#this is technically an AU but you can see this as just general astro and dandy art if you want
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I'm so tireddddd.........
Anyway uh... Supposed to be pre-inversion Dandy and Astro, but honestly it's not that specific, you can see it however you want
#this is technically an AU but you can see this as just general astro and dandy art if you want#inky'sart#inversion Conversion au#i.c.au#dw au#dw fanart#dandys world au#dandys world#dandy's world#dw astro#astro dw#dandys world astro#astro dandys world#astro#astro novalite#dw dandy#dandy dw#dandys world dandy#dandy dandys world#dandicus dancifer#dandy#dandy x astro#astro x dandy#moonflower
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Hi! I just wanted to say I adore the way you draw Ma'am! She's really pretty in your style ^^
Question wise though, do you have any headcanons or anything like that for her or any of the other characters?
I wish I hadn’t accidentally privately responded to a previous question about my headcanons for her, because it was a LONG LIST, but I’ll try and list a few!
This’ll be long so it’s all shoved under the cut, minus some more private HC’s-
Full Grown/Ma’am
• She’s a huge sweets fan, and once Big Deal gets better at cooking and baking, she has a habit of stealing away muffins or cookies, much to the exasperation and chitterings of him.
• I give her battle scars beneath her suit!
• She has some sort of connection to Reggie which royally pisses her off for A WHILE, especially as Endless tries to push for their friendship. In comes my mentor!AU where a greater looming evil forces them to call a truce and they eventually become like family.
• She’s the original leader/Queen of Endless before Bad Things happened and shunted her into the volcanic stasis until Reggie revives her.
• She’s the original creation of Endless. She was made by a very, very lonely little girl who desperately needed a friend and was scared of growing up, who got whisked away to Endless at its most baby state. Full Grown bloomed into life just about the same age as the girl who created her, and she ages alongside her until the girl grows away from Endless and finally stops coming to Endless. Ma’am stops aging from there.
• She likes wrestling, obviously, but she also likes hockey. She likes the fighting lol
• Big Deal’s affections scare her and make her anxious, she’s scared of niceness and affection in *general*, so she acts up, acts out, lashing out and thrashing and acting petulant in her denial to try and create distance. It doesn’t work.
• She can play a few musical instruments! Namely the piano and guitar, but a few others too.
• She can speak a few different languages, mostly because one of my favorite Matt Berry songs has French in it and I said she can.
• Her music tastes are very wide and varying but she favors acid jazz, psychedelic rock, and hypno-pop.
• Ma’am is OLD, lmao. She clearly is themed around astro-retro futurism of the 50s and 60s, between her house, her theme song, her aesthetic, so I like to put the height of her leadership around those eras.
• She /likes/ entertaining guests. Beneath all her bristle and coldness and axe-crazy mania, when she’s not putting out her icy, angry exterior, she *likes* having guests and being able to entertain. We see her even say that she likes having guests when Brown Roger comes around (poor Brown Roger lol)
• She likes roller skating
• She’s got a closet full of unique clothes, but after Bad Things and her stasis in the volcano, she sticks to wearing her Endless suit because her clothes feel too personal and vulnerable for a long time.
• She’s a hopeless romantic at heart, though terribly scorned, so she hides it beneath briars and thorns and chaos. She loves chick flicks and romance novels and she values loyalty and respect.
• Her and modern technology are Not Friends. Her range in technology goes up until the late 80s/early 90s, and I KNOW the show is technically supposed to take place in that era but that completely bypassed me back in 2019 when I started making my AUs, which take place 2015 and above, so modern technology makes her curse and sneer and growl in frustration.
• She just really likes food. Big Deal has to learn fast how to cook and bake properly for her because she gets very cranky when she’s hungry and she eats A Lot.
• She’s like a giant lizard cat. She’s very bendy and flexible, likes climbing trees and crawling around searching for shiny things, and she likes basking under the sun, even if she complains about being around others the whole time (she’ll also grab Big Deal and curl around him because he’s a little furnace, much to his flustered-ness)
• She’s genderfluid and queer. She doesn’t care about earth terms, she’s a shapeshifting alien queen in a different dimension, human customs and opinions don’t really matter when it comes to who *she* is.
• She and Big Deal manage to cross over onto earth at some point and she creates earth human forms for them.
• I technically have a full name for her but thatsss a bit private and will only be revealed if I talk to you for a while hdhfjd
I have a lot more but for the sake of saving time, I just have those for now for her.
