#this is big kid problems and i don't remember signing up for those
Can we please just skip to the part where Katniss calls us to action and we all overthrow the capitol already? I'm feeling like a riot would be good for my soul right about now.
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beatrixstonehill2 · 7 months
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"That's right," Dr. Klein said to Carolina. "You have to sign off on your next script since it's what's known as a life-altering or debilitating medical decision."
"Oh wow..... um, I'm not so sure I understand? Sorry, I'm so horny these days I can't think straight. All these different things you keep prescribing me! I can hardly keep up." She giggled, jiggling her hefty breasts.
"I know, you're not as sharp as you used to be. But that's OK, do you even remember being that skinny, flatchested aspiring lawyer who walked through my door last year?"
"Ummmm, I don't know?" She giggled. "Why did I want to be a lawyer?"
"Sweetheart, I'm not the one who would know."
"Oh! But you know everything! I feel so much better after coming to see you. Men are obsessed with my new curves. I have soooo much sex it's crazy. I let guys pump me full of their cum whenever they want!"
"That's wonderful to hear darling. See? And you were so skeptical about taking what I was recommending you..."
"I must've been soooo dumb back then!" She furrowed her brows. "Ummm, how do I spell my name? I think it starts with a C then an A? Can you help me....? I'm not a very good speller these days!"
"That's because you're down to an IQ of 46, from 172! Isn't that great news? My prescriptions are working wonders."
"Wow, is a forty-six really good?"
"It sure is, sweetie. Now let me help you." The doctor guided her hand, making her sign.
"Oh thank you so much! You made it look soooo easy! Mmmmm, I should thank you for being so nice...." She suddenly leaned in and started kissing him on the lips, but he pulled away.
"That's quite all right, Carol. Just be a good girl and take this new script to the pharmacy and take two a day."
"What's it for???"
"Well, you know how your breasts have gotten really big and bouncy?"
"Yep!" She jiggled them for the doctor.
"They're going to get much, much bigger. So big they'll fill your whole lap and be much too big for clothes of any kind...."
"Oh my! That sounds..... really hot! How will I carry them?"
"You might need a push cart, or someone might have to escort you in a wheelchair. You could easily lose the ability to walk...."
"Just from how big my boobs are? Mmmmm, guys are going to love that! I'll be so helpless, it'll be so fun, getting set out on a blanket or something at the park on a nice day.... My boobs exposed, too heavy for me to lift. I have to ask men to help me..... God I'm going to get fucked so good! If men find my body irresistible now...." She leaned back, patting her round pregnant belly. "Already five months along with batch two! Is it true when we met I said I had no interest in having kids?"
"Correct, but we fixed that little problem. Looks like you're going to stay pregnant from now on, huh?"
She giggled, shrugging. "What choice do I have? I'm always getting filled with cum everywhere I go...."
"Good girl. Just remember to keep taking these pills no matter how big your breasts get, OK? I'll see you in three months."
"Just in time to see me ready to pop with all these kids..... you're so naughty...."
"And I better not see you wearing any clothes up top, those things should be too big for them by then....."
"I'll stop wearing tops asap!" She removed hers, tossing it behind her. "Whatever you say, Dr. Klein! You're the professional!"
He patted her head. "I'm glad you finally agree."
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lilahisntsadanymore · 10 months
Engaged to an Italian man and carrying a secret pregnancy, Y/n must decide when and how to reveal the news to her notorious family.
The reader pronouns: she/her
Pairings: the Shelby family x shelby!reader x OC (faceclaim Lorenzo Zurzolo)
Words count: 2.4k
Tw: mentions of death, pregnancy, italian written by me (but there are english translations)
Additional inf.: Y/n's mother, was made up by me as well
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
A Shelby Surprise
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Now that the vendetta with Changrettas was over, everyone could take a breath. Finally all the stress was gone and for once the Shelby family wasn't in trouble. They hoped it would stay this way.
The stress was gone, but not for Y/n, Arthur's daughter. What nobody expected coming, she fell in love. What was so unfortunate about this? The man was Italian.
If it happened a few years earlier or a few years later maybe that would have been alright. But not right now when the memory of vendetta was still crystal clear.
The man Y/n fell in love with wasn't a Changretta, but she supposed it wouldn't matter to her family. As long as the vendetta was still a fresh topic, he would be a bad man in their eyes.
As if the problem wasn't big enough, Y/n got pregnant. The man knew about it and wanted to be present in the kid's life, he even proposed to Y/n. But the challange was to tell Y/n's family about it.
So there she was - calling each family member, inviting them for a little 'party'. Y/n had no experience in this stuff, so she considered it the best way, telling everyone at the same time when they're gathered together.
"It'll be fine," Y/n's fiance said, squeezing her hand lightly. "What's the worst that could happen? Will they murder me?" He laughed.
"You really didn't know what you're signing up for when you fucked a Shelby, did you?"
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
"Non voglio dirgli della gravidanza,"* Y/n paced around the living room, waiting for the guests to arrive. "What if we only tell them about our engagement?"
*I don't want to tell them about the pregnancy
"Non possiamo, cara mia. La noteranno prima o poi."**
**we can't, my dear. They'll notice it sooner or later.
Right after those words, the sound of knocking filled the room.
Y/n took a deep breath. "Hide upstairs, Nicco. I'll call for you when it's the right time."
The man walked in the direction she instructed as she herself went to open the door.
The Shelby clan. In front of Y/n's doors. Waiting to be let inside. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to tell everyone in the same time.
Despite her running heartbeat, Y/n tried to stay calm as she greeted each person that entered her house.
Something was off when Y/n hugged aunt Polly. The woman eyed her up and down. Did she know? Most likely. She sensed it when Lizzie was pregnant, so why wouldn't she now?
"You probably wonder why we've gathered here today." Y/n spoke, her gesturing more intense than ever. She tried to make her voice sound as light and free of stress as possible, but it was a difficult thing to do due to the anxious feeling in her stomach. Either the stress or the baby inside was making Y/n want to puke right there.
"Yes, we'd love to know." Polly said, a faint smile on her face.
Everyone had their eyes glued to Y/n. Ada watched the girl with worry, as well as Linda who treated Y/n as her own, Polly was fighting the smile from completely ruling on her face, Finn looked extremely confused, Tommy lit up a cigarette.
"Are you in trouble?" Arthur asked eventually.
"Yes and no." That answer didn't clear up anything.
"What do you mean?"
A nervous laugh escaped Y/n's mouth. "Do you remember mum? My mum, your wife, who died many years ago?"
Arthur nodded confusedly. How could he not remember her? He would never forget that amazing woman, who gave him love, hope and a beautiful daughter and then passed away too soon.
"I remember Georgia." Arthur didn't want to talk about her. Years passed and now he had Linda, but the wound caused by his first wife's death was still open.
"Dad, her name was Giorgia. She was Italian, don't try to rewrite that story. The reason why I'm reminding you about it is..." Y/n hesitated fr the last time, "I hope you'll understand my situation."
The times were different back when Arthur and Giorgia were together. Back then, she was just a simple girl who moved to England from Italy and fell in love with a man from Birmingham. There wasn't any vendetta, so their relationship wasn't such a sensitive topic, but nevertheless Y/n hoped her father would understand.
"Can you stop the charade?" Tommy chimed in impatiently.
Y/n nodded. "Niccolò, come here!"
The tall, brownhaired man walked down into the living room. He was dressed in a white shirt, black trousers and elegant black shoes.
"Everyone, this is Niccolò. Niccolò, this is my family."
Everyone eyed the man. Tommy and Arthur were especially suspicious about him.
Niccolò shook hands with each Shelby, taking the time to introduce himself better and get to know everyone.
When the man lastly got to Arthur and Tommy, they refused to shake hands with him, their arms remaining crossed on his chest.
Arthur looked at his daughter. "Why are you introducing him to us?"
"Seriously?" Y/n sighed. "Dad, are you this clueless?"
"Yes, Arthur, are you this clueless?" Polly asked with a full smile on her face now.
Arthur wasn't clueless. He suspected, he knew, but he didn't want it to be the truth.
"Niccolò is my fiance."
The room fell almost silent, if it wasn't for Finn's coughing. He choked on the air and smoke, he was lighting up a cigarette when Y/n broke the news. Finn was her uncle, but they were rather like siblings to each other, because Y/n was even a few years older than Finn.
"He's your what?" Arthur asked.
"Fiance. I'm sorry I haven't told you before, but I was afraid of your reaction."
"An Italian, eh?" Tommy interrogated, shifting his gaze to Niccolò. "Who are your parents? What do they do?"
Y/n added, "O digli il tuo cognome e lo scoprirà entro domani."***
***or say your last name and he'll find it all out by tomorrow
Niccolò smirked and the girl's comment, but then turned back to being serious. "They moved to this country before I was born. My father died in the war, but my mother has a flower shop in London."
"A flower shop?" Arthur raised an eyebrow. "That's interesting."
"I see what you're doing," Y/n said, "Nicco has nothing to do with the Changrettas."
"It's just funny how he appears in your life exactly when-"
"Yes, vendetta, I know. Can we talk in private, dad?"
Arthur and his daughter walked out of the room into a small kitchen. Y/n leaned on the kitchen counter.
"Can you stop?"
"Stop what?" Arthur asked. "I'm just trying to get to know my future son-in-law."
"Can you do it without making it seem like you're looking for a correlation between him and the Changrettas?"
"I don't want him to hurt you. Or any of us. Isn't it any suspicious to you?"
"It's a stupid coincidence!"
Arthur sighed, looking at his daughter with a mixture of concern and skepticism. "Y/n, you know how things are around here. We've been through hell with the Changrettas, and now you bring an Italian man into our lives. You can't expect me not to be cautious."
"I understand, but he's not connected to the Changrettas in any way. I wouldn't put our family in danger like that," Y/n pleaded.
Arthur rubbed his forehead, contemplating the situation. "You could have at least given us a heads up. This is a lot to take in all at once."
He was trying his best to remain calm. The old Arthur would've bursted out of the house a long time ago, but now he was in control of his emotions.
A lot to take at once. Prepare for more, then, Y/n thought.
"I know, dad, but I was scared. Exactly because of that. I'm sorry, but we really do love each other."
"Just promise me, if anything feels wrong, you'll let me know. I don't want you keeping secrets."
"I promise, dad. I won't keep secrets. I want us to be a family, including Niccolò."
Arthur forced a smile. "Alright, let's go back out there. I'll try my best to keep an open mind, for your sake."
