#this is a sideblog so all replies/asks will be done publicly. if you want it to be private send a dm
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elipheleh · 2 years ago
The truth is every queer person has the right to come out on their own terms, and on their own timeline. They also have the right to choose not to come out at all. The forced conformity of the closet can not be answered with the forced conformity in coming out of it.
-Alex, Red White & Royal Blue (2023)
i want to talk about this quote. full disclosure, it’s because i keep seeing some really frustrating takes (some of which veer into queerphobia) and i am getting a bit annoyed with people and rather than directly addressing it with them & appear to be picking a fight im going to make an analysis post in my space. (tbf. its mostly on twitter and i have a priv account so that limits me)
disclaimer; this is my interpretation, im not saying its the only interpretation just something to consider. i am queer & cognitively disabled - don’t assume malice and dont be cruel. i will ignore and block freely.
tl;dr/very simplified summary: it doesn’t mean “dont ever speculate about other people’s sexuality” but rather that ‘coming out’ in the way society understands it shouldn’t be a necessity for queer people to exist openly as queer. full context under the cut & self-exploration questions at the end.
so lets start with the context. alex is talking at a point in time when the world has read their emails and so knows both are queer (bi & gay, specifically), but neither alex/the white house or henry/the palace have commented. so more simply - alex and henry are known to be queer, but have not come out. alex uses the speech to come out as bi, and as being in love with henry. he also uses it to imply that he & henry should have the right to choose not to do this formal coming out alex is doing.
okay. lets get into the quote analysis.
The truth is every queer person has the right to come out on their own terms, and on their own timeline.
reasonably self explanatory. each queer person gets to decide their own timing for coming out, and the way that they want to address their sexuality.
They also have the right to choose not to come out at all.
this is where problems with interpretation have started to appear. fundamentally yes, this means people are allowed to not be openly queer/‘out’ if that is what their decision is. but it also means that they can be visibly queer - for example being in a visibly queer relationship; signalling with their aesthetic (e.g. someone being butch, someone who wears only ‘girl’ clothes despite that being at odds to their assigned gender); casually posting about queer things on social media etc - without addressing their own sexuality to others.
it does not mean that you should assume everyone is straight until they explicitly tell you otherwise. and quite frankly insisting that it does mean that is veering into homo-/bi-/queer-phobia because you are insinuating that being not-straight is a negative thing.
The forced conformity of the closet can not be answered with the forced conformity in coming out of it.
some people seem to be interpreting this as ‘you shouldnt force people out of the closet’ and i don’t think thats quite to the nuance of what it means. yes, i do think that is part of it - in much the same way as the previous sentence - but it is not really the whole of it. in my opinion this is actually addressing - at least to some degree - the concept of ‘we should assume people are straight until they explicitly say otherwise’.
the ‘forced conformity of coming out’ addresses the idea that to be “out” you have to follow these steps; that you have to make a public statement that ‘this is my sexuality and i am [queer/bi/gay/pan/ace/etc]’. you are conforming to this precedent of “how to come out” that countless queer people have followed. there’s nothing inherently wrong with doing so, but actually there are different ways to be queer - and even being “out” as queer - that don’t involve following that playbook.
here’s a hypothetical to demonstrate my point. two men, who have never dated any women, live together & spend basically all their time together over 5-10 years. they holiday with each other’s family, they’re always together at events (e.g. weddings of non-mutual friends), but they’ve never told you/the public that they’re queer and/or dating each other. at what point does one start to assume they’re together? and does the answer change if its a man & a woman rather than two men? if a man & a woman did that, people would assume pretty early on they’re probably dating. but yet when it’s two men suddenly it’s invasive to speculate. this is where this concept of the forced conformity of coming out comes in - along with the veering into homophobia i referenced earlier - why must they say the words “i am gay” for it to then be ‘okay’ to consider that they’re together? (the homophobia comes into play because if you think being gay is morally neutral (which it is) then you shouldn’t have any issue with the speculation about people being together regardless of their genders.) the idea that straight is the default is where this forced conformity starts to really kick in.
i guess the main things i want people to ask themselves are these (and i have been asking myself these questions, there is no judgement or censure just self examination):
1. do you think people can be openly queer publicly without explicitly sharing that they are queer? (by this i mean in an announcement or in casual conversation. can you be openly queer without ever addressing it explicitly?)
