#this is so surreal oh stars
2aceofspades · 9 months
*slides into dms with fanfic*
It is two in the morning as of writing this but I am only capable of writing around this time (just as a warning; mistakes maybe inbound [':<)
Hope you like it!
Screams were a normal occurence in the apocalypse, but never had Mikey heard a cry so raw and gutteral. What was more concerning was the source of that scream, one that shook him to his very core because of how familiar yet foreign the voice was.
Even as a little brother, he was still a brother.
Bounding off the walls with restless energy, Mikey dashed into the infirmary. There were snippets of conversation that he could barely register his panic, but he threw the doors open. The wind knocked silence into the room, his hair and cape fluttering in the air as Mikey called out for his brother.
There, Cassandra and Leo were sitting in front of each other, bearing different levels of stunned silence at Mikey's entrace. It didn't matter though.
Cassandra pulled away, and Leo held onto the bandage... where his arm was.
"I- I h-heard screaming."
Mikey approached Leo, seeing his older brother so unsure of himself and in such rough shape only made his heart shatter more. He did his best to piece himself back together. Mikey wasn't the oldest, but he still had to be a brother.
A brother of four... Now in the apocalypse, where they all had bigger things to worry about than themselves. Age roles don't matter now.
"The effects must have worn off by now..." Mikey mentioned matter-of-factly, more to distract himself than Leo. He reached his hand out to rest a hand on his head. "Hold still for a second."
Leo looked away, hiding... He was always hiding. Spitefully, he let himself simmer for not being at the nexus of Leo's cry for help--where his brother was always putting on a face for everyone and reserving such agony for those who were closest to him. Though nowadays, even around his family, Leo seldom ever let the facade drop.
But no point in dwelling now--there were other matters to tend to.
"It might feel a little funny..." Mikey let a smattering of Doctor Feelings come out; just enough to convince Leo to calm down, "Just relax, okay?"
Mystic magic coursed through his veins, ninpo ebbing at his form and warping out of his hands to Leo's form. The latter struggled, winced, hurt. Hell, his powers were beginning to take a toll on his body. Healing that used to come easy to him caused him to struggle, his vision going blurry and focus becoming difficult to maintain.
Even worse were the flood of emotions he felt coursing through his body, the give and take of ninpo with Leo--letting Mikey feel the snippets of regret and injustice his brother felt.
A wince.
"I know..."
A hiss.
"I know..."
A quiet plead.
"I'm almost done."
Leo was moving--his energy began to wane and his concentration began to falter.
"Leo, please..."
His connection to his power felt like gathering water with his bare hands. He couldn't balance Leo completely anymore. Or rather, Leo wasn't trying to sit upright anymore.
Just as the last remnants of mystic magic left him, he felt it. The agony, the pain, the burden. All of it for a split second came rushing through Mikey's body.
His vision and bearings returned to him, and then he felt a weight on his shoulder. A desperate hand clung to his cape, a familiar dampness slowly staining the fabric.
He was paralysed; unable to comfort him, but unable to leave. Mikey was just a brother, and his brother needed him.
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This is like...scary accurate oh my STARS 😭😭
I am...beyond words like...this is beautiful I feel so honored and undeserving like haawwuhhgh-
Thank you so much seriously I can't thank you enough I am in awe of your talents 🙌✨!!! I love it I love it I love it!!! GAH!
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ladywren7 · 1 year
The trailer is making me get feeling back and oh my God I'm getting that feeling in my gut I used to get when I was excited for new rebels episodes!😢🤭 I can't believe I get to say that! The nervousness, the excitement for all the adventure! I'm so happy to be alive!
If you didn't like the trailer or are not excited for the ahsoka show I am so sorry because I know this is going to be great just wait and see
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hyunebear · 1 year
happy hyunjuly to those who celebrate 🍀
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screampied · 4 months
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gojo had a dream you died.
it was partially the reason why he woke up in a cold sweat… it was horrid.
he could still hear your screams, the life leaving your eyes, but more importantly, he remembered your final words that were murmured to him. “satoru, don’t… cry, i’ll be okay, it’ll be okay.” and he believed you, that everything would be okay. despite tears filling his eyes, labeled the strongest at that moment, he couldn’t have ever felt so weak.
the dream felt so real, that was the scary part. he remembered each and every detail. from the feeling of you giving his wrist a light squeeze, the sweet smell of your natural scent.. the eerie sounds of your irregular wheezes as you were clinging on your final moments.
“don’t leave me,” he mutters, he remembers saying that. three simple words, yet his dilated pupils spoke a thousand. he started to repeat it. again and again as if it was a mantra. his words, his tone broke the more he spoke to you. that cute smile of yours never left your lips, it remained there. regardless of your inevitable incoming fate, he sobs, “you’re…you’re all i have left. i don’t wanna be left alone again, just stay. please, baby.”
“i’m not going anywhere, ‘toru,” you’d reassure him, a single tear drop of his falls onto your cheek.
after that moment, gojo wakes up. trembling, yet the dream wasn’t that feared him the most. it was him waking up with you not next to him..
cold, everything felt cold.
he shot up immediately from his dream. the cold sweat that forever continued to race down his back as he panted.
he was so used to your warmth taking up part of the bed. albeit, in this case though. it felt empty,
it was near the middle of the night, gojo was drowsy, rubbing his eyes to blind his vision with imaginary stars. feeling for the bed, it was frigid.
“baby?” he’d grumble, white lashes partially open. silence called back to him, if it was anything about gojo, he hated being alone.
oh, he loathed it,
yet whenever you came into his life—he didn’t have to worry about that. you were always besides him, no matter what.
until now.
it takes him a split second before it dawns on him. your fatal death, it wasn’t another one of his silly surreal dreams. it was nothing but mere reality.
a breath gets caught in his throat once he realizes, being brought back into harsh realness. you were gone.
it’s been years, speaking of which…
it was your anniversary with him. the same exact day he proposed to you. he remembers it vividly, getting down on one knee with the goofiest grin. he didn’t even say, “will you marry me..?” instead, he snorts a sheepish, “let’s get married, heh.”
“i always forget around this time,” gojo sighs to himself with a soft tone, his voice was a bit raspy from abruptly waking up. intaking a sharp inhale, he goes towards your side of the bed and he reaches into his pocket.
“it should have been me,” and he doesn’t even care he’s talking to himself, it’s like for whatever reason, your presence was near him. “our marriage,” and then with a brief sniffle, he glances down at the ring you once wore proudly. he strokes it with a thumb before huffing out a shaky, “our marriage, it was supposed to last us for infinity…”
but it didn’t.
with hot tears streaming down his face and stuck a power he wished he’d never have, in the end, it couldn’t save you.
he couldn’t save you.
and now…
the strongest, the most brave to ever live and walk could easily be mistaken as the weakest.
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2-dsimp · 3 months
Yandere rich single dad falling for his daughter's nanny/babysitter!
Cw: fem reader! jealousy, possessive/obsessive tendencies, father-daughter plotting on you, you’ve got an pushy coworker,
Synopsis: 【You were just a normal office worker with a minimum wage. So in an effort to pay rent, you scrounged job offers for babysitting since you were good at handling children. And in the process you applied and got accepted to become a nanny for a rich former movie star’s daughter. The daughter apparently hated every nanny she got but once she met you she was absolutely smitten…And so was her Daddy.】
Pt2→ 《x》
☆*:.。..。.:*☆ ☆*:.。..。.:*☆ ☆*:.。..。.:
Yandere rich Dilf! Who continues to pace back and forth in his house, his anticipation growing as the seconds count down. He knows that you must be getting off work soon, and that you'll be coming back to him ahem to take care of his little brat and him before too long.
Yandere rich Dilf! That tries to distract himself, focusing on making sure everything is prepared for your arrival. He excused all the servants so he can personally oversee that everything in his mansion was set up to perfection. He was sweating like a madman.
Yandere rich Dilf! Who couldn’t shake the feeling of jittery excitement that's building within him. Eventhough he was hailed as a famous handsome actor he couldn’t get his shit together at the thought of finally making moves on his darling. This poor man was practically leaning against the counter for life support. From how he got swept up by the plan his nosey daughter concocted. Which was for him to seduce you into making you completely theirs.
Yandere rich Dilf! Whose daughter was already in full support of making her sweet nanny into her new mommy. And was smart enough to call her playmates ahead of time. So her Dad can give her the sibling she’s always been asking for. Since she was tired of being the only child in the huge mansion.
As the clock ticks down the minutes foretelling of your arrival. Quio starts to feel a sense of nervousness mixed with impatience, knowing that it was almost game time.
