#this is just me but i dont really like tropes like ''oh we're in a dignified place we have to be very uptight and sophisticated''
vaugarde · 2 years
maybe i  shouldnt be getting new books when i still havent finished reading the second kyoshi book or “kingdom of sand” but like the first one is really boring so far to be fair
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kadwrites · 1 year
the shelby charm | T.S
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summary ; tommy demonstrates his charm on an unsuspecting girl.
warnings ; idk bad writing? arranged marriage trope, soft!tommy bc hes so babygirl idc,
a/n ; let me know what you guys think! and im so glad you guys are liking this series <3 i genuinely didnt even think id write a second part but here we are ig
"she what?" madeline asks with a gasp , her jaw is dropped.fiona froze mid-sip with her eyes wide open
"i know!" you nod , leaning in closer with your arms resting on the dining table. your eyes are wide, and you're laughing, still in disbelief of what happened.
it was around 8 in the morning, madeline and fiona dropped by early, they were too curious and excited to wait any longer.
celest is pacing around the table, with her 1 year old daughter rose , in her arms as she bounces her, shaking her head as if she can't believe it happened. you already told her the whole story, but she's still somehow taken aback
your parents are still asleep, the house is lit by the warm morning sunlight,  the scent of tea and toasted bread wafts around the house.
"she said ya cornered 'er? really?" madeline repeats what you said
"what else did she say to 'im?" fiona asks with a raised brow, she leans in closer as well
"i don't know , he didn't tell me anything besides that" you mutter, taking a bite of your slightly burned toast
"and he drove ya home?" fiona wiggles her brows at you 
"aye , he did. because that aunt of his left me stranded in that fucking office."
"she probably did that on purpose." celest adds with a laugh
"of course she fucking did" you say with a sigh
"he insisted on driving ya home aye?" celest teases , she sits on the table with you, bouncing rose on her lap.
"what kind of man would let a defenseless woman walk alone in the dark streets of birmingham" you resent that it made you feel giddy, you really did. it was just a polite gesture, you tell yourself.
"and what did he say to 'er afterwards?" fiona looks at you intently, too invested in the story to tease you.
"so that woman walks in yeah, and she walks straight to 'im. at that point she hadn't even said a word to me. and asks 'im to sign a fucking paper or something" you tuck a strand behind your ear and bringing your chair closer to the table. "and he says oh so y've met my fiancee ?"
at your words, everyone squeals  and giggles 
"would you shut up? it wasn't like that." you say with a whine, covering your face slightly 
"why else would he say that then?"
"to make 'er jealous? i dont know" you furrow your brows, taking another bite of toast 
"he did it to let 'er know what 'er place is" celest nods as she speaks, her daughter watches all of you , babbling as if adding to the conversation.
"anyways" you wave a dismissive hand "she said that she did and then he tells 'er that i'll be visiting the office often and he'd like 'er make me feel welcomed when hes not around"  you hold back a small smile that threatened to escape you.
it's childish, really. you didn't know the man, hell only a week ago, you hated the sound of his name.
all of them giggle and squeal, again. as if they were school girls
"i bet she cried 'erself to sleep that night" fiona snorts a laugh, sipping her tea 
"did you ask 'im if he's sleeping with 'er?" madeline chimes in
"i did, and he said he wasn't" you shrugged, leaning back on the chair
"and do ya believe 'im?" celest asks, not in a mocking or sarcastic way. she's genuinely curious 
"i think i do?" you sigh, then lick your lips "he seemed honest enough i guess? he hardly seems like the kind of man that would give two fucks if he hurt my feelings so i doubt he'd lie about it for my sake"
"but isn't he a bit of a whore?" fiona's draw together as she looks at celest then back at you 
"he is but what im saying is i don't think there's any reason for 'im to lie, its not like we're in love or anything" you rest your chin on you hand, 
"ask polly" celest is still holding her daughter, feeding her small pieces of bread "that woman knows everything" she mutters 
"and say what? hello mrs gray, would ya please tell me if your nephew is fucking his secretary?"
before any one else could talk , a knock on the door makes all of you go quiet , you looked at celest and clicked your tongue "ya just had to say 'er name didn't ya?"
alas , when you opened the door it wasn't polly gray's smirk that greeted you , but the icy blue eyes of her nephew.
"thomas" you're almost dumbfounded, your mouth slightly opened, you blink a couple of times. 
his voice was slightly deeper than you remember, or maybe it was the trance that made it seem that way.
"what are you doing here?" you tilt your head.
behind you, fiona and madeline are trying to snag a peek, you can hear their muttering but you hope he doesn't 
"i would like ya to come by the office today,"
"why?" you stare at him, he's standing on your doorstep, in his suit, coat, and infamous hat.
"there are some things we need to go over."
you then realize that he's been standing on your doorstep, you step back, opening the door "im sorry, come in."
you hear the footsteps of madeline and fiona they scurry up the stairs, celest hides in the kitchen
you walk him back to the living room, and he sits down on the sofa "ya had company over?"
you look back at the dining table, then at him
"sort of."
"some friends"
he humms and nods, still looking at you, but that tension is broken when you hear the sound of rose babbling, you look down and shes crawling on the floor.
she probably escaped while celest was too busy eavesdropping 
he looks at her as well , "who's baby is this?"
you bend down to pick her up, and she giggles "she's rose, my sisters daughter."
you just smile at her, as she stares back at tommy then back at you, as if asking you who that man is
he stands up, his finger grazes her cheek "she looks a lot like you."
you humm, looking at her "because i look like celest"
"may i?" he asks you as he looks at her
you hesitate, rose is a fussy baby. "she's really fussy."
"i'll give 'er back if she cries."
you let him pick her up, and he just stares back at her for a while before you see his dimples peek through. "i think shes too shocked to even cry" he mumbles 
you watch, you're both amused and mesmerized "me and 'er both."
he looks at you "what? i thought ya knew that i 'ave a son."
"i did, but i didn't know you were the baby carrying kind of dad."
"i carry 'im whenever i can."
whenever i can , you forgot how much his work probably takes away. from him and his son.
he's so gentle with her though, as she looks at him inquisitively, curiously grabbing onto his coat. he takes off the hat and drops it on the sofa, so she wouldn't cut herself.
"can you hold 'er while i go change?"
"i think i can manage, just don't be too long" 
you hurry and go up the stairs, so she wouldn't notice your absence and cry. and at the top of the stairs, you're greeted with the faces of fiona and madeline as they try to hold back their squeals 
"shhhh!!" you put a finger against your lips and push them into your room 
they start silently squealing, if there is such a thing "he is such a dish."
"oh my god, oh my god"
"did ya see 'im holding rose? that was such a domestic moment between you two, i bet youre already falling for 'im aye?" fiona is almost vibrating with excitement 
"shut up." you mutter as you change your clothes "im tired of this family's surprise visits." you turn to the vanity, fixing your hair, putting on some makeup.
