#this is just a meme replacement for 'google search:'
autogeneity · 4 months
asking chatgpt when I will feel better from being sick
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rarepears · 1 year
So how do you think Will &/or Hannibal will react to SQQ & SQH being transmigrators? because they definitely still either talk or write in english in order to disguise what they're talking about, which is both a language Hannibal learned and Will's NATIVE language. So, it's highly likely they will find out. How are they reacting to this? also do you think SQH & SQQ are a) from the Hannibal universe as well, b) from a universe that has the show/movie/book series Hannibal or c) don't have any of that (boring). I just think it would be funny if either SQQ obsessively bing-watched the show (because you know he would) or like airplane actually recognized the Chesapeake Ripper purely thanks to some random google searches he did while trying to come up with a knew villain-of-the-week for bingge to save the girl from. Or both (just replace the show with a podcast/tattlecrime).
But would Will and Hannibal realize that Shang Qinghua and Shen Qingqiu are transmigrators though? We got swords that enable one to travel through various dimensions, the two cultivators being known for being creative (ahem author Shang Qinghua and his well known acerbic editor Shen Qingqiu) on top of their vast knowledge of all sorts of various cultures - cultivation, demonic, and mortal cultures - and most importantly... the HUGE cultural and social differences between modern America and China.
The slangs, the memes, the customs are all different! So incredibly different! Plus Shang Qinghua and Shen Qingqiu have been in this PIDW world for so many decades that they have also adopted a lot of the local customs. They've traveled to various mortal kingdoms (the ancient equivalents of India, Japan, etc.) and hundreds of demonic clans. Maybe they even hopped over to Medieval Europe for funsies (and then left when they realized how not fun it was).
Shen Yuan's English would be better than Shang Qinghua, yes, but his grammar would be beyond crap. They string together some English words in between Chinese in this Chinglish mixture that is honestly 85% Chinese and 15% English. And with only each other to talk English with and no proper English speakers to reference, their English evolves into a whole new dialect of its own of mispronounciations and weird accents and just...
Can it even be called English anymore and not a secret language between the two?
Add in their original Chinese accents in their English speaking skills and Will and Hannibal are not going to really be understanding much of the English in the first place. What little they do understand, they are going to brush it off as a coincidence - or maybe the origins of some English words haha.
As for Shen Yuan, he wouldn't had watched Hannibal NBC - I'm not sure if the show was available outside of the US and it's even more unlikely that it was available in China. In which case, he would had specifically went out of his way to hunt down the show... and Shen Yuan already has so many other shows and animes to watch!
[More in #hannibal lector reborn as Shen Yuan and Luo Binghe's firstborn son AU]
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the-writing-moon · 4 months
so i work in a well-known library, right, as a part-timer, and it's been great working with the books, they're real friendly and everything. but this is a very exclusive library, right, you have to send in an application and maybe get interviewed to get in because we're dealing with really old archival material here; i've had to dust crumbled paper off of desks and some of the spines of these hundreds-of-years-old books have been replaced with electric tape with their titles rewritten with wite-out from how much the spines have fallen out. i look up and see dead white men glaring down at me from murals and paintings and busts from the ceiling, probably aghast and wondering how a fucking little island girl is handing their precious books and poking at their dutch-painted glass windows with her grimy brown fingers. this is just set-dressing, so you really know where i'm coming from.
anyways, you know those memes that go around writing communities? doesn't matter if you write fics or manuscripts, we've all seen them, liked them, reblogged them.
"writing a slash fic instead of writing i've been googling what jewelry young german women wore in the 1700s"
"i'm pretty sure i'm on the fbi and interpol hitlists because of my search history"
"story prompt: overly helpful serial killer sweetheart x clueless crime fiction writer"
"when you don't know long division but you can talk about the taxation laws in victorian england because you needed to find out how taxes work to make your story believable"
they're memes that make you chuckle, guffaw, and nod because they're relatable! everyone hates the idea of being corrected by a random poindexter who can call you out on your bullshit on victorian tax laws, you uncultured fool, or who happens to know how blood sprays look if you shoot a person a certain way, you gormless coward, not because they were shooting the gun but they were part of the forensics team, pinky promise, i wasn't there on the 15th of november. and it's a bit absurd. like, who exactly knows - or cares - about victorian tax laws? does it really matter to write about reality in all its facets into fiction? majority of your readers probably aren't vampires or other extant immortals so does it really matter if you don't hold history up as accurately as possible in your 30k friends-to-enemies-to-lovers dark academia yuri slashfic? does historical accuracy matter when you're writing about samurais in the heian period in modern english with modern sensibilities? who would even know what stuff was really like back then? some things aren't googlable, and you can't always trust google anyways.
i don't know the answer to all these questions. but i know the answer to one.
so, back to the library.
one day, i'm shelving history books one after the other, listening to an audiobook from a public library using a library card of which i faked my address for me to use. reparations. and way more ethical than piracy in my eyes. support authors, patronize libraries, and all that. when i shelve books, i like to wonder about who reads them and why. what research they're doing. what they're doing here. whether they know how lucky they are. i envy this library where i work. i envy the people who live in this town. i envy the readers. they have all of this because someone recognized the value of hoarding, the value of taking and tabulating and preserving. one could argue it's the colonial way. but enough of that, i'm shelving books, books that i sometimes wonder at, because i never could have imagined so many books on so many topics, and sometimes they are topics that are so trivial and-
and i'm holding, in my hands, a book about the jewelry young german women wore in the 1700s.
being in a university town, you come to understand that academics have their pet projects; the drive to understand the minutiae of their field, of humanity, of nature. think of a topic and there's probably a dissertation for that. you also understand there is a lot of publishing politics, that researchers' papers are paywalled behind exorbitant fees for which they receive no royalties from. you also understand that academia can also be elitist, even when the people inside it call for open access.
to other people, i'm sure i sound incoherent and raving. but i'm sure that there are people out there who understood why i took several moments staring at this book, recalling all those fucking memes about historical accuracy, of people joking that they're looking for things even the internet has no answer for. because the answers do exist. someone's written about them. someone took the time to look at and tabulate and write about german jewelry. someone else, tax laws. some other person, blood sprays, either through study or applied experimentation. the knowledge is out there. they just aren't available to you.
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foliejpg · 2 months
5, 19 and 22 for the fic ask meme! 😊💖
ily han<333
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write? (copy and pasted this bc i answered it already)
i’ve had this au in my head where patrick (20-21) works at a convenience store and pete (mid 30s, idk specifically) just doesn’t leave him alone at work💀 but unfortunately i suck with real plot lines and there isn’t much more to it except again a very specific scene of when they first meet 😭
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
this is a part 2 to “i’d do anything to make you feel” that i do plan on Eventually working into something i think is fit to post
He sees the watermarked images of Pete and a woman on his arm, someone he doesn’t recognize but a quick Google search reveals that she’s a model. She’s taller than him by a few inches and Patrick can feel her grace through the screen. He looks more attractive next to her, like maybe Pete had started going to her stylists for his newly buzzed hair.
Maybe it’s not so superficial. Maybe they’re madly in love and planning a life together that Patrick isn’t allowed to see. Maybe she’s set him straight, put him on the right track to deal with the myriad of issues that used to be Patrick’s problems. Maybe she helps him pick up his prescriptions and talks to him in the middle of the night when he can’t sleep. Maybe she’s replaced him.
It’s not fair. She’s beautiful, absolutely gorgeous and entirely out of Pete’s league. Patrick hates her, hates her beauty and clear skin and her stunning gown and her long legs and dainty arm around his shoulders. He knows that’s cruel, she’s done nothing to him, and he's positive he’ll feel bad about it later, if he were to ever meet her. He doubts it, but nonetheless, she seems perfectly fine. But there’s a selfish, vicious voice in his head that hates Pete even more, for even trying to move on.
22. Do you know how your fic will end before you start writing?
absolutely not 💀 because i don’t typically write long fics i don’t worry abt endings too much, although they’re definitely a struggle for me. i can write a beginning no problem but fuck an ending 😭
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trixybobbitt · 6 months
AI generated art is theft, do you have to have an AI Art Profile picture?? It really bums me out ):
Yes, I was using an AI profile portrait. It was one of those early photo style edits from before the AI art stuff really blew up. The photo it was based on was of me and taken by me. Still, I recognize that it is inexcusable laziness and complicit in theft almost certainly committed when the AI was trained. It was a placeholder which is overdue for replacement. This new vaguely heart shaped icon is one I created myself with a freeware vector art program called Inkscape for use in my book. It is based on a heart shape which I think is old enough that no one is quite sure where it's use started. It's also meant to resemble a pen nib. Pen nib shapes are largely functional and whether you would judge their origin in Roman ruled Britain in the 40s AD, or Egyptian reed pens far before then, those are both a bit past the copyright cutoff Mickey is staring down. I don't think I can get any more theft-free than that and still use a standardized web image format. I could be wrong. Posting publicly on the internet is an efficient way to be corrected and learn. I think I'll add some genderqueer colors to it after I'm done writing this. While the genderqueer flag was designed by Marilyn Roxie, it's covered by Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License so I think I can use it without taking food from the mouths of creators. I also own commissioned cover art, which I did not draw, but I own the reproduction and modification rights. If I wanted to use that for a bit more color, do I credit Angrboda in my profile, or a pinned post? Do I post the artist's legal name to avoid confusion with the norse goddess? Is it enough that tineye will reveal its origin? I haven't seen anyone else posting citations for their avatars, so I do not know the appropriate convention. I'm not sure what is enough. I also love the art of simz, but I have not commissioned a piece from them. Is there a way to use their art in an avatar without bumming you or other folks out? Is it enough if I'm a contributor to their patreon?
