#this is actually super interesting bc i usually just picture whoever i want
drinkingbitterboy · 1 year
alright. i have emotionally recovered from miles posting on instagram this morning, which truly threw off my plan to do a little concert recap bc i was busy yelling at my phone/on tumblr. as you do.
a couple notes:
i don't really do concert photos; literally took a grand total of 4 during the actual show. so sorry, don't have much there!
i did not get a poster :( turns out they ran out before AM even went on stage?? i'm sad, but not too pressed bc really i'd much rather have a good view than wait in the merch line.
here we go!!
so getting into the arena was kind of a shit show lmao. we rolled up around door open and the line stretched 5 city blocks and doubled back on itself; it was mostly organized but asshats loved to pop in when the line got broken up by the streets. took us almost an hour to make it our five blocks and the line behind us was still just as long by then. at least folks waiting by us in line were nice! beyond nice conversation the true highlight was outfit spotting. shoutout to the absolutely dedicated guy who showed up in the full on fwn clown outfit complete with face paint by himself. in this weather! found a couple folks dressed exactly like the car alex (again, why are you wearing a blazer in this weather) and you know. felt real old about it seeing some of the other concert outfits. i'm sorry, not to be judgemental of the tiktok girlies, but holy shit. i managed to out myself once as a weird fan about it bc i had "inside knowledge" aka i saw the ig stories james and davey posted lmao. i'm so sorry i'm incapable of holding it in when i want to correct someone. had a grand time talking to some people in line next to me around my age; one of them even had an old sias shirt from seeing them live back then! good bonding about "hey what have you done since they announced this album?" one guy switched jobs twice, we got married, and the other couple had a baby. jfc.
further highlights include the person who wrote the batphone and cheeseburger notes, a couple other car truck bits i didn't take pics of saying things like "who the fuck are the arctic monkeys", and the true comedy of whoever designed the tickets. big mike wazowski energy
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fontaines dc sounded great! a lot of folks around me had no clue who they were, though. so the crowd wasn't too excited overall. also i have no idea who put together the playlist in between sets bc it was nuts.
and then: the big reveal (that i then updated tumblr on)
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i'm really surprised the whole set made it! the anticipation before they took the curtain down was absolutely palpable. also, didn't get a picture of it but at one point someone had a giant pole and was trying to poke something right at at the top of the frame of the screen. no idea what that was about but it was hilarious. not pictured: the bonus screens on either side of the stage.
an aside: my partner is fucking hilarious. every time a roadie came on state with an instrument he'd go "i don't think that one is a monkey." he also generally calls them the "monkfys" anyway bc he really latched onto that clip aksdjfs
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so this was interesting! they didn't show the body paint symbols at all on any of the screens; instead, they showed this colorful wheel thing.
and then the actual show. oh my word. opening with sculptures was absolutely my dream and honestly i don't have words for what it's like to see alex in person. he's absolutely captivating. hypnotizing. one of the most amazing things is watching how he proceeds through the show--how he goes from suave and put together with his choreographed arm movements for emphasis and his little things like the little bubble pop in that song. and then he starts to loosen up (along with his hair), we get the silly dramatic theatre kid during cornerstone and do me a favour, and by the time we hit body paint he's just completely letting loose. even when they played much of the usual setlist and i obviously know the music super well--better than anyone else around me--it was still absolutely thrilling to just be there and listen to the music and sing loudly and jump around until we felt the floorboards creak. they felt really high energy last night! turns out coming off of a break is good for them!
related, getting to watch the transformation into the poofy lion hair in real life is incredible.
i must admit, i am not immune to things like alex waving in our general direction to the crowd and walking over to our side of the stage and all of the charming bits. just can't help it.
otherwise, the only other person i could consistently see was nick - we were standing stage right, maybe 15 yards back? so you know. gorgeous as always. i'm sure jamie was wonderful also in his insane leather jacket -- didn't see him at all lol. i managed to get a very convenient window to center stage so i actually saw alex a decent amount. worked out well because i couldn't actually see the screens super well. i'm short. here's the only two pictures i actually took of the band, right at the beginning:
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and now for the rest of the setlist -- we all know they played a lot of the usual suspects. as expected, much of the crowd was pretty young and very invested in only AM and the hype songs. i didn't mind; at least i wasn't the only person screaming for perfect sense (weren't a lot of us, i was the only one in my general area, but that's alright. i don't care.) my spouse was entertained by the person next to us who looked up the spotify set playlist in between every song; he was like "why look it up? if you don't know the songs well enough to identify by intro then how is the list supposed to help?" anyway, holy shit when is snap getting out of the playlist? and yet even though i was not thrilled by it it was still so fun to sing along.
4 out of 5 had a really funny bit at the end while he was just kinda ad libbing lines. "four stars out of five, not quite there yet, but almosttttt." teddy picker and view from the afternoon were absolutely fantastic, too. and then we get the basic AM bits again, though turns out the crowd was also really hype for fluorescent adolescent. 10/10
i was so goddamn loud for perfect sense. shoutout to the spouse again for only knowing that song bc i learned to play it and then played it constantly bc i wanted to manifest it aksjdflaskdj
he was constantly saying "very nice. very nice. very good" in between songs, which was adorable. "hope you're having a lovely evening, folks." as my partner put it: "very good. that's him like yes, i've met my crowd interaction quota for the night"
and then of course we brought out the drama for do me a favour and cornerstone. i cracked up that there were already gifs of the "forcing a smile" bit by the time i got home.
mirrorball started with alex conducting the stings again. i love it so much. also makes my musician ass miss performing lmao. but really, i can't get over how good mirrorball is. it's so dramatic, so emotional, then the actual mirrorball reveal??? i cried. it's insane. it's beautiful. it's honestly indescribable. i generally don't like people filming a lot or taking tons of pictures but you know what? mirrorball is an exception. holy mother of god.
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and then 505!! i know i mentioned this earlier but really??? the mirrorball is only lit up like this for 505 and then they pull it back up?? there better be a mirrorball for me, he says, then we pull it down for the very miles song, and then they get rid of it???????? i had some thoughts.
our end of the stage got a bit distracted during do i wanna know bc we had someone go down in the crowd and had to call someone over to help. good news is that they were pretty close to the wall/barrier so it was easy to make space. even so, i realy can't get over how good that guitar sounds.
and then body paint. we've all seen videos of the extended outro and really, truly, it's just a life-altering experience to watch it life. it sounded incredible, it looked incredible with the rainbow lights, everyone looked like they were having a blast. i am a little biased bc i'm so attached to that song i'm getting tattoos about it on monday lmao. but man. not over it.
and finally the encore. ONE POINT PERSPECTIVE?????? i was NOT expecting it and absolutely lost my shit. unfortunately at this point bc we did some shifting around i no longer had a good view of anything. so it goes.
dancefloor, as always, was an absolute jam. bonus points bc now it's forever associated with our wedding. and r u mine had the place going nuts bc you know, the AM only folks, but really, i am also not immune to how hard that song goes.
all in all, that concert was absolutely incredible. i had an absolute BLAST and it was such a joy. i loved getting to be loud and truly did not care that there were bits where i was the only one who knew all the words. even my partner who is only really a tangential am fan had a really good time. they sounded amazing. i'm absolutely still on a high from it. hopefully the transition to a smaller venue again after the huge stadium tour was nice for the band, too!
and now time for some more coffee.
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fablestudios · 2 months
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This is Marshal, he is baby.
This lil bean’s been taking over my head recently, so character rant below
I'll probably be posting a character rant weekly, not that I'm making a new character weekly but I'd like to share all of them eventually. Plus, it keeps things interesting around here.
Name: Marshal Anand
Nickname: Mar, Marsh (ik how that sounds, shut up, I think it’s cute)
Age: early 20s
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: Aro/ace
Okay, ranting, uhhhhh-
Some basic info that I have bc I built this world but most people won’t know:
The clothes Marshal is wearing in the bottom right and left pictures are his soldiers’ uniform. Vamore, the kingdom in which he is a soldier, has this teal color all over their palace. The basic uniform is the teal vest, and shirt, gloves, and pants of whatever color their magic form is. Nickolas’s uniform is slightly different because he is Marshal’s superior.
Alright, magic forms. Magic in present-day Ismaria has seven forms, each a different color of the rainbow (think roy g biv). People are typically born with one magic form, and practicing more than that is seen as a curse. However, it is possible, and with enough balance, will not physically harm the body. Without balance, the individual will start to wither away.
Back to this little ray of sunshine.
Marshal has his widowed mother for family. He grew up an only child and his father died soon after he enlisted as a soldier. His mother is a sweet lady who I’m gonna name Sasha. Sasha struggles financially because Vamore is classist, and Marshal does his best to support her (part of the reason why he became a soldier).
Becoming a soldier met Marshal didn’t have to pay for a place to live or food on the table, he pretty much lived within the castle’s borders, so he was able to send most of the money he received to his mother.
Mar enjoys being a soldier. Though his fighting style involves more defense than offense, he managed to rise quite high in the ranks, being a lieutenant right below Nickolas’s rank as captain.
Fighting style, uh…Not all soldiers have the default fighter magic form (red). As you can see from the stuff above, Marshal’s magic is actually orange. This magic involves a lot of foresight, seeing the future, present, and past. How does Marshal use this in fighting, you ask?
Well after he bonded with his magic, it appeared in the form of a staff, the weapon he grew up using. What I have right now is he channels a lot of negative energy through the staff that shows whoever it touches (other than himself) their worst possible death. Fun, right? He changes this up when he’s training, just messing with people, or just because he’s bored. Sometimes it’ll show you the thing that’s about to happen in 3 seconds, which usually has some pretty hysterical outcomes.
Though he finds much joy in being amongst his fellow soldiers and fighting, Marshal also longs for the quiet career of an author. He’s been working on it for quite a while too, having planned out many of his own stories, but finding the time to work on them is harder than you’d think. He hopes to, after serving as long as he can as a soldier, settle down and focus more on his novels.
Uh, aaaaa, random lore bits.
Marshal wears his hair back in that little headband(?) because the Vamorian army typically requires you to cut you hair super short (visibility issues), but he didn’t want to do that and found another way. You might notice that Nick doesn’t have his hair cut short either, and that’s for another reason that I’ll hopefully discuss in future. (Someone scream at me if I forget because it’s wholesome af)
Uhh, Oh, I haven’t discussed Marshal’s actual personality.
Marshal’s a sunshine character. Think Frankie from Castoff or Rapunzel. Always finds a way to lighten the scene or put things in a bright light, cares for the people around him, makes friends easily. He enjoys joking around with his friends and having a good time, even if his occupation involves training for a possible (and upcoming…..) war. He wants to be able to do everything: help his mom, be a good soldier, write his novels, spend time with his close friend, and everything else!…but life isn’t going to make it so easy for him.
Oh yeah, circling back to Marshal’s magic. Remember how I spent some time detailing what happens if you practice two magics? Marshal practices the magic form of messages (purple/violet) on the side of foreseeing. Of course, he has to keep this hidden, but he’s found great ways of implementing this into his fighting style, such as sending small messages to the minds of his opponents, saying such things as “miss”, “retreat”, and stuff like that. This has actually proven quite useful as often the opponent will mistake Marshal’s message for their own internal monologue. Marshal’s magic mixing practice has not taken a tole on his body as he learned very quickly to bond with this new magic and help it flourish into the way his magic is in present day.
Now, as to who taught him to bond with both magics and implement it naturally, that credit would go to the kindly king's advisor, Donna. She and Marshal share a close mother/son bond. When Marshal joined the guard at 16, Donna basically saw that he was struggling emotionally and helped him through the years.
The scar across the bridge of Marshal's nose could've been a scrape in the streets when he was younger or one from his early soldier days. To be honest he doesn't really know either.
Uhh, well I’ve just given y’all a lot of random not useful info. Marshal’s a side character in Nick’s side story, by the way. They’re close friends, despite one being stoic and the other extremely expressive, and have a very balanced and healthy friendship that only grows stronger throughout Nickolas’s side story.
Anyways, feel free to ask questions about my world and characters and stuff and uhh…thanks for reading through my messy rambles.
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astererer · 2 years
🍓 🎡 🌌 📸 👖☁️ 💘
tell me thingssssssss
ohhhhohoho hi renee!!! ty for sending an ask in :))
🍓 - do they eat their fruit & veg? what is their favourite fruit or vegetable?
aster isn’t always the best at eating her 5 a day, but she loves tropical fruits like mango and pineapple — they work great in savoury meals as well as desserts or on their own!!
🎡 - are they someone who wants to kiss at the top of the ferris wheel?
if you asked her to her face, she’d laugh and say who cares about stuff like that!! tho really that’s just bc she genuinely hadn’t thought of that kind of scenario before. after thinking on it a bit, maybe an hour afterwards, it doesn’t sound that bad….. maybe she would like to try it out……
that being said if she was with someone else who wanted to try kissing atop a ferris wheel she would be like “okay let’s do it.” no shame. she just wants an excuse to kiss whoever she’s dating haha
🌌 - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
ngl aster came from me being like “okay what if i was in the pokemon world and also way more talented/cooler” — blatant self insert/wish fulfilment stuff haha :)) she’s changed a lotttt over the years bc i kind of remade her each time a new pokemon game came out 😅 the first thing i decided about her originally was that instead of focussing on battles she’d actually be both a figure skater and ballroom dancer, and her team would take part in her routines she is neither of these things anymore
📸 - do they enjoy having their picture taken? what’s their go-to pose? do they like taking photos? what do they take photos of?
she used to hate having her photo taken, the gym challenge was fun and all but she was a very shy kid and did not like that her matches were televised/people rooting for her started to want photos w her. these days she’s still pretty “no cameras please” if random people approach her but she’s good w being photographed with friends :)) she doesn’t really know how to pose so usually goes for something silly on purpose or assumes people will just take candids that are somewhat flattering.
as far as her own photography skills go tho, aster is….. a very lazy photographer. like just lets her rotom phone take the photos for her lazy. she doesn’t really feel the need to take photos in the first place unless she thinks it’s important, but does enjoy going through her camera roll when her rotom phone has gone on a snapping spree to see what it captured
👖 - what is their go-to outfit?
aster likes trying different styles out, but her main wardrobe staples are mini skirts, boots, and an interesting top/sweater :)) she’s the kind of person who, 9 times out of 10, would pick a dress over jeans most days.
