#this is an active cry for help distress signal etc
scalpho · 10 months
shoutout to gunnie for ending aso with twice the number of dads he started it with
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do you have any idea on how to know the difference between meltdowns, anxiety attacks and panic attacks? i get them all and sometimes i really struggle to know which I've experienced.
obligatory "im just an autistic teen with some form of anxiety, not a doctor" warning here. anyway
according to verywellmind, panic attacks are sudden and revolve around depersonalization, derealization, and the fear of dying/losing control, and physical symptoms like sweating, racing heart, trouble breathing, and lightheadedness. They don't usually last very long. A lot of people who say they have anxiety attacks actually have panic attacks.
Anxiety attacks.... technically don't exist, in the sense of being an official medical term. But usually, they describe a phenomenon similar to panic attacks, except they last longer and the feelings are less severe. Like, you'll feel restless, anxious, have trouble concentrating, feel irritable, etc, but you probably won't be crying on the bench in PE like you would in a panic attack.
But imo, the difference between the two doesn't really matter. They both are signals of bigger problems with anxiety if they keep happening, and need to be handled with anxiety management techniques like keeping a journal of your emotions, physical activity, socializing with people who comfort you, stimming if you're the type of ND that helps, therapy, a well-balanced diet, and getting the right amount of sleep. (more obligatory im not a doctor, just trying to help out, here). Some more resources for that: this, this, this.
So, what you should really be looking for is telling the difference between anxiety/panic attacks and meltdowns; anxiety/panic attacks can generally be handled in similar ways.
Meltdowns are autism-specific reactions to being overwhelmed in some way. They are commonly caused by stress, anger, frustration, and sensory overload. That's key there; once you're in the right headspace to examine it, if you can figure out whether your reaction was from being anxious, overwhelmed, or both, you can figure out how to help yourself.
IME, meltdowns may have aspects like agitation/irritability/anger, sensory overload, and screaming, which make them more obviously anxiety-induced meltdowns as opposed to panic attacks. They can also last longer and be extremely exhausting (not to say panic attacks can't be, tho).
I think the key thing among it is that panic attacks are thoroughly about panic. It's in the name for a reason; you're panicking and anxious the whole time. If there are other elements or that's not the main element, you may be experiencing a meltdown instead (esp. if it's sensory-induced).
But honestly, again, knowing the difference may not matter. If you get panic attacks and meltdowns, they probably merge at least somewhat or sometimes, and what matters is finding things that calm you down. Searching the related terms into tumblr's search bar is honestly a pretty good way to start.
sorry i couldn't be more helpful (/gen), but I'm not an expert at figuring out where distress comes from, so I wanted to mostly focus on alleviating the distress.
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margdarsanme · 4 years
NCERT Class 11 Psychology Chapter 9 Motivation And Emotion
NCERT Class 11 Psychology Chapter 9 Motivation And Emotion
Question 1. Explain the concept of motivation.Answer: The term motivation is derived from the Latin word ‘movere’ referring to movement of activity. Thus it pushes an individual (organism) into activity.
It can be used to explain drives, needs, goals and incentives… Any behaviour is goal driven, demand persistent and often preferred or is in favour of one goal over the other.
It is individuals internal force which energises and directs the behaviour.
Question 2. What are the biological bases of hunger and thirst needs?Answer: Hunger:
The stimuli of hunger include stomach contractions, which signify that the stomach is empty.
A low concentration of glucose in the blood
A low level of protein and the amount of fats stored in the body.
The liver also responds to the lack of bodily fuel by sending nerve impulses to the brain.
The aroma, taste or appearance of food may also result in a desire to eat.
They all in combination act with external factors (such as taste, colour by observing other’s eating, and the smell of food, etc.) to the help one understands that she/he is hungry.
Thirst: When we are deprived of water for a period of several hours, the mouth and throat become dry, which leads to dehydration of body tissues.
Drinking water is necessary to wet a dry mouth.
The processes within the body itself control thirst and drinking of water.
Water must get into the tissues sufficiently to remove the dryness of mouth and throat.
Motivation to drink water is mainly triggered by the conditions of the body.
Loss of water from cells and reduction of blood volume.
When Water is lost by bodily fluids, water leaves the interior of the cells. The anterior hypothalamus contains nerve cells called ‘osmoreceptors’, which generate nerve impulses in case of cell dehydration. These nerve impulses act as a signal for thirst and drinking.
Ist View:
The mechanism which explains the intake of water is responsible for stopping theintake of water.
IInd View:
The role of stimuli resulting from the intake of water in the stomach have something to do with stopping of drinking water.
The precise physiological mechanisms underlying the thirst drive are yet to be understood.
Question 3.  How do the needs for achievement, affiliation, and power influence the behaviour of adolescents ? Explain with examples.Answer:  Needs for achievement:
It energies and directs behaviour as well as influences the perception of situations.
During the formative years of social development, children acquire achievement motivation. They learn it from their parents, other role models, and socio-cultural influences.
We are social being. We maintain some form of relationship with others. Nobody likes to remain alone all the time. Formation of group is an important feature of human life. It involves motivation for social contact.
Need for affiliation seeking other human beings and wanting to be close to them both physically and psychologically is called affiliation. It involves motivation for social contact.
It is aroused when individuals feel threatened or helpless and also when they are happy. People high on this need are motivated to seek the company of others and to maintain friendly relationships with other people.
Need for power is an ability of a person to produce intended effects on the behaviour and emotions of another person. The various goals of power motivation are to influence, control, persuade, lead and charm others.
Question 4.What is the basic idea behind Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? Explain with suitable examples.Answer: Abraham Maslow, a humanist psychologist proposed a hierarchy of needs in which human needs are arranged in a sequence from primitive to human. They are interrelated in the sense that when one need is fulfilled, the next one takes on the mind. At the lowest level are the physiological needs followed by the other higher level needs as given below:
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Physiological needs:These are needs which are basic for survival.They include such as hunger, thirst.
Safety needs: The need to be free from any possible threat-both real and imaginary. It is of both physical and psychological nature.
Belongingness: Needs to belong, to affiliate, to love and to be loved by others. One can’t live alone and needs other’s company.
 Esteem needs: Individual strives for the need for self-esteem to develop a sense of self worth once his belongingness needs are fulfilled.
Self-actualisation: It means to attain the fullest developments of one’s potential.Such people are self-aware, socially responsible, creative, spontaneous, open to novelty and change, has a sense of humour and capacity for deep interpersonal relationships.
Question 5. Does physiological arousal precede or follow an emotional experience? Explain.Answer:
William James and Carl Lange argued that the perception about bodily changes, like rapid breathing, a pounding heart and running legs following an event, – brings forth emotional arousal.
