#this is my first time rendering water like this too and i'm surprised it looks decent
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mintjeru · 2 years ago
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sunlight on water
open for better quality | no reposts
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witch-hazels-musings · 5 months ago
hi pls for my crying dragon man monsieur neuvillette
sandalwood ginseng dalmation stone
hugs and kisses
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Sandalwood (ceremony), Dalmatian Stone (loyalty, family), Ginsing (communication, guidance) Neuvillette x gn reader | Divination Ritual warning: reader is grabbed by the arm forcefully (very brief), heights (like really high up), kiss on the hand -- this is my first time writing for Neuvillette. I asked people for help on this and *hopefully* he came out alright!
He pulled you from the group with far more force than you expected. "Where is he?" His contorted face held little patience. His tight-lipped smile and frantic eyes conveyed who this event was significant for.
"I'm sure he'll be here any mome-"
"He better. His absence is unbecoming as the Iudex," he said, his grip intense as he stared you down. "I will not be made a fool."
With metered composure, you tapped the man's hand but he didn't release you. "It's very likely he's been delayed by something. If you'll excuse me, I can uncover what has kept him."
The man took a breath, scanned the crowd once more before letting you go. "Be swift about it."
"Of course," you said and bowed your head. He fussed with his overly decorated clothes, finely pressed and perfectly tailored - though it did little to hide the signs of gluttony around his midsection. He sneered at you before walking away to put on a show for the patrons he no doubt invited to this 'celebration.'
You made your way through the halls of the Palais Mermonia, stopping at every place the Iudex liked to wander - hide. When he wasn't sitting as judge, or tucked away in his office, there were a few spaces you could always find him, and if not there, then always -
"There you are," you said as you stepped onto the balcony. Though calling it that was generous. It was more of a ledge, one service member would use to clean the massive windows and - now - where Neuvillette would find solace. You didn't blame him. Being up here away from the noise was far more enjoyable than the stuffy halls and formalities.
Neuvillette was slow in registering your presence. His elegant fingers coiled around his chin, his gaze distant as he looked out across lapping waters that surrounded the Courts of Fontaine. When you approached, his apathetic expression shifted with slight surprise.
"Ah, apologies. I did not sense your approach," he said, voice even, calm like steady water. He gazed upward and glanced behind you at the warm light from beyond the turquoise windows. "I've let myself wander too long haven't I?"
You shook your head. "It's alright. As you know the party will rage on with or without you."
"Undoubtedly," he said and looked back to the landscape. You felt bad for him. A cruel existence to be tied to the fate of others - to witness them at their lowest and most vulnerable and render their judgment. It exhausted you just thinking about it but he rarely complained. You wished he would.
Wrapping your arms around yourself, you joined him near the edge and looked out over Fontaine. Though heights were not necessarily your favorite thing you had to admit that in the twinkle of twilight, the view from this high seemed to make the world glitter.
"It's beautiful up here," you said and caught a faint smile on his lips.
"I am quite fond of the tranquility and stillness. It allows for a great deal of reflection."
He was right. Being completely alone and away from prying eyes was nice. Almost like a dip in cool water after a day under the sun. You closed your eyes and breathed in the moisture on the wind, the electricity of the evening, and let them mingle on your skin.
Behind you, a swell of voices rose up through the open window and you remembered what awaited you below.
"I should get back. I'll let them down easy so don't worry about joining us."
"That would be improper. I will return with you."
"Stay," you said, stopping him with a gentle hand on his arm. "I can handle them."
"I should not forsake the duties that are asked of me. Though my interests are far more idle than they may approve of, this aspect of my role cannot be forsaken based on personal preferences."
"Neuvillette, this 'celebration' is nothing more than a way to work your favor."
"How foolish. Festivities such as these would never sway my opinion in court," he explained matter-of-factly, his brows furrowing at the thought.
You chuckled. "I know, but it's just - it's how some people operate. They likely know it won't help them when it comes to the law, but there are many reasons to seem friendly to the Ludex. Connections are equally as valuable as coin in this world."
"I see." He thought for a moment. "Then what of you?"
"What do you mean?"
"Are your intentions holding ulterior motives?" he asked, his eyes flickering to the hand resting comfortably against his arm. You panicked and pulled it back.
"Oh, no. No! I'm so sorry, I didn't -" You flared out your palms and let out an uncomfortable noise before clearing your throat. "I'm here for you because I like - wah! No. I mean, yes, I like you but like in a way of being supportive and - like, like assisting you with your work. I'm on your side is what I mean to say. Ugh, please stop looking at me." Embarrassed, you covered your face and pressed your fingers against your brow in a desperate attempt to bring your mind under control.
Neuvillette laughed, soft, almost impossible to hear but it was enough to set your ears on fire. "'You like me?'"
"Professionally, I like you, professionally."
"I have spent countless years evaluating the words of humans. Their core truths and hidden lies and, were this be our first encounter, I may not be so confident in my evaluations."
"Forget I said anything, please."
"How can I," he said and you tensed at the sudden contact of his lithe fingers as they pulled your hand away. "When such blatant falsehoods are being uttered in my presence?"
You swallowed, stared into his intense eyes, and willed yourself not to tear free from his grip and jump off the building. This was the worst. An accidental confession to the man who was 1. your boss, and 2. as unavailable as they came. It took you months to get close to him, for him to be comfortable with you and now - now what have you done?
"It slipped out. I'm sorry," you mumbled.
He smiled, kind, patient, understanding. "There is no need. Yet I am proposed now with a conundrum. It seems a balancing of the scales is in order." Neuvillette lifted your hand to his face and sweetly pressed his lips to your middle and index fingers. "I am quite fond of you, as well," he whispered above them but his words were stolen by the wind.
When he lowered your hand toward your chest, he didn't immediately let go. Instead, he let it rest in his grip while you stared, stunned, at his chest.
"Shall we find our way to the celebration?"
You nodded but your lack of movement told another story. "Yeah, yes. We should do that."
Neuvillette's amused laugh fluttered to your ears and rattled your heart, and your legs. "When you are ready."
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Thaumaturgy Anthology (October 11-13, 2024)
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This event is based on spells and rituals. Inspiration does not equal understanding; liberties have been taken. All content is owned by Witch Hazels Musings, theft of these images and stories will result in immediate action.
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forestfrolickingfairy787 · 3 months ago
Wild x Reader part 2
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WOAH, I'm so surprised how much engagement my posts are getting just a couple of hours after posting! Thanks so much for the love, it makes me feel so warm inside. This is a continuation of the prev story!
More Twilight time here yayyy. It's a bit short but I'll upload more tomorrow.
“So, are you doing a little better today?” Wild asked, once again preparing today’s breakfast.
I slowly nodded, trying to wipe the sleep out of my eyes, feeling my vision blur. I’d only just woken up.
“Sort of,” I yawn, stretching my arms above my head. I’d felt a little bit better, after just taking time to think. I suppose things had finally settled, and I could feel my head clear, finally. He stirred in a bunch of berries, and milk, letting the sweet aroma fill the air. I couldn’t wait, and finally got up, leaning over as he cooked.
“Do you think you’d ever open your own restaurant? I’d totally come by everyday.” I say, whiffing the air. Wild laughs, hands on his hips.
“Maybe, who knows? Would much prefer that then to have to be the hero.” I roll my eyes.
“Ahh yes…the burden of being a hero.” He raises a brow, but I laugh.
“I’m joking, I know it’s tough.”
“Yea! I don’t think you’d like to be pounded again by that giant lizalfos.” Just the image made me shudder again, thinking back how close it had been to snapping my arm. And then Time yelling at me for nearly ten minutes. I did not ever want to witness that again. After zoning out Wild clicks his finger, waving his hand in front of me.
“Sorry didn’t mean to traumatise you…Is Time still mad at you?” he said in a low voice, quickly glancing around. Everyone else is mostly asleep- save for Warriors who is always one of the first to awaken. He’s always quiet in the morning, mostly acknowledging us with a small wave that we return. I didn’t want to quite see Time yet- we still weren’t exactly on talking terms yet. Unless we really needed too. “I’ll take that as a yes.” Wild says, going back to staring at the pot.
“I’ve never been so terrified of him before, like I know he can get mad but boy I wouldn’t want to get hurt just for the sake of avoiding his-“ As I keep talking Wild doesn’t react, instead of widening his eyes. I immediately bite down my lip, looking over my shoulder, and see Time stand behind us, his arms crossed against his chest, clearly unamused. Had I been that loud?
“Aha Morning old man! Just in time for breakfast!” Wild says, and I quickly side step, the internal panic once again setting in. I decide to step away from the camp, looking out towards the forest path and slip away. I still can’t face him…mostly because I was way too embarrassed.
 Once I’m well away enough towards the lake, I slip down a tree trunk, staring at the clear blue waters. It’s always calming here, and place my head against my knees. How on earth was I meant to continue this up while he was still mad? I could barely talk anymore. For the past few weeks I’d been caught up in this spiral of anxiety, nearly impossible to get out of. I didn’t even know how to explain to anyone here- well mostly because it was a me, and back home problem…
Tired, I let out a deep sigh, hitting the back of my head against the bark, not realising that it actually hurt.
“Ouch!” I hold my head, shaking it in dismay. “What on earth am I doing? I have no idea what I’m doing anymore.” I mumble to myself. A branch snaps, and I pause, glancing around, seeing Twilight near towards me, a sheepish smile growing. He rubs the back of his head, apologising. But my heart almost skips a beat. Nope nope nope. Why was he here?
“Sorry- I didn’t mean to interrupt. I was just taking a walk. Everything okay?”
ugh, I hate how polite he is.
Like no sir, you don’t understand how much I love seeing you that I can’t even FACE you. Once again I internally panic, rendering me speechless.
“Sorry! I’m okay!” I mix up my words, unsure how to conversate anymore. He steps closer, but I don’t look. Keeping my attention on the lake. Water. Blues. Many blues, but he walks in front of me, now his eyes hold my gaze. So very blue.
Twilight laughs, and I hate it because he’s so damn charming and near perfect, but I refuse to meet his gaze. Why should I when I know there isn’t the slightest chance of anything happening between us? He’s a hero. He’s amazing.
Me? I’m a panicked human that somehow ended up here.
“I- not too pry but I saw you’ve been a bit quiet lately. The old man is like that with everyone, I mean I’ve lost count how many times he’s lost it with me.” He says, again with that damn near charming smile.
I only nod, trying to talk.
“Is it okay if I sit with you?”
“Nobody is stopping you.” I laugh, then feel an ugly colour redden my face. What was that?
“I mean of course you can, sorry. I’m just a bit…anxious lately.” I say, growing tired of myself.
“Do you want to talk about it?” I pause, not wanting to dump all my problems on someone else. I’ve done this too many times, ruminating on the past, and myself until it stifles me. So I shake my head.
“Maybe something else? I just need to take my mind off of my…mind?” Twilight laughs, sitting down.
“I get that…how about castle town? You’ve never been right?” I’d only heard stories from them- I mean it was the same place in each of their worlds, yet they all had their own differences. Still, I was looking forward to it.
“Nope! What’s your favourite part? I’d love to hear about it.” Twilight takes a moment, placing a hand against his cheek, contemplating. The light reflecting on his face is just so perfect.
“Hmm, well there always used to be lots of animals where I was…I mean like cats and dogs. They’d always end up following me everywhere. I sort of miss that.” I don’t know why it even surprises me that the animals are drawn to him. Yes, because he’s a wolf but also just that magnetic.
“That’s sweet, I don’t think animals are really uhh…big fans of me. Cats tend to run away even though I love them.” Link laughs.
“I’m sure you just need to find the right one. Anyway, there’s also tons of cool shops. You know places to get new gear or meet cool people. I still remember there was a girl that used to sell bugs.” I blink a few times.
“What? Sell bugs?”
“Yep, I made some good money!”
“well, that’s resourceful…”
“I know, it sounds weird, but everyone was charming in their own way. I guess we all have our differences in our world. No idea what the old man’s place is like. But he’s been quietly giddy about seeing Malon, so I don’t think you need to worry too long about his mood.” I can’t lie, but it sounds adorable that he’s got someone waiting for him back home, that he’s happy about it. Also, I hope he won’t stay mad at me for too long. I pick on a blade of grass, feeling a cool spring breeze. I don’t want these moments to go, but that uncertainty keeps growing.
“I’m looking forward to meeting her…and also time not being so annoyed at me again.” I say. Finally he gets up turning towards me.
“Let’s head back? I’m sure their waiting for us.” I already feel the dread, hitting my head back again for the second time. I really do never learn.
“Yikes! Are you okay?” he tries not too laugh, but I sigh, shuffling to get off the floor until he reaches his hand down. I hesitantly take it, and we turn back, continuing to walk until Wild steps in.
“So this is where you two have been? We’re waiting for you guys.” He says pointedly, but I already see the slight smile in his expression, looking at me but quickly shrug it off.
“Alright sorry. We’re coming okay?”
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picturespurple-68 · 2 years ago
Threesome time @ironicorange! (Not canon to my dilf au)
Summary: Ivan gets shared between dilf Matthew and Alfred.
Rating: Explicit 18+
'Why is it so hot?' was the first thought Ivan had waking up.
Brain and body feeling all warm and fuzzy, he cracked open his eyes only to be met with the sight of a slow spinning ceiling fan above. The sound of a shower head blasting water reminded him he wasn't alone in this house. That, and the still sleeping form of a large man, ten years older than him, draped over half his body.
On his stomach still snoozing was Matthew, Alfred's twin brother. Just as big as his neighbor, he easily kept Ivan pinned down with an arm wrapped around his torso and a leg slotted between his own. Obviously, that meant Alfred was the one currently in the shower.
With no want to get up yet, a bored and comfy Ivan began replying the events of last night back in his head.
