#this is all fun in games y'all
mf-headcannontap · 6 months
DreamWorks Trolls Opinion #1:
Branch's dynamic with Cloud Guy could have been great, if not for how they severely mishandled it for the sake of making Branch the punchline in the show.
Now hear me out!
Cloud Guy is an absolute menace to Branch who loves to prank and humiliate him, but in the end somehow makes Branch overcome something. This is putting a very toxic relationship on screen and making it seem like it's fine when it 100% is not. Now, I've never been a fan of Cloud Guy, but I do know the turning point of where Cloud Guy went from being a character that mildly annoyed me to a character I genuinely hate, and that was Apple Of My Ire. To understand this, let me give you a rundown of my feelings every time Cloud Guy is in an episode.
Laugh Out Cloud: This wasn't too terrible, seeing as how Branch was sort of intense in that episode, but that whole flood thing was really unnecessary.
Cloudy With A Chance Of Hugs: This was just funny. Only thing was Keith in the end. I love Keith, but Branch worked really hard, and Cloud Guy may have been the most annoying wingman ever, but he still got the job done. Although, he really needs to not break into Branch's house and respect his personal space.
Rainbowmageddon: This was just Cloud Guy unnecessarily humiliating and undermining Branch, but honestly I'm more upset with the Trolls because THEY'RE the ones the rainbow is affecting the most, and they're the ones who aren't taking anything seriously. Also, they were fine with just leaving Branch up there? Laugh Out Cloud was fine because I do think Branch was way too uptight about the drought, but here he was rightfully worried about the rainbow, and Cloud Guy and the gang were just goofing off. What's worst was the whole deathbed confession that proved unnecessary. In Laugh Out Cloud, it wasn't exactly a deathbed confession (and it would have been way better if Cloud Guy wasn't faking being scared) and Branch really didn't suffer all that much over it. But here, that was just mean. But honestly, it was the Trolls (Snack Pack in particular) that were the most frustrating.
Two's A Cloud: Now, this episode had potential. It was SUPREMELY irritating when Cloud Guy just moved in. It was also equally horrible when he was being an inconsiderate roommate, purposeful or not IDK but IDC. But them working together to get Cloud Guy's parents to leave was great. And even if Cloud Guy decided to ultimately not move in the bunker, it was still a pretty sweet episode. The Trolls just randomly bursting in his home, though, was awful.
Apple Of My Ire: This episode had me just screaming, and not in the good way. I don't know what in the world Poppy was thinking in finding someone new for Cloud Guy to harass, when she should’ve talked to him about reevaluating and changing their dynamic into something better. You know, something more healthy, or borderline brotherly. Because Branch is so little brother coded, and Cloud Guy honestly seems like a guy who would definitely mess with his siblings out of love. Not to mention, the last time they interacted was to team up to fend off Cloud Guy's parents. That's basically a brotherhood right there! But no. This episode ruined it. Because Branch was emotionally growing, and Cloud Guy pulled him right back to his old ways. And Poppy did NOTHING!!! What's worse is that the other Trolls were also in on this! Like why??? Do Trolls not understand harassment? They have a holiday dedicated to pranking one another, but constantly being bombarded by pranks seems like that would be terrible. Like, in Prank Day, POPPY was getting fed up with the pranks. And sure, she may have planned the prank she pulled on Branch, but she really wasn't taking being pranked constantly well, so why would she be okay subjecting anyone else to that treatment on a day that isn't a day dedicated to pranks? Better yet, if she cared so much about finding Cloud Guy a troll he could annoy, why didn't she volunteer herself? There have been multiple instances where Poppy has proven to be just as temperamental and easy to annoy as Branch, so why couldn't she be that Troll? She already had some practice when she was trying to help DJ with wrangling CJ's wooferbug. But what really took the cake was when Cloud Guy just openly admitted to planting a tracker INSIDE Branch, and no one did anything. Also, was that bit really necessary? When has Cloud Guy ever had to use the tracker? Rainbowmageddon aside, he always first interacts with Branch near or in his bunker. This episode turned their dynamic from frienemies-that-can-be-potential-brothers who annoy each other, to outright bully-victim where the victim gets shamed constantly for defending themselves. This episode made me hate Cloud Guy, and gave me such an ick, I can't even watch any of the previous episodes with Cloud Guy in them without feeling rage.
I have not seen Trollstopia. I do not have access to it. But I have seen people discuss the show online. More specifically, they discuss the episode Cloud Control. And what they discuss... I thought Apple Of My Ire was bad, this episode was infinitely worse, and I haven't even seen it yet.
The takeaway here is Branch's and Cloud Guy's dynamic had so much potential, but then Apple Of My Ire came along and every episode with Cloud Guy after that just cemented Cloud Guy as an antagonistic bully who gets away with it due to victim blaming and finding ways to make it seem that he was "helping" his victims all along, as well as a large dose of full on guilt tripping.
It all comes down to DreamWorks and their love of making Branch the punchline to everything. Even his trauma isn't taken seriously, as evidenced by Trolls: Band Together. Branch deserves better. Cloud Guy's character arc was brutally murdered so I guess he deserves better, too. Poppy and the Trolls need more character development and a crash course in healthy character dynamics. And DreamWorks needs to stop making Branch needlessly suffer for the sake of a joke.
