#this is about primeval btw
What's with all the Danny animosity in the tag today, I love that guy, he's so weird and fucked up and I want to put him in a little enclosure and study him under a microscope.
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thehistoriangirl · 1 year
So I have a side blog now-- 😳
I really don’t know if I should say it because who cares honestly, buuut well, whatever. In case you stumble upon the Shadow and Bone fandom and see a blog called historianthesecond throwing fics in the dashboard, you can always go and say hi :)
Also I apologize for the unrelated post I will surely mess up while reblogging because I just know it’ll happen
Anyway that’s the announcement, bye <3 *mwah*
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donvalleyparkway · 2 years
the best fannons are the ones that smooth over disjointed long running series
rework the plot lines to interact with each other, have a theme, explain how a character introduced in season 5 would interact with a character killed off in season 2, fulfill the character arc of the character who was killed off between seasons when their actor unexpectedly didn’t sign back on, actually have the mechanics of the world function consistently throughout the story
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beepartcollection · 1 year
SLAMS MY HANDS DOWN ON THE COUNTERTOP. Engineer elden ring. May I hear of what’s going on with him :)?
*rubs hands* WELL
so to preface- the mercs are basically isekai'd into the lands between, relating to some lore about Marika and undead. One moment they're being shot at and dying in the New Mexico badlands and the next they're on a cliff that overlooks a giant tree the size of 2.5 burj khalifas that glows.
They travel for a while and meet Sellen, who offers to teach them sorceries, and Engie, after not having any mechanical things to tinker with for a while, and realizing magic is this place's math and science, gladly accepts. After all, he doesn't have his sentries and tools, so he might as well learn something new, he loves learning. When Merasmus pops in on Halloween flinging spells around is usually pretty fun, so why not? Also Scout nearly blew himself up when he tried doing magic, so no more for him.
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So Engie is the team's other ranged fighter! Aside from Sniper, who uses a bow and arrow.
He usually works as the team's mediator, breaking up fights between them and talking to people who are even less mentally stable than the mercs cause, well, if it had to be a contest on who has people that are less mentally stable, I think Elden Ring would win.
He also teaches the team how to ride the horses they were given!
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It. Goes.
He does split from the team sometimes though, to go with Sellen to find Primeval sorcerers and learn some of their magic (he does learn Comet Azur). But generally he sticks with the team. He goes with them through Stormveil, Radahn, Mt Gelmir, Leyendell- some nice spots! I have a scene in mind where they're about to fight Godrick The Grafted, and when they enter his arena, he does his little 'oo lowly tarnished playing as a lord' but Engie just 'actually, we aint lookin to become no lords, we just wanna go home'. And Godrick is like. What.
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They also find and heal Millicent in this au! And when they find her Heavy, Engie, and Spy (much to his own chagrin) are like 'i have known Millicent for 1 day but if anything happened to her I would kill this entire team and then myself'. Millicent and Engie bond the best though, cause of being amputees (Godrick ripped off Engie's gunslinger btw to try grafting it into themself, it didn't work and the gunslinger was ruined), Millicent being interested in Engie's homeland of Texas, and Engie in general is just, so dadly, dadliest merc, and very friendly when you dont realize how not normal he is. Plus if you know Millicent's backstory you know she could use a dad right now.
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She goes with him and Sellen on their adventures to find primeval sorcerers and Sellen stuff, but they do part when Engie and the team takes on Radahn, citing she has to go on her journey (if u play Elden Ring, u know).
After the first death of the team and Spy leaving, Engie does try to console Soldier, telling him he's a good leader, and they'll get home, he promises. Engie and him do fight though when he realizes what dragon communion is doing to Soldier's body, and says he can't be doing that, they don't know what it'll do to him (how hypocritical of you, Engie).
He goes to Raya Lucaria to help Sellen one last time. I have this comic I made but I don't think I'll finish it, and I don't wanna spoil Engie's fate out in The Public until I write it in the fic i wanna write, but here's a part of comic
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Overall Engie has a nice time in elden ring au :3 aside from the end
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chiliadicorum · 2 years
Glorfindel and the Balrog (Again)
Glorfindel was a badass and I need to talk about this AGAIN.
I thought I was done waxing poetic about Glorfindel's fight with the Balrog after the last post. I mean, what else was there to say? Joke's on me. Because I just had an epiphany recently concerning that duel that I realized is so grossly overlooked because, you know, epic battle and badass awesomeness that takes priority over anything mundane (I'm guilty of that. Refer to: said post).
I'm going to dredge up some popular fanon again and declare that it's canon. Let me ask y'all a question:
Hear me out. Yes, simple question and yeah, everyone knows fire is frickin hot. As I said though, it's a mundane detail and as a result, tends to be overlooked. However, my attention was drawn to it when I recently took part in a brushfire.* Do not confuse this with a typical bonfire. This brushfire was to burn dead brush gathered over the course of several years and can only be burned in the middle of winter. It's way hotter, way bigger with way more fuel burning. I'd seen a brushfire before but I'd forgotten what it felt like.
We all had to stand, at minimum, 20ft away (30ft or more was better). The fire itself was impressive, but the intensity of that heat was insane. We maintained a safe distance, but our faces still turned pink from the heat. My actual eyeballs began to burn and I had to either back up further or turn away completely. The heat converted the 1°F air (-17°C) into something comfortable to breathe even that far away. But I have to emphasize that, no matter where you walked, you could not get safely within 20ft of this fire without proper apparatus. It was too hot for your face and eyes to tolerate.
Guys, that Balrog was a beast of living fire and Glorfindel grappled with it. I mean, he was already in proximity close enough to engage in that combat. Let's recap: struck the Balrog's head (impressive btw, considering Balrogs are twice an Elf's height), hewed off its whip-arm, and drove his sword through the Balrog's shoulder, not to mention all the other blows he landed in the combat:
"The ardour of Glorfindel drave that Balrog from point to point, and his mail fended him from its whip and claw.” 
But remember, when he struck the shoulder and the sword caught, the full-on brawling on the mountain pinnacle began:
“Then sprang the Balrog in the torment of his pain and fear full at Glorfindel, who stabbed like a dart of a snake; but he found only a shoulder, and was grappled, and they swayed to a fall upon the crag-top.”
....This is actually blowing my mind a bit. How has this not clicked before? Because this speaks volumes to Glorfindel's determination to see the demon killed, to save his people. Glorfindel wasn't a safe distance away shooting arrows or hurling spears. He wasn't 20ft away. He was fighting with a sword. And he was literally embracing that creature of living flame in a fight to the death. We don't know the literal degree of how hot the Balrogs burned, but by intuition alone, I think we can deduce that they were a lot bigger and hotter than some mere brushfire. Let's recall some details from the book in The Bridge of Khazad-dûm:
"The flame roared up to greet [the Balrog], and wreathed about it; and a black smoke swirled in the air. Its streaming mane kindled, and blazed behind it. [...] The dark figure streaming with fire raced towards them. [...] Fire came from its nostrils."
From The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien, #144:
"The Balrogs, of whom the whips were the chief weapons, were primeval spirits of destroying fire [...]"
Balrogs were their own self-regulating and self-sustaining inferno, with "hearts of fire". Peter Jackson may have exaggerated the height of the Balrog in the movie, but he nailed the physiology, imo. Balrogs never laughed, never spoke, but they could control the amount of fire and darkness/shadow they emitted.
Getting back to that fanon I mentioned, it's a popular idea that Glorfindel sustained burns or caught fire in this fight, something like that. It's a notion regularly used in fanfic for years but always something relegated to the fanon category, an "unconfirmed" theory. I've enjoyed those fics, still do, but there's always been the back-and-forth about how accurate it is, if at all. I was on that fence too because Tolkien never explicitly stated it happened.
But guys, it's canon. Glorfindel got burned in that fight. Even if he never came in contact with its living flame (he did), even if he never brawled with the Balrog (he did), the heat alone would've burned him from the proximity of fighting with a sword. That's the whole point of this post.
This is the one time I'm not giddy about declaring a fanon is canon. It's so awful. Of course, it's left to the individual imagination as to the severity of his burns and where they occurred. Elves are not humans and I submit to the idea that there can be a difference in tolerance with such elements (such is the case with cold temperatures), but Tolkien still made it clear they're not immune to fire. I recall wondering if Glorfindel ever got burned, but it was such a passing thought I think because I put too much focus on this text:
"The ardour of Glorfindel drave that Balrog from point to point, and his mail fended him from its whip and claw.” 
Tolkien made it clear that Glorfindel obtained no fatal/serious injuries in that fight, which is significant and should be recognized precisely because it's a testament to Glorfindel's insane skill and speed. But Tolkien says it, or rather omits it, right there: "his mail fended him from its whip and claw". Tolkien doesn't mention the fire. He's talking about the attacks the Balrog is trying to strike Glorfindel with and failing abominably. It's so easy to ignore a mundane factor like temperature when there's so much epic action to fixate on.
Because before Glorfindel even began grappling with the Balrog and came in contact with its fire, he was getting burned.
And it never slowed him down.
Have you ever been even minorly burned by fire before, like a candle flame or heat from a stove? I have and it's the mildest as far as burns go but IT HURTS. It gets your attention like nothing else and makes you yank back on pure instinct. Yet Glorfindel never yanked back. He wasn't fighting any candle flame, yet he never faltered or stepped back at the searing touch of that heat. Let alone the actual fire later.
Glorfindel was plainly hell-bent on saving his people from this threat. No one can argue that, particularly when he was the one to pursue the Balrog. But this new aspect just further drives home that single-mindedness of that determination. That desperation. That's a better word. For as calm and in control of that fight as he was, despite being seared by that heat which would cause a normal person to falter, he never once retreated even for a moment to regain ground (he had room) or wait for aid (Elves were rushing to help him, Tolkien said) or reassess (he had time - that Balrog was terrified of him at that point and was actively trying to run away from him). My conclusion? Glorfindel was desperate to kill it. Frantic in that calm, disciplined way that's terrifying. Grief from Gondolin's destruction, grief from the massacre of his people, anger and uncertainty at their dire state, and now this demon was coming to finish off what remnant was left?
No. Soon as Glorfindel "leapt forward upon him" there was only one objective in his mind, one end: that Balrog was going to die now. And nothing would stop him or slow him down until it did.
*descriptions of the battle on Cristhorn from “The Fall of Gondolin” HoME II.194-5 *(disclaimer to ward off comments: this fire was in the middle of a field of snow, was law-abiding, was city-approved, etc. It was a controlled burn so no worries)
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primeval texture my best girl ever (she is an oc i have created myself) (i am also talking about the song) (this is said by someone who is so normal about primeval texture) (that last thing was a lie btw)
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daisylog v: writer’s block and horrific fervor
tfw i realize my satanic gnostic khaosophy tulpa religion is a coping mechanism for my less than good life
soo hey it’s been a while! i’ve been busy not trying to fall apart completely while attempting to find a flow to my existence. believe you me, it’s harder than it looks. there isn’t much news i can bring forth aside from the fact that i have tremendous writer’s block. VOIDMAW entries have been limited to spiritual lapses of clarity and horrific bouts of fervor. nothing much. i also started working on two documents, each treatises containing mythic and meta information on two specific Princes, the two that have kept my attention the longest: EIVAAK and KERDEPHEXIS (my beloved). like i began saying though, writer’s block got the best of me and KERDEPHEXIS can only inspire me for so long, Satan love him.
as for the other two from the Severance Working, XIRLATH had been entrusted a new purpose and focus just kinda shifted away from him, as well as KEZALSHATAAR because to be honest KEZALSHATAAR does nothing but activate the fear and paranoia in my brain. besides, i’ve been made aware of their child-sibling HIRASMIS who’s basically the Hatman but more fucked up. one day my focus will shift toward him, though to be honest the less i know about him the better. i have really bad visual snow and the idea of interacting with that concept on a metaphysical and individually abstract level scares the shit out of me. which is ironic, considering his parent-sibling KEZALSHATAAR is the personification of darkness and fear.
aside from all that noise, i’ve been reading multiple books at once! specifically, Primeval Evil in Kabbalah by Moshe Idel and The Recognition Sutras by Christopher Wallis. i’m goin places baybee
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People who hate Helen Cutter just hate to see a girlboss winning
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aretarers · 2 years
76, 75, 51 :), 26, 23 (me when i read lists from bottom to top)
i love that you read them from bottom to top let me do that too
76. a pokemon that you feel is underrated araquanid is cool as hell and STRONG !!! i like araquanid a lot i think it deserves to be talked about more
75. a pokemon that you feel is overrated i wont lie. im bad at this question cause i feel like all the most popular pokemon are overrated but like. i feel like everyone feels that way tbh. i feel like it's more like "overrated by gamefreak" LOL
51. favorite bug type STARES at you. do you know how ahrd this is for me. like OK the #1 is scizor but then theres also caterpie and butterfree... volcarona!! galvantula!!! yanma and yanmega... the venipede and sewaddle lines... wurmple... ledyba... AUUUGHHHHHH
26. least favorite design of a pokemon EISCUE I HATE THAT MOTHER FUCKER SO BAD
23. favorite music track from a pokemon game ehehe
unova route 10
kalos route 15
village bridge. oo ee aa...
Omg wait i put road to primeval forest in one of these but i should do some more spinoff tracks cause the spinoff game osts FUCK so hard so often
main street colosseum
waterfall colosseum
dark rust theme and battle (this is so funny to me btw. they go so hard . but the antagonist is like. Literally a Key)
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tigerkirby215 · 3 years
5e Hank J. Wimbleton, the Protagonist build (Madness Combat)
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(Artwork by AndrewKO on Newgrounds.)
Friday Night Funkin’ Tricky Mod reminded me of the Madness Combat series... man it’s a trip in the best possible way. I honestly miss the old days on Newgrounds where stuff like Madness Combat could get extremely popular just off fan reception alone.
