#this is about any version of gb really
n1ghteeea · 7 days
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Genuinely asking as an aroace person: why might ghostbusters want to have other romantic long-term relationships if they already have a committed group of people with whom they share a household, love to spend time, can be vulnerable and overall feel comfortable? Isn’t this why people get relationships in the first place?
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o0o0thorn0o0o · 3 months
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Late, I know, but…! Only by two days, so I’ll still label/tag it:
Ichihime Week, Day 7: Mythical Lovers / Rainbow
I was planning on adding in magpies in the background this time, but I was getting lazy, and it’s already late, so maybe next time ^^;
(Also I was thinking of making a rainbow version, but it didn't come out as I would have liked? Idk. I still think it’s cute, though, so I put it under the cut)
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Alrighty, listen: I really didn’t mean to wait this long to post. But, like, very shortly after Eid, my iPad’s storage filled up, like, to the point I couldn’t even access my mail (that’s how I found out, pfft). I was wondering why I’d ever need 256 GB 4 years ago… but still, it was $100 extra bucks. Sure, it was a grad gift, but 128 GB was expensive enough—still a lot of storage, too… Not enough, clearly!
Hoarding layers (and recoloring my own art, pfft) has really caught up to me… but also, it wouldn’t help too much if I didn’t either. After deleting what I could bear to part with, that took away around 5 GB, but merging layers in other works barely made a dent.
So I’ve spent these past few weeks wondering what to do, thinking about emailing my 2019 (imported from my 5s) and 2020 works to an email I also created 4 years ago for some reason I totally forgot about and never used so that I don’t end up taking any space in my actual one and then uploading them onto two (since I really don’t want my files corrupting) USBs via my laptop, trying to get those USBs from Target (but since I was adamant this time in getting 256 GB USBs—I don’t want to have to worry about storage for a longgggg time—there were none in stock), ordering them off of eBay instead since my dad insisted on their cheapness, waiting a week for them, then transferring them to that email and uploading them onto its Google drive if the files was too big…
But that was taking much too long and still left space on my iPad while I was doing it. I managed to complete the 2019 and 2020 pieces from my iPad, but it also only ended up being around 1 GB… So, like, I need to clear more years (breaks my heart, it does ;~; Sure, I still have access to them via that email and those USBs, but it’s not convenient anymore, and there are still pieces I plan on getting back to… ackkkkk).
Contemplating it some more and discussing it with a friend, much as I abhor subscription services, I finally decided to purchase a premium membership on Ibis for that 20 GB of cloud storage. I can afford the 30 bucks a year, and I like the app anyway—serves me good—and not having to watch an ad every 18 hours to access my go-to brushes would be nice, plus having access to the other stuff, but yeah: ✋🌈✨cloud storage✨🌈 🤚
Anyway, I’m pretty sure a good chunk of what’s taking up my space is actually the cache, as I’m already more than halfway through my drawings, and I’m not sure if I’ll reach that 75 GB of storage Ibis was apparently taking up with just my drawings. So I’ll probably need to download everything, then delete the app and redownload it ‘cause stupid IOS doesn’t let you easily clear it 🫠
Anyway, I really thought I’d be done by now, but am not—that said, I managed to clear out around 10 GB off of Ibis (not my iPad; I somehow managed to gain back 5?? Somewhere?? I’ve no clue; I don’t see it), which is wayyy more than enough to get one drawing done for IH week, so I paused the whole storage thing for now. I actually tried to get day one’s drawing done on the 6th, but I’m dealing with perspective that’s hurting my brain, so I decided to get day seven’s done instead, ‘cause I thought I’d be on time…
Me? On time? Man, who knew I was so funny… 😒
But yeah, day seven is done! I’ll definitely revisit that day one drawing in the future, but not anytime soon. As if I wasn’t backed up already, this whole storage mess has backlogged even further, and there are other dates coming up 😮‍💨 And, y’know, gotta finish the storage transfer, too… Ahhhhhhhhhh!
Anyway, on a more positive note, gradient maps are actually very neat to use—had a little too much fun, eheh. I won’t confess how much time I spent testing it out on this piece, but here be my favorite:
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They’re so golden <3 ☺️
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sweatinghoneybee · 4 months
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Drew out what Glowburst would look like in the fic! Since there hasn’t been any concept art on what Glowburst looks like i’d like to take a crack on what she would probably look like by the little description that we do get of her!
I drew out her past, present and future looks cause since it’s confirmed that Glowburst looks differently from what she looks at present time at the fic and a future look cause i feel like it’s all set and done when she has her family whole again after reuniting with sire again, she’ll have a healing arc where she’s taking herself and gets to spend some quality family time. Even tho there’s a hint that she’s gonna die, but for now i’m gonna be an optimist and just hope that MC will not be tortured by the plot traumas of the future (i know this is in vain but a girl can only wish ok!!)
But disclaimer tho, some of the things i put on Glowburst’s design is sort of headcanons from me with the ideas i come up with the things that are hinted about Glowburst and hasn’t been said yet in the fic, so no one better tell me that i’m off track when future chapters are added cause this design is just what i THINK she’d look like not what she DOES look like at the moment! And I’m honestly just having fun with her design kay? Plus i sort of kind of re-using a failed draft of my version of MC when she got older.
I mostly start with the present one since we got a description from ms.seacucumber that Glowburst looks old and that her paint is faded and since it’s said by MC that she looks like her carrier i got a pretty good draft on what she’d probably look like. I tried to base her off of MC but with slight differences since the sire’s genetic also got inherited so i didn’t want MC and GB to look too similar, and also i sorta made her look like she’s covered up cause i feel like the modification that got hinted in the new chapter 23 would be put over her past armor somewhat like trying to contain the fire in Glowburst to prevent it from well, bursting. And sorta like a symbolism that she’s being constrained and forced to being something she’s not. Also little funny reason on her color picking, i got the idea from A.B.A’s new design in guilty gear where there’s like a theory of sort that her hair is made of copper and that’s why her red hair is now greenish blue because of time and the other theory that it’s because A.B.A tried to dye her hair but ended up coloring it wrong, and since it’s confirmed by Spring that Glowburst has ember color scheme in her past and ember has reds in them i just roled with that color idea. Tho i wonder if i put enough greenishnest in the fading blue paint tho. . . . ? Maybe i’ll meke it more greenish in the future with the blue. . .
And with the present done it’s easy to think of past and future since i just need to branch it out. The reason why I thought of 80s type of inspiration for the past look cause of the description of Glowburst being old and since transformers has already existed since the 80s, I thought that it’ll be a good fit! Tho also fun fact, to get some some ideas on 80s look i looked up 80s cartoons and one of the cartoons that i found on that 80s cartoon list is Jem and the holograms, and i was like “hey MC likes to sing, that could be a good inspiration fit for her mama!”. Also i just really want an 80s based look for Glowburst cause i wanted to give her the poofiest big bursting flames ponytail like those poofy hairs back in the 80s that were popular at that time! And come on her name is Glowburst! Her flames gotta be “bursting” from those “glowing” hues of flames of her’s!!
