#this is just fanmade
artnrandomness · 1 year
Egghog and the Hungry Hero
Know that this is NOT canon to the OG Hungry Hero story and is just a fanmade thing I made with my Sonic.exe OC, Egghog. Hungry Hero belongs to @sonicexelle-junkary 
Sonic woke up, all groggy and dizzy. He didn't know where the hell he was. All he remembered was that he was going to eat Shadow after killing him. In his mind, he HAD to pay for just showing up and ruining his plans after all. But then he was hit very hard in the head. Getting his head together, the hedgehog slowly but steadily got up. As he observed his surroundings, he noticed that they look and feel familiar, and yet unfamiliar at the same time. So he decided to look around. As he did, he noticed just how awfully quiet it was, with the sounds of the steps from his shoes being the only things breaking the silence.
“Just where AM I?” asked the Hungry Hero to himself. He then looked at the empty rooms. “And where is everyone here?”
At every room he looked at through their respective locked down doors, Sonic noticed a strange theme with them: each room was mostly a bunch of laboratories, some for experiments, others for research, a few for many needs that the blue hedgehog himself was unfamiliar with.
“Geez! Whoever runs this place must´ve been PRETTY prepared to do all kinds of horrible science.” Sonic thought. Then his stomach growled.
“Shoot! I'm starving. …Oh well, might as well find something… or someone to eat while I'm here.” He then ran down the hallway.
Sonic underestimated just how BIG the hallway was, considering the amount of doors, windows and vaults he saw whilst running. He was starting to get tired and even more hungry, until he found the kitchen. “ABOUT TIME!” is what he said with jubilee upon entering. He was quite surprised to find multiple fridges. This led him to believe that either the owner of this strange building was a hungry sort like him or was just sorting food for their friends, IF they even had friends of course. 
When he tried to open the fridges, they were all locked with codes, all except the normal looking fridge, where there was normal food. While he was disappointed that there were no organs or flesh, at least he wasn't against eating normal food. After a few minutes, he was satisfied. But then, he felt sleepy until he gently fell to the ground and slept.
Then, someone entered the kitchen. As the individual looked down at the sleeping hedgehog, he smiled.
“Perfect. Time to bring you to your room.”
“Ugh…” Sonic began to wake up, all woozy like last time. But when he came to, he realized he was strapped in a chair, with no way to get out. “WHAT THE-?!” He tried to pull himself out, yet couldn´t and had already tired himself out.
He then turned his attention to the equipment that surrounded him. It consisted of tubes, containers, sharp objects, claws, and he even had a strange helmet on his head connected to a big menacing machine. Sighing in frustration, he tried to think about how to escape. But then, a voice through a box of speakers that moved towards him was heard.
“Greetings, hedgehog. You woke up just in time.” the voice greeted.
That voice. It sounded strange and creepy to him, yet oddly familiar in many ways. It sounded like Eggman, yet it also sounded… younger, almost as if it sounded like… like… who else does this guy sound familiar with?
“Uh… h-hello there, creepy, yet confusing voice?” Sonic greeted. “Uh… who are you? Are you Eggman in disguise or something?”
The voice chuckled. “That you´ll find out very soon. But what I can confirm is that I´m NOT Eggman. Well… not exactly… So first, I´d like to give a tour of the rest of my base of operations.”
“Wait… there was more than just a bunch of labs and mysterious doors?”
“Indeed. You´ll be surprised with what else my base has in store. Allow this speaker device here in front of you to push you to my office, so that we could discuss some more… interesting subjects.”
The moving speaker box then grew mechanical arms, jumped behind Sonic and began pulling the chair the hedgehog was strapped in along with the big menacing machine. “Oh! O-Okay…” was Sonic´s only response.
Exiting what apparently was one of the labs, all Sonic could do was turn left and right to see the stuff that was on both sides of the hallway.
“So… mysterious voice… what's with all the labs?” The blue blur asked.
“Simple!” the voice responded. “I´m an… inventor of sorts, along with being a scientist and researcher on MANY areas: nature, lifeforms, such as organic, mutated or biorganic, alien, space, time, magical properties, every single science you can possibly think of, even the most ridiculous sounding ones.”
The speaker then turns right to a slightly smaller hallway, where a big beefy and expensive door begins to open.
“But my expertise, hedgehog, is my work on the science… of the multiverse!” As the door finished opening, the hallway Sonic now entered was that of a multitude of prison cells. But the most shocking part about it was the amount of lookalikes of Sonic himself and his former and dead friends, big and small, strong or weak, good or evil, smart or dumb, brave or scared, sane or insane, every version of equal and opposite you could possibly imagine.
Now if Sonic was his pre-cannibalistic self, he would’ve been saddened by this sight, possibly angry and willing to save everyone in the cells he could and maybe offer the evil ones a chance of redemption and freedom. But instead, he was impressed with what prisoners were behind those cells, even ones that either looked tasty to him or scared him a little. He was starting to grow bored again, hungry for the second time even. But eventually, after going through another door, he saw it. The door to his “working office” as the sign called it.
When entering the building, Sonic got to quickly look around the room. He noticed it was full of screens, especially a big one connected to a massive computer. There were even shelves full of books and modern versions of what looked like to be disks and VHS tapes. But when he then turned his attention to the front, where he was greeted with the individual that tied him up in the chair he was sitting on, his back turned on him while sitting in his own, even bigger chair.
“Hello there.” the individual greeted, while putting away the phone he used to talk through the speaker bot. “Nice to have you here in my office.”
“Hey there…” Sonic said. “Um, shouldn't you turn towards me? It's rude to turn your back on someone, you know.”
“In due time. You WILL see who I am, but for the time being, it's best to keep it a mystery until the time is right. I don't want to spoil the surprise. And like I said, I brought you here to talk about more interesting subjects.”
“Really? …What kind of subjects?”
“Things like, I don´t know, favorite hobbies, your friends, your enemies, your abilities… your favorite food, perhaps?”
Sonic felt a bit uncomfortable with the last 2 words, strangely enough. But nevertheless, he answered. “Um… Well, I do like running as my favorite hobby. Not sure how many friends I have left, but I do know an Echidna named Knuckles, alongside a detective trio named the Chaotix. My enemy is one I mistook you for, that being Eggman, but I don't know what the hell's going on with him right now. My main ability is to be the fastest thing alive, but I can also dash and jump.”
“And what of your favorite food, hedgehog?”
“...Well. …Um… It's good old fashioned chilidogs… Man, those things are so good.”
