#this is heavily based on the film from 2002.
ellenolphe · 3 months
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Adolphe sketcherssss
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the-gay-disney-games · 8 months
Round 1B: The Emperor’s New Groove (2000) vs. Lilo & Stitch (2002)
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The Emperor’s New Groove:
“That llama boy is gay. Probably genderqueer as well.”
“look at it.”
“just watch the movie it is blindingly obvious from like the first scene (no…no…no…)”
“I mean, i think kuzco is enough propaganda by himself”
“Kuzco is insanely queercoded. There's the way he immediately dismisses any women based on superficial traits, but seems very interested in Kronk. There's the crossdressing scene, which he was very into. And also just look at him.”
“Kuzco is a twink”
“Kuzco is a twink. Eartha Kitt is a gay icon. Kronk...”
“- come on, have you Seen Kuzko? That boy is a Twink.
- every character is So So queer coded in some way
- it's just,,,, so gay”
“You can't tell me those bitches ain't gay. The Llama guy (blanking on the name rn) literally rejected like 5 women rapid fire. Also kronk is queer ty”
“Kuzco is gender envy. Kuzco is gender queer/fluid.”
“That whole scene with Kuzco and Pacha in the restaurant that is all.”
“Kuzco is heavily queercoded in his mannerisms. The start of the movie has him rejecting a line of women as potential marriage candidates, being picky with their appearances. After that, he seems to be interested in asking Yzma about her henchman Kronk. Post llama-turning, he bickers a lot with Pacha but ends up creating a nearly familial bond with him. During a bit where they hide in the restaurant, Kuzco enthusiastically dresses in drag and pretends to be Pacha's wife. Pacha tells the waitress its their honey, with the waitress saying something about it "being brave to come out today", which could have two different meanings. After the movie and Kuzco returns to being a man, he doesn't get together with any woman like most films would. Instead, he finds himself a found family with Pacha, his wife, their two kids, and Kronk. If that's not queer-coded, I don't know what is.”
“Kuzco is so fucking gay and the film is completely unselfconcious and unapologetic. His mannerisms, his complete lack of a female love interest, the way his solution to hiding being a talking llama is to pretend to be Pacha's wife (???). His role model and only parental figure is a dramatic older woman played by Ertha Kit. And it's not just Kuzco; Kronk most certainly has the vibe to him. The casual gender non-conformance is off the charts. The Emperor's New Groove was a Disney movie that skirted under the corporate radar, made with very little input from the company itself. It is one of a kind and there will never be another one like it.”
“-Nothing about Kuzco is straight
-First off, the way he dresses and has incredible fucking hair. Like I know that emperor's were deemed as gods, and having them dress with pure gold jewelry and high quality clothing was a must.BUT STILL, HE PULLS IT OFF
-the scene were he turns down all of the women who were there for one of them to be his wife...BRO HE WAS SO SASSY AND SAVAGE AS HE COMMENTED ON THEIR APPEARANCES, TELLING THEM THINGS LIKE THAT THEY DON'T PULL OF THAT HAIRCUT AND SHIT LIKE THAT
-Don't even get me started on the diner scene with Pacha
-Twink....I will not elaborate”
Lilo & Stitch:
“Pleakley and jumba are queer. I will fight people about this. And then they joined the found family to end all found families and co-parent with Nani. Change my mind ( you can't)”
“Jumba and Pleakley are MARRIED and you cannot tell me otherwise”
“The aliens are gay.”
“Trans icon Wendy Pleakley and their boyfriend Jumba”
“We stan Pleakley crossdressing”
“this is THE gay movie to me. It’s all about the found family. Stitch was cast out for being an “abomination” but then he found the place where he belongs with people who love him. Pleakley and Jumbaa are literally married”
“Found Family, cross dressing, self love, what else do you need?”
“I know Pleakley only gets to go whole hog on the crossressing in the TV show, but the movie is where he got his start.”
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starthelostboys · 1 year
tlb characters as dcoms (that i have seen):
michael: teen beach 2 (2015). i like the original movie better but i think this one fits michael's vibes better for the weirdly melancholic feeling throughout the entire film. the combination of impending doom with fun beach music really makes sense for him.
star: invisible sister (2015) i think that star would love the main character of this movie since they're both weird girls who're kind of mean and standoffish. also she'd appreciate the cozy halloween energy that this movie has.
david: read it and weep (2006). to be honest i don't think this movie would be my choice for david if not for the notable element of the main character having vivid fight club style hallucinations of a cooler, meaner version of herself that she talks to throughout the film. that and she's kind of a terrible person for a 15 year old which i think fits david well.
dwayne: the thirteenth year (1999). i had a really hard time picking a movie for dwayne and honestly this one is just based on vibes. the energy of this movie is bizarre and i think it fits him, as well as the theme song which sounds like absolute ass but i still get stuck in my head sometimes.
marko: radio rebel (2012). to be honest i don't think marko would like any dcoms cause they're way too commercial for him, but i do feel like he'd end up buying into the phony reject authority message of this movie and by the end thinks that maybe in high school he also should've thrown a morp (anti prom that's just prom spelled backwards).
paul: stepsister from planet weird (2000). i think that paul would like sci fi in general, and he'd enjoy the bizarre sci fi aspects of this movie, especially since they never really try and explain the technicalities of anything. he also genuinely thinks the stepdad in this movie is hot.
sam: princess protection program (2009). there's a lot of bitchy energy in this movie which fits sam well. also the plot being a combination of girls learning to become friends + an active military coup. my honorable mention pick for sam is minutemen (2008).
edgar: mom's got a date with a vampire (2000). even putting this movie on the list kind of feels like cheating since it's so heavily inspired by the lost boys, but also i couldn't think of another movie that fits edgar more.
alan: cadet kelly (2002). i feel mean putting this one on the list at all but i couldn't make this post without putting this "hillary duff learns to love military school" movie as one of the frog bros, sorry alan :(
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we discussed why Ridley Scott's film is unlikely to be the way we would like it to be
so I have a question: what films/series about Napoleon more or less correctly represent real history? or just good in your opinion
oh man, I'm a bit of a picky person when it comes to Napoleonic films/series, but not in a logically consistent manner so people get a little confused sometimes. Which is fair.
I'll give you two rec's:
My favourite Napoleon movie is Monsieur N. I think what makes it work is that it's a historical AU, basically, and fills all my favourite tropes. Premise is that Napoleon, through a weird magic (?) thing, switches fates with his valet/spy Cipriani and manages to escape St. Helena.
As one can guess, it's only loosely, loosely based in history. The ages of some people are altered (Betsy Balcombe is aged up significantly so she can be an appropriate love interest for Napoleon; Barry O'Meara is in his late thirties/early forties for no apparent reason etc.). I feel like Albine got shafted in being cast as a bit of the Conniving Courtesan. Montholon is positioned as a poisoner, even though by the time the film was made that theory/story had been pretty heavily debunked. They omit Napoleon's crap treatment of Fanny Bertrand after she rebuffed his advances. Napoleon's still played too seriously - but that's a fault in literally almost every production ever.
That said, I love Bertrand in this. Gourgaud makes a rogue appearance and is suitably chaotic. I like Sir Hudson Lowe as well - I feel that Richard Grant was cast perfectly. The visuals are beautiful. It's just gorgeously filmed (I love the first confrontation/meet scene between Napoleon and Lowe - the playing with light, the choice of clothes, the switching through languages etc. it's masterful).
The historical inaccuracy aside, I actually liked the relationship between Napoleon and Betsy. I'm just like "clearly it's another Betsy Balcombe. Funny that two people have the same name on this small island!"
(Obviously, in reality, she was a literal child when she knew Napoleon. He was an uncle/older brother figure to her and she was clearly a surrogate daughter/niece to him. They pranked each other and teamed up to prank Lowe on the regular alongside playing silly games and mucking about.)
I love that it's a multi-lingual production so you have English, French and Corsican being spoken, as appropriate for the characters/people. The sound track is fitting. It's appropriately atmospheric.