And the future look i just sort of mismatched both the past and present look since i feel like Glowburst would definitely want to look like back when she was in her past look but with how she’s grown she’s now matured better then her past, and hey blue ain’t a bad color for her just that she never took care of herself that she pretty much neglected her paint till it’s faded so i thought a more vibrant color of the blue symbolizes that she’s now healing since she’ll maybe reunited with her conjunx and now has met Nebula plus having grandkids so she’s a happy elderly now! Also i thought of Glowburst getting accesories that MC made since i thought that Glowburst would love to experiment with her looks plus 80s have some over the top exaggerated accesories so why not? Plus the transformation that i saw with the femmes in G1, their vehicle modes usually only have their chest and thigh parts showing on the outside so i believe that the accesories could work! Plus i mean there’s no way they haven’t figured out how to make accesories right? They already figured out spacebridge portals to teleport them threw galaxies and even multiverses but they couldn’t figure out how to make accesories for fun?
I’ll probably update on her design in the future cause i feel like Glowburst looks will be described more and who knows maybe i can add alittle more things in her design or just feels like that something could suit her more! This was a fun challenge tho, can’t wait to see what sire would look like so that i can make a draft blueprint for him too!
X - X - X - X - X
If anyone is curious and wants to read the fanfic that i’ve been rambling above on the fanart i made, here’s the link to the fic made by a lovely friend of mine!
Spring (the author) works hard to make this lovely work of theirs so please give them some love kay! They’ve been really sweet to answer my questions on what Glowburst looks like and oh darn are they just so sweetly patient with me cause i wanted to not miss a detail of Glowburst’s design since this is an old oc she made that she hasn’t even drawn yet so i wanted to give her design the justice it deserves!! Man can’t wait when Glowburst’s mystery gets revealed along with her conjunx!! I’m so excited!!
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phopollo · 2 months
Tell us about the other characters in Rusty and GB's photos!
TEEHEE IM SO GLSD YOU ASKED (this is going to be a long post)
Also just for anyone who's curious about the mentioned photos becsuse you may have missed the post, fear not, you can just check it out right here 👍
So!! Let's start with Rusty's photo! I think it's pretty clear thst we've got Rusty in the center there, little baby man style, just a little guy-- but of course, he's not the only one there-- so let's talk about Rusty's little parental polycule!
To his left is Momma!
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A bit younger than she's appearing in the actual rest of the story, but there she is! Momma is pretty much the same as the musical version-- previous world champion racer, retired in her old age, etc etc
Above Rusty though, is Poppa! That's right, I say both Momma and Poppa rights for Rusty
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Poppa is a steam engine switcher like Rusty. He ran a few races back in his younger days, but he never really won any-- and while he's about the age that he really probably should be retiring, he's still working hard!
And then to Rusty's right is Memphis!
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Alternatively, the original Belle! I've decided to use just Memphis, since there 2024 Belle already, and I wasn't planning any connection between them, so making them Jr/Sr just didn't feel right. Memphis has a roughly similar story to her canon one as well! She's an old sleeping car who used to race with Momma, and was even her coach for many of Momma's years as champion!
It may not be as obvious because he calls her by name, but Memphis is absolutely also one of Rusty's parents! Unfortunately, they as a family got separated when Poppa and Memphis got assigned to another station/train yard when Rusty was younger-- it's been maybe a whole decade at this point. Rusty will always volunteer to bring something to the other station when they send requests for help though, just for the opportunity to see his other two parents
So then! Now let's talk about Greaseball's family photo!
In case it wasn't entirely clear, because I used the like.... draft version of her wig; on the left is Junior!
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This one's our little baby girlball! She is not having a good time :(
On the right is Virtuoso!
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Lowkey, kinda just made him up, because Greaseball strikes me as having really complicated family relationships. They're kind of age gap siblings, they never really had anything in common aside from their father's racing desires for them, and admittedly, in what turned out to be a golden child/black sheep situation, Virtuoso was very much the black sheep. He is very much what I'd consider as a "season 2" kind of character-- one mentioned a couple times or that you visually see the photo of some time during season 1 (shortly before the events of the musical through Rusty becoming the champion), but you wouldn't actually hear about or meet him until season 2
And then finally, in the middle, we've got Senior
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Everyone say hello Greaseball Senior, who's inspiration came from the very first iteration of Greaseball. He sustained a pretty serious injury pretty early on in his racing career, leaving him unable to get up to speeds to keep up with those around him. And while he could still work, he wasn't satisfied with that-- as a result, he ended uo pushiny his dreams and aspirations of racing on his kids pretty hard
As I mentioned earlier, the family dynamic and relationships are kind of.... rocky, to put it politely. Virtuoso is completely out of the picture at this point, and I definitely wouldn't say Jr and Sr get along. Jr will go out of her way to avoid him, but Sr keeps going out of his way to track her down because of the vicarious glory of being her, the current reigning world champion's, dad. Admittedly, Jr's view of family and what family is supposed to be is a little messed up because of all of this
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redtail-lol · 2 months
Hey guys I need advice. My dad wants to buy me a laptop and it would be really helpful for me to have one but I don't know how to choose shit. I need advice on what laptop model to get, and what OS I should get.
What will I use it for? I'm not sure. Writing, desktop versions of social media, non-intense gaming most likely, apply for jobs, general personal use.
My only for sure requirements are, it needs decent RAM (more than 4 GB), it has to be compatible with regular USB ports because I have a thumb drive with stuff from my school Chromebook and I have another thumb drive that I lost because it didn't work on my stupid motorola but if I ever find it again I think will work on my laptop, and it has to have more than 5 hours of battery life when used with low brightness levels. I don't care about weight or thin designs. I would like the color accuracy to be good but it needn't be perfect and I'll get what I can get. Even with my dad having a job we're still not really rich so either a.) this laptop needs to be affordable (under $500) or b.) this laptop needs to be old enough to buy a used one.
In terms of OS: I am most familiar with chrome but I am becoming ideologically opposed to Google. I absolutely will not use Windows - Windows 10 is going to go away soon and Windows 11 has built in AI. It also costs money. I am considering Linux, but I've heard conflicting information on if it would be good for me. My only knowledge of code is from not even a full semester of an HTML class (but the teacher did say I picked up coding pretty fast). Some people say I have to have some knowledge of computer science to use Linux, others say it's actually really beginner friendly nowadays. Some people say it's extremely limited in what it can run and others say more and more things are able to be run on linux with or without an additional program to make it run. There's also a bunch of "distros" that can be chosen from, though I've seen a source say ubuntu is the only one that can be run on a laptop. What's true and what's not? Should I use Linux at all if I don't know shit about code or Computer Science? Are certain distros better for beginners?
Please help if you can help in any way, whether it's recommending brands, exact models, or linux/linux distros..
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rozeliyawashereyall · 4 months
Modern Korey rant!