“Cmon Dad you can’t be looking like a wimp, it’s time for you to man up! By the time I get back I expect to have a mommy and a little brother on the way. Understood?”
His daughter, Peina chastised as she whacked him on the back and continued to threaten him give him encouragement before she left to see her friends.
"Okay, okay, Understood you prima donna."
Quio sassed with an heavy eye roll from how his bossy his daughter was. I mean sure he knows that she gets that from him. But at the same time it’s surreal to be at the receiving end of having orders being barked at you. Soon enough there’s a signature knock at the door, which makes Peina perk up. As she giddily skips towards the door to greet her beloved nanny.
“Gah wait! I’m not mentally prepared yet! Are ya really tryna give yer old man a heart attack?! How heartless can you be?”
He practically whispered yelled in an attempt to halt his daughter hand from twisting open the knob. As his heart raced at the speed of sound from the thought of seeing his apparent future missus crush. His daughter merely gave him a judgmental glare and promptly flipped him off. Mouthing to him ‘Get it together’ leaving him utterly offended. He was an A-listed actor damn it. Before flinging open the door to greet her Nanny with a big hug to their waist.
“Nana who’s this with you?”
At his daughter’s pointed inquiry, Quio nearly trips over his feet as he hauls ass to the door. His tall and bulky build moving as gracefully as a one legged flamingo. When he peeks his head out only to bite back a bitchy grimace at the sight of you with your so called nice colleague. Oh how he hated that pretentious asshole’s guts despite not knowing a damn thing about the man.
"Uh heya, Sweetheart it’s so good to see ya. I never get tired of seeing your gorgeous face!“
The Dilf crooned with a heavy twang to his voice as he blatantly ignored the little pest hanging to your side. His daughter felt the same way as she outwardly glared at your coworker while she purposefully tugged you closer to her Dad’s direction.
“Aha you flatter me too much Mr. Evinis. Also this is Miki he just so happened to see me and wanted to say hello”
You hummed lightly always finding the rugged single father to be charming. Completely, missing his subtle glance over at Miki, his serpentine eyes studying his potential love rival with thinly concealed disgust . He can't help but feel extremely jealous of the way that Miki is able to freely hang around you because yall worked at the same office. God, would it be too overkill to just buy the company you worked at so he could freely stalk watch you from 9-5.
"Hey, it’s nice to meet you man. But wow you’ve got an amazing house”
Your colleague says with a grin, holding out a hand for Quio to shake. Both him and his daughter stared down with an ick at the outstretched sweaty hand of the slime ball. And in order to keep up appearances in front of his soon to be wife. The Dilf inwardly sighed and begrudgingly took Miki's hand into an bruising iron grip. his eyes still fixed on you as he tries to focus on the conversation.
"Uh huh, Nice to meet you pal. Well, come on in, make yourself at home Sweet— "
“Don’t mind if I do! Oh my god is that the newest gaming console?”
Quio was soon interrupted by your colleague who had the audacity to grab you by the shoulders and usher you inside his mansion. Did he say that fucking parasite was invited? No, so why the hell did that cockblocking bitch think it was okay to scamper his mousy ass inside his mansion. Only meant for his lovely wife, his daughter, and him, alone. He was definitely going to call pest control afterwards to make sure the problem wouldn’t occur again.
Veins popped out around his neck as the Dilf nearly broke the door handle in utter rage. While numerous murderous thoughts about curb stomping the shit outta Miki crossed his mind like a freight train. And his daughter was the splitting image of him. She was appalled by how that leech just snatched her mommy nanny away from her grasp. And she balled her tiny fists with a small snarl present as she snapped her head up to give her Father a knowing look.
“Yeah I know squirt, I’ll make sure to have a real good chat with the fucker— I mean guy. You’ll get your sibling and mommy soon enough.”
Quio said in a hushed tone with an undertone of venomous certainty. Which made Peina somewhat pleased as she curtly nodded off at her Dad.
“Now run along and stay outta grown folks business”
He huffed lightly nudging his daughter further outside their residence. To which she gave an equally heavy eye roll mirroring his that he gave her a couple minutes ago. Before she started trotting off towards her friend’s chauffeur car that just pulled up for their play date.
Yeah he’d make damn sure that you’d be his pretty darling mama for him and his baby girl. Afterall he’s a man of his word and he promised to deliver. Nothing would stand in his way of achieving whatever he wanted. And he sure as hell isn’t letting Miki from the stupid parts and services department. Get away with the disrespect of having the gall to touch you without some form of bloody repercussions.
Lmk If you guys like him. If so, I’ll write some more or make a part two (>^ω^<)
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I mean?
Synopsis: On a press tour with your co-star Sebastian Stan, the interviewer asks you a question about another film he did and the answer surprises him.
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Actress!Y/N
Word Count: IDK I'm too sleep deprived to count.
A/N: Bro I am on a resurgence. Might just fuck around and continue writing more fanfics or whatever.
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It’s another busy day promoting your new movie with Sebastian, The Road Trip. It's a funny romcom about two best friends going on a long trip to see another friend who your character is dating. Interestingly enough, the guy who plays him is Chris Evans. The interviews are currently being done in pairs, and you're with Sebastian.
You've always been candid, speaking your mind without feeling shy. Deep down, you're a bit of a pessimist, accepting things as they are. When you first heard from your agent that you were cast in The Road Trip alongside Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans, you laughed hysterically. The idea that you, an unconventional beauty, were chosen to be on screen with those two seemed surreal. You never really think about dating co-stars, which helps with acting in general. The media is impressed with how chill you are around A-list actors, and even though it hasn’t fully sunk in yet, the industry has started promoting you to that list.
The interview has been going on for about 15 minutes when another journalist joins, mostly asking about the experience of working with the cast.
“It’s my first romcom, can you believe it?” you say.
“First?!” Sebastian stares in mock disbelief.
“I know, right?!” You feign surprise.
The interviewer continues, “How does it feel to do something lighter and a bit comedic for once?”
“You mean, a movie where no one dies?” Sebastian covers his mouth at your response.
“I mean essentially,” the interviewer laughs. “Wait, no one dies?!” They nudge you playfully.
“I mean, I’m not sure, no spoilers,” you say, breaking the fourth wall and looking into the camera. Sebastian cackles. “It’s definitely refreshing. It feels like going to school for some reason. Like I don’t want to miss a class just because I might miss something wild happening.”
“What?” Sebastian glares. “What school did you go to?”
“I mean, aside from the learning stuff…” You grimace. “It’s fun, honestly. I’d love to do more romcoms. It’s very down-to-earth and just resonates with you so much. I don’t wanna get too cheesy, but I’m such a hopeless romantic—this is my jam.”
“Sebastian, how’s your experience working with Chris again, this time outside of the Marvel universe?”
“Wait, this isn’t in the Marvel Universe?!” you butt in. Sebastian again, fakes a loud gasp. You two laugh. This interview feels like it’s going nowhere.
“It’s totally fun, as Y/N mentioned—it really is like going to class. But most of my scenes are with Y/N, so she’s like the lab partner I’ve never had. Chris was always texting us, checking which location we’re going to be at, making sure we’re scheduled on the same day. It’s fun when we’re both on set.”
You nod in agreement. “Yeah, we’ve got a good rhythm going. It’s like having a little family on set. Plus, Chris is always the one who brings snacks, so that’s a bonus.”
Sebastian laughs. “Oh, absolutely. Chris and his endless supply of trail mix.”
The interviewer chuckles. “Sounds like you all have a great dynamic. Was there a favorite scene you both enjoyed filming together?”
You think for a moment. “I really loved the scene where we’re stuck in the car during that rainstorm. It was so chaotic, but we had a blast improvising and just playing off each other.”
Sebastian nods. “Yeah, that was a good one. The rain machine was going full blast, and we were just trying not to crack up the entire time.”
The interviewer smiles. “It sounds like it was a lot of fun. And the chemistry definitely shows on screen. Speaking of different roles, Y/N, Sebastian’s been in the movie Fresh where he plays a sociopathic killer who preys on lonely women pretending to be a genuine guy.”
“I don’t like where this is going,” you say, laughing, as Sebastian shakes his head.
“Would you, like Noa, fall prey to Steve’s antics?” This question gets a louder laugh from Sebastian as your face shows pure shock. You hold him back with your hand and say,
“I’ve thought about this, to be honest,” you start, looking at Sebastian as he raises his eyebrows, impressed.
“Oh, you have?”
You laugh and continue, patting his thigh and looking back at the interviewer. “Me and my friend talked about it a while back. And it’s frightening because I would’ve probably ended up on a chopping block.”
“Noooo!” Sebastian shouts, “I was rooting for you.”
