#this is kinda linked to a dream i made a couple of days ago
atlantis-just-drowned · 2 months
"I would help you bury a corpse!"
Well I would bury yours.
I would carry your weight on my shoulders and walk for miles and miles and miles. I would bring you where you always said your heart belonged. Where you always wanted to rest and explore. I would watch the sun set and dig the most comfortable grave for you to sleep in. I would carve your name into a stone with my own hands and write how much I loved you. I would lay you down into the freshly turned earth with all the gentleness I could muster and press a kiss to your cold forehead. I would tell you goodnight and wish you beautiful dreams. I would cover your pale body with the soil and the salt of my tears. I would plant your favourite flowers upon your grave. I would visit you every time your absence would weigh too heavily on my soul. I would give you rest. I would give you peace. Because it's what you would deserve, above all else.
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bones4thecats · 8 months
When Their S/O Is A Member Of Tenjiku
Type of Writing: #3 - Poll Result Characters: Izana Kurokawa, Kakucho, Shion Madarame, and Hanma Shuji Name: When Their S/O Is A Member Of Tenjiku Original Poll Link: Here
A/N: I have a massive headache rn, and my classes are kicking my ass... thankfully I can still write though! Ha! Fuck you math!
Spoilers for: Tenjiku Arc
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🎴 You and him were fairly similar when it came to your lives
🎴 Years ago, you both had met at his orphanage, since your parents were getting troubled with raising you, they had no choice but to leave you in their care
🎴 Due to this, you, him, and Kakucho, all grew up creating this kingdom you imagined, one that you guys named Tenjiku
🎴 The two boys and you trained for years together, growing similar styles of hitting and kicking, you guys all banded together after leaving that old place and grew to make your dreams real
🎴 Now, just because you are a founding member and are hailed as the '(Ruler) of Tenjiku', that doesn't stop your boyfriend from being protective
🎴 If Izana is as obsessed with you as he is with getting revenge on Mikey, you better believe you're going to be far from in danger
🎴 Whenever a fight emerges, Izana would pledge to put his own life in danger to protect you, and he did once
🎴 During the fight of Tenjiku vs Toman, hearing the sound of him ordered Kakucho dead made you leap into action, grabbing Kisaki's gun and pulling it away to order one of your personal followers to destroy it
🎴 While Kisaki was about to stab you, Izana kicked him away while ordering Tenjiku to flee, saying the fight was over, due to the alert of police arriving
🎴 You're a strong fighter, yes, but, much like with most of the Tokyo Revengers characters, he will still be protective over you
🎴 He also loves looking at you in the uniform, it was very close in appearance to his, though, yours was slightly longer with the coat and your pants were a hint tighter
🎴 Izana also enjoys to fight with you by his sides, the only time he'll ever not be protective over you is when he knows that you can whoop your enemy's ass, and most of the time, you do
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🍂 He is far looser when it comes to being protective over you
🍂 If you can handle most of the members of Tenjiku, you can definitely handle yourself against other gang members that try attacking you
🍂 Kakucho and you grew up best friends with Izana, from the moment you got out of the orphanage to the day you created Tenjiku, you were always beside your friends
🍂 Unlike Izana, Kakucho trusts you when you jump into a fight, you know your limitations better than anyone else ever could, it was your body after all
🍂 Now, more like Izana, he does like seeing you in the uniform, especially when you would slap on his jacket above your own to prove you could handle it when fighting
🍂 He obviously play-fights with you, and it makes every passerby's heart melt seeing two of the strongest members of Tenjiku mess around like a love-struck teenage couple, which you kinda are
🍂 If anyone gives you trouble, such as Ran or Rindou, he always jumps in, despite your protests
🍂 Whenever you guys get into fights, he tries keeping an eye on you no matter where he is
🍂 He may drift a hint farther away from you than intended, but, he always, always, has an eye on you, whether it be from one of his followers or from his own self
🍂 After he got injured at the Tenjiku vs Toman fight, you visit his hospital room to help him heal his emotional trauma, after all, watching your best friend sacrifice himself for you, nearly dying yourself, and seeing your S/O get injured from being stabbed and shot in the leg for escape isn't pleasurable
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🌪️ With Shion, everyone is scared how you're with this guy
🌪️ He's literally called 'Mad Dog' because of how bloodthirsty and mind-driven insane he is! Many wonder what the hell you found attractive about him
🌪️ Unlike Shion, you were an angel, you would help the injured members after a fight, since you rarely ever had to jump in to rescue any, and when you did, you would just throw a distraction in
🌪️ Perhaps that's why he first noticed you, you were so graceful with your attacks while he was more blunt and rough
🌪️ Shion is extremely possessive and protective of you, the only feeling this guy has ever had for years of being a delinquent was a thirst for blood and complete anger
🌪️ Whenever you end up fighting, he gets himself out of his own ordeal to get the guy attacking you down, you were his top priority to keep safe, he could care less about himself
🌪️ Speaking of which, because of that motto, he gets injured constantly
🌪️ For an example, when you guys were arrested after watching Izana die and Kakucho get wheeled off to the hospital, you guys would try sending letters to one another, or try talking while in juvie
🌪️ Even while you're in juvie, he gets into fights to make sure all the other members know you're his and nobody else's
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☠️ Crazy hot duo? Crazy hot duo.
☠️ Hanma is described as an adrenaline junkie, and whenever asked, you would describe him with these main terms; chaotic, flirty- yet caring, a definite adrenaline junkie, and a solid protector
☠️ You have been involved with Kisaki's plans ever since Hanma was, since you were just as good of an ally as your boyfriend was
☠️ Being involved with those plans put you in a ton of danger, and, despite Hanma giving you the option of leaving after each checkpoint, you denied him
☠️ You were there when Baji joined Valhalla, you were there watching from the nearby roof as Kisaki killed Emma, you were even there when the Tenjiku vs Toman assault began
☠️ As Hanma grabbed Kisaki and drove away, you followed, hidden away from Draken and Takemichi on their own bikes, making sure you weren't getting caught by the police like your old allies
☠️ Watching as the bike crashed, probably due to Kisaki's panicking, since, if Takemichi and Draken take him and Hanma down, they could be in jail for a while, oh who am I kidding? Probably for life, they did kill Mikey's sister and plan other things, after all
☠️ You noticed that Draken's bikie wasn't nearby so you stopped yours and began to sneak where Hanma and the braid-wearing blonde fought
" Hanma? Hun, you there? " " Either it's me or I've possessed some else's body. "
☠️ Chuckling as you turned the corner, you covered your mouth and kneeled to help him up, whipping the blood from his forehead with a cloth you carried, you giggled lightly as he cocked an eyebrow
" What's so funny, ya' like seeing your boyfriend injured or somethin'? " " Not really, but I cannot lie when I say this, you're hot with blood on you. " " I don't look hot without blood on me? " " Lord, here we go again... "
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badasgirlfriend · 1 year
hey, love your fics! can you write something about bada lee x fem idol readers relationship pls
Happy | Bada Lee Imagine
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pairings: bada lee x idol!reader
a/n: i kinda hate this but i tried my best hope u like it (i swear this looked better in my head)
Being an idol is fcking hard, Y/N will tell you that. It's toxic, it's draining, and she could sit here all day and tell you about every shitty part of it. She. But she chose this, she knew exactly what she was signing up for.
"This is hilarious," Y/N stated, barely able to control her laughter as she read out the various comments "I'm so disappointed with her, she was such a great idol, but now she's a disgrace!"
The room was illuminated by candlelight as Y/N laid in bed with Bada. The warm glow from the candles cast long shadows on the walls and ceiling, adding an air of intimacy. She could hear the sound of the rain outside, and she felt content and safe as she leaned against Bada's warm body. After finishing her concert two hours ago, Y/N was scrolling through the comments left by everyone. It was obvious that her decision to raise a lesbian flag had caused quite a stir, and the amount of controversy it had generated far exceeded her expectations.
She continued reading the comments, letting out a laugh at one she found particularly amusing. "This one's my favorite: 'I can't believe she supports gay people, she'll never get my money, that's for sure.' Oh no, Bada, my bank account will be empty"
Y/N's phone was suddenly taken from her, prompting her to turn and face Bada. Just as she did so, her girlfriend brought her closer in a passionate kiss. In response, Y/N naturally wrapped her arms around Bada, pressing their bodies together.
The kiss between began with a sense of gentleness and sweetness. In each moment of their connection, Y/N felt her heart fluttering with the same intensity that she had experienced in their first kiss. It was as though the world around them came to a standstill and the rush of emotions overwhelmed her. No matter how many times they kissed, Y/N still savored the moment like it was brand new.
"I told you to stop reading the comments." Bada's words were somewhat overshadowed by the passionate kiss that they shared as she voiced her concerns for her girlfriend. Even though she could recognize the humor in the comments, she also felt the worry and stress that the negative feedback was causing Y/N. She was well aware of the struggles that Y/N endured for her career, and the threats to boycott Hybe until they fired ber didn't sit well with Bada.
"I find them funny though" Y/N replied, responding to Bada's earlier comment. In her relaxed state, she playfully pecked her lover's lips
"Bada, I promise you I'm ok. I don't care what they're saying. I love you, and just being near you is enough. I knew the consequences of my actions, and still, I did it without any regret."
Yn was now settled in Bada's lap, playing with the hem of her girlfriend's tshirt "Even if my company fires me, which I doubt because I pay their bills, I wouldn't care. I'd find a new company. What I matters to me is us being happy"
The words from her girlfriend sent chills down Bada's spine. The revelation that Y/N would sacrifice her dreams and ambitions for their relationship was sending her over the moon. In that moment, her thoughts were transported back four years to the start of their relationship. They were a young couple back then, still navigating the world of fame and uncertainty that came with it. Despite all their fears, they had found a connection and a place within each other that made them feel safe and secure. With Y/N's words reminding her, Bada reflected on how much they'd grown together and how far they'd come. It filled her with a sense of pride in their relationship and the trust they'd developed along the way.
Bada had grown accustomed to the rumors around her girlfriend and the various male idols she was constantly linked to, but she never cared. For her, she knew that Y/n loved her and that was enough. Her fans saw Bada nothing more than her friend and choreographer. Bada had become YN's personal choreographer, following her wherever she went. It was true that Bada created all the dances for her, even stepping in to be a backup dancer at times. They even mirrored each other as they wore matching outfits on stage and shared intimate moments during their vlives. But everyone else seemed oblivious to their romantic connection, thinking they were just close friends.
This year, however, something new happened. YN's fans were shipping both of them and the couple found it sweet and endearing It was like a whole new world had opened up for them - where they could be themselves and express their love without fear of judgment or criticism. And that was all they could ask for.
"Earth to Bada" The sound of her girlfriend's laughter was enough to break through Bada's thoughts, bringing her gaze towards her once again. It was hard to ignore the beauty and love of Y/N, as her kind essence and everything she did brought happiness to Bada. As she lifted her hand to tuck a piece ofyn's hair behind her ear, Bada's focus remained on her face as she spoke. "I love you so much,"
Y/N was quick to return her girlfriend's statement with an exclamation of her own. "I love you more, baby," she expressed, her face buried in Bada's neck as she was overcome with shyness. She could feel her lover's laughter and was amused by it, her heartbeat accelerating at the sound of the woman she loved laughing at her.
"I have an idea" Yn was swift to action, grabbing her phone
"Uh oh that's not good," Bada chimed, but only one glare from Y/N was enough for her not to continue talking
Bada watched Y/n bring the phone closer, recording them kissing. "Hoes Mad" played softly in the background, as Y/N mouthed along to the lyrics, kissing Bada on the lips again and grinning at the camera. Bada chuckled at her silliness,
"Annnd posted!"
Bada's grin disappeared at Y/N's words, her expression shifting to one of shock as she realized what she had done. "What-? You actually posted it?" She was genuinely surprised by Y/N's bold move, her voice tinged with concern and disbelief. Before she could question her further, a notification popped up on her phone, with a familiar username. She tapped on the link and was met with something unexpected from the video Y/N shared online.
Bada groaned "no what did you do, you will get so much in trouble"
"Oh calm down, it's not a big problem," YN replied with a dismissive wave. She grabbed Bada's phone and turned it off then doing the same to her phone who wouldn't stop blowing from the notifications. Y/N then casually tossed them on the sofa near them
"Now, let's enjoy our night," YN said with a smug smirk. Her hand reached over and slowly traced the outline of Bada's shirt until she found her way inside.
Bada's lips curved into a sly grin, she was lucky indeed
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jogabsha · 4 days
About me!
Hiiii everyone. Haven’t made a post like this in a long time (if ever cause I don’t remember lol).
My name is Jogabsha! Not my real name obviously but it’s a nickname I’ve used since around the time I was 5. I’m currently 17 but 18 in about a month in October!
I have a little sister ( @puppyie-innit! :D)! Kinda accepted her as my sister when we met a couple years ago and have been inseparable since! She’s also part of the agere community and a lot of you probably found me cause she tags me a lot lolol. Oh also I’m her CG!
My goals in life are pretty simple. I want to own a C3 corvette (hoping to get a 1982 later this year so the goal will be done!), I want to build my own house in a place with mountains and vast pine forests, I want to get my doctorate in paleontology, and I want to discover and name my own species! I also wanna research Acrocanthosaurus because it’s one of my favorite dinosaurs!
I have adhd/ocd and believe I may be on the spectrum but haven’t gotten evaluated yet!
I’m an artist! Specifically I do a lot of paleoart!
I was that one kid who only ever watched documentaries growing up (though I did watch a bunch of other shows in my childhood too)!
Things I like!
I’m absolutely OBSESSED with dinosaurs and paleontology and prehistory!
My favorite color is like this lighter shade of blue that I don’t remember the name of
I love the walking with dinosaurs series and all its offshoot shows and specials. My absolute favorites are chased by dinosaurs and sea monsters, both with Nigel Marvin!
My favorite color combo is blue and orange
My favorite color gradient is blue to yellow to orange!
I love C3 corvettes and it’s my dream car!
I love playing video games on stream! I do this on YouTube usually on weekends under the same name!
I play multiple instruments! Mainly piano but also guitar, and a little bit of flute and ukulele. I’ve even composed some of my own songs on piano which I’ve uploaded to my second channel. It also has Jogabsha in the username so it should be easy to find but I’ll link it in my bio too!
I love learning new stuff. I will spend an entire day watching video essays and documentaries on stuff I’ve never even heard of before!
I love dinosaur revolution. It’s got really good storytelling for a documentary and I love the way they told stories based on actual fossil specimens!
I absolutely ADORE dinosaur king. Grew up on that show and I have over $3.5k worth of cards and collectibles from that franchise.
I love undertale sm. I have every song in the game memorized. I also love deltarune to the same degree!
About this blog
This is entirely meant for just me posting my art and my hyper-fixations. I also might repost my sister or paleontology posts every now and then.
This is a safe space for the agere community because my sister and I are both a part of it. Absolutely NO sexualization or anything of the sort here please!
There will also be no violent speech/hate speech/politics/name calling/bullying on anything related to this blog. This is a space where I want people to come and just nerd out with me on cool topics. I don’t care who those people are or what they believe, and you shouldn’t be hung up on that stuff either.
