#this is already alot more than I expected to write HAHA
breezy-cheezy · 2 years
Febuwhump Day 6: Drinking Buddies (Secrets Revealed)
Summary: Milly is really good at holding her drinks. Wolfwood, surprisingly, is not.
This would be more funny to her if he didn't let slip some rather sad information while drunk. They make it work.
AKA: I take Trigun canons and mash them together into a very self indulgent heart to heart piece with vague spoilers about Wolfwood’s and Milly’s pasts. And theories. Yeah.
Also this is all platonic, please don’t tag with ship tags thanks!
 “Ten brothers ‘n sisters?? Wow that’s….alot.”
 “Oh, but that couldn’t compare to your own biiiiig family at your orphanage. If you look at it in some ways, you’ve had at least…” she counts thoughtfully on her fingers, “fifty siblings!”
 Wolfwood and Milly both laugh together over this. The man leans over on the table in the corner of the little inn’s pub, nursing his glass.
(Read the rest on AO3! )
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j0kers-light · 9 days
OMFG CHAOS! ♡ ︎♡ ︎♡ ︎
I am obsessed with your version of airhead!reader!! She's so soft and naive and ahhhh! 😝 I see alot of myself in her and I was thinking bout a request where J snaps at her probably for no reason, this is J he's always being a big meanie! Maybe she runs off and he has to calm her down somehow? I know you will come up with something better than I can! I love your writing!!!!1 Oh and pls take your time girly no pressure if you don't wanna write this! 💕
Luv you Chaos !! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
Hey hi my lovely anon! 🖤✨
I'm so happy you loved airhead!reader, I'm always self conscious about writing for a pink aesthetic since I hate that color with a passion 😤 but, this ain't about me. You asked and I shall deliver!
I hope you enjoy anon! I wrote this while bedridden from my period, so if there are any errors haha no there isn't 😉
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After your unexpected visit to Joker’s hideout with your bright smile and tasty sweets, you are welcomed with open arms by his crew.
They can’t help but love your adoring personality!
Joker might not like you around his organization, but he can’t deny you anything if it makes you happy. And being apart (a tiny part) makes you very, very happy 🥰
You waltz in almost every Friday with baked treats for everyone to enjoy, bringing rays of sunshine with you. ☀️✨
The goons let you play Mario Kart with a customized pink controller and include you in on juicy gossip around the hideout to keep you company while Joker is out terrorizing the city.
However, more often than not, you are left to your own devices because everyone is busy.
And that spells trouble because you don’t understand the concept of danger. At. All. 🙃
You wander the hideout and unknowingly meddle in things that should be left alone.
You almost got hurt from a few well placed boobytrap and you almost burned down the abandoned kitchen after trying to light the oven.
That thing has seen better days decades ago but you swore you could fix it. You of all people...
Joker isn’t happy. His Sunlight is a magnet for danger and he honestly wishes you would stay far farrrrr away from his operations but again.
When has he ever said no to his sweet girl? It’s virtually impossible, so you keep visiting much to his annoyance.
Joker’s solution is to lock you inside his office but that soon backfires when you throw a tantrum and somehow hurt yourself.
He’s more annoyed that you broke his favorite office chair so when you whine that you’re in pain? Oh Joker has had enough.
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Joker came back from an unsuccessful mission to loud sobs coming from his office. Frost shrugged his shoulders before uttering, “I don’t get paid enough.” as he walked off.
Pussy. Fine, Joker could handle this! He wasn’t terrified of you..
When he opened the door and saw you sitting on the floor with his broken chair lying in pieces around you, his already limited patience evaporated like vapor.
“What did ya get into now?” He groaned.
You sobered up your tears and tried to greet Joker but the large cut on your leg stung too much so you remain seated. You weren’t expecting J to be in such a nasty mood.
“Are ya too dumb to speak, Y/n? I asked a question?” He rolled his eyes when your lower lip wobbled.
Sure you were a bit ditzy, but Joker never insulted you about it. To hear him belittle you at a time like this, hurt more than falling out of the chair.
You tried to respond but apparently not fast enough for J’s liking.
“You wouldn’t be sitting there lookin’ stupid if ya stayed at home! Whyy do I keep you around?”
The last part was said under his breath but you heard it loud and clear and it shattered your heart.
You ignored the pain and ran out of Joker’s office, a sobbing mess. He waved you off and set to work cleaning up the mess you left behind. He’d deal with you later.
When he reached down to pick up a broken piece, it sliced through his hand and made him hiss. It didn’t hurt him but that wasn’t the case for you.
His sweet Sunlight with your low tolerance to pain. It must’ve been agonizing. Seeing droplets of blood on the floor made him feel instant guilt.
Joker knew he messed up and chased after you to make things right.
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You were startled awake by something soft brushing against your lips.
You almost freaked my but stopped the second you saw Joker laying on the bed beside you, spinning a flower in between his fingers.
He brushed it along the tear tracks that stained your cheeks, “I hate when ya cry…”
J sucked at apologizing but you knew by his sheepish behavior, that it was genuine. He didn’t know how to say, I’m sorry. So he found other ways.
It wouldn’t kill him to say it and you fixed your lips to help him out when the same flower trailed down your cheek, past your lips, and slipped straight to your leg.
You’re shocked to see that it was cleaned up and a pretty pink bandaid was covering the wound you had from earlier. You were speechless. Did J do that for you?
Joker watched you pensively as he brushed the wound with the flower. “I was mad earlier n’ took it out on you. I uh.. I didn’t mean what I said.. mkay? Kisses?”
He nudged a giant bouquet of flowers you didn’t notice closer to you on the bed and waited for your response. He looked absolutely pitiful, expecting your forgiveness.
What Joker said to you was really hurtful however he didn’t have to treat your wound or buy you flowers as an apology. With Joker, actions spoke louder than words so you knew he was truly sorry for being mean.
You couldn’t stand his green puppy dog eyes any longer. You never stayed mad at J for too long.
He breathed a sigh of relief when you leaned in to kiss him but panicked when you pulled away rather abruptly, “Don’t ever call me stupid again.” You warned.
Joker frantically nodded, “M’promise pretty girl, I won’t.”
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rei64bit · 2 years
Heimdall x Reader ⎯⎯  From Dusk till Dawn [Chapter 5]
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Night 5  (Heimdall X  F!Reader)
================================================  ***Warning: Slightly NSFW at the end.***
✎  Summary: Fanfic of reader married to Heimdall cause Odin wanting a grankid.
✎ Word count: 2.8k
✎  Title:  From Dusk till Dawn
✎  Chapter: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] ... more  // trying to publish as much as possible.
✎  Note: Im not a writer, its the first time I want to write something on a character I like alot.
One of the cultures in Asgard, All-father will held feast at the mead hall occasionally to reward the Aesir, the Asgardian and the einherjar for their loyalty and hard work for the sake of Asgard. Tonight, is one of the many nights everyone will join in mead hall feasting and drinking.
Normally you only join not more than one hour and you will be back to your room since you don’t drink and you don’t really hang around to gossip with others either, mostly just exchange a few words just to be polite.
“Woah! Isn’t this the newly wedded couple, how lovely to see you two to getting along” You heard Baldur not far from you, he placed his hand on your shoulder and one on Heimdall who sat next to you. “Get your filthy hand off me” Heimdall hissed.
“Still not very friendly as always, my brother? How can you even get married to this beautiful lady here” Baldur trying to sniff on your hair even you know he can’t feel, taste or smell anything, its almost like he doing it purposely just to piss Heimdall. Not sure what to say, you smile awkwardly at Baldur’s comment on you.
 “y/n did my brother treat you well huh?” Baldur putting both hand on your shoulder lean on you, which is too close. “If he is no good to you, you can always come to me the god of light and peace haha, Nanna wouldn’t mind a second --” Heimdall gave Baldur a punch in the stomach before he can finish.
They better not fight at time like this, but what can you say. “Would you kindly shut up already, brother?” Heimdall barked at Baldur. “I mean what I say y/n, my door is always open for you” Baldur continued, completely ignoring Heimdall.
Refuse leaving your side, Baldur now sit right next to you, laying his head on the table facing both of you, his eyes swiftly moving between you two like he trying to find something out.
“You with kid yet?” Baldur asked. “huh?” The question from Baldur suddenly hits you and you don’t understand what he is trying to say.
“Guess not haha, perhaps you need from help from me hm?” Baldur grinned at you while toying with your hair. Honestly his blue eye is breathtaking like a pool of cool icy ocean that can drown you if you are not careful, staring at you makes you feel like deer in headlight. You blushed as Baldur trying to flirt, not sure what to say, you decided to just continue eating your food.
“Is Nanna forget to put a leash on you or what? Can you stop your mating call attempt on my wife?” Heimdall is losing his patience toward his brother, he looks daggers at him. “Why don’t you just go and do your wife till her brain out, oh wait I forgot, you can’t get hard at all. HA” expecting Baldur will get angry on Heimdall insult, but it’s exactly the opposite.
Baldur is getting intrigued, moving closer and closer. “Who knows brother, maybe y/n will be the one to broke this curse, you never try you never know.” Baldur grabbing your hand trying to put it on his chest, and before he can do that, sword piercing his hand. Heimdall is pissed, getting humiliated in front of everyone, and Baldur seems too willing to start the fight.
“Enough you two” and Thor shows up. Heimdall is totally not pleased with his older brother interfering in this.
“Well well, isn’t it nice to have your brothers around, how sweet. Thor why don’t you mind of own business and get out that here. Me and my other half-brother have something to talk about, take your leave and go! Nor that you should care.” Heimdall sneered at Thor.
“Well, you are right, not that I care, but the All-father who witnessed the this whole nonsense might not be pleased with you two. Perhaps you two should just cut. it. out.” Thor drinking again and walked away without paying much attention to this mess.
Thor is always the one to stop the fight between his two younger brothers, it used to be Tyr’s job but after the incident Tyr is no longer around..and you missed him. You always like talking to Tyr, he is so gentle and kind to everyone, you like to hear his story where he has been traveling around other realms and pantheon. His voice is always soothing and makes you feel safe around him.
Both Baldur and Heimdall decided to just drop it, Heimdall was so pissed with Baldur he didn’t notice All-father was standing not too far and looking in their direction sighing and shaking his head.
Baldur’s wife, Nanna coming to Baldur side was worried what he did to provoke Heimdall. Hope Nanna didn’t overheard what Baldur been suggesting..this will be awkward.
You turned your head to another side to avoid conversation with them and noticed Heimdall get up from his seat. “urm, Heimdall?” “Just peeing.” And off he goes.
Now it is just you with Baldur and Nanna at your side. Great..
You never talked to Nanna before, she seems friendly, but you can’t tell. There is one time you saw her shouting at her handmaiden although you are not sure what happened that make her so furious. You really don’t want the god of joy, peace and moon hate you now, dealing with Heimdall is enough.
“Well- I guess I’m going to get some fresh air.. guess I will see you guys later” You smiled awkwardly and started to walk before Baldur call you again to continue.
Standing outside the great lodge you trying to find place to just relax and the first place that come to your mind is that wall. Most of the time no one will come up there during this time, you can have your peace for a while. Reached the top, stroll around and finally back to your usual spot.
The memories of you sleeping up here are flashing in your head. Every night was cool and quiet, with the moonlight shining on your face as if the moon watched you fall asleep. It was peaceful.