“No! But, like, you are incredibly good-looking and charismatic. It would be hard not to give my number at the grocery aisle.”
He tilts his head at your response. “Surely not good enough to get yourself killed?!”
“You’d be surprised how far I’d even go,” you say, as the interviewer laughs with you both. “Oh god, I need to call my therapist,” you add, ending the topic with the three of you gagging.
“Might just have to talk to mine too, after hearing that.”
You can already feel TikTok saving this clip and turning it into a meme.
You notice, after you call Sebastian good-looking, he’s been eyeing you sideways and biting his lip. As if he’s suddenly gone bashful. You can’t help but feel a boost in your ego. Could it be that Stan is shy? You make it a point to tease him for the remainder of the interview.
“What’s something funny or unexpected that happened on set?”
“Oh, there were so many moments,” you start. “One time, we were filming this really serious scene, and out of nowhere, a bird flew into the set and landed right on Sebastian’s shoulder.”
Sebastian laughs. “Yeah, I had no idea what to do. I just froze, and then Y/N started making bird noises to try and get it to fly away.”
You laugh, nodding. “It took a good ten minutes to get back into character after that. Everyone was cracking up.”
The interviewer grins. “That sounds hilarious. It’s great to hear that you all had such a good time. Speaking of moments on set, were there any funny or awkward moments while filming the more romantic or intimate scenes?”
Sebastian raises an eyebrow, smirking. “Oh, plenty. Like the time we were shooting that kiss scene in the rain, and Y/N kept slipping on the wet pavement.”
You roll your eyes playfully. “Hey, it was slippery! You were the one who can’t stop laughing during takes.”
Sebastian laughs. “True, true. But come on, we both know it was because you were so nervous about kissing me.” You notice him biting back.
You gasp in mock offense. “Excuse me, I was not nervous! I was just...distracted by how ridiculously good-looking you are. It’s hard to concentrate when you have that face right in front of you.” He smiles uncontrollably again, feeling defeated by your nonchalance. He wonders, how are you so good at this?
The interviewer laughs, clearly enjoying the banter. “So, who do you think had the hardest time keeping a straight face during those scenes?”
You both point at each other simultaneously, then laugh.
Sebastian leans back, shaking his head. “Definitely Y/N. There was this one scene where we were supposed to be having this deep, romantic conversation, and she just couldn’t stop giggling.”
You nudge him playfully. “Well, you weren’t helping with all your ad-libs! You kept whispering things like, ‘Is that your stomach growling or are you just happy to see me?’”
Sebastian laughs. “Hey, I was trying to lighten the mood! And let’s not forget the scene where we had to stare into each other’s eyes for what felt like an eternity. I swear, Y/N, you blink more than anyone I know.”
You smirk. “Only because I was trying to avoid getting lost in those baby blues of yours.” At this point, Sebastian was laughing hard, but feeling nervous at your jokes. He secretly wished it were all real, his ears were red and hot. He’s already thinking of how to approach you after the interview and get himself out of the friend zone which he didn’t even thought he’d be in, having found a new interest in you. 
The interviewer looks between the two of you, amused. “It sounds like you both had a lot of fun with it. Do you think all that chemistry will translate to the screen?”
Sebastian nods. “Oh, definitely. I think our off-screen dynamic really helped make the on-screen relationship feel more genuine. Plus, Y/N here is an amazing actress. She made it easy.”
You smile, feeling a bit bashful. “Well, Sebastian’s not too bad himself. It’s hard not to enjoy working with someone who’s so talented and, let’s be honest, ridiculously attractive.” 
Here she goes again .Sebastian grins. “Right back at you. But let’s be real, we’re both just incredibly good-looking people trying to make a movie here.” The internet is gonna have a field day.
The interviewer laughs. “Sounds like a tough job! Any last funny or romantic moments you’d like to share?”
You think for a moment. “There was this one scene where we had to dance together. Neither of us are professional dancers, so there were a lot of missteps and toe-stepping. But it ended up being one of the sweetest scenes because it felt so real and unpolished.”
Sebastian nods. “Yeah, that was a great scene. It was supposed to be this perfectly choreographed dance, but it turned into us just goofing around and having fun. I think it really captured the essence of our characters' relationship.”
The interviewer smiles, clearly delighted by your stories. “Well, thank you both for sharing these wonderful moments. It’s been a pleasure talking with you.”
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As you and Sebastian leave the interview room, you head towards the lobby where a few other cast members are mingling. The energy is still high from the fun and laughter of the interview. Sebastian nudges you playfully as you walk.
“Hey, remember in the interview when you called me incredibly good-looking and charismatic?” he teases, a mischievous glint in his eye.
You roll your eyes, grinning. “Oh, come on. Don’t let it go to your head, Stan.”
He chuckles. “Too late. I’m pretty sure I’m going to bring that up every chance I get now.”
“You would,” you laugh, shaking your head. “ It’s not like I was lying.”
Sebastian stops walking, turning to face you. “Well, thank you. And for the record, you’re pretty incredible yourself. Both on screen and off.”
You feel a warm blush creeping up your cheeks, putting a palm to your chest as if to continue the gag. “Thanks, Seb. That means a lot.”
He smiles, his eyes softening. “No, really, it’s been really great working with you. I think we make a pretty good team.”
“I think so too,” you agree, feeling a flutter in your stomach, you realize he’s actually serious now. There’s a moment of silence as you both just look at each other, the playful teasing from earlier now replaced with something more tender.
Sebastian breaks the silence first. “So, what do you say we celebrate wrapping up the promotion tour? Maybe dinner tonight?”
You raise an eyebrow, teasingly. “Is this your way of asking me out, Stan?”
He grins, a little sheepishly. “Maybe it is. What do you think?”
You pretend to think about it for a moment, then nod. “I think it sounds like a great idea.”
“Perfect,” he says, looking genuinely pleased. “I’ll pick you up at eight?”
“Eight it is."
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silken-moonlight · 29 days
Adult Entertainment Werewolf BF
A/N: Something I thought about while doing....adult stuff
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You immediately recognized him when he stepped into your workplace. You had consumed the free content of his Page over and over again. Sometimes he added some new stuff and you drank that up. This man was one of the most succesful adult stars. You followed him on every social Media and gods this man was a god in flesh. He was so tall, his shoulders broad, eyes that were as green as pine trees and a jawline that could cut glass.
So having him now standing infront of you, buying a coffee and a Croissant was so....surreal. You quickly realized that you stared at him and blushed deeply.
"That will be 7.85$ today." You said with a kind voice, you almost couldn't meet his eyes. He looked at you, smiled kindly as je handed you the money. You gave him the change. "There you go, have a wonderful day." You said and blushed. You couldn't look at him for long, since you absolutly knew how he looked naked. You tried to get a hold of yourself, this man was not a sex object just because its his job.
"Thank you sweetheart. Hope you have a loveley day too." He said with a silky smooth voice and winked at you.
Fuck, you felt yourself getting wet.
- 2 days later -
Once again, he stepped into your workplace and greeted you when he saw you. You smiled and waved at him. He bought himself an iced coffee and a bagel today. Walking over to you at the register, he asked, "Hi, is that all for today?" You were glad that you could speak to him normally, despite your blush.
"Yes, it is," he said with a smile. "Could it be that you recognize me?" he asks. You look up at him, about to say that you thought about following his page... "It's me, Alex's cousin." You look at him for a second and just then recognize him. You met him a couple of times before at your ex's family gatherings. But that was seven years ago. How did he remember you?
"Oh gosh, we haven't seen each other in such a long time," you said quickly. He nodded. "Yeah, around seven years now. I'm still sorry about how Alek dumped you for Jess. I still believe you were the better choice." You blushed even deeper. Your boyfriend had cheated on you, and you had been ready to forgive him...but he had dumped you anyway. Better that way, you supposed.
"Thank you. But I guess it's for the better. How's Alek?" You ask instead. "He's getting married to Jess this week, that's why I am back in the area." You looked surprised: "Oh really? I thought they annulled the engagement?" He nodded: "They did, three times, but the wedding is planned and set." You listened to him. He suddenly grinned at you: "Can you be my plus one? It would be hilarious and I still don't have somebody to accompany me." You looked absolutely surprised up at him.
"When is the wedding?" you ask, actually amused by the idea. "This weekend. I would pay for a dress," he says, leaning on the counter and taking a sip from his iced coffee. "Oh, you don't have to! And I'm coming with you. Let me get my number," you say, trying to stop your racing heart and ignore yourwet panties. It didn't help that you had a slight crush on him 7 years ago and that he was your favourite porn Star. Fate played with you.
