#this is literally just me venting/ranting about the game for 1000 words
eaglefairy · 1 year
I think, at some point earlier in this liveblog, I said that I've never played a game that felt so dedicated to making me dislike it while I'm trying to enjoy it, and however many hours later I am into x*noblade 2, this is still 100% true.
I think the worst part for me is that it's not just the gameplay or just the story/worldbuilding/etc I have problems with. It's both. The map and the menus are both far worse and less navigable than the first game (I'm about to redo my equipment soon and I am dreading that), and everything is so horribly explained that I genuinely gave up during chapter 3 on my first playthrough. (To be fair, this game at launch had a lot more issues than it does now, and a lot of things got fixed with the dlc and patches. Speaking of which...)
I sincerely dislike nearly every single aspect of the blade system. It was DEFINITELY one of the main things that made me drop this game back in 2017. I was failing constantly in battle because I didn't know what I was doing, so naturally I wanted to get more blades. But it was Gormott in chapter 2: the only option available to me was the gacha. But again: 2017, so I didn't have access to all the crystals in the DLC, so I could barely summon any blades! Not to mention how the game completely betrays you, the player, by giving you Tora as the third party member when he can only equip the Poppis. One thing that is crystal clear is that the core gameplay loop of this game is built around chain attacks (which aren't unlocked until chapter 3, by the way). This game's combat is at its best when every Driver is equipped with 3 blades, and that is literally impossible for Tora until over halfway into the game! Not to mention Tiger Tiger, which is a minigame from hell (and didn't have easy mode at launch, just saying).
Oh, but that's only the gameplay aspect! There's still blade designs and lore to talk about! Blade designs...okay. listen. I don't like how a lot of the blades look, I will say that upfront, and it is because of the designs of the female blades being so sexualized. However, that isn't actually my only problem with Blade designs. Honestly, I'm more disappointed that there aren't more cool animal blades. Like, we got Dromarch! And that's about it. There are some other monstery rare blades like Wulfric and Boreas, but the vast majority are just Hot Anime Tiddie Women and frankly I feel like that's a failure of imagination. And blade lore. I know I've said this a lot before, I'm waiting to say my full piece on this until I have full context, but the pieces I have are not looking good. (Thinking about how the first thing the party asks Vess when they meet her is "Where's your Driver?" still eats at me tbh.) Bonus points for synergizing in the worst possible way with the gacha mechanic: one of the thematic cores of this game is that blades are people and not just weapons of mass destruction, which is why I've summoned and discarded at least 100 of them in the past few days trying to get the specific one I want to optimize my build. As for the combat, I will give it this: I have warmed up to it significantly over time. Now that I know how pouch items work, what the intended flow of combat is, and have enough blades on my characters that I can always switch to have new arts refreshed, I'm enjoying it a lot more. That doesn't mean it doesn't have problems, though! I feel like Torna really encapsulates what this game's combat should've been; I had much more fun playing through that than I did the base game, for sure. Even though the way they did chain attacks in this game is fun and interesting, it just takes way too long. For context, chain attacks are extended by breaking element orbs that you've placed on the enemy in preparation. Element orbs are placed on the enemy by completing combos, which require 3 special attacks done in a specific order of elements to complete. There are 8 elements in the game, which means if you want to use chain attacks to their fullest extent, you have to do 24 special attacks. In order. While relying on the AI to pull up the blades you need on the party members you aren't controlling. This means that a lot of unique monsters and bosses have these oceans of HP to slog through because they need that much HP to just survive to the point where you can do a chain attack. Regular enemies thankfully don't suffer from the same HP problem, but they have a different problem (that crops up in 3 as well). Chain attacks just...aren't useful to fight them, the most common enemies in the game. Chain attacks may have been unreliable in 1, but when the enemy being targeted died the chain attack would swap to focus on a different enemy. This gave them utility against both bosses and packs of regular enemies. They don't do that in either of the following games, meaning that for a lot of battles that are challenging in a different way from singular tough enemies, one of your strongest strategies is almost useless.
Edit: forgot about this while I was writing but came back to say: my brain is not big enough to account for both driver combos AND blade combos. It just isn't, that or I just don't have the willpower to sort through everything to make sure I have at least one blade of every element AND at least one of break, topple, launch, and smash on all my characters. It's not happening. Will my gameplay experience suffer for it? I don't know! Just add it to the list of mechanics in this series I don't fully understand and we'll be good.
