#this is just an excuse to draw our outfits :3
kaikonn · 3 months
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The other day there was a “Queer Goth Night” party at a rock bar, I met up with two other friends and this is how we dressed 💅 Represented here by the iconic trio
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logansargeantsbabymom · 3 months
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
Oscar Piastri x Fem!Reader , Lando Norris x Fem!Reader
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Warning: cursing, douchebag Oscar, cheating
A/N: I definitely did lie to you guys, I promise you that I am working on TGTSG pt 8, it's just taking more time than I'd like to admit! Sorry and I hope this makes this situation better <3
Follow my instagram account (THATS STRICTLY FOR THIS BLOG) for updates on when i post and fun stuff like that!
F1 Masterlist
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Was any of it true? Gazing at me starry-eyed. 
“Oscar, c’mon we’re going to be late!!!” I said ushering my boyfriend out of our bedroom closet. 
A light chuckle left his lips as he emerged from the magical sliding mirror doors “Babe, it’s only the car reveal. It’s okay if we’re a tiny bit late” Oscar said as he walked over to me, rubbing a hand up and down my shoulders
An unamused look became present on my face “Baby, you know how much I can’t stand being just a millisecond off schedule, right now you have us 10 minutes behind! You’re killing me here!!” I added a bit of an exaggerated sigh as I dragged out that last sentence. 
I wouldn’t say I had OCD or whatever but if anything and I mean ANYTHING was just the slightest bit off, I wouldn’t be able to focus on whatever task was at hand before it was fixed. 
“Okay, okay. Let’s go. Thank god you’re dating a Formula 1 driver who knows a thing or two about driving fast. I promise we’re going to be there on time.” A small smile made its way on the corners of Oscars mouth as he grabbed my hand and guided me out of the house and to his McLaren.
And your Jehovah’s Witness suit. Who the fuck was that guy?
We’d arrived at the headquarters just under 2 minutes till Zak had to go up and make his big speech before revealing the 2024 season’s car.
Oscar and I tried to make our quiet entrance as to not draw attention to us being technically 30 minutes late. 
See the drivers and the workers that didn’t help set everything up had to be there at 8:00pm whereas everyone else who had a special invitation had to be there at 8:20pm and then Zak’s speech would take place at 8:30pm but thanks to Oscar just NEEDING to find the perfect outfit himself instead of just putting on the one that his assistant brought him, he made us super late. 
Lando was the first to notice our not so subtle attempt at being sneaky “Mate, if you wanted to shag your girlfriend you couldn’t given me a heads up so I could’ve made up an excuse as to why you weren’t here when you were supposed to.” 
Embarrassment flooded my cheeks at the thought of more than half the people in our vicinity thought that t and I were late because we wanted to have a quick fuck before we left 
“No Lando!! We’re not late because we fucked! We’re late because Oscar here,” I started, gesturing at the handsome man next to me “decided he didn’t like the outfit that his assistant brought for him so he had to spend an hour picking and changing his clothes until he found what he thought was best for him.” 
My answer seemed to satisfy Lando enough because he wiggled his eyebrows at us before nodding, taking a sip of his very much alcoholic drink before walking away from us. 
“Oh my gosh Oscar, never again am I being late with you. I can’t have people thinking we fuck like rabbits all the time!!!” I groaned, rubbing a hand over my face.
You tried to buy some pills. From a friend of friends of mine, they just ghosted you. Now you know what it feels like. 
Oscar left to go get both of us a drink before the lights dimmed and a spotlight was shone on Zak, who was standing at the top of the steps.
Zak looked around to get a good feel of the crowd’s energy tonight “Hey guys, I’m the McLaren CEO, Zak Brown. I’m sure you all know why you’re here tonight but in case you don’t, let me tell you why. You’re all here because you either work here or was invited. Either way, tonight, we’re all going to witness the unveiling of our 2024 seasons formula 1 car! But before we get to that part, I want to call up my two Formula 1 drivers to say a few words. Lando, Oscar, please come up here.” 
And I don’t even want you back, I just want to know if rusting my sparking summer was the goal. 
I clapped and watched as my boyfriend and our best friend walked up to make their speech, Lando being the first to take the mic.
“First I just want to say: Thank you everyone for being here with us today to do this reveal, none of this would be possible without any of you guys and that each and every single one of us here at McLaren are extremely grateful to you guys. Thank you to Zak for believing in me enough to resign me for the next 2 years and uh yeah, I’ll pass it on to Oscar now.” That last part came out with a little awkward chuckle as Lando scanned the room before passing the mic to Oscar 
“Hello, Uh Lando said the majority of what I was going to say but I also want to thank my beautiful, wonderful, loving, thoughtful, talent girlfriend for sticking by my side” Oscar started as he looked deep in my eyes as the crowd around us ‘Aww’ed us “oh and thank you to Y/N for being there too.” he added with a laugh that caused the crowd to also erupt in fits of laughter.
My face turned red and my blood began to boil. Did he really just say that? I mean I could be making this a bigger deal than it is but to me, Oscar just embarrassed me in front of maybe 250+ people, who mind you might do a little ‘story time’ on their experience there and would add that part which means hundreds of thousands of people are going to hear about how Oscar embarrassed me. 
The rest of Oscar’s speech was a blur and I hadn’t even notice that him and Lando had left the top steps until I felt his arms around my waist and my body tensed at the feeling. Oscar’s touch right now made me feel sick, who did he think he was embarrassing me like that in front of hundreds of strangers and then acting like nothing happened? 
And I don’t miss what we had but could someone give a message to the smallest man who ever lived?
I shrugged Oscar’s arms off of me which earned me a confused glare from him which I quickly shut down
“I’m going to grab another drink. Do you want anything?” It was the best I could come up with. 
It got Oscar’s touch off of me and it gave me some space away from him, which I so desperately needed right now.
“No thank you, just hurry back” Oscar said sweetly as he attempted to place a kiss on my lips that I quickly dodged. 
I saw another look of confused flash across his face but I was too busy getting far away from him as possible to notice how long his face had stayed like that. 
Over at the makeshift bar they had, I poured myself a half cup of punch before making my way to the other end of the bar to fill the rest of my cup up with tequila. I closed my eyes as I took a sip of my alcoholic punch before letting out a satisfied sigh while feeling the drink burn its way down my throat, my solo bliss didn’t last long before I felt the presence of someone near me. Opening my eyes, I was met with one of my dearest best friends: Lando. 
“Having fun?” Lando said as he grabbed himself a cupful of punch awaiting my response 
“So much fun, I totally don’t want to be at home with a (favorite/drink) eating (favorite/food) while watching (favorite/ show) right now.” I said as I let out a sarcastic laugh which earned me a glare “I’m kidding Lando. I’m having a good time, what about you?” 
“Just a good time? Why not an amazing time?” Typical Lando to only catch the first half of my sentence 
“I have a mild headache right now, that’s why it’s just a good time I’m having right now. I didn’t have time to grab or take any medicine so I’m suffering right now.” that was the best lie I could come up with, let’s just hope that he believes it. 
By the look on his face right now, he was starting to believe the lie I just spewed to him. “I think Zak has Ibuprofen in his office, let me ask him to grab you some” before I could protest, he was gone. 
You hung me your wall, stabbed me with your pushpins. 
I realized that I was spending too much time at the bar and that Oscar was going to come looking for me soon so to save him the hassle, I made my way back over to him. 
Turns out he wasn’t going to be looking for me soon because he’s too busy having some blondie all over him. She’s running one of her hands through his hair while the other is resting against his forearm. The sight made bile rise in my throat as my stomach churned, I can’t be seeing this clearly right? Maybe I actually was suffering from a massive headache and that’s causing me to see all these things, right? This wouldn’t be the first time something like this happened, granted I’ve only ever heard of a ‘headache so bad you’re seeing things’ in movies before so I can’t really rely on it being a real thing. 
Once Oscar’s gaze quickly fell on me, he pushed the blonde off of him and quickly made his way over to me. 
“Hey beautiful, you were gone for a while.” He tries to plant a kiss on my lips but I placed a firm hand against his chest to leave a gap. 
Apparently me dodging his kiss for the second time tonight really upset Oscar because he rolled his eyes before bringing his concerns to my attention 
“What is wrong with you? This is the second time you dodged my kiss, what’s going on?” I could tell there was hints of an attitude lacing his words.
“Oh geez Oscar I don’t know, maybe it’s because I come back over from getting punch and I see a blonde girl all over you and you’re letting it happen?” I can’t believe he really has the audacity to question why I’m dodging his kiss when he quite literally was probably cheating on me in public less than 2 minutes ago. 
A scoff left Oscar’s mouth as he rolled his eyes at my comment “You’re kidding right? That’s what this” he gestured in between us, “is about? C’mon Y/N, she literally is my race engineer trainee, we were literally talking about work”
“Oh yeah because talking about work requires her to be handsy with you in public in front of your girlfriend?” I can’t believe Oscar was trying to downplay this right now. 
I watched as Oscar shifted on his feet before crossing his arms “First of all, you weren’t in front of us and second of all, she wasn’t being handsy. Sarah just asked what shampoo and conditioner I used because her brother needed recommendations and I told her the ones you buy me.” 
“That doesn’t give her the right to run her hands through your hair while holding your forearm, are you kidding me?” Everyone around us could feel the tension thickening. It was so thick that you could break 2 machetes trying to cut through it. 
“Go be insecure about our relationship elsewhere, I don’t have time to deal with this right now.” I didn’t even have a chance to get a word in before Oscar stormed away from me, leaving me alone in a crowd full of his co-workers and fans with nothing but my hurt feelings and confused thoughts about what the fuck happened in the last five minutes. There was only one thing in my head right now that was clear: I need to get the fuck out of here now before I make this a bigger deal than it is.
