#this is a very professionally run research facility
quinntinapolls · 7 months
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dnvrsmedia · 1 year
Dr. Anderson Will See You Now
Dr!Abby Anderson x Wife!Research assistant!Reader
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Summary: You meet your now wife, Dr. Abby Anderson, working at Seattle Hospital as a Lab Specialist. 8 years and a marriage later, your life could not have been more perfect. What happens when your wife is destined on carrying out a silly little prank war?
warnings: 18+ mentions/themes of smut, not proof read
word count: 2k
AN: this is my first post back on tumblr in forever. I don’t foresee myself necessarily posting fics here fully time, but post the occasional fic that i am extra proud of. I still am really only posting on AO3 (sevikasplanet).
hope you enjoy.
Heavy breaths slow as you come down from your high. Your mind on cloud nine, you almost miss the whispers of reassurance coming from your blonde haired lover beside you. Abby pulls you in to lay directly on top of her. Your nose nuzzling into its designated spot in the crook of her neck. Soft kisses litter her skin as the both of you slow your breathing. You lift your head to look at the blue eyed girl with a toothy smile. No matter how many times the two of you have been intimate, a shy nature subcomes you. Abby chuckles at you with a light hearted roll of her eyes.
“We have been together for almost eight years, married for two of them. How are you still so shy?” Her big palm caresses your thigh as you try to return to your position you previously were in. Abby would not have any of that, the woman tilting your chin to face her with a loving look in her eye.
“I love you, baby.” Abby smiles. Your heart soars at the words left from her lips. That was something you could never get tired of.
“I love you too, Abs.” You plant a slow kiss to her lips, enjoying the feeling of her plush pillows contorting with yours.
Days like these were often very rare in the Anderson household. Abby is a very successful orthopedic surgeon, and you work full-time as a research specialist. The pair of you met while working at the same hospital you do now. Funnily enough, running into doctors was quite the rarity as you were on a completely different wing from your now wife. You had met the big goofy blonde in the cafeteria. It was your first week starting your new job at the hospital’s research facility. To say it was stressful becoming acquainted would be a complete understatement. Everything felt as if it were divinely fated against you (you do have the flair for dramatics and intense perfectionism). Even the stupid fucking self check out machine was laughing at your apparent stupidity.
Abby ran into you having a bit of…technical difficulties as you slammed your badge furiously across the scanner for the millionth time in the span of five minutes. It was pure luck that Abby just so happened to forget her lunch at her apartment today as she rushed to get ready for work. An incredulous chuckle left her mouth, not really sure if this was a bit or not. Tha confusion quickly went away when she heard your frustrated mutters of not so professional language leave your mouth.
“Stupid fuckin’ robot, n’ you’re ‘posed to take my job in the future? Dumb fuck!” Your pouty lips and furrowed brows were unlike anything Abby has ever seen. To this day, she swears this is when she started falling in love with you. Time fell frozen in her mind as she watched you, the most beautiful person she has ever seen.
“Um, I think I can help you with that, if you don’t mind?” Abby clears her throat, feeling the heat rise to her face as all of your attention turns to the buff woman before you.
Left opening your mouth like a fish out of water, your embarrassment flooded through your system– it left you hindered to speak as you nodded your head. All Abby can do is fondly smile at the person before her, what can she say, you have peaked her interest. Abby grazes her hand across yours as she reaches for your badge. Electricity flows through both of your veins at the small connection of your hands. If Abby wasn’t bright red before, she was now. She shook her head lightly as if she was telling herself to remain on task, and did just that. You practically facepalm yourself as you see the freckled face woman flip your badge to the correct side and swipe.
“Oh my god I just threw a tantrum over that.” You giggled at the situation you put yourself in.
“Here, why don’t I buy you your lunch? As a thank you for your hard work uh–” Your eyes trail to the name embroidered onto her white coat. “Dr. Anderson.” A wide smile beams from your mouth, unbeknownst to you, your forever was awaiting right in front of you.
Abby pulls away with a reminiscent smile on her face. Abby was never one to indulge in romantic relationships,at least not the long term kind, until she met you. For the majority of her adult years, Abby spent her time with her head down and her nose between her books. She would spend the little free time she had at the gym or with her close knit group of friends and family. Becoming a successful orthopedic surgeon at her age took hand work and dedication, and if her father taught her anything it would be just that. The Andersons were resilient and Abby was a direct product of that.
Never having known her mother, Abby grew up around doctors. Her second home was the hospital’s daycare. Although Jerry tried his best to be around Abby, there were times where the blonde was left to raise herself. Jerry was open minded and well informed, he lacked the experience of womanhood. Abby was never keen on stereotypical “girl” things. That did help him in raising her, though if Abby did turn out to love tutus and sparkles, he would be the first to participate. Abby appreciated having Jerry as her number one fan. You would think that he would pressure the girl into becoming a successful neurosurgeon, leading a life just as fruitful, but that was not the case. Jerry understood that doing what you loved was the greater purpose of life. Abby just so happened to have a fascination with fixing broken things– where that be bones broken or the relationships of friends. Yet, she never found time to get into relationships herself. Thus, when she found you, she knew she couldn’t let you go. From the moment she saw you halfway to breaking the self checkout scanner, she needed to find a way to fix her way into your life. Those eight years of fixing turned from putting together your pesky IKEA desk, to fixing the hinges on your squeaky door, to finally fixing the ring on your finger, cementing your future together.
The pair of you wouldn’t change the last eight years for the life of you. Those days came with love and laughter. Specifically, unbeknownst to many, Abby liked to play pranks. You, being someone who disliked surprises, somehow fell in love with a six foot two goofball. Her residents would think you were insane for associating Abby with the word goofball. She was nothing shy of a hardass when it came to work. Her pouty lips and furrowed eyebrows were a staple at the Seattle Hospital. She finds it hilarious that the interns are scared of her. Her fellow residents must comply with her reputation when they really know that she is the first one to call when times get hard.
“I have a gift for you coming in at the end of the week.”
The tall blonde smugly smirks as her rough fingers gently contrast her light touches on your naked body on top of hers. Her smile widens as your breath hitches, like you know where this is going.
“A gift? What do you have planned, Dr.Anderson?”
A groan emits from her throat, knowing what that title does to her when you use it. I mean, it is the reason why you two ended up rustling in bed on your day off.
Abby laughs while squeezing the fat of your thigh.
“Nothing you have to worry about. Lover. Just know that you’ll enjoy it just like you seemed to enjoy today.”
A nibble on your earlobe makes your shiver as the soreness between your thighs makes you remember the details of your rendezvous with your wife. Your face smooshes into the crevasse of her neck and shoulder in embarrassment. Abby smiles, ready for her prank to commence.
If you would have known that your wife would go out of her way to make your life unbearably distressing for the next week then you would have told her to take her gift and shove it up her ass. Every waking moment, Abby has decided to tease you. Relentlessly. Constant reminders throughout your day about your gift— that you should be expecting by Saturday— could have never possibly left your mind with how she never let you forget. Her lips trail all of your sweet spots in passing throughout your mornings. Strong hands roughly spread your asscheeks disgustingly well as she wetly explores the inside of your mouth in a storage closet near your lab. Whimpers leaving your lips as your wife teases your nipples while you prepare dinner. Tweaking them in her hands as she whispers dirty thoughts in your ear. Throwing you on the bed, licking, sucking, prodding, and prying at your plush thighs, groaning from below you. Calling you from your lab to an empty office, making you grind on her thigh, then rudely leaving you hot and bothered. Yet, whenever you begged for her to continue, she would find an excuse to not move on.
It’s not that you’d say your sex drive is unnecessarily high, but you have a sexy stallion of a wife, who could blame you? It got to the point where she was the only thing on your mind all day. You felt immense need thrumming through your bones at all possible hours of the day, and you weren’t sure how much longer you could take it. Luckily for you, Saturday was on the horizon. From the moment you woke up, you were by Abigail’s side clinging to her every movement.
Of course, your wife found this to be very endearing and hilarious. Any time you heard a shuffle outside of the front door, you pearled up like a dog. The worst part of the day was waiting anxiously for whatever “gift” your wife had for you. By the time you were growing annoyed, Abby picked you up and threw you over her shoulder—army style.
“Abigail!!! What the fuck are you doing?!” You squealed out between heavy laughs.
To say that you were complaining, ESPECIALLY with the view of her ass you’re getting would be a lie. A loud smack recoils from your hand slapping your wife’s sculpted butt cheek. A faux gasp leaves her lips.