☁️ - a soft headcanon
muffin, her perrserker, is one of her best friends. after she caught him as a meowth and he warmed up to her, she’d carry him everywhere. once he evolved and got too heavy for her to pick up, she’d hold onto one of his paws and they’d be inseparable. they still are, really. he still curls up next to her every night :)) if aster feels nervous or stressed at any given time she’ll start holding his paw again. muffin, meanwhile, is ready to throw hands at who/whatever decided to upset his bestie
💘 - what traits do they look for in a relationship? do they believe in love at first sight?
she doesn’t look for relationships they just happen to her. jk jk but for real, she’s not really a super romantic person, but is open minded about the possibility of romance, so while she isn’t against against the concept of love at first sight she’s kind of sceptical about it happening to her, specifically. as for traits she looks for in a relationship…. patience is a big one — she’s pretty impatient herself, and knows having someone to balance that out and reign her in on occasion would be ideal for her. there’s also a need for the other person to be able to keep up with her, whether that’s on an intellectual level, in regards to battling, or physically ;)), it doesn’t matter, as long as she feels like there’s something stimulating about spending time with the other person. if they can make her laugh and get along w her pokemon, even better!!
this was funnnnn tysm again!! i want to write more about aster tbh…. perhaps i’ll put a fic out hehe
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spacedikut · 3 years
hi spacey! It’s been a really long time but I started watching cm again and I found your account again and fell in love with your writing again as if I never left (take a shot every time I say again lmao). I just had a quick question! When you write for the characters, do you picture them from any specific season? I’m sorry if that makes literally no sense lol but I was curious. Thank you for helping me to fall back in love with this series and the characters!
thank you so much for reading and liking my writing :(( welcome back i hope you’re enjoying your rewatch <3
honestly the season i picture depends on what im writing about!! if im writing pining love with lots of nervous flutters i tend to imagine early seasons? but if i get the vibe of a more confident spencer then it’s later seasons!!
it also depends on who im thinking of at the time like sometimes ill be on a real long haired spencer kick so i write about him…does that make any sense
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fitheghosty · 2 years
i present to thee : 👹 messy headcanon’s 👹
- Ricky used sign language / everyone in the choir learned it so they could communicate with him better (Mischa and Noel taught him French and Ukrainian swear words in secret) / whenever they’d perform Father Marcus let him sit on a stool beside the other members to sign their songs and invited the Uranium City HOH community to the choir’s concerts and events (mostly for extra money for group activities but also to make Ricky feel more included)
- Mischa’s adoptive parents have a daughter named Arlen that moved out before they adopted him / she is the only member of that cursed family that acknowledges his existence and they are very close despite not seeing each other often / before The Accident Mischa won her a big stuffed rabbit (he calls her ‘зайчик’ which is ‘bunny’ in Ukrainian) from the shooting range / after his death Arlen made all of his (surprisingly good) music into a digital album in his memory
- St. Cassian named the school choir room after the 6 of them and Father Marcus after their passing
- Penny was super new to the school / Ocean and Constance tried to convince her to join the choir but she initially turned them down / she agreed to go watch their performance at the Wonderville Traveling Fair before making a final decision
- Noel is catfishing Mischa as Talia / Talia is a real girl in the Ukraine but Noel reached out to her after Mischa saw her on Facebook and fell in love (she understood his situation and allowed Noel to use her pictures and even taught him Ukrainian) / he’s had a crush on Mischa since he started going to school with them all in the middle of 8th grade and he started talking to him as Talia in their sophomore year / Arlen found out when Mischa and the other kids had a sleep over at her house one night
- Mischa is actually Very protective of the choir members (All of them) but he keeps it secret / people he’s fought in a parking lot : a few guys that catcalled Ocean once, one freshman that stole Ricky’s crutches during their lunch hour, the guy that Noel had a crush on after said guy stood him up on purpose to make fun of him, the man that worked at the ice cream shop across the street that made a nasty comment about Constance’s body, etc
- Ricky has a whole sketchbook dedicated to the space themed cat cafe he wanted to open someday
- Constance and her parents put up pride flags out in front of their bakery that stay out all year round (Noel cried in the bathroom inside the restaurant for 30 minutes when he first saw them)
- Ocean always waited for the other choir members to leave school first to make sure they were safe before she drove home and she’d offer rides to whoever didn’t have one (usually Ricky and Penny) but pretend to be burdened by it
- Noel always brought tacos from work to their choir performances/rehearsals so that they could eat together
aaa oh my goodness rtc headcanons!!! yay!!! thank you very much good fellow
YES!!! I love any hc that includes ricky signing/the choir learning how to sign for him. also teaching eachother languages is so cute omg :') I also LOVE that you gave ricky a bigger job in the choir, it always felt so sucky that they never found anything for him to do, and he was always just supposed to stand there
not you giving mischa someone that actually cares for him in uranium I'm gonna cry😭😭 also "bunny" adorable. and all of his music does slap and I hope people listened to it after he passed bcs he's a lyrical genius period
finally, st. cassian doing something right. they deserve it, and that makes me happy
ooo that's really interesting, I feel like penny definitely would turn them down at first. which is honestly why I find the "penny was in the choir" theory a little unbelievable. it does make sense that ocean would see a new student and spring on the opportunity as well
YES!!! THE NOEL CATFISH THEORY!!! HANDS DOWN ONE OF MY FAV RTC THEORIES. I like ur little spin on it tho. I love that you had talia in on it
mischa definitely strikes me as someone who definitely would punch someone for his friends (family) he loves them, and if he even heard a single sentence of vial language towards his friends..the person who said it better watch out
awwww,, I feel like constance would definitely help his cafe dream come true
noel😭😭 he deserves to see some support in his home town. I've always had a hc that constance's parents are the best out of all of the choir's parents, and this really just helps that hc and I adore it
ocean is the friend who loves her friends but doesn't want them to know it fr. to add to this: I feel like she would try to purposely make opportunities where she can drive the choir bcs she always has so much fun with them, and enjoys their company
I can just imagine ocean being like "eww noel, do you seriously think we're gonna eat that?" and noel gives her a glare and she rolls her eyes and starts eating cuz she secretly loves taco bell
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inthewild-flowers · 4 years
happy birthday to my wonderful friend @thishearts <33 I love you very much and as your birthday present have this list of marauders road trip headcanons :)
The marauders are absolutely the type of friend group to go on road trips
You can't tell me they wouldn't
So here have some marauders on a road trip headcanons bc when i first met kay i wrote them a sad road trip fic and now they deserve a happy one
Marauders road trips are,,, well,,, marauders road trips
Bc those four are loud and enthusiastic and ridiculous about anything and everything so why would they be any different about road trips
Yes, theres aesthetic pictures bc james has to show lily something
But mostly its just them fucking around and james, mother hen that he is, shouting at them all to “get back into the car right now, or we’ll turn around and go back, i swear!”
(he never actually follows through on that)
Its a bit of a game between sirius pete and remus to see who can piss james off the most
Because he tends to turn into his parents on road trips, and they love him very much, but its absolutely hilarious to watch him say the exact same things that his mother would while looking at them sternly over the top of his glasses like his dad does
Remus keeps a list of all the times he does this
A scoreboard, if you will
Whoever makes him do it the most wins
There's no actual prize
Except bragging rights
And oh boy do they take advantage of their bragging rights
But that's not until after the road trip and we are focusing on the road trip itself here
They also like to camp while on their road trips
Sometimes they’ll stay in motels and such if they happen to come across one
But most of the time its camping bc thats fun
(although remus and sirius did get together on a road trip,,, in a motel,,, where there weren’t enough beds,,,,,)
(james made fun of them for weeks afterwards)
Camping is always,, interesting
James is very confident
Not necessarily a bad thing!
But he has a little bit too much faith in his camping skills
The first marauders road trip was a little bit of a disaster
Bc james insisted that he knew how to set up the tent (he didn't) and then it was nearly nighttime by the time he finally asked for help
Remus peter and sirius had already made dinner
With all four of them working on it they managed to do it
And they’ve improved since
But james still isn't allowed to set up tents on his own
Just in case
When they're in the car, james usually drives, and sirius is in the front passenger seat with remus and peter in the back
You would think that sirius is in charge of the music, being in the front seat and all, but it's actually peter
Sirius is in charge of the food
He always gets a ridiculous amount of snacks and keeps them in a bag on the floor by his feet
If anyone even vaguely implies that they might be hungry he takes something out of the bag and throws it at them
They all have excellent reflexes because of it
As for the music, Peter is charge of that bc he always steals sirius’s phone and plays whatever music he wants anyway so eventually they just gave him official control
He plays the weirdest shit
But it's good
My dude knows how to make a road trip playlist
It's also just full of super obscure bands that no one else knows about
Sometimes one of the others will sneak on something a bit more well known
It's a constant battle really
But they all sing very loudly even though they rarely know the words
It's just shouting really
And then remus has to remind james to keep his eyes on the road please and thank you, we don't want to crash today
To which james replies that he won't let them crash and then sirius points out that that’s only possible if he’s paying attention to the road and peter turns up the music because he wants to listen to it, goddamnit––
It’s chaos
But they have fun
Which is the main point of the road trips anyway :))
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imagineurfavs · 3 years
NCT Taeyong - Birth Chart Analysis
“taeyong birth chart reading???? 👀👀👀”
ngl,,,i wasnt expecting to get another request for these lol, thank u~~~
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Sun - (our true self, the soul) - Cancer (1st Decan) 💧🦀♋
This is the most “cancerian” of the Cancer decans lol. This is what makes him so emotional and receptive. He’s so sensitive to not only his emotions, but the emotions of those around him too. He’s so so empathetic and truly feels hurt when he sees someone he cares about in pain. This can sometimes be a detriment to him though, as he’s someone who finds it really really hard to say no to people. He doesn’t like rejecting people, because he can empathise so much, and the last thing he’d wanna do is upset anyone, so he’ll just say yes to anything.
Moon - (emotions, instincts, our vulnerable side) - Leo 🔥🦁♌
Moon in Leo is a perfect placement to have of you're a celebrity lol, Leo moons loooove to be centre of attention; they love having all eyes on them.
They can be a bit bossy sometimes, just bc they want everything to be done a certain way. They do try and treat everyone fairly but sometimes that can be difficult when there's work to be done.
It's a great placement for a leader to have imo; picture a lion leading a pack, it's very much that kinda vibe lol. He sees his members as an extension of himself, so of course he wants his members to be the best they can, bc that reflects onto him as well lol, and the last thing he'd want would for someone to question his abilities as a leader.
He's prone to being a bit sulky if he ever feels like his pride has been hurt, his ego is very sensitive :(
Mercury (How we communicate & express ourselves, intellect) - Gemini 🌬👬♊
He can be kinda all over the place in how he speaks; he's quick witted and good with words, but he can also be really nervous and scatter brained.
He loves to learn, he'll always be looking for something new to try. But the reason why he's always looking is because he gets bored so quickly, it's very seldom he'll totally finish something before starting something new. That's not to say he won't finish anything, just that he'll have numerous things going on at once bc he just can't stop finding new things he wants to try.
Loves to flirt with his words rather than anything else, he wants to please your mind before he even thinks about getting to your body, and he appreciates a partner that can do the same for him. He'd love a partner who can hold their own in a debate without getting their feelings hurt; someone who can match him mentally.
The one downside of this placement and I speak from experience of an ex w this placement lol, is that sometimes they're the type to start some shit just because they're bored. They want drama; they want that mental stimulation and the only way they can think of getting it is with an argument lol. Getting into a full on argument with Taeyong could be brutal; he's the type to know exactly what to say to break your heart. He goes right for the jugular when he feels threatened, he can use his words to either make you fall in love with him, or despise him forever.
Venus (how we are in love & romance, creativity, what brings us joy) - Gemini 🌬👬♊
Relationships with Taeyong are largely very surface level. Meaning he very rarely let's himself get super deeply connected with someone bc he can find it super hard to listen to his heart instead of his head.
Gets bored in love very very quickly; he'll try his best to keep things fresh and exciting, and he expects the same from his partner. He doesn't appreciate being cooped up; if a significant other doesn't let him see his friends, or tells him to cancel going to any social gatherings, that sends alarm bells ringing in his head right away.
He really is attracted to people's minds as opposed to their physical appearances. Someone might be the most gorgeous creature on this earth, but if they cant hold a decent conversation, he’s not interested.
This placement is yet further confirmation that he'd use his words to get in your pants lol, to Taeyong, a saucy conversation is the best form of foreplay there is.
Mars (sex, passion, anger, what drives us) - Virgo ⛰👼🏼♍
A tricky placement lol, he's much more emotional than he looks, but he hates that that's the case. He really doesn't like to let his emotions control him.
Loves to be of be of help to whoever he's trying to woo, he'll do anything for them without question. He’ll be that type of person who answers any call no matter what the time, who comes to your aid no matter the problem; he wants to be someone you can turn to for anything.
Really not a fan of any type of pda, he keeps anything like that behind closed doors. Not bc hes shy or anything, he just finds those moments so precious, they're for you two, and you two only.
Hates one night stands and has no issue holding out for the right person, he absolutely won't settle. So whoever he chooses can rest assured they're the best of the best.
He can be a lil bit insecure with his skills in that regard and appreciates someone either less experienced than him, or someone he can explore everything together with.
Jupiter (optimism, luck, philosophy & just good vibes lol) - Sagittarius 🔥🐎♐
Now, Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius, which means that all that the planet is known for is multiplied tenfold here. People with this placement are extra optimistic, extra lucky and usually very self assured.