In public, showed me off. Then sank in stoned oblivion cause once your queen had come, you’d treat her like an also-ran. 
I don’t know when I got home nor do I know how I got home, all I know is that I’m home and home is where I’m free to drown my sorrows with a nice bottle of Brothers Bond bourbon in peace. Only, I wasn’t able to have a second of peace because a rapid set of knocks were being banged against my front door which caused me to jump at the sudden sound and tighten my grip on my drink. Walking to the door with an annoyed expression on my face I was met with Lando’s somber expression. 
“Lando, I’m sure you heard about the fight and I just really want to be alone right now.” I said as I attempted to slam the door in his face but was blocked by his foot.
“Ow, I didn’t expect that to hurt that bad.” Lando started as he tried to shake the pain out of his foot “Everyone knows about the fight-” 
“Ugh, great” I scoffed
“That’s not why I’m here though-” Lando didn’t get to finish before I cut him off again
“So why are you here? I mean no offense but I want to be alone right now”
“Stop cutting me off then. I’m here because, gosh I don’t know how to say this to you” He took in a deep breath before letting it out in one long exhale “I’m just gonna show you” I didn’t get to process the words that came out of his mouth before he flipped his phone showing me a video of Oscar and Sarah making out in the corner of the room before Sarah dragged him out of the frame. 
It doesn’t take a genius to know that they we’re going to find somewhere there to have sex. The video was a total of about 10 seconds and by the end of it, tears had already fallen. It’s funny how in a span of ten seconds your whole life could change, one minute I was upset over an argument I had with my boyfriend and the next I’m watching a video of him cheating on me. The sight before me made bile rise in my throat as I felt my heart shatter into a million tiny pieces.  I never knew that loving someone could cause so much hurt, that if they did wrong by you it would feel like you were dying. I couldn’t breathe, it felt like my whole world was caving in on me and I couldn’t do anything to stop it, that I was just there to watch this tragedy unfold. I never knew that someone who claimed to love you until the end of time could do something so terrible to the one person they promised to never hurt, that even after you watched video proof of him cheating on you that you didn’t want to believe it. I shared a lot of firsts with Oscar, the most important being that he was my first love, he took my virginity from me and that’s one that’s one thing I could never get back from him. Despite everything I’m feeling now, I wish there was someone who could tell me why my heart wants to go back to him. My heart yearns for Oscar’s touch, his love, his time, my heart just wants it all, everything Oscar is willing to give it. 
You didn’t measure up in any measure of a man. And I don’t even want you back, I just want to know if rusting my sparkling summer was the goal. 
It’d been 15 minutes since I found out about Oscar cheating on me and the whole time Lando’s been holding me as I sobbed into his chest, I was so hurt by Oscar that I couldn’t find any sense of comfort in Lando’s touch. I feared that I wouldn’t be able to find comfort in anyone’s touch because of how bad Oscar hurt me and that’s not how I wanted to live my life. That’s not how anyone should have to live their life, surrounded by so much hurt that you can’t find joy in anything. The pain was consuming me so much that I felt like the only way to make it go away was to drown it in alcohol and that’s what I intend on doing. 
Pulling myself out of Lando’s grasp, I leaned forward and grabbed the bourbon bottle on mu coffee table and brought it up to my lips. I took one big gulp, enjoying the burning sensation I was feeling as the liquid ran down my throat. I took another long sip before the bottle was yanked from my hands. 
“Lando please, give it back I don’t want to feel this. I don’t want to feel anything, I cant live like this.” I started to sob again, hoping he would feel bad enough to just let me drink the whole bottle. ‘
Unfortunately Lando didn’t cave into me “I know it hurts but you have to feel the pain. You have to feel all your emotions in order to get past this, I know Oscar hurt you but I’m here to help you. I’m your best friend and I want everything for you but you can’t drown your feelings in liquor, I love you too much allow that.” I almost wanted to believe the words coming out of Lando’s mouth because I know he’s not Oscar and that I can trust him but a part of me doesn’t want to trust him and Lando could sense that
“Y/N/N, I need you to believe me. I want the best for you and you know that, you know that’s all I’ve ever wanted for you but right now I need you to trust me. Alcohol isn’t the solution.” The look in his eyes were sincere and I knew I could trust him.
I buried my face in my hands as I reluctantly let the bottle go and allowed Lando to take it from my hands to lock it away in Oscar’s liquor cabinet. By the time Lando had returned to the living room   and saw my state he could obviously tell that at any given moment, I would start spiraling again and that was the last thing either of us wanted right now. I felt the sofa dip next to me before abruptly being pulled against a body.
“I’m going to hold you like this and you can talk about any and everything or we could just sit in silence but I can see it in your eyes that you want to be held.” Lando said as he rested his chin against the top of my head which I moved to look at him in his eyes.
I was able to whisper a faint “okay” as I looked in his aquamarine eyes, I never realized hoe beautiful they were until right now. Now that I think about it, everything I’m noticing on his face right now, I never had noticed before. I never realized all these little features in his face that made him beautiful, actually, I never realized how beautiful Lando was until right now. How plump his lips looked, how soft and fluffy his hair must feel against the palm of my skin, how the gap between us seemed to slowly disappear as I looked at him looking down at my lips and how soon the gap between us closed as our lips met. This kiss I was sharing with Lando felt different from all the kisses I’ve ever shared with Oscar, this one kiss alone had butterflies lighting fireworks in my stomach as I felt my broken heart mend. It sounds crazy, I know but something about this moment with Lando felt raw and real, it felt like everything I was missing in my relationship with Oscar was just found. 
The kiss consumed my whole being, I never want this moment to end. Everything felt right and nothing could ruin this moment. 
@luckyladycreator2 @itsmiamalfoy @jeffs77 @ilivbullyingjeongin @forevercaffeinated-lee @daemyratwst @gulphulp @callsignwidow @f1wintermoon13 @teenwolf01 @victoriassecret101 @hiireadstuff @formulaal @eddieharrington @kazza72584 @zabwlky1999 @dark-night-sky-99 @rougekiki @xoscar03 @jess-wither @bountychanti @dhanihamidi @Ggasly.p @tellybearryyyy @a-panseuxalmess @love-simon @tallrock35 @iiaik0ii @Milkyymelanine @ilovsyou3000morgan
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nxtaliaistyping · 14 days
Oh god, being a maid employed at the Addams family mansion.
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Authors note: I love posting the most shameless, self indulgent shit.
18+ smut, bisexual fem reader, threesomes, switch vibes all around
Going feral, you're a young woman who goes for the maid position, being part time means you can still study at college while earning some extra cash. The vibe of the family doesn't put you off, in fact it actually draws you in, which captures the attention of the lord and lady of the house.
Both of them are so in love, always having their hands on each-other as you're interviewed, as they explain to you how they aren't exactly a normal family. And both of them don't miss the way the other's eyes will trace to the image of your thighs peaking out from under your skirt.
After you leave, they can't help but fuck right there on the table, whispering promises to seduce you, to have you under them soon enough.
It starts with your uniform, which you suppose does fit with the old fashioned vibe of the family, however the traditional maid outfit is quite...short. So short in fact that when you bend over to dust, your panties nearly gave poor Uncle Fester a fright as he came in.
Sneaking glances at you as you clean, no matter what you do you have both Morticia and Gomez’s attention. Their eyes are trained on you as you clean their house and cook meals for their children.
“She’s so flawless, so sweet and innocent.”
“Oh Gomez, isn’t she just?”
You could cut the sexual tension with a knife whenever it was just you and them, usually they’d schedule you to be in whenever the rest of the family was out. And the whole time they’d take any excuse to be near you, to gently touch your arm while you speak, to brush your hair out of your eyes as they praise you for the good work you do, how happy they are to have such a devoted maid.
Any of you could crumble first (my money is on Gomez), but when that happens, there’s no stopping the couple from showing you all the earthly pleasures they can. And my god they're a kinky couple.
Their favorite thing to do is to have you in the middle of them both, greedy hands running over every inch of your skin. One of their hands always ends up between your thighs, circling your clit while your other partner's hand would be groping your tits, pinching at your sensitive nipples to make you cry out and whimper for them.
All the while they'll compliment you heavily, praising every inch of you.
"Such a good girl for us, and a gorgeous one too."
"oh tesoro, she's right. You're gorgeous, and all ours."
Or they'd take it in turns. One night, Gomez has you and his wife on your knees for him, kissing eachother over his cock before he fucks you both. Another night, Morticia has you both bound as she tortures you two so deliciously that by the end, you and Gomez are slurring your words. And one glorious night they hand the reigns completely to you, allowing you to be in control.
After a while, the three of you would settle into a routine. You'd come and clean and do their laundry, and in return they'd make you cum at least three times. Most likely they'll up your pay too, telling you how such a gorgeous hardworking girl shouldn't have to worry about finances.
Reaching up to grab something, only to feel Morticia's hands grope under your dress. Bending over slightly and feeling Gomez's bulge pressed firmly against your ass.
Just being their little pet, so eager to serve them in every way <3
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radioroxx · 2 months
*slides you $500 in monopoly money* spare deets about the isafrin kids? i love them soooooooo much and would love love love to know even more!!!
like!! how did they get wished into existence? were they just There one day as small kids, or did they come as babies? did aurore come first and then eile? and isafrin!!! they look different!!?!!?! love love love love postcanon designs and would love to hear your thoughts on them (and! their bonding earrings??)
Ok first- WISH BABIES!!!
uh. uhm. uh
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ahah. oops!!
though we did get to discussing a few options after getting this ask (more like. i. asked them. and they provided. im not the thinker in this group. hehe!)