“...hmmmm… anything else besides that?”
“...Well… I´m recently trying out a new diet on more… fresh food.”
“...I see… And by fresh, do you mean… fruits… vegetables… or is it something along the lines of… fresh meat? As in Mobian meat?”
Sonic's eyes were widened in shock. He couldn't believe that this mystery guy knew of him as a cannibal. Just HOW?!
The individual chuckled in sinister joy. “That's right, hedgehog. I know you´re a cannibal. No point hiding it now. I even saw you about to eat the arm of an almost exact copy of you before I knocked you out and brought you here. …I bet you even enjoy the people you have eaten, do you?”
Sonic, slowly but surely, was starting to feel angry that, whoever this guy was, saw him eating many people AND had interrupted his meal in the form of Shadow. With a crazed smile and look on his face, he began to laugh. “Buddy! I'll admit: I LOVE eating all those Mobians. The meat from their intestines, livers and other organs, all juicy from the blood fresh out of their skin. It's ‘MMMM’… walking food made by heaven itself… Now, I don´t who the FUCK you are or who you THINK you are, but let me tell you something, asshat: when I get out of this chair, you´re gonna regret ever interrupting me on my meal!”
A greatly huge silence yawned in the office after Sonic screamed out his threat. But the hedgehog began to feel his blood quickly run cold as the yawning silence came over him, even more so when he looked at the back of the individual who captured him, the aforementioned individual breaking the silence, yet keeping the same blood-chilling theme the silence he broke had.
“I heard all the threats such as that one before, hedgehog. You don't even scare me.” the individual said. “I even know every curse word the vocabulary has to offer.” “H-Heh! You think you do.” Sonic said. “You don't even know me other than my diet!”
“Actually, I DO.” said the individual. “I know all the friends you ate and killed: Shadow, in a fit of rage, his team, Rouge and Omega, for the fun of it, Silver, for knowing too much about your diet, a few random people here and there, Rookie, due to hunger starting to get used to all the Mobians you eat, and poor Cream, who, let's just say was in the way. Her mother, Vanilla, was worried sick about her daughter. There's also Tails. Poor kid. Looked up to you like a hero, yet died due to fear of who you´ve now become.”
Sonic, in response to the individual mentioning Tails, tried to lunge towards him, forgetting he was still strapped to the chair he was on. “DON'T. MENTION. MY LITTLE. BUDDY!” He shouted in a burst of anger. “Keep his DAMN name out of your FUCKING MOUTH!!”
Ignoring Sonic´s threat, the individual continued. “But I know more than just your friends, hedgehog. I know that you´ve tried to hide your victims, yet was caught doing so.” He stated. “I know that you salivate every time you just look at the individual you want to eat so badly. I even know that your diet began on Lost Hex.”
Sonic´s demeanor went from crazed and angry to surprised and shocked. He didn't even suspect that this guy was ACTUALLY there when he ate what he thought was a chilidog back at Lost Hex. He even felt a bit nervous when he realized that this guy actually knew about when and where his diet began and watched him on it, hidden in plain sight, until when he killed Shadow.
Starting to sweat, the blue blur asked. “...Who… W-Who ARE you?”
The individual, at first, was silent. But then, he began to laugh. As he continued laughing, his laughter went straight up into loud, insane, menacingly evil cackling. With each laugh, the atmosphere grew darker and scarier, even for Sonic. A minute later, he finished laughing, sighing in relief. “Well, well…” the individual said in a frightening tone. “Time to reveal my identity.” 
Finally turning his chair around to face Sonic, the individual grinned. As for the said hedgehog, he gasped in complete shock, not able to believe who the hell he was talking to all this time. The individual was a version of Sonic. But he was very different. The blue color on his quills was almost completely desaturated into a white-like color, his quills were like messy hair, he had big, messy, bushy eyebrows, wore fingerless gloves, a black, gold and red trench coat and big black and red boots, had markings on his body that resembled Eggman´s clothes and his eyes were black with red glowing pupils. And the worst part: he had Eggman´s signature smile, but bigger, scarier and more toothy. He was like a version of Sonic who had his and Eggman´s attributes combined into a singular being.
“Surprise!” The scary Sonic said before laughing.
“W-WHAT?! WHAT EVEN?!- WHO or WHAT even ARE you?!” Sonic exclaimed in both confusion and fear.
“You may call me Egghog.” ‘Egghog’ answered. “The combined minds of Sonic and Eggman into one singular body, made for leading an army of dangerous robotic minions and for carrying on the unstoppable work of multiversal genocide!”
Sonic could not believe what he just heard, and just realized he was face-to-face with a version of him capable of mass destruction, even worse than Eggman and his entire robot army. He didn't even know if he was even edible or worth fighting, but he didn't care considering the situation he was in.
“H-How did you even become… THIS?!” Sonic asked.
“Considering that you are impatient, being both a cannibal AND the fastest thing alive, allow me to give you the short version of my story.” Egghog said. “In MY world, me and Eggman were once family. He began his work of genocide, I went and killed him, had absorved his blood after killing him, thanks to the doctor reverse-engineering his own blood to enter my body should he be dead by MY hand, finally understood why Eggman was the way he was and continued his work of genocide throughout the multiverse, even as of today.”
“THAT was the short version?!”
“...Yes. …I would've given you the longer version, yet chose not to.”
“Good! Cause I do NOT wanna know that version!”
“Suit yourself. Now that you know my identity, it's time that you answer a question for me.”
“What?!” Sonic said rudely. “What else do you wanna know about me?! You already know a LOT!”
Ignoring Sonic´s rudeness, Egghog smiled and asked “Are you really who you say you are?”
Sonic was completely thrown off by this question. “Uh- W-What?” he asked.
“Are you REALLY Sonic the Hedgehog?” Egghog asked again with clarity.
Sonic felt offended by this question. “What kind of dumbass question is that?” he answered. “Of course I am who I say I am. I AM Sonic the Hedgehog!”
“Is that so?” Egghog asked. “Then tell me: Why do you claim to have never even had the title of “hero” in the beginning? Why do you act like everyone who knows the misdeeds they´ve done, yet doesn't care about suffering the consequences? How come you no longer wish for everyone to be free?”   
Sonic knew the answers to all of those questions, yet a part of him doubts it. A small part that felt big. He tried to form an answer out of his mouth, yet couldn´t. This didn't feel right. At least, to his more dominant cannibal side.
