#this is gonna get somewhere just give me. an unknown number of business days.
dearly-somber · 9 months
coffee dates and christmas carols
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-> pairing. non-idol!jisung x female reader
-> genre. Christmas!fic, fluff, s2l (strangers-to-lovers)
-> rating. 13+
-> w/c. 1542
-> warnings. Ji’s a little nervous but otherwise the only warning you need is “tooth rotting fluff” ㅠㅠ
-> a/n. First (posted) SKZ fic yay! This was inspired by the EXchange SKZ Code, bc Hannie’s just too fucking adorable, n I wanna eat him ;(
-> skz drabble, oneshot & series m.list
-> started. Sun, Dec. 24th, 2023 @ 01:15
-> fin. Mon., Dec. 25th, 2023 @ 13:43
-> edited. Mon., Dec. 25th, 2023 @ 16:52
-> divider credit. @saradika-graphics
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“Han.” Minho grabs onto Jisung’s shoulders and laughs at the panicked roundness of his boba-brown eyes. “You look fine. You’re cute and approachable and if she agreed to go on a date with you in the first place, I’m sure she likes you at least a little bit.”
Jisung nods slowly, though he finds himself still worrying his lower lip as Minho fixes the light brown cap he threw on randomly. He pulls at the sleeves of his sweater, but Minho swats his hands, so he shoves his hands into the pockets of his sleeveless puffer jacket instead.
It’s Christmas Day, and Jisung—miraculously—has a date, and with the prettiest girl he’s seen, no less. He didn’t know how he did it, but after some stuttered blubbering (“Hey, I’m sorry, I saw you across the st-store and I thought you were really—really pretty, and I was wondering if-if it would be okay if, maybe, you wanted to g-go out some time? With me? But, only if you’re free!”), he’d managed to get your number, and also a date for when you’d be free.
Which happened to be on the busiest day of December, but whatever.
“Where are you meeting her, again?” Chan asks from somewhere in the living room—Jisung can’t turn to check because he’s too busy looking at himself in the mirror, trying to internalize Minho’s assurances. Does he really look cute? Cute is always good…
“Beans & Biscuits. It’s a café somewhere close to where the Christmas lights are gonna go off later tonight.”
“Oh, that’s so cute! Did she suggest it?”
Han smiles, a little bashful as he recalls the short text conversation. “Yeah… Messaged me the day after I got her number. She said it’s really cute and cozy and kind of unknown by the greater majority of people, and that it’s kind of a mix between a café and a painting studio, or something like that. She seemed really excited about it in the voice notes she sent,” he couldn’t help but laugh fondly at the memory of your excited ramblings about your “favorite place on planet earth other than your bed”.
“Alright, well. Let us know if we need to pick you up or something.”
“Thanks, hyung.”
“Blah blah blah,” Minho snarks as he ushers Jisung out of the front door of their apartment, reminding him of those cliche moms you see in animated movies. “You’re gonna be late!”
“I—fuck, you’re right!—“
“Just be yourself!” Minho gives Jisung’s ass a firm slap, cackling at the loud yelp that leaves his lips.
Jisung mutters curses under his breath as he goes down the stairs two at a time, rubbing the sting out of his ass. The air outside is cold enough to make him shiver as he exits the apartment lobby, his teeth chattering as he tucks his hands further into the pockets of his puffer jacket, subconsciously lifting his shoulders into his ears in an effort to fend of the cold trying to clamber its way down his sweater collar. His sneakers shuck-shuck-shuck against the growing layer of snow on the sidewalks, eyes honed in on the cute frost-covered sign hanging above the café’s door.
He steps inside with a little jingle (courtesy of the bell hanging above the entrance), puffing out a breath of cold air as he rubs his hands together, blowing into them to bring back some of the severely lacking warmth in his fingers. His eyes search for you, trying to spot you among the surprising number of patrons waiting for take-aways or tables, a few small groups or couples already seated around the modernly furnished estate.
His head snaps in your direction mere seconds before you’re standing on the tips of your toes, inches in front of him. Your arms wrap around his neck and bring him down in a hug that sends a bolt of electricity through his nervous system. With his arms slung loosely around your waist and his nose tucked into your shoulder, he notices that you smell like freshly baked Christmas cookies and machine-made cappuccino—it’s sweet and invades his senses so wholly, he half forgets to pull away.
“You look nice,” he says dumbly, admiring your coffee-date-appropriate outfit: white button up, brown tie, green sweater (crocheted, Jisung thinks), brown pants, white sneakers, and a cute little beige satchel-type baggie slung across your chest.
With the most blinding grin Jisung thinks he’s ever seen, you tuck a strand of hair behind your hair. “You too,” you say. “You look really cute, actually.” You pinch the hem of his sweater sleeve between your fingers. “I really like your sweater.”
Jisung doesn’t bother feeling self conscious about the heat in his cheeks. “Thank you,” he says.
You nod as an answer, clearing your throat before taking hold of his wrist and pulling you to the back of the café. “I found us a table!”
It’s right in the back, in a small nook sequestered away from everyone else, where the soft sound of Christmas carols can be heard clearer than anywhere else in the shop. “It’s my favorite,” you say. “It’s a really nice spot for reading. I sit here all the time.”
Jisung slides into the seat across from you with excitement bubbling beneath his fingertips, a soft smile on his face. “The place feels magical,” he admits.
“It is,” you sigh dreamily, looking up at the ceiling with an intensely fond smile. “I wanted to wait before I ordered a drink, since it’ll get cold without you, but I went ahead and ordered us two mini-easels and some paint…I hope you don’t mind. I chose brown since it kind of fits with the vibe of the shop, so I hope you don’t mind—“
“You’re fine, Y/N. I’m not much of an artist anyway, so it doesn’t matter,” Jisung assures with a brave pat to your hand, finding comfort in your rambling; you’re just as nervous as he is, so there’s no reason for him to be such a live-wire.
You exhale in a chuckle, “Right, sorry. I’m just so excited. I’ve been looking forward to this, actually.”
Jisung’s eyebrows lift. “Really?”
“Yeah.” You grin shyly, fiddling with your sleeves. “I think you’re really cute, you know?”
Jisung feels himself blush. “Me too,” he says dreamily.
“You think you’re cute?” You smirk.
“No! No, I meant I—you’re cute, also! You’re very cute! Adorable even!”
You burst out laughing, and Jisung can’t help but smile and laugh along, feeling his heart swell in his chest when you look at him again, this time with sparkling snowflakes in your eyes.
You and Jisung order your drinks—Jisung an americano, you a hot chocolate—before setting to work on your little easels, laughing and chatting as the two of you talk.
You paint a little portrait of Jisung as he works, not at all bad looking, and Jisung promises to treasure it forever.
“Don’t be disappointed if it’s bad,” Jisung warns, biting his lip as he turns his easel over, showing you the little teddy bear he painted, little hearts in the background.
“Oh, but it’s so cute,” you sigh, reaching out to bring his paining closer. “This is amazing!”
“No,” Jisung denies shyly, trying to hide his grin as he sips at the last of his americano. He wonders if you want another round.
You gasp loud enough to have him jumping in his seat. “The Christmas lights!”
Jisung’s eyes widen. “Shit, are we late?”
“No! Not if we hurry!”
Jisung reaches for his wallet but yelps when you grab his hand and start yanking him out of the store. “Wait, we haven’t pay—“
“It’s fine! Put it on my account!” You call over your shoulder, pushing past the doors and intertwining your fingers with Jisung’s as you run down the street.
By the time you make it to the city square, you’re standing far enough back in the busy streets to see the big-ass Christmas tree in the center, it’s lights still dimmed.
Jisung turns to you with a heaving chest, and the two of you laugh with your entire chests, nearly keeling over.
He exhales with another chuckle, letting his eyes glance down at your intertwined hands. Your hands are smaller than his are—softer, too. They fit perfectly between his own, and it brings a smile to his face—
“O-oh, I’m sorry, I—“ You try to pull away, but Jisung’s eyes widen as he holds your hand tighter, pulling you closer to his chest.
“No, I” —he clears his throat— “I don’t mind. I…” He clears his throat; whispers, “…really like holding your hand, actually.”
“I like holding your hand, too,” you whisper back, your eyes drifting to his lips. Jisung licks them, swallowing the excited lump in his throat as you take a step closer, your hand on his shoulder. “I really want to kiss you,” you confess.
Jisung nods dazedly, hoping you don’t notice the sweat collecting on his palms, the nervous excitement with which he stares at your lips. “Me, too.”
And even as people around him yell excitedly, and the background erupts into a myriad of Christmas-coded colors and sparks, the only thing Jisung can focus on is the taste of sweetener on your pillow-soft lips.
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norbezjones · 12 days
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AU-gust in September #10: Enemies-To-Allies (Romance The Backrooms)
So, here’s the deal.  I couldn’t participate in my beloved AU-gust event last month, because I was busy.  So I thought, fuck it, I’ll just participate this month instead, because we as humans can do whatever we want, and screw the rules lmao!  And that’s what I’m doing.
The event is “supposed” to be for fanfiction, but I want to write AUs for my game Romance The Backrooms, a liminal space otome with 5 main love interests, so I’m gonna do that instead.  Like I said, screw the rules! X)
Since September has only 30 days, I’ll treat Day 31’s prompt as a Joker (aka a prompt I can switch out if I don’t like the day’s chosen prompt).
I also couldn’t resist using the @tropetember & @whumptember prompts! C: Here’s the tropetember prompts, and here’s the whumptember prompts, if you want to take part in these events as well!
Today’s Prompts: Enemies-To-Allies, Accidental Confession / In Vino Veritas (Drunk Confession/Drunk Dial), "I need your help.”
Characters: Adiel & Glarence
Other Info: This is continuing from the demon/angel AU stories with Guardian Angel Glarence & Arch Demon Adiel.  It also ties into the previous story (AU-gust In September #9).
Adiel had given Glarence the number for his cell in a moment of flirtatious teasing.  He wasn’t expecting the guardian angel to actually call him, though.
When the phone rang with an unknown number, Adiel somehow knew who it was, and answered right away.  “Hello?” he said.
“Heeeeeey there, you.”  Glarence sounded off. . . What was going on here?  “Listen up, buddy, I’m kiiiinda in trouble and I need your help.”
“Of course, anything,” Adiel said, before he could even think about it.  “What happened?”
“I got my ass beat, and I’m too weak to heal myself,” Glarence muttered.  “Can you come get me and heal me up with yooooooour . . . what is it called?  Demon magic powers?”
Adiel laughed.  “I mean, you’re not wrong,” he said.  “Where are you?  I’ll come get you.”
Glarence gave him an address, and Adiel ran out of his assigned apartment, taking the car he had been given.  When he got there, he saw Glarence slouched against an abandoned building, clutching his side with a pained look on his face.
Adiel parked and jumped out of the car.  Glarence looked over at him and laughed.  “It’s kiiiiiinda funny,” the angel said, laughing.  “I get stabbed again in my human form, and who’s here to help?  You again!  Ding ding ding!”
Seeing the angel’s face made Adiel realize what was odd about Glarence: the celestial was drunk.  Actually drunk.  “Come on, let’s go to the car,” Adiel said, putting his arm around Glarence and guiding him to the passenger side.
“Fiiiiine, you’re the boss, boss demon man!” Glarence exclaimed, giggling.  Adiel had never heard the angel laugh this much before.  It was kind of uncanny.
Once Glarence was in the car, Adiel got in and drove.  “Where we going?” Glarence asked.
“My apartment,” Adiel said.  “It’s just a few minutes away.  I want you to be somewhere safe, and away from prying eyes.”
“Ah, so nobody witnesses demon magic in public!  You’re so smart,” Glarence complimented him with a goofy grin.
Actually, it’s so nobody sees use supernatural powers, in case you do something dumb while drunk, Adiel wanted to say.  But he held his tongue.
Soon, the two of them were in his apartment, and Adiel brought Glarence to the kitchen.  He sat the angel down at the table, and brought a chair across from him.  Then, he moved Glarence’s hands, and brought his own hands over the wounds in the angel’s side, concentrating as he sent unholy magic to his palms.  Soon, his hands were glowing, and Glarence’s wound was slowly closing.  In less than a minute, it was like the stab injury was never there.
Glarence sighed.  “Thanks, Adiel,” he said, giving the demon a smile. 
“You’re welcome,” Adiel said, smiling back.  He paused, then asked, too curious to hold his words back, “So . . . why did you decide to call me for help?”
Glarence shrugged.  “I couldn’t call headquarters—I’d get in big trouble if the Head Angel learned I’ve been drinking, sooooo . . . I called you,” he replied.
“Oh,” Adiel said, feeling disappointed.  “So it was just out of pragmatism. . . Yeah, that sounds like you.”
“C’mon, that’s not true,” Glarence insisted.  “You’re the closest thing I have to a best friend, dumb-dumb.  I trust ya with my life.  My life, I say!”
Adiel looked at him in surprise, feeling pleased.  “You do?”
“Of course, idiot,” Glarence replied, chuckling for what seemed like no reason.
Adiel felt warmth spread through his body, and he couldn’t hold back a big grin.  Then, he cleared his throat, and said, “Look, it’s late.  Why don’t you sleep at my place?  You can take the couch.”
Glarence smiled.  “Awww, such a considerate demon!  Sure, I’ll take the couch.”
Soon, Glarence was all set up and snoring away.  Adiel smiled as he watched the angel sleep—he had a feeling that once Glarence was sober, he’d have a lot of questions about what happened the night before, and what he had said.  That was going to be fun in the morning.
Chuckling to himself, Adiel walked to his room to get ready for bed.
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bonky-n-steeb · 3 years
there is no right way (iv)
summary || when you agree to be the feared mobster Bucky Barnes’ sugar baby, you expect to get enough money to pay your bills. what you don’t expect is to fall head over heels for him.
warnings || sugar baby au, mob! Bucky Barnes, unprotected sex, oral sex, soft missionary sex. SMUT. ANGST. FLUFF. (the holy trinity). MINORS DNI.
I have decided to not do taglists anymore, so if you wished to be notified of my newest updates please follow @bonky-n-steeb-lib and turn on the notifications!
* Feel free to send drabbles, requests or asks about this series!
Here, take your Christmas present :)
series masterlist
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“Tell me what happened?” Wanda had been pressing for the details of yesterday’s date for the better of the last hour. She had dropped billy and Tommy off to school this morning and had come right at your bustling cafe.
“Wanda, how many times should I tell you? He took me to watch a movie in a drive in theatre. That’s all.” You weren’t at all angry at your best friend but instead you were loving the attention. A few years back, you had been the one pestering Wanda when she went on dates with Vision.
“That’s not all. I can see the way you’re smiling to yourself. I know that smile more than anyone. It crosses your face when you’ve had… a great dick.” Wanda replied slyly.
The cafe still had other people and Wanda was talking in a softer voice than usual. “Wanda! There are people in here.” You scolded her.
“Oooo… so something did happen. Well you promised to tell me, so tell me now.” She just wasn’t giving up. “Okay. So we didn’t have sex.” You said with a deep breath.
“But…” Wanda wiggled her eyebrows in excitement. “I can tell you that he’s really good with his fingers.” The next instant Wanda was howling and clapping her fingers. “Oh my god! I knew it!”
“Sshhhh… people are watching.” you shushed her. “Oh god, I’m sorry.” Almost everyone in the small bakery was staring at you two. “See, this is why we can’t have nice things.” You said as you placed the new batch of cookies on display.
“I’m so happy for you.” Wanda hugged you tightly and you hugged her back. Wanda was your friend who had been with you through thick and thin, like a lighthouse.
“Also, we’re going on a date tonight too.” By now Peter was besides you too as he was finally done frosting the cupcakes. “A second date? Tonight? What magic have you done on him?”
You chuckled at Wanda’s question. “I have no idea what he sees in me. Do you know when he first saw me? When I was fighting with Walker over money. He said I impressed him that day.”
“Now that’s interesting. But you gotta tell me what happens tonight because I’m pretty sure he’s gonna show you how good he’s with his….” She trailed off. Her hand was still leisurely resting on your shoulder.
“Wanda really? I hate you.” Your face was heated and you wanted to hide somewhere. Peter was trying his best not to laugh out loud and take care of the customers. “Awww… I love you too.” Wanda said grinning madly.
“Hello.” You answered the phone call with hesitancy as the number was a unknown one. The rush had now died down and you were sitting idly when the phone rang.
“Hello sugar.” Now that was enough to make you understand who was there on the other side. “Oh hey Bucky!” You replied with excitement.
Yesterday night when he had dropped you off at your house, you had punched your number in his mobile but had forgotten to ask for his in return. Though you honestly weren’t expecting that busy man to call you anytime soon.
“How is my cupcake doing today?” My cupcake! This man was out for your soul. Why was the name so cute and why did you love the way it sounded from his mouth?
“Well, today is going…. Ummm, kinda okay? Like I did pretty good business, I had my regulars plus a few extras, which is a good thing. But then there was this guy who ended up spilling a whole cup of hot coffee and it was a mess to handle and clean up.”
“Also there was this bitch who was acting so entitled. Like who do you think you even are. And I missed…..” you stopped midway as you realised you had just started ranting. “I must be boring you. I’m sorry I just went off like that.”
“No. You aren’t boring me at all. I did ask you how your day was, and I meant it. You can talk how much ever you want to talk to me and I’ll never be bored.” You smiled to yourself at his response. “That’s so sweet of you. But no, you must be busy.”
“You gotta start believing what I say. Because for any reason you start doubting me sugar, then that means I’ve gone wrong somewhere.” You were smiling so widely, your cheeks hurt. “You’re unreal.”
“I’m very real, sugar. Now please continue and tell me what you missed.” He chuckled. “Missed??.. oh about that. God Bucky, I almost forgot it myself. So, I was saying I forgot to have my breakfast this morning.”
“Why sugar? You shouldn’t be missing your breakfast.” His worry was eminent in his reply. “I’m a klutz, that’s why. I forgot to buy my groceries and had nothing in the fridge. No worries tho, I’ll buy them while going home.”
“Hmmm..” he seemed to be thinking something. “Anyway, where are you taking me tonight?” You were once again in the dilemma of what to wear. “I told you it’s a surprise sugar.”
“Bucky please. I’m really confused as to what to wear.” You complained into the phone. “Now that it’s up to me….” He trailed off with a hint of mischief. “Bucky, I’m serious. Tell me, pleasseeeeee…”
“Hmm… wear your nicest dress today.” wow, that was so helpful. “Okay.” You shrugged despite knowing he wouldn’t be able to see you. “I can’t wait to see you.” Bucky could only imagine what you’d look like. “I can’t wait either.”
You had left your shop a little early to dress for tonight’s date. You probably trusted Peter too much. But till now he hadn’t given a single thing to doubt about him.
You were standing in front of the mirror, placing your dresses in front of you and checking which one looked the best when your phone ringed indicating a message.
Bucky: did Sam visit?
You: Who’s Sam?
You saw three dots indicating Bucky was typing, but before he could send the message, your doorbell rang. You couldn’t quite place who would it be, as you weren’t expecting anyone and it was too early for Bucky to come.
Placing the dress on the bed, you opened the door. “Umm hello?” You just peaked your head out while keeping majority of the door closed. “Hi! I’m Sam. Bucky sent me.”
You looked down to see Sam carrying two bags full of groceries. Though it was neatly packed, you could easily see some vegetables peak through the top. In the excitement of going on the date, you had forgotten about buying groceries for yourself.
“Ok ohkay.” You opened your door and let Sam in. He gave you a wide smile which you reciprocated before placing the bags on your counter.
“What is this for?” You knew what that was for, but still you had to ask. “Honestly, I don’t know. Bucky told me to buy groceries and deliver them to you. I don’t know the specifics of what you buy, so I just brought the generic stuff.”
“Woah… you didn’t have to do any of that.” You said shaking your head, but your heart fluttered with joy that Bucky paid attention to even meagre of your problems.
“So… how much was this?” You were about to go fetch your purse when Sam stopped you. “You don’t have to pay for anything.” You stopped to look at the grocery, it definitely wasn’t cheap. “Are you sure?”
“I’m very sure. Also, pro tip, you don’t have to pay for anything Bucky gives you. Anyway, I should go.” Sam said with a small chuckle. “Wait! It would be rude of me to not offer anything, so you want coffee? Tea? Anything else?” You were suddenly conscious of the state of your house.
“I’m literally dying to taste anything made by you again. But sadly, I’m a bit busy now so I have to leave. But don’t worry, one day I’ll come here to have a whole three course meal.” You had already started liking Sam.
“You’re always welcome here Sam. It was nice meeting you, and thanks for the groceries.” He saluted you as he walked out of the door. “You’re welcome. I look forward to meeting you too.”
You dialled Bucky’s number the moment you closed the door. “Hello!” His sounded chirpy. “Bucky what was the need for this? I mean, thank you for sending the groceries but there was no need. I would’ve bought them myself.”
“I told you I’d take care of you, so let me. You went to work hungry this morning and I don’t want this to happen ever again. If you ever need anything, all you have to do is tell me.”
With this explanation, there wasn’t a space to argue. “Bucky, are you in a kitchen?” You could hear sizzling voice in the background which clearly sounded like food cooking. “Umm,… yeah.”
He sounded as if he wanted to hide that from you, and you knew better than to dig into it. “Okay. I’ll see you in the evening then. Bye!” You once again went back to checking your dresses. “Yeah, see you then. Goodbye!” Bucky had big plans for tonight.
“That’s the road to your house!” You said as Bucky drove through the private road that led to his house. “Yeah, you guessed it!” Bucky said sarcastically.
“Okay, there was no need to be so secretive about it. You could’ve told me.” You had worn a simple yet elegant black dress which highlighted the parts you wanted to be highlighted.
“Yesterday when I took you to the theatre, your eyes widened with pure joy and a huge smile graced your lips. It was a mesmerising sight to watch and I wish to watch it again and again. So despite taking you home, I kept it a secret so that I could see that smile of realisation again.”
Your heart was thumping so loudly you feared it would burst. In just two days Bucky had managed to prove himself better than any other man you had known. “You’re unbelievable Bucky.”