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(@chromatasia )
for context on this one- i believe a while ago we also talked about wishing involving sacrificing? the idea of givinf up a piece of yourself (sometimes physically, like hair) to help power a wish! or link yourself to it?
a second option (three whole screenshots…)
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(@unregisteredskybox )
carve your own baby!! yay!
general idea for our fankids though is that yes, they were created super young. and as babies. so aurore wouldve been crafted a few years before eilé :)
so yea ur two options <3 pick i guess lol. i dont have a solid idea there.
the second half of your questions- yes!! isafrin! theyre older and different!! wahoo!
the older isafrin designs were moreso. i wanted to have a little fun and made them. lawl. but now i get an excuse to share anyway :) so here!!
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numbered the details to make it a lil easier. also dont mind these r quick scribbles,,
1- general outfits and stuff. siffrins i wanted to keep mostly similar to how i usually draw them. sleeveless top, horrible and unnecessary amount of belts,, knowing that hes maybe not as eager to change as some others might be. they are comfortable in their style and thats what matters. for isabeau i wanted to keep a familiar vibe, but still change it up. i think he would still wear clothes that are flowy-er etc etc, buuut yeayeayea. not an outfits guy really so jfkf theyre pretty simple.
2- themb!! they look different! siffrins hair is longer obv obv, and no lightless dye anymore. they tie it back usually, but he still likes it long. also some facial hair. important to me. (you may also notice lack of eyepatch,, personal hc that siffrin gets more comfortable without it after making up with bonnie some more. that he maybe depending on it a lot because he thought it would make them uncomfortable, which theyyy dont have to worry about. anymore! so less eyepatch. sometimes still though). isa on the other hand looks mooostly the same! except. ofc. bigger beard. you guys should know i love my beards by now. lawl. other than that mostly the same,, physical pain in me trying to think of a different hairstyle for him… maybe in the future but for now he gets This.
3- new cloak-thing for sif! his regular cloak is probably much more well suited for the travelling lifestyle, much less the domestic stay-at-home lifestyle, soo they changed it up! (and totally not an excuse for isabeau to try out craft stitching nooo definitely not as practice for the future whaat who said that.) they will still wear the old cloak occasionally, buuut not as often as they used to.
4- finally! bonding earrings!!! yes! the designs themselves are pretty simple. squares and change symbols for the design sif made for isa, and a star with bits that go ding-ding that isa made for sif. more importantly, siffrin carved the earrings himself! it is. hard. to do that. a design that is so small. there were many failed attempts and scraped ideas but they got it done! and isa loves them very much. for isas design, the main star part is glass, and the dangling bits are carved gems (picture isabeau, panicking because this is siffrin hes making these for so it needs to be perfect. and he gets odile to help him, because despite all the teasing she is ofc very fond, and helps him out with that aspect of the design.)
ok thats all - bye bye bye
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jokerislandgirl32 · 6 months
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Happy anniversary to Ziolet!!! :D I literally love you and Zach so much.... I was glad to have an excuse to make a little doodle of you guys dancin' :3
You're amazing!! And HAPPY ANNIVERSARY AGAIN!!!! <33
Zach and My reaction when seeing this:
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My/Violet’s response: Thank you, thank you, thank you soooo much for taking the time to create this beautiful piece. I am so touched by this art, your kind words, and that you wanted to help us celebrate this special occasion! Dancing and music are so special to us and our relationship, and the fact that you incorporated that into this art makes me tear up, it is so special and touching! We love you too! And we love you so much for doing this! Btw, we are dancing to this song.
Zach’s Response: Thanks for drawing us looking hot together…ugh, Violet is glaring at me…thanks for drawing us looking AMAZING together, is that better, Vi? As Vi said, dancing is a big part of our relationship so that’s a great touch. I always like to have my hands on her waist while dancing…Violet! I’m not doing anything wrong, stop glaring at me! I was just going to say I like the intimacy of it! Okay? I also like that you drew Violet and I with coordinating outfits, Vi looks so good in my colors…. And, I love that you drew with her hair down, she looks stunning with her hair down…like a beautiful angel 😉.
Me/Violet: Awww, and now Zach is complimenting me? That’s thanks to this art 😊! Thank you sooo, so much for this wonderful art! I totally will be making it the new profile pic btw, and I’ll credit you!
Taglist below cut (let me know if you want to be added/removed)!
@snailchans-imaginarium @crunch-crunch-eat-a-bunch @changingcore @bitchywitchheart @stoatsapphic @3qu1us-main @fomybeloved @benreillyswife @creativegenius22 @genderqueer-bithing @serenitytodd1234 @mailiow @celestetheseaunicorn @barnesncavill @mayixxxmoon @gui-mauves @evander2511 @bat-anon @bejewled-wahlberg @mouschirambles
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cerealforkart · 2 years
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I made myself these little dress up dolls because everyone’s getting changed all the time, here’s the first batch, outfits pre-episode 13
Design notes under the cut
[part 2] [part 3]
* I would first of all like to thank Lincoln for being shaped like a model (long boy) and thus very easy to dress up
* I forgot that Link needed to tear off his sleeves to make Normal a diaper in lesson 14, so in lesson 11 he grabs a sweater when I assume he goes home between escaping the FBI and returning to school
* Lincoln is so comically tall the Teeny costume (which I just moved from Normal to Link and edited to match Link’s pose) only reaches his knees. It actually looked so stupid that I had to edit it to make the Teeny costume slightly longer in the legs
* Link has two roombas in his room, he’s a clean boy, he isn’t walking around Taylor’s house in his bare feet, he doesn’t trust like that, it’s sock time
* I actually originally planned for Scary to have more piercings, but I forgot to add them in lesson 1. Let’s just say her mom won’t let her go crazy on the piercings, from what we’ve heard in rad facts (wouldn’t let her get a tongue piercing or learn guitar) that sounds in character
* I wanted to do the Shit Garden logo on Scary’s shirt like one of those metal bands that only people who like metal can actually read, but I only have so much time and patience
* I want so badly to play with Scary’s hair more, but I haven’t really had the chance, I hope there will be more excuses to give her different styles in the future, I like the braided bun for fancy occasions a lot
* Big T-shirt and shorts are peak pyjamas, love it for her. Also, you don’t need to know how long I spent trying to come up with something for her shirt to say
* Don’t tell anyone but I kind of miss drawing Teeny’s big stupid head every day, it was easy comedy
* I did actually draw a Jimmy Buffet design on the shirt before scribbling over it, you can barely see if you look closely
* I don’t actually have anything to say about Normal’s dance outfit so I guess I’ll just take this opportunity to talk about my Normal design in general. He was the one it took me the longest to land on and I’m still unsure if I’m happy with him, I want his hair to be long enough to just sorta hang and be greasy, but not so long that it will get in his face too much and I still consistently fail on it
* Not much to say about his sleepover fit either. Froggy :)
* I had originally planned for everyone to be wearing their bracelets on their left wrists but in episode 8 it’s mentioned that Taylor is wearing his on his right, at that point I think I had only drawn Taylor’s bracelet once so it was easier to just change his and let him be a special boy (also, they keep the bracelets on post-FBI because Taylor never really has an opportunity to take it off and the others wear theirs in solidarity)
*After Lesson 10, Taylor swaps out the crest of friendship from Digimon to wear his dad’s ring of swapping as a necklace, he tends to grab at it when his dad or the topic of betrayal comes up
* I hate Taylor for his dance fit. No longer my favourite son
* Not really a design note but I watched the Sailor Moon dub in three parts on youtube with my little sister huddled around our home computer after school, we’re real OGs
* I finally decided to add the Joker makeup to my Hermie design, I found a powdery sorta brush to use for it so now he’s a true clown. Good for him I guess
* You may notice that I’ve tweaked my Hermie design and his colour scheme just a little bit. This is because white Hermie is dead and you know what? Good for him. I also made his hair a little wavier for Scam, you’ll start seeing the updated Hermie design (as if you can tell there’s a difference other than the very slight change in hairstyle) in lesson 16, because I drew the lesson 15 pages before episode 23 came out and I wasn’t going to go back and change them
* Stupid Joker tie. Hate it
* No sleepover fit for Hermie. Tragic. They need to have another sleepover and include him
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steriotypicaloutlaw · 4 months
So, I mentioned to some friends that the song "Princess Castle" by Jazmine Bean fit post-Roba Simon quite well.
Decided to draw him in one of the outfits they wore in the music video, specifically the bloodbath scene. (Not fully happy with how his body came out, but that's okay. It took 3 days to complete either way💀)
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Music video and lyrics below the cut.
[Verse 1: Jazmin Bean] Oops, I trusted someone Never again no more Oh, you wanna play house Well I'll be the daddy and you'll be the dog Is it true that you want a romance? So you're knocking on every single bitch's door It's not the way to go and Now all of us know and
[Verse 2: Jazmin Bean] Heard you're going round town Pulling heartstrings out and leaving bitches blind Making them want some more Then you're chopping all of their heads off in a line No, you're not even cute Surprised your only talent is spinning a lie I think that you should know You've got to fucking go, you
[Pre-Chorus: Jazmin Bean] Show's over, close the curtains You are not important To be honest, you're quite boring You're a dying flower, I'm the fucking florist You're the best, I love you the most You wish! You're a complete joke At least I know now To trust no bitch, no hassle A new wall put up In my Princess Castle [Chorus: Jazmin Bean] I'm a collectible, bitch What the fuck made you think you could step in my toy shop? I do not need you one bit, what do you think this is? You're excused, I'm my own boss Don't need someone to make me feel royal Collect my crown, gotta run And I'm really sorry, baby But it appears this castle was just made for one
[Verse 3: Cottontail] Ready or not Here we come You know you fucked up (yeah, you did) So you better run I'll surrender you to the knife (the knife) 'Cause you ruined my fucking life This is our princess castle Baby, you've gotta go
[Pre-Chorus: Jazmin Bean] Show's over, close the curtains You are not important To be honest, you're quite boring You're a dying flower, I'm the fucking florist You're the best, I love you the most You wish! You're a complete joke At least I know now To trust no bitch, no hassle And new wall put up In my Princess Castle
[Chorus: Jazmin Bean] I'm a collectible, bitch What the fuck made you think you could step in my toy shop? I do not need you one bit, what do you think this is? You're excused, I'm my own boss Don't need someone to make me feel royal Collect my crown, gotta run And I'm really sorry, baby But it appears this castle was just made for one
[Bridge: Jazmin Bean] Royalty is royalty Royalty is royalty Royalty is royalty Royalty is royalty
[Outro: Jazmin Bean & Cottontail] [bzzzz] Oh look, Cottontail, that fucking pest is back! Ooh! (splat bzzzz) hehehe, oh well
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mareenavee · 1 year
WIP Whenever~
OH yes I'm tagging a bunch of the the mutuals again for we have suffered greatly in tossing words at the documents. Proof below the cut.
