#this is one of many scenes in this film that has him being manhandled and tossed around
pomegranate · 6 months
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Paper Lion: a must watch if you’d like to see Alan Alda getting tossed around like cooked spaghetti
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leatherbookmark · 2 years
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i am. FRUSTRATED with this show. the potential was... it was. maybe it was even Big. for, like... anything! it could have been a hotsexy mafioso/bodyguard romance story! it could have been focused more on porsche’s family situation! it could have been a comedy! or a thriller! but i feel like it half-heartedly tried to sprinkle a bit of this, a bit of that, and ended up being... just a bunch of sprinkles. those sugary ones you put on ice cream/cupcakes. who wants to eat a whole bowl of that?
of course i did laugh at most of the jokes, i did aww at the endearing scenes, but it wasn’t really connected to my actual feelings about this series, because... yeah, as protagonists of a wacky comedy you forget about right after finishing it, they’re cool, but if i’m supposed to feel any real emotions about kinn and porsche as characters and a couple, it’s “annoying”. do they trust each other despite the cruel fate putting them on two sides of the conflict? well, no, not at all. are they just so, so drawn to each other’s bodies/personalities/Something? not that either, they barely knew each other before they fucked (porsche was mostly being an idiot for no fucking reason). they’re just a bunch of hastily collected tropes held together by a prayer and an old, crumbling piece of tape. for people that are supposed to love each other and lead a mafia family together, their lack of trust in each other is truly impressive. how many times are you going to see them talking to any other man and immediately go “oh is he cheating on me”? how many times are you going to point a gun at each other? jesus.
i’m not even going to talk about kim/chay because the hell was that.
so vegaspete... see i think this one had the most potential, and was the most interesting because of the unconventional relationship they had, but still i feel they were underdeveloped as fuck and the scenes they had together were... largely untied to any other scenes/reality. one of them is the eldest son of the minor family, the other is a bodyguard of the main family sworn to protect them -- they’re naturally on the opposite sides, and has either of them ever thought about that? even though the power struggle was looming rather strongly on the horizon? i don’t recall.
things like “a tortured hostage starts to sympathize with their captor”, “a tortured hostage struggles with the fact that he actually gets off to pain and being manhandled”, and “a sadist who’s always thought he was a freak and was kind of (?) resigned to the thought that he’ll never find anyone who truly loves all parts of him realizes that he’s actually found someone who likes being on the receiving end of whatever he does, and has shrimp emotions about it” are all very fun and interesting concepts, but the way they were handled was just... not good. i’m impressed and in love with what the fans have managed to squeeze out of all those scenes, but for me they felt... fragmented, incomplete. none of them felt actually satisfying to me -- instead of saying what needed to be said*, they just threw a bunch of rather flat lines and called it a day.
* for the scene to work, have meat and bits and stuff, not to get an a+ at therapy and Good Healthy Dynamics
honestly, a bunch of that felt like... you know when you’re writing a fic, and it’s emotion-heavy, but the characters don’t talk much despite feeling a whole fucking lot? the scenes felt a bit like a desperate attempt to film something like that. except i didn’t even feel that “oh shit, this one line...! i can FEEL that the character’s about to explode with all those emotions!”. it was mostly... “well, i guess this is happening, for some reason, and they made the journey from A to Z, Somehow”. and, yeah, for a ship where their whole Thing is kinky fuckery, where vegas’ “i thought i was a freak until now” and the pet-centered language is the business card of their relationship, having it resolved with “you’re not my pet, you’re my most important person!” was... weird. like. uh, from that scene at the pool i thought that was the whole Point, that the pet thing wasn’t just haha fun taunting but rather an aspect of their relationship Pete Himself has decided to lean into because it felt right for him? anyone here read the little prince? no? it’s just.... frustrated keysmash
so. yeah. i don’t know; maybe it’s actually a solid, good series, but i didn’t get emotionally into it, and so i can’t fill the gaps with love like i did with cql? but either way, it started out kinda fun, then with every episode it just got stupider and stupider until i couldn’t even enjoy what i went there for lol. idk. final shrug of frustration
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
The Stand In Chapter Three
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The filming is done and the trailer is coming ,but you have to deal with some unexpected consequences of being so close to Henry. Then your mother drops a bombshell that she may have let your career change slip to one of your many overprotective brothers. Meanwhile Henry has a revelation with some help from Anya and Joey.
Warnings: Adult Situations +18, Masturbation, fluff, Swearing
A/N:so here is chapter three,as I have said before I'm trying to make this realistic from a fangirls point of veiw. this is going to be a bit of a slow burn to so buckle up guys! anyway I hope you enjoy xxx see you soon xxx
Taglist: @dark-night-sky-99 @thummbelina @sofiebstar @jellicorn05 @m3anwhil3misha @thefangirlsblog  @al-wiisa  @healojane​  @thatgirly81​ @angelofthorr @iloveyouyen​   @two-unbeatable-beaters​
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As the scene was called to an end a small round of applause was held, everyone seemed to be pleased with your performance which was a relief...your performance did dictate weather they kept there jobs or not so it was safe to say it was smiles all round. You finally let loose a breath slumping your shoulders 'Keira' receded and you shrunk under everyone's gaze blushing. You looked around seeing the crew and cast. Everyone seemed happy and you hadn't forgotten any of your cues or lines. You looked down at your shaking hands as relief and adrenaline flooded your system. You'd been shaking for most of the scene but thankfully the thick material of the costume covered it well. The scene itself was...Intense the air was thick for most of it as you Joey and Henry's interactions were carefully executed there were a few small hiccups but nothing you couldn't overlook...They added to the scene if you was quite honest.
As silly as it was you wanted to cry but was desperate to hold back not wanting to be silly. You jumped looking up as you were almost body slammed into a hug, the torso wasn't to wide so it had to be .Joey. You smiled brightly as the crew began to move about the hustle and bustle of set resumed. Joey plastered himself to you hugging tight and pulling you up off the floor for a second laughing.
"See? Nothing to worry about! That was brilliant Tink's!" You laughed nervously
"Err....Thank you...Can you let me go now...Please Joey?" He quickly released you letting you turn to face him gulping as you saw Henry smiling nodding.
"H-how do you feel about us- I mean all this now then?...It- wasn't as scary as you thought....W-was it?" You glanced to the floor and took a calming breath trying to get yourself under control then looked at the man sheepishly twiddling you fingers.
"N-no it was...Fun? Almost...You know once it got going...." he smiled sweetly at you
"Good! Good that’s err yeah I'm happy you found it fun....I'm sorry about you know....I err kind of forgot how err...I mean I...I tried to be gentle but..." you shook your head at him quickly
"Oh-oh that was...It's fine I knew it was going to happen but....It was my fault honestly and it doesn't even hurt so no harm done...It- your strength surprised me is all!" You said referring to what could have been seen as a incident, in the scene Geralt had to throw Keira to a wall and pin her there to interrogate her a little, at this point in the story neither really knew who the other was.
Tomasz had said the way you were so unprepared for him to throw you back was good that your surprise and flinching added to the scene making it more believable. Henry had misjudged his strength and you'd actually banged the back of your head on the faux brick of the 'corridor' he had gone to pull back immediately fearing he had hurt you, but you kept the scene going holding him still discretely out of shot and continued with the dialogue while you still had the nerve.
Henry smiled guilty he hadn't liked seeing you wince but he was glad that you'd continued he doubted any other takes would have been as authentic he would have held back to much.
"Still...I-I will try to be careful I don't want to hurt you...Your so tiny." Tomasz came over followed by Lauren both wearing huge grins.
"Yes! That was perfect! You did wonderful absolutely brilliant....Now your not needed for filming for another three or four days today was just so we can throw out a trailer...It should be done in a day or so?" You frowned at him days?
"That’s...quick is it always that quick?" Lauren chuckled
"No...but the trailer was done we just needed clips of you all the team need to do is slot you and a few of your lines in as a little narration and thats it!...With any luck it will be released on the app by....oh I’d say Thursday morning? If they upload it as soon as they get it...But in reality it will probably be by tomorrow afternoon sometime, after covid everyone is scrabbling to get their trailers out asap" Tomasz nodded in agreement then snapped to you remembering something.
"Yes and you will be announced as Keira the same day so be prepared." You blinked dumbfounded
"A-anounced?" He smile at you encouragingly
"Just on the main official websites, social media that sort of thing...You may end up having a Wikipedia page to but we don't have much control on that one...Don’t look so worried everything should go smoothly...Speaking of everything going smoothly would you like to watch what you’ve just done?" you gulped and shook your head
"Fuck no...I...I can't watch myself-OH FUCK I-I just realized...I cant watch it when it comes out!!..." All four laughed as you yelled swearing cursing to yourself Tomasz laughed patting your back.
"Don’t you worry you can work yourself up to it! Everything will be fine! You may get more media attention due to the circumstances of your audition...We are going to let it out that you was working on set and stepped up...we are naming you as our saving grace and explaining that if you didn't step in witcher would have been cancelled, that should help you get a welcome reception...If things do get hairy we will sort it out..Now as much as I'd love to chat we have a few more scenes with these two today and we need to shoot while we have the good weather... So you go get changed and relax while you can tomorrow you start your fight choreography" you nodded receiving one last hug from Joey and a pat on the back from Henry as they turned moving to their next scene. The one you just filmed was a little further into the season then where they were up to but as they said they needed it for the trailer.
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Henry took a breath he didn't want to leave you..Not yet he had only just spoke to you for the first time and for the next few days you wont see much of each other, he had a few night scenes that needed to be filmed...At night that meant he would be asleep for most of the day when you would be up and about set. Even if he did manage to drag himself out of bed he doubted he would see you, you would be busy he had your schedule...He had managed to wrangle one from of the offices had he said you'd lost yours? Maybe...But he was just excited he wanted to see when you'd both be around one another so he could prepare himself. He seemed to just be on egg shells, blundering his way through conversations and if he wasn't stammering and mixing his words he was fucking staring. He really had to get this attraction under control, preferably by having you on his arm.
That scene had been incredible for him, it was a flirtatious piece before boiling into sexual tension as he Geralt had followed the shifty witch about the banquet hall before confronting her over his suspicions. He sighed happily the grabbing and touching, pinning you it sent his  thoughts running wild, he loathed to admit it but his manhandling of you had...Really did it for him, which surprised him he has never been one for the rough and tumble outside of the bed room...or in it really sure he topped but nothing majorly rough a few slaps on the ass here and there and some dirty talk. But ...with you he could see himself experimenting you just shook him! He wanted to go all alpha on your ass!, claim his woman and all that jazz...He  just- around you he truly felt like a man's man you know? The whole 'me Tarzan you Jane' scenario wanting to sling you over his shoulder and take you back to his trailer and fuck the living daylights out of your tiny little pussy!....Fuck!
Having his current infatuation, his fantasy! Pinned and held still to the wall had really fucked him up. I mean what was so sexy about overpowering you with a single hand on your chest? crowding you with his form? leaning so close he could feel your sweet breath fanning his face Fuck me!...Everything, all of it was sexy! he felt powerful and dominant, like he was this big bear who could protect you from everything even yourself!
His only gripe was that he had to remain stoic and irritated as you flirted with him...God he wanted to flirt back let you know he wanted you in the most depraved of ways but that wasn't in the scene. Just remembering the way he had held you was already making him twitch in the tight bottoms of his costume.
It didn't take long to slip, for his imagination to cross over into delicious dangerous territory. He had felt it! The way your heart picked up as he leaned in closer with vaguely threatening words, the soft pants and gasps between your breaths the way your pupils had blown only to return to the sarcastic unamused gaze of keira. He had watched closely as your lips trembled you were quivering and he loved everysecond of it.
"Henryyyy~ oh god really what you do one scene with your precious Tink's and we loose you completely?!" Henry grunted at Joey as they made their way across set, they now needed to film a town scene.
"I'm fine Joey...Just thinking" he snorted at Henry walking around the larger man stopping him in his tracks
"Well don't hurt yourself" Henry rolled his eyes then peaked at the impish grin Joey had.
"So? Happy? I mean you did just get to cop a feel! And be paid to do it mind you!" Henry stopped and stuttered
"I-I did not!  I would never! Joey it was a scene! I didn't cop a feel!" Joey pulled a face unconvinced.
"Uhuh? So your script said 'grab her by the tits' and not 'grab her by the throat'?" Henry stopped 'what?, it fucking? Did ? Oh fuck whats she going to think? Is that why she was unprepared? You are such a fucking dick shes gonna think your a god damn pervert!'
"Hey hey woah! Henry stop slow down mate...I can see what your thinking but just back up...I was joking....Fuck ...That's it calm down she didn't seem to mind...see its fine" Henry calmed down but not by much.
"What the fuck? How am I? Whats she gonna think of me now?"
"Whats who gonna think of what?" Both men looked up as Anya approached readying herself for the shoot. Joey spoke up before Henry could stop him.
"Well you know Henry's little crush had her first shoot today?"
"I don't have a crush!" Anya chuckled at his blatant lie and patted his shoulder
"We know Henry..." she looked to Joey whilst rubbing Henry's back in reassuring circles and continued as he pouted.
"So Tink's is the one replacing whatsherface I thought it was just a rumor" Joey laughed as Henry heaved a sigh becoming a light pink colour.
"How does? We-I don't have a...Fuck it" Henry gave up resigning to the fact that everyone probably knew no matter how discrete he thought he was being. Anya sighed at the buff man.
"Henry you wouldn't shut up about her we all know..." Henry looked between them a little sheepish he couldn't help it. Joey cleared his throat.
"...yes well at one point Henry here had to pin her to a wall by her throat but instead decided to use her boobs to keep her still...and he has only just realized" Anya sighed
"Oh god you didn't? Really?...please tell me you didn't squeeze..." he full on blushed.
"NO! FUCK-I I did not squeeze...I didn't even notice not until Joey just brought it up...Its probably why she wasn't ready and banged her head, she thought I was going for her throat to push her back but instead I....Fuck sake!" Anya looked to Joey for the full story.
"He pushed her a little hard and her head hit the wall...I'm sure it was your strength that caught her off guard not your meaty palm squishing her tits..." Henry groaned running his hands over his face.
Anya sighed looking at him she could tell this was going to eat away at him.
"Look if she didn't say anything then she probably doesn't even realize...just play it by ear...if she does bring it up then apologize sincerely...All women love a gentleman" Henry sighed Anya was right the scene just naturally progressed you probably wouldn't have noticed, but he couldn't help feel bad he liked you he didn't want to blow it.
"But...but what if she hasn't said anything because shes scared of me" anya scoffed shaking her head.
"Seriously? You think shes afraid of you?" Henry furrowed his brow as she and joey laughed
"Well she must be! She always ran away from me! And couldn't look at me when she auditioned and today she had to hide behind Kal just to speak a few words to me!...I can understand I mean shes small and I'm a big guy then I fucking throw her about like that!? Shit shes never gonna go out with me if I fucking frighten her! Why the fuck are you two laughing I'm serious?!" Anya managed to stem her chuckles feeling bad for him, he honestly had no clue.
"Shes not scared Henry...Fuck really you haven't noticed?"
"Noticed what?!" Joey intercepted still chuckling, honestly it was like watching a fumbling preteen with a first crush.
"She likes you...A lot shes embarrassed" Henry frowned at them were they making fun of him? He shook his head getting irritated.
"No...she can't it doesn't make sense why would she run and be all..."
"Nervous and stuttering?like oh I font know a girl meeting her favorite celebrity? " Joey added Henry blinked what? You were a fan?
"There we go the penny has dropped!" Henry moved shifting on his feet flushing red
"She cant be-"
"She is Tee told me, shes a fan of yours Henry so she gets all shy" 'was that true? You liked him; his work so got flustered and avoided him? Fuck Cavill you dumb ass! That makes perfect sense! She hid because she was nervous, and she used Kal as a coping mechanism! She probably doesn't want to freak you out!' Henry smiled getting more confident if..if it was true then all he had to do was get you used to being around him, he could relax now knowing he didn't scare you just made you...what? Happy nervous? He was snapped out of his thoughts by Joey.
"Why don't you come along with us tomorrow...Invite her out for a late lunch? We can go as a group so technically its not a date but we can get her a few wines down her and loosen her up a bit and get her relaxed and you two can talk get to know her more!"Anya gasped
"Thats a brilliant idea we can say its because me and Freya want to meet her before our scenes together! A nice casual lunch and we can sit her next to you Henry!" Henry smiled...That was a good idea he could get to know you and not come on to strong as like a date. He nodded to Anya and Joey he would go and ask you after shooting today, suddenly he couldn't wait for tomorrow envisioning finally getting to have a real conversation with you and hopefully get you to relax around him.
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You ran back to your trailer, luckily it took half the time to get out of costume then it did to get in. It only took an hour and you were finally y/n again and ready to chill like Tomasz said. You heaved a huge sigh once alone in your new home. You wanted to just go back to bed but your mind was reeling ,that had been incredible and terrifying all in one. 'But bitch you did it! Fuck yes!...And oh my god he touched you....Okay so it was for a scene so does it count?...Maybe, and he got you food! He fed you girl~...Well again not really,...Just coffee but still he thought of you? like he Ugh! How the fuck are you gonna survive this?!...Okay breath you didn't squeal....or scream or dry hump him....So today is going to go down as a win! But oh my fuck he was so strong~ like fuck he could one hundred percent rip you in half and your sorry ass would fucking drool over his muscles during and thank him after! And he was warm to...So warm and his smelt handsome...How the fuck can anyone smell handsome? You didnt know but fuck he did clean and masculine and just UGH!...Yes...Just yes girl so handsome and big and buff and....Fuck you wanted to just UGH!...Fuck...Just oh my god how are we gonna get through this with him being all growly and beefy...Okay something else....Kal, Kal is so cute and fluffy and big just like his daddy-NO! No no no stop it...Stop that right now!...He was hot though' you could still feel where he had placed his hand over your chest, the tingles he left it was ridiculous! His palm had been so hot...Like the rest of him so no real surprise...But fuck for you to feel it through the thick dress he must be hot...Which some how was more of a turn on you were wet...Like whet.
You cringed as you shifted feeling the arousal in your knickers making them stick to your outer lips it was uncomfortable, should probably take care of that.. you got up moving to the small toilet flicking off your knickers and blushed...Wow okay the man had definitely done a number on your libido...And you thought tumblr smut did you good but shit this was almost laughable. You rolled your eyes moving to the toilet wiping yourself down cleaning yourself up. It did no use you growled twitching and bucking into your hand as you moved as fast as you could trying not to fan the flames as brushing past your clit silently praying that this wouldn't be a regular thing after shoots. But you fucking doubt it! Seriously on set he was a huge growly built witcher...Who was also a frequent fantasy so yeah looks like your knickers were in for a rough ride. You whined trying to wipe away as much as you could feeling embarrassed as well as a little naughty, but to be honest you didn't feel to bad about it. Was that weird? besides if you hid it then it wont be a problem...A few months of sexual frustration wont be so bad...would it? Not like the man didn't know he was attractive so if he did ever see well...He wont blame you...would he?.
