#this is actually a tagging nightmare but i'll do my best i guess
notlumenera · 2 years
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wet cat gains a cat
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yanderecandystore · 1 year
Hey!!!! Hope you doin ok.
I was wondering if you could write headcanons for the yandere senpai where he gets jealous of all the time you are spending with you’re friend and not him
Thanks for the attention and have a great weak!!!
Is this referring to my old post? [🌧️😤♥️] This one? Because if so then HELL YES!! (but also, if it isn't I'm sorry, I would totally be down to write about a more sweet senpai, cause this guy is mean-)
My favorite flavor is "the senpai actually does like the mc", thank you for requesting this. Have a great week too, boo! I hope you'll enjoy the newest menu addition, Opera Cake! I'll make a profile for him later on X'D
TW/Tags: He can be a bit of a jerk, be patient with him // delusional/in denial // anger issues // light cursing because the author has an dirty vocabulary // bad communication (from you and him lmao) // dangerous jealousy // mentions of stalking // very controlling // sorry for the long ass wait
Bitter Coffee [Yandere-Tsundere!Male!Senpai! x GN!Reader - Headcanon]:
🎇 Let me set the stage for a quick sec! 🎇
(This is not a continuation nor a prequel, but it does involve the same idea of the post I've mentioned before, which by the way, is old and has some cringey text!)
Christopher was many things, including socially unaware, or at least socially awkward. Yes, the guy was smart, handsome and that edgy grumpy aesthetic could be pretty charming- He looked like a half-dead, lanky librarian with a bad eyesight and that was probably why a lot of people flocked to him.
The man wasn't goth, but he was gothic, ya know? The man was built like a tree and somehow, people just seemed really interested in him! He never really understood why, he just wants to be left alone!! Please!!
He hates having people surround him constantly and talking way too loud, way too close to his face all the time- Seriously, they won't get a kiss doing that? (Which by the way, ew?! Ew. Is what he would think).
He is a very distant person, and he seems to purposefully push people away from him, but he tends to not do that with you- Most of the time.
You were a stalker, it was quite simple, even if he DID make an effort you would still follow him, wouldn't you?!
You were annoying, frankly he knew all about your… "Admiration". Seriously, you're not being sneaky, sugar cube. You were more persistent than the other ones, which was probably how you managed to weasel your way into his life.
… No, that's not true, although he is as friendly as a cactus to everyone including you, he really appreciates your company. You weren't really all that bad at all, but you had a way to make him frustrated that he didn't know how to describe.
So when he sees you avoiding him recently he feels like you're just trying way too hard to make him worried for you- Frankly, he thinks your game of cold-shoulder is dumb and should stop right now!-
Chris didn't think you were doing it on purpose at first, well, to be honest at first he was glad to have his own space for a few days! Especially since he was already busy studying, he could be a smart person but he studying was a focusing nightmare to him-
Then later, after the test week, you still seemed very distant… He thought you were finally focusing on your education like you always complained about, hell, he even came to you one day and told you how proud he was! Even inviting you to study in his house!! He never does that!
Oh… But you didn't understand why he was so happy, and he didn't understand why you rejected his offer… He was wrong on his assumption, then? Or did you really not want to spend time with him?
"As expected, I don't even know why I assumed you would be studying, let me guess- You were too focused on another random piece of media this week? Do I know it? We could talk about it on the way out, like always right?" He wasn't the best with words, and neither with his tone. Yet he was genuinely expecting you to talk to him about it, like you always do!... You didn't. You answered in a hurry and scurried away.
Maybe you were just in a hurry, maybe if he was lucky he'll be able to catch you to walk with him home.
You didn't, but worse than not finding you was seeing you walking around with one of your so-called friends. Mylo, was it? Well, it could be worse… Annie was a LOT more annoying to deal with.
Always so possessive of you, it didn't seem like a healthy friendship at all yet you never took his words seriously… Always so protective of you, as if a leaf couldn't fall on your head that you just break under pressure! [Y/n] is their own individual, ANNIE!!
Says the mf following you two-
Mylo was a lot less direct about his discomfort regarding your crush, well… Your friend had his own motives, and of course he would NEVER do anything to hurt his best friend! But he couldn't bring himself to be mean towards Christopher, maybe he just simply couldn't be mean to anyone perhaps…
So interactions between these two were often civil, polite, yet very not pleasant. Chris never understood how you could be friends with those two, they were clearly obsessed with you.
Wait… was.. Was that why you haven't been able to spend time with him at all?! Because of GODDAMN MYLO?!
"HEY!!" He yelled out as he made his previously hidden presence known, acting as if he just came close to you know and that he hasn't been following you two for a long time now-
Despite your clear confusion since technically the route is fairly different from the one you usually take to go home- He brushed it off by simply placing his right arm above your shoulders and around your neck, being in the middle between you and Mylo.
Who, by the way, noticed it but didn't even try to change the situation.
"Ah, I missed walking around like this! [Y/n], why didn't you tell me you were going this way before? I was planning on going to that ice cream shop you always told me about- Where have you been lately, by the way?"
He is very not subtle about this, he is trying but he can't lie about how his true intentions here is trying to deviate you from walking with your friend. Oh, you were going to his home to play games? So he'll come too, obviously, and if Mylo doesn't want that then too bad! Guess Game Friday will have to be another day!!
Oh… Mylo doesn't… think it's a bad idea to have you two over… That wasn't really the plan, especially since Chris doesn't like to be in someone's house that he doesn't know well enough.
".....ffffffFINE!! Great even!!" He was fuming, it was very obvious how displeased he was with the situation, but he would be damned if he backed down now!
→ Christopher Hill:
He is a dumb-dumb, he'll take a long time to realize he is jealous and then proceed to do everything in his power to make it everyone else's problem.
He doesn't even know he likes you so much, or that all the bad things he says about your friends could be attributed to him.
He finds them possessive and obsessed with you, but he goes out of his way to insert himself on your little "friend hangout" even if it pains him to no end. In this scenario, I mentioned Mylo who isn't very confrontational, and actually is very interested in hanging out with your crush (he is very curious about why you like this twig of a human being so much… maybe he understands it a little bit…).
Annie is almost the complete opposite, she finds Chris's game of cat and mouse with you really unhealthy and wishes you could fall out of love for this guy already- I-It isn't love!! It's just a stupid crush on a stupid guy that never treats you how you deserve to be treated! Annie is very likely to start arguing with Chris over the smallest of things (but never addressing the actual issue in your presence, you don't need to see them at their worst like that…).
Christopher is very awkward with his words, and part of him knows he'll end up losing you for his own condescending tone and overly grumpy attitude- So he doubles down on his bad traits to try to protect himself from the inevitable. But the other part of him thinks you're just playing around, trying to provoke these reactions out of him on purpose, trying to make him jealous because you're so obsessed with him you want to see him be in your shoes for once, is that it?!
Sugar cube, you have NO idea how aggravating it is to suddenly not be in your spotlight, to be ignored without a warning. And for what- Your weird friends?! Oh it just brings out the worst in him.
In the case he gets to spend time with you even in your friend's presence (I'll use the previous scenario for example) he'll be attached to you like a bug, all those previous annoyances with your sudden touch seem to jump out of his mind- He becomes very clingy especially since your friends are very touchy.
Game Friday Night won't be the same with him there, and that goes to every other special friend time you guys may have- He isn't subtle, he doesn't know how to, but he does know how to make you feel guilty. You haven't talked with him in so long! What were you thinking?!
But of course, he won't be AS obvious about it as he doesn't mean to put the blame entirely at you, because it's not your fault, right? It's Mylo's fault, and Chris just needs to get back to the previous schedule-
Where it should be just you and him, the two dummies in their "will they won't they" FRIENDSHIP!! He just needs to take their place, you want game nights? Why not play with him in his house? His bedroom is a lot bigger than yours and Mylo's combined- But if luxury isn't the problem then maybe you'll appreciate the variety of things you two can play.
If he finds your friendships to be really taking a toll on your life (if you continue to ignore him) he might have to turn his offers from demands to orders, sugar cube! Of course he would never do anything to hurt you, but he is literally doing this for your own good, and if you continue to be so childish he might think you've been completely influenced by your friends.
Christopher is a lot more demanding and controlling than the other characters, not above being brutish with you if it means you'll actually listen to him for once! The initially petty, stubborn jealous man can turn into a controlling, raging angst if you don't be careful enough.
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unlucky-phantom · 9 months
Cayde-6 x Guardian reader SFW alphabet relationship headcanons.
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So, first post, it's a long one I will say but I tried my best to be as accurate as I think it would be. hope you'll enjoy x
um...warning for swearing i guess. Could be read as gender-neutral, there is a mention of periods but it's barely there so I'll tag it as both. other than that have some good old fluff.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
At first, Cayde is slightly reluctant to show affection in front of people he doesn't trust wholeheartedly, mostly because he's worried you might become a target, not wanting another Taniks and Andal situation. When he sees you can more than hold your own in combat, he is happy to relax a little. (Just a little)
Afterwards, when you two are in public he's not afraid to let people know you're his, he's actually very proud of the fact that he won you over however there's no over-the-top PDA. A stolen kiss here and there, holding your hand, a hand on your lower back or waist, maybe the odd steamy moment somewhere in a dark corner of the hanger as you both giggle like teenagers.
Privately he's incredibly affectionate, wanting to make the most of the very slim amount of downtime the 2 of you have together. He'll follow you around your home like a cat, eager to simply be in your presence. He's always finding an excuse to touch you, sitting together on the sofa? He's got his head laid in your lap. Cooking in the kitchen? He's got his chin resting on your shoulder, watching you, arms wrapped around your waist from behind.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Your friendship with Cayde would likely start after he tells you to take him with him because he hates his job. Much to his delight and surprise you try and sneak him out onto your ship, however Zavala has eyes everywhere and catches you both in the act. After a slap on the wrist, Cayde takes you out to ramen when he's next able to, to apologise for being a "bad influence" or so Zavala says. (he tooootally didn't sneak out a 2nd time to do this).
As your best friend, he's ride or die. He's incredibly loyal, maybe a little brash but you know both of you have each other’s 6, on and off the field. After a while, he's not afraid to show up (normally unannounced) at your home at stupid o'clock in the morning. He claims it's just because he's an early riser, or he was just awake, or some other ridiculous excuse, it's actually because you're the only thing that can calm him after the nightmares that more often than not plague him during the night.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Oh god yes. This man is the exo equivalent of a limpet. He loves the feeling of your skin under his fingers, your warmth pressed against him. He loves them for a lot of reasons. They're comfy, and deep down he misses the warmth of a human body.
If you're hunkered down, cuddled up in one of his many hideouts, stashes or one of your homes, he likes to make shapes on your skin. He likes to be big spoon 90% of the time, wrapping himself around you, arms around your waist securely, a protective gesture, it'll take a lot to coax out of him that he partially does this because if shit hits the fan while you're sleeping, he knows exactly where you are. You can feel the hum of his internal workings against your back, a soothing melody, the gentle vibrations seeming to mimic a heartbeat and breathing.
There are the odd days that cayde isn't big spoon. The nights his nightmares get too much, or he arrives home battered and exhausted, he'll crawl into bed with you without a word, kick off his boots and lay his head on your chest. You let him stay there a while before coaxing him into removing his armour and getting into something more comfortable. Afterwards, it's straight back to nestling his head into your chest, listening to your heart, legs tangled together. He's particularly fond when you gently stroke the back of his head and hum some soft tune.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Deep down cayde would like the idea of settling down, he knows the likelihood of that is slim. It's a dangerous and volatile world and he knows he'll probably never stop fighting. But he fights for the life he could have, someday. He also loves the wilds too much, out on the bleak expanse of Mars, the cold snows of Europa or the various golden age ruins on Earth, the call of adventure is something cayde will always answer, an adrenaline junky at heart.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
There are few reasons I can think cayde would break up with you, your safety being the main one. Maybe an argument broke out about how reckless you were being or how reckless he was being, he isn't known for his sense of self-preservation. Maybe he thinks you deserve better, better than he can give and no matter how much you plead and beg it's hard to change his mind. He would talk to you; he'd at least have the nerve to break up with you face to face. He'd make a point of avoiding you as much as possible after.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Commitment is a tricky one, cayde but he's an all-or-nothing guy. Once he knows you're the one, the one he can trust, the one that can keep up with him, the one he can confide him, then he's there. Cayde wouldn't want to get married soon, the tower is a hectic place and there's always a new threat on the horizon, but he'd promise you one day, when the fighting stops, then, then you can tie the knot. It's a bittersweet promise that you often doubt will ever come to light but right now you have each other, facing the dangers of the system together.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
The first time cayde went to hug you, he accidentally bashed you with his horn, a bright red and sore mark on your cheek. After that, he's a little more cautious with his enthusiasm...a little.
When you’re hanging out together in your private space cayde isn't opposed to the occasional tickle fight and rough and tumble. (He will never admit that he, an exo, has a ticklish spot but you know the truth. Tickle a sensitive patch of silicone by his hip and he's a mess)
But when you're feeling down, the pressures of the tower getting to you, your injured or it's that time of month, he treats you like glass. Like you're the most precious thing he's laid his hands on, swaddling you in blankets and wrapping his arms around you. He speaks in low soothing tones and rocks you gently, he’ll likely order you both ramen and put on your favourite holotape.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Cayde is a big hugger when it comes to those he truly cares about. Most times he plays it off as a joke when he opens his arms and says "Hugs?" But he'll never admit the glee it brings when someone (especially you) steps into his outstretched arms.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Cayde definitely overthinks it. He spends nights losing sleep questioning if he truly feels love or just a ghost of what his human consciousness thought as love. He overthinks saying it to you, it’s only when you're about to do some stupid and possibly self-sacrificing thing on a mission that it's blurted out in desperate panic at the thought of never being able to tell you again. He’ll be grabbing you by the shoulders and you can see the desperation in his face.
After the mission cayde won't mention it unless you do. If you ignore it he'll become a little more reclusive, not as touchy-feely any more.
 But if you do, and you reciprocate his feelings, a stupid grin will grow on his face and no matter where or who is watching he's grabbing your face and kissing you with all the pent-up emotion he's been bottling since the friendship morphed into more confusing feelings, feelings of wanting…well, more.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Cayde is a very self-assured guardian, and he trusts you. He knows that you'd never do anything to betray him...Its other people he doesn't trust. Not that he doesn't think you can't stick up for yourself or know when someone is getting a little TOO cosy, but he will step in now and again. He’d saunter over with his usual charm, an arm winding around your waist. "Who’s this, dollface?" he'd ask sweetly while eyeing the other guardian, a clear message. she’s mine. back off
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
At first, Cayde was slightly worried about kissing you for the first time. Had you ever kissed an Exo before? Would you want to? When he begins to develop feelings for you, he often finds himself thinking about what it would be like if it finally happens, your soft lips against his.... Lips? Face plates? Whatever people choose to call them.
Your first kiss likely happens in the heat of the moment, relieved after a high-stakes mission together and unable to contain himself anymore, his leather-gloved hands find your cheeks, pulling you up into a passionate kiss. It was a new experience, his 'lips' were softer, smoother than you imagined an exos to be. When the kiss finally breaks you are both breathless, gazing at one another.
After this cayde would steal kisses occasionally. He was surprisingly good at sneaking kisses while you were both out and about the tower. Pulling you into hidden alcoves, sneaky chaste kisses while Zavala is turned away giving long speeches about.... something neither of you remembers.