Anyways I think the fantasy of playing a bloodthirsty expert killer is something that most people can identify with in D&D, and Hank is certainly a badass in his own right. So while this was mostly a spur-of-the-moment sort of build here’s Hank J. Wimbleton with as many of his abilities I could reasonably put into a build at once, from Madness Combat 1 all the way to Madness Combat 11: Expurgation.
Also I finally get to use artwork from a website other than DeviantArt which is pretty awesome.
Avenger - Hank shoots guns good and Madness is a series of guns first and foremost.
Aggregation - Hank is also more than capable in melee combat, being able to use all sorts of weapons including his fists!
Redeemer - Spoilers for Madness Combat 9 I guess.
The characters in Madness don’t really look like anything in reality, but it’s fairly safe to say that they are meant to be some sort of human. So we’re going to be going for Variant Human: yup not even an Eberron race since we do need everything that Variant Human provides. Increase your Constitution and Dexterity both by 1 and grab Acrobatics proficiency to dodge incoming knife swings and gunfire. And as per standard take whatever language suits your campaign.
Now you’re probably expecting Crossbow Expert as our level 1 feat, right? Or perhaps even Gunner? That’s where you’re wrong! Hank throws punches far earlier than he starts using guns, and he also uses a lot or improvised weapons throughout the mainline Madness Combat series. So grab Tavern Brawler for a +1 to Strength, a d4 unarmed strike (it’s not earth-shattering but it gets the job done), and proficiency with improvised weapons. And the grappling part which honestly doesn’t impact us much, but it’s nice to grab a human shield.
ON THE GUNNER FEAT: Going to make a quick mention now that this build is made under the assumption that your DM will not allow firearms in their campaign, and as a result we will be reflavoring crossbows as firearms. In short we’re not taking the Gunner feat, but if your DM allows it go ahead and take it.
Honestly if your DM allows firearms it would probably be a good idea to play whatever firearm-based class they added to play as Hank, instead of the build I made here. This build however is meant for the average D&D campaign.
Hank is MAD, rather fittingly. So MAD in fact that I can’t contain the madness within Standard Array. So rejoice we’re actually going to be using Point Buy!
STRENGTH; 9 - The vast majority of Hank’s weapons are either firearms or weapons that I would constitute as finesse based. With the +1 from Tavern Brawler this is still enough for your punches and improvised Strength weapons to pack a punch at least.
DEXTERITY; 15 - As mentioned above we will primarily be using firearms (crossbows) and finesse weapons.
CONSTITUTION; 11 - Mostly to round out the build, which along with the +1 from our race gives us a bit of bulk which will help with all the killing.
INTELLIGENCE; 14 - There’s many ways I can justify this but the easiest way is to say “it’s a multiclassing requirement.”
WISDOM; 14 - Wisdom is tied to perception as well as survival instinct, and is a multiclassing requirement.
CHARISMA; 8 - Hank is of the quiet sort and doesn’t talk much between all the killing. Yes he can intimidate info out of people but you try keeping your cool with a gun pointed to your head.
There was a man who sought the sheriff, and to slay the sheriff you’re automatically made a Criminal. I am however going to suggest swapping your skills out for Intimidation and Slight of Hand (IE Gun Tricks.) Feel free to take whatever Gaming Set you want, but thankfully as a Criminal you can choose Land Vehicles as your tool proficiency, because Hank does run over some guys in part 4!
Criminal Contact will let you get in contact with Sanford and Deimos in case you... you know, die? You can always get your message across when needed: D&D doesn’t have computers but you can still find some shady merchants or corrupt guards to get into contact with your crew.
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(Artwork by redemer19 on Newgrounds.)
Starting off as an Artificer because CON saving throw proficiency is nice. So is proficiency in Investigation, Perception, and a tool of your choice.
Tinkerer’s Tools technically counts as gunsmith tools if we go with Matt Mercer’s homebrew, but you already get those for free (along with Thieves’ Tools) as an Artificer. I personally opted for Smith’s Tools as the next best option which will also double for taking care of swords and knives.
You can also get a Boombox to dance to thanks to Magical Tinkering. You can infuse magic into a Tiny object to give it a variety of effects: make it glow, have it display a message, or most importantly have it play the Chicken Dance song. You can have a number of these equal to your Intelligence modifier, which is to say not many.
You do also get Spellcasting: You get two cantrips from the Artificer list: Mage Hand will let you grab a weapon for yourself that’s out of reach, and Acid Splash will serve as a starter shotgun for some buckshot against multiple enemies. As for your leveled spells you can prepare a number of spells equal to your Intelligence modifier plus half your Artificer level, which is to say... not many. Feather Fall can be useful when up in high places, and Detect Magic is universally useful for finding any anomalies created by the Improbability Drive.
The main reason we went for Artificer first is Infusions, gear you can bring at the start of the fight for an upper hand. Of course the main weapon we’ll be grabbing is the Repeating Shot Weapon which will be how you make basically all your guns. Not having to reload is nice and not having to worry about ammo is better!
ON YOUR WEAPONS: For now the only weapon you can reasonably use is a Light Crossbow, however soon you’ll be able to put Repeating Shot on either a Heavy Crossbow (rifle) or Hand Crossbow (pistol) depending on your preference.
Other than that you can borrow from Sanford’s book and make a Returning Weapon to throw a hook and pull it back, create Sending Stones to keep in touch with your crew, and have a Rope of Climbing to sneak into the sheriff’s office. Or you can choose your own tools for the job as I am merely suggesting what makes the most sense for Hank, but the Repeating Shot Weapon is the only one you truly need.
You can also prepare another spell like Identify, to know what weapon you’re picking up.
This is a bit out of left field isn’t it? Well Ranger gives a number of things, the first of which being Stealth proficiency for your initial entrance. You also get Deft Explorer (instead of Natural Explorer) for Canny, giving you two languages (pick your poison) and Expertise in one skill of your choice (go for Acrobatics to evade attacks and stay alive.)
You also get Favored Foe (instead of Favored Enemy), letting you concentrate on an enemy’s weak points to kill them quickly. When you hit an enemy you can choose to mark them so they take an extra d4 of damage once per turn from your attacks. You do have to concentrate on this effect (like a spell) but aiming for the head is a good way to end someone quickly.
Second level Rangers get to choose their Fighting Style and you’re probably expecting me to tell you to take Archery, right? Well even if you’re mostly going to be using guns you do have proficiency with melee weapons too, and since our Strength is kinda bad I’d suggest taking Druidic Warrior for some simple boosts to your combat proficiency.
Shillelagh will be a good place to start by letting you swing a blunt object with your Wisdom instead of your Strength. The main weapons Hank uses in the Madness series other than shortswords is clubs, bats, and pipes which I’d all consider as viable targets for Shillelagh if your DM’s cool.
Mending will be useful to keep your outfit in check after taking a bad hit.
Feel free to take Archery if you want as it’s likely more useful for this build. Again I am opting for what’s the most accurate for Hank, not for what’s the most optimal to build.
But if you want to keep yourself in check after taking a bad hit you can grab some Ranger Spellcasting. Cure Wounds will let you bandage yourself (or an ally) up in the thick of a fight, and Zephyr Strike will let you rush in while avoiding danger to deliver a deadly strike on a key foe.
There’s quite a few reasons we didn’t go for Rogue levels in this build (spoilers btw): Hank does most of his fighting solo, doesn’t really opt for stealth except for at the start of missions, and because the Gloom Stalker is far better for how Hank operates. For a start you get Umbral Sight for 60 feet of Darkvision with your dumb human eyes, but you can also hide in the dark so well that even creatures with darkvision can’t see you! Which is good because Dread Ambusher gives you a bonus to initiative rolls equal to your Wisdom modifier along, but more importantly lets you move 10 feet faster on the first round of combat. And you can also attack one extra time on the first round of combat, and if you hit with that extra attack you’ll deal an extra d8 damage to down a foe quick and give yourself more options.
You can learn a new spell at this level like Hail of Thorns for some buckshot, and you also get Gloom Stalker Magic, adding Disguise Self to your spell list so you can look like a regular dude who isn’t covered with bandages. You also get Primal Awareness, because even if Speak With Animals makes no sense for Hank it’s still better than Primeval Awareness.
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(Artwork by LegendaryPanettone on Newgrounds.)
4th level Rangers get an Ability Score Improvement: Dexterity controls everything we do currently so increase that by 2 for better AC, shooting, sword-swinging, and DEX saves.
5th level Rangers get an Extra Attack, allowing them to shoot twice and even allowing you specifically to shoot 3 times on your first turn!
You can also learn second level Ranger spells now: Primal Awareness gives you Beast Sense and Gloom Stalker Magic gives you Rope Trick for a place to hide and ambush from. And Enhance Ability (ty Tasha’s) will let you push yourself when violence is needed.
6th level Rangers see Favored Foe turn into a d6 to be somewhat on-par with Hunter’s Mark. You also get Roving from Deft Explorer for 5 extra feet of movement, as well as a swimming and climbing speed.
But now that you’ve gotten all your killing done it’s time to die. Because you do not kill clown; clown kills you!
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(Artwork by Jinxsaw on Newgrounds.)
You can’t kill the protagonist! We’re at 9th level which translates perfectly to Madness Combat 9, which means you can be revived as an Armorer Artificer! Your consciousness will be placed inside of a suit of Arcane Armor, replacing any missing limbs you may have and genuinely account for all your injuries. The armor also doesn’t have a Strength requirement and can be used as a focus for your Artificer spells.
There’s two different Armor Models to choose from but for now I’d suggest keeping to guns and going for the Infiltrator model (mostly because your Intelligence is bad so it would be better to opt for Dexterity to fire your guns.) The Lightning Launcher is like a handgun except it has very good range (90/300) and does Lightning Damage, and even lets you do an extra d6 damage once per turn! You also get Powered Steps for an extra 5 feet of movement speed (adding up to 40 total thanks to Ranger!) and a Dampening Field will give you Advantage on Stealth due to your black outfit.
You also get some Armorer Spells: Magic Missile for some unavoidable gunfire and Thunderwave to give yourself some space. You can also choose a different set of Artisan’s Tools from Tools of the Trade since you likely already have Smith’s Tools proficiency. You can pick whatever you think will be useful, but it’s worth mentioning that you can make a tool with 1 hour of work thanks to The Right Tool for the Job. And no Hank; weapons are not tools. At least not by this definition.
4th level Artificers get an Ability Score Improvement. Wouldn’t it make sense to increase your Intelligence as an Artificer now that you can use your Armorer weapons with INT? Yes. Anyways increase your Dexterity by 2.
WOULD IT HAVE MADE MORE SENSE TO MAX OUT INTELLIGENCE FOR THIS BUILD? Yes. Now that you have Armorer levels you’re basically never going to be using crossbows again realistically. Oops. Having good INT instead of good DEX would mean that you could start using the Guardian armor to punch some stuff, and 14 in DEX would still allow you to wear Medium armor. You could’ve easily taken 3 (or more realistically 5) levels in Artificer at the start of this build and then gone for Ranger to not have to deal with bad ranged weapons while having good stats for an Artificer.
There’s still strengths to having high DEX obviously (good initiative, good Stealth and Acrobatics checks, good DEX saves, and you get Mirror Image as an Armorer Artificer) but it’s really not that important for this build. But I’m still maxing it out first as it’s accurate to Hank. In the average D&D campaign you’re not going to be picking up weapons from enemies you kill to use them when you run out of ammo. There’s many things I took in this build that are impractical for anything other than a combat heavily inspired by Madness Combat.
Basically feel free to min-max this build if you so desire; it’s quite viable in its own right when you do so. Again I’m trying for accuracy over viability. Also P.S. After this build comes out I’m going to release a “pre-MC9″ Hank build if you want more of the traditional Hank who isn’t in power armor.
You can also prepare another spell at this level but we’re going to wait for...
5th level Artificers get an Extra Attack... which you already have. Oops.
Well at least you get access to second level spells! As an Armorer you get Mirror Image to dodge gunfire, and Shatter! For a grenade! But to continue dodging attacks Blur works well as long as the enemy doesn’t have Truesight, which the AAHW may have by total level 11.
6th level Artificers can prepare more Infusions! A Spell-Refueling Ring will let you restock on spell slot bullets mid-fight, and Boots of the Winding Path will let you jump back after getting into melee combat.
You also get Tool Expertise which is exactly what it says on the tin. You double your proficiency bonus when making checks with tools.
To top it off you can prepare another spell like Catapult. Why are we preparing a first level spell? Because Hank throws big rocks at Tricky in Madness 11. Told you I did research.
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(Artwork by ramblinshroom on Newgrounds.)
7th level Artificers get to feel the pain of my choice to max out Dexterity instead of Intelligence as Flash of Genius scales heavily off Intelligence. When you or an ally within 30 feet makes an ability check or a saving throw you can use your reaction to add your Intelligence modifier to the roll. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier and regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
8th level Artificers get another Ability Score Improvement and now that your Dexterity is maxed out... more Wisdom lol? Look we’ll deal with your Intelligence in a bit but Wisdom gives you better initiative among other things.
You can also prepare another spell but next level will get us third level spells, so...
9th level Artificers can get used to their new revived bodies thanks to Armor Modifications. The chest, boots, helmet, and weapons of your armor all count as individual items for the sake of infusions, and you can have two more infusions active! (As long as they’re on your armor anyways.)
You also get Hypnotic Pattern and Lightning Bolt as an Armorer, for a flashbang and some purgatory powers. And you can prepare a spell like Haste, to move so fast it’s like the world is in slow motion.
So you know how we just got two more infusions for your armor? Well 10th level Artificers can make Gauntlets of Ogre Power and a Headband of Intellect to finally get your Strength and Intelligence to a reasonable level. Again probably a bit late to do so but it does mean that you can finally use melee weapons well, or your Guardian Armor to do some punching! (I’m not going to cover the Guardian Armor now but know that you can punch people and give them disadvantage to hit your allies, and also give yourself Temporary hitpoints.)
And the best part is that you can still keep attuned to other useful items as  Magic Item Adept gives you one more attunement slot, meaning that you can be attuned to 4 items total!