“I’d be careful, baby, I’m the one carrying you.” Abby laughs at your wiggling ceasing. A smack lands on your backside, and although you can’t see her, you know that sexy and cocky smirk adorns her face. Especially after that loud whimper that leaves your lips. Abby flops you on the bed after she makes it up to your shared bedroom. Like a predator to its prey, she slowly stalks up to your lips, her body on top of yours. Her hair loose from her normal solo french braid, creating a halo of hair surrounding your face.
“Hi, beautiful.” Abby purrs as a hand of yours tucks her golden locks behind her ears, caressing her cheek in your palm. No matter the situation, Abby never fails to erupt butterflies in your stomach. Your face turns away from her loving and lustful eyes at the term of endearment.
“Uh uh, baby, look at me. C’mon, you’ve been so good this week. Wouldn’t wanna ruin your surprise now, would you?” Abby coos.
Your eyes snap back to hers, snapping into that submissive state she’s had you in oh so many times. You shake your head and respond to her with a ‘no’.
“Good.” Abby says as she quickly plants a sweet kiss to your lips. You whine in protest at the quick peck, wanting more, yet all your lover does is pinch your cheek with a smirk.
“Patience, baby. I’m gonna go get your gift now, okay?” And with that, the blonde scurried into your en suite bathroom.
Now what you didn’t see would be the devilish smile attached to her face. Abby might be a gentle giant and a fierce lover, but that did not stop her from being wildly competitive. Her need for pranking you only came after a small prank you pulled on her the first year of dating. Thus, ultimately creating an 8 year long prank war between the two of you. Abby even going as far as pranking you on your wedding day.
-2 years ago-
It was a beautiful day to have a wedding, and you could not have been more sure that you were making the best decision of your life. Your intimate wedding occurred at the private beach and house that Jerry owned. The view was spectacular, and so was the day. Before the wedding took place, Abby and yourself decided that you would want to have a private “first look” with you, her, and her friend Leah—a professional photographer. You were practically bouncing off the walls with how excited you were to see the love of your life. You were so curious about what she would wear. So, when it was time to turn around, you were surprised to see your future wife in a blow up dinosaur suit. Your jaw dropped as Abby couldn’t contain her fits of laughter, her tiny dinosaur hands trying to hold you. After your initial shock, you joined in on the continuous laughter. The pictures of your reaction were priceless, and to this day, it is her phone lockscreen.
Silly things like this was what made you sure that you made the correct decision, even if what she is about to do will royally piss you off.
“Close your eyes!” Is yelled from the bathroom with a slight giggle to her tone. Your eyes roll before you cover your eyes with your hands, you know already that Abby hates when you peak.
“They’re closed! C’mon I'm getting bored, Abs.” You yell back.
You can hear the blonde shuffling from the bathroom, trying to hold back her laughs. This sound confirmed to you that your wife was up to something very, very stupid.
“Okay, open up.” Abby bites back a smile as she stands at the foot of the bed.
Your eyes open and your mouth immediately flys open in shock.
“Dr.Anderson will see you now.” She tries to stay composed, clearly failing at the sound of her quiet chuckles.
Abby had teased you relentlessly for a week, turning you on to levels unknown…for an ill fitting “sexy” doctors costume? She looked absolutely ridiculous in this outfit. The costume fit her like an adult trying to put a toddlers dress on. The low cut white dress with a slit on both sides hardly fit over her wide shoulders and built physique. The buttons pulled at a tension so great you were shocked that they didn’t burst. The zipper not even getting the chance to zip due to her ridiculously muscular stature. The fishnet stallings digging into her wide thighs, topping it off with a very very tiny thong. To say that you were not expecting this would say the least.
“Abigail. What. The. Actual. Fuck!” You throw your head back in a loud cackle. Your belly hurting from the intense laughter bubbling up inside. She takes a stride towards you, but stops just as fast as a loud ‘riiiiip’ noise is heard. Her eyes bulge out of her head as she turns around. Her ass and thong fully hanging out as the fishnets now have a large hole on them. A howl erupts from both of your lips at the ridiculousness of it all.
It takes moments for you both to calm down, and after many pictures taken, Abby takes off the costume and joins you back on the bed.
“Although you got me really good, I'm still kinda mad at you for teasing me like that.” You pout at your wife.
Abby trails her hand up to where you need it most, caressing your clothed core. Her lips trailing up to your ear.
“Oh, babe, I’ll be sure to make it up to you.”
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tropesaregoodsoup · 15 days
Fresh Pet
They woke up leaning back in a chair. A lot of things were immediately brought to their attention. Soft, leather cuffs with a straight bar were chained to the table, holding their wrists in front of them. Something was covering their face and pushing down on their tongue, stopping them from talking. It took a moment for Whumpee’s mind to catch up to what it was.
A muzzle.
But they didn’t have long to dwell on that realization as the door opened and two people walked in. The first was a tall woman in a suit. She had a very professional demeanor about her. The second was shorter, dressed more casually, jeans instead of slacks, a button up shirt, but no blazer, although they looked a little stressed, and they kept messing with one of the buttons on their shirt. Whumpee pulled back as the shorter one approached, they sat in the chair opposite Whumpee. The woman just walked to a corner of the room, she had a clipboard and an oddly cheery disposition.
“Wow, you weren’t kidding.” It came with a nervous laugh as the person across from them looked back to the woman “Shouldn’t they have been out for another couple hours?”
“Yes. The agent we worked with said they had an oddly strong resistance to the sedatives.”
Whumpee hated this, it was already getting hard to focus as panic from their situation started to rise, and their shallow breaths weren’t helping as they tried another tug of their cuffs.
“Oh no. They look so stressed.” The shorter one said it with surprising sincerity. And the woman off to the side chimed in.
“That’s normal, Whumper. The pets you usually get have been conditioned before they get to you. It is still an option if you want.” A pet. Conditioned. This person was insane, and they gave the lady a look that said as much, but their attention was brought back to the person they now knew as Whumper.
“No. I did my research, I know it’s hard work, but I can do this. The pets I get from facilities are just never quite right, and I’ve had my eye on this one for so long. I don’t want to mess it up.” Their vision had gone blurry, but that had really gotten to them. How long had this person been stalking them? How long had they been planning this? They had clearly paid off at least two people for their creepy fantasy, how many more people were involved in this? They could feel hot tears form in their eyes.
“They look really stressed. Is it something I said?” Their… buyer must have seen their very outward signs of distress, but that woman chimed in again with more reassurances.
“No, no. They just aren’t used to you yet. I’ve seen a lot of new pets, before conditioning, that go through this phase. Most of them don’t even know being a pet is an option until it’s explained to them. Besides that, you have to remember, they were pulled out of their home environment, and, especially with the drive over, waking up in a new place, I’m sure it was really stressful for them.”
“You’re right. I know you are, it’s just a little jarring. I did read that explaining the situation could help. What do you think?”
Explain the situation. What the hell is wrong with these people? 
“Yes, I think that is a very good decision.” 
Wrong. Bad decision, Whumpee just wanted to leave, and this person who thought humans could be pets was getting closer and was definitely not helping the situation.
“Hi, I’m Whumper.” It was said in a very calm, reassuring voice.
It was neither, and in fact, just made it worse, as Whumpee struggled to keep their thoughts in front of them. They had to stay here if they ever wanted to get out.
“I know this is very stressful for you, but if we work together, I think this will be a very good forever-home for you.”
NO. Holy shit. No. And they tried to say as much, but the muzzle stopped anything other than muffled cries and whimpers from getting out. And to top it all off, the tears that had been welling up in their eyes were finally falling. Every word made it harder to stop their mind from trying to run away, but the ringing had started. 
“Did I say something wrong?”
“Of course not. You saw the condition they were in when we arrived. I doubt anything you could have said would have caused a different ending. I did prepare for this though.” The words took a moment for Whumpee to fully understand, most of it was muffled by the ringing or the blood rushing or their heart pounding in their chest. It took even longer for them to understand the sharp pain somewhere on their arm. A syringe. with the syringe. It wasn’t long before the drug mixed with their already distant mind and everything faded.
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morvantmortuary · 1 year
morvant mortuary x the boy au - prologue
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don’t mind me, just posting a snippet here to give me motivation to finish my damn diss chapter and get it sent off tomorrow so I can go back to working on this thing I’ve been fiddling with all summer
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Even the realtor had seemed hesitant to show you the old funeral home on the edge of town, despite both the fact that it had been for sale for years now, and that she, like you, was just starting out in her line of work. In fact, just as you were looking to start your own business, it appeared you were slated to be her first real potential buyer.