This blog is safe for ALL ages. Please be mindful of that when you decide to interact with my posts.
Thanks for reading through this! Will probably add more to it as time goes on but this ai good for now. Hope you all enjoy the Dino-nerd posting!
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rymurrsneckbeard · 5 months
On my hands and knees asking for a snippet of parallels universes 😩😩😩🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻
Okay just for clarity the "Stephanie" here is Willy's sister and not Mitchell's wife 😂
"I know what's going on with you," Stephanie says as soon as Willy answers the phone the next day.
"I'm charming and talented and everyone loves me?" Will asks, only half-paying attention to the Whatsapp call from his sister as he packs his bag for a quick trip to New York for games against the Rangers and Islanders.
"You are neither of those things and we mostly just tolerate you, but that's not what I'm talking about. It's a parallel universe."
Will drops the sweats he's holding and sits on the bed. "Wait, what's a parallel universe?"
Stephanie sighs, annoyance clear in her tone, as if she gave any context for the statement. "The weird Morgan stuff you've got happening. It's a parallel universe! Like in some other dimension you're like, a couple or something."
"Steph. You're spending too much time on booktok." Will scratches his jaw, letting his eyes close. " And beyond that, how the hell do you know about the Morgan stuff?"
"Alex? You think he only talks to you? He told me what was happening with you and I thought about it and that's the only explanation." 
Will lets out a groan and flops back onto the bed. "It's not an alternate universe or dimension or whatever, that's movie stuff. It's just…weird dreams. Mostly."
"Mostly?" Will can just hear the way Steph perked up at this. "What do you mean mostly?"
The last thing he needs is to share this obviously crazy story with yet another person, but he also knows that if he doesn't talk, his sister is going to just send him a million links to stories about parallel universes until he explains what's happening. Will takes a resigned breath. "Okay so a couple of days ago there was another weird thing, I was hitting snooze on my alarm in the morning -"
"You know you're just messing up your sleep worse like that, right?"
Will rolls his eyes. "Got it, sleep expert, shut up and let me finish. So I'm falling back to sleep but then I feel the bed move, and I feel Morgan's hand on my shoulder and he kissed my forehead and said he was leaving for the rink. And I was sure it was just a really vivid dream so I kinda tested it, and I asked him to make me a protein shake before he left. And then when I checked the fridge there was a protein shake ready to go."
"And you're sure you didn't make it the night before?"
"Have you ever known me to prepare for anything in my life?"
"Okay, point taken." Steph is quiet for a while. "So the only explanation is this Morgan you're seeing is like, a glitch. You're not supposed to be seeing this Morgan, because he belongs in another dimension where he's apparently dating the alternate universe version of you. Bad taste, obviously, but it's nice of him to take pity."
"Hey fuck off, it's not pity." 
"You're not even dating this man and you made him get your protein shake ready." 
"It was an experiment!"
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saffronapplemanga · 2 years
Gene Bride - ジーンブライド
Gene Bride by Takano Hitomi
(2 volumes, ongoing)
JP only - English summary in this post
Links to my other manga posts here
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I can't remember where I first saw this manga (the bookstore some time ago probably) and tbh I kinda forgot about it. But Colleen's Manga Recs made a video recently that reminded me I wanted to check Gene Bride out. So here we are.
This series won second place in the オンナ編 (Female Category) for the このマンガがすごい! 2023 / Kono Manga ga Sugoi 2023 / “This Manga is Amazing! 2023″. (My post about the first-place winner here!)
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Another blind read and all I knew about it was that it had sci-fi elements. After reading the two currently out volumes, I think we have yet another manga to throw into the "publishers, please license this" pile.
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This manga has so many moments that made me go, "Mood."
Spoilers for volume one will be labeled and my thoughts will be after that. There's a twist at the end of volume one that I will label if you just want to know the premise without getting spoiled for the twist. Twitter reading thread here. Twitter link to this post here.
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Isahaya Ichi is an entertainment journalist interviewing a director about his new movie. Literally, on page one, from the moment the director opened his mouth, I immediately disliked him. I'm not joking when I say from the first two words I already knew where he was going. The 「ね、君…」 "Hey, you..." gave me the ick and I groaned. I'm not going to Japanese language deep dive to explain but briefly — using 君 in this context is kinda rude and he should've referred to her as Ms. Isahaya. A more polite version would've been like 「あの/すみません、諫早さん…」 "Excuse me, Ms. Isahaya.” Anyway, the director proceeds to talk to Ichi in a way that many women are unfortunately familiar with, essentially not taking her seriously and being inappropriate. And Ichi is rightfully PISSED.
In the very next scene, she's going for a jog and... some creep is waiting for her to pass through her running route and... jacking off in public to her running past... Apparently, this isn't the first time that guy has done so. Yikes.
Back at her office, two men with an appointment come by. Opening the door for them, one of the men presents her with a box of chocolates and says, "Isahaya Ichi. Do you remember me? I'm Masaki Makuhito. I was your soulmate." He proceeds to mention something about "Gene Bride." Ichi doesn't remember him but finds out that he was a classmate at the academy she went to. After some funny and awkward back and forth, we learn that Masaki had tagged along with the other man, Takechi, to see Ichi so he could give her chocolates and thank her. But thank her for what?
That night, Ichi dreams of her school days and we see some images that raise a lot of questions. Young Ichi in uniform, teachers, a "Life Plan" survey for students to fill out (NOT a "Career Plan" survey), multiple bridal couples at a "Gene Bride" event, and a girl calling Ichi's name. She wakes up in a cold sweat.
Ichi's boss, Hibiki, gave Masaki extra tickets their office got to a viewing of the director's movie which causes them to run into each other there. After the viewing, they see the director and the director proceeds to sexually harass her again.
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Ichi notices that when Masaki was talking to the director, the conversation was... well, normal and relevant. They actually discussed the movie and its references instead of... her looks and the fact she's a woman. The two share a taxi when they leave and Masaki tells her that he wanted to thank her for something back in their school days. They were told to not eat or drink anything because the school was going to take saliva samples so they could pair up the students for "Gene Bride." However, Masaki accidentally ate chocolate and was afraid to tell the teachers about it. When he was trying to figure out what to do, Ichi stood up and told the teachers that she accidentally ate chocolate herself which gave Masaki the opportunity to hightail it out of there. The two of them ended up getting paired together for "Gene Bride" as a result meaning they weren't technically soulmates since their saliva tests couldn't be done properly.
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I love them.
Understandably, Ichi starts wondering why Masaki showed up all of a sudden seemingly out of nowhere, why the academy and "Gene Bride" business came back up. She starts to remember her friend from the academy and it seems like something had happened to the friend, haunting Ichi. Essentially, she works herself up to the point where she thinks Masaki came to say his thanks because he's dying and he's wrapping up loose ends. But, uh... he's fine. He's not dying lolll.
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Had me hollering tbh.
She later has a job for other interviews with men, and Hibiki doesn't want to send Ichi alone as the number of times she's been harassed on the job is just disgusting. So Hibiki considers asking a male friend to accompany her to ensure Ichi is safe while doing her job (LOVE Hibiki!!!). Just then, Masaki happened to be visiting their office and they ask him to tag along on the job. Unsurprisingly, the interview went smoothly, and Ichi was taken seriously and respected — all because Masaki was silently sitting next to her. He tried to excuse himself to use the bathroom but Ichi refuses to let him get up as the last time a male colleague left her for a moment, the harassment started as if a switch got flipped.
After the job is done, she looks at some rings in the window of a store, considering buying one. She walks away and Masaki asks if she didn't want to get a ring but she says she just wanted one to use as "bug repellant," which leaves him confused as to what she means. Ichi has another interview to do right after this and tells Masaki not to come. He asks why and she doesn't give him a straight answer and tells him to figure it out for himself while he waits for her to come back. At first, he says, "Whatever, I don't wanna know that bad anyway. I have other stuff to worry about." So Ichi replies with, "How nice it must be. You guys can just think about yourselves and only yourselves. Meanwhile, we have to think about you. Otherwise, we risk getting ourselves killed." She walks away leaving him, and the questions he's left with annoy him to the point he makes it his mission to find the answers.
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Truly, what a concept.
It turns out the reason he couldn't come to this particular interview is because she was going to meet a voice actress who had been harassed so badly, she almost completely left the industry. She was thankfully able to make a comeback but now surrounds herself with only female staff.
When Ichi comes back to meet with Masaki after her job is done, he starts rattling off all the research he did and talking about all the questions he now has answers to. He also knows why Ichi was looking at rings and offers her one he bought for her while also acknowledging how ridiculous it is that she even has to consider such measures in the first place. She's thrown off by the whole interaction and Masaki himself. Turns out the ring was not actually a ring, but a hook he got from a craft store. He says something along the lines of, "It's really handy. It looks like a ring but if you flip it over it becomes a weapon with the pointy end, which is perfect for you because you're so aggressive. And! You can use it to hang something on your wall."
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I love it. 10/10 scene. I was laughing, crying, screaming, kicking my feet.
The chapter ends with the sentiment that things can change for the better little by little, eluding back to a conversation she had with Hibiki at the beginning of the chapter.
Breezing through the rest of the volume, Ichi asks Masaki to help her find her friend, Enami, from the academy. He tells her that his mother can probably help as she had been working for the academy for a long time.
The principal and some "inner circle" students from the academy are traveling for an exchange event of some kind, but their plane is delayed because of thick fog (btw the fog is an element that is constantly brought up throughout the volume). A few of the students sneak away to a nearby movie theater to kill some time. The way the students talk raises a lot of questions. They seem to be special students, they've never been to the movies, never ridden the train, call their phones "communication terminals," and seem to seldom leave the academy.
Ichi and Masaki happen to be meeting up at the same movie theater the students go to. One of the students drops her "communication terminal" on a ledge and tries to reach for it, almost falling over the railing in the process. Ichi grabs her and pulls her back to safety and Masaki retrieves the device for the girl. While handing it to Ichi, a voice from the phone says, "Facial recognition confirmed, device unlocked... Greetings, Isahaya Ichi." At that moment Ichi looks at the girl who takes off her face mask to reveal that the girl looks exactly like Ichi but younger, and has the same name but spelled with different kanji characters.
And the volume ends there.
In volume two we spend time with student Ichi and see adult Ichi and Masaki try to figure out what the heck is going on, as well as some adult Ichi flashbacks to her academy days with Enami. I'm super glad that the two Ichis each have their own personalities. While they might look exactly alike, they very much feel like different people.
From the very first page and throughout the story, there are multiple instances of misogyny, sexism, harassment, etc. that women are not strangers to. I'm sure a lot of women can relate, but for those of you who don't, I still would recommend you read this. If you don't relate, to you I say, "Empathy is sexy."
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Seeing other perspectives, learning from them, and trying to understand people is very attractive guys. It's science, I don't make the rules. That's why Masaki is best boy. Be like Masaki.
Ichi is hitting her breaking point, exasperated with all the bullshit she, and others, have had to deal with for being women. Multiple times, she says あたしたち "we/us (women)" when she's faced with yet more bullshit, expressing her exhaustion and anger at all the hurdles women face.
I have some theories about how these themes play into the plot but I'll hold off because of spoilers.
This manga has sci-fi elements that are slowly revealed to us. At first, everything seems rather normal and mundane. But once we do get bits of info and clues, you quickly notice something weird is going on. And the reveal at the end of volume one really doubles down on that feeling. I really enjoyed how things were slowly unveiled.
Our main duo, Ichi and Masaki, both have strong personalities, and their interactions are highly entertaining.
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Masaki and I are kindred spirits.
Ichi is professional, but you can tell she's seething inside when she has to deal with harassment. Outside of work, she's got more of an edge and can be quite curt, but all in polite Japanese of course lolll. Masaki is just... hilarious. Everything he does has me going like, "omg that's me." Every scene he's in is a good time while simultaneously being torture for Ichi. The two have a fun dynamic, bickering while somehow clicking at times as a team.
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Read it for Ichi and Masaki, they're great.
I'm interested to see what Gene Bride does with its themes. I can already tell some messed up stuff is probably happening, but I just have so many questions. Along with the intriguing plot and mystery, we have characters with distinct personalities and lovable, humorous moments throughout! Please license this...
If there's any Japanese-only manga you want me to check out, let me know! No promises, I'll only read what I'm interested in, but I'll take suggestions into consideration. Preferably, shorter manga or newer manga with a few volumes out since I like to take breaks from longer series I'm reading :)
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thmgau · 2 years
CHAPTER 2 - BANANAS & BOOKS [wattpad link]
“So.. this is the place?”
Cherry was driving in her minivan. Kalani called dibs on shotgun so he could direct Cherry on where to go, while everyone else was in the back. They had just pulled into a parking lot.
“Yup! This is it!”
The five of them hopped out of the car & looked at the restaurant. It was called Banana Man’s Banana Land. It looked kind of tropical-themed, which kind of made sense for a banana restaurant.
“Banana Man’s Banana Land.. what a corny name.” “It’s not the worst name for a restaurant.” “True. Let’s head in.”
The group entered the restaurant & was instantly greeted with a surprisingly nice interior. The walls were painted a light blue, with some light yellow to represent sand, & some palm trees painted on as well. The chairs were all banana-shaped, & the tables were round & yellow. Up at the counter was a short man wearing what the group assumed was a banana outfit. He seemed to be the only employee.
“Hi!” he smiled. “Welcome to Banana Man’s Banana Land! The name’s Pim, how may I help you 5 today?”
They all looked at the menu. As Kalani had said, there were plenty of banana-themed items on the menu. Nobody really knew what to get. Eventually, they decided on what to get.
“Alright, so that’s 5 banana smoothies, two banana nut muffins, one banana bread, & two banana puddings!” Pim typed some stuff into his cash register. “That’ll be.. $16.99!”
Juniper whipped out xyr credit card. “Don’t worry, I’ll cover it,” ae nodded, swiping aer credit card into the card swipe machine & punching in aer PIN number.
“Thanks!” Pim smiled. “Y’all go find a seat while I prepare your food!”
The group looked at all the tables available in the restaurant, which was all of them, because they were the only customers. There was only one table that was able to fit 5 people, so that was the one they all sat at.
“So.. what do we do now?” Nora asked, sitting down in the banana-shaped chair. “I guess we just.. talk? I dunno.” Leslie shrugged. “The book is still kind of a big subject.” “True. How are we even supposed to tell where it is?” “If these necklaces just magically appeared on us, then maybe the necklaces would just.. signal us if we’re close, right?” “Magic isn’t real, so probably not.” “Oh, c’mon. This again?” “Remember back in high school when Leslie got really into ghost-hunting? & we never found any ghosts?” “Well, that’s DIFFERENT. Those are ghosts. These are necklaces that some shadow person in our dreams gave us. Whole different scenario.” “Oh, whatever.” Cherry rolled her eyes.
Pim approached the table with everyone’s food. “Breakfast is served!” he announced, setting the food onto the table. “Hope you enjoy!”
As he walked away, the group started digging into their meals. Surprisingly, it was actually very well-made!
