#this is so long jfc sorry
ethmaron · 2 years
Hi! You said you could talk for hours about Jason's story in your mer AU, and I would love to hear it! (If you want to share it, of course <3)
OH MAN YEAH ok general warning for medical experimentation and things along that line
im literally going to start at the beginning with this SO:
bruce is the one who reached out to the facility to help develop the program, so he's the reason the mer people are as 'in contact' with the humans as they are (humans KNOW about mer people theyre not any sort of secret they just dont interact a whole bunch). its a bit of a mutualistic thing--the mer people can be studied and help develop humans understanding of their biology and culture and stuff--as well as they will help bring things from the ocean sometimes. they also get medical care for things they may not have been able to deal with by themselves (and they get medicine too, but they didnt really know that stuff existed so that was just a plus)
anyway so when they reach out jasons still a kid--so the og mer people who were at the facility are bruce, dick, jason, harley, and tim. damian, cassie and bart all come in later.
so with the biological testing its mainly the joker (his names john in this but i literally cant take it seriously w either name im sorry) running things as hes like the head of the department, and hasnt been outed as a bad person yet. kory works with them too, but she spends more times at the tank doing monitoring rather than hands on examinations. examinations mainly consist of xrays and stuff to see what their bone structures are like, organ placement, etc etc.
^with this, because they are technically people they withhold rights to a degree (i mean they cant vote or anything but like. they have basic human rights in terms of their bodies) so they are NOT allowed to conduct invasive procedures or harmful experiments to them
however after a point joker is basically like yeah ive gathered everything i can from non invasive tests lets cut one open (also note he has absolutely no regards for their customs or culture so that is also a big point of trauma for jason) 
he picks jason because hes like ~12/13 when he decides to take someone, and he wanted someone who wouldve been closer to human puberty bc he wanted to see if mer ppl had it/how it effects them. tim wouldve been too young, and dick too old--and bruce wouldve probably ripped his throat out if he tried on him LOL
so during the time jasons effectively kidnapped (also does need to be noted that jason does have a tendency to wander off--he likes to explore, so for a while no ones really worried, until they very much are) he is kept in something closer to an observation tank that doesnt lead back to the ocean (all the tanks in the facility lead directly back to the ocean--they do not keep them there against their will. an observation tanks true usage would be more for someone waiting to go BACK to the main tanks after say getting and xray or something) so hes trapped in the tank for the duration of him being there.
the joker keeps him for a couple years--and at that point the other mer people assume hes dead. (hes not found bc the joker keeps him in his private lab so hes the only one authorized to go back there--people arent aware of whats happening to jason) joker keeps him drugged up most the time so jasons not really There for most of it. anyway. without going into too much horrible detail about it during the time--hes vivisected (Y chest scar) and joker basically like. rummages around through his organs and stuff and examines everything. hes cut open a couple times because joker cant get through everything in one day so. he also cuts his tail and some other areas open just to see how the mer people differ biologically.
only reason that hes found (by ivy--everyone say thank you ivy) is because she needed something from joker and snagged his keycard to get into his lab (this is pretty common in the facility--people borrow from private labs and they generally just grab the keycard from their desk if they even need it. private labs are often kept open) and went in and found jason in the tank (hes roughly 15/16 at this point) and immediately calls kory to see if she had any idea what was happening and she doesnt--kory shows up and a few mins later joker shows up and is furious about it, but the jigs kinda up now. they forcibly take jason back to korys lab where they can patch him up and stuff. they have to replace all the stitches because theyre not well done at all (joker was only stitching him up to like. hold him back together not really to heal the wounds)
(in more a step towards joker and harleys story hes reported to the board--and he is no longer allowed to work on the biological side of things. everyone else who finds out/knows about what he did are angry because theyre not getting rid of him because he, according to the board, was "too good" to fire. they also gave some sort of excuse as keeping him around meant keeping an eye on him so that he couldnt do it to anyone else--but again thats more towards harleys story rather than jasons)
kory and ivy get jason all fixed up and stick him in korys observation tank until the drugs wear off (they didnt want him to have access to the open ocean when he wasnt all there because he could get hurt Worse and they wouldnt be able to reach him)
unfortunately they DO have to give him more drugs (pain meds) but its different stuff than what the joker was using--again whole deal w that is joker was doing it all to keep him sedated and available for testing whereas kory and ivy are trying to heal him and stuff.