In addition, I've probably used one or two Felix Argyles in my few 'original' content posts which were not illustrated by Shin'ichirō Ōtsuka, and some backgrounds which may not have been either stock, meme template, or from recognizable intellectual properties. (I made a few of them while drunk-posting on a friend's couch, and probably didn't click through my google image search to check.) I'm not sure if they represent fair use, but I don't think you were raising a legal complaint, just feeling bummed about art friends struggling to commoditize their creativity in a capitalist society that is predatory toward small business, so I'm not sure what to do to cheer you up. ☺
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mllekurtz · 2 years
14 and/or 22 for the weird writer asks meme! <3
14. Do you lend your books to people? Are people scared to borrow books from you? Do you know exactly where all your “lost” books are and which specific friend from school you haven’t seen in twelve years still possesses them? Will you ever get them back? I do lend my books to people! I do it much more infrequently now that 1) most of my friends are online and 2) I usually buy ebooks instead of physical books. I used to enthusiastically drop books in people's laps because I love to share the things I'm excited about, and yeah, I had a list of all the people I gave my books to when it became hard to keep all the loans straight in my head.
I like to think I have a healthy relationship with physical books. I've never truly venerated the book as an object (yeah, I'm an amateur bookbinder, but appreciation is not the same as worship), and working in publishing put the final nail in the coffin of my being precious about paper and ink. After all, you put all your efforts in the words themselves, and holding the bound object is just the last part of a long process. With all the due exceptions, as long as they're not out of print or ridiculously expensive, books can be replaced. The story is what's important, the reader is what's important; I'd rather never see a beloved book again than keeping a friend to enjoy a story I love.
22. How organized are you with your writing? Describe to me your organization method, if it exists. What tools do you use? Notebooks? Binders? Apps? The Cloud?
(this got long so it's under a cut!)
Story ideas usually live in the hivemind, aka discord chats or servers. Once an idea develops and starts to turn into a proper outline, I create a channel for it in my private discord server where I can chuck ideas on my phone when I wake up at 2 am. Once the fic is done, I move the channel into the graveyard.
This is what the graveyard looks like btw (not all of it):
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(If you're wandering what is essek-thoughts, I was too, so I checked: they're notes on a better man than me. idk-shadowgast is the early stages of all this science i don't understand)
I keep using discord even when I start working on the fic properly in Google Docs; all the random thoughts I have when I don't have access to GDocs go there, as well as most of the darlings I kill while editing. (I also download copies of my docs in my hard drive very often, because 1) I was born in the '90s and I don't trust the cloud 2) you never know when you'll need to go back in time and search through an old version of your work.)
I usually break down the fic into scenes and/or chapters, depending on its length; I use various headings to make an organised outline in the sidebar. I've also started using the summary function to write notes to myself (future developments, changes I need to track, the tags that I add as I go, things I need to remember to say in the A/N and so on).
This is what my outline for the emergency contact au looks like right now:
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It's not very detailed because the structure is very straightforward and the chapters are short, but I would usually have nesting headlines so I can keep track of scenes I need to go back to, flashbacks and so on. The days of the week are a necessity because I often have to refer to something that happened "three days ago" and I wouldn't remember when that would have been. I also need to remember that offices are usually closed on a Sunday, and so on.
I also often leave comments to myself and/or my betas throughout to highlight the parts that need attention. And this is it, I think? It might sound convoluted but it's actually a very straightforward process that keeps me from messing up and forgetting ideas.
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morannon · 3 years
Game of Stones
This is an incomplete list of my issues with the Amazon Prime Tolkien series (Game of Stones). And make no mistake, I will keep complaining about each new bit of information we learn, but I think what bothers me most is what they add up to, not any particular decision, but an approach I fear they have because of who is making this series and what is driving the production.
I don’t think I have to explain how bad a start it is that this is Amazon money behind it. If Amazon is notorious for anything it is for making money at any cost. No one is making this series out of the goodness of their hearts and dedication to Tolkien’s legacy. Money is the bottom line. I hardly need to get into it here because it’s all just a Google search away.
Another red flag is the inconsistency around Pete’s involvement with the production of the series. Especially because there has been a lot less ambiguity on the production side of it. He, Fran and Pippa are the only ones with experience in adapting Tolkien for screen and as of right now, none of them are said to be involved. And no one seems to have indicated otherwise since 2018.
This brings me to the next thing. One of the most glaring issues has to do with understanding the source material. There were several Tolkien scholars involved with LOTR, including Tom Shippey. As of now, there is no confirmed Tolkien scholar on board as a consultant. Just some “lore experts”, whatever that means. It sure sounds like they found a couple people off Twitter posting Tolkien memes or something. The bad omen here is that although Tom Shippey (generally considered one of the world’s preeminent Tolkien scholars) was initially on board, he left the project in early 2020. I also doubt this is for some arbitrary reason, given how dedicated Shippey is to Tolkien. The reason also couldn’t be because of something like him fulfilling his role as a consultant given how extensive the material is and that Amazon’s filming rights have been extended considerably from what they originally covered, now also including  parts of The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales. This seems highly suspicious and concerning. Not to mention that no replacement has been named as far as I’m aware.
This is also alarming if we look at the very short tenures of people working on it, before we get to them individually. Game of Stones isn’t supposed to be an anthology series, but seemingly every episode has a different director, writers come and go. I really wonder how they are going to build a cohesive whole and how anyone involved would be able to familiarize themselves with the material in any significant way if they’re not even going to work on a season, but a single episode.
Now lets take a look at the people in charge of making this series. Perhaps most concerningly, Brian Cogman, the husband of David Benioff’s nanny. That’s how he got Benioff to read his writing which Benioff was amazed by. If that alone isn’t bad enough a sign, he also has no prior experience as a writer or producer. But has since given us such beloved gems as Game of Thrones S8 E2 (A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms), Game of Thrones S5E6 (Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken), S4E4 (Oathkeeper). Cogman has already packed his bags and left The Game of Stones however.
What sticks out to me like a sore thumb however is how the entire executive branch consists overwhelmingly of Americans. And I have an underlying fear that there is a layer of meaning that is lost when the makers, particularly the writers of something like this don’t have a deep personal connection to the material and for whom it is first and foremost another franchise like action films based on comics, not legendarium, mythology and culture. This is a disconnection I fear because Tolkien didn’t set out to create entertainment. The driving force and idea behind Middle-Earth is creating mythopoeia, specifically for England. And there is so much depth to the material that writers who don’t have an understanding of it couldn’t possibly do it justice.
I’m just looking at this incomplete list of things sticking out to me and I am not feeling confident. Please tell me I shouldn’t worry about all this.
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kojinnie · 3 years
Attack On Titan characters as K-Pop stars I’ve worked with…
Based on my personal and my co-workers’ experience working for k-pop agency for three years. All in good fun!! K-pop stans, don’t come at me, I fear you.
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☁ ARMIN In his group, he is amongst the least popular member because he doesn’t stand out in all performance aspects. But the guy has a huge creative vision. Is a better creative director than most of actual creative directors I’ve worked with. Ended up directing a lot of k-pop groups’ concerts.
He’d like to come over and make small talks with the staffs, seemingly very interested with us personally. Asking how long have we worked in the company, where did we go to school, and how’s the industry nowadays from our perspectives. All in all, a very amicable figure. He deserves more love than he gets from his own fandom.
☁ EREN The ace and face of the group that’s oftentimes alienated by his own members. Wasn’t born talented but worked his ass off during trainee years. Now one of the best dancers around. Tries to motivate his members “We gotta work harder!” in unnecessary times and places, resulting in a lot of eyerolls from his members.
In backstage, likes to kill time by trying to fish the staff’s attention, because he doesn’t get along well with the members. Sitting around at staffs’ lounge (although he’s got his own huge ass lounge), poking at staffs doing their job (“Hey, what are you working on?”) or make weird ass noises, or do some questionable things (like chasing bugs?). Would be encouraged if we laugh or giggle to his odd antics.
☁ REINER The gentle giant. Looks intimidating at first for his buff and stoic look. All the new staffs would try to steer clear off him at first. But when we set up things for shooting, he’d unexpectedly help around. If he sees a female staff picking up heavy utilities he’d immediately intervene and help carrying it. Would open the door for you even though he is the artist. Does not talk a lot, but his kind actions replace all words needed. Days after your schedule with him, you may expect fancy chocolates for you and the rest of the team, with note: Thank you for the hard work. Best, Reiner Braun.
☁ ERWIN Master manipulator that is not just handsome, but extremely smart and calculative. Would catch you by surprise the first time you hear his actual voice, because it’s entirely different that the deep voice he dons in front of the camera.
Would ask to go to the airport early so he can bully you for the things you did not do in the waiting lounge. Would later realize that you have close connection with client, and be suspiciously nice to you the next time you work with him again. Invite you to take photo with him and the other members after the concert because he thought he was doing you a favor. Would invite you and your team for a dinner at the fanciest restaurant in town, you’d think of how generous he is. Later your boss tells you that he billed it on the company’s account.
☁ LEVI The all-rounder talented artist who is sick of the k-pop industry. Very quiet and wants to be taken seriously. Loathes the industry’s fan cultures that often infantilize the artists. Would only do aegyo once encouraged by his members. Very polite to the staffs and incredibly professional. Enormously successful in both music and acting. In interviews, does not look at script as he’d like to answer all the questions truthfully, would study the questions a day before. But he will not take shit if he knows he is being mistreated, looking at him uttering his disagreement is one of the scariest things because this man is otherwise so nice and kind.
☁ PORCO Actually a very stiff and conservative guy, does not have even one funny bone in him. Knows that his fans make meme of him and realizes that’s how you make it to trending topic these days. Would text you at 2 AM in the morning and ask to make a funny joke that he can tweet in the morning. You’d pretend not to see the text. The morning you wake up, he’d have unsent the message and tweeted a template joke he found from google search. Does not make it to trending topic.
☁ CONNIE Would take an hour shitting and smoking in the toilet despite tight on schedule. After multiple effort of banging on his door, he’d go out, see everyone packed because it’s already an hour away from a 12-hour flight he’s supposed to take, he’d be like, “HEHE, sorry guys.”