When the pair of you are in the privacy of your homes cayde will take his time, he loves kissing any bit of you he can get to. lips, cheeks, neck, anywhere. Likewise, he loves feeling your lips on him, when you swoop in to kiss his cheek when you're busy in the kitchen, his chest when you're curled up in bed, he's addicted to the feel of your lips on him.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Cayde doesn't get many opportunities to be around children. Often his interactions are fleeting waves as he walks the last city on patrol or when disaster has struck and he's ushering frightened families to safety, trying to treasure them. When you see these rare moments, you don't miss how his demeanour softens slightly but there's a ... melancholy beneath it.
however every month or so cayde gets plenty of time to spend with children..he has to coach his dodgeball team after all. it is very early on that cayde tells you about how he beat Shaxx and convinced the titan to play dodgeball with the children of the Last City. Cayde cant help but laugh when the children he's coaching meet you for the first time and start singing teasing songs about kissing in trees. these are usually followed up by cayde with an over-exaggerated eyebrow wiggle and "you know... I know some pretty good trees" whispered between barely held-back giggles.
Cayde's little team love you and the Hunter Vanguard totally hasn't gotten everyone team shirts. yours may or may not say property of cayde somewhere either hidden or in massive letters on the back, hell say its a printing error...it totally wasnt.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
If you're not both on some sort of mission or patrol, you normally wake up in an empty bed, cayde likely already off to perform his vanguard duties.
If you’re both up bright and early, he’ll wake you with a gentle shake and soft words. His voice is not warmed, up its lower, a little staticky and it sends shivers through you. Once you’re both dressed he’ll make you coffee and ask about your jobs for the day before wishing you a safe day and kissing you softly.
If both of you have a rare day when neither of you has morning commitments, it's the sun peaking lazily through the blinds that wakes you, Caydes arms around you securely. If you try to get up and escape the cocoon of warmth, the response from him will be a groan of protest as he pulls you back towards him, nuzzling into you and murmuring "Stay" and how could you resist such a request?
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights where you can stay up late with no commitments the next morning are spent either in a bar somewhere in the last city, hidden away in a corner. or you would spend it in your room. drinking, playing cards, or just cuddling while some old golden-age holotapes play.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It takes a long time. There are some things even Zavala and Ikora aren't privy to. One of those things being Cayde's journal and ace. He very slowly begins opening up, the charismatic and charming mask slipping slightly to show you the vulnerable and scarred exo beneath. Eventually, after a few years, cayde will tell you about Ace and his journals over a quiet drink away from other prying ears. It's a few years after this that he actually lets you read them.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Cayde inwardly is a patient man. He'll make jokes about how long things are taking, and pester people, normally Zavala but part of being a hunter is control and knowing when to wait for the best moment to strike.
That doesn't mean people don't push his buttons sometimes. He doesn't take kindly to threats or things bothering those he holds dear, namely you. Cayde is quick to shut it down.
You rarely see cayde truly angry, pissed yes, irritated also yes. But angry, that's a rare 'treat'. He's not a loud angry person but the type who when they go silent you know shit is about to hit the fan. A quiet cayde is a dangerous cayde.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Cayde remembers most things, his position as hunter vanguard means he's under a lot of pressure to remember things such as patrols, Bounties and planning the next missions but he'll make an effort to remember dates. Anniversaries, birthdays, and other important dates he comics to memory. He tries to remember your favourite foods so he can surprise you with dinner sometimes.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
You were both so tired. Tried, worn out and stressed. You were returning from a mission that had gone south quickly and from your seat behind him you could hear his leather gloves creak in protest at his tight grip on the controls as he piloted the ship. You'd both been in foul moods, sleep-deprived and aching, the mission had been filled with snappy retorts and growled orders. You hadn't spoken since getting on the ship. The silence was broken by Zavala on the coms ordering for your return, Cayde interrupts, slamming a finger on the disconnect button. "Fuck this" he grows and turns the ship around.
Minutes later you finally touch down somewhere and neither of you moves, he slumps back into his seat. " 'm sorry" he murmurs, not turning to look at you. His voice is quiet, remorseful. You ask where you are, and he signals to the exit of the ship. Once you disembark you find yourself in a forest clearing, a lean-to was haphazardly built against a tree, filled with a few caches, chairs and supply boxes. "Little private hideaway. Sometimes I just...need somewhere" he says leading you to a chair.
He pours you a glass of something, it's strong and warms your throat on the way down. You stay there that night, laid out on a blanket drinking and just talking. Wrapped up in one another under the stars. That's the night he tells you about Andal, about Ace and his journals. The night he truly realises how much you mean to him and how much he can't let you go.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Cayde outwardly is about what you would expect when someone's in a relationship. He's cool and collected and shows he knows you can handle yourself. But inside that exo brain is a totally different story. He knows every mission you're going on location and time. He's committing your ship, sparrow and every detail of your armour to memory, God forbid he ever have to look for it, wreckage or otherwise.
If you're on a mission with him, he's first through every doorway, round every corner and in every room. He plays it off as being the leader of the fire team and thus leading. But really, it's to make sure if there's a trap, a hidden danger or an enemy and you’re both caught unaware it's not you who gets the hit.
If he's having particularly bad days after nightmares about Andal and other lost friends, he might slip a tracker into your gear in case something happens to you. When you found it, you were livid at first. You let him explain, panicked words tumbling out promising it wasn’t out of worry of you being unfaithful but fear of actually losing you in that big expanse outside your cosy apartment. After that, you Make sure your ghost sends cayde frequent updates on your location while you're on missions to cayde.
You've saved Caydes ass more times than either of you can count. Every time you do there's a look in his eye. One that took you a while to decipher but when you did you realised it was a mix of pride and trust. He knows you have his 6. And he'll never admit how hot it is when you get angry at whatever it is threatening his life and subsequently beating it into a pulp just for him.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Caydes' love langue is acts of service and physical touch.
Cayde would try, bless him. He'd try so hard but in the chaos, it would be difficult. Your odd and often full schedules rarely match up but when they do he's making plans, and dates, he's buying you flowers, and gifts.
Everyday tasks like making your coffee, and running you a bath when you return from a long day among others are a regular when it comes to cayde.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He’s incredibly self-sacrificing when it comes to fighting the good fight. Even if it means him stumbling in at 3 am, beaten and tired. This also manifests in your relationship sometimes taking a backseat, you understood of course but that doesn't mean you didn't miss him.
Other than that he is terrible at taking care of himself unless its initiated by you, eating, sleeping and sometimes bathing taking a back seat in order to do his job.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
While he’s not too concerned too much with his looks, he does like to keep looking good. He uses wax on his metal plating and makes sure his armour is in good spec. When the two of you began getting closer cayde began to care a little more. At first, it was subconscious, you were his friend, and he didn't want to look like a scruff. But then he found himself fussing over his cloak in his reflection before he would go to see you and maybe he had even bought a new cologne and hoped you'd get close enough to notice.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
At first no. cayde was certain about that. Until long missions felt longer, when you were away the bed felt emptier. His hand felt barren without his queen of hearts and he realises that you are his safe space, his respite and he wants to be that for you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Cayde will never admit this out loud, but he loves a little pampering now and again. You heard him mention offhand to another exo about a little place in the bazaar that does an exo wax that he swears by. That evening you surprised him with a home-cooked meal and candles. After you led him to the bed and helped him out of his armour. He was surprised when you pulled out the exo wax, he hadn't directly told you and he won't admit how much it meant. By the time you finished gently massaging the wax onto him, he was asleep, blissed out from the attention and much-needed care.
Sundance ADORES you. Cayde's little light had liked you the moment they witnessed the two of you meet and cayde loves hates it. You and Sundance are little sass machines sometimes and cayde is often the object of your laughter. Sundance loves that you take care of cayde, especially when he won't. Cayde confided in Sundance when he began feeling feelings more than friendship and the little ghost was thrilled. Often when cayde is busy pouring over maps and reports, Sundance will float by you, or perch on your shoulder or lap to keep you company.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Cayde isn't a fan of people who put others down, especially if those people are guardians who were resurrected recently. He has a protective streak when it comes to new lights and finds people who actively put them down or treat them with disdain to be unlikeable.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Cayde is a light sleeper. When you’re out on missions constantly God knows where you need to be alert and ready. This twinned with occasional nightmares and his vanguard duties means his sleep schedule is horrible. Some nights you wake to rustling covers, a bleary-eyed cayde slipping into bed at 3 am, some mornings you find him where you had left him the night before, awake and pouring over maps or reports and some nights the bad coupling in his leg gives him spasms keeping him awake.
He appreciates any attachments at helping him sleep, hot cocoa in the evening as you coax him to bed, holding him close, white noise and even reading to him, he just likes the sound of your voice. And every night after he sleeps soundly.
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mysticstarlightduck · 2 months
Big OC Questionnaire!
Gonna answer this one before I start today's writing session so here we go! Thanks for the tag, @the-golden-comet (here)!
Let's go with Adrien Rosetrom and Luke Katt (my ANGSTY bois who I adore) from my WIP Scrapyard Boys for this one! (:
What is your favorite thing to do to avoid responsibility?
Adrien - Eh, that one's pretty easy to answer dude. I just hole up in my apartment, lock the door, turn off the notifications on my phone, and then drink and smoke myself mindless while watching whatever's on TV. Sometimes I like watching the phone ring while not answering it just out of spite, that's fun. And if anyone I don't know tries to interrupt my peace they'll have a very sudden meeting with my baseball bat, if you get what I'm saying.
Luke - I just run off somewhere else until whoever or whatever I'm trying to avoid forgets about me or the dust settles. But that's only in more extreme cases - like if the cops are trying to get me or some gang wants to square up. Otherwise, I'm usually pretty responsible - I mean, I have to be, or else who the fuck is gonna take care of my little brother, or make sure my friends don't do some stupid shit again?
If you could choose anyone in the world to be your sibling who would it be?
Adrien - Don't even ask me that, dude (laughs bitterly). I've already got two half-siblings crashing at my apartment who show no intent on leaving me alone, I don't need anyone else leeching off my patience. (Begrudgingly) Fine, I actually do care for the two ankle-biters but don't let them find out or I'll never hear the end of it, dumbshit.
Luke - I'm not sure. Riley's my little brother and I would do anything to keep him safe - I've killed to protect him before, and I would do it again, even though it landed me in juvie for two years before I broke out. Valen - my best friend - and the other members of our little gang of chaos are also kinda like siblings to me by now, if I'm being fully honest, so there you have it.
What is the most sublime thing you have ever eaten and why?
Adrien - Sublime?! I'm not exactly an expert in high-cuisine, my dude. Most of my diet consists of like... cheap hamburgers, pizza, or nuggets. And a truckload of energy drinks. I guess a good dish of spaghetti with red sauce or a strawberry cupcake is as close as I'm gonna get to eating something "sublime." (chuckles)
Luke - I dunno, I know how to cook quite well but I rarely have like, the time and patience for it. I like microwave lasagna and chocolate cake covered with ganache, which are respectively my favorite dish and my favorite dessert, but that's about it.
What was the worst day of your life?
Adrien - I'm gonna be honest with you real quick: if I were going to answer that question in detail we would still be here talking this at this day and time next week. In short? Pretty much the majority of my days since I was kicked out, though the specific day I was kicked out of home and whenever my current boss decides to get too uh... handsy, for lack of a more 'family-friendly' word, are the runner-ups for Top 1 worst days of my life for sure.
Luke - I know most folks would expect the day I killed my abusive godfather to be the Number 1 Worst Day in my life but if I'm being frank... I kinda enjoyed it? Like really got a kick out of it (smiles widely). I know it sounds twisted and kinda insane to say, but I mean, the fucker had it coming, and knowing that he would never hurt Riley ever again was worth all the struggles that followed. I guess the actual worst day of my life was the day that followed when I was arrested and taken away from my little brother - but hey, I got out, and we're together again! So I say it was worth it.
What’s your worst nightmare?
Adrien - Being trapped in that fucking nightclub forever or being unable to pay off my debt to Zander so I can finally be free without fearing that the mob would skin me alive and feed me to the fishes. And as much as I hate admitting it - I guess now I kinda fear the twins will follow in my footsteps and end up hurt by my boss. It's kinda weird for me to admit and it does trip me out to think about how much I did change. Yeah, I know, I'm that pathetic.
Luke - Losing Riley and our friends, or them getting hurt in some way that I would be unable to heal them with my powers. And I don't fucking care who I have to kill to keep that from happening (laughs)
If a monster asked you your worst nightmare what would you tell it and why?
Adrien - Hell nah, man. I don't need anyone having that kinda power over me and my family, I know how that story ends and it ends with whoever was stupid enough to tell someone else their fears dead in a ditch. Not for me, pal! And let's say, if someone tried to use my fears against me, I would probably make their worst fear come true in the worst way possible, trust me on that.
Luke - Oh the 'monster' would have to spend a fucking fortune to recover from the damage I would do to them. You know I've done it before.
Would you give away secret information if tortured? Be honest.
Adrien - Honestly, I don't think I would give a damn either way but if that information was that important my captors would have one hell of a struggle getting it out of me - I'd probably lead them on with false hope that I'll talk and then don't say shit just so see the look on their faces, like, just to spite them and watch them losing their shit.
Luke - (chuckles darkly) Oh, how I'd love to see them try. If I'm going down, I'm taking their sanity with me, that's for sure.
Who could you trust most with a secret?
Adrien - Myself, and even then like... with a considerable, healthy concern, because you never know!
Luke - Probably my best friend, Valen - I know he would follow me to the depths of hell if need be, and I would do the same for him without a second thought. While I do trust Riley unconditionally, I'm not sure I wanna burden a twelve-year-old with the kind of secrets I keep, y'know.
You have been caught somewhere you shouldn’t be! Quick, what is your excuse?
Adrien - Dude, as if someone would be able to find me. If people were catching me slacking like that, I wouldn't be alive talking to ya right now, given the kind of company I usually keep. So in short: I'm almost always sneaking somewhere I shouldn't, but no one has caught me yet. That I know of.
Luke - Only like, all the time! Me and my friends are just that kind of trouble. Usually, I don't really make up an excuse, I just go "Oh, would you look at the time -", stun whoever found me, and just like, haul ass in the furthest direction as soon as possible.
How good is your sleep schedule?
Adrien - That'd better be a joke because my man you don't wanna know the answer to that. I'm a stripper working for the mob, do the math yourself how fucked up my whole schedule is at night. I usually go home at like, 3AM, on good days, crash on the couch, wake up sometime in the mid-morning if insomnia doesn't come to haunt me, down like three bottles of energy drinks and a cheap coffee, and then rinse and repeat the next day. If I sleep at all.
Luke - It's pretty good, especially when compared to some people I know. I go to sleep at like, 11PM, or 10.30PM, then sleep a solid 6 to 8 hours every day before waking up early. My powers require a lot of rest to recharge, and what kinda healer would I be if I didn't know how to take care of my own body?
Do you have any siblings?
Adrien - Already answered that but alright: I have two, half-siblings. They're twins who might as well be two gremlins coming to haunt my waking life. One's a boy, Rhys, and he's nice and all if his ideas didn't almost give me one heart attack per week, and the other one - the dangerously quiet one that is almost always up to some shady shit if she's out of sight - is a girl named Gwyn. Yes, I regret every life choice that led me to this situation and I'll probably end up grey before thirty.
Luke - Only one biological one, Riley - he's twelve. If you count my best friends then the list gets much longer, haha.
What’s the toughest time you had to endure growing up?
