#this is from halloween if that wasnt clear
singlerat · 2 years
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loser4loserswhok1ll · 3 months
The way you hold your neck.
joe goldberg x reader
mini fic, 3 paragraphs
warnings: dark, stalking, slight nsfw, joe wants you BAD, random non canon stuff as my writing usually has
there will be typos and hardly any capitalization idc
its the way you hold your neck, rubbing the nape with your thumbs, exhausted and tired from work. surely, being a fast food employee isnt that hard, or maybe it is, and Joe just forgot how much it sucked. he wasnt there for long, only 3 months, but he hated it. He's sure you hate it to. the way you sit down onto your sofa, turning on the tv and finding a movie to watch. he needs to find a way to move closer, see what youre watching, its just another way to know you. he moves from his spot across the street and makes his way down, turning onto the street your apartment is on and walking up, spying at what youre watching. its a horror, hes trying hard to spot what type. a few moments pass, and he recognizes the scene. youre watching Halloween. of course, a classic, and youre a classic horror fan. your house is dimly lit almost all the time and you check over your shoulders like youre being hunted. maybe you are. do you know youre in somewhat of a horror yourself? if you consider this kind of thing as scary. its gotta be, joes staring through your window at nearly 10 pm, staring at you at nearly 10 pm. you would be in real danger if this were anyone but joe, you know that, right? he wouldnt hurt you, but other filthy, animalistic, sex addicted men would. youre safe with joe. maybe this isnt a horror, but a romance. shakespearean, you just dont know it yet.
shot out of his thoughts, joe notices you shift, turning to the window, and he ducks. god, you better not have seen him. this can't end so soon. you still have so much to show him, he still has so much to learn. in an awkward duck position, joe walks down the street until hes cleared of your sight. he moves back to the opposite street, nearly in the bushes of the parallel apartment. youre back to watching your movie, hes back to watching you. the way you tuck yourself under that throw blanket, it looks soft and cozy. it'd be cozier if joe were also under it with you. you wouldnt need the blanket if he were in there, he'd warm you up. you start to slump down, further into those plush cushions of your futon. he wonders what they feel like, are they even comfy? he'd make them comfy if you asked him to sit.
this continued for what felt like hours, but the movie wasnt even done. you were asleep, and joe was tired. it was nearly midnight now, but he couldnt leave. theres so much to look at. your position, the way you sleep, if you'll wake up and turn the tv off. youre his favorite channel, playing through your apartment window screen. he was like a toddler sitting right in front, burning his eyes from the screens staticy graphics. those red green dots you only see when youre super close. he was locked in on you. maybe tomorrow he could start planning your meeting, imagining it, dreaming it. it would lead to imagining so much more, and hed be wide awake taking care of himself. you do things to him. he cant think about that now. because right now, hes still just staring at your sleeping form through your windows. and he needs to sleep too. tomorrow night, he hopes youll do the same. its like a routine, like you already live together, like you already know youre his.
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nebraska-is-a-myth · 1 year
Abuse in 'Runaway Max': A Stranger Things criticism
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One thing I know to keep in mind is that the book is told from Max’s perspective, so it's her eyes we experience the world from, and her opinions that guide us through the story. For that we have to value her as a somewhat unreliable narrator, considering she is thirteen at the time and dosnt understand certain things.
A quick timeline to keep in mind because the book handles time very messily:
Billy has just turned 17 by the time Max and Billy first meet.
After Halloween in season 2, Max says she’s known Billy for 7 months, which takes us back to early May.
They move in together three weeks after the wedding in late June, meaning Max and Billy have lived together for a total of 5 months by the time they get to Hawkins.
Neil confiscates Billy's car keys for two months in June, so I’ve taken an educated guess that Max first witnesses Neil's abuse somewhere around august, then in September/October Billy breaks Max’s friends arm, leaving for Hawkins late October.
Now onto the deep dive:
In 'Runaway Max', we learn about the terrible Hargrove family dynamic, and how the Mayfield's learn to navigate that. Max gets a very graphic front row seat of Billy's abuse in chapter 10, and during that chapter Max responds to that situation as any 13 year old would, scared and confused. Despite this however, Billy's image doesn't change in Max’s mind. She has no visible compassion for Billy at any point of the book except from this chapter, and after that she states that she’s actively trying not to care about “his stupid life and his cruel dad”. 
From a writing standpoint, choosing this to be a part of Max’s character takes away from her complex experiences in an abusive household. Yes Max is a hardened character, but not exploring these difficult topics of disliking Billy while also feeling sorry for him makes her feel like just another pawn for the audience to make them dislike Billy. The writers could have made the step-siblings dynamic much more interesting to have them navigate this terrifying experience together. But I understand the duffers just wanted another one dimensional antagonist for season 2.
"I'd watched the Hargroves in action. Neil standing over billy with the belt - calling me a stupid little girl - making it clear that he thought I was weak and pointless. Knowing Neil believed that still wasnt as bad as the way Billy had hated me for trying to help him"
I have mixed feelings about this. I feel this description Max gives dutiful to anyone going through that situation, that they would feel disheartened by someone rejecting their help, and verbally berating them for it. However, it’s vitally important to understand the context of Why Billy reacts to Max this way.
During the assault on Billy that Max witnesses, Max calls out and interrupts Neil, trying to diffuse the situation. Neil responds not to Max, but to Billy “Is this the son I raised? A worthless loser who needs a little girl to fight his battles for him?” And then strikes billy again. 
Max assumes this to be an attack on her, however that's not what's happening at all. Neil is using Max against Billy. He takes Max’s intervention as a sign of Billy's own weakness, a softness. “Any hint of softness and he would never let me forget” In a way Billy had been trying to teach Max to harden herself so that Neil couldn't find anything to target her for, Billy had been making her more likeable for Neil. And now this softness that Max is showing for Billy, by standing up for him, is getting him punished. It’s been implied before that this was the case, but now we are seeing it explicitly that Billy is being punished for Max’s actions. This chain reaction forces Billy into a position where he cannot be on Maxes side, he cannot be friends with Max, because siding with anyone other than his father equals punishment.
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After Neil leaves, we circle back round to the sentence “Sometimes Billy acted like we were in on some big, crucial secret together / like we were in some sort of secret club together - like we could be on the same team” Billy had been trying to tell her from the beginning, they were both members of a club trying to navigate life with Neil Hargrove, bonded by shared experience. They were supposed to be on the same team too, victims of Neil, but Neil has made that impossible by using Max against Billy. “I could see all the ways he hated me” Neil isolates one from the other, Billy resents Max for getting him hurt, and Max resents Billy for rejecting her.
During most of the sections of the book that happen in Hawkins, Max continues to call Billy a “Monster”. However, never Neil. It’s not untrue that Billy has a mean streak, he can be cruel and heartless, most notably when he breaks the arm of one of Max’s friends. The only time this level of violence is seen in Hawkins is during the fight with Steve.
Both of these big outbursts of rage are built up by attacks from Neil. Note: Billy is still an asshole, these are not excuses for his actions only explanations.
Yes, there are two occasions in which Billy grabs hold of Max’s arm, but there is an argument to be made that this is just normal sibling behaviour. Have you never pushed or shoved your sibling before, or been on the receiving end of that physicality. It’s not always pleasant, but it’s not uncommon for siblings to get physical during disagreements. Max is also only distressed by this on the first occasion, “He caught me by the arm, and it wasn't the first time he’s ever touched me, but other times had always been to push me out of the way in the kitchen or flick me on the end of my nose. This time, his fingers closed hard around my elbow” - however the second and last time goes like this “He reached out fast and caught me by the wrist”. Those are the only times Billy is ever physical with Max.
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Despite this, Billy is still the monster. “Billy was the closest thing to one that I had ever known - this was what it meant to live with the monster.” Monster singular. Billy is the most terrible thing living in the Hargrove home, not the man who beats his son.
Personally I find something off putting with Max ranking Billy as a worse monster than Neil. During the night at the byers she says "I understood now that Neil was in his head, and that meant he was just as dangerous as his father. Worse because Neil was cruel and frightening but he cared how things looked on the outside. Billy was crazy" Max isn't stupid, she knows Neil is a bad person, and maybe from Maxes point of view Billy is worse than Neil because Neil hasn't ever physically hurt her. But from a writer's point of view, to say that the victim is worse than the abuser? That is both dangerous and honestly disgusting. To call Billy crazy, and insinuate that he’s acting like a ‘bad victim’ because he doesn't pretend that everything is normal is so hurtful to victims of abuse who see themselves in Billy. 
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Continuing this thought, Max then goes on to compare Billy to a recently possessed Will. Which, first off, comparing abuse is never okay. But what Max says is almost worse, "Will had turned into something terrible and frightening, but even with the mind flayer working through him, he was trying not to let it. He'd almost gotten us killed, but you couldn't blame him because he didn't ask for this. He was trying so hard to stop it" Is the author trying to say that Billy should try harder to not let the abuse he has been experiencing at the hands of his father since before he was ten, affect him? Because if Brenna Yovanoff is using Will as a ‘good’ example of a victim of parental abuse, and using him to discount Billy's own experiences, then I’m sorry but who let this book go to print?
Obviously as a character Max choosing this comparison means very little to her because she doesn't know about Lonnie, but the writers do. Comparing Billy to will is a choice.
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Billy and will have both experienced abuse from their fathers. Will is on one side of the spectrum of victims, quiet, timid and apologetic. Billy is on the opposite end of that spectrum, his experiences have hardened him, made him angry about what's happening to him. Billy isn't quiet, he’s an asshole and he has issues with authority, but the one thing that sets Billy and Will apart is the fact that Billy is still experiencing that abuse.
Will is a survivor, Billy isn't.
To imply that "you can't blame Will because he didn't ask for it", but it’s okay to blame Billy, does that mean we are supposed to think Billy is asking for it?
There are choices writers make in the information they reveal to their readers, the phrasing that is used and the comparisons they make. It speaks volumes that while Will is praised for his experiences and bravery with his dad, Billy is called a monster for acting out because of those same experiences.
I mean, tell me you're a writer who doesn't understand the complex reactions to abuse without telling me you only care about “good” reactions to abuse.