• CHAOS GIRL- she maintains her chaotic, bright, colorful nature even into adulthood. I really like focusing on her and her friends growing up into young adults because like.. self projection and also because this show is *about* growing up, and it’s SO interesting exploring that facet and seeing how their personalities, ESPECIALLY Reggie’s, grow and flux, yet how they still stay true to themselves.
• She /can/ sing a lil bit but it’s one of the few things she’s very shy about, between bullying and befriending people like Todd and Esther, and eventually Gwen, who are all so musically oriented, so she kinda just.. hides that she can kinda sing by being so overly dramatic about *badly* singing.
• She grows a steady mentorship/apprentice dynamic with Full Grown (though it depends on AU for how old she is when that mentorship starts, for my main one, she’s almost 13, for a few of my others, she’s older teens) who eventually becomes a like a very dear family member to her
• She’s a sporty girl when she hits her teens. She’s got a LOT of energy and frustration to expel and she winds up enrolling in volleyball, hockey, and rollerderby throughout her teen years to help her adrenaline junkie life and it helps with the frustrations of Having To Grow Up.
• She keeps her tooth gap, she never gets it corrected, and she’s got a very crooked and mischievous smile that lasts her whole life.
• She’s COVERED in freckles.
• She’s very shy around Conelly for a WHILE, they don’t even start dating til Reggie’s like 16.
• She’s actually very good with science, it just takes Ma’am’s mentorship to help her realize that ‘hey she actually sometimes likes learning’ and she likes astronomy, astro-physics, physics, and chemistry (she finds interest when she’s being taught magic and finds out there’s a lot of science behind potions and magic)
• She’s forever a foodie, always munching and eating SOMETHING. She’s a frequent food thief and steals snacks from Mack and Beefhouse, from Full Grown and Big Deal, and from her friends.
• She’s the championed Knight of Endless, in all essential aspects. She undergoes weapons training from Full Grown when she hits adulthood due to other threats on Endless.
• She LIKES dressing up, she LIKES dresses sometimes, she just doesn’t like dressing up the way Judy wants her to, and she doesn’t like feeling clumsy and doesn’t like feeling like she’s just playing dress up to be someone she’s not (unless it’s cosplay, she gets her friends into cosplaying with her).
• Most of her wardrobe I draw her in comes directly from my closet or from my style.
• She gets rebellious with her friends when they’re 16/17 and Todd’s older brother takes them to get ear piercings together, so she’s got two lobe piercings and industrial piercings on both ears. When she’s older, she also has a tongue piercing, because she thought it was Cool™️ and she likes to stim with it.
• In my main mentor!AU, she chops all her hair off to her shoulders directly after her 18th birthday in a fit of frustration and rage and panic. Mood.
• She also puts colored streaks in her choppy hair when she’s older, regardless of shortness or longness, she’s got green, pink, and blue streaks randomly smattered through her hair.
• She’s got severe ADHD and is possibly autistic
• She ALSO likes wrestling, so her and Full Grown cheer and snicker and snort over wrestling.
• She maintains her artistry as she grows and is quite successful with her art on the occasion. She’s the designer for Dustin’s podcast’s merch, Space Draculas. His podcast focuses on mythological legends, paranormal encounters, and supernatural beings with Todd’s older brother a few friends. Any pics of Reggie I draw wearing an alien with fangs is for this podcast of his.
• She and Judy mend their bonds over the years, and Judy is definitely the Team Mom for all her friends.
• Reggie’s first car is a Volkswagen Beetle that’s got a yellow body, but the hood, front two doors, and trunk are all different colors. The car is littered with car stickers and it has pins all in the roof from the inside, and she’s got worm on the strings tied to the rear view mirror.
• She ends up being a very good babysitter, it’s her job as a teenager, so she winds up being very good with kids.
• She curbs her dirty, messy habits as she grows older, but sometimessss she still gets down and dirty on Endless, she’s got no problems with getting muddy and dirty, covered in paint, sticky with sweat and sand, and she has to be reminded that showers are REQUIRED /more/ than twice a week.
• Full Grown regularly chews her out because she tries to enter the witch’s home with her sandy boots on. That’s like.. a YEARS long habit.
• She winds up being a rather well skilled magic user
Big Deal
• Learns much of his cooking skills from infomercials after Ma’am falls asleep, alongside with tentatively befriending Mack and Beefhouse and learning from them. They reach out to him first, with much grace and forgiveness, one day when he’s searching for recipe ingredients and they end up being well friends to him, and eventually, Ma’am as well. (She’s much more resilient and hesitant to befriend the others after everything and many of them are just as hesitant of her but Reggie growing under her mentorship helps)
• He whacks Reggie in exasperation when she tries to steal food.