And to top it off more Intelligence means more spells and holy shit another cantrip! For your cantrip you can finally take Message to keep in contact with your party, and for your leveled spells...
People die a lot in Nevada: Revivify can help if one of those people are a friend.
See Invisibility will help you avoid ambushes.
Lesser Restoration can help you in a pinch if you’re pinned down.
But again I seriously can not stress enough that you are more than welcome to pick spells that you feel are stronger, as I am merely picking spells for a simple guy who really likes killing.
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(Artwork by marcipancakes on Newgrounds.)
Very quickly going back to Ranger to grab the last few abilities we missed: 7th level Gloom Stalkers have an Iron Mind for proficiency with Wisdom saves. Yup that’s it. Well at least you can add () to your Ranger spell list.
8th level Rangers get Land Stride to not be slowed down by the difficult terrain during Expurgation, and even giving yourself advantage against magical terrain made to harm you in purgatory.
But more importantly you get an Ability Score Improvement to pump your Wisdom up a little more. But really I only waited this long to get Ranger 8 to talk about Martial Versatility from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything: talk to your DM about it but I’d actually suggest grabbing Archery proper now instead of Druidic Warrior because you’ve got the Strength to use weapons.
Oh yeah you could also totally like... use the Guardian armor and carry a repeating crossbow for ranged combat.
11th level Artificers can bring out the heavy artillery with a Spell-Storing Item. You can store a first or second level spell from the Artificer spell list in one  simple or martial weapon (or a spellcasting focus) that requires 1 action to cast.
While holding the object, a creature can take an action to produce the spell’s effect from it, using your spellcasting ability modifier. If the spell requires concentration, the creature must concentrate. The spell stays in the object until it’s been used a number of times equal to twice your Intelligence modifier (minimum of twice) or until you use this feature again to store a spell in an object.
There are plenty of good spells you can choose from but I’m going to just say this: put Shatter in the item. There are perhaps more useful choices, but isn’t a grenade belt the embodiment of Madness?
12th level Artificers get our last Ability Score Improvement which means hey: maxed out Wisdom! Yes there are perhaps feats you could get (some ideas I’d suggest would be either the Dual Wielder feat [carry a Repeating Hand Crossbow in one hand and your magical fist in the other] or the Sharpshooter feat) but I simply opted for maxing out stats.
And you can prepare one more spell like... I don’t know? Blink for more dodging?
Abrogation - I came into this build with the intent of making you capable with all weapons regardless of type and well... I certainly accomplished that. You have good Dexterity for any finesse and ranged weapons and your Strength is strong enough to swing a bat around.
Antipathy - You are also damn capable in combat with an insane opening turn and very good DPS regardless of if you choose to fight with fists or guns, not to mention a good supply of spells and class abilities to truly slaughter your foes.
Apotheosis - It wasn’t my intent but... 20 in two stats and 19 in two others? Excluding your Charisma and Constitution you’re a superhuman of a man.
Depredation - You have to be level 16 to finally get a decent Strength and Intelligence score, and while low STR doesn’t matter much low INT really hurts as an Artificer.
Consternation - “High stats except Constitution” is a problem. Honestly going 15 in Artificer and 5 in Ranger would’ve gotten you level 15 infusions for a Hill Giant’s Belt for 21 STR and an Amulet of Health for 19 CON.
Inundation - There’s a lot of little tweaks worth changing in this build, notably the focus on Dexterity versus Intelligence. Realistically having 20 INT and 14 DEX is more useful for you as an Artificer than having 19 INT and 20 DEX. 
But who cares if it’s messy; as long as it’s effective. Killing everyone somewhere in Nevada will give you plenty of experience to reach your maximum Madness level. You are the Protagonist and they are the Victims... but don’t go into any D&D campaigns with that mentality, or else you may be the Clown.
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(Artwork by Teknodice on Newgrounds.)
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hummussexual · 3 years
I am going to start listing the racist rhetoric that is coming out of this war...
“Ukraine is a European country. We have a 10-year history of Pride marches, and as you know, in Russia, the situation is like opposite,” Edward Reese, project assistant for Kyiv Pride, said in an interview with CBS News. “We have totally different paths. … We see the changes in people’s thoughts about human rights, LGBTQ, feminism and so on. … So definitely we don’t want anything connected to Russia … and we won’t have them.”
Source: Queerty: LGBTQ Ukrainians stand strong amid Russian attacks and rumored queer “kill list”
Using "LGBT rights" as a measuring stick for those who are 'civilized' vs. those who are the 'savages'...
The author of the article furthers this narrative writing:
While same-sex marriage is not recognized in Ukraine, the country does offer some nondiscrimination protections to the LGBTQ community, such as in housing and employment. LGBTQ rights in Russia are less supported, including a so-called propaganda law passed in 2013 that prevents instructing minors of the existence of same-sex relationships and which has been used to crackdown on Pride demonstrations and other pro-LGBTQ events. In Ukraine, thousands marched in a Pride demonstration in September.
The author is trying to walk their tightrope... some protections are offered to LGBT citizens... vague. That applies to countries like the USA, btw. Oh, and the valorizing of marriage as the be-all and end-all for equality shows up. This is then juxtaposed to the situation in Russia.
In short, there are ways of defending your position as a victim of Russian imperialism without using the following tropes:
1) *We* are EUROPE 🤩 = cultured, free, progressive, civilized, etc. While *they* are NOT-EUROPE 💩 = savages, regressive, primeval, medieval, etc.
Are we going to talk about how, within my lifetime, Ukraine as being part of EASTERN Europe was treated by the same disdain by Western Europe, not 30 years ago???
2) The implication to the above is that ONLY Europe deserves to be praised and protected as pure. How dare Europe be involved in war and misery? (HAHAHAHAHA!) And we, as part of Europe, are above the rest.
3) Using LGBT and women's rights as being a sign of... civilization vs. barbarism is such an old cliche. It matters not when the rest of society is filled with injustice.
I am not done. Look at what the official twitter account for Ukraine tweeted:
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The same platforms that had Donald Trump on ALL THROUGHOUT HIS PRESIDENCY and didn't have the balls to remove him UNTIL HE WAS VOTED OUT OF OFFICE!
Is the USA not 'WESTERN' enough for you???
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It's ironic seeing what was treated as an Eastern European country, suddenly acting like it completely fits into this ominous 'West', and suddenly its shit doesn't stink.
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misscrazyfangirl321 · 3 years
BTW I'm probably just going to scream about Primeval for like a day then go back to my normal posting.
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intermundia · 4 years
Hello, I was reading your meta about how Darth Vader is a lich (it’s excellent btw) and I was wondering if you could expand more on the classical meaning and uses of the terms “phylactery” and “lich.” I know that phylactery has long refered to the boxes attached to tefilum used in jewish prayer (I’m jewish) and I know the root of the word is derived from Ancient Greek but prior to reading your meta I had heard that the modern use of the “phylactery”/“lich” mythology came from D&D in the 70s. Is there an earlier record of this mythology? Thank you.
The paired terminology lich and phylactery absolutely did enter the modern popular imagination through DnD and other fantasy literature in the middle of the 20th century. I think it’s modern mythology, using extant archetypes to create something new.
The pairing of an undead magician and an object containing their soul/anchor to life are both evocative of earlier mythological elements but not identical. It draws on the ancient idea of magic being a kind of binding and the very ancient concept of the soul. BUT, the words were not linked before the 20th century, and come from distinct heritages.
In DnD, a lich is corporeal, gaunt and skeletal, with points of light burning in place of decomposed eyes. Their soul (life-force? identity?) is stored in an object that binds the soul to the mortal world and prevents it from traveling to the Outer Planes after death. The phylactery itself is usually an amulet in the shape of a small box, but it can take the form of any object with an interior space in which arcane sigils of naming, binding, immortality, and dark magic are scribed in silver. The magician’s soul persists inside the box.
Since about the Middle Ages, the word phylactery’s meaning was specifically fixed to tefilum (small boxes containing scrolls of parchment inscribed with verses of the Torah), but before that, back in antiquity, it meant something more general like amulet or charm—small objects worn for magical/supernatural protective power.
The word comes from the verb φῠλᾰ́σσω (phulássō, “to protect”), and meant a fortified garrison, and then over time the meaning was adopted and changed into a protective amulet. The Jewish usage is a specific continuation of a long-standing tradition, one that Christians (I think) moved away from as ‘superstition’ and a legacy of paganism.
In antiquity, phylacteries were created using binding spells, engraving, and inscription (spells/magic words, invocations of supernatural beings like minor gods, naming, etc). They were usually tied around the body, either strings/bands, or strips of metal/papyrus was inscribed and then rolled up or folded and carried in a pouch or tubular container. The container itself was not the φυλακτήριον, the inscribed/magical contents provided the power. They were thus not conceptually hollow and did not provide a vessel for a soul or anything like that.
There was no specific association between φυλακτήριον and preservation from death. They affected things like social relationships, brought prosperity, warded off the evil eye, that sort of thing. There was a great deal of paranoia in antiquity about binding spells/curses like defixiones cast by other people, and amulets/phylacteries were more about that and general protection from them and other misfortune than preservation of the life force.
I know that by the Middle Ages, Christians had phylacteries that contained relics (e.g. the finger of Marie of Oignies in the 13th century was placed in a phylactery). So, what was contained inside the phylactery and powered the protection was no longer something inscribed, but a magical token related to death. Christians, though, did not have any desire to keep their souls alive and away from God (based on my understanding of Christian doctrine, the idea of trying to bind the soul to keep it away from God is incredibly deeply sinful?). Those phylacteries then were also good luck charms within the context of having a good, safe, and happy life.
Why then did 20th century fantasy writers decide to use the word phylactery to describe a magic vessel protecting the soul? I hope the lingering Christian fingers-in-a-box and general magical-safekeeping-amulet meanings of phylactery were in the minds when they paired the term with lich, but it may very well have been a direct appropriation of the Jewish (common, modern, recognized) meaning of the word, I honestly do not know.
In terms of the vocabulary, lich (from Old English lic, corpse), is borrowing resonance from something called a ‘lich gate’ which stood at the lowest end of the cemetery where the coffin and funerary procession usually entered. Fantasy authors were probably trying to draw both on the corporeal/physical (i.e. not a ghost) undead figure, and the idea of transition and liminality that the lich exists inside, both dead and alive. Liches refuse the final transition, essentially, to go through the gate.
I think it’s a mash up of ancient ideas—by pairing these words, the writers in the 20th century created a modern sort of undead creature. There is no history of lich/phylactery before the 20th century, but both words are very evocative and conceptually related to magic (phylactery) and the narrative undead villains in stories (lich) through the ages, which is perfect for fantasy stories and games that tell stories in those worlds. I think the use of Old English too evokes Tolkien’s contributions to the fantasy genre. 
By making it specifically a magician (intellectual) who chooses this transformation for themselves, as opposed to a creature animated by something else’s power, it is reminiscent of the concept hubris, especially nerds who seek to know too much and have too much power through technology/human knowledge. Naming it after something Greek also seems to evoke that it is esoteric and something learned from study, while lich is very idk Anglo-Saxon and old in a primeval way.
The whole concept seems very modern to me also to externalize and concretize a soul into something that can be stored like an object (is it from external memory—computers?). It’s a very secular and materialist appropriation of a magic/sacred concept, aka the bread and butter of fantasy lit.
Corpses reanimated by supernatural forces are present in almost every belief system in the world, as well as the idea of souls (ghosts) that persist without bodies. What is interesting is the mechanics of how these creatures are reanimated, how they stay reanimated, and how they are destroyed. That is a whole other subject tbh, a whole book could be written about this.
Tl;dr—the combo of lich/phylactery is modern, but evocative of older things both through name and through mechanics.
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gyakutengagotoku · 4 years
GS4 vs AJ:AA - Episode 3, Part 3
Lately, I’ve had a terrible time setting a posting schedule that keeps conflicting with my folks’ plans. I’m like the resident errand girl... Now, especially now, I understand the pain of Nick and his pupils when the court makes them do whatever because no one else wants to.
Anyhow, I’m back and back on schedule. No more mess-ups dragging me back to a previous post, no sirree! Oh, and again, don’t mind the extra entries I through in there just for sharing. I got at least one viewer who has yet to play through the English versions of these next games.
If only I knew how to be funny when I have nothing to say, though...
> Wright Anything Agency
<Trucy> なんていうか。ナゾが多いって、 ワクワクしますよね! なんとなく。 It's another mystery, Apollo! I love mysteries.
<Apollo> オレはしないケドね。 I don't.
そういえば‥‥成歩堂さんは? 意見を聞きたいんだけど。 Speaking of mysteries, what's Mr. Wright up to? I wouldn't mind asking his opinion.
<Trucy> あ。そういえば、パパ。 最近、見ないですよね。 Now that you mention it, I haven't seen Daddy around.
<Apollo> おとうさんを、 “のらネコ”みたいに言うなよ。 What, is he some kind of stray that just wanders in and out at will?
"Don't treat your dad like some 'stray cat'."
Ah, so he's a cat?
> Examine: photo
<Apollo> 古そうな写真に、みぬきちゃんが 尊敬する魔術師が写っている。 A faded photograph showing one of Trucy's favorite magicians.
みぬきちゃんは、毎日この写真に 向かって手をあわせているみたいだ。 She talks to it daily for good luck, I hear.
<Trucy> あ! 今日の“お祈り”忘れてました! Ack! I almost forgot!
えーと。 偉大な魔術師になれますよーに! Umm... I hope I become a famous Grand Magician!
あと、ついでにオドロキさんが、 リッパな弁護士になれますように! Oh, and I hope Apollo becomes an Ace Attorney!
‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ これで、よしっと。 ...There! All done.
<Apollo> (まあ。ご利益があるかどうかは、  ナゾだよな‥‥) (I suppose if you're going to talk to inanimate objects, a photo isn't so bad.)
Aww, Trucy. Yeah, this is more of a custom you'd find in Japanese households and offices, since they're pretty big on praying to their family members beyond the grave or certain lucky Kami for good fortune and all that. 'Tis an Asian thing, really.