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1: does the brainrot memes have signifigance (i feel like there is a plotline developing around them)
2: where the hell do the halloween specials take place
i think most of the lore around the brainrot trio is pretty spontaneous but it may go somewhere. i reckon it'd be pretty disconnected from most siivagunner lore. what's interesting is that there has been an effort to keep lore around them somewhat consistent unlike the halloween specials lol
2016 - main universe (reboot, ccc). wood man takes over the channel while siivagunner is asleep. 2017 - main universe (reboot, ccc). wood man pitches a movie he came up with to haltmann during the events of the ccc 2018/2019 - so... idk. maybe its own "halloween universe". it really doesn't check out with any of the established universes. back when i was trying to create a consensus on continuities some time around 2021, this is where i got stuck, because it calls back to both kfad and ccc, and includes jerome and reader... it's kind of a mess. i consider it a pocket dimension at this point, but maybe i'll try to rationalize it in the future. 2020 - main universe in illucidity. the ai runs this event, i dont remember there being a lore angle to this so it's pretty clear cut. unless im stupid and forgort somethng 2021 - i wasn't really involved in the making of the audio dramas at all, but i reckon they fit into their own little universe. dramaverse. idk. one could argue that they continue on from the 2018/2019 halloween universe due to some of the returning characters but i don't really wanna touch that shit right now. grr. 2022 - yeah. so the.. th... it's uhh. they're having a fun time okay. it's fun. dont think about it too much. look the siiva ai wasnt very good at continuity clearly okay. it had a small context window. leave it alone maybe 2023 - crying
it's fine. the halloween stories exist to let the team have fun writing whatever they want with any and all characters they like to write about :) yay
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nimx · 10 days
#LangWorth Imagine right now In your mind: Interpol has Halloween party and invites Edgeworth
He is forced to dress up or something so he chooses to be a vampire. Obviously because it wouldnt be that hard for him to be one but anyways. He shows up at the party and he is like Where is agent Lang. Hes really the only person Edgeworth knows or cares about in interpol so
Lang avoids him the whole party because Lang Obviously chose to be a werewolf so theres some tension there between Vampires and Werewolves for sure. Hes kinda pissed at Edgeworth for choosing such a costume
Eventually after drinking a lot Lang comes up to Edgeworth and hes like What the hell man I thought we were cool. Scratches and bites you. And Edgeworth is like, Excuse me? and he doesnt even know what to say to that
But then Lang is like yelling at him Scratching you Biting you Rips off shirt
and Edgeworth eventually clears his throat and hes like Um. My high intellect and my agile qualities as a vampire allow me to avoid the scratches and bites you have attempted to harm me with.
Lang is like Not really man because my Bite force is literally in the millions and vampires are so fucking old so they arent really as fast as you say dude
And Edgeworth starts to get mad because Lang is soooooo wrong so he takes a step forward and hes like Your knowledge of vampires must be minuscule, because it is an elementary fact that vampires are very agile beings, and to get straight to the point, it is a belief from the populace that vampires generally out-class werewolves in every aspect. Of course, if that does not matter to you, I can say with upmost certainty that most scholars agree that vampires would beat werewolves if a given a scenario where said fight were to occur. He even waves his finger in Langs face. But Lang wasnt listening at all because he was trying to transform into an Alpha Werewolf and grow fur.
Edgeworth scoffs and hes like Really? You joined me at the marketplace of ideas and you bring nothing? and Lang is like Im a werewolf and Im scratching you and biting you but we accidentally kiss. Edgeworth is like What how did that happen? and hes a little surprised you know. But hes also confused because none of this is happening in real life still.and Lang is like Accidentally puts my werewolf arms around you and Edgeworth just looks down and hes like No you didnt your arms are by your side. Anyway this werewolf rp continues until they havesex but I cant figure out how to connect it to sex
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lexa-griffins · 1 year
Clarke competes in a Halloween costume contest. Her costume is complicated to wear so she needs help to put it on. Cue Lexa who helps Clarke with her costume and that's how she discovers about Clarke's secret in her pants
Its a supergirl costume. Took some time to find a really good one that wasnt just some flimsy stretchy fabric or just a red skirt and a bidy but Clarke finally found one that resembles the full body suit Clarke wanted.
Except it is hell to put on. To be fair, Clarke has a lot more than Kara Danvers does to tuck inside the damn thing.
Its for a contest thought her friends signed her up for and because she cant help but be competitive, she is set on winning. And with a superhero team, she is sure to be set for success with this one.
If she can even put it on the right way first.
"Shit." Clarke curses as she realizes she manages to dress it the wrong way. Her makeup is done and if she keeps trying to squeeze herself into this thing alone she's gonna sweat it all off.
"Hey Lex. Could you help me with this thing?"
In comes her roommate. Hallowen is not her thing so while Clarke struggles to get inside her costume, Lexa leasures around in shorts and an oversized shirt
"You look ridiculous right now."
"Thanks, you're always so delightful. Please help me. Im struggling." Clarke whines as she gets the costume out and turns it correctly.
"Fine." Lexa sighs, seemimgly annoyed and snatching the costume from Clarke hands and staring at it. After its made clear Clarke's legs have to go in first, she motions to the bed, "sit down so its easier."
Clarke does as she's told. She sits on her bed in just her socks, sports bra and compression shorts. The latter felt more appropriate given she doesnt want a bulge to be visible on the costume. She'd rather keep that to herself.
Something that might be difficult now she realizes, as Lexa kneel in from of her on the floor, trying to get Clarke's legs inside the leg holes of the suit.
"This material is not forgiving. Jesus fuck." Lexa comments as she struggles to slide the tough and thigh fabric up Clarke's leg.
Her mouth is dangerously close to Clarke's crotch tho and Clarke has to close her eyes to bed her dick not to act up right now.
Not that she doesnt find Lexa insanely attractive but as it stands she is the best roommate she ever had and there is a small chance she might move out screaming is Clarke has a boner right by her face.
Shit. She thought of a boner.
"Hmm Clarke?" Lexa's voice is not alarmed but she does seem apprehensive.
Clarke whences, knowing damn well her dick is pressing hard agaisnt her compression shorts but refuses to look up, "Im sorry. I should have said something before."
Finally, she looks at Lexa, ready to see her looking at her in disguss. Instead her eyes are hooded and her mouth slightly opened as she stares at the bulge, "thats not gonna fit in the costume." She comments in a slow voice.
Clarke's breathing shakes, "y-yeah, it probably won't."
Its not a dream caused by dripping on her own feet as she tries to get the costume on Clarke is sure. Yet everything that happens afterwards does not seem real.
Lexa's hands on the band of her shorts. The gasp as she pulls them down and Clarke's cock jumps out, stiff against her stomach.
Lexa's hand wrapped around her shaft, soft skin moving up and down her length, causing pre cum to drip from her tip and Clarke groan at the feeling.
"Hold still." Lexa whispers as if Clarke is planning on going anywhere.
Plump lips wrap around her cock with ease, her toungue collecting the pre cum with one swipe. Clarke moves her hand to the back of Lexa's head, holding the ponytail she tied her hair in as she accepted to help Clarke. She lowers herself slowly onto Clarke's dick, taking a second between each inch of dick before she gets half way through her lenght and cannot take anymore. She comes up for hair like she's been underwater and all clarke can do is stare at her in amazement. She looks absolutely gorgeous like this, cheeks red, eyes watery, spit in the corner of her lip.
"Lexa you dont have to-"
"It wont fit in it." Lexa tells her sternly. If she means the costume or her mouth Clarke will never know because Lexa is on her feet again, discarding her shorts and underwear on the floor and climbing on top of Clarke.
They should talk about this. Clarke just needed help with a damn costume. And now she's looking as Lexa aligns her dick with her entrance, feeling as she lowers herself down on to Clarke's dick with ease until Clarke is fully buried inside of her.
"It fits." Lexa chuckles.
It sure does. Thight but like a damn glove.
Lexa rides her with gusto, and Clarke cums faster than she thinks she has ever done in her life.
She's still dripping Clarke's cum when she lowers herself down to clean Clarke with her mouth.
Clarke is barely aware of the costume being fully pulled up and closed before shes staring st herself in the mirror.
Lexa's face pops up in the reflection behind her as she finishes closing the zipper, "a little thight, but like a glove."
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kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
Sonders YanTober Halloween Special!
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Happy Holloween! 👻🎃Time to end YanTober with some yandere self aware! this is part two to 101 to bring baker home!
202 Plan gone wrong!
Various Self aware! Crk x Reader (mainly Yan! Pure Vanilla)
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“Pure Vanilla is still out and his grip on Baker is extremely tight..” Espresso says.
After Pure Vanilla passed out with you in his arms, Latte and Espresso had to sneak them back to the kingdom and in the castle. They snuck them into Pure Vanillas room.
“Its only two in the morning, he still has time to get up. Bakers grand entrance starts at twelve.” Latte says looking at the small clock on the walk.
While Espresso and Latte were talking you woke up. You begin to open your eyes, yours eyes trying to adjust. You grab something thats gripping your thigh, you felt up it, you look down and see Pure Vanilla. He also starts to stir awake. When you both make eye contact, you scream. Espresso and Latte and flinch and swing their heads in your direction.
Pure Vanilla quickly puts his hand over your mouth, “Sh sh, its alright, you have to be quiet..” He whispers.
You push him away and fall off the bed hitting the ground, making a loud thump. You groan in pain while grabbing the back of your head.
“That wont be good” Latte whispers. “The other ancients probably heard…”
“Baker! Are you alright?” Pure Vanilla forces himself off the bed and hovering over you.
“What the hells going on…” You whisper still holding your head.
“Your home Baker.” Pure Vanilla crasses your cheek.
“This is a nice reunion and all, but I hear footsteps!” Espresso whisper yells.
“Take Baker and hide!”
“Huh-“ Espresso hand covers your mouth and he runs into the closet.
Knock Knock
“Pure Vanilla? Is everything alright?” Hollyberrys voice could he heard from the other side of the door.
“Everything’s fine Hollyberry.” Pure Vanilla said calmly.
“That odd scream says other wise..”
“Well it wasnt from my room.” Pure Vanilla put his hands on the door, hoping Hollyberry doesn’t try to open it.
“So if I-” Hollyberry was cut off by the sound of crashing downstairs. She signed heavily and quickly left to investigate.
“Shes gone, come on out.” Espresso is hold bakers arms while latter is covering their mouth. “Since the coast is clear, you two can sneak to the room next door. Its an empty guest room.. I’ll deal with baker.” Espresso snd Latte worriedly looked at each other then left.
Pure Vanillas gaze softens as he walks over to you, you still in a daze from your head pounding. He puts his hand on your cheek, before you could speak a word he said, “Im glad your here, We all love you so mush. I love you so much. Everyone will be happy to see you for halloween.”
“I-” Pure Vanilla cuts you off by kissing you.
“You need sleep, you have to be up in a few hours. How about you sleep in my room? I’ll take the other guest room.” He grabs your hand and leads you to his bed, you’re still stunned from the kiss. “Goodnight Baker.” He walks off.
You woke up to the light of window blaring on your face, you yawn as you sit up. You look around and notice you’re in the cookie world. You also notice your clothes are different. You don’t remember anything that happened. Is this some dream, you thought.
“Come on, we dont have much time.” Pure Vanilla helps you out the bed and leads to the closet. The costume you were wearing in your world is here.
Guess im in the cookie world for a dream, you thought. Pure Vanilla walked out the room then you begin to change.