This theory of emotion holds that body’s reaction to a stimulus produces emotional reaction.
The theory suggests that environmental stimuli elicit physiological responses from viscera (the internal organs like heart and lungs), which in turn, are associated with muscle movement.
James-Lange theory argues that your perception about your bodily changes, like rapid breathing, a pounding heart, and running legs, following an event, brings forth emotional arousal.
The theory can be expressed in the following hierarchy:
Canon and Bard contradicted to the James-Lange theory.
According to this theory, felt emotion and the bodily reaction in emotion are independent of each other; both get triggered simultaneously.
This theory of emotion holds that bodily changes and the experience of emotion occurs simultaneously.
Theory claims that the entire process of emotion is governed by thalamus.
Thalamus conveys the information simultaneously to the cerebral cortex and to the skeletal muscles and sympathetic nervous system.
The cerebral cortex then determines the nature of the perceived stimulus. By referring to the past experiences. This determines the subjective experience of emotion. Simultaneously the sympathetic nervous system and the muscles provide physiological arousal and prepare the individual to take action.
Following diagram shows the CANNON-BARD theory of emotion:
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As proposed by the theory we first perceive potential emotion-producing situation which leads to activity in the lower brain region such as the hypothalamus which in turn sends output in two directions:(a)To internal body organs, external muscles to produce bodily expressions(b)To cerebral cortex where the pattern of discharge from the lower brain areas is perceived as felt emotion.
Question  6. Is it important to consciously interpret and label emotions in order to explain them? Discuss giving Suitable examples.Answer:  Schacter-Singer theory: In 1970, the American psychologists Stanley Schachter and Jerome Singer, while adopting an eclectic approach to both the earlier theories of emotion, introduced a new theory named Cognitive theory of emotion.
They suggested that our physical arousal together with our perception and judgement of situation (cognition) jointly determine which emotions we feel.
In other words, our emotional arousal depends on both physiological changes and the cognitive or mental on both physiological changes and the cognitive or mental interpretation of those changes. One cannot work without the other.
The necessary detection and explanation for an emotional state always rests with the interpretation of situation. Since this interpretation is purely a subject of cognitive functioning, the cognitive factors are said to be the potent determiners of our emotional states.
The views expressed by Schachter and Singer was also supported by Magda Arnold by stating that cognitive processes control how we interpret our feelings and how we act on them. She used the term Cognitive Appraisal for the identification and interpretation of emotion provoking stimuli.
A third element, in understanding the relationship between physical reactions and emotional experience aroused on account of the perception of an emotion provoking stimulus.
Cognitive theory helped us to learn that the emotional experience and physiological changes through which we pass are determined by the way we interpret a situation through the cognitive element of our behaviour in the form of our previous knowledge and our interpretation of the present situation directly affect our emotional experience.
Question 7. How does culture influence the expression of emotions?Answer:  Emotional expression involves posture, facial expression, actions, words and even silence.
Cultural similarities in the facial expression of emotions such as anger, fear, disgust, sadness, happiness etc. have been observed. It must however, be noted that facial expression can, in some cases, be also misleading.
The display rules that regulate emotional expression and emotional vocabulary do vary across cultures.
It has been found that children would cry when distressed, shake their heads when defiant and smile when happy.
Despite similarities in expressions of certain basic emotions, cultures do vary in why and how they express emotions.
Question 8. Why is it important to manage negative emotion? Suggest ways to manage negative emotions.Answer:
It is important to control negative emotions in order to ensure an effective social functioning. Positive emotions should be enhanced. We can reduce/manage negative emotions in the following manner.
Negative emotions like fear, anxiety, disgust are such emotions if allowed to prevail for a long time, they are likely to have adverse effects on our well¬being. Anxious individuals find it difficult to concentrate. They are not able to take decisions. Depression impairs individuals ability to think rationally, feel realistically and work effectively.
Following tips prove useful to manage negative emotion effectively The following tips prove useful for achieving the desire balance of emotion:
Enhance self-awareness: Try to get insight into your own emotions and this makes you understand them in a better way. Knowing about your capabilities and limitation helps.
Appraise the situation objectively: An evaluation of situation and gaining insight into it determines the level and direction of emotion.
Self monitoring: A periodic evaluation of past accomplishments, emotional and physical states and other positive experiences enhance faith in yourself and leads to contentment.
Self-modeling: Analyzing past performances and the positive aspects attached to it provides with inspiration and motivation to perform better next time.
Perceptual reorganization and cognitive rest-ructuring: Changing old patterns and following new positive ones. Restructure your thoughts to enhance positively and eliminate negative thoughts.
Be creative: Take up some hobby or develop and interest in something creative and innovative. Create fun for yourself by pursuing such activity of interest.
Develop and nurture good relationship: One who shares good interpersonal relationship with others never feel alone and disheartened.
Empathy: Looking at other’s situation as it was your own. Understanding others well help you in understanding your own self in a better way. It adds meaning to your life.
Participation in community services: this can prove to be very effective in creating a balance of emotion in your life.
from Blogger http://www.margdarsan.com/2020/09/ncert-class-11-psychology-chapter-9.html
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davidddiep · 5 years
CBD Oil for Dogs: Best Practices
Dogs provide the family with a hiking partner, a shoulder to cry on, and a best friend. They show us unconditional love and support and deserve the same in return. That’s why millions of pet owners are turning to CBD oil for dogs. CBD for dogs gives your four-legged loves a load of hemp-based benefits that may help with anything from anxiousness to dealing with achy joints.
For animals, it’s not the quantity of years; it’s the quality. Their short time here should be as pleasurable as possible. With CBD treats for dogs and CBD pet tinctures, you can help your dog maintain or recapture that youthful spirit. Here is why CBD oil for dogs may be the right choice of therapy for your pet.
  What is CBD?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the primary active compounds found in the hemp plant. CBD is one in a group of 113 chemical compounds that are nearly exclusive to the hemp plant. These molecules are known as cannabinoids.
Research indicates that cannabinoids in hemp interact with a series of receptors throughout the body that influences everything from motion sickness to appetite to anxiety. This complex communication network is known as the endocannabinoid system.
Studies on CBD are still in its genesis. However, early analyses indicate the relationship between CBD and endocannabinoid system makes CBD oil for dogs a beneficial supplement.
How is CBD Oil for Dogs Made?
If you look closely on the exterior of a hemp leaf (or lavender, chamomile, etc.), you will notice tiny hairs. These are known as trichomes.
To get CBD oil for dogs, you must apply external pressure on the trichomes. This action will cause these hairs to burst open, releasing its essence into the atmosphere.
