#this is not three sentences lol
ventique18 · 1 year
You and Malleus had a fight...
"Hmp. Suit yourself. When you are well enough in the head to realize your mistake, I will consider giving you an audience to hear you out."
Then he turns away, walks to his room with his head held high, clicks his door shut, and...
My darling is mad at me
I hope I die.
spends the rest of the daylight immobile, with his face buried in his pillow.
He couldn't survive the day in such agony though and accidentally saunters to your garden at 12am, just happens to remember it's gargoyle-polishing day, bumps into your window by chance, and wordlessly asks you to let him in because it's suddenly raining even when the weather forecast said it'd be a sunny day.
You silently play an episode of the Gargoyles cartoon while waiting for the rain to let up. You fall asleep midway through an episode, but when you awaken, he's still up watching. The same episode that you fell asleep at. Was he replaying the same episode over and over?
"Ah, yes. This is the 24th replay now, I believe."
"Why?! You should have just watched the rest of the season."
"Well... I wanted a convenient reason to stop by in the middle of the night." He laughs, then lays on the bed beside you, "But more than that... I suppose it's simply rather thrilling to experience things for the first time with you."
And then you realize you've forgotten why you weren't speaking with him in the first place.
Really, how could anyone get mad at someone this cheesy?
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suzukiblu · 2 months
dialogue 10, action 4, and core4 for the wednesday game?
“I love you too,” Bart remembers to say belatedly. He doesn’t look up from his handheld, but the other three all look away from their phone (Cassie), their tablet (Tim), and the TV (Kon), for some reason. 
“Um, what?” Kon says. 
“‘Too’?” Cassie repeats. 
“Yeah,” Bart says, sparing a(n objective) picosecond to glance at her in-between enemies. Tim tilts his head, blinking slowly. 
“What are you talking about, Bart?” he asks. Bart stares blankly at him for a couple (subjective) minutes, then wrinkles his nose. 
“We’re on a recliner,” he says. 
“. . . okay?” Cassie says doubtfully. “And that’s somehow relevant to you, uh . . .?” 
“Loving you too,” Bart clarifies. Cassie and Kon both turn red. Tim just looks increasingly bewildered. Bart has absolutely no idea why any of them are reacting that way, but it’s whatever. 
“Uh–that, sure,” Cassie manages. 
“It’s a recliner,” he reminds her. 
“. . . so?” 
“So we’re all in it,” he reminds her again, making a point of wiggling in Kon’s lap as he says it. Well, vibrating, more like. Kon makes a really weird noise about it, for some reason, and shoves him forward down his thighs a bit as opposed to letting him stay leaning back against his chest. He does it almost fast enough to count as “quickly”, even. Which–rude, since Tim’s already hogging all of Cassie’s lap. Where else is he supposed to sit?
Also weird, Bart observes, but then decides he doesn’t really care since Kon didn't actually push him out of his lap, and plays another four levels before he realizes the others are still talking. 
“Oh,” Tim says, blinking. 
“Oh,” Cassie says, also blinking. 
“Oh my god, are we, what, dating?!” Kon demands a little shrilly, sounding weirdly disbelieving about that idea for a guy currently sharing a recliner he’s big enough to take up solo with three other people. 
“Sure, if you want,” Bart replies with a shrug as he finishes the game, memorizes the credits, and then boots up another. He’s really glad he got some better games last time he was in the thirty-first century, it is such a pain to play twenty-first-speed ones. “How’s that work?” 
“. . . we need to have so many conversations so immediately,” Cassie mutters under her breath. “Just–immediately. I don’t even know how to start having them, but we do.” 
“Um,” Tim says, looking mildly embarrassed for a moment before clearing his throat and switching to a different file on his tablet. “Would you believe I have a contingency plan for that?” 
“No,” Bart says, because hello, he’s met Tim. “But I’d believe you had six to twelve contingency plans for that.” 
“. . . only if you count the sub-variants of Plan B and Plan E.”
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mrsoharaa · 4 months
Gojo Satoru, who has you sat upon the medical table of Shoko's lab while heavily making out with you. Squeezes his way in between the open space in between your legs, caresses the curves of your waist with one hand as the other clasp gently yet, intently, along the juncture of your jaw. Literally, stealing every hefty breath from you. Grumbled and muffled moans sputter against the softness of his perfectly glossed lips from your own, your own hands finally finding refuge through the snowy locks that settled upon his head.