“Baker! Are you ready?” Pure Vanilla knocks on the door.
“Yeah.” You saw as you twist the door nob and push, the door bumps into a body. “Oh! Sorry.” You say.
“No, it was my fault dont be sorry! Now lets go everyones waiting on for you.” Pure Vanilla picks you up and rushes out the door. You fail to notice how his costume is matching yours, its not the one from the game.
As he continues down the hall, he stops at what it seams to be the front door. He places your feet carefully on the ground and helps stabilize you. He then pushes the huge double doors open. Theres screaming and cheering, halloween decorations hanging from buildings, and confetti on the ground. You take a few steps out and the cheering gets louder.
“Welcome home Baker.” Dark Cacao walks up to you, he has black horns on.
“We’re glad to have you back!” Hollyberry Says also walking up to you, she has princess gown on.
Back?, you thought. This really is an odd dream.
“Um, thanks?” Is all you can say.
“Come on, lets party!” Pumpkin pie exclaimed!
Through out the party you never got a second to breath. There was always a cookie by your side or one pulling you away to go do something with them. You still wonder why they called you ‘baker’. By sunset of the party you were exhausted, you were sitting in the steps to the castle looking up at the stars. Eveeyones dancing and listening to the loud music. You heard footsteps behind you and saw Pure Vanilla again. You hadnt seen him since the start of the party.
“You seem tired, would you like to retire to bed?” Pure Vanilla says while standing behind you.
“No, not yet. I dont want this dream to end early, its not everyday you dream of your favorite game.” You say still looking at the bright stars.
“Dream to end?” He says confused.
“Of course you wouldn’t know, you’re apart of the dream.”
“My dear Baker this isnt a dream, you are home.”
“Haha, yeah right.” You look into Pure Vanillas eyes. His eyes showing pure seriousness, you stand up and face him. “Your joking arent you?..”
“Do you not remember what happened?” Your look shows confusion. “You were trapped in that human world, stuck with those disgraces. We brought you back home where you belong.”
You paused for a moment and said, “So you kidnapped me..”
“I wouldnt say that, we just did what was best for you-”
“You’re disgusting!” You run away him, in to the woods. “Maybe the Cookies of Darkness will be better..” you whisper.
“Baker!” You heard distant yelling.
You kept running like your life depended on it.
you caught you foot into a small place and tumbled down. You looked what you tripped on, it was a latch. You quickly clear the grass leafs to see a hatch underground. You open it and see stairs leading down. You quickly scramble in and close the hatch behind you. The stair way is dark will little lights on the walls every few steps. At the end you see metal, wood, and broken glass covering the floor. Theres books and scrolls covering the floor. You pick up the first book, ‘101 to Bring Baker Home’. You flip through the book and see blueprints, scientific formulas, and a safety precautions page that was blank. You look to your left and see a screen that has a crack on the right that spreads across. You press buttons on the front and it turns on. It opens to a screen thats blinking red with ERROR on it. Theres a red wire falling from the side, you follow the trail it leads to a pile of metal.
“Are you ready to go?” Pure Vanilla said. Hes leaning against the wall, staring at you.
“How-” You started.
“Ive been here to whole time. We need to go, the party is still going on.”
“No-” You were cut off again, but by someone elses voice.
“Pure Vanilla! Stop this!” Latte says as she and Espresso rushes down the stairs.
“What are you two doing here?” Pure Vanilla turns around to face them.
“If Baker wants to go home, they should.”
“After all this hard work to bring them here!?”
“You square! Theres no good reason to have Baker here if they’re gonna hate it, hate us! You’re just to love sick to realize!” Espresso gets closer to Pure Vanilla.
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me you-” Pure Vanilla stabs Espresso in the chest.
“Espresso!” You yell as Latte gasped. You run and grab Espresso as hes falling, Latte goes to attack Pure Vanilla but he hits her with his staff before she could. Making her fall to the ground hitting her head with a groan. “Why are you doing this” you cry.
”That other world brain washed you into believing this isnt your home and I will not stand for it. You belong here, with me.”
“I would rather rot in hell than be here with you.” You spat.
“I would treat you better than everyone!”
“I thought you would be kind and gentle and care for the cookies in the kingdom! You’re no better than the cookie of darkness, actually your worse!” You yell, you rip the costume and wrap it around espressos wound.
Pure Vanilla has no response, the look of pain and shock take over his face. “.. I did all this because I love you..”
“This isnt love! You’re just some sick monster!” You look over to Latte, “Are you alright Latte?” You say calmly.
“My head just really hurts, but I’ll be fine..” Latte starts getting up.
“And you Pure Vanilla, if I ever see you again you better be on your knees begging for mercy.” You and Latte lift Espresso and hurriedly go up the stairs.
Pure Vanilla is left in the quiet room, his thoughts loud. He cant stop thinking about what you said about him. He loves you like no other, hes willing to kill for you. If you asked him to use his healing powers until it hurt him, he would.
“Help! Somebody Help!” The music from the party lowers and everyone is looking for the voice. “Over here!” Everyone looks over and sees blood covering you, Latte, and espresso. The healers rush from the crowd for your aid.
Pure Vanilla is hiding farther back, watching the scene unfold. “I’ll make whoever it was they brainwashed you pay for what they’ve done. The real you would have loved that I brought you home…” he whispers, Espresso is being healed and latte is getting ice and medicine for her headache. “Maybe I am no better than the cookies of darkness..” Espresso and latte are taken by the healers while you’re taken to the castle. “But, I’ll be back for you my love. I will make sure you remember..” Pure Vanilla turns around and walks into the deep forest.
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taglist: @n0n-gh0stn4ry
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offline-nobody · 4 months
4 8 20 34 43 for the ask game!
4: there’s no cryptids that are coming to mind for me unfortunately, i guess itd be funny if bigfoot was real but i don’t actual think he is or anything
8: …0
20: i just had to look up what soda/pop is and they’re just called fizzy drinks over here lol, i guess i’d rather call it pop than soda tho
34: for some reason the only song i can confidently say i know off by heart is eddsworld’s trick or treat, i can do most of the other side from greatest showman, and theres probably others that im not thinking of, but i could absolutely jot down the entirety of eddsworld trick or treat right now, watch
late one night on halloween tom and edd were fast asleep while matt watched tv and ate some sweets a little girl knocked and said trick or treat matt slammed the door and took his seat but suddenly she was on the screen the lights flickered this wasnt a dream she leapt at him and he screamed edd ran out to save matts life matt was gone but now he had a knife matt swung and edd fell to his knees he looked at him and he began to plead what happened matt have you gone insane i cant help it edd shes inside my brain matt plunged the knife right into edd but he hit edds lucky can instead edd ran off found a place to hide matt couldn’t find him even though he tried edd felt like he was in the clear till he saw her eyes and screamed in fear matt rushed over and opened the door and edd jumped out with a furious roar they both fought so savagely that the little girl clapped her hands with glee tom burst in they stopped in surprise im trying to sleep come on knock it off guys she stared at tom with an evil grin but her powers had no effect on him so tom kicked her out the door and said dont come back anymore the curse on matt and edd was gone so they both turned and looked at tom why couldnt she possess your mind you cant possess something twice
(dont ask how i know it verbatim i havent even watched in years lol)
43: spicy foods are alright, i dont really have the highest tolerence, but ill happily try them
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thealmightyemprex · 1 year
Marvel Month :Hulk Gray
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In this series Bruce Banner is talking to Doc Samson about the buried early days of the Hulk back when he was Grey not green,primarily focusing on Hulks relationship Betty Ross and her father Thunderbolt Ross
So the collaborations of Jeph Loeb and the late Tim Sale have become classics.Their probabbly best known for Batman the Long Halloween and Superman For All Seasons for DC ,but for a Marvel they did a thematic series :The Color books.Consisting of Daredevil Yellow,Spider-Man Blue,Hulk Grey and Captain America White ,each series takes a look at the early days of a Marvel superhero ,reminicing on the past as they remember a fallen loved one .IBefore this I have only read Daredevil Yellow which is pretty darn good ,but have heard good things bout both this and Spider-Man Blue (And Captain America White was SUPER delayed )
So I am so mixed on this book,cause when its great its great .....But I think,frankly, it made points that didnt feel were clear
I'll start with what I like
1.I like that there are no supervillains ,this is a character study and the villain is Thunderbolt Ross
2.This is less a superhero story and more a classic monster tale,which is fitting,as the initial idea for Hulk was based on the 1931 Frankenstein (Personal favorite of mine ) and even throw in a refrence to that film
3.Banner is an unreliable narrator ,we dont know how much of this is true and how much is his biases shaping the story .I dunno its an element I liked
4.Theres a lot of solid moments like Hulk in a cave with Betty (A scene later adapted into 2008's Incredible Hulk ), and a scene where Hulk pets but accidently kills a rabbit,I just really dug those scenes
5.There is a badass fight with Iron Man (Bulky gold suited Iron Man) and I just found that neat
6.Tim Sales artwork is gorgeous ,I reallly love the stylized look he brought to comics,and his Hulk is truly monstrus but sympathetic,also give me Karloff vibes
.....Ya know as I am typing I think I like it more thenI dislike it ...But I have three problems
1.Banner and Doc Samsons narration and analyzation got tedious real fast
2.The main focus of the book is Bruce is great in concept,the link of Hulk and Thunderbolt Ross and to qoute Clopain from Hunchback of Notre Dame "Whois the monster and who is the man " ....But also that Betty mightve fallen for Bruce for the wrong reasons,theat she saw the toxic elements of him similar to the toxic elements of her father,and tried to ficx him and...I dunno that just wasnt clear at all till near the end and just felt forced
3.Oh the ending sucks ,after a good final showdown with Ross ,Banners flashback ends with him being yelled at by Ross,then freaking out in Samsons office,leaping away and it just fell flat for me
Oh and a me thing.....I didnt relize this took place after Betty had died till a good way though (I didnt even know Betty had ever died in the comics )
I do reccomend this ,it is good ,but it did fizzle for me.Not Loebs strongest writing,though Tim Sales art make this reccomended
@ariel-seagull-wings @goodanswerfoxmonster@the-blue-fairie@themousefromfantasyland@theancientvaleofsoulmaking @filmcityworld1
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jamieaiken919 · 2 years
Since it's already November and the Christmas Spirit's already in the air, I'm quite curious of what you and the Edwards do for Christmas 🥺💖🎄
(okay we need a color key here lmao- pink is me, purple is ultimis Edward, and blue is primis Edward!)
“Okay, so I know you sent this before the whole f/ovember thing started, but since you asked it at the beginning of the month, I don’t wanna let it sit unanswered. SO! I figure, why not let the boys answer this themselves?”
*both primis and ultimis edward look at each other, primis with an expression of irritation, and ultimis with what can only be described as a shit eating grin*
“Play nice, both of you!”
