#this is calling on knowlege from a book no one has read and it probably isn't personal i just know too much about studentenverbindungen
iron--and--blood · 2 months
something something brander and frosch having the most beef with each other when brand- and krassfüche were the only ones allowed to challenge each other to drinking contests
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dungeonsandblorbos · 2 years
Campaign Intros: Curse of Strahd
so we're calling this campaign Curse of Strahd, which is an actual dnd 5e adventure book, but what we're actually playing is probably at least 80% homebrew. my husband, the DM, wasn't satisfied with the real book, as its worldbuilding wasn't deep or horrifying or dangerous enough for his gothic horror purposes. so he significantly expanded the lore, made Strahd a whole lot more powerful (as he should be), and even made his own maps and other Dark Lords! he's done an absolutely incredible job and i cannot heap enough praise on him. like, we're only 13 sessions in and this is his first time DMing, but he really makes this campaign something special <3
the setting
if you're familiar with Curse of Strahd as written, you've probably got a decent understanding of the basic setting already. i'm sure there's some major differences, but you'd have to ask my husband what they are lol
for those unfamiliar with Curse of Strahd, it takes place in the country of Barovia, a gloomy gothic nation banished from the material plane about four hundred years ago. now, it exists as its own little demi-plane in the Shadowfell, surrounded by deadly mists. somewhere in those mists are a few paths out to Faerun, but only a select few can walk them. everyone else, even those who wander in by mistake, are trapped. the sun does not shine here. there are no songbirds, only crows and ravens and owls. the dead do not like to stay dead. and it's all ruled over by the undying dread king Strahd von Zarovich, who is charming and cunning and ruthless and bored
the party
Cerris Tempescu: my PC! you know him, you met him here. a human tempest cleric who's basically what would happen if Clark Kent were a classic gothic hero (and also the most bottom to ever bottom). he's depressed. he's a himbo. he has something of a hero complex. he's my sweet baby boy and i love him and want him to eventually get a happily ever after, but first he's gotta suffer a whole bunch
Shalden Broadfist: a (purple) half-orc paladin devoted to the Smiling God, a big desert worm with a very neutral morality. Shalden is charming in a mostly awkward sort of way, and also something of a himbo. waaaaay more chill about the atrocities they've witnessed (and accidentally contributed to) than Cerris. looks good in an apron. can breathe fire. also very good at getting possessed
Valessha: an androgynous (purple) moon elf knowlege cleric. was naturally the smart one of the party . . . until they got yanked into a bag of holding by the Bag Man, where they've since been stuck.
Important NPCs
Ireena Kolyana: the one, the only, Ireena Kolyana. a beautiful and fiery young noblewoman who's handy with a sword and crossbow and throwing knives. headstrong, confident, and intelligent. she likes purple wildflowers, somewhat masculine clothing, and teasing Cerris, among other things
Ismark the Lesser: Ireena's older brother, and the current mayor of Barovia Village. when we first meet him, he's tired. like, only in his 30s and he's already gone silver tired. when we meet him again, he's got a shotgun and he's out for blood and vengeance against the people he feels were responsible for what happened to his sister (read: us!)