“No I’m not. I just wish to be the man you deserve.” You were about to cry with all the emotions by all the emotions bubbling up. “Do you go to sleep by reading, ‘101 ways to be a perfect guy’?”
“I told you, I’m not perfect, rather far from it.” His eyes were twinkling in the moonlight as he traced your cheek with his finger. It was then that you realised that you had already reached your destination.
“Your house is… just gorgeous.” You said as you two entered his mansion. The last time you had visited, it was for business. But now that you were on a date, you gave yourself some time to look around keenly.
“But I think the house owner is even more gorgeous.” He jested. “Agreed.” You said cracking a smile. Bucky hooked his around around your waist and led to you towards a beautiful laid out table.
It was decorated with rose petals and a candle was gleaming in the middle. The ambience was on point to the date. “Bucky this is wonderful. Thank you!”
You didn’t know if Bucky was being this nice just till he laid with you or this was going to continue further. But honestly, you didn’t care. Even if all this care and adoration was for just two days, you’d keep these two days close to your heart.
“You don’t have to thank me for anything. You deserve all the pretty things in the world.” You couldn’t stop yourself as you leaned up and sealed your lips in a kiss.
Bucky’s flesh hand framed your cheek while his metal arm rested on your waist. His tongue licked your lips and you opened them giving him entry. You moaned as he licked into your mouth.
When you parted, you were sure your lipstick was either smudged or gone. But since Bucky was looking at you as if you hung the stars, you didn’t care for it.
You both knew that tonight you were going to end up in his bed. But before that, you had a dinner to eat. The moment the pasta was served into your plate, from the smell itself you knew it would be delicious.
You hummed as you took your first morsel. “Ummmm,, it’s absolutely delicious. I want to kiss the chef.” It was honestly better than any pasta served at high end restaurants.
Bucky still hadn’t started eating his food and was just looking at you to gauge your expression. And it was then that it struck you. The sizzling noises in his background on the call, his reluctance in telling you, him waiting for your approval.
“Oh my god, you’ve cooked this, haven’t you?” He smirked and nodded, as if he’d just got full marks on a test. “I can’t believe you’re this good at cooking. It seems I have a tough competition.”
“No no, you don’t. The only thing I can cook is pasta. And over the time I’ve perfected it is all.” He shrugged as if he hadn’t just cooked the best pasta you’d ever eaten. “Bucky, you and your surprises. Ufff, I can’t get enough of them.”
You spent the rest of the time chatting and giggling. Once again, unlike his usual stoic demeanour, he was relaxed and easy with you. It didn’t feel as if it was your second date, but rather it felt like you’d known each other for a long time.
“I think it’s time for the chef to get his promised kiss.” Bucky proclaimed once you were done with the dinner and dessert. “Aahhh, right.”
You got up and walked over to him. Bending down you went for his lips, but at the last moment, you turned your head and pecked his cheek.
“Hey, that’s not fair.” He complained as you laughed looking at his disappointed face. “I never said I’d kiss the chef on the lips.” The next instant, he stood up and crashed his lips into yours.
His hand held your nape as he deepened the kiss. You rubbed your hands over the expensive material of his suit and curled your fingers in it to pull him closer.
You gasped when you felt him squeeze your ass. “Bucky…” he left little kisses from your jaw to your neck. His eyes were hungry as they drank your form in.
“I think we should continue this in the bedroom huh?” His voice was dripping with lust. You nodded eagerly and he pulled you by your arm to walk upstairs towards his bedroom.
Once inside, he couldn’t stop his hands from wandering your body. His lips were either attached to your neck or your lips and you just relished the sensation.
His fingers found you the zipper of your dress. Opening it, his fingers traced your skin sending a ripple of shiver down your spine.
Once the dress was on the floor, the cold air of the night made goosebumps rise on your skin and you suddenly felt exposed. You were wearing your best set of lingerie and yet it somehow paled in front of Bucky’s beauty.
“You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.” He murmured in your ear as he pulled on the straps of your bra. “You… you don’t have to lie.” Your voice broke as you said. You were sure he had slept with actresses and models.
He stopped all his ministrations and looked in your eyes with more seriousness than he had since the day you met. “You don’t get to decide what I feel sugar. If I say you were the most beautiful that means you are the most beautiful. No arguments.”
You just stared at him with an awestruck expression; wide eyed looking up at his face like he ruled the world and parted lips just taking in the meaning of what he said.
“Bucky…” you didn’t really have anything else to say. Because you were afraid you’d either say too little or a little too much. So you expressed yourself the best way you currently could, by kissing him fiercely.
And you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. You wanted to say this aloud, but you stopped yourself. Instead, you shucked off his suit and started unbuttoning his shirt.
Your jaw nearly hit the floor when you saw his chiseled abs and hard pecks. He looked like one of those roman statues displayed in museums. Either created by Michaelangelo or someone of his likes.
“I’m literally out of words to describe how fucking good you look.” He smirked and bit his lip and your eyes followed his movements religiously. “There are other ways to show me than talking, sugar.”
Turning you around, he pushed you onto the bed. The mattress was unbelievably soft as you bounced on it. Bucky didn’t waste much time in getting out of his pants and crawling over you.
He removed your bra before fondling your breasts. You sucked in a sharp breath when he took your nipple in his mouth and swirled his tongue around it.
After laving on the hard peak for a few moment, he let it go with a pop. His eyes were looking into yours as he trailed his kisses up to your core. Sensually, tugged off your panties and spread your legs.
Bucky lowered himself until he was right in front of your dripping wet pussy. Suddenly conscious of yourself, you snapped your legs closed. “What happened?” He asked, worried all of a sudden.
“Umm,, no one has done that before…” Bucky shook his head as if he was disappointed and you just hoped he wasn’t disappointed in you.
“Idiots! They were idiots, cupcake. I’m sure you have the sweetest pussy and I’m fucking honoured to be the first one to taste it.” He once again separated your legs and you let him.
The first swipe of his tongue on your throbbing pussy was literal heaven. His wet tongue and his warm mouth licking and sucking your sensitive core, was the thing you needed but never knew.
Now that you knew what it felt like to get eaten out, you wondered if you’d ever go without it. Bucky was very skilled when it came to using his tongue. He was flicking your clit, then fucking your hole with his tongue, and then sealing his lips around your nub and sucking.
Your fingers were curled in the bedsheets and your back was arched as Bucky kept licking all that you gave him. His hands were holding your thighs tightly to prevent you from wiggling away. “You taste so sweet sugar. Never gonna leave this pussy.”
“Bucky..!” Your hands tried holding on to his short hair, but it was too short to tangle with your fingers. You could feel the coil in your core tighten to its highest points and you knew you were close.
“… I’m gonna cum..” you had thought that Bucky would let up now, but instead he doubled down his efforts by adding his fingers. His fingers were pumping into you as he sucked and licked your swollen clit.
“Oh god! Fuck fuck fuck.. Bucky! Fuck…” your brain lost its filter when you came. He held you tightly as you squirmed beneath him.
When he got up, the lower half of his face was covered with your slick. He did a lewd display of licking his wet lips while staring straight in your eyes.
You were about to pull him back into the bed as he stepped out but you stopped complaining when he lowered his pants. “Good lord…” the words left your lips when you took in his hard length.
Bucky was very well endowed. He was thick and long with veins running up to its head which was glistening with precum. You couldn’t wait to have him inside you.
When he kissed you, you could taste yourself on his tongue. Bucky stilled when you pressed your fingers at his shoulders where the metal arm met flesh. That area was marred with scars and you traced as many as you could.
“You’re so beautiful Bucky.” Your eyes were locked into what could only be described as a loving gaze. In that single moment of intimacy and vulnerability, both of you were just two people trying to make their home in the other’s life.
Bucky needed to be close to you. And this wasn’t enough, he needed to be closer. You gasped when the head of his length entered you and he moaned when he was surrounded by your wet tight heat.
He went slowly until he was halfway buried in you, but then he just couldn’t stop himself and thrust all the way in in a single movement. “You feel so good sugar. So good. Fuck.”
His his were snapping up to you as his length speared your insides. You just clutched your hands around his neck and held him as he rutted into you like an animal in heat.
Your head was arched back into the pillows and your neck was bared for Bucky. He was constantly nibbling and sucking on the column of your neck and you shivered as his saliva cooled down.
“God.., fuck. Waited so long for this, sugar. Waited so long for you.” Your moans were muffled by his lips as he kissed you. “Can’t believe you’re mine sugar. All this sweetness, just for me.”
Tears were slipping past your eyes from the intensity of the whole thing. Your toes tingled and your eyes clenched shut as you came with a shout of Bucky’s name.
Seeing your writhe for him and they way you were clenching around, he wasn’t far behind either. Small trevors passed in your body as you felt him cum deep inside you.
Bucky circled his arms around you as you both panted and quivered around each other. When he pulled out, you could feel a trickle of cum leak out of you. “Bucky,…. Bucky, that was amazing.”
He lifted you up so that you were resting your head on his beating heart. You could clearly heart as his excited rhythm returned to a steady thumping, and at that moment, he was real.
You didn’t know of this was going to be your last time together and if Bucky went to the length of all those efforts just for one night with you, so you decided to bath in every second of his attention that he provided you.
His pupils were blown wide as he looked down at you. You looked like an Angel to him; the moonlight was blanketing your body and a small sated smile was stretched on your lips.
You were happy and satisfied because of him. You were looking up with fondness and devotion to him. And he was feeling more powerful than god at that moment.
Bucky saw the way your eyelids were fluttering close with exhaustion. He knew you were fighting to stay awake but soon you gave in to the sleep. Watching you sleep somehow felt even more intimate than sex. With your warmth covering his body, he too soon fell into a dreamless sleep.
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lovelyminnieee · 3 years
Without you- J.J.H
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Pairing: Jaehyun x reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Warnings: Car accident mentions, mentions of death, father!Jaehyun, Coma, mentions of losing a loved one
Summary: Jaehyun doesn't want to deal with life anymore. Without you there to hug him, or tell him it was okay to cry, he didn't want to even come home, unless it was for his daughter. He missed you, so much he could go crazy. Maybe you will never come back, he hasn't lost hope yet. Will you be able to comeback to him and your daughter's lives again?
A/n: this is my first fic on my account, feedbacks would be deeply appreciated. Uh, I am a little nervous to post it, but please do give me feedbacks. And the paragraphs written in italics are memories
It's been 3 years. Three years without you. There wasn't one day where he didn't think of you. Your daughter and the way she reminds him of you. He's tired of it, tired of life. Without you there to comfort him, tell him it's okay to cry, he's tired.
"Eun ha, we have to get to school!" Jaehyun shouts from one end of the apartment, packing her lunch. "Coming daddy!" His daughter waddles over to him, struggling to put her shoes on. "Let me do it," Jaehyun said as he picked her up and put her on the table. He smiles as he puts her shoes on quickly, placing her down after. "Let's go, okay baby?" Jaehyun holds her little hand, her bag in his other hand.
Jaehyun opened the door to the apartment and sighed. An empty home was not really welcoming. You weren't there to hug him, tell him that you love him. His habits haven't changed, he sat down on the couch and pulled out his phone.
"I miss you so fucking much..."
He texted your number. He missed you so much, he was going crazy. He closed his eyes, trying to hold tears bay. He sent you a picture of Eun ha in her dress up outfit. Like a princess.
"Look at Eun ha, she looks so pretty. Just like you baby"
His fingers type, the memories flooding in. He took you for granted while you were there, and that is the thing he regrets the most in life. 
"I understand, but you can't just ignore me like that, Jae," you said, angry. He was ignoring you for the past few days, and you had no idea why. He said it was because of work, but he wasn't there at work during work hours. "No Jae, you're not working, you're somewhere else during work hours," you said, your eyes staring at him. Jaehyun paused for a minute, speechless. He was preparing something special for you, and that was the reason. "I- I was-" Jaehyun sighed. You were getting on his nerves. "Y/n, just leave me alone. You don't understand," he said and walked away, frustrated at your behaviour. You didn't know why you got angry so quickly, you were usually so calm and collected during arguments. "So now you want me to leave you alone?" You scoffed. Jaehyun turned around and stared at you. "Isn't that what I just said?" He stares back at you. "So it's completely okay for you to go out during work hours? And ignore me when you come home? What the fuck, Jae?" You raised your voice a little. "Can you not right now? I'm frustrated, Y/n." Jaehyun tried to keep his cool. "Jae, I've been dealing with so many things, do you think you're the only one who deals with stress?" You ask him, tears swelling in your eyes. Jaehyun closed his eyes, trying to stay collected. Maybe you had a reason to be mad this quick. "You might as well be cheating on me, or lying to me. And what not-"
Jaehyun went silent. His heart pounded in his chest at the news. Well, that certainly wasn't a good way to release the news. She was pregnant? He thought.
"You're what?"
"You know what, nevermind," you walked away, wiping your tears. Jaehyun ran up to you and hugged you from behind. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," Jaehyun whispered, kissing your neck softly. "I'm hurt, Jae." You whispered, your voice cracking. "I'm so sorry," he said, his hands softly resting over your tummy. Jaehyun's face ceased into a smile, continuing to press his lips against your neck. "I'm going to be a father," Jaehyun's eyes teared up as he twirled you around and kissed you softly. Everything felt unreal at that moment. He was going to be a dad. His heart swelled in happiness, pulling your waist closer to him.
"I'm so sorry about everything. I love you so much"
He pressed the send button, his eyes tearing up.
"Please come back to me, to Eun ha"
Tears ran down his cheeks and his world darkened again. Three years of torture. Three years without you. He doesn't know how he's going to manage. He shifted on the couch, staring mindlessly at the ceiling. "I miss you so much, Y/N." He whispered, holding his tears in. He had to visit you at the hospital soon, so he put his emotions aside for a moment and got up. He walked to his room and changed in a few minutes, grabbing his bag and walking out the door.
"Hi baby, I'm here," he whispers softly, walking closer to your bed. Your parents had been taking care of you for the past two days because he was busy, but now that he's here, he wants to tell you everything. He knows you're listening, unable to talk. "How are you, love? Is everything okay? Does it hurt?" He asks, gently caressing your hands. He misses your whiny self. Whatever he said, the room was so silent when it was supposed to be filled with your sweet voice. He sighs and closes his eyes, trying to hold in his emotions. "I miss you so much," his voice comes out as a broken whisper. "I can't do this anymore. I can't do this without you, please come back, I'm sorry," he cries, holding your hand close to him. Jaehyun remembers the day the accident happened.
"I'll meet you at home, babe. I love you," he said, cutting the call with a smile on his face. "You make me feel so single," Johnny whispers from his work desk, sighing. "Come on, John. You can bag girls if you try," Jaehyun chuckled as he put on his jacket. "Lucky, you get to go home early while I'm stuck with hyuck, great." Johnny rolls his eyes. Jaehyun just chuckles, walking out of his shared office space.
"So, how was work today?" Jaehyun asked, his eyes focused on the road. "Bad, all that man had to say was I did a bad job and screamed at me. The audacity," you scoffed on the other side of the phone. "Which man? The manager or the CEO?"
"Of course it has to be the manager. He's so annoying I swear," you sighed.
"Oh well, I'll ask him to shut the fuck up next time so he won't annoy you, okay?"
"Ew that was so cheesy, Jae," you cringed behind the phone. Before Jaehyun could even process your reply, loud crashes and screams were heard. He called for you repeatedly, only to realise that you weren't replying.
"I'm so sorry, if I hadn't distracted you, you would still be here for me." Jaehyun cries hard. He looks up at you to see tears running down the side of your face. "Sssh, don't cry," he said, wiping your tears and letting his hand rest on your face. He places a soft kiss on your forehead, his heart hurting at the sight of you. You laid in the bed, limp and pale. "Hey, you know..." He sniffled. "I met your manager on my way here today," he smiled, trying to get the mood better.
"And then, she was trying to write C, but Eun ha wrote it like it was mirrored," Jaehyun giggles softly, his hand still caressing yours. Your hands felt warm to him, and it was the best thing in the world to him. Just as he was about to let the unknown tears in his eyes fall, he felt something. He felt your hand move. His gaze snapped to your hands, which once moved. "Baby, can you do that again for me?" He says hastily, trying not to cry. And he sees a movement, yet again. "Wait for me, I'll go get the doctors, okay?" He says and hurries out of the room, holding himself together. He will come apart any second, but now was not the time.
Doctors rush in and out of the room as Jaehyun watches from the side, tears falling. He had called his mother and asked her to pick Eun ha up from school, just so that he can stay with you longer. "Mr. Jeong?" The doctor called. Jaehyun's cloudy gaze snapped to the doctor, hurrying over to the man. His first clenches in the anticipation of the news as the doctor smiles. "This is the first time I've seen something like this. Her senses are responding to the tests, after a full three years." The doctor tells him. "Is that good?" Jaehyun askes, sniffling. "Yes. Mrs. Jeong's health seems to be progressing so much more than the last three years, she has a higher chance of recovering from the coma for a week or so," Dr. Cho assures him, patting him on the shoulder before he leaves. Jaehyun stares at you for a moment before he comes closer to you. "Hey baby, you're gonna come back to me and Eun ha, aren't you?" Jaehyun asks softly, tears welling in his eyes yet again. "You will, I know it." He kissed your forehead again.
The hopeful week was crucial. Jaehyun visits you everyday of the week with Eun ha, trying his best to make you happy. He'd give his life up for you because what he and his daughter needed the most during this time was you. He had to go to work nevertheless, but you would never be left without a visitor. Mostly being his or your parents and your kid, or him and Eun ha. He was hopeful until the last day of the week rolled over, and he got a call from the doctor.
"Mr. Jeong, I need to talk to you as fast as possible."
"Is there a problem, Dr. Cho?"
He hears a sigh from the other side that sends fear through him.
"We need to talk as fast as possible. Can you make it to the hospital now?"
"Of course, give me 30 minutes, doc,"
Jaehyun cut the call, panic settling within him.
"Johnny, please take care of this document for me. I just got a call from Dr. Cho. I need to go, okay?"
"Yes sir, don't worry about it,"
Johnny said, gesturing to him to hurry on his way. Jaehyun rushed out of the building, getting into his car in no time. In fifteen minutes, he was there at the hospital. He found the same office he's been visiting for the last three years in a couple of minutes, panting as he barged in through the door.
"I was expecting you, Mr. Jeong," Dr. Cho said, sitting upright. He had a bad feeling about what he was going to hear. "I need you to sit down and take a deep breath," the doctor said, sympathy marked in his eyes. Jaehyun sat down hesitatingly, staring at the doctor.
"Would you like something to drink or...?"
"Cut the crap, Dr. Cho,"
Jaehyun snapped. The man just sighed, looking him in the eye. "Your wife, Mrs. Jeong, was pronounced brain dead over 20 minute ago. She had a stroke which caused the brain to stop working," Jaehyun's broken world came crashing down in a few seconds as soon as he heard the news.
"Sir, you need to calm-"
"No no no, she hasn't died yet. She can't die yet. You said she was making steady progress, YOU SAID SHE MIGHT WAKE UP, WHY CHANGE YOUR WORDS NOW?!" Jaehyun asked, tears running down his cheeks.
"Jaehyun, listen. It was a stroke that prompted brain death. We can keep her on a machine which pumps oxygen onto her organs which will keep her warm, but it won't do anything,"
"Can you step out for a minute?" Jaehyun asked him, his voice soft. "Of course," the doctor said, moving on his way out.
Jaehyun takes in the news, tears pouring out of his eyes. All he asked for was you and God denied. Great, he hopes that he at least gets to see you one last time. He stepped out of the doctor's office with red eyes and nose. "Can I see her for the last time?" Jaehyun requests, to which the doctor agrees. Tears kept flowing on his way to the room, wiping then with the sleeve of his shirt.
"Go on in," the doctor says, gesturing at the door. Jaehyun holds onto the handle and hesitates before sliding the door open. He keeps his eyes locked on to the floor and when he does lift his eyes, surprise strikes him. You were up, alive and well. Jaehyun blinks before wiping his eyes and looking again. "Jae..." His name rolls off your tongue, bringing him back to earth. He didn't say anything, but he rushed to you and engulfed you in a big hug. He held you close to him, not letting go. It's not like you wanted to let go either. "Jae..." You said, letting your head rest on his shoulder, arms wrapped around him tightly. "I missed you so much," he whispered, breaking into tears again. "God, you're so warm. I missed this so much," you say softly. He missed your voice so much. Jaehyun pulls back gently and stares at your famished face, wiping your tears. "I love you so much, so much," he said, cupping your cheeks in his hands. Your tears ran down again, you missed him so much.
"So what was that?" Jaehyun questions the doctor, glaring at him. "Well uh, your wife had a special request," the doctor smiles, looking away after. "Cho Si-hyeon, I will smack you," he glares, shooting lasers through his eyes. "Hey! Yell at her, not me!" Si-hyeon, his fellow classmate who was a year older than him exclaimed, pointing at you. "No," Jaehyun said, kissing you all over your face as you giggled softly. "She needs to get physiotherapy for her legs and you can go home after," Si-hyeon says, watching them both enjoy each other's presence. "Mhm, 'kay. What else?" Jaehyun said, his gaze fixed on you. "This is disgusting. Bye, I can't stand it," Si-hyeon scrunched his face, leaving the room. "Tsk, he's just jealous that I have such a pretty wife," Jaehyun says and places a small kiss on your lips. "Oh well," you whispered, pulling him into a soft and we'll needed kiss, for both.
Taglist: @sparklysung @trying-to-love-myself
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lacharcutiere · 3 years
still [sawamura daichi]
1,6k words
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part eight of i’m gone i’m gone i’m gone miniseries. you can only put these things off for so long.
JST: japanese standard time (GMT +9). EST: eastern standard time (GMT -5). EDT: eastern daylight time (GMT -4).
tings // fluff, a little bit of angst, kinda suggestive at the end ?? // i swear this søng is abøut eating øut my best friend's pussy - cøzybøy // dm, ask or comment to be added to taglist ! minors dni.
the summer passes like this: you and daichi laughing too loudly in busy restaurants and train cars; having arms around each other in the back of taxis on the way home from clubs; making instant udon at three a.m.; walking up and down the neighborhood a hundred times; laying silently side by side and not needing to say anything. it's a routine, it's familiar—it's home.
a couple weeks before you're set to head back to new york, daichi asks you a question as you lay next to him on a blanket in your driveway, staring up at the stars.