As for everything else...I don't know, man. The pacing is slow and bored me to tears in the beginning, the main villains are either very interesting or very annoying, I want to punt Tora into the sun at all times (and not in the vaguely affectionate way I feel about Issun in Okami), and the game is addicted to splitting the party all the time when frankly it should know that its at its best when there are 3 members with 3 blades who can do chain attacks. Honestly, I think my feelings on the game can be summed up by the words of many other people. People who, when asked if x*noblade 2 is worth it, tell the asker "it has a slow beginning but it gets good starting in chapter 5." Which is true, but...the game only has 10 chapters. That's not just a slow beginning, that's literally the whole first half of the game that you're writing off!
0 notes
carolinasgirl · 3 years
Summary: [6k words] After you have been struggling to orgasm for a while your friend recommends a sex therapist to you. When you finally work up the courage to set up an appointment, not expecting to have the best sex of your life.
!! WARNINGS: unprotected sex, oral (male receiving), degradation kink, slight pain kink, fingering, daddy kink, thigh riding, mentions of anal, could suggest cheating.
special gif credits to @chasm2018​ !!
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“Is his stroke game bad?” Your best friend, Sydney, asks you, digging into her lunch after taking a sip of her drink. 
The sun gleams down on your face, your fork playing around with your food as the conversation makes your mind run in circles, slowly turning you crazier and crazier. “No, it’s not that, I just don’t think I can orgasm and my gynaecologist sucks, it’s like she just doesn’t listen to what I’m saying.” You sigh, shaking your head and placing down your fork with aggravation. “It’s nothing to do with Brandon, I think it’s just me.”
“You had mind-blowing orgasms with Josiah though?” 
“God, that was years ago. All the one night stands I’ve had, you’re telling me I can’t squeeze out one orgasm. Brandon’s ex always talked about how great he was in bed, my body just doesn’t like him for some strange reason.” You rant, venting out your frustrations that have been building up for a while now.
For a while now, you’ve been hooking up with Brandon, he’s been a friend with benefits for months and within all these months you are yet to have one single orgasm. You’ve been craving that cloud nine feeling for so long. The one night stands you have indulged yourself in have been one-sided, guys being blinded on how to please a woman. Brandon is interested in pleasuring you, yet you don’t believe he knows how to, even if he is has given his exes joyous sex.
Sydney sighs from the other side of the table, bringing her phone out which makes you tip your head to the side in confusion. “Remember that sex therapy place I told you about?” 
“Sydney, no. Who goes to sex therapy alone?”
“I do and it blew my mind. It’s pricey but the orgasm he gave me with just his fingers… Amazing. It’s literally just like a gynaecologist, but purely just orgasms.” She hums at her final word, tapping at her phone, sending you the contact for the ‘therapist’ she is talking about.
You grab your phone that lies on the table, picking it up so you can enter your passcode and click onto your texts with Sydney. “Harry Styles?”
“Okay if you’re going to bitch about it, then continue to fake your orgasms.” She rolls her eyes, calling the waiter over to ask for the bill. “Just think about it.”
As you sit at home later on that day, your fingers are twitching against the contact that your best friend has sent you and your mind is hammering with all the pros and cons of what this sex therapy will do to you. The pros are outweighing the cons massively. You’ve reread the website over 1000 times, the reviews all positive and everything looking just as tempting as Sydney described it.
“Fuck it,” You say out loud, fingers dancing across the screen.
To Harry Styles: Hello, my friend suggested you to me early today for solo sexual therapy. She gave me your number and the link to the website and  I was just wondering if you have any appointments free for anytime this week. Thank you.
You throw your phone onto your bed, avoiding looking at it and cringing at yourself from the awkward text that you just sent off. Questions taking over your body; was the text too informal? Should you have been more friendly? You even forgot to mention your name. Maybe a smiley face at the end would’ve made it seem kinder. Is it too late to send one?
A ping from your phone draws you out of your discomfort and you finally emerge out of the ball that your limbs instantly curved into as soon as you hit that send button.
From Harry Styles: Hi! Thank you for the text and thank you to your friend for referring me. We have an appointment today at 6 PM to get everything checked out, you can read up about it on our website, but it’s just to check if you’re able to take part in the sexual therapy. If you’ve ever visited a gynaecologist, it’s as simple as that, you’re with a professional doctor so don’t worry. The results take 7 days to come back if they are all clear, I can book you in for an appointment with me next Monday at noon. 
And that is where it all begins.
You let Harry know your name and any other necessary details and you are all booked. You arrive at your check-up appointment on time, bringing your ID and letting the receptionist know all your details which she typed into the system, letting you through to the female doctor who sat you down and explained everything to you calmly. She was brief but detailed, leaving all the important facts for Harry to tell you. She took the tests which went by like a breeze and made you tick from a list of things you would like to do with Harry and things you didn’t want to do. You ticked all the boxes. 