2. if you do, why do you think that talking about the possibility someone is queer is something that should be hushed up? is it because there is an internalised concept that being queer is something abnormal and/or negative? if it was a straight couple would you feel the same way?
3. what does “coming out” mean to you? why does it mean that, what have you internalised to get to that conclusion & is it something that always works or are there other ways to be openly queer (or ‘out’ if you prefer)?
4. is it possible that there are queer people living openly and happily as themselves without explicitly addressing their sexuality to the wider world, who don’t want to address it publicly? does this make them closeted or ‘less’ queer to you? if so, what makes you think that?
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demoisverysexy · 2 years ago
I'm sorry but "Warnings for ... anti-Mormonism" The Mormon religion is a fucking cult and countless ex Mormons have come out to say as much. It's abusive, controlling, and horrifying. Don't you dare act like being against a cult deserves to be in the same warning as ableism.
Putting aside the fact that this ask implies that you have been searching through my blog for dirt on me, I have some thoughts. You say there are "countless" ex-Mormons who say that Mormonism is a cult. How many exmos is that? I know ex-Mormons who say it isn't a cult. They left because of legitimate grievances they have with the church, grievances which I largely agree with, but they insist it isn't a cult despite those issues they have. Which ex-Mormons should I be listening to? The ones who agree with you or the ones that agree with me?
My issue with this ask is how deeply uncurious and unserious it is. I have talked about why Mormonism isn't a cult before at length. I have talked about my issues with the religion, and have criticized aspects of it publicly. I have engaged publicly in interrogating and living my life in a way that neither betrays my principles nor Mormonism. How well I have done in that regard is not for me to say. But what I can be sure of is that you don't care about that. You're here because you're mad because I chewed you out about your bad take about Brandon Sanderson, as you demonstrated in your second ask:
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There are a few things of note here. First of all, in the first sentence alone you made it obvious that your concern about me being Mormon isn't real. You're concern trolling me. You care far more that I dared to disagree with your weird take on the quality of Brandon Sanderson's writing than you care to actually bring up anything meaningful about the harm Mormonism has caused in the world as an institution. You're attempting here to sabotage my character and not actually address my beliefs and positions. You don't care, and that is why you move the goalposts both for your statement about my beliefs on Mormonism (me believing Mormonism isn't a cult becomes me "acting like anti-cult is bad"), and your shifting of your own position.
Let's talk about your original post for a moment, shall we. When you, the curator of a sideblog centered around A Song of Ice and Fire (hereafter referred to as ASoIAF), decide to make a post making fun of fans of Brandon Sanderson's books, how are we supposed to interpret this? Typically online when we make fun of the fans media online, we are not merely passing judgement on the fans themselves, we are implying that the fact that they enjoy the specific media they are fans of is an indicator of their stupidity in some way (e.g. Marvel fans, Swifties, etc). So while, in your initial post, it is true you said nothing textually about the quality of Sanderson's writing, by throwing Sanderson's fans under the bus, you were implying that Sanderson himself has done something to incur our ire as well. Then on top of that when I said in response to your post with "Question: why the fuck are we dragging Sanderson in all this? Not everything has to be game of thrones dude," you replied hyperbolically that you were going to break into every fan of Sanderson's writing and replace their copies of the Stormlight Archive with a box set of ASoIAF. Which implies much more strongly that you have a negative perception of Sanderson's writing compared to Martin's. The fact that after I responded with my post dressing you down, you went on to tag me in the notes of your own post passive aggressively, and then send me two anons vagueing me about my takes on Mormonism that you never bring up specifically indicates to me that you don't have an argument, not really. You're just mad, and you want an excuse to not like me. It's been a full day since I reblogged your post, and you decided to send me these asks. Don't you have anything better to do?