"have you decided what your plans are after college?"
"i'm gonna come back here."
"i thought you wanted to go to grad school? you can do way better in the states, especially with a degree from columbia."
you roll onto your side so you can look at him better. "i know. but i've been away too long already. i miss you."
he gives you a little smile. "but i'm right here."
"right here is pretty fucking far from america."
that's the end of the conversation.
— 2 AUGUST 2024. 23:09 JST.
everything happens the exact same way it has for the past three years: he takes you to the airport. you try hard not to cry; you say your goodbyes. check-in, security, buy some candy to eat at the gate. board the plane. sixteen hours later, you're in america.
one thing was different, though.
when he said goodbye, his lips touched yours.
you don't stop thinking about it for weeks.
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slightly relieving is the fact that amid thesis writing and too many classes and working an internship under one of your professors (that one's nice, it even earns you enough to get a small apartment a few blocks from campus), there proves to be little time to be spent missing daichi.
you finesse your schedule to fit weekly facetimes on friday evenings (new york time) and shoot random texts back and forth about your day between classes and during meals, and without much space for anything else, it's enough. good things are worth waiting for, anyway.
— DECEMBER 2024.
but then winter sem break rolls around and there's no school so it's back to having too much lonely alone time with your thoughts. you write daichi a christmas card and drop it off at the post office. it's early this year, but oh, well.
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a week before christmas you receive a call from an unknown number. the phone speaker crackles when you accept the call.
“hey.” the voice on the other end is bright, smiley, accented. it’s tōru.
“tōru? what’s up?”
“i’m outside,” he says, “come down and meet me?”
you’re a little confused, but you decide to humor him. “uh, okay, give me a minute… do i need anything?”
“bring a coat, it’s cold out. i’ll be waiting down here.” the call ends.
a few minutes later you push through the doors of the building to be met with a brisk wind and tōru standing by a payphone, grinning.
“do you have your subway pass?”
you feel inside your pocket for it and nod.
“good,” he says. “come on, we’re in a hurry.”
“where are we going?”
he laughs. “‘s not anything you won’t like, promise.”
you follow him into the nearest subway entrance, lost in thought as you push through the barrier and step onto the train. it's only when he nudges you and says, "this is our stop," that you realize you've been looking at the ground the whole time.
tōru notices how absent you seem to be and asks, "are you okay?"
"i would be if i knew what was going on," you respond.
"yeah," he says, leading you up the stairs and into the terminal, "yeah, i think you will be."
you're in grand central. tōru asks if he can borrow your phone for a second. when he hands it back to you, he doesn't say anything, just takes you by the arm smiling widely and leads you into the fray of commuters that fill the station.
"tōru!" you groan, "can't you just tell me where we're going?"
"magnolia," he replies simply.
"we came all the way here just for coffee?"
"tōru!" he stops walking and turns back to you, trying and failing miserably to stop grinning for a second. "what the fuck?"
"come on," he says, "you'll like it."
"we've been here before! what's so special about—"
"you'll see."
coffee in grand central is surprisingly good. it's also surprisingly expensive. ah, well, it's new york. new york has much more to offer than just overpriced cafés.
such as... this. such as a laughing man that leads a remarkably pissed-off looking girl by the arm, towards this stupidly good, stupidly overpriced café.
the pair are weaving through a stream of people, almost there, and then they're there, and the girl is looking much less agitated now. she looks somewhere between crying and wanting to run in the opposite direction. thank god, she chooses the former.
he loves you. so much.
"daichi?" you mean it to be a scream but your voice cracks a little and it comes out airy.
he has the exact same look on his face that tōru's had this whole time. "hi."
"oh my god, what the fuck?"
"you said it was lonely, tōru told me maybe it would be nice for you to have a date for new year's, i had some extra money saved up. so i came."
"you— what?" you look back at tōru. "you planned this? just? last minute?"
"nah," daichi laughs, "no, i meant to come visit you for christmas a while ago. i already had tickets and everything, i was gonna tell you but then i got your card and figured it might be more fun if it were a surprise."
"oh my god." that's all you can think to say.
you can't even explain how good it feels to wake up and walk into the living room to find daichi asleep on your couch on christmas morning, how good it feels for it to not just be you. the whole time he's been here, though, you've forced yourself not to think about the fact that he's going back home in a week and a half, forced yourself not to do anything just yet. soon, though. just a few more months.
when he wakes up, you're making coffee for the two of you.
"merry christmas," he says, wrapping one arm around your shoulders. he places a card on the counter in front of you. "open it."
its message is simple.
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you do as it says.
"i, uh, haven't gotten you anything yet, but—"
"daichi," you laugh, "it's okay. and um, i may have also not been able to get you anything. also because i didn't know you'd be here."
"wait, wait, i'm not finished."
"what do you want to do after you're done this year of school?"
"i already told you," you say, "i'll move back home."
"no, what do you want to do? you want to go to grad school, right? continue studying here?"
"no, i just want to stop waiting." you sigh, a little frustrated. "i don't wanna have to keep putting this off, it's been—"
he cuts you off. "i'll be here."
"i'll be here. or wherever."
"i don't get it?"
you've always loved the way daichi's nose scrunches up when he smiles. "you're the one planning on studying more, not me. not immediately, anyway. i'll go with you."
"you're fucking joking."
he laughs; you look so confused right now. "i'm not. promise."
"i don't even—"
"think you can handle long-distance for five months?"
"uh—" you inhale sharply. "yeah."
"good," he says, "then we don't have to keep putting this off."
it's been five months since you last let your lips touch his. it still feels just like the first time it happened.
— 31 DECEMBER, 2023. 19:36 EST.
he tries not to let you pay for dinner, but in the end, you slip the waiter your card while daichi's in the bathroom. it's his birthday; it's your treat.
and after dinner, there's that new year's eve party that tōru's been going on about. it feels good, so good, not to be there alone. it feels good to watch the broadcast from downtown and count the seconds to midnight as daichi's arms are wrapped around you from behind. the clock reaches zero; daichi kisses you hard. you're both drunk on champagne.
you watch him smile across the room at tōru, who's got his girl on his arm. the two of them look happy, too. everything is warm.
— DEPARTURE: 3 JANUARY 2025. 08:15 EST.
daichi's asleep next to you when the alarm on his phone goes off. you'll miss not waking up next to him for the next five months, but at least that's all it will be.
he makes faces at you in the mirror as you both brush your teeth; keeps trying to tug your sweater off when you get dressed. you spend these thirty minutes laughing with him until it hurts. the two of you take the subway back to grand central; make out in a corner of the terminal while he waits for his train to jfk international to arrive.
"see you in may."
— 21 JANUARY 2025.
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taglist: @sakruisin-thru @softetsurou @oligbia
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touyasdoll · 3 years
Complicated - Chapter Two
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Chapter One: Here
Pairing: Dabi/Touya Todoroki x reader
Warnings: self-degradation/self-doubt
Word count: 2.2k
A/n: Gonna rework this and ditch the first person POV, jsyk.
A/n pt. 2: This story does contain spoilers for the show/manga. The dates/ages of characters are going to be shifted around a bit.
It's been two days. Is he gonna call? Text? Completely forget I exist?
I sigh, trying to expel the anxiety balled up in the pit of my stomach.
Why would he call? We talked for, what, five minutes? He seemed older too. You were in your damn school uniform, idiot. He's obviously got more important shit to do than chat up a schoolgirl who can't mind her own fucking business.
"Ugh," I groan to no one but myself in my apartment. "I'm really just the biggest fucking jackass, aren't I?"
Flopping down on my bed, I let out another weighty sigh and bury my face in the plethora of pillows piled beneath me.
Relax. Maybe he'll text. Maybe he won't. And if he doesn't he's just sparing you the embarrassment that you would inevitably bring upon yourself.
A yawn escapes my lips as I feel a wave of drowsiness wash over me. Glancing at the clock, I could see it was hardly 5 PM.
Fucked up sleep schedule, here I come.
The familiar comfort of my bed allows me to quiet my thoughts enough to fall into a shallow sleep, until I'm startled awake by a vibrating sensation coming from underneath my chin.
I blink against the harsh light emitting from my phone, squinting to see who was disturbing me.
What the--oh shit!
It was an unknown number. Recognizing that it could be him, I sit up faster than I have ever managed to after a nap and fumble the phone into my palm, eagerly sliding my thumb across the screen to accept the call.
My breath hitches and I bite my lip in anticipation as I wait, eager to hear his deep, silky voice on the other end.
But the pause on the other side of the line seems just a little too long. Something is off.
Is this him? Is it..just some creep? A prank? What the hell?
"We've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty."
My eyes slam shut, a shake reverberating through my spine as a cocktail of anger and embarrassment wash over me.
That's it. Hope is off limits from now on.
"Fucking great."
I tap the end button, half ready to throw my phone out the window.
Instead, I decide to check and see if I missed anything else while I was out.
Hope is off limits.
I shake my head, trying to erase the little embers of hope that persist, praying that maybe he did reach out.
To my surprise, there's a text from an unrecognized number.
Unknown: You free tonight, doll?
Holy shit.
Looking above the message, I see: Today 6:58 PM. I wince as I dare to look at the clock, which mercifully reads 7:26 PM.
Tapping the text box, I don't give myself the chance to overthink this opportunity.
Me: For you? Sure thing.
Tossing my phone onto the bed, I nod my head, processing the sudden burst of confidence I seem to have found.
I'm not like this. What is it about this guy? He's just that--a guy. One that I don't know. And now I'm just gonna meet up with him?
He's literally a stranger. Who the hell do I think I am?? Is my vagina just running things now? Gonna run out and meet up with some strange dude, because he's pretty and charming?
You know who else was pretty and charming?? Ted Bundy.
That's right, you said it. This is dumb, logically. This is everything everyone’s ever warned you about.
My phone buzzes and my heart rate spikes in response, tearing me from my spiraling doubts.
Unknown: Our spot. 30 minutes. See you there.
A noise that I've certainly never made before eeks past my lips as I process his instructions.
Fuck it. The possibility of this guy being a serial killer has been assessed. I'm going, risks be damned.
You're an idiot. You're an idiot. You're an idiot.
I sigh for the umpteenth time today, waging war in my own mind.
I don't know what it is about him, but I have to see him again. Nothing bad is going to happen. It'll be fine.
That's what I tell myself as I exhale, until I catch my reflection.
My hair is disheveled, my mascara askew. I didn't even bother to take off my uniform before I passed out.
As if I weren't flustered enough, now I gotta make myself looking somewhere near presentable and get down there in time.
Here goes nothing.
Fifteen minutes fly by and I think I've managed it as I step back to look myself over in the mirror once more.
The shortest pair of high-waisted shorts I own, paired with a low-cut black crop top and my favorite slip-ons. My make-up doesn't look perfect and there's not much of it, but it's touched up, and my hair is at least brushed.
Okay, no turning back now.
Grabbing my keys, I tuck my phone in my back pocket and make my way to the meeting place.
Our spot. The man is smooth and I think that he knows it.
I re-read the last message he sent for probably the thirteenth time in the past five minutes.
The clock in the corner of the screen reads 8:02.
Maybe he won’t show. Maybe this is a joke. He and his buddies with come around a corner and laugh as they speed off.
Damn, can I chill? No. He’s going to be here. And I’m going to act like a human fucking being. A normal girl. Someone he could like; I’m capable of that.
Aren’t I?
Scanning my surroundings yet again, I take in the scenery. I never really get out at night, but the city looks so pretty this way. There’s not too much traffic, especially considering that it’s a Friday night, but there are some people milling about up and down the sidewalk. Some look like they’re on their way home. Some look like they’re on their way out for a night on the town.
“Hey there.”
My eyes are quick to follow the sound of his voice. I look up and he’s strolling up to the bench where I’m seated, the same one where I bandaged his arm the other day.
His hands are shoved in his front pockets, thumbs pushed through the belt loops of the tight, black jeans he’s sporting. His white t-shirt dangles off of his frame in a way that suits him, offering a glimpse of his muscular chest. A black coat completes his ensemble and he certainly looks the part of the typical bad boy.
But, damn, does it look so good on him.
“Hey, there. How’s the arm?”
I scoot over a bit, allowing for ample space between us if he were to take a seat. To my surprise, he sits towards the middle of the bench, so that his thigh brushes against mine as he settles.
I tuck my hair behind my ear, glancing down and covering the noise I want to make with a quiet clearing of my throat.
“It’s good. You do make a pretty decent nurse, sweetheart.”
He grins and pulls his coat sleeve back, revealing the still bandaged wound.
“Wait, have you changed that?”
You’re such a mom. You better hope he’s into MILFs, because otherwise this ain’t gonna get you where you wanna go, girl.
His brow furrows in an expression that tells me all I need to know before he even speaks.
“What do you mean? Changed what?”
A quiet sigh leaves my lungs as I hold out my hand.
“May I?”
His puzzled expression doesn’t falter, but he shrugs and offers his forearm up for inspection.
Carefully, I pull back the tape holding the bandages together and slowly begin to unwrap them.
That is, until the smell hits me. I barely catch of glimpse of the reddened skin before my nostrils detect the scent of burned flesh and excess viscera.
“Oh, dear. Have you even unwrapped this thing?”
Trying not to agitate anything further, I delicately wrap the bandages back around his arm, taping them down once again.
“No, should I have?”
I look up and my gaze meets his, a sense of true ignorance evident in his expression; I try not to laugh. I really try, but a soft giggle escapes nonetheless.
“Yes! I mean, if it doesn’t hurt, I’m sure it’s not that bad right now, but you should be cleaning and redressing a wound like that once every 12 hours at the very least. It’s been what, like, at least 50 at this point?”
His good arm reaches for the back of his neck, scratching at it as he dons an apologetic half smile.
“Sorry, I’m not exactly nurturing by nature, doll. I don’t know the first fucking thing about this kind shit.”
I cock a sympathetic smile as I look at him, sitting there looking almost helpless. I guess he is, in a sense. It’s actually kinda cute how he doesn’t seem to have an inkling of how to properly care for himself.
Because that’s absolutely what you want in a potential relationship. Someone to fix, how fun! Why not open up a shop for broken boys? Girl, when will you learnnn??
“Well, I don’t have anything on me right now, but if you don’t mind coming back to my place, I could clean it up there? And I’ll teach you how to keep up with it this time.”
I guess not today, motherfucker.
“Coming to my rescue again. You must be in a hero course, huh, doll?”
His smile is so naturally disarming as he stands and offers his hand out before me.
“I don’t mind, if you’re sure you don’t. I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable and I don’t wanna be a burden. I didn’t ask you out tonight for you to have to play doctor on me again.”
He seems so sweet, so genuine. Maybe he is broken, but everyone deserves kindness. He looks like he hasn’t seen much of that. And as cliché as it is, maybe I can help him. Maybe he can help me.
I slip my hand in his, smiling as flirtatiously as I can manage as he pulls me to my feet.
“I don’t mind. I was kind of hoping I might get to play doctor on you again anyway. Maybe you could even return the favor.”
I brush my fingers against his as our hands disconnect, taking a page from his own book and watching his expression as my skin glides against his.
Or maybe we could just do this. This works too. No muss, no fuss. But oh my goodness what if what I just did was weird and he’s not even interested??
His eyebrows rise for just a moment as he chuckles and glances down, still grinning as he puts his hands in his coat pockets.
“Well, sweetheart, I don’t know much about medicine, but I do know how to give a pretty thorough physical exam.”
Something twitched deep inside my belly as my breath caught in my throat and I damn near tripped over my own two feet as we started walking.
Thankfully, his reflexes were quicker than my inate ability to fuck things up and his good arm reached out to steady my frame as he stepped in front of me.
The delicious scent of his cologne mingling with remnant cigarette smoke nearly made me dizzy as my hands connected with his chest, now completely unable to ignore the muscles just beneath his thin shirt.
“You all right there, doll?”
Long, slender fingers find their way under my chin. His thumb just barely brushing the edge of my bottom lip as he strokes it over my chin.
His eyes are practically piercing mine as he carefully lifts my face to his. Who knew being in such close proximity to someone so beautiful could be this paralyzing.
Holy fuck. Forget fixing me. He can break me and I’ll probably thank him for it.
The strong hand on the small of my back threatens to rob me of my breath all over again and I have to fight to keep any semblance of composure in his arms.
“Yeah.” I tuck a stray strand of hair behind my ear and will myself to break eye contact. “You always have girls falling for you this quickly?”
I pity laugh at my own joke, wishing my quirk was something that would allow me to disappear.
But then he’s chuckling too. It’s melodious at first, but then it morphs into a deep reverberation that sends all the right chills down my spine as I level my eyes with his again.
He looks like an enigma personified. His eyes look so gentle and warm, but his smile reads so sad. The words that leave his lips sound like both a warning and an invitation to my flushe red ears.
“Trust me, princess. You don’t wanna fall for me. I’m no good for you.”
Oh, but it’s too late for that.
126 notes · View notes
sly-merlin · 3 years
(minor friendly chapter)
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pairing : law student! Reader + yuta
Genre : angst, mafia au/arranged marriage au
Warnings : none.
Words : 5k
"life's never fair y/n. Realise it as soon as you can. It is the only secret for living a regretless life."
"curiosity got the cat hitched"
K.m masterlist
A/n : this series is totally minor friendly now. ✨
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Previous morning in Taeyong’s office
“What was that for!” taeyong questioned jaehyun, clearly annoyed by his previous hostile mannerisms towards you. Jaehyun was on the receiving end of taeyong’s infuriation immediately after you departed from his office with doyoung.
“What!?” Jaehyun tried to act oblivious to Taeyong's accusations.
“Why were you trying to scare her? Escort ring! For fucks sake Jae, I expected better from you.”
“But it wasn’t a dead loss. And even you went along in the same wagon, so don’t put everything on me alone.” Jaehyun justified himself by shrugging his shoulders lightly. “And admit it! She was giving you a hard time. That bitch was not buying anything!
Taeyong knew jaehyun was right. Your unsatisfied replies and never ending enquiries were exasperating him, but he would rather preserve his precious ego than admitting that to jaehyun.
He ruffled his well-made hair before replying to Jaehyun, who was expecting some gratitude with a smug face.
“I-- just be careful and refrain from doing and saying anything that might put a dent in my plan. It’s a chance Neo would never get again. So be patient and don’t go around opening your mouth about this to anyone.” jaehyun reluctantly nodded,not hearing what he wanted but his affirmation calmed taeyong’s nerves. He couldn’t trust jaehyun entirely but his options were limited.
All the pieces were in the right place, for now. Nothing could go south right!
But jaehyun couldn’t completely understand the rationale behind Taeyong’s design.
and nor could the figure standing outside, completely hidden from the insiders.
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The dread of the forthcoming finals substantiated the shortage of vacant seats in the kwanjeong library. You tried your best to arrive as expeditiously as possible for a person who partied, got abducted, arranged her own marriage, and again partied in grief, all in spam of about 34 hours. Finding no available seat, you decided to settle down on the floor. You gulped your cup of Americano in one go and began with the donut. As per a wise saying, Caffeine and sugar were the best combination as a breakfast for someone trying to get through their day with only 4 hours of sleep, the intellect being none other than your own self!
Yesterday was a pretty long day. Though you were worn out from the adventures with wonwoo last night, your brain wasn’t exhausted enough to shut down properly when you tried to close your eyes.The flashes of the events had shrouded you with a mixture of regrets and worries. What was the guarantee that you won’t end up dead tomorrow! What if taeyong was lying! But the fact regarding moon industries was absolutely legible. Maybe you should get a restraining order or something! But the existence of a person is necessary for that and yuta was a fucking corporate in the public eye and you were sure taeyong held some powerful position in the rich hierarchy as well, otherwise, covering the shits without revealing their true identities was not the job of some measly gang leader. There was more to taeyong than what someone could perceive just by looking. Will you be considered one of them now! After the little stunt that landed you straight into yuta’s life, you weren’t sure that he’d not strangle you in sleep. And What were you going to say to them? Chelin, yeom, guk, yeong.
and your thoughts spiralled from taeyong,yuta towards chelin and your friends and didn’t rest anytime before 4a.m. Waking up at 8 sharp , you took a shower and made your way towards the library.
And now you were here. 2 students passed your figure indicating that there were 2 vacant seats. Finally, after 15 minutes. They might have been the overnight students, you thought and walked inside before anyone else could claim the treasure. You had to find a new topic of thesis and do some research for an international paper your professor was writing, and you being his designated so-called subordinate had to help him, involuntarily of course. But in this world, the student who could refuse their professor’s demands was yet to be born! Marking the place by placing your bag, you started the search for last month’ law journals and digests. One and a half hours passed, but you couldn’t find anything on the international court of justice i.e. what your professor hadn’t already included. The urge to go out was profusely weighed down by your own sentiment of avoiding your friends. So you decided in favour of swallowing the bitter pill.
5 hours passed. The vibration of the timer in your phone prompted you to run off and get some food. It was already 2:30 and the lack of real food was making the tasks harder than they already were. Stepping outside into fresh air, instant regret of not bringing an umbrella washed over you. The sun was too bright unlike your mood and walking all the way to your favourite canteen would end up in you getting another headache. But you silently wished that every being from yesterday’s party was suffering from the same treatment of the over-the-top optimistic planet. why to suffer alone!
“Shortie” you lifted your head, spotting the combo of buy 1 get 1 free, heading your way.
“Where were you the whole day? And if you aren’t going to pick calls then please do that poor thing a favour and sell it!” yugyeom barked while running his hand through his hair.
You shrugged jungkook’s elbow from your shoulder and replied “I was busy with prof. Joong’s work. And I have to be somewhere after 4 so I was a bit-
“Joong should adopt you already man!” Jungkook interrupted, nudging your sides with his fingers.
