#this is kinda partially a vent piece
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sophiasharp · 2 years ago
I apparently won’t be able to sleep till I put this idea out there so here’s a new fic idea idk if I’ll ever get around to. A warning, this whole thing is dealing with sex, dom/sub dynamics, and is supposed to be a look into how Dew tends to be portrayed in popular fanon. This is also not proofread in the slightest cause it’s 4 am as of writing and I need to be up in roughly 4 hours:
After a scene with Swiss involving forced fem and some quintosis, something goes wrong and Dew becomes seemingly stuck in Princess mode. At first the change isn’t noticed, even praised by those who do, but it soon becomes clear that this sudden shift in demeanor isn’t all fun and games and that something is truly, deeply wrong with Dew. And it’s all hands on deck to fix it.
They sit “Princess” down and each take turns trying to talk to her about why she’s still here and where Dewdrop is, THEIR Dewdrop. Princess doesn’t seem to like her more lucid counterpart all that much for some reason, calls him a “grumpy meanie who only cares about himself and is good for nothing.” The rest of the group is horrified by this outlook but have no idea where it’s come from. Sure, Dew hasn’t always had the best self image, but would he really go that far? Does his subconscious really hate himself that badly?
With every person that comes up to talk to her, Princess mentions a past scene they and Dew were in together, and how he “wasn’t very good then, but I can be very good now, I promise!” They think they’ve found a pattern at first: it’s all scenes where Dew was a brat and was punished for it. However, as more people talk to Princess, more discrepancies show up, with the only thing tying the events together being her insistence that she’ll be good for them, that’s she’ll be better for them than Dew was.
She explains that all she wants, more than anything else in the world, is to be good for them- to please her packmates the way she thinks Dew can’t- but the more the band ask for Dew, the more despondent Princess becomes. Eventually, she breaks down crying, sobbing even over her inability to make her pack happy, much to the horror and confusion of the rest of the group; Dew has never shown his emotions so openly to his pack before. At least, not since his elemental change.
It’s at this point that the group put together a few things: 1.) the reason Mountain and Aether weren’t immediately clued in that something was wrong was because Princess acts a lot like how Dew used to before the elemental transition; 2.) nowadays, the only times Dew ever gets this vulnerable is if he’s scared or if he’s in subspace; 3.) the reason Swiss and Aether can’t undo the quintosis is because some part of Dew is holding onto it, refusing to let it go.
The band is able to put together that this Princess they’re talking to isn’t some other entity made up by the quintosis- it’s still Dew, just deep in character and deep in subspace. The fem bend to it is just a side effect of the initial scene that got Dew stuck.
So, after everyone else has had a go, initially too scared to make it worse but needing to try since no one is left, Swiss comforts Princess and gets them to open up about their worries, revealing what caused the problem and what the root of it is.
The scenes Princess mentioned were each scenes from the past week or two where Dew was left feeling like he hadn’t satisfied his partner. It didn’t matter whether that was true or not, it was a growing concern due to the way the scenes played out: the degradation landing a bit too close to home, the feigned boredom to his efforts to please, his small size compared to the rest of the ghouls, the physical denial of a satisfying end because he hadn’t been “a good boy.” The shame that normally turned him on even more instead sat heavy in his head and built up more and more. He didn’t tell anyone about his mounting insecurities, however, because it’s what he’s used to, what was supposed to be comfortable. He asked for it, so why can’t he deal with it? He’s never had to make a fuss about it before, so he wouldn’t then, even as the gnawing anxieties began to spread outside the bedroom and into every-day tasks, like messing up a run during practice or getting overwhelmed enough to snap at his bandmates.
The scene with Swiss finally made him feel like he was worth something again, only with the added quintosis, the satisfaction didn’t sink all the way through to Dew. Instead, it gave him to idea that he was ONLY worth anything to his pack when he was being the good girl he thought they wanted.
But if now Princess’s pack is saying that they don’t want her anymore, then she’s failed; she wasn’t good enough for them. She tried so hard to be what they wanted but still she fell short. It must be something wrong with both her AND Dew, then, something utterly unfixable that made them undeserving of their pack’s affection. After all, bad girls don’t deserve love. They don’t deserve anything. They’re just a waste of space.
Naturally, this train of thought WILL not stand with the rest of the pack any longer, the bulk of which are mortified that they let this go on for so long and that they had any hand in the downward spiral their favorite fire ghoul took. They all assure Dew/Princess that he doesn’t need to do anything to earn their love; he always had it to start with, and that that love extended to all parts of him, even the parts that he’s self conscious of. Sex isn’t a trial to prove worthiness, not to the partner or even to yourself. Sex us just one of many ways people can connect with one another, and it has no baring on their every-day life any more than they granted it.
Crying again, this time from love more than fear, Dew finally finds it in him to let go of the quintessence and come back to those he love.
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sweet-beezus · 2 years ago
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Doomed by the narrative
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tjodity · 10 months ago
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did some art for an oc for a sci fi setting I'm thinking a little. Her name will probably change but I was struck really strongly by his personality and details abt his character before I got a solid name. she was originally going to be thrown into a sort of space opera thing but I kinda want to write space station fluff now
[ID 1: A large white square with text and several pieces of art digitally drawn on. The main text reads "Taraneh. She slash he. Grew up on a planet; currently works maintenance on a space station. Aroace. Hobbies include trying to cook, kissing her giant insect friend, and trying to write poetry." Main text ends. The main drawing is a sketched headshot of Taraneh. She wears a hijab folded so that it wraps across the bottom half of his face, across her head, and draped around her shoulders. A hair band decorated with a simplified lunar cycle is partially visible on her forehead below her hijab. She has acne scars around her cheeks. Her pupils are dark and she has small wrinkles around her right eye. Her left eye is half closed and looking in a different direction, with more wrinkles beneath. Her eyebrows are scraggly and thin. She looks neutral. A smaller drawing towards the left shows Taraneh in a hijab that doesn't cover her face. Her smile is slanted, and she looks excited. There is a blank text bubble beside her. She is making broad gestures with her hands. A note beside it says "Can't emote with his full face but feels a lot of things and uses her hands to emote more." Note ends. A doodle towards the top is labelled "Work uniform." Taraneh wears a hijab similar to those used for sports, with no folds, and she wears a respirator on her face. She wears a tanktop above an undershirt which covers her arms. She wears jeans with kneepads and a carabiner with tools attached. She is sweating, wiping her face with a towel. Her other hand holds a toolbox. There are two drawings to the right. Both are colored. The first is labelled "Teens". In it Taraneh is thinner and shorter, a teenager. She wears a a layered outfit, with embroidery, ruffles, and flower patterns running down the arms. Her skin is dark, and she wears a teal hijab. He is waving at the camera. The second drawing is labelled "Early thirties". It depicts Taraneh more closely to how she appears in the other drawings, taller and with broader shoulders and slightly darker skin. She wears grey boots and a dark blue baggy jumpsuit. Over the jumpsuit she wears a dark grey simple skirt with large pockets running across it, and a grey coat with purple and orange coloring around the collar. Above that he wears a blue satchel. She wears a teal hijab and a dark blue hair band. He is standing with his arms at his sides. The fourth drawing is back to being colorless. It depicts a tall alien creature from the chest up. The alien's head is comparable to a praying mantis, except that there are odd cones at each side of their head, their mandibles sit in a circle on their neck, and the lower half of their face is a segmented vent-like structure. Their torso resembles a human, if it was covered in an exoskeleton. Taraneh has her arms wrapped around the alien's neck, and is leaning into their shoulder. She is hugging them. His eyes are closed and he looks happy. The alien seems startled and raised one of their claws in surprise. Both Taraneh and the alien are blushing, though the alien more so. The caption reads "Me and my boy best friend." END ID]
[Images two and three are higher resolution depictions of the last three drawings.]
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just-a-carrot · 2 months ago
"Send my love to your new lover, treat [him] better. We've gotta let go , of all of our ghosts; we both know we ain't kids no more." anon here
I should have probably clarified that I meant "love" in a more queerplatonic sense, but yeah, what you described with Orlam seeing it as them having a sort of queerplatonic bond meanwhile Genzou essentially was leading him on(queerplatonically)+taking advantage of him as a source of support despite at the same time still being mean to him(probably partially also as a way of harmfully venting his emotions) is how I personally see what happened between them too!
As for why people often misinterpret them as exes, I think it mostly comes down to the unfortunately common phenomenon where people aren't aware of queerplatonic love and/or make any kind of strong bond between characters immediatelly romantic. Like dangggg two good friends(they were not infact good friends but thats besides the point right now for the sake of the argument) CANNOT platonically dance together on prom night huh
ahhh this was really lovely to read! I really love this interpretation
I've always felt like... obviously Orlam didn't fully understand himself growing up (well none of them did). and I do think he would have really strong feelings about ppl. though I think many of the feelings were different. which made it even harder. but he did want to be very close to and loved by those ppl he felt most strongly about. and he would form these incredibly strong attachments in his mind, to the point that his hopes would alter his reality a bit
genzou meanwhile was Going Through It, both in coming to terms with his blindness and sexuality and getting abandoned by his best friend he has feelings for. the only one who reached out during that time was Orlam. who in Genzou's mind was taking advantage of his disability but Genzou was so starved for compassion he went along with it, letting Orlam get way too close and exacerbating Orlam's hopes that something would be possible between them...
never mind the fact that both of them just kinda knew the other one was queer even though they never said it out loud and thought they were the only ones, increasing their isolation...
and then all of that ofc building up to after prom...
and all of that disaster
I tried to throw in a lot of lines all throughout the game that I thought would help put some of the puzzle pieces together on both their viewpoints of what happened (and their differing interpretations of what happened lol)
overall it's just a really complex dynamic 💦
I truly am open to all interpretations though (of anything in the game, including them) and I love being surprised and intrigued when ppl present new ones or new theories etc. especially as I know sometimes ppl use the chars and their struggles to work through their own struggles and experiences and I'm so touched if any of my chars can be a help to anyone...