Regardless of whether or not he follows any actual religion, Taeyong will have a very strong set of personal beliefs and morals. He has a strong sense of right and wrong instilled within him and he won’t ever be swayed from them. With that said though, he’s always open to learning about others beliefs, even if they aren’t something he plans on following himself. He’s always curious and ready to question everything and gain knowledge from wherever he can.
He gets bored very very easily however, if he isn't given enough room to explore and broaden his horizons then he’s just gonna get restless and go get what he wants by himself anyway. He needs to realise that sometimes he needs to lean on people, that he can’t deal with everything all by himself. Once he realises that most people really do have his best interests at heart, and would like to see him succeed, there would be no stopping him.
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blueboltkatana · 3 years
GUrll ur so sexy... Like you're Hot. I don't care if you were bullied in school, you're sexy, they lied.
Also bitch I KNEW i related to you too much our ascendants are both in leo we're so hot.
Ok ok no now I'll stop complimenting and start with the roasting here we go:
So the sun is your sense of "self" it represents you on the more base level i guess you could say, like what most people think you're like is represented by your sun. With Sagittarius being your sun it means you're very energetic Especially for those things you are passionate about, you might have gone through a LOT of hobbies, only a few of them stuck around but you like to try things. You're curious about the way people's minds works, you wanna figure them out. If the conversations you have don't involve some form of psychoanalysis or philosophy you might loose interest. You are a Talker, maybe you talk very fast or you are often told to lower your voice but you don't do it on purpose you're just very very animated. You are kina volatile, in the sense that you value freedom in everything, love, work, hobbies. You have a huge rebellious streak and you kinda like testing your luck. Think adrenaline junkie. It's cliché but with this much Sagittarius in your chart you prob love traveling, like i said you will chase freedom because you associate it with happiness. If you find people that make you feel free then you feel happy. Rules don't go well with you. You don't really like being involved with fights per se but you LOVE debating, if you can beat a motherfucker with nothing but facts and logic you will and you will enjoy it.
Your way of flirting or making friends is "lowkey bullying" or my favourite "verbally throwing hands". If they shoot back you get heart eyes (my mars in sag agrees). You can be tactless as fuck tho. Like you will say some outrageous shit that MIGHT be funny if the timing is right or MIGHT make everyone in a 5 mile radius mad.
I NEED to talk about your moon in sag bc Babe, babe the moon tells us about our emotions and how we deal with them, how we express them and how they shape us. But BABE. Sagittarius moons are so bad at comforting people it's embarrassing, trying to make them think of smth else or do smth else to distract from the situation is NOT a good way to deal with your emotions... Avoiding your emotions like the plague is not gonna invent a vaccine... Saying "everything is fine :)" DOESN'T MAKE ANYTHING FINE PLEASE GO TO THERAPY. ok to give you some credit, you don't let shit bring you down, no matter what you always get up and that is a *strength* that i admire, but love you're burning the candle at both ends, especially if you get yourself in More problems by trying to distract yourself from One problem.
Also you've had a horsegirl phase or a dog obsession phase or both huh. AND your love language is sarcasm but the type that you will make someone laugh when you're insulting them. You're also hilarious irl you're prob the "funny friend" but with that scorpio mars and venus baby inside ur sad and dark as fuck ripp.
I also wanted to talk about your mercury in sag... Babe... Do you know what a brain to mouth filter IS?! do you recognize that word?!?! Cuz you have never used yours i think. Like you are hilarious but that's because you have dolphins in the head cavity baby. Not trying to say you're stupid, you're actually very smart and opinionated, probably have been told that you'd be a great lawyer or smth. But miss gurl please think before you speak for the love of god ur gonna make someone cry. Also ur mouth is foul. Have you ever spoken a sentence without a "fuck" or a "cunt" somewhere in there?! God bless.
Now for your scorpio Venus I'm just gonna say, more confirmation that ur Sexy as Fuck, scorpio venuses are just sexy, amazing partners, VERY passionate, whoever dates you will never forget you, for better or for worse you'll forever be on the back of their mind. You had a harsh emo phase huh, maybe loved some obscure shit like witchcraft or just love dressing all black like someone's mother died, i bet you wear silver jewelry a lot, maybe necklaces or rings or chockers. If this isn't how you dress now it was prob a major phase in your life. Or maybe you just love horror movies idk
Being as passionate as you are you don't take well to being mistreated or lied to, you might like to plot revenge and things like those, you wouldn't do anything... You actually prefer letting things go but you WILL make an elaborate scenario in your head at 3am or even as you stare right in the persons face.
With mars in scorpio you might be kinda passive aggressive, maybe you act like things don't really bother you but you throw a comment or two once in a while just to stir the pot bc you can't move on lmfao.
You are attracted to people that are introverts or generally just mysterious, like i said above the nature of the Sagittarius is to Learn and to Study. People that you can't immediately figure out intrigue you. All your crushes are either on geminis or water signs lmfao.
The best careers for you are the ones that allow you some freedom of either movement or expression and something that can keep your mind from flying away, something that keeps you intrigued, like research or writing. You're a very "all or nothing" person and it can sometimes scare people away, i advise you to work on compromising, being less stubborn and more open with your emotions and desires.
(part one bc I'm taking too long and I don't wanna keep you waiting so much) I'll reblog this with part 2
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Alright here we go part 2 of Roasting hella until she finds out I'm hiding in her walls.
I will skip over some planets that are Very slow moving and usually don't talk about you as an individual but refer to your generation as a whole.
I wanna focus on lilith for a sec bc worstie lilith talks about our fears, our more "darker" side that we hide from ourselves as well as the people that we love. Lilith in aries in the eleventh house tells me you might be afraid to take charge, you gravitate towards positions of leadership but you let go on the last second, almost afraid to have too much control, very often self sabotaging your own success. Your anger and you own ambition might scare you, you might be afraid of appearing too aggressive bc under your skin you have a deep rooted anger and rebellion that you wish to relieve but you can't find a good enough outlet, some things soothe it but you always feel like it never leaves. It might be related to some form of resentment that you never truly dealt with and now it sits uncomfortably with you and you just can't get over it and it bothers you. You might have been shy in groups as a child, maybe you talked a lot but it was always from a fear of the silence not always because you had something to say. The eleventh house is that of groups and friends and social awareness, technology and your hopes and wishes for the future, having lilith in this house talks about someone who had a hard time feeling comfortable around people OR someone who wasn't very accepted. You might have desperately wished for friends but have found it hard to find any. Or if you did, you deep down felt very alone. I would advise to learn to accept your anger and deal with it in healthy ways instead of brushing it off and repressing it.
The north node talks about what you need to focus more in your life for example in your case with Gemini in your North node you need to focus more on your communication letting go of anxiety and your relation with other people you need to become more interested in intellectual pursuit and growth. You need to let go off the need to always be right and look more at details instead of focusing on on the bigger picture all of the time. When your North node is is in Gemini then your South node is in Sagittarius which tells me that what you should focus less on is your pursuit of freedom and your rebellion. Be more aware of your words and use them with maturity.
Now let's have some fun with the ascendent in leo which we share and now i see why ur so relatable. The first house or the ascendant is that very superficial layer of our personality, it includes the way we carry ourselves, our style, the little habits or quirks we have. One thing about leo ascendants is that we have an obsession with our hair. Hair is important to us, some have huge hair that might remind you of a lions mane, others just have very unique style or color but we ALL are lowkey or highkey obsessed with it, either constantly touching it, pulling it, chewing on it, cutting it or dying it in unique ways you name it. You might have a rather large nose or cat like eyes.
This ascendent is full of life and light, very funny, light hearted and luxurious, you want to live that good life and i don't blame you. A negative aspect is that we come of as intimidating to others. ALL of my friends AND my ex have at some point told me I was intimidating to them. It makes us prone to overcompensating for it later in life so maybe now you're super outgoing and extroverted and you approach people first and try to be super friendly. Also you're an attention whore (affectionate) with a flare for the dramatics, very flamboyant, you basically fill the room with personality, it attracts attention and you love it. You're what people would call a "sunny" person.
You're hella competitive (get it lol) and you LOVE fighting your way to the top and crushing the competition. You're probably a weirdo that low key likes school. Not the way it's run or the teachers or whatever, but the "idea" of school. If you could just learn all your life you absolutely would.
Second house in virgo. The 2nd house is the house of money, work, income, daily routines, values, material possessions, habits, work ethic ect being in virgo it means you can have an extremely good work ethic, you put a lot of thought in planning and mapping your work, you might get overly critical on your work though and often undermine your own success and efforts because they didn't fit your impossible standards. You can be very organized in your work, you want things to be a certain way and if they don't follow your plan you will Make them. Its a good position for virgo but yoh need to be aware of not overworking by trying to do Everything on your own. Let others help you, and let people in your work do their own things don't try to help if not asked to because you will overwork yourself.
The third house is that of the mind, thinking, communication, siblings, interests and early education, in your case it is in Libra which means that you're early education might not have been very stable or it was a period of time that you look back with a lot of fondness but not much substance. You are a good talker but you get lost when it comes to details, you are indecisive when it comes to settling on an opinion on something if you don't have All the facts first, you always want to be right. You are pretty open minded and easy to talk to but you might have the bad habit of rambling off topic. You change interests constantly and you prob like to talk about others, you wanna know the tea if it kills you. You prob had a crush on a childhood best friend or on a hot neighbor. Your relationship with your siblings might be pretty good, friendly, no particular resentment or anything like that, you might be the one that everyone treats a little better, people let you get away with things more often, you might be the one that takes 2 hours in the bathroom lol.
Oof fourth house in scorpio babe how are the mommy issues? 😬 How is your relationship with your femininity? Having trouble with keeping secrets? So the fourth house is the one responsible for your home roots, your family, self-care, emotions, your mother, women and your femininity and having Scorpio here tells me that you might have very strong ties to your family, but they weren't healthy or emotionally supportive. You have grown with people that might have undermined your emotions, people that didn't teach you to set healthy boundaries and maybe even manipulators and gaslighters. You might have been the type to put your foot down a lot a home, assuming a very dominant role as well as the defender. You're very private about your family life and don't want to let people too close.
Ah i just noticed u have like 3 planets in this house including ur Sun and Moon, babe this house is what you need to focus on when you go to therapy. This almost secretive, guarded approach to understanding your own emotions is very prominent in how you see yourself, how you feel and with Pluto there, how you change. I could say the biggest changes in your life have happened in these areas and they have left the biggest impacts on you. Yes you are passionate and protective but don't let bad feelings marinate forever, address them and then move on from them because they're just weighting you down.
Fifth house in sag, also the house of your mercury. This house represents Love, romance, creativity, self expression, joy and childlike spirit. It tells me the way you express your creativity is through words which makes sense since you're a great writer, but not only, the way you express Love is also through your words, expression and free thoughts are your way you tell your loved ones how much you mean to them, think poetry, long rants, music recommendations bc of specific song lyrics, you have been writing form childhood and it's one of the ways you express your view on beauty as well, to you love is freedom and freedom is expression.
Capricorn in the sixth house paired with both uranus and neptune being in it tells me there is something about your knees, joints, bones or teeth in particular that stands out when it comes to your health, maybe you tend to break your teeth, maybe you like chewing on crunchy foods, maybe your joints crack a lot, idk but I'd drink my milk if i was you, take care of your joints and bones. Also for you, being emotionally unwell often translates to being Physically unwell as well, so be mindful of your emotions because they do affect you physically. You need to keep hydrated also and your health plan needs structure for it to work bc that neptune makes everything very chaotic and uranus constantly makes you bored and wanting to spice things up. Take care of your emotional needs just as much as you would with your physical ones. And for the love of jesus be CAREFUL with alcohol or smoking because that neptune in ur health house could mean serious trouble if you let it become an addiction, don't push it.
Aquarius in the seventh house of relationships, marriage, contracts, business partners ect means you are untraditionally traditional. That makes sense in my head let me explain. Aquarius is a sign that seeks individualism desperately, it likes to feel like a special person, impossible to understand. Yet always feels comfortable in the structure of traditional and safe paths. So for example you might marry someone in a way that is not traditional but at the end of the day you wish for your marriage to have a stability you would feel safe falling into. Also it says ur gay. Air signs in the relationship house says ur gay i Make the rules.
Pisces is in the eighth house of sex, intimacy, shared finances, inheritance, taxes, loans, property, mystery, partner's resources. This tells me you fuck with feeling lmfao. Or you simply make your love life something "special", a connection that only you and ur person can share, it's what makes you an amazing lover and an unforgettable one as well. But as amazing as you are at creating a otherworldly atmosphere, ur just as shit at setting boundaries and saying something when you don't like something. You don't like to see things that you love ending and a failed relationship makes you blame yourself too much, you have the tendency to stay in situations where you are being mistreated but you tell yourself It's on you.
A recurring theme I'm seeing is some weakness when it comes to liars or manipulators in your life. So either you irrationally fear people are lying to you because you "lie" to them about yourself or a lot of people in your childhood might have used lying or gaslighting as a way to keep you under control. I would advise to try not to overthink and become paranoid, people love you and they believe in you and they aren't deceiving you, they don't secretly mean something different from what they have said. Listen to your intuition about people sure, but don't confuse it with anxiety.
With lilith and aries in the 9th house of travel and higher education and religion I'm gonna assume you might have religious trauma. Religion might have been a way that people used to try and control you, if not religion then some form of system or government law. Being queer i completely understand the sentiment but in your case it's take a step further because you Value the ideals of this house so much, with lilith here, it's like at som point in your life you were finally awakened to how much injustice there was in the world ant that has made you very inclined to take action, you cannot stand unjust government or non tolerating religions. You might have felt crushed under an unjust system and it took you a lot of will and conviction to find your individuality and build yourself how you wanted once you were free.