“Why, Liebchen, have you ever known me not to play nice?”
“Isn’t that your entire brand?”
“What did just I say?”
*primis Edward leans down, pressing a kiss to the top of my head* “Für dich, Liebling.”
“Anyway! Before that little display, I believe we had a question to answer. And since my other self is preoccupied-“
“I am not preoccupied!”
“-I’ll take it upon myself to answer first.” Ultimis smirks at his counterpart, who only rolls his eyes. “As your question suggests, my dear Shin, Julia does start feeling the Christmas spirit very early in the season. If it were up to her, the tree would be up at the start of September.”
“If we’re fully honest, she would leave it up year round.”
“…yes, that is true…” The two share a laugh, before ultimis continues. “She’s not as big on Halloween as some of her friends are, so once it hits the first of November, she’s beyond ready to start decorating.”
“It’s a comfort for her,” Primis explains, with ultimis nodding for him to continue. “She once told me that this has always been her favorite season, since she was very young, and so the process of decorating and the atmosphere of it all is a tremendous comfort for her.”
“The opposite of seasonal depression.”
“We’ve taken to helping her decorate around the house- especially the outdoor decorations she’s unable to do on her own.”
“Neither one of us want to see her hurt trying to put out lights, so she directs us and we do the hard part.”
“Not that she doesn’t try.”
*a feminine voice pops up from a distance* “I don’t blame you guys for not trusting me on a ladder, honestly.”
“We worry for you, liebchen, there’s a difference.”
“Aside from the decorating…” Ultimis thinks for a moment, before a grin comes to his face. “We also enjoy out share of holiday baking, don’t we, Edward?”
“Having three people with a sweet tooth in the kitchen is a bit of an amusing scene, if I’m honest.”
“Why do you think I always make extra cookie dough? So we can eat it while the actual cookies are baking.”
“Not advisable from a health safety perspective-“
“Hey, I get pasteurized eggs, we’re fine.”
“The house is always full of Christmas baking… it’s a reminder of home. And… family.”
*the two share a glance, an expression of somber understanding passing between them, and they both clear their throats before continuing*
“Anyway. Of course, theres so much more we could speak of, but this has already gotten quite long as is.”
“Not that I mind talking about myself.”
“This wasnt about you, you insufferable-“
“Let me know if theres more you wanna know! Im gonna separate these two before they start bickering again…”
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Post MoonFall
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Thunder bunny Amber reporting in…
Under the Hunter's Moon Eerie orange glow the final attack of Moonfall was held. 12 Students: Verity, Steve,Otha,Celsa,Honey,Sen,Nisa,Kylona,Azel,Vanie,Ryker and Rowan were all taken in the middle of the night. Last seen walking into the forest under a daze.
Not for a lack of trying, Every adult that attempted to follow were placed under a nightmarish illusion of madness. What could they do but watch as a group of their students play hero and follow them through the barrier. The "Hero" Party consisted of 8 students that were desperate enough to go after their loved ones and friends. Myself, Gora,Aurora,Sara,Karenos,Lorelay,Krul and Ryo set our sights for our friends only to be met with a ghastly sight.
Not so soon after we entered the forest were we hit with the atrocious scent and the full view of the previously missing and pressumed dead students strung up on a tree and completely charred. Urgrad, Sylvana, Dagormith, Theo, Cerana, Nar Hadia and Sleazius. But with everyone focused on the mission, only Karenos could look in horror and pain. I couldn't leave them up there like halloween decor so i had my Familiars Ginger and Rouge take them down and cover them til the mission was over. But since that sight… Karenos looked lost.
After traveling deeper into the forest we finally saw them! But they were all in a trance, markings binding them to a circle, so even if we wanted to we couldn't grab and dip. According to the others there were four figures ready to fight them. But thanks to the fact illusions never affected me. I could see the villain for who they truly were… Sienna Graves. Once she revealed herself to the others i couldn't help but noticed the newest student, Gora, seemed shocked and out of sorts. Even Ryo who was normally always ready seemed a mess. He really just wanted my sister Honey safe.
Seeing that i could see her clear as day i struck her with a lightning bolt, as it hit Sienna yelled to me that it was a cheap shot. Ill admit it. It was. Gora stood aimlessly as she looked at the wisp. Dammit why wasnt she moving?? Aurora tried but seemed to see something unknown and hit that instead. Fuck. Sienna then turned to the captives and hurt that star kid. Why??? But shortly after she tried to hit sara but it only grazed her. What was strange was that blood slowly trickled down her nose… then Sienna started to cough… what was going on? Sara, while Sienna was coughing attacked her with her axe. Making a good amount of damage. Karenos, still shaken from the sight previously tried to attack sienna but made no contact. It was ….pitiful. Upperclassman Lorelay also let her emotions get the best of her, not that i can really blame her, but slipping on a pebble was…. damn. Krul finally arrived and threw his prefects door at her and missed…. was … was he taking this seriously??? Sienna then tried to attack me, it made sense but again… i could see so i just. Moved to the side. She on the other hand started to cough blood. Was she dying? Ryo kept clawing at the illusions, i could feel his rage, and desperation to save my sister, granted he tried to wake Gora from her daze soon after. During this…. Bunny Houses Prefect Vanie died…. apparently Sienna poisoned her to keep her weakened. It just followed due course… Saras cries must've been heard, because kylonas controlled body began to cry. After being attacked i tried to hit back but she was a wisp and remembered she could poof out of the way. Gora seemed to fall apart and did nothing as she fell into darkness. Did sienna feel for her? Seeing Kylona cry set something off in Aurora, she ended up slugging Sienna in the throat. Ouch. Krul ended up going super saiyan when he realized Vanie died… she must've been well liked. Irritated, Sienna tried murdering Steve but Lorelay said no and shielded him with her body. I don't think she will make it. In fact, i don't know how much longer sienna will last either, She looked like shit. Good for us, bad for her. After hitting Loreley Sienna aimed at the Naga. Fuck is he okay??? Seeing Sienna aim for Steve set Sara off as she literally bashed Sienna's skull. The wisps blood was everywhere. Damn. Karenos still attacked at nothingness. Why cant he snap out of this?? I can see Lorelay laying down. She's not getting up any time soon. Despite that head reeling from the recent bashing, her illusions saved her from Krul's wrath it seemed. Lore spoke to the concerned sara. But i cant focus too much there. My ears were filled with Ryo trying to knock some sense into Gora. We need help. We were dumb to come with just 8 people. Sara spoke through tears while sienna attempted to attack Aurora which failed. Ryo finally got up to fight but he missed because of her swaying. Dammit.
Soon i could see that the phoenix gave out. Like Vanie she succumb to death. I tried to attack sienna but she poofed away. HOW?!?! Gora just stared into the nothing. There's no way she fell that hard in like….24 hours!! I can hear Sara screaming out for the phoenix. Lore was dead. Aurora, her anger was palpable. She …hugged? Sienna and engulfed her in the flames of hell til sienna finally died. I think we all know she's with sun now… I felt her magic spells break as we were all freed. But at the cost of two of our own…. Lorelay Polly and Vanessa …well i don't really know her so i'm not sure. Hearing My sisters voice was sweet music. But she wanted Ryo… so i stayed back. Only the gods know what will happen now… Now that the Moon finally fell…..
Art belongs to @monstermarquis of their character Sienna Graves
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bayisdying · 2 years
Lucky Penny - Chapter Thirteen
A/N okay I lied. Angst is still here with us babes. 🤷‍♀️ my fucking bad.
A week after she woke up, Lucky was medically cleared to head home on the condition that someone was home with her all around the clock.
That would be no problem with everyone rallied around her. Her mom and Dulce had gotten a hotel room nearby, and it's not like base was very far from the cottage either.
A burden.
That's how everyone had described it when William started dating a woman with a child. A burden he didn't need in his life.
Sometimes she felt like those people were right, he had totally changed his life practically overnight to be a father figure to a child that wasnt his own. He never complained out loud, but sometimes she wondered if he hated her. If he wished she wasn't there at all, that Delilah hadn't come with baggage in the shape of a child.
Had he hated her all those years?
Nobody was letting her do a damn thing herself. She couldn't even walk to the bathroom without someone following her in case she fainted. She knew they meant well, but it was starting to really irritate her.
She couldn't remember the last time her mother even babied her like this, probably before William had died. The woman was cooking up a storm using the cottages small kitchen to her full advantage. Soups, casseroles, baked goods, it didn't matter what it was Delilah was cooking. Then she'd practically force the food down her daughter's throat. Hoping that the homemade meals would help her feel better.
And as much as I loved her mother's cooking, she was starting to resent it. All she wanted was a burger and fries from the Hard Deck. She stopped eating most of what her mother brought to her. She hid just enough to fool the older woman, then threw it away later.
If her mother knew about it, she never said a word.
A burden.
That's what her biological father had thought of her, why he left before her first birthday. He had tried for the first ten months,but he was young and wasn't ready to be weighed down by a child.
Lucky never met the man, but once she got curious and looked him up on social media. He'd been married to some woman for fifteen years and they had four kids. Four half-siblings who probably had no idea they had an older sister.
She had cried herself to sleep that night.
They weren't burdens, so why was she?
She knew he was trying his best, but Fanboy was the worst offender of not letting her be independent. Anything she needed? He grabbed it. She mentioned being uncomfortable? Here comes Mickey with another pillow and blanket.
She stopped saying it out loud, because she didn't want him to think she couldn't do things.
"Cariño, are you okay?" He had asked one night and Lucky couldnt decide to laugh or cry.
"I'm okay babe."
"Are you sure? You've been a little distant recently. I just want to make sure you're okay."
She shrugged "I'm just fine Mickey, but I have a headache so I'm going to take one of those migraine meds and go to bed."
He watched as she walked away, he had no idea how to help her get through this funk, but he wasn't going to give up on her.
A burden.
Wasn't that why her and Mickey had snuck around for years? They didn't want their relationship to sabotage their Naval careers. For it to be used against them. Hadn't that made her a burden to him for all these years?
Maybe he still felt that way about her sometimes, a dirty little secret who could ruin his life.
Even Hangman was getting on her nerves, and not like he usually did. He'd come in and sit on the bed and just talk for HOURS. Lucky swear she's learned more about Jake Seresin than she ever wanted to know.
She was happy they had become closer, but this was too much. She knew about his first girlfriend, that he went as a cowboy for three Halloweens in a row, and far too many more facts.
She stopped listening, stopped giving her input. She simply rolled to face away from him and if he didn't notice her indifference that was on him.
A burden.
She often wonders if Katie and her would still be friends or if Katie would have finally wisened up and dumped her troublemaker best friend.
Katie had been patient and kind, able to get Baylie out of whatever shenanigans she could get into.
Perhaps the burden of being the perfect friend had made Katie want to die so badly.
If only Baylie could have been a better friend, maybe the world would still have Katie.