Time rushed by. Even though you were dreading the appointment, the 8 long-awaited days felt like a rush. You were working from home and you spent a lot of your time with friends, all of them hyping you up for your appointment that they have been pushing you to make for the longest time.
And now you are currently sitting in the waiting room, scrolling through your phone and on the verge of backing out, spamming the group chat to hopefully emit some nerves that are running through your entire body, creating goosebumps along your freshly waxed skin.
From Sydney to Girls Group: Girl shut up and just do it, I promise you, you’ll have the time of your life. It’s not awkward, he’s not rough, he’s not a dirty talker, he cares about his clients. 
“Number 12.” A husky voice from the door calls and your body shakes, looking down at the small square of paper and flickering your eyes back up to look at the face of the voice. The receptionist gives you a number when you arrive for client confidentiality and no one else in the waiting room will know your name, which helps cure your nerves and embarrassment a little bit. 
For a second you lose your voice, you feel breathless. The man standing there, looking like a slice of heaven, a glow radiating from his beautiful skin. The tight black button-up he is wearing is clinging to his chiselled abs and the black leather trousers are held together with a Gucci belt which just makes him look 10x more delicious. You do not regret wearing the skimpy red dress that Sydney forced you to buy along with the matching lingerie set.
You stand up, smiling at the man, who is holding the door open for you, waiting for you to follow him.
After following him down the short corridor, you both turn him to the room that has his name in the door and you sit on the chair facing the leather one tucked under the dark oak desk, a large iMac sat on top of it. 
“So… Y/N.” Harry breathes out, sitting back on his leather desk chair and turning towards you. “S’nice to meet ye’.” He sticks out his rough palm. The accent. He has no right to sound and look that gorgeous.
You take his large hand into your small one, giving him a timid shake and friendly smile. “It’s nice to meet you too.”
“So, what brings ye’ to do solo sex therapy?”
Taking a deep breath, trying your hardest not to nervously play with your fingers, you instead play with your silver angel necklace that is hanging around your neck. Harry takes notice of it and licks his lips at the look of it. “So, I’ve not had an orgasm in like two years. The last time was when I was in a committed relationship so I don’t know if it’s the thought of commitment holding me back or if I’m stressed. I don’t know.” You shrug, feeling your cheeks begin to redden and your palms get a little sweaty.
Harry nods, listening to every word that you say, trying so hard to keep his focus on your eyes, but he can’t help but watch you play with that little necklace that lies just above your cleavage. He’s only been in the job for a year, deciding to use his degree and mix it with desire, becoming a sex therapist. In this whole year, Harry has been working here, he has never seen someone so gorgeous and has never been more thankful that this is a solo appointment and you aren’t tagging a clueless boyfriend along. All his mind is thinking right now is about how well he is going to treat you.
“Good sex is good sex,” Harry says point-blank, resisting the impulse to take you on his desk right then and there when you begin to play with the strap of your dress, pulling it up which only pushes your tits closer together. “The thought of commitment will never hold ye’ back from having an orgasm and sex s’supposed to be a stress reliever, so it’s sound like you’re being tense during sex and holding y’self back,” He explains, watching your eyes fall to look at the floor.
“Yeah, that’s probably it.”
He notices the small damper on your mood and clears his throat, shaking his head, looking towards his computer. “So ye’ tests came back all clear, I know Doctor Willis told ye’ the outline of things, but I’ll be telling ye’ what we will be doing today,” Harry says clicking around on his computer, trying to pull up your document.
As you let your eyes rise, they stop abruptly, noticing something that soaks the red lace hidden underneath your dress. He’s hard. A large tent beneath all that leather, it’s begging for attention. You are creating excuses in your head, positive that you aren’t the reason to cause that. You can’t be that cocky, it’s his job to get hard and fuck people.
“Normally we would start with foreplay, the foreplay s’mainly focussed on you and we don’t take part in any intercourse until y’are completely relaxed and comfortable. Some girls want to take it further.” His words completely drowned out in your ears, focussing on how gorgeous this work of art is which is right in front of you. Yet he continues to stare at his computer, not acknowledging how zoned out you are. “Everything will be protected and safe, the safe word is ‘book’”
Harry finally turns to you, pushing his chair away from his desk and leaning back a little. “Are you ready t’start?” He asks, noticing your eyes quickly move from his crotch to his pair of golden orbs.
You just can’t resist him, leaning over from your uncomfortable seat, to reach out for the prominent bulge. Once your hand touches him, there is no denying that he’s huge, even the thick material that is straining him is struggling to hold him back. 
