#this is here because of the umm recent events
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aaivii · 8 months ago
Two cents on the DOTD because it is upsetting so many people 🤷‍♀️
DOTD is literally the award given, basis on whose fans are the most active and actively voting. So, for quite last few races it has always been Lando and I'm not surprised, because people other than him were usually Max, George, Charles and I think it was Lewis once, I might be wrong there. But what surprises me is the amount of people who vehement bad mouth Lando for it, and be like ooohh all the fangirls voting for him and it might even be true in his case, but again why is everyone surprised by it. It is literally fans of Max, George or let's say whoever there is against Lando's FANBASE. Other's of course might have driven much better than Lando (as was the case of DOTD in the Austrian GP but I think there was the case voting all closed before the crash happened so no changes could have been made anyways). If it was Lewis in any of those races it still would be other's fans vs Lewis fanbase. And Lewis would win it, I'm sure. Even I get super annoyed at the DOTD but not even a single time have I bothered to vote for the my driver. I'm just too lazy and definitely sure many of us don't or even if we do, it might be less compared to the ones on fanbase.
So, the point is this award is always going to go the famous driver which at times will or will not coincide with the winner. Jeez, I think it was the Monaco GP were at some point Valterri literally had higher percentage of votes just because he gad managed 1 or 2 overtakes during the race. So if you're down there on the ig bad mouthing a driver just because he is getting consistent DOTD, you're just barking up the wrong wall. Because, if the official accounts can take up adoption jokes in their tweets, they are very much aware and online enough to know the amount of people who are getting irked by the DOTD and still will not change it. So at the end of the day, hundreds of people are down in the ig comments saying this and that deserved that, and thousands of people will be with their own set of horrible comments setting up a chain reaction down there. So, at the end ultimately DOTD will continue to exist and you will lament blah blah blah, but FIA ultimately wins because hey any publicity is good publicity.
DOTD is not going to be abandoned probably guys, because at the end of the day it is one way of telling people that see, at least you're involved in one decision. It is fans against fanbase, and the latter would also win. (I write this because it is incredibly annoying and honestly disgusting to watch some of the ig comments, discrediting a driver just because he's getting DOTD or even here using the 'anti' tags. Because if you're the one with all the hateful comments then you might be allowing too much f1 into your daily life and probably should not, coming from someone who is ready to get done with the last weekend and how much it occupied my mind..😖😖).
0 notes
threeacttragedy · 29 days ago
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Entry 18: The One Where Two Roads Diverged in a Wood of GIFs and Written Words
“Lukola Crisis Hotline. How may I be of service?”
Me: Houston, we have a problem.
Dad: Do tell!
Me: You won’t believe who showed up last night! –
Dad: Oh, my goodness! Oh, my goodness! Whoa! I don’t know what to say! Wait – let me grab my Coke and my smokes. <waiting> Okay, I’m back. So, Misty appeared out of nowhere with Thang?! Well, this just got fun! <laughing>
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For clarity’s sake, my father tends to give everyone a pet name. Some of the pet names are funny; some are quite cruel. But if they help him remember who the players are in this fandom (and in any other situation), I’m game to play along. Plus, his pet names tend to add a little comedy relief to whatever is being discussed, especially when it is not an outwardly funny subject.
In Lukola-Land, Luke is “Thang” (it’s actually “Thing” – as in the hand from The Addams Family – but my dad’s accent muddles the pronunciation into “Thang”); Nicola is “Ireland,” for obvious reasons; Antonia is “Misty,” for, umm, the Clint Eastwood movie, “Play Misty for Me;” and Jake is – well, Jake is actually just “Jake” because my father finds the USS Jakola offensive. In fact, when I was discussing the recent fandom events with him on Friday evening, my dad was genuinely shocked to learn the Jakolas still existed. His pet name for the Jakolas is “Fucking Stupid,” by the way.
Moving on to the matter at hand –
There’s been so much “noise” over the past few weeks that, when taken collectively, it is rather eye-opening. We’ve got Luke’s mother posting on Facebook about “Luke’s girlfriend…from Cyprus.” The leaked funeral video and photos (by allegedly Luke’s family). The Best in Show pap pictures of Nicola and Jake. The “just friends” interview. The disappearance of Jake (because he’s rehearsing for a play) and the sudden reemergence of Antonia.
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If you’ve noticed from my recent entries on this blog, I have obviously found most of what has happened of late to be comical and not worth putting into written word. Instead, my thoughts have been dumped into GIF stories. To be honest, I was rather disappointed I couldn’t put this last part – Antonia emerging from the misty edges of the forest – entirely into a GIF story. Her reappearance was like a certain Bond villain coming back to life for the seventh time. In other words, it was total cringe. But it also altered an otherwise slow burning campfire into a motherfucking forest fire.
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Me: Thoughts?
Dad: I need some time to think about this one – and a cigarette. Or two. Call me back in 15 minutes.
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“Psychotic Fan Rescue Center, at your service.”
Me: You’re a dumbass.
Dad: <laughing> Well, this is insane. It makes no sense and it’s a convoluted mess. Why bring Misty back? She was killed off two seasons ago.
Me: No shit, Sherlock.
Dad: Hell, maybe this has all been a nest of vipers.
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A nest of vipers? Ah, yes, the idea that we have a group of venomous snakes thrown into the same close-quartered trench – in an every-man-for-himself type situation – each taking strikes at the others whenever their backs are turned.
In Entries 1, 13, and 15 – with an emphasis on “Entry 13: The One Where the Ashes Blew Towards Us with the Salt Wind from the Sea” – I wrote about what the Lutonia narrative could look like, if real. I will not rehash in detail those entries here, but I will link them at the end of this entry if you want to read, or reread, them.
Now, the General Audience almost certainly didn’t pay a lick of attention to Antonia when she appeared alongside Luke at the Boss event held January 30 (she’s always just been a Face in the Crowd). But the sudden reappearance of Antonia stopped the Lukolas dead in their tracks because – like my dad said – she was seemingly killed off two seasons ago.
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The Lukolas have suddenly found themselves at an intersection of confusion and, likely, a bit of distress. The long and winding road we’ve been traveling along has diverged into two paths – and, no, you cannot travel both.
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The problem with the Lutonia narrative has always been that Luke has never formally acknowledged Antonia as his girlfriend. In fact, Luke had the perfect opportunity to do so when he posted about the Boss event on his Instagram grid – but he did not. I could rationalize the idea that Luke and Antonia wanted to keep their relationship private after the Papsmear misstep if it weren’t for the fact that Antonia has been historically loud in her social media posts. We spent the summer and fall with insinuation post after insinuation post from Antonia. Yes, all those posts that alluded to her being with Luke without any actual evidence that she was, in fact, with Luke. By the time Antonia got to “Pasta-gate” in mid-November, the Lukola fandom barely even blinked before dismissing her as, well, the antagonist from “Play Misty for Me.” And this leads to something even more problematic for the USS Lutonia – Luke has never rescued Antonia from being ridiculed and torn apart by the fandom. My dad would call – and has called – Luke a cad for this.
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Jumping to the other side of this misshapen triangle, we have Nicola and her Assassin (my dad’s pet name for JVN). Assuming Lutonia is real, the only logical answer for Nicola’s behavior is that she has spent months trolling Luke, Antonia, and <gasp> the fandom. Nicola herself has admitted to being chronically online and, at a minimum, being aware of fan edits – so much so that during the London premiere she commented that she and Luke “can’t do anything” without the fandom reacting to it. Therefore, I will call “foul” on anyone who tries to persuade me that Nicola was unaware of, at a minimum, how the Lukola fandom had reacted to the Claddagh ring, Chaos Week, and the October airplane posts. JVN openly mocking Antonia on social media with, for example, their Slick Back Bun routine only added fuel to this fire.
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For shits and giggles – and so I can get to the bend in this road – we will roll with my dad’s “Nest of Vipers” theory for a moment. We will concede that Lutonia is real, which, in my opinion, makes Luke the absolute worst boyfriend in London and Antonia a woman who doesn’t mind being treated like roadkill. It also, unfortunately, makes Nicola and Fan Favorite JVN come off like online bullies – with the only plausible reasoning for the bullying being that Luke and Nicola are at odds with each other. No, I take that back – they’re not at odds with each other – they’re seemingly at war with each other. I’ll even amp this up a bit and throw in the suggestion that, assuming Lutonia is real, Netflix & Co. is aware of the strife between its two Polin actors and are protecting their asset with blurred Polin-Lukola posts to pacify the fandom. Dun-Dun-DUNN! And yes! That was a sly nod to Jake.
Me: Thanks for that. You just made Luke into an absolute prick and gave Antonia’s starring role in “Play Misty for Me” to Nicola.
Dad: Hey, I’m not the one who dug up Misty! That was all Thang!
Me: Then why does everyone say Luke is the nicest person? Nicola, his co-stars –  
Dad: All lies.
Me: Would you STOP?!
Dad: But I’m serious! Thang could be a complete pig behind closed doors and Ireland could be on the verge of a psychotic meltdown because, uhh, maybe she’s obsessed with Thang and pissed he chose Misty.
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The unfortunate thing about this Nest of Vipers theory is that I could almost certainly make a convincing argument that it was legit. I’ve always joked with my Inner Circle of Lukolas that no one wants to see me go rogue, especially not – I’ll bite my tongue on that one. But I will emphasize the importance of keeping an open mind when you’re reviewing information. Always consider both sides of the coin. That said, it’s hard to ignore the evidence that was presented to us through the World Tour interviews and behind-the-scenes footage; therefore –
Me: I’m having a hard time believing Luke is someone who wouldn’t protect his girlfriend. He seems to support Nicola online quite a bit. Why wouldn’t he do the same for Antonia?
Dad: <laughing> Fine. Antonia isn’t his girlfriend. Maybe it’s all just a bunch of fuckery like I’ve always said.
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“Fuckery” is my dad’s pet name for PR bullshit. If you didn’t pick up on it in previous entries, I am not fond of PR theories. But I also cannot ignore that PR relationships do exist and have for decades (hell, we could go back centuries and find examples of PR relationships across multiple noble and royal families – think about that, naysayers). It was my dad who first sold me on the possibility of Antonia being PR. So, I will consider this road to PR-ville in the same manner as I did the Nest of Vipers theory – with this PR theory having perhaps the better claim.
I mentioned earlier that the General Audience almost certainly paid little attention to Antonia’s existence at the Boss event. Although some people may find what I’m about to say a bit unkind, it doesn’t make it any less valid (and I’m not saying it to be cruel): Antonia, in the overall scheme of things, is of very little importance to the General Audience. She has less than 15 thousand followers on Instagram, even after being connected to a man who has almost three million. However, oddly enough, that didn’t prevent the Daily Mail from dropping a story which predominantly focused on Antonia within the same timeframe that images from the Boss event were being dropped on the Internet. It also didn’t prevent video footage of Luke and Antonia at the Boss event from being leaked online almost immediately – even when there were undoubtedly more famous celebrities attending the event. I’ll be realistic with this next comment, too: Luke may be relevant to the Bridgerton fandom, but that does not mean he is significant to, say, People Magazine’s average reader. So, why the sudden burst of publicity at this event?
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I waited to write this entry to see what Luke did with the exposure from the Boss event. Would he finally put Antonia on his Instagram grid? Would he put her in his Instagram stories? Would Antonia post pictures from the event on her Instagram grid or stories? Would Luke unambiguously acknowledge a relationship with Antonia?
Although Luke posted to his Instagram grid and stories about the event, he did not include Antonia – at least not directly. The closest he came to including Antonia was via an Instagram story – on which he did not tag her – of a black screen with a link to a Boss TikTok that included images of Luke and Antonia from the event. The TikTok did not tag Antonia either. Luke did not post Antonia’s image to his grid or his stories.
And Antonia didn’t post about the event at all.
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I wasn’t sold on a PR narrative when I started writing this entry, but my eyebrows raised when I saw Luke’s “black screen” Instagram story. This was either Luke attempting to circumvent the Lutonia narrative while throwing Antonia a bone, or it was Luke being an absolute douche of a human being. And, if it’s the latter, Mr. Newton needs to check himself into Assholes Anonymous.
I will concede that a couple of mutuals put up a few stories about the event (which disappeared after 24 hours) and Boss included (and tagged) Luke and Antonia in an Instagram and TikTok reel – without formally identifying Antonia as Luke’s girlfriend. On a side note, Luke could have reposted either of these reels – which tagged Antonia – but he did not. Luke also did not like this Boss Instagram reel with Antonia in it (and he does not have a public TikTok account), but Luke did like a separate Boss post of him and David Beckham (without Antonia). The only news outlets that called Antonia Luke’s “girlfriend” were rag-mags like the Daily Mail and Hello, both of which put an emphasis on Antonia. Digital Spy noted that Luke and Antonia “have yet to officially confirm their relationship.” So outside of some tagged reels (that weren’t reposted or acknowledged by Luke) and rag-mag speculation, what did Antonia get from this?
Dad: Publicity.
A single word but one that resonates throughout an otherwise silent wood.
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But to be honest, I’m not entirely convinced this was for publicity. I’m not saying I believe Antonia is Luke’s girlfriend either – that’s a whole cauldron of contradictions on its own. I’m simply intrigued that Antonia has her Instagram tags turned off and she has not yet allowed any Boss event tags to appear on her page. So, outside of some junky rag-mag callouts and a few TikToks, what benefit did Antonia receive? And, if Antonia didn’t truly benefit from this appearance (or, at least she doesn’t appear to be reaping the rewards from a girlfriend or PR standpoint), who did benefit?
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I mentioned at the beginning of this post that a series of events had happened one after the other over a relatively short two-week period: (1) Luke’s mum mentioning “Luke’s girlfriend…from Cyprus” in a Facebook response; (2) leaked video and photos of Luke from a funeral; (3) those utterly ridiculous pap pictures of Nicola and Jake; (4) Nicola stating she and Luke were “just friends” in an interview; and (5) the sudden summoning of Antonia after exactly six months of being MIA.
As I sat here writing out the events of the past two weeks – and considering the reappearance of Antonia – I couldn’t help but speculate as to whether each of these events was meant to have a specific purpose that didn’t get its desired result.