“Oh, this food fucks.” “Holy shit, yea, this rules.”
The group was munching down on their food, savoring every bite.
“This is so good! Why aren’t there more customers here?” Juniper grinned, taking a bite out of their banana nut muffin. “Exactly! You’d think there would be some advertising at least.” “Kalani, you were the one who told us about this. How did you find out about it?” “Oh, I saw it a couple days ago while driving. Opening day.” “Huh. Strange.” “How many people were here during opening day?” “I saw like.. 3 or 4 people, I think.” “Only 4 people on opening day? No advertising?” Cherry mumbled. “This place sounds kinda sketchy, don’tcha think?” “I mean.. yea, but the food’s good, so who cares?” “Alright, whatever.”
As the group finished up their meal, Leslie checked the time on the clock (which was banana-shaped) on the wall.
“It’s 8:30.” they said. “Wow. Earlier than I thought.” “Yeah. Maybe we should, like.. do that thing we were gonna do?” “The book thing?” “Of course! What other thing would I be referencing?” “I have a film project due in 3 weeks. I thought we were referring to that.” “Well, I digress. Let’s go do that thing!”
The group was back in Cherry’s car, driving down to their university’s library. If there’s anywhere a weird book would be, they guessed it’d probably be in some old, dusty library.
“Again, how are we supposed to tell if we’ve found the book?” “I guess we’ll find out, huh?” “I guess so.”
They arrived at the library. Cherry parked her car right near the entrance. They hopped out of the car & headed inside.
The library was quite warm inside. Despite the winter season, there was only a mild chill outside, but from how warm it was inside the old library, going back outside would make the weather feel below freezing. Some people sat around studying, or reading, or hanging out with their friends at the library’s cafe.
“Alright!” Nora grinned. “Where do we start?” “Uh.. I literally have no clue.” “I assume they wouldn’t have a book like this out in the open, right? Must be in the library archives.” “How do we know it’s an old book, though?” “Archives aren’t necessarily for old stuff, you know.” “Archives are typically associated with old things.” “Whatever. Let’s just get to the archives.”
After a few minutes of looking around for the archives, the group realized they had absolutely no idea where the archives were, so they had to go ask a librarian.
“Oh, it’s just in the back over there.” The librarian gestured over to a door in the back labeled “THE ARCHIVES”, which kind of made the group feel stupid, but they thanked the librarian regardless & went over there.
“I still can’t believe it was that obvious.” Kalani sighed, opening the door to the archives. “Sometimes the things that are most hidden are in plain sight!” Leslie mentioned. “If that was true, I would have found my missing essay paper weeks ago.” Cherry chuckled.
The group entered the archives. Compared to the warm atmosphere of the library, the archives were like a haunted house. Everything was dusty, & the only light flickered every few minutes. It wasn’t even that bright.
“There’s a lotta shit here.” “It’s an archive. Of course there’s a lot of shit here. C’mon, this book isn’t gonna find itself.”
There were 5 rows of folders & old books, which was perfect, so they could split the work evenly among themselves. They all split up & started looking for the book.
The archives were a lot bigger than any of them had expected. No wonder this place was so dusty.
A few minutes had passed.
The fact that they have to yell across the archives to communicate just shows how big it is, if I haven’t made that clear yet.
However, something happened. Something.. unexpected.
“HEY!” Leslie yelled. “I THINK I FOUND IT!”
All at once, the other 4 ran over to where Leslie was standing. The sudden movement in the room made the single light fall down, but it was fine. As they approached Leslie’s location, the group noticed that their necklaces.. were glowing.
“What’s up, Les?” “My necklace! Look!”
It pointed at its necklace. It was glowing, just like everyone else’s necklaces. They all looked down at their own necklaces as well, which were also glowing.
“That’s weird. Maybe the necklaces detect if it’s dark?” “I don’t think that’s quite it,” Leslie said, pulling a book out of the row they were standing in. It was a leather book, colored in a dull red, yellow, gray, green, & blue, in vertical stripes. There was also a crystal on the cover of the book, shaped like a tie. It was glowing all sorts of colors.
“Holy shit.” “That’s.. kinda cool, actually.” “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s see what’s in it!”
“Don’t you think we should read it in a more lit-up space?” “Oh, maybe you’re right.. Luckily, I know just where to go! We’re headed to-” “Don’t say the abandoned Pizza Hut.” “-The abandoned Pizza Hut!!”
Cherry sighed. “Fine. We can go to the abandoned Pizza Hut.” “Yay!” “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s hit it!”
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crazy-dog-lady-81 · 2 years
Unconventional Conventions
Chapter 14
Kai and Amelia arrived at The Sister House later than planned. Their unexpected engagement had led to congratulations from the other customers at the diner. Everyone had been eager to shake their hands and to congratulate them. They’d been happy to oblige but had taken the first opportunity to escape just the same. Finding a cute roadside motel, they’d stopped to consummate the affair. They couldn’t keep their hands off each other long enough to wait until they got home to Seattle. On checking out, the receptionist gave them a knowing smile but refrained from comment.
The rest of the journey home was spent with each giving the other glowing smiles. Their hands were intertwined on the central console and the radio was playing softly. Kai had insisted on driving despite the fact that it should have been Amelia’s turn. They were walking on air, deliriously happy that Amelia had agreed to become their wife. They knew that theirs would never be a conventional marriage. There’d be no biological children for Kai, no white picket fences, and Amelia would never be a domestic goddess. None of that bothered Kai because that was actually Kai’s idea of hell too. They saw their marriage being much less conventional in the sense that they would both still be free to follow their dreams and to live out their personal ambitions. They’d be faithful and always happy to come home to each other.
Amelia shared Kai’s views. She knew Kai had things that they wanted to achieve and she had no intentions of holding them back. She figured that being married shouldn’t mean being stripped of your rights to follow your dreams. She had no intentions of doing so herself. She knew that Kai would respect and encourage her to succeed and always be there to share in her triumphs and failures.
The Sister House was buzzing when they pulled into the driveway. They dawdled in the car for a few minutes longer, unwilling to leave their bubble. Eventually, they both knew that they couldn’t put it off any longer. One more kiss and they left the car and went inside.
They hadn’t even gotten their coats on the rack when Ellis and Bailey were on them. “Auntie Amelia and Kai. You are very late. Link has dropped Scout off and he was kinda mad that you weren’t here. His face was really red”, Ellis informed them. “Scouts in bed. He fell asleep a while ago. Mom put him into his cot.”
“Sounds about right”, Amelia muttered. “Thanks guys for taking care of Scout for us. So, how are you two munchkins? Did you miss us?”
“Yes”, said Bailey. “Especially you Kai. Aunt Maggie is really rubbish at football. She tries but you’re so much better. Can we play?”
“Sure buddy. Tomorrow I promise to throw the ball with you.”
“You’re the bestest unctie ever.”
“Unctie?” Kai asked.
“Yeah. See now that you are going to live here in Seattle, we figured that you’re part of our family. So we thought about what we should call you. ZoZo explained that you aren’t an auntie or an uncle but that you were sort of both. So we mashed the two words together and decided to call you our unctie. If that’s okay?” Bailey looked between the couple for reassurance.
Kai hunkered down and rested one hand on each of the kids shoulders. “I would be delighted to be your unctie if you will be my newest niblings.”
The children smiled and hugged them. “Deal unctie Kai. MOM, MOM! Kai is our unctie and we’re their niblings. Isn’t that cool?” The pair ran off to make sure that Meredith had heard their good news.
Amelia smiled at them broadly. “Well, you’re having quite the day, Bartley. A new fiancé and niblings. Gosh, your luck is really in on the family front?”
Kai returned her grin and kissed her gently on the cheek. “I know which one has made me the happiest. I mean new niblings! I am a lucky son of a gun!”
Amelia flashed them a feigned look of offense and huffed dramatically. “Well if that’s how it’s going to be, maybe I should call the whole thing off!”
“Call the whole what off?”
Meredith had come out of the kitchen to say hello to the pair. She took one look at them, noticing the glow that hung around them and stopped in her tracks.
“Okay, spill. What’s going on?”
“She said yes!” Kai offered.
Meredith’s face filled momentarily with confusion before Amelia lifted her left hand to show her sister her ring. “I said yes!” she echoed Kai’s words.
The blonde doctors face lit in a smile and she rushed forward to hug Amelia. Kai watched on with pride and accepted Meredith’s hug when it was offered to them.
“Congratulations you two. I am so happy for you”, she gushed. “I want to know everything. How, when, where, how? I mean I thought that you didn’t want to get married Amelia. What changed?”
They walked into the kitchen and over tea, Amelia and Kai poured over the story for Meredith. She was smiling and cackling with delight as Amelia recounted how she had found the ring box in Kai’s pocket when taking out their wallet to pay for their lunch. She explained how initially she’d frozen up with panic but when Kai had asked the question, she’d found herself saying yes and knowing it was the right thing to do.
Kai, who was looking at Amelia adoringly as she spoke, holding her hand, smiled and took over the narrative. “I am so happy and proud that she said yes. I had no right to expect that she would. I mean, you had made it very clear that you didn’t want to marry again. I had to ask, knowing the odds were not at all in my favour. You could have knocked me over with a feather when you said yes.”
Amelia’s eyes filled with tears and she reached out to touch Kai’s face. They instinctively leaned into it. “Being married to you will never will like marriage to Link would have been. You’re nothing like him. I know we’ll be unconventional but I feel excited to be your wife”.
“You two are so good for each other. You understand each other and accept each other, warts and all. You know that you’re a couple of ambitious go-getters and that that is not going to change. Together, you’ll compliment each other, catch each other when you fall and love each other unconditionally. As foundations for a good marriage go, I think that you are on pretty safe ground. There’s never any guarantees, but I think that you two can go the distance. So I genuinely wish you all the best. Now, off you two go. Be with your son and enjoy the newness of all this.” Meredith waved her hands, indicating that they were dismissed.
“Thank you so much, Mer. That means a lot to me”. Amelia embraced her again. “Derek would have agreed. He would have loved Kai and would have so approved of this engagement.” Amelia felt new tears falling. She nodded sharply as she disengaged from Meredith. Kai reached for her, folding her into them. They smiled a thank you to Meredith and lead their emotional fiancé up the stairs.
In their room, the couple gazed at Scout as he napped. His mouth and hands twitched as he dreamed his toddler dreams. “You’re soon going to be my spouse and as such you’ll become his step-parent. He’s your son. OUR son. Is that okay with you, my Kai?”
It was Kai’s turn to become emotional. “A wife, new niblings and a son. I am honoured, Amelia. I am truly honoured and grateful. Yes, please. I want to be his parent. My son. That has a nice ring to it.”
Amelia hugged them tightly and they rested their head on hers. They stayed like that until Scout began to waken. His face broke into a smile as he became aware of them looking down at him. He raised his chubby arms, gesturing his desire to be lifted. “Go ahead”, Amelia reassured.
Beaming with delight, Kai reached down and lifted the blonde boy from his cot. They kissed his forehead and inhaled the smell of baby shampoo and talc from him. “Hello little dude. Did you have a good sleep? I hope you did.” Kai spoke softly and he responded with a grin.
Kai lowered their voice and whispered into his ear, their eyes focused on their girl. “Your beautiful mom agreed to marry me today. I’m hope that’s okay with you?” Scout babbled and smiled. “I’m taking that as a yes. Also, she invited me to be your parent. I’d be honoured to be your parent, if you’ll have me, buddy.”
Again Scout burbled happily and smiled. “I think we have an agreement here, Amelia. We’ve got this, haven’t we son?”
Amelia smiled at her family. They were a family now. “You have made me so happy, my Kai. Thank you for loving me and our son.”
Kai smiled and reached for. Holding each other and their boy, a new chapter began.
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jaskierswolf · 4 years
Hey babe <3 Here's a soulmate concept for you: soulmates share a braincell and all of the same kinks. (It's us. This is a callout post for us)
Soooo this is going undercut from the get go... I wasn’t sure how I was going to write this but once I started I kinda fell in love with it. It’s also late so I’m not sure how effective proof reading was....
Geraskier modern AU - Soulmates but kinky? 1.4k.
Warning: 18+, no actual sex but this is very horny...., mentions of sex toys, masturbation, handcuffs... and more? Seriously... 18+ Only.
Now with a sequel by @geraltrogerericduhautebellegarde
Part Three now up
Also on AO3
Geralt was having a shit day, shit week really. Ciri had been sent home from school the day before for fighting with one her classmates, despite the fact that she had been defending herself from a bully. Work at the fire station had been especially draining too, non-stop calls all week. He was irrationally angry at the world, not helped by the burning itch under his skin. He’d been unbelievably frustrated all week and no matter how much he jerked off in the shower, he just couldn’t get rid of that ache at his core. His dreams this week had been pure filth, dreams of bursting through a window into a burning building to rescue the most beautiful man he’d ever seen, gorgeous cornflower blue eyes that haunted him even during his waking hours.
Dandelion’s eyes.
He groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. His infatuation with the OnlyFans star was getting out of hand. He’d discovered Dandelion just over a year ago, his dating life was non-existent and he had been getting unbearably horny. He’d stumbled upon Dandelion on a desperate bid to sate his growing urges. It had worked for a few months, but lately it had only been getting worse again. Every Monday evening he’d spend in frustrated torment, dreaming of Dandelion in lingerie, or watching him as he brought himself to the edge of an orgasm before letting out a pitiful whine as he gripped the base of his cock before he could come. This week he’d been plagued with the thought of Dandelion going about his day with a plug up his arse so that, by the time he was ready to record his video, he could get straight to fucking himself on his favourite bright pink vibrator.
The thought of the lube sliding down Dandelion’s thick thighs as he pulled out the plug had been enough to send Geralt over the edge as he bit down on his hand, come painting the bathroom tiles white before being washed away.
The weirdest part about Geralt’s fantasies was that no matter what he thought, or dreamt during the week, Dandelion’s videos would match when they were released on Wednesday. So Geralt was taking bets on either a role-play where Dandelion needed rescuing or the butt plug, he was secretly hoping butt plug, the fireman rescue scenario would be too close to home. He was already struggling to put distance between his life and Dandelion’s online one. He sighed and pulled out his phone to check the time. The video wouldn’t be released for another couple of hours at least, which was fine. He wouldn’t be able to watch it until Ciri was safely tucked up in bed, the unenviable life of a single parent. First he needed to finish the grocery shopping, pick up Ciri from school, cook dinner, help Ciri with her homework and then maybe watch some TV with her before he could bundle her upstairs to bed. It felt like an awful lot of work for his day off.
He groaned again, thinking about Dandelion in public had been a mistake, and one he’d made countless times before. If he were the superstitious type, he might have said that Dandelion was his soulmate. There were all sorts of papers and articles that suggested that soulmates existed, that your soulmate was one that understood you on a level that no one else did, that you in some way were telepathically linked. On one hand it would explain how a random OnlyFans porn star knew exactly what Geralt had been dreaming of all week despite the fact he never mentioned it in his comments, on the other hand it was bullshit.
Utter bullshit.