Harry looks down at your hand and tries his hardest not to let out a single sound. He’s so hard because of you, he wants to drop down at his knees and worship you. He doesn’t know what friend recommended you, but he wants to worship them too for sending such an angel to him. He can’t give in though, the contract he signed when in this job is that he solely can’t use clients for his pleasure. 
“M’sorry Y/N, but this isn’t what we do here,” Harry informs you, the last word of his sentence weak and coming out as a satisfied sigh. 
“But it’s what I would like,” You reply, a smug look on your face. He inhales deeply to speak again, however you quickly interrupt. “You said you want your client to be relaxed and comfortable.” You remind him. “And nothing would relax me more than sucking your cock… Mr Styles.” 
He can’t help but give in, now you’re groping his cock and he doesn’t even realise that his hands are gripping his belt to tug it off. He wants you so bad, is it bad to want you? This isn’t professional, but he’s never throbbed this hard for someone. “For fucks sake, fine do it. But y’better do it like ye’ life depends on it,” He demands, sliding out his belt from his belt loops.
You are quick to slide off the chair onto your exposed knees, hands flying for his zipper to pull down his pants and expose his tattooed thigh. “Tattoos,” you tut, teasingly tracing your nail over the outlines. You noticed the couple in his hands too and he takes the opportunity to push up his sleeves and show off his inked skin. “Not very professional of you Mr Styles.” You tease, lips kissing up to his inner thighs.
He’s growing impatient and these teasing touches and tormenting words, they’re pushing him to the edge. “Put me in your mouth before I fuck it m’self.” He sighs, watching you pull down his boxers, with the help of him lifting his hips so you can watch his cock hit his covered abdomen.
You took a second to admire him. You knew he was big by the size of him just in his pants, but he looks like a whole meal that you want to devour right now. He’s thick and tall and has a long vein running along the side of him and you can see it pulsing, waiting for some desperate attention.
Inching closer to him, you let your hand wrap around his stiff length to hold it still as your tongue ran along that throbbing vein, receiving a heavenly grumble, deep within his chest. 
“Y’gonna play with it or actually do something?” He challenges, getting frustrated with your actions. 
Instead of smart-mouthing, you decide to swirl your tongue around his leaking tip, pulling back to watch a bead of cum slip out his slip and run down his length, which your tongue does not hesitate to swoop into your mouth, tasting the sweet but salty divine taste against your taste buds. 
Harry can’t take it anymore. “Okay, since ye’ want to be a brat,” he mutters out through his clenched teeth, wrapping your hair around his hand. “I’ll treat ye’ like a brat.” He adds on, his spare hand coming down to slap your cheek lightly indicating for you to open your mouth, which you obliged, not expecting him to push you down onto his cock, your mouth engulfing half of him and already gagging around him.
Something about him calling you that and the aggressive tone in his voice soaks you completely, even more than you already were. You felt the need to sneak your hand down and give attention to your throbbing clit, but once Harry starts to create a rough rhythm, fucking himself into your face, you instantly snap back into action.
“Oh fuck- you like that, don’t you? You fucking love it.” Harry’s voice is a raspy whisper and it sends shivers down your spine, creating goosebumps to rise on your skin.
Nodding slightly, you meet his thrusts into your mouth, supporting his pulls on your hair, by helping him create a rhythm. There’s spit everywhere, mixing with pre-cum and you can hear the wet sounds bouncing off the white boring walls along with the sounds of his moans and your loud gags.
Harry is in complete bliss. He’s always been so used to clean and precise head, which has always made him finish, but nothing has ever made him feel this way. Messy, sloppy, careless. He’s in love with it, he’s never felt his balls tighten so fast and his hips begin to falter so quickly. He’s not supposed to use clients for his own pleasure, he’s even advised to try his hardest not cum, even when using a condom, which his contract orders him to always do. And that promise he made to his boss, the contract he signed with this company is running through his mind, adding on to the pressure that is building up in his stomach.
Harry pulls back on your hair, trying to slip your mouth off his slick cock, but you instantly retract back, wanting more of him. “Get off,” he grunts, pulling at your hair a little harder, which makes you finally pull back.
You send him a soft pout, cock still held in your soft palm, mouth dividing the attention between each of his balls, innocent eyes looking up at him.
He notices the mascara that is starting to run underneath your watery eyes, begging for attention. He knows he’s done for when he looks down at you through hooded eyes, moans, and groans leaving his lips and mouth desperately wanting to cum in that smart ass mouth, but knowing he can’t. He’s about to burst any second… ‘It won’t be so bad if I cum on her face’ Harry begins to tell himself, so wanting to cover you up with his cum. How bad he wants to fill up all your holes should be illegal. Every single hole. Over and over and over again.
However, you aren’t thinking the same, you want more. You’ve already tasted him the slightest bit, but you want to taste him again, this time his whole load in your mouth. You quickly go back to sucking on the tip as your hand-worked against his entire cock.
This made Harry jolt up in panic and pleasure. His thighs begin to tremble and he feels his arms go numb and weak, unable to physically hold you back, even if he didn’t want to. “Y/N, you’ve- fuck! Fuckin’ ‘ell! Oh my god!” And that’s it. He makes the mess in your mouth, that he wanted so bad, but knows he shouldn’t.
You easily swallow him back, letting out a content sigh at the taste you have been craving for. You sit back on your calves, watching the man in front of you, lean over in his leather chair, placing his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands, still panting heavily.
You teasingly chuckle, slipping your hands up his thighs. “I know I’m good but didn’t realise I was that good.”
At that moment, something snaps in Harry. He looks up from his hands, darkness, and lust in his green eyes as he stares you down. “You know what, I thought fucking that bratty mouth would shut you up.” He grabs onto your wrist pulling you onto your feet. “I guess I have to try another way.”
He quickly moves his hands to your waist to lift you onto his reasonably empty desk, the only things in the way is his computer and little pot of pens. 
“Cute little dress, did ye’ think you could seduce me in this?” He heaves, pulling it up to bunch at your waist.
Your breath hitches for a second when he begins to play with the soaking lace, his fingers inches away from your dripping pussy. “It worked, didn’t it?” 
Smack. A shot of pain shoots through your inner thigh, making you let out a small whimper, positive that your panties are completely soaked through. The sting is so pleasant and the slight burn of the cold metal from his collection of rings sends a shiver down your spine.
He slides off your underwear with one single finger, taking in how your pussy glistens under the bright white light in the room. You’re pretty sure you are so flooded that you are soaking through. Your thighs are sticky and your thighs are twitching, a sign that you need that attention from him.
His hand comes down to slap against your throbbing heat, clenching around nothing. “You’re a wet little thing, aren’t you princess.” He snickers, slapping you once more to receive another small whimper from you. 
He begins to slip off his rings, indicating that he’s going to finger the fuck out of you, starting with the one on his middle. But, you’re totally against that idea, so you are quick to stop him. “Please.” Your voice is small but demanding. “Keep them on.”
He obeys and slides it back on. “What do you want?” He asks, slowly shifting in his index finger, watching your face twist from need to thrill. “My fingers?” He asks, keeping his finger still, deep inside of you, feeling you clench around him, silently begging for more. “My tongue?” He asks again, crouching down and sticking out his tongue to give the attention that your clit is hungry for.
“Anything.” You breathe out. 
“Anything?” He replies, beginning to move his finger, creating a slow and steady rhythm. 
You nod eagerly, hands gripping onto his shoulders for some stability, but his other hand quickly grabs both of your wrists to fling them off him.
“Little sluts, don’t get to touch.” a smirk on his face, letting him slip his middle finger to speed up his pace, curling them up to hit all your sweet spots.
Heavy, hot breaths leave your moist lips, the occasional cry mixing in with them, wanting more from him every time he tickles against that place that makes you squirm. Needing more, your hand sneaks down your body to touch against your throbbing clit.
Once again, his hands resist yours, this time slapping them away. “They don’t touch what’s mine either.” He growls this time, hand moving faster, so fast he is moving your whole body with his hand too.
Your body begins to grind on his hand unintentionally trying to bring yourself closer to your orgasm, needing more from his fingers, but somehow he’s also giving so much. Never have you ever been this close to an orgasm. It’s so overwhelming that you begin to feel your arms go weak, turning into spaghetti. Your legs are beginning to shake and you notice that you’re so close to the edge. 
Harry is quick to notice the way your body is moving against his hand along with the way your arms are slowly dropping and legs are shaking, so he begins to create that steady, but a rough pace that he knows makes all his clients shake. 
It’s so wrong what Harry is feeling right now. His emotions are high and his head is spinning. He’s so unbelievably attracted to you that he has to double-check if you’re real by moving his fingers at an angle to reach the perfect spot that makes you scream. Yup, you’re real. He shouldn’t be thinking like this, you’re a client, and not only is his contract making him feel guilty so many other things are too, but he’s choosing to ignore them and deciding to watch you cum around his beefy fingers.
