my point is use tools that you enjoy using. If that means a nice clacky keyboard, use it, if that means fancy ass pens, use them, if that means something you’re not scared of breaking, use it. 
Now for gamification: A common bit of advice I hear for ADHD brains specifically is to gamify the tricky things and thank the gods, there’s a bunch of people who have figured out ways to do this.
For writers specifically we have a few tasty choices.
A quick search for ‘gamifying writing’ will turn up a bunch of results but here’s a few favourites of mine.
4thewords is web browser based RPG game where you write to battle monsters and make your way through the story. It is a subscription however but it’s fairly affordable ($4 USD a month) if you end up using it everyday. It comes with progress trackers, avatars you can get cool things for, a big community and it has a 15 day trial that does not need a credit card for. Wahoo. I’ve used it, it's a lot of  fun, but it doesn’t gel with my other needs quite as well but I do turn to it none and then when I really wanna buckle down and focus. Give it a go~
Write Or Die is a classic sprint writing tool that I’ve been a fan of for years. Basically you write or you are ‘punished’ via flashing screen, loud noises or if you’re brave, there’s the mode that eats your words if you stop typing for too long. It is a one man developer that said and a bit old and neglected but Write or Die 2 is worth it if this helps you stay focused.
Too high stress? Think about trying

Written Kitten is a web browser based writing motivator that gives you a cute kitten picture every time you write a certain number of words. It’s adorable.
Or you can grab that writing buddy of yours, or just yourself, a timer and do a writing sprint. Pick a number of words, set your timer and write until the timer goes off. See how well you did, see how any words you can get and how far above the set number you can go.
In the end all this leads to the same key point, which is to make working on your long multi-chaptered project as easy, fun and rewarding as you possibly can. If you have a mind that chases fun, make the work fun, if it chases novelty, make the work novel, if it lacks focus, figure out how it likes to focus and apply that to your project. 
You can wrangle your brain, but you have to work to its strengths. But before I wrap this up
Advice Tidbit the Seventh: Go easy on yourself.
Neurospicy brains are particular and challenging and common advice doesn’t always work for us and that’s okay. It can be tricky figuring out what works and what doesn’t, and spoons aren’t always plentiful, our moods aren’t always cooperative and sometimes the work really is hard no matter what we do. And that’s okay. What matters, I think, is that we keep trying. A few words a day are still a few words a day.  It adds up.
You got this and I am always happy to have a chat or listen.
Good writing!
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cinnamontails-ff · 7 months ago
Your writing is absolutely beautiful. ‘The Accountant’s Guide to Taking Down an Evil Vampire Lord’ reads so well. It’s one of my favorite fanfics of all time. I was wondering where you learned to write? Specifically if there are books or videos you could share that had a hand in teaching you. Your character development reads so effortlessly
 heck, your story reads so effortlessly. I don’t struggle to stay with you while reading. Would you be willing to give a girl some tips?
First off, please know that your ask put the biggest, goofiest smile on my face ❀ When I first sat down to write "seriously" (i.e. with the intention for other people to see it), I read a number of writing craft books, but what stuck with me the most was "Save the Cat" by Jessica Brody and "Story Genius" by Lisa Cron. Both of them were immensely helpful in figuring out the overall structure of the type of story I like to read, as well as choosing a protagonist who would fit the narrative and actively drive it forward. I've been writing all my life, but it wasn't until I read "Save the Cat" that I ever made it past the 50% mark in a story, and I still return to it for guidance whenever I start a new project.
I also always recommend the Youtube channel of Brandon Sanderson. He's one of the most prolific fantasy authors of our time and whether or not you like his stories, his channel has so many incredible resources that are all free. Like a complete lecture series right here. Another storytelling Youtuber I really enjoy is Tim from "Hello Future Me".
Apart from that, I think the best advice is to read. Read things you like and read things you dislike and try to analyze what it is that does or doesn't work for you. Look at the way they set up a scene, how they progress their characters, and how they make dialogue flow. Take the things you know you love and try to put your own spin on them (My fic writing style is probably best described as "Terry Pratchett on a really horny day").
Don't forget that stories are subjective and that you can never make everyone happy. The goal is to find your niche and write for your audience. I have been asked why I don't make my OCs more conventionally attractive and / or emphasize their hotness. The answer is that there's plenty of stories like that out there - they're just not mine.
I would also like to stress that none of my fics are first drafts. My writing process is very iterative; I'll fast-draft stuff way before I even start posting a fic and then I work my through the draft later and edit as I go. So what you see is the result of a lot of effort and thought behind the scenes, not something I just churn out.
Thank you for reaching out with your love for the story and letting me ramble about my favorite thing! I hope this was somewhat helpful. Have a great day ❀
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voidsumbrella · 5 months ago
betrayal, hide, mask for witchwraithhaven?
iiiiiiiiiii forgot i reblogged this lmao whoops!
oc blocktext time~!
betrayal: Has your OC ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust? Has your OC ever betrayed someone who trusted them?

y'know, i don't think ive done a whole lot with literal betrayal arcs for these three? like ive got some conceptual "perceived betrayal of the past self's ideals" going on, and wraith had an ex girlfriend backstab them in an early draft of the writing project, but that got cut bc it made the timeline clunky, and i haven't played with it much outside that.
hide: What does your OC hide? Why do they hide it?
witch: they got so much shit kicked under the bed, both literally and figuratively. their house is a dragon's horde of accumulated Stuff that no one else can access (besides wraith+haven), they are extremely close-lipped about their personal life, if i listed off all the specifics we'd be here all year. their biggest ~secrets~ are the ones that pose a safety risk to them and their loved ones. the most important physical object they're hiding is the only copy of the blueprints for a device that creates gods by destroying universes, and then kills and eats those gods; handling that is the plot of vast and empty spaces was such an Ordeal that they (and wraith) took the knowledge of it out of their head, so that if they get mind read or truth serum'd or something it'll still stay hidden. the memory's just in their room, so it's not like gone-gone, but all they know without checking is that there is something Extremely Destructive in the lowest level of their basement that they shouldn't talk about. the most important concept they keep under wraps is probably their true name. names have Power, and it's important to them that their persona as a wish granter is the main thing people see; even their "common name" is just a shortening of their title, not something they personally picked out to be called.
wraith: they're sometimes accused of hiding their whole self; they're very hard to read, don't communicate their thoughts, and rarely take action in a way that other people can tie directly to them. none of this is on purpose, per se- they're naturally extremely unexpressive, have trouble speaking/signing/writing coherently, and dislike drawing attention the themself- but they know full well that this shuts them off from people and have zero intention to do anything about it, so it's not wholly a false accusation. witch knows them, haven knows them, everyone else can get fucked.
haven: actually does hide a lot of himself as a person, mostly as an anxiety thing. he goes out of his way to cover any skin besides his hands and face (yeah, yeah, full coverage clothing ≠ hiding inherently, but it is what's going on here in this case), it takes a long time for him to be comfortable wearing anything even slightly attention getting; he's extremely self conscious about his hobbies and interests and avoids discussing them; he's a chronic people pleaser and terrified of confrontation, so any conversation with someone he doesn't already know that requires him to have an Opinion will result in him saying whatever he assumes will cause the least friction, even if it means outright lying. his assumptions are often wrong, which is why he can only make friends on accident. oops. he also keeps the whole "reincarnated from another universe" thing under wraps when that becomes relevant, for obvious reasons.
mask: Does your OC wear a mask, literally or figuratively? What goes on beneath it? Is there anyone in their life who gets to see who they are under the mask?
this has a lot of overlap with the last question, in the sense of them having multiple "selves" for a private and public context, but i will be splitting hairs about using the term "mask", because that has some connotative layers to it.
i don't totally think witch's public persona is a mask so much as it is a curation; they're playing a character so they are seen the way they want to be seen/the way they need to be seen in order to do their job, but they keep that character as close to themself as they can, as it's easier for them to be genuine than not. their "actual face" is kind of a behind-the-scenes type deal; as i said before, they have a lot of secret-secrets, but a lot of what they keep behind the curtain is the mechanics that let them keep the play going, and they just don't need other people to see that.
wraith's mask is more of a cardboard cutout they happen to be standing behind. they're not going to try to move out into the open, but with a bit of effort you can walk around it, and they're not going to stop you. they might make the path a bit harder or easier based on if they like you or not, but in the end if you can't or don't find them, that's on you.
haven is only functional in public due to his customer service face, which is very intentionally constructed to be at least partially separate from who he considers himself to really be for the aforementioned anxiety/judgement evasion reasons. secretary!haven can make phone calls. normal!haven gets anxious checking his email. you get the picture.
mask or no, none of them hide any part of themselves from the other two. loving and being loved is synonymous with knowing and being known.
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pauking5 · 4 months ago
there's something about asks coming in about my fics that makes me really emotional. they always come when i have the biggest crushing weight of doubts raining over my head about those certain stories and to absorb each one in is like a virtual hug. the fact that some people still read my stories, after so long, and enjoy them, gives my writing meaning.
it's coming close to my one year anniversary on here and i have so much to say about it so please do skip this post if you don't need the little emotional load rn.
i never thought myself one to write the stories i played in my head. i've always had so many and i never picked up the pieces to start writing them out. i studied writing itself a lot academically, from classics to poetry, and even modern fiction that i now read for pleasure. but never, not even once, has the thought crossed my mind to go ahead and try my hand at writing until one person told me to go for it. that was all it took for me to let the stories build worlds in my head for the past year. once i started it was like i couldn't put my hands down. watching that masterlist grow from one to dozens of different stories still makes me gasp in awe sometimes.
addicting taste was my first ever experience in writing. while i do majorly write for mackenyu's characters and they're each complex in their own ways and find different spots in my notes to rent out, the minute i found enishi i was absolutely locked in for it. i looked through the cracks of his character on screen and the bits and pieces i found in myself - the loneliness, the fight for justice and righting the wrongs, the madness of the world and his inner one clashing just like mine. in all but a crazy chance dealt in my hands out of nowhere, i put that first chapter together in four days, between a packed uni schedule and wallowing in my own ocean of madness. ever since, she's been the sole work in progress that's seen me at my best and my worst. but at my completely broken and most healed too.
every chapter is a piece of me that the story layered through, unfurling around its sharp edges until it softened its fall. it broke me and it put me back together again. it made me curious about so many things i never had an interest in. it made me love the things i used to hate with my all. it made me look at life differently.
i know it's not a widely read story, but the fact that some of you stayed to read it for so long and left messages here and there, means the world to me. this goes for everything i've written that you've left a little note for. runaway, my heart calls your name, crimson desire and so many more. i can assure you that they're not empty words and i keep them close to my heart when the hard days make me question my ability to write.
i have so much more coming. so many stories waiting to bolt their way out of my drafts and my notes app and i can't wait to have them out. full length fics, different genre mini fics, soul projects. a huge chunk of stories that kept me safe, happy and comforted me when i needed it.
thank you for reading my stories :)
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awritingcaitlin · 1 year ago
About me!
My name is Caitlin! I love cats, and they're my writing buddies often. When I'm not writing, I'm curating one of dozens of playlists, making aesthetics for my WIPs, or playing a video game. Currently it's still Tears of the Kingdom because there's just so much to do!
More under the cut!
I've been writing since sometime in elementary school. I completed my first manuscript in high school (a YA magic school novel) and tried to query it. It did not go over well, largely because I didn't actually edit it! (But also because I was floundering with no idea what I was doing with subgenres, similar titles, if my opening pages were the issue, if the query was the issue, if the agent I queried actually repped that category and genre... etc.) (Do not be me.) I may one day return to it, but for now I'm content to let that one stay on the shelf.
I ended up burning myself up over the project unfortunately. After that, I was in college where most of my writing was fanfiction for one of five different fandoms. (Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasies 7 and 8, Dragon Age, and Undertale.) I did NaNo a couple of stories, but never actually made it as far as querying again until much later.
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Currently, my co-writer and I are revising an adult epic fantasy about marines on a mission, magical brainwashing, and a sorceress who walks the line between trying to stop the religious fanatics but also not painting a target on her back.
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I had been trying to revise that alongside my fantasy heist novel, but there's too many different plotlines (not to mention characters that are in both but 5 years removed from each other) to keep track of for that to work. I can do edits and draft at the same time, but I can't draft two things at the same time unless they're a different genre. Or heavily revise two things at the same time.
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I first dipped my toes into writing in elementary school. I would take composition notebooks lying around the house and fill them with stories. I vividly remember my first written story about two girls from a medieval time who got sent to the present day, but they kept trying to go back in time so they could save their mom. I've since lost that composition notebook, but if I ever wanted to rewrite that based on vibes alone I probably could.
My mom always supported me and wanted to read what I wrote. It was really easy to share stuff with her as a kid and a teenager who didn't feel particularly embarrassed about my work. Even as an adult, writing adult books with adult themes, I kind of just go "fuck it." She's an adult, who makes her own choices.
I've always been drawn to writing fantasy. I love the appeal of swords and magic (mostly magic.) I like writing epic motifs where the characters are up against seemingly impossible odds and are able to overcome. I like interweaving "real world" issues into fantasy too. Because queerness and disability is not something that only exists IRL.