You mulled over these thoughts then quickly shook your head deciding some questions are better left unanswered. You looked down at into the toilet...If you continued to wipe yourself down you'd have a hell of a job explaining a clogged toilet...There was no dignified way of explaining a clogged toilet. So it was settled you needed a shower....A cold shower and clean knickers then a nap! sounds like a plan. On that thought, You poked your head out of the shower checking for a mini washing machine...Nada great so had to settle for just quickly rinsing them in the sink then hang them somewhere. You moved quickly pulling the cord and flipping on the switch letting the water to pour through the shower head.
You hissed as you stepped into the cubicle and the cool water hit your bare skin. You blinked looking at the damp knickers on the floor of the tiny room you shrugged and threw them on the floor of the shower giving them a quick blast washing away your own mess then kicked them out choosing to find a spot to dry them later. It was only when you stood below the stream of water that you realized just how flushed you was. Your heated skin protested to the water but soon it was comfortable and relaxing you closed your eyes trying to take a few zen moments under the cool spray willing away all your troubles.
Mainly the throbbing between your thighs it only lasted a few minuets before you got irritated huffing it wasn't working! you growled  having a quick wash hoping your arousal would settle on its own but soon you realized it wasn't going to happen and you needed to clean your still tremble core. You hissed bucking having to bite your own hand as you moved the shower head to the apex of your thighs. You whined as the light spray washed away your arousal pressing against your clit. You moaned as the cool water seemed to be just what you needed cooling the heated flesh and giving you incredible waves of pleasure vibrating along your nerves in slow tremors as good as it felt it was...not enough? It felt nice and nice just wasn't going to cut it! you grunted trying desperately to find that spot, that angle and rhythm that will take you to paradise but this shower was shit... Nothing like your expensive high power shower at home.
You whined widening your legs thighs shaking one hand was on the side of the tiny cubicle bracing yourself as you rocked and circled trying to chase a high that was slipping away as your frustration built. You hissed out throwing your head back moaning in disappointment trying to conjure an image, fantasy anything that would help but each time you latched onto one it was him and for some reason it felt...wrong and dirty. You gave up with a angry grunt quickly hooking the shower head back up and flipped it off. Getting out and wrapping a towel around you now in a sour mood. How the fuck was it easy to masturbate over him when you've never met him yet fucking difficult when you had met him... But surely it should be easier to get yourself there thinking of him, you had more to go on now. Maybe it was to do with the fact you had to face him now? either way it wasn't going to happen well not today anyway...Or was it?
It was then you decided to start going through tumblr...Probably not going to help but fuck you were desperate! you were horny and had to try, tumblr smut fics had never done you wrong before hopeful the writers would work their magic once more quickly scrolling through to your favorite smut fics and settling in the bed at the back of the bus. You moved crawling across the soft covers still wrapped in the huge bath sheet towel not caring that everything  was getting damp, if you had your way they'd be getting a lot wetter!
You flopped on your back pillows propping you up a little getting comfy you took a deep breath and spread your legs your tablet leaning on one bent leg, headphones next to you just in case a porn audio took your fancy. You started eyes scanning the words of a particularity juicy fic that you'd reread hundreds of times by this point you knew it almost word for word but still found yourself becoming turned on by the well written words, the slow build up that had you panting as you ghosted your fingers across your thighs slowly making their way to your mound, then bypassing making you shiver as you continued the journey up your soft tummy goose bumps raising along the flesh under your slight touches all the way to your chest leaving light tiny pinches on the underside of your breasts and circled your nipples letting the words sink in getting yourself ready for a promising orgasm.
You moved things along skipping a few paragraphs finding the hottest part of the chapter finally you moved two fingers to circle your tiny throbbing bud. Arching as your soft fingers rolled in small figure eights around the swollen flesh you rocked lightly and dug your toes into the covers below you trying to hold still and enjoy your body for whats its worth. Sighing you moved plucking at it from side to side pulling and tugging it this way and that as your walls began contracting wanting to be full, aching to a full body shuddering orgasm! The pleasure built faster then in the shower under your own skilled fingers and you grunted moving rocking faster. Half of you wanting to make this last, to enjoy the slow build up the other half just wanted this over, already done with this shit. You lowered your fingers leaving your clit to drift lower and rubbing your opening digging in your fingertips to give the muscles a massage treating yourself before diving right inside your arousal was coating you making it easier. You closed your eyes forgoing the fic now finding yourself able to have your own fantasy. Imagining another of Henry's characters somehow you could separate Henry from captain syverson which was a fucking god send at this point! then just as you were going to impale yourself on your own fingers and finally get your well deserved release. Then you heard it, your phone. It was like god himself doesn't want you to cum today.
Your head fell back an you kicked at the mattress having a quick paddy before wrapping your towl around you with a grunt and clambered out of bed to see who was cock blocking you. It was a good thing you got up to answer it as the tell tale 'mama' by scissor sisters blaring out signalling it was your mum and you'd be in deep shit is you ignored her. you took a deep breath and sat at the small table just by the door tugging the towel tight and answered.
"hi mum..you alright?"
"hey baby! how did it go? did you enjoy it? when can I see my baby girls perfomance? it was for the trailer wasn't it? tell me!!" you chuckled and leaned back she was really excited about all this, probably moreso then you.
"It was...It was fun I was nervouse but everyone said I did good...Didn't forget lines and stuff...Tomasz said the trailer will be out early in a few days so just keep your eye out on netflix but don't send it to me or tag me in it please...don't wanna see it yet"
"Tomasz? he is the....Bard?!" you laughed out loud shaking your head
"No director...Joey is the bard"
"So it was all okay? I'm glad I was so worried for you I tried not to call but I couldn't help it been sitting here all day worrying...And I may have...Well don't be mad!" you took a deep breath oh god what has she done!
"Mum..Mum what have you done?..You didn't tell anyone yet did you please tell me you've kept quiet!" she chuckled nervously
"Well...I may have accidentally let slip to...Well Casper? just a tiny bit...Teeny weeny bit" you froze she fucking what?! oh god oh god oh god! if Casper knows then the others probably will soon! you'd hoped to keep this away from the entourage of seriously over protective older brothers!
"MOTHER!? WHA-why? what the fuck? please tell me your joking?" she sighed
"oh I'm sorry love...But I was here alone worried...I really tried but he called and well he knew something was up and I just...it was an accident....I just needed someone to share the news with sweetheart! I'm sorry besides they will be happy for you! you know that they look out for you they just care..I'm sure it will be fine!" you grumbled down the phone to her making her sigh
"I am sorry it just slipped...I know they are...overwhelming and cocky and stubborn but they are your brothers and they love you, your their baby sister and they just want what's best for you" you sighed you knew that but they were all very over the top, fuck they are the reason your a virgin! no one would dare cross them! when you had your first kiss the poor soul was pulled off you and got a smack in the mouth since then everyone knew you were off limits. Not that your mother ever found out that little detail she thought you’d done the 'hanky panky' in secondary school like the rest of them.
"Yes I know...I suppose that was why you called to huh? to warn me?" you heard her click her tongue and hummed
"Well yes...He was happy for you, then he seemed to get antsy over the whole fame thing...And then when he realized you'd be working scenes with Geralt...Especially when he know you like the man...God for the life of me I can't remember his name! Hank-Harry?
"AH! yes that's it Henry the one you saw on tudors? and superman and fuck what else was he in? The spy one...fuck haha! you know its funny I should know this of by heart from all the squealing and what did you call it? fangirling? ..How has that been going by the way I'm assuming you were filming with him?" you hesitated a little
"I-err well we spoke a little this morning..From what Joey;the bard before you ask, said Henry had come to the make up early to try and make sure I didn't freak out to much...its why I stopped messaging you" she gasped
"Oh well that was nice of him...He is looking out for you then?"
"Yes to an extent...He got me coffee and was nice and he let me cuddle Kal! I sort of had really bad anxiety and kal-bear noticed so crawled into my lap...Henry let him and then Joey and Henry walked me to set...Well dragged me I ...I tried to run a little bit"
"Well thats good! You’ll need someone to help you...I guess you didn't have a screaming fit then?" you scoffed
"NO! what am I a child puh-lease I am an adult woman mother and I can handle a small crush!" she snorted at you
"I think not! you should remember who your talking to I know you inside and out! just..I know you like the idea of him but looks can be deceiving okay? just be careful there's a reason people say don't meet your idols y/n" you sighed
"I know mum...But I promise he has been nothing but a gentleman he is nice and is very supportive, he said so himself at the audition he will mentor me so I can learn on the job...I'm effectively his apprentice and I have everything under control...We wont see one another for a few days now any way...Got fight choreography for the next few days then some more fittings for other costumes then I will be on set filming more...Any way I best go...Gotta get some lunch havent eaten today yet...was to nervous...gonna chill for the rest of the day..Tomasz thinks the trailer will be done and out by tomorrow sometime so its going to get hectic"
"Okay love...If Casper calls just answer him if you avoid it you'll make him worse and he will call the others and you'll be bombarded with texts and calls...he might even call Kane....besides if you sort it out now alt least you wont have to face any of them for a while...not till you come here for filming...Or Christmas"
"Oh did they get the go ahead from brian?"
"Yes he signed a few weeks ago free reign over the woods and fells so you will be here filming I think it was for five weeks...Okay then I will let you go, take it easy be careful and I will call tomorrow okay? love you"
"Love you two mum speak tomorrow...not before eleven though!"
"Yes yes I know now go eat!"
"I will bye" you hung up and took a deep breath. shit. if Casper knew he was bound to have told one or two of the others. You got up from the table sliping on a sweater dress and some leggings before making your way over to the dining tent for lunch deciding you would feel better after some food.
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Jesus Christ, it had already begun! the chefs were all over you like a bad rash, it seems everyone had now either heard you was the stand in or seen it. They were all happy said nice encouraging things..A few teased you playfully like Mathew who had been a bit of a... well you wouldn't say creeper but he didn't seem to realize that you wasn't interested, not that he asked you out but he...You knew he wanted to but no...Just no. He was nice but you didn't like him like that,  he made you super uncomfortable and not in a nervous crush type of way that Henry had. After nearly forty five minuets of a cringey conversation you finally wriggled away from him and took a seat at one of the huge tables half way through the now cold soup thanks to Mathew you got the call.
Your phone buzzed to life with your brother Casper’s face. Fuck sake!. you debated ignoring it but knowing him he would go all commanding officer on your ass and you just didn't need that. You slipped the phone in your hand.
"Hello Cas"
"What the fuck do you think your upto?!" you winced oh yes definitely his officer voice
"What do you mean? look I know mum told you and if your just going to yell at me then fuck off okay? they needed someone"
"Then they should find someone, but not my little fucking little sister...Your still a little baby"
"Don't call me baby alright? Jesus Cas I do have my own life you know? I can do what I want!" he scoffed you could feel him shaking his head
"But-but with him how the fuck? your going to get hurt sis you know that don't you? please please please tell them no, say something came up and you have to come home" you growled
"NO! ABSOLUTLY NOT!" you looked around seeing people stop and stare as you shouted down the phone to your over zealous brother.you quickly tucked your self into your shoulders.
"No I will not let them down! I signed the contract and I'm doing it! I'm keeping my word and you know what I am fucking enjoying myself! You know being an adult cos funny enough that's what I am...I thought you'd be happy for me?" he grunted
"I am happy for you! but I'm also worried, your about to be in the fucking spotlight y/n don't you see that? interviews, award shows the whole nine yards! and with no fucking preparation! no one in your corner!" you scoffed
"Oh thank so I'm on my own? because I haven't packed it in and come home like a good girl? is that what your saying? huh how dare I go and do something for myself by myself?!" he groaned and huffed down the phone you heard a thump he had obviously just hit something.
"That’s is not what I'm saying and you know it!  I always have you back just like the others you know that! I'm worried for you...I love you y/n...I don't want to see you crushed..The media are cruel and the fan base can be crueler...Please just tell me that you thought this through." you took a deep calming breath and nodded covering your eyes and leaned on your elbow on the table.
"I have...Tomasz and Lauren; the director and producer...They are releasing it in a way to let people know that if I hadn't stepped in then there would be no season two so that's one brownie point...And Henry and Joey are also on board helping me, they are mentoring me along the way and-" Casper hummed
"I'm also worried about him to...I don't want you caught up with him, I know what you think of him but he is still a man and they are only after-" you suddenly got very angry at what he was insinuating.
"Casper! Dont you fucking go there! I know bloody well what you fucking think? for fuck sake you and the others made damn sure I would die a fucking spinster, never had a fucking boyfriend cos of that stupid 'boys want one thing' bullshit at this point I wouldn't even know what to do with one! so just drop it!" he sighed it was something that all the brothers shared guilt over, they had isolated you, stopped you from having that first love and heartbreak now you were terrified of intimacy and the thought of needing someone in our life...
They knew it was their fault in some overprotective male bullshit they had basically given you a complex and ruined prospect of marriage and a family. They each regretted it and wanted to go back and change it but they can't. And it wasn't just boys they kept you away from girls to, ones they thought would lead you astray embarrassing you by showing up at teen parties and dragging you home kicking and screaming in front of your friends at eight at night trying to protect your virtue wanting what was best for you leaving you now a twenty seven year old virgin...Not by choice they had kicked the shit out of anyone who fucking blinked in your direction to this day you were still bitter about it and rightfully so.
They were out of line and should have known better, even your parents pulled them up and had many talks about it warning that they were going to give you a complex and issues later on but they never listened and there were to many of them for your mum and dad to really keep track and keep an eye on.
"Look Cas please just trust me I...If I'm going to make mistakes let me decide which ones to make okay? I'm happy and I'm going to be careful...I know you have my best interests at heart but at some point I've got to..." he sighed sadly he knew where you was coming from they had suffocated you growing up and now you were naive and that was their fault and just made them worry more and more becoming one huge nasty cycle. They want you to be happy and settle down but they still saw you as the baby sister who needed her knights in shinning Armour! And they wasn't ready to let anyone else be your hero.
"Please Casper...Just tell me your with me? That you think I can do it? I really need my family right now to just have my back" you closed your eyes feeling a huge weight on your back, you loved each and every one of your brothers and always wanted to make them proud but it was hard when your the baby of the family, you know they all mean well but...Well they are men and idiots fucking, children if your honest. You took a deep breath waiting to hear his reply.
"I've got your back Titch, always got your back and I trust you...And if-if you do get close to him and want to ...You know go for it....But same thing goes I don't care if he is a big star he fucking upsets you I will break his legs! Okay? Anyway enough of that...Don't need to think of you doing the nasty...So who you playing anyway? mum couldn't remember" you sighed in relief at least Cas would back you up when the others found out.
"keira...I'm playing keira...Did a shoot today its going to be in the trailer...Think they are releasing it tomorrow sometime so keep your eyes peeled..." you smiled you heard someone in the back ground say something ad Casper grunt and swear
"Whats wrong cas?"
"Fucking recruits locked in the boiler room...Fucking tit honestly how I'm going to manage this lot I don't have a clue...Think I should send them to Kane...He'd fucking make them shit themselves" you laughed as he mentioned your stoic eldest brother who had a bit of a reputation for being a hard ass...Well a hard ass with a stick up his ass. He was good in the army terrified the newbies, if at least one didn't piss himself on the first day then Kane wasn't doing his job right..
"Oh god your not loosing your touch are you?" he swore at you grumbling
"No I'm not you cheeky little shit!" you giggled at his remark knowing the teasing meant there was no hard feelings and continued.
"weelll I don't know...Didn't scare me on the phone earlier and if it was Kane well...Yeah Kane is Kane" he hummed in reply before carrying on in a sly voice
"Well that’s cos you think that your not gonna face me for a while but I’m on leave in two months...And you never know your only gonna be in London~" you faltered the smug grin dropped
"What the- how'd you know?" he chuckled
"Mum gave each of us your schedule from when you got the job with Tee she knew we'd want to know sooo I'm guessing that things are gonna be the same, your in Scotland now then home in sturry and the rest in London...Not that far any way I'm off take care, be safe and I will see you soon~" you groaned into the phone
"Okay then see you soon? Love you miss you already"
"Love you to Titch" he hung up and you sighed well...that wasn't so bad? was it? you smiled moving to clear up your bowl an exited the tent just missing the down trodden Henry who had just left the tent himself.
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Henry was devastated after spending an hour or so hold up in his trailer sulking playing what he heard over and over again trying to work out who you were talking to he had lost hope. He had summarized  that you had a boyfriend. After not hearing from Henry for over an hour when he said he’d text, Joey decided to pop over and had sat and listened as Henry was explaining what he had just heard.
Henry was nearly in tears he wanted to shout he felt so? so? what hurt? he was upset and embarrassed he had made a fool of himself and for what? You had a boyfriend fuck knowing his luck a fucking husband!
"No I'm sure you heard wrong Henry Tee said she isn't seeing anyone" Henry growled
"Yeah well shes fucking wrong! I know what I heard Joey! they argued her and this 'CaSpEr' he didn't want her to be here! or or do anything by the sounds of it a right dick head...She popped off at him...From what she said he must have ordered her home...Fucking cunt!...What kind of a name is Casper any way sounds like a fucking prick! and then by the end 'LoVe YoU MiSs YoU AlReAdY' and they must be serious cos she was all like 'how I need my family around me' so he is already family I've got no chance Joey! The one girl that catches my eye after all this time and shes fucking taken! Fuck how could I be so stupid...You know I'm lucky I heard and didn't make a complete fool of myself and ask her to come out with us! god why can't things just fuck?...ugh!" Joey watched hesitantly he hadn't seen Henry like this before...kal was curled up smothering him and he looked crushed. Joey sighed and pulled out his phone texting Tee again explaining things.
"Casper? was that the name?" Henry nodded still furious with himself he lifted a hand up.
"What the-Joey what are you doing? look fucking leave it its done move on...She'd never like me for me anyway, They all just want a fucking superman!" Joey scoffed
"Always so fucking dramatic-AHAH! Henry you fucktard!...Wow okay fuck you know I'd leave it, fuck that..Shes a lost cause I say" Henry sat up sharply making Kal groan a jump down to the floor with an indignant huff.
"W-what did she reply? whats wrong?" Joey cleared his throat re reading the text
"Henry she has siblings...A lot of siblings"
"Yeah and I have a few siblings I don't see how thats relevant?"
"No your not with me Henry. She is the youngest of nine....Shes got eight older brothers Casper is one of them...She was talking to her brother who is in the army" Henry blinked..siblings? Oh....Well shit he didn't even think..But yes that would make sense..wow he fucked up, and lost a chance to get to know her by throwing a temper tantrum like a spoilt little boy.