Odoroki: "(Eh. Who knows if it really works or not...)"
> Examine: silk hat
<Apollo> やっぱり。ボウシから、 色々なものを出すんでしょ? That's one of those hats you pull things out of, right?
<Trucy> もちろん、やりますよ。 みぬきのボウシも小宇宙ですから! Of course! My hat's like a little universe! Bigger on the inside than on the outside!
<Apollo> 小宇宙か‥‥なんだかスゴイね。 “ギャラクティカ!”ってカンジだ。 Hmm... That reminds me of a sci-fi show I used to watch.
Odoroki actually gives that sci-fi show by name: "Galactica!", which is most likely referring to Battlestar Galactica itself.
> Examine: spaghetti
<Apollo> ロウ細工じゃなくて、ホンモノの 料理を置いてるお店もあるよね。 I've seen some restaurants that set out real food to show what's on the menu.
<Trucy> そういうのって、 なぜか減ってることありません? I have, too! But I noticed something strange...
喫茶店のサンドイッチの具だけが、 なくなってるの見たことあります! One time, there was a sandwich without any lettuce!
あれはあれで、フシギです! Like it had disappeared... by magic!
<Apollo> ‥‥ダレかが、 ツマミ食いしただけじゃないの。 ...I'm sure someone just swiped the lettuce and ate it.
<Trucy> あ! あのサンドイッチ、 もしかして‥‥ Wait, that sandwich... You didn't...!
オドロキさん。いくらおナカが すいたからって、カラダ壊しますよ。 Apollo, you shouldn't eat sample food, no matter how hungry you are!
<Apollo> 食べないよ! ヒトを“のら犬”みたいに言うなよ。 Just how hard up do you think I am!?
Last two lines: "Odoroki-san, if you're always keeping yourself hungry like that, you'll hurt your health." "I didn't eat it! Don't treat others like a 'stray dog'."
Ah, so he's a dog. Btw, yes, it is still a sandwich with lettuce from a coffee shop in the JP script.
> Examine: hula hoop
<Apollo> けっこうジャマなんだよな、それ。 You know, that ring kind of gets in the way.
この前も、依頼人が つまづいて転んでたし。 Our client the other day tripped on it and fell on the floor.
<Trucy> そのあと、外までころがった リングを探すのもタイヘンでしたね。 ...Sending my ring rolling out the door! You know how long it took me to find it?
<Apollo> 怒った依頼人をなだめる方が、 もっとタイヘンだったよ。 You know how long it took to calm down the client?
けっきょく、依頼もらえなかったし。 ‥‥少しは、片付けようよ。 And in the end, they walked out without hiring us. Could you clean up a bit?
Oh, I would pay a private eye good money to find who this client was based on, out of the staff who wrote the original script. Any ideas, guys?
> Talk: Yesterday's Trial
<Apollo> 今日の法廷で‥‥ラミロアさんは、 ハッキリ証言した。 Lamiroir dropped a bomb in court today...
《犯人は、ダイアンさんだ》って。 "It was Daryan"...
<Trucy> ラミロアさん。一度、聞いた声は ゼッタイ忘れないんでしょ? Lamiroir said she's never forgotten a voice, right?
なんか、カッコイイですよねー。 That's so cool!
<Apollo> うん。まあね。 Um, I guess.
<Trucy> なんていうんでしたっけ、アレ。 What's that called again?
ええと。 “じごくみみ”っていう‥‥ Um... Elephant ears...? I bet that's what they're called...
<Apollo> ちょっとちがうぞ、それ。 ...Somehow I don't think that means what you think it means.
In JP, Minuki uses the word "jigoku mimi", which is a metaphor like "ears so sharp they could hear into hell itself", or so it sounds. It can refer to one of two kinds of people: 1) those with the special ability to remember something forever after hearing it once, or 2) incredibly nosy people who'd dig into others' secrets without permission.
Also, I just learned that "elephant ears" can be another name for taro.
> Talk: Interpol
<Apollo> 国際警察の捜査官‥‥かあ。 An Interpol agent... hmm.
<Trucy> で? なんですか? “こくさいけいさつ”って。 I was wondering, what is "Interpol" anyway?
<Apollo> え! そ。そりゃ、アレだろ? Huh? Interpol?
国際犯罪のハンニンを つかまえるんじゃないか。 They're the guys who catch international criminals.
<Trucy> なんでも“こくさい”をつけりゃ いいワケじゃないと思いますケド。 Why can't they just call them "International Police" instead of making up some silly name?
Minuki: "I don't think just throwing 'International' onto anything has an excuse, though."
Unfortunately, they don't have the rights to name themselves "Justice League of Nations" yet, so "Interpol" will have to do.
<Apollo> ‥‥やっぱり、アレかな。 ラミロアさんを調べていた、とか? Yeah... ...Anyway, you think he was investigating Lamiroir?
<Trucy> えええ! ナニ言ってるんですか! Whaaaa--!? Why would anyone do that?
ラミロアさんが犯罪者なワケ、 ないじゃないですか! She's not a criminal! She couldn't be!
<Apollo> いやいや。ヒトは見かけによらない、 って言うぞ。 Don't be fooled by appearances is all I'm saying.
<Trucy> コドモの純真な目はゴマかせない、 って言うじゃないですか! But remember I'm a magician, Apollo! I can spot a palmed coin at fifty paces!
<Apollo> 自分で言うなよ。 If only it were that easy.
Last three lines: "Sorry, but like they say, 'You can't judge a book by its cover.'" "Don't you mean, 'You can't fool a kid's true-seeing eyes!'" "Don't make up your own saying."
(Fyi, I do sometimes hear this saying about how "kids aren't so easily fooled" in both English and Japanese, but I wanted to make a pun of my own.)
> Enter Valant
<Apollo> はあ。どうも‥‥ Ah, um, nice to meet you. Who... are you?
(ニヤニヤ笑いながら、  言われてもなあ‥‥) (And could you please stop smirking like that?)
<Trucy> ああああッ! あ。あ。あ。あ。あ。 あ‥‥あなたはッ! Ah. Ahhhhhhh! It's you!!! Uncle Valant!
<Apollo> なんだよ。 やっぱり、トモダチか? Uncle Valant...? He's your uncle!?
<Trucy> ナニ言ってるんですか! No, silly!
或真敷(あるまじき)バランさん ですよ! It's the Great Gramarye, Valant Gramarye!
あの。大魔術師のッ! The Grand Magician!
<Valant> さよう‥‥テレビでおなじみ、 あの有名な或真敷 バランです。 Yes, it is I, the Great Valant Gramarye. As seen on television.
<Apollo> (ニヤニヤ笑いながら  言われてもなあ‥‥) (And could you please stop smirking like that?)
Btw, it's only in English that Trucy calls him "Uncle". In JP, she simply calls him "Valant-san". Oh, and that "t" at the end is supposed to be silent.
<Apollo> あの‥‥ Um, I hate to intrude, but...
いったい、大魔術師さんが、 オレたちになんの用ですか? What is a Great Magician doing paying us a visit?
<Valant> ‥‥おそらく。用があるのは、 あなたたちの方でしょう。 I believe it was you who wished to see me?
なんなりと、 聞いていただいてけっこう。 So, be quick with your questions!
このバランに乱反射する‥‥ And do not quail, quake, or quiver. I am quite tame.
ビッグスターのオーラを、 恐れることはありません。 Though my stardom may sear the sight... I'm quite down to earth when need calls.
<Apollo> (‥‥たしかに、あるイミ、  恐るべきオーラがマブしいな) (He does have a certain aura to him, it's true.)
"(...Yeah, in a way, he does have an impressively shining aura.)"
> Talk: Troupe Gramarye
<Trucy> あの。もしかしてオドロキさん。 Wait, Apollo...
《或真敷一座》を知らない‥‥ なんてコトはないですよね? Don't tell me you don't know about Troupe Gramarye?
<Apollo> あるまじき‥‥ なんていうか、その。 Troupe Grammarie... huh? No.
どこかで聞いたような気は するんだけどね‥‥ But it does sound kind of familiar...
<Valant> おお。まさに、 あるまじき青年というべきかな。 Oh, lost life! Lamentably listless lad!
今をトキめく大魔術集団を ご存じないとは。 To not know of the greatest troupe of magicians on the planet!
<Apollo> (或真敷 バラン‥‥  思い出してきた) (Valant Gramarye... The name began to surface in my mind.)
(たしか、オレが小さいころ、  テレビによく出てたような‥‥) (It was a name I'd heard on television as a child.)
<Trucy> そうですよ! You bet you've heard the name!
ゴウカ客船を消してみたり、 遊園地をバクハしてみたり、 He made a cruise ship disappear, and blew up an amusement park...
銀行の金庫から金塊を消してみたり、 あげくの果てに、 ...Oh, and he made all this gold disappear from a safe!
閉じこめられた刑務所から 脱走してみたり! And then escaped from a high security prison!
<Apollo> ‥‥なんだか‥‥ Um...
大いなるゴカイを生みそうな プロフィールだな、それ。 ...You said he is a magician?
"That kind of profile could lead to some big misunderstandings."
(Ok, honestly I only kept this bit in because I love how colorful they made Valant's lines and they are worth sharing.)
> Talk: During the Show
<Apollo> あの‥‥もしかして。 So, I was wondering...
この歌の途中で起こっている “フシギ”は‥‥ That stunt in the middle of the song there...
<Trucy> フシギ‥‥? I didn't see a stunt...
<Apollo> ラミロアさんが消えたり現れたり してるじゃないか! What about Lamiroir vanishing and reappearing!?
<Trucy> あ。ああ‥‥見なれてるから、 フシギだって思いませんでした! Oh, that? I guess I'm so used to seeing that happen I didn't even notice.
<Apollo> (さすが、魔術の子‥‥) (So young to be so jaded...)
"Oh, that... I'm so used to seeing it that it's no mystery to me!" "(As expected of a young magician...)"
<Valant> ‥‥さよう。 かの、ささやかなステージこそ。 A simple slight-of-hand, a petit prestidigitation.
この或真敷が仕掛けた魔術なのです。 A modicum of magic from me... to you.
<Trucy> やっぱり! バランさんが、 コンサート会場にいたのは‥‥ So that's why you were at the concert!
<Valant> ご想像のとおり。 Yes.
このバランのトリックを 見届けるためだったのです。 I was there to watch my trick take to the air...
<Apollo> じゃあ‥‥ラミロアさんが消えた、 そのシカケ‥‥ご存じなんですか? So you're the one who knows how it was all done.
<Valant> トーゼンでしょう! 我こそ、ステージの神。 Of course. I am like a deity, with the stage as my domain!
ステージ上で起こるすべての フシギを操る‥‥ I suffer no mystery upon those floodlit boards not grasped tightly twixt my fingers.
そのフシギなチカラこそ 神たるゆえんなのですから。 It is a potent, primeval power I possess.
Someone give this man a medal for "Ascending the Astral Apex of Alliterative Ability" at once.
<Apollo> あ、あの! よかったら‥‥そのシカケ。 Um... Well... Do you think you could...
教えていただけませんか! ...tell me how it was done!?
<Trucy> おっと! Hey now!
<Apollo> み。みぬきちゃん‥‥? Trucy...?
<Trucy> 魔術師にシカケをたずねるのは ルール違反ですよ、オドロキさん。 That's like, totally against the rules, Apollo!
<Apollo> ナニ言ってるんだよ! 殺人事件の捜査だぞ! Not during a murder investigation, it's not!
<Valant> そういうワケにはまいりませぬ。 或真敷の秘術は、或真敷だけのもの。 Mais non, for my illusions are mine alone, m'sieur.
And he speaks French! ...Well, actually that's not so surprising. His name is very Frenchy in the first place.
Also, I just wanna mention how he's one of the few AA characters to use the '-nu' form of negation to some words. So far, I think only two others have used such colorful or cultural language, and that would be Luke Atmey and Victor Kudo.
> Present anything
<Valant> ほほう。この私に‥‥ただで、 キセキを要求するというのですか。 What's this? You would ask me for a miracle? Free of fee?
いいでしょう。その証拠品を、 消せばいいのですね? 永久に! Then thy wish be granted! Thy will be done! Thy evidence evicted into the ether!
<Apollo> いやいや! やめてください! Ack! No evicting, please!
(‥‥魔術師って、  こんなのばっかりなのか?) (...Are all magicians like this, I wonder?)
From my experience? Yeah, quite a lot of them like to make things disappear right from people's pockets. Usually they return them to people, though. I still remember that one lady who was still screaming after the show about the autograph she got from Penn & Teller after volunteering in an act...
Sorry, I feel nostalgic for the ol' Vegas days. Anyway, this is just another entry to share.
> Finish talking
<Valant> ‥‥それでは、みぬき嬢。 バランはこれにて失礼いたしますぞ。 ...I, Valant Gramarye, now make my leave, Miss Trucy.
<Trucy> バランさん! もう少し、 ゆっくりしていってくださいよー。 There's no need to rush, Uncle Valant! You should stay a while!
<Valant> そうもまいりませぬ。 I am afraid I cannot. I may not. I shall not.
捜査に協力を求められているゆえ、 現場に戻らなければ。 I have been asked to assist with an analysis and so I shall slink back to the scene.
<Apollo> じゃあ‥‥今日は、 あのコンサート会場に? So... you'll be at the concert venue today?
<Valant> さよう。このバランに話があったら、 あのコロシアムへどうぞ。 Correct. If you would call on me, come to the Coliseum!
ではッ! いざ、さらばッ! See you later, crocodile.
<Apollo> (サッソウとマントを  ひるがえして‥‥) (With a whirl of his cloak, and a wink of his eye...)
(ドアからフツーに出ていったな) (...he turned and walked out through the door. Normally.)
...I don't know why "See you later, crocodile" irks me so much. It's either "See you later, alligator!" or "Been a while, crocodile!" Not both mixed up! This scene does remind me of the "dancingly descended through the front door" boys back in the day, though.
> Move: Detention Center
> Examine: camera
<Apollo> 監視カメラがこっちを見ている。 That security camera is looking at me.