Arrigal: one of Strahd's . . . what's the word? henchmen? servants? lackeys? whatever else he is, Arrigal is a smarmy prick. blessed by Strahd with the ability to traverse the mists, he has personally lured many heroes (including our party) from Faerun to their deaths in Barovia, all for his master's entertainment
Luvash: Arrigal's younger but larger brother. big and strong and kind, but not stupid, although i'm sure his brother thinks he is. big dad energy
Madame Eva: a wise old woman cursed with nigh eternal unlife by her half-brother, Strahd. using her deck of tarokka cards, she can read your future—for a price. not money, no, she has no use for that, but a particularly interesting artifact or trinket will do
[redacted]: a horrifying eldritch family who lives in a cute little blue farmhouse surrounded by impossibly vast fields of "corn" and "scarecrows." there's a father who's very tall, a mother who's an excellent baker, and a child who likes to draw. their faces are obscured by a whirling static of color, and their voices have a lovely southern (US) drawl. their diet seems to consist exclusively of baked goods, candy, and other sweets. sometimes their movement sounds odd, like a bug's chitinous carapace rubbing against itself as it moves. sometimes their disembodied voices hover around you speaking in unison. sometimes they paralyze you and prop you up at their dinner table like a doll
Strahd: the man, the myth, the legend. Strahd is tall, dark, and handsome, with a rich voice and surprisingly warm hands. he is elegant, suave, charismatic, bold, intelligent, and many other nice sounding things; but he has been around for a long time, and he has seen many things, and he is bored of it all. despite the incredible power he already possesses, he hungers for more. has a self-professed fondness for religious men, having flirted with both Cerris and Shalden on numerous occasions
the plot . . . so far
after being lured into Barovia by Arrigal, our party finds themselves doing what they can to help the folks of Barovia village. they clear out a haunted and cursed old manor, putting the ghosts there to rest. they help bury Ireena and Ismark's father so Strahd's minions will stop messing with it. they promise a pastor to help him return his vampire spawn son to genuine life
and when they learn that Ireena is believed to be the reincarnation of Strahd's one true love Tatyana, that as a result, he has been trying to capture her and make her his bride for years, they agree to escort her to the temple in Valaki, the last stronghold against Strahd's power
upon arriving in Valaki, they are tasked with finding a missing holy relic as payment for sheltering Ireena. after losing Valessha to the Bag Man, going on a side quest to help Luvash recover his daughter from a family of hags, and playing out the beginning of a sweet little romantic comedy between Cerris and Ireena, they do find it and return it. but it quickly becomes apparent that something is deeply wrong here in Valaki
indeed, it turns out that the whole ordeal was something of a setup. more than a handful of NPCs thought to be good people—or, at least, neutral ones—are revealed to be working with Strahd to bring down Valaki and help him free himself from the confines of Barovia
you see, the curse that ties Strahd to this land and prevents him from leaving is not really a curse on him, but upon his bloodline. as the only surviving member of the von Zaroviches, unable to have children as a side effect of being undead, it remains effective. but if, say, he were to have a little niece or nephew running around, he just might be able to place them on the throne and pass along the curse, leaving himself free to return to Faerun and his conquest
but how could Strahd aquire a niece or nephew when his only sibling, Sergei, has been dead for four hundred years?
well, it should be noted Tatyana was not really Strahd's lover. he did ask her to be his, once, but she refused—and shortly thereafter, fell in love with and married his brother. when the pair died tragically, Tatyana was pregnant; and so the unfinished soul of her unborn child lingered, attached to her own soul as she reincarnated again and again and again over four hundred years. a particularly powerful fertility spell—say, one fueled by the very holy relic our party retrieved—could feasibly impregnate a reincarnation of Tatyana with the ghost of Sergei's child
so, of course, that's what Strahd's minions do. they put Ireena in a deep trance, kidnap her, and, armed with the very holy relic our party unwittingly retrieved for them, perform a ritual for a powerful fertility spell that presumably sticks a ghost baby in her womb without her knowledge or consent. and then she's whisked away to Strahd's castle, the city of Valaki is conquered, and our heroes are publicly blamed for it all
with nothing else to do, they turn to the cryptic reading Madame Eva gave them, hoping it holds the secret to defeating Strahd—and that they can decipher it before it's too late
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transsexualhamlet · 4 years
OnS Theory?? Kinda??
So I’m not really sure whether to call this a headcanon or a theory at this point because the more I look into it the more evidence there seems to be for it, and that’s honestly kind of disturbing. I know I already sound like a nutjob and I’m going to sound even more like a nutjob if you keep reading but
This is what disturbs me.
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Those goddamn roses in front of the background of Sanguinem, in this official picture for the anime.
Most of you are gonna need a bit of background knowledge for this, because I’d say most fans aren’t immediately gonna know what I’m talking about when I go “I think Mika’s sword’s thorns were grown with the blood of children” so uh... I’ve gotten your attention but you have literally no idea what I’m talking about do you? Ok let’s talk about this.
The background knowlege is all from the story of vampire mikaela, you know, those light novels no one ever enjoys because they’re so incredibly uncomfortable but also hold crucial information for the series because that’s fucking kagami for you. And Kagami never finished writing them :/
So basically in that story, other than the whole crowley backstory deal, which is honestly more of the focus of the book than mika, it chronicles a lot of stuff about what it was like in sanguinem when Mika and Yu were 12. Including more details about Mika’s whole Selling Blood To Ferid Deal. Which is, uncomfortable to say the least, traumatizing at most.