High-quality CBD for dogs is extracted using one of two methods:
Food-Grade Solvent (Ethanol)
Pressurized Carbon Dioxide
As the cannabinoids enter the atmosphere, they bond to carbon molecules either in the solvent or pressurized carbon dioxide. From there, they are separated from these non-toxic elements and are used to formulate CBD oil for dogs.
  Why Buy CBD Oil for Dogs?
CBD products have become so popular among the mainstream. With millions of humans finding relief for anxiety, appetite, and pain perception, why shouldn’t animals have the same respect? After all, many animals are given supplements like fish oil for heart health like their human counterparts!
The reason why hemp oil products for dogs is such a viable option for dealing with separation anxiety, aggressive behavior to strangers, or lack of appetite is due to the endocannabinoid system. While research on the endocannabinoid system on dogs is limited, we do know a bit more about it in humans and the effects are similar.
Based on the fact that many human supplements can be altered to meet the correct dosage for dogs, CBD servings can be tailored to pets as well. To figure out this serving size, you first need to understand how CBD oil for dogs interacts with your pet’s system.
  Dogs and the Endocannabinoid System  
We mentioned earlier that our pets’ bodies have a series of receptors. These are known as cannabinoid receptors, and they trigger the symptoms your dog experiences.
There are two cannabinoid receptors, appropriately called, CB1 and CB2. Between the two of them, CB1 and CB2 receptors have almost all the surface area of the body covered. These cannabinoid receptors also bring their own unique benefits, which is crucial in promoting balance throughout the system.
    If your dog barks relentlessly every time you leave, there’s a receptor in the endocannabinoid system sparking this reaction. The same can be said for when this ill-behaved pup decides to tinkle on the floor. A receptor is also causing tingling pain in the elder pup’s joints. These cries for attention from within are all apart of the intricate endocannabinoid system.   
When you administer CBD for dogs to your pet, the cannabinoids in the formula enter the bloodstream. From there, they will receive the distress signal being parlayed by the receptors. In turn, CBD will react one of two ways.
CBD will either stimulate and sedate the upset receptor, or bind onto the compound that causing the receptor distress. Either way, the endocannabinoid system is essential for the symptoms your dog is experiencing and preventing them.
  CBD for Dogs: Anxiety
If there were any doubt that your dog missed you while you were out, then take a look at the destroyed pillow. While your puppers may have missed you, your now angry with them and have a mess to clean up when they act this way. Separation anxiety is a real problem among dogs. They get very attached to their owner. Every second you’re gone seems like an eternity to them.
Whether it’s a loud thunderstorm, past owner abuse, or a trip to the vet, dogs can be very anxious. Anytime they experience anxiety; their adrenal glands produce a hormone known as cortisol.
If you work five days per week and come home to a trashed house each time, that means your dog is producing a lot of cortisol. Chronic stress not only destroys your house, but it can destroy your dog’s health.
Research on CBD indicates this cannabinoid can naturally balance cortisol levels. In turn, it also helps in the production of calming neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin. As a result, your dog should have less stress, and you should have less mess.
  CBD for Dogs: Appetite and Nausea
What’s so great about CBD for dogs is its ability to promote balance throughout the body. Therefore, if your young pup tends to overeat, one of the CBD benefits for dogs is to satiate that hunger. However, if your dog needs some extra encouragement getting chow down, CBD oil for dogs can help with this problem as well.
CBD to Suppress Appetite
Research indicates that hunger is brought on by the CB1 receptor. If the CB1 receptor becomes overstimulated, your dog can end up binging their kibble. However, CBD acts as a CB1 antagonist, bringing the opposite effect to the body. That makes CBD oil for dogs a great way to control your pet’s appetite.
CBD for Appetite
While CBD benefits for dogs does include suppressing appetite, it may still assist your dog in eating. A big part of the reason elderly or sick dogs don’t eat is that treatment or illness is making them nauseous. Just like humans don’t like to eat when they don’t feel well, neither do our four-legged friends.
Research on CBD finds that its interaction with both CB1 and CB2 may help your dog not feel nauseous or vomit. Dogs are instinctual. They want to eat. Therefore, if they don’t feel sick while eating, they will continue to munch. In turn, your dog will get more nutrition into their system, and hopefully, strength to get through their day.
  CBD Oil for Dogs: Seizures
What first brought medical cannabis to the forefront was the way CBD has been used to help those with epilepsy. Research on CBD shows that cannabinoids help neutralize receptors that are causing impulses related to epilepsy.
Last year, the first CBD medication for humans with epilepsy became regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). While there hasn’t been any research on epilepsy and dogs, the promising results in humans have made therapy for epilepsy one of the top CBD uses for dogs.
  CBD Oil for Dogs: Pain
There is nothing worse than seeing your best friend, once full of life, now groaning by your feet. Getting old is inevitable, and pain seems to come with the territory. Therefore, we should try our best to make these years the most comfortable for our loved ones.
Pain is a perception. It’s something your dog experiences because their mind is drawing its attention to a symptom. Typically, pain is triggered by an inflammation setting off a cannabinoid receptor.
Through the endocannabinoid system, the receptor relays the message of an intruder to the brain. Depending on the intruder, your dog’s mind manifests the symptoms your dog experiences. Pain such as a sprained ankle after a hike in the woods will subside with time. However, chronic pain like arthritis will persist.
Two CBD Benefits for Dogs with Pain
There are two ways to stop the pain your dog is experiencing:
Cure the Inflammation
Stop the Receptor’s Message
Depending on the severity of your pet’s pain, these two might be the best benefits of CBD for dogs.
Research on CBD shows that cannabinoids have anti-inflammatory properties. They also exhibit antioxidant-like abilities. Therefore, cannabinoids may help reduce the inflammation within the system while simultaneously helping to clear out the debris causing the inflamed cells.
Secondly, CBD soothes the receptor triggering the dog’s brain to experience these symptoms. Research indicates that cannabinoids calm the receptors, which changes the message being relayed to the endocannabinoid system. In turn, your dog no longer fixates on the problems their body is trying to solve.
If the condition is chronic, the anti-inflammatory qualities of CBD might not be enough. However, CBD is an all-natural way to bring your dog temporary relief.  
  Can CBD Oil for Dogs Get My Pet High?
While there are no known cannabis overdoses for humans, the same can’t be said about dogs. Just like dogs have a heightened sense of smell and sight, their endocannabinoid system is more sensitive. Notably, they are far more susceptible to the psychoactive effects of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
In hemp derived CBD oil for dogs, there can be very low levels of THC. This is because the hemp plant contains 0.3% THC or less in its genetic makeup.