Coyote felt guilty, he was the reason Lucky had turned back in the first place. The reason her jet had exploded, and the reason she had nearly died out there.
He brought her little trinkets, knowing damn well her mother was making her enough food to feed the small army of Daggers.
He apologized profusely, despite her placating him by saying she didn't have regrets.
He didn't get it.
She didn't need any fucking reminders of her condition, of what had caused it. She wanted to move past it, but everyone kept holding her back.
One night it all came to a head, most of the group was in the living room. Lucky walked out and immediately Delilah, Mickey, Jake, and Javy all jumped up to help her to the couch. She brushed them all off and bypassed the couch entirely and went into the kitchen to grab her Ben & Jerry's from the freezer but her hands fumbled and she dropped it on the floor.
They all fussed over her, and then Coyote finally said the straw that broke her.
"I'm so sorry Lucky."
"Stop fucking apologizing Javy." She snapped. The most words they had heard her say in days, they all just stared. "In fact all of you just fucking stop. I don't need to be babied."
Then the flood gates fully opened.
"Mom, I love you but you don't have to cook all the time. I haven't even been eating lately and you haven't even noticed. So much for caring for your kid."
She pointed at Mickey "and you, I love how much you care about me but for fuck sake I can get things for myself. I'm just on neurological watch I'm not a fucking invalid."
"Jake." The blonde opened his mouth then decided against it. "I can't listen to another one of your stupid fucking stories. I don't care that Amanda broke your heart in third grade when she kissed Logan right in front of you. Or that you had zero creativity as a child and had to re-use Halloween costumes."
"And you Javy "I can't stop apologizing" Machado. If I hear the word sorry out of your mouth one more time I will punch your lights out. I don't give a fuck that you're sorry. I would have done it for anyone on that mission. You aren't fucking special."
A beat of silence then
"I'm going back to bed, and I don't want to see any of you anytime soon. I will text Nix or Bob if I need anything."
She stomped her way down the hallway completely abandoning the ice cream and leaving the people who cared the most about her in the dust. The slam of the bedroom door shook all the walls in the cottage.
Baylie "Lucky" Steele sure as fuck felt like a burden as she slid down the door and sobbed.
Maybe she always had been a damn burden.
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eziojensenthe3rd · 10 days
Midnight Gaming: Have an NSO sub for that cancer mam...
So I played Super Mario Land, Mario Land 2 6 golden coins and some Tetris past midnight, checked socials later to find....devs of a mental health action shooter look forward to a health-insurance funded "golden age" of gaming?
Ummmm... yeah..  i'm not from the United States of America but I am aware that healthcare there is abysmal, I don't think letting doctors prescribe a subscription to xbox game pass would improve things.
I mean sure, video games can improve mental health, one of the games I played last night Tetris is a good example of that. But given how people are struggling to afford treatment, I dont think having your insurance front the cost for video games is a good idea. Still the FDA has already cleared it, we can only wait to see how it goes. Why not share your thoughts on it? Full article from PcGamer:
So now onto the games. I did not buy a NSO sub for this since I'm sure a lot of people would tell me to just emulate, though I dont feel like tinkering with my steam deck to do that. I played these on a 7-day trial for this post and I wont bother with a full sub, unless folks really want to see thoughts on the games available there.
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Mario Land 2 was the first I played and I've enjoyed the game a lot in the past. Its just a neat lil mario romp for your handheld Game Boy and was the first appearance of that garlic rouge Wario. Honestly Mario Land 2? Easy as hell, most of the bosses take 3 bounces quickly and take no time at all. I can genuinly say the hardest boss was the three pigs in the toy zone since they take 9 hits in total for all three. The bunny ears that mario gets here? Probably the most op item in the game since you can jump high and glide a far distance, going back to the difficulty, the first level you go through to get to space zone? Once you get in a bubble just keep pressing A and stayat the top of the level as you go forwards, nothing will touch you and you'll get to the end quick.
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Since I beat that quick, it wasnt quite midnight so I decided to play through Mario Land 1 since I played the sequel and its certanly a strange beast compared to the other mario games. I mean you have Egyptian sphinxes, ufos, easter island heads and exploding koopas. Come to think of it, Land 2 also had some out there locales and enemies with a tree of ants and bees, outer space with bad stars, a massive house with a zone name furries would appreciate, a halloween zone with voorhees goombas and japanese yokai, a toy mario with ball shooting pigs and a couple of levels in turtle zone where you go in a sunken sub and roleplay jonah in a whale.
If you played mario platformers nowadays, you understand they have a pretty traditional structure with their worlds: grass, desert, ice, water, fire etc. I guess since these games were released around bros 3 and world, nintendo didnt really have a formula locked in so for their handheld titles, they decided to experiment a bit and create some unique enviroments and enemies. Thats probably what led to Land 3 starring Wario himself instead of Mario, leading to a whole bunch of games with that guy.
More games need have a spooky world, only other games I know that have it are Sonic Adventure 2 with pumpkin hill and Sonic Heroes with that Castle. Donkey Kong 64 has Creepy Castle as a world and Banjo Kazooie has Mad Monster Mansion. What other games have a spooky level in them?
Anyway, Land 1 ends rather abrupt, you get to the end of world 4, shoot a cloud and then you're suddenly fighting Tatanga and then, credits. I know the game was made to go with the launch of the Game Boy but, I couldnt help but wonder if it was rushed, it was certanly a surprise even though I've beaten the game before. Anyway since I STILL wasnt past midnight, I decided to run out the clock with Tetris to round out this Game Boy feature.
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I can play Tetris alright but I am by no means a tetris pro, barely even average I think, I get to a point where I get a few lines cleared, get dealt with some tetriminos I can't place properly thanks to rng and then it cascades into a game over. You ever hear of those Grandmaster Tetris arcade games from Japan that are uber-hard? Yeah i'm nowhere close to the folks who can play those games reliably. But I managed to run the clock past midnight so I was able to accomplish my goal regardless. Tetris is fine, its an iconic game that people know of and it'll outlast all of us, no doubt about that.
Hey you know that meme about "I want games with worse graphics from people paid more" meme? That was kind of the philosophy of Gunpei Yokoi who was the creator of the Game & Watch and the Game Boy, and that philosophy still kinda drives Nintendo to this day. That and DMCA the fans.
Thank you for reading this post on Midnight Gaming. Feel free to leave feedback and game suggestions. Anons are currently on. See you all tomorrow.
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Skrik 2023 - School festival
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I was pretty excited for this film festival hosted by the school. Dressing up in the Fight Club costume from last weekend, watching all the other projects from the different classes, and of course cringing at my own voice. Tho before we even got there it started of with a tense atmosphere.
Its understandable that he gets aggitated by small inconveniences. Something he's been clear about and I've understood. Tho I don't know if it was because of my own mood, his negative attitude really got to me. But I kept up a happy face just to balance it out, especially around his mother. I felt that my mask was slipping the closer we got to the school.
He was upset about not sitting directly besides me, even tho I suggested just dragging a chair besides me. What difference does it make if he sits on a chair that was already besides me or a chair he had to drag besides me? It seemed like a childish thing to be upset about, we were there to watch the film projects after all. I was quite frankly done and over his negative attitude already then. I don't even know what he was referring to when he explained that he was pissed off because of comments from me (???) and small inconveniences.
At this point I already wanted to go home, he complained about being full and his stomach hurting. My thoughts are; if you knew there would be a lot of pizza, and the event wasnt a long time after when we ususally eat dinner - why didn't you just skip dinner or eat a smaller portion? I knew I would be hungry again at the festival so I ate some dinner and then some pizza too. I got pissed off when we started discussing some small silly thing. Which just made me want to avoid any conversation with him. I was fed up and cold from wearing the dress.
Now we are at the point of which I got the most upset about. His group won the prize for scariest movie, which I was happy about since we all worked so hard on it. But he didn't even mention me when he had the mic? You know how when an actor or director wins an award and thanks his wife/family - yeah I thought something like that would happen. Maybe thats naive of me or I'm too full off myself. But he knows best how much I've struggled dealing with this movie. The mental exhaustion, stress and the constant sleeping from my body not being used to spending so much free time on a school project around other people.
I'm assuming he was too caught up with his own thoughts and feelings of winning the award. But it would have been nice, right? Getting some recognition for doing so much off screen. After all I told him about the Mummeratz, the folklore, translated his script, helped with captions and played the main fuckin character. Sure I was featured in the credits but who was actually paying attention to those?
I dont know, I'm just upset about his overall negative attitude and I hoped that he would have mentioned me. But I realize that I'm asking for too much. So thats that. A decent film festival. At least I learned that I am better off not involving myself in any media projects in the future.
(Added a cat halloween gif because I didnt know what else besides a halloween themed gif for this post heh)
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Carly: [some time after her fun times with Alison because the gals had to cleanse themselves in water and have a reset moment and generally just be allowed to live]
Carly: I’m sorry
Bartley: Why, what for now?
Carly: everything @ bonfire night idk
Bartley: It wasn’t so bad
Bartley: and you didn’t 😱👻 to make it weird, the less good parts
Carly: k grand
Carly: weren’t expecting the air to be cleared this quick but
Bartley: Not surprised you’re feeling the fear this morning, like
Bartley: s’why everyone hates Mondays, I reckon
Carly: im not 🍀🐇🌠 how u r to be feeling that type of way
Bartley: I weren’t even pissed, be why
Bartley: Notice Ronan was off his face too though, by the end
Carly: you was too busy 😍💋🥰💞😘💓’d be why bb
Carly: how are u to raise a glass when youve some lass always on your face 🌺🐝
Bartley: You sound jealous
Bartley: Another zombie girl situation, was it?
Carly: what of another 🤠🤎 for you wasnt it?
Bartley: I don’t know, I’ll not see her again so it doesn’t matter
Carly: u could if you’re after it mattering 🍯💛
Bartley: Tah for the permission, Carls
Carly: I mean cos shes a mate of alis brother & hes a mate of mine
Carly: if you want to see her its not like youd have need of searching every pop up shop for a lass on till
Bartley: You’re well 💔
Bartley: Mosey boy should still have her number, somewhere in his contact list, you can find her
Carly: my god shut up gobshite 😅
Bartley: 😏
Bartley: I just mean, that girl talked too much, when she weren’t attached to my face, I’m not after seeing her again off my back
Carly: ah now theres sense course thats why you was on her constant not cos u like her 😏
Bartley: I’m not being mean, don’t think she even asked what my name was either
Carly: im not calling u mean boy it was a party & yous both had your fun
Bartley: The comparisons are never far off
Carly: youre never far from slagging me but hey i was trying to see how long we’d go before you started
Bartley: Am not
Bartley: the only reason you like Ronan is because he has no opinions of his own and that suits you
Carly: oh please hes loads of opinions of me & they dont suit no more than the 1s the rest of yous lads have do
Bartley: Yeah right, I know how dead easy he is to convince, we do it all the time
Carly: whats it you reckon I’m here wanting to convince him of?