Everything I say trying to explain this sounds super weird so just bear with me because it’s all actually canon material, none of this is me exaggerating shit or speculating, though it was never explored in the manga or anime.
So Ferid actually rents out like. A LOT of kids. Most of them *live* in his mansion and it’s a rather closed system, only his Special Favorites get the free will to leave. The only reason Mika found out about the whole deal was that Ferid specifically told one of his older ones to go tell mika about it. Mika was like “ah yes this seems like a wonderful idea I should definitely go do that” like an idiot. 
Even though he’s literally heard some. Rumors about it, you know. None of those kids lives past like fifteen. Once you get involved with Ferid, your lifespan’s like a good year, give or take... depending on how pretty and young you are. No really. In general he’ll keep one until they’re about 15 or 16 and then deem them useless and drink them dry. But people just go into that mansion and disappear. Ferid is canonically depicted just drinking a kid dry and leaving him there and going “oops :/”. Cause well that’s Ferid
But?? Where do the bodies go??
Fun fact he has like this. Special Garden that he takes kids to drink their blood like that isn’t weird or anything. Yeah that’s where he dropped that kid. Just left him there. So Ferid just like. Drops childrens bodies and spills blood all over into this garden.
And I’m like sure. Ok. Fine. You do you man. But a garden?? In Sanguinem?? Where there is?? No light?? There isn’t specified to really be any sort of way he keeps them alive, so I assume they must be magic or some shit. It’s just a bunch of flowers and all that, like roses.
Roses. Like. Those roses. The ones in that picture, I’m pretty sure that’s what they’re referring to, which is fucking weird considering that little tiny fucking detail of a backstory light novel has NOTHING to do with the anime. They were never depicted at all and they have no relevance to the plot.
So well I’ll just go out and say I think that those roses have to do with the thorns in mika’s sword, since they both. Drink blood.
In Vampire Mikaela when Mika got his blood drunk, his literal blood and tears fell on one of the flowers and right before his eyes it bloomed.
That’s. That’s weird ok. So I basically went “oh so those are the same kind of roses and thorns that go into mika’s sword and drink his blood” because why the fuck else would they have those in an anime picture? Usually in those pictures Mika is posing with his sword and the thorns around it.
But honestly with that comes some disturbing implications, if that’s true. I always wondered how those thorns worked and assumedly they would have to be grown but uh. The bodies, blood, and tears of children wasn’t really on the top of my list for ideas.
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Yeah uh. Those thorns
Jeez, imagine how Mika must have felt using that for the first time. Especially considering that Mika’s own blood was probably also shed where that rope of thorns was grown.
Also, fuck Ferid, ok? Like I’m sorry I just can’t be nice about this one. Our boy Mika needs some therapy cause of him, to be honest. And that’s pretty fucked up
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cowboyjen68 · 6 years
i havent yet read stone butch blues (on my to do list) but i see a LOT of the people who like/relate to it are usually dysphoric lesbians who think being trans means theyre upholding sexism or the patriarchy or smth... soo a radfem/terf
 I think many woman who relate to the book are victims of trauma and surpressed by dysphoria brought on by outside forces as opposed to internal procesess. This does not make them terfs and has ZERO to do with trans people in any way. 
Leslie, the author, admitted many times and makes it known in the book that her experiences shaped her and her issues with intimacy were likely not her natural state. Later in life, Leslie began to use they pronouns since the world often perceived Leslie as male anyway and that was a role that was comfortable by that point. 
Females who do not want to conform to society’s idea that feminitiy is a performance are not terfs they are woman who understand the depth of descruction that our culture norms and surpression of women have on our very ablity to be okay (not even love.. just be okay) with our bodies in their natural state. IT has nothing to to with being trans or trans people at all. 
When I was,  what today might be called “dysphoric” (or at the time.. just hated my breasts and vagina–because the word dysphoria was not in my language, nor is it a good fit for how i felt) I realized by watching  and learning from my older lesbian friends and role models that the self hatred had nothing to do with my natural feelings and EVERYTHING to do with the bullshit my culture was feeding me about my breasts and hips and vagina. 