kory is the one who tells dick and everyone that jasons alive, and no one really reacts well because its been a while at this point and theyre all trying to move on.
eventually jason gets brought back to the main tank and he automatically goes to dick (jason blames bruce for everything that happened because hes the one that reached out to the facility and lead to jason being taken and experimented upon--and tims like. still a kid and he was always closer to dick anyway) and everyones kinda staring at him all horrified because hes still seeping blood into the water and hes still not really properly looked at himself but everyones just glad hes at least like. alive.
later when hes w dick he does have a bit of a massive breakdown when he finally kinda surface level processes whats been done to him--hes angry and scared and hes still a little kid and like. there is absolutely not going back and his organs still havent shifted back to where they should be quite right so he feels weird and theres obviously the incredible amount of pain hes dealing with. his hair does turn white w the shock/trauma of everything too !! thats where that crops up. when he sees it he tries to cut it all off because he hates it but it just grows back white so the white area of his hair is a bit shorter than the rest of his hair :)
he has to continue getting pain medicine/antibiotics/etc but once his head cleared up enough to think hes absolutely rabid around humans he has no trust for them at all anymore and he refuses to let them (or really anyone for that matter) touch him so its a shot in the dark to whether hes gonna be out of his mind enough with pain that they get can the stuff into him or not
he heals over time and hes got nasty scars from it but otherwise is physically alright--he does distance from dick and everyone else a Lot though (and still blames most of it on bruce) and is often out in the ocean doing things--he doesnt often return to the facility except when absolutely needed
he IS eventually forced to go to a therapy thing of sorts with harley but he just sits and refuses to talk the whole time (after he meets roy he will occasionally talk about roy and everyones very curious about this dude that jason apparently Regularly Talks to bc he is the most antisocial person Ever)
hes still a good person tho like he just hates people touching him (roy and VERY rarely kory are an exception. sometimes his brothers but thats a shot in the dark) and interacting with him but hes still wildly curious about the human world and the people that live in it he just wants to learn about it all from very very far away.
so thats all pre kon and clark thats effectively the gist of his backstory--moving onto his actual story during the au -
(jason doesnt show up loads in the main storyline with kon and the rest of them, but me and emmy have a decent amount of stuff in his own offshoot--a lot of which actually includes roy lmao)
jasons a big collector when he travels--hes got this waterproof bag he asked dick to ask kory for and he collects shells and rocks and pearls and stuff like that that he thinks are interesting off the ocean floor and stuff, and he DOES like to show it all off because he thinks what he does is cool and he likes when people get excited over something he found but he hardly ever shows anyone because hes also worried that theyre gonna take it and the stuff is His
the stuff w roy comes mostly from emmy bc shes the one who knows most about him so if hes mischaracterized at all u cant blame me (also this bit is particularly scattered so i will try my best to timeline it as i can)--
roys a volunteer at something or other organization and he picks up trash along the coastline and stuff--jason shows up and sees him one day and roy sees him but doesnt say anything--jasons the one who eventually talks to him first. directly qoute from our chats from emmy:
'Jason giving him a hard time about being a do gooder and being pessimistic about people not ever actually caring about the ocean even though people live in it ,,, I bet roy travels along the beach looking for wrappers and cans and just talks and Jason makes fun of him and Roy's like ,, buddy you've been swimming along with me for like 30 mins you must love hanging out <3 and jason gets all huffy and he's like no I'm just MESSING with you stupid idiot and he kind of swims off and Roy keeps walking and after like 5 mins Jason like throws a beer bottle or something in front of Roy that he found in the sand under the water and Roy's like thanks and Jason's like ,, thanks'
like previously mentioned roys one of the only ppl allowed to touch jason--more because he doesnt know anything about what happened to him (he can obviously see the scars but at that point has no context and jason wants to keep it that way because he treats him normal) first time it happens is actually at some point when roy visits the facility and theyre all just kinda touching and roy touches jasons shoulder as an off hand like pat/whatever and everyone kinda freezes because thats like rule #1 you dont even try to touch him or hell probably bite you and he just sits and lets roy touch him and now EVERYONES got something to think about bc whats so important about THIS guy 
heres two other quotes idk how to naturally work into this:
'i just keep thinking about it jason being an asshole per usual but roy is allowed to grt away w stuff and jason still maintaining that hes prickly and mean so that roy doesnt know that the thing jason lets him do mean anything'
'i think part of the appeal for jason is knowing that like. roy doesnt have to be weird abt it bc he didnt know (about jasons aversion to others touching him) so jason doesnt have to be weird and be like yes ur allowed to touch me he just lets it happen and like they never really say anything about it'
roys the person jason talks to the most but its always about stupid stuff and nothing like important or anything.
‘after like a couple weeks of Roy showing up and Jason's memorized his schedule and meets him at the little area Roy always starts at wait bc now I'm thinking about that like Roy's been doing this alone for months to keep his mind off things and to feels like he's doing something productive and he doesn't have that many friends but all of the sudden he's got this weird mer guy half being a little mean half being a little silly with him but every time they split off when Roy goes home Jason's always like whatever you'll get tired of this like every other die hard litterbug hater that stomps through here--bc I think Jason rly does like having Roy around and likes his company but really does think he will end up leaving and he's kinda sad about it so he always picks on him for it.....and Roy's like and you're fun to hang out with it and Jason first response is to be like ew but he would never ever say anything but in his mind he's like yeah okay he kinda uses Roy as company like that too like every moment he's with Roy is time he's not feeling threatened--and if he's being honest having someone around does make him feel a little safer but Jason can't be outright boo hoo so he's just like wow you you come all the way out here to see me BUT SILLY and Roy makes some face but they both know that yeah they do just hang out with each other’
‘I bet Jason almost throws a bottle at Roy's head actually by accident’ (do NOT remember context for this but i think its funny)
Jason and Roy's like man's you know you can hand me things ,, and Jason like this is easier stupid and Roy's like okay but if you kill me you go to human jail and Jason thinks it's funny but after like 20 mins of walking Roy's hears Jason like ",, well here" and sees him holding some of those plastic can holder things and roys like thanks dude and tried to grab them and Jason kinda flinches and he's just kinda waits for Jason to reach back over before he goes the grab them again and he has to step into the water a little to get them from Jason he's wearing those stupid rubber boots bc Jason kept splashing him one day and soaked his sneakers so now he wears boots
no bc i bet jason was being silly he was splashing roy and stuff bc maybe he was having a bad day and jasons trying to do his own method of cheering up it only resulted in roy getting soaked and wearing boots now lol 
I bet roy says it too he shows up and they're annoying and squeaky and Jasons like ,,,, but Roy's like splash me all you want can't ruin these idiot but he's being silly
can they please be like bright pink polka dots (they were indeed chosen to be bright pink polka dots) 
jason sometimes asks roy a bunch of the questions hes had since seeing kon but refuses to actually directly ask kon and roy thinks its funny but he answers anyway 
also i 100% think jason does mer affection things towards roy and he just doesn't understand what they mean so he doesnt realize but like harley sees once and is like 🧍
 also i like to think that jason is like. extremely touch starved. but he doesn't want people touching him but he wants to be able to touch other people and roy will let him do that lets jason like grab his wrist or whatever and he wont try to grab or touch back
I LOOOVE the touching thing tho bc like Roy is such a safe option he has nooo idea what it's like he has no idea who Jason is or what happened and more importantly he doesn't know how like idk the word how isolated and quiet and distant Jason has become bc he doesn't know Jason from before and doesn't know anything about him jason has the opportunity to like start over and not be cold to one singular person he has no baggage nothing to uphold he could be a blank skate to this weird guy I love him
I'm thinking about Jason putting trash directly in Roy's hand and Jason having a code red personal crisis and toy not even realizing how scary the moment is for jason
do you think Roy brings bad snacks (to the facility) and he's like here do you wanna try one and Jason's like blah blah mocking the researchers "it's bad for mermaid to eat human food blah blah" and Roy's like sounds dumb and Roy's like yeah and eventually he's like okay I want one and it's like a idk a fucking chip or something and reaches in the bag and drips water over all the chips and Roy's like uhh you can just finish the little bag bud
most the humans who have mer friends also carry around little towels for them to dry their hands if theres something they wanna touch that cant get wet/the person doesnt want them getting it wet--roy carries around little washcloths in his back pocket 