"Her brother?..In the army that's why she said she misses him...That would explain....Shit I fucked up"
"Yes you did! royally! you know Anya and Freya are expecting her to show tomorrow and its like nine at night so you can't exactly go ask now you fucking twat....My god such a child hang on Mama Joey will fix this but you owe me!" Joey sighed and quickly started texting Tee Henry moved looking over the mans shoulder watching as he typed letting Tee know what they had planned she replied instantly agreeing with lots of winky faces and eggplant emojis?.
"There all sorted Tee will invite her out and we will all casually bump into one another...And for fuck sake find out her brothers names so we don't have this again! Jesus!" Henry looked down sheepishly now ashamed of his reaction, it wasn't like him to sulk or as his mum would put it 'throw his toys out of the pram' Henry leaned over hugging the singer tight
"Thank you Joey...I really do owe you....And sorry for the sulking and bitching...Just you know I really like her, and I want this to...I just got a feeling about her...I-I think she could be the one...Never got this wound tight over a woman before and...And I don't want to fuck this up!" Joey smiled and stood up.
"Well to late for that my friend however I am here to help you know that! so is Anya and Tee and Freya if Anya has anything to say about it, you'll be a couple by the end of filming I'm sure of it...Hell when the betting starts im putting money down!” henry rolled his eyes pushing Joey a bit he laughed then began again
“Look your half way there she is a fan, just gotta get her out of the whole 'Henry Cavill movie star' mind set down to a more intimate 'Henry Cavill my sexy colleague who I want to fuck-OUCH FUCK! HE-HENRY! H-HEY NO PITCHING!" Henry laughed it was true he just had to get over the initial 'oh my god its superman' then things will be easier to manage...if he can control his own nerves that is. Henry gave Joey on final hug as the singer left thanking him and closed the door resting his back on the door taking a deep breath then jumpers the three steps up to the 'living area' and fist pumped the air having a little moment.
"Fucking Get In!! did you see that Kal!?! Daddy has a date with Tinks!!! hey you hear me buddy? tinks and daddy are having lunch!!...Okay well not a date but we are having lunch....Fuck...What should I wear boy?....cant go to dressed up...but sweats are...no....Shit! Kal son I've got fuck all to wear...I DIDN'T PREPARE FOR THIS!!"  Kal barely batted and eye lid at his human as he ran to the closet in a panic ripping through his clothes wanting to find something suitable. Kal yawned and looked to the huge bed in the back of the home away from home and huffed, Henry would be at this all night fussing over matching his body wash shampoo and conditioner scent and after shave...Not that he can shave but a bit of smelly never hurt to entice the ladies.
"Kal?KAL?! Coconut or Lynx Africa?!" Kal  blinked and turned on the spot and stretched yawning slowly away from Henry making the man sigh. With one huge leap Kal landed on the empty bed, if Henry wasn't going to use it then its no use letting the comfy spot go to waste, the Akita made a loud snort as he flopped down closing his eyes, when Henry got like this Kal just tried to ignore him, the human would tire himself out eventually until then Kal would get some shut eye. he peeked one last time seeing his dad who scrabbled about yanking out clothes sniffing them to see if they were clean or not, he shrugged digging through the tops he swore he packed a dark blue button up! and he was determined to find it even if it took all night!
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firebrands · 4 years
And not to be greedy, but maybe no. 13 for Stony if you're up for it? Thanks!
come into the light, m, 2.2k, steve and tony being porn co-stars (!) and quite a bit of tension between them | “co-stars au” + stony bingo prompt fill “tension” | on ao3
It’s been a while since Steve has done one of these confessional-type videos. After a PA has adjusted his seat and they’d tested the lighting, Steve takes a seat by the window of the cabin.
“Action,” the director says, and Steve takes a deep breath.
“The first time I worked with Tony Stark, I had barely started my career. We were both really young, and well, for me…” Steve pauses and runs a hand through his hair before smiling at the camera. “I wasn’t too experienced yet. But he was so gentle, and sweet, and he really helped with my nerves.”
They do a few more takes, try one where Steve’s wearing a different shirt, and one where Steve is talking to the gaffer, so his gaze is set off camera.
The next shot has Steve lying on the bed, only wearing his briefs. He rolls onto his stomach and looks at the camera from under his lashes. “I’m really excited to work with him again, I’ve always found his style really… sexy.”
He doesn’t need to conjure up anything to make himself flush; the script does the trick well enough, mostly because it’s true. He is excited to work with Tony again, even if he’s seen Tony around fairly often.
It makes Steve feel young, the way he reminisces about the first film they’d shot together, all those years ago.
There’s something different about the new guy. Tony has said as much as soon as he’d laid eyes on him, blonde and blue eyed and impossibly shy, even as they made him strip so they could shave him and oil him up. Tony has told them all before, that he didn’t like working with inexperienced boys, boys who would freeze at his touch, worry clear in their eyes and even clearer on camera. But there’s no fear in the new guy’s eyes—quite the opposite. Something about him makes Tony jumpy, but he can’t explain why. So instead, he pesters everyone else until they can give them a satisfying answer.
“You sure he’s in the right place?” Tony asks Jan, again. She tuts in response, just like she did earlier. “He’s too pretty, Jan.”
“Well darling, so are you, and that’s what we pay for,” Jan says, meeting Tony’s eyes in the reflection of the mirror. She tilts her head, assessing him, before she runs a hand through Tony’s hair.
“There,” she murmurs to herself, then she pushes Tony up. “Now it’s his turn, so if you please.”
Tony huffs, then walks onto the set. Nick is already in his seat, going through the boards. “Play nice with this one,” he says, and he doesn’t lift his head as he says it.
“So he is new,” Tony says, sitting down beside Nick. “Something’s different about him.”
Nick rolls his eyes. “Yeah, only been in one or two before this,” he admits. “But he’s good.”
“I’ll believe it when I see it.”
Nick snorts.
 The scene has them both in their underwear, pressing against each other, hands roaming up and down each other’s sides, breathy moans and whispered pleas. It’s a standard scene, one Tony’s done too many times to count.
Of course, this Steve guy had to go and be great at this, which is both charming and annoying in equal measure. Tony isn’t ashamed to admit that he’d expected Steve to be a ball of nerves, expected him to fumble around, maybe elbow Tony’s solar plexus by accident, or something.
Except, he’s the opposite of that. He opens his mouth readily when Tony kisses him, knows how to move his body, and seems to share Tony’s preternatural awareness of the camera. They move in sync, shifting their bodies to best show the camera their actions.
It’s barely acting anymore when Tony moans as Steve kisses his way down Tony’s chest. Tony feels alight, feels turned on, in a way that he hasn’t been in a long time—even in encounters that aren’t filmed. Steve keeps looking up at him, checking to see if he’s enjoying, and he’s unbearably gorgeous, and god, Tony could write sonnets about his mouth, his tongue, his eyes, the way his breath felt hot against Tony’s skin.
It’s not in the script, but Tony flips them over so he hovers over Steve, desperate to feel in control after losing himself so much under Steve’s touch.
Under his hands, Steve is pliant, his eyes shine with desire when he looks up at Tony and it makes Tony feel a little wild, makes him grab onto Steve’s hips harder, makes him almost rut against Steve until completion.
“You’re really good at this,” Steve says, once Nick had yelled cut. Tony wrenches his eyes away from the flush that had spread down from Steve’s neck to his chest, which was glistening with sweat.
“Well,” Tony looks up at Steve and smirks. “I am an actor.”
Tony doesn’t miss the way Steve’s cheeks redden. “Oh, I know I just—“
Tony laughs. “I was kidding.” He takes a bottle of water from the break table and takes a swig, mostly to have something to do with his hands, which are itching to continue touching Steve. Tony wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, and considers Steve before speaking, “You’re not so bad, yourself.”
Tony didn’t think it was possible, but Steve blushes even more.
“Thanks, Tony.”
Tony wants to do a number of unspeakable things to Steve at that moment, overwhelmed with how beautiful Steve looks, has looked over the past few hours. Tony wants to make him blush some more, wants to take Steve’s face in his hands and feel the heat on his cheeks on his fingertips, proof that some physical reactions were caused by him and him alone, no script needed.
Instead, he says, “You’re cute when you blush. Make sure you learn to use it well.”
Steve grins and nods. He opens his mouth to say something else, but they’re called back on set.
Steve stops in his tracks when he sees him, doesn’t even think when he shouts across the set: “Tony!”
Tony turns, eyebrows furrowed at first at being shouted at, then his face brightens when his gaze lands on Steve, who is already making his way to him; the smile on his face makes Steve’s traitorous heart swell.
They greet each other with an embrace, and it’s so ingrained in Steve to kiss people on the cheek in greeting that he only realizes he’s done it when Tony raises his eyebrows at Steve, surprised.
But Steve isn’t fooled—there’s a slight pinkness to Tony’s cheeks that wasn’t there before.
“How are you doing?”
“Good,” Tony says. “We just wrapped. Are you shooting today?”
“Yeah, what a coincidence,” Steve says, even if it isn't. They all rotate on sets in the large warehouse, schedules crammed tight as shoots go on almost ‘round the clock. It’s cheaper that way, and it’s not like their audience keeps track or comments on it.
Tony nods.
Steve nods back, and finds himself incapable of saying anything else. Tony’s beautiful in the afternoon light, lips pink from whatever activities they’d gotten him to do earlier, eyes bright from release. Steve drinks it all in, feels suddenly like a man in a desert who has found oasis.
Steve sucks in a breath, trying to steady himself against the desire curling in his belly. He thought he was past it, but seeing Tony again, in person, has awoken the desperate need he thought he’d quenched. He wants to touch Tony, would settle with just touching his wrist, really, which is absurd; he’s touched more of Tony before, and has a video to prove it.
“Steve!” Sam calls, voice echoing from across the warehouse.
Tony blinks, and only then does Steve realize that while he’d been looking—Tony had been looking, too.
Tony curses. He’s been chasing sleep for almost an hour, now, but can’t seem to settle. He’s tired, exhausted from his back-to-back shoots, and usually he’d just jack himself off to get to sleep but he’s too tired to even get hard.
Or so he thinks.
He curses again as he flips his laptop open. His desktop is a mess, flooded with icons and random files, but he knows what he’s looking for.
His media player, like an asshole, plays from the moment he’d last exited the video. On screen, in high definition, Tony watches himself hold Steve close, watches as he takes Steve’s jaw in his hand and turns his face up, watches as he kisses Steve, open and lewd.
He’s hard, as if he hadn’t spent the past 12 hours in a shoot, popping a pill to keep him up as he held another anonymous man close and imagined Steve in his place.
He thought that he’d reigned it in, that the attraction to Steve was a passing fancy in something new, as it almost always inevitably was. But a week ago, Steve had shouted his name across the soundstage and kissed his cheek and Tony felt weak—still feels weak as he remembers it, the soft press of lips against his skin and he wants nothing more than to trawl through the company directory and find Steve’s phone number, call him up, make Steve blush again.
Instead, he watches, cock twitching in his pajamas as he watches himself manhandle Steve. He clicks to the start of the video, pushes his pants down and takes his cock in his hand, stroking slowly as he watches the way Steve moves under him, remembering the way Steve felt under his hands, breathing hard, eyes trained on Tony’s as he came. Tony has proof, sees it in the video, and at that moment, he lets out a strangled cry.
It’s been a while since Tony has done one of these confessional-type videos. They have him pose, clad only in jeans—not bothering to have him wear anything under—as he speaks to the camera.
“Well,” Tony smirks. “I’ve always loved a nice ass.” He laughs, it’s an affected thing.
“I worked with Steve almost a year ago,” Tony says, smiling to the camera. Steve hasn't arrived yet, but Tony feels a thrum of excitement building in him, zinging around and making his body feel alight. He remembers it all still, clear as the video, he’s all but memorized and branded to memory. Steve’s skin, the strong muscles of his arms under Tony’s hands, coupled with how soft his lips felt, pressed against his.
“I’ve always wanted to work with him again, and I’m glad we’ll have this time together.”
Tony’s in the make-up chair, being fussed over by Jan, when Steve arrives. Tony doesn’t bother hiding how he stares at Steve, who is beautiful and somehow, still looking a bit shy.
“Hey, Tony,” Steve says, sitting down beside him. He meets Tony’s gaze in the mirror and offers up a small, nervous smile. “How have you been?”
Tony turns a little, wanting to really look at Steve, but Jan tugs on his hair and makes him straighten back up. “Good. Excited about today,” he says, knowing he sounds nonchalant in spite of how he feels.
He smiles to himself when he sees, in his periphery, Steve duck his head and blush.
“Me too.”
 Nick is sitting in front of the camera, reviewing the boards. Tony shucks off his robe and drapes himself over the bed, clad only in his briefs.
Once Jan is done with him, Steve takes off his own robe. He folds it up, hangs it over his chair, and moves to stand beside Tony.
“Excited?” Tony asks, smiling up at him.
Steve’s lips quirk into a smile. “Been looking forward to this.”
The line shouldn’t affect Tony the way it does; he’s seen the script, he knows exactly what to expect. Still, as if on cue, Tony flushes.
“Come here.”
“Cut,” Nick shouts, sounding weary. “I need you to sound sweeter.”
Tony lies back down on the bed, and Steve rearranges himself, props his knee on the bed, turns to Tony half-way, so that his body is still on full display for the camera.
“Excited?” Tony asks again. He relaxes onto the bed further, an easy smile on his lips—inviting, with just a hint of lewdness.
“Been looking forward to this,” Steve says. He bites his lip for good measure, looking like he’s been waiting to touch Tony, and the look in his eyes is so sincere that Tony, against all rational thought, hopes he actually means it.
Tony lifts his hand, rests it on Steve’s knee. “Come here.”
It’s as if no time has passed between them. Steve touches him confidently, his hand gripping Tony’s waist hard enough to make Tony gasp. His lips against Tony are sure, and soft, and just as pliant as when Tony had kissed him, all those months ago. It feels infinitely better than Tony had imagined, in all those months in between, and he doesn’t bother hiding how pleased it makes him, moans into Steve’s mouth even if there was no direction to do so.
Tony pushes against his chest, turns him over so he’s on top, and kisses him some more.
Nick calls cut, and they rearrange the lights. Tony and Steve stay in suspended motion.
Tony bites his lip, and Steve smiles up at him, beatific.
“Doing anything, after this?” Tony whispers.
Steve reaches up and tucks Tony’s hair behind his ear. “You, hopefully.”
send me a number and i’ll write you a short fic
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aconstantache · 3 years
top 5 bjyx moments
LARA I have stressed over answering this and your other asks and as a result have come up with these v long, v not-top-5 lists IM SORRY TO EVERYONE:
top 5 bjyx moments
- I know this is not a single Moment but everything to do with yibo trying to get xiao zhan to eat more. The multple instances of him having to cajole and coax and whine about it. Bonus points for xz feeling bad about accidentally hitting yibo with a tassel and being bribed into eating. BONUS bonus points for that one bts where yibo is filming him and xz tells him to go away so he heads over to ji li for two minutes and hands over the camera; and when we’re in ji li’s POV he follows yibo who heads straight back to xz. THE NARRATIVE OF IT ALL - their v long back and forth on a boat - xiao zhan singing ‘lay me down’ by sam smith to yibo / yibo not being able to stay away from his throat???? am i allowed to talk about this???? - that one interview where xz calls yibo a puppy - THIS - the lived in-ness of their dynamic. This has happened before and it will happen again
HM to several other classiques like the official bts clips of yibo yelling at various points, whenever they sing wuji and yibo comes up from beneath the stage and they gaze fondly at each other, yibo coming to sit at that special awards table at the 2019 tencent awards and bowing to everyone except xz, at that fanmeet when the host started talking about thin waists and yibo was like SHUT UP ABOUT WAISTS, the bts where they talk about bondage and xz very genuinely flutters his eyelashes, every time xz let himself get manhandled..............
top 5 wangxian moments (this is impossible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
-  The feeling of walking on a single plank bridge til it's dark doesn't feel so bad; confessing your love via a deeply depressing callback while surrounded at swordpoint - SAID DEPRESSING CALLBACK. The sheer amount of intense longing when lwj leaves the burial mounds. My cup runneth over. So good, so painful - Rabbit Lantern Scene. Lwj’s being so soft, so acquiescing, so helpless @ the force of wwx’s smile. And wwx drifting until he sights lwj and his face transforms. ugh!!!!! - EPISODE 46. I know this is not a moment; it is an entire episode but I HAD to include lwj letting wwx eat the lotus seeds AND imo the gc reveal is also A Wangxian Scene and then also the little tussle with jc beforehand. The whole thing is so good and I can’t pick one scene soooo I won’t! - Nobody Puts Baby In A Corner aka wwx drinking for lwj (I’m always saying this is my favourite scene so it’d by hypocritical to not have it here) - wwx tending to drunk lwj (specifically the ‘all these years, you looked for me?’ part and tucking him into bed) - PIGGY BACK RIDE TENDER WHISPERING
I appreciate that this is really not 5 but I have abstained from including several other favourites: ‘LAN WANGJI’ / ‘WEI WUXIAN’, soulmates, all lwj’s tiny smiles over his lil’ family in ep 50, their date in yiling, etc etc. And then I didn’t even include any scenes from the novel (the temple confession, ‘if he catches me i’lll-’, ‘his life is in my hands’, YOU CAN TRY NOW TO SEE IF I WOULD REJECT YOU OVER ANYTHINGGGG)
top 5 pandemic reads (I’m going to take this to mean ‘what are the best fics I’ve read since the pandemic bc while I read loads from march 2020 to summer-ish, I’ve really struggled to get back into reading actual novels since watching cql. I also originally thought this said 2021 so this is a list with those v specific parameters):
- yesterday, tomorrow (bjyx. MY FAVE!!!!!!!) -  A Match in the Making (wangxian) - swiss cheese theory (wangxian sequel that i love more than the original) - Many happy returns (wangxian! transcendental power of love!) - Across the Universe (bjyx)
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jiminieloved · 4 years
Ultimate Jikook Timeline Pt 46
HYYH2 Era Pt 2:
tw: There is a scene that contains what many view as sexual harassment involving Jimin and the hosts in the Weekly Idol episode. There’s also photos in this post featuring this. Be careful.
1. December 13, 2015: Gwanghwamun Fansign
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2. December 14, 2015: 
a) BTS win 1st place @ KBS Music Bank
0:22 JM brings JK to the front to do his dance move, 00:46 JK watches JM’s dance move, RM taps his shoulder (I think this is the same clip but a different angle from December 12)
b) BTS on Weekly Idol, preview pictures (tw//sexual harassment)
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c) BTS React to ‘Run’ MV
No sub, but JK pats Jimin’s chest at 3:20, interaction 7:00 minutes
d) Run BTS Episode 8
12:55 JK reveals that he hid flags and JK acts shocked, 13:10 JM pushes JK away and JK calls him trash, JM sees him pouting and gives him his flag because ‘JK’s cute’. Small Jikook hug at the end.
e) Bangtan Bomb
1:32 Jimin films JK
f) BTS MV Explained
Jimin compliments JK’s acting 2:42. 4:44 JM compliments his own acting and JK says “Jimin hyung!”. 7:00 JK says something to JM but it isn’t translated. 7:20 ish they’re joking about why Jimin burned the picture, and RM says “Jimin had a crush on Jin?”