“ but I thought he wanted to be her sugar daddy!” At that gyeom gave a serious and stern look to kook, pretending to ponder over his statement for a second and then suddenly they both started laughing, hands hitting you everywhere to support their doubling figures.
“Get away from me, idiots!” you shouted, trying to get away from them. Once they were done with showing their exaggerated emotions, you all giggled together in unison. they were wearing their fundraiser t-shirts, you noticed.
“When is the fundraiser?”
“At 5. But you won’t be there to support us cause you are busy with your daddy!” kook exclaimed while bumping your shoulder with his arm.
“I didn’t say I’m going for Joong’s work and no, he’s not my sugar daddy, doofus. I’m busy with tutoring. I missed someone’s Saturday class so—
“Okay, chill tiger. You need to breathe. It’s a boring event anyway.” gyeom said in a comforting tone, interjecting your rapid fire speech.
“I’m gonna have lunch, are you two going?” you suggested.
“Yeah, it’s our break and Yeong and Minjun have eaten already, so that leaves you!” kook pouted when gyeom mentioned his boyfriend’s name.
“Let’s go! I want my sugar” your dramatic pout made yugyeom pet your hair lovingly and the three of you started walking on a stone pathway on the way to the canteen.
“Where’s your umbrella?” jungkook asked you. He knew how much you hated walking under the sun after the drinking escapades.
“I forgot but let’s not talk about it. it’s making me grumpy.”
“Okay! but why don’t you cover your head with that scarf instead.” he said pointing towards the silky material around your neck.
“Naahh, it ruins my fashion” they gave each other a puzzled look, shrugging their shoulders for they both couldn’t gather the reason for your weird behaviour.
At lunch, you talked to them about the fundraiser and gave your own contribution for the noble cause. The conversation with them progressed too easily and for about an hour you forgot about the turmoil in your life, which was still unknown to them.
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After parting away, you went straight to your professor to show him your progress. He took note of the materials you found on recent cases and dismissed you without showing any gratitude. Not even a word of appreciation.
A ping!
Jaemin: noona, doyoung hyung is picking you up at 4 but he won’t enter the campus. Be out at 4!
You let out a frustrated groan at his text. You had only met him once, when he conferred upon you the honour of connecting your phone to his server but that was not the only favour you received! He also saved his contact number with various hearts that you obviously removed after reaching home. you could only pray to heavens that he won’t be there today as well!
You made your way to the library again, this time to work on your thesis. The time passed faster than you thought. The alarm you placed earlier vibrated, indicating it was 4 already! You hastily made your bag and ran out of the library. It took 10 minutes to reach the gates of the campus. When you passed your dorms building, the idea of ditching doyoung and going to bed sounded tempting but as usual, nothing was going your way these days. You felt like the old catch 22 was in action.
You passed through the gates and looked around the road to find doyoung's car but he was nowhere to be seen. While you were scanning the whole area, a low voice called your attention.
“What are you finding, I’m right here under your nose” a voice said through gritted teeth.
Yes, he was indeed sitting in the car right in front of you and the only one you missed apparently. You walked around the car to sit on the passenger seat, the tinted windows hiding you from the outside funfair.
“What took you so long? It's 4:15 already.”
“I don’t have a car like you so I walked myself here and it’s not like I did it purposely anyway.” You contended, the annoyance in your voice matching his own.
“Whatever, we are already late so turn around. Taeyong would be mad.”
“No I’m not turning around. First that cloth bag, then the handkerchief you tied on my eyes yesterday, its painful man. I’ll lose my eyesight this way. And I can navigate the whole city from this place, you can’t hide your dungeon from me now” you reasoned. He didn’t tie your hands yesterday but your eyes were still covered.
“Then give me your scarf. I’ll cover your eyes with your own choice of article. It’s not painful or else you won’t be wearing it right! he said mockingly, pointing towards your neck.
“Umm, this scarf is act-
“Give me that already. I have some other things to handle as well.” assessing your options, you hesitantly removed the scarf, turning around to face the window immediately. Doyoung tied it across your eyes, checking the knot twice and tapped your shoulder. As you turned around, doyoung’s doe eyes widened, if that was even possible. Your collarbone and neck, which was visible through your v neck top, was covered with pretty purplish bruises. You fidgeted with your hands, flustered, feeling his eyes on you. But he remained quiet, focusing on the task at hand.
The whole drive was quiet and though your hands were not tied, you kept them on your backpack, hesitant to start any conversation. The car stopped finally, the mixed feelings coming back. The same process followed. He guided you inside but this time you passed only one door and the walk was quite shorter as well.
As doyoung was about to remove your scarf, a hand stopped him, or that was what you understood from the movements at that time.
“Silky scarf, blindfold and hickies haan! Being kinky doyoungie. She’s your sister-in-law. Show some respect boy!” a voice remarked, the air around your face suddenly filled with chocolate and coffee. You hiccupped all of a sudden, earning a chuckle from the unknown presence.
You tried to reach for the blindfold, but your hands were caught mid-air, the said hands removing it. You blinked your eyes a few times to make out the figure’s face. He was standing, mostly bending to match your stature, face smiling to show all of his teeth.
You, surprised, took a step back but instead bumped into the one behind you.
“I’ll take over from here, doyoung.” but fortunately, he didn’t budge. Your hold on the backpack tightened, your eyes lowered to avoid his gaze. The only thing in your view were his baggy pants and white sports shoes.
But yuta could see only you and nothing else. Taeyong wasn’t the only one awaiting your arrival. Yuta was equally anticipating you. His night was just as sleepless and anxious as you. He was afterall at the other end of the rope.
He raised your head, fingertips lightly grazing your chin. His hooded eyes roamed around your face like he was expecting you to show some contempt , hatred,nervousness! He straightened up abruptly and started tying the silk around your neck. You flinched at his touch but he remained void of any reaction. His half denim jacket and white t-shirt hid you from the surroundings, his arms almost engulfing you. He repositioned himself to match your height again, arms crossing against his chest.
“Looks like someone had a fun night.” and in a second, his honey smile changed into a smirk, letting go of any trace of earlier softer expressions. And the look on his face was enough to scare the shit out of anyone.
“Stop yuta” a taller man you recognised from yesterday as Johnny, pushed yuta aside from your view. It was then you saw that everyone was there. Including the one you were yet to encounter.
Your eyes wandered from one side to the other. Johnny let you inspect.
“Doyoung, what was the need to cover her eyes?” Johnny whispered to doyoung, breaking your trance.
“Why is everyone nagging me so much” he whined in a screeching voice.
“Karma bitch” Johnny pointed his forefinger towards him before giving his attention to you.
“Hey, how are you y/n.” he asked, his cheerful voice totally in contrast with the weather of the room.
“I’m- ummm.” you cleared your throat before continuing. “I’m fine Johnny. As fine I can be.” you mumbled the last part but he surely heard you.
“You remembered my name!” he clapped, his eyes turning into crescents. You gave him a tight lipped smile in return, waiting for some instructions. As if on cue, taeyong’s loud voice graced your ears.
“Come y/n. make yourself comfortable” he indicated towards the couches that were almost already occupied. Johnny gestured to you to proceed, walking with you. You passed yuta who was still smirking and sat on the single seat available next to taeyong. You placed your backpack on the large table in the middle of the room. It looked like a normal living room for guests, just with too many couches to accommodate the gang. You felt like an uninvited because apparently everybody was watching you like a hawk. Their stares changed sight only when yuta came to take a seat on one of the couches, exactly opposite to yours. You met his eyes briefly before turning your face towards your bag again.
Who knew the rusty zips of your bag were so interesting!
“So y/n I thought you should meet everyone. You are going to be part of this family soon. Better get acquainted with all.” taeyong addressed you while he sat on his couch majestically like a king. You heard a dry laugh and if you had to guess it had to be from jaehyun or yuta.
You didn’t understand why he wanted that. You were just a risk till yesterday and now means to discipline yuta.
And why all the formalities if you were gonna leave anyway.
“I’m going to leave anyway, taeyong. So I don’t see a need to do it!
You were too consumed to notice how your sentence turned all the heads around you. Some started giving side eyes to each other. There was something they were all missing.
“I said you could leave. But not without my permission. So, you’d be stuck for now, maybe till months or years.”
You gulped at his words. Taeyong turned your only hope into a distant dream. Maybe you were too foolish to gauge the situation.
“You want something to eat or drink before we continue” he asked in a sincere voice. Shaking your head, you rubbed your eyes with the palms of your hands to stop them from moistening. There was nothing more embarrassing than to cry in front of a bunch of strangers who didn’t give a shit about you.
“No, please continue.” you emphasised again to not draw any more attention to yourself than already was. And you internally thanked Taeyong who continued as if you weren’t just gonna cry!
“You will move in with yuta on Saturday,” it was Monday. “The wedding ceremony would be held in the morning. So you have a few days to prepare, everything from your dress to every other thing you need shall be arranged. Just name it and you’ll have it!”
Wedding ceremony! That was not on the plate!
“I don’t want a cerem-
“Leave the bullshit ta-
You and yuta both cut off each other simultaneously. You glanced at his side, finding him already piercing his gaze into yours.
“There’s no need for it. The paper signing is enough. It’s not like we are in-
You knew taeyong understood what you were trying to say, so you didn’t continue. But you were already having a feeling of superiority over yuta for being the first to offer your opinion. It felt like a payback for flustering you earlier. You refrained from facing him again, your body turned towards taeyong only, but you felt satisfied with the thought of him being riled up.
“Oh, but I want a ceremony taeyong and mark is going to be the best man. He’s so excited. You can’t do that to him!” yuta emphasised through the variation in his voice. You knew he changed his argument purposely , but you maintain your cool, opting to ignore him . bear and forbear.
Taeyong raised his eyebrow at you but you shook your head again.
“I don’t think it’d be a good idea. It’s not a normal one anyway so why pretend!” you held your ground.
���You aren’t getting married to a mannequin.” yuta retracted. “I’m getting married as well and don’t anyone dare say that I made a mistake and blah blah. At last I’ll be hitching so I want a ceremony and Japanese at that!”
Oh yeah, he was Japanese. You have missed that as well.
All the other men in the room, 9 to be exact, were nodding at everything that was being said. They were unable to decide whose argument was worth taking side for. Finally Johnny spoke-
“I think y/n is right” looking at nowhere in particular, he continued. “What’s with pomp and show when it’s nothing more than an agreement”
“But if yuta hyung wants it, then why not. They are going to live together, he should have his say as well.” It was Mark who took yuta’s side. He didn’t know why but watching yuta losing ground urged him to support his brother.
You looked briefly at the boy who just argued with Johnny.
“He’s mark y/n.” taeyong said the answer you were looking for. “And he’s Jungwoo, jeno, doyoung, you have already met him, then jaehyun, johnny, renjunie, hendery. Others are busy so you’ll meet them some other day probably.”
A few waved towards you, including Mark, who shyly withdrew his hand quickly. They all probably hated you as there was no other reaction towards a person who almost put your life in danger!
“Can we get to a middle ground now? I’m already getting tired of this” jaehyun grumbled, leaning into the couch.
“Ok so, he wants a celebration of a lie! What about me then? You are all here but I have no one. I’m alone and probably will be. Because taeyong, you haven’t told me how am I going to reveal this to my friends? I may not have a family, but still there are people close to me. They are my best friends, roommate, and many others who need to know! How am I going to explain to them that their friend who didn’t even have a boyfriend, is getting married suddenly? I don’t even have parents to cover it with an arranged marriage. How to convince them? Give me a way and I’ll agree” you pointed out the very important detail that they were missing. But they needed to know that there was other side of the paper as well and your reasons were not just a cry in the wilderness.
Nobody made a sound. Everything went quite like a dark night until-
“I hope this is not the calm before a storm!” you looked over to see the person who broke the silence. It was another young man coming with a food trolley, probably from the kitchen.
“I thought we have a guest so I prepared some coffee and donuts. I hope you like sweets y/n” the man was smiling ear to ear, seeming too happy with your visit.
“I’m kun.” he introduced himself and you shook his hand. He seemed too polite for a criminal. “Have this and tell me how it is” he forcibly handed you a dessert plate with a chocolate glazed donut. You took it out of politeness but felt a bit weird to be the only one eating it. You watched him with quizzical eyes as he took one for himself and sat on the arm of your couch. Everyone was now staring at your movements.
“Eat it, eat it. These are for you and me only.” he cajoled.
You decided to take a bite and then place it back just to stop the awkwardness.
As you bit it from one side, your brain short circuited. “Holy shit, bro. What is this sorcery.” your genuine and innocent reaction made Kun laugh loudly, some of the others joined in as well.
“Thank god, you like it! I’m so glad you aren’t one of weight conscious ones, otherwise it’d have been weird.” he started munching on his own piece.
“I’m a sugar bear. I can’t live without sugar. I just had a donut in the morning but it was bleh compared to this. You are a master chef bro.” and for a minute you forgot the previous tense environment. Everyone was glad that Kun came to save the situation and except to you, it was known that obviously he heard everything from the kitchen.
“You ate one in the morning! Then it’s the last one you’re getting. Everyone help yourself. She’s not having any more!” as if they were waiting, everyone except mark and yuta picked them up.
“Mark” Kun motioned towards the tray and he grabbed one as well.
“What if I was allergic to chocolate, kun” you asked him while finishing your treat.
“Oh please! Even ten eats it.” he laughed to himself at his reference, which went over your head.
“Now coming to the point.” Everyone looked at taeyong who was already done with eating. “Y/n doesn’t want anything special so it’ll happen like that. No!yuta, lemma speak. And you y/n, it’s upon you to make your friends believe. Make up a story or do whatever you want. You don’t want to tell them about the wedding. Fine with me but do let them know at least that you have a boyfriend that you are moving in with! It’s on you both to make this arrangement believable.
“okay , sho now I shuggenly hab a voyfiend” you started speaking without even finishing the bite in your mouth. you continued once you chewed it.
“won't they be suspicious. They know exactly what I do and what I don’t. It’s almost impossible to put a façade in front of them.”
“Oh please, don’t tell me they even know from where you got those hickies” jaehyun’s curt statement was a hit below the belt. Kun was about to scold him when you elaborated his statement further to prove that he was doing nothing but burning his own fingers.
“Yes, actually they happen to know. When, where and from whom I got these. Anything else you want to ask?.” he rolled his eyes on your reply, busing himself with the delicacy instead.
“They don’t know yuta. So if you want you can introduce him to your people. He won’t be posing any problem, take my word for it.”
“I’ll go with you if you also accompany me,that I guess would be a problem for you. You don’t want to be seen with a criminal, or do you!” yuta jabbered. He was trying to push your buttons to measure your limit. But little did he know that you were far from being that easy.
“I just said I don’t want a wedding. I’ll agree to anything that is reasonable and is not degrading to me.”
“Ok then, nobody would force you to do what you don’t want.” Taeyong decided to take matters into his own hands now. “And we’ll organise a small, very intimate gathering at taeil’s office to celebrate as yuta wants. And you’ll be introduced as Mrs. Nakamoto to our corporate world.” taeyong finished gauging both of your reactions. The surname was foreign and cringing to you. But it was going to be yours, so there was nothing you could do, for now.
“What do you mean ‘our’ corporate world.” you got puzzled at his choice of words.
“You’ll find out soon and it's nothing scary, don’t worry.” Kun responded on behalf of taeyong this time, handing you your cup of coffee. “Tell me if it’s cold, I’ll-
“No it’s totally fine.” you assured him, without even taking a sip. He was being nice enough already.
“If my opinion has no value, then what am I even doing here!” yuta shouted, getting up from the seat.
Before Kun could say anything, he stormed off. Mark tried to follow but taeyong stopped him from doing that.
“Don’t mind him. He’s a hot head.” Johnny laughed in between his bites.
You only nodded, sipping your coffee. You were glad he was gone. Sugar has always done wonders for you and it was having the same effects now as well. You were able to think more rationally now.
“One more thing” you furrowed your brows at taeyong. What was left now! “Do you want any specifications in the house? It’s my responsibility. A wedding gift you can say. If you need anything like extra closet, a more spacious kitchen-
“Kitchen?” you let out a brief chuckle at that. Everyone’s eyes were on you now. “It’ll be totally fine if I don’t even get a kitchen. I can’t cook anything besides ramyeon and salads. So I won’t even need that.”
“You are a student. Don’t you know anything basic.” It was Jungwoo who spoke in the sweeter voice than Kun's.
“No. I grew up in an orphanage and they provided us everything. I left when I started law. So all in all, I never had anyone to teach me. That’s why if you want to know best food trucks and restaurants in the city, I’m your best option.but, if that yuta knows how to cook, ask him about the kitchen.” you spoke nonchalantly .But you didn’t realise how uncomfortable the air had become. a heavy silence took over the light atmosphere.
“I’m sorry noona” Jungwoo apologised sheepishly.
“It’s fine. After all there are some things that your hacker can’t find out. only I can tell you those.” saying that, you faced taeyong again. “But if you insist, I can always use a study room.” you tried to enlighten the mood again.,ppp
“Ok. I’ll find something suitable for you both.” you hummed, not knowing what to say anymore.
“Can I go back now?”
“Yes, doyoung will drop you.”
“No, I’ll go with her.” Johnny said, grabbing your attention. He didn’t look sulky like doyoung so, it’d be fine, you guess.
They said you goodbyes. Mark seemed hesitant to even look at you, but you couldn’t care less. He was just a stranger after all.
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Yuta couldn’t realise why everyone was trying to be so nice to you. Till yesterday, he was allowed to put a gun on her head but now every being was against him. He didn’t know why he was so furious at Taeyong, to force him to marry you or for dragging Mark into this mess. Taeyong knew how to play dirty, but yuta never thought he’d use his own brother. There was no option for him as well, as taeyong has said. He showed interest in a fucking celebration to contradict you, but you were not backing down and that felt like a punch to his gut.
He drove towards his stress reliever. The infamous Japanese club, the only place where he could drown his sorrows.
The club was packed despite it being Monday. That was one thing he liked about it, you’ll never be disappointed in this place.
“ゆた!” The hostess chimed seeing yuta. “久しぶり” [ long time, no see!]
He signed her to give him 2 shots. She did as told but her gaze was following yuta’s, which rested on her cleavage. He came here only for 2 things after all.
He gulped the drink in a second without blinking an eye.
“バックルーム” [ back room]
She wasn’t someone to be told twice. She handed her hand towel to her co-worker and followed the path. Who was she to reject him after all?
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He drove back silently again. The relief he felt was all dissipated now. Instead his mind was already wandering towards you. Your headstrong attitude was troubling him. his plans were all down and out. He hated you , from the moment he laid his eyes on you. You acted like you were invincible but he knew it was just a mask to protect yourself.
He had noticed how you rubbed your eyes to hide your disappointment for you didn’t want to appear weak. All he had to do now was to find a vulnerable part of you, to hit you where it’d hurt the most. It’d be last time he lost to you.
Afterall, beginning is always easy, it is continuing that’s hard!
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kominum · 4 years
rewatching old sailor moon and thought of like... disgruntled tuxedo mask!corpse but with unrequited love because i’m a glutton for angst
wc: ~2.2k 
warnings: death of a minor character, implicit knowledge of sailor moon lore, modern twist, unedited
please send in ideas you might have that i could write short blurbs for! this was honestly fun to write. 
It’s a scratch he can’t itch. It’s what has him waking up in cold sweats, confused and moderately annoyed that his hard-earned sleep has been so rudely interrupted. He hates the cape, he hates the itchy suit, he abhors the top hat – and the only things he doesn’t really hate are his baton and endless supply of darkened roses.
The first time he transformed, he was half-asleep and struggling to understand why he was speeding down the highway and parking two blocks away from some random back alley. His pain was relatively dulled, which was surprising, and his body suddenly possessed a world of fighting skills that felt foreign yet familiar. All he could recognize was a slightly disheveled woman cursing and just trying her best against some odd form of demon spawn, and before he knew it, he’d thrown down a dark purple rose and engaged in combat. Once said woman found an opening, she took off her headband/tiara, performed a throw that would put professional frisbee players to shame, and the monster disintegrated into dust.
“Jesus Christ,” he panted, body hunched over and hands on his knees. “What the fuck was that?”
“More like who the fuck are you?”
“Fuck if I know,” he muttered and dusted himself off.  
“What’s with your get-up anyways?” She failed to hide her snickering. “You’re 3 decades behind.”
“Do I look like I want to fight in a suit? Plus, you’re fighting in some rendition of a schoolgirl uniform.” Her black thigh-high boots were killer, but he wasn’t about to give her the satisfaction.
“You should’ve seen what it was before, but I was able to make some changes. Good heads-up for you and—”
“Sailor Moon, are you okay?!”
Oh. So she’s got a talking cat, too. What in fresh hell was going on? Did he take something? But also—“Your name is Sailor Moon?”
“We’re working on the name change,” she grumbled, bending down to let said feline jump up her arm and settle on her shoulder. “Anyways, uh…thanks. I was kind of in a bind, but I’m usually not I swear. Good timing, I guess?”
“If that’s what you wanna call it.” But she was already in the wind, hopping from roof to roof with no inhibitions, and left him completely dumbfounded.
His silly attire dissolved back into his previous clothing as he ambled back towards his car, thought not exactly at his own will. But he shrugged, slid into the car seat, and dialed the only person he could think of who would readily pick up at this ungodly hour of…2:37AM. That was just the start, and he can’t tell if things went downhill from there.
He should backtrack.
He met you almost two years ago at a hospital.
You had been waiting anxiously for your boyfriend to come out of surgery after being in a bad car accident, biting your nails, occasionally pacing back and forth, smoothing your hands worriedly against your jeans, and gnawing your bottom lip to death. It was midday, sometime after lunch, and he’d come in for some routine checkup he can’t remember what for now, and sat a few seats away from you in the tiny hospital coffee shop. He’s no therapist or expert, but he highly doubted that any caffeine would alleviate your anxiety. Yet you sat there with two to-go cups and a granola bar wrapper, and something told him to stick around for now.
He’s never been one for a lot of small talk, but you looked to be about his age and no one else was with you. Tragedy tasted most bitter when alone, and some force of the universe told him to at least say something, anything. So he stuffed his hands into his hoodie and shuffled awkwardly to your table, tentatively asking a, “Hey, uh…is everything okay?”
