#this is probably about to rock some allistics worlds lol
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missmitchieg · 1 year ago
Hmm, I wonder what would happen if more allistic people were aware of masking.
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void-rainbow · 4 months ago
autistic hot takes lol
Just thinking about the concept of "special interests"
I don't get it. I really don't. The deeper I read into it the more it just seems like neurotypical people can't handle autistic people being weird, and that it's more of a product of neurotypical people restricting themselves and their interests to some artificially agreed upon subset of topics.
I already have quite a bit of thought on "normalcy" and how artificial it is. Cuz people all the time are trying to talk about how to change themselves in order to be normal and fit in. The effort it takes to create this artificial reality for those who subscribe to it
I guess essentially I just wanna pull a "no u" on the thought of restrictive interests
I just wonder if "special interests" in autistic people are noticed by neurotypical people cuz they expect normalcy whereas autistic people are likely to not notice or give up on what others are trying to tell them to restrict themselves to.
I dunno. It's possible I'm just not that kind of autistic person. That I just don't have a special interest and so get offended by this encroachment of normalcy. But still. I got diagnosed with autism this year, and they asked me about special interests. I wasn't sure what to say except that I like bugs. And show off my favorite spider, argiope aurantia. Cuz why not XD It was my opportunity to force them to see it. As it is here in my own post lollllllll
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I don't know if that tipped the scale in any way on an autism diagnosis. Or if my behavior was artificially seen as weirder because I wanted to show them a spider because I saw the opportunity. Or is that indeed the very behavior they look for, uh XD
I dunno man. I could've liked anything. I love photography and bugs are everywhere, the most abundant subjects, so I wanted to learn about my subjects. It's an interest on its own now. I guess mammals are less interesting cuz they're more normal. And also bugs are tiny and everywhere and that means it's like....secret little lives happening all around us. A similar feeling to looking up at the sky in wonder and realizing how small we are in the universe, how tiny a portion we and all our struggles and triumphs and loves are. And in the world around us, how much we never notice, how much we never could notice due to the sheer number, the numerous insects and other small creatures living their lives, struggling and dying and reproducing and cleaning themselves and all the drama packed into such small spaces. Everywhere, anywhere.
To the wonder at a study of geology. The thought that rocks can hold so much history, to learn of ancient earthquakes, lava flows, oxygen levels, fires. Plant diversity, fossils, extinctions. How can you not stand in wonder at the vastness of time? The chemistry and physics of it all?
I love to learn most things about nature. It's all a wonder. Love to hike and camp and read National Geographic and watch documentaries and educational youtube. All together.
And yes I focus on bugs most of all, why not.
Another side of the story is just. Life is hard. I've hardly had any jobs and have struggled with school. Just living life disabled I guess. And I get bored. I want to have something to do. Learning can help. Subsume myself in nature, physically and/or mentally, to keep myself occupied. Little projects like the homemade bug guide I made earlier this year. Identifying all the bugs I take pictures of and learning about them. It helps. I probably wouldn't look into it so much if I was more "successful". I didn't do all this when I was younger. I don't regret the interests, but I do wish it was easier as far as overall life functioning. I just feel like I'd know less about my supposed "special interest", and focus on it much less specifically, if I didn't have all these struggles....
Trying to read on it today I found that yes some other autistic people don't like this categorization. Pathologizing of the interests of autistic people over allistic people. I'll probably be reading about it more
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unproduciblesmackdown · 4 years ago
prompt catchup
April 20th: What are some things that allistic people do that you find confusing? yeah again it's like because allistic people can move through their Social Worlds with no awareness of ways they can mess up interactions b/c from their perspective this isn't any obstacle to them so it must be a non factor they're just objectively Socially Competent yet yknow can be acting like a jerk to people left and right and being inconsiderate and never trying to connect with other people on their terms but yknow it's nd people who are Socially Inept(tm) lmao like. well let's say this Confuses me. simply operate on the presumption you can and do misunderstand ppl w/o realizing