3. December 16, 2015: BTS on Weekly Idol
12:25 Jimin is being manhandled by the hosts, and it cuts to JK biting his fist. 12:57 Jimin is kissed by Heechul(?) and JK goes and starts punching the wall.  21:45 JK receives ‘Manly’ trait for his alarm recording. The hosts say ‘aww he should’ve gotten aegyo’ and Jimin immediately says ‘No he’s manly!!!’ and Jimin smiles super proudly and laughs super hard as he records it.
4. December 17, 2015: Gangnam Fansign
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5. December 19, 2015: Star Talk Hong Kong
I have no idea what they’re saying but at 3:25 JM laughs and JK smiles at him very endeared. (Jimin’s really cute at 4:50)
At 4:00 interviewer asked who's the funniest member? Most agree it's JK. Yoongi says behind the cameras JK is different and that when he finally shows himself that he will really fly. Very sweet. JK says he can't show that side because he's shy but one day he will.
December 20, 2015: 
a) Changmin’s Music Radio Plaza
14:00. Explain roommates. JK rooms with RM. TH, HS, and JM room together 
29:00 Jimin sings JK is supportive. 
6. December 21, 2015: Jongno Fansign
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7. December 22, 2015: After School Club
a) Photos
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b) Episode
8:00 JM volunteers JK for girl group dance and then smacks his butt when he finishes, 10:25 JM lays across JK and JH’s laps, 29:50 JM falls into JK’s lap laughing, 39:35 JK’s up to some funky business with the mic holding responsibilities, JM responds to funky business by opening his mouth really wide like he think’s JK’s going to put the mic in his mouth?? Sus levels high lka;s jkl;sjf. 51:50 JM returns the favor regarding the microphone hijinks.
c) Bangtan Bomb
Jimin filming Jungkook brushing his teeth
 c) BTS Run Episode 9
Standing together at the beginning, 1:30 JK looking at JM?, around 11:25 JK calls JM pretty?, 13:58 Jikook standing together
8. December 24, 2015: KBS 2015 KBS Gayo Daechukjae X BTS on Vlive
A ton happening here. 8:00 Jk gesturing to JM, touches him a lot more than necessary, 11:22 JK pats JM’s thigh, 13:58 JM laughs and hits JK as he tells his story, 14:58 infamous JK coming of age moment occurs, 21:00 JM seemingly out of nowhere says “the youngest has grown up.” 22:58 JM is picking a colored slip of paper to read from, and JK says “Hyung I see your color.” JM then picks orange because of his hair, and JK says “that’s not right :c” 26:21 JM hits JK really cutely. 26:50 push push baby Jimin, but for some reason JK holds JM’s fist, and doesn’t let go for far longer than necessary, and plays with his fingers. 29:07 they’re dying of laughter and JK pats/touches JM’s thigh. 32:40 when JM finally does his aegyo, JK immediately grabs his hand again. 33:04 JK starts smacking JM’s butt.
9. December 25, 2015: JK releases cover of Paper Hearts
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coinofstone · 4 years
5x09 With All My Heart
"People only see a queen when they expect to" or when she's wearing a queen's clothes and hair 😂
I'm kinda glad they jumped right into Merlin and Arthur spying on the conversation between Morgana and Gwen rather than do a whole drawn out thing where Merlin tells Arthur, Arthur threatens to exile Merlin for suggesting such a thing, etc. I'm choosing to believe thatI after Merlin proved to be right about so many other betrayals, Arthur decided to trust him enough to go check it out. Plus it's just nice to have him in on the plan for once.
Arthur: if I lose Gwen I lose everything
Merlin: I'm standing right here
Here's the new route you've got ten seconds to memorize it and you won't be using it until three days from now good luck!
The ongoing 'Merlin in a dress' gag is so silly, but I'm glad they followed through with it because so far the only one we've actually seen in a dress is Leon 😂
Merlin remains unable to get anyone to drink his poisoned beverage but Arthur comes through in the clutch!
Poor Angel having to be manhandled onto that hand truck by these two
Wondering who managed to get Arthur dressed and into his armor
I've often wondered if it's really Angel on the horse, really Angel that Bradley is carrying on his shoulder. I don't *think* it is, but it's still definitely a real woman that he's got in a fireman's carry. He's a fit dude but like, in full armor, walking on a rocky ridge path? Ouch.
It's a good thing he didn't stab himself with that sword on the way down.
Arthur realizing Mordred was Merlin's funny feeling. The irony. It's still a sweet sort of husbands moment, but. Irony.
You'd think Morgana would be angrier at Mordred for the whole stabbing her and leaving her for dead thing
The Dolma voice is really impressive Colin should do cartoons.
Why doesn't Merlin just use the druid telepathy to tell Mordred to stfu? I know he doesn't trust him but like damn
Why is this making me cry make it stop
I'm sorry but no. That water is literally algae green. Absolutely not.
She's calling him over for a hug lol more like 'fuck that you dragged me in here you're helping me out'
Silly 'forgetting Merlin' bit but if you read me screaming about the way 'Dragoon' bartered with Arthur in The Wicked Day, in an attempt to force Arthur into lifting the ban on magic rather than proving to him that he should because it's unjust - this exact exchange with the Dolma is what I thought that should've been. I like to think that as he's gotten older and wiser Merlin's figured that out for himself too.
Commentary by Angel and Alex
Angel says she was quite sad to go back after Gwen's puppet queen arc ended, and my traitorous brain just screamed "yeah cuz now you're back to being left on a shelf and ignored until they need you for Arthur again" 🙃
They are having a good laugh about Gaius' little mezzanine level with the books, saying he fell off it in the first episode and then never went back up there again 😂
They are funny together. Saying the Dochraid could be a great anti smoking ad 😂
Angel pointing out the fly or possibly spider crawling on Alex's cloak and Alex seeing it for the first time and going "oh my God" in the highest pitch voice I've ever heard 😂
Angel said it became her least favorite episode to film because of the passed out dead weight being carried thing. But she says she felt bad for Bradley having to carry her so much so I guess it was her. Oh wow she says it was her on the horse in one point when they're not moving.
Alex is saying "no don't climb down there" to Arthur going down the ridge to get Merlin and Angel is like "he has to go rescue his love"
Apparently the location where they filmed all these scenes was really miserable.
Oh wow they made Colin go back and reshoot his lines as the Dolma because he initially played it pretty straight and Johnny and Julian wanted it to be played more comedic, so he actually had to go back and shoot it by himself and then it was spliced together. That's crazy.
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foramomentonly · 4 years
Nail In My Coffin, Part Four
Part One    Part Two    Part Three
Summary: Alex and Kyle are fashion designers on a Next In Fashion style reality show. Michael is their model. Dom/sub elements. Prompt courtesy of @signoraviolettavalery .
Author’s Note: This takes place between Parts Two and Three, but they don’t have to be read chronologically. I’m certainly not writing them that way! Hope you enjoy! I’m tagging these under Malex fashion au.
TW for discussion of chronic pain and loss of limb/amputation (but in absolutely no detail)
Read on AO3
It's a bad day. Alex knows it the second he opens his eyes. He tries to sit up in bed and feels his hip seize and a shooting, all-encompassing pain travel from the hinge of his joint all the way down his stump and into the empty space that still aches like it remembers what it felt like to be whole. He suffers through his morning exercises that do jack shit on days like this and showers. His crutch is leaning against the dresser as he searches a drawer for clean clothes, and even though he longs to say fuck it and take it with him, he steels himself and instead digs out his prescription painkillers—the ones you absolutely do not fuck around with—and swallows a single pill dry, stuffing the bottle in his pocket in preparation for a long, agonizing day in the studio.
When he and Kyle were first selected for the show, Alex requested a sit-down with the producers. He got fifteen minutes. He used them to explain, in no uncertain terms, that he would not be talking on camera about his prosthesis or his partial loss of limb in the line of duty. His feelings about his military service are ambivalent. It’s shaped who he has become in ways Alex both values and, on days when he disassociates and feels his grasp on his own humanity go slippery and loose, fears. But he would not allow himself to become a sympathetic poster child on a potentially global scale for streaming’s brand of heartwarming American nationalism—a decorated vet, a queer, Indigenous man who put his body on the line for a country that really does love and respect him after all. The producers played dumb at first, but in the face of Alex’s commanding insistence, they agreed Alex will never be asked directly about his time in the Air Force and, at his discretion, he will only be filmed from the waist up.
The moment they arrive at the studio, driven in from their hotel at an ungodly hour, Alex finds the producer on set and lets them know today is one of those days. When he meets Kyle at their work station he’s touched, but not surprised to find a low stool with a thin seat cushion waiting for him. He and Kyle have shared space for so long—and shared confidences for even longer—that his partner could no doubt tell Alex is in pain simply from the tight line of his mouth and the twitch of his brow when he hefted himself in and out of the large studio van.
“Thank you,” Alex murmurs, sliding onto the stool and adjusting himself so the pain radiating down his thigh is at a dull, insistent ache rather than a sharp, agonizing jolt. Kyle, a master class in discretion, barely spares him a glance.
“You let them know?”
“We’ve got a lot of hem work to do, before and after Michael gets here,” he warns.
“I know.”
“I can take the bulk of it-”
“No,” Alex says, shutting him down swiftly.
Kyle purses his lips, but doesn’t argue.
Michael ambles into the studio with the other models a little after midday. He forces himself to play it casual, wandering over to craft services and making small talk with a designer taking a quick coffee break. But his gaze seeks out Alex across the room, and he grounds himself with deep breaths and the bite of his own nails against his palm to keep from dropping to his knees on the spot. Alex is working with a garment on their dress form, intent and focused, all broad shoulders and perfect posture. He runs a hand across the chest, smoothing the fabric in wide, sure strokes, and Michael licks his lips, misses whatever inane comment was just made in his direction, and he knows he isn’t going to last long.
The first time he’d seen Alex, Michael had assumed he was looking at a fellow professional. Alex’s dark features, his dramatic cheekbones and brow, and the toned body evident underneath an unassuming t-shirt all screamed model. Not to mention those lips. When he was introduced as a designer, one half of a buzz-worthy menswear brand made up of a former Air Force captain and a med school graduate, Michael secretly hoped he’d get a chance to work with them. He loves modeling for so many reasons. He craves the positive attention his looks and swagger bring him—nothing wrong with that—and he finds creative expression in being part of realizing an artist’s vision on the runway or in front of a camera. But the first time an impatient and harried designer had used Michael’s body like a life-size doll, manhandling him into positions and movements with little more than a gruff “up,” he had experienced a bone-deep satisfaction in relinquishing his body and his agency to another person that brought a whole new level of fulfillment to his work. It’s comforting and secure and, on occasion, incredibly erotic. He starts identifying parallel dynamics in his personal life—Isobel basically doms him into doing stupid shit every other week—and seeking it out in his sex life. Still, no professional experience or carefully-planned scene had ever felt like the toe-curling, mind-melting experience of receiving a command or a touch from Alex Manes. 
Michael manages to idle a few more minutes for appearance’s sake before heading over for his consult. Alex and Kyle stand side to side, dark heads drawn together over a what appears to be a task list at the same table Michael had found himself bent over just last week, surrendering completely to Alex’s precise, wicked whims. Just the memory excites him, and Michael practically skips up to his designers’ station. He reaches out a hand and raps his knuckles on the thick tabletop for attention.
“Knock, knock,” he drawls, grinning cheekily at Alex. Alex barely cracks a smile, but that’s hardly unusual. The more stoic Alex is, Michael’s coming to realize, and the more brusque his commands, the more gorgeous it is when he inevitably comes apart. 
Kyle smiles affably.
“Hi, Guerin,” he says, moving to take their garments off the dress form, and Michael lets his smile fall slightly when Alex keeps his back to him at the table, knuckles white as he grips the edge almost as if for balance.
“So, for now we’ll just ask you to try on the skirt-pants,” Kyle explains, leading him up onto the base, “but could you also take off your shirt? It’ll just be in Alex’s way while he’s making adjustments.”
Michael watches Kyle return to Alex’s side and speak low into his ear, a hand hovering over the small of Alex’s back. He knows better than to be suspicious of Alex and Kyle’s relationship—it’s clearly a deep, brotherly bond—but Kyle almost seems to be taking care of Alex and, well, Michael wants to be the one to do that.
“I’ll bring you a water,” Kyle says in a louder voice, heading off towards the back of the studio, and Michael fumbles to get changed as Alex turns abruptly towards him, supplies in hand. 
“I could have brought you something,” Michael says, “I was over there.”
“It’s fine,” Alex answers briskly, setting his materials on the edge of the base and lowering himself slowly into a squat. He glances up at Michael and maybe he senses Michael’s anxiety or maybe he’d just been preoccupied before, but his face softens and he offers a warm, soothing smile.
“I”m sorry, beautiful,” he murmurs, and Michael feels like his body and mind are sinking slowly into a warm, sweet-smelling pool. “Step forward for me.”
Michael steps closer and Alex’s fingers immediately curl around his ankle, squeezing lightly. 
“I’m gonna be down here for awhile,” Alex says, voice clear, but a tad strained. “Stay still for me, sweetheart.”
Michael breathes deep, lets the weight of the command sit heavy on his shoulders, straighten his spine, anchor his feet to the ground. And then he lets himself float, mind clear and body featherlight, Alex’s touch guiding his movements and keeping him grounded. Maybe ten minutes pass, maybe an hour. Michael is only sure of the light press of Alex’s grip on his ankle and the brush of his fingertips across a shin or up his thigh. Alex is quiet, diligent as he works, but the occasional gentle squeeze and soft, “There you go.” is all Michael needs to know he’s done good.
At some point, Alex’s hand slides up his leg, gripping tight on his calf. Michael expects to be guided into a different position or angle, but instead, Alex groans and adjusts his own stance, cupping the back of his right thigh and glowering when he briefly loses his balance and digs blunt fingernails into Michael’s calf to steady himself.
“Sorry,” he says, rubbing his palm over the crescent moons indented in Michael’s skin. 
“It’s okay,” Michael replies, looking down assuringly at Alex.
Alex begins to rise slowly, his mouth a tight grimace, and Michael realizes he’s sweating lightly. He lets his arm jut out subtly, bending slightly at the elbow, and he watches out of the corner of his eye as Alex grips his forearm tightly to pull himself the rest of the way to standing. Circling Michael slowly, Alex slips behind him and grasps Michael’s hips. He could be checking the fit of the garment’s waist, but his usually busy fingers are still and he’s pressing into Michael where they’re connected, shifting his body weight from his right side to his left and using his grip on Michael for balance. In the silence between them, Michael hears his labored breathing, feels the heavy puffs on his naked back.
“Rest for a minute, Captain,” he says softly, “no one’s gonna see.”
Alex squeezes Michael’s hips and Michael feels the damp press of Alex’s forehead between the blades of his shoulders. Scanning the room, he checks that no one is paying them any attention; between the countdown to runway and the minor disaster happening with a team’s dress across the studio they aren’t on anyone’s radar.
“Take your time,” Michael whispers, “no one’s looking.”
Alex’s breathing steadies after another minute, falling in sync with Michael’s own. The rustle of a pill bottle is loud to Michael’s ear after the stillness of their shared moment; he hears the pop of a cap and feels Alex lift and tilt his head back, then more rustling as the bottle is capped and goes back into, Michael assumes, Alex’s pocket. He waits. Alex chances a soft kiss to the back of Michael’s neck, then appears in front of him looking rumpled and tired, but steady.
“Thank you, sweetheart,” he says.
He looks down, fixing his attention on the front clasp of the garment, and Michael wonders if that’s the most Alex is going to say. Michael’s already decided he’s not going to press him. But after a beat Alex begins to speak.
“I lost a quarter of my right leg, amputated just under the knee on my last tour,” he says, voice pitched low, tone detached and clinical. “That was a little over a year ago. I have a prosthesis and some days I use a crutch. I do physical therapy, but it only takes you so far.” He adjusts his shoulders, takes a quick look around, and continues. “There’s pain. Some days it’s manageable. Others…” He breathes out. “I’m private. I don’t want my personal business turned into some kind of after-school special.” Alex raises his head and fixes Michael with an intense, searching gaze. “This is a lot. You can take your time to process everything, and if you don’t want to continue our— as we’ve been, I understand. But I’m asking for your discretion either way.”
Michael meets his gaze openly, steadily.
“I’ll do anything you ask me to,” he says. “I don’t need time. I want you. I want to be what you need.”
Alex smiles and his hand twitches at Michael’s waist. His let the back of his fingers brush against Michael’s abdomen, a gentle caress that’s all warmth and no heat. 
Michael tilts his head closer and whispers, “What do you need, Alex?”
“I need fifteen minutes,” he answers, “and I need a reason to sit down.”
Michael grins, cocky and sure and drawing attention to himself as he rears back and says loudly, “I just don’t get this look, man. Maybe if I could see the sketches? You could give me some insight?”
Smirking privately at Michael, Alex lets a well-practiced annoyance pull at his features as he rolls his eyes dramatically and turn away.
“Over here,” he snaps, gesturing to his work station. Michael leans on the table next to Alex’s stool as he slides onto it, breathing a quiet, grateful sigh and taking a long swig of the water Kyle had left for him, subtly massaging his thigh.
“I’d do that for you, you know, if I could,” Michael murmurs, shifting closer under the guise of examining a sketch and letting his fingers dance over Alex’s knee. “I can promise a very happy ending.”
Alex snorts, pressing the back of his hand to his lips and swallowing a mouthful of water with a gasp, shoulders shaking with laughter. Michael shoots him a dirty grin.
From his place behind the dress form, Kyle makes a face like a carp and a noise like an offended bull.
He glares at them from around his work and says, “This is why I take so many damn coffee breaks.”
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fairytalelovedramas · 5 years
Asian Drama Watchlist & Review for Jan 2020
Wow, got through a lot of shows and films this month compared to my norm (probably due to my lack of a social life, but meh, that’s beside the point)!!!
So here are my thoughts and reviews for the shows I watched in January...  probably not going to be completely spoiler free
And yeah this got long, so putting my reviews below the break so it doesn’t take up the whole wall!!
Finished Watching this month:
1) Ashes of Love
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Wowww, what a journey this show takes you on!!  It took me awhile to get through, as I often find with Fantasy CDramas, as I find it hard to binge too many eps at a time, but I was hooked from the start!  I love the actors, the characters, I loved the leads but fell in love with several side characters as well, the angst gave you all the feels, there were plenty of funny moments, and the love stories really made your heart flutter (I especially fell in love with the side love story, which is rare for me!).  Really loved this one!
