#this is boys being boys XD they're just too much fun to draw
moxtoons · 1 year
Hey, I just came up with a really cute idea after just rewatching Lady and the Tramp: The spaghetti dinner date scene with your Little Hell Trio versions of Devil and Dice in the places of Lady and Tramp, and Henchman playing Bella Notte on the accordion while the two accidentally pull themselves in for the little spaghetti kiss! 😙
I have been sitting on this ask for so long cause I wanted to draw something for it and sadly Hench didn't make it in but it ended up silly cause all I could think of was how little kids usually hate romance and stuff so- enjoy the sillies! lol
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kwillow · 1 year
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Ambroys basking in his cache of gifts and sweet words from secret admirers. Gotta be careful, though. If his ego is inflated any more, he'll pop.
(I wanted to doodle something to accompany a post answering some messages regarding this candy-colored cad but got a bit carried away. :P Well regardless, asks under the cut!)
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Why thank you! He would drunkenly insult people, though he tends to be more passive-aggressive and backhanded rather than outright insulting - well, most of the time, anyway. He thinks he's a lot more subtle in his derogatory comments than he actually is.
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Aaaw, this is too sweet!
Older Ambroys is much more reserved about seeking and accepting physical affection than his younger self, for myriad reasons (that one day I will expound upon in more detail, fate willing). He still enjoys it, though.
He's still proud of the stars on his cheeks and the gold in his hair and all that, but the signs of age are something he is not at peace with. For some, like the wrinkles, they're a sign that his time on this earth is finite - and death terrifies him. For others, like his paunch, it's more just embarrassing to him in a more mundane and vain "I was voted Prom King in high school and I was on the Varsity track team now look at me I'm an old man boo hoo hoo" type of way (though he's actually more physically adept in his older age than he was when he was younger for Magical Heritage Bullshit reasons, the sentiment remains).
As for your question, it's totally fine with me for Ambroys to be portrayed as non-heterosexual in fanfic or fanart or one's secret imaginings. Even though all of his "canon" love interests are women, I wouldn't rule out of the possibility of him developing affections for someone who isn't a woman. Chase your bliss!
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Haha well both furry and aasimar Ambroys would bask in the attention, though poor aasimar Ambroys' jealousy is not going to be helped!
No shame on being a furry though. I didn't consider myself one either but I feel like it's harder to make the argument that I'm not given the sheer number of ponies I've drawn by now...
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He would accept this, so long as you don't mess up his hair.
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He would say: "good!" I would say "don't waste your life on him!"
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Oh he would be pleased to be so distracting, I'm sure.
And sometimes we can't help but to have a type... I know I seem to have a thing for rich effete douchebags with buck teeth and big pointy noses... not quite sure what's up with that.
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Yessss... yesssssssss... or perhaps I should say "I'm sorry."
I didn't mean to make him this way... I guess I underestimated the power of a brushable mane.
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Ambroys DOES like being worshipped (way too much and way too literally, as you might be able to tell) but he wants to have his imperfections hidden if he can!
He's just horribly, horribly vain and unwilling to let go of his youth... even though he got to enjoy being youthful for three times as long as a mortal would.
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YES that song is on his playlist (which I have for all my main characters because I'm a dork). It's just too perfect. One of the many ideas on my miles-long to do list has to do with depicting a scene from that song. The trouble is that it has to do with dancing, and boy am I not very good at drawing dancing poses. xD Oh well, gotta try for the boy!
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Heh well I think we could agree that a normal horse probably couldn't pull off the breeches he wears quite so well... I'm flattered that you think of him when you see horsies in the flesh! Huzzah, I've ruined one of the Earth's beautiful creatures for you! >:)
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Oh wow, my guy is stepping out of my brain and into other people's subconsciouses... I need to put a leash on him. :P But this was a fun read!
It's very in character Ambroys to try to undercut a rival's self-esteem by framing it as something OTHER people say, but oh no, he'd NEVER say something like that, of course. Mean girl behavior. He does have friends that don't actually like him - and he doesn't like them either. But one needs to have friends for appearance's sake - just one more accessory, really!
OKAY, I think that's everything! Or at least enough for this post, ahah.
Thanks to everyone for your kind words on my not-so-kind character.
Unlike him, I'm really humbled and grateful by the positive reception he's received. I deeply appreciate your kind messages... even when it takes me eons to reply to them, gah.
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evablueblanket · 5 months
Will you tell me about an LU character you love and why you love them? Please please please ramble on and on! It's my favorite! I get so many fun ideas when people gush about their favorites.
I (think) I've said this before, but I am not the most analytical/observ person ever so most of what I say is probably kinda shallow :') BUT THIS IS MY RAMBLE SO OH WELL
Okay so recently, I've been on a Warriors kick. I just super love how like, everyone portrays him! Most see him as big brother shaped, which I super love. His background is just so vastly different than every other Link, which serves as a very cool contrast imo
The way @somer-writes makes Twi and Wars idiodic brothers is like, my favorite ever. I love love love LOVE how he writes Wars and Twi it's so insane the comedy that unfolds when they're just messing around xD
Warriors has this air, this *vibe* which I'm just super drawn too, I think it's just how my personality vs his works (you could theoretically draw *some* parallels with Sokka from ATLA, at least the way they each hold themselves I'd say. Also big bro stuff) (ALSO how both of them are portrayed as 'smart', which is a trait I typically relate too in characters)
When I like a character though, it's more based on the different types of relationships everyone writes them as though, I'd say. Wars and Time and Wind have this super intriguing bond that I think is cool to see how everyone interprets it! For the most part people write them as they're all aware of the War of Ages and whatnot, which lead to some nice fluff and/or angst. But when there's some time paradoxes, it makes it every so more tragic and it's really interesting to see how that can get written. I recall a fic (I FORGOT THE TITLE AND THE AUTHOR NOO) where Wars was teaching Wind medic stuff, but it was like a year before Wind meets Wars in the war. So Wars is all "sob this is why Wind is such a good medic? *Bc I taught him?*" THIS IS SO COOL AND INTERESTING
Also when there's War of Ages fics that have Time/Mask being a stupid child (/aff) they're just super hilarious. There's a series out there that has the Fierce Deity (sorry forgot the author again xD) act as Wars parent figure/older brother figure and it's just really funny to me bc ofc Wars would be a stupid overworking idiot. Loser smh
Four is also another one of the sillies that live in my brain, and I kinda wish there were more fics on how they interact. Though, if I'm being real idk how they really would cause they don't really have the same synergy as any other Links. I just like my favorites to interact, but I super understand how they wouldn't ^^
Small side bit on serious Wars (the biggest example is "Call Them Brothers" by wutheringmights which I'm almost 100% certain you've read that already cause it's soooo long and it's SO GOOD AHH) and ugh I wish I could pay attention more to get every complexity that this Wars has but the brain kinda hates me. I think it makes a lot of sense for Wars to have a grittier characterization, war does that to people. The entire fic is so visceral to me, I just vividly remember reading the flashback section about the long winter, and I don't even know how to really describe it xD
Wars has such a broad range of emotion, if one were to put him under and microscope and study him there would be SO MUCH.