Poor Niccolò was left alone with the Shelbys. It was a weight off his shoulders when Y/n was back in the room.
Everyone looked at Arthur curiously. He spoke. "We'll give it a chance. But you," he pointed at Niccolò, "hurt her, and there won't be a place on earth you can hide from us."
Niccolò nodded respectfully. "I understand, sir."
"Can we all just enjoy the evening and celebrate this occasion that is our engagement?" Y/n asked cheerfully.
The atmosphere felt lighter, the family peacefully continued the gathering. Most of them wanted to trust Niccolò and give him a chance.
Arthur and Thomas kept a close eye on Niccolò throughout the night. Their suspicions weren't easy to put to rest, but for Y/n's sake they chose to keep their mouths shut this one time.
After dinner Y/n and Niccolò managed to talk to Finn alone. Y/n decided that the pregnancy would be too much for just one evening and all her fiance could do was accept it. However, they trusted Finn with this information.
"Finn, we have to tell you something." Y/n said after she made sure everyone else is busy.
"Oh no, another big news?" Finn whined. "I don't know if this family can handle more tonight."
"That's why we wanted to talk to you alone," Niccolò pointed out, "it's a secret."
Y/n added, "A secret just for you, Finn. The mission is to keep it until we can tell the others. You understand, soldier?"
"Alright, I guess." Finn agreed with a curious expression on his face. "You didn't kill anybody, did you?"
"No, of course we didn't."
"Quite the opposite," Niccolò added with a chuckle. "Y/n is pregnant."
Finn raised his eyebrow and joked. ""Engaged and having a baby... You didn't waste any time, did you?"
"Proposing is the right action to make once you knock somebody up," Nicco chuckled, "but seriously, it was actually planned."
Y/n giggled, "Life comes at you fast, Finn. Engaged and having a baby. We wanted to share the news with you first."
"Besides it'd be a lot to handle in one evening." Niccolò grinned. "We'll make the announcement in the right time."
Finn shook his head in disbelief, "I can't believe you decided to put so much pressure on me!" He laughed. "Am I supposed to lie to Tommy and Arthur?"
"Like you haven't lied to them before." Y/n pointed out sarcastically. "They aren't going to ask you any questions."
As they headed back to join the family, Finn couldn't help but wear a mischievous grin. The rest of the Shelbys continued their celebration oblivious to the news.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
A few days later, aunt Polly paid a visit to Y/n and Niccolò, surprising the both of them. Despite the surprise, they couldn't not let her inside.
"I need to talk to Y/n," the woman said, "it's a ladies business. Be so kind, Niccolò, and find something to do for the next... half an hour."
Niccolò raised an eyebrow at the request but decided not to push it. "Alright, take your time, ladies." He grabbed his coat, a pack of cigarettes and walked outside.
Polly and Y/n settled into the living room, the air heavy with curiosity. Polly took a moment, eyeing Y/n.
"I know you're hiding something," the woman said, lighting up a cigarette, "and I wanna hear it from you. I'm giving you a chance here."
"Am I hiding anything?" Y/n tried to convinvnce Polly that she was wrong. But she knew the woman has been a little different recently.
Tommy and Michael thought she's starting to go crazy or maybe it's the alcohol that she seemed to be drinking a bit more often, but Polly knew she had been blessed. Blessed with the gift of contacting spirits, predicting certain things.
"Let's start from here. Are you keeping it?"
Y/n's eyes widened. "What are you talking about?"
"I'm not gonna tell your father if you don't want me to. I was in your shoes once. I know a place, we will go there and-"
"Yes, I'm keeping it."
Polly smiled widely. "That's wonderful. Would you like to know if it's a boy or a girl?"
"We want it to be a surprise. Besides I don't think it's safe to do... whatever magic you do on a pregnant woman."
"It's not magic, my dear. You can't read cards or tea leaves for a pregnant woman, but I just sense it's a-"
"A surprise. Please, please, please, I really don't wanna find out yet."
"Alright... and now, why didn't you tell us? Any of us?"
"Wasn't that a little bit too much in too little time?" Y/n scratched the back of her neck nervously. "Didn't wanna add to the chaos."
Y/n decided to not mention the fact that Finn actually knew about it.
Aunt Polly studied Y/n for a moment before nodding approvingly. "Well, love, you've made your bed, now you have to lie in it. But I'm not here to scold you. I just want to make sure you're ready for what's coming."
"I know it won't be easy, but I'm ready. I have a husband, almost. I have a house. We can make it."
"Remember, you also have us. Me and Ada can certainly help you with the baby. I'm sure Linda will also love this new little Shelby."
"The baby isn't going to be a Shelby... I'll go with Nicco's last name."
Polly leaned back, taking a thoughtful drag from her cigarette. "Fair enough. But remember, secrets have a way of coming out, especially in this family. And when they do, it's usually in the most dramatic way possible."
"I'll tell the rest of the family soon... can you come with me to dad and Tommy? I'm a bit scared to tell them..."
"Of course, love. There's nothing you should be afraid of, you're a grown woman. When your mother was your age, you were running barefoot in my backyard."
Y/n smiled at the comment. "Thank you, Aunt Polly. I appreciate your support."
Polly stood up, stubbing out her cigarette. She gave Y/n a hug before heading to the door. "Now, take care of yourself and that little surprise of yours. And let me know when you're ready for me to do whatever 'magic' you think I do."
As Polly left, Y/n couldn't help but be grateful for the unexpected ally in her corner. She suddenly felt much more confident.
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pinastrihaven · 27 days
Overpossessive Cooper Adams
This is Part 2
Part 1
no smut but still NSFW +18
So in my previous writing I described my idea of overpossessive Mister Cooper Adams.
I would like to add some more ideas, it might be softer this time and more practical. Because yes I'm in love with him your honor, and no my Man has done nothing wrong.
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- He trusts you with the kids. In his view you're also taking care of him while you look after them. For him it is also a way to have you only focused on him and it gives him extra time to think... Plan... And execute...
He loves how Riley somehow sees you as a role model and take exemple on you.
- Cooper loves to make you breakfast and meals. He wants you to eat healthy and have enough energy to keep up with him. He can be quite controlling there. '' You need to finish up you plate Honey, I don't want you fainting today''..
- After care. He loves to pemper you after nearly breaking you up. He will give you massages to soothe your aching body, give you a bath and some words of appreciation on top of that. "You've been doing so great love. You're a tough one."
- He goes with you to tea saloons for your own pleasure. You just love how he looks too big for the seats and out of place in the ribbon pink café. You also love to bring the kids there.
(He's a chocolate cake man, like, I just KNOW it.)
- Cooper loves to have you close to him while watching movies at home. He wants you laying against him, wrapped under his arm. He wants to know what you think about each film you watch together, especially those about crimes and murder.
He also enjoys when you watch movies or go to the cinema with the kids. It gives him the feeling of normality and conformism he needs to cover up the Butcher.
- He's always here to help. Remember he's aware of your every moves so when a problem arises, he generally appears with the perfect solution to it.
Maybe he's the cause of some of these issues, so he can be your savior, who knows 🤷🏽‍♀️?
- When you're not together, Cooper always sends few messages to know your whereabouts. Of course, he already knows where you are, and with whom, but he's always inquiring.
" Hey, how are you doing baby girl ? Do you need a ride home ?"
- Antics. Mister Adams always treats you with the most beautiful and delicate pieces of jewelry. You get comments about it almost everyday. You love wearing them as they remind you of him.
You don't need to know where they come from...
- Silent orders.
Cooper taught you well to become his little shadow. He doesn't even need to say where you should stand or sit near him. He would give you orders with really subtle hand signs or eye cues and it fills you with joy to oblige.
Because of his OCD you know where each little thing should be placed or in what order you should realise some tasks.
- Ultimately, Cooper wants to have you for himself. He needs you by his side and sight. It gives him a sense of control and security. He wants you tucked into his arms at night and sometimes even put a chain to you feet, linked to the bed, even tough you assure him you're not going anywhere.
'' I just need to make sure you're near me. Guess you'll have to wait tomorrow morning to relief yourself Sweat heart. ''
- Bonus: kisses.
He's a great kisser.
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
Hazzah! Requests are open!
Could I please request headcanons for Poseidon, Hades, Qin Shi Huang, Jack, Thor and Beelzebub (Seprate) with an s/o who hates everyone but has a soft spot for them? (Romantic)
S/O hates everyone except for their boyfriend
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Hades, Qin, Jack, Thor, Beelzebub ]
[ Records of Ragnarok / Shuumatsu no Valkyrie ]
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This was so funny to think of 😆 it made me remember a meme i see long ago and a cannot stop laughing
I don't write for Poseidon but I gladly write for the others, I hope you like it!
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Hades is a really caring and loyal lover, your well-being become one of his prioritys, and seeing you so angry at others makes him worried at first
He will ask you about it, if there is a reason of why you hate people so much (like you had some bad experiences or people treating you badly) he wants to know to be able to help you
But if there is no reason and is just the way you are then he just let you be and stop worring too much, also he won't tell you that is bad or something, he fell in love with you for yourself after all, you don't have to change if you don't want to
If you really don't like people then you don't have much to worry about since in the underworld there is not much people neither in the palace, just the servants and guards and they always treat you with respect (even Hades makes sure of it, he won't tolerate any offence to your person)
Hades will actually notice your soft spot for him, he is pretty observant so it won't be difficult for him to find it out, and this make him feel loved and probably will tease you for it once in a while. Also he will take advantage of this but just to make sure you don't cause get in troubles
With time he just get used to your behavior towards others and start to find it rather funny (especially when you ended up fighting with Zeus, is like watching two kids fighting for something silly)
If you want to complain about someone he is always up to heard you out (and is actually a big contrast seeing you complaining angrily about some idiots while Hades look at you with so much love)
If you have a sharp tongue and tend to insult people he won't like this too much, he will try and make you stop doing it (or at least not too much), not like he force you to be polite to everyone but at least not insult others out of nowhere (but if that person was bothering you in purpose then you have his permission to say whatever you want against that person)
Also he wil never force you to hang out with others unless is extremely necesary, other way you can just stay with those you feel more comfortable with and he is happy to spend all the time he can by your side
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Qin Shi Huang
Since the first moment he notice your attitude against the rest of the world he find it rather funny, specially if you don't have problem with showing it. If you actually show that attitude against him too when meeting him then you have his complete attention, no one dares to think to act like that against the emperor, is have been a long time since someone treat him like that but he doesn't mind
He doesn't mind at all your hate for everyone, is just the way you are and he loves you. Also, he isn't worried about you hating him, he is confident that you love him as much as he loves you!