The comment by Luke’s mother was so far out in left field, most Lukolas chucked it up to being suspicious and dismissed it as such. The funeral pictures and video released by one of Luke’s family members was quickly scrubbed from social media; therefore, just as quickly ignored. The pap pictures of Nicola and Jake were openly mocked across social media as being staged. The “just friends” comment – after almost a year of, particularly, Nicola dodging that phrase – didn’t seem to send many Lukolas overboard. Is it possible that the fandom’s mild reaction to all these events wasn’t anticipated? Which leads me to wonder if Luke and Nicola wanted a reaction and realized the only way they were going to get it was to play the only card they had left – Antonia.  
When you look at the above referenced events individually and collectively, they appear to indicate a push to shut down the Lukola narrative. Why?
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They could have shut down the Lukolas before the World Tour even took off. They could have shut down the Lukolas during the World Tour. They could have shut down the Lukolas after Papsmear. Why wait almost a full year to draw the line in the sand? Especially after every devoted Lukola would argue that (mostly) Nicola has left a trail of Swiftie-like clues to insinuate Lukola is real, and that Luke has made a visible effort to remove Antonia from his narrative.
Whatever the reasoning may be, we must admit Antonia’s reappearance had a purpose – and one that we need to respect. I have a hard time believing Luke would voluntarily step in the same pile of dog shit he stepped in back in June without a valid and significant reason for doing so.
And this is where I will draw the line.
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I will not speculate further about why Antonia suddenly rose from the ashes of Manderley – and I will not tell you which road to take from here. That’s something you need to do on your own but, be warned that regardless of which road you choose – the one where you conclude Luke and Antonia are a couple, or the one where you decide Antonia is playing the role of PR distraction – the Lukolas are currently fighting a losing battle.
The Lukolas have become collateral damage. They’ve either been caught in the crossfire of an online war between Luke and Nicola (and their respective sidekicks) over, presumably, Antonia; or they’re the unwitting victims of some messy PR bullshit that has resulted in Lukolas being bullied across every social media platform by rabid Jakolas and Anti-Lukes.
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Amazingly, though, many Lukolas remain resilient.
When the going gets tough…
But sometimes the tough don’t get going.
Yesterday, someone wrote to me, “Why are we still here? Just when we think something good is finally going to happen we get pushed back down. I’m tired of the dumb games.”
I rarely answer “Asks,” but my response to this comment is:
“Two roads diverged in a wood…”
Two roads.
One road is quite disheartening and the other is shrouded in underbrush.
But what you've overlooked is that there is an alternate path – a third road – the one that brought you to this point.
Turn around.
That road takes you back home – and, if you’re ready to go home, go home. It’s okay. It takes an unbelievable amount of courage to admit you’ve had enough. Remember that saying – “A wise woman once said, ‘fuck this shit,’ and she lived happily ever after.”
Take your time and decide what makes the most sense to you.
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Dad: What are you thinking?
Me: Of a poem.
Dad: Oh, which one today?
Me: “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by…”
Dad: Which road is that…?
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P.S. Just for a bit of comic relief at the end of an otherwise somber post (not even Dad could make it lighthearted), I just wanted to say:
I love eating grapes.
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Those links I promised:
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mwahsol · 4 months ago
Hot sauce makes me nervous
Description: You have been invited to go on Hot One's First We Feast. It was recently announced that you're releasing an album but when some were looking through the title names they noticed some were romantic names, there have been rumors of you and a specific Uconn basketball player, leading there to already be a lot of attention on the anticipated album. Later on in the interview, you get asked about a specific song already out asking you who and/or what was the inspiration for it. I am using Sabrina and her music as well from other artists as yours in this because I can't think of good song titles…enjoy :)
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“It's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings. Today we’re joined by Y/n L/n, she is one of the most talked about artists. Her debut album from 2021 still to this day is one of the most played in the last four years, some of her latest singles being Please Please Please, Espresso, Nonsense, and The Diner. As well as her new album called Sort n’ Sweet. Y/n L/n welcome to the show.” Sean announces while turning to look at you during the end as to give you the greeting.
“Hi thank you for inviting me, this has been a dream of mine to be here so I am honored and nervous,” you reply a bit nervous since you're fangirling on the inside.
“We’re excited to have you, how are you feeling going into this, are you a fan of hot sauce or prefer to keep things more tame?” He starts with a simple question to try and get you a bit comfortable, keeping things light and steady.
“Umm, I wouldn't say I'm a fan.. when I'm out at dinner I don't go for the spicy flavors but like as a small snack like chips or something yes I'm a fan. Hot sauce makes me all sweaty and nervous if I'm honest.” You say giggling towards the end because you know if you lied your girlfriend's team would never let you live it down when they watch this. “Like one time I thought it was a good idea to try those hot soups filled with peppers and stuff I started to tear up by like the fifth bite.”
At your retelling of the event, Sean is also laughing with you before he starts asking you the question he's prepared and having to dig in.
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���I never eat wings with bones in them so this is a little new to me,” you tell him while taking your first bit of the first wing.
“Really? I thought most ate them with the bone in.”
“Yeah I just have an irrational fear of my teeth falling out if I bite down on the bone, that's also why I hate eating with forks.”
Sean and the rest of the people behind the cameras can't help but laugh at your admission. In the background of everyone laughing with you both, you can hear her laughing as well knowing that what you're saying is very much true. Hearing her you turn your head subtly, thinking people wouldn't notice this when posted, looking at her laughing admiring her for a second. You would find out later on people could decently see you turn your head, and if you listened close enough you could hear Paige's laughter in the back.
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As the show went on Sean asking you questions about your career, your opinions on your songs, and how you came to be a singer, he asks, “So your song Let the Light In is one of your more romantic yet darker songs. Is there a story behind it or how did the inspiration come to you to create a song like this?”
When hearing his question you started worrying a bit knowing the inspiration wasn't just yours but Paige's too. You look at her in a way asking if she's ok with you answering knowing that this involves a personal situation with her and yourself, when you see her nod and give you an encouraging smile you know she's giving you the go-ahead and will be supportive of your answer. “Well, I wrote the song from my girlfriend mainly, when she had a serious injury and was in a dark place at the time when I met her. As she slowly got better the day she was cleared to play again she told me that she was grateful to have me because meeting me was like a light coming into her life encouraging her to get better. When she told me that I cried because I admitted to her that when I met her I was also at a dark place in my life so meeting her was also like the sun shining after the storm for me. We are each other's lights so I wrote the song for her.” You answer tearing up at the memory but smiling remembering her face when you told her she's your light too.
“It such a heartwarming thing to see how you can take special memories like that and write something beautiful for it, thank you for sharing.” He replied also smiling fondly at you seeing how you made sure with Paige first and telling such a personal moment.
“Thank you too for asking,” you know some interviews would keep pushing for more details, and you're grateful he didn't seeing as how it's not just your story to tell.
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By the ninth wing, you started crying while laughing, there were funny instances from you getting a wing and running to Paige telling her to eat it since she was dying by laughing at you, to you falling out of your chair from how fast you turned and reached to grab the milk from the table away from you.
“I feel like my makeup with melting off just by my sweat and tears,” you say struggling to just sit upright but still laughing at your situation.
“Yeah, you look like it.” You heard Paige mumble in the background teasing you knowing it would get a reaction out of you.
“Babe I swear I will go back there and pour this hot sauce down your throat.” Threatening her, not being cautious anymore, while you felt like your mouth was on fire. This makes her laugh even harder as well as the crew and Sean.
After most of the laughter settled down Sean gets ready to ask another question. “This past year you have been spotted at a lot more WCBB and WNBA games, when did you get into watching women's basketball, and why?”
“When I was younger I had brothers that played basketball, they would teach me to play, and tried to get me to watch the NBA. As most big brothers do I just never could get into watching men play but anytime I would find a WNBA game you could bet I was fighting for the controller to put on the game. This year I’ve had a bit more free time since the tour for my last album was done and I took a bit of a break before I started writing this new album so I decided to attend as many as I could.” You weren't technically lying but you did leave out the part where you would mainly go to Uconn games to see your girlfriend back on the court and support her.
“Do you still play?”
“Yeah, a bit nothing serious though,” which is true if anyone on the team asks you to play you would say yes. Paige, while you are both away from Connecticut, if she finds a court shell beg you to play. Even though they're very much significantly taller you'll sometimes land a few points.
“Alright Y/n last one,” he tells you while shaking the last bottle.
“Oh gosh ok ok,” You can feel yourself shaking a little with nervousness but you have to see it through, or else she will never let you forget it. Shaking the bottle as well you try to put a of hot sauce enough to get it but not too much where you're burn your tongue off.
“Before I do this I want the camera and people to see that I did put some on there so she can't say I wussed out,” you tell everyone holding up your wing and looking directly at Paige while she shakes her head laughing at your expression.
“Yes, no one can claim you didn't go through with it, going out with a bang,” Sean tells you backing you up.
When you bite down you can already feel yourself regretting this. You start sweating again, eyes tearing up, nosey runny, you're defiantly making her drive you to go get ice cream.
“So Y/n you stated that in you're elementary through middle school years you took ballet lessons,” as soon as he said those words you knew where this was going and started to mentally prepare yourself, “we wanted to see if you could choreograph a small routine to your song All mine.”
“Of course, I can't promise it'll be good,” you respond while laughing and sniffling.
“Alright let's move these tables and chairs,” Sean says while laughing with you.
When doing your routine you only got a few steps in before you stopped and could continue because of your laughter, “I'm sorry omg I can't do it.”
“Fanominal dance couldn't have asked for better. There it is Y/n L/n taking on the wings of death, living to tell the tale, is there anything you would like to promote.”
“Short n’ Sweet comes out August, listen to it please it'll make me feel better from this. Watch the WNBA they're really cool and watch WCBB they're really cool too.” Biding everyone goodbye while still panting a little.
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“Those wings got you good hm baby?” Paige says while driving to a McDonalds to get you a ice cream you almost demanded for.
“Paige, honey, I love you but I swear on everything I love I will make this car crash if we don't get ice cream. I can feel my face melting off.” You claim not even looking at her too busy trying not to keep sniffling.
“Ok ok we're almost there,” she can't help but laugh. I mean can you blame her, you were excited to do this a few hours ago now you look light you lost a fight.
After finally getting you your ice cream it's like your mood did a complete 180. “Thank you my love,” you say as you kiss her all over her face showing her how much you wanted that ice cream.
“The switch-up is crazy,” Paige says while chuckling at your attitude and holding your waist.
“I can stop.”
“Now I never said that come here mama.”
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I'm slowly defrosting y'all (I'm losing my mind.) ANYWAY, I hope you guys enjoyed this <3
Kiss the sun 🌞
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livwritessometimes · 10 months ago
So Long London - Lando Norris
: Lando Norris x singer!reader
: y/n is ready to move on
: Part 3 | Part 1 (Spin-off Series)
: Series Masterlist
: Spin-off Series
: Main Masterlist
: Author’s Note: And with that we come to the end of Love lost series. I hope you guys liked it (if so do let me know) 💕 also I had no idea there was a 30 photo limit!! Had to delete 2 photos for the story to make sense.
Yourname added to their story!
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seen by User48 and 76,021 others
| User48 replied to your story
-> why are you here?? Didn’t you and Lando break up! Why are you still hanging out with his friends??
| User02 replied to your story
-> Yessss I’m so glad you’re here to support max 💕
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liked by maxverstappen1 and 65,528 others
👤: maxverstappen1, schecoperez, kellypiquet, redbullracing
Yourname: Congratulations Max and Checo!! P1-P2 💪🏻 (also last slide is max emilian’s live reaction to the tea ☕️)
view all 52,301 comments
schecoperez: Thank you y/n 🙌🏻
*liked by yourname*
maxverstappen1: you swore you won’t use the 3 pic 😃
-> Yourname: Yes and I lied 😙
redbullracing: Thank you for coming y/n 💙 you’re always welcome here!
-> Yourname: Thank you for having me 🫶🏻
*liked by redbullracing*
kellypiquet: The 2 pic is so cute!! Send that to me <3 also I’ve been telling you that max is a girls girl 🎀
-> Yourname: Sending!! And yesss I believe you now
-> maxverstappen1: :/
*liked by kellypiquet, Yourname*
User62: I wonder what Lando has to say about their friendship
-> User48: I know right like you’re no longer a wag stop trying to be one
-> User50: umm first of all Max and Kelly both are friends with y/n (and dare I say they’re closer to her than him) and second of all she can do whatever she wants!!
*liked by kellypiquet*
Yourname added to their story!
🎶 The Night We Met by Lord Huron 🎶
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seen by alexandrasaintmleux and 76,021 others
| alexandrasaintmleux replied to your story
-> let’s meet tom? Have a girls dinner!!
Yourname: are you sure? I don’t want you to take on unnecessary stress just because of me
-> ofc I’m sure!! And don’t say that, it’s been so long since we’ve seen each other
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liked by charles_leclerc and 83,294 others
👤: alexandrasaintmleux, kellypiquet, lilymhe, francisca.cgomes, iamrebeccad
Yourname: Previously on Gossip Girls!! (missing @/lilyzneimer and @/carmenmmundt)
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Yourname: also @/charles_leclerc I stole your girlfriend!! She’s mine now <3
-> charles_leclerc: Whatttt!!! 😨
-> alexandrasaintmleux: yes @/charles_leclerc it’s true
-> charles_leclerc: Alexx!! we have a child together 🐶 think about him
-> Yourname: oh yes! Forget to tell you, we get Leo’s custody 🐕 I got your girl and your dog leclerc 😌
-> alexandrasaintmleux: sorry baby but it is what it is 🤷🏻‍♀️
User13: why is no one talking about the last slide 🫢
User32: I bet the reason why lily is not here is because she’s staying loyal to Lando and McLaren!!
-> User02: ????? Lily is Oscar’s girlfriend why would she stay loyal to Lando!!
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liked by User04 and 32,942 others
👤: landonorris, magui_corceiro, Yourname
F1updates: Lando Norris spotted with a new beau! The McLaren driver was recently seen attending the Monte Carlo Masters Finals with Portuguese model Margarida Corceiro. Fans spotted the two getting dinner after the event. Norris recently ended a 5 year relationship with Singer Y/n L/n. There has been no confirmation from either the two about whether they are dating or not. Only time will tell if it’s time to welcome a new wag in the McLaren garage.
view all 26,305 comments
User04: I’m so happy for Lando to finally be with someone worthy!!
