#this is friendly crush. never looking in that corner of my mind. nope. don't need to. I already know. I don't need to ask the Question
sunflower-eddiediaz · 5 months
The way I experience attraction is I'll get a neutral undefined crush on someone, like internally pointing at them and saying yes! that person? the answer is yes. and then I have to figure out what the question is. Is it romantic or friendly attraction? what the hell is going on? I know the Answer is I want to get close to them, and get to know them, and have them in my life, but in what capacity? what's the Question? If I don't interact further with that person, the crush will die out. If I do keep interacting with them, then the crush will get defined whether or not I actively try to. The question will just exist in a corner of my mind whether or not I ask it. So, the crush isn't undefined anymore, just unlabeled. (and I don't include physical attraction in this little metaphor because it's its own mess.)
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maehara-san · 3 years
𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙𝙣'𝙩 𝙗𝙚 𝙦𝙪𝙞𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙 // 𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙮𝙖 𝙞𝙞𝙙𝙖 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
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Pairing: Au!Tenya Iida x F!Reader
Summary: After years of forgetting an old acquaintance the moment you decide to venture off and move forward he comes back. But have you moved on or are there still lingering feelings?
Warning(s): Angst, slight fluff,
Words: 2,083
| Notes: gif belongs to @transhawks |
| Masterlist | Writer Fund |
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"We didn't need to do this guys!" you exclaimed as your best friend threw an arm around your shoulders pulling you closer. "I told you it was fine getting just ramen back at home."
"Nope!" he chuckled, "Not happening, missy. We are sending you off big."
"Takashi is right." Aimi added, "A simple bowl of ramen isn't going to cut it for us."
"It's your last night..." Aito sighed looking at you with sad eyes "You should get to enjoy it with your favorite food."
You frowned seeing your best friend's smiles disappearing from their usual happy faces. "Guys..." you took each of their hands into yours, "I may be moving to another country but that won't mean I will not be checking up on you or planning trips to come and see you."
Aimi smiled small giving your hand a gentle squeeze, "We're going to miss you..."
"I'm going to miss you guys too. But before you know it I will be back to annoy your asses."
Takashi chuckled, "Come on let's go grab a seat and enjoy tonight."
"He's right the more time we stand here." Aito said, "The less time we will have to talk."
"Agree!" you exclaimed.
The four of you then sat down near a secluded corner. There were only a few tables occupied, making the atmosphere more relaxing. "Should we get the usual?" Aimi asked.
"Mhm." you nodded "Do you guys want to add anything else?"
"What about..." Aito mumbled, "Adding some extra bowls of rice?"
"We can do that." you agreed "Another extra omelet too."
The waitress then came over and Takashi gave her the order then left you four alone again. "Are you excited?" Aimi asked looking over at you. "Getting your own office and helping out on that project?"
You bit your lip trying to contain your smile and not making your friends sadder. "It's a huge opportunity...ever since college ended, I've been waiting for something like this to happen." you said "After working long hours during the internships, it seems like it's being paid off."
"I know I can vouch for all of us when I say that you are the most hard-working person we know." Takashi "Even though you'll be miles away, your dream is finally coming true. You deserve this and much more." he raised his shot glass in the air and the rest of you followed "To y/n...who will become the baddest boss I know!"
"Hear hear!" you all spoke in unison and clinked your glasses together drinking down the sake.
Clearing your throat you then stood up "I'm going to the bathroom I'll be back."
"Don't be too long!" Aito yelled as you left "Or I'll eat your bowl of rice!"
A chuckle escaped your lips as you slipped away out into the balcony. You closed the door behind you making the night turn quiet. The voices sounded muffled, you sighed leaning forward.
'I know I should be happy...' you thought holding on to the black metal railing. 'But why am I feeling sad...this is the chance I've been looking for..'
The sound of a door opening and closing caught your attention. On instinct, you wiped the tears away and turned around expecting to see Aito or Aimi but saw a stranger instead.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt-" they began.
"No, you didn't," you reassured them.
The stranger with glasses then furrowed his eyebrows together as his stare became focused on you. Then his eyes widened, "Y/n?"
"Um..." you looked at him confused then your face reciprocated his expression as well. "T-Tenya..."
"Yeah..." he softly spoke, "It's been a while..."
You crossed your arms in front of your chest, "It has..."
Tenya then walked over and stood next to you near the railing. "How have you been?"
"I-I have been well...and you?" you mumbled not knowing how to feel after years of not seeing him.
"I'm doing good actually..." he softly replied looking at you as his back was facing the street.
"That's...good then," you said looking down at your open-toe heels suddenly remembering you had come to enjoy your dinner celebration after work. His eyes were softly looking at you as he noticed your tired finger and the pen marking you had on your forehead but despite it all, you still looked beautiful.
"Did you come alone? he asked.
You shook your head not wanting to look at him "I came here with some of my close friends."
"I see..." there was nothing he can do to make the silence less awkward and somehow he still had a lot he wanted to say to you. So many words crossed his mind yet seeing you in front of him made him nervous.
"It's been six years hasn't it?" your mouth suddenly spoke for you making you mentally slap yourself for opening it. Without realizing it you kept going not having any filter or control over what came out. "Since the last time, we saw each other."
A small smile formed on his lips "It has been too long." he replied.
"Has it been too long?" you questioned having the courage to look at him "We didn't necessarily speak to one another the last two years of high school."
"I admit it wasn't the best move I made, at least not the one I wanted to." his gaze softened as he looked you in the eyes.
"Then why did you?" you said, "I thought I had done something wrong or said something that might have upset you. I kept looking back at all the memories to try and find a clue that would help clear my mind from how guilty I felt Tenya."
"I didn't mean to make you feel bad."
A sly chuckle came out and you broke away from the stare "I even had the decency to message you and apologize when I shouldn't have had the need to do so."