Where I watched: Viki, also on Netflix
2) TharnType the Series
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Hands down one of my favorite BL couples!!  Their chemistry is out of this world.  Are there problematic parts of the show?  Yes, most definitely, especially near the beginning, but their connection and sweet moments are worth it, and honestly I just made up my own head cannon where those parts don’t exist haha!!  I LOVE this couple, they way they look at each other and all the touches, ugh it just does things to me!!  And their acting was fabulous, I fell in love with Mew (more than I already was) and Gulf as well!
Where I watched: Links to Line TV (found on Official TharnType Twitter)
4) Coffee & Vanilla
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Skinship, Skinship, Skinship!!  From ep 1, I was like woah!  So I started this one because I saw the 2 leads in Good Morning Call and think Dori Sakurada is just a beautiful human being and had SLS big time, so was curious to see him get the girl this time!!  And yeah he didn’t disappoint, he’s gorgeous and whoooo did that boy have some kinks!  Honestly, I thought their chemistry was good and I thoroughly enjoyed all the skinship scenes, if anything I would have been happy to see more of his kinky side actually get reciprocated haha!!  I personally enjoy a clingy, head-over-heels in love ML, and am for the alpha-male/innocent girl dynamic, and that’s exactly what you get!!!
I can see why this show wouldn’t be for everyone though, it has problematic parts for sure! It has a really weak FL who doesn’t really have a lot of character growth (despite her saying at the end she got stronger, I was like really??  fooled me!  but at least she’s aware of her weakness??), but her “innocent” character is one of the things that drives the story so it didn’t bother me that much.  I could have done without so much manhandling (by pretty much every male in the series).  I could see how it could be triggering for some.  I also thought she had the worst best friend in the world and was way too forgiving.  But if you can get over these points, I enjoyed it quite a lot! I may make some gifs for this one since there are several scenes I liked and no one seems to be making any!!
Where I watched: Viki
3) He is Psychometric
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So this was different than I expected.  Not bad by any means, just different.  I was expecting more romance, more healing from shared trauma, etc.  Maybe I was hoping it would be a bit more like Just Between Lovers after seeing that first ep and the trauma?  But I know nothing will ever replace that show in my heart, it will always be a fave!  Anyways, this wasn’t like that one haha!  It was a lot more mystery/crime genre than anything, which isn’t my fave, but there were a few sweet moments and the acting was sooo good and by the time I realized the romance & story wasn’t really what I was expecting I was drawn into the mystery I had to know how it ended!
Where I watched: Viki
5) Theory of Love
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I love OffGun as celebrities and in their variety shows, but never saw them in a series so decided to give this one a go!  Wow, I totally ended up in a major binge session with this one!! I didn’t want to stop watching!  I’ve always thought Gun was a cutie, but after seeing him act I have a whole new respect for him.  Did I think it was one of the best BL stories I’ve seen?  No.  But they have great chemistry and it was a cute story overall!  Really enjoyed this one!!
Where I watched: YouTube (GMM channel)
6) Dark Blue Kiss
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I’ve seen the various Kiss prequels so was excited about this one!  Honestly, I felt the MorkSun story overpowered PeteKao a bit but am not complaining as I loved both stories!  There were a lot of sweet moments and just enough angst to keep you interested.  But above all, I have to say the superstars of the series were the parents!!  The acceptance every person should get, open talks about sex and condoms, advocating for your child, I mean it really doesn’t get much better!  It hit on many important lgbtq topics and for that alone I thought it was very well-done!  All the couples were very cute and made me root for them!
Where I watched: YouTube (GMM channel)
7) Love by Chance (rewatch)
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In prep for the 2nd season I decided to rewatch LBC in a binge session!  Oh my goodness, I forgot how much I missed AePete, I fell in love with them big time the first time around and all of that just came rushing back.  I’m reeeally going to miss Pete in season 2!!!  Their relationship is just so healthy compared to most in the BL world and their chemistry is sooo good!!  They better at least let them stay happy and in love even if Pete is abroad!!  I admit I was never one to get crazy about TinCan, but knowing they’ll be the center of season 2 I watched their scenes more closely and definitely felt a stronger pull for them this time around.  I’m very excited to see how their story continues!!!!
Where I watched: Youtube (Studio Wabi Sabi channel)
8) The Hows of Us
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This filipino film stars one of my fave love teams... KathNeil!!  I love their films and that they are a reel to real couple as well!!  I enjoyed this movie a lot, it was more mature than many of their previous works together and showed how they’ve been growing.  It wasn’t a typical falling in love story that ends when the couple gets together but explores how couples grow apart and how real life can sometimes get in the way of our dreams.  I found the film relatable and also optimistic.  And I love the pining and longing looks... that always gets me and there was a lot of it in this film!!
Where I watched: TFC
9) Hotel Del Luna
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This is what kdramas are all about - Superb acting, gorgeous cinematography, interesting characters, beautiful OST, the whole production was incredible!  It wasn’t my favorite story ever and it took me several months to finish but it kept puliing my back in and I finally got through it.  I really was mesmerized each ep by how beautiful the whole thing was.  I liked the back story and all the fun side characters. And I swear it was worth watching just for IU’s costumes, hair, and different styles alone!!  I didn’t love the ending, that was my biggest complaint, I guess you could call it “open?”  I just think it could have wrapped up better, but overall it was a beautiful series!
Where I watched: Viki
10) Itsuka, Nemuri Ni Tsuku Hi (Someday When I Fall Asleep)
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Wow what a trippy series.  It was short enough to binge in one afternoon and it looked interesting, so that’s exactly what I did.  It was intriguing from the start and there was a mystery about it that kept my interest, it was a bit creepy at times, and had some twists I totally was NOT expecting at all.  Overall it was one of those that made me think and ponder for awhile after, but it did make me a bit sad too, so only watch if you’re willing to experience some feels, but it was a good one and I’m glad I stumbled upon it!
Where I watched: Viki
Currently Watching for Feb:
1) Guardian (woah, another good “bromance” with all those looks!)
2) The Untamed (rewatch - and so far it’s even BETTER the 2nd time around!!!)
3) ‘Cause You’re My Boy (cute so far)
4) Moment of Eighteen (my Astro loving heart was so excited to see Moonbin!!)
5) Until We Meet Again The Series (so many feeeels)
6) Why R U? The Series (jury is still out but I LOVE Saint!)
7) Itaewon Class (super excited for this one, Park Seo Joon, need I say more?!)
8) Crash Landing on You (excellent so far!)
9)  Make it With You (filipino series starring my FAVE love team, LizQuen!!)
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killian-whump · 5 years
How would you arrange Collin's movies' whumpiness from highest to lowest?
Oh, this has been sitting in my inbox for awhile now, Nonny! Sorry about that! But this is a great question, so hopefully the answer is worth waiting for? Maybe? No? Probably not, but I’ll try XD
Now please keep in mind, this is only MY personal opinion on where these roles would fall, ranking-wise. A lot of Colin’s work has some borderline whumpy elements to it (angst, fear, drunkenness, suicidal behavior, etc) that may tip each film upwards or downwards on others’ lists. These are just where they land for me, personally. Your mileage may vary ;)
OKAY! Colin’s roles, Whumpiest to Least Whumpiest!
Captain Hook, Once Upon a TimeThis one takes the top billing, for containing both the most extreme (and highest quality) whump in 5x13 and 5x14, as well as boasting the most plentiful whump throughout the rest of the six seasons Colin’s in the show. There’s a reason why Captain Floor is a thing, and that reason is because Hook gets laid out on the ground like it’s going out of fashion. Bless him, the writers, the directors, and the show itself for so many gifts
Conor Elliott, The ClinicMost of Colin’s work on The Clinic is better known for its sheer adorableness and the bean-sprouty goodness and cancer-curing qualities of Conor Elliott’s precious smile. However, in the first season that Colin was on the show, Conor set himself on fire in his therapist’s office - which led to some rather extensive pain faces and hysterics on the floor of said office as he was tended to by paramedics. He’s then carried out in a wheelchair, obviously sedated, and is later seen multiple times in a hospital bed - even sporting an oxygen mask in one shot. He continues to be seen with bandages on his arm for multiple episodes, and a scar from the event can even be spotted on Conor’s arm two whole seasons later. Now there’s something you don’t see everyday.
Mark, Storage 24This is one of Colin’s films that is damn hard to quantify the whump in. For starters, we have a solid punch to the kisser, complete with some blood. There’s also a scene in the beginning where his friend knocks him over and lands on his nuts (cue pain face). Both scenes are solid, whump-wise - but for me, it’s the extreme fear and panic Mark exhibits throughout the entire film that brings it as high on this list as it is. It is SO much fun to watch him scramble through air vents, terrified that a giant alien monster is going to burst through and eat him alive at any moment. And Colin does such a brilliant job of relaying that fear. Even when he’s not being hurt, you feel like he’s in dire peril… and that makes this entire film feel extremely whumpy to me. At any rate, we also have the fact that the end of the film sees Mark [SPOILER ALERT] get his face chewed on rather graphically, and we’re right back to not knowing what to do with this film. How dare that thing touch such a beautiful face.
Peter, What Still RemainsThis post-apocalyptic film brings us a grievous bear trap injury in the first half that leaves Peter limping and wincing throughout the whole rest of the film. There’s really no cinematic reason for the injury, either, which leaves a lot of us wondering if the director cottoned on to the fact that Colin has a lot of whump-loving fans and was like, “How do you feel about bear traps?” What The Rite gave us all in angsty rain shots, this film gives us in winces and limping. He also gets [SPOILER ALERT!] stabbed and dies at the end.
Ben, The EuthanizerThis short film opens with a lengthy sequence of Ben trying to hang himself and lacking the go-ahead to take that final leap (if you will). Very angsty, with some noose action and wincing and frustration. Ben then hires the eponymous “Euthanizer” to help him finish the job - resulting in more noose hijinks, some crying, a hand-gagging, some desperation, a bit of a wrassle on the floor, and some great moments where Ben’s got the muzzle of a gun pressed into his face. Jazz… nice.
Michael Kovak, The RiteDespite this being a “horror” film, there’s not as much whump in it as you might expect. And while there is an impressive-looking list of maladies in the film, they all suffer from being a bit too brief and a bit too dark to truly enjoy. That said, Michael does get choked twice, wakes up in a cold sweat from a nightmare, cries and angsts when his father dies, and gets attacked in the ending climax. That scene sees Anthony Hopkins getting in his face, mocking him, throwing him across a room, getting in his face again, and even briefly possessing him - but it all feels even darker and briefer than the earlier whump.
Brennan, The Dust StormSo much of the whump in Colin’s roles is subjective, that it’s hard to even quantify it for this list. For example, if one considers the vulnerability of extreme inebriation to be whumpy, they’re likely to feel this movie deserves a much higher place on this list - whereas those who don’t find that kind of thing whumpy at all might object to this film being as high on this list as it is. C’est la vie. Drunkenness aside, however, this film does feature a solid punch to the face, a voluntary cigarette burn, loads of romantic angst, some vomiting… and did I mention the extreme inebriation? He even passes out in a church.
Brendan, Call GirlAnother short film, and also one of the earliest film roles our Col ever did :) This one’s got some very brief fisticuffs that result in Brendan [SPOILER ALERT] accidentally killing a young woman. Obviously, some angst ensues… and he ends up slicing into his forearm with a kitchen knife to cover the crime.
Professor Harrison, Carrie PilbyOn top of housing one of Colin’s least-liked characters (by design ;)), this film also only has one very solid punch right to the nose (with blood!) for us whumpers to enjoy.
Duke Phillip of Bavaria, The TudorsIt’s not real whump… but Phillip does pretend that Princess Mary has stepped on his foot during their dance and quite melodramatically winces and stomp-limps off the dancefloor, before revealing it was all a ruse to get her alone for a smooch. Nice one, Duke Phillip. We’d follow those pain faces off into a dark corner any day.
Peter, Love Is the DrugHe gets punched in this one (when does he not?), but it’s off-screen. He’s also drunk (again) and ends up passed out on the street, having puked all over himself. Oops? Well, it’s whump. Sort of. Oh, I think his buzzcut might also count as whump, depending on who you ask XD
Jamie, Proof 2Colin’s appearance in this is very brief, but he still manages to get grabbed by the collar and manhandled a tiny bit, regardless :)
Nameless Florist, The WordsThere’s no whump at all in this one, although Colin does appear adorably embarrassed when he knocks dirt all over the counter in the florist’s shop. Aww. There’s also some angst in bed and he takes a bath - and I don’t want to live in a world where that doesn’t count for something.
Security Guard, Wild DecembersThere’s no whump in this at all, unless you count giving him the lines, “It’s tough, it’s tough” to a woman whose lover has just been gunned down in front of her a form of whump. Some of us do. I mean, that’s awful dialogue.
Rowe, Rebel HeartThere’s no whump in this at all, but he does look extra cute. It’s also the very first time Colin appeared on film (that we know of). Bless.
Douxie, TrollhuntersWe only hear Colin’s voice here, and there’s no whump whatsoever. His character might return later in the series, though! Maybe someone will punch him then XD
Honorable Mention: JJ SneedThis isn’t even out yet, but I feel the need to mention it, since it’s likely to land VERY high on this list. JJ is the recipient of not one but TWO separate gunshot wounds in the song this Heartstrings episode is based on - one that lays him up badly enough to be nursed back to health by the protagonist, and the other that results in his death by that same woman’s hand. If that doesn’t sound like a role destined for the Top Three of this list, I don’t know what would!
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hippychick006 · 5 years
1.01 - Pilot Recap/Review
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Original Air Date: 13 September 2005
Episode 1 of a 327 Episode Watch
Lawrence, Kansas, 22 years ago…
…Nope, more like 37 now… sobs
Love this episode, so many iconic brother moments and the start of the epic love story of Sam and Dean (creators words, not mine).  Where do we even start?
Intro is a little difficult to watch now, with so much changed with Mary from this original episode over the years –with her a) being a hunter, b) making the deal and c) the family not actually being as happy as they are portrayed in this episode which kind of screws up John’s story for me, but this is my only negative, and it certainly wasn’t an issue at the time the pilot aired.  
Weechesters!  First words from Dean to Sam: “Night, Sam” and if these are the last words (and both are alive), I will be a very happy bunny!
John (handing baby Sam to Dean): Take your brother outside as fast as you can and don't look back! Now, Dean, go!
Wee!Dean telling Wee!Sam it will be okay.
I love how John picks them both up as he runs.  Also love that shot of John and his two boys on the hood of the Impala at the end of the intro.
Now, Stanford University...
Nope, almost 15 years ago – add a few decades for each brother for their hell experiences
Our first glimpse of Baby!Sam as he peeks around the door, reluctant to go out for Halloween: “Do I have to… you know how I feel about Halloween?” Boops nose, he’s so gosh darned cute! Ignores the later canon that he doesn’t like Halloween because he puked in front of a girl (or similar story as I can’t remember it fully).  Also forever bitter we don’t get the deleted scene where it’s suggested that Sam dress up in something slutty. “Slutty Dorothy, Slutty Alice…” 
Jess is rightfully proud of her boyfriend for scoring a 174 on the LSAT which is “scary good.”  I’ll take her word for it as I have absolutely no idea what an LSAT is.
I love how Sam is instantly alert at the noise in the apartment. Hunter instincts.
Urgh, the first ever broment. I mean they’re fighting, but it’s still a broment!  I love the whole fight scene and how it was shot.  Instant chemistry.  Excuse me while I watch it several times.  Will never be tired of the “Woah, Easy Tiger!” from Dean.  Question though, why was Dean fighting Sam?  He broke into his brother’s apartment and he didn’t think to go “Wait, Sammy, it’s me, stop trying to punch me!”  Also, Jensen is gorgeous, these are my favourite Dean years.
Dean, stop hitting on Sam’s girlfriend!
Call to action that starts the whole thing: Dad’s on a Hunting Trip.  And he hasn’t been home in a few days.
Exposition Kripke!!  Though we do find out a lot, Sam was chucked out, wouldn’t pick up the phone if Dean had called, and they were “raised like warriors”. Dysfunctional family?  Hello, yes, I’d like to watch 327 episodes of this show, please!
Brother feels!
Dean: I can’t do this alone
Sam: Yes, you can
Dean: Yeah, Well, I don’t want to
What the hell is a gold wave?  Was that made up?  That sounds made up.  Me as a writer.
Dean: “You know, in almost two years I've never bothered you, never asked you for a thing.”  This is so sad their relationship got to this point and they hadn’t seen each other or spoken. 
Dean telling his brother to skip the job interview.  He really wants his Sammy back.
Before the end of the show, I want to see Sam using that lethal looking knife he packs in his duffel in this episode. Just once.
I like the MOTW in this one, Lady in White was a good starting point for the show.  Troy is the first victim we see with her and since he’s a cheating scumbag, I don’t feel sorry that his guts are now splattered all over his car.
Dean asking Sam if he wants breakfast.   Lawyer boy is concerned about how Dean paid for it – “You and dad still running credit card scams?” Sam is also concerned about Dean’s music collection
Sam: I swear, man, you've gotta update your cassette tape collection.
Dean: Why?
Sam: Well, for one, they're cassette tapes. And two… Black Sabbath? Motorhead? Metallica?... It's the greatest hits of mullet rock. (*cough* Vince Vincente Sammy *cough*).
DEAN: Well, house rules, Sammy, Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole.
Sam protests Dean’s use of Sammy, but as we know, Dean’s the only one who gets to call him that (except later seasons where everyone seems to call him that).
I love Sam’s face when Dean is searching through the box of fake ID’s.  He’s horrified.  He can’t believe Dean is going to use a fake badge.  Oh Sam.
So much brotherly bickering in this episode:
Sam stomping on Dean’s foot and Dean whacking Sam on the head.
Dean smacking Sam’s hand and Sam wheeling Dean’s chair out of the way so he can take over control of the computer in the library when they look up the case.  Dean smacks Sam on the shoulder in return. (first ever scene they filmed according to Jared).
Also First Ever Winsync!  When they interview Troy’s girlfriend and say at exactly the same time: “What do they talk about?”  
Also, in this same scene, someone needs to remind Jensen he’s playing Sam’s brother, not his boyfriend.
Love the whole scene on the bridge at night, Dean slamming Sam up against the side just because he talked about their mom.  You. Are. Brothers!  
Sam may not be happy about using fake credit cards, but he’s more than at home with a lock picking kit.  I like how Sam yanks Dean inside the room.
Sam tries to apologise for talking about their mom.  
Dean: No chick-flick moments
Sam: Jerk…
Dean: …Bitch
Dean leaving the motel, spotting the police then calling his brother to warn he’s been made and telling him to take off.  
Sam placing a false 911 call to allow Dean to escape and Dean being resourceful in getting out of the cuffs.
Sam demonstrating exactly why you shouldn’t talk and drive.  Luckily he runs over a ghost and not a real person.  
Uh, That Constance bitch is in the car with Sam demanding to be taken home. Sam refuses and she takes over controls, locking the car and mentally driving it home.  Constance: “I can never go home.”
Sam: You’re scared to go home.