"Cool," he said while getting out his own phone. He typed in his number. "Oh, and by the way, I'm an adult solo film star. I hope you don't mind? My family is all stressed about it." He said it so casually that he sounded like he was talking about the weather. You reminded yourself: it was a normal job, just like any other.
"I know." You said a little too quickly. He raises an eyebrow. "You do? Oh, you're naughty..." he teases and leans over. "And? How do you like my content?" He asks with a wider grin. You blush again. "I...I...its really good..." you say and look away. He chuckled:"Cool, I'm glad you're not disgusted or something like that." He seemed genuine; he was so sweet. "It's absolutely fine for me. I mean, it's a job, like a barista, but with your knot out." You immediately silenced yourself when you said that. He laughed and couldn't contain himself. "I love that! Oh my god, I have to do a roleplay video like that. Can I borrow your barista apron?" He joked and began to laugh again.
You blushed but had to giggle too. "I have a similar video; it was the delivery boy video. Did you see that?" You shake your head. "Um...I only watch your free content." You say, a little shy. He looked at you wide-eyed and grabbed his shirt. "Oh no! My poor heart. I am so hurt...I'll text you later, and you can give me your account name, and I'll give you free access." Your lips parted; you wanted to say something, but nothing came out but, "...thanks."
He had to leave after that and you couldn't wait for the evening.
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Divider credit: @thecutestgrotto
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galactic-rhea · 5 months
WDYM Anakin is Luke and Leia's dad
I dunno if this post will reach the Star Wars fandom but I hope it does because I'm sure you all will get a good laugh at me.
As of recent I have developed a good hiperfixation for Star Wars, the thing is I knew nothing. NOTHING about Star Wars besides the fact it had aliens and...a war...in space? And funny swords. And main character is Luke or something, I spent over 20 years ignoring anything about Star Wars and somehow missing most references out there.
And recently, literally less than a month ago I saw a gif and said to my partner "oh this guy this guy looks cool, this gif looks nice" and he said "Oh well, he's a good character." And it all developed into me watching Clone Wars, the animated series you know and...and I was kinda blown away, on my opinion the show IS GREAT. And I love every character and their interactions, I love how much they focus on side characters, and they all seem very well written. I got hiperfixated really fast and saw Anakin and I was like "Omg, babygirl. He's a blorbo now."
And because of the show, this was super unexpected, but somehow I also got, really got, into the ship with Padmé because omg, cool woman. Literal happy squeaky noises of someone who was in a bad state and needed some good ol' distraction and comfort.
Now, like I said I knew nothing about Star Wars as a whole. And I still haven't watched the movies, besides the ocassional gif?
So imagine my shock, my surprise, my...bewilderment when I realized.
"Wait a minute, LUKE IS ANAKIN'S SON?! HOLY-"
Ladies, gentleman, and others, I think I came very late to this party and I don't even know how it took me so long.
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Not only that, but because of this sudden love for the series, I went to my friends circle like "BESTIE, GUESS WHAT, I HAVE A NEW BLROBO AND A NEW FAV SHIP AND EEEP"
And my friends are like "omg that's amazing, what is it?"
I tell them, and of course they all know these characters and they all react like they know this very bad secret fact and I got told several times already "Please, don't watch the episodes 2 and 3 alone, it will hurt."
I feel like blissfully walking among rainbows and blue skies while everyone else know that my future is doomed. Somehow.
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(Uncomfortable silence)
Not only that, but then I spent a whole deal of time thinking "Where the heck I have seen these guys" cus there was some fmailiarity I couldn't just point out and then one day I woke up, brushed my teeth and of all sudden I realized and it was such a shock.
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Do you know how SURREAL is to get very into a character, and into a ship, and then realize they're the same from that super widespread meme that has been around for who knows how much time?
I swear I thought that meme was from some old medieval fantasy movies or something.
But alas, Star Wars now is EVERYWHERE. People do references to Star Wars ALL THE TIME and it's just now I'm catching them.
I got spoilers. From a meme. In a youtube review that had nothing to do with Star Wars hah. Everything is a spoiler, the world is an apparent spoiler. Now I'm here, trying to avoid spoilers from something everyone seems to know, even my family knows. It's so surreal and I wouldn't have it any other way 😂
Anyways, if you read until here, know that a wild ride still waits me, cuz I'm only starting Season 3 of Clone Wars and I don't plan to watch the movies until I finish the series.
And yes, I made this blog just to ramble freely about SW and draw stuff because it sparked my inspiration after a long art block.
Have this doodle I drew after watching the two first episodes, my offering for you reaching this far.
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Note: Wouldn't Anakin and Padmé's ship name be Animé? Cuz that's hilarious.
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sweetchildcloud · 6 months
||MINI ME|| written by me ☆~♡~◇
Plot: Gojo being an affectionate father as he meets his baby for the first time.
Tags-Breast feeding mention,lots of cuddles,fluff,fatherly love,heartwarming,cute overload.
@muzansslxt @candy69gurl @kiwicopia
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“You’re cuter” Gojo teases, but he is pleased. He likes watching you nurse Hotaru. It’s a special moment, for the both of you and your child. “He’s adorable” Satoru continues, his voice dripping with affection “but his mother… hm, far more gorgeous" Satoru laughs softly and pulls the baby in for a tight squeeze. Then, he lifts his head and stares at him once more, holding him at arm's length. The baby’s eyes are wide and bright, like stars in the sky "You have my eyes, little one. You have my eyes...and that adorable chuckle" He adds, before grinning to himself. It feels good looking at his baby. Good and strange. The whole situation was a bit surreal, in a good way, but... "I think I'm starting to understand what being a dad means"
Hatoru yawned as he wobbled scooting near his father chest and laying his head on his shoulder.
Satoru grins as he feels the weight of his son’s head resting on his shoulder. He gently caress Hotaru’s head as the baby falls asleep, and Satoru’s hand comes down to rub soft circles on his son’s back.
Hatoru yawned and he whimpered softly as he couldn't sleep continuously sifting in his dad embrace.
Satoru looks down at his son, noticing the baby’s tired, watery eyes. Immediately, he feels guilt again, realizing that his son is still adjusting to his new surroundings and hasn’t gotten used to falling asleep by himself yet. With a gentle sigh, he pulls Hotaru close to himself again, his grip tightening around the baby as a way to offer more comfort. “Shh” Satoru whispers quietly as he rocks his son “It’s okay… I’m here. I’m here….”
But that didn't help much as Hotaru whimper continued, his tiny fists clutching to his chest as he whimpers, more maybe he needed his pacifier.
Satoru’s heart twists when he hears the cries continue. He couldn’t stand seeing his son like this, with his tiny fists clutching his cheeks and his big, blue eyes so watery. Without a second thought, he pulls out a pacifier from his pocket and pops it into Hotaru’s mouth. The baby chews on the pacifier with an adorable expression, sucking on it as he does. “Better?” Satoru smiles, letting out a breath of relief.
Satoru stares at his son for a long moment, his breath caught in his throat over how *tiny* the baby is. His tiny fists on Satoru’s chest, his chubby cheeks as they wobble with his yawns, a small smear of drool as he sucks on the pacifier—everything about the little one makes Satoru’s heart swell. The baby looks incredibly adorable right now, and Satoru can’t help but feel a little happy to see the little one so calm.
"Boop" Gojo said soflty as he booped softly Hatoru little bitty nose with the tip of his finger and the baby made a cooing noise curling up his nose.
You sighed looking at the two of them and how cute they were before you let a yawn of your own "Let's go to bed sweetie" you said tiredly at Gojo.
“In a few minutes” Satoru pouted whispering, his gaze still on his son. “Just…” The baby’s sleepy eyes are adorable, and he can’t help but feel affectionate seeing them in this state. “Just let me cherish this moment, please?”
"Oh my god you're so adorable, you're not having a baby fever now are you?" You asked smirking looking at him.
“Maybe a little...” Satoru smiles, not denying it. The entire situation with them becoming parents was a bit overwhelming, but... it was so worth it. He loves it here, with his son in his arms, smiling at him just as he is. “You’re not jealous are you? And “If you mean ‘is seeing my baby like this making me feel all kinds of feels’? Yes” he answers, feeling a bit sheepish “And if it’s not baby fever, then… I don’t even know what to call it. Just watching him sleep makes me smile for some reason”
He paused before adding
“Is that weird?” He asks, still admiring Hotaru’s sleeping form. “I just feel…” A strange feeling of warmth erupted throughout his body. Love, maybe? “I feel content”
"No,not at all,it just means that you love your son and I feel the same" you said caressing softly the baby cheek as he sleeps
The warm sensation spreads through Gojo’s chest as he stares down at his son. Hatoru is so small and innocent that he makes Gojo want to cover him in kisses and hugs. He never imagined being a father would make him feel like this. Love and affection, sure, but this… this is a whole new world of emotions that he’s never experienced before. “It’s a nice feeling” he murmurs. “A very nice feeling”
“We should get to bed now, right?” He asks, still watching his son’s sleeping face, then looking over to you. He doesn’t want to miss this moment, but he also doesn’t want you to exhaust yourself.