Therefore, there isn’t enough THC to cause the psychoactive effect side effects in CBD for dogs.
If you are a medical marijuana patient or in a state where recreational marijuana is legal, please look at the label before administering CBD oil for dogs. Some CBD oil formulas are made from marijuana plants and those may contain more THC and be unsafe to give to your dog.
  Why Made By Hemp is the Best CBD Oil for Dogs
The idea of overdosing your dog is a scary concept. At Made by Hemp, we don’t take those concerns lightly. After all, we make these products for our dogs too!
Our products are formulated using the entire hemp plant–hemp seeds, stems, leaves, and all because research indicates cannabinoids work the best in synergy together. This practice, called full-spectrum, enriches the formula with all 100 plus known phytocannabinoids. Utilizing a full spectrum formula for the best CBD oil for dogs creates a higher quality supplement that is more likely to work due to the whole plant synergy.
Many CBD companies use what is called CBD isolate for their pet supplements. This is fine, as it still provides the benefits of CBD, however, it is missing all of the plant parts and other nutrients found in all natural hemp oil.
To ensure our best CBD products for dogs truly are the best, we test and test again. All products listed on our site are tested before being sent to us and are delivered with a COA (certificate of analysis). We also test them independently to ensure everything received in is truly what the manufacturer says it is. All COAs can be found and viewed on our product pages.
  Side Effects of CBD for Dogs
No matter what, always consult a veterinarian before bringing a new supplement into your pet’s routine. It is important they are aware of any changes you make. Please heed to any advice they give you and seek a second opinion if you passionately disagree.
Since our products are derived from hemp, there are no known harmful side effects to CBD for dogs. If you administer too much CBD to your pet, you might notice they become a bit lethargic. In that instance, stop administering and watch your dog’s behavior. If their sluggish behavior doesn’t improve, then consult their veterinarian immediately.
When your dog regains their energy, you now know what dose exceeds their CBD threshold. Cut the serving down in the future and pay attention to their behavior.
  CBD Oil Dosage for Dogs
CBD dosage for dogs is as unique as your loved one’s personality. It all depends on
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idolizerp · 6 years
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smile for the camera. smile for the fans. smile ‘til it hurts.
that’s what signal’s yun was told right before he took his first steps onto the stage. he was meant to be the funny one, always cracking jokes and lightening the mood — and he stayed true to those guidelines… or at least, he tried to.
he DID cry on his debut stage, but that can be forgiven, right. . ?
well, not quite. following that stage, his image was given slight adjustments. the humor was toned down quite a bit, but his smile was still almost permanently in place. at fansigns, he would lean in until fans were flustered, chuckling at their red faces; he’d hold their hands for just a tad bit longer than expected to make them feel special. after all, he wanted his fans to feel as amazing as he thought they were.
always working hard and taking the blame when any mistakes were made within the group, he was seen by fans as a protector, of sorts. whether fans or his group members, he always wanted to make things right.
who is hwang doyun… really? when the lights are off? well, he’s not quite as outgoing as he seems. in fact, he’s pretty SHY and secretive. he doesn’t admit when he’s struggling, but he doesn’t admit anything, really. he prefers to be alone more often than not and he can go weeks without contacting his parents, manager, or members. unless signal is doing group activities, no one can be sure that he won’t suddenly disappear. he’s never doing anything bad, though… just clearing his mind. but it always leaves the people around him with a renewed realization that they don’t know him quite as well as they think they do.
( tw: mental illness. )
the laughter of a baby is enough to make almost anyone smile and for hwang doyun’s birth parents, that much rang true. he was a happy little infant, shining like the sun in his loving mother and father’s eyes — but on even the sunniest of days, there’s always the idea that it could rain lingering in the back of your mind. the clouds rolled in and the rain began to pour.
doyun’s parents were far too young for a child, his mother barely sixteen and his father nearing seventeen. they still had to finish school, they had their whole lives ahead of them and if they dared to keep this child, every plan they had would be thrown into the wind. surrendering this innocent child to an orphanage was the hardest thing they had ever done, and it was the beginning of a life without COLOR for the boy.
the orphanage was like a home without a heating system in the winter — icy cold. even in the heat of summer, when the kids would lie on the floors of their rooms with the windows open, the coldness lingered. although the children were never necessarily placed in danger, they never felt like they had a family or a true home, just a place to stay. they were given the necessities and had to follow strict rules — no music, no tv, no internet, no leaving their rooms after 9pm, no second servings for meals, etc. doyun didn’t know any different, but he spent much of his time sad and wondering why he didn’t have a family like most kids did.
he was finally adopted at eleven years old and for the first time in his life he was allowed to listen to music without being scolded. in fact, music was almost always playing in his new home. he found that he quite liked it, but he never expressed it. he didn’t really know how to express it. he spent so much time feeling like he was alone, just living day to day as he had to, that he wasn’t entirely sure HOW to show that he liked it.
he was calm. hard to read. a little odd, even. his new parents had a hard time reading him, and although he never realized it, they communicated with him through music. they would play different kinds through the television and watch his reactions to see what kind he liked best. he often went to his room if he didn’t like it, but he would bring his homework out and sit by the tv if he did. through music, they found a way to connect with the emotionally unavailable child.
he was thirteen when he admitted aloud that he wanted to make music. it was the only thing that had ever been able to calm the static mess in his head and fill the emptiness in his chest. it felt right. his parents, whom he had finally begun to address as mom and dad, supported him whole-heartedly in that idea. they knew how much doyun liked music. they had seen it with their own eyes, even though he didn’t even realize they paid that much attention to him. they were willing to put their money into music if it would give him an outlet and help them make him feel like a part of their family.
so vocal lessons and dance lessons became his life. he excelled in dancing, although his singing became much better after a few months, as well. he worked hard, even practicing at home when the lights were off and the tv was on, showing some sort of music video from the latest idol group. what a wonder that something like music could help him begin to find himself.
fourteen years old and going to an actual audition. msg entertainment. he had the look and the talent, but his years of being isolated made him a little anxious and unable to maintain eye contact. rather than seeing this as a problem, though, the judges viewed it as simply a lack of confidence — they could fix that, no problem!
after a couple more rounds of auditions and a stack of signed paperwork, doyun moved out of the home he had lived in with his parents and into the trainee dormitories. the beginnings were rough — he was in an unfamiliar place and he would go days without eating, too shy to say that he was hungry. rather, he would continue to practice while the other trainees ate; he’d wait until he got dizzy to go and get a meal. he felt sick often and wanted to go home many, many times, but it was his fears that made him NOT go home. fear that he would be laughed at, fear that he would be mocked, fear that his parents would be upset. so he stayed and after a month or so, he began to settle in.