So lost in the spiraling torrid sensation of your entangled tongues and lapping lips, you haven't even recognized the familiar presence shadowing just right outside of the door. Arms crossing over one another, within the sleeves of his robes, and a tiny, wicked grin spreading across his cheeks.
Who would've thought, that after these long, pretentious ten years of no contact...he would find his two (former) best friends, his ex lover (you), indulging shamelessly with one another.
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arecaceae175 · 7 days
Growing pains, Wind. Hurt/comfort. Linked universeeeeee. Or just Wind being a teenager 🙏🙏🙏🙏 I believe in u Ace
Sky looked up from his carving as he heard feet shuffling towards him. Wind's expression was pinched and his shoulders were hunched inwards.
"Sailor?" Sky asked.
Wind slowly lowered himself to the ground, so Sky quickly moved to help him. Wind ended up curled against Sky's side with his head on Sky's lap.
"Ow," Wind mumbled into Sky's belly.
Sky sighed, resting a hand in Wind's curls and scratching softly. "I know. I'm sorry."
It was hard for all of them to watch Wind deal with growing pains and be unable to do anything about it. On the bad days, their usually boisterous sailor was dulled by the pain, shuffling around camp and grumbling at anyone who irritated him.
"Nn yr fah."
Sky huffed a short laugh through his nose. "You're gonna have to move if you want to talk."
Wind only shook his head. "Soft," he said loudly enough to be heard.
Sky smiled and patted Wind's shoulder with his other hand. "Have you had any of Wild's relief tea?"
Wind nodded, then turned his head so his mouth was free. "Mmhmm. It helped. 'M sleepy now."
Sky couldn't hold back a fond smile. "Go to sleep, then. Here." He draped his sailcloth over Wind's shoulders then his blanket over Wind's legs. Wind snuggled into Sky's side and let out a relieved breath.
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wikiangela · 1 month
several sentence sunday
so this is another fic I started on my vacation (I started three, and had one idea I haven't started yet lol - and one is already posted) - also, the two weeks here might change bc I'm struggling with the timeline (which doesn't matter but also it does lol) but I'll figure it out haha
(I'm still writing all my other wips btw, and gonna get to all the asks, but the writing beans have been gone lately, and I've been too exhausted lol - and my brain is so all over the place with my wips, idk what I wanna get to more)
Evan knows he’s in love with Tommy about two weeks into their relationship.
They still barely know each other, but Evan knows. He can’t explain why, can’t explain how, he just knows. Tommy Kinard is it for him.
The moment he realizes it with utmost clarity is nothing special, really. He just spent the night at Tommy’s – not the first one, but it’s still new enough to fill him with nervous, giddy excitement, butterflies swirling in his stomach, which he hasn’t felt in years before Tommy. Everything about Tommy makes him feel like this. Tommy’s eye-crinkling, nose-scrunching adorable smile; Tommy’s eyes, always so fond when he looks at him; Tommy’s lips that taste so amazing Buck never wants to stop kissing him; Tommy’s big, big hands that feels so good in Buck’s, those strong arms and broad shoulders… – just everything about Tommy. At first Buck thought it’s the newness of this, of Tommy, of knowing about his bisexuality. But he’s also gotten so comfortable with Tommy in such a short time, and it doesn't even really feel new anymore, he knows it must be just him, must be Tommy making him feel like a giddy teen with a crush. Except the way this feels… Buck’s a grown man with tons of experience, and he knows how infatuation feels, how a simple crush and attraction feels, how real love feels. And he knows, deep down in his core, in his soul, in his heart, that this is real, that this is definitely more than a crush. This is what love feels like.
no pressure tags (lmk if you wanna be added or removed):
@dr-shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @watchyourbuck @ladydorian05 @diazpatcher @monsterrae1 @rainbow-nerdss @pirrusstuff @bucks-daddy-issues @rogerzsteven @honestlydarkprincess @jesuisici33 @steadfastsaturnsrings @diazheartsbuckley @giddyupbuck @thewolvesof1998 @underwaterninja13 @your-catfish-friend @kinard-buckley @evansboyfriend @beyourownanchor6 @weewootruck @kirkaut @jewishbuckley @loveyouanyway @daffi-990 @lonelychicago @reformedplayerbibuck @spotsandsocks @bucked-it-up @theotherbuckley @drcloyd @bidisasterevankinard @tizniz @hippolotamus @diazsdimples @girlwonder-writes @perfectlysunny02 @dadbodbuck
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skyward-floored · 3 months
If you're still taking prompts, how about rescue?