"None of this was ever your fault y/n." he said "I was the idiot who got driven by j-" Tenya paused as he bit his tongue.
"What?" you asked.
He shook his head "Nothing..."
Anger started to build up inside of you after all those years you tried to ignore how he had made you felt. How you cried for him as silly as it sounded, of wanting to maybe just maybe having a chance to show him how important he was to you. Only for things to change out of the blue and ignore you as if you never existed. "Bullshit," you called him out. "You don't get to pull this half-ass move on me!"
His back then turned as he looked out into the city, "I'm not pulling anything..."
"Seriously?" your hand-formed into a fist "You start to spew out an apology only for you not to admit the truth to me?! That is a half-ass move and I have no reason to keep listening or believe anything that comes out of your mouth!" you yelled.
Footsteps were then heard indicating to him that you were walking away and he was losing you for good. Gripping the rail tightly he then blurted out, "I had a crush on you okay!"
Your feet stopped moving, little butterflies began to fly around in your tummy. Tenya turned around to face you, "I didn't know how to act." he explained "We talked every day when we saw each other before I knew it these feelings of friendliness turned into a crush. I saw other guys get close to you and held a grudge."
A tear slipped from your eye and you blinked making it fall down to the cold ground. "So you ignored me as revenge?..."
"It wasn't revenge...I just-" he paused covering his face with his hands then letting them fall down to the side "...didn't know what to do. I did not want to ruin anything if you didn't feel the same way. Before I knew it the more I thought about it every day it made me ignore you and pretend as if nothing had happened."
"And yet you know deep down something did, Tenya." you tried controlling your heavy breathing as the tears kept falling down, "I had thought I was only imagining things, that you decided to erase all those times we acted as more than friends."
"I'm sorry." he said, "But I did mean everything I said to you in every conversation and moment I had with you, those were never fake y/n."
You stood quiet trying to wrap around your mind the confession you wanted to hear all these years. But now that you got it, did you still have those feelings for him?
"Look at me, please." he softly spoke. When he said it you turned around and his heart broke upon seeing your red bloodshot eyes. "Y/n..." slowly he lifted his hand and cupped the right side of your face. Using his thumb he gently wiped away the stained tears on your cheek. "I didn't mean to make you cry. But I knew you deserved the truth of it all."
Your sad eyes locked onto his, a silence overcame you both. The only sound was the cars passing by and the minimal chatter from strangers. "Even though I vowed to move forward and not look back, I don't know anyone else who can make me feel this way."
"You deserve better than what I have given you," he said cupping your face with both your hands. Slowly he closed the distance between you two, his eyes looked from your eyes to your lips and back up again. You copied his movements and inched closer to him then stopped once both your noses brushed against each other silently asking if it was ok. Not seeing any hesitation he continued softly kissing you. Your lips brushed gently against one another as the kiss deepened. You wrapped your arms around his waist, your skin tingled feeling his body heat radiating off onto you. The kiss was magnificent something you've never experienced before, which made you break apart despite the happiness you felt.
You broke apart after a minute to breathe. A smile lingered on your faces feeling the rush from the explosive kiss. "I've been meaning to do that." his cheeks turned red and brushed his hair back.
"I'm glad you did." you admitted "I have been waiting for a while..."
He gently tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, "I waited too long and now that I have I don't plan on wasting it."
The thought made you feel delighted yet you knew it would be impossible. Tenya noticed the change in your eyes, "What's wrong?" he asked as he held your hand.
"I'm moving out of the country." you explained "I have a job opportunity in Spain. I'm leaving tomorrow."
"I did miss you." you confessed "Seeing you rose feelings within me that I didn't know I still had. But I'm not going to be hopeful on waiting again especially since I don't know how long I'll be gone."
"We'll figure this out okay?" he said "You don't need to answer me or feel like you have to decide right now. You deserve that job opportunity."
"Are you sure?"
"You have my word." Tenya gave your hand a gentle squeeze "I'm willing to wait for as long as it takes and show you how much you mean to me."
"Y/n!" one of your friends called out to you, "The food is getting cold!"
"I should get back," you said letting go of his hand and he nodded.
"Let me know what time you leave okay?"
"I will." you said, "Goodbye, Tenya."
"Goodnight, y/n." he softly said and you headed back inside over to your table. Tenya then walked in after you, as he saw your table was a few feet away from his.
"Y/n where were you?!" Aimi slurred as you noticed her pink face from how much sake she had drunk already.
"She wouldn't stop asking where you were," Aito said. "She kept talking a lot almost getting us thrown out from here."
"Sorry, I ran into someone from my old school," you explained as your eyes landed on him from far away. Tenya's eyes then landed on you as well. You slightly blushed.
"What's wrong?" Takashi asked as he raised an eyebrow looking at you.
"Nothing," you replied smiling softly. "The meat tastes good is all."
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dimensionwriter · 6 years
Fight for the Heart
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Male! Robotic Naga x Female! Reader
Trigger warning: mention of death, blood, depression (starts off sad, but gets better quickly, I guess)
The screams were deafening behind you as the sound of crunching and pounding of metal vibrated through the thick cemented walls. But you ignored it as you focused on wielding this robot ripped face back together.
"So, is there any permant damages to it?" it's owner spoke from the corner with a fat cigar in his mouth. You made a frown as he blew a wave of smoke your way.
"He will have to go to a professional to get the claw marks out of his eye socket," you said in a monotone voice as you spun back around to look at the robot infront of you. You ran a gloved hand over the claw marks over it's right eye. They couldn't find his actual eye, so it's just an empty socket right now.
"Dang thing didn't even win the fight and it's costing me more money," he yelled standing up. He lifted his hand to smack the machine, but you turned the blow torch on blast.
"Sir, I would recommended you step out while I finish him up," you retorted not even looking at him. You slide down your visor as you tried to figure out how to put the metal back in place on his shoulder.