Suggested this to @willowve01 and wanted to do one as well-
She's 19, turning 20!
Still a She/They bisexual, just a little less chaotic one this time (I'm fucking lying she's worse than OG korey)
A bounty hunter! Works with Raine best :3 Occasionally acts or models along with Esther and Raine. Her main weapon is a hand gun! (Dear god who gave this girl a gun, oh no, oh fuck-)
Her friend, Jay, was also an actor and basically suggested her when one of the actors couldn't pull through. Also, Marco helped!
Her backstory is still the same as her OG one. Parents are still very neglectful and emotionally manipulative (how has CPS not been called yet??) And she still has face blindness and Hypomania.
She has her own house, and her little brother Noah lives with her since he gets the same treatment from their parents instead of being the golden child like in the current au
Also, Raine's uncle Bill adopted her, so her and Raine are cousins now (trust me bro)
And of course, Varen is also adopted into the Adiel family! (Give up @keyaartz I'm winning this custody battle-)
She still has a lot of scars, and they're still there because she was a curious dumbass
Has a golden retriever named Argos (greek mythology reference lmao)
Noah is about 15, and Ezra is 24. He's an intern at a hospital
Has a full arm snake tattoo, matching with Jay but i keep forgetting to draw it- (Jay is dead in this au too so ig not anymore-)
GB headcanons
First met Marco during one of her first bounty hunts, gave her a few clues on the person she's after, and became friends from there (she was chasing someone with a knife and he was, as any other person would be, very concerned)
Introduced her to Timothy and Bodie a month into the friendship, and all 4 have been friends since
Occasional cooking lessons with Bodie because it does not matter if this is still a different AU. Girlie is still shit at it. Jer sense of direction is a LITTLE bit better tho (Raine still has to make sure her ass does not get lost)
Timmy dog sits Argos when she's out on a bounty hunt as it can take more than a day to find the person
Very long phone calls with him while she's out, basically just narrating everything that's happening while she finds the person "Yeah so anyways, I started blasting both bullets and 1980s music to get the suspect out of the house." -Korey, probably
Still haven't decided if I want Timmy and Korey to have crushes on each other or just be REALLY good friends.
Also, instead of pining on Sparky in silence like OG Korey did, she actually got into a relationship with her! Though it lasted 7 months before breaking up due to...'family' business and rivalries
When Timmy was kidnapped by Circe's hunters, she was called by Bodie to retrieve him at all costs, but then BAM! a portal opens, and there's like 2 different versions of the boys and 2 more bugs! <- How Korey canonicaly met Raine and Esther (@asmrbrainrot ) and probably the rest of the bugs aswell!
The fanon version is that Bill saved Korey, and she met Raine from there! They were both 14 at the time, so they've been friends for 5 years! And then they both met Esther when they started training together! She was both of their mentors :3
No major drawings this time, so just have these cropped photos of my drawings of what Korey would wear +2 doodles. I made half asleep
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aswegoalong72 · 9 months
As We Go Along FAQ
Who are you?
I don’t like to put my name on the internet, but you may call me GB; those are my initials! I’m 25, and chronically ill. I have three cats, and I like to cook, clean, and do art when I’m not working on this novel series! I follow from @tolbachik, and my art blog is @tolbachik-art. (More about the novels under the cut!)
About the novels
What’s the story about? As We Go Along is a multi-novel series documenting the history of the Lyratet, and their history from the discovery of a safe passage to the northern hemisphere of their homeworld, to the eventual settlement of the galaxy.
So, science fiction? Yes, although I try to keep it as realistic as possible. No warp drives, no replicators, no energy swords; just good old regular physics and technology! Expect relativistic travel between stars, quantum computing, fusion power, and O’Neill cylinders as the most advanced stuff you’ll see. What even happens in it? A lot! I try to portray day-to-day life, with less of a focus on the science-y side of things and more on personal interactions and character growth. Ultimately, it’s about finding your place in the world and universe, and loving one another.
How many books are there going to be? One collection of short stories, three “prologue” novels at about 72k words each, with three larger novels following them and one last short story collection. Originally, it was going to be a stand-alone with only one book (the book I’m currently writing), but I’ve since expanded the universe very heavily. There’s a lot to explore!
72k word prologue novels? That’s already a lot! How many words will the regular novels have? At least 200k each, if not more. This is a saga, documenting their entire history and every little detail in it. It’s going to be a lot, but chances are I will cut the larger books into halves for easier readability, and to not deter people from getting into them. Still up in the air, really!
When can we expect to read it? When it’s done. I’m chronically ill, so it takes me awhile to get even typical household chores done, let alone a book! That being said, as of 1/1/24, I’m close to halfway done with the first book. I will be starting the prologues when I can, at which point I will start releasing them slowly. That way I have time to get the others finished!
Are there any other aliens in it, besides the Lyratet? Yes. I won’t elaborate further, though; I don’t want to ruin any surprises! Is it gay or trans? I mean, I guess? The gender binary on Reyal doesn’t exist in the same way it does here on Earth; “male” and “female” are very loosely defined. Physically, the only difference between the sexes is genitalia and a bit of height/face shape. On top of that, being equal to one another is an important part of life, so there’s practically no discrimination for relationships not following traditional “male/female” as on Earth. The author (hi) is gay and trans, so I guess if you count that too, yes.
What kind of “read” is it? Slow. I focus a lot on worldbuilding and character development. The Lyratet live a slow-paced life, and as such, I wish to reflect that in my work. I do try to keep it entertaining and interesting, though.
Is it family friendly? Yes and no. I would give it a PG/PG-13 rating, personally. It covers some very dark topics, like groups committing terrorism, some heavy violence, swearing, and there is some drug use. On the same note, there aren’t any references to sex really apart from a couple maybe wanting to have a child together. I’ll have a comprehensive list of warnings once I go to publish it!
Can I read it early? No. I will need beta readers at some point, but I won’t release any early versions to the public until it’s ready.
Where does the name "As We Go Along" come from? This Monkees song! I feel it describes the whole feel of the project very well. I have playlists for the story, but I'm going to refine them more before I put them out here.
Where does "72" in your blog title come from? You'll see :)
What inspired you? Silent Running and folk music from the 1960s/1970s! Also, The Millennial Project by Marshall T. Savage.
What are your politics? Will they be reflected in the books? I'm a communist. I don't know much theory, but I do know that our current system is unsustainable. I am anti-colonialist and anti-imperialist. My ideology is rooted in compassion; I believe in taking care of one another and building the best life we can. Yes, although I plan on being realistic with things.
About the Lyratet
Lyratet? Lyrat? Which one is it? Lyrat is singular, like human. Lyratet is plural, like humans. This is in Trel, a diplomatic language made to facilitate goodwill between nations on their homeworld, Reyal. Pronounced lee-raht, lee-raht-ett. Lyrat stands for child, as in “Child of Tenav” (Tenav a Lyrat), and Lyratet is “The Children of Tenav” (Tenav a Lyratet). “The” is usually defined by the suffix “te” in Trel, but the word Lyratet is special in this case.