I love writing characters who are bigger than themselves - people who find their magic spark; people who rise to the challenge; power so deep it's barely understandable but people try anyway; a pantheon of gods who doesn't know what they're doing and end up as characters in their own right. I love weaving in storylines, making connections, dropping in references. Etc.
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I am really good at dialogue. I love writing it and it shows. Exploring how characters interact with each other is honestly one of my favorite things to do and dialogue is one of the biggest extensions of that.
To be honest, sometimes, all I have is dialogue that I throw up on a page and have to fill it out with actions and descriptions later. Sometimes, it all comes at once. A lot of it depends on where I am when the dialogue strikes me. If I'm on a bike ride or in the shower, I'll get a back-and-forth dialogue in a vacuum that I have to flesh out. This can also happen when I'm on the computer, but usually, if the dialogue is coming to me while I'm already at my computer, it's also coming with actions.
As far as outlining and researching goes, I usually start drafting and then come up with an outline of where I want it to go or plot points I want to include. At one point, I did an entire zero draft for a YA contemporary, which contributed to me writing 80k in five weeks. Still not 100% sure how I manged that in the end. But, for the most part, I have an outline that I'm drafting from, then I get a shiny idea and work to include it, so I adjust my outline and begin writing again... and then this process repeats near-on indefinitely until the end of the book. So my project folders start looking like this:
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I'm one of those people though who, more often than not, will come up against a question I have while drafting, and be unable to continue until I've answered the question. I probably should get better about putting notes in brackets or footnotes and coming back to it, but at the same time, I don't think it's terribly detrimental to my process to take an evening off as a research evening. I've learned some pretty interesting stuff this way. (That said! I'm better about footnotes this current draft as me and my co-writer figure things out.)
One of the best things about writing is when I have readers telling me that they loved it. Or that they laughed. Or that they felt things. I might enjoy drinking readers' tears as they tell me I'm a terrible person for doing horrible things to their favorite character.
Writing scratches that creative itch. It makes me feel whole and complete. On the flip side, when I'm having trouble writing because of real life... I feel upset and anxious.
If I could manifest anything into the publishing world, it's a nine-book series out of this with spinoffs to expand the world indefinitely. (Why worldbuild more than once?) It might not be the most feasible thing ever, but I can dream.
If you've made it this far, have some writing advice. Which is basically... find what advice works for you and do that. Also, what works for you might not work in six months. Don't be afraid to change it up. If writing 2k words a day is super feasible because you cleared the whole month of November, great! But come December if you're feeling burnt out, it's okay to only write 100 words a day... or even take a break altogether and let your creative juices refill. If writing in the mornings works great in the summer but writing in the afternoons is better in the winter, do that! You, the writer, the creator, is more important than some arbitrary goal. (Unless you have a contracted deadline, in which case, may all the motivation be at your disposal!)
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threeletterslife · 2 years ago
What is your step by step progress to start writing a story or the next chapter?
ooh welllll i would say things differ when i write a oneshot versus when i write a new chapter, but i'm happy to outline my process for both!
usually, before i begin writing a oneshot, i create a very, very detailed outline of how i want the story to flow. i'll literally plan out entire dialogues and make bullet points for every scene to capture the overall mood/tone of the fic. this usually takes around a couple of hours on a good day
i will reread the plan a bajillion times to make sure i understand the plot and/or change it up a little so that the storyline is cohesive and the characters' motivations make sense. i also take this time to understand my characters better. i really want to be able to tell their story properly, so this is a step i never skip. consequently, step 2 always takes quite a while for me. i like to have things quite perfected before i write, so this step can take from days to months!
finally, i write lol. but because i have such an extensive outline, this step usually doesn't take very long at all. unless i lose motivation for the story. but that usually doesn't happen for my oneshots
editing is always a bitch. i'm very self-critical and i'm never satisfied with anything i finish. so after i write a oneshot, i ditch it for a few days or weeks and come back with fresh eyes to edit it properly. if i don't take those days off, i'll end up literally rewriting the entire thing because i feel like i can do better; usually, i can't and it ends up worse though LOL. first time's usually the charm for me. i don't really write multiple drafts anymore like i used to. editing is mostly for grammar and diction/syntax checking
now for series, it's a little different. when i plan, i don't plan using chapters at all. i write the entire plot down from scratch from beginning to end AND THEN i divide the appropriate parts into chapters. this process for lod took me a few weeks
after i create the chapters, i began fleshing things out. huge series like lod make things hard because i have to keep track of many characters. and for lod, i had to keep track of two separate nations and two separate magic systems. i created a lot of tables to help organize all of this information and put them all in a reference doc! during my chapter editing phase, i added new characters, gave them more human-like qualities, added more plot points, took some plot points away, etc. this step quite literally took me a year (and over) for lod. i'm still technically fleshing out the plot for later chapters and including/extracting scenes to improve the storyline. fun fact: the character of doyun didn't even exist until i began writing lod!
for longer series, i don't necessarily finish my extensive plotting because then, i would never be able to write. i can go on and on with plotting LMAO. so it's better for me to just start writing. i have a separate document containing chapter summaries (the bullet points) and then i copy-paste that summary into a new doc for the new chapter. then using that outline (and while cross-referencing the tables i created in the previous step), i begin writing. normally, i stay true to the plot i created. sometimes, while i'm writing, i diverge, though. that's how yoongi's new character was born in lod. he was originally extremely harsh and cold, but when i actually began writing him, he just turned out soft, and i thought that fit the storyline better, so i kept it
editing is even worse with longer series LOL. usually, i don't edit much in chapters i've already written and posted (because it's a hassle and people have already read it, so changing something could be confusing). instead, i change the future chapters to accommodate the changes i made in the current chapters. it means i'm constantly changing and updating the future chapters, which honestly gets tiring sometimes. lod is the biggest writing project i've ever had. there are times when i completely lose motivation. sometimes, i don't want to do anything involving lod. but never once did i ever want to leave the series unfinished. i will finish it no matter what, of course. but good and bad days come and go. i definitely think a large part of my writing process is keeping myself inspired and motivated enough to continue writing. reading nice comments and answering asks makes me really happy because it shows that people are invested in lod's universe just as much as i am!
this was a very potentially boring and long outline of my process, but i hope it shed some light on how i approach writing! hopefully, it actually makes sense LOL
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yandere-sins · 1 month ago
Hey everyone!
This is probably going to be my last update on this particular chapter of my life for all of you who have been so supportive and reached out to check on me ♄
I feel great!
Yeah, it's strange to say, even now, but I really do! Of course, I am not healed or "got rid" of my depression, but after some very hard set-backs and a few more panic attacks and mental breaksdowns, I had some really amazing therapy sessions! I worked through a lot of shit and got haunted by some very deep generational trauma and burdens that aren't mine to carry, but I made it through all of it and I'm glad that I had the chance!
I also got medicated, which honestly, is the biggest relief of them all. I tried to hold back for a long, long time but around week five I was so seriously messed up, had a major set back, and felt exactly like I did before I started in the clinic that I decided I had to make a quicker change or I might lose myself and the progress I made so far completely to the depression. I'm not against medications at all, but my self-worth was so bad that I didn't think I was deserving of something since it was "just a depression". Yeah... haha, I fooled myself very nicely there.
So, yeah. I am still depressed when I wake up. I still struggle to get up in the morning. It's nothing that goes away with a few sessions, there are still countless of hours of therapy waiting for me. But then I take the most basic antidepressiva that is given out by doctors and suddenly I feel like I can change the world! Sometimes it's scary just how much energy I actually posess, especially when I reflect on how much of myself the depression ate away. How little self-worth and confidence I had and how I was a living, talking corpse most of the time, desperately trying to get back to how I was. Sure, a bit of the praise goes to the pill I am having with my breakfast, but I made tremendous leaps ever since!
And I quit my job this week! Finally! :D
As for what's next, I don't know. Wednesday is my last day at the clinic and I won't start working before April, that is pretty sure for now! I'll do all the things I didn't get to last year, like get a new haircut, enjoy my vacation in March, have all sorts of check-up's and finally do what I want to do. I've already written a new story to post here, and I hope to finish some of my drafts and projects that are still open. I am actually so excited to have enough energy again to concentrate and work on things that are my passion and I love!
I'm happy to say life's good right now. I'm good. It was so fucking scary, I can't even tell you guys, and I'm so glad to be me again :')
I hope and pray that it stays this way, and I want to thank you all for your encouragements and love sent my way, it helped so much in all of this ♄ If anyone has questions or anything, I'd be happy to answer them because the topic can be so crazy scary and hopeless-looking, but I went through it and if I can share information and help someone, I'd be happy to!
I hope we get to spend a much better 2025 together! Thank you all! ♄
I have a small update on my life for those that have been following along for a while. I've been intensely battling my mental health the last two weeks, and it's gotten worse and worse through countless little instances. So I had an appointment with a psychiatrist for the first time who has referred me to a clinic I'm going to have to attend daily for the next ~6 weeks starting this upcoming friday.
I'm really scared of new things and stuff I have to learn but it's my life now. Don't get me wrong, it's also somewhat exciting but there's just so much fear and anxiety stored in me that makes it really hard to go through my life rn, so this clinic is also just scary in my mind.
Still, I'm hopeful that it'll help and bring me back on track so I can do the things I love, especially writing and even just simply enjoy living, which is really a struggle.
Either way, thank you guys for sticking around through the tougher times, and I have hopes that some stories will come to me while I go through different therapy sessions (and maybe medication) and it won't be as difficult to concentrate and write anymore!
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cosplayinamerica · 3 years ago
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Edelgard von Hresvelg from Fire Emblem : el3phantbird // photo : @shanafeeleyphotography
Two, two and a half [years] The project went through a lot of iterations. First it was intended to be a quick project to bring with me when I studied abroad in France. Unfortunately, my study abroad program was set for March 2020... We all know how that went.
With nothing to do, no plans, and nothing to really look forward to, I filled the time with needlework. Small, repetitive tasks I could fill my days with to keep my hands busy that I didn't need to think too hard about. That's how I started incorporating things like goldwork and smocking. I was having a hard time concentrating on my actual schoolwork through all this, so it was really out of necessity that I turned it into a school project. It worked out well! The costume ended up being the centerpiece of my graduation portfolio. It was interesting to think about my cosplay in an academic and fine art context, try and explain cosplay as a legitimate creative art to a bunch of people that had never heard of it.
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The most challenging aspect was definitely staying motivated. Making it into homework helped a lot, since it gave me hard deadlines and significantly freed up my time to work on it. Still, a lot of it had to be self motivated, especially after I graduated and still had a lot of work to do. I had to be very disciplined about making steady progress to finish a build this big. The pandemic was a blessing and a curse. No cons meant no deadlines, but it also meant I could take my time without worrying about missing out. Online communities of crafters kept me going.
Making regular updates to my build thread and seeing people get excited as the costume progressed was really incredible. I'd never gotten any sort of social media attention for my cosplay before this build, so that's been weird and wild. I've even gotten recognized at cons once or twice now that they're back! People tell me they followed my build thread, or that it inspired them to try embroidery. It means a lot to me.
Learning that I *can* do something big like this was a big motivation boost. I started and abandoned a lot of projects during college. I'm really proud that I finished that. But just technically, this was the biggest and most ambitious build I'd ever taken on. I learned a lot about pattern drafting and proportioning in trying to get the shape to look right on me. The sleeves especially were a huge challenge. I made my first corset and touched worbla for the first time. I'd be talking all day if I tried to list every new thing I learned.
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More than anything, I've learned that I love these big, slow builds. They're just so rewarding. I also know I want to compete more-- I'd never competed before Edelgard. I'd always been too intimidated, but after two years of work I felt like I wanted that chance to show her off and put my skills to the test. New York Comic Con was especially exhilarating. Being on stage in front of a huge screaming crowd is the best adrenaline rush. Winning sure doesn't hurt! It's hard to move on from something that consumed my life for so long, but I'm excited for the next adventure.
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clairecrive · 4 years ago
hi i know your requests are closed but could you do headcanons about how it would be to work through almost getting a divorce with nikolai lantsov after kind of falling out of love then deciding not to and working on getting their relationship back to how it was before because that unbreakable love for each other is still there and its noticeable. ive always wanted to read abt this and im asking this request from a number of writers cos i find it so cool to read everyone write their take on it.
cant wait to see what you come up with! thank you<3
A/n: taking a lil break from studying to write this. btw, hc take me less time to write so if you have more you can always send them in and I'll do my best to answer.