So yeah, I am very fond of the film. But it's just a fun, stupid romp.
You can't go in expecting a Real Historical And/Or Accurate Account of Napoleon on St. Helena. Thankfully, the film never positions itself as such a thing. It's very clearly a What If + Fanfiction. I recommend going in and treating it like a slightly more serious Knight's Tale in its approach to history (vibes & essence over facts). If you do that, you'll have a blast. If you go in looking for Historical Napoleon or whatever, you'll hate it.
I also may or may not have a Thing for Philippe Torreton (who plays Napoleon). So. That might also inform my affection for this dumb film.
I remember enjoying the 2002 French miniseries Napoleon (with Christian Clavier and Isabella Rossellini). As with all series and films, it has its issues (there are definite inaccuracies), but I liked it overall. I feel they hit the emotional beats between Napoleon and Josephine really well.
(While she's not older than him in it, at least the actors the same age and she's not like 16 years younger than Napoleon /eye roll.)
The scene when she reams him out during their divorce is powerful (she does this great thing about how he always wanted to make it clear that he's separate from the ancien regime and Not Like Those People but what is he doing now? He's marrying one of Marie Antoinette's relatives. And like, she is calling him out for his political inconsistency, and making the point that it's a bad decision in terms of Optics, but it's also so clearly much more than that. It's well done). Napoleon's reaction when he learns that she's died is heart breaking and well rendered/believable.
There is also humour and convivial moments that are often lacking in historical biopics with him, which I appreciate (love the "you need to take the Austrian uniform off the scarecrow or we'll have an International Incident on our hands" scene).
There's a rogue Coulaincourt who makes an appearance! Nice to see him. Same with Lannes - glad he makes an appearance. Though there's no Duroc or Junot, unfortunately. (Granted, I understand the need to keep the cast to a reasonable amount of people.)
So yeah, it's an entertaining series. It's a bit of a "classic" in the sense that I feel like anyone who has gone through a Napoleon Phase watches it.
Truly, the best representation of Napoleon is in Bill and Ted's Most Excellent Adventure. You're welcome.
I hope this helps!
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neechees · 2 years
do you have any strong thoughts/feelings about the spirit sequel/spinoff movie and tv show? especially with how you're native and the original had a very strong native storyline
I haven't watched it, don't plan on watching it, but I HAVE seen several reviews from hard-core Spirit (2002) fans, & just based on the info I've seen from them, it ain't good. Some essential info is that the setting is AFTER the original Spirit film, it's set in the early 1900s (which personally I think is inaccurate to the timeline of the first movie & there's no way this could be right, but more on that later), the horse featured is actually Spirit and Rain's SON, and the setting is a town next to a railroad (I initially thought that presumably this is the same railroad Spirit deliberately sabotaged to stop them from invading his home, which means they eventually succeeded, but the show seems to either retcon this or introduce ANOTHER railroad called "JP and sons Railway" and that it was built just pre-early 1900s, but if that's the case then that doubly makes the timeline make no sense. Either there's 2 railroads and the time periods is fucked up, or the show is completely disregarding the films canon and saying there's only one and its the JP & sons one & moves up the timeline for. some reason.).
The timeline is relevant because it plays heavily into both the plot and the themes of the film: the original Spirit film from 2002 takes place sometime between 1863-1865, when the transcontinental railway was being built. The realization that the railway is going to endanger Spirit's herd, as well as the fact that this is partially why they were attacking Little Creek's village & trying to kill everyone is what motivates Spirit to try stop it, he literally sabotages one of the major efforts of settler colonialism alongside a Native man. His son in the spinoff sequels being very happy friends with a girl from a town directly next to the now built railway ENTIRELY misses the point and themes of what the original film was trying to say and completely disregards the history of this railway and how many Native Americans were killed and displaced for it. But, transcontinental railway or some other fictional railway or not, the first film both literally and symbolically showed why this train was bad and the effects it had on the Native wildlife and Native people. But again, the show seems to have changed this to dodge the original film's plot points that were clearly critiques of Western Expansion and settler colonialism in order to make the setting of the spinoffs more palatable.
One rater from Common Sense Media (which reviews & gives appropriate ratings & info for children's media) themselves even stated that both the show & the new movie "does not substantially confront the actual history of westward settlement", presumably because it's aimed at a young audience, but this is stupid either way because that was literally the ENTIRE point of the first movie (which didn't hold back in its depiction of racism & colonization) & was also aimed at a younger audience. I watched that movie when I was 6. I was able handle it and understand what was going on
& whats interesting is that, while I could be wrong, but I actually don't think the White characters EVER call Little Creek a slur (like "Indian/Injun", "redskin", "savage" etc) once in the original Spirit film, & he straight up refers to him by his tribe (Lakota)? Because they didn't need to. They showed how these characters were racist & settler colonialism is bad by every other action they do. Compare this with Pocahontas where you hear pretty much ALL those slurs, her people's tribe/s of the Powhatan confederacy are never mentioned (which would be the Mattaponi, Patawomeck, & Pamunkey), & ends with a lukewarm "racism is bad & both sides are wrong, don't be mean to white ppl even if they want to kill you <3"
There is also a Native character named Mixtli & is of the Atakapa/Ishak people, but as far as I know "Mixtli" is a Nahua word, and the Ishak people were a southwest woodland tribe and a language isolate. His design also moreso looks like a Little Creek ripoff rather than anything similar to other depictions of traditional Ishak clothing/people. AFAIK he's also mostly a side character as well. And again, this goes back to this new show seemingly ignoring the history of racism in the early 1900s: Mixtli is 16 and "considered an adult by his tribe", which seems to be the show's way of dodging the fact that in this era he'd otherwise be forced into an Indian boarding school or have just left one recently (since many left in between the ages 16-18, but some managed to leave earlier if you got married). Most tribes even by the early 1900s were starting to live in more European styled houses like cabins, and wearing European/White American clothing (or incorporating them a lot more) and were forced to keep most of their traditions in hiding because they were made illegal, but this doesn't seem to be illustrated for the show. Call me hardass and a stickler for historical accuracy, but I feel like if you're going to adapt a film set in any point in history, you should do your best to make it historically authentic in tone even if not everything is 100% accurate, and do so with the appropriate target audience in mind. Spirit 2002 did that, the show has not.
Below is just some proof & history nerd stuff & expanding on how Spirit 2002 takes place during the mid 1860's & how we know this, as well as why this decision is stupid as hell. But otherwise I feel like I'm gunna have to stop for now because this is getting long and I'm not quite articulating as well as I'd like.
Remember when I said that The Colonel's look was probably based on General Custer? That's the most obvious in his uniform and attire, compare his character design with that of this photo of Custer in 1865. While the designs in 2d animated works tend to be simplified, this still possibly gives us an idea of what time period the first movie is supposed to be in. I think I saw someone also say that in an early draft of the film, the Colonel was named "Colonel Custer", meaning he might have straight up meant to be Custer originally
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Spirit being forced to work on a railroad also lets us know that this is specifically the transcontinental railroad, which was started in 1863 and finished in 1865, so the original movie takes place in between this time, and again going off of the above mentioned point, Custer was also still alive by this time.
So if we go with the idea that Spirit 2002 does in fact take place in 1863-1865, and that the spinoffs take place in the early 1900s, this could not work because Spirit and his son would not be alive. Horses have a lifespan of about 30ish years. MAYBE Spirit Jr would be alive, but he'd be an old ass horse, but he doesn't look very old in the show at all. I think partially the reason for the time jump would be because maybe they thought the fashion for the show characters could be more easily modernized (which, they are VERY modernized with the female characters wearing tshirts and skinny jeans, when they should be dressing like the characters in Anne with an E), or maybe they thought that the racism by this point "wasn't as bad". You COULD make the case to say that the series retconned most everything in the original film and is saying the first railroad was in fact, the same one as in the show, and the movie's timeline was moved upward to be at a later date, but this also retcons the original setting completely and makes no sense. I'm not sure why they decided to do a spinoff of fucking SPIRIT of all things, but whatever.
