#this is giving Lola and bugs from the looney tunes show
mikeandikeschmidt · 3 months
*Holds his hand and drags him to the mall* You want something to eat? My treat! What do you like?
“Woah!” Mike felt himself getting yanked forward all of a sudden, “Y-you don’t need to get me anything. I appreciate it but I’ll be fine..!” He could see arguing wasn’t doing anything though.
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tymime · 1 year
Lola Bunny in the comic books
I’ve discussed at length my views and opinions about Lola Bunny before (https://tymime.tumblr.com/post/174484746321/lola-bunny-is-one-of-animations-more), but something I’ve been wanting to really dive into was her sporadic appearances in DC’s Looney Tunes comic book series in the late ‘90s and early 2000s.
I think these are the most overlooked and underrated depictions of Lola ever, and actually very much key to understanding her personality, history, and potential. The trouble is, I’ve been waiting many years for someone to scan all the issues with her in it. But back in the day, I had issue #92, and when I read the Lola story within, I didn’t even blink. The basic premise of most of her stories is a weird one, but it somehow works. Her job is to deliver pizza. But she delivers pizza to gods, monsters, and other supernatural beings, traversing dangerous landscapes, fighting off viscious wild animals, and generally taking care of business. So like, when I was 13, it didn’t even occur to me that this was at all unusual. Of course she’s a kick-butt action girl. Why wouldn’t she be? What else would she be? I had seen Xena. I watched cartoons with strong female leads. I didn’t even have to think about it. There wasn’t any doubt in my mind that Lola could be more than a sports-obsessed, one-dimensional teen fantasy. It actually baffles me when I see anyone suggest otherwise, like the director for Space Jam: A New Legacy did. As if she wasn’t always the tough, proactive, heroic type. Of course Lola is an Amazonian warrior.
But let’s actually look at her first appearance in the comics, after the Space Jam graphic novel, in issue #60, 1999 (why it took three years for this to happen I can’t guess).
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Right off the bat, we see Lola fighting off a jaguar with a machete and a board with a nail in it. The narration implies that a woman would do a better job at exploring and surviving the South American rainforest than a man could. I’m all here for it. It’s also an obvious parody of Tomb Raider and Lara Croft- probably because of the similarity between their figures, which for some reason people wouldn’t stop talking about for about two decades. While I haven’t played those games myself, I’m sure there’s much more to it than that, and it’s kind of a relief that we’re finally over it.
Something that these comics do well is give Lola additional quirks and traits. This first story does it straight away:
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Apparently Lola has no sympathy for panhandlers. I’m not sure how I feel about that, since that sort of attitude often extends into dismissing homeless people who can’t get jobs for one reason or another, but hopefully Lola isn’t as black-and-white about the issue as she seems here.
At first it seems like a straightforward parody of temple-raiding adventures, à la Indiana Jones and even Ray Harryhausen movies, but then comes the twist:
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Nearly all these stories follow a similar format- Lola has to deal with nasty aggressive demons and beasts to deliver a pizza from Machu Pizza (get it?), and she doesn’t break a sweat. I’m not sure how the writers (kudos to Sean Carolan and Jennifer Moore) came up with the idea, but it’s incredibly original and inspired and I’m glad they ran away with it.
Her next appearance in issue #71 is unfortunately a bit of a step backward, seen here portraying a parody of Daphne from Scooby-Doo, but I suppose there wasn’t anybody else available.
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Luckily she goes right back to pizza delivery soon afterward in issue #76 (albeit nearly two years after the first time).
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Apparently Lola’s mother was a fan of a ‘70s soul/disco singer named Vicki Sue Robinson. It’s weird randomness like this that makes these comics special, I think.
Another aspect about this depiction of Lola is that she shows just as much sharp wit, quick thinking, and cleverness that any good trickster should have- just like Bugs. And yet, she’s not just a carbon copy of Bugs, as it should be.
We also get a glimpse of Lola’s past in issue #80:
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Apparently she’s a Beatles fan, which is always cool.
As I said, I had issue #92, completely out of context, but I caught on to the premise immediately nonetheless.
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Here we learn that Lola is actually part of some legendary lineage, which prevents the gods from starting a war with each other. Sounds like a pretty big deal. Lola is fed up with all this nonsense, so she quits her job and starts working at a clothing store. I think this exchange speaks for itself:
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Eventually, however, she gets bored of nothing happening, and nobody else can deal with the mythical creatures like she can, so she returns to Machu Pizza with newfound confidence.
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I think this is great stuff. She doesn’t put up with any guff.
Unfortunately, that’s the last of the pizza delivery stories, and it’s a shame there are so few of them, because it’s quite possibly the best material Lola ever had. I think more than anything it represents Lola at her fullest, and shows how much potential she has to be a regular character, instead of someone who just shows up every now and then, only to be reinterpreted once again.
Lola also wouldn’t make another proper appearance until 2011 in issue #203, only making background cameos in the meantime. This story- which is all about roller derby- is a bit underwhelming in comparison to her older comics. Sure, her sportiness comes into play for the first time since Space Jam (weirdly enough, considering that’s what she’s best known for), but she doesn’t get to do very much. There are good moments, though:
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I’m into it. (The first panel implies Bugs and Lola knew each other in junior high/middle school, which is an interesting tidbit. It contradicts how they’ve never seen each other before in Space Jam, but Looney Tunes has never been much for continuity anyway.)
And that’s it for stories focused on Lola. From then on, her appearances are brief and insubstantial. In issue #220, she’s only in a few panels as an angry police chief.
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In 2017, she appears in a Star Trek parody in issue #239, playing the Lt. Uhura part, and is essentially just as limited.
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In 2019, she returns as a basketball player, and still doesn’t do much. They’re obviously trying to make her look more like she does in Space Jam, but no attempt is made to make her a main character.
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Her most recent cameo is in 2023’s issue #269, which suggests that she won an award for journalism of all things.
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And that’s it. Outside of Space Jam: A New Legacy and its graphic novel adaptation, there really hasn’t been very much OG Lola Bunny media at all.
In fact, the largest amount of screentime Lola ever gets is in Baby Looney Tunes of all things. That’ll be another blog for another time, when I finally finish watching that series, and it probably won’t be very long.
Other than that, Lola appears in three video games: Bugs Bunny & Lola Bunny: Operation Carrot Patch (the only time her name was in the title), Looney Tunes Racing (where they actually ramp up the whole “girl power” thing to Nth degree), and Looney Tunes: Space Race. She has minor roles in the webtoon Dating Do’s and Don’ts, and in Tweety's High-Flying Adventure. She has one cameo, and two featured episodes in New Looney Tunes- and only one of ‘em portrays her as smart trickster. She’s a main character in Bugs Bunny Builders, but her personality’s been reduced to a generic perky girl, although they at least refrain from making her stupid again. I actually like this show, though.
So why is this? Why do people struggle with writing for Lola anyway? It doesn’t seem so hard. The whole trouble is almost everybody seems to have a different perspective of the character, and I can’t figure out why. It seems pretty straightforward to me- she’s good at sports, she’s smart, she’s strong-willed, and doesn’t like being pushed around or not taken seriously. This is a personality type that’s been done before, in every genre. So what’s the deal with Lola? Why do people think she’s terrible or needs “fixing”? It doesn’t help that most of these comics are long out of print, hard to collect, and they’re not given much attention in the first place. They seem to be best known for starting Dave Alvarez’s career in Looney Tunes projects.
I suspect there’s not only a big wad of sexism involved, but also a general resentment towards Space Jam in general. The whole “how do you do fellow kids” aspect of that movie has dated it, I’ll admit, and I never took the whole hip-hop Looney Tunes thing that was going in the late ‘90s very seriously, even when I was a kid.
But that shouldn’t mean Lola should be dragged into it. Sure, the way they handle the character isn’t flawless- she literally comes out of nowhere, with hardly any proper introduction at all. We have no idea who she is or where she came from in the movie, and we probably never will. Her independent, self-reliant traits are a bit undermined when Bugs has to come to her rescue, briefly turning her into a damsel-in-distress. It’s not perfect, but then again, I’m not sure how else Bugs was going to become her boyfriend in the screen time available.
Why this makes people hate her or even see her as sexist, I can’t imagine.
She’s also one of the newest Looney Tunes characters. There hadn’t been a new character groomed for stardom since Cool Cat and his ilk, in the late ‘60s. I’m sure to some people she seemed like an intrusive wannabe. Why she gets picked on instead of even newer characters like Claudette Dupri from New Looney Tunes, or even the Nerdlucks from the same movie (who are even more underused), I can’t guess. So maybe it’s just sexism after all.
Opinions about Lola vary wildly. So what’s the deal? Well, let’s examine the most negative views of her: Is she a oversexualized pin-up? While there’s obviously some degree of sexualization in the way the artists designed her curvy, semi-hourglass figure, this is just falling into the “fictional women aren’t allowed to be sexy” trap that men who pretend to be feminists often do. On the other hand, it’s understandable that you wouldn’t want to make ALL female cartoon characters bombshells and eye candy. But hey, why not use Petunia Pig, Granny, Miss Prissy, or even the She-Devil to balance things out? Why not come up with solutions instead of complaining about it?
Is she a stereotypical “girl power” sporty type? Is this even a thing? Why would anyone want to undermine positive female role models? There’s a disturbing trend recently of people wanting to criticize the whole “action princess” thing, and I can’t understand why. Seems dangerous to me. Sounds like more fake feminism if you ask me. (I’m a guy though, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.)
Is the ditzy, dumb blonde version an improvement? Why is this even a question?? I don’t know how making her a complete airhead is supposed to be “less sexist”. It’s like opposite-day logic. And no, we shouldn’t mix in the “wackiness” of the LTS version with her original version. She doesn’t need it. God no.
So there you have it. If it were up to me, I’d be making cartoons starring Lola with this exact same premise. Hopefully this blog will spread some awareness of Lola’s best work. If you wanna track down these comics, here’s a list of all the best ones: #60, #76, #80, #84, #88, #92, #117, and #203.