Who are the Lyratet, even? They’re a cold-loving, communalistic, and herbivorous race from a planet slightly larger than our own, orbiting a K7V class star some 41LY away. They’re also incredibly religious. What conflicts should I expect to see? On Reyal, warfare isn’t very common. Religious wars died out centuries ago, primarily due to both sides not wanting to lose any followers before reaching “salvation”, whatever that may mean to them. Slaying one another is considered exile worthy, since they’re descended from prey animals. Keeping together and keeping each other safe is above all else. Nowadays, conflicts are settled through heated debates and international court.
I mean like, conflicts in the book. Man vs. nature for the first four including the prologues, man vs. man for the last few books. Of course, it isn’t just all that; different conflicts will arise.
Can I make my own Lyrat character? Give me time to make a comprehensive historical timeline and get some reference sheets, but yes. I won’t consider them canon, but you do you! Just don’t like, claim the entire species concept as your own or sell designs based off it. Typical stuff, y’know?
I don’t think herbivores can become civilized. What’s your explanation? Starchy, fast growing, calorie dense tubers. That, and their social structure and their early languages helped to keep them safe from predators. If you ask them, though, many would probably say Tenav, their star and main god to many, guided them.
Why are they religious? Are you? Surviving the early days of civilization wasn’t easy, and they made sure to thank whatever powers they believed in (mostly Tenav) for making it through the day. Since then, their religious fervor has grown heavily. Atheists are in the minority, with only ~700,000 out of Reyal’s surface only 2024 population of ~13,000,000,000 not believing in anything. Also, no; just agnostic. Three eyes? Why? That's overdone! I will be honest, the Lyratet are based off of a design I got yeaaaaars ago from a friend, @bubbykat! I've tweaked it a bit since then, giving reasons as to why they evolved like that. Reyal has many, many fearsome predators. Through evolution, they took up an extra eye in the center of their head, giving the impression that they were more dominant than they actually were. It doesn't move, and is more vestigial than anything.
What’s Reyal like? Reyal has no seasons, and is divided into three “bands”; Northern Hemisphere, Equator, and Southern Hemisphere. It has a 33 hour long day, two moons, and a thick atmosphere. It isn’t tidally locked to its star, and has an orbital period of 3.27 months. It’s about 1.28x the size of Earth. It's dominated by numerous freshwater and saltwater lakes, with only one major ocean in the Southern Hemisphere. There are large cyclones above both poles, where the temperatures regularly drop to -153f on the surface.
If they don’t have seasons, how do they keep time? Nowadays, they use Tenav’s solar cycle and pulsars to keep time. As of 2024 in the Gregorian calendar, it is 23,514. It adds up as follows: their first cultures emerged 231,388 years ago, they count in base 8, and the average solar cycle of Tenav is 23 years long. So, it all adds up to the current date being 23,514! Still working on how to subdivide it.
What other objects are in their system? Order from Tenav is as follows: Syt, Inner Belt, Kouteb (dwarf), Omat (dwarf), Reyal, Alkan, Olena, Lejag, Outer Belt.
Reyal has two moons; Ro and Velgae. Alkan has one, Fel. Olena has six major; Heva, Thrallit, Eynaje, Selex, Lipeya, and Prasto.
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trashogram · 3 months
I’m not saying this to judge you or anything I’m just confused. I’ve seen that you post charliedust things from time to time and I’m just wondering why? Angel is a full on gay man and it’s kinda weird for him to be with a girl because of that. Like I’m not trying to send any kind of hate towards you, I’m just genuinely curious as to why you ship it?
Hey! No worries, thank you for being nice about it :)
I like Charliedust because I think the pairing idea is sweet and has a lot of potential. Angel and Charlie have a fun, interesting relationship and I can imagine a lot of different scenarios for the two of them. I like seeing a sunshine character and a self-loathing character balance each other out and like to think of Angel bettering himself with Charlie’s help while she wises up to how the world really is (within reason) with his help. I think Angel flustering Charlie is funny, Charlie defending Angel is awesome, and I like to think that they’d get along very well as an unusual couple in Hell. They’re also more interesting to me together than they are with their canon love interests.
I love the idea of their GB versions as well, like fem!Angel Dust/Charlie or male!Charlie/Angel Dust. All of it is fun to think about!
Something I try to get across to everyone that follows me is that I view fictional characters as entertainment. They aren’t real, and so I can’t really harm them or use them to harm others. However, I know that there are many people that feel differently or disagree with me. I absolutely respect that, and I expect the same level of basic respect and tolerance for a difference in opinion from others.
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anamoon63 · 8 months
Your TS3 gameplay really does inspire me to give that game another shot. Are there specific mods you use to make sure the game runs smoothly/is stable? What mods/cc are the best to use so the sims look good?
Hi, Marci! 😊
First of all, thank you very much for your ask. Knowing that my sims and/or my gameplay can inspire other simmers to play means a lot to me cause The Sims 3 is my favorite game in the whole Sims series. Plus, I love my sims, so this makes me twice as happy. 🤗💖
That said, it is my duty to warn you that The Sims 3 is not an easy game to maintain, it requires a lot of care and patience, even from the moment of its installation. You ask me what it takes to make it run smoothly and make it stable, well I'm no expert, but what helped me with that is all contained in this Steam post. I believe these tips you can follow even if you don't have your game on Steam. I followed all these steps when I reinstalled my game back in 2017-18, and I have never had a problem like lag or crashes since then.
It's thanks to the amazing person who wrote that post and to talented modders like @lazyduchess and Twallan (Nraas Mods), whose mods I consider indispensable, that I have been able to play The Sims 3 without problems for years now. I may have had a couple of crashes due to some wrong or corrupt cc, but that's on me because I download a lot of stuff. In those cases, it's a matter of locating the bad cc, taking it out, and that's it. The game runs great, even with a ton of mods installed. (I have a 9 GB mods folder, and I've had more than that at times, lol, but I try to keep in less than 10 GB always).
As for what mods and cc's to use to make the sims look good, well, that would depend on your taste, or as they say now, on the aesthetics of your game or your sims.
For what it's worth, I have always used Ephemera's E-WEAK skin as default. I also use some other Ephemera's like E-Skin Natural MIX, Asia and Fresh. I use some by Kurasoberina too.
I think Ephemera's site doesn't exist anymore, but the E-WEAK skins I use can be downloaded on MTS here. Kurasoberina TS3 skins you can find them here along with more of their fabulous content.
I'm sure there are other skins much newer, and super nice too, but these are the ones I use, cause they give my sims the look they are known for. 😊
Also I use Tifa N38 default eyes, as well as Buhudain's You Are Real body and face maps replacements to give some realism to my sims' skins/bodies. Neither Tifa's nor Buhudain's sites exist anymore, unfortunately, but you can still find Buhudain's archives on this SFS page. And those of Tifa in this other one in Mega. (I hope I am not doing wrong by sharing them, otherwise I will remove them).