*oops tehe I rambled like a lot* ty for this opportunity :D I'm super glad I decided to type this on my laptop and not my phone xD
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blackjacksmemeclinic · 2 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers 💜 (no pressure ofc!!!)
Ooh, fun! I'm just going to go with interests, there are lots of things that make me happy, but I think will do it this way. Not really in a set order fully xD 1 -: BlackJack, he's given me so much comfort even if he is taken over my mind. But he's just so special to me, and to others too. Seeing others in the Tezuka fandom talking not only about him, but other tezuka characters too is wonderful. 2 -: Digimon, it's incredibly dear to me. Meicoomon is my all time faveourite Digimon, but so many of them are so cool! 3 -: Kimba the white lion and Astro boy, putting the two together because they are both important to me. I got to grow up watching them, so it makes me happy to see! 4 -: Art, I love to draw for people when I can, but I love seeing people create art. Seeing things come from the heart being translated into drawings, it makes me so happy. Even silly drawings, things that are meant to make people laugh, art can be very powerful in expressing emotions. 5 -: Rats, I adore them, they're great! I don't think I will message mutuals to continue the chain, feel a little too nervous to do that. But thank you for the ask, have a wonderful day!
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scribz-ag24 · 2 months
i know this is super late but if you're still open to asks for the fandom ask meme, 13 and 23?
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Hmmm it's hard to say since I'm always focusing on grovyle/dusknoir/celebi stuff and I've already drawn Guildshipping as well. Actually, it's probably Darkrai/Cresselia. I always like the couple as a kid bc of their dynamic in the games and anime, about them not being evil/good, but counterparts that protect and need each other.
Inside the pmd universe, Darkrai is barely a character at all, I think he's the weakest narrative point in the entire game, and a good contender for most boring antagonist of the franchise (if only for how much of a downgrade he is compared to the rest of the Explorers games' plot), but there is a scene in Explorers of Spirit that shows a deeper bond between Darkrai and Cresselia, and a sort of betrayal between them, that catches my attention. Since there's nothing on the main game that contradicts that headcanon, I just run with it and adopt it for myself, we do love some friends to enemies dynamic here.
Basically, they could be so toxic yuri to me and i really hope i get to clean some sketches i did about them some time lol.
Also maybe revisit those Grovyle/Dusknoir/Darkrai toxic yaoi ideas bc they were really fun to work with lmao. Maybe even simply inserting darkrai into the future polycule and having them all want to kill him rfqegvqerq
And in case youre curious about the Fionna and Cake fandom, i have an entire comic about Astrid and Scarab I wish i had the energy to clean lmao. So it'd be Astrid, she's a cute little annoying fangirl
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My favourite character changes every day because I can never decide on whether I prefer Grovyle or Dusknoir lmao. They're both too good. But on the shipping side of things...
Funnily enough, I guess I went from being strictly a Dusknoir/Grovyle fan after se5 to becoming a fan of the polycule after some reflection. I didn't want to get frustrated by how much attention Grovyle/Celebi had despite Celebi's short time on-screen (and at first frustrating "tee hee im a girl,, im pink and have a crush on boy pokemon uwu" characterization) and become one of good ol' toxic 13 yo fujoshis who hated female characters for "being an obstacle" to the yaoi ship. So I tried to focus more on Celebi and I ended up liking her quite a lot once I tried to read more between lines and drew her more times! Especially since you can basically make her have any dynamic you want with Dusknoir. She can be very fun to write and draw! I just wish the writing in the game had given her more... well, writing.
And in the Adventure Time fandom ig i stopped liking Prismo/Scarab a lot after a while and just preferred Kheirosiphon/Scarab but i basically shipped Scarab wwith anyone so there''s not much difference xd
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rosetyler42 · 11 months
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Ericka Pregnancy Dump Part 3!
1.Had the idea of Ericka reassuring Drac for a while, and I've been playing with the idea that, while Ericka is pregnant, Drac sometimes likes to stick around her when he can to make sure she's doing alright. Sometimes that includes him resting on her shoulder in bat form. Ericka, of course, doesn't really mind him being around, but she's still trying to keep him from fussing over her too much. After all, he worries enough as it is.
2. Speaking of Bat!Drac on Ericka's shoulder, I was in a sleepy cuddles mood again!
((Bonus: I hid some fun surprises in the registry book. XD))
3. With the 20th week just past, I thought I'd do Drac finding out that one of the twins is a boy which means he's finally having a son. (He loves that he's having another daughter too. I just thought I'd give the guy his moment since, judging by HT2, he did want a boy at some point.) Ericka's amused by his reaction and Mavis...well, after seeing her father dance in drag around the room after finding out about Dennis, she's not surprised.
