#this is insanely hilarious
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backpackingspace · 8 months ago
okay so post epic odyssey where odysseus and Penelope have surfaced from their room finally and he and diomedes are catching up I'm imagining the conversation going something like this
Odysseus: so then I gave up being merciful and became the monster.
Diomedes:....you tried being merciful?
Odysseus: Yes?
Diomedes: you did? You tried being a good merciful person? You?
Odysseus: Yah okay fuck off it was polties dying wish. I had to try.
Diomedes:.....90% of the war crimes in the Trojan war were suggested, planned out, and carried out by you. We literally stoned to death the guy you had a personal grudge against. We framed him for treason and stoned him to death. 70% of why Athena liked you was because she thought she knew all the ways to kill someone and then you'd suggest something insane and I'd see her taking notes. You literally gave Ajex a psyoctic break just being yourself.
Odysseus: shut up
Diomedes: I'm not wrong. Did you tell Penelope about your attempt to be a good person?
Odysseus: What? Of course I did. I told her everything.
Diomedes: did she laugh?
Odysseus:...shut up that's not the point
Diomedes: she did didn't she!!!
Odysseus: ANYWAY eurylochus wasn't appreciative of my return to monsterhood and he started causing problems so I
Diomedes: killed him? Yah saw that coming. No shit. I'm so shocked.
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jaubaius · 1 year ago
Run, breathe and play!
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inbabylontheywept · 7 months ago
Soviet Birds.
The secret facility that I work in has holes in the ceiling. We don't know how to get them fixed.
We tried asking the government to fix it, once. We told them that the holes in the older parts of the facility had gotten large enough to fit birds through, and that birds were getting through, and that, perhaps, a Soviet Spy could fit through as well.
After all, it is well known that Soviet Spies and pigeons are approximately the same diameter.
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Our hope was that that this vague and nonsensical threat would put a little fire under Uncle Sam's feet. If the fed couldn't be bothered to give a shit about the giant gaping holes in the roof of our facility, perhaps they could be persuaded to give a shit about... Soviet Spies.
This attempt at manipulation 100% blew up in our faces.
See, the government does not need to be persuaded to give a shit about Soviet Spies. It still wakes up most nights, drenched in cold sweat, terrified and confident that a Soviet Spy is hiding in their nightstand. If it sees a rock on the ground, it flips it over, pistol drawn, ready to shoot the Soviet Spy it fully expects to slither out from underneath. Which is to say: The government is crazy. So when we dropped those two words - inflitration risk - in the repair request, they came in guns-a-blazin'.
Does that mean that they fixed the roof? Of course not. Don't be stupid. No, instead of performing basic maintenance, they installed a state of the art alarm system throughout the facility - lasers, sonar, the works - and told us to always be on the guard. Because of the roof holes.
Then they left.
So now we had an extremely good alarm system... and birds. Which have combined in incredibly obvious and predictable ways to produce an unending fountain of problems.
For Example: About once a month, someone gets called in by the local airforce dispatch because AAAAAAAAAAA a Spy is in the Rad Lab! We're all gonna die! Except every time, it's a bird. And I get why we have to check, but every time, the dispatcher is panicked and the person going out has to be like listen, listen: It's a bird. It's always a bird. It's been a bird every month for the last fifteen years. It will be a bird next month. All this stress? Bad for your heart.
Second Example: Sometimes, birds get in while we're actually working. And when it's in the morning, you know, it's a nuisance, and it stops testing (we are not going to risk irradiating a bird) but it's not an all-hands-on-deck situation because it doesn't take ten hours to get a bird out. But surprisingly often, the bird gets in riiiiight at closing time, and in that situation, everyone goes feral because nobody can leave until the alarm is set, and we cannot set the alarm while the bird is there, because the bird would immediately trigger it and then we'd have to stay another 4 hours to confirm that it was not a Soviet Bird.
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So in order to go home, everyone's top priority is Get That Bird. And we have a system for it.
Step 1: The test stands tend to be located in rooms with 30+ foot ceilings. We can't catch birds in places like that - so we have to lure the bird into the relatively low ceilinged (8 feet only) upper offices.
We do this by turning all the lights off in the test rooms, then putting floodlights by the exits. I don't know why this works - some kind of evolutionary brain fragment shared by both Bugs and Birds - but work it does. The birds almost always follow after the lights. From there, it’s just two guys moving the floodlight and a third guy to turn off the lights.
Step 2: Everyone else has been waiting for this step. There is this long stairway up from the basement level into the offices, and in the final stage, the floodlights are brought to the base of the stairwell to bring the bird up. At the top of the steps there will be a group of tennish people, waiting for the signal. The light guys will set up the final transfer, everyone will tense, and then, swish...a bird will flit up the stairs and into the offices.