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niidsch · 2 months
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Hey! Pikmin (2017)
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willczek-art · 1 year
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Decided to give Dragon Age another try and the first character I meet COMPLETELY wins me over in a matter of seconds-
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gallusgalluss · 16 days
sorry for not really being active here lately, i've been focusing on college stuff and also decided to suddenly start working on a lil game lol
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^ about them btw. their name is MC. they're good at doing stuff.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 6 months
The Great Boopathon
It had honestly been an accident, a truly sincere miscalculation. Sky tried to remember that Wolfie was Twilight. But sometimes, when the fluffy animal trotted into town, panting from exertion or cheer, Sky just immediately knelt in front of him with a sweet greeting and a gentle boop on the nose.
He didn't think it was possible for an animal to look so offended, but somehow Twilight managed it.
This was war.
Twilight huffed as he watched Sky sleep. The teenager was out cold, as per usual, curled into himself and covered in blankets. It was a little more unusual than his usual sleep position, in which literally anything was possible because he could fall asleep literally anywhere, but the boy's head cold had him shivering.
That didn't stop Twilight, though. He still remembered the boop. The completely humiliating and degrading gesture, the cute noise Sky made with it as he bapped Twilight's wolf nose gently with a smile on his face and a flush to his cheeks.
Sky moaned miserably, looking distinctly uncomfortable. Twilight swallowed, grabbing his resolve. He walked forward stealthily before laying on the ground, his canine nose stretching forward until it met Sky's own congested one. Then his tail swished back and forth, dusting leaves off the earth.
Sky scrunched his nose in response, tickled by the wetness of it, before he opened his eyes to see a snout. He yelped, trapped in his blankets, and Twilight pounced on him, bapping him with a paw and pinning him in place as he laughed and tried to fight.
"There's no way you can do it!"
Link glared defiantly in response. He would do this, and there was no stopping him. He would always rise to a challenge. He couldn't afford to fail, he couldn't afford to lose the faith of those who believed in him.
He was stealthier than he'd ever been in his entire life. He could pass for a Sheikah, he was certain. His heart pounded in his chest, anxiety trying but failing to whittle away at his resolve. His naysayer watched with bated breath.
The greatest challenge, of course, were the floorboards. There were some that creaked. It would be absolutely catastrophic if his foe heard his approach. Carefully, Link tried to remember which boards creaked the most, settling his bare feet with such care to distribute his weight properly.
When he finally reached the bed, he nearly failed in his mission. His enemy stirred, almost awakening, but he managed to avoid disaster. Finally, his objective in sight, the Hero of Hyrule leapt, landing on his prey with a mighty hyah.
Abel nearly jumped out of his skin as he was startled awake before getting slammed in the face with a pillow.
"I told you I could do it!" Link yelled at the stairway where his sister, Lyra, was hiding.
The leader of the Gorons had many precious memories to make him smile when he was more contemplative in the evenings. Perhaps his favorite, though, was when the Champions met his child, who had been so delighted to meet them that he'd rolled over Revali's toes and crashed into Link's knees, knocking the Hylian over. It had been a fun day in general, but the little boop his boy had given him when he picked him up had been the most delightful part.
It was usually what Daruk would do for the child before bedtime; to have such a simple gesture reciprocated brought him more joy than he could ever articulate.
Shadow Link
He had nearly succeeded in getting away from the damn gloom hands, but his stamina had run out. When they'd caught up to him, he could practically sense the displeasure radiating off them, and his insides froze at the sight of them.
Then one of the hands leaned over and booped him on the nose, making him yelp, before the others grabbed him and teleported him through the gloom back to Ganondorf's location.
"Was that really necessary?" Link grumbled, holding his nose as if it had been burned.
"Yes," the demon king replied without hesitation as he snatched him by his tunic and plopped him beside him. "Now rest."
Mystery Link
Link wasn't sure how it happened, but being completely smothered by his dog was not how he wanted to start his mornings. Nevertheless, it was how Friend decided to be his new morning alarm, slapping his face with a paw as a warning before laying her whole head over him and asphyxiating him.
By the fifth morning, he started wrestling her in response, and she always got so excited about it that she would spend the next few minutes zooming all over the forest, tail tucked and legs flailing in all directions.
Twilight was acting weird.
Wind was a little worried. After all, he'd only just recovered from his injury recently. Although the sailor had the utmost faith in the elder Hero's abilities, he couldn't help but watch him and see what was up. This was a matter of great importance, and only Wind could truly understand as the others seemed completely oblivious.
He made several observations while the others were pointlessly distracted. Twilight's eyes were wary, looking everywhere as if he were expecting an attack. Wind knew for certain that the rancher hadn't been patrolling because Time and Wild wouldn't allow for it quite yet. But no one else was on edge. It was possible Twilight just felt inadequate or useless, as he was typically the one who tried to shoulder a great deal of responsibility.
Wind moved closer to his dear friend, curious. He was going to ask him outright if he kept this behavior up, but--
Twilight gasped, grabbing Wind around the ribs and holding him like a shield in front of his body, and Wind yelped as Sky poked his nose.