mostly I'm just like HUH? if I see different interpretations presented as fact on some semi-official site 🤣🤣
anyway I rambled a little bit but I really love what you've written here. I agree with many parts of it!! even though I've never thought about some of it in so many words before (hence the joy of discovering new interpretations!! LOL)
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drizzileiscool · 1 year ago
anxiety bear
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(info about this piece behind cut)
anxiety bear is a drawing I created that was inspired by other artists like stinky katie on twitter, and those meme reaction images with the cat doing various poses and facial expressions (you know the ones)
I originally wanted it to be a rabbit, but I thought that was too similar to the examples mentioned above and didn't want people to think I was just copying those, and since I realized in my mind that what i wanted to draw kinda looked like a pillow pet, i chose a bear instead because they're more associated with stuffed animals
this was also originally going to be a vent art about loneliness, and the original caption was "this is me when I have nobody to talk to", but then I looked at the bear's face and thought "yeah... that looks more like an oh no", so I drew the text oh no, partially as a joke, and partially because I wanted to see how it looked
the background was originally going to be white, but then I decided to go with green because:
I use blue too much as a background
red made it look more like vent art
white was boring
I couldn't think of any other colors
drizziles have green on their hands and feet (and I like drizziles if you couldn't tell from my irl)
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chromotps · 1 year ago
The thing about Ace/Sabo is that the ship is less about them being brothers but more like them sharing a childhood friendship? That had the potential of becoming something more in the future. Except it didn’t, for obvious reasons. And yeah not everyone’s a fan of that, but people also like the raised by wolves/son of a noble dynamic they had as children. While I agree Sabo does kind of feel like he was stuck to Ace&Luffy as an afterthought, with a piece of chewed-out gum — his existence doesn’t… I don’t know, feel out of place? I also enjoy how kinda tragic his character is, and how he carries that tragedy with him? In the form of Ace’s devil fruit (Sabo also canonically hallucinates and there was an instance where he admitted to hearing Ace’s voice, during his fight with Burgess? so yeah, not everyone’s cup of tea again but I’m a huge fan of hurt/comfort so having a character go through a psychotic depressive episode because of the insane guilt he feels? Just, yeah. Plus there’s something really poetic about him literally eating Ace’s DF and still considering it „Ace’s powers” etc) and the way I see Sabo/Lu is through Ace/Lu (and partially Ace/Sabo) anyway. Because Sabo is trying to fill out the role of an older brother/friend for Luffy that he’s well aware is impossible to fill — because nothing ever will be the same for Luffy. Nothing or no one could even come close to making it up for Ace’s loss to Luffy, and Sabo knows he’s kind of a cheap copy of that (figuratively and literally lmfao, as I know people have been calling him low-budget Ace), but still he tries to? And the fact that Luffy is technically his only remaining family (or at least someone he willingly considers family). And I kind of see it as a parallel to how Ace’s approach to Luffy changed after Sabo’s „death”? Because Sabo was the „kinder” brother, the nicer one, the smarter one, it was usually him who took Luffy’s side whenever Ace was annoyed with him? And the one who explicitly asked Ace to look after Luffy — which then was one of the direct reasons why Ace changed the way he treated Luffy, forced him to be more patient/learn to love and eventually led to Ace willingly becoming the „older brother” figure for Luffy. I’m in no way trying to convince you to like Sabo, don’t get me wrong!! I’m just trying to show an example how Ace/Sabo isn’t necessarily brotherly either (like, I don’t know, Sabo/Luffy seems to be?). And it’s just that while I’m first and foremost a huge Ace/Lu enjoyer I also think Sabo did have a significant impact on their relationship both before and after Ace’s death.
((!! sorry i took a while to reply! i made that post before work on Friday and then got slammed until just now fdghjgk)
the odd thing is, I mostly agree!! I think I had to vent bc i saw ppl (a few specific sabo fans haha) on twitter acting like luffy would feel nothing toward ace but be obsessed with sabo. and, lol, no. but what YOU said makes total sense. like, yes, Ace + Sabo definitely has a different, more involved feeling to me than Ace & Luffy. I've had some ships in the past that fit the raised by wolves/runaway noble trope... the charm of the noble feeling like "this is the only person I feel like I can really be myself around" and the wild one thinking "i like spending time with this noble—they're tougher/kinder/funnier than i gave them credit for" AND/OR "society has always rejected me, but this 'cultured' person accepting me heals that pain a little bit"—all of those things are really charming.
Maybe if we'd seen more about how ace and sabo became friends, or if there were more emphasis on sabo's acceptance being what helped ace's anger (instead of, just from how i saw things, it being mostly luffy's unconditional warmth toward ace that did it?) then I'd personally be more feral about that dynamic, haha. But it's like you said, I guess it all depends on what we each connect with. I dont find tragedy alone compelling... I'm depressed enough already as it is LMAO!! if I think too hard about how viscerally sad Sabo only remembering Ace after he'd died is, my brain just shuts down. But I've got really good friends who would EAT THAT UP. Like, yeah, it is beautifully poetic... hahaha now i'm laughing thinking about my friends who were really into Hamlet and Romeo & Juliet finding out about Sabo & Ace and being obsessed, ahaha (they're not so into One Piece tho, only jjk... at least, for now!! 😈)
it's hard to put into words, but there's something about Sabo being a revolutionary vs. ace and luffy being pirates, that kind of explains why my brain sees A+L as very very very different than A&S or L&S. But like, that's just my brain and how my heart likes to focus on characters with really codependent relationships/dreams/themes, hahaha...
#also if we're talking tragedy#so many people have said it better than i ever could but#the beauty and drama of marineford#i live in denial and usually like imagining a timeline where ace was severaly wounded but lived through it#but canon#gosh#ace dying in luffy's arms bc luffy was in danger and he had to protect him#and he only had to protect him bc luffy was too weak from fighting his way through hell for ace#the love was there and it mattered and it didn't change anything but it mattered etc etc i'm WAILING#i don't know i'm bad at explaining why one of those tragedies makes my brain feel things and the other one doesn't quite as much#i wish i could express it better!!! sometimes i'm so frustrated with how i feel like i'm not really getting across the point i meant to#ace had been looking for that love his whole life!! he died KNOWING he had it!! (also like i didn't mention whitebeard here but#all that love ace received being the exact reason he had to turn back....)#and luffy!! luffy knowing he mattered to ace so much--ace loved him so much--he would die for him....#and going forward with that rock-solid certainty that he's loved in the new world#i'm going to fight a traffic sign. i'm at a loss.#ANYWAY i don't know if this was interesting or annoying as an answer but....... hopefully it was at least a little fun?#and if we just connect with different things in one piece then--not too surprising#with how big the story is!!!#the beauty of fandom etc etc different perspectives coming together and all that#meta#op#asl
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kitcatttt · 1 year ago
Tpc headcanons!!!
Cyan is renamed to Tristam
Orange is renamed to Ginger
Ginger is trans FTM
Gold and Tsavorite are both autistic
Ginger has really bad separation anxiety
Tsavorite has and will dash headfirst into objects and other shapes
Tristam goes TIO when stressed/overwhelmed
Gold is EXTREMELY tech smart, and has made several pieces of tech for the heroes and caretakers to use
Ginger was very stunted in growth, aka he got his powers late and didn’t mature instantly when he got the pieces he needed to do so
Cyanide has two memory cards in her, one like how she is in the show, and the other to make her willing to work with Dub, which kinda makes her an ass
Tristam and Cyanide had beef until the bad memory card got removed
Tsavorite can heal shapes
Ginger is afraid of Iris corrupting
Gold is mildly depressed because the tree killed his original caretaker, which wasn’t Pyrare
Heroes don’t die when their caretaker does
Cube is trans FTM
Iris has DID
Pentellow ISN’T a Mary Sue
Pyrare has mild anxiety
Pentellow is terrified of losing any of the caretakers or heroes like she lost her mom (and dad technically)
Cube has anxiety and depression
Cube’s real name is Cosmic
Cube has 3 2 siblings, named Cubical/Ellias and Cuboid/Kara
Iris acts like an ass to drive shapes away on purpose so they don’t see his “weakness”
Pyrare treats the rest of the caretakers like they’re his kids
Pyrare is TERRIFIED of Gold shattering, which has happened once before (he shattered him :3)
Pentellow sometimes locks herself in her room and just cries
Cube is partially cat-like
Marcle is a Half-Breed, which mixes 2 of my shape types. She’s a mix between a normal circle and a Bloom, which is an aquatic flower, which makes her fish-like
Blooms are really flexible and squishy, and Marcle uses that to squeeze into vents and creep around
Squadril has firepowers and has lit himself on fire when he was younger, leading to him having several burn marks
Squadril has an older brother named Wick
Purpex adopted Marcle and Squadril when she found them hiding during the first event
Marcle has a TON of repressed trauma
Squadril has anorexia, he overworks himself and doesn’t eat until he perfects whatever he’s working on
Purpex is partially a dragon, and accidentally killed her parents when she was 13
Purpex went missing for 15 years when she was 16
Marcle works as a dance instructor
Squadril does a ton of magic shows
Purpex plays the violin
Cintagon and Circumsphere are married
Cintagon has anxiety and ADHD
Circumsphere has autism, schizophrenia, and DID
Circumsphere has severe anger issues, which mostly come out while corrupted
Cintagon misses his daughter a LOT, he almost asked her to not leave at the end of episode 10, but knew she had to
Circumsphere has an older sister named Pirene
Cintagon has separation anxiety
Cintagon is part dragon, but he doesn’t know
Circumsphere is part bat, and a demon (not evil!!!)
Circumsphere used to date Hexagram
Cintagon and Circumsphere are rarely seen apart
Both would die for the other
Old married men <3
Danimal Cannon
Both Hexagram and Quintagon are Half-Breeds, being part Hexagon/Pentagon and Bloom
Hexagram has bipolar disorder and autism
Quintagon always carries her shovel
Quintagon has and will beat the shit out of Cubic
Both are energetic and enthusiastic
Hexagram bothers shapes a lot but he wasn’t taught otherwise
A lot of shapes don’t like Hexagram because he’s “annoying” even though he went undiagnosed for autism for 60 years
Quintagon will kill and would die for her brother
Hexagram was in an abusive relationship for a few years after he broke up with Circumsphere. That shape is now 6 feet under. Thank Quintagon.
Quintagon hates men (in the sense that she would never date one. She isn’t sexist. Maybe I could phrase this better-)
Hexagram and Circumsphere have mild beef, but still good friends
Hexagram has a few scars on his face
Quintagon is missing one of her fins on her right arm
Cirtunda adopted Circumuscle, Circumuscle and Rincle adopted Spheer
Rincle is a Half-Breed like Marcle
Circumuscle is part bunny
Spheer is part puppy
Cirtunda is part lion, and partially an eldritch horror
Circumuscle has a prosthetic jaw, leg, and hand due to getting mauled by a monster when he was 10
Rincle DESPISES Circubit and will fight him on sight
Rincle is scarily strong, even for a circle
Circumuscle hides in a cave when he wants to get away from others. The cave has a strange seal in it, seeming formed by a hero
Cirtunda scolds Circubit after she’s unhypnotized, and then adopts him-
Spheer barks a lot for no actual reason
Spheer has ADHD and is autistic
Cirtunda and Polyhedron are close friends dating
Rincle makes jewelry for fun
Dub and Barracuda used to date
AJ and George are best friends
Lycan sometimes leaves flowers wherever Cube is staying for him to find
Circubit has a boyfriend named Asher
Circubit is part snake and a demon (kinda evil!!!)
Lycan will maul you if you anger him enough
AJ is a street fighter
George is extremely fluffy, and a fox-flower, not a wolf-flower like Lycan
Dub acts all tough but is a huge softie and cares for all the corrupts
Barracuda wasn’t originally making the Pink Corruption to take over the world. He was a scientist and terminally ill, and he was hoping he could make something to help. It didn’t work, and he went crazy after a while
Barracuda used to be Gold’s caretaker, but after the corruption was made he was deemed “unworthy” and was killed
Dub (and most corrupts) DESPISE the tree
AJ and Quintagon are close friends
George is non-hostile and will run from any pures
Circubit works in a night club with a group of friends, who are mostly permacorrupts (shapes who cannot be purified without dying)
Lycan loves to bother Cube/Cubic, but would NEVER hurt him
General hc’s:
Cubes still have super strength
Pentagons can get injured, they just heal faster and can survive normally lethal injuries
Circles are well rounded in all terms of physical strength, and will normally have a holdable weapon
Triangles are strong magically, and will normally have a controlled weapon
Hexagons are good with acrobatics
All shape species; Standard, Irregular, Segmented, Flowers, Blooms, Animalistic, Half-Breeds
Age + height headcanons
Tristam - 16, 4’10”
Gold - 22, 5’3”
Tsavorite - 20, 5’
Ginger - 18, 4’11”
Cosmic - 27, 5’6”
Pentellow - 28, 5’10”
Iris - 29, 6’4”
Pyrare - 70, 15’10”
Marcle - 23, 6’9”
Squadril - 23, 4’11”
Purpex - 64, 5’11”
Cintagon - 65, 6’6”
Circumsphere - 68, 5’4”
Quintagon - 63, 6’2”
Hexagram - 65, 6’
Circumuscle - 34, 6’7”
Rincle - 34, 6’9”
Spheer - 9, 4’4”
Cirtunda - 86, 8’6”
Polyhedron - 90, 5’8”
Dub - 37, 30’
Barracuda - 39, 30’2”
Lycan - 27, 6’7”
AJ - 30, 4’10”
Lichen - 27, 7’9”
Circubit - 28, 7’
Will keep updating!!!