Not sure how long you stay, you heard your husband voice from behind. “Will there even a time you able to stay at one place?” Looks like he went back to mead hall to find you but to no available.
Feeling sorry, you try not to look at him. He is still standing behind you with his hand crossed. “Hey.. urm welcome back?” You tried. “Just stop it, you always make things awkward.”
“You can go back first; everyone is there and having good time.” You continue. “Who know if you going to try catch the moon again and I don’t want to be the one clean up the mess you made after you fell to dead.” He still remembers what happened last time which is embarrassing.
“…I’m not drunk.” You tried to deny. “sure, you are not.” He continues. “I mean it, I only drink one tankard.” “sure.” “…” Now you not sure what to say anymore, and trying to find any topic to talk about.
“ha--Let just go back already, I’ve been staying on the wall long enough.” Sighed, Heimdall getting impatient ready to go back and you trying to catch up on him.
Walking beside him, you peek on his face from your eye corner, you wonder if he still mad from what Baldur said just now.
“Try not to stay to close to that fool.” Heimdall keep walking. “Why? He doesn’t mean what he said.” You replied. “Haa--aren’t you very naïve? Unlike you, I know him well and better than you, what he capable to do to get what he wants.”
Both of you reached the platform and Heimdall started it. And out of nowhere, he walks closer to you, way too close that his face fully occupies your peripheral view, and his glowing bifrost eye like it wants your soul.
“Unless, you like the idea of infidelity..” Shocked for what he just said you are speechless and just stared back at him with mouth slightly open. Heimdall is trying to find if you have the intention of such disgrace so he can torture you with it, but he is unlucky.
Heimdall might not be in love with you….yet, but he is not someone can stand disloyalty especially his spouse who should be on his side no matter what.
The word disloyalty makes him saw Freya face in his mind and it make him frown. Despite what Freya told him before the night she left, he still believes she is the traitor, unfaithful c*nt. His father loved her despite her being from Vanir and granted her so many wishes even himself don’t want to count.
Heimdall also the one who inform All-father that Freya is running away and whereabout too. Everything All-father casted on Freya is what she deserved. “I didn’t agree to what he said, he clearly just joking and teasing you to make you mad come on.” Your voice brings Heimdall back from his thought. You now getting a little mad for what he trying to paint you as such person. As if this arranged marriage is not enough, what he said just now is literally putting salt on your wound. Don’t even started on the spell he casted on you not long ago, it pissed you for the next few days and only recently you just calm down and accept it, plus All-father claimed he will always watch over you.
Not wanting to stand next to him, you move one step ahead with your hands crossed and wait for the platform to reach the ground.
Perhaps he is overstepping here but he is not going to apologize, not in a million year. Instead, he is going to make use of the spell he casted on your earlier this week to interfere and manipulate your emotion toward him.
When you turned your head back to look at him again, he smirks as he knew he succeeded cause your face expression getting gentler and no more frowning. “Stop looking at me like this.. its creepy..” You blushed from the way he looked at you. “Oh? Should I ask for permission to just look at you now, wife?” Yeah.. just as usual..
Return to great lodge, the first person that you see is guess what Baldur again “look! The lovely couple is back from their short honeymoon, do you have fun yet y/n?” Heimdall groan at Baldur comment. Nanna grab on Baldur hand pulling him back to his table not wanting the fight to start again.
You started to drink more, this time with Thor. Thor is good at drinking cause this is the eight tankard and he is still standing tall, while you wobbly back and forth. Your mind is foggy now, everything that comes to your mind is silly and funny.
Started to giggle you looked at Thor who asked you to join him drinking. Before you can, a hand behind you snapped your drink. “Is it your habit to fuddle someone’s wife when your wife is not around to drink with you, you drunken fool.”
Thor totally ignored Heimdall and just kept drinking, this is not the first time he said something like this, there are worse. “Heyyy No one force me to drink- just chill-” Did his wife just ask him to chill? Chill? You can’t believe this women.
Because of the alcohol, you can’t stand still. You are trying to hold on to Thor who stands next to you to balance yourself since he is so tall, but Heimdall was quick enough to hold your hand first that make your head lays on his shoulder. His hand is holding your waist, so you won’t fall and make a scene and embarrass him.  “You know, Heimdall, you are much cuter when you talk normally or not talking at all.” Even you don’t mean it, but your comment insulted him.
“You women are so--” Heimdall paused on what he trying to say, turning his head to look at your eyes.
He can sense something from you, it was due to the spell and your body is sending some kind of emotion or feeling to him, it feels hot on cheat and slightly trembling with heart beating faster than usual. He just realized; you are in heat.
It’s quite interesting to see you in this state, which is rare, and he wanted to continue teasing you and see how far you can go, so Heimdall pulled you closer to him, hand tighten on your waist and let your whole body lean on him.
While watching you, Heimdall drinking your mead. “mm….” Closed your eyes you mutter, face rubbing on his chest while both hand hugging on Heimdall.
Despite had his way with some women before just to satisfy his need, this time felt different. Perhaps because you are his wife, or you are doing this in public, but he is not sure. There was something about you hugging him tightly and being so lovey-dovey toward him, it’s very different compare to his experience with other women.
His heart beating faster just looking at what you are doing. Continue drinking what is left in your mug, Heimdall’s hand slowly moving from waist to lower, grabbing firmly... Thor is watching you two the whole time, peek from his eye corner, enjoying this rare sight of his brother doing such thing.
“Shit..” Heimdall now remembers the spell, he is now feeling the same thing you have been feeling. He still want to enjoy this rare sight of you before gets to the main business.
Just when he still thinking whether he should just take you back to bed chamber now or staying here. Suddenly he noticed you are looking at him, raising his brows and waiting to see what you up to, you kissed him on his lip without saying anything.
Heimdall was hesitated to do anything further as you are drunk and he don’t wanna do it when you are like this, it’s like doing with a corpse, but now he sees this as an invitation to continue. He kisses you back and things get hotter.
Your hand moved from his waist to cradle his face and toying his hair. “Get a room you two!” Baldur out of no where said and laugh at both of you. Heimdall reply Baldur by throwing the tankard that was on his hand at his face, so hard it echoing the mead hall.
The door got kicked open with full force, Heimdall bridal carry you into the bed chamber belong to you two, it was dark, but the moon light helps him to see better.
This whole time while he is carrying you, you been nimble on his throat which makes him lose his cool. “God damn it women.” Heimdall cursed but the truth is he actually enjoying it alot.
Putting you down on the bed he looks at you. “Damn..women are you still conscious.” You look at him and giggle with both hands hugging his neck. “…you better not forget all this.” Heimdall lower his head and continue what he is been doing just now in the mead hall.
Just a few second all your clothes is on the ground, Heimdall feeling your skin, he wonder why you are so soft, the moon light shine on your skin and make it glows. Heimdall stopped on what he was doing and just stared at your face, your skin and chest which make you blush.
You are getting bold, instead of hiding your face, your hand tugging his clothes wanting him to continue. “mm…” Muttered as you pout like a kid. There is a storm inside of Heimdall’s mind, this is the first time he encounters a women like you, not in a bad way.
What you did just flipped his switch, now he won’t stop even if you ask. The noise you both make can be heard outside the room, let’s just say it’s intense.. Baldur was actually going to spoil Heimdall’s fun but was stopped by Thor.
Not sure how long time has passed, both you and Heimdall laying on the bed resting, the room was a mess, look like you two get too creative. Heimdall is holding you close to him. None of you say anything, just enjoy the moment and peace. Perhaps you don’t know what to say after what just happened. “Just sleep.” This is the only thing Heimdall said. Blanket covered both of you, the night is getting late so does your eyelid also getting heavier. Before you completely fell asleep, you heard Heimdall mutter something, but you don’t really paying attention as you needed to rest now.
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rrxnjun · 1 year
well idk what kind of url u want but tbh jihoon reminds me of daisies cuz one time he posted them so the only thing i could think of is juhoonsdaisies or sumn like it's kind of cute but it's definitely not like ur other usernames so i don't think i helped;-; but I hope you have already managed to kind of like the url u came up with;-;
aaa don't worry exams suck so i understand so take ur time with it💕💕but very excited about the review🥹
THOSE SLAP SO HARD I HAVE BEEN LISTENING TO THEM SO MUCH!!! yessss i love noise music but u can only listen to it so much;-; and i will deff check out more of their songs once i'm not in a music overload🥸 THAT PERFORMANCE WAS🤌🤌 THE FITS THE VOCALS EVERYTHING WAS SO GREAT🤌🤌 and without you definitely became one of my fav songs rn it's so great and idk what kind of songs it reminds me but i love iiittt
yeahhh i would hope its easier but i know it won't be;-; i'm used to studying a lot but idk if only i feel it as a lot and it actually isn't so we will see😬 and thank u for praying i did really bad lmao so i'm hoping to just get a 45% and i will be good so we shall see in june🥸
EXAMS SUCK SO MUCH ACTUALLY WAHHH;-; my hungarian lit, grammar and history i did surprisingly well i think but i will only know the actual results of them on the 5th of june soooo😬 IM MANIFESTING FOR U AS WELL!!! I HOPE ALL WENT WELL AND WILL GO WELL IF U HAVE LEFT!!!! i hope u are doing well and are taking care of urself as well!!! ahhh it will be only easier in like july so🥲 BUT I HOPE U DID/WILL DO WELL ON THEM!! GOOD LUCK!!!! AND RELAX A LOT AFTER U ARE DONE AS WELL!!!!
omg thats def very cute but im more of a cool url kind of girlie 😔😔💔 with how things are going with my writing we'll see if i even use the blog tho but maybe its just my current poor mental health speaking AHAHA also still no review because i SUCK im so sorry 😭😭😭
you can only listen to so much noise music before it gets old imo SJSJAJ i had my strong noise music phase back with stray kids and then nct and the 4th gen but i grew to appreciate calmer songs now ig 😭 like noise music has to be done well to be listenable and thats why i hardly stan 4th gen noise music bgs 💔 nct will forever be the best noise. but im so glad u agree the fits in that perf were so so good the all white ?? magnificent. especially jinyoung. u probably dont know which one he is but thats not important rn HAHA. i think without you will definitely be in my top tracks on spotify for this year ive become so obsessed with the song 😭😭
no i think if u assume youre studying a lot then it actually IS alot bc even now i can say im not studying THAT much but maybe thats bc im a fast learner ??? idk idk. omg is 45% enough to pass there?? 😭 i have to have 65% at least and when i heard that literal med school students only need 50% i almost threw a fit bc how is that possible. how can a psych major need more to pass than a literal ASPIRING DOCTOR. (law majors need 75% tho so that calmed me down really quickly). however i am manifesting for you !!!! im sure u did well and will continue to do well if u have any more exams🤞🤞🤞 i failed one of mine 💀💀💀 but i retook it yesterday and i think i passed this time. i have 2 left and both are kinda difficult but. lets manifest.
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jcinknetwork · 1 year
Looking for a 1x1 roleplay partner!
Hey! I've got quite alot of time on my hands and I absolutely love to rp so I was looking for someone/a few people to rp with. I really have no limit to people I will take, I can keep up with many many haha!
Anyway I write about 300+ words per post and expect my partner to write around the same although a little less is fine and more is also fine, of course if you know that I probably will find it difficult to match. I mostly do mxm pairings but can do nb aswell, all my characters are queer, as I am, so don't expect me to write anything else, sorry! I love romance topics and adventure aswell as mystery and horror occasionally. I can do both human and humanoid characters. 