At the end of the day, a lot of the anti-Mormon sentiments (bigoted sentiments, as opposed to sentiments merely critical of actual problems within the church) comes down to laziness. When someone hates someone or something, there is a strong temptation to no longer think of the object of their hatred as worthy of study or speculation or even scrutiny. Any bad thing that is said about the object of one's hatred can be accepted and not questioned. It's useful in affirming your hatred, after all. And because of that, Mormonism itself is cast as a reason to dislike someone, as opposed to their actual bad actions.
I have done bad things in the past on tumblr. Publicly too. I'm sure you could find them if you went digging. But if you were to do that, I don't think you would be doing yourself, or me for that matter, any good. You would be no closer to seeing me, to hearing me, to understanding my way of seeing things and what makes me tick. When you view me merely as an opponent, as an obstacle in your story as opposed to somebody with a rich and complicated life, you impoverish your own experience and it becomes impossible for you to change me in a way that matters. If I am wrong to be Mormon, your attitude is the last thing I need. If you can't respect my human decency, please at least leave me alone. You have nothing to gain in obsessing over me because I disagreed with you about fantasy novels.
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lifeonthemurdersim · 5 months ago
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The Darkness Within Fandom/Universe: We Happy Few (my sideblog for that is actually @hazelnutjoy but I'm trying to keep everything in one place so I'll just rb this there) Characters/Pairing: OC x OC AO3 Link(full tags, warnings etc here) Word count: 2,134 words Synopsis: Ruby's finally getting what she wants. But can she hold back what she really is? Author's Note: OK I'm going to admit that this barely relates to WHF itself because it's more of a random thought I had that fit my OCs for it. I hope to write more for them eventually though. More about Gorekinktober on my pinned post here! Kinktober prompt(s) used: Roleplay Goretober prompt used: Painful Transformation
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Julie had the sweetest kiss.
Ruby should know, she'd been lost in it entirely for a while now, and it was wonderful. Soft, warm, she tasted floral, like the scent of roses. The problem, however, was how to take things further.
She had to be careful, with the way her girlfriend's mind was. It didn't seem right to make love to a girl whose head was so far up in the clouds it was hard to know if she was truly in the moment or not. But she'd said she wanted to, and Ruby knew she meant it. God knows it was all she wanted right now. They both knew tonight was supposed to be The Night. Julie had got all dressed up and everything. Ruby herself had already taken her trousers off and was in her blouse and underwear.
The only thing was... as someone who was too young to publicly exist in Wellington Wells until she was old enough to bluff being older, Ruby had lived a rather sheltered existence. She'd never actually done this before. With anyone. The only other person she was close to who she knew for a fact had done anything like this was her own mother, and she was hardly going to ask her. She slid one hand into Iuliana's dark curls and started moving her other down her side, enjoying the soft curves of her warm body as the excitement in her began to pick up, but as she reached her hip, Julie let out a light giggle into the kiss. Not exactly what she was going for, and it made her hold back again.
Thinking about it, it probably wasn't surprising it was hard to make this jump. She'd spent well over a year holding back her true desires when they were friends. Some habits were hard to break. She pulled back from the kiss slightly. "Listen, Jules, um..." she began. "Are you... nervous at all?"
Julie thought for a moment. "I don't know, perhaps a little bit." she admitted as she fiddled with the hem of her nightie. "I was only ever... with Terrance, you know? And I... I don't really recall..." She swallowed. "Things are a little hazy now. Including the night we... deflowered each other."
"Don't have to use phrases like that, Jules." Ruby said with a nervous laugh, scratching the back of her neck at the awkward jealousy that left her with. "You know I... sometimes wish I could... could... do that for you."
"Do what?" Julie asked, cocking her head to one side.