Adrien - Oh my time living old hag of a grandmother wasn't exactly paradise, putting it lightly. The nicest thing she and my grandfather ever did to me was kicking me out of the house at fifteen - and that led to a whole other hellish chapter.
Luke - Oh, you can take your pick. Being orphaned, moving in with our abusive, toxic bitch of a godmother and her husband, having to kill said husband when he got drunk and tried to hurt my kid brother (which would have probably killed Riley if I wasn't there), being arrested, breaking out of jail, helping Riley escape from that woman's house, then finally finding some friends and getting a semblance of normalcy.
What’s your relationship with your family like?
Adrien - Eh. Mother dearest dropped me off with my grandparents, then I got kicked out, and years later my estranged teenage half-siblings broke into my apartment one night and were like "Hey dude! We'll live with you now!". So yeah. Complicated is an understatement, huh.
Luke - Didn't really have a family other than Riley, though now, I would say that our group of friends are actually the closest thing to a real family we've ever had. They're great and honestly, I'm glad we met them!
Do you have any hobbies? If so, what ones?
Adrien - Watching TV, listening to music, sleeping. Drinking energy drinks. Smoking. Wandering around in the city thinking about what the fuck I'm doing with my life and having a breakdown --
Y'know, the usual.
Luke - I like sneaking into the movies when I can. I also love skateboarding, dancing, and playing the guitar. Oh, and watching those funny morning cartoons on TV, while eating cereal!
Do you dream often?
Adrien - Most nights, though they're usually not the coolest dreams. I usually wake up and like, turn on the TV to drown it out until I collapse back to sleep.
Luke - Eh, not really. And when I do I usually don't really remember them or they are just the... most unhinged, concerning, weirdest dreams that leave me thinking "Yep, I have seriously issues, huh" when I wake up, haha.
What do you dream about?
Adrien - Uh - Nope! Not answering that one for the sake of your peace of mind and what's left of my own pride.
Luke - When I do remember? Man, stuff like - a T-Rex dancing ballet while hopping in multicolored clouds in the sky, or some kind of weird gremlin creature following me through a musty hallway while singing "Peanut Butter Jelly Time!". Now you get what I meant by concerning?
Have you ever been in love?
Adrien - Romance is the oldest lie of all time, my friend, and its not one I'm that keen to fall for either. I'm gonna fall in love for what? To get disappointed? Nah, man, I'm good.
Luke - Not really, like in real life and stuff. I had a crush on some movie stars and pop singers when I was younger, but that's just teenage dreams, haha. I actually really want to meet someone I would fall in love with in real life, as cheesy as that sounds! I may be a killer, but I'm a killer who still wants a fairytale wedding with someone just as weird as me.
What is your least favorite thing in the world?
Adrien - Sex with strangers. The mob. My boss. People who put their hands where they don't belong because they're drunk and apparently I'm "supposed to like it". Stupid fuckers who bully others. Just the usual.
Luke - Abusive people. Rich people who think they can do whatever they want to others who are not as rich as them. The police and the shitty government of this shitty city.
What is your pet peeve?
Adrien - People who aren't hygienic or are just like... downright nasty and clearly need a good shower. Loud music. I also kinda hate how Gwyn chooses to watch a cheesy stand up comedy show on my TV at full blast in the morning and eating those crunchy potato chips on my couch which causes the crumbs to be everywhere, because -- FUCK'S SAKE SHE'S AT IT AGAIN HOLD ON - (gets up, running to his living room done with life)
Luke - People who don't look me - or others - in the eye while talking or who keep checking their smartwatch or phone in the middle of the conversation and then just answer you like "uhuh" or "yeah, that's wild". Like, yeah Karen, I'm fucking aware you didn't hear a single word that left my mouth and the fact I wasted five minutes trying to talk to you makes me wanna strangle that bad haircut out of your head.
Would you consider yourself different?
Adrien - Different than what? Everyone's unique in their own way. And I ain't about to be no "pick-me" dude that's always like "Oh, I'm so quirky, look how different I am from all the other bland humans", or like dramatically, "I'm just weird, you wouldn't get me". Hell nah.
Luke - I guess I am kinda different than most teens my age. Because like, let's be honest, who else do you know that has killed someone at fourteen, has extreme regeneration powers, and undermines the government with a group of other fucked up teenagers? Though I don't know if this is a good or bad thing, that's too philosophical of a question to answer.
How far would you go to save a loved one?
Adrien - I may be a heartless bitch but I would actually go pretty damn far to keep those twins safe. Like, for example - hypothetically: Does the mob want to "upgrade" my job from stripper to whore in exchange for their safety? Uncomfortable but yeah, fine, I'd do it. Do I need to beat up someone who is threatening my siblings? Oh, yeah, that someone is gonna wake up with their face smushed in by my baseball bat. Do I need to blackmail a billionaire who basically owns the country (this one I actually did so its not hypothetic)? Sure, I've done weirder shit before.
So you get the idea. I may be vicious, but I ain't disloyal.
Luke - I've killed a man with my bare hands, and I would do it again, and again, and again, if I needed to. And I don't regret it one bit. Do I need to say more? (smiles dangerously, with that feral guard dog aura to him)
Would you team up with your worst enemy if it was your only option?
Adrien - I kinda already do that every day already, so yeah, sure. Fuck it, we'll be besties and braid each other's hair if I get to live another day, I don't give a shit.
Luke - Oh hell no, I'd rather they just put a bullet through my brains than ever team up with those fuckers.
What is the worst insult you can give?
Adrien - I already swear like a sailor on a daily basis, so I have a pretty wide dictionary of insults. But I ain't sure what would be the worst one, and I don't got enough time to figure that out either.
Luke - (Tilts his head, with a smirk) I think littering their body with wounds using my power would get the message across better than any words ever could, don't you think?
What is the nicest thing someone could say to you?
Adrien - I dunno. Like, I'm not a sentimental kinda dude, but I think I would be pretty fucking happy if someone just acknowledged that I'm doing my best. I think hearing an earnest, "Hey, dude, you matter to me!" with no strings attached actually would be pretty nice.
Luke - I'm not quite sure (chuckles awkwardly). I guess that just being loyal and kind and spending quality time with me - just like, actually being there when I need someone, would matter more to me than any words ever could.
Are you a jealous person?
Adrien - Oh hell yeah, you bet your ass I am!
Luke - Not really. I don't like being betrayed or deceived, but other than that I think I'm a pretty chill dude. I'd hate to be overbearing.
Have you ever committed a crime?
Adrien - Yeah, all the time. How else would I get by in this stupid rathole of a city I'm stuck in huh? And working for the mob, committing crimes kinda does come with the territory, in a way.
Luke - (laughs drily) Are you seriously asking me that question?
Are you neat or messy?
Adrien - I ain't got the time or patience to be organized, so I guess messy it is. Not dirty though, I hate dirt. Just chaotically disorganized.
Luke - I guess I'm pretty organized, now that I think about it. Not over-the-top, interior designer-like organized, but at least a bit above the bare minimum most days.
How do you feel about crying? Let it out or hold it in?
Adrien - Cry? Nah. I just hold it in like a pressure cooker, laugh it off, drink my sorrows away until I collapse on the floor of my kitchen, wake up with the worst hangover of my life, and then be like "Let's go get some fast food!" like nothing happened.
Luke - It's normal and healthy, I just don't do it very often or in front of others. I like to be the rock they can rely on, and so I usually don't.... burden them with my feelings unless I have to. I cry quite often when I'm alone and the stress gets to me.
Who do you live for? Why?
Adrien - Myself, because throughout this shitty life, I've been pretty much the only one I can trust. (sighs) And yeah, fine, now I live for the twins too, because like it or not I really fucking care about those two gremlins, probably more than I should.
Luke - For my little brother, Riley, and our group of friends.
What style of accessories do you wear? Is it willingly?
Adrien - I like sunglasses, earrings, actual rings, and occasionally a necklace or two. I also like simple makeup - not the glittery one that makes my eyes water with allergies and Zander likes so fucking much - just like, eyeliner, nail polish, lip gloss. I may be broke but I like to look stylish when I can. My personal style is willing. The gaudy and glittery accessories and persona I put on for Zander's stupid show? That shit's not really willing but I don't get a choice, now do I?
Luke - I have a lot of tattoos, most of them on my arms. I also love wearing metal rings with cool designs, and leather and plastic bracelets, and I have a few, small ear piercings. It's willing, and I like having control of my style. It gives me certainty about my personality and I adore that.
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers, @finickyfelix
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid,
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams
@wyked-ao3 and OPEN TAG
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nabaath-areng · 23 days
People I want to get to know better
(Was tagged by @semper-miles and @sealrock, thank you! ♡)
Last Song: 'Fat Fetishism' with The Piass (don't look up without lowering your volume first just in case LOL) (Random tangent but seeing them live will forever be one of the best things I've ever experienced... I need to frame the stickers I put together on my old calendar cover. Honestly I'd love it if I ever got another chance to watch them perform, seeing that they've only done lives since the one I went to back in... oh my god 2012 what IS time—)
Favorite Color: Pinks, preferably light and pastel though I do love hot/neon pink too. Other people usually expect it to be black considering the way I've always dressed IRL (which is to various extents reflected in my OCs), and I do like black! But what I like to put on myself vs what I like to surround myself with (like my room, personal belongings, everyday items etc) differs and therefore I'm overwhelmingly surrounded by pink lol
Currently Watching: ... Honestly I tried to start multiple things many months ago but my ADHD makes watching anything an actual nightmare and if I finish a whole series, especially if it's long? You can bet that I'll barely remember anything orz So I guess in order for me to answer the question should be "what's the last thing you tried to watch" which would be Heavenly Delusion (hoping to finish it but I can only watch things properly in my gf's direct presence and we're long distance sooo...) (Though last year something possessed me and I watched the entire SVSSS donghua start to finish several episodes in a row without losing focus even once and I'm still riding that high. I suppose it helped that I'd already read the whole novel lol)
Last Movie: Movies are a bit easier for me (due to them having a very clear cut run time for me to mentally prepare for beforehand) but they're still subject to the same problems as the previous question... and I think the last one I watched was Ghibli's Castle in the Sky about a year ago or so (my favorite movie also)
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Love all three, could never pick just one!!!! And for that matter, LOVE sour.
Relationship Status: In a relationship with @amberwound !!!!
Current Obsessions: My new desktop and the fact that I can have more than one game installed at a time on it. I've also been stuck in HSR cause something about the combat just scratches my brain in a way I can't explain...
Last Thing in my Search History: 'Svenskt lejon' to show friend lmao
Tagging: @fourfoldfires @amberwound @captainqster @ahollowgrave @mythandral @witcherbatard @apheliondusk @yloiseconeillants @tsupertsundere @draculas-husband @neoma-eltanin @ffxivtribehydrae @tinolqa @magicalyams @unfotp @cytherae-rubin (I bet more than half of these won't actually get properly tagged with no way to correct it cause this always happens when I tag people and this website might just hate me--)
+ anyone else who wants to! Consider yourself tagged by me!
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bots-and-cons · 2 months
I feel bad that I've been venting so frequently lately, but I don't really have anyone to talk to irl right now. Feel free not to read, but if you do, thanks
I'm feeling so damn overwhelmed. I have so many things I'm supposed to be doing, but I can't seem to get started on any of them. I really should start my swedish course, because it's the last summer course I have. I finished the other two courses last week, but I don't really feel any sense of accomplishment and it fucking sucks. There's apparently not really much to do with the swedish course, because one of my classmates got it done in under an hour, which is fucking weird, because it's a 5 credit course and one credit is supposed to be 27 hours of work. I hope it's actually that easy.
I've been having a lot of really weird and violent nightmares, which is also not fun. Also my intrusive thoughts seem to be sort of coming true in my dreams? In addition to the nightmares, my intrusive thoughts have gotten pretty bad and very violent. That has been going on for a couple of weeks now, and I just keep trying to ignore it. The intrusive thoughts just give me a lot of anxiety, and they scare me pretty bad, especially when I'm around other people. Lately it's also been pretty bad with the whole "kill yourself" thought when something goes wrong. Like I drop a spoon and my brain is immediately like, "omg you're such a failure, kill yourself". I don't understand why, because I'm not suicidal atm, not even close, I'm just stressed and overwhelmed. (I put the tw in the tags anyway though)
I hurt my foot like a month ago, probably a stress fracture or something of that sort, but it's now starting to feel better. I refused to go to the doctor about it, because a) I would have had to walk there and b) they would've most likely blamed it on my weight and hadn't actually done anything to help. I'm not saying my weight has nothing to do with it, of course it does. I'm fat, that's just a fact, but often doctors blame everything on my weight and don't look any deeper. It's fucking infuriating, because I know there's something wrong, but the only advice I get is "you should lose weight". I'm sure that would help some of the stuff that I've got, but some people treat it as some miracle cure.
I'm probably not going to do practical training at all this autumn, because I honestly don't feel like I can. I'm wondering if this whole school thing is really even worth it tbh. I don't know if I'm ever going to be able to hold down a full-time job. I would love to be able to work some day, at least part-time, but Idk how realistic that even is.
I've been able to manage school for a year and a half now, and I'm starting to feel pretty burned out. I don't know if I'll make it to next spring without having to take sick leave. I'm honestly fucking scared. I don't want to go into a depressive episode or trigger a more severe psychotic episode again. I've been having some hallucinations lately, and I'm pretty paranoid about a lot of stuff. It's not fun. One thing I've been wondering is what my psychosis actually is? My best guess would be psychotic depression, but I should probably talk about my psych nurse and psychiatrist about it.
I have a hairdresser appointment tomorrow, and I'm kinda nervous, because it's a new place, and I'm gonna have my hair dyed so it's gonna take a while. I'm not very good at spending time at places I don't know or where I haven't been before. The last time I got my hair cut was about a year ago so it's time to do it again. I want my hair shorter again and I decided I wanted to dye it purple. Probably a pretty dark purple because I don't know if I want to have my hair bleached first. Anyway, I feel a bit better having written this out, and I hope I can get an actual fic post out later this week too.
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ltwharfy · 6 months
"Bob's Burgers" Season 9 Episode Ranking Rewatch (Long Post)
So, I've been rewatching "Bob's Burgers" from the beginning and ranking the episodes using the spreadsheet that @babsvibes created! If you want to know why I'm doing this or how I view the 1-5 rating scale, you can check out my Season 1 post! If you want to check out any of the other seasons, I've been using the "bob's burgers episode ranking rewatch" tag for all of them.
Now, on to Season 9:
Tumblr media
Average (Mean) Score: 4.55
Mode (Most Common) Ranking: 5
Ranking Breakdown: 12 5s 10 4s
Season as a whole thoughts:
"Bob's Burgers" is turning nine and it's feeling *uses inhaler* fine!
Seriously, this is just another really excellent season in my opinion. It joins Season 4 and 8 as one of the seasons to not getting any episodes rated lower than a 4, and it's average score is good enough for 4th place of the currently ranked seasons below 7, 4, and 5. In some ways, it reminds me a lot of Season 7- a great mix of humor and heart along with introducing some new characters and other innovations- it's definitely representative of the series at its best, in my opinion.
Some thoughts on specific episodes (and feel free to ask if you want my thoughts on an episode I didn't comment on):
"Just One of the Boyz 4 Now for Now": It's a tough call, but this might be my favorite season premiere and my favorite "musical episode" (ie: one with more than the typical 1-2 songs). All the songs are absolute classics and great parodies of romantic comedy tropes! it's really a brilliant episode. It's hard to name a favorite song, but I think I might have to go with "Friend Zone" just because "Now let's kiss over this cake/'Cause it's your birthday, I guess" always cracks me up. The baby rat subplot is also really fun, and a great use of Hugo. And this episode gives us another (brief) appearance of Louise's Boo Boo crush, which is one of my favorite running gags! A great way to start the season.