He wont notice your soft spot for him at first, it would take a while but he little by little will be noticing the suble signs you give of your softness for him, how you seem more relaxed, how your smiles aren't ones of rebellious but of sweetness or how you even express love and happiness instead of hate, all of that make him feel super proud of himself (and his relasionship with you), and he will one day just bring it out of the blue to the conversation while hanging out with you, you can denied or accept it right away, either way he already found out and you can't stop him from teasing the hell of you for it, and neither stop him from showing off this fact to the rest of the world (he is just full of pride and love for you that he can't help it, and he had never been the shy type)
After a while he will ask you about your hate for others, most out of curiosity than anything else, if you say that it is for just because that is the way you are then he will laugh at it (he isn't too satisfied for the answer but it just let it be), but if there is a reason then he will want to know more about it, and will insist on having to know (if there is someone to blame he will want to take care of it)
Whenever you complain about someone or something he hears you paying close attention and he even get carried away with the conversation, he is always making comments but they are never are to scold you or saying that you should stop, they are more like dramatic reactions or things he say like "they were really an idiot" or even "it sounds like they deserved it"
He won't tolerate any kind of offense against you, and he doesn't like whenever you end in troubles neither in physical fights, but he is a fair leader so before making any judgment he prefer to hear the story and how you ended in that situation, if you actually was the one who cause the trouble then you will get a punishment, nothing too serious though (but that doesn't mean he didn't feel bad about it)
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Jack the Ripper
Jack will notice inmediatly the feeling you hold against everyone else since the first moment he met you thanks to his ability to see the colors of the people. He was intrigued and curious the first time he sees you so he decided to watch you for a while before finally approaching to you
He isn't strange to those feelings and neither to when those feelings go against him, so he didn't mind when you greet him no so kindly when you first met him
Again, thanks to his ability he will notice inmediatly when you start changing with him, he notice how your colors start changing every time you hang out together (even before you two start dating), how those colors little by little change from ones of hate to ones of happines and even love. The first time he notice it he was truly surprised but that quickly transforms into happiness
Jack enjoys every moment he spends with you, doesn't matter if is a romantic date or just hearing you complain about other people (over tea, of course), he loves even those moments, he loves seeing all your expresions and colors
He actually doesn't mind hearing you complain about others, he find it quite funny (and he will never turn down an opportunity to pass time with you) and he just interrupt you to ask for more details or with a soft laugh
Also he will never force you to act kindly or polite with others, if you don't want to you don't have to, you can just relay on him for that kind of things (he is a gentelman after all), and if you ever get in troubles for you attitude he will always help you get away with it and ask you to be more careful next time
If you ever tell him that you hate him (obviously joking) he knows you didn't mean it, and sometimes he playfuly fight back saying that you love him more than you like to admit, even so, deep down in his heart he doesn't like the idea of you actually hating him, he won't force you to love him but he will hate for you to look at him with all that hate again
Jack is actually pretty curious about the reason behind all your hate but he will try to find out by his own, in case he didn't get the conclusion he wants then he will ask you about it (but he do it so casually, like is nothing) if you don't have a reason and is just the way you are then he will just let it be (but he isn't fully satisfied with that answer), but if there is a reason why he will get more serious and ask you about it (in a gently manner of course, and he is ready to comfort you if you need it), and if there is someone to blame for it then he will makes sure to take care of the bastard it (even if you say that you don't mind it anymore)
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Thor doesn't care for anyone opinion of him or your relasionship (unless it upset you), the only thing that is important for him is that he loves you and you love him
He doesn't like to hear people talking bad about you either, he isn't someone who recurre to violence to solve things but he is intimidating and that is enough to no one wanting to mess with him so whenever he is around no one says anything
He doesn't get why you hate people so much, it could be because they have been treated you badly or maybe someone specifically made something really bad to you? If that is the case he has no problem to take care of the problem, you just have to ask
If you say that you don't know or just there is no reason then he will let it be but it still confuses him
When you express that you hate everyone he will ask you if you hate him too, the first times he was truly worried but soon it just become a joke between you two. If you answer that you hate him (joking of course) he will laugh softly and tell you that he knows that you don't hate him (and then it become a playful fight of you hating him or not)
He didn't even notice your soft spot for him at first, it was the others who notice how you seem more relaxed or how you express less anger whenever Thor is with you, and it would have to be them (or even you) who tell him this. At first he didn't believed it, but he will watch your behaivor more carefuly for a while and that is when he notice it (people better don't even think on taking advantage of this or else that idiot person will have to deal with a furious Thor)
You are free to complain about the idiots all you want he will hear all you have to say, he may seem like he isn't paying attention but he actually is, is just that he isn't the talktive type but he even ask you a few things here and there. But remember to make sure to tell him that he didn't have to "take care of the problem" or else that person will have to deal with him (just a threaten, unless he sees you more angry/upset than normal becouse then it will be more than just words)
If you used to get violent or in more physical fights he will offer you to try other ways to let out that anger and energy (maybe you two can train together) he just doesn't want you to get un trouble or, even worst, injured
Also, he probably will try to keep away Loki of you, we know how he is, he will happyly try and taste your limits
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He can actually understand you, he doesn't like other people either, everyone fear him or sees him with disgust and he prefers to be alone
He doesn't mind you hating him at first, it wasn't new (he even hates himself), what was a surprise is that you two ended up dating, he was scare to get close to someone again but now that he is with you he is really happy for it
Again, he doesn't mind at all that you hate the rest of the world but he sometimes wonder if in reallity you hate him too, but he doesn't dare to ask you, he is afraid of the answer. He is used to be hated for everyone but since you became really important to him he doesn't know if he would stand you hating him (even if he feel like he deserve it)
You can complain all you want with him about all the other people and how idiotic they can be, it may seems like he isn't paying attention but he actually is (he find it quite funny and sometimes you can even get a soft laugh from him)
He gets quite protective over you (specially for his curse) so if there is someone who actually do something against you or makes you more angry than normal he will take care of it (he is a scientist and have quite dangerous creatures at his disposal that he doesn't mind using)
He notice pretty early your soft spot for him, at first it was just you getting more comfortable with him and when he notice he just tried to brush it off, saying to himself that he was just imagining things, but the more time it pass the more you show that you don't hate him (and actually like him) so he couldn't deny it much longer
Still, it would take some time for him to fully accept it, mostly because he doesn't think he deserve it, not after all the things he had done, but at the end he will accept it
The fact that you like him already make him feel flattered, but knowing that you hate everyone and still you warm up to him and love him makes him feel so special and loved
Everytime he notice hints of your soft spot for him (like when you were noticeably angry at someone but just by being by his side you start to relax) his heart skip a beat, and gets shy and a little embarased
He isn't too interested in the reason why you hate people so much but if you want to share it with him he will heard you (if there is someone to blame about this he probably will put and end to their life)
For being with Beelzebub you probably will meet Hades and Adamas too, if you seems to hate them he won't mind too much and will explain to them that you are like this with everyone at first, with time he hopes that you will warm up with them (at least with Hades)
Knowing Adamas attitude you two probably will have a lot of fights, Beelzebub doesn't like this but he won't stop you (unless it get physical and you end hurt) and most of the time he isn't even present, this situation is too loud for his liking
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aliceattheart · 8 months
So I was thinking Alastor has Human!S/O who he claimed and brought down to Hell still alive. And even though no one really messes with them because they belong to the Radio Demon, Alastor is tired of the stares so he shrinks his s/o so that he's the only one who can see them.
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Yandere Alastor x S/O
No one has the right to look at you but me
Heyyy, Alice here
I haven't ever thought of any storyline like this! I'll try my hardest. Also not really biblically accurate to the series story. Out of character Alastor.
Also story has dark themes if you click the read more you consent to the content you are reading 🙏🏾
Thxs for reading:D
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Alastor was quite particular when it came to answering summonings. Unfortunately for you he answered. Your luscious big doe eyes captured him when he meet you. Eager to make a deal with you.
All you asked for was help with financial issues. Not having the money to keep yourself a float. Your head bobbing in and out for a fresh breath of air. An easy target he thought.
"S/o in trade for this deal, I want part of your wonderous lifespan. A simple request honestly." He chuckled lightly. And by the sounds coming from around him, sounded like an old rerun laugh. "No money problems and you have quite a lot of life left in your sinful body. What do you say, hmm?" The energy behind his words sounded so sickly sweet, but there was something more sinister behind those eye.
Having nothing else to live for. Without really looking at your contract, you signed your first and last name at the bottom of the contract. Alastor grabbed your hand and pressed his sharp finger into your thumb. Blood started to leak over the document.
That was the greatest mistake of your life.
You don't remember how long you've been here. Has it been months or years? You couldn't tell, all there was in the sky was a red gleaming light.
After your little deal, Alastor dragged you straight down to hell. Not by choice of course, solemnly remembering your first day in hell. Alastor made a big scene to ensure everyone knew you were his favorite marionette. "So leave them be, or you'll find out what it's like to die a second time."
Quite frankly to everyone else you seemed like a little hostage he keeps around for his entertainment. Making you run hard errands in the sweltering heat. Also adorning you many maid/servant outfits.
"Why don't you look ravenous." Some lousy scum bag said to you. He must be new down here. Feeling bad you only gave him a warning to run away from you. "Sir, I don't mean to sound rude or anything but I kid you not don't talk to me." "Why not sug, you can't be stuck up after death too."
"Pleading with a stranger S/O? I thought I've taught you better than that. And you're late." You froze instantly hearing your master's voice. "I apologize, I was on my way-." He cut you off to steal a glance at the sinner that dared to talk to you. Giving him a mischievous grin.
"I'll give you a whole minute to run, after that I'll let my hunting dogs come after you." He said with a sing song voice. Snapping his fingers a furious black dog appeared out of a demon circle. It has three sharp fanged heads. A tall broad figure with long snouts.The perfect hunting dog, Alastor managed to make. His favorite beast in his collection of horrors.
Turning to look at you. "S/O my dear, please head home. We have a serious conversation to be held." He whisked you off without a second thought. Scared not to follow his orders. You slowly turned away from the scene Alastor was putting on.
Starting up his radio broadcasting. A dark ominous energy surrounding the area.
"Ladies, gentlemen and variations thereupon, care to witness a spectacular event. A poor unfortunate soul meeting his second maker." His minute was far gone, yet he was still insight. The dogs speared not a second when Alastor said, "Fetch."