"Hey!" Sky snapped. "No cheating!"
"There are no rules in this war!" Twilight huffed back. Then he gave Wind a squeeze against his torso as a compensatory hug. "Sorry about that, little pirate."
"Ha! Sorry? Let me go, I'll avenge you!" Wind happily offered, already wiggling out of his grip as Sky fled.
"This is getting out of hand," Time said severely, hands on his hips. "And is unbefitting of a Hero."
Twilight looked extremely schooled. If he were in his wolf form, he probably would have his tail between his legs, ears peeled back. Time did not feel guilty in the slightest about it. The camp was in utter disarray, supplies strewn everywhere as Twi's wolf form had utterly destroyed the place and barreled over most of the heroes while he'd tried to escape Sky's little winged mechanical booping machine and Wind's exuberant screams.
Unlike Twilight, Sky looked nearly indifferent, but somehow he managed to convert his expression to apologetic when Time glared at him. Wind, however, was unrepentant.
And giggling.
Time was going to lecture him further when the reason for Wind's laughter dropped out of the nearest tree, landing on Time's shoulders and booping him on the nose.
Sky and Wind cheered as Wild scrambled off Time and fled into the forest, giggling all the way.
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freshcut-chetney · 4 months
"The Bad Kids shouldn't have said X" "The Bad Kids were too bloodthirsty" why do people watch a ttrpg actual play if they're gonna get mad about a very obvious combat encounter that has been building up for an entire season? Who gives a fuck if TBK killed TRG, they're NPC's and the cast was obviously leaning into the bit because of the absolutely silly way K2 died in the previous episode, sometimes you say and do silly or fucked up shit while playing d&d with friends. This doesn't have to be a moral quandary some people want it to be.
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hi! i was just wondering if you still plan on continuing with once in a blue moon, or any of the other fics that were part of the falling star series?🥺 completely understand if you've been needing a break or if it's not happening anymore, i was just curious and i miss the boys <3
I SO AM!! Thank you for asking, anon!! Because I MISS THEM, TOO 😭
I can confidently state that Jean's POV is done at this point, and I am now in the midst of Jeremy's 🥰. And to prove I'm not lying, here - have some Jeremy angst 🤣:
Jeremy heaves out a breath. He whips away from her before turning back. “How long?”  Laila winces again, and Jeremy knows. He knows without her having to say anything, so he snags his backpack from the chair and immediately starts walking.  “Jer!” he hears Laila call behind him, but he doesn’t stop. He walks and walks, feet burning across the pavement until he reaches his jeep. He throws his backpack in, puts the vehicle in drive, and whips out of the parking lot. Minutes later, he’s racing down the highway. He hunches over the steering wheel, his back curved, and his hands gripping the steering wheel so tight that his joints ache from the pressure. So he purposefully straightens his spine and takes deep breaths in. He blasts his music over the speakers, the bass thumping so loud that it drowns out all his thoughts. A sheen develops over his skin from sweat, the sun pelting down on him, and it’s good. The discomfort is good; anything to distract him from the downward spiral his whirling brain threatens to plunge into.  A little over an hour later, he pulls into the parking lot of Corona Del Mar State Beach Park and lays his head against the wheel, breathing in the salty sea air. He stays there for a good five minutes before he opens the car door and wanders down the path toward the beach.  Once he reaches the end of the wooden pier, he takes off his sandals and feels the soft crunch of sand beneath his feet, wiggling in between his toes. His hands brush over the feathered heads of the dune grass as he walks until the waves come into view. Soft, white sand gives way to a firmer landscape, brown and water-laden, with a rogue shell appearing here and there. He walks along the coastline until he finds a cozy little craig of rock, barely touched by the soft swell of sea waves. There, he takes a seat before he pulls out his phone and makes a call.  “Jeremy. Hey,” Kevin answers on the other line. “What’s up?”  Immediately, Jeremy hears a racket in the background; a bunch of whistling, kissing noises, and teasing, lilting tones burst through the speaker that have Kevin hissing.  Jeremy smiles a little at the teasing before he answers softly, “Hey.”  There’s a slight pause. Then, the noises in the background fade away, and Kevin clearly moves somewhere quieter. His volume matches Jeremy’s tone when he finally answers. “Jeremy? What’s the matter? Is something wrong?”
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leafsfromthevine · 7 months
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my favorite bromance ever, actually (x)
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lilliemadoka · 2 months
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but ya if you pass out first im gonna try to fall over on you so it looks like were cuddling <3
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charmre · 1 year
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Thank my father before me His mother before him Who would I be without you, without them?