He grumbled under his breath and went in search of the snack aisle. He’d been craving white chocolate covered pretzels all day and Ciri had finished his supply off without telling him. He was so lost in thought that he didn’t notice the other man standing by his favourite snacks until it was too late. He crashed into him, putting his arms around the other man to stop him from falling.
And suddenly bright cornflower blue eyes were staring up at him.
Geralt stared back into the eyes of Dandelion… the man he’d been infatuated with for months.
“Umm… hi?” Dandelion gave a little wave, biting his lip and running his hand through his soft brunet hair. Geralt swallowed as Dandelion released his lip, a move he’d done thousands of times in his videos.
“Sorry,” Geralt grumbled. “Wasn’t thinking straight.”
Dandelion laughed, a beautiful musical laugh that was even more captivating in person. “Oh darling, I never think straight. I’m Jaskier, by the way.”
Dandelion, no Jaskier, extended his hand and Geralt took it, surprised by his firm grip.
“White chocolate covered pretzel?” Jaskier asked, tilting his head and passing Geralt a box.
Geralt blinked and took the box without thinking. “Thanks.”
Geralt’s thoughts were going a hundred miles an hour and yet he could only manage single syllable words whilst Jaskier smiled at him, brighter than the fucking sun. Fuck, fuck, fuck. He was so smitten.
Jaskier just laughed again, his hand gripping Geralt’s arm. “Forgive me for being bold, but you sir, are fucking gorgeous.”
Geralt licked his lips, barely resisting the urge to push the brunet up against the shelves and kiss him senseless, but he knew he needed to tell Jaskier the truth before anything else was said. “You’re Dandelion.”
Jaskier blushed very prettily and scratched the back of his neck. “Ah. Yes. Hello.”
“Sorry, I thought you should know,” Geralt frowned, he hadn’t meant to make Jaskier uncomfortable. “I umm… I like your videos.”
Fuck, why had he said that?
Jaskier laughed, the sounding easing the tension in Geralt’s shoulders, and winked. “Oh so do I, they’re a pleasure to make.”
Geralt smiled at the joke. “What’s the video this week?”
“That would be telling. What would you like it to be, Geralt?” Geralt name fell from his lips like fucking prayer.
Geralt’s mouth went dry as he thought about his fantasies from Monday night, and the dreams of rescuing Dandelion that had he rutting against his bedsheets in his sleep. “Had a couple of ideas.”
Jaskier raised an eyebrow at him. “Oh really?”
“Well how about you give me your number, and we can discuss this somewhere more… private?”
Geralt nodded and they exchanged numbers. Geralt felt like he’d stepped into a fever dream, why Jaskier hadn’t been put off when he’d admitted he was a fan, he had no idea, but he wasn’t complaining. They’d only just met but Geralt couldn’t shake the feeling that Jaskier was going to change his life. He felt lighter already, the day seemed brighter. He was just saying goodbye to Jaskier when the man shuffled awkwardly, letting out a soft moan, his face flushing deep crimson.
“Fuck, sorry. I umm, I’m filming a bonus video later tonight. Once I’ve posted Monday’s. It needed a little prep work,” Jaskier admitted with a sheepish smile. “If you catch my drift.”
Geralt blinked at Jaskier. “The fuck?” He muttered mostly to himself. “You didn’t happen to record a role-play on Monday did you?”
Jaskier’s eyes went wide and his jaw dropped. “How did you know?”
“It’s gonna sound stupid.”
“Tell me.”
Geralt took a deep breath and then closed his eyes, not wanting to see Jaskier’s face when he admitted it. “Been dreaming about it. Your videos always seem to align with my dreams, or umm… thoughts when I’m alone.”
“Like… soulmates?” Jaskier’s hand was on his cheek, the contact burning his skin and he felt a swell of arousal, heat prickling his skin.
“Never believed in that,” Geralt admitted, opening his eyes to find Jaskier gazing back at him with wide hopeful eyes that made Geralt feel strangely warm inside. “Starting to wonder though.”
Jaskier leaned in, brushing his lips against Geralt’s cheek. “Call me, Geralt, who knows maybe I’ll even make a video specially for you? Or…” Jaskier smirked, winking in a way that should have been illegal “you could always join me. There’s some things I’ve been dying to film that simply require a partner.”
“I’ll bring the handcuffs,” Geralt murmured so that only Jaskier could hear.
Jaskier laughed. “Oh we are going to get along splendidly, Geralt.”
Geralt chuckled as Jaskier sauntered away down the aisle, filling his basket with Geralt’s favourite foods. “Soulmates,” he scoffed.
Maybe it wasn’t bullshit after all.
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griavian · 3 years
the 36 questions that lead to love
x <- read on ao3
dream finds a list of questions that can supposedly lead to two people falling in love, so him and george try it out on stream. turns out, they don't really need all 36.
“Come on, George. It’s just a couple of questions.” Dream pleaded into the call, making George roll his eyes. He’s been trying to end stream for the past 15 minutes, but Dream always convinces him to go “just a little longer!”.
“36 questions is not just a couple of questions, Dream.” George glances at his second monitor to make sure his green screen was still black and to check a few discord messages. He had no intention to fall into Dream’s trap for another hour of streaming.
“But it says it’ll lead to love!” Dream says, exasperated. He googled ‘questions to ask your friend’ earlier and found a list of them that apparently lead to falling in love. To George, it was bullshit.
“That’s such bullshit.” He expresses.
“You’re no fun.” Dream’s voice lowered, and George can feel the pout Dream has plastered on his face. He can already predict what the next 12 hours would be like with Dream: silent treatment and being a general dickhead. George was used to it when they lived an ocean apart, and even found it amusing, but it was a totally different experience living with him. Dream would mope around, go into George’s room randomly just to not talk to him, and go as far as to blast sad music from his own room across the hall while George was trying to finish up some editing. Sure, it was all light-hearted jokes, and Dream would stop his act in a heartbeat if George was truly annoyed by it, but George still dreaded it.
Dream immediately cheers up and starts typing on his keyboard while George watches his chat fly by, seeing a lot of emotes and positive messages.
“Okay, um- first question. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom,” Dream mocks the formality, “would you want as a dinner guest?”
George’s nose crinkles. “How is that gonna make me fall in love with you?”
“Just answer the question.”
“I don’t know! The queen?”
“That’s a stupid answer.”
“What!” George screeches and Dream barks out a laugh. “You’re so dumb.”
“You gotta give me a better answer than that, or else we won’t fall in love with each other.”
George rolls his eyes, but decides to think about his answer. Truthfully, he wouldn’t want anyone special as a dinner guest. “Um. My mum.”
George eyes his chat as it’s filled with “aw”s. He almost scoffs.
“See? That wasn’t so hard.” George wants to punt Dream into another universe.
“Alright, who would you want as a guest?”
“Tom Brady.”
“That’s the stupidest answer ever!” George yells, his eyes wide, perhaps offended that Dream picked Tom Brady out of anyone else in the world.
“Question two!” Dream ignores, “This one is kinda dumb, but would you like to be famous and if you do, what for?”
George hums. “Probably don’t want to be famous-famous. Maybe being well-known for being the first person to invent IRL-VR. I want my body to be submerged in the Minecraft universe.”
“That’s sick. I dunno what I’d want-”
“You’re already famous.”
“Shut up. I don’t even- I don’t even want to be famous, really. I just want to make whoever knows me smile.”
“Aww, isn’t that sweet, Dream.” George teases and he knows Dream waved him off. George has his habits practically memorized.
“Whatever. How about you ask some questions?” Dream sends a link on discord and George reads through them.
“There’s no way these can make people fall in love. What even is this question? Before making a telephone call, do you rehearse what you’re going to say and why?”
“Trust the process. I mean, I do that. I don’t want my brain all jumbled up, I guess. Words are hard.” Dream answers.
“I don’t think I’ve ever done that. I wing it.”
“That’s very you. Next question.” Something about Dream saying that made George smile the tiniest bit, made the serotonin flow through his brain.
“What’s a ‘perfect day’ for you?” George reads. It’s quiet for a moment.
“Hanging out with you,” his voice is sincere, “You and Sapnap. Recording, streaming, anything like that. What about you?”
“Hm. Me too.”
George isn’t one to show his feelings often. He remembers being asked if he did, and he answered with “not ones that matter”. It still rings true to this day. His walls are still built up and that’s okay to George. Mushy feelings aren’t important, but he’d be damned if he didn’t say his heartstrings were playing a beautiful melody during this moment.
The questions and answers fall easily after that. George knows it’s around 1 am, and he should go to sleep, but answering the questions was kind of addicting.
“Do you have a hunch on how you’ll die?” Dream reads the question with a chuckle. “That’s such a weird question to ask someone you wanna fall in love with.”
George tries not to read in between the lines.
“Heart failure. For both of us.”
“You know how I’ll die?”
“We’re Minecraft streamers, Dream. We’ll probably die at 40.” They share jokes and giggles of scenarios where they die and what they’d do, and something about it feels a bit too honest.
“I’ll die the day you die, George. Emotionally and physically.” Dream says, dramatic as ever. George only huffs, and they leave it there.
“Name three things you and your partner have in common. Dream, do you have a secret girlfriend?” They start to bicker back and forth, because of course they do.
“It doesn’t mean romantic partner, you dumbass. Like- it’s like a science partner,” Dream sighs, “Well, we do have a lot in common. We have the same job, we care about the same things, and we love each other! Easy.” Dream answers.
“Who said I loved you?”
“You literally did last night.” George had closed chat a while ago, already prepared for what was to come. He can only imagine what they’re saying.
“They’ll never believe you.” George says with a sadistic grin.
“Ugh. Okay, what are you grateful for in life? You have to answer this.” George can hear Dream get a little closer to his mic, almost anticipating George’s answer. Dream knows how much he doesn’t like to express any feelings, and probably expects him to skip the question overall. George prevails.
“You. Obviously,” and before Dream can get out an aww, George says, “You made my career, dummy, and I’m grateful for that. And my friends, family, all the normal things. Chat! I’m even grateful for chat.”
“Well, I’m incredibly grateful for you especially.” Dream’s voice is soft, almost loving. George rolls his eyes. He could’ve guessed Dream’s answer, but it weirdly hurts him when it was spoken aloud. He doesn’t know whether it hurts because it might be a fun little joke or if it’s because someone might care about him that much. George decides to stop thinking.
They answer more questions, from taking four minutes to tell each other their life stories (“There was no reason to add that detail; you’re so gross, Dream.”) to what significant quality they would want to wake up and suddenly have (“You’re already good at code shit, George. That’s the saddest answer ever.”). They move onto section two of the list, which are deeper questions.
“Is there something you’ve dreamed of doing but haven’t yet, and why haven’t you?” George asks. He knows about Dream’s unfinished projects. There’s probably a million answers to the question, and George would listen to every single one.
“Uh, well. You know I was writing a book, yeah? I was halfway done with it, and I can’t make myself finish it. It’s probably writer’s block, but I don’t think I’ll be able to do it.” George frowned.
“You can’t finish it with that attitude, silly. You’re annoyingly amazing at everything.” George says with a snort, “I don’t have an answer to this. What did you say that one time? Your future is my future? Well, your dreams are my dreams, then.”
George cringes a little at what he said. He doesn’t know his viewer count, but knows that at least a million people will watch that clip out of context. Dream doesn’t say anything back and moves on to the next question.
“What is your most treasured memory?” Dream asks, and George immediately laughs.
“I definitely know your’s.”
“Do tell, George.”
“Our first Christmas together. Sapnap insisted on getting a real Christmas tree, and when we started decorating the stupid thing, Sapnap sees a spider and screeches. Then, our neighbors come knocking on the front door and you had to explain to them that nobody was being murdered, it was just your roommate being a big baby. And as if it could get any worse, I got tree-sap all on my fingers and clothes and you couldn’t help me because you were laughing too hard.”
“Pretty sure I almost choked on my own spit.” Dream adds, and George scoffs. “But no, that’s not my treasured memory.”
George sputters. “What? You’re telling me I told that to thousands of people for nothing?”
“To be fair, you were all soft on Christmas morning, so our first Christmas might be your treasured memory. Anyways, remember the first time you helped me with a code?” George stays silent, giving Dream the answer. “Well, that was the first time we had a real conversation. I made you laugh, then I started to laugh because you laughed, and we didn’t get the code done. It sounds dumb, but I always smile whenever I think about it.”
George’s face falters a bit. God, he just wants to hug Dream; he wants to make a beeline for his room and attack him with affection and make sure he knows that George loves him, platonically or romantically, George wants him to know.
He just can’t express it with words.
“That… sweet.” George’s eyes travel down the following questions and panics, seeing how personal the questions are. He fakes a yawn. “As mushy and stupid this thing is, I’m really tired.”
Dream doesn’t say anything. It almost scares George, but he deafens on Discord and bids farewell to his viewers, who were completely freaking out. George doesn’t blame them. He’s abruptly leaving after a sweet moment? That’s a recipe for disaster, and George knows better. Yet, he clicks the end stream button.
The door to his office swings open instantly and startles George. It was Sapnap, someone he didn’t particularly want to see.
“What the fuck was that?” His roommate whisper-yells.
George groans and slides deeper into his chair, covering his face. “I don’t know,” he muffles.
“Are you even trying to hide your feelings at this point?” He can hear Sapnap close the door and flop on his office’s couch. “You might as well buy a billboard that says ‘I’m in love with my best friend! His name is Clay!’ with a big ass picture of your dumb face beside it.”
“I know,” George whines. “Do you think he knows?”
“He’s not the one I’m worried about knowing. I’ve told you a million goddamn times that he’s too whipped to notice. I’m worried about the fans. They’re gonna go fucking bonkers because of this stream. Clips are gonna be shared. People are gonna speculate.”
George uncovers his face and narrows his eyes at his friend. “Thanks for the reassurance,” he deadpans.
Sapnap rolls his eyes. “I’m being serious, dude. I know you’re very deeply in love with him in the gayest of ways, but you gotta be careful in front of the fans.”
“Oh my God. I know, Sapnap! I know. I forgot we were even streaming. It felt like it was just the two of us, and I got too comfortable. And it was so nice. I can’t even do anything about it now, so it doesn’t even matter.”
Sapnap sighs and pulls himself from the couch. “You need to talk to him before this gets out of hand. You know I love ya, and that I’m here for you.” George cringes out of habit, but nods. It reads as ‘I love you too, I guess’.
Sapnap leaves without another word, and George is left alone with his thoughts. It’s not long before he sluggishly makes his way back to his bedroom. He opens the closed door, enters, and shuts it. He turns around, only to be greeted by a familiar person in his bed, and yelps.
Dream laughs. He’s wearing blue pajama pants and a white t-shirt. His hair looks messed with, and his cheeks seem to have more color to them. George can’t help but stare.
“Well? Aren’t we gonna finish it?”
George cocks an eyebrow.
“Finish what?”
“The questions, dummy. You don’t… you don’t have to. I mean, it’s kinda stupid that I want to do it in the first place, but…” Dream trails off. George hops on his bed and grins lightly.
“Go for it.”