(tags are at the end)
okay so, the idea of letting Nikolai go is absurd to me. However, I can see how there could be some strains in a relationship with him.
if we remain in a canon situation, I'd say that the biggest thing that could come between you two up to the point of almost divorce is his ambition and dedication to Ravka
Nikolai is a strategist and the thing he wants more is seeing Ravka free and thriving and he'd do anything to make that a reality
so, he'd be plenty busy
busy to the point that you'd go months without seeing him
whether he's in Ravka working on his projects with David and Nadia or he's in another country on a diplomatic visit
of course, he has invented flying ships and all but those kinds of journeys still are long and tiring
however, since you are in the picture, I'd like to believe that Nikolai would try to find a balance between his country and his love
if not simply for the fact that he loves you and he loves being with you
if he's married you, there's a reason. right?
so, I feel like whenever he's back from a long trip away he'd take some time to spend it with you. First days in between the sheets and then doing some of your favourite things together.
just to spend some quality time with you
that's until he slips away more and more to take care of something
at first, it's a couple of hours before dinner
then he misses dinner entirely but spends the afternoon together
then only mornings together
until it comes the time you wake up and his side of the bed is cold
of course, you were aware of the life he led
his ambition and dedication were two of the things you loved most about him
but you missed him
he was gone so much that it didn't feel like a relationship anymore
it seemed like a free trial for widowhood
you had confronted him about this
many times
but he was still the King of Ravka and he had responsibilities he couldn't forfeit
and despite his best intentions, it seemed that they didn't match with his marriage
and you understood that. his role and the many things he had to take care of. really.
but you were tired of being alone a feeling unimportant
so, one day you decided to wait for him. Nikolai was the first to wake up and the last to fall asleep.
but that night, you waited for him. sat in your bed, hoping he'd come too late
when he did step into your room, he was surprised to see you awake. at first, he was delighted. he missed you too and the idea of being able to spend some time with you brought him endless joy
however, he soon noticed the expression on your face, your arms crossed on your chest and he understood that whatever reason had made you wait for him, wasn't anything good.
as much as it broke your heart to say the words, you told him what you had been thinking about for months now.
"this marriage is not working out for me anymore."
Nikolai's heart broke. truly shattered at your words.
he knew he'd be walking on a fine line and it was only a matter of time before you'd snapped again
but he never thought it'd come to this
what a wretched word
Nikolai hated it. he hated the fact that he had been such a shitty husband that you now wanted to have nothing to do with him
he tried to change your mind, promised that he'd do better, that he loved you and you were his whole heart even though he'd done a shitty job to show you.
but you knew that despite his words were genuine, his promises were empty.
and you were simply done. you couldn't take any more of this.
when he understood that he had pushed you too far, Nikolai relented. He accepted your decision and told you that he'd take care of it.
in the meantime, you went away.
there was no reason for you to stay. you were alone anyway so staying just to sleep in the same bed as he felt ridiculous
the time apart was agonizing for both of you. unironically, knowing that he was just a few feet away made it easier for you to bear the loneliness. And Nikolai?
Well, he had forgotten how to function. The absence of your presence affected him more than he would have thought. To the point where he could only think of you and how he couldn't lose you. The divorce wasn't official yet and he was already miserable.
So he took some time off and he joined you.
Again, he asked for forgiveness. pleaded for you to give him a second chance and if not, to at least allowed him to spend the days before signing the papers together.
and you agreed. you agreed because you had missed him so much. because you still loved him.
those remaining days were spent in utter denial. neither of you acknowledged the truth of your situation but unspokenly decided to make the most of it.
and saints, it did nothing but remember why you had fallen in love with each other and decided to spend the rest of your lives together in the first place.
when the time was almost up, neither of you wanted for it to end.
but the problem remained: you couldn't go back to the same routine
but letting Nikolai go wasn't possible neither
so you talked to him. explained your reasons and your motives and that above all you loved him
he felt so much relief in knowing that there was still a tiny chance of making this right
he renewed his promises of being a better husband, of changing his work schedule so that he could be more present.
he had even handed you a sheet where he had drafted his new schedule and well, it was completely different
of course, you knew that there would be times where he'd be inevitably busier but as long as he made an effort, you'd be fine with it
and so you agreed, you gave him a second chance and you were proud to say that Nikolai was living up to his words
and you were happier than ever
@jupiterandbutterflies, @agentsofshield, @for-bebbanburg, @randomoutsiders, @pansysgirlfriend, @hannaxmaria, @vintagebitc, @story-scribbler, @hazelrose14, @crowssixof, @odetostep, @lizzie-he4rts (taglist form)
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h2bakugou · 3 years ago
Yes yes yes yesyesyesyesyes ok!! So then can I request present mic? Doing anything??? No I’m kidding I do actually have a prompt. I was thinking abt mic’s radio show and specifically, if he had an s/o who wrote music. Bc u know he would help them produce it and then play it nonstop on air aaaaaa
a/n: yes!! present mic love!! i love him so much i swear! <3 he has my heart dkdkmn this is such a cute request please- i apologize for the late posting!!
summary: you're an ambitious, gleeful, songbird at heart, and though you're quirkless, you've captivated the heart of the music-loving, radio show hosting, loud, sweetheart, present mic!
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff
word count: 1.3k
;cut for length;
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You started as an intern. A beaming smile on your lips most days, always happy to be in the studio with Mic when he was teaching you the ins and outs of radio hosting.
You'd majored in music business, the end goal in mind of writing and releasing your own music, though most of your plans had fallen through, the only opportunity to get you back on your feet after college being this deal you couldn't pass up.
Co-hosting with Present Mic on his own radio show.
The offer had actually been given to you by one of your superiors at the studio you worked at, having seen your optimism when it came to writing music and your love of music in general.
They wished you good luck and would always welcome you back if things didn't go so well. But you kept your head up high and marched into that studio ready to take on the world alongside the loud blonde.
And down the line, three years later, you were surprised to say the least.
"Your coffee as usual." Hizashi sets down the patriotic blue U.A. thermos sent out to the teachers at the beginning of the year. Since you'd practically moved in 'unofficially' with Mic, unofficially because you weren't technically allowed to stay due to the fact you didn't work for the school, rather employed by Mic himself in his private studio, but you were the tiny exception since you did technically work in the school.
"Thanks! Hey, I was wondering if you could check this new thing I've been working on and give me some criticism, it's just a rough draft, the lyrics just kind of came to me after a shot or two at Vlad's birthday party the other night." You giggled as you tossed him the flash drive containing your latest project, the sensitive information contained on the tiny disc landing in the palm of your boyfriend's hands.
"Another song? You're blessing my ears so early in the morning. I'm dreaming! Pinch me!" He teases. Mic's been the biggest supporter of your music since he overheard the pipes you had.
You'd had that kind of night the second week of your internship, battling the oncoming hangover after drinking with your cool new pro-hero teacher friends, your thoughts turning to lyrics as you worked in the studio, the only light being the small lamp on the side Mic kept when he worked late too.
He'd forgotten his room keys in the studio again, something you realized he did often and as he stopped by to pick them back up, that's when he heard you. You sounded so angelic, almost as if you were some sort of angel.
At first, he thought maybe it was just a recording or some sort of dare he say, Melodyne filter while you were messing around in the mic at night.
But you weren't. Your authentic voice shell-shocked him, and he sort of listened to you the entire night until you nearly pissed your pants turning around and seeing him.
“Yeah, it’s nothing special really-” You’re back to reality as Mic quickly has his headphones over his ears, a large grin on his lips as he listens, his fingers tapping away to the beat already.
You work on other tasks, filtering through requests and putting them in the queue while Mic listens to your song, his heart pounding. You were so talented and he’d wish you’d give yourself a bit more credit. You have what it takes to make it big, and he’d support you every step of the way.
“You know with this and the other tracks you have, you’d have enough to push out an EP. All you need is a bit of marketing and producing, and I’d be more than willing to help!” Mic smiles, wheeling over to you, pressing an encouraging peck to your cheek.
“It sounds great, but who would wanna listen to what I write?” You giggle, toggling an advertisement as you glance over at the blonde.
“How about this, You let me help you, I’ll spread the trial around here at work and if it gets good reviews, we publish.” Hizashi is nothing short of persuasive, and for the rest of the week he has you in his studio, adding layer after layer, fine-tuning and weeding out bits of the collection of songs you’d written until you have an EP.
Long nights fueled by coffee, water, and tea, and takeout eventually land you with the very first copy of your own EP. 
In your hands, it’s palpable. It’s real. It doesn’t have any cover art, or a title, let alone who sang it, but Mic hands you a sharpie and you feel this fire coursing through your veins.
You feel more than accomplished.
You scribble some title down that you’d work on later and messily sign your name for Mic to make copies and then throughout the next week, you’ve got dozens of messages flooding your inbox telling you to drop it on some streaming platforms.
And the following night Mic is consoling your tears as you hit your first 100 streams. 
“I’m so proud of you.” He coos, kissing your cheeks, wiping your tears away with his kisses, patting you on the head.
“You’re so cheesy.” You tease him.
“Says you! You named an entire song after me.” Mic huffs, crossing his arms over his chest.
“What if ‘my beloved’ was about Marty?” You giggle. Marty, the sparkly, beautiful, elegant, beta-fish you’d adopted as the studio mascot swam around in his tank, decked out with super cool aquatic music themed stuff.
“You wouldn’t dare!” Mic laughs, his long blonde hair sweeping over his shoulders. 
“Your hair always looks so nice down.” You snuggle into him, your fingers twisting around the ends. Hizashi shakes his head and stares down at you.
“And you’re as radiant as ever, my love.” Hizashi pulls you into him, snuggling his head into your neck, placing a gentle kiss to your skin as he holds you near to him.
“Do you sing, ‘Zashi?” You ask quietly.
“No comment.” Mic giggles, his laughs tickling your skin.
“Would you work on a song with me?” You ask sweetly.
“I would love to.”
Callers chime in every so often for requests, since Mic loves to annoy the listeners by playing your EP track by track almost daily. You have to knock some sense into him telling him that there’s a quota to fill and while you love how he supports you, you’ve got them stuck in your head too.
And when you play them every so often, your heart warms when someone requests one of yours to play. Even more so, when your songs rise to much more notable fame, you’re working on your own album, with the lovely producing of Mic, and it even features a lovely duet between the two of you.
In fact, something you’d found out with having so many connections to pros, was the amount of hidden talent.
You’d requested a song with Kyoka Jiro, the beautiful voice you’d heard at the school festival had belonged to her and you’d been wanting to work with her since she also shared a love for music, and though she was young, she seemed rather happy to sing, even if she might’ve been shy about it first.
An unlikely duo might’ve come from a dare, Hawks. While he was rather against the idea at first, his voice was smooth and mellow, and it clashed with yours perfectly for some sort of sappy anti-romantic love song. Whatever the case, it made charts. 
But Mic continued to be your biggest supporter, no matter how or if you got big. You’d always find your way back into his arms, messing around with him on the radio show, and dodging paparazzi whenever you two left campus.
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laurenairay · 4 years ago
Prove You Wrong - J. Skinner
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Summary: Audrey James, the girl with the loving heart, and Jeff Skinner, the boy with the brilliant smile, had been best friends for most of their lives – will their friendship ever develop into anything more?
Word Count: 9.1k
Warnings: pining, childhood friends to lovers, a little angst, a lot of cute fluff
A/N: I’ve wanted to write for Jeff for a while because I love this smiley pretty boy - and now that I’ve reached a new follower milestone (600!!) I thought I’d finally crack this out! I hope you all like it 💖
Tagging some lovely people who make hockeyblr a better place for me: @itsbadgerbadgermushroom​ @danglesnipecelly​ @texanstarslove​ @princessphilly​ @broadstbroskis​ @denis-scorianov​ @chicagoblackhawkslover96​ @kallmekmk​ @thebookofmags​
“Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” – Emily BrontĂ«
Audrey James had known Jeff Skinner for as long as she could remember. Having grown up together in Markham, Ontario, Jeff the second youngest of six siblings and Audrey the youngest of four siblings, they’d bonded so quickly – and so strongly. Where Jeff went, Audrey was sure be by his side, most often a calming presence, a balancing figure, even from a young age.
When Jeff started skating like his siblings, Audrey was scooting along beside him.
When Jeff started figure skating lessons, Audrey twirled right there with him.
When Jeff started hockey practice too
Audrey helped him practice in his backyard.
She kept his many emotions as level as possible – he made sure she strayed out of her comfort zone. Friends came and went, schools changed, injuries healed, but things never changed between Jeff and Audrey. She trusted him as wholly as he trusted her, and their friendship only grew stronger every year. It didn’t matter that they couldn’t have been more different in appearance and personality – her long straight blonde hair versus his dark brown curls, or her grey eyes versus his brown eyes, or even her sweet retiring nature versus his joyful energetic nature. They complemented each other perfectly, balancing each other out and boosting each other up, and this only strengthened as they grew older.
Summers were spent practicing hockey in the backyard with all of their many siblings, road hockey games leaving sunburn, grazed knees, the occasional tears, sticky ice-cream and fond memories. Whenever Jeff got cuts on his knees, elbows or on one occasion his chin, he accepted Audrey’s pretty princess bandaids with a shaky smile. Whenever Audrey got knocked on her ass (by accident) by one of the older girls, she blinked away her tears as Jeff fiercely defended her, yelling at his sisters and hers in turn. When Jeff’s curls got too much for the summer heat, she held his hand as his dad clipped his hair short, watching sadly as the curls fell to the ground. When Audrey broke her arm in the last hockey game of the season, Jeff pestered his sisters to teach him how to braid their hair, so he could surprise Audrey by braiding her long blonde hair back out of her face for her, earning him the biggest smile he had ever seen. Every summer held a special memory for Audrey and Jeff, the sweetness of childhood and the beauty of friendship, and it didn’t matter what else was going on, what other friends joined or left – they always made time for each other. Summers were their thing, even more so when Jeff went to Kitchener – this made summers even more special, their time to spend together without normal-life distractions, and Audrey treasured it more than anything.
Time seemed to only be going past faster as they grew older though, and with that came changes. Growing up came with growing out of love with figure skating for Audrey.