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freetobeeyouandme · 3 months
Brother's Keeper
Tags: Rated M, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard; Alternative Universe, Roleswap, Mobster Son!Andrew, while Neil is the Freshman Fox at Kevin's side, meet cute, the M rating is really just for Neil contemplating murder in the first paragraph, Twinyard Shenangians, AU Roulette 2024
Length: 4.8k
Flying out to a middle-of-nowhere town in Arizona to watch the goalie Kevin insists on recruiting is probably not the worst thing that had ever kept Neil from the court on a Friday evening. Even if he is skeptical about Kevin's chances to convince the man to sign with them: The rookie acts like he couldn't care less about the game, even though he plays like he might be worth a Class I championship title if he put in some effort. It's an infurating enigma to watch, but it's one Neil will have to figure out if he wants to have any chance at all of leading his Foxes to victory next season. - Or, an Andreil Roleswap AU
Read on Ao3, see whole collection
Neil Josten spent the airplane ride amusing himself by contemplating ways to kill a man with nothing but a ballpoint pen. The trachea was the obvious target, as were the eyes, but he thought if he aimed it right he might be able to puncture the femoral artery in the thigh and make the man bleed out. Alternatively he liked the challenge of piercing the brain by way of nostril, but that required a combination of force and precision he wasn’t sure he would be able to exercise in a packed airplane with Wymack just two seats down. And besides, they were already down a goalie and a backliner, so no need to add their star striker to the list.
And so it went click-click-click from the seat next to him, interrupting his every attempt to close on the mystery of the Mechanical Turk, and so it continued to go click-click-click while Wymack pretended he was too immersed in considering their potential backliner subs for the millionth time to notice and Neil’s patience frayed to a point not even the most underfunded high school would allow their dingy racquets to reach.
When the netting finally snapped, he snatched the pen from Kevin and reprimanded in French: “You do know that this is your own fault for hinging our season on a man who does not care at all for the game?”
Kevin made the same face he made every time they had talked about the goalie he was dead set on signing. Neil met it with the same blank expression he always made when they had discussed Aaron Minyard.
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spyroforlife · 1 year
people on the Internet losing their minds and arguing about the mob vote as usual and trying to make Mojang add all three and I'm just over here in my corner like "ehehe mob vote fun, armadillo <3"
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necrotic-nephilim · 3 days
I love the new ask game :D
Maybe "You wouldn't." with Bruce/Jason?
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send a quote and a ship and I'll write a short fic!
tysm anon, i'm glad you're loving it! i love that this got requested twice because it was such a fun one. warning that this one is *dark*, it deals with hypnotism/brainwashing and non-con as a result of that. it's *sort of* inspired by Gotham War but is based in pre-Flashpoint and basically my twist on a realistic but fucked up way i think Bruce would try to control Jason psychologically. just 3.3k of Jason suffering. enjoy <3
“Come home, Jason.”
It was a dream Jason had had a thousand times in a thousand ways. Bruce’s hand outstretched, offering Jason a white flag and compassion.
Only this time, it wasn’t a dream.
The cold ground underneath Jason’s palm was real. He could smell the dirt caked under his fingernails as he clenched his fist, panting hard.
He had a gun pointed at Bruce with his other hand. Jason was knocked to the ground, but he wasn’t down.
He was never down; a mutt going belly up. That’d never be him.
For some reason that Jason couldn’t put into words, the gun was shaking in his hand. He never had it in him to actually kill Bruce. But somehow now, his resolve felt more shattered than usual.
“Your home isn’t mine,” Jason said through grit teeth. He could taste his own blood in his mouth, but the fight was already muddled in his head. Was it one of the goons he was fighting or Bruce who’d hit him? He wasn’t sure.
Bruce loomed over Jason. It was a look he practically had patented. Cape billowing, shadow cast over Jason in such a way that Jason felt so impossibly small. He knew all the tricks and how Bruce pulled them off, but that didn’t mean he was immune to them. No matter how much Jason grew and made a name for himself, Bruce could always make him want to shrink into himself.
But he wouldn’t. He refused to hand that weakness over to Bruce.
“It always has been your home,” Bruce’s voice was far too gentle for his immovable stance and shadow-hidden face. Jason didn’t like the contrast. “Just for the night.” He took a step toward Jason, hand close enough for Jason to bat it away with his gun.
He knew this dance. Like a song that Jason had never actually heard, but still seemed to be woven into his soul. A long-forgotten melody as he descended into this hell. Bruce was reaching into Jason’s mind to pull out all of Jason’s worst nightmares about how he rolled over like a dog and gave in.
It made Jason’s lip curl in disgust, even as cold ice dripped down his spine.
“Go to hell,” Jason snarled. He didn’t sound how he wanted to. His voice was too high and it was like he was Robin again, pre-pubescent and looking at Bruce like he hung the moon. That moon was bleeding all over them, now. “I will shoot you if you don’t back off,” he warned. Not lethally, they both knew that unspoken caveat. But that didn’t mean Jason wasn’t acutely aware of every weak point of Bruce’s armor and very ready to give Bruce a new scar for his misplaced nostalgia-tainted love.
“No, you won’t,” Bruce said calmly. Not as an order, but as a simple fact.
Jason scoffed. “Like hell-”
Bruce whistled, a sharp and high note that made Jason’s brain nearly split in half.
And he-
He dropped his gun.
It tumbled out of his hand with his palm forced open. A muscle reaction that felt the same as a doctor knocking a hammer against Jason’s knee to make his leg kick out. So out of control that he just stared at his open, empty hand for a moment.
“What the fuck?” Jason spat out, blinking a few times. “Was that an EMP or something?” He hadn’t been looking at Bruce’s face. It sounded like a whistle, but Bruce could’ve activated some high-tech weapon through his gauntlet or-
Or something. Some sort of Bat-gadget that used a magnet to pull the gun out of Jason’s hand, or whatever other mcguffin Bruce had access to. That was the only logical answer that fit easily into Jason’s mind.