(continued from the Hyrule prompt)
"Hyrule, Rulie you in here?" Wild whispered frantically, poking his head into yet another darkened hallway. Nothing but dust and grime met him, and Wild hissed under his breath, before turning to check another door.
He'd heard a cut-off scream from Hyrule and run to investigate, but he'd found no sign of the traveler except for a small puddle of blood, and a few footsteps he'd managed to follow to this wreck of a building, and his heart only beat faster at the lack of progress he was making towards a rescue.
Hyrule... buddy where are you?
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whentherewerebicycles · 4 months
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three small joys/victories from yesterday:
I made my first Big Parenting Decision on my own despite pressure/guilt from my (beloved but at times overbearing) family. I feel secure in my choice and I spent a lot of time thinking about the underlying reasons for it, which was a good values-defining exercise. and you know I love a values-defining exercise.
I don’t know many lullabies but I discovered that he really likes it when I sing “but daddy I love him” to him slowly and with dramatic facial expressions. you can tell this kid was subjected to a lot of tswift in utero lol
pip is being almost unbearably sweet and gentle with baby 😭 he’s my velcro dog and loves to sit in my lap so I was worried he’d get territorial about me holding the baby all the time. but he’s just seamlessly adapted and now he curls up next to me or by my legs when my lap is occupied. he’s also been a lot calmer in general, which might pass once the initial shock of A New Arrival wears off but is helpful right now as we settle into routines.
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smilesrobotlover · 4 months
For the word prompt: kotg and daughter:)
“I think it would be so much fun to have a daughter,” Mipha muttered, her eyes staring at the starry sky, a gentle smile on her lips. “I’m so ready to be a mother, Link.”
Link laughed slightly and grabbed her hand, staring at her beautiful face. “Just say the word, and I’ll get it done for you.”
Mipha gasped and let out a hearty laugh, her hand covering her face as she got giddy. “Oh you! Perhaps after we’re married, yes?”
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Seven Fic(s) Sunday
@mellaithwen had a moment of sheer insanity and decided that instead of doing seven sentences from one fic she'd do a sentence (or two) from seven different fics!?
(Amy, blink twice if this is a hostage situation.)
But I'm also unhinged so I thought hey why not, surely I have seven WIPs lying around. And sure enough I do! So here we are:
1) F&F AU:
“How’d you get up here so quickly?” an officer asks him when taking Buck’s statement. “How’d it take you so long to get here?” Buck fires back.
2) The Xedgin Fic That's Giving Me Fits:
“You probably won’t be able to save him,” Holga points out. “You’ll just be killing yourself, too.”
3) The Gang Plays D&D
When Chim shows up with a whole notebook of backstory relevant to the actual world Bobby’s constructed, they all get the very disconcerting sight of Bobby trying not to cry with joy. Athena mutters he hadn’t even looked so happy at their wedding.
4) Platonic Sugar Baby AU:
“Let me get this straight,” Maddie says. “This guy doesn’t treat you like a piece of meat and you’re… unhappy about it?”
5) Star Trek AU:
“Your girlfriend took a job on an archeological dig halfway across the known galaxy,” Hen points out. “Women flee you?” Ensign Panikkar looks both dismayed and weirdly impressed, which is depressing. “Routinely?”
6) Jingle Bells I'm in Hell and Nobody Cares (AKA the Mystery Pairing Fic You All Will Be Subjected To):
Here’s the thing, because—as previously stated—Jamie Winter is not jealous, or envious, or concerned, or anything else in regards to DI Ben Jones. It’s just that while he knows Barnaby might’ve forgotten, Sarah Barnaby is the reigning Midsomer Quiz Night Champion and one hundred percent did not forget, which means this can only be one thing: This is an ambush.
7) It's Only Six Months Until Halloween:
“What do you mean?” Buck asks, picking up the crumpled receipt and handing it back to Eddie. Eddie stares at Buck. In fact, everyone’s kinda staring at Buck.
