#this is soo rushed i apologise
spacebaby1 · 8 months
My Mistake (Sukuna x Reader)
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You don't even remember how did you two started to argue but Sukuna had enough so he did what he would never do; he yelled at you, "SHUT UP! STOP SCREAMING AT ME GIRL." You weren't even screaming, immediately you stopped talking and completely shut yourself away from him.
You walked away with the blank look, it was way to early for either of you to argue, Sukuna sighed in defeat when he realised he could've just calmed you down and not argue but being the hot-headed that he was he had to argue. You didn't eat breakfast that morning just stayed in your room while Sukuna made the breakfast and waited for you to come down but you didn't.
Few hours later he entered the room only for you to grab your phone and walk out of the room without looking at him, he heard the TV downstairs and made his way downstairs and check on the breakfast he made for you still there on the table untouched. You were laying on the couch watching random show.
Sukuna sat by the edge of the couch trying to place your legs in his lap but you sat straight before he would reach for your feet. You both sat like that for hour before you walked away to the kitchen again not saying a single word. Sukuna smirked when he saw you reach for the jam jar that he tightened so you'd ask for his help, he got up to help you open the lid but the jar accidentally fell on the ground causing the shattered glass to splash everywhere and you yelped.
"Don't mov-"
"I'll clean it, I-I-I whe- oh the broo-Ouch" you couldn't finish the sentence as you accidentally stepped on the broke glass. Sukuna rushed towards you but you avoided him trying hard to not cry as you pushed your hair behind your ear trying to clean the mess and Sukuna wasn't having it. He could clearly see the floor coverd in your blood so was your feet. Without another word he picked you up and sat you on the kitchen counter, "Don't. move." He pointed the finger at you before getting a broom and cleaning the glasses away throwing them in the trash
Carefully he picked you up bridle style to the bathroom and sat you on the edge of the bathtub as he grabbed the first aid kit from the cabinet, Carefully he pulled the piece of glass out of your feet earning a gasp from you as you held on his shoulder for support, "it's okay, it's out now, let me wash the wound, Okay?" He softly spoke to you and you just nodded looking down. You winched few times before pulling your hand over your mouth to hold back your cries, "Don't do that, you'll pop a vessel, it's okay to scream in pain, you know?"
You didn't reply, "are you still ang-" Sukuna heard your sobs and stopped talking trying to focus on wrapping the wound before he turned to look at you as you had your head low and were sobbing, "Hey, is it soo painful? Want me to take you to hospital?" He softly held your face rubbing his thumbs over your cheeks encouraging you to look at him. You shook your head, "I'm sorry for acting mean."
He pulled you to his chest, "you weren't mean, I was mean, I'm the one who should apologise, I'm an idiot idiot, please forgive me?" He caressed your cheek with the back of his hand, "Hum, Princess? I'm so sorry, I will never yell at you ever again." You hugged him back, "I'm sorry for ignoring you, 'Kuna." He kissed your head, "I love you, you've got nothing to be sorry about, I'll be more careful with my words next time." You chuckled and nodded, "okay,"
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hii ur writing is SOO SOO good im practically going insane over ur mbappe writings. could u pls write smth about mbappe being sick and reader having to take care of him but he's just enjoying being a brat and clinging to reader ? like imagine taking care of this manchild. imagine the HAVOC he would wreck if he didn't get a kiss from his gf
Heyy, thank you for your lovely words, means so much 🫶🏿 hope this is okay!
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“You’re leaving me here all by myself? This is your fault.” Your boyfriend sniffles, pouting as you put on your jacket, ready to leave the house.
“I warned you about kissing me last week when I was sick.”
“But your mouth was so nice and warm.”
“And now here we are.”
“So you’re going to abandon me in my hour of need?”
“Kylian, it’s just a cold. You’ll survive.” You roll your eyes.
“I hope you know those may be your last words to me. Ever! Who knows if I’ll still be alive and breathing when you get back.” He shivers dramatically and you grab your bag, placing your phone in your coat pocket.
“I spent all day yesterday playing nurse Ky, I have to go to the office.”
“And you think if nurses just left their patients before they got better, anyone would recover?”
“You are a ridiculous man Kylian Mbappe. You have a runny nose and a high temperature, just keep hydrated and take your pills. I’ll see you at 6.” You reach over to kiss his forehead and he rolls over and pulls the covers high over his head.
“You don’t deserve to kiss me.” His voice his muffled under the blankets and you laugh.
“Whatever you big baby.” You call as you shut the bedroom door behind you.
“So if we push the campaign from this angle, I think the overall engagement would-“
Your phone buzzes for the hundredth time in the last 10 minutes since you started giving your pitch to the newest clients at your firm. You reach for your phone to turn it off, apologising profusely, when it starts ringing and you see your boyfriend’s face lighting up the screen.
“I’m so sorry, I just have to take this very quickly, I really apologise.” You hold your hands in a prayer sign before scrambling out of the office with the phone to your ear.
“Kylian, what the hell do you want.”
“Y/N…” his voices sounds strained and breathless, and you immediately begin to worry.
“Kyky? Baby what’s wrong?”
“I just…can you…” He coughs violently and you wince. He really doesn’t sound good, and you feel start to feel a little guilty for leaving him alone. “Can you…come home please? E…Emergency.” He croaks out that last part, as though he doesn’t have the energy to do anything else.
“Oh baby. I’ll be there as soon as I can okay? I’m sorry for not taking you seriously. I’m leaving the office as soon as I can.”
“Thank you,” he breathes before hanging up abruptly and you think the absolute worst. Maybe it wasn’t just a cold, maybe it was something worse, and now he’s alone and confused and deteriorating. You head back into the conference room, chewing on the inside of your cheek anxiously.
“Everything okay Y/N?” Your boss asks.
“Yes, ummm, it’s just my boyfriend is really ill right now, and he’s just called me and he doesn’t sound too good so I’m a bit worried that’s all. But we can get this pitch finished up and I’ll go and quickly see him on my lunch break-“
“Kylian is ill?” He says, shocked as if you’d just told him his own mother on was on her death bed. “Oh no, you must go to him right away. We have the PowerPoint and your notes, Lisa can finish your pitch.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes of course, I hope he makes a speedy recovery.”
“Thank you so much, and I really am sorry.” You disconnect your laptop from the hdmi cable connected to the project and slide it into your handbag.
“Don’t worry about it Y/N, please let us know how he’s doing tomorrow, you don’t have to come in if he’s still not feeling well.” He smiles. You thank him one last time before rushing out of the office and down to the elevator to the underground car park. You barely lock your seatbelt in place before hightailing it out of the building.
“Kylian!” You yell as soon as you make it back into the apartment. You drop your bag at the door and hurry up the steps, taking them two at time. It’s not long before you’re bursting into the bedroom. “Ky, baby what’s wrong? Have your symptoms gotten worse?” You sit on the bed, taking his sweaty face into your hands. “I’m sorry for leaving you baby.”
“You’re back.” He croaks.
“Of course,” you sigh leaning in to kiss him and he lets you this time. “What was so urgent?”
“I…the bistro is out of chicken soup and I really want some chicken soup, I was wondering if you could make some for me please?” You drop his head, and he falls back onto the pillow violently.
“Ouch!” He moans, rubbing his head.
“Kylian…” you close your eyes, your right hand pressing on the bridge of your nose. “Kylian, do not tell me you pulled me out of work because you want FUCKING SOUP!”
“I missed you too?” He pouts.
“Kylian! I was in an important meeting with my boss!”
“The one that’s the PSG fan? I’ll have someone send him some tickets to our next game, he’ll be fine.” You roll your eyes.
“Of course that’s why he let me leave the office without hesistation….but that’s not the point Ky!”
“Look babe, I’m sorry for making you leave work.” He doesn’t look sorry in the slightest and it pisses you off even more. “But I mean…you’re here now? So…”
He opens his arms, his eyes wide as he smiles. “Come spend the day in bed with me.” You throw a pillow at him, landing in the space his open arms created, before storming out of the room.
“Where are you going?” He calls out.
“To make YOUR FUCKING SOUP!“ you shout back. “Tu es un putain d’idiot!”
You feel someone’s arms wrap around you as you’re stirring the soup and you shrug your shoulders.
“Get off me Kylian.” You mumble.
“Are you mad at me?” He asks, holding you tighter as he presses a kiss into your neck.
“Kylian Mbappe Lottin, I’m within an arms reach of very sharp objects. Get the fuck off me.”
“No.” He insists, burying his head further into your neck. “I want to hug you. I read somewhere hugs and kisses when you’re sick are very healing.” He moves from behind you to stand by your side, his arms around your shoulders instead, leaning forward with his eyes closed and lips pursed. You shove the teaspoon you were using to taste the soup into his mouth instead and push him off you as you untie your apron and place it on the work surface.
“You can keep your kisses. I’m not trying to get sick again.”
“You kissed me earlier when you came back?”
“Yeah when I thought you were on your death bed you manipulative man child.”
“Oh Y/N, come on!” He whines, stomping his feet. “I’m not a baby.” You look at his stomping foot and raise an eyebrow. He stops and his lips turn up in a little smile. “Okay fine, maybe I am a baby. But I’m your baby. And your baby is sick and needs you. He needs your kisses. Desperately or he might drop to the floor right now.”
“Drop. I don’t care, I’m not kissing you.”
“But I said I’m sorry!” He groans.
“And you’re forgiven. But I’m not kissing you. I don’t want to get sick again.”
“Actually,” he says, coming up to you as you reach into a cabinet above the sink to grab two bowls. “Since I caught this cold from you, it’s the same strain, and you can’t catch a cold twice with the same strain of virus. So you can kiss me as much as you want.”
“And since when did you become Dr. Mbappe.”
“I did some reading in the 3 hours you abandoned me.” You slide past him and start serving up the soup in the bowls.
“Good for you.”
He takes the bowls from you and sets them on the island before backing you up against the counter. The blanket around his shoulders falls to the floor as he rests his arms either side of you on the granite worktop, trapping your body between his.
“Just one kiss.” He whispers against your lips, his face barely an inch from yours. “Please. Just one.”
“Fine.” You press your lips against his lightly, ready to pull away but his hands cage your face, and he presses his lips harder against yours, deepening the kiss. You both pull away eventually breathless, your hand around his neck.
“Better?” You ask in a low voice.
“I’m cured.” He murmurs, before he suddenly recoils and sneezes all over your face.
“DUDE!” You shout, pushing him away as you reach for a tissue.
“Well, almost cured.” He laughs, stopping when he sees your stone cold expression, your eyes shooting daggers at him. You shove his bowl of soup into his chest and go to sit on the sofa with yours. You soon feel Kylian snuggle up next to you, lying down dramatically with his hand over his forehead.
“I suddenly feel weak and dizzy, I don’t think I can hold myself up Y/N.”
“What? You want me to feed you the soup now?”
“If you insist.” He smirks.
“You are unbelievable,” You roll your eyes, but you’re smiling too as you pick up the bowl and hold a spoonful to his lips.
“I also think a kiss in between each spoonful will really help speed up my recovery process.” He nods as he slurps the soup from the spoon.
“You know what, you should legally change your name to Mbaby.”
“Haha funny.” He retorts. He points to the soup, then his lips before opening his mouth wide. You intentionally put the bowl down and pull out your phone, flipping the camera to selfie mode and holding it up so both you and Kylian are in the frame simultaneously.
“Look at this big baby here,” You start, as you press the live option on your instagram. “Big boy Kylian Mbappe lying here while I feed him soup because he’s got a little cold he can’t handle.” Kylian reaches up to grab your phone but you leap from the sofa to the other side of the coffee table.
“Y/N, turn it off.”
“Oh look,” you say into the camera. “Suddenly he has the energy to get up. You should’ve seen him merely a few seconds ago guys, acting as though he had the plague.”
“Y/N, I’m warning you.”
You laugh as you read some of the comments from the fans on your live, getting louder as you see one from his teammate.
“Ky, Achraf said stop being such a pussy!”
“That’s it!” Kylian says before leaping over the table, but you’re a tad quicker than he is, dodging his lunge and making a break for it into the kitchen. “Cut the live Y/N, or I swear-“
“Or what?” You taunt, flipping the camera so it’s facing him as he stares you down from the other end of the island in the middle of the kitchen. You quickly slip through the door and up the steps before he can reach you, but Kylian proves himself to be one of the fastest men in the world once again because he’s grabbing onto your shirt just as you reach the top of the steps pulling you to the floor, his full weight on top of you as you raise your arm as high as you can out of his reach.
“Okay guys, I have to go, it’s time to feed baby Kyky his cough syrup.” You say just as Kylian grabs the phone out of your hand and turns it off.
“Looks like you’re suddenly feeling better hmm?” You tease, laughing.
“You…” He starts but his sentence trails and he pulls the blanket over his mouth before sneezing into it loudly. He sniffs, rolling over so he’s lying next to you, wheezing and breathless. “You’re so lucky I’m ill. Once this cold is gone, you’re dead.”
Tried to make it a bit fluffy, I feel like it probably wasn’t that fluffy aksjsksk enjoy ! <3
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footballerimaginess · 1 month
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I’m so sad can I get a Cole Palmer fic where reader is comforting him after loosing the final. I saw a pic of him crying 🥺 I’m soo devastated for him Word Count: 320 England had just lost the Euro final, you were devastated. Your heart hurt for them all, but seeing Cole's face appearing on screen as he had tears in his eyes hurt so much.
All you wanted to do was rush down there and see him, but he had to collect his runner's up medal. - "Come on, we are allowed to go and see them now" Cole's mum told you as she wrapped her arm into your arm as you walked down out of the stand to go and see him. "Hi" you lightly tapped on his back as he was sitting looking down as you crouched down in front of him whilst he looked down. "Hello" the corners of his lips smiled as you cupped your hand gently into his as he looked down at you. "Sorry" you muttered, not really knowing what to say at this precise moment. You felt broken for him especially now that you have seen his face. He shuffled in his seat as he got up and took your hand in his as he wanted to take you somewhere much more quieter. "Sorry but I feel so broken, it just doesn't feel right" Cole whispered as he took you to have a sit down in the stadium seats. "Hey, stop being silly. You have nothing to apologise, it is something that happens. Come on you don't need to be like this" you told him as you gave him a cuddle. "I know, I just feel a bit sad. But anyway we are going on holiday tomorrow so we should be okay. I cannot wait just for some alone time" he squeezes you tightly for a cuddle. "I can't wait either" he smiles as you hold onto each other. "This season has been super hard, but I am glad we are doing okay" you grinned as Cole's mum came up and gave him a sympathetic cuddle.
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hi! i saw the soaring’s tour post (love the name btw it’s soo cute!) and i figured i’d book a trip💕✨
my travel companion is wolffe (i love this man so much😭)
our luggage is slice of life/family and romance
we were thinking of going to tatooine and yavin 4
i’m the wolffepack’s medic. i’m the sunshine to his grumpy storm cloud, but he’s always had a soft spot for me. we’ve been together for a while now, and i think he’s gonna pop the big question during this trip, if you know what i mean *wink wink*
that’s all i got to tell you! i can’t wait for this trip, but absolutely no rush though!! thank you so much for helping to plan this trip! have a wonderful day/night!!!
Thank you for booking with Soaring's Tours. We're now ready to board your flight. Please mind the gap between the transport and the platform. We wish you a pleasant journey!
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Part of the Pack
Amidst the chaos of the war, you've found solace and love in the arms of your grouchy Commander. As you steal a moment away from the battlefield, the future becomes all that more exciting.
Pairing: Wolffe x f!reader
Word count: 2k
Warnings: fluff, sweetness, grumpy and sunshine.
Translations: meshurok - gemstone
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The sound of your heels clicking echoed down the hallway of the ship, and every trooper you passed gave a slight dip of their head in greeting. You returned it with a smile, hands smoothing down the front of your dress.
Two years you’d served as a medic for the Wolfpack - two years of patching them up after they charged headfirst into chaos. Two years of being madly in love with their grouchy Commander, too. You wouldn’t trade it for the galaxy.
Although outwardly calm, your mind raced. This morning, your comm had beeped with a message from Wolffe, asking you to meet him in the hangar – with the stipulation that you wear something nice instead of your usual gear.
As you approached the hangar entrance, your heart quickened with excitement and apprehension. The hum of activity intensified, with mechanics scurrying around and ships being prepped for departure. Amidst the organised chaos, you could easily spot Wolffe standing near the edge of the hangar, his back turned towards you. Gone was his armour and blacks; instead, he was dressed in civilian clothing – black pants that hugged in all the right places and a grey button-down with the sleeves rolled up. His presence still exuded authority and confidence, yet there was a subtle tension in his posture that you’d learned to recognise. He wasn’t happy about something.
Approaching, you stopped at his side, biting the inside of your lip to suppress your smile as you came face to face with the source of his ire.
A droid.
But not just any droid.
That blasted protocol droid that had joined you all on Aleen.
As the droid prattled on, you could sense Wolffe’s frustration rising. His posture was rigid, shoulders back, lips pressed flat. While it would’ve been fun to remain silent and watch him become increasingly annoyed, you figured it was time to end his suffering. “I’m so sorry to interrupt, but I need the Commander.” You interjected, offering the droid an apologetic smile.
Wolffe finally glanced at you, hand flexing at his side as he tampered down the desire to reach for you. “No need to apologise.” He answered, gaze shifting to you. “We were just finishing up here.” With a curt nod to the droid, he gestured for you to follow him as he strode away towards a small ship docked nearby.
Together, you entered the ship, and once the ramp was closed, you found yourself pulled into his arms. While your relationship was no secret among the pack, it wouldn’t do for prying eyes to spot you.
“You look good enough to eat, meshurok.” Wolffe complimented, his voice low and warm. While the droid had raised his ire, one look at you had swept it all away. “I hope you’re ready for a little adventure today.”
Your heart fluttered, and you nodded eagerly, excitement bubbling within you. Whatever Wolffe had planned, you knew it would be unforgettable, just like every moment you’d spent by his side. “Do I get a clue?” You teased, smiling up at him as you smoothed your hands across his chest, enjoying the softness of his shirt and the firm muscle beneath.
Wolffe grumbled under his breath. You were always teasing, using your pretty smile to make him melt. But not today. Today was too important. “No clues.” He muttered, but there was a hint of amusement in his tone. Leading you into the cockpit, he settled you into the copilot’s seat before taking the helm.
As the ship hummed into life around you, you couldn’t help but steal glances at him, admiring how his jaw tightened in concentration, yet his eyes softened whenever they met yours. Despite his tough exterior, a tenderness was hidden underneath, a gentleness reserved only for those he cared about. His grumpiness might have been legendary, but so was his unwavering loyalty and fierce protectiveness towards the pack and you.
As the ship lifted off smoothly and soared into the endless expanse of space, he made the jump to hyperspace. “I wanted to steal you away for a moment,” Wolffe admitted, his gaze fixed on the star-studded vista beyond the view-port before he glanced your way.
“You’re taking me on a date.” You stated, unable to stop your wide smile from appearing again. It wasn’t often the two of you had time away from the war effort, and you could count the number of actual dates you’d been on on one hand. Most of the time, you made do with stolen moments between missions - the quiet brush of hands in silent hallways, passionate kisses in empty med-bays, and stolen hours tangled in sheets when no one would disturb you.
Wolffe’s lips twitched into a faint smile at your deduction. “Something like that.” He replied cryptically as his fingers tapped against the controls.
Curiosity curled through you. Wolffe had always been an enigma, but he’d never kept you in the dark. He’d taken to you surprisingly quickly, growing more comfortable around you until one night, when you’d swung by his makeshift office to check on him, you’d ended up pinned against the crates that had been turned into a desk, the firm planes of his body pressed against you as he’d kissed you wildly.
By the morning, he’d made you his, complete with his tags around your neck.
As the ship finally dropped out of hyperspace, you found yourself gazing upon a breathtaking vista - the planet below bathed in the soft glow of its sun, its surface a patchwork of vibrant colours and swirling clouds.
Wolffe glanced over at you as a hint of a smile tugged at the corner of his lips, taking in your awestruck expression. “Beautiful, isn’t it?” He remarked softly. “But not nearly as beautiful as you.” He tacked on.
Pulling your gaze from the view, you offered the man by your side an amused smile, feeling warmth in your cheeks. “Sap.” You teased, still not used to the compliments after all this time.
“Don’t go telling anyone.” He grumbled though mirth danced across his face.
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The sun started setting as you leaned back against Wolffe’s chest. He’d set the ship down atop a small hill, and upon exiting you’d been surprised to find a blanket already laid out, along with a basket of food. He’d neither confirmed nor denied that he’d sent Sinker and Boost out earlier to set it up.
The two of you had spent some time catching up, enjoying the food and each other’s company. Without eyes on you, you were free to share as many kisses and touches as you liked. Wolffe had finally propped himself up against a nearby rock, drawing you to sit between his legs, wrapping his arms around you as his chin came to rest on your shoulder.
The sky above painted a breathtaking palette of oranges, pinks, and purples as the sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the landscape. The gentle breeze tousled your hair as you leaned into Wolffe’s embrace, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against your back.
“I could stay like this forever.” You murmured, your voice barely above a whisper as you watched the colours of the sky blend and shift with the approaching twilight.