Tagged by the most esteemed @thequeenofthewinter <3
Tagging: @paraparadigm, @changelingsandothernonsense, @friend-of-giants, @thana-topsy, @rhiannon1199, @snippetsrus, @tallmatcha, @gilgamish, @archangelsunited, @rainpebble3, @oblivions-dawn, @saltymaplesyrup, @the-storytellers-seer, @airiat, @elfinismsarts, @inquisition-dragonborn, and any others who have not been tagged :> Consider yourselves tagged. TAG ME. And always remember to re-tag mutuals even if they've been tagged, and especially if they've posted. Pile 'em on so we can outrun the notification problems on here and always be aware of each others' work LOL Below the cut we have NEW OC nonsense in a piece of an upcoming chapter 25 of The World on Our Shoulders!
“You have to help me,” the Thalmor said. “I cannot best her. And she will not let me close to my superior without leverage. If you recall, I shot you.”
Teldryn glared at the man, though he’d not be able to see through the chitin. He thought about it for a second. What manner of bullshit was this, anyway? He didn’t refer to himself as Thalmor before, despite the outfit. Despite the battalion and superior nonsense. Something was amiss.
“Yeah, that’s even less reason for me to help you,” Teldryn said, rubbing the inside of his elbow joint in distaste.
“See reason! All of that was for appearances. And, to be honest, my own safety. I saw how you cut down my associates,” the elf said.
“Appearances to who? The dead Thalmor? Sure,” Teldryn snorted. “Fuck you. Go figure it out on your own.” If he annoyed the elf just enough, his story would fall right out. That, or the details about Nyenna.
“Excuse me?” the elf asked, aghast. “And what, pray tell, do you intend to do instead?” His face and neck were slowly going crimson. Teldryn noticed his fists were clenched at his side. He smirked behind his scarf. Perfect.
“Sail this stupid fucking bucket back to Raven Rock. I don’t need a patron who summons dragons and demons,” Teldryn lied and let out an exaggerated sigh. “Not worth the coin. I’ll cut my losses.”
“Mercenaries,” the Thalmor hissed, the word sounding more like a curse than anything Teldryn had managed so far. Of course he wasn’t going to leave Nyenna stranded here. But the elf didn’t need to know that. The Thalmor huffed, drawing attention back to himself. “Fine. Fine, what is your fee? I’ll hire you instead. You speak in coin, right?” He fished around desperately in his robes and produced a coin purse. “They’re at a standstill. They’ve been since before we were sent to retrieve that Skaal bastard. And if my superior doesn’t die, not one of us is going to get out of this alive, even if the consequences take some time to catch up to us.”
So there it was. The superior was evenly matched with Nyenna, or at least held some kind of advantage she couldn’t overcome on her own. But what did he mean about the consequences? And why was he including himself in this problem? Not that Teldryn would normally argue about offing some Thalmor leader, but all of it was bordering on insane. Figures Nyenna would have gotten stuck in the middle of it. He eyed the Thalmor as he sat down across from him and placed the coin purse on the bench.
“Before I take this job, sera, you’ll need to tell me what you mean by consequences,” Teldryn drawled, “as I don’t see how this affects me at the moment.” He didn’t move. The Thalmor sighed and ran his free hand down his face. He swore in Altmeris, but relented, finally. Teldryn smirked behind his scarf. The s’wit didn’t think through much, it seemed.
“Fine. Here’s this, then, if it will sweeten the deal, speaking of fetchers,” the Thalmor said bitterly. “I am and am not Thalmor. I steal secrets from them and pass the information back to a friend. I have a part to play. Only, a scout returning on my own without my contingent will indicate failure. Failure will mean being sent back to Alinor for retraining. And who will keep the information about the Dragonborn out of their hands then, hm?” He interwove his own fingers in a nervous fidget. “I can only survive retraining unchanged so many times.” His voice trailed off as he scrubbed at some of the scars on his head.
“So you’re a double agent?” Teldryn asked, dropping just a fraction of his attitude. He tucked away the man’s apprehension in the back of his mind for later. “Why? Why not just escape?”
The elf was taken aback by the question, blinking as if the sentiment hadn’t occurred to him before. He sighed and twisted his fingers together for a moment before finding the answer.
“It’s not as simple as one would think to get out from under their control,” he said. “So I threw my lot in with — well, that part doesn’t matter. Suffice to say, our goals probably align closer than you’d think.”
“But you shot me,” Teldryn pointed out, “and poisoned me, no less. Then, you sit there and have the gall to ask for my help.”
“It was risk management and nothing more,” the Thalmor quipped. “Do not take it personally.”
“Then why did you not poison the Dragonborn?” Teldryn ventured. He’d already taken the coin purse from the bench next to the Thalmor without being noticed. He grinned as the man’s face twisted through several different emotions until he buried his face in his hands.
“Oh, please. At this point, you must know I never did claim to be a good double agent,” the Thalmor lamented. Teldryn let out a loud cackle.
“You can say that again,” he laughed and stood up with a stretch. The Thalmor peered up at him. “Let’s just go get my friend out of trouble.” He offered his hand. “Teldryn Sero, best swordsman in all of Morrowind.”
“Varlais,” the elf said miserably. He shook Teldryn’s hand. All in all, this one looked tougher than he was. He’d been a decent actor at first until the confidence melted away. There was an explosion from not far off, tearing Teldryn from his thoughts. He spun around in surprise looking for the source. Varlais sighed heavily next to him. “Yes, that’ll be the Dragonborn.”
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faereina · 29 days
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I intended this to just be a sketch, but i liked it so much that I ended up making a mini ref sheet of Aerine, the first dnd character I ever made. I’ve only been playing for around 2 years but out of over a dozen campaigns that ended early or fell through, she’s been the longest standing one ! So while her design and story is a bit “basic” compared to other characters I’ve made since then, she has a special place in my heart 🩷
here’s her spotify playlist and pinterest board too hehe
more random infodumping about her below !
Her campaign (Tales from Estaria) is from a homebrew world by my amazing dm! It’s very Victorian-era / steampunk inspired with lots of eldritch horror elements. The dress in her reference sheet (designed by @angeliets ) is intended to be her wedding dress! I had tried to draw her wedding dress myself before (which you can see in this tiktok i made about her ) but after seeing his design when joining his ko-fi membership, I knew I had to change it immediately. The veil is a bit different than his original design, as she would be using a veil gifted by her mother! Here are some more outfit ideas I’ve drawn (please ignore my inconsistent art style lol)
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As for the quote I put on her ref sheet, it comes from something I said during a session. For context, our party visited a very religious country where magic coming from any source other than their god is illegal. We brought with us a child our party has been protecting, Peter, who who had celestial runes carved into his arms after his family was slaughtered by a cult worshipping a being known as the Lady of the Woods, one of the four eldritch beings who are trying to end the world.
While stopping in one of the towns for a rest, Peter’s scars were noticed by a civilian who thought we had kidnapped/harmed him. We tried explaining, but they were unresponsive and Peter, who has aasimar blood and is a draconic soul sorcerer without full control of his abilities yet because he’s a literal child, freaked out trying to pull away and used some magic. With that, the civilians then started calling HIM a monster and attacked him which is all it took for the entire party to go off on them.
Of course, as a party consisting of two tieflings, a hexblood, a warforged and Aerine, and with 3/5 being casters, it wasn’t a good look and the people started calling us devils. We did manage to do (mostly) non-lethal damage, and the warforged ended up crashing a carriage into the building for us to get away. Aerine said that line before slamming the carriage door shut which was honestly a badass moment for her as she’s normally very polite and gentle in her speech. She was extremely upset at the audacity of these people to use their religious beliefs to excuse hurting an innocent child, especially when moments before they were SO concerned.
She is very protective of the innocent, especially children. Which is also why her dislikes include the part about not liking when her party members giving children weapons. Several of the members have given Peter weapons or taught him how to use them. They do have good intentions, as they want him to be able to protect himself in case of the worst of they aren’t there to do so. However, she strongly believes that it isn’t a responsibility or burden that should ever be placed on a child, and that they instead should work to improve themselves and their abilities so that there is never a possibility of such a situation occurring.
So everyone knows the reputation bards have, and well, she’s probably the least bard of all bards in that manner (hooray strict and sheltered upbringings in a society literally inspired by the Victorian era!). I thought it would be a funny idea to roll the dice any time we encountered an NPC to see how attractive she found them, and it backs a long running joke. However, she would always roll super low for everyone ! It wasn’t until mid-battle one day when the warlock (who has a weird Venom-type situation going on) was in their monstrous form that I was like, hm, wouldn’t this count as an npc since it’s technically a different being? that I randomly decided to roll and got like an 18 or something really high like that 😂 since then, I’ve rolled for many more npcs and even monster type creatures (such as this death lich we came across) and she’s only - ONLY- rolled higher than a 14 for monsters.