Your midheaven in taurus tells me you are one that will achieve any goals you set your mind to. It might take you time, you might procrastinate around it, but at the end of the day, you will do it and you will do it well and it will be rewarding. If your father isn't a Taurus then he was a stable figure in your life, very much a rock for better or for worse. In your career life people will see you as very competent, very down to earth and helpful but you know you just procrastinated till the last second possible and stayed up all night do finish your work... You will seek careers that you believe will guarantee you stable income and a comfortable life. You might indulge in luxury from time to time because you think in order to get the position you want at work you need to look the part. Ultimately it's your sheer stubbornness and spite that gets you all the way up to the top of the food chain.
The eleventh house of groups, friendships, humanitarianism, and social awareness is in your case in gemini. It tells me you value friendship extremely and you surround yourself with a diverse cast of friends, you couldn't mix your different friend groups if you tried and you have tried. You have the habit of being too friendly to everyone which makes you end up with more friends than you know what to do with. You are approachable but people can get the impression that you are putting up a show or a facade and your emotions arent genuine, it's not always the case but you need to be more truthful and assertive, put some boundaries and don't let people get away with shit you don't like. Your public persona is very well liked, seen as fun and bright and smart and overall a joy to be around.
Now that last placement... 12th house cancer, i have the same placement and babe I'm sorry for all the shit you have been through. You deserve the freedom to be unhappy and to express that unhappiness in healthy ways. You deserve to be given unconditional love and support no matter how many mistakes you say you have made no matter how overly pessimistic you are about yourself it doesn't matter you're amazing and i love you and you deserve the world.
With jupiter the planet of expansion in the 12th house of endings, spirituality, solitude and karma?! Gurl i did say u were a cult leader but i didn't think it was astrologically backed up rippp. But it also says you might have a hard time getting the motivation to finish things, you might take a long time to finish a project. This house placements also tells me you're amazing at writing emotional ass fantasy stories which by now we have confirmed, but if you have like, an original idea for a book don't hesitate to get it started babe bc u have a very promising placement for that. Don't get too dragged into a sad whirlpool of emotions and daydreams but bring your creative ideas to life and you'll be fine.
This is all I'm doing today and i think it's enough lol. I'm posting this I'm sorry to my followers for the long ass post I'll tag it so you can filter it. This was a whole psycho-astrological analysis of our favourite writer Hellspawn1975. I have wanted to study her like a new lizard species for a while and i finally got the chance thank you hella for the opportunity.
Final words to @hella1975 i hate you and I'll fuck ur mom tomorrow, gn babe <3
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epouvantes · 4 years
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❛ jeon jungkook, demiboyflux, he/they ❜ was that kim moonsik? the twenty-two year old freelance photographer has been in town since birth. the witch has a reputation for being disorganized & affectionate. you know they’re around when you get flashes of ( mismatched socks, taking buzzfeed quizzes into the dead of night, dancing when no one is watching & believing in signs ). rumor has it, they are a member of the high coven. { samu, est, 25, she/they }
( OOC: TW: ANXIETY MENTION AT THE END OF THIS PARAGRAPH. hi! i’m samu, i’m 25 and i use she/they pronouns! i’m so so so so so excited for this rp and for you all to meet my babies!!!!! i wanted to make this lil ooc section just to let y’all know that i’ll be posting longer and more detailed intro-like posts for my charas eventually, but i wanted to be able to give lil summaries and connection ideas before then so!!!!! there it is!!!!! thank u sm for reading!!!!! also if i ever message you to plot, which i’d like to do with everyone if my social anxiety allows it, pls don’t feel obligated to plot with me at all!!!!! i love connecting with other writers and stuff but i’ll completely understand if you’re not up to plot with me and my charas <33 ) ← this is the same ooc paragraph in all of my first three intros, so pls feel free to skip it! <3
brief introduction.
moonsik’s parents moved from ulsan, south korea, to blackthorne about eight years before the boy was born. he grew up in blackthorne along with his two older siblings (they’re fraternal twins a couple of years older than moonsik), and had a pretty comfortable childhood! however, his mother left the family when he was only five years old, and he’s never seen or talked to her since. the reasoning behind her departure is still a mystery to moonsik, and he’s definitely still confused/sad about it, but!! i won’t delve too much into that yet!! i’ll def write about it in my longer bio/intro thingy later on, though!! 
his dad remarried, when moonsik was nine years old, to a woman who had lived in blackthorne all her life!! i’m not gonna develop the step-mother too much bc i’ll definitely send in some wanted connections soon (for her + moonsik’s dad, siblings and step-siblings! and maybe more?), but she actually has a really good relationship with moonsik!! he doesn’t see her as a mother tbh, but he really loves and respects her and!! even during his more rebellious phases in high school she was like the one (1) person in the family he always felt he could talk to!!
relationships with siblings and step-siblings are to be developed tm!! i’ll be sending in wanted connections for them soon as i said before so i might add a bit to it in there but tbh i’ll try to keep things vague so that they’re easier to fill!!
moonsik did NOT like school. like, at all. i think probably at least one of his siblings was like...... super strong academically, and it mayhaps played on moonsik’s confidence a bit to constantly see his sibling(s) get praised for their accomplishments?? and like..... his dad, siblings, step-mom and step-siblings have never put pressure on him?? he did so himself after seeing others succeed so much and wishing he could do so as well?? and don’t get me wrong; he’s skilled at plenty of things (especially visual arts)!! but having difficulties academically really did affect his self confidence :(
i said this was going to be short rip sdlfijsdlkfjsdlkfjsdklf i’M SO SORRY!!!!!
ok so!! outside of all the family stuff!! moonsik’s been exploring his gender identity for about three years now, and he finally feels like he has the right word/definition for it all!! demiboyflux is honestly a word he didn’t even know of until a couple of months ago, but as soon as he saw the definition for it (here’s a link to a simple definition!) he was so happy because it was him and it felt perfectly right??
he’s not exactly out to that many people concerning his gender identity bc as much as he loves who he is he just isn’t ever sure how to bring it up?? also, most of the time he’s fine with masculine nouns (boy, man, brother, son, boyfriend, husband, prince, etc.) AND he’s perfectly fine with both he and they as far as pronouns go, so...... he just doesn’t feel like it’s absolutely necessary for him to discuss it with EVERYONE, you know? but at the same time sometimes he kind of feels like just ranting and rambling and gushing about all of it, which is why he actually started an anonymous blog (eyes emoji tm) last month, and it’s been super helpful for him!!
he’s a freelance photographer rn, and he honestly really likes it!! however, since he’s not super well established yet (and doesn’t have an official diploma or anything like that - he quit university after two semesters), he isn’t making tons of money, and is therefore currently living with his dad and step-mother. it’s becoming a bit suffocating to him tbh?? and he’s highkey considering getting a part-time job too so that he can maybe make enough money to afford renting a lil apartment or room or something!!
super disorganized!! it’s probably one of the things he fights about the most with his family bc they kinda see his lack of organization as him being quite irresponsible (and they’re not completely wrong maybe, but still), and he’s never really done anything to change this part of him?? like, he’s always losing stuff, forgetting things behind, not remembering appointments, forgetting to send in important documents on time, never checking his voice mail and/or inbox, etc.
affectionate af!!!!! a sweetheart, tbh?? like, he’s kind of reserved so people tend to assume that he’s not the most friendly, but he’s actually rlly sweet!! he’s very openly affectionate with the people he’s close to, never hesitating to wrap himself around someone or plop down in someone’s lap or anything like that (though he is careful about who is and isn’t comfortable with that ofc! tbh in the past he didn’t take that into consideration all that much and he honestly feels really bad about it now, so he’s SUPER careful about other people’s boundaries now)!! also....... he will 110% deny it, but he LOVES attention. like he’ll wither away without attention i sdlfjslkdjfksldf
he’s bi and has known for a long time, and he’s actually been out as such since he was seventeen years old! 
( WARNING: MENTIONS OF SEXUAL ACTIVITY ) he’s had two serious-ish relationships in his life so far, but outside of those he’s actually quite enjoyed doing more casual sexual things with people he finds attractive/interesting/etc!! he actually prefers fwbs to one night stands and i can DEF see that leading to some tension in the future with some of his friends.........
HE’S SO PROUD OF BEING A WITCH!!!!!! his entire family are witches (maybe not his step-mother and step-siblings, though? it’ll depend on whether or not they get taken up as wanted connections and, in the case they do, what the people playing them prefer!), and he’s so!!!!!! passionate about it!!!!! he hates learning in school and stuff but when it comes to learning about magic, especially healing magic, he’s so eager and passionate and !!!!!! he loves it :( idk if his father and siblings are in the high coven tbh but!!!!! he is definitely quite proud to be part of it!!!! also he’s probs definitely one of the most eye-roll-y judgemental ones when it comes to what he thinks of the bloodstone coven !! he deadass doesn’t get why they would practice the kind of magic they practice and he’s???? like he wouldn’t be straight up /rude/ to them without reason but he’s def not as friendly as usual around them i think (though ofc there might be exceptions!!)
connection ideas.
CHILDHOOD BEST FRIENDS: probably around 2 to 4 of those?? i’m picturing this lil group to have been thick as thieves since they were little kids (although maybe one or more of them joined their lil friend group later on in their childhood and/or teenage years?), and i just really want a group of super close friends who know each other better than the backs of their own hands and who may tease each other mercilessly but who still love and adore each other (no matter whether or not they actually say those words aloud dlffkjsdkjfsdlkjfsdlkf)!! age-wise i was thinking they could all be between 21 and 25 years old?? ( 00 / 02-04 )
EXES: as mentioned earlier, moonsik has been in two romantic relationships in the past that were somewhat serious? one of them was probably a high school relationship that last for like 14 months and ended just because they did not click well together AT ALL but had gotten into a relationship bc high school and stuff, you know?? (i think that ex would have probs identified as a cis woman back then - whether they still do or not is up to you - since they probs started dating before moonsik came out as bi?) and i feel like mayhaps recently they’ve gotten in touch again and actually click quite well as friends nowadays, although there are zero (0) romantic feelings between them anymore (just saying, but..... mlm/wlw solidarity is rad tm!! it’s not a necessity ofc but!! yes!!) NOW THE OTHER EX!!!!!!! i feel like this one would have been a bit more recent?? and probably with a man or masc presenting person?? since it’d be more recent, and the relationship would have been quite important to moonsik, i’d like not to add too much to it here and instead work it out with whoever may end up being interested in that connection? ( 00 / 02 )
EMPLOYER(S): people who’ve hired moonsik for his photography skills!!!! maybe also a future/eventual employer for when he ends up finally looking for a part-time job?? mayhaps they could be friends of some of moonsik’s family members?? oooooh what about someone who knew his mother?? (although ig that’ll be easier to work out when i 100% decide why she left dslfjksdkjfsdkljf) ( 00 / ?? )
FRIEND AND/OR ENEMY WITH BENEFITS: ( WARNING: MENTIONS OF SEXUAL ACTS ) i’m thinking that moonsik probably doesn’t hook up with too many people at the same time unless he knows for sure that the other person doesn’t mind it? so the number for this connection will change depending on that!! also i reaaaaaaally love BOTH the idea of friends with benefits AND enemies with benefits since they can both bring in v interesting storylines!! also i’m not totally opposed to having moonsik hook up with his most recent ex (bc i love angst), but it’s definitely not a necessity! ( 00 / 01 )
DEALER: ( WARNING: DRUGS TW ) he did quite a few hard drugs in hs, which was 100% part of one of his rebellious phases, and although he doesn’t do anything too strong anymore, he does rlly like weed (prefers edibles to smoking tho bc no matter how often he does it he always coughs and it’s embarrassing!!!!!), and i’d love a connection with his dealer?? preferably one that’s kind of humorous?? ( 00 / 01 )
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doing-all-write · 5 years
the art of flirting on a hover board pt. 2
Ivy runs a successful arts non-profit and Joe tags along when Rami and Lucy go to visit her. But what happens when a simple bet made over a hover board competition gets out of hand?
Pairing: Joe Mazzello x Ivy (OC)
Rating: Rated S for Stupidity (we love friends who share one (1) collective brain cell. 
Warnings: None!
Here’s part two! I hope you all love it!
Part 1
Any comments, notes, love, hate WHATEVER you got for this, let me know!
Reblogs and feedback are much appreciated bc I crave validation!!!!!
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"So then, I'm up there, I'm telling them my story, pleading with them to realize that the arts matter and that's when I see Charlotte off to the side frantically trying to tell me my dress had come open and my whole bra was out." 
Rami bursted out laughing, Lucy let out a gasp and Joe clapped his hands in mirth as Ivy shook her head at her own bad luck, "I swear, it was the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to me." 
Ivy's fingers worked to secure the rope they had found around the axle of the skateboard. Joe couldn't stop thinking about her hands and what they would look like doing other activities.
Like, holding his hand.
Or wrapped around his dick. 
Either one was fine. He wasn't a picky man. 
"So what did you do? I mean, how do you even recover from that?" Lucy wondered aloud, as Joe shook himself from his thoughts and went to take a drink from the beer Ivy had distributed to them all. 
Ivy shrugged as she sat back on her heels and brought her own beer bottle to her lips, "Well, we got the most donations we've ever received so at this point I'm considering just doing a strip routine to get more money." Joe started choking on the drink he had just swallowed as the image of Ivy stripping crowded into his mind to take up permanent residence. 
Rami whacked him on the back. 
Ivy's eyes flicked up to meet Joe's as her eyebrow quirked up in a silent ask of You good? Joe nodded and flapped his hand around in the universal gesture of, Keep going, don't mind me dying.
"I mean, everyone still teases me about it but I make jokes about it more than anyone else. You just laugh at yourself. Make a few memes, bing, bang, boom. It was over and I still got those old geezer's money so I'm not super upset. And besides, what's a few memes in the grand scheme of things?" She inquired as she stood up, wiping her hands off on the backs of her shorts as she looked right up into Joe's eyes and smiled. 
"You okay?"