"Well you know... be... a boy. For you." She looked to the side thoughtfully. "Maybe... maybe not just for you."
"Isn't that what Lemon Joy is for?" her partner asked a little absent-mindedly. "The... the clear yellow one?"
"I um... I think so." Ruby replied thoughtfully. "But... I don't want to go back to taking any sort of Joy." she says firmly. "Besides, I... I don't..." she shook her head. "It's really hard to explain, Jules. I don't want to be a boy all the time, I just... wish I could... sometimes...? I know it makes no sense."
Julie thought for a moment. "Maybe not." she agreed. "But I love you whoever you are, my darling." She gave Ruby a soft smile, leaning over for another peck of her lips. "As a girl, as a boy... even if you were the... the monster." Ruby looks at her, confused.
"What... monster?" she asks curiously, worrying about whether it's another of the delusions Julie's been stuck with ever since the Coconut Joy.
"Ever since the... the incident..." Julie began. Ruby didn't actually know her before then. But Terry had spoken of how much it changed her. He wasn't truly his fiance anymore after that, but he was indebted to stand by her side. Ruby respected him for it. But now he had a new partner, and Ruby and Julie had each other, and everyone involved was so blissfully happy that it didn't even need to be fretted about. "I've had these nightmares. There's this... dark force following me. This monster, and... and if it catches me..." She drew a sharp intake of breath. "I wake up."
"Oh love, don't upset yourself." Ruby said sadly, trying to intervene as quickly as possible. "Let's just enjoy where we are, yeah?"
"Oh, no no!" Julie replied. "It's not upsetting, Ruby, it's exhilarating, it's... it's thrilling!"
"What?" her girlfriend questioned with a frown. "You... want it to catch you?"
"Well... maybe...?" Julie attempted to explain. "I know it's... it's not right, but..." she pauses, biting at her lip a little. Ruby recognises a certain... passion to it. "I sometimes wish I could know what it was like to be captured." Ruby can see that recalling this dream has affected Julie deeply. It's brought her to the kind of excitement she's hoping to induce. Maybe in a different way, but the two could very well be introduced to each other.
"Jules... what if... the monster was me?" she asked slowly. Julie looked at her with confusion.
"I'm sorry, I'm unsure what you mean." she replies. "You... think you're the monster?:
"Well..." Ruby began. "What I'm saying is, what if I pretended to be the monster? And we... we could play out what I'd do if I caught you." She reached out a hand to rest on Julie's thigh. "We could... make it... fun." she suggested.
"Like... the same fun we were... planning to have...?" Julie asked with a coy smile.
"Yeah." Ruby confirmed, glancing away. "If that's not... y'know... really strange."
"Yes!" Julie insisted rather emphatically, shuffling closer to her. "It's not sttange, I think... I do think that would be fun." Ruby looked back at her. Her smile was genuine. Then again, with Julie it usually always was.
"Well..." she responded, a little smirk growing across her face. "I'm sorry to tell you, Miss. Loveridge, but the monster has in fact-" She shifted her free hand to Julie's shoulder, going to push her softly onto the bed, her face hovering right over the other woman's. "-caught you." She leant down and kissed her again, and whether it was the change of pace or the recreating of her dream, she could feel that Julie was kissing her back a little more vigorously, a hand sliding to Ruby's back.
OK, she really liked this. Now Ruby had to just stop overthinking it. She managed to sink herself into the kiss and switch her brain off for a minute, let her feelings take hold of her as she slipped her tongue into Julie's mouth, the other responding with a soft moan, that hand at her back pulling her in closer.
As she began to relax more though, she felt an odd pain gripping at her stomach. She pulled back from the kiss rather abruptly. Julie looked at her in confusion. "Are you OK, Rubes?" she checked.
"I... don't know..." she said honestly. "I feel a bit... um... weird?" she admitted, not wanting to keep anything from Julie.