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so... back then i was havin some urge to draw bugs lola and daffy as arknights's operator(bugs would be guard,lola sniper n daffy specialist) that later on was getting grown into a 'what if' they become an operator,like...at first i just kinda curious about how they would be there then in few days it grown into how they comin to terra until they become operators,n then i draw the e2 ver of bugs first since i already draw his base splash before maybe next would be daffy n lola as well the plot was kinda like this (this one was pasted from a recent chat that i did with a fellow looney tunes enjoyers and also arknights player
grandpa ranger found three of em around an abandoned originium mine at ursus territory,n he reported to us (the doctor) that he also found a certain rabbit hole nearby
he brings em to us along with his reports,there lola told us that they didnt know anything beside few white masked combatants(yeah reunions,kevin included) was try to attack them as soon as three of em was get out from a rabbithole that bugs made (classic, he forgot the turn to alburquerque as usual),sadly one of the caster injured them,both daffy and lola got minor burns while bugs got more heavy damage on his leg,so they take him n running together into nearby cave (the abandoned mine) until those reunions was get away,then they re founded by ranger which doing some daily area scouting
then knowin three of em was have some burns the doctor told amiya to bring em to the medic ward,there gavial help em while doin some chit chat,and since daffy had too much to talk while being cured,she bonk him with her staff
-then after they re out from the room,lola noticed that there's a lot of animals and humans with animals traits around there,amiya start explaining(y know the stuffs,race etc)
-while that daffy was accidentaly bumped into may and had some nonsense arguments
then cut to evening they go back to the doctor,found em standing with kal tsit,and they got some infos that those three needed to know, the possible way how they ended up there and how to send em back to their home
but since it would need a prototype device (welp thanks to originium dust event,now we got an info that makin portal between two world was kinda possible(?)) with huge amount of originium energies they have to wait at least until the next day after tomorrow
at the mean time there s some daily things happened,like lola teach some small kids how to do a threepoint shoot,daffy still arguing nonsense stuffs with may and bugs doin his usual slapstick with daffy in front of some younger operators and kids there (Also if i remember there also a scene where daffy giving elysium advice how to win against thorn in chess but all the ways he give was useless at the end)
and before those um...montages... at the first night when amiya shows them where they can rest for few days and give em blankets, her wrist that has originium crystals was accidentaly shown to bugs which was the only person that was nearby her at the moment (daffy was already on the bed and lola was takin bath)
and she tells about oripathy and stuffs
then after those daily life segments end,at night bugs was inside the bathroom,alone and wash his face before goin to sleep, while he drains his gloved hand
there's a black transparant rock crystal there,but not that big
well Seeing that bugs wipes away his thoughts about what amiya says before about oripaty n stuffs and go to sleep at the next morning the rock was kinda multiplied,but not that much seeig this he go back to the bathroom and try to get rid of it but nothing worked then he go out from the room,seeking well...amiya,since she is the first person that kindly open to him around the place
when he found amiya he tells her like "hey doc....did ya still remember those rocks that ya said few nights before?" then amiya answered "rocks? ah did you mean originiums,mr bugs?"
and he answered like "yeah dat one...well...i guess one of the rock was stickin to my arm doc..." while he showin amiya his own wrist which has those rock that now has multiplied again but in smaller size then amiya gasped and take bugs to kal tsit
she examine him and found out it is indeed oripathy bugs gulped in frightened face and ask how it can be cured quickly but yeah we both know there's still no cure
then he told kal tsit to didnt tell lola and daffy about this later on until finally they can go back home
well they stay still didnt know anything t\about bugs gets oripathy until a night before the day that the device is ready to bring em back home,amiya was walkin by and accidentaly meets bugs outside the room they then had a talk n at the end amiya explains that indeed oripathy still dont have any cure yet but there s some meds that can endure the symptoms and such and she says that s what rhodes is about and everyone that sick there was having hope to be cured so they worked there as operators n helps each others n other peoples not only for getting the better meds but also better lfes and better places
then at the next day,when they finally can go back home at the same time amiya and few operators are assigned to an urgent mission at the same time so she cannot attend the procedure for opening the portal to send three of our toons back home she only can wave short goodbye at the moment that what was the doctor told to lola and daffy
which was also questioning where's bugs since they didnt see him around even on few minuts before they departured then when amiya comin in rush for a short goodbye,daffy and lola ask her that if maybe she did meets bugs,and she says that she meets him and he just being prepared daffy n lola then both kinda confused for what are he prepared then a footstep comin inside,there's bugs comin but he using rhodes's uniform as seen above and have a normal length of blade inside it s holster attached on a belt (which is it was a spare sword that amiya ask from yato to borrow for him) then they ask him like what did he doin and why those equipments he then answer about his reason that maybe they need some much more vacation times so he decide to stay there longer.both lola and daffy confused why he said that,since it kinda unusual but he says that if the portal device was stable then it means they can go home whenever they please,so nothing to worry about and they can be more relaxed there,on terra without thinkin too much about the teleports and having some 'fun' vacations through terra,he also said that amiya told him before that the rhodes landship would go to siesta,a beautiful country that has nice weather and beach,included with it s music festival to enjoy. heard nice beach and blue sea,daffy instantly agreed in happyness makes lola finally also agreed both decisions. thus their journey began on the land of terra
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ssadumba55 · 3 years
Binders (Looney Tunes X FtM! Reader)
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A/N: Literally sorry if this is inaccurate as hell I have not started wearing a binder yet and literally have no idea what entirely happens when you wear one during sports I just wanted to write something cute. Also of course, this is set during Space Jam: A New Legacy so if you haven't seen that don't read under the keep reading thing (spoilers). I know I said a while ago I don't write Looney Tunes, but I have watched both Space Jams and fallen in love. I plan to delve further down the rabbit hole but for now my knowledge is limited to Space Jam so please be gentle if this out of character. Also you can make up a reason how/why you ended up on the team haha. I really didn't think this through I just wrote it. Either way, enjoy!
You looked at yourself in the mirror, it was the halfway point in the game and you were exhausted. You had to play like your life depended on it (because it did) but this entire thing was tiring. Not to mention you could feel the strain from your binder underneath the bright orange and blue Tune Squad jersey. It wasn’t meant to be worn during intense exercise and you were worried this whole ordeal might ruin your chances of getting top surgery.
But you couldn’t go out there without it on. You weren’t flat enough to pass and if they saw your chest there would be questions, questions you weren’t ready to answer. You loved the tunes, but they weren’t exactly the best at being discreet. The idea of being outed to thousands of people in the middle of a life or death basketball game made you shudder.
Glancing over your shoulder to make sure you were really alone, you decided to give yourself a quick break. You pulled the jersey over your head and then the binder, pulling the jersey back over your chest just in case someone decided to barge in. You could easily turn around and pretend to be busy so they wouldn’t see your chest. You sat down, leaning against the wall and closing your eyes.
The burning in your chest was still there but at least now you had room to breathe more than you had before. There was still 10 minutes of half time left (you’d booked it in here as soon as halftime was called), you just had to get through one more half-
“(Y/n)...?” A familiar uncertain voice called and you nearly jumped two feet in the air. Your arms immediately crossed over your chest.
“Daffy! Shouldn’t you be out there? You are the coach, right?” You laughed nervously, stepping in front of your binder still laying across the bench you’d been sitting on. If Daffy was here, it was only a matter of time before the other tunes and worst of all, Lebron James, noticed you two were missing.
The cartoon duck put his hands, wings?, on his hips.
“We’ve been looking for ya, ya didn’t hear tha new looney game plan. Is something tha matter?”
His question was genuinely curious. He clearly didn’t understand why you were hiding away from the rest of the group, he was just worried for his friend and you couldn’t blame him. It did seem a little weird that you were back here, hiding, when you guys were losing the game so badly.
“I- I’ll be right out, just let me finish getting ready,” you promised him, “catch me up on the way out to the court?’
He shrugged and nodded, walking away to give you your own privacy. You sighed, looking down at your binder. Things would’ve been so much easier if you’d just been born a male. You wouldn’t need to risk your body wearing this thing during sports.
You pulled your jersey over your head and began to pull the binder over your chest. Once it was back on, you could feel your body protest immediately, but you didn’t have a choice. You threw your jersey back on and headed out, checking yourself over in the mirror once before.
“Alright, guys. I’m ready…” You walked out, hands on your hips to greet your teammates, only to be met with unreadable expressions on everyone’s faces. It was as if they somehow knew what you were doing and disapproved. You only had a couple minutes before you all needed to be on the court though, so nobody said anything.
The group headed back out and you tried to match the energy, but you had to face the music. Your body was strained, even without the binder this would be a lot to put it through and with it, it was almost unbearable. You took a step toward the court to join the others, and the world felt a little fuzzy.
You must’ve fallen and blacked out, because the next thing you know you’re laying in a bed and somehow you’re not dead. Maybe that had all been a crazy dream. You’d never gotten stuck in a server forced to play basketball with an all powerful algorithm. You’d never worn your binder during it all, you’d never met the Looney Tunes.
For a moment you fooled yourself into believing that. And then a sharp pain came through your body.
You let out a cry of pain and the door was pushed open.
“You’re okay!” You hadn’t been expecting the Tunes to be on the other side of the door… or in this world in general but somehow seeing them made you relax a bit. If they were here that must’ve meant they’d won the game. No thanks to you, but they hadn’t been deleted. They’d defeated Al-G. Lebron had gotten his son back.
“I’m okay. What are you guys even doing here anyway?” You asked, slightly exhausted.
Daffy and Bugs both hopped on the bed, trying to fight for a spot to sit (that apparently needed to be the spot where the other was sitting). You watched them squabble for a bit before Lola pulled them apart.
“Stop that, you’re going to hurt him,” she scolded them, shoving them to the side, then turning to address you.
“We were worried about you. Mr. James was really nice and let us stay for a bit so we could be here when you woke up,” she explained.
“You weren’t supposed ta be wearing that thing on your chest, were you?” Daffy crossed his arms over his own chest and you laughed nervously. They all knew. You wondered who had explained it to them.
“Look, guys. I know you’re mad that I lied to you-”
They all blinked, exchanging looks as if the thought had never even crossed their minds. Your face heated up, had you said something wrong?
“We weren’t mad about your gender, (Y/n), if that’s what you’s thinking. We’re just worried about that chest thing. They said you was wearing it the whole game until you passed out. You know that’s not healthy, right?” Bugs' ears had flopped behind his head.
You laughed nervously. “No it’s not, you’re right. I should’ve known better, I’ll be more careful next time. Sorry guys.”
They seemed to genuinely accept this apology, though they still looked worried. You prodded them to tell you what happened during the game after you passed out and they did relay it in shocking detail, you wished you could’ve been there to see it. After a while, they were ushered out so you could get some rest, Daffy hung back.
“I saved this for ya. Thought ya might want it.” He handed something tattered, it was your binder. They must’ve cut it off to save time. It had cost so much to get and it was all down the drain now. You took it, tossing it across the room into the trash can by the door. You winced as you laid down but it had gotten in and you were satisfied.
“I’ll get a new one, thanks though, Daffy.” You smiled at him and when the two of you met eyes, you could see that genuine curiosity from before. “You want to hang out here for a bit? I know I’m supposed to be resting but I feel like I’ll go insane if I can’t talk to someone.”
Daffy placed his one hand on his hip and brought the other up to tap his beak as if deep in thought, then all of a sudden, he launched himself up on the bed.
“Let me tell ya something, (Y/n). I have been working on something I can’t show tha others yet and you’re tha perfect person to try it out on-”
You felt all warm and fuzzy as he continued to ramble. There was something special about being accepted by a bunch of cartoon characters you’d looked up to for so long. Even though you were certain they didn’t fully understand, having their support and friendship meant the world.
You’d be sad when it was time for them to head back to Looney Tune World.
Oh well, maybe you could visit them sometime.
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bugsbunnybisexual · 3 years
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Only fools fall for you, only fools.
Only fools do what I do, only fools fall.
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Random Baffy thoughts
Hi motherfuckers,
I have no idea what's gotten over me today but I cannot, for the life of me, stop thinking about Baffy. So much so that I made this blog on a valuable Friday that I should be using for productivity. Holy shit.
Keep reading if you wanna hear my spiels.