User79: she’s so pretty 😍
User05: can’t believe he wasted 5 years of his life with y/n
User86: why would you tag y/n in this?? It’s not even related to her
-> User51: why else, she deserves to know how happy Lando is after he left her
User01: that’s so soon!! Didn’t he just got out of a FIVE year long relationship?
-> User74: it’s been 2 months relax he can do whatever he wants
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Yourname added to their story!
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seen by User33 and 59,621 others
| User33 replied to your story
-> hmmm weird timing to post this 👀
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landonorris added to their story!
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seen by Yourname and 96,204 others
| Yourname replied to your story
-> so five years meant nothing to you
landonorris: why do you care? It’s not like you did that during our entire relationship
-> what do you even mean by I didn’t care!! I was with you through everything! All your wins and all your losses. How can you say that after I’ve given you so much
landonorris: I loved you but you never bothered seeing any of my efforts. There’s no point of arguing, after all this time you’re still the same old selfish clueless person who let us go. You were never there when I needed you, and now that I am happy you can’t seem to digest that. Move on and let me move on as well.
*seen by Yourname*
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liked by User02 and 83,574 others
Yourname: You’ve been on my mind, and I’ll waste my time 🚬
view all 65,026 comments
User02: prettyyy 💋
User96: girlll are you okay you’re quoting cigarettes after sex 😀 I don’t think you are okay
-> User21: are we all gonna ignore the fact that the next line is “‘til you lift me off the floor and love me again”
*Incoming Call from Y/N*
Kelly: “Hey how’s your night going? I just saw your post-“
Yourname: “kell” y/n said as she tried to control her breathing. “I texted him after I saw his story. He’s blaming me for our break up. I- i did so much for him and now he-“
Kelly: “ok sweetheart listen to me, first try to take a deep breath. Now tell me exactly where you are Max and I will come and get you”
Yourname: “I’m near our regular bar”
Kelly: “okay we’re on our way. Just stay where you are and we’ll get you. And know this y/n it’s not your fault. You guys breaking up was not your fault! don’t let his nonsense get to you. We’re almost there, see you in 5”
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liked by User99 and 62,838 others
👤: Yourname, maxverstappen1, kellypiquet
Celebritygossip: Singer Y/n L/n was spotted crying outside a bar by some of her fans. The fans claim that the singer was hysterically crying over the phone. Bystanders also said that they saw Formula 1 driver Max Verstappen and his girlfriend Kelly Piquet arrive at the location trying to console L/n. This news comes right after L/n was seen partying according to her last Instagram post. There has been a lot of speculation going on behind this breakdown, but many believe this is the aftermath of L/n’s ex, Lando Norris confirming his new relationship.
What do you think about this situation? Let us know in the comments down below.
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Yourname added to their story!
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seen by User02 and 63,027 others
| User02 replied to your story
-> 💙💙
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liked by kellypiquet and 75,728 others
Yourname: Gone was any trace of you, I think I am finally clean 🤍
view all 61,839 comments
kellypiquet: 💕
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liked by User99 and 62,838 others
👤: Yourname
Y/nNews: It is being reported that singer Y/n L/n has sold her house in London. The singer bought this house in 2019 and lived there with her now ex-boyfriend Lando Norris. The couple broke up a few months ago. Since then, the house has been occupied by L/n alone. There has been no news about whether she bought a new house yet. Stay tuned for more updates!
view all 61,839 comments
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liked by kellypiquet and 82,738 others
👤: kellypiquet
Yourname: A much needed day out! (Also Kelly was concerningly good at the gun range)
view all 74,838 comments
kellypiquet: what can I say I’m a women of many talents 💪🏻
-> Yourname: that you are (@/maxverstappen1 hide all sharp objects in the house)
-> maxverstappen1: So glad you guys had a good time 🥰 (way ahead of you)
-> kellypiquet: 🙂🙂 (y’all better run)
-> Yourname: 🏃🏻‍♀️
-> maxverstappen1: 🏃🏻‍♂️
-> User61: these two are such clowns 😭
*liked by kellypiquet*
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liked by User31 and 88,025 others
Y/nUpdates: Y/n L/n at the Variety Interview “I guess I’ve been exposed to the world in a sense, people prey on that and take advantage of that. They twist it in a way that you don’t always expect.” L/n got emotional as she continued “Sorry I didn’t mean to do this, but it is such a hard thing to balance, because how do you be honest without jeopardising anything. It is very easy to feel out of control and I feel so grateful to be with family and friends who have been with me through my toughest time.”
view all 79,628 comments
User31: It’s so heartbreaking to see her get emotional while talking about the negative effect that fame has on a person.
User08: I’m so glad to see that she’s doing better! It’s nice to finally see her happy and smile genuinely 💕
User22: Not her mentioning Max, Kelly and P as the family she has made along the way 🥺🥺
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liked by Yourname and 111,838 others
👤: maxverstappen1, Yourname
kellypiquet: Home sweet home 🏠
view all 92,837 comments
User02: Alt caption: Max and Kelly with their overgrown child 👧🏻
*liked by maxverstappen1, kellypiquet*
Yourname: 💕🧿
-> Yourname: also tell max he better hide 😃 because when I find him, I will hit him with the same shoe 👟 he kicked me with
-> maxverstappen1: You’ll never catch me 😌
-> Yourname: P told me where you are 😈👟
-> maxverstappen1: 🏃🏻‍♂️💨
-> User66: at this point I feel P is only smart person in this household besides Kelly
*liked by kellypiquet*
User01: I live for all the y/n x P content! It’s so wholesome 🫶🏻
*liked by Yourname*
Yourname added to their story!
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(You know what time it is 🎶)
seen by User02 and 69,737 others
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liked by kellypiquet and 99,261 others
Yourname: Sometimes when you have something for so long, life without it feels meaningless. All these years you’ve spent building up something so special, only for you to watch it crumble right in front of your eyes. It takes a lot of strength to move on and finally let things go. But that is part of life, slowly you learn how to breathe again. It took me a long time to be okay and today I release a part of myself to the world that I no longer am. I hope that you can find it within yourself to let go and move on. Here is So Long London.
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liked by User13 and 54,986 others
Y/nfanclub: Honestly speaking if I were y/n I’d be mad as hell too! I mean just look at London 💔
view all 46,728 comments
User13: But it’s a different kind of pain when someone ruins a place for you. @/Yourname I hope that you get to love London again ❤️‍🩹
Yourname added to their story!
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seen by User44 and 69,737 others
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royalarchivist · 1 year ago
CDawgVA: Did you envision back in the day when you were raiding Club Penguin icebergs that you would be here making advancements in language translation for streamers?
Quackity: Umm... You know what? It's really interesting because I was born and raised in Mexico, so growing up, I always thought of a world where someone who speaks Spanish but doesn't speak English could collaborate with a creator regardless of the language. So, it always was in my mind, and to see it come to fruition and see it happening and being able to meet all these talented, talented and incredible people that I now call close friends from around the world? That's- that' a blessing, and I'm so happy, I'm so thrilled.
[ Full Transcript ↓ ]
CDawgVA: Hello and welcome back! I'm joined by Quackity. How you doing, man?
Quackity: I'm doing great, man! This is amazing, I'm so excited for today.
CDawgVA: The energy is palpable. It's not often the streamers get to go outside.
Quackity: That's true.
CDawgVA: However, you have been responsible for joining many streamers together with your QSMP, and not just streamers of the same language– streamers of all different kinds of language, and very recently, you added Korean!
Quackity: Yeah, that's right! We added a Korean creator, we're planning to add more, but this is an absolute– this is crazy, and to see all the nominations being like, all these creators, it's amazing! It's truly a wonderful thing to see.
CDawgVA: And you're nominated for three awards, if I'm not mistaken. Best Minecraft, is right, and best International Streamer, and Streamer of the Year. Are you excited? How do you feel like your odds are?
Quackity: To me, it doesn't matter. I'm nominated with like, all my friends, so I think we're all winning! We all get to celebrate together, whoever wins, so that's like, wonderful. I'm here for the show, I'm here for my friends, and that's the most important part to me.
CDawgVA: Yeah. As a content creator myself who's been living in different countries, and trying to integrate multiple languages, what are some of the challenges you've had trying to work with multiple languages and specifically, mainly Spanish and English for your audience, but trying to bring all these languages together? What's the biggest challenge you've been facing?
Quackity: Oh, well, I think the thing we look at the most is to make sure that all creators are very comfortable with it, right? It can be overwhelming, especially if they might not understand each other, you know, if we're using the real time translator that we have, we got to make sure that they're in a setting that the creators are comfortable with. That's the biggest thing, that's our biggest concern with all the time, and that's what we look forward to, like– making sure all the creators are feeling good!
CDawgVA: Did you envision back in the day when you were raiding Club Penguin icebergs that you would be here making advancements in language translation for streamers?
Quackity: Umm... You know what? It's really interesting because I was born and raised in Mexico, so growing up, I always thought of a world where, you know, someone who speaks Spanish but doesn't speak English could collaborate with a creator regardless of the language. So, it always was in my mind, and to see it come to fruition and see it happening and being able to meet all these talented, talented and incredible people that I now call close friends from around the world? That's- that' a blessing, and I'm so happy, I'm so thrilled.
CDawgVA: It is fantastic seeing all the advancements you guys are making, and just seeing that you bring streamers together! And I know the QSMP specifically has many events going on concurrently. Is there an event that you held last year that you were just really stoked about?
Quackity: Oh my gosh. Well, we host server-wide events for all the creators and everything just to give, you know, the creators a base where they can create content and all. The most recent one does sound funny, but it was called "QSMP Prison".
CDawgVA: Kai (?) did something like that actually.
Quackity: Right, but he did that in real life– no, we did it in Minecraft. But it was fun, it was cool to see all the creators, you know, all different languages kind of like in an enclosed space speaking to each other. It was a really cool thing.
CDawgVA: It's absolutely fantastic seeing what you're doing and I hope you have a great Stream Awards. It's an absolute pleasure getting to meet you, man. Enjoy the Stream Awards, I really appreciate it, man!
Quackity: Thank you so much!
CDawgVA: Keep doing what you're doing.
Quackity: Thank you!
CDawgVA: Thank you, thank you. Alright, I'm going to be throwing it back to another interview. So, see you guys then. Bye!
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skzartemis · 2 months ago
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𝐿𝓊𝒸𝒾𝒹 𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂
Pairing: Bang Chan x GN!reader Genre: Fantasy, romance, hurt/comfort, Idol!Chan x Fan!Reader Warning: Mention of Insomnia, stress and emotional vulnerability
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Recently I have gotten a problem with falling asleep. I have tried many methods but it didn't work. I ended up going to the doctor seeking medical help, he said that i am probably stressed out but still give me sleeping pills to improve my sleeping condition. That night, i was having trouble falling asleep again, i took the sleeping pills that the doctor prescribed me while playing songs in the background. I was slowly drifting off to sleep and somehow I was in this room and there was a guy standing in front of me, I walked towards his direction and patted him on his back.
"Hello? Who are you and do you know where we are?"
The guy turns around in confusion and I recognise him immediately. Bang Chan from Stray Kids
"Oh hey! I am Chan! Or you can call me Chris!" Chan smiles brightly "I have no idea where we are too... i think i fell asleep after taking some sleeping pills and then i somehow appear here too"
"My name is Y/N and i also took some sleeping pills my doctor prescribed me and somehow ended up in this place"
"You have insomnia too?" Chan asked politely
"Yea... the doctor said I was too stressed out..." I chuckle weakly
"Ah~ I am guessing that you still haven't finished your studies?"
"I am currently in my first year of university... it's not as stressful as college but i guess i didn't rest properly during college years so it causes problems afterwards..."
"Oh... i umm-" Chan looks like he was trying to stay something but was debating should he say it or not. so i interrupted him
"You are an idol right? Bang Chan from Stray Kids."
He chuckles weakly "Yea... I guessed I was so famous that some girl I met in my dream knew me too..."
"Don't worry! I am not those crazy saesangs that are trying to bother you! We are not even in the same country!" I quickly shake my head defensively, trying to prove innocence.
"Ah~ I see. You don't mind if I ask you more about yourself?"
"It's just a dream and it wouldn't hurt talking in a dream right? It's not like he will stalk me" i thought
"Of course not! what do you want to know since i know a bit about you already..."
"Where do you live?"
"I live in Australia. Are you still in Korea right now?"
We talked for hours and hours until one of us woke up, it's probably me because I was still talking to Chan when suddenly a ray of sunlight peek through the curtain, waking me up. I blink repeatedly for several times, trying to adjust to the surroundings and the lighting.
The sunlight streaming through the curtains was warm on my face, pulling me back to reality. I sat up in bed, rubbing my eyes. The dream still lingered vividly in my mind, almost as if it weren't a dream at all. I reached for my phone on the bedside table, the clock reading 6:43 a.m. Too early, yet I felt wide awake.
I couldn't shake the feeling that my conversation with Chan had been… real. It didn't have the usual fuzzy edges of a dream. Every word, every expression, even the warmth in his voice had felt genuine.
“Just a coincidence," I muttered to myself, brushing off the lingering unease. “Dreams are weird like that.”
Still, curiosity gnawed at me. I opened Spotify and played some Stray Kids songs while getting ready for the day. Hearing his voice brought back flashes of the dream—the room, his smile, the way he said my name like he’d known me for years.
The day dragged on. University classes felt longer than usual, and every time I caught a moment to myself, my thoughts drifted back to the dream. By the time I got home, I was exhausted. I debated skipping dinner altogether but decided against it. Eating might help me sleep better tonight.
That evening, I hesitated before taking the sleeping pill the doctor prescribed. I stared at the little white tablet in my palm, the events of last night replaying in my head. Shaking my head at myself for overthinking, I swallowed the pill with a sip of water and climbed into bed. I played soft music in the background again, hoping it would help me drift off faster.
This time, the dream came almost instantly.
I was back in the same room. It looked exactly as I remembered. And standing there, just as before, was Bang Chan.
“Y/N?” he said, his eyes widening when he saw me. “You're here again?”
“Wait… you remember me?” My voice came out shaky, disbelief flooding my system.
“Of course I do,” he said, a look of concern crossing his face. “I thought it was just a one-time thing, but here we are again. I don't know what's going on, but…” He stepped closer, lowering his voice. “This doesn't feel like a normal dream, does it?”