"look at 'er, rushing to look good for 'er fiance" fiona teases 
"or maybe it's for that pesky secretary? to show 'er that he's 'yours' ?" madeline wiggles her brows
"when i said that the novel you two read was ruining you, this is what i meant" you mumble as you put your lipstick down, and grabbing a pair of pearl earrings, they'll probably do.
you grab a coat from the closet and walk out ,ignoring the teasing noises of your friends. you hear rose's laugh and you just smile instinctively as you make your way down. when you reach the doorway, you see him throwing her in the air, not too high though just enough to get her to laugh.
"ah i see y've won 'er over." you walk closer, standing before him "so this is the shelby charm , then?"
a soft smile takes over his lips "she's easily impressed."
you reach for her, and he gives her back to you. 
"ya can go to the car now, i'll just go put 'er in the crib."
he nods , taking his hat and putting it back on as he walks out of the house.
"you can come out now!" you call for celest and she rushes out of the kitchen and grabs her daughter 
"what's with the smile?" she asks you with a knowing look 
"what ? can't i smile without you lot thinking im in love with 'im now?" you turn around and walk to the door, putting your shoes on. you didn't even know you were still smiling.
celest just lets out a laugh, as she bounces rose
"say what ya want, i know ya better than ya think i do."
you glare at her before leaving the house and walking to the car, you see him leaning against it before walking and opening the passenger door for you.
you get in the car, and a moment later he does too, and you pray to whoever is looking over you that this car ride won't be awkward.
@tardisloverz , @optimisticsandwichgladiator , @theshelbyslimited , @illuminwtesz
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wordsinhaled · 1 month
because genderqueer payneland naturally settling into the best ways to care for each other is my beloved trope - here's a little something on their disguises, for @icarian-iscariot and @dont-offend-the-bees !!!
Charles is tinkering with the two pairs of glasses they'd just received as payment for their last case. Doing up their disguises for the first time. It's a lovely bit of magic, really, and he can already tell it's going to be dead useful. He might even be rambling about it, just a little, in his excitement, picking through the logistics of how two middle-aged versions of him and Edwin ought to look. He's just starting in on the necktie patterns he vaguely remembers his teachers wearing, when—
"Charles?" Edwin interrupts, and Charles turns toward him, expectant. "Actually, I. Well, I wondered if… I thought perhaps. If there is the choice… of course, only if it is possible, and if it doesn't—if it doesn't suit that is perfectly fine. But I—"
"Edwin, mate. What is it? It's all right. Whatever it is, just spit it out. Better out than in, yeah?"
"Well… I only wondered… must we both be men, as it were? In our disguises?"
And Charles feels taken aback, a little, if he's honest. It's a new thought, if not exactly an unfamiliar one, somehow. But he smooths his face out, keeps the catching up his mind is doing from showing. "I mean, I hadn't really thought about it, mate. Don't think I'd really fancy being anything else."
"I was not referring to you." Edwin's voice is tight and high, bordering on defensive, and suddenly it dawns on Charles that this is—this is something important to Edwin. Maybe more so than he'd picked up on, before. "I have been considering that I might prefer—but it is nothing. I can simply abide—"
"Oh, no. Shhh, no," Charles croons, overtaken with the instinct to step closer, to clear away the clouds from Edwin's expression. "Stop that right there, we're not having you abide anything, mate." And he puts his hands on Edwin's shoulders, where they belong, and rubs a little, digs his fingers into taut muscle that shouldn't be able to carry tightness. Feels the tension seep out slowly, as Edwin relaxes into his grasp.
"All right," Edwin says, as though he's convincing himself, "all right."
"I've just got to fiddle with the charm a bit, but… should be easy enough. S'not like there's rules to the disguises, after all. 'Course you can be a woman, Eds. Nothing stopping you. Don't matter one bit to me."
Edwin sounds so unsure, and so terribly hopeful, as though he isn't asking Charles for the easiest thing in the world: to take him just as he is and still adore every bit of him. The secret parts becoming not so secret anymore. The mystery of Edwin Payne revealed, piece by piece, the innermost bits of him entrusted into Charles' care. It makes Charles' chest tighten in sympathy. In something like love.
He nods, insistent. "Truly. Actually, it sort of… and don't be put out, now. But it sort of… fits, don't it? Now I think about it. Fits you." Charles gives him an exaggerated, appraising once-over, grinning. "Fits us, even."
And then Edwin is smiling back, a tiny upward quirk of the lips. His eyes gone bright and beautiful, the storm in them dispersed. Privately, Charles thinks he might even be well on his way to coaxing out that crooked flash of teeth he likes on Edwin so much: the one he looks forward to every time because it means Edwin is proper content.
"I daresay it does, Charles."
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logansargey · 3 months
Hii, I saw your fic and I thought that the name is kinda familiar and I was righttt! I read through your blog and I agree with u esp with the ah l*stappen. For me, I don’t really get the lore of the relationship. And tendency is that they usually drag other drivers to further their uhm visions ✨ but not really in a good way.
I am Carlos girlie so it really makes me sad that usually in the blogs that I encountered, altho not only that ship, Carlos is like always the bad guy or they put him in a bad light? I mean it is RPF and I just avoided them but to push it thru real life too is weird 😭. Like i get that u dont like him but to push that agenda when the guy didn’t even do anything and Carlos has both good relationship with them so yea 😞
So u can imagine my frustration when that clip with Checo and Max went viral 😾. Like Checo and Carlos are close friends in the paddok, they said it in an interview, what are u on about 😭.
Anyway i want to ask ur ahh opinion about charlos and carcar? I think you already answered versainz. Im a big fan of them too!! Well anything with carlos really 😸
Sorry it might be long 😅
Anon, you can ask me any long question and I'll read all of it. Also I love Carlos so I'm so glad I get to talk about him. This is also kinda long but I wanted to give my full opinion. ALSO YES ABOUT THE FIC!! I LOVE FLORENCE AND HOPED I WOULD FIND SOMEONE THAT KNOWS THEM
So here are my opinions on the things you've asked me:
1. Charlos: I seriously love them. But recently they remind me of a divorced couple. (I'm a child of divorce. I'm talking about Charlos btw. Not actually a child of divorce) And it HURTS!!! if you told me a year or two ago that I'd be going through this, I'd laugh in your face. But I love Charlos and the angst, the humor, and the clinginess. They're honestly so cute. They're not my fav (we all know who my fav is) but they definitely made it to my top 7. But also, I feel like Carlos fans and Charles fans have different opinions abt Charlos. Most Carlos fans love it and adore it, while most Charles fans ignore Carlos and seem to make him a bad person and compare the two. (Which driver was the only non rb winner last year?)