You’d looked up at him with wild eyes on the verge of tears, heart battering against your chest, and the only intelligible thing that left your mouth was a “Huh?”
And he’d casted a gentle grin, eyes laced with a mixture of pity and concern, and asked again his first question. “My boyfriend’s in surgery. He got in a bad accident. There’s um…roughly two hours left, I think.”
“And you thought coffee would make it better?” He jutted his chin towards your large cups.
“Hot chocolate,” you chuckled. “I’m not keen on torturing myself like that, not now at least.”
“Well, I’ve got an appointment soon but I should be done before his surgery’s over…want me to come check up on you?”
Dumbfounded was the best way to describe your expression, and he was so close to retracting his offer before you gave him one of the most thankful smiles he’d seen in many years. “I’d really appreciate that.”
He nodded. “Sounds good then. Give me a sec.”
At the counter, he paid for another cup of hot chocolate and added in a chocolate chip cookie for good measure before bringing it back to you. “I hear chocolate helps.”
“Thank you, again. Go, don’t want to make you late.”
But an hour and a half later in the waiting area outside surgery, the doctor came out with a solemn expression, and you all but collapsed into the plastic chairs, tears leaking like waterfalls from your eyes. Part of him wanted to bail and go because there wasn’t much he could do, but it wouldn’t be right to leave you to drive home now. He wanted to make sure that you were calmed down, all cried out, and breathing properly so you could at least operate a vehicle safely.
The same unknown force had him offering you his number in case you needed anyone to talk to, yet the conversation sat empty for weeks until curiosity and guilt ate at him. He tapped out a message, deleting it, then another one, more deleting, before he settled on a plain, “It’s the guy from the hospital. I know it’s been a while but…how are you?”
Your reply was almost instantaneous, to which he worried if he’d accidentally woken you up at 4:13AM. First, it’s a casual, “hey, thanks for checking up on me! I’m doing okay,” but he knew better. And the other shoe dropped in the form of a simple, “I miss him.”
It’s a quiet, heartwarming friendship. You know nothing specific about him – he’s incredibly vague on any identifying information. Hell, you’d be willing to bet that the name at the hospital was a fake one. Nevertheless, he’s one of your closest friends. You know he mainly works online, has a lot of trouble sleeping, is chronically ill and has a number of medical conditions, his general disposition and feelings on things, but overall, just wonderfully easy to talk to.
Yet something just feels wrong about falling in love with him. It’s a horrid combination of guilt and disbelief. Are you rebounding? Are you subconsciously searching for your dead ex-boyfriend? Are you so desperate for romantic connections that you’ve twisted yourself into believing you love a man that you’ve seen fewer times than the number of fingers you have?
You come to peace with it when his custom ringtone chimes softly on your nightstand in the middle of the night. Rain or shine, stars or none, there’s nothing you wouldn’t do for him. Nothing has ever woken you up so quickly, not even alarms on interview days. “Hello?”
“Sorry, did I wake you up?”
“Kind of, but it’s fine. What’s up? Wait,” you interrupt yourself and listen carefully to your speaker. “Are you…driving?”
“Should I ask from or to where?”
“I…honestly don’t know. Something felt off, felt like I had to get out of my place and just fucking do something. So uh, I drove somewhere and just started driving back home.”
You curl up under your sheets on your side and plug your earbuds into the phone. “Well, did it get rid of whatever you were feeling?”
“I think so? Honestly couldn’t fucking tell you. Still really bizarre to me.”
“I’ll take your word for it,” you murmur. “Well, feel free to call me whenever you feel like that again.”
“I don’t wanna fuck up your sleep schedule though. Feel like it’ll happen more often than I’d like.”
“How about this – if I don’t pick up, it’ll just be my nice way of saying ‘fuck off, too busy sleeping right now’?”
A soft, deep chuckle warms your chest and cheeks. “Sounds good. So how’ve you been?”
“Well, you know…”
It’s the same night that you think you might have a chance at love again. You fall asleep with his voice weaving stories and tales in your ears and wake up to a message that says, “Wow, didn’t know I was so fucking boring that it made you snore so loud.” The hope that creeps through your veins is dangerous and thrums urgently whenever you get a call or message from him.
And as bright as a star, it all comes crashing down in a firey blaze.
You crash into a girl as mysterious and serenely beautiful as the moon with a talking black cat one afternoon. She exudes a gorgeous amount of confidence in her stance as she protects you from a creature that looks like it’s out of a horror video game, and you can only stare in awe. The cat from before yells instructions at you, throwing what looks like a pen with a red cap on it and you blindly follow them. Your subsequent red heels feel incredibly comfortable and you can’t remember the last time you wore a skirt – but there’s no time to ponder as you push the girl you were admiring out of harm’s way and somehow manage to direct fire at them from your fingertips.
The monster burns and screams in agony before getting hit with what looks like a glowing frisbee. Your savior wipes the dust off her outfit before extending a hand out to you, “Welcome to the club, Sailor Mars.”
Say what now?
“There’s gotta be a better name than that,” is the first thing you say as you get pulled up. She throws her head back and lets out a charmingly obnoxious laugh. “We’ll work on changing it. I can tell we’re gonna be good friends.”
“Her name ended up being a rip-off of my name,” the cat quips and receives a scowl from the supposed plagiarizer. “I’m Luna, and this is Sailor Moon, or Lunaria she says.”
“You gotta admit, that’s cutting it a little close,” you agree and Lunaria flips the bird. “How the fuck am I going to change Sailor Mars? Also, can I do anything about this outfit?”
“We can go shopping tomorrow for sure. Luna and I can fill you on everything and – oh, before I forget, there’s a guy—”
“So it looks like you don’t need my help?”
You freeze in your steps, startled by the familiar baritone approaching you two. He was involved in all this?
“I told you, I don’t need your help—”
“Is she new?”
“Yeah, which means, we really don’t need your help. She’s got actual fire power. Literal fire.”
“That’s pretty fucking cool,” he accepts. “Good to meet you.”
You spot a set of veiny fingers that appears in your peripheral and you tentatively turn in his direction, hoping that your hair will obstruct your face as much as possible. “Same,” your throat manages to squeak out as his warm hand engulfs yours in a firm handshake.
“Get out of here, Corpse,” Lunaria chides and lets go of you to push a finger to his chest.
“I’m only here because you fucking needed saving. Now you’ve got another person dragged in.”
“I told you, I’m not some fucking damsel in distress,” she hisses. The mirth in his visible eye only causes the infuriation to grow and swirl more vigorously in her gut.
You watch the exchange from the sidelines as Corpse’s teasing only increases and provokes Lunaria further, disheartened that you’ve never heard him laugh so much in one exchange before. Dread from deep within your veins begins to freeze around your heart, something so set and undeniable that causes your brain to realize that falling in love with him was a mistake. It was the kind of mistake that would strike you with pain for years and the intense foreshadowing has you spinning on your heel and bounding through an alleyway. Your outfit shifts back to what you’d been wearing before, the characteristic weight of your phone in your back pocket seeming heavier than ever.
You call him that night, holding in a deep breath when the dial tone breaks midway. A rustle, a breath, and then, “Hey what’s up?”
Oh god, you scream to yourself as your heart shatters at the bottom of your chest. His voice, again, cannot be misconstrued as anyone else’s – the inflection, the tone, the volume, everything belonged to him.
And the universe told you then and there that he, undoubtedly, belonged to her.
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bakugous-bbygirl · 4 years
~ I wish I was Heather~
Bakugou x Reader
Welcome back my pretty sinners. Lets get sad. Obviously inspired by Conan Gray “Heather” I want to try and get better at writing sad things so here’s my second attempt! It isn’t all about the song just small mentions of it! I don’t hate Uraraka at all don’t think that please! It’s just the only ship I know that would fit! I also avoided using gender since Conan is a boy singing about how he wishes a guy loved him like he loved that woman so it made more sense to do it this way! Please enjoy!
Warning: swearing, slight name calling, vague death threats, sad times.
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You couldn’t believe how much of an asshole Bakugou really was towards you. It got worse after you tried to get closer to him.
After the attack on the USJ your hero costume had ripped slightly. Bakugou has given you his jacket to help you cover up. With some half comment about how you look nice in it.
That gave you hope.
False hope.
You figured he cared at least a little. Since he gave you the jacket with the comment. And your crush on the boy had grown since that day. You just wanted to get closer and be someone to him. But instead he ran.
Your blood runs cold as he ran from you.
Saying he’d rather die than be in a relationship with such a weakling. Someone who doesn’t hold a candle to how strong he is. You could feel his anger boil at you.
It was clear the thought of you touching him made his stomach turn.
After that day he completely avoids you. And spends so much more time with her. Her.
Ochako Uraraka.
He would talk to her more. Tell her to stop spending time with deku. And that he was a real hero that she needed to be with.
And her stupid round face would just light up as she laughed and touched on him. It pissed you off so badly you wanted to hurt the girl. On purpose.
If she invited you out somewhere. You told her to piss off.
She asked for you notes? Told her to go choke.
Paired up During hero training? You’d do your best. By yourself.
You had even developed a nickname for her. Since she got the royal treatment from the man you loved you started calling her princess. That’s how she damn acts. That damn humble poor girl act got old as shit as Bakugou started bringing her lunches and snacks throughout the day. You wanted to be her so badly.
You wished every damn day she choked on anything inside of that bag.
You damn refused to let her flirt with someone who you ached for. You wanted him, not her. She was damn scared of him up until he started acting like an ass. That lasted until you were Third years. Almost ready to become real heros in the world. All that stood in your way was a group project put four of you in the worst situation.
Bakugou, you, Uraraka, and Midorya.
Midorya seemed tense the whole time because his small crush on the girl was stomped on almost every two minutes by Bakugou. “Deku shut up you damn nerd. I want to hear what round face has to say.” He’d give her his full attention. But when you opened your mouth to breathe out that you had disagreed with an idea she came up with Bakugou stared you down as if you had shot his father. “The Fuck. Did you say?”
You turned your head away snapping your pencil as Midorya tried to take up for you. “It’s fine, ignore the weakling. let’s just do what the princess wants.” You shrugged harshly and jumped up as the bell rung allowing you to leave for the day.
You ignored their constant calls and pleas for you to come back so they could talk to you but you could give a fuck less. You always. Always treated her badly. Yet she still wants to be your damn friend. You despised how much you wanted to be her it made your stomach turn. That’s probably why she’s all over the blonde. She likes the attention. Good or bad. She loved it. You stomped off school grounds to go get something to eat. You walked into a gas station not far from the school when you noticed your phone buzzing.
You assumed it was denki or Mina complaing about the group they were put in but instead it was an unknown number.
Unknown: “get your ass back to the dorms. We have work.”
You: “the hell? Who is this?”
Unknown: “Bakugou. Get here now damnit.”
Like hell. You took all the time you needed to get your chips and ice cream treat as you walk back to the dorms. Taking the long way. The long. Long way. You had plenty of time to finish your ice cream and chips. Finally deciding you avoided the group project long enough you walked inside of the dorms. The sun had already begun its decent as you had closed the doors and took off your outside shoes.
“What the fuck! I told you to be here almost two hours ago!” You felt a grip on your shirt yanking your attention from placing your shoes down. “Since when do I answer to you?” You kept a calm face as he tugged you closer feeling the anger as this is the most he’s talked to you in years. You wanted this. angry or happy you needed him this close. “Bakugou come on put her down. I’m sure she was busy..”
God damnit. Mind your own business Uraraka. She always ruins everything. Please fucking die.
“No. I wasn’t. I decided to walk slow.” You yanked your shirt back from Bakugou and walked to the elevator calmly as if you weren’t ready to cut off the little princess’s head.
You could feel him following you. Growling and mumbling whatever to himself. You payed him no mind as you pressed your floor button once both of you were on the elevator. Humming softly as if the boy didn’t exist.
Once off the elevator you had walked to your room, unlocked your door, and walked in. However as you went to close the door you watched Bakugou slam his hand in the way and growl at you. “What the hell is your problem Y/N?”
You gave a yawn as you rubbed your face. “Well I was gonna change but I guess that’ll be all my problems for the moment.” His face was turning red from anger as he started to get loud. Like always. You adored his loud voice “What the fuck?! Why the hell did you run off and leave all the work on us?!” Your calm demeanor had tightened as you glare up at him. “My ideas didn’t matter. So I’ll handle the presenting part. That way you won’t have to spit my way since you hate looking at me so much.” You yanked his hand off your door going to slam it again until a small controlled blast had interrupted you.
Bakugou has gotten so good at controlling his quirk. Since the start of his years he’s always been so far above you. That’s why he looked down on you in such a way. You were under him. You were weaker. Dumber. He was perfect. And Uraraka was perfect for him. You weren’t. You wanted to be. You begged every night he would stare at you as he did her. But it never happened. Instead his stamina had grown, muscles had defined themselves, face and eyes had sharped. He looked like a god. He was a god. A god you still loved.
But you forced yourself to swallow that feeling deep inside of you, he had already crushed your heart so badly it left a real hole in your chest, one that aches every time he glared your way. Tonight was no different.
“Don’t. You. Dare. Slam this door.” You glared up Bakugou. You wanted to cry because of how hard he was staring at you. You felt like a puppy who just got caught peeing on the carpet and your owner was scolding you. “Why shouldn’t I. Don’t you want to go crawl up under Uraraka and spend the night talking to her about the project. I’ll be no help to either of you. Like I said I’ll do the presenting part.” You spit at him with so much hate. You hated everything you said. But you wanted to be away from him so quickly you were desperate. What you really wanted was him crawling up to you. Holding you. Saying you looked so prefect in his jacket and no one else did. You wanted him to kiss you like you were the only person in the world
“What the hell do you mean dumbass. She’s not my damn girlfriend I don’t want to crawl up under her. Who the fuck do you think your talking to?” Another small explostion left his fist as you let him continue. “After your damn little outburst those two nerds spent almost all of our time worrying about you. And asking why you threw such a fit. Damn round face saying she never understood why you hated her so much and treated others so nicely. Why none of your insults were aimed to me. I had to explain your pathetic attempt at a confession and how I shut you down.” You felt your face turn red with embarrassment as your eyes started to water. You dropped your head to stare at your shoes, gripping your school shirt weakly. Yes it had been so long since that happened but it still hurt to hear. No It didn’t just hurt. It ripped you apart over and over again.
“Apparently though. I was wrong to say any of that to you.”
Your head jumped up at those words. Your chest stung with confusion. What did he mean? Why did he say this now.
“Apparently it was ‘too harsh’ and ‘cruel to say to such a young person.’” his face twisted a bit while rubbing his arms. Almost like he didn’t understand what he was saying. “Look alright I get it. We were both younger. And one of us was wrong. We were too young to know what the other was talking about.” Your chest was almost in your throat. Was he saying he liked you back? Was he telling you to crush this childish grudge you were holding? What was going through his head at this moment. Why does he looked so pained? “I hate admiting I was wrong, but you aren’t the weak one.”
Bakugou couldn’t even bring his head up to face you. His eyes were watering, he looked heart broken..why was he the one who’s hurt? You were the one who suffered for years! You were the one watching them get close and feeling the rip in your heart begging stabbed over and over and over again! Why does he get the right to cry!
“I did, I tried to move on, I thought damn round face was the one..she was stronger..always trying her hardest..but..she didn’t hold anything against you..when you hated her..” thinking back on it. You never turned to her for help. Even when the situation looked like shit you found your own way out. Even at the expense of your body, it only made you stronger in the long run. You had gained more muscle, and begun to think faster and make better choices in dangerous situations. You had grown so much. You barely noticed. All you could ever think about was being her. Being like her to see if the blonde would begin to love you if you just tried hard enough. “You’ve worked so hard..harder than anyone..just to outdo her..be better..I don’t know if it was for me..or..because of me..b-but..I’m..im so sorry..I..I hurt you..tried to weaken you..so no one would stand in my way to try and reach the top..all I did was cripple myself..while you..you passed me..”
What the hell does he mean..he’s still so strong to you..you went to reach out for him..you wanted to touch him..but one part was still so angry at him..he put you through hell..and here he stands..trying to tell you something..anything..he was the one reaching here. “She turned me down..said she loved someone else..said it wasn’t personal. She still loved me as a friend. But she refused to watch me tear you down more..” she..she did what? “Huh..b-but..” he waved his hand to stop you. “Just listen up. I hate repeating myself. I thought I was always right. Thought if I grabbed onto my dreams hard enough I could bend the world to fit my dreams. But instead it slipped from my fingers, and forced me down. Back down to earth. Back to you.”
“I love you.”
A small gasp left your lips as you let all your tears fall. This is all you’ve wanted to hear for years. So why does it hurt so much to hear it. Why does it still sting. Was it because you’ve been demoted to second choice? Was it because your still angry? What’s happening?
Can you forgive him like you’ve always wanted..?
Allllright kids I hope we enjoyed! Thank you all again for 100 followers! It means a lot to me and I really never expected anything I wrote to get any attention at all! I really love you all!
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soundofseventeen · 4 years
We Belong Together (Part One)
Happy New Year my loves! Thank you for your patience while waiting for us to come back. I thought I’d give you this while we wait, since I’ve been working on this for like ever! It was originally supposed to be a one fic deal, but erin suggested breaking it down into a series so here we go!  I’m not sure how long this is gonna be so be patient with me.
word count:1355
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Even without the alarm blaring from your cell phone, you would’ve woken up. Well, it’s not like you slept the night before. You didn’t feel at all rested. The hope of waking up to a text message or voicemail from an unknown number tugged at your conscience and you felt guilty when you didn’t have any new notifications and rolled into your other side to wake the boy sleeping beside you. Despite waking up in this very bed numerous times, it always felt unfamiliar. You couldn’t ever get used to it, no matter how hard you tried.
Upon waking up, the face smiled at you happily, as if all his dreams were about to come true. And for him, it might. For you, it just meant losing your freedom and all your happiness. At least you made it this far with faking it and no one suspected it. Well you hoped not. It would’ve made everything awkward and more difficult. 
“Good morning,” he greeted you cheerfully, squirming eagerly closer to you to kiss the tip of your nose. “Did you sleep okay?”
“No.” There was no use lying to him. “The nerves didn’t let me sleep last night.”
“I know the feeling.
”Did he though? Did he know about the turmoil in your head? “We should probably start getting ready to get to the venue. Are you hungry?”
“We can stop somewhere. I don’t want you to worry over something small like food.” 
You offered a half smile at the thought, unsure what to tell him. “Do you have everything ready?” 
“It’s all in the living room. The guys won't be there until a little after nine, maybe. But we still have time. How soon do you wanna move out of your house?”
Preferably, not at all, but that wasn’t the answer he -obviously- wasn’t looking for. “Until we’re sure we can fit everything here.” Out of respect for the previous owners, your former bosses, it didn’t feel right to move everything from there into a stranger’s house, so you didn’t tell him that you were planning to keep everything where it was. There was no way he’d be moving into your house, err home and he wasn’t stepping foot in there to move anything. 
“We’re gonna have all the time in the world after today...at least until we start touring again.” Your groom to be rolled off the bed and stretched, and peeked out of the curtains as if expecting the sun to rise and rushing to get the day started, which just made you wanna hide under the blanket. He then walked to the bathroom to brush his teeth and most likely start taking his suit downstairs.
The only comfort you had while composing your thoughts were the two cats who jumped onto the bed and feeling around where to curl around and when one settled at your feet, you were glued in place. Still you sat up, and scratched his ears. Your happiness had been knowing his pets loved you almost as much you loved them and might’ve been one of the few things keeping your relationship alive. “We’re in for a busy day babies, but we’ll try to finish fast so we can come back faster.” You still weren’t sure why you felt guilty not telling them about the honeymoon in Japan, but they were babies and they didn’t need to know of the affairs that would happen.
You briefly pictured Wonwoo by the doorway, calling the cats to cover their ears (and most likely recruiting Junhui in the process to cover the other one’s) and scolding you about how tainting their ears wasn’t necessary and his offended best friend would take them both downstairs, offended at the thought, and you smiled sadly. You really hoped they’d make it, even if you didn’t deserve it.You eventually stood up to, but not before checking your phone again to see if you had somehow gone back in time and the full moon was still high up in the sky, as unreachable as it was beautiful. (you hated how you couldn’t be that free.) 
Instead you saw it was maybe an hour before the sunrise, and you two planned to beat the clock and arriving at the venue before your scheduled time. You even hoped to still see a sign that told you not to go through with today. You sighed heavily, hoping it’d be painless or at the very least, as painless as possible.
The white dress felt tight against your body, making it feel like everyone in the outside world could see you. Though the garment fit perfectly since the last alteration, now it felt all wrong, but you instantly shook the thought away. This was how it was meant to be. Everyone had been waiting for this day since you announced it. You weren’t going back now; you couldn’t. Could you even walk away anymore? You were, after all, notorious for it.
You quickly slipped off the garmet, your breathing becoming a little easier now that you didn’t have it on but you made no effort to pick it up and return it to its rightful place. You didn’t wanna think about the accessories on the vanity set, the thought of the flashy pearl necklace choking you and the earrings weighing you down. You admitted you may have gone overboard in choosing the most expensive things at the shop but he had said price didn’t matter; as long as you were happy with your choices. 
If you were being honest in this confined room faraway from his pets and the place you got used to seeing but still not finding comfort in it, you weren’t happy with anything. You didn’t want to be in this dressing room, getting ready for your wedding to a man you didn’t even love. You didn’t want to be here at all. You wanted to be curled up on the couch of Universe Factory listening to the different voices either lulling you to sleep, or waking you up because the vocal unit bet that they sounded more like elephants than the performance unit. Or having coffee with the hiphop unit while they argued where the best spot was until they realised that they wanted to go to the one closest to them so they didn’t have to exert so much energy. You wanted the comforts of Seventeen in general, not this.
The wedding was still hours away, but you and the groom arrived early to make sure everything was intact and ready to go. You knew that your bridesmaids were just waking up and showering so they could get ready here, so you still had time to make sure the flowers were in place and everything arrived safely.