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First, some easy-to-digest headcanons:
Bugs is 26, Daffy is 28
Bugs is bisexual biromantic, Daffy is demisexual biromantic
Bugs is Egogender, Daffy is Nonbinary and will describe his gender as "I have no idea what you're talking about."
Bugs Black, Daffy Black-Desi, specifically Bangladeshi
Daffy knows some broken-ass Bengali
Fools by Troye Sivan is a song that Bugs will sometime listen to and contemplate his romantic choices. LMAO but he will never tell Daffy that-
Bugs listens to a lot of Hip-Hop and old-school Rock. Daffy likes classic music because he thinks it makes him smarter. And older Desi music, like old movie ballads
Bugs has OCD. He's experienced depression before but it doesn't really flare up anymore
Daffy has OCD too. Don't @ me, all my faves get OCD okay? Along with that he has generalized anxiety disorder
Bugs likes reading about History & Physics
I like to think they have a sun/moon thing going on with Bugs being the sun and Daffy being the moon. All my ships have this dynamic, I know.
IDK there's more I can't remember right now...
Bugs' Flags:
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Daffy's Flags:
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Now, my basic idea for them...
If you notice in TLTS, Bugs doesn't HAVE to let Daffy stay with him, but he does. Though Daffy is basically a freeloader, Bugs never complains. To me, I definitely see this as Bugs being interested in Daffy in a more intimate way than one might think. Bugs has the ability to be roommates/housemates with other people who may have a job or whatever but Bugs doesn't particularly care. Moreover, Bugs is shown to be annoyed of others easily while being very patient with Daffy. You see what I'm talking about?
Meanwhile on the other side, yeah I know TLTS is comedy and everything - but - if we suspend the comedy for a second, I would like to imagine that Daffy actually has issues. Now, this has been supported by official/canon media before. Particularly in Back in Action. Daffy is shown in that show acknowledging that he feels people like Bugs a lot, but don't like him.
So, if we suspend the comedy for just a second, and talk about Daffy's issue, for some goddamn reason I LOVE and absolutely LOVE the idea that Daffy has difficulty understanding why Bugs loves him. And he questions it a lot. And gets upset over it. And Bugs can't really explain it, either, other than just saying "I like you for who you are. You may be a pain in the ass sometimes but that doesn't change the fact that I enjoy your company, I enjoy you."
I also like to imagine that their relationship is nowhere near perfect, sort of similarly to TLTS's approach to Bugs & Lola, where they are somewhat aware of the fact that they're a couple but continue to have miscommunications & difficulty. Except with Bugs & Daffy it's a lot louder, with a lot more accusations, but they make up in the end, because they have a mutual understanding that isn't obvious at first sight, but the more you see them interact, the more you realize they understand each other a lot better than it seems on the outside.
And then comes the lovey-dovey stuff.
Oh the lovey-dovey stuff.
I'll be putting them under a read more, it gets intimate.
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So, Bugs is clever. He doesn't really exercise his flirting skills with Lola in TLTS, partially because Lola is more interested in him than he is in her. But in the classic Looney Tunes you can see how good he is with flirting with people of all genders and how easily he catches people off-guard with witty flirting. So, I'd like to imagine that doesn't change with TLTS Bugs, either. He just uses this type of flirting on very specific people. And Daffy is definitely, definitely one of them.
Daffy has a big but fragile ego. It's easy to trip him up with the right words & actions. And as I said, Bugs is smart, he knows Daffy very well. He knows exactly what to say to get to Daffy, and he loves using this as an advantage, especially when there's a fight between them.
There is a LOT of Bugs just using Daffy's words right back at him in a flirty way. Lots of shutting Daffy up with a kiss, lots of intimidating leans from Bugs, and a lot of flustered Daffy who doesn't actually know what to do with real affection and love because he barely knows what that is.
Daffy stuttering, having difficulty making eye-contact, being unable to believe what's happening, blushing, and just falling deeper in love every time Bugs flirts with him. And don't get me wrong, Daffy LOVES it, but he doesn't know how to react or just...how to compute. He short-circuits.
And Bugs enjoys that a lot. He loves seeing Daffy all flustered, confused, seeing his ego disappear and only his vulnerable and emotional self being visible, seeing Daffy being unable to stand on his feet flippers because of how nervous he is, refusing to look Bugs in the eyes until Bugs connects their foreheads...it gets Bugs just as flustered as Daffy is. He's just a lot better at controlling his emotions and not wearing his heart on his sleeves during intimate moments.
CW // Suggestive or NSFW
And of course, this dynamic continues onto bed, as well. Bugs loves showring Daffy with compliments as they fuck, only for Daffy to be completely flustered and unable to compose himself throughout the whole thing. Sometimes, if Daffy has the energy, he will grab Bugs, kiss him and tell him to shut the hell up. Which will usually lead to Bugs giggling and throwing a "fine, sure, we'll play it your way" and finally letting Daffy take the occasional lead.
Their physical intimacy will involve nibbling and hickeys from Bugs' side, tiny little bites hidden all over Daffy's body under his fur. And Bugs thinks Daffy gives the best head. Daffy's beak is sensitive and squishy, and easy to tickle.
NSFW over //
Some random intimate stuff:
Daffy really likes PDA but has difficulty expressing that he'd like to do things like holding hands in public. Luckily, Bugs understands and makes his moves bravely.
As they get older, Daffy humbles up and gets a lot better with his emotions and starts being a helpful househusband - cooking, cleaning, helping with chores and just making their home a nice environment. Bugs really appreciates this. Daffy understands later that he just doesn't like the corporate world, which is why he never liked working jobs.
The wedding is huge because Daffy wants it huge and Bugs actually exercises his popularity and riches for their wedding day. Daffy is genuinely so happy that Bugs feels greatly satisfied about his decisions by the end of the wedding. Also Bugs wears that one tux with a skirt wedding outfit. You know the one. Daffy can't decide between a tux and a wedding dress and flips a coin which lands on wedding dress, LMAO. It's his mom's old dress. Yes it is a Sari, if you thought it was a western wedding gown then the L is on you.
They play a lot of Troye Sivan, BTS, Pink Sweat$ & Kehlani on their wedding. Why? Because I said so, that's why.
...and that's about it!
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smashupmashups · 3 years
Happy 25th Birthday, Lola Bunny!
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It's official, Lola Bunny is now 25th years old, and she's definitely gone through some evolution throughout the years.
Introduced in Space Jam (1996), voiced by the wonderful Kath Soucie, was portrayed as the strong-headed attractive bunny whose only purpose in the film was to be the eye candy. Frankly, looking back at this, she really wasn't given much character in this. Also, the way she dressed in crop tops and short-shorts really didn't suit her and didn't make her fit in with the legendary Looney Tunes characters. Point being, this is one of the reasons why I hate the first Space Jam, as Lola was introduced as eye-candy rather than acting like a Tune.
Tweety's High Flying Adventure (2000) gives Lola a brief appearance as a news reporter, while twirling her basketball on her finger for a second before speaking. While I haven't watched the straight-to-video movie, it's a pretty nice appearance. Also, Kath Soucie reprised her role as Lola, in case you were wondering.
The Looney Tunes Show (2011–2014). Where to begin? Honestly, I think this portrayal of Lola is a perfect fit. And Kristen Wiig gives her acting chops a whirl with this character and definitely works. In her first episode "Members Only", seeing her portrayed as more bubbly and absent-minded was enjoyable. Although if I'm gonna count some flaws, her stalker role in the early episodes was a bit much and akin to another bunny. Overall, this portayal of Lola is my favorite, and I hope they'll use this personality for future projects.
Looney Tunes: Rabbits Run (2015) gives Lola the spotlight as she's in possession of a flower that's been used in a perfume she made and she's on the run with Bugs portraying a taxi driver. I wanna say it's a bizarre plot, but since this is based on the Looney Tunes, it's anything but. Here, she's voiced by Rachel Ramras; one of the producers behind The Looney Tunes Show.
New Looney Tunes (2015–2020) has returned many other Looney Tunes characters after the first season, originally called Wabbit, only centered around Bugs. And one of the characters that returned was Lola, first appearing in "Hare to the Throne", with Kath Soucie reprising her role after 18 long years. Although I'm not that much interested in the show and I haven't watched much of it, so I don't know if I can recommend it. Also, while I'm glad Soucie returned as Lola, she sounded more like a child character; notably, Lill from Rugrats. Also, she took some of her Looney Tunes Show personality traits while portraying her more "Looney".
And last, but not least, Space Jam: A New Legacy (2021). Lola's shown as the strong-headed action girl in this movie, which didn't bother me. Also, her design is much better suited for her than the first Jam; less skin and less sexy. She definitely has more screen time in this movie, from helping LeBron James and shown with a more well-rounded personality. Her wardrobe in this movie has her wearing a tank top and shorts, and sweat jackets in most scenes. As much as I like Lola's new design and how she's portrayed more as a character than eye-candy, just Zendaya voicing her doesn't fit well when she's paired with the other Looney Tunes characters; it just makes her sound less of a cartoon character.
And sorry for not adding infant Lola from Baby Looney Tunes (2001–2006); I was only focused on the adult Lola. And, obviously, I didn't add Lexi Bunny from Loonitics Unleashed (2005–2007) for the same reason. Not to mention, she's a descendant to Lola; it's not Lola herself. Evolution and opinions aside, I will now talk about how I made this: The bullseye iris Lola's in with the "Happy Birthday, Lola!" in the That's Fonts Folks font was made on November 9, while the the six Lolas were made prior on November 7.
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thewickedmerman · 3 years
Lola Bunny Tier List
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This is my rankings of the different versions of Lola Bunny. The versions I chose to rank are Space Jam, the DC comics, Tweety's Highflying Adventure, Baby Looney Tunes, Dating Do's and Don'ts, Loonatics Unleashed (Yes, I am aware it's not actually Lola but it's still a variation of her), The Looney Tunes Show, Rabbits Run, New Looney Tunes (Formally known as Wabbit), and Space Jam: A New Legacy.
1.DC Comics- This version of Lola is absolutely the most PERFECT version of Lola that there is. She's smart, strong, competent, independent, and feisty but is able to get into wacky situations like a traditional Looney Tune. She's a pizza delivery girl for mythical creatures, ancient spirits, and deities, which is awesome and has a lot of comedic potential that they take full advantage of. She shows that she can hold her own as a Looney Tune without having to rely on the other Looney Tunes to make her story work. She's sassy, witty, hot-headed, vindictive, resourceful, clever, can take a beating, and is just everything you want in a great female Looney Tune and a great Looney Tune in general. I'd love to see animated shorts based on the comics.