2. Carcar: IT'S HONESTLY SO GOOD!! It's such a random ship bc it came out of nowhere and we all started loving it. The jokes that are made (check Oscar's tt comment section) are so funny. It's probably in my top 5 because I love random funny ships like them. I also love the whole "we share a mutual good friend who wants us to get along but we low-key don't think we ever will" type trope. But Carlos has come forward and talked about their "rivalry" or lack of, I should say. So I approve of Carcar
3. Versainz: idk if I have talked about them, but if I have, oh well I'm gonna talk about them again. Versainz is the best ever. I miss them being teammates and the whole "we're both nepo-babies that need to make our dad's proud and we're fighting for the same seat" I WISH Carlos got that seat, tho I'm happy for Checo. Ily, Checo 🫶🏼 Versainz gives me that whole "we're low-key in love with each other but can't act on it bc we both have trauma and internalized homophobia." vibe and I love it lmaoo. THE FICS ARE SO GOOD TOO!!
anyways anon, hope I gave you the answers you were looking for and if you have anymore questions, you can ask and I'll gladly answer.
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yonpote · 5 months
sorry i dont have anyone to talk to this about lol so it's going in your inbox but i'm in my mid-20s and only now for the first time in my life have i changed my mind on rpf specifically because of phanfic. i'm a returning phannie but like.... the last time i watched them was all the way back in 2012. and was very ani-rpf then and have continued to be through the years. and i think in a lot of cases i maintain that position. but after falling back in love with dnp and the phandom and caving into the urge to read some phanfic knowing that dnp themselves encourage and respect it im kind of shocked to find it's actually a really beautiful, metatextual, interactive creative outlet. i think youve talked a bit about how phanfic isnt really rpf to you and i kind of agree, because dan and phil to me are like.... an idea, a mythology, a narrative, that theyre aware of and have built as well as being aware that we're aware of. like the idea of dan and phil has been constructed by them and their fans hand in hand for over a decade. and i find that phanfic itself is very aware of this and exists to expand upon those ideas. lol. yeah that's it sorry for this ramble. i just find it surprising that something could change my mind on that in this day and age but it's been a very cool experience.
hello welcome youve come to the right place for this yap because i COMPLETELY understand you. like genuinely i am not this attached to any other "rpf" content like this? ok i had an egobang phase but honestly arin and danny have grown to share a similar but not exact same connection as dnp BUT I DIGRESS
but yeah i think a lot of it is due to the contrastive relationships between the brand of Dan and Phil™, their separate individual brands Daniel Howell and AmazingPhil (particularly dan), the Phanon dnp, and the actual real people dan and phil. i always go back to the fanfiction segment of tatinof but its just such a perfect example of what i mean. like, the entire idea to have a fanfic scene was ofc the real people's idea, and they used tropes they would see in the phanon to convey the audience interactive story, but at the same time had to keep it at least Somewhat appropriate for the Brand™ at the time being very pre-teen and teen focused. honestly idk how much you've gone back and watched of what you missed, but i would suggest doing that not just cuz theres some incredible stuff from those eras, but also seeing the intersection of the brand, fanon, and real people and when they split apart. you see it a lot especially in gaming videos imo where theyre unscripted, and once they got more comfortable in the gaming channel roles the energy shifting away from Brand but never too far... until ofc now where what even is their brand anymore just Chaos and Queerness i guess
OH ALSO go read some old fic and compare to newer ones like its not just that writing styles changed or that dnp themselves have changed, but the like. energy and intent put into fic has changed. i would say in the past it was more exploratory, putting dnp in AU's and imagines, or exploring what Could have happened. whereas now, yes ofc there are au's and fic for the purpose of exploring a concept or world, but also its a lot more introspective. exploring the inner world a bit more. idk i just thijk dnp are funny lil guys and they accidentally created some freaky lil creatures in a lab somewhere...
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quodekash · 11 months
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noooooo dontttt
you should make outttt
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pleaseeee I just want you two to kiss and make out and be in love, and it'll be a LOT easier if youre stuck in a confined space with each other
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oh, what's that sound? nothing, its just me sobbing my soul out
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bestie you're so in love with him
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aaaaaaaaaaaa soundwin/guynawa parallels may be the death of me
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this feels so intentional
nawa so badly wanted them to have a stargazing date
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the way they speak in sync is so insane
they're like literally soulmates???
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idk man, I think you should kiss. shooting star feels like a good reason to kiss
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except this time I dont think they'll be as dense and stupid because the sexual tension literally oozes off of guy and nawa every time they interact
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bitch did you not register the arm? bro is wounded and he obviously "didnt know where else to go" (aaaaa now my brain is going through classic enemies to lovers tropes)
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broooo just kiss
you're looking at him so tenderly rn
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d u d e
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the guy sitting next to you, that's what you can do
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well, not really.
but its a very interesting detail!
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well frick now im sad
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well frick now im SADDER
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guynawa's turn next pls
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I love chimon's curly hair so so so much
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B I T C H-
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I love cheesy pickup lines so much, but even more than that I love kang's ridiculously cheesy pickup lines, but even MORE than that I love sailom's reactions to kang's cheesy-ass pickup lines
so this is like. the greatest thing ever
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as per usual, for every single 12 episode bl ever, the actually insane stuff is gonna go down in episodes 10, 11 and 12
woohoo. can't wait.
(part of me just wants the fluffiness to continue but also part of me wants to get into the juicy drama of everything, you know? I love chaos so much)
and I shall be rewatching this episode once every single day until episode 10 comes out because I am feral 😊
goodnight folks!!
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on an outsiders kick so heres the main gang as things me and my friends have said
Soda: Your wish is my command. Be gay forever
Steve: I'm still straight but I'd fuck you now
Soda: Not that gay
Darry: I dont really like you. Why are you always hanging around?
Dally: I ask myself the same thing every single day
Pony: I know we're supposed to be saying embarrassing things about ourselves but before we talk about me i'm really upset Two-Bit didnt mention the fact that he was in love with thomas the train
Two-Bit: i watched ONE episode when i was FIVE go fuck yourself
Pony: You have a shrine by your bed
Two-Bit: irrelevant
Johnny: I'm not really scared of anything, no
Johnny: but cats freak me out. and so do dogs, sometimes, but mainly cats. and especially ducks. oh, and needles, and doctors in general. also loud noises, sharp objects near me, any sort of projectile, and stoves. but like, thats not that many things
Dally: I understand so much about you now
Pony: I'm going to write a novel and all of you are gonna have characters based off you. Any questions about it?
Two-Bit: Am I hot?
Pony: No. Next question
Darry: Am I going to regret reading this?
Pony: For sure. Next.
Johnny: Please dont make me a crybaby
Pony: You shouldnt read this. Next
Steve: Can me and Soda date?
Pony: You already are. Next
Soda: Can me and Steve not date?
Pony: Too late. You know you love him. Next
Dally: You're going to make my character really deep, arent you?
Pony: Possibly. Havent decided yet. Anything else?
Johnny: Is Dally as hot in the book as he really is?
Pony: I'll no longer be taking questions because I'm extremely uncomfortable, but on second thought, you might really like this book
Two-Bit, upon walking in on Steve and Soda cuddling: I leave for FIVE minutes and i'm left out of fucking everything. all the fucking time. i hate everyone in this house
Steve: Do you want to lay with us?