The knock from the other side of the door startled you and you hurriedly swept the dress up and the hanger. The beating of your heart picked up pace at the fact that you were getting closer to the hour and that meant facing everyone. The nerves were coming in too fast for you to control and you wanted to stop everything. You took a deep breath, managing to compose yourself a little, and instead of seeing the hair and makeup stylists, you saw your groom, looking as casual as if he were about to go onstage. 
“Everything is set,” he said, taking your hands in his and placing a kiss on them. “Are you ready to do this?”
You weren’t sure how you managed to nod at him and force a smile on your face to reassure him. “Yes.” The lie nearly had you stepping away from him and bolting from the vicinity.
“I love you.” He brought you close to him to hug you with every emotion he had building up and hoped some of it seeped into you.
You somehow managed to not run away from his proclamation, but you deeply wished you could return even a fraction of his sentiments and even more you willed your words to be true, because you did; just not the way he thought. “I love you too….Jooheon.”
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jazziwritesthings · 4 years
We Were - Derek Hale
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Inspired by We Were by Keith Urban
Lyrics in Bold
Pairing: Derek Hale x Reader
Word Count: 2082
Warnings: Cancer, Death, maybe swears
A/N: I’m Sorry.
We were just a couple years short of the age By my name on a fake ID And still 'bout a hundred away from the day Your daddy said you could run with me We were a couple of line steppers Who just couldn't wait to step over the line
Derek met you when you were both 17. You tried so hard to try to get him to trust you. He wasn’t about to let himself get invested in someone again. Not after Paige. It had only been a few years and Derek was still broken about it, but that was something that would never leave him. He knew he couldn’t make that mistake again. No, he wouldn’t, or so he thought. After almost a year you had worn him down and got him to open up a bit. He liked being around you. You made him feel like a normal teenager. Then the fire happened. You got a call from an unknown number, it was Derek at the sheriff station. He asked if you could pick him up. You borrowed your dad’s car and definitely went over the speed limit trying to reach him as fast as possible. You ran into the sheriff's station and saw him just sitting on a bench. You walked over and stood in front of him. Without warning he wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his head into your stomach. You could feel his shaking and eventually you heard his sobs. You just stood there playing with his hair telling him you loved him, all while trying to keep the sound of your sobbing controlled.
We were gonna make it, weren't we, baby? Had it all laid out in our mind By the time we knew time was runnin' out We done run out of time
He had to leave Beacon Hills. He had no choice, he was a minor and now Laura was his guardian, and she couldn’t stay here. You understood why but you didn’t want to be separated from your best friend. The day they left was one of the toughest days of your life. You and Derek had spent the night in your room. Your dad wasn’t around much since your mom passed, so it was always just you and him. That night was the night when you both admitted you loved each other, more than just friends. That was the night you gave him everything and he gave everything to you. The next morning was rough. The car was already packed and Laura was just waiting for Derek. You stood in front of the garage with your hands on his chest and his on your waist with your foreheads touching. “I love you so much. Promise you won’t forget me?” He let out a slight laugh/sigh and pressed one last kiss to your lips, “ I promise.”
And we were leather jackets hangin' onto a Harley Two heartbeats in the moonlight
The first year he was gone he had tried to keep in contact with you. It wasn’t easy, he didn’t have a phone and could only reach you by pay phone. Laura said it wasn’t a good idea to keep that kind of stuff because it meant that hunters could track them easier. Derek would never tell you that part. As far as you knew, he was normal. His whole family was normal and the fire was an accident. Eventually it got hard for him to keep contacting you. Every time he heard your voice or you told him things that were happening around Beacon Hills he became so homesick and it reminded him too much of his family. It hurt too much for him to continue. He didn’t mean for it to happen how it did. He just quit calling and writing and before he knew it, six years had gone by. Laura had told him she had some business to attend to and that she would be back in a few weeks. When she didn’t call Derek at all the first week he started to worry. He finally went through Laura’s things and found where she had gone and why. She had gone home. He packed what little they had and raced back to Beacon Hills.
He arrived and it seemed like nothing had changed. Everything looked the same and honestly he felt homesick all over again. He didn’t know where to go so he went to the only place he knew he could. Walking up the front steps of his childhood home brought up a lot of pleasant memories. Most of them were his mom sitting on those stairs giving some of the best advice she could offer. He looked around the porch and noticed there were bouquets everywhere. Some were very dead and others looked semi-fresh. He’d been there about a day when he heard someone pull up in a car. He secretly watched out of the upstairs window. As soon as she got out of the car Derek knew who it was immediately. He could smell her all the way up the stairs and she still smelled the same. He got brave and quietly went down the stairs. He watched as she turned and walked back to her car. He walked out onto the porch, “ Y/n?” You froze at the sound of your name. In all the years you were coming here no one had even stepped foot on the property. You turned around and were surprised to see a man standing there staring at you, “ I’m sorry. Do I know you?” He walked off the porch and when the sunlight lit up his features she took a step back, “ Derek?” He looked at you with a huge smile on his face, “Yeah.” You looked at him for only a moment before your mind was made up. You walked over to him and grabbed his face, pulling him into a kiss. The butterflies and the fire were still there. You had had other boyfriends before, but none of them ever measured up to Derek. No matter how hard you tried nobody could compare to him. It wasn’t that long before he disappeared on you again. You shouldn’t have been surprised but you were, and it still hurt just as much as the first time.
At least there's a little bit of sweet in the bitter Though a part of me is always gonna miss her I am who I am, I just miss who I was when we were
You had always remembered your time with Derek fondly. He was your first, for just about everything. You had tried to get into contact with him through the teenagers he had here. They periodically checked up on you and you assumed they reported back to him. Eventually they stopped coming around. So when you got sick, there was no way to tell Derek. Your doctors told you it wasn't a great chance. The surgery could work or it could make it worse, you may not even make it out. You had done what felt like hundreds of rounds of chemo and nothing was working to get the tumor to shrink. It was in a place that was very hard to operate. It was in your brain. There was a chance that if they were able to get it that the cancer wouldn’t return. You knew the risk of surgery was dying, but if you didn’t try you were going to die anyway. Before you went in for surgery you wrote a letter and mailed it to the McCall house, addressed to Derek.
Friends say, "Oh well, let that ship sail" "You gotta let go of her" "Just wasn't meant to be" But somewhere down deep I still believe That we were
When Derek finally returned to Beacon Hills he went to Scott’s house first. The boy had said he had something important for Derek. Derek knocked and waited before Scott opened the door. “Hey man! We’ve been trying to get a hold of you for like a year!” Derek nodded, “ Yeah I was busy, what do you have for me?” Scott picked an envelope off the coffee table and handed it to him. He read the return address and when he saw your name he froze a bit. “Okay.” He left Scott’s house without another word. He walked to your old house and saw that there was a different family living there. He decided to just walk while he read.
Dear Derek,
Hey. You know I was never any good at this sort of thing, but I figured this would get to you eventually. I want you to know that you are my best friend. I can tell you that I would not have survived my teenage years if it wasn’t for you. I know I wouldn’t have made it through the time after my mom died without you. I need you to know that you are the best thing that ever happened to me. Even though you did ignore me for most of our 20s. You need to know that no matter what I love you. Always. I don’t care how many bad things happen, you are and forever will be my person. I couldn’t have lived this life without you. So thank you.
Derek quit walking and chose to sit down on the sidewalk. This felt like a goodbye.
I know I know. I’m getting all sappy and you hate that sorta stuff. Deal with it. What I’m about to say is going to make you angry. I kept a secret from you. I got sick. I know we all thought it wasn’t a genetic thing and that I would be okay, but I’m not. I’m sick and I’m going to die. I’ve had so many rounds of chemo that I can’t even tell you how many. So many failed attempts at remission. The tumor is in my brain. I’m opting to have a surgery to try and remove it. If the surgery works then I should be cancer free. If the surgery doesn’t work, well that would mean I would die. So either way I’m pretty screwed, the chances of survival with the surgery are about 5%. So either way I guess. I don’t want you to be angry. I know you're not mad at me, you’re going to be so angry at yourself for leaving me but Derek it’s what had to happen. I’m glad you haven’t seen me lately. I don’t feel or even look like myself. Remember me how I was that night. You know the one. So I guess this is a goodbye. I never thought we would have to do this. I’m sorry Derek. Please keep living for me. I love you. Y/n
By the time he finished reading he felt completely numb. You were gone. He would never hear your voice again. He would never kiss you or hold you again. He stood up and ran. He ended up at a spot that you and him had been so many times. He walked over and his gut was right. Where there had been one stone for so many years, there were now two. He walked over and sat down in front of it. He ran his hand over the words, Y/n L/n The light of everyone’s life. The date was from over a year before. You had been gone a year and he didn’t even know it. The love of his life was gone and there was nothing he could do to bring her back. He all of a sudden couldn’t breathe. He was a mess of tears and sobs. He put his head in his hands. If he would’ve known he could’ve done something. He could’ve gotten you turned. As soon as that thought crossed his mind he got angry. He couldn’t have saved you. If you had known about him and the supernatural, you wouldn’t have wanted the bite. You wouldn’t want it because it would’ve changed everything. He was pacing now. His anger and grief got the best of him as he let out a very loud roar. He knew all of Beacon Hills probably heard it, but at the moment he didn’t care. The only thing he cared about was gone and never coming back. He looked down at the head stone before kissing his fingers and placing them gently on the top, “ I love you too.”
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yeochikin · 4 years
video games and questions. | p. seonghwa
a/n: thank you anon for requesting this! ngl this was p difficult even if it sounded easier it my head so i’m sorry this is short fdfjf i hope you enjoyed this! ✨💖 also lemme tag @hwanami hehe lov u 
word count: 2.5k.
warning(s): i don’t think there’s any, just some multiple times of a video game character dying!
“hey guys, welcome back to my channel!” you beamed, waving into the camera as soon as you started your stream, then adjusted your gaming headphones. 
you weren’t a popular streamer nor were you unknown as well, just somewhere in the middle of it. honestly, you never really cared about the attention you received. merely, you enjoyed what you did whether it was for a vlog, a reaction video, an occasional mukbang, and more often nowadays, gaming. you aren’t a huge gamer yourself due to work life but somehow, you’ve grown really hooked to this game even if it came out a few years ago. 
“so, today i’m gonna play this roleplaying based game from before, and continue where we left off!” you grinned, excitedly wiggling in your chair as you waited for your computer to load the game. 
while doing so, you read the comments left by the viewers, some were words of encouragement and support, and some were interesting questions that would either make you think deeply to yourself (not at how the viewers would take a screenshot of your confused expressions and use them as a meme). suddenly, as soon as you started the game, fingers quick to control your character in the game, a particular question caught your eye.
“ah, seonghwa? he’s in the other room, saying he needed to practice a cover he’s about to do.” you chuckled, gazing into the camera before cupping your lips as if you were whispering to someone yet purposely making your voice loud.
“we all know he sings well, damn angels must have blessed his voice.” an amused laugh bubbled out of your lips upon hearing the muffled ‘i heard that!’ from the other room by a certain male. 
park seonghwa, your boyfriend, was who everyone adored. just like you, he has his own channel, though he would mostly do singing covers or even dance covers. sometimes, you would even ask yourself how the two of you got together due to having differences when it came to your contents in your channels but if it weren’t for a convention the both of you were invited to a couple of years ago where the two of you first met, maybe the two of you wouldn’t be where you are right now. though it was rather awkward at first, you slowly came to realise you had a pleasant time with the male during the time at the convention, which led to you exchanging numbers and social media. 
“woah, a dragon! i wonder if i could ride i- oh, oh..” your jaw dropped as you watched as how your character laid lifeless on the ground after a minor accident. 
your eyes stared into the camera, eyes wide yet somehow they looked so defeated while your jaw was open, pulling a round of laughing emojis along with keyboard smashes in the comment section of your stream. as your character respawned, you buried your face into your hands as soon as you realised that you forgot to save before deciding to… ‘befriend’ the dragon in the game. 
“hey guys, remind me to save every time BEFORE i do anything dumb in this game.” you laughed frustratedly, starting to go over the quests yet again, mimicking the npc’s voice every time. you were too busy playing the game while occasionally engaging with your audience between loading screens, and telling your character to quickly escape from the enemies, that you failed to notice your boyfriend peeking his head through the door to watch you, an amused smile playing over his plump lips. 
‘y/n, who is that behind you?’
“ha-ha very funny, guys. there’s no one behind me, see?” you deadpanned after reading the comment, turning around to face the door. 
but instead of seeing only the door, your eyes were met with seonghwa’s head. due to half of his body was outside of the door, it looked as if his head was floating, effectively making you scream out of surprise, which made seonghwa yell along with you. once you calmed down, you pressed a hand on your chest, then glared over at your lover. 
“you could have knocked?” 
seonghwa merely sent you a straight, unamused expression with his hand on his own chest, before parting his lips to retort. “if you weren’t too busy yelling at your character to run faster, you would’ve heard me knocking.” 
“no! i would have heard you, yelling or not.” you protested. 
seonghwa merely rolled his eyes then smiled out of defeat, he couldn’t stay mad at you. walking further into the room, he wrapped his arms around your neck from behind and leaned down to press his lips against the top of your head as he whispered a small ‘hi’ to you. grinning from the sudden affection, you reached a hand up, and pulled his face a little closer so you could plant a tiny peck on his lips. turning to look at the camera, you gently nudged seonghwa to properly get into the frame so the viewers could see him a little better, now pulling up his own chair from his desk in the room to sit next to you.
“say hi, babe. i’m sure the viewers would love for you to join us.” you patted his thigh, laughing at how most of the viewers in the comment section were gushing at how good looking seonghwa is. 
with a bow of his head along with a gentle wave of his hand, seonghwa introduced himself to your audience. “hello everyone, i’m park seonghwa. y/n’s unexpected guest.” 
he laughed towards the end of his introduction after seeing you roll your eyes in a playful manner at him, knowing full well at this point he’s an expected guest from the amount of times he spent peeking in your livestreams or purposely creating a random reason just so he could join you in your videos. and in return, you would sometimes even appear in his videos to sing a duet with him.
the introduction managed to pull another round of gushing from your viewers while some even gave a casual ‘hi!’. you only gave him a small nudge with your elbow, your boyfriend feigning a pained expression as if you punched him in the guts. deadpanning, you turned towards the camera.
“somebody come and pick up this dork, he’s acting up today.” you said, earning a laugh from the male who then ruffled your hair.
despite being annoyed at his teasings, you can’t help but smile to yourself at how seonghwa was finally warming and opening up the more he joined your streaming while he interacted with some questions left by the viewers, whether you invited him or the latter merely inviting himself in occasionally. 
believe it or not, he was rather shy in front of the camera when you first collaborated with seonghwa for a mukbang video despite him having his own singing and dancing channel. though you finally understood why after he explained how he was.. in his own world whenever he did covers. it was no wonder seonghwa has  a lot of fans due to how well he expressed his emotions through them.
“babe, you’re not gonna make it in that jump!” you exclaimed as seonghwa took control of the game now.
“what are you saying? there’s a river underneath, your character will survive!” seonghwa protested before pressing the key, much to your protests.
“seonghwa wait!”
silence filled the both of you as you watched your character who is now laying motionlessly in the waters due to the miscalculation of the jump, courtesy to your boyfriend. the both of you stared into the screen.
then at each other.
then at the camera, both wearing a poker face on your features before groaning at the same time. you grabbed onto his arm so you could shake him while scolding him at how he should have known better, seonghwa letting you do as you please with a guilty smile played over his lips. standing up from his chair, he bowed his head.
“i’m sorry, i should have known before jumping straight into things. or in this case, off of random cliffs in the game.” 
his last sentence made you burst out laughing, yet again making your viewers cut the certain scene as a highlight for the day’s livestream. feigning annoyance, you gave out a sigh as you took over the controls once again while seonghwa read through the comments being left. 
“ooh, this is an interesting question, babe! what are your sleeping habits?” seonghwa said, eyes still glued to the comment section with the corners of his lips quirking up due to some comments that were hilarious to him.
“sleeping habits?” you hummed, leaning your back against your chair with lips pursed in thought. crossing your arms, you looked over at seonghwa and hummed, turning to the camera afterwards.
“i don’t think it’s that serious but sometimes he talks in his sleep.” you said, snickering underneath your breath when seonghwa lightly swatted at your thigh.
“hey, i don’t do that!”
“oh? then tell me why you think that i was san or wooyoung to stop teasing you, huh?” you raised an eyebrow, a huge grin threatening to curl itself over your brims from the flustered expression of your boyfriend.
“at least i didn’t almost fall out of bed from the amount of times i toss and turn.” he pouted.
“that was one time!” you whined, a red tint covering your cheeks as you remembered the said moment, promptly giving your boyfriend’s chest a light slap in retaliation as he teased you more and more. cooing, seonghwa pulled you into his arms and pressed a couple of kisses on the top of your head.
‘omg the two of you will be the death of me!’
‘you two should do more livestreams togetherrrr’ 
‘still can’t get over how seonghwa just pouted lmao’
the both of you giggled at the amount of comments as you shook your head, then went back to your game. the room was now filled with the sounds of fingers rapidly clicking onto the keys of your keyboard, your occasional groans and laughs from the various moments you encountered throughout the game, and seonghwa’s praise whenever you defeated an enemy, along with the occasional questions being answered by either you, seonghwa, or both. 
you’ve been playing the game for quite a while now and soon enough, you’ve finally grown tired of the game. totally not because of the fact that you kept dying in the game. with the remaining few minutes you had to spend, you decided to interact more with the fans this time now that you are more focused. 
‘y/n think fast, forehead kisses or hand kisses?’ one person asked. without a heartbeat, you immediately answered with a huge grin. 
“forehead kisses, definitely! something about them seems more… intimate in a way? as if someone is making you forget the things around you momentarily even without the need to say anything. just one forehead kiss is enough to erase the bad thoughts away, i guess?” 
next to you, seonghwa couldn’t help but to smile at how awed you looked answering the question as he listened intently and arms crossed in front of his chest, the certain dazed look in your eyes never fails to make him want to gather your frame in his arms and just give you all the forehead kisses you needed. suddenly, your laughter rang in his ears, making the male look at what you were laughing at, eyes widening slightly in the process.
‘in that case, let me be the one kissing your forehead lmao’
scoffing underneath his breath, seonghwa wrapped his arms around your waist and playfully glared at the screen, making a gesture with his hand as if saying that he had his eyes on the commenter.
“no, no, only i can kiss the little bun’s forehead.” seonghwa mused, a playful jealousy tone in his voice, wagging a finger in front of him as he hugged you close against him. 
“that’s a no-no, okay?” he spoke, causing you to coo softly underneath your breath from how the tone of his voice was slightly high pitched as he spoke out the sentence, somehow going a tad higher from the ‘okay’ he did. 
“sorry, guys. i guess seonghwa can only give me forehead kisses.” you laughed, shutting your eyes briefly upon feeling a pair of plump lips pressing against your forehead.
wondering how long you have spent playing the game, you opened your eyes and looked at the time. you had noticed that you spent almost two hours of just playing video games that you finally noticed that you felt hungry. before you could even say anything, a low rumble that came from your stomach made the words you were about to utter suddenly disappear. seonghwa, who also heard the low grumbling noise, laughed at you with a hand over his lips.
“i think that’s our cue to finally get lunch, huh little bun?” he grinned down at your flushed cheeks, dainty hands over your stomach. 
“oh yeah, definitely. so i’m gonna have to stop the streaming right here guys. see you in my next video, bye guys!” 
the both of you waved into the camera for a few seconds, then you reached out to end the stream. you then proceeded to stand up from your chair and stretched your arms out, the little dinosaur-like noise leaving your lips upon feeling your tense muscles relax, seonghwa doing the same. 
“thank you for being in my livestream today, i had fun. even though you made my character die after that jump from the cliff.” you laughed once seonghwa deadpanned at you.
however, the unamused expression slowly melted away into a look of fondness. he then placed his hand against the back of your head as an attempt to pull you closer so that he could press his lips against your forehead. 
“i had fun too, maybe next time you should collab with me again the next time i film.” he suggested.
“we can talk about that later but for now..” you trailed off, patting your stomach.
“we need to find something to eat.” you continued, seonghwa playfully giving a light poke against your stomach, then made his way to your small kitchen with you happily trailing from behind, your hand clinging onto the back of his shirt as you do so.
“ramen sounds good to you, little bun?” he inquired, checking the cabinets for said food. 
hopping on the counter top, you nodded your head in agreement. your stomach suddenly growled once again at the mention of food that it made you hug your arms close to your stomach in surprise, seonghwa laughing at the noise and prepared the utensils. while waiting for the water to boil, your lover leaned in to steal a little kiss on your lips. smiling sheepishly, you hopped off of the counter and helped him in cutting up the vegetables.
needless to say, the both of you spent most of the time in the kitchen just enjoying each other’s company along with playful hip bumps every time the two of you stood next to each other as you waited for the food to finish cooking. you couldn’t ask for anything more than this.
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Rewrite Your Memories
Zuko x reader 
warnings: none except like Zuko’s tragic backstory
Inspired by the lovely @zukochi​ who gifted me this wonderful prompt!! 
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You were looking for a roommate. You were broke, and you could hardly manage to pay the rent each month. As a college dropout, your career prospects weren’t looking too hot, and as a starving artist that didn’t seem like it would be changing anytime soon. So you put out an ad on craigslist. What’s the worst that could happen? If someone tried to murder you then at least you’d have a good story to tell at parties.
Zuko was looking for a house. Or an apartment. Or anywhere to stay that wasn’t the streets tonight. He had been kicked out of his dorm for “dangerous, unlawful and reckless activities.” Of course, he hadn’t meant to set his curtains on fire. It was just a mistake. They didn’t care much whether it was an accident or not. He was as good as gone as soon as his roommates walked through the door. He figured he’d just have to sleep in a crappy hotel for the night or god forbid he’d have to ask to stay with his uncle. Of course uncle Iroh would say yes, but his pride would never survive a blow like that. He was eighteen years old. He wanted to handle it by himself. He sat in his car and started searching for the places to stay.