"Whatever. Hurry up. My wife is waiting on me at home with dinner. Can't keep woman waiting. You know how they get," he said before barking out laughter. You rolled your eyes at the clearly sexist jokes. He probably didn't realize that you were even female with all the protective layers you had on.
You waved your free hand at him telling him to leave. If he continued talking, it would be a shame if this torch slipped out of your hand and burnt him.
He stopped laughing and walked to the door. As he open it, all the screams intensified. He stepped out and muffled the screams by closing the door.
"Waste of breath," you grumbled under your breath. The robot infront of you let out a small laugh before going stock again. You turned off the blow torch and put it back on to the rack beside you.
"Do you like doing all this fighting?" You asked leaning back in the chair and looking into it's one red eye.
He looked away from you and shrugged his shoulders. You didn't response, waiting for the truth to come out.
His eye drifted back to you before looking down. He shook his head as red liquid started building up in his eyes
Seeing a robot cry is beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time. Their tears isn't clear like humans, instead it's different colours base off what fluids they have. It expresses a lot more pain than a human could.
You placed a hand on his thigh and gave it a small squeeze. He looked back at you as a single tear trailed down his face.
"It never use to be like this," he spoke with his voice glitching from the emotion. "I use to help with the garden or look after their daughter."
Your eyes narrowed as you tried to remember that man ever speaking about having a child. Everytime he's in here, he mention his wife, but never had a daughter.
"But then there was an accident where I went to get repair because I cut myself pretty bad with the hedge shears. And the daughter wanted to finish my job," his fist balled up as his eyes narrowed at nothing as he relived the memory. "And she- she didn't know that the ladder was broke and she felled. She-she died. And they blamed me."
Tears were pouring out of his eyes by now. You lifted your visor up to show him that you were listening. It seem like he needs to get this off his chest.
"I didn't know. How could I have known? And-and then they fell into depression and didn't work, so they needed money. They told me I was finally going to be useful and took me to this hell hole," he ended with harsh growl as he glared at the cement walls.
His face was trying to protray anger, but the red tears pouring down his face and his fist shaking in fear screamed something else. He felt sad, lonely, and betrayed.
You stood up and wrapped your arms around him. He didn't hug you back, but opted for laying his face into your shoulder. You gave him a tight squeeze before stepping back.
"Hey, I know this person that could help you escape if you want," you said turning around to pick up your blow torch. "I'll give you the information if you want."
His eye showed his hesitation, but he nodded slowly. "My love for this family died when she died," he mumbled angrily. You gave him a sad smile as you flicked on the blow torch. Hopefully you'll be able to fixed his shoulder.
You finally relaxed back in your chair 10 mintues later after the robot left. You gave him the information and told him to store it. He thanked you before his owner came in to take him away. You hope he will leave soon.
"Yo, what's up babe?" a loud vocie screamed before slamming the door open. You jumped out of you seat in panic at the sudden loud noise.
You turn towards the enterance to see Willow entering the room. You glanced down to check him out.
He had a tan colour to his body along with a silver colour at the bottom of his hips. He was pretty short for a robot, but was still taller than you. But for what he lacked in height, he made with his long metallic snake tail behind him.
Yes, Willlow was a robotic naga. Why did someone create this, you have no clue.
You looked upward to see that his short black hair was pretty messy from the fight he just had. His eyes were a light gold colour that seem to light up seeing you look at them.
Of course, you didn't miss his lack of right arm. And the left arm that was holding a detached arm. Or the huge chuck of his toro missing. And how could you ignore the golden liquid pooling on the concrete floor.
"Let me guess, you lost," you said sitting down. His metallic laughter filled the room as he slide over to your working table. He plopped down on it as his tail lazily slide around your chair.
"Nope, actually. I only lost one of my limbs, but she started with 8 and ended with 0," he said with a giant smirk. You rolled you eyes as you hoped they wouldn't send her to you. Reattaching a limb takes hours to do and doing 8 would take an entire day.
"Couldn't you go easier on her?" you ask taking the limb from his arm. You inspected it and noticed that there seem to be some very close deep scratches.
"Go easy on her. The thing had 6 buff arms and two legs that turned into spikes. I don't even have legs, hun," he said pointing to his tail that was wrapping more around your chair.
You let out a laugh as you placed the arm beside him. Whoever owned that android obviously got her just to fight.
You leaned forward to get a look at his sides. Your eyes squinted as you noticed that he had the same deep scratches as his arm.
"You look so cute when you squint your eyes," he said placing his hand under your chin and lifting your head up to look at him.
His signature smirk was on his face as he gave you a swift wink. You rolled your eyes and swatted his hand away. You return back to looking at his side.
"What are these weird cuts? Did she use a weapon?" You ran your fingers on the cuts. They were pretty smooth and ripped into the metal pretty well. She must had a lot of strength to do this with a weapon.
"Oh, yeah she used a weapon. If you consider piranha like teeth to be a weapon. The dang thing ripped through my metal like it was paper," he grumbled holding up his detached arm.
Okay, no wonder he didn't go easy on her. She was probably made to have no feeling in her except animalistic desires. Some humans are sick enough to strip away emotions of androids to make them 'better' fighters.
"Well, did you see what they did with her body?" you asked going to where his right arm would be. You touched the area, instantly covering your hand in a gold liquid. Why was he such a messy bleeder?
"Willow, can you please stop your fluids from spilling everywhere?" You asked wiping away the liquid pouring out of his arms. You couldn't even see what colour the wires dangling out of his arms were.
"Give me a kiss and I'll think about it," he purred running his tail across your ankle. Who decided to give this robotic naga a flirting code? This would be something you wouldn't mind getting pulled out.