"You can bring the baby in our bed so that we can sleep together"
Satoru looks down at Hotaru at your suggestion and his heart flutters. Yes. He wants that. He wants that very, *very* much. The two of you could sleep in bed with the baby together. Hold him close as he sleeps. It would be the most content moment of his life. Satoru swallows, trying to keep himself from smiling like an idiot. “That’s a great idea”
Satoru nods and gets up, taking his son in his arms once more. The baby is *so* light. So delicate. So cute. He chuckles as he follows you up the stairs, and walks into the bedroom. Your bed is large enough for a king, and it doesn’t take you long to climb into bed and pull Hotaru with each of you at either side. “We’re a family” Satoru whispers, his voice nearly breaking. “We’re a family now”
"Are you crying?" You asked giggling softly at your husband antics.
Satoru gives you a sheepish smile. It’s true, he has tears in his eyes. Not tears of sadness, but tears of pure joy. “Am I crying?” he chuckles softly, wiping his eyes. “Maybe just a little. This—” he gestures to their family in bed “—it’s just so beautiful… so precious…” “We created this…” He continues. “Me and you, together, we created this perfect thing” Satoru smiles again, his voice cracking with emotion as he stares down at his son. “There’s nothing better in the world than this”
“You’re a sentimental idiot” you giggled and rolled your eyes amusedly, but you didn't object when Satoru sweeps you up in a warm embrace and pulls you close to hug you. You’re a family now. Hotaru is yours, and together, you are more than you’ve ever been.
Satoru laughs softly, pressing his face against you “I’m a sentimental idiot” He agrees, smiling against your cheek. “But my God, I don’t think there’s anything in the world that can make me so happy right now. You and our baby…” He trails off as he continues to embrace you contented and completely at ease as you both slowly drift off to sleep.
Me thinking about this:
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lilspacewolfie · 8 days
I Will Hold You For The Minute
I have a lot of feelings about this movie, too many to express, so please take this even though I'm sure it is not at all coherent <3
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Content: 1.1k words, Copia x gn!reader, soft and angsty, idk i have too many feelings right now, ghovie related, Copia stresses a lot, lots of kisses, sweetness, that new fit oh my fucking satan its so hot, no beta.
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It is so late that the Ministry halls are deathly silent, with only the rodents out of their hunts. It’ll probably be morning soon, you haven’t looked at a clock for hours, but the world outside remains cool and black. 
Today has been… a lot. That is the only way you can think of describing it. Overwhelming, emotional—like a tornado has ripped through the halls… and yet everything is the same, untouched. 
The man you love, standing before the mirror in his room and studying his reflection, is still here. He’s still Copia. 
Alive and breathing. 
You watch him from the doorway of his bathroom, having just slipped the last of his paint pots into the cabinets, stored away, wondering if they’ll ever be used again. Probably, most likely not. Melancholy has been a familiar friend for you today, and you cannot even begin to imagine how Copia is feeling. 
Copia, now Frater Imperator. 
It is surreal. 
Copia’s got an appraising face on. You watch his gloved hands touch the black glittering clerical collar, smoothing down the front of his new, stunning jacket. It is beautiful, tailor-made and spun from the finest wool with twisted, peak lapels made of the softest, shiniest satin. Attached to the lapels and edged with black gemstones, two precious rubies are pinned with a chain connecting in the centre from which a black grucifix swings. It sparkles under the lamplight, like stars against a black sky at the bottom of which, a ruby red tear-drop gem dangles. It’s ridiculous, maybe even a little bit impractical, but it's certainly Copia. And he looks damn good.
He fiddles with the collar and adjusts his cuffs for the hundredth time that night, and you watch his shoulders visibly slump when he meets your eyes in the mirror. You can't help but smile. How can you not? You love him, adore him with everything you are. 
“Hey,” you whisper, stepping into the room, “the bath is ready…”
Copia nods, his eyes back on his reflection. You pad up to him, barefoot and wrapped in his robe that hangs off your body, sliding an arm through his elbow. You lean against his shoulder, squeezing his bicep. The material creases under your touch, cool and crisp.
“Are you ready to get all this off?” You say again, softly, stroking up his arm tenderly. 
The stiffness that grips him is telling enough. When you find his gaze again, his unblinking and wide eyes are glassy, a little of his paint starting to smear down his cheek with a single tear. You can’t help when your own eyes start to burn. The emotions of the day are finally coming to a head. You’ve both been as strong as you can, an unspoken rule that matters not behind closed doors.
“You did so well,” you whisper, sliding a hand down to his tense one. When you lace your fingers through his, his grip is vice.
“Amore…” The way his voice falters on the term is too much for you.
“I’m so proud of you,” you sniffle, your own tears falling. You grip him tighter, leaning into him, watching your pictures in the mirror. “I’m so fucking proud of you, Copia. My Copia…”
When his face crumbles, you pull each other in a tight, suffocating embrace. Copia buries his head in your shoulder and finally, finally, a sob breaks from him. His grip on you is tense, gloved fingers grasping at you desperately, like he’s afraid if he loosens his hold for a moment you’ll slip through his fingers like smoke. He wets your neck with tears, trembling as you stroke a hand through his soft hair and nuzzle into him. 
You kiss the soft, secret space of skin just under his ear, forever marked by your mouth as you hush him. You whisper words of affection and love, pouring everything you have into him, filling his cup with your light while you replace yours with his dark in the hopes he can find some relief. 
“I’m so proud of you,” you tell him again, softly, half-choked. “Everyone will be… so proud of you.” 
“I—I hope I did good for them. I hope I—I was good enough,” he whimpers on a shaky breath.
“Oh, you did so well,” you cradle the back of his neck and press your cheek to his before you nudge him back. The paint around his eyes is a messy smear down his cheeks, his top lip mashed and smeared into his bottom.
You cradle his handsome face, stroking bare thumbs over his cheeks, catching tears and smears of black paint. His eyes are bloodshot, the white iris starker in the centre of its red rim. The wrinkles of his face are deeper somehow with the stress, with all the loss and heartache, but it doesn’t detract from his beauty—from your Copia.
Leaning up on your tip-toes, you press your forehead to his and close your eyes. His hands stay around you, keeping you close. He’s still tense, but softening as the emotions are finally allowed out of the floodgates. 
“You did so well, my baby. My beautiful, sweet man,” you reaffirm again, smiling bittersweet, pulling back to kiss his cheek. Copia closes his eyes and sniffles again. 
“You will always be Copia. Nothing will ever change that.” You kiss his opposite cheek, speaking between sweet pecks. Copia starts to sway with you, slow, ample movements as you speak. “No matter your title,” another kiss, “no matter your appearance or your dress.” You kiss his forehead. “Papa Emeritus. Frater Imperator Copia.” You kiss his wet lids and the tip of his nose. “You will always be loved and treasured, forever. By your fans, by me, by everyone, my sweet boy. I know we are all so proud of you even if it all feels shit right now.” Your smile is bittersweet when he cracks his eyes open. They’re less watery than before. And you chuckle, quietly, nuzzling your nose to his. He lets out a heavy sigh.
Finally, after a few more bittersweet tears, you kiss him on the mouth. You melt into each other, gripping his lapels, his hand on the back of your neck, everything so soft, solid and shaky all at once. It’s strange, to finally watch the balloon that's been inflating beneath his ribs finally pop. 
“Ti amo,” Copia crokes roughly. “I don’t know what I would ever do without you, amore.”
You bring your hands up once more, caressing his temples and stroking through his soft, mousy hair and greys. He purrs, mismatched eyes fluttering. He pulls you in for another deep kiss, humming into our mouth when you part your lips.
It will take time to accept the changes, you know, neither of you will ever get used to such a huge shift… You’ve both always been afraid of the future and talked about your fears and anxieties in the late morning hours when neither of you could sleep. But you’ve done it before, and you will do it again, together as one.