And yes, Chim is the only one of the D&D group who shows up prepared with a plot-relevant character backstory. Which, as any DM will tell you, is plenty of good reason to burst into tears. XD
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excaive · 2 years
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There's a hole in the sky 💠
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wheres-my-pencil · 1 month
(read more for a short pseudo-fic?? that i wrote kinda by accident?? it's kinda shit and doesn't have anything about stanley and it's mostly just describing a half baked idea but have it if you want. also this has definitely been done before but whatever)
au where the narrator, unbeknownst to stanley, finds out that he can be physically affectionate in a form that stanley can't see or feel.
after countless careful testing of stanley's reactions to confirm this, he starts to casually sort of. walk side by side to him and brush their hands together.
after a few hundred resets, he's at a point where he constantly holds hands (phases them through each other) with stanley as he yammers on as usual. sometimes he floats around him in circles and studies the folds in his clothes and the way stanley moves, still blabbering about, until, carefully, he leans reeeal close to stanley's face. he takes in every wrinkle and dimple, every reflection across his eyes, and watches the way his character model's hair sways a little as he walks, still pretending to have some sort of strong opinion about whatever he's talking about. once again, he starts to do this regularly.
when stanley happens to look at something that lines up their eyes to seem like eye contact, the narrator gets all freaked out and goes strangely quiet. he makes up some excuse (let's see here.. the next door is .. hmm .. .. (the first time it happened he actually did get them both lost)), and the next few times it happens, he starts rambling faster, trips over his words, and flusters himself in his own monologue.
after another few hundred resets he calms down and gets used to the fake-outs and gradually forgets it was ever even a worry.
during one reset in this peaceful phase, the narrator hugs him from behind, wraps his arms over his shoulders and around his chest, and sighs somewhat like a dog as he rests the underside of his chin on stanley's shoulder.
of course, sighs of yearning and disappointment sound similar enough that this one fit nicely for his current monologue. in fact, he starts getting so caught up with sarcastically praising stanley for staying in the employee lounge for more than two whole minutes, that as he leans into his face, yawning mid-sentence from the pseudo-warmth of stanley's neck and left cheek, he doesn't even notice that stanley has not only stayed in the same room, but hasn't moved an inch for the past five minutes.
worse yet, the narrator only finally realized when he happened to look up admiringly again, and nearly flew across the room at the sheer intensity of stanley's eyes staring dead into his own. he paused his berating. he didn't even have an excuse prepared, and he wouldn't need one, considering how stanley's first movement after the narrator's nearly endless stream of complaining was to turn to look at him where he hovered slightly above the floor, somewhat disheveled and panicked.
that's all i got for now fhdwds
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suzukiblu · 11 months
Carl and Lor! Carl and Lor for WIP Wednesday!
"She just–isn't quite educated to Waterton standards yet, Omega Lane," Travers says, visibly trying not to grimace. Considering what Bruce has seen of "Waterton standards" so far, he's really not seeing a problem there. But Lor is Clark and Lois's pup, not his, so it's not his opinion that matters anyway.
"Oh, I'm sure your agency wouldn't have sent out anybody who wasn't up to standard," Clark says cheerfully, merciless bastard that he is. That's his packmate, Bruce thinks with no small amount of relish.
Clark smiles pleasantly, all cornfed charm. Travers looks nauseous.
"No, uh, of course not, Omega Lane," she manages. "Er–if Carly is an acceptable candidate for your purposes, we can put her up in a local motel for the time being and schedule regular visitations for feeding the pup at your convenience. And she can pump so you can bottle-feed at night, of course, or we can arrange night appointments and she can pump for daytime feedings, whichever you prefer."
"A motel?" Clark repeats, pleasant smile immediately vaporizing into obvious incredulousness. Bruce is equally incredulous. He knows the Waterton Agency isn't Gotham-based, but for something as potentially long-term as nursing a two year-old, the least they should do is put Carl up in an apartment somewhere. The commute to Bristol is already going to be bad enough; they sure as hell don't have any local motels in this neighborhood.
"W-well, Carly just isn't very . . . sociable, ma'am, I don't know that you'd be comfortable putting her up in your den," Travers stammers, looking awkward. Bruce considers developing a migraine. Admittedly, keeping a civilian who's not in the know in the manor is a terrible idea, but a motel is a worse one.
"Wayne Manor is well-outfitted with very suitable servants' quarters, Beta Travers," Alfred informs Travers with supreme dryness, raising an eyebrow at her, and Bruce–pauses. That's . . . a good point, actually. Carl could easily be kept away from anything that he shouldn't see, staying in the servants' quarters, and it's not like anyone but Alfred's used them in literal decades. There's plenty of available space to move in a slightly antisocial wet nurse of unclear gender and still make sure no one accidentally blows their cover. It'll be more of an issue if Clark and Lois decide to go back to Metropolis anytime soon, but . . .