"I'm not giving you a kiss. I'm here to fix you up, not to entertain your weird flirting habits," you barked at him. You stood up to go outside to see if they found the chuck of his missing torso. It would be too much to rebuild a new one.
"Wait, don't leave," he yelled. In an instant, he had his metallic tail wrapped around your torso. The metal felt cool against your skin, but it felt quite wet from all of the golden fluids pouring out. "I was joking. I didn't mean to make you angry."
He yanked you back causing you to stumble back and hit the bed. "I'm not leaving. I'm trying to do my job and fix you. Now if you will let me go, I need to go find the other fourth of your torso."
"Why are you so cold to me? When it comes down to other robots, you are so nice and friendly to them. But I just get the cold shoulder," he mumbled leaning his head on your shoulder.
A chill went down your back at his words. You noticed you were a little colder towards him, but you hoped he didn't noticed. It's all because of that stupid crush you had on him when you first started working here. You fell for all his flirting antics and thought you were special. And then you noticed that he flirted with all creatures, humans or robots. You were simply just a toy to him.
And you created this wall between the two of you in order to stop from getting hurt. You tried to kill those feeling, knowing that he probably doesn't even have those feeling, especially for you.
"I apolgize," you mumbled staring at the concrete wall across from you. You didn't want to look at Willow. This was probably just another trick.
"Do you not like me?" He mumbled lowly into your working suit. Without even thinking about it, you turned your head to look at him.
His gold eyes were already staring at you sadly. His peach lips were poked out and pressing into your shoudler. He look so adorable, even when trying to look sad.
"I do not discrimate against robots," you said jokingly trying to lighten back the mood. Those dumb feelings are trying to resurface. He's just being his dramatic self again.
"That's not what I meant!" He yelled tighting his tail around you. He yanked you up onto the bed. His arm snakes around your waist as he buried his head into your neck.
"What are you talking about?" you asked trying to stay calm. He's never done this before. He would usually just brush it off or if he does continue on, you could move around. But his arm was wrapped around you as if he was scared of letting you go.
"The way you smile at other robots. The way you hug others as you comfort them. You see them out of you office with a comforting hand on their back. And you don't see the way their eyes light up when you do this. You don't hear what other robots talk about doing to you when they come in for repair. You don't know," he rambled angrily gripping on to your suit.
How did he noticed these things when you didn't? You just tried to comfort the robots. You didn't mean to lead them on or give them the wrong idea.
"I hate it. I really do. I don't want then looking at you. Most of these robots don't even have a romantic code in there body. And they have the audacity to say such lewd things about you," he growled out. Your body stiffen at hearing this new tone. He's never been like this. It almost seem like he was-
"Jealous. You're jealous," you mumbled as realization dawned on you. You looked over to see a widen golden eye peaking from under your suit. "You are, aren't you?"
His tail snapped off of you as if you were made of fire. His arm released you and he jumped off the bed. His slide behind your working chair with his eyes widening.
His cheeks started turning a gold colour as he stared at you. "I'm not jealous! I'm-i'm just simply worried about you. Stop jumping to conclusion." He pointed his finger your way accusingly. You bit your lips to stop yourself from laughing.
The gold tint to his cheeks were the equilvance of blushing. And you could hear all his cooling system whirring away under his skin. He was flustered.
"If your not jealous then why did it bother you so much if robots look my way. It's not like any humans are," you joked proping your knee up and leaning on it.
"Well, it's because… you're too good for them. And I'm worried... as a friend. Stop giving me that look," he yelled his blushing increasing. You covered your mouth trying to hide your smirk. "It's not what you think. I just simply am worried about you.".
He slide over to the door and slammed it open. He quickly slide out, almost closing the door on the end of his tail.
You smirk dropped as you just thought about his last words. Crap, you did it again. You over anlayze everything again. He probably was just simply looking out for you. And here you are, probably projecting your feelings onto him.
You let out a small sigh as you dropped from the bed. The floor was covered in his golden liquid. That was going to be hard to clean up.
You glanced in corner of the room to see his arm had rolled of the bed. He's gonna want to come back for this. Maybe he'll wait until your shift ends to come get it fix. You did make it pretty weird.
"So, boss told me I need to be fixed up because I'm making a mess," someone grumbled from the door. You turned around with the arm in your hand to see Willow peaking his head through the door. His face was still glowing gold as he looked anywhere but you.
"Figured. Get on the bed," you said back in your cold voice. You aren't gonna let your feeling affect your work. Feelings and work should not go together.
"Yeah, okay," he mumbled sliding up the bed again. His tail stayed curled up around the end of the bed. You slide your visor back over your face as you picked up some tools needed to rewire the arm back with his shoulder.
For 20 long mintues, you worked in silence. It was rare to work on Willow and have him be quiet. Usually, he would talk your head off, unless his voice processor got ripped out. But you know for a fact that it's still intact.
You let out a small sigh as your reached over for your plyers to pull out a rogue shard of metal. You glanced at Willow to see that he was staring at you.
He couldn't see your eyes because of the reflectivness of your visor. And your head is down so it looks like you are still working.
How long has he been starring at you? He had this small smile on his face. His golden eyes seem to have changed. His usual slit pupils were blown into a wide circle.
You turned your head towards him to look at his eyes. They've never done that before. Maybe that robot had mess up his optical lenses.
Willow turned his head quickly away from you as the smile disappeared. The gold blush returned to his cheeks that was casting a glow on his short black hair.
You reached your gloved hand up and gripped his jaw. You turned his face back towards you as you got another look at his eyes.
"What are doing?" He squeaked shrinking down, but you held your grip firm. You use your other hand to flip up your visor.
"Your pupils are blown wide open. Seems to be something wrong," you grumbled squinting your eyes as you leaned forward.
There was no scratches or any viewable damages around his eyes. It seems to be fine, but his pupils shouldn't be like that. Maybe you rewired something wrong in his arm that is causing his eyes to glitch out.