Beverly was a bubbly blonde in all pink, grasping your extended hand with both of her perfectly manicured ones like you were long-estranged family when you’d introduced yourself to her that morning.
“Oh, call me Bev, everyone does,” she’d said brightly, with only a hint of how often she must’ve practiced this studied casualness in the mirror every day.
Despite the fact that there couldn’t have been more than five years between the two of you, something about her in her small town Main Street office felt… older. You weren’t sure if it was the fact that she was wearing a vintage suit set of a matching blazer and skirt (a clever reproduction or a cherished hand-me-down, you weren’t sure), or the way her hair was stiff with mousse in a way that reminded you of your teachers in mortuary school. Standing in front of her, you got the vaguest impression that her concept of becoming a working professional was either heavily inspired by her mother’s standards, or 9 to 5. (Which you admitted was a masterpiece, but still.)
…And yet, as badly as she must have needed this, it was as though whatever money she stood to make from the sale, or the triumph over a seemingly unsellable listing, didn’t make her any more eager for the drive out -- much less walking inside.
But if you were ever going to be able to afford opening your own funeral home, you had to save your money where you could — even if it meant gutting a building and refinishing everything yourself. Even if it meant living in and servicing a town like Greymoon, that hardly anyone had ever heard of unless they were born there.
But hey, this was the cheapest place you’d seen yet, and if the facilities were at all usable, it was that much less work for you in the long run.
Maybe you’d be able to afford that cherry red Frigid embalming machine after all… although you were trying not to get your hopes up yet.
You were determined to make this work, even when Bev had hemmed and hawed as soon as you said you wanted to see the property.
Or when, like a nervous lap dog, you couldn't get her to walk through the front door.
As you stared through into the foyer (still dark at high noon, you couldn’t help but note), she lingered hesitantly on the weathered porch out front (the wood surprisingly still solid, despite the number of years this place was supposed to be abandoned). When you stood waiting for her in the doorway, she clutched her binders like an antsy school girl, her perfectly coiffed hair and pink retro suit set suddenly looking like she’d filched her mother's clothes for a dress-up game.
"You go on and take your time, hon," Bev said at last, her smile as wide as she could make it. "I... just need to make a phone call. Holler if you have any questions, okay? I’ll be right out here.”
That maybe should have been a sign.
“Um.” You were trying very hard not to seem too thrown off by this. You’d researched this whole house-hunting thing thoroughly — read everything you could on the few web forums that hadn’t collapsed under mismanagement, asked what adult relatives you had that had actually bought property before how this was supposed to go. You had come here with a list in the back of your head, feeling on your guard and prepared for every eventually… except this one. “I was under the impression,” you demurred, choosing your words. “That a showing at a property this old would be a little less self-guided.”
“Oh, well,” Bev demurred back, waving her free hand. “It only looks that big from the outside, I promise. Once you’re in there it’s really quite cozy.” She laughed, a light little giggle that sounded like nothing. “I’d just get in your way, honestly. You’re really gonna want to see it for yourself.”
You looked over your shoulder at the foyer behind you, trying to seem nonchalant as you surveyed how the sunlight didn’t seem to reach all the way in. “Hasn’t this place been abandoned for, like… twenty years?”
“Oh, honey, not that long!” Bev faux-laughed again. “It’s been uninhabited for nineteen, true, but we had crews in to take care of cleaning and upkeep when the listing passed into our hands. It’s not fallin’ - ing apart or anything. You’ll be just fine, I promise. In fact — here.” She opened her binder, rustling through a stack of papers that she seemed to be carefully angling away from your view before she snapped it shut again, holding out a scan of the house blueprints. “See, everything’s right there in black and white!”
You stared at the page in your hands, feeling disoriented for a moment as you tried to make sense of the smeary printer ink lines in front of you. Once you got your bearings, however, one thing was clear. “…This is the wrong house,” you said at last.
Bev blinked, her smile not moving an inch. “Beg your pardon?”
“These are for a house with a basement.” You looked back up at her, holding the page half-heartedly back out so she could correct herself. This was not… going like you’d hoped. If she couldn’t be expected to show up with the right information — this didn’t bode well for your working relationship.
“This house does have a basement,” she said, nodding while her expression still never budged. You were beginning to wonder if it was practice or preventative botox.
The page drooped in your hand as you stared at her. “This house has a basement,” you repeated slowly. “In Louisiana? This close to the bayou?” Your eyes flicked over her shoulder to your car parked in the drive, wondering if you should just leave right now.
“I know!” She giggled, like it was just a kooky fun fact between pals. “It’s the damn- darnedest thing, isn’t it? But it was a functioning funeral home for - oh, it must’ve been decades, before the family… left. Longer than a lot of us can remember. We had professors from the local junior college in to look at it and everything — none of them could explain it, but they said it was sound as a rock! I told you,” she nodded like a bobblehead. “You really need to see it for yourself.” She gestured back to the scan again, hopeful. She couldn’t disguise the nervousness in the set of her teeth, and it gave you pause…
But still. When were you going to find another chance like this? In your price range (barely), and in this market? At your age?
“…Okay.” You turned slowly, plans in your hand, back to the waiting maw of the door. “I guess I’ll give it a look, then.”
“I’ll just be right here,” Bev repeated, the relief in her voice tangible. “You take all the time you need. Ask me anything when you get out. We’ll make it work!”
“…Sure,” you said without hearing yourself. It took you a long moment - for what, you weren’t sure - but continued your journey into the shadowy guts of the house.
Though you couldn’t see it, Bev, with the smile finally gone from her face, had the decency to watch your retreating form as the front door slowly swung shut behind you — without a touch from either of your hands.
Her eyes, as much as she didn’t want them to, swung upwards to the second story window.
For a minute, she was a freshman in college again, listening to the whispers of what had come to haunt this place. What had happened to everyone inside.
…When a shape seemed to move away from the yellowing linen curtains, just visible through the moth-eaten fabric, she jammed her hand into her purse, desperately digging for her cigarettes.
In the yard, the cicadas’ insistent whirring climaxed to a low roar: an echo of a long-dead gathered crowd, cheering as the House selected anew.
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(with love as always to @fairyysoup and the sluts, who joked about this and then I took it seriously :’D)
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neruomancer · 2 years
Paranormal/Unnatural agencies ranked in how toxic there work environments are
Delta Green (Delta Green) 4/10
There is a reason it is called a 9mm retirement, it is very low on the scale but not the worst. Most Agents in Delta Green commit horrible crimes against humanity themselves to complete there missions, so they aren't worst then the average cop. They usually do not get the choice if they are recruited or if they retire, most either die horribly or wish they did. You are not paid for your time and in fact have to use days of from your own job to perform tasks mandated by your handler. You also have to potentially get yourself in trouble at your job such as abusing work funds and resources to perform your duties, if you refuse they can and will frame your for crimes you did not commit(as opposed to the ones you did do) or just kill you and deliver a triangle shaped flag to your grieving and confused loved ones. You sometimes get to blow shit up or use fun tactic cool gear against shambling horrors from beyond the stars and neonazi canon fodder.
FBC Federal Bureau of Control (Control) 6/10
It is a government job so you do get federal holidays off, benefits and you can accrue time off during the Oldest House Lock Downs. Downside is you will either be chained to a desk in a windowless brutalist nightmare office under a dick head supervisor who is mad that they aren't in the old boys club and so they take there frustrations out on you, or you will be taking endless road trips to no name towns mostly for false alarms or to die horribly. No smart phones so you can't scroll during your lunch breaks in the Oldest House, there is a lot of paperwork (like warehouse amounts of paperwork) and a lot of running around a non euclidean Kafkaesque nightmare. No smoking but you see other agents smoke all the time, but the moment you do it you get caught and it is bullshit.
SCP Foundation (SCP Foundation) 5/10
Unless you are on the O5 council or you are a superstar researcher, no one cares about you and you are mostly like going to die in a containment breach and this is speaking as an actual employee of the Foundation not a D-Class. Everything is covered in black marker so good luck trying to get access to [REDACTED] files, you will either go crazy as a researcher or you will get turned into hamburger as a MTF your choice. I would say the saving grace for working at the Foundation is they are well resourced, I don't think you will have huge problems with money or company facilities. If you ever see something beyond comprehension you can simply submit to use amnestics to cope, it is probably for the best.