jason also likes to give roy stuff from his ocean adventures and stuff i think ive mentioned that before possibly but i dont remember where?? i cant find it so: jason likes to give roy pearls and stuff that he finds and other stuff and neither of them really have any idea of how valuable some of the stuff is but roy keeps it because its something from jason and he thinks its cool 
heres one last silly thing: 
jason stealing roys hat and plonking it on his own head and its a bit big and roy says he looks dumb and jasons like im gonna take this to my home and roys like nO GIVE IT BACK JASON and hes splashing into the water and jasons slipping back before roy can catch him except roy just fuckin goes for it and lunges at jason and jason like shrieks and roy is SOAKINF WET BUT HE GOT HIS HAT BACK and hes like kneeling in the water all dripping wet and jasons a few feet away all tucked in on himself and watching roy bc he got too close 
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sojutrait · 7 days
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i did a thang
this post is long as shit omfg ANYWAYS look at her !! it's techinically 2 lots but i tool'd around to make em look cohesive
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also look at these crazy kids (one of ronnie's sons and his crush hehe)
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genericpuff · 3 months
hate to be cynical on main but it really do be like this every single time a new "not like social media" art platform comes out of the woodwork and then people migrate to it in droves just to find out the only other people using it are other artists that they're competing with for any scrape of viewership from an increasingly oversaturated internet that didn't exist when we were teenagers in 2009
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timblrdrake · 2 days
Afternoon Mr Drake-Wayne,
I understand you're considered quite a gifted little computer expert, especially in compsec. I've recently acquired @officialdailyplanet and I'm interested in branching into some more extreme investigative journalism.
Let me know if you would be interested in contracted work, and it's so wonderful to see you've truly bounced back after the unfortunate incident with your parents.
Lex Luthor he/they
hi there.
i’m interested, but i’m curious as to what you mean by ‘more extreme investigative journalism’. provided more details i’d consider it.
thank you.
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h4unted--h0use · 1 year
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pt 7 of stranger things textposts! it's a silly one!
pt 6 - pt 8
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
HELLO IT IS I AGAIN (Razor's mom /real)
So you know those imposters aus where characters chase the reader for being an 'impersonator'?
What if... It's a continuation from my ask (where we meet Razor first before everyone), and Razor is just confused at the patrolling knights near Wolvendom constantly asking him if he have saw 'the impostor'
Tbh he just shakes his head. Who tf is the impostor????? Wtf is an impostor???????
Many question marks later..
He had encountered an epiphany (not really it's just the Springvale ppl talking about someone copying the creator's looks).
The 'Impostor' they have been searching is you.
But you're not an impostor! Razor knows it! Andrius knows it! And with how the nature and the monster responded to you, Teyvat knows it too!
So like the good son he is, he sheltered you even more severely.
Ur not allowed to go out of his sights at this point (he'll still take you to places with many lampgrasses if you still wanna make a crown w it)
And my imagination ends there, do you think there's something else he'd do?
Ty for answering my last request btw, ur the best and I hope you get your favorite characters w one 10 pull and your desired artifacts w the best stats <3
Much love and sweets
-Razor's mom
RAZOR'S MOM!! HELLO aw im so glad u liked it :)
Srry about the late reply! 💜💜💜
Ok, so I think this is a good time to point to my shiny
Writing Requests/About Me Post I have pinned on my 👉 blog!!👈💅 taaa daaaa :) i did it guys here ya go
Yall have been GREAT so far abt keeping the requests chill and fun, and i dont have that many "Donts" that arent obvious (homophobia, transphobia, ableism,etc)
Dont worry Razor Mom, i just wanted to use this as a way to talk about this!! /nm /gen
About Imposter AU, there are plenty of other blogs/posts that write for that or posts under SAGAU tag! :)
I said wayyy earlier on in some of my first asks, but basically I really want to lighten up the Genshin SAGAU / Isekai tag and branch out from all these darker Imposter AUs :)
And also add more world-building posts or AUs <3
(language brainrot for example)!!