It's like watching werewolves on a full moon. Before the bird cometh, we are engineers. Nerds. Pale and skinny things, trembling under the fluorescent lights. After the bird, we are beasts. Feral, gnawing things, glowing under the orange sunrise of the 70's halogen floodlights.
And like all beasts, we cannot help but give chase.
Step 3: The were-engineers begin the hunt. The goal at the start is not really to catch the bird - just exhaust it. So the pack simply does not relent. Because the stakes are going home on time, the group is basically given free reign to go anywhere in the building. If someone's door is open, and the bird goes inside, they're going to have to deal with ten sweaty panting maniacs leaping around their office. They don't get to say that they're busy, or remark on how all this movement is a terrible distraction. They are allowed to sit in silence during the chaos, and perhaps thank the war party for chasing the bird while they sat comfortably on their ass. This has been explained several times, and it will continue to be explained until cooperation is achieved.
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The chase can go on for quite some time. Sometimes, the bird will get tired and find a crevice to hide in, where it can then be reached through standard cornered-bird catching techniques.
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Other times, it will slow down enough that someone can actually yoink it out of the air. But this will go on until someone catches the bird and triggers Step 4.
Step 4: The Finale. This is the get-the-bird-out-of-the-building stage, and it requires someone to adopt a specific role: To Become the Sacrificial Vessel of Bird Removal.
This job is both coveted and feared. It's coveted, because holding a wild bird in one's hands is a precious thing. To feel how small, and fragile, and scared it is, only to free it from the building? That is what it's like to be a benevolent God. But the cost! Oh, the cost. The entire time the Vessel is in motion, the bird will be biting the hell out of their fingers. And I cannot emphasize enough just how painful bird bites are. Their entire face is a set of needle posed pliers, and they know tricks the even the cartels haven't figured out yet. So there's always a little hubbub about who shall be The Vessel while onlookers, stranded outside The Office of Bird Capture, can only look on. Quiet arguments and pleas are heard, little fragments of fear and pride and glory trickling out of room like the silver dust left behind in a bag of well shook quarters. The sound of concensus is silence, and the argument will go on until that's all that's left. And then, from the darkness of the final office, the chosen sacrifice will step forward: Hands gently cupped, tears streaming down their face, fingers trembling from the pain of the ongoing bird chomps.
And this scene is what organizes people. Not leadership, not truly. No one can think and coordinate a crowd while their fingers are being attacked with a combination nutcracker/ear piercer. But the crowd sees the suffering of their annointed, and it is driven to do everything poossible to make the process flow. People instinctively flair out, finding the fastest path outside. Doors are held open. Paths are cleared. Someone, somehow, always knows the way forward and can describe it to the sufferer. Left, left, forward. Corner closet. Yep, there's a hall in there. Forward. Two-hundred more feet man, you're doing great. Just hold it together a little longer. You're killing it.
Then the final door swings open, and the bird flees out into what remains of daylight. And yet, even here, the deed is not yet done. I cannot explain it in words, but the crowd that helped is never content until they can see and speak on the Bird Vessel's wounds. They all have to pull the fingers back and see what was given. Estimate the price: One day to get better - No, three - No, a week! Are you blind? Do you see that blood blister? -Yeah, that's not going away anytime soon - Damn, can you believe how feisty those things are? Like wolves without teeth.
(They cannot help but touch as they go. It has always been this way. Even Thomas was not content until he felt the wounds in Christ's hands.)
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Only when the last of the helpers has seen, and commented, and commended, will the engineers scatter. It is their return from the underworld that announces to the sun living surface dwellers that they too can go home. (@somerunner tolja it needed to be a post.)
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iamespecter · 5 months ago
I love how I'm known as "the Harlequin AU creator" like yeah, that's my official title now
Like hi yes I'm the dumbass who took one good look at these two and thought "you know what would be awesome. if they were robots in an 1800's sci-fantasy world and were super hot spouse material"
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orionshounds · 6 months ago
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it is hysterical to me that the feud between nickel and balloon is what caused so much strife for their team, the consequence of which is still affecting suitcase and baseball's relationship and how they view the game, meanwhile those two chucklefucks took a vacation and are now besties
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thatbuddie · 8 months ago
i love how buck is just the communist bugs bunny meme in relation to eddie over and over again.
eddie in 2x02: this is my son.
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maddie in 3x11: you need to bring food when you're a guest in someone's house.