"The Taking of Funtime One Two Three": While we're on the subject of great songs (or we were recently) "let an egg roll, from your egg hole" and "if wooly mammoths had had wheels maybe they'd still be around" are among the "Bob's Burgers" song lyrics that are always living in my head. Sadly, I rarely have an occasion to say either of them in conversation. I do like to say "To what end, people?!" occasionally, so thanks for that, Trip. Anyway, this is another classic "The Belcher Kids and their friends have an adventure episode" with a healthy does of Mr. Fischoeder and some fun moments with Yuli the security guard, one of my favorite minor recurring characters.
"Tweentrepreneurs": I love this episode because it helped inspire one of my favorite future career headcanons for Louise (and an outlined multichapter fic I'll probably never write). While taking over the restaurant or being a film director seem like the most obvious future career for Louise, this episode has the biggest of about three canon moments that inspired my "Louise Belcher, future labor union organizer" headcanon. I worked in the labor movement for several years and I just think would Louise would love it- taking on the rich and powerful, helping other people stand up for themselves, causing good trouble- it's a really good fit for her. And here she is, leading a walkout at age 9! (And, given my fondness for her relationship with Rudy, I have to mention that it's her concern for his health that is the final straw leading to the walkout.)
"Nightmare on Ocean Avenue Street": Probably my favorite Halloween episode; definitely has my two favorite Halloween costumes! Rudy and Bob are probably the two characters I relate to the most, and it cracks me up that their costumes in this episode are totally things I would do: "what? It might look like I'm wearing normal clothes, but actually I'm totally Paul Rudd or Bruce Springsteen, can't you tell?!" Also, I don't think I've mentioned before how much I love the guy who's about to throw the candy into the incinerator. He's really one of my favorite one-off characters. Dude just got out of six month coma, doesn't know what day it is, still goes to work...and apparently will just throw anything into the incinerator that anybody tells him to (unless he gets a more compelling reason not to)? I think he might rank second after the "Boyz 4 Now" security guard as my favorite nameless one-off character.
"I Bob Your Pardon": Maybe my third or fourth favorite Thanksgiving episode! I've always had an interested in politics and journalism (I wanted to be a journalist when I was a kid) so this hilarious small town Thanksgiving turkey pardoning scandal really hits a lot of the right notes for me. If I had become a journalist, I definitely would've stolen "Well, somebody better call Huey Lewis because I may have found myself some news" as my catchphrase. And the end credits song is a total banger! "Don't you taint my mayor!"
"Better Off Sled": An excellent Christmas episode! Generally speaking, Louise and Logan's dynamic isn't really my jam, but I enjoy them here. The one-upsmanship of the snowball arms race is a lot of fun, and the "stupid Christmas" ending is sweet but not too sweet and feels totally in character for Louise. Also, I can't help but love this exchange: "Then why does it look like your butt could take a sheet of fresh-baked cookies out of the oven?" "Genetics?" (Kristen Schaal's delivery of "genetics?" is one of at least three times on the series when she absolutely kills me with her delivery of a single word). All that being said, I think Teddy is the real comedic MVP of this episode- pretty much everything he says cracks me up! And I love that Rudy is basically the one who saves the day for the Belcher kids! And Knitcracker, I can't believe I didn't mention Knitcracker yet! (That said, it's still not my favorite Christmas episode since it doesn't involve any references to murder mannequins.)
"The Helen Hunt": I feel like this might be one of my least popular shipping opinions but...I like Teddy/Kathleen! Not in the sense that I want to create fic or art for them, but I just think they are kind of sweet together. Like with Roger and Judy from "Aquaticism" they have that "awkward middle-aged people finding each other" vibe that this awkward middle-aged single person finds appealing. And I think her pretty easygoing, laidback nature is a nice contrast to how stressed out/excitable Teddy can be. And I always enjoy people who watch odd sports! Okay, Teddy/Kathleen aside, I also just enjoyed that they did a followup to "Housetrap", and the father and hot son plumbing duo subplot is so cute! "You, you make plumbing fun..."
"Bed, Bob, and Beyond": One of the things I've noticed in this rewatch, is that I really enjoy the three-story episodes (aka vignette episodes aka triptychs aka who knows what else some folks have called them.) I think what I really enjoy is that the reason for them is always different, and therefore it always says something different about the characters and their situations. it's not just the Simpsons having a trio of non-canon Halloween adventures ever year. I think showing Linda and Bob having a stupid fight, and the kids view of it and their efforts to get them to reconcile, was a really clever use of one of these stories. Also, if I am ever asked to do an English accent, I will likely say "I'm watching footie on the telly in the pubby where the beer is". (Which is probably offensive, so please don't ask me to do that!)
"Every Which Way But Goose": Another thing the rewatch has made me appreciate more: Jimmy Jr. and his relationship with Tina. I never hated J-Ju, but I will say that I probably took him and the Tinimmy relationship for granted- it's been there since almost the beginning but I never really thought much about it. But the rewatch has helped me realize how funny of a character J-Ju is (it's just a really funny voice by H. Jon Benjamin) and how the Tinimmy relationship has given us some really funny episodes- most notably this one and "Ex Mach Tina", which are both all-time classics in my book (and, of course, they play a big role in "Bob Actually" as well, but I like that one for other reasons as well.) To me, it's clear from this episode and others that J-Ju does care about Tina...he's just very much a 13 year old boy. So, he's occasionally thoughtful but more often dumb or oblivious. Also, the end credits song to this one is another classic. I wish I could go to a concert of "Bob's Burgers" music just so I could scream out "secret kiss with Bruce the Goose" with thousands of other excited concert goers, because that is what that lyric deserves, dammit!
"The Gene Mile": So, I recently posted about how much I enjoyed some of the Rudy moments in this one. This is another great "Belcher kids and their friends" adventure; and I really wish that Courtney and Alex had more appearances in stories like this- where they and their relationship with Gene isn't really the center of the story- they are just part of the gang! It's always fun to watch different combinations of the kids have fun together. Also, nice for Large Tommy to get his largest role- going back to Season 1 of the rewatch it's funny to think that he was introduced much earlier than some of Louise's more iconic classmates (Rudy, Chloe, Millie, Jessica, Harley, etc.).
"P.T.A. It Ain't So": I feel like this might be the first example in the rewatch of an episode that really grew on me. A lot of the episodes I've given 5s to were ones I remember loving as soon as I saw them. Or they were "sleeper hits" that I had basically forgotten about before rewatching. This episode I remember when I first saw it, and I remember thinking it was fine but nothing great. But on rewatches I just find myself enjoying it more and more. I really love the Kim and Sons hardware store bird subplot- especially the ridiculous flyer the kids make. Also, it's fun watching the kids play with their pipe in the background (such a great kids being kids moment)! But the PTA stuff is great too- I love the fact that Tammy's Dad is Linda's PTA bestie for some reason! And Linda's idea of Colleen being in the shark suit for the dramatic revelation! And the Bleach Boys! Also, as someone who headed a neighborhood political group for a while, Joanne's line "Do you have any idea how many emails I send a week? No, you don't because no one reads them" resonates with me.
Random thoughts (stuff that doesn't affect the ratings):
-More great new characters continue to arrive on the scene! Hi Susmita! Hi Arnold!
-I would totally watch Randy's movie "A Life, Well, Steved". "And I thought to myself, 'I can't take another hurdle. I think I am that baby turtle.'" That's some beautiful, profound stuff there.
See you in the Season 10 post! It could be pretty soon since I've already watched rated it all- just need time to write!
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frosty-sneasel · 6 months
I guess this is an introduction!
Hello! I'm Lumi.- Or Frosty. The Sneasel's Camellia. You might know me as @battle-subway-ghost's friend lol, I still have his account password and everything! 😉
Accidentally deleted my account, decided to remake it now though. You can't keep me away forever.
Used to be a Pokemon trainer, I've retired from that though. Still sometimes battle if someone asks, but I'm just trying to live a calm life now! ♥
Nowadays I'm a freelance artist/graphic designer (sometimes!) I have my own professional accounts, this rotumblr is just for me to have fun. (If you do want to contact me for commissions though... 👀 [email protected])
Anyways, here's my trainer card!
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My pokemon:
Camellia the Sneasel (♀)
Aspen the Glaceon (♂)
Cookies & Cream the Vanilluxe (⚧)
Zena the Beheeyem (♀)
Hello! @act11as here again! You know the drill- ooc posts will be tagged as such, and will usually have the color green. I don't always do this, as it can be grating to look at after a while.
My rotomblr "hub" account is @battle-subway-aftershow!
Muse is an adult, mod is a minor. Don't be weird, or I'll screenshot your ask and make fun of you with my friends. Into the hall of shame with you.
(Weird: NSFW/Suggestive asks, fetish mining, etc. Do not fucking do these.)
Like my other blogs- All trigger warnings will be tagged as "[word] tw"! This is to make it easier to blacklist things! if I ever miss something or you need me to tag something in specific, shoot me an ask or a dm! I'll try to remember.
Additional warnings: chronic illnesses, hospitalizations, etc. are an important part of Lumi's character! This will be talked about a lot, sometimes more in-depth. They will be tagged accordingly, but if these topics make you uncomfortable, it may be for the best to unfollow!
Guidelines/Rules I guess?
ANY kind of Pokemon Irl blog can interact! Eeby deebies, sapient pokemon, evil teams, whatever! I cannot guarantee that Lumi will be nice to you, (ESPECIALLY an evil team) or believe you.
*Self-Insert fallers, please do not interact. I personally cannot handle these kinds of blogs. Self-insert ocs are fine, but the idea of a real person on rotomblr being isekaid into Pokémon is not.
IN CHARACTER anon hate is perfectly fine! Be an asshole to Lumi! I'm fine with (again, in character) homophobia, whatever. Keep in mind that I won't always respond to these however, especially if they go too far in my eyes.
Pelipper Mail, un-mail, and Malice are always open! Feel free to torment Lumi whenever you so please. (links go to the source posts for all 3 lol)
Musharna mail, (sending dreams) and Musharna malice (sending nightmares) are always on! Once again feel free to torment her.
Magic anons are usually off, unless I specifically specify otherwise!
Organizational tags:
#[nickname] the [pokemon] - Most posts about Lumi's pokemon should be tagged like this.
#Frosty doodles - Doodles, usually MS paint. Probably inconsistently tagged, I forget
#Frosty's actual art - Actual art that may or may not get posted!
#Jore (Jean Lore) - Jean lore... elaborate bit between Mylah, Sprite, and Lumi involving jeans. Yeah I dunno how else to explain this.
#Jylah tag - Lumi's tag for @/tinkatinktrain !
#Jrite my jon - Lumi's tag for @/thatfailedpokemontrainer !
And that's all for now! There'll probably be updates as time goes on, Who knows? :3
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phantomoftheorpheum · 4 months
PLL: OS (Summer School) Finale Predictions
*Spoilers for 2x01-2x07, the final 3 episodes trailer, AND SOME ONLINE BTS AND CONCEPT ART
Okay, I wanted to post my 2x08 predictions early enough in the week that I could hear your thoughts as well. So here they are-
I believe Bloody Rose is a team of minimum 3 people. My best guess is 1 mother who has lost a child (Mrs. Lansgberry, Mrs. Beasley, Dr. Sullivan), 1 film obsessed character (Wes, Christian, not actually dead Chip [though I have some reservations about that last one which I'll talk about in a minute]), 1 additional love interest (Jen, Johnny, Christian, etc.)
I've been saying most of the season that I think the BR team members may have different end goals. I believe someone is attempting to make a movie, but I also believe someone else (in this case, one of the mothers who has lost a child) fully believes their own lore and has a motivation related to their child. As for the love interests, depending on which one is on the team, I believe it would be for different reasons. If it's Christian, I think it's movie related. If it's Jen, I believe it's financially motivated. And if it's Johnny, then I think he must be related to or former friends with Chip (or possibly someone else, but Chip makes the most sense) because I don't believe we've been given any other possible motivation for him.
I think the "mother" of the BR team is attempting to resurrect her dead child. I have to shout out mr.-walkingrainbow for this one, I highly recommend going back and read this ask, because this has completely informed this part of my theory (I would tag you, but I'm about to talk about some concept art that was released in a minute, and since this is extra spoilery, I didn't want to spoil you if you don't want to know), which is based in the use of Christian imagery and the focus on resurrection. To me, this makes the most sense for it to be Mrs. Langsberry attempting to resurrect Chip, because of Tabby being the final, final girl. She has more connection to this storyline if it is Chip-centric. However, some of my lingering questions point more to Dr. Sullivan attempting to resurrect Sebastian.
I believe the BR team is setting up a fall guy for their plot. Or, more accurately, I believe whichever member of the team is making a movie is setting up a fall guy (they may intend for the other members of the team to die). At this point, it feels the most likely that if there is a fall guy, that person is Wes, but it could also be Christian or even Mrs. Beasley.
Characters most likely to die, even if they aren't villains, imo - Johnny, Greg, Shawn, and Henry. Johnny because of the shots from the trailer (though I think this is less likely since I believe an officially affiliated account posted this screen-cap, drawing attention to it, and that feels like a huge spoiler. This has me leaning towards "this is either an Imogen hallucination/nightmare, or he is wounded but not killed"). Greg because it feels like they could be setting him up to die for Faran (however, the fact that we know he's had scenes cut earlier in the season makes me feel less confident about this, since you would think if they were going to kill him off, they'd do their best to make us really care about that first), Shawn because at this point I find myself asking why they even bothered to bring him back for this season, and this could be used as a consequence for Noa's actions, particularly if Jen is a bad guy, and finally Henry because, again, why is he even here? He's had a fall from grace this season so I could see him being killed off to add to the finale body count.
Imogen will stab someone. This may happen in a nightmare or hallucination, or it may be real, but I think this is a "rule of threes" thing and she is stabbing someone in 2x08.
If a dead character is going to be revealed as alive, I think it will be Chip. I'm not convinced that we are getting a "surprise, they're alive!" reveal at all, but if there is one, it makes the most sense for this to be Chip, imo. Chip is connected to Tabby, who is the final, final girl. He is obsessed with horror movies. His mother is a member of the cult. He is the father (biologically only, it feels gross to call this man a father) of Imogen's baby. He died off screen. The actor was brought back for flashbacks and that nightmare scene with Wes, but despite 2x01 opening with all of Archie's kills, we still don't see Chip's death. And he had a great motivation to fake his death, as he was going to be forced to either stand trial or take a plea deal in his r*pe case, which the girls specifically mention not getting the closure of that in 2x01.
OKAY SERIOUSLY SOME SPOILERS FROM ONLINE, NOT THE SHOW OR THE TRAILER, PLEASE STOP READING IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE ANYTHING. ---- However, I think it's more likely Chip is the dead child whose mother is attempting to resurrect him. This feeling comes from some a combo of the concept art (which I think is real because it matches the BTS footage that has been released, though I don't know where the concept art was originally posted or by whom) of the season and the promotional poster. It's been pointed out to me that there appears to be some sort of body underneath the roses that Tabby is kneeling in front of in the promotional poster. In the concept art for 2x08 that is floating around, we see what is presumably Tabby's test location, which is the altar of Kelly's church. On one side, there is a body lying on a bed of roses. There's been some speculation that this is one of Rose's other victims, but... why only one? She's killed at least 4 people that we know of, so why place only one of these on the altar alongside the throne? (The only one I could make an argument for is Pastor Malachi, since he was the pastor of this church). The bed of roses feels like a veneration of this character, which I can't imagine BR doing with any of her victims. I believe this is a loved one, probably her child.