"I'm fine and besides, I couldn't have died without seeing some of those memes that you just talked about. I mean, you can't leave us hanging in suspense like that." Joe retorted as he crossed his arms over his chest. 
Ivy's eyes flicked down to his biceps even as her brain kept repeating over and over "don't look at his arms, don't look at his arms" and mentally cursed herself for being so weak. She felt her cheeks heating up as she realized Joe had DEFINITELY tracked her eye movements.  He quirked an eyebrow at her as she tried to salvage whatever of her pride remained, 
"I'm pretty sure Gracie has one of them framed and hung up in her office, I'll show you." Okay, not a great save of the ole pride but memes are better than blatant thirst she thought as she smiled at him and watched a matching smile grow across Joe's face.
The moment between them stretched on as Lucy's gaze bounced between the two and tried to subtly let Rami know that he should keep his mouth shut so he didn't ruin the moment. 
Rami, however, missed these cues and kept looking back and forth between the two, feeling very much like something had just happened that he was not meant to be a part of. His mouth opened when he felt Lucy, who realized subtlety is overrated, stomp on his foot. 
Joe and Ivy's gaze was ripped apart as they both glanced at Rami who was glaring at Lucy who had widened her eyes to max capacity and was suddenly very invested in the molding around the ceiling.
"Sorry, I, uh, bit my tongue." Rami offered weakly as Ivy cocked an eyebrow in disbelief. 
"So. Anyway. Yeah. That's about as exciting as my life has been the past few months. Some performances, writing songs, running the business, the usual." Ivy said nonchalantly as if running a successful non-profit was just another boring life event, like visiting the DMV. 
Ivy suddenly whipped around to Rami as she dramatically pronounced, "But what about YOU Mister 'I'm an Oscar winning actor' like what the FUCK?" as her eyes bugged out and her fist collided against Rami's shoulder. 
Rami rubbed the sore spot as Joe barked out a laugh. Rami narrowed his eyes at Joe as he held up his hands defensively, "Sorry man, it was really funny." His eyes slid over to Ivy's where she met them with a smile.
Fuck, he would never get tired of that smile. 
"So, are we testing this thing or what? Because I believe she's ready for her maiden voyage." Ivy declared as she tugged on the length of jump rope one more time to test its tautness. 
"Yeah, my life is FINE, thank you for asking. And so is my SHOULDER." Rami announced to no one in particular.
"Oh I'm sure you're fine but if you're so hurt maybe you shouldn't ride this-" 
Rami pointed a finger at Lucy, "Don't you keep me from doing this. I've waited so long to get here. Do NOT take this away from me." 
Lucy held up her hands in surrender as Joe and Ivy snickered. 
"SO." Rami rubbed his hands together as absolute glee washed over his face, "Lucy and I try it first? Then you and Joe?"
Ivy looked at Joe who looked back at Ivy, "Hell yeah. The dream team here is going to CRUSH it." Joe held up his hand for a high five and Ivy smiled as she slapped her palm against Joe's.
She wrapped her fingers around his hand and held on as she turned to Rami, 'This originally wasn't a competition but we're going to kick your ass." 
"Oh it's so on. Let's make this interesting."
"Name your terms Malek." Ivy said.
Joe was doing his best not to move so Ivy wouldn't let go of his hand and Lucy was practically quivering with suppressed excitement. 
Ivy was very aware that she was still holding onto Joe's hand but really didn't want to let go as she realized how long it had been since she had held hands with someone who actually gave her butterflies and not grabbing onto Gracie or Ava's hand when she saw a particularly stunning picture of Harry Styles.
Rami was lost in thought as he tried to think what would be the worst thing he could do to Ivy if she lost this arbitrary competition. 
"Hmm. Okay. Got it. If whoever's on the hover board can stay on longer than either Lucy or I can, then you get to post whatever picture you want on my Instagram with whatever caption you want."
Ivy's eyes lit up like a Broadway marquee at the idea of using Rami's rarely used Instagram to post one of the many embarrassing throwback photos she had of him. 
"Alright Malek, but if we lose, which we won't," she squeezed Joe's hand again to emphasize her point and Joe prayed his hands weren't too sweaty, "what do you get out of this?"
"I get to schedule a date for you with whatever guy I choose."
Joe had never seen a human lose all color in their visage so quickly as he did when Ivy heard Rami's terms. 
"Rami, no! That's my personal life! You can't go messing around in other people's lives!"
"Oh, so giving you access to my Instagram account is what exactly?"
Ivy made some various noises that almost sounded like words and finally sighed, "Fine. I agree to the terms." She let go of Joe's hand as she wheeled around to face him, "We have to fucking win."
"Well, we better. I have some absolutely delicious behind the scene photos of him that need to see the light of day."
Ivy whacked the side of her helmet and shot Joe a thumbs up as she prepared to lift her other foot onto the hover board. 
Rami and Lucy stood off to the side, red-faced and sweaty after having raced down the path they had decided on and back. 
They had walked to a park that was close to the organization. Rami and Ivy had argued over a path for five minutes, and would have gone on all day but Lucy stepped in to say if she wanted to listen to an old married couple arguing she could just listen to Joe and Ben talk. Once the path had been declared, Rami and Lucy had gone first.
Rami's screams, as Lucy took off like a shot once she got her balance on the bike, had caused every dog in a three mile radius to start barking. They had made it halfway when Rami got overexcited and his cheering caused him to fall over.
Which then caused both Ivy and Joe to sing simultaneously, "Another one bites the dust" which then caused Lucy to run the bike into a tree because she was laughing so hard. 
Needless to say, Ivy and Joe were both feeling confident about their abilities. 
Joe gave Ivy a grave salute, "If this is our last time serving together, I just want to say, it's been an honor."
Ivy gave a stoic nod back, "Likewise, sir."
Joe faced forward and took a deep breath as Rami and Lucy counted down, 
Ivy wiped her hands on her shorts.
Joe cracked his neck.
Ivy sent up a call to the universe to not let her fail.
Joe sent out a silent prayer that he wouldn't be the reason Ivy broke a bone.
Joe's legs tensed and Ivy stepped up onto the hover board.
Joe took off like a shot and Ivy's arm that wasn't holding onto the rope pinwheeled as she desperately tried to keep her balance. She was all of a sudden overwhelmed by a memory of trying to surf and falling more times than she could count. 
Not the best time to be thinking of that she thought as she used her core in ways she never would have thought to use it. 
Joe kept his focus on the path in front of him. He didn't dare look back for fear he would lose focus and cause Ivy to fall off. 
Ivy was starting to feel more stable when all of a sudden she felt much lighter, the sky seemed much closer and her feet were no longer attached to the hover board by gravity.
She landed with a "FUCK" and a thud that had Rami and Lucy freezing for just a second before racing over to her. 
Joe heard Ivy swear and realized the bike seemed much lighter. He risked a glance behind and saw a heap on the ground and an empty hover board. He was off the bike before it even stopped the whole way.
"No, no, no, no, fuck! Ivy, are you okay?" Joe cried as he reached Ivy as Rami helped her up into a seated position and Lucy was feeling her arms for broken bones. 
Ivy groggily looked up at Joe, "'m okay. Must have hit a hole. Not your fault."
Joe reached up and gently unclipped the helmet from her head, "Well, at least you were wearing your helmet. Safety is key when doing stupid stuff."
"Safety and stupidity notoriously go hand in hand" Ivy offered him a weak smile as Joe smiled warmly down at her. 
"Well, I don't think you have any broken bones in your arms." Lucy reported.
"Do you think you can stand?" Rami asked as he looked at Ivy with concern.
Ivy nodded and took the arm Rami offered her to pull herself up. She gingerly put weight on one leg, then the other and when neither buckled or felt like anything was severely wrong, gave a soft thumbs up.
Joe let out a giant breath, "Thank god."
"I'm so glad you're okay." Rami said as he wrapped an arm around Ivy's shoulders and pulled her into his side.
"Thanks Rami, me too." Ivy murmured as she laid her head on his shoulder.
"And since you're okay, I don't feel guilty for doing this." Rami said as he took a deep breath in, pointed at Ivy and Joe and yelled, "WE WON. IN YOUR FACE." Rami grabbed Lucy and spun her around as she laughed.
Joe rolled his eyes and Ivy groaned, "Sorry I bit it super hard and let down the team." She bit her lip and kept her eyes glued to the ground.
"Hey, no. Ivy. It's no big deal. I'm just glad you're alright." Joe said. He leaned forward and back as he contemplated whether he should hug her or not. Ivy made the decision for him as she wrapped her arms around his neck. 
'Thank you" she whispered as Joe hesitantly wrapped his arms around her waist and tried not to breathe in her perfume too deeply. He wanted to remember every detail of this moment. 
How her body felt pressed against his.
How her arms felt around his neck.
How she smelled. How warm she was. 
How he never wanted to let her go. 
"IVY. You better get ready for your date!" Joe and Ivy's eyes snapped open as they remembered what the consequence of losing was. 
A soft chorus of "fuck", as if from a profane angelic chorus, was heard from their embrace as Lucy and Rami continued celebrating.
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Discord Exchange
Just gonna post the bios and stuff here so it's all together and organized. Whoever gets me can pick anyone from this list, you to do✌️✨ Got some dbz and some non-dbz choices. Some of them have a few more pictures in their tags, but not all. I don't care if my gift is written or drawn🦑 And, particularly if you're writing, feel free to include your own oc in whatever's going on, if it helps you get things rolling or whatever. I feel like y'all have the harder job😂💙
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He/Him, 5'5", gay ace
Cam's babie c: Well, kinda lol. He grew up in an orphanage and spent a few years homeless, on the street. Nowadays, after carving out a place for himself through a series of turf wars, he's the gang boss of his city's second most prominent gang. He lives in a motel he owns and runs, which is his primary source of income. He's outgoing and friendly, despite the violent side of him and treats his gang members like family. He doesn't much like death, since he's seen so much of it, but views it as a necessary evil, depending on the circumstance. Basically you're all good and taken care of if you're on his good side, but probs in hot shit if you're on his bad side. He doesn't like spending time alone. He would rather sit in silence with someone else than be alone in a room. He's been able to come to terms with things like being alone to go to sleep and such, but if he's ever forced into isolation, it gives him mad anxiety, dude. He refuses to spend more than $20 on anything and much prefers thrift stores and shoplifting😂 He's more okay paying for things at family owned establishments, but he doesn't like to give big companies money lmao. He really loves listening to people play music live, especially if it's jazz music. And just, ,, has to dance😤👏👏👏 He absolutely loves animals and is always setting out water and extra food for the strays. He's named the ones he sees regularly and is working on getting little shelters built for them😭💙🐶🐱✨ He also will bury any dead strays and roadkill that he finds. He feels like they deserve that much.
Likes: His gang members, jazz, PURPLE!! and pink!!, sleeveless shirts and jackets, thrifting, ANIMALS😭💙, gaudy ass decorations😂, gaudy ass anything tbh, pasta, his rainbow steletto switchblade😗💙✨
Dislikes: Being alone, "gross yellows", authority figures, rich people, beING ALONE, spending money😪💸, hot days, seeing people struggle, drugs, BEING ALONE
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He/Him, 6'10", pan
Asshole. Asshole man. Will kick your ass np and can be a bit of a bully to those he perceives as being weak. He's not afraid to voice his opinion, not really caring about what other people think of him, and takes an instant disliking to people who are snobby or authority figures. He tends to be quick-tempered and closed off to others, but to those he cares about he's fiercely protective and loyal. He will kill for those few, special people and really only feels truly at ease with those people. He has trouble processing and expressing his emotions a lot of the time, especially more complex ones, which can lead to him just defaulting into a grumpy state. He doesn't really have any true hobbies because he was never able to healthily explore those types of things, so he usually just relaxes in his free time, which is fine with him because he tends to stress😂 Though, he is a bit of an adrenaline junkie and won't say no to going out and doing stupid things just for the sake of doing them😂👏✨ He has an absolutely massive, and also ever-growing, candle collection. He doesn't like to turn down buying new ones when he sees them, so it's resulted in every flat surface in his home being covered with candles. No, he doesn't think it's weird and no, he doesn't think that's too many candles. Aaaand though he hates cleaning, he can't stand for things to be messy or untidy because it gives him massive anxiety, so everything is always put away and clean 😤
Likes: CANDLES!!! (it's not a 'like' it's an obsession), alcohol, everything to be clean, blue and yellow, just... relaxing, horror movies, cold weather, attention, just about any kind of attention, making memories via doing stupid shit😂
Dislikes: People with an holier-than-thou attitude, jewelry, CLUTTER AND MESSES, bright ass lime green, horses (those bitches scary), people who are mean to kids (they get an extra ass kicking (ง'̀-'́)ง )
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She/Her, 5', straight
My spunky gal! My little firecracker! She’s super outgoing, sweet, and friendly. In fact, she likes to be friends with everyone. Tends to go after the loner type people for friends though bc she thinks they need the love lol. And she’s got lots of love and support to give them. She’s the type of person that’s always there for anyone who’s going through a rough patch, trying to help them find a solution to the problem. She’s not very good at recognizing that someone doesn’t want her help though lmao. She thinks that everyone can be good under the right circumstances and surrounded by the right people. She likes to just let loose and have fun. She’s usually very carefree, silly, and up for trying new things. She’s also pretty damn hyper though lmao. She’s constantly a walking bundle of energy and excitement. Because of this, a lot of people just, ,, can't handle to be around her very long. It's definitely... a lot😂💙 And as nice as she is, she’s a feisty little shit and isn’t afraid of anyone. She’s gotten into a couple of fights with people she mmmaaayyybe shouldn't have fought and earned a few scars, but she just thinks they’re cool ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ No one’s gonna step on her and they most definitely aren’t gonna step on her family. She just. Has no fear😂 She's far too optimistic to think that anything irreversibly bad could actually happen. Everything can be fixed 😂👏✨
Likes: Food, lots of food, making new friends (especially if they're grumps or bad people she can annoy into not being bad😂), picnics, going on runs and outside adventures, spending time with family and friends, when everyone gets along, cute babies
Dislikes: Sitting still, doing nothing all day, bitches that come around just to cause trouble, alcohol, overly pessimistic mindsets
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He/Him, 6'11", pan
STINKY MAN ALERT😂 Him and his twin, Klaunie (Spork's), are assassans. They're suuuper close and wouldn't really... be able to function without the other. Klov certainly couldn't, that's for sure😂 Klaunie pretty much takes care of and watches over him because he has no impulse control and no self-preservation instinct. He's prone to going barreling into situations without knowing much of anything about it. So yeah. The money they get from their job is just an added bonus to him because he very much enjoys his job. A little too much 🤡🤡🤡 Hgbgh. He has a big fascination with taxidermy and may or may not experiment with taxidermy on his victims. Ahem. He has... many people mounted on his walls. It's no big deal, don't worry about it. Oh yeah, and he's also a cannibal kjhkjhgj it's fine👌✨ The whole clown aesthetic comes from his family, who are all a part of a traveling circus. Though, only he and Klaunie are, ,, let's say odd,, , lmao. Which causes some issues. But aside from clowning, taxidermy, and his job, he likes to paint or sculpt in his free time. Though his artworks are, um... pretty abstract lmao. You don't have to understand it, just nod and smile 😂💕✨ Though, if you're genuinely interested, he's always more than happy to explain c: He's also a very good dancer and is always looking to imporove further. Come dance with him👀😂💙✨ He likes stars a lot and always signs things with a star instead of his name⭐️ In his mind, the star symbol is his name and you won't convince him otherwise. He has a big ol' mallet and her name is Tuesday Night Cherrypop Supreme. She's the love of his life and she's a good smash-y girl😂
Likes: Klaunie, Tuesday Night Cherrypop Supreme, finding roadkill, GLITTER! SPARKLES! SEQUINS!, adding a new taxidermy person to his room😂, pudding, sneaking bites of food before it's ready, singing and dancing, smeLLING THINGS, cheesy knock knock jokes!