"What," he yelled as he jumped back out of your grip. His left hand slammed over his eyes blocking your view. You let out an irritated sigh.
"Come on, Willow. Let me see. I have to make sure there is no other damage done to you, especially for your vision," you stated trying to remain calm. You wrapped your hand around his wrist trying to pull it off. But the dang thing didn't move a single rotary wheel.
"No! It's-it's fine. It sometimes does this. Don't worry about it," he rambled. Something cold and hard wrapped around your waist causing you to jump. You loooked down to see his tail around your waist. He lifted you off the ground and you didn't fight him. He gently place you in your chair, but didn't remove his tail.
"Okay, but by the end of this. I want to check to make sure. Okay," you said in a stern voice. He nodded his head, but kept his hand over it.
You grabbed your blow torch and got ready to wield together his arm back to his body. You still got to see if anyone has found his side yet. At least he's stopping the bleeding.
"Um, you know. My eyes have done this before," he yelled over your blowtorching. You turned your head towards him to let you know you were listening.
"It was your- your first day. And I had gotten a scratch on my shoulder after an easy fight. I heard that we got a new mechanic nurse and I was wondering how they would be. And I walked in on you laughing with boss," he started to run his nail acorss his silver tail," I haven't heard laughter that pure in this place in a long time. And you turned around with that-that stupid smile," he said starting to smile himself. You brought down the blow torch and turned it down.
You remeber that day. Boss was in the middle of telling you about how he accidently sneeze while blowtorching and the metal finger fell out of his hand onto the robot thigh. It was funny especially with the weird faces he made. But you don't remeber really meeting Willow.
"And I froze up at the door. I panicked and just slammed the door. In the reflection of the metal door, I noticed that my eyes were dilated. It never happen before, but it seem like every time I got around you, it would happen."
"What? But I never saw this happen," you said kicking up your visor. His hand slowly dropped to show that his eyes were still dilated.
"I learn to keep it under control. Well, I thought I did. I just threw it in as a glitch, but then you pointed out me being jealous. And I realized that," he kind shrunk down as his cheeks started to glow extremely bright," I am jealous. I'm jealous of all the robots that get to wrap their arms around you. And I'm jealous that they get your affection. It may be selfish, but I want it all for myself."
You slammed the visor back over your face as blush quickly flooded your face. Don't assume anything. He's most likely just saying some random crap. Don't get your hopes up.
"I apologize if your uncomfortable with it. I know I'm not the most attractive robot, well I would assume I'm close in the lead," he joked with a smile. He started to giggle as blush spreaded up his cheeks.
You head tilted over in confusion. You've heard him laugh before, but this is the first time he has giggle before. And he looks absolutely adorable.
His black hair is bouncing from his body shaking. His left arm was trying to cover his mouth as the high pitch sounds escaped his dark pink lips. His eyes were squinting close as he continued to giggle.
"I have the codes for love, but I've never exprience it. It feels great," he said turning his head towards you. His eyes seem to be sparkling in delight as his mouth spreaded into the biggest grin. "There's this warm feeling in my chest that seems to be spreading though my body the more I look at you."
You didn't know what you felt at the moment. So many emotions seem to flood your body that they seem to block eachother out.
"Ahh, wait," he screamed jumping off the bed and standing infront of you. You had to look up to see his face, which was contorted with fear. "You-you don't feel the same. How could I forget about that? I'm so stupid. And I just confessed out loud. Oh gosh. I-I"
In one swift move, you slide your visor up with one hand and with the other grabbed Willow's jaw. His eyes snapped down at you in fear and confusion. That expression gave you the rush you needed to do it.
You yanked him down closer to you. You brought your face forward until your noses were touching. His eyes widen as he realized how little space was between the two of you.
"You stupid snake. Don't you dare think I don't return those feeling," you growled with so much feeling. For years, you assumed that he didn't have any romatic feeling for you. You're not going to let him assume the same.
"Wait. You do," he yelled out jumping forward pressing his face closer. His eyes trailed down as he realized just how the two of you were. "So, you wouldn't be weirded out if I said that an action program just popped up to kiss you."
A dorky smile slowly spreaded upon his face as he stared deeply into your eyes. His pupils were so dilated that his eyes were black with a golden rim. His midnight black hair were tickling you cheeks from the closeness.
"Well," you said lifting your finger to bop his nose. His eyes crossed to look at your finger before returning to your eyes. "I would say you should activate it."
He let out a deep chuckle that cause your smile to increase. His right arm lifted up to gently cup your cheeks. His usually cold metal held some warmth to it. His thumb slowly rubbed against your cheek as he leaned it.
"I found the fighter's side," a person yelled slamming the door open. You jumped back from the sudden loud noise filling the room. From the force of your body going backwards, the chair flipped backwards with you in it.
You would have crashed onto the ground if Willow's metallic tail didn't wrap around your waist and hold you above the ground.
Your head snapped at the door to see it was one of the new human workers. He stood at the door with a chunk of metal in his hand. It ws a tan tint that matched with Willow's skin tint.
"I'm sorry. Did I interrupt something," he squeaked out as his face turned red. Willow slided quickly to the door with his fist balled up.
He used some of his tail to stand above the poor human. He snatched the chunk of metal out of his hand and snarred his fangs at the boy. "Yes you are and if you interrupt again, I will be holding a chunk of your side."
Willow grabbed the side of the door and slammed it shut in the boy's face. You sat up on his tail as you covered your mouth trying not to laugh.
"That wasn't nice of you, Willow," you joked patting his tail. He turned around with that signature smirk on his face.
"Maybe I was. But everyone else has had plenty of time with you. I want my turn," he purred sending you an exaggerated wink. His eyes went down to the metal in his hand before his smirk widen. He threw his side behind it causing it to slam onto the floor. "I can go a little while longer without this. Now, where were we?"