The carnage was immense. His yells, screams for help went unheard by the people spectating. Some laughing maniacally glad that it was him and not them. After the dogs were finished all that remains is his chewed up bones.
"Thank you for you time, I bid you adieu." Everyone started to clap and praise him. Remembering what happened to the last guy that didn't.
It wasn't long before he would return. Following your usual schedule you set the large dining table with varieties of heavy meat dishes and perfect sides to combat each other. While cooking you were going heavy on the seasonings. Not knowing what he wanted tonight, having not told you when he sent you off.
Your stomach growled. You put your plate up earlier. Alastor had special rules you had to follow. One being not to eat at the table with him and to stay by his side until he was finished. Quite frankly it was unfair. Even sometimes taking his precious time to finish eating.
2 rules you unfortunately managed to break was being late and talking to others he did not promit you to. Boy you were going to be in a world of pain. Your master has a cruel streak regardless of the events that have taken place.
Looking out of the window at the Red Maple trees he made you take care of with your life. Spacing out and thinking of the time he burned his name into your soul. You couldn't properly function for weeks. Not able to move or eat properly. That was your personal hell. He told you it was a part of the contract but you honestly don't know.
The chime of the door opening was your que to get scared. Speed walking to the door to gracefully take his coat off his shoulders. Slightly trembling with every movement, not making eye contact. You could smell the blood redating off of him. Gently putting his coat on the dark burgundy coat hanger. Fidgety with the thought of your punisher being centimeter away from you.
"S/o, won't you look at me?" He said so sweetly and placing a hand on your cheek to lift your face up to meet his. It was only an act of kindness, you know that. You just couldn't help yourself, by rubbing your face into his palm. "You know I wouldn't want to hurt you but you leave me no choice. I can't have rule breakers living with me, can I?" The slightest sound of radio static entering your full soundings. "I don't like how disobedient you have been in the resent weeks. I think I should put you down a few sizes for your transgressions. What do you think?"
Making everything he says a rhetorical question. Leaving very little room to speak. It only took him a few seconds of him chanting something you couldn't understand. With a snap of his fingers you were closer to the ground than you ever where before. You could compare yourself to a doll. Picking you up, Alastor took you to his private study. He always had a big doll house in there. It was for you.
"You will sit in here and isolate yourself until you understand that no one has the right to even look at you but me. It is your fault for not following the rules." Opening the top of the doll house in dropping you inside. "Goodnight my Angel." As he closed the top of the roof, leaving you in udderly complete darkness.
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Heyyyy, Alice here
I wanted to make this a bit longer than usual. Thanks for reading xD
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Tips from an autistic teacher about communicating with education professionals
So, some context: I taught Primary for 1 year, and had lots of interactions with parents with all kinds of concerns about their kids. I also remember being in high school and college/university and being too nervous to approach my teachers/tutors with any problems I had until the situation was dire.
For those who don't work in education, I can appreciate how needing to speak to your child's teacher about something can be intimidating, especially if your and/or your child are neurodivergent. And if you are a student, it can be equally as scary.
It's true many teachers are overworked and underpaid, but the vast VAST majority would move heaven and earth to help you. However, there are lots of things you can do to help them to help you, so here are my top tips.
Tell them ASAP if there is a problem - alerting the teacher to a problem or concern as soon as it arises gives them the chance to nip it in the bud before it becomes a big deal. If there is a bullying concern or something you don't understand, they would much rather you told them straight away so they can do something about it than have you or your child suffering in silence for weeks or months. We are generally an observant bunch and are looking out for issues, but some things do fly under the radar. Even if it's not something they can do anything about straight away - like if you think your child is showing signs of autism or adhd but they mask heavily at school - they can bear this in mind and pass it onto other relevant members of staff so it is 'flagged' up for the future.
If your issue is complicated, be sure to put it in writing - chances are you have access to a messaging service or at least an email address. Even if you have raised your concern with the teacher face to face, having it in writing is helpful for both parties. It provides a record that the issue has been raised and passed along as appropriate, and it helps remind the teacher about what has been discussed so they don't end up forgetting about it among the million other things they have to do.
Be specific - it may seem obvious, but there is no point in having a casual chat and then throwing in a bombshell at the end. Make sure to give as much relevant detail as you can about what your issue is, and if you want to raise multiple concerns then it is doubly beneficial to put them in writing.
Think about what your desired outcome is and come with a proposed solution - this is a psychological thing, apparently, but people are more likely to be sympathetic to your concerns if you can demonstrate you have thought about how you would like it resolved. If you want your child put forward for an autism assessment, make sure you actually say this. If you know you are going to be late handing in an assignment but can give your teacher an alternative date you will hand it in, tell them this. I can't guarantee they will always be able to fulfil it, but knowing what you would like to change or happen makes it much easier to sort things out rather than just guessing.
IF THERE'S SOMETHING GOING ON OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL THAT'S HAVING A NEGATIVE IMPACT, TELL THEM!!! - I CANNOT stress this enough, especially when it comes to little ones or neurodivergent children who may have limited means of both communication and emotional regulation. Being hungry, tired, stressed etc can have an enormous impact on behaviour/ability to learn. Even a simple message or email giving the heads up your child has had a poor night's sleep because the house flooded or whatever and might be a bit grumpy that day can be a huge help to the teacher, who as a result of having this information will be in a better position to be patient with a child who is struggling. For bigger life changes such as divorce, birth of a new sibling etc, this is even more important so that your child's teacher and the school can, if necessary, put measures in place to support your child through this transition. Communication really is key.
Remember to be kind and considerate - teachers are humans and make mistakes like everyone else. Equally, there are many circumstances they have to deal with that are totally out of their control and frustrate them just as much as they do you. As I said at the beginning, the vast majority want to help you and/or your child in any way they can, and being kind can make what is a very stressful job just that little bit less.
So, there you have it! I hope these tips gave you an idea for how to communicate with teachers effectively.
Oh, here's 1 more bonus tip - if you have anything to ask that is more than just a quick question, be sure to schedule a meeting with the teacher to ensure they can devote enough time to deal with your issue. Catching them at the beginning or end of the school day generally isn't a good idea as they're very chaotic times and they likely have other meetings/appointments/deadlines they will be thinking about.
Your support is much appreciated xx
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lilith-little-world · 2 years
I Saw You Once In a Dream, Maybe|| Pt. 2
I should really look over these and edit them. Oh well, should be making a masterlists soon. I wonder if I should start making short Macaque x Reader oneshots. Oh, I can imagine the angsts already.
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The sun was high in the sky, clouds giving shade to the people down below. You hum feeling the sunlight kissing your face. A soft warmth fills you.
The walk was long, but you didn't mind a bit. Enjoying seeing the shops and restaurants. The aroma of spice wafts in the air, making your stomach ache. Having to skip breakfast, to make it on time for meeting the client. Working as a professional photographer, today you're going to a restaurant to have their yearly photoshoot. Using the images to promote their business on their site.
The small restaurant came into view. The neon sign of a pig, shining brightly. You picked up the pace, dragging the large transport case.
The shop was empty, only having an employee and what you assumed to be a customer.
“Good afternoon, is Pigsy here?”
The employee paused from mopping and faced you.
“Oh right, Pigsy said that a photographer is coming by today. He’ll be coming soon, so he went to a last-minute grocery shop at the market to get the freshest produce for the shoot.” The brunette employee said.
“Ah okay, I don't mind waiting for a few minutes. Can I at least start setting things up?” You point at the corner table.
“It's no problem! Do you need any help? That seems pretty heavy.”
“Sure why not, and yeah but the wheels make it easy to drag around.”
The employee grabs the handle and leads it to the corner area. You place the duffle bag that was around your shoulders on the table. Taking the camera and lens out, putting them together.
“Mk, right?” You ask.
“Yup! Um, sorry I never really got to learn your name.” He laughs nervously.
“Oh, it's fine, not like I come by a lot. I know, I should since the noodles here are good. Did anything change? Was there any renovation or expansion done?”
“Nah, maybe a new paint job and stools. Other than that, this place stayed the same.”
“I can see, the red cushion stools are a nice touch. The beige looks nice too. What about the food? Did Pigsy add any more dishes to the menu?”
“Maybe a bowl or a side dish or two. I can't really remember.”
“One new soup and 3 side dishes. It was delicious as expected.”
You both face the customer. He was eating a bowl of noodles.
“Of course, you would know, Tang. I would be surprised if you didn't.” Mk says unenthusiastically.
“I'm guessing, he's a regular.” You ask.
“A regular?! I'm more than that. I'm a loyal frequent customer, basically a BIG part of this family.” Tang says dramatically. Mk raises an eyebrow.
“I'm so sorry, didn't mean to take that long.”
An out-of-breath Pigsy comes into the restaurant. He was carrying a few bags of fresh vegetables.
“Oh, don't worry about it. These two were keeping me company.”
“I hope so, if not I would have to ban that freeloader.” He points at a mid-eating Tang. “-and find a new delivery boy.” He said pointing at a shocked Mk.
You laugh seeing the two expressions.
“Now kid, wash your hands and help me prep. We can't waste any more time.”
You took pictures of the restaurant from the outside and inside. Getting a good view of the establishment. It wasn't long until Pigsy made the new dishes.
“Wow, that smells amazing!” You said.
“Hope so, I wouldn't want to make something that drives away customers.”
You took a few pictures of each bowl and plate.
“Here, try some, it's on the house.”
“Wait- why can she get free noodles?!” Tang whines loudly.
“Cause unlike you, she worked for those noodles. It's hard getting a good photographer that charges fairly.” He waves a wooden spoon around.
‘It wouldn't hurt to try some, after all, you didn't eat breakfast and it has been a long past lunch.’
“Thank you, Pigsy. You're very generous.”
You took the chopsticks that were on the side and took a bite. It was savory but sweet.
“So how is it?” Pigsy asks.
“Really good, it makes not eating breakfast and lunch worth it.”
“That's a nasty habit to have. You need to at least eat breakfast, even if it's a small meal. Come by here and I'll give ya something, half off.”
“Now that's not fair! I have been here longer!”
You straighten up, staring at the pig demon. His offer was tempting and the food was good.
“You know what? Sure, I need a good reason to wake up early. Work was just not cutting it anymore.” You took another bite out of some meat.
The pig demon was going to ask more about your statement but Mk quickly left the restaurant and caught everyone's attention.
“Pigsy, need to go see you tomorrow, byyyyye!” Mk said, leaving a cloud of dust.
“That kid! He still needs to deliver noodles!”
“May I ask where he's heading?”