カメラを向けられると、 ついポーズを取りたくなるな。 Why do I feel this sudden urge to make a silly face?
"Suddenly I feel like making a pose before that camera."
> Present: anything
<Machi> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@‥‥ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@‥‥
<Trucy> “コトバが分からず、話せないのが  残念です。美しいお嬢さん‥‥” I think he said...
<Trucy> ‥‥ですって。 "I am sorry I cannot speak your language. You are very beautiful, fair maiden."
<Apollo> ‥‥勝手なホンヤクをするなよ。 ...This is why I never trust a translator.
Screw you, Apollo. I didn't make this blog to ask for your opinion. >:(
Anyway, it was just: "...Don't make up your own translation."
> Move: Sunshine Coliseum
> Examine: blimp
<Trucy> あ! 飛行船ですよ! Look! A blimp!
<Apollo> となりには、 バルーンもあがってるね。 Those balloons next to it have ad banners on them.
<Trucy> えーと‥‥《大安の日セール・ 大安売り》ですって! Let's see... "Big Sale, All Shirts 50% Off."
<Apollo> なんだ。となりのデパートの バルーンじゃないか‥‥ Oh. It's an ad for the department store next door.
It doesn't specify what kind of sale it is in the JP, so I guess it's officially a clothing shop sale. That said, it does say it's a "Lucky Day Sale - Huge Bargain Deals!" I'm not sure exactly how common it is among the Japanese to honor particular "auspicious" days of the year (though, they do have a lunar calendar for these kinds of events), but you'd definitely see these events affect the seasonal shopping cycles.
> Examine: coliseum
<Apollo> 《県立国際ひのまるコロシアム》か。 やたらとビッグな名前だね。 Sunshine Coliseum sure is living up to its name today.
<Trucy> おっきいですよねー。 It's huge!
こんな大舞台に立てるなんて‥‥ うー。牙琉さん、うらやましい! And Mr. Gavin got to play on that enormous stage... I'm so jealous!
みぬきもいつか! このコロシアムで、デビュー戦を! Someday, I'll fight my first battle on this stage!
<Apollo> なんだよ。“戦”って。 Battle?
<Trucy> だって。なんか“コロシアム”って、 格闘技のイメージがありませんか? Well, yeah, it's a coliseum, isn't it?
<Apollo> 語感が、“コロシアウ”に、 似てるからじゃないかな。 Um, they don't do gladiatorial contests at these places any more, Trucy.
<Trucy> そっか! さすが、オドロキさん! ナゾが解けました! Really? I had no idea! I wonder why they stopped.
<Apollo> (そんなに、感心されると、  訂正しづらいな‥‥) (Sometimes I worry about her.)
Last four lines: "Well, when I hear 'Colosseum', it makes me think of duels to the death, right?" "Maybe the nuance of the word comes from 'koroshiau'." [mutual killing] "Really? Nice, Odoroki-san! We solved the mystery!" "(With how much she's admiring me, it's hard to correct it...)"
> Examine: costumed mascot
<Apollo> なんだ? あのイヨウな人物は‥‥ What's that... creature there?
<Trucy> わあ! 警察局のアイドル、 等身大「タイホくん」だ! Oooh! That's the police mascot, the Blue Badger!
<Apollo> え! あれが等身大なの? Eh? It's life size!
<Trucy> 知らないんですか? よく見ますよ。 夜の街をパトロールしてるところ。 Haven't you seen them around town? Patrolling the streets?
暮らしの“安心”を願う、正義の マスコットキャラクターなんです! Yes, now even law and order has a mascot!
<Apollo> ‥‥それは、ア���ニンもゼンニンも まとめて���げ出すだろうね。 ...I'd run from that thing even if I wasn't a criminal.
歩くたびにグラグラする アタマが“不安”なカンジだし。 Why does its head wobble like that when it walks? It's freaky.
<Trucy> オドロキさん! モンクが多いですよ! I don't think you're showing true Blue Badger spirit, Apollo.
It was just "Odoroki-san! You're complaining too much!"
To be honest, though, I kinda agree with him. I love the Badgers, all of them, but it didn't take AAI to make me question whether they'd be cute or creepy... At least the official Tokyo PD mascot Pipo-kun actually looks cute, kinda like a mouse or teddy in uniform.
...Manly Pipo scares me, plz make it go away.
> Move: In the Wings
> Examine: piano
<Trucy> おっきなピアノですよね! みぬき。弾いたことないんですよね。 That's one big piano! I've never actually played one.
<Apollo> ふうん。 成歩堂さんに習えばいいのに。 Heh. You should get Mr. Wright to teach you sometime.
<Trucy> あー、ダメダメ。 パパ、弾けないから。 No good, he can't play either.
<Apollo> (これだけソンケイされてない  パパもめずらしいな) (I kind of feel bad for the guy now...)
"(It's not too often that I'd find a dad who is respected this little.)"
> Examine: electronics
<Apollo> いろいろなキカイがある。 音響装置だろうか。 Look at all the electronics. They must be sound-related.
<Trucy> こういう機械を見ると、どうにも いじり倒したくなりますよね。 Doesn't seeing a bunch of machines like this make you want to just fiddle with 'em?
いじり倒していいですか? オドロキさん! Can I, Apollo? Please?
<Apollo> “いじる”だけじゃダメなのかよ。 やめとけよ。コワれるから。 No, no fiddling! You'll break something.
<Trucy> でも。コワれることをおそれてちゃ、 何もイジれませんよ! If you're going to make an omelet, you gotta break some eggs!
パパがいつも、言ってます。 “カタチあるもの、みなコワれる” That's what Daddy always says.
<Apollo> ‥‥そこまで悟ってコワしても、 怒られるの、オレだからな。 These eggs look kind of expensive.
"But if you're always afraid to break things, you'll never get to fiddle with them! Daddy always says, 'Anything with form will eventually be broken.'" "...Even if you understand and still break it, I'm the one who'll be blamed."
> Examine: tower
<Trucy> このステージの塔の上に、 レタスさんとマキさんが‥‥ I still can't believe we found Machi and Mr. LeTouse up there...
<Apollo> アレはさすがに驚いたよ。 だから、高いところはキライなんだ。 Yeah. I used to not like high places. Now I hate them.
<Trucy> それ、高さはあんまり カンケイないと思いますけど。 It's not like it would have been nicer if we found a dead body closer to the ground.
‥‥そういえば。 パパもニガテですね。高いトコ。 ...Though that reminds me. Daddy's bad with heights, too.
<Apollo> へえ。そうなんだ。 Huh, no kidding.
<Trucy> こないだ。遊園地で カンランシャに乗ったんですよ。 He took me on a Ferris wheel ride a while ago, you know!
パパ、途中からカオが “もすぐりーん”になってました。 Halfway through, his face got all green and he mumbled "objection" over and over.
<Apollo> (‥‥成歩堂さん、かわいそうに) (...Poor guy.)
"Moss green", she says. Thank you, Minuki-chan, for that very detailed description.
> Examine: instrument case
<Apollo> 巨大な楽器のケースが置いてある。 Now that's a big instrument case.
<Trucy> それ、コントラバスっていう 楽器のケースですよ。 That's a case for a contrabass, I think.
<Apollo> ちょっとしたバイオリンなら 20個は入りそうなイキオイだ。 You could fit twenty violins in there, I bet.
<Trucy> カタチは似てますけど、 ゼンゼンちがう楽器ですっ! It may look like a violin, but it's a completely different instrument!
<Apollo> みぬきちゃんなら、5人は 入りそうなイキオイだ。 You could fit five Trucys in there, I bet.
<Trucy> もう! ワザとやってるでしょ! Hey! Are you comparing me to an instrument!?
みぬきとしては、あのビミョーな “半開き”が気になります。 Hmm. I wonder who left it sitting open like that.
Second to last line: "Hey! You're doing that on purpose, aren't you!?"
> Examine: ladder
<Apollo> 昨日、塔の上にのぼった ハシゴが置いてある。 That's the ladder we used to climb up the stage tower.
‥‥あれは、キョーレツな 体験だったな。 ...Not a moment I'm likely to forget any time soon.
<Trucy> うーん、たしかに。 アレは見モノでしたよね。 Me neither...
みぬき。《へっぴり腰》ってコトバ の意味、ハッキリわかりました! I'll never be able to climb another tower again without thinking about it, you know?
<Apollo> ‥‥だから、ニガテなんだよ。 高いところはさ。 ...I'll never be able to climb a tower again, period.
Second to last line again: "I now understand what they mean by 'weak knees'!"
(Literally, it's "bent back", but has the meaning of that. Though, it definitely puts a smile on my face picturing moss-green Nick with his bent back again.)
> Talk: Valant Gramarye
<Valant> ‥‥あなたの考えていることは わかります。 I know what you are thinking in that head of yours.
『“或真敷”‥‥ああ。そういえば  ムカシ、テレビで見たっけ』 "Gramarye, yes," you say. "I recall seeing him on television."
おおかた、そんなトコロでは ないでしょうかな? Something of that sort?
<Apollo> え‥‥ええ。そのとおりです。 Um, actually, yes, you're right.
<Trucy> これがウワサの “読心術”かもしれませんよ! Wow! He just read your mind, Apollo!
<Apollo> ‥‥ウソつけ。 ...Or everyone tells him that and he made a good guess.
"So this may be the rumored 'mind-reading technique'!" "...I'm not buying it."
> Talk: Magnifi Gramarye
<Valant> 天斎とザックの亡き、今。 私のねがいは、ただひとつ。 Now that Magnifi and Zak are gone, I have but one wish.
残されたこの私が、天斎の奇跡を ステージによみがえらせるッ! Let it be I, Valant Gramarye who brings the Gramarye miracle back to the big stage!
<Trucy> みぬき。応援してますから! I'm rooting for you!
<Valant> みぬき嬢。早く大きくなることです。 あなたのウデっぷしが必要なのだ。 Miss Trucy, you cannot grow up quick enough! I need your skill by my side!
<Trucy> はいッ! このウデっぷしで! One skill, coming up!
<Apollo> (やれやれ。ものすごいスピードで  話が事件からそれていくな‥‥) (How do we manage to get off the topic of the case so quickly all the time?)
Interestingly, the "skill" he mentions refers to physical strength? Was he expecting Trucy to help him move some loads backstage or something? Well, times have been tough on the troupe, so I guess stage workers are short...
> Present: attorney's badge
<Valant> ほう‥‥それが、あなたが 弁護士たる“証”ですか。 Ah... The proof positive of your profession, yes?
<Apollo> ええ。そうです。 Um, yeah.
<Valant> ‥‥ふむ。少々、 拝借してよろしいかな? Might I... have a look?
‥‥おや。 消えてしまいましたな。 Oh! What's this? It is gone!
<Apollo> うわわっ! 何するんですかッ! Ack! What'd you do with my attorney's badge!?
<Valant> はっはっはっはっはっ。 あわてずともよいですぞ。 Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha. Don't be alarmed.
みぬき嬢! その腰の トピットの中をごらんなさい。 Miss Trucy! Take a look into your topit, if you would.
<Trucy> きゃっ! こんなところに オドロキさんのバッジが! Eek! It's your badge, Apollo! What's it doing in there?
スゴいです、バランさん! フシギですよねー。オドロキさん。 That was amazing! Wasn't it, Apollo?
<Apollo> (そんなコトより、みぬきちゃんの  腰についてるポシェット‥‥) (He called that pouch at her waist a "topit"...?)
(“トピット”っていうんだ。  ‥‥魔術師用語か?) (Is that some kind of magician speak?)
So I had to search it up, and apparently a topit is a hidden sleeve or pocket that a magician uses to hide objects during an act. So it is indeed magician-speak. Normally, these topits are hidden in a jacket or outfit or somewhere and not out in the open like Trucy's pouch, though... If anything, her topit is stuffed with a certain Mr. Hat already.
> Move: Backstage Hallway
> Examine: Gavinners' dressing room door
<Apollo> こっちは、 《ガリューウエーブ》の楽屋だ。 That's the Gavinners's dressing room.
今、ガリューウエーブのメンバーは 捜査でいそがしいはず‥‥ They're all out on the investigation.
おそらく、誰もいないだろうな。 Being backstage isn't half as glamorous without a band here.
Funny seeing this coming from Apollo of all people. For reference: "There's probably no one in there."
> Examine: Lamiroir's dressing room door
<Apollo> ラミロアさんの楽屋‥‥ 事件現場のドアだ。 That's Lamiroir's dressing room... and the scene of the crime.
殺人事件の現場にしては、 警備がウスいよな‥‥ It's kind of lightly guarded for being a crime scene.
<Trucy> いいじゃないですか。 入りやすくて。 I'm not complaining! Makes it easier for us to go in!
それに、みぬきたち。 アカネさんも公認ですから。 And Ema gave us her OK, right?
堂々と入って、これでもかと ひっかきまわしても大丈夫ですよ! We can wander in and do as we like!
<Apollo> (‥‥なんだか、アカネさんが  心配になってきたぞ) (How is Ema doing, anyway...?)
(カリントウ食べすぎて  虫歯にならなきゃいいけど) (I hope she's not getting cavities from eating all those chocolate Snackoos...)
"(...I get the feeling Akane-san is gonna worry.) (Ah well, as long as she doesn't get cavities from eating so much karintou.)"
> Finish talking
<Lamiroir> 連絡はそれを使っておりましたから。 ないと困るハズなのですが‥‥ We use it for communication. It would be quite inconvenient should it go missing.
<Apollo> わかりました。オレたちが 預かっておきますよ。 We'll hold on to it for you then.
牙琉検事に会ったら、 言っておきますから。 We'll give it to Prosecutor Gavin when we see him.
<Lamiroir> そうですね。 では、おねがいできますかしら。 Yes, that's best. Thank you.
<Trucy> あ! じゃあ、ソレ。 みぬきがつけておきますね! So, can I put it on?
< > 《ヘッドセット》を みぬきちゃんに取りつけた。 Headset attached to Trucy.