CULTURE –and men:  “Your vagina is stinky and weak and slimy and gross. IT is just a hole that does nothing except satisfy a penis. Your breasts are dumb and are there only for us to judge you by.. they are the wrong size, the wrong shape.. blah blah.. bull shit bull shit and more bull shit”
My lesbian friends “Your vagina is self cleaning, it is warm and soft and smells like a women. It is like silk and tastes like heaven and feels like home. Your breasts are soft and lovely and unique and bring you and your lesbian lover pleasure. They cover your heartbeat and feel like safety and love”.
The author lived through traumatic experiences that caused her the inablility to to escape the way she related to her female body.  She never said, to my knowlege, that she was born transgender but more like she became more comfortable in a gender role that did not align with her physical sex. I am not an expert on this book.. I will probably never read it again and I never recommend it to young butches because I don’t want them to think that Stone Butch Blues is some how “the Butch Bible” or the difinitve description of how all butches are supposted to be. 
This book represents the experience and life of one person and how that shaped her butchness and the way she moved in the world. It is not a teaching guide on how to  be or act. It is not a guide how to not be or be trans.
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rickyhorrorolson · 7 years
it has a title now!
Caught in the Middle (2/?)
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Red flags were blaring in Bills mind when he’d finally gotten an update from Stan. If his job didn’t leave him with the knowlege of what goes on out on the streets they work he would have written both of them off as paranoid. They were being watched by someone because they were now connected to Bill. He already managed to get Georgie safe from his line of business, he can protect his new friend and boyfriend.
Bill felt niave, he hadnt realized how closely they were being watched until Bev had handed him a manilla folder. She simply rose her perfectly sculpted brow silently telling Bill to follow her. Avoiding grabbing any unwanted attention, Bill followed her to her office without a single peep.
Once safely shut in her office, she plopped into her chair and waited as he sat across from her, pulling glossy photos from the stiff folder. The picture on top was the day Stan let him meet Richie. Or let Richie meet him depending on your prospective.  They were at a little cafe they had helped through hard times. The pictures in succesion had shown Bill arriving at the table they two had gotten comfortable at. Stan standing to give him a hug. Then shaking Richies hands before the three re-situated themselves. They had been there for hours just talking. It was a wonderful day, but a chill ran down Bills spine now, that day started this all. He should have been more careful, people follow him with typically empty threats all the time. They shouldn’t have to deal with this.
The next set was of Stan at work, slightly blurred in the window of the building. He was placing books back on shelves, his co-worker fixing tags close behind. The following picture, Bill almost wanted to keep. Stan looked beautiful, mid-laugh, probably at something his co-worker said. Who is now looking familiar through the blur. The one with a big genuine smile had Bills heart skipping a beat.  Bev cleared her throat to break him out of his daze, flipping through the next set of pictures.
It was Richie at work, his shirt was an awfully bright color wit the kids gym logo on it. The front tucked into his pants as he had lead by example, handstands against the wall. Face red from being upside down for god knows how long. The pictures in the set had Ricie returning to his feet, looking graceful for once in his life.
Knowing they are being followed to their place of work has Bill unsettled. There was still a hefty ammount of pictures he hadn’t looked at yet. That fact put dread in Bill. Where else had they been followed. He almost doesn’t want to know.
Taking a deep breath, Bill moved onto the next picture. It was Stan out early in the morning, the ligt hitting him so perfectly he looked godly. He was at the park binoculars and all, birdwatching before everyone flocked to burn their kids energy. Birdwatching. He was birdwatching. Bill felt a tug on his heart strings, he looked cuter than ever doing something so mundane. There were more from that morning, Stan taking polariods and sticking them in the book he brought along.
The pictures thusfar were all taken in public, Bill felt uneasy but full panic had yet to set in as he flipped to the next set. It was pictures of them alone, or hanging out together but all in public.
Bill could only hear is heart beat as he continued. There was a picture, crystal clear a shot into their living room. Both boys on the couch, a bowl of popcorn inbetween them, wrapped in blankets as Richie chose a movie. He was slipping through them faster now. Richie asleep on the couch. Stan making breakfast. Stan asleep in is own bed. Richie in is bed.