Like Mavis, Ericka personally doesn't care what she gets. She's just happy her and Drac's monster-human legacy is actually happening. Whatever combination they come in. Mostly, they found out because these two are both planners who if they knew you COUKD find out before definitely would and plus... well, we've seen how Drac is when it comes to surprises and "Wait and see" situations. XD But beyond names and maybe clothes ("Even that's a matter of preference"), having one he didn't get to have last time etc. Ericka doesn't see why gender matters all that much. Van Helsing apparently didn't seem to care much what gender Ericka was, as long as she could do what was expected of her. Plus, she's also a martial artist. Which, in fighting, gender doesn't make as much of a difference as you'd think, and as a matter of fact female warriors are respected due to their ferocity (coming at it from a mental perspective of being an underdog.) I'm sure being Pan helps too. Her answer to "Do you want a boy or a girl?" Would most likely be "...I want babies." Either that, or just "Yes." XD
4. Wanted to draw some pregnancy stuff with Ericka and Mavis bonding (since Mavis has had a kid of her own already and they both became moms without having a mom themselves.) But I ended up making things feelsy. As much as they are two sides of the same coin, Ericka and Mavis came from very different worlds. And I kinda liked the idea that Mavis, being the more emotional and much less traumatized one of the two, could bring a nice outsider perspective, pointing out some of the more messed up things about Ericka's upbringing that she herself tends to be "This is fine. :)" about. Similar to how Ericka can be the practical brutally honest outsider perspective for Mavis. Plus, the idea of her getting upset on behalf of the stepmom she once tried to crush is both sweet and funny. XD
5.Some pregnant Drericka fluff inspired by some partner in love with pregnant belly prompts I found a while back involving the partner kissing the belly bump and tickling the other person. X3 Which is even sweeter with how touchstarved Ericka is and how strict her childhood was/how she was expected to act. Another one of those "bringing out each other's playful sides" things.
6/7. Was in a pregnant!Ericka mood yesterday morning. Ended up working on these longer than was intended but they turned out great. I've had the idea of Ericka discovering the "belly press-baby kick" game for a while. And of course loving/protective and Sleepy mama are always fun to do.
8. Dracula comforting an exhausted, achey, and very dramatic pregnant!Ericka as she flops onto his legs/lap.
Been meaning to do some Drericka fluff, and I had the "I'm going to be as big as the Legacy by the time they get here" joke for a while. Don't worry, as much as the guys joke, she's not going to get THAT big. They're just messing with her and Ericka's just being her usual dramatic self. As she would say "Look, hon, I can't help how I am. Being Dramatic is LITERALLY in my code. Besides, we're pretty much finding almost every possible way to void the human body warranty with these cute lil imps. And with almost ZERO idea what ANY of us are doing, I might add. I have EARNED my right to be dramatic."
9. Was in the mood for some Mama Ericka fluff. Plus, I haven't drawn Eve much lately. I like the idea of Eve being one of those cats who like cuddling up to their owner's pregnant belly/rubbing it with their paws and purring.
10. Some sleepy pregnancy fluff. While she IS willing to change position, Ericka's not about to give up her favorite pillow (Drac) just because she's having twins. She sleeps better hugging him and resting on his chest or shoulders where she can feel the rise and fall of his breathing anyway - the heartbeat is optional. (Plus, with her body temp higher than normal, the difference in body temp probabky feels REALLY good right now.)
@gothicthundra @ebevkisk @neo-storm @that-obsessed-gay-girl @sine-qua-noon @chica-chuu @animatedpixie @erickadracula @ericka-van-helsing @erickaanddraculasblog @ericka4ever @elenadracula @drericka @drericka-prompts @drericka-is-lyfe-blog @drerickastan @thenerdynightprincess13 @thesecreatoroftrans @f-mhoteltransylvaniacomicseries @kittyball23 @lovelylivelyv
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godteri-takk · 9 months
I hate that i cant remember names of other peeps oc SORRY
But u have coral? It think so
To them 2, 6, 9, 18, 37, 43
And to Kation: 12, 15, 18, 24,
Anddd to u
Coral: A, B, J
Kation A, B, J as well
Oh wow this is a LOT! This'll be so fun to answer thank you :D theres art too! Image:desc in ALT
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Coral (she/he)
2: How easy is it for them to laugh?
Laughter doesn't always come easy to him, and for long he was ashamed of her laughter. It's a snorty laugh in short quick puffs, I think it's really cute! She feels comfortable laughing around close friends tho, especially late at night after a long hang-out with candy and music :)
6: Do they consider laws flexible or immovable?
She want to be rebellious but in his heart, he thinks they're immovable.
9: Do they swear? First swear word?
He started swearing only after he'd Fallen, and the first one was shit xD
18: What embarrasses them?
Being wrong, wearing clothes he's not comfortable with, not having control over his body, showing people his vent-art, stuttering, being judged, being messy, a lot of things honestly.
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37: Do they have a system to remember things?
She ties the thing she need to remember to a visual picture. For example, if needing to remember how to spell the word "carpet" she'll imagine a little kitty in a car. Car-pet.
43: how would they explain their sexuality?
Ooooh that could've been a post on its own tbh. No! I'll keep it brief! Coral is objectum. He's aroace when it comes to people. His beloved objects, his partners, are Boy! the bunny plushie, Rey the computer, Sugar the flip-phone and Stellar the chain. They're depicted in both the ref-sheets :) So the main type of objects he's attracted to are plushies, technology, chains and sometimes buildings :) But you know, just as with other sexualities, she's not attracted to EVERY object tn these categories, just as lesbians aren't attracted to ALL girls.
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Kation (hen/she/it)
12: How do they deal with a itch in a spot they can't reach? (Thats so spesific what XD)
Can only imagine that being its back. Use a stick or rub its back against something like a corner, a tree, the couch, anything
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15: How do they speak?
She talks on the spot and use a lot of slang and some swear-words, she's quite outspoken and its emotions affect their tone a lot. Its voice is kinda deep and rough/ragged, with a growl hiding just under the surface of the voice.
18: what embarrasses them?
Failing in things hen thought hen was good at, sharing vulnerable feelings, admitting flaws, being considered weak or mean
24: Are they comfortable talking about sex? With whom?
Kation is very confident in its sexuality and is comfortable with talking about it with anyone who wants to! It's just a casual topic to her.
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To Me!
A: What am I excited about these characters?
About Kation I love its design and powers and personality, I love to draw hen and Imagine hen in all kinds of scenarios, how hen interact with others, anything. Designing outfits for both Kation and Coral is super fun, about Coral i love his emotional life, her facial expressions, that she's objectum, his past, his inner conflicts and problems and worries.
B: what inspired me to create them?
Kation was created because I needed a main character in my comic. Hen is a fat, nonbinary demon cus those are all things i think we should see more in media. Well... mostly the first 2, there's a lot of demons lol. But i think those 3 things is a great combo! Coral, as first depicted here, I just drew him cus I wanted to redraw the album photo for Replicas Redux by Gary Numan (with Are 'Friends' Electric? in mind). But I didn't want to draw the guy himself so i just switched him out w a demon i designed on a whim. I liked her design a lot and decided to add her to the lore of the comic i made, and make him Kations best friend, soon with lore of his own!