I shook my head. “Not at all. Dreams aren't supposed to be this clear. Or… consistent.” He nodded, running a hand through his hair. “I even tried to convince myself I imagined you last night, but now… I'm starting to think this place is real. Or at least some kind of shared dream.”
“Shared dream?” I repeated, my mind racing. “But how? Why would we…?”
“I don't know,” he admitted, his voice soft. “But maybe we’re here for a reason.” We stared at each other, the weight of his words settling between us. A reason. What could possibly connect me, an exhausted first-year university student, and him, an idol on the other side of the world?
“Have you ever experienced something like this before?” I asked.
Chan shook his head. “No, never. But I'll admit… I've been struggling to sleep lately too. The schedules, the pressure, it gets overwhelming sometimes.” He paused, a small smile tugging at his lips. “Maybe the universe decided we both needed someone to talk to.”
I chuckled nervously. “Well, the universe has a weird sense of humor. Of all people, it paired me with a K-pop idol?”
He laughed, the sound warm and genuine. “Guess you’re stuck with me for now.” We sat down—or at least, we mimicked sitting on the nonexistent floor—and started talking again. This time, it felt even more natural, like catching up with an old friend. He shared stories about the struggles of being a leader, the sacrifices he’d made for his career, and the moments that made it all worth it. I told him about my family, my dreams of becoming a dancer, and the crippling fear of failing to live up to everyone's expectations.
Time passed differently here. Hours could've gone by, or maybe just minutes—it was impossible to tell. But eventually, Chan leaned back and sighed.
“I don't want to wake up,” he admitted. “This is… nice. Peaceful.”
“Yeah,” I agreed softly. “But we'll have to wake up eventually.” He looked at me, something unreadable in his expression. “Promise me something?”
“If this is real—if we ever figure out what's happening—promise me we’ll meet in real life.”
I blinked, taken aback. “You'd want that?”
“Of course,” he said without hesitation. “You're easy to talk to. And… I feel like we're meant to cross paths. Don't you?”
I hesitated but nodded. “Yeah. I think so too.”
Before I could say anything else, the familiar pull of waking up began. The edges of the dream blurred, and Chan's voice became distant.
“Until next time,” he called out, his voice echoing as the dream dissolved.
I woke up with a start, my heart racing. The sunlight poured through my window, the same as yesterday. But this time, I wasn't confused or disoriented.
This time, I smiled.
There will be a next time. I was sure of it.
Every night, I would take sleeping pills and go back to the same room, talking to chan every time, it felt so real but at the same time i knew it was a dream. Somehow, Chan slowly cured my insomnia, I stopped having the need to take sleeping pills in order to sleep. Until one night, i stopped going to the same room, i stopped seeing chan in my dreams. It was disappointing and hurting to know I couldn't talk to him anymore, even in another dimension. But when i was scrolling through chan's instagram posts, i saw his latest post was a picture of him in the office with the caption- "Dreams" and the usual stay hashtag, i quickly commented under the post saying "Lucid dreams?"
The notification chimed almost immediately after I posted the comment: 3,245 other users also commented. My heart sank. Of course, with millions of fans commenting on every post, my little comment—“Lucid dreams?”—would be swallowed up in the sea of STAYs.
Still, I couldn't help but feel a flicker of hope. What if… what if he saw it? What if he somehow recognized me, even through a simple question? The thought was absurd, but I clung to it. I refreshed the post again and again, hoping for some sign—a like, a reply, anything. Hours passed, and nothing happened. I sighed, tossing my phone onto the bed. It was silly to expect anything. It had been weeks since the dreams stopped. Maybe it was time to let go. But letting go wasn't as easy as I thought. Every night, I lay in bed, hoping to see him again, to return to that strange, serene room where time stood still, and the world outside didn’t matter. Every morning, I woke up to disappointment.
Until one evening, something strange happened.
It was a typical, uneventful day. Classes, assignments, dinner—everything blurred together in a monotonous haze. I didn’t even feel particularly tired when I climbed into bed that night. No sleeping pills, no music. Just me and the quiet hum of the world outside my window.
As my eyelids grew heavy, I felt it—that familiar pull, like being gently tugged into a dream.
My heart raced. Was it happening again?
When I opened my eyes, I was back in the room.
The sight hit me like a wave of nostalgia. The walls, the faint glow of light from nowhere, the soft hum of silence—it was exactly as I remembered.
And then I saw him.
“Chan!” I called out, my voice trembling with a mix of relief and disbelief.
He turned around, his face lighting up as soon as he saw me. “Y/N!”
I ran to him, barely resisting the urge to throw my arms around him. “You're here,” I said breathlessly.
“I thought I'd never see you again.”
He smiled, a bit sadly. “I thought the same. It's been… strange, hasn't it?”
“Strange doesn't even begin to cover it,” I admitted, laughing weakly. “Why did it stop? Why now?”
Chan hesitated, looking down at his hands. “I don't know. But I think…” He looked up, his gaze locking with mine. “I think I needed to figure some things out. And maybe… you did too.”
I frowned. “Figure out what?”
“That sometimes, even in a dream, we can find what we need to move forward.” He paused, his expression softening. “I know it hurts when the dreams stop, but I think it was the universe telling us to keep going on our own for a bit. To prove we could.”
His words sank in slowly, each one hitting me with an ache I hadn't realized I'd been carrying.
“I missed you,” I admitted quietly.
“I missed you too,” he said, his voice low. “Every single night.”
We sat down, just like we always did, and talked for what felt like hours. He told me about the new songs he was working on, how he'd been channeling his thoughts and emotions into his music. I shared how I'd finally started finding joy in my dance classes again, even teaching a few younger students.
It felt like no time had passed at all, and yet, everything was different. As the dream began to fade, Chan reached out, taking my hand in his. “Before you go, I need to tell you something.”
“What is it?” I asked, my voice trembling.
“I saw your comment,” he said, his smile soft but knowing.
My heart stopped. “You… you did?”
He nodded. “I didn't reply because… I didn't know if it was really you. But I felt it. I knew it was. And I think… Maybe this isn’t the end. Maybe we're supposed to meet in the real world.” I could barely breathe. “How?”
“Keep dancing,” he said, his voice steady. “Keep following your dreams. And I'll keep making music. If we're meant to meet, it'll happen.”
The dream dissolved before I could say another word.
I woke up to the sound of my alarm, the faint traces of his voice still lingering in my ears. This time, I didn't feel the crushing sadness of his absence.
Instead, I felt hope.
Weeks turned into months, and life went on. I threw myself into my studies and dancing, finding comfort in the rhythm of my routines. But I never stopped thinking about Chan, about his words, about the possibility that our paths might cross again.
And then, one day, it happened.
I had just finished performing at a small dance showcase in Sydney. It was nothing big—just a local event—but I was proud of myself for putting my heart into it. As I was packing up my things, a commotion near the entrance caught my attention.
When I turned around, my heart nearly stopped.
There he was. Bang Chan, standing in the doorway, wearing a casual hoodie and cap, his eyes scanning the room until they landed on me.
For a moment, we just stared at each other, the world around us fading into nothing.
Then he smiled, the same warm, genuine smile I’d seen so many times in my dreams.
“Told you we'd meet,” he said softly, his voice carrying across the room.
And just like that, everything fell into place.
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in1-nutshell · 4 months ago
Silveraid in TFOne, go
I may or may not have shaken the 'Angst salt shaker' a bit too hard...
Hope you enjoy!
TF1 Silver Aid
SFW, Platonic, ANGST, Mention of injuries, Familial, Cybertronian reader
Elita and Silver Aid were a prime example of opposite split sparks.
Also known as being twins with opposite personalities.
No one could have guessed the two were related, much less twins.
Elita was the one who took charge and had more of the aggression.
Silver was less intense than her twin, opting for more peaceful and gentler approaches.
Or as gentle as you can get in the mines.
Elita had tried to toughen up her twin, but it never ended up well.
Elita punching a training pole. She turns to Silver. Elita: “Your turn.” Silver turns to the pole. Silver Aid: “Remind me why I let you talk me into this?” Elita: “Because I told you.” Silver Aid gives her a look. Silver Aid: “In what situation would I need to deck someone in the face? That’s why I have you.” Elita gives her a look. Silver Aid: “… Fine…”
Eventually Silver caught the optics of some of the miner medics and ended up moving into their sector thanks to some supervisors.
Silver still visited the mines after work.
Many of the miners welcomed the kindness the bot gave.
Elita often warned her about getting too soft.
Silver Aid would playfully roll her optics at her twin.
It was thanks to her twin that she would meet Orion and D-16.
It was… eventful when they first met.
Silver Aid walks into one of the med bay rooms. Silver Aid smiles at the two mechs in the room. Silver Aid: “Hello, I’m Silver Aid. I’ll be patching up you two up today.” Orion: “I haven’t seen you around? New around the mines?” Silver Aid starts checking his arm. Silver Aid: “Oh, I’ve been around, just moved into a new sector so you’ll only be seeing me around here.” She turns to D-16 and smiles. Silver Aid: “And what are your names?” D-16: “D-16 and that’s Orion Pax.” Silver Aid carefully buffs out a dent on the side of his chassis. D-16 feels a bit warmer. D-16: “Umm, my frame feels a bit warmer than usual.” Silver Aid: “Oh? Let me take a look.” She places a cooling patch just below the hole in his chassis. She can feel the spark pulsing fast under her digits. Silver Aid: “You need to calm down D-16. It’ll make the process go a lot faster.” D-16 nods and glances over at Orion. Orion just has a knowing look on his face plate. The same look that usually got them into trouble. Elita: “Silver Aid.” The three bots jump a bit at the sudden presence of Elita One. Silver smiles widely putting away the cooling patch and hugging Elita. The mech half expected the pink bot to flip the medic over, but to their surprise Elita just patted her back. Elita gets out of Silver’s grip. Elita: “Are these two knucklehead’s ready to go back to work?” Silver Aid: “Not yet, they still need a bit more time to heal.” Silver Aid turns to the two mechs and waves. Silver Aid: “You two are free to go. Goodbye!” Both mechs wave back as the bot left. Elita glared at them both. Elita: “Stay away from my twin.” Orion and D-16: “SHE’S YOUR TWIN!”
Both mechs have near whiplash hearing it.
After that day, Orion started dragging D to the medbay to try and meet up with Silver Aid.
Not that D-16 needed much convincing.
He really wanted to meet the medic again.
Eventually the three bots became close friends.
Especially between Silver Aid and Orion Pax, much to the dismay of D-16 and Elita-One.
D-16 and Elita-One are in one of the med bay. Orion and Silver Aid had been gone from the mines for two days and had recently gotten a message from them to meet in the med bay. Silver Aid and Orion walk into the room. D-16 sighs in relief and starts to go over to the pair but gets shoved aside by Elita. She runs to Silver’s side and looks over her. Elita: “Are you okay? What happened? What did Pax drag you into?” Orion: “Well—” D-16: “Wait you did drag her into something?” Silver Aid: “Not really. But there is something we want to tell you two.” Orion swings an arm around Silver’s shoulder with a goofy smile. Orion: “We are now officially Amica Endura!” SMACK! Orion gets punched in the face and falls backwards. Silver Aid: “Elita!” D-16 blinking in surprise. D-16: “You two… you performed the Amica rites?! How?! Why?!” Orion stands up with Silver’s help. Orion: “Relax D, Elita. It’s not like I asked her to be my Conjunx.” SMACK! Orion is once again on the ground holding his face. Silver Aid: “D!”
D didn’t want to admit it, but he was jealous of his friend for having the bearing to do something so uncommon.
Amica’s were not too common in Iacon.
Orion keeps teasing him about going out with Silver, he just wanted both his friends to get Conjunxed already.
D-16 tries punching him whenever he says this.
Elita knows that her twin has a certain optic out for a certain silver mech.
She hates it.
Often telling her that she could have any other mech, just not him or Orion.
Now to the main story.
Silver Aid is on scene when the tunnel collapses immediately going to Jazz.
Is shocked to see Elita get demoted.
She was going to need to talk to her on her break.
Silver gives D and Orion a quick smile as she quickly carries Jazz to the medbay.
Is there with d when Orion talks about going into the Iacon 500.
Silver Aid tries to be supportive of her Amica but does tell him to be a bit realistic in the fact that they didn’t even have cogs.
Accompanies D back to the mines.
Silver Aid: “Well this is our stop. See you later D.” Silver starts to leave but D grabs her servo. She turns to look at him. Silver Aid: “D?” D-16 blinks before letting go of her servo. D-16: “I, umm… you want to sit with us tomorrow?” Silver blinks before smiling sadly. Silver Aid: “I’d love to… but I have a shift to work tomorrow… I’m sorry.” D-16 felt a pang seeing her sad. D-16: “Hey, we can tell you what happened in the race. Maybe even get some memorabilia or decal from the shop!” Silver smiles at him. Silver Aid: “Thanks D… see you tomorrow then.” She leaves after that. D-16 sighs and has a warm smile on his face. Orion: “So!” D-16 jumps at Orion’s sudden entrance. Orion: “When can I expect you to make a Conjunx of my Amica-AAA! STOP TRYING TO HIT ME!”
Silver Aid gets called down to deal with something in the level were Elita worked.
It turned out to be an easy fix, she spotted Elita loading a crate and decided to go over, at least have a small chat.
Elita was about to start talking when Silver noticed the top of the train was open.
Elita told her to get behind her, someone was on the train.
If they worked together to get the perp, she could get promoted and maybe Silver could get some newer equipment.
Silver is just confused why Orion, a yellow bot and D are inside.
Elita roughly grabs her servo and tells her to run.
Not one to question her twin, she runs by her side.
Silver Aid and Elita are running and leaping over crates in front of the three mechs. B-127: “Who are these bots?!” Orion: “Just my Amica and her twin.” Elita and Silver copy similar flips and jumps. D-16: “You know I can finally see the resemblance now.” Meanwhile with Elita and Silver Aid. Silver Aid: “Elita maybe we should listen to them—” Elita gives her a glare. Silver: “Okay, just going to keep on running…”
Then they all got to the surface.
Everyone is staring at the beautiful horizon.
D-16 inches closer to Silver, but Elita sees this and firmly pulls her into a side hug glaring at the silver mech.
The train gets launched in the air.
Orion and D-16 land on top of her back.
Orion went to go help Elita while D helped Silver and they both went to help B-127.
Reveal of the Quintessons.
Silver instinctively grabbed onto D and Elita’s servos trying to guide them to safety.