2.Space Jam: A New Legacy- I was very skeptical about this when I learned that out of nowhere at the last minute they replaced Kath Soucie with Zendaya, who is a TERRIBLE actress in my opinion. However, Zendaya did surprise me by actually giving a good performance, for once. She wasn't monotoned, wooden, or stale but full of energy, genuine emotion, and showing personality. This version of Lola takes full advantage of Lola by fleshing her out more and making her more important to the plot than she was in the original Space Jam. She's really awesome and a lot like her DC comic book version. The only thing holding her back is that Zendaya voices her. I'm sorry but the fact that Kath Soucie was going to voice her but they just out of nowhere screwed her over in favor of a big named (And OVERRATED) celebrity really leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
3.New Looney Tune- This is pretty much just like her DC comic book version where she is smart, competent, strong, and independent but is able to be in wacky situations. The episode Lola Rider is amazing and shows her full potential being shown. Kath Soucie even returned to voice her, showing off her versatility. The art style is terrible but this is a very faithful and well-done version of Lola. However, she's not higher because of two things. The first being she's only in three episodes, one of which is only for one minute. In her third and final appearance, she acts like a major fangirl that is kind of clueless, which seems out of character. However, I chalk that up to Lola just being such a big sports fan that when she's near someone she's a big fan of, she loses her senses in excitement.
4.Loonatics Unleashed- An underrated and overly hated show that is a lot of fun. Lola's descendant, Lexi Bunny, is the best part of the show because of her strong, smart, fun, sassy, and badass personality. Her personality is fleshed out and despite being the only girl never feels like she's just there to be the token chick but rather an essential member of the team. She's even second in command to Ace, Bugs Bunny's descendant. I really love her sass and how she carries herself in all situations whether mellow or dangerous. I find her interactions with Daffy Duck's descendant, Danger Duck. They have very much a sibling relationship where she never misses an opportunity to call him out on his crap, not to mention put him in his place when he does something to make her upset. I feel like this is what Lola and Daffy's interactions would be like, which I wish we would see more of with the actual Lola and Daffy.
5.Space Jam- The original Lola Bunny, who is awesome. I love her catchphrase, "Don't ever call me doll" and I wish that it would've stayed her catchphrase in later versions of Lola. She's smart, strong, feisty, has great expressions, is self-reliant, and never lets people underestimate her simply for being an attractive female. She's a wonderful character but she isn't very well written. She has less than 4 minutes of screen time in the whole movie, speaking and non-speaking. That makes her not as fleshed out as she could've been. They should've given her more to do and more of a role in the film. Not to mention make her a bit more looney like she would be in the comics. I feel like they should've modeled her personality a little bit more like Babs Bunny from Tiny Toon Adventures (Yes, Babs Bunny actually came before Lola).
6.Baby Looney Tunes- The same Lola we know and love but as a baby. She's still smart, strong, stands up for herself, is creative, feisty, caring, and maintains her amazing athletic skills. She's great but her being a baby does limit her.
7.Tweety's Highflying Adventure- This is just a cameo with her as a weather girl. She's cool and all but there's not much to judge because of how it's less than a minute.
8.Rabbits Run- This version of Lola is VERY different from the Lola that is normally shown in media. She's more of an airhead because of how she's based on The Looney Tunes Show version of Lola. So I should really hate this version but she was actually okay. She wasn't a brainless, man-obsessed, dumb blonde stereotype and actually had some independence and goals that didn't revolve around a man or just change out of nowhere. On her own, she's an entertaining character but she's still just NOT Lola.
9.Dating Do's and Don'ts- This version has no lines other than giggling like a dumb teenage valley girl stereotype. This really isn't anything like Lola and is just so out of character.
10.The Looney Tunes Show- I absolutely DESPISE this version of Lola. They took an already established character that was smart, competent, independent, self-reliant, and strong and turned her into the polar opposite of who she was. They made her a scatterbrained, man-obsessed, dumb blonde stereotype that never shuts up. This is bad fanfic levels of terrible character writing. The creators of the show actually said they never saw Space Jam or anything else Lola appeared in, which just shows how terribly written this character is. I respect people's opinions but saying this version of Lola is the best is just really insulting to the character, to women, and to quality writing. Just let this version DIE and never be allowed to see the light of day EVER again.
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thebrownssociety · 3 years
Space Jam 2 AU [AKA Across The Serververse] Part 2.
Hey! Roxy Goth here. So, just a couple of quick note before we carry on, firstly -  from now on I think I’ll just have the title of this as ‘Across The Serververse’ and drop the Space Jam 2 AU bit. 
Secondly - I can’t remember exactly how Rhythm got the toons into the Servereverse, by that I mean if they literally just stepped into it, ALA Dom + LeBron or if they had to go into a spaceship like Marvin’s. 
So I’ve just done something that may or may not be right. Enjoy!
Warning: Swearing
*6 months later*
Pepe and Penelope were excited. After 6 awesome - but admittedly long - months they were finally coming back to Tune Town. As they had been last to be picked up last time it meant they were also last to be dropped off, so by this point they had the boat to themselves.
“Ah, mon leetle cherry-blossom.” Pepe said, embracing Penelope. “The other passengers, they have gone, which leaves a monsieur and a mademoiselle alone together. What do you suppose we do in ze short about of time we have?”
Penelope giggled and hugged him, but as she hugged him she got a view of their home world. “P-p-pepe-” She said, faintly.
Not liking the nervousness in his wife’s voice, Pepe turned and his jaw dropped.
Tune Town was deserted. There were no signs of life anywhere, tumbleweeds ambled lazily across the desert parts of it, while in the forest parts the trees had started to go somewhat wild. That had always been Elmer and Sam’s job [and Marvin’s, if he was around] to cut down the trees. So where were they?
Before either of them could really process what was going on, the trees started shaking with so so much force that Pepe and Penelope were inclined to cling to each other, despite the fact they were on a boat.
“What is it?” Penelope whispered.
“I don’t know.” Pepe said, forgetting to put on his French accent. 
Just then a small figure darted out of the trees and ran towards the beach. “Don't stop!” The voice of Bugs Bunny called. “Keep goin’!” They could see him properly now, running down the beach and along the jetty. When the boat got close enough the rabbit braced himself and jumped onto it, hitting the floor with so much force he became flat.
“Hey! You have to pay!” The boat-captain yelled, while Pepe shook Bugs so he became 2-D again.
The rabbit reached into hammerspace and pulled out a couple of notes before just hurling them at the captain with an impatient. “Dere, does dat cover it? Now-” He turned to his friends. “Am Oi glad ta see you two!”
Pepe and Penelope were to stunned to respond to that, there eyes taking in the rabbit’s appearance. His eyes were wild and excited, his chin had stubble on it, his fur was messy and unkempt and - the most worrying of all for Bugs Bunny - his ears were down. He had also seen fit to dress himself in a tramps outfit. 
Seeing his friends horrified look, Bugs looked down at himself and said. “Eh...I guess ya wanna know what happened, don’ cha?” Upon getting a nod Bugs yelled to the captain to ‘park it a moment!’ and - grabbing a torch out of nowhere - began with: “It all started a mere two weeks after you left meself, Daf and Elmer were practising our famous ‘Duck Season, Wabbit season’ routine, actually, ya know what? I’ll show ya in flashback. Hold on-” He put his hands to the side of his head and concentrated.
*Flashback starts*
“Duck season!” Bugs said, ripping down a poster,
“Wabbit season!” Daffy snapped, yanking down another poster.
“Duck season!”
“Wabbit season!”
Bugs was cut of in his witty comeback by Elmer suddenly sighing and sitting down on the grass.
Bugs and Daffy looked at each other in confusion, before simultaneously shrugging and sitting next to the hunter, one on each side of him. Bugs got a carrot out his hammerspace and took a bite. “Eh...what’s up, Hunter?”
“Sowwy.” Elmer said, tiredly. “I’m not feewing it today.”
“No prob-lemo!” Daffy said, before Bugs could speak. “What do you want to do? We could go to Australia!” He pulled down a backdrop of Australia, causing them all to sweat. “Or France!” He pulled down another backdrop and threw a string of onions round both his brothers necks. “Or England!” He pulled down another backdrop and grabbed a cup of tea out from hammerspace. “Justh name a place!”
Elmer, holding a cup of tea with a string of onions slung round his neck, looked wide-eyed and confused. “...Home?” He said, simply.
Daffy sighed and the backdrops fell around him. “Okay then. I suppose we’ve had enough for one day. Oh, Bugsy, Bugsy ol’ buddy, ol pal!” He slung an arm round the rabbits shoulders. “Might I enquire what you are making for dinner?”
“Eh...ya can ask.” Bugs said nonchalantly.
As Daffy started to try and barter his way into a good dinner, the scene switched to the middle of Tune Town, where a tall, black, slightly shimmering man was talking to the other LT’s.
Bugs’s eyes narrowed and he marched towards them, yelling. “Hey! Who de hell are you? Dis is a private island, ya know!”
“I am Al-G-Rhythm.” The guy said, smoothly. “I am Warner Bros newest mode of technology. The link between all of your worlds. The Serververse. No longer will you have to travel between world like a second-class citizen, you can all live in one place together.”
“An’ dis benefits us...how?” Bugs asked, not believing all this for a second.
“You get to expand your horizons. Actually go into other characters worlds. You can explore, who knows? Maybe even rebrand-”
“Eh...I don’t think so.” Bugs said, confidently. “We’ve done enough ‘rebranding’ over de past few years. We’re all good here.” The other toons nodded along with him. 
“That’sh what YOU think!” Daffy said, dramatically poking Bugs in the chest. “I for one would LOVE to spread my wings!”
“Eh...jus’ talk ta Warner Bros, Daf. I’m sure they can get you a role spoofing some of de other properties.” Bugs said, easily.
“Of course.” AL-G-Rhythm purred. “With the offer I’M making you you can go anywhere and be whoever you want to be. All of you.” He added, seeing the other Looney Tunes beginning to look interested. “Anything and anywhere you want to be. I mean, let’s face it, you’ve all done so much for this stup - I mean, Warner Brothers over the years, isn’t it time you cut loose and had some fun?”
Bugs’s eyes narrowed. The Looneys were perfectly capable of having fun without needing to go across the serververse, thank you very much. He looked around, expecting to see his family with similar expression, but instead they were all talking to each other about it and sounding...excited?
“I can take you anywhere you want to go.” Rhythm said, his voice raising a little above the noise. “Hogwarts, Austin Powers, Matrix, you name it, WB have probably done something with it at some time. And if you wanted to go back in time, no problem, we still have the Paramount Pictures stuff on a different planet.”
“Reawwy?” Elmer -who was a big fan of The [original] Addams Family - asked.
Rhythm smiled. “Reawwy - eh, really. All you have to do is step into the serververse...” He stepped to one side and a suddenly a glowing door appeared from nowhere. “...And you can go anywhere you want. Now...who’s with me?”
The other Looneys looked tempted, they really did.  But after a shared glance and one of those ‘telepathic conversations’ they were so good at, Porky shook his head and said, politely but firmly. “T-th-thanks for t-t-the offer, Mr R-r-rhythm, but if it’s all the sa-the sam - makes no difference to you, we’ll stay here.”
The other looneys nodded.
Al-G-Rhythms eyes grew hard and his voice dropped to a baritone level as he said. “Well...don’t say I didn’t try and do it the nice way.”
Before any of the toons could ask what he meant though, Rhythm raised his hands and every toons except Bugs was lifted in the air, all with various shouts of surprise.
Bugs heart pounded as he looked at his family's frightened faces - some of them were clearly in pain - and he yelled. “Let ‘em go! Take me if ya hav’ ta!”