the years went by in a clouded haze, watching trainees come and go, making friends and having to say goodbye, missing his parents, falling behind in school, hours of training with what felt like nothing to show. sadness. oh, such deep sorrow filled his heart, but he didn’t express it. perhaps it glimmered in his eyes — hell, he was sure it did — but he wouldn’t say it aloud, at least. he might have to go home if he admitted it, and music was still the only thing that made him feel at ease.
debuting was tough, but signal’s debut song was perfect. “o.k go.” after so many years of barely crawling, it was his time. the walk phase had finally, FINALLY transitioned into the run phase - it was go time. a question that he faced many times but never gave a clear answer to was, “why did you cry during your debut stage?” he cried because he was performing in front of an audience, something like eight year old him never would’ve imagined. he had grown as a person, persevered, and he had been taught to fly rather than having his wings clipped. that thought alone made him cry.
the problem was that his happiness was short-lived. the running around, interacting with hundreds of people a day, and barely getting any sleep got to yun faster than he could’ve imagined. a mere year after debuting, it became too much for him to handle and he saw a doctor who diagnosed him with clinical depression and prescribed medicine to “balance out the chemicals that were causing him distress”, whatever THAT meant.
the medicine left him feeling a little off, so he stopped taking it after the first couple of months. cold turkey, really; no one even knew that he had started taking it in the first place other than himself, his doctor, and his pharmacist. because he stopped taking the medicine so abruptly, he started feeling even worse for a while and he spent some time back home with his parents to clear his mind and refresh before returning to signal’s dormitory.
and today. he still struggles, but he does his best to keep smiling for the fans; he doesn’t want them to know that anything’s bothering him. in an industry that has so much pain, he can confidently say that he does still feel joy when he performs. there are times when he absolutely HATES the life that he’s made and wants nothing more than to disappear, but most days? he’s learning how to appreciate what he has.
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lacydrays-blog · 7 years
Why don't people just say no to drugs?
So, I read that USA is taking a few good steps attempting to combat opioid abuse. I like the news, generally. But then: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-opioids-sessions/u-s-attorney-general-says-people-should-just-say-no-to-opioids-idUSKBN1CV2ZG And this is why some “liberal/ish” people have no sympathy for “conservative/ish” people u.u Why do people get into drugs when they know it's bad for them?
Why don't people just say no to drugs?
Now, I am not some psychology specialist or anything of the sort. I will say what I say based on what I’ve been reading and observing in my own life. So. Here's one possible reason: People who “do not say no to drugs” are in a terrible position in their life - they are not capable of thinking straight. At that point it’s probably not even in front of them as an option - “should I do this? Should I not do this?” I mean sure - casual users are one story - but people who OD and fall into serious addictive patterns PROBABLY are not getting into this thinking that, “oh well, why the heck not, let’s start doing drugs!” Alright, have you looked around and observed what different kinds of people do when it looks like other people are not listening or believing them? 
You see some people throw a temper tantrum, raise their voice - something of the sort to do their best to deliver their message and "persuade" people. 
You see some kids pick up a gun and mow down a whole classroom or a hall full of people going to a cinema. 
You see some people inflict injuries on themselves, you see some people attempting (and some succeeding) suicide. 
All these people might just have something in common. 
And I think it's the feeling that they need to prove that they are in pain, they need time off, they need support, they need a lucky break, they need to be heard, they need to be understood - yet, people around them completely discard their needs. 
I came to this realization when I was trying to admit myself to a psych hospital when my life was about to fall apart - I felt like I was going to drop out, lose my job, lose my home etc, I felt like there was something very wrong with me and I felt that I needed some time off, help and guidance on understanding how to get my shit back in order.
I wasn't physically ill - so, I couldn't really use this as an excuse to take sick leave. You want time off? Why, you look completely healthy to me. You are having anxiety attacks? Oh many people around you do - the best thing you can do at this point is keep coming to work! 
Mhm. Well, lucky for me - I actually did come down with a very mysterious infection and fever - doctors never figured out where the infection was coming from (and I like to think of this as if the universe gave me a wink by handing me this "visual sickness") - but during the time I was going to the doctor, I did talk about being depressed and suicidal thoughts. 
Now this doctor was nice to me - and dearly - we need more doctors like her - but as I was heading off to the other hospital where they were doing this "mental health issues" stuff - the receptionist looks at me and tells me, "nah, you're completely fine, we admit people who are very mentally fucked up." 
And this shit sparked in my head: 
Do I really have to go and get "very mentally fucked up" in order to get some couselling and help? Do I have to go get a rope and attempt suicide? Is the only way to get my fucking mess in my head fixed by geting wheeled into the hospidal with overdose? 
And I figured that wow, ok, that's it. This is how, possibly, many people DO end up harming, killing and overdosing. To make a statement, to convince, to prove.
 Anyway, I didn't leave the receptionist just yet, I actually went ahead and asked her if this is what I have to do to get admitted? I then proceed to explain to her that my life is falling apart, I'm not sleeping, I'm having suicide plans, I'm going to drop out from my job and my progress - is that not enough? 
I must say I managed to convince her by saying what I said. But I have the feeling that a lot of people do not have it in them to confront older people, severely depressed people might have just walked out from there and gone ahead to prep themselves for departure - feeling they are so beyond use and redemption that not even the psych hospital is willing to help them etc etc. I think the same pattern applies anywhere, really. When certain conditions are met, and the person lacks "smart coping mechanisms" or ideas how to deal with some situations - there is NO moment for them to ask whether they should or should do drugs, or whether they should or shouldn't go take a gun to their school. They are way past the sale at that point. 
Some people throw a temper tantrum in attempts to be heard, and believed. Some people pick up a gun and do something dramatic. Some people attempt (and some succeed) suicide. Some people pick up drugs - because they know it sends a STRONG signal of "beyond all hope, do you believe me now?"
It's not an excuse - and yes I do know that all of the above are a bunch of unhealthy coping mehcanisms.
But that’s the problem - they lack the protocols in their brains to cope healthy.
I too, used to feel for a very long time that the only way I could get some well deserved nurture is when I am in distress. Even all the “art” I made back then was based on that belief.  Maybe it has something to do with how our parents give us attention - maybe the only time my mother attended to me was when I was crying - these patterns, starting from a young age, can develop into serious deficits in managing and understanding pressure later in life. I’m not playing victim here - I eventually got help and I think I have a better grasp of things now. But had I not mysteriously fallen ill in the middle of July 2015 and having a convenient excuse to visit the doc - who knows what kinds of measures I would have undertaken to try and relieve myself from the anxiety, panic and hopelessness I was drowning in. 