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ebony-silly-zone · 10 months ago
RUNS AND GRABS MY HC PAGE (these are all for a different au-)
Cyan is renamed to Tristam
Orange is renamed to Ginger
Ginger is trans FTM
Gold and Tsavorite are both autistic
Ginger has really bad separation anxiety
Tsavorite has and will dash headfirst into objects and other shapes
Tristam goes TIO when stressed/overwhelmed
Gold is EXTREMELY tech smart, and has made several pieces of tech for the heroes and caretakers to use
Ginger was very stunted in growth, aka he got his powers late and didn’t mature instantly when he got the pieces he needed to do so
Cyanide has two memory cards in her, one like how she is in the show, and the other to make her willing to work with Dub, which kinda makes her an ass
Tristam and Cyanide had beef until the bad memory card got removed
Tsavorite can heal shapes
Ginger is afraid of Iris corrupting
Gold is mildly depressed because the tree killed his original caretaker, which wasn’t Pyrare
Heroes don’t die when their caretaker does
Cube is trans FTM
Iris has DID
Pentellow ISN’T a Mary Sue
Pyrare has mild anxiety
Pentellow is terrified of losing any of the caretakers or heroes like she lost her mom (and dad technically)
Cube has anxiety and depression
Cube’s real name is Cosmic
Cube has 3 2 siblings, named Cubical/Ellias and Cuboid/Kara
Iris acts like an ass to drive shapes away on purpose so they don’t see his “weakness”
Pyrare treats the rest of the caretakers like they’re his kids
Pyrare is TERRIFIED of Gold shattering, which has happened once before (he shattered him :3)
Pentellow sometimes locks herself in her room and just cries
Cube is partially cat-like
Marcle is a Half-Breed, which mixes 2 of my shape types. She’s a mix between a normal circle and a Bloom, which is an aquatic flower, which makes her fish-like
Blooms are really flexible and squishy, and Marcle uses that to squeeze into vents and creep around
Squadril has firepowers and has lit himself on fire when he was younger, leading to him having several burn marks
Squadril has an older brother named Wick
Purpex adopted Marcle and Squadril when she found them hiding during the first event
Marcle has a TON of repressed trauma
Squadril has anorexia, he overworks himself and doesn’t eat until he perfects whatever he’s working on
Purpex is partially a dragon, and accidentally killed her parents when she was 13
Purpex went missing for 15 years when she was 16
Marcle works as a dance instructor
Squadril does a ton of magic shows
Purpex plays the violin
Cintagon and Circumsphere are married
Cintagon has anxiety and ADHD
Circumsphere has autism, schizophrenia, and DID
Circumsphere has severe anger issues, which mostly come out while corrupted
Cintagon misses his daughter a LOT, he almost asked her to not leave at the end of episode 10, but knew she had to
Circumsphere has an older sister named Pirene
Cintagon has separation anxiety
Cintagon is part dragon, but he doesn’t know
Circumsphere is part bat, and a demon (not evil!!!)
Circumsphere used to date Hexagram
Cintagon and Circumsphere are rarely seen apart
Both would die for the other
Old married men <3
Danimal Cannon
Both Hexagram and Quintagon are Half-Breeds, being part Hexagon/Pentagon and Bloom
Hexagram has bipolar disorder and autism
Quintagon always carries her shovel
Quintagon has and will beat the shit out of Cubic
Both are energetic and enthusiastic
Hexagram bothers shapes a lot but he wasn’t taught otherwise
A lot of shapes don’t like Hexagram because he’s “annoying” even though he went undiagnosed for autism for 60 years
Quintagon will kill and would die for her brother
Hexagram was in an abusive relationship for a few years after he broke up with Circumsphere. That shape is now 6 feet under. Thank Quintagon.
Quintagon hates men (in the sense that she would never date one. She isn’t sexist. Maybe I could phrase this better-)
Hexagram and Circumsphere have mild beef, but still good friends
Hexagram has a few scars on his face
Quintagon is missing one of her fins on her right arm
Cirtunda adopted Circumuscle, Circumuscle and Rincle adopted Spheer
Rincle is a Half-Breed like Marcle
Circumuscle is part bunny
Spheer is part puppy
Cirtunda is part lion, and partially an eldritch horror
Circumuscle has a prosthetic jaw, leg, and hand due to getting mauled by a monster when he was 10
Rincle DESPISES Circubit and will fight him on sight
Rincle is scarily strong, even for a circle
Circumuscle hides in a cave when he wants to get away from others. The cave has a strange seal in it, seeming formed by a hero
Cirtunda scolds Circubit after she’s unhypnotized, and then adopts him-
Spheer barks a lot for no actual reason
Spheer has ADHD and is autistic
Cirtunda and Polyhedron are close friends dating
Rincle makes jewelry for fun
Dub and Barracuda used to date
AJ and George are best friends
Lycan sometimes leaves flowers wherever Cube is staying for him to find
Circubit has a boyfriend named Asher
Circubit is part snake and a demon (kinda evil!!!)
Lycan will maul you if you anger him enough
AJ is a street fighter
George is extremely fluffy, and a fox-flower, not a wolf-flower like Lycan
Dub acts all tough but is a huge softie and cares for all the corrupts
Barracuda wasn’t originally making the Pink Corruption to take over the world. He was a scientist and terminally ill, and he was hoping he could make something to help. It didn’t work, and he went crazy after a while
Barracuda used to be Gold’s caretaker, but after the corruption was made he was deemed “unworthy” and was killed
Dub (and most corrupts) DESPISE the tree
AJ and Quintagon are close friends
George is non-hostile and will run from any pures
Circubit works in a night club with a group of friends, who are mostly permacorrupts (shapes who cannot be purified without dying)
Lycan loves to bother Cube/Cubic, but would NEVER hurt him
I love them sm :333
does anyone have any tpc headcanons to share im bored lol
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pagingdoctorbedlam · 4 years ago
My final potion for @quirkyseastone ‘s “Brew a Love Potion” event is complete! Hope you’re ready for the fluffiest darn thing I’ve written for this fandom (and possibly ever).
Characters: Franky x Reader
Genre: Sci-Fi AU, Fluff
TW/CW: Mentions of loss/death
Inspiration: Kudos to “A Long Way to a Small Angry Planet” by Becky Chambers for inspiring this fic~
Word Count: 2.7k words
"Alright, we've successfully docked. Good job, crew." You sit up from the captain's chair and gaze out at the starport outside your window. It's been some time since you'd landed on one of the Sabaody Moons, but you've always found the view breathtaking. The moons are more tree than earth, and bubbles slowly float from the roots up toward the stars. While some of the moons are still hives of scum and villainy, others seem almost paradisiacal as beings from far-flung galaxies intermingled in the Sabaody ports.
Before you can get too far from the bridge, the intercom of the Thousand Sunny buzzes to life. It's Franky, the A.I. that runs your ship. "Hey Captain, can I nab a word with ya' before you go on shore leave?"
"Sure thing. Need me here, or down in the core room?"
"Core Room, if ya' don't mind. I've got a super new design to run by you." Though Franky works admirably as a ship A.I., he'd originally been coded to design ships, including the one he now ran, the 1000 Suns (colloquially the Thousand Sunny to you and your crew). Even though his focus is now centered on ship diagnostics and flight procedures, the A.I. still delights in crafting new machine schematics, and you have a rule that he needs your approval before he modifies the ship.
You wave off the rest of the bridge crew, and they're all too eager to touch solid ground again after months in space. You are too, but if Franky's waited this long to check on you, it's likely something for your ears only while the rest of the crew is offboard. You stride through the winding metal hallways that make up the ship's guts, flashing your clearance badge here and there until you are down in the deep bowels of the ship, close enough to the engines that you can hear the machinery thrumming as the ship went through cooldown procedures. It's familiar. You come down here more often than others would expect, enough that you've got a futon and blanket stashed nearby for nights you don't spend in your own cabin.
"Franky? Said you wanted to see me?" You call out as you entered the Core Room. The entire room is covered in segments of a giant computer, with retractable screens and limbs for interacting with others; all of this is Franky. In a way, you're standing in his brain, which is something you try not to think about too much. What catches your attention is that all the screens are down, a rarity when Franky has company.
"Sure do!" His voice echoes, but not from the speakers. "Got a surprise for you. Close your eyes a sec, alright Captain?"
"Franky..." You're sure no other ship A.I.s play games with their commanding officers, but then again, you've yet to meet an A.I. with half the personality Franky has. You close your eyes and cover them with your hands. "Alright, ready when you are."
You expect to hear wheels, a cart with some sort of prototype wheeling into the room. Instead there are footsteps, heavy and so in-sync that it borders on unnatural. Then a hand on your shoulder, warm and soft. Too curious to resist temptation, you open your eyes and peek through your fingers.
"Franky, is this...?"
"An android body? It sure is!" He spins you around and takes a step back so you can take in his full visage. He looks human for the most part, even if the muscles in his forearms are overemphasized and patches of metal poke out from his skin. Still, he has skin, the medical-grade sort often used for replacing lost flesh in humans, and hair that's sculpted into a bright blue pompadour. He must have borrowed clothes from someone in medical too, though he's only wearing a floral patterned shirt, sunglasses, and a speedo. You suppose he was too excited for the big reveal to finish getting dressed.
"You made this, Franky?"
"Yeah, alongside Dr. Chopper and the rest of the medical team, plus Usopp over in Engineering. Surprised none of 'em spilled the beans." He flexes to show off the musculature of his arms. "We'd talked about what happened to your last ship, and figured we should make me a back-up body in case I ever needed to leave the ship with you all. Not that I plan for anything to happen to the Sunny..."
"But better safe than sorry." You still miss Merry, your sweet A.I. lost with your previous ship. She and Franky would've gotten along well, you think. "It's a good plan, I approve."
"Excellent! Now I just need to take it for a spin, test it outside the ship. Seeing as we've docked for the time being..."
Ah. Now you see what he's getting it. Pretty sly, for an A.I. "As your Captain, I'll accompany you on your first excursion out on the spaceport, to make sure everything's in working order." You offer an arm. He raises an eyebrow. "Loop it with mine. Like this...there we go. Now let's get going, shall we?"
 Even among the strangest aliens, Franky stands out in his own way at the space docks. This is only partially due to his lack of pants: he claims this is because he designed his legs to vent most of the heat his body builds up, and you wouldn't want him to overheat and faint on his first outing, would you? No, he stands out because even though he's clearly an android, there's an excitement to him that would rival even the most starry-eyed space explorers.
"Would ya' take a look at this, Captain?" You'd expect to find Franky gawking at any number of the docked spaceships, and indeed he's gushed about many of them already. Instead, he directs your attention to one of the tree roots. A trail of iridescent beetles scurry up the bark, and overhead, a couple smaller Southbirds (rare here, likely escaped cargo from the planet Skypiea) call to each other as they watch the busy port below.