Clenches on D’s servo when Orion and B nearly get caught
Elita’s servo let go, but not D’s.
Not that either wanted to let go.
It wasn’t until B-127 made the comment that they both let go, both looking a bit flustered.
Orion is happy.
B has found a new ship.
Elita is seething.
Seeing what happened to the Prime’s.
It hurts seeing their frames like this, guessing how they were terminated by some of the old wounds and tears in the frames.
Steals up for a bit comforting D seeing his idol beheaded.
Meeting Alpha Trion.
Seeing what happened to the Prime’s and confirming her previous thoughts.
Seeing what Sentinel was doing.
Is by Alpha Trion’s side trying to get rid of his of the organic material in his joints when D and her Amica start the fight about what to do with Sentinel.
Freezing hearing that Sentinel had taken their cogs.
How could someone be so cruel?
Getting cog’s.
Silver Aid gets Onyx Prime’s cog.
A bit weirded out by the new parts in her armor.
Unlike the others on the run, she refuses to transform.
She didn’t need to transform to get to point A to point B before, plus there was no telling what she turned into after noticing the lack of wheels, treads, rotors or wings.
Thankfully Silver Aid did not transform since she had to help her friends and family down the hill safely before they could properly transform.
Silver Aid grabs Orion’s servo. Orion: “WHO’S TOUCHING ME!” Silver Aid: “I AM PAX! YOUR HELMS TUCK INTO YOUR BODY!” Orion: “I KNOW!” Silver Aid watches B-127 fly above them screaming. B-127: “WHEELS! I NEED WHEELS!” Silver Aid: “PAX IF WE SURVIVE THIS, I’M GOING TO SMACK YOU IN THE FACE!” Orion: “NOT YOU TOO!”
D hits the drone that would have shot Silver and Orion.
Feels a bit uneasy seeing him happy with the kill.
Tells Orion that she would talk to D after the awkward tension later.
Getting kidnapped by the High Guard.
Knows most of the High Guard thanks to Orion constantly talking about them.
Is horrified when D starts fighting Starscream.
Clutching Orion’s servo seeing the look in D-16’s optics.
Arachnid and her army arrived.
Silver Aid still refuses to transform and grabs a blaster trying to protect the injured guards.
Gets captured with B and D.
Is scared for D-16 standing up to Sentinel.
Silver Aid’s energon runs cold seeing Sentinel brandishing out a torch. She tries to stand up but Arachnid steps on her back struts. Silver Aid: “Get away from him!” D-16 glances over worried. Sentinel smirks and ignores her. Silver continues to struggle as D-16 starts screaming from the torch. Finally with a move that would make her sister proud, Silver Aid manages to kick Arachnid in the face and head buts Sentinel in his chin, making him stagger a couple feet away. She stands, still bounded, protectively in front of D-16. Fury dancing in her optics. Sentinel walks forward trying to intimidate her with his size. She does not back down. Sentinel: “You done medic? If you move, I might even spare you a painful termination.” Silver spits in his face. Silver Aid: “I will protect D-16 as long as I function.”
One swing and it would be done.
Silver braces herself for the slice when the train hits the building.
Gets thrown back trying to cover D-16’s frame with her’s.                                                                                              
Grogging wakes up to Orion and D helping her from her restrains.
Elita hugs her tightly before letting go to help Orion.
Silver Aid refuses to leave D-16 alone with Sentinel.
D-16 sees Silver Aid by his side. D-16: “Silver go! I’ll deal with Sentinel!” Silver gives him a look before charging up a blaster. Silver Aid: “You must have had a few blow to the helm to think I’m leaving you here.” D-16: “Just go with your Amica—” Silver Aid grabs the front of his chassis and glares at him. Silver Aid: “What part of I’m not leaving you, don’t you understand.” She lets him go and mimics one of Orion’s smirks. Silver Aid: “Ready to beat this false Prime?” D-16 smirks back. D-16: “You have no idea.”
Both manage to push him off the balcony.
Silver Aid skidded a bit farther on the stage.
Wakes up from the pounding to hear Orion and D fighting over whether to kill Sentinel or not.
Orion lands on her as D pushes him back.
The next few seconds are a blur.
Screaming in pain as Orion gets shot.
She could barely move from the sudden pain in her chassis, in her spark.
Just barely looking at D on the edge holding him.
Her energon running cold seeing Orion fall into the pit.
Screaming as she felt Orion’s spark go out.
More of the guards started surrounding her, bad news, considering her frame was still in shock and could barely move.
Out of pure fear and shock, Silver Aid transformed.
She doesn’t know what she transformed into, but it was big, had many arms and she could suddenly see much more.
It was much easier to deal with the guards around her, seeing D dealing with his own.
Then she hears the screams of terror.
More blaster fire comes her way.
It stings.
Silver Aid hears the frightened voices in the crowd.
She hears D-16 name himself Megatron after splitting Sentinel in half.
Too busy with the blasters and influx of bots trying to stab her to realize that Elita and B had gone to stop him.
A sudden blast knocks her into the crowd.
She gets to the ground and transforms back on impact.
Just in time to see Optimus Prime start fighting Megatron.
The pain in her chassis suddenly vanished.
Almost as if Orion… but he wasn’t Orion… right?
Frozen in place hearing him banish Megatron and the High Guard from Iacon.
Once most of them start leaving, the crowd around her starts turning.
Bot 1: “It’s the freak!” Silver Aid: “I’m not—” A bot pokes her while another yanks her armor. Bot 2: “A monster!” Bot 3: “Get back!” Bot 4: “Maybe the new Prime can finish it off.” Silver tries to make herself smaller to avoid the harsh touches. She makes brief contact with Optimus, Elita and B-127 on the platform. They all have a look of shock. The same shock as the bots around her. The ones trying to close in around her. Silver Aid: “I’m not here to hurt anyone!” Bot 5: “Liar!” Bot 6: “Tear her apart!”
This was enough for the sudden transformation to take place.
Silver ignores the screams and yelling; her main priority is to get out of there.
On the plus side of this new form, Silver was able to crawl into tight places and hide.
The bot managed to avoid all guards and bots until night fall.
Silver was shaken to the core from what had happened in the last 24 hours.
How could everything change so much so fast?
She wanted nothing more than to craw into Elita’s arms and have her tell her that things were going to be okay and that she would beat up who ever made her cry.
But she couldn’t go back.
She saw their faces, there was nothing to go back to now.
And it wasn’t like she would go to D—Megatron.
She’d probably get shot on sight as well.
With a heavy spark, Silver Aid silently boarded on the train that led up to the surface.
She jumped off the train and started to look for a new home, hoping not to run into any of the High Guard.
Primus decided to show some pity to her, as she found an old, abandoned ship safely hidden in the rock formations.
Silver Aid makes her way into one of the old rooms. The weight of the day finally crushed her as she crumbled to the ground and silently sobbed. She pulled her knees in tightly. Slowly she pulled out a picture she had taken earlier that day of the five of them on the way to Alpha Trion. Silver Aid gave a watery smile: “Night ‘Lita, Night B, Night Orion, Night D… I’ll see you… someday… night…” The empty ship echoed with the soft sobs of the bot inside.
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digitaldiarystuff · 1 year ago
Good 4 U
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note: I don’t know what it is about pedri that makes me write angst but he has a special place in my heart and here’s another story, there’ll be a part 2 if you’re interested 💕
summary: you and pedri broke up months ago but you didn’t realize he was back out there dating new girls while you couldn’t even enjoy anything
pairing: Pedri Gonzalez x Y/N
genre: angst
“Oh my gosh I’m so glad we did a shopping spree.” you shouted to your friends walking ahead of you.
“Girl, yess at least now we have something to wear to the party tonight.” Ana said to you.
“Party, what party?” you asked and they looked at each other like they were caught.
“Umm, Y/N we were going to tell you, we’re invited to a party tonight.”
“Oh, have fun!” you said softly, you weren’t ready to go out and have fun since your break up with Pedri. You knew it had been 3 months but getting drunk and making out with strangers didn’t interest you at all. You loved him and always thought it’d be disrespectful.
“Actually, you’re also invited and highly encouraged to go with us.”
“What do you mean?” you asked confused.
“It’s at Gavi’s house and he made us promise to bring you.” Ana said while Lucia gave her a look.
“I’m not going.” you said determinedly, there was no way you were going to see Pedri. Ypu weren’t ready.
But after 2 hours of convincing and telling it would break Gavi’s heart because you liked him, here you were getting out of the cab in a dress that felt too tight and too short. You had a sour feeling in your stomach about tonight, Pedri would be there you were sure but you haven’t spoke with him in 90 days. What is there to talk about, you fought a lot, he wanted to end it you wanted to work it out he said no and walked out. Typical break up. Your friends were walking to the gate but your heart was pounding and you didn’t move. Lucia came to you, sighing.
“Look honey, I know it’s not easy seeing him in there but you deserve a fun night. You shouldn’t be the one hiding, he should. And worst case scenario, find some random guy and jam your tongue down his throat.”
“My suggestion would be Ferran.” Lucia chimed in.
“Yeah but Ferran’s not a worst case scenario, he’s more like the best dream I ever had.” Ana went on.
“I’m not hitting on Ferran.” you said sternly.
“Can I?” Ana asked and you laughed at how obvious she was.
You thanked them for their support and went in the house arm in arm. It was the typical house party with dimmed lights and hiphop music, you remembered being with Pedri at these types of events, his hand in yours and laughing at his friends. You stumbled upon Gavi carrying 4 cups of drinks in his hand and tried helping him laughing.
“It’s been so long, thank you for coming.” he said and smiled genuinely.
“Thank you for inviting me.” you smiled back and carried the cups over to Ale and the other guys while your friends followed.
Ale was just telling you about the recent game, which you already seen but didn’t tell anyone when suddenly his words came to a halt and he just stared behind you. You tried following his gaze and saw Pedri and Micah. Micah was an influencer that followed Pedri a few weeks before your break up and you were bothered by it, not because she followed him but because he followed back. You’ve had a few fights over her and he assured you he’d never do something like that, well I guess until now because he had his arm around her waist and they were laughing while coming to meet the boys. He didn’t look up and saw you yet but you knew he would just about any second so you fixed your expression and tried to be as nonchalant as possible.
You didn’t know Pedri was dating anyone, you figured he’d have the same respect you had for him but guess you were wrong. When his eyes met with yours it was like his heart stopped. His movements slowed down and he retreated his hand from Micah looking at you dumbfounded.
“Hi” he said softly not sure about your reaction.
“Hi” you said smiling because no matter how much it hurt, you wouldn’t show him. He looked at you confused and said they were going to get drinks. You could feel everyone’s eyes on you but smiled at them reassuringly.
“Are you okay?” Ana asked whispering.
“Yeah, I’ll be.” you said and took the drink out of her hands and downed it.
It was a few hours into the party and you were getting looser by the second. You had too much alcohol in your system for your liking but it helped getting your mind off of them. Pedri’s mood seemed to be getting worse and worse, he was sitting on a couch while you were dancing with everyone around you like you didn’t care. You didn’t even glance at him, not giving him any satisfaction and kept on dancing until you needed to use the bathroom. You said you’d be back to girls and went on the second floor bathroom because the guest one was occupied.
It wasn’t until you were standing in front of the mirror looking at yourself that you start processing the events of tonight. You couldn’t even glance at another man without imagining him and he was living his best life with influencers on his arm like he didn’t care. You felt tears burning your eyes and blinked to stop yourself and step out.
“What are you doing here?” you asked Pedri because he was waiting at the door.
“I came to check up on you.” he said.
You laughed gaining some power from the alcohol in your system.
“As you can see, I’m okay Pedro.” you patted his back and tried walking past him but he stopped you.
“Y/N wait, I didn’t know you were going to be here. I’m sorry” he said.
“It’s okay, we’re broken up. You can do whatever you want.” you said trying to be as polite as possible because you didn’t want to show him you cared.
“Really, you’re okay with this?” he asked not believing.
“Yes, it’s been months of course I’m okay. Enjoy your night Pedri.” you said and caressed his arm knowing your touch made him feel things. Your break up had nothing to do with your physical connection, it was always strong and you also knew the best revenge you can get is showing he doesn’t even matter to you like standing centimeters apart from him doesn’t affect you at all.
You went downstairs to find your friends until you saw a familiar face.
“Oh my god Diego I didn’t know you’d be here.” you exclaimed and hugged your friend. Diego was someone Pedri introduced you to but soon you became good friends, and he was so jealous. He even went as far as asking you to unfollow him on insta but unlike him, you didn’t go to Diego after the break up as rebound. You were just good friends.
“It’s been too long.” he said and embraced you in his arms and spun you around happy to see you. You giggled at him and started a conversation all while Pedri came downstairs and watched the whole ordeal. You knew you shouldn’t but knowing he’s watching your every move, you were a little too clingy around Diego and stuck by him throughout the night.
You sometimes felt Pedri’s eyes on you burning a hole into your head but didn’t even look up at him once, which must be killing him. Soon after you decided to call it a night since your whole body felt numb and you couldn’t wait to get out your heels. You grabbed Ana and Lucia and went over to Gavi to let him know you’re leaving.
“Oh okay, do you have a ride back home?” he asked.
“Yeah I think we’ll call an uber.” you said looking over your shoulder and seeing Ana chatting up with a guy from the party. She might not be with you anymore, you thought and Lucia was on the phone with his boyfriend telling him to pick her up which meant you were riding on your own.
“You shouldn’t be alone, I can ask my sister to drive you she didn’t drink anything.” he said looking around to find Aurora.
“No no it’s fine don’t worry I can go on my own.” you reassured him and started walking out. You picked your phone up to order a taxi until your phone was snatched from you.
“What the- What’s going on?” you looked up and saw Pedri placing your phone in his pocket.
“I’m taking you home.”
“No you’re not, can you give my phone back?” you asked trying to remain calm.
“C’mon” he just said and started walking to the garage.
“Pedri I’m not getting in your car, you’re drunk you can’t even drive.” you said trying to think of any excuse to get him off of your back.
“I didn’t drink.” he simply said and opened the car door for you.
“I don’t want you to drive me.” you said and crossed your arms.
“Worried about your boyfriend seeing us?” he lifted his brow.
Take a deep breath Y/N, don’t let him see you got to him.
“It’s none of your business and you know it, please give my phone back to me.” you said as cordial as possible.