Julie nodded, although she looked a little disappointed. "Do you... want to stop?" she checked.
"No! No no no, I... I want to keep going Jules, please." she insisted, not wanting to let go now they were finally making progress. But she couldn't deny that it was starting to really hurt. Still, she ignored it, slipping the fragile straps of Julie's nightie off her shoulders, reaching a hand over her breasts and caressing them gently through the satin, feeling Julie's nipples standing to attention as she moaned out softly.
Ruby was finally getting what she wanted, she'd wanted this for so long, so why did her whole body feel like it was on fire? Was that arousal? Was arousal supposed to feel like it was ripping your entire being open? For all she knew it was, so she ignored it, pushing onward. "I-if I'm the monster." she suggested. "I should probably..." She dug a finger at Iuliana's neckline, and dragged downwards, suddenly strong enough to rip through the middle of the fabric, tearing right through the dress.
She pulled the whole thing open so she could finally see her lover's chest unveiled, her breathing growing deep and shaky. Julie smiled and slipped the garment off her shoulders, not seeming to care that Ruby ripped it. Ruby ran a hand over the sudden expense of Julie's soft, brown skin, cupping one of her breasts. She stroked her other hand down Julie's waist and over the frills of her lacey knickers, her own growing extremely damp now. Julie locked eyes with her, then reached up and began to undo the buttons of Ruby's shirt, eyes fixed on her. Ruby allowed her to do it, biting at her lip in anticipation, before slipping the blouse off her shoulders.
She lowered her body on top of her partner's, the other woman spreading her legs to give her space, and as their bare chests slipped against each other, that burning feeling grows; she wanted her, she wanted her now, the lust within her couldn't wait any longer. She leant across and began to kiss at her neck, but simultaneously she ran a finger along the top of Julie's underwear before slipping her hand in. She brushed past a forest of soft but wiry hair, underneath which was unsurprisingly genetalia much like her own. She knew what felt nice to touch. She could do this. As she began to rub softly at the protruding nub in Julie's knickers, her girlfriend let out a high, rough moan, before settling into softer moans as Ruby continued to touch her.
"Ruby..." she gasped, spurring her on to rub harder. "This... feels... so... nice!" She was no longer playing the monster, she was doing this herself, she had become one with the monster, but now, now the pain was growing; ripping, stretching, breaking her.
"Jules..." she whimpered back, as the awful pain of it began to burn and twist her. "Jules..." Julie is enjoying it too much to really realise though, can't she see it? Ruby's skin is literally tearing from her body, replaced by something dark, twisted, formless.
She could no longer touch. She could no longer even see, really. She had burst, split open, become what she really was. What she'd always had been. An abomination. A monster. She tried to call Julie's name again but she only let out a pained roar.
"Ruby?" Julie asked, looking at her as if nothing had changed, just with a tiny hint of worry. Could she not see the monster Ruby had become? Did she not even realise? "Ruby?" she asked. "Ruby? Are you alright? Ruby?"
Ruby jolted awake with a significant gasp of breath, panting hard. "Oh." she said, feeling and sounding dazed. She realised those last checks by Julie were real. "Yeah... yeah I... what's... going on?"
"Um... I think you fell asleep." Julie said in her usual, slightly absent way, but with a thread of sympathy. "I'm really sorry if I bored you... I think I was talking about the wedding flowers too much."
"No, no Jules, it's not that, I promise!" Ruby assured her. "I just... I haven't been sleeping that well recently is all."
"Oh, oh my dear, I'm so sorry to hear it!" Iuliana replied sympathetically, reaching out to stroke Ruby's arm. Ruby looked at her as every nerve end where she was touching tingled. "Would... would you like to sleep in my bed?" she asked, gesturing to it in the corner.
"No!" Ruby replied abruptly, and then realised how odd it sounded and corrected herself. "It's... it's just, I was having this right odd dream and... if I kip here I don't doubt I'll find myself right back in it."