Soda: Yeah, come lay with us
Two-Bit, practically dropping himself on them: I'm still mad at you
Dally: For some reason Ponyboy is really obsessed with the idea of me being really soft inside and just not showing it so I dont get hurt. I think he wants me to be narrative foils with our other friend too
Dally: How do i tell him i'd change the narrative doom him if i could and feel no remorse without crushing that hope in him
Pony: I like to think its a secret but me and everyone around me knows im writing a slowburn, hes only soft to him trope, slight enemies to lovers fanfiction about Johnny and Dally in my head
Dally: the term fanfiction implies i have fans
Johnny: i'm a fan of you
Pony, whispering: they practically write it themselves
Dally: Here, i stole this. dont ask questions, just take it
Darry, taking the sleeping pigeon that Dally just handed him with a mildly horrified expression: where did you get this?
Dally: i told you i'd bring back souvenirs from my field trip. no more questions
Johnny: Not many people like me.
Johnny: its probably because im kind of a pussy, but i like to tell myself its because i'm annoying because at least then im not calling myself a pussy
Dally: Wait, wait. Who doesnt like you?
Johnny: Huh? Why does it matter?
Dally: No reason. Just, like, give me an example
Pony, in the kitchen and hears all of this: *puts the knives in the cabinet where Dally wont look for them* I dont really want to have to bail anyone out again
Soda, to Darry: I think Steve is kind of in love with me, but I really dont want to have to break it to him that I dont feel the same
Steve, with Soda in his lap: *stops playing with Sodas hair* What?
Soda: Nothing, baby, you're fine
Darry: I will never understand you
yes, one of my friends did bring a live pigeon back from a field trip. it slept a lot, and we'd hold him all the time while he slept and he'd stay asleep when we passed him around because we had to move. i hope he wasnt sick and is doing okay
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minhosimthings · 7 months
Since you already assigned a bf/gf to your moots , how about giving your moots a trope with the idol you ship them with?
Ooh alrighty! This is fun damn
@astraystayyh: Hyunjin || Art classmates to lovers
Both Sahar and Hyun are such poets in their respective arts and I feel like they'd really bond over that a lot, but never actually admit their feelings and communicate via their art works SO CUTE
@frenchkisstheabyss: Seonghwa || Cafe strangers to lovers
Just because both of them are so bubbly and they're really likely to start up a conversation like they'd look at each other go oh hey pretty person and YAY I love them so much they can destroy me
@lovestay-channie: Jeongin || oblivious best friends to lovers.
Both of them are such genuine cutie pies so I think it would be like a oh we're the bestest of friends to why does my heart beat so fast around this pretty person DONT ASK ME WHY
@jaylaxies : Jake || roommates to lovers
Moving in with each other because it the last option, realising they share some similar interests, comforting each other over some bad breakups, providing comfort when one is sick, realising that they're idiots in love and then never going away? Oh look it's Aria and Jake.
@junnieverse : Beomgyu || Project partners to lovers
I just wanna see the bickering between both of them on what to do for the assigned project like it would be so cute and then later they'd apologize, maybe take each other out for coffee and then oh look is that a cupid
@sumaneun-stars - Sunghoon || Arranged marriage to lovers
I know Skye goes mental for this and it's such a cute trope for both of them like I can imagine them being cold towards each other, ignoring each other, but one day some shit happens, they realise they like each other and then BAM they're smooching in the corridors 😊
@yunabi436 - Jay || Traumatised × I will love you regardless
@sjyluv - Jake || Barista × Regular Customer
this would suit Mia so well, I genuinely believe she's the kind of person to strike up a conversation everyday with the cute barista not knowing he likes her too and then one day he writes down his number on her cup ODNSJSUIDKCN SO CUTE
@chlorinecake : Han || Fwb to lovers
Look, it's just something in me which is like hmm yes Chloe and Han rejecting their feelings for each other but then realising that they're actually idiots and love and not just doing it for pleasure she's mine tho
@angel1kisses : Niki || bad boi × good girl
*Sigh* just imagine, Vampie tutoring Niki, and he pretends not to care but he actually does and one day when Vampie doesn't tutor him he realises he can't actually live without her because she's the very oxygen she breathes now excuse me while I sob
@candewlsy : Jungwon || Athlete × Athlete, but it's enemies to lovers
I crave this so much, just because I think mizu would like if won taught her how to play some sport and they just bond over their love for their respective sport and it would be so cute like AGHHH imagine the bickering (out of love)
@haecien : Jun || Old friends to lovers
Idk why but I like the thought of Harua and Jun being childhood bffs but they went to different colleges and then met up with each other years later and then ooh love blossoming and all that crap
@amazzwon : Dokyeom || Boss × Secretary
It's not like I'm projecting my own feelings for my babygirl hahaha This would be so HAWT imagine the OFFICE SMUT imagine the SIR KINK imagine the- ok I'll just stop here
@jaeyunluvr : Mark Lee || Idol × Producer
First of all my baby Kayz is so talented and im 100% sure Mark would fall for her talent (and her gorgeous self) and I can just see him flirting with her every chance he gets and then he finally gets the courage to take her out on a date!!!!!!
@minhypen : Sunoo || Speed dating
Them, being the extremely friendly people they are would be instantly attracted to each other at some speed dating event and they'd probably get each other's numbers at the end to have a proper date 😚
@mnwrld: Minho || Babysitter × single dad
I feel like my darling Kana knows why I chose this for her....
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hayatoseyepatch · 23 days
*bursting into your asks as fast as I can* HELLO HI!!!!
Congratulations on your milestone 💫🫶 it's so so deserved!! Here's to many more milestones to come hehe
Could I perhaps ask for a match up for Windbreaker, Jujutsu Kaisen or Tokyo Revengers? (Whatever strikes your fancy I'm indecisive as heck)
My personality: I go by she/her pronouns and I'm so shy it almost hurts but once I know someone I'm the loudest yapper and never shut up. Generally I'd say I'm an introvert tho and prefer staying inside over going out (unless it's out into the forest - that's my fave place to be ever). I love to crochet and to bake next to chilling with my dog hehe
Tropes: I really enjoy the friends to lovers or love at first sight tropes. Cheesy, I know but I'm a hopeless romantic and endlessly devoted to my love
My type: I look for a partner that's loyal. That's probably my most important factor next to reliability. When it comes for looks I like my men either big and beefy or smol and sweet (especially if they're soggy and need some love. I got lots to give) and I like my women mean 🫣 that being said, I don't care for gender. Men, women and everything in between is perfectly fine as long as the connection is there
My faves: Wbk: Sakura, Choji & Kiryu , TR: Benkei, Yuzuha & Shinichiro , Jjk: Toji, Mahito & Shoko
Icks: I dont like cheaters or people who need to party every single day of their life bc im more chill and just not about that life. As for characters per se I'd say a nono is Endo (wbk) and Kisaki (tr)
I think that's it? Yeah I think so 🥹🥹 i'm terribly sorry if i forgot anything and please don't feel pressured to match me with anyone!!
Luma!! Ahh thank you so much for your kind words I’ll SOB AT YOU! I’m so happy we became moots you’re literally the most talented, sweetest, funniest person ever! (Okay enough of the sap onto the match up.) Like I said in my post we’re moots so you get two!!