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eddie in 5x13: this is what my breakdown looks like
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the best thing? the best thing is that eddie loves it because he is just as bad lmao
buck is like "our son" and eddie is like "yeah, duh, you're in my will." buck is like "eddie's house is my house" and eddie's like "your name has been on the lease for years." buck is like "our breakdown" and eddie nods and agrees "yeah let me cry by your bedside while you're in a coma wishing WE were sharing a coma."
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tetrapaec · 2 months ago
guys you'll never guess on what date Kurtis Conner got married
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drgnflyteabox · 2 months ago
a little continuation of this. john price x cashier fem!reader. verbal abuse, anxiety, yelling, hurt/comfort, price comes to your retail rescue<3<3 1.4k words
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The only good part of a 5am wakeup is watching the sunrise slowly climb the sky.
There’s a quiet sort of tiredness that lets you appreciate it more — and though the lot associates have made a joke about the morning crew and their sunrise photos, there’s an element of truth there that’s both funny and a little beautiful.
It’s a drag to wait outside the doors for a manager to open them, trying not to make eye contact with the early-bird oldies and the impatient contractors who think they should just be allowed in before everyone else based on the amount of money they spend.
When the doors open and the 6am hardware warriors stroll in, ready and chipper, you’re half asleep leaning against your counter.
Another good thing about the early shift is the lack of uptight managers. None of them want to wake up before ten, so you’re safe to lean and lounge while waiting for customers.
A call comes through your earpiece after a few customers, nearing the cusp of 8am.
”Hey, we’ve got the guy coming your way,” your head cash – Lisa – says, voice crackling in the mic. The guy is a rude jerkoff, some contractor who thinks abusing staff is the way to get good service and better prices.
What’s worse is that your managers allow it. In fact, you get warnings like this all the time. The guy is here, the guy has a big order, make sure to cash him out fast or he’ll start shouting. Be pleasant. Smile.
The guy is walking down the store lumber aisle with a pinched expression on his face and two other employees dragging his stacked carts behind him.
You try to ignore his caustic vibes, thinking instead of the pink, purplish sunrise you’d seen earlier. Clouds like magic, cotton candy, floating above you 
You ignore the incessant tapping of his feet, the annoyed groan he makes when you lift a package of insulation up and find flat saw blades.
Sure, you can’t accuse him of stealing. But you can make a cheery, passive aggressive comment–
“Oops, I guess you forgot these!” you chirp, scanning them a little slower than necessary. It’s not mature, but it does make you feel a little better. Nice try, bozo.
Playing the idiot cashier helps with these types. Why are you mad, sir? I’m just a cashier? And though you could answer more questions than you do, you don’t. Playing the ditz makes life easy.
Lisa’s definitely judged you for it, but hey. She’s not stuck at the register like you are.
Sometimes, it works. You get a scowl, but they’ll go quiet. Sometimes.
Today, it backfires.
“Excuse me?” 
Oh here we go, you think. It’s way too early for this.
“What was that, sir?” you play dumb, voice squeaking.
“Are you accusing me of stealing?” his volume raises. You see redness crawling up his neck. Fuck.
“No, no, I only meant–” you try to backtrack. Fuck, fuck. This is the result of your hubris. Your reasoning flies out through the massive lumber area doors as his rage climbs.
“No? No? Because I think you just accused me of stealing. Do you understand how much I spend here, you moron?”
“I do, I didn’t mean to imply–”
“Get me a fucking manager, now,” he snaps. God, you have no clue if he acts like this to get his way, to get discounts, or if he’s really this angry half the time he comes in.
Regardless, the effect is real. You’ve never been good with anger, and you’re shaking a little as you press the call button on your pager.
“C-Can I please have a manager down to lumber cash?” you broadcast to the store.
All you can think of is looking away from his angry gaze while you wait. Oh, a bubble bath – you have an aloe and green tea bubble bath packet at home waiting for you.
Hot water. Bubble bath. Manager to fix this mess. Maybe a hot chocolate after work?
A couple minutes pass. Longest minutes of your life.
No answer. The guy taps his foot, sighing loudly, angrily. You try again.
“Can I please have a manager down to lumber cash?”
Oh fuck, is that someone else in line? You turn away bodily, speaking again into your mic. Trying to look like you’re doing something about the wait.
Another couple minutes. Despair washes over you like a cold blanket of snow.
“Need a manager at lumber cash,” you try.
Typical, really. Lisa is likely on break, and you have no idea who’s managing the store at the moment.
You imagine it’s likely Cody, who’s good with contractors like this because he's personable but he’s also lazy it almost cancels out. Also, he takes a smoke break every 5 minutes.