TL;DR: I am not accepting hunting down/yandere/cult au/imposter au Genshin Sagau, only a funny or chill version of it.
Please check my writing rules post :)
Example: u look like Creator, but everybody's like, "oh lucky them wow rlly blessed, have a free drink, etc.
OR omfg where r they?? They descended to Teyvat oh fuck we lost our god-"
Heres the Razor post !!!
If u wanna check it out :]
Cracks knuckles, Saddle up Baby, bc its time for my version of the Imposter AU 🤭😋😈
(and sorry for answering super late/possible scare Razor mom anon!! :'/ )
So it begins rlly small right?
Like, Razor does not know the new knight patroling Wolvendom's borders
,, weird but ok, he thinks basically
And then when it was time to visit some domains a little closer to Springvale for grinding
(Or rlly just to get some of their tiny restaurants homemade food yumm)
He notices more Favonius knights lurking around than usual
Or at least widening their patrols
And hes like wtf?
Ur like, huh.
I'll ask Springvale ppl wtf goin on
The locals respond that the search for the Great Creator has begun.
...you and Razor: 👁👄👁 w h o m s t ❔️
Upon further questioning
(which was apparantly weird that yall didnt know, but eh, u just used the whole "feral wolf child with feral blacksmith parent living in woods ignorance" excuse)
Admittedly yall, quite literally, live under a rock lmao
They explain theres a whole ass prophecy
Abt how the Great Architect would succumb to a long slumber somewhere else in the vast universe after making the planet.
And when the time is right, they will reconnect to Teyvat, and awaken, and descend in a mortal form
(like the archons)
..but the kicker is nobody knows wtf they look like bc:
1. All that lore is hella crumbly and old, and very hard to translate
2. Mortal forms sometimes look different than god forms, so even if they did know some defining features of the Creator, that wasnt guaranteed to be them...
(i.e. they will have brown eyes, well. Thats a fuckton of ppl with brown eyes innit? 💀)
So thru certain signs, that this mysterious prophecy wooooo
Said would happen, the nations of Teyvat and their many supernatural inhabitants are aware the ultimate god has descended
(The crops flourished? Animals got more wily, many of the sick ppl got better for no reason, the Irminsul started regrowing/filling out its base- like how it looked like a lightning struck tree rn 💀)
So every country are now trying to find them to be the first to welcome them home
Needless to say its lowkey a competition
Meanwhile you and Razor are just:
... (゜▽゜;)
"Haha yeah cool..."
(Andrius already told u what u r to Teyvat and explained to Razor)
Ur both immediately slapping a cloak on u and keeping the hood up all the time
Yall dont wanna be seperated :(
Ur both paranoid for diff reasons,
Razor's just scared his Lupical is going to be taken from him again bc there r better, more refined humans wanting to be ur Lupical ;-;
And ur like-
Omfg that sounds like sm work 💀
While its nice to daydream abt what itd be like to be famous, realistically,
U could not handle that shit.
People crowding you all the time?
U cant just look busted anywhere u go, like a midnight snack run
Ppl would also expect u be,
To act like a competent ruler maybe???
Hell no.
U just wanted to play a pretty gacha game and spoil ur skrunklies
(At least, if they do wanna call u that, they dont make u do anything political 💀 but u doubt it)
Needless to say, Razor is glued to ur side everywhere u go.
A domain a half mile away? Oh he'll come with dw
Ur gonna go stop by that food merchant further up the road for ingredients? Cool he'll sniff the best ones!
Ur going to see Andrius??
Oh he needed to see him too-
😭😭🥺🥺 poor babe
Surprisingly enough,
Or maybe not his house is right tf there
Diluc is the first person to actually recognize you.
Razor had been subtly steering u away from Mondstadt for 3 weeks now, ever since yall talked to the Springvale locals
An u cant say u didnt notice, but u werent rlly stopping him
You wanted to be like Venti, chillin among the ppl regardless of ur powers, not the Raiden Shogun :/
And maybe shock some ppl who dont know ur a god like him too lol
Diluc had been looking around the lesser patroled areas of Mondstadt to search for the Architect
He didn't even need those incompetent knights to tell him their god had finally descended
He already saw the signs long before Mondstadt
Bc youve been in Wolvendom, the area has flourished over time, more fish in the water, more game to hunt and bigger, crows making circles in the sky despite there being no corpse
And one of the closest places to you,
Is the Dawn Winery.