Constance, you get your hands off Sammy. Sam: You can’t kill me.  I’m not unfaithful.  I’ve never been!  Constance: You will be.  Uh no, he said he wouldn’t, stop cheating Constance and go after the real douchbags!
Hurt!Sam – Constance is digging into his chest, going for his heart.
Big Brother Dean to the rescue – he shoots her in the face, but she keeps reappearing.
Sam’s had enough, “I’m taking you home.” To Dean’s shock, Sam drives his baby straight into her house.  
Dean helps Sam out of the car, while Constance looks at a photo of her and her children.  She’s not happy with Sam and Dean, tking the sideboard to slam right into them and pin them against the car.  Luckily, before she can do any more damage, her ghost kids turn up and they all melt into the floor.
Sam gets the kill count on this one. Sam: 1, Dean: 0.  Dean’s proud as he slaps Sam on the chest right where Sam had been injured. Dean: You found her weak spot. Nice work, Sammy.
Sam: Yeah, I wish I could say the same for you. What were you thinking shooting Casper in the face, you freak?
Dean: Hey. Saved your ass…. I'll tell you another thing. If you screwed up my car?... I’ll kill you
Oops, the car is damaged, one of the headlights is out.  Sam seems okay though, he checks co-ordinates their dad left earlier while Dean drives.
Dean just wants to hunt with his brother and Sam just wants to be safe, but at least Sam wants a relationship with Dean: “And maybe I can meet up with you later, huh?”
Dean: You know, we made a hell of a team back there.
Sam: Yeah.
Jess made Sam cookies ☹
Sam’s tired and flops down on the bed, it’s such a peaceful moment and he’s happy and then blood drips on his forehead and it’s just…
Big brother Dean to the rescue again (though I don’t think they should have cut what brought Dean back). Dean literally has to drag Sam out of the room and I’m always here for Dean manhandling Sam.
The scene at the end, Dean looking at Sam, worried about his brother, Sam looking at him, sighs and nods, tossing the shotgun he’s been checking into the trunk.
Sam: We got work to do
Yes Sam, 326 more episodes of work to do!  I really miss these early boys so much, they’re both so dragged down with constant crap over the last few years to the point of being almost unrecognisable.  
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diloph · 6 years
I keep hearing about this 'Burning Godzilla' thing, but I still don't have a clue about what it is. Can you enlighten me, Diloph?
Burning Godzilla is thename given to the hypercharged state that Godzilla enters in the filmGodzilla vs Destoroyah; basically what happens is that the islandthat Godzilla and his son were living on undergoes a volcaniceruption, igniting the radioactive deposits there and overdosingGodzilla with radiation.
As a result, Godzilla’salready insane 90’s powers go through the roof and he now hasfull-time access to his most potent weapon, the Red-SpiralAtomic Breath (previously a finishing move to use at the end of thefilms as a coup de grace, as it is undoubtedly a one-shot kill move)in beam-spammable form. The trade off is that Godzilla isdying… and he can’t stop it.
Godzilla, as he goesthrough the movie, is more powerful than ever before but he’s alsogrowing weaker at the same time; every step is one closer to hisdeath. He looks like he’s literally burning up from the inside,glowing red-hot in some areas and his previously indestructible skinis burning and spewing smoke, ash and steam.
Scientists come to ahorrifying revelation; Godzilla is only going to keep heating up andhas no control over the process. When he reaches a certain point,Godzilla is predicted to explode in a blast many times greaterthan every nuclear explosion ever created… and set theatmosphere on fire, killing all life on Earth.
Once he hits 1200°c(which I always thought was low, even if concrete decays/melts atthis point, but they never specify if that’s his core/overalltemperature or his skin, in which case his insides could be hotter),that’s it. Godzilla dies and he’ll drag the whole world with him.
After he attacks HongKong and tries to refuel at a nuclear plant, the military isreluctant to engage him in fear of setting off the powder keg.Nevertheless, they bust out the new Super X 3 and successfully freezehim, human engineering finally triumphing over Godzilla and stoppinghim cold (sorry).
The good news is thatGodzilla is no longer going to explode!
The bad news is thateverything has gotten much, much worse.
Something happened as aresult of the rapid cooling and now, Godzilla is going to melt downinstead of explode, in a classic China Syndrome scenario. Of course,much like the explosion, this is much bigger than a conventionalmeltdown and has the potential to destroy Earth in its entirety.
Further problems arisewhen a monster created by the Oxygen Destroyer, the weapon thatkilled the original Godzilla, has emerged in Japan. It shrugs off thebest that the military can throw at it, even when they discover itsweakness to extreme heat (good, but implied to keep it mutating) andextreme cold (excellent) and it’s only getting stronger.
Realising that Godzillais following his son, who has managed to avoid the worst of the blastand actually benefit from it by changing into a more adult-like form,they try another daring plan. By luring Godzilla’s son to fight thenewly dubbed Destoroyah, they hope that Destoroyah’s power will helpthem kill Godzilla before he melts down and that Godzilla will haveput enough holes in Destoroyah to take it down too.
Godzilla’s son, namedGodzilla Junior here, does better than anticipated against Destoroyahand actually beats it back for a while. Godzilla manages to reach theJapanese mainland before he expires and the two reunite at an airportin a touching, heartwarming scene.
Enter Destoroyah’sfinal form.
Now, I’ve been tellingyou so far that Godzilla’s powers in the 90’s have been insane and inhis burning form, even moreso. This should clearly be a quick, easyfight for the King of the Monsters, right?
No, it is not.
Destoroyah wipes thefloor with Godzilla.
It flings him to oneside, grabs his son and flies him hundreds of feet into the air, thendrops him to his death. As a result of this, Godzilla becomes angrierand stronger than ever at the death of his son.
Destoroyah wipes thefloor with him again.
It drags Godzilla bythe neck and dumps him into the ocean, engaging him once more when hegets back onto land and temporarily beats it back. He goes to hisson, just in time to see him slip away, despite his desperateattempts to revive him.
He fails.
All of his power, hisstrength, his abilities and he can’t even save his son.
Junior passes away andwhat happens next is actually heartbreaking. The Heisei films aregiven a lot of flack for not giving Godzilla as much of a characteras the Showa period. I’d disagree (there are plenty of charactermoments, they’re just all similar “This makes me mad” or “Whatfresh new hell” moments from a more taciturn creature), but even inthis film, you have characters that remark that Godzilla “doesn’tknow what happened” or “doesn’t understand what’s going on”.
They could not be morewrong.
Stoically, the HeiseiGodzilla straightens his back, his face set in his permanent scowl…and breaks down. He roars. He cries, even though he has nowater left in him to make tears. He blasts the sky fruitlessly,attempting to vent his rage, avenge his son. The one good thing hehad left in his life. The one thing that had kept him away from themainland, saving thousands of lives each day, might have even beganto reform him. The one thing worth living for. The one thing thatmight have survived his death. The one thing he loved in this worldand now his beloved child is gone.
It’s at this point thatGodzilla is not just expected to die, but now feels he has nothingleft to live for.
And worse still,Destoroyah is still not done with him. Godzilla is angrier than hehas ever been, stronger than he has ever been, he no longer hasanything to hold back… and Destoroyah still manhandles him. Itpicks him up, drags him away from his son’s body and tosses him toone side, ready to engage again.
People tend to equatefoes like Hedorah and King Ghidorah to this creature, but honestly,neither of them can hold a candle to what Destoroyah is capable ofweathering, even in their own most powerful incarnations. Destoroyahis the Doomsday to Godzilla’s Superman, the Bane to his Batman. It isthere for the explicit purpose of killing Godzilla and takingeverything that he can throw at it and more.
With his lifespan nowbeing measured in minutes, Godzilla rises and with 20°cleft to go, he starts to melt down, his dorsal fins crumbling andmelting like wax. His back spews out radiation as if it were abreath-weapon itself, all in silence as he tries to come to gripswith the tremendous pain he is in.
ThenGodzilla gives Destoroyah everything.
Hisatomic breath sweeps from his mouth, a blast bigger than he is tall,igniting the air around both monsters. It misses entirely, but theshockwaves from the blast alone are enough to rip Destoroyah toshreds, staggering the beast.
Hekeeps going, the blasts puncturing Destoroyah like bullets through awet paper bag and the monster that has tanked the most powerfulabilities Godzilla has ever had, tossed Godzilla around like a toyeven when he was at the apex of his power screamsand runs away.
It doesn’t get far. The military freezes its wings and Godzillarefuses to move. Inan extreme hot-cold environment, Destoroyah loses its altitude,falters and screams as it plummets towards the ground and dies. Thetanks move into position. The Super X 3 circles and begins itsstrafing run.
Alonenow, without friend or foe, Godzilla begins to melt down. Once again,the scene is silent, save for Akira Ifukube’s music, a compositionwhich I think was named “Requiem” as Godzilla dies. It’sbeautiful and tragic, a stern reminder that for all of thefantastical elements, all the absurdities and mockery it might take,this series meanssomething.
Thereis no last stand against the tanks. No blaze of glory for this tiredold monster. No retaliation from this brutal creature who has killedso many and haunted the nightmares of many more. He is bombarded withanti-radiation missiles, freezer rays, his skin frosts over… andthen, the light. All the ice melts instantly, a light greater thanthe sun fills the air, turning night to day.
Godzillatakes a ragged breath as his skin peels away from his face, exposingflesh and bone, his own matter gargling in his throat. He lets outone last, wailing and almost unidentifiable roar of anguish, pain andloss as his chest bursts in a spew of what looks like magma. His bodymelts away, his skeleton crumbling in on itself as nothing remains ofGodzilla but an unearthly light and smoke.
 Godzillais dead.
Withthat, he passes into legend and his enemies weep for him, forthemselves. Miki Saegusa, the one constant of the Heisei series, theonly person who ever even believed in coexistence with him, mournshis passing. As the radiation from the meltdown turns Tokyo into afuture dead-zone, those assembled grimly look on the devastation…until the radiation levels begin to fall.
Inthe smoke, silhouetted by the light of his dying father, GodzillaJunior rises again. Fully grown and ready to carry on the legacy, butwith his more passive stance towards mankind, one that would benefiteveryone. Godzilla will carry on, even long after Godzilla is gone.
So,to answer your question, Burning Godzilla is the hypercharged statethat Godzilla achieves when he is overdosed with radiation. Hebecomes more powerful than ever before, but at the cost of his ownlife.
Butit’s so much more than that.
It’sthe end of an era. It’s the death of the immortal. It’s the sign thatwhile things change, they do not necessarily need to end. It’s rawpower and tragedy and sadness and pain. It’s strength and weakness,poetry and hammy 90’s cliché, something that adults and childrenalike understand, love and fear.
It’sGodzilla, through and through.
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boatspeak · 4 years
Some of my favourite dramas from the past half a year, ranked: 
1. Because This is my First Life 
k-drama, 16 episodes, each 1 hour long
So sensitively and personally written. I was sucked into the storytelling and felt as though I was seeing these scenes through the eyes of the characters. Bravo to the scriptwriter; as I was watching it I felt, ah, she must have drawn from some intensely personal and important place. It was not a story anyone could have written. Because This is My First Life follows the stories of three BFFs as they experience, and grapple with, love and marriage. It does not shy away from the complicated sides of these issues - the societal, monetary and financial pressures that love and marriage cannot be separated from, the difficulties of communicating with others honestly yet sensitively. There are some frustratingly incorrigible people in the drama (like sexually harassing superiors), but most of the time the conflicts play out between good people who care for and support each other, yet inevitably butt heads because they have different - and equally valid - views of life. Is it wrong to want to marry and start a family? Is it wrong not to? It was painful at times, I think I cried for some of the characters. Not because they were pitiable, but because sometimes in life there is no right or wrong; you have to make tough choices and it hurts but you have to keep your eyes open and keep watching; keep walking. For the literature lovers out there, especially those who might be sick of gratuitous (often cheesy) quotes inserted randomly into dramas, well, good for you! Characters in Because This is My First Life read and are impacted by (real life) books, and you can see how the books they’ve read influence the way they think, act, and communicate with each other. It’s very realistic and mirrors the way you might consume and digest books in your own life outside of the drama. Oh, the PPL is also wonderfully done and actually contributes to character building.  8-9/10.
2. Raise de wa Chanto Shimasu (I’ll be serious in my next life)
j-drama, 12 episodes, each 1/2 an hour long
One woman, five sex friends. I know. I know it sounds messy and melodramatic and angsty. I hesitated for the same reasons as well. But when I finally got over it and watched the damn thing (very bingeable, totalling at only 6 hours), I regretted not watching it sooner. Raise wa Chanto Shimasu is a breath of fresh air. Most of the characters, whether hypersexual or asexual, are pretty unabashed about it, and I love their self-love. Want to have sex? Go for it, gurl. Don’t want to have sex? Also no problem. The title is an apt one and showcases this message of acceptance. We might have bones to pick with our current lifestyles, but welp, we’ll just be serious in our next lives. As one of the characters said at the end, “we all became independent, working adults, I think we should be proud of ourselves”.  Much needed affirmation in a world of moralising, slut-shaming, virgin-mocking, and expectations to get married and settle down.
Warning: one of the characters in a bi/gay relationship is pretty vocal in denying his sexuality even in front of his partner, and a trans woman was harrassed at one point. These were discomfiting for me. 
3. The Fiery Priest 
k-drama, 40 episodes, each 1/2 an hour long (or 20 hour-long episodes)
Action. Comedy. Kim Nam Gil, who won the Baeksang for this role. Honey Lee. Badass babe. Ahn Chang Hwan, who was so realistic at playing a Thai immigrant my friend who studied Korean for three years didn’t even realise he was Korean. Father Han. One reviewer said he was a literal angel, and I concur. Most dramas leave you with at most three or four characters you really like; this drama makes you fall in love with the whole gang. Everyone has a backstory, or some hidden side that you didn’t expect that just adds so much more dimension when revealed. Where some might find it hard to balance the weight of action and the levity of comedy, dipping too deeply into angst or farce at times, The Fiery Priest manages the tone really well even as the plot deepens and our characters have to deal with deep-seated traumas. I have nothing more to say to promote this drama except, how could you pass on Kim Nam Gil doing action plus comedy MINUS tragedy and the moustache? 
A final note: Technically, The Fiery Priest is a stronger drama than Raise and should deserve the no. 2 spot. The former deals with bigger issues like corruption, morality and forgiveness, while the latter is more light-hearted and deals almost entirely with personal choices. However, some issues Raise touched on were really important to me and came at a time when I really needed affirmation to believe in my beliefs, so it edged out The Fiery Priest in my heart. 
4. 传闻中的陈芊芊 (The Romance of Tiger and Rose) 
c-drama, 22 episodes, each about 45 minutes long
甜。This drama is just Sweet with a capital S. What a refreshing watch, especially for women. I loved not having tugging battles between two men. I loved the respect given to consent. I loved having so many smart and capable women who have conversations with each other that do not revolve around men. I love how the male lead wasn’t hung up on Male Ego and gave his wife space to be herself and make her own decisions and mistakes. A rare gem. I’m sure I will revisit this when I’m tired of the usual ドキドキ tactics involving possession and pulling around 
(If you can read Chinese, I suggest watching it on the 腾讯视频 app with 弹幕 on. I found it pretty hilarious, meaning I laugh-cried so hard in the middle of the night my neighbour knocked on my door to ask if I was ok.)   
A quick rundown of the dramas and films I’ve watched so far in 2020 so you know the pool I picked these four from: 
Penguin Highway 
good watch. super cute. I cannot over-emphasise how cute the penguins were. It got me into a penguin phase and I’m not out of it even after 7 months...
ぼくは明日、昨日のきみとデートする (My Tomorrow, Your Yesterday) 
good watch. bittersweet.
わたしに××しなさい!(Watashi ni XX Shinasai/Missions of Love) movie and drama special
would pass on the movie (which cherry-picked from the manga but unfortunately left out a lot of important character developing scenes so the relationship didn’t make as much sense as it did in the manga)
but the drama special. Whew. I watched the drama special twice. It’s trashy good. Because it’s basically a spin-off to build hype for the movie, it doesn’t have to follow the plot of the manga, instead taking on the format of a (very cheesy) otome game. So you have all these ikemen saying clichéd toe-curling lines like “I am also a man you know” and getting stuck half-naked bReAthInG HeAviLy in cabinets together but instead of playing it seriously (as the movie would do because it’s supposed to make you feel like they are falling in love), the main character goes huh??? wtf are you saying?? at her otome game screen, which is so realistic and just cracks me up. definitely would rec. 
ごめんね青春!(Gomen ne Seishun/ Saving my Stupid Youth) 
hmmm. so-so? Leading lady Hikari Mitsushima is pretty, cool, and fits the bill of gap moe. Ryo Nishikido is also pretty believable (once you suspend your disbelief that somehow all his students think he looks dorky and are not gushing over his ikemen-ness). Unfortunately, relationship development between the otp happened too late and too suddenly. 
Он – драко́н (On Drakon/ He’s a Dragon/ I Am Dragon)
a pleasure to (re-)watch as always. Lovely visuals. 
Tokyo Ghoul: S
decent! Great performance from Shota Matsuda as the Gourmet. He’s definitely a draw-point for this movie - you can see him being featured heavily in the trailers. 
Strong Girl Do Bong Soon
great drama, would rec! 7-8/10. Points docked for all the digressing they did with monks and gangsters. I loved the otp’s dynamic, how healthy their relationship was. One line that struck me was, “Do you know how you’ve found the right person? When you see yourself in their eyes, you look happy”. It was a reminder that while these are obviously fictional characters, we can and should form relationships where our partners are as supportive of us (and us of them) as our dear otp, and not to settle for less. Also loved the fact that smol Bong Soon is so strong and no one can manhandle her >:-) 10/10 also to rookie actor Jang Mi Kwan, who was absolutely terrifying as the villain. How is he only a rookie??  
Because This is my First Life
see above
The Fiery Priest
see above
선덕여왕 (Great Queen Seon Deok)
hehe I watched it (again). As great as ever. Somehow cried more than I did the previous two times I watched it? Took me a week to get over one of the characters (even though I already went through all that heartbreak the first two times I watched this..) Sayang... Definitely has a special place in my heart. Available in full on youtube with subs. 
传闻中的陈芊芊 (Romance of Tiger and Rose)
see above
来世はちゃんとします (Raise de wa Chanto Shimasu) 
see above
覆面系ノイズ (Fukumenkei Noise/Anonymous Noise)
pretty good! Adapted from a manga but very film-like with its color-corrected shots, many cut-scenes to birds and crashing waves. Shison Jun was great in his intense scene, Ayami Nakajo has the most manga-looking face I’ve seen and Koseki Yuta is my bb as always hahaha he’s appeared in, like, four dramas on this list. 
博多弁の女の子はかわいいと思いませんか?(Don’t You Think Girls Who Talk in Hakata Dialect Are Cute?) 