While her interest in figure skating waned by the time she was 12, she never lost interest in his skating, whether that was figure skating or ice hockey. Audrey was even there watching with his family at the Canadian Junior National Figure Skating Championships (she couldn’t have been more proud of his bronze medal) before he chose to focus just on hockey. And as for hockey – Audrey truly was his biggest supporter. She went to every game possible, with either his family or with hers as well, and whether it was a win or a loss, Audrey was ready with a big hug and a smile. And Jeff appreciated it more than he could ever say. When he heard murmurs of people commenting on his small size, she would fiercely defend him, insisting that his speed, skill and heart were more than anyone could ever hope to measure up to. Because it was true. Jeff had always been special, Audrey knew that, and her heart could only fill with pride as he continued to prove people wrong.
But he never proved her wrong. She always knew he was going to be magnificent.
That was the funny thing about love – when you know, you know. And Audrey had known how she felt about the boy with the brilliant smile for a very long time. Her heart had been Jeff’s before she even knew what it meant, and as they grew older, especially as early teenagers, Audrey realised just what her feelings for her best friend meant.
She knew there was a glimmer of hope that Jeff felt the same. She knew that Jeff shared things with her (thoughts, feelings, fears) that he shared with no-one else. She knew that there were moments that lingered with a what if? She knew that the boys on his teams always teased him for having a girl best friend and that he always shrugged it off. She knew that the way he blushed around her sometimes was more than just nothing.
But she also knew that she could never tell him how she felt. Why? Because even at 16 she knew that he was destined to play in the NHL – and she wanted a career of her own too. Was it selfish? Perhaps. Was there a hint of cowardice? Perhaps. The thing is, Audrey had only ever known herself by Jeff’s side – and she wanted the chance to know who she was without him, as much as the very thought scared her.
So when Jeff was drafted to Kitchener, Audrey buckled down in school to get herself into college. She still went to as many games of Jeff’s as she could, still told him all the time of how proud she was, still phoned him every week to talk about anything and everything, still went with him family to his draft day and cried when he was selected 7th overall by the Carolina Hurricanes.
He was finally living his dream – now it was time to live hers.
Over the next four years, Audrey completed a civil engineering degree from University of Toronto. Staying in Toronto meant she got to stay close to her family – and to Jeff’s, who she saw in some capacity at least once a month. And naturally, regardless of exams or school events, if Jeff was in town playing the Leafs, Audrey would be there watching with his family – always with that big hug and a smile.
And as Jeff’s career continued to soar, Audrey’s narrowed into focus. After another year in education, completing a Masters in Environmental Sciences, she graduated straight into a job for a green energy company, staying in Toronto like she always had done. Same old Audrey.
That was, until the summer of 2018. That was the summer that Jeff got traded to Buffalo. That was the summer that Audrey’s company offered her a promotion with the condition that it came with an office transfer
to Buffalo. She would be managing her own pollution project with a small team, her first by herself but an opportunity that she knew she was ready for. And Jeff had been ecstatic – the nerves and anxiety of moving to a new city, to a new team, was lessened by the promise of being in the same city as his best friend after all these years. Audrey called it a happy coincidence. Her mom called it fate and a kick up the backside.
She ignored her mom on that one.
Two years passed and that happy coincidence was working out perfectly. Around both of their busy schedules, they tried to see each as often as possible, whether it was dinners after a long day in the lab, meeting each other for lunch nearby Audrey’s office, weekends off chilling on the sofa, or going out for drinks after her meetings or after his games.
With that came the standing tickets that Jeff always put aside of Audrey for all home games he played in. Audrey had yet to miss one, so happy she got to give him that big hug and a smile like she used to when they were younger.
And Jeff couldn’t have been happier. He had his calming rock, his confidante, the person he could be his most vulnerable self with. Just like he listened to her vent over her frustrating lab results or her long admin days in the office, she listened to him vent about his stresses in hockey. She listened to him get angry and sad and frustrated and desperate about the slump he had last year – and every time she reminded him of the love he has for the sport, for his career, always encouraging and telling him that if nothing else, she thought he was wonderful. She also listened to his nerves and excitement about Eric getting traded to Buffalo this summer, knowing that as much as Jeff was worried that things would be different within his friendship with his old mentor, their reunion would be a good thing for both players.
Audrey was his everything, and Jeff only wished he could show her how much she truly meant to him.
One thing that moving to Buffalo did change about their relationship was that they both saw the other one go on dates. Sure, Audrey was well aware that Jeff’s charm had worked well for him in Raleigh, and Jeff was more than well aware that Audrey turned heads wherever she went, but before they’d never seen the other one going on a date or being in a relationship.
Not that either of them had lasting relationships over the past two years, but there had definitely been enough dates to affect both of their hearts.
Audrey was the one that was currently dating – had been on a few dates now with the same guy. David. Jeff had weird vibes from this one already and he hadn’t even met him. But just from the way that Audrey described him, recounted their dates, Jeff had a bad feeling about this guy. David was an attorney, ambitious and confident, and he’d taken Audrey out to three fancy cocktail bars, a night out watching a play, and two very fancy restaurants, but
Jeff didn’t know. He just had that niggling thought that something wasn’t quite right about him.
And unfortunately, Jeff was proven right.
It was 10pm on the night of their seventh date that Jeff’s phone rang. Audrey. A pang of dread ran through him, and he quickly answered.
“Hey, Aud, you okay?” he asked, worried.
“No. He
He heard her take a shaky breath, and immediately felt sick.
“I’m coming over,” Jeff said, walking over to his front door and shoving on the first pair of shoes he picked up.
“Jeff, no, it’s okay,”
“I’m coming over,” he repeated firmly, before sighing, “you sound like you need a hug,”
Audrey choked out a laugh, settling Jeff’s stomach a little. At least she could still laugh.
“I’ll be with you soon, okay?” Jeff said softly.
“Yeah, okay. See you soon,”
He wasted no time in driving over to her apartment, potentially pushing the speed limit a little, but as soon as he saw her tear-streaked face he knew it was worth it.
“Hey, it’s okay, I’m here,” Jeff cooed.
As soon as he pulled her into his arms, Audrey started crying into his chest, making Jeff curse under his breath. He carefully walked her backwards, shutting the front door behind himself, and manoeuvred them both over to the sofa, letting her curl up on his lap. It was all he could do to hold her tightly as she cried, rubbing her back and murmuring nonsense into her blonde curls, trying not to tense up too much as he plotted David’s murder in his head.
Eventually she calmed down enough to lift her head, the smudged mascara under her eyes breaking her heart. He rubbed at the marks with his thumb, making her laugh a little watery, before he sent her an encouraging smile.
“So what happened?” he asked softly.
Audrey’s bottom lip wobbled briefly, before she took a deep breath.
“He broke up with me,” she whispered.
Jeff immediately scowled, and Audrey’s lips twitched in a smile.
“That asshole,” Jeff growled.
“Well, it wasn’t a break-up break-up because we were never official, but it was 7 dates, y’know? I thought we were exclusive and heading somewhere,” Audrey sighed.
“It was still the end of something important, Aud. And you liked him,” Jeff said firmly.
“Yeah, I did,” she said shakily, sniffing as her eyes filled with tears again.
“Hey, no, don’t waste any more tears on that asshole,” Jeff said sadly, cupping her face with both hands.
Then he squished her cheeks making her pout like a fish until she giggled, batting at his hands to let her go. Jeff smiled again, earning a soft smile back.
“Did he say why he wanted to break up?” Jeff asked, wincing.
Audrey swallowed heavily, dropping her eyes from his face, before she forced a smile on her lips.
“Apparently he didn’t want to waste any more time trying to get into my pants when he could get sex on tap with his secretary,” she said as calmly as possible.
Jeff’s jaw dropped, rage immediately flooding through his body. Audrey saw this and held her hand up to stop him exploding, which barely made him simmer down.
“Oh that fucking asshole!” Jeff spat, hands gripping onto her hips where she was still sitting on his lap.
She just nodded, smiling sadly. “At least I never actually slept with him,”
“Thank fucking god for that,” Jeff scowled.
Audrey placed her hand over his heart, making him look at her properly. “Hey, it’s okay. Well, it’s not, but it’s better that I know now than before we went into anything more, right?”
Jeff’s anger melted down a little, realising that she was trying to be brave, trying to protect herself, and steeled himself, nodding.
“Yeah, you are so much better off without him. He never deserved you,” Jeff said firmly.
“I know you didn’t like him,” Audrey said dryly, making Jeff blush a little.
“No, I didn’t. But you did. I only ever want you to be happy,” he said softly.
Now it was Audrey’s turn to blush.
“I know. And I appreciate that,” she said sweetly, although the sadness in her eyes told him she wasn’t quite there yet.
Jeff smiled sadly, leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to her blonde hair.
“I’m here for you, no matter what. You know that,” he said, looking into her grey eyes.
Audrey’s eyes filled with tears again, and she looked away, trying to blink away the sadness that he didn’t deserve.
“Are you okay?” he frowned.
“Yeah,” she sniffed, nodding.
Jeff paused for a moment, looking over Audrey’s exhausted face properly.
“Honest answer?” he pushed.
She choked out a laugh, a small smile teasing at her lips. She should’ve known she couldn’t fool him, not the one person who knew her better than anyone.
“No,” she admitted.
Jeff nodded, smiling sadly, as if he had expected that response. “Would it help if I stayed?”
“Oh god, so much. But you-”
“If you’re about to finish that sentence with don’t have to then I will be so mad,” Jeff interrupted, raising an eyebrow, making Audrey blush lightly, “You’re my best friend, Aud, of course I want to stay,”
“Okay then,” Audrey said softly, “let’s get to bed then,”
Jeff followed her silently, smiling at the familiarity. This was far from the first time they’d shared a bed, sleepovers when they were younger a very common thing, and it wasn’t the first time they’d shared a bed in Buffalo either, a few drunken nights out leaving them passed out snuggling. But it was the first time they’d shared a bed after a broken heart – and that changed things.
They stayed silent as they got ready for bed, Jeff just pushing off his sweatpants to leave him in his t-shirt and underwear while Audrey changed into short-shorts and an old t-shirt, but Jeff was basically vibrating with the need to talk by the time Audrey came back from the bathroom.
“You know what, this isn’t enough,” Jeff said suddenly.
Audrey jumped at the sharpness in his voice, earning a sheepish smile from her best friend.
“You deserve to be happy. I want to make you happy,” Jeff said softly.
“You already do, Jeff,” she said, a little confused.
“I just mean
you deserve a date that makes you happy. You deserve to be so happy. So I want to take you out,” Jeff explained.
Audrey inhaled sharply. What did he

Take her out?
Jeff saw the confusion, the nerves, the hope on her face, and swallowed heavily. Maybe he hadn’t been thinking when he first opened his mouth, but now he couldn’t take the words back. He didn’t want to take the words back.
He wanted to take her out.
He’d wanted to take her out for so long, the urge getting stronger and stronger with every terrible date she went on, with every terrible guy she met. He’d loved the girl with the loving heart for as long as he’d known what love is, but she’d always been just out of reach, never the right moment. And he didn’t want to scare her off, not after her heartbreak tonight. So
a dinner could work, right?
But he had to do this properly. She deserved that.
“Go out to dinner with me. Tomorrow night?” Jeff asked softly.
“In what context?” Audrey found herself asking.
Because as much as she wanted to curse herself for not just saying yes, she needed to know. Jeff chewed his bottom lip, thinking over his words carefully, and Audrey just waited with a fluttering heart.
“I want to make you happy. Can we just say that for now?” Jeff eventually said.
Audrey let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding but nodded. That
perhaps that was for the best for now. The thought of anything more, so out of the blue, after such a bad break-up, was extremely overwhelming. The thought of anything more with Jeff in itself was overwhelming after so long. Maybe it would feel too weird at dinner with him – keeping it low-key would limit any damage to their friendship, right?
“I would like that,” she nodded.
The smile that Jeff sent her was devastatingly happy, and it was impossible not to smile back.
“So we’ll have breakfast together before you have to leave for work, and then I’ll come come back around 7 to pick you up?” Jeff suggested.
It was all Audrey could do to nod, the smile still on her face. Whatever tomorrow night would bring, whether it was just a nice dinner out or the start of something new, she couldn’t wait.
7pm came around for Audrey before she even realised it. Her outfit was on, her hair was curled and pinned half-up half-down, and she was wearing a cute little pair of heels she had been saving for a special moment. And this was a special moment, no matter what they’d agreed. The butterflies in her stomach told her that much.
Of course she’d gone into work and told her colleagues all about what happened with David (who were all completely shocked and disgusted – and she had her suspicions that one of them would send him a glitter bomb to his office), as well as letting her older siblings know in their group chat. Her oldest sister Laura offered to send an anonymous tip to his work place to ruin him. Her older brother Simon offered to fly down and punch him in the throat. Her sister closest-to-her-in-age Dana offered to visit for as long as Audrey needed. She smiled and thanked all of them, but said it wasn’t necessary and that Jeff was taking care of her. Laura and Simon teased her like they usually did (and she knew that Laura, who was good friends with Jeff’s sister Jennifer, would be telling the Skinner family too), but Dana messaged her separately.
Because after Jeff, it was Dana who knew her best. And Dana could tell that something was different this time.