Dislikes: Being ignored, people being mean to Klaunie, burnt food >:•c , overly plain things, missing a joke, people who refuse to have a good time🤡
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shellheadtm-a · 4 years
@shieldslinger / steve and tony not another ship meme
who would be the one to randomly adopt a puppy without consultation
maybe not a puppy, but uh.  honestly.  i'm waiting for the day steve brings home a stray baby.  it's gonna happen.  we all know it's gonna happen.  and that's gonna be the most well-loved, well-protected kid you've ever seen.  tony may even put up a token protest or three.
who would force the other to take aesthetic pictures of them
steve's the atsy one.  but also see the counterpoint of steve being a giant troll and pretending he still doesn't get a lot of modern technology.  and that's not even touching steve's nudes, we're not gonna get into that here.
who would do stuff they think is stupid just to make the other one happy
hi yes who is tony stark for five hundred?  have you...do you...like.  have you seen tony with steve?  they could only be the best of friends and tony would never be able to tell him no about anything.  he'll hem and he'll haw and then he'll go along with it anyway because he likes seeing steve smile.  but like this?  oh buddy.  tony is ooey-gooey disgusting about making steve rogers smile.
who picks out the horror movies to watch just so the other will cling to them
counterpoint: it's not horror movies.  and they swap off between fantasy, scifi, and steve's personal favorites, romcoms (no i will literally never stop laughing about this).  the true testament of love here is the fact that tony doesn't wander off halfway through some formulaic not very funny and geared toward middle aged housewives movie and while he may actually fall asleep, he'll be using steve as a pillow.
who is constantly studying and who is constantly trying to distract them
yeah, that's not how steve and tony work.  if anything, it's tony trying to pull steve out of work mode, not the other way around, and it's probably not very common.  see, what happens when two workaholics get involved with each other is...they work.  they may even do it in the same room.  they may even have conversations while they do it.  but they're still working.
who initiates the facetime calls whenever they’re separated
you know what's never occurred to me.  downtime on away missions.  with how gross they are.  you know it's a thing.  whoever's away doing it on whoever was back home.  if it's steve he gets to see the steady progression of tony going through his clean laundry, shirt by shirt.  if it's tony and there are any other avengers around he gets to hear about how mom's pouting.  it also raises some interesting implications i'm not gonna talk about and am currently forbidding tony from ever bringing up.
who is more likely to storm out after a fight and who is more likely to cry when they do
tony's the crier.  but he's not gonna do it where anyone can see him.  because honestly, listen, they're sweet.  they're soft.  but they're still gonna argue, that's a given fact.  it's why they're such good foils, they're gonna disagree, they make each other defend their point of view.  but it's gonna take...time.  for tony not to think he's ruined everything just because they disagreed about something, given their history.  he'll get better - i really do think that - it's just gonna take a few fights and makeups before it really starts to.
who stays up way too late binge-watching their favorite shows
steve is a goodish adult and goes to bed even when he doesn't necessarily need to bc of the serum.  tony is a terrible adult and does not even though he's not enhanced in any way and needs sleep more than anyone.  he's the one that'll stay up, but it's not because he's watching tv, it's because he's probably down in the shop or still in the office doing work and/or iron man things.  and then he'll tiptoe in at ass o' clock before steve gets up at a truly disgusting hour.  and when steve wakes up tony will be wrapped around him like an octopus.
who bites the other’s ear when they’re feeling frisky
tony may be a nibbler, but steve leaves hickeys, so really, who's actually the worst one here.  (caveat:  tony would try harder if they'd stick around longer so fuck steve's healing factor in this instance in particular.)
who sprays the other with water when they’re washing the car
you know what i think.  given, you know, everything i know about steve.  i think steve is a stealth sprayer.  you know the kind.  i also think that because it's tony and steve, elaborate revenge is probably planned and carried out.
who has more fun decorating the house during holidays
okay but consider decorating the mansion for their first christmas back, i'm not crying, you're crying.  but honestly, i feel like...tony's the one more likely to want to be elaborate and annoyingly tinsel-filled and sparkly, because he doesn't know how not to try so hard.  meanwhile you've got steve rogers - killjoy - pulling down the mistletoe tony has so carefully placed all over.
who is more likely to give the silent treatment when they’re mad at the other
oh, the silent treatment comes after.  mostly on tony's end it's withdrawal in self-loathing bc that's just how he do.  but while being actively mad?  oh no.  lbr, they argue!  it's what they do!  it's what they've always done, even before all the bad shit, they push each other, make each other defend actions and opinions, and in the end they come out better for it.
who plays with the others’ hair more
i'ma be real here.  tony loves, loves, loves playing in steve's hair.  it's a thing he's always wanted to do and now that he can, he does.  often.  sorry, steve.  his favorite is when steve pulls off his helmet/cowl (whichever at the time) and he's got helmet/cowl hair.
who is more likely to climb all over the other one when they’re bored
yes, you are correct, steve does end up with a lapful of tony stark quite often, thanks for coming.  hell, he did that to a degree before anything, and now it's just worse.
who tries to kiss the other as often as they can
if you think they haven't gotten booed out of room, i have news for you, friend.  but also that's probably heavily due to the fact that, you know, no one wants to see their parents smoochin.  
who pouts when the other one tells them to shut the fuck up
i don't even want to contemplate what tony would do in that situation.  i don't.  i don't!  like steve can be kinda brusque and that's fair, like that's nothing new, but something like that would...it wouldn't be a good thing.  and, too, there's a definite difference, because they dissemble between iron man and tony, and cap and steve, on whether work is being done or not.  being told to can it while things are edgy and there's a job or whatever is one thing.  even being told to shush in off time is one thing.  that, though?  let's just...how about we don't.
who initiates the sex and who walks away when the other is riled up
i would like to state for the record that tony stark - no matter what you may think - isn't usually much of a tease to begin with.  at least not that kind.  riling up steve and just walking out?  never gonna happen.  not in a million years.  and...like...how do i even- they've both got their hangups and one thing tony would literally never, ever want to do is make steve feel like he's not really into it.  you get me?
who always forgets the umbrella and who holds it when they actually have one
okay but.  what if.  shield umbrella.  bc that shit is cute.  but also awkward bc tony's several inches taller in the suit and he'd have to stoop.  but just.  what if.  otherwise, tony literally always forgets, count on it, make contingencies for it.  and steve gets to hold it bc he's the super soldier.  also taller (by like, what.  an inch or two).
who demands showering first in the mornings
it's less demand and more...steve's probably already up, done his morning run and workout routine, and come back to clean up before breakfast before tony's even rolled over, to be honest.
who sneaks into the shower with the other one in the mornings
and you know, if there's time by the time tony wakes up and steve just happens to be in the shower, hey.  what happens, happens.  if you think for two seconds he's gonna miss that for anything, you have not actually been paying attention.  peak of human perfection?  love of tony stark's life?  in the shower?  he's seen a porn like this once.
who prefers riding the roller coasters and who prefers playing the games
i'm just gonna remind everyone that avengers poker night is a legit thing that happens.  and that there's some cross pollenation from like.  the fantastic four and stephen strange and others, probably.  and that steve is terrible at it, because his non-work face hides nothing.
who will text the other one thirty times in a row until they respond
tony's a serial multitexter.  what he could say in one big one will be divided up into two or three or more.  and he likes to tag things on as he thinks of them bc of how his brain follows logic trails.  
who always forgets to charge their phone overnight
it's always gonna be tony.  he's probably got friday reminding him and still forgets to do it.
who comes up behind the other and slide their hands into their back pockets
tony.  tony, tony, tony, but he likes propping his chin on steve's shoulder since they're so close in height.  and i think half the time he does shit like this just because he can now and the new and shiny of that is literally never going to rub off for him.
who tries to get hugs from the other as often as they can
they were touchy before, what makes you think anything at all has changed there?  if anything, it's probably worse, at least...you know.  outside of official avengers action (and even then they still had/have unnecessary touching lbr). 
who is louder and who constantly has the tell the other to be quiet
i think it's less who's loud and more who extraneously goes on more, and that's definitely tony.  especially while in work mode.  tony's levity is probably what gets him in trouble, because even if you know he's not being flippant, it comes across as being really convincing, in that kind of thing.  and lbr, at this point all it probably takes is a look and he'll get his game face on.
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xmoonlitxdreamx · 6 years
J2G Works Charm Review
HEY kind of random but I tried out a different charm manufacturer recently! I haven’t seen any reviews for this manufacturer so I thought I’d talk a bit about my experience. The manufacturer is called J2G Works, and they’re based in Singapore. Here’s their website:
 More info and pics under the cut! (also tagging @howtobeaconartist in case they want to share w their followers)
Since this was a sort of test-run, I only ordered J2G Works’s minimum quantity of 5 charms at 6 cm. I did double-sided printing with some custom parts without a layer of white between the front and back to give a transparent-color look. I also ordered double acrylic charms, but received single acrylic charms. I’ll talk a bit about the printing mix-up first. 
Acrylic Printing Mistake
So the first thing I wanna get out of the way is that they messed up the kind of charm I ordered. The charms I ordered were supposed to be double acrylic, meaning the image is sandwiched between 2 pieces of acrylic. This is more expensive and protects the image from fading or getting scratched. Vograce is the only other manufacturer I know of who does double acrylic, but I’ve had difficulties with Vograce in the past so I was excited to try double acrylic out with a different manufacturer!
However, when my charms arrived it seems they sent me single acrylic charms instead, with the image printed on the back of one sheet of acrylic. This is how places like Zap! Creatives and Acorn Press do their charms. You can see that my charms aren’t double acrylic from this pic:
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Notice how there’s only one piece of acrylic, and no indication of the img being sandwiched between two pieces of acrylic. To compare, here’s what the side view of a double acrylic charm (that I got from a zine) looks like:
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On double acrylic charms you should be able to see where the two pieces of acrylic meet. The charms I ordered didn’t have this. Plus I could feel the matte texture of the printed image on the back side like I do w/ Zap! Creative and Acorn Press charms.
I’m used to selling these charms so it’s not a big deal, but it was still disappointing + I paid the extra price for the double acrylic... I’ve emailed them, but I’m still waiting to hear back about getting some sort of compensation/refund for this mistake.
BUT YEAH NOW THAT THAT’S OUT OF THE WAY, l’ll talk a bit about the details working w/ J2G.
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Something that was interesting to me was that the charms came individually packaged in little plastic bags! This was a nice detail and saves the trouble of bagging them for whoever I would sell them to later. The charms also come with a protective film on the front and back that should be peeled:
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The protective film on the front is v noticeable and easy to take off, but the one on the back is a more transparent, thicker plastic that’s a bit harder to take off. It’s also not totally noticeable, so I have a feeling that customers who buy my charms may not take off the back film if I give the charm as I’ve received them from J2G Works... so I guess in that sense having them individually packaged could be a hassle if you wanna take the films off before giving them to customers, but eh I think it’s a neat touch.
As also pictured above, it also comes with a keyring already attached. You can e-mail to order charms without the keyring if you want to attach your own (phonestraps/etc) but the keyring comes attached at no additional cost.
Minimum Quantity/Pricing/Shipping
J2G Works’s mimimum order quantity is 5 charms at $1.91 USD per single acrylic charm (aka the kind of printing that Zap and Acorn Press does). The default charm size is 6 cm (approx 2.4 inches). Considering the low order quantity and the relatively large size, I think this is a great deal! Zap’s minimum order quantity for 2″ acrylic charms is 25, while Acorn Press’s minimum order is 10. They don’t offer any bulk discounts of orders less than 100 charms, but I think the price is still reasonable for those who want to order in small quantities at a time. 
Here’s a size comparison to 2″ charms from Zap Creatives and Acorn Press, btw:
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Also, I’m not sure if J2G would split the minimum order of 5 between different designs... their website just says “minimum purchase 5″ and has a location for uploading one file for that order, so probably not. But still, for someone like me who gets worried about ordering in bulk and selling charms bc I don’t do conventions that frequently, being able to order charms at 5 charms per design is useful. 