Bartley: I don’t need to say it, you know
Carly: I dont
Bartley: Nah, you’re after tricking me into slagging you already sos you win, more like
Carly: yea cos what a victory thatd b like
Bartley: Your shit game, play a different one
Carly: im playing none im only telling you I’m not after him
Bartley: Does that mean you’re after Moses again
Bartley: better warn his mammy, like
Carly: no never
Bartley: Believe that when I 👀 it
Carly: cant u believe it hurt us getting rated?
Bartley: no, ‘course it did
Bartley: but has he tried to apologise to you yet?
Carly: hes swore to make my life a misery cos i dont fancy fucking him no more, where it was left, more or less
Bartley: Jesus, well
Carly: i think this heres where im meant to warn yous all hes hoping you’ll all get yourselves involved in them fun & games like im scared or care
Bartley: He’s not said anything, not when I’ve been there
Bartley: maybe he was already half-cut when he said that to you, didn’t really mean it
Carly: yea maybe
Bartley: Sounds it
Bartley: he’ll have found someone else to bother by now, forgot all about that
Carly: dont even know how to make a girl feel special w his threats
Bartley: I’m just saying, don’t be scared
Carly: he dont scare me
Bartley: Good
Carly: its your turn to the now
Bartley: My turn to what?
Carly: scare us
Bartley: Not Halloween no more
Carly: only a week gone somehow
Bartley: your getup were a lot scarier craic anyhow 
Carly: least yous all dressed up loads of lads from school never far as I saw
Bartley: Mosey fancies himself enough to love all that
Carly: are you not to bother yourself next year then?
Bartley: I felt like a divvy
Bartley: different for lasses, you all love it
Carly: 🥺 I loved waiting to work out what youd picked to be 💔 for that as the last time & end of an era
Bartley: You’re such a pisstake
Bartley: I’ll try and think on before the day of next time, or go looking alone, so the best costumes don’t get nabbed
Carly: or you could let us make u 1 ❤️🎨✨🧡🧵💚💄🖤 cos I am not a pisstake
Bartley: Oh, sure, be the easiest way to go about being a massive one 😅
Carly: nah youve just massive issues w trust
Bartley: I don’t
Bartley: you’re not serious anyway
Carly: yea I am
Bartley: Maybe then
Bartley: is a whole year off now - 1 week so you’ve got time to be dead ❤️🎨✨🧡🧵💚💄🖤
Carly: yay 🖤🧡🎃🖤🧡👻🤍🧄💀🖤🧡🎃🖤🧡
Carly: dead excited to prove myself
Bartley: You who offered, moody
Carly: you’ve a whole year to work out for yourself when I’m being serious
Bartley: I already know the answer to that
Carly: u so dont
Bartley: Yeah I do, you’re never bloody serious, that’s your problem, girl
Carly: youd not handle me if I was
Bartley: That a threat of 😤 or 😭?
Carly: Id reckon its a reminder of when I tried to talk to you serious at the party & your eyes near fell out your head for the size they went
Bartley: You didn’t mean to say it, was being polite ignoring it
Carly: k eejit youre never polite, your problem
Bartley: Oh, so you let that pair walk all over you but I’m the rude one, how’s that work
Carly: yous can all be, sure, enough of it to go round, hows that?
Bartley: It don’t, you’ve no sense or shame to let him act like that just because you reckon him pretty
Carly: i know ive not, everybody knows ive not
Bartley: You could, you’re not totally braindead
Carly: i feel it
Bartley: act it out enough times for it to be all you hear, sure you do
Carly: it was all i heard before I acted up any time
Bartley: It’s not totally your fault
Carly: remember I go weird when youre nice
Bartley: yeah, don’t stop you having a go the rest of the time, weirdo
Carly: 👶😭 what go like?
Bartley: You can only take a joke off Moses when you want him to fuck you
Carly: hes no jokes when he wants to fuck me or he don’t
Carly: the lad’s loads of things but not gas
Bartley: I never said he was funny
Carly: it werent about him making us laugh
Bartley: no shit
Carly: y talk about moses when it only makes you 😤😠
Bartley: You made it so its all that’s to be said when your name comes up
Carly: wow k then
Bartley: What? You know it’s true
Carly: i never knew that was all you had to say to me but theres us told
Bartley: If you wanted to be mates with us, you wouldn’t have done what you have
Carly: right yea ill be off 😶💚👋
Bartley: For fuck’s sake, can’t you just admit that you did wrong, like
Carly: i have
Carly: what else are you after 🩸🙏📿?
Bartley: A sorry you don’t stick to don’t mean anything, you know
Bartley: You lot never do
Carly: wes done w each other, me & moses, I’m sticking to it
Carly: & ro’s just a friend now
Bartley: Believe it when I see it, yeah
Bartley: You can’t expect everyone to be convinced of that yet
Carly: take long as you need 🤠
Bartley: Whatever, you never listen to good advice
Carly: give it & maybe i’ll
Bartley: You want to do what you’ve done and are gonna keep doing
Bartley: why should I even bother
Carly: you’re not listening yourself I said ⬆️
Carly: but don’t bother w me & my 🍃🌱 if youre no believer in it
Bartley: Prove us wrong, no one’d be happier for you to stop fucking things up
Carly: k 💚
Bartley: K yourself, nightmare
Carly: don’t call me that 
Bartley: calm down
Carly: no
Carly: you sound like him & youre not
Bartley: I’m so sorry I’m not him, Jesus
Carly: you shouldnt b sorry
Carly: nobody is after you being him
Bartley: He’s a bit of a liability but he’ll come round, probably
Carly: I hope he does to yous all
Bartley: There’s only so wild people will put up with but he’s not like that bad
Bartley: long as he’s grafting, not fucking with other people’s families, he’ll not be going anywhere
Carly: yea, he’ll come grand once he grows up
Bartley: Still be a gobshite and a poser but you know
Bartley: worse crimes
Carly: yous lads have all committed them
Bartley: Not my family, not like his, their daddy lets them get away with all the stuff he still wants to
Carly: don’t start me on their daddy, I know my place that much
Bartley: Don’t be grim, or accuse him of that sort of carry on, people get strung up by their balls for less
Carly: not me who hes carrying on with if hes round this caravan
Bartley: There you go, how can any of them be expected to carry themselves with respect when he’s their example
Bartley: If their mammy had any backbone yours would be without hers, you don’t make it that obvious, in front of her and everyone she’s to live with, feeling sorry for her 
Carly: sure, ive no argument there, sorry if youre expecting 1
Bartley: I know you don’t like yours as much as she reckons it so
Carly: I like her how any girl of my age does her mammy, problem lies in her not wanting to act the part
Bartley: or her age
Bartley: I’ve seen you go all dead when she’s acting the maggot, it’s pure shaming, no one proper blames you for her being that mental
Carly: everyone instead reckons i take after her id rather the blame
Bartley: It’s just the same as them, how are you to be better, you’ve no daddy to take the pair of yous in hand either
Carly: Im not mental though
Carly: whatever else I am im not, k? Youve to know that’s so
Bartley: I didn’t say you were, only as a joke
Carly: i cant laugh @ it sorry
Bartley: Alright, alright
Bartley: you’re hanging, I get it
Carly: I hate that youve 👀 me away 💀👻
Bartley: The others don’t notice, not that they’ve ever said and it’d be a weird thing for me to bring up to ‘em
Carly: whyve you?
Bartley: I dunno
Carly: if youre to be looking @ me im to put more effort into being prettier 💄💅✨
Bartley: you’re not
Carly: i know im not thats where the effort is 🎀
Bartley: Leave off with that, you know what I meant
Carly: are you leaving off 👀?
Bartley: I weren’t looking through your window at night, don’t make it sound weird
Carly: its weird u know something they all dont but no surprise
Bartley: Maybe Ro knows, seeing as you twos are so close these days
Bartley: wouldn’t be after telling you if he did
Carly: wes further apart than ever these days but thats my own fault so
Carly: theres only ali who ive let 👀 can’t stop her same as you
Bartley: You can’t stop me
Carly: I dont want to
Bartley: There you go then
Carly: what do you want boy?
Bartley: you talking my ear off, what do you want, girl
Carly: if that was true youd of stayed w me @ the party not your girl [her name]
Bartley: I were being polite, you’ve already been told
Carly: you don’t like me when im high
Bartley: Not really, no
Carly: but I don’t myself when im sober
Bartley: I’ve seen it before, you’re too young and not a bloke
Carly: idk how to make you understand what youve not seen
Bartley: Probably not my business, you don’t have to
Carly: probably cant be inviting you to look in my windows or you’ll be 😤😠 @ me
Bartley: You like mental, even if you don’t wanna be called it
Carly: nobody likes for proper mental
Bartley: nah?
Carly: im not after being locked up where ali’s brother is
Bartley: that’s a bit different, Carls
Carly: i dont feel no different to it unless i take something that changes how 
Bartley: They reckon he killed her, you’ve never done nothing like that, don’t be stupid
Carly: he never she killed herself & sometimes I get why you know
Bartley: you’re not to say things like that
Carly: im no catholic saying or doing isnt off limits
Bartley: We’re right and that’s wrong though
Carly: is it?
Bartley: Yes, you twat, shut up about it
Carly: see, you dont like us when I’m not high neither
Bartley: Why would you say that? Nothing is that bad, is it
Carly: cos
Carly: idk [her mum] had this fella round whos bad enough & i thought hed away when i took myself off w ali but hes no moved himself all that far
Bartley: Go on, what’s his craic?
Carly: - craic
Bartley: Yeah but
Bartley: you seem scared or like, idk
Carly: im too tired to b on how she wants or turn him off hows needed 🥱😴
Bartley: Get him to go outside for a smoke or something
Bartley: just give me a bit, to sort it, yeah
Carly: im not bringing my trouble to you
Carly: no, like
Bartley: We’ve all sisters and nieces here, why do we want that sort on our site
Carly: hes been told im older theyre all of them lied to shes my big sister or best mate, its her craic
Bartley: She’s delusional, he’s got eyes
Carly: men use em to see what suits not whats real
Bartley: Not proper men
Carly: come on shes never filling this caravan up with proper men
Bartley: She can’t be trusted with anything, obviously
Carly: ill go back out idc
Bartley: For God’s sake
Carly: youre invited unless youve work on tomorrow
Bartley: you can’t just bring that up and then drop it like that
Carly: I can’t do fuck all else & im to be sure not letting you
Bartley: I wouldn’t on my own, I’m not thick, I told you give me a second
Carly: you might still be hurt hes a grown man & youre not no older than me
Bartley: No I won’t, I know how to fight, tah
Carly: idk that he dont too, catch yourself on, will u
Bartley: he’s to be outnumbered, calm yourself down
Carly: rich of you telling us to be calm when youre about to 💪🥊🤕
Carly: stop yourself please
Bartley: why should we?