See Mixtli in the center, and two drawings of Ishak people on either side. Like I guess I can see why they'd not want to animate their traditional clothing, but they really couldn't incorporate ANYTHING? Not even the traditional designs or hairstyle or the breechcloth?
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Mun is 20+. No minors.
I'm non-selective. I'm down to RP with anyone, so don't be afraid to drop into my inbox/tag me in stuff! My style can sometimes lean a bit towards the lengthier side, but I don't expect anyone to try and match that.
I don't RP outside of the Resident Evil universe. I'm up for anything within it, though! I enjoy the games, the comics, the novels, etc. alongside the Anderson flicks.
I'm OC & AU friendly. I love to hear about 'em, too, so please share with me!
I multiship, so I'm open to pairing the Rains with various characters. Lemme know if you're interested in shipping.
I like having multiple threads. If you want to start a new thread with me while we already have another going, feel free!
I don't have any exclusives. If you see me already RPing with somebody who has the same muse as you, that doesn't mean that I'm not interested in interacting with you.
You'll find blood, gore, & violence here, so be warned. It appears both in my writing and occasionally in my icons or reblogs.
I don't write smut. My ace ass simply can't <3
Although I also write for the Rain clones, I always default to the OG Rain when replying to asks/tags. So if you'd like to interact with Good or Bad Rain, please specify!
There might be times when I'm slow at replying. I promise I'm not ignoring you. I've just got other stuff going on too, y'know? And on that note, I don't expect fast replies from anyone. Take your time!
Also on @crashandswirl (multi-muse) & @roleplay-evil (starters).
If you have any questions or anything, feel free to ask!
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Rain comes from the 2002 film, Resident Evil. Alongside it and various headcanons, my interpretation of her is loosely based on the novelization, Resident Evil: Genesis. (I do have a lot of problems with that book and how she was written in it, though). The clones come from Resident Evil: Retribution and take loose elements from the novelization of the same name.
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Name: Rain Melendez Ocampo [extended info sheet/verses here]
Eyes: Dark brown. However, I do occasionally make them partially light blue after infection.
Hair: Dark brown
Pronouns: She/her
Age: Dependent on verse.
In the movieverse, twenty-three at the time of the Hive Incident in 2002.
Also in the movieverse, her late twenties to early thirties in Extinction through to The Final Chapter, which ends in 2012.
In the game verse, her early twenties during the time of the Raccoon City Incident in 1998.
Height: 5'4"/163 cm
Sexual/Romantic orientation: Homosexual/homoromantic
Former LAPD police officer.
Paramilitary commando for the Umbrella Corporation. U.S.S. (Umbrella Security Service).
After Apocalypse, working to screw over her last employer and aid survivors.
In the gamverse, after Raccoon City, a BSAA soldier.
Personality: Rain is tough, intimidating, prideful, and full of tenacity. But beneath that rough exterior is a caring person looking to do good and help others. If sacrificing/putting herself at risk means saving someone, Rain isn't likely to hesitate.
She's fiercely loyal and protective toward friends, none of whom are safe from her ribbing or attempts to rough around.
Often, Rain comes off as crude and/or blunt since she isn't very careful with her words. If she has an opinion, she probably won't refrain from telling you. Vulnerability, however, isn't something that comes easily to her. She tends to simply close herself off with an "I'm fine."
You might find that she has a slight temper... Perhaps more than slight. Most call it hair-trigger. Her anger usually comes and goes in quick bursts.
Rain was heavily infected by the T-virus and received a dose of the antivirus when it should've been far too late. She should've died. Instead, she woke up sometime later in an empty hospital, having been put under quarantine and subject to various tests. She left, unsure of what exactly happened to her.
Some other stuff:
She looks pissed off most of the time, but that's just her resting face.
If she's especially prideful about anything, it's her marksmanship. For the most part, it isn't misplaced, either. She's a damn good shot.
On the topic of guns, Rain is pretty knowledgeable about them in general. Firearms are a huge interest of hers.
When she worked at Umbrella, she was a part of a unit known as Sanitation led by Commander James "One" Shade. Other teammates included Chad Kaplan, Olga Danilova, Alfonso Warner, Vance Drew, and J.D. Salinas. All of these people died right before the outbreak in Raccoon City.
J.D. was Rain's best friend. She partially blames herself for his death
When she was a part of Sanitation, she'd use a Heckler & Koch MP5K and a Springfield Armory M1911A1, which are guns she's still rather fond of.
She was born in New Jersey and lived there until the age of thirteen. That was when her family moved to California, where she stayed until receiving a job offer from Umbrella.
Her family consisted of a father, an older brother, and a dog.
She speaks Spanish as a second language.
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Name: Rain Melendez - AKA "Bad Rain"
Eyes: Dark brown. There's a faint red haze when her retinal implants are in use.
Hair: Dark brown
Pronouns: She/her
Age: Dependent on the verse.
In the Anderson flicks, in her early twenties during Retribution, which takes place in 2012.
In the game universe, she'd realistically be alive sometime between the Raccoon City Incident in 1998 and Umbrella's end in 2003, during which she'd be in her early to mid-twenties. She could survive past that, though.
Height: 5'4"/163 cm
Sexual/Romantic orientation: Homosexual/homoromantic
Occupation: Security operative for the Umbrella Corporation. U.S.S. (Umbrella Security Service).
Personality: Rain is programmed to be ruthless, tough, and intimidating. She's cold, blunt, and matter-of-fact, typically to the point of heartlessness. Her care for others is incredibly minimal, and most of her loyalty lies where it was programmed to be.
When she's given orders, Rain follows them without question or hesitation. Vulnerability and weakness are something she very scarcely allows herself to show.
She's stubborn, being somebody who fights until her absolute last breath. There's also a fair amount of cockiness in her.
While not impossible to form a bond with her, it certainly isn't easy. If her programming breaks, she becomes much more like the Rain she was cloned from, but still far less selfless.
Rain is a clone manufactured by the Umbrella Corporation. She was created to protect one of their testing facilities. More specifically, Umbrella Prime, which is located underwater in Kamchatka, Russia.
Some other stuff:
Following the destruction of Umbrella Prime, she was presumed to have been eaten alive by a horde of Las Plagas Undead (basically T-virus zombies with the intelligence to handle firearms/drive vehicles) after plunging into the depths of the Arctic Ocean. This could be changed in threads, though.
Following a self-injection of the Las Plagas parasite, Rain gains superhuman strength, accelerated healing, and far higher pain tolerance. This happens right after the destruction of Umbrella Prime, so it wouldn't apply to anything taking place before that... Or where it doesn't happen.
Also after that incident, she started experiencing a deep-seated unease around deep bodies of water. Not something she'll admit to.
Rain has retinal implants that allow her to quickly identify people and bioweapons in Umbrella's database via facial scan. They also feed her direct orders from her AI superior, the Red Queen.
While Rain knows that Umbrella manufactures clones, she doesn't realize she is one.
Her weapons of choice are a Colt M4A1 (with an underbarrel M203 grenade launcher attached) and a SIG P226R.
She also speaks Spanish as a second language.
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Name: Rain Ocampo - AKA "Good Rain"
Eyes: Dark brown
Hair: Dark brown
Pronouns: She/her
Age: Dependent on the verse.
In the Anderson flicks, in her early twenties during Retribution, which takes place in 2012.
In the game universe, she'd realistically be alive sometime between the Raccoon City Incident in 1998 and Umbrella's end in 2003, during which she would be in her early to mid-twenties. She could survive past that, though.
Height: 5'4"/163 cm
Sexual/Romantic orientation: Homosexual/homoromantic
Occupation: (Programmed to believe she is an) environmental activist.
Personality: First and foremost, Rain is good-natured. She's always looking to do the right thing, help others, and stand up for what she believes in.