So why did it feel so wrong?
Why was Jason’s heart beating so fast?
He’d felt this fear before, in a dream.
Jason swallowed to keep his throat from closing up. He pushed himself to his feet and tried to grab a dagger from his belt.
He tried. And tried. It was right there, inches from his fingers twitching at his sides. Jason knew he was in control of his body. He could shift his weight and stretch his limbs and crack his neck.
But he couldn’t seem to grab a weapon.
Jason made a fist instead. He couldn’t raise it for the punch.
“You’re okay,” Bruce promised, trying to soothe the panic that was crawling up Jason’s throat. He reached up and stroked Jason’s face and Jason couldn’t seem to stop him. He wanted to pull away from the disgusting false kindness. But he fucking couldn’t. “We’re going home now.” Bruce’s tone was too calm, too even. Perfectly soothing and unbothered by Jason’s growing panic.
“No,” Jason choked out. He still had his words and could fight with them, at least. “What the fuck did you do, you bastard?”
Bruce’s expression changed but was impossible to get a full read on, hidden by the cowl. “What I had to. To keep you safe and bring you home.”
“I’m not yours,” Jason put as much force as he could into every word. All his hate, all his rage, dripped like a venom that was keeping him alive. He used his hatred to hide the fear that was swirling his thoughts, making them harder and harder to make sense of.
Something was wrong. All his worst nightmares of Jason just giving in and agreeing to go home with Bruce as an obedient little soldier were coming to life. Like sick prophecies he couldn’t escape.
Something was very wrong. Jason’s whole body was starting to shake and he instinctively reached for his chest, trying to find what was wrong. Something was lodged deep inside of him that didn’t belong. Something that Jason had to pull out before it took deeper root and he was- he was lost to some terrible unseen thing lurking in the corner of his mind. Whatever it was, Jason needed it out now before-
Bruce clicked his tongue. Jason was at least certain this time the sound came directly from Bruce, watching his mouth move to form the sharp clicking noise. Distinct and-
The fight or flight bled out of Jason’s limbs. His body calmed, even as his mind was still fighting the feeling. Muted and distant now, but still definitely there. Jason fumbled between the lines of a forced calm and natural panic. He didn’t know which one he wanted, which was the right one to be feeling.
The calm was entrancing. Hypnotizing, even. A siren trying to lull Jason under the waves so he would just sink into the current. The water was so warm and inviting, promising an existence where Jason wouldn’t have to feel so much pain all the time-
It was hypnotizing.
Jason vaguely remembered Talia mentioning a hypnotism expert that Bruce once knew but she couldn’t convince Jason to train with them. He thought it sounded like a bunch of pseudoscience bullshit. Everyone knew hypnotism was a dumb Placebo.
Everyone it seemed, except Jason’s body. Which felt like it was trying to sink into the dirt under the weight of forced calm Bruce had wrapped around him.
“How-” Jason’s mouth was full of cotton. “Did you brainwash me, or something?”
“Conditioning,” Bruce corrected. How was he so casual about it? “It took months to make sure you wouldn’t notice. I did what I had to, to keep you safe from yourself.” He dared to run his fingers through Jason’s hair, pulling Jason’s pliant body forward until his forehead was pressed into Bruce’s shoulder. “This isn’t a punishment, Jason. I need you to understand, I didn’t do this to save Gotham. I did this to save you.”
He made the words sound like a love confession. They were the most terrifying words Jason had ever heard. They sounded more like a prison sentence Jason’s soul had been damned to then something sweet.
Jason managed to shake his head. His ears were ringing as he tried so hard to fight against the siren song. Bruce’s body was so warm. His words were barbed wire wrapped in a lullaby. They pierced Jason so deep he was sure he had to be bleeding everywhere. He could taste it, after all. Nothing made sense.
“You wouldn’t,” Jason whispered, almost delirious with how surreal it all felt. His tether to reality was cut cleanly by his puppeteer, razor-thin wires shackling him in place. A promise.
Bruce dared to press a kiss against Jason’s temple. “I already have.”
Jason went limp. Bruce caught him around the waist, easily picking him up to hold Jason gingerly.
Like a lover.
The nightmares of Bruce’s touch tasted so real.
Oh, fuck.
The nightmares.
“You’ve done this before,” Jason realized, tears of betrayal pricking in his eyes. The nightmares were real. They were distant, hypnotized memories he couldn’t quite reach in the back of his mind. Locked away until Bruce decided to unlock this conditioned, obedient side of Jason to play with. Using him like a toy.
Bruce was a psychotic bastard who always went too far.
But this. This was something new. An incomprehensible horror Jason could’ve never imagined Bruce doing. That was why they had to be nightmares, not memories. Bruce never would’ve done that to Jason. Jason never would’ve just laid there and taken it from Bruce. He wasn’t some lap dog for Bruce to domesticate.
He wasn’t.
This wasn’t real obedience. It was forced submission.
This wasn’t real at all. It couldn’t be.
This wasn’t Jason.
He wouldn’t have let this happen to himself.