First up is Kiryu Mitsuki from Wind Breaker!
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⤜♡→ It doesn’t get better for a friends to lovers than Kiryu.
⤜♡→ The both of you much rather preferred the quiet to the loud bustling Bofurin gatherings. Often sticking to the back of the room, him scrolling mindlessly through his phone, one arm wrapped around you as you both shared a headphone to watch tiktoks together.
⤜♡→ He had initially approached you for the first time in the classroom where you both met. Seeing someone so beautiful sat all by herself was such a shame in his mind. He offered you that gentle smile as he asked if the spot next to you was taken. Kiryu couldn’t help but let his eyes wander over you constantly seeking you out in a crowd whenever you both were at Furin.
⤜♡→ You both had initially bonded over quiet teasing of Tsugeura in your quiet corner of the classroom, often exchanging text messages teasing the poor orange haired extrovert.
⤜♡→ Your friendship only developed from there it was a rare occasion for you both to not be seen without the other. So much so that the others we're fully under the impression you both were together long before you started dating.
Sakura's cheeks were always a constant shade of pink whenever in you and Kiryu's presence. Kiryu was very comfortable with physical touch his body always seeking out your won whenever you both were together. Whether it was his cheek resting atop your head, or his hand playing with your fingers, he loved feeling you against him.
Suo chuckles,, his signature mischievous grin dawning his features, loving nothing more than to tease his friends and hopefully push you both to confess. "Oh would you look at that." He grins leaning across the booth you were sat in, fingers intertwined delicately under his chin as he looked at you both. "It seems you both have set off Sakura's love detector yet again. "Come on Sakura, it's rude to intrude on a date, we'll be going now. See you both later.~" He sing songs, dragging a flustered Sakura away from you both, grin on his face.
Kiryu snorts into his mug, eyes turning to yours now that it was just the two of you left at the table. "So, angel, when are we gonna tell him he can stop trying to play his little game of matchmaker now that we've been dating for three months?" He snorts, leaning over to bump his nose with yours in a pseudo-kiss. His eyes light up at the grin you send back in his direction. Swearing he fell more in love with you as you returned his grin, leaning forward to give him a proper kiss, pulling away to smirk. "Let him figure it out on his own, let's see how long he keeps it going before he realizes."
Next up Is Kakucho from Tokyo Revengers!
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⤜♡→ Kakucho has been through the ringer. He has a kind heart and so much love to give and I think you are the perfect candidate for all of his love and affection!
⤜♡→ Kakucho is a hopeless romantic, prizing building his friendships before relationships. He can only truly picture himself being with someone he has built a deep connection with before entering a relationship.
⤜♡→ The orphanage where he was raised was outside of city limits, and after years of being in gangs, I think Kakucho appreciates the serenity of nature. So with your favorite place being the forest, he often will set up a nice picnic for you both to enjoy the scenery and each other’s company.
⤜♡→ Kakucho is also quiet and a bit shy at first, the both of you gravitating toward each other with being more reserved at first. But melting into a beautiful relationship filled with love and laughter once you both opened up.
⤜♡→ If you ever are having a bad day and need some cheering up, Kakucho is your guy! He worships the ground you walk on and could spend hours divulging in all the things he loves about you. He will stop at nothing until you see yourself the way that he sees you.
Kakucho hums gently, his nose buried in the crook of your neck, gently swaying you both as he watches you bake, relishing in your warmth. He blinks, pulled from his trance as you offer him a finger dipped in the batter from the brownies you were prepping, Taking your finger into his mouth, he hums in delight from the sweet chocolaty confection. He smiles softly when you look up at him with those eyes he falls more in love with each day. “So Cho how does it taste?” His hands settle on your waist, turning you in his embrace, head dipping down low to press his lips against your own.
His hand cups the back of your neck as he deepens the kiss, his tongue finding its way into your mouth. The warm wet muscles dances with your own for a while, before he separates, string of saliva still connecting your lips for a moment before it snaps. “I dunno, honey, you tell me how it tastes.” He grins, kissing you once more as he chuckles thinking you looked nothing short of adorable with your pink cheeks and kiss-swollen lips. “It was delicious baby, I can't wait to pack them up in our basket for our date later.” He smiles wrapping his arms around you once more. Kakucho had spent most of his young life without a place to call his own after he lost his parents. But right here and now as he held you in his arms, he knew he had found his home. And that was anywhere where he could be with you. (a/n: I hope this was okay I haven't written for TR in YEARS, but this was just screaming at me and I needed to write it.)
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stevie-petey · 2 months
literally just binged reading this masterpiece of a rewrite and im lowkey strangling myself for not finding it sooner!! has anyone ever told you that you are heaven sent for all steve lovers and people who wanted more fleshed out relationships from these traumatized teenagers (and adults)?
there's literally a lot to say about the series but my brain capacity goes zorp! which is why i'm just gonna exclaim a bunch of it.
first of all, BUG. DEAREST BUG U ARE THE SWEETEST ANGEL TO EVER ANGEL UPON THIS WORLD. i've said it before, little bug needs to AT LEAST have a year-long break from everything but i know s4 will BREAK her. ouhhhhh and the slowburn with steve? and finally them kissing and jlfnwkfjwodjs THEY DESERVE THE WORLD IDC IDC plus the sibling dynamic w dustin *slams fist on the wall* kinda envy it honestly because apparently we're more of a max and billy trope. SPEAKING OF BILLY. *sobbing crying throwing up* you can never make me fully hate him. yes, he's an ass but the way you portrayed his death at the end of season 3? i had to put my phone down and take a walk. OH AND HOPPER PLEASE... it's like joyce and hopper were second parents to bug and my heart aches for the three.
every single one of these goobers deserve so much but we all know everything's still downhill from this point onwards. i'm excited to go on this next journey with you for s4 (and maybe s5 too when it comes out!!)
love you and your awesome mind! *leans on the counter like an old man* u also deserve the world pookie <33
bug <3333 she really is my baby i love her and seeing everyone love my child makes me very <333
and bug and STEVE 🫶🫶 theyre sweeties who deserve the world together im so happy to finally write them as a couple. all they wanna do is kiss fr
ive LOVED fleshing out all the relationships in the series and toying with them. i demand more content of just the teens and adults hanging out like its criminal we dont see it more often
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kewpidity · 2 months
answer every question on the proship ask meme POP QUIZ [or is it pro quiz??] i wanna knoooooow
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@teacupballerina @hopscorched @emile-hides
sorry it took so long to get to these! gonna post em all together and give two answers where it makes sense since some of these are repeats!