They answer questions they skipped, like what is your most terrible memory (“My, uh, grandma. She died when I was about 14. It was… hard on me.” “Oh, George…”).
The overhead light was off at this point, the only light coming from a lamp on his desk and the stars shining through the window. The two are on their sides, Dream on the right of the bed and George on the left, facing each other, occasionally looking at their phones to ask the questions.
“What roles do love and affection play in your life?” Dream asks, his voice softer than ever. George can almost not answer. He doesn’t know.
“I’ve never been a super affectionate person, so I don’t know. I’ll give you guys quick hugs of course, but with really close relationships, I don’t know what to do.”
Dream looks as if he’s searching for something in George’s face, and George can’t tell what he’s looking for. His movements are hesitant, George sees.
“Do- um. You wanna maybe,” Dream pauses, closes his eyes,and scrunches up his face. “Try?”
“Try what?”
“Affection.” Dream lets out a breath and opens his eyes. “Affection is my strong suit, afterall.” His mouth forms into a teasing smirk despite his eyes showing nervousness.
“Um. Take the lead.”
It’s slow. So, very slow. Dream’s hand raises up and lands itself on the dip of George’s waist. He’s whispering instructions, and George listens. His hands are hung around Dream’s neck, and their legs are starting to tangle together. They laugh when they realize how far apart they are, and Dream pulls him closer. George can feel his heart beating out of his chest as he lays his head where Dream’s right shoulder meets his neck.
“Do you want me to ask the rest of the questions, sweetheart?” It sounded like a coo, and George is surprised at how effortless the pet name comes out of Dream’s mouth.
“Was that okay?” Dream whispers after a moment of George going still. He perks up.
“Yeah! Yeah.”
“Okay.” Dream pulls George closer and rests his left hand on his back. He starts rubbing up and down in slow motions.
George simply melts.
The questions and answers go by slower, and their voices become gentler. Dream announces that they’re on section three now, and to state three true “we” statements. Dream goes first.
“We… are cuddling?”
“Obviously, idiot.” George chuckles. “We are really tired?” Dream hums.
“We meant everything we’ve said tonight.”
“We are going to mean everything we say tonight.”
“You can’t just steal my answer.”
“Just do your third one.”
“We will be ‘Dream and George’ forever.”
Forever is a long, long time. And yet, Dream’s statement is still true.
“We don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow.”
There’s a beat of silence.
“Very vague.”
“Next question, Dream.”
“Alright, alright. Complete this sentence: ‘I wish I had someone whom I could share…’”
Without a second thought, George replies, “My emotions with. Your turn.”
George swears he felt Dream squeeze him.
“My everything with. Every single little thing. Physical, metaphorical, emotional.”
“Even Patches?”
A laugh.
“Yes. Even Patches.”
“Next question.”
“Tell your partner what you like about them and be very honest.”
“Your voice. It’s like… I don’t even know how to describe it.”
“Does it get you going, George?”
“Shut up. I definitely don’t like your smart-assery.” George can feel Dream lean down into George’s shoulder and smile. “I like how you act around people. It’s always different depending on the person. Different with me.”
“I like how you act around people too. You’re almost always bubbly, even though you like to say you aren’t. And, God, your laugh. It’s so overwhelming, but in the best way possible. You have no idea how many times I’ve said the stupidest shit just to hear your little laugh.” George digs his head deeper into Dream’s shoulder. “I also… really like it when you say my name. My real name.”
George raises slightly, gaining the tiniest bit of confidence. “Clay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, that.”
“Clay,” George whispers.
“George.” Dream sounds weak. So, very weak. George gets closer to his ear.
George can’t tell if he’s joking.
“You’re gonna kill me, George.”
George’s lips brush against the outer of Dream’s ear, and his friend shivers. He decides this isn’t a joke anymore. He thinks the invisible line they had drawn in the sand many years ago has been kicked and stomped on to the point where neither of them remembers the line being there. George goes further.
“Clay, Clay, Clay,” George is still whispering, slowly brushing his lips across Dream’s jaw, and the hands around his waist get the littlest bit tighter.
George finally raises his head to meet Dream, who was a mess. His cheeks are glowing and his eyes are almost bloodshot. His breath is labored and his hands are shaky.
“Calm down, love.” George whispers and raises his right hand to meet Dream’s cheek, who leans into the touch.
“Kiss me.” Dream begs quietly, as if saying anything louder would shatter the moment in little pieces.
An adrenaline rush fills George’s veins. “Anything you want,” he says, and closes the gap.
The kiss is soft. Dream is maneuvering their bodies to be more comfortable, meaning George is pulled on top of Dream. Their lips didn’t part once.
They move together in harmony, both in the kiss and their bodies, putting everything they got into it. It was unsaid feelings and years and years of thoughts, and George felt every single one of them. George is straddling Dream’s middle and Dream is leaning up to meet George’s touch. His hands are rubbing up and down and squeezing George’s hips and George’s hands find their way into Dream’s hair. It’s perfect and imperfect and everything George has been waiting for, yearning for.
They part, and Dream pushes their foreheads together. George assumes they look dumb, but how could he care in this moment?
“Beautiful. You’re beautiful.” Dream says, his breath tickling George’s mouth. He lets out a breath and breaks out into a smile. His hands start brushing through Dream’s hair and George backs away to get a good look. Dream is staring back.
George lunges forward and wraps his arms around Dream’s neck, sending him flat on the bed with an “oof”.
“Jesus Christ, George. A warning would be nice.”
“I love you. I-love-you-I-love-you-I-love-you-I-love-you-I-love-you-I-love-you-” George couldn’t get enough of saying it. George’s dam cracked when Dream held him and fucking exploded when they kissed. He doesn’t have to hold back anymore, so he doesn’t.
“Slow down, baby.” Dream says through a chuckle. He makes George lean up with tans hands on pale cheeks and a lot of eye contact. “I love you, too.”
George’s breathing slows down to a normal, less-adrenaline-filled pace, and Dream kisses him again. George forces his head back up.
“What does this mean for us?”
“Isn’t it a little obvious?”
“Not really.”
“Boyfriends, George. We’re dating now.”
“How do you know I wanted to even be your boyfriend.” George narrows his eyebrows in faux-suspicion.
Dream’s stare is blank. “I mean. You’re- well- you know, um-”
George dismisses this shortly and confirms, “I want to be your boyfriend.”
Dream sighs in relief. “You’re such an idiot.”
“Yeah. Whatever.” George slides off Dream’s waist and lays facing him. Dream turns as well. “Was that question the last question?”
“No, actually. There were a few left.” Dream blinks, then muses, “Guess we didn’t need 36 questions after all.”
“That was the cheesiest thing you’ve ever said and I hate you for it.”
“You wound me, George. You wound me.”
George makes up for it by letting himself be engulfed in Dream’s embrace, and feels tiny kisses on the top of his head. George nuzzles closer.
Yeah, everything was going to be fine.
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darthkruge · 4 years
Could you write a cute sequel to the Padawan! Anakin and Padawan! Reader oneshot, where they have a secret wedding two years later?
Anakin Skywalker x Reader ~ Can I Kiss You? (Pt 2)
Summary: Two years after their first kiss, Padawan!Anakin and Padawan!Reader return to the gardens of Naboo for their wedding
Warnings: Nothing. Once again, this is fluff. A bit more emotions thrown in this time, but cute fluff nonetheless!
Words: 1.6k
A/N: I can’t believe someone requested a sequel for one of my fics!! That’s so exciting!! The first part is one of my favorite fics I’ve ever written and I hope I did justice with the second <3. Also! You don’t need to have read the first part to understand this. But I do think it makes it more fun, as I kinda tied them together :)
Part 1
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“Can you believe we made it?” 
Anakin’s voice broke you out of your trance. You were sitting on the grass and leaning against him, head resting on his shoulder with his arms hugging you from behind. The palace’s gardens once again surrounded you; the familiar fresh, flowery scent intoxicating. 
You hummed, turning your head up and looking at him. He looked down at you and smiled. 
“Hi,” His voice held his laughter, teasing.
“Hi,” You replied, mirroring his happiness. 
You connected your lips with his, both of you grinning into the kiss. His metal hand came up, fingers gently holding your jaw as he deepened the kiss. Your mind wandered, remembering your first kiss. Here. 
You were pulled back to the present as his tongue gently swiped across your lower lip. You opened your mouth slightly, allowing him access. As he swirled his tongue around yours, your head spun. Your hands wove into his hair and pulled on the back of it lightly, making him groan into you. You smirked, loving the effect you had on him. He grabbed your waist, pulling you around so that you were straddling his thighs. You broke from his lips, trailing kisses up and down the side of his neck. 
Missing the feeling of your lips, he pulled you back up, reconnecting them with his own. You kissed and kissed and kissed until you couldn’t anymore, breaking apart only once you were positively breathless. You leaned your forehead against his, chests heaving as you relaxed.
“We’re gonna be late for our own ceremony if you keep distracting me like that” 
You lightly smacked his chest, throwing your head back and gaping in mock-offense. “Now who’s the one that shoved their tongue down my throat?”
“Well I guess that’d have to be me… considering you haven’t kissed anyone else…” He trailed off, looking at you somewhat sheepishly to gauge your reaction
“Anakin! That is rude! And unkind! And completely accurate, you kriffing asshole!” You said, laughing the entire time. Anakin joined in, sighing in relief when he realized you weren’t mad at him. 
“Rude and unkind? I’d say that’s slightly dramatic, Y/N”
“And where do you think I picked up the dramatic flair, hmm?” You shot back, quirking your eyebrows and glaring at him playfully.
Anakin rolled his eyes but, intelligently, didn’t argue. He just chuckled, pulling you back in for another kiss. You obliged but quickly pulled away, laughing as he pouted at you.
“Now, come on! We’re going to be late for our own ceremony if you keep distracting me like that!” You said, mocking him.
You got up and started skipping away before he could retort, smiling as you heard his footsteps scrambling to catch up with you. He pulled your hand into his, leaning down to press a fleeting kiss against your cheek. 
He pulled you forward and you laughed as he stopped to spin you around. Your breath caught as you felt yourself tripping over your own feet and squealed as you came in contact with Anakin’s strong chest.
You buried your face into him and he rubbed up and down your arms. As he peppered kisses into your hair, you did the same on his collarbone. Moments like this were what you wished you could live in forever. Just two people in love. Without the pressure of the Jedi, the Council, any of it. You wished you didn’t need to hide your relationship, your happiness. But you truly believed that any sacrifice would be worth keeping Anakin in your life. 
It had taken months of planning to even get the time to slip away with Anakin. Luckily, the Council thought you and Anakin worked well together and frequently allowed you to go on missions together. Granted, you both usually ended up in front of the Council trying to justify why you disobeyed their orders on these missions. Even if it was your idea, Anakin would always try to take the blame, despite you constantly telling him it was unnecessary. However, Anakin did have a point when he said that he was the Chosen One; they wouldn’t expel him from the order because of a series of poor decisions. He said that even if you didn’t have the Council’s protection, you could count on his.
To be fair, he wasn’t wrong. That’s why those fights never lasted. Most of your fights were like that. Silly, stupid arguments that almost always boiled down to the fear of losing each other. And, by the next morning, you were always curled back in bed together, unable to bear the idea of being apart. 
You looked up, shaking yourself out of your own head.
Anakin looked at you quizzically. “You alright, my love?” He asked, concern evident in his voice.
You nodded. “Perfect.”
You were about to marry the most perfect man in the entire world. Kind, beautiful, giving, protective, understanding, flawed, yours. As if “perfect” even began to describe how you were feeling. You weren’t sure anything could. When you joined the Jedi Order, you never thought you’d get this. Love. And yet, here you were. 
Anakin leaned in, kissing your nose. “Me, too,” He whispered in your ear.
You walked up to the secluded altar where Obi-Wan, R2D2, and C3-PO stood. You thanked the stars for Obi-Wan; he had done so much to ensure that your secret stayed that way and you could successfully marry the love of your life. 
You stood, looking at Anakin. He held your hands and you gave his a squeeze. It was a signal that had developed over the years; whenever one of you needed reassurance or just wanted to remind them that you loved them, you’d squeeze the other’s hand. As per usual, he immediately returned the gesture. 
Obi-Wan cleared his throat. “Y/N, would you like to go first?”
You looked at him, mouthing a quick “thank you” and nodding. He smiled right back. Obi-Wan had become a good friend of yours over the years. You were quite grateful that he was here on this wondrous day. 
You took a deep breath, looking into Anakin’s deep eyes. “Anakin, when I first met you I thought you were reckless, arrogant at times, insubordinate…” You trailed off as he gave you an amused look, clearly wondering where you were going with this. 
“Gorgeous,” You added in, “and, truly, so much more. Now, while I still think of you that way, I’ve grown to love it. You inspire me, you believe in me, you understand me in a way that I thought was impossible for one person to understand another. You’re strong and loving and you always keep me safe. You make me laugh and smile and giddy and… happy. I still remember, two years ago, when you made me choke an apple and kissed me, all in one day. And that feeling I had when our lips first touched, it has remained, constant, since that moment. I want to spend my life with you. And I don’t want to put that off for another second.”
Anakin’s eyes were misty with tears by the time you finished speaking. It was hard for him to fathom -- that he’d found someone who cared about him that much. For once in his life, he believed that there was someone who wouldn’t leave. 
Obi-Wan gave Anakin a knowing smile before asking him to begin.
“Honestly, I don’t know what I did to deserve you. You’re perfect, you’re… everything. You challenge me, by the Maker, you challenge me,” Anakin said as you chuckled, nodding in agreement. “And you’re strong and good and selfless. You’ve always seen the good in me, sometimes even when  I didn’t deserve it. You sought to know me for who I am, not for what I could bring to the galaxy.” Anakin paused, looking into your eyes. He swallowed, long and hard, before going on. 
“And I know this wasn’t the relationship you dreamed of. I know I can’t give you much of anything. But I promise that for the rest of our lives I will be right here, by your side. I will love you for as long as this life allows, and for a thousand after that.” 
Tears streaked down both your cheeks, making everything else fade away. The weight of his words sat heavily on your heart; his love for you so powerful it was nearly overwhelming. But that seemed to be a theme in your relationship, didn’t it? Everything right on that edge, so close to falling apart. And yet you and Anakin balanced each other. You wouldn’t crumble. 
You once again traveled back to when all this started. You remember thinking, perhaps foolishly, that you and Anakin would make it. That one in a million couple. You thanked the entire galaxy that you were right.
You looked at Obi-Wan only to see that he was grinning at the both of you. He’d had his suspicions about you two for months before he eventually caught you kissing after you returned from a long mission. Anakin swore up and down that he “fell on you” and was “tending to your injuries” but Obi-Wan just brushed away the excuses and assured the both of you he would keep your secret. 
“You may now… kiss each other. If you so desire,” Obi-Wan said before averting his eyes.
Anakin looked at you, adoration clear in his vision. He held your gaze and gently cupped your cheek. “So… can I kiss you?”
You rolled your eyes, laughed, and leaned in. 