April 21st: Do you stim? If so, what are your favourite ways of stimming? What does stimming feel like for you? yeah it can be like, grounding, more comfortable, a way to burn off some sort of [intensity], and/or to be conducive to it, and like just enjoyable in a Vibing kind of way, like yknow, allistic people knowing what stimming is in a way like that rocking chairs are fun and pleasant in a way that nobody has to try to describe, or how they can sort of pick up on things like a fidget cube or weighted blanket as nice and/or helpful, even if most people are just kinda regarding these select stim Accessories as yknow sorta a casual novelty / superfluous indulgence.......always was big on spinning as a kid lol, enjoyed that via dance as well, there's some sort of In Between stuff i'll do like oh i'm around other people and i've simply been Moved To Energetically Stroll To Nowhere, or woops i was thinking hard about something and got excited and simply said some probably unrelated word as the hypothetical Start Of Something Someone Might Say to nobody lol, i have nervous(tm) fidgets and like, fidgeting with Objects, playing with whatever or messing w/stuff with notches or dials or just generally like, that small amount of resistance, if i'm Enthused about something it's like. i gotta get up and pace or flop over or shake out my hands....out here listening to a song for hours on end if i feel like it, enjoying Hot Drinks whether or not the heat has the practical purpose of warming me up, i will, put the end of a paper towel between my upper lip & teeth or roll/twist paper, shoutout to its versatility. might make funky noises to express or announce myself lol. plenty of stuff i'm sure i do including like total classic "oh yeah i love to do that" which i'm completely forgetting because it's just sort of hard to notice this stuff lmao. Vibing
April 22nd: What are some things allistic people can do to better support/accommodate autistic people? could be an essay which i'm sure there's like preexisting such essays / articles / etc that are gonna do it way better but just like a couple things you could do is. social model not pathological model and. listen to autistic people instead of other allistic people say about autistic people
April 23rd: How specific is your routine? Does it vary slightly from day to day? Do things have to be at the exact same time, or does just the order matter? How important is having a routine to you? it varies, there's some sorta usual stuff that it feels like A Whole Thing to maybe move around or omit, and i guess just generally it's like, if i'm doing something, i have to have kind of created through that plan in my head beforehand of Here's What's Gonna Happen, that expectation can kinda play into the motivation of even doing it in the first place, and i might have those ideas kinda hours in advance like "here's what i'll do at some point later" or like, having an idea of what i'm gonna do in a particular day, and/or what i'm going to do Next......then if things get thrown off, whether b/c something gets in the way or it's disrupted or something else ends up being done, it can just kind of be like, well yeah now i'm thrown off, and depending on how Unexpected things are, how much i'm prevented from being able to anticipate what's gonna happen relevant to my day or whatever, etc, it can get somewhat distressing thanks like. i love living in suspense
April 24th: Are there things that seemed to come naturally to others that you had to try to learn over time? yknow nothing comes to mind in particular right now lol. can say "hm everyone seems to know how to interact in a certain way from the get go and i don't" but that's just picking up on people being nt and you don't learn Being Nt, even if you learn to mask as a draining defensive maneuver
April 25th: Do you experience executive dysfunction? If so, how often? What is it like for you? What do you wish neurotypicals understood about it? yeah like every day lmao sure am not just doing things b/c "i want to" or "i think i should" or "i intend to" or "i understand the reasons i ought to go ahead and do x thing" and the actual process of Trying to do [whatever] is sure hardly smooth or effortless or necessarily doable......like oh oops more time than i expected passed, i do things at a certain pace which took longer than expected, i kept meaning to do whatever but getting distracted, i got distracted repeatedly As i was doing x......the lattermost is like, i can't really excise that from any Process lmao, there's very very very rarely going to be any Unbroken Focus w/o any breaks and if it's happening, idk how long it's gonna last, not very.......like i Cannot draw things in under an hour, non detailed / cleaned up / elaborate stuff is still taking hours on hours likely, if something was a mere like. < 4 hours it was a Very Special Occasion and just happened to be forces aligning in ways i can't predict or simply decide to evoke, and it's like, well can i say this Really took 2399238 hours when plenty of that time was me Losing Focus / doing something else for a while, but it's like, well yeah, that's just how much time it takes b/c that's how the process goes for me, and i'm the one making this stuff. but also always struggling to Start to make it on any given day, the hours of "here i go" [hours later] "Here i go for Real" [hours later] [etc] and like, i'm always having to Shift Focus to Something, even if i want to start focusing on Task I Want To Do, i'm not actually yet focusing on it, so i keep getting caught up in like, oh but here's what i'm focusing on more immediately.....but yknow also just that Executive Dysfunction is really broad and can involve a lot of different experiences re: different processes so there's always more stuff for anyone to understand besides that it's Just like, about having difficulty Starting A Task.........but yknow i think a good thing to absorb about stuff is that it's never a matter of like, well, you can Simply Solve [whatever difficulty / Obstacle] because "you can just x" like no. none of this is a matter of You "Just" do whatever okay. like oh wow great that an nt person solved everything by pointing out everyone's else just too dumb of ass to have no difficulty with something, like them. love all people having the exact same experiences as everyone else re: everything
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swishy-imagines · 4 years ago
Only responding to some
It means it’s canon that he specifically trains at least some of his Pokémon for defense, instead of just happening to use a Pokémon with a cool defensive move. I don’t know anything about his other Pokémon’s’ stats, that’s all it said on bulbapedia.