It started off simple, Alfred had invited him over for some drinking and to spend the evening with him. His brother Matthew also happened to be in town for the night and in retrospect it seemed both men had an ulterior motive for meeting with Ivan.
Watching the two, he found it quite cute when the brothers would tease and goad each other with stories from their childhood. Of course, when the topic of sharing as twins came up, there was a noticeable change in Alfred’s demeanor. The arm wrapped low on Ivan's waist squeezed him tighter as he explained, "Never had a problem letting Mattie borrow anything that's mine, so long as he understood who it belongs to."
In turn, Matthew laughed, not staring at his brother, but Ivan with hooded eyes that looked all too familiar, "You were always the greedier one." Gazing back to Alfred, he joked, "I'm still surprised I wasn't absorbed in the womb by you!"
After rendering a bottle or two of wine empty, Alfred announced his need for the bathroom leaving only a curious brother and his tipsy neighbor. Matthew had no issue filling the vacant spot as soon as Alfred was out of sight and he had even less of a problem when the space didn't allow for any gap between them.
"Just wondering," he placed a hand on the same spot Alfred had, "what exactly is your relationship with Al?"
Face growing redder than it already was Ivan could only stutter out, "I am his neighbor...and sometimes I babysit—"
"No no no, you know what I mean when I ask that. Al didn't seem to have a problem with my staring, so what about you?"
The hands on his waist moved in to rest on his clothed stomach. Ivan wasn't dumb, he could immediately get what Matthew was insinuating and honestly, he was interested, a hundred percent. He looked just like Alfred, from the muscled dad bod to the neatly trimmed facial hair along his sharp jawline. The biggest difference between them was Matthew's longer, fluffy hair pulled up in a casual ponytail and Ivan wished nothing more than to bury his hand in those soft locks while the man went down on him.
Locking his hand with the one on his stomach, Ivan eagerly replied, "I don't mind it at all."
From there, either Alfred took too long in the bathroom or maybe Matthew moved faster than expected, but in no time flat, Ivan was on his back, sweater pushed up to his chest and the older man on top shoving his tongue inside his mouth.
Just as his thigh made contact with his crotch, Matthew felt a tug on his shirt collar, almost choking him as he was yanked away from Ivan by his brother.
"Matt, what do you think you're doing?"
Clearing his throat, Matthew sassed back, "Your neighbor, currently. What's the matter Al? Don't you know sharing is caring~"
Ivan could still feel the knee against him and perhaps it was the arousal or embarrassment of the situation, but he quickly blurted out, "You could join us?"
Both men looked down at him in surprise
A reminder of what could've happened between just Matthew and himself made Ivan groan lightly. The warm leg laying limply between his own caught his attention and he couldn't help but grind his bare cunt up against the muscled thigh. He was still a bit sensitive below the waist and decided to take it slow by going back to thinking about last night.
Jumping a little forward, all three men found themselves in Alfred's bed with varying level of their clothes removed. Ivan laid nude with Alfred, still in his pants, on one side marking his neck up in hickeys and Matthew, in his boxers, on the other sucking face with him while his fingers played with the wetness building between his legs.
The warmth of Alfred's body slid away for a moment and before Ivan could see where he went, he felt hands grab him by the ankles, pull him from Matthew's hold, and drag him down to the edge of the mattress. His legs were spread open wide and a head of dirty blond hair was quickly buried into his crotch. He couldn't hold back the moans that slipped as Alfred ate him out alongside his fingers squirming around.
"Rude! I was busy with him first." Matthew complained crawling closer to the pair, but all Alfred replied with was a shrug.
From the corner of his eye, Ivan could see Matthew stroking his cock and he felt himself seize up at the thought of the man cumming over him. Alfred moaned against his skin at the crushing of his fingers and pulled them out to flip him over onto his stomach.
"Just relax for me darlin' and show Mattie how much you love my cock."
A pressure against his hole gave way as Alfred sunk all the way down until his hips met Ivan's. The man below bit at the bedding in surprise, barely able to look up at Matthew with teary, pleading eyes. While Alfred waited a moment to let them both adjust, Matthew scooted closer to gently hold and pet Ivan's head, "You're doing such a great job Ivan. Can you feel him deep inside? Is he pushing on anything that feels really good?"
Nodding dazedly, Ivan's eyes locked onto Matthew's untouched erection sticking out of his boxers. He grabbed at the man's cock, wrapping his lips around the tip and giving it a light suck, "Aah, good– what a good boy~"
Feeling less like his dick was gonna be snapped in two, Alfred leaned back and watched his hips thrust shallowly inside. Ivan pushed back into him and hummed happily around Matthew's cock when a hard buck forced him lower. As Ivan got more confident swallowing him down, Matthew sat higher up on his knees to control his mouth more steadily.
Back and forth, the older men pulled Ivan's body like they were fighting over a toy. Out of habit Alfred moved a hand down to thumb at his clit and that quickly became the Russian's undoing. They seemed to have underestimated how close Ivan really was and his only tell was the clenching and moaning he did on their cocks.
"Lord!" Matthew gripped the man's head in shock when he subconsciously slid the full length down his throat.
When the squeezing stopped, Alfred huffed and pulled out to help lift Ivan's mouth off so as not to choke. "You did so good Vanya."
The muscle of Matthew's leg was perfect for humping against and the sweat and slick of their skin made it so easy to grind on.
"Hmm, good morning to you too." The man on top of him hadn't moved but it was obvious it was Matthew speaking.
Ivan froze, blushing heavily at being caught like this. He'd almost tried to pull away but Matthew pressed his thigh down to continue their play.
"Please, keep going Ivan," his voice sounded rougher in the morning, "use my leg like a good bitch in heat."
Their positions shifted a bit. Matthew now laid back against the headboard with Ivan straddling his hips and riding him.
"Yes...yes...don't stop!" said Matthew as he tried to match Ivan's pace. The man felt incredible in his lap and he couldn't wait to blow his load.
The two were so caught up in each other that Ivan almost jumped out of his skin when another hand touched his back to lean him forward. Alfred's palm traced down his spine as he cooed, "Don't forget about me babe~ It's not fair if Mattie's getting all the attention, so just relax for me ok?"
Ivan nodded and shuddered when a slick finger was able to press inside his already stuffed hole. One digit turned into two, two to three, and Ivan was fully unprepared for just how full he felt when Alfred pushed his cock in.
"Jesus fucking Christ!" Ivan was insanely tight and Alfred couldn't stop himself from crying out. Matthew in turn had bitten into Ivan's shoulder to keep quiet but his groans could still be heard through clenched teeth.
Among the three, the first to move was Matthew, who was already close as his thrusts turned frantic and sloppy. When Alfred also joined in, the friction inside was intense for both of them. Ivan had a slight bulging below his bellybutton, something that the man under him watched appear and disappear with their movements.
Alfred continued to moan and swear when the heat in his tummy grew burning. Again, he shoved a hand down to rub between Ivan's spread legs and was surprised to bump into Matthew's already working on him. In reaction, Ivan's body locked up on them and the twins couldn't handle it.
If asked, each brother would accuse the other of being the first to give in, but regardless, both shot their cum deep inside his cunt. Everyone stopped to ride out their pleasure and catch their breaths.
Alfred was the first to pull away while Matthew stayed in place. Ivan's hips were still squirming, having not cum yet but that was quickly being taken care of as Matthew continued to quickly thumb at his clit.
"О Боже! Да!"
Sweating and shaking, Ivan basked in the warmth that spread through his limbs. Matthew laid kisses along his neck, watching how pretty he looked in bliss.
When the dark spots of his vision began to fade, he realized Alfred was standing in view, clearly having finished his shower.
"Having fun without me?" he whined (which seemed silly for the grown man).
Matthew snickered and got up while pulling Ivan along, "That's what you get for leaving me alone with him, and now that you're done," he walked the unsteady man to the bathroom entrance, "we just need to clean up our little mess for a bit~"
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happyk44 · 7 months ago
[ID: Collection of screenshots.
1: Text reading:
Take me to church
I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies
2: Text reading:
"Recourse," echoed Ronan, but without real force. The water reflected the sun at his face from beneath, rendering him a translucent and fretful god.
3: Text in all caps reading:
4: Text reading:
[Verse 1]
I was just an only child of the universe
And then I found you, and then I found you
You are the sun and I am just the planets
Spinning around you, spinning around you
You were too good to be true, gold plated
But what's inside you? But what's inside you?
I know this whole damn city thinks it needs you
But not as much as I do, as much as I do, yeah
5: Picture of two shirtless people lying side-by-side. Only one person is fully visible. They have their face pressed close to the other's neck, lips nearly touching the skin there, but not quite.
6: Text reading:
The shame that tormented me was all the more corrosive for having no clear origin: I didn't know why I felt so tainted, and worthless, an wrong - only that I did, and whenever I looked up from my books I was swamped by slimy waters rushing in from all side.
7: Text reading:
Oh the shame that sent me off from the God that I once loved
Was the same that sent me into your arms
8: Text reading:
"Think of someone you want to touch whom you cannot touch, someone forbidden. Think of a room where there is nothing except the two of you: still, you cannot touch them. Think of the heat between two hands about to touch, the language that exists in that silence."
9: Painting of two people sitting next to each other. All that is visible is their torsos, arms and legs. One is wearing a dark red sweater and blue jeans. The other is wearing a black sweater and light gray pants. They both rest their hands on their thighs, just above their knees. The one in the red sweater has extended their fingers ever so slightly to reach out for the other's hand.
10: Text reading:
All these years spent thinking that I had superhuman self-control, and now I realize I just never put anything I wanted too badly in front of myself.
11: Tweet from ronsey bot @/ronanganseybot: Gansey said, "I don't know hwo to find Glendower."
"You do, Gansey," Ronan replied, voice uneven for the first time. "I know you do. And when you're ready to get him, I'll be sitting right here, waiting to go where you tell me."
12: Text reading:
job. Back then, it had surprised Ronan; he hadn't realized yet that Gansey could persuade even the sun to pause and give him the time.
13: Text reading:
Ronan relied, "I'm waiting for yu to tell me what to do, Gansey. Tell me where to go."
14: Picture of two people kissing. The image is old and seems to be oversaturated, blurring much of their faces into a bright white. They appear to be priests.
15: Text reading:
"Ronan," Gansey said, in the exact same way that he'd just invoked Jesus.
16: Red text in all caps reading: HALLOWED BE THEY NAME
/end ID]
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Ronan & Gansey & Theo & Boris: thy will be done
[ hozier / maggie stiefvater / uncredited / fall out boy / alexandre haefeli / donna tartt / mumford & sons / chelsea hodson / david rodríguez tovar / emily henry / maggie stiefvater / maggie stiefvater / maggie stiefvater / mark beard / maggie stiefvater / gospel of matthew ]
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kyalosblog · 1 month ago
The View from the roof of the Aubrey Plaza.
I don't know why I went to the roof of the Aubrey Plaza but there are reasons and plans unseen to us that often point to the likelihood of a higher power. It was there that I found a man standing, overlooking the town. There weren't any railings and his feet were very close to the edge.
Somebody normal would have had the idea 'Suicide!' but I'm not normal. I went to the man and got out a cigarette from my coat. Started patting my coat for a lighter and came up empty.
"Hey!" I said to the chap. "Hey do you have a lighter?"
"No." He answered.
"Damn. Things never seem to go my way." I said and sat on the edge of the roof of the Aubrey Plaza with my legs dangling over emptiness
"Things never seem to go my way too." The Stranger said and I felt a kinship with him. As if the celestial bodies that governed the universe had created me and him from the same fabric of existence.
"The other day I was watching the news and a story came up about a guy who'd killed his wife and chopped her up into little pieces and he was in the process of transferring her body to a dumpsite when he was apprehended by the police who were curious about him and what he carried in the bucket he had in hand." I said. "You know, I thought about that guy and his situation, specifically about how he got caught and I found myself harboring this immense certainty that if I was in the same shoes as him I'd have been caught too. I mean, what are the odds of bumping into cops while transferring a body?"
"The odds are very low." He answered.
"And then I thought about what kind of thing would lead a man to chop his wife into tiny pieces? Like, what level of hatred or rather anger can push a man to go that far?"
"You'd be surprised what people can do out of pain."
"Pain huh? Don't like that emotion at all. Pain is better if it's a flesh wound, something you can see and feel and know exactly where it is. You can apply ointment to it or massage it with hot water. But emotional pain? Where can you massage that? It's like there's a wave of agony spreading all over you. From the tip of your head to the sole of your feet. And your thoughts mirror your emotions and images are painted that just renew the pain time and time again." I spat and watched the spit drop all the way to the ground. We were about five storeys above ground. "I hate pain." I concluded.
"Does it make you angry?" He asked.
"It makes me scared. Afraid of settling within my own skin. The mere thought of emotional pain makes me want to run in the opposite direction bare handed. Leaving everything I own behind." I said.
"I see." He answered. I looked up and found that the man was crying, thin streaks of tears marring his face. I suddenly became aware of where we were and what our conversation had just been.
"Why are you crying?" I asked.
"I'm just tired is all."
"Been a rough day?"
"A rough couple of years actually."
"Uhuh... Should I call somebody, a friend or relative?"
"I have none."
"Okay okay." I said for lack of a better word. I suddenly felt that if I departed the roof of the Aubrey Plaza this man would finish what had brought him there in the first place.
"Sometimes the ocean breaks the shore and ventures across the land in a tide of destruction." I said.
"They are called hurricanes." He said.
"Yes. But after the winds rage and the sea roars and there's destruction and pain and it feels like things will never be the same again, the tide recedes and the winds calm and the shore once again holds back the ocean and it was as if nothing had happened."
"But something had happened."
"For a time, but the slow march of said time renders the hurricane's efforts of claiming a permanent existence, futile." I said with a smile. "So what's the problem? What brings you to Aubrey Plaza today?"
"It's the tallest building." He answered.
"So it's the view?"
"More of what can be done with it." There's a finality to his words.
I had two options, I could walk away or I could push to persuade him to value his life but he seemed tired, very tired and I could tell from how his arms dangled by his side and the hunch of his shoulders and the way his neck stayed bent, staring at the ground below. So I did what nobody who was born after the ice age would have done in such a situation. I stood up and positioned myself beside him and we stood there for seconds, then minutes then an hour. Just standing there, me in complete silence, him in silent weeping. And then he leaned his head on me and I let him and after a long while he whispered 'Thank you.' and walked away. Leaving me there, enjoying the view from above the Aubrey Plaza.
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sfsolace · 7 months ago
Makinata Mondays: A Hakumei & Mikochi read-along
This is a weekly series where I read through my favorite manga and share my thoughts along with some screenshots.
Chapter 6: Sailor's Market
Plot summary: Hakumei and Mikochi visit the shopping district of Arabi; but when Mikochi loses her wallet, they decide to go sightseeing in the hopes of eventually finding it.
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This chapter is our first look at Arabi, a quaint port town that will feature more often. When rewatching the anime, i was surprised that this was the second chapter they feature. It makes sense for the pacing of the season and since the manga is very episodic, it's hardly noticeable.
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This is also where we meet the owner of the "Port Lounge Kobone". From context, it seems like Kobone is a last name, but since Mikochi calls her Kobone in this chapter as well, I'll do too. (Update: if i read the world guide correctly, her name is Maya, but my japanese is very shoddy)
I really like the juxtaposition of how welcoming she is, while also maintaining a "rough and tumble" kind of energy. Truly a "bar owner" type of vibe.
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Getting a bento for a sightseeing trip definitely takes the sting out of losing your wallet.
I would certainly empty my wallet if it would mean i get to take a walk around the city with my favorite person and snack on a delicious lunch.
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I adore the abandoned town square! Seems like a perfect place for a picnic. I love finding little secluded places during a trip, especially if I'm looking for a place to eat.
Reminds me of the first time I've had kimbap. All the restaurants were full and a little takeout box full of kimbap was all we could get, so we just wolfed them down next to some bike racks in the middle of the city.
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We also find out why Mikochi is a favorite of all the shopkeepers. They really value her feedback for new recipes, because of her fine sense of taste. Mikochi sure cooks a lot, but this shines a light on how good her cooking skills really are.
Hakumei's crafting and camping skills got a lot of focus up until now, so it's great that this chapter we see more of Mikochi's strengts. She is skilled at navigating towns, maintaining relationships and cooking, while Hakumei has more energy and more natural charisma.
Last week i wrote a post on Hakumei's neurodivergent tendencies; please check it out!
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I would love to include more screenshots, but I've hit the limit for this post. The chapter closes with this wonderful sequence where Hakumei and Mikochi stand at the water and reflect on their trip.
These introspective moments are what i love most about this manga, they are always very well rendered and so relaxing to me. The anime also often nails the tone, especially for this chapter. In the anime, this sequence is actually extended to serve as the ending for the entire episode and it fits super well!
That's it for this week, see you next monday for chapter 7!
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theteasetwrites · 3 years ago
Born Yesterday
❧ Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader ❧ Era: Season 3 ❧ Pronouns: she/her ❧ Warnings: none ❧ Word Count: 1.2k
❧ Prompt 38 from this list
❧ Requested by @through-the-little-door (thank you!!)
❧ Summary: A bad dream renders you sleepless, but a particularly dreamy archer keeps you company, along with a very sleepy baby cradled in his arms.
❧ A/N: My very first oneshot! I'm still trying to get the hang of it after writing my series for a while now. I really like this list I got it from, so if anyone would like me to write a little something something for practice I'd be more than happy to do so! Hope this is okay for the first one.
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Another bad dream.
You were having a lot of those lately, and they seemed to be getting more vivid.
Usually, you could fall back asleep after a nightmare, but tonight was different. You couldn’t shake the images your troubled mind had conjured up, deep in the arms of a restless sleep.
Tossing the cool linen sheets from your body, you lifted yourself from your bed, the squeaky springs further rousing you from your previously unconscious state.
As you always were when you woke up, you were incredibly parched. You internally scolded yourself for not keeping a stash of water bottles in your cell, but you also supposed the short walk to the kitchen area would help clear your mind of the nightmarish images.
Pushing open the door of your cell, you tiptoed down the catwalk with your arms outstretched a bit to make sure you didn’t hit something in the dark.
When you noticed you could actually see your hands in front of you, you looked up and focused your eyes on the dim lantern flickering near the baby’s crib (which was really just a box with some blankets for cushioning).
You approached slowly, trying your hardest not to wake the newborn. She was only born yesterday, she needed her sleep.
As you passed, you couldn’t help but steal a peek at her. To your surprise, she wasn’t there.
“Hey,” a deep, gruff voice you knew to be Daryl’s sounded from behind you as he emerged from the shadows holding the baby.
You flinched a little in surprise before turning around to reveal his face, accented by the lantern’s warm yellow glow that danced across his face with each flicker.
You rubbed your sleepy eyes. “Hi,” you said quietly. “Just… getting some water.” You folded your arms over your chest, admiring Daryl as he rocked the sleeping infant back and forth in his strong arms. “I see you’ve been put on babysitting duty.”
“Shut up,” he practically whispered. “She was hungry.”
You tilted your head in adoration. Daryl seemed to be the last person in your group to care about a baby, but he was the one who got her formula, and the first one to feed it to her.
It was good for the baby, but bad for you and your rather annoying crush on him. Every time you were around him you had that same feeling you get when you’re driving fast down a steep hill. You had never been sure if you liked that feeling or not, and you still weren’t.
“Well, she’s lucky to have you. You’re good with her.”
Daryl narrowed his eyes at you, as if he didn’t believe what you were saying to him. “You mean that?”
You laughed. “Of course, I do.”
Daryl gently rested the baby back in her crib. “You just got up to get water, huh?”
You nodded. Not just that. The reason you were thirsty was because you had prematurely awoken from a terrible dream. “Yeah.”
Daryl chewed on his thumb, contemplating what he was going to say next.
He felt your eyes lingering on his body, and it always gave him an odd feeling. It wasn’t a bad one, or a feeling that you were judging him. It was more like he wished he could muster up the courage to look at you the same way.
“Ya know, I get bad dreams, too,” he said.
You furrowed your brow, wondering how he could possibly know about your nightmares.
“How’d you know?”
He shrugged. “Cell’s right next to yours. I can hear ya saying stuff in your sleep. Figured they ain’t good dreams.”
You fidgeted with your hands, your head held down as you looked at them. “That’s embarrassing.”
He shook his head. “Nah, it’s fine. Like I said, get ‘em too.”
You raised your head to look at him before tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. “Thanks, Daryl. Good to know I’m not the only one.”
He nodded, still looking down at the peaceful baby. “Wish I could sleep like her,” he said. “Don’t even know what’s out there, how bad things can get.”
You sighed. “That’s the benefit of being born yesterday, I guess. You don’t have any nightmares because you can’t even comprehend the bad things.”
Daryl grunted in agreement. “Yeah,” he said. “Least we get good dreams, though. Kinda makes up for it, I guess.”
You smiled. “That’s true. I can’t remember the last time I had a good dream, though.”
“Me neither,” he said. “It’d be nice to go to sleep and not think about those undead bastards for a bit.”
“That’s what you dream about?”
He nodded. “Every time I sleep. It’s why I barely do.”
“I dream about being swallowed into a black hole, or getting trapped in an underwater cave and never being found. Things like that.”
“Least you’re creative.”
You laughed. “Only when I sleep.”
That was it. That laugh, that smile, the way you closed your eyes when you did it. If he could see that little bit of happiness for the rest of his life, he’d have everything he ever wanted.
He was in love. He couldn’t admit to himself, and couldn’t even imagine admitting it to you, but he knew he was.
The two of you were silent for a while, watching the baby squirm a bit in her sleep. “You know,” you began, “if you ever need help… um, babysitting her, you can always ask me.”
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t using the newborn he was clearly so fond of to spend more time with Daryl. You didn’t know much about hunting or mechanics or any of the other things he seemed interested in, but babies? Piece of cake.
He looked away quickly, hoping you couldn’t see him blushing. “Uh, yeah,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “That’s fine… or if you ever just wanna talk.”
He couldn’t believe what he was saying. Talk?
He hated talking. Well, with most people.
Your eyes widened, and you raised your voice a little too high. “Really?”
The baby woke up with a stir, her cries ringing out throughout the cell block. Daryl quickly picked her up and began rocking her back and forth in his arms.
“Shhh…” he said. “It’s a’right.”
You nearly lost it at his baby voice, so sweet and innocent. When she stopped crying, you looked at Daryl with so much admiration.
A thought occurred to him as he felt your eyes on him again. “You wanna hold her?”
You hadn’t held her yet. You wanted to, but you didn’t want to impose. “Can I?”
Daryl nodded. “Asked ya, didn’t I?”
You sighed. “I would love to hold Lil’ Asskicker.”
She didn’t have a name yet, but the nickname given to her by Daryl was just fine for now.
He carefully transferred the baby from his hands to yours. “She’s so light,” you said. She began to close her eyes again as you held her. “You know, what Daryl?”
“What?” he asked, watching you hold the baby close to you with such fascination.
“Maybe we don’t need good dreams,” you said. “Maybe it’s just about good memories, like this.”
He smiled. “Yeah, think so.”
Thanks for reading! Likes, reblogs, and comments of any kind are always appreciated!
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blackindiaink · 3 years ago
Promt: Raelle seeing the snow for the first time
Winter in Fort Salem came early and with it came the cold. Bitter cold that tickled the tips of exposed noses and nipped at ears. It blew through open doors and chilled corridors, forcing the quartermaster to issue the big winter coats a month sooner than usual.
It also made sneaking away a little harder since even a few minutes outside left Raelle in misery. She hated cold. It settled in her bones and wouldn't leave, rendering her hands useless and her teeth chattering.
Scylla was the opposite. She thrived in the cold. It brought a healthy blush to her cheeks, making her look even more alive and healthy. Raelle envied her energy and excitement in greeting the cold times.
That's why it was no surprise when Scylla was shocked that Raelle had never seen snow. The conversation came about one night when Raelle had slipped into bed with her, cuddling up immediately to get warm.
"How does your body manage to get so cold when you've been in tons of clothes?" Scylla teased.
"No idea but it sucks so..." Raelle shivered.
"Poor girl," Scylla said, wrapping Raelle up in her arms. "Stop moving and I'll get you warm," she directed.
"I'm not moving on purpose," Raelle complained.
Scylla just laughed and held on tighter until Raelle relaxed in her arms. Their temperatures equalized and she knew she could loosen her grip now but she didn't. It felt too good to hold on.
"I have no idea how you're going to survive when it starts snowing," Scylla commented.
"Oh goddess, I'm not. I'll just lay down and die. I've never even seen snow but I do know it's just gonna be cold, wet hell falling from the sky," Raelle said.
"Hey! Don't insult snow like that." Scylla scolded and nudged Raelle's shoulder with her nose. "Snow and I are old friends. We go way back. All the best things in my life happened when it snowed," Scylla said.
"Except meeting me," Raelle teased.
"Yes, except meeting you," Scylla smiled and shook her head.
"So, I should be happy it's supposed to snow next week?" Raelle asked.
Scylla pulled back a little and raised an eyebrow.
"It's going to snow tonight," she stated.
"What? The forecast said not for another week," Raelle argued.
Scylla shook her head as soon as the protest started.
"Nope, it'll be tonight. I can smell it," Scylla insisted.
"How can you smell that it's going to snow?" Raelle scoffed.
"Hey, don't believe me if you want. I just know that it will. Snow and I have that special relationship," Scylla said.
"Okay, every weather work witch says otherwise but my necro goddess has a close personal relationship with frozen water that falls from the sky," Raelle joked.
"Make fun but wait and see. As soon as the first flakes start to fall the magic will begin. The world is different in snow, time stops" Scylla grinned.
Raelle stopped short of coming up with a smart ass reply to that and just watched Scylla for a moment. She couldn't deny that somehow Scylla managed to be even more attractive at times like this.
"You have no idea how beautiful you are when you're passionate about something," Raelle said instead of a witty reply.
Scylla smiled softly and replied with a kiss. Slow and artless like the snow falling. That was their world tonight, sequestered away in another universe where they didn't have to worry about fighting and survival. It was easy to fall asleep, warm in each other's arms with the quiet night protecting them.
Hours later, Scylla woke, bolding upright in bed and startling Raelle awake with her.
"What? What's wrong?" Raelle blinked sleepy eyes open and readied herself to fight something. "Scylla?"
Scylla was staring at the window, rapt attention showing she was clearly wide awake now. Without saying a word, she got out of bed and began to dress.
"Come on, put your clothes on," Scylla said.
"What? It's two in the morning. We have training," Raelle argued.
"Come on, this is important," Scylla insisted.
"Ugh," Raelle grumbled. She slid off the bed and immediately shivered when her socked feet hit the cold floor. "This better be good." She murmured.
Scylla ignored her and pulled her coat on, glancing back to see that Raelle was only half dressed. She chewed her lip and walked over to wait by the door, her face awash with the glow of excitement.
"Lets go," Scylla insisted.
"I'm coming," Raelle answered.
She zipped up her second boot and stumbled a little as she joined Scylla at the door, who caught and steadied her. She smiled and pulled Raelle in, kissing her forehead.
"Trust me." Scylla whispered.