"Oh." Iuliana said softly. "I do so like dreams. But it sounds like you might have had a nightmare."
"Y-yeah, it was, I mean... it was nice... at... at first, but then... well one thing led to another and I... started turning into a... a monster." she shook her head. "It felt... so... so real." Julie nodded softly.
"I see." she replied, thinking for a moment, then continuing in her happy, breezy tone. "Well... you're not a monster." she mused softly. Ruby looked at her uncertainly. "Maybe... if it happens again, you can just... remind yourself you're not a monster." She smiled and then pulled Ruby into a hug.
Ruby relaxed into being held, resting her head on Iuliana's shoulder tentatively, entranced by the warm embrace of her friend. Her friend who she loved desperately. Her friend whose affection kept her happy, kept her going no matter what. Her friend who was getting married, to her other dear friend no less, in a matter of months.
"Yeah." she lied. "I can do that."
I feel like I'm going to be so judged whenever I do 'it was a dream' type stuff because this is the second I've done in th3 last few months, but dreams and nightmares and fantasies run through a lot of what I do so I honestly don't think it's that bad 😅
Btw Iuliana is tumblr monsterfucker ERPer trapped in AU 60s confirmed. Ruby is she/he nonbinary trapped in AU 60s confirmed.
Julie had the sweetest kiss.
Ruby should know, she'd been lost in it entirely for a while now, and it was wonderful. Soft, warm, she tasted floral, like the scent of roses. The problem, however, was how to take things further.
She had to be careful, with the way her girlfriend's mind was. It didn't seem right to make love to a girl whose head was so far up in the clouds it was hard to know if she was truly in the moment or not. But she'd said she wanted to, and Ruby knew she meant it. God knows it was all she wanted right now. They both knew tonight was supposed to be The Night. Julie had got all dressed up and everything. Ruby herself had already taken her trousers off and was in her blouse and underwear.
The only thing was... as someone who was too young to publicly exist in Wellington Wells until she was old enough to bluff being older, Ruby had lived a rather sheltered existence. She'd never actually done this before. With anyone. The only other person she was close to who she knew for a fact had done anything like this was her own mother, and she was hardly going to ask her. She slid one hand into Iuliana's dark curls and started moving her other down her side, enjoying the soft curves of her warm body as the excitement in her began to pick up, but as she reached her hip, Julie let out a light giggle into the kiss. Not exactly what she was going for, and it made her hold back again.
Thinking about it, it probably wasn't surprising it was hard to make this jump. She'd spent well over a year holding back her true desires when they were friends. Some habits were hard to break. She pulled back from the kiss slightly. "Listen, Jules, um..." she began. "Are you... nervous at all?"
Julie thought for a moment. "I don't know, perhaps a little bit." she admitted as she fiddled with the hem of her nightie. "I was only ever... with Terrance, you know? And I... I don't really recall..." She swallowed. "Things are a little hazy now. Including the night we... deflowered each other."
"Don't have to use phrases like that, Jules." Ruby said with a nervous laugh, scratching the back of her neck at the awkward jealousy that left her with. "You know I... sometimes wish I could... could... do that for you."
"Do what?" Julie asked, cocking her head to one side.
"Well you know... be... a boy. For you." She looked to the side thoughtfully. "Maybe... maybe not just for you."
"Isn't that what Lemon Joy is for?" her partner asked a little absent-mindedly. "The... the clear yellow one?"
"I um... I think so." Ruby replied thoughtfully. "But... I don't want to go back to taking any sort of Joy." she says firmly. "Besides, I... I don't..." she shook her head. "It's really hard to explain, Jules. I don't want to be a boy all the time, I just... wish I could... sometimes...? I know it makes no sense."
Julie thought for a moment. "Maybe not." she agreed. "But I love you whoever you are, my darling." She gave Ruby a soft smile, leaning over for another peck of her lips. "As a girl, as a boy... even if you were the... the monster." Ruby looks at her, confused.
"What... monster?" she asks curiