jaysmith2232 Ā· 8 months
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jaysmith2232 Ā· 8 months
A Solemn Promise
Your stunning eyes, your breath taking smileā€¦
Has made me walk ,longing for you, mile upon mile.
I promise to be with you till the end,
In your life, I will always be your best friend.
I dream of you every day and night,
In pain and fear, I will always hold you tight.
You will never be alone ,
Because I promise to be yours,
Even after my name is chiseled upon my head stone.
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jaysmith2232 Ā· 8 months
Feeling out of touch,
Maybe feeling too damn muchā€¦.
Hard to breathe
Weird to touch
Acting normal
Think too much
Trying hard
To figure out
Moving onward
Engulfed in doubt
Don't look back
Too much pain
And in fact
Nothing to gain
Filled with knots
Wasted time
A penny for my thoughts
I deserved a dime
Who's to say what's true
I never said I was right
Guess I never knew
It's not worth the fight
Thinking about before
Don't know who I was
Could have closed the door
And never been an "us"
Said you would stay
Promised you could
Chose to walk away
I knew you would
Everything was fine
Said we'd never part
Knew it was a line
But gave you my heart
I'll take the blame
I've always known
I played your game
You lost alone
I know you know
There's more to give
You were a stepping stone
I have a life to live
Hard to love
Weird to trust
Acting typical
Think it was lust
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jaysmith2232 Ā· 8 months
If I thought for just one moment that this would be my last breath,
I'd tell you I'll love you forever, even beyond death.
If I thought for just one moment that your face would be the last I'd see,
I'd take a million pictures and save them just for me.
If I thought for just one moment that your voice would be the last I'd hear,
I'd listen attentively and promise not to shed a tear.
If I thought for just one moment that your touch would be the last I'd feel,
I'd embrace you and know that this has all been real.
If I thought for just one moment that my heart would beat its last beat,
I'd thank the Lord for allowing us to meet.
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jaysmith2232 Ā· 8 months
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jaysmith2232 Ā· 8 months
Iā€™m on my way backā€¦wow Canada you are wildā€¦me a DeMarvin and Rashad were mobbed every where we wentā€¦then in the clubsā€¦.the women were very forward and persistent. We met these group of models, and they seem really koo and just hung out with us for the rest of the night man could they drink lol they were a whole lot of fun, thank you to , Shay Mitchell, Leyla Razzaghi, and Sarah Jordan ā€¦we want to thank you for showing us around and making a great trip even betterā€¦.i hope we were perfect gentleman and next time we are in Canada we will definitely get together again.
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jaysmith2232 Ā· 8 months
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It took a few days but Iā€™m finally doneā€¦I hope this good luck finds the right person
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jaysmith2232 Ā· 8 months
Eternal devotionā€¦
Devotion for his sweetheart, he stood close by
Her side,
and held her hand through the good and the bad,
His love he would never hide.
When she gave him children, he upheld his part,
and held their hands through the good and the bad.
and loved them with all his heart.
With all the years together, he dotted on his bride,
and held her hand through the good and the bad,
Just to be close by her side.
Then her body weakened, he pushed her to be strong,
And held her hand through the good and the bad,
But knew they wouldnā€™t have long.
Devotion for his sweetheart, he love this
Woman so,
and held her hand the day she died,
He could not let her go.
Now at her grave he whispers, ā€œ when I get to
The other side,
I hold your hand through eternity,
Forever youā€™ll be my bride.ā€
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jaysmith2232 Ā· 8 months
your always with me..
In your arms,
Iā€™m in my safe haven.
With you holding me tight,
I have no other craving.
All I need
Is that one look.
That says your always there,
Just like in a fairy tale book.
Your eyes talk to me,
As my world comes to a stand still.
My once empty heart,
Now with love does it fill.
Your eyes tell me,
That youā€™ll love me every day.
No matter what may come,
Youā€™ll be here to stay.
I tell you everything
And never with a lie:
All my worldly secrets,
and everything that once made me cry.
Everything in my past,
With you I can forget it all.
I know I can trust you,
To catch me if I fall.
If only I could explain,
How much love I have for you.
Then maybe, just maybe,
Youā€™d feel it to.
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jaysmith2232 Ā· 8 months
Man Canada was crazy tonightā€¦they are really passionate and they can drink lol, me a demarvin and Rashad had a great time, got to see some fights and now we are gonna go explore the townā€¦
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jaysmith2232 Ā· 8 months
She isā€¦.