1.) What is your favorite problematic theme/trope that appears in a lot of your ships?
its literally so basic in the grand scheme of problematic stuff, but i love a teen girl x older man, especially when she's in charge lol. i also like things like 'damning secret' (basically people going through forced proximity because they both know something they'd get in a lot of trouble over if it got out) or just forced proximity in general also a fan of one of the characters going insane with covetous love and lust that drives them to do all kinds of fucked up shit about it and also! a handy chart of one of my All Time Dynamics, kid x creature (im counting pompep)
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2.) Are there any problematic tropes that squick you out?
i dont really like anything involving cheating, DV, or hardcore rape/assault, feels bad man
3.) First problematic ship since you joined the proship community?
tbh ive never really Not been proship, it was the only logical thing to me, so this answer is kinda tricky- i guess i could say when i Actively started interacting with other proshippers? but tbqh i dont really remember sorry jklfsdk
4.) First ever problematic ship? (you didn't have to know it was problematic then)
quiche and ichigo from tmm is literally whats wrong with me it fucked up the chemistry of my brain when i was like 12
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5.) Ship you don't think it all that problematic, but the rest of your fandom hates?
idk if this really counts Exactly but im baffled to this day by the divide the ML fandom has over the different love square dynamics, please explain to me how every combo is good and wholesome, except for marinette x chat noir, which is somehow bad and degenerate, like even the people working on it make jokes about it like what do you mean its the same gd people???
some others come from spop, where people will try to convince me that hordak x entrapta is abusive despite being one of the healthiest dynamics in the show, or how bow x glimmer is Practically incest cause they. grew up together??? spop discourse was Nuts
6.) Cutest, most vanilla ship you are into.
hmm probably my crossover ship for berry and adrien, they're downright saccharine
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7.) Ship the antis in your fandom like, but you think is hella problematic?
Absolutely no hate to the people who like these but oh my god yall there are others but these are always the first two that come to mind
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8.) Ship that is (presented as) cute in canon/fanon, but you think is problematic anyway.
kinda just the same ones i just listed tbh
9.) Problematic crackship?
as someone who deals almost Exclusively in rare pairs and crack ships, most of them lmao but if we're going with like. Probably Worst all across the board, its whatever is going on with cedrιc, elyοn, and phοbοs from w..i..t..c..h the depravity that we never got to fully explore with these three is off the charts
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10.) Are there any problematic ships that are your NOTPs?
i do not care for wιllιam x mιchael aftοn- p sure its popular in fnαf proship spaces but im just never could come around to it other than that i cant really think of any- usually i only notp things because the fans piss me off about it, and i dont generally have that problem with other proshippers
11.) Darkest fandom you are into?
im really into old rpg horror games in general, and Those get Super Dark, so probably that!
12.) Least dark fandom that you are into!
sοfia the first, but rest assured im Making it problematic
13.) Rec a dead dove fic!
im so sorry but put on the spot, every single fic ive ever read and held dear has suddenly totally absconded from my brain and i cant recall literally any of them
14.) Song that reminds you of one of your pairings!
here just have some playlists i put together for some of them so i dont have to choose anything specific: Grim x Mandy Gaz x Zim Mabel x Bill Snufkιn x Jοxter and my general problematic playlist you'll like em
15.) Silliest reason you've been told not to ship a ship.
'its not canon' is the dumbest shit i've Ever heard and yet somehow is super pervasive in fandom
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nrsstuff · 3 months
Hi,there. I'm quite new here so I'm gonna ask you a question and your opinion? What do you think of projek high council actually? Because im trying to spread the fandom around to some people actually and it has potential to grow as a fandom everyone no matter what country they are enjoys it,also do you have any headcanons about projek high council if so please tell me what the headcanons are.
omg same! im also a new user lol
i like the show A LOT. idk how to say this but the show feels like a place to me to vent? like i understand what those characters were feeling because i also had gone pretty much the same thing (maybe not 100% the same but kinda similar). and oh my god the characters dude. THE CHARACTERS. im in love with corruption trope, like im obsessed. you see, fakhri was playing a hero at first, but then slowly acted like kahar. isn't it ironic that he became something that he hate before? talking about kahar, im really curious about his backstory! thank god there will be a movie about him (IM FUCKING EXCITED). ayam is a mood, i love every time he appeared on the screen. okay this is getting long lol im so sorry. anyways, i was expecting a sad ending due to the show being so depressing (i thought naim was gonna die wtf pls dont do that again) but im glad that we got a happy ending! (im a sucker for happy ending lmao) overall, i really like the writing, it's really well done. the pacing is perfect, good casts. i don't really watch a lot of Malay dramas so i cant really compare. but PHC is one of my top series now hehe. though im not sure if everyone knows this but this show might seem a bit unrealistic cuz the higher ups being involved and like there were a lot of things going on, it's actually real. it happened and is happening right now. hell, even in the public university, they still apply this high council shit.
if the producers decide to air the show globally, it could reach some international audience. maybe not a lot, but im pretty sure some people will be more invested.
hm my headcanons?
i don't remember which ep, but it was the one where kahar accidentally pushed (or kicked? im not sure) ayam and led to ayam be in a coma. they did show kahar got traumatised by that but not enough for me lol. so yea, i imagine kahar doesnt dare to look himself in the mirror because he almost killed someone. yea sure, he bullied a lot of people, misusing his power, but he was never a killer. he still has that humanity in him.
and i also imagine him having a rough childhood due to how his dad treated him. you know, constantly being compared to his brothers, thats not very nice. so kahar just swallowed the hate to idk make himself felt full? my headcanons are pretty weird i apologise
and also, since naim and fakhri are on the good terms now, im pretty sure they are awkward around each other at first. cmon, they were on each others' throat, didnt wanna breath the same air. NO WAY theyre gonna hold hands and scream "yay we're a happy family now!" like no. i know damn well that most of the time they don't even talk, but then something random happens and that will be their topic. like fakhri doesn't know how to decorate, then naim will make fun of him or saying something like "ish kau ni, benda senang pun tak boleh buat ke?" naim doesnt mean anything, it just becomes a light banter? so sorry for my bad eng and the fact that you have to read all this...
ohhhh and hakeem! it's actually funny how hakeem is the closest friend to kahar lol. i think they became friends in an unexpected way, but because of that, they became even closer. and it's actually comforting when theres someone who's willingly to become a friend with kahar without any malicious intent!
ahh thank you for the ask! im sorry for making this ans long 🙏 have a good day!
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fandxmslxt69 · 11 months
hi hello I see you casually dropping matty fic ideas in the tags?? care to share with the class???
OKAY disclaimer while I cherish and love Matty this fic idea isnt inherently romantic based! it CAN be read as something romantic and i totally have an alternate ending in my mind with smut and shit but IT STARTED OFF AS JUST FUNNY STUFF
i'm more of a Frank girl anyway so Matt to me did start off as "i want to fuck him" but then it became "he is my best friend my catholic buddy." i KNOW i emphasis him being catholic a lot but ts just funny in my head to base it off friendships i have with my Christian friends (im muslim btw) so its just a funny little rivalry that started and is just For The Fun okay.
ANYWAY FIC IDEA LMAO basically there's like a mission right. and reader kind of has connections in the sense that...she works alone, she does her own thng, but....she's popped up with other teams before and is close with Matt (in my mind, its just a friendship that started purely on matt "where are you going on a Friday" Murdock and reader "to pray at the mosque???" to Matt "OH MY GOD !!!! no way" Murdock. BUT for the fic it's not the case thats just a funny little side note lmao.
anyway so Matt has a mission somewhere whatever i dont have details but he needs someone to be his Fake Wife (he takes marriage very seriously and this idea bothers him) but reader is like "hey. we're friends, we're close, we share a lot in common we're friends i'll help" and he's like "oh sick okay at least someone i like being around"
OG idea to which i daydream abt is literally just a crack fic of Matt and reader getting "married", going on with the mission and its just crack. insanity runs through their little house. its chaotic its crazy its a constant screaming match between the two of them and really it was just me going "what if. i lived with Matt "Good Catholic Boy"Murdock as his fake wife What happens then. and it escalated
its just silly and For The Laughs. so its just very platonic cute fun stuff buuuuuuuuut i will not lie to you i HAVE thoughts of some very unholy things about this man. im a SLUT for marriage of convenience tropes so i really couldnt stop myself lmao. I DONT KNOW the idea of them having sex and getting close and Matt's like "oh my god oh my god finally i've been so in love all this time" and reader is like "he's doing this for the role. married couples have sex usually so this is just for the role" (she's a little dumb its okay lmao)
anyway yeah. maybe it develops into a friends with benefits situation, and after the mission its like "well SHIT cuz i actually like you and divorcing just seems...wrong ? even if- even if we yknow this didnt start out as a "real" marriage" and its just an angsty angry confession and they decide to PROPERLY get married (no right or wrong way to get married btw but im extra and i like huge ass weddings sorry) and they start dating after that lmao
like religion so clearly states (thats a JOKE btw im KIDDING lmao)
anyway yeah. there's a LOT of variations to the idea. one minute its just a regular platonic and then its smut and then its just a regular female reader and then its not and then its silly crack and then its angsty self discovery and yeahhhhhhh BASICALLY.
basically i feel a lot about him.
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azumasoroshi · 1 year
guess who just watched summertime rendering (it's really good)
guys what the FUCK
(spoilery-review stuff will be below the cut but tldr: summertime rendering is really good, subverted a lot of my expectations, gorgeous animation, keeps you on your toes and has smart characters and good writing, just try not to cringe too hard at some of the haha boobs/haha panties jokes i swear there's not too many)
okay funny story. i got interested in this anime literally yesterday because one of my favorite channels was analyzing its ending song by chance
and i was like oh it's like anohana but a murder mystery? interesting premise. doesn't necessarily guarantee that it's good, the animation looks pretty at least, but it's 25 episodes and my attention span kinda sucks...
and i see the main girl in a swimsuit and im like alright. the second there's a really weird zoom on her chest im out
(my live thought process pictured below)
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and the first shot or so was of the swimsuit girl (ushio) without any weird zooms so i was like okay hey we're in the clear so far
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one minute ten seconds. dawg. that actually has to be a record of some sort
and i was 🤏this close to dropping the anime but i really wanted to see the dark horrifying stuff so i continued anyway
like. maybe that's a one off joke. maybe they wont do it again and that was just to get weirdos to be like AYYY and keep watching. maybe there is hope
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there was no hope.
but i hung on anyway because right after that was the OP and it looked really interesting mostly because there were no anime visuals at all until the very end
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which was. shinpei being a little bit silly. little but quirky. vibing persona 3 style baby baby baby baby baby baby baby
so yeah i decided to keep watching until the end of the first episode despite my apprehension because i just. wanted to see the dark shit go down. uaghhhhhh
and i kept watching EVEN THROUGH the clear insinuation that the mc's adopted sister was in love with him and that the mc was in love with his other adopted sister and the police officer was looking at porn in public and then FINALLY
(major + ending spoilers start here)
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they killed my favorite character.
and then they killed the younger sister and then they killed the MAIN CHARACTER AND I WAS LIKE DAWGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
like i was expecting it to be dark but i didnt expect them all to straight up die on screen with blood splatters n everything :sob: wasnt expecting the time loop either
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like. you gon have this gorgeous animation just to make the characters' deaths that much more brutal. holy fuck
i realized the other anime this reminded me of. this anime is a anohana x kagerou project crossover. thats fuckin crazy i kinda dig it
people also compare it to re:zero which is fair cuz it has the time travel, the unexpected brutality, the short haired girl who gets rejected in favor of the long haired girl (lmao) i just like kagerou project more
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it somehow didnt connect the first time that it wasn't mio and i was like huh i wonder why they suddenly skipped time
and then when this scene rolled around for the second time i literally like. it hit me so fast and i was like FUCK. i was like genuinely terrified help
and then she started stabbing the ever loving shit out of totsumura and i was like oh okay! guess i dont have to wait in suspense for what she'll do at the very least
and then she stabbed shinpei in the throat and i was like OH OKAY
that scene also terrified me cuz like the phone call happening while the killer is nearby is a classic horror trope but like. i dont watch horror usually. that's my worst nightmare
it was on his third death that shinpei really started to shine for me as a protagonist because like. he's smart. notably so! it was really nice because the classic horror starts to fade away at this point and everything becomes a giant chess match
fair enough though cuz bro was like "LMAO NAH I REFUSE TO DIE AGAIN THAT SHIT PAINFUL AS FUCK" (and then repeatedly died a bunch more anyways)
it's interesting that his whole "take a step back" thing is like. a trauma response too. we love dissociation representation lmfao
shinpei was also really quick to adapt to everything and it took a LOT of shit going down to make him finally lose his composure, but he gets back in it and doesnt waste time and it was really refreshing because yknow anime (and the horror genre in general) with its overdramatic clueless protagonists
and also!!
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i immediately pegged sou as the loud dumbass yosuke/ryuji type (i love them and their depth, im talking about surface level) best friend who wingmans for shinpei and immediately gets sus of shinpei and gets killed first n shit
but that was my bad like damn sou was a really good character
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to be fair this was his first introduction
and the line "I should tell Sou everything" with a shot of the sky is REALLY FUCKING OMINOUS, so i feel like that was a bit of a bait and switch on the author's part lmfao
i stopped taking screenshots around this point so ill just talk about a bunch of parts that stood out to me pff
she's so autistic and so smart and so just. god. i love her
i literally wanted to cry seeing him in the ending like dawggggggg he's SO cute id marry him no questions asked
he and hizuru were my favorites along with nezu because badass old man SLAYS
i also surprisingly really liked ushio lmao i thought she'd be like the usual manic pixie dream girl and then just based on her being in a swimsuit but like. she was honestly a joy as a character lmfao
like. her being the biggest powerhouse next to hizuru? did not see that coming, we love a girlboss!! and she's also smart and forward-thinking despite the airheaded vibes so like damn. good character! i really liked what little we got to see of the real ushio interacting with her shadow too, it was a nice bit of character building + it was funny lmao
mio was the only character other than shide that i just straight up did not like lmfaosgkjhsjg the whole "im in love with my stepbrother" was just. fuckin. weird to me from the start and you have no idea how fucking relieved i was that shinpei didn't accept her confession or get with her at the end
of course it's like. not any better that he got with his other stepsister. but like mio was more annoying so it's fine (😭)
she ended up being a damsel in distress who didnt really do anything up until the school fight where she still didnt do much, and with how much ushio emphasized "protect mio" you'd think she' have some sort of plot relevance but nope she just. thought about her brother a lot and confessed after 20 episodes and got rejected and cried
it's like all the buildup to her confession was PURELY to buildup for the ACTUAL confession which was shinpei telling her that he was in love with ushio
which is lame
like jesus her shadow had more plot relevance than her. i literally liked her shadow more than her like ????????