I do have a few ideas already but if you have any I'd be more than happy to hear! I hope to hear from you! 
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starlessea · 3 years
Ultimate Guide to Writing Accents and Dialogue
I recently saw an amazing post on how to keep your characters ‘in character,’  and I wanted to make my own about writing accents, dialects, and overall just creating dialogue that suits the people you are trying to portray.
I’m a language/linguistic student, so here are a few tips I think you should consider!
1) Standard Pronunciation: 
First you need to think about where your story is set, and what is the standard dialect of the majority of your characters compared to your main character. What I mean by this is, if your story is set in the South, and all of your characters therefore have that Southern drawl, then it becomes the STANDARD, and has nothing to contrast it unless you introduce something.
If your main character (your POV) has a different accent, then make it NOTICABLY different from the standard of your story. It’s good to have accent variety, otherwise all of your characters start to sound the same.
2) Constructing your Vocabulary: 
Next, you’ll want to consider the vocabulary of your character. Ask yourself questions about them: are they educated, what was their upbringing like, do they work in a field with specific vocabulary? You can strip it back even further than that - when you think of your character how would you describe them? Could you see a badass biker using long, sophisticated diction on a regular basis? Or an old woman swearing like a sailor?
Don’t get me wrong, these are very much stereotypes, and often the most interesting characters are created by subverting your expectations. But use these questions as a springboard for your characters. If you’re writing fanfiction, and know the characters well already from a movie / tv-show, then try to IMAGINE them saying your lines to see if they are something they would actually say. 
However, also note that the register of your characters is bound to change given the situation. Obviously, someone is more likely to use heightened vocabulary in a certain setting - e.g. within a classroom - and more casual language elsewhere - e.g. in a bar. See below for such a distinction:
Formal: Yes/No
Informal: Yeah/Nah
3) Orthography, Syntax and Morphology: 
Okay, so those words might look a little scary, but don’t worry. Orthography is just a fancy way of saying spelling (specifically, the standard spelling system of a time/place and how we might see a character deviate from it), syntax is word order, and morphology is how words are formed (such as grammar, inflections etc.). I’ll give some examples of what I mean.
Orthography: I’m going to use Daryl Dixon from TWD for reference (keywords: Southern drawl, redneck, country). For Daryl, some words he says I write phonetically (according to how he says them), so that the spelling matches the phonology. E.g.:
Standard: “Take care of yourself.”
Daryl: “Take care of yerself.” 
I tend to do this alot with pronouns, such as ‘you/ya,’ ‘your/yer.’ But I also use the long, standard forms for variety and emphasis - e.g. ‘you’re right.’
Syntax and Morphology:
Often, a character will use different syntax or morphological patterns that we aren’t used to. Often, non-native speakers are portrayed using types of English we often categorise as ‘incorrect’ - but are just non-standard. You can find good examples of this within Creole literature.
For example, past-tense verbs are usually conjugated in the present-tense form:
‘we was / if I was you’ instead of ‘we were / if I were you’ 
“I go now.” 
“She gives it to me yesterday.” 
Unfortunately, a lot of these conventions are also stereotypically used to portray characters who are uneducated - think of Joe or young Pip from Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations, for example.
But, you also want to avoid STEREOTYPING your character too much, as that can come across as amateur or cliche. What I mean by this is don’t over-rely on certain patterns - don’t overuse them. It’s okay to have variety, even if its with the SAME character. Just do it in a way that fits your overall construction. You can even change these speech patterns DURING your story to represent the development of your character, or them picking up an accent, or being around different people.
4) Apostrophe and Negatives:
Apostrophe: These can be used to mark a number of things - such as abbreviations, contractions, possession etc. If your character has a certain accent, they might roll certain words into one another - not stressing specific consonants, for example. We can see this in ‘C’mon.’
Alot of abbreviations are now recognised slang words, too. For instance:
C’mon = Come on 
‘Cos = Because
Lil’ = Little
‘Ma = Mama / mother
Ol’ = Old
Think about whether certain abbreviations and slang matches the register of your character, as well as their location. For example, slang words like ‘cuppa’ (cup of tea) are usually expected in a British setting.
Also, remember that the apostrophe goes in the position of the letter/letters you are getting RID OF, which is not always necessarily in the place of the contraction. E.g:
‘Do not’ contracts to ‘donot’ which abbreviates to the standard ‘don’t.’
Going back to my Daryl Dixon example, other common abbreviations I use for him include the following:
‘Ing’ contraction - walking becomes walkin’.
 Anyone, anything - becomes ‘nyone, ‘nything
Pronoun contractions - her becomes ‘er.
Connective contractions - and becomes an’ or n’.
Other contractions don’t even need apostrophes - such as ‘gonna,’ ‘gotta,’ ‘sorta,’ ‘wanna.’
Even though Standard English doesn’t use double negatives anymore, we can use them in our writing of characters as an indicator of their background or dialect. They can also be used for emphasis.
Coming back to Daryl, he tends to use a lot of double negative constructions:
“I ain’t nobody’s bitch.”
“Don’t want nothin’.”
“Ain’t go no reason to.”
If you want to get even more complex, you can have a proclitic negative (where the negative attaches itself to the verb - e.g. don’t), and contract it further so you get a multiple contraction. For example:
You (pronoun), Are (verb, form of ‘be’), Not (negative) = you ain’t = y’aint.
“Y’aint never done shit for me!”
Because this is a three way contraction, it becomes a bit confusing where to put the apostrophe - is it y’aint or y’ain’t? To be honest, it becomes mostly your choice after that (stylistic). 
5) Loanwords and Imposition:
Loanword: This is a word borrowed INTO the native language FROM another one. For example, think of an American speaker using a French word or phrase in a sentence.
“Thought we were all takin’ a laissez faire approach now?”
Think of how this changes the sentence, and the impact it is going for. French is still seen as a prestigious language, so it can be used to heighten register, or can be used to mock/patronise/be sarcastic in a certain context (as in this example).
Imposition: This is when a speaker uses a word FROM their native language in the context of a non-native language they are speaking. It has connotations of power and agency. 
For example, a French speaker might use a French term in a conversation, despite it having a perfectly good English counterpart. This might be in order to demonstrate that a character is trying to show off, or is reminding their peers of their background or status.
6) Non-verbal Indicators:
This is more on the border of style, but I thought it was worth mentioning. Sometimes, the descriptive words you use can reflect a character's dialect. An obvious example can be how ‘drawled’ is associated with a Southern accent.
Although it might sound cliche, you should think about the vocabulary you want to use in order to describe a certain accent. If we were to compare perhaps Scottish or Welsh with French, for instance, you would be able to hear the distinct sound differences. The former are more harsh, guttural, have a lot of sounds that come from the back of the throat, whilst the latter is nasal and flows more.
Use your descriptions to emphasise this. Look up synonyms that describe the WAY in which your characters are pronouncing the words. Are they guttural, harsh, gravelly, thick? Or are they soft, fluid, smooth?
Anyway, I’ve rambled enough. Good luck writing, everyone!
Disclaimer: Even though this post is long, it’s actually really basic on a linguistic level - so I hope no true linguists read this haha. These are just some personal observations, but I hope they help!
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muselin · 3 years
i have two things to say with this. my little thoughts on your anon who decided to be shitty and on what @youaremy-dreamgirl had said about jinki.
first off with jinki. i can absolutely see him wanting to rail his partner from behind. i dont believe he'd do it alot, he seems to prefer cowgirl or missionary, so on. he seems like he'd be rough when stressed yk ? in that moment he'd want to break you like a doll but afterward his aftercare would be so precious and he'd put his all into making the moment he holds you as intimate as possible.
now onto the anon ! :]
okay but what the fuck ? i hope you're doing better muselin. /g it's fucking pathetic how someone wants to insult you and yet get their panties in a twist over fucking /fiction/. "get a life." but you're sitting here sending anons to someone who has expressed what they write is purely fake ? not to mention that you write about grown men who are by no means anywhere near innocent. hate to break it to you bud but your theory is a flaw in of itself. atleast have the big enough balls to send it with your profile, you're just proving you're a pussy for hiding yourself. /srs
- 🗑
Hi 🗑bin <3
Firstly yes, absolutely agree with that Jinki scenario. I don't see him getting that rough and desperate often, but he knows the value of letting loose on you and then putting you back together. I see some hair pulling and some dirty but somehow still sweet praising. He knows it switches things up and makes it so exciting when he does something you don't expect from him.
Secondly, that anon was honestly more amusing than anything. Just so random haha /lh It really doesn't bother me. I said what I thought was appropriate and have already moved on. I get stuff like that very rarely and if I do, usually it makes no sense, as you saw yourself lol. I appreciate the support from you though <3 /g
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twinklebitch · 4 years
More people joining rp would be still be cohesive. Right now there really isnt anything to tie things together and events dont make sense. Spotlight from other is taken by tommy and techno cause writers are too focused on them to even consider making the other charectors sideplots to be added to the main story. People have force their way in to the plot and that doesnt feel right. Niki didnt even knoe about the festival and fundy ghostbur arc got completly ignored. They should plan the main plot and side plots to fit each other. I know this is just minecraft rp, but this would improve things alot. And yes I want Wilbur back to writing and even though he still concertated only on few people but still sideplots and sidecahrectors were involved way better than now.
I agree that a lot of this would make the story better. The content creators seems to be lacking in the communication department, which I hope they work on. And I too want Wilbur back as a writer :(. On the other hand, maybe it’s because I was watching from the very beginning -  when they sort of stumbled into roleplaying - or maybe it’s because I’ve already lowered my expectations, but I still wholeheartedly enjoy the streams! I’ll get absolutely immersed in them, watch the whole stream, and then later find my tumblr dashboard on fire haha.
Actually now that I think about it, it is probably me just having terrible taste lol. This isn’t the first time I’ve looked at the tags for a fandom to see everyone up in arms when I had been thoroughly enjoying myself in my little corner of “hehe favorite tv show go brrrr.”
I learned a long time ago that I am A) easily entertained, B) quick to forgive, and C) easily content. I suppose that has followed me into the dream smp fandom.
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yoitscro · 4 years
Tumblr media
First thought: Homestuck^2 should've just been called Beyond Canon, and more people should call it that. 
The 2 was put on for chuckles; HS trending the day it was announced with it being a sequel spoke enough about how such a thing shant be underestimated, and why Homestuck is ABSOLUTELY more than just our small twitter crowd (and the scrap of us still on tumblr). I say that because remembering the Beyond Canon part slightly reassures me about the fact that this is a fanwork that will do some weird shit, and things I don't agree with, but isn't something that I have to subscribe to enjoying all the way with how I engage with Homestuck.
Homestuck 2 is not the canon continuation. Homestuck 2: Beyond Canon, is an OFFICIAL continuation.
Not having it on such an important stool and as the only content we all are only allowed to digest should come from both people who obsessively dislike it, and people who defensively support it. If a character says they kick babies then I can say, hey that's weird, maybe not great writing, but I can pretend they don't in my content, and i dont have to send threats or call people cishet white men for it! and, it's an absolutely great thing that we were all encouraged to create our own ideas without anyone who's influenced us to do so squinting their eyes when we actually go through with it. Glad I don't have to put this story up to the expectations of being a sequel to a 11 year, worldwide IP that's shooketh the internet landscape since it's merely optional, Death of the Author persists, and ideas aren't just dominated and revolved around the perspective of a 1% in this entire fanbase.