There's also this stunning version of Buhudain's You are Real by @nectar-cellar named You are Hyperreal. :)
As for the rest, if I start listing all the other content I use such as hair, clothes and makeup I would never finish, I'd gladly share my whole mods folder, but I don't want to piss off the creators, or blow-up other players' computers, lol. I'm WCIF friendly, though, so feel free to ask for any specific content, of any type, CAS or Buy/Build, I got my custom content well documented, so I'll provide you with links to any of them.
For the time being, here is this link to my custom Content List on my Blogger. I have kept this list for many years, and I still use most of that content; it may be a little outdated of course, cause I have a lot of new stuff now, so my intention is to update the page soon when/if I have the time. Also, some of the links may not work anymore, if so just let me know and I'll fix them for you if I'm able.
I hope this answer has helped you. Sorry for taking so long to reply, but I wanted to make this post as detailed as possible. If you have any other questions about The Sims 3, I'll be here whenever you need me. Good luck and happy simming! 😉💗
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techturd · 1 year
Do you know what this is? Probably not. But if you follow me and enjoy retro gaming, you REALLY should know about it.
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I see all of these new micro consoles, and retro re-imaginings of game consoles and I think to myself "Why?" WHY would you spend a decent chunk of your hard-earned money on some proprietary crap hardware that can only play games for that specific system?? Or even worse, pre-loaded titles and you can't download / add your own to the system!? Yet, people think it's great and that seems to be a very popular way to play their old favorites vs. emulation which requires a "certain degree of tech savvy" (and might be frowned upon from a legal perspective).
So, let me tell you about the Mad Catz M.O.J.O (and I don't think the acronym actually means anything). This came out around the same time as the nVidia Shield and the Ouya - seemingly a "me too" product from a company that is notorious for oddly shaped 3rd party game controllers that you would never personally use, instead reserved exclusively for your visiting friends and / or younger siblings. It's an Android micro console with a quad-core 1.8 GHz nVidia Tegra 4 processor, 2 GB of RAM, 16GB of onboard storage (expandable via SD card), running Android 4.2.2. Nothing amazing here from a hardware perspective - but here's the thing most people overlook - it's running STOCK Android - which means all the bloatware crap that is typically installed on your regular consumer devices, smartphones, etc. isn't consuming critical hardware resources - so you have most of the power available to run what you need. Additionally, you get a GREAT controller (which is surprising given my previous comment about the friend / sibling thing) that is a very familiar format for any retro-age system, but also has the ability to work as a mouse - so basically, the same layout as an Xbox 360 controller + 5 additional programmable buttons which come in very handy if you are emulating. It is super comfortable and well-built - my only negative feedback is that it's a bit on the "clicky" side - not the best for environments where you need to be quiet, otherwise very solid.
Alright now that we've covered the hardware - what can it run? Basically any system from N64 on down will run at full speed (even PSP titles). It can even run an older version of the Dreamcast emulator, Reicast, which actually performs quite well from an FPS standpoint, but the emulation is a bit glitchy. Obviously, Retroarch is the way to go for emulation of most older game systems, but I also run DOSbox and a few standalone emulators which seem to perform better vs. their RetroArch Core equivalents (list below). I won't get into all of the setup / emulation guide nonsense, you can find plenty of walkthroughs on YouTube and elsewhere - but I will tell you from experience - Android is WAY easier to setup for emulation vs. Windows or another OS. And since this is stock Android, there is very little in the way of restrictions to the file system, etc. to manage your setup.
I saved the best for last - and this is truly why you should really check out the M.O.J.O. even if you are remotely curious. Yes, it was discontinued years ago (2019, I think). It has not been getting updates - but even so, it continues to run great, and is extremely reliable and consistent for retro emulation. These sell on eBay, regularly for around $60 BRAND NEW with the controller included. You absolutely can't beat that for a fantastic emulator-ready setup that will play anything from the 90s without skipping a beat. And additional controllers are readily available, new, on eBay as well.
Here's a list of the systems / emulators I run on my setup:
Arcade / MAME4droid (0.139u1) 1.16.5 or FinalBurn Alpha / aFBA (aFBA is better for Neo Geo and CPS2 titles bc it provides GPU-driven hardware acceleration vs. MAME which is CPU only)
NES / FCEUmm (Retroarch)
Game Boy / Emux GB (Retroarch)
SNES / SNES9X (Retroarch)
Game Boy Advance / mGBA (Retroarch)
Genesis / PicoDrive (Retroarch)
Sega CD / PicoDrive (Retroarch)
32X / PicoDrive (Retroarch)
TurboGrafx 16 / Mednafen-Beetle PCE (Retroarch)
Playstation / ePSXe 2.0.16
N64 / Mupen64 Plus AE 2.4.4
Dreamcast / Reicast r7 (newer versions won't run)
PSP / PPSSPP 1.15.4
MS-DOS / DOSBox Turbo + DOSBox Manager
I found an extremely user friendly Front End called Gamesome (image attached). Unfortunately it is no longer listed on Google Play, but you can find the APK posted on the internet to download and install. If you don't want to mess with that, another great, similar Front End that is available via Google Play is called DIG.
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If you are someone who enjoys emulation and retro-gaming like me, the M.O.J.O. is a great system and investment that won't disappoint. If you decide to go this route and have questions, DM me and I'll try to help you if I can.
Cheers - Techturd
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multi-fandomsfreak · 18 days
hello!! hihii
Since you've been posting smut hcs/aplhabets for some of the horrorbrews,, could I request for GB smut alphabet or hcs? Either are okay!
Thank you and have a nice day:)
GB Smut HC’s
Hey there! Thanks for the ask!
Glad to be back to uploading requests. I really enjoyed the holiday but admittedly it felt weird not focusing on requests for a bit. Anyways thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes I appreciate every single one of them. Alright, besides that hope you enjoy this. ~Blaze/Dawn
Pronouns: Not Mentioned (Gender Can Be Interpreted Differently)
Warning: ⚠️NSFW/Smut Content Ahead: If You Are A Minor Or Uncomfortable With This Stuff Don’t Interact/Read This.⚠️
Requested: Yes/No
Characters: GB
Proofread: ❌
Credits: Art by tent2/haywire ghost on DeviantArt + Banner by wetwidd on Pinterest
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- Just like in my relationship hc’s of him GB is something often depicted as a trickster for his own entertainment. This doesn’t change whatever the situation is. He’s going to tease you in any event ranging from it being little things over you full on making you blush. He would do anything to make you feel like putty in his arms as he’s fucking you in whatever position he’s doing you in and he ain’t stopping till he reaches that point. And trust me knowing him it’ll probably be a while.
- He’s definitely mostly dominant. I don’t think you can see him or get him to be submissive even if you tried your absolute hardest. I mean maybe once in a blue moon you may get him to but honestly I’d think it would be too much work to do so and even then it’ll probably be in his own hands. As I said in the first point he’s mostly a teasing person. He likes to have the upper hand when it comes to things, you're just one of the things. He’d do anything to make sure he remains that dominance on you.