Well, she did also roll very high (actually, it may have even been a Nat20) when I rolled for the tiefling ranger after he came back from 5 months(5 minutes in the material plane) of being stuck in the Feywild with a hot nymph with a beard from not being allowed to shave. It may or may not have sparked a small crush on him since then. Funnily enough, last session we encountered his human version in an alternate timeline from our own, and she did indeed roll lower in her attraction for his human version than his original version. So apparently the farther from human, the more attracted she is. A true monster lover!
Anyways this ended up , much more of a lore dump than I expected! I love talking about her and her adventures with the party, so I’ll probably be sharing more once in a while. Maybe even sharing art of the party members? Who knows !
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ellakathrinerose1 · 2 years
The Prey of the night
Warnings: smut, fluff, bdsm, etc
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[Prince James of Romania]
I was packing up for the trip with my best friend. We had planned this trip to Romania for years, we'd been stuck in this small Midwestern town and needed a adventure, a escape. I was packing necessities and a few nice outfits. "Do you think I should bring this?" I held up a silk black dress sleevless, v neck. "YES!" She shouted "make sure to pack a sweater or shawl it's gonna be cold for that but no excuse to not be sexy" She chuckled. I shrugged and packed it away with a nice fur jacket.
We went to bed neither of us being able to sleep, we were just too excited. "You wonder if they'll be any vampires in Romania?" You chuckle "I doubt it, I'm sure all the vampires died out a loooong time ago" you both laugh eventually driving off to sleep.
Next morning your both sluggish but excited getting everything ready last minute touch ups to makeup and off to the airport. You arrive and wait patiently to board the plane. You were just scrolling through your phone with your friend when a man walked by with a strong cologne made you look up. It smelled sweet like honey but hard like a campfire. You noticed a well dressed man sitting across the room, he had a suit on and a long coat, long blonde hair and pale skin
You tap your friend "look up Greek God at 3 o clock" your friend looks up and her jaw drops. "You need to get his number!"
"No are you crazy!?"
"What I thought we were gonna live a little on this trip?"
"Yea but I'm sure he's got a girl with those looks"
"Never know unless you ask" She smirked
"Your a bad influence"
You work your courage up and walk over to him he could sense you approaching him so he looked up
"Um hi I was wondering if I could maybe-"
"Get my number?"
"Uh yea haha how'd you know?"
"I could hear you and your friend"
"OH haha well im sorry didn't mean to bother you"
"Your not bothering me beautiful please sit down" he gestures and you sit next to him
"So what are you going to do once you get to Romania?" He asks
"Um not sure probably get our room and relax then we plan on exploring draculas castle and that's about it the rest we'll figure out when we get there"
"Ahh ok well I'd you ladies are interested my friends are throwing a party at another castle a few miles from draculas castle feel free to come on by" he hands her a invitation
"Ahh well thank you I'm sure we'll stop bye for a drink"
"Glad to hear, I'm James btw"
"OH I'm y/n"
"Nice to meet you y/n"
"You too!"
The lady calls for everyone to board the plane you get up and head over to your friend and tell her everything, you grab your stuff and board the plane.
You tried to find James but he was no where to be seen you wondered if he was real or not. You decided to fall asleep and enjoy the plane ride.
You arrive to Romania and head straight to the hotel, you could feel eyes on you the moment you unboarded but didn't let it bother you. The next morning you woke up early to eat breakfast and get ready to go to draculas castle.
You and your friend take a taxi and head that way "I'm so excited it's gonna be beautiful!!"
You smile and say "yes I agree especially with this fall weather."
You arrive and both explore the building and the grounds it takes all day taking pictures and eating the main hall. You remember the invitation and ask your friend if she'd like to go?
"Hmm sounds interesting I think we should"
"Mmm okay, but if I want to leave we leave!"
Your not much of a party person but your more concerned about seeing James again
You arrive to another castle it's very lively lots of beautiful people you decided to wear your black silk dress, hoping to draw James attention. You go inside the music is loud but tastful you find yourself wondering over for a glass of champagne and grab one for your friend.
"So why do you keep looking around" your friend asks
"Uh just taking in the atmosphere"
"Mhmm more like looking for your future fuck buddy James"
"Excuse me I don't plan on him being my fuck buddy, he's just interesting is all"
"Mmhmm that's why I notice you get all flushed when he asked you to sit"
"OK fine I will say he's very attractive but it's not my intention"
Your friend spots herself a victim for her pleasure "hey I'll be over here with this hunk"
You roll your eyes and wonder off exploring finding yourself down a dimly lit hallway looking at the pictures you find one of James
"So you are real" you whisper to yourself
You feel a presence behind you but before you could react you were pinned to the wall
"Hello bunny"
"JAMES! what're you doing you almost gave me a heart attack"
"I know I can hear it"
"What do you mean you hear it?"
"Look y/n...look at my eyes"
His eyes glow red and you feel yourself growing more attracted to him
"No no no there's no way"
"Yes way"
He was a vampire
He showed you his teeth and everything he could do lastly he picked you up and you found yourself intoxicated with hid scent you just couldn't help yourself you laid your lips on his
He went deeper into the kiss while he carried you to his quarters and laid you gently on the bed. You looked up at him nervous being a virgin, did he know?
He started to undress you dress, tights, shoes, bra but he left the panties. He stood for a second admiring your body
"Your a piece of art" he kissed down your neck and chest
He then undressed himself my God he was a Greek God built perfectly
He proceeded to kiss down your stomach then your thighs and legs then working his way back up and started to tease around your clit. He removed the panties and threw them aside.
Your smell was intoxicating he couldn't help himself he dove right in
Licking small circles and sucking on your clit then moving down a bit to your entrance and tounge fucking you.
He brought you closer and closer to ecstasy then you came. But he didn't stop he kept going making you shake and jerk and moan louder and louder.
He stopped and worked his way up kissing your lips and sucking on your neck
He brought his member to your entrance and slowly teased it making you whimper and beg
"Your being such a good bunny for me" he whispered in your ear while he entered himself into you.
He moaned a bit
"God your soo tight, it's almost as if you've never- your a virgin aren't you?"
You shook your head yes fully of shame
"That's okay bunny I'll be gentle"
He started slow and but you found yourself craving more you bucked your hips and bit his lip he started to go faster he kissed your neck and was leaving trails of hickeys behind.
He grew closer and closer to coming but he wasn't quiet ready yet he stopped
"Wait whyd you stop?"
"I have a important question for you"
"Sure what's up"
"Would you like to be with me for all eternity?"
Omg he was wanting to make you a vampire
"Yes!" You just blurted it out without thinking
He smiled and bit your neck this time drawing blood. He continued to pump inside you while drinking your blood you felt yourself coming again you came squeezing around him and bringing him to cum.
He healed up your bite mark and you both lay there breathless holding eachother and drifting off to sleep.
[Pt 2 coming soon]
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rainbowangel110 · 1 year
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*cracks knuckles* Challenge accepted @bloodied-dagger :)
Have fun y'all :D
1: When you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?
More cereal cuz crunchy
2: Do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?
Depends on if it's dry air or not, if it's dry, NOPE
3: What random objects do you use to bookmark your books?
Unlike a certain someone I actually use bookmarks! There were these bookmarks you can make so you just put em on the corner of the page that you're reading and it's really cute :D really easy to make
4: How do you take your coffee/tea?
I don't drink tea, but I drink the fluffy coffee that my mom makes
5: Are you self-conscious of your smile?
Sometimes when my picture is being taken, other times it's "Eh fuck it, we ball."
6: Do you keep plants?
Does the bouquet that my sister bought for me from HEB on b-day count?? (They were white daisies that were dyed a light blue)
7: Do you name your plants?
8: What artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?
I normally just sketch it out whenever I feel like it
9: Do you like singing/humming to yourself?
In my head, but whenever no ones around it kinda spills out quietly (My singing voice is not great)
10: Do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?
Side and back
11: What’s an inner joke you have with your friends?
Lol you guys hang out with your irl friends?
12: What’s your favorite planet?
I have a soft spot for Mars cuz it's what got me curious about space in the first place!
13: What’s something that made you smile today?
My mutuals hanging out with fun tags to read and Percy Jackson and The Sea of Monsters
14: If you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?
We have our own rooms, with sunny windows and a balcony, maybe a cat, and it feels homey
15: Go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!
Ain't googling nothing cuz!!! Did you know that if you fell into a black hole, you would see time speed up so fast that you could potentially see everything that happens for the rest of time? And on the other side, from the other persons perspective, you slow down so much that at some point you'd stop, and then disappear? This is because the black hole's point of singularity is so dense that it warps space-time really hard, it becomes an inverted pinpoint on the plane of reality :D
16: What’s your favorite pasta dish?
Normally my family just boil up some pasta and throw in veggies, meant, ketchup and soy sauce.
17: What color do you really want to dye your hair?
I think it's be cool if I had a dark blue fade in, cuz my hair is already really dark brown
18: Tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.
Really old, from 7th grade lunch break, someone from the table asked "Hey, anyone know what the Spanish word for dog is?" and I confidentially go "Puta :D"
Which apparently means bitch :D so I guess I was half right?
19: Do you keep a journal? What do you write/draw/ in it?
20: What’s your favorite eye color?
OH it has to be amber or some form of heterochromia, sectoral or total to be exact, it's so pretty!
21: Talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.
Applies to my school bag from middle school (which I don't have anymore). Thing was with me through thick and thin.
22: Are you a morning person?
*glances at the clock* *1:35 am* No
23: What’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?
Tumblr, Reddit, read, and if I feel like it, draw
24: Is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?
Doubt it
25: What’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into?
Excuse me?! Yeah no never broken into a place before sorry
Oooh, a quarter of the way! Starting to regret opening the read more?
26: What are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit?
Sandals lol
27: What’s your favorite bubblegum flavor?
Like Dagger said on his thing, bubblegum is a flavor. And like Dagger said, watermelon. You can't ever go wrong with watermelon gum :)
28: Sunrise or sunset?