Suddenly a message came through on your phone. An unknown number. You figured it would be just another spam text trying to sell you something, so you almost didn’t even bother reading it. Then you remembered the room listing. You’d only posted it two hours ago, surely that couldn’t be it, could it?
“Unknown number: I heard you’re renting out a room. When's the soonest I can move in?” it said. Laughing at the bluntness you quickly typed back.
“And just who are you?” you responded.
“My name’s Zuko. I need somewhere to stay asap,” he shot back quickly.
“Well if it’s really that urgent then you can come by whenever. I’m home for the rest of the day,” you offered, puzzled at his predicament. 
“Perfect. I’ll be over with all my stuff soon,” he responded. Well that wasn’t weird at all, right? Maybe you would be getting murdered after all. The universe just loved to punish you.
An hour and 35 minutes later on the dot, a knock sounded at the door. Well, time to meet your new roommate (or as you supposed, murderer… or…. both?) Dragging yourself away from the couch, you meandered warily to the door. When you opened it you were expecting a terrifying thug, or maybe a creepy old hag, or any other person that your mind coupled with the word murderer. You certainly weren’t expecting a tall, dark, handsome, young man with brooding eyes and a scar taking up half his face. Well, maybe the scar was a little more on brand with what you were envisioning… but regardless, you were more than surprised.
“I’m Zuko, and you must be Y/N right?” he asked meekly. Wonderful, his voice was gorgeous too. You were starting to wonder if the universe was cursing you in a much different way now. 
“Um yeah… That would be me,” you responded hesitantly. Why were you so awkward?
Now the universe really was cursing you.
“Great, I have my stuff with me so if you could, like, show me to my room that would be… wonderful,” he prompted. You had been so lost in his eyes you’d hardly even recognized what he’d said. You quickly snapped out of it, realizing what an idiot you looked like, and started walking toward the spare room.
“Sorry there's still some of my stuff in here. I’ll move it out by tomorrow, it's just that some of the paintings are still drying,” you told him. He started unpacking things from his suitcases and you decided to take the moment to sit down on the floor next to him.
“So uhh… What made you decide to move in with me so fast? I barely had the listing up for two hours,” you asked, trying not to push too hard and make him uncomfortable.
“It’s kind of a weird story,” he trailed off, “Are you sure you want me to tell it?” 
“I’m the master of weird stories, Zuko. Trust me, you can tell me anything,” you answered. 
“I’m um… kind of homeless I guess. I got kicked out of my dorm for uhh… setting my room on fire…” he confessed, looking embarrassed. He looked down, fearing your reaction. Would you be mad? Scared? Instead you surprised him by… laughing?
“I understand, I got kicked out of my last apartment for painting on the wall and ruining it. It was an accident, I just hadn’t realized I needed to put a tarp up. What about you? I mean… Did you mean to set the fire?” you asked. 
“If I'm telling the truth then… yeah. I guess I did. It was just a spur of the moment thing. I was just so angry I started lighting stuff on fire. I didn’t mean for it to spread to the curtains or anything though. That part was really an accident. I just didn’t notice until it was too late,” he explained. You smiled sympathetically.
“I get it. I mean, everyone makes mistakes sometimes,” you told him. “So, what do you do for a living?” you asked, laying back and resting your head on his now empty backpack. 
“I’m uhh… unemployed. I mean I’m a full time computer science student but my uncle pays for everything,” he told you.
“Your uncle pays for everything but you’re homeless? How does that work?” you asked playfully.
“I just didn’t want to bother him by asking to stay with him. I mean I know that he would say yes but… I just couldn’t do that to him after everything he’s done for me,” he sighed. “How about you, what do you do?” 
“I work at a bookstore with some of my friends. I dropped out of college last semester. It just… wasn’t what I really wanted, you know? My passion is art. I just want to make the world brighter in that way,” you explained.
“I get it. I’m studying to work with artificial intelligence. I just want to help people. If I can do that with my life… i think everything will be worth it,” he told you.
“No way, my friend Toph is studying AI too! Have you ever met her?” you asked excitedly.
“Toph Beifong? Yeah of course I know her. She’s one of the smartest people in my engineering class. The way she works with metal to build stuff… I’ve never seen anything like it,” he said.
“That’s Toph for you. She’s always talking about the newest thing she’s built when we’re working together. It’s her and I, and three of our other friends at the bookstore. Katara’s studying business, Sokka’s studying communications, and Aang is working on philosophy. Don’t ask me what he’s gonna do with that degree once he graduates, but he seems pretty happy whenever he talks about it to us,” you told Zuko. He was listening intently, hanging on every word. It seemed like he really cared. Suddenly you realized that you were in way over your head with the mysterious man. The universe was just so cruel that way.
The next day Zuko was in class. He sat next to Toph, hoping to get to know her better. In all his time in class with her, he’d never really taken the time to talk to her. To his surprise, once he got past her sarcastic and calloused exterior she was sweeter than he’d imagined. 
“Have you gotten the book we’re studying yet? The annotations are due by Sunday night,” Toph asked him.
“No I… haven’t even thought about it yet,” he confessed. 
“You should get on it or else you won’t finish on time. Why don’t you go to Katara's Books? That's where I work. Just tell them Toph sent you and they’ll give you 25% off. I mean, not like you need it, rich kid… but still, you should get it there. The money goes to my friend Katara. She owns it and she’s doing everything she can to keep it running,” Toph explained. 
‘Yeah, I'll be sure to stop by,” Zuko said, standing up to grab his things. Katara? That name sounded awfully familiar. Maybe he’d know where he’d heard it once he got there. Making his way across campus, he couldn’t get you out of his mind as he walked. 
Walking into the store he looked around, quickly finding his way to the nonfiction shelf.
“Hey, I’m Aang! Do you need help finding anything today?” came a voice from behind making him jump. He wheeled around to see a little bald kid wearing what looked to him like monk robes. Aang… now that name seemed familiar too. He told the kid, Aang, what book he was looking for. 
“Ah, I love that book! I love the part discussing the philosophy that metal is alive. It’s definitely great food for thought. It should be right… here!” he said, pulling the book off the shelf. 
“Thanks for the help… Aang,” he said, trailing off. He walked up the counter, ready to pay when he caught sight of you. Ringing up the customer in front of him. Of course that’s where he’d heard those names from, you had told him about them last night. He studied your face carefully as you smiled and laughed at the woman buying a copy of The fault in Our Stars. You looked… beautiful. He scolded himself for being creepy. He knew better than to start being vulnerable for you. 
“I can help the next guest in li- oh, Zuko! Hey!” you called out. 
“Hey Y/N, how’s it going today?” he shoots back.
“It’s good. We’ve been kind of slow so that’s been nice. Oh, I love this book! Autobiography of a Yogi is really amazing. Aang told me about it after he studied it in class. I read it after that and I loved it! I think you’ll really enjoy it,” you told him. You were so adorable when you were excited. Zuko scolded himself again. He needed to get you out of his mind. As he paid and said goodbye though, it seemed an impossible task. A spark had caught in his heart, and he knew it would soon be a raging forest fire. Uncontrollable and insurmountable, too great to ever find his way out of. As he walked back to your shared apartment, he began to realize the thought didn’t scare him nearly as much as it should have.
Walking in the door and setting your keys down, you saw Zuko on the couch. As peaceful as he looked, you needed to ask him about dinner.
“Hey, are you hungry?” you asked, setting your bag on the counter.
“Yeah, are you making dinner?” he responded. He turned around to face you.
“I was hoping you’d help out but, yeah. All I have is macaroni and cheese, is that fine with you?” you asked. 
“Yeah, I’ll get the stuff out for it,” he said, watching you put a pot of water on the stove to boil. He grabbed the milk and butter from the fridge, trying to put his anxiety to the back of his brain. He was a grown adult, it shouldn’t still scare him. He had zoned out and before he knew it, the pasta was done.
“Hey, move you dork. I need to pour this in the strainer you said. Seeing that he didn’t seem to notice you tried to move around him and pour it out anyway. Evidently, that did not go very well as you accidentally scalded his hand by pouring boiling hot water on it. He let out a yelp, sounding like a kicked puppy. Your heart sank.
“Oh my god Zuko I’m so sorry!” you apologized. You tried to grab his wrist to inspect the burn, but he snatched it away from you with a squeal and sank down against the refrigerator. You knelt down in front of him as he folded in on himself. You reached up to grab an ice pack from the freezer and handed it to him, noticing him start to cry. You sat next to him and tried to calm him down. He sounded like he was hyperventilating, which you didn’t take as a good sign. You knew a panic attack when you saw one, and this was most certainly one of them.
“Hey, calm down. It’s alright. You’re going to be okay, alright? Just breathe,” you reassured him softly. You rubbed his shoulder tenderly as you brought him back down to earth. It took a few minutes, but eventually he calmed down enough to speak.
“Hey, can you tell me what just happened, Zuko?” you asked softly, trying your best to sound reassuring.
“Panic attack… I just panicked… too much like the accident… too scary,” he blubbered almost incoherently. 
“What accident? Can you tell me what happened to you Zuko?” you pushed, trying your hardest to stay gentle. Your heart broke when he spoke up.
“My dad… when I was little… my face… he poured boiling water on my face… that’s why I have my scar… It hurt so bad, Y/N, it just reminded me of it,” he explained. You were horrified, but even more than that you were angry that someone could do that to him. To such a sweet person. To a child.
“Is he in jail? Your dad?” you asked, pushing your voice to stay flat.
“He’s… he’s gone now. Thankfully. I don’t know what I’d do if I ever had to see him again.” Zuko explained, wiping his tears on his sleeve. “I’m sorry I freaked out, I didn’t mean to…”
“No, don’t be sorry. It’s not your fault. Not at all,” you told him, holding back tears of your own. 
“So umm… you think the pasta’s still good?” he asked, a watery smile teasing on his lips. 
“Fuck the pasta,” you told him. “We’ll just order out.”
“I’d like that... “ he trailed off.
“We’ll get whatever you want, my treat,” you said, watching his face.
“Can we go eat at my uncle’s shop? He makes great tea and we’ll probably be the only ones in there,” he asked.
“Of course we can,” you told him. You got up to grab your keys, not noticing how his eyes flickered over to you with longing as you turned around.
Stepping out of your car, you looked up at the sign for the Jasmine Dragon. A quiet little tea shop by the edge of campus, sitting alone next to two closed buildings. It was cute, you thought. You were surprised you’d never been before. You walked in behind Zuko, who instantly got called up to the counter by a man you could only assume to be his uncle. You spat out an order to him and he cheerfully wrote it down and handed it to the cooks. You couldn’t believe someone so sweet could be related to a family as awful as the one Zuko had described. 
As the only ones in the shop, you got your food quickly. You eyed your soup appreciatively, thanking the server as he walked away. 
“This colour is so pretty. I need to paint something with it sometime,” you told Zuko, gesturing to the soup. 
“It reminds me of your eyes… they’re pretty too,” Zuko said, instantly kicking himself for it. You blushed as you looked up to see him looking at his food intensely, too embarrassed to look back at you.
“Thank you… You know, your eyes are pretty nice too,” you responded rather awkwardly. The universe’s vendetta for you knew no end.
As you got up to leave, Zuko stayed put. 
“I’m gonna stay here to help Uncle close up shop. I’ll be home in an hour or so,” he explained. He watched you say goodbye and walk out, making your way to the car. He walked over to the counter, vaulting over it. 
“Zuko! How’s my favourite nephew doing?” Iroh asked him, smiling as he finished drying off a glass. 
“I’m… confused. I need help, Uncle,” Zuko responded.
“It’s about that Y?N, your new roommate, isn’t it?” Zuko nodded, “I knew it. I’m always so good at reading you, Zuko.” Zuko sighed.
“I think I really like her, but I don’t know what to do. What if she thinks I’m weird or something. I don’t want to ruin us as friends,” Zuko confessed. 
“You’ve got to do what makes you happy, Zuko. If she makes you happy, tell her. If she’s really your friend she’ll understand,” Iroh told him, pulling him into a knowing hug. Zuko let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding as he sank into it. Everything always had to be so complicated. 
At home, your mind raced with thoughts of Zuko. Calling your friends, you sighed as everyone picked up.
“What am I supposed to do about Zuko?” you asked dramatically.
“You could always just kill him,” Toph offered, earning a laugh from everyone else.
“I’m serious. He's literally… perfect. I think I’m in love with him or something,” you said to her.
“Let me get this straight: you let him move into your apartment without even knowing him, he tells you he burnt down his dorm room, and now you’re in love with him? Maybe I’m just spoiled by being in love with the nicest person ever but that sounds kind of fucked up,” Katara told you. 
“Ok first of all, yes you are spoiled by being in love with Aang, but second of all yes. I know I’m an idiot but I can’t help it. You’d only understand if you were in my shoes,” you responded.
“I think you should just do it. I mean, what's the worst that could happen? He says no?” Aang said.
“No Aang, the worst he could do is be totally creeped out and move out and I never see him again,” you spat out frustratedly. 
“If that happens, I’ll yell at him in engineering for you,” Toph offered.
‘Thanks Toph, but I doubt it’ll come to that. I’ll probably just suffer dramatically until the end of time,” you lamented flopping down onto the couch to agonize about life.
When Zuko walked in, he was surprised to find you on the couch. He walked up to the sink and dumped the forgotten macaroni in the trash and rinsed out the pot. Drying his hands on his jeans, he walked over to where you were sleeping. He debated for a second before picking you up and carrying you back to your room. He set you down in bed and turned off the lights in the hallway. He took note of the stacked canvases in the corner, and saw the painting still drying on top. A boy with half of his face obscured by a deep red scar stared back at him. It couldn’t be meant to be him, could it? Surely he wasn’t that beautiful in your eyes, was he?
Waking up the next morning you were confused. You had fallen asleep on the couch talking to Katara. Why were you in your bedroom? Had…. had Zuko brought you in here last night when he came home? Your heart sped up at the thought. He must have, right? As you got dressed and walked into the empty living room, you couldn’t get the thought out of your head. Zuko was already long gone, the crazy morning person that he was. It was your day off, and you knew it was Sokka’s too, so you decided to call him. 
“Hey, do you wanna go get coffee or something today?” you asked him when he picked up the phone. 
“Of course, dork. Meet me at the coffee house by the campus library in half an hour,” he responded. You smiled as you hung up the phone and went to go get ready. 
Half an hour later and you were walking into the coffee house to see Sokka sitting at a table in the corner. You sat down across from him to see your favourite drink already sitting in front of you. Taking a sip, Sokka piped up.
“So about this Zuko character, I know you really like him. Tell me more about him,” he told you, punctuating the sentence with a smile that you couldn’t resist.
“He’s so gorgeous, Sokka. Plus, he’s the sweetest guy I’ve ever met. Aside from you and Aang. But seriously, he’s amazing. I painted a picture of him last night while I was on the phone and it was just Katara. He has the most paintable face. I just want to get lost in it,” you rambled on. He was starting to overtake your mind, you couldn’t get him out of your brain.
“Look, I’m just saying. If he’s that great, you should just tell him you feel. If anything else, you know I’ll kill him if he breaks your heart,” offered Sokka. 
“Good luck,” you laughed, “He’s been training in Tae Kwon Do since he was a baby,” you replied. Sokka groaned, smirking as you laughed at him. You took a sip from your coffee mug. Things were always so complicated.
Walking back into the apartment, you saw all the lights were turned off. That was… strange. Zuko should have been home by now. Maybe he was sleeping? You walked with light footsteps down the hall, making your way towards Zuko’s room. Seeing his door cracked open, you decided to go in and check on him. You found him sitting in the dark, holding a lighter. A little silver Zippo he was using to pass over the ends of his fingertips, and holding to his palm. He looked lost in thought as he watched the flames dance across his skin.
“Zuko… are you ok?” he whispered trying not to disturb him too much. He flinched and dropped the lighter onto the carpet, wheeling around to face you.
“You scared me, I didn’t even hear you come in,” he told you.
“Sorry I just… didn’t want to make too much noise in case you were sleeping or something. Anyway, what were you doing?” you asked.
“Oh I was just messing with my lighter. You know, typical pyromaniac behavior,” he smirked.
“I knew you were an amateur arsonist, but I didn't peg you as the masochist type,” you giggled. 
“It’s just in my blood I guess. I’ve always been fascinated by fire as long as I can remember. So was my sister, and my parents, and my cousin. My uncle is too. I guess that’s just how it goes with us,” he revealed.
“I didn’t know you had a sister. I’m assuming she uhh… wasn’t the best?” you said knowingly.
“She was sick in the head. It wasn’t her fault. An upbringing like we had would make anyone crazy. She’s in a mental hospital now. I still visit her sometimes but… not as much as I used to. It’s just hard to see her like that. It just reminds me too much of my mom,” he confessed.
“Is that… bad?” you asked, trying hard not to sound rude.
“I loved my mom, she was the best part of my life when she was in it. After my dad disowned me and kicked her out though… it’s just too hard to think about…” he trailed off, his voice cracking with a sob at the end. 
“I’m so sorry, Zuko. I can’t imagine how you feel,” you responded, pulling him into your chest as his body shook with sobs. You held him as he let out strangled sobs, and you stayed like that until his breathing evened out. 
“We’re gonna get through this. We can rewrite your memories together,” you told him.
The next morning as you clocked into work, you couldn’t stop thinking about the night before. The way he’d been so vulnerable with you. You had grown so fond. It was impossible to stop your heart from racing every time you thought about him. Walking over to where everyone else stood sorting through books, you sighed.
“I need to do something about Zuko. I can’t keep thinking about him like this. It’s all I can think about,” you said, punctuated with a groan.
“Ok well, your only options are to either tell him or die miserable and alone. I don’t know about you, but I would take the first option,” Sokka told you, turning around to face you. 
“Seriously. I know Toph isn’t here but I’m sure she’d agree: we all want you to be happy. The only way that’ll happen is if you just tell him how you feel,” Katara remarked. 
“I guess you’re right. But what if he thinks I’m creepy or something?” you asked self consciously. 
“Y/N, you’re gorgeous. Zuko would be lucky to have someone like you. Trust me, if he says no he’s delusional,” Katara responded. 
“I think I’ll tell him tonight and get it over with,” you stated. 
“Finally! I’m sure it’ll go well,” Aang told you, smiling from behind the book he was occupied with.
Zuko couldn’t believe he’d been so stupid to be so vulnerable with you last night. Once was more than enough, but twice? You had such an effect on him. It was like he could really be himself around you. It was the first time he’d ever felt that way, and he knew he’d have to capitalize on it. He knew he had to tell you how he felt. He sat down next to Toph, as had become his routine in class everyday.
“Toph, I need to ask you something,” he said, setting down his backpack.
“If you’re going to ask me on a date, just know that I’d rather kiss Momo,” she said, motioning to the dopey eyed guide dog that sat at her feet.
“No, it’s about Y/N. It's just… they make me feel so different. I’ve never felt the way I feel about them,” Zuko confessed.
“Happiness. You’re describing happiness,” Toph replied sarcastically.
“Yeah, I guess I am. I guess what i'm asking is… would you be alright with me asking her out?” he asked.
“Of course, idiot. As long as you don’t break her heart. Then I’ll have no choice but to kill you,” Toph said, raising her eyebrow. Zuko shuddered. If there was anyone he was truly scared of, it was Toph Beifong. 
Sitting on the couch, you turned your head at the sound of a key turning in the door. You smiled inwardly when you saw Zuko’s face emerge from the door frame. 
“How was class?” you asked him.
“It was… good,” he responded, walking over to you, “I uhh… really need to tell you something,” he said meekly. 
“What’s up?” you asked as he sat down on the couch next to you.
“I just… you’re the first person that’s made me feel loved in so long. You’re always so happy to see me, and you always know just what to say, and you’re so gorgeous, and you have the most beautiful laugh and… I guess what I’m trying to say is… I really really like you, Y/N,” he confessed. He had no idea what to expect but he certainly hadn’t expected you to… laugh? 
‘I know, Zuko,” you giggled, cutting him off with a kiss. He was taken aback, but he relaxed into it before you pulled away, keeping your hand on his cheek.
“How did you know?” he asked, breathless.
“You think Toph can keep a secret? Of course she told me,” you smiled.
“Of course she did,” he laughed, pulling you in for another kiss, “So, can I call us official?” he asked. 
“Of course, my love,” you told him, sinking into his arms. 
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recurring-polynya · 4 years
Do we have a Byakuya giving Renji marriage advice fic? I'd love to read one!
I know this is gonna seem like I can’t read the prompt, because it’s 95% Byakuya giving Rukia marriage advice, but I just honestly think Byakuya trusts Renji on this, given that Renji has worked for him for years at this point and just sort of anticipates all his needs and understands him better than really anyone, and also, Byakuya does not understand Renji at all and has no idea how his dumb jock brain works. He knows exactly how Rukia’s brain works, though.
Anyway, I am back on my Byakuya-writing-letters bullshit, please enjoy some Sunday afternoon feels. I think it should be obvious, but this takes place the night after Rukia and Renji’s wedding.
❤️   🥂   🎊  
It was late at night, but Rukia couldn’t sleep. Too much excitement, maybe, the unfamiliarity of a new house, the evening’s pleasant alcoholic haze fading into the beginnings of a hangover. It certainly couldn’t be the idea of a new life entirely, looming in front of her like an iceberg, complete with a new name and all sorts of new possibilities. Primarily, there was a new bed and a new person who slept in it with her, and she found the idea of waking him up terrifying, so she slipped out from under the blankets and crept downstairs.
She was digging around in the kitchen, wondering if Renji had gotten around to making any pickles since he moved in a month ago (there was an entire cabinet full, wonderful man!), when she remembered the note.
Rukia had briefly flipped through the envelopes of wedding money they had received earlier. The one from her brother bulged, and when she opened it up, the bills inside were large. Renji got nervous in the presence of large sums of money and she suspected he would attempt to give it back, so put it away quickly to deal with later, but not before she noticed a sheet of paper tucked inside among the bills. It had only her name on it, in her brother’s finest handwriting.