Carly: i said please
Bartley: You should want it handled, why would you not
Carly: how you mean to handle it’ll knock me 🤢🤮 worrying over you
Bartley: None of us will get hurt and he shan’t come back, whatever lies your mammy is telling, it’s easy
Carly: its my fault if any of yous do & even if it werent i care whatever happens
Carly: more than I ever am about where that fella puts himself
Bartley: Why would you tell me and then say we can’t do anything about it
Carly: idk 😵‍💫 i didnt mean to
Bartley: For God’s sake, girl
Carly: I’m sorry
Bartley: Forget it just get out of there and go find Ali
Carly: shes busy or id not have left her
Bartley: go sit in [the communal middle bit where they have the bonfires and whatnot, you know where I mean] then
Carly: [do and send a pic from there, not of you because you don’t wanna show yourself in the state you’re clearly in, but so he knows you’re there] 
Bartley: Alright, good
Carly: i’m doing what im told you have to yourself & not have a scrap w my ma’s latest
Bartley: I shouldn’t listen to you, by all rights
Carly: but youre decent, a good boy 
Bartley: Calling me that isn’t helping your case, like
Carly: what’ll I call you then like?
Bartley: Call you a pisstaker
Carly: idm id have heard worse if i stayed in
Bartley: you’ve not convinced me not doing anything is the right thing to do 
Carly: do something else & you’ll quit thinking about it
Bartley: I shan’t
Carly: im grand now
Bartley: You could’ve put some clothes on, you’ll freeze
Carly: where are you even 👀 from? fuck
Bartley: out my window, which is the opposite of what you said, don’t act like I’ve got a hockey mask and a baseball bat
Carly: don’t look @ me for the now how about 😳
Bartley: You need a blanket, something
Carly: im no going in for it id sooner 🥶
Bartley: [throw one out of your window, can’t just come out, obviously]
Carly: [go grab it and wrap it around yourself while stood right next to his window, could just wait til you’re back seated so he can’t see you as well but obviously we’re not gonna do that]
Bartley: [doing the smallest wave as if you are locked in here, stepping back and out of sight after a pause like that’s enough]
Carly: [doing an oh you kind of lol before she heads back to where she was before, looking over her shoulder as she’s walking though cos you know he’s still lurking even if you can’t see him]
Carly:  💚👽🌱🦗🍐🍃🍏🍀🧃🥝💚
Carly: still idk what to do w how sweet u can be
Bartley: I’m not sweet and I know what it’s shorthand for
Carly: i dont tell us
Bartley: Yeah you do and it’s why you go for lads like Mosey who aren’t sweet
Carly: i got wrong reckoning he was or could be
Bartley: That’s the mammy in you, reckoning he could do no wrong when he’s so sweet when he wants something
Carly: nah its the little girl in us he said hed protect me & I so bad wanted him to
Bartley: He were never after that, don’t think it’s important to
Carly: im stupid
Bartley: if you’d have known, wouldn’t have half the success rate he does, you’re not the only one who falls for it
Carly: 1 of these days youll answer that I’m not 🎱🔮
Bartley: one of these days, you’ll act it, yeah
Carly: took the blanket for a start
Bartley: It’s a start
Carly: & your 👋💚
Bartley: You were doing your best Samara impression, be why
Bartley: 😶 not move on else
Carly: k you hate being called sweet enough to b after me taking it back 🍋💔
Bartley: A bit like your costume
Carly: was gonna do her from the exorcist but it felt like tempting fate for 🤢🤮
Bartley: Be gas to see your head do a 360 though
Carly: oh would it now
Carly: im fair flexible but idk if id go that far
Bartley: Not an 🦉
Carly: ill do you that carry on when shes off down the stairs 
Bartley: 🤣 will ya now
Carly: yea
Bartley: Wait ‘til the next party, would look pure nuts doing it out there on your own
Carly: wait til im somewhere w for proper stairs
Bartley: can’t call anything ‘round here more than steps, true enough
Carly: maybe for your birthday 🎁
Bartley: Where are we after going with stairs then 😏
Carly: id say ali’s but your girl would probably be there & outshine me w her 🎭🩰🎨🎬✨
Bartley: You don’t need to call her that just ‘cos we can’t remember her name
Carly: shes that cos shes after you so bad
Carly: her name’s [whatever it is]
Bartley: Only for the night
Carly: all the nights yous are in the same place
Bartley: And how often do I find myself at 🎭🩰🎨🎬✨ shit, girl?
Carly: you liked it at ali’s did you not? & you wasnt behaving so as youd never be invited again
Bartley: She’s decent craic, sure
Carly: ali or [this gal]
Bartley: Ali
Bartley: I don’t know about her family, mind
Carly: i told you her sisters not well like
Bartley: I know, I know
Carly: she hates me but the rest are decent themselves
Bartley: She wants Ali back, to be sure
Carly: course id have her to myself too if there was any say to be had in it
Bartley: Alright, gay
Carly: the girl’s magic ❤️🍄🧡🐅💛🌞💚🍀💙🧿💜🔮
Bartley: As bad as Ronan, you are
Carly: why arent u?
Bartley: What do you mean?
Carly: y dont you fancy her?
Bartley: ‘Cos Ro does
Carly: did you before you knew about ro?
Bartley: He has for ages, not exactly subtle 
Bartley: She’s pretty, sure, but you don’t do that to mates, nor family
Carly: k true enough
Bartley: I’d say you were about equal, anyway, you know
Carly: what? ah no
Bartley: why not
Carly: why would that be so?
Bartley: I dunno, you’re different but the same
Carly: I wish we were the same
Bartley: Are you jealous of her?
Carly: I’m too happy for her
Carly: but its shite i cant b as happy for myself as well
Bartley: Dunno why you girls can never be happy with yourselves
Carly: it isnt only for how pretty she is though
Carly: its how smart & nice & brave & loads else ❤️🍄🧡🐅💛🌞💚🍀💙🧿💜🔮
Carly: & for her family, all she has
Bartley: Don’t all that make you like her less
Bartley: a 🤏
Carly: no, shes never looking down @ us how id probably if I had all she does
Bartley: suppose not
Bartley: Is the smug cunts who are the worst, aye
Carly: you 👀 the girl over her fence?
Bartley: Yeah, nearly shit myself, she were proper giving it The Ring vibes, her
Bartley: nosy neighbours is one big reason not to have a house
Carly: youre making us wanna watch it now boy chuck your 📺 out
Bartley: bit more rock and roll when they weren’t flatscreen
Bartley: We could watch it, if you lot want to hang out like proper friends, me, you, Ro & Ali
Carly: 📺❤️📼💛🍿💚
Bartley: Something like that
Carly: ill find my hairbrush out before to not scare yous
Bartley: and no pea soup if we watch The Exorcist too
Carly: pissing myself on your carpet would be - craic too but its k ill not be out here in your blanket til then hed not the stamina to have
Bartley: If he’s not gone by [a time we’re deeming too late for her to be outside by] I swear
Carly: oh hes laying down the law
Carly: are you to be my brother or my daddy now?
Bartley: Behave yourself, it isn’t funny, all this
Carly: am like a 🐶 left out sure enough
Bartley: She’s such a
Bartley: you shouldn’t have to do this
Carly: [excuse me being EVIL by saying this man comes outside to smoke and is literally and blatantly chatting Carly up like she isn’t 12 years old, here not replying because we’re here going dead again while this man is the most grim]
Bartley: [not you having to rush out so dramatically this man is gonna be shook until he sees you’re just a teenage boy, coming over and putting your arm around her shoulder like come on, get up, trying not to look at or acknowledge this creep right now because you’re blatantly fuming]
Carly: [this poor girl has left the building because you just know that gross man was too in her grill and touching her and I’m soz we cannot, purely moving because this boy is moving her rn, the audacity of her mother and the boyfriends she picks]
Bartley: [direct her into your caravan via holding her shoulders, this man better hush because if this boy has to fight you, his fam will come out and fuck you up, gotta know where you are, honey; sit this girl down on your sofa like all that’s happened is a change of seat and your jaw isn’t clenched so tight you feel like it’s stuck that way]
Carly: [get back inside to the age appropriate lady or leave sir those are your choices, you can’t be that stupid, god only knows how long poor Carly will stay put before she’s finally back in the room and then is hugging her knees to her chest, still wrapped in this blanket, and risking a look at this boy like he’s gonna be mad at her instead of the fucked up circumstances in which she finds herself through no fault of her own]
Bartley: [not really helping you think otherwise with our face like thunder over this but can’t help being that bitch I’m afraid, the way we kept glaring out the window ‘til that dude went away and are now just pacing lowkey, putting the telly on, as you pass and clearly catch her eye, like that is the most comforting thing you can manage in these circumstances]
Carly: [looking away from this boy SO immediately when he catches your eye because genuinely feel like a kicked dog in this moment as if everything is your fault and you’ve done the wrong thing over and over again from the second you got back from having fun with Alison ‘he’s gone, I’ll myself’ taking this blanket off and trying to neatly fold it but you’re all shaky and upset so you can’t and it feels like an impossible task ‘sorry’ as if it’s for the folding fail and not everything]
Bartley: [the ‘wait’ coming out a bit too fast and loud, so you’re going redder than your mad face already is because don’t want her to think you’re scared of this man, kicking this blanket aside because I highly doubt you’re neat, you’re teenage boys with your own space lmao and you could not care less about said blanket right now ‘just chill’ as if that’s an easily achievable thing]
Carly: [when it makes you jump because it’s sudden and loud and you didn’t expect him to say it or anything in fact and that makes you feel even more embarrassed and sad than you already do, like there are literal tears coming to this girl’s eyes about it that she’s trying not to shed in front of this angry boy ‘I can’t’ so quietly because you dare not express how !! and true that is when you already think he thinks you’re mentally ill ‘I’d-’ stopping yourself cos you were about to say something about needing to get drunk/high again there and you know he hates it and doesn’t understand ‘I can’t’]
Bartley: [‘please don’t’ when you’re saying please but you’re also wincing because you in no way know how to handle this or what you’re meant to do now she’s here and so are you ‘you’re to tell her never again’ as if this is a thing that will work because got to say something and it should be a warning she listens to ‘or I will’]
Carly: [‘I’ve tried for years and years’ in that resigned way of you have and it hasn’t changed anything ‘at the first, I think I was 10, Christ knows how old I looked to him’ with a shrug because you do know, you aren’t a girl who looks older and that’s the tea]
Bartley: [just cursing this man out in your own language, as well as all the others before, under your breath but so angrily ‘you’d be better off without her’ as the thing you say in English and more directly to her]
Carly: [when you probably understand most if not all of what he’s saying anyway because you’ve always lived here and thus have picked it up like a 2nd language basically ‘she’s my ma, still’ said like whether she acts it or not because she absolutely never does but you have love for her and want her to nevertheless]
Bartley: [the noise of scorn that honestly deserves at this point, ma’am, shaking our head because ‘my point remains’ throwing yourself down into the armchair/other sofa because a lot of pent up emotions and nowhere to put them right now so having to do everything in a dramatic fashion]