“Me too.” Wolffe pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head, his arms tightening around you in a silent promise of protection and comfort. “You’re my anchor.” He confessed quietly, a tenderness reserved solely for you in his voice. “In this chaotic galaxy, you’re the constant I can always rely on.”
Warmth spread through your chest at his words, and you turned your head to meet his gaze, finding a depth of emotion reflected in his eyes that took your breath away. “And you’re mine.” You whispered, reaching up to draw your finger down his cheek, across the scar from the close call that had nearly taken him from you. “No matter what, I can always count on you to be there for me.”
Wolffe’s expression softened even further at your words, his rough exterior giving way to a vulnerability he only showed you. “I may not always say it, but I love you.” He confessed, his voice barely above a murmur as he pressed his forehead against yours. “More than anything in this galaxy.”
Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes as you leaned into his touch, overwhelmed by the depth of emotion between you. “I love you too.” You whispered, your voice trembling with emotion. “More than words can express.”
With the confession hanging in the air like a delicate promise, Wolffe’s heart pounded in his chest, nerves fluttering like a thousand tiny butterflies as he watched you turn your focus back to the sunset. He knew what he wanted to say next, but the weight of it pressed down on him. He never thought this moment would come, that he’d get to love someone as bright and beautiful as you. Taking a deep breath, he steadied himself as best he could, unwrapping an arm from around you as he reached into his pants pocket to find the small box he’d kept a secret for weeks now.
“There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.” He stated, his voice slightly hoarse with emotion.
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, but before you could turn around to face him and ask him what was wrong, his arm was back around you, and in his hand, he clutched a small box, open to reveal a delicate ring nestled within.
As you gazed at it, your breath caught in your throat, the metal gleaming softly in the fading light.
“Ner meshurok,” he began, his voice husky with emotion, “I know we’re living in uncertain times, fighting a war that seems to have no end. I can’t promise you a lifetime of peace or stability, but whatever life I have, I want to spend it with you.”
“Wolffe…” You whispered, your voice barely a breath as you looked over your shoulder at him, meeting his gaze. Tears welled up in your eyes as you took in the unexpected nervousness on his handsome face.
Wolffe swallowed thickly, moving his free hand to brush your hair from your face. “Will you marry me?” He asked quietly.
The words hung in the air, a silent plea for your answer. But before you could respond, you twisted in his lap, throwing your arms around him, burying your face in the crook of his neck as tears of joy streamed down your cheeks.
“Yes.” You whispered, your voice choked with emotion. “Yes, a thousand times yes.”
As Wolffe held you tightly in his arms, relief flooded him at your answer. He buried his face in your hair for a moment, breathing in your scent, before you both pulled back slightly to look into each other’s eyes. Carefully, he slid the ring onto your finger, his touch gentle yet sure. As the metal settled against your skin, a sense of completeness washed over you, like puzzle pieces finally falling into place.
You couldn’t help but marvel at how it caught the fading light. The moment felt surreal as if you were suspended in time, cocooned in the warmth of Wolffe’s embrace and the promise of a future together.
“There, all official.” A rare grin crossed his lips. “Guess I’m stuck with you now.” He grumbled good-naturedly, lifting his hand to wipe away the tears that had rolled down your cheeks.
You couldn’t help but laugh, the sound bubbling up from deep within you as you leaned in to press a kiss against his lips. “You wouldn’t have it any other way, Commander.” You teased, your heart overflowing with love for the man who had become your everything.
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jeeseth · 4 days
sorry! , izna ot7
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pairing , izna x fem!reader
context , how will izna apologise to their girlfriend after an argument!
tags — fluff! might be a little angsty tho, drabble?, idol/non-idol au, literally a different ways of apologising, this is just how i think the izna members will apologise!
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﹟mai !
mai will def be the type that will apologise to you IMMEDIATELY after you two had a fight, like i can already imagine her holding your hands while apologising slowly to you 🥹 PLUS her loving and caring gaze staring right into your almost teary one at hearing her apology.
"baby, i’m sorry i didn’t mean it. i love you so much." she apologised while interviewing your hands with her!
i love our calm baby, like how can you stay mad at her when she’s looking you in the eyes while speaking to you softly. I LOVE HER SO MUCH
﹟jeemin !
our calm baby number two! will definitely stay quiet (sulk) for a while then she’ll realised that it was actually her fault and would come running to apologise to you <3
imagine you’re just chilling in the bedroom and she suddenly come running to you like a puppy seeing its owner! she’s a bear tho but whatever. anyway, i literally can see her standing over at the door with the biggest guilt look on her face.
"baby… i’m sorry." she mumbled, looking down on the floor. you swear you immediately forget that you’re mad at her once you saw the pout on her face. i would too tbh
﹟jiyoon !
she’s lowkey testing your patience even more after the fight AND during the fight (argument). jiyoon staring at you blankly as you keep scolding her, how can it not piss you off? but that’s the thing! she knew about it and she tried her best to try and get your forgiveness since she can’t stand the silent treatment you’re giving her.
imagine waking up the next day and you open your front door to get some fresh air but then, you see a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolate on your doorstep! oh and of course you saw a little note saying ‘sorry for pissing you off.’
dw, you texted her after that and said i love you to her! which makes the worry in jiyoon’s heart melt away!
"i love you more, stupid"
﹟koko !
one thing about her is that i can clarify that she’s a bit stupid! but cute kind of stupid obv <3 she won’t even understand that you were scolding her but after she realised it, she would just stare off to space and think about how should she apologise to you.
well the first thing she tries to do is definitely not to approach you… let’s just say that koko is the type to be scared of her own girlfriend. who wouldn’t but anyway! she’ll def tried to bake something but ended up almost burning the house down. you immediately rush to the kitchen after smelling something burning and you’re laughing your ass off after seeing all the flour splattered on her face. and that’s how you forget that you were mad at her! girlie barely tried and is already forgiven <3
﹟sarang !
clingy. physical touch. kisses. three words to describe the ryu sarang. you were already getting skeptical when you saw sarang just smiling at you as you scold her, but sarang just couldn’t resist the urge to kiss your stupid face right there! it does caught you off guard but it also does lessen your madness a bit!
"what was that for?"
"that’s the only way to make you stop scolding me" sarang giggle and pulls you into a tight hug like nothing happened. you don’t blame her tho, you really enjoyed being in her warm embrace <3!!
﹟jungeun !
hmm… why do i feel like she’ll just say a quick ‘sorry’ then went to sulk in her bedroom. jungeun def HATES fighting or arguing with you. so after every argument it’s always ended up with HER giving you the silent treatment… only for a while tho because it doesn’t affect you at all but it does affect her!
so she’ll just straight ahead and stand in front of you while you’re watching Netflix on the couch.
"i’m sorry. please don’t be mad at me. it was my fault."
﹟saebi !
our cute crybaby!!! she would already be breaking into tears as soon as you stop arguing with her. she tried to not make it obvious that she’s literally bawling her eyes out but her sniffles really betrays her. also saebi sucking in harsh breath every five seconds 😭 i can imagine it.
would immediately failed at holding back her tears and went to cry into your arms instead. i’m not sure how’s that possible since she’s sooo tall but.. it’s fine cause it’s saebi!
and that’s how you spend the next few hours comforting her as she keeps apologising to you. it was cute tho it got you giggling the whole time.
"i-i’m.. i’m sorry.. please don’t leave- don’t laugh!" she sobbed burying her face on your shoulders <3
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Okay this is probably gonna sound really weird but this specific scenario is stuck in the brain—
Thinking of that version of things where you helped YouTwo make friends, imagine if, in some subjective way, they’re better than you. Not in a “better spider person” way, but more like a slightly more appealing face kinda way? Like you barely look different but if you put your faces into one of those evaluator things they’d get a higher score. Maybe they just have good makeup out smth idk. It doesn’t necessarily have to be this but just some random way that YouTwo is thought of as “better”
But eventually, the spider people start actively treating the copy as the original, because they have it in their heads that the original one they love is the best, so the “better” of the two must be the original. Instead of confusing psychological warfare through mix-ups, reader is actively pushed down and away by the spider people, and at this point they simply move away to a normal part of Nueva York (or their home universe, depending on how we’re doing this) since the rest of the society is clearly happy to focus all their love on the other one.
The good bit comes whenever YouTwo slips up, whether by returning to their home universe if reader’s is supposed to be destroyed, making a bad comment, or just any other kind of mistake that makes the entire lobby pause and look like 👀
Because it’s not just the reveal that they’ve been believing this imposter for potentially months now, but also the fact that they now realise they pushed you away and made you feel like shit the entire time
After whatever punishment they see fit for the imposter is carried out, Miguel is rushing to find where you’re staying now so he can try to apologise or explain or try to make it right or something—
But when he’s standing at your door and running through all the events in his head, seeing how pissed you look at him, he’s wondering how he could ever convince you to love him again (he can’t help but default to kidnapping you and controlling you until you understand a fraction of how sorry he is)
Idk that’s just where brain took me— for me, at least, the best bit is the spoiling and smothering that would take place after, wanted or not!
I wrote this at midnight on my phone soo pls forgive if it’s incomprehensible lol
I'm always incomprehensible with weed or lust so you're good here lmao
Honestly I've been trying to sit and brainstorm 1. How does the Society start mistaking YouTwo for you and 2. How does this actually even work
You know how you can say "hey alexa" and she'll activate and then take further commands, but she's technically always listening to be able to receive the "hey Alexa" command? That's fucking Lyla, dude. I don't know if she's connected to every watch or just some of them but like, dude Lyla is an extremely powerful AI? How would you ever escape? It's not exactly clear how wide-ranging her abilities are, but as a program, she's not limited like you and I are. She can technically be listening and in some way processing and recording every single conversation that someone with a watch is having, or... maybe I'm thinking too much into it but sometimes I'm in the middle of brainstorming a you vs youtwo idea and my brain just goes "well wouldn't Lyla technically be there to set the record straight, wouldn't Lyla technically ALWAYS know who you are?"
And I think the answer to this problem... is to just say fuck it lmao! It's a fanfic and Lyla isn't always technically watching everything everywhere all at once even in canon right? She didn't immediately pipe up when Gwen reconnected with Miles in the beginning of ATSV, even though it technically would have been part of her prerogative to stop anything that would interfere with anomalies or the Spider Society. Technically speaking if I stayed completely 100% canon accurate this is how it would go:
YouTwo: --and they've just been pretending to be me this whole time! Please believe me Miguel, you KNOW it's me 🥺 uwu
Lyla within 5 seconds: heeeeey this is awkward but the electronic signature on your watch says you're the other one though lol? And the go home machine scans your dna and dimensional signature and the original doesnt even have a home dimension anymore? Plus here's some recorded audio from Reader's watch where you were threatening them and telling them no one will believe them if you replaced them, sooo.... awkward!