“Because here's the thing: Sonic will always claim to be a hero.” Egghog answered for who he doesn't see as Sonic. “Whenever he does something wrong, he´ll always do everything to make up for it. He cares for his friends and wishes to redeem his enemies by giving them a second chance, alongside having the desire for everyone to have the right to be free.”
“Sonic” didn't know what to say about all that Egghog had said, and stayed silent, because he didn't have an answer.
“YOU on the other hand…” Egghog continued. “...Besides all the things I mentioned about your actions and how Sonic does the exact opposite, you are sloppy in hiding the victims you´ve eaten. You care for nobody and nothing but yourself and food, to the point where, no matter how many times you get sick eating people RAW, you insist on eating it that way because of the taste. You even enjoy taking the lives of those you've consumed; not even killing and eating a child of all people has stopped you. You are so excited about eating people that just the mere sight of it makes you drool and salivate. You don't even restrain yourself, either by accident or on purpose. All of these things you did, Sonic would NEVER do, even if being turned into a cannibal like you. Hence why I don't believe you are who you claim yourself to be.”
The Hungry Hero would´ve been surprised with how much Eggman had pointed out about his actions if he wasn't prepared to correct the Sonic-turned-Eggman on a few aspects.
“You know, the part where you said that I care only for myself and food is NOT true!” Sonic said. “I cared about Tails and still did even when he died. I even restrained myself from eating him when he was still alive. I may not regret eating anybody else, but if there's one thing I would regret, it would be eating Tails. I´m glad I didn´t eat him, cause if I did, I would NEVER forgive myself!”    
Egghog chuckled at that “correction”. “That's what you think, hedgehog.” he began to explain. “But, despite it being true that you have not eaten the fox, and shown some surprising restraint around him, you would only keep his literal heart close… until it rots away. Deep down, you only cared about his insides, and the possibility of how delicious they would´ve been. And if there was ANY voice in your head that told you that you only think with your stomach, that voice would be more than correct.”
Once again, “Sonic'' tried to lunge at Egghog, but was once again reminded that he was strapped down. ''STOP! SAYING! LIES!” the hedgehog said. “I TOLD YOU NOT TO MENTION MY LITTLE BUDDY! I WILL GUT YOU UNTIL THERE'S NOTHING LEFT OF YOU, YOU LYING LITTLE SHIT!!”
It was then when Egghog frowned. This the strapped hedgehog noticed. He had forgotten how scary the trench coat wearing hedgehog can be. However, he's gonna get a taste of how people that make him frown were treated afterwards.
“I´ve been called MANY things and names before, hedgehog.” The frowning hedgehog said. “I´ve been called, and been known by many, as fast, strong, intelligent, merciless, heartless, destroyer, monster and so forth…” He then walks towards Sonic, grabs the blue blur by the head and gets close to his face in a fit of unseen rage. “...but a LIAR... is NOT. One of them! I may commit acts of genocide, but at least I don´t eat my victims… unlike YOU. What I TELL you is the truth.” 
He then tosses the hedgehog's head back and walks a few steps away, his back turned on the strapped hedgehog, who had now gotten a taste of Egghog´s anger.
“Anyway…” he then continued sinisterly. “With the evidence that proves you´re not Sonic all laid out, one question remains: who ARE you?” He then regained his creepy smile. “Fortunately, I know the answer.”
“You being sloppy in hiding your victims, being too impatient to eat, caring only for food and its taste, killing off people who know of your diet to prevent them from spreading the word. It all makes sense. You are not Sonic… but rather… his very appetite, twisted and tainted by cannibalism the very moment you´ve gained a mind of your own and grew powerful enough to use Sonic´s body as your own.”
His eyes were widened. His eyebrows were raised as high as they could go. He couldn't believe what he just heard. What kind of answer was THAT? “Wh-? …W-What kind of fucked up answer is that, EggNOG?” He then began to laugh hysterically. “You clearly lost your mind!”
Egghog frowned again in response to the insult he was just given and sighed. “...I´ll pretend you didn´t just insult me there, hedgehog…” he said. His smile then came back. “But I haven't “lost my mind”. Quite the opposite, in fact. And I'm gonna take us on a trip down old memory lane to prove my point.”
“Oh really? What memories do I even have that “prove your point”?” Sonic asked.
“Many!” Egghog answered. “Let´s first go back to when you… told Shadow you don't care about how bad your actions were, that you could do whatever you want and that no one could stop you, not even Tails.”
The strapped hedgehog's eyes widened as that memory came back to him. He did remember saying that to Shadow while he was incapacitated.
“You see, SONIC asked himself, after you mentioned Tails, as to why he did what YOU did, right there in that brief moment of broken control, before you regained it by answering “because YOU wanted to”.” The blue blur was silent towards what Egghog said, as all he could do was listen as to what else he had to say.
“Now let's go back to the moment where…hmm… OH! Where you were caught by Shadow and Tails, with blood on your hands and all. When the young fox approached you before zapping you, you stated that whatever speech you thought he had about how eating people was bad would not work on you. Well, it wouldn't work on YOU, but it would on Sonic, because like I said about him, Sonic would make up for any mistake he´d make.”
The blue blur´s eyebrows burrowed as that memory also came back to him.
“Now how about the time a voice in your head told you that you only cared what was inside your “little buddy” and not the fox himself, or when you repeatedly told people you were not their ´hero´, or how you don´t regret everything you´ve done? I'm sure you remember all that, now do you?” Egghog wasn't kidding when he said he wasn't a liar. He DID remember all that, and remembering it all made him sweat like mad.
“Thought so. You already know what I said about Sonic, so I won't repeat it. but everything he understood, YOU don't even understand. After all, how COULD you? You´re just his appetite. The only thing you understand is EATING.” A part of the Hungry Hero couldn't help but agree.
“Do you know what's the driving force, nor matter how big or small, of everyone's appetite?” Egghog asked. The strapped hedgehog turned in scared curiosity. The answer the Sonic-turned-Eggman gave was “Gluttony.”
He then chuckled. “And here's the funny thing about gluttony…” he began explaining. “...those under it´s complete control care about nobody but themselves and nothing but food. They don't care if the food they want is bad for them or makes them sick. They´ll do anything to eat it, all because of the taste. Even the mere sight of it is enough to drive them mad with excitable hunger. All those factors fit the hungriest of creatures to ever exist, no matter what universe they come from, including cannibals. And unfortunately, “Hungry Hero”, YOU are no exception.” 
“...I… I-I…” The blue blur stammered.
“This all fits especially when you began your diet. You know, the day Sonic opened that crate back at Lost Hex… the very moment you gained a mind of your own.” Whatever it was, something within the strapped hedgehog made him feel shocked when hearing about that memory again.
“The moment he ate that “chillidog” moment you slowly, but surely, gained control of Sonic, slowly tainting his mind while he panicked about the mistake he made, luring him back to the place where you started to gain power.” The blue blur started to shake like a coward, frozen in fear, but not in hearing, as Egghog continued.
“You know the rest, hedgehog, but I´ll tell you all of it in case you start forgetting. When Sonic realized that he came back to Lost Hex, he wisely thought of going back, until YOU, as a voice in his head, told to “make sure he was right” about what he saw.” The strapped hedgehog froze at hearing this.
“That's what drove him to pick up that arm out of that crate… and then you told him, nonstop, to “do it”. To eat the arm. Thus sealing Sonic´s fate, giving you full control of his body, turning him into the cannibal you are now.”
At first, there was no response from the blue blur. But a few seconds later, his body began to shake and tears started to flow out of his eyes as he started crying. Looking out in space, something within the Hungry Hero, or rather, someone, was the one who was crying, as if he regretted what he did. Egghog knew who that person was, and laughed in joy.
“Those tears…” he observed. “That's definitely Sonic.” He then used a teleporter to teleport himself and the hedgehog to a big laboratory. “I knew he was still in there.” He then pressed a button. “And JUST in time, too.”
The big menacing machine strapped to the helmet in Sonic's head from earlier began to activate. As electricity zapped around it and lights and tubes began to glow, Sonic turned around frightenedly at his surroundings.
“W-Wha?! WHAT IS?!-” Sonic said.
“Easy now, Sonic.” Egghog reassured Sonic. “This machine will make you regain full control of yourself, while reducing your tainted appetite back to the way it was before you ate what was in that crate in Lost Hex.”
Looking at the big machine behind him as clearly as he could, a broken Sonic began to panic, all while tears still dropped from his eyes. "What?! N-NO! NONONO! NO!!” he screamed.
Egghog ignored his screaming while he finished typing codes in the big laboratory´s computer, connected to the machine. When he finished, he turned back to Sonic and said “It WILL be painful, sure, but at the very least, you´ll no longer be a cannibal after this.” He said. He then charged the machine, activating the helmet on Sonic's head. “And as for YOU, Hungry Hero, and yes, I´m talking to you, your time of using Sonic´s body as your own… has COME. To an END!” He then flips a switch, activating the machine.
The machine begins to shock the blue blur, causing him to scream in pain and agony, shocking him to the point where his skeleton could be seen. Every quick shock the machine gave Sonic caused the laboratory to flicker between light and darkness, to the point where the flickering even shined across the hallways, even to the prison cells. Egghog watched as it happened with a smile. He then pulled a lever, luring down another machine; a vacuum of sorts, with electrifying tridents spread out on the front and glowing tubes filled with what was the energy of the multiverse, powering the strange vacuum. 
As it lowered close to Sonic's stomach, it began to shock it with red lightning bolts, using it´s tridents. The bolts caused his gut to expand and move, as if a creature was inside it, trying to free itself. Then, with one big and powerful red ZAP, his stomach burst open, gushing out the blood, organs and bones of everyone the Hungry Hero had eaten into the vacuum, like a laser that started to fire. The screens and lights of the laboratory began to flicker as this happened, while Egghog laughed like a madman in victory. As that happened, Sonic began to warp in appearance, as he shifted from many versions of himself, from a tall Sonic that wore a bandana and bandages, to a smaller, more realistic one, before returning to his original appearance.
As he did, all the people that Sonic had eaten finally came out of his stomach and into the vacuum, causing the big electricity machine to power down, thus causing Sonic to stop screaming and lay dead. However, after the machine powered down, the vacuum’s lightning bolts went from red to green, as it shocked his gut again, this time, healing it like if nothing happened, and gave the blue blur’s heart a jumpstart, as he sprung back to life, panting and still in tears and shaking. Egghog walked towards Sonic, arms on his back and with his usual grin. 
“Hello, Sonic.” he greeted. “Nice to see you. Do you… recall anything the last time you got a hold of yourself?”
Sonic, in response to that question, recalled everything he did as a cannibal: the people he killed and eaten, the words he said, the things he'd done and the pain he caused. He began to sob after remembering everything.
“No… No, No!” Sonic said out loud, broken and regretful. “M-My friends… T-Tails! O-Oh Tails… I-I ate all o-of you l-like food. Oh GOD… I’m SO s-sorry… P-Please forgive me…”
Egghog was pleased. “Now THAT'S the Sonic everybody once knew.” he said with pride. “Good to see you catched up with what the Hungry Hero made you do. And I’m sure you know who I am from my conversation with him, don’t you?” 
Sonic, still shaking and in tears, remembered him clearly, and turned towards him to nod.
“Excellent!” Egghog said as he took off the helmet on Sonic’s head. “Now come! I’m about to show you my use of the remains of your… insanely cannibalistic persona to create the dawn of something both marvelous and spectacular. You WILL want to see this in action, because it’s just about to start.”
As Egghog walked out of the laboratory, the speaker bot pushed the chair Sonic was still strapped to onto where his maker went off to. Passing down the same hallway filled with the same prisoners he saw, the two hedgehogs arrived at an elevator. The elevator doors opened and Egghog went inside, Sonic entering after. After reaching their desired room, the two hedgehogs reached the main room of what was Egghog’s massive mothership: the throne room. Walking towards the view, the Sonic-turned-Eggman and Sonic were in time to see the destruction of the latter’s world.
Egghog’s mothership used the digested bloody mass of people Sonic had eaten as fuel for a giant indestructible laser, where it consumed everything it shot. And while the environments were getting consumed, the robots attacked, fought and killed the people that lived, those being the Mobians Sonic hadn’t eaten yet, even those that were far away from Sonic’s town, like Blaze and Silver, only capturing them if they were of any value for their master’s collection of multiversal remains. While Egghog chuckled victoriously at the sight of another destroyed world, Sonic was devastated, and believed the destruction was his fault, and that it could’ve been all avoided had he not become a cannibal.
“...Why?” Sonic asked. “J-Just why?-Why do this?!”
Egghog, still smiling, was pleased with that question, and happily answered. 