“No it’s my fucking business, I knew he always liked you and you treat him this good when you don’t even care about me!” he finally snapped.
“Honestly Pedri what were you expecting, you broke up with me. Should I cry and beg you to take me back after I’ve seen you with some girl? I don’t think so, you’re free to do whatever and so am I!” you said and decided not to tell him anything about Diego just being your friend because you knew this would only get him more riled up.
“So what, are you together now?” he said quietly.
“I’m saying that’s none of your business. I didn’t ask you anything about your date and you shouldn’t either. If you want to make a big deal, fine but don’t bring me into this mess. I’m finally healed and don’t need your negativity around me anymore!” you shouted at him and got your phone from his pocket to finish calling that uber. He stood there motionless like he was a statue and looked at you not daring saying a word. You didn’t even realize how much your words meant to him and crushed him that you said you’re healed. That means you forgot about him but he was so far from forgetting you that it hurt.
note: there’ll ofc be a second part because i can’t stop once i start lol lmk your thoughts please
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corvidstarzz · 4 months ago
Okok so yesterday I spent a while yapping abt this on insta, so here it is as well!
Im focusing on my own 'au' (Called rottenstar au that name feels like a shipname tho.. i just cant think of anything better) which is my own take on like the bad guys, ect. And!! got my headcanons for the..bone structure..? of the sillies done yesterday so huzzah! (havent gotten to Nm yet, but i will- eventually)
Beware the naked skelemen (I mean..its just bones but like..)
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No favourites in this household!! (coughs)
☆Starting with killer!! -no soul shown so his sternum is visible-
All of that excess determination, surely is not good for him, as I'm pretty sure its also been stated somewhere that his soul staying OUTside his body is whats actually keeping him alive, if it were to go back to where it 'should' be I feel that that mf would melt. No way his body can handle that.
That being said- all that goopy black stuff over his bones is the result of a chemical reaction, lets say, between the energy which is Dt and his bones. Its most present on his chest as thats where most the contact is.
Its also 'produced' at his joints (idk WHY yet, friction?? or smth?). The areas which are blackened must also be where it hurts the most because- hello its literally his bones erroding while being "regenerated" just fast enough that he is not losing any major chunks of his bones
mm acid
He's therefore shorter that the others bc - of the Dt kinda eating away at him (He stands of his tiptoes and hes still shorter). AND!! HE HAS A BITTY TAIL thats tipped with smth resembling a blade :]
The scar over his eye is due to more recent events- NOT the eye extraction incident.
The wonky spine was inspired by an artist (whos art i cant find :(( sobbing) and Its from all the constant "stress" its being put under.. carrying heavy weapons ect..
And that brings me to another point!! This horror holds onto his tail, almost always. Its a form of comfort or nostalgia ig- he got so used to dragging around his axe 24/7 back in his home au, and now that he doesnt need to he just.. feels odd. So he defaults to holding onto his tail lol.
DUST..!! he's.. !!!.. ...he.. umm
I dont have as much on him.. But I still have some crumbs!
Hes more "dull" than the other two, as in his bones are more grey. Its links with all that damn monster dust. Its also why he looks so dirty- the dust just doesnt wash off (if we pretend that he showers at all...)
And.. no tail for him.
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winterchimez · 1 year ago
Summer Night City | Lee Sangyeon
SUMMARY: you were convinced that you were going to spend the rest of your uneventful summer all on your own like usual, that is until a man named Lee Sangyeon shows up in your life.
PAIRING: non-idol Sangyeon x f!reader
GENRE: strangers to lovers au, suggestive
WARNINGS: alcohol, kissing, dirty talk, pet-names (babygirl, sweetie, etc.), sangyeon is such a flirt in this one, and he is umm topless in a pool, there's a pool make-out scene, y'all the sexual tension in this one is smth else 🤡
A/N: i proudly present to you my submission for deoboyznet's summer on you event! i recently watched the mamma mia musical in London, so this is inspired by the song voulez vous & summer night city! a special a huge shoutout to my beloved @daisyvisions for giving me ideas (and fuelling my delusions 🤡)
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“Are you alone tonight?” 
That familiar scent filled the air in the room, and sure enough, you turned your back to see the person you had been expecting for the night. 
You met Sangyeon right here in this particular nightclub a few weeks prior, where you’ve actually accompanied your roommate since she was determined to get a summer fling to keep her vacations booked and busy. It’s not like you have never been to a club before, you just usually wouldn’t have agreed since you were definitely much more of a homebody chilling in bed with some chips and beer as you put your favourite movies on the mini projector you owned. 
But it was your best friend, your ride-or-die soulmate since elementary school. Of course, you couldn’t have refused. 
As you first stepped foot into the club, there was this sense of expectation hanging in the air that whoever decided to come tonight was expected to get laid or at least hook up with someone.
Sure enough, your roommate eventually found a pretty attractive male who seemed to be in his early or mid-twenties, and the spark they had between them was immediate. Not wanting to witness the ooey-gooey things they were about to do, you excused yourself and reassured your roommate that you wouldn’t be far. 
As you made your way around the club, you settled yourself down at the bar and went for a drink to ease the slight tension you have felt since you arrived. 
Which was also when you encountered the infamous male himself. 
He was standing across the room, and his beautiful eyes glowed in the dark. Immediately, you felt something within you, and the male eventually approached you, starting a conversation. 
He was goddamn attractive, to say the least. You have come across a handful of good-looking men that night, but none of them ever came close to this man who stood in front of you with a glass of vodka soda, looking straight into your eyes. 
Sangyeon was smitten with you as he first laid his eyes upon you, and surprisingly, you both hit off pretty well from the get-go. Because of this particularly fond experience, coming to the nightclub with your roommate has since become a weekly routine. Every encounter you’ve had has always been pleasant—something about the guy attracted you even though you have only met a couple of times. 
And you wanted to know more. 
Hence, you decided to put on the best alluring fashion you could possibly find from the depths of your closet. You went for your maroon maxi dress with an opening behind your back. You decided to go for a sexy yet sophisticated look, where you were trying your best to impress the man of interest for the night. 
Your efforts were not wasted because Sangyeon immediately noticed your presence right when you entered the club and ordered your favourite drink at the bar. Knowing you couldn’t refuse, you approached him, pushing through the crowd to get to where he was. It was also when he decided to do a little hide-and-seek situation, where he would want to surprise you from behind when you arrived. 
“It seems as if you meant business, making your way so quickly towards me. Did you miss me that much?” He teased. 
“I would never say no towards a free drink. Don’t get so high and mighty, young man.” You scoffed as you took in your first sip of alcohol for the night. 
“I’d like to think that this particular dress was meant for me.”
Well, he wasn’t wrong. “What makes you say that, Sangyeon?”
“Oh baby, I know it when I see it in your eyes. You want me, don’t you?” 
“Bold of you to assume I’d find a summer fling like my roommate. I’m not in the same boat as she is.” You crossed your arms while you took a step closer towards him as if trying to provoke him while wanting him to take in the scent of the perfume you had put on for the night.
“You intrigue me, sweetie.” He then takes one strand of your hair and starts twirling around it, all while moving closer to you so that both of your faces are now inches apart.
“Say, why don’t we go somewhere more private? Have a little you-and-me time?” 
You raised an eyebrow. “And what do I get in return?” 
“Something that’s worth your time.” 
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The both of you hit the road as Sangyeon brought you into his convertible and offered you a little night drive around the city. You were only a few minutes into the drive and are now praising yourself internally for agreeing.
The city was beautiful at night—quiet yet somehow captivating with all of the different city lights surrounding the area. There was something just so peaceful yet appealing about a night drive around the city, something that you’d never once had the thought of doing before you met Sangyeon. 
You were so glad you decided to hop on for the ride tonight.
With one hand on the steering wheel and the other leaning against his now-opened window, he takes the chance of catching a few glances at you—smiling throughout the ride as you stuck your head out to take it all the breeze. You were literally just insanely attractive to him, and in no way did he want to put an end to all of these soon. 
“Thought we’d go for a little drive and get to know each other better. It was never easy having to talk as if we’re both screaming at the top of our lungs back down at the nightclub.” 
“Definitely agree on the latter.” You teased, and oh, how much you enjoyed these little moments where your wits would slightly take Sangyeon aback—you really liked when his eyes widened ever so slightly and then reciprocated as he shot you back with his flirty comments. 
You definitely love it a little too much when he flirts with you. And in return, you loved teasing him as much as you could.
“Hey, maybe consider taking a picture. I promise you I’ll last longer in this dress you have been ogling on for hours.” You joked, clearly noticing how he had not taken his eyes away from you since you both hit the road—or rather, ever since you met up at the nightclub earlier. 
“Aren’t you being a little too overconfident in your outfit today, babygirl?”
“If it were for your eyes only, I would gladly dress like this whenever we meet.” 
“Tempting.” Sangyeon smacked his lips and is now staring at you harder than ever since your last comment. 
At this point, you already came with the mindset of wanting to proceed further in this situationship you both were clearly having and enjoying with one another. You knew that after a few encounters you had with him—hell, even when you both first met, there was something so mysterious yet mesmerising about him.
It was as if you were hypnotised by him, constantly wanting to hit him up and spend more time with him. With the way he was always being so flirty with you, you have never once rejected them—in fact, you have always enjoyed retorting back with the little teases here and there. 
At this point, you figured that admitting that you purposely chose this specific outfit for the night was done just for him would give this whole situationship a little push. 
And it turns out you were right. 
While enjoying a few minutes of silence and Sangyeon seemingly constantly driving through the city, he finally makes a turn into a junction which leads up towards a hill. 
“Say, why don’t you come over to my place? I can guarantee you that you will get a better night view of Seoul from there.” 
Damn. We’re going a little bit too fast now, aren’t we? 
From the back of your mind, so many alarms were setting off. You have constantly told yourself how you were different from your roommate—you were never a party girl, let alone have a thing with someone, because you never really socialise much outside of your peer group. You have just so happened to encounter an attractive male whom you did not know much about at the nightclub, which then proceeded to you wanting to meet up with him weekly since that first encounter. 
It was insane that you actually agreed to go for a car ride with a stranger (well, he somehow is), and now to the comforts of his home? 
Without much hesitation, you immediately blurted out a response that would put the biggest smile on his face. 
“Show me what you’ve got then.”
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It didn’t take too long to arrive at this apartment. You didn’t expect him to reside in one of the top and luxurious ones that were literally the talk of Seoul at the moment. A stranger would have never been able to step foot even through the security implemented here. Obviously, the residents here are from the upper-class level. 
As he parked his vehicle in the basement of the parking lot, he guided you upstairs towards the fourteenth floor, where his apartment was located. You were certainly flabbergasted when you stepped foot into his home—the quality and quantities of his furniture were on a whole other level, and you could tell how this was truly a living space for a wealthy individual.
He took you on a little house tour, which was when you expected him to invite you in for a little movie with some drinks.
But you were completely wrong.
“You know what the best part of living in this apartment is? The rooftop pool is shared with all residents here. I’m pretty sure there isn’t anyone up there during this time. It's definitely a great opportunity for us to go for a little swim and get that final stunning view of the city that I promised you about.” 
Sangyeon decided to give you some time to yourself as you said you needed to use the bathroom for a bit while he got ready and headed up to the pool to reserve the spot for you both. 
Slamming the door shut on his bathroom door, you looked at yourself in the mirror and truly questioned yourself on what snapped within you for the night. 
Who is this Y/N? Why have you potentially agreed to do all of this? 
But did you hate this new version of yourself? Absolutely not.
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After a good ten minutes of getting yourself ready physically and mentally, you have decided to head up to the rooftop pool with the spare card key Sangyeon left behind on the kitchen countertop. 
As the elevator door dings open, you approach the automatic sliding doors, which open up to the infamous outdoor pool Sangyeon was raving about earlier. Sure enough, you noticed how the male was already in the waters, his bare back facing you as he first took in the sight of the city. 
Your presence did not go unnoticed as he immediately hears your footsteps approaching the pool and turns around to face you.
You were glad that it was already nighttime and there weren’t enough lights around the pool to show your now red-flushed-tomato-like face towards him. 
Holy. This man is truly something else.
It was how he was so well-built, and his muscles were so well-defined that they would definitely have all of the women squeal if they ever looked at them. And with his now damp dark hair pushed back, your stomach was basically doing somersaults at this point. 
And how badly you wanted to join him in the pool now.
“You’re finally here, Y/N.” 
You did not need the man to say himself to invite you into the pool because his eyes have already said so. Hence, you slowly and gently took off the bathrobe you were wearing, which then revealed you in only your undergarments.
Sangyeon approached you and extended both hands to support you as you bent down to dip yourself into the pool. Gently pulling you as he brings you back to his previous spot, he turns you so that you are now met with the beautiful sight he has meant to show you. 
The rumours were true after all. The night view from this apartment rooftop was incomparable with the night drive you both had before this. You were basically able to take in the entire city of Seoul from above, and this view was something that will forever be imprinted in your mind. 
Immediately, you began to feel a whelm of emotions build up within you, and you couldn’t help but shed a little tear. “Thank you, Sangyeon, for doing this for me. It reminds me of how I’ve always taken this beautiful city for granted.” 
“Not at all, Y/N. I’m beyond grateful that you actually accepted my offer in the first place.” 
Unbeknown to you both, you have naturally linked your hands together under the water while you laid your head to rest against his shoulder as you both take a moment of silence to take in the whole stunning view truly. It was how his hands slowly moved up to your shoulder, pushing you towards him to give you more room to rest. 
“Maybe you aren’t a bad person after all, sir Lee Sangyeon.” You broke off the silence between you both. 
“I will take that as a compliment.”
Just then, he lifts your head up and turns you so that you face him as he lays his hands on your waist. In return, you decided to wrap both of your arms around his neck. 
“You know what, Y/N? You are absolutely beautiful and truly one of a kind.”
“Well, are we back to the flirting game now, mister know-it-all? Don’t tell me this is how you treat all the other girls you have encountered before.” 
“What if I told you that that has never happened before and this is only for you, babygirl?” 
“Prove it then.” A sly smile is now plastered across your face. 
His gaze now falls onto your plump lips, and the look on his face shows how badly he wants to have them all to himself. 
“My impatience is slowly creeping, Y/N. I want to kiss you so badly, and I’m afraid I can’t hold it in anymore.” 