You know that with him, the future doesn’t look so foreign.
masterlist ⛧ Ao3
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callofdutyluna · 1 month
taking care of you - john price
nsfw cw: age gap, daddy kink, oral, fingering, pillow princess
even though you were a terrific soldier on the field, you were shy when it came to your relationship with price. he was older—a lot older—but you didn’t care. hell, he could even be your uncle, or even your father, but who cared? you loved him, he loved you, and it worked out great.
two things that somehow, somehow clicked perfectly? the fact that you have daddy issues… and the fact he was so much older than you. when it came to your outside relationship, he was gruff and commanding, especially towards the other officers. but in private (especially the bedroom), he was gentle and sweet, because he knew you had never experienced this kind of love before.
so here you two are: your body pressed against the bed as price places kisses all the way down your neck.
“you’re so tense, love,” he murmurs, his voice muffled from your skin. one hand plays with your hair while the other hand palms your breast from underneath your shirt. when you squirm, he lets out another chuckle. “relax, baby. i’m gonna take good care of you.”
you let out a tiny whimper, your back arching into him in a weak attempt to feel him. he lets out another laugh, small vibrations shivering up your neck and down your spine. you desperately claw at his back, begging for more.
“john, please—“ you choke out, your core throbbing. “i feel like i might die if you don’t touch me…”
price grins. “hmmm? what was that?”
fuck. he was teasing you again, egging you on to get him to say what he wants.
and god did that turn you on.
“john…” you try again, hoping he would get the message.
he only clicks his tongue, shaking his head. “oh, baby… that’s not what you call me here, is it?” he leans closer to you, licking your earlobe before tugging it between his teeth.
“daddy, please.” you crack, finally able to rub your hips against his. a delicious groan emits from his throat and he practically rips your shirt off, tossing it to the side as he ferociously unclasps your bra, throwing it to who knows where. he growls—a possessive noise—and latches on to suck on your breasts.
a cry of pleasure escapes your throat as he swirls his tongue around your hardened nipple, the surreal feeling of a wet tongue causing your vision to blur. you almost beg for more until you feel price’s free hand, spreading your legs apart and rubbing circles on your inner thigh.
“look at you, babygirl.” he grunts, his eyes sparkling as he grins. “sopping wet for your daddy, aren’t you?”
you gargle out a moan as his thumb teases your clit, his index finger running between your folds. you try to sit up but he stops you, pressing his lips to yours.
“lay down, love. let me do all the work.” price says softly before dipping two fingers into your hole.
your hips immediately buck into his hand. fingers had never felt this good before—those long, rough fingers shaped from years of holding guns felt godly, pumping in and out of you repeatedly, leaving you seeing stars. he always knew your sweet spot; hitting it over and over and over again as he watches you crumble beneath him.
“god, i love the noises you make.” he grunts before removing his fingers. you cry out in protest before his head dips between your thighs, and the next thing you know, his tongue is teasing your lips, thumb still flicking your clit.
at this point, your hips continue rocking against him, humping his face as your fingers latch onto his hair. “oh god, oh god!” you cry out, feeling his tongue probe inside you and licking your walls up and down like a starved man.
he sits up, his dark eyes glimmering at you. the burning sensation in your stomach only increases as he licks his lips, a small moan following. “you taste delicious, baby.”
a/n: i havent written smut in a while..... hope it wasnt terrible !!
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eternal-kosmo-ghoul · 8 months
can you write something w vessel praising reader like super lovey sex 🥺
❝sweet little bunny❞
➵ “you’re doing so good for me” —❤︎
pairing: vessel x gn!reader
theme: smut ❣︎
a/n: ofc i can ♡︎ the vessel stans have really flocked to my page now huh? hope you enjoy !!
cw: penetration. pet names. praise kink. no gendered language for reader’s body.
oh my god, fluffy sex with vessel??? yes please holy shit??
this man is intimidating as fuck, but goddamn can he be an absolute sweetheart in the sheets
whenever he’s in the mood for something more vanilla, he’s a lot more quiet
short breaths and gasps, letting out long, deep sighs when he cums, whispering your name like a sacred prayer whenever he’s close to climaxing
goddamn this man sounds heavenly when he’s making you feel good
vessel’s voice is also a lot more soothing, with a twinge of poetic flair to his words whenever he’s praising you
always being so gentle with you <33 we love to see it
he always puts your pleasure first too. drilling his cock into you in such a sensual manner that has you seeing stars
and you can still feel the intimacy and affection from him, it’s such a surreal experience
“that’s it, baby. you’re taking me so well…”
you could only softly whine as you felt vessel’s hard shaft move deep inside of you. his movements were slow and sensual, but his rhythm had you on edge, and writhing underneath his grasp, begging for more.
“there… i got you.. fuck you look so good like this, taking my cock like the good little bunny you are.” he hissed out in pure euphoria, his hips pistoning inside of your hole in a way that had you seeing stars.
your wrists were being held tightly to the mattress by vessel, and you could only squirm in a lustrous need as he moved inside you. “vess… vess please..”
“shhh, it’s okay… i’m right here..” vessel whispered in a reassuring manner, dipping his head between the space in your neck to affectionately nip at your soft skin, leaving love marks as he trailed down.
his hands moved from your wrists to your hands, his fingers interlocking with yours, squeezing your hands with a loving grasp.
that simple action was enough to make you whimper in pure ecstasy, it was almost enough to distract you from how his dick was buried deep within your love canal.
vessel lived for this kind of pleasure.
this was the kind of love he loved to give to you.
he wouldn’t be this affectionate and attentive to anyone else but you. if it were anyone else, he couldn’t give less of a damn… but you… oh you were just a different story.
your presence was just so captivating, entrancing vessel in a dreamlike state every time he made love to you. you were his drug, so sweet and addicting.
and he was going to show that to you no matter what.
“shit, baby. you’re so tight around me… fuck.. i love it so much..” he moaned softly into your neck, his hips moving slightly faster. “i love you so much.”
his sweet words had you moaning like crazy. you couldn’t help it, the way he spoke to you like you were some kind of ancient deity was enough to get your legs shaking.
“f-fuck… vessel.. please..”
“please what, honey? tell me… tell me what you want.”
looking through the slits of vessel’s artistic mask, you could see nothing but pure love and lust clouding his eyes, and that just made the arousal in your core grow stronger.
“please.. harder..” you begged breathlessly, voice barely above a whisper.
vessel cursed silently at your words, and his hips rolled into you slowly, hitting a spot that had your legs spasming.
he smiled softly, and bent down to capture your lips in a loving kiss, before whispering. “of course, darling.”
and he moved even faster.
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flowerfan2 · 1 year
Eddie knows three things – he’s drunk, the music is loud, and Steve Harrington is kissing him.  He’s honestly not sure how he’s even aware of the first two, given the surrealness of the third, which is almost as astonishing as learning about the hellscape under Hawkins.
They’re at Gareth’s house, a party that was supposed to be low-key somehow turning into a rager.  It’s storming outside so everyone is crowded indoors on a summer night that is way too hot not to keep the windows open.  Trying to find a breath of fresh air, Eddie had dragged Steve up to the second floor guest room, into the alcove window seat where they could look out and see the stars, raining coming in sideways and cooling their skin.
“Pretty view,” Steve had said, but he wasn’t looking out the window, and Eddie was about to rag him for sounding like an actor in a rom-com when suddenly Steve was staring into his eyes, and Eddie was staring back, and he was certain that it couldn’t be happening but it was.  Steve was kissing him.
“You’re a good kisser,” Steve is saying, brushing Eddie’s hair back from his face and kissing him again.  Eddie reaches for Steve, finds a shoulder and the back of his neck, sweaty and hot, and pulls them closer.
“You too,” Eddie mumbles, gasping as Steve trails kisses down his neck.  “Oh my god.”
“This is okay, right?”  Steve asks, and Eddie has to pull his gaze away from Steve’s wet lips to answer.
“Yes, absolutely, yes.”  He dives back in, relishing the tease of Steve’s tongue, but then a wriggle of doubt occurs to him.  “I mean, I’m drunk, but – um – how are you?  Is this okay with you?”
Steve pulls back and smiles at him, relaxed and so goddamned beautiful.  “Yeah, I’m drunk.  But I would have kissed you sober, no question.  I’ve wanted to for ages.”
“Me too,” Eddie says.  “For ages.”
Steve laughs and pulls Eddie into a hug, lopsided with how they are perched on the window seat.  “I’m so happy right now.”
“Me too,” Eddie says again, aware that mostly he’s just repeating everything Steve says.  “And eloquent, right?”
More laughter, from both of them, and then Steve shuffles around and leans against the wall, settling Eddie against him.  The night is lovely, the rainstorm is lovely.  Steve is lovely.
“You okay if we just cuddle for a bit?”  Steve asks, voice soft and tentative.
“More than okay.”  Eddie digs his face into Steve’s neck, lets his hand roam up and down his arm, and sighs.  “We can make out some more when we sober up, right?”