Sunrises are pretty to look at I will say
29: What’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?
When they ramble about something they're into and are very enthusiastic about it, very adorable.
30: Think of it: have you ever been truly scared?
31: What is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.
Socks are great, I don't wear em to bed tho. I have this pair of socks that have a base grey color with the border being blue and it has colorful stars on it
32: Tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.
Lol I've never hung out with friends on occasion, and definitely not till 3 am
33: What’s your fave pastry?
Cupcakes ig (but not too much frosting!), and sugar cookies
34: Tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. What is it called? What does it look like? Do you still keep it?
I have this stuffed doll I got from my grandmother for my first birthday (or so I'm told) and it's blond with and orange hat, dress, and shoes. I still have it, it's in my closet.
35: Do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?
They look cool but I've only ever had the multicolor pen
36: Which band’s sound would fit your mood right now?
^ Has never listened to a band ever
37: Do you like keeping your room messy or clean?
I like it clean (rn my cousin is in my room with my sister so that one is REALLY messy, meanwhile the guest room I'm staying is really clean and I like it a lot :D)
38: Tell us about your pet peeves!
Muttering under your breath. Annoys the heck out of me
39: What color do you wear the most?
Blue cuz blue jeans lol
40: Think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you?
This pastel earring set shaped like flowers/hearts/butterflies that I have, very cute (don't wear it all that much but I like it)
41: What’s the last book you remember really, really loving?
The PJO set I have right next to me rn, Salt to the Sea, A Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, Rise of Kyoshi, Wings of Fire: Darkstalker
42: Do you have a favorite coffee shop? Describe it!
Don't have one
43: Who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?
44: When was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?
Rn ig, it's really chill
45: Do you trust your instincts a lot?
I use them to gauge how to respond to people sometimes
46: Tell us the worst pun you can think of.
What do you call a lamp training for a sporting contest? An O-LAMP-ic athlete :D
47: What food do you think should be banned from the universe?
Would have said tomatoes, but they actually have a use (ketchup, tomato sauce on pizza etc), so pickles it is
48: What was your biggest fear as a kid? Is it the same today?
49: Do you like buying CDs and records? What was the last one you bought?
Never bought one
50: What’s an odd thing you collect?
I don't collect
Halfway there Dagger and Enb :)
51: Think of a person. What song do you associate with them?
Does a fictional person count? Actually fuck it, Nimona as "All is Soft Inside" by Aroura
52: What are your favorite memes of the year so far?
The Barbie and Ken mugshots are funny
53: Have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? Heathers? Beetlejuice? Pulp fiction? What do you think of them?
Nope, never seen a horror picture show
54: Who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?
Can't recall
55: What’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point?
Y'all remember that one time Dagger was making a joke about us Live Slug Reaction-ing Sofi and Human and used Esme as an example, and we all said "NAH they do the same thing", and I screenshotted a bunch of their posts of them being lovey dovey? Twas a fun day.
56: What are some things you find endearing in people?
When they are passionate about something and ramble about it
57: Go listen to bohemian rhapsody. How did it make you feel? Did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?
I can't listen to it rn cuz it's late any my headphones are far away
58: Who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? Why?
No one really
59: What’s your favorite myth?
There's a lot to pick from here....
60: Do you like poetry? What are some of your faves?
Not really a poetry enthuisast
61: What’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? The stupidest one you’ve ever received?
My mom is like "Oh, your friend (who I haven't talked to in a long time) it grown up, lets get a gift card for her!"
And then there was that one time I got perfume. Not a person who wears perfume regularly mind you.
62: Do you drink juice in the morning? Which kind?
Does water count?
63: Are you fussy about your books and music? Do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?
For my books? ABSOULUTLY!! Keep em safe so I can read em
64: What color is the sky where you are right now?
65: Is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with?
My friends Alex, Carolyn, and Nicole
66: What would your ideal flower crown look like?
As long as it's pretty I'm okay with one :)
67: How do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?
They feel cozy
68: What’s winter like where you live?
Cold wind but no snow
69: What are your favorite board games?
Scrabble and Ludo ig?? I like Uno better
70: Have you ever used a ouija board?
I would prefer not to mess with te spirits of those who must pass on
71: What’s your favorite kind of tea?
I don't drink tea
72: Are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it?
Nah not really.
73: What are some of your worst habits?
Chewing my nails and inside of my mouth
74: Describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
Artsy, talented, definitely got a hang on life
75: Tell us about your pets!
I don't have any
Almost there! 25 questions left :D
76: Is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t?
Sleeping :)
77: Pink or yellow lemonade?
78: Are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?
I wanna drop kick em
79: What’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?
My sister making Pokémon drawings for me on my birthday
80: what color are your bedroom walls? Did you choose that color? If so, why?
They are the classic whitish color, was there when we got the house
81: Describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.
Autumn but there's still green on some trees
82: Are/were you good in school?
I could do better honestly.
83: What’s some of your favorite album art?
Uhh I dunno any albums
84: Are you planning on getting tattoos? Which ones?
Never really been into tatoos
85: Do you read comics? What are your faves?
I have a Webtoons account, I love Hand Jumper, Purple Hyacinth, Castle Swimmer, Beetle Hands, Saphie the One Eyed Cat, Rooftops and Roommates, Lumine, Little Matcha Girl, Acception and there's more I'm blanking on
86: Do you like concept albums? Which ones?
Idk what those are sorry
87: What are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
Nimona (sorry for the small spoilers Dagger!!), Spiderman ISV/ASV
88: Are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?
Eh not really
89: Are you close to your parents?
90: Talk about your one of you favorite cities.
Houston is okay??? If you ignore a lot of stuff
91: Where do you plan on traveling this year?
Eh, not really traveling anywhere
92: Are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?
Honestly don't know, the soy sauce/meat/veggies do it for me
93: What’s the hairstyle you wear the most?
Was a ponytail until I got this haircut that's a little too short, so it's open until I'm able to tie it up again into a tiny ponytail
94: Who was the last person you know to have a birthday?
Charolette aka @angelcloves
95: What are your plans for this weekend?
Spend time with my cousin, maybe work on this draft of LDRAU
96: Do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?
Procrastinate, but not a lot
97: Myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
No fucking clue, Cancer, never looked it up and never gonna
98: When’s the last time you went hiking? Did you enjoy it?
No clue man
99: List some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.
"Pokémon Legends Arcus: Giratina"
Runaway by Aurora (I think it's neat)
"Help! Oh Well" by Something Else YT (Again, it's cool)
100: If you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? Why?
On one hand, I can go back in time and help younger me know that the bullies are gonna be gone soon, and that we'll be fine (and maybe deck said bullies while I'm at it), but on the other hand I'm uncertain about the future and myself. Can I take both? I want both please
AND THAT'S THE END FOLKS :D .... Hello?? Anypony still here???
Oh. Well, I'll leave this here if anyone wants to answer all of the question or reblog it :)
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ragin-rayquaza · 2 years
[Error: code:ghTyR]
[Admin Console Access Granted. Good Evening Dr. Grant “Frill” Wrightt]
[Restart Command Detected. Restart Y/N]
[Restart Successful]
[Auto-Forced Shut-Down Detected… Scanning Data-banks]
[Error: code:C06YT]
[Admin Console Access Granted. Good Evening Dr. Grant “Frill” Wrightt]
[Starting Captain’s Log Databank Recovery.]
[Error: code_pamphlet Level 4 Clearance needed. Current CL: 3]
[Override Successful: Access Granted]
[Captain’s Log, Star Voyage Leg 1, Rotation 1032, Galactic Standard Year 19385. Audio file only. Play Y/N]
{Y ReqTran}
[Transcript: Display]
[Beginning Log]
“Captain’s Log GSY 19385, Rotation 1032.
Excuse my language, but what the [censored] is this mission?
What the hell was Command thinking? This is a suicide run!
The only thing I was told before departure was that we couldn’t view the file until we were more than a light year away.
Shouldn’t have [censored] listened.
I should be at home, [censored] into my wives, but here I am, stuck in this [censored], godforsaken metal box!
[censored] you, Command.
Captain out.”
[Data [Log1033] to [Log1102] corrupted. Unable to recover. Play [Log1103] Y/N]
[Playing Captain’s Log, Star Voyage Leg 1, Rotation 1103, Galactic Standard Year 19385. Audio file only.]
[Transcript: Display]
“Captain’s Log, GSY 19385, Rotation 1103.
The [censored]?
It was bad enough that we were supposed to go into enemy territory, but now they want us to go WHERE?
Why? We haven’t even stopped for refuel because we CAN’T stop for refuel! There’s no friendly or allied stations anywhere NEAR our location! The nearest one would take us over triple the fuel we currently have!
Don’t get me started on ammo. We had around five thousand rounds for our railgun, and now we’re down to TWENTY! We can’t even steal any ammo because OUR SHIP ISN’T OUTFITTED WITH THE WEAPONS OUR ENEMY HAS!
You just wanted us to die, did you, Command?
What, were we too successful for you? Did we draw too much attention?
God, I should have taken that Krellic’s offer if I knew what kind of [censored] we were getting ourselves into.
At least I would have been a dead, fighting Marine instead of a dead, useless Captain.
[audible sigh]
We have two hundred civvies in med because of a sickness that randomly started spreading. We have he cute, but the ones that can actually administer it are all lying in the sickbay.
At this point, I’m gonna have to initiate Operation Blackout. Don’t [censored] want to, but it’s gotten to this point.
Why the hell do we even have an op like that?
Captain out.”
[Blackbox Memory: Codename: “Operation: Blackout” Initialized.]