Favored by the birds and the cattle
Welcomed by the rising sun
Circled by the westward wing
Natureā€™s chosen one
Witness to the age-old battle
Sheltered by the ancient trees
Kissed by springtimeā€™s flying friends
Natural in her ease
Patron of the wood and pond
Champion of the wild and free
Fixer of the shattered limb
Keeper of the sea
Maker of the sacred bond
Healer of the tortured soul
Gather of those in need
Mindful of the toll
Traveler on the harsher path
Resistant to probing pain
Giver of the gift she needs
Mourner of the slain
Stalwart in the aftermath
Mender of the broken tree
Willing sword for natures wrath
Everything to me
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jaysmith2232 Ā· 8 months
Tears of blood fall from my broken heart.
I never thought we would be apart.
When you held me you said forever.
Now that youā€™re gone, I know you meant never.
Saying you love me with that look in your eye
And that was a cold hearted lie.
Your tender touch, a soft kiss
Two things about you I will miss
As I sit here thinking about you,
My face is wet with tears past due.
I should of cried a long time ago
But I loved you so.
I know they say love is blind
But I had only you on my mind.
A hurt so deep it cuts like a knife,
But wounds will heal and Iā€™ll go on with my life.
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jaysmith2232 Ā· 8 months
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I may never see tomorrow thereā€™s no written guarantee
The things that happens yesterday now belong to history.
I can not predict the future I can not change the past
I have just these present moments, I must treat them as my last.
Forever as part of yesterday, I must exercise compassion and help the fallen to their feet.
Be friend to the friendless make an empty life complete.
The unkind things I do today may never be undone,the friendships I fail to win may nevermore be won.
I may not have another chance on bended knees to pray, so i thank god with a humble heart for giving me this day.
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jaysmith2232 Ā· 8 months
A sharpened dagger stabbed in his heart,
Ripping him two, ripping him apart,
It only took a few, but her words cut him deep,
Stealing emotions, making him weak.
A two sided mirror, true in reflection,
A double edged knife severing all connections,
A place in his heart forever reserved,
For the one that he loved, but didnā€™t deserve.
She twisted the dagger it tore him apart,
She stole what was left, she stole a broken heart.
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jaysmith2232 Ā· 8 months
Would you care if we quit talking for days?
Would you care if i walked away?
I need to know how you feel.
So I can begin to heal.
I liked it when you were by my side.
I hate that you tried to hide.
From the constant cheating and the lies.
Bringing us one step closer to goodbye.
I know that lying is a fact.
Because I caught you in the act.
Now itā€™s even harder to trust you.
Now that I caught you red handed and busted you.
Seems to me like you donā€™t care.
Whether or not If I was there.
I always wondered who your with and where you been.
I always wondering if your with another man.
Iā€™m not saying I donā€™t believe you.
But too many people have told me to leave you.
But you are my everything.
But now its even harder to tell if you feel that way with me.
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jaysmith2232 Ā· 9 months
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jaysmith2232 Ā· 9 months
Man here I am in Baltimore, to see my boy demarvin take out the ravens. I got chill with him, when I got in today and it made me see everything like when we were growing up. I realized i had become blind and changed from who I used to be.being here in Baltimore with my boy, and then gettin to chill with my other boy Ty and watch him and the 76ers, and then us gettin go out like old times just with more money, man I realized I missed my boys but Iā€™m happy both of them are in the same state doin their thing. Gettin away from all this bullshit, really cleared my head and for once in a long time Iā€™m thinking and seeing clearly. Instead of tryin to please people and shit Iā€™m just goin with the flow and whatever happens, happens. If itā€™s meant to be, then itā€™s meant to be but Iā€™m gonna change my shit for the people that want to be in it, and not the people tryin to fit in it. I dont know if I needed today to happen to wake me up, but it did. I know Iā€™m gonna get hell for sayin it like I planned shit to happenā€¦because I didnā€™t but sometimes shit you donā€™t plan on happening is usually the shit that needs to happen. Like I said I dont know if today was a test or if it was just a wake up call, but I know today happened. I apologize to anyone that I hurt or offended and you know who you are..,like honestly my bad. It took me gettin away and seeing the people who excepted me from day 1, to wake me the fuck up. Man I should have listen to my boys all along, well letā€™s get this weekend with 2 dubs and then me and my boys are gonna kill the night like old timesā€¦the only one weā€™re missing is our boy g-dub and I wish him and his jets good luck Sunday hope they go out on top, weā€™ll be watching bruh so you better go off like you used to for lake Travis. Man really all I can wish for is my bous to have beast gamesā€¦I know Ty lost tonight but boy fucked around and had a near 30 piece double double, talk about my boy doin work. Man I miss playin with you in travel ball dawg so me and D are gonna be alil late Saturday,but weā€™ll make it like old times gassin your ass up. I remember when you were playin at south garland, and dude from the other team was like ā€œ I got Maxey, I want Maxeyā€ and the ref didnā€™t miss a beat n was like ā€œ na, you donā€™t want himā€ we spent that weekend laughing our asses off, and that was was the running joke when someone wanted to guard you. Man I miss the old days, but shit it will be like old times Saturday night homie.
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