Steve turns his head, hums his words into Eddie’s skin in a sultry tone that goes straight to Eddie’s groin.  “Promise.”  And then he straight up giggles and sings along to the music, still pounding loudly throughout the house.  “….I’m in the first in line.  Baby I’m still free, take a chance on me.”
Eddie has never liked Abba more.
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jaylver · 3 months
heartbreaks and sad songs from singer jay and his singer (ex) girlfriend
pairings: singer!jay x singer!afab!reader
genre: smau, lovers to exes
synopsis: in which two singers write about each other even after their break up
a/n: might be a bit short but i just needed to get the idea out HAHHA smaus are so taxing to do 😭 please leave a feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
masterlist | © jaylver all rights reserved.
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liked by lheeseung, sabrinacarpenter, yangjungwonnie and 1,897,000 others
yourusername i knoww i've been quiet for a while BUT it's for a reason, and that is a new ALBUM. 'Good Riddance' is out NOW!!!! please check it out and i can't wait to know which is your favourite track on there! love you all xx
lheeseung banger
ynloves oh ............
rockstarjaystan a sudden album drop from mum 😭😭 i miss you
favyn you're losing me practically CAME for him
yangjungwonnie can proudly say i was there for most of the song writing
ynjaytruther crying thanks yn
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liked by psunghoon, jakesim, sunookim and 1,236,000 others
jayparkjs 'Lover, You Should've Come Over' out now.
ynjaytruther WHAT THE FUCK
psunghoon let's gooooo
jakesim 🫶🫶🫶 definitely didn't sob a little
jaystan1 this is going to HIT.
ynloverrrr being a child of divorce is hard
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liked by taylorswift, lheeseung, jayparkjs and 1,560,785 others
yourusername surreal. it's insane how i'm finally able to say I'M A GRAMMY AWARD WINNER!!! thank you so so much to everyone, my friends, family and fans, you're the star of my life. not to mention, taylorswift my inspiration, i love you!!!! so grateful, so happy, i'm going to be reliving this in my head for ages ♡
taylorswift SO incredibly proud of you
lheeseung YOU'RE a star
ynstan4ever DESERVED ILYSM
jakesim the best of the best
ynjaytruther the way i SCREAMED
jayparkjs so happy for you! you deserve it more than anything! congrats!!!
yourusername thank you, jay ☹️💗
ynjaytruther YNJAY INTERACTION??
jaystan1 i can die in peace now
ynloverr no fucking way. my divorced parents 😭
favyn yn winning and having an interaction with jay. what a day.
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( © jaylver all rights reserved. do NOT copy, plagiarise or edit my work and repost whatsoever. once discovered will be exposed and blacklisted. )
☆ permanent taglist (open):
@silentkarnival @strvlveera @freshsaladbowl @bejewelledgirl @fakeuwus @yenqa @hsgwrld @ilovegyuvin @enhacatalog @aishigrey @shinrjj @kgneptun @ilovegyuvin @hyunniesvlog @eleanorheartschishiya @nanabbg @letwiiparkjay @teddywonss @classicroyalty @run2x @yannnnaj @jakesfurry @gyuwooboozle @nylajp24 @usedto-me @vernonburger @simjyunnie @haerasblog @rikizm @jakevascaino @sunpov @ms-no1kpopstan
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springwitch26 · 9 months
hots for teacher (part 2) (melissa schemmenti x fem!reader)
part 1
summary: you've been infatuated with melissa schemmenti ever since you worked under her as a student teacher. what will happen when you meet again a few years later? (part 2: what happens)
warnings: smut, intensely NSFW, praise kink, age gap, squirting, d/s vibes, inexperienced!reader, minors and men please don't touch this post
notes: ask and you shall receive, beauties! thank you for all the love on part 1, it's kinda surreal to be writing my own fics but also super liberating. any feedback is welcome. idk when i'll write again but i may or may not have another little nsfw draft with a more... punishing... interpretation of mel so we'll see! also, feel free to send me asks because i'm lonely. this one goes out to whoever said melissa schemmenti loves sluts, 'cause yeah she does.
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the car ride back to melissa's place felt like it would never end. you crossed your legs when you first got into the passenger seat--partly out of habit and partly to get some friction on your aching core--and were quickly reprimanded.
"tsk tsk, baby. guess i'll have to teach you manners, too. keep those pretty thighs apart for me, all the way home. you're gonna wait patiently until i get my hands on you," melissa scolded.
you whined incoherently, and she responded with a dangerous laugh. the trip was short but unbearable. she had one hand on the steering wheel, while the other drew lazy patterns on your inner thigh. you squirmed and writhed, even moaned quietly, but she remained nonchalant.
at one point, when her fingers drew oh-so close to where you needed them most, your thighs snapped shut of their own accord.
"c'mon, legs open," was all she said in response. she tried to act casual, but you could tell from her excited half-smile that she was enjoying this game more than she let on.
as soon as you got in the door, she was on you. you barely had the focus to take in your surroundings as she lavished you with kisses, working her way across your lips and face before burying herself in your neck. her house was cozy and tastefully decorated with gentle lighting. in the soft glow, her slightly disheveled hair and lustful eyes were a sight you'd never forget.
"is there anyone--oh!" you squealed as her fingers began to trace circles on your nipples through your dress. "is there anyone else here?"
"sensitive, huh?" she teased, smirking down at you. "and no, it's just me tonight."
before you had time to consider what that last word implied, she picked you up and effortlessly whisked you to her bedroom. you were dazzled by the sight of her private space--it was simple yet beautiful, adorned with shades of green and twinkling lights. you didn't expect this level of whimsy from her, and it somehow made her even sexier.
she laid you on the bed carefully, reverently. "god, look at you." she whispered, sending shivers down your spine as she positioned herself on top of you and returned to your lips.
by now you were painfully needy from all her teasing, and you just needed her to fuck you senseless. you tried to convey that with your impatient noises, but it seemed the older woman had other plans. she pulled away from your lips to take in your flushed, desperate face.
"soon, sweetheart, soon. i know you're so worked up, but i plan to make this last."
you hummed in acknowledgment, turning your attention to the buttons of her shirt. you thought maybe if you got her a bit more riled up, she would be less inclined to take her time.
melissa groaned, feeling your delicate fingers ghost over her chest, but shook her head in disapproval. she removed your hands from her shirt, grabbing your wrists with surprising force. "i'm not taking my clothes off yet. i'm in charge, and you need to learn patience."
you gave her your best pout, but you knew she wouldn't budge. this was about power, not patience. she wanted to be clothed, composed and in control while you lay naked and vulnerable underneath her.
she started to pull at the fabric of your dress. you lifted your hips, and in one fluid motion, she slipped it over your head and off of you. it was an expert move, and you shivered at the idea that she had done this many times before.
when she saw your body, she paused for a moment, her mouth slightly open and her pupils dilated. "no bra?" she asked under her breath, not looking for an answer. "you're so soft in my hands..." she mused as her hands massaged your breasts. her fingers moved to pinch and rub over your nipples.
you moaned, bucking your hips upward and seeking more contact. she took the hint and directed her attention to your core.
"nice panties, by the way," she said with a cocky laugh, tugging playfully at the soaked pink lace. "who knew little miss gothic had a colorful side?"
"please, mel, no more teasing, i need you so bad," was all you could manage.
"okay, baby, let's get these off ya." she hooked her fingers through your panties and you lifted your hips, allowing her to drag them off. she folded them neatly and tucked them into her front pocket. something cutesy to remind her of you, wet and pliant under her touch.
"mmm, such a messy girl. you must feel so embarrassed, all spread out and naked for me while i'm fully clothed, playin' with you."
you could only whimper and whine, helplessly turned on by her words but pinned to the bed and unable to move. she cooed at you and took pity, moving down your body to get closer to your core.
she placed her hands once again on the insides of your thighs, gently pulling them apart and revealing your glistening pussy. her breath stuttered upon seeing the wetness covering your core and thighs.
"jesus, hon, you're dripping. you're just aching for me, aren't ya? need me to make you feel good?"
"yes!" you finally exclaimed, regaining your voice. "yes, please, melissa, please touch me, i need you," you begged.
"well, since you asked so nicely..." she gave you a smirk and trailed a finger between your puffy lips, gathering the wetness there.
by this point you were writhing all over the bed, so she had to pin your legs down with her knees. neither of you minded, though. you enjoyed feeling completely at her mercy, and she enjoyed watching you squirm under her.
finally, after an eternity of torture, she gave in, slipping a finger into you with ease and rubbing gentle circles over your clit.