The other Looneys all started yelling at him not to do it, that it was a stupid idea. Rhythm looked at the grey rabbit and seemed to be considering it. Then he shrugged and - with a dramatic swoop of the arms -  made all of Bugs family disappear. 
“NNNNNNOOOOOO!” Bugs yelled and kind of did a little dance where he tried to go to one side, then the other, but realised that unlike his cartoons he had no idea what had just happened. “A’ight Buster.” Bugs growled. “What the fuck have you done with my family?”
“Oh!” Rhythm said, with false innocence and Bugs’s fist itched to punch him. “That was your family? Oh...I had no idea. From the way you treat them I thought it was the ‘Bugs Bunny’ show.”
“Yeah, a’ight, ya made ya point. Now bring ‘em back!”
“And where would the fun be in that?” Rhythm smirked, then became deadly serious. “Now listen to me ‘wabbit’ and listen carefully, course I ain’t sayin’ this again. I have sent your assistants-”
“-Brothers and sisters you mean.” Bugs corrected.
Rhythm looked surprised. “You consider Lola Bunny a sister? I thought you were dating.”
“Eh...” Bugs waved a hand. “That’s in canon Doc. This is ‘off-stage’ so ta speak.”
Rhythm hummed thoughtfully then - remembering he was supposed to giving a monologue - carried on with. “Whatever they are to you is no matter. The point is they are all spread across the servisverse and they’ve all been sent to random places that-” He laughed. “-Hell, even I don’t know! And YOU-” He pointed at Bugs. “-Have 6 months to find them and if you DON’T they will be deleted!” He started laughing hysterically.
“Eh...” Bugs said, left eye beginning to twitch. “Ya know Warner Bros have access to the servers as well and will realise we’re not in our world? They’ll then send us back.”
Rhythm scoffed. “You think I’m an idiot? I’ve thought of that - you wanna know how? Well, FORGET IT!” He suddenly bellowed, getting right in Bugs’s face. “I’m not going to tell you! You’ll have to figure it all out for yourself. but I’ll make it fair for you.” He said, voice taking on a soft, almost fatherly quality. “I promise that I won’t look at your progress until the last day, deal? Then you can’t say I’ve interfered. Deal?”
Bugs yelled his protestations at the top of his lungs, but Rhythm just laughed and disappeared back into the serververse. 
*End flashback*
After the end of that flashback it was safe to say Pepe and Penelope were quite shocked. They were still trying to get there head around the fact that all this had happened in the 6 mere months they’d been away, when they heard a strange sound and saw Bugs crying.
Penelope hushed him and Pepe offered him a handkerchief. Bugs blew into it noisily at exactly the same time the horn blew before handing it back to Pepe who looked at it in disgust and threw it over the side of the ship. 
“So what happened after that?” Penelope asked, fearing she already knew the answer. “Where are they?”
“Oi don’t know, okay!?” Bugs wailed. “I don’t know! Dere in different worlds somewhere, but I don’t know where and I don’t know how it works! Oi don’t know if they’ve just gone to the worlds, but without being able to shift so they stand out like a sore thumb or if they’re replacing someone else within dat world! In which case, where’s de character dere replacin’? Oi don’t know which worlds dere in, oi don’t know if dere safe or happy or bein’ tortured - I DON’T KN-!”
Bugs blinked and felt the imprint Penelope’s hand had just left on him. “T’anks. Oi needed dat.”
“We weel get them back.” Pepe said, placing a hand reassuringly on Bugs’s shoulder. “Myself and Penelope will help you. We will not rest until out family, it iz complete!”
Bugs smiled shakily and wiped his eyes. “Well, dere’s one issue with dat-” Seeing his brother and sister’s curious look he gave a half-hysterical laugh and asked. “Well, why do you t’ink oi’m still here? Oi can’t get out. I’ve tried goin’ back through to Warner Bros central, oi can’t do it. The portal we use physically won’t let me through. Oi t’ink Rhythm has put some kind of block on me. To stop me leaving so oi can’t find da others. It’s de only thing that makes sense. An’ I’ve tried different versions of me as well from all across the years. King me, jester me, classic me, new me. I even tried Ace Bunny, dat’s how desperate oi was! I can’t leave-”
“-What about Chungus?” Penelope asked. Seeing the weird looks Pepe and Bugs were giving her she explained. “It sounds like Rhythm has put some sort of block on YOU. But...Big Chungus...he isn't technically a version of you, is he? He started out as a meme taken from when you were shape-shifting”
“He’s in ‘World of Mayhem.” Bugs said, doubtfully.
“Which is a game!” Penelope said, excitedly. “Not a tv show! Have you tried it? No? Well, give it a go!”
Feeling excited for the first time in 5 and a half months Bugs took a breath and started to shape himself into the monstrosity that was Big Chungus. When he had finished he smiled, leapt onto the mast and - donning a pirate hat and sword - yelled. “Full steam ahead! Warner Bros Central here we come!”
As the exit - aka the portal - that led to Warner Bros Central loomed over him Bugs felt nervous. ‘Please work, please work, please work-” He chanted under his breath. 
Then with a flash of blinding light, they went through. 
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glapplebloom · 3 years
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Which of these soulless corporate movies is the least soulless?
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Welcome to the Space Jam. Its your chance to do your dance at the Space Jam. Alright? Alright. Both movies are about a Basketball Star Teaming up with the Looney Tunes to play Basketball. So let’s see which one is the better of the two, starting off with...
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Original - Aliens have come to kidnap the Looney Tunes. So they decide to have their fate decided by a Basketball Game. But when the Aliens stole the talent of other NBA players, the Looney Tunes decide to kidnap Michael Jordan (yes, they kidnap Michael Jordan as pointed out by Teen Titans going to the old Space Jam Website). After Hijinks they win the game.
Sequel - Lebron’s son got kidnapped by Al G. Rhythm and to get him back he must beat Al in a Basketball game. Thing is he is forces to get a team and he was sent to the Looney Tunes world where he finds Bugs alone. The others are seeing other Warner Brother properties so Bugs and Lebron work together to get them back. Thing is Lebron wants some heavy hitters and despite his efforts he only got toons. Even worse, the basketball game is not straightforward, more people’s lives are on the line and Al got his son to play for his team. Only until Lebron learned that he shouldn’t push people to be like him do the toons come back and win the game.
Winner - Sequel. Calling the original a plot is giving it too much credit. Its more of a concept that is put together than an actual story. If New Legacy’s story is more complex, its only because it has actual progression as things change.
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Original - As a kid, Michael Jordan was destined for greatness. He knew he wanted to be a big time basketball star and as a promise to his dad will also become a baseball star. He retired and is trying his best, but he’s not a good baseball player. It doesn’t help that others are treating him as something special (because they all want some free shoes ~Starfire). So when the Looney Tunes kidnap him, he didn’t want to help until the Monstars messed with him. Now back in the game Michael plays like he never lost a step and help the Looney Tunes win.
Sequel - As a kid, Lebron wants to play basketball. But he’s also a kid so he enjoys having fun like playing a Gameboy Game complete with Bugs Bunny’s Crazy Castle. But because of that, he lost the game. His coach at the time said he could become a great basketball player if he focused. So he did and became King James. Now an adult, he wants his kids to be basketball players too, but his youngest son prefer to make video games. This causes a riff that allows AL G. Rhythm to manipulate his son to work with him. Lebron, forced into the Warner Serververse has to make a team and is stuck with the Looney Tunes. He thinks they could win if they stick with the fundamentals but between the new rules and bias ref, they’re losing badly. So badly an argument breaks out between him and the Toons during halftime. When he figures out he’s treating them like his son, he realized the only way to win is to let them be them. With that knowledge, he ask his son for forgiveness and earns it. After winning the game, he lets his son go to the E3 Game Camp instead of the Basketball Camp.
Winner - Sequel. Lebron has an actual connection with Looney Tunes as a kid, was excited to meet Bugs, has a character arc that takes place throughout the entire movie. Even if you think he’s a bad actor, he at least felt like he was invested in the story.
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Original - For Background Easter Eggs, you got a few Looney Tunes Alumni, though they do repeat. Cameos feature other Basketball Stars and Bill Murray. And references are to things of the 90s: Dennis Rodman, Pulp Fiction, Beethoven and Babe, and for some reason Disney. I think the most clever is Larry Bird appearing. In one of the few sports things I know, Larry Bird and Michael Jordan were rivals. How do I know this? I played an NES game about their rivalry.
Sequel - Background and References subtle and not were all about Warner owned properties. As old as Casablanca to as new as Rick and Morty. We got to see the DCAU once more, references to old Looney Tunes gags and places, MC Hammer, Hanna-Barbera, Mad Max: Fury Road (and one I think is a Nostalgia Critic Reference) and so much more. In fact here’s a video featuring them all. Favorite of mine, Michael Jordan’s Cameo.
Winner - This is all your own preference so feel free to pick who you think wins here.
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Winner - No competition. Between the title song (turned meme), the inspirational song (sang by someone who doesn’t know how to use a toilet), and the Monstars Anthem the new one can’t compete. But I will say for those thinking that Porky Rapping is “cringe”, the original also had a certain Rabbit rapping. 
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Original - The Big Bad is Mr. Swackhammer, owner of Moron Mountain and voiced by Danny DeVito. Sadly he doesn’t do much but be the big bad boss of Nerdlucks. As their tiny small self, they don’t leave much of an impression but they really stand out after stealing the talent of stars and become Monstars. They become big, mean and slightly more different. 
Sequel - Al G. Rhythm is an algorithm the Warner Brothers studios use to help make movie ideas. He wants some recognition and thinks if he can get Lebron on board he can earn it. Sadly, when Lebron refused, he didn’t take it well. So when he saw Lebron’s son take interest in him and ran away from Lebron, Al used that to his advantage. With that, he makes Lebron force to play a basketball game while manipulating his son to not only allow him access to his data but get him to play as well. The Goon Squads are a result of that as its Lebron’s son’s data on other basketball players mixed with superpowers.
Winner - Give Don Cheadle a Disney+ Show Disney! As great as Danny DeVito is, he’s just not in it long enough like Al. Can be manipulative yet also very agro.
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This category will be done differently. I’ll be focusing on their takes on Bugs, Lola, and the Rest. I am not including Daffy in this equation because he’s perfect in both.
Bugs - In the original, Bugs is Bugs. Wisecracking, carrot chewing, master manipulator as always. In the Sequel, he’s one of the few that stood in Looney Tunes world because that’s where he could be him. But the loneliness made him miss everyone (after all, how can he pull off schemes and pranks without victims). And while in the original Bugs saves Lola from being squashed, Bugs risks his life to ensure Lebron doesn’t get deleted when executing the glitch. It makes Bugs’ actions seem more noble than just saving the girl he likes. 
Lola - In the original, she’s a “sexy” no nonsense girl who plays basketball, and that’s it. And despite her attitude, became a damsel in distress and Bugs’ prize for rescuing her. in the sequel, she wants to do her own thing, even doing an Amazon Trial to become one, but failed to complete it when Lebron and Bugs was in danger and finding out Lebron’s son was in the line. So she’s there to give the team another good player and also be a moral support. In fact, its thanks to her that Lebron realizes what he’s been doing to his son.