So Audrey had confessed everything during a call on her lunch break, telling her sister how Jeff had asked her out to dinner, admitting that it wasn’t quite a date but that he wanted to make her happy. Dana, naturally, had been over the moon, basically squealing in excitement down the phone, but Audrey had sworn her to secrecy. It wasn’t a date date. Nothing had been said between them. And she didn’t want to get her hopes up. Reluctantly Dana agreed to keep quiet for now, but she did insist on helping Audrey get ready for their not-date after work.
And to be honest, Audrey had really appreciated the confidence boost. Over video call, her sister her helped her narrow down her outfit to a cute long sleeved blue dress with a swishy skirt, knowing that blue really made her hair and her eyes pop. Pairing that with the cute comfy silver heels and a matching silver bag, Audrey was waiting by the door with her grey coat in hand, trying not to chew off her lipstick.
Then her phone buzzed. Dana.
From: Dana
Have fun tonight!
I know you’re trying to keep things low-key, but just see what the evening brings.
Go with the flow.
Be open to opportunities.
Call me tomorrow!
Audrey couldn’t help but smile, sending back a trio of heart emojis. Her sister really was the best. It was only moments later that Jeff arrived, and she rushed downstairs to meet him with a smile. She could do this. She could be open to possibilities. She could go with the flow.
“Wow, you look amazing,”
Audrey blushed at Jeff’s words, earning a blush back. She looked him up and down dramatically, making him laugh, but to be honest? He looked incredible. Jeff was wearing her favourite dark grey suit, a slight tweed in the pattern, with a white shirt that had the top two buttons undone. Incredible.
“You look great yourself,” she replied.
Jeff’s answering smile made her heart skip a beat. They walked to his car without further hesitation, just talking about their days as he drove, until Jeff parked up outside of a nice sushi restaurant.
“I hope this is okay?” Jeff said hesitantly.
“You know I love sushi,” she mused.
“I know, but we’ve never gone into an actual sushi restaurant, we always just order take-out,” Jeff pointed out.
She put her hand over his on the gear stick, making him inhale sharply.
“Then it’ll make a nice change to try a new setting, Jeff. I’m excited, let’s do this,” she said happily.
Jeff just nodded, the nerves in his stomach settling a little. They ate sushi all the time – this was just a nice dinner. Nothing weird or unusual about this at all. He could totally do this.
The way she looked shyly at him as they walked to the door still made his body thrum with nerves though.
But neither of them should’ve been nervous. The dinner went past so smoothly it felt like magic to Audrey. The food was fantastic – both of them daring the other to try at least one dish they hadn’t had before – and their conversation flowed like it always did. To be honest it felt like their usual nights – if Jeff hadn’t added that level of what if then it wouldn’t have been any different. But he did add it, and neither of them could forget that.
As always, Audrey made Jeff feel like the only guy in the world, her warm smile focused only on him. As always, Jeff made Audrey feel like the most important person in the world, so sweet and kind. And as always, they laughed and smiled and talked, and Audrey couldn’t have been happier.
Jeff achieved what he had promised to do – he had made her so happy. So what next?
They arrived back at Audrey’s apartment building late, having taken a walk after dinner, not wanting the night to end so soon, wanting this idyllic moment to continue on as long as possible.
But eventually they had to call it to an end, both of them having early starts in the morning, as much as they wished otherwise. Like the gentleman he always was with her, Jeff walked Audrey up to the front door of the building, both of them pausing.
“I had a really good time tonight,” Audrey said softly, looking up into Jeff’s eyes.
“So did I,” Jeff replied.
They both blushed, Audrey ducking her head, before she looked back up at him. She’d always seen him look at her like this, so open and happy, but for some reason tonight added another level. He was looking at her like there was nowhere else he’d rather be. And that sent a thrill through her body that both excited her and overwhelmed her. But in a good way?
“I know you’re busy for the next couple of days, but we could do something on Saturday?” Audrey offered.
Jeff nodded so enthusiastically that she couldn’t help but laugh.
“That sounds perfect,” Jeff grinned, not deterred in the slightest, “I’ll bring takeout?”
“I’d like that,” Audrey nodded in agreement.
She bit her bottom lip, hand reaching out to brush against his hand briefly, before she stepped away, heart pounding in her chest.
“Thanks for tonight Jeff. Call me tomorrow?” she said, a little breathless.
“Yeah, of course. See you,” he said, smiling a little hopelessly.
They lingered in silence a little longer, before Audrey laughed, opening her front door as Jeff rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
“Bye Audrey, sleep tight,” Jeff smiled, finally starting to walk away.
And she absolutely did.
Audrey spent the next day in a daze. She’d woken up with more butterflies in her stomach than she ever thought possible, a stupid smile on her face as she read Jeff’s good morning :) text. Last night had been different. So different. But she liked it? She had definitely liked exploring this new side of Jeff, the guy she’d known since they were toddlers, but who walked to their dinner table with a hand on the small of her back and pulled out her chair for her.
He showed her the romantic side of him last night, and she definitely liked what she saw.
And when she gushed down the phone to her sister Dana on her lunch break again, she knew her sister was at least a little smug.
“I told you that being open to opportunities was a good thing!”
“I know, I know, but I didn’t expect this,” Audrey laughed.
“What, the boy who’s always been in love with you making you just as happy as we all always knew he would?”
Audrey blushed at the dryness in her sister’s voice, and shook her head.
“He’s not always been in love with me, don’t be ridiculous,” Audrey said simply.
“If I was with you right now I would be shaking you by the shoulders. Talk to him. I swear to god. You know I wouldn’t say it, not now, if I didn’t mean it,”
Audrey swallowed heavily. Dana’s voice had so much conviction in it, like she truly believed what she was saying, and that only sent Audrey’s head into more of a spin. Jeff
was in love with her?
That phone call hadn’t helped, to be honest. This was all still throwing her for a loop. Her feelings for Jeff had been building up for two decades, two long decades, and to have the potential of his feelings matching hers? It was almost too much to bear.
And she had to wait until Saturday to be able to see him in person again. This was so much more than something she could do over text, or over a phone call, but she knew that maybe waiting was a good idea. Maybe it would give her time to get her thoughts together, to not be impulsive. Maybe it would give her enough time to get her head around the thought of Jeff’s feelings. Maybe.
The day after that passed with a blur as well, going faster than she thought possible, and even after another phone call with Dana on the Friday night, Audrey still didn’t know what she was thinking. But she knew she had to try. So just after midday, changing into a pretty pale blue dress and curling her hair lightly, she headed over to his house. Jeff opened the door with his usual smile, and he welcomed her in straight away. She bit her bottom lip as he not-so-subtly checked her ass out in the dress, trying to stop the smile that threatened to break out. Maybe. Just maybe.
“So I told Dana about our dinner the other night,” Audrey blurted out.
Damn it.
Jeff’s eyes widened in fear, making Audrey laugh slightly, leaning against the kitchen counter.
“I swore her to secrecy, she’s not going to say anything to anyone,” she reassured.
“I mean, if it was Laura you told, I know she would’ve already told Jennifer, and then everyone would know within the hour,” Jeff admitted.
Oh god yeah, that would’ve been the worst idea.
“So, um, what did you tell her?” Jeff asked hesitantly.
“That you took me out to dinner because you wanted to make me happy. And that I had a really good time,” Audrey summarised, not wanting to admit the full extent quite yet.
Jeff’s instant brilliant smile made her heart race a little, before he blushed. “Okay, that’s not so bad. What did she say in response?”
Audrey hesitated, not sure how much detail to go into. She definitely couldn’t say that Dana thought Jeff was in love with her

“That I should be open to opportunities, that we should see where this goes,” Audrey eventually said.
Jeff bit his bottom lip, but nodded, looking deep in thought, which Audrey didn’t know whether it was a good thing or not.
“She makes a lot of sense,” Jeff said softly.
Audrey inhaled sharply. Just like that?
“What if something goes wrong between us?” she whispered.
“What if something goes right?” Jeff countered, stepping towards her.
Audrey didn’t dare move, Jeff getting closer and closer until he was standing right in front of her, barely a foot of space between them, his beautiful brown eyes dark and intense, making her head swim. So she shook her head, trying to clear out the haze.
“I can’t lose you. If something didn’t work out between us, I couldn’t bear to lose you, I don’t know what I’d do,” she said firmly.
Jeff licked his bottom lip nervously, his eyes going through various emotions.
“And if we didn’t let ourselves feel? We just carry on as we always have done, never knowing?” Jeff frowned.
Let ourselves feel. Was he admitting his feelings? Did he know hers already?
“I don’t know, Jeff. I just don’t know,” she mumbled.
Jeff reached out with both hands, cupping her elbows gently.
“I don’t think we can just go back,” Jeff admitted.
Well, shit.
“So where does that leave us?” Audrey asked softly.
“I don’t know! But I can’t stand the thought of you giving your heart away again to some guy who doesn’t appreciate it! Who doesn’t deserve it!” Jeff snapped, stepping away from her sharply.
Audrey’s jaw dropped slightly, her heart beating faster as a lump rose in her throat.
Jeff swallowed heavily, taking a deep breath to calm himself down. “I didn’t mean to raise my voice at you, I swear. But can’t you see that these other guys have only ever treated you like shit?”
Audrey’s lips pressed together in a tight line, trying to control her emotions, and she clenched her fists.
“I know that I haven’t exactly had a good track record, but you haven’t really had the best taste in dates either Jeff. All the exact same type of woman traipsing through your life and not a single one has stuck around,” Audrey said angrily.
“That’s because none of them ever measured up to you!” Jeff retorted.
His words hung in the air, Audrey inhaling sharply. Jeff groaned and closed his eyes, wishing he could take his last statement back, but knowing that he couldn’t. It was out there now, the real reasoning, but he was nervous to open his eyes and see Audrey’s reaction.
Would she be angry? Disgusted? Happy?
“Jeff, please look at me,” Audrey said softly.
“I don’t know if I can,” he said, choking out a laugh.
Jeff took a deep breath, before doing so, the pleading in her voice making him powerless. When he finally looked at her, he could barely read her face, the first time in a very long time.
“None of them measured up to me?” she said quietly.
It was the sheer volume of hope in her eyes that made Jeff brave enough to speak.
“You’ve been it for me for a long time, Aud,” he admitted.
There it was.
The noise that Audrey made was so full of both surprise and hurt that Jeff flinched. But she quickly reached out towards him, tugging him back towards her with her hands at his waist.
“I’m it? You
you really do love me?”
Jeff laughed a little wetly, full of emotion, but he nodded which only made Audrey’s heart clench. After all this time

“I love you Audrey Marie James. I have done for a long time,” Jeff said simply.
“Oh Jeff. Jeff, I love you too,” Audrey whimpered, “so much,”
Jeff grinned, so hard that he made his cheeks hurt, before raising his hands to cup her face. He squished her cheeks into a fish pout like he always did, making her laugh and bat at his hands, breaking the tension.
“Fuck, I love you,” Jeff said happily, hands moving to rest on her shoulders.
“I love you too. Oh my god. I love you. I can’t believe I finally got to say it out loud,” Audrey giggled.
Jeff just laughed as well, giddiness overtaking him, not letting him think of anything but her.
“We’ve wasted so much time,” he huffed.
But Audrey just shook her head, her smile a little sad. “I was just so scared of not having you in my life that I didn’t dare risk you rejecting me,”
“There is no parallel universe in which I would reject you,” Jeff laughed.
“Nerd,” she said fondly, earning a brilliant smile, “I just
I wanted my own career too, y’know? And I didn’t know what would’ve happened if I just followed you for the rest of my life,”
Jeff swallowed heavily at her confession, but nodded.
“I don’t know what would’ve happened either. We’ll never know. But what I do know is that you’re a brilliant woman, who is crazy smart and wonderful and beautiful, and I’m so proud of everything you achieved. Like, you’re literally a civil engineer and an environmental scientist! That’s so cool! I’m just happy you could possibly want to be with boring old hockey-playing Jeff,”
“You’re not boring or old. And I fell in love with hockey-playing Jeff a long time ago, so I really don’t think I’m losing out here,” Audrey mused.
Jeff huffed a laugh, his heart racing a little more at her firm words, leaning his head down to rest his forehead against hers. “Well would you be this hockey player’s girlfriend?”
“Only if you’ll be this engineer-scientist’s boyfriend,” she countered.
Jeff grinned, dimples out in full force, making Audrey tilt her head back to laugh. This was real life. This was really happening. Holy shit.
But there was just one thing left

“Hey, Jeff?” she said suddenly.
“Yeah?” he asked, one hand rising to cup her face.
It was when his thumb stroked over her cheekbone that she knew this was everything.
“Will you kiss me?”
Jeff looked a little astounded, jaw dropping a little, before that brilliant smile came back.
“Yeah, ‘f course,” he murmured.
Audrey inhaled sharply, before tilting her head up, leaning up towards him as Jeff leant down to her. Their lips touched softly, sweetly, both of them breaking off to laugh, both a little stunned, before Audrey pressed her lips to his again a little firmer. Jeff made a soft happy noise, kissing her back, his free hand sliding around her waist to bring their bodies together. She moaned in surprise at the feeling of his strong body against hers, but melted in his arms, lost in the motion of their kisses, completely consumed in a way she’d never been before.