Ordo Veritatis (Esoterrorist) 8/10
Honestly you won't find a better secret society of paranormal investigators, since you are going to be dealing with horrors from the void you are going to need proper mental health coverage so the OV will cover the cost of professionals in there group that specialize in treating person's affected by occult horrors. Field agents, monitor station analyst and researchers are rotated for mental health reasons and to not weaken the membrane between conventional reality and a supernatural void in which spawns monstrosities. You do need to schedule time off work to perform duties assigned to you but what can you do, you need to uphold the masquerade of reality. A big downside is that you are dealing with creatures that wear human skin masks and cultists that are trying to invite them into reality via rituals, so death is ever present.
Q Division or The Laundry (Laundry Files) 1/10
Ah fuck where to begin, you do not have the choice to be recruited the government slaps paperwork on you and then binds you with a magical ward that swears loyalty to the agency (as is standard practice in most occult intelligence agencies in this universe). It is a government job, but it is more like a desk clerk then anything else so benefits are are shit, vacation or pto is non existent. Your supervisor is involving you in petty office politics and that actively gets in the way of your job (which is stopping eldritch abominations from using peoples brains as server towers). Your boss is either an eldritch abomination themselves or where once a person like you who had transformed from there most recent promotion into a gelatinous mass. Even if you die, because in your living life you held secrets related to your work a sorcerer from a rival agency can resurrect your ghost to interrogate you, so to prevent that the agency you work for binds your body into a zombie to work forever as a file clerk of somekind.
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real-life-senshi · 5 months
i'd be super interested in a past life for EoT! (also i think it's impossible to try to write something for SilverMilliennium era stuff without trying to worldbuild your own lore lol)
Thanks for dropping by and letting me know you're interested! I'm glad, coz I have started working on different scenes. Starting writing gets me even more serious with the world-building. lol
Here's where I am at with the Mercury Kingdom:
Mercury - Agua Machyna (temp name)
Aka Aquadom
Most technologically advanced among the kingdoms
Governance and culturally prioritized efficiency; scholarly and technology-focused.
Runs on diarchy, the two highest rulers are titled "Sage", gender doesn't matter.
Sages are selected intentionally seeking the balance between one being elected based on their scholarly passion and knowledge, and the other ruler based on strategical and logistical prowess. Intelligence and communication skills (+ charisma) are two minimum requirements to be elected as Sages.
Culture and vibes: Very scholarly and academia-focused. Not necessarily about looking for the next new thing, but more in the sense of always wanting to find the right answer to things. Disputes and conflicts are settled by... debates and evidence. Rarely violence. Tents and explorations vs towers and building of research and tech labs, libraries, and clinical facilities. Explorers vs historians & scholars vs crazy scientists or inventors, and advanced medical knowledge.
Many underground habitats and full cities were built because of Mercury's temperature given its close distance to Sol (Sun).
Multi-factors on the planet, based on profession/skill. (like no one would bat an eye when they hear an explosion in the Inventor's Corner [City]. But that would scare the crap out of all scholars in their book towers in the Scholar's Cave [City].)
Clothes: Kinda plain, not decorative or extravagant, a mix of futuristic vibes with retro-ancient vibes. Usually just a maximum of 2 colours in any outfit. Focuses on functionality, max 2 layers. The top layer changes depending on climate/temperature. Big hoods! Round-hoods for explorers and archeologists (outdoor exhibitions), pointy-hoods for scholars (library and academy go-ers), and no-hoods for lab workers and doctors, coz they need to wear all sorts of protective or assisting headgear anyway.
Affinity/Superpower: Water. Mercurians have varying degrees of attunement and adaptability to extreme temperatures due to their affinity to water to self-regulate temperate against cold or heat.
Motifs: water, round shapes or raindrop shapes, curved lines (river/water flow imagery), brightness, clean almost sterile.
Lifestyle: chaotic but healthy? There are a bunch of health and safety regulations and also daily reminders to make sure their people are eating and working enough instead of everyone becoming either hunchbacks from reading or blind from overusing their eyes for weeks on end. It's a 24/7 lifestyle though, people just choose when they want a break, when they wanna sleep when they wanna eat and make sure the appropriate personnel/machine/resources are always available when they need it. People are oddly absent-minded when they are not thinking about things that are their area of expertise, that's why they have technological helpers for daily stuff.
Upbringing: talent- and asset-focused; they let children naturally observe and choose what they gravitate towards or show skill in and follow the path of professional schooling and apprenticeship from a very young age. Would be shitty for folks who want to do something just purely as a hobby, or decide later in life they want to change course, but not impossible.
Reference considerations:
The Quen and the Old World from the Horizon series
The Banuk's design from the Horizon series, specifically the glowing wires in their buildings and appearances.
The Zonai technology from LOZ TotK
The Shiekah Researchers/Scholars & Zonai Survey Team from LOZ BotW, AoC and TotK
The Mages from Aspio in Tales of Vesperia.
The Institute's hideout from Fallout 4
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gumnut-logic · 2 years
Sweetapple (Part 3 - bit 3)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 - Bit 1, Bit 2, Bit 3
Still @flyboytracy ‘s fault 😁💚
Finally we get to the end of Part 3. I suspect there will be a Part 4 and that’s it, but trust me, Alex would be quite happy if I kept writing more of him. He wants stuff to happen! ::eyes him:: This fic first, finished is the key. Plus, I’m sick, so muse has to be treated nice or it will plead sick too and then nothing will get done.
Again many thanks to @onereyofstarlight​ for reading and her amazing support :D
This bit also has some exposition, but the next bit should have more Tracy in it :D Thank you all of you who have been patient with me. Writing would be so much easier if I didn’t have to go to work, drat it. ::hugs you all::
I hope you are enjoying this fic.
The news did put a damper on the Māhia achievement and Alex fully expected for there to be a delay. But no, the efficient machine that was Tracy Industries only took a moment to recover before steaming ahead with even more determination, and a few weeks later Alex found himself landing by hovercopter, no less, at the research facility.
Avengers Lab was a legit comparison. As they flew over the main building the Tracy Industries logo glared up at the sky from the roof. People could be seen buzzing around the complex like bees. Some wore protective clothing, some wore jeans, many were riding what looked like hoverscooters about the grounds.
Off in the distance, something went bang and a curl of smoke wound its way up between two hills.
No one in the complex seemed to pay any attention.
Beside him Erica was dancing in her seat, providing a running commentary on everything she saw. He had serious concerns she was going to blow a blood vessel through sheer excitement if she wasn’t careful.
As for himself, he was overwhelmed. The possibilities of his future and how last Christmas he hadn’t been able to make rent much less celebrate and yet now he was in the fabled land of everything. Part of him was terrified it was all going to pop like a soap bubble and disappear like a dream.
But it didn’t. They landed and were welcomed by Tia Thompson herself - a tall woman with a big mop of frizzy hair and a smile full of perfect teeth. She was professional and kind and handed them over to Fireman Fred.
Fred claimed to be the foreman of the site, but as far as Alex could understand, it sounded more like the man was the shepherd and the rest of them, including the director were the sheep.
He was formidable and Alex honestly did feel like a sheep, a very small sheep despite his own considerable height. Fred was at least a half-foot taller than him, several widths wider and the bulges in his t-shirt were all muscle.
Older, definitely grizzled and with an accent from Edinburgh itself - where IR had apparently pulled him out from under a building.
Some time later, Erica dug up the story that the man had followed International Rescue home and had badgered the staff at Tracy Industries until Jeff Tracy dropped by and gave him a job.
He had been the shepherd ever since.
Yes, Alex definitely felt like a sheep.
But this sheep had some living quarters on Māhia Peninsula and finally had a chance to realise his ideas.
The concept had originally come to Alex while reading about Jeff Tracy’s landing on Mars. The Cornerstone lander had made its approach in the middle of one of the planet’s notorious dust storms. Several of the craft’s sensors had been compromised causing an error in the calculations for touchdown, which in turn had made for a rough landing. The fuel tanks had been damaged and if it hadn’t been for some quick repairs by Lee Taylor, their fuel could have bubbled away.
The team had had access to the necessary sealants, but it had required up and close work. At the time, the two astronauts had been able to reach the leak site, but there was always the chance they couldn’t, and time was always a factor.
It was a safety gap that Alex couldn’t find any currently manufactured substance or device that could have improved the astronauts’ chances.
It was mainly a concern regarding delivery. Finding a way to get a sealant out there fast that could work in all kinds of pressure or lack of it.
He designed a compound that produced a deployable skin, laced with nano-polymer strands that should give it amazing strength and flexibility. Delivery could be by propellant or drone. He hoped to see it able to contain hull breaches in the depths of space or in the deep sea.
But first they had to make it work.
And work they did. Weeks passed in that lab. Many glorious weeks filled with ingenuity and experimentation.
Erica was the saner of the two, often dragging him out of the lab repeatedly at the wrong end of morning. He sometimes fought her, possibly in his own delirium, but he had to admit she was right.
So coffee was obtained.
He did, for one small moment, hope that this heavenly place was the source of that manna he had found in Scott Tracy’s reception area. But while the site’s coffee was top notch, it just really wasn’t up to that decadent level.
But at the moment he had enough coffee to sustain his consciousness and enough to focus.
He was very, very focussed.
For days on end.
So that was perhaps why he didn’t clue into the fact there was a Thunderbird parked on the landing field that morning. Perhaps it was the snag they were having with temperature balance between the siliwrap capsule and the projectile launcher and the fact he had been working through that when Erica yanked him out of the lab at 2am and consequently was still ‘working’ on it five hours later when he must have walked past the hulking green cargo plane and not noticed it in the slightest.
Erica called it his ‘Big Think’ mode.
Erica shouldn’t be allowed to name anything.
But in any case, he didn’t notice the Thunderbird.
He did, however, notice the hoverchair in his lab with some blond-haired twit poking around in his notebook.
“Hey, don’t touch that!”
The man looked up at him, expression sheepish. “Sorry, couldn’t help myself.”
But Alex was staring as realisation slowly dropped bricks on his head and stomach.
The man had one arm in a sling and one leg in a cast. He was also, undeniably Mr Gordon Tracy.
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a-whispering-echo · 1 year
Prolouge for a little something something im working on....
CW: this story is set in a really shit mental hospital, and i want to state that most mental hospitals are NOT like this at all. While some can be bad, most are there to help, and none are even NEARLY as bad as the one described here!
Also, im using mentally unwell characters, and while i myself am mental unwell, most have disorders i myself do not have - so inaccuracy's may be present - i did a bunch of research, but obviously i havent lived with them
okay, with that out of the way, tell me what you think :)
The air inside Moonlit Halls Mental Hospital hung heavy with despair. Fluorescent lights infrequently flicker, casting eerie shadows on the cracked linoleum floor.
The once sterile white walls had turned a sickly shade of yellow, stained by years of neglect and the suffering that permeated every corner. The pungent scent of antiseptic did nothing to hide the overall lingering stench of decay, scaring anyone it held within its grip.
The corridors echoed with both whispers and screams of tormented souls, inescapable, much like the building itself. Scratches littered the surface of forlorn cells - futile and desperate attempts of those trapped within to leave their mark on a world that had forsaken them.
In purgatory, time has no meaning. Day melds into the night, as the line between reality and delusion blurred. Tortured cries of the patients were almost in tune with the haunting echoes of their own minds; a composed maelstrom of madness.
The few patients who had families left had long since given up hope of seeing them again. You cannot
It was a horrible place, and it was run by even worse people.
The staff members had long lost their compassion and empathy a long time ago, leaving only cold callously and cruelty behind. Their eyes, once filled with hope and a desire to heal, now held a threatening gleam. Their smiles, twisted and devoid of warmth, were the only outward sign of the animosity that sat behind their masks of professionalism.
And the few patients who had families who cared for them left had long since given up hope of seeing them again, their queries met indifference or threats if they dare voice concerns or question the facility's practices.
After all, the doctor knows best for you.
You can forget about getting the right medication, as the staff are much more interested in maintaining control than in providing genuine care. The cycle of medication only ever worsens their state when they end up overmedicated one moment, and under-medicated the next.
Their fragile minds that once sought solace shattered by the very people who had promised to help.
Well, Killer had always hated promises anyway.
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Exploring Top Educational Institutions in Bhopal: People's University Leading the Way
Bhopal is the capital city of Madhya Pradesh, emerging as an up-and-coming education hub in central India. The city harbors many elite institutions offering courses in a wide array of disciplines. Among these, People's University is one of them with several programs running under the banner of health sciences, management, engineering, and hospitality. This article tries to discuss some of the best dental colleges in Bhopal, emerging MBA programs, M.Tech, and the best hotel management colleges in the city with a special focus on People's University.
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Top Dental Colleges in Bhopal
People's Dental Academy is one of the best dental colleges in Bhopal and affiliated to People's University. There has been very high plus levels of interest in dental education in Bhopal. Several institutions offer state-of-the-art facilities with quality education.
This dental college has state-of-the-art infrastructure, able faculties, and an emphasis on theoretical knowledge as well as skill development. The undergraduate BDS and postgraduate MDS programs are offered here, which are designed to provide comprehensive learning of dental science and skill training in the clinics. The institution has been recognized for its research in dental care as well as the promotion of community-based outreach programs for improving the learning of students.
MBA Colleges in Bhopal
Management education in Bhopal is in demand. It is the training ground of professionals who can confidently cross the competitive field of business that currently exists. Among the several best MBA colleges in Bhopal is People's Institute of Management & Research (PIMR).
PIMR provides an MBA program which is a combination of theory and practical exposure, making students ready for any corporate sector be it finance, marketing, operations, or human resources. The college nurtures overall development by encouraging internships, industrial visits, and guest lectures by experts. The pass outs from PIMR are well-equipped to hold managerial positions in both corporate and entrepreneurial ventures.
M.Tech Colleges in Bhopal
People’s University is a M.Tech college in Bhopal that provide quality technical education to young aspiring engineering candidates, and students can find such advanced technical education programs. The People's College of Research & Technology is another college under the People's University. This one stands out to be one of the best colleges offering postgraduate engineering courses.
Courses in M.Tech, PCRT offers students multiple specializations that range from Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Mechanical, and Electronics & Communication. Providing students with depth training through a research emphasis is coupled with cutting-edge laboratory facilities. PCRT engineering focuses on innovation and industrial collaboration. It gives the students the capability to take technological impacts to a global level.
Top Hotel Management Colleges in Bhopal
The hospitality industry is booming, and Bhopal is no exception to this rule. For all those willing to make a career in the field, People's University offers one of the best hotel management college in Bhopal. People’s Insititute of Hotel Management deliver a well-rounded curriculum which depicts theoretical knowledge accompanied by practical skills in food production, front office operations, housekeeping, and event management.
With fully functional training kitchens, mock reception areas, and industry partnerships, students get hands-on exposure in everything about hospitality management. Their graduants are perfectly well-prepared to take on jobs in hotels, restaurants, cruise ships, and other hospitality-related industries in India or abroad.
People's University: A Holistic Educational Hub
People's University at Bhopal is one among the few institutions that stand tall in providing a good number of academic programs. Be it dental science, engineering, management, or hotel management, People's University offers a perfect ambience for learning, research, and professional growth.
The infrastructures so modern, focus on industry-relevant skills, and commitment to innovation will continue leading higher education through People's University in the city of Bhopal. Whether you are looking for the best dental college in Bhopal, top-class MBA college, M.Tech program, or the best hotel management college, here People's University delivers quality education and nurtures the leaders of tomorrow.
Bhopal is placed at some specific institutions among the top institutions in India where the best are given and innumerable variations of the various disciplines that can be offered, from dental sciences to management courses, etc. People's University has the best caliber faculty across disciplines in the following areas: dental sciences, management, engineering, and hospitality. It continued to remain the first choice among the students who wish to gain the best education in Bhopal with excellent faculty, cutting-edge facilities, and industry partnerships.
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PCD Pharma Franchise in Tripura: The Fastest-Booming Opportunity with Medmaster
The pharmaceutical industry of India is booming, and under that umbrella, PCD pharma franchise is gaining more popularity. With the health sector open for investment, PCD Pharma Franchise in Tripura, for business houses or entrepreneurs, opens much-touted and sustainable sources of income. Medmaster, the pharmaceutical industry leader, is now distributing PCD Pharma franchises across Tripura, so local entrepreneurs also can be part of this rising industry.
Why invest in Tripura for PCD Pharma Franchise?
The state of Tripura is one of the north-eastern states of India. There are many prospects for pharma companies in this state concerning population growth, increased health-related awareness, and demand for quality health products. Since a large portion of the population is rural-based, access to any kind of health product is mainly restricted. A PCD Pharma Franchise in the state can get access to them with good quality medicines at very feasible prices.