"Thought you'd studied all these, Franky." After all, he's a powerful computer who can research multiple ideas at once, and innately curious as any inventor tends to be. And he's asked you and the crew many, many questions about the world beyond his metal hull.
"Yeah, but no matter how advanced the notes and visuals might be, it doesn't compare with the real thing. I mean, look at 'em!" He points at one particular beetle as its shell reflects the lights of the spaceport back with an opalescent sheen. "Even if you could theoretically simulate all this on a computer, most wouldn't think to do so on their own. Out here, stuff just...happens."
You have never seen an A.I. quite so excited about life outside, but then again, you've never met an A.I. quite like Franky. "Yeah, I guess that is pretty exciting when you put it that way. Part of the wonders of space travel; you never quite know what's going to happen out here."
Then a realization hits your brain with the full-bodied force of a supernova. "Franky, you've spent so much time traveling through the stars, but have you ever actually seen them the way we do?"
Franky looks up at the sky overhead. "Hard to see 'em from up here, even if I zoom out my eyes to max. Watch this!" His eyes...actually telescope out of his head. That's a bit disturbing with how human he looks. "Figure that's due to light pollution, though. Pretty bright out here."
"Sure is." You offer your arm to him again. "Come with me; I'll show you how folks groundside go out to look at the stars."
 Years ago, you'd come out of the harshest space battle of your life. Your crew narrowly avoided becoming space dust, and after giving her all to save you, you lost Merry. The ship that had been with you since the beginning, the A.I. with the biggest heart you'd ever met. As her files corrupted and her hull fell apart, you'd honored her final wish and set her ablaze once you reached planetside, cremating her as one would a human. You still carry a vial of her ashes on a necklace, so you never forget what you've lost to get this far.
You'd wandered through the streets of the moon of Water 7 in a daze. Hadn't even paid attention where you went as the rest of the crew licked their wounds. Before you knew it, a robotic voice called out to you from the depths of a starship demolition yard.
"What's got you down, Captain? Can't be you're sad to be out among the stars!"
You'd blinked, not recognizing the source of the voice. But you called back, "I just lost someone important to my crew. My ship." You didn't care if most folks didn't see A.I.s as people. Merry had been more than a crewmate to you. She'd been a friend.
Even though the voice emanating from the demo-yard was auto-tuned monotone, it took on a warmer tone somehow. "I'm sorry to hear that. But you say you're looking for a ship? I might be able to help with that." A crackle of static. "And if you'd like, you can tell me about your lost pal. I can't bring 'em back for you...but I've heard that talking about these kinda' things helps."
"You don't even know who I am."
"No one does when they first meet, do they? Speaking of which, call me Franky."
Somehow, pouring your heart out to a stranger was easier than talking to your crewmates. You'd wandered into the heart of the scrapheaps and talked to the mysterious Franky, his voice surrounding you from so many static-filled speakers. You'd watched as overhead, he controlled cranes to start putting pieces of a mighty vessel together. He'd asked about your specifications, what you'd loved about Merry both as a ship and a friend. You'd cried. He did too. And when you'd asked how much the ship would cost, he said the only charge would be that he could come along.
You agreed willingly, overjoyed to have such a skilled shipwright onboard. It was only when you talked to the demo-yard owner that you learned that the person you'd poured your heart out to was an A.I.
That didn't stop you from doing so again once the Thousand Sunny was complete, and Franky took to his new home in his core room. You'd wander down into the depths of the Thousand Sunny whenever you needed a second opinion on the ship or a mission, and soon after that just to talk. You'd spent hours surrounded by the computer that served as Franky's brain for so long, talking and laughing just as you used to with Merry. Except, it was more than that with him. He wasn't just a friend, you'd realized over time. But you'd shoved those thoughts away. It was ludicrous, falling in love with an A.I. whose brain you could walk through, whose body was a starship you controlled with the push of a few buttons.
But now he has a body. You can squeeze his giant hand, and he squeezes back so softly as he gets used to his own strength. He smiles the way you always imagined he would, grinning with pearly white teeth and eyes that (literally) glow with joy.
He follows you with infinite curiosity as you weave through the Sabaody streets and gather supplies for your excursion. You ask about his body's capabilities and discover his fuel source is...astonishingly close to soda, so you pick up a few colas along with some food for you. Franky gets to carry a blanket hand-woven by the locals, and you catch him marveling at the texture when he thinks you aren't looking. Finally, you rent a small paddleboat to traverse the moon with, and a map that lays out the canals and waterways of this particular moon.
"You know, it'd be a lot faster if I rowed," Franky says, mouth quirked into a lopsided grin as your comparatively tiny arms pull the oars back and forth. It's amazingly, how perfectly imperfect he looks, more human than any other android you've seen even with all the metal bits.
"There's an old human adage about the journey being more important than the destination, Franky. Take in the experience."
You watch as his attention zeroes in along the waterways, eyes zooming in on every detail until they're pulled away to something new. You expect him to be interested in the flora and fauna, as opalescent leaves bigger than your boat stretch over the water to shade you from the encroaching moonlight and soft purple creatures vaguely reminiscent of otters circle your boat before chasing each other down the river. But the entire world is new to him, and you find him fascinated by even the dirt or the buzzing insects swarming your head.
"Aww, look. I think it likes me!" Franky lifts one giant finger, where a mosquito (why did those have to be a universal constant?) tries and fails at piercing his skin.
"It probably thinks you're human and is trying to suck your blood," you point out, as the bugs try to use you as a personal juicebox. This only gets Franky to smile. Must feel validating, having even nature recognize him for what he is in his heart.
It takes a bit more rowing, but you finally arrive at your destination. A small island, mostly shore, with a small field and a lone tree with leaves that glow silver in the moonlight. You dock the boat on the shore, then set up the blanket and food for a small picnic. You motion for Franky to sit with you, and can't help but laugh a little at the faces he makes when touching sand for the first time. Then you lay back on the blanket. Franky joins you, and his eyes go wide.
A ribbon of starlight glimmers overhead. Hundreds of constellations twinkle overhead. You'd ask if he knows any, but you keep quiet so you don't break his wonder-filled gaze.
His giant hand encases yours. "Space seems even bigger from here than it does when you're in the middle of it. I mean, look at all those stars! I read that you could see 'em from so far away, but seeing it in person..."
"This is what inspired me to go into space," you say. Your finger drifts up to the brightest star in the sky. "I'd look at that one and say, I'm going to go there someday! Didn't care how far away it was, or even what might be around it. Just wanted to head to the brightest star I could."
Franky narrows his gaze up at that star. "That's over eight light years away. Might take a bit, even with a warp drive like mine. But if that's where you wanna' go? I'll take you anywhere, Captain. Long as we're together, I'll explore every corner of the universe with you."
For a moment, both of you are quiet. The air fills with the gentle rhythm of the flowing water, the buzz of insects, bushes rustling as creatures move in the night. In the distance, the hum of a starship engine taking off from the port; you soon see its lights trail across the sky as it ascends back into that void above, the space that's so comforting because it holds planets and stars and spaceships and you and Franky all together in its embrace.
"I think this is the part where one of us says 'I love you'," Franky says softly.
You smile and squeeze his hand back. "You're such a romantic. But yeah, you're right. And I do. I love you."
"Love you too, Captain. And thanks. For, y'know, helping me be human."
"Franky, you've got more heart than most anyone I know. You're plenty human already. I'm just here to steer you steady. And I always will."
You pass the rest of the night watching the stars overhead. And for the captain and A.I. of a starship, you wouldn't have it any other way.
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3d-wifey · 4 years ago
Among Us AU (Students)
I'm picturing this as them being actual characters in the game, not them playing the game.
Let's get the colors out of the way first:
Kiri is red, Denki is yellow, Bakugou is orange, Mina is pink, Deku is dark green, Tsu is lime, Iida is dark blue, Todoroki is white, Ochako is brown, Mirio is cyan, Tamaki is black, and Shinsou is purple.
Best Imposters: Mirio, DEKU, Shinsou, Tamaki, and Bakugou
Best Crewmates: IIDA, Deku, Todoroki, Tsu
Iida is probably the fastest crewmate, so nobody bothers going after him.
Wears the safety mask.
He calls regular emergency meetings as "check-ups" and is very adamant about the buddy system.
Can be seen chopping the air whenever he "thinks" he saw someone venting and when he's arguing during discussions.
Usually takes charge during discussions and if he dies, then Mirio takes charge
You'll probably find him in security watching the cameras.
It's very obvious whenever he's the importer.
He literally never vents.
He sticks to snapping necks and then speeding off so fast you can't catch him on the cameras
But he always gives himself away by getting super defensive when anybody asks him a question
"Where were you, Iida?"
"My location during the murder is none of your concern. I don't have to tell you anything at all. In fact, you can come see me scan in Medbay. Actually, don't! You might be the impostor yourself, Midoriya! Trying to pull the wool over our eye–"
"Yeah, go ahead and vote him out. 😪"
Mina, Denki, and Eijiro all dance around Bakugou while he's doing his tasks like cheerleaders and it pisses him the hell off because he can't focus.
Kirishima picks up any babies or pets that were left behind, even if he was the imposter.
He wears the ninja headband because they look "manly".
He honestly hates being the imposter because he gets so stressed out.
Usually just sticks to sabotaging.
He's really reluctant to kill and when he does, it is super sloppy.
One of those alien imposters that eat the crewmates. 🥴
He doesn't really defend himself if the crew starts suspecting him tho.
"I'm sorry I killed you, Shoto. That was super unmanly. 😞"
Shoto's ghost: 😐
Speaking of Shoto, he very rarely does tasks.
The only reason he's a good crewmate is because he's so quiet, the imposter won't even notice he's in the same room when they vent or kill someone.
Wears nothing but his suit, but can be persuaded to wear the halo.
You'll probably find him just wandering around in the halls, so he's an easy kill.
He's one of those Chaotic Neutral characters that say you can vote them out if they're wrong.
"I think I saw Kaminari kill Midoriya...but I could be wrong. You guys can just vote me out if I'm wrong."
He and Deku are very good at doing double kills and then venting right after.
He kills with knives or by impaling and then just walks off because he forgets he can vent.
But, he's not a good imposter by himself because he's kinda forgetful and doesn't make good arguments for himself.
"Shoto's faking tasks."
"No, I'm not. 😐"
Kirishima, Ochako, and Tsu are really reluctant to vote anyone out.
Everyone hates when they're the last people left because they usually throw the entire game.
While Kirishima and Tsu could be persuaded with evidence, Ochako usually just skips.
"Do we really have to vote them out? I mean...do you actually have proof?"
"I literally saw them kill Tsu."
"I don't know. I'm just gonna skip."
Ochako has to snap people's necks because she's too poor to afford a gun 😔.
Ochako, Mirio, and Mina refuse to kill anyone with pets or babies. They're murderers, not monsters.
Ochako and Tsu wear matching pink flowers.
Bakugou is a terrible crewmate, merely because he throws wild accusations until they stick (mostly at Deku)
“Deku’s the imposter!��
“Bakugou...Deku’s dead this round. 👁👄👁”
He gets so mad anytime the crew wants to vote him out, even if he is the imposter.
"I think it was Bakugou."
"No, the hell it wASN'T!"
"You've just been a little sus, dude."
"What are you getting so mad for? 👀"
Tumblr media
And he's a petty bitch so he never does his tasks as a ghost. He just grumbles and follows Kiri around.
Wears that backwards hat because he thinks it looks cool, but don't say anything about it or he will take it off.
Now, he's really in his element as the imposter.
🌠Gaslighting: the game🌠
Deku better hope they never get paired up together, because Bakugou will follow him around and report him as soon as he kills.
"Deku's the imposter. I caught his dumbass lacking."
"K-Kacchan? 🥺"
He prefers to work by himself, but he'll corporate with Kiri, Denki, or Mina.
Weapon of choice is a knife because it's hands-on and he really likes to...get into character.
Tsu and Mina are both imposter types that eat people.
They also have a ton of pets and babies with them at all times
Mina will never empty the garbage.
She also wears those cute devil horns.
Tsu always does her tasks as a ghost and then hovers by the abandoned babies/pets.
"Has anybody seen Tsu?"
Tsu: 🐸❤👶🏽
She's also really good at telling when someone is lying, that's why she's one of the first killed.
Denki tries his best, but...
"Leave the electrical tasks to me!"
And then he comes back like: 👍🏻🥴👍🏻
Just completely fried.
He wears that posted note that says "Dum" because he thinks its "ironic"...nobody even bothers telling him it's not.
Really reluctant to kill, but he doesn't understand how to sabotage so it's his only option. He just uses a gun because it seems less personal.
"Sorry to do this to ya, dude. But you know how it goes. 🔫😗✌🏼"
Shinsou's power makes him win every game as an imposter. He's basically OP.
"Hey, Shinsou! Did you just vent?"
"Did you?"
"Yeah, how bout you come jump on this knife 😼🔪"
Nobody ever sees him because he likes traveling through the vents and it's crazy because no one ever questions him either.
Sleeps in the vents.
He wears the red beanie.
He generally sticks to popping out of a vent, snapping necks, and going back into the vents.
Knows the vent system of every map like the back of his hand.
Sometimes he uses a knife if he's feeling ✨ᖴᗩᑎᑕY✨
A horrible crewmate.
He'll be sleeping in places he shouldn't be.
Like, he'll do some of his tasks, but he's not running to fix the O2 or the Reactor.
The alarms could be blaring and he'll be like:
"I'm sure somebody'll get that 😴."
He never brings anything to the discussion AT ALL.
He just votes with the majority, honestly.
He literally can not be found in the entire ship and you'll only see him at discussions, then he disappears like a shadow.
So, it's obvious that he rarely gets killed.
He only really pairs up with Deku (and he's usually the one that kills Shinsou)
Poor Tamaki.
He, like Denki, tries his best.
Please, God, don't leave him alone.
He tries to stay with Mirio or Kiri when doing tasks.
He wears that little green plant on his head 🥺.
The thought of there being a murderer around every corner stresses him the fuck out, so his hands are too shaky to do wires.
Doesn't like long tasks, they leave him too exposed.
If you think he's nervous during tasks, imagine him during discussions.
It's like doing back to back presentations on a topic you never researched.
He tries to be helpful by adding his two cents, but there are definitely some...big personalities in the group.
"I...think I s-saw orange vent."
"What the hell are you mumbling about?! Speak up, dammit!"
"N-nevermind, it's no use. 😞"
Now, he's surprisingly a really good imposter.
He's one of the few that nobody ever expects.
He works better with Mirio or Kirishima, and while he prefers to just sabotage, he isn't afraid to eat a bitch.
Tentacles come out of his stomach, so he's just waiting in decontamination like:
You wouldn't think Mirio would be a good imposter, but that's EXACTLY what he wants you to think.
He's smarter than he let's on and he plays dumb to his advantage.
"Mirio, why didn't you go to reactor when the alarm went off?"
"I was looking for my buddy, Tamaki. And I got a bit lost."
"Why didn't you just use your map—"
"Heh, we should just skip, right? 😅👍🏻"
Uses his big boy muscles to snap necks and then self-reports.
Says a corny dad joke before he kills someone.
"Hey, What does a liar do after he dies?"
"He lies still. Heh, get it? 👱🏻"
Wears a banana peel on his head and I feel like that needs no explanation.
He relies heavily on his quirk to move around as an imposter and a crewmate.
He just fucking pops out of the ground.
This also means he can catch imposters in the act.
He works well with anyone, but he still makes a good imposter by himself.
He really likes the Sked because of the simple design.
Follows people around for fun and his dumbass gets voted off because of it.
Uses his quirk to pop through walls and scare people.
"Hah. Key swipe, huh? 👱🏻"
Always swipes his key perfectly every time.
He does all of the tasks that nobody else wants to, including his own.
"What did you call an emergency meeting for, Mirio?"
"I just missed you guys. ☺"
"Vote him out."
Now, Izuku is really good in either role.
This is partially because of a little notebook he keeps filled with stats on the crewmates.
It also holds notes on how long it takes to complete different tasks, multiple layouts of the different ships, a list of combinations for O2, etc.
This comes in handy during discussions.
"Wait. Mina, you came from the labs all the way to the office to call a meeting? And you said it took you four minutes to get here while running, but that's, at least, a fifteen-minute journey, even if you ran at your maximum speed. The only people who could get here that fast are Iida, Mirio, and I. But, there is a vent that leads from the labs to storage and you could probably get here in four minutes if you used it. Also, if you saw Tamaki kill Todoroki, why didn't you just report the body—"
"Oh my God, Izuku. Just vote me out. 😒"
After finishing his tasks, he usually goes to admin to keep an eye on the body count. If not there, he'll be taking notes in the cafeteria.
He gets really focused on his tasks, so he's kind of an easy kill.
He has a little green baby on his head and his name is Kota 😌.
The notebook also helps him out when he's the imposter.
He knows which rooms have vents and where they lead.
Nobody ever suspects sweet baby Izuku to be the killer 🥺 no, not wittle baby boy.
Nobody, but Katsuki.
Literally, if there's no concrete evidence against him, hardly anyone thinks it's him.
And Katsuki isn't exactly trustworthy when it comes to Izuku, but he's literally right every time.
The king of sabotage.
He'll hit the lights, lock the door to Electrical, turn on O2, stab someone in the dark, and then vent to the other side of the ship.
As I said earlier, he's really good at getting double kills and then venting away.
He's real handy with a knife, but he has a strength-based quirk so he could snap necks if he wants.
They hardly ever win by finishing all of their tasks, because Mirio keeps following people around, Katsuki doesn't do tasks as a ghost, Kiri doesn't know how to upload the files, Shinsou sleeps through every alarm, Shoto forgets he has a map and gets lost, and Denki won't do his unless Iida chases him around and forces him.
God help these children 😩.
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reynie-muldoons · 4 years ago
'The Dance of the Celestial Orb' liveblog!
I have a pastry to munch on while I watch, let's get at it. Book and show spoilers below :)
EDIT: full liveblog has been recovered and posted, this is only partial!! Apologies, my original liveblog didnt save lol
I'm ✨nervous✨ please let our children be okay
0:10 this Sticky arc hurts me so kuch
1:35 this music is BUMPIN
2:22 I just wanna know how she got under there without the dude seeing her
2:47 "all systems go" for the Improvement 😬 yikes 😬😬😬
2:55 she didn't wait even 5 seconds after they left, the door was still closing when she popped up 😂 can you imagine if one of them doubled back right at that moment
3:18 they look like the dudes from that veggietales movie, I think it was Esther- the island of perpetual tickling?? Anyone??? 😂😂😂
4:00 Kate vented.......
4:51 "not a rat" yeah no shit
5:07 if not for the suspense, I would be jamming out lmaooo
6:10 Mr. Benedict is looking at the shoreline, is he about to watch Kate dive in???? Because I mean that's where she's gotta be going
6:20 "memory challenges"? Is Rhonda talking about Milligan's amnesia, or has short term memory been affected as well??
6:29 .....thank you for answering so efficiently 😂
6:42 "I buy it. I completely.... buy it." RHONDA THAT'S NOT HELPFUL AHSKSHDJKD
6:56 can you imagine seeing your friend go down in a sub then hours later seeing the sub float up in fucking PIECES
7:06 please let it be reunion time
7:25 oh hello that's a drop
7:38 *to the tune of Bezos I* come on Katie u can do it pave the way put ur back into it
7:51 she craves that mineral
8:06 Sticky, my child
8:20 oh my gosh they went out and LOOKED FOR HER I care them 😭😭😭
8:40 "jumping to conclusions is a failure of character" wow that really is something Curtain would say
8:52 angry Reynie. He is in rare form
8:54 "and you helped put her there!" OOOOOOOH I SCREAMED
9:03 "I shouldn't have yelled" okay but you kinda should have Sticky needs a wake up call
9:22 "if you really scared about me, you'd want me to be happy instead of standing there telling me who I am" oh Sticky my dude I am NOT digging the manipulation
9:36 Reynie pulling out the BFF card!!! Also Reynie digging in his feet because he knows he's right!!!! That's great setup for his arc as a strategist later
9:48 "I'm telling you, Kate's fine." Narrator: Kate was not, in fact, fine.
10:03 "they'll notice." Sticky has made one (1) good point.
10:11 oh dear god are they fingerprinting this bitch
10:19 all this equipment, has no one walked up to the cliff and looked down???
10:27 "we've been out here all night" that means Kate has been clinging to a cliff by her fingers and toes ALL NIGHT????
11:04 babe I know it's been a long night but maybe wait a second for them to actually leave before you climb back up
11:22 she has to go get it. There's no way someone wouldn't find that shit, it's in plain view
11:43 "I only wish we could've known him better" NOOOP NONONO WE'RE NOT DOING THIS
11:47 Rhonda back at it as the voice of reason!!!!!
11:59 "I have never met a more competent swimmer" throwback to the baaAAAYYYY
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12:33 "we will go rescue him" because of COURSE he would
12:36 Rhonda is his best wingwoman omfg she's so consistent
12:54 MISS PERUMAL??????
12:56 MISS PERUMAL!!!!!!
13:09 "how hard can it be? It's an island!" PFFFFT
13:16 oh SQ baby boy please get out of there
13:25 "I certainly have my own suspicions" he said, looking at SQ why are you looking at SQ like that
13:36 here we fuckin go
13:43 the captions have the f in forest capitalized like it's this special place
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13:43 new hc that the Forest is a magical place like pixie hollow
13:57 TWO THINGS: 1. YES stand up for yourself baby!!!! 2. Shepard Quaid? Interesting! I don't think we ever got SQ's full name in the books, I hope TLS made that decision!
14:08 your "father hat"??? Oh my gosh shut the fuck up right there don't even continue
14:16 oh yeah real fuckin cute put on your "steward of this institution hat" and call that a good reason to be a shit person
15:03 Kate's struggling right by the shore where a certain someone would be returning after a very hard swim, it would be a great time for a meeting wouldn't you think
15:26 sorry but that green screen of her falling was kinda funny
15:28 soooooo is someone, a very certain someone, gonna catch her...??????
15:43 IS THIS IT????@?@?!?
15:46 awww poor baby girl you can tell how tired she is
15:46 just putting this out there they look so good in frame together
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15:46 the actor who plays Milligan is fucking huge in stature so I wasn't sure how that would go but it looks so good
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16:20 "keep going." 😭😭😭😭😭
16:23 "you dont understand." Ohhhh I think he does
16:25 "I think I do." What did I tell you, he's got your back babygirl
16:45 I'm so glad she's talking this out, and with Milligan of all people
17:01 it makes so much sense for Kate to feel alone in that situation, and when Kate feels anything less than positive she goes and does something, whatever that something is.