Although she prefers non-violence as a solution to problems, when it comes down to the wire, Rain will do what it takes to help somebody in danger. There's definitely a protective side to her. She's a quick learner and brave.
Most people would probably describe her as an ever so slightly awkward, quirky character. Often, she's somebody who will speak without thinking her words through.
Rain is a clone manufactured by the Umbrella Corporation. She was created as a civilian to be placed into a test simulation to demonstrate the capabilities of Umbrella's bioweapons. However, rather than dying like she was meant to, she survived the simulation.
Some other stuff:
Rain died in Retribution after getting knocked clean off an elevator platform by an Uber Licker, which is essentially a licker the size of a tank. She snapped her neck upon impact with a wall. However, that could be changed in threads.
She's a vegetarian. She doesn't enjoy the taste of meat products, nor the idea of eating animals.
Unlike either of her counterparts, her full first name is Larraine, which she does not enjoy being called.
Rain is entirely unskilled with guns. She's not particularly fond of them, either. Two of her programmed memories include campaigning for gun control and marching against the NRA.
She enjoys particularly outdoorsy physical activities such as hiking, biking, and climbing.
She also speaks Spanish as a second language... As well as ASL as a third.
Rain has three dogs. Two pit bulls and a Rottweiler.
Outside of her dogs, her family truly never existed, but she believes that she grew up with three brothers and a mother in the suburbs of Raccoon City.
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silenthill2ps2 · 2 years
i love your posts but you're really annoying sometimes
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Japanese: ジョジョの奇妙な冒険, Hepburn: JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hirohiko Araki. It was originally serialized in Shueisha's shōnen manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump from 1987 to 2004, and was transferred to the monthly seinen manga magazine Ultra Jump in 2005. The series is divided into nine story arcs, each following a new protagonist bearing the "JoJo" nickname. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is Shueisha's largest ongoing manga series by volume count, with its chapters collected in 130 tankōbon volumes as of May 2021.
A 13-episode original video animation series adapting the manga's third part, Stardust Crusaders, was produced by A.P.P.P. and released from 1993 to 2002. The studio later produced an anime film adapting the first part, Phantom Blood, which was released in theaters in Japan in 2007. In October 2012, an anime television series produced by David Production adapting Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency began broadcast on Tokyo MX. As of December 2021, the studio has produced five seasons adapting through the manga's sixth part, Stone Ocean. A live-action film based on the fourth part, Diamond Is Unbreakable, was released in Japan in 2017.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is well-known for its art style and poses; frequent references to Western popular music and fashion; and battles centered around Stands, psycho-spiritual manifestations with unique supernatural abilities. The series had over 120 million copies in circulation as of December 2021, making it one of the best-selling manga series in history, and it has spawned a media franchise including one-shot manga, light novels, and video games. The manga, TV anime, and live-action film are licensed in North America by Viz Media, which has produced various English-language releases of the series since 2005.
See also:
List of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure characters
The universe of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is a reflection of the real world with the added existence of supernatural forces and beings. In this setting, some people are capable of transforming their inner spiritual power into a Stand (スタンド, Sutando); another significant form of energy is Hamon (波紋, "Ripple"), a martial arts technique that allows its user to focus bodily energy into sunlight via controlled breathing. The narrative of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is split into parts with independent stories and different characters. Each of the series' protagonists is a member of the Joestar family, whose mainline descendants possess a star-shaped birthmark above their left shoulder blade and a name that can be abbreviated to the titular "JoJo". The first six parts take place within a single continuity whose generational conflict stems from the rivalry between Jonathan Joestar and Dio Brando, while the latter two parts take place in an alternate universe where the Joestar family tree is heavily altered.
Part 1: Phantom Blood (ファントムブラッド, Fantomu Buraddo)
Volumes 1–5, 44 chapters. In late 19th-century England, Jonathan Joestar, the young son of a wealthy landowner, meets his new adopted brother Dio Brando, who loathes him and plans to usurp him as heir to the Joestar family. When Dio's attempts are thwarted, he transforms himself into a vampire using an ancient Stone Mask and destroys the Joestar estate. Jonathan embarks on a journey, meets new allies, and masters the Hamon (波紋, "Ripple") martial arts technique to stop Dio, who has made world domination his new goal.
Part 2: Battle Tendency (戦闘潮流, Sentō Chōryū)
Volumes 5–12, 69 chapters. In 1938, a German expedition discovers and awakens a Pillar Man, a powerful humanoid whose race created the Stone Mask. The Pillar Man kills the researchers and escapes to awaken the other Pillar Men so that they may regain dominance over humanity by obtaining the Red Stone of Aja. Joseph Joestar, Jonathan's grandson, unites with new allies and masters Hamon to defeat the Pillar Men.
Part 3: Stardust Crusaders (スターダストクルセイダース, Sutādasuto Kuruseidāsu)
Volumes 13–28, 152 chapters. In 1989, Dio Brando (now referred to as "DIO") awakens after his tomb is salvaged from the ocean. Because Dio had managed to capture Jonathan's body, Stands (スタンド, Sutando) awaken in Jonathan's descendants, consisting of Joseph, his daughter Holly Kujo, and grandson Jotaro Kujo. Holly, however, is unable to cope with her own Stand, and has only 50 days to live. Jotaro, Joseph, and their new allies set out to defeat Dio before this deadline expires, and encounter Dio's henchmen along the way.
Part 4: Diamond Is Unbreakable (ダイヤモンドは砕けない, Daiyamondo wa Kudakenai)
Volumes 29–47, 174 chapters. In 1999, the Joestar family learns that Joseph has an illegitimate son, Josuke Higashikata, who lives in the fictional Japanese town of Morioh. Josuke learns of a mystical Bow and Arrow that bestows Stands upon those struck by its arrowheads. As they hunt down the Bow and Arrow, Josuke and his allies encounter a serious threat in the form of the Stand-using serial killer Yoshikage Kira.
Part 5: Golden Wind (黄金の風, Ōgon no Kaze)
Volumes 47–63, 155 chapters. In 2001, in Naples, Italy, Giorno Giovanna is the son of Dio, conceived while he was in possession of Jonathan Joestar's body. Giorno seeks to become a mafia boss in order to eliminate drug dealers who sell their wares to children. His team, which consists of Stand users, must confront the mafia boss Diavolo and protect his daughter Trish Una, whom Diavolo intends to kill in order to hide his identity.
Part 6: Stone Ocean (ストーンオーシャン, Sutōn Ōshan)
Volumes 64–80, 158 chapters. In 2011, near Port St. Lucie, Florida, Jotaro Kujo's daughter Jolyne Cujoh is framed for murder and sent to prison. She works together with other Stand-using prisoners and her father to hunt down prison chaplain Father Enrico Pucci, loyalist to Dio, who seeks the creation of a new universe shaped to his and Dio's will.
Part 7: Steel Ball Run (スティール・ボール・ラン, Sutīru Bōru Ran)
Volumes 81–104, 95 chapters. In an alternate timeline's 1890, United States President Funny Valentine holds a cross-country horse race with a $50 million reward to the winner. Valentine intends to use the race to gather the scattered parts of a holy corpse for his own nationalistic ends. Racers Gyro Zeppeli and Johnny Joestar uncover Valentine's ploy and must defend themselves from his hired assassins.
Part 8: JoJolion (ジョジョリオン, Jojorion)
Volumes 105–131, 110 chapters. Set in the same universe as Steel Ball Run, in 2012, the town of Morioh has been devastated by the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, which has caused mysterious faults colloquially known as the "Wall Eyes" to appear in town. Local college student Yasuho Hirose discovers a young man buried in the rubble and nicknames him "Josuke". Suffering from amnesia, Josuke tries to uncover the secret of his past as he is also confronted with the activities of a local crime syndicate, which sells the fruit of a mysterious Locacaca tree, capable of healing people and then "taking" something in return. 
Part 9: JOJOLANDS (ジョジョランズ, Jojoranzu) (Tentative title)
In the September 2021 issue of Ultra Jump, Araki confirmed that part 9 of the series, tentatively titled JOJOLANDS, would begin following a short break.
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thecrownnet · 2 years
The Crown Season 6
10 Events That May Become Plotlines In Season 6 (ScreenRant Nov 29, 2022)
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Two years after its fourth season bowed in November of 2020, The Crown returned to Netflix on Nov. 9, 2022 for its highly anticipated fifth season. Following its pattern of swapping in a new cast of actors every two seasons, this one features the debuts of Elizabeth Debicki, Jonathan Pryce, Imelda Staunton and Dominic West as the main characters.
The fifth season follows into the 1990s the turbulent history of the British royal family during Queen Eilizabeth II's reign, including the souring relationship and divorce of Prince Charles and Princess Diana. The coming sixth season is set to be the series' last, and while The Crown is a fictionalized version of true events, certain crucial happenings of the late 1990s and early 21st century are likely to come in the show's final episodes.
Princess Diana’s Death (1997)
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Princess Diana's tragic 1997 death in Paris remains one of the most poignant and sensitive moments in modern history, and The Crown is guaranteed to depict this sobering event that changed British royalty forever. However, according to the New York Daily News, it will not show the actual car crash but instead the days leading up to Diana's death and the heart-wrenching days that followed it.
This important moment will come at the beginning of the sixth season, according to Marie Claire. Filming began in September 2022, with season five stars Dominic West (Prince Charles) and Elizabeth Debicki (Princess Diana) capturing the last lonely and torrid days of her life.
Prince Edward And Sophie Rhys-Jones' Wedding (1999)
The royal wedding of Prince Edward to the Duchess of Wessex, Sophie Rhys-Jones, took place in June 1999, and it's likely to feature in The Crown's sixth season, especially because it is the last "first" wedding of Queen Elizabeth II's children.
The simplicity and lack of scandal surrounding Prince Edward’s wedding is important as a plot line because it illustrates a stark and dramatic contrast to the public debacle of Prince Andrew’s divorce from Sarah Ferguson in 1996 Prince Charles' and Princess Diana's messy split.
The Queen Mother’s 100th Birthday (2000)
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To illustrate the longevity and permanence of the British royal family, it's likely the 100th birthday of the Queen Mother in 2000 will appear as a story in the sixth season of The Crown.
The Queen Mother was honored by a 41-gun salute and greeted by thousands of fans who descended on the mall of Buckingham Palace to offer their birthday felicitations on her 100th birthday. Flanked by her daughters Queen Elizabeth and Princess Margaret, she stood on the balcony accompanied by the rest of the royal family. Narratively, this rare moment of happiness and tranquility ciykd stand in contrast to the turmoil the royal family endured through the '90s.
Prince William's First Encounter With Kate Middleton (2001)
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According to E! News, Netflix has confirmed casting Ed McVey and Rufus Kampa as Prince William and the actress Meg Ballamy as a young Kate, who will appear in the final season of The Crown. Following the timeline of actual events, it's plausible the season will focus on their meeting at the University of St. Andrews in 2001.
With the sixth season focusing largely on the tragedies of the royal family starting with the sad death of Princess Diana, the story of William and Kate's young love and the promise of the future would serve as a welcome, hopeful counterpoint.
Princess Margaret's Death (2002)
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The sister of Queen Elizabeth II, the always quotable Princess Margaret holds an important place in the storyline of The Crown just as she held an important place in the royal family in real life. Her diminishing role as a royal and inability to marry her first love, Peter Townsend, led to a tumultuous relationship with the queen. Yet their sisterly bond is featured heavily in the fifth season and could be further explored in the show's last episodes.
Based on the series' depictions of Margaret so far, fans can anticipate the story of her final days will be told in a standalone episode. According to the Daily Express, Princess Margaret suffered three strokes between 1998 and 2001, with her final stroke taking her life in 2002. Queen Elizabeth cried at Margaret’s funeral, "the only time anyone ever saw the Queen show her emotions in public," as Vanity Fair put it.
Prince Charles And Camilla Parker-Bowles' Wedding (2005)
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An inevitable arc of The Crown's sixth season is the 2005 marriage of Prince Charles to his first love, Camilla, tying the knot 35 years after they met. The wedding of Charles and Camilla is significant in the royal family's story, given the role their romance played in the demise and fallout of Prince Charles’s first marriage to Princess Diana.
The simple civil ceremony, which was held in real life at the Windsor Guildhall per the BBC, would offer viewers the necessary moment of pause to reflect on history and how it all played out for the heir apparent, Prince Charles.
Queen Elizabeth II's 80th Birthday (2006)
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The early 2000s held many high points for the British monarchy, including Queen Elizabeth II's 80th birthday, celebrated across the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth.
If The Crown depicts this milestone birthday, it could use the event to explore the loyalty of a country to its monarch, in particular Prince Charles, masterfully played by Dominic West. On the happy occasion, Charles notably lauded his mother's lifetime of service and dedication to the country, addressing her warmly at the time as his "darling Mama," according to the Daily Mirror.
Queen Elizabeth II And Prince Philip’s 60th Wedding Anniversary (2007)
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Played superbly by Imelda Staunton, Queen Elizabeth II was the first British monarch to celebrate a diamond wedding anniversary. Per Reuters, this event was celebrated with much pomp as the royal couple revisited Westminster Abbey to renew their vows, including German relations who had not been to their 1947 wedding given the strong anti-Nazi sentiment after World War II.
Peter Morgan could use this historical family moment to illustrate the staying power of the British crown though its very foundation had been rocked with tragedy and scandal within the decade and forced to face the pressures of a changing world.
Tony Blair's Premiership (1997–2007)
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Tony Blair's tenure as prime minister will no doubt feature in the sixth season of The Crown. Blair played a pivotal role in steering the royal family to steadier waters when the royal establishment was under question following the tragic death of Princess Diana. In an interview with Today, Blair reminisced that the queen "understood, because always her duty came first, that she had to respond to this extraordinary outpouring of grief about Princess Diana."
Peter Morgan depicted these events previously in his movie The Queen, so if he tackles the subject again, he'd likely show it from different narrative angles or use it to color his depiction of the royal family in new ways. Deft handling of this overlap in history between the film and the TV series could enhance both works.
Prince William And Kate Middleton's Wedding (2011)
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The last season of The Crown likely won't touch on very recent events such as Prince Harry and Meghan Markle leaving the royal family behind them, but it may allude to the future wedding of the next heir apparent, Prince William.
In a show that has observed the bloodline of the house of Windsor since King George V, the creators will likely want to leave fans with a glimmer of hope and anticipation for the future. Alluding to a royal match between Princess Diana's elder son and his longtime girlfriend Kate Middleton would bring not only bring a sense of aspiration but a fitting transition to what the modern monarchy might become.
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swashbuckler5e · 10 months
Batman Begins
Batman Begins is a 2005 superhero film directed by Christopher Nolan and produced by Nolan and David S. Gower wrote. Based on the DC Comics character Batman, it stars Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Liam Neeson, Katie Holmes, Gary Oldman, Cillian Murphy, Tom Wilkinson, Rutger Hauer, Ken Watanabe and Morgan Freeman as Bruce Wayne/Batman in supporting roles. The film reboots the Batman film series, telling the origin story of Bruce Wayne's journey from the death of his parents to becoming Batman and his fight to stop Ra's al Ghul and the Scarecrow from plunging Gotham City into chaos. After Batman & Robin was panned by critics and underperformed at the box office, Warner Bros. Pictures canceled future Batman films, including Joel Schumacher's planned Batman Unchained. Between 1998 and 2003, several filmmakers collaborated with Warner Bros. in an effort to relaunch the franchise. After the studio rejected a Batman origin story reboot Joss Whedon pitched in December 2002, Warner Bros hired Nolan in January 2003 to direct a new film. Nolan and Gower began developing the film in early 2003. Aiming for a darker, more realistic tone than the previous films, a primary goal of their approach was to engage the audience's emotional investment in the identities of both the main characters, Batman and Bruce Wayne. The character film, which was shot primarily in the United Kingdom, Iceland and Chicago, relied heavily on traditional stunts and miniature effects, with computer-generated imagery used in a minimal capacity compared to other action films. Comic book stories such as The Man Who Falls, Batman: Year One, and Batman: The Long Halloween served as inspiration.
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ligbi · 1 year
let me become a youtuber and put out a 40 minute video on a 1985 book with a 2002 sequel for children that we all /think/ almost had a nick tv original movie and a game and the best source for this is a 2002 ign article mentioning a thq interstellar pig game in development alongside the announcement of tak which had a nickelodeon show and all of the 'fuck if i can find a source' rumors of a movie were for a film which then showed up in an '88 book by the same author (there was also an offhand mention of a different computer game in an '86 book) which is wild because the first nick original film wasn't until 98 so were these rumors based solely on an in book joke or was there a film actually planned? I see Damon Santostefano listed to direct and he wrote for shows on Nick like Pete and Pete and a Phil Morton as a writer which I see one active from 83-05
We are sitting together on the couch at Angela's house, watching the video of Interstellar Pig. Angela's parents are not at home. Neither is her brother. My arm is around her. Her head is on my shoulder. "Amazing," she whispers, glancing at the movie. "The lichen seems so real.''
There's also a real world board game the game in the book may have been based on?
honestly in this era of board games being so large I think I should get to buy Interstellar Pig and then fail to get any friends to play it with me.
Oh wait a fan made a real game that is heavily inspired by it and I can buy it oh okay cool/ Is Chaosmos good?
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brn1029 · 2 years
On this date in music…lots of stuff went down, it’s also Ted Nugents 74th birthday today….
December 13th
2021 - Joe Simon
American soul and R&B musician Joe Simon died age 85. He charted 51 U.S. Pop and R&B chart hits between 1964 and 1981. His biggest hits included three number one entries on the US Billboard R&B chart: ‘The Chokin' Kind’ (1969), ‘Power of Love’ (1972), and ‘Get Down, Get Down (Get on the Floor)’ (1975).
2019 - Tom Petty
A settlement was reached in the Tom Petty estate battle between the rock legend’s widow and his two daughters from a previous marriage. Petty’s daughters Adria Petty and Annakim Violette sued Dana York Petty for $5 million after claiming that the widow superseded the daughters’ rights to “equal participation” over decisions involving the singer’s estate and catalog.
2012 - The Rolling Stones
A collection of love letters written by Mick Jagger to American singer Marsha Hunt sold at auction for £187,250. The letters were penned in the summer of 1969 while The Rolling Stones frontman was in Australia. They are believed to be the inspiration for the band's hit single 'Brown Sugar'.
2005 - John Lennon
A cheque signed by John Lennon made out to the Inland Revenue sold for £2,000 at a UK auction. It was sold by former madam Lindi St Clair, (formerly known as Miss Whiplash), after she decided she had no use for it. Clair who now runs a duck farm in Herefordshire had bought the cheque for £4,000 in 1988. It was signed by Lennon on 23rd January 1968 on a District Bank Limited form and made out for £6,946.
2002 - Zal Yanovsky
Canadian guitarist and singer Zal Yanovsky of The Lovin Spoonful died of a heart attack. Was a member of The Mugwumps with Denny Doherty and Cass Elliot. Formed Lovin Spoonful with John Sebastian in 1964, they scored the 1966 US No.1 & UK No.8 single 'Summer In The City'.
2000 - Melody Maker
It was announced that after 74 years the UK rock weekly Melody Maker was to close down. The Christmas edition would be the last one then it would merge with the NME creating a more sizeable broad-based magazine.
1986 - Bruce Hornsby
Bruce Hornsby & The Range went to No.1 on the US singles chart, with 'The Way It Is', a No.15 hit in the UK. Written by Bruce Hornsby and his brother John Hornsby, it made explicit reference to the American Civil Rights Movement. The song was heavily sampled by Tupac Shakur in his song, 'Changes' from 1998.
1970 - Dave Edmunds
Dave Edmunds was at No.1 on the UK singles chart with his version of the 1955 Smiley Lewis hit 'I Hear You Knocking.' The Welsh singer, songwriter and producers only No.1 hit.
1966 - Jimi Hendrix
Jimi Hendrix made his TV debut on ITV's 'Ready Steady Go!' (Marc Bolan was also on the show). The Jimi Hendrix Experience also recorded 'Foxy Lady' on this day. The United States version of Are You Experienced listed the song with a spelling mistake as 'Foxey Lady' and this is how it is still known among many North American fans.
1962 - Elvis Presley
Elvis Presley was at No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'Return To Sender', his 13th UK No.1. Elvis performed 'Return To Sender' in the film Girls! Girls! Girls!. The opening bars and backing on baritone saxophone was performed by Bobby Keys who later went on to work with The Rolling Stones, The Who, Harry Nilsson, George Harrison and Eric Clapton.
1961 - The Beatles
The Beatles performed at the The Cavern Club Liverpool playing two shows at lunchtime and then again at night. Decca Records' Mike Smith attended the night performance with a view to offering The Beatles a recording contract.
1955 - Dickie Valentine
Dickie Valentine was at No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'Christmas Alphabet', the first Christmas song to reach the No.1 position. It was the first Christmas No.1 that was actually about Christmas, a trend that would continue off and on over the next several decades.
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sunskyur · 2 years
Evil dead shirt
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SpaceX first discovered an issue with its spacecraft’s toilet last month while inspecting a different Crew Dragon capsule. Instead, the crew will have to rely on “undergarments,” Steve Stich, NASA’s Commercial Crew Program manager, told reporters Friday night. The Los Angeles Times called the film an “instant classic”, proclaiming it as “probably the grisliest well-made movie ever.” In a 1982 review, staff from the trade magazine Variety wrote that the film “emerges as the ne plus ultra of low-budget gore and shock effect”, commenting that the “powerful” and inventive camerawork was key to creating a sense of dread.Leaky SpaceX toilet problem will force astronauts to use backup ‘undergarments’ By Jackie Wattles, Business Updated 2311 GMT (0711 HKT) NovemAstronauts splash down after record-setting mission See how China and India are gaining ground in the The Evil Dead Shirt in contrast I will get this space race Watch: NASA’s mission Lucy blasts off to explore ancient asteroids See ‘Star Trek’ actor William Shatner reach space See Shatner’s emotional remarks after landing New York ( Business)Issues with the toilet on board SpaceX’s Crew Dragon capsule will leave a group of four astronauts without a bathroom option during their hours-long trip back home from the International Space Station aboard the 13-foot-wide capsule this month. Bob Martin, editor of Fangoria, reviewed the film before its formal premiere and proclaimed that it “might be the exception to the usual run of low-budget horror films”.
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Upon its release, contemporary critical opinion was largely positive. The uncut version was rated FSK 16 in Germany in early 2017. In Finland, The Evil Dead was later released uncut on DVD by Future Film, and rated K-18. In 2001 an uncut German DVD version was released, but the Berlin-Tiergarten Court ordered seizure of the DVD in April 2002. A heavily edited version was made legally available in 1992. The “tree rape” scene in the movie was also described by some as being misogynistic. According to Bruce Campbell’s autobiography, If Chins Could Kill, Richard acquired his stage name by combining his short name with his roommates’ names, Hal & Del.īecause of its graphic violence, the original version of the movie was banned in several countries, including Finland, Germany, Iceland and Ireland. They are credited in the credits as “Hal Delrich” for Richard and “Sarah York” for Theresa. However, the shooting of a suspense scene in one film, It’s Murder!, got Raimi interested in shooting a feature-lengthed to secure a budget of $350,000, and with the cast and crew – found via a local ad, as well as being made up of family and friends of Campbell and Tapert – headed for a wilderness cabin in the end under different “stage names” during the shoot, since they were members of the Screen Actors Guild and wanted to avoid being penalized for participating in a non-union production. Sam Raimi, Bruce Campbell, and Robert Tapert had collaborated on several short films in college, which were mainly comedies.