I believe the purpose of the online BR cult and "The Reckoning" is to create big finale action sequences for the film. If someone is making a real life horror movie, you can't exactly advertise that you're looking for extras.
Some Unresolved Stuff That Really Bothers Me
There are a few things that bother me with my own predictions, elements of the story that I don't have a strong explanation for, unless Dr. Sullivan turns out to be the "mother" in my theory. I do want to mention them here, in case any of you have any ideas.
Who/What does the snake in Imogen's poster represent? All of the posters have reflected quite literally the "tests" the girls are going through, except for the snake in Imogen's. The rest of her poster accurately represents her test, so why is there a snake? It seems that this would either be representative of "The Serpent" from the Garden of Eden, possibly whispering to/influencing Imogen. If so, the character that fits this the best would be Dr. Sullivan. Or possibly the snake represents temptation, which could be Johnny. I also noticed that Imogen wears a snake ring in the scene where she threatens to cut off Rebecca's fingers.
What is the connection to Rose Waters, Angela, and Archie? While Chip and his mother would have the most relevance to Tabby specifically, I struggle to see how any of this would connect to the Waters plot. It that seems out of the remaining characters, Dr. Sullivan in the mother with the most connection here.
Who pushed Dr. Sullivan down the stairs? Another unresolved Dr. Sullivan plot point. It feels weird that they've completely dropped this.
The Bloody Rose poster - In the concept art, we see a poster with Bloody Rose and a golden figure (a mother?) above her. I'm far too tired to try to understand what this is referencing.
So, that's it for now. I think I got most of my big predictions out of the way. As always, shoot me an ask if you have any thoughts/theories that you'd like to share!
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jlf23tumble · 1 year
Hiii hope you won’t mind this ask! I just found your blog and i’ve gone over it a bit and I saw you talking about h and l not being together and it made me curious about your larry thoughts!! You can answer in the tags if you don’t want to start discourse but I hope you do answer:((!
I don’t know if you think they’ve been together in the past/never together or just don’t care about it cause scrolling through Tumblr is a nightmare and I can’t see all your posts obviously ahaha but personally I thought they were together and I think they might have broken up in the last year or so. I got a strong sixth sense in general if you could call it that and lately I can sense something is different and I can see some people feel the same but don’t really discuss it openly so I wanted to hear your opinion.
The last thing that made me ‘sure’ they were still a thing while looking at the previous 12 years was harryween with hopelessly devoted to you and then Louis quoting it at his grease fav. After that I can’t really see something that makes me think “at that point they must have been together cause otherwise it wouldn’t make sense”. And paired it up with louis in particular being a bit strange in the last few months and with what you pointed out as well namely Harry doing everything he can to not be even thought to be on tour with L… As I said I don’t know when you started talking about a break up, but do you think that halloween’s occurance was still them being together or teasing each other from a distance or maybe just keeping larries at bay? And would you mind telling me then when you think their situation changed and what you think now? Sorry it’s so longggg and thank you if you take time to answer me <3
Helllllllo, I never mind any kind of ask! Granted, sometimes I might not answer but only because I'm overwhelmed, or it's the same ask in a row, or I'm not loving a sentence, or I just don't feel like it, or I think a bathroom shot is more appropriate, lmao, but this one? I got all the time in the world for you…so much so that I'll put it under the cut, since the ask is long enough itself, as shall the answer be!
Welcome to this mess, and wow, I'm so bowled over you even tried to scroll, I know trying to search tumblr.biz is a loser's lover's game, even for the loser lover who wrote it, so I won't even bother, but we can start fresh!
So my thoughts: Hell yeah, I think these two were together back in the day, probably almost immediately (see: the entire x-factor scandale with the blinds about all the fucking, the stairs interviews, ALL OF IT, screammmm). I don't know how long or even IF they were strictly monogamous, they were in a pressure cooker situation of near-constant contact with each other for five years, but I do think it eventually morphed into something open and/or then into a messy on again/off again situationship. That’s my current stance today, in fact—c'est messy!!!!
I’ll do the usual caveat that none of us actually KNOWS them, though, or what went down, we're only looking at what we see (and hear) and making a wild guess, and yet! Plenty of people see (and hear) the same thing and opt for a crazy reach with their whole chest, all to justify something happening between teenagers 13 years ago as if NOTHING would or could have changed since then. And some of those reaches make literally no sense, or they wash away anything that gets too close to that third rail of cognitive dissonance, the proverbial fingers in ears, lalalalala. I saw it recently on a post I made about clingy Harry with a stranger on the drunk WeHo trolley, with someone in the tags going, wait, I’ve never seen this! Of course you haven’t, that’s what an echo chamber does, bb!
Personally, I don't get that mindset—what’s so wrong about learning life is tough and things change for two literal strangers? Sure, we all love love and want the best for them, but shit happens in real life, too. Maybe it's easier to latch onto made-up receipts or straight up call a blue a green, but I think a big aspect of it is also the need to be right, to show you aren’t crazy, it’s real, and that gets frequently mixed in as being “supportive,” like you're some kind of homophobe if these two break up, as if two men fucking two other men somehow isn't worthy of your “support." But I’m here to say those two things actually can exist, something can be true in the past and not be true today, and it doesn’t negate the past bit, shocking, right?
Anyway, I digress. I feel like your sixth sense is on the money, and I'd love to hear more about it, either message me here or dm me about what tips you into that direction (hey!) because I feel like there is SO MUCH THAT DOES, yet few people really get into it. To me, it’s just a lot of content, so much content, the bare minimum being lyrics in multiple songs across a shit ton of albums, both solo and the very last 1D one. At this point, to me, Larry “proofs” sound insane (he wore green pants, they're MARRIED!!!!!), and part of me is like, kudos to you, Mr. Tomlinson, jesus loves you more than you will know, etc. Even that Harryween outfit of which you speak feels like a reach of a reach, a callback of a reach, mostly because it’s also not that deep, Grease isn't some tiny film nobody's seen, it's actually a remarkably easy group costume, AND it references things that could be nostalgic to two sets of people (larries and larry). I actually feel like these two at this point are either a) signaling to each other in some kinda way, like that monitor edgeplay shit they used to do (which works if you're together or apart, I might add), or b) cashing in some of that green blue green, if you feel me. And again, both of those could be true at once, they don't cancel each other out. I have two hands, I can hold a lotta thoughts!
It’s at this point where I start bangin’ the drum for garries because gaylors have it dead easy—you can be a gaylor and think that kaylor was a thing, but it doesn’t mean it’s STILL a thing to you, so whither garries!? I just don’t think a lot of today’s larries do themselves any favors by doubling down and driving out anyone who has questions. For the big ones, there’s no room for even whispering, hey, yeah, they were together, but they might have broken up, maybe??? It’s, like, NO!!! They’re mawwwwwwied, #husbands, they’ve only fucked one person, each other, let’s jump through a hoop that says Louis wearing green sweats is so LOUD (I’m not listening to lyrics, though, lalalalalala)!! It’s tragic and frankly dumb, but if you want to wallow in the persecution complex of it all, “everybody hates us ☹ (including Louis),” I guess the option is there, the whole us vs. them of it all that I’m just personally not into.
But I do feel like there’s some hope, it’s nice to see people coming around to the idea that, yeah, they WERE together and maybe they aren’t anymore, but it’s okay, it’s not the end of the world! It wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows, maybe they’ll reunite someday, or maybe it’s a goddamned hot mess, but you know what? Not my circus, not my monkeys! Granted, that part is harder for people who are mutuals with those who will not tolerate doubts even for a second—I just hope they venture off and find the other chill people, u know, the ones a lot of larries wish they saw on their dashes instead of hand-wringers, uh oh, oops, reaping = sowing.
I’m sorry, I’m ramblin’ here, let’s get back to your questions at the end of your ask! Do I think Harryween was them together or teasing each other or keeping larries at bay? Hmmmm, maybe a secret fourth thing: easy costume, easy global reference, and it’s not gonna keep larries at bay, lmao. Idk, man, for all we know (which, again, is literally nothing, nobody’s getting 24/7 content for 5 years straight anymore, such a bitter pill to swallow), maybe Grease is a fave movie of someone who’s in the new band, maybe Harry’s got a close personal friend who’s into it, too, maybe Louis's not the only guy in the world Harry’s dated who’s obsessed with Danny Zuko.
As for when do I think their situation changed, I think Eleanor was a big clue, breakup no. 1 was probably around their own breakup no. 1, she was an amazing proxy in so many ways, but I’m sure there were rifts and spats along the way (it even seeped into interviews that get written off as cute funsies or else are outright ignored because nobody watches beyond the gif format). I follow at least one person who talks about the '15 promo tour as giving very recent breakup energy, yet still has some fwb vibes, which means it's AWKWARD in spots, and I can see that. It would also explain why they were suddenly able to "sit together,” lol. Anyway, yes, that breakup (both times) was a big sign, I think no more peace ring was a HUGE sign, I think the writeups by Rob Sheffield (both of them, actually), especially the last paragraph of the Fine Line cover story was a NEON sign, and I think the last four albums by both of them spell it out, underline it, bold it, AND italicize it super clearly, but those are just the easy pickings (see also: Harry biking around daily to prove he’s not in Poland, Greece, etc., and the response is always, “We don’t know what day this was,” lmao).
What I think now is up above! I think it’s messy! Complicated! They aren’t #married! Now is that a forever thing? Who’s to say, and more importantly, who’s to really care on a “does this impacts my daily life in some kind of financial or spiritual way,” see further: circus, monkeys. I get that it’s easy to say, I interact with a lot of other people who don’t care and won't ostracize me for being a doubting Susan with my ~controversial thoughts and UOs. But there are those with faith in the future, so maybe it is as it was…hehe, oh me. I amuse myself, at least. Sorry this is an epic reply, and that it’s days late, I hope it gives you what you wanted to know! Anyone sending me garbage will get a bathroom response, peace and love.
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vcshstampede · 1 year
Tumblr media
name: "Vash!"
eye color: "A sky blue, I guess??"
hair style/color: "It's sort of all over the place, but blond!"
height: "Etto.... I haven't measured myself in a while...? I-I'm not sure, but I do know I haven't gotten any taller! I'll take a guess. Let's see.... I'll say..... 5'9"!"
clothing style: "I love my red long-coat! It's very distinguished, hehe. Oh but, let's see what else... I guess I just wear regular pants, & boots too? My glove as well. Heat doesn't bother me too much."
best physical feature: "Aaah you're gonna make me all shy! Etto.... I don't know ahaha! I've never been asked this before.... Today I'll pick, my smile!"
your fears: "Nai."
your guilty pleasure: "So you're asking what I enjoy that I think others would shun me for, huh? Etto..... let's see..... mmmn I guess I like Worms more than the average human would? Er I mean, that I find them fascinating! Even the bigger ones, though they're kinda frightening, I just wanna, learn more about them too."
your ambitions for the future: "I don't really plan that far ahead ahahaha.... etto... let's see... I just want to live my life! & Enjoy it with the ones I cherish. So I guess, travelling and meeting new people??"
your first thoughts waking up: "I should stretch and have some water."
what you think about most: "Ahaha, that's very, etto, private you know? It's, a lot of different things! For now, I'll pick.... Nai."
what you think about before bed: "I hope I won't have any nightmares."
what you think your best quality is: "Eeeh this is an interesting question! Etto.... I guess it's my ability to.... hmmm.... actually, I don't know how to answer this ahaha.... sorry!!"
single or group dates: "Eeeeh a date huh? Ahaahaha~ Um! Let's see..... I-I dunno! I've never thought about that before~."
to be loved or respected: "Both."
beauty or brains: "A soul~."
dogs or cats: "I can't choose they're both so great... oh I know! Worms!"
lie: "Etto.... yeah.... I mean I think everyone does, to certain extents. I try my absolute best not to but sometimes little white lies have to be told. You know?"
believe in yourself: "I try my best."
believe in love: "1000%, I'll always believe in love. It's the greatest source of power there is out there!!"
want someone: "I want people to be happy."
been on stage: "An actual stage? Etto... I guess! In a manner of speaking."
done drugs: "Oh I've taken medicine before yes."
changed who you were to fit in: "In subtle ways, yes."
favorite color: "Green!"
favorite animal: "Worms!"
favorite movie: "I used to make little movies with Nai when we were kids, do those count?"
favorite game: "Hide and seek, or tag!"
day your next birthday will be: "Ahahaha, I actually don't remember my own birthday! Sorry! I don't really see a need to celebrate it anymore, you see? It's just another day, to me!" 
how old will you be: "Old, hehe, surprised?"
age you lost your virginity: "Huh?! Ahahahaha, never! No! Sorry! Next, please!!"
does age matter: "For what?"
best personality: "Etto, I guess that depends.... I like a lot of different people for a lot of different reasons. For now, I'll say... determination!"
best eye color: "It's hard to choose, I guess I'll say... blue!"
best hair color: "Hair colour??? Etto... I don't really keep track... most people have brown hair, right? So I'll say that!"
best thing to do with a partner: "Smile."
i love: "humanity."
i feel: "like going for a run!”
i hide: "until things calm down."
i miss: "Rem."
i wish: "I could have stopped things before it got so bad."
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quillsmora · 2 years
2022 year in review
thanks for tagging me @novasforce!
Number of stories posted to AO3: 6
Word count this year: 20,977 according to my AO3 stats, but there are probably a few thousand more in cut scenes and scrapped WIPs that didn't end up being posted.
Fandoms I wrote for: Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies) and Marvel Cinematic Universe. Pairings: Every work I posted this year featured Gamora/Peter Quill and one with a dash of Gamora & Nebula. Stories with the most: – Kudos: stakes are high, water's rough (but this love is ours) – makes sense as it's the work I updated the most this year + there weren't many other new stories in the starmora tag on ao3 when it first started. – Bookmarks: same as above, surprisingly half of them are private. – Comment threads: also the same, again there being 10 chapters already def helps boost the number of comments. – Word count: once again, this love is ours sweeps with nearly 10k words.
Work(s) I'm most proud of (and why):
– tangled up with you all night: my first true attempt at writing smut. it was terrifying and probably took the longest to edit but with some help from a good friend of mine I was able to figure it out. I actually have no idea if it's good or not, guess I'll find out in a few months when going back and reading it won't give me the ick about my own writing.
– better off as lovers (not the other way around): maybe it's because it's the most recent work I've posted but I'm so excited about this. not only because I'm writing this for a friend but because for once I actually have the whole thing planned out, I just need to actually write it.
– kiss (chapter 6 of this love is ours): probably the best writing I did this year.
Work(s) I'm least proud of (and why): I wouldn't say I'm not proud of any of my works, but there are definitely a few I think are not my best if that makes sense.
Share or describe a favorite review you received: There are quite a few, I love any comment in general but my favorites tend to be the ones that respond to my rambles in author's notes or don't know much about stamora/the guardians but are still able to enjoy the story. knowing I've inspired someone to read more of my favorite team is the greatest compliment I could ever receive. I also love when Zoe remembers to comment on my works instead of containing their keyboard smashes in my DMs.