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youalexturnermeon · 4 years
Warm Beer and Cold Women Pt. 4 (Johnny Lawrence x Reader)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Request: Hi! I absolutely love your work and I was wondering if I could get a Cobra Kai Johnny imagine where the reader is a bartender and starts crushing on him since he’s a regular and he flirts with her all the time and she pretends to hate it but she actually loves it? by Anon
A/N: This is the fourth and final part of the request in which I really got too carried away. Anyways, I hope you are happy with the outcome. Enjoy
Warnings: badass reader, drinking, DUI, swearing, angst, fluff, suggestive writing
Wordcount: 2722
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“I’m sorry it’s so messy” Johnny said apologetically when he opened the door to his apartment for you and you curiously took a peek inside “Like I said before, my life isn’t that great right now. But since I finally got you over here which I thought would never happen because you’re such a hard nut to crack, it is actually not too bad. I’m glad you’re here.”
You laughed when he grinned at you, you could clearly see that he was getting better or maybe it was just the booze kicking in turning the switch from sad drunk to happy.
“Don’t get too comfortable with me being around. I won’t stay long.”
“But that also means that you’re staying for at least little a while.” Johnny said and heavily sat down on the couch patting the place next to him inviting you to sit down too. You happily took that invitation.
“You got me there.”
You were exhausted. The night so far was pretty intense. You felt more worn out than after a busy shift at work. The worry about Johnny didn’t vanish, you still deeply cared about how he felt, and you wanted him to feel at least a little bit better. Additionally, the ride to his apartment was stressful. You had a few drinks; you hadn’t been behind a steering wheel for at least half a year and didn’t feel very safe driving. Your heart was beating like crazy when you were blankly focusing on the road, always looking out for cops, afraid you could get pulled over whilst Johnny was dozing off with his head on your shoulder. If you would’ve gotten pulled over, it would have been you turn spending the night in a cell. You didn’t want it to go this far. But after all, you managed and could finally relax. It felt good sitting close to him, so close that your knees were touching. You threw your head back and sighed.
“Do you want another drink, or something?” Johnny sloppily asked, eyeing you with a grin from ear to ear on his face “I don’t really have much to offer but I must have another bottle of Jackie somewhere.” He was about to stand up, but you carefully pushed him back into the sofa. He didn’t object, he liked your touch. Normally, you wouldn’t say no to that, but you decided that you and above all Johnny had enough for today. Especially Johnny. You didn’t know how much he drank today but it was a lot, enough to have you laying in corner passed out for hours. And you were wondering how on earth he still managed to walk, although not steadily, and talk without slurring.
“I’m good,” you answered, “And you should probably take a break, too.”
Johnny laughed and rolled his bright blue eyes which were glistening again, showing a sign of life “C’mon, (Y/N), please don’t tell me I brought my mom home.”
“I just don’t like people who can’t link two words together anymore because they had one too many.
“So, you want to talk then?”
You shrugged; you did
“Is it Christmas already? Not only the girl of my dreams is finally sitting next to me in my apartment, but she also is finally willing to talk to me for real, after months of trying to get her to do that. Without cussing me out and no sarcastic remarks no matter what I say?”
“I can’t promise that, but yeah, basically.”
“Are you finally going to tell me something about yourself?”
You were afraid that day would come when you would have to talk about yourself to Johnny, and you sighed deeply, closing your eyes.
“That hard to do that, huh?” Johnny nudged you trying to catch your glance but your eyes remained shut. You shook your head and chuckled.
“No, it’s just, you basically know everything about me there is to know.”
“No way!”
“I swear!” “So barkeeper, slight anger issues, big mouth, living in an overpriced apartment with a crack-head…” “Next to,” you corrected him, “And he is fond of Meth rather than crack.”
“Alright, so next to a meth-head and no driver’s license anymore because of DUI a couple of months ago is really all there is to know about you?”
“Maybe if you change the anger issues with a slight drinking problem, yeah, I guess so,” you said, and it was true, trying hard not to show how much it meant to you that he remembered all the little things you let slip out over a long period of time that he spent bugging you “I’m very boring. But you know, that only means that I already opened up to you without you even noticing.” “I am absolutely honoured. But come on, you’re not boring, you’re great and there must be more to you.”
You shook your head, you hated to disappoint him, but you couldn’t think of anything more that could’ve been of interest to him.
“Besides, you promised me to tell everything about your Karate!” you blurted out as if you forgot everything, he told you today at the bar. And you instantly regretted it. He literally poured his heart out about how Karate was ruining his life. Maybe you should’ve told him that you were also the most tactless person on earth, that would’ve prepared him for unnecessary remarks and helped him to ignore your stupidity. For a second you thought, Johnny would have another nervous breakdown just like an hour ago sitting by the counter, starting the whole drama once again. Yet, surprisingly he didn’t as if he had forgotten it just like you. There was a chance you were imagining it but you though he had brightened up even more. You relaxed and you allowed the breath that you were holding since the moment the words escaped your lips, to flow again.
“What do you want to know?” Johnny asked sitting up more straight looking at you in anticipation.
“That’s gonna be long but I guess I don’t mind because that only means you’re staying longer with me. And before I start, give me one more fact about you!”
“There’s nothing.” “C’mon just one more, otherwise I’m not talking!”
“Alright,” you stood up, confidentially walking over to his kitchen sink and getting yourself and him a glass of water. To hydrate and most importantly to sober him up a little and ease his upcoming hangover. You leaned against the kitchen counter and looked into the air thinking.
“I’m waiting (Y/N).”
“So one more thing about me that kinda got everything else you know rolling is that I had an abusive boyfriend whom I escaped by moving into my luxurious apartment which meant that I needed a new job. The new job was at the bar. End of my whole life story.”
“I’ll kill that freak if I ever get the chance to meet him.” Johnny exclaimed and sounded a little too serious. But you just laughed it off.
“Which finally leads us to your Karate, since I expect you to kill him with a badass Karate kick?”
Johnny nodded and started his story as soon as you sat back down.
He was talking a lot and you were happy he did because you weren’t much of a talker you rather listened. And Johnny was glad somebody was interested. And to be fair, his life was a lot more interesting than yours. You laid your head on his shoulder and just carefully followed everything he said while he nestled his cheek against you. Sometimes you asked questions and he was more than happy to answer. Everything felt natural. But after a while you noticed his voice getting raspier and quieter, he was speaking slowly struggling with finding his words. That’s when you knew that it was time to bring him to bed and to head home yourself. Softly you touched his arm and he stopped for a second.
“Hm?” he made, looking pretty confused with half-open eyes.
“You have to sleep now, Johnny.” you said smiling lazily, you were tired too. He didn’t answer, he just simply followed you when you got up and allowed yourself to give you a room tour. You opened the door to what you thought to be his bedroom and shushed him inside.
“Wow, already making yourself at home here,” he said, his voice almost a whisper “I like that.”
“Shut up, Sensei! And get into bed.”
He obeyed and lied down fully clothed, on his face a big dirty grin that you knew so well from almost every shift you ever worked, just his almost closed eyelids were different. This time you were the happiest to see it again.
“Are you getting in too, or what?” “Don’t max it out!” you said threateningly.
“Just joking.”
“You better. And now, before you drift away to dreamland, do you have a phone I can use?” “Don’t have a phone” he muttered and snuggled into his blanket.
“What?”, you gasped, “I need to call an Uber home!” You were miles away from your apartment.
“Don’t have one. Threw it away two weeks ago. You can crash here; the couch is all yours.”
And before you could object you suddenly heard flat breathing and you knew there was no other option. You sighed and took one last look at the passed-out Johnny.
“Can I at least have a shirt to sleep in?” you asked but that was pointless, he was already sound asleep. You shrugged to yourself, slipped out of your clothes and threw the first shirt you could grab over your underwear. That was not how you expected to spend the first night here, you thought when you tiptoed back to the couch, but it wasn’t too bad either.
When Johnny woke up the next morning the sun was already high up, it must’ve been at least mid-day. The most surprising thing wasn’t that he slept in or was finally being able to sleep at all, it was the fact that when he moved, he didn’t feel like shit. He expected to be hungover, after all he couldn’t even remember how much he drank, but he simply wasn’t, his head didn’t hurt, his joints weren’t cracking, he felt pretty much as always. This had not happened in a long time. He just was slightly dizzy as soon as he sat up in his bed. He looked down on himself, he was still wearing the dirty clothes from the night before and his face twitched into a slight grimace, he was disgusted with himself, he didn’t come home alone, and he didn’t want you to think badly of him now that he finally got you into at least liking him a bit. There was a warm feeling in his stomach when he was thinking about you, trying to remember every single detail about you from last night. And the possibility of you still being here, waiting for him to wake up, nearly made him crazy and his heart started beating faster. He would’ve been pretty bumped if you had left without saying goodbye. Yet, when he got out of bed, he noticed a pile of clothing that wasn’t his. Shorts, fishnets and a crop-top were carelessly thrown on the floor next to his bed and he gulped. That meant you were here. And if you were here, what were you wearing then?
Quickly he made his way to the living room where he expected you to be, not knowing what he would find. He tried to make as little noise as possible and as soon as he glanced over to the couch, he knew he made the right decision. Lying there, spread out on the couch, in deep sleep without a pillow or even a blanked, were you. And Johnny couldn’t help himself but stand still for a moment and watch you. You were wearing his Metallica shirt that was far too big for you and yet hugged all your curves. He couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw you like that. The shirt had slid up and you were there, almost half-naked, just in front of him. He could’ve also been the luckiest man on earth that moment. For Johnny you were the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his entire life. You suddenly twitched in your sleep and turned over on your stomach showing your perfect ass to him. And it only got better.
Johnny shook his head and pulled himself together. You had done so much for him last night and you were continuing doing that without even realizing. He had to return that favour. And when he made that decision he rushed into the bathroom.
Never in his life was Johnny ever so quick in his actions. Whilst showering and shaving he feared to be taking too long, afraid of waking you and afraid that if he finally got out, you were long gone. But his fear was unjustified because when he rushed out, you were still on the couch, lying flat on your stomach breathing deeply and flinching in your sleep. And Johnny grinned, heart pounding too hard from excitement. He even fixed up a breakfast. And you still did not wake. You face was so peaceful and so pretty that he couldn’t stop himself from kneeling down and brushing back a loose strand of your hair from your face. The corners of your mouth twitched into a smile but suddenly you startled, eyes wide, hands clenched to fists, fists up, ready to protect yourself.
“Woah, easy there, tiger,” Johnny laughed “I see my Karate stories have stuck with you.”
Realizing it was Johnny hovering above your head you let your fists sink and stretched and yawned.  
“You smell nice,” you said smiling sleepily, ignoring what he was saying. You lifted your hand and softly stroked his cheek, Johnny leaning into your touch, “And you shaved. Fucking hell, you look good. And I probably look like shit.”
You covered your face with your hands and tried to turn away from Johnny who couldn’t take his eyes of you. He immediately grabbed you by the wrists, stopping you from turning your back, carefully pulling you back to him.
“Quiet, (Y/N),” he exclaimed which made you almost flinched, he was so dominant out of a sudden, “You are beautiful! And I could really get used to that.”
“Get used to what? Me illegally driving your drunk ass home, you passing out and me involuntarily crashing on your couch for approximately 10 hours?”
“I don’t like the way you put it.” Johnny said, still holding your wrists tightly, his face so close that his nose was almost touching yours.
“I could also get used to that,” you admitted and that was everything Johnny needed to hear. His lips came crashing down on yours and he was kissing you hard. He released your wrists from his hands only to hug your small waist while your kiss got deeper and more intimate, Johnny’s heart was pounding, he’s been waiting for that for months. You couldn’t help yourself but smile into the kiss. But you were never willing to admit that you too pictured kissing him all the damn time. Johnny pulled you even closer to him, pressing you onto his chest. When he parted his lips from yours, he was placing small kisses along your jaw, your neck, your collarbone, he couldn’t get enough of you. You were so stunning to him and you were making him crazy. Out of a sudden Johnny dragged you up onto his lap, so you were promptly straddling him, his fingers tracing down your bare thighs.
“Jesus Christ.”, you gasped, eyes closed, enjoying every single one of his touches.
“What?”, Johnny asked smirking, he was not willing to stop anymore.
“Maybe next time, I just take the bed instead of the couch as well.”
“Why don’t we try it out right now?”
Out of habit you wanted to object but Johnny already had picked you up with your legs wrapped around his hips, making the way back into the bedroom. He finally got what he wanted and you too, couldn’t be happier yourself.
You passionately kissed his lips again, “Everything you want, Sensei!”
Johnny could really get used to this.
Wow, look at that, it’s finally over
Thanks for reading that
Let me know what you think
Taglist: @lililolli​ @cow-smells​ (you want to be on the taglist, too? drop me a message)
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donutloverxo · 4 years
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Note - This is a birthday gift for my babie🥺🥺 Amber aka @sweater-daddiesdumbdork. I'm sorry Steve's as hairless as a seal😔 at least you have Ari Mike and Colin!
Summary - You're surprised to find just how smooth Steve is.
Pairing - Steve Rogers x reader
Warnings - smut, unprotected sex, loss of virginity, name calling, captain kink, rip steves pubes lol.
Word count - 2.6k
Masterlist is linked in the bio!
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“What the fuck do you mean you haven’t done it yet?!” You cringed pushing your palms on your ears to block out Ella’s screeching. Maybe it was a mistake to tell her that you still hadn’t hit that supersoilder-golden-boy-next-door.
“We’re just waiting for the right moment you know?” You murmured. You couldn’t tell her the real reason. That Steve had never been intimate with anyone. Even if she was your best friend that was Steve’s secret to tell, not yours.
“When will the right moment come” She shook her head “I’m disappointed in you. You get to date that hunk of a man, and how long has it been a year?”
“Six months!” You defended yourself.
“As if that makes a difference” She scoffed.
“We will do it soon when we’re both ready.” You said ironing out the wrinkles on your dress which you were showing her.
“Alright I just want you to be happy” She rolled her eyes finally giving in “but why're you dressed as a nun?” She looked you up and down confused.
“I’m not a nun! I’m supposed to be snow white. Steve will be my prince.” You couldn’t help the love-struck grin that appeared on your face. You really were living out your best fairy tale with him.
“Wouldn’t you rather wear something traditional” She suggested.
“Hm?” You asked looking at your reflection in your dressing table mirror. You were covered head to toe. Your hair done up like that of snow white with a red headband. “How is this not traditional?” You wondered. It seemed like an okay, albeit cheesy but you were a cheesy couple, costume for Halloween.
“I meant traditional for our generation.” She snickered. She would never say it in front of Steve, but she loved making fun of you for dating someone who was old enough to be your grandpa and how you liked older men. “like a slutty snow White” she continued.
“Nope” You said popping the p and going back into your closet to take off the uncomfortable and restricting dress. You had no idea how you will spend an entire night in that thing. “I don’t want to ruin Disney Princesses for him. He likes them a lot” you shouted so she could hear you. It was so cute how he liked to hum or even sing along with the musicals sometimes. He appreciated the art and the vibrant colors. The idealistic happy endings appealed to the romantic in him.
You came out of your closet taking in deep breathes of fresh air, your torso no longer restricted “That doesn’t mean you can’t still be slutty” She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at you.