17:05 "So.. I...." "fell off a cliff and nearly died." Thanks for putting things into perspective Milligan
17:05 Milligan is such a good dad stop
17:19 "most of the way" is an understatement LMFAO
17:29 I'm so glad we know the intimate details of Milligan's illustrious swimming abilities 😂 out of all the new things wfrom the show that one wasnt on my radar
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mocimori · 3 years ago
aaah hi chia!!! ;;n;;
I completely understand the feeling you’re talking about, and it’s awful. I’m so sorry you have to deal with that. I think something really important to remember (but also really hard to internalize;;) is that when you draw, you should draw for yourself. You don’t ‘owe’ followers art, or anything like that. If you want to share a piece, you can, but I think going into a drawing solely for the purpose of wanting to get recognized by other people can make it ten times more exhausting and put even more pressure on yourself. Not that it’s easy to satisfy yourself, either,, but I think it’s easier to draw if it’s something that you personally enjoy drawing.
And!! Taking breaks is more than okay!! Sometimes doing art just ain’t it. That doesn’t mean you’ll stop forever, just let yourself recuperate from your emotions. Remember that pieces don’t have to look ‘perfect,’ or even ‘good’ in your eyes for them to be that way to others. Practicing is still important, but it’s okay to just do a little at a time, too. Burnout sucks ;-;
And I do think eating more regularly and getting on a better sleep schedule can help you feel better too;; there’s a whole science behind it but I won’t go into that bc I’m already being a bit hypocritical dnbd
Anyways pleasepleaseplease never feel embarrassed or sorry for needing to vent!! That’s a completely normal, healthy, safe way to let out your emotions, and there are plenty of people who will want to help however they can! You always have a right to feel the way you do, that’s just how emotions work, even when it’s frustrating. I’m sending you all my love and support, and I’m sure so many others are, too!!
(As an aside, I LOVE your art, and so do so many others. It always makes me smile when I see it, and you’re always so kind interacting with your followers too, it’s a treasure 💜 I hope things will look up soon) 💜💗💜
PETRI! 😭😭😭💗 it’s been awhile, I hope you’re doing good 🥺
Burnout just really sucks but there’s not much I can do until classes are over 🥺 I can lessen the load a bit by normally winging it but my inner perfectionist cringes at mediocrity at this stage of the semester 😭
true :(( I love drawing for myself most of the time. Most of my painting assignments are centered on skz if we’re given the freedom to choose our subjects bc I love drawing them and it made doing those painting marathons less miserable. 😭😭😭 aaa wait, I can see how the follower thing can come off that way when I wrote down what I felt. It’s partially a reason but it’s also bc I take too much pride in my work 🥺 kind of like when you’re a kid and you want to show your family/friends the art you made. I get a bit disappointed and reflect the poor or lack of engagement to myself because it’s like the effort I put on the piece suddenly feels lacking. I end up regretting choosing to create or I end up wondering what could I have done more and why didn’t I do more (but the difficulty rises to a lvl 10 bc burnout and wanting validation is a bad combo 😂)
You’re right too! Bc what if subconsciously I started to draw for others or what people want to see from me (*꒦ິㅂ꒦ີ) like even though it’s mostly for myself, I end up thinking “will this do well?” It can really get exhausting which is also why I decided not to make any Genshin FA for awhile even though I know it’ll give me better engagement. 😔 It’s really a whole other pandora’s box I want to bring up but idk how 😂 It can really be difficult to get off that train of thought :(( but let’s keep trying! 🥺 we can do this!
BABDHDD PETRI OMS WE HAVE TO GO BACK TO LIVING HEALTHY 😂😂😂 — I’ll try my best! It’s been awhile since I slept properly, I kinda miss the mornings and breakfast :(( I find it difficult to sleep these days so normally I just wait until sleep decides to whisk me away or I force myself to close my eyes 😭 but I’ll try 🥺 I hope you can also 😭😭😭 at least the sleep schedule part 🧎🏻can say that staying up until 10 am with only 1 hour of sleep was not a good experience.
😔😔😔 and thank you so much Petri! Im just… 🥺😢💕💗 with your kind words bc I honestly feel like I’m just a machine most of the time or I have a hard time expressing certain thoughts? like art vents or fangirl tweets especially bc I end up feeling like it annoys everyone 🤡 so I just come here on tumblr to scream in the tags 😂 I hope too one day when I’m a bit more comfortable, people will like me for my personality too 🥺
//ALSO BDDBD AAA AMG IM JUST FJFBF PETRI HI HELLO 😭💗😭💗 you’re so sweet hhh— I’m glad my art makes you happy too 🥺 I honestly love sharing bc I like it when the art makes someone happy. Sometimes I feel like I dont deserve it but ty for being kind to me ;; I’m just as lucky that you like my work too and for believing in me too ㅠㅠ 💕
Take care of yourself lots too Petri 🥺 I’m sending you my strength as well!
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kyluxtrashpit · 4 years ago
2020 Fic Recap
I really like writing these and 2020 has been a HELL of a year, so here we go lmao. It’s been a wild ride for sure
Total wordcount: 88 109 words (note: I’m subtracting the ‘sorry I didn’t finish this, here’s a summary of the remaining plot’ that I published for a fic in a previous fandom from this since it’s not relevant here). Overall I wrote less than last year, but given all that happened in terms of the world and personally and fandom-wise and all of it, I don’t feel too bad about it lmao. I also have a lot of WIP words of half-finished things and some planning and such so I feel okay with this
Favours, 4906 words, posted Jan 4
This was a weird one cause this is a two chapter reader insert fic, the same story but told with both Phasma and Hux. I originally wrote this for Phasma, but later decided it would be easy to tweak into a Hux story (which it was lmao) and figured people might like that, so I did both. I had fun doing it, even if this is kind of a very small niche ship and trope wise
Know Your Shadow, 5022 words, posted Feb 16
Ah yes, here we are, the first foray into renben, a ship I had NO idea would grab me so hard but here we are lmao. I’m not done with them either yet, don’t you worry. There’s something about the corruption angle I really like, also Ren is HOT, and it’s also interesting to think about Kylo truly getting to find himself and be who he wants to be. Canon didn’t really satisfy on this, but the concept still interests me and it’s what had me writing this fic. Also, Ben losing his virginity to an older man like Ren is just *chef’s kiss*
Public Indecency, 3719 words, posted Mar 1
And my second renben! This was partially inspired by art and partially by just the idea of not giving one single fuck, and how thrilling that must be for someone like Ben to experience. Ren and the KOR truly do not give a shit and it’s really beautiful in a way. Plus some hinting at found family with the KOR. Ngl, Ben/Kylo finding his place and acceptance with the KOR makes me so Soft and there’s so many words I could write about it. Plus public sex is very hot lmao
Beautiful, 3254 words, posted Mar 8
Back to kylux, and this one was an old WIP I started back when the prompt was first posted on KHK in like 2019 or something. I got stuck on it and then left it for a while. I was digging through my old WIPs, looking for something that might catch my interest and boom, this one did, so I finished it and then posted it. I quite like the fic and it’s a bit more in the ~classic~ style. It’s also always a good feeling to get an old WIP done lmao
Choose Your Destiny, 5077 words, posted Mar 20
More renben and this was my fix it fic for ROKR vol 4. I talked about this more on twitter at the time and why I found the story as it was unsatisfying, but ultimately it’s really just a case of rushed writing and playing into established bad writing (e.g. showing a fall from grace by having someone kill someone eviler than themselves). I also really liked Ren and I felt like Kylo didn’t really get to have enough agency in like... any of it. His motivations were weirdly absent as well, despite this being ostensibly about him. So I wrote this, which I think handled how the story should have gone a lot better and, plus, it’s got smut!
(Okay and the rest are behind a cut for length)
Show of Devotion, 2479 words, posted Mar 28
Renben once again and this time, I mean, it’s all inappropriate use of lightsabers lmao. I was looking at the Ren and was like ‘wow that is SO phallic’ and then the horny brain turned on and, well, here we are. I also wanted a side of found family with the KOR and I think got that with this. It’s horny. It’s fun. What more could one want?