A time when writing was really, really hard: Anytime this past month. Real life and family have just been taking up the majority of my time and when I do find some to write I have zero motivation. Also again trying to write smut from a man's POV which I for some reason thought would be easier since I'm a lesbian but it was not lmao.
A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: Rocket's dialogue actually being in character in the first chapter of this love is ours. going back and rereading it I can hear bradley cooper's drunk new jersey uncle accent in my head.
A favorite excerpt of your writing: from chapter 6 of this love is ours
Gamora tells herself that this late night visit is no more than a friendly gesture towards a friend in mourning. She understands the tremendous loss Peter has suffered these past few days, and the nightmares and internal blame it brings upon someone. She also knows that despite him having told the others he would be fine earlier that night, Peter needed someone to be there for him, whether he knew that or not.  It’s a thoughtful, completely normal thing for a friend to do. So why is her heart pounding in her chest as she stands outside his quarters? Because they aren’t strictly friends anymore, there’s something else there now that Gamora’s made the “thing” a spoken one. She’s never had a romantic relationship before, hell she’d practically never had a platonic relationship before meeting him. Whatever this thing between them was is now uncharted territory, and Gamora has never been one to sail risky waters.
How did you grow as a writer this year? I actually wrote. before august it had been over five years since I had posted fanfiction and maybe three or four since I tried writing any. it's been a great outlet for me these past few months and I'm so thankful for it because I probably would have gone crazy without that.
How do you hope to grow next year: write more obviously. branch out and try posting for different fandoms to get out of my comfort zone if inspiration strikes.
Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc): the gotg hive group chat, specifically: kate, maggie, zoe, vic, and claire. I wouldn't have posted half the stuff I did this year without their support and nagging. mera who helped me tweak my smut and the rest of my friends who aren't that into gotg/marvel but still read my works and support me. taylor swift for her endless supply of title inspiration, and pete wentz for his obsession with writing songs about that sunset he watched with mikey way for inspiring better off as lovers.
Anything from your real life show up in your writing: my love for Britney Spears made a cameo or two, as well as drawing on some of my own fears of love and commitment and experiences with loss and grief to help understand the mindsets of certain characters.
Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: write whatever the fuck you want because no one else is going to cater exactly to you but yourself! don't worry about stats because they genuinely do not matter and are not a reflection of the quality of your work!! have fun!!!
Any projects you're looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: I'm aiming to finish this love is ours before Vol 3 and better off as lovers by march or april. I'm so excited to start working on prompt fills for @starmoraweek2023! The release of Vol 3 will for sure be a flood of inspiration for all types of different stories whether the movie ends up being good or bad (I'm really, really hoping for good). I also want to post at least one completely bugborg centric work this year because they are criminally underrated and I want to write more sapphics! There are quite a few fandoms I'd like to give a shot at writing for, mainly sitcoms and such, but I'm not sure if I'll actually get to those.
Tag some writer's who's answers you'd like to read: @godblessgamora & @rocketnebulas ❤️
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Find the Word Game I
I was tagged six hundred years ago by people on my former blog, and I wanted to do it anyway. For prosperity, I guess. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Besides, I'll just make up my own ftw posts if I gotta 😂 my words: attempt, forget, experience, muffle, rot, dive, spin, serene, rain, goodbye, swear, pause, high, shiver, hum, touch, taste tagging: @sleepy-night-child, @drippingmoon, @pertinax--loculos, and anyone who happens to stumble upon this lmao
attempt (Rebirth)—
Thrive stirred beside him and his eyes opened as well. He was always able to wake up instantly, a trait that made Warren jealous any other time but was a relief at the moment. "...Are you alright?"
Warren pulled the top sheet up and over, wrapping it tightly around himself as he shivered uncontrollably. "I don't know what just happened."
"A nightmare?"
"Yeah, I guess."
Thrive moved his head on the pillow so he could look up at him, and he placed a hand on his arm. At first Warren thought it was an attempt to comfort him, but after a moment he realized he wanted to search through his mind, his emotions. "...That wasn't a nightmare."
"They're close," Warren said. The wood of the headboard felt too chilled against his bare back. "They're gonna find us soon."
forget (Meridian)—
"Don't say sorry to me," Warren whispered, pulling himself together the best that he could. "I love you, too, Guetry. Okay? You've been the best friend I've ever had, and I'm never going to let myself forget you."
"I'm very hard to forget, babe." Guetry smiled. "I want you to take care of Scotty for me. If he gives you lip, just backhand him."
"Gonna be a little hard to do when he doesn't have a body."
The watery hollowness of Guetry's eyes found him and pinned him with every assurance of his life. "...I'm giving him one."
experience (Warpath)—
Warren, suddenly very interested, perked up at this. "...No, finish the thought," he said. "If it were up to you…what? If it were up to you, Thrive would go back to being a regular citizen much easier for you to control, is that right?"
"Those were not the words that left Delegate Sinkship's mouth, for the record," one of her snottier lawyers said.
"But it's what you were thinking." Warren pushed forward in his seat, and he could feel Thrive's eyes on him. "He would have to abide by every one of your arbitrary rules and the idea of him rebelling would have been a distant sparkle in the collective consciousness."
Sinkship leveled him with a dark glare. "Some would say that's somewhat been the experience for a handful of decades, now."
Warren did smile, then. He slowly got to his feet. "I think it's only been one decade, actually."
A Consortium attorney sighed. "Please clarify for the court, Your Highness."
"Gladly." Warren leaned his hands onto the table. "Thrive's had virtually no issue being king until Delegate Sinkship took office, or, more accurately, all of the pushback he's received has been solved with a conversation or a compromise. Interestingly, that leads me to a pretty fun question…" He lifted his gaze to her. "Why does the human delegate have such sway over the others?"
muffle cover (Aurora)—
Warren watched with Sussa as Thrive used the projection panel to create a volumetric adversary, a custom foe with projectiles that could likely simulate the unpredictability of the Emmuli. Thrive evaded every shot, hit every target more than once in the span of seconds, and still had energy to keep going.
He stood at the center of the room as the panel beeped to countdown another wave of projectiles. The thin layer of perspiration on his temples caught the light and his eyes darkened with the degree of his focus, and he swung his arms, bringing his hands together into what was anticipated to be a thunderous clap that instead came off silent, like he’d acted within the vacuum of space. He pulled his palms apart, curled his fingers, clutched something unseen.
The projector fired and he sprang upward, twisting to avoid the blank, throwing an arm to pitch from his hand a powerful blast of force that produced a sound not unlike a jet breaking the sound barrier.
Warren covered his ears and ducked to avoid the shower of glass from the window, the floor vibrating beneath his feet and the air trembling around them. He felt Sussa grab at him to move him away from any immediate danger, but it was over as quickly as it had happened. He snapped his wide gaze from the pieces of glass on the tile to Thrive, an unforgiving high-pitched ringing lingering in his head.
rot (Rebirth)—
The amber halo of change coursed over him, encapsulating him, and he may as well have submerged himself into a pool of magma. He shot out of his seat, dropping to his knees on the floor as the change burned his muscles, ate away at his bones. His blood roared through his ears, the audible, soul-sucking squelch of his morphing skin sending a rolling wave of nausea through his gut.
The damage he'd done had festered, become a rotting and dying wound. He fell against the window, fully natural, taking his time to recover.
He summoned the syringe off of the surface of the desk with a shaking hand and let the pain fade into a dull throb in his ligaments, allowing the cool glass of the window to work overtime to relieve him of his sudden fever. His strength already dropped significantly, and for a moment he didn't even recognize his own hands.
Long, thin, an extra joint on each finger for added flexibility. Rust-red, marred by taut brown scars etched into his skin. Words in Solnai stretched across his hands, up his arms. He ran a hand over his gaunt chest, feeling the raised marks under the forgiving material of his tunic. He had covered every inch that he could reach himself, and each disfigurement reminded him of another moment in his life that he would rather forget but couldn't.
dive (Aurora)—
"Shit, guess I should just dive into it. Okay, so...when I was in prison, they sometimes let us leave."
Warren's eyebrows shot up. "What? Really?"
Guetry cleared his throat. "Yeah. It was monitored...to a point. They had trackers on us that would alert the monitors if we left the established areas or whatever, and my established area was back home. I spent about three weeks there, at my dad's place in the States, kind of under house arrest. I didn't leave much—I couldn't leave much as I was pretty immobilized due to a considerable absence of Scotty. I could still walk at that point for the most part—I mean I had some shitty days—but with Dad back in France and not being able to leave the house, things were...difficult.
"Anyway," Guetry continued, waving the tangent away, "I...did a few shitty things. And you already know about one or two of them."
Warren glanced at Thrive, who'd folded his arms over his desk. "The reaver rock?" he asked gently.
"Yeah. I started using again and having secret gatherings and things kinda felt normal for a minute before I was hauled back to the cube. For better or for worse." He paused, nervously wiping his hands on his black jeans. "Dated someone very briefly."
Warren and Thrive remained silent to let him have the floor.
spin (Eternal)—
They convened on the bridge nearly an hour later, Guetry and Mercury patting Warren on the good shoulder while Quincy, Varussa, and Emnophene gathered on the other side. A feed of Alec watching the viewscreen took up the corner of the window, and taking up the rest of the view was the Ingress Gate, the arms joining and the inner mechanics starting to spin so the portal would open.
"There she is," Guetry muttered.
"It's way bigger than that demonstration made it look," Warren said.
The bridge was bathed in deep red light as the machinations spun faster and energy crackled across each arm. They joined in the center, a white ball of light growing larger and spreading outward into a bright circle.
Warren looked at Thrive and took his hand. "Whatever happens here," he said quietly, "I'm with you."
Thrive met his eyes. "...Thank you."
serene (un)comfortable (Meridian)—
Warren ignored the bile rising in his throat and waited for Thrive to say something, or to stop staring at the remains of ———, or to move on.
But all he did was stare at it. For minutes.
"Mark where you found it and keep going," Warren said. "Thrive. Keep moving."
Thrive shot the ground next to the arm with a tracker holo and peeled his gaze away. His silence made Warren uncomfortable, but he couldn't bring himself to try to alleviate it. The pain was too great.
Thoeala and Calen had come down to help, completely shaken at the horrors of the scene. They combed the crater, too, and though they did their best to stay present, Warren could hear Thoeala's wails of grief from where they stood.
They marked all of the remains they could find, and it took them hours. By the end of it, all Warren wanted to do was curl up in a ball and sleep forever, but the hardened look on Thrive's face and his cold, silent demeanor kept him on edge.
rain (Aurora)—
He lifted himself to his knee using the spear as leverage before it vanished. Tears like molten obsidian marred his dirt-smudged face, ran down his collar, untouched by the rain. As Warren continued to bellow at him, his pupils radiated intense amber. Get Up.
A subtle radiance enveloped him, mingled with the black mist. His eyes burned with fire, boiling the air. The smoke doubled in an effort to keep him down as he shakily got to his feet. Get Up.
Warren shouted at him, supplied him with his resolve, fed him every ounce of willpower he had left. Thrive took several deep breaths, planted firmly on the ground, bearing the worst of the Emmuli attacks. Stabs of impossibly sharp smoke into every inch of his skin. He held his trembling hands in front of his face, scrutinizing the mud and rain and perhaps the heat radiating off of him in visible waves, wore the sentient darkness like a weighted cloak, glowered at Torris' phantom sun, eyes lanterns amongst the eternal night, taking jab after jab into his torso, shoulders, waist, arms, legs.
He was suddenly the picture of terrifying power. Seeping with light and strength, the air crackled with energy and the pang of ozone and burnt sulfur coated the scene.
goodbye (Meridian)—
"I am...regretful, I think," Scot said softly, moving his hand to Warren's wrist. "I wish I could have touched him. Even once."
"Yes." Scot's face showed no emotion, though his eyebrows subtly pinched together. It wasn't clear if that was due to the strangeness of making facial expressions or if he'd hid his feelings on purpose. "I never imagined that I would be envious, let alone of living things, but I find myself...wishing. For time with him like this. Where I could touch him."
He trailed his fingers up Warren's arm, and even as the gesture evoked deep intimacy, Warren experienced no discomfort. Only sympathy. And thinking of Guetry as he was forced to then, he missed him terribly.
"I'm so sorry you didn't get a chance to say goodbye," he murmured.
Scot grasped Warren's arm. "I am, too."
swear (Aurora)—
"Once again," Delegate DeCosta said, dipping the top half of her body into a respectful bow, "thank you for accepting our invitation into the Consortium."
Thrive observed the other delegates, all bowing—even Ommy, who still had their signature knowing smile plastered to their face. Mydhassa was proud. Latx had the tips of her fingers pressed against her forehead in a traditional nuaclan show of respect.
He was only a little disappointed that Warren couldn't make it to his swearing-in ceremony, as small and unassuming in DeCosta's office as it blissfully had been. His presence would've been appreciated, but if he were to be honest with himself, even he didn't want to be there, so it didn't tear him up to be there alone.
Glancing over his shoulder at the bowing assistants and security behind him, he began to develop a strange sensation of something being amiss. He turned his attention back to delegates.
"...Why is everyone bowing," he asked, brows knitting together.
pause (Aurora)—
Thrive took a beat's pause. "I'm conflicted about whether I should be flattered or insulted that you assume I can't look after myself."
"That's not the point." DeCosta suddenly looked hardened, tired. A semblance of emotional weakness peeked through, and when she blinked, her dark eyes shone with empathy. "We have no doubt that you are able to hold your own; you've proven yourself time and time again. The point is that we don't think you should have to anymore. We're in this together, this galaxy, even if some of us don't want to be. The Emmuli isn't Hyret. It's not Ysha, it's not Elygro, it's not even the eliyi. We are all in danger. Every single one of us, every side of that godforsaken war, the good, bad, and monstrous. And we're dealing with something we couldn't even think of going up against without you, not just because you're unattainably powerful, but because...whether you want to be or not, you're one of us now. And you're our last hope."
Warren felt the weight of her words as if they'd been said to him. An unexpected blanket of sadness dropped onto his shoulders, and he slumped his head, hands in his hair within the silence that followed.
high(ness) (Meridian)—
Five months passed, uneventful. Warren took to visiting Scot on the Node every few weeks, helping him apply for housing, getting him counted as a citizen of the Milky Way. On one particular trip to his apartment, Warren was faced with an interesting development regarding Scot's budding personality.
"Oh." Warren froze as Scot answered the door, taking in his new look. He eyed the white blazer with the sleeves pushed up, the black turtleneck, and the round black gems nestled in his earlobes with surprise. "Fuck me, the android's hot."
"Your Highness."
Warren held up a warning finger. "You get one of those."
Scot stepped back to let him inside the apartment. "I'm attempting to determine what style of clothes I appreciate more. Could I ask for your assistance?"
"Yeah, I've got a minute."
shiver (Eternal)—
[Thrive] got inside the vehicle, pulling Warren up with him, and closed the door. In an instant, oxygen filled the space and Warren was gulping in as much as he could. He became dizzy from the effort, but he ignored it in favor of not dying. A violent shiver overtook him as he sat in the alcove that was big enough to hold at least six grown humans squeezed together.
"If I get frostbite on my balls, I'm cutting yours off," he said, hugging himself.
"Feel free. I don't need mine," Thrive replied distractedly, acclimating to the vehicle controls. "They're a hindrance and a tactical flaw anyway."
hum (Meridian)—
He pressed the glass cylinder into Thrive's shoulder and depressed a button at the top. A hissing sound from the device coincided with the one Thrive made, and Gouna replied with a speculative hum as the barrel filled with blood.