Would be uncharacteristically quite during the ride to the airport that is 30km away because he’s feeling guilty and nervous about missing the flight.
☁ COLT The golden voice who is overtly polite to the staffs. Quite awkward too. Would profusely apologize if he eats snacks and does not have spare ones to share with the staffs. His downside is he can be quite inattentive, takes selfie at odd times and places. One time he takes selfie where he manages to have your butt captured from very unflattering angle in it. Uploads it to Instagram of several millions followers without realizing the error, only beginning to notice once the comment section is filled with “lmao look at the staffs’ butt”, would feel extremely guilty to you and choose to avoid you during the entire overseas trip.
☁ ZEKE Charming as fuck, the first time you ever feel weak on knees over an idol despite working in the industry for years. Painfully aware that he is handsome, tall and sexy – would intentionally stare at you while you’re doing your work, and immediately throw his gaze away once you become aware. He wants you to gush over him.
When you have your team dinner with him, he’d say that you remind him of certain manager at the company. Turns out he used to date the manager – makes you daydream about him days on end, thinking, “What if…?”. Would look at you directly in the eyes as you brief him his storyboard, and pat your head or poke you with his script bundle occasionally. Makes you live the dream for approximately 12 hours. Would definitely forget you entirely the next week you have schedule again with him.
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
First time reader click here
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TWs/Summary: FLUFF! Inappropriate jokes! The team being a family of mother hens. Steve + WAP! Reader's old man fetish is ✨blossoming✨. Stephen is finally evolving from Grinch into a human being.
a/n: How do we feel about Wanda/Loki pairing? Loki is comparatively around Wanda's/Reader's/Pietro's age, e.g. he's a young adult. Also, new divider.
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All three of us spilled out of the elevator in a flurry of wet hair, outrageously large shopping bags and the smell of autumn leaves and cinnamon-infused chocolate. Picture perfect friends - our arms were linked, we stood side to side, our bags mixed up. Loki's silky black hair was dripping cold water onto my face and my own clothes sticking to me in uncomfortable places.
It started pouring buckets when we got into my car to go back to the tower. Wanda complained about being hungry and after a brief detour in one of the hole-in-the-wall, hidden gem, French boulangeries, all three of us were pleasantly relaxed and companionable under the influence of hot chocolate and fresh, warm croissants (Loki ate, like, ten, royal manners be damned). The five minute run from the parking lot to the main entrance resulted in us being way too soaked to be comfortable - thankfully, the shopping bags seemed to be waterproof. Or, perhaps, Loki enchanted them somehow.
"Stop fucking cheating, Rogers..." Tony was grumbling in frustration, looking at an array of cards in his hands, squinting suspiciously at a smug Steve.
Noticing us, the room perked up immediately. Thor lifted his head and we saw him and Pietro splayed out on the couch, each male holding a play station controller. Stephen Strange was sat cross-legged on the floor, reading a book, while Natasha filed her nails next to him, a face of tranquility and indifference.
We almost backpedaled from the amount of puppy eyes suddenly gazing at us.
"Sup?" I decided to go first, seeing as both of my companions were still mostly confused. What the hell, I was equally perplexed.
"How was your day, brother?" and "Got yourself a nice dress?" and "Marchesa? Not bad." Were the most intelligible words I could make out of the cacophony that descended upon us.
And it suddenly downed on me. Neither Wanda nor Loki had previously left for the city on their own. Their siblings were worried. I sighed, concealing my happiness behind a quiet complaint of being cold and wet. My bags were picked up by Thor who abandoned his game in favour of greeting his brother with a hug. Surprisingly, Loki didn't refuse and let Thor embrace him and relieve us of our items to deposit them out of the way.
"Cold," Wanda whined, stripping off her damp sweater to reveal simple black leggings and tee underneath.
"Wet," Loki mumbled, gathering a ball of green magic to dry out his dripping hair.
"Gross," I said, walking straight into Tony's open arms. He didn't say anything, just indicated my place was in his lap, squeaking and shivering as soon as I reached my destination.
"Baby girl, you're gonna get sick. Let's go take a bath," He unsuccessfully attempted to lift my limp body. I groaned in protest, dead on my feet. It felt like I had walked a thousand miles. Wasn't gonna remove myself from a warm, soft Tony.
"I'm dead, like, I'm a zombie. If you move me, I'll eat that sexy brain of yours," I threatened fitfully.
"Well, at least change out of these clothes. You're dripping me in gross, polluted rain water," The engineer laughed.
"Lazy," I replied, nestling myself closer to his warmth. He tugged on my clothes, wrestling me out of the top layers, leaving me shivering like a newborn kitten across his lap. His eyes darted across the room - evidently, he was looking for some sort of a hoodie as he wasn't wearing one at the time. Tony knew how much I loved those and always kept one in his vicinity. Thoughtful, lovely Tony.
"Have you seen my MIT sweatshirt?" He asked and everyone replied negative. Tony frowned.
"Here, have mine," Strange stood up, unzipping and handing me his own plain grey one. "I'll make some herbal tea for the girls least they actually get sick." With that, the grumpy doctor walked off into the kitchen. I watched his broad back retreat with renewed interest. Hate to see you go but love to watch you leave...
One warm hoodie and hot tea later, I was feeling less like a drowned cat and more like the fabulous human being that I was. Wanda had told everyone about her two cute new dresses without actually revealing the idea behind her costume. Somehow all of us silently agreed to surprise each other after I pulled my stunt on Stephen.
Strange didn't seem to be mad at me; his presence was amiable and delightful. He made usual small talk and we engaged in a brief, friendly battle of the wits and he and Tony managed to not piss off each other too much. Loki and Wanda hung nearby, and we chatted, too, mostly about less popular but very cool movies the three of us could watch... Yeah, so we were arranging a sleepover. Bite me.
"So, everyone ready for the party?" Clint was all but bouncing in his seat. "Me and Sammy-boy, we'll have the coolest costumes!" He exclaimed, smirking in Tony and Bruce's direction. Something was coming, something great, from my two boys. I could sense it. Natasha probably knew and tattled to Clint already. The bird bros fist-bumped with an obnoxious cheer.
I was feeling drowsy. The tea Strange made had something calming in it. My usual energetic spirit was gone, replaced by a mellow sort of mood. Plus, my feet hurt from all the walking. I moaned in distaste, flexing my toes.
"I disagree," Wanda shared a secretive smile with Loki and me.
Apparently, my discomfort was quite obvious. It took only another quiet, pitiful groan from me for Bruce to scoot closer, remove my socks and tenderly knead the arch of my foot. He smiled at me, soft and gentle, pressing the pads of his fingers into the soft, painful spots.
"Yeah, Pigeon, no amount of make-up will help that ugly mug," Tony declared with a wave of his hand.
"Tony!" Sam defended his bird bro, tossing a pillow at the engineer and missing me by barely an inch.
"You don't need any make-up, bird. You need plastic surgery." I jumped on the bully Clint bandwagon for the lolz. He was actually quite handsome, but his reactions always were fucking priceless. All of us occasionally ruffled his feathers but never to an actually hurtful extent.
"Not gonna lie, that one hurt." Barton huffed, crossing his arms.
Meanwhile, Bruce had moved onto my other foot. I had to hold in a bunch of very lewd, inappropriate noises. Tony was grinning above me, not at all affected by me squirming around. Banner grinned back at the engineer. They were definitely plotting something.
That just wouldn't do, I decided. Time to throw Rick and Morty off their course a little. I stretched leisurely, allowing the hem of my borrowed hoodie to lift, exposing an inch too much of skin than strictly appropriate.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Steve's arched eyebrow and the small secretive smirk he hid behind a cup of tea. The Captain wasn't as virtuous as the others thought and he definitely was onto me.
Bruce still wreaked havoc on my vestibular system by doing some magical voodoo shit to my toes and traded suspicious grins with Tony who radiated an unfair amount of smugness.
"Oh my God," I stretched with a moan of contentment. "Fucking rail me." I might have used this particular choice of words on purpose. The Avengers that memed with me knew the actual meaning but they were in the minority. Most, including Tony and Bruce, gasped in shock at my choice of words. I grinned innocently. "What?"
"We don't use that kind of language around here!" Steve exclaimed, barely hiding a full-fledged laugh behind his cup.
"Cap, a lot has changed in the past seventy years, if you didn't notice," Barton rolled his eyes. "Women are allowed to express themselves now."
"Men think it's pretty hot, actually," Tony remarked, giving me one of his positively mischievous smiles, gently stroking my cheek and dipping his index finger under the hem of my top, following the lines of my collarbone. "It's just that Cap got left out in the cold."
"Very funny, Tony," Steve groaned as the rest of the group laughed. "We don't need a repeat of the WAP incident."
I choked on my breath. "The WHAT incident?!"
Laughter drowned out Steve's stuttering explanation as the supersoldier blushed, possibly, the most saturated shade of scarlet I'd ever seen on a human's face. I had to stop Bruce from continuing to make my limbs into Jell-O, wanting to hear the full story clearly. Anything that warranted such a strong reaction from Steve was bound to be, like, equal parts extremely embarrassing and hilarious. Bucky was laughing up a storm, a tell-tale sign of him having taken direct actions to ensure Steve would be as confused and ashamed as possible.
"Steve caught Peter listening to the song and asked him about it. Peter refused to answer at first, so Bucky decided to mess with Steve a bit," Pietro began explaining. "So Bucky goes: WAP stands for wasted academic potential. Steve sits on it a couple of days, believing his boyfriend like the naïve old man he is," Pietro was gesturing vividly, arms flailing, as the Captain buried his face in his hands. "Lo and behold, Steve had to give a Captain America speech at some sort of school for delinquent children. And at the end of it all - Natasha has that bit on video, by the way - he gives his stern Captain look and goes "WAP is no joke!"!" The speedster laughed out loud along with everybody.