<Trucy> プラモデルみたいに 言わないでください! "Attached"? I'm not some kind of robot, Apollo!
Or a plastic model, as per the JP.
> Move: Lamiroir's Dressing Room
< > ‥‥さくさくさくさく‥‥ ...MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH...
<Apollo> う‥‥‥ Uh oh...
このキョーレツなニクシミをこめて カリントウを噛み砕く音は‥‥ There's only one person I know who can munch with such... venom.
<Ema> ‥‥ナニしに来たのよ。 ...What are you doing here?
<Apollo> あいかわらず、フキゲンそうですね。 アカネさん。 Hello, Ema. You're looking as grumpy as ever.
<Ema> そりゃそうでしょ。 Oh, am I supposed to be happy?
法廷でアンタにやりこめられて、 牙琉検事にバカにされちゃうし。 You give me the second degree in court, and Prosecutor Gavin makes me look like a fool.
Heh, I like both the descriptions with "venom" and the "intense crunching noise" from the JP. Thinking about it, for someone to munch so loudly even with a closed mouth, that is a pretty impressive level of intense.
> Examine: crime scene
<Apollo> あれ。ここ、 カーペットが切り取られてるぞ。 Look, the carpet's been torn up here.
<Trucy> 今日の法廷で《のみとーる試薬》を ふりかけたトコですね! That's the part we did the lunimol testing on in court!
<Ema> “ルミノール試薬”よ! ノミを取ってどうするの! "Loony mall"? What's "Loony mall"!? It's "Luminol"! Get it right!
<Trucy> ‥‥‥! ...!
アカネさん、カガク捜査の コトになると、コワい‥‥ Ema's kind of scary when it comes to science.
<Apollo> ‥‥みぬきちゃんも、そろそろ キチンとおぼえようよ。 ...Best learn the word and not incite her wrath again.
Heh, she mistakes it as "Nomitol", and Akane-san snaps at her about "Why would I be catching fleas!?" since "nomi" is "flea" and "toru" is to "take" or "pick up".
> Examine: bullet holes
<Apollo> こんなに厚いカベが、 ぺっこりヘコんでいる。 Look at the way those bullets tore through this thick wall.
ホントに、オソロシイ威力の ピストルだったんだな。 That revolver really was something else.
<Trucy> マキさんみたいに小柄なヒトでも、 撃てるものなのかなあ。 I wonder if someone as little as me could even fire it?
<Apollo> 肩がハズれちゃうかもしれないね。 しばらくピアノなんか弾けないよ。 Dislocating your shoulder would kind of put a crimp on your stage career.
<Trucy> あ。じゃあ、ウチのパパの 肩コリも吹き飛ばしちゃうカモ! Daddy always has stiff shoulders, maybe that could loosen him up!
<Apollo> やめてくれよ。ホントに 撃ちそうだぞ、あのヒト。 Don't even mention it. I'm afraid he might go out and actually try it.
<Trucy> たぶん、ないと思うけどなあ。 そんな度胸。 Nah, he doesn't have the guts to pull the trigger, I bet.
Haha, Odoroki's second to last line: "It might dislocate your shoulder. You wouldn't even be able to play piano."
> Examine: bowl
<Trucy> きゃあ! フルーツですよ フルーツですよフルーツ! Look! It's fruit! Fruit, Apollo! Fruit!!!
<Apollo> ‥‥1回多いよ。 ...I heard you the first time.
これだけあるのに、スイカを ひとクチかじっただけとは‥‥ It sure is a lot of fruit. I doubt anyone would miss a bit of watermelon...
<Trucy> メロンを瞬間移動させましょうか。 ‥‥みぬきのおなかに。 I know, I'll make it vanish! Into my stomach!
<Apollo> やめておこうよ。 ベンショウさせられるかもしれない。 Better not. They might make you pay for it.
そんなおカネがあったら、 事務所のカベを塗りなおそうよ。 And if you have the money for that, you should probably repaint the office first.
<Trucy> メロンって、そんなに 高いんですかっ! Watermelons are that expensive!?
<Apollo> まあ、よく知らないけど。 *shrug* These could've been imported from some exotic locale, for all we know.
Nice shoutout to Japan's exotic fruit market. There are indeed such things as square watermelons and exquisite canteloupes that can go for as high as 10-15,000 yen per melon (~$95-143 these days).
Also, Minuki mentioned she'll have some of the canteloupe to herself, which is why Odoroki warned her about how expensive it'd be.
> Examine: bouquet
<Trucy> “ゴウカらんらん”な花が 飾ってありますね! That's one heavy-duty bouquet there.
<Apollo> ワルいけど、“けんらん”だぞ。 I have trouble thinking of flowers as being "heavy-duty".
<Trucy> えー! でも!“ゆうきりんりん” って言いません? But they call lots of things heavy-duty!
<Apollo> それは言うけど。 Not flowers, they don't.
<Trucy> “るんるん気分”とか。 What about a "heavy" scent?
<Apollo> たしかにね。 I think you mean "heady".
<Trucy> 事務所のトナリのメガネ屋さんは “れんれん”だし。 What if the flowers were plastic?
<Apollo> お。苦しくなってきたな。 They still wouldn't be heavy.
<Trucy> “ろんろん”は‥‥‥‥‥‥ないや。 みぬきの負けですね! OK, what if they were made out of metal?
<Apollo> じゃ、満を持して “けんらん”ってコトで。 What, like a magnolia made out of steel?
<Trucy> はいっ! Exactly! Though I hope all my fans don't start throwing metal flowers at me.
Once again, we have a case of Japanese wordplay that couldn't make it through translation. Here it is:
"There's some 'gouka ranran' flowers here!" [splendid-fiery] "Sorry, but that should be 'kenran'." [gouka kenran = luxurious] "Huh? But don't they always say 'yuuki rinrin'?" [full of vigor] "That they do." "And 'runrun kibun' too." [exuberant mood] "That's right." "And even the glasses shopkeeper next to the office is 'renren'." [attached to /
fond of] "Oh, now you're starting to grasp at straws." "And for 'ronron'... I can't think of any. Well, I'm out!" "Then, you can accept that it's 'kenran'." "Okay!"
I respect the ref to Steel Magnolia, though.
> Examine: wigs
<Apollo> 美容院なんかで見かける、 パーマをかける機械だ。 That's one of those permanent dryers you see in hair salons.
<Trucy> そういえば、これ。正式な名前は なんていうんですか? Is that what they're really called? "Permanent dryers"?
<Apollo> パーマをかけるキカイだから ‥‥《パーマ機》? Do I look like a beautician? I just know they dry your hair and give you a permanent...
<Trucy> “機”だけニホンゴって カッコ悪いです! It just doesn't sound very glamorous, you know?
<Apollo> じゃあ‥‥ちょっとコジャレて 《パーマシーン》‥‥? OK, how about a "permachine"!?
<Trucy> シンプルに《パーマー》とか。 《ドライヤー》のノリで。 Or you could go more simple, like "permer"!
<Apollo> ‥‥けっこう遊べるね。 《正式な名前を考えよう》って。 ...This isn't a bad game, thinking up official names for things.
その時点で“正式”じゃないけど。 Not that it makes the name actually official or anything.
As it happens, it's not too far from the original script, even including a bit of Japanese wordplay: "It's one of those machines you'd see at a beauty salon that gives you a perm." "Say, what is the official name of those things?" "Well, it's a machine that gives you a perm, so... 'perma-ki'?" [kikai = machine] "It sounds weird just leaving that 'ki' in there!" "Then... to keep it trendy, how about 'permachine'?" "Or keep it simple like 'permer', kinda like 'dryer'." "...We sure can play around with thinking up official names for things. Not that it makes the name actually official or anything."
> Examine: presents
<Trucy> ラミロアさんへの プレゼントですね。 A stack of presents for Lamiroir.
さすが、大スターのプレゼントは どれも大きいですよねー。 Stars always get the biggest presents.
ね。ね。オドロキさん。 みぬきも受付中ですよ。プレゼント。 You know, you could give me a present, Apollo.
<Apollo> ‥‥じゃ、はい。アメ玉。 ...Here, have a piece of candy.
<Trucy> わあい! ありがとう! Gee! Thanks!!!
<Apollo> (喜んでくれたのに、なんで  こう、ムネがいたむんだろう) (She must not get a lot of presents... Poor girl.)
(I'm happy for her and all, but why do I feel so bad?)"
I guess it can go two ways: he's sorry that she doesn't get many presents, or he's upset he had to give away some of his sweets.
> Talk: Yesterday's Trial
<Ema> とにかくね。あのちっちゃな子に ダマされてたと思うと、くやしくて。 It just bugs me to think that little kid outsmarted me.
<Ema> 目が見えたんなら、よけいに アヤシイんじゃない? あの子。 And it makes him even more suspicious now that we know he can see!
天井の通気口も見えたワケだし、 ピストルも撃てたし。 He could have seen the air duct, and he could have shot that revolver.
<Trucy> でも‥‥ラミロアさん、 そうは証言していませんよ。 But that's not how it sounded in Lamiroir's testimony.
<Ema> ああ。現場で、ハンニン‥‥ 眉月刑事の声を聞いた、ってね。 You mean her saying she heard Detective Daryan's voice at the scene? Hmm...
<Trucy> そうですっ! That's right!
<Ema> もう。なんでワケのわかんない 事件ばっか起こるのよ、この国は! Why can't we have a normal, straightforward killing once in a while in this country!?
<Apollo> クニのせいに しないでくださいよ‥‥ I'll pretend I didn't hear that.
Ah, here's the legendary Ema quote! It's pretty similar to the original: "Ugh. Why is this country just full of cases that don't make sense at all!?" "Please don't blame the country, it's not at fault..."
> Talk: Song Lyrics
<Ema> ここまで一致していると‥‥ グーゼンとは思えないよね。 It is kind of hard to chalk it up to coincidence, hmm.
<Trucy> ですよねっ! みぬきが見つけたんですけど。 I know! And I found it.
<Ema> これって、やっぱり。 ハンニンがやった‥‥のかなあ? You think the same person did all of this?
<Apollo> オレに聞かないでくださいよ。 ハンニンじゃないし。 Don't ask me. I didn't do it.
<Ema> あたしだってちがうよ。 あの通気口、入れないし。 Neither did I! I couldn't fit through that air vent anyway.
<Trucy> ‥‥え! みんな‥‥ みぬきを疑ってるんですかっ? What... You all think I did it!?
<Apollo> (ダレも言ってない) (Sometimes I worry about that girl.)
"(No one said anything about you.)"
This here is some fine Among Us logic, yessiree.
> Talk: Something Odd
<Trucy> ‥‥あの。 ナニか見つけたんですか? ...So what did you find?
<Ema> まあね。ちっちゃくて、きのうは 見落としていたんだけど‥‥ It's so little I must have passed over it yesterday.
あの、ソファの下に、 コイツがね‥‥ I found it under the sofa.
<Trucy> ‥‥なんですか。コレ。 ...What is it?
<Ema> 何かの機械の部品、みたいだけどね。 サッパリわからないの。 Part of some device, I think. I haven't a clue what.
ハジっこについてるキカイ、 見覚えがあるから調べてみたら‥‥ The bit sticking out from the end looked familiar, so I had it examined.
どうやら《アンテナ》みたい。 Turns out it's an antenna.
<Trucy> アンテナ‥‥ Ooh, like on a beetle?
<Ema> だから。電波に反応するのかな、 って思って。 Like on a cell phone. This device must use an electronic signal of some sort.
<Trucy> 電波、か。ココロ当たり あるような‥‥ないような。 An electronic signal, you say? Hmm...
Hm, I wonder if Trucy likes collecting beetles. Otherwise, I have no idea where that line came from.
> Finish talking, examine crime scene again
<Trucy> ‥‥ちょっと、 気になったんですけど。 You know what I couldn't stop thinking?
このカーペット、誰が ベンショウするんでしょうね。 Who's going to pay for this carpet?
<Apollo> オレたちじゃないコトは たしかだけど‥‥ As long as it's not us...
やっぱり。 ハンニン‥‥じゃないかな。 Maybe... the shooter?
<Trucy> うーん。それじゃあ、 悪いコトするときは‥‥ I guess it's true what they say.
ヒトにメイワクが かからないようにしないと。 Crime doesn't pay!
<Apollo> ‥‥ベツのルートから そこへたどり着きたかったね。 I would hope that carpet replacement costs weren't the only thing holding you back.
The last three lines: "Hmm. It's like, 'When you do something wrong... don't cause trouble for others too.'" "...I wished we could have come to that through a different way."
> Move: Sunshine Coliseum
> Meet Daryan, finish talking
<Daryan> どう思ってるんだよ。 ホントのトコロは。 What do you really think happened? Really?
‥‥オレがやった‥‥なんて 考えてないだろうなあ? You don't think I did it, right?
<Apollo> そ。それは‥‥ W-Well...
<Daryan> なんか、たよりないからな、 おまえさん。おぼえておいてくれよ。 Great. Way to instill a guy with some confidence.
事件が起こった瞬間。オレは ステージで、暴れてたんだぜ。 Just remember, I was ripping it up on stage when it happened, OK? Ripping!
<Apollo> ‥‥‥! ...!
<Daryan> あの“歌姫”とかいうおばさんの 言うことに、ダマされるなよ。 Don't get led astray by some siren song, eh?
さもないと‥‥ 1年ぶんのハジをかくことになるぜ。 Get this one wrong, and you'll be eating humble pie for a year. I'll bake it myself.
<Trucy> なんか‥‥感じ悪いですね。 Let's... not talk to him anymore. Alright?
<Apollo> (眉月 大庵‥‥刑事、か‥‥) (Detective Daryan Crescend... He's one stone I'd leave unturned if I had a choice.)
Heh, nice. It was plainly "Don't be fooled by that 'songtress' lady", but made the perfect opportunity for a reference to siren songs. Ngl, I was half-expecting the JP script to run off of her Goddess title in some way...
> Move: Prosecutor Gavin's Office
< > ‥‥ピッ‥‥ ...*beep*...
