#this is a threefer
that scripted bit where tommy hacked into wilburs streaming setup and started a stream without his permission and wilbur getting mad was terrible. it wasn't funny and there was no clear warning beforehand. this is both on tommy and wilbur btw. wilbur more so but he wouldn't have done that if tommy disagreed
actually speaking of cc crimeboys interactions why were we all okay and glorifying that and sbi in general
we all let wilbur use tommy as an emotional crutch and admit it how many times?? also how wilbur pushed the found family dynamic was weird too. techno wasn't comfortable with it and the fandom did him dirty by times reducing him to being the stoic in sbi
i cant believe i used to accept that pathetic sad excuse of a man and thought of him as a cc i could look up to when in hindsight he did so many off-putting things that i simply brushed off because everyone else was doing so
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vellichorom · 1 year
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do you have any idea what your purpose in this place is?
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baeddling · 2 months
We have to start calling people posers again
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cinemaocd · 6 months
Every season of taskmaster has:
a person who is decades older than everyone else a funny nerd a person of color a woman a person who is more famous than everyone else including the hosts a twofer: one person who falls into at least two of these categories
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will-it-forehead · 5 months
Conan Edogawa, who is three apples tall
Three apple trees will forehead.
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Conan Edogawa will forhead.
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Conan Edogawa who is three apple trees tall however,
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tweedfrog · 3 months
Crazy that this week Daemon will (likely?) be visiting the castle-ification of The Poison Drips Down when he goes jaunting off to Harrenhal
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alullinchaos · 7 months
do you like your internet friends
I wouldn't really say I have any...? I guess the people I know online are okay, I don't talk to anyone on here that much. Getting likes on my Instagram posts from the people I actually know is enough for me.
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unexpectedyarns · 1 year
Three fer Thursday
I’ve now applied for 50 jobs. I got ONE of those jobs but for family reasons I can’t keep it (also I came down with Covid in the first 3 days on the road). Of the other 49 applications, I’ve had 4 interviews which have then all ghosted me. I have a Class A CDL. I’m a professional driver, FFS. And I got ghosted on a job delivering Dunkin Donuts.
I’m seriously broke. The last 3 months have been a shit show, health wise and work wise. And my dog died.
Maybe today I’ll try to do some Instacart shopping/deliveries. Things have got to get better.
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gaygrills · 1 year
wataoshi ep 2 pt.2
hit image limit per post go find part 1 here
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there was only like. a single second between "woe is me" to "i'm naked on screen"
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skipping ahead a few scenes just to say yes miss claire looks beautiful with her hair down i dont remember much of the first few chapters but i hope we get more of her without her curls
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she's literally more manipulable than like. a baby. god damn
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one thing is men and then the other is men getting in the way between two women i feel u rae
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maids are very cute :)))) damnIhopenothinghappenstoheramirite
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imagine claire hyping up chocolate and then she hands you a shitty heshey's bar
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rae: -curls hair behind her ear- wow claire you sure talk a lot about me haha oh wow
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she's such a freak. love her back already.
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she'll eventually love her back
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snappahsnappah · 4 months
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janakaystl · 2 years
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The #fms_new BreadCo in SoCoMo #fms_outabout #fms_nofilter #ThreeFer #LazyIGer #jksphotoaday (at St. Louis Bread Co.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnH2iTUOzFe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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here's a threefer if that's okay, all from Codename: Kids Next Door (early 2000s cartoon network show about kids with wacky technology who fight against adult tyranny)—since their stories are pretty well intertwined, and i can't really talk about just one without including the others here's Numbuh 5/Abigail Lincoln, one of the 5 main characters (Sector V of the titular Kids Next Door organization). she's the voice of reason and the "cool" one of the group.
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she's the one who holds the group together most of the time, and has great leadership skills—though she refused to be the official leader of Sector V due to an Incident when she was younger. at the end of the show, though, when the actual leader Numbuh 1 leaves for space, he requests that she become the leader of the sector again. she accepts, and eventually then goes on to become the Supreme Leader of the entire KND. love to see a girlboss winning!!
she also has an adventurous side—there's an arc where she goes on various treasure hunts for rare, mystical candies, and i think that's hella cool.
then there's her older sister, Cree. (yes, named after Cree Summer! she voices both her and Abigail.)
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cree is a recurring villain—a teenager, one of the natural enemies of the KND. what's unique about her compared to the other villains is that she used to be a member of the KND herself, before betraying the organization on her 13th birthday and escaping "decommissioning" (the process through which all KND operatives have their memories of the organization removed when they turn 13, i.e. are no longer kids).
aside from being just as cool and skilled in combat as her sister, she and her sister have an incredibly compelling dynamic. back when she was a kid, she and numbuh 5 used to be good friends and partners in adult-tyranny-fighting. in fact, 5's signature hat used to be cree's, which she gave to her out of pride for 5 having completed her second mission. in the present, though, their relationship has done a complete 180˚. they're at each other's throats constantly, now that cree had grown into the very type of person she used to be fighting against, WITHOUT memory alteration to boot.
...or so it seemed. in the episode OPERATION: VIRUS when cree was infected with the KND's "unpoppable zit" virus on the night of her prom, 5 actually went to lengths to get the antidote for her because even she thought it was "too far". in 5's words, "you may be my archenemy, but you're still my sister."
so yeah! they actually still care about each other deep down. aughhhhhh. this is just a headcanon but i imagine that to numbuh 5, her hat is a reminder of the good days when she worked together with cree. perhaps she holds on to it as hope that they can reconcile someday? idk
and finally, here's numbuh 9/Maurice. he was also on abby and cree's team back in the days.