tokiko was a good character though i liked the "i didnt dirty my hands for this" foreshadowing and also her being a lesbian was an unexpected surprise that i liked lmfao she's a fuckin real one for still encouraging mio to be with shinpei despite being madly in love with mio. what the hell was that "i want her to see all of me" line like girl????
shide was a good smart villain, he kinda started getting cheesy typical anime villain by the end but by that point the anime was pretty firmly in the action/strategy genre and relying a lot less on the horror/mystery part so it was alright
i did love the talk he and shinpei had about video games and the FF7 namedrop was hilarious lmfao
it was cool how they had the callback to him being a video game nerd during the first fireworks festival with that 2d 3d king thing
absolutely despise him for what he did to hiruko though like. ew.
i didnt really get why hiruko deadass reverted into this weird lookin baby thing at the end but like haise was cute i liked her
didnt understand how they literally changed history either but i guess the magic eyes are like "fuck time lmao all my homies hate time" so oh well, i guess it works
the ending was really a full on "everybody lives and is happy" type deal but like. i didnt even mind man i was literally ecstatic seeing hizuru's boobs again like holy shit. you know you're watching a weird ass anime when you start crying at the fucking fanservice scenes like ohhhh my god
and like goddammit they deserve happiness
although. i was a bit pissed that they brought ushio back to life. like yeah she deserved to be brought back and yeah i do love her but rip the themes of grief and regret i guess
the show was never really about grief so i get why she was brought back but like ueeeuueueuueuee the whole "i don't want to do anything i'll regret again (including leaving ushio before we had the chance to say goodbye) so i have to keep moving forward" was really good character stuff and hrekjajsghjhsg i guess it paid off at the end???
whatever ill take getting hizuru and ryuunosuke back no matter the narrative costs
anyway yeah really good anime, definitely exceeded my expectations (which were pretty low to be fair though), i did watch all 25 episodes within 24 hours so i might be a little insane
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soft-for-xie-lian · 10 months
Hi 🤗 how are you? How is it going? Hopefully you have a good day today. So, if you dont mind me coming in here to ask, pls what is purple hyacinth about and what do you like about it/why do you like it so much personally? Im curious 🥰 and thank you!
omg hi!!!!! I have had a good day thank you! And I hope yours has been well, too! ^-^
I'm am DELIGHTED to talk about Purple Hyacinth thank you so much for the ask omg this is going to be long I hope you're okay with that hahaha
Purple Hyacinth is a webcomic on the website/app Webtoon. It is free to read. The authors are Ephemeris and Sophism, and Sophism does the bulk of the artwork :)
Right off, I think the premise of it is really good. The main character Lauren can hear when people lie. Because of a tragedy that took her best friend when they were kids, she becomes a cop to fight the group that caused it, teaming up with an assasin who unwillingly works for that group and hates his job lol. This means we have a traumatized main cast with tragic pasts, slow burn enemies to lovers between the main character Lauren and the assasin, and a delicious mystery to watch them solve as they try to uncover the leader of the Bad Group's identity so they can be taken down.
Start reading for the tropes, stay for the heart. My favorite thing about stories is when they have heart. I love that this webtoon is so character focused. The plot is really good I love watching them follow leads and have had moments where I was like "oh my god no fucking way." but the way the characters live in the plot is my favorite bit. The friendships? Flawlesly written. I'm not sure how to say too much without giving spoilers, but let's just say Lauren's friend Kym can recognize her in a dark room it's so good and yes the authors use that to make you cry. We've got some "family isn't just blood" themes here, too, with Lauren and her childhood friend Will.
(the story is also sprinkled with memes and makes me laugh so much. I refuse to read something if it can't be silly and make me ugly chuckle at least sometimes and PH DOES IT)
There's self loathing, there's characters who make decisions and mistakes because of their trauma, there's characters comforting each other, there's really good fight scenes, there's some ACAB and talk about privilege, there's some queer rep--there is just so much to talk about and appreciate about with this story.
OH MY GOD AND THE SOUNDTRACK (which is on Spotify and I think Apple Music under the artist's name Sophism) this webtoon is a cinematic experience at times
thanks again for the ask! i've been swimming in circles in my head without anyone to talk to about it haha. i absolutely love it, but I will warn you, while there are two and a half seasons out, we're on hiatus haflway through season three because Sophism is dealing with a chronic illness. it is planned to make a return in spring of 2024, but there's no guarantee, as we all want Sophism to put her health first. that being said, I really think it is still worth reading, and I can't believe it isn't more popular. I'd 100% buy physical copies if the authors ever go that route
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sepiamestus · 1 month
I like ranpo and yosano's backstory I really do but like I hate too many others things (spoilers obviously)
Like I said previously, mind control. And by extension the book. A trope I cannot stand for the life of me is mind control. I think it lacks good motive and is just an awful excuse to get characters to do things they wouldn't do. Again just my opinion but I hate it.
Because the agency are like screwed at the start I just hate seeing nothing but bad things happen. I know the hunting dogs are meant to be like overpowered and a challenge but like I hate it. Also why do they always fucking target kenji in the beginning he's just a child
With where the manga is up to I haven't read anything because the characters that are relevant are characters I do not care about individually. That includes the prison section.
Again haven't caught up so I don't know the specifics, but the fact Fukuchi has killed god knows how many people to prevent this 'war' in the future THAT ISN'T REAL? THAT FYODOR MADE UP? I don't know how he was told or whatever but to go to that degree⁉️⁉️ oh my god I hate him
Sorry to be a hater in your inbox 😔😔😔
no no you've got some points! I like mind control in the like. Brainwashing sense, like as in a person's still in control of their brain but theyve been forcibly conditioned, so the vampire arc (while i appreciate the aesthetic) was a bit disappointing- although i could never bring myself to hate it because it gave us
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I do agree that the villains in that arc are disappointing though. I like some of the characters- Teruko's really cool. I like sigma and nikolai a lot. The other hunting dogs are ehhhh. I don't really care about them that much.
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Is the most annoying ass villain ever. not in the sense that i hate him because hes evil (although i DO because he killed my beautiful wife akutagawa even if he got better) but because i hate his dumbass time traveling swords that keeps rewinding the arc. Also i feel like we're supposed to get attached to him in such a short period of time and i??? I dont??? Think it worked?? Like when he dies im sad because fukuzawa is sad but not because he died. If we'd had longer to stew on their relationship maybe it wouldve been sad. But we only have like 1 arc and i dont care ab him. Die
Anyways yeah ur always welcome to be a hater in my inbox i will always join in <3 love andlight
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