“He's just going to train with the Monkey King.” Tang says boredly.
“I swear, that kid forgets he has a life other than this mystic monkey business.” Pigsy mumbles.
‘Wait what?’
You had heard the rumors but never really cared or believed them. Too busy dealing with clients and taking trips to photograph certain scenery. There was an urge to ask for more information or follow Mk. Yet you decided to stay in your seat and eat the bowl of noodles. This was for the best.
“So he's actually real?”
You wanted to slap yourself so hard. What happened to just finishing eating the noodles?
“Yeah, and the kid has been attached to his hip ever since meeting him.” Pigsy sighs, like a worried father.
“Have you met him?”
“Yes, but he seemed very closed off.” Tang says.
“Doesn't matter too much, since he does care about the kid. As long as he doesn't push him too hard, I don't mind Mk leaving early.”
“Awww, you sounded like a father. Guess you do have a soft spot.”
It's been a few years since you knew Pigsy. Your impression of him has always been rough around the edges but a passionate chef.
Tang laughs loudly as Pigsy's face turns red from embarrassment.
“Him? Oh please, anyone who comes close to being Mk’s father figure is me!” Tang said proudly.
While the pig demon rolls his eyes.
“Pigsy, watch out he's coming for your title.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“You mean, he's coming after my title.”
The day went by with constant banter. It had been a while since you enjoyed someone's company that wasn't family. However, every good thing comes to an end. The sun was setting fairly fast and you had to leave for home. Saying goodbye, you left.
It was now that you realized that taking the walk to the restaurant was a bad idea. Especially when carrying expensive equipment. Luckily you made it back home before the sun had set.
Once again the house was dark. The only light coming from the closed curtains. You sigh and head to your room. Not even trying to put away the equipment. You don't know why but whenever you get home. It somehow sucks the energy out of you. The house always reminds you of something in your life that is missing. Your eyes land on the bag you bought yesterday.
You look through the stuff and pull out the small stuffed toy.
“So you're real, huh?”
Something in you squirms, as an emotion, you had long forgotten about resurfacing. It was warm and soft. You couldn’t pinpoint what the feeling was so you enjoyed it while it lasted.
The toy sits on top of your pillow as you lay on the bed. You know it is strange, but the toy somehow brought you comfort. So much that you drift off to sleep peacefully.
This time, you didn't feel lonely in the house.
The asks are open for requests or questions. Now I need to sleep since it's already morning. Gonna need time to see if I should make Macaque x Reader oneshots, I kind of have my hands full with, “The Isekai’d Oracle” story.
Macaque: You should definitely start writing oneshot, people like me more.
Me: Go back to the room or go to the time out corner with Wukong.
Macaque: You know, I'm your favorite~
Me: Nope it's Red Son.
Red Son: Don't you dare, drag me into this mess.
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rweoutofthewoods · 6 days
Hi! I don't know if it's inappropriate to ask, but what makes an age gap relationship acceptable?
I'm not asking in an judgmental way, it's just that I've always preferred people older than me but I can't see myself liking someone younger than me
I'm just wondering about the morality of it, because sometimes I find it unethical when it's other people, but when it's me, I don't see the problem (like the power imbalance)
Hi! So I’ve decided to say my piece. But also this is my personal opinion I’ve settled on. But I’ve obviously considered these things a lot, so here’s what I think:
An age gap be very unethical and unhealthy just like it can be very healthy and happy. The determinator of this to me is really a few important things:
1. All parties are OF AGE. Big thing, if you’re a minor with someone who’s an adult much older than you… even if you’re eighteen or nineteen… be careful, I’m not encouraging or condoning that. like i remember how absolutely fucking naive and stupid I was at that age, your brain is still growing and developing so much and I implore caution. That’s why that’s a big theme in Tennessee Baby, showing that while it’s legal, reg is still a kid and very naive and teenagerish and that brings a lot of problems.
2. Following the first point, it’s not predatory. and also the power imbalance thing goes with this, if there’s a power imbalance in your relationship that can lead to dangerous territory. There needs to be equal respect, understanding and communication. You need to feel there’s trust to bring up anything and that you’re your own person. YOU NEED TO BE EQUALS!! Biggest point, main point I can’t stress enough.
3. If the main thing that is being fixated on in your relationship is the age gap, then that’s a red flag in my opinion. Like if the main dynamic IS that there’s an age gap… and that’s the core of your relationship or what you both like about it at the top of the list? Maybe not a great sign.
Like speaking personally, it’s something that comes up as a joke sometimes, but it’s not what drew me in, it’s not what I like about my relationship, it’s not something I think much about most of the time. In mine, we were friends first for a good chunk of time and knew each other very well and had a really strong connection. Also I’d like to point out I’m an independent full grown adult, even though I’m younger, I’m still fully grown, have a job and a bachelors degree and everything. And those kinds of things are important to consider, where you are in your lives and if that difference might affect a relationship.
A power imbalance IS a problem but an age gap doesn’t always automatically mean there is one.
So really, the thing is it isn’t black and white and there’s a lot of variables that go into making it healthy vs. unhealthy. But those are some of the things I think are important. Like after not thinking first before joking the other day, I just feel the need to be super clear. It’s not something to aspire to, idolize or romanticize. I personally just happened to fall in love with someone older and I thought it was silly to joke about that it was something you could probably see hidden in my works, just like a lot of parts of me end up in my writing. But also, you can see I have always examined the issues and morality of it too and where it can go wrong and right. So I wouldn’t want anyone to interpret me outing my own relationship as something it isn’t.
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theinsanecrayonbox · 1 month
FOP: A New wish e31-36
short bought here huh? that's what we get for a finale i guess. it's so weird having a whole season air in LESS THAN 2 YEARS. ahem, sorry about that ^^; lets get this party started (during a tornado watch!)...and finished a day later because i lost power with LITTERALLY 3 min left of the last episode
Episode 31: Hazel Wells and the Multiverse of Jenkins
is the title a reference? i mean aside from multiverse shenanigans, because holy wow multiverse shenanigans??? i am excite! can i get a cameo?? (please note; this is a joke, i don't seriously think i'm cool enough to be on the creative team's radar*)
wait title cardTHAT is Jenkins?? the beanpole kid with the glasses?? i remember him from the zombie episode
haha Dev's causing trouble because he can, i'm betting Jenkins doesn't have a crush on Hazel at all...and maybe Dev told him the inverse so that's why he's gonna be after her
oh Father Time, because a do-over...like Deja-Vu...eh they're keeping consistent within itself, so i can't complain *glares at s9* hehe the clock poof said "wibbly wobbly"
so many time loops. Hazel is such a disaster girl lol. but those who don't eat the cereal, even the mystical, are affected by the loop, very interesting.
we keep mentioning the daylights savings (which is back an hour, so it's fall season??? what time is it????) at the start of each loop, so i'm sure that'll be a big deal
aww sweet in one loop the hijab girl gets a crush on Hazel
her middle name is Antoinette?
heh everything in the hallway was a metaphor for Hazel's problems. but she learns her lesson with minimal magic. and ha i called it, Dev made it up to annoy her.
so...it wasn't really a multiverse thing, more a time loop.
ah, well, still a good cute short story. we need fun light and easy too. good job.
Episode 32: Growing Pains
synopsis sounds like a standard aging up plot. lets do it
hi big brother. and yay Hazel's love of horror movies returns!
hey a canon teen Hazel, that saves me time. but lol "your neck is longer" way to call out the stylization lol
hey is that Dinkleberg as the theater cashier???? also Chinfinity War poster
but teenager shenanigans montage. ok cool. more punk goth girls, this time it's Hazel. huh
pasta puberty? o...kay...it's fairy puberty...o....kay...you guys never put any other godkid who wished up their ages through this
heh pads. this show is great
and her pasta pits are working like octo-legs. why does FOP have so many Spiderman connections/themes/allusions???
dawwww such a sweet comforting, realistic talk with her parent
and a gross button to end on. eh, not so bad.
this was another fun light episode. again, minimal magic to fix it, main character learns a growing up life lesson. good stuff.
Episode 33: Fairy for a Day
synopsis sounds like the episode where Tim wishes to be Cosmo and Wanda's fairy godparent who's title i can't seem to find right now...
old Jorgen design!! and Fairy Con??? but Cosmo Con said it was held every millennium...or was that only because of how long Binky was spinning?
i would want that shirt, not gonna lie
ah she's not being an actual fairy, she's cosplaying to sneak into a con. mkay
wow, we're actually bringing up magical backup...and death memorials...what are you show? (that third one isn't me right O.o no...that doesn't look like how i've ever drawn me, but the 8s....)
Hazel don't you know never to sign contracts with the fae?? now she's a real fairy...with starry glitter hair...huh *makes superverse notes* and kids can't wish to be fairies? uh yeah they have; is that another rule Tim had made?
Anti-Hazel???? cool! why she has a backwards name though, that was unique to Peri and Irep...but i guess since they were the first *new* fairies in a bazillion years, maybe the backwards names is what the newer gen of anti-fairies is doing.
i don't have much commentary on the magic battle to get the paper back, it's pretty ok. and everything is fixed and reset to one by the end. it's a fun magical romp, good one.
Episode 34: Stuck in my Head
synopsis sounds almost like parts of Imaginary Gary???
oh Hazel, it is just a silly internet quiz, don't sweat it ^^;
ok he inner mind is a museum. both works to info dump which is eth goal, but also since she's such a bookworm and organized, it also fits-
SHE WANTS TO CREATE A COMICBOOK SERIES????? and she writes poetry? Hazel, baby girl, i love you sweet child
why was Vizolia (sp?) here?
can't wish away Hazel's mindworm huh? can't remove her negativity huh? despite...having done that before with Tim in Emotion Commotion (not that it ended well sure, but still), or Vicky Looses Her Icky, or even earlier this season with Jasmine's fears in Fearless (though i guess it just manifested the fears she still had them)
but hey, defeating it with the power of positive thinking as taught by her mom, that's a good lesson to teach. good story.
Episode 35: Mind the Gap
oh boy Tooth returns. how's her design going to be wildly different like most of returning characters...
hey follow up on Patty Possum...well sort of, we got distracted lol
oh look, Tooth has no design change. weird since we changed everyone else that's reappeared
talking teeth...ok...who speak in teeth puns
haha the line! "How'd you do X-thing? "Uh...internet?" lol i love it, 10/10 A+
ah i think i see where this is going, Toothica, being an artificial tooth is just totally fake in all her actions/words
that joke wasn't funny...especially with the pause for laughter part...maybe that was the joke?
the logistics on how a tooth sets a mouth up as a rave and invite other teeth is...dumb to unravel. so let's just marvel that the colosseum setup in Fairy World still exists
of course the bad guy outs themself and the day is saved and we reset to one. it was an ok episode.