Diluc's security against Venti began to hold up better, the staff didn't have to clean as much things like dirt or weather damage to the manor,
His hawk had never been faster delivering his letters, he almost thought the little guy had been drugged with something
He patroled Stormterror's Lair, and deep in the woods surrounding the manor that the knights hadn't bother to go into
Afterall, he figured you'd never had a mortal form before, so u were unlikely to fend for urself for very long in the woods lol
so he wanted to find u quick (aww softy :')
He even made a trip out to the Thousand Wind Temple and Dragonspine (he did report that one to the knights, he didn't want Amber, Bennett, or Creator-forbid Klee, being the few pyro users to have to explore it)
Finally, after doing the further away locations, siginificant in history and rich with leftover magic
Diluc figured that's where you might land first, so he saved Wolvendom for last
It would at least let him check on that wolf kid and maybe get to talk to him long enough to ask him if he's seen anything unusual.
The lord of Dawn Winery manor heads into the Wolvendom woods, just as sunset colors the trees...
It was a Friday evening, the sun was setting, the weather was pleasant and it was time for all of the Lupical to come together and eat a big feast!! :)
About once a month, Andrius will come out for a few nights and dine with all of yall
Hes an old wolf give him a break, he takes long naps
So u cook lots of Mondstadt favorites to eat on and a few Liyue dishes too
Razor, ur favorite helper, has helped u finish the last dish and is now romping around with the puppies bless <3
U guys have dragged ur coffee table dining table setup out to sit and eat at
Andrius lets out a not too loud, not too quiet howl, and as the wolves, Razor and you lmao join in
Yall dig in, bones flying everywhere, spagetti noodles flingling around, it would put toddlers to shame lol
Diluc hears a howl that is too... big to be a regular wolf.
It filled the air of Wolvendom like no howl before it, as he used the glowing lampgrass to help light the path deeper
He sneaks past a hilichurl camp or two, all fast asleep
He scans the woods, and figures he'll search the woods besides the path after he gets to that old stone carved pit-
Diluc sniffs the air, and squints deeper into the forest
The black branches shade the way ahead, but just barely... he can see the flicker of orange and blue light?
He summons his claymore, bracing it on his shoulder, and creeps into the treeline to better hide him
You swear to god (dammit swear to.. you??) someone is watching you.
You look around the piles of fluffy doggos, happy and stuffed full they r slowly forming puppy piles
Andrius is finishing his meat platter, also sitting on all four legs on the ground
Razor is splayed on his back beside you, eyes closed, his feet sticking out the other side of the table, u chuckle at him
But not a single Lupical seems to be looking at you.
Gulping down your last few bites, you scan the treeline
U refuse to be that bitch in a horror movie where their gut says smth is off and they brush it off or barely look at their surroundings
Turning around to the treeline behind you, u see something... red fur?
U sit up some more, peering over the bushes at the bottom of the trees
You meet a pair of warm brown eyes, widened like they're just as shocked to see you
As u notice his familiar red high ponytail (but also not?? Its weird going from 2D to 3D and still recognizing bitches)
U peer down at his chest, as he carefully stands out of the foliage-
That familiar star shaped button that u can press for the character menu screen, the same thats on Razor, on Benny, on Fischl, on Lisa-
Hovers over Diluc's chest.
Diluc is in the bush, observing the human(???) stranger (he really doesnt want to attract the attention of that.. giant spirit wolf thing)
The figure sitting at a ... table?? (He can barely process all these absurdities at once, hes only got so much brain space)
Has sensed his presence, and as he grips his claymore, ready to demand answers,
Razor startles, and jumps up, smelling the pyro user, he summons his weapon-
The figure locks eyes with him, and all he sees is gold.
Diluc drops his claymore.
Have a cliffhanger bc idk 🤷‍♂️ Also srry it wasnt exactly Mondstadt finding u, and it somehow turned into a whole scenario?? Idk man
🤧 welp i hope that was decent Razor mom! Tysm for ur sweet feedback abt our beloved son 🙏💜🐺
Feel free to always talk again, thru comments, asks whatever!! :D
(guys im so stupid i coud've been signing off with this simple emoji combo the whole time,, 😭i didnt actually think abt emojifying my name, just making it look pretty with some of my fav emojis... 😔)
If anyone reads this u should let me know which one is better lol
OR like a combo???