So, in that light I'm predicting that when the opioid distribution were to somehow die out - some other kind of dramatic bullshit will be on the rise. Suicides, shootings, bomb threats, rapes, assaults, homicide.
And I bet then some people would regret having cut off the freedom to use weed and such - because dealing with suicides, shootings etc seems to be an even harder task than reaching out to people who have become drug addicts. You can gather drug addicts to needle-refresh kiosks and bait them to free clean heroin, but how do you bait potentially suicidal/homicidal people? Put up kiosk “free ropes and guns!”?
Before our education system doesn't have a solid teaching for behavioral stuff, coping mechanisms, healthy thinking, persuasion - reducing ways for people to "make a statement" can't really be good.
I'm sure my described way isn't the only way people end up in listed activities, but something tells me that a large portion of people DO get into it for that very same idea.
Another way I used to think this could be eased - is when all people become more compassionate and considerate but haha - that's not going to happen. Not just like that. I picked up some buddhism and it felt wonderful and I was thinking why isn’t this thing more wide spread!? Yes, not going to happen. 
So, the only effective way I can come up with is introducing coping techniques, thinking, behaving, persuading into kids educational curriculum - so that they would be exposed to it regardless of their situations at homes. Why wouldn’t it reduce the rate of crimes, drug abuse, violence, suicides? 
Not every child is blessed with parents who give just enough to prepare them for a somewhat successful adulthood. I imagine that’s what separates “conservative” families from “liberals”. 
Consider this, and you'll maybe understand why saying something like, "people should just say no to drugs" achieves absolutely nothing. 
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margdarsanme · 4 years
NCERT Class 11 Psychology Chapter 9 Motivation And Emotion
NCERT Class 11 Psychology Chapter 9 Motivation And Emotion
Question 1. Explain the concept of motivation.Answer: The term motivation is derived from the Latin word ‘movere’ referring to movement of activity. Thus it pushes an individual (organism) into activity.
It can be used to explain drives, needs, goals and incentives… Any behaviour is goal driven, demand persistent and often preferred or is in favour of one goal over the other.
It is individuals internal force which energises and directs the behaviour.
Question 2. What are the biological bases of hunger and thirst needs?Answer: Hunger:
The stimuli of hunger include stomach contractions, which signify that the stomach is empty.
A low concentration of glucose in the blood
A low level of protein and the amount of fats stored in the body.
The liver also responds to the lack of bodily fuel by sending nerve impulses to the brain.
The aroma, taste or appearance of food may also result in a desire to eat.
They all in combination act with external factors (such as taste, colour by observing other’s eating, and the smell of food, etc.) to the help one understands that she/he is hungry.
Thirst: When we are deprived of water for a period of several hours, the mouth and throat become dry, which leads to dehydration of body tissues.
Drinking water is necessary to wet a dry mouth.
The processes within the body itself control thirst and drinking of water.
Water must get into the tissues sufficiently to remove the dryness of mouth and throat.
Motivation to drink water is mainly triggered by the conditions of the body.
Loss of water from cells and reduction of blood volume.
When Water is lost by bodily fluids, water leaves the interior of the cells. The anterior hypothalamus contains nerve cells called ‘osmoreceptors’, which generate nerve impulses in case of cell dehydration. These nerve impulses act as a signal for thirst and drinking.
Ist View:
The mechanism which explains the intake of water is responsible for stopping theintake of water.
IInd View:
The role of stimuli resulting from the intake of water in the stomach have something to do with stopping of drinking water.
The precise physiological mechanisms underlying the thirst drive are yet to be understood.
Question 3.  How do the needs for achievement, affiliation, and power influence the behaviour of adolescents ? Explain with examples.Answer:  Needs for achievement:
It energies and directs behaviour as well as influences the perception of situations.
During the formative years of social development, children acquire achievement motivation. They learn it from their parents, other role models, and socio-cultural influences.
We are social being. We maintain some form of relationship with others. Nobody likes to remain alone all the time. Formation of group is an important feature of human life. It involves motivation for social contact.
Need for affiliation seeking other human beings and wanting to be close to them both physically and psychologically is called affiliation. It involves motivation for social contact.
It is aroused when individuals feel threatened or helpless and also when they are happy. People high on this need are motivated to seek the company of others and to maintain friendly relationships with other people.
Need for power is an ability of a person to produce intended effects on the behaviour and emotions of another person. The various goals of power motivation are to influence, control, persuade, lead and charm others.
Question 4.What is the basic idea behind Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? Explain with suitable examples.Answer: Abraham Maslow, a humanist psychologist proposed a hierarchy of needs in which human needs are arranged in a sequence from primitive to human. They are interrelated in the sense that when one need is fulfilled, the next one takes on the mind. At the lowest level are the physiological needs followed by the other higher level needs as given below:
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Physiological needs:These are needs which are basic for survival.They include such as hunger, thirst.
Safety needs: The need to be free from any possible threat-both real and imaginary. It is of both physical and psychological nature.
Belongingness: Needs to belong, to affiliate, to love and to be loved by others. One can’t live alone and needs other’s company.
 Esteem needs: Individual strives for the need for self-esteem to develop a sense of self worth once his belongingness needs are fulfilled.
Self-actualisation: It means to attain the fullest developments of one’s potential.Such people are self-aware, socially responsible, creative, spontaneous, open to novelty and change, has a sense of humour and capacity for deep interpersonal relationships.
Question 5. Does physiological arousal precede or follow an emotional experience? Explain.Answer:
William James and Carl Lange argued that the perception about bodily changes, like rapid breathing, a pounding heart and running legs following an event, – brings forth emotional arousal.
This theory of emotion holds that body’s reaction to a stimulus produces emotional reaction.
The theory suggests that environmental stimuli elicit physiological responses from viscera (the internal organs like heart and lungs), which in turn, are associated with muscle movement.
James-Lange theory argues that your perception about your bodily changes, like rapid breathing, a pounding heart, and running legs, following an event, brings forth emotional arousal.
The theory can be expressed in the following hierarchy:
Canon and Bard contradicted to the James-Lange theory.
According to this theory, felt emotion and the bodily reaction in emotion are independent of each other; both get triggered simultaneously.
This theory of emotion holds that bodily changes and the experience of emotion occurs simultaneously.
Theory claims that the entire process of emotion is governed by thalamus.
Thalamus conveys the information simultaneously to the cerebral cortex and to the skeletal muscles and sympathetic nervous system.