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The film currently holds a 98% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes and is considered to be one of the largest cult films. Despite the hardships, the film was released to positive reviews, including a rave review from Stephen King, calling it “the most ferociously original horror film of the year”, allowing it to secure an international distributor, the then-unknown New Line Cinema. The film was a hardship for the cast and crew, being filmed at an actual cabin in Morristown, Tennessee, secluded from the nearby town. It is based on the short film Within the Woods, which served as a ‘prototype’ that allowed Raimi to secure $90,000 to produce the film. This launched the careers of Raimi, Campbell and Tapert, who collaborated on films for years afterwards. Despite its low budget and the melodramatic bad acting due to the actors inexperience, the film was a commercial success, grossing more than $2.4 million in the United States and $27 million internationally, for a worldwide gross of $29.4 million. The Evil Dead (Evil Dead) is a 1981 supernatural horror film, written and directed by Sam Raimi, starring the then-unknown Bruce Campbell, Ellen Sandweiss and Betsy Baker. If you’re a fan of The Evil Dead Collage T-Shirt, check out our Ash and Linda Evil Dead T-Shirt ! – Wear The Evil Dead Collage T-Shirt and flaunt your love for classic horror cinema! The Evil Dead Collage T-Shirt Details: – Below the black and white graphic images on The Evil Dead Collage T-Shirt is “The Evil Dead” title. – On The Evil Dead Collage T-Shirt features several scenes from the film each of which are famously recognizable. – The Evil Dead Collage T-Shirt is one classic horror theme shirt that every horror fan will want to have in their wardrobe!
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tjgreys · 2 years
Front mission 2089 black characters
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#Front mission 2089 black characters Patch#
#Front mission 2089 black characters Ps4#
#Front mission 2089 black characters series#
Pilot Level maxes out at Level 50, requiring 37,500 EXP to reach. Any EXP gained in these Job classes influences Pilot Level. requiring 9,999 EXP in one of the four Job classes: Melee, Short, Long, and Dodge.
In 2089 and 1st, the maximum Job Level is 48.
There is a character page desperately in need of work. The most successful of these products are the manga and novels, which are perennial top-sellers in the mature/adult age bracket in Japan. In fact, these other Front Mission works are linked to the video games so closely that they are necessary for completely understanding the stories. Though virtually unknown to the Western world thanks to Square's mishandling of its overseas marketing (only some of the games were localized), the franchise has a large media presence in Japan, including mangas, novels, radio dramas, and even live-action films. Games aren't the only things Front Mission is noted for.
#Front mission 2089 black characters series#
Only a handful of titles have made it outside Japan, as the majority of the series (including two mainline entries) remain Japan-only.
#Front mission 2089 black characters Ps4#
Lastly, Left Alive, also a TPS spinoff, was released in 2018 for PS4 and PC. Front Mission Evolved, another TPS spinoff, was released on the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC. Front Mission: Online is the massively multiplayer online (MMO) game and the first third-person shooter (TPS) for the PS2 and PC. Front Mission: Alternative ventures into real-time strategy (RTS). Gun Hazard is a side-scrolling shooter developed by the lead designer of Assault Suits Valken. The series is known for regularly venturing into other genres. Stated to occur after the events of Front Mission 5.
Left Alive (2019, PS4/PC) - Third person shooter spinoff developed in house by Square Enix.
Front Mission Evolved (2010, PS3/Xbox 360/PC) - Third person shooter spinoff by Double Helix, taking place long after all other games.
An abridged version was included in Front Mission 2089: Border of Madness.
Front Mission 2089 II (2006, Mobile) - Sequel to Front Mission 2089, bridging the remaining gaps to the first game.
#Front mission 2089 black characters Patch#
A Fan Translation patch for the game exists, however. Unlike 3 and 4, this was only released in Japan.
Front Mission 5 (2005, PS2) - An epic opera that serves to close the main story of the franchise and spans from right before the events of the first game, until long after the events of the third.
Front Mission: Online (2005, PS2/PC) - MMO spinoff that ran from 2005 to 2008.
The DS version was the only one to get a localized release, but has all the features from the PSX version.
Re-released as Front Mission: 1st for the PlayStation in 2003, and Nintendo DS in 2007.
Front Mission (1995, Super Famicom) (2002, Wonderswan).
With regards to the games, the series currently consists of five mainline titles and seven offshoots: Logistics matter, the Wanzers are easily destroyed, winning battles requires teamwork, and the stories are heavily packed with Realpolitik. Two things set it apart from other mecha games: it is a Turn-Based Strategy (unheard of in 1995 outside of Super Robot Wars), and it applies as much realism as can be expected with giant robots. Square Enix's chief Humongous Mecha franchise, Front Mission throws readers and players into gritty Real Robot stories, in which conglomerate nations from 20 Minutes into the Future fight for power and political control, using armies of Wanzers (short for "Wanderungpanzers" - loosely translated from German for "walking tanks").
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myseancedetravail · 2 years
Galliano arrived in Paris in 1990, a nearly destitute punk with unmistakable talent and an unrivaled reputation for personal excess. At the time, many designers were operating under the influence of Japanese-inspired minimalism á la Rei Kawakubo and Yohji Yamamoto. The eighties were over and the era of the pouffe was out of vogue. The models, often walking wearing subtly tailored black clothing, would walk quietly down the runway under dim lights. Galliano was appalled by this. He thinks about fashion the was Spielberg thinks about movies: he believes in spectacle, complication, suspense. Suzy Menkes commented his fall 2002 show, calling it ”the most staggering example of self-indulgent luxury since Louis XIV held court at Versailles”, where Galliano also had presented said collection. Critics often dismissed Galliano as a sort of dressmaking Barnum - and his clothes were exquisite, but he was too much of a showman - and his outfits often seemed more suited to the pageantry of public relations than to profits. 
The man is controversial to say the least, but non the less a genius. Crazy genius one might say. Each collection of his 1990’s presentations was based on a fantastical narrative. For example, the Suzy Sphinx show, show a punk schoolgirl who dreamt of cinema and ancient Egypt was taken from her English girl’s school through Egypt to Hollywood where she starred as Cleopatra in a film, seated on a golden throne wearing a dress made entirely of golden safety pins (AW1997). Galliano’s historical research ranges far and wide. For him it’s a dialogue between past and present. While the starting point is factual, the imagination is let loose to run wild. His presentations were highly theatrical and characterized by highly developed sense of theatre. In 1984, his graduate collection from St. Martin’s, Les incroyables, was heavily influenced by a contemporary production of Danton at the National Theatre in London where John worked as a dresser. The immersion of theatricality might also have been informed by Galliano’s immersion in the London club scene of the early to mid-1980s, in which the relentless reinvention of the self through costume and makeup was the currency which guaranteed entry to the clubs. 
A common narrative in his works is to collage together motif from different cultures, juxtaposing them against each other. While at other times he morph references and motifs from different periods and cultures into a single fusion. John is particularly drawn to Edwardian actresses, demimondaines and women of independent means, all of whom were identifiable by the striking, outré or ””exotic”” appearances. Flamboyant women of wealth, such as Nancy Cunard and Marchesa Casati. Also bohemians such as Misia Sert, Kiki de Montpernasse, Gaby Deslys, and the great courtesan Liane de Pougy. These real women were mixed with references from popular culture of the past. It is difficult to imagine a Galliano design which is not a visual quotation form a pre-existent source. 
Givenchy appointed Galliano in 1995, to people’s surprise (including the sixty-eight-year-old Givenchy himself which learned about it when reading a press release. Galliano became the first British designer to take over a major French fashion house in nearly a century and a half - since Charles Frederick Worth was appointed by Napoleon III to dress Èmpress Eugénie. He did a great job at the house, but people were not ready for him yet, with his profile being highly controversial for the role. 