Question J was only for fandom OCs it seems so ... yeah :)
Wow this was fun!!! Thank you so much I hope it was interesting, either way i now have a cool post with lots of OC lore n stuff!
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crayonurchin · 4 months
15 questions, 15 answers, tagged by @empressofthelibrary!
are you named after anyone? Sort of. My first name was the only name that mum and dad agreed on, but both my middle names are after my grandmothers!
when was the last time you cried? Today, I was walking the dog, saw a really whimsical fallen tree in the woods, and got emotional over it. That was just a little tear up though. A big cry was yesterday, reading more news on Palestine.
do you have kids? I do not, but I think in like, 10ish years, I'd like to adopt a kiddo. When I'm financially, emotionally and mentally ready for it, being a parent genuinely sounds nice to me, but I have 0 intention of ever giving birth. I've wanted to adopt since I was about 8 years old. I'm 27, and it's only NOW the thought of being pregnant isn't horrifying beyond words to me, but even if I wanted to have a uterus baby, I'd still adopt.
what sports do you play/have you played? I did quite a few martial arts classes growing up. Boxing, Kick boxing, karate, judo. I went to a cheerleading class once, but I got really bored because they wouldn't let me join in, so I left ^^;
do you use sarcasm? ... I don't know??? I've been told I am when I'm not trying to, and told I'm not when I'm trying to. I don't know, am I using sarcasm??!
what is the first thing you notice about people? Personal energy. As in, what's the vibe they're putting out. It sound so corny I know but I meet endless people at work and can only remember a few faces, but vibes have stuck with me.
what is your eye color? Dark brown! They look almost black unless I'm in the light, and it makes it look like I have giant pupils. I really like my eyes ^^
scary movies or happy endings? Oddly enough I'm all happy endings these days. I used to looooove scary movies, and while now I appreciate a good horror thriller, too much just drains me. Nothing wrong with a struggle in the film, but now, I want my good ending escapism.
any talents? I'm really good at throwing food into the air and catching it in my mouth. Other than that, I'm not too bad at singing belt style and I'm really good at performing for kids. parents tell me often they're impressed I keep the kids attention
where were you born? Hammersmith in West London in a particularly gloomy hospital XD Seriously, google pictures of Hammersmith London , some of the old buildings are gorgeous but it's all getting pretty grey over there
what are your hobbies? It's drawing. I just love to draw so much. Writing is something I'm trying to make into a job so it's less of a hobby now but I still like it. And while soap making is done only for conventions, I really enjoy doing it. And dungeons and dragons. Loooove d&d
do you have any pets? A very old cat named Crikey and a middle aged dog named Butch. Crikey is my baby boy and I adore him
how tall are you? 5'7
favorite subject in school? I liked art, it was fun and until A-Level my teachers kicked ass. Funnily enough I remember liking history until we had to do exams, where I learned liking history and being good at history are different things, and I started to hate it.
dream job? At this point, I'd like this. I'd like to write/ illustrate and publish books, and let that be enough to live on. As a side thing, I want to sell my soaps at a few conventions a year, and do kids parties maybe 1 day a week. So, all the stuff I'm doing now, I'd like to do at a level I can live happily on.
Okay, I'm tagging @paeonia-horse @theamishpirate and @kajeaynart
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So, A Wound Left Bleeding is still, very much so, in progress, but since I'm still a bit iffy on if there'll be a part 3, or if maybe I'll just do more shorts here and there after part 2 instead or what have you, (I got no idea for sure since that's so far in the future and all) How about some ideas for other FNaF AU's I may write, or at the very least, draw and toss ideas around for after part 2 of AWLB wraps up? After all, I've always been a creature who adores AU's, and tends to make a bunch for any fandom thing that catches my eye, and upon returning to FNaF after years of putting it aside, it has absolutely captured my interest again and got the old AU machine going! So below, I'll be leaving the (Right now, pretty loose basic ideas) of AU's I've thought of for after AWLB part 2 is finished. Again, they're pretty loose ideas right now, don't wanna devote too much attention to em yet and derail my trains of thought with AWLB. XD; So things will very likely change once it's time for these AU's to potentially take the spotlight. In no particular order we have~
Species Swap AU: I've currently got no idea what to title this one, so it's just keeping the placeholder name there until I figure it out, the bare bones basic idea for this one is simple: Most of the animatronic characters are human here, and most of the humans are animatronics. I foresee this one still having some angst and serious/heavier moments/themes in it, but generally being a more lighthearted AU than AWLB. General Summary: Roommates Freddy, Chica, Bonnie and Foxy currently work at a large arcade, or rather, its more like an indoor amusement part, owned and operated by William Afton; it seemed like your run of the mill center for mindless entertainment at first, but things changed when he introduced a new aspect to the place: Animatronics. At a glance nothing seemed too out of the ordinary, they had quite astonishing AI sure, but what else would one expect from someone who owns such a renowned robotics company; but still, there's just a nagging feeling that something isn't quite right about these machines. After Freddy finds himself impulsively stealing one of them that's been spending a lot of time around him while he's at work, several of the other animatronics begin to mysteriously go missing as well, something William Afton is more than a little unhappy with. Fearful of being caught red handed with the animtronic he stole, Freddy and the other's do their best to unravel the mystery of what's going on with these animatronics in the first place, and where they've all gone, while trying to keep Freddy's new mechanical pal, Gregory, just out of William's reach as well.
Sentimental Nightmares (placeholder title): This one, I'm not sure I could make a whole long fic out of, but it's an idea I still think would be fun to play around with, it's an off-shoot “What if” to AWLB General Summary: Plushtrap and the other Nightmares seldom understand what a human is, or how it's any different from them; there's obviously something different about their playmate, but understanding what that is is a different story. One thing's for certain, they've begun to piece together that their games are far from fun for Michael, and generally speaking, something is terribly wrong with the boy, and their creator is doing a terrible job of fixing him to ensure he won't break down and end their games forever. Perhaps if Mr. Afton can't repair him, they need to take matters into their own horribly twisted metallic claws, and try and figure out what makes a human different, and how you put them back together when they fall apart.