Now before you guys start yelling at me for doing another naga story, I just want to ask what you think of the moodboard above it. I never really done one before, but I really wanted to try it out. Also, put in the comments or ask me about what monster you guys would like to see me write about. As you can see, I'm stuck in the naga zone, but I want to try to venture out. Pleaseeeee, leave a comment. I love reading what you guys write. It makes my day. Thanks and enjoy.
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Lia I can't stop laughing thank you ( ˘ ³˘)♥ ( ˘ ³˘)♥ ( ˘ ³˘)♥ Can I get some Remy and/or Patton headcanons? (not necessarily romantic or even with them interacting, just headcanons about either of them) My day was fine but my evening has been Decidedly Not so far (except for like,, 5 minutes where my brain was like 'you look pretty! Okay, now it's time to feel like crying for no reason and have a song you don't like stuck in your head')
I’ll Fite your brain for you
Also I know I could have left them separate but,,,,,,,,,, sleepality
I acknowledge now that this is less hcs more an AU. Because apparently I’ m real bad with hcs. Sorry in advance.
Remy is Bad Boy. Nothing gets to him. He’s got shades inside and a leather jacket in any weather. He’s Aloof.
So, no, he isn’t blushing just because Patton waved at him. No, he’s not stumbling over his words because Patton giggled in a way that was too cute to be human. He is decidedly not completely swept off his feet just by Patton smiling softly, sweetly, happily at him.
Nope. Not at all.
Patton is just a happy-go-lucky boi who wants the world to smile with him!
He likes to bake, and he’ll often carry around whatever pastries he baked the night before to hand out to anyone who’ll take one!
He’s known throughout the school. He’s just so damn fluffy and sweet. He got lost on his way to class one time, stumbled into a back room where some of the school’s toughest kids (bullies) were smoking and doing other generally not school friendly things
He offered them his donuts while he smiled and apologized and asked for direction to room 304
He knew all their names, didn’t look annoyed or frightened, just embarrassed for getting lost
Since then he’s been more or less off-limits to be picked on; messing with him gets you ganged up on by EVERYONE
It’s a very good thing that Patton’s sugary sweet because he honestly has too much power in the school
They first ran into each other (literally) in a hallway during passing
Remy wasn’t paying attention to where he was going until suddenly there’s a warm body slamming into his and multiple things falling
He bends down because his sunglasses got knocked off, reaching around blindly, grabs them just as someone else does (so cliched, I know, shh), looks up with a huff of annoyance because he doesn’t have time for this bs-
Turns out? It isn’t bs
He knows Patton by sight, of course, everyone in the school does, but he’s never seen him properly, it seems
Patton is... Patton’s literally glowing, Remy has to think, how his cheeks are a bright, rosy, beautiful red and his skin is sun-kissed golden like he’s a treasure built by gods and his hair is curly and bouncy and light brown with streaks of light bright bouncing blue
Everything about Patton screams- no, it doesn’t scream, it energetically but lovingly tells you- living, loving, bouncy and free and amazing
Remy is star-struck- after all, the sun (who is currently kneeling, personified, in front of him) is a star
Patton laughs, and somehow his laugh glows to, is warm like fresh-baked cookies and easy smile, and apologizes, jokingly saying he needs to look where he’s going, pushing the shades back into Remy’s grasp as he collects his papers
Remy manages to come to his senses enough to help with the pick-up, which he normally would never do, shuffling the papers together as he tried not to look directly at Patton as he handed them back
Patton thanked him with a smile that could have melted the Artic and pressed a cupcake into his hand, the bright yellow frosting on top dashed with black streaks to form a simply perfect smiley face, before hurrying off to his class
Remy remained standing in the hallway, looking at the cupcake held in one hand, glasses clutched in his other hand, a stupid stupid smile quickly spreading across his face and stretching cheeks that were burning
He missed his class and he didn’t care
He had a problem to deal with
Cue: Remy suddenly realizing he sees Patton a lot more often than he thought, and now that he realizes he shares a school building with the sun, with the embodiment of sunshine, with an angel who came to walk among humans as the ultimate sacrifice and brought his halo with him- brought it in his grin and laugh and personality, brought it in his treats and the way he touched people even with just a moment shared- realizing that makes it a LOT HARDER to just ignore him
He’s the definition of a mess. His carefully crafted attitude of never-caring is falling to pieces in front of him. He needs to ignore Patton but... he doesn’t want to. Gods help him, Remy wants to chase that pile of fluff and chat with him as he walked to class and eat lunch with him and if he gets burned up in the other’s inhuman heat than it would be a beautiful way to go
It takes longer than it should for him to get over himself, weeks and nearly months of stumbling over everything he did while in Patton’s presence, to the point that pat probably thinks he’s a weirdo at this point, but finally Remy does it: he askes Patton if he can eat lunch with him. One time. One day. It’s small but it’s something and Remy needs something if he’s going to survive what he has quickly identified as a crush
The lunch is FANTASTIC- Patton is giggly and happy and fun to talk to, and Remy’s able to hold himself together just a little, if only to make this count; bantering with Patton with his snark, though it’s softer around Patton; sweeter, less condemning
When it’s over, he’s a little sad- but that’s okay. Remy ate lunch with Patton and it had been everything he could have hoped so, yep, he was good now, out of his system, this was definitely how crushes worked
Except... Patton found him out the next day, asking if they could eat lunch together again. And again. And again and again and again until they just ate lunch together, no questions, and sometimes on Wednesdays they ‘break’ into the school’s chem lab and Patton pulls ingredients out of his bag and they make mini treats while the chem teacher ‘doesn’t’ supervise and ‘doesn’t’ chuckle and roll his eyes when something inevitably sets on fire (Remy’s doing, always, not that anyone really minds)
(Yes the chem teacher is Logan)
And one day Remy’s chuckling as he helps Patton pat down the table he has, for the seventh time, managed to set on fire, and Patton runs out to get some paper towels from the bathroom (some batter spilled in the mess) and Mr. Logan says something like ‘this takes me back’
Remy: ‘oh, yeah? you burn a lot of tables in your youth, Mister?’
Logan: ‘not exactly, but... well, me and Virgil (aka Mr. Emo Weirdo, who has walked in on every single one of Logan’s classes at some point, mostly to offer wrong answers to questions that are at least half of the time poorly veiled flirts) used to break into the science classrooms and make rather dangerous concoctions when we were in high school. off dates, I suppose, but when young and in love...’
Remy: ‘...what’
The conversation falls into confused Logan saying that Remy and Patton are dating, yes, it’s exactly what it looks like...
Remy’s mortified. He’s not dating! That would be- well that would be great actually- but he’s not dating him! That’s... that’s impossible!! He’s not... Patton would never want him, sweet sweet Patton who shines bright enough to light the world, they can’t be dating, it would never happen
Before anything more can be said Patton’s back and everything’s back to normal... or is it?
Remy starts hanging out with Patton less, worried he’s sending bad signals, or taking advantage of the sunshine, or something
Tbh... Logan thinking they were dating, and him considering that as a reality... it was amazing. He had never been happier.
But Patton wouldn’t want him, it wouldn’t be right, so he had to move on before his heart got broken and it was all his damn fault
Patton’s upset, and worried. what changed? Why is Remy avoiding him? Did he say something?
Patton finally corners Remy and it all spills out. Remy admitted he’s been crushing since day one, that dating Patton would be... would be incredible, but Patton’s just his friend, that’s all they are, he’s sorry he got ahead of himself or acted too close or anything-
Patton’s been steadily getting closer to him as he speaks, Remy’s words coming out quicker the closer they are, until Patton’s right in front of him and Remy’s breath is caught in his throat but he has to pretend it isn’t because it isn’t fair
But then Patton...
‘can I kiss you?’
Remy says yes so quickly it’s almost as if he had seen the question coming
The kiss is... it’s warm as freshly baked brownies and as sweet as them, it’s softer than just-washed blankets and as lovely as the first lilies of spring
Most importantly it’s with Patton, both of them holding each other, arms having wrapped around the other at some point, secure and soft and warm and, because it’s with Patton, utterly perfect
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austenpoppy · 6 years
Unpopular - or very rare - opinions about Ron, even for a Ron-lover or a Romione-lover
I am quite a strange person, because I have the impression that no one agrees with what will follow. I won't even list the obvious, since I think most of the people who will read this are Ron-lovers like me.
I am not going to explain everything in details, mostly because I will post some comments and analysis to do so... soon ;) !
1. I am glad Ron dated Lavender, and I am slightly unnerved every time I read that he has been a "prat" in sixth year. Why ?
Because of double standarts, people.
Why is it okay for a girl to want to feel good about herself, to feel special, to be assured that she can achieve things and look good, and not for a boy ?
Feeling okay with oneself is a very important part of one's teenage years. My mum, as a teacher, often talks to pupils who loathes themselves (I have no right to spill their secrets here, but I hope everyone understands)... and that is heartbreaking.
Ron reminds me of them.
Ron dated Lavender at a moment in his life when he thought he was "pathetic", when he thought the girl he loved thought him pathetic too (and he had reasons for thinking so...) when one of his teachers was unable to remember his name and kept looking through him as if he didn't exist while lavishing praise on his best friends and sister, when nobody except Lavander told him he was worth something, when his own team hated him, when his sister had humiliated him, when everyone was looking at Harry in awe, when he had just got scarred for life (scars oddly reminding me of cutting) and had lived through a traumatic event, when nobody except Lavender was doting on him, when nobody seemed to care about him but her.
It did not solve everything. Ron is extremely prone to self-hatred, and I don't believe it ever disappeared after the locket. But for once in his life, Ron actually felt good about himself for a while.
It is not that he did not care about Lavender's feelings. Not at all. Just see the way he felt when they broke, extremely guilty about having made her cry. She fancied him, he appreciated her and he was trying to get over Hermione. (and realised he couldn't, but that is another story...) Why would dating her be wrong ? He did not use her. He did not manipulate her. He appreciated her.
Why would that be wrong, although Hermione and Ginny did the exact same thing ?
I am all for Hermione when she dated Krum at the Yull Ball and Ron tried to guilt her over it, and she yelled at him (even if it I don't want to imagine Ron's feelings the night after, crying himself to sleep because "he would never be good enough for her"... Yeah, Schopenhauer was right: you only fully realise how much something is important once you lost it - or think you lost it). It was important for her to realise that she was not just a "bookworm", but a person who had just as everybody the right to feel desirable, and special.
Ginny dated other guys than Harry, and she was fully aware she had absolutely no feelings towards them (see Dumbledore's funeral) and ... ? She was trying to be herself, to get over Harry. She did not use guys, she genuinely appreciated them and it was important for her. It helped her becoming the person she became.
It was important for Ron too, and I wish people saw that.
2. I don't blame Ron for leaving in DH. It is not that I am cutting him slack, or that I just forgave him. It is more than that. I am admirative.
I think, and this is something I will defend to death after some research I made, that Ron has been mentally tortured by the locket.
Yes, I repeat it, tortured. This is not a hyperbole.
Note that I don't blame Harry or Hermione for the fight. They were manipulated - not tortured yet. The only one I blame is the locket
People don't realise that things could have gone horribly wrong. Under torture, people are led to do awful things. And that cannot be judged. Their pain is so huge they are not in their right mind.
When Ron faced his torturer again after he left, in a state of mental exhaustion, terror and anguish, for another mental torture session, he went very close to possession -actually he has been possessed one moment - and he could have killed Harry. That was exactly what Voldemort wanted : killing the Boy-who-lived by all means, weakening him, destroying the Trio.
It is out of sheer courage and thanks to his golden heart that Ron resisted torture and possession.
Wow indeed.
It could have been another way : with all the self-loathing stuff he always thought being repeated over and over again, he could have committed suicide. I think he could have attempted to do it if he had not left, but this is Ron who never gives up we're talking about, so who knows ?
3. Ron is not insensitive at all. It is the other way around.
Another thing I am ready to die defending it
We have a problem of vocabulary : being insensitive means that you don't care about others' feelings, that you don't feel empathy for others, or that you don't feel empathy at all. Sociopaths are often insensitive.
So... Ron, according to this definition, insensitive ???
I think it would be better if people just said that he was tactless sometimes.
4. Ron is not carefree. An optimist, yes, a boy trying to see the fun in life, yes, often immature, yes, sometimes insensible, yes...
But carefree ? No.
Look at the way he is often very anxious, the way he feels so very strong feelings, the fact that he is overly emotional, the fact that he worries so much.
The emotional range of a teaspoon, my arse.
Ron is a mix of raw emotion, passion, fire, and sunshine, wind and freedom.
5. Ron is romantic.
I see you laughing in a corner, because really, Ron, who had so much problems with dealing with girls, romantic ?
Well, being romantic means that you have idealistic ideas about love (I know what I'm talking about).
And look at Ron, squealing with delight on the floor when Harry received his first kiss, getting desperate when he learnt that Hermione had given het first kiss to another, playing matchmaker (this SCENE at the end of OOTP), grunting because "he thought that (Ginny) had a crush on Harry...", being ready to commit himself to love for eternity at seventeen...
6. Ron was not "the prat who walked out on Harry out of jealousy" in fourth year.
Both boys were to blame here. And acted out of a feeling of betrayal.
Better even : Ron first tried to swallow his bitterness.
7. Ron was not that prejudiced towards giants, house-elves and werewolves
Giants : what did he say ?
That they were violent and "awful", because they were killing one another.
Well, look at what Hagrid, a half-giant, says about it (conversation after his return in OOTP)
House-elves : what did he say ?
--> that they didn't want to be freed : apart from Dobby, whom he respected very much, he was right
--> that they loved doing what they did : once again he was right
--> that they were not human beings, and that you could not talk to them the same way : he was both right and wrong. You have to consider them as equals, and if you don't see them as human beings, you can be prone to forget it; however, house-elves are another species with other needs and expectations; and you have to be careful about what you say to them and the way you say it (house-elves are much more naive, innocent and emotional)
Werewolves : what did he say for people to think that ?
--> the "get away from me, werewolf !"
Ah, the hypocrisy. Let me remind you of something :
"'NO!' Hermione screamed, 'Harry, don't trust him, ge's been helping Black get into the castle, he wants you dead - he's a werewolf !"'
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, J.K. Rowling
But people, think about it one second : these circumstances were NOT normal. They were hurt and TERRIFIED teenagers who had just seen one of their teachers hug and being really friendly with a seemingly mass murderer. They felt betrayed.
Imagine if Sirius had been a mass murderer : Lupin would have been like Greyback, who identifies himself as a werewolf and as a beast.
Ron and Hermione did not really think what they said. They were just TERRIFIED.
--> the "Dumbledore hired you, he's crazy"
Same thing.
It is crazy to expect perfection from terrified and feeling-like betrayed teenagers.
8. Ron does not lust much after other girls
I won't count Fleur, because the state he was in when he was seeing her was only due to her Veela-abilities (and let's face it -Harry too was influenced by it - just look at the way he described her when she entered his room at the beginning of HPB; Ron was just more sensitive to it)
He had a cute crush (oh god I hate this word) on Mrs Rosmerta.
He found Lavender nice, but did not lust after her.
That's all.
Full stop.
9. Ron's Boggart is not a spider
It may have been the case in the first books, but not in the last ones.
Otherwise let's assume that Parvati's Boggart will always be a mummy, that Seamus's will always be a banshee and that Dean's will always be a severed hand...
Nope. People grow and change, and their fears too.
I think that Ron's Boggart, once OOTP ends, has most likely been a dead or hurt Hermione that he had not been able to save, or a locketlike vision.
10. Ron is not so relatable and ordinary.
Well, maybe he is relatable for the way he feels inadequate, and his tendency to self-hatred reminds probably some people of their own struggle.
The fact that we can read him like an open book is perhaps relatable as well.
His arachnophobia ?
Maybe his bad luck.
But I never thought him ordinary. Or else being ordinary has never been so extraordinary.
The day you find a boy who is ready to die for others and to sacrifice himself at the age of twelve, call me.
The day you find somebody who is arachnophobic and is ready to follow spiders into a dark forest without complaining and even trying to appear enthusiastic, call me.
The day you find a fourteen-years old with a bitten arm and a broken leg, and standing on it without complaining once to tell somebody everyone thinks is a mass murderer and that he had seen with a knive above his bed some months ago, "If you want to kill my best friend, you'll have to kill me too", call me.
The day you find a boy who begs to be tortured instead of the person he loves and who is ready to give up everything he is for her or him, call me.
The day you find somebody who defies a dictator and a murderer when all hope is lost, call me.
And then I dare you to tell me they're ordinary.
I am sure some people imagine that I think Ron has no flaws, mostly because the things people blame him for are things I am often glad he did.
That is not true.
But the things I criticize Ron about are often smaller : imitating Hermione in Charms in HPB, his comment about Neville to feel better about himself before asking Hermione to the ball, his comment during a party during the Scabbers/Crookshanks fight...
However, I do worship Ron to the stars.
And I am proud of it.
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