Episode 36: The Battle of Big Wand
a double (30 min) length episode for a finale huh? and the title does sound fitting for such an event. 1 millionth wish huh/ sounds almost like something muffin worthy....which yeah, why are there so many ways to get a rule free wish when they are so no-no?? (it's almost like fae rules make no sense lol)
heh they're padding her wish count to get her to hit the goal
new math thinking meme screencap please
heh 39-40 times, because it's episode 36
oooo evil-fied Fairy World looks cool
wait, did Dev take everything over OFF SCREEN?? please tell me they'll show us how as the ep progresses via flashback, because that's some really big development to do OFF SCREEN (*grumbles about Marvel*)
ok we are getting a montage explanation...sort of. i feel like Dev taking over ad teaming up with Irep could've been an episode in itself.
Dev misnamed Wanda Pam. funny...and kinda close to Pan, which i named Blonda "Panda" after Cosmo's datebook misnaming Wanda that in Dog's Day Out...hm....
oh he's evil gloating to the world. welp, you just revealed Fairies and magic to the world at large (heh Crocker cameo, also AJ), so if he wasn't in control of the Big Wand i'm sure he'd be loosing Peri and mind wiping right about now. Dev why you slide back so hard into antagonist? you were doing so well! another episode would've helped flesh that slide, just saying
hey Patty and not-Timmy too
heh Dale just praising Dev because he's the new overlord
oh we brought up magical backup because Peri is dying. wow
Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda!
Pet Cemetery joke??? O.o Show! i love you so much
pffft thank you! everyone DID notice the magical stuff and just didn't bother pointing it out. but they did think it was weird.
gotta make some calls for backup at the commercial break huh? you gonna call in the previous wishes? or are we gonna get Timmy...
oh back to the evil lair, guess we'll find out when they attack
see Dev isn't evil and wanted world domination, he just wanted to be noticed and validated, like always. Dale wanting world domination follows
ah yeah she called in all the wishes
Anti-Fairies should love broccoli, why is that a bad thing?
dawww Peri telling Dev he loves him, Dev gives the key. he is really a good kid, just like i've been saying he doesn't know what he wants so he can't be pleased. and Cosmo even said it! dawwww
magical backup was never that fast acting before...is it sped up because the Big Wand is off so there's no syphoning to help mitigate?
so...was restoring Fairy World her rule-free wish? since it was the next wish granted?
dawwww Dev willing to take responsibility and punishment. but he is mind wiped
oh no it wasn't the next wish was auto rule-free, you have to state you're using it. and it's to let her friends remember magic...huh, that could be an interesting dynamic for a s2, the only time we've had others remember magic were when they were antagonists (Remy) or co-protagonist (Chloe). plus, with Dev mind wiped, the chance for that to get undone is also looming. so we got plot threads we can follow up on
and yes Peri, a fart joke...i do hope for a s2 too because this series was actually very fun!
i think towards the start i said this was sort of a do-over for what they tried for Chloe, and to a degree...yeah still is. you can see the shared elements, but by removing Hazel from Timmy, it made it work so much better. as i say, i actually loved Chloe but she was a huge well of missed potential, and Hazel seems to have learned from that and made it work.
i am quite ok with New Wish being the prime timeline continuation, and i hope it continues to thrive...for at least another season (we don't wanna ram it into the ground repeatedly like we did the original series after all)
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carronyaflowers · 11 months
those people are setting themselves to disappointment because red bull would never sign with him 😭 even tho i think charles is not renewing with ferrari i don't think he will go to rbr😕
ooh i have mixed feelings about this actually because i enjoy so much of these different narratives and is also delulu:
Charles' martyrdom with ferrari. Boy bleeds red and there's also the fact that ever since he was a child (or so he says for PR benefit) it was always the red car for him, and of course there was the connection with jules and his papa, and how overall, ferrari seems like such an important part of his life, and despite all these hardships and downfalls, there's just something so compelling about a mouse staying in a big red car carrying all its history and legacy. And despite it being too big for him, the mouse also became much bigger than it. IDK there's just such a feeling of being meant to be in them.
But also, I need him to leave that failteam so much. He's being wasted there. They're supposed to be this big glorious team but I haven't seen that team anywhere these past years. They're so unserious the collective of chirlies (gn) in tumblr and twitter could probably handle that team better.
So if he's to leave, where would he go? Right now, there's four big teams that'd be (or potentially be good enough) to fight for wins, for championships. But honestly, ferrari as we see is not there, I think mclaren could be there but not yet, so that leaves us with merc and rb.
In theory, should lewis suddenly retire, charles could go there
So yeah, this point really goes to me being delulu. But also consider that Charles is argued to be one of the few drivers that could actually keep up with Max and that's with a shitbox (and this was also referenced from interviews with Max himself, Christian and even Helmut ) (i'm sorry that i won't be able to provide vids but trust on my delulu mind that there's references to that somewhere i know it). And Charles' and Max's driving styles are extremely compatible so engineering the car won't be too much of a problem (see @il-predestinato essay on this (i'm sorry again for the lack of link i'll maybe edit this tomorrow morning or after my exams next week if u have the patience). And i don't think rb would be opposed to having a talented naturally fast driver.
As from Charles' point of view, why don't we think charles may choose rb should he leave? Questioned this, i immediately remembered @drivestraight on the limit fic, especially this part:
After a long moment of silence, Max finally speaks up. “You want to know what I really think about you moving to Mercedes?”
Interested, Charles replies, “I asked you for a reason.”
Max takes a moment to collect his thoughts before he replies, “Mercedes are good, better than Ferrari, for sure, but they’re not your style.”
Charles lifts a brow. “And what’s my style?”
Max grins, effervescent. “On the limit.”
Charles laughs. On the limit, huh? High praise, especially coming from Max. “Maybe I should call Christian. See if he’d give me Checo’s seat,” he jokes.
so yeah, i just think that at the end of the day, a driver would want a team that could provide him the car that would let him show his speed, let him challenge for wins, and might even get him a championship
TL;DR: I think that at the end of the day, I really just want to see Charles in a car deserving of him, and should that be with ferrari or rb or any other team, i don't think i'll care much (of course i'll care who am i kidding but really it won't be that much bc i'm a charles fan first, f1 second), as long as he's happy with his decisions and he gets to drive his heart out.
DISCLAIMER: Bestie, idk if this made sense at all, i'm sick, i've been studying for an exam and my mind is honest to god filled with theories and writings in the social sciences (please i have a love hate relationship with pedagog of the oppressed and origin of the family bc theyre a pain to read and a headache but they're also such good readings) but keeping up with these charles contract discussions have been a joy and anxiety hehe so yeah that's my thoughts on that and the essays on the lestappen gate 2023 tag might be more coherent and make more sense but yeah thank you for the ask, it was great to have these thoughts out even tho they prolly did not write well as i'm in this state
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yourbelgianthings · 11 months
taz november celebration fic 3: prompt laugh
contrary to what you may think for this prompt, this is sad for like 3/4 of it lol but the end is happy, it’s tres horny boys and about 850 words
Magnus Burnsides's laugh was deep and hearty, but he wasn't used to hearing it by itself; he had always been laughing with Julia. Their life together was perfect, working with their hands and having something to show for it at the end of the day, then coming home to each other. Julia made dinner, Magnus did the dishes, their routine was consistent and comforting. They even thought about having a baby, although they were in no rush. Of course, that never happened, and when Magnus hugged Julia goodbye the day he left town, neither of them knew it would be the last. His friends brought dinners, went for walks, and spent evenings on the porch with Magnus after Julia's death, but he actually chose to bury her alone. The physical act of digging the grave was satisfying in a sick way, it grounded his soul in his body despite its countless attempts to break out through his ribs and fly away. A simple granite slab laid on top, reading: Julia Burnsides, We Love You Forever. His tears darkened the stone in little circles until the sun began to set, and he wouldn't laugh again for some time.
Merle Highchurch always did his best to keep a positive outlook, but it was hard to find reasons to laugh without his kids around. Apparently his sense of humor consisted of a lot of "dad jokes", and those weren't really a big hit with anyone else, especially when he was out trying to preach the word of Pan. He constantly struggled with his choice to leave after he was gone, if it was only the arranged marriage that was the problem, things would have been so much simpler. However, Hecuba and he had Mavis and Mookie, who he loved dearly. That didn't change the fact that he wasn't a very good dad, though, intentions don't count for much in that regard. So, he decided they would be better off without him; if you love something let it go and all that. Cycling through feelings of freedom, guilt, regret, apathy, and more, he wandered the world, presumably to share the word of Pan, but really just wishing to be able to laugh again.
Taako Taaco was very hard to make laugh. He and Lup used to do just that when they were bored, whoever laughed first lost and then they would just be in a fit of giggles for a while anyway. They found things funny between themselves that nobody else understood, but it didn't matter, because it made perfect sense to them. Not that he remembered any of this, of course. The Taako who forgot could be very cynical, and often saw humor from others as an attempt to conceal their true attitudes or motives. On stage for Sizzle It Up With Taako, he laughed and told jokes, but that was about as fake as it got. Hearing the applause and cheers from the audience, seeing the excitement in their eyes, and being complimented as he signed autographs and posed for pictures gave Taako energy and kept him going. He thrived on the attention, but some days, it wasn't enough and there was nothing else. Getting out of bed seemed impossible as his body simultaneously felt heavy and hollow. After Glamor Springs, this set in for several weeks until he suddenly thought: I'm fuckin' Taako from TV, I can go do whatever I want, and if anyone has a problem wit h that, I'll just laugh in their face and keep going.
One night, several months later, in their dorm at the Bureau of Balance, Tres Horny Boys were having a sleepover. Technically, they always did this by virtue of sharing a room, but they had decided to make a night of it, just for fun. Taako cooked the most delicious popcorn the other two had ever had, with the perfect amounts of butter and salt, and he also bought some nail polish from the Fantasy Costco. Magnus realized that Pringles had left some of his stuff in the room, so they had some cool old CDs to listen to, and Merle had found some candles for more ambient lighting. They were all set for the perfect sleepover, and as Taako was painting Magnus's nails shiny silver by candlelight, Merle set down the big bowl of popcorn he had been snacking on and asked, "What did everyone say to the kernel when he finally popped?"
Taako snorted and said,
"Merle, I am not even going to entertain this one," but there was a smile on his face.
Magnus gave in, "I don't know, Merle, what?"
Magnus immediately burst out laughing, which made Merle join in and Taako shout,
"Mags, you're going to mess up your nails!" although he couldn't help laughing too. It was just so ridiculous and Merle's confidence in the delivery was what really got them. The three of them flopped onto each other, slightly out of breath the way the best fits of laughter leave you, Taako leaning on Magnus's shoulder and Merle leaning on his stomach on the other side. They all smiled, and for the moment, things were okay.
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howlingday · 11 months
Red Snowflakes
Whitley: (Whistling)
Hazel: Hey. What are you doing out here?
Whitley: I'm whistling. Jack and Willie don't like me at home in the day. I'm whistling a song about me and my pet, Speedy.
Hazel: No, I mean what are you doing out here? Don't you know to stay away from the abandoned Old Haven Academy? Here, I'll take you to a safer place.
Whitley: My name's Whitley, and I'm not homeless. Well, not always.
Hazel: Not always?
Whitley: Mhm. Used to live in a big fancy house until Jack lost everything, Willie said. But she found a place close by. They're always drinking their "adult" drinks, so I have to do my whistling out here. And I like whistling here.
Hazel: There used to be a Huntsman school here, but a monster burned it down. A lot of people died BEFORE the fire. Kids. Teachers. Huntsmen. Huntresses. Please, let me take you somewhere safer.
Whitley: I'm safe here, though.
Hazel: But not at home? I see those bruises, Whitley. I won't tell you to go home. Go wherever you want. But the stories about the kid who burned down Old Haven... There's a LOT of terrible stories about him. About this place. And ever sonce the fire... a lot of people have gone missing. This place is CURSED.
Whitley: ...I like whistling.
Hazel: ...Okay. I won't tell you what to do, but believe me; Old Haven Academy is NOT where you want to go... Not unless you wanna disappear. (Leaves)
Whitley: (Whistles)
???: (Whistles)
Whitley: (Looks into Old Haven, Walks inside)
???: Ooh... Is someone there?
???: Where's your friends? ...Don't got any?
???: Don't worry...
Willow: Mm... Whuh..?
Willow: (Opens door) Who the hell's here with you?
Whitley: I'm playing with Tyrian.
Willow: (Nobody else) Mm... Go play outside. Jacques and I have important business. (Walks downstairs) I think there's something wrong with him. He's making up an imaginary friend now.
Jacques: Yes, yes. Have you seen that dog anywhere? Feels like forever since I last saw him.
Willow: And this is a problem because..?
Hazel: Hm...
Clover: Evenin', Haze.
Hazel: Oh, er, good evening, Clove. Hey, listen, y'see a kid hanging around lately?
Clover: Kid out here? Nah, why?
Hazel: Saw him the other day. Looked like he's got some bruises, and his parents are probably squatting somewhere nearby. Couple days ago he was out here whistling.
Clover: I'll ask around, but you're probably right to be worried.
Hazel: What do you mean?
Clover: Coupl'a Huntsmen went missing 'round here. Signs of violence all over the street.
Hazel: Wh... What kinda violence?
Clover: The kinda you don't just walk away from. Why? You know something?
Hazel: (Gulps) N-Nah... Just... Just let me know if you see that kid, okay? Friendly guy, about 13, maybe 14. Said his name was Whitley.
Willow: Would you board up the damn window already?! Rain's getting in hard!
Jacques: Like it's the first hard thing you've ever taken!
Willow: First in a long time!
Jacques: God damn... I think there's spare board in the closet... Holy Brothers... (Covering his mouth) S... Speedy..? (Gags)
Whitley: Hee hee hee... Oopsie~!
Jacques: You little... I'M OING TO BEAT- ARGH!
Whitley: Ah ah ah, Jackie. Tyrian says you won't hurt anyone... ever... again...
Willow: J-Jacque..? Jacque, what the hell was that- (Gasps)
Tyrian: (Whitley inside him, Teeth in Jacques) Hiya, mumsie~! Tyrian says you lied to us. (Willow runs) Remember all those owies you and Jack used to give us, Mommy?
Willow: (Trips, Leg snared by scorpion tail) Agh!
Tyrian: They don't hurt no more. They kinda feel nice. Here, Momma...
Hazel: ...Whitley! You came back! Didn't see you the other day and I got worried.
Whitley: You said go home, remember~?
Hazel: Yeah... Yeah, I did, but... People have gone missing around here, remember?
Whitley: Uh-huh. Sure do, Hazel~.
Hazel: Couple Huntsmen did after I saw you, and then there was that murder last night, and... I don't think I told you my name.
Whitley: Well, how else would I know if you didn't tell me~?
Hazel: Did... Didn't you used to have bruises? On your arms. Weren't there-
Whitley: And what about your bruises, Hazel? The ones you got at Old Haven. You used to get beat up all the time and had to rely on your baby sister to come save you.
Hazel: (Teary-eyed, Shakily steps away) S-Stay back...
Whitley: Tyrian says you tried to fight him off for two seconds before running away, crying like a baby while your baby sister screamed for you. He says you still cry at night thinking about how you left her to die slowly to him. But you don't need to cry, though. Gretchen is here, too, with all of us. And we're all waiting for you.
Hazel: (Runs away, Sobbing)
Whitley: We're all waiting for you... when you finally come home~.
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
what made your first year of college so much worse than the second?
godddd where do i even start. Complaining goes under the cut cuz it’s too damn long.
8 hour studios 3 times a week that start at 8 AM and only break for lunch. one of the professors expected us to stand the entire time we were drawing and only sit when we went on break. plus homework for those studios, because each studio was a different foundational class. and on the days when you dont have those studios you got other foundational classes like art history and literature or something. you've got homework for all of these classes too and tests and everything.
and each studio being a different class is a huge issue and really frustrating as well. the classes are drawing, design and, like, basically a 3D class, right? where you use power tools and carve stuff and all that. But imagine you go to this school for painting or to make clothes, then the three foundational classes might just really bore and frustrate you. because you don't really feel like they're helping you gain any skills in your preferred major.
so you have all these artistic kids who want to do their best, being forced to do things they hate and being told it's to make us "more well rounded." (which dont get me wrong i understand, but that doesnt make it suck any less)
so all the art you make is painful to create, and you don't even like the result. but we knew what we signed up for, and the point is to last past first year so you can get into your major. thats the point for me, at least. so you just get what you can done, but i cant imagine what I would've done if i'd fallen behind even once.
And then my own personal hell- being in a new place and not knowing what to do or who to talk to or how to communicate ! So i was constantly stressed out in like a social way. idk if i vented about this here but i fell over in a fit of anxiety and hyperventilation in class multiple times first year. I straight up fell over at least twice and i had crying fits multiple times (with varying degrees of how quiet I was being, sometimes they don't even notice :D)
I was incredibly emotionally isolated and cried myself to sleep like every night. my only social interactions were at work because I'm very bad at socializing properly and making friends in class, and i was always too tired to go to any events. LUCKY for me I met a really cool friend while doing some student work and it was really nice and chill.
ANYWAY BACK TO THE STRESS. to give an example of the situation: our first homework for drawing class was to make this big ink master copy of a van gogh sketch, and it didn't have to be perfect, or even GOOD tbh, but regardless it took forever. and i spilled my ink on it which nearly led to a breakdown but instead i just laughed cause otherwise I'd go insane. the amount of podcasts and audiobooks i burned through that year just to keep myself sane was mind-numbing. i listened to, no joke, ALL of Well There's Your Problem, and i went back and listened to a lot of them more than once.
i was really lucky though, cause some other students had first projects that were like "bring in 50 drawings by next class" or "make a chair out of only cardboard that you can sit on without it collapsing" or something. and i never had a teacher that bad.
actually, my second semester design professor was really REALLY chill. He let me sleep in class if i finished the work so I spent a few hours in his class just chilling and sleeping fitfully (as in I was so stressed i would gasp and mutter myself awake, which really alarmed my classmates but i never got close enough to them to explain myself soooo they prolly just think something is wrong with me. which it is! oh well)
i can only speak for myself but i was basically working any moment i wasn't sleeping, eating, shitting, or showering. somehow other people made time to befriend each other and hang out and like, go to parties??? i dont know how. Frankly I don't even remember how i did what i did either, specifically I reached out to my college's mental health services and got on some medication for anxiety. I also somehow managed to write an essay for our student published thingy about how I wanted to kms and felt unsupported by mental health professionals lmao.
I have NO IDEA how i did any of that because this year i kept falling asleep for five hours in the middle of the day. my theory is that I got more done because I physically HAD TO STAY AWAKE. I COULD NOT ALLOW MYSELF TO FAIL.
I was so stressed out the first year that I often couldn't sleep without hugging my giant elephant stuffed animal or using it as a comforting weight on top of me. one morning i woke up hyperventilating and went to go cut a huge role of paper at like 6 AM because i was so worried about forgetting to cut the paper before i left before class at 8 AM.
so yeah, my theory is that since second year wasn't that insanely stressful, all those hours i spent eking out any artistic joy possible (making owl house comics, writing that essay, and painting my clothing) just to make sure i didn't kms were replaced instead with me just falling asleep at inopportune times, because I wasn't as scared that I wouldn't have time for my work.
OH MY GOD AND FIRST YEAR I GOT PUT IN TWO CONSECUTIVE GROUP PROJECTS WITH THIS ABSOLUTE MONSTER- but that could be its entire own post. suffice it to say that he had been reported multiple times for various things and one of my classmates recognized who i was talking about just from me vaguely complaining about how much i hated him.
anyway im sure there's even more that i forgot about but to be honest i think i've explained enough.
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Crystal Hearts
Prequel PT3: You and me
2 weeks Later
Your having a big problem as you look at the red crystal hearts you barely manage to get those few months you been living in the human world. It's only two at least.
It was made by doing a little cheating with a skill your cousin teach you out of the blue " hypnosis " as well being an actor like he is.
Through you only use them to gain popularity in a cringe and Clichy school romance you force yourself into to gain shoujo worthy lovey-dovey worth of crystal hearts, but no.
You suffer the consequences because you have to attend school activities to be called the popular kid. Making you mess out many magic lesson with your new found friend.
"I hate this job." You grumble as you clench the bag of noir hearts you get from the consequences of being famous. " [ Purifier] " you mumble as you watch the black crystal turn Blanc or white. You continue to do this till the bag all become bag of full of Blanc.