That said.
As an OFFICIAL continuation versus a canon one, HS2 is ok. It certainly has that fanfiction vibe, and a story it wants to tell. I can't really tell what that story is since we have like, 10 sub plots rn though. There's not a real a clear indicator on where the focus of main conflict is that connects all these stories together.
I thought that the prose in replacement of Vriska's battle was jarring, but not teeerribly surprising for the format HS2 is going for. It's more so using drawings to compliment text versus Homestuck's usual of panels being side by side with visual importance, or even itself being the one compliment. It sorta feels weird tho that it brought old fans back in with art just for them to get sneered at when they get a bit upset that there won't be main staples of art known to progress the story forward. 
Also people who mock people for “having to read homestuck” knowing there’s language barriers and struggling focus from those who’ve been use to something that was never so dense, are ridiculous.
Personally this could be solved by knowing how old flashes worked, having way more artists on the team, maybe even an art director if not already, and noting that we're not asking for the next Cascade. Rome wasn't built in a day, but Rose Ride sure was, and Homestuck’s animation is absolutely not the same as a 12-24 framed 12 minute cartoon. That, or just snuff the illustrative art as a whole since it's very clear on where the focus is.
I’m sure you’re not here trying to see my opinions on how the outer workings are though, versus plot.
Uuuuh, let's see. Yiffy's still a name I don't care to use until I eventually get tired of any of my art that do not show up in tags. This is fine and not as offensive as people are saying it is. Minors who want to cosplay this character don't have to call themselves this character. Not wanting to be one letter away from accidentally entering a very NSFW space of twitter is fine. Also the lot of people call Tavros, Tavvy.
I hope Kanaya's anger at being cucked is actually seen versus being implied through fan guesses and another character having to say she was.
Roxy needs to be more of an involved character. Where are they during all this?
Jane should have a mention of her relations to HIC being a main/bad influence on her current parallels to Alternian dictatorship.
The PRE-RETCON GROUP should have a fun one-shot update for fans who like them, since they oughta be around if they fell through the ghost hole. Most of them. The sprites that aren't Jasprosesprite should also show up too, since they're around.
Aaaaaand I think we should be extra careful going into the future when it comes to the alien rebellion. It's weird that a lot of the writers are white and toy around with concepts that can be a not so great parallel to racism. Currently not great timing rn! If the characters are going to remain aracial, but with them still doing not much to reference other non-white earth cultures or getting new hair cuts that have different textures (looking at you, Rose), we shant make the species with actual biological benefits a racism commentary. the xeno joke at least had a play on words. If any writer has happened upon this then a, please don't get mad at me again haha, and b, consider having more black writers or directional assistance on your squad. You know who they are.
In the future. I casually want the ghost from the Dream Bubbles to be shown since it's a big elephant in the room to not have a single one of them in the bg despite a load of them appearing from the ghost whole. Don't gotta give them speaking lines, especially the dancestors. I personally don't know if I want that right now.
I also hope in the future that we don't get HS content that is only going to revolve around HS2, if it's optional enough to engage with without being the only option. That's why PQ could ended a bit better for me, and why I hope it's not the main thing that's keeping Hiveswap on the backburner. I don't think it's farfetched to consider that multiple HS content could come from more than just one team; to relieve work load, but to also strengthen the idea that Homestuck can be a various amount of perspectives when it comes to the ideas fans have. The most dedicated fans leading the direction of the story is not just a handful of them. If anything, at least acknowledge the massive ass fan projects going on once in awhile to showcase the different avenues.
"Hey Cro, you sure have bitched about this alot. Do you have anything good to say? Why don't you stop reading if you hate it so much!"
Not every comment needs to be golden, love. Again, some of these decisions I eck at, but ultimately they're just words on a computer that I'm not holding anyone at gun point to do, and I'm curious to see how the story handles itself going forward, since again, it's just a fanwork. Sometimes I wish to not only see where the plot goes, but to see a writer's craft in action.
Good Things:
The Art. Again, please have more artists. It'd help so much, especially since the main one is also double timing for VE. That said, HS2 sticks out to me because of the way the color composition is used. Aside from hair and other tiny things, I haven't seen black used a lot, which makes colors pop. It's really nice to look at. I hope we get more sharper styles of character in the future, since it builds on nostalgia and makes the trolls feel much less like they're from Repiton, but I can deal with it for the most part. I also like that one panel where the omega kids and vriska are talking in the dark room, and based on where they're standing, the text aligns. Tasty as hell.
Meat and Candy still do hold neat logic in the direction the stories go. Candy, while it could be more tasteless in some areas, is chaotic and too much of a good thing. Meat is having something a little more straightforward, though I'm not sure quite yet where it's going. I always found Candy to be the part of the epilogue that actually entertained me the most, from how much of a surreal Robot Chicken skit at 3am it felt. Sometimes the jokes slapped real nice and made me wonder, going in, how is this monkeys paw gonna play out and, hopefully, make people laugh or smirk like they got a good roast at themself?
The slightly episodic feel of each update is what I wanted from the Epilogues, so it's interesting to see that play out when it comes to switching different perspectives.
The bonus updates get points for featuring characters that a lot of us have been wanting to see for ages.
Hopefully this isn't unpopular, but I think the tension of Yiffy's introduction was nicely composed and written (ignoring some of the things I wish for Jane). It leaves you with enough want to see what'll happen next time. You could also say that despite her growling and making a lot of noise, it's not actually bad writing: I see it as the audience being forced to see her in the same perspective that Jane see's her; a dog. Upon no context we're seeing the same thing while knowing things are obviously off, and once we see this character in a new environment where their personality shines, it'll have a bigger impact her own character being humanized. So I like that.
Okay, I think that's all I got. I improv wrote most of this; hopefully I won't be taken out of context since I don’t think that HS2′s writing should ultimately be a judgement of the writers as people, nor treated as if they should hold the same unhealthy work environment that Andrew forced himself to do when writing the og comic. And I'm still like, donating to the patreon and everything, lol.
[runs away]
edit: i was going to put the cw as another positive thing for the comic...but...yeaaaah.
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indigobluedreams · 4 years
Shitty fic for Teruteru's birthday inspired by what I would be doing currently if we were in the same universe. I just like... Mmmm... I won't be sleeping unless I fucking write this shit. You feel me? I have art planned / Sketches done but I need to sleep. I tried writing this from Teru's perspective but I'm bad at this / Ended up getting nervous halfway through cause haha, House noises. My sister calmed me down though, Like the epic fucking gamer he IS!!!!
TW: Teru being himself, Aka he makes a perverted joke like once but I don't wanna upset people. If you don't like that then uh. Give this a skip.
Teruteru stirred awake. Taking a moment to look at the time of the nearby alarm clock: 1:52am. He paused, Squinting his eyes vaguely as they once again adjusted to the darkness. The one thing that seemed to light up the room was hid phone positioned on his beside unit, Right by said alarm clock. He pursed his lips, Curious on who could be calling at this hour.
He smiled lightly once he noticed who it was. Staring at the contact name before answering. It was his partner. Needless to say, He hasn't expected getting into a relationship with while he was in hopes peak with his track record but it seemed like suprises were a natural thing here. His mind was still drowsy from sleep as he yawned, Signalling to the person on the other line that he was up. They instantly spoke up.
" Eyyy, Teru! Did I wake you? " Their cheerful voice rang through, faint accent kicking in as his name rolled of their tongue as their laugh continued. They seemed to be in a good mood, His mind wandered as he debated on perhaps why.
" Oh yes, But not to worry... Why are you calling so late? Are you looking for a booty call~  " He asked in a flirtatious tone, Giggling lightly while he layed back down. He let his head once again hit the pillow as his eyes met the plain ceiling as he listened for an answer. Momentary silence rung through before he heard a brief scoff and laugher.
" No! No! Nothing like that, Get your mind out the gutter! I just... wanted to be the first! " Their laugh continued the sentance once agian, He furrowed his brows in confusion.
" First? " He repeated the word. Puzzled by the meaning and it was certainly audible with his tone of voice. First of what? He thought for a moment before it was interrupted by the answer he needed.
" First to say Happy birthday! So yeah. Happy birthday Teru! " Their tone of voice never faltered, It was giddy and he felt himself smile. Leave it to them to stay up all night, Wait for midnight only to phone them up and say Happy birthday. He shook his head lightly.
" Thank you, TJ. But I don't get why you couldn't have waited until tommorow morning. After all, We're going to meet eachother first thing! " He spoke. He was grateful for the thought, It meant alot to know that they were thinking of him. Especially at this time but he was concerned. They should be sleeping right now but he knew with their sleep schedule. Sleeping at the current moment would be hard.
" Um, Yeah I kinda do. " They laughed agian, Expect this one sounded more nervous. Teruteru paused, Momenterially confused on what was about to say next. Only a little " Huh? " popping out in response as they continued.
" I want to make today special for you because your special to me. I know we haven't been together too long but, like, I love you so much. I'm scared I don't say that enough but I love you more than I think I've loved anything. Like thinking about you, I just lay there and everything might as well have a shitty pink tint because oh fuck, I love you. I promise I'll make today the best birthday you've ever had. You deserve that much and basically the whole world n' shit for existing, Y'know? Cause that's basically what you are to me, Your my world and I'm gonna spend my time trying to repay you for that... Damn, I'm sorry for rambling and how cheesy that got. I just... I really want you to know your important to me and I'm gonna do my best to give you the birthday you deserve. Sorry I just couldn't get to sleep without saying that either... " They'd pause, Stuttering as their voice would occasionally break. TJ was never good with sharing their feelings. It took alot just for them to open up completely, But for Teru every second of that seemed worth it. Knowing this was how they felt about him? He couldn't help himself.
He could feel himself tearing up after hearing that. Pausing for a moment as he wiped away tears. That... He didn't know how to respond. He had never had anyone say anything like that to him before but it just made his heart soar. Knowing that this was how TJ felt? About him of all people? He couldn't contain his tears, He was just... so happy to hear that. He let out a small sniffle and he was already predicting what they would say next.
" Oh fuck? Did I make you cry? Teru, Babe don't cry. You don't deserve thaaat! " They whined, Growing worried only for him to laugh.
" Hush, It's happy tears... You really feel that way? " He asked, Voice vaguely cracking as he began to grip the covers he had been under. Pulling them closer to him. As he smiled.
" Whole-heartedly. I could never lie to you. " He replied, rolling onto his side. Still holding the phone up to his ear. He couldn't explain how happy he was to hear that. His heart thumped in his chest as he rolled back over to face the direction of his bedside table once more.
" But you should probably head back to sleep. I got some good shit planned for tommorow. Can't have you being sleep deprived! " They hummed as shifting was heard from the other end. Most likely them as they adjusted themselves into a more comfortable position.
" Alright. Goodnight, Sweet dreams " He spoke into the phone, Trying to contain himself as he once agian wiped away tears with a light laugh.
" You too Teru, Love you " They sounded so genuine, A hard thing when it came to them. Originally, Teruteru had been drawn in my their mysterious aura. Despite being such a friendly person, They remained very private about themselves and their life. It was a strange clash but he enjoyed it. But hearing that for a second time made him feel incredibly special.
" Love you too. " He replied back. Waiting for a moment before he heard the famillar beep of the line being disconnected. Leaving him in a comfortable silence and the once agian empty night. He leaned back over to put his phone back. Placing it back on the beside table before curling back up in his covers as he shut his eyes. The smile never leaving his lips as he once agian drifted off into sleep.