Raelle nodded and followed her girlfriend out the door and down the hallway. It was colder out here than in the barracks room, even more cold in the stairwell, but Raelle didn't know what cold was until Scylla opened the side door to the outside world and that blast of wind hit her.
"Fuck," she cursed.
Scylla laughed and took Raelle's gloved hand in hers, pulling her out into the night. They walked a few hundred yards over to where dense woods began to replace the well manicured grounds of Fort Salem.
She led Raelle through the trees, passing low branches, their boots crunching on frozen earth and leaves. When Scylla stopped they were in a clearing. A ring of trees framed a perfect picture of the night sky. It was just far enough away from the lights of the fort that they would have been able to see more stars if clouds weren't obscuring them.
Scylla took up a position right in the middle of the clearing and looked up at the sky, pulling Raelle close by putting her arms around her middle, locking them into place over Raelle's stomach.
"What are we doing?" Raelle asked.
"Shh, just wait," Scylla instructed.
Raelle took in a breath and sniffed in the cold air. This seemed ridiculous. Her toes were already freezing and her nose was going to fall off if they stayed out here for much longer.
"Annnnnnnd now," Scylla whispered.
Raelle narrowed her eyes and looked around.
"What?" She asked just as the first snowflake fell onto the tip of her eyelash.
"Woah," Raelle said.
So, maybe Scylla did have some weird connection with snow because flakes started to fall all around them, lazy and slow. They spun in the breeze like they were waving hello to them on their way down to earth.
Scylla laughed, sticking her tongue out to catch a snowflake on her tongue. Raelle broke her grip and turned so they were face to face. The pure joy emanating from Scylla was as infectious as a virus and soon Raelle was smiling and catching snowflakes of her own, sticking her tongue out in the freezing air.
The snow became a little heavier and Scylla stepped closer, pulling Raelle into her arms again.
"See, magical," Scylla said.
Raelle met her eyes and pursed her lips, near exploding with feeling.
"Very magical," Raelle replied.
She didn't know if she was talking about the snow or Scylla, probably both but it didn't matter. Everything she wanted was right here. She could love the cold if it meant Scylla was happy.
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nincompoopydoo · 3 years ago
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PAIRING: Poe Dameron x reader WORD COUNT: 1.9k SUMMARY: The union of Ireca and Mohash may seem a typical cliche of love in comparison to your depressingly lonely state, but when a certain poster boy pilot emerges during the celebration, you wonder if love works in other underlying ways. A/N: I found this in my google docs, first written about a year ago. so, wohoo i present to you my first ever poe dameron content, i think? he's so charming and carelessly beautiful. please leave a comment and tell me what you think or what else you'll like to see from me 💖 gif by @john-seed from this gifst WARNINGS: mentions of alcohol and getting drunk, space swearing. support my writing through ko-fi💖 MASTERLIST
Love is strange. Delicate yet fierce. So forceful that it manages to seep through the cracks created by bombs and gunfire of war. Unexpected at times, appearing out of nowhere. Yet, it’s beautiful because it brings those with beautiful hearts and minds together, entangled in the constant dance of intimacy and devotion.
It’s what Ireca and Mohash have.
Ireca was from the Logistic division, a mechanic herself and your colleague. She was to be married to her long-time lover, Mohash, a flight engineer for the Cobalt Squadron. As far as cliches go, wartime love falls along the lines of a romance cliche. Yet, war was all you’ve known. It’s what everyone has ever known. It’s common to develop some kind of a feeling other than the constant emotions during battle—fondness, the feeling of falling in love with someone. It’s truly what we stay alive for.
Maybe that’s why you hate it so much. The absence of the feeling that everyone describes as so fucking amazing that it completes you. You feel empty most of the time. It’s definitely the reason why you put all your effort into fixing things you can rather than complicated problems and issues that continue to reside in your mind, especially in the wake of midnight.
You find yourself sitting by the makeshift bar, tucked away from the crowd of friends and colleagues. There’s music playing, the sound of drums, and the seven-string hallikset reminds you of your brief visit to Naboo three cycles ago. You’re nursing a warm cup of something that tastes closer to acid water than alcohol.
Ireca emerges from the crowd with flowers in her braided hair. She approaches you with a bright smile and calls out your name wistfully. You shoot a strained smile her way, feeling the bags under your eyes weigh a little more. “What are you doing here all by yourself, huh?” she asks, leaning against the bar with a gentle pat on your shoulder.
“I’m just really tired. Last night was rough. Plus, I’m behind schedule.” you sighed heavily, running your fingers through your hair. She flashed you a smile of sympathy as you continued, “I’m sorry, Ireca. Don’t let me ruin your night. Go, have fun.”
She raises an eyebrow as you take another sip from your cup.
"Go. I'm sure you don't want to miss Mohash's special performance." You gesture to a drunk Mohash, who seemed to be searching for the woman. Ireca merely laughed. "Oh, it sure is going to be special." With a gentle touch to your back and wave, you watch her make her way into the swarm of bodies. You're left alone once again.
You’re still trying to figure out how Mohash even got hold of any sort of alcohol and managed to smuggle it into the base. Someone must have nicked it during one of the previous missions in the Mid Rim.
You rub your eyes, half-awake at this point; your cup is placed beside you as you rest your head against your folded arms on the table. Your mind is in a daze and incapable of irrational thought, deciding it would be best to just camp out here, by the makeshift bar, for the night. You were too tired to drag yourself all the way to your quarters, which felt like miles away, in the first place.
As sleep began to weigh heavy upon your eyelids, you suddenly felt a sharp tap on your shoulder. A soft groan escaped your lips as you shifted your head, still resting on your arms, just enough to peek at your sleep intruder.
It’s Poe Dameron. Commander and Black Leader. Incredibly talented, confident, and effortlessly handsome.
Ugh, you hate this guy.
Yet, you don’t feel so tired anymore.
“Are you drunk?” There’s amusement in his voice with a tinge of mockery. It made you realize the stun you were pulling. Classic Dameron. It was supposed to be a happy ceremony, but it was truly Ireca’s fault for manipulating you into coming tonight. Parties, events, and social gatherings were never right up your alley. You prefer spending time with machinery and your greasy hands.
Poe’s eyes are gleaming under the fluorescent lights, filled with concern, but you spot the smugness in his emerging smile. A flash of a thought, you kind of want to feel his lips on yours. The image immediately stings. You want to gag.
Poe is irritating, arrogant, and careless. Not charming. Nope, definitely not charming.
You straighten yourself, trying to shake off the burning image, shoving it to the back of your head. You lift your head, propping your elbow on the table and resting your chin on the heel of your hand. “You actually think I’ll even touch that bantha shit?”
Tearing your eyes away from Poe, you reach for your cup only to realize it was empty. He casts you a look. Your eyes shoot daggers with an extended pointer finger his way, “Don’t you dare say anything, flyboy.”
Poe raises his palms in defense, lips pursing. “Wasn’t going to.”
You catch a glimmer of mischief in his eyes, one hand discreetly reaching under his tawny leather jacket. Then, a bottle of Corellian whiskey emerges, shining under the lights of the Resistance hangar. Your face lights up at the recognition of the bottle, memories of your rare trips to Corellia, sharing whiskey drinks with your colleagues. It was the only planet you’d been to ever since you joined the Resistance.
You’ve only tasted Corellian whiskey once because of how expensive it is. You’ll happily get drunk to that in a heartbeat. Drink the worry and sorrow away with the lingering taste of frankly exorbitant whiskey.
Like a child with grabby hands, you reach for the bottle, but as your fingers brush his, Poe quickly lifts it to the air and away from you. He smacks your hand away. You whine, feeling a little lightheaded. The contents of the mysterious drink are starting to kick in.
What the blinkin' mradhe muck was in that drink?
“What do you want from me? It’s not like I have a drinking problem.”
He’s giving you that look like he’s judging you, but with a hint of amusement at the slight tug of the corner of his mouth. “You definitely have a drinking problem, but... i'll let you drink this on one condition.”
“For kriff’s sake,” you mutter, rolling your eyes, glancing away. “I’m not doing any weird wacky favors for you, Dameron.”
He scoffs, expression bewildered. “Hey, I don’t ask for weird wacky favors,” He articulates his words with a defensive tone, index finger stretched to your face. You simply smack it away as Poe clicks his tongue and continues to clarify his proposition. “All I’m asking is for you to fix my ship.”
Your wide-eyed gaze flies to him, shaking your head furiously. “Oh, no, no. No. Never in a million cycles. Never in a million millennials. Nuh-uh—”
“Hey, quit being dramatic. It’s a simple job.”
Your eyes grow even wider, voice raising. “A simple job? You fly that ship of yours like we have hundreds of spare ones. I’m not putting all my time and effort into fixing a lost cause.”
“But you haven’t even—”
“No. I’m not fixing your ship, and that’s final.”
Poe blinks and you’re back to fussing over your empty cup. The chatter of the crowd grows louder as a group of pilots of the Cobalt Squadron began rendering verses of an unknown traditional drinking song to your ears. You steal a look to only find Ireca and Mohash amidst a dance, tangled in each other's arms.
He eyes closely, noticing the turn of your lips, trained eyes deem melancholy. He knows the face of a loner very well—usually recruits with lost family and homes. They enlist in a mass community of freedom fighters for the restoration of good in the universe, and to finally feel a sense of familiarity and belonging. He doesn’t know much about you but he knows you don’t truly have anyone to depend on but yourself. It’s the reason why you’re constantly fierce.
Poe clears his throat, shifting closer to you as he watches the way you carry your gradual gaze to hold his. They then flit to the space between the two of you, raised eyebrows acknowledging the weird close proximity of his presence to yours.
“Look, you’re the best mechanic there ever was and probably ever will be. So, fix my ship, and you get to have this Corellian beauty. All of it.” He sways the bottle in the air, but you don’t look at it.
“You know, that’s bribery.”
“Yes, and it’s working.”
You scoff. “No, it isn’t.”
Poe laughs. “Yes, it is. I can see it in your eyes.”
Another scoff, you look fully aggravated. “How dense do you think I am?”
“Oh, very, but let’s not get into that.”
Bickering was the only language the two of you spoke fluently when you found yourselves tangled in a conversation with one another. Thrown insults were spoken lies—saying you hate each other when you know that isn’t true. Well, at least you don’t mean it and you hoped Poe didn’t either.
You’re exhausted, physically and mentally. For once, kindness and acceptance seem to be the easiest route.
A sigh passes your lips as you blink up to the ceiling, sending a silent prayer for blessings from the Maker above. “You’re right. I am dense. Truly dense. So, yeah. Okay. I’ll fix that stupid X-Wing of yours.”
Poe blinks, dumbfounded. “Wait, really?”
With a roll of your eyes, they meet his very own wide ones. “Yes, really. Only because you complimented me. Now, hand me that Corellian whiskey before I change my mind.”
He then makes a sound that resonates between a cough and a pleasantly surprised laugh, eyes crinkling with delight. Poe happily and absentmindedly passes the whiskey to you, still reacting like your agreement is some sort of object of ridicule in the best way possible.
“Wow—Maker, you have no idea what kind of trouble you’re saving me from. If the General ever found out—man, pfft. Thank you. Thank you so much—”
A swift and unexpected motion, he is reaching you, palms clasp and either side of your face, and plants a quick peck on the side of your left temple.
Poe isn’t thinking straight.
There you are, mid-swig, lips so close to the rim of the bottle with eyes so wide. You steal a steady glance at the pilot whose expression seems to reflect yours. His hands are still on your cheeks. He’s unbelievably close to you and he’s staring with that stupid look of his.
‘Maker, preserve me.’
A cheer erupts from the crowd from across the space and just like that, the moment is gone. Whatever the moment even was. His touch is no longer on yours and his gaze shifting away.
The tension, however, is still very present.
You finally take a swig of the whiskey, wanting to ease the sudden tightness in your chest. You hum at the stinging sensation on your tongue. You catch a glimpse of Poe from the corner of your eye who busies himself with tapping his fingers nervously against the surface of the bar.
Then, in an awkward motion, you stretch your arm to him, offering the drink.
A beat. His gaze shifts between you and your hand. When he finally gives in, a smile curves upon his lips, fingers brushing against yours. They’re delicate and you smile at him. It's small, but it makes his heart skip a beat and you wonder to yourself about the strangeness of love.
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sweetwolfcupcake · 4 years ago
Allurement: Chills and Creeps
Yandere Namjoon x Reader
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She was not liking it at all, not even a bit. (Y/N) knew that she was sometimes a bit too naive and trusting, the girl was well-aware of her follies. But she was no fool. It was the eighth time she had received a gift- not just any gift- it was an item she remembered vividly checking out online, or perhaps it was what she had eyed when she was passing through the street market. The last time had been a book she had been wanting to read, but of course, she could not afford to spend on anything inessential, (Y/N) had to save money.
                                                                                    There were handwritten notes with each bouquet of flower, or 'gifts', (Y/N) did not know what else to call, them, even though they were gradually making her paranoid.
But as she read the hand-written note, while a bouquet of burgundy roses in her grasp, she felt chills running down her spine.
'The love of my life. I think it is time, we must leave this vain world behind and create one of our own. I shall pick you up tonight when you would be off to your home from your draining shift at the restaurant. You would never have to worry about a thing when you would be with me. I have everything prepared. And tonight, we shall elope. And we will live happily, ever after.'
- Your faithful and devoted soulmate.