Like how fucking funny would it be if YouTwo is in HQ and is talking to Miguel and others and really playing their part and Spider Byte suddenly sees you log on this dimension's equivalent of Xbox lmao. Margo just looking back and forth and realizing holy shit. Or Reader deliberately ordering delivery food while YouTwo is out stealing their life or teaching their class and then when the delivery Spider shows up at your apartment that definitely only you have access to, that also helps kinda set things straight
I've even thought of like, you become depressed and start letting YouTwo do whatever they want and one day someone is banging on your front door and it's them "Hey you can't just COMPLETELY disappear, I don't want to work your fucking job everyday anymore, you have all these responsibilities and some of these people ALWAYS want to spend time with you" and you just smirk "oh no, guess that's your problem, 'real me'"
It's like. I'm trying to make it believable but if I ever do write the full fic (which I'm trying to but at this point I'm pulled between many different ideas) I want it to be believable? Like, for example, a lot of my dumb werewolf audiobooks have the protag being bullied and abused, and listening to those makes me MAD. I want readers to read this story and how you/Reader is being replaced and tricked and I want people to FEEL emotions about it, not just roll their eyes "this would never happen/this is so OOC"
But no definitely the yandere rose colored glasses start completely fucking you over, and I think another catalyst is, you seeing how "genuine" all your society friends act when they think it's not the real you you're talking to. Like here's an example i thought of. What if youtwo had the exact same hero name and real name as you and you're out and about one day and Miguel approaches you and he just CALLS YOU A NUMBER. Like say your home universe is 1217 and YouTwo's is 1712 and Miguel just walks up to you, "what are you doing here, 1712? You're supposed to be helping with construction in sector 6" and meanwhile you're just like holy shit do some people legitimately not even call YouTwo by an actual name, are these people more evil than I originally thought, holy shit no wonder YT wanted to steal my life" (and it's partially because depending on the person they either think of YouTwo as a Dollar Tree version of you and are nice to them as well but prefer you, OR they hate YouTwo outright for "daring to defile your image" and have the same voice and face as you, they think youtwo brings shane to you or whatever)
So not only are you starting to become upset about feeling replaced and feeling like you were never important to them to begin with, but then you're realizing that, either overall or with certain actions, that a lot of people are more outright mean and heartless than you originally thought?
And you're standing there "oh YouTwo has smaller pores and clearer skin than me, YouTwo actually knows how to dance at the clubs and parties,
BUT NO the shit where they suddenly start pointing out or criticizing things about you they've never commented on, just all of a sudden they have a LIST of things they dint like about you, when you're rhe same you've always been, SHIT HURTS, THAT'S THE DRAMA AND PAIN I'M LOOKING FOR
Miguel over here finally confronting YouTwo "and your little groveling for everyone's attention is so pathetic! Those empanadas you left on my desk weren't even good! They had all the wrong ingredients and they weren't crispy enough, i had to keep throwing them away--
You: a-actually, um, I was the one leaving you food so that you would eat. The first time came out really bad but i got better after the first time. You didn't like them, or did you not even eat them after the first time? 🥺
Miguel: --and they were fantastic, made me think of my Abuela, really took me back to my childhood, spectacular, outstanding, 5 stars
People start just "sounding off at YouTwo"
Pavitr: you wanted to try and make chai and it was so bitter my auntie poured it down the drain!
Porker: and when I introduced ya to him, you made Roger real uncomfortable with the "jokes" you made about him and his wife, which weren't that funny by the way!
Hobie: your style is conformist, it's like you have no real sense of self identity. Why did I see you at one of my concerts in a shitty leathet jacket and some brand new converse? You don't even know punk lace code, and you didn't even say hi, you just lurked like a creep
You: God DAMN that was ALL me, do you guys like ANYTHING about me????
And like, depending on what I choose or your personal preference I guess, the Spider Society has it rough too! Wait, so YouTwo WAS impersonating you, but it started when you LET THEM, and then there were times you could have came forward but didn't and basically "allowed" yourself to be treated like shit and have everything progress, so there's this, huge lingering doubt in tons of people of "wait so when was I actually spending time with Reader and when was I with the fake? Oh shit you're telling me those times the fake was rude as fuck to me, that WAS Reader, but they were rude because they were mad I didn't know who they were? But they didn't correct me and let me keep being mean to them????". Miguel is over here tearing his fucking hair out because UGH YOU'RE SO FRUSTRATING 😤 why did you let it get so bad, don't you know you could've came to him for help at any time?! (Except he totally lost your trust when YouTwo framed you for that elevator collapse from that one previous idea and he totally 100% thought you did it) but he still loves you and knows You're Going Through It, but, he definitely is. Relieved you're still ok but mad at you? Or disappointed? He's updating Lyla to keep a better eye on you, he's swapping out your watch for one that tracks and stores more information and is more personally customized, he may even decide, maybe he's got a little bit of an anxiety problem after everything that happened and he's paranoid "someone will try and take you away again"
It definitely is not your choice whether you return to the Spider Society or not, and I wouldn't put it past them to have you be "guarded" 24/7 from then on. Why is your Spidey Sense tingling when you're just out in the lobby getting some air? Because even if you can't see your loyal protectors, they sure can see you, from every visible surface, and next time you think you're alone in your apartment, well, some of your buddies CAN turn invisible. Maybe you were never really alone as you thought?
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ruanais · 11 months
-> ☆—I LOVE YOU-! (please confess to me first)
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☆—RECIPE : who heard of the Archon of Fontaine being lovestruck? How absurd! Unfortunately, this is the case! So she must make you, her dear friend fall for her first and be the one to confess!
☆—FROSTING: gn reader, furina and reader being flustered, baker! Reader, tons and loads of fluffy fluff (I’m spoiling myself ٩( ᐛ )و struggling to not make this angst 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。) 2nd pov btw!! reader is implied having a crush on Furina, furina’s lovestruck <3
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“I HOPE these are to your liking, Furina!” You said, holding out a tray filled with slices of cake, macaroons, cream puffs, coffee, pudding, and a cup of tea.
“whoa! You made them all by yourself?” A shining Furina clasped her hands together. Getting up from her chair and walking to where you are, pulling your arm to a small table, purely reserved for visitors to sit and chat.
“Ahaha, I got mademoiselle Navia’s help, so she took part as well!” You laughed, setting the tray and then taking a sit. “There’s soo much today!” She exclaimed, obviously excited to dig in.
“Come on, hurry! Pour me some tea!” “Yes, yes.” You nodded your head and reached for the teapot, not noticing Furina staring at you adoringly, a slight tint of red on her face.
Oh! How can she, the magnificent God of Justice, the Archon of Fontaine ever confess? Of course she won’t! She’ll make you fall for her instead! And you’ll be the one to confess first! To save her pride, of course.
“Furina? Hello?” Your voice snapped her out of her daze, instantly sitting back up straight again and accepted the cup of tea you offered to her.
“daydreaming again huh?” You chuckled. “You’ll need to stop doing that all the time y’know?” As you hit her on the head lightly as you could but still earned a “ow!” From her.
As she munched on her cake, you poured yourself another cup of tea and cut a slice of cake.
it was quite the funny sight. The God of Justice blushing huffing while inhaling her cake and you eating your cake normally while beaming at Furina.
After you finished your cake, you rested your head on her hand and this time, you were the one to stare.
“hey! [name], are you that shameless? staring at my heavenly beauty arent you?”
Furina smirked as you smiled slightly before agreeing. And while in her stupefied state, you leaned forward and used a napkin to wipe off the frosting on her cheeks, not realising you two were very, very, very close.
Only after you finished wiping away the frosting, did you realise the close distance between you two.
“a-ah. Furina-“
“Mademoiselle Furina! I have urgent news…” a courier trailed off, seeing the intimacy between you two and totally getting the wrong idea.
“This is not what is looks like-“ you rushed to explain but unfortunately (fortunately) our dear Furina saw the chance to make you flustered, cut you off.
“-this is exactly! What it looks like!” She announced, a gleam in her eyes as you stared at her dumbfounded. “…huh?”
ah yes, but let’s not forget about the courier. Standing there confused, he got the message that his Archon wanted to send and hurriedly apologised and slammed the door shut. Leaving you bright red and flustered and Furina proud and her ego once more filled to the brim.
that is, before she realised how fucking cringe that was. ‘Ahhhhhh!! How could I ever say that?!?!?! What would [name] think of me now???” Butterflies irrupting in her stomach and a red face to match, safe to say. She felt like a utter fool.
after staying in that position like statues, (and idiots) the two of you returned back to your normal state (almost. Since the embarrassment was too much-)
ehehe..let’s skip to the next day shall we, dear reader?
you were on a walk, admiring the pretty flowers and trees that grew as yesterday’s past events kept replaying in your mind.
”ehh…it was probably nothing right? Furina wouldn’t say things like that. Yeah. It’s probably a joke..totally..mhm. Mhm. You’re totally overthinking this shit.” You muttered, thoughts racing in your mind until you heard some ladies gossip.
“Did you hear? Lady Furina is with MX. [name]!” “Huh? When did you hear this?” “Just a few hours ago! Apparently a courier walked in them having a moment.” “Ahhhh! How embarrassing!” “I’d say that the courier was more embarrassed…”
Okay. You did not. Expect this at all. Rumours…really do get around quickly huh?
You sighed, a tinest hint of a smile appeared on your lips. You…actually didn’t really mind the rumours. A warm feeling in your chest spread as you headed towards home ready to make pastries again.
you’ll tell her when you get the chance.
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Rua’s extra notes: yes, yes! So in the end, Furina got what she wanted!! Reader ends up confessing first :D
Reblogs are appreciated!! @ruanais2023 do not repost, translate without permission
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moonw1shes · 3 months
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soulmates and stars
synopsis: jason and y/n have been friends for months both concealing their feelings from each other but could they express them if the right date was planned?
warnings:cringey,first writing so may be horrible(sorry!),like 2 swear words, lack of punctuation 😔,tense may randomly change
word count: this is a guess but maybe around 2-3k??
trope:friends to lovers
pairing:jason x gf!aphrodite reader
authors note:hope you guys enjoy!it’s my first time writing so i hope this is okay! happy reading!!💕
you walk into cabin 10 after an amazing day hanging out with ur friends (specifically a certain blond hair blue eyed boy) and collapsed on your bed. you were worn out completely after a cool day playing in the lake and now just lay there silently, milling over the events of the day and occasionally blushing when remembering a few conversations with one of ur close friends jason. but the peace didn’t last long as soon you remembered you had a camp meeting that must be attended,and since you got voted for head councillor that seemed to be your job.
slowly but surely you picked each leg up and dropped onto the floor forcing yourself up with the thought of who would be at the council meeting, you chucked on some baggy joggers and a sweatshirt as you weren’t too bothered about ur appearance especially until you got some food in your stomach. god ur were hungry. that thought faded to the back of ur mind when u glanced at a nearby clock and… shit u were late. you rushed out of cabin 10 but was stopped almost immediately by one of ur cabinmates, natalie, asking you about new renovations to the cabin.