The Rest - If the original got one thing over the Sequel, its number. A lot more Looney Tunes play in their game in comparison. With the exception of Granny who was a cheerleader, every toon was in the game at one point. I can’t say the same for the Sequel. With that said, the Sequel did get to show their personalities more. Like compare Wile E. in both. In one he gives the Monstars a bomb. The other has him using an Acme device, placing bird seed on the button to get the Roadrunner to press it repeatedly, only to have himself be caught in said machine. They all got the chance to do their thing instead of sharing a spit take.
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Original - The Looney Tunes are losing badly in the first half. Why? Because they didn’t go looney for... Reasons. After being tricked into drinking Michael’s “Special Drink”, then they decide to go looney. This allows them to catch up but then the Monstars decide to take them out, which they do despite these attacks being pretty tame to what they can normally take. With a few seconds to go, Michael scores one more basket to win.
Sequel -  The Looney Tunes are losing badly in the first half. Why? Because Lebron is forcing them to play normal basketball despite their opponents and the game itself is anything but normal basketball. When they came back, they came back Looney and managed to catch up and even get ahead. But then Al decides to cheat since he controls the game. Thanks to this being the kid’s game, they know that if they perform a glitch they can take control away from Al long enough to score one more point and win. And thanks to Bugs’ sacrifice and his son moving a power up right underneath him, Lebron slam dunks the final point and wins.
Winner - The sequel. There was no reason for the Looney Tunes to be less looney in the first half in the original and its short live as each one gets taken out. Meanwhile the Sequel gives a valid reason for everything to happen.
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My Winner - Space Jam: A New Legacy
Both movies are basically overgrown commercials trying to get you to buy stuff. The original was based off a Shoe Commercial and banking on your nostalgia on Looney Tunes and Michael Jordan the Basketball player to make you interested in seeing him back on court and new Looney Tunes content. The new one is basically for HBO Max. And both movies have also not credited people who deserve to be credited. But between the two of them a New Legacy actually feels like its trying to justify its existence. 
Lebron has a connection with the toons through childhood, has actual stakes in the game, and actually feels invested in the events. The original was basically the Nike commercial stretched to a movie length. And to me, that makes a New Legacy a better movie.
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thefoxxyreview · 3 years
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*SPOILERS AHEAD*I would like to stress before getting into the meat and potatoes of this, that when I watch movies MADE FOR CHILDREN I go in with an open mind off the rip. You cannot assume that a movie that has targeted an age group years younger than you would appeal to your specific movie tastes as an adult. With that being said, I have also asked children if they enjoyed watching it and they all have said yes with a smile on their face. Safe to say they made the money and impact they intended to make with this movie so big score for Warner brothers. Now my true opinion is that this was a big flex film for WB and they showed us pretty much all the characters and properties that they own. The cameos were PHENOMENAL in this movie. I adore Easter eggs and many viewers do as well so beholding the amazing world of All these characters was very fun. Let’s get this part of the review out of the way completely…yes Lebron did terrible: we knew he would😅. He has done some voice acting up until now so he does have some experience emoting and acting on que. His line delivery was bad when things got serious. I think it was pretty hilarious when he made fun of himself in the middle of the movie. Everyone playing his family were pretty meh as well on the acting. It was nice seeing a beautiful family with predominantly chocolate kids in the house🤗. We chocolates don’t get a lot of love, especially Americans. While I watched on my live I had a fan inform me that the lady playing Lebron’s wife was in a Star Trek movie. I’m going to assume she did her real acting there…she was in Space Jam for looks🙃. I was really whelmed by Don Cheadle and his strange performance as the Quirky villain of this film🤨. All the live action actors in this film were cornier than the state of Iowa to be honest. You would never guess this man Cheadle was once the lead of “Hotel Rwanda”🤣. Let us move onto who I was waiting for, those tooooooons!!! Bugs bunny was voiced by the AMAZING Billy West who did a fantastic job giving me all the jokes. It was sad to think that with the years going by the toons decided to leave Tuneworld (that looked suspiciously like the App “looney tunes back in action” rendition of tune world) for better opportunities in this new internet driven world. The strange places that they found each character were hilarious to watch. Lola becoming an Amazon made all the sense and Zendaya did FINE!!! What were people expecting? Lola Bunny is an iconic character but at the end of the day she is a SIDE CHARACTER. She has never had her own cartoon shorts, nor her own show. Her character is actually very flexible and fans need to allow that. Literally anyone can voice her. For the lines she had, Zendaya delivered them beautifully. I thought it was cute when they wore their old tune squad jerseys to practice in😅. The tunes being live actionized was unnecessary and annoying! Lebron should have stayed a cartoon. The biggest problem for Lebron was putting the fun back into basketball and not understanding that as much as his son liked basketball he didn’t love it like video games. He built an entire game from scratch…that’s amazing at 12 or 13 years of age! Like most parents he wanted his son to follow in his footsteps, but little Lebron decided to get bold at the worse possible moment, at a damn meeting with the owners of the company in the middle of a major deal for his dad😅. They both get kidnapped by an emotional computer program and end up having to play Little Lebron’s video game for their lives and everyone else who is watching the game. On top of all of this drama, the looney tunes would be deleted😭. HIGHER STAKES than the first space jam JUST SAYING. Jordan was only playing for his freedom and the looney tunes freedom…not everyone in the world who decided to open their phone that day🥴. There was a simple moral to the movie “just do you” or “be yourself” something along those lines that is ridiculously over done and cliche. It was definitely a Meh movie, but the merchandise selling is what I am here for!
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What Humans Are Doing To Pepe Le Pew, Is Added To My Semi-Misanthrope
okay I don’t think I wanted to believe it, but I’m still in the middle of watching the video this video --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUpm9M45O_s
I’m watching it on the Xbox In the living room, but I just had to pause it and sign on to tumblr to talk about my feelings. 
I was watching some movies before that,
that has a crossover of live action and animation.
I love movies that has crossovers of the real world and cartoon world.
even if Pepe comes on a bit strong to women, maybe both toon and non-toon.
he isn’t as bad as some humans in real life, who have done far worse.
and if it is true that Johnny Bravo will be next, then I will have another thing to add to my Semi-Misanthropy.
I still like humanity, just not when they do stupid and insensitive disgusting things like what they are trying to do to Pepe Le Pew.
lucky there are some humans that know better and those are the ones that I still don’t find disgusting and doing that disgusting act on Pepe.
who by the way is a TOON, not a human.
even if he and some toons like him are “human on the inside”
they are Anthropomorphic.
even if some years decades back, there were such offensive cartoons
that are known as the Banned Cartoons.
but you can’t just mix them in with toons like Pepe Le Pew or even Johnny Bravo.
if the cartoon Johnny Bravo gets hurt in anyway by those so called women,
who think they are helping women by cancelling Johnny Bravo,
their not, and Johnny Bravo might be many things, but at least he doesn’t try to “hurt” women like most attackers do in real life.
  yeah both Pepe and Bravo flirt, and kiss the toon females in their cartoons,
BUT they do not cross the line into what some disgusting humans do in real life.
so don’t go and blame those self proclaim gift to women/adorkable toon romeos, for how some humans act in real life.
  also please read this too -->  https://www.nbcnews.com/pop-culture/movies/pep-le-pew-scene-removed-space-jam-sequel-actor-says-n1260282
but make sure to watch the video link first.
I have it on pause right now, and I’m still watching it, and I plan to check out the other videos that talk about what is happening to Pepe Le Pew.
then after that, I might just play Bendy And The Ink Machine.
if they wanted to change Pepe, they could of had Pepe end up in some kind of scene where he sings about how he only has eyes for Penelope,
and him ending up not flirting with every pretty face after they started to meet up again, and Pepe gets the realization that he is truly in love with Penelope.
but instead of doing that, they just decide to cut him out.
my fighting for Pepe has nothing to do with my heritage,
like my 23rd Great-Grandfather Philip being from France,
and well he was a very important person back in his time.
but like I said, my fighting for Pepe has nothing to do with one of my heritages.
Pepe deserves better, he is a Toon that should have some rights,
even if he and other toons are fictional, he shouldn’t be cut out of the movie.
 and it seems Warner Bros wont have Pepe appear in anymore future projects  
even if Penelope got a restraining order on Pepe,
for him touching others without their consent, it doesn’t mean he did what most humans have done in real life.
touching, could imply the kissing and touching of the arm or hugging,
not the forbidden zone, he ain’t No Holli Would.
if we want toons to be modernize, don’t just kill them off.
in one of the Looney Tunes Shows, where that new character Tina appeared in,
who I happen to like has Daffy’s new love interest.
Speedy ran his own restaurant and even had a dance studio where he taught other people dancing, he did thought Bugs was a real lady when Bugs was in disguise.
and Pepe he was helping plan Lola and Bugs’s wedding, and he was apparently married many times himself.
yes I can agree that Pepe can be a bit forceful in his smitten affections,
as well as him not being able to take a no for a answer.
plus if you watched any re-run of his cartoons,
you will see that he gets his karma by the shoe being on the other foot,
and he becomes the scared and running away from the lovesick female cat.
so how come no one is fighting for Pepe when he ends up being the one who tries to get away from the lovesick female...?
he wasn’t the only one who locked the door so the one he was trying to chase after couldn’t escape.
if you watch one of the re-run cartoons that has that episode,
it is the female cat who locks the door so Pepe couldn’t escape.
so how come Pepe when he ends up in the shoes/place of the females he tries to win the love of (even if it is in the wrong way) he doesn’t get people who tell him it’s okay, and he isn’t the only guy who went through such a terrible thing?
I don’t believe that Looney Tunes would go so far in their show of aggressive affection.
Pepe and Johnny might be many things, like not being able to take a No,
and tend to hug or kiss gals without consent,
but they are not the “R” word.
if toons have to get modernize, they shouldn’t be hurt like how Pepe is being hurt right now.
some cartoons aren’t for kids, and it should be the parents or guardians responsibility to keep the kids from seeing mature cartoons, or some mature live action/cartoon crossover type movies with mature themes in them,
until they are the proper ages to watch them.
I also want to say that I hope that someday the Cartoon Network’s name
is changed to “Warnertoon Network” because technically the Cartoon Network is linked to Warner Bros.
there is a old short, that is even shown on Youtube,
that shows Johnny Bravo having some form of attraction to Samurai Jack.
even if it could show some form of proof that Johnny isn’t as hetero as he appears in his cartoons, and his interaction with Jack shows that he might be either bi or pan, but not realize it.
it might not truly stop Johnny being the next victim.
I am not a feminist or feminism, even if there are some positive groups that are still fighting for women and girls rights.
I rather be a part of a Androgyny side, it could still fight for Feminine.
but it can be a group for both Female, Male, Andro-Agender, Gyno-Agender, Agender, any form of Binary and Non-Binary.
yes there can still be jerk guys who still think girls are beneath them.
but a guy should only feel that way, if the said girls are being sexist jerks,
and the same goes for girls who are treated the same way, if a guy is being a sexist jerk, then try not to give them power to treat you that way.
even if I know there can be good people in this world,
like friends, family and others.