The girl felt sick reading the note. Her stomach churned and her eyes welled up with unshed tears as her heart dropped to her stomach. Until now, she had been unsure what to do with all of it, the notes had been getting creepier, first, it was a comment on how her hair seemed to be in perfect sync with the wind, the next one had been a compliment on her dress, even her voice, the person then had commented on her sneakers, and how to smelt like a rare, sweet, untouched flower he wanted to 'bloom in his garden alone'.                                                                              She could not take it anymore, it was turning terrifying and she was already regretting not going to the police. She felt her cheeks dampening as the terror set in. What would she do now? She could not afford to miss even a day at work!                                                                                                        All (Y/N) had ever wanted to support her mother, complete her education and live in peace. Her lips quivered as she sniffled, trying to stifle her sobs, or she could wake up her mother- the woman needed to rest.
"What do I do? Whom had I ever wronged to deserve this?" she whispered, feeling the panic brewing in as more tears cascaded down her flushed cheeks.
(Y/N) had gone to work anyway, she could not even think of missing it, it would take a strain on her bills. And she did not want that. Despite her requests, her employer had not let her off earlier than usual. It was close to midnight when she had stepped out of her workplace and had begun to briskly walk towards her home. Her legs were tired, but she knew that if she would slow down, she could be in danger. She prayed that whoever it was, they were playing a sick prank on her, just a sick prank.                                                                                                                                                              Yet, all such thoughts vanished the moment she heard footsteps behind her, it was at a distance, but it was fast approaching. And without a second thought, she broke into a sprint. With her mouth open, gasping air as she forced her legs to move faster as she ran, she ran for her life, the sound of boots chasing her pushed her further into the edge of fear. She huffed, feeling short of breath. Her lungs burned and her feet ached, but she did not stop, she could not.
Not until she crashed right into another body and screamed in surprise, expecting the worst, but the familiar soothing voice floated in as the person held her close, breaking her out of her panicked state-
"(Y/N)! (Y/N) what happened? It's me, Namjoon! It's alright, you are okay, you are fine, (Y/N), look at me."
She blinked, getting her breathing back into normal, at least that was what she tried. The dreaded footsteps ceased at a distance and as Mr Kim's eyes focused ahead of her, with his jaws clenched and eyebrows drown together, she knew that he could see the person,                          "L-let's just get out of here, please." she pleaded while finally letting a single tear escape her eyes. Her voice had caught Mr Kim's attention as he looked down, eyes reflecting deep concern
"Are you hurt, he hurt you? Why were you running?"
"Just stay here, okay?" with that, before she could protest he was marched past her, she turned back, only to catch sight of a man running away before Mr Kim could confront him, but instead of returning, he took off behind the man. And she was left alone, shivering, sniffling, frightened and incredibly tired.
"Please..." she whispered out to the air. Footsteps floated in once more, only this time, it was the familiar silhouette of Mr Kim that had greeted her sight before she felt relief flooding her tensed nerves.
"He got away, bastard!" Mr Kim hissed, despite the sense of relief and security she felt in his presence, the sliver of his rage had her gulping as she realised that after all, he beyond those polite smiles and benevolent eyes. As soon as his gaze flickered at her, the anger simmered down "Are you alright, Darling? You are trembling, here," he generously took off his coat and dropped it over her quivering form.
"Tha-thank you." fear had not left her yet, if anything, the withdraw of adrenaline hit her all at once and her already weak legs turned completely boneless, but Mr Kim was there to hold her, pull her closer to his comparatively warmer body as he supported her weight.
"Careful there, calm down okay? My car is right here, I have some water. We will talk when you are better, hm?" his voice was soothing, gentle, calm, the depth only added to the calmness as he gently rubbed her shoulder with his thumb.
Under any other circumstances, she would have been uncomfortable, but at the moment, it was addictively reassuring and she wanted nothing more than to lean on him and go to sleep. She was exhausted. A weak squeak escaped her lips as he felt his hand on the back of her thighs before she was heaved up. "W-wait, Mr Kim, you don't need to!" Now pressed flush against his chest as he carried her in his arms, she could feel the vibration of his deep chuckle.
"Don't worry, I won't drop you. Besides, you need to rest." she protested no further, only held on to him in silence.
The short walk was silent until he reached his car and put her on her feet again. Opening the car door, he gently ushered her inside. The warmth of the car added to the relished feeling of safety, and it also made her realise how vulnerable she was. Had Mr Kim not been there...She did not want to even think about what could have happened.
"Here, have some water." he offered her a bottle of water as soon as he was inside the car, as well.
"Thank you," she whispered before accepting and opening it and attaching her lips to the opening straight away, she was parched and the lukewarm water felt like nectar of immortality.
"Slow down, you will choke otherwise, slowly." he fussed and her cheeks warmed up as soon as she realised that she had rendered the bottle useless to him.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, I-I" she could not hold back the sniffle, the fear and anxiety had never left her
"No, no, relax, it's okay, I have other bottles, but I want you to relax first, okay? Here, have some." he cooed as he produced a lollipop from the dashboard, it smelt of fresh lemon and honey "Whenever I am tensed or upset, I used to pop open my favourite lollipop, it helped me relax." suppressing yet another sniffle, she accepted the candy with her shaky hands "Relax, okay? Let's get you home first." she nodded mutely, that was the best he could do for her. All she wished to do was to curl up on her bed and let sleep take over. With that thought, she passed Mr Kim a smile as she put the lollipop inside her mouth. He smiled at her, yet, it seemed sharp. But she was sure she was thinking too much, she was a bit shaken after all.
The car started and Mr Kim took to driving, the silence was comfortable, added to the smooth motion of the car, and the tiredness taking over her, she felt her eyes turning increasingly tired with each passing moment. But she fought it, she did not want to fall asleep in his car, he was already being too kind, too generous. At least she could wait until she fell on her bed. The sweet and sour taste of the lollipop was addictive, it made her realise how long it had been since she had bought herself a stack of her favourite candies.                                                                                      She could not ponder over it long enough but, the tiredness was too much and the call of slumber was compelling enough for her to finally give in and sag against the passenger seat and let her droopy eyelids flutter shut.
Taglist (Kindly remind me later if I missed anyone)- @whatpageisthis @amoc94 @theresa-nam-nam-me @dearbambideer @casualminiaturetimemachine @njrwifey @kpopisnicee @illnevertrustmyselfagain @potterbrooke @luvaffaire @bighitfics @rkive-diary
214 notes · View notes
nancywheelxr · 4 years ago
i'm not sure if you prefer more specific prompts but if you have any interest, something canon-era (compliant or divergence) in the realm of "ye baiyi & every- or anyone"? whichever characters you wanna include; a moment or moments where he feels like maybe there is a little more to the rest of his life than duty and death. it's not only warm food he's been starved of for decades. your writing is great, i hope you're having a good day!
hi! thank you sm! i love getting prompts regardless, honestly, the only difference is that more specific ones tend to get done faster if only bc I already have a loose idea where to go with it! anyway, this somehow turned into a fix-it. that being said, I hope you’re having a lovely day too!
They’re so painfully young.
A bird chirps in a tree somewhere nearby and around the fire, Qin Huaizhang’s disciple throws the blanket on the Wen brat’s face. What set off his sensibilities this time, Ye Baiyi doesn’t know, it might have been the perceived coddling, it might have simply been the fussing– either way, it’s pointless. Does he not know the brat will simply wait until he’s asleep to cover him? Does he not know their ridiculous dance around each other is nothing but time wasted?
How do the young ever get anything done?
Foolish. Have they ever been that foolish? Changqing, he knows, was a most ridiculous man with even more ridiculous ideas– who’s the bigger idiot, then, the fool or the one who loves him? 
“Ye-qianbei,” the boy appears at his side, wide-eyed like a newborn deer and with legs as shaky as one too, “if you’re cold, we have more blankets.”
The absurdity of the situation– to ask Ye Baiyi if he’s cold! What’s the night chill compared to the snowy grounds of his mountain? To him, is this not warm weather? “Little fool,” he says, shaking his head even as he laughs, “you’d do better worrying about your idiot master and his idiot friend.”
The kid looks across the fire, grimaces. “I don’t dare, I don’t dare! My brothers used to tell me not to get in the way when my parents were arguing!”
What a ridiculous child. Ye Baiyi laughs again. “They’re not arguing, they’re being dumb. Watch this,” he flicks a little rock at them, hitting Qin Huaizhang’s disciple in the forehead and earning an outraged glare from the Wen brat. “Qing Huaizhang’s disciple, your disciple is freezing off while you’re fooling around. Is this how you the two of you are going to raise your child?”
Beside him, the kid makes a startled little noise like a scared little rabbit before launching into a stuttering denial, but it’s too late, Qin Huaizhang’s disciple has already turned to focus on him as if smelling blood. “Chengling, are you cold? Why didn’t you say so?”
“Ah, no, no, I’m really not,” he tries, but he is, he wouldn’t have known to worry about others if he hadn’t been feeling the chill himself. “Ye-qianbei! Ye-qianbei–”
“Ah, ah!” Wen Kexing interrupts, shaking a finger in his direction, “why are you calling him? Come here, have this blanket since your Shifu is being stubborn.”
The boy goes obediently, shuffling around and nearly tripping on the log, and allows the Wen brat to wrap the blanket around his shoulders. Predictably, once he’s tucked in, the kid beams, pulling it tightly around himself. 
“Chengling, if you’re cold, you have to tell us,” says Qin Huaizhang’s disciple as if that’s a scolding, as if he’s not fussing over the child himself, stoking the fire and throwing in more kindling. 
A silly child with even sillier parents. Ye Baiyi snorts, shaking his head, and for a fleeting moment, he imagines walking this path alone– searching for the truth on his own, a silent forest stretching all the way to Longyuan Cabinet, only his footsteps left behind to prove he was even there at all– whatever. Picking up Qin Huaizhang’s dumb disciple and his dumb companions might not have been his worst decision so far. 
Maybe he could have found the place already if he were on his own, but at the very least they’re entertaining. Ridiculous, he thinks fondly, shaking his head at the blanket the kid has left folded at his feet.
What a mess.
Rong Xuan, you little brat, he thinks. How long has it been since the boy had first toddled up to him, little hands grabbing fistfuls of his robes? Too many, an eternity, and now nearly all of the boy’s friends are dead, all but one, and Ye Baiyi has to pay his respects to this freshly dug grave in his place. 
What a mess.
If you were in trouble, why didn’t you come back? Questions, questions, it’s too easy to ask them now. Why didn’t you ask for help? Why didn’t you send for us? Why did you think it would accomplish, running away? Stupid child, did you think we would turn you away? 
No, there’s no use asking them now, no point in dwelling in the past. What is there to change, after it already happened? Life is a very long road and the past is a land too distant to travel back to; Ye Baiyi would rather focus on the now.
Avenging their child had not been part of the promise he made to Changqing, but Ye Baiyi found the truth of this matter as he told him he would and the truth of it is that someone poisoned his disciple, his child. This cannot go unpunished, so for a while longer, he’ll live.
Further still, a little ways down, is Wen Kexing, whose parents died for Rong Xuan’s mistakes. A child growing up in a harsh world on his own. This debt, he’ll repay too.
For all that he gives his promises away like currency, Ye Baiyi is not sure how he feels about the piling of them– they stretch his finally numbered days, always pushing the deadline further. After the Heroes Conference, he’ll be done with the Ghost Valley. After he finds Rong Xuan’s murderer, he’ll be done with this mess. After he repays Wen Kexing, he will be at peace. 
And then–
Well. And then wine. Warm food. That was the plan, was it not? Heavens, he’s beginning to sound like Qin Huaizhang’s silly disciple, isn’t he? This won’t do. Changqing, even you would laugh at them. Tell me, then, if you were here, what would you do? Ah, something nonsensical, most likely, like go watch the plum trees bloom.
Ye Baiyi shakes his head, laughs. Changqing ah, won’t you tell me what to do? Maybe this time I’ll listen to you.
What kind of nonsense is this?
In all fairness, as much as his opinion of Wen Kexing has been as changing as the seasons, his uncanny ability to be an annoying nuisance has never flickered. He was annoying when he was staring down Ye Baiyi’s sword and he was annoying when he kneeled on the forest bed in apology and plea. 
Surely, it’s no surprise that he is annoying now, allegedly dead.
And yet, Ye Baiyi had not anticipated this level of stupidity from him: the brat did not tell Qin Huaizhang’s disciple of his plan.
Children, honestly. 
Now, the hem of his robes is wet and a few feet away, Qin Huaizhang’s disciple is wasting perfectly good wine in an unnecessarily dramatic manner. “Whatever stupid thing you’re planning,” Ye Baiyi says, eyeing the broken jar by the rocks, the dullness around the brat, “don’t.”
Zhou Zishu whirls on him with all the grace of a dying wet cat as if he’s in any condition to be fighting anyone, as if his hands weren’t shaking and his steps didn’t falter. The sword, once elegant and proud, wavers. Stupid boy. “Ye Baiyi, you–”
“Have you lost your manners down that jar? Or just your common sense? Put that away before I knock it off your hand myself,” he sighs, shaking his head. He should have stayed in his rooms, like planned, until the Heroes Conference; none of this has anything to do with him, his role in this play is mostly over, he just has to wait it out the intermission. And yet. “What kind of nonsense were you thinking? That fool, Wen Kexing, ran around for days like a headless chicken trying to save you and for what? You to throw it away?”
“What’s the point?” Qin Huaizhang’s disciple laughs, cold as the mountains, “what’s the point if he’s not here? Tell me, qianbei, why should I care to live if my soulmate is gone?”
His sword is dragging up the mud and Ye Baiyi wants to call him disrespectful for it, but the sight of it alone dredges up a well of grief that drowns the words in his throat. Why, indeed. This terrible emptiness, Ye Baiyi knows well– the hollow silence that comes where once a familiar voice called your name, the cold where once there was warmth, a hand never reaching back. Snow, all through summer and spring.
“Because that dumb disciple of yours will not last a day on his own,” he tells him, watching the water run towards the cliff’s edge, “because Qin Huaizhang has only you to pass on his legacy. Because that ridiculous hairpin on your head.”