“hey y/n, i’ve got some cool colour designs here if you can take a look?”she said giddily. natalie was an avid interior designer who was always trying to trap you in a corner to speak about colour shades and storage compartments.
“i’m sorry natalie” you replied while walking backwards.
“i can’t stay and talk got to get to a meeting, maybe we can chat after tho?” you added, secretly hoping you would be able to avoid her and just go straight to bed.
“okay! i’ll have some new ideas by then anyways” natalie replied
great, you thought silently praying to ur mother that you don’t bump into her on ur way back and promising to speak to her tomorrow
but ur grumbling was quickly ended when you felt yourself hit a hard,tall surface. you turned around swiftly ,mouth open to apologise to whoever you just walked into but it closed quickly when you turned and met electric blue eyes.you felt your heart flutter and could feel colour rising in your cheeks.
“oh hey jase” you exhaled,relieved ur weren’t the only late one.
“hey y/n, you okay?”
“yeah i’m all good!what makes you ask?”
“oh you know, just the fact you walked into me maybe?” jason said with a slight laugh
oh yeahhh, you thought collecting your scrambled thoughts.
“oh yeah super sorry about that”
“no ur not”jason replied, a smirk rising on his lips
“no i’m really not” you say a smile rising on the corners of your mouth.
“wanna walk to the big house with me?” jason asked, a faint pink colour rising through his neck and spreading over his cheeks
“of course i will j, you know me, always late” you replied ur own cheeks flushing hot as you start a gentle walk across the grass, occasionally bumping into each other and feeling a shock of electricity run up your arm.
you find a general conversation topic and speak back and forth until suddenly a thought pops into ur head just at the entrance of the big house
“hey j, how come you were so late today ,your usually soo early?” you questioned,wondering why he was so held up.
“oh i just-i had to- i got carried away with planning something,shall we go inside?”jason said unusually quick.
“yeah…sure”you said wondering why jason was acting weird all of a sudden.
the meeting went quick,just weekly notices mainly but you had to admit you weren’t listening that much as you couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off with jason.during the meeting he wouldn’t meet ur eyes and kept gazing out the window. odd you thought, something must be up jason never acts like this? you wondered
after the meeting ended you rushed out the room,desperate to reach the familiar colour of blond hair and soon enough you do. speeding to catch up with his long strides you chase him down.
“wait j, i gotta talk to you” you barely managed to breathe out, out of breath from trying to keep up with his long strides.
“oh hey y/i” he said a quiver in his voice as if he was anxious,
“what’s up”
“the sky” you replied an ever lasting joke between the two of you,
“no but really we gotta talk” you pressed, grabbing his arm gently to slow him to a stop
“okay…” he said staring at your hand against his skin, when you notice him looking at it you remove it but wish you hadn’t.
“are you okay?”you breathe out, suddenly overcome with an adrenaline boost
“i only ask because you wouldn’t meet my eyes in there and you were acting weird before we went in”
jason stared at you for a second before opening his mouth but closing it again with a sigh
after a while he finally spoke, much to ur happiness
“im fine really y/n” he stated with a sigh
“okay,why were you late for the council meeting today then?” you questioned, determined now to get an answer from him even if you didn’t know if you actually wanted the truth.
see the truth was that you have slowly been falling for the blond haired son of zeus ever since 5 months ago, when you started getting to know him better and you started to realise he wasn’t as closed off as others thought and that he was funny,kind and caring in the best ways a person could be, his personality was the one thing you absolutely fell in love with. well, his appearance certainly helped but mostly it was his personality. but you’ve kept your feelings hidden, not wanting to ruin the friendship and resorted to only living your feelings in your dreams.
“i-i” jason stuttered unable to form full sentences
“just tell me!”you said, ur voice pleading as if the answer was going to upset you
jason stared at you again,as if deciding your fate, closed his eyes and whispered…
“i-i was planning to take someone star gazing” he exclaimed slowly as if waiting for your reaction to each word.
“and i thought” he continued, ur heart beating faster than ever “that that someone could be you.” he stated barely a whisper.
you could’ve have sworn your heart just grew inside your chest. you secretly pinched yourself to make sure this was happening.
it was.
“oh” that was all you could manage to get out through your fantasy.
“i mean you don’t have too, don’t feel forced, it was just an idea” jason whispered, his voice having an edge of sadness in it.
when you didn’t say anything still,jason turned to walk away,head turned to the floor but you grabbed his arm again, this time firmer and made him double back to you. electric shots ran through your body filling you with warmth.
“no no! i would love too! really jase i would” you finally got out, a sense of happiness filling the air around the two you stood
“really?” he said
“really really really!” you nearly shouted back
“cool!”he exclaimed his face lighting up, exciteness clearly visible through his features.
“cool” you replied,a huge smile intruding onto ur lips.
without realising it the two of you had slowly made your way to the front steps of cabin one.
“okay then i’ll see you tomorrow.9pm.the strawberry fields. try not to be late”jason said with a chuckle.
“i’ll try but i’m not promising anything”
jason laughed and then looked down at you for a couple of seconds as if taking in your features.
“okay goodnight then” he whispered
“goodnight”you whispered back and slowly turned on your heel and started your walk back to your cabin.
a sense of utter happiness had consumed you,but most of all you were overjoyed that your dreams were finally coming true.
the next day passed slowly, you trained some new campers, spoke about colour schemes with natalie as you had promised and gave various people relationship advice but couldn’t help glancing at the clock frequently to see how much hours were left until your date.you hadn’t seen jason at all that day but thought that was for the best seen as you wouldn’t be able to compose yourself in front of him right now anyways, you were far too giddy .as much as you were excited about this date you had to remind yourself not to get carried away.this could be a friends thing.he may not feel the same about you so no point in getting your hopes up just yet, you kept reminding yourself.
your siblings questioned why you kept fidgeting but you shook them off each time they asked not wanting to get their hopes up for you too and they soon stopped asking.
finally the clock hit 8:55pm, you got up and started walking towards the strawberry fields in a flowery,mid length dress that hung to your body in all the right places. this was it you thought , the moment you’ve been waiting for.
when you first laid eyes on the sight in front of you, your heart melted. there he was, looking perfect along with everything else. a big telescope was placed in the middle of a blanket and he was adjusting it when you walked up.
“hey jase”
“oh hey y/n! your just on time, sorry i was just sorting the telescope out”he said facing the it.
“yeah i thought i would make an exception to my late streak for you, do what you need to, i’m so ready to see some stars tonight! will the sky be clear enough to see them? you asked,looking unsure at the clouds on the horizon.
jason finally turned to look at you and when he did his mouth fell open a little.he stared at your face before he seemed to regain his thoughts.
“wow y/n you-you look absolutely stunning” he managed causing you to blush.
“thanks,you don’t look to bad yourself” you said with a huge grin.
jason stared at you some more before finally answering your question.
“yes it should be okay,i’ve made sure of it” he answered still looking into your eyes
oh yes, you thought of course it will be fine he is the son of the sky god after all.
“come and sit” jason said inching to the right more so you could get on the blanket.
when you sat down,you looked up and saw tiny dots of glitter sprinkled in the sky.
“woah” you exclaimed taken aback by how pretty the stars looked
“i know right” jason said proudly “i found this spot a while ago and have been coming here nearly every month”
“i can’t blame you” you said still in awe “it’s beautiful”
jason chuckled and looked through the telescope, you watched him enamoured by his movements,mesmerised by him.
“this star here” he started “is the arcturus, it means guardian of the bear in greek” jason said, still looking through the telescope but you spotted him glance at you with a smile before he started on a new star.
you two sat like this for a while,him telling you about all the different stars in the sky and you listening carefully truly interested in what he had to say. you watched the stars through the telescope and he quizzed you on what each meant until you could name at least five stars by sight. then all of a sudden you spotted a new star,to the right of you, one jason hadn’t told you about yet.
“what’s this one mean?”you asked, gently swerving to the side so he could take a look through the telescope,his arm leaning against yours now.
“that is perseus and that is andromeda next to it ,their love story was outlined in the stars for all of eternity” he said,glancing at you
“that’s so sweet but so sad at the same time” you said quietly meeting jason’s eyes
“would you ever want to be written in the stars for all eternity?”
“ maybe, if it was with the right person” jason said,now staring straight into your eyes
“j, i’ve got something to tell you” you said surprising yourself and talking quickly so this moment doesn’t ends and your confidence doesn’t drift away.
“this is weird and i don’t want to ruin our friendship, but i think you deserve the the truth” you started, unable to take your eyes from him.
“the truth-the truth is i-ive fallen in love with you” you blurted out, very surprised with yourself
“and i don’t want this to ruin our friendship but i had to tell you before it was too late”
jason stared at you,clearly stunned with your outburst before speaking, his expression unable to be read but his eyes had a glint of reassurance in them.strange.
“too late till what?”he questioned a look of concern filling his face.
“i don’t know,too late before you start dating anyone else i guess”you said ,hanging your head slightly from his short reply.
without realising it the two of you had moved your heads closer and you could feel the warmth of his breath against your cheek.
“eons ago,humans were said to have four arms four legs and two faces” jason whispered staring into your confused eyes “but our pride was too much so zeus was said to have split us in half as punishment” he went on slowly his face inching closer and closer to yours “humans are destined to walk the Earth searching for our other half, for some they spend their whole lives searching but i know right now, i won’t have to search any longer”
when he kissed you it felt like you were melting from the inside out, your lips moving with each other, your hand coming up the touch his blond hair while he gently brushed his fingers against your cheek occasionally sparking you gently .you felt alive, you felt like you were falling but to a happier place.
when you pulled apart, you rested your foreheads against each others looking at each other longingly, a sense of happiness surrounding you.
“that’s the best thing that anyones ever told me” you breathed out
jason chuckled as he wrapped an arm around you and you rested your head against his shoulder as you both watched the stars take over the day and you both sat, the both of you feeling happier than you ever had before.
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eryhenituse · 2 years
Cale and Rok Soo switched back to their own body when the war ended and it almost break Rok Soo. He finally see Ron and Beacrox again, alive and breathing in front of him and he cried and screamed and yelled at them.
“I thought of you as my father more than him! I thought you would never leave but you did and I was alone. “
Rok Soo, the original Cale Henituse remembered the day the Indomitable Alliance attacked the Henituse territory. He remembered that he was in Puzzle City when he heard about the attack and rushed home just to see everything was destroyed. He swayed on his feet and staggered to the Henituse mansion. He almost passed out when he saw the ruined and destroyed mansion and he didn’t know how he made it there but he came to his senses when he saw Basen, half buried under the rubble, dead. He trembled as he dug his brother out and hugged the lifeless body as he screamed. He put Basen down in a corner and he began to look for the rest of his family.
He found Violan next. She had a large wound on the chest and her eyes were opened but without any light in them. He slowly kneeled down suppressing his sobs as he pulled her into his arms and whispered apologies to her again and again as he picked her up and put her beside Basen.
He took a while to calmed himself down before moving again. It took him a ling time before he finally found his father and his little sister, oh my god, she’s so little so small inside his father’s arms. A sword pierced his father’s back and little Lily’s chest and Cale collapsed. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he pulled the sword out and took Lily into his arms, swaying back and forth.
“I’m so sorry.. I’m so sorry..” he kept mumbling as he hugged the small and cold body tight. He kissed her forehead and cheeks as he swayed and cried. His precious and lovable sister.
He put them together before he find a place to bury them. He didn’t rest all day and all night as he dig and dig. He buried them one by one. He crafted the tombstones using the marbles from their ruined mansion. By the end of it, his hands were all bloody but he didn’t even feel the pain. He said his goodbye and made his way to the capital.
He made up his mind to find Ron. He wanted to see Ron and Beacrox. He wanted to apologise and he wanted to be with them but then war erupted and he never get to see them until 20 years later.
He signed up as a soldier and has been fighting in the war. But he never forget about Ron and Beacrox. When he finally see them again, they were in the frint line, fighting alongside Choi Han and Cale wanted to call them, call his Uncle Ron and Beacrox hyung but no voice came out. He just watched them as they fight.
He didn’t get a chance to talk to them until the next fight. He was in the frontline. He was busy fending off the enemies in front of him that he didn’t notice a flaming arrow headed his way.
“Young master!” An urgent voice called out and he pushed away the enemy in front of him and turned around just to see Ron, blocking the flaming arrow with his body. His eyes widened and a scream tore out from his throat, raw and filled with anguish.
“Uncle Ron!”
He caught Ron’s falling body and tears that he thought had dried streamed down his cheeks. He felt like his world shattered just like when his mother, then his whole family died.
“No! No..no..no..” he kept mumbling as he hugged Ron.
“Not you too. No..please Uncle Ron..no..no..papa Ron!” He called out the person who has taken care of him since his mother died and replaced his father. He had thought Ron as his own father and has longed to call him that.
“Young mas..cough..Cale..you’re alive..” Ron weakly smiled and Cale nodded as he cried.
“I’m alive, papa.. You can’t die. Don’t leave me. Please..” he begged and Ron smiled as he heard the way Cale addressed him.
“I didn’t know..cough.. that you think of me as a father..cough.. I am happy to hear that..cough..”
Cale felt like a child all over again as he cradled the dying Ron.
“No…” he cried as he felt Ron’s breath getting slower.
“Cale..take care..” Ron’s hand fell and his body went limp. Cale felt his whole body froze and cold all over and he screamed. He screamed until his throat felt raw.
The fighting has ended and he walked absentmindedly with Ron in his arms. Until he stood in front of someone.
“Fa..ther?” It was Beacrox.
“Young..Cale Henituse?”
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bnpd · 3 months
Tenkyu sm for responding to my yippe yapperps asks so eargerly!
Although, i dont really know the reason on how my monitor broke. But uh, i remember turning it on—then suddenly it flickered, the monitor itself.
Then shocks! Everytime i try turning it on, it always ends up flickering.
I reallyyy think that its got something to do with all the gaming apps installed there...since some of my siblings use my computer (hehe its not like actuallly my computer but my brother—the one who's trying to fix my monitor actually the one who owns it but then gave it to me, i hope it makes sense lol).
On the gaming one! I dont really play that ever since vacation or technically the computer broke, but i do play a little bit of farlight, or uh roblox if i wanna feel cruel and bully kids haha, but i do remember playing my siblings' game—Valorant.
My first time on Valorant was engraved in my mind because of the humiliating act i did.
I was playing as sage, the agent thats kind of similar like elsa 😭 idk how to describe her—i apologise, but uh, i used this skill of hers where she can slow down people by using an orb. Then i kind of mistook the slow orb as a healing skill AND USED IT AGAINST MY TEAMMATE WHOS ASKING FOR A HEAL—I FELT SOO BAD BECAUSE WE FAILED THAT ROUND BECAUSE OF ME, AND THE FACT THAT THEY DIDN'T BLAME ME ADDS POINT TO MY GUILT SCORE HAHA
anyways, have u ever had an embarrassing moment like that while gaming? LOL
P.s, my brother didnt charge me yay
YYAAASSSS OFFCCC!! monitor flickering is actually a nightmare and then SHOCKS?!?!??!?!?! i doubt its the gaming apps installed i feel like that would be more related to your ssd card! also that makes sense so dont worry!!! thats so real of him to have given it to you fr
ive never played farlight! ill give that game a try, and we should totally play roblox sometime! i just started bloxburg because it became free
valorant is so scary to me i never want to play </3 ALSO LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO the fact that you could actually harm your teammates would fuck me over because i shoot my friends on fortnite even when we do squads id be cooked
i have a lot of embarrassing gaming moments i fear, like yesterday, my friends and i were playing my friends reboot card got stuck in the storm so i went back to get it, and i like rush out of storm just to realize i didnt even pick it up and then as soon as i got back into the safe zone some guy one shotted me </3
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aLSO TRUUEE so glad your brother didnt make you play
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fluffypeachwriting · 11 months
Thank you so much!!!! It makes me so happy to see people enjoying what I write!!! I still check my notes all the time even though I haven't posted in a while ;; you have a lot of posts on here to get through so I hope you enjoy!! Don't apologise for ranting in my inbox, it actually makes me so happy to receive positive comments of any kind! I don't want people together the impression that I've abandoned this blog or anything but at the same time I don't wanna make a bunch of irrelevant posts all the time and get peoples hopes up about more fic orz
I had a lot of fun creating a characterisation of Ichiro (and the others) that fit with the fic and my personal interpretation of him, while also keeping true to canon as much as I could, so it's so much of a relief to see feedback from people who liked it!
I was listening to Purple Eyeshadow by Furihata Ai on loop while writing the chapter of the same name (the lonely chapter you're probably talking about) if you want to experience what kind of vibe I was going for there ♡ the song is about a wildly different situation tho lmao
I'm not sure what part of ch17 you're referencing sorry but I don't recall adding a hanahaki reference in there, but it's very cool that you saw that in there!
I hope you have a wonderful day too! ☆
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
Oooh I’ll send in a request:
Maybe Arthur MorganxFemale reader
Scenario: returning to camp after a job where reader has suffered an injury that Arthur didn’t notice until they got back.
Prompt: “just a scratch??? Hell, darlin, if you think this is just a scratch, I’d hate to see what you think a big deal is!”
hiii im sorry this took so long but i literally hit a wall and had no idea where to go! ima just 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️
anyway i hope it isnt too bad and its kinda cheesy but i tried to throw a mini action scene in there for something different lmao. anyways enjoy and as always thank u for the request <33
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God it had been one hell of a day. You were currently sitting in your tent while Arthur, your sweetheart patched the bullet wound in your side.
It was like every other day with the gang to begin with. You woke up just in time to watch the sunrise with Arthur, a cup of coffee in your hand as you leant against his shoulder. It was a little something you’d do together— just simply enjoy the sunrise and forget about your upcoming day of chores and robberies.
When all your coffee was finished and the rest of the gang were starting to groggily wake up, you hopped on a wagon and headed into Valentine with Arthur to grab supplies. Of course, someone else could have done it, especially since you had a robbery to attend to that afternoon but the two of you had recently begun to do the heavy lifting for the gang.
Not that either of you minded, you got to spend more time together without anyone in your face. There along the dirt road, riding on some rickety old wagon, the two of you could share stories and jokes like a couple of old lovers. It was truly one of your favourite times to spend with the man you loved dearly.
Unfortunately all quiet and peaceful things must come to an end however and the two of you were off on your horses again after only a short stop in camp. Last week, Arthur had saved a prisoner who’d escaped and needed a little extra effort to escape. In return he received a tip about a homestead that was potentially sitting on a lot of cash and maybe even some valuables.
Naturally, Arthur had to tell you straight away and you’d been planning it ever since.
It should have been an easy enough job, assuming that none of the family were home but you’d never been a lucky one.
As you were packing your saddle bags full of jewellery and vintage pocket watches there was yelling coming from over the hill. The Watson’s boys had come home early it seemed and it was only a wild chase from there.
With both your horses galloping as fast as they could, you trusted your horse enough to continue on without your help. This was so you could spin around and fire your revolver at the remaining Watson’s boys.
In the end, it was the train that saved you. They were narrowly closing in, bullets getting dangerously close and spooking the horses but they were just far enough behind to get caught on the other side of the train tracks.
That didn’t stop the stray bullet from grazing your side and creating a huge gash. It seemed Arthur hadn’t noticed the sound of your scream over the thundering roll of the train racing over the tracks.
It seemed however, that the pain hadn’t hit you yet— masked by adrenaline and shock your body somehow was too worked up to register it had been hurt. And so with a shrug of your shoulders, you forgot about it. Instead you chose to think about the best way back to camp.
When you finally arrived both you and Arthur were booming into camp, bouncing off each other and smiling confidently after another successful win.
“Hah! I can’t wait to see the surprised look on everyone’s faces when they see how much we brought in today! Common this win deserves a drink and a night of relaxing!”
Arthur nods in agreement, chuckling as you fist pump the air and drop the gangs earnings into the contribution box, signing it away in the ledger under your names.
His smile drops however when he sees the blood staining your side as you turn around and head for the box of beer.
“Hey woah, whatcha done there darlin’? that your blood?”
You stare at Arthur like a confused puppy for a good moment, before bending awkwardly to try and see your shirt and that’s when you remember the bullet that grazed you.
“Aw yeah don’t worry about it Art, it’s just a scratch, nothing serious.”
“—Just a scratch?! Hell, darlin, if you think this is just a scratch, I’d hate to see what you think a big deal is!”
You don’t get to say anything more to that as Arthur is dropping his now empty saddle and picking you up in his arms.
Arthur, always the gentleman, makes sure he’s not hurting or crushing your wound and carries you over to your tent before gently placing you down on the cot.
That’s where you find yourself now, biting into your hand as Arthur pours a bottle of whiskey over the wound and begins to bandage it up. He’s so gentle with his work, making sure no bandage is too tight or hurting.
A shiver runs through you as his hands lightly brush over your skin while he works.
“You cold?”