“Nobody is stopping you, Sangyeon. It’s all yours to take.” You proudly admitted. 
It was as if they say—when the night comes there is action, and so did it all happen in a blink of an eye. Sangyeon closed the gap between you two and crashed his lips onto yours. The kiss was slow and sensual, and the man surely took his time taking in all of it. As both of your bodies were now pressed against each other, there was basically little to no escape. Both of your tongues were now intertwined with one another, leaving no room for either of you to gasp for air.
Sangyeon’s hands were slowly travelling up to your bare back, and your hands were now tangling in his hair, both begging for more. Something has turned you on, and somehow, you can’t resist this strange attraction you have felt towards him. 
God. His kiss. It was as if it was pure nectar, it was so sickly sweet that it made you crave for more. 
You have no intention of stopping anytime soon, and neither did he. 
“I could kiss you all day, baby.”
Finally, after several minutes of that steamy kiss under the moonlight, you both finally broke it apart, and Sangyeon began to leave his trail of kisses down to your neck. With that, your nails began to dig a little deep into his skin as they fell from his hair to his bare back. 
“I bet you’re up for round two, babygirl.” He responded with a low chuckle. 
Oh, how your eventful summer has just finally begun. 
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taglist: @deoboyznet @kflixnet @k-films @flwoie @hokupi @zzoguri @kyusqult @tinkerbell460 @cheonsafics @sulkygyu @jaerisdiction
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ynsvnte · 1 year ago
Freeze — Kim Seonwoo
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Genre: fluff, drabble, est. relat. wc: 433 , warnings: kisses, hugging, pet names (babe, love) pairing: bf!sunoo x gn!reader
Event Masterlist
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Waking up and feeling the cold air. It’s gotten so cold recently that it made you shiver under your layers of blankets. You just lay there, staring up in the air. You turn your head and see sunoo sleeping peacefully. Soft snores coming out. You reach over tracing his features with your finger. Admiring him, being careful not to disturb his beauty sleep. You slowly take off the blanket that was on top of you, and start walking, reaching over for a jacket.
You put your jacket on, and kiss sunoo cheeks before walking out your shared bedroom. You make your way to the kitchen and start preparing breakfast for the both of you. It’s still slightly cold inside the house but manageable for you. You were so busy cooking. You didn’t notice your lovely boyfriend was right behind you. That’s until you feel a pair of arms wrapped around you, preventing you from doing anything.
“Oh you’re awake..” you said looking up at him.
“Yeah, but you didn’t have to leave me alone. I was freezing…” Sunno said while pouting, sulking a bit. “Well I’m sorry in that case.” You knew he wouldn’t forgive you that easily. “No..you have to earn it..” he stated, not letting you go, and hugging you tighter. “And how is that..?” You asked. “Hmm…let’s see,” he said, trying to think.” You notice how tightly he was hugging you and you still haven’t finished preparing you guys breakfast.
“Umm..babe sorry to bother your thinking, but is it possible to let me go..? I need to finish making breakfast..” you pleaded hoping he’ll say yes. “Oh-..yeah my ba- wait on second thought no…” sunoo said smirking. He still held onto you. “Why..? I’m hungry..” you asked desperately. “Because if I let you go I’ll start to freeze..and I don’t like that.” Sunoo reasoned. “But-“ “No buts love your staying in my arms..” he said while pulling you away from the kitchen and into the living room. Setting you down onto the couch and following you after. You decided to take the chance to escape, but got caught.
“Don’t you dare think you're trying to escape me..” Sunoo said, pulling you into a tight embrace. “So how can I get you to let me go and forgive me..?” You asked. “Give back my hug back, and promise to lay in bed with me all day..?” He was slightly embarrassed. “Oh well..” you said before wrapping your arms around his waist and kissing his lips while at it.
“What was that fo-“
“Shhh…just enjoy the hug..”
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Author’s note: its been raining here lord I LOVE IT 😛❤️ I’m making a beanie and I’m almost done look at me eat up.. 🤭 (one day later and I FINISHED IT!)
© ynsvnte copyright 2023
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leviosally · 3 months ago
Writer's Meme, 2024 Edition
I've been tagged by @hermiola 💜 (sorry it took me a hot sec to get around to it)
How many works do you have on ao3?
33. (including my hard kinks account which I don't talk about too much 🙈) 10 of that number are Good Omens, plus several for The Witcher, and a handful of LoZ, and even a couple for my first loves Mulder and Scully.
What’s your total word count?
459,261. 😳
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I have GO fic and Witcher fic both in there:
Stay (A Witcher fic that started on tumblr and bloomed into a full-fledged one shot on Ao3)
Play for Me the Music of Your Heart (GO human AU that I'm just about to post the final ch of)
Show Me Your Teeth (A Witcher fic that I wrote as a joke, go figure, and gifted to @stonecoldsilly)
Sweet Things (a GO canon universe fic I wrote for The Art of Yelling server's Valentine Kink Calendar event)
Don't Witchers Have Like, a Sixth Sense or Something? (boy, that was one of the first fics I wrote for that fandom, a 5+1)
Do you respond to comments? Why/why not?
I do! It may not be right away, but I always get to them eventually. I love interacting with readers.
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Umm, I usually always try to end happily or hopefully, but...probably the longer one I wrote for The Witcher called We Had Words, and an Aversion to Silver, because I started a sequel to that one and didn't finish 🙈
What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
Again, I'm a HEA kind of gal, but Play for Me the Music of Your Heart's ending is going to be wonderful once it posts 😘
Do you write crossovers?
I have in the past (LoZ and Pokemon, idek) and I've drawn for The Witcher/ Assassin's Creed but nothing recent.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I did have someone call me out in the comments on PfM about a historical racial slur, but I didn't really consider it hate.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do! I quite enjoy it and I love talking about writing it and learning how to write it better and better every time. I typically write M/M (dick envy is so real), but have written F/M before and even M/M/F/F.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not officially, I've had asks to translate, but I'm pretty firm about translations staying on Ao3, so that may have been a deterrent.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
A few friends and I wrote a series of drabbles for The Witcher fandom all for the same prompt at one point, which was way fun. I also participated in a fic telephone event with a bunch of other writers for GO that was really entertaining!
What's your all-time favourite ship?
Good Omens and Aziraphale/Crowley have me by the throat right now, but I loved writing for Geralt/Jaskier and still enjoy reading fic and looking at art even though I'm not actively writing for them. I have been thinking a lot about Link/Sidon because I was super late to play BotW and TotK so I'm just now diving into them. I also just recently (Thanks Serpent and the Saint crew, you know who you are) developed an interest in a historical figure ship that I may eventually try writing from more of an original fiction perspective...
(I like many other ships but not to the point of *obsession*).
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
I have two WIPs for The Witcher that I will likely not finish. I don't like to say never, but it's unlikely.
What are your writing strengths?
Seconding Hermiola here: Dialogue and banter are also my favorite things to write, but I love a good smut scene, and I've been complimented on my scene setting.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Look, punctuation are more guidelines than actual rules...
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I think it's great and I have done it, but having someone make sure your translations are correct is essential. I think this also goes for writing different cultures/ethnic groups/lgbtq and neurodivergent groups. Not just for accuracy, but to be respectful of any group or culture that isn't your own.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
The X-files, back in college...circa 2009?
What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
Link/Sidon, if something strikes me
What's your favourite fic you've written?
Play for Me the Music of Your Heart. It has been several years in the writing, it has been near and dear to my heart during that time, and...a way to relive and rediscover enjoyment in the years I spent in music school. It's truly been a crazy wonderful journey and so many people have supported it. 💜💜💜
Tagging some people if they feel like doing it (but no pressure at all!): @indigofyrebird, @ajconstantine, @tawnyontumblr, @copperplatebeech if you wanna play!
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cath-lic · 7 months ago
Hallo! I was pleasantly surprised to open up your profile to find out you're both trans and catholic!! (This might be a long read)
I'm the same! But in recent years due to my transness/queerness + my criticisms of the church I've kind of distanced myself from the church. I still go to mass and receive communion and do what is expected of me (I'm in a very catholic family) but I do it with a hollow feeling in my heart.
Almost paradoxically though, I really like Jesus, I think he's a cool guy, I have unending respect for him + I take bible classes and I find it to be really fun and interesting, esp the gospels and I guess the new testament in general. Studying the characters, the setting and the meaning of the story is always so cool to me and I really really love it.
However, the environment i grew up in and the Catholics I grew up with gave me a really sour feeling and I feel a lot of spite because of the blatant hate they spew towards lgbtq people/ their hypocrisy at times (things like defending isr4el's actions vehemently even though they're contradicting themselves to their face when they preach about love and anti harm and stuff) umm I lost my sentence, basically I feel like lgbtq people would be the last thing Jesus would consider a problem and I'm just soo sick of hypocrisy among catholics and Christians that it's made me almost resentful but I'm not quite there yet
What I wanted to ask was, how are you keeping your faith despite all these things? Despite all the horrible actions people commit each day in the name of Jesus and Christianity (just look at, say, the treatment of trans people in the US, Project 2025, all that, book banning, just... Blatant misuse of the faith, I hope you know what I'm talking about). I feel like the more I hear about stuff like this, the less I want to associate myself with the church. I feel ashamed, I guess. I figure that I've lost myself in all this, but any advice? I'd love to hear your thoughts :)
this ended up being a long answer, so i'll put it under a cut!
hello my sibling, i know exactly how you feel. i was lucky enough to grow up in a non-hostile and fairly liberal environment, but for similar reasons, i am in the closet as well.
seeing the violence and vitriol that so many christians espouse on a daily basis is extremely upsetting to me. i absolutely despise the fact that christianity has become popularly associated with hatred. at the same time, i acknowledge that many christians have wielded our faith in such a way that they are absolutely deserving of that reputation.
what helps me is having catholic friends IRL and online that make me feel sane. building this type of community online honestly helped me in so many ways—i no longer feel like one of the few catholics in the usa that aren’t associated with the alt-right.
another thing that helped me was, ironically, finding a different church. though i am still catholic, i go to an episcopal church. it’s smaller and friendlier, and i felt much more welcomed there as well, and i feel comfortable knowing that these are people who share both my values and (most of) my religious beliefs.
i think i become more gung-ho about the faith when seeing the horrible things that people do in the name of christianity, actually. i tend to post more when i’m riled up about it, because i KNOW they’re wrong! so basically, when i’m feeling down, i turn to the source material. more often than not, they reaffirm my faith and reaffirm that god has sanctioned absolutely none of the shit that republicans are trying to pull.
i want people to know that being catholic does not mean being conservative, so i yell about it in my own space here. i don’t want to, you know, proselytize to people—so i make sure that this is a blog they can block. i would like to attend pride events and bring my own signs, and protect others from protestors at some point.
i’m sorry i don’t have a more succinct answer for you, my sibling. i can only assure you that you are not alone, and that so many of us trans catholics feel the exact same way. sending all my love to you ❤️❤️❤️
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likesunsetorange · 1 year ago
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here's something from ch 1 of the bodyguard au! i had to basically rewrite everything hence why it's taken so long lol but it's coming along now so very soon haha! here's mikasa's pov! i think this is the first thing i've shown from her pov even in between drabbles and everything! a little angsty but hope y'all like it
cw: allusions to alcoholism/drinking problems
This isn’t Mikasa’s first drunken night, the kind where things get a bit out of hand. The ones that consist of more than just drunken texts and lead to bad hangovers, but the ones where word gets around in their social circles, something that seemed to be the norm as of recently. Some of it, in part, was because she was twenty-one—it’s expected. 
But today, like some of the other days, the drinks are for the purpose of pacifying her feelings of rage, despondency, and resentment. So there were one too many drinks poured down her throat, and at some point, she lost count, too upset to bother caring. But for the sake of appearances, she forces a smile on her face for her so-called friends—nobody wants to hear her problems on a Saturday night.
She struggles to maintain her balance, her hands palming her face, attempting to shut out the spinning world around her—the direct result of two, three, four shots—she can’t remember at this point, but when can she ever, really? Mikasa sits crouched along the cold brick wall of the club—no matter how drunk she is, she would never allow herself to sit on a New York City sidewalk—sensing people hurrying down the street around her, itching to seek out their own Saturday night plans, not bothering to pay her any mind. 
Everything around her is fuzzy; the only thing keeping her grounded is the frigid winds whipping her hair around aimlessly, but from somewhere to the right of her, she senses a figure crouching down, a feminine-sounding voice, almost a bit angelic, “Are you okay?” She somehow manages to make out through her hazy state.
Looking over to the source of the voice, Mikasa peeks her eyes through her fingers, the sight of a blond girl leaning down to her level, a cigarette in hand meeting her gaze. The girl, albeit pretty, lacks the angelic demeanor Mikasa had initially assigned her—sporting her bartending uniform, seemingly just out taking a fifteen.
“Hey, Mikasa—that’s your name right—you okay?” The blond asks again before taking another drag of her cigarette. Mikasa struggles to recall how the girl knows her name, she scans her face again for any sense of familiarity. “Where are your friends, I thought you went back with them?” The girl blows puffs of smoke into Mikasa’s face as she talks, Mikasa still trying to grapple with the words that come out of her mouth.
“Umm,” Mikasa hesitates, trying to recall the events of the last twenty minutes. She came outside for a few minutes of respite, the club suddenly feeling overwhelming. The air inside was suffocating, enough for her to walk straight outside into 30º weather, forgetting her jacket; the alcohol running through her veins the only thing providing her warmth at this point. Mikasa finds it hard to focus, finding herself slipping into a dazed state every few seconds.
The girl looks at Mikasa blankly, waving her hand in her face to grab her attention. “Do you remember me? I’m the bartender from earlier. Hitch?” She asks. 
Mikasa blinks at her, trying to recall. Hitch. Hitch. Hitch. The name sounds familiar, almost on the tip of her tongue, until Mikasa sees the name tag that’s pinned on her shirt, reading the same name.
"Tequila pineapple?” Hitch attempts to speak over the deafening blare of the club's music.
People crowd around the bar, typical of a Saturday night, flashes of sequins and glitter reflecting off the strobe lights. Hitch eyes the inky-haired girl in front of her, whom she’s almost positive is the one for whom the drink she called out is for. She stares at the girl in front of her, her head is perched on her hand as she seemingly almost dozes off, her perfectly tied red ribbon swaying from the blaring AC above them.
“Hey, are you alright?” Hitch calls out again.