I was howling at that point, staring at Steve. Did the old man realize all the answers to his questions were a simple Google search away? "NO, he didn't, oh my God," I wheezed, suddenly having realized where it was going.
"He totally did!" Clint continued, giving Pietro a fond look and a chance to catch his breath. "The whole student population was laughing, tears rolling down their faces, as the principal started angrily ranting right in Steve's face. And he was just so, so-o confused. Man, his face..." Clint shook his head. "He left so freaking red in the face I thought he was going to have a heart attack. The students had started singing the song, the uncensored version - mind you - at some point and Steve just progressively got redder and redder."
"I'm seventy percent Irish, I can't help it!" Steve cried in his own defense, the famous blush on full display, but laughing nonetheless as he clutched onto his left boob for dear life.
"And one hundred percent dumbass!" Bucky clapped his boyfriend on the shoulder.
I nodded along, me and Tony a howling pile of limbs. The engineer himself was holding onto me for dear life, too winded to make any of his usual snarky commentary regarding Steve's epic failure. "Pure of heart, dumb of ass," I wheezed out my sudden realization.
"Shit, I'm getting that on a t-shirt," Tony sent himself into another cackle fest. "That's brilliant, Princess."
Bucky nodded along, "I'm buying one for this punk." He pointed at Steve, poking him in the right pec.
"Jerk," Steve's gaze was annoyed but fond as he gently shoved his boyfriend before placing a gentle kiss atop his head. Old people in love, so adorable.
"May I request one for my brother as well?" Loki interjected, eyebrow raised, eyeing Thor trying to pry open a carton of ice cream and failing to notice the little plastic lid covering the top part of it. The blonde was utterly oblivious both to his brother and to the chaos around him, set on his quest for salted caramel pecan creamy goodness. I couldn't say I didn't see the appeal...
"What did you call - himbos?" Stephen eyed me curiously, pointing to Thor and Steve with a shaky hand.
I nodded in response. "Harmless, loveable, kind, beefy and utter dumbasses," I pointed out the main characteristics. "I love himbos."
"You said my brain was sexy," Tony pouted, pressing me closer to him and in turn, making my legs wrap around Bruce in a funny way that brought all three of us in a weird sandwich hug. I must've died and gone to heaven once again. "This is bullshit," And Tony fuckin' bit me. The bastard sunk his teeth into my shoulder strong enough to leave a mark.
"I love big, fat brains. Unf," My attempt at a salacious voice only made people laugh. "No PhD, no pussy. I don't make the rules," I snorted loudly.
"You and your old man kink," Wanda chuckled good-naturedly, casting me a knowing glance over the tops of her friends' heads.
"Yes," I agreed solemnly, pulling Tony in for a kiss without an ounce of shame or reservation, catching Stephen's amused face meeting my eyes for a brief second, his eyebrow raised meaningfully. Looked like someone took my comment a little close to heart. Nobody really batted an eye at Bruce being in the middle of our cuddle puddle so if I had to guess, Stephen Strange was at least interested... Or was he silently judging me?
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THE TAG LIST IS NOW OPEN! @another-stark-sub ​ @mostly-marvel-musings  @vozit ​ @littlegasps ​ @pilloclock ​ @shereadsinquiet @downeyreads ​ @hermione-grangers-wife ​ @individualistfem ​ @sleep-i-ness @capbrie @lillsxd @agustdowney @dee-vn @justanotherblonde23 @fanngirl19 @persephonehemingway @softie-socks @schemefrenzy @letsby @cutenessloading @romeo-the-cactus @jelly-fishy-babie
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taetaespeaches · 4 years
“You think I wouldn’t recognize the face of Downy?”
jungkook x reader (or oc) genre: fluff word count: 1.6K
a/n: Ok, lovelies! Here is the fic where guk meets his girlfriend in the long term couple fic. It’s the most unrealistic meeting out of all the couples and I don’t care at all how unrealistic it is. Our darling romantic Jungkook deserves a crazy romantic chance encounter. Anyways, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy! :)) 
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A sigh left your mouth as you chewed on your bottom lip, searching the shelves full of a variety of laundry detergents and fabric softeners. They had so many kinds, and yet, not a single bottle of the kind you liked.
Pausing from your search, you typed the brand into google, hoping to find a decent replacement. However, when you typed in Downy Infusions Fabric Softener, your phone screen displayed several articles all titled something similar to “BTS’ Jungkook Causes Fabric Softener Shortage”.
You couldn’t help but smile at the ridiculousness of the situation, and just as you added “similar brands” into your google search, a man rounded the corner, drawing your eyes to him, and keeping them for a moment because, damn.
The man gave a polite nod, you returning it, though as he turned toward the laundry detergents, yours remained on him. You knew you should have looked away, but honestly, how could you?
He was dressed in a pair of black joggers that tapered in on his calves and ankles and seemed to hug his legs just enough to show you he was quite fit. His upper body was adorned in a baggy black hoodie and he wore a black mask on his face, though it was pulled down under his chin.
The man’s hair looked soft and bounced as he bent down to look at the lower shelves, where the Downy normally was at this particular shop. You noted the cute huff he released at there being no fabric softener of his choice, and an adorable pout found itself on his lips.
And as you looked at him, unable to pull your gaze from his handsome side-profile, you cocked your head in realization. Looking down at the phone, which displayed a meme photo of this said Jungkook with a bottle of Downy as if he was the face of the product, your lips curved upward in a smile. What are the chances?
“Are you looking for the Downy softener?” You spoke up with a small smile toying on your lips.
The man, slightly startled, looked up at you in surprise. “Huh?” His eyes scanned your face for a moment as he processed the question. “Oh, yeah, actually.”
“They’re all out,” you gestured to the shelf.
Jungkook looked at you in surprise again, his large eyes sparkling. “Really?” Jungkook asked, standing up straight as he looked from you to the shelves a few times quickly before his eyes settled on you. “Completely?”
You nodded, smirking. “Yeah, apparently some idol endorsed it on accident and now there’s a shortage.” You couldn’t hold back the breathy laugh that left your lips at the way his doe eyes widened.
“A what?” You noted that despite the look of utter shock and a tinge of guilt, his eyes glinted in amusement, his lips twitching upward just the slightest bit.
“Yeah, a shortage. The power of some idols, huh?” You smiled. “I’m looking for a replacement now,” you told him, pretending to peruse your options. Jungkook couldn’t hold back the smile at your words as he gave a small laugh, his eyes moving to the many containers of detergents and softeners.
You looked back to the man as his eyes darted from option to option. You could tell he felt nervous and was unsure of what to do next, and you found it quite endearing.
“So, you’re gonna help me find a replacement, right?” You asked with a bit of sass, obviously flirting with the man as he looked at you in wonder. “It’s the least you could do.”
“Huh?” He asked you, his eyes large and confused, giving him a very youthful and innocent look.
“What? You think I wouldn’t recognize the face of Downy?” You giggled, holding out your phone for him to see the article about his unintentional endorsement, accompanied by the meme photo. “That’s you, right?”
You had never seen someone look so pure before as he flushed with embarrassment. “I’m so sorry,” he quickly apologized, you immediately shaking your head with a kind smile.
“No, no, I was just kidding,” you laughed gently, immediately backtracking on your teasing. “No need for apologies.”
“Here, let me look up some brands real quick,” he continued his unnecessary plea for forgiveness as he leaned toward one of the softener bottles and speedily typed the brand name into his phone.
“I really was just joking, you don’t need to help me,” you insisted, though he seemed to ignore you as he continued his research. “Jungkook,” you said softly, the man quickly turning to you at the gentleness of your voice. “It’s ok,” you grinned, a small laugh slipping out between your lips.
Finally, a smile broke through his worried expression, though it was still small. “I still want to help you, if that’s ok?” He finished the comment as a question.
You nodded happily. “Yeah, if you want. I was actually thinking this one,” you grabbed one of the bottles off the shelf. “What do you think?”
He reached for the bottle, his fingers sweeping over yours accidentally, causing him to pull the softener from you quickly as your heart raced at the simple touch. Watching him as he read the label, you noticed how his head quickly tilted to the side. You couldn’t quite figure out why the gesture had you nearly cooing.
As he began to speak again, he stuttered his words a bit as he explained why he didn’t think the softener would be of your preference because, “I just don’t think it will soften your clothes as much”. Wow, he’s adorable. “But I think you’d like the smell,” he finished.  
“What one would you recommend?” You asked him, locking your gaze on his own. “I trust you.”
He took a deep breath in, raising his eyebrows as he turned to the options. He pulled one jug off the self, handing it to you. As you inspected the label, he reached for another container.
“I’m thinking one of these two,” he told you.
“Have you used either before?” You questioned, peering at the bottle in his hands.
“No, but I’ve used that brand once,” he nodded to the one in your grasp.
You slowly nodded as your mouth formed into a small smile. “Ok, Jungkook. I’ll take your word on it.” He flashed you a stunning smile as he went to put the other bottle back. “Wait,” you said suddenly, Jungkook stalling his movements in surprise. “You have to get that one,” you nodded to the bottle that was still in his hands, watching as he pulled it back toward his chest slowly. “And then we’ll see which one is better.”
“Right,” he nodded, a large smile spreading across his face, his eyes crinkling in the corners adorably. “Ok, deal.”
“Deal,” you held your hand out for him to shake, Jungkook’s smile widening as he reached to take it in his larger one. His hand was soft and warm and you had a feeling you could get very used to the feeling. He was reluctant to release your hand when you told him, “unfortunately, I have more shopping to do.”
He continued to stare at you, as if he was in a daze. “Oh, right,” he nodded suddenly, giggling a bit. “I’ll let you get to it,” he bowed as he let go of your hand and took a few steps backward, preparing to leave.