YES!! I DO!! Wholesome drama packed to the brim with hometown (Hakata) pride). I also loved Okada Kenshi going around looking for Ramen shops hahaha. Now I want to see him host a food discovery show. 8/10. Would rec! 
帝一の國 (Teiichi no Kuni/Teiichi’s Country)
面白い 。Interesting watch! In which a bunch of high school boys in an elite school take their student council elections very seriously and attempts at political hijinks ensue. Suda Masaki and his pals somehow make over-the-top super seem natural. I don’t know how they do it, but it’s pretty good. Peppered with interesting reveals and counter-reveals along the way. 
男子高校生の日常 (Daily Lives of High School Boys)
I liked this! It delivers on what it’s supposed to. As a film, it is very film-like. The background is given a lot of weight in this film, and the director “shows, not tells”. The conversations of our characters are situated in the chatter of their schoolmates, you hear random snippets of conversations drift around, you see the school situated in the mountains, piles of decorations around the hall. This helps in conveying the “daily” nature of what happens in the film - not some life-changing adventure, but a warm high-school memory that is pretty like a paper star in a glass bottle. The boys are also very lovable and dorky in their high-school roles. 
ピーチガール (Peach Girl)
not bad. Typical shoujo manga adaptation storyline, even if the leading quartet do well in their roles. Nagano Mei was especially memorable for me out of the typical shoujo heroine roles I had previously seen her in. Inoo Kei also really looks like a boy from a manga. He has a lot of exaggerated actions, but he pulls them off really well. 
突然ですが明日結婚します (Totsuzen desu ga ashita kekkon shimasu/ It’s Sudden But Tomorrow We’re Getting Married/ Everyone’s Getting Married)
pretty decent. It’s not mind-blowing, but it’s definitely not bad. (Or you could flip it around and say it’s definitely not bad, but it’s not mind-blowing). 
ヲタクに恋は難しい  (Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku)
disappointing. I really wanted to like this film for Takahata Mitsuki and Yamazaki Kento, but there were too many useless musical scenes. 
同期の桜 (Doki no Sakura / Our Dearest Sakura)
Hmmmmmm. About colleagues who become inspired in their work and lives because of their colleague Sakura. I wanted more love but that’s not the main point of the drama so it’s not their fault. It got a bit repetitive towards the end, and I felt there wasn’t enough character development. Another drama I really wanted to like more than I did, because I was looking forward to seeing Takahata Mitsuki, Ryusei Ryo and Mackenyu work together. 
Tokyo Coin Laundry
A mishmash of lost souls meet at a coin laundry. A short drama about running away, making choices, and moving on. Katayose Ryota might have been cool in My Brother Loves Me Too Much, but this was where I first saw him and I prefer him in this. I enjoyed this a lot and even drew a postcard based on this. 7/10. 
兄に愛されすぎて困ってます (My Brother Loves Me Too Much) drama and movie
ok don’t judge; I watched this because my friend said it was pretty good. Katayose Ryota IS pretty cool in this, and Tsuchiya Tao brings to life the quintessential image of the Japanese girl, but if you’re watching this for “so cheesy it’s actually good” I would point you to the Watashi ni XX Shinasai drama special instead. If you do want to watch this though, you should watch the drama before the movie, because they are not standalone. 
Nodame Cantabile
What can I say? Classics are classics. 8/10, would rec. This is my first time seeing Ueno Juri acting, and she’s so believable as quirky Nodame I wondered if this was her actual personality. Straight out of a manga. There was potential for messy love-drama, but this drama took the high road and focused on proper character development instead. Thumbs up! They also did really well in “showing not telling” us the OTP’s relationship development. Rather than declarations of love, you can see it in the little caring gestures and almost subconscious smiles. I liked that too. Though maybe I’ll dock a point for how they treated gay expressions of love - “he’s a man you know” and icky faces - and how much casual manhandling there was against Nodame (exaggerated flying punches... maybe that’s how the manga wrote it?) 
0 notes
terresdebrume · 7 years
So today, I went out of the house intending to see the new Jumanji movie (which looked kinda bad in a fun way), buy new clothes (I chickened out) and get new glasses (couldn’t find the shop). Only one of those worked out, so let’s go on to the reviewing part of this post.
Jumanji: Return to the jungle is a sequel/reboot (a sequoot, if you will) of the 1995 movie starring Dwayne Johnson in the main role, which was honestly 80 % of my motivation to go see this film. (15 % was nostalgia for the original movie, which I intend to hunt down and download asap, and 5 % was ‘eh, it looks dumb but potentially funny, let’s see it’). If anyone wants to watch a trailer for the movie, here’s one. It’s...not the one I saw, and gives more things away like, for example, the fact that Dwayne Johnson is, technically, playing a white nerdy teenager for the whole movie while Kevin Hart plays the dark skinned black avatar of a black teenager (played by Ser’Darius Blain, according to Wikipedia). It...well, that’s actually the heart of this movie’s biggest problem.
While the movie is actually surprisingly mild with most of its unsavory aspects (few fatshaming jokes past the ones featured in the trailer, low levels of sexism and no homophobic comments in Bethany’s not-quite love story. Considering what I tend to expect from action movies, that was...well, it wasn’t good, but it was less bad than it usually is) the way it treats Fridge/Moose is actually pretty egregious.
For starters, the guy is the only one who doesn’t have a real name: he’s either a kitchen appliance or an animal throughout the movie. He’s the stereotypical academically inept football player who has to ask a nerd (Spencer) to do his homework for him and he’s also a bad friend who stopped hanging out with Spencer at some nebulous point in the past...he’s not the antagonist of the movie, but we’re clearly not meant to like him in his real world sequences.
His jungle scenes, on the other hand, are clearly meant to make us like him...or, well, they’re supposed to make us like laughing at him, which I suppose in the mind of far, far too many creators, is the same thing (hint: it isn’t). Here’s a little (non exhaustive) list of racist elements in Fridge’s jungle scenes:
He is mocked for freaking out about his avatar’s size and stature, even though it’s been established that he cares a lot about that aspect of himself and everyone else’s shock is seen as normal.
He becomes that annoying stereotype of the guy who literally can’t shut up about how he’s freaking out in the most inopportune moments (which in turn makes him the ‘let’s make the audience laugh by dismissing him as unimportant’ comic relief) even though in the real world Spencer is established as freaking out over a squirrel
He is literally Dwayne Johnson/Spencer’s servant (it’s in his avatar’s specs)
His avatar is a zoologist and a lot of the time when that knowledge comes in handy, Fridge follows it with a disgusted ‘how do I know that’ as if taking pride in his previously-established ignorance
He is physically manhandled and killed several time, and it’s clearly played for laugh.
EDIT: Forgot to mention but at the end of the movie, when Spencer is unable to Save The Day on his own (after repeating they needed each other several time, but I digress) Fridge/Moose’s first reflex isn’t to say ‘we’ll succeed together’, it’s to give Spencer Life Advice. I.e.:
Spencer: “I only have one life [left] and I’m scared to do things [like I am in the real world as opposed to being a badass in the super strong body of my avatar who’s going to come back to life.” Fridge: “We always only have one life, that’s why what matters is deciding what kind of person you want to be.”
Why fridge couldn’t take his own advice, I don’t know.
Even if you forget that Dwayne Johnson is playing a white teenager, it’s already really skeevy, but when you add the magical blackface on top of it it’s just like...why, you know? I mean. We all know why, but it’s still unacceptable.
It’s harmful representation and lazy writing, and it’s really freaking unnecessary, especially in a movie that managed to be fairly okay (ymmv) for the most part.
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ohstardust · 7 years
Champagne Supernova
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REQUEST: from wardley10
Hey ❤ I loved thinking about this prompt for you that was in my head all day :) The reader is a well known H/Wood actress, 10 yrs older than Jack, but is very fun loving and one of the lads. The reader was part of the main cast of Dunkirk & she and Jack got on very well. She has a young daughter that she brought to set and Jack got on well with her. Jack asks her out on a dinner date as he loves her secretly but worried in case people think he is just wanting to be with her as she's famous. XX
A/N: I really love this prompt and I love that it challenged me a little ot write but I wanted to make this so perfect for you. Sorry it took so long for me to get it right! Also, I really fucked up with the tenses in the fic, but I was so in the moment with the writing that it feels wrong to change something into one tense, so let’s pretend that’s cohesive and consistent.
I’ve also started a playlist for my Jack fics, some feature in the fics themselves and some I just wanted in there. You can listen to it on Spotify. Feel free to send me song recommendations too. xo
Title: Champagne Supernova by Oasis
Gaining such a significant part in a World War II movie was one of Y/N’s career-defining moments, she had to pinch herself every time she thought about it. She’d always had such an affliction for history, especially something as pivotal as war, so this was a hard-hitting role that she felt she could really prove her worth and status as being one of Hollywood’s leading actress’. She wasn’t one to be typecast and she never would be.
Y/N wanted to prove that although women hadn’t the opportunity to fight, they still played a defining role in the war through their careers and on land help. The unsung heroes.
Thankfully she’d been blessed with incredible cast-mates and crew who made her feel so at ease on set and she’d made some wonderful friends that she knew she’d take with her beyond this film. No matter how many films she’d made, nothing had quite matched this experience thus far. And it was only slightly due to a warm-hearted, bright smiling gentleman.
If there was one thing that concerned Y/N about joining the team, it was working with so many younger actors and feeling a little left out. Sure there were the older ones such as Cillian, Tom, Mark, Kenneth and James, some of whom she knew, but despite being in her late thirties she was still so much younger in heart and head. As it turns out, she really needn’t have bothered. And what an incredible relief that was. “Harry Styles, you absolute terror, you put me down right now!” she shrieked, banging her fists against the man’s back as he ran down the street with her following a meal that a few of the cast attended. Jack was absolutely weak. Bent over, he began coughing with laughter before thinking better of the reaction when he saw the stormy face on the woman. He quickly straightened up, looked at Barry and Tom for help and followed after them. “Just helping your day along love, thought you’d like a young strapping gentleman to escort you home.” Harry pulled his head back to face her and gave the cheekiest grin. “No offence love, but it wouldn’t be you I’d be asking to escort me.” Harry gasped in mock offence before he laughing, “Why ever not? Is it because I’m not Scottish?” She fell silent for a moment, feeling caught out by her feelings but quickly retorted to avoid the silence lasting even a moment too long, “Fuck off.” He roared his laughter and the vibrations shot through her chest, “Put me down, H.” He softly let her feet land on the ground as Jack, Barry & Tom appeared, thoroughly amused by the spectacle and absolutely not willing to admit that they’d hung back a few moments simply to enjoy the scene. “I don’t think the lady likes being manhandled, Harry,” Tom smirked and slung his arm around her, “I thought you knew exactly how to treat the women.” There was a sparkle in the blonde boy’s eye and he tried to stifle his laughter when Harry glared at him. “You know I’m far from a lady at times, I could still drink you all under the table.”
“Jaaaaaack!” Y/N’s daughter screamed across the set, running towards the blonde man. He turned at the sound of the small voice and his face lit up, eyes shining at the sight. He then crouched down and opened out his arms for her to run into. As soon as she landed against him, he lifted her up and swung her around and then settled her again his hip, “How’s my favourite little lady, today?” She giggled and snuggled her head into his neck, “’m good Jacky.” He rested his head atop of hers and stroked her back before she started to wriggle around to be put back down. “You’ve got an itchy face,” she pouted, rubbing at the side of her face. “Sorry my angel, ‘ll sort it out for next time, just for you.” Just to the side of him, Cillian and the older Tom watched on in amusement, cooing and pulling silly faces at her. The little girl had accompanied her mother to set a few times over the past few months and Jack had adored her instantly, carried her around the set pointing things out to her and kept her occupied off set when he wasn’t involved in a scene. Neither Jack nor Y/N could quite believe how well he had taken to the young girl and vice versa, the sight of them together had melted the older actress and she felt her heart clench. The sight was almost too much to bear. Almost.
“She’s the most incredible kid, y’know? She’s such a credit to you, you’ve done an amazing job.” Jack told her one afternoon, when the little girl had left set. They were sat eating lunch on a break, looking out over Dunkirk beach, the water calming them from the hustle and bustle of the rest of the film location. “Thank you, that really means a lot to me,” The older woman let a small smile pull at her lips and took a sip of her water, “It’s not been easy but she’s wonderful and so worth it.” “You’re such a great role model to her, she’s really lucky to have you.” “I worry sometimes because her dad’s not around, I’m scared that she’s missing that male influence. I know it’s silly, it didn’t affect me extensively, but I still know what it’s like to not have one there and I hate that I can’t give her that.” “That’s not your fault, you know that. It takes two to tango sweetheart. You’ll find someone else who will love that little girl as their own. Besides, until then you have me.” His eyes flitted from his food up to her face and back again, somewhat worried that he’d overstepped. He couldn’t understand how someone would willingly leave a woman like that, beautiful and talented with a wicked sense of humour and the most enormous heart to match. Jack could spend a lifetime complimenting the woman he’d only known a few months. “Now I have you in my life, I have no idea what I’d do with you.” Y/N placed her hand over his and squeezed before pulling away. “You’ll never need to.”
Jack paced the length of the outside of his trailer, worrying his lip between his teeth. “C’mon mate, just ask her, what have you got to lose?” Harry questioned, his back leant against the silver container as he watched his frantic friend. “A good friendship? Her.” Jack mumbled and slowed his movements, then turned to face the curly haired lad alongside Aneurin, “It’s so unlike me, but I’m scared what people’ll think, she’s so successful and they’re gonna think I’m either punching above my weight or after her to further my career. Which is bullshit by the way.” The Welsh man slipped his phone back into his pocket and interjected, “You know she adores you, don’t you? I’m pretty sure asking her out for dinner isn’t going to change that, and it doesn’t matter what other people think, it’s what you and her think. But you have to really think long and hard about the little girl. Don’t get involved with someone if you aren’t willing to take on their child too, she’s already lost her dad, don’t let her get attached if you’re not prepared for that.” The Scotsman nodded, he knew that he’d have to be careful with a child being involved, and the prospect scared the living daylights out of him, but somehow he felt like the whole situation was worth it. Jack adored them both, and they were a package deal, no matter what way you look at it, there were 3 people in this relationship. He was smitten with the child and his feelings for her mum were increasing by the day, every moment they spent together sent him spiralling a little further. And quite frankly, as terrifying as it was, he relished in the feeling of falling in love, completely un-phased by the significant ten-year difference in their ages. “I think it’s safe to say that we’re attached as it is, didn’t even think about that at first. I feel so selfish now.” “Don’t, just be prepared to stick around if you’re serious about this.” Aneurin had always been one of the wisest people Jack knew, although he only had a few years on him, married life had matured the older actor more than he ever anticipated. He knew the real feeling of love, wanting a family and how life-changing finding that partner is. Jack ran his fingers through his hair, “This is bloody crazy, isn’t it? I’ve only known her a few months.” “When you know, you know,” Aneurin replied and Harry just stood there, the words pouring through him as he began to envy his friends.
Y/N had finished her scenes for the day, and although she was free to leave when she pleased, she hung around to watch some of her friends, so fascinated by the difference between the actors and their actual acting. It wasn’t too long before Jack had spotted her, the end of his latest scene complete for the time being, and he made his way over to her. She couldn’t resist taking in the sight of him in his RAF uniform, the way it fit him perfectly, the way the jacket clung to his arms and how absolutely incredible he looked. No matter how many times she had seen him in the attire, it still managed to make her breath hitch. “How are ye’ doin’ love?” Jack threw his arms around her and pulled the woman close in a soft embrace. “I’m good, finished for the day, just debating what to do this evening.” Without thinking, Jack opened his mouth and asked the question he’d been trying to hold back since the conversation with the lads last week. “Ye could always join me for dinner?” As soon as the words left his mouth, he paled and looked ready to slap his hand over his mouth in the most comical way. There was no way he could take that back now, not that he particularly wanted to, but fuck was he worried that he’d royally botched this. Feeling as incredibly bold as Jack, Y/N thought fast and teasingly replied, “Well that depends then doesn’t it, are we going as friends or am I your date?” “Well that depends on what you want, doesn’t it?” He was starting to feel brave, the flirting had become second nature to the pair, this he was comfortable with. This he could do. “Be at mine for 8 then and we’ll go on our date.” When the time comes, I’m gonna die a happy man, Jack mused to himself, You lucky son of a gun.