• He was made by Endless to protect his Ma’am and be a tiny little plush dragon to her.
• He purrs when he’s comfortable and happy, and so does Full Grown (though she represses it for a very long time). He also trills and chitters and chirps in feral little noises to her and she’ll make noises back.
• he looks smooth and round but he’s made up of really smooth feathers and he’ll puff up and flair out in high emotions or shock.
• He’s SO little and she’s SO big. My Ma’am is around 7’0” and he’s like.. thigh/butt level to her.
• He’s the first being to see her cry after her revival from the volcano, regardless of my AU and how long it takes for her to finally cry, he’s always the first one to see her cry.
• He’s a very enthusiastic learner and absorbs knowledge like a sponge, and he loves listening to his Ma’am talk so he’s willing to sit and listen and learn until he’s falling asleep.
• He does NOT like horror movies. He does not care for wrestling, or hockey, it all makes him cringe and fret so much, but he LOVES fantasy, adventure, romance, and music, so Full Grown introduces him to musicals and romcoms.
• he LOVES entwining his tail with his Ma’am’s tail, which, for a long time, is a very rare thing, but it grows more constant as time passes.
• he’s got little padded pawed hands! Tiny hands with little heart shaped paw pads!
Okay these are all I can think of tonight but I WILL update this as I think of more, or feel free to message again with individual characters!
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across the stars
Kurosaki Ichigo’s life is boring. At least, until the Jedi Knights Kuchiki Rukia and Abarai Renji crash land into his life. The galaxy is in trouble and they need his help. With the help of his smuggler friends Uryu, Orihime, and Chad and their ship the Karakura, the group heads off into the galaxy to stop the Sith Lord Aizen and his lackeys. {IRBB, Star Wars AU}
Notes: So this story is one I've wanted to write for a while and when the IRBB (IchiRuki Big Bang) opened up, I waffled on whether or not I wanted to join. I don't do well with deadlines (at all) and school has been my main concern. But I signed up thinking, oh I'll have plenty of time to write and finish this!
I'm a fucking liar.
Anyway. Here's my IRBB Star Wars AU. Enjoy, my lovelies.
There will be art from my amazing partner, @lico-kun coming soon!!
Also on AO3 and FF.net!
Screaming was generally not a good sign. In any situation. And when the screaming was being done by every single sensor, alarm, and siren on a ship, it was especially not good. Bad things usually followed.
Like crash landings.
“You fool! I thought you said you fixed this problem before we left!” Jedi Knight Kuchiki Rukia screeched at a pitch to rival the sirens. The tiny woman clung with all the force she contained to the arms of her seat. This was not part of the plan. All they were trying to do was land in Dangai, ask a few questions, find a retired Jedi, convinced him to go back to Corusant with them, and save the galaxy.
Of course, the Force almost always threw a wrench in Rukia’s well-laid plans, something she should’ve been used to by now.
Was she? Of course not.
“I thought I did!” Her Zabrak copilot howled back. Abarai Renji, fellow Jedi Knight and copilot of the Seireitei, was half wedged into a a panel running along the side of the cockpit. Frantic long-nailed fingers worked at sparking wires with a haste that normally was abhorrent to him. Emergencies always called for exceptions. He hadn’t died yet and wasn’t planning on dying today. “Everything was working fine when we took off and during the flight, I don’t know why it’s acting up now! You must’ve done something!” Renji was a mechanical genius but even he couldn’t mend a serious problem amid a stomach-dropping fall.
Rukia took extreme offense to that statement and tried to burst Renji’s eardrums in retaliation. Her astromech droid, R4-D7, matched her pitch with little trouble.
The ship continued to spiral downward, dropping pieces and wailing like a demon from the pits of hell as it went. To those on the planet below, if anyone had happened to look up into the wide lavender sky, they would have seen a streak of red, orange, and pitch black burning up the atmosphere.
On Phyrrus, no one ever looked up.
It took an hour for the ship to succumb to gravity and finally crash into the planet’s surface and stop skidding across the desert. In the Serieitei’s burning wake, the skid marks had turned the sand to black glass. The Jedi made it out of the ship with minimal injuries, their packs, and Rukia’s droid, but that was it.
Renji and Rukia stood outside the burning wreck of their ship, surveying it with mingled concern and sinking dread. R4-D7 whistled a mournful tone, shaking its head back and forth.