Just as he was about to turn away from you, you spoke again, already smiling. “Jungkook,” you called to him amusedly, Jungkook spinning eagerly to face you, making you chuckle. “Maybe you should, uh, take my number. You know, so you can text me and let me know how that softener works. And then, you know, I can relay my findings to you.”
Jungkook pointed at you with a goofy smile planted on his pretty features. “Right,” he said enthusiastically. The playful demeanor he suddenly took on had you falling into laughter as you allowed yourself to wonder just how silly he could get. It intrigued you, and you wanted to find out.
“We’re kind of like research partners now,” you joked, Jungkook chuckling at the comment as unlocked his phone. Looking up at you with those beautiful expressive orbs, you told him your number. When you were done, he held his phone up to you to confirm he plugged it in correctly.
“Yup,” you chirped. “And if you wanted a name to go with that contact, I’m y/n,” you smirked.
He gave you a bashful grin as he quickly typed it in before saving the contact and pushing the phone back into his pocket. “I was gonna ask you your name, I promise,” he chuckled.
You nodded understandingly as you began to back away this time. “Just let me know how that softener works for you, Jungkook,” you smiled before turning around.
As you started walking away, you looked back to see him still standing there watching you, a flash of embarrassment taking over his features at being caught staring. You gave him a small wave, which he returned cutely, his face blushing as he directed his eyes back and forth between the sides of the aisle.
You giggled at the cute awkwardness he displayed, feeling absolute endeared by him. Before officially parting ways, you pointed an accusing finger at him. “Don’t go endorsing these ones,” you teased.
Jungkook brought a hand to his mouth as he let out an adorable boy-like cackle, his smile uninhibited. You were pretty sure it was your favorite smile already. “I would never,” he told you, still smiling widely. “Brand loyalty,” he let out a small giggle, you laughing at the comment.
You backed away still looking at him, Jungkook doing the same before he reached the end of the aisle. Looking to his left, he looked back at you, flashing you another stunning grin. “I’ll text you with my findings.” And with that, he disappeared around the corner, leaving you with a fluttering heart and an undeniable excitement to receive his text.
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rickriordanfandam · 4 years
opinions on riordanverse ; my edition
a lot of people have been doing this so i decided why not right. probably gna lose some followers or smth but anyways. pls respect my opinions! if u disagree, thats fine, but please be polite. unless any of my opinions strikes u as morally wrong then pls point it out to me respectfully. thanks!
- i actually liked drew. im so sorry to everyone who hates her but full offence, why. think about it this way ok, first of all drew became hc because silena died. silena was the traitor, the one who betrayed chb, yet after she died campers celebrated her as a hero? and then drew suddenly has to replace her and live up to idk that legacy she left behind,, when all of a sudden this girl named piper swoops in and takes her place. idk abt u but i wld be salty abt that too. not only that, but as an asian, the chances of drew having faced racism/bullying as a child is pretty high (she studies at brooklyn academy). which means that when she finds out shes a demigod, and arrives at chb where most of the campers are white (this is an assumption btw), she’d obviously be scared of being bullied for her skin color right?? so the first thing she wld do before the campers get to bully her is to bully them before they can do so. (sentence structure here is wack i apologize) ofc this might not even have happened, drew could have had a perfect childhood && was a b1tch for no reason, BUT EVEN THEN HER ROLE AS A BULLY WAS PRETTY VITAL BECAUSE THAT FURTHER SHOWED THE CONTRAST BETWEEN HER AND PIPER,, HIGHLIGHTING PIPER AS A HERO//GOOD CHARACTER,, AND THEREFORE MAKING READERS LIKE PIPER MORE. anyway stop hating on drew please. ALSO WHY IS THIS SO LONGA SDFJHG
- jason isnt bland, the fandom just kinda erased his backstory (thanks to @pjohoo-memes for the phrasing lol)
- reynabeth wouldnt have lasted/would have broken up several times. idk i just see them as two extremely powerful characters who have firm opinions and will definitely clash at some point. in a platonic relationship,, i can see them as really good friends but as lovers? idk i just think theyll break up
- i dont really like jercy,, i see them as better friends than lovers. also idt jason and percy were that close..?
- the dam and not my type jokes are srsly cringey and were never funny. ik that seems hypocritical since my username literally makes use of the dam joke but honestly i dont actually like the joke. its not funny to me and has never been funny
- the seven were not best friends. they definitely argued,, and honestly probably werent as close as the fandom makes them seem. like ure dumped with 6 other people, out of which u only know a few. my introverted ass would have jumped off the argo 2 quicker than leo valdez could bomb camp jupiter up. also leo was a dick to frank. so what if frank is bigger sized?? thats not a valid reason to tease him
- the fandom needs to stop hating on octavian while worshipping luke. if u hate luke and u say u hate octavian too, then okay. but if u tell me ure a luke stan but u despise octavian?? imma disagree w u. luke was worse than octavian im sorry. first of all, octavian being a dick was kinda justified. hes been after the praetor position for so long, and everyone keeps saying to “wait for jason” when suddenly this dude, whos a son of NEPTUNE (neptune wasnt liked much by romans), and the camp decides to make him praetor?? dude i would be pissed off big time. and then afterwards, he finds out that greek demigods are real and the dude they made praetor is greek. AND THEN GREEK DEMIGODS COME TO CJ AND ONE OF THEM BOMB IT UP?? octavian has been told all his life that greeks are scum and this dude called leo valdez attacks cj. sure it was an accident, but did octavian know that? no. so it was honestly justified that he was such a salty prick im just saying. also some of yall be hating on octavian for cutting a teddy bear open and thats the funniest shit ive ever heard i swear 
- luke didnt go to elysium
- travis and connor stoll r way too underrated. the two have been head counselors of the hermes cabin since luke was revealed as a traitor, can u imagine the stress? luke, the person they probably looked up to as a brother, betrayed them. and they didnt even have time to process this when they were  thrown the roles of being hcs. that would have been so stressful and i would probably have broken down if i were them. the stoll brothers taking turns to wake up at ungodly hours because a new camper is crying and homesick and terrified, the stoll brothers having to comfort and take care of new campers, having to deal with the amount of people in that cramped space because not enough campers are being claimed fast enough. having to resolve issues between campers in the hermes cabin all the time. the stolls arent just comedic relief, and we need to stop treating them as such
- tratie shldve been canon idc idc
- demigods of the demeter cabin arent talked about enough and i love the fact that meg was demeters kid. like she isnt the child of one of the big three yet shes so powerful.
- we need to hype clarisse up more her character arc was phucking amazing 
- rachel is overhated. sis found out greek gods exist and regularly come down to earth to fuck around and went “ok cool”. queen shit behavior methinks
- the floor 19 crew of mcga is srsly underrated. like do u even remember halfborn gunderson, mallory keen, tj, etc??? bc i feel like we only remember samirah, magnus, alex, and sometimes blitz and hearthstone
- sadie (tkc) was kinda annoying at first. i like her more now tho but i rmb not liking her for a phat while
- tkc and mcga need more love
- carter kane and jason grace arent boring. theyre just really sweet boys who are too good for this world and yes yes yes 
- hazel and frank (especially frank) need to be hyped up more. i hardly ever see anything about them. also yall seem to forget that frank was literally made praetor and that even hecate admired hazel and was willing to fight beside her because of how powerful she was
- frazels age gap is kinda sketch but i still think theyre really cute
- nico definitely had trauma from going to tartarus on his own
- annabeth isnt smarter than leo but neither is leo smarter than annabeth. ive seen a lot of discussions about who is smarter and heres my hot take on it: neither. theyre equally smart, just in different ways. leos a genius mathematically speaking. he has no issues solving math problems meant for people much, much older than him. annabeth on the otherhand, is great at strategies etc. she can make an army of 1000 more powerful than the enemy, even if theyre outnumbered. so in my opinion, both are equally as smart//u cant compare their intelligence, because their talents lie in two different areas.
- while i do agree rick riordan isnt a god and that hes bound to make mistakes,, AND that hes given us a lot of representation,, if the representation offends the people its sposed to represent, then theres a problem. im talking about piper as a poc and wearing feathers in her hair. im not a poc, so i cant speak for them on whether or not its wrong, because i dont know either. HOWEVER, i have seen multiple posts BY pocs talking about how they didnt really like rick’s representation of piper, and thats an issue. pocs have been and are still oppressed and discriminated against by many. as a white cis man, we cant really blame him for not knowing (tho he could have done a research,, asked some pocs,, idk), but by representing pocs in that manner, hes influencing impressionable kids/teens into thinking “oh pocs wear feathers in their hair all the time” etc, which isnt true. the pjo/hoo series is extremely successful, and kids who read the books will probably start forming inaccurate opinions on pocs. the amount of fan art that depicts piper with feathers in her hair dont help either. “but rick said so in the books, so its canon” yeah well rick isnt a god and he can get some things wrong at times. im not saying we should cancel him, im saying we should start educating ourselves and not spread false info like pocs wearing feathers in their hair all the time. also that snake song shit where she sang Summertime was just- yeah. bc heres the thing you can be racist, and still include minorities, but portray them in a racist way. And even then, ignorance isn't a thing to admire. Getting those facts wrong still has a major impact. It continues to perpetuate racist stereotypes.
“ With the feather thing, I looked it up myself; it takes less than five minutes to figure out that Cherokees don't braid feathers into their hair. I didn't grow up in the country where my parents are from. I have many other first/second generation American friends who have also been through that, with a bit of a disconnect from their culture. But something that most of us have in common is that when we didn't know something, and when our parents weren't that big of a help, we looked it up. We sought out resources online and through other people from our culture to be able to connect more with where we came from. Some of that took a Google search. So I find it hard to believe that Piper, a girl who Rick's trying to portray as someone who is attempting to connect with her culture and is totally against racist stereotypes, wouldn't know that eagle feathers aren't supposed to be braided into your hair casually. She may be disconnected from her culture, but she's also shown to want to connect back to it. Piper wouldn't be casually braiding feathers into her hair while also telling off people for being racist. It makes no sense.” - reddit thread (down below) 
for those of yall who wanna know more please please read this, it has a lot of things i wanna add in here : https://www.reddit.com/r/camphalfblood/comments/gy3gl2/piper_mcleans_portrayal_is_innacurate/ 
as well as https://finding-my-culture.tumblr.com/post/189422373260/maxie-ratties-and-cattie-finding-my-culture 
i will be posting screenshots of these in future posts so if ure viewing this on ig and u dont have tumblr,, dont worry 
- the fact that most of the strong female characters in the series refuse to be “girly”, and ngl i dont really like that. just because ure girly doesnt mean u cant be strong. 