"I wanna drop out." You remember that you have exams this week. Making you unable to meet up with your new friend even more!
You put the Blanc to the grinder you brought with you from the world of fae and start to turn them into fine sweet powder. " Agh ... Shoujo manga is a lie. It's a bull crap. " You start really regretting what you decided to do a few months back.
You sigh the nth time as you start making sweet to calm yourself down. While you zoon out, you start to make bunch of batches of sweets to the point you snap out of it with bunch of cute bags of candies and sweets on the table.
"Oh crap!" You cannot believe you made bunch of sweets again! Aira would be mad! "Oh wait his not here..." You mumble as you take one pack and start eating.
"Hmm. I Should been studying but like ... What if I'm the stupid cutie to gain crystal Hearts? Ah. But cutie only get into pink color... Those aren't love heart. It's just crush." You start to debate about life choices after eating one pack of sweets.
"Nii-tan won't be back till late. Hmm. I'm all alone, a perfect reason to study." You mumble as you put all the sweets to your space and prepare to leave the apartment. "I should go visit my new friend~ ehehe~" and so the idea of studying went out of your brain as you leave the house.
You arrive in the park and saw no friend of your is there. You sigh dejected that his probably gotten bored for waiting for you for days, since you don't show up for a week or so now.
You look down at your hand and stared at the strings. You could always follow the strings and go to where he is right now. But his probably busy. Dropping off the sweets to secret hidding spot you two have, you left.
"oh! Sweets!" kohaku who just arrived in the park secret hide out saw packs of sweets on container can't help but smile and pick one of it and start to nom.
He look around the place but found no sign of mc. " I miss them..." He felt dejected, he can't just go to where you are either, he don't know where you live.
"I wonder what they even doing those days..." He mumble as he take a seat. " I... " He sigh when he remembers his father have push the matter again and now he only have two weeks left but he cannot catch you at all, you guys keep missing out each other when you two goes to your secret hideout.
His eyes went down to the beautiful strings.
" I'll go look for them tommorow." He smile as he takes the sweets with him to go home
The next few days, kohaku have went and follow the strings and he found himself in such scene.
"I love you! Pls go out with me!"
His eyes widen as he saw someone confessing to you.
"Okii!. Let's go out of the school building then AHAHAH☆ ~('▽^人)"
You giggle as you offer your hand to your school mate who is embarrassed but chuckle at your literal sense of things.
" N-no! I mean in a date..."
'... There not going to accept it right?' he gulp as he realize his intruding in some matter he shouldn't be in. Yet there's a awful feeling in the pit of his stomach, he can't bare to not witness and not know.
"'okii." You stared at the crystal heart that is close to being red. Your eyes sparkle at the thought of having another one after so long.
"Yup! I'm very straight forward person! Ahaha~ come let's go back to class first, then after school. We can go have a date!" You giggle as you grab his hand, your acting have resurface.
Holding your school mate hand, your next target. You left with glee.
' this would make three hearts! Ahaha!'
"..." the person hidding from the bushes come out, his eyes stared dead in the direction where you two went.
"Ah... " He snap out of his as he heard something dripping, he look down at his hand that is clenching too much that his nails start to wound his palm. "What... What am I feeling..." He held his chest, he felt sour feelings that choking him but can't understand it. His too new to such feelings.
"... I'll just snoop around... To understand it.." he mumble as he wipe the blood off his hand in his pants, he then trail behind you, watching you from the shadows.
"I'm not good in arcades. Yua." You quickly says in full honesty to your date, Yua.
"Oh! I'm not good either...? Ahaha." They also confess. The two of you are now looking at the huge marshmallow squishy on the arcade machine. "Through I'm shocked you have something your not good at. You always seems to exile in school."
"Ahaha~ you jest me. I thought I was going to fail the exam, you know!" You quickly humble out. You take out your cute coin pouch and place it to the arcade since your going to use it anyway, it's too tiring to take it out over and over again. putting some coins into the arcade machine. " Do you believe in magic? I can try use magic trick to win! " You joked as you try to move the claw toward a certain Sakura theme marshmallow. Pressing the bottom z, you watch how it don't even budge the damn thing. You repeated it till you only have few cents left.
"Okii, time to use magic!" You were about to throw a punch to the machine.
"Please don't joke around Fairy-san." Yua quickly stops you from trying to cheat to win. You pout.
"But it eat my coins! Ah! I work hard for those coins!" You have to beg, the emperor to transfer some cash, he does so after he made you do a baby shark video wearing a shark custom with a baby cloths on it. You have to swallow your embarrassment and hate for Ei for making you be watch by your friends on live cam.
You swear your were discovered for stealing his pillows from last time and his being petty about it!
"Ahaha. Your so silly sometimes, Fairy-san." Yua mumble as they take out their wallet to try the game themselves as they plan how to get the stuff toy, you look at the glass of the machine, you saw glaring purple eyes peaking from the corner of the arcade before hiding after he realize you notice him.
(Why are you following me?)
You sigh as you finally talk to him, he been following you since earlier. Again.
He don't reply at all.
( Ahaha... Shoot are you mad cause I dont meet up with you for a while? )
You tried to talk to him but he refuse to answer back. You sigh as you look at your date.
(I really shouldn't chat with you since I need to be respectful for my date. So chat with you later!)
You told him before you joined along Yua trial of trying to get the stuff toy. You two chuckle as you once again failed to get it, enough to ask for help from the workers to give a little boost.
"Fairy-san. That's not your real name right?" Yua and you seat in front of the convenience store and eating a popsicle, you two failed to get the stuff toy and become a loser who spend a week amount of allowance to get nothing but brokeness.
"Hmm? Why do you think so?" You smiled as you stare at them. "No one would call their child That. Well maybe some would but you never mentioned a surname either." He pointed out. " Actually... Your actually one of the seven mystery of the school... Well I think that was you, the rumours talks about."
" Oh my... Do tell! I don't know I'll be a seven mystery of something! Ahaha~ how fun!" Your Honestly quite surprised by this.
" Hmm.. well I heard about it from my classmate. They said a certain odd ball come from nowhere. Their name was never told. They claim to be a god ( In CN. Fairy could mean deity = God ) who grant people wishes exchange for their heart and their memories of them. "
They stared at you as you pause. " And? " You don't give a hint of emotion or what's on your mind. "Do you come to and confess such emotion? Do you have a wish if you believe in such rumours?" You chuckle.
"... I don't know. I wanted to see it for myself. I wanna see if you can really grant someone wish, that's why I try to see you in a new light, to try and fall in love with you. "
" Man... It's laughable if you force yourself to fall in love with me, just to see such thing." You give a close eyes smile, not bintjng wbat you truly felt. You felt nothing by such words but laughter's that want to be heard. To laugh at yourself or to them.
Yua:" I have a wish... If I give you my heart would you grant it? "
MC:" I only accept passionate heart. I refuse to accept such force love you have for me."
Yua:" Then why did you accept going on a date with me?"
MC:" It's just a date. Besides I'm one who try to please those who's around me. At least in my way of thoughts, if you want a date and told me. Then we should date."
Yua:" What if I told you I love you and I meant it."
MC:" Do you want me to reply to you the same words? I can do that if it please you."
Yua:"... Your cruel and heartless with your words.... "
" Oh? Ahaha. That's a new one. " You laugh as you finish your popsicle, you stared at the stick before you look at the empty bottle on top of the trash bin.
"The cruel person such as I. Will grant your wish if you truly have passionate heart...." You then throw the popsicle stick and it went to the bottle, going throw it like it's a blade. "But you should be careful what you wish."
Standing up. You look at the sunset.
"You will regret it if you wish a bad one. A wish you'll regret." You stared back at him. " Tell me your wish. I'll accept your force love~" you smiled widely.
"... I--'
They take a deep breath and told you about a story of someone they care about that fallen in a deep sleep because of a depressing matter after falling from the stair case because of an argument... With them.
"... Ya think I'm sort of god?" You chuckle as you joined them to visit that person. You already thinking what to do and what not to do along the way.
You look at the ... Older woman sleeping on the floor with similar feature like yua. "...ah. it's your mom." You point out.
"... Yes." They smile softly and put their flower gift to the vase. "If ... If you can... Please... Please ..." I don't know what I'll do if I lost her... "
"... " You look at the person. " What if I'm a bluff?"
"...." They start to cry when they heard what you said. You sigh, rolling your eyes. You take out something from your pocket but then realized you forget about it. "Ah. I forget my coin pouch from the arcade... " You start to tear up at the idea of having to do such embarrassing thing like dancing Infront of Ei for human coin allowance!
" Ah? Are you serious?" They seems to be looking at a dumb person. They sigh and went to the door. "Ill go get it, I'm pretty fast." And they are off, leaving you alone with their mom.
"... Now then." You look at older woman and reach out to her forehead. Closing your eyes, you use ability to see if she wishes to wake up as well.
Through you wonder why that certain stalker of yours don't fallow you since you enter the hospital.
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erikiara80 · 1 year
Dear anon, who for some reason is rude to me about theories on a TV show and fictional characters.
If a character says Mama, I'm home, and Mama wakes up from her "dream circle" just to say: No.
Then the next episode starts with the same scene, only this time the screen is black, so the writers want us to focus on the words:
Mama, it's me, Jane. I'm home.
Mama: No.
And the next season we hear the same scene again, but it's a bit different. The writers cut some things and now we can only hear:
Kid: MAMA!
Mama: No.
And finally, if in S4 the kid remembers her birth and sees "Mama" (which gives me big Papa vibes, tbh) but there are differences between Mama's flashback and the kid's memory (here)
Like, No window behind Mama's bed when she wakes up, but window behind her bed in the kid's memory...
Am I at least allowed to think that maybe things are not like they seem?
That maybe, since Mama's flashback involves another kid with the power of make people see or not see what she chooses, and whose episode, 2x07, is full of signs, like Pawn, SOS, NO and Go away! that tell us El should leave asap (here but especially here )
maybe it's not crazy to think that Mama's story is not what it seems and maybe she's not even the kid's mom? Like, she said No three times atp. Everytime we saw the flashback the writers made us hear those lines. And we've already seen that in this show memories can be manipulated. It's what the MKUltra program did.
But let's say that I'm wrong. It's possible. What's the problem, anon? Why it isn't a problem to me but it is to you?
These are just theories about a story I love. I'm not trying to force anyone to like them or agree with me. I also keep saying that theories can be wrong and should be fun.
If you don't like a theory, don't read it. Ignore me or block me.
But being rude or even angry with strangers about theories on a TV show is pointless. Really.
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