“Two reasons, dear Sonic.” he said. “You already know the first reason, that being my work. But the second is simple: whenever I destroy a universe, I always want it to be that I am their biggest threat. But annoyingly, very few universes already have their hands full with their own threat. Now, if it were like, say a monster that can easily be subdued by the hero. I wouldn’t mind. But if it was a threat that not even the hero can defeat, THEN I would intervene. I want every world I destroy to be worried about myself and how much of a force I am to be dealt with. So I do these worlds a favor and rid them of their own threats before destroying them. You, back in your cannibalistic state, was a recent example. therefore, I would rid these threats so that I could be an even bigger one.”
Sonic looked down to the floor in shock. He didn’t know what to say, but was too devastated to even care. 
“But rest assured, hedgehog.” Egghog reassured Sonic, in his own way, of course. The blue blur looked up to his face. “They’re at least with you in spirit. Who knows? Maybe they have all already forgiven you now that I’ve saved you. Maybe even your little buddy, Tails.”
The mention of Tails made Sonic sob in tears. Blaming himself for not going to Tails to fix his screwed appetite, he believed that he didn’t trust the little boy genius enough to save him in time, which was the reason why he cried.
Egghog then brought out his communication watch and called his robot minions. “Robots!” He ordered. “This recent Sonic is no longer a “hungry hero”. Put him in his cell alongside the others and be sure he’s well fed. You know what to feed him. Oh, and keep an eye on his mental state. It’s not… 100% at the moment.”
At the genocidal hedgehog’s orders, the speakerbot brings Sonic to his cell, with the help of 2 more bigger robots. turning off his communication watch, Egghog walked to his throne. Sitting comfortably, he pulls up a monitor to check on Sonic, who was just thrown into his cell and scurried away to a corner, knees covering his shame-filled face. Feeling like it, the Sonic-turned-cannibal pressed the speaker button to talk to the broken hedgehog.
“As far as you’re aware, you’ve just been put into a cell.” he spoke through the speaker. “A part of you believes this is where you belong after all the “evil” you’ve done, while another believes otherwise. Either way, it doesn’t matter, for you’ll be stuck here forever. There’s no escaping my mothership after all. Don’t worry, though. You’ll be well, and I promise we won’t feed you any “living beings”.”
Turning off the speaker and monitor after ending his little talk, Egghog just noticed his ship warping to the void in between universes. He knew EXACTLY what this meant, as he saw the former “Hungry Hero’s” universe explode, just like all the others he destroyed. At this sight, he laughed maniacally, celebrating another victory. His laugh echoed all across the halls of his mothership, including the prison cells, where a broken Sonic the Hedgehog, while free from his cannibalism, wept in sorrow and guilt from all the horrible things he had done. 
And that was it. I hoped you enjoyed reading this.
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palskippah · 5 months
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Hi! I give you this Stobotnik fankid I made a while ago :'y
She's Sofia --or Ivania or some other name ending in 'ia'-- Robotnik (coolest last name)
It's a compilation and also there's some Stone for practice bc I have no idea how to draw him pipipi Eggman is easier bc it's just his Sonic Boom design (I love it)
Some stuff about this universe under the cut!
(Btw if there's incongruencies is bc I can't make up my mind about the facts whwhw)
-Robotnik and Stone are married, very much married. Cartoon villains in love, I love that for them.
-["MARTHA I'M COMING HOME SWEETIE-"] Mixing up the movie things and the whatever's going on in the Sonic Boom, so Robotnik was gone for eight months and when he's back she's already born.
>Also the drawing is a reference to Icarly's "Whatcha got there?" "A smoothie" but she was clearly asking about the ostrich Spencer brought with him.
>Alternatively, Eggman's there and they go through the journey together yippiee. Choosing names, making evil parenting plans and whatever, being their idiot selves.
(After celebrating because they're good news actually) "I want a boy or a girl-" (Eggman) "Yeah me too." (Stone) "-and we should name them a single, worth of remembering name! Like... Eggette for a girl and Eggson for a boy." "I'm not letting you name them any of that, doctor..." "Okay, then how about Beyonce for a girl and-"
>They wouldn't have kids (?? maybe? I don't really know, I only know sonic boom and the movie :'U)- but she was probably the 1% the birth control warns you about. Also, Stobotnik got a very active seggsual life, and I'm imagining she came to be from a quickie over the desk, why not.
>Helpful diagram of Eggman + Stone kissing and then = baby. They were in work hours.
-In the one where he comes back and the baby's already there, Eggman does a terrible job as a father the few first months, but then he gets the hang of it and it's not so bad.
>He gets projectile vomited on and he's immediately asking to get an abortion (the baby's already born) (he didn't give birth to her), Stone says no anyways.
>"Surprisingly, I'm a good father" he thinks one day and it's because he's still very much an orphan here with no frame of comparation or example aside from researching the matter.
-In the one where they wait for her together, he does all the research necessary in all those months, absolutely refusing in doing an average job in that matter, he's the great Ivo Robotnik c'mon. He excels at anything and he'll be a great father (jk he's terrified of fucking up).
-The Stobotnik family is an evil but loving family, like the bears in Puss in Boots whwh criminal family✨
-For the funny of it, Sonic and Eggman got a sort of relationship like in Sonic Boom, so sometime maybe our favorite boy, Tails and Knuckles had to look after their child.
-Also since Knuckles broke Stone's and Robotnik's hands with their handshake, let's have him handle the baby with the most careful grip ever, just to demonstrate that he didn't have to grab their hands that hard aksdjask
-She's a big fan of Sonic and friends (Sonic the Hedgehog, not Sonic Wachowski, the second guy hadn't done even half the things she admires him for, but no one has the heart to tell her when she's a kid). Has a bunch of merch and all the comics of Sonic the Hedgehog.
>When she's a teenager she proudly uses her Sonic backpack in the same way Deadpool uses his Hello Kitty backpack.
-BTW Sonic, Knuckles and Tails are all brothers and Maddie and Tom's kids bc that's the best idea ever made.
-ALSO I'm definitely gonna draw that scene where Knuckles was about to put the baby in the blender and Sonic shouts THE CHILI DOG NOT THE BABY. Some day, you'll see pipipi.
-SAGE was created for various reasons, to be her sister (since she wouldn't stop asking for one but neither Stone nor Robotnik were willing in raising another human kid, thanks very much), to protect her, and also to answer the tedious "why?" questions that neither father had the patience for (A+ parenting right there). Maybe she was used for the original purpose too idk (I don't know that sonic game where she debuts).
>The child's delighted about having a sister, then she grows up and SAGE doesn't, so she has a little sister.