Her voice snaps Mikasa out of her hazy state, alcohol pumping through her veins, causing her vision to go a bit fuzzy. She whips her head in the direction of where she hears the voice coming from, almost knocking her purse over where it sits on the bar in the process.
The blonde bartender's face floods with concern as Mikasa's gaze meets her green eyes, clearly realizing just how drunk she really is. Mikasa simply nods in response, a dazed grin on her face as Hitch hesitantly hands Mikasa her drink, sliding Mikasa the tab with her card.
“Thanksss—,” Her words slur together before she takes a brief pause to look at her name tag, “—Hitch! You're sooo pretty, by the way.” Mikasa fumbles with the pen as she signs her name, which ends up being more of a scribble than her actual signature. Her mind draws a blank as she attempts to drunkenly calculate the total with the tip, so she settles for making it $100, figuring someone as nice as Hitch would probably appreciate the tip.
"Thank you,” Hitch starts, eyeing her briefly before pausing, unsure of what to refer to her as
“—Mikasa," she interrupts, giving her a soft smile, her cheeks flushed red from the alcohol. Mikasa leans against the counter, almost swaying side to side, clearly unable to maintain her balance.
“Mikasa. Right. You're very pretty too. But, umm, where are your friends? You probably shouldn't be drinking anymore, either,” Hitch says, her face filled with concern. 
Mikasa turns towards the club, scanning around until she gets to the back right corner, a group of a few handfuls of girls and a few guys occupying one of the club’s nicer sections. “Over there,” she points. 
“Okay, well, take this at least,” Hitch says, handing her a glass of water, knowing she can’t be babysitting a random patron when there’s a handful of people waiting on drinks. “Be safe, please.”
Mikasa takes the drink from the counter, flashing her a big smile, “You too, thanks,” she replies in between sips before walking off towards her friends.
Her memory, though still a bit hazy, comes back to her, “Ohhh,” Mikasa replies, nodding.
Hitch shakes her head and sighs, while she’s not necessarily upset, it’s certainly not how she had planned on spending her break. “Look. Clearly, you’re drunk. Do you want a hit? Might sober you up some,” she says nonchalantly, almost as if she offers drunk girls outside the club hits of her cigarettes often. Had she not been a girl (and Mikasa sober), she would definitely raise some red flags. The girl offers her hand out to Mikasa, motioning for her to take the cigarette.
Mikasa thumbs the cigarette in between her fingers, knowing she’s never even smoked before, but her lack of discernment left her two shots ago—probably even before that, especially given everything that’s happened lately. Her lungs burn as she inhales, smoke filling them instantly, and she’s not even sure if she’s doing it correctly until she erupts into a fit of coughs, clearly answering her own question. She has her vices already—nicotine wasn’t going to be one of them. 
“Okay, maybe that wasn’t much help—sorry,” the girl says, taking the cigarette out of her hand and patting her back as Mikasa coughs fervently. “But seriously, where are your friends? What are you doing outside—it's fucking freezing, Mikasa,” she says while readjusting her own jacket.
“They’re—” cough “—inside—” cough — “—I—” cough “—left,” Mikasa somehow manages to choke out through slurred words and coughs. 
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stingraywipe · 10 months ago
Hey! Here's a little thing I wrote for @sincerely-sofie 's The Present is a Gift AU with her characters Twig and Kip. I wanted to get it out sooner, but alas life happened and I was unable to work on it as much as a wanted to. This is also the first time I've done any sort of creative writing in years, so hopefully it isn't too bad. Anyways, here it is! I hope you like it :)
The Sunrise
It was dawn when Kip woke up. It was rather early and he was still tired, but he rolled out of bed to go check on Twig. He knew she probably wanted her space, but he couldn’t help worrying about her more than usual after the previous few days’ events. He yawned and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, then quietly cracked open the door of Twig’s room. His heart skipped a beat when he saw that she wasn’t there. He rubbed his eyes again to make sure he was seeing right. Yup. Twig wasn’t there. Feeling panic begin to set in, Kip took a moment to breath and recollect himself.
“Calm down, there’s NO need to be freaking out about this,” he thought. “Twig likes going on walks when she needs to clear her head, or if she wants to be alone to think on something. She’s probably just doing that. She’s been through a ton the past few days, so it makes sense that she would want to do that. She’ll probably be back here soon.”
Despite knowing that, Kip decided to make a quick check outside anyway. He was already pretty awake after the initial shock of Twig’s absence, and taking a look couldn’t hurt. Maybe he could watch the sunrise while he was out there. He hadn’t done that in a while, and it would be a good way to unwind for a bit after the stress of the past week.
Apparently Twig had the same idea, because she was already sitting near the edge of the cliff looking off into the distance. She was visibly ok, and even seemed less tense than she had been recently. Despite this, Kip felt the need to make sure she was actually fine. He knew too well how Twig feels the need to hide anything that ails her from everyone no matter how serious it is, so it was going to take more than just visual evidence to convince him.
“How’ve you been holding up?” Kip asked as he approached. Twig jumped a little and spun her head around, relaxing again once she realized it was just him.
“Jeez dude, you scared me! Did you have to sneak up on me like that?”
“Oh no, I didn’t mean to startle you!” Kip responded. He hurried over to where Twig was and sat down next to her. “I just wanted to check up on how you were doing. I saw you weren’t in you room and I-”
Twig cut him off. “Relax man, I’m just giving you a hard time.” She gave him a playful punch to the arm. “And, umm. I’ve definitely been better. I think I’ve cried more than enough for an entire lifetime over the past few days. Maybe even two lifetimes. I didn’t even know fire types were capable of producing that much water.”
Kip chuckled at that. “Yeah, but it needed to happen, you know. That’s what you get for being silly and stupid and somehow convincing yourself that none of us like you.”
Twig sighed. “I know, I know, you’re right. It doesn’t mean I have to like it though. It’s physically AND mentally exhausting.”
“I feel you there. I feel worn out, and I haven’t cried anywhere near as much as you!”
“Yup. I totally have you beat.”
Kip gave her a baffled look. “Are you seriously bragging about how you’ve cried more than me?”
“I sure am. I gotta take my wins when I can get ‘em.”
He burst out laughing at that. “Well, if your jokes are anything to go off of, I’d say you’re holding up pretty well. Seems to me like the funny Twig I know and love is finally starting to come back. I guess I was worried about nothing.”
Twig shrugged. “I guess.” 
Neither one of them said anything else for a while. They sat in silence and watched the sun slowly climb higher on the horizon. It was one of the sunrises with lots of pink mixed in with the oranges and yellows; the kind that Twig loved the most. The sea below them glistened like gemstones, with rolling waves that shimmered in the bright light. Kip had almost forgotten how beautiful the sunrise was at Sharpedo Bluff. Sure, he could watch the sunrise when he was away on his expedition, but they just weren’t the same there as they were here. Besides, he was with Twig now, which made it even better.  
Kip smiled. “I missed this,” he murmured.
“Missed what?” Twig asked.
“This. Watching the sunrise with you. Going on walks. Just talking. You know, enjoying the little things in life with you.”
“Dude, you know you can still do those things without me right?”
“I guess, but they wouldn’t be the same. You’re what makes them special.”
They were both quiet for a bit. Twig was first to speak again. “Dang, I really messed up a lot of stuff with my dumb thoughts then. Sorry about that.”
“How many times do I have to tell you to stop apologizing for that!?” Kip responded. “None of us blame you for any of that stuff. If anything, it’s MY fault for not doing anything sooner despite seeing through all of your terrible lies. Besides, it’s in the past now. All we can do is focus on what we can do now, in the present.”
“I guess you’re right.” she said. “You know dude, if you really wanted to hang out with me THAT badly, you could’ve just asked.”
“Ok, noted. You’d better be prepared for lots of requests then if that’s what it’s gonna take.” Kip glanced over at Twig. Her expression was a bit troubled, as if she was contemplating something he had said. Seeing that, he nudged her and spoke again. 
“You know I meant it right? What I said before.” 
Twig turned her head to look at him. “What? The part about how me being there somehow makes things better?”
“Yeah, that one. I want to make sure that sticks with you, because you seem to be quick to forget it. You’re an amazing person. I know it’s hard for you to see it right now, but we all really do care for you more than you could imagine. And it doesn’t matter how long it takes you to convince yourself of all that, because all of us are happy to remind you as many times as it takes. Nothing you think or say or do will ever change that.”
Twig’s eyes started watering at that. “Seriously dude,” she croaked. “I was just complaining about how I was tired of crying. Did you really have to go and make me-”
Kip pulled her into a hug, cutting her off. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me Twig. You always will be. Please don’t ever forget that.”
They stayed like that for a while. Kip held Twig there for as long as she needed to cry. After a bit, Twig slowly pulled away and took a moment to wipe the tears out of her eyes and regain her composure. 
“You good now?” Kip asked her.
“Yeah, I think so. I think I actually feel a bit better than before, funny enough.” She shifted her gaze back to the horizon, where the sun had climbed a bit higher over the ocean. They sat there quietly, simply enjoying each other’s presence. For the first time in a while, it seemed as if everything was truly at peace. 
Twig eventually broke the silence. “You know what? I missed this a lot too. This is nice.”
“Yeah,” Kip said, nodding in agreement. “This is nice.”
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soccerwag · 2 years ago
Where you are know as one of the best prodigy on the Barcelona female team. One day, they host a Barcelona event for the male and female team, to which you get really drunk and end up having a make out session with predi. However, what you don’t realize is that you guys were recorded and was later posted on the internet making it a huge scandal. But in an interview Pedri decided to defend your name saying “I can’t kiss my girlfriend” you may end it with a fluff and/or smut where they both end up together.
Yes, since Pedri is still kind of young in my eyes I won’t be going into full detail smut but there will be suggestive sentences🫶🏼 I’ll let you and the other readers mind fill in the rest.
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Pairing: pedri x fem reader
Summary: when you the femme Barca prodigy and pedri the men’s Barca prodigy along with your teams get invited to a celebratory event where you end up drunk and one thing leads to another before it is revealed the next day on social media outlets that you were recorded making out with the player in which he defends you in an interview.
Warnings: slight smut/suggestive sentences.
Today me and my team were invited to a celebratory event along side the mens team. We had been winning almost every match recently so Xavi decided to hold an event for our men’s and women’s team. At first I was hesitant to attend because I’m not too big on parties but I soon decided to go, step outside my comfort zone.
I was finally ready. I was wearing a tight fitting dark blue dress and simple makeup. I decided to wear converse because I’m really awful at walking in heels. I grabbed my keys before heading out. I was slightly nervous. My social anxiety is awful and this is one of the times its at it’s worst. I finally arrived at the building.
Well here goes nothing was all I could think.
I greeted some of my teammates and complimented them on how beautiful they all looked. They were all in really nice dresses or blazers. After chit chatting for a while I decided to head to the bar. I wanted to sooth my racing mind and heart with a few drinks.
I ordered a few drinks and then a few more after that until I was completely wasted. I didn’t realize how much I drank before I stood up. I started wobbling but my confidence was now at it’s all time highest.
I strutted over to the dance floor, looking for someone to dance with when I ran into a hard chest.
“Oh shit my bad.” I apologized to the person.
“No it’s ok hermosa, would you like to dance?” The familiar voice asked.
I looked up and met the eyes of pedri. Holy shit. I’ve honestly had the biggest crush on him for awhile. Would I ever admit that to anyone? No, but I do find him quite intriguing.
“Oh, yeah umm sure!” I said trying my hardest to hide the nerves in my voice.
He grabbed my waist with his arms before I wrapped mine around his neck.
“You know you look really beautiful in this dress.” He complimented me.
A small blush arose to my cheeks.
“Well thank you, you don’t look too shabby yourself in that tuxedo.” I said giving him a smile.
As we danced I couldn’t help but notice his gaze switching between my eyes and my lips. I decided ti brush it off though, too wasted to even dabble on it.
“Can I kiss you?” I heard him ask.
I didn’t know how to respond so I just nodded. The kiss was passionate at first but eventually started to get heated quickly. Our lips merging together so perfectly, our tongues dancing together like they were meant for each other.
Pedro started leading me into a more secluded area before pushing us into a storage closet.
“You’re so beautiful, but you’d be even more beautiful without this dress amor.” He whispered in my ear before leaving kisses down my neck. When he reached a certain spot I moaned. After the sound came out of my mouth he started to tease that area, sucking an biting, surely to leave a mark.
“God I love you, I’ve loved you since the first day we met, how you smelt, you’re kindness, your eyes, your lips, just everything.” Pedro confessed. I was too engulfed in pleasure and alcohol to process his confession.
He then began to trail down my body, teasing me with his hands as he then kissed me again. I was in for a long night.
The next morning I woke up in my bed, I assumed someone took me home, knowing I was way too intoxicated to drive myself.
As I opened my phone I was flooded with social media notifications. There were multiple different news stories too.
“Pedri and y/n caught kissing at a bar last night”
“Pedri and y/n official?”
“Pedri confirming relationship in today’s interview”
So many headlines about you and pedri. I then recalled last night. Remembering the amazing night him and I had.
I then got curious about the last headline. I clicked on it and began to read. At the end of the news report there was a clip from today’s interview. I clicked on it and began to watch it.
“What I can’t kiss my girlfriend?” Pedri had said in the interview.
My heart started to race. Girlfriend? I thought. It all felt like a dream. My face now flushed with blush and as of right on cue I got a text for the man himself.
-Hey, I have something important to tell you can I stop by your place? I still have your address saved from last night-
Pedri texted. At first I didn’t know what to say but soon texted back a simple yes.
-yeah sure-
About 30 minutes later I heard a knock on my door. I got up, already knowing who it was. As I opened the door I didn’t even get time to say a hello before I felt a pair of lips on mine. After overcoming the shock I kissed back. The kids lasted for a minute or two before pedri pulled away.
“Will you be my girlfriend? Officially? I’ve had a crush on you since the day we met after you joined barca, I loved the way your eyes glistened, I loved your smile, your laugh, your lips, the way you’d blush when anyone gave you a compliment. I just could never get you off my mind after that so will you please do me the honors and be my girlfriend.” Pedri said super quickly but I understood him.
“Of course pepi” I said before giving him another kiss, this time being much shorter.
“I’ve always liked you too, you Intrigued me, how quite you were but how well you got along with others.” I told him with a smile.
What a coincidence
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