Aural, 2729 words, posted May 12
Okay this one... I have absolutely no excuses for lmao. I’m not even sure where the inspiration came from, I just remember I was in an online work meeting that was boring and the entire sequence of events played itself out in my head. It was all I could do to focus on work for the rest of the day and not immediately write this cursed creation lmao. The worst part was I’d been totally blocked on writing since March and this, THIS, was what eventually broke out of me. In case you haven’t read this one, it’s ear sex. Hux’s dick, Kylo’s ear. No, I don’t know the logistics either. But hey, I had a blast with it, both in terms of writing it and the reactions lmao. Someday I gotta write a follow up involving a nose too
Missed Chances, 10 749 words, posted Jun 7
Ah yes, this is the point where my renben met my kylux and created this absolutely enormous peanut butter cup of a fic lmao. It really was supposed to be like half the length it was, but alas, it was not. Also cockblocking kylux was SO hard, they wanted to fuck SO bad, but I had to stop them, the story demanded it lmao (and people in the comments were MAD, which is always excellent). It’s also when my renben series really started to have like, an overarching plot (aside from the modern au fics which I’ll talk about later). I even still have more instalments planned
Free Use, 6971 words, posted Jun 23
Another one that turned out far longer than initially planned, and also my most popular fic this year! I’m both surprised and not cause like. It’s a complete smut fest + my heavy headcanoning of the personalities of the KOR. People like smut, but I also feel it’s kinda niche considering how deep I’m in for the KOR lmao. So idk, I guess the smut won out. I did have a lot of fun with this one and there’s a lot of characterization thought put into each KOR, so it was really nice to see people loving that as much as I did. Canon gave us crumbs, but I just used them to make meatballs
Eat You Up, 1573 words, posted Jul 5
There’s not a lot to this one, it’s really just renben rimming cause the sexual dynamic with renben is so fun. Kylo/Ben is inexperienced yet eager and depraved enough to impress Ren, which is something considering I think of Ren as Very Experienced lmao. I really do love this ship; it’s a lot of fun to play with
In the Vents, 2002 words, posted Aug 3
Ah and this was my first piece for the stuck inside event on twitter, which I had a lot of fun with. Stuck fetish is one I’ve always wanted to explore, but never had any concrete ideas for. This event led to me finally getting to have Kylo stuck in a wall (plus more as well), which was fun. Also I spent far too long thinking about Hux’s vent contraption set up cause I knew he would never let Millie go anywhere that might hurt her, so I had to come up with a way to make the vent safe and here we are lmao. Hux being an engineer and also the most extra cat owner in existence worked out very well indeed. This was also the start of my creativity boom near the middle-end of the year that uh kinda burned out in a not so great way, but I’ll talk about that later lmao
Distraction, 3658 words, posted Aug 6
Another for the stuck inside event and another kylux/renben sandwich! Also featuring the KOR this time! Listen... it’s a gangbang, it’s got renben, it’s got kylux, it’s got Kylo getting stuffed from all ends... this is the kind of fic that, to me, is pure indulgence lmao. I had a tremendous amount of fun with it
Entrapped, 3484 words, posted Aug 8
So this was also for the stuck inside event (yes, I wrote 3 fics in about a week lmao - I don’t know how I did it either) and it’s darker than the sort of things I usually write. I enjoyed exploring something like this though, something outside my usual purview. It didn’t perform super well, but tbh the dark ones rarely do so lmao
Pit Stop, 1505 words, posted Aug 31
Welp, this is just an excuse for watersports lmao. I like piss, what can I say? And I’ve done it to kylux, so I had to do it to renben, and the modern au ‘need to pee on a road trip’ seemed like the perfect opportunity for it. Not much to say for it really
The Deal, 2431 words, posted Sep 3
Ah and this one here was the first for the throwback event I ran on twitter! The event itself ended up kind of being tainted by drama from one singular person who kind of ruined it by being a jerk for literally no good reason, but I’m not going to talk too much about that. Even with that, I still greatly enjoyed it and this piece might be my favourite from it as a whole. Kylo Amidala, political scandals, neither of them being nice... ahhhh yes, it definitely brought me back lmao
Devotion, 1929 words, posted Sep 10
Another for the throwback event, this time with Emperor and Hound dynamics which, unf, yes, I will literally never get tired of it. I really had fun with every fic from this event and this one was great because I so rarely get to write real action scenes, even if they’re in a flashback here. That and the dynamic itself really made it fun
To Be Wanted, 10 473 words, posted Sep 16
Ah yes, and here is my KBB for the year! I did a minibang this time, as, well, everything was going horribly wrong around the time of sign ups and I thought a mini would be more realistic. I think I was right on that and I’m glad I did it, even if I was torn at the time. The idea itself is one I’d been thinking about for a while. I can’t remember if I thought of it after seeing the leaks for tros or after watching the movie itself, but it’s been with me for a while and while I dithered over whether or not to sign up this year, the idea came back and was just perfect for a minibang. Plus I got an absolutely amazing and wonderful partner, which is really what makes the experience of doing bangs so great. I love this fic, I LOVE the art for it, and the whole experience was definitely a highlight to 2020 as a whole, both overall and in terms of my fandom/writing experience this year
Floss Me, 2033 words, posted Sep 21
My third for the throwback event and also the dental fetish fic I’ve wanted to write for a while now lmao but could never figure out a scenario for. As some of you may remember, 2018-2019, I went through some pretty horrific dental stuff and ultimately I think it kinda gave me a fetish lmao. Also I feel like there may or may not have been a kinky flossing prompt on one of the prompt sites at some point, but I looked everywhere and couldn’t find it so. But anyway, it was a fun fic for a kink I think is quite underrated tbh
The Cost of Certainty, 2541 words, posted Sep 25
My fourth and final piece for the throwback event, and this one is also a contender for my favourite piece from that event. I have always loved the idea of Hux being a serial killer and this was a perfect excuse to write it. I’d also recently finished a rewatch of Hannibal and, well, you can see where this came from lmao. I love writing tension and it was just very fun all around. I almost wish I’d done something like this as a long fic but tbh I don’t think I would’ve enjoyed writing it as much
Huxloween Drawings, 676 words, posted Nov 1
So this isn’t a fic but rather the drawings I did for huxloween, but people wanted them on ao3, so posted they are. Now, I mentioned above that I had this massive creative boom in Aug-Sep, but that it burned out rather badly. This is when that happened. I got into this place where I just... felt like everything I made wasn’t wanted or needed in the fandom. That everything I like is so unpopular at this point that I should just give up and leave. That I’ve spent all this time and energy over the years trying so desperately to get people engaged and so few ever cared and I just... ugh. It was bad. It was really bad and definitely partly fuelled by the bullshit that someone brought up regarding the throwback event (and I still believe that they are the sole cause of it’s poor reception). I, uh, am doing better now and still working through it all but it was a really rough time. But I found myself still wanting to be creative so I decided to draw. I am not good at drawing. I am not an artist. But that’s what made it fun: I went into each drawing knowing it wasn’t gonna look great. That wasn’t the point. So I never got upset about it. I think it helped me a lot tbh and I did really enjoy it and I’m glad I did it
Unconventional, 7243 words (in progress), updated Dec 20, first posted Nov 18
So the next part of me trying to fix the bullshit in my brain creativity-wise was to post the first chapter to this fic. This is a piece I’ve been working on since 2016-2017 (I don’t remember exactly when, but it was pre-TLJ, and I’ve gotten a new computer since so I don’t have the original creation date of the document) but I could just... never get a plot together for it and ever since I abandoned a fic in my old fandom (and this year I finally posted the ‘sorry this isn’t getting finished, here’s a closure summary’ chapter), I’ve been hesitant to post WIPs before being at least 80% done. So I said fuck it, I’m gonna post this and not be scared. Is this fic complete? Nope, but the plan is starting to come together. Do I know exactly where it’s going? Nope, but I don’t need to. Is it self-indulgent as all hell? Absolutely. I love this fic and I love this story and I love the concepts within it. So I posted it and tbh, it really helped. And I think this, combined with my writing break where I drew for 31 days straight lmao were really my saving graces here
Test Run, 3661 words, posted Dec 31
And now my final fic of the year! Which is a ship I honestly wasn’t super into (I don’t hate it, it just generally doesn’t do much for me) but then I did that thing where I thought ‘hmm but could it be written in a way that I am into?’ which, in my experience, always leads to me writing exactly that. Which is what I did here lmao. I’m pretty happy with it though and despite it being very strange to write, as I really had to work to get these two to get where they were going lmao, I had fun with it. I honestly doubt I’ll write more of them, but I’m glad I wrote this one, and I think it’s a good experiment to close out the year with
What have I learned?
Honestly, this year was a clusterfuck lmao. 2019 wasn’t great for me either, but we all lived through this and it was certainly An Experience. I think what this year really helped me focus on was what made me happy. I ended up in some dark places and I don’t want to go there again. It feels repetitive to say that, once again, I have learned that writing what I want is key when I say that every damn year, but tbh I think 2020 underscored it even more so. Spite as a motivator, when used to much, smothers the spark of creativity and the joy of creation. The most important lesson I learned this year by far is to not let that take the driver’s seat. A dash here and there? That’s fine. But as your main motivator? That’s just not healthy. And I need to work to keep it from consuming me like it has been for too long
Goals for 2021?
So last year I didn’t set any hard goals and boy, is it a good thing I didn’t, cause I achieved none of them lmao. I didn’t write more words (though I did write more individual fics, and the word count gap between this year and last is about the size of the difference between a big bang fic and a mini bang fic so really, I think I did okay), I didn’t even write a single fic for BTHB, and, to be really honest, I did not manage to keep my love for writing alive the whole time. I was in a really dark place a few times this year, but that drop in Sep-Oct was the worst from a creative standpoint. I feel like I’m mostly out of it now, even if I still have some work to do maintaining it. I’m hopeful for the future in that regard. The only thing I really did accomplish was that I feel positively towards all the fics I wrote; I’m happy and proud of all of them
So what is my goal? Honestly, I feel like every year I have to relearn the lesson of ‘write what you want, have fun, be self-indulgent, fuck expectations, etc.’ and my goal this year is to not have to relearn that again, but to keep that energy and carry it with me for the whole year. I realize I may have to put some effort in there, but I’m okay with that. I don’t know what 2021 has in store, but if I can just keep my passion alive and not fall into that pit again, I’m calling it a win
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hollowfaces · 5 years ago
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
enjoys simple things like holding you while you guys talk or venting about his day. if you’re interested however he really enjoys teaching you about all his medical knowledge and seeing how you do. sometimes give you random pop quizzes on which medical equipment do what to keep you on your toes
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
since he can’t exactly see you, he really admires your hands. loves when you cup his face or tightly squeeze his hand. also really enjoys softly rubbing your hands with his own and just basking in the moment
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
jack is very comforting person for several reasons. he has both a very calming voice and a very calming aura. whenever you’re feeling down he’ll try the most logical way to help you feel better, but if you just want some cuddles or some space he’ll be happy to oblige
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
his future with you is honestly just keeping things the way they are. he doesn’t want kids and doesn’t do well with actual pets so just keeping your guys’ loving relationship is what he wants
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
he’s rather dominant in regards to your safety and his possessiveness but passive in most regards of your actual relationship. jacks very whipped when it comes to you and you find yourself getting away with a lot of stuff no one else would be able to get away with
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
one of the worst people to fight with since he isn’t the type to really yell or display any body language. when you guys fight he remains rather calm which makes you feel like he doesn’t care that much about whatever you’re fighting about. but luckily you guys don’t fight very often, jack is level headed and does his best to solve issues by talking to you
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
extremely grateful. he knows being with him is hard for several reasons and appreciates you so much. also very aware of all that you do for him and makes sure to praise you for it
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
he doesn’t really hold secrets per say, but he hasn’t told you everything about his past and probably never will. he completely trusts you but it’s just not something he likes to think about, much less talk about. greatly appreciates when you understand and don’t press on the subject
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
you’ve definitely helped him overcome certain personal issues. he had a lot of issues with his self worth and wondering if he deserved anything good in his life. you didn’t just magically solve everything when you came into his life but you stayed with him through the process and supported him
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
jack is honestly a very possessive and overprotective person. he knows the type of people he hangs out with and never wants you to meet them. he doesn’t want them to ‘taint’ you in any way or hurt you. jack also keeps this attitude for any regular person as well
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
i’m gonna be totally honest with you, your first kiss was pretty awful. jack hadn’t had any experience since he was a human and now he had to make sure he didn’t accidentally hurt you with his teeth so your first kiss was really awkward and chaste. eventually gets the hang of it and gets more trust in himself to not hurt you
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
he goes total old school and writes you a note. since he has trouble writing nicely he actually typed it out on an typewriter he has, which just adds to the charm of the letter really. even seals it with a nice wax seal he has. when he hands the note to you, you’re more than shocked and a little concerned. first of all, his hands have the slightest tremble to them which is very rare for someone as composed as jack. not to mention how uncomfortable the silence makes him feel as you carefully read over each word. he keeps shuffling his feet and coughing to aid the silence. when he hears your elated acceptance after you’re done reading, he swears he could combust right there. partially from happiness from your newfound relationship, partially from the huge wave of relief coming from his body since the silence is finally over.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
he would not want to get married. he thinks it’s really stupid and plus, you guys can’t even actually get married, no one wants to officiate a demons wedding. if you convince him enough though, he may do a faux proposal with a ring pop
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
it’s really cheesy but he enjoys calling you baby and angel. he mostly calls you angel though. jack thinks it’s really adorable if you call him pet names too but not for the same reason that you probably do... he just enjoys it for the simple reason that it’s very funny to him hearing you call him, a organ eating demon with no eyes, your adorable little sweetie pie
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
it wouldn’t be overtly obvious unless someone really knew jack. like jeff won’t be able to tell but his closer friends like toby and tim can pick up on the subtle changes. like how he laughs at bens stupid jokes more, or how he isn’t as moody when he has to fix up toby when he hurts himself again, or when he isn’t as pissed when jeff annoys him. he just seems happier in general and his friends can’t help but feel a little happy themselves
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
doesn’t brag about you but isn’t afraid to show affection in front of others. it isn’t embarrassing to him and as long you keep it reasonable he doesn’t care. sometimes kisses you or pulls you into his lap in front of the other creeps so he can laugh at them making fake gagging and vomiting noises
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
not sure if this counts as beneficial but since he’s a demon he can scent you. this is mainly to let any other demons know that you’re taken and keep them away from you. this also means he rubs against your neck all the time which means he gives you a lot of affection too!