What's Left (Potentially a placeholder title): This one I think is the one I came up with first (after AWLB of course), so let's just get into it. Definitely not a more lighthearted one. General Summary: After Charlie's sudden and violent death, Henry loses the will to live, and soon after, takes his own life, via one of his own creations, a springlock suit. However, death wasn't the end for him or Charlie, their souls trapped and warped within their new metallic hosts, Charlie is hellbent on seeking revenge for herself, while Henry's soul wanders aimlessly, in an attempt to find his lost daughter and son again. Many years later, Sammy Emily is determined to find a way to free the souls of his family from their would be eternal prisons and torment, but the only person who may even be able to begin to understand how all this happened in the first place, is his father's old business partner and friend, William Afton. Sammy is more than aware of how untrustworthy the man is, but he has few options, cooperating with William is his best bet. William on the other hand, seeking immortality, and seeing potential in reaching it by binding souls to machines, is convinced that there must be a way to replicate what happened to Charlie and Henry in a way that won't cost you your mind, and he's more than willing to sacrifice everyone in order to find the key to it all; better to use others as guinea pigs first and only do it on yourself once you know the right way to do it for sure, right? But getting close enough to Henry and Charlie himself to try and learn the secrets of their eternal lives is easier said than done for William, best to keep Sammy in one piece until he gets what he wants from them... That doesn't mean he has to do the same for others at his disposal however...
Spirits AU (placeholder title): The newest of the ideas! Hit me at random during my lunch break lol. So not a whole lot on this one yet for sure, and definitely gonna need to iron things out more, but! General idea! General Summary: Long ago, the world was inhabited by an abundance of powerful spirits, some were playful, others dangerous, but all of them preferred to take on the appearances of humanoid animals, they were quite commonplace, and generally seen as a welcome sight; as time marched on and belief in them waned, they vanished, buried into the likes of folklore and fairytales, though some stories say they still appear at times to children, or to those in need. Sometimes, just to those who they're curious about. In the modern day, stories of sightings of them are chocked up to little more than children with wild imaginations, but the stories told by Charlie, Sammy, Michael, Elizabeth, Evan, Gregory and Cassie are growing a bit too detailed to brush aside. And those around them aren't all showing interest for the best reasons. Which one I play around with after AWLB really comes down to motivation, focus, and free time for myself, but! I still wanna know, which of the 4 are ya'll most curious about? :3
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wotcherangie · 2 years
Since all the Mew Mews help wingman for Ichigo's crush on Masaya, do you think they would do the same for Lettuce if they learned she had a crush on Ryou?
Hello dear anon and sorry to you too for replying so late! I've been so busy and I've just updated tumblr without looking at my inbox.
So, THAT IS A GREAT QUESTION and the answer will be quite long since... I've always daydreamed about that scenario since I was a little girl drawing fanart and writing (very terrible) fanfic XD
So, in my own personal opinion and according to the scenario played in my head, I've always imagined the mew team to be very supportive with Retasu and her crush on Ryou: we've seen in the reboot a glimpse of how much they support and care for eachother, being there as soon as one of them seems in trouble (see Minto and Zakuro, or Minto and Ichigo, or again Ichigo and retasu or Retasu and Bu-Ling), so yeah, I think they would be the most supportive friends... ESPECIALLY ICHIGO XD
I've always imagined her to feel shocked at that thought at first, cause even though sometimes she too falls for Ryou's charm, their bond is very playful, always teasing eachother, him driving her crazy and making fun of her and her crush. So I believe initially Ichigo would've found hard to believe that Retasu, so shy and kind and polite, would've fallen for someone like Ryou, but lately - both cause she cares about her friend so much and cause she knows deep down how good Ryou is as a person - she would've been the most supporting friend, sometimes a little too much... especially when she would pair alongside Bu-Ling... both of them trying to help Retasu open up with him but unfortunately ... making her involved in some of the most awkward and hilarious situation, a little too pushy for someone as shy as Retasu, who would need to go one little step at a time.
Minto, on the other side, would've been more discrete, definitely better, but at the same time too direct so her approach wouldn't had worked either. I like Minto and Retasu both so much cause they're so different in personalities, and that difference is what makes me enjoy so much both these character but also is something that could create some issues with them having to face a crush on someone.
I think - dunno why I had this thought, mainly I think cause of some OG anime vibes - that the best companion and wingman of the four mew would've been Zakuro. She and Retasu being the oldest, Zakuro an "older sister" figure for the team, the most mature and concrete, with a very adult approach to face every kind of situation, a lone wolf that stays behind the curtain to watch and observe people behavior... c'mon, Zakuro can really read people in my opinion. She would be as discrete as Minto but with more experience and wiser advice, always watching and being there for Retasu, noticing little thing, ups and downs, and maybe realizing that Retasu likes Ryou even before she could admitted herself. Also, Zakuro - as I said - in my opinion can really read people and would support Retasu but slowly, taking small steps, according to her personality, not pushing her but guiding her.
And of course this is just my personal view, of course a IchiRyou shipper would not see Ichigo the same way and that's fine :3
Also I like also the little hints of Pietasu too so I would be curios to know how the aliens would react at Pie having a crush on Retasu XD they would' torture the poor boy XD
Thanks again for asking, I always love to chat about theories and headcanon, especially when we have to wait so long for the next season!
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Jasper, Opal, Dragon Stone, 🍎, 🍉,⌛️ , ✨, Orion and Artemis? for the like 3 ask games you reblogged lol.
Lol I was bored and wanted some interactions. Cut me some slack XD
Jasper ➵ Who is their best friend, if they have one? For Orion, I'd say their closest friend is Victoria who later became their significant other, followed by (in no particular order) Adrienn, Taka, Saphira, Cain, Titania and Hardy.
Artemis... is a quite a fair bit more difficult to answer. Because she cherishes them all the same. It's literally impossible for her to pick a "best friend" out of her existing friend group lol. Though, if you meant her closest confidante(s) that isn't a Pokemon... I'd say Melia, Aelita and Erin.
Opal ➵What hobbies do they have? Orion: Playing music (they're quite adept at the piano and guitar), hiking, hanging out with their friends, and occasionally indulging in public music performances.