“That’s not fair,” Qin Huaizhang’s disciple says, sounding exactly like he had been about to do something incredibly stupid earlier that would render this entire charade pointless from the start.
Truth be told, few things are, least of all, fate. Ah, but Ye Baiyi had unchanging decades to come to terms with that, perhaps he should spare the boy the heartache, unfounded as it is. “It’s not, but enough is enough. What are you crying for? Did you think it’s that easy to get rid of that pest? He should be ashamed if a little tumble is all it took.”
“Qianbei… you mean?”
Ye Baiyi heaves a pointedly tired sigh. “Yes, yes, the brat is alive. Probably holed up somewhere in that blasted valley of his.”
Qin Huaizhang’s disciple is as wide-eyed as his baby-deer disciple and if he actually starts crying, Ye Baiyi will drag Wen Kexing out of hiding kicking and screaming just to push him down the cliff again for making him witness this. He’s too old, he has little patience for the dramatics of the young, and he’s supposed to be drinking the best wine from the Yueyang area. 
So before he’s pulled even further into their nonsense, Ye Baiyi turns away, back to town and his quarters where he can drink and meditate in peace and really, Qin-xiaozi, your disciple is even sillier than you. 
At his back, he hears Zhou Zishu call, but his voice is lost to the waterfalls and Ye Baiyi makes no real effort to catch the words. What’s there to say? Pah, he’s already done more than his share on this, at no point did he promise to intervene on their pointless little dance. Once this is all over, that brat has better pay for all the wine in the land. And make those dumplings, too, for good measure.
Nobody told him whose wedding this is.
Considering they are in this thrice-damned place, he’s assuming it’s one of the ghosts, but Ye Baiyi figures the brat would be more annoying if it was his and Qin Huaizhang’s disciple’s. Then again, his own presence here is unfathomable, as is the insistence with which the little idiot had asked him to come. What on earth has Qin Huaizhang’s disciple told that child? Give someone an inch and they’ll take a mile, truly– now that boy is running around thinking Ye Baiyi cares about these lunatics.
“Who let him in!” Wen Kexing is screeching from somewhere, and Ye Baiyi mourns his peace as the brat approaches with his purple shadow trailing after. Had she been there this entire time? He squints. No, he would have noticed it, she’s very loud. “Old toad monster! Why are you still here? Who allowed you past the gates?”
“Who are you to tell me where to go?” He scoffs, flicking his sleeves as he crosses his arms. Nearby, a ghost hastily scurries away. “And it was your dumb disciple who begged me to be here. For what? Will there even be a banquet? And you call that decorations? That lantern is so crooked, it’s offensive!”
The purple child bristles. “Ah! And who does that silly boy think he is, inviting people to my wedding! Old man, you! Of course there’s gonna be food! Master and Luo-yi have been–”
“A-Xiang!” The brat cuts her off, closed fan tapping her forehead, as if everyone and their grandmothers don’t already know he’s been running around making preparations. What face is there to save, shameless as he is? If Ye Baiyi was a lesser man, he might have rolled his eyes. “Stop running your mouth, what is your husband going to say? And you! What crooked lantern? You’re going blind in your age!”
Still, even as he speaks, a pointed glare sends the ghosts scattering like mice, rushing to check on the decorations. Ridiculous. “No wonder the girl has no manners. What, you only know how to be polite when asking for something?”
Wen Kexing grumbles. “This one apologizes, qianbei.”
Well, that’s certainly worse. Unsettling. If even Wen Kexing starts being deferential, then what has the world come to? No, Ye Baiyi finds he’d prefer the brashness. Stupid child, what’s the point in changing his tune now? Pah. “Girl,” he says to that purple wisp of a thing, “your master is a pest. Where’s the wine?”
Baffling enough, the girl laughs, tugging at her master’s sleeves. “Master, master, Zishu-ge was right! You did make a friend!”
“What nonsense is this! Don’t you know when A-Xu is teasing? Friends! As if–”
“What rubbish have you been filling these children’s heads with?” He shakes a threatening finger in their direction. Not that it matters, considering the girl has already stepped back, giggling as she sidesteps Wen Kexing’s fan. 
Leaving them to their childishness, Ye Baiyi slips out of the crowd, picking a jar of wine as he goes. The alcohol is good, burning down his throat, and he hadn’t thought he’d step foot in the Ghost Valley, not like this. Something in him will always recoil at this place, always lay the blame at the valley’s mouth, a yawning jaw that’s swallowed whole the people most precious to him with no mercy. 
And yet, Changqing ah, you bastard, look at it. They’re holding a damned wedding, and here Ye Baiyi is, drinking their wine. Are you happy now? Did you become a bodhisattva yet? Fate makes fools of them all, there’s no way around it. He pours the wine over the rocks, lets it spill and run like blood. Xuan’er, did I not tell you not to climb so high? That shifu wouldn’t always be there to catch you if you slip on the ice? Ye Baiyi laughs at the memory– always clear in his mind, suspended in time, unfading, even if his sight blurs with tears– that boy, always scaring them half to death, climbing up the frozen mountainside as a child, then crying in fright once he looked down. 
“Look at the mess you’ve both left me,” he says out loud, downing the rest of the wine, and the silence is never quite as loud as in the hollow space where another would speak. For so long, Ye Baiyi knew to leave room for Changqing’s teasing, for their child’s incessant questions, even Rong-furen’s tired voice. Then, nothing. “What do you have to say for yourself, hm? Typical. I’ll drink for all of us this time, then, how about it? Changqing, I’m keeping my promises, so you’d better keep yours or I’ll–” 
The jar breaks where it falls from his fingers and he shakes his head as if dispelling the murky thoughts from his head. Perhaps, coming here was a mistake. The ashes have already been sent back to Changming, so what business does he have in this place? To see it closed with his own eyes? Besides, a wedding or two, a handful of people, are not worth the bloodshed creating the valley has brought, no matter what Changqing might say. 
Is this a comforting story to be told later, if– by the bridge, in case– 
His thoughts grind to a halt, veering off suddenly into attention to his surroundings. Someone is coming. Indeed, from his place near the entrance, Ye Baiyi can see in the distance a mob climbing up the path, silent as thieves in the night, with only a blue streak of disciples in plain sight at the front.
So much for avoiding bloodshed. Did they even wait for the dust to settle after the monks left town? And what kind of harebrained scheme is this? Has this generation been born with no brains? Such a reckless, petty move! No honor, agreeing to something and then plunging the knife behind their backs. 
There is little time to curse their dishonesty, though, with their numbers fast approaching, so Ye Baiyi swipes a last look at the desolate landscape and slips back inside to sound the alarms. After all, heaven knows that little purple girl will be terribly loud if she doesn’t get her wedding, and Ye Baiyi is not looking forward to remembering what headaches feel like. Honestly, if these people would stop nearly dying for five fucking minutes–
Today, the mirror showed a new patch of white hair, faint lines at the corner of his eyes. 
Time, it seems, is catching up to him.
It’s exhilarating.
The plum trees have already lost their blossoms, winter gone as swiftly as it came, the cold melting to the lingering warmth of spring. Today, he walks past blooming azaleas, purple and red radiant against the blue backdrop of the sky.
It brings him to little Qin Huaizhang standing beside Rong Xuan, trying so very hard to impress his friend’s seniors with all the desperation of youth. The poetry he had waxed about his sect’s gardens– Four Seasons Manor, blooming all year round! Ye Baiyi had found him so silly, blabbering while Rong Xuan beamed, so quick to pick the fights Rong Xuan dropped. 
At the time, had he not thought history was repeating itself, if kinder? The Baiyi sword, gifted with the promise to keep his dumb disciple out of trouble? He still remembers Changqing’s face, the hypocrite. So exchanging swords for cursed books is fine, but anything else and you draw the line? At least promises were as reliable as the person making them. 
Now, he has to admit, the silly boy had not been wrong– Four Seasons Manor stands in more color than Ye Baiyi had thought possible. If he’ll have time to witness all its blooms, he doesn’t know, but this spring, he’s here, and isn’t that enough?
At the gates, the young disciple lets him in without a word, bowing respectfully like his seniors have never done. Good. At the very least, those two good-for-nothing brats had the decency to forewarn their juniors of his arrival. How long has it been since Qin Huaizhang’s disciple woke up from the procedure? Aiyah, Ye Baiyi can’t remember, he had been traveling south at the time. 
Well, it’s long enough to be past the need for coddling, that’s for sure. “Qin Huaizhang’s disciple, what kind of Sect Leader are you that you won’t come greet your esteemed guest?”
“Not really a Sect Leader,” comes the voice from his left as Zhou Zishu rounds into view, his silly disciple trailing faithfully after him. He looks better now, death no longer draped over his shoulders like a shroud, smiling like he found peace somewhere in the months since that disastrous wedding. “Qianbei, this one is honored to welcome you to our house. You’ve come at a good time, A-Xiang is visiting with her husband too.”
“Who’s an esteemed guest here? All I’m hearing is a bunch of freeloaders!” says Wen Kexing from somewhere inside the building, just as loud and brash as always, and following his words, the thundering footsteps of children. 
Ye Baiyi snorts, shakes his head. Changqing ah, wait a little while longer, will you? I’m on my way, but I have some places to visit first. Meet me by the bridge, I’ll tell you all about it in a bit.
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snapdragon-mina · 4 years ago
A/n: This is not my best work and I do have something better for miruko on the way! This is pretty rushed ngl but I hope y'all enjoy it.
Warnings: Swearing, innuendos, mentions of blood, mentions of bruises
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Being friends with the number 2 pro hero in all of Japan was definitely stressful. There were times were he'd disappear for months with no contact and then magically reappear. Never helped that he usually hadn't had time to actually stop and hang out with you. Your life changed when he invited you to a party dedicated to the pro heroes. 
The two of you were casually chatting when the new no. 5 hero approached. "Hawks, who's the cutie? I've seen all your other lil flings, but this one's new." She seemed to study you. Your face, body, hair, clothes, etc. Anything you had, she was openly staring. 
"Nope, y/n is my best friend. They've always been with me." He put his arm around your shoulder and smiled. Miruko raised an eyebrow. 
"So what I'm hearing is… they're single?" 
"Yeah, I am-" The moment the words left your mouth she grabbed your wrist, grinned at Hawks and dragged you away. 
The moment she stopped dragging you (key word: dragging) was when you two reached one of the many tables in the dining hall. You sat down and she sat across from you. "You a pro?" She asked. 
You nodded in response. "Yeah, but I'm underground. I hate the spotlight." 
She nodded once before suddenly lighting up. "Fight me." 
"Right now?"
"No, not now. After the party. You look pretty strong and you're hot so it's a win-win for me." She casually drummed her fingers against the table. 
Trying to brush off the casual way she just called you hot, you cleared your throat. "I'm down as long as it's in a private space." 
"Good." She grinned, an almost feral look in her eyes.
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The party had ended a few hours ago and Miruko had given you a chance to change into your hero costume. You hadn't worn it to the party for personal reasons. She gave you an address to an abandoned area that (when you looked into it) turned out to be an old fighting ring. The moment you showed up she started rocking in the heels of her feet. 
"Ready to get your ass kicked?"
You rolled your eyes at how eager she was. "By you? It's my dying wish. Try not to use your finishing move on me though, it'd be a… shame if I died tonight because of your thighs."
"That tone of yours says otherwise." She hummed, leading you through the building. 
You just grinned, following her until you both got to the center of the arena. Taking your respectful sides, you nodded at each other and the unspoken rule of this fight was clear. 
Don't kill the other person, but give it your all.
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The fight lasted for almost 3 hours. Miruko watched you lay down on the floor, sprawled out. She was still raring to go but you'd already been exhausted. "Tired already?" She mused. 
"Yeah. I'd do that again in a heartbeat though." You huffed, grabbing a water bottle and chugging it down in seconds. You had bruises everywhere and would definitely be sore as hell in the morning. The rabbit hero was no better. Covered in bruises as well as a bleeding nose. 
You had judged the fight based on who was injured the most. Going up against the number 5 pro hero? The one with what seemed like an insane pain tolerance? You definitely took the L on that one. 
Her crimson eyes watched you as you sat up and stretched. "Think you can stand?" She asked.
"Yeah, you wrapping your thighs around my neck and body slamming me ain't enough to render me completely immoble." With that, you stood up, continuing to stretch. 
Miruko laughs. "If you were a villain there's no way you'd survive that." 
You hummed. "I don't doubt that." You tossed her a water bottle, which she caught easily. 
"Y'know I never considered that someone would actually already know my moves. You countered that shit a lil too easily." 
You shrugged. "What can I say? You're hot and you're powerful. Of course I'm gonna know your moves."
"Feedin' my ego after fighting me? It's almost like you were made for me." She teased, chugging the bottle right after speaking. 
You rolled your eyes and walked alongside her as the two of you left the building.
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It'd been roughly a month since you first met Miruko. Hawks was... Upset. You'd started spending more time with Rumi and it was about time he said something about it.
He called both of you to his appartment and complained for 20 minutes about how much he misses his best friend and how unfair it was that Rumi took you from him.
"You done yet, birdie?" She asked him, bored. He huffed but nodded.
"Hawks, I'm not replacing you. You know you're the only idiot for my best friend slot." You purred at him watching him smile at the compliment and then realize you called him an idiot.
"What have you two been doing this whole time, anyways?" He asked after getting over the insult, which was very quickly.
"I've had her thighs wrapped around my throat more times than I can count." You commented casually, fully aware of how inappropriate that sounded. You watched in amusement as Hawks spluttered in surprise.
"We've been fighting like 5 times a week. That's one of my moves, dumbass."
"Oh yeah..."
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texanredrose · 3 years ago
Can we get a sample of “Eye of the beholder”?