>METAL SONIC TOO MAYBE? Perfect lil american family, the two happily married parents and their three kids (one human girl, an IA and a robot clone of their alien enemy).
-On her early months she was called Pebble, because she really was a mini Stone, Robotnik went along with it (bc he also looked at her and only saw his husband whw) until she was a little older and they started calling her by her name.
>Alternatively, since Eggman was gone, Stone waited for him to return in hopes of choosing together a name for their child, and Pebble worked as a placeholder since she was just a bebi.
>Alternatively alternatively, Eggman came up with the nickname. ROCK-ONNAISSANCE 🗣️ also yeah I know he was going crazy from the mushroom stuff, but he's not above making silly puns, he's a dad now and also he's naturally silly.
(NGL I really gotta make up my mind about how it all happened ajsdkad)
-She's a spoiled kid and also a little menace, unintentionally evil, she can't help it.
>Good-hearted too sometimes, she loves Sage and does her best to protect her back (it's not necessary but it's appreciated anyways).
-Robotnik calls himself 'daddy' way too much in the live-action movies to ignore it, so he's daddy and Stone's dad (dada when she was younger).
>"These are my daddies!" (points to what's clearly two villains -but also good fathers-)
-She has Robotnik's eyes but as big as Stone's. They're the lethal-est sad puppy eyes ever (they work wonders on both parents and other people) (both men got beautiful dark brown eyes with visible eyelashes fight me).
>Look at Eggman's silly eyelashes:
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>Also, you know that picture of Lee Majdoub with the beautiful everything? I think he was wearing eyeliner so my Stone wears eyeliner too in contrast to Eggman's dark circles under his eyes JDJS😭
-She's the five-year-old that made Sonic fear them because 'they can be so cruel when they sense weakness' (she was brutally honest as any young kid is).
-Stone and Robotnik got Gomez and Morticia Addams kinda parenting. They see their child beating up someone and they're like:
"What did we do wrong?" (Stone while shaking his head in disappointment) "I know... she lacks resourcefulness." (Eggman) "Exactly, there's her baseball bat right there, why doesn't she use it?"
-Remember that Shadow said in a game that he wouldn't mind taking a candy from a baby? (fandub I think but still) This comes in handy when neither Tails, Sonic or Knuckles want to upset the kid (so Shadow does it instead).
-She plays sports too because she got too much energy. In each of them she loses her patience. She grabs the football and hauls it at the nearest team member, she throws her baseball bat to the ground and starts beating up whoever threw the ball that she missed, she stomps in frustration if she loses, she's great at dodgeball (sends her classmates to the infirmary).
-Throws tantrums and stuff and overall's an annoying kid if she's upset. Eggman's like UGH WHY'S SHE LIKE THIS?? and Stone's like Because of you, doctor (terrible temperament runs in the family and also Robotnik just spoiled her too much).
-I'm kinda dressing her up in the clothes that existed in my mind that supposedly Eggman wore (the weird dress-like jacket with the big zipper in the middle). Under her jacket there's a dress in the same pattern as the original Eggman's clothes, also she wears a baby onesie like that too.
-When she's older she's definitely proud of her fathers, but she doesn't appreciate the rumors that she's prone to go power-crazy like Robotnik did. Especially because it may be true, but what do they know.
-For the irony, she can't stand drinking coffee, but loves the smell of it because it reminds her of home (omg).
-THEY HAVE A PET CAT like I read in some fics and her name is Robot and she's a lil shit and also grumpy like Robotnik.
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>Maybe she brings her alive mice to experiment on all sort of stuff (like Pávlov and his dogs and the guy Skinner with his mice and cats (??))
-She gets to hang out with Sonic and friends under the condition of annoying him as much as possible. So, she complies. (She loves Sonic the Hedgehog, but she loves making her fathers happy more).
-Very smart kid but not to the level of Tails or Robotnik at that age, she's just got very good memory and learning skills and knows a lot of stuff ever since she was a little kid. More like a Matilda-kinda intelligence.
-She's a scientist when she grows up too but the kind that makes evil potions and serums and stuff aksjdk probably (chemistry things? biochem idk). She can make silly little robots for the fun of it but it's not her passion, unlike Robotnik and Stone's. PROBABLY. I'm still deciding.
-BTW LOOK (it says 'carefully crafted ploy to distract space porcupines')
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>While Eggman's there with the baby and Sonic in front of him going AWWW BABY BOO and making her laugh, Stone is sneaking up on him holding a chair above his head to knock him out.
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arttsuka · 11 hours
I made @wolfythewitch 's fox Bill design out of polymer clay
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It's pretty thin (so thin I'm afraid it'll snap in half anytime I lift it)
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Front and back side:
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sillypikmin · 1 year
ok but what if there was a fluffy pikmin that would becool i want to pet it
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my beautiful sons ... if i am not careful they will float away on the breeze ...
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plumsliva · 5 months
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Sky:cotl x Off crossover?! Omg!!! Gonna do more for this crossover thing later ofc cuz I really want to design guardians as seasonal spirits
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cryptid-stuff · 4 months
Been very hyperfixated on CoD... so forgive me for ghoap art ..
-click for better quality!-
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art-of-the-sea · 7 months
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Holder of the Light of Truth, Representative of the Virtue of Knowledge 🫐🥛📜
{ this is original art, not an edit 💙 Free to use with credit }
I put like 5 hours into him omg he's finally perfect 💙💙 I wanted him as canon-compliant as possible so he exactly follows the silhouette we've been given. If anybody uses him for something please tell me I'd love to know
+ simple and Blueberry Academy backgrounds
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ancestral-steppe · 6 months
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pokemon sun and moon - festival plaza artwork
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dreamwinged · 3 months
id love to know! feel free to elaborate if u want <3
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moon n ballora
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rotthepoet · 2 months
Continuing my mean lorenzo berkshire brainrot, he is so enemies to lovers coded.
Like he’s a 1990’s movie bully. Yknow that scene where Malfoy sends Potter a little animated note of him being struck by lightning??(i feel like it was prisoner of azkaban) yeah imagine that being thrown at your head. Like. Everyday in class
Hes like mean and pathetic and its WILD dude.
He so just shoves you when no ones looking- straight up pushes you into a fountain-
You dont even know what you did to get on his bad side! He doesnt even remember!
Its probably because this pretty(gender neutral) person(you) showed him up in class after he answered a question embarrassingly wrong. He wasnt a fan of that. No one can be that good looking and smart at the same time, that bitch is cheating!