After retrieving the note, she settled on the couch (which had been Renji’s but was now theirs because that’s how this worked) with the jar of pickles tucked beside her (the pickles were hers because they were the spicy kind Renji made specially for her even though he couldn’t eat them himself).
My beloved sister, the note opened.
It is my impression that one of the important roles of an older brother is to go before one’s younger siblings, to chart the unknown terrain of life, and to act as guide and mentor. My own marriage was characterized by deep love and joy in the face of hardship, and I hope that yours will contain all of its happiness and none of its heartache. Unfortunately, I regret to inform you, I have no idea how I did it.
When our lots were first cast together, as you know, I declined to form a close relationship with you. This was a mistake on my part, born of the fear that you would remind me too much of Hisana. Later on, to my horror, I found the truth to be far worse-- although you do share some of your sister’s fine qualities, in personality, you bear a much greater resemblance to myself.
That being the case, I imagine that by the time you find this note, you will have tied yourself up into knots over whether or not you ‘deserve this’ or if you can ever be a satisfactory partner. We are very fine Kuchiki, you and I, Rukia. We are strong of body and of will. We are dignified in all we do. We devote ourselves to our duties before our else. Our hearts are strong and love strongly, but we hold them close, as we must. Our family is our pride, which, paradoxically, makes it nearly impossible to share ourselves with those we hold closest.
Your sister Hisana was an exceedingly stubborn person, who formed her own opinions of me, which may or may not have had any grounding in reality. She frequently told me that I was ‘kind’ and ‘thoughtful’ and ‘sweet’ and a variety of other adjectives that no other thinking person would dare to apply to me. It is very difficult to live with such a person for long before you find yourself trying to live up to their misguided delusions.
As it happens, this is among the distressing number of personality traits my adjutant shares with my late wife. His optimism is endless, his vision is permanently rose-tinted, even when he insists upon wearing those horrendous goggles. Any yet, time and again, I have seen him bring out the best qualities in the horrible ne’er-do-wells under our mutual command. Indeed, if I have ever been a good brother to you, it is mostly due to his belief that I could be so. It is a verifiable fact that you are one of the best best souls in all of Soul Society, one would think it would be unimaginable to inflate your worth beyond its actual measure, and yet, somewhere, he manages that, as well.
How is one supposed to live up to these sorts of expectations from the person they love most of all? It is impossible. At least in my case, Hisana was quite aware that I am a pompous buffoon, whereas Abarai fully believes the sun rises and sets for your personal benefit. I am going to tell you something that may be difficult to hear: you have to simply deal with it. He is never going to stop. If you are truly as like to me as I suspect, you will rebel against this, your brain constantly trying to sabotage your happiness.
The fact of the matter is, Rukia, these feelings of inadequacy spring from the very fact that you hold him so dearly that your own estimation of him is also blown out of proportion. Do not misinterpret me. I am very fond of Abarai, but he is a mess. A disaster. You have probably never seen his filing system, but it would give you the vapors. (I do suggest that you take responsibility over that aspect of your household management.) Again, I sympathize. He is actually not nearly so bad as your sister, whom I once watched deface a centerpiece at a very fancy benefit dinner (the end result was extremely offensive and also very humorous). In my mind, she is still the most perfect person I have ever met.
Perhaps I am mistaken. Perhaps you are plagued with none of the insecurities that troubled the early days of my marriage, and that I was only able to come to terms with once it became evident that our time together would be finite. I desperately hope this is the case, and if so, please do me the courtesy of destroying this letter, and forgetting all of this.
In either case, I wish you the utmost happiness with your horrible husband.
Your affectionate brother,
Rukia’s fingers clenched on the edges of the paper. The edges of her eyes were burning. How dare he do this to her, after all these years? How many times had they crossed paths in the gardens in the hours when they should have been sleeping? Since when did they need to say things in order to show how well they understood each other? Rukia had half a mind to march over there right now and punch him in his perfect face. He was most likely sitting out next to the koi pond this very minute.
“Thinkin’ of skippin’ out on me already?” a sleepy voice asked behind her, and Rukia jumped nearly a foot in the air.
“What? No!” Rukia rubbed at her hair and frowned apologetically at Renji, who seemed more interested in yawning. "I was thinking too loud and I didn’t want to wake you up.”
“Nah, my skull is too thick, I can’t even hear my own thoughts most of the time.” Renji leaned over the back of the couch, and Rukia guiltily folded her note in half. “Letter from Captain?”
“Uh, yeah,” Rukia excused. “Sorry. It was kinda personal.”
“I understand. I got one, too. It was less personal.”
A piece of paper dropped in her lap and as she was busy unfolded it, Renji grabbed her jar of pickles.
“Hey, that’s mine!” she protested.
“You don’t gotta tell me what your brother wrote to you,” Renji yawned, tucking the pickles under his arm. “But I think you should probably listen to him. He knows what’s he’s on about.”
Rukia looked at the piece of Squad Six letterhead in her hands. In precise, businesslike handwriting, it read:
To: Abarai Renji, Assistant Captain, Sixth Division
From: Kuchiki Byakuya, Captain Sixth Division
Re: My sister/Your pending wife
Lieutenant Abarai,
Please be aware that Rukia is prone to poor decisions when she has insomnia and it is in your best interest to prevent her from consuming excessively spicy and/or vinegared goods past a respectable bedtime.
Captain Kuchiki
“Rat fink!” Rukia exclaimed.
“Come back to bed,” Renji implored, pressing a kiss into her hair. “I know some good ways to make your brain shut up.”
“Okay,” Rukia agreed grumpily. “I’m eating those pickles for breakfast, though.”
“I’m makin’ pancakes, but suit yourself.”
Rukia decided that maybe it was best to try and get some rest. She had a big rest-of-her-life coming up the next day.
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gallavictorious · 4 years
So. Mickey as an unofficial and entirely involuntary role model for South Side queers.
Thing is, while Kev's assertion that 'no one cares who you bang' largely seems to hold true, I still can't see it not causing at least a tiny bit of stir when the news first hit. You know, in general everyone just seem to know a lot about everyone else in the neighborhood, and maybe they know an extra lot about the Milkoviches because they're pretty damned dangerous, and you'd do well to stay both informed and clear of them. Now, Mickey is the neighborhood thug of his generation: the son and likely successor of a violent and homophobic Nazi, so him coming out as gay at his son's christening is... Well. Word gets around, is my point, even if most people are too busy with their own shitty lives to pay too much attention to Mickey's, beyond a wry observation or two.
Except some do pay attention. Some keep all this in their hearts and think about it often.
The years pass; Mickey goes to prison and escapes and returns and gets engaged; Terry burns down the wedding venue and threatens to kill him, Mickey gets married all the same. Word gets around, again. Life goes on, still.
And then one chilly February afternoon Mickey is walking home from wherever when he's approached by a teenage boy asking: “Uh, hey. You're Mickey Milkovich, right?”
In Mickey's experience that isn't the sort of question that leads to hugs and handshakes, so he's immediately wary, but a quick look at the boy dispels most of his concern. Sure, the kid looks nothing but South Side, scrappy like: can probably both take and dole out a beating, but he's clearly nervous – and not nervous in a way that suggests that he's about to do something utterly stupid like try to rob or murder Mickey. So, Mickey relaxes a little and lights a cigarette. Is maybe the tiniest bit curious, but mostly annoyed. “What the hell do you want?”
The kid hems and haws and Mickey is just about ready to walk away from this stammering snooze-fest when boy finally blurts: “I'm gay!”
What the actual fuck? Mickey stares. “Yeah? So fucking what? I'm married, asshole, and wouldn't be banging kids even if I wasn't.”
“No! Yeah, no, I mean – I know. I'm not... “ The kid's staring down at the ground. “I never told anyone before,” he adds softly.
Okay, that... does something strange to Mickey's insides, but he still has no idea what the hell is going on here. “You wanna talk to Ian?” he hazards. “Gay Jesus?” Riding out to save the day for troubled teens is Ian's thing, isn't it, but fuck, he really hopes he isn't starting with that shit again -
But the kid is shaking his head. “No, man, I was looking for you. 'Cause with your dad and everything I though that maybe... “ He pauses again, swallows. “I think my family's gonna be really angry if they find out.”
Ah. Still doesn't explain how that is any of Mickey's problem, but for some reason he can't find it in him to just shrug and walk away. He bites his lip. “They gonna kill you?”
“N-no. I mean... I don't think so. No.”
Then what the fuck are you whining about, you fucking pussy, Mickey doesn't say. He considers the kid, pale and damned near shaking before him, and wonders what he is supposed to say, what the hell the boy wants from him. Why the fuck isn't Ian here to deal with this shit? He'd be much better at it; he'd fucking love it, what with that goddamned Messiah complex he's got going...
But the kid hasn't come for Ian; he's come for Mickey and while Mickey isn't sure how the hell he came up with that brilliant notion it probably has something to do with the fact that Ian, for all he is as South Side as they come, still looks and walks and talks like someone who... well, whose homosexuality wouldn't completely shock you. This kid doesn't, and Mickey doesn't either. There's South Side and then there's South Side.
He gives a long sigh and tosses his cigarette butt to the pavement.
“Listen. I have no fucking idea if your family is gonna be cool with you loving cock or whatever, but if they're not, they're not, and that's not gonna fucking change, no matter how long you wait. Sooner or later you'll have to say something 'cause you'll be fucking miserable if you don't, and if it's gonna suck either way you might as well get it over with.”
He pauses, for a moment hesitating over what he wants to say next, because it's fucking soft and reveals way too much and... Fuck it. He clears his throat: “Fear's worse than whatever comes after anyway,” he says gruffly, not looking at the kid. Then, because this is the South Side and he ain't nothing but pragmatic, he adds: “You think it's gonna get violent, tell someone you think might roll with it first and bring them to back you up. Fuck it, pay someone to have your back if you have to. Or do it somehwere public so someone calls for help if it gets out of hand. Hit them back and hit them hard, yeah? Lots of people gonna think you're a pussy for taking it up the ass, or giving it or whatever, and you wanna shut that down real quick, or you gonna be having the same fucking conversation over and over. You hear me?”
The kid nods jerkily. He still looks slightly terrified – which is good because the last thing Mickey needs is some teenage queer running after him like a kicked puppy – but he looks strangely elated too. Hopeful, maybe; determined.
Mickey lets out a long breath, like a sigh. Can't quite belive he is doing this, but: “You have somewhere to go if shit goes sidways?”
A shrug. “I dunno. Maybe. I have an aunt down in Alsip. Maybe she'd let me crash there.”
“Give me your phone.” The kids looks surprised but does as he's told without comment. Mickey quickly enters his own number and hands the phonbe back. “Things go south, you text me,” he says. “I might know a guy who can help.” Though if that happens he is absolutely dumping this on Ian, who probably knows a lot of people who live for this short of shit. Fucking hippies.
“Thank you, man,” the kids begins. “I really - “
Mickey waves him away. “Yeah, yeah, get the fuck out of here.”
The kid does and Mickey remains standing there for a moment, staring after him and wondering what the hell just happened. This is all Gallagher's fault, he decides. Shit like this you can always safely blame on Ian. Not that he'll mention any of this to him, because fuck no.
And if few days later there is a text from an unknown number, saying just: “talked to my family they're pretty freaked but it went ok thanks” and if Mickey does feel a small surge of something not entirely different from satisfaction reading it, well... Whatever. It is what it is. Not like it's gonna be a regular thing or whatever.
But once more, it seems, word gets around, because there will be others. Not too many of them, but enough that it does become a bit of a thing; kids showing up outside his home or his work, or on his way to and fro. Mostly they just want to talk; want some kind of reassurance that there's a way to be gay and South Side, and you can still be a tough motherfucker while sucking some other dude's dick. Mickey primarily provides such reassurance by being a tough South Side motherfucker who swears and scowls and glares at them, but apparently this kind of works? There's a bit of practical advice at times, like “listen, if you brother can't accept you like banging guys he doesn't really give a crap about you so just cut him out” or “don't fucking hesitate, they start with that shit you punch them in the throat, like this”, and maybe a few instances of Mickey hunting down and kicking the shit out of some bullies or family members, if he decides that the kid isn't likely to manage it on their own and deserves a hand.
Now, Mickey doesn't exactly hide this shit from Ian, but he doesn't really mention it either because... Well, he just doesn't. The whole things is fucking weird, anyway. He doesn't know why he puts up with these stupid brats and he sure as hell didn't ask to be anyone's fucking guardian angel.
But of course Ian finds out eventually, and he is absolutely torn between mercilessly teasing Mickey about it (aaaaaw, Mick, it's so sweet that you care!) and just covering Mickey's entire body in kisses because he's so damned delighted and proud (I mean, it is sweet that Mick cares; hot too). In the end he probably goes for both, but pretty gently, because he knows Mickey and knows that making too big a deal out of it might freak him out. Or not. It's always hard to tell when Mickey will be embarrassed about something and when he'll just declare that liking what he likes doesn't make him a bitch. Ian figures it's better not to take the risk, though, not when they are teenagers in need out there! So, a little moderate ribbing, a lot of particularly attentive sex, and Mickey finds that he doesn't mind Ian knowing so much after all, because there's something about that stupid redhead looking at him like he's a fucking wonder that feels pretty good.
So maybe he'll keep on helping the kids, if they keep on showing up. You know, out of pure self-interest.
A/N: I'm still not sure if this idea is my own or if I've seen it discussed elsewhere, which seriously bugs me, but I was too invested in the notion to let it lie. If you happen to know of a fic or meta discussing similar themes, I'd love a link. Also tagging @sickness-health-all-that-shit because you expressed an interest. ;)
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moadvx · 4 years
Don’t lie to me - J.J. Maybank.
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JJ maybank x reader
Word count: 2.124
Warnings: None, I don’t write smut :)
Request: not a request but my requests are open :)
You are one of Kie’s only kook friends. You are Toppers sister, but everyone knew you are nothing like him. That’s why Kie and you became friends. She knew you were nothing like the kooks. You loved to travel and you had an internship for this company that worked on climate change and how to stop it. You are also friends with Sarah but after she stopped hanging out with Kie you kind of lost contact because you would hang out with Kie a lot. But after she started dating Topper you two got in contact again. You were good friends and she told you in secret dat she didn’t like Topper that much anymore. You saw how she changed when he was around and how he would treat her.
You were also very smart, that’s why you skipped a grade and why this summer you graduated high school. So this summer you wouldn’t actually be in the outer banks, you would be going to New York to work for your summer job and after summer you would go to school there. Then the hurricane happened and when you got the news you went back home. You would help them with building the town back up in a sustainable way. So that’s why you are on a ferry back home right now.
You send a message to Kie and Sarah too. To make sure they were okay. They are both fine and you told them that you are arriving soon. They were both excited that you were coming back. Topper and his friend Rafe would pick you up from the dock even tough you told them not to. You didn’t really like Rafe because he would hit on you sometimes. Which you found very uncomfortable but he wouldn’t stop so you ignored it.
When you arrived you walked to them, you gave Topper a hug and when you turned to Rafe you just walked to the car. “Don’t you think you are forgetting something sweetheart?” Rafe said to you. You kept walking and said “I’m not giving you a hug Rafe, so pop that bubble in your head. Also stop calling me sweetheart it really creepy.” He just looked at you annoyed. You sat in the back of Toppers car and Rafe sat in the front.
When you arrived you unpacked your stuff and send a text to Kie asking if she could hang out. She replied with and okay but that the pogues were with her too. They were just chilling at the beach. So you grabbed your  longboard that you hadn’t ridden in a couple weeks and went to the beach. It felt weird to be back home. Nothing really changed just more stuff was destroyed. You took the long road to the beach to look at what the storm had destroyed. You’ve met the pogues before and they think you're cool but you wouldn’t consider them close friends. You saw the group on the beach but without Pope. “Hey guys, how are y’all doing?” You said to them. Kie stood up and gave you a big hug. “Hey, I missed you but they kept me company.” JJ and John B just waved at you and John B said teasingly “We’re bored around here but you probably wouldn’t have that problem.” You just laughed and said “Nope I’ve been really busy lately. Even here I won’t have that much free time I guess.”
JJ looked at you curiously and asked “Why not?” “I came here to help the town with more sustainable homes. So yeah im basically going to give advice on how to do that.” You answered him “So during the day I’m probably going to be running around town.” He smiled at you. He had a beautiful smile. You’ve always found JJ attractive but you were never the type of girl to go after a boy. Also you really focused on school and work so you really had no time.
They were curious about what New York was like and you told them what had happened and Pope also joined you all. He asked you a lot of questions but not about your work more about college and the way universities would accept him. So you helped him a bit and after that you went back home.
A couple of days later you were invited to the boneyard party. You were kind of tired but Sarah and Kie insisted you needed to go. So you arrived with Sarah, Topper and Rafe but they all left you when the party started. Rafe went after some tourist girl and Topper and Sarah just went somewhere together. You looked for Kie but couldn’t find her. So when you saw JJ and John B giving out drinks you walked up to them. “Hey has one of you seen Kie?” You asked them. “No maybe she just went to the toilet or something but you can stay here. Do you want a drink?” JJ answered you. You nodded and he gave you a drink. “So this is just like how it used to be huh, just parties on the beach, getting really drunk.” You said, John B looked at you and said “yeah this is the most fun we can do around here, New York probably has better parties than this.” You thought about it and said “Well the thing is I worked a lot in New York so I was tired most of the time and when I went out it ended in a disappointment. So I much rather enjoy these kinds of parties.” They looked at you very surprised but JJ asked and laughed “Why? they have better beer and more drugs.”  “Oh come one JJ you know that doesn’t make the party better. At least these parties don’t make me want to cut off my feet from dancing and I can just chill on the beach.”
After the conversation ended and you had a couple more beers you walked to the water. You took of your shoes and walked into the water. You sighed because you were actually really tired and you kind of wanted to go home but also not. They would just ask more questions at home. Then you heard footsteps approaching you. “Hey what are you doing here all alone.” JJ asked. You were kind of surprised he even noticed you bc it was very dark. “Oh you know just thinking about stuff.” You said to him. “Like what kind, the good or the bad thoughts?” He asked curiously. Why was he even interested you thought to yourself but answered him anyway because of the alcohol in your blood. “The kind that makes you wanna run away and never come back.” You said, which surprised him because you are so happy all the time and this was a different side of you. “Why? Did something happen?” “Well there’s just a lot of pressure on me right now because my parents don’t know if what I'm pursuing is a real job so if I fuck this project up they will send me to a different school.” You said JJ looked at you in admiration and said “Well Y/N if you ever need help with anything just ask me or the pogues. We would love to help you.” You looked him smiling and said “Thanks JJ. I just hoped that after I moved to New York they would change their opinion you know.” He put his arm around you and suddenly your heart sped up and you blushed. You immediately stood up and said you would go home. “Is everything okay y/n/n?” He asks you. “yeah, yeah, I just want to go home. I really thank you for the conversation JJ, it was nice.” You say and he looks confused at you. So you put your shoes back on and walk back home.
The next day you woke up with a massive headache and you immediately wanted to swim. This was one of your free days so why not. You grabbed your longboard and went to the beach. You laid down in the sand and thought about yesterday and the conversation with JJ. You wished you weren’t so awkward around him. You texted Kie and told her about it yesterday when you came home. She found it funny because you’ve never been like this. You went for a swim and when you came back out you decided to longboard around town a little.
You ended up at John B’s house and when you walked up the steps to enter the house you saw a black SUV arriving so you call John’s name. “we’re here in the office.” He said “Hey John do you know someone with a back SUV.” You say while entering the room and he looks through the window and immediately starts looking for another way out. But when the guys came into the office you all left and went into the chicken coup. But the chickens wouldn’t shut up so when it got too loud JJ killed the chicken and it was quiet. It kind of shocked you and he saw that and looked at you with an apologising look. You mouthed “its okay” because if he wouldn’t have done that maybe you would be dead.
When the weird guys in black left, you all came out. You let out a breath that you didn’t know you were holding. Kie gave you a hug and then asked you “I’m sorry y/n, but what are you doing here?” You looked at the group and said “ I was just riding through town with my longboard and I was bored and guessed that you would probably be at John Bs house.” They nodded and went back inside again. They sat down on the couch and Kie patted the spot next to her with a smile. Because JJ was siting on the other side. But you sat down anyway because where else would you sit. JJ put his arm on the armrest behind you. You looked down at your lap and played with you hands. They started talking about something but you didn’t understand. JJ looked at you and whispered in your ear “hey did I do something yesterday?” You looked at him surprised and whispered back “No like I said I just wanted to go home JJ.” “but you said home was where you didn’t want to go when we talked yesterday y/n.” He said “its okay JJ could be way worse.” And you looked at the rest of the group. He also looked at the group and after a couple minutes you stood up and said “Hey I’m gonna go home chill a little. Are you doing anything tonight?” They shrugged and you left “bye y/n” you heard JJ say. You smiled and went back home.
You get a text that night at a weird time from an unknown number.
Unknown: hey its JJ, I really wanna talk and I know its a weird time but I could also be at another time I just wanna talk.
You: hey JJ, yeah I can hang out for a bit rn. I won’t be sleeping anyway but where?
JJ: Uhh we could go to the beach I could be there in about 15 minutes.
You: Okay I will be there too.
JJ: see ya then
You sneak out of the house and go to the beach. You see him sitting on the hood of his car. “hey JJ, what’s up.” You said he looks ay you and sticks his hand out for you to climb up his car as well. “Okay so I know that was a lie yesterday and today too and you know it too. Why won’t you tell me why you left?” He says and you sigh “JJ its has nothing to do with you.” You sigh again and decide to just tell him “but when you put your arm around me yesterday my heart did something and it made me realize something. I have a crush on you JJ” “Wait what… are you serious?” You nod and he looks at you with a smile “So to assure you I have a crush on you as well.” You looked at him so surprised and smiled. “Can I kiss you?” He asks “only if you want to y/n I don’t wanna force-“ you shut him up by kissing him. He kisses you back and you move to his lap. You pull back and say “just promise me that im not just a hookup JJ.” “I swear on my damn life that you're not just a hookup. We are gonna rule the world together.” You smile and that night you end up watching the sunrise together.
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