Increased Health Needs
The health infrastructure in Tripura has been steadily on the rise, but there is a lot of ground to be covered when it comes to reaching the entire population, especially for those in rural and other far-flung areas. Along with an increase in health awareness, there is more of a demand for essential medicines, over-the-counter drugs, and specialized treatments. This holds great scope for Medmaster and its franchise partners to service the swelling needs of the people.
Massive Pharma Network
Medmaster, through a PCD Pharma franchise in Tripura, is opening gates for upcoming entrepreneurs to run their own pharma ventures with the support of a trusted company. Medmaster has an integrated product range that upholds the best quality and provides support to business, which will help the franchisee gain profits in both urban and rural areas of Tripura.
Why Partner with Medmaster for PCD Pharma franchise in Tripura?
Medmaster is an acceptable pharma company in the pharmaceutical industry, which are offering medicines of high quality at lower prices. The repute of this company has been built upon innovation, research, and the supreme satisfaction of the customer. This is the reason it comes under the top leaders in PCD Pharma. These are some reasons why taking a PCD Pharma Franchise in Tripura with Medmaster is a good business move:
1. Extensive Product Portfolio
Medmaster offers a wide line of products, in various therapeutic classes, such as antibiotics, analgesics, anti-inflammatory, cardiovascular-related drugs, etc. The diversification in the product portfolio offered by Medmaster ensures that its franchisees can serve various health needs of their clients.
2. Quality Standards
Among the key concerns of Medmaster is a very high regard for quality. All the company's products are manufactured in state-of-the-art facilities that strictly adhere to GMP guidelines. With partners in Medmaster, the franchise owners can therefore be assured of the quality and efficacy of the products offered to healthcare professionals and patients in Tripura.
3. Monopoly Rights
Medmaster grants its franchisees a monopoly in particular local markets, enabling them to operate a business free from the threat of direct competition from other franchises in their local market. This monopoly right enables franchise business owners to build strong, sustainable businesses while keeping an eye on their local market.
4. Marketing Support
All marketing and promotional products with visual aids, brochures, product catalogues, samples, will be provided to clients when they partner with Medmaster for PCD Pharma Franchise in Tripura; this will enable the franchisee to promote Medmaster's products immensely amongst doctors, pharmacists, and other medical professionals.
5. Profit Margins: Very Attractive
The Medmaster franchise model is so structured to offer attractive profit margins to the franchisee. With a very low cost of investment and the enormous demand for quality medicines, virtually franchise owners stand to enjoy enormous returns on investment in the foreseeable future.
6. Transparency of Business Practices
Medmaster is committed to transparent, honest, and ethical business practices. Its operation of franchise activities is totally accountable and honest with its franchise partners. This builds long-term relations with franchisees as a result of trusted and mutually beneficial success.
Tripura Pharm Franchise Opportunity
Pharma market in Tripura is witnessing strong growth. Improved health care awareness, the development of infrastructure at different levels due to the initiatives of the governments, and expansion in health care services are among the major stimulating forces behind such growth. Not only in the urban regions but rural regional infrastructures, too, have improved a lot as more hospitals, clinics, and health centers are being operationalised.
This is the ideal time for those looking to enter the market with a PCD Pharma Franchise in Tripura. The pharmaceutical, OTC, and specialty drugs will continue to grow with the expansion of healthcare facilities and the changing needs of health care for the population.
Urban and Rural Markets
While the capital city of Agartala is the economic and health metropolis of this state, the rural markets hold great promise. There is a necessity for economical and accessible healthcare facilities due to the vast presence of people residing in rural areas. A PCD Pharma Franchise in Tripura can meet the gap of quality drugs in underprivileged areas.
Government Initiatives
The Tripura government has been encouraging better access to healthcare all across the state. The PMBJP schemes work on the lines of offering generic economical medicines for the public, thus bringing about an upward demand trend of the pharmaceuticals all across the state. It enables franchisee owners to associate with the initiatives of the government through Medmaster, and this goes a long way in helping business make a difference in public health.
Steps to Start Your PCD Pharma Franchise in Tripura under Medmaster
Establishing a PCD Pharma franchise with Medmaster in Tripura is of a very simple and routine procedure. The company guides its franchise partners through the entire process, reaching support right till the end of the procedure. Here is a step-by-step procedure that lets you know exactly how to get started:
1. Contact Medmaster
Contact Medmaster as an expression of interest to start a PCD Pharma Franchise in Tripura. The company officials would subsequently communicate with you to discuss the detailed franchise model, investment for the same, and the available regions for which franchise operating permission can be sought.
2. Conclusion of Agreement
It is once you decide to go ahead with the decision of partnering with Medmaster that the company would provide for you a franchise agreement; it would therefore state clearly the terms and conditions that form the basis of partnership, such as monopoly rights for your selected region, profit margins, and the respective support in marketing.
3. Start your business
However, Medmaster will empower you with the best support for your pharma franchise business as it will provide you with a wide range of high-quality pharmaceutical products, marketing materials, and promotional tools that will further help you launch and boost your business.
4. Promote and Grow
Once you start your franchise, you should focus on marketing the Medmaster products to the doctors, health care professionals, and the pharmacies within your area of operation. With Medmaster's wide varieties of product lines and marketing support, you will be able to gain some considerable market share within your region and, with time, be able to increase your business.
PCP franchise in Tripura gives magnificent opportunities for entrepreneurs who are keen to invest in the pharma sector. Join hands with Medmaster and become a part of the trustworthy and reliable company, which offers the finest quality range of pharmaceutical products to cater to the ever-increasing health care needs of the population of Tripura. Medmaster will provide the right tool with assistance in terms of resources for the interested individuals catering to their interests in the urban market or for rural markets.
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allcnaprograms · 18 days
Opening Success: A Step-By-Step Guide to Launching Your Own CNA School
**Title: Unlocking Success: A Step-By-Step Guide to Launching Your Own CNA School**
Are you passionate about healthcare and education? Have you always dreamed of running⁣ your​ own Certified ⁤Nursing Assistant (CNA) school? If ‌so, ⁣you’re in the right⁣ place. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the​ process of ⁤launching your ⁤very own CNA school.
**Benefits of Starting‍ a CNA School**
Before we dive into the step-by-step guide, ‍let’s take a look at some of ⁢the benefits of starting your own CNA school:
1. **Make a⁣ Difference**: By starting ⁤a CNA⁣ school, you have the opportunity to train the next generation of healthcare professionals and make a positive⁤ impact on the community. 2. ⁢**Flexibility**:⁣ Running your own ‌school allows you ⁤to ‍set your⁢ own schedule and curriculum, giving you‍ the flexibility to tailor your program to⁤ meet the needs⁤ of your students. 3. **Financial Opportunities**: CNA‍ schools can be profitable business ventures,⁣ especially as the ‍demand for healthcare ⁢workers continues to grow. 4. **Personal Satisfaction**: There is a sense of pride and fulfillment that ⁢comes with building and ⁢managing your own educational institution.
**Step 1: Research and ⁢Planning**
The first step in launching your own CNA school is to conduct thorough research and create a detailed business ​plan. Consider the following key areas:
– **Market⁤ Analysis**: Research⁢ the demand for CNAs ​in⁤ your area and identify any existing competition. – **Legal Requirements**: ⁢Understand the regulatory requirements for operating a ⁣CNA⁣ school in‍ your state. – **Curriculum**: Develop a⁢ comprehensive ⁢curriculum that meets state requirements and prepares students for ​the CNA certification ​exam. – **Facility**: Secure ​a⁣ suitable ⁤location for your school that meets all ​regulatory requirements.
**Step 2:‌ Obtain Accreditation and Licensing**
To ensure the credibility and success of your CNA school, you will need to ⁣obtain the necessary accreditations ⁤and licenses. This may include:
– **State⁤ Approval**: Obtain approval from the‌ state ⁣board of nursing or department of ‌education. – **Accreditation**:‌ Consider seeking accreditation⁢ from relevant accrediting bodies⁣ to enhance the reputation ​of your school. – **Licensing**: Obtain the required business licenses and permits to operate your school ‌legally.
**Step⁤ 3: Recruit Instructors and⁢ Staff**
Hiring qualified instructors and staff is⁣ crucial to the success ⁣of your CNA‌ school. Look⁢ for individuals with experience in nursing education⁣ and ‍a passion for teaching. Consider offering​ competitive salaries and benefits to attract top talent.