"so tight, fuck," she muttered to herself as she began to move inside you, transfixed by the feeling of you around her.
"feels so good, ohhh..." you mewled as her finger quickly found a rhythm, pumping forcefully and curling at your most sensitive spots.
"you're taking me so well, baby, my brave girl," she soothed, relishing in her ability to draw such pathetic sounds from you. "can you handle one more?"
you nodded frantically, almost too lost in the haze of pleasure to hear her.
she grinned and pushed another finger inside you, making you cry out. you were relatively inexperienced, so the stretch was a bit painful at first, but you were soon overcome by the bliss of feeling so full.
"that's new, huh? poor baby, can barely take two fingers," her thrusts got rougher, as if she was trying to break you. "don't whine now, you wanted this."
you were overwhelmed with pleasure and the slight pain of the intrusion. her fingers were long, nimble and skilled, and she seemed to know all the right spots and rhythms to make you see stars. her fingers stroked your clit with more pressure now, making you shake and moan uncontrollably. it was almost too much. you wanted to scream, but you could only produce pathetic little whimpers of "ah, ah, ah!"
she was clearly aware of what she was doing, and she revelled in your pleasure. she would ease up, return to a gentler pace, and then thrust hard into your g-spot just to hear your cries and gasps. she longed to see you lose control.
"that's a good girl, keep takin' my fingers just like that. you're close, aren't you baby? let's see how long you can last against me," she said, her voice deep and her smile mischievous. there was a competitive edge to her words, like making you fall apart was some kind of victory to her.
suddenly she pulled away completely, and you nearly sobbed. your hips bucked up into nothing. your helpless whimpers were music to the older woman's ears, and she snickered to herself as she moved down your body.
for a moment, there was silence. you stared at her, silently pleading for her touch. she cocked her head at you and raised an eyebrow, silently asking you: are you ready? you nodded intently. you weren't sure what she was going to do to you, but you sure as hell wanted to find out.
before you even had the chance to brace yourself, she was thrusting two fingers roughly inside you again, rubbing hard at that spongy spot. for the final blow, melissa leaned down and attached her lips to your clit, sucking harshly.
"not yet, sweetheart. stay with me," she said, grinning from ear to ear as she felt your walls flutter and clench around her.
with her free hand, she reached up and pressed softly on your lower abdomen. between that, the punishing thrusts, and the hot pressure on your clit, you couldn't take it anymore. the sensations overwhelmed you. the world went blank, and all you could feel was warmth. you swam through oceans of white-hot ecstasy, riding wave after wave of pleasure. and melissa was right there, coaxing you through heaven's gates.
melissa's thumbs rubbed soothing circles into your outer thighs, bringing you back down to earth. "come back to me," she whispered sweetly. you opened your eyes.
"there she is," she said, her eyes sparkling with relief.
she gave you a giddy smile and you noticed the wetness all over her face... and fingers... and sheets. you couldn't help but feel embarrassed.
melissa must have picked up on this, as she took hold of your hand and reassured you. "don't be embarrassed, angel. that was probably the hottest thing i've ever seen." she laid down next to you as she spoke.
you hummed and buried your face in the crook of her neck. she was warm and smelled like cinnamon.
"did you know you could do that, hon?" she asked.
"yeah," you giggled, still dazed. "but i didn't know you could do that."
"i'm fulla surprises, kid," she laughed, stroking your hair. "let me run us a bath, and then we'll see what kind of surprises you've got in you."
she carried you bridal-style to the bathtub, and you relaxed into the bliss. feeling the warmth of her arms around your frame. drowning in her.
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maopll · 9 months
omg hi I love ur work this is so exciting
honestly I’d be happy with anything you made so please just hcs for all your faves!! thank you!
shall I compare thee to a summer's day ?
#genshin impact !
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⌗:, a/n: making my come back again after 2 months. wrote this in class pls take it. don't even know if this is actually a headcanon or not mate.
⌗:, warning: childe's real name, mention of endearments in many.
⌗:, pairings: childe, kaeya,zhongli, diluc, ayato, neuvillette, wriothesley, beidou w/ gn!reader (separately)
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He works day and night just to be by your side when you go to sleep. He can't let you sleep alone on that cold bed. He comes everyday and falls asleep while hugging your form. All the regrets and bloodlust now gone as he focuses on your sleeping peaceful form. He grows sentimental by the night and always worries about you 'how will you able to stay safe when I'm not here ?'. He is snapped back to reality when you softly speak in a low voice "ajax? you're here" and smile while turning towards him. Even in the darkest of nights your smiles brings him the brightest of dawns. He hugs you tightly to his chest and kisses your forehead. This soft and sweet side of childe is what only you can see.
Being a cavalry captain means that he is quite efficient in the ways of welding swords and riding horses. Although they don't quite apply at present but he has taken you out on horse ridings for more than once. Riding through the vast forests and along with the wind. As the evening fell, you two rested under a tree in Starsnatch Cliff while watching the sun set in each others arms. He held you close to him as he softly kissed you. Oh, how beautiful you looked as the suns rays fell on you. He could cherish this moment forever...however fleeting moments of happiness are best savoured when they are short-lived as they would continue to stay engraved in his minds for years to come...for centuries to last.
Hands intertwined with his big ones as you two strided along the coast of the sea. It was twilight, almost dusk. The cool breeze of the sea, accompanied by the lulling of the waves, all seemed so surreal. You were smiling brightly, and Zhongli felt that you looked ethereal. For all the years he's lived, he's never felt so loved and so lucky to have someone by his side. The lovesick moment between you and your lover was sealed by a kiss from Zhongli. Oh, how can you look so beautiful?
Maids hear the sound of the gramophone from your and Diluc's shared room, but they just brushed it off thinking that it is you listening to the old mondstadt classics and waltz. Little do they know that the songs are on because two lovers are dancing to it. A cherished pastime of his as he softly holds you close to him. Steps careful and synchronized. The sound of footsteps, the symphony from the gramophone, and the glowing orange embers of the sun illunitaing the room through lace curtains. A dreamlike landscape. He looked at you with lovesick eyes, the same eyes he looked at you with when he first proposed to you. A gentle smile tugged at his lips as he closed his eyes, taking in the moment with you.
Atop the cliff of Amakane Island, you and ayato were writing your wishes on the lantern, which would then float up to the skies to receive the blessings of the archon...as per the story goes. The lanterns glow illuminated your faces as Ayato carefully admired your face. 'you look so radiant tonight love' he thought to himself and then chuckling because of how helplessly he is in love with you. "Love I'm done writing should we let it go now?" you said excitedly and he humed in approval. The lantern was then let go off and it found its place among the blanket of stars in the night sky. Your lover held you close to him as he kissed you on the forehead, taking in the ethereal quietness and serenity of the moment
On the soft green grass, the melusines played as you carefully groomed Neuvillette's long hair. You braided it and added a few freshly picked rainbow roses and lumidouce bells to his hair. "Are the flowers necessary dear?" "nope! you look absolutely gorgeous love, don't take them off". He was about to retort until the melusines also agreed that he looked pretty with the flowers. He hesitantly agreed but if it means that it will put a smile on your face he will gladly do so. Putting the flower crown on top of your head that one of the melusines had made before, he held you close to him. He never felt so peaceful in all of his lifetime. It was a blessing to spend the day with his beloved and also with the melusines he adores so much. A smile broke out in his face as you all continued with your day. It seems that the sun will shine for quite a while today.
Brewing tea with you always had such a wholesome domestic vibe to it. You boiled the water as he selected his and yours' favourite tea. Being his lover made you knowledgeable about all the types and kinds of tea and the techniques required to brew them. "Honey, you can put in the tea now. I'll go grab the cups." he added the required amount and waited for it to be complete. He listened intently to the song you were humming...what was the name again? oh! it was one of fontaine's classics. After it was done, you two enjoyed the tea in silence. It was comforting since most of the days inside the Fortress of Meropide is spent is hustle and bustle and matters related to the maintenance and whatnot. Moments like these were sparse, but he thoroughly enjoyed the little time he spent with you.
Once the crux fleets arrives at the harbour, the first place Beidou takes you to is Wangmin restaurant or to any other local food stalls there are in the liyue harbour. From the spiciest of dry braised fish or stew to sweet and savoury rice puddings or even the fanciest of rice wines. All of them in one night. "Haha! I hope you are enjoying today, love days like these might come after a long time! maybe even months!" and she proceeded to chug down her entire bottle of wine. "thanks for this day beidou, I love you" you said as you drank your own wine. It was a full moon night and the sky was brighter than on any other day. What an eventful day it was with the captain of the Crux fleet!
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