The only downside about pricing and ordering in small quantities is that since they’re Singapore-based and I’m US-based, shipping is v expensive. My charm order for the double acrylic charms was around $12, but the shipping was around $30. The shipping isn’t so bad if you add more things to your order (they offer a lot of other services) but it’s definitely not ideal if you only want to order a small quantity of items.
Based on my past experiences with Zap! and Acorn Press, I thought customization was kind of a hassle with J2G. Here’s what J2G’s Template looks like:
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The way their template works is that you literally put the front and back of your charm in the boxes, and that’s it. It’s really straightforward for people who just want acrylic charms of their art, but it makes it difficult for those who want to customize how the charms are printed and cut.
Unless you email them, they do the cut-line and loop hole themselves. I can definitely see this being a problem for people who want to put multiple loops and non-silhouette cuts for their charms. I’m not really sure what the protocol for customizing the cut would be, but I’m guessing you’d have to email them and put the desired cut on a different layer like one would w/ Zap’s or Acorn Press’s templates.
Their template also doesn’t have any indication of where the white in between the front and back layers should go. I asked J2G over email what I should do if I wanted transparent-colored parts of the charm (which is what I wanted for the roses), and they told me to put the transparent-color parts on a separate layer from the opaque-color parts. 
Anyway, I think this style of template is definitely nice for those who don’t have much experience with setting up charm files, but for those of us who are used to setting up files I can see doing charm customization via email correspondence as a negative part of the ordering process.
Printing Quality
I’m gonna go through a couple things one by one, but as a summary I’d compare their printing quality to Acorn Press. (And I like Acorn’s charms, so overall I’d say that’s a plus)
Colors Like with most manufacturers, the colors are a bit darker and duller than the colors on my computer. One nice thing that I noticed is that the white parts are pure white, unlike the white parts in Zap charms (which are usually a little grainy). Here’s how the white looks on J2G charms:
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Notice the white in the eyes doesn’t have any grains in it. On the other hand, here’s a Zap charm:
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Here, you can see in the eyes and teeth that the white isn’t pure white. 
This isn’t a huge deal bc it’s not noticeable from far away, but it’s something that’s always bothered me about Zap’s printing, ahaha. 
Double-Sided Printing From what I can tell, the double-sided printing doesn’t have as opaque of a white layer in between as Zap’s charms. Here’s the back-view of the J2G charm in slightly-strong natural lighting:
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The front of the charm is pretty clearly visible on the back of the charm. Here’s how double-sided printing from Zap looks in comparison:
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I don’t see the other side of the charm almost at all here. If I hold it against a strong light it becomes visible:
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The back is VERY visible against a light for the j2g charm, tho:
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That may just be because the back has a lot of dark colors against the light parts of the front. 
The colors are actually opaque enough imo, it’s really only noticeable against semi-strong light, especially from the back view. Here’s what the front looks like in the more neutral lighting:
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And here’s what the back looks like in less-strong lighting:
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I think what’s mostly making the front show through on the back is the texture, which is what I’ll talk a bit about now.
Texture Kind of an annoying thing is that the texture of the front is very visible on the back. It’s like this weird embossed texture on the spots where the front and back don’t align? Here’s a pic that can maybe show how the texture is weirdly embossed:
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It’s most visible in strong lighting, but you can feeling just by running your fingers over it. :T I’ve bought charms that have this texture on it before tho, so it’s not a huge deal... I don’t have any double-sided Acorn Press charms, but I think it’s Acorn Press that has this oddly textured finish. You can kind of see it on this single-sided charm I made thru Acorn Press:
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People still buy charms like this so it’s not a super big deal, but I just prefer a less textured finish on charms. I think it distracts less from the back image on the charm, too. This might’ve been solved if J2G gave me the double acrylic charms like I ordered, but I’m not sure. :T But yeah, this was the main issue I had with the printing.
Customer Service
For me, I found the customer service to be very friendly and flexible! Like I noted throughout, I had some customized parts for the charm and they were very accommodating and polite about that. They normally respond in about 1 business day, but it depends...? I think they actually have 24 hour customer service (?!) which is wild... they once sent me an email at midnight Singapore time, ahaha. Communication was also never an issue, which I know can be a problem for people who use Vograce. (English is widely spoken in Singapore and I spoke in English in my emails, which was never a problem). 
Another nice thing about working with them is that it seems like they have a quality control aspect to their process or smth...? I used a chalky/fuzzy brush for this charm so they emailed me to let me know they didn’t think my lines would print well. (I told them I’ve printed w/ these lines before, so I would be fine with the quality.) That’s just a small thing, but idk it’s nice that they reach out to the customers abt printing concerns. 
Lastly, they also email you some pictures of the finished charms before shipping! I don’t know if they do that so you can voice any concerns before they ship, but idk I thought it was nice. 
ANYWAY yeah that was my experience with them. Here’s a quick run-down of the pros and cons:
Low minimum quantity (ideal for me personally)
very cheap price per unit, especially considering the charm size
comes with keyring attached
individually packaged
friendly and responsive customer service
relatively decent print quality
messed up my order (single acrylic rather than double acrylic) which was kind of a bummer
template not very customizable
texture from front image visible on the back image
shipping is expensive
I think I’ll definitely use their services again because they have some other charm options that I’m interested in... but I’d only use them for the more straightforward charms rather than ones that need more specialized customization for cuts/loops/opaqueness. I’d also recommend ordering a minimum of 25 charms from them considering the shipping price. But yeah, overall I had a good experience with them and I think the charms are of the same quality as other charms I’ve seen sold at artist alleys. :^) 
Thanks for reading, hope it was useful!
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dunkalfredo · 7 years
Im in love with your vision of Infinite and Rookie and i want to hear some of your sweet headcanons about their time together. If anyone asked something similar, refer me to this post, please. Thanks!
alskdjnsjklnljkls tysm!!!! yeah sure ill share some headcanons. i did a post on a similar topic about a month ago but that’s more their individual personalities/aesthetics than actual relationship material so ill go ahead and add on some stuff here.
i should note that portions of this are based heavily off of the idea that they grew up together so prepare for some au territory at this point. my backstory for them is becoming so intricate jfc;;;;;; i really hope ur not disappointed with this answer i have like an entire pre-forces narrative planned out in my head at this point OTL if u were hoping for more general stuff just lemme know i can give you some more hcs for that (there’s already some but there’s also Backstory stuff that i can’t really explore through oneshot format)
this is entirely self indulgent tbhhhh anyways click that mf Keep reading button
there’s a lot of like. casual touch. lotsa hugs and leaning on each other and resting their chin on the other’s shoulder (or top of head depending on who’s who bc height difference) while looking over them at what they’re doing and its really rooted in their learning early on how much Gadget loves that sweet sweet Physical Contact (if u scratch behind his ears he will melt, guaranteed, you’ll have yourself a Boneless Gadget with a two-liter coke)
if it’s raining out gadget will insist on doing something that’s not just sitting inside all day but snugglin w/ infinite ends up tempting him into doing Exactly That lol
there’s a lot of companionable silence between them when it’s just Them Alone in a Room. sure they talk and chat and joke but there are so many times where it’s just,,, being Together,,, and enjoying being in the other’s presence as they each do their own thing
sorta going into childhood/backstory stuff but uhhhh:
starting freshman year of highschool they started just bein each other’s dates to school dances even though they were “just friends” for like half of that timespan . i love cheesy stuff like that im sorry bro i had to include that tidbit i know it’s super specific and particular to my own backstory for them but just, they’re best buds and they gonna have a good time at homecoming lol
please imagine: those cute pre-dance pictures that parents take at the stairwell or front porch or somethin right before their kids leave, but with gadget and infinite. gadget’s got braces and they dont really fit in his mouth and his lenses reflect the light in the photo and oops infinite blinked and his shirt is too big and tbh their suits in gen just don’t really fit them right, gadget’s shirt is untucked and infinite’s tie is crooked but it’s okay, they’re both smilin reeeeaaaal big (and besides they figure out how to look Aesthetically Pleasing by junior year)
summers were hot in their hometown (note: i grew up in the north so i know nothing of True Heat, bear with me on this one.) most evenings were spent out on gadget’s fam’s back porch, cold towels resting on the backs of their necks, sweat in and under their fur, and they’re melting into the wood of the deck, fan plugged into that one weird outlet on the outside of the house that’s really more a fire hazard than anything else but the cool air is nice. they’re just lounging around reading comic books and listening to music on infinite’s old zune (lots of mid-2000s punk rock bands bc what else were u expecting) and in later years when they’re in that teen puppy love stage they’re trying to cuddle but it’s TOO DAMN HOT OUTSIDE so they resort to like, gentle hand holding, infinite reading some pretentious literary work or whatever and gadget spacing tf out next to him
when they graduate and are assigned a partner to walk down the aisle with they still end up w/ each other even though technically the partners are chosen according to alphabetical order and they’re on opposite ends of that list whOOPS how’d they do that? (hint: last minute shuffling in line)
when they move outta their small lil home town and into The Big City (im gonna say that would be Sunset Heights to tie in some canon plot relevance) they move in together and share a flat. a) its more financially manageable to just split housing costs like that and b) it’s been a dream their entire lives to live together when they’re older so oh!!! they’re older now!!!!! time to live together
(okay that’s all for backstory stuff back to reg hcs)
neither can cook but its ok
it may seem like they bicker a lot but it’s usually either the like, joke argue of “what do you mean craft mac n cheese is gross take that back” or reprimands like “it’s one a.m. time to sleep u Fool” (self-care is important, lads). they actually communicate really well so high-stakes arguments aren’t super common (and when they do happen they dont tend to explode. i wanted to have them be the type that argue for understanding and not to prove they’re right, so that greatly affects the outcomes of their disputes.)
infinite loves to hum while he’s doing things, or just in gen, and his voice is very low and smooth and gadget looooooves it, so much. they’ll be, i dunno, doing some mundane thing, like maybe they’re out getting groceries or doin dishes or something (i love me that domestic content) and he’ll start humming quietly and it just, it really grounds gadget in a way that sometimes he doesn’t even know he needs till infinite does it.
anyone here ever played bayonetta? any a yall remember those bits where there’s a woman in bayo’s memories singing and/or humming ‘fly me to the moon’ all quiet and low? think that but just,,,, pitched down,,,, yeah,,,
the tunes are usually very slow and while not so much melancholy theyre just? i dunno melodic in the same lax, smooth-tempo’d way a lot of melancholy songs are? i dunno i like quiet, introspective infinite and aesthetics that reflect that
here’s a long one: about a month before infinite “goes missing” and forces happens, infinite lands a job at a local news outlet as one of the column writers and even tho he’s more into prose than journalism he’s so fuckin pumped. it’s mostly just excitement over not doing cashier work and having a money-makin outlet he’s at least somewhat interested in lol …aaaaaand the way ship headcanon works into this bullet is that when he finds out that he landed the job he so excited that when gadget walks into the room (it’s morning and gadget literally was just gonna get some coffee, he’s still in his pajamas, he’s got bedhead) infinite sees him and whoops he tackle-hugs him and then whoops he knocked them both onto the floor but its cool gadget kinda let it happen and when infinite tells him what happened and apologizes he’s now also super excited and happy for him so now there’s two (2) people screaming inside (and out) about this awesome development
here’s a short one: they wear each other’s clothes a lot
gadget’s v cuddly in his sleep so he gets really clingy w/ infinite when a) it’s early morning and they’re just waking up b) it’s Late o’ clock at night and they’re chillin at home or c) he’s Actually asleep and within like three feet of infinite
i dont really know how to end this lol i dont really wanna just start repeating myself and i might think of other stuff later but for now pls consider the following: when they sleep whoever’s big spoon ends up resting one hand over the other’s heart and it’s super sweet
oh and they smooch a lot (i told you this response was self indulgent)
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smoketexture · 7 years
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Hello everyone! These are some tips I wish I had known when I first got into the community. Warning: this got longer than intended, sorry! I tried to divide it into well separated sections, so it’d be easier for you to read only the parts that interest you!
Original content:
I think the best way to get your studyblr known is by posting original content, this can be either pictures of your journal, your notes, your stationery, etc. If you don’t feel like pictures are your thing, you could make advice masterposts or share little tricks and hacks that have helped you through your studies or your life in general.
Take nice pictures: 1) The trick here is to take your pictures near a window where the sun isn’t hitting directly on what you want to photograph (you can try direct sunlight as well, but I think if the sun’s too bright then you won’t be able to see what’s written on white paper). 2) A nice background makes all the difference. I personally prefer white backgrounds, so I just use my desk. BUT if you don’t have any white surfaces, you can create one by just laying down a few sheets of paper (that’s what I did for this post). Lots of people also use their bed sheets or duvets as background and it looks amazing as well! 3) Flatlays seem to be quite popular and they make the picture look very neat, aand you don’t need many photographic skills to pull it off, so I’d say it’s the best choice for taking pictures.
Edit pictures: If you’ve already taken your picture next to a window or in a well lighten environment, then you probably don’t need to edit it all that much (not that you ever have to edit your pictures, but it does make them look a bit more aesthetically pleasing and professional I’d say?). So if you still want to edit them (which I do), then I’d recommend the Snapseed app (available for Apple and Android), that’s the one I use, It’s free and it has a LOT of editing options. I also have the VSCO app (x x), which I downloaded because a lot of people here have recommended it, but I don’t really use it. You can play around with both apps and decide which one works best for you! (Oh and yes, like most of use here, I use my phone to take pictures).
Tag other blogs: Some people track a specific tag (usually their blog url, but not always, in which case they tend to clarify it somewhere in their blog). This is a great way for people to check out your content and then they might share it if they like it. There are some blogs who reblog everything they are tagged in, but I’d say this is the minority. If you’re not sure whether someone tracks their tag, then you can always ask them!