**Step 4: Develop Marketing Strategies**
To attract students to your CNA school, you will ⁤need to implement effective marketing strategies.‍ Consider the following:
– **Online Presence**: Create​ a professional ⁣website and leverage social media platforms to promote your school. – ‌**Networking**: Build relationships with local healthcare facilities and community ‍organizations ‌to increase⁢ awareness of your school. – **Open Houses**: Host open houses and informational sessions to showcase your school and attract potential students.
**Step 5: Launch and Grow Your School**
Once you have completed the previous steps, it’s time to officially launch your CNA school. Monitor your progress, gather feedback from students and adjust your strategies as needed. As your ‍school grows, consider expanding your ⁢program offerings and exploring partnerships with other educational institutions.
Launching your ‍own CNA school can be a rewarding​ and profitable venture. By following ‍this step-by-step guide⁤ and⁢ incorporating best SEO practices, you ​can increase‍ the visibility of your school and attract the right students.⁤ Remember to stay ⁣informed about ⁢industry ⁣trends and regulations to ensure the success of your ⁢school ‍in the ⁢long run.
Take the first step towards unlocking success by starting ⁢your journey to launch your​ own CNA school today!
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hariramrinwa · 26 days
"Unlock Your Future: Why a Master’s Degree in Australia is the Perfect Choice"
Within the last years, Australia has emerged as one of the most sought-after countries due to its excellent educational facilities and blended cultural features. The country hosts world-renowned universities with a variety of course offerings and is so warmly embracing that studying for a master's degree in Australia  here promises personal and professional growth, along with academic excellence.
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Why should you consider Master’s Degree in Australia
Australia boasts of a strong education system and internationally recognized universities, further building on the reputation for quality education. Courses on almost all types of specializations are available in Australia, thus guaranteeing students that they will find a course fitting their intended career. Here's why Australia is ideal for your master's:
Top-ranked universities: Similarly, this country boosts  several of the world's best universities, such as the University of Melbourne, Australian National University, and the University of Sydney, which are proud of high standards of academics and innovation in research.
Variety of Programs: From Business through Engineering and Health Sciences to the Arts, master's programs vary in Australia. This gives you an opportunity to pursue your interests with the perfect fit for your career aspirations.
Development of innovative teaching: Australian universities are known for their application and research-based teaching methodology. Students would be encouraged to think critically, engage in discussions, and apply it practically to the problems.
Cultural Experience: More than academic exposure, studying in Australia opens your mind toward its multicultural society, beautiful landscape, and vibrant cities. Along with that, the cultural experience one has helps blossom into better personal growth and global awareness.
Master's Degree Admission Requirements in Australia
The entry requirements into Australia to pursue a Master's Degree in Austrailia  vary from one university into another, as well as the program of study one is applying for. However, some general criteria that you must fulfill include:
Academic Qualifications: In general, students need to have a bachelor's degree in a related field with good academic standing. Some programs might require pre-requisite areas and even work experience.
English Proficiency: Courses being taught in English mean that you are supposed to establish your proficiency in the language. It normally involves taking tests such as IELTS or TOEFL, minimum scores from which are set by the universities themselves.
Letters of Recommendation: Most of the programs require letters of recommendation from academic or professional references who can vouch for your qualifications and suitability toward the program.
Statement of Purpose: This should be an explanation of a well-developed statement of purpose regarding the academic background, career goals, and reasons for choosing that particular program and institution.
Work Experience: Most master's programs require relevant work experience, especially for those in business or engineering.
Cost and Scholarships for Master’s Degree in Australia 
While costly to pursue, a master's in Australia pays in long run as the returns usually balance it out. Of course, this depends on whether you attend a university and what course you pursue; tuition goes from AUD 20,000 to AUD 40,000 annually. Moreover, you would have to keep a budget for living expenses, which again depends on which city you end up with.
However, there are many scholarships available to international students. Things like the Australia Awards, Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship, and university-specific grants will go a long way in offsetting the cost. It is relevant to note that early research and early application are very important because competitiveness may well be expected.
Student Life and Support Services
Australia is known as one of the friendly and open countries; therefore, it offers the most ideal environment for international students. Various support services are offered by universities to ensure that one gets settled and copes well with academics. These include the following: Orientation Programs: Orientation programs help new students get adjusted to university life by providing them with all the relevant information related to academics, social activities, and living in Australia.
Student Care Services: Each university has an office that will help the students with academic advice, counseling, and career guidance. All these are very important in your pursuit to negotiate through studies and your future career path.
Networking: Several seminars, workshops and student organisations in Australian universities allow networking. This provides a perfect avenue for you to meet with fellow students, professors and professionals in related fields. This proves beneficial in maximizing your learning experience and also in your career path.
Career Opportunities after Master’s Degree in Australia 
The Master’s Degree in Australia opens a wide scope in job prospects. Australian qualifications are highly valued around the world, thus giving one greater exposure to an international job market environment. Many universities have strong industry links that include internships, work placements, and networking events, leading to the prospect of job offers.
Australia also has a post-study work visa scheme that allows international graduates to stay and work in the country for up to four years, depending on qualifications. The opportunity to get work experience in Australia itself might be invaluable to career building.
Studying at the master's level in Australia should present a great opportunity for students who wish to enhance their academic credentials, seek international exposure, and experience a different cultural environment. From the world's best universities to a myriad of programs and resources ensuring access to student success services, Australia is an ideal place for academic growth and personal development. Whether you want to continue in the same field or diversify into new pastures, this Master's degree in Australia equips you with adequate knowledge, skill, and an international outlook that brings success in today's competitive world.
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maharghaideovate · 1 month
Technology Integration in System Management at Madras University
It's leading the way in redefining the very way of learning and teaching System Management at Madras University. Equipped with state-of-the-art tools, facilities par excellence, and pioneering research, the university enables students to face today's technology-driven marketplace. Let's break down what makes the MBA Distance Education Madras University program so special—starting with the tech tools and software, amazing labs and facilities, and cutting-edge research.
Tech Tools and Software
The Madras University provides students pursuing their MBA through distance education the hands-on machine experience of the latest technology tools and software used in system management. Here are a few of them:
Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP)
SAP: Learn business operation management and customer relations management.
Oracle ERP: Achieve expertise in large business application handling.
Project Management Software
Microsoft Project: This is used for initiating, executing, and closing a project.
Asana and Trello: Task management and team collaboration done right.
Data Analytics and Visualization
Tableau: Transform data into business insights across interactive dashboards.
Power BI: Analyze and share insights through visual reports.
Cybersecurity Tools
Wireshark: Network protocol analysis to secure your data
Kali Linux: The favorite for penetration testing and security auditing
Labs and Facilities
Madras University has several impressive labs and facilities that support their MBA distance education students. The following is a view of what's available in these facilities:
Computer Labs
High-Performance Computing Lab: Equipped with a variety of high-performance servers for complex computations.
AI and Machine Learning Lab: Provided with the latest AI software and tools. Innovation and Incubation Center
Tech Incubator: Resources and mentorship to aid early-stage startups, student-run projects. Collaboration Spaces Group spaces for working, thinking, and innovating.
Research and Development Labs Cybersecurity Lab: Safeguarding digital assets and networks.
IoT Lab: Development and testing of Internet of Things devices.
Cutting-Edge Research
The Madras University is engaged in various research projects that play with the very core of technology in system management. A glance at some of the pathbreaking works in progress:
Smart Cities Project
Objective: Come up with sustainable solutions to urban problems using IoT and AI.
Impact: Improved urban planning, efficient resource management, enhanced quality of life.
Cybersecurity Initiatives
Objective: Enhance digital security measures to protect against cyber threats.
Impact: Improved Security Protocols for Business and Individuals
AI in Healthcare
Objective: Apply AI in realizing early diagnosis of diseases and personalized medicine. Impact: Improved patient health outcomes and streamlining of healthcare services.
Blockchain in Supply Chain
Objective: To apply blockchain technology to smoothen and secure supply chain operations. Impact: Transparency, reduced fraud, and better efficiency.
Student Projects
Intelligent Agriculture: A group of students designed an IoT-enabled system to monitor soil health and automate irrigation, thereby bringing increased sustainability to farming practices.
Another team worked out the robust framework of the cyber defense system, which has been under testing by a few small business entities to protect against cyber threats.
Why Study at Madras University?
By opting for the distance MBA course offered by Madras University, you are opting for a future-ready education. Here's why:
Flexible Learning: Ideal for working professionals who need to balance work and life with studies.
Tech-Savvy Curriculum: Focuses on the latest trends and tools in system management.
Supportive Community: Access to mentors, alumni networks, and peer support.