“Yes, yes, yes!” You scream out, not even bothering to try and keep it down, his fingers still slipping in out of you as your whole body shakes against him, head dropping down to rest on his shoulder, high-pitched whines leaving your lips as you grip onto his biceps.
He smirks, slowly pulling them out as you still tremble against him. “Two fingers and already got ye’ shaking for me.” He slips his fingers into his mouth, a pleasing moan leaving his mouth once he tastes you against his skin. A combination so heavenly it should be a sin. 
He crouches down eager to taste more of you, craving your delicacy. His tongue sticks out to lick up your wetness, trying to clean you up before you quickly jolt away, hand pushing his head away from you.
“That sensitive?” He asks, watching you nod in reply.
Your thighs have been clenched together for so long you have to check if they’re not glued together. Seeing stars is an understatement. You’re seeing the whole galaxy. Mind completely clouded and you’re positive you are never going to feel something like this ever again. That’s why you want more. Even though you’re so sensitive, you need more of him, you need to make the most of this.
“Still want your cock though.” You whimper, leaning forward to help him tug his shirt off, revealing his golden chest, symmetrical tattoos splattered across it.
He watches you begin to admire him in all his glory, once he completely pushes all his material of clothing far away from you both. “Sure ye’ can handle it?” He asks, proud of how much of a mess he has made you. 
It takes that for you to build up the energy to place your hands on his shoulders, pushing him to sit back on his leather chair. 
As soon as you slip that dress off that has been taunting Harry since he saw you in the waiting room, he was tempted to bend you over that desk and pound into you right there. He should be doing that. He should be taking control as the therapist. Why is he letting his client control him? He knows he’s fucked for you and it’s so wrong, although when you shimmy out of that little red lace, that is barely covering anything, he somehow persuades himself that it is so right.
Once you unhook your bra, throwing it across the room, you climb onto his lap, hands on his shoulders to keep yourself steady. “Your tattoos make you a lot sexier,” You state as you admire the art… on art.  
He chuckles, hands instantly finding your ass to help you grind on his hard cock. He’s never gotten so hard this quick, he’s just got a mind-blowing head and had one of the best orgasms he’s ever had, yet he’s hard again just from looking at you completely stripped of clothing. 
“There’s a lot of them,” You mumble, looking down at your wet core grinding against all the inkwork splattered over his thigh. “Can you tell me what all of them mean?” You ask, looking down at the wet streak you are leaving as you trail your fingertips across that bible tattoo on his arm. 
No one has ever found pleasure in grinding on his thigh before and he loves it, he knows you both don’t have much time to get yourself off like this, but he wants to watch you crumble all due to his thigh. 
“I guess we can do that on our date.” You say boldly, hand reaching down to grab his cock so you can line him up with your entrance, feeling your juices trickle down him at the slightest push.
You just asked him out on a date. Or told him you are going on a date with him. He doesn’t know how to feel about that, but for some reason, it makes him harder. Harder than he thought he ever could get. 
Big. That single word describes Harry. Everything about him is huge and that doesn’t exclude his dick. When you sink onto him, you can feel absolutely everything that makes your jaw drop and your body feel so small. You take him halfway and stop there, giving yourself some time to adjust to his thickness, his length, every single detail. 
Harry sits back, head tilting back at the feeling of you clenching around him with hard pants leaving your desperate lips. “C’mon, I know y’can take more than that, ye’ minx,” he mumbles, getting frustrated with waiting for you, just wanting to feel all of you. 
“Of course,” You smirk, trying to cover any expression of pleasure as you take all of him in, allowing him to let out a satisfied sigh. “Was just trying to feed your ego with your small dick.” You tease.
That’s it for Harry. He doesn’t know what flips the switch in him, he’s never been teased like this, never even been this rough with his clients either not with the people in his love life.  But there is something special about you that brings out this side of him. The side that makes his eyes darken and his jaw clench.  
His hand wraps around your throat, his grip so harsh that you nearly fall back, having to place your hands on his knees so you don’t fall off of him. “Fuckin’ brat.” He growls, starting to thrust up into you at a heavy and fast rhythm, not giving you any time to build the pace. “Remember why ye’ came here.” 
You can’t even focus on what he’s saying, your ears are ringing out with the sounds of your skin slapping with his, the sounds of your wetness slicking against his cock, the sounds of your loud moans, begs and pleads.
“Y’came here because ye’ fuckin’ wanted me. Say it, say ye’ wanted me.” He lifts his hips off the chair, his one hand that isn’t wrapped around your throat holding onto your waist so tight that he is sure his fingertips are leaving faint bruises. You stay silent, too overwhelmed with the way his tip is hitting your cervix, so deep he is ruining you. “Say it.” He near yells, slapping your ass to get your attention.