Jeff broke away briefly with another soft moan, eyes searching her face a little desperately, before he kissed her again, clutching her a little tighter. And then he broke away for a final time, taking a step back with wild eyes, leaving her head spinning.
“I don’t want to get carried away,” Jeff panted, cheeks heating up in a blush.
Audrey bit her bottom lip but nodded, knowing her was right even if her racing heart didn’t want to admit it. “At least it was worth the wait?” she offered.
Jeff just groaned, making her laugh. Then her breath caught in her throat as Jeff adjusted his dick in his pants, alerting her to just how riled up he gotten. Oh fuck. Carried away indeed.
“You’re worth so much more to me than rushing into sex. I want to ease into things, y’know? I’ve waited this long for you to be mine, I can wait a little longer,” he said seriously.
“I love you too,” Audrey said happily.
Jeff just smiled that brilliant smile.
To: Dana
He loves me.
He loves me!
From: Dana
Holy fucking shit, about time.
Can I actually tell everyone now?
The next two weeks were the happiest that Audrey could remember. They had three days in a row together where Jeff wasn’t doing anything other than light training and rest, ahead of a 10 day roadtrip, and they made the most of it. Well, after another long talk about their emotions, because they could do that now, and fielding various calls from their many family members, they’d also spent a lot of time sweetly making out on the sofa whenever Audrey wasn’t working. Because hey, they could do that now too. To be honest, Audrey was a little addicted to the feeling of his lips on hers anyway – she fantasised about it for years on the occasional forbidden burst of weakness, but the reality of it blew away all fantasy.
Jeff was finally hers, and she couldn’t be happier.
The 10 days that Jeff was away on his sweeping road trip was harder this time though too. She didn’t expect it to be this hard, but she supposed that the emotions she’d locked away for so long were finally out and they were vulnerable in this newness. It did help with Jeff calling her every night though. She did tell him he didn’t have to, that she sure as hell didn’t expect it, but he just said that he’d always wanted to call her every night but he felt like he would be pushing boundaries. So how could she say no to that?
And it did make having him home finally a sweeter moment.
Tonight was the first home game since they got together officially, and Audrey was a little nervous. It was tradition for the players’ partners to wear a special customised jersey, and Jeff had presented her with one in the hopes that she would wear it to the game tonight. She had immediately agreed, of course, but it didn’t make this new step any less daunting. It was a big declaration, so public, but she did want people to know that Jeff was hers just as much as she was his.
It wouldn’t be so scary, right? She hadn’t missed a home game since he’d been in Buffalo, and she wasn’t about to start now.
So after kissing Jeff goodbye, leaving him with a sweet smile as he headed to the rink early to prepare for the game, Audrey got herself ready to enter the arena as Jeff Skinner’s girlfriend, a little more make-up and hair curled a little neater than usual, just like armour.
“Oh my God, Audrey!”
Audrey jumped at the sound of Tanya Staal’s shriek as she entered the family box, unable to stop the smile that spread across her lips. There had been a few occasions in Raleigh, when Audrey had visited while Eric was still playing there, that Audrey had met the former captain’s wife, and she had always been so sweet and welcoming. And although Tanya mostly stayed up in the family box with their kids, there had been a few team occasions since Eric was traded to Buffalo this season started that Audrey had attended as just Jeff’s friend (as that’s obviously all she had been until recently) where she’d been able to make friends with the older woman properly this time round.
Audrey always had the impression that Tanya thought she and Jeff were more than friends, but obviously now with the statement of the jersey, it was clear that the situation had changed.
“Is this true? Is this really happening?” Tanya asked hopefully.
Audrey blushed but nodded, earning a happy squeal.
“Yeah, Jeff told me he loved me two weeks ago and we’ve been dating ever since,” Audrey admitted.
“Holy shit, about time,” Tanya laughed.
It was all Audrey could do to nod, laughing a little wetly, still a bit overwhelmed.
“Okay, let me introduce you to the other player’s partners? It’s totally different than just being a friend,” Tanya offered.
Thank fuck for a friendly face. Audrey nodded in relief, letting Tanya guide her around the various women and children, the partners that she’d met previously thrilled with the news of the relationship status change (most of them saying finally or about time, which really made Audrey reconsider how obvious she’d been), and the rest of them just as welcoming. She’d done it. She was officially introduced, and she felt almost giddy with it.
The game itself was choppy, rough with hits and scrappy with goals, but the Sabres managed to pull out a win making all the people in the family box cheer. Tanya walked down by her side to wait for their men, linking their arms together like she knew just how much Audrey needed the support. As soon as Jeff saw her by Tanya’s side in their customised jerseys, his face got a really dumb lovestruck look, making Tanya laugh and nudge Audrey over to him.
“Hi, wow,” Jeff said happily.
“You like it?” she asked softly.
“You know I do,” Jeff murmured.
It was all Audrey could do to lean up on her tiptoes and kiss him, earning happy sighs and coos from the other women around them. She broke away with a laugh, moving so that they were just holding hands, but couldn’t stop looking at him despite how sappy she knew it was.
“You were amazing. I’m so proud of you,” she said softly.
“Couldn’t let you down, not when I knew you were watching as my girl,” Jeff grinned.
Audrey just laughed, rolling her eyes fondly. More players started walking out now (Jeff must’ve rushed out, bless him), including
Eric Staal.
Eric took one look at the way they were looking at each other and whooped.
“Holy shit, about time,” Eric grinned, unknowingly mimicking his wife.
“Nice to see you too, Staal,” Audrey said dryly, although she leaned up to kiss his cheek in greeting with a smile.
“Oh god yeah, you’ll know about their long suffering pining, won’t you Staalsy?” Jack laughed from behind Eric, joining their little group, Tanya already under Eric’s arm.
“So much pining, it was painful,” Eric said solemnly, although the laughter in his eyes mostly ruined the effect, “Audrey visited a few times down in Raleigh and she was at every game against the Leafs too, and Jeff’s smile was always at it’s brightest when she was there,”
“Gotta support my best friend,” she said simply, nudging Jeff with her arm.
Jeff nudged her back, but she didn’t miss the pleased smile on his lips.
“Oh come on, it was so much more than that! Jeff’s crush was so damn obvious, right from the very first time Audrey visited,” Eric mused, looking at Jack.
Audrey grinned. Was it now? Jeff just rolled his eyes, making her laugh.
“We literally only started dating two weeks ago,” Audrey pointed out.
“You’re shitting me, I thought you were joking Jeff,” Eric said, jaw dropping.
“I can actually confirm that. That day that Skinny came in to practice smiling like it was Christmas and his birthday all rolled into one really was the first full day,” Jack smirked.
Jeff blushed furiously, making Audrey laugh. Eric just shook his head, still shocked.
“All that time and you never did anything about your crush?” Eric asked, confused, “I thought you were just keeping things low-key,”
Hah, not quite.
“We tried telling him,” Jack sighed dramatically, although he was clearly loving this.
“Holy shit Skinny, took you long enough,” Eric snorted, Tanya just giggling.
“If we’re done gossiping like old grandmas?” Jeff asked dryly.
“Never,” Eric grinned.
Jack just looked delighted, and Jeff knew there was no way that the rest of the team wouldn’t hear about this.
“I’d say it was worth the wait,” Audrey said happily, squeezing his hand.
Jeff’s irritation immediately faded to a soft happiness, and Jack made a loud gagging noise at their heart-eyes.
“Okay, I’m out. Hurry up and shower, Skinny. We’ve got team drinks to get to,” Jack said firmly.
Jack sent Audrey a wink, letting her know how happy he really was for them, before leaving them.
“So does this mean I can tell Jordie? He’s going to be thrilled,” Eric grinned.
Jeff just groaned.
Dancin' in the kitchen, You singing my favourite songs, Swinging on the front porch, Just laughing at the dogs, Now you swear you love me more, When you're whispering goodnight, All those little moments are every reason why.
Jeff watched from the kitchen door as Audrey sang to herself, swaying slightly as she stirred whatever she was cooking in the pot on the stove. He didn’t think he could love her anymore than he already did, but seeing her like this in his kitchen, blonde hair loose and messy, wearing one of his t-shirts instead of one of her own, well
he was happy to prove himself wrong.
Then she spotted him out of the corner of her eye and shrieked, swirling around to face him with one hand clutching her heart.
“You almost scared me to death,” she gasped, pouting.
Jeff laughed, shrugging apologetically. “I couldn’t help myself. You looked so cute singing and dancing to your music,”
Audrey blushed a little, but shrugged too. “I’m obsessed with this Kane Brown song right now. Although if I’d known you were watching I probably wouldn’t have sung
“Aww no, don’t ever stop because of me,” Jeff mused, shaking his head, earning a smile from her, “maybe I can make it up to you?”
Audrey frowned in confusion, before Jeff moved his hand out from behind him, revealing the flowers he’d been hiding behind his back.
“You bought me flowers? How sweet!” she cooed, reaching out for the bouquet.
“Yeah? You like them?” Jeff asked hopefully.
She nodded, smiling widely as she inhaled deeply, making Jeff smile in turn. “I love them Jeff. And, um, no-one’s ever bought me flowers before,”
Jeff’s heart flickered with rage, at all those stupid guys she’d dated, who never deserved her, who never treated her like she deserved, before he forced himself to take a deep breath. No, past assholes weren’t worth thinking about any more. He was going to prove to her that he was worth it instead of them.
“Well I happen to love buying flowers, so be on the look out for more,”
“Jeff!” Audrey giggled, “You know I don’t want to buying me things, spoiling me,”
Because it was true. She didn’t want it or need it. And she never wanted him to think that it was expected.
“Oh they’re definitely not for you. They’re for me,” Jeff grinned, clearly lying.
Audrey rolled her eyes fondly, before smiling. “Oh, well, if they’re for you then that’s definitely acceptable,” she teased.
Jeff just laughed, moving to slide his arms around her waist, Audrey sliding her arms up around his neck, the flowers still in her hand.
“Will you dance with me?” Jeff asked softly.
“Right now?” Audrey laughed.
“Right now,” Jeff nodded, deadly serious.
Audrey laughed again but nodded, letting him sway her from side to side in a simple two-step shuffle, resting her forehead against his. It was little sweet moments like this, Jeff surprising her with his romantic notions, that made Audrey’s heart ache a little for all the potential missed moments over the years, but also made her heart sing that she got to experience them with him now.
Because this guy was everything to her, and even something as simple as him buying her flowers, or asking her to dance in the middle of the kitchen, made her realise just how lucky she was.
Mornings were quickly becoming Audrey’s favourite time of day. Whether it was waking up in her own bed or waking up in Jeff’s, seeing his face first thing as she woke up just made her day started so perfectly.
How could she not love feeling his arms wrapped around her? How his face was usually buried in her hair? How his leg slotted between hers?
She knew she loved that first sleepy smile, his wonderful dimples soft and gentle, always giving her butterflies without fail. She definitely loved the way his groggy voice murmured her name, how he pressed a closed-mouth kiss to her lips, never wanting to wait for that first simple pecked kiss before he brushed his teeth.
It was everything she could ever have asked for, everything she could never have dreamed of. With the highs came the lows, of course, and being in his arms those mornings was just as important. Like this morning, for instance.
“Last night was rough
” Jeff sighed, scrubbing at his tired eyes with the palms of his hands.
The game. The game was so stressful even just watching, so Audrey could only imagine how it would’ve felt being on the ice. Turnovers, stupid penalties, sloppy passes – it really just wasn’t their night. And when Jeff had finally walked out of the changing room ready to go home
well, it was all Audrey could do to go to bed in silence and let him curl into her side.
but waking up with you by my side makes me feel a million times better already,” he finished.
“You, Jeffrey Skinner, are a sap,” Audrey said fondly.
“Well you already knew that,” Jeff mused.
True, she did.
“Kiss me?” she prompted.
“I haven’t brushed my teeth,” Jeff said hesitantly.
“Don’t care,” Audrey shrugged, “you didn’t kiss me last night,”
Jeff’s face looked horrified, making Audrey burst out in laughter.
“Babe, I’m so sorry,” Jeff insisted, eyes wide and serious.
Babe. Huh. She could get used to that.
“Well luckily for you, you’ve got all day to make up for it,” Audrey teased.
Jeff’s eyes lit up at that, making her laugh again, before he rolled on top of her. He looked down at her fondly, face soft in the morning light, before he leaned down to kiss her slowly, softly, sweetly, over and over again. One of Audrey’s hands reached up to slide into his messy curls, the other clutching at his waist, Jeff just moving in to lie between her thighs, making Audrey’s body stir with excitement. Yes, she could definitely get used to this.
Eventually their kisses slowed down to a final few pecks, Jeff leaning back to look down at her properly.
“Have I told you that I love you?” he asked, resting his weight on his forearms as he hovered over her.
“Not today,” she grinned.
“Well let me rectify that,” Jeff grinned back.
Audrey shrieked as Jeff pressed a flurry of kisses to her face and neck, saying I love you between every few.
6 months later
Jeff’s hand was resting on Audrey’s thigh as they drove through the familiar streets of Markham, two weeks of vacation booked for her and invitations to come home from both their families guiding the way. To be honest, Audrey was pretty excited to experience their childhood homes with this new evolution of their relationship, to see things through a different perspective, and she knew that the childhood friends that were still around were excited to see them as them too.