The setting was quaint, cosy and a single candle sat between them as they devoured their meals in content. Soft music set the atmosphere and filled the space where the conversation lulled, leaving them in a comfortable silence that seemed almost impossible with anyone else. The pair couldn’t keep from watching the other, entranced by the way the awkwardness had vanished within the first five minutes of stepping into the restaurant and how this felt so right, being here together on the cusp of something beyond their friendship. “I know I told you this about an hour ago, but you look beautiful.” Y/N blushed furiously, feeling sickeningly giddy over the man’s compliments. Despite how common Jack had made such comments, in this setting and under these circumstances, she felt this was more deliberate and meaningful than they ever had been before. “You’re such a smooth talker, but thank you. I really mean that. You look so handsome.” She reached her hand across the table to hold his, the flame illuminating his soft features and his freshly shaved skin that she just wanted to caress and kiss. She felt unashamed to think these things now, but she hoped beyond all reason that it was okay to feel these things, that this evening gave her the right to think such a way. He brought her hand up to his face and kissed her palm before resting their intertwined hands onto the table. “Is it too honest to say that I can’t quite believe we’re here, on an actual dinner date?” He looked slightly nervous as he spoke, still somewhat scared that he himself had read the situation too wrong, not that there had been much reason to doubt at this point, but still gentleman enough to know that he could be misreading this. “Absolutely not, I feel the same way.” Jack felt himself exhale sharply and grinned at the confused look on Y/N’s face. “It’s silly really, I’m just nervous that I was still getting the wrong end of the stick with this evening, but it seems not.” “Jack, I want to be here with you, no matter how romantic it is or isn’t. There’s no other way I wanted to spend this evening, or any other evening for that matter,” her heart had been placed onto her sleeve and her vulnerability had been put out there for the man to do with as he pleased, she had enough faith in him to be honest with his feelings, “I think we need to go somewhere, have a drink, a dance and see where this takes us, yeah?” His eyes lit up and he gave her the warmest smile she’d ever seen from him, and in that single moment she knew she was absolutely gone for him. Thirty minutes later they found themselves in a small dive bar, somewhere that Y/N had insisted on, with a drink in hand and starting to lose themselves in the music amongst the evening’s patrons. The songs had been a diverse mix so far and the pair were in fits of giggles by the time the opening bars of Talking Heads’ Psycho Killer had begun to play. Jack looked at her blankly for a few moments as she began to sing to him, “Babe, am I showing my age here?” He grinned at her and shook his head with a look of pure adoration before he began to recognise the chorus and joined in. She grasped his face in her hands and continued to sing to him as they danced along. He couldn’t contain his laughter until the song had long finished and Y/N had left him to grab them another drink. As soon as she returned Justin Timberlake’s Senorita had started to ring out through the speakers and she threw her head back with joy, singing along to every word as did Jack. She turned her back on the younger man and slotted herself against him as they moved to the music, the heat around them increasing and the tension intensifying, neither of them had ever felt so alive. Without thinking twice, Jack began to kiss the side of her neck, where her shoulder joined, and wrapped an arm around her waist to pull her even closer to him. She felt surrounded by him in the best way, their bodies moving together in unison, the most intimate moment they’d ever shared together. Together. Her mouth smiled over the words, and head tilted back to rest against his chest whilst his mouth began working over her skin. She didn’t care about prying eyes, all she cared about was this extraordinary man and the overwhelming way he made her feel. Y/N pulled away from him to turn and stepped close to him again only to press her lips against his. They were both long past the nervousness and anxiety of their first kiss together, too hyped up on adrenaline, liquid courage and each other. It was the sound of The Smiths that had Y/N pulling away, her eyes crinkled with laughter as she looked to Jack’s crystal blue’s. He tried hard to fight the smile, trying to act moody that she’d stopped licking her way around his mouth only to tease him over the DJ’s song choice and his bloody acting choice, but she was so endearing that his minor resolve cracked almost instantly. I would go out tonight But I haven't got a stitch to wear This man said "it's gruesome That someone so handsome should care" Jack & Y/N held both of each other’s hands and stepped to the beat, hips shaking from side to side as they moved around their small area of the dancefloor. After a few moments, he took one hand away and began to spin her away before pulling her back in and held her to his front, continuing to move with the beat for the remainder of the song. Both actors started to regain their breath and headed to the bar for a glass of water, both too busy trying to keep their wits about them and not royally fuck this up by drinking too much. As Champagne Supernova started, neither of them knew that this would be a defining song. Their song. Y/N had her arms loosely looped around Jack’s neck as his hands rested on her lower back, them swaying with the sounds of Liam Gallagher’s voice. But you and I will never die  The world's still spinning around we don't know why This time Jack took the leap and kissed the woman before him, taking in every little bit of her. Her taste, her scent, her love. He couldn’t even think straight, he just wanted whatever she was willing to give him. The kiss was messy, all teeth, tongues, saliva mixed in together, all urgent and needy, much more passion-filled than the slow kiss they had shared a little earlier. She began to draw out letters on his back, not wanting to remove herself from him, the message all but lost on him as he was already so consumed by her. Curiously he pulled away momentarily, “What did you write?” “Are you sure you wanna know? I can’t take it back if I tell you.” Her nerves were creeping in, so scared that he’d run for the hills if she were this honest with him, so sure he’d leave. But she was so into the moment that she felt secure. He pressed small kiss to her face, “tell me, darlin’.” Y/N tilted her head upwards and locked her gaze onto his, “I love you.” The smile he formed was almost instant, almost unsure he’d heard wrong before he all but knocked the breath out of her in a bruising kiss, “I love you too, bloody hell do I.” “You have to know that this isn’t easy though, this is going to be so difficult, and I have a child.” “I know, I’ve thought long and hard about it for the past few weeks, and I don’t care that it won’t be easy, I want it all. I want you.” Both of them felt a strong surge of emotions, their tears began to fall as they grinned at each other, taking in the life-changing moment, the moment that was completely unplanned but formed in the most perfect and natural way. “I want you too, for as long as you’ll have me.” There was a bumpy road ahead of them beyond the film, no one could deny or prevent it, no one could stop the press from printing whatever slander they wanted, the division of their fans who resented their relationship. But they knew that they wanted this relationship enough to stand up to this and fight through it, and one day these people will grow tired of their negativity and Jack & Y/N will come out the other side with the strongest family they could manage.
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freelanews-blog · 5 years
Sexual Harassment In Nollywood: Fact or Fiction?
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SEUN MANUEL FALEYE “A renowned actor gave her an appointment to see him, so he could help her persuade her boss, another actor whom she was having an issue with at the time.” Yoruba actress, Bimbo Oni began, narrating to eelive.ng the sad experience of her colleague in the hands of a libidinous senior actor in Nollywood. “The discussion got suspiciously longer than normal, which elongated her stay in his hotel room. After the discussion, the actor, locked the door and started to touch her in places that made her uncomfortable. She tried to leave, but he began to manhandle her. To the extent that he tore her dress. They struggled to the extent that she became weak and passed out. That was her saving grace. By the time she was revived, the sexual urge in the actor had disappeared, fear had taken over and he could only thank his stars that he did not have a dead body on his hands. My friend’s boss heard about the issue, but it was handled as a ‘we-we affair’, so the perpetrator was not arrested, nor was justice served.” Oni concluded. Although, most of the actors and actresses who spoke to eelive.ng, said that they have not had personal experiences of sexual molestation in the course of their careers, they were unanimous in their agreement that there are many such cases in the industry. They have mostly credited their knowledge of the misdemeanor to third party testimonials; usually from their colleagues who were victims. Investigations by eelive.ng revealed that a substantial number of practitioners do not see it as anything more than an ordinary workplace hazard, something they need to grow the stamina to cope with. Those who have been victims of the hydra headed pandemic at certain points in their careers stomach their experiences, accepting it as dues they had to pay or a requisite sacrifice for stardom, in the hands of their hot to trot and perpetually horny film marketers, producers and directors, who have been glorified to demi-gods in the industry. Sexual Molestation As Old As Sin On a broader spectrum, sexual assault has plagued our society from the early days. The menace is as old a sin – as the inception of the co-existence of man. Every profession, without an exception is confronted with sexual harassment. In academics, male lecturers put female students on the brink, and demand sex for marks, a requisite for them to graduate. Business executives demand sex from sales reps. and marketers to close business deals. Managers demand for sex in exchange for employments, certification and competence of applicants regardless. Even the sacred places of worship are not left out of the misdemeanor. This much was buttressed by Actress and Blogger, Hannah Ogundare, she agreed that; “Sexual harassment is everywhere. It is not just in the movie industry. The reason why it is mostly heard of in entertainment, especially movie industry is because, practitioners are in the public eyes. The reason why we don’t really hear about such cases in other industries is because they are not they are the ones on television and radio, and they don’t make headline news in the print media.” she asserted.
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The Situation in Nollywood Regardless of this widespread nature of sexual molestation however, there is a worrisome permissive and liberal tradition that makes the act more prevalent within the film industry. Fast rising actress Oyinyechi Amos told of her experience as follows: “I should have gone very far in my acting career, if not because of this so called sexual molestation. In 2014 when I first came into this industry, by my friend who introduced me. She introduced me to one director, they usually call him, Uncle J, he used to direct epic films for African Magic Epic. I usually played few waka pass roles in some of his films then. And he was also teaching me how to be a continuity manager too. But one day, he messed up. He called me, that he has a job to direct for someone and he wanted me to go with him to the location in Ogun State. And we would be there for two weeks. I packed my bags and told my mum where I was going. My mum had his number, they had spoken on a few occasions. So she freely allowed me. I was 21 years old then. I met Uncle J in his house at Apapa, then we drove in his car to Ogun State.” On arrival, Amos explained that they drove to some hotel where the director said they were going to lodge and wait for the Production Manager for the film they were going to shoot to come for them in the morning. She was however shocked to see that the said Uncle J planned for them to sleep in the same room. “We checked into same room. I told him, I have not slept in the same room with a man before, and I was not comfortable with it. He said I was behaving like I am not matured. He took off his clothes, trousers and pant in my front and walked naked into the bathroom. My heart was beating so fast. I didn’t know what to do or say.” She informed eelive.ng that when she asked him to give her the script they came to work on; he dismissed the request and asked her to leave work until the next morning. Done with his bath, he allegedly came back into the room, ordered food for two from the kitchen and then settled down to sleep. And this is where Amos’s story gets very sordid as she told our reporter: “After we ate and it was time to sleep, he started his moves, touching me all over and that night, he had sex with me multiple times. I didn’t struggle with him, I just cried, but he didn’t mind. As soon as I saw day light the next morning, I left the hotel with my things before he woke up. Until today, I have not set my eyes on him again. I told my mother what happened when I got home, because, I don’t hide anything from her. My mother called him and laid curses on him. Since then, my mother forbids me from chasing my acting career. It’s just now, that I am gradually coming back. I think I can handle things better now, and acting is really my passion.” In her own case, actress Bisola Omoniyi shared as follows: I went for an audition and I was picked, after the casting, the producer asked me out but I refused due to that I wasn’t called for the shoot. There was another shoot I went for and during the process of the shoot, the director single handedly picked that he will like to have me in his bed but I clearly stated that ‘ko le werk’ because of that, he started frustrating me on the set . But of course I finished the job despite the frustrations and bid him good bye.” Celebrated film director, Tope Oshin , who started her career as an actor equally testified about the existence of the practice in the industry when she told the BBC World Service as follows in an interview: “I have practiced in Nollywood now for about 20 years, I started as an actor. I was more aware of it (Sexual Harassment) as an actor, because it seemed more as an unspoken culture. There were instances where producers would say to me, I have a role that is perfect for you, if you could only come see me at so so hotel, the role could be yours. “I had instances where I turned such offers. But there were people who took those ‘opportunities’, they saw it as a step forward in their careers, and truly it did pushed them forward.”
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Various Dimensions Eelive.ng findings showed that sexual assaults in the industry take a variety of dimensions. Sources tell us that there are a few senior female producers who unduly woo their younger colleagues in exchange for roles, there are the pimps who set their peers and younger colleagues up for men who wishes to have them at a fee, there are the male marketers, directors and producers who offer roles for sex to up and coming actresses, a practice that is also otherwise known as “couch casting”. A Yoruba actress who wanted to be anonymous shared her experience with a senior female practitioner; “A female producer once invited me for her production. She was the friend of the boss that trained me in the industry. You know in Yoruba movie scene, we usually have bosses. I trained in Ogun State. So I have always begged the aunty to invite me for her production whenever she wanted to shoot. So she invited me for the production too. After the shoot, she begged me not to go home yet, that I can play with her in her home. So we went to her house on the outskirts of Lagos together. I just noticed she’s fond playing with my breasts at the slightest joke. Or hit my ass. The major surprise was when she said we should go and bathe together. I didn’t even count it. I just told her to go first. After all that she brought out Hennessey from her refrigerator, she made me comfortable, we talked like mates, even though she was much older than me. I got very high that evening. Next thing I knew was she started to touch my private part. I was still in my bra and panties because we were alone, and I didn’t think anything like that could happen. Although, I was drunk and too weak and put up some feeble resistance and at the end of the day, she left me alone. Eventually, I saw her bringing out her vibrator and satisfied herself. None of us said anything about it. I just acted matured about it, but I can never make the mistake of being in the same room with her again.” Adenike Ayodele shared her experience with a director who assured her of a leading role in his soon-to-be shot TV series. “A particular Director wanted something else and began to promise me some big roles in a particular TV series. Maybe he was thinking I was a greenhorn. After all was said by him and he noticed I didn’t oblige him. He decided to give the role he promised me to someone else. Till date, he avoids me like a plague and he keeps saying I offended him by behaving like a child. It really doesn’t matter as long as my integrity is intact.” Yet, People Are Mum Those who spoke to eelive.ng indicated that most of the cases of sexual harassment in Nollywood are, like in other industries swept under the carpet. They identified reasons ranging from desperation of girls not to ruin their chances of getting more opportunities, ignorance as to the relevant criminal laws against forceful sex as well as the fear of stigmatization. “This is more so, as history has shown that most people accused of rape do not just commensurate punishment at the end of the day, so why ridicule yourself unnecessarily,” an artiste asked Once speaking with this writer, award-winning actress, Genny Uzoma said in reaction to questions about what her she would do if she ever faced sexual assault in the industry that: “I’ll probably not speak up. I’ll deal with it my own way by refusing the person’s advances and moving on except if it’s rape. I hate being the center of attention in controversial cases though it can’t be helped sometimes. She said further:“Truth is, anyone speaking up on sexual harassment faces a lot of things – scorn, disbelief, and even detestation by her fellow women, who would be like ‘it happened to us, it’s the norm, why are you screaming blue murder?’ She might even be unofficially blackballed and blacklisted in the industry. You must be very brave and strong to speak up on issues like this. I’m strong but I’ll save that strength for other issues. All those ladies in Hollywood coming out to accuse Harvey Weinstein kept it secret for years for one reason or the other, till one person summoned up courage because she felt she had nothing to lose. Corroborating the position that offenders either get away with this crime or just punishments that are nothing more than a mere knock on the head, human rights lawyer, Evans Ufeli, recently informed that despite the overwhelming cases of sexual assaults in Nigeria, only 18 rape convictions have been recorded in the country’s history. Nollywood practitioners therefore reason that if the entire country has such a poor record of convictions, how could the film industry be different!
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Those Who Have Spoken Up In the wake of recent allegations by Busola, wife of Gospel Soul Singer, Timi Dakolo that Abuja based Preacher Biodun Fatoyinbo of Common Wealth Zion Assembly had illegal carnal knowledge of her about two decades back, some Nollywood actresses have raised similar allegations. One of such actresses is Kemi Afolabi who accused a Yoruba filmmaker, Laide Olabanji of alleged sexual molestation while she was yet to find her footing in the industry. And just as she voiced out the allegation, three other actors, Wunmi Toriola, Funmi Awelewa and Hannah Ogundare all claimed to have had similar experiences with the same person. Olabanji however denied these claims in an interview with eelive.ng insisting that these ladies whom he brought into the industry only aimed at tarnishing his over three decades experience in the history. He explained: “I met Kemi Afolabi through Mercy Aigbe in the Gbagada area of Lagos. She had shown interest in acting, and I offered to give her a role in my movie. We usually assemble somewhere before proceeding to location to next day, usually for rehearsals and production meeting. It is like a suite. So that faithful day, we were in the sitting room of the suit, I was guiding Kemi for the role, and held her, to demonstrate an action. She then asked why I was holding her in that manner. That was it. I told her she needed to be flexible to be an actor, actors are not rigid. The following morning she left for Ebute Metta with the pretext to be going to move her wardrobe and costumes for the shoot we wanted to do. And that was how she left. Until date, almost 20 years later I have not set my eyes on her. Earlier this week, the association called us to mediate between us, she said she saw me in 2017 at AMVCA but I didn’t see her….” Speaking about Wunmi Toriola, Olabanji said: “everyone knows her character. She has even fought Toyin Aimakhu that brought her into the industry from Ilorin. She once hit something on the head of a girl that was her personal assistant during one of my movie shoots and constituted a nuisance on the set. Since then, I decided not to invite her for my productions again. I have a name to protect. I can’t allow young girls, who just came into the industry to spoil it for me.” He clarified. The pattern usually is for these directors or producers to invite actresses to come read for roles or audition for roles at hotels, or their homes. And mostly, these invitations come with stern instructions for these actresses to come alone. Sadly, the naïve once sad fall for the gimmick. In 2015, cross-over actor, Rahama Sadau took to Instagram to accuse Adam Zango of denying her of a role because she refused his sexual advances. She, however, apologized the next day, describing her post on a matter as sensitive as sexual harassment, as ‘childish.’ A young female actor turned producer who does not want to be mentioned confessed that she had to compromise in a few ways before she made an inroad into the industry and would in fact love not to let her daughter grow up in Nigeria given the deep patriarchal sentiments in the country. She explained: I would really wish my daughter grow up out of Nigeria, the male dominance psyche makes it natural to victimize women. I can’t wish for my girl child to experience what I experienced surviving. Although I’m not proud of some of the things I have done trying to survive. First as an actor, now as a producer. It is tough, but what can we do? I have had to shamefully bend my back, compromise on my values to survive.”
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When Actress Lay The Bait  Investigations by eelive.ng however show that there are situation when actresses are either complicit or even initiators of the sexual relationship with some of the men in the position to influence their careers. As a matter of fact, men who make passes at ladies themselves go after soft targets such as greenhorns and mediocre, without the requisite talent that can stand them out. A source told us that “these men go after those who show traits of desperation and naivety and are probably not been to any film school to learn acting formally. These ones are usually seen as having nothing to offer apart from their beautiful faces, and their bodies. Buttressing his point that actress who know their onions and are confident about themselves would hardly find themselves in this situation, our source referred to recent interview Tana Adelana had with London based DJ Abass on his programme, “For the Record”. Asked if she knew ‘couch casting’ in Nollywood, she replied saying she wouldn’t know because they have not come to her and vowed to expose anyone who makes such unholy passes at her. In further support of this position, Actress Hadiza Abubakar recently released a video where she took a swipe at her colleagues whom she accused of willingly offering their bodies to producers and directors, sometimes even production managers. She noted that most of these actresses already gave themselves cheaply for a slot on the screen and should not have the guts to call out any producer or director, A production manager, who simply asked to be called Okechukwu agreed with Hadiza that some fast-rising actresses rely on people like him to lobby directors for roles for them and that such people were usually ready to do anything. Okechukwu said; “There are a lot of ‘I want to act’ girls out there. Once they know you are into production, they start to ‘chewing gum’ you. Usually, I quickly chop and clean mouth, before taking them to film locations, because, once they get to location, and directors and producers start to like them, they will forget us the PM, that once helped them, unless she is your normal girlfriend!” Another source revealed that: “90% of the time, it’s the women offering the men sex for roles in the Yoruba movie industry,” she informed further that most marketers and producers accept this “free sex” without scruples! The question is can this also be referred as harassment?
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When Male Actors Try Their Luck  There is another existing although rather uncommon situation wherein male actors sexually harassing female producers and directors. Director, Tope Oshin recounted her experience during an audition exercise in the BBC interview quoted earlier: “I’ve had a situation where I was casting director and an actor walked to the front of the camera, introduced himself and said, ‘lovely hair’. I said thank you. He went on, ‘My name is so so so, I’m an actor, but I have other hobbies that could interest you. I replied, what are these other hobbies? He responded; ‘any way you want me to please you ma’am.’ It took all of me to keep a straight face, then I told him, we would only be needing your acting skills today. The he said, ‘Okay, but it’s still open ma’am, anytime you want me.’ I had to tell him, can we see your performance, we don’t have all day. This has necessitated my stance as at auditions, which makes me wear plain looking face, no emotions. I just go straight to the point, I don’t crack a smile. I ask for your name, and straight to what you have to offer,” she posited. The Repercussion A veteran filmmaker, once told this writer in confidence that these assaults and unabated sexual character displayed by Nollywood practitioners was a one of the factors responsible for actors lack of show of commitments to marriages. “As a people, it is important we understand that rape experience leaves it’s victims with a lot of damage. Apart from increasing their chances of contacting sexually transmitted infections, it also causes mental and emotional imbalances. Rape is causes low self-esteem too. “One wonders why a lot of our actors and actresses cannot stay in a committed relationship for a long time without break-up and divorce. These are some of the after effects that these victims suffer but cannot speak of, for fear of being misunderstood.” He explained instructively. Read the full article
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