“What do you have in mind?” You were curious. You were excited to be Steve’s princess. But you would trade that if you what you truly wanted.
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Steve groaned looking at himself all done up in his 'prince' costume. Yeah it was his idea to be Snow White and her prince but you were the one who suggested doing a costume together! He couldn’t say no when you looked at him so expectedly. When you gushed so much about this being your favorite holiday.
He looked... ridiculous. There was no other way to put it. From the neck up he was fine, his clean shaven face and golden yellow hair pushed back. He looked like his normal self. But then his pale blue shirt with the balloon sleeves, the dark vest over it and his huge black boots, all topped with a sword strapped to his hip. It reminded him of his army days, when he was nothing more than a monkey.
He contemplated all the teasing he would probably have to endure from his friends the whole night. It would be absolutely worth it to make you happy. With his mind made up he left his apartment and headed towards yours, just across the hallway, to pick you up for the party at the tower. He did lose the sword. That was just too over the top.
He knocked on your door, giddy with excitement to see you in your snow white dress. He made sure to treat you like a princess, how you deserve to be treated by everyone, but to actually see you dressed as one would be something else.
His jaw dropped on the floor as you opened the door and he got a good look at you. You were dressed in... lingerie? You were a white lacy bodysuit that hugged your curves in all the right places. Leaving your legs completely bare. If that wasn’t enough you were wearing a tiara attached to a veil.
He couldn’t stifle the damn near animalistic growl that escaped his throat. He averted his gaze from your pushed up titts to your face. Your make up all done up, from the neck up you almost looked like a bride. “What the hell are you wearing doll?” he grumbled.
“Oh you don’t like it?” you clucked your tongue and looked down at your sexy costume “What a shame. It only costs like 500 dollars” Yeah maybe you were an idiot to spend so much money on a costume but if it worked you’d be seeing stars tonight so it'd be worth it.
“What happened to being snow white? What are you even supposed to be?” You moved to the side so you could let him into your apartment. He ran his hand through his hair plopping down on your couch, his eyes never leaving your body.
“I’m a slutty bride” You twirled in front of him to give him a nice view of your, barley covered, ass.
“That’s lingerie doll. You can’t go out dressed like that” He raised his hand to touch your ass, maybe give it a little squeeze but you quickly turned around.
Your hands on your hips you asked “Why not?”
“Because” He paused pulling you into him by grabbing at your hips “only I get to see you like this” His hand reached at your backside and he groaned squeezing your ass before giving it a light swat. He chuckle as you yelped from the sudden slap.
“Well then what do you suggest I do with this?” You asked nonchalantly playing with your veil “Are you saying I don’t look pretty?” You gave him your best mock puppy eyes. You could clearly see just how much he liked that on you. But you needed him to say it and to do something about it.
“You know that’s not true” You yelped as he flipped you into the couch, trapping you under him.
“I don’t know Steve. You don’t seem to be a huge fan of it. I thought you’d like me being your slut.” You brought out the big guns, jutting your bottom lip out. You knew he’d melt on the spot.
“Fine. You can be my slut.” He couldn’t believe he actually said that word. His mother raised him in a certain way. To respect women and to never ever use those words to address a woman. And he did respect all women and you. But she also taught him to be passionate and give his all to everything he did. So it would only be fair that he fucked you, respectfully, with everything he has got and gave you everything you asked for.
He grabbed your hair and pulled your head back. Biting and sucking on your neck and then trailing down your clavicle. Making sure to leave bruises so everyone could see who you belonged to. He kissed your throat and revelled in the vibrations caused by your moans. Your hands in clutching onto his head and completely messing up his well done hair. He finally let up and admired his work. The white and red marks that would soon turn a dark shade of violet.
He hauled you over his shoulder walking towards your bedroom. As you squirmed and then laughed in his hold.
He had to struggle a lot to off his clothes. They were so intricate, with the buttons and buckles, reminded him of his stealth suit. He pulled off his boots and crawled onto the bed, kneeling between your legs only in his tight black boxer briefs.
He looked at your face and frowned at the puzzled expression it held as you stared at his nude body. He suddenly felt self conscious. All the insecurities, from back when he was the little guy came back to him. He thought women liked him now. Even you were so entranced and attracted to his bulky figure. Which he couldn’t help but be proud of.
But right now, for some reason you didn’t look impressed. He sanked back to sit on his calves. He had completely given himself to you. What if you rejected him? He had no idea how he would deal with that blow.
“Oh!” You exclaimed as you noticed Steve’s defeated state. In your ogling and processing you didn’t realise that you might’ve hurt his feelings. “Stevie?” You knelt before him caressing his cheek. “I’m just taken aback a bit okay?” you tried to reassure him.
“Why?” He finally met your gaze looking into your guys.
“I mean...” You trailed off running your hand down the smooth and vast expanse of his chest. “You’re so smooth? You don’t have any hair.” You struggled to get the sentence out. Suddenly realises just how ridiculous it sounded.
“I – yeah that’s how I’ve always been. I thought that’s what women wanted” He murmured cutely tilting his head “You don’t like it?” His voice wavering with nervousness.
“Steve. What kinda question is that?” And you cringed as he reminded you that you did the same thing just moments ago. “I was kidding! Steve there is nothing about you that’s not to like. Yeah I do like a bit of fuzz but I’d love you just as much even if you were bald.” You said and he looked as if he was processing your words. “You are my dream guy. My prince.” You beamed trailing kisses down his flushed torso. “How about I show you?” You didn’t wait for his answer, taking off your veil and your tiara with it. You rolled his briefs down his hips and he helped you take them off. You looked in shock at his beautiful rosy cock, which was almost hard, and his lack of hair....
You quickly whipped your head up knowing he would assume the worst “Steve! It’s the most beautiful cock I’ve ever seen” You said stroking his length and licking the tip, which was oozing with precum, to prove it. “It’s just unexpected. That’s all.” You took him in your mouth. Just as you anticipated, he was too big, you could barely fit his tip in your mouth.
“Well you know the...” He bunched your hair in his fist, struggling to keep from pushing you down further.
“What?” You asked as he slipped out of you.
“I thought that’s what people did nowadays” He was turning redder every second “I didn’t... In the pornography...and I thought tonight you and me..”
You snorted and out a hand on your mouth to keep from laughing. “Steve! Porn isn’t real. You can do whatever you want with your body. But you’re in for a rude awakening.”
“What do you mean?” he asked trying his best to ignore his aching cock and your wet swollen lips.
“Just wait till it grows back” You grimaced “it’s gonna itch like crazy. That’s why I uh... never you know do it. Just warning you” You chuckled nervously.
“Enough talking” He groaned at the thought of your wet pussy and how much he had been fantasizing about it for the last several months. He pushed you on your back and quickly worked on removing your bodysuit. When you laid completely bare in front of him. He swore you were the more beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on.
He trailed down your body settling his broad shoulders between your legs. He groaned at the sight in front of him. You weren’t lying and he indeed preferred this. He dove right in licking and sucking to see what you like best. He had never ate a woman out before but he had been doing his research. Porn was too gratuitous and was clearly only made for the male gaze, reading women’s magazines and some more ‘sex for dummies' books he bought as discreetly as he could.
Which is where he got the stupid idea that everyone liked shaved dicks now. Which was only backed up by his friends and the locker room talk about ‘manscaping'. Tony and Clint were classic over sharers. He wouldn’t be surprised if they purposely misled him. He didn’t have much hair on his balls to begin with, but he expected to give himself to you tonight, so he carefully put the razor on his balls and shaved it all off. The things he would do for you and the lengths he would go for you.
From your moans and the way you were pushing his head harder into your core, he could tell that he was doing a good job. You thrashed and squirmed as he held you down by pushing down on your stomach. You came gushing all over his face and he made sure to drink it all up, not wasting a single drop.
He loomed over you, his cock nudging at your entrance. You both moaned in unison as he sinked into you, groaning into the crook of your neck as he bottomed out.
His hands greedily squeezed your hips, your breasts, your ass, whatever they could get a hold of as he slowly rocked his hips against yours. He knew if he went any faster he would blow his load right then and there.
“I’m gonna cum Steve.” You wailed and if he didn’t know any better he would think that you were in pain.
“You gonna cum? Go ahead” He harshly shaved his cock into you “Be a good slut. Cum all over your captains cock.” He felt his own release not far behind, not with your tight wet cunt milking him for all he’s got. He gasped when you raked your nails into his shoulders, crying loudly in his ear. He lost his rhythm. Lifting your hips up to fuck him like the animal you’ve turned him into. His hips stuttered as he came deep inside you.
He stayed inside you and on top of you for a minute. Catching his breathe he finally pulled out of you and laid down beside you, pulling you into his chest.
“I’m on the pill.” You mumbled into his chest. Not wanting him to worry about that. You smiled against his chest laying a kiss over his soft nipple. There were plenty of benefits to being so smooth and hairless. You could trace those hard abs of his with your tongue for hours. You changed your mind. You liked them smooth and silky now. Or maybe because he was so hairless. You didn’t know and it didn’t matter.
“I think I like seeing you as a bride.” He said his fingers idly playing with your hair, curling a strand of it.
You only muttered something as a response. Probably too far gone into slumber. He traced your smooth skin for a while before joining you in it. Completely forgetting about the party you were both supposed to be at.
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Tags will be in the reblog! If you want in on the taglist click the link in the bio or shoot me an ask!
Please note that my work is NOT to be reposted or published anywhere other than my Tumblr or AO3 account. Reblogs are most welcome though.
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bangchanswolfpelt · 3 years
hehehe YESSSSS the be ur own king video is the one that firmly cemented my sunwoo bias.... ultimate bf material.... i'd let him wash My car any day if u know what i mean 😏.
and WOOSUNG please listen to his song lazy his voice is so pretty and the rose is a great band (i could talk about n.flying and lucy here but i will refrain. for now.)
woodz is my beloved. have u seen love me harder mv. have u seen that one waiting dance practice where he just straight up bites one of his backup dancers at the end. this man is secretly feral but also one of the biggest sweethearts ever to exist and i am HERE for it
i actually don't stan p1harmony bc of the aforementioned babies and their rather sus line distribution (enhypen's maknae is '05 as well i think, so i am also Firmly Looking Away there) but i keep seeing p1's chaotic tiktoks and that video of their vocal line just singing live is really pretty!! so do with it what you will
sunmi. hrkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. bae. the lapdance. the tail imagery in the choreo. the crawling under the dancer's legs to eyefuck the camera. i haven't had this many emotions about a studio choom performance since yeonjun's aotm watermelon sugar (which i wrote practically an entire essay about dance dynamics and movement on in a friend's dms lmao)
me, @ the backup dancer that sunmi jumped on: HOW DOES IT FEEL??????? HOW DOES IT FEEL TO LIVE MY DREAM???????
and yessss i am not verbose enough nor educated enough to write about sunmi/hyuna's musical themes but by GOD i want to read about it
onewe is lovely. here, have a rain to be mv. also, their brother group oneus was on road to kingdom, if you've seen it? if you haven't *deep breath* ohhhhh boy do i have some stuff for u :))))))))
hehehehehe the svt analysis is just a silly little brain dump in my notes app :] it's incredibly messy and incoherent but i will tidy it up and drop it in your ask box sometime if you so wish <3
(btw, i never answered ur question from that other post!! yes kevin is actually named after the boy from home alone, yes he is the twerking one, yes this happens fairly often. sarcastic canadian king we love him)
- honey 🍯 <33333
i do not even HAVE car, but i would steal one if that's what getting a carwash looks like these days 👀
ahhhhh, Lazy was very cute! and that look in the end!!! 😳 @muselin was spiraling over Woosung a couple days ago, i think and it was adorable, but also felt like a foreboding look into my own future 😂
i have seen them now 👀 VERY into the red hair and the first and the kill-your-double vibes of Love Me Harder—that one’s going on my crime playlist for sure. the dance practice was cute, i love that we’re circling back to vampires again, would let this one take a bite out of me 💯
i genuinely forget about everything that happens with the chair until i’m watching it again, i feel like my brain has decided it simply is not safe to hold that memory it’s so 🥵🥵🥵 and no yeah, i fuckin lost it over the tail imagery the first time i saw it, and kinda still continue to do so.
also! i just learned that Hyuna and Sunmi were in the same girl group before becoming soloists??? and i don’t know if that means anything, but it feels like Something. (tbh there is so much in kpop that feels like it means Something, and i simply do not have the correct context to parse it and it’s soooooooo frustrating 😭)
oh!! Rain to Be has popped up on autoplay for me a couple times! i never actually payed attention to who it was, but i'm into it. and i was planning on watching Road to Kingdom, since i'd heard The Boyz stages there were better than the ones on Kingdom and that made me curious, but it wasn't on viki with Kingdom and i was too lazy to try and find it somewhere else 😂
i absolutely wish it, and so does at least one other anon!!💕💕💕 (tho if you wanna made a sideblog… 👀 and just drop the link…. 👀 i’m definitely not gonna bully all my anons into making side blogs, that’s not what this is 😗)
idk of being named after That Kevin is a gift or a curse, but it sure is Something 🥴 also, i can recognize him now! he was the one talking about cereal on Eric Nam’s podcast 🥰 love Cereal Boy 🥰🥰🥰
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thebakingqueen5 · 3 years
KW 2021: Tease
Day 6 for Kataang Week 2021 hosted by @kataang-week with the prompt Tease!
I might have stuffed up the use of this word and its definition in context but shhhh it’s fine and this is cute.
Links: FF.net | AO3
Summary: Another year, another summer, another week of prompts celebrating our favorite couple. Kataang Week 2021 Day 6. Tease (verb): gently pull or comb (tangled wool, hair, etc.) into separate strands. Aka the take on the “tease” prompt that no one (not even me) expected.
Word Count: 1.8K
It had been a tiring, tension-filled day.
The war ended five, maybe six months prior, and the four nations were still partaking in the grueling process of learning to work together after a century’s worth of fighting. Considering that a group of teenagers were the reason there was any hope of amity in the first place, it came as little surprise that most of the pressure to arrange and facilitate treaties and peace talks fell on the Gaang, much to their chagrin.
And so here they were, utterly exhausted after a long day of trying to convince the Earth King and Zuko that violence was, in fact, bad, and stressed out of their minds, aching for a distraction.
It certainly didn’t help that tonight, of all nights, Katara’s long, dark hair was refusing to cooperate despite her having just stepped out of the shower a mere 10 minutes past. No matter how many times she ran the whalebone comb through her thick locks, nothing seemed to help, and her patience was quickly dissipating.
“Spirits, Zuko and Kuei are going to drive me absolutely crazy, sweetie.” Aang ranted as he entered her room, closing the door shut behind him as he made wild gestures with his hands.
“They’re both so… stubborn! And self-righteous and it’s getting us nowhere!” he huffed in frustration. “I wish they could just- oh.”
The airbender immediately faltered, finally noticing the appearance, or rather the clothing, of his girlfriend seated in front of a square mirror, nightgown riding quite high up her thigh.