Darkness and pain. That's what she awoke to, despite the sensation of the sun on her skin. A strangled groan of agony wrenched from her lips as she tried to move, the weight of something bearing down on her, but she could neither dislodge it nor even open her eyes to see what it was.
How long had she been out? Was it that very morning that she'd stepped into her chariot, prepared to lead the charge against the enemy, or was it a week past? More?
She couldn't be sure. Couldn't feel anything aside from the pressure and pain, the heat of the sun and the cool kissing breeze of early evening, and Winter Schnee understood very well the traditions of her people. To die on the battlefield- the ultimate honor, not sullied by being removed from the field, left to stand vigil over the sites of bloodshed, and without the sounds of the war drums pounding, she'd been counted among the fallen and left behind.
Of course, given her present situation, she would likely die anyway, but it chaffed at her that she hadn't fallen in combat outright, left instead to succumb to her wounds after the fact.
"Gods, grant me mercy." She coughed, choking on the words and only then becoming aware that she ached for water, for food, on top of everything else.
"Is someone alive out here?" A voice she'd never heard before- curious, surprised, but speaking a language she knew- called out and drew closer. "Or was I just hearing things?"
Another groan left her lips. Some scavenger picking over the remains of the battlefield. "Leave me be."
"Hey, you don't have to be rude; you just-" She heard shuffling off to her right side as whoever had descended upon the killing field stopped. "Wait. C-can you see me?"
"I can't open my eyes so, no, I can't."
"Uh... your eyes are open."
A frown touched her lips as she tried looking around her, but the action drew a hiss as pain flared across her face, which she couldn't assuage with her arms pinned. "Very well then, I amend my answer. I'm apparently blind so, no, I can't."
A sigh- maybe from exasperation or frustration, considering the circumstances, plus the droll tone adopted by the woman as she approached.
"Gee, are you always this charming?" More shuffling until a shadow fell across her, and she could only tell that much because her face suddenly didn't feel as warm. "You're wedged under a bunch of wood and a dead horse. It's gonna take me a moment, but I think I can move it off you."
"Is the horse white?"
"The horse. Is it white?" She could move her head without much pain, though it did make separating the pain a little bit easier now that she could better envision her situation. The agony in her face must be what had blinded her, perhaps one of those vile liquid concoctions the enemy used that would eat away leather if left unattended, and she had a headache that seemed exacerbated when she pressed a particular spot on the back of her head against the ground. Sometime after her helm fell off during the fighting, she must've been dealt a blow that rendered her unconscious and put her in this predicament in the first place. "Well?"
"No, it's brown." It didn't seem like the scavenger was lying but she couldn't be certain. "I don't see a white horse anywhere. Wait, there's a white one with black socks over there."
"That's not mine. Mine was pure white." A little bit of relied settled over her; at least her steed had survived the battle and would live to carry more warriors to the field or sire strong offspring to do it in his stead. The slain one had belonged to an ally and she hoped they’d died, too. Better a warrior’s death than the loss of so vital a companion as one’s warhorse. "Were you here when the battle ended? How long has it been?"
"Honestly, I came when I heard the fighting; made enough noise to echo all through the valley. By the time I got here, one group was retreating while the other chased them, so it's only been a few hours." There's some strange sound, like a low hissing, as she got a bit closer. "This might hurt a bit."
"What are you- ah!" She grimaced as the weight on her suddenly moved, the sound of crashing wood just barely making it over the blood rushing in her ears. Suddenly, she could feel even more pain than before, and it wretched another cry from her lips a moment before something pressed against them, cool and wet.
“Drink this; it’ll numb you to the pain. It’s only temporary though.”
Begrudgingly, she let just a little bit of the liquid spill into her mouth and down her throat, coughing the moment she could breath. “It tastes awful.”
“Of course it does! It’s medicine!” The woman chuckled, carefully slipping an arm beneath her shoulders. “I’m going to help you sit up, okay? Don’t fight me; I want you to drink a little bit more before I get a proper look at your injuries.”
“Just leave me,” she said, though the pain began to ebb from her consciousness, leaving behind a pleasant warmth that calmed her. “Atlas soldiers are honored by death on the battlefield.”
“Are they honored by returning from death on the battlefield?”
If it didn’t hurt her face, she’d probably scowl, so she settled for infecting her tone with enough scorn and incredulity to convey that anyway. “What?”
She hummed thoughtfully. “Here in Mistral, the people have many legends. Stories about warriors plucked from the battlefield, chosen by the gods to become a champion, divinely ordained to fulfill some quest- does Atlas not have tales like that?”
Winter puffed out an irritated breath. “We do, but they’re far and few between, and I’m not much of a champion like this. Don’t try to sway me with your customs.”
“I’m from Vale, actually, but even we have those legends. Maybe the Gods brought me here to help you.”
“Leave me be,” she replied, groaning as the liquid began to take effect, the pain ebbing as it morphed into something nebulous and intangible- incense smoke, already dispersed on the wind. “Let me rest.”
“You can rest in my cave- become stronger. Who knows? Maybe the gods will give you back your sight if you have blind faith.” That didn’t sound like any god she’d worship. She knew only of battle, of life and death, of strength and cunning and speed- one could take nothing on faith in the midst of war. “Come on, let me help you.”
Her brows knit together but she smoothed out her expression immediately after, for the pain could still penetrate the veil of medicine. “You’re persistent.”
“It’s one of my better qualities.” More shifting and hissing, soft touches against numbed wounds- she couldn’t place the previous sounds but perhaps it was the woman’s armor. She’d seen many strange things since coming to this land; that could very well be one of them. “Your wounds are pretty bad; I’m not sure if I can heal them... hmmm... so how about a deal? A bet, if you will?”
Seeing as she lacked the strength to drive the stranger away, she gave an inch. “What bet?”
“I take you back to my cave and try to treat your wounds for thirty days. If, by the end of thirty days you’re not any better, I’ll bring you back here and let you die in peace. How’s that?”
“You fool.” With her ability to feel the agony falling away bit by bit, Winter felt herself become tired. If she could stall a little longer, perhaps she’d pass into her eternal watch long before the stranger had a chance to remove her from the field. “Atlesian soldiers do not die in peace. We die in war, in bloody combat.”
“Fine, then I’ll fight and kill you myself.”
She suspected the answer to be obvious but asked the question anyway. “Are you a warrior?”
“No, not really,” the woman replied, though her voice remained strong. “But it’s not hard to hold a sword.”
That made her pause and think. If a warrior survived long enough, they would be expected to train youngsters. It remained the one thing she hadn’t done; she’d fought, she’d forged her own weapons, her own armor, she’d commanded, she’d won, and she’d lost. But she’d yet to train- and her sister didn’t count. If she trained this stranger to at least hold a sword properly, to actually fight... maybe she could still die in battle.
“Is there another alternative?”
“Oh, sure.” A chuckle. “I could paralyze you with a potion and mend your wounds that way, then leave you in some Mistrali city, where you’ll no doubt be imprisoned as an enemy.” A melodramatic sigh. “At least then, you’d live another twenty years before dying in a jail cell.”
As her lips curled into a sour frown, she had to consider the woman rather clever for that; she would expect such cutthroat tactics from a mortal enemy, not a healer. “What do they call you?”
“... many things,” she replied with a sigh. “But my name is Yang Xiao Long.”
“You may call me Warrior,” Winter said, noting how her tongue felt thick and clumsy, sleep beckoning to her. “Do not let me die away from this place, Yang. This is where I should stand my watch.”
An arm hooked beneath her knees as the stranger picked her with ease. “Warrior’s a kinda... weird name. No offense.”
“I didn’t say it was my name.” Although proud, she couldn’t help but rest her head against Yang’s oddly shaped pauldron, careful not to let the wound on her face catch against the armor. “Only my comrades and enemies are fit to know my name and you are neither.”
“Let no one accuse you of being overly grateful.”
“You’re free to drop me now.”
“As stubborn as you are to die, I’m just as stubborn to help you.” The hissing seemed louder for some reason but... weirdly soothing. “Rest, Warrior. You’ll need it.”
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writteninkat · 4 years ago
vi - water is an enemy
word count - 2,506
warnings: drowning, panic attacks
"All I need is to see your face. Feel my blood running, swear the sky's falling."
You bounce your leg excitedly as you look out the window of the bus, unable to contain yourself. Katsuki clicks his tongue beside you, "Calm down, idiot."
"I'm sorry, but I just get so excited when I get to use my quirk." You beam at him and Katsuki has to look away to hide his faint blush, unbeknownst to him that his blush reaches the tips of his ears.
Once he feels like he's calmed down, he turns back to you, scowl evident on his face. His gaze falls on the pink sakura hairpin he gave you yesterday and clenches his jaw when he feels yet another blush coming his way.
Can I calm down for one minute?! He mentally yells at himself before the bus comes to a halt, telling them they've reached their destination. You almost immediately get on your feet, quickly hopping off the bus. You look around you with sparkling eyes, the place where you were going to test out your quirks was definitely huge and impressive.
Mina hooks her arm around you, pulling you closely to her side as you a short hero clad in white and what looks like a space suit stands in front of you and starts talking.
"As you know, my quirk is called black hole. Just like a black hole, I can suck up anything and easily turn it into dust." You raise your brows, impressed by her powerful quirk. "But my quirk can also easily kill others." You feel your body stiffen. Memories of all the quirk trainers your mother hired for you, looking at you with such fearful eyes. They always screamed the same thing before running away, all bloodied and bruised.
"Get away from me you monster!"
A soft hand around your wrist pulls you out of your daze. You look to your right, raising a brow at Katsuki's alarmed state. "The hell are you spacing out for, idiot? Keep your eyes on the villains." He points forward, making you follow his finger.
In front of you, there is a black and purple warp gate and many other individuals who you did not recognize. Their bloodlust confirmed you that they weren't here to help you guys with your quirk training.
Katsuki starts pulling you back and you notice all your other classmates running back to where the gate of the facility is located. Before you could even get to the exit, the dame black and purple warp gate appears in front of you, trapping you all between himself and the villains.
Everything is moving so fast- suddenly Katsuki and Kirishima are jumping towards the villain using their quirks at him before the black and purple matter encases you all. You look around and see nothing but darkness. You feel your chest contract and your body starts to shake.
"/Heroes should not have panic attacks. How do you expect to save others when you'll be the one being saved?/" You can hear his deep voice in your head, you feel like breaking it open to take him out of there.
Tears brim your eyes and before you lose it, you see blue. You feel yourself falling and you look around, seeing Izuku falling into the water as well.
"Izuku!" You yell, catching his attention. "Y/n! I'm fine! Let's just swim to land and we'll regroup there-"
"It's not that!" Your tears blur your vision as your body shakes in fear. "I can't swim-"
The last thing you see is Izuku's expression turn to panic before hitting the water. You blink away your tears, looking up as you extended your arm out, kicking your feet as hard as you can, but to no avail.
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Finally, summertime!
You run through your father's yacht, your stuffed bunny in your arm as your giggles fill the halls. Crew members smile and greet you as you pass by them and you do the same thing back.
You reach the back of the boat, eyes looking out at the vast ocean in front of you. You pitter patter your way towards the very back of the boat, watching as many small white bubbles come up as the propellors push the boat forward.
It all happens so fast; one moment you're peering over the edge of the boat to see if you can spot any dolphins, the next the big waves causes the boat to get a little rocky, causing you to fall off.
"Miss Y/n!" You hear one of the crew members shout, the lady with the pretty ponytail. Through the stinging sea water in your eyes as your arms and legs flail around in desperation to not drown.
"Dad-! Daddy!" You call out, choking on the sea water. You can see your father standing at the dock as your mother dives into the water in an attempt to save you as well.
He's just standing there. Arms crossed in front of his chest and an unimpressed scowl on his face. You were drowning, and he was just standing there.
You feel your body sink, water around you as your stuffed bunny floats out of your grasp. Your vision is blurry, your lungs and eyes sting, your body is aching, but modt of all, your heart clenches at the memory of your father doing nothing and instead watches as you drown.
The feeling of a hand wrapping around your wrist before being pulled upwards forces you to stay conscious, but not enough to wake up. You feel that you're no longer in the water and something hard on your back. No, more like, you're on something hard.
Finally, your lungs burn as you cough out water, your body spasming as you let out the water from areas where there shouldn't be water.
The soft feeling of your mother's body holding yours relieves you- she's just fine after diving into the water. You open your eyes, still heaving as you look up. The first thing you see is your father, a look of disgrace in his face ad he looks down on you.
"And you want to be a hero? You can't even swim." He sneers.
"She's still four years old!" You hear your mother yell.
"She's already four years old!"
Your surroundings begin to turn as you feel your eyelids getting heavier. Your mother notices this and starts frantically shaking you to keep you awake, but you can't fight the darkness that envelops your weak body.
"Y/n! Baby!" Your mother's voice sounds muffled, as if she's really far away. "Please wake up! Y/n! Y/n!"
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"Y/n wake up!" Izuku's voice pulls you out of the darkness and you sit up immediately, gasping for air. He rubs a hand on your back, helping you calm down as you try and collect yourself.
You look around and see two more of your classmates looking at you worriedly, a girl who you remember is Tsuyu Asui and the little grape boy named Mina? Mint? Menti?
Once you've recollected yourself, you stand up, looking around to see you four standing on a boat. You sigh, of course it's a boat. Of course I almost drowned.
As the three of them discuss the current situation, you look around you, trying to find a way to get back to solid ground. Something catches your eye- in the corner, you see a shark-like fin coming towards you. As you take a better look, you notice that there are several others and that you four are surrounded.
"Call me Tsu."
"No time for that!" You yell, running back to them. "Use your quirk to wrap your tongue around the boys. Do your best to not let go of them." She immediately does as told. You warp an arm around her waist, jumping as high as you can.