He didn’t realize he was crying until Bruce was wiping the tears away. Daring to be fucking gentle, like he wasn’t perfectly aware of Jason’s inner turmoil eating him alive.
“Let’s go home,” Bruce said, adjusting Jason into a bridal carry and ignoring as Jason’s shallow breaths gave way to soft sobs.
The worst part was, Jason could feel himself slipping deeper into the corners of his mind. It was disturbingly easy to fall for the drowning nothingness that quieted all his rebelling emotions tearing him apart.
It was easy to give in to Bruce’s conditioning.
Before Jason knew it, he was tucked into the Batmobile, limbs completely immobile as they drove down familiar streets.
The anger melted away first.
Then the fear.
All those feelings left and Jason was just-
He was going home.
Moments of clarity came to Jason in short, chaotic bursts. The first one came to him as Bruce was stripping him of his clothes, throwing them to the ground without a care in the world, desperate to consume Jason with hungry hands.
He could see Bruce’s face, now. It was all Jason could see.
Those awful, wanting eyes. Looking at Jason like he was just another toy of Bruce’s.
“What…” Jason’s words were slurred and barely fit in his mouth. “Stop- Bruce, stop-”
“Shh,” Bruce pressed his mouth against Jason’s and Jason was sinking again, unable to stop his body from reacting and kissing back. “I’ve got you.” The words were already so far away Jason barely heard them, even pressed against his mouth.
Bruce tasted like peppermint and sweet compliance.
The second clear moment was the longest one.
It came to Jason with a gasp, chest heaving for air as if something had been choking him.
He wasn’t being choked, though.
He was being fucked.
The gasp turned into a startled moan when a long thrust drove right into Jason’s prostate, his entire body jerking. Jason’s arms were wrapped around Bruce’s back, clinging to him like some kind of needy animal as Bruce drove into Jason’s body. A mutt with his belly up, compliant, like he was afraid of.
“Stop fighting it,” Bruce murmured into Jason’s ear, immediately knowing that Jason was lucid.
How could Jason stop fighting when he didn’t know he was fighting in the first place? He wasn’t in control of the mess in his head pulling him in too many directions.
He was so wrought out that all he could do was cry, anguished.
Jason wanted to push Bruce off of him. He didn’t want this pleasure. Jason’s arms moved sluggishly, but at least seemed to obey him, pushing weakly at Bruce’s shoulder.
“No, no no no,” Jason chanted the only thing he could get out. A mantra, a plea, and a prayer all in one. Every thrust rattled his bones with new, yet familiar feelings that were too real.
The parts of Jason’s body not under his control bloomed under Bruce’s touch. His back was arching and he was grinding onto Bruce’s cock. It made no sense, how he tried to claw at Bruce’s skin while chasing more and more of Bruce deep inside him.
It was where Bruce belonged, an insidious voice whispered in Jason’s ear. Where Jason belonged, too.
No, Jason fought back in his own mind.
God please, no.
Bruce just kept moving and fucking Jason. As if it wasn’t rape.
It was rape, wasn’t it? Jason’s consent wasn’t real. Bruce had made it up.
All of this was made up. Jason would never let Bruce do this to him.
“You’re beautiful,” Bruce soothed, pressing flowering kisses down Jason’s throat. Jason tried to turn his head away but he had nowhere to go, trapped underneath Bruce.
“No,” Jason repeated. He hit Bruce in the chest when a particular thrust made Jason’s own cock twitch and a moan rolled through his body.
Jason was hard. There was already precum dripping out of him.
Would he come like this? Did he have words, when he was completely under? In some of Jason’s nightmare-memories, he could remember begging Bruce for more. More touch, more pleasure, more orgasms.
That was what Bruce had reduced Jason to. A wanton whore who didn’t even have control of his own body. Jason violently shook his head, trying to wiggle more control into his limbs. He managed to just barely kick Bruce’s leg. Not hard, but enough to make Bruce stumble, catching himself with a hand against the mattress. A hand that wasn’t touching Jason anymore, making him sigh in relief. He could keep this momentum.
He just had to hold onto the control-
“I love you,” Bruce said, voice silky and going down Jason’s psyche like smooth whiskey. The burning aftertaste was there, trying to start a fire strong enough for Jason to fight back with, but Jason just swallowed.
Those words were the needed trigger to push Jason back down. And worse, this time it wasn't a gentle descent. He felt like he was being smothered by a pillow inside his own head. Jason was pretty sure he actually screamed before his body was taken from him.
Jason only managed to give Bruce a parting glare.
Lucidity came for Jason again with water raining down on his body. Hot enough to steam up the space, making Jason’s muscles sag.
He was in a shower. Leaning against Bruce. Practically clinging to him like a fucking child.
He could feel the soreness in a deep, disgusting place Jason never wanted to know Bruce could reach. Two gentle hands were massaging shampoo into Jason’s hair. The scent that Bruce used, not Jason.
Even when all this was over, Jason still wouldn’t be able to get Bruce’s scent off his skin.
Bruce had to be doing it on purpose.
“I hate you,” Jason spat the words out as fast as he could. He knew he was going to slip away again.
He knew there was nothing he could do to stop it. Acceptance was an ugly pill Jason hated swallowing with every fiber of his being.
He had never hated himself more.
Hating Bruce was an easy second nature. But this level of self-hatred was new, even for Jason.
He was so tired of feeling it. Of feeling at all.
Bruce didn’t use words this time. Jason’s ugly confession wasn’t acknowledged. Warm fingers just pressed into a specific spot against the back of Jason’s neck and he was boneless again.
Jason’s last thought was wondering just how many triggers Bruce had programmed into him.
He probably didn’t want to know.
Jason’s final moment of awareness came in Bruce’s arms. He was pressed against Bruce’s chest, finding himself tracing idle patterns across Bruce’s skin while Bruce was reading something on his tablet.
There was cold, bitter anger freezing Jason’s chest over.
But mostly, there was numbness.
Jason didn’t say anything this time. He didn’t see the point when his words meant nothing to Bruce. He just glared into nothing, hand going completely rigid, then curling into a useless fist.
He didn’t want to know how many times he had been here before.
Bruce leaned down and kissed Jason’s brow. Jason wrinkled his nose but gave no other reaction. He kept his body perfectly still, even with it in his control.
“Do you want to remember?” Bruce asked.
Confusion clouded Jason’s muddy senses. “What?”
Bruce brushed stray hair out of Jason’s eyes and tilted his chin up, forcing him to look into Bruce’s lovingly unforgiving eyes. “Do you want to remember this time? You don’t have to remember if you’re not ready.”
Not ready. Jason didn’t like how those two words were heavy and had so many implications that they turned his stomach.
“No,” Jason couldn’t stop himself from telling the truth. Bruce had asked if he wanted to remember.
And Jason didn’t want this. He needed to remember. But more than anything, he didn’t want to remember this. It made his skin crawl.
He wanted this to be a bad dream.
The logic side of Jason’s brain was screaming and begging to remember this. If Jason knew this was real when he was away from Bruce, then he could get far, far away. He could run.
He could go anywhere.
Bruce hummed and nodded. With understanding Jason could feel down to his core, an awful thing.
He’d done this before, after all. The routine was down pat, for Bruce.
And for Jason, it was a new horror that he was going to learn over and over again.
Maybe Bruce got some kind of sick enjoyment out of this wretched cycle. Jason knew Bruce’s end goal, even if he wouldn’t admit it to himself.
He couldn’t. Admitting it made it real.
And this wasn’t real.
It couldn’t be.
Instead of slipping under the edge of conditioning, Jason just slipped into sleep. His body relaxed and Bruce pulled a blanket around him, tucking him in and murmuring something Jason didn’t quite catch.
Jason drifted into a dreamless sleep.
With a swear and a jolt, Jason woke up. His heart was pounding and he grabbed his chest, breathing hard. He sat up, swinging his legs over his shitty bed in his shitty warehouse.
“Fucking nightmares,” Jason grumbled, getting his body to calm down. The nightmare was already slipping away. It was something so ridiculous that he didn’t bother chasing it. Something about Bruce touching him and Jason just letting him.
A snort came out of Jason’s chest at the thought. He stood up, shaking himself free of stupid night terrors.
Jason rolled his eyes and wandered over toward his fridge, mind already drifting to think about the case he was working on, looking over the board on his wall to give his attention to something that actually deserved it.
Like he’d ever let Bruce get close to him, Jason wasn’t just some mutt belly-up starved for attention.
Over his dead body.
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anonymouspuzzler · 1 year
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because Cally O'Pia AU is just constantly rolling around in my head lately I did this little concept sketch of the end of RoR in this AU! Instead of the boss fight and memory deep-dive, it's essentially Raz getting let in on the "Loboto is actually Agent O'Pia" thing by Oleander, projecting into his mind, and getting some insight on what's actually going on from the Real Deal Cal while he's using mental projection to have the Loboto persona put up a front for his employer.
[Image ID: A black-and-white drawing based on Puzz's "Cally O'Pia" Psychonauts AU. Cal (wearing a Psychonauts janitorial uniform, wrap skirt, two fanny packs, ribbed socks with sandals, several necklaces and bracelets, shaggy shoulder-length hair, and round glasses like his child self) and Raz are crouched behind a stack of papers, with Cal covering Raz's mouth. Both are looking up nervously at a giant mental projection-style Loboto, sloppily scribbled onto a piece of paper. End ID.]
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sage-nebula · 5 months
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Every day is suffering when you're a Hollow Knight fan. (Happy for y'all in the Hades fandom, tho.)
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complicitgirlfrot · 2 months
22, 65, 71 :)
This is in reference to this post. I think I’m gonna answer these a little bit out of order. Just so that all the tags are at the end, y’know?
22. What’s the hottest sex dream you’ve ever had?
This one is a little difficult cuz not only do I not remember my dreams very often (or for very long), but I also rarely have sex dreams it would seem. Though Recently I did have one that I made a small post about. TL;DR a tumblr mutual shotgunned be weed for several hours. There was no sex and the dream itself was not that horny but when I woke up I was very wet from it
71. Start typing out your dirtiest fantasy you can think of and don’t stop til you get so embarrassed you can’t go on any longer. Just make sure it’s actually something you’re into!
Hmmmm… because i've been answering over the course of a full day I got more than one for this.