"...That should not have hurt as badly as it apparently did," he said evenly.
"Any theories?" Warren asked.
Gouna looked at Corin. "Not really. A virus, potentially. The speed and intensity in which Efthim froze over would've made anyone sick. I'm surprised you're not showing any symptoms."
Corin swabbed the inside of Thrive's cheek. "Big bad ——— men don't get viruses. Anymore," he added quickly after a quick glance to Warren. "Viruses scared of big bad ——— men."
touch (Warpath)—
Bursting through the doors to the comm hub they were met with several bodies bustling about, including Thoeala, who shoved a tablet at Warren as soon as he arrived. The conference room opened and Warren got a glimpse of the information scrolling on the screen of the tablet before striding to a chair at the head of the ring-shaped table and sitting down.
"Damn it," he grunted, spotting the casualties list. "Get as many of the other delegates as you can, Vriea. Safely. I don't want any targets on their backs that aren't already permanently tattooed there."
"On it," she said, jumping to the console in the corner of the room.
Warren caught his breath as he read. "...Sinkship's family?"
"One of her grown children is in intensive care, her daughter," Hondris said, swooping into a seat a couple of spots down from Warren. "It doesn't look good for her, though...last I'd heard it was touch-and-go and she's having emergency surgery."
"What the hell happened?" Warren asked her.
taste (Rebirth)—
Warren broke off a tiny curled leaf and placed it on his tongue, which instantly started to tingle and heat, prickling his taste buds with a capsaicin-quality bite. "Ooh…yikes. That's..."
Thrive observed his reaction. "Mistake?"
"No, no, it's fine," Warren coughed, his eyes watering. "Man, I thought I could handle spices. I don't think this is for eating."
Thrive placed a small leaf on his own tongue and narrowed his eyes. "This is a drug."
Warren stopped outside of their quarters and turned to him, the worst of the heat already over. "I'm sorry, what?"
"Well…a pharmaceutical. It's normally used as an herb or a spice, but when sun-dried it can be prepared as an analgesic with mild psychoactive properties. Commonly imbibed by mixing into a hot beverage, such as a lenayan tea, or blended into a thick cream to add to soups or stews."
There was a curious beat in the corridor.
"So…" Warren murmured, suppressing his maniacal grin, "how do you know that?"
Thrive placed another leaf on his tongue and winked, squeezing past him to step into their room. Warren let out an impish laugh.
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rogeriswater · 2 years
Don’t Leave Me Now
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This work contains fictionalized versions of real events and people. Most details won’t be accurate to real life.
tags for this chapter: p.o.v changes, mentions and acts of abuse (physical, verbal), implied smut
December, 1968
The tour had come to end just in time for the holidays. As soon as we got home, I went to go see a divorce lawyer and got the papers I needed. That was the easy part. The hard part would be getting Billy to sign them. I wasn't gonna show him during Christmas. I'm not cruel. I kept the envelope locked in my drawer where I kept all my love poems and letters to Roger.
Tonight, Roger's mother had insisted on having me over for dinner and Roger mentioned that she had wanted me to bring Billy as she wanted to meet him. It took some convincing to get Billy to agree to go but he did. I was currently sitting at my vanity, doing my make up when the phone began to ring.
"I'll get it!" Billy announced. He walked behind me, still buttoning up his dress shirt. The phone's ringing came to a halt when Billy answered it. "Hello? Mother! How are you?"
I rolled my eyes. If you think your mother-in-law is terrible, just wait until you get to know Gertrude Robinson. That woman is the literal embodiment of a nightmare. She's always hated me from the day Billy first introduced me to his parents, all because I wasn't rich and fancy like his family is. Billy's father, Winston, was a little more tolerable. He didn't treat me like I was complete trash. I listened as Billy conversed with his mother on the phone.
"Of course I'll be at your New Years party. Yes, I'll be bringing Maggie. Do you still need a musical act for the night?" My eyes widened. Don't suggest it. Don't suggest it. Don't suggest it. "Well I happen to know of a band that might just be willing to perform. They go by Pink Floyd" I groaned, slamming my head down on the vanity. He suggested it. "Actually Maggie is the lead vocalist. They're really great. You will? That's great! I'll let her know"
When Billy returned to our bedroom, he wore the biggest grin on his face. "Guess what? My mother is gonna let you and the rest of Pink Floyd play at her party!" My head shot up and I glared at him through the mirror. He noticed my look of disapproval and rubbed the back of his neck. "Look, I know you and my mother don't get along—"
I let out a sarcastic laugh. "That's an understatement"
"But," Billy came up behind me, placing his hands on my shoulders. "She'll be willing to pay you guys for it. Do you think the others would be willing to go for it?" David, Nick, and Rick might, but I wasn't so sure about Roger. He would take a bit of convincing, especially if it's doing anything for Billy.
"You can discuss it with Roger when we see him tonight" I said.
Billy smiled at me and then kiss my head. "You're the best wife any man could ask for"
I pursed my lips. "I thought I was an ungrateful bitch"
Billy frowned. "Look, I really am sorry that I called you that. You know I didn't mean it" I didn't respond to him. Whether he meant it or not, he still said it to me. "I have a Christmas present for you. I think once I give it to you, you'll forgive me"
Billy walked over to his bedside table and reached into the drawer. He pulled out a box and then walked back over to me. He kneeled by my side and opened up the box, revealing the most beautiful diamond necklace I had ever seen. "Oh, Billy" I said in amazement, my stomach fluttering at the sight of his lavish gift.
"Do you like it?" He asked.
"How...?" I let my fingers run along the expensive jewelry. "How did you afford this?"
"I got a promotion at work and it came with a big pay raise" I gave him a look. "I didn't use any of your Pink Floyd money, I swear"
"When did you get a promotion?" I asked.
"While you were on tour. I wanted to call and tell you but you were busy"
I smiled slightly. "That's great Billy. I'm really happy for you"
"Can I put it on you?" He asked, and I nodded. He stood behind me and I moved my hair out of the way so he could put the necklace on me. Once it was secured, his hands went to my shoulders again and he rubbed them. "You're so beautiful" Fuck, why did he have to play sweet with me? And why was it making me feel happy and loving towards him again? I placed my hands over his. "I love you, Maggie. I always have and I always will"
"I love you too" I wasn't sure if I meant the words when I said them or not. I craned my neck to look up at him and his lips immediately captured my own in a kiss. A kiss without a spark. That was my assurance that my "I love you" was meaningless.
He ran his fingers over my knuckles and frowned when he felt that my ring was missing. "My love, where's your ring?"
"It was stolen while we were on tour" I lied convincingly.
"What kind of person steals a wedding ring?" Billy asked to which I shrugged. "No matter, we can get new rings when we renew our vows" Ah shit, I forgot all about that.
We were to be having a Christmas dinner with my mother tonight. She insisted that Maggie bring Billy along. God only knows why my mum wanted to meet him so badly. I had a feeling she wanted to see if he was right for her, I suppose.
"Remind me again why Maggie has to join us for dinner?" Judy asked me for what felt like the tenth time that evening. "I thought it was just supposed to be you, me and your mum like it always is"
"Because my mum wants her to be there" I said, not taking my eyes off of the paper I was writing on. I felt Judy sit beside me on the couch. She leaned against me.
"It's Christmas dinner tonight. For once can you focus on anything but writing?"
"Jude, you know these songs have to be ready in just a few weeks"
She sighed. "I know, I know. Back in the studio" When she got up and left the room, I was relieved at her absence. I was planning on ending things with Judy in just a matter of days. I didn't love her anymore. Not like I used to anyways. A part of me will always care for her, however. Judy had come back, only this time she was smiling as she was hiding her hands behind her back. "Rog, is this what I think it is?"
I stared up at her and blinked in confusion. "What are you taking about?"
Judy revealed the box that she was holding behind her back. I filled with anger as I realized what she was holding. How did she find it!? I made sure to put it where I knew she wouldn't look. "Roger, it's a beautiful ring! And you don't even have to ask me, my answer is yes!"
No. No. No. No.
I watched as Judy slipped the ring onto her finger. It irritated me. That ring was meant for Maggie when I could finally ask her to marry me. I remained silent as Judy threw her arms around me and started kissing my face. Shit, I should've just ended things with her the moment I realized I was in love with Maggie. I can't tell Judy I didn't actually want to marry her during Christmas. I'm not completely heartless.
I faked a smile. "I'm glad you like it"
"I can't believe we're engaged now! After all this time!" Judy was in her own blissful world now.  How the fuck was I going to explain to Maggie why Judy is wearing the ring meant for her? I hope she wouldn't be too pissed with me. I'm sure if I just explain, she'll understand.
I knocked on my mother's front door. I tried to ignore Judy as she continued to blabber on and on. I was just itching to see Maggie tonight and I was hoping we could get a moment alone. I actually had a gift that I wanted to give her that mum had been keeping safe. The door opened and my mother beamed when she saw me. "George!" She hugged me. And then when she saw Judy, her face fell. "Judith"
Judy smiled at her. "Hello, Mary. Lovely to see you again" The two of us stepped inside. Judy and I went settled in the living room as mum fetched cups of tea from the kitchen.
I saw that Judy was frowning. Playing the part of now doting fiancé (which I really didn't want to), I grabbed her hand. "What's wrong Jude?"
"How's your mom gonna react when we tell her we're getting married?" I can tell you one thing. My mother is not going to be happy and I know I'm going to get an earful later.
You know what, fuck it. I'm just gonna come right out and tell Judy the truth. If she hates me, oh well. "Look, Jude, there's something I have to tell you" Before I had the chance to come clean, there was a knock on the door.
I had never seen my mother to the door run so fast. "That must be Maggie!" She sounded so happy about seeing her again. When my mother opened the door, my heart started beating faster at the sight of Maggie. She looked effortlessly beautiful tonight, like she always did. But there was that arm wrapped around her waist, that belonged none other to that idiotic husband of hers. "Maggie, my dear, it's so good to see you again!" My mother happily sang to her.
"It's good to see you too, Mary!" Maggie greeted. "Thank you for having us over"
"It's my pleasure, dear!" Mother finally looked at Billy and her entire mood changed. "And this must be Billy" I could hear it in her voice. She wasn't very approving of him and that made me feel a little bit better.
"It's very nice to meet you, Mrs. Waters" Billy offered my mother his hand to shake, but she didn't budge. She just stared at him in that way all mothers did when they didn't approve of someone. Billy pulled his hand back and cleared his throat.
"Well please come in" Mother insisted. She stepped aside so that Maggie and Billy could come inside. Mine and Maggie's eyes met and she flashed me that smile that drove me crazy. I couldn't wait till I got a moment alone with her so I could give her the gift I got her, steal a kiss or two, and maybe even make a bit of love to her.
Maggie was about to take her coat off, but Billy stopped her. "Let me help you, my love" He insisted. I see he was very doting this evening. No doubt just trying to look good in front of everyone. Maggie let him help with her coat and when it was off, that's when I noticed the extravagant jewellery around her neck.
Judy must have noticed it too. "Oh my Maggie, that's a beautiful necklace!"
Maggie touched it and was about to say something when Billy spoke instead. "Isn't it? When I saw it, I just knew it was made for my lovely wife" He gushed, kissing her on the cheek.
My jaw clenched. Don't you fucking taint her with your poisonous lips. I hated seeing another man touch her like that. I don't fucking care that he's her husband. I've never known myself to be possessive but with Maggie I can't help it. And you would be too, if you loved a woman like Maggie.
"Isn't that sweet?" Judy's voice knocked me out of my thoughts. Was that bitterness I heard in her tone? What was her issue with them? Or was she just mad I wasn't showing her affection like Billy was for Maggie?
"George, may I speak with you in the kitchen?" Mother asked before disappearing into said room. I excused myself and follows after her as Maggie and Billy settled themselves in the living room. When I got in the kitchen, mother was cutting up some vegetables. Without even turning to look at me, she spoke. "George, I don't like that boy"
"You mean Billy?"
Mother shook her head. "She needs to leave him, and you need to leave Judith, that way you two can be together"
"We are together"
My mother turned to look at me. "That may be, but when you love someone, you shouldn't have to hide it" She walked up to me and put her hands on my face. "Do you want to have to hide your love for her, George?"
"I don't" I agreed. "Christ, mum, I want to marry her" I turned around and looked towards the living room. I leaned against the door way, shoving my hands into my pockets as I was forced to watched Billy being affectionate towards Maggie. "I've thought about what our wedding would be like many times"
"Tell me about it, George" Mother urged me.
"She's the kind of woman you marry in an actual ceremony and not just some registry office" I wasn't big on ceremonies like that, but I'd do it for Maggie. "And I can just picture her in a wedding dress. Nothing too extravagant. Something simple yet beautiful. Like she is. And she's wearing it just for me"
"What about children?" Of course mother asked that. That's a favourite one that mothers like to ask their children.
"At least four" It was a hopeful statement, but I did truly want to be a dad.
My mother laughed. "Four?"
"Yeah, four"
It came to be dinner time. Maggie helped my mother bring all the food out to the table. Billy and I sat across from each other. He was looking at me, as if he was itching to ask me something. "I can see that you have something you want to say to me, so why don't you just come out and say it?" I told him.
"Well, I was hoping you could do me a favour" He said.
Why would I do him any sort of favour? "It depends what it is"
"Would you be interested in performing at my mother's New Years party? The musical act she hired cancelled on her so now she needs someone else"
On one hand, I didn't want to agree because I didn't want to agree to help out Billy. But on the other hand, I knew he made Maggie go with him and his parents made her miserable so maybe I could help make it less miserable for her. "Will we be getting paid for this gig?"
"Of course"
"Alright then. We'll be there"
"Great! Thanks, man!" He said. Don't get too excited. I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this for Maggie. Once all the food was brought out, mother and Maggie seated themselves at the table. We all served ourselves some of the food and began to eat. "Oh, Maggie, Roger agreed to you guys performing at my mum's party"
"Oh wonderful" I could tell Maggie didn't really mean it.
"You're all welcome to bring dates too, by the way" Billy encouraged.
"Oh, you hear that Roger?" Judy said. "It sounds like it'll be fun!"
"Trust me, my mother knows how to throw a party"
"So, Judith," my mom began, attempting to make forced conversation with her. "Is there anything new going on in your life?"
Judy smiled at me and put her hand over mine. "Well, actually, Roger and I have some news" I tightened my grip on my fork, as I was not ready for her to say the words. "We're getting married!"
"What!?" Came from both my mother and Maggie, though they both had very different expressions. My mother looked disappointed, and Maggie looked hurt.
"Yes!" Judy continued, ignoring the statement from both of them. "And he even got me the most beautiful ring!" Which she then proceeded to show everyone.
"Wow" Maggie strained. "That is a pretty ring" The way she looked at me made my heart hurt. I hurt her. I never want to hurt her.
"Congratulations" My mother said flatly. "Are you pregnant then, Judith?"
Judy frowned at mother's comment. "No, but that'll be the next thing for us, won't it Roger? He's marrying me because he loves me. Not because he's obligated to" Suddenly, Maggie got up and walked off. Judy stared after her. "What's her problem?"
Billy moved to get up to follow after her, but my mother speaking stopped him. "George, would you mind go checking on her?"
"With all due respect Mrs. Waters, Maggie's my wife and I really should be the one—"
Mother cut him off. "George doesn't mind"
Billy sat back down while I followed after Maggie. I found that the bathroom door was closed and I could hear her crying inside. I knocked on the door. "Maggie?"
"Leave me alone, Roger!"