He will be your downfall if you let him. Like. Sabotaging all the way. Your life will be hell.
His friends kinda noticed how hes different around you tho. Like he can be mean but not VIOLENT.
Its Theo that figures out its a crush. And he doesnt let him live it down.
“Ohhh there goes your girlfriend, gonna go trip her again to see up her skirt you creep?”
Things like that but im not a posh Italian boy in a British boarding school so, like, phrase it better.
There are two ways you could get him to stop.
Slapping him or crying infront of him.
Both would make him slow tf down and short circuit.
1. If you slap him, hes going to look down at you with the dumbest look. Like. No thoughts behind those wide eyes. Scream at him, shove him, stomp away. he raises a hand to his cheek and grins so big because you touched him! He lowkey gets a little bit ✨freaky✨and imagines it all over again later. The bullying stops. He cant stop staring at you and following you everywhere though. Youre not sure which is worse lmao.
2. Bless your heart if you cry infront of him. He feels so bad suddenly its not even funny. Hes like half hugging you awkwardly to ‘comfort’ you and is lowkey trying to apologize without saying the words “im sorry” its kinda just pathetic and weird. If you run away crying he feels like a dick and leaves you alone for a bit :/ the cutie is crying and its his fault wtf this is so twisted! He might buy you a little treat to make up for it.
Once he falls he falls HARD. like downright obsessed. Blaise had to knock him upside the head because he wouldn’t shut up about you.
He’ll be talking to a girl and see you and literally push her away by the head so he can walk and talk to at you.
“Hey hows your day going? Did you do something with your hair? Youre going to potions, yeah? Let me walk you.”
And youre like. What?? He was telling you that you reek not even a month ago?? Is he gaslighting you? This new form of bullying is weirddd
and then he starts presenting you with gifts and trying to hold your hand like wtf?? He blows you a kiss from his broom on the quidditch field. Steals the damn mic and says “this win was for ___” and points at you and youre like “hello??? Who are you?? Get away from me?”
But eventually you fold and it turns out hes a nice guy. Somehow. You sometimes look baxk and think “how did i get here?? Where the hell am i??” But then he gives you a big ol smooch and it all gets better.
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emositecc · 3 months
God I fucking hate Victoria the crybaby so fucking much holy shit. Holy shit, every page she's in, every scene, every fanart, every comic, she's got this painfully vacant, stupid as shit, fuckass personality on her stupid green face. Absolutely no part of her ugly as sin piece of shit character design is endearing. Her stupid fucking dress? Who the hell wears a dress like that. Her dumb fucking lizard tail? Her shitty, annoying bastard attitude ? The three thousand percent dumbass shitass fucking haircut that no woman has EVER FUCKING SHITTY HAIR DESING HAD IN THE HISTORY OF GOD'S GREEN FUCKING EARTH? God, I hate her. I hate her so much. So FUCKING much. Every time I see a comic or a fanart of her, it ignites my primal rage response and I'm overcome by the need to punt this shitty little homunculus into the fucking sun. "Boo hoo, I'm Bitchtoria the fuckshit whiny ass woman, woe is me. PITY ME 😢😢😢😢". Fuck you. Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you. You look like shrek but if shrek was written by vivziepop. Your dumb fucking hair makes your whole shitty head look like a hairy skin tag. I hate your dumb fucking dress and your stupid, empty googly eyes and your over-the-top shitty ass upbeat asshole personality. Any scene she's sad it invokes all the wrath and fury of a spoiled child having a meltdown over a chocolate bar in a walmart checkout line. And I know its irrational. That's the worst part. I know she's just a shitty fucking sad woman in a stupid fucking fan comic, I know it doesn't matter, I know I shouldn't care. But that's part of the problem. The part where no matter the might and fury of my hatred, the locus of my homicidal intent is alltogether inconsequential. I find myself laying awake in the dark in the early hours of the morning consumed by the spirit of Wrath itself, all the force and might of a flaming hurricane directed at a bottle of piss in a ditch by the highway. The absurdity of it all burns me to my core. What better things could this energy be directed towards? And yet my disdain for this stupid, useless, insubstantial failure of endearing character design utterly eclipses the intrigue of all other pursuits. I hate her. I hate hier on a level of my mind reserved for the worst of the world's array of sinners, and I can't even begin to justify it. Shitstick the bitch wife is, for all intents and purposes, the animated corpse of all of humanity's saccharine pretenses- every condescending, passive-aggressive statement of meaningless upper middle class suburban drama distilled into a single, hateable form. The fucking. Fuck. I have no words. There is no cuss or epithet in any language that can encapsulate the height of the emotions I am experiencing. God, I hate her so much. I hate her so, so fucking much. I want to light her ugly little dumpster body on fire. I want to graphically beat her to death with her own stupid fucking punchable face. I want to punch her to death. I want to bash her brains out. You know that weird feeling you get, when you see a picture of something so cute you find yourself overcome with the bizarre, inexplicable urge to squeeze it? It's EXACTLY like that, except instead of cuteness it's disgust. The wordless knowledge that her existence as a fictional work is evidence of all the failures of mankind. I find myself possessed by the will of a Holy Angel gone rogue with the belief that God has made a mistake, and I alone must correct it. This is the trial by which Samael himself fell from grace. This wild, meaningless rage. A thousand blades of shining steel cast with inhuman force in the direction of a plastic grocery bag floating on a breeze. What horrors must I have committed in a past life to be plagued by this torment now? I must Unmake this fictional woman
you've gone on sending me these kinds of messages in my ask box everytime i've updated my comic, even mentioning r*pe in your latest ones. At first I thought this is a bit, but now i honestly dont know. I think you need help and for your own good and mine, I'm going to be blocking you.
This probably wont stop you from reading my comic in other platforms but if you still do, please refrain from messaging me or whatnot because I will just block you again.
okay, thank you.
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^ and that's not even ALL of it.
there's like 50+ more
get help.
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how it feels to be in the dbh fandom when your fav isn't a white guy
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abrandnewshadow · 3 months
the only proof I can rely on in 2024 that frank/ft willz were one and the same.
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ft willz myspace blog poem "shits bananas when you're disinterested" exactly matches the one posted on franks 2013 website- crediting himself at the end. a very unique title for it to be coincidental.
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this and the eyeball
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this eyeball thumbnail from the 2008 skeletoncrew website is labelled as f.t.willz and will bring you to their poems. (eyeball w/ text) the other pictures of the respective artists bring you to their work.