Of course, it doesn’t matter what you say because after he’s finished patching you up, Arthur’s own coat is placed over your shoulders. The fluffy fur pelt tickles at your neck but it warms you nonetheless.
Just when you think Arthur is going to get up and leave, his arms wrap around your waist as he rests his head on your shoulder. His arm stays well away from your wound, making sure it won’t start bleeding again but he still holds you securely.
“You alright?”
“Mm yeah…Thanks Art—“
Your own sentence is cut off by a yawn. After working from practically sunrise to sundown and getting shot at, all you wanted to do was curl up and sleep.
You didn’t need to tell Arthur that however as he manoeuvres you to lay down on top of him. His hand comes to gently brush the hair from your face as he leans forward and places a soft kiss to your forehead.
“Love you Art.”
Your voice is half asleep and mumbled into his shirt as you slowly drift off. The sound of his soft breathing and heart beat are enough to lull you but before you do three soft words are whispered into your hairline.
“Love you too”
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plugnuts · 3 years
Oh yeah absolutely!
Okay so how it starts is that Dipper thinks that Stan got rid of the swap carpet, but in reality he just put it in storage somewhere, and now that Soos is in control of the shack he finds it and decides that it'd make a cool interactive attraction. Wirt would stumble upon said attraction and unknowingly rack up a charge from walking over it and when he reaches Dipper he would go in to give him a pat on the head - shocking them both and igniting the switch. Wirt, now in Dipper's body, has no idea what's going on or what just happened whilst Dipper's freaking out like "how is that carpet still around!? how did the switch still happen even without it here?!" etc.
They get stuck in each other's body's when they go to Soos about it and find that he's taken the attraction down due to complaints. They ask where the carpet is but Soos can't seem to remember where he put it so whilst he's out looking for it they have to struggle with being in the other's body. This includes Dipper walking into things and not being used to being so tall, and Wirt having to wipe his hands every five seconds and not understanding why he feels so tired.
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louscartridge · 2 years
off limits?
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tw- fem reader, angst, swearing, lowercase intended, me sucking at writing  
request-  hello! i heard you wanted requests for kevin from mental lords so how about kevin falling in love with hunters sister and him confessing and how hunter feels about it. you absolutely don’t have to write this. thank you!
also yes hunter says “heay” at the end
“no no riiiight here” y/n said taking hold of the brown haired boy’s index finger to the second fret of the a string, walking him through playing the b major cord. you play guitar and kev wanted to give it a try. needless to say- hes confused.
“hey.. HEY! tooooo close guys way too close!” your brother hunter yells, stomping down the stairs to the basement and pushes the two of you apart.
“relax dude we weren’t doing anything”
hunter always had one rule for all of his friends. one and that was all; siblings are off limits. pretty reasonable right? considering hunter doesnt have many friends, it was never a problem - or so he thought. kevin had always had a liking for y/n but in the past few months that liking had progressed to loving.
“i play guitar too you know. just ask me”
a like months time skip brought to you by my sisters mud potion
“i mean seriously kevin what is your deal?” you whisper yell despite the basement you two are in being soundproof.
kevin had been avoiding you for the past couple of months out of nowhere, leaving you upset and confused.
“i mean seriously, every time you come here it’s to hang out with hunter and you don’t even bother to look at me!”
“nothing! nothing is wrong i’m fine.”
“that’s not what i asked kevin”
every time you guys speak you both get louder and louder
“so why the hell are you ignoring me?!”
“because you make me want things i can’t fucking have!” he said louder than anything either of you had said throughout the entire argument.
“seriously kevin?”
no answer.
no answer.
another time skip brought to you by me and hannah being on ft (i love hannah sosososooso much she’s the best so super sexy and cool)
kevin nervously stands in front of the basment door of the sylvesters, the faint sound of hunter playing the guitar could be heard behind it.
“i can do it. i mean really it’s not that big of a deal.” kevin whispers to himself
once he forced himself into the basement he just stood there for a bit until hunter finished playing Aces High by Iron Maiden. kevin was hoping he would just move on to playing another song so that he could walk away.
“jesus christ kevin- do you plan on killing me?”
or not.
“uh- no actually. i wanna tell you something? or ask? i dont really know how to word it but i know you pro-”
“kevin shut up, slow down take a minute to think of how to word it. then tell me.”
after a few seconds of kevin thinking about it he desides to just go for it.
hunter drops his guitar out of his lap from the state of shock causing him to say nothing but a small
a few minutes of the two musicians sitting in awkward silence and hunter still hasn’t said anything.
“soo uhhh-”
“y/n. as in my sister. y/n??”
“well yeah. why do you think i’m telling you this.”
“you know.”
those two words caused kevin to panic. ’is he gonna kick me out of the band?’ ‘is he gonna say we cant be friends anymore?’ the possibilities raced through his mind.
“anyone else i would’ve been really mad,” he paused for a moment “but- i trust you enough for you guys to be okay”
“really?” kevin hopefully questions
hunter sighs before answering “really.” he confirms “go”
“go go go” hunter hurriedly rushed his best friend up the stairs to the small hallway
“go make a move i suppose”
“ok ok okayyy im going!”
kevin knocks gently on the door of y/n’s room, soon being followed by her swiftly opening the door.
“oh my god. what do you want”
“to apologise to you”
“for real?”
you stand there for a second before roling your eyes and walking away to your bed leaving you door open, kevin taking this as him being allowed to follow you. closing the door behind him he sits next to you flattening the black blanket underneath him. neither of you say anyhing the only sound being the slipknot song you were previously playing on your guitar. you and hunter had always had different music tastes. sure, both in an alternative scene but yours being more nu metal and emo than his.
“i wanted- no” kevin sighs, now not knowing how to word it to you. so instead, he went back to not saying anything.
“ok?” you pick your guitar back up continuing to try and play Vermillion.
kevin looked around your room, inspecting your poster covered walls. there was barely any actual wall visible, all of the paint covered with the likes of deftones, pierce the veil, silverstain, icon for hire, lamb of god, volbeat, kittie and so many more, half of which he had never even heard of.
once he noticed he’s just been sitting next to you doing nothing, he turns faceing your side sitting cris-crossed, causing you to stop playing.
“you gonna apologise anytime soon?” you asked harshly
“oh- yeah sorry. i’m sorry..... you wanna know why i was ignoring you? i love you. there. i love you and i was scared that i was starting to like my bestfriend’s sister. was ignoring you the solution? no. was it stupid? yes.”
after you didn’t say anything he started to panic. again.
“sooo here i am. not ignoring you. are we switching the roles now?”
not knowing what to say you turn around faceing him now you too siting cris-crossed. taking a shaky breath out you grab his shoulders pulling him closer to you, and you lean into a kiss. he was taken aback at first, but once he realised what was happening he kissed you back, moving his hands to your cheeks.
“oh shit. no… no” you suddenly pull away, panicking
“hunter? what about hunter? you’re his best friend! i shouldn’t be kissing you!”
“no no its ok i spoke to him before coming up here. actually he kinda pushed me up here- not that i didnt wanna tel-”
“ok i get it just stop talking and-”
before you can finish you sentence you’re interrupted by hunter swinging open your door.
“heay!! i may have told you it was ok, but don’t be moving so damn fast!”
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kpopsnowball · 4 years
NCT127 Reaction:
NCT127 when their S/O is angry with them
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To be honest, after snapping at you, Taeil would feel a bit sad. He would not be able to exactly understand what does he feel but he’d feel really sad about it. After calming himself down, he would walk upto you and seeing you face away from him, he would understand that he had hurt your feelings. He would decide to make it up to you no matter what. He would be such a sweetheart and prepare you your favourite dish, set up the dinner table and prepare a perfect evening for you.
“I know just a sorry is not enough love, but I think that’s the only word which I can sincerely say to you. I am really sorry, please try to forgive me”
I think more than anger Johnny would always feel pissed off but snapping at you would really make him feel like crap. He just got angry at that moment but he would never really mean to hurt you. He would walk in the room and try to make a conversation with you but seeing you ignoring him would make him realise that this time he truly had hurt you. The moment you pass by his side, he would hold your wrist to make you stop. You would look in his eyes for the first time after the incident and you will know that he’s sorry. A small soft smile would be placed on his lips and he would nod a bit as if to ask you just for one chance to talk. Seeing his sad eyes would make you melt a bit isn’t it?
“Please talk to me baby. I am really sorry for what happened last time. I did not mean it. I was pissed off. But right now when you passed by my side without even sparing me a glance made me feel as if I am losing a huge part of myself. A wave of hurt settled in me and I could not even explain that feeling. Please forgive me. Please don’t walk away from me love”
If he had hurt you he would feel the pain too. When he’s angry, he really can be mad for hours but if somebody is disappointed or angry because of him, he would feel really bad about it. Seeing you being mad at him would break his heart. Trust me, he would be very harsh on himself for hurting you but wouldn’t let you see that. He would be stealing glances at you and would want to talk with you but seeing you ignoring him would make him feel sad. All his doubts and insecurities would rush in and he would close himself in his room. After few days he would come back to you to earn your forgiveness.
“I know it’s not easy to forgive me love and also I am not asking for your forgiveness, I am just requesting a chance from you love, please give me just one chance to earn your forgiveness because forgiveness cannot be granted but it should be earned and I am ready to do whatever you want me to do if it will lead you to accept my apology”
Yuta might be angry at you because of a misunderstanding but realising that it was none of your fault, he would feel bad and very frustrated. He would want to make it upto you but seeing you not even sparing him a glance would make him question as to what to do. For few days he would just observe you from afar and you would feel his stares from across the room. He would want just an opportunity to be alone with you but seeing you completely ignoring his existence would make it difficult. Finally grabbing a chance, when he would see you alone in the room, he would immediately give you a back hug and a breath of relief would escape through his lips.
“You have been ignoring me like a plague. I know I have hurt you but please don’t do this to me. I know you felt my stares all these days, but not even a glance at me love? Please don’t do this, I am really sorry, I really am..”
He actually have a very balanced personality, he’s strong but also a very soft boy. After snapping at you he would walk away and try to relax himself. Coming back, seeing that you are not replying to his words he would immediately know that he messed up. Seeing your sad eyes would make his heart hurt. He would just freeze and stand there for few moments, his eyes a bit watery. Immediately he would hug you. You would try to get out of his hold because you were mad at him but more than that hurt because of him but he would not let you go. He would bury his head in your neck and hold you a bit tighter and protectively.
“I messed it up isn’t it? I promised you that I will always protect you and never let anyone hurt you but when I saw your sad eyes, I just froze. I realised my promises but then this time it was me, It was me who had hurt you so tell me love, how would I protect you from me?”