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taelme · 4 years
hi! i love your writing and i've read your whole masterlist nsbdbc 💖💖 i was just wondering if you have any tips for making dialogues run smoothly? your work always has them! hehe 🐸👉👈
hey!! actually i feel like i used to have a problem with writing smooth dialogue because when i first started out ( oh, wattpad *sighs wistfully* ) i used to really just put entire chunks of dialogue there bc in my head it was always so fast paced but when i wrote it out it was never the same as what i imagined but what i learnt over the years was
1) observe!
this just meant me thinking about conversations i've had, overheard (👀👂) or heard in movies that felt very real to me, and trying to imagine my characters and how they would talk, like u know how people have those little mannerisms in their speech or certain words they use more often or a tendency to use filler words (*cough cough* me) and i just try to keep thinking abt this character's voice (literally and not literally) when i write. To put it simply i'm always going 'what would _______ say in this situation'. but ofc its still a work in progress and i do need to improve in that.
but for me bc i want my dialogue to flow better i usually play with the pace depending on how much Tension i want in the scene haha like i think i usually try to imagine a scene playing out and like how they would move in the scene as they talk (also alot coming from observation) and i usually just add that in as i go so i dont get carried away and the scene's not entirely dialogue LOL
2) dialogue is tricky... i wld say i still struggle with it
i think it really depends on what you're writing, u know? like sometimes u want choppy fast paced dialogue but sometimes u also want slow meaningful exchanges but for me i cant really put a finger on what i do... i think mostly i just kind of imagine myself in the same room as them as if im watching the exchange myself
other than that, i think i try not to use dialogue tags (e.g Jaehyun said) super often to challenge myself and try to see if i can make it so that the reader already knows who's talking as they read the exchange but i still need to work on that ofc HAHAH ANYWAY this turned out longer than expected, thank u anon for asking these r just personal things i do so yes. ❤️❤️
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kurama-is-love · 5 years
I WAS WAITING FOR A BLOD DEDICATED TO KURAMA 🌹🖤😍 Can i request headcanons of him as a boyfriend? (Yoko and Minamino if u dont mind)
I AM GLAD THAT HIS FANS ARE NOT DEAD YET!Haha. I already found some writing blogs, but they don’t seem very active right now :/I use Yoko’s headcannons from the time he was still a thief, since after he fused with Shuuichis body his character changed and he is basically Kurama xD
I hope you like these, I have the feeling that I picture Kurama much more fluffy than he actually is D:
Shuuichi Minamino / Kurama
it may surprise you, but it takes alot of time and effort into your relationship before you actually start dating. Kurama is quite cautious after the events with Maya and devoted himself to never let anyone as close like a partner because he fears too much that they get hurt or even killed.
a steady friendship before dating is essential. Kurama’s trust must be earned before you fall in love. He has to be 100 % sure, that this is going to be worth where you two are going. Don’t worry, Kurama never uses any foul tricks to test you. He can right see through you if you are a suitable partner for him.
Kindness and smart attitudes attract him. He has no real preference for looking, but if you meet his personality standards (being kind and smart), you have a quite good chance that you will get his full attention soon
after this difficulties were overcome, your relationship will bloom quickly. Kurama is just the most romantic and sweet boyfriend, you could ever imagine.
he will literally send you a bouquet of roses every fucking day or at least when he can’t see you. There will be always a letter attached to it with some sweet and kind words that melt your heart instantly
“Excuse me for my absence, love. I promise to make it up to you, when I am back. I always think about you. Do you think about me too? I can’t wait to see you.Kurama ♥”
Oh and one more thing. You have to know who he is, before you start dating. Kurama would never take the risk in asking you out, without knowing if you would accept the truth about him. But since you were friends with him and the others beforehand, there is a big chance that you already knew about his past and demon inside.
Since Kurama always was courteous and friendly while you were friends, nothing much changed after haying him as boyfriend. Except that he is quite more physically affectionate with you. At least in private. He won’t be all that touchy when his friends are around. (not because he is too shy, he just don’t want Yusuke and Kuwabara tease the shit out of him and you)
Many kisses during the day. You see him the first time that day? A kiss as greeting is a must. You have to excuse yourself a few minutes? Not without a small kiss and promise that you are back soon. His good bye kisses are the most sweetest ones ever. It’s like he doesn’t even want to let go of you.
though this is just the side he shows you. You are aware of Kuramas darker side. That one he only shows those enemies who hurt or threaten his beloved ones. And you can understand him, that’s why he feels accepted and worth your time. Because you are worth his. And he would never regret this.
Youko Kurama
Unlike many others, I don’t really picture him as someone who slept with countless demons in his past life. Youko was a leader of the mightiest group of thieves. There was not much time to just have flings here and there.
that doesn’t mean that he was not popular though. Many females lusted after him, because he was feared and strong. They didn’t really cared about him though and they only believed the rumors that occured around him. (like being ruthless and brutal. Tbh I doubt his ruthless self. He cared for his friends, like Kuronue and he also cared about the life of innocent people, like he warned Juri from his deadly plant that she shouldn’t move if she want to live. He wouldn’t warned her if he was that ruthless and brutal.)
for you, to gain Youkos attention, you have to work much harder than for Kuramas human self. Youko has too many trust issues for people outside of his gang. It’s his family, the only ones he can trust and the only ones he need in his life. You have to be part of his gang from the beginning to actually be in position to let him fall for you
Youko was still quite fast forward. He took what he wanted. Not just treasures, but I assume he would even take you when you catched his interest. Not in a kidnapping and raping way though, he would make sure you fall in love with him too.
As you can guess, Youko is much mure wilder than his human counterpart. He is not all that romantic and lovey-dovey. His actions are full of intense desire and passion.
his kisses are so aggressive that he will draw blood when he bite your lip. He just wants to make everyone see that you are taken and who took you.
Youko is also quite protective and possessive. I won’t say he has Yandere tendencies, but you might get the feeling he has, because his blood boils quickly when you are involved in a fight or an enemy takes you captive. His rage will be so terrifying that you may be scared of him after this
even though he is not romantic like his human self, Youko surely knows how to win your heart. Not every plant in the Makai is deadly and gruesome. He will take you to the most beautiful and exotic flower fields you ever saw. His Yoki will make them even more stunning, especially when you fly above them with his “Floating Leaf” (that one where they act as wings). He makes sure to not let you drop when he presses you against him and you having your arms around his neck. It’s those rare romantic and intimate moments with him and he enjoys them secretly.
although Youko was not that of a player with women before, his perverted side takes place in it’s full glory after he fell in love with you. Be aware for sexual assaults when you would not expect it from him (not if you mind)
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ladyintheattic · 5 years
yo i’ve been writing alot this month and all i can think of is my poor pre-heartbreak sidestep dealing with the fact she actually has friends haha
_______________ ship: none (barely implied chargestep) words: 1,541 tags: f!sidestep, pre-heartbreak, pre-psycopathor battle, canon typical violence tw: trauma?? possibly ptsd stuff?? ————————–
It was a mistake. You messed up. Misstepped.
The man was probably drunk. Seemed like an alright guy, if your careful scan of all the bar’s patronages upon your entering can be trusted. If it can be trusted. He must have been tripping, falling over his laces, grabbed for your elbow, wanting to be steady, wanting the room to stop spinning.
You bet it spun worse when you flipped him, throwing him over your shoulder into another patron’s table, cracking it in two. You hadn’t meant to; it had been instinct. Reflex.
Your heart stops, your mind finally catching up with your body. The table had hardly finished breaking into splinters before you felt someone’s hand gather up your collar, yanking you upwards, upwards into the face of a man twice your size. The drunk man has a friend. Your feet dangle inches off the floor, and you taste his breath as he snarls at you, his face too close. You also taste ozone.
Ortega’s fist is a blur, and so’s your new enemy’s head. You hear Anathema yelling on your right, and you wonder for a split second if you can somehow stop this imbroglio: halt the ensuing chaos. A foolish thought. You’ve messed up. You’ve messed up, and now you have to pay for it.
Mistakes are not to be tolerated.
You tug your bandana over your nose, hearing the man’s head make a painful sound as it collides with the bar. Chairs scraping the floor as others stand, every muscle in every body in the filthy old bar tense and ready to fight. They don’t know what they’re in for: who they’re looking at. Or maybe they do, and are just too excited or stupid to understand how outmatched they are.
“Come and get it, pendejos.” Ortega’s grinning, but it’s not the same gleeful one he normally wears to bar-fights. He’s usually the one who picks them, so often you swear it’s damn near a hobby or a pastime for him. This grin is wrong, manic. Angry.
They do. They do ‘come and get it’. The noise is overwhelming: fists everywhere, chairs flying, bottles breaking against skulls, screams as Anathema’s acid eats through someone’s skin. Reflexes kicking in once more, you find yourself landing hits; surface-reading the minds of your combatants just fast enough for you to dodge, block, dance around the damage. You’re good at this, at fighting multiple opponents, it’s what you’ve trained for, but even you would’ve ended up a bloody smear on the floor without the Rangers’ help.
You make out the solid presence of Steel behind you as your kick sends someone somersaulting over another table. Ortega on your left, Anathema on your right. You’re boxed in. Defended.
The crack of wood against body startles you out of your reflections. To the far left, past a pile of chairs and bodies, you catch the last moments of a man crumbling, collapsing onto the cold floor, the remains of a table laying in pieces all around him. Ortega’s work no doubt.
You freeze. Everyone freezes. The room is silent but for the odd shuffle of nervous feet or the huffing of a particularly heavy breather nearby. It seems Ortega’s last act of brutality sent them back to their senses. You’re still not sure if you’re back to yours.
Almost before your mind can catch up with this second wave of shifting mood, Steel steps out form behind you, fists already unclenched and a face passive, but firm. “Everyone stay put,” he pulls his badge from his pocket and nudges Ortega to do the same. Anathema follows. “We need to sort this out.” His eyes flick to Ortega’s a for a split moment. “Officially this time.”
You can’t help it:  you feel yourself slinking back behind Steel and Ortega’s taller, more noticeable forms. It’s no good. Face still covered, you still feel the heat of the stares, hot like high-powered laser pistols. Your skin crawls, prickling like needles. You don’t produce a badge like your compatriots, you can’t, and you can feel the whole crowd taking note if it. Fuck.
Steel has already moved into action, Ortega at his hip, standing at the bar talking to the barkeep, who is also probably the owner, and probably wanting to keep this whole Rangers incident as off-the-books as possible; Ranger fights in your pub can’t be good for business. You wonder if they will oblige him. You wonder if they’ll clean this up. Clean up your blunder. You doubt it.
“This will not do.” A cold sweat breaks out over your brow. A mistake. An error. A mess. The Directive will not stand of it. Many more of these, and you will be up for some reeducation. Up for poking, prodding, cutting. Cutting away. Changing you.
“Your performance was… less than adequate. You make mistakes like this out there… well, we can’t have that.” No movement. Hardly even breathing. You know better than to try and excuse it or explain yourself. Or attempt to apologize. Apologies don’t happen here. Being sorry isn’t encouraged. After all, tools can’t be sorry.
“Never. Again. Do you understand, Unit B74-”
Hand on your shoulder, you nearly jump, nearly attempt the same over-the-shoulder move you had implemented on the stumbling drunk man. You’re glad you don’t, although you feel your heart in your throat. It’s Anathema, looking at you with an odd, pinched look across her features. “You alright Becky?” She tugs gently on your bandana, though not enough to pull it down, she knows better. “Are you hurt?”
“I understa- I mean. Yeah I’m. Fine.” The cracks in your voice surprise you, as does the hammering of your heartbeat in your ears.
“You look really pale,” her hands find yours as she attempts to lead you to one of the few upright chairs. “And you’re shaking.”
“I’m fine.” You pull your hands from hers; you can’t sit down yet. Too much adrenaline still pumps through your veins. Too much fear. No one had a camera on did they? No one pulled out their phone and started recording the fight for some soon-to-be-chain-email, right? Did anyone note your face? Would any of them recognize you if they say you on the street now? What about the bar’s security cameras? What if someone-
“You’re not fine,” startling again, you feel her sharp gaze looking your face over despite most of it still being covered. “You look like you’re about to pass out.”
“Beck!” Ortega is at your side, his arm gently brushing against you. You can practically feel the effort he’s exerting to keep his hand out of yours. “We think we’ve got all this sorted out,” his mouth spreads into an all-too-familiar smug smile. “The Rangers gotta shell out a bit of cash for the chairs and tables, but other than that it’s like nothing even happened here.”
You’re frozen again. Wait, so the Rangers are going to waste money on this? Is that even allowed: you aren’t even a Ranger, and only debuted as Sidestep a few months ago. It’s not like you’re particularly valuable to them, at least not yet.
“But… Can you? Do that?”
“Of course!” He raises his hand to his chest in mock indignation. “I’m the marshal, and I’ve had a few more bar-fights than you I’ll bet. Not the first time Wei’s had to deal with cleanup either.” He winks past you, at Steel, who only gives an annoyed grunt in return.
“Yeah, but-” You stop yourself. Why are you arguing with them? Probably because you don’t believe it; when you do things wrong you get punished for them, not just by the Directive, but also by life in general. Life doesn’t work like this, at least not for you.
No one has ever done something like this for you… but then again, you’ve never had friends that would jump headlong into a bar-fight for you either. Never had friends before.
“It’s really okay Becky,” Anathema nods over to Steel. “We saw the whole thing. We know how it is: sometimes you get jumpy, instincts kick in and, well, this is usually the result.” She shrugs, as though she were talking about breaking a mug or slipping on ice. As though it was fine, expected, normal.
“I was getting tired of this dive-bar anyway,” Ortega claps and hand on your shoulder, almost knocking you over for how faint you feel. “And it’s still pretty early, so lets try the next place! I heard one opened last week a few blocks down!
Nod. You’re trying to nod, or smile under the bandana, or do anything. You can’t. You’re body is still waiting. Waiting for the punishment. The fear still hasn’t run its coarse, but something new is blooming in your chest. You can’t name the feeling, or even describe it.
All you know is that you want to cry.
“Th… Thank you, guys.” You swallow hard. “And… sorry. About the mess.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he gives you a light shake and a wink before letting your shoulder free, heading for his jacket he has slung over the bar. “We’re a team nowadays aren’t we?”
Finally. Finally, you smile. “If you say so, old man.”
32 notes · View notes
comicteaparty · 4 years
July 4th-July 10th, 2020 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble chat that occurred from July 4th, 2020 to July 10th, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
What was an unexpected aspect of making webcomics you didn’t realize before making one yourself?
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
How much our comic and it's story we're going to change during the years of creation was the biggest and most jarring aspect for sure. There's scripts and thumbs that were all made before we ventured out to make GJS with paths completely different from what we initially thought we would take that have completely changed how we approach not only writing but reading webcomics too. Webcomics as a medium have the biggest connection to time, whether it be production or the consumption, they have this opportunity to exist and transform in the long hours it takes to enjoy and read them. It's honestly one of the biggest advantages imho. To see a story slowly unfold, listening to ur audience reactions, peer critiques, or new inspiration can make such a drastic and intense impact on a long form work- its both jaw dropping and humbling to be apart of!(edited)
Deo101 [Millennium]
For me it was the community aspect of comics. I knew a community existed on the reader side of things (comments!), but I didn't expect the creator side to be how it is! I don't know why, but for some reason I kind of always thought that all of us were sort of throwing our comics out from the void... I guess that was me looking at comics from a reader's point of view! But as soon as I started making comics, I started meeting people who made them too... and it's been incredible!
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
@deo I never really understood what an internet community or internet friends were until I started making a webcomic
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah, I had been in (and quickly decided to not be in 0_0) gaming communities, but nothing really as wonderful as what I've found through comics. Closest I had gotten other than that was comments on social media
Shizamura 🌟 O Sarilho
Community definitely one of the big things, much like Deo pointed. I was kinda expecting to have get connections through readers, but it's much more with other creators, which is super satisfying in it's own way. Also gonna second Krispy's comment about how time affects how you see your story's past and future. A lot of things changed in the past four years that made my comic change as well and having so much time to think each individual scene allows them to be much more complex and interesting than they would when I first thought them through. Having the time really helps. This also kinda touches the topic of personal change too, which affects how I write and what feels most important to focus on and that's interesting to think about as well
eliushi [Keyspace]
How long things will take, the longer the story goes on! I started out being able to complete a page in 2h but then I found more I wanted to try on each page (colours, layout, composition etc) and even wanted to extend certain scenes. With 500 pages planned, I definitely thought I’d be farther along by now, heading into AWT’s first year anniversary in a month. That being said, I’m also enjoying the ride and it’s all thanks to the great community here and making connections with other comics folks/readers. I never expected to get comments and so each one has been a treasure to read.
An unexpected aspect of making webcomics is how much people respond to them. I figured I'd be creating into a void but I met so many people as a result of publishing my dinosaur comic
shadowhood {SunnyxRain}
Ditto on the webcomic community. I didn't realize how far reaching it was to have a community that supports each other. And I've enjoyed meeting so many wonderful and creative people who raised each other up. Another thing I didn't expect, however, was how invested I got into my comic.(edited)
At first I was doing it mostly for fun. But the more I delved into it, the easier it was to get sucked into my story and want to draw it out. And as a result taking it a lot more seriously.
yeah sometimes I miss my dinosaur comic even though I had some pretty good reasons for moving on. It was created out of desperation and evolved into something that made me feel good about myself
Haruh2 (Colony Life)
How much work and time it takes to keep a weekly update going with no backlog
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah same
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
For me, I didn't realize how much it would affect my life to make comics, and vice versa. In a weird way, I didn't know how interrelated the two were, or how easily life could interfere with my comic, or the inverse.
eliushi [Keyspace]
Making comics became a lifestyle for me
@Haruh2 (Colony Life) When I had no backlog I was updating every two weeks with 7 pages per update; so about 14h of work. But this is with a finished script. I am also told I work fast.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
That's soooo much, Eli!
That's at least twice as much as I do (edited)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
For me, I didn't realize how much it would affect my life to make comics, and vice versa. In a weird way, I didn't know how interrelated the two were, or how easily life could interfere with my comic, or the inverse.
I hadn't realized how much I put myself into my comic! My friends who read it have all said that it's incredibly in my voice and reflects my opinions and worldviews Before I shared it with people I hadn't thought of it in that way at all
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
As an artist, I didn't expect how my comic production and mindset will change. Once I started comics, it brought out my ideas from thoughts to a physical form. I start to invest more time into it. Each project evolved through each chapter. How to balance script writing to a polished piece. I put alot of time and research in my works. It makes me glad to hear other creators do the same. I'm not the crazy artist who's wasting her time. One of the positive change was meeting other creators, how we give advice and receive praise.(edited)
eliushi [Keyspace]
The support has been amazing. It makes the work less lonely
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Fish, oh for sure! I didn't realize until recently how much my characters are all just facets of myself!
eliushi [Keyspace]
(I don’t work that quickly anymore and I’m making big changes to the format soon so it’s going to be a Transition)
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
I've been in school with art students who never made comics, so when I came to CTP discord, reading comic discussions. It was comforting and fun. I enjoy the cooperation our group has, helping each other.
eliushi [Keyspace]
I like to commiserate about the unique challenges comics have
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Hahaha, yeahhhhh
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
I agree, it's different from illustrations. Different approach(edited)
eliushi [Keyspace]
I am perpetually balancing time spent on a panel vs how much time the reader will spend on it
Vs illustration: lemme make all the details
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Oh I agree, each panel takes longer than it takes to read it. Hence I dislike when readers call manga creators 'lazy'
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
how much time does it take to read one of my pages?
20 seconds?(edited)
wait is that emoji supposed to be someone rolling their eyes??
i jsut looked it up
i might've been using it wrong this whole time
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
It's way different than in novels, and definitely came as a shock at the start
eliushi [Keyspace]
Yeah have to play to the strength of the medium. Still imagining AWT as an animated movie written from a novel, in the format of a comic
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Haha, same kinda
Haruh2 (Colony Life)
@eliushi [Keyspace] ah haha, that makes me feel better about my update habits, but thats a good goal for me to shoot for now that im learning a new way to make long comics specifically
cAPSLOCK (Tailslide)
I completely underestimated the amount of effort that would have to go into formatting, website design and maintenance, etc. If I got to do it again, a little more research beforehand probably would’ve saved me a lot of time and hassle.
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
I really overestimated the "if you build it they will come" aspect of webcomics lol. Like, you actually have to work to advertise your comic in order for people to read it. Nobody ever got hundreds of readers just from posting their comic onto some hosting site without doing major marketing work.(edited)
yeah, I feel that
I've never really been an advertising type before my comic, im learning to just get used to it
Deo101 [Millennium]
I've not really done much advertising tbh, it makes me uncomfortable
it feels kinda...embarrassing? might be too harsh of a word
i dunno
Deo101 [Millennium]
its just uncomfortable idk! i feel awkward doing it
yeah, same ive done it a few times on reddit but i have to force myself
Haruh2 (Colony Life)
it does feel, odd..hell most of the time it just feels like i open the door to my house and toss a bunch of paper to the wind hoping someone can see it
Deo101 [Millennium]
yeah, I dont know if ive done anything other than posting updates on twitter and talking about it in groups like this
and twitter is mostly just me talkin to people who already read it...
idk talking about my work without being asked first makes me feel like im inserting myself where im not allowed
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Self promo got MUCH less intimidating for me when I started thinking of it like: "okay, so my comic is made for readers like me, people who share my tastes. That means I only need to answer one question: what can I say to get me to check out this comic? I don't need to impress anyone else. I just need to appeal to me." (since "me" is my target audience)
Deo101 [Millennium]
mhm ^^
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
But take it with a grain of salt because I'm still not really promoing
Haruh2 (Colony Life)
exactly, thats why i find it hard to tweet about it most of the time, but i get the whole if i dont care about to talk without being asked no one else will either
Deo101 [Millennium]
yeah lmao mood im like what would get me to read... hmmm... probably exactly what im doing.... I'll keep it up then :)
Haruh2 (Colony Life)
yea i get excited to draw out certain parts..but wouldnt want to just tweet about all the little tidbits of the story ruining it for others
Deo101 [Millennium]
i made a whole side twitter for my comic cuz talking about it on my main intimidated me too much
it is my containment chamber
Haruh2 (Colony Life)
hm may do that, just to say i did it and to get my mind away from the thought
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
yeah same
Deo101 [Millennium]
My main is just whatever I want it to be idk. Its kinda for all my comics, since my comics are all I want to talk about
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
though my main is mostly just retweeting from my side twitter lol
Deo101 [Millennium]
it removes a lot of the pressure of like what if my followers dont wanna see this??
cause they wouldnt be here if they didnt wanna see it
cause its all Ive been doing the whole time
thats a good point
i had my main way before my comic so most of my mutuals/followers dont follow for that
Haruh2 (Colony Life)
yea, it can feel abit disorienting when there is no interaction one way or another on anything you tweet (also if twitter has messed up and causes your tweets to not show up)
Deo101 [Millennium]
but yeah I dont really advertise cause it just makes me so uncomfortable >.<
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I'm kind of somewhere in between. I advertise my comic mostly because it is all I wanna talk about, like Deo. But I also don't think it's gotten me many readers. Most of my readers came as far as I can tell because I was making something that appealed to them. (The whole "if you build it, they will come" thing.) Although, I really don't have a big audience, I do have an audience, and I am certain most of them came from me just posting.