- As for his dick size he’s pretty much a combination of thick and big. For length he’s just long enough to be considered big but it isn’t that big since I like to think he’s around the same height as Mario, just a grayscale version of him. But what he lacks in length definitely makes it up in thickness. Honestly it’s kind of impressive how thick he is.
- I feel like he masturbates on an average amount. Not enough to when it could be considered an addiction but not to the point when he could be considered touch deprived. He doesn’t really think about touching himself a lot, it's more of a thing that just comes to mind and he just rolls along with it because he has nothing else better to do and he isn’t doing anything else till he’s sorted himself out. Though he much prefers waiting for you if possible for him.
- He’s definitely into a combination of degradation and praise. For the degrading part it’s mostly towards your end. Mostly degrading you because he loves the reactions you give off. The way his dick is going in and out of you as he teases you for being addicted to his cock. As for the praising part he likes it on both ends. This man is kind of unpredictable, the way he can go from degrading you to praising you for doing so well is something. As for praising him I feel like it’s more of an ego thing more than anything. He wants to hear it from you that he’s pleasing you well and he wants to hear it straight from your mouth.
- He enjoys restricting you from certain things. He really loves just edging you over and over again. Even when you're begging him to just let cum he’s still going until he figures that you had enough and lets you cum. He just relishes in the way your body trembles and writhes as the sensitivity of your body increases as you are denied pleasure, unable to do anything but follow what he does and says. He can’t help but chuckle to himself as he continues his advances on you.
- On the other hand of the previous point he also likes to overstimulate you. You really can’t win with this man. He can go from teasing you by not letting you cum by teasing you by only making you cum. Honestly he prefers this way more than not letting you cum. Although he enjoys it he kind of gets a little impatient himself sometimes but with this he can just keep doing this and doing this without waiting for anything and he can for many rounds as he wants trying out things solo or together. Plus he thinks the way your body trembles is extremely hot.
- He’s also a bit sadistic if you couldn’t tell from my previous points. He just completely soaks in your sobs with the way he teases your body as he just whispers sweet loving things in your ear to make you very flustered. Holding your body tight as he just pounds himself into you focusing on making you cum and only focusing on that. To him nothing else matters till he makes you cum.
- Would definitely be into marking you or the other way round. He can be slightly possessive sometimes so the way he likes to show that you are his is by marking you. Whether it is through biting, giving you a hickey or leaving scratch marks on you he doesn’t mind. He thinks you look really pretty with body forming bruises on your skin because of him. Of course he does make sure you're alright afterwards but at the moment he’s too focused on feeling your body up. Though he does make it fair by letting you mark him in return. He actually really likes it when you kiss his neck as the two of you are fucking each other.
- He’s a massive fan of when you give him a blowjob. Hell you can do anything with his dick and he would be a fan of it. But what he specifically likes the most about you giving him is how your mouth feels around it. He likes to place his hand on top of your head and just see how far you can take it till you choke. The way your saliva is coating his cock as your mouth is taking more and more of his cock in. It turns him on a lot.
- I think he really likes it when you ride him. He just likes to grab onto your waist controlling the pace you go at. Basically any position where he can hold your waist he likes. He likes controlling the speed of your pleasure, how much you get to experience, how deep his cock is inside of you the list goes on and on.
- I’d imagine him being the type of freak to enjoy semi-public sex or at least doing it with you while trying to hide the fact that the two of you are doing it. Surprisingly or maybe not he really likes to take risks and these are the one things he’s willing to risk. The fact that everyone doesn’t have a clue of the possible scenarios he’s thinking of. Ranging from jerking him off, him finger you/jerking you off or even taking a massive leap and straight up fucking you. If it gives pleasure he’s more than willing to risk it.
- I think his sex drive would be kind of mixed, it honestly would really depend on his mood or situation. As I said I’m my 4th point when it comes to relieving. It doesn't happen a lot because that’s just how his body works, it's just a thing that comes and goes. With you however his sex drive completely changes. I honestly think it’s mostly because he gets to tease you which only riles him up even more. Every single second longer he teases you the more time he can last for. That’s just who he is.
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gremoria411 · 9 months
Alright, so I’m gonna be taking a break from Gundam G Generation Posts for a little bit, since I’ve got other stuff I want to talk about. So, to temporarily cap this off, I’m going to be talking about one of the two suits that directly inspired this series of posts;
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The GB-9700 Gundam Belphagor, originating in SD Gundam G Generation F was an anti-Newtype mobile suit constructed by United Nations Earth for Use in the 7th Space War. Newtypes were commonly employed by both the United Nations Earth and Space Revolutionary Army during the war, with their loss in combat greatly effecting the momentum of both sides, since they were typically well equipped, piloting either Gundam’s (for the UNE) or Febral’s/Bertigo’s (for the SRA). As such, the United Nations Earth constructed a suit specifically designed to combat newtypes. Ironically, the best pilot for such a suit was a Newtype themself. Like the preceding Gundam’s Airmaster, Leopard and X; the Belphagor was fitted with a Flash System, essentially a catch-all term for Newtype weaponry, typically used by UNE forces to control G-bits, simplified versions of the “mother” mobile suit, shown below:
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However, the Gundam Belphagor’s flash system instead allowed a finer degree of control over the mobile suit, allowing the pilot to more effectively counter remote weaponry. To this end, it was equipped with heat wires in the arms to destroy any funnels or bits the enemy might employ. Additionally it was armed with beam sabers (stored in the hips), a sonic smasher cannon (which would eventually become the mega sonic cannon mounted on the Virsago), a set of atomic scissors on the knees and the arms could fold out into what are termed “strike claws”, which each mounted a beam gun and high-output beam saber.
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I like the design, since it still has a lot of the Gundam X-style features, but pushes them in different directions - the X has the long-range Satellite Cannon, the Belphagor has a bunch of CQC grappling equipment. I like how thruster-heavy it is, really sells that it’s supposed to close in and wreck things. The colours are (at least for a Gundam) quite neutral, so you pay more attention to its armament. I like how sleek the chest is (and as an aside, I like how all of After War Gundam’s have a sorta gem on their design). The pointed feet feel like they’re evoking something but I’m not sure what. I really love how built-up the arms are - you can tell that they’re gonna do *something*. The head’s apparently based on Devilman, by Go Nagai, which is pretty rad, and ties into the suit’s purpose as a Newtype-killer.