- piper would have been a great way for him to start making the strong characters act girlier, but instead he went with the “I’m not like other girls” trope which is quite obnoxious to hear constantly, and I don’t think it’s necessarily great for younger girls to read that idea growing up.  the closest we've ever had to a strong female character who was also into "girly" things was Silena. when I was younger I admired Piper's "I'm not like other girls" thing, but then I got older and realized that the whole mentality of "not like other girls" is super obnoxious, and a little bit toxic
i have a heck load more that i cant rmb rn but yeah feel free to add more 
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summertime sadness .6.
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Sequel to kiss me in the d-a-r-k
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 (masterlist under construction)
Warnings: dub con sex (oral, masturbation)
This is dark!(dad)Steve and dark(professor!)Bucky explicit. 18+ only. I know they aren’t super dark, but like questionable so I’m keeping those tags just to be safe.
Summary: Your new duties start to mount.
Note: Thanks once again for all the support on this series :) We’re going to go well over six parts if that isn’t obvious. Estimate is 10 but no promises. Things are heating up though and I can’t wait to continue. That being said, I got some rl work to do so might be a delay in parts. Thank you!💋
<3 Let me know what you think in a reblog, reply, or like. I’m loving the feedback from y'all and the enthusiasm! Also as always, memes accepted.
You watched glumly as the desks emptied out one by one. Stacey was always one of the last to go. She gave a cheery farewell as she grabbed her bubblegum pink purse and headed out the door. You waved at her and swallowed down your fear. Those still at their desks took her departure as a cue. They left soon after.
The office was eerie without the sound of keyboards and hushed chatter, the odd giggle or buzz of a phone. You sensed the change behind you and swiveled back to the face the ominous doorway. He was there. It was as if he knew. You were all alone know. No buffer, no witnesses.
“You almost caught up, darling?” He crossed his arms.
“I… Yeah.” You answered weakly. You knew he didn’t care about your work.
“Good,” He stood straight and stepped outside his office. “Why don’t you come here and we can go over your… work?”
You nodded and pushed yourself to your feet. Your legs felt like jello. You could still feel his hand on your thigh, on your pussy. It never quite went away but it wasn’t like Steve or Bucky. It was a touch that left you worn out and repulsed. You stepped around your desk and he turned his palm out.
“Ah,” He pointed to the floor. “Crawl to me, darling.”
Your heart dropped and you looked down at your feet. You unsteadily lowered yourself to your knees and pulled your skirt from under your knees. You bent forward and planted your hands on the floor. You took a deep breath and lifted your head. He watched you with his usual boastful smirk.
What were you doing? You cringed as you started across the floor. You were on all floors like a baby; an animal. And for what? Because you were stupid enough to fuck your professor. You imagined how he’d laughed if he found out you were also messing with your best friend’s father. Oh, he’d surely get a kick out of that.
As you neared him, he hummed in approval. He stepped around you and bent to slap your ass. “Go on,” He urged.
You crawled into his office and he followed. As you stopped inside, he closed the door with his foot. You were shocked as he tugged your skirt up and exposed your ass. You sat back as you tried to hide your bare flesh. He laughed and rounded you. He squatted and looked you in the eye as you sat back on your heels.
“I want you to tell me what you did that day.” He said.
“What do you--”
“After the bookshop. I know you fucked him.” He reached out and touched your cheek before he stood. “Stay like that and tell me how.”
“I-I can’t--” You stuttered.
“Start with where.” He sat in his chair and it squeaked as he leaned back.
“Uh, we went to my apartment and--” You looked down as your eyes burned. “I don’t know.”
“Sure you do. Tell me.” His zipper softly descended in as he spoke. “Were you on top?”
“I-- It was against my desk. I was sitting on it,” You said quietly. “I had my legs around him as he...entered me and I hugged him to me. It was fast. Hard.”
“Mmhmm,” He purred. “And… did you cum?”
“Yes.” You answered softly.
“Were you loud?” He asked.
“And that was the only time that night?”
“No. About an hour later, we fucked on the bed.” You confessed. 
“How?” He groaned.
“From behind. He likes it like that.” You sucked in your breath as your head swam. “Please…”
“Come here.” He said. “Stay down there.”
You dropped back onto your hands and crawled around his desk. He was stroking himself as you approached. You stopped and stared up at him. You tried not to see his hand moving up and down at the bottom of your vision.
“Get undressed.” He ordered. 
You shivered and pushed your blazer back on your shoulders. You tossed it aside and pulled your blouse over your head. Then you unzipped your skirt and kicked off your wedged shoes. Your hands were clumsy as you unhooked your bra and you couldn’t look at anything but the floor.
“I can’t blame him,” He said. “You’ve got that innocent school girl thing going on. But you’re not so innocent, are you?”
“No,” You forced out.
“I want you to use your mouth, my dear.” He rasped. 
You sniffed and nodded as you gathered your wits. You lifted your head and got up on your knees. You neared him as he spread his legs and you touched his thighs. His cock was pale and long. Not as thick as Steve or Bucky but nothing close to small. He withdrew his hand and you replaced it with yours.
“I said your mouth,” He warned. “Hands…” He grabbed your hands and put them palm down on his thighs. “Down.”
You pressed your hands down to assure him of your obedience. He grabbed his dick and angled it towards your mouth. You parted your lips and slipped them over his tip. He moaned as you pushed your tongue along his flesh. You took as much as you could and more. You struggled not to gag as you forced him down your throat.
“You are gifted indeed,” He snarled. “Fuck.”
His hands held your head as he began to guide you up and down. The sloppy sounds of your sucking bounced off the walls and filled your ears. He shuddered as he urged you faster. You choked and he pulled you off him all at once.
“Closer.” He grabbed your shoulder and rolled his chair forward. He took your hands and pushed them to your tits. “Like that.”
You held your tits together and he pushed his cock between them. His tip poked out above your cleavage as he slid to the edge of his chair. He rocked the chair as he fucked your tits and your stomach churned.
“Lick it.” He ordered.
As his tip came up, you bent your head and stuck out your tongue to flick across it. He inhaled sharply and continued on, each time you did so, he delighted in it. He gave you no warning before he came. His cum shot up across your face as he gripped your shoulders. It dripped down your nose and lips and along your chin. When he finished, he released you and sat back on his chair.
“Whew,” He breathed as he looked at you. “Clean yourself up, darling.”
You stood and reached for the box of kleenex on his desk. He caught your wrist and pulled you back. “No, not like that. Like you did at lunch.”
You scowled as he let you go. You slowly wiped his cum away from your nose and lips and shoved it in your mouth. You almost wretched as you licked up the salty, sticky mess. Then you scooped up that along your chin and forced yourself to swallow. He watched and his own tongue poked out between his teeth.
“My dear, you do impress me,” He said. “Go on. Get dressed. Go home.” He made no move to put his cock away, instead carelessly playing with it as it grew flaccid. “Rest up for tomorrow.”
Tuesday and Wednesday ended much the same. You hid at your desk until the office emptied out and then Loki called you to his office. He stood in his doorway until you crossed to him; the usual taunting words. And you left with the taste of his cum in your mouth and the stickiness across your chest. The stain had seeped into your soul.
Thursday was different. Something had changed. Something was amiss. You saw Loki twice; at the morning meeting and again after lunch as he stormed out of his office. He strode out with his briefcase in one hand and his phone to his ear. His voice was angry as he passed you. You caught only a snippet of his ire as his eyes flicked briefly to meet your curious gaze.
“No, no. I’m leaving work now-- Thor. This is the last time.” He sighed as he swept past and you watched him go.
For the rest of the day, you were as distracted by absence you had been his presence. There were titters around the office of what had riled him so. It was well known the editor had a rocky relationship with his brother, Thor. Their father was a CEO in London and had raised two sons with ambitions as great as his own; though it was barely a secret that he preferred one over the other.
As the hour rolled around, you hesitated to pack up. Surely if he meant to return, he would’ve by now. You shut down your computer and slid your notebook into your bag. Your phone vibrated on your desk before you could grab it and you flipped it over. A message from a private number.
‘Zelda’s, 7pm. Wear a dress. No panties.’
It wasn’t hard to guess its source. Your stomach sank and you touched your hot neck. He wanted to meet you outside work. Whatever had kept him so long, certainly couldn’t have improved his mood either. You typed up your confirmation and your phone buzzed again. Another text from Steve. You dropped it in your bag and rolled your chair against your desk.
You stared at your closet for an hour before you found the strength to change. After a Google search, you felt entirely unprepared for the upscale bar. More so for the man who waited for you there. You chose the black dress you’d bought for a night out with Kylie. Tight but not revealing. It was the only piece you had that wasn’t too girlish for the venue. 
Your uber was quick. You cursed the unusual expediency of New York traffic. You stepped out and stared up at the tall tinted windows of Zelda’s. You suspected a single cocktail would be worth at least a couple hours’ work. You fixed your purse on your shoulder and entered.
You spotted Loki along the bar. His green eyes were quick to find you. The din stifled the ringing in your ears as you crossed to him. He patted the stool next to his and waited for you to climb up.
“Hmm,” His fingers walked along your knee. “You haven’t anything shorter?”