I think it's determined a lot by luck, and also, how big your niche's audience is to begin with (and some skill tbh).
Deo101 [Millennium]
yeah like I think "gay sci fi" is a p big niche so ive got a big amount of people I could potentially reach
which makes it much easier to draw people in
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I'm particularly lucky, I guess, that fantasy/romance has a lot of readers (also more competition, but...)
Deo101 [Millennium]
yeah fantasy romance is a damn big one
Haruh2 (Colony Life)
eh i think im in an awkward void with my action/drama story (since im not doing romance drama)
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I just go with the mindset: "what makes my fantasy/romance different from the rest" and go from there.
Deo101 [Millennium]
tbh I dont think my sci fi romance is doing anything special?
but im having fun so :) I dont rlly care about that hahahha
having fun the most important thing
Deo101 [Millennium]
its not my goal to make somthing mindblowing ^^ truley im just here for a good time
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I mean, LGBT+-inclusive sci-fi is pretty unique
I haven't seen a lot
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
It's clear that your characters are people, and that's special, regardless of how common/uncommon
think if i didnt love my comic as much as i do id have stopped a long time ago
Deo101 [Millennium]
thats true keiiii, thank you <3
also yeah its Sad that theres not more LGBT+ sci fi cause its like youve got aliennnssssssssssssssssssss you can do whatever you waaaaaant
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I knooowww
Deo101 [Millennium]
guess it shows what ppl want or something
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Deo101 [Millennium]
off topic
so to make it back on topic
I underestimated how much people would like gay sci fi GJKLAGJLAJLKAGJSLAKGJKL
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
One thing I learned specifically with my current comic... I did not realize how much difference the reader's cultural background would make in terms of interpreting my story.
Deo101 [Millennium]
I actually almost mentioned you in class once tbh keiii
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Big oversight, in retrospect
Deo101 [Millennium]
saying "someone I know makes a comic which they noticed, it's interpreted completely differently just depending on cultural backgrounds" kind of a thing
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
like I would not have made the comic any different, but I would have approached the... presentation differently. Like, talk about it differently
Deo101 [Millennium]
cause we were talking about how narratives affect rt
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I guess another thing that was unexpected about making webcomics was... there are way more people with my exact tastes than I thought
Deo101 [Millennium]
and I was saying that I think the viewer's narrative affects art more than the artists narrative
I mean, the artists narrative obviously is what makes it so.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
In the eyes of the beholder
Deo101 [Millennium]
but interpretations and all that... yeah!!!
so. actually I might have offhandedly mentioned you I cant remember if I did or not
lemme check
I did! very like "second hand" offhandedly mentioning though ahaha
hope that doesnt make you uncomfortable GSKLGSJALGJLGK no one replied to me so e.e
in the class I mean
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I am super uncomfortable and offended !!!!!
Deo101 [Millennium]
but... yeah idk starting out I truly just was making it cause I really love my characters a lot, the idea that other people would like them too is very unexpected :) in a good way
I also definitely didnt expect how important enviornments were e.e
didnt plan those well enough.
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
that relatable feel
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I really desperately advertise my comic everywhere. I don't really know how to do marketing effectively though & I don't know if its working
eliushi [Keyspace]
I find what increased readership most consistently is still the feature aspect from the hosting sites. It’s really about finding the right readers/right readers finding you
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Same, I'm basically a rounding error away from being 100% reliant on the features for subs
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I don't think my comic has ever been featured on the hosting sites. My numbers have always been low on Tapas and maybe thast why
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Yeah, features help a lot
I've been featured on Webtoon, but not Tapas, and you can really see the difference in readership there
Deo101 [Millennium]
Ive been featured on both, uhh in a couple of diff places, if you wanted a breakdown of how many readers i got from the diff spots and stuff ever just lmk im happy to share
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I've been featured on both. It certainly got people to check it out and even sub, but retaining those people (even if they've subbed!!!) is a different story. I think my story is just not the right type for the platforms, but eh, even if 99% of the platform users aren't into the kinda thing I'm making, 1% increase is still an increase.
Which is another thing I learned over the course of running this comic, specifically (since the internet has changed so much after my first two attempts). Just because the majority of your subs don't actually read the comic, doesn't mean your work sucks. Today's internet caters to casual users, and there's a bajillion factors affecting who's actually reading your stuff.
i agree
my comic has never been featured on either, and webtoons doesnt have a guideline on what they pick but tapas does and my comic doesnt really meet their featuring requirements so i dont think either site ever will feature mine haha
so i gotta advertise on reddit and use twitter tags a lot
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Don't go too crazy with twitter tags; they can make people zone out and not look at your tweet.
i try to use 5 at the most, i know too many is unpleasant to look at haha
Jib {WIP haha}
Oh huh, my rule of thumb is to use 1-2 on twitter and as many as I can on Insta but I’m no expert lol
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Yeah, IG seems to be where you want all the tags XD
Webtoon's algorithms are like turning a hose on and off lol
The difference between views and sub growth during periods of being featured vs not is stark(edited)
i've never been featured by webtoons but i've seen series grow from 100 followers to 10k overnight
not an exaggeration
I put my new comic on webtoon in november 2019, and in 1 month I crawled up to.... maybe 50 subs?(granted I only put up one episode and then paused for a bit)
Then in December I started updating it weekly and got placed in the new and hot section of the app
And bam, 6k subs
It last 2 weeks and then the section updated and all growth stopped, and subs went down by 10 or so over the next week
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
(Omg featured is like the new Daily Deviation goals from DA way back in the day!)
Until it got another feature on a different part of the website and went up another 2k. It was like playing with the handle on a faucet lol
I got some pretty good growth during canvas week, but beyond that not really
I get 1-2 subs after an update if I'm lucky
I feel like their algorithms are very reliant on the regular rotation of features that staff have to do manuallt
Outside of that, discoverability is quite weak
Mostly because of the volume of comics on there
same boat as vare. the only thing i know about webtoons features is they have stated a couple times one of their recquirements is consistant updating, so if u skip a week that disqualifies u for a lil while i imagine
I wonder what they count as consistent. I was doing every 2 weeks for awhile, but this month I'm gonna try weekly to see if it helps me earn more $$ from ads :U
I wish there was more incentive for readers to check out the new section on webtoons and tapas
i have found some amazing gems in the new section
i swear i've seen stuff in featured that were not at all updated consistently
I have too, there's a ton of good comics that get overlooked because they're not in the front page
some featured comics havent updated in months sometimes
I definitely would not have considered myself consistent at the time of the first feature, considering there was a gap of a month between episode 1 and 2 lpl
the consistently updating thing is more of a recommendation than a requirement i feel?(edited)
ooohh good to know!!
I'm sure it cant be a hard rule, especially for comics that have just launched
im just going off their canvas qna's from last year
if it's actually a hard rule for staff to feature comics that regularly update they break that rule a lot
i also heard a bot picks up comics too
well i at least think the staff or bots or whatever at webtoons are doing a better job with features than tapas is
tapas is always pushing their premium comics way more than their indie stuff
tapas needs to bring new comics onto the frontpage more often than it does, yeah
yeah I agree
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I mean, I get why they put premium on the front page. But I feel more variety would help them because it's more interesting for the readers?
I can't tell whats premium or not with tapas sometimes
i do like that they've been asking stuff like this in the forums tho
more distinction would be helpful to me too dako
i don't think its as clear as it could be
yeah, webtoons at least it's clear what is and what isnt featured or canvas
Jib {WIP haha}
Huh, anyone remember that really popular writing podcast? I forgot the name
Or have any recommendations I guess
Terrible writing advice? It's sarcastic
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
is this related to the topic?
It's a podcast about writing, so I'm going to say yes.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I think snuffysam meant the weekly topic for the channel
Just for this channel, no. I'm too new to know that.
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Please check #rules
Sound more like someone forgot context than the rules
That's why I'm hardly here. I don't know stuff people who've been here for a long time know like podcasts or older comics(edited)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Basically each of the channels under "CTP Activities" on this server has its own topic of the week.
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
It's not a matter of being here for a long time or not. This channel is used solely for discussing the weekly topics, and such information can be found in #rules
Kudos then. I came for creator babble only.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
For general webcomic creation-related advice (either seeking or giving) and such, #shop_talk usually is the place!
creator_babble is for answering the topic of the week
It's not actually for generalized "creator babble" despite the name.
looks like they left
Jib {WIP haha}
Oh my bad, it’s been a while since I read the rules, I brought up the new subject
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
No problem, we were just reminding you all :)
Jib {WIP haha}
Ty for that then haha
I think one unexpected thing for me is that no one tells you how crazy the highs and lows can be
well I guess people do but you really don't know until the highs and lows happen to you if that makes sense
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Oh God, that's so true
Burnout is way more dreadful than I could ever guess prior to experiencing it
Feather J. Fern
One unexpected thing for me was how many people I would meet because of my comic. It surprised me greatly that I found so many cool people through the comic community and made the friends I have made now. Love you all
The unexpected thing for me was just how much you have to just...predict...what the market will want to read. Like even if you research a whole lot, and you draw really well, and have been doing art professionally, you can still strike out. It's a humbling experience, but being able to just let go of poorly received pages and move on and try things differently is a lot of the battle for doing a webcomic. It teaches you how to fail gracefully because...it's all a process of learning your readers better. Even if they're few at first.
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
My major unexpected thing was how much my initial ideas change as I work through a page. Everything from the expressions, dialogue, and layout can change as I look at it and 'solve' it more closely than I did in thumbnails. There are pages I look back on and realize they are ENTIRELY different than what I had first sketched. And they're better for it. Allowing myself the freedom to edit during the artwork... it's created some majorly awesome opportunities.
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yes!!!!! Me too!!!
It's exciting thoufh
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Absolutely same
Could plan something out meticulously but then change it in the last 2 secs before uploading
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yup... I don't thumbnail much ahead of where I'm at cause of this(edited)
I thumbnail a scene at a time, and then usually I end up changing stuff halfway through ahahfjjdkskdkss
Same hat, haha. I often make changes at every stage-- even the thumbnails will often depart from the script. If anything, I wish I made even more changes-- I feel like my page layouts tend to be pretty standard, I do a lot of pages with the 3 rows of 2 panels each, and I want to break out of that more. But... well, that's a work in progress.