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zephyr-bazaar · 29 days
hello!! i hope ur having a nice day!!
i'm willow and i just started playing harvest moon! you seem to be really well-informed about harvest moon, so i hope it'd be okay if i asked you for some advice? :O if not, feel free to ignore this! (also, i emulate my games, so if you're uncomfortable with emulation i completely understand ^^)
i'd like to ask what ur favourite nds harvest moon is! yesterday i started playing tale of two towns and i've been seriously enjoying it haha. i'm now a little bit bored though (i've been playing it for the entire day now 😵‍💫) so i thought maybe i should try the other games, but there are just so many i'm not sure which i should try! the sad thing is that i'm only able to emulate nds games (3ds ones are definitely out sadly, and i tried to emulate the wii and gamecube ones but they didn't work unfortunatelyy) so i won't be able to enjoy trio of towns and more 😔
i really like the social aspect of the game (even though i haven't been able to get married to any of the bachelors ahaha) but i like the farming aspect too! do you have any game in mind? (or just your favourite one!) thank you so much! im so sorry if it's rude of me to suddenly ask you this. i hope you have a great week ahead!! 😊
(folds my hands together and leans in) you have come to the right place.
I actually was having a replay of ToTT before Mistria came out! It wasn’t one I was fond of, so getting a new perspective on it and finding things to like was nice, even if I do agree it’s on the boring side. (Side note Gombe is the best character in the entire series and I wish he moved in with you too if you marry Nori/Nana.)
As for my favorite DS game, well, (gestures to my username). Grand Bazaar is one of my favorites. It’s actually the first game Dirk was from and his older brother is my favorite bachelor in the series!! (I also think Dirk’s ToTT version is a LOT better if you’ve played GB; it’s very nice to see his character development between the games if you see any of his GB heart events.)
A lot of the mechanics are more on the simple side (Iirc it was meant to be a beginner’s game), and since you’ve played ToTT you’re familiar with the hell that is the freshness system. (GB and ToTT are the only games with it; in every other game things never go bad. One of those experimental things that didn’t stick, which the DS games had a LOT of.) GB also has a mechanic where if you step on your crops too much their quality will go down, but as long as you switch from running to walking while watering them for the day, you should be good!!
The biggest mechanic change, and the one the game is based around, is in the name itself; the bazaar! You don’t have shipping bins in this game, and instead you sell everything at a weekly bazaar on Saturday! You run a stand with all your items set up, and ring a bell to attract customers. Generally if you’re focused and stay for a while, you’ll sell all your stuff. (The game’s goal is to earn enough at bazaars that you’ll be able to have it keep growing and become more famous, which also helps a LOT in the selling regard as you’ll get more customers the higher your rank is.) I tend to save all my stuff for the end of the season and sell all of my crops at once.
This is also where you’ll be able to buy everything; while Raul runs the general store in town, Enrique sells animals at the bazaar, for example. As it grows you’ll even have stands with characters from Island of Happiness and Sunshine Islands setting up shop!!
It’s also MUCH easier to unlock makers than every other game in the series with them, including the games before it. The other gimmick is town has 3 Windmills, all of which are unlocked automatically in your first year. I’m not quiiiiiite sure how they work on emu because they involve blowing to speed up production time, but doing a quick search for people playing Professor Layton and Ace Attorney on Reddit says it’s doable to configure, it just depends on what emu you’re using.
I’m not toooo familiar with animals because I never keep any (seeing this in the first game in the series I ever played when I was 11 traumatized the FUCK out of me and now it stresses me out to have them in any of the games that aren’t AWL LMAO.) But looking it up it seems to be standard fare, with the barn actually attached to your house to make it easier to reach them. You can’t sell your animals unlike other games, but besides that they’re functionally the same but with much easier access in the morning.
I also ADORE the cast so, SO much. Like I said, my favorite bachelor in the series is in this game. The entire cast is very colorful and charming. Both the art style and designs are, overwhelmingly, the biggest influence on my (chibi) art and overall character designs- which says a LOT about the series that made me start drawing as a child in the first place. It’s absolutely gorgeous. I don’t have a number one favorite mayor in the series, but a tie between 3. You better believe Felix is one of them. He’s SO good. Especially when ToTT Rutger if you chose Bluebell is very generic as far as bokumono mayors go. (Luv Ina/Irusa though)
Also it introduced tea leaves to the series which was the most goated thing to ever happen. Tea leaves are the best crop. I love tea leaves.
TLDR Please play Grand Bazaar I love Grand Bazaar.
(I also hope you can get other emus to work! All 3 of the 3DS games are the best in the series, Imo, and the Wii games are classics. If you have Steam you can also get Friends of Mineral Town (the best starter game imo), and A Wonderful Life (it’s a black sheep in the series but a VERY VERY beloved black sheep and the original GameCube version was a LOT of people’s first game.) I’m olivetownhater199x though)
I hope you have a nice week as well!! :) I have job interviews tomorrow and Tuesday so fingers crossed 🤞🏻
EDIT OH MY GOD I CANT BELIEVE I FORGOT TO SAY THIS. If you have trouble starting out Fogu’s Guides for the series are a godsend!! I still use them every time I play. (Even if she does also cover the bargain bin harvest moon games. Every game titled Harvest Moon from The Lost Valley onwards isn’t actually a part of the Bokujou Monogatari series, but rather games by the original localizers profiting off brand name when Marvelous switched to in house for translation.)
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underthecitysky · 5 months
I listened to Chris Shaw’s emergency Eggpod ep recorded on a high after seeing Let it Be at the London screening which included joyful, exuberant reactions from other attendees. Then I watched and maybe Chris primed me, but I found it oddly emotional?? As in I was smiling w tears in my eyes a few times just grateful for them and newly restored footage of THEM being them.
I really liked Chris’ point that we don’t need context for any of it because any Beatles fan has all the context from Get Back; the two are symbiotic and really, in that respect it’s steeped in context.
It looked and sounded amazing. I had watched a grainy version once and though, having already seen Get Back, I didn’t find it particularly depressing (it felt more like grainy bonus footage), I didn’t feel a need to return to it. Evidenced by the fact that it took me nearly three hours to make it to the end, I found much to linger over and so many worthwhile little details.
Also PJ deliberately not using any angles from LIB, makes it feel special because often these are the best angles and reactions. And there’s so much music and complete (or more complete) versions of songs! I appreciate the longer interludes which, although they may be edited, can feel more like observing a genuine interaction or performance than some of the hyper, fast cut sequences in GB.
I love Get Back obviously (it changed the course of my life lol) but I love having this too. I made the mistake of reading of some of the bummer, cynical takes on Facebook and idk I much more prefer Chris Shaw’s approach of being joyful about any bonus content we’re lucky enough to get.
Get Back 🤝 Let It Be
💐 for MLH
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Adventures in MTAS datamining (pt. 1/?: art assets)
Because I am incredibly normal about this game, I’ve been poking around in the game’s files (and MTAP’s, too) pretty much ever since I got it. Unity games are pretty easy to datamine, since tools are already out there, which is incredibly fortunate for fueling the hyperfixation. I wanted to share some of the more interesting things I’ve found on my travels. Spoiler warning: There are some midgame spoilers below (i.e. starting with the water tower). There’s also one thing that might be a future spoiler, which is at the very end and marked accordingly.