♡my beloved♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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krackkokichi · 1 year
transparent cutout edits
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i decided to cut these out from the black backgrounds because i was tired of everyone using that sloppy bonnie edit (the op said it was done by a website, so i'm not attacking anyone). i was going to do monty too, but i struggled so hard with motivation on chica and roxy, and these four are a set in the ride anyway.
no credit necessary if you decide to use these for some reason
bonus edit of bonnie under the cut:
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(if you use this one please credit me tho)
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veeisgayasf · 2 years
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✨h a n d s✨
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evidenceof · 4 months
uprooted is our mountain oak by @pfctipper
Relationship: Winnix, Lewis Nixon/Richard Winters
The most inconspicuous appearance of misplaced shaving foam hit me with yearning the size of a fucking comet. SHAVING FOAM. I’ll be thinking about it for weeks.
I love how this work feels like it was held with both her hands, and how it really feels like she was falling in love with both Dick and Lew while she wrote. Falling in love happens in the quietest instances: a soft clump of map-tousled hair, the absence of a name on a dog tag, and a countdown that means you jump out of a plane and then, and then, not towards death.
If you love Classic Winnix™️, you will want to drown in all 42,000+ words of this pre-war and war fic, and the fantastic way @pfctipper’s prose and research sing together so, so seamlessly. Her historical accuracy never veers towards pedantic and instead punctuates Dick’s conflicting longing and period typical brain so thoughtfully. You’re never bogged down by the history because it urges you on instead and into the loving arms of Winnix. That is, whether you’re new to this fandom and this ship, or if you’ve read and annotated all the RRLs for BoB and Winnix, you will never feel lost, just honest to god convinced that this is a True Account of The Events. What I find dragged me in and trapped me was just how Dick’s and Lew’s ways of yearning were made so distinct; it makes you ache the way they do. The mere mention of shit on a stick made me cheer, so you can imagine how I yelled at the pitch perfect ways Easy and Co. were woven in.
Words are not enough to express how wonderfully and lovingly written this is! You’re a gift @pfctipper.
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heronchildlove · 2 months
Heronchildstairs AU where James and Cordelia go to the beach and meet surfer or just like, beach playboy!Matthew and maybe Matthew helps one of them out after they get injured on the ocean or get fainty because of the sun and then James and Cordelia spend one moment too long staring at the water droplets running down the abs of the very pretty and nice and charming surfer and immediately decide they need to get Matthew back home with them.
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bromcommie · 5 months
Helloho, for the ask game:
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Thank you! :)
Hi hi, thanks for the ask! <3 🔪 ⇢ oh man, not sure if this is that much of a weird one (or I just don't know what's normal anymore), but I do have several leaked CIA manuals saved as PDFs on my computer?? mostly just bc it's informative & horrifyingly eyeopening in general. I like to research a lot of sociopolitical stuff, or at least I try to, so a lot of highly specific Cold War/WWII/present day intelligence apparatus things tend to end up in my search history. Other than that not to go the "winter soldier + red room umbrella" cop out route, but...winter soldier + red room umbrella. Lots of layman's psychiatry & neuroscience, accounts of drug effects/use, lots of "asking for a friend but theoretically what would happen to your body long term if you had XYZ happen to you and walked away", waaay too much on JFK/other assassinations, lots of stuff on weapons specs and indoctrination and "gangs in St Petersburg in the 1980s?" and stuff like that.
Also like... which kinds of birds were native to NYC in the early 20th century and the relevance of catholic socialism in working class circles and medical papers on the side effects of the use of stramonium in asthma cigarettes, lol. (That might be one of the more specific ones, objectively.)
Again, this all feels pretty typical for Cap fics so idk how weird it is (and it's just a fun learning experience overall and mostly doesn't even end up in the writing) but I feel like my IP's on a lot of very confused yet suspect government lists at this point.