"Please, just open the door and let me explain" I begged her. This was all Judy's fault. Maggie was gonna end things with me now and it's all her fault. The door opened. Seeing her make up ruined and her eyes all red broke my heart and it was because of me. "Oh, Maggie" I tried touching her face but she slapped my hand away.
"How could you!?" She yelled at me. "You picked that ring for me! And what do you do with it!? Put it on her finger!"
"Maggie, darling, if you'd just let me explain—"
"Don't you darling me! Obviously you still love her. So you know what? You can be with her because I think we should en—"
"Don't say it" I begged her. "Please, don't say it" I got down on my knees and I grabbed her waist. "Maggie, I never even asked her. She found the ring and assumed and I didn't have the chance to tell her that it's not meant for her, that I don't even want to marry her. It's only you, Maggie"
"Oh, Rog" She said.
I stood up and grabbed her hands. "Come with me" I lead her into my childhood bedroom. I had her sit on the bed while I went over to the closet. "Close your eyes! And no peeking"
"Okay, okay!" She giggled, covering her eyes with her hands. I walked over to the closet and pulled out her gift. A guitar to be exact.
I brought it over to her and sat beside her. "Alright, sunshine, open your eyes"
 Maggie uncovered her eyes and when she saw the instrument, they brightened. "Oh, Roger. I love it! But I don't know how to play"
"I will teach you, darling" I promised her. "I have something else for you too" I reached into into my pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. I handed it over to her. Maggie unfolded the paper and her eyes scanned over the page as she read over the words.
"Heavy hung the canopy of blue, shade my eyes and I can see you, white is the light that shines, through the dress that you wore" Maggie continued to read the rest of the lyrics as I put my hand on her thigh and stroked the exposed skin. I watched her face as she read and I couldn't help but grin at her amazed expression. "Roger, this is beautiful"
"Of course it is. It was inspired by you" I confessed to her.
"You... you wrote a song for me?"
"I wouldn't exactly call it a love song. They aren't my strong suit nor do I care too much for them" I explained to her. I always found those poppy love songs to be too ridiculous and corny, and I wasn't a romantic enough to write one. But I was writing, and my thoughts drifted to her, and the words just came to me.
"I still love it"
"Good, because you are going to sing it after all" I leaned my face closer to hers. My nose brushed against her cheek. "In that angelic voice of yours" She smiled and her head turned. I took the opportunity to capture her lips with mine. I cupped her face.
"Wait," She breathed, pulling away from me. "I have something for you too"
"Love, you didn't have to—" I didn't have the chance to finish my protest before she was getting up and leaving the room, presumably to fetch my gift. When she returned, I noticed the box she had in her hand. She handed it to me. I opened it and found the watch inside of it. "Oh, sunshine" I grabbed it and inspected it. The thing that caught my eye was the engraving that was on the face of it.
I will love you until the end of time.   "This is the best gift I've ever gotten, Maggie" I told her. I put the watch down and grabbed her by the waist. I pulled her against me and looked up at her. She smiled down at me, placing her hands in my hair. "Next month, after we're done recording the album, you and I will go somewhere nice. Just you and I"
Maggie hummed in thought. "I've always wanted to go to Greece"
"Anywhere you want to go" I grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it up, revealing her lacy knickers and her bare stomach. I kissed the soft skin.
"Roger, we should go back downstairs"
"Not before I make love to you in my childhood bed"
"But everyone downstairs will hear us"
"Then you better keep quiet, yeah?"
I had offered to wash clean up all the food for Mrs. Waters. She didn't seem to like me all that much so I wanted to do something for her to show her that I meant well. As I was scrubbing at a dirty dish, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I smiled, immediately assuming that it was my wife. "Maggie, is—"
"Guess again" Judy spoke in a flirty tone. I removed her arms from me and she pouted. "What's wrong?"
"You're getting married" I spoke sternly.
"I don't mess with married women"
Judy laughed. "Well, I'm not married yet now am I?" She put her arms around me again and attempted to kiss my neck. I pushed her away from me and she seemed shocked at my actions. "I thought you liked me?"
"I do, but we should stop this before it goes any further" I may not like the guy too much, but I respected that this woman was going to become his wife.
Judy crossed her arms. "That's very hypocritical of you, y'know? Saying you won't mess with married women, but you as a married man, will mess around with other women behind your wife's back"
"I do not"
"Then what were all those kisses we shared on those lonely nights while they were gone?"
I glared at her. "It's not like we fucked. Don't think you're anything special" That seemed to have stuck a nerve with Judy because she gasped. "Shit, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. I just meant that Maggie will always mean more to me" Judy never replied. She just stared at me. "You know it was never going to go further than kissing, right?"
"Is everything alright in here?" Mrs. Waters had checked in on us. I could see the suspicious look she was giving us.
"Yes, we're just fine"
"Maggie and George are waiting for you two in the living room" Mrs. Waters left us. Judy gave me one last look before she followed after her. I cleaned up the last dish before I finally joined them.
Roger and Judy were sitting on one end of the couch. Roger had his arm draped over her shoulder as she leaned against him. She kept glaring angrily at me. Maggie sat on the opposite end, leaving an empty space for me. She looked at me and pat the space.
  I sat beside her. "Are you feeling okay?"
"Yeah. I just had a thing bothering me but Roger talked it through with me" Maggie looked his way, flashing him a grin, to which he returned. I suspected a hidden meaning behind the grins but I couldn't quite decipher it. "Roger got me a guitar and he's going to teach me how to play it"
"Is that so?"
"We'll she's a musician now" Roger chimed in. "It's only right I teach her how to be a proper one"
"Judy, are you alright?" Maggie asked. "You've been very quiet"
Judy smiled but I could tell it was forced. "Oh, I've never been better" I don't get why she's upset about me rejecting her when she's marrying someone that clearly loves her.
Billy and I had arrived home. I was rather tired and wanted to head to bed. Billy clearly had other plans in mind, however. He grabbed my waist and moved my hair out of the way so he could start kissing my neck. "Honey, it's rather late and I would like to go to bed" I told him.
"Can I make love to you tonight?" Billy asked me. His hands crept up to cup at my breasts. "Please, my love. We haven't made love in ages. I just want to show love my wife the way a husband should"
I didn't want to. Sex with Billy just didn't feel right any more. It was a lot of work now and he could never make me finish now. It wasn't like it was with Roger. "Billy, not tonight—"
Billy groaned and rolled his eyes. "There you go again. It's always "no" with you nowadays. Is there someone else?" He gripped onto my arm. "It's Waters, isn't it? You're fucking him?" Billy squeezed, no doubt leaving behind a bruise.
My eyes started to tear up at the pain. "Billy, you're hurting me"
"You think that hurts, you ungrateful bitch?" He hissed at me. He let me go and before I knew it, his fist had collided with my face. I fell to the ground and sat there, staring up at him in shock.
"Maggie, I'm so—" Billy tried to apologize.
I shook my head at him, crawling away as he tried to approach me. "I-I think I should go somewhere else tonight"
"I didn't mean it, Maggie" Billy tried to plead with me into staying as I packed a bag. I was trying my best not to cry as I held in my tears. When I went for the door, Billy stepped in between me and it, preventing me from leaving. "Please, Maggie, I love you! Let's just talk this through!" I pushed him out of the way and slammed the door shut behind me.
My first thought was to go back to Roger's mother's place, but I didn't want to in fear that he still might be there, and I didn't want him seeing me like this. So, I went somewhere else for the night. I found myself at the door and I knocked.
The door opened. "Maggie?" David asked when he saw me. "What are you doing here?"
"Can I stay here for tonight?" I asked him.
David nodded and let me inside. I settled myself at his dining table as he made me a cup of tea. It was quiet between us but I could feel David's stare on me and I knew he wanted to ask me what was wrong. I got startled at the sound of the tea kettle whistling. David made the tea and set my cup down in front of me. "Maggie, what is that?" He gently grabbed my chin and made me look up at him. "That's a black eye"
"Hmm" I hummed, taking a sip of the tea.
"Who did that to you?"
"No one. It was an accident. I wasn't watching where I was going and walked into the wall" I made up.
David didn't believe me though. "I'm not an idiot, Mags"
I sighed. "You really want to know? It was Billy, alright? He got mad because I refused to have sex with him"
"That bastard" David cursed under his breath. "Does it hurt?" He asked, to which I nodded. My eye has been throbbing this whole time. David went to go fetch a bag of frozen peas from his freezer. He kneeled in front of me and gently placed it over my eye. "Why come to me? Why not go to Roger? I know you two are close"
"I don't want him to know" I admitted. I saw how Roger punched one guy just for calling me a slut. If he finds out what Billy did, he would no doubt murder him. "Promise me you won't tell anyone"
"Maggie, he hit you. That's not okay. You should report him to the police"
I grabbed David's hand with mine and squeezed it. "Please, David?"
He glanced down at our connected hands and squeezed back. "Alright, Mags. But if he ever does that again, I will go to the police myself"
I smiled, and leaned over to kiss David on the cheek. "Thanks Dave"
"Anything for you" A silence fell between us to which David broke when he cleared his throat. "You can have my bed tonight, alright? I'll take the couch"
"Oh, I couldn't"
"I insist"
"Alright then" I got up, making sure to take the bag of peas with me. "Goodnight David, and thank you" I made my way to David's bedroom, where I fell into my slumber for the night.
When Judy and I got home, I noticed that she seemed a bit upset. She went straight to the kitchen to pour herself a drink. I followed after her. "Jude, is everything alright?" I asked her.
"Be honest with me Roger" Judy began. "Did you fuck her?"
"I'm sorry?"
"Maggie. Did you fuck her while you guys were on tour?"
Every single night. "No, Jude, of course not"
"So, you still love me?"
"We're getting married now, aren't we?" I almost winced saying that.
"Please, Roger"
"Yes, Judy, of course I fucking love you. Why are you bringing this up?"
"I see the way you look at her" Judy spat. "I don't know what's so great about her her. She's not even that pretty"
"Will you stop it!" I yelled at her. Judy scoffed. "There's no need for you to act like a jealous bitch!"
Judy slammed her glass down on the counter, nearly causing it to shatter. "Fuck you, Roger!" She made her way for the door.
"Where are you going?"
"Out!" Was all she said before slamming the door behind her. She would most likely be back in the morning but I wouldn't care if she didn't return.
I grabbed myself a beer and then settled myself on the couch. I turned on the television and put it on some film that was playing. I kept it on mute, however, as I wasn't interested in the incessant babble of the actors. I remembered the gift that Maggie had given me. I took the watch out and put it on, making sure that the face of it was looking at me so I could see the words etched onto it. I grinned as I read the words.
"I will love you until the end of time" I recited the words. Christ, this woman had such a hold over me. I never wanted her to let go. And you can be damned sure that I would never let go either.
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cedar-sunshine · 6 months
oc questionnaire
thanks for the tag @illarian-rambling! Technically you tagged my main account, but I'll answer it eith my writing one!
My questions are
Are you a sound sleeper?
2. Have you ever owned a pet? If you haven't, what would you get as a pet if you could?
3. What do you think is your problem?
Answering for Tristan and Orion!
Are you a sound sleeper?
T: 'oh, yeah. No. Yeah, not at all. Whenever I fall asleep, the corpses start touching me and half the time I wake up in the middle of the night. Sometimes it's fine, I guess, but I don't like sleep in general. Even without the corpses and blood and nightmares and shit, every second I spend asleep is a second where I could be running. I sleep, but when I do so, I'm aware that I'm wasting time.'
O: 'I guess so? I mean, I wake up in the middle of the night a lot, but I go back to sleep. It's just bad dreams. I'm sure it'll be easier once I find a real town, with an actual bed. God, I can't remember what mattresses feel like. The ground is okay, though!'
Have you ever owned a pet?
T: 'I mean, my family always had a guard dog, but I wasn't allowed to touch it or get close to it. Honestly, I'm not sure why they had it. We lived with the church and nothing would ever really be a threat. I guess paranoia really gets to you. The closest thing I had to a real pet were the songbirds I fed when I was a little kid. Whenever I got an allowance, I'd buy birdseed and watch them eat it. For some reason, I thought I was their only source of food. If I had to choose a hypothetical pet... I'm not sure. I think a cat would be nice.'
O: 'I... nevermind. Yeah, I'm a dog person. I'll get a dog once I find the civilization.'
What do you think is your problem?
T: 'oh, lord. You want a list? I'm fucked in the head, I pretend I'm a boy, I'm on the run from a family that wants nothing from the best for me, I see walking corpses that hang from the trees, there's blood everywhere that doesn't exist, and did i mention that im absolutely fucked in the head? Something is wrong with me. Has been since birth, but... it got worse. I can't tell whether or not any of what I experience or remember is real, I'm scared of everything, and I want to fucking kill myself. I could go on.'
O: 'I don't have- I mean, I guess I could. I don't know. Maybe I'm not as kind to Tristan as I could be? He's clearly scared, and I just wish he wasn't as... bitchy as he is. He seems to think that I'm insane, but I think he's just a little paranoid. Maybe I'm optimistic, but optimism is always good!
Open tag!
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spotforme · 11 months
@not-equippedforthis thanks muchly for the tag! (i didn't wanna add to the chain 'cos i feel like i'll ramble, but hipefully this is fine) (also not sure if i should've tagged you, but again, it's fiiine. hopefully)
Three Ships: (sence it isn't specified, i'm gonna assume this means three ships that i would die for/ currently like a lot and that they can be a pairing of any kind)
firstly comes the cracksip so strong that it came to life [by curtesy of the show] it is, of course, bickmettler! the life consuming dynamic of writer & poet, chiken farmer & worm watcher, brown & blue eyed Bicky and Rocky!
the second place (at the moment) goes to Charles and Honoria Winchester! they are so sweet to eachother, trying to help the other through rough times, but they're both alone in their worlds. Charles is the most ace character ever and i love his posh attetude to everything. i have never met or even seen Honoria, but she is adorable (definedly on par with Honoria Glossop on toughness) (i hope it's very clear i'm talking about platonic love here)
third place was a hard choise, but in light of my brainrot, it has to go to Reginald Jeeves and Berthrum Wooster. however one chooses to interpret it, the adoration is always there, and very apparent; witch makes things they do very pleasant to observe
First Ever Ship: i don't remember and don't think i was even familiar with the consept at the time of it occuring. my best guess is propably some my little pony dynamic
Last song: (last song of what? why are these so vague? [i cannot know The Last song] i'm just gonna decide for myself then) the last song i put to mind was Honorable Madam by Daniel Kahn and Vanya Zhuk (at the moment i can't remember how it goes, but it had to be good, i don't think i would think it was if it wasn't)
Last Film: (it would make sense to credit the latest film i watched. now just hoping i can remember what it was) (well as it happens, i have been sitting here, trying to remember if i watched something in the past two weeks, but can't) by gum! it just came to me, the last film i watched was Sisulla Ja Sydämellä
Currently Reading: (i'm not currently reading anything except for this post thst i'm writing) if i had to name one of the books that i have started (because i am not gonna go through of listing them all, that would be a nightmare) the best would be Ammatti-vakoilija (or maybe vakooja? i don't have it with me so i can't check) (originally Spion Für Deuchland, i think)
Currently Watching: M*A*S*H (re-watching, actually), i am desperetly trying to figure out the time-loop situation. and oh boy, it's a lot. three years have already gone by within the first season. i'm also making my way through the rest of granada's Sherlock Holmes
Currently Consuming: i veto this guestion
Currently Craving: water, long sleep and the woods
righty-o then, i should think that's all.
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