General disclaimer: If you’re curious to try datamining out yourself, feel free to ask me for how-to’s, but please be careful! Never edit the game’s files directly. Make copies and back up your save files. You’ll also need a good amount of RAM (I recommend at least 16 GB) to be able to handle tools like AssetStudio, since you’ll be loading assets directly into memory. And MTAS has a lot of assets. You may also encounter unreleased future content in there...so preemptive spoiler warning for that as well.
Since there’s so much to dig through, this post will only focus on some of the art/visual things. These can either be found under StreamingAssets > AssetBundles, or StreamingAssets > AssetBundles > art_asset. I can’t really comment too much on the 3D assets (meshs, textures) since I don’t know too much about modeling, but here are some other interesting things I found!
Cutscene thumbnails
You can find thumbnails of the cutscenes without the builder in them. The in-game album uses different thumbnails, which look like screenshots taken when it’s playing for the first time (hence why skipping a cutscene won’t put it in your album). Some of them actually really nice. Wallpaper-worthy, even.
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The one they use for the kidnapping cutscene is incredible.
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(ask people who don’t play mtas to caption this image.)
Newspaper photos
In The Tumbleweed Standard, the monthly issues are accompanied by these photos. Something about the filter makes it look pretty. Here are my personal favorites:
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Family photos
You ever wanted to see the photos in the NPCs’ houses up close? Now you can! They’re all super sweet. Welllll, most of them.
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(My favorite one’s the one with babby Heidi 😭 [far right, midway down])
It’s still unfortunately kinda blurry, since they’re meant to show up pretty small in-game. Hopefully you’re still able to see them.
Here’s a bit of a buffer before the last thing I have to show, since it’s probably the one thing that could be a future spoiler. If it is, it’s probably fairly minor. Hop off now if you don’t want that.
Fine with maybe being spoiled? Alright, here we go...
Lastly, I leave you with a forbidden image:
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...I’m sorry, who is this???
So, uh...Qi has an alternate set of character art. No other character has one (except Elsie for story reasons). I assume this’ll be a DLC outfit, like those in MTAP? Kinda weird how only one would be loaded into the files so far. The asset name doesn’t really give any pointers, it’s just marked as “Qi2″. It only exists as character art, no model or texture or anything like that.
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So is this past Qi? Future Qi?? Qi for one day if he’s forced to wear something nice for a change??? It looks like the neat and complete version of his normal outfit. You can see the same shirt and tie, same pants (except they aren’t rolled up at the ankles anymore?), same shoes. I’m also just now noticing that his suit jacket’s the same color as the mobile suit, haha funni joke. Again, not a single other character besides Elsie has an alternate outfit yet in these files. What is this for?! I have no fuckin clue, but I can say that Qi cleans up pretty nicely 👀
(kinda wish he kept the messy hair, tbh. doesn’t really look right without it)
And that’ll wrap up this little datamining dive! I’ll probably come back to the art in the future, once more gets added, or if I find some other things to share. In the next parts, I’ll be showing off some of the audio and text data, but I do want to wait until future game updates for some of it. Hope you found this as interesting as I do!
Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to continue reeling from the psychic damage that full-suited Qi’s done to my poor little brain.
ETA: i just realized that it looks like the fucking onceler’s outfit. i am deeply sorry for putting the image of onceler qi in your head
  or am i
Edit 2: Unfortunately, as of several beta builds pre-release, full suit Qi has largely been removed. The full art version isn’t in the files anywhere, but there are still some map icons of him. Not sure if this is something for postgame content or a romantic mission they didn’t have time to add. We’ll have to see :P
ngl i kinda prefer scruffy qi over this lol
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calebs-hangout-corner · 8 months
(Long happy/?? rant incoming. Sorry, I just saw your account and had to talk to someone about this)
Ough. I've been thinking about when I read the original The Ghost Next Door book and it honest-to-God changed my mind or something because no book I've read so far is as of high reputation in my mind as that. Maybe it was because I was younger and hadn't read as much, but I have had it in my head for like a month now to Get That Book for myself. My school library has like twenty or so of the books but not that one!! When I saw the Goosebumps collection I was like "NO WAYYYY" but then I got really disappointed when it wasn't there. I need to ask the librarian if they can get it LOL.
Anyway, I remembered it again after going through a nostalgia blog and I searched the tag. Lo and behold, there was your blog! I don't remember any of the other plots very well (from the ones I read; the bookshelf where I originally read it was TINY and barely ever had GB books), nor any of the characters aside from Hannah and Danny, but nevertheless I'm enjoying your Goosebumps art and content a lot. Btw your art style is awesome. :D
I'm now desperate to find somewhere to watch the original 90's show. I've seen it's on Google Play or whatever and Microsoft, but I need to look into that. Help is appreciated, if you know where.
But I guess my question is: what books do you recommend? I like both the standard and the choose your own adventure ones (idk if there are any others). I read/started reading The Haunted Mask, The Werewolf of Fever Swamp, Welcome to Camp Nightmare, The Ghost Next Door (duh), Let's Get Invisible, Monster Blood, The Cuckoo Clock of Doom, The Girl Who Cried Monster (I think. That's the one where the guy eats the bugs or whatever, right?), Escape From Camp Run-for-Your-Life, You Can't Scare Me, Scream of the Evil Genie and/or Be Careful What You Wish For (one of them, lol, maybe both. I think it involved a cola can?).
Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks for reading this long-as-hell ask and also thank you if you respond! Obviously, no pressure. Hope you have a great week and good things come your way!
P.S., you got me to start listening to the Goosebumps the Musical: Phantom of the Auditorium soundtrack and it's so good.
-👻🪐 (I hope emoji anons are okay, just in case there's a follow-up ask or something)
Hello!!! This message is very sweet and I had fun reading it, thank you! I'm sorry it took me a day to respond, I was a little busy!
I hope you're successful in finding the book. My library has the opposite problem: It has no books except Ghost Next Door (germany doesn't really sell them anymore, so they're hard to come by, even in libraries). Also, all the Goosebumps episodes you can find on YouTube somewhere! There's many reuploads of them.
As for books I'd recommend, you've already read a few of the ones I really like! But if you need more my favorites you haven't read from the series' you mentioned liking include:
- Phantom of the Auditorium (but like the book version! Very good, very fun, really emphasises the "the gang shares one braincell" part)
- Werewolf Skin
- Calling All Creeps
- Night of the Living Dummy 1 and 2, I've heard the third is good too but that one actually didn't manage to hold my attention, but maybe it will for you!
- Welcome To Dead House (This one's fun)
- Piano Lessons Can Be Murder (I just think it's neat)
- A Night In Terror Tower (Again, I just think it's neat!!), This one also has a "Give Yourself Goosebumps" sequel book "Return To Terror Tower) I recommend aswell!
- Beware, The Snowman!
As for the Give Yourself Goosebumps books I'm like "Please Don't Feed The Vampire"
Those are the books I'm fond of. It's a bit of a list, I hope you don't mind!
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