System Management education at Madras University is incomparable, concerning current and emerging technologies. Students shall not only be able to solve problems that come their way in the business world but also get exposure to advanced tools, world-class labs, and cutting-edge research, thereby being fully armed to take on the technological challenges of the workplace. Get high-proficiency training in ERP, project management, data analytics, or cybersecurity through the strategically designed program for top distance MBA colleges like  Madras University. So, get ready to take your career to new heights by showing off the Skills and Knowledge learned here.
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alliancecleanoxford · 1 month
How to Select the Right Facilities Management Company for Your Business
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Selecting the right Facilities Management Company in Oxford is very important in the running and profitability of your business. This is especially true when there are numerous choices to make, it becomes quite difficult to make a wise decision. This guide will assist you in making the right choice and selecting the right company for your needs. 
Understand Your Needs 
First, determine the services you want to find to avoid looking for general providers and getting overwhelmed by the numerous results. Would you like to have maintenance services, security services, cleaning services or all three? Identifying your needs will assist you in eliminating the companies that do not meet your requirements in the provision of the services. 
Research Potential Companies 
The first step is to identify possible facilities management companies that can be found in Oxford. Ensure that the companies you are dealing with have a good reputation and good reviews. Visit their websites and social media pages to understand how professional they are and what services they provide. 
Evaluate Experience and Expertise 
The Facilities Management Company in Oxford should also have experience and expertise in their work. Choose companies that have been in the business for several years and have a good reputation. Mature organizations are in a better position to respond and resolve emerging issues in the most efficient and effective manner. 
Check Certifications and Accreditations 
Certifications and accreditations are signals of a company’s devotion to quality and compliance with industry standards. Check that the Facilities Management Company in Oxford that you hire has the right accreditation and follows the right standards. 
Assess Their Technological Capabilities 
In the modern world, technology is an essential component in the management of facilities. Select an organization that implements innovative technology to enhance operational mechanics, productivity, and reporting. This can encompass such systems as energy management, maintenance tracking, and security systems. 
Consider Their Customer Service 
This is an essential service delivery area in facilities management. Ideally, you want a company that is easy to get a hold of, dependable, and easy to communicate with. Assess their customer service by calling them with questions and observing how fast and polite they are. 
Review Their Contract Terms 
When entering into a contract, ensure that you go through the terms and conditions of the contract. Make sure that there are no additional charges that are not mentioned in the contract and the contract covers all services needed. It is also necessary to know about the termination clause in case the contract needs to be terminated before the agreed time. 
Ask for References 
Request for references from current or previous clients from the potential companies. Call these references to get a feel of how the company has been performing, how reliable they are and how professional they are. Any good Facilities Management Company in Oxford should not have a problem offering references. 
Choosing the right facilities management company is a strategic process that determines the success and effectiveness of the business. Thus, by knowing your needs, studying potential companies, assessing their experience and skills, checking their certificates, estimating their technological readiness, taking into consideration customer care, studying contract conditions and asking for references, you will be able to make the right choice. 
We are proud to be one of the best Facilities Management Companies in Oxford at Alliance Star Oxford. Our team comprises highly skilled professionals with years of experience and professional qualifications in facilities management and customer satisfaction to deliver the best services to your business. Get in touch with us today and find out how we can help your business.
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custombuildershouston · 2 months
Maximising Space Efficiency in Your Commercial Remodel
In today's progressive market that demands efficiency, workplaces must feel accessible and reliable to get your business running smoothly. Whether a brand-new venture or a commercial remodelling project, maximizing space efficiency can grant a competitive edge. A solid plan is crucial in accomplishing a functional and well-organised workspace, as this improves the effective utilisation of workspaces by leaving a narrow margin of wasted space.
It can be a daunting task to manage every vertical of an elaborate project. A General Contractor is responsible for managing every aspect of the construction project, ensuring quality practices. They can guide the project by suggesting choices that significantly improve the quality of the output for the client. 
The Importance of Space Efficiency
Clients that require workspace utilisation to drive operations have an increasing need to manage their spaces and modify them to be more efficient and welcoming. According to WeWork, Corporate office spaces have doubled in size per square ft. since the 2000s in the US. Workplaces that require employees to stay in for long durations of time need to adopt methods to make it more engaging and accommodating. Research suggests that companies that have fostered inclusivity and efficient integration of space in the office have achieved an increased rate of growth and have driven better results. 
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The Role Of General Contractors
A typical commercial construction project requires a lot of conceptualisation and assessment of various elements like - site assessment, budget management, sourcing of materials, etc. General contractors in Houston have long been effective in ensuring superior quality results in projects ranging from home contracting to commercial construction. They simplify the process by integrating the designing phase with the execution of the construction. Contractors optimise the budget by aiding in sourcing the best-suited materials and hiring skilled professionals who perfectly fit the job. They ensure smooth processes by creating streamlined workflows, managing cash flow, dealing with logistics and other duties to ensure clear agreements between all the parties involved. This ensures reliability, avoids misunderstandings and greatly reduces risk factors. 
Current Trends in Commercial Construction 
Companies that require effective workspace utilisation, often need to integrate multiple facilities into their buildings and offices. A major chunk of workspaces can still be left unused due to the construction design lacking flexibility.
The current market trends have seen significant change in the past few years. Commercial spaces are becoming increasingly optimised to foster interaction and well-being of the staff. Contractors assist in the process by incorporating industry best practices and updated technology. They integrate facilities that make the work environment much smoother and efficient. This helps the company by fostering better employee relationships and hence increasing productivity.
The need to have a well-organised and efficient workspace has now been more than ever. With markets demanding companies to be efficient and productive, optimising the employee workspace is crucial to getting the best results out of the resources. The entire process of planning the design and its execution can be very challenging. Real estate contractors aid in construction projects by incorporating their knowledge and expertise in resource management. They ensure the best outcome by carefully managing every vertical of the construction process, thus delivering the desired results.
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favouritefab-blog · 2 months
FavouriteFab Team
Meet the FavouriteFab Team
At FavouriteFab, our strength lies in the diverse and talented team of professionals who are dedicated to driving innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction. Each member brings unique skills and expertise, contributing to our collective success and the positive impact we strive to make. Get to know the people behind FavouriteFab!
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Leadership Team
Rajesh Kumar
Founder & CEO Rajesh Kumar founded FavouriteFab with a vision to create high-quality, sustainable non-woven products. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, Rajesh leads the company with a commitment to innovation and excellence.
Anjali Sharma
Chief Operating Officer Anjali Sharma oversees our operations, ensuring that everything runs smoothly from production to delivery. Her strategic thinking and operational expertise keep FavouriteFab at the forefront of the industry.
Vikram Patel
Chief Financial Officer Vikram Patel manages the financial health of FavouriteFab. With a keen eye for detail and extensive experience in finance, Vikram ensures that our financial strategies support sustainable growth.
Marketing and Sales
Priya Nair
Marketing Director Priya Nair leads our marketing team with creativity and passion. Her innovative campaigns and brand strategies help FavouriteFab connect with customers and expand our reach.
Rohan Desai
Sales Manager Rohan Desai drives our sales efforts, building strong relationships with clients and partners. His dedication to customer satisfaction and deep understanding of the market are key to our success.
Research and Development
Dr. Meera Singh
Head of R&D Dr. Meera Singh leads our R&D team in developing cutting-edge non-woven products. Her expertise in material science and commitment to innovation ensure that FavouriteFab stays ahead of industry trends.
Amit Verma
Product Development Manager Amit Verma oversees the development of new products, from concept to market. His ability to translate customer needs into innovative solutions is invaluable to our growth.
Production Team
Suresh Gupta
Production Manager Suresh Gupta ensures that our manufacturing processes are efficient and of the highest quality. His attention to detail and commitment to excellence are crucial to our production success.
Nisha Rao
Quality Control Specialist Nisha Rao is responsible for maintaining our rigorous quality standards. Her meticulous approach ensures that every product leaving our facility meets our exacting criteria.
Customer Support
Aarav Kapoor
Customer Support Manager Aarav Kapoor leads our customer support team with a focus on providing exceptional service. His dedication to addressing customer needs and resolving issues quickly is key to our customer satisfaction.
Sneha Malhotra
Customer Support Specialist Sneha Malhotra is the friendly voice behind our customer service lines. Her patience and problem-solving skills ensure that our customers always have a positive experience.
Join Us
The FavouriteFab team is always growing! We are continually looking for passionate and talented individuals to join us in our mission to create high-quality, sustainable products. Visit our careers page to learn more about opportunities with FavouriteFab.
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