#this is meant in a hashtag lighthearted way btw
simmonsized · 4 months
about to make a poll that is titled "do you actually hate bro strider or do you dislike the version of him you have created in your own head" and there will be no I'm bald/show results option
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p-redux · 7 years
Disclaimer: This is part 6 of an 11 part series entitled “The Barbie Wars,” a term used to describe the few weeks at the end of 2014 when actresses Amy Shiels and Cody Kennedy engaged in a cyber catfight over Sam Heughan. This is meant to be lighthearted and all in jest. No disrespect to any parties is meant. If you think this may offend you, stop reading now, and please go find a sense of humor. :-)  
In Part 5, we saw that Sam had posted this pic of himself in front of the De Lorean from the movie Back To The Future, and that Cody had left a comment on it. So, on the same day that Sam posted this pic on IG 👇
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…Cody posts a pic on IG, Twitter and FB in the exact same spot in front of the De Lorean from Back To The Future as Sam had! 👇
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On IG, Sam “liked” it AND left a flirty comment referencing a line from the movie 👇“88.8 mph girl.”
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Cody also posted the pic on her Facebook account. Someone looked at her Edits, and it shows that she first posted that Sam took the pic calling him “my Mr. Sam Heughan,” then correcting it to “photo by Mr. Sam Heughan,” but then she must have gotten flack for it and deleted the Sam reference, but there it is.👇 Extreme Shippers tried to sell the narrative that this wasn’t a date, and that Sam’s friend Luke Neal was with them, but there is no evidence showing Luke was there, but even if he was, Luke was dating Faye Thomas at the time. In other words, that doesn’t change the fact that Sam and Cody were there on a date.
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After this, ALL HELL broke loose. The fandom was divided into SamCait shippers and still hopefuls who now had TWO blondes to hate (The term Barbie 1 and Barbie 2 were coined then to differentiate between Amy and Cody); fans who were still Team Amy; and now a new group that was Team Cody, and then of course, the super fans and book fans who were still above it all.
But no one could have predicted what would happen next…the infamous Halloween pics of Cody and Sam at Matthew Morrison’s annual Halloween Bash. 
The Halloween party was held on October 25, 2014. Sam went dressed in regular clothes, no Halloween costume, and Cody’s Halloween costume was sexy lingerie. The only reason there are even pics of them there is because a fan recognized Sam and told the paparazzi who he was, if not, no one would have even known he and Cody had gone. Neither one were famous enough to get recognized. This fan also confirmed that Sam and Cody were kissing while waiting for their car to be brought by the valet (I have those screencaps if anyone wants to see them). Extreme Shippers like to say that Sam and Cody going to the Halloween party was a PR setup, but NOPE. 1. Like I said no one would have known who they were if not for this one Outlander fan who was there and recognized Sam, and 2. Sam and Cody weren’t famous or well known enough to provide PR for each other if they were seen together. But more on that later. Below are a couple of pics of Sam and Cody leaving the party.👇
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BTW, Cody posted a pic of herself that Sam took inside the party, and also answered a fan who asked if Sam liked her costume but apparently the post was taken down. Below is the fan witnessing that this did happen.👇
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After this, the Halloween pics of Sam and Cody went viral and they both got crucified by many fans. The Cody hate was at an all time high, and Amy was starting to look like the jilted lover. It didn’t help matters when a few days after the Halloween pics came out, Amy Tweeted this out 👇
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Oooooh BURN! Look a the massive shade thrown Cody’s way by Amy. The Cosmopolitan article was about what guys think of sexy Halloween costumes, and that basically many guys don’t really like slutty outfits. And that hashtag Amy added, #girlspleasedontbetacky leaves NO doubt what Amy meant or who she was referencing. Oh snap!  
The Barbie Wars were officially in full swing. So, we all made buckets of popcorn, put our feet up and waited for the next Tweet or post. Your turn, Cody…
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Cody’s response to Amy’s slap down coming up in Part 7! Stay tuned!
Part 6 of 11
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