You won’t hear from him for days after he snapped at you. You would just feel as if he vanished. You would be mad, angry and frustrated at him but you would just not know where did he go and why is he not taking any step towards you. But to be honest he would close himself off because he would’ve realised that he had hurt your heart. He would just close himself off completely. For days he would not face you, not because he’s scared that you would be mad at him but instead he would be scared of you walking away from him. Facing you after days, he would have a small smile on his face and even your anger would’ve died down to an extent. He would extend his hand towards you and he would be soo worried and afraid that you might not take it. You would turn to leave but immediately he would grab your arm and make you face him.
“Give me a chance please. Don’t walk away. Let’s just talk this out, okay? please. I am sorry”
Soft soft soft. Yes! Literally he’s a soft boy. But after getting angry at you just because of a misunderstanding he would be mad at himself. He would be like ‘why did I do that! I have hurt her, I am stupid! Just soo stupid!’ After taking few deep breaths he would come to you to apologise but seeing you giving him a cold shoulder would make him feel hurt and he would treat himself all the more badly. He would leave and immediately close himself in his room and would not see you for days. He would shout at himself and be disappointed in himself.
“Jungwoo you have hurt her, you are pathetic! Why did you do that?! Just a misunderstanding and you forgot what all the things she did for you! But no, I won’t let her walk away from me, I love her, I just can’t let her go. I would try my best to earn her forgiveness! Yes I would!”
He would be frustrated and pissed off at himself after snapping at you for no reason. He would be completely mad at himself. But being strong enough, he would dust his pants off and stand up to talk to you. While entering the room, when you just pass by him and give him a glare, it would be just a proof to his doubts and confirm that he messed up. He would take a deep breath and before you leave the room he would stand in front of you. You would try your best to walk past him but he would block your way completely. Getting tired, you would huff out in annoyance while trying to cover up the hurt you feel deep down. Mark’s eyes would soften and he would smile a bit expecting the same from you but when you don’t, a wave of pain would settle in those dark orbs.
“Will you please forgive me love? I know it’s not easy but actually I can explain. I was just caught up in the moment and I got angry at you. I am really sorry. I know I have hurt you but can you please give me one chance?”
It would not take much time for him to apologise to you because he truly knows when he messes up or hurts someone, especially his loved ones and he does not have any ego if he had hurt his special ones. He would be the type to apologise first or immediately if it’s his cherished ones who are hurt because of him. Seeing you giving him a cold shoulder would instantly make him realise that he had hurt your feelings. When you ignore him and not spare him a glance, he would immediately hug you tightly and shower your face with kisses. You would try to break out of his hold but he would continue doing that.
“I won’t leave you unless you forgive me. But, keeping this aside, I-I want to say that I am sorry love. I just wanted to lighten up your mood right now but i very well know the hurt that you feel. I know it’s because of me. I should not have been like that and be mad at you for a mere misunderstanding and so all I want to say is that please take your time to forgive me. I know it’s difficult but till then I would try my best to earn it and be the best man for you”
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✿ Requested by my very good friend @dundun-baby @aquamoonchaii I love you lots love!!
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @starrdustville @cupidluvstarrz @ex0tic-vgh @thechoppersan @urowngoddess @namjoons-wife98 @illusion-ships @vampirateking @rr0zu @najatheangel @julyemeralds-deactivated2021022 @astrorising @purplepsycho03 @himitsu-luna @emuava @tarotruself @mairah-shaikh @dundun-baby @aquamoonchaii @vera-liscious please send an ask or message if you would like to be removed or be added in the taglist💕
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
Fearfull Proposal
Summary: henry plans a romantic proposal... and instead of coming clean about your secret fear of heights and ruining his romantic plan, you put on a brave face... well until your nearing the top of the london eye.
Warnings: fear, fluff, swearing, typos.
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You quivered as you rose higher and higher over londons skyline.
Fuck why? Why the fuck had you got in this dangling glass death trap. A faulty few bolts and you'd be plummeting into the fucking thames!
Henry was standing by the window looking out at the glittering lights in awe.
You were standing with your back turned to the houses of Parliament hands clutching the rail eitherside of you knuckles white. Knees knocking.
God this was the stupidest thing you'd ever fucking done! And it was your own fault.
"Babe, look! God big ben looks soo small never been on this at night"
You hummed nodding but continued looking to the floor.
Henry paused when you didnt correct him with the whole 'big ben is the bell' you usually countered
He turned looking back to you and his stomach dropped.
"Babe? Whoa are you okay there love?" He asked frowning as he saw your eyes clenched shut almost as if you were in pain.
You were trembling and pale to the point he fearded youd pass out.
"Here come sit down and relax, i packed some snacks-" he said placing the specially packed bag of snacks and screw top mini wine bottles.
"No! No I'm fine... I will just stay here... By the saftey bar" you said giggling nervously sparing him a glance and patting the metal you were holding onto for dear life..
Henry faltered and really took in your apperance unsure what to do. It wasn't like he could get you off, you had to ride the ride.
"Babe? Are you scared of heights?"
"Nooo dont be sillyeee- OH MY GOD IM GONNA FUCKING DIE!" you began laughing him off then screamed as the ride stopped.
Instantly you ducked crouching whilst wrapping your arms around the silver bar shouting bloody murder.
It didn't help you were bathed in purple light so couldn't see shit.
Henry got up and rushed to you standing over you arms rounding you holding you securly.
"No, no its fine love... shh its fine baby, they said it could stop to let people on poppet remember?" He said quickly rubbing your sides as you cowered trying to fend off the temptation to look at the thames below.
"Y-yeah fuck hen- im sorry i just..." you mewled turning towards him tucking your head to his chest.
"Scared of heights huh? Why didnt you tell me?" He sighed pressing kisses to your head as you whimpered adn the ride began moving once again.
"Because you went to all this trouble, you planned this surprise and i didnt want to ruin it, you were soo excited" you sniffled blinking at him.
"Hey shh you silly girl, you should have told me. You wouldnt have ruined anything you silly sausage" he cooed winding himself around you tighter.
He was actually annoyed at himself, how the fuck had he not known his girlfriend of a year and a half was scared of heights?
He'd suspected a fear of heights when you both went on holiday for your birthday, but youd managed to convince him it was a fear of flying and planes... not heights.
And come to think of it you didnt even like the glass lifts in shopping centers, you ran to the corner and held on eyes locked onto the doors the entire time.
So this was the worst surprize he could of planned for tonight. Things weren't going to plan. Fuck.
"Babe im sorry" he apologised feeling like an asshole.
"No no dont be, this was extremly sweet bear" you said quickly not wantin to make him feel bad fpr your own short commings.
"Theres noting sweet about terrifying you"
"Do... do you want to sit down? Ill hold you the entire time" he offered peaking to the central bench where both your bags sat.
"I.. yes okay i think sitting will be better" you said then yipped as he prompty scooped you up and placed you in his lap securly.
"Im so sorry love, I just wanted to make this special and romantic" he muttered holding you as close as he could letting you know that you were safe and sound.
"It is! It is love really im just a baby" you said quickly grasping his face pulling him closer before peppering his face with kisses.
"Your not a babe we all have our fears" he said quietly pressing his forehead to yours.
"You dont" you sighed closing your eyes trying to ignore the snails pace of the pod that still rose over london.
You could barely feel it, but your fear amplified it.
"Oh but i do~" he replied peering at you, as yur eyes fluttered open.
"Like what?" The questionnescaped before you could think.
"No" he said eyes now becoming worried, anxiety clouding them.
"Yes, at the moment thats my biggest fear" he said releasing a shakey breath as you frowned at him not following but didnt dwell as your ees darted to the side seeing the houses
"You see, i was trying to be all romantic and wait untill we got tp the top, but i think you'll be too terrified"
"Henry?" You said leaning back unsure about the serious tone he seemed to take.
"I brought us here, to the spot we met two years ago today..." he said drawing deeper breaths as the reality of what was about to happen hit him.
"Was it really?" You asked surprized he'd remember something like that. Anniversary? Definitely. But the day you first met? And asked for a selfie with a series of embarrassing squeaks? No you didnt think he'd remember.
"Yep. I remember doing a promo and shoot on this thing, then got off and was sat next to you in wagamama"
"And i squeaked for a selfie" you groaned with a small giggle.
"Im glad you did, i scanned instagram for days after- scouring my hashtag trying to find you... i kicked myself for not getting your number~"
"I still cant belive you did that... but im gld you did henry"
"Who'd have thought the nervous little thing trying not to even breath in my direction would be my girlfriend six months down the line"
"Or that we'd last this long?" You quipped at him trying to reme,ber to breath.
"And.. hopefully a lifetime? Despite me dragging you intoyour actual living nightmare- which i promise to never do again! Not even lifts"
You scowled and tilted your head to him not sure if you heard him correctly.
Untill he pulled the small velvet box from his pocket.
"Henry?! What? You cant be serious?"
"Oh but i am love, as much as i want to do this right and drop to one knee i doubt you'll thank me for releasing you?"
"Dont you dare let me go!"
"I think you'll find im trying to do the opposite~" he chuckled opening the box revealing the simple elegant ring three tiny diamonds.
"Im trying to marry you..."
You gasped eyes glazing over as you locked on to the dainty ring pinched between his fingers.
"I love you y/n, and i want to know if you'd become my wife and share your life with me. Will you marry me?"
"Oh god yes of course its a yes henry i love you bear!" You cried throwing your arms around him making him grunt and quickly clench his fist arohnd the ring before he dropped it.
He groaned into you rocking from side to side littering your head with kisses before peeling you away to sit the ring on your finger.
You looked at the glittering stones on your finger weeping. You may have been cursing yourself for getting into this godforsaken glass bauble in the sky.
But now you were he happiest woman alive.
"I love you bear"
"I love you too"
"Would you like some wine? I brough the little cute bottles you like" he offered nodding to the bag of snacks.
"Err lets not push it hun" you whined not sure wine at this altitude was a good idea.
You kept glancing at him still sniffing and giggleing unable to look from your ring for long.
"Gotcha, no wine"
"You look surprized i said yes?"you quipped needing to talk and take your mind off the fact your at the tippity top.
"I made you face one of your nightmares i thought you'd slap me silly when i ask" he scoffed pressing a kiss to your cheek unable to stop.
"Never love... but please never ever get on this thing again okay?" You pleaded fluttering your lashes at him pleading.
"I swear. Never again, but seeing as this is our one and only ride we should take a few selfies? Mark the occasion?" He said standing letting your feet hit the floor but never once did he let go.
"Absolutly, gotta show off my new fiancé" you hummed rising to share another kiss with him not really paying attention to the height you'd now reached, you had more important things to think about. Like sharing the rest of your life with this glorious man.
"My thoughts exactly" he grinned pulling out his phone aiming it at the two of you, makeing sure to have the hand that rested on his chest donning his ring in shot.
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