🧩 ⇢ oof, this one is rough. I try to always give fics with a good desc & tags benefit of the doubt, but I've also been around long enough that I can kind of tell if something's going to put me off, y'know? I guess I'm not a big fan of infantilizing adult characters or coddling relationships, especially if it's presented as an unproblematic given. I like softness as much as the next person, and I'm all for protectiveness and loyalty and comfort being at the core of both friendships and romantic relationships, but I like when it's a mutual thing that was arrived at after some time or even after it being a point of conflict/misunderstanding bc people deal with this stuff in many weird, differing, sometimes counterproductive ways.
In stevebucky fics esp while I love that element between them, I'm really not huge on Bucky bundling pre-serum Steve up to hide him away from the mean mean world, primarily because I think it would make Steve want to bludgeon him with a shovel for it repeatedly and Bucky would know that, and vice versa for them post-CATWS + dealing with each other's guilt (+ even and maybe especially the Sam-Steve relationship as it pertains to that as well). Which is not to say that I don't love to read about these conflicts being explored or a good "I want to help you PLEASE let me help you"/"you shut the fuck up and sit in the corner and hold my hand while I deal with my shit on my own" dynamic even if it's borderline unhealthy or codependent at a point - I just think it takes a bit of friction to make it interesting to read about and for it to arrive at a satisfying point in the end.
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The Best Ending to a First Episode in the History of Television ↳ Last Tango in Halifax (2012) - s01e01
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junkyardromeo · 6 months
how many tapes do you own? and which are your favorites?
so this ask has been sitting for a hot minute bc i keep forgetting to count them. but i counted today and i have around 100! my mom actually found 3 new ones for me in an antique mall today, and even though i won't have them until friday, i already know they're gonna be some of my favs. i'll make you a list of my top 10 (ok it turned into 11 sue me):
young man's blues - rock city angels (this band is so very special to me. this is the only tape i've ever ordered online)
law of the order - shark island (found this one new, still shrink wrapped from 1989, in a record store bin for $5)
back to mystery city - hanoi rocks (gift from ryan @lonelyplanetfag and one of my coolest tapes imo)
sign in please - autograph (from my mom, not on spotify, been looking for it. i have it on vinyl but it skips)
hooked - great white (from my mom, but i have it on CD too)
fair warning - van halen (this one is particularly special bc it's a hand me down from my dad—the last tape he (ostensibly) had left after all of his were stolen in 1988. it was in the center console of his truck when the box of tapes he kept in the passenger seat was stolen. i have the CD too, which i stole was gifted from my mom)
faster pussycat - faster pussycat (one of my favorite albums of all time, have it on CD too)
keel - keel (when i bought this, the album wasn't on spotify and i was so fucking excited to find it)
dokken - under lock and key (gift from ryan, my favorite dokken album)
gnr lies - guns n' roses (oddly, my only gnr tape. also a gift from ryan.)
back in black - ac/dc (this belonged to my dad in high school. i found it, worn out to the point that most of the lettering on the tape itself is gone, without a case on my grandparents' basement floor. the only way i even knew what it was and didn't toss it was that i vaguely recognized some very faint words that i thought said "hells bells." i didn't have a player at the time, so i took it home and kept it. when i got my boombox, it was the first tape i played, and it was, in fact, back in black. it plays perfectly. my dad remembers losing it his junior year and never saw it again until last summer. needless to say he let me keep it!)
overall, i have some really cool shit and hope to acquire more. i also have a steelheart cassette single, but it didn't make the top 11. and, i have a shitload of classic country too, and classic rock shit like lynyrd skynyrd and traffic. i also have a tape from a current shoegaze band that one of my friends from radio gave me. i can take pics of my whole collection for you if you wanna see!
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none of my other irl friends have my tumblr, but my roomie does and i have his. i can even see his gore side blog if i wanted to lmao. and i think that is a testament to our friendship.
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dylanconrique · 2 years
oh i hope we get a super soft “i don’t wanna be mad at you” chenford hug and tim wipes away a single tear from lucy’s cheek.
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3416 · 1 year
all the leafs fans that get mad at players who don't love the scutiny in toronto are part of the culture that makes it hard to play there, lol. then they act like you're not a true team player or you dont have some innate passion while also constantly dragging the guys that DO stay here through the mud all the time, lmfaooooo.
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