[Time Log:
13:00:00 - “Operation Blackout” Initialization | 800 crew remaining
14:00:00 - More than 500 crew remaining
14:30:00 - Less than 370 crew remaining
15:30:00 - 57 crew remaining
16:58:10 - 1 crew remaining]
[Auto-play: Captain’s Log, Star Voyage Leg 1, Rotation 1034, Galactic Standard Year 19385. Transcript: Display]
“Captain’s Log GSY 19385, Rotation 1034.
It’s done.”
[16:00:00 - 0 crew remaining]
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bright-and-burning · 6 months
top 5 days of the year!
1. NYE!!! my extended family usually does our big winter holiday gathering on NYE, with competitions and a themed food thing (that is also usually competitive bc we are freaks) and so on (although as my and my siblings and cousins get older i’m reaaaally pushing for us to move the big night to like. the 29th or 30th. bc i looooove a party i love getting dressed up and going out with friends and doing like. normal people NYE. and i’ve only ever done nye w friends as opposed to family once, and it was 2020-2021 so mega covid lol)
2. friendsgiving/thanksgiving. thankgiving’s a like fucked up holiday in origin, but i am a big fan of hosting and gathering and a believer in food as love so you know i was out here in college baking 9 pies for a 60 person friendsgiving. also apple pie is my favorite thing Ever so its just the perfect excuse to have too much, and at my family’s like brunch (we dont do dinner, and brunch is Perfect. eat wayyyy too much food, go home for a nap, wake up and eat leftovers) we always end up talking abt awful things LOL. not in the way the memes are abt racist relatives, like as in we always end up on like. true crime type topics. like why are we discussing that unsolved string of murders in the area over bread rolls and cranberry relish.
3. some day in early may, like . may 5th. when you can lay out in the sunshine and everything feels amazing and the flowers have bloomed but you’re not quite at the sweltering heat of summer, so you can lay out on a blanket in the grass and read or draw or work on stuff without feeling stinky or sticky by the end of the day
4. st patrick’s day. the thing i miss most about college (aside from. the community. my friends. lol) is the wildly themed house parties, where you’d scramble to put together an outfit that combined like, the mafia and disney (an actual theme. i shit you not. we called it mickey mouse mafia house and it went sooo hard. i dressed as silvermist the like tinker bell fairy if she was also a mob wife. i had a friend dress as belle from beauty and the beast except she then strapped a nerf gun on). and st patrick’s day in america especially in college towns and ESPECIALLY where i live has a similar vibe of like. let’s put on themed clothes and get trashed. not as weird w the theme unfortunately but still
5. max fewtrell’s birthday. jk jk, i guess rewind a day and go w my birthday. i’ve had pretty uh universally horrific birthdays since i was like 11? but it’s one of my favorite times of year, the weather is lovely, and everyone’s looking for any excuse to go to the beach, so if it wasn’t associated w my birthday it would be brilliant (hence me saying max’s). i’m trying reeeeaally hard to just will power my way into good ones in the future tho
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nya-vivi · 1 year
ok so i must admit i wasn't aware how long was that ask i sent earlier lol but im glad you liked it! im replying to the ask in another ask again because this will probably also be quite lengthy (im. rarely unable to keep things short lmao) so it should be easier for you to read it this way
anna sounds lovely and the restaurant concept is really really cool, and i completely get not liking killing ocs, i have one oc that i came up with specifically with the intention of her dying to develop my main oc but. let's just say currently she's happy and alive jdhhd
and ty for explaining more on lore and her heart i think i have a better image on what's going on in her story now<3 about that part with caribert, it's probably inevitable that future quests will kinda mess up whatever you or other people theorize about khaenri'ah in regards to ocs and other things, hoyo's really been microdosing on that lore until now huh
and ty #2 for explanation on how qinxi's name came to be, yeah you can send me the webbed site im kinda curious how it works ndhdh and her design sounds really nice too!! good luck searching for more makeup inspirations!
so a villainess that isn't a literal villain, got it. all the transmigration media i read/watched (3) had the mc inhabit a body of a villain in a literal sense hence my confusion jdhdh also skipping college in her story is such a power move so definitely do that, don't waste time on the academic things hdhdhd not worth the energy
catalysts are fun because you can assign the character as a catalyst and then just make them do whatever (*looks at heizou with his kicks and nahida with. keyboard buttons(??)*) so if you eventually decide to stay with this idea it gives more freedom even if you'd like to modify her actual combat style later
and ah well. i suppose it's understandable to be kinda scared of that, seeing all the jazz the traveler goes through ndhdh AND !!! DESCENDANTS!! i can't believe i forgot about these for a second but they're honestly such an interesting concept to me i was theorizing on them a lot back when that part of sumeru quest dropped so definitely do consider making vivi a descendant that would be sooooo cool of her
let's hope fontaine introduces a lot of interesting lore and gives you some nice material to work on<3 can't wait to hear about what else you will come up with
i'll definitely make a doodle of vivi she looks so pretty so thank you for allowing me<33 it'll probably also be only a bust because i hate drawing bodies but enjoy drawing faces ksidjshfh but we'll see. and yes please share with me/mention me in a post with that outfit design when you fully visualize it because it sounds like it will look really nice<3
IM SO SO SO EXCITED FOR FONTAINE TOO JDHDHD i really can't wait, i have a very busy summer this year im constantly going on different trips or visiting new places so i end up not having that much time to just sit down and play for a longer while but i planned to have a mostly free week when fontaine will be released jshshsh (kinda because both of my friends are also genshin players so we all want to have time to enjoy the new update)
our ocs would totally get along im absolutely sure of that and im actually planning to do some more sketches (hopefully soon but we'll see) i'll send them to you when i draw them<3
also hope you're doing well and have a good day! :3
Under the cut for the answer so I don't clog my moots but aksjwisowen I'M SORRY I thought I had typed everything too?? 🤡🤡 I really have no excuse other than I am in fact a bit too scatterbrained... </3 also lately my notifs had not been working?? So if I don't answer you in three working days (/j) pls scream at me in DMs jabsowjdowbz
To the answer::
2. I have Lorena cooking at very low heat until hyv actually gives us some consistent lore (aka lore that doesn't have conditions RIP) but I do think about her often. We will see with the next actualizations.
3. The web is this one (you can change and prod around in the side menu!) I also use it loosely and always check wikipedia to see if a real person would actually be called that way LMAO. Just my personal recommendation. I like this one because you have a lot of different hanzi and can look at the meaning. I also use yabla to safe-check the meanings and the reading!
4. So I have finally decided to make her a catalyst (even tho I could make a Kaveh and make her ✨magically✨ move a weapon around) because as you said, you can have a multitude of designs and moves to choose from! (Even if I'm laking in creative inspiration for those lolol) her moves are still a mystery to me ngl but I'm thinking of working on it soon, so at least I have that kavsoadb
As for the transmigration part I'm actually doubting what to do. I mean, the transmigration is getting done, but I am unsure as if to make it as if she just got her last life's memories or to make her replace the original soul (...they canonically exist in genshin no?? Like I'm not making this up right??). Both of them are SO GOOD... They both make objectively great plot points (and the angst material... Just thinking about it makes my mouth water /hj) so I'm not sure. I will have to check with my directive board (my besties) but advice slash opinions are very welcome!
As far as plot points go, good news! Vivi is not going into prision anytime soon :D! I really cannot make a good plot point for that after Fontaine's quest so I discarded the idea for now (on the foreseeable future...we will see).
It's just, Fontaine quest was everything I didn't expect but in a really good way. I really liked the mechanisms and playing lawyers (Yanfei would be so proud of us) and the archon was very fun and incredibly deep for the first nation quests. I completely disagree on the 'she is a brat' pipeline (we know the fandom likes to oversimplify characters into one ot two traits) so I simply didn't see the idea having much logic at this point.
5. I still don't have anything for her clothing javsisdbwdjsbk I have to think more about it tbh. Of course there are things I want to keep (as I said previously) but I just love the ribbons and frills in Fontaine (again.) so I would like to add more (I'm thinking of making something for her sleeves,, it's just that Eula's sleeves are top character design to me lmao.
6. FONTAINE IS SO COOL. I ended downloading it in my village, without wifi. My phone's internet died that day jahsosbdis and went diving as soon as it finished loading aidbwdeodbdie everything is soooo pretty. So pretty I am having trouble farming for Fontaine characters because I don't want to kill any of the fishies... WHAT DID THE LITTLE CRABBIES DO??? AND THE BIG ONES?? AND THE LITTLE FAMILIES?? (having internal crisis).
7. I'm going to scream again about your Vivi doodle because it fr was so pretty... And the fact that you didn't forgot the monocle??? I was super excited to see it oqbdowbdiwbd
This summer went well (I didn't do much tho... Family complications and all that 😵‍💫) and I begin uni in two days and I am. Not thrilled aksbaodbsis I need a few more weeks of freedom 😭
I hope your summer went good and you did all the things you wanted to do (or at least as much as you could do) 💕💕 Lots of hugs from my side 💕💕
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clarktooncrossing · 2 years
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On March 6th of last year I posted a collection of discarded drawings called DUMPSTER DUDELZ on deviantART, my way of making sure abandoned art would be seen. It hadn't been the first time I had compiled all of my leftovers together, 2013's Sketchapalooza ULTIMAtE acting as the original Clarktoon sketch dump before I made Sketch BOOMs a thing. The only difference this time was that all the artwork was original, Sketchapalooza including fan art of Queen La, Mickey Mouse, and Blue's Clues. With all the projects I start then never finished, I figured a compilation like this would be a perfect way to show what all doesn't make the final cut. Now with it being the dawn of a New Year, I decided to bring the idea back with a vengeance! That is until I saw how many scrapped scribbles I actually had. Unlike the previous DUMPSTER DUDELZ, which had amassed years worth of rejected content, this one comes at the end of a single year where most of my ideas managed to make it online. Heck, one of the sketches seen here actually was posted to deviantART before now. You know what I say to all that though? Screw it, let's post it anyway! Hopefully my posting all of this will usher in the beginning of a full, productive year of artwork. If not, I at least got to humiliate my good friend Volts48...