The Serieitei didn’t actually belong to either of them, having been a loan from the Jedi Order for this mission specifically. Technically, they weren’t even supposed to have it. Only the pull of Rukia’s adopted older brother, Master Kuchiki Byakuya, and the seriousness of the mission had enabled the two junior Knights to use the ship. Now it was good for nothing but scrap metal and spare parts. There was no way they’d be able to return to Corusant in it.
The crash of an Order ship meant they’d be reimbursing the Order from their own pockets. That, more than anything else, led Renji to mutter, “Well, shit,” and kick the smoking wreckage. Naturally, having just been consumed in flames, it was hot and burned his foot. As he hopped about swearing and muttering, Rukia sighed and began preparing for the long trek ahead of them.
They still had a mission to complete, after all.
There was only one man who looked up into the sky to see the faintest wisps of black.
Kurosaki Ichigo tugged off his goggles, squinting up into the darkening horizon with a confused look. Had…there just been smoke crossing the sky? Or had it been an approaching sandstorm? He shrugged, curiosity piqued but decided it wasn’t worth pursuing. Nothing worth caring about ever happened on his backwater homeworld. “Besides,” he said aloud. “It’s probably just Uryu being stupid with the Karakura again.” Ichigo never got tired of mocking his cousin. He was just so easy to provoke, what with his uptight Quincy heritage and high-strung manner. Thankfully he had started to calm down a bit after his marriage.
Kon nudged him from behind, breaking his contemplation of the sky. Ichigo grinned and replaced his goggles. Patting the nexu’s head, he sent one last look toward the sky to a chorus of Kon’s purrs. “C’mon, Kon, let’s get home. Goat-face’ll be waiting for these supplies.”
Within moments, Ichigo’s footprints vanished in the blowing wind. No sign of human or nexu passage was left.
“Your sense of direction sucks.”
Renji ground his teeth together and continued to trudge onward. Ignore her…you can’t throttle your partner…murder is wrong…goes against the tenants of the Jedi Order…
“Seriously Renji, how did you pass astro-navigation during the Academy? Master Zaraki has better directional sense than you do!”
If she says anything else about my navigational skills, I’m going to run her through with no regret. Little midget needs to bite her tongue. Damn noble best friend. Why is she like this. I hate her so much sometimes. No, no, hate is wrong. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. But ugh am I suffering now. Rukia, if you value your life, SHUT UP.
“Actually, I think you’re about on Jedi Yachiru's level. That girl can get lost in an empty room and you’re not much better.”
Before Renji could spin around and strangle Rukia in aggravation, a voice broke through the blowing wind.
“Need some help, strangers? You look lost.”
Their reactions were instantaneous. R4 squealed like a stuck sandpig as Renji and Rukia dropped their packs, lightsabers igniting as they whirled to face the newcomer. He merely grinned at them, paws up to show his lack of weapon.
“Now, now, is that how you greet someone who’s simply trying to assist you?” His fanged muzzle twitched in unhidden amusement. Neither Jedi dropped their guard. He sighed dramatically, whipping out a fan to wave in front of his face. “Please, if I wanted to hurt you, I would’ve done it already. You stand out a bit too much to be from around here.” Beady eyes peeked knowingly over the fan, shadowed by his striped hat.
Slowly, Rukia lowered her humming lightsaber but didn’t deactivate it. After a few moments and an intensely odd stare-off with the strange alien he’d identified as a Bothan, Renji followed suit. Reluctantly, but Rukia was lead on this mission. He had to obey her.
“What is it you want?”
“Oh, nothing, nothing at all. I just thought to my self that it would be terribly tragic if you came all this way and couldn’t reach your goal because you got swallowed up by a sandstorm and couldn’t, in fact, save the galaxy.”
The two Jedi stared. The Bothan continued on blithely.
“If you follow this trail for a few miles, you’ll come across a farmer and his family who should be willing to help you. I make no guarantees, and if they aren’t going to help you, you’ll soon find out. The farmer’s eldest is a crack shot with his blaster rifle.” He winked at their nervous expressions. “Just shout ‘Hello the camp’ before you get too close to the house. Got to give something for them to shoot at, after all! Ta-ta!” With that, he vanished in a swirl of dust and sand.
Renji stared at the place he’d stood, brow horns twitching. “That…was really weird.”
#IRBB#IchiRuki Big Bang#IchiRuki#Ichigo/Rukia#Ichigo Kurosaki/Rukia Kuchiki#Star Wars AU#scribbles of the empress#finally posting time!!#PLZ READ MY STORY#THERE WILL BE ART
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