And never takes his pager.
“What the fuck is taking so long?” you hear behind you.
“I’m sorry,” you say, turning. “My manager is busy at the moment but–”
“Busy?” his voice is like a gunshot in the airy space, an absurd volume for the time.
“Do you know–”
A third voice cuts in.
“Think you better learn a little patience, mate,” British?
Oh, shit. It’s that guy from before. He’s got one hip a little cocked, a frown on his face like he’s smelled something bad. His boonie hat is titled down, nearly covering his eyes. You can see them because you’re shorter than he is.
“Excuse me? And who are you? Mind your business,” the guy says.
“I think you’d better let the nice girl check me out while you wait,” he motions for you towards the parallel cash desk, and you’re grateful to just follow.
You scurry away from the guy faster than is appropriate, calling out again as you cross the open space towards the other cash desk for a manager.
You can only hope they arrive while you’re helping this one. John Price, you think his name was. He's a memorable man. Him and his moustache and his expensive company.
John Price has left the guy flabbergasted. He also has twice as many carts as him, and when your eyes widen to see them he just says take your time in a smooth, deep voice.
Oh man.
You do take your time, already calmer for John’s presence. Strange maybe to feel safe in the company of a stranger, a contractor no less, but it’s a nice change of pace.
Beep, beep. You scan methodically. John has no hidden items, and he doesn’t pressure you. He leans up against his lumber order and watches you check underneath things, under the cart, doing everything you’re trained to do.
“Start early?” he asks.
“Hm?” you lift your head. “Oh, yes. 6am.”
He whistles.
“Hard worker, I see,” he helps you lift a heavy bag of concrete.
“Thank you,” Marx look away, you think. Your face is only a little hot.
Cody strolls in the lumber doors missing his apron and – you guessed it – his pager. You fix him with a look as he smiles in greeting.
“Need a manager when you’re free,” you rush. Cody is nice, but you’re kinda miffed now.
“Oh, sure,” he says, walking by you toward the breakroom.
John Price raises a brow.
“Not everyone’s up to the task, eh?”
You feel hot again.
“It’s just early.”
John smiles. He looks remarkably silly doing it, you think. His facial hair makes him look approachable, cuddly. Like a teddy bear.
John’s order totals double the guy, which isn’t really a victory for you but it feels like one. Ha! See, you aren’t the richest guy here. You feel vindicated. Cody looks miserable cashing him out, which makes you just a little guilty.
“Will that be cash or card?” you ask, finger hovering on the POS.
He pays with card. You certainly do not notice how he cradles the machine. You aren’t that down bad.
Only you are, and his fingers are huge. His knuckles are hairy.
When you go to hand him the receipts, printed twice for record keeping, he manages to slip a 50 into your hand before you notice.
“Oh, no! I’m not allowed to–”
He folds those big bear paws over your hand, enclosing the cash in it with a sh sh sh as you protest.
“For the trouble,” he winks.
“You didn’t give me any trouble,” you try. The warmth of his palm, the roughness of his calluses. You’re a goner.
He chuckles, and you wonder how he can be both so intense and so disarming.
“You know what I mean, sweetheart,” he squeezes your hand, pushing it gently back towards you until you can put it in your apron pocket.
“Thank you,” you squeeze out.
“Don’t let him get to you,” he says.
“I’ll try,” you thank God or the universe or whoever that Cody and the guy finished a while ago.
Yeah, you’re a goner.
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mirellapryce · 3 months ago
Imagine for a moment if right after Niko had pointed out the starfish to Edwin and said "They're in love." Charles had come in, completely oblivious and pointed to them saying, "Hey, they're just like me 'nd you, right Edwin?"
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hakogyi · 11 months ago
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kaishin nation i am so, so sorry
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w33zerbluealbum · 6 months ago
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Knife thought he was alone
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anachronismstellar · 4 months ago
Me, laughing like a mad woman while writing SQH getting all the peak lords:
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outtheoiseaux · 7 months ago
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Anyone else remember the crazy death games you’d play with ur childhood dolls? I used to pretend to sew mine together & swing them around the ceiling fan💀
I think they would get along like a house on fire
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allthepandasintheworld · 3 months ago
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im begging does anyone have like, any sort of community or discord server or something hghaiuflkjshhlkghakhaklsd i have a need to scream about my boy who has every disease
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kasanetetolover · 16 days ago
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Here's the nickloon valentines art I was supposed to finish 2 DAYS AGO.... Oops sorry
Bonus doodles
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art-soboro · 3 months ago
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a flood of miracles wouldn't be enough because you called my name
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