The cerebral cortex then determines the nature of the perceived stimulus. By referring to the past experiences. This determines the subjective experience of emotion. Simultaneously the sympathetic nervous system and the muscles provide physiological arousal and prepare the individual to take action.
Following diagram shows the CANNON-BARD theory of emotion:
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As proposed by the theory we first perceive potential emotion-producing situation which leads to activity in the lower brain region such as the hypothalamus which in turn sends output in two directions:(a)To internal body organs, external muscles to produce bodily expressions(b)To cerebral cortex where the pattern of discharge from the lower brain areas is perceived as felt emotion.
Question  6. Is it important to consciously interpret and label emotions in order to explain them? Discuss giving Suitable examples.Answer:  Schacter-Singer theory: In 1970, the American psychologists Stanley Schachter and Jerome Singer, while adopting an eclectic approach to both the earlier theories of emotion, introduced a new theory named Cognitive theory of emotion.
They suggested that our physical arousal together with our perception and judgement of situation (cognition) jointly determine which emotions we feel.
In other words, our emotional arousal depends on both physiological changes and the cognitive or mental on both physiological changes and the cognitive or mental interpretation of those changes. One cannot work without the other.
The necessary detection and explanation for an emotional state always rests with the interpretation of situation. Since this interpretation is purely a subject of cognitive functioning, the cognitive factors are said to be the potent determiners of our emotional states.
The views expressed by Schachter and Singer was also supported by Magda Arnold by stating that cognitive processes control how we interpret our feelings and how we act on them. She used the term Cognitive Appraisal for the identification and interpretation of emotion provoking stimuli.
A third element, in understanding the relationship between physical reactions and emotional experience aroused on account of the perception of an emotion provoking stimulus.
Cognitive theory helped us to learn that the emotional experience and physiological changes through which we pass are determined by the way we interpret a situation through the cognitive element of our behaviour in the form of our previous knowledge and our interpretation of the present situation directly affect our emotional experience.
Question 7. How does culture influence the expression of emotions?Answer:  Emotional expression involves posture, facial expression, actions, words and even silence.
Cultural similarities in the facial expression of emotions such as anger, fear, disgust, sadness, happiness etc. have been observed. It must however, be noted that facial expression can, in some cases, be also misleading.
The display rules that regulate emotional expression and emotional vocabulary do vary across cultures.
It has been found that children would cry when distressed, shake their heads when defiant and smile when happy.
Despite similarities in expressions of certain basic emotions, cultures do vary in why and how they express emotions.
Question 8. Why is it important to manage negative emotion? Suggest ways to manage negative emotions.Answer:
It is important to control negative emotions in order to ensure an effective social functioning. Positive emotions should be enhanced. We can reduce/manage negative emotions in the following manner.
Negative emotions like fear, anxiety, disgust are such emotions if allowed to prevail for a long time, they are likely to have adverse effects on our well¬being. Anxious individuals find it difficult to concentrate. They are not able to take decisions. Depression impairs individuals ability to think rationally, feel realistically and work effectively.
Following tips prove useful to manage negative emotion effectively The following tips prove useful for achieving the desire balance of emotion:
Enhance self-awareness: Try to get insight into your own emotions and this makes you understand them in a better way. Knowing about your capabilities and limitation helps.
Appraise the situation objectively: An evaluation of situation and gaining insight into it determines the level and direction of emotion.
Self monitoring: A periodic evaluation of past accomplishments, emotional and physical states and other positive experiences enhance faith in yourself and leads to contentment.
Self-modeling: Analyzing past performances and the positive aspects attached to it provides with inspiration and motivation to perform better next time.
Perceptual reorganization and cognitive rest-ructuring: Changing old patterns and following new positive ones. Restructure your thoughts to enhance positively and eliminate negative thoughts.
Be creative: Take up some hobby or develop and interest in something creative and innovative. Create fun for yourself by pursuing such activity of interest.
Develop and nurture good relationship: One who shares good interpersonal relationship with others never feel alone and disheartened.
Empathy: Looking at other’s situation as it was your own. Understanding others well help you in understanding your own self in a better way. It adds meaning to your life.
Participation in community services: this can prove to be very effective in creating a balance of emotion in your life.
via Blogger https://ift.tt/3cojeua
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margdarsanme · 4 years
NCERT Class 11 Psychology Chapter 9 Motivation And Emotion
NCERT Class 11 Psychology Chapter 9 Motivation And Emotion
Question 1. Explain the concept of motivation.Answer: The term motivation is derived from the Latin word ‘movere’ referring to movement of activity. Thus it pushes an individual (organism) into activity.
It can be used to explain drives, needs, goals and incentives… Any behaviour is goal driven, demand persistent and often preferred or is in favour of one goal over the other.
It is individuals internal force which energises and directs the behaviour.
Question 2. What are the biological bases of hunger and thirst needs?Answer: Hunger:
The stimuli of hunger include stomach contractions, which signify that the stomach is empty.
A low concentration of glucose in the blood
A low level of protein and the amount of fats stored in the body.
The liver also responds to the lack of bodily fuel by sending nerve impulses to the brain.
The aroma, taste or appearance of food may also result in a desire to eat.
They all in combination act with external factors (such as taste, colour by observing other’s eating, and the smell of food, etc.) to the help one understands that she/he is hungry.
Thirst: When we are deprived of water for a period of several hours, the mouth and throat become dry, which leads to dehydration of body tissues.
Drinking water is necessary to wet a dry mouth.
The processes within the body itself control thirst and drinking of water.
Water must get into the tissues sufficiently to remove the dryness of mouth and throat.
Motivation to drink water is mainly triggered by the conditions of the body.
Loss of water from cells and reduction of blood volume.
When Water is lost by bodily fluids, water leaves the interior of the cells. The anterior hypothalamus contains nerve cells called ‘osmoreceptors’, which generate nerve impulses in case of cell dehydration. These nerve impulses act as a signal for thirst and drinking.
Ist View:
The mechanism which explains the intake of water is responsible for stopping theintake of water.
IInd View:
The role of stimuli resulting from the intake of water in the stomach have something to do with stopping of drinking water.
The precise physiological mechanisms underlying the thirst drive are yet to be understood.
Question 3.  How do the needs for achievement, affiliation, and power influence the behaviour of adolescents ? Explain with examples.Answer:  Needs for achievement:
It energies and directs behaviour as well as influences the perception of situations.
During the formative years of social development, children acquire achievement motivation. They learn it from their parents, other role models, and socio-cultural influences.
We are social being. We maintain some form of relationship with others. Nobody likes to remain alone all the time. Formation of group is an important feature of human life. It involves motivation for social contact.
Need for affiliation seeking other human beings and wanting to be close to them both physically and psychologically is called affiliation. It involves motivation for social contact.
It is aroused when individuals feel threatened or helpless and also when they are happy. People high on this need are motivated to seek the company of others and to maintain friendly relationships with other people.
Need for power is an ability of a person to produce intended effects on the behaviour and emotions of another person. The various goals of power motivation are to influence, control, persuade, lead and charm others.
Question 4.What is the basic idea behind Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? Explain with suitable examples.Answer: Abraham Maslow, a humanist psychologist proposed a hierarchy of needs in which human needs are arranged in a sequence from primitive to human. They are interrelated in the sense that when one need is fulfilled, the next one takes on the mind. At the lowest level are the physiological needs followed by the other higher level needs as given below:
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Physiological needs:These are needs which are basic for survival.They include such as hunger, thirst.
Safety needs: The need to be free from any possible threat-both real and imaginary. It is of both physical and psychological nature.
Belongingness: Needs to belong, to affiliate, to love and to be loved by others. One can’t live alone and needs other’s company.
 Esteem needs: Individual strives for the need for self-esteem to develop a sense of self worth once his belongingness needs are fulfilled.
Self-actualisation: It means to attain the fullest developments of one’s potential.Such people are self-aware, socially responsible, creative, spontaneous, open to novelty and change, has a sense of humour and capacity for deep interpersonal relationships.
Question 5. Does physiological arousal precede or follow an emotional experience? Explain.Answer:
William James and Carl Lange argued that the perception about bodily changes, like rapid breathing, a pounding heart and running legs following an event, – brings forth emotional arousal.
This theory of emotion holds that body’s reaction to a stimulus produces emotional reaction.
The theory suggests that environmental stimuli elicit physiological responses from viscera (the internal organs like heart and lungs), which in turn, are associated with muscle movement.
James-Lange theory argues that your perception about your bodily changes, like rapid breathing, a pounding heart, and running legs, following an event, brings forth emotional arousal.
The theory can be expressed in the following hierarchy:
Canon and Bard contradicted to the James-Lange theory.
According to this theory, felt emotion and the bodily reaction in emotion are independent of each other; both get triggered simultaneously.
This theory of emotion holds that bodily changes and the experience of emotion occurs simultaneously.
Theory claims that the entire process of emotion is governed by thalamus.
Thalamus conveys the information simultaneously to the cerebral cortex and to the skeletal muscles and sympathetic nervous system.
The cerebral cortex then determines the nature of the perceived stimulus. By referring to the past experiences. This determines the subjective experience of emotion. Simultaneously the sympathetic nervous system and the muscles provide physiological arousal and prepare the individual to take action.
Following diagram shows the CANNON-BARD theory of emotion:
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As proposed by the theory we first perceive potential emotion-producing situation which leads to activity in the lower brain region such as the hypothalamus which in turn sends output in two directions:(a)To internal body organs, external muscles to produce bodily expressions(b)To cerebral cortex where the pattern of discharge from the lower brain areas is perceived as felt emotion.
Question  6. Is it important to consciously interpret and label emotions in order to explain them? Discuss giving Suitable examples.Answer:  Schacter-Singer theory: In 1970, the American psychologists Stanley Schachter and Jerome Singer, while adopting an eclectic approach to both the earlier theories of emotion, introduced a new theory named Cognitive theory of emotion.
They suggested that our physical arousal together with our perception and judgement of situation (cognition) jointly determine which emotions we feel.
In other words, our emotional arousal depends on both physiological changes and the cognitive or mental on both physiological changes and the cognitive or mental interpretation of those changes. One cannot work without the other.
The necessary detection and explanation for an emotional state always rests with the interpretation of situation. Since this interpretation is purely a subject of cognitive functioning, the cognitive factors are said to be the potent determiners of our emotional states.
The views expressed by Schachter and Singer was also supported by Magda Arnold by stating that cognitive processes control how we interpret our feelings and how we act on them. She used the term Cognitive Appraisal for the identification and interpretation of emotion provoking stimuli.
A third element, in understanding the relationship between physical reactions and emotional experience aroused on account of the perception of an emotion provoking stimulus.
Cognitive theory helped us to learn that the emotional experience and physiological changes through which we pass are determined by the way we interpret a situation through the cognitive element of our behaviour in the form of our previous knowledge and our interpretation of the present situation directly affect our emotional experience.
Question 7. How does culture influence the expression of emotions?Answer:  Emotional expression involves posture, facial expression, actions, words and even silence.
Cultural similarities in the facial expression of emotions such as anger, fear, disgust, sadness, happiness etc. have been observed. It must however, be noted that facial expression can, in some cases, be also misleading.
The display rules that regulate emotional expression and emotional vocabulary do vary across cultures.
It has been found that children would cry when distressed, shake their heads when defiant and smile when happy.
Despite similarities in expressions of certain basic emotions, cultures do vary in why and how they express emotions.
Question 8. Why is it important to manage negative emotion? Suggest ways to manage negative emotions.Answer:
It is important to control negative emotions in order to ensure an effective social functioning. Positive emotions should be enhanced. We can reduce/manage negative emotions in the following manner.
Negative emotions like fear, anxiety, disgust are such emotions if allowed to prevail for a long time, they are likely to have adverse effects on our well¬being. Anxious individuals find it difficult to concentrate. They are not able to take decisions. Depression impairs individuals ability to think rationally, feel realistically and work effectively.
Following tips prove useful to manage negative emotion effectively The following tips prove useful for achieving the desire balance of emotion:
Enhance self-awareness: Try to get insight into your own emotions and this makes you understand them in a better way. Knowing about your capabilities and limitation helps.
Appraise the situation objectively: An evaluation of situation and gaining insight into it determines the level and direction of emotion.
Self monitoring: A periodic evaluation of past accomplishments, emotional and physical states and other positive experiences enhance faith in yourself and leads to contentment.
Self-modeling: Analyzing past performances and the positive aspects attached to it provides with inspiration and motivation to perform better next time.
Perceptual reorganization and cognitive rest-ructuring: Changing old patterns and following new positive ones. Restructure your thoughts to enhance positively and eliminate negative thoughts.
Be creative: Take up some hobby or develop and interest in something creative and innovative. Create fun for yourself by pursuing such activity of interest.
Develop and nurture good relationship: One who shares good interpersonal relationship with others never feel alone and disheartened.
Empathy: Looking at other’s situation as it was your own. Understanding others well help you in understanding your own self in a better way. It adds meaning to your life.
Participation in community services: this can prove to be very effective in creating a balance of emotion in your life.
via Blogger https://ift.tt/3cojeua
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