Trends: In the studyblr community there tend to be certain trends, such as a specific type of calligraphy, specific brands, etc. So there’s basically two paths here: You can choose to follow these trends and make your bujo spreads look like most journals look at that moment. This probably will make people reblog your stuff because that’s what everyone’s into. Another option is to go on the exact opposite direction and make your content completely different than everyone else’s in order to make it stand out more. Honestly, I don’t think one way’s better than the other, you’ll slowly figure out what makes you feel happier about your journal/notes. However, DO NOT copy someone else’s work and claim it as your own. You can get inspired by certain styles, yes, but if you replicate something somebody else made, then that’s stealing. That being said, lots of people recreate a bujo spread (for example) and then properly credit the person who originally made it, in which case I think it’s okay, but it’s always safer to ask for permission first.
Masterposts: There’s mainly two ways to make a masterpost: 1) You can make an original one with recommendations or tips you come up with yourself. My advice here would be to think of actually useful tips, do not just write whatever seems like the right thing to say, but instead use your own experience to think of tips that have indeed helped you in the past. 2) If coming up with advice is not your thing, you can gather around other people’s advice and provide links to their posts (they don’t even need to be from Tumblr blogs) in an organized structure that makes it easy for people to skim through and find what they’re looking for! Btw, even if you’re a studyblr, your posts don’t have to be all exclusively study related. There are some really good masterposts about mental health, moving out on your own, meal recipes, etc.
Stay visible:
One of the good things about the studyblr community is that most people won’t unfollow you just because you weren’t active for a certain period of time, we all understand that sometimes life (study related or not) just gets busy and it’s okay to take some time for yourself. BUT at the same time it’s true that in order to get your content around, you need to stay active to a certain extent.
Queue your posts: You can even do some research to find out when it’s the best time of the day to post something and on which days of the week and set your queue to those hours.
Interact with others: This helps to get your blog known AND it’s a great way to meet people in the community! There are loads of ways in which to do this: 1) Simply send someone a message and start a conversation with them, ask them about their day or tell them about yours. 2) Join a network. I’ve never been in one myself (bc shyness hey) but they do sound fun! 3) Try doing other people’s “challenges”, for which they usually provide a tag for you to use so they can check out your posts for the challenge. 4) Tag people in these little games that go around, like this bold tag thingy (I think that’s the only example I have).
Blog aesthetics:
In order to make your blog more appealing, make sure you spend some time on your theme and icon. If they go well together, it will create an organized layout, which tends to catch people’s eyes and make it more likely for them to check out your content.
Theme: The possibilities are endless. Whichever style you prefer, there’s definitely a theme that goes with it. Personally speaking, I love neat, soft-colored themes. I believe organization is key, if your links and information are easily accesible, then that adds up to your blog for sure! Here are a few theme makers whose content I’ve been using lately: @acuite, @cyantists, @felinum, @odeysseus, @pohroro​, @roxiestheme​. In addition, you can find a lot of great themes here: @theme-hunter​ (they even classify the themes by style, post size, etc.).
Icon: This is the door to your blog, people see it on their dash and use it to identify you. Some people make free icons for you to use, but I personally prefer making my own. Don’t worry, you don’t need to be super skilled or even use Photoshop for this. 1) I usually use Canva to make my icons or banners. They have lots of templates for you to use as a guide, or you can start your design from scratch. They do require you to register with an email, but it’s free yay (unless you want to pay for some special designs, but, honestly, their free stuff is more than enough to create whatever you need). 2) Flaticon is another website which provides a TON of icons and pictures that you can use (you do not have to pay to download the images, but you DO have to properly credit whoever made them).
Be consistent: Choose whichever content you’d like to post and stick to it. Not everyone is this picky, but some people only follow blogs whose posts belong to a certain category (studyblr, fandoms, fitness, clothes, etc.). This doesn’t mean you can’t post an occasional random post, though. Don’t restrict yourself, but do try to keep you content consistent.
Life’s all about balance. Regarding your studyblr, I think there are mainly two aspects in which you need to apply this.
Studying vs. keeping a blog: Yes, studyblrs can be helpful when it comes to your studies (there is a lot of advice going around and, personally, it helps me to stay motivated and makes me want to do better). However, at the end of the day it’s still a Tumblr blog, which means you can spend hours and hours here without even realizing it, so be careful not to lose yourself in the wonderful journals and unbelievably neat notes that the community has to offer, because then you won’t end up doing any of your work.
Aesthetics vs. functionality: You’ve probably seen those posts which reassure you that your notes & journal are made to increase your productivity so there’s no need for you to make them pretty if that’s not your thing. I’m not going to preach you on that, we all know it’s true. However, It frustrates me a little bit that on that kind of posts, they never seem to acknowledge the fact that some of us spend time making our notes and journals pretty because it’s actually helpful for us. I’m less likely to want to study from my notes if they’re all messy and lifeless, so I spend time on them. Regarding my journal, whether I keep it extremely simple or make it super fancy and decorated, it would serve its purpose either way. BUT, spending time decorating my journal is what helps me unwind at the end of the week. So, no, I don’t spend time on my journal because that’s going to help me achieve my goals, I spend time on it because it helps me to relax and get away from the world for a little while. Not everything we do needs to have an academic purpose.
Hope you can take some advice from this and that you all have a lovely day! 🌿
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survivorkvaloya · 7 years
Episode #3: “I Wanna Start S#!t” - Chelsea
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Honestly, Steffen, not much has happened for me in the first two episodes. We'll go over it really quick. I liked my original tribe of 5 with Jules, Liam, Christine, and Ryan. They were all awesome. My mentor, Colin, a fellow House of Shade alumni--also awesome. We won the flash game challenge (of the 5 competitors of my tribe, I scored 1 point which landed me in the middle of our tribe rankings). I bonded with Christine early. That could be something to hang onto. The following round was a crapshoot competition and we won that, too! On my new tribe, I like Lauren and Jack and I also have Christine there. I really wish there was more dirt or drama because I love writing lengthy confessionals, but things are just getting started here!
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Alright. So I guess no one wants pleasant kind hearted lily around. They want mean angry bitter ass lily which I'm happy to give but they ain't gonna like it. I got an extra vote on this island thing that no one is gonna know about because fuck these bitches. I know I will need the upper hand later when the couples try to destroy the singles. When I get out of reflection island I'm gonna try to buddy up with Connor and ask him to be my new mentor. Jules I'm pissed. I wish I knew exactly what happened but I will try to get to the bottom of it and make sure all those losers pay. I hope you start feeling better too. I feel like I can't trust anyone after that but Jackson seems pretty genuine of not knowing or not being able to do anything. But, because of this HUGE betrayal everyone on that other tribe can fend for themselves. I'll be all nice nice yeah I'd love to work with you but nah. I ain't interested. Let's be clear here, I have no loyalties and I'm not playing some kind of loyal game. You cut my mentor ill cute you. BYE Andreas also told me about Jules getting voted out most likely before the vote which is cool. I appreciate that. But Nicholas Colin we ain't buddies. I'm rooting for a student to win but it ain't y'all. Tonight I will hopefully put together a board of what original tribes people were on their swap tribe and who their mentor is. I think this will help me get a better picture of what's going on. Also, being bitter as fuck only two days in? My aesthetic. 
Oh and also I miss the damn creative challenge? There better be more to come because I'm sad. I've never done a music video challenge this was my shot and these bitches took me out!!! What the HECKIE???? 
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nothing's really happened imo. this main is slow. i want drama. nicholas said there's a majority cross tribe alliance. where's my invite? i wanna start shit. my goal is just to make merge so i can blow up, the best way "Trixsea" Steele knows how. :) :) :)
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I know i killed this music video challenge, but Chelsea told me that me and only 3 others submitted anything and after re-reading the rules and seeing that its an extra 5 points for every appearance we could actually be fucked. It wouldn't be to big of a problem because honestly I like going to tribal and getting to vote people off, but I also know of the cross tribe majority alliance who supposedly has majority on our tribe right now. If we lose this I'll probably try to blow up and either shake that alliance up or go out in a blaze of chaotic glory.  
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Im at tribal right now and I was getting a sick feeling that I was going to be the one voted out... But I always feel like that. I think that I am going to get my team together, Liam got a vote and if he wasn't sure if he wanted to work with me (even thought he said he wanted to) so yeah.... Me, Andreas, Colin, Liam, Ryan, Jackson... Then we have the numbers? yeah cus there is only nine of us rn. We could pull in Conner to make life really easy and to add a couple number just encase. If we do that then out of everyone we would have: Me and Liam, Colin and Brett, Ryan and Jackson, Andreas and... someone (-_- sorry) and then Conner who lost their student. Thats 9 people in a game with 18? maybe that  about half. I don't know what I'm talking about anymore but I do know that this needs to happen soon before I get bumped to the side... I do no like being a side bitch 
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Ahhhh, I'm literally so in love with this challenge it was so much fun and Chelsea did such an amazing job editing it. If we don't win I'll be shocked...and scared. Lauren disappeared for a bit and didn't participate so like I'm a little...or a lot worried for her. As of right now I literally love this tribe. QuilLynn is super smart and I adore her, Willow and Chelsea are sweet and adorable and Brett is a gem. I guess the only person I haven't clicked with is Jack but for now everything's looking good and Im hoping we win the challenge :)
Whew, I'm so excited to have won immunity! The challenge was so much fun and now...its messy cause alliances are starting to form and QuilLynn told me about one that apparently me and Lauren are in? So I don't know if Lauren's making deals without me or what, but nobody's approached me specifically and I'm not in any chats so! I'm not sure what's going on and I don't like it. I think right now my #1 is QuilLynn. She's smart, sweet and very easy to talk to so I officially adore her and wanna protect her at all costs. I need to get things in order with Lauren cause I don't wanna get in the middle of some warfare we don't need to be in. 
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We lost. Again. This is the worst. My tribe is cursed. Kinda. It's like a blessing in disguise for me tbh. I'm using this time to recover from last round and regroup. There's more talk of a majority alliance forming and I wanna make sure it happens so I can solidify my place in it. I think my number 1 ally has shifted from Nicholas to Jackson now. Jackson is literally my fave person in this game. He's so nice and fun to talk to, he's socially and strategically aware, and most importantly, he's really cute and nice to look at so! I still got that alliance with JD and Andreas but I am not really loyal to it. JD seems to playing messily and I've mentioned before Andreas seems too well connected for his own good. Anyway, onto this vote! Literally? The only thing I've heard? Is Connor? but....... that's all I've heard. Connor isn't putting out another name. No one else is putting out another name. And that's a recipe for paranoia in my mind. I wanna trust the majority that's been built, JD says Jackson and Ryan will be voting with us, and I trust them 10000% but I'm a paranoid hoe. 
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my confessional game so far has been weak af so far like I literally forgot to write a confessional last round, so I guess I'll just do a quick recap. Essentially I have mixed feelings about my tribe bc there are 3 other people who I really like Chelsea, QuilLynn, and Gage. We ended up creating an alliance and QuilLynn titled it "arent you Klad I didn't say fjorden" which is iconic! Anyway that cookie challenge last round killed me but I'm glad I came up with the strategy to split 3 on 0, 3 on 9 and 3 in the middle. Lily was convinced that they weren't going to put all their cookies on one of our tribe mates so like I'm kinda glad I proved her wrong lmao idk. As for the people I have mixed feelings about Jack is okay I mean he usually replies but in PMs he can be kinda boring and give one word answers. Christine is really nice but she just doesnt reply a lot? maybe she just doesnt like small talk or something. Brett, I've heard really good things about him but he only replies when its about him lol, like if I ever start sharing one of my stories or whatever idk he just stops replying lol. Lauren, okay shes super cute but seems inactive. Anyway I was like super excited that we got to do the music video challenge this round, its always super fun even though what I make is always really awkward lmao. Anyway like 4 people from our tribe didnt submit, Jack was sick (so he says), Gage was moving which is alright, and Lauren (didn't say anything about why she didn't do it lol), and Chelsea was editing so its all good. Shes like a really good editor and our video turned out great so I'm glad we won even though we had like 4 people in the video compared to them having like 7. So then QuilLynn informs me that Chelsea told her that theres a majority alliance of like 8ish people?? like what the fuck thats about half the people here. So its Andreas-Jack, Colin-Brett, JD-Liam, and potentially Lauren-Christine. And there are a bunch of people we're unsure could be in the alliance. And then as Im hearing about the alliance I'm realizing that it consists of the people on my tribe who dont always reply to me lol or when they do are boring. And I mean I know im not the most interesting texter but these people are worse then me. So then I was talking to Ryan and asking him about his tribe and the reward and stuff to see if I could get any information about whether if hes in the majority or not without directly asking. So I was like whats was the idol clue reward this time and he told me about how it has to do with whoever gets the lowest score in the challenge, which sounds super complicated bc if someone with the lowest score doesnt have the clue then no one gets the idol. And he gave the clue to me, and I wanna give it to QuilLynn but we dont need too many people throwing the challenge and if one of our alliance members already has it then it should be alright, and it'll keep up my trust with Ryan since Im not supposed to give it to anyone so Im hoping its a win win. but he told me that I wasnt supposed to tell anyone about what the reward was but before he told me that I had already told my alliance bc I think I trust them more oops? but I think I want to trust Ryan. I told him that I heard rumors about a cross tribe majority alliance but thats all I knew, and he told me about a group of mentors and students talk about a potential alliance and they asked Danielle about it and she told Ryan she would try to get him in if she could. So then I tried talking to Danielle just making small talk or whatever and she only gave one word answers, which was fucking weird? Like some shit is clearly going on that I dont know about? I can already tell im becoming messy af which I wanted to not try to do as much as I did last season but maybe im just naturally a messy player and theres nothing I can do about it lol. Anyway I hope the majority isnt something I should worry about and I hope they self destruct somehow or Im just hoping that it doesnt exist at all and it was just a rumor made up to scare people or some shit. 
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