1) SPOOKY SCARY SEXY MASKED MANIAC Halloween is always a rough time for me, artistically. With Christmas taking up all of my focus I'm left unavailable to post anything for the second best Holiday of the year. Not that I ever stop trying, mind you. My goal for 2022 was to post a specially themed Sketch BOOM themed around the month of monsters, even managing to get one of my ideas down on paper. Said idea being my buddy Alec genderbent and dressed in a Virgin-Killer sweater as revenge for all the times he paid other artists to draw me with massive boobs or in frilly outfits. To any artist that has done that, rest assured I don't actually take any offense to it, I appreciate any fan work based of my characters regardless of how ridiculous. Besides, you at least draw she-me with clothes on, so there's that. This was just a silly excuse to put my friend in the exact same situation he puts me through as well the culmination of an old inside joke that even he forgot about. Back when I first started my Discord server I was very strict about what could be posted, so Alec made a big stink when my college buddy Alice2Rose posted a picture of one of these sweaters, my ignorance showing when I didn't even know what it was. Leave it to an anime weeb to detect a virgin killer a mile away. In any case, here's hoping the aftermath of my friend's long forgotten stink brings you some Halloween fun on this New Year's Day.
2) POLKA PUP, DOO DOO DA DOO DA DOO Yet another joke that culminated on my server, this time from my friend Void-Android. All throughout the last year the mechanized man was obsessed with posting comics and GIFs of puppy sharks, their precious lil' faces flooding my server like the world's cutest Sharnado. Seeing as my friend Finjix and I semi-frequently collaborate ideas for our own shark character Polka Shark, I figured it'd be fun to draw the fantastic, frantic fish as one of those peculiar house pets. The end result is an adorable abomination that'll annoy the carp out of his friend Striped Starfish.
Striped Starfish: Just what I needed; Polka with legs. There goes my plans of washing ashore and dying of heat stroke.
For those wanting more of Polka Shark's absurd under-sea antics, go check out SIM-N's gallery on deviantART. For now though I hope you all enjoy Polka Pup more than the Starfish did.
3) The Mummy of 3K, Queen Emoteph Like I said at the beginning, I had completely forgotten about having already posted this sketch of ERN-E's girlfriend and Yas Queen of the year 3000 EMIL-E as a Mummy. The idea comes from my repeated attempts to bring back the Monster 3K Pin Ups that SIM-N and I used to do for Halloween, Emoteph being brought back from our initial run from 2015. Alas, all that came from this was this admittedly awesome sketch. Fingers crossed I get to take this idea to its fullest extent next year, ERN-E opening a tomb to find the hottest Mummy ever found by man or machine.
ERN-E: That is one fresh-looking corpse... EMIL-E: You're not too bad looking yourself, big guy.
4) ERN-E X EMIL-E Speaking of the Clarktooniverse's first couple, here we have ERN-E and EMIL-E in some slightly updated designs. After years of making his eyes one big screen, I finally decided to give ERN-E more human-like eyes for ease of expression. Em herself didn't get much of an upgrade, but a sketch of ERN-E alone felt naked without his best girl by his side. Here's hoping I get to draw more of these two together in the future.
5) LET'S DANCE AT WHIMSYLAND Okay, this one's definitely needs an explanation. 2022 saw me make my fourth pilgrimage to Disney World to meet up with my friend @the-pale-servant / @agathe-the-smol, despite my vow to not visit the park until Bob Chapek was fired. I have made it no secret how much I despised the bald-headed, brain-dead, creatively bankrupt loser in charge of the Disney during his tenure, his treatment of the Disney Parks being a key factor. Whereas most people saw the parks as a magical wonderland always ready to be expanded and improved, Bob saw it as a money-printing machine he could run raged without a break. It was disgusting. This was most evident when Jart and I got stuck on four different rides, often times more than once. Though to be fair, we still had an amazing time while there! Still, my continued cynicism against the state of my favorite place on Earth wasn't getting any healthier, so I decided to express my contempt creatively. Welcome to Whimsyland, a theme park opened in 1962 by Matt Whimsy as a celebration of the human spirit and endless imagination. Here you could meet Fred Fox, the company's cartoon mascot currently exiling himself to the Park in response to how the CEO's handling Matt's business. Fred is my Mickey stand-in, though unlike Mickey he makes it clear he hears fan complaints and hates being depicted as the villain. Dancing the charleston beside him is Fiona Fox, cartoon fashion icon that the current CEO keeps exploiting, though Fiona at least uses this to her advantage by continuing to inspire young girls. Along with the rest of my currently in development cast, Whimsyland might become the most perkiest place on the planet once more. Until then, we can at least enjoy these two characters dancing to this.
In case you're wondering why I never posted this, you can thank my questionable coloring choices for that. The orange coloring on Freddy feels fine, but the same can't be said for Fiona's fur color nor for their attire. Like I said, this idea's still a WIP.
6) SOMETHING IN THE WAY, OWL DUDE IN THE RAIN Poor Owl Dude, I don't draw him nearly as much as I should. Luckily, the new story ideas I have in mind with him should help fix that. And no, SIM-N, none of them involve a stove!
7) SAURA, EXPERIMENTAL SKETCH If any Clarktoons dominated a majority of my thoughts this year it would be Fred Fox and Saura, my teenage heroine with the power of transforming into a hyper-evolved dinosaur warrior. Helping matters was the fact that Alec got interested in the idea, collaborating with me on certain elements of her story while also commissioning our friend @zernna to draw her every chance he got. For the record Zerna, I plan on releasing a colored reference of Ms. Bosewick here sometime this year, so if we pay you to draw her again you'll know exactly what she looks like. But first I decided to experiment a little, adding details to Saura's design that ultimately won't be a part of her end design. A rule with character designs in cartoons is that the more lines and details you add, the older a character looks, which is what I felt was the major problem was here. With any luck, Saura's finalized design will look plenty bad@$$ without making her look like an actual fossil.
8) POST-BUMPER: ORIGINS Earlier this year I decided to make myself some mailing labels with Bumper on them, quickly drawing Crocie's adorable little ghost buddy as a mailman. The end result looked mighty cute, ignoring how the post officer used another mailing label to cover up mine. Turns out there's somebody in the world who doesn't find the floating marshmallow cute after all. Weird, right?
And for those of you wishing to see what the end product looked like:
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9) FRED FOX Surprising as it sounds, it took me a few tries before settling on Fred Fox as the Whimsyland mascot. My goal was to create a rubberhose character in the same vein as Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, Felix the Cat, Bendy, and the Cupheads, while also making it unmistakably my own. So at first I tried a turtle, only to quickly realize that wouldn't be as cute or charming as intended. Next I tried an elephant, which admittedly looked better, but for whatever reason that didn't work with me either. Finally I settled on a fox with a Boston accent named after a running joke from the Angry Video Game Nerd and the rest was history. 
10) CHIBIZOWA What you're currently looking at is not the Clarktooniverse's answer to King Ghidora. At least, not at the moment, anyway. All throughout 2022 I had intended on drawing birthday pictures for my friends online, including Zerna, someone who has very kindly drawn a lot of my characters over the last few years. What I had planned for her birthday was a sketch of her girlfriend murd3r3r being dragged to the mall by my mechanized mercenary Candy Banger to find the ultimate birthday present, Coco not being accustomed to the violence Candy brings to any situation. In the end, thanks to some advice I got from Alec, a worn-out Coco gets Zerna a three-headed dragon plushtoy named Chibizowa with Candy giving a thumbs up from the window so the two could have a cute moment together. Now for all of you wondering why I didn't end up making this adorable-sounding gift pic, there's a lot of factors that went into it. The first being time, something I am terrible at managing. The second was not knowing enough about Coco, having to go off what I saw in the pics posted in Zerna's gallery. I didn't want to assume what her personality was like, I'm terribly shy by nature, and matters weren't helped by her own lack of art depicting her aliensona. It's why I'm jumping on Zerna's band wagon by telling you gremlins to hound her for sona designs/more art!! >:'0 For now though, I hope you all enjoy this sketch. Who knows, maybe on day I'll end up making the planned present a reality.
11) ONE LAST FRED FOX And that's all she wrote.... OR IS IT!?
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Not included with the DUMPSTER DUDELZ were these two random sketches based on the musical Twisted, which my friend Alec finally convinced me to check out this year. I enjoyed it immensely, even buying the soundtrack and digital recording of the show before drawing their Jafar in the same style as the original Aladdin. Turns out you can make this character look sympathetic. No doubt he'll have a good 2023 as will all of you! That is if you keep dreaming a little harder...
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spotlightstudios · 2 years
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Light + the Boys at 3 am lookin for BEANS
Constant Orbit content 👌. I've been busy, but I do things every once in a while that's kinda neat! This time I doodled my sona Light in that good ol' Solar Lunacy outfit, then it somehow evolved into a full drawing of the Constant Orbit attendants all dropping in for a picture that they all knew about /besides/ Light.
I am tagging this w/ Solar Lunacy btw, just cuz it's very blatantly using the outfit design for y/n :3
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And, the Sun/Moon pictured are part of a sorta AU called Constant Orbit (may change later) that spawned because my pal and I kept drawing eachother's designs of sun/moon. The lil guys are my designs, while the tall guys are theirs!
The lils are basically just permanent children in the daycare, play companions that have way too many safety features installed. Meanwhile, the talls are the parent/mentor figures and obviously just all around caretakers. The lils cause chaos when the daycare is closed and give the talls panik, but the lils also just kinda crash if they're held for long enough, like a baby, so that's fun. (Excuse as to why the two modes our drawings have are "stOP SWINGING YOUR BROTHER AROUND W/O THE CABLES-" to "aweee, lil baby boy baby, taking a nappy nap.")
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