I can’t agree with what is happening with Pepe Le Pew,
I feel it is wrong and if they have to change Pepe for the modern times,
it should show in Space Jam 2 Movie, that after meeting with Penelope again,
and he finds himself not hitting on other females, because he comes to the realization that he is truly in love with her,
and doesn’t want anyone else but her.
characters do evolve and change over time,
some still stay the same but can still be a bit different.
if they did have a musical in Space Jam 2,
it would have Pepe Le Pew singing about how much he loves Penelope,
and how he no longer wants to chase any other girl
but her from now on.
even if it is still good to fight for rights for women, but Pepe isn’t a monster.
he might kiss and hug without consent, but he would NEVER cross the line.
even if some cartoon episodes might give the misinterpretation he would.
also even if I do have a Semi-Androphobia, I know that not all guys are bad or dangerous, and some can be safe to be around.
plus there can be some guys who have Gynophobia,
which could be caused by different reasons,
one of which could have to do with being a victim of unwanted forbidden zone advances.
and even Mr. Max Landis did do such a disgusting thing,
Pepe should not be some form of scapegoat, 
or be blamed for that disgusting human’s actions.
like I said, Pepe Le Pew and Johnny Bravo might be many things,
but they would NEVER cross the line,
and do what that Shisno Landis  did.
no matter what bio-sex or gender identity you are,
if you believe that Pepe is being wrong, that I hope you can agree that what is happening to him isn’t right.
Pepe might think he can flirt or hug and kiss other gals without their consent,
and think they will fall for him, but he would never do what that Shisno did.
Shisno is of course from Red Vs Blue, and is what A.I. and Robots
call Humans, or in other words, what Organics are called.
even if Tali from Mass Effect does have her positive side,
and she does end up forming some type of friendship with Legion in one of the game timelines.
when she doesn’t form a friendship with Legion or starts to finally realize
that her people did the geth wrong.
she stays a dirty dirty shisno.
at least some quarians didn’t try to destroy the geth,
and wanted to help them, those quarians that did try to help the geth,
aren’t dirty shisno. but those quarians in the past were met with a bad end when they did try to help and protect the geth.
even if I haven’t been able to beat the Mass Effect 3 yet,
I know the info from reading or watching clips about it.
I hope that someone makes a petition to save Pepe and put him back in the Space Jam 2 Movie, and maybe have Pepe realize he wants no other woman in his life but Penelope, maybe even have Penelope realize the same thing too.
I know that there is a possibility by the time the movie is fully finished,
Pepe might still be out of it, which isn’t fair and should be fixed.
Pepe is a bit aggressive in his flirting, but he isn’t a monster like some humans are in real life.
if ya want to change Pepe a bit, to make him less how he was in his older cartoons, then make it so that he at least gets a slap or takes one No for answer.
Pepe acting the way he does, could mirror how Johnny Bravo acts, but a big differently.
yes Pepe is suppose to be French, but who he is wouldn’t have to do with his heritage, he is flirty and can take his flirting in the wrong direction.
but he is not a monster who would hurt the females he tries to win the love of,
if someone says that in some non-canon work that has Pepe in it,
it would NOT be canon to the canon Pepe.
 Pepe being the way he is, would have to do with the person he is on the inside,
not because of where he comes from.
if we want to save Pepe Le Pew, then how he ends up chasing women,
can be changed a bit when he finally take the first or few signs of no,
as  sign that he needs to stop, or his flirting can be played down a bit,
so it doesn’t get misinterpreted as being something that would cross the line to the forbidden zone.
I know that not everyone will see reason or try to understand that Pepe Le Pew,
might be a bit aggressive when he falls in love, or becomes attracted to someone that he believes he is in love with, but really he might not of truly have fallen in love before.
Pepe could have have his character developed a bit more
so he doesn’t get misinterpreted as one of the dangerous men/women that are seen in real life.       
yes I am counting the women too, because there are some who are just as bad as men.
and yes as the title shows, what is happening with Pepe Le Pew,
is something that I have mentally added to my reasons to dislike humanity.
even if I still have some love for humanity,
it is what Pepe Le Pew that I just can’t stand.
if Pepe has to get rebooted to save him from the metaphorical dip,
which is because of the different reasons he is cut from the Space Jam 2 Movie, then I would be for Pepe’s character being rebooted if it saves him.
if they do reboot him a bit, but still have him be a flirt, they could make it so that he does take a No for answer, but would just do friendly flirts from time to time
but not cross the uncomfortable line.
they could even have his Nationally Changed a bit,
like him being American, but having French heritage.
I mean I am from America, but I do have French heritage,
sadly I can’t speak the language and might only know a few words.
I got a few other different heritages too...
but I strongly believe that Pepe Henri Le Pew, deserves better.
and if rebooting him saves him from being no longer used by a Warner Brothers and keeps humans from misinterpreting him, because of how he is as a person on the inside, then I am for him rebooting him if it means he can be back on the Space Jam 2 Movie.
how some people act wouldn’t have to do with where they come from,
it would have to do with the person they are on the inside.
and I hope some of you understand that and don’t misunderstand.
I want to believe there can be hope for Pepe Henri Le Pew,
that if he does end up back in the movie, those who work on the movie
will point out they will change Pepe a bit, and make it so that he doesn’t flirt the same way he had done in the past, and will fall in love in the movie and no longer have eyes on anyone but who he has fallen for.
once more Pepe should not be blamed for what some shisno guy did,
and if he is causing misunderstandings of any kind,
just reboot him and make it so he flirts but he does take a no, and even does friendly flirts without crossing the line of no touching like hugging or kisses without the consent.
consent is very important, and I still think Pepe’s old cartoon where in the end
he ends up being the one who becomes the runner while the female cat ends up chasing him, should be mention.
Pepe might be the type that is desperate for romantic love but never truly fell in love and only felt attraction.
and he just goes about it the wrong way, but if he never truly crossed the forbidden zone line, that would mean that Pepe would have some form of
Moral Compass where he knows there are some actions he would not take to try to win the heart of those he chases.
he might cross the line of hugging and kissing and unwanted cuddles,
but I don’t believe he would cross to the forbidden zone line, where it goes beyond hugs, kisses and cuddles.
Put Pepe Le Pew back in the Space Jam 2 Movie,
but make sure there is info saying that his character will be changed a bit,
to be less aggressive in his flirting, and he has learn to take No for answer,
and his flirting has transformed into friendly flirting, and he no longer kisses or hugs a woman without her consent.
I can only hope some other fans of Looney Tunes, feel the same and will speak out about it.
if they go after Fifi too, then that would be another line crossed,
yeah she can be a bit aggressive when chasing after boys,
but she does seem to have a love interest in Hampton, who likes her back.
but she wouldn’t cross the line either.
I need to grab something to eat, I’m still gonna finish watching that video.
once more even though I am Semi-Misanthrope,
I still have humans that I still care about and I know that not all humans
are the same and wouldn’t just place the blame solely on Pepe.
and I really do hope he lets back in the movie before it’s fully finished,
and his character gets changed a little bit, so he comes off as a friendly flirt
that has learn to take No for answer.
Pepe and Johnny might take their flirting over the line at times,
but they would never cross the gross and physically harmful line,
where it would cause the person to become scared of either a man or woman that did harm to them.
the sooner humans learn this, I think the better it will be for all toonkind in the cartoons we love, both in shows, movies, video games and comics.
even if they are just fictional, even those like Pepe Le Pew and Johnny Bravo,
should have some form of justice.
see ya later and stay safe everybody.
I’m gonna go grab something to eat now, and continue watching that video
that talks about Pepe Le Pew. 
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thebrownssociety · 3 years
Across The Serververse, Chapter 10
Hey! thanks to @thatsalotoftoons and @shipping-queen-fay-blog [thank you for your nice comments, but the way] for following this story.  
*Approximately 5 and a half hours later*
“There.” Marvin removed himself from the underside of Sam’s newly-fixed car, with an of someone reaching the end of his tether. “You will not find a more ready-to-go car than that, Yosemite.”
Wile.E closed the bonnet of the car and, handing a tool of some kind to Raodie, gave a thumbs up.
The others all hopped down/stood away from the bits of the car that they were working on, revealing the whole thing in it’s shiny, gold-painted glory to Sam.
It was beautiful, the pirate thought while staring at it in amazement. It had been good before, but now it was great! The two canon muzzles that stuck out the end of the car had been modified so they were now ready to hold anything and Wile.E had done something with the amount of stuff the car could hold so it was, in a word, better.
Sam smiled and ran his hands over the paintwork. “It’s as good as new.” He said, trying not to get to emotional. “I-I don’t know how ta thank ya all.”
“You know...” Pepe said, coming over to stand next to Sam and putting his hand on the car door in what could only be described as a seductive manner. “We technically still have ze time? You could probably still run ze race if you wanted...?”
Sam gave it serious consideration, but then shook his head reluctantly. “Nah. I ah couldn’t do that. Not when we’re missing several relatives. I mean...if it all ends up coming down to the last couple of hours ah don’t wanna be thinkin’ ‘if only I hadn’t run that race!’ Ya know wha’ ah mean? Besides. The track do darn go on forever. Nah, les leave it.”
Just at that exact moment day turned into night, as it tended to do. There were no sunsets or sunrises in the serververse [unless you lived in a live-action world, such as Harry Potter] the sun just went up and down without any warning.
With a cry of alarm Bugs signalled to Marvin and the Martian sped-walked towards him with a placating: “Do not worry yourself, my furry brother, I have a torch somewhere in my hammerspa-”
“What?” Bugs looked at him like he’d lost the plot. “Oi’m not scared of de dark, Marvin. Oi scurry me little hide through pitch-black tunnels most of the time, how can I be scared of de dark? No, I want ta plan wit’ ya where we’re going next as - and you may not have noticed this - IT’S DE MIDDLE OF DE NIGHT!”
Marvin's eyes narrowed and he put his hands on his hips. “I appreciate this is a stressful time for us all, Bugs, but if you would kindly refrain from shouting at me-”
“Who’s shouting?” Bugs yelled.
Marvin’s eyes narrowed even further so they were practically one eye and he said, with dignity. “I shall attribute your attitude to both your concern about our siblings and lack of sleep. Now-” Marvin began, his tone, bearing and general attitude reminding everyone why he was in charge of a planet and they were not. “-Listen to me and listen well. We are nearly out of both water and fuel. We forgot to bring food with us, although I am willing to take responsibility for that as it is my ship, and we now have a car to transport. So I propose we go back to Warner Brothers Central for 12 hours exactly. I shall stock the ship with supplies and fill it up with fuel, Sam can take his car somewhere it won’t be a nuisance and we can all get some rest. We’ll then head straight off and decide who to get next after we all have clearer minds.” There was a pause during which Marvin looked at Bugs like he was expecting a reply.
Bugs blinked back at him, trying to process what he’d just said. His head felt foggy. He ran a hand across his forehead and smiled in what he hoped was a nice smile and not a deranged one. 
Marvin cleared his throat and said, slowly and clearly. “I propose we do that right this minute as - as you keep reminding us - time is off the essence. Is anyone against that plan?” He asked, looking round at the rest of the group.