Pictures of the day Richie had locked himself in a public bathroom and called Stan crying. Him practically running across the street and into an arcade. Stan showing up. Then them both leaving. The creep was close enough to have a clear shot of Richies red blotchy face. Stans knuckles white, holding Richies hand so tight. That was followed by the two curled up in Stans bed, both clearly in a restless sleep.
“Wuh-What can I do right now to protect them.” Bills jaw set as he looked down at the photo in his hands.
“There’s always having our people watch them, it’d open a window to find the crepe taking these.” Bev offered.
“I don’t want them to feel eh-anymore puh-paranoid. They already feel this creeps eyes on them. I wont go behind their backs.” He pointed to the picture of Stan and Richie outside the arcade “He luh-locked himself in the bah-bathroom. He cuh-called Stan crying. He nuh-knew this creep was f-following him.”
“What do you want to do, tell them about what you really do for a living? Get them involved in this? Then what?” Bev had a point, he hated that she always had a point.
“Could we assign bodyguards to them? I won’t give any in-information about what we do. Stan thinks I’m a normal duh-debt collector.” Bev was rubbing his temples. “I’ll ask Stan how he fuh-feels about it, then we can move on from the-there.”
“You’re making this job harder, Denbrough.” There was a beat of silence. “Make sure he’s a hundred percent okay wiht being watched like that. I’ll pull files of our best people.”
Bill could kiss her. “Thank you s-so much Bev! I owe you one!”
He could hear her laugh as he left her office. “You always owe me one, Denbrough! Let me know what happens!”
He and Stan were having lunch in the shared appartment when Bill brought it up. “I duh-don’t feel com-comfortable leaving you and Richie alone.” Stan raised a delicate eyebrow placing his glass back on the table.
“What do you mean? We’re fine.” Bill eyebrows drew together.
“Meeting eachother halfway from work and home isn’t fine.” Stan now had sat back with his arms crossed. “I nuh-know you and Richie are more than capible of taking care of yourselves and I may be over stepping a boundary.” Stan didn’t look happy, this wasn’t going well. “It would give me a puh-peace of mind knowing someone was here for you guys, watching out for any sus-suspicious people. I know it would take a weight off both of you to not worry about being alone for extended puh-periods of time.”
“I appreiciate your concern, but this is someting I’d have to run by Richie” Bill noticeably relaxed as Stan dropped his defensive look.
“If you ch-choose to allow body guards in your life, I’ll bring you some files of people I trust.” Stan snorted.
“How many guards do you need, Denbrough?” Stan was now leaning forward, chin rested on his hand. “Is being debt collector that dangerous?”
Bill laughed this time. “You don’t know the ha-half of it, Uris.
If Bill took longer to get back because Stans lips were addicting, Bev didn’t have to know. Being pulled back into the appartment to soft lips again with whispered words was something he didn’t want to give up. Yeah, Bev didn’t have to know.
A weight was lifted off his shoulder when Stan texted him that night a list of time he and Richie he were home and to bring his files of body guards. Once he glanced at the time a new weight entered, Stan never texts him past midnight. First thing the next morning Bill swiped up the files of body guards from Bev and headed to the shared apartment.
Richie was the one to answer the door, he looked tired. He squinted at Bill witout his glasses on, dark circles under is eyes. "Hey, Bill. Stans in the kitchen.” The shorter boy stepped back letting him in. “I’ll join you guys in a minute.” Richie patted is arm before heading back towards his room.
Bill smiled as his eyes fell on Stan as he’s pouring two cups of coffee. “Hey,” Stan turned and threw a smile over is shoulder as Bill left the files on the dining table. moving to place a kiss on Stans temple. “Good morning.” he was met wit a mumbled greating and a cup of coffee handed to him and a kiss placed on his own cheek.
Stan looked as tired as Richie. Dark cicrles and paler complextion. “How’d you sleep last night, babe.”
Stan sighed into his cup of coffee. “Something happened. Richie wont tell me what happened.” He hadn’t looked uo from his cup. “He stayed in my room last night, he didn’t fall asleep until late. Even then it was restless.” Bills eyebrows drew together, no wonder he accepted the offer of bodyguards so soon.
Before anything else was said Richie showed up, looking sligtly more awake, his glasses magnifying his own circles. Looking like actual bruising on pure white skin. He sat down, placing his water carefully of the files sitting on the edge of the table. “So what do you got for us, Big Bill.” he wasted no time swiping up the one on top.
Richie had been drawn to Mike Hanlon. Given Mikes file is the only one her was interested in enough to completely read. Many of the others he read one line and passed over to Stan. “Are you really just a debt collector, Billiam? Why would you need to have worked with all these body guards?” Richie had a goofy smile on is face. Bill looked to Stan who was hiding his own smile behind the folder of Eddie Kaspbrak.
“Shut up, Richie.” Stans tone was light, he had this look in his eye. Bill was caught off guard by Richies scoff.
“A betrayl, Staniel. You of all people.”
It was Bills turn to laugh “Staniel, really now.”
“I’m amazed we’re still friends Tozier. Once that trashmouth gets going, I shut off.” Stan had punctuated his statement, mouthing a blah blah blah while hand puppeting it. The two errupted into laughter much like the day Bill had met Richie. They played off eachother scary good.
It was all going smoothly until Richie opened up the last file, “Wait Stan don’t, you work with Ben?” Bills heart stopped as he handed the file to Stan. How did someone like that slip through.
Stan had directed his attention towards him. “Why is Ben in your files of bodyguards?” Time to lie his ass off.
“Do you mind if I see? Our files are guh-getting re-or-rganized, there had to be a mix up.” Stan hesitated, before handing the Bill the file before getting a chance to read it. Bill hoped the relief wasn’t clear on his face, Ben was in the wrong section. He’s been a look out, not a body guard. Bev must have pulled his file for something else, she knew from pictures alone that they knew eachother. “Ben suh-sometimes hands over the puh-payments for your boss, we keep them all on file.”
Richie shrugged his shoulders in the shit happens manner. Stan previous expression fell, “Okay, babe.” Bill didn’t like the glint in is eyes, like he didn’t fully believe him. “Now tell me about this Eddie character. How much do you trust him?” Stan gave Richie a look for not asking questions before he chose Mike.
Bill however took the chance to change the subject. “Eddie is most feisty person I’ve ever met. He’s on the short side but he has so much fight in him when logic goes ou the window.” Stan looked impressed, Bill took the second to turn to Richie. “Mike is the best option for you. He can stop a problem before it arises. Better for slightly reckless and spontanious people.”
Richie fake gasped. “I’m not that reckless, am I, Stan?”
“When we met in middle school you were running for your life from Bowers. You still had a baby face and you were picking a fight with Bowers. I’d count that as reckless.” Stan had on his deadpan voice. Bills eyes were wide, hoping it wasn’t the same Bowers he was thinking.
“Henry had it coming and you know it!” Ofcourse it was the same bowers that had given him trouble before. Honestly how rude of you to leave out the important part of the story.“ Richie had turned to Bill. "Bowers had stolen Stans yarnmulke that morning. I didn’t necessarily pick a fight, I ran through Bowers gang and snatched it back. I may have called him an asshole, yes. But i didn’t pick a fight.” Bill felt proud of the shorter man before he glanced back at Stan who was smiling with a bit of color dancing back to his cheeks.
“You are one buh-ballsy idiot, Richie Tozier. I like that.” The three shared a lighthearted laugh. Yeah this would work out fine.
Their morning was cut when Bev started texting him about what needed to get done today. “Sorry to cut this wuh-wonderful morning short, gentlemen. But duty calls.” Richie snorted at Stans pout. “I’ll call out my boys and see how fast I can get them on a schuh-schedule to watch you guys.” Bill leaned down to kiss Stan. “I will however see you tonight.”
“Get a room.” Richie groaned as he swiped up his glass of water and making a quick exit. Stan laughed against Bills lips before kissing him again.
“I’ll see you later, Bill.” He didn’t want to leave, Stan looked so soft. Shooing him off, pushing his files into his arms. “You got work to do.” Bill laughed placing one more kiss on his a beautiful boy before he absolutely had to leave.
He placed the files back on Bevs desk, reorganized, who they’re hiring, rejected and Bens file which he will be asking her about later.