Carly: [‘without her I don’t know where I’d be’ because truly where would they put you gal ‘except not here, sure look, maybe that’d be better but I’m not after going off’ just like this is my home soz everyone]
Bartley: [still shaking your head, shrug your shoulders, only stopping shaking your head when you put in your hands and breathe out in frustration]
Carly: [‘yeah’ like yeah I know, cos we’re frustrated by our lot in life too sir but we don’t feel like there is anything we can do to change it other than the unhealthy coping mechanisms we have]
Bartley: [‘your room have a lock on it?’ in such a matter of fact, resigned kind of tone because you don’t know what else you can do right now]
Carly: [shake your head because you’re not the sort of girl to be doing DIY like that to keep yourself safe, Ali is but you’ve clearly not expressed how badly you need one and it’s not every dude your mother brings home who’s acting like this ‘but I’ve the bathroom’ like that’s fine]
Bartley: [looking at her like no it is not before looking to the TV you put on as if you’re watching it remotely ‘we’ll put one on’]
Carly: [looking at him only when he’s looking at the TV despite the fact we all know he can feel it ‘okay’ quietly cos we’re accepting this not fighting him on it or saying anything bants etc]
Bartley: [not looking back, just nodding because can’t commit to any more, switching the channel, to something you can at least say you want to watch, opposed to whatever just came on when you put this telly on]
Carly: [getting up to go like you can just quietly slip out like a little ghost as though you were never here but obvs stopping before you get to the door and turning back like - because you wanna thank him for what he did but you don’t know how to because it feels SO big, literally nobody cares about this girl but Alison and that cannot be overstated ‘you are decent, a good boy’ said sincerely like no bants or lies detected]
Bartley: [looking over at her like you did not just say that but you can’t help but do a little smirk, almost as if it’s against your will with how tiny it is but still, rubbing the back of your neck ‘away with you now’]
Carly: [doing a lil smile back because she can’t help that either ‘you’re not to watch me’ like he’s gonna be at the window lurking until she’s inside when it’s not far to go at all, but ofc said like he absolutely can and she doesn’t mind because she doesn’t and in fact wants him to, wrapping her arms around herself in preparation for how cold it’ll be outside and how much she doesn’t really wanna head back there cos her mum will either be in a mood this man has left and wanting to overshare about it or her bestie as per and wanting to keep the party going and neither is the wanted vibe]
Bartley: [flipping her off for calling you a stalker but you’re grinning back more openly so she knows you’re all good here, even if you know what her mother is like and do not envy her going back, you can’t offer her an alternative ‘take the blanket’ as a throwaway comment as she hugs herself because it do be chilly]
Carly: [doing the kind of pure and happy lol she did at bonfire night which is usually reserved for Ali only and/or being high as she slips out of the door, waving off his blanket offer like no no I couldn’t possibly ‘it’s yours’ as if he needs it more here for his TV watching]
Bartley: I’ll get you a lock after work tomorrow
Carly: 🔒💚
Carly: ill sleep for the knowing of it
Bartley: I’m glad, go get some, said you were tired
Carly: you’ve work ill let you get your head down bb
Bartley: 👌
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insertdisc5 · 3 years
Hi!! I wanted to ask, in celebration of Deltarune CH. 2, do you have any updated thoughts and head canons about the game?? Like, y'know, similar to a previous ask about Kris in your Deltarune tag? Thanks!
thoughts on kris part 2 i guess???? (part 1 from ch1 here lol)
spoilers for deltarune like woah. this wont be kris focused just random thoughts on everything. thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk
not that many thoughts for this chapter tbh! EDIT LOL: this was a lie i have a lot of thoughts
-just in general i feel like the player isn't the only one controlling kris... like yes the player forced kris to do what happened in the snowgrave route but AT THE SAME TIME idk it feels like there's someone else too. just because of the terrifying voice i suppose. and also the jerky movement kris does every time they get their soul out? unless there's another reason for it... maybe getting your soul out means you walk weird lol
-BUT ALSO i feel like kris is 100% in control when they create fountains. idk it just makes sense kris would create them. to create another world, a better world, A WORLD WHERE THEIR BROTHER IS HERE PERHAPS? i do wonder why they get their soul out then though. i'm all for it sweetie! do whatever! i support you!
-(i am and will be playing deltarune with only kris' best interests in mind. i will not hurt anyone unless kris wants me to. dont worry my little meow meow im on your side! talk to me! no? okay ill stay under the sink its fine)
-kris misses their brother so much it's so sad. if you make kris steal 5$ from asriel they take it "reluctantly"? talking to asriel online so often even alphys knows?? the google search?? GOING INTO ASRIEL'S GOOGLE SEARCH ROOM WITH THEIR EYES CLOSED BECAUSE THEY'RE CONVINCED THEY ALREADY KNOW WHATS IN THERE? THAT ONE IS LESS OF A MISSING THING BUT IM LIKE OH MY GOD
-the city walk with susie at the end makes it clear to me that kris really values susie's friendship... kris even sits with her if you spend long enough near the lake like aaaaah ;_;
-and even in snowgrave you spend your last acts with the final boss calling for your friends like YES there's a way bigger creepy aspect to this (kris as more of a Leader who Commands and commands their subjects to come) but still :'0 (and then noelle answers oh my god noelle im so sorry for the trauma)
-berdly. listen. listen. listen. liste
-berdly sucks but [berdly hurts his arm in the battle against queen if you don't save him because he doesnt want to hurt you] [berdly realizing smg's wrong in snowgrave and immediately taking steps to save noelle] berdly is my little crumb nugget. i will protect him.
-noelle. noelle. girlboss!
-like ooooh listen. hearing about the genocide path for undertale. made me go "that is SO COOL. i HAVE to experience it myself this is great. hehehe killing time" and like no regrets. i was fully enjoying the experience knowing i was an awful person. SNOWGRAVE THOUGH. i will never try this myself its too fucked up. casually grooming your childhood friend to murder people <3 and also acting like a weird stalker towards her <3 stockholm syndrome speedrun i will get all the info i can about this but i will never do this myself
-people remarking the kris/player>noelle relationship is similar to the relationship between player>chara in genocide path is like yes. chefs kiss. don't worry we just are making you stronger and everything will be fine "you made me kill my friend? and for what?" this is fine sweetie don't worry about it!!!!!!
-like the amount of details added to snowgrave, like if you equip noelle's watch she notices later? and her battle animations change as time goes on, she gets an ice shield and stops sighing in relief after battle? oh my god? oh my god.
-also why didnt he turn into dust. so many possible reasons. is magic a thing in the normal world and perhaps no magic means no dust (theres graves). maybe he isnt dead. maybe hes braindead. maybe he'll come back. either way that boy is now in the closet big enough to put someone in
-also dess' name probably being december AND THATS WHY NOELLE LOST THE SPELLING BEE?!?!??! FUCK ME UP!!!!! JUST FUCK ME UP!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!
-also so many good pixel art this chapter. too many? i didnt need pixel art of cardboard noelle falling on the statue. like thank you but please. please it hurts my game artist brain.
-the expressions in this chapter were also top notch. all the unsettling noelle expressions like (i fall over face first)
-i threw away the ball of junk (which i already tried in ch1) and this time the game was like "ARE YOU SURE BC THIS IS A BAD IDEA" and kris felt bitter :'( (it deletes all your items in the dark world)
-i uh fucked up and skipped the susie+noelle scene bc listen last time ralsei mentionned seeing what susie is doing we missed some PRIMO LORE. turns out it just makes you skip the scene and you dont get anything new. welp
-speaking of ralsei well you know. he exists. but im stuck on him going "i just wonder what being ralsei-like even is...?" ralsei my dude there's so much i could say about this. do you feel like you can't be ralsei-like because you feel like you have to be asriel-like
-but also that makes no sense bc susie hasnt even mentioned ralsei looks like asriel. and i cant imagine asriel being so meek. so WHAT GIVES
-ralsei as kris’ “i wish i was a monster just like my bro and family and i’d look like asriel but with red horns [THE HALLOWEEN COSTUME] and my name would be something cool like ralsei instead of a boring human name like kris and im sweet and cute because thats how i act with asriel because ASRIEL MADE ME” theory because that would be cute.
-kris definitely has a connection with the big red door in the city, judging by what the kids say they probably went there... i feel like this place's dark world will be the Final Dungeon you KNOW some shit happened there. also the sounds you hear when you go there is the phone dark world call's sound slowed down? AND AFTER SNOWGRAVE APPARENTLY YOU CANT HEAR IT ANYMORE? HUWAH?
-speaking of songs the songs were all so good, My Castle Town rules, the berdly snowgrave music is stuck in my head, flashback is uwah wuahah, Until Next Time is so good, AND ALSO A FRIEND NOTICED THE DARK WORLD CITY THEME IS JUST tHE SONG 74 (MOST NOTICEABLE WITH THE SNOWGRAVE VERSION)?????? WHAT DOES IT MEAN????? it might be just "hey its just reuse" BUT MR FOX YOU KNOW WE'RE GONNA READ INTO THIS IS NOELLE THE ONE SINGING IDK BRO!!!!!!!!!!
-asgore dreemurr fired from the force what happun!!!!! game theory is that asgore is related to dess' death/disappearance but eh who knows
-you start the chapter at lvl2 and get to lvl3 after the final boss, a friend mentioned this is probably because we destroyed a world and im :0
-to go back to kris it's still so interesting to figure out who they are based on how they act/people mention them. like kris shaking the ferris wheel car? yeah makes sense i can imagine a pranking kid do this. kris' dance? yeah thats a little silly but i can buy it. doing cool anime poses? well i dunno this doesnt line up PERFECTLY but sure. BUT EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS IN SNOWGRAVE... especially >proceed like that is such a weird thing that i can't imagine them doing, but i can't completely see the "player" doing either (compare with going to sans -which kris doesnt know- and going "SANS!" because of course the player would know sans), like THATS one of the reasons i feel like there's someone else in there. the weird robotic merciless actions. if im going super meta it feels like there'd be someone else like writing the choices into existence for us to pick you know? gaster probably? god i need to read more gaster theories i completely sidestepped the gaster shit bc i wasnt interested. anyway just spitballing
-(looks at big shot guy) please dont make him the next tumblr guy i beg you
-obligatory "queen was great" mention if only because this part made me laugh a little bit too hard
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that was a lot. thank you for letting me talk
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