You shook your head as he gestured to the bartender. He pushed his glass across the bar and glanced at you. “She’ll have a class of blanc,” He said coolly, “Top shelf.”
Your drinks appeared quickly and you frowned as he slid the wine glass over to you. “I’m still underage.” You whispered.
“I suspect that’s not stopped you before, darling,” He smirked. “Trust me, the wine is much preferable than any of that swill you chug at those frat house keggers.”
You took the glass and sipped. He watched, his green eyes swirled with menace. His jaw ticked, a remnant of his anger lingered in his posture.
“I did regret having to leave so early today but… I would not let such an inconvenience ruin my plans.” He rested his hand on your knee, just below your skirt. “Our plans.”
You nearly choked and made to set down your glass. He pressed his palm to the bottom of the stem and stopped you. You froze and blinked at him as he shoved your skirt up just an inch.
“I suggest you finish that,” He said. “And another might be in order. My dear, you look ready to faint.”
You inhaled sharply and drained the glass. This time he let you set it on the bar and he motioned for a refill. The bartender was just as diligent. Loki’s hand slipped but only to drag yours up to your knee. He squeezed your hand beneath his and leaned in. 
“It’s your turn.” He breathed. “I had my fun in that little bistro.” He pushed your hand down between your legs and your skirt rode up higher. “We’re not leaving until you cum.”
“I can’t--”
“Don’t make a fuss and no one will even know,” He purred as he leaned in. “People come here to drink. To forget. Not to worry about others.”
You sat straight, stunned. Your hand shook between your legs as he drew away. He leaned one arm on the bar and took a drink of the dark liquor on ice. The clink sent a shiver down your spine and you braced yourself as you slowly moved your fingers along your thigh. As he requested, rather ordered, you’d left your panties at home.
You brushed along your cunt and stopped. Your eyes widened and he tilted his head as he stared at your lap, your skirt bunched around your wrist. He took your wine glass and offered it. You took it with your free hand and gulped until it was half gone. He replaced it on the bar and nodded.
“Mr. Laufeyson…” You pleaded.
“Sir,” He corrected.
“Please… sir.”
“The sooner you start, the sooner you… finish.” He said. “You’re already wet, aren’t you?”
You winced. He knew that your core started burning the moment he’d touched you. That even though you didn’t want it, he riled you. That though you resisted, your body surrendered.
You took another deep breath and pushed your fingers between your folds. You circled your clit until that familiar tickle began to mount. You bit your lip and pressed firmly against your bud. Your hand moved without thought. Every flick, every swirl was instinctual. 
Your mind hazed as the voices and strangers around you formed a fog. The man who sat before you changed to. For a second, a single second, his hair lightened to gold and his eyes flowed blue like the sea. And then he darkened, a thick brown beard and square jaw. 
But as you came, your vision cleared and it was Loki again. Victorious. Boastful. Your body twitched as you sucked in your lip and swallowed back the moan. You lowered your head and your hand slipped down your leg. He snickered.
He reached for your hand and lifted it so that your fingers glistened in the low light of the bar. He brought them to his lips and sucked on them. You whimpered and he set your hand down in your lap.
“Finish your wine, darling,” He purred. “Our night has just begun.”
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Mastering Digital Marketing
I started my “Master’s Journey” maybe six years ago, and there is an enormous difference between how much digital marketing is needed and utilized today more than it was six years ago. After going back and reviewing the goals I originally set out to learn in this course, I noticed that not only has the degree program changed but so has the internet and the way companies and artists market themselves digitally. My goals, like my mindset at the time, were small and simple. I wanted to learn and create marketing plans, coordinate initiatives, learn the differences between desktop and mobile marketing, and learn how to maintain a professional online presence. Now, six years later, we have integrated digital marketing between desktops and mobile phones. Thanks to the growing popularity of social media as well as internet services becoming more available on mobile phones, and the continuing evolution of the mobile phone and the phone’s technology, application advancement, and service capabilities desktop and mobile marketing have become one.  
I did not realize how different my goals were coming into this class until I read the PDL Timeline I created so many years ago. While I am sure many of the marketing channels have remained the same, or have had to make small adjustments, there are many marketing channels that have been completely replaced due to the change caused by technology. One marketing channel to have been most affected is Direct Mail marketing, simple example, growing up I remember phone books or The Yellow Pages, T.V Guide, and tons of advertising magazines all these marketing channels coming through the mail. These channels are now all accessible via desktop or mobile devices as internet search engines are now on both. The T.V. Guide has its own set television channel so instead of selling direct mail advertisement space they sell commercial advertisement space on television.
During one of the lectures, we were given, I think, 10 minutes to produce an extreme marketing plan for our company. I remember how crazy I felt presenting this wild marketing plan in front of everyone and how I terrified I was that my professor would just laugh at my idea or shake me off like a waste of time. My professor did not laugh or shake me off but inspired me to continue researching and driving forward the marketing plan I created. The biggest thing that I learned that I know I can easily share with others is that with social media marketing you do not want your brand to get lost in memes. It is important that everything shared or reposted has to do with or is connected to the brand or the company the social media account is under, this is maintaining a professional online presence.  
While many things may fall under a different marketing channel now, or the channels may be different. I am confident in moving forward in my journey because I learned everything, I set out to learn six years ago while also learning more about the uses and importance of Digital Marketing in the business world. I have begun helping an older business out that relied on direct mail and word of mouth only to build an online presence through building a website, creating an SEO through Google, and creating a Facebook page for the business to connect to a younger audience.  
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akrona · 4 years
Image Captioning/Alt Text Tips
I've noticed providing image captions has started to take off, and this is fabulous. Internet accessibility is an important issue (and a pet peeve of mine) and it's not talked about enough.  So please understand that this comes from a place of utmost love and support when I say:
You need to make your descriptions much shorter.
It's recommended that you limit descriptions to 280 characters (not words, characters). This is the same length as a single tweet. Obviously there are exceptions - if you are transcribing a screencap with a lot of text, you need to include all of it, and long comics or collections of many images may require more text - but otherwise, try to stick to this rule and only include the bare minimum.
For most images, you should just state the name of the character(s), their expressions, their actions, and any dialogue or text. This shouldn’t be more than a sentence or two. For multiple images you can give one sentence each, and for comics preface each description with a panel number. 
 Please don't describe what the character looks like unless it is directly relevant to the purpose of the image. Not only is it a waste of your audience's time, it's distracting, which makes the caption less helpful. I don't need to know that Lup has short blonde hair with red highlights unless the post is about her haircut, and including extraneous information makes the caption harder to understand.
I know the impulse is to make it so that the reader can imagine the image 100% correctly (especially in a fandom where characters' physical appearances are up for interpretation), but captions are not meant to be an exercise in visualization for the audience. They're there so that people who can't see the image can still understand the post.
If you're having trouble figuring out what's relevant information, try imagining that your friend in the other room asked what you're looking at. How would you summarize it? You probably wouldn't go into detail about what everyone's wearing, the background, etc. It's also good to keep in mind how people typically browse tumblr. Your audience is probably scrolling through relatively quickly, looking for posts that interest them, not stopping on any post for more than a few seconds. They shouldn't have to spend more time reading a caption than they would spend looking at the picture.  
If you're posting a meme, you should put the common name of the meme, and then the text and/or any edits made. Ideally, googling the name you provide should provide the correct meme in the first result, so people who are unfamiliar with the meme can find it. For example:
Tumblr media
[ID: Drake Like/Dislike Meme. Drake dislikes: "Multiple paragraphs of captioning" Drake likes: "Short, concise descriptions"]
Tumblr media
[ID: Screencap of the results for a Google search of "drake like/dislike meme". The first result is "Images for drake like/dislike meme" followed by a dozen example images of the meme.]
If you don't know the name of a meme, or there are multiple similarly-named memes, just provide a brief description. Ex:
Tumblr media
[ID: Photo of a smiling woman feeding spaghetti to an excited-looking cat. The woman's face has been replaced with my(@akrona’s) avatar. The cat is labelled "You". The spaghetti is labelled "Image Captioning Wisdom".]
Other Notes:
If it's a fandom image, please include the fandom, especially if the characters do not have unique names. I am literally in three different fandoms with a character named John, please tell me which John it is. Besides, I follow plenty of people who post content for fandoms I don't care about, and it's nice to know to skip these posts right away.
Please never use Zalgo or any of the other 'fonts' you can get from generators (like this one). Not only are they completely unintelligible to screen readers, when trying to read it screen readers will start spouting a bunch of gibberish that can last several minutes. 
If you post a screencap of a tweet or website, please include a link to the source. This is not only useful for screen reading (the website of origin is often more friendly to accessibility tools) but also a polite thing to do. Don't steal people's tweets for notes! It's rude!
For further reading, here are some sources:
WebAIM Alternative Text Techniques Harvard University Online Accessibility How to Set Up and Use Screen Readers *
*I would highly recommend trying out a screen reader just to see what it’s like. But I do want to remind you that captions are not just for screen readers. They’re also good for those who use larger text sizes, need different fonts (either for dyslexia or light sensitivity), or have a bad internet connection and cant load images. Describing the expression of a character can also be helpful for people who have difficulty reading facial expressions.
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jewish-privilege · 5 years
The deadliest attack on Jews in American history appears to have triggered a spike in anti-Semitic searches on Google, exclusive research by CNN shows.
In the hours and days after 11 people were slaughtered inside the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh last October, so many people typed hateful language into Google that it produced the most anti-Semitic searches seen in the last 12 months.
Our analysis did not include benign searches for information about the news but users seeking material for "Jews must die," "kill Jews," and "I hate Jews," among others, all of which were searched at alarmingly higher rates than normal.
An increase in anti-Semitic Google searches was also found after the Passover shooting in Poway, California in April.
And as might be expected, postings on sites like 4chan and 8chan that have largely been co-opted by those with far-right views, also saw plenty of discussion about the attacks, though the content was more surprising as well as disturbing.