Artemis: Drawing, coming up with new custom moves, singing (when she's alone), reading, riding on her Corviknight, napping on trees (the giant sakura tree in Sheridan Village is her favourite spot) and stargazing.
Dragon Stone ➵ Do they collect things? Short answer: yes. Long answer: yes, they do have the instinct to hoard stuff because of their spirit Pokemon's influence. And you guessed it: both of them have dragon spirit Pokemon (Artemis's is a bit of a stretch since it's not even a dragon-type; it just looks like a dragon) XD
🍎 [RED APPLE] Who does your OC value above all else? For Orion, it depends on when you ask them this question. If you were to ask them this before or during the maingame, they'll tell you it's Artemis without blinking an eye. However, if you were to repeat the same question during the postgame, they'll say it's Victoria and Artemis.
For Artemis, it's her friends and found family. Without question. She's the type who will gladly destroy the world if it meant keeping them safe and alive, and boy does it addresses some really uncomfortable issues about her mental health...
🍉 [WATERMELON] What will your OC take to the grave? Both of them? Their pasts in the real world. Barring a few things, it's a very touchy subject for them and they would rather pretend that it never happened in the first place.
⌛ If your OC had the power to change one thing from their past, what would they change, and why? Would changing their past benefit them in someway? Or would they leave things as they are now? Orion probably wouldn't change a thing since their journey did change them and their life for the better overall, except that they'll want to take Artemis with them when they were first summoned into Reborn. Even though it was a shit place to be in at the time. Because they know it'll turn for the better, and in the end it's the one place they knew Artemis would be happy in.
Okay, this is literally the story of Artemis/Hauyne's life as an Interceptor. She had the knowledge of what's happening and she tried to use this to change things for the better, but hooboy did it backfire pretty horribly at times. So, no. She wouldn't change anything, because she learnt her lesson about being too arrogant and thinking you're above consequences.
✨ What is your OC's favorite holiday, and why? Do they change how they present themselves, appearance and personality-wise? Or do they stay the same? Does this holiday hold some important meaning to them? Or does it just give them an excuse to party or be different? Orion's favourite holiday is a tie between Christmas and Halloween. They just like having fun with friends, without having to keep up a dignified appearance for their Champion's public image.
Artemis isn't particularly fond of any holidays because of her spending much of her life in isolation and solitude, though one that she hates the least is New Years' Eve. Mostly because it was tradition for her grandfather to prepare a special meal - one that she's extremely fond of - on that night, to celebrate the coming of the new year.
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quilleth · 2 months
I was going to say now that a cat isn't using my arm as a pillow i can post an unboxing for the dream valley vanora head, but freya decided to nap on me again xD (it's ok she's older--14 this month!-- and her health's not very good so she can use my arm as a pillow if she wants). i just need to type one handed i guess lol
so the reason the box felt so hefty when it arrived? is because this is what the box for the head looks like! cushioned and padded inside and that black outer is fabric! like damn this is a NICE box y'all (featuring uninterested inspector #2)
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She came with a postcard print of Adria and one of Vanora, and the COA (also really nice. like wow dream valley lure me in with nice boxes and holo coa printing! unfortunately they're not releasing the body as a human body so i probably won't actually be getting more from them, but never say never!)
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She also came with a nice pair of eyes that sadly, won't work for anyone I need eyes for and couldn't get a nice picture of, but they're a pretty purpley grey
My lack of spatial reasoning strikes again because i thought these ears were a LOT smaller xD I almost feel bad that i'll just be using them to test dye formulas
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The Dream Valley White is a warm toned white more like a cream color as opposed to the paper white from Loongsoul (and Ringdoll and Charm Doll I hear, though I don't have any white dolls from them). I'll have to keep that in mind when I look at dye formulas.
These ears are SO cute! I don't think the 1/4 bunny girls have the same detailing on their elf ears, but the new jellyfish girl does i think. I think this could be really fun to paint for my Vanora, since she is a genasi and I usually draw her with some pink/ coral on her ears (like fishy fins without actually giving her more fin like ears)
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I apparently have a thing for sculpts with slightly open smiles like this xD Idk i just think it's cute! and it matches the first dollmaker thing I made of my Vanora.
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She also has a cute profile!
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now I just need to figure out a body for her. Interestingly, she's listed as having an 8.6 cm neck, but when i was looking at her it seemed larger, so I thought I'd see if she could fit the 62cm Loongsoul boy body which has a 9.4 cm neck. Her head fits fine and moves ok on it, but the aesthetics don't look good to me (the neck looks too thick, and obvs it's a boy body), which is good to know and keep in mind when looking at bodies for her! Some of the 60-65 cm girls have like 9.5+ cm necks, so I'll know to avoid those ones. Also it was just generally funny xD Her head is 21.5 cm and Bai Jue (dollhua) is like 19, so it's definitely a shift in aesthetics in my bunch I'd say xD
The only thing making me waffle about it (other than there not being muscle bodies in the 60cm ish range) is that i could (should?) get a body for her and figure all that out now, or I could get a head for Faolan now and try placing a custom order for their bodies through Resinsoul at the same time (cen for him and asking if they could do a custom muscular girl body like i've seen them do with their 1/4 dolls before). The latter would potentially save me needing to dye as much (easier to request a custom body color to match the dyed head than try to dye a head to match i think) and potentially be a bit cheaper, but if i get her sorted now, then i can customize her and potentially have better luck getting a switch head in milktea rose for him if i find one i like second hand or get really lucky and they rerelease Ryuzo again. Most of the dolls i've got bookmarked for him second hand are normal resin, so I'd have to dye them a light tan. Which i don't mind per se, but also milktea rose and ryuzo are really pretty xD But if I don't get something for him now...then the heads i do have marked might sell by then...and then i have to find another option! There is one head that's tan that I have bookmarked, but it has a pretty faceup already and I'd feel bad wiping it :/
Decisions are hard ><
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celestialaviva · 2 months
Could you explain more abojt the Creator's Assistant Au? I'm curious about it, but I can find only the two posts you posted today
Oh, because I literally just decided to post about it today XD
It's something Im building atm!
I don't want to explain a lot of stuff just yet, cause I. Do better drawing them than writing them dhbdjd
I guess for now have some of these wip refs?