It was a long time coming, after all.
“My mom is thrilled that I’m bringing you home as my boyfriend for the first time,” Audrey said softly, when they were about 5 minutes away from her family home.
“She’s known me for nearly three decades
” Jeff pointed out, trailing off in confusion.
“And she’s been cheerleading us for at least half of that,” Audrey admitted.
Jeff’s face froze briefly, before it shifted into fear.
“We’re about to be ambushed by your whole family, aren’t we?” he sighed.
“Definitely. Potentially all of yours as well, if I know my mom,” Audrey smirked.
And Audrey did know her mom – she knew in her gut that the moment Audrey told her that she would be bringing Jeff by as her boyfriend, that her mom rang Jeff’s mom to organise a joint group effort. There was no way that the women weren’t going to see them both at the same time, and there was no way their siblings wouldn’t be around to say I told you so. It would be ridiculous
but it was just who their families were.
Jeff just groaned, making Audrey giggle.
“There’s still time to turn the car around you know. Say we changed our minds, hide away in a cabin somewhere for a couple of weeks?” she offered.
No amount of stress was worth losing Jeff, not now she finally had him by her side.
But Jeff anxious face split into a smile. “As much as I would love to avoid the combination of our giant families
we can’t avoid them forever,” he mused, “and besides, you’re worth it,”
Audrey didn’t think she could love him any more than she already did, but there he goes, proving her wrong.
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faustonastring · 4 years ago
hi there! if it's not too trouble, could you do the main six reacting to an mc who's famous? (like a famous actor or the leader of a famous band)
Thanks for requesting! This is gonna be a modern au just to make things easier, also to make things more easier let’s just say they’re hella famous. Like BeyoncĂ© famous.
Merry belated Christmas. I wrote this months ago but it was just chilling in my drafts so enjoy
Main six with a famous Mc (modern Au)
Asra strikes me as the type who doesn’t really give a flying fuck about celebrities, and only knows about them from Stan twitter. He also watches keeping up with the kardashians with Nadia, lucio, and Portia. Chances are he only knows who you are because you were trending on twitter for some reason
He’s super photogenic and looks good in every paparazzi photo. He’s also good at ignoring the paparazzi, especially if they catch you when your having a bad day. He won’t give into petty gossip, he’ll pull you down into an alleyway or a store, until they leave or your Uber gets there.
His red carpet outfits are fire. Sometimes they look better than yours, it’s not that he means to, he honestly just wears what ever they put him in, but it’s usually.....weird. And he some how, makes it work, which is why everyone loves it
She could care less about celebrities. Lucio can bitch to her all day about scandals a celebrity recently got involved in, or who said the n-word today, but she honestly could care less. The only celebrities she ‘keeps up with’ are the kardashians. (Lucio made her watch an episode once, she hated it, but stayed for kris)
She hates the paparazzi. She tries to avoid them with you as often as possible, and only leaves the house in a full face of makeup. No exceptions. (She’ll be damned if the paparazzi caught her slipping) and she ignores them all the time. No exceptions.
Her red carpets outfits are always polished and expensive. Pants suits, fancy dresses, suits, fancy hair, she can make anything look, but what looks best on her are outfits that don’t have a lot going on, simple, fancy things.
Grandma Julian devorak doesn’t know how to use twitter, and he only listens to twenty minute jazz tracks and Michael bublĂ©. He ain’t going to know who you are, unless your in a movie, or multiple movies, then he’ll recognize you, but it will take him weeks to figure out from where.
He’s the second worst with paparazzi. He will make himself late for work gossiping with paparazzi. It doesn’t just end with work, dates, flights, meetings, if the paparazzi gets him, he’ll be stuck there talking for hours. He doesn’t mind the paparazzi, and he most definitely doesn’t talk with them for so long because he likes them, he just likes to gossip, and talk.
His red carpet outfits started out being all/mostly black, and it kind of became his trademark so he has no choice but to run with it now. Not that he minds, he likes the color black, he just wish he knew it was his trademark sooner. (He wore a red suit once and his stans rioted)
She knows who you are and does a shitty job hiding it. She just gets excited and giddy when she’s around famous people, even if she’s not a fan of you, they just make her anxious, but in a good(ish) way. She really wants to impress you.
She’s the third worst with paparazzi (we all know who’s the worst) if she’s in a hurry she won’t stay to talk for long, but if she’s not doing anything important she’ll stay and talk for a little longer. She has a weak spot for being interviewed. And they always catch her off guard.
Her red carpet outfits are usually very casual and cottage core(ish) and she has most definitely wore the strawberry dress from twitter atleast once. Sometimes she gets criticized for her outfits but she tries to let it roll off of her back because even if they’re not the fanciest things, she’s happy and you’re happy so that’s all that should matter.
He’s more clueless than Julian. The man doesn’t have WiFi, and doesn’t plan on getting it anytime soon. Hell I wouldn’t even be surprised if he still has a flip phone, like who’s he gonna call? (Asra maybe, or maybe Nadia) he’s the most clueless
Hates paparazzi with a burning passion. He doesn’t like crowds, or people talking to him. Especially strangers asking him a shit load of questions, especially if those questions regard you or your relationship. That’s none of their business. He ignores and glares at them if they get to pushy, so hopefully they learn they’re lesson
His red carpet outfits are usually very neutral. Greens and browns, maybe a blue here and there. He tries to avoid red carpets as much as possible but he’ll still go to award shows with you, especially if your nominated. (He’s also you biggest cheerleader when you win)
Oh my god he’s a mess. Like no literally he’s the worst one. He knows shit about literally every celebrity and he even some how has dirt on some of them. And what’s even more surprising is he has a (growing) mental list of all the celebrities he hooked up with. He’s very loud and....excited when he meets you for the first time.
Loves paparazzi. He’s the worst one. He’ll shit talk the whole music industry or the whole film industry within the first week they started hunting him down. He has no filter and has gotten some pretty big names canceled, he’s also pretty bad about leaking stuff for your new project.
His red carpet outfits are.....red. Red on red on red, with a touch of gold and some white to clean it up a little bit. They’re tacky. So tacky. He’s been the laughing stock of some award shows for his over the top tacky outfits but he could give less fucks. He’s happy, he’s sexy, and he’s strutting in his seven inch heals down the red carpet.
I don’t think this is exactly what you wanted, but hopefully it’s close!
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kim-bobbae · 4 years ago
90. “You can tell me anything.”
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Work has been somewhat a nightmare and I just felt like writing about some Jay lovin’...though if he’d look at me like that I’d just burst into tears right away sigh TT
How do I go home and rant to my boyfriend, Jay Park, about my boss – Jay Park? 
You had honestly imagine working with your boyfriend to be the best thing ever, especially so when he was essentially the busiest man alive, and working with him meant that you could see him every day despite his inhumane schedules – the occasional coffee runs before work and the little glances that he sneaked at you whenever he came in and out of the office? Cute, you loved it. 
But while you did get to spend almost every waking hour with him, that was the very reason why it made work extra hard – he made his never ending pile of work look so easy and it honestly did nothing to make you feel better about your job, more so when the music video you were working on was due for its final review tomorrow and you were not the least bit satisfied with the outcome after working on it for three consecutive nights. 
“Hey,” You said, flashing him a small smile as the both of you exchanged glances via the reflection on your monitor. 
“How’s it going?” He asked, giving your shoulders a massage. 
“It’s still work in progress I guess
” You shrugged, weariness evident in the tone of your voice to which he picked up almost immediately. 
“Is everything okay?” He asked, pulling over a chair from the desk next to yours, then turned your chair to face him. 
“Yeah, it’s just been a really long day
It was two in the morning, the rest of the employees long gone. You had spent the entire day working on the music video and had completely lost track of time as you played it back over and over again, going back and forth between several transitioning effects and finding it difficult to come to a decision. 
He remained silent, studying your face carefully – from your slumped posture to your sleepy eyes, he knew something was up but instead of asking once more, he merely held both your hands, furrowing his brows he waited for you to speak again. 
can I please get a hug?” You whispered. 
“Of course,” He hummed, then gestured for you to sit on his lap before he wrapped his arms around your frame, bringing your fingers to his lips as he kissed them gently. “What’s wrong?” 
“I’ve been working on this for nights and no matter how many times I watch it, I just can’t seem to figure out what’s lacking,” You explained. “The review is tomorrow and this is driving me nuts
He wordlessly reached for your mouse, playing the draft you had completed thus far and for a while he just stayed like that, watching with a careful eye while his other hand kept his hold on you. With the way he remained silent throughout and his attention completely fixated on the screen, four minutes felt like forever as you chewed nervously on your lips, your eyes darting back and forth as you looked for the slightest hint of reaction other than the bobbing of his head towards the beat. 
A smug smile played on his lips as the video came to an end, and you could’ve sworn your heart was about to fall out of your chest as you waited for him to speak. 
“I don’t get what you’re stressing about,” He stated as a matter of fact. “That was dope.” 
“You’re lying.” 
“No I’m not, why would I?” 
You sighed, getting off his lap and sitting back down in your chair as you stared at the screen and scrolled aimlessly through the video once more. 
“Baby, what’s going on?” He asked, confused at the way you were reacting to his compliments. 
You ran your fingers through your hair, “I’m not tryna flex or anything...but that’s what everyone says and at this point I feel like everyone’s just flattering me cos I’m your
“You’re my
never mind.” 
He scooted closer to you, hands on yours to stop you from working and looked at you with a face full of worry, “You can tell me anything.” 
cos I’m your girlfriend,” You told him, looking down at your lap. 
“And what’s wrong with that?” 
“I feel like everyone’s telling me that I’m doing a good job just cos I’m dating their boss,” You explained. “This video doesn’t even feel complete
how in the world is this ‘great’?” 
You weren’t sure if this was you putting all this unnecessary pressure on yourself because you were surrounded by so many talented creatives in H1GHR’s graphic team, but with the way the several music videos you’ve directed for Jay over the years have been consistently blowing up, the bar was set high the moment Jay signed you to direct his team. You’ve been working independently for several years with the intention of making a name for yourself before joining a label and Jay completely understood that, giving you all the time and space you needed to develop your craft but with how he hyped you up (you know, typical Jay) and assigned their latest and biggest project, the compilation album, under your direction the moment you entered, the pressure was no doubt eating you up. 
“We don’t have to worry if you’re the one directing the music videos.” 
“This project is gonna blow up now that you’re in charge. The edits in your latest work were sick!” 
Sure, you appreciated the fact that they thought so highly of you, but all these expectations were inevitably sending you into an endless cycle of self-doubt. 
For a while he simply stared at you, confused. He watched the way tears were beginning to well up in your eyes as you clicked on your mouse frantically, applying filters and effects before undoing them again. This went on for a good minute and it was when frustration became evident from the way you tapped loudly on the control + z keys did he make an attempt at stopping you.
“You’re so good at what you do – you do ten thousand meetings a day while releasing songs, doing photo shoots, interviews and even working out – you make work look so easy and I feel like everyone associates my work to yours and
its stressing me out,” You said, then sighed as pushed your mouse aside and buried your face in your hands. “I don’t want to disappoint them
“Baby, look at me,” He said, placing one of his hands on your lap. 
“I can’t,” You whispered against the palm of your hands. 
He let out a deep breath, peeling your hands off your face before he cupped your cheeks and brushed away your tears with his thumb, “You’re doing great, and I’m not saying this just because you’re my girlfriend and I love you to death – you know how honest I am with my comments when it comes to work.” 
“For real..?” You rasped, looking down at your lap to avoid his gaze. 
“Of course,” He reassured you. “Now stop putting yourself down for absolutely no reason at all cos I’m proud of you and your work.” 
I’m being stupid now, aren’t I? For being whiny and a crybaby
“And for complaining that your boyfriend’s too awesome? A little,” He joked, finally eliciting a giggle from you. 
Nevertheless, he pulled you in for a hug, dotting a kiss on your forehead. 
“Now let’s go home shall we? You’ve been staying up at the office for a few nights and it kinda sucks going to bed alone knowing you’re in the office slogging your ass off for my music video.” 
“Alright boss,” You snickered, knowing very well he hated it when you addressed him like that and he rolled his eyes at you, saving your work once more before dragging you out of the office.
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duvetsandpillows · 4 years ago
Lewis Hamilton Fluffy A-Z
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A = Attractive: what do they find attractive about the other?
Your voice. Your accent is the most beautiful thing in the world. He loves listening to you talk and will stay on the phone to you all night just to hear you talk and occasionally singing to yourself.
B = Baby: do they want a family? why/why not?
You had a little baby girl when you and Lewis had started dating. The father had abandonded you and you were worried that Lewis would get scared off but Lewis fell in love with her immediately and vowed to be the best father figure he could to her. You two had discussed having a baby together and found out just before your one year anniversary that you were pregnant.
C = Cuddle: how do they cuddle?
Lewis loves cuddling with you. He's such a busy man that when he has the time to cuddle he will make the most of it. He had the habit of while talking to people he would stand behind you and wrap his arms around your shoudlers, pressing the occasional kiss to the side of your head if you didn't have much to say in the conversation.
D = Dates: what are dates with them like?