"Oh, Alfred's right, God knows we've got the space in them," Bruce agrees smoothly, putting on a pleasant smile of his own and linking his hands behind his back. Also, it'd limit chances for imposters to take Carl's place and sneak into the manor, so that can't hurt either. "Much more convenient if Carl's willing to move in here for a bit, don't you think?"
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hero-of-the-wolf · 3 months
For the three sentence prompt: Feral
Wolfie crouched down low to the ground, a guttural grow spilling out from his throat. His eyes flashed with a dangerous light, and in the steadily encroaching darkness he looked every bit the feral beast that so many feared him to be. But Time knew better.
He approached cautiously, his hand outstretched in an offer of peace. The large wolf glared at him warily, until finally his pup regained his senses and staggered back, revealing the bloodied form of the champion underneath him.
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arecaceae175 · 6 months
Fishing tourney
Found family
"Fishing tourney time! The rules are simple. Y'all can keep one fish in the bucket at a time. Biggest fish in the bucket when the sun goes down wins," Twilight explained.
Wild raised their hand.
"No, you can't use bombs. Fishing poles only."
Wild lowered their hand.
Legend raised his hand.
"No magic. Just regular ol' fishing poles."
Legend lowered his hand.
Time raised xyr hand.
"No items or masks! Just fishing poles."
Time lowered xyr hand.
Twilight groaned and dragged a hand over his face. They sighed and went to the edge of the dirt in a prime fishing location. They held up their very normal, not enchanted, wooden fishing rod with very normal, not at all magic, bait on the hook.
"You stand here. You use a regular fishing rod. You catch a fish through normal, non-magical methods with said fishing rod. Nothing else. Are we clear?"
Wind raised a hand.
"No magical bait!"
"It's not magic! It's just... enhanced."
Twilight's groan was loud enough to send the birds fleeing from the trees.
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wikiangela · 10 months
seven-ish sentence sunday
tagged by @disasterbuckdiaz @jamespearce9-1-1 @daffi-990 💖
hi! i finally found some time to write today but im still not fully back to posting tbh bc i'm still so exhausted lol i just missed writing too much in those three days i wasn't writing, and figured why not share haha
prev snippet (whyy doesn't it show up in the tag, i had to go to archive to look for it smh)
“Why are you still wearing pants?” Eddie complains, hands fumbling with Buck’s belt buckle, but with much less finesse than Buck, way too hurried, getting another laugh out of Buck, and aside from the insane arousal and desire, Eddie is washed over by a wave of fondness. Eddie could spend the rest of his life just listening to his laughter. And he’s going to. Because they’re married. He married his best friend, and now he gets him forever. His heart is so full of love and happiness, he doesn’t know what else to do than to just kiss Buck again, deeply and passionately, hands abandoning Buck’s belt – thankfully Buck takes over and rids himself of his pants quickly enough, then helping Eddie fully out of his own, all while not breaking the kiss once. 
“Better?” Buck asks, pulling away to raise his eyebrow at him. Eddie just nods eagerly, eyes raking all over Buck’s chest. He licks his lips, turning them both around, so now Buck’s back is towards the bed, and takes another few steps forward, until the backs of Buck’s knees hit the bed. Then he pushes Buck onto it gently, and he goes easily, looking up at Eddie with a loving smile and a hungry look in his eyes. 
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @gaydiaz @diazass @thebravebitch @silentxxsoul @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @arthursdent @diazblunt @911onabc @spagheddiediaz @housewifebuck @gayhoediaz @rogerzsteven @watchyourbuck @monsterrae1 @honestlydarkprincess @underwater-ninja-13 @eowon @exhuastedpigeon @weewootruck @loserdiaz @evanbegins @steadfastsaturnsrings @ladydorian05 @malewifediaz @pirrusstuff @theotherbuckley @911-on-abc @spotsandsocks @hoodie-buck @giddyupbuck @wildlife4life @fortheloveofbuddie @nmcggg @diazpatcher @jeeyuns @jesuisici33 @thewolvesof1998 @lover-of-mine @hippolotamus
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skyward-floored · 5 months
Your word for a three sentence thing is 'Fairy'. Happy writing!
“Okay okay, wait, lemme get this straight,” Legend said, standing up and pointing at Hyrule, “you’re part fairy... Time is part fairy... Warriors is part fairy... does anyone else want to fess up to being part fairy?!”
Twilight glanced at Time, then slowly raised his hand with a sheepish expression.
Wild looked between them both, then shrugged and half-raised his hand as well, and Legend groaned, putting his head in his hands.
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