I feel like it’s a little out of character for how most of us see him, because it’s campy and kind of odd, but to be fair it is exactly how he’s portrayed mid battle lol
See, I disagree here! I think they definitely failed at building up to him over the course of the game (and I hope that’s not what you meant because I rambled for nothing), since he was mentioned like twice and Team Yell is pretty ineffective, but I think when he’s onscreen he’s perfect as he is. The point is for him to be the opposite of Giovanni despite their similar traits- they’re both evil team leaders and gym leaders, but that’s where the similarities end. In appearance, they’re polar opposites. Giovanni is plain-looking, a little boring in dress and in appearance he’s an average middle-aged guy. His silhouette is very straight and kind of stocky, there’s not much to him, he’s non-notable and blends in. Correspondingly, he put up a front, he tried to be respectable for the public as a gym leader. He led a double life, and if Gen 1 was released today with modern storytelling capability, that’d be the main story twist: one of the gym leaders was working against you all along! Piers, however, is very honest. He trains ‘unrespectable’ Pokemon and uses them in his gym, and he openly associates with Team Yell, despite their bad reputation. His design gives away a lot of his personality, and it’s just straight-up different, he’s young and punk and abrasive. And so, when the player encounters him, it’s revealed that he wasn’t ever a bad guy- Giovanni was secretly really evil, Piers is secretly really nice. He likes causing mischief, as shown by the scene I got my profile pic from, but overall he’s very helpful to the player, and also just a straight-up good dude who’s been screwed over by the world. As everything should be in this series, it’s reflected in their Pokémon, specifically the types they train: both of them use Dark-types when leading their teams, but Giovanni used ground-types in his gym. (Notable for, you guessed it, being utterly non-notable! To the point that many players can’t tell ground-types from rock-types, and the TCG usually categorizes them alongside fighting-types.) I think Piers is the final step of Pokemon transitioning teams as a story mechanic to no longer be the villains (like it or not), and having it go full circle back to an inverse Giovanni like this was a really cool move. So, tldr... yeah, he’s not evil, that’s the point
It’s hard to spot, but very obvious once you notice it’s there- the logo’s plastered on their uniforms. (I even put a lil mini version of it on the Team Yell face mask I made for myself!) I think it’s not as commonly known because not enough people use Poke Jobs, and that’s where you find out the name of the group that logo belongs to. Also, hell yeah it would. It would probably be black metal with silver accents, with the gears filed to a point because it’s edgy. (Possibly selectively bred for its appearance?) Anyways, every gym has sponsors, and I’ve made a post about it. It’s all mildly interesting, but the only funny one is Allister, who is sponsored by a life insurance company.
EDWARD BOSCO it’s Edward Bosco. Best known on the web for playing Alastor from Hazbin Hotel. Phenomenal voice actor, very funny and very nice to fans, at least from what I’ve seen and heard. (I almost wish the character he’s best known for had a less iconic voice. We can’t use stream clips of Ed saying funny stuff and put Piers over it, because Piers doesn’t have a transatlantic accent lolol)
Yeah- I had that in the ‘headcanons derived closely from canon’ section, though, because the only thing you can claim he definitely doesn’t fund without going a lil into theory territory is the gym itself.
no fuck u he’s a keyboard player /lh
It’s one of the more popular posts from my blog lol. If you zoom in on his 3D model or certain screenshots, you’ll find two little curved lines on either side of his nose. These are obviously meant to represent indents, and there’s a lot of these on his face (just to give him character) but these in particular stand out. In 7th grade, we watched a film called Twelve Angry Men, a courtroom drama film about a panel of jurists in the 50s. (It’s really really good, go watch it, because I’m about to spoil one of the twists. If you watched it in school and hated it, go watch it again, because it’s really really good.) In the film, there’s a major plot development over whether or not a certain witness was wearing glasses- she rubs her nose in the same way one of the jurors does, and he does it because there’s irritation and dents there from years of wearing his eyeglasses. They exist in real life, this happens to real people who wear glasses, but this film was how I found out about them, and why they’re memorable. Notably, the marks on Piers’s nose, which I’ve already established are likely lil dents or dips, are in the exact right spot to be these very same marks. I rest my case.
We could have gotten Beatles jokessssss it would have been amazing. Also, ditto on the sound-type thing: imh, if sound-type exists, he uses sound-type moves just for the aesthetic and is unknowingly weaponizing a new type lol. (This goes again w my battling headcanon...)
Ok, so I might get back into making content ish again, just so I can write up that post about my headcanon for Piers’s battle style. I’ve thought it out thoroughly, and I have three entire playlists. It’s a fun time :]
(it is now 4:23 am why do I do this to myself)
Swishy imagines admin here. Over the past week I compiled a 2.5k word doc of piers trivia (to prove he’s the best character in Pokémon) and I thought you’d be interested in this find: his name comes from the Juniper tree in most if not all languages, which i discovered is most notable in plant language for symbolizing “enduring protection”.
(No need to collect proof we already knew he’s the best)
But that’s actually so cool. I’ve read that his name is derived from the Juniper tree. (Which are actually significant to me because my grandparents used to own a large piece of land that was covered in Juniper trees). But I didn’t know about the “enduring protection” part.
That makes so much sense, though. Piers is notable for being protective (overly so depending on who you ask), especially as a brother.
And enduring is also really reasonable. Piers was designed to showcase Obstagoon, and his signature move “Obstruct,” which blocks attacks. So to call Piers “enduring” is to reference the fact that Obstagoon’s (and through association his) signature move is about defense.
Thanks for sharing. If you.... idk, wanted to share a little more with the class... you’d be more than welcome.
(also swishy imagines rocks)
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