If Bugs had been thinking clearly he’d have seen that everyone else was completely cool with Marvin’s idea, even Tweety who had been on edge for about the last 10 hours, seemed happy with it.
As he was not thinking clearly, however - far from it, he was tired, hungry, stressed and worried - Bugs said with the kind of ferocity you might expect from a wolf, should you ever meet one. “Okay, Oi get it. Ya want ta leave our family alone to fight for dere lives!” Voice rising, he spat. “Granny an’ Speedy are in ‘The Matrix’! Dey could be dead-!”
“Bugs!” Penelope cut in, with an urgent head nod at Tweety, who had gone ashen. 
Not even noticing her Bugs steamrolled on. “-Or bein’ attacked or somethin’! Sentient A.I’s who knows what damage dey cahn do! An’ Porky and Daffy are in DC World! An Lola’s dere as well! Villains! Superhero’s! Oi mean sure-” Bugs rambled, his voice becoming progressively higher-pitched as his body also started to shake. “All de times we’ve been dere it’s been fine, bit who knows now? Acid vaults! Incineration rays! Plants! That...” Here Bugs struggled  for a few seconds to find the words, then managed to grasp them. “...weird egg man...what was his name? - Humpty Dumpty! I mean-” At this point Bugs found himself unable to talk properly and made motions with his arms that, to him, represented sewing and to everyone else represented a nervous breakdown. “Oi mean...” He repeated. Slowing down now he looked at his family with wide eyes and a trembling frame, saying in a small voice. “...Oi don’t know what I mean.” Before bursting into tears. 
There was a long pause while the others tried to remember the last time they saw Bugs cry. Genuinely cry I mean, not for a cartoon or the like. Quite a while ago now...
It was Penelope who finally got enough wits about her to go and actually comfort the rabbit. Making soothing noises and reassuring him that Daffy, Porky and Lola would probably be fine as would the rest of the family, she enveloped him in a hug. 
One by one the other toons moved in and hugged Bugs as well. It took a while but eventually the rabbits breathing evened out and he started calming down. A little while longer and Bugs said, somewhat shakily. “Okay...Oi’m alright now. Jus’ lost me senses for a few minutes.”
“It’s perfectly logical.” Wile.E said, in what was meant to be a reassuring manner, but came across as lecturing. “This has been a stressful time and the human - or in your case - the rabbit mind can only deal with so much. After a short while-” 
It was at this point that Roadie elbowed his twin and held up a sign that said. ‘I don’t think he needs a lecture, Wile.E.’
Wile.E, massaging his arm, saw this and muttered something agreeable. 
“Marvin-” Bugs muttered, sounding exhausted. “-take over will ya? Oi don’t feel good.” And he sat down and put his head in his hands.
“Right.” Marvin wasted no time. “Wile.E and Roadie put Bugs up and carry him back to the ship. It’s clear the poor rabbit’s suffering a nervous breakdown of some sort. We’ll do what I said. Hopefully sleep will restore everyone’s minds. Let’s not waste any time now, Wile.E, Roadie?”
Meanwhile, watching all this from the monitors Pete smiled [as much as a blob can smile] and dreamed about what it would be like if he could be so lucky as to be one of the ‘Looney Tunes’. He didn’t see why it couldn’t work. HIs jelly-like body was practically made for squashing under anvils....
After indulging this fantasy for more than a few minutes Pete slapped himself and started checking the other monitors.
Elmer was still fine. No change there then. Still showing a resistance to Mama’s Yak Stew and the like, but that was understandable.
Gossamer and Witch Hazel...Pete zoomed in and grimaced a little. Interesting. Very interesting. Amazing how people will change when you give them a little power...
On the bright side the guards were reacting well to Hazel. Pete had been worried about that...
Granny and Speedy...Pete zoomed in just in time for a fighting scene. Pete winced...he’d never seen a handbag used quite like that before...
Lola...still good. She was certainly improving. All that training must be paying off. 
And finally Daffy and Porky. Last time they’d been fine...
Pete zoomed in and - ah. How interesting. He leaned forward and linked his tentacles together. Really, he should have expected this. What was it Rhythm always said? There are ways round everything? How clever...
His last thoughts, before he stopped his monitoring for a few hours, was to wonder how the other toons would react to this? 
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bugsongs · 5 years
today i was showing my coworker abt the looney tunes mug i like and she had to leave for a dentist appt and then she texted me a photo from the dentist’s office of a looney tunes poster where bugs and lola are giving everyone buck bunny teeth with a “this made me think of you” i love her
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myhoneeybear · 5 years
What I would do to improve Loonatics Unleashed
I’ve been thinking about this for a little while and I’d thought I share it here!
Also this is going to be long so so buckle up!
Loonatics Unleashed is a spin off show that centers the main characters around and pin point Wile E. Coyote, Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Lola Bunny, Roadrunner, and the Tasmanian Devil.
It’s an action comedy TV show that aired on WB Kids back in September 13th, 2005 and ended in May 5th, 2007. (Yes, the show was running for 2 years.)
The show got mixed ratings and therefore got a 5/10 star rating on IMBW and got a lot of hate from the original Looney Tunes fans.
I read a bio about the show and the people that made the show did not take criticism very well. Sure, the original designs were somebody you don’t want to mess with, it doesn’t help the fact that it’s not very welcoming to the audience.
Also, with most of the villains we know in the show like Sypher and Massive, we never even knew how they got their powers. Sometimes we don’t even know what they’re motives are for doing terrible things! (Looking At you, Mastermind!)
Also, some of their powers are confusing. Okay, maybe only one is confusing and that’s Time Skip. Time is so complex and his power doesn’t make any sense. Like if he can make things stop time around him, then how can time still be going for him?
And why didn’t his grandpa install a security system? His grandson could’ve had a hard time trying to get that type of power if he just put a stickin’ password!
Honestly, the show is a mess but it’s still watchable and loved.
I’ve been thinking about if I was able to reboot the show to make it better.
If I was able to make it better, then I would change a few things. The very first thing is that I would change its art style. Even as a newbie seeing the cover of the DVD set, I was discusted! It needs to be more friendly and needs to be more welcoming. I also want to make a side of them that’s somebody you don’t want to mess with. So, when I release teaser images of the show, I would show the welcoming side of the show and keep that scary side as a surprise!
The next thing I need to do is give the main characters more personality. I can’t have them just be copied exactly from the Looney Tunes, I need to give them WAY more personality.
After that, I want to give the villans backstories and motives, it could be one, the other, or both! (If needed.) It just seems that it’ll be a mystery of why the villans did what they did and why they want to do it. But if I was running the show, then I’m going to spill out their secrets!
And finally, I need to choose a side of what type of show I want: I could stick with full on action and have a few jokes in there or I could just stick with it’s crazy side and tell silly stories and have less action. I know that with action comedies, you can make it work but it seemed that it didn’t work. So, I can choose if I want to stick with one style, or conbine both. I’ll think about that, though.
What made me think about this is that Superhero films have always been at its highest quality. Heck! Even the Incredibles gets a decent job at it! It’s just that Loonatics Unleashed never got a chance to taste that. So, I want it to be like all of the amazing shows; The Amazing World of Gumball, Steven Universe, Invader Zim (even though that show is old), etc! I want to use those elements and get a good kick in it again!
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spootywabbit · 5 years
About that Bugs in drag post. I'm a bit upset they altered the last image of Duffy to make Bugs and Lola the ones dressed up. It was Duffy, not Bugs : /
Those last images are from the movie Rabbit's Run. The scene you're thinking of is from The Looney Tunes show. The gag where both Bugs and Daffy say they "like the height the heels give" is just a recycled joke, which happens often in Looney Tunes, and since the movie was made by a lot of the same people and in the style of the show, they're allowed to do that.
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321spongebolt · 2 years
“The Looney Tunes Show” review/rant
(NOTE: Don't read this post if you like "The Looney Tunes Show" and find it a guilty pleasure. I can try to respect your opinions. You're still welcome to read the post if you're just curious about the other half of this post.)
For generations, everyone has come to know and love the “Looney Tunes”. From the classic cartoons of the 1940s to 1980s to the live action theatrical films like “Space Jam” and “Looney Tunes: Back in Action”. And even “Looney Tunes” video games that are either hit or miss like “Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time” or “Looney Tunes: ACME Arsenal”.
On Friday, May 6th, 2011, 11 years ago to this day, "The Looney Tunes Show" premiered on Cartoon Network next to "The Amazing World of Gumball". A lot of people, including myself had high hopes for this show. Unfortunately, this turned out to be nothing but a disgrace to its source material.
This show started a downfall for the Looney Tunes.
Jeff Bergman was cast as Bugs, Daffy, Tweety, Sylvester, and Foghorn. And while he did those characters in the early 90s, they don't sound all that good these days. Kristen Wiig does horrible as Lola (but a little on that later). Roz Ryan voices Witch Hazel, which is not the right way to go. And even worse is the fact that Gossamer sounds like a kid when he's supposed to be a monster! Anyone else is okay. Not the best, but decent enough.
How the characters were depicted is hit or miss. Some depictions are okay, others aren't so faithful. Let's start with my biggest highlight, Lola. She debuted in the 1996 movie "Space Jam", but in this show, she is anything but the Lola we know. The show makes her a stalker idiot, when Lola would never stalk Bugs or be stupid. One episode, "Jailbird and Jail Bunny" to me feels like Bugs is so out of character. He would never want to get arrested. If anything, Bugs is suppose to set a good example to the audience, when here, he's doing the opposite. What were you thinking, Warner Bros.!? There’s also Taz being treated as a dog when the reality is, he's a Tasmanian Devil! Are they really that stupid? I don't know who else has problems, but that's all I can think of.
If this is supposed to be an animated sitcom, let alone adult-oriented (it’s technically TV-PG rated), where's the laugh track? And the audience noises like cheering and gasping and "aw"ing? Now, a sitcom wouldn’t have been a bad idea if they added those in. It almost would’ve dated back to when Warner Bros and Hanna Barbera released animated sitcom programs in the 60s and 70s like “The Flintstones” and “Scooby-Doo”.
The “Merrie Melodies” are just average at best. A lot of them are based on flanderized character personalities like Lola's for example. The Wile E. Coyote CG cartoons on the other hand are more forgettable, as I believe this was more of an experiment like with the 2010 theatrical CG shorts, which were even better. Don't get me wrong, these are nice additions to serve as substitutes for commercial breaks, but they don’t really hold up.
The artstyle may not have been perfect, but it does look pleasant. It’s almost as if you’re reading a comic book.
"Blow My Stack", "Daffy Duck the Wizard", and "Laser Beam" are the only good “Merrie Melodies” segments that really stood out.
"The Looney Tunes Show" is nothing more than a disgrace that should be frowned upon and never be remembered by Looney Tunes fans. The voices sound absolutely nothing like the Looney Tunes characters we know (with a few exceptions of course). And of course, the writing for these characters are awful. If I had to rate this between “Good”, “Bad”, or “Mediocre”, I would have to give this show “Bad”.
If you still hate "The Looney Tunes Show", even 10 years later, Tell me your thoughts in the comments section below. And also don't forget to leave a like or a love if you support what you're about to see on this post. I’m planning to write a post on how to rewrite this show and make it better.
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