"Are those villains?!" Grape boy yells, pointing at the people in the water. "What's your plan?" Tsuyu asks, to which you ignore. "Do you guys trust me?" You ask and the three of them immediately nod.
"Izu! I'll leave the landing safely on the ground to you!" You yell, throwing them as far as you can towards where solid ground is. Fingerless gloves appear around your hands and you turn your body, fist making contact with the boat's roof first as you punch it down. The boat is pushed down to the ground by your punch, creating a crack.
The water along with the villains all go down like your soap and water in a drain when you take a bath. The entire 'ship-wreck' situation is no more when the water isn't present anymore. You use your speed quirk to quickly make your way to your classmates, worried about whether they landed safely or not.
"Izu!" You yell, smiling when you see all three of them standing and okay. "You guys landed alright?"
The three of them nod and as Tsuyu and grape boy lead the way, Izuku stops you with a grin expression on his face. "What's up?" You ask.
Out of no where, he pulls you into a hug. It feels so warm and genuine, a similar feeling to what your mother gives you. "I'm here for you." He whispers, his arms tightening around you. You smile, hugging him back. "Thank you, Izuku."
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The three of you run to where you can hear fighting and see Aizawa battling with the creepy guy with hands all over him. Yours eyes dart to the wound on Aizawa's elbow which makes you question, just what was that villain's quirk?
"You're a little too out of your element here, eraserhead. You're much better working stealthily, you're known for surprise attacks not fighting head to head." The villain speaks up, his voice raspy and creepy but all the more exhilarating.
"Then I should be a good match for you." You speak up, standing and ignoring your classmates' multiple attempts to tell you to stay hidden.
"Y/n what are you doing?! Stay back and let the pros deal with this!" Aizawa yells, ticking you off. Two black daggers with neon blue accents that run down the edges of the blades appear in your hands. "And what do you expect us to do if you die and we're rendered helpless?" You ask, pushing the blade in front of you in a horizontal manner.
"And if you get hurt, what am I supposed to tell your parents?! Just stay back!"
"First of all, correction, parent. Singular. You'll only be speaking with my mom. Second, training to become a hero and getting hurt in the process is all in a day's work!" You activate your speed quirk, making your way to the villains surrounding your teacher.
You swiftly hit them with your blade in their delicate parts; neck, calves, eyes, stomach. They all fall down and you quickly replace your daggers with your usuall claymore, easily slicing the big villain into two. Your large blade hits the ground, creating a crack just the size of your leg as you pant.
"I see. Being this powerful has its downsides as well. You're easily tired, aren't you?" The same creepy villain observes, ticking you off as well. He's smart, he's also very observant. You can clearly see how these guys ended up trespassing to UA without any problems with this guy leading them.
You smile, eyes growing tired as you switch to your defense mode. This is a skill you learned from one of your mother's bodyguards- you shut off your capability of being able to reason in exchange for heightened senses.
You had to have only one goal to be able to use this skill of yours. And you decided that that one goal was to protect your classmates and teacher.
You feel your chest fall as you hear the sound of your teacher grunting in pain behind you. "What do you think of him, eraserhead?" You turn around, eyes widening in horror at the sight of your teacher pinned to the ground by a large thing. Its brain is exposed and it looked horrifying. "He's the bioengineered anti symbol of peace. But you can call him Nomu."
You feel your breakfast that morning slowly rise up to your mouth- your teacher's arm had been twisted in such a wrong way and there's blood all over him.
"Stand back. If you want to protect someone, protect your classmates." Aizawa grits through his teeth and your legs function by themselves, quickly jumping to bring you to where your friends were.
Your mind races at the thought of your teacher dying, at the thought that you weren't able to save him. Will you be able to save your classmates to? Are you exactly what he said you were? Weak?
Everything is suddenly moving slowly- you as well. You look to your left, seeing the villain already there beside you with his hand extended to Tsuyu, about to make her crumble with his quirk just like what he did to Aizawa's elbow.
Your heart sinks, you won't be able to live with yourself if you couldn't stop him from reaching Tsuyu. You just can't. Before you can move an inch, the villain stops and turns around, looking at Aizawa. "You really are so cool. Eraserhead." You turn back to see Aizawa using his quirk before his face is pushed back to the ground.
You feel a strong gush of air come from behind you and it takes you a little over a second to see that Izuku used his quirk, throwing his fist at the villain.
The cloud of dust clears up and Izuku looks a little bit too surprised that his arm isn't broken, but the look on his face falls as he looks up and sees the nomu standing in front of him, indifferent to what he had just done.
"You're all pretty strong here, aren't ya?" The villain behind the nomu points out. The bioengineered monster reaches over to grab Izuku, but you push your legs to move, using your claymore to cut its hands off.
"Stay away from my friends you disgusting biohazard!" You yell, gritting your teeth as your hands tighten its grip on your claymore. The sight of its flesh growing back causes you to take a step back.
Before any of you could move, the sound of something breaking catches your attention. You look up at the top of the stairs, your heart swelling when you see a familiar tall blond. Although you know he's weak, you can't help the warm feeling in your chest, a feeling of relief that All Might is here.
Is this how it feels like to have hope? To hope for a hero to save you?
Your body turns into jelly and you fall to your knees, Izuku and Tsuyu immediately supporting you on your sides. With the last bit of strength you have, you lift your head to look at the villain before smiling.
"All Might's here to fuck you up."
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echo-three-one · 4 years ago
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The strongest lead toward Shepherd that will lead them to Nero. (honestly I can't think of better summaries lately. I hope you're still enjoying THE ROAD SO FAR (CUE carry on my wayward son)
Table of Contents
Previous Chapter : If I Remember Correctly
Chapter 22 to another story made by Ray (echo-three-one) Comments and Reviews appreciated! I hope you enjoy! Love you all ❤️ Look how far we've come!
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Going Dark - Part 1
Safe House 110197, Brazil
Alex woke up to the smell of Samantha's shampoo. God, she smelled so beautiful. He thought as he shifted his position carefully, trying not to disturb his sleeping girl.
Samantha caught wind of his actions and turned back to him. 
"Good Morning." Alex greeted with the most wholesome and lovable smile he could ever conjure. He could see Samantha actually blush at his smile, meaning that his charm still worked toward her even after all those times.
"Good Morning… you-" She greeted back but Alex immediately met her lips with his, turning a simple morning greeting into a hot make out session. Samantha ran her hand across his arm down to his chest, pushing the tough muscle as her eyes slowly closed, enjoying the way Alex's mouth moved inside hers.
"I wish I could just sit out this mission and stay here with you…" he mused, tapping her nose and smiling.
"You go out there and fix the world, hero. I'll be here when you get back." She winked as Alex slowly got up and left the room, his eyes never leaving hers until he was out of sight.
Alex stepped out of the stairs to the view of Price complaining about the water. Roach was already shuffling to the kitchen to satisfy their Captain's needs. This gave Alex the chance to check on Maxine.
"How are you holding up, Maxine." He asked.
"What's wrong, lass?" Price inserted sipping his morning coffee.
"Hey Alex, Captain Price…" She greeted, her voice was shaky but she looked like she had the courage to respond.
"I had a strange dream last night… I believe it was one of my memories." She spoke softly. Price and Alex's face lit up.
"That's good news!" Alex cheered, shaking her shoulders and quickly withdrawing his hands as soon as it felt awkward.
"Good on ya, lass. Cheers to that!" He raised his mug and nodded.
"Captain Price." Another familiar voice interrupted behind them.
"I have intel on Shadow Company." Ghost announced, everyone fell silent and they immediately gathered around the command center. Soap and France followed as they walked down the stairs together.
"Three addresses in three separate London Apartments." he informed while typing furiously across the keyboard. The map had three yellow blinking dots, two of them were close to each other while one was far away.
"Intel says they're not sure which of these had a Shadow Company residing in it. They're most probably on leave and might be armed." Ghost added, showing three faces of men which were presumed targets for intel.
"Where'd you get these? They look like very classified information." Price asked, crossing his arms and looking at Ghost.
"Let's just say I know someone." he replies smugly.
"And why would we follow such a lead?" Jack added, making the situation very awkward for the rest of the team.
"Is this…" Soap tried to insert.
"Yes, Soap. It's interpol." he finished. The rest of the team looked at each other.
"They wanted to investigate more on the Shadow Company. But since they aren't authorized to act on it, all they do is gather information. Which is frustrating-" Ghost complained but got cut off by Price.
"They're asking for our help because we're rogue. No rules, no anything…" He stated the bitter tone in his voice was too clear.
"We can't just casually fly to London, right? Who's helping us?" Alex stated the larger problem at hand. If this lead is solid enough, they have to act on it.
"Nikolai could fly us in. I could pull a few favors from S.A.S. but they're going to have to be sneaky to let us land there. We can't forget the fact that we're fugitives. I mean, Shepherd only put Me, Alex, Soap, Ghost and Roach on his list." Price said.
"My dream of being wanted came true in the worst way possible." Soap cracked a joke to lighten up the mood. It obviously worked except for Jack, who always never gets the humor.
They continued briefing, planning the route that they would take saving the most time. Which weapons to use and other protocols to follow. 
"Saving the world once again, my hero?" Samantha leaned on him as he continuously flicked Soap's lighter.
"Stop calling me that. I'm no hero. I'm just trying to set things back the way they were." 
"Like what heroes do." Samantha chuckled sitting next to him and rested her head on his lap.
"My Dad probably misses me so much." She sighed, looking at Alex as he looked down on her, his fingers played with her hair.
"If we could find the perfect time, we could tell him you're safe. It's unfair how the whole world thinks we took you as a hostage." he complained.
"Well, when you think of it I really am a prisoner here." she mused as Alex's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Then once his brain cells finally agreed, he smiled and laughed.
"Oh I get it." he reached for her hand and put it close in his heart. 
"You're trapped in here aren't you." they both laughed.
"That's so corny, right?" Samantha giggled.
"Yeah. It is." Alex replied as they continued to spend the rest of the few hours they had together before flying to the Majesty's domain.
Price wasn't able to land on the S.A.S. base, but they did assist the rogue team to land on an open area not too far from the base and Nikolai seemed to be fine with it. The team borrowed MacMillan's jeep and took the road less traveled to the city. 
Everyone looked alert and worried, this was a risky move but it was all they had to get to Shepherd, to get to Nero.
They drove as fast as they legally could, knowing that their faces wouldn't be recognized by anyone until Ghost distributed his extra skull masks, which allowed them to move freely across the streets of the nearest target location.
The first apartment room was located on the third floor, that meant they had to ascent two flights of stairs without raising suspicion. Ghost immediately worked his way to the basement and disabled the lights.
A quick flicker and the building's lights immediately shut off, making some of the tenants scream in surprise. It was time to move.
The team slowly crept the stairs, their steps were light enough that they could only hear faint creaking. Price led the line as they cleared the hallway all the way up to the third. 
Alex was behind Price as he saw the target room's door was slightly ajar. It's either they're lucky he forgot to lock it or they were too late. Proceeding with extreme caution, Price swung the door open and continued to scour the room for the guy. 
"Right door, clear." Price announced as everyone scattered around to look for intel. Jack searched the closets hoping that clues were left behind inside pockets. Roach looked for the drawers while Price and Alex looked for clues of possible escape. 
"Someone's going up to this floor." Soap whispered as he signaled the team to remain quiet. He was by the door on lookout for the team.
Complete silence. Alex could only hear his breathing and his heartbeat as the person walked past the hall, not minding the open room he just passed through.
They took a few more minutes of intel gathering until they ultimately decided to call it off. It was a dead lead.
"Two more houses." Ghost announced as the team silently regrouped by the car where Nikolai was waiting. The lights immediately returned as soon as they set foot on the vehicle.
"I sure hope we get something from the next house." Roach wished as they drove to the next location.
The second location almost had the same layout. They did the same plan but this time Alex and Soap switched roles. Guard duty was significantly harder when it's dark and Alex did his best to heighten his senses. 
Signs of struggle were heard from the inside and Alex assumed they finally identified one of the targets. He could hear the person's groans and struggles as well as his team working hard to constrain the person.
"Ghost. It looks like they got him." Alex reported as he could hear Ghost working on something. Then in just a flash, the lights turned back on along with a loud booming sound of Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up". Alex entered the room and looked at the poor guy being surrounded by his squad. He was trying to scream for help but Rick Astley begged to differ. 
"We're just here for one simple question…
WHERE. IS. SHEPHERD?" Price roared. The guy didn't easily give in. He just shook his head and continued to struggle free. Jack immediately pulled his hand and placed some pliers in between the hostage's fingers.
"Isn't that a little bit too harsh?" Soap whispered to Roach, who just shrugged.
"What's harsh is that they used an innocent daughter as bait." Jack slowly squeezed the pliers making the hostage scream. 
"AAAAAAAAAH." He squirmed making the rest of the team hold him tight. Alex had his eyes set on the door as neighbors started to complain about the booming music.
He squirmed enough that it activated something in his pocket, a smartphone whose light shone through the fabric of his pants. Then in a flash, a small scale EMP blast rendered the whole building quiet. All electrical devices were disabled and Alex and the team found themselves kneeling as the loud ringing triggered their ears.
None of them were too quick to react as their hostage looked like he wasn't affected by the blast. He bolted toward the exit and Alex attempted to grab him by the foot, only for him to effortlessly shrug him off and stomp on him, causing him to roll in pain.
From the corner of his eye, he could see Soap follow along with Roach, who were still holding their ears and wincing from the pain of the ringing. 
Next Chapter : Going Dark - Part 2
Notification Squad my Beloved
@samatedeansbroccoli @smokeywhalee @enderio @whimsywispsblog @beemybee @ricinbach
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