The Creator's Assistant AU is set in a world where 3 Created Sticks, called the Creator's Assistants, look after the Interspace. Here they are: Chosen, Dark, and Victim Victoria.
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They're powerful coders that have the ability to raise dungeons, and choose potential rulers to reign all of Interspace. They're also tasked to protect it from harm. This system is set in place to supposedly unite this world.
...Not really, as the Assistants have their own things going on.
Coders are individuals who are able to see and manipulate code. It enables them access to abilities that allow them to reproduce/simulate natural phenomena.
The Creator's Assistants are coders that can basically bend code to their will. Since they can see the world through code, they have an even larger access to abilities that normal coders either have difficulty learning or doing. They're often seen as gods as a result, as opposed to just being high-ranking coders.
Here's Orange too! I can't explain much yet but have him my boy anyway- and Alan!
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This whole AU is heavily inspired by Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic. It was a childhood anime and manga series that is still near and dear to my heart today. A lot of the elements and stuff in the AU are directly taken from Magi, but a lot of it is mine too.
Im kinda using Magi's plot and worldbuilding as a basis for all of this XD
Im having so much fun UvU
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flapjacksfursona02 · 7 months
What is your favorite and/or least favorite episode on the show? Do you have some hot takes? lol
i didn't watch all of them bcs i'm pretty much too into drawing and work so i don't have much time watching literally anything while actually paying attention to the screen BUT I HAVE SOME !
Candy Colleague [old men yaoi SHINES WITH GRACE, i can't believe doctor barber and his colleague were the only couple that has somewhat a nice relationship *cries* and it still didn't last long because being happy was against the rules or smth xd. honestly this episode deserves much more words and thought to it so it's deserving a whole special post. it's just brilliant]
Fancy Pants [am i watching an animated deviantart fetish]
Several Leagues Under The Sea [the first episode that doesn't tell anything about the characters and has nothing interesting in it other than a fun joke about medieval artist kid inside a photograph machine who is drawing the photos]
aaand thats pretty much it. can't remember anything that made me feel things more than those.
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egg-emperor · 2 years
I know it's not really Halloween (But every day of the year is Halloween for me lol), but is there a specific way vampire egg shows his affection to an s/o?
Hell yeah, it doesn't have to be October, Vampire Egg is made to be enjoyed and discussed all year around! This is fun because he has some different behaviors and ways of showing affection than other counterparts, mostly due to his vastly different lifestyle and vampire traits coming into play. 🥚🦇💜 I've done a lot of daydreaming about wandering into a mansion or castle and meeting him, so I have a few favorite ideas that are exclusive to the vampire boy 🥰
In the rare occasion that he forms a bond with someone instead of them becoming his prey, he can get pretty attached because he realizes, while he enjoys having all these spooky areas to himself (well they're haunted with pesky ghosts and creatures but none can talk), he enjoys their company, affection, and physical contact. It's exciting to experience these things that people from the outside world do. He loves to keep as close to them as possible, snuggling up, holding hands, and giving kisses. He tells them to bring it in to cuddle often, wrapping his arms around and holding them against his soft tummy, cloak wrapped around them both. His body is cooler and lacks much natural heat but he can warm up in higher temperatures and through contact and his cloak keeps in the warmth they create together and makes it cozy despite the chill of the spooky places they hang out at, so hugs are never turned down.
He likes to nuzzle against them a lot, it's something he first did while he was in his cute chubby little bat form while being petted and was showing that he really likes it. And he hasn't been able to stop since, it's an uncontrollable urge that comes over him when he's feeling affectionate that he always acts on. He still gets it while he's in his regular form so he does the same then too, only that will also extend to rubbing noses when he's bigger and easier to get into face level again. When he nuzzles into the neck, it can be easily mistaken for him going in for a bite but he doesn't always, though they do have to look out because it can be very tempting for him and sometimes he will 'accidentally' do it. XD
He does actually try to playfully bite and nibble in various places too. It's not always enough to draw blood and it's not malicious, it shows he loves them and their blood if they've ever let him feed in a non-fatal amount. He just gets tempted and nippy and it can't help it as another urge but he at least has restraint to not take a full fang-sinking bite each time. It's actually a good sign they're safe with him and he really likes them. They have to look out in his regular form with his larger fangs but as a bat, his cute tiny fangs can't do damage with a little nibble. He can get a bit cheeky and nippy while being petted and finds it very funny. He tries to give little kisses to the hands to be nice after but it's difficult with his fangs and bat nose in the way, it's easier back in his regular form!
He likes to sit on shoulders and in palms of hands when he's in bat form but he'll return the favor by carrying them around places in his arms or on his shoulders while in his regular form. He'll carry them like this as they wander around and he gives a tour and shows them all the cool things he discovered about these spooky abandoned locations in his many years of random exploration, as there's a lot of walking and climbing stairs to be done. Even though he knows the places well and knows they're safe, another way he shows affection is by making sure they really feel safe and is protective as he holds them close, just in case some ghosts or creatures decide to try to pull pranks and give them a fright.
There were once hidden treasures in the haunted areas he resides in, he's discovered them over the years and has quite a collection. While he likes them and thinks they're pretty, he just uncovers them for something to do and he isn't really protective or attached to them or anything, aside from when ghosts try to steal from his stash. It remind him of his partner, who he's a lot more attached to and protective of, so he likes to present some of the little boxes full of jewelry, gems, and gold and such that he's found as gifts to them, as there isn't much else he can gift but it's great, some of it is very rare, expensive, and unique. It's a sweet thought and something to remind them of him whenever they're apart.
He's found lots of old books in haunted mansions and castles and has read them for something to do because it's interesting to read about the outside world. It inspired him to learn to write, he's very good at it and will write sweet letters or even poetry about things he finds beautiful and fascinating about them and their bond. He has pretty and rather neat handwriting from lots of practice, despite his large hands having to write with too small pens he found. He'll read it aloud if asked but he's a bit shy because he thinks it will sound silly with his lisp due to his fangs but it's very cute and clear that he's put a lot of thoughts into his words and is truly enamored. And when he's complimented and given kisses and hugs for it after, he feels very special and loved too! 💜
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mxttellion · 3 years
kicks you in the shins we need hcs for all the boys
or else you're getting shipped with matt realsworld /j
WOW OKAY ANON OKAY I'M SORRY I don't have much written down for the others but it's more about a general idea let's say djshs anyway. read under this for the hcs if there's something i dont mention it's because it's like canon, and it feels redundant.