Lewis likes to make dates meaninful. They aren't usually extravagant but they are always perfect to you. He loves taking you along to race weekends as much as possible and would always take you out somewhere in every country you visit. Whether it's going out to dinner or a walk across the beach with Roscoe, the two of you enjoyed spending the time you got together.
E = Everything: “you are my ____” (e.g my life, my world
You are my flame.
F = Feelings: when did they know they were falling in love?
After your fifth date Lewis drove you home and walked you to your door. You invited him in for a coffee and he happily accepted. The two of you were chatting on the sofa, he looked at you as you spoke about your childhood, a smile growing larger as you spoke. "What is it?" you asked placing your mug on the sidetable. "It's nothing... I just-" He took his hand in yours, placing his other hand atop of yours. "The last few weeks have been amazing and I don't think I ever want to loose you. I wanted to as you if... well if-" You put your other hand ontop of his and smiled. "Is the Lewis Hamilton nervous?" His cheeks began to turn a light shade of pink. "I would love the honour of being your girlfriend."
G = Gentle: are they gentle? If so, how?
Lewis is always gentle with you nut not too gentle. He knows you aren't made of glass and don't like being treated like a china doll. You two liked to play fight together and you've been trying to teach him some Jiu-Jitsu as you'd learnt it growing up but it usually ended up with him giving yp and insiting on you giving a million cuddles.
H = Hand/Hold: how do they like to hold? how do they like to hold hands?
Lewis liked holding your hand in public because he wants everyone to know you are his. He would always give your hand a squeeze and rub his thumb across your hand when there are large crowss of fans around. He knows you struggled a little but with all the attention and were slowly getting used to it and wanting to help you through it.
I = Impression: first impression/s
He first met you in the park. You were walking your dog  and Lewis spotted you standing under a tree as your dog ran acround the playing with a tennis ball you had brought. Roscoe bolted over to your dog, causing Lewis to smile, giving him an excuse to talk to you.
"It's like they've always known of each other." he said flashing a small smile. The two of you chatted for a while and Lewis thought you were the most interesting person he had met. When you said you had to go he made sure to get your number and a couple of days later asked you out on a date.
J = Joker: are they into pulling pranks?
You two aren't much for pranks but were always making each other laugh with jokes or messing about and being silly.
K = Kisses: how do they kiss?
Lewis always gives you the most passionate kisses. If you're in public he dials it back a little but always makes sure his kisses show you how much he loves you. When you're sad he always presses gentle kisses all over you face, it always helped calm you down and it may not fix what was happening you would know that you aren't on your own.
L = Love: who says I love you first?
Both of you. Lewis had brought you along to the Mercedes christmas party and it ended up with the two of you getting pretty drunk. When the taxi dropped you home Lewis carried you up to his apartment saying 'a princess shouldn't have to walk'. Once you took your makeup off and changed into a pair of his boxers and t-shirt you walked into the bedroom to see him sitting on the end of the bed staring at you. He reached out and pulled you towards him so you were sat in his lap. You ran your fingers through his hair as he pressed kisses up your neck until he reached your lips.
"I love you," the two of you said in sync as you pulled away before you both were in a fit of giggles.
M = Memory: their favourite moment together
You'd decided on having a home birth. After the midwife had cleaned your daughter up and passed her back to you Lewis went out the room and came back in with your older daughter. He sat the two of them on the side of the bed and placed her on his leg facing the baby.
"This is your little sister." The two of you watched as she reached out and gently held her hand, staring at her in complete adoration. You passed her over and Lewis helped your daughter hold her, making sure her nack was being supported properly. Tears began to fill your eyes as your daughter whispered 'I love you'. You two couldn't have asked for a more perfect moment.
N = Nickel: do they spoil? do they buy the person they love everything?
Lewis couldn't help but spoiling on you. It wasn't always extravagant gifts but if he would see something that reminded him of you he couldn't help but get it for you. He also couldn't help but spoil your daughters, they had the biggest wardrobes and even did a kids line for his collaboration with Tommy Hilfiger.
O = Orange: what colour reminds them of their other half?
The whole rainbow. You loved colour, your house and wardrobe was vibrant and Lewis loved it. He could look at any colour and it could remind him of you. Seeing bright green trees, a beautiful red dress or a painting of a lake would always bring his toughts back to you and you showed him how to appreciate every colour no matter how 'boring' other people find them.
P = Pet names: what pet names do they use?
Beautiful, sweetheart, my hero
Q = Quaint: what is their favourite non-modern thing?
You loved helping him design clothes. He would always come to you with first drafts and asks for your opinion. You two would sit at the table for hours until half the room is covered in sketches and bits of fabric you had picked up to try and make a prototype.
R = Rainy Day: what do they like to do on a rainy day?
You two like to go out for walks. Letting the dogs run around and play together while your daughters play in puddles. When you get home one of you will wash the dogs off while the other gives your daughters a bath. Then you'll all cuddle up on the sofa watching a movie together, eating a takeaway.  
S = Sad: how do they cheer themselves/each other up
Lewis usually comes to you fairly quickly when he's upset. You have a very level head and would always be able to find the best way to help his situation. If he's feeling down and not too sure why your daughters will give him lots of cuddles and get him to play a game with him. They were his best distraction and would remind him that no matter how tough it is right now his family is there for him and how lucky he is to have all of you.
T = Talking: what do they love to talk about?
You two talk about everything. Human rights and what's happening in the world at the moment and how you can help, race weekends, tv shows your obessed with, world politics. You two loved to have intense discussions about world issues and Lewis loved how passionate you are about them and how badly you want to help. Even when you made some questionable words to another driver whose comments royally pissed you off.
U = Unencumbered: What helps them relax?
Spending time with your daughters. After a race weekend he loved to come home and get engulfed in cuddles. he will always make sure to spend the whole evening with the three of you with no distractions. Having a teddy bear tea party, playing dress up and then winding down with a movie which usually ended up with you all falling asleep on the sofa together.
V = Vaunt: what do they like to show off? What are they proud of?
Lewis isn't one to show off anymore. He likes to keep most of his life private, expecially his daughters. He would post the occasional picture and would bring them along to race weekends but doesn't want them in the spotlight. He mostly just shows off his projects that he's been working on. he would show you off sometimes, although always making sure he has your permission first, he wants everyone to know how lucky he is to have you and how stunning and intelligent you are.
W = Wedding: when, how, where do they propose?
Lewis took all four of you away for your birthday to a small private island so you could have some privacy and enjoy your holiday. One evening you were all sat int he beach, building sandcastles. You were lying on a towel as Lewis and the girls were trying to build a sandcastle resembling the disney land castle (although it was quite wonky). Lewis called you over to come take a proper look, your eldest daughter pulling your arms to speed you up.
"Mummy look in the door we found a surprise!" You knelt down and and reached your arm in, pulling out a small box. You opened it up to reveal a small diamond ring.
"Lewis what-?" You turned around to see him on one knee, daughters either side of him, your eldest flashing the biggest smile in the world, looking as if she was about to burst.
"(Y/N) (Y/L/N) everyday you fill my life with pure joy. Every since we met you've always made sure I have a smile of my face and have always been there for me no matter what. Will you do me the honour of marrying me?" You burst into tears and nodded your head before flinging yourself at him, wrapping your arms around him tight. The two of you shared a passionate kiss and he slid the ring on your finger while your daughters were cheering in the background.  
X = Xylophone: What’s their song?
Run the World - Beyoncé
Y = You’re the ___ to my ___ (e.g the cookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese)
You’re the light to my life.
Z = Zebra: if they wanted a pet, what pet would they get?
Lewis obviously has Roscoe and you have your dog too. You wanted to get a cat but it was a work in progress as Lewis said it was a mad house already but he decided to surprise you for christmas with one after the girls hadn't stopped asking him for once since September.
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ghouladventures · 4 years ago
Real Writing Advice
I just thought I’d share some of the tips and tricks I’ve picked up over the years in regards to writing. I am by no means an expert, but I’ve been writing screenplays (at least attempting to) and fanfics/short stories for around 7+ ish years and I have definitely learned a lot from my mistakes. I’m partially making this post to combat some of my own imposter syndrome, and motivate me to work on a script I’ve been avoiding. This is just advice from my own experience, not a bunch of regurgitated stuff from the internet. 
“Write what you know” (stay with me on this!)
I know, you’ve heard this before a million times. But that’s because it’s true. I’d like to extend more on this idea though because it’s often overlooked due to how vague it is. 
To me, “write what you know” means taking your life, your experience and putting it into the story. Nobody else will ever have your exact life experience, so use material from your own life. DO NOT worry about it being done a million times, because I can assure you, if you do it your own way, it will end up being unique. 
WRITE DOWN EVERYTHING. As a comedy writer, it can be really hard to create funny situations/dialogue out of thin air. But observation is the key to comedy and writing in general. Anything funny I hear, a story that happens to me or a friend, I have a strong opinion about something, etc. I write it all down. Your phone is right there, open the notes and write it down because you WILL end up forgetting it. I cannot tell you how much effort I have saved because I have a whole bunch of notes that are just pure material. 
Character writing is very difficult for me, as I always end up making characters that are just like me. In fanfics I end up projecting myself onto the characters hella, and I only notice during the re-reads. But...you’re the only one to reference. You ARE the main character of your life, so it’s only natural. What I do to create characters is look within. Make a character who personifies the person you want to be, the type of person you hate, the type of person you crush on, a character that shares a flaw with you, who you feel like inside vs. outside, etc. Make a list if you want, as many things you can think of. Share a piece of yourself with every character, your own experience adds a realness that can’t be replicated through research. DO NOT be afraid of flaws! Flaws are the absolute best thing you can give to a character. The character has to overcome these internal flaws to get where they want to, so don’t shy away from character flaws! 
Enjoy Writing! 
Too many times it’s easy to get caught up in the stress of writing. Making sure your story is cohesive and engaging, and trying to juggle a million things at once is HARD. Writing is hard. But please have fun, I beg of you. 
If you love a certain movie, watch it, analyze and learn why! Don’t copy the entire movie, but take things that you really love and put it into your own story. Great artists steal. You love a certain plot point, character element, message, dynamic, etc., find a way to incorporate those things you love into your work. 
Put yourself in the audiences shoes. Create the type of movies you love watching, the type of movies that cause you to jump into a fandom! Once you find out why you love the stories you do, you start getting excited about your story. For me, doing this has taken the negative connotation of “working” on a script away that I often can’t get away from my notepad. You start getting excited to write, and while that passion unfortunately dies down, keep finding reasons to be excited about your story. 
Play around with genre. Tell a story from a different perspective. Add that element you thought was “too weird” to add. Don’t shut down ideas that seem too self indulgent or ridiculous, it might just lead to something. The screen/page is your place to play! Try something new, test it out. Do not be afraid to “fail” because your just brainstorming! Failure doesn’t really exist, it’s just testing and trying things until you find gold. You have a whole page of just scribbled nonsense? So what! Everything is part of the process. Stop beating yourself up before you even start. 
Vibes are important
A lot of times I have no story ideas, but I want to make a movie like ______. But hey, vibes are a start! Maybe you just have a few scenes in mind, a color scheme, etc. If that’s what’s bouncing around your head, start writing them down! From there you can start connecting dots. Throw in a character you’ve been working on. Basically all of my stories start out as “just vibes”, so don’t dismiss them. 
When I’m starting a new project, I’ll make a playlist of music. Not music that will be part of the soundtrack necessarily, but just music that relates to my idea. I take soundtracks from other movies and just put them all in a pile, throw it on shuffle, and write. It makes everything 100% more fun and engaging, and having the music match the “vibe” helps immensely with creating the vision. 
Like making a playlist, I make a pinterest board filled with just everything related to my idea. Aesthetics, character looks, locations, etc. This helps me really create a vision of what I want this movie to be. Not the story, not the plot. 
Your Brain, Your Process
There is no correct way to create anything. When I was starting out, I would read and watch a lot of “advice” and “screenwriting process” stuff. While I felt like I was gaining knowledge, it really only made me feel like I didn’t know what I was doing. 
USE YOUR STRENGTHS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE. So your visual? Great! Make little idea bubbles, make a venn diagram, use a story circle, draw lines connecting ideas, use a punnett square, etc. Maybe you’re really good at writing fanfictions but not screenplays. Great! Write your scenes out like fanfictions before formatting them like a script. Just some examples but my point is, use the skills you already have. This makes it so much easier, it takes away the daunting feeling of writing and allows you to progress. 
Find writers you look up to and learn from them! One of my favorite writers is Dan Harmon, so I looked up writing advice from Dan Harmon and found a bunch of advice that was extremely useful to me (highly recommended for visual people). Look up the writers to your favorite movies/shows/books, and see what you find! You’d be surprised how much extremely useful information is out there if you look. Learn from the people you look up to, the writers you want to be. I keep little notebooks and write notes (like i’m in class), of everything I learn, and when I need some help, I whip out my little notebook and find some advice, it has helped me get un-stuck countless times. Over time, the concepts you learn will become more instinctual, making writing easier. 
It takes time. This is my biggest problem. I will work on a movie for a few months, then get bored and desert it. But look at any movie, if you see any storyboard or “first draft” type of stuff. It’s like a completely different movie! Great things take time, you don’t have to speedrun a whole script. Just keep working on it, it will take a long time, but it will be worth it. 
I hope that was helpful to some of you writers out there! 
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