“YES! Yes Harry I wanted you so bad- please don’t stop! Please keep on fucking me, daddy.” You cry out. 
That name. God that name. It allows him to go harder, rougher, faster. His hand around your throat tightens too, slightly restricting your breathing, only making the pleasure that much more overwhelming. You’re grinding against him now, getting more friction.
“Y’like that, ye’ little slut, like being a brat for me, god, look at ye’. So desperate f’me.” he rambles out, between grunts and huffs with each thrust. 
His eyes lift from staring at the way he’s slipping in and out of your tight, restricting cunt to your body, noticing that familiar sight of your legs shaking and your body twitching. “Y’gonna cum around m’cock? Ye’ gonna cream around me, show me how much of a whore ye’ are for me.” He groans, watching your face contour into complete pleasure. 
Your moans turn into cries and your cries turn into screams of his name. There’s tears of ecstasy escaping from your eyes, your velvet walls clenching around him once you feel tour overwhelming orgasm take over your whole body. 
As you tremble, shake, and shudder, Harry watches you, mouth dropped open and no sound coming from your mouth. You have to pull yourself off of him, letting your peak hit. You don’t even notice that you are squirting all over him. His thighs, his cock, his chest, completely soaked from you. 
Harry is in awe, he can’t stop looking at you, he thinks he’s about to cum untouched. Just looking at you can make him explode. But he continues to slap his cock against your clit, only bringing you to slump forward completely blacking out.
Harry’s hands are on your back, keeping you stable trying to control the uncontrollable amount you’re jerking. He’s given many girls mind-blowing orgasms, but they have never reacted like this.
It takes a few moments for you to snap out of it and get back the slightest bit of your stamina, so determined to get him off. 
You reach down, grabbing his rock hard cock in your warm palm, stroking him against your soaking entrance which makes your thighs shake that once more. 
“Hey, you don’t need to- Ohhh fuck!” he moans out, once you push him into you, unintentionally letting out another eruption of your wetness. 
It takes that little push to tip Harry over the edge, feeling his balls tighten and his stomach begin to clench. And that’s when he realizes… he’s not wearing a condom. It’s too late for him to pull out, he can feel himself releasing inside of you, his warm load filling you up to the brim as he jerks and twitches inside of you.
“Fuck, get off.” he protests through his pants, cock still sensitive and throbbing, but he doesn’t know what to do. He’s so overwhelmed. 
He watches the way his cum drips out of you like sweet honey and he groans at himself, not knowing if he’s ashamed or proud. “I didn’t wear a condom,” he mumbles, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“It’s fine, I’m on the pill,” you reassure him, leaning down to kiss his neck, leaving a trail of kisses, wanting more from him. “Come on, want you in my ass Harry, want you-“
A ringing sound from his computer stops you, making you look up with a confused look. 
“Time’s up.” He mumbles, reaching out for the mouse to cancel the notification, giving you a slight nudge to tell you to get off of his lap. 
As he wiggles his mouse around, you notice something that makes your stomach turn. You were innocently admiring how beautiful his hands are, how his rings are so striking and intriguing, but one stands out. It’s placed directly on his ring finger, much more mundane than the rest and not as thrilling. Extremely similar to a wedding ring. 
Quickly, you get redressed, not caring how his cum was running down your thighs and trying so hard not to look at him redressing himself. 
“You can book yourself in for another appointment if y’would like.” He breaks the silence, concentrating on his hands that are trying to fix his shirt to cover his half-naked body.
“Are you married?” You ask, probably way too fast for him to understand, but the sex you two just had is not the type of sex a married man has with a random girl.
“Excuse me?” he turns to look at you, eyes stern as to tell you not to ask him something like. “I don’t see how that’s any of ye’ business.”
“The sex we just had, there was a connection there. You wanted to cum in me because you wanted to claim me, you were that rough-“
“That’s how I am with all m’clients, better orgasms.” He interrupts. Pathetic excuse but his straight face could convince anyone, but not you. 
You scoff. “My friend said you weren’t rough and you didn’t dirty talk, Harry you pounded me so hard you were in my fucking guts.” 
Those words make his cock twitch in his pants, how ironic since he is fumbling to buckle his belt, trying to completely ignore the effect your words have on him. 
“Are you married?” You ask again, this time a lot more clearer.
He lets out a large exhale, crossing his arms. “Yes, I am. But-“ Harry watches you turn on your heel, walking out of the door. “Y/N, wait c’mon!” Too late. You’ve already slammed the door behind you, leaving him to stand in the middle of the room feeling all types of emotions. 