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his episode literally made me cry, man. it's focused around his 13th birthday and his decommissioning, which everyone in the KND is tearful about since he was one of the greatest and most beloved operatives in the organization's history. seeing him going from a cool kid operative, dedicated to his organization's mission, to an average, kinda dickish teenager was a bit heartbreaking when i watched it at first
one thing i love about this show is how it's a satire of the childhood experience and the pains of growing up that imo is best understood by ppl who've actually gone through it. the trope of decommissioning, as well as the whole conflict between teens and kids, really hammers in the pain of the end of childhood and how fast things change for you as you grow up. how so many decomm'd operatives had unfinished business that they never get to finish. in real life it's like, there was a moment when you put down your favorite toys or hung out with that one childhood friend for the last time, but never knew it was the last at the time. it's so tragic and juicy aughhhh. a line numbuh 5 says to cree during this episode illustrates it best: "you're a teen...maurice's a teen...soon i'm gonna be a teen...why keep fighting it"
however, it turns out he wasn't actually decommissioned! but rather he kept all his memories and was brought on as a secret undercover teen operative, thanks to all he accomplished while he was in the KND. no one is supposed to know about this except the highest of the higher-ups in the KND, but he trusts numbuh 5 with this info thanks to the bond they had. so he continues his legacy as a heroic figure. i really, really love his character, his dynamics with both numbuh 5 and cree (the latter of whom he pretends to ally with and date), and all the show's themes he represents.
also fun fact he's voiced by Khary Payton, who also did Cyborg from Teen Titans!
Hot Chocolate loves this show, so imma pass it off to him. Though first imma say that I do remember how as a kid I was shocked that it was allowed for your character to have your real name lol, I always thought that was so groundbreaking and taboo. Like aww! Her name is Cree, and so is her character! Now to him:
Hot Chocolate: SOMEONE GETS IT. These three black kids had me ready to join KND, kick butt, and steal ice cream. Numbuh 5 was my favorite! Always cool, and a fantastic leader. I forgot about her becoming supreme leader though, so you know what that meeeeeaans- time for a rewatch. Anyway, her relationship with Cree was so interesting and sad like come on, we were homies! It doesn't have to be this way! 😭😭 Especially because even though Cree was "evil" my young self has a crush on her 🤣.
Anyway the commentary on growing up and becoming old and boring caught me for a while, so I made sure I had as much fun as I could. But then they showed Maurice's episode and I was ready to take on the world. Anything to remain a cool agent of the KND. That being said everyone should give that show a try, it's old but still funny. Think I'll start it again for the Eleventynth time
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dangermousie · 2 days
PRO: Fang Yilun is one of the most underrated cdrama actors and he finally gets to lead, it looks like a 1980s romance novel come to life, and FL is gorgeous.
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PRO: I adore Ren Min, the trailer was fun, evil families are always a fun time, and Zhang Wanyi can definitely act.
CON: I loathed what LYF2 did with ZWY's character and loathed the entirely of AYTO, him included. Please don't make it a threefer.
(side note, on youtube, this video, by the official iQIYI channel no less, is titled as "Li Qin Zeng Shunxi sadomasochism." Draw your own conclusions.)
PRO: gorgeous visuals, spectacular-looking fights, Li Qin x ZSX seem to pine gloriously, snooooooow
CON: 99.9% guaranteed to have a tragic ending
PRO: Zhao Lusi is one of my favorites and my knees (and other body parts :P) go weak for Liu Yuning, plus the OTP of The Long Ballad rides again!
CON: if I never see another "grrrl power through trade, in ahistorical fashion" narrative, it will be too soon. I just don't find commerce sexy.
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daily-hyosatsu · 6 months
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Today's nameplate is a threefer! The first name is 本多 Honda or sometimes Honta. (Not to be confused with the automaker 本田 Honda.)
本 means book, main, origin, true, or real/genuine. It’s read もと or ホン. More here on its use as a counter for long things.
多 means many, frequent, or much. It's read おお.い, まさ.に, まさ.る, or タ. It's also the source for katakana タ.
The second is 尾上, usually Onoue or Onoe. It can also potentially be Ogami or Oue.
尾 means tail, end, or the lower slope of a mountain. It's sometimes used to count fish. It's read お or ビ.
上 means up, above, or raise. It has about a billion readings! Do what you can to remember them.
The third is 菊見 Kikumi, which is pretty but quite rare. There are only about 110 people with this name!
菊 means chrysanthemum (which is the family crest of the Imperial family). It's read キク.
見 means see, to be visible, or to show. It can also refer to opinions, hopes, or chances. It's read み or ケン.
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secondhand-lions · 2 months
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wooooooo yehawgust threefer
once again this prompt month gives me the most insane concept ideas that i simply uhhhhhh. sit here with i guess. free "shit i need to pass some time" drawings i guess !
also i KNOWWWWWWW i said my yeehawgust was gonna be fnv themed and there's nothing distinctly Fallout about this one but trust. it can be there if you want it to be
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the-empress-7 · 1 month
Didn’t she call her boobs “magical boobs” on her blog? Which explains a lot 😂
Yes, yes she did. Maybe they’re Moonbump Boobs? She got a twofer…or rather, threefer.
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