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curtisgrahamcracker · 7 years
✨My opinion so far/Theory to get to Level 18 on Dream daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator!✨
I’ll put this under read more just to be safe but If you do decide to read up, just know this contains spoilers! 💕
I’m defenetly down to talk about DDADDS with anyone, just not about things I haven’t touched on in the post! I’m still trying to figure everything out on my own ((If you want to talk about Level 18 PLEASE don’t call it something else aside from Level 18 since other names for it are spoilers on their own))))
Alright, so far I think everyone around me is well aware at how much time I’ve spent in the past days playing this game. I really didn’t expect to like it as much as I do! The graphics are really nice, the story is well written and the dad puns made me laugh so much. Of course no games is perfect and DDADDS isn’t an exeption but I don’t have a lot of “complaits” which, in my book, makes for a great game! I think the only thing I’d change is how cartoony the Main Character is drawn creates a disconect from how pretty and soft all the characters look. It’s not a super big deal but it’s still something that I wished was different. 
I love all the dads (with a preference to Craig, Damien and Robert). I think the only dad I’m not super in love with might be Brian just because I consider myself to be Humble and he brags just a little to much for me (he is a great dad non-the-less tho.) As far as my playthrough goes right now,This is my progress Brian Ending achieved: Good ending Went on Dates: 1, 2 and 3 Joseph Ending achieved: Neutral and Good (working to figure out level 18) Went on Dates: 1, 2 and 3 Hugo  Ending achieved:  Good ending Went on Dates: 1, 2 and 3 Mat Ending achieved: Good ending Went on Dates: 1, 2 and 3 Damien Ending achieved: Good ending Went on Dates: 1, 2 and 3 Robert Ending achieved: Bad ending and Good ending (I have no clue if he has a neutral one I didn’t try yet) Went on Dates: 1, 2 and 3 Craig Ending achieved: Neutral ending and Good ending Went on Dates: 1, 2 and 3 About Mary: I know that you can meet with mary at the bar twice. The first time she ask you to bring her home. right there and then you can either choose to bring her home yourself or call a cab. The second time this happen everything is the same except this time she’s mad. she basically go on to insinuate that it isn’t Joseph’s first time cheating on her (which wOW JOSEPH YOU FUCK). To my knowlege there’s no way she leaves the bar not Mad at you. you can try it all she’s always mad when she leaves. So far I know that if you don’t go meet Robert and Mary before the BBQ this won’t happen. (you’ll also more likely get it before your second date with Joseph.) Also You do get to learn about her a little bit more on Damian’s 3rd date which is really nice! I’m also thinking that Damien and Mary are related. They just look very alike? also wouldn’t it be funny that Mary’s last name would be Bloodmarch (maiden name? maybe a wink to Bloody Mary??)
                                     About secrets and Level 18
I “accidentally” died on Joseph’s date trying to get bad/low rankings thinking It might give me the bad ending. Surprisingly enough you can have A’s and bellow and you’re still going to get the neutral ending. I’m aware that you can Die on other dates and I did achieve them (on Craig and Brian’s last dates)
Another thing I’m eager to get to is Level 18. I mildly saw some tiny spoilers going around and I did my own investigating in my steam files. The text is there in the “configuration” file, the pictures are probably in there too which means that technically this is still something that can be played. (Again I didn’t read much in the file I found because I’d rather play it if it’s achievable.) I’m so curious to see how that route goes. I know it’s the bad ending but I feel like It might actually be more interesting.
From what I did saw There needs to be a knife and I know that Robert gives you a knife on your second date. So I’m thinking that If you manage to play your cards right you can probably get mary to steal it from you (unless she alredy has one). Plus I saw a screen cap of Robert that told the main character that he didn’t trust Joseph ((I have 0 clue on how they got there but I’m sure it’s because they were on the right track to level 18!))
This is all specualtion on my part but at this point I think this is requiered to achieve this ending. ((If anyone has the for sure way to achieve it plese DM me))
Again, I’m defenetly down to talk about DDADDS with anyone who wants to ASIDE from it’s anything I haven’t touched on yet! I’m still trying to figure everything out on my own ((IF you REALLY want to talk about Level 18 don’t call it something else, it’s a spoiler in itself so please. refer to it as Level 18)))) Thank you for reading this mess It was fun to writte! Good luck with your own dream dads!! :) <3
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