He fixes his clothes, brushing himself down and trying his hardest to push his thoughts aside, looking through his lists of clients and time slots on the wall. Great. You were the last appointment, meaning he now has to go home and dwell on you. Probably have a cold shower and use his hand as a replica for your sweet pussy. 
After grabbing his phone and other things he needs, he begins to exit the building, saying goodbye to the odd member of staff standing around in the corridor. 
“See you later Harry.” One of the receptionists speaks up, watching him rushing to the door.
He stops, turning to her with a false smile on his face. “See you later, Julia. Say hi to the husband f’me, will ye’?” Harry bids her a farewell, also referring to her husband who he also is good friends with. 
“And say hi to your wife from me,” Harry gives her a tight-lipped smile, cringing at the thought. “Still can’t believe she’s pregnant, she’s already got that glow.” She adds on. 
“Yeah, either can I.”
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andronauts · 5 years
more feelings on roy endoza/dnd
yeh so as expected i already knew how shitty i was gonna feel after the last session
pretty much was talking abt this shit forever ago but YKNOW people still think i didnt “expect ppl to react like this” or “didnt consider ppls feelings” bRUHHHHHH............ OF COURSE I DID........
i had a lot of stupid moments as a player that i wish i remembered in time but its kind of too late for it now ig. and im not talking about my godmove play about using my godtier artifact as a powermove for my own personal mission no im not talking about that stupid moment bc i honest to god think that was a powermove on the campaigns part. on behalf of the party it was a shitty move on behalf of the gods and the villain himself it was a fucking powerplay so yeah. very double edged sword that also heals as well.
anyways. i have a lot to word abt... im still upset! i have been about this specific scenario happening ive literally been crying about this scenario since february so like idk man i never underestimated how much it was gonna hurt when ive written 1000 diff scenarios of it playing out and imagined 1093924829385 diff scenarios of how it would play out and all of them SUCKED there was no good reveal.
everything ive done i have felt SO GUILTY ABOTUJKSDFDSFS... like REALLY iv vent and i rant about it and i crytpe about it and i feel shit as a PLAYER but roy as a character is SO dedicated he’s so persevering he’s true to his goal and ME as a player care more about staying true to my character than how i affect my own mental state or whatever... THIS is the character i wrote i dont care if what he does to achieve his goal is shitty like THATS what i wrote and keeping that was so much more important to me than making myself feel better about my choices as a player... character integrity is so important to me
and i know there are a lot of times when i(as a player)have made a lot of ooc choices... i can name so many. its either me being selfish of things wanting to happen or just overall having an adhd moment but like. in the overall sense of the campaign i did not want MY selfish needs as a player to make ooc decisions just because *i* didnt want my character to be doing a certain thing. as much as i’m the one playing, this is HIS story, HIS choices to make, HIS life... and i hated the idea of making ooc decisions as his player jsut bc i couldnt handle it.
and i know it might have been easy as just not doing things to not hurt ppls feelings but staying true to my chara is just :((. idk i hate the idea of playing ooc and theres literally nothing that can make me make strong decisions like roys to change it. smaller ones i can make but when im in the game all the big decisions are roy’s and not mine. i didnt Want to hurt any of the players feelings.. its SUCKED. MAJOR TIME.
ive hated every single session knowing i was gonna hurt someone in some point of time and i just wanted to kill my chara so many times... i wanted it to end so i wouldnt have to think abt it anymore... i wrote angst, wrote songs, made sad playlists, made awful memes all to cope with the horrible decisions roy was making..
dnt get em wrong i love playing dnd but,, wowie my chara is just.... how do i explain uhhhhhhh
he’s?? not a good person?? i’ve said this from the very beginning that he wasnt a good person... in the past he practiced necromancy time to time and he eventually stole,,corpses...from the hospitla.... yeesh. what a madman. killed milo bc of it. and then wanted ot fix it....
and he’s’;;;;;;.. still good hearted. he wants people to live... he wants to save people.... he doesnt want people to die. as much as he is a necromancer he is still a doctor.... and bringing back milo was like his redemption after killing him. he couldnt deal with the mistakes..
and so he did whatecver it took.. using the keys, lying about everything, and even....using ayce as shitty as it was.
and ik me as a player didnt have to do that but i fucking literally cried thinking about how horrible it was.. i literally dont even know how i made a character this good yet shitty at the same time.
anyway idk nothin i say  is gonna look good bc he’s well.. he’s not a bad person.. all he really wanted to do was save lives and bring one back... but he’s not good either...  he sucks.
im getting off track i have a million thoughts abt dnd i couldnt even begin to type all of them
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