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The one that looks like it could be franks eyeball is the one that will bring you to ft willz poetry. i'm all but convinced.
upon investigating the poems, there are no matches for ft willz poems on franks website except "shits bananas"
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here is how you can search frank's old website for keywords. no known texts from ft willz can be found. besides "shits bananas"
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by that same method, you can search for ft willz or ftw from 2005-2014 skeletoncrewonline.com here
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this image below has long served as the main piece of evidence of ft willz. reposted tons but no source.
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The first is supposedly from ft willz myspace blog, the second is the same poem on franks website.
The ft willz version of this cannot be sourced. maybe someone can find it. but the source to that image has never been around. just reposted.
wayback machine has very few captures of ft willz myspace blog (like 10) and only one poem can be traced to frank.
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I get that it is almost as crazy to believe the "I really like you" myspace screenshot is fake than to believe it's real.
If it's fake, they did a real good job making it look real. but text is so easy to shop, even in 2014.
So I have disposed of the "from my head to my middle finger" aspect of this theory. there just is not enough proof.
another impossible to source thing: the weird bible ft willz fans worship
there is a master compilation of "frank and ft willz" poetry pdf that an entire subreddit uses as its main resource- and most everyone who believes ft willz just accepts it as legitimate.
but whos to say the person that made it didn't just open word and get angsty? no one knows where it came from and no one can say how they got it.
this pdf is troubling because it provides many new works supposedly by frank/ft willz and many accept it all as franks words- without any proof of who the words it came from.
eyeball links: jpg, jpg with text, authors page with thumbnail "writings"- link is dumb and old)
ftw myspace
frank iero 2013 website
petition for frank to either deny/confirm the pen name (for what it's worth)
@myxchemicalximbalance edited this post with your frank photo. thank you so much for finding the eye pull frank picture so I could compare and contrast with the ft willz eyeball. it's pretty close I thought it was the same damn picture at first.
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placeholder-mcd · 19 days
(Obligatory "I sound like I'm speaking objectively from authority but this is just my opinion and it's okay for you to like media I dislike for whatever reasons you may have")
Okay so like. while "the minecraft move trailer is so bad that it makes minecraft story mode look good in comparison" is both true and funny, can we please not start pretending that story mode is a well-crafted piece of media. as someone who has played through it multiple times (first when it originally came out and I was 12 and thought it was awesome, then later as an interactive Netflix experience with friends for so-bad-it's-good reasons) I feel pretty qualified to say it blows
Like, yes. There are so many things that MCSM got right that the movie apparently got wrong. But, like, they're all extremely common-sense things to get right -- like having the whole thing be animated, and maintaining a visual style that feels consistent with minecraft, and spending time with individual aspects of the minecraft experience that have their own communities (like redstone contraptions). that sense seems a little less common now that the movie trailer exists, but still, these are all bare minimum expectations of a piece of narrative-driven media set in Minecraft.
MCSM still completely fails, however, to have any compelling characters (RIP Reuben you were just as annoying as everyone else) or non-grating dialogue. The universe they depict isn't even well thought out! Like, okay, example:
Right off the bat, they make a big decision about how they're going to handle MCSM: they are not telling a story about people playing Minecraft the video game, but are instead depicting a universe where Minecraft is inhabited by a civilization of NPCs that have identical abilities to a player (aside from like, pausing the game or changing settings or what have you). This, in itself, is not a bad decision, but it puts the writers in a position where they need to conceptualize what is effectively a Minecraft AU. You're not playing survival mode or creative mode, you're playing Story mode. In this AU, humans exist in the minecraft world and have for a long time (centuries, at least?), they've built cities, they have language, etc. Imagine you're Jesse. Imagine you've grown up inside of Minecraft. Everyone is playing on hardcore, there is no respawning, and you live in a world filled with strange and dangerous creatures that seem hell-bent on killing you. Why the Fuck does anyone go out at night. Why isn't literally everyone combat-trained. Why is Jesse acting like he's never seen a Creeper before. Why is Petra the only member of the main party who knows how to craft a pickaxe.
At the build competition, the party is surprised that the reigning building team has a beacon. But nobody takes a second to actually investigate what that means. Did their team intentionally spawn and defeat a Wither? Doesn't that make them more badass and legendary than the order of the stone? Is there a black market for nether stars? (I think Petra is probably the one who gave them the beacon since she also trades Ivan a Wither skull. But like. Why isn't literally anyone else just going and doing what Petra does. Why aren't they impressed)
Ivan having access to a Command Block is also insane. Like, it has potential to be an extremely cool choice -- did Ivan find a way to break the fourth wall? Did he find an exploit in Minecrafts code that allowed him to obtain this? The command block has the power to just generate resources out of thin air. Ivan could actually use it to become a god and give himself creative mode. But okay, we can assume that the command block is just... Different, in the AU. Fine. It's a computing center / power core for the Wither Storm. Sure
But, like. I, even as an 11 year old, knew everything there was to know about minecraft when I played story mode (and, unlike the Movie, MCSM was actually attempting to appeal to the existing fanbase), so watching these characters who have lived for DECADES within the Minecraft universe just. Be helpless and completely clueless as to how the universe works? It makes me hate like all of them. I don't care about Jesse or Gabriel and if I actually had the freedom to perform the basic actions I could perform in Minecraft -- mining, building, and crafting -- I could use my game knowledge to pretty swiftly end the entire conflict at like any point in the story. And I'm not very good at video games. But I would expect a character who's been LIVING IN THE MINECRAFT WORLD TO BE ABLE TO DO THAT. BECAUSE THEY'D BE BETTER AT MINECRAFT THAN ANY OF US.
The whole thing is a contrived and buggy mess that feels like it was written by a Hollywood CEO who watched someone play the game for 30 minutes, looked up some basic information like how to beat the game and whether there's any in-game lore, and then riffed on that until a script outline was finished. The programmers, visual artists, and composers clearly did a ton of work to make MCSM feel like minecraft. And they did a good job -- clearly, a much better job than the Movie is going to do. But that doesn't change the fact that the Story -- the focal element advertised in the title -- completely misses the fucking mark and centers around a group of characters who are largely incompetent and stupid in an unfunny and uninteresting way. MCSM was a shitty cashgrab by telltale games and I am not apologizing to it.
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plumsliva · 4 months
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More for OFF x Sky:cotl crossover thing! Unfortunately, I like Japhet more than other Guardians so yeah
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