<Klavier> やれやれ‥‥こんなときにこそ、 ダイアンが必要なんだけど。 It's times like this when I start to miss Daryan...
‥‥ん? ...Huh?
<Apollo> あ‥‥どうも。 Erm, hiya!
<Trucy> えへ。 来ちゃいましたあ。 Tee hee! Just thought we'd drop in. Hope you're not mad...?
<Klavier> ‥‥“えへ”とこられちゃあ、 怒るワケにもいかないな。 ...How could I be? There's not enough "tee hee" in the world, in any case.
まあ、座りなよ。 Have a seat.
<Apollo> (意外にココロの広いオトコだな) (Prosecutor Gavin, the philanthropist.)
<Trucy> オドロキさんも見習うんですよ。 Watch and learn, Apollo!
"(He's a lot kinder than I thought, this guy.)"
> Examine: guitars
<Apollo> すごい数のギターですね。こんなに 持ってて、どうするんですか‥‥ Look at all the guitars! Why so many?
<Klavier> 何本あったって、困らないさ。 ギターは、ぼくの恋人だからね。 You can never have too many guitars. They are like... my lovers.
<Apollo> (なんだかハラの立つセリフだな) (I didn't just hear him say that.)
"(Feels like he's saying that just to rub it in my face.)"
<Trucy> オドロキさん、知らないんですか? これは、予備のギターですよ。 They're backup guitars, Apollo. Don't you know anything?
“ろっくんろーる”は、ギターを 壊してナンボの世界ですから! Rock 'n' rollers always smash their guitars at the end of a show!
<Apollo> どんな世界だよ‥‥ No wonder it's so hard to make it as a musician.
"What kind of wacky world do they live in..."
<Trucy> ほらほら! オドロキさんも、 “ろっく”してみてくださいよ! You know what, you should try rocking a little, Apollo.
<Apollo> ‥‥持ち主の目の前でそれは、 さすがにロックすぎるだろ。 And breaking his guitars while he watches? That might be a little too rocking.
<Klavier> はっはっは。でもね。 ぼくは、そーいうのはやらないんだ。 Ah ha ha ha. Of course, I would never do such a thing.
言っただろ? ギターは、ぼくの恋人だって。 Did I not say, they are like my lovers?
ぼくが、恋人にそんなことをする オトコに見えるかい? Do I seem like the kind of man who would do such a thing to ones he loves?
<Trucy> いいえ、まさか! 見えませんよ! さすが、ガリューさんですね! No, no! Not at all! I mean, you're Mr. Gavin, upstanding prosecutor!
<Apollo> (おいおい‥‥“ろっく”な  世界はどうしたんだよ) (What happened to Prosecutor Gavin, god of rock?)
"No, no! Not at all! It's you we're talking about, Garyuu-san!" "(Hey... what happened to that world of 'rock' you were on about?)"
> Examine: window
<Klavier> どうだい? すばらしい眺めだろう? The view is exhilarating, ja?
いつも、ここで夜景を 楽しみながら、曲の構想を練るんだ。 I sit here, gazing down upon the city, writing my songs.
<Apollo> 検事の仕事をしましょうよ。 Try working on cases.
<Klavier> 曲を考えることと、 事件の推理をすること‥‥ It is the same thing.
ぼくにとっては、同じなんだよ。 I write lyrics the same way I corroborate evidence.
どちらも大切なのは、ロジックと 感性のハーモニーだからね。 It is a harmony between the logical mind, and the primal spirit within!
<Apollo> (言ってることはカッコイイけど、  ごまかされている気がする‥‥) (Is it so hard to admit that you like staring out your window and daydreaming?)
"(He may have put it in a cool way, but I bet he's just trying to deflect...)"
Do prosecutors have a habit of just staring out their windows for some reason? I know that frilly guy does it because he's got a bit of time at this time.
> Talk: The Case
<Klavier> ああ‥‥そうだ。 今日の新聞を見たかな? Ah, that reminds me, did you see the paper today?
<Trucy> はい! Yes!
テレビのページだけはみぬき、 毎朝チェックしてるんですよ! I always read the TV section.
<Klavier> それはエラいね。 おデコくん、キミは? Good girl. How about you, Herr Forehead?
<Apollo> オレも、4コマまんがは チェックしてますけど。 ...I read the funnies.
Ah, something we can agree on, Apollo. Then again, with how Odoroki mentions the 4koma, I can't help but picture those on Gyakuten Tsuushin and now the joke is super meta.
<Klavier> ‥‥コイツを見たまえ。 ...Then you will not have seen this!
<Apollo> 《悪魔のしらべが惨劇をもたらす!  ~二枚目検事のキケンな歌声》 "Concert of Tragedy -- The Prosecutor's Deadly Song!"
<Trucy> え。今夜、そんなドラマ、 ありましたっけ? Ooh, is that a new show? I haven't heard about that one.
<Klavier> ドラマじゃないよ。 れっきとした、記事の見出しさ。 It's not a show. It's an article. News, you know?
<Trucy> あ‥‥もしかして。 みぬきたちの‥‥ Oh, does this have anything to do with the case...?
<Klavier> 法廷から帰ってから、 ぼくの電話は鳴りっぱなしだよ。 Since getting back from the trial, my phone has been ringing off the hook!
Second to last: "Oh... so it's about us...?"
> Finish talking, get the replica
> (optional) Move: W.A.A., present replica
<Trucy> レタスさんは‥‥ コレを調べていたんですね。 So this is what Mr. LeTouse was after...
<Apollo> うん。国際警察がコレを 追いかけていた、ってことだろうね。 It's international smuggling. That's why Interpol was involved.
(今回の事件とどう関わるのかは、  まだイマイチ分からないけど) (I'm still not sure how this ties into our case, though.)
<Trucy> ちっちゃいのに、 すごいんですね、コレ! Wow, how could such a little thing be so important!
<Apollo> たしかに‥‥ まるで、みぬきちゃんみたいだね。 In that way, it's a bit like you, Trucy.
<Trucy> !‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ オドロキさん! ...Apollo!
みぬきは、ちっちゃいんじゃなくて、 まだ若いだけです! I'm not small! I mean, I am, but I'm still growing!
<Apollo> (‥‥一応、  ほめたつもりだったんだけどな) (It was intended as a compliment.)
<Trucy> オドロキさんこそ、前髪で 身長かせいでるじゃないですか! Well you cheat your height by sticking your hair up like that!
<Apollo> (こ、これは別に、そういうんじゃ  ないんだけど‥‥) (Hey, it's called fashion.)
"(H-hey, I just like it this way. I didn't mean it like that...)"
> Move: Sunshine Coliseum, In the Wings, then Hickfield Clinic
> Move: Detention Center, present replica
> Talk: The Cocoon
<Trucy> この“マユ”‥‥ いったい、なんなんですか? What is this cocoon, anyway?
<Machi> @@@@@@‥‥ @@@@@@‥‥
<Lamiroir> 『マユ、糸‥‥特効薬』 "The cocoon, the silk, is a potent cure."
<Trucy> とっこうやく‥‥? A cure...?
<Apollo> 何かの病気に効く、ってコトかな。 It must cure some disease.
<Machi> @@@@@@@@@@‥‥ @@@@@@@@@@‥‥
<Lamiroir> 『《チリョーレス症候群》‥‥』 という病気に効くみたいですわ。 It's a cure for "Incuritis".
<Apollo> チリョーレス‥‥ A cure for Incuritis?
Ughhh, it literally is just "Chiryoles" (chiryou + less = cure-less), aka "Incuritis". And here I was expecting it was just the loc team having a brainfart once in a while.
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theanimeview · 4 years
(THEORY) The Goddess Reborn: I Choose the Emperor Ending
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By: Peggy Wood | @peggyseditorial
You know that song, "[What If God Was] One Of Us" by Joan Osborne? I Choose the Emperor Ending reminds me a lot of that song, mainly because Marina, better known as Rino or the Technician in the story, is the world's "goddess" without anyone knowing it. That, I think, is something we can all agree on. But, what if Marina's chosen character role isn't merely that of an Eastern slave? That's the topic I'm planning to discuss here today:
An issue I see with Marina's role as a player in this story is that even if she was starting at the bottom, it wouldn't make much sense for her to have been given a slave's body. Even if she decided to take the harder route by beginning at the lowest social position in their society, by the time she sees the main character of her story, Duke Edward Allen Dihas, several days have passed and they have not passed easily given the way Marina looks when we see her in the slaves' cell. Granted, some of that was played up for dramatic effect, but ultimately she's looking paler and thinner than at the start. Maybe this is a reflection of her real-world body before being found and put in a hospital, or maybe not. Regardless, time is passing, and her role is not well chosen for the game.
This wouldn’t be the first time such a thing happens either, several mangas and other manhwas of this genre have depicted the creators of a story being reborn or transferred into their creative works--often with the undefined, but general feeling, that they’ll have to live out the rest of their lives in this new world. Luckily for Marina, it seems she’ll be traveling back and forth (or maybe unluckily?).
If you examine the cover image of this comic, you'll be able to see a lot of hints to how long Marina will be trapped in this story. For example, in the comic's cover image, Marina's hair has grown longer by several inches, and even Edward looks a bit older, though not by much, which implies that at least a few years will pass in the course of this story. It also means that we'll be following the story until Edward has crowned Emperor (which we know to be the ultimate end of her novel).
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That being established, whose body did she take in this transfer to the new world? 
If we look at the title of Lasnarok, the book version that Marina’s brother shows her is in the middle of being written (chapter 52), we can tell that Marina has not taken over the cover character.
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AND YET, it’s hard to make the decision that she hasn’t when the book is written from Marina’s point of view regarding the events of her story in the game-world thus far. 
The easy assumption would be to say that Marina has taken over the body of an Eastern Royal who was hidden within the crowd. It would make sense for the game aspect as that would give her a level of importance beyond “slave” to warrant meeting the lord of the castle and progressing the story.
We’re given hints early on to this idea. This appears as early as Chapter 1, where we view Marina, disguised as a boy, through Edward’s eyes: “‘He was a boy with a peculiar look. Despite his low class, he looks down on others like an insolent royal.’” Edward ratifies this in Chapter 6 where the preview from Chapter 1 is expanded upon, “He was a boy with a peculiar look... Did more easterners come to this area...? Hair too light for an Easterner, oat-colored skin as clean as an aristocrat child’s, He definitely looks like an aristocrat even though he is a foreigner. And there’s something about his gaze.”
He’s not the only one that will note this difference between Marina and the other Easterners, Lavine--the weaponry technician--says Marina has “too much of an aristocratic air about him to be a slave,” and Lavine’s assistant notes that Marina is too fluent in the language to be an uneducated slave. Granted, the Easterners are considered savages, so the slaves who were held may or may not have been well educated for their country, but that’s not clarified. One other thing to note here is that in Chapter 4, we learn that only the Eastern royal family has been given the knowledge to create “sticky fire” (Greek Fire, also known as Napalm). So that set’s her role as an Eastern royal, correct? Maybe not. 
Again, we turn to the cover image of Lasnarok, the story of a story within our story. I assume it is the image of their world’s goddess because of her placement among stars on the cover and because she somewhat looks like the statue of the goddess we see in chapter 11.
Here is that image of the goddess, btw:
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Fool, that is your goddess.
Now some of you may disagree as the woman on the cover does not have wings, and their clothes are different; however, I would direct naysayers to look at the similarity of their hair, which is parted in such a way that the left side remains unseen. Besides, even if they don't look that alike, we could write it off as the artist and people not truly knowing what their goddess' true form is or would be--which is my main point. 
I believe that, from the perspective of those inside the book, Marina is their goddess brought down to human form. This would not be unlikely as gods in real-world mythos often took the forms of impoverished people to test their worshippers' hospitality and heart. In fact, I think Ovid mentions Zeus and Hera doing such a thing in Metamorphoses. To me, oddly, it seems like this makes more sense than Marina being an Eastern Royal turned slave despite all the hints leading to such an idea. My reasoning for this largely lies in the analysis of the comic's cover. 
For example, the crown we see Marina placing upon the duke seems French-inspired due to the fleur-de-lis, (men's imperial medieval crown fleur de lis gold).  “Since France is a historically Catholic nation, the fleur-de-lis became "at one and the same time, religious, political, dynastic, artistic, emblematic, and symbolic." Then we see that Marina holds the Sceptre in her arms or rather it is leaned against her. The “Sceptre, also spelled Scepter, ornamented rod or staff borne by rulers on ceremonial occasions as an emblem of authority and sovereignty. The primeval symbol of the staff was familiar to the Greeks and Romans and to the Germanic tribes in various forms and had various significances. The staff of command belonged to God as well as to the earthly ruler; there were the old man’s staff, the messenger’s wand, the shepherd’s crook, and, derived from it, the bishop’s, and so on." In essence, by the cover’s depiction, Marina is the person choosing who to crown. She has done so in her writing of the VR game and is doing so again via her own work in the story during her time transferred there. 
We know she is the goddess in terms of our reading since she created the world of the story, HOWEVER, is she that in the story, or is she someone else? I think that it will come out that she is both the goddess born to their world and an Eastern Royal turned slave within the story, but it could also be only one of those things. Who is to know until more is released? And what are your thoughts? 
Let me know!
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RGverse Story Summary (Season 1: Part 1)
i was too lazy to continue on so have the summary from arc 1 to arc 7
i have......a lot to say before we start, actually.
and it's about the post title. you see the "season 1" thing? yeah. the main storyline is split into seasons.
season 1 is supposed to focus on ars and the more earlier characters i've made more i think. it's also supposed to go in depth with ars' conflict with dark ars, and maybe some destonio-fate lore too.
season 2 is more focused on the severed eden gang, mainly abstruse tho. it's also more focused on the rest of team destruction as a whole, and this season is overall the one that ends the story completely.
now.......there's a third season. "oh! season 3?!" WRONG! season 1.5
it serves as a bridge between season 1 and 2. it has two arcs, with the first arc focusing on one objective and also on the conclusion of two specific characters, while the second arc focuses a little more on ana, primeval, and technicolour.