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
jack tries to be romantic but demons don’t exactly have the same standards of romance that humans do so it often comes off wrong. likes giving you pretty stuff he finds in the forest like pretty rocks, old snail shells, abandoned trinkets, and sometimes even live animals. (he brought you a dead one once and quickly regretted it when you cried over the mouse carcass he had presented you). definitely reminds of you a bird sometimes so he’s creative in his own way. also likes trying romantic things you want like picnics or dancing in the kitchen. does whatever he can to make you smile and gets excited when you bring up new ideas for you guys to try
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
believes in you 100% and will do anything to help you achieve your dreams and ambitions. he’s super proud of you no matter what it is and is your biggest supporter
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
jack just kinda goes with the flow. if you wanna try something new he’s usually down for it but if you just wanna sit at home and cuddle he’s down for that too. that being said, he does like trying new things with you. if you wanna try to cook something new, jack will be there with you every step of the way. if you wanna try painting, he’ll be there trying his own painting. you do have to get used to his criticism on new things though, even if it hurts
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
remembers just about everything you’ve told him about yourself. is very observant as well so he’s also picked up on your social cues like when you’re nervous or excited. so it’s safe to say he knows you extremely well. and while he may not always understand your emotions or where you’re coming from, he’ll do his best to understand what you’re going through and give you adequate care
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
your relationship is worth everything to jack. he doesn’t let himself get close to people often so the fact that you were not only able to break down his walls and squirm your way into his life, but also that you’ve made yourself a permanent fixture in it as well is impressive. you’re a very important and precious fixture in his life. and he’ll do anything to keep you happy and by his side
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
jack really enjoys solving conspiracy theories and ARG’s with you. loves finding out how all the puzzle pieces fit together and you both find yourself excitedly awaiting the next update. you guys haven’t actually solved anything yet or been right even once but jack still has hope!
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
in the beginning of your relationship he’d be more conservative and nervous to initiate touch with you, but as time grows on he’ll start getting the insatiable desire to crush you against his chest or wrap his arms around your waist and hold you for dear life. will always wait until you’re comfortable with affection though, and once you are comfortable, you are never leaving his grasp. loves cuddling with you and hugging you from behind, giving you a quick kiss on your hairline. really just loves feeling you against him in the most pure way
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
he can go a regular amount of time without missing you too much but if you guys are separated for any extended period of time he will hate it so much. on the outside he’ll look perfectly calm, not saying a single word about you to anymore or seeming like he misses you at all. but on the inside he’s dying a bit without your gentle touches and wet kisses to his forehead. hugs his pillow tighter at night when he misses you and tries to keep his hands occupied all the time
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
not in the regular sense but he will do just about anything to keep you happy. let’s you touch his face, tells you somewhat about his past, keeps seedeater around to protect you, would even disguise himself in public for you if he needed to. would fight any other demons if they ever got too close as well
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astrologysvt · 5 years ago
SVT & Giving Comfort 🥰
minigum said: ive been thinking about this but i feel like I'm bad at telling what would make a good question????? so if this isn't applicable at all feel free to discard! but basically, according to their charts, what kind of comfort would the svt members offer to someone if they were upset?
Seungcheol: the problem solver. if he notices someone is upset he’s going to address the cause and act in response. may it be “my friend is sad they broke something they liked so i will replace it!” or “someone said something mean to my friend so i’m gonna give them a piece of my mind 😡” he’s certainly capable of offering affection as comfort, but is naturally going to feel the drive to problem solve or perform a favor for whoever he’s comforting. 
Jeonghan: he has a very logical mindset when it comes to emotions, although there is a lot in him that’s capable of observing his loved ones and tailoring his approach to them. for example, i imagine the way he’d comfort woozi would be drastically different from dk and he’s naturally very good at adjusting. with that being said, he’s naturally inclined to want to listen to what they have to say and understand why they may be upset and try and sort that out first. 
Joshua: he’s going to be the type to offer perspective. he’s a very realistic and level-headed guy and so he would be very good at 1) calming someone down as well as 2) breaking the situation down and trying to get to the bottom of what’s upsetting someone. he may struggle in identifying when certain comfort is necessary, but if you want someone who can slow your brain down, give you room to think, make you a cup of hot cocoa -- he’s your guy. 
Jun: this guy is a great at comforting! he has a naturally light approach to these situations in a way that isn’t overly daunting or heavy that’s incredibly comforting to be around. on top of that, he has these very calming and earthy energies he can pull from when he so chooses. really great with affection, he’s a very realistic yet positive person. incredibly straight forward and earnest and so it’d be impossible to not believe the nice things he says to cheer someone up.
Soonyoung: he’s going to meet these situations primarily with humor. if someone he loves is upset, it’s very important for him to make sure he leaves them smiling and laughing. this is partially his way of comfort, as well as his air dom chart not really knowing what to do with himself if someone where to come to him crying. he’ll make a choice to either try and make them laugh, try and talk it out, or simply be there if they need him. 
Wonwoo: he’s going to be the guy who suggests someone take it easy if they were upset. maybe offer they take a walk, watch a movie, take a bath. will ask if they want company or not. he’s very level-headed and logical, but he’s also very understanding of the importance and nuance of emotions. instead of distracting, may encourage someone to sit in their feelings and process before trying to do anything about it. 
Woozi: this guy has a few approaches. one would be to distract with maybe work, a good meal, games, humor. whatever he can do to get someone’s mind off of the thing upsetting them. next would be to try and talk through the situation by offering alternative perspectives to try turn the situation into a much more positive one. he’s a very “it is what it is” guy and would probably focus more so on making the best of what’s there. 
Seokmin: he’d the perfect person to come to if you just need to cry it out. he’d give such a good hugs. he is so affectionate and so emotionally open. very good at validating those feelings and is also a great listener. he’s very observant as well so he’d be a great person to voice your concerns out to, especially emotional ones. may not have answers but is very empathetic and understanding. 
Mingyu: he’s a very reliable and empathetic person. he’s a good person to vent to and will take good care of someone if they need that support, both emotionally and otherwise. may not be the type to give advice or want to talk a whole lot about feelings as he may get overwhelmed -- prefers to either act or support instead. will offer that healing space if needed.  he’s also great at keeping the mood positive and uplifting. 
Minghao: he’s very good at handling emotions and wont shy away from someone who is clearly upset. similar to jeonghan he’s going to try and talk things out and understand whats going on. he has a very optimistic and philosophical approach to emotions, and so he’d love to have very in-depth and abstract conversations about the situation/hurt in order to help process. 
Seungkwan: kinda similarly to dk but for very different reasons, seungkwan would also be a very good person to cry to. he may get flustered and may not know what the best thing to say is, but he’ll take good care of someone who was upset. get them a cozy change of clothes, a cup of tea, a movie, a really nice hug. will make sure they’re taken care of and will be a ready and waiting ear when they need it. 
Hansol: this guy has two modes when it comes to comfort. he has these super calming frequencies that allow him to be a very healing person to be around even if he’s not saying anything and is just keeping company. on the other hand, he has a very constructive way of approaching these situations that can be helpful as well. he’s good at hearing people out and offering alternative perspectives. 
Chan: this guy is both incredibly empathetic as well as generous when it comes to these situations. he’s the type to drop everything to take care of someone who needs comforting, and is going to do everything he can to help. ultimately inclined to try and distract, uplift, and offer solutions but there are these influences in him that are very emotionally intuitive and affectionate. very adaptable in how he comforts with a tendency towards logical thinking.
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oh-wow-its-wordgirl · 4 years ago
Becky for the character ask meme? X3
Why I like them-
Because she’s adorable!! And also is just a really well-written character! She loves the city and wants to help people but she’s also Ten Years Old and gets frustrated when she doesn’t get to live her life! Also I relate to her a lot lol... so many people in the show are absolutely neurodivergent, and the whole show is basically just “a superhero whose gimmick is infodumping about her hyperfixation on words”
Why I don’t-
I’ll be honest I don’t think there’s a single thing about Becky I dislike. I mean sure she has times where she’s selfish or shortsighted but these all make for great character moments and are completely understandable for a kid in her position.
Favorite episode (scene if movie)-
Oh boy this is hard lol... I’m always a sucker for the scene in rise of miss power right after she drops sally back off at home 🥺 that legit made me cry. The subtle validation her mom gave to Becky by comparing her to Wordgirl, even if she didn’t know exactly what she was doing... it’s just so sweet. And don’t even get me STARTED on bunny lovers!! Outside of specials though, I think my favorite Becky episode is “the straw that broke Two-Brains’ back”! We really get to see her frustration about always being relied upon. Also we know from kid math’s episode that she usually just pretends to lose in the first half of most episodes to build tension, but I genuinely believe she was trying the best she could to stop Two-Brains cause she was just so angry!
Favorite season/movie-
It’s such an episodic show, I don’t think there’s one season that can be my favorite. I will say that I think they absolutely perfected her personality a few seasons in.
Favorite line-
TOO MANY MAN! But I have to say I’m partial to “YOU’RE about to be incarcerated :D!”
Favorite outfit-
Might seem a little basic, but I honestly really just like the Wordgirl outfit! A lot of the other ones she wears are just goofy lol. But the wg color scheme is super nice and it being a simple one-piece is just really cute ngl. Also I love the headcanon (supported by ROMP) that Huggy made it and that’s adorable.
Oh no I can’t choose! I have been focusing a lot on Becktoria lately, but Vibecky has been something I latched onto in like episode 5. But also I just,, really like Scecky for some reason? Like their whole dynamic is super interesting. She had a crush on him when his entire goal was to basically ruin her career, and she kinda lost it right before he learned her secret and gave that up. (And I headcanon thats when he gets a crush on her) so them getting together any time after that is really sweet to me
Oh her and TJ for sure!! They have the perfect sibling interaction and bicker a lot but it’s so obvious that they do really care about each other! Oh but also her and Bob.. monkey dad. How can you not love that. But ALSO Narrator! His inclusion on its own is just super hilarious but their interactions are adorable! But ALSO ALSO her and BUTCHER’S FRIENDSHIP IS SUPER UNDERRATED!! I really like that he usually comes up when she’s having family issues and is always super kind and understanding when she vents to him about them!
I think she’s Nonbinary and Bi! But aside from lgbt hcs, I think she started being a hero when she was around 8 years old. And also I think she was SUPER excited when she found out she had a younger brother! She absolutely was the one who taught TJ to read and speak (idk how good at it she was she was still very very young and probably had a short temper lol) I also think she has like a group at school where mostly kids with disorders like dyslexia can come to her so she can either help or read to them. Also On more of a serious note, I feel like she had a point where she was really suspicious about her birth parents. Of course the Botsfords are her real family, but she would absolutely feel a little insecure about not knowing how much her bio family cared about her. The fact that they let a baby wander off on its own long enough to get off the planet is. Not that good a sign.
Unpopular Opinion-
There needs to be way more content of her, Scoops, and Violet just hanging out! I’m a sucker for friend group shenanigans and I adore their little interactions. High five sandwich is like one of the best episodes just cause they goof around
A wish-
That we get a reboot someday 😔 I know it’s unnecessary and the show ran for a really long time but I need more daughter. But in universe, a way for Steven to directly communicate with her while not being affected by Squeaky! She misses him so much and deserves more time with him...
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen-
Any scenario of her losing touch with the villains or her friends as she gets older makes me genuinely distressed. They belong together.
5 words to best describe them-
Plucky, powerful, childish, considerate, overexerted
My nickname for them-
Beck, darling, or baby lol. Also sometimes I pronounce WG like “wug”. and occasionally Wordkid when I’m rlly thinking bout her being nonbinary, but also I just think it’s cute to say.
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