- Edd
-oldest of the bunch, being 27
-bi? gay? I don't know, he doesn't care. He's trans, and made sure to get the biggest dick in su- also, he's the tallest of the group, 190 cm tall. He is a literal bear in more ways than one. He's also autistic because fuck you
-Of course he's the leader and of course he draws do I have to repost the theme song??? He's the artist, and as an artist he has artist issues (tm) (aka art blocks and stuff. He usually tries to do other stuff like playing with Ringo or going for a walk when that happens.) He has a freelance job.
-He is A MESS- His room is a mess and so is his work place. Probably owns 10 distinct sketchbooks and all of them have broken pages and stuff all over the place.
-Treasures his screen tablet. It's something he managed to buy with his commissions money
-Regrets opening commissions. The first one he has ever gotten was from Tord and it was about drawing his big tiddy anime oc. And probably got a bunch of fetish ones as well
PURE BASTARD BREED (TM) "oh no, Tom is fighting someone......... Anyway"...Yes he's the leader, yes he doesn't care about his friends wellbeing anymore at this point. Okay he cares, but at some point, he goes "then die lol"
-After the literal first attempt at stopping his friends he joins them. Well if he only wasn't the one starting the dumb stuff 80% of the time. He's the one who suggests his friends to do stuff. Guys, he isn't the rational one: he fully supports bullshit and is so extra at times (throws a sofa at people) That being said, He's incredibly strong even due to the radiations. He can use his twink friends and baseball bats(edited) and gives the best hugs!!
He is GENERALLY a nice guy, he's the shoulder of support for his friends, but like, that's human decency. He's definitely an hothead at times. Really really impulsive. It's not that he's angry or anything, he doesn't get upset easily, it takes a LOT to get him pissed. He's just a bastard. Basically, impulsive and sometimes angy
-Likes to friendly tease his friends, but this is pretty much everyone in the group. The thing gets very awkward when they step a bit too far. Kind of a trickster, but like his teasing, he means well. Most of the times. He especially love teasing Matt as he's the one who's gonna start complaining a lot about it
-Has borrowed and does borrow some of his friends stuff without asking. See Tom's bass Susan and how he broke it lol
-Honestly out of the four he's the more optimistic. Also over enthusiastic, and ready to just do fun stuff despite being extremely lazy. His energy management is so weird
-He's the one physically stopping his friends most of the time. Especially Matt.
- Tom
- 25, youngest and the shortest of the group, being 175 cm tall.
- agender and bi. Doesn't really care about pronouns
-yknow what? Fuck you divergents your neuro, tom
-Is he an alien? A cryptid? Who knows, he most definitely isn't human at all lmao -He purrs. Uhhh yeah. He also has purple blood. His monster form has both fur and scales he's so weird
-Eyes? Well they're,,,, uh,,,,,,,,, honestly I like the idea of them just being black aight
-He isn't depressed, he's just as chaotic and over enthusiastic as the others. He's just a bit of an edgelord, that's it. He's a punk ass bitch (literally) -Oh he also has no nose. And well, his ears are detachable. He can still smell and hear like anybody else -He bites with those chompers
-Awful anger management issues. Don't get him angry, he'll stay bitter for the entire day. Extremely XD LOL Random: Most definitely had a scene phase and probably still has, doesn't want to admit it. He listens to a Lot of ska punk. and punk itself. He doesn't really fit one subculture just takes some from everything
-Enjoys alcohol (particularly smirnoff / vodka) but doesn't ALWAYS drink it. He had an hard time controlling his alcohol moments when he was younger. Despite loving alcohol, he has little to no resistance. He gets drunk VERY easily
-He somehow holds less grudges than anyone in the house. Probably because he literally fights people to the point he doesn't have to hold grudges
-His hair barely goes down and people genuinely wonder if he was just born like that (yes). Hair so spiky he literally attaches to walls- His eyes are either empty hollows or just black. Sometimes they are, sometimes they aren't. just cryptid things. He ACTUALLY is the voice of reason. Kinda. Kinda. -Edd probably found him in his backyard one day and decided to keep him as his frien :) Tord
-third youngest but same age as Matt, 26. He's 180 cm tall, if not a little bit shorter, but taller than Tom anyway. Enough to punt him out of pure fun
-cishet /j
-Yknow the gist by now, none of them are neurotypical
-is kinda awkward,,,, he just stares at the void with a O_O face. He isn't very silent, he likes to talk, sometimes he talks way too much than he's supposed to. He has no filters and that's NOT a good thing. He probably spilled a few secrets he has with his friends unwillingly, and then paid the price. But at the same time he can be a smug ass bitch. a gremlin. a bastard. Even though he SEEMS like the chillest one of t- He probably hisses at people.
-The Redditor of the house. Bringer of bad takes. However he thinks he's actually right somehow. (he's not)
-Special interest? Mechanics and Technology, of course! He Won't shut up about robots and cyborgs. He loves them way too much. He has built some and he's trying to build some aswell. For now he has only managed to successfully build one, who he treasures almost like a pet. Ringo definitely tried to eat it once. And the garage is a goddamn mess because of him
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-He probably owns a few gundams lying there and there, all built by himself and probably some he made himself. Still as much of an anime fan ofc
-Emo. Do I need to add anything else? His wardrobe is mostly red/black clothes. Don't ask him to change colors he WON'T.
-Despite being "stuck in 2007" he is aware of all the latest trends and memes. Watch him yelling amogus.
-He only shows his robot figurines but secretly has a lot of vocaloid and general anime ones. Catch him singing World is Mine at 3 am in the morning
-Gets along with Matt pretty well as they almost have the same music tastes. They're also prank buddies! ...especially on Tom -He's somehow the one who's extremely aware of his surroundings and "imbalanaces" for a lack of a better word. He feels when something around him is wrong or when there's a lot of tension in the house. Even though he doesn't really know how to act. Let's say that Tord CAN read you like a book when it comes to feelings. You can't hide it from him -He has considered leaving the house, but never did. He's way too attached. Even thought there are friends who are willing to give him an home (Pau and Pat lol) And that's all I have (FOR NOW) for the others shsdgsdjks
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