After John got hired at Dior, we was able to create his shows on a much grander scale. Increasingly he began to use more theatrical techniques for this presentations, replacing runway light with theatre lighting and minutely choreographing each section of the show three days before premiere. The conventional parade down a catwalk was replaced by a walk through series of connecting rooms dressed like film sets through which the story was told. Sometimes it almost looked like a salon presentation. Only a very small number of people experienced the old-fashioned intimacy of a Galliano show, seated close enough to see the fine detailing of the model’s clothes, like the original Dior customers in the 1940’s and 1950’s. An haute couture collection which would not appear in the shops, would almost certainly inly be experienced through images. In that way the consumer continually strive for the idea of Galliano, since it’s for very few people could be a materialized reality.
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dead-weird · 3 years
Horror Movie Genres: Complete List
A horrific change of the body, be that through mutation, disfiguration, or any other disturbing transformation. Differs from gore due to the existential dread that comes with losing yourself.
“A Cure for Wellness” - 2016 “Videodrome” - 1983 “Uzumaki” - 2000 “Black Swan” - 2010
A specific type of body horror that includes the melting of flesh and bone.
“The Blob” - 1988 “The Evil Dead” - 1981 “Gremlins” - 1984 “The Beyond” - 1981
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But where was it found?
“Cloverfield” - 2008 “Grave Encounters” - 2011 “The Blair Witch Project” - 1999 “REC” - 2007
Horror that plays with your mind.
“His House” - 2020 “10 Cloverfield Lane” - 2016 “Cube” - 1997 “Silence of the Lambs” - 1991
Where you’re most vulnerable. 
“Us” - 2019 “Don’t Breathe” - 2016 “Hush” - 2016 “The Purge” - 2013
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Surrounding a killer stalking and murdering a group of people. 
“Halloween” - 1978 “A Nightmare on Elm Street” - 1984 “Friday the 13th” - 1980 “Fear Street Part One: 1994″ - 2021
The perpetrators of an injustice getting their dues. 
“May” - 2002 “I Spit on Your Grave” - 2010 “American Mary” - 2012 “Ma” - 2019
What it says on the tin. Gore was very big in the ‘00s. 
“Martyrs” - 2008 “Saw” - 2004 “Hostel” - 2005 “Audition” - 1999
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Surrounding the darker side of “folk” - anything anti-modern and regionalised. Includes cults, lore, and sometimes ancient magic.
“In the Earth” - 2021 “Blood on Satan’s Claw” - 1971 “The Lighthouse” - 2019 “A Field in England” - 2013
“The Blair Witch Project” - 1999 “The VVitch” - 2015 “Suspiria” - 2018 “Gretel and Hansel” - 2020
“The Ritual” - 2017 “Midsommar” - 2019 “Wicker Man” - 1973 “Kill List” - 2011
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Horror surrounding the consumption of human flesh.
“Raw” - 2016 “Green Inferno” - 2013 “Cannibal Holocaust” - 1980 “The Hills Have Eyes” - 1977
Often cheaply made, seen as trashy by some, uses sensationalist violence to draw in an audience.
“House of Whipcord” - 1974 “The Texas Chain Saw Massacre” - 1974 “Frightmare” - 1974 “Death Proof” - 2007
Heavily stylised Italian suspense/horror movies that feature shocking scenes of gore.
“Suspiria” - 1977 “A Lizard in Woman’s Skin” - 1971 “Deep Red” - 1975 “Blood and Black Lace” - 1964
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The bloodsucking undead.
“Let the Right One In” - 2008 “30 Days of Night” - 2007 “Thirst” - 2009 “A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night” - 2014
Gothic themes such as old manors, vampires, and dreary weather.
“Crimson Peak” - 2015 “The Others” - 2001 “Dracula” - 1958 “The Whip and the Body” - 1963
Unexplainable phenomena. Can include ghosts, but doesn’t have to.
“The Exorcist” - 1973 “It Follows” - 2014 “The Omen” - 1976 “The Babadook” - 2014
The one does need to have ghosts.
“Ringu” - 1998 “Veronica” - 2017 “The Conjuring” - 2013 “The Grudge” 2004
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Remember when everyone was really into the idea of a zombie apocalypse? What changed...
“Night of the Living Dead” - 1968 “28 Days Later” - 2002 “Little Monsters” - 2019 “Planet Terror” - 2007
I count this as anything with an animal threatening your life, to differentiate it from a monster movie - killer bees instead of Godzilla, a massive bear instead of Frankenstein’s monster. 
“Crawl” - 2019 “Jaws” - 1975 “The Birds” - 1963 “Lake Placid” - 1999
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Usually made for a lower budget, independently from a larger studio. 
“The Void” - 2016 “Creep” - 2014 “V/H/S” - 2012 “Resolution” - 2012
A film that has one story on the surface, but is a metaphor for another.
“Hereditary” - 2018 “The Platform” - 2019 “District 9″ - 2009 “They Live” - 1988
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A mixture of science-fiction and horror. 
“Event Horizon” - 1997 “The Fly” - 1986 “Alien” - 1979 “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” - 1978
Surrounding the unexplainable phenomena of deep space/alternate dimensions. Notoriously hard to represent visually.  
“The Endless” - 2017 “The Thing” - 1982 “Annihilation” - 2018 “in the Mouth of Madness” 1994
The scary deep sea. Or other body of water.
“The Abyss” 1989 “Underwater” 2020 “Sea Fever” - 2019 “Sphere” - 1998
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gavillain · 3 years
Any Disney hot takes/unpopular opinions? Here’s one from me, I think The Sword In The Stone was one of the best Walt era films (and judging by your Top 10 Hero list you agree).
I do agree with that! The Sword in the Stone is actually #9 in my Top Ten Disney movies. I think it's just wonderful!
*cracks knuckles* I am ready to choose violence. Let's go!
Some Disney unpopular opinions:
Disney hasn't been all that good since the early 2000s. The last movie that they made that I enjoyed with no caveats was The Princess and the Frog in 2009, and the last one I loved was Treasure Planet in 2002. They lost their spark for me during that experimental phase where they were trying to emulate Pixar, and they never got it back. In a weird way, House of Mouse feels like it was the "grand finale" for Disney and everything after was never the same type of magical.
The Black Cauldron is good. Y'all are just mean.
CGI animation is not equal to hand drawn animation, it will NEVER be as good as hand drawn animation, and most of Disney's CGI films look clunky, uniform, and ugly. And the ones made over ten years already show their age and look dated in a way that none of the traditionally animated ones ever have or probably ever will.
Sleeping Beauty is the reigning champion of The Best Disney movie, and a lot of the reason that it wasn't as well received as its contemporaries is for much the same reason that Fantasia underperformed: audiences had Walt Disney boxed into a narrow perception of what his work was and could be, and any time he strove for something closer to high art, it was shunned because it didn't meet the narrow box of what the public believed animation should be.
None of the live action remakes have a good reason to exist. Some of them aren't bad and actually have merits (The Jungle Book and Cruella), but none of them needed to happen and they cheapen the brand just as bad if not worse than the slew of DTV sequels in the 2000s.
Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, and Ariel are not less feminist than the princesses that came after them. And the fact there was less pressure on them to adhere to a set criteria of what women are "allowed" to be meant that they feel more authentic than some of the later princesses.
Disney over relies on Star Wars, Marvel, and Pixar, and that overreliance causes their own brand and own history to get eclipsed at times, particularly in the parks. PARTICULARLY in Hollywood Studios which is such an unrecognizable shell of its former self that it honestly makes me sad to go to that park at this point.
Speaking of the parks, not every attraction SHOULD be based around an IP. The Parks should have characters and stories all their own, and those should be preserved.
Snow White's Scary Adventures was one of the best rides. Y'all were just scaredy cats.
And perhaps most importantly of all: Disney needs villains back in their movies. They were stronger and more interesting films because of their villains, and the lack of memorable Disney villains has contributed heavily to movies like Encanto and Frozen 2 feeling limp.
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