“Sorry,” he blushed, eyes darting around the room to look anywhere, absolutely anywhere except at her to keep what little modesty they had left between them. “I didn’t know you had already showered and changed- I really should have knocked.”
Katara rolled her eyes, a slight pink tint rising to her cheeks as she returned to the task at hand: attempting to tame the lion’s mane she called her hair resting atop her head at that very moment.
“It’s fine, Aang,” she laughed, pushing a strand of hair out of her face. “No need to be embarrassed, really. Besides, it’s nothing you haven’t already seen.”
The waterbender snuck a quick glance at her boyfriend, and, quite frankly, she wasn’t sure he could get any redder if he tried. A tomato would have been jealous of the vibrant hue of Aang’s face, and he couldn’t stop staring at the floor, gaze entirely focused on the wooden boards beneath him.
The boy remained silent, and guilt began to fill Katara’s stomach.
“I’m sorry, sweetie,” she frowned, standing up. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I can go change if you want-”
Aang instantly looked up from the ground, quick to clarify his thoughts. “No, sweetie. It’s not that! It’s just- you look absolutely beautiful, and I don’t want me subconsciously staring at you to make you feel uncomfortable or uneasy around me.”
Katara’s eyebrows raised in pleasant surprise, and she patted a spot on the edge of the mattress, beckoning for him to come sit near her before turning back and glaring at herself in the mirror.
“Believe me, sweetie, there is very little you can do to make me feel uncomfortable around you. Honestly, it’s a bit of a compliment knowing that’s how I seem in your eyes,” she said shyly.
The airbender grinned and walked up to her. Feeling a little emboldened, he tenderly wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed a kiss to her cheek, chin barely reaching an inch above her shoulder.
“You could be wearing a potato sack and you’d still be the most beautiful woman in the world to me,” he murmured as his stormy eyes met her cerulean ones through the mirror.
“Really?” she raised an eyebrow and gestured to the mess on her head. “Even with this bird’s nest?”
“Always,” Aang smiled earnestly. “Speaking of, though, do you need some help with that?”
“I appreciate the offer, Aang, but I’ve been trying for the last half hour now and you aren’t exactly the most experienced with hair.”
“Well, maybe a new perspective is just what you need.”
He gently pulled her back towards the mattress a few feet away from the dresser with the mirror and sat her down in front of him. Rolling her eyes, the waterbender handed him her comb, but he simply cast it aside, instead using his nimble fingers to work through the knots and tangles in her hair.
Katara was right- he did have minimal experience with hair, not having much of his own, but he often played with hers when they spent time together. He knew what relaxed her and what didn't, which gave him the perfect means to seize this opportunity and prove her wrong, while also, of course, helping the two unwind and spend some time with one another.
The waterbender had already been quite frustrated when she had started working through her hair, and her movements had reflected that. She was stressed and antsy, and she combed harshly and roughly, only compressing the knotted hair to the end of the strand and making it harder to get out. Between that and the day she had, she had been close to tears and Aang’s gentle touch was just what she needed.
Much of Aang’s stress had been alleviated when he had entered the room earlier in simply being able to see and embrace his girlfriend. Because of this, he was able to take his time and the change of pace was nice for the both of them.
He worked slowly and methodically, fingers lightly massaging the top of her scalp before moving down to dampen and separate her wavy tresses into individual strips of hair with the help of some waterbending. He took care to not tug too hard on any one strand, having heard many a horror story from Katara in the past with her unable to tolerate anyone else handling her sensitive locks. The airbender was determined to make it a pleasant experience for the both of them, and it was.
In fact, Katara had been mildly shocked by the sheer love and effort she felt Aang direct into detangling her hair. It was sweet seeing him put so much energy towards trying something new just to help her, and the tension in her mind that had been knotted up began to unravel as well.
“Halfway,” Aang whispered, breaking her out of her thoughts. His gaze was still intense and focused on her unruly strands as she sighed softly and leaned ever so slightly back into him.
“I’m sorry I ever doubted you,” she murmured back. She closed her eyes as Aang’s rhythmic yet feathery touches to her scalp soothed her and then gave herself a quick look in the mirror through her peripheral vision- her hair was already looking a lot better and far more tame than it had been 15 minutes ago.
“That’s alright, just have a little more faith in your amazing boyfriend next time, yeah?” he winked with a smile, hands moving the hair he had untangled to the front as he directed his concentration to the last section.
This section was by far going to be the hardest-  most of the strands were embedded into a few large and messy knots creating quite a complex network. Nevertheless, Aang was up to the challenge. He began humming an old Air Nomad folk tune, one of the many they’d perform at Yangchen’s Festival, causing Katara to hum along with him as he spread apart the last few unruly waves of hair.
After finishing, he steadily ran his fingers through her hair like a comb, taking extra care to caress the nape of her neck and back of her head as she sighed happily, and gave it one last sweep with the whale-bone comb.
“All done,” he said, tucking a lock behind her ear when she turned around to face him.
The waterbender beamed before lightly pushing him down on the bed as they both sank into the mattress.
“I take it you enjoyed it?” Aang laughed, looking up at her.
“Very much so,” Katara responded. She then carefully angled herself so that she was lying pressed up against Aang’s side, head resting in the crook of his neck.
“It was pretty relaxing for me too,” Aang blushed. “You know I love playing with your hair and this just kinda took it to another level. I’d be happy to do it for you in the future if you ever find yourself fighting with that comb again, that is.”
“I’d like that, Aang. A lot,” she smiled shyly. “It was great to just… unwind. Have you there with me and just relax. I was basically about to cry when you came in and you just melted all my worries away with those magical hands of yours.”
The airbender chuckled, snaking his arm around her shoulders and leaning his head against hers. “Glad to hear it, sweetie. It’s getting late though, and we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. Time for some rest?”
Katara wordlessly nodded, sighing and closing her eyes as Aang did the same and blew out the candles lighting up the room.
“Thank you for this, sweetie. I love you.”
“I love you too, Tara. Good night.”
The two were taken away into the dream realm, but an unspoken custom was crafted that night. It became a ritual, a way for both of them to calm down and escape the high stress levels of their everyday lives.
When Katara found her dad kissing Malina and it felt like her whole world was crumbling down around her, Aang had snuck into her room that night and combed and plaited her hair until they drifted off into each other’s arms.
When Aang had confided in the waterbender about feeling anxious and insecure about becoming a new father after she had informed him of her pregnancy, Katara had shown up to the stables with a comb and some apples for Appa in tow. The two ended up assuaging each other’s concerns while leaning back against the fluffy bison, much to their attention-seeking flying lemur’s annoyance.
Whether they were stressing over not being able to find an old book from the Southern Water Tribe after moving to Air Temple Island or had just come home after a near-death experience with the most dangerous bloodbender in the world, one of the two would always sit the stressed one down and grab a comb.
It never became a chore or something they dreaded; it was almost a secret love language for the couple. It was a way of reminding each other that no matter what was going on in their lives, they would always find time for each other and help one another. It pulled Aang and Katara out of some of their lowest, darkest moments, and it only accentuated their highs.
Such a simple, pure act born out of nothing but love and a desire to help- it should’ve been insignificant, a one-time thing, but it became so much more. To Katara and Aang, it meant the world.
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default-cube · 3 years
So I've never actually seen /u/ryans01 excellent post re-posted here on tumblr, and I think it could help a lot of people, so I'll repost it below. Link to the original
Ouch. Sounds like you're having a tough time max. That sucks. I've been there, so I kinda know what you're talking about. I've been in the ever circling vortex of self doubt, frustration, and loathing. It's no bueno. I know. If you don't mind lemme tell you a couple things. You can read em if you want, read em again later if you feel like it. But honestly man, if I spend all this time typing this out to you and you don't let it be a little tinder for your fire, well, you're just letting us both down. And you don't HAVE to do that. You don't HAVE to do anything. But you get to choose.
(Who am I? My name’s Ryan and I live in Canada. Just moved to a new city for a dream job that I got because of the rules below. I owe a lot of my success to people much cooler, kinder, more loving and greater than me. When I get the chance to maybe let a little bit of help out, it’s a way of thanking them. )
Rule numero uno - There are no more zero days. What's a zero day? A zero day is when you don't do a single fucking thing towards whatever dream or goal or want or whatever that you got going on. No more zeros. I'm not saying you gotta bust an essay out everyday, that's not the point. The point I'm trying to make is that you have to make yourself, promise yourself, that the new SYSTEM you live in is a NON-ZERO system. Didnt' do anything all fucking day and it's 11:58 PM? Write one sentence. One pushup. Read one page of that chapter. One. Because one is non zero. You feel me? When you're in the super vortex of being bummed your pattern of behaviour is keeping the vortex goin, that's what you're used to. Turning into productivity ultimate master of the universe doesn't happen from the vortex. It happens from a massive string of CONSISTENT NON ZEROS. That's rule number one. Do not forget.
La deuxieme regle - yeah i learnt french. its a canadian thing. please excuse the lack of accent graves, but lemme get into rule number 2. BE GRATEFUL TO THE 3 YOU'S. Uh what? 3 me's? That sounds like mumbo jumbo bullshit. News flash, there are three you's homeslice. There's the past you, the present you, and the future you. If you wanna love someone and have someone love you back, you gotta learn to love yourself, and the 3 you's are the key. Be GRATEFUL to the past you for the positive things you've done. And do favours for the future you like you would for your best bro. Feeling like shit today? Stop a second, think of a good decision you made yesterday. Salad and tuna instead of Big Mac? THANK YOU YOUNGER ME. Was yesterday a nonzero day because you wrote 200 words (hey, that's all you could muster)? THANK YOU YOUNGER ME. Saved up some coin over time to buy that sweet thing you wanted? THANK YOU. Second part of the 3 me's is you gotta do your future self a favour, just like you would for your best fucking friend (no best friend? you do now. You got 2. It's future and past you). Tired as hell and can't get off reddit/videogames/interwebs? fuck you present self, this one's for future me, i'm gonna rock out p90x Ab Ripper X for 17 minutes. I'm doing this one for future me. Alarm clock goes off and bed is too comfy? fuck you present self, this one's for my best friend, the future me. I'm up and going for a 5 km run (or 25 meter run, it's gotta be non zero). MAKE SURE YOU THANK YOUR OLD SELF for rocking out at the end of every.single.thing. that makes your life better. The cycle of doing something for someone else (future you) and thanking someone for the good in your life (past you) is key to building gratitude and productivity. Do not doubt me. Over time you should spread the gratitude to others who help you on your path.
Rule number 3- don't worry i'm gonna too long didnt' read this bad boy at the bottom (get a pencil and piece of paper to write it down. seriously. you physically need to scratch marks on paper) FORGIVE YOURSELF. I mean it. Maybe you got all the know-how, money, ability, strength and talent to do whatever is you wanna do. But lets say you still didn't do it. Now you're giving yourself shit for not doing what you need to, to be who you want to. Heads up champion, being dissapointed in yourself causes you to be less productive. Tried your best to have a nonzero day yesterday and it failed? so what. I forgive you previous self. I forgive you. But today? Today is a nonzero masterpiece to the best of my ability for future self. This one's for you future homes. Forgiveness man, use it. I forgive you. Say it out loud.
Last rule. Rule number 4, is the easiest and its three words. exercise and books. that's it. Pretty standard advice but when you exercise daily you actually get smarter. when you exercise you get high from endorphins (thanks body). when you exercise you clear your mind. when you exercise you are doing your future self a huge favour. Exercise is a leg on a three legged stool. Feel me? As for books, almost every fucking thing we've all ever thought of, or felt, or gone through, or wanted, or wanted to know how to do, or whatever, has been figured out by someone else. Get some books max. Post to reddit about not caring about yourself? Good first step! (nonzero day, thanks younger me for typing it out) You know what else you could do? Read 7 habits of highly successful people. Read "emotional intelligence". Read "From good to great". Read “thinking fast and slow”. Read books that will help you understand. Read the bodyweight fitness reddit and incorporate it into your workouts. (how's them pullups coming?) Reading is the fucking warp whistle from Super Mario 3. It gets you to the next level that much faster.
That’s about it man. There’s so much more when it comes to how to turn nonzero days into hugely nonzero days, but that’s not your mission right now. Your mission is nonzero and forgiveness and favours. You got 36 essays due in 24 minutes and its impossible to pull off? Your past self let you down big time, but hey… I forgive you. Do as much as you can in those 24 minutes and then move on.
I hope I helped a little bit max. I could write about this forever, but I promised myself I would go do a 15 minute run while listening to A. Skillz Beats Working Vol. 3. Gotta jet. One last piece of advice though. Regardless of whether or not reading this for the first time helps make your day better, if you wake up tomorrow, and you can’t remember the 4 rules I just laid out, please, please. Read this again.
Have an awesome fucking day ☺
tldr; 1. Nonzero days as much as you can. 2. The three you’s, gratitude and favours. 3. Forgiveness 4. Exercise and books (which is a sneaky way of saying self improvement, both physical, emotional and mental)
Edit: Wow reddit gold? Thanks! No idea what to do with it or whats the deal but many thanks!
Edit2: Someone asked what I meant by "much more when it comes to how to turn nonzero days into hugely nonzero days". The long and short of it is a simple truth, but it's tough to TOTALLY UNDERSTAND AND PRACTICE. It's this: you become what you think. This doesnt mean if I think of a tree, I'll be oakin' it by august. It means that the WAY you think, the THINGS you think of, and the IDEAS YOU HOLD IN YOUR MIND defines the sum total that is you. You procrastinate all the time and got fear and worry goin on for something? You are becoming a procrastinator. You keep thinking about how much you want to run that 5 k race in the spring and finish a champion? Are ya keeping it in mind all the time? Is it something that is defining your ACTIONS and influencing you DECISIONS? If it is, then you're becoming the champion you're dreaming about. Dreaming about it makes it. Think and it shall be. But do not forget that action is thought's son. Thoughts without actions are nothing. Have faith in whatever it is you've steeled your mind to. Have faith and follow through with action.
Ok, Ryan that's a bunch of nice words n shit, but how does that help me turn slightly nonzero days into hugely nonzero days. Do you believe all these words you just read? Does it makes sense to you that you BECOME WHAT YOU THINK OF? Ask yourself: What do I think of? When you get home and walk in the door. (how quickly did you turn that laptop on? Did turning it on make you closer to your dreams? What would?) At the bus stop. Lunch break. What direction are you focusing your intentions on? If you're like I was a few years ago, the answer was either No direction, or whatever caught my eye at the moment. But no stress, forgive yourself. You know the truth now. And knowing the truth means you can watch your habits, read books on how you think and act, and finally start changing your behaviour. Heres an example: Feeling like bunk cause you had zero days or barely nonzero days? THINK ABOUT WHAT YOURE DOING. and change just a little bit more. in whatever positive direction you are choosing to go.
Edit3: WHOA! This blew up! Major appreciation to Modified_Duck for making this cool ass image: http://i.imgur.com/7xsp7hJ.png
Edit4: Another AMAZING DESKTOP BACKGROUND! http://www.reddit.com/r/GetMotivated/comments/1rowpb/i_made_a_wallpaper_from_uryans01s_amazing_quote/
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