CNN commissioned the analysis from advocacy group HOPE Not Hate. They researched a sample of mainstream and fringe responses online for a year from May 2018 to last week to better understand how anti-Semitic views are shared and spread online, especially in the wake of the two synagogue attacks that struck fear into the hearts of American Jews. The findings come days after the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) said anti-Semitic incidents in America rose for the third year in a row, hitting near-historic highs. There were 1,879 documented attacks against Jews and Jewish institutions across the country in 2018.
Searching for "kill Jews" on Google yields stories about the Holocaust, but also specifics on how Nazis killed the Jews, and a plethora of stories of people who have made threats against Jews.
A search for the term "Jews must die" brings up stories about the Pittsburgh shooter, who allegedly shouted that before the shooting. But Googling "I hate Jews" takes you to a variety of pages ranging from a Wikipedia entry about self-hating Jews to an article about a Vice co-founder, who left the company more than a decade ago, launching into a rant about Jews in a post titled "10 things I Hate About Jews." Among the articles also are comments from President Donald Trump telling Republican donors that Democrats "hate Jewish people."
As you dive deeper into the search results of Google, the articles become less mainstream and more offensive. More rants and anti-Semitic vitriol from white supremacist sites come up.
Google searches for "kill Jews" were also atypically high, reaching levels not seen since the Pittsburgh aftermath, in the wake of the Passover shooting that killed one woman and injured the rabbi and others, our research shows.
The massive interest in anti-Semitism after so many Jews were killed in cold blood terrifies Carly Pildis in every fiber of her being.
As a Jewish woman living in Washington, DC, who takes her two-year-old daughter to synagogue and writes for the Jewish news and culture Tablet magazine, the increasing violence is alarming and is impacting real life.
"It is a serious life or death threat for American Jews," Pildis says. "I feel a sense of loss, for what it used to be like for Jews here."
The loss turns to outright fury, when she learns more about the searches after the twin attacks on her community."It makes my blood run cold," she says. "It is literally chilling me to the core."
These searches feel like attacks too. That people are openly hunting online for ways to hurt the Jewish community after they have suffered devastating losses.
It is personal, for her, like other Jews who feel under threat. She says each assault on a Jew or vandalism of property with a swastika impacts her. And the massacres, well, they feel like a death in the family.
On the day of the attack on the Pittsburgh synagogue, she laid sick in bed. Then she got a call from a friend apologizing profusely. She didn't know what they were sorry for. Turn on the TV now, she was told. When she did, she saw the deadliest attack on American Jews unfolding. It was the moment she had feared most since watching Neo-Nazis march on the streets of Charlottesville in 2017 chanting "Jews will not replace us!"
Seeing someone try to wipe out Jews in a synagogue gutted her.
Pildis sat on the bathroom floor, writing opinion pieces about what it all meant, trying to come to grips with it."I don't think I slept for days. It was heartbreaking. It was terrifying. It was soul crushing," she explains.
While Pildis grieved the loss of Jewish lives in her home, in the darker, though freely available, corners of the internet, people celebrated.
On sites like 4chan and 8chan, levels of extreme and violent anti-Semitism are often found daily. But that amount of hatred soared even higher, with spikes in the number of anti-Jewish posts on 8chan's /pol/ board observed directly following the Tree of Life attack, our research found.
Many posts lamented "how few" Jews were killed in both Pittsburgh and Poway, reducing human lives to a "score."...
A commenter on 8chan however called the Poway shooter a "f*****g underachiever."
"Can you imagine your son throwing his whole life away for a high score of 1? It's just embarrassing," a post read.
There was also a large amount of general white supremacist posts, such as "KILL THEM ALL."
But most common was a declaration by many posters that it was actually Jewish people who carried out the attacks on other Jews to gain support in society and provide cover for other alleged nefarious activity. It mimics a long, false, conspiratorial theory repeated among anti-Semites, including those who falsely claim the Holocaust specifically was faked.
The concern among experts studying radicalization is how many people can begin by searching anti-Semitic phrases on a mainstream site like Google but end up being drawn into places like 4chan and 8chan and other forums where white supremacists lurk, spewing hate.
And once you engage, hatred seems to grow...
But the impact of the forums and hate sites remains clear. On 8chan, a poster believed to be [the Poway shooter] called alleged Pittsburgh shooter...a direct inspiration. [The Poway shooter] is thought to have made frequent anti-Semitic comments alongside xenophobic content on Gab, another home to far-right extremists.
Joanna Mendelson, a senior researcher for the ADL's Center on Extremism, calls 4chan and 8chan the "lion's den of hate." "White supremacists are weaponizing hate," Mendelson, says. "They are using the internet to broadcast their message to global audiences. They are arming legions of trolls to push their message out across the internet, to the darkest corners and even mainstream platforms," she says.
...Others who have been radicalized online have said they find that within one to three months their views have changed completely and they have fallen prey to the brainwashing. They simply don't believe they've been taken advantage of at the time. That the repeated use of memes, which are meant to act as jokes but sow seeds of hate, is working, those who have escaped the cycle of hate tell CNN.
And the fear is that, if more people may become consumed by hate on 4chan or 8chan, some may take their hate from the forums to the streets.
...Even the seasoned hate-speech researchers commissioned by CNN were shocked at the depravity they found after the two synagogue attacks.
"I say we go all in and start the war, I am ready" one poster writes.
"Hitler did nothing wrong. Soon the entire world will hate the Jews," writes another.
...Another post specifically begins to write the names of the murderers in a numbered list ending with an ellipsis, signifying the desire for more to come.
He or she suggests more attacks until everyday Americans "will accept mosque and synagogue killings as a normal thing."
...Social media giants like Google, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter are being forced to reckon with the power their platforms have in both size and how they amplify hate speech while working to balance free speech.
But more fringe sites, where little if any moderation occurs, seem to present an even larger danger.
And more troubling, perhaps, is the lack of suggestion of what to do about it from the intelligence and law enforcement community.
In a House hearing last week on domestic terrorism, top law enforcement officials couldn't provide an answer as to how to handle websites like 8chan and what legislation could do. CNN has sought comment in the past but their largely unmoderated and unmanaged platforms make it difficult.
That hate spreads online, at the rates CNN found, is unfathomable to Jews like Pildis. She fears the attacks are only beginning, and more will come.
"It makes me unbearably sad, so sad I can barely breathe, to see this rise of hate, extremism and violence," she says. "But they will never take away my hope or my pride in being a Jew - and an American."
Pildis wants those spreading hate to know there is a path out, but if they choose to continue to spew hate against Jews or attack them, the community will never cower.
"Whatever void you are hoping to fill will not be filled with the barrel of a gun," Pildis says. "The Jewish people have survived over 5,000 years of oppression and violence. Our very existence is an act of resistance. We aren't going anywhere."
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the-breloominati · 4 years
so im scrolling through my subscription feed on youtube right
and I see this
Tumblr media
and at first I'm trying to figure out what this actually means bc I have no idea what hes talking about
like for all I know it couldve been some really nasty dogwhistley stuff or hes just like a nazi now, or maybe Activision was making a game with a non-straight-white-cis-guy protagonist or smth?
so apparently activision is removing the "ok" hand gesture from call of duty bc of how its been used by nazis and white supremacists to signal "white power" and dogehistle to each other
and I should get this out of the way, I dont play cod, and I don't really care what Activision does with it as long as its not promoting ideas/values that can cause harm (like racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, etc); basically im not invested in this like.. at all
did a quick google search and according to independent.co.uk
The gesture – or “emote” – was a popular way for players to celebrate the end of a successful match on the hit multiplayer shooter, but has now been replaced with an emote called “crush”.
and from kotaku:
While neither Activision nor developers Infinity Ward have yet to comment on the removal, as Eurogamer report it’s been missing for around a week now (since a June 30 update), and was quickly noticed because it had become one of the most popular emotes in the games.
Which is understandable! It was a cool emote, and was very useful for showboating with one hand while you gunned someone down with the other.
so it seems like its removal won't really affect in-game communication all that much, and seeing as how the sign has been used by white supremacists to dogwhistle to each other, I can see why they would remove it (especially considering how toxic gaming communities can be)
so anyway that's basically exposition so you know what's going on so I can talk about the comment section
its sad
its really sad
a lot of people are like "oh but its just a hand sign" or "oh that was just a 4chan meme from back in 2016/2017" or "oh I didnt even know" or "oh, so when I use the 'ok' hand sign in [generally not racist context such as scuba diving] ill be seen a racist now" and I just
like I kinda want to make a comment and/or reply to people and explain that its context-dependent, and no, using the gesture doesnt automatically make you racist but idk
like on one comment basically saying "oh its just a 4chan troll campaign" someone replied explaining how the gesture has been used by high-profile Nazis and white supremacists, and they think its kinda dumb to ban it but acknowledge that its been used by a lot of people as a dogwhistle, and explaining that the "ok" hand sign being a common symbol is the point bc thats how dogwhisteles work; if someone doesnt get the context or what it means, it'll just fly right past them and they'll think nothing of it
and someone replied (basically) "oh but if its a common symbol everyone uses how can you tell its dogwhistling instead of using it in a normal everyday fashion. it would be hard to tell even if you knew about the dogwhistle" and I just..
and so in repsonse someone points out theres a video of a cop doing the gesture toward a proud boy member and the dude pats the cop on the shoulder
and I kid you not, someone responded, word for word: "proud boys are far from white supremacists. All the real nat sees are in jail or basements"
there's also this other person that said "only dogs hear the whistle ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
im just..
this isnt even as bad as it could be and I'm already exhausted
also, if anyone wants me to make a tag for stuff like this, please let me know (idk how to phrase this properly but basically I understand if you don't want to see posts like this on your dash/my blog (for any reason, really, it could just be that you use tumblr as a positive escape from real life), and I don't know how to tag stuff like this, so if anyone wants me to make a tag for posts like this (or for any other type of post) please let me know)
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