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arohasfiction · 5 years
Secretive Idol ( Moonbin X Reader)
FINALLLY!!! Wrote sth for my bias Moonbin I'm so happy that i was able to write sth for him, i had alot of fun writing it and i hope you Enjoy it too ♥️😄
Title: Secretive Idol ( Astro Moonbin x Female Reader)
Word Count: 1801
Gener: Fluff
Note: Astro members sentences are coloured
(Sanha & Mj, Orange) (Jinjin, Green) (Moonbin, Red) (Rocky, Blue) (Eunwoo, Purple) and Lastly your sentences are in Pink ^^
Summary: you are Astro's Manger and also a secretive idol (no one knows your identity) you live with Astro members in their dorm. You faced some problems in your previous dorm which made you move to another forcely..
You are in Rocky's age and also Moonbin's grilfriend and only astro members knew about your relationship with him. Although you work as their manger, you managed to go to college to complete your studies as your parents wished. Eunwoo is your Sunbai in the college and you shared some classes in which you both attended together. Nonetheless, Nobody knows about you being Astro's Manger there, and you two acted like a normal student and sunbai in the campus.
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You were known in your major group in the college as the intelligent beautiful student, it's not over reacting or exaggerating, but you were way too beautiful that in most of the time other students shipped you with Eunwoo due to your amazing visuals.
You signed a contract with Fantagio as a secretive idol and your stage name which was presented to people it was ( Park Ye-rin) you were an idol that only shared her voice with the fans, nobody really knew your identity and how you looked except for the agency's CEO which happens to be one of your dad's friends. You always faced problems with your previous agency , and that's what made you shift to Fantagio. Among astro members everyone used to listen to Park Yerin cuz her songs (Japanese or Korean) were so awesome and some of them were Dramas OST, one of your biggest fans was your boyfriend Moonbin, but he himself didn't know that you were Park Yerin, you always thought about telling them, but you didn't know how to bring up the topic so you decided to stay quite for the main time.
That day you were called to the ceo's office and he told you that you're going to collaborate with one of Astro's members, you were shocked but happy at the same time, you will be able to sing with one of them, it was your dream ( since you actually were an aroha even before becoming their manger). You were in charge of Writing the song and some parts of the lyrics.. and Moonbin which happens to be your boyfriend is your collaboration partner, and he was supposed to write the other parts of the lyrics, you avoided each chance that can lead both of you to meet and just told him that you will text him for anything regarding their song (ofc from you texted another number), and if he needed anything he could just tell the ceo and he will tekl you as astro's manger. The song recording day came as your song was ready, it was supposed to be your recording part since you can be alone with some staffs who the Ceo trusted them about the matter of revealing your identity. You started recording , but in the same time Moonbin arrived with JinJin and eunwoo ( they were together so they came along), he finished his schedule faster than usuall , of course he will, because he is Park Yerin's fan, he wanted to meet her or even just talk to her, you weren't aware of that he already came inside and saw you through the glass while recording( he didn't recognize you at the beginning cuz you were recording while giving the others your back) .once you finshed you came out in hurry without putting back your mask and your faces met , Moonbin couldn't believe what he just saw, he was speechless and was just staring at you and so did the other two. Mainwhile, your heart was already in your feets but you covered your face and immediately went out.
Later at the dorm you were making Ramyun for you and the rest of the boys, when Moonbin entered with JinJin and eunwoo, you tried to act cool as if nothing happened but it didn't work, it would actually have worked if it was another person, but the one who saw you was your Boyfriend so, you couldn't just lie to him, you took a deep breath and run towards him, " Hey, binn-ah, how was the recording?. Oh right want some Ramyun?". He didn't answer and just went to his room. The other members were wondering about why he ignored you like this so jinjin came closer to you and said, " Don't worry, he's just still a bit shocked, Is it okay with you to talk about it with us ? Of course if you don't want its okay", you cut him saying," No no no!! I already was planning to tell you all after the song is released, but it happened earlier than I've expected...." You sat between them when Mj suddenly said, " What's wrong??? Did something happen?", You just looked at Eunwoo and Jinjin, they understanded that you didn't know how to start so Eunwoo begin saying, " (Y/N)-ah , Jin-Hyung... Shall i speak? You and jinjin both nodded. " Well you know that we went with bin to the recording studio for his new collab song right?!... Well we saw someone wonderful and its not easy to meet her too ..." , Rocky cutted eunwoo saying," Hyung! Do you mean that you met Park Yerin!? For real..how lucky..." You jolted a bit you didn't know that it would be so hard like this to tell them, you weren't scared actually from the fact that they will know your identity but from their reaction, "Hyung How does she look? Is she younger than us?" Sanha said excitedly, " Well, you can ask her, she sitting right here" eunwoo said while pointing on you with a smile on his face, You giggled nervously and stood up " Haha..ha well, hello I'm Park Yerin, nice too meet you.." and you sat back with your head down ", WHAT!!!" screamed MJ, Rocky and Sanha then jinjin and Eunwoo started laughing on their reaction and smiled at you kindly, " (Y/N)-ah, Don't worry, you don't have to low down your head like this, you should be proud" said JinJin while patting on your shoulders, " But what about Binnie... " You said , " Just give him some time to process it , i would probably be the same if i find out that my girlfriend is an Idol and more than that she's my favourite one" he claimed with a warm smile .
Days passed and Moonbin still doesn't speak to you and whenever your eyes met, his face turns red as Strawberries. You liked the fact that you're able to see a different side of him but you were annoyed that he was ignoring you, you couldn't stand it anymore, so that day ,you came back to the dorm, you saw him next to the fridge taking out a bottle of water so, you immediately run to him , grabbed him from his arm and pulled him with you inside your room and locked the door. He was standing still but trying to avoid your gaze, you called him many times but he kept silent, you slowly started walking towards him , cupped his face with your both hands and kissed him on his lips, he wasn't able to move as he was locked between you and the wall , receiving your warm kiss with widened eyes, you parted away and you looked directly in his eyes, you were about to speak when he pressed his lips back again at yours and this time it was sweet and deep which made you two fall on the bed, he was on the top of you but he didn't stop, he kept kissing you with passion, And because you both needed air to breath, you parted but your faces were still so close that you could feel each other's breathing. He locked his eyes with yours, " Why didn't you tell me? " He said, and you saw the smirk on his face , " Are you mad... cuz i didn't tell you..?" You said while turning your gaze away, he took your hairlines and placed them behind your ears then his hands cupped your face from the left side you expected a kiss again so you closed your eyes but you were wrong this time... You slowly felt his breath on your neck.,, He slowly whispered in your neck , " and how come i get mad of my favourite idol that i really admire and happens to o be my gf" and he gave you a warm kiss on your neck, the heat in your body reached your cheeks, it felt like there is a volcano inside you.. you tried to cover your blushed face but he didn't give you a chance and kissed you again on your lips. A moment later you heard the boys sound outside as they came back so he got off you and helped you sitting, "But,.. Why did you ignore me ? Did you feel uncomfortable because your favourite idol is your Girlfriend?" You asked while pouting , he patted your head and pulled you in a hug, " Sorry babe, but i didn't know how to react about it... Actually when i saw you in the studio that day, i was really confused, i thought for a moment that i was hallucinating Cuz i missed you alot", even though you couldn't see his reaction while telling you that but you giggled to yourself, " if is it okay to ask , why do you keep your identity hidden?.. ah of course if you don't want to tell me its okay..." , " No we promised each other that there are no secrets between us so I'm going to tell you" you said while hugging him tightly " My mom and dad are against me being an idol Cuz they wanted me to complete my studies ,so when i became one i didn't tell them , of course I'm still studying and trying to mange the time between all these things but i wanted everyone to hear my songs, i felt like i want sing for the whole world so, i moved first to live in a apartment close to my university and previous-agency but at that time I didn't get enough support of them so i shifted to Fantagio and i ended up being your manger and a secretive idol at same time, and as too keep my promise to my mom and dad i kept my identity hidden and I'm not thinking of revealing it soon, i like how the things are now ..." , He looked at you with his sweet big smile, " Okay then all i gotta to do is support my beautiful girlfriend right?! But as we don't hide secrets from each other, i want to you to be honest with your parents, I'm sure they will understand if you explained it to them, and if you needed someone with you don't forget that i will be on your side..okay babe?". You gave him a peek on the cheeks and smile at him while nodding. After that you lived normally with them like it was from the beginning nothing changed, the reactions that you've expected was all something from your wide imagination.
You walked in the agency's hall when you spotted the boys waving at you, you turned to the wrok mode and said "Fighting!!! (Y/N)-ah!" To yourself and walked to them.
The End
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butchboromir · 5 years
!!my crowley!! im so happy you responded! i honestly thought that my ask wasnt sent somehow, i was kind of worrying about it all day... anyways! i want to talk to you more so im probably gonna be like popping in every so often to just talk to you if that's okay! about good omens or just life stuff! maybe one of these days ill come off anon too ... we'll see... but i have a question for you to kinda start things off: what are some of your favorite headcanons about zira / crowley?
hello az! gonna answer your asks in order, so don’t worry, more answers coming!! all your asks have come through as far as i know! it’s taken me some more time to answer just cause i want these answers to be like. the best i can type out haha (and i have a weird sleep schedule, and schedule in general, which doesn’t always help). but what i’m saying is that i’m never ignoring you!!!! just trying to give good responses haha. and i know i’ve said it like five times already but you’re always welcome in my inbox, to talk about whatever you wanna talk about!! and stay on anon as long as you’d like, seriously, i want you to be comfortable talking to me, and if being on anon helps i’m glad, because i still get to talk with you!
as for headcannons, here’s some of my favs!
- when crowley sleeps alone, he sprawls out as much as he can. he also rolls around alot. (like, if he’s in a queen sized bed or bigger you can almost pretend he’s the arms on a clock and the bed is the clock. i’m gonna doodle it in a bit!!) 
- HOWEVER. i hc that along w/ his eyes that remained, crowley is also still partly (at the least, could be fully) cold blooded. so when he sleeps with az he gets as close to az as physically possible cause az is warm and crowley is cold. so when az wakes up he’s ALWAYS entangled fully with crowley cause crowley is trying to get as close to az, as well as the heat he produces. 
- while crowley tends to not always be the nicest, and looks down more often on more classical art, he enjoys young artists’ and works from fan culture, and will occasionally leave supportive anonymous comments on the work. (he prefers these types of work because he thinks it’s less stuck up and boring)
- aziraphale is a beautiful singer and pianist!
- crowley knows how to play bass guitar and regular guitar. he also writes songs occasionally. (he’s found that music is one of the more fun things to do when you’re immortal and bored out of your skull) 
- sometimes, crowley will head over to az’s bookshop and write songs while az reads
- crowley gave aziraphale the gold ring he wears! 
- aziraphale gives crowley books that he thinks crowley would like. crowley always reads them, and has an ever-growing pile of books next to his bed that aziraphale reccomends
- crowley makes playlists for aziraphale, and brings his phone and speaker to  them (az has a vinyl player and thats it) whenever they are just chilling at az’s bookshop, because az doesn’t have a way to play them. (az buys vinyls of all the songs on the playlist and plays them during the day) (a good half of the songs are queen) 
- crowley has trouble expressing emotions verbally, and prefers to show love physically and through actions, like little gifts for az and being very cuddly and physically affectionate to get his emotions across
- sometimes aziraphale just. tries to do the gavotte when he’s bored and alone. emphasis on tried, because it’s hard to do the gavotte solo, in a cluttered bookshop
- despite loving food, it took a really long time for aziraphale to master cooking. 
sorry it took longer than i expected to answer this ask, i had more headcannons than i expected!!! getting to the next ones now!!
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