I've been playing a lot of Corruption of Champions II lately (as recommended by a favorite mutual) so a lot of my fantasizing has been related to monsterfucking and demonic corruption and the like. Like the thought of being a demon's favorite fuck pet has been a go-to recently. The idea that a massive and all-powerful demon woman would look at me and see me as a perfect whore for her to get off with. How long would I deny her? Months of her filling my mind with impossible fantasies and pleasures that could only be real if i'd just submit? Weeks of her visiting me in my dreams to make me live them out night after night? Days of her taking an incorporeal form to tease me in public? Or would i just submit immediately? Bound to an eternity of servitude, never not knowing bliss. Maybe i make a deal to bind myself in exchange for my ideal body, and she turns me into the perfect avatar of her influence, that she might take control to walk this earth and fuck Who she pleases when she pleases. My senses still hooked up but with her at the controls, how long would it be before my mind melts entirely and I'm reduced to her perfect priestess pet?
As far as more realistic/achievable fantasies go, I… have tried to write this like 8 times over the course of the day so fuck it. Not gonna get fancy with it. I wanna be tied down, on either a table or bed, and have various areas tested. Experimented on. Blindfolded and bound. Have my world reduced to what I can feel and hear. The hushed chatter of a group of lab techs discussing plans for the day. The padding of feet and squeaking of wheels as someone approaches me. I can almost feel the heat radiating off them as they carefully inspect my naked body, thinking they’re down by my legs then yelping in surprise when they grope my tit, which gives way to moaning as they continue. More hands appear, fingertips tracing my still growing curves before vanishing from my perception, only to reappear somewhere else. Gently choking neck or grasping thighs. One of those dildo gags or whatever they’re called shoved down my throat because my whines are distracting some of the assistants. Nipples getting pinched and then sucked on, whether by machine or attendant I do not know. Ass being spread, first by fingers then by some manner of equipment. I don’t know what it is, but I do know it's cold and smooth and slick and I want it inside me. Small pulsing and thrusting mechanisms for muffing They seem to have some sort of machine for whatever, even slightly, erogenous zones they find. The gag is removed and the hands retreat, followed by the sounds of feet and heavy breathing. A buzzer sounds and I’m asked a series of questions from a speaker somewhere above me. Cycling through which dildo size, texture, and thrusting angle feels best for both ass and cunts. Then trying different combinations. What level of suction feels best on which nipple? Is it the same for your cock? What about vibration? Electro stimulation? Did you know that you’ve come four separate times from having your neck bit? If there is ever a moment where I am too blissed out to answer a question when they pause, they simply start that question over so I can feel the options again. Hours and hours of testing, sometimes with breaks to wrench me into a new position, or to replace the gags. Maybe if I am not compliant enough the blindfold gets replaced with vr goggles and noise canceling headphones, my vision filled only with pink swirls and voices offering gentle praise. Maybe at end of day, each attendant who wants or needs it can have their way with me. After a full day of cataloguing exactly how to make me cum they get to put everything to the test. They note for future reference that they ought to incorporate this kind of work into the testing. Did you know she cums 60% faster with tdick in her mouth? Or that she will lick cum off of herself, and calling her desperate for it will--
For the record i didn’t get too embarrassed to continue… just too aroused
65. What are your top five favourite blogs to masturbate to? Tag them!
Not counting my partner, who I masturbate with, to, and on regularly (not tagging them cuz they don’t have a horny blog so technically they don’t count), my favs are:
@pan-galactic-enby has a wide variety of stuff on her blog with excellent taste in lewd bits. We love lusting over the eroticism of the machine with it. Very fun to flirt with and Very ghey ;) 
@butchcockiness2 writes some amazing t4t erotica that often uses dynamics that I hadn't considered. His posts (specifically this one and this one iirc) are responsible for me learning how to muff myself, and then teaching my partner to do it (11/10 experience btw, I don’t think people talk enough about how mind melting muffing can be). Also I greatly appreciate the COVID posts and masking resources; I’m the last person in my city to mask it seems and they help me feel like I’m not going insane
@blairdsm is just generally really cool? And hot? She has called me out multiple times for my tags on her fursona posts and I haven’t been the same since (you can find those here and here). Both of her fursonas have high-key inspired me to update my own (which I have actually started doing! The first post I have of her is here on my main). Excellent art and erotica blurbs to go with. Also she once offered to do hypnotism stuff with me and like, idk if that offer still stands, but if it does I may take her up on it, especially with a stressful semester coming up. Also also we’re mutuals on both main and side blogs and I think that’s fun and cool. Always a treat to see her in my notes
@slimegirlovipositers is the second ever porn blog I followed (the first was pan-galactic-enby) and I’m glad I’ve been consistently able to find her again through her countless terminations. Awesome taste in porn tho I miss the days when she would post the really niche shit (still does, it’s just less common than it used to be)
@catdog-coyote-butch and @boundbutchbottom are a couple (I think? I could be wrong) that I’ve only recently started to follow (though I’ve been silent mutuals with the former on main for a bit) but I we have similar tastes it seems. Idk, I don’t have a big blurb for these two they’re just hot and have good blogs I really like and I feel it’d be a shame to mention one without the other. 10/10 would recommend
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