• arc 1: starting arc
i don't have names for these arcs so just take random words/sentences that have smth to do with the story of the arc itself ok thanx
anyways, i think it's safe to say arc 1 focuses on introducing some of the characters here first. i think the characters introduced are ars, lucas, ana, aresi (she only appears for like a brief moment sorry aresi 😔), the thunderriders members, fate, and destonio. that's abt it
this arc also focuses on introducing the conflict in hand; team destruction and a weird reoccuring dream ars keeps having for some reason.
as for the dream, the premise is always the same; the sky for some reason is pink and there's a weird gateway to god knows where that sucks in everything in the world and ultimately causes destruction and shit. some guy (supposed to be abstruse) is just watching some girl (supposed to be arghena) cause everything and be the bad bitch she is. also in the dream ars just watches some randos (supposed to be the rest of severed eden) die one by one in the same ways every single goddamn time (like the lore related art i posted like. so so long ago).
the dreams always ends up in both abstruse and arghena being consumed by a rlly bright light and them boom. ars wakes up. how odd.
timeskip to like. awhile after he got the dreams. he constantly get those dreams and then finally he got tired so he consulted to aresi abt it. "dude maybe you're going insane how abt you go on a morning stroll to keep yourself sane" she said.
and he fucking did that (idiot).
during that walk he met lucas who just got to the cantate kingdom. lucas was like, looking for a place to stay ig so ars was like, "oh you can stay at my place!!!!" like the fuckinh IDIOT HE IS. lucas agreedeither way bc he"$ greedy as hell at the time. i'm not even gonna bother fixing the typos but you get it right
anywayzzzzz after awhile ars told lucas abt that dream bc lucas was like "yo why do you look like you're gonna lose your sanity 💀💀💀💀💀" and uh yea. lucas did NOT suggested that ars should go to a therapist but instead told him that he should actually find the answer himself. and then boom. actual shit begins
they went to the astra kingdom first bc ars wanted to visit ana first. ars tells her abt the dream, and then she agrees to come with him and lucas. and then whoooooshhhhhh to modelista city they go
they nearly got killed once they stepped foot into it btw.
trojan then offers to take the trio to the thunderriders base and then foosh. they meet the rest of the thunderriders :)
also i never rlly mentioned who the thunderriders members are so lemme just list it here uhhhh:
- tempo
- shifta
- trojan
- galactic
- satellite
- terabyte
- glaciaxion
- pamolia
- pupa (tho at the time he didn't appeared yet lol)
- aleph-0
moving on
tempo told ars, lucas, and ana abt their goal in defeating team destruction, and how if team destruction successfully carries out their plan to destroy the entirety of planet earth (LMAO AORRU CALLING IT PLANET EARTH IS FUNNY TO ME), then everyone is doomed (and they'll probs die obv)
i think the best way to kick off this arc was to have them be in a bit of danger facing the thunderriders' enemies; team destruction.
well. it's just their minions that came to fucking obliterate them but THATS BESIDES THE POINT. THEVPOIMT ISSSSSS. FATE CAME TO SAVE RHEM BC THEY NEARLY DIED.
FATEEEEEEEE THE FIRST BEST GIRL HERE (i still ly primeval i prommy)
also the arc rlly ends when destonio first appears. he would say smth abt lumine ig. and abt how he hates everything. based destonio moment
from here, pls keep in mind that their objectives are:
1. defeating team destruction and their plan to destroy the world, and
2. find out an answer to ars' dream
• arc 2: oh god things get a lil tricky arc
anyways, in this arc we get to know more abt fate. the Sillies™ find out that she's a fucking goddess and nearly everyone freaked out. ars might look like he's calm abt this when he is screaming on the inside.
Tumblr media
^ visual presentation
moving on from that, fate was like "oh i'm just visitinf here ykyk hot girl stuff" and lucas was like "okay bozo" wow soooo misogynistic /j
suddenly some guy comes into the base. fate was shockex enough to seehim BC IT TURNS OUT IT'S DESTONIO⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️
anyways convo between fate and destonio in a nutshell ig:
fate: what the FUCK
destonio: HELLO LUMINE.
destonio: oh. i get it now. so you decidsd to go by a new fucking identity
destonio: ok fine whatever idgaf anymore.
destonio: anyways hello everyone
ars: What The Fuck.
things went normal after that for some reason. fate, despite her horror of reuniting with destonio, decided to bother him either way. "dEsTo ThIs, DeStO tHaT, WHEN EILL SHE LESVE ME ALONE??????" my guy you fucking asked for this yk 💀
anyways after so much filler stuff we finally get to the part things get interesting. dark ars starts invading ars in his sleep instead of the reoccuring dream he always has every night. dark ars is like "hey ars can i. can i take over." and ars would be like "NO??????? LEAVE ME ALONE????"
ok ok uhhh after so much tormenting and even more filler stuff, the Sillies™ start to realize Something Is Wrong with ars. trojan decided to interrogate ars alone on that matter
Worst mistake possible.
because dark ars was annoyed enough by this to the point where he actually makes ars suffer and feel so much physical pain during the interrogation, which honestly sounds like a shitty premise, but i'm writing this on the spot, so that's why it's shitty. trojan was fucking concerned, let me tell you that.
he was all like, "ars!!!!!!!! are you fucking ok??????!!!!!!!!!!!!" and ars is like "NO I'M NOT." and then after so long dark ars finally takes over and nearly kills trojan. ouch.
lucas managed to confront dark ars abt this and was like "ars?? what the fuck man????" and dark ars was like "shut the fuck up human. i'm seriously going to kill each and everyone of you lowly idiots."
"OUCH??????" — fate, probably.
anyways they managed to defeat ars, but fate accidentally summons a portal that takes ars to a whole different place. probs far away from modelista city. "ms. fate....what the hell???" tempo asked.......this isn't a fic.
the arc ends with ars just....waking up elsewhere. as for where it is.....we'll find out in a little bit.
• arc 3: aegle city arc
i....originally didn't exactly want to put aegleseeker as a main character in the story, but now that i think abt it, he can be a supporting character in a sense.
anyways ars turns out to have woken up in aegle city, a city that.......is currently trapped in an eternal night.
heh. mlp moment /j
ars woke up in some house ig, so he quickly realized someone found him unconscious and took him in. turns out that someone is- OH MY GOD THE AEGLESEEKER HIMSELF??????!!!!!!
yea. it could get weirder and nonsensical from here /j again
i don't have much to say abt this arc, other than the fact that ars and aegleseeker just.....help each other in a sense ykyk? it's just them bonding and becoming besties somewhat.
at one point tessi gets mentioned. aegleseeker criticised her for making this world somewhat odd. he also criticised amazing mighty at the same time. this guy is rlly bold.
not much to say abt this arc. it's...really boring compared to the other two ones i think.
ars has to get tormented by dark ars again,,,,,,,,,
after that, ars decided to distance himself from aegleseeker, which obviously made him confused. like i would be confused too if my friend started distancing themself from me and talked to me less. he just didn't know that ars is doing that for his safety.
eventually, ars ran away from aegle city, not even telling aegleseeker first. that...definitely made the latter felt a bit hurt in some way, but he's good at hiding things, so that's not obvious enough from the outside.
in the end, we shift focuses...
• arc 4: lucid traveler arc
huh? lucid traveler? could this mean.....oh! lucas is the main focus here now!
it turns out, during ars' time in aegle city, the rest of the thunderriders were trying to find him. fate didn't talked to them that much out of guilt. destonio just went along i guess.
ig throughout this arc lucas reminisces on his time with ars. it's short, but he ended up feeling a lot of things because of his time with ars LMAO.
oh god,,,,feelings?
also at one point pamolia takes the spotlight, which definitely teases something for a future arc lol
god this is all going so slow i hate this AHAHSHDBUDDBF
in the end, one day, lucas decided to find ars all by himself when one can least expect it. after some finding and even more reminiscing, he ended up finding ars in the end. they're not in modelista city anymore btw. they're kind of nearly back in the cantate kingdom, but not exactly there either.
ars was literally trying to avoid lucas so dark ars doesn't hurt him, but lucas just kept on coming to him even more. it can't be helped when dark ars decided to take over eventually. they both then had a super intense fight (real) and despite all of dark ars' efforts, he actually lost Again. he ended up falling unconscious again, and because he felt pity for ars, lucas decided to jusf LEAVE HIM LIKR THAT WHAT THE UFCK MENA.
uh. anyways.
• arc 5: malware arc
oh wow. it's trojan time besties
the main character here is still lucas honestly lmao, but the real main focus here is trojan
lucas got back to the thunderriders base after some time, and the first thing he saw was trojan and terabyte watching the fucking news.
yeah, apparently, the deal with ars and dark ars got a bit out of control, huh?
the whole first part of this arc is pretty normal.......until we get to the second bit. tempo and shifta start to notice something wrong with trojan. trojan starts to say...really weird stuff, like "haha guys what if someone here betrays us or something?" or "y'know, a traitor could be among us (SUS???? /J), right?" OR "[insert name of anyone near him right now], don't you think acting is a strange thing to be made into a profession?"
they both didn't exactly mind this at first, but then the questions and what-if scenarios get even weirder and that certainly made tempo a bit suspicious. so, he decided to confront trojan abt it.
tempo, being dumb for once, tried to force an answer out of trojan bc for some reason he isn't giving any answers???? dawg what are you hiding m8.
he's a spy from team destruction.
HE HAD TO EXPLAIN THIS TO TEMPO SO THAT HE DOESN'T GET KILLED OR WHATEVER BUT BASICALLY the reason why he became a spy for team destruction was because they offered him a good enough deal and they thought he'd make a good enough spy considering how close he is with tempo, the leader.
he was like "oh yea sure i hate the mfs here anyways lmaoooo" at first but then he got attached. that's how you know things got bad for him.
tempo was a bit disappointed at first, but then he was like "alright fine." trojan was relieved that he was forgiv—
"but what about that time you asked me about something related to acting?"
he doesn't trust him yet.
and now he thinks trojan is acting all of this time when he is NOT acting.
"it's just something related to this...whole ordeal. sorry."
this is really shitty ngl /hsrs
anyways trojan felt a bit bad after that, because tempo started avoiding him a lil more, and that's when the conflict between them started.
oh dw abt them, they'll solve things once.....uhhhhhhh season 2 comes in /hj
• arc 6: confrontation arc
uh. so!
ars is actually back in the cantate kingdom! with aresi and his parents! how peaceful!
......ok not rlly actually lmfao
dark ars continues to torment him every night in his sleep. it irritates ars a lot, honestly, so yikes. BUT THAT ALL CHANGED ON ONE FATE(oh hi girly /j)FUL NIGHT.
ars meets dark ars in the dream world AGAIN. BUT THIS TIME......ARS HAS HAD ENOUGH OF HIS SHIT‼️
ars and dark ars have a lil duel and shit, but then, for some reason, dark ars got defeated again for some reason. what a bitch (affectionate). the two then have a lil talk! like a heart to heart, bc that's all dark ars is capable of at this rate.
basically, their conversation was abt how dark ars is a personification of ars' self hatred and perfectionism. it's hard to explain without his backstory post bc i haven't posted his yet (i wanna finish up on the worldbuilding ones first lol), but yeah, that's the gist here.
if ars learns to accept himself more, then dark ars will disappear and stop bothering him. as a little extra, dark ars will become one with ars. ars then decided to just accept himself for who he is and then boom! he wakes up with dark ars now being an actual part of him that he'll appreciate a little more!
also he gets a new look that i actually used for his proseka stamp redraw, but i haven't made a ref sheet yet lmaoooo
ars tells his whole family abt this and they all hug and cry in joy <3333
ars then decided to get back to modelista city to find the thunderriders, lucas, ana, fate, and destonio again.
but for a small half of this arc lucars is the focus (yay)
ars gets back to the thunderriders base and literally crushes lucas and ana with the most biggest bear hug ever. what a silly guy. "if we started this together, then we might as well end this together too." he told the two of them.....haa......i love tjem....
anywayzzzzzz the focus is finally on destonio after that. basically he keeps talking about this lumine girl, and how he misses her, even if he hates to admit it sometimes. that obviously made fate a lil frowny lol
ars tries to get an answer from destonio regarding who lumine is, but destonio refuses to answer.
howeverrrr pov switch to destonio just for the sake of flashbacks happen.
throughout the arc, random flashbacks pop up here and there. uhhh the premise of each flashback goes like this:
1. flashback 1: lumine and destonio's first meeting basically. rlly basic shit.
2. flashback 2: the two of them finding out one is older than the other and vice versa when they saw each other at high school, followed by lumine teasing destonio abt his short height that fits his age. destonio Does Not like this at all.
3. flashback 3: The Besties™ hanging out at an amusement park. they got ice cream too and destonio jokes abt how lumine would be a messy eater when HE'S THE ONE WHO HAS ICE CREAM ALL OVER HIS MOUTH LMAO
4. flashback 4: this is where things get...concerning. i think. lumine rants abt how much she hates this world and how she'd rather be dead then see The Horrors™. needless to say destonio was fucking confused.
5. flashback 5: basically what one of my vent arts reference. "i wanna die, and when i die, i'm going to ascend to heaven and be god's most special angel ever! haha- eh? why are you looking at me like that, desto?"
6. flashback 6: lumine tells destonio abt an upcoming summer festival that they both should go to. this is foreshadowing Very Bad Events.
7. flashback 7 (THE LAST ONE BTW GOD BLESS): lumine and destonio are near the edge of a cliff. lumine tells destonio stuff that are muffled out for some reason (to add to that mysteriousness frfr) and then the firework show happened and then—
that's all.
yea this is all i can write for now. i'll probs continue either today, tonight, or tmrw. depends rlly lol
uhhh if you have any questions feel free to ask me! i love getting asks :)
also this is indeed very shitty-ly put together i apologize in advance. maybe one day future me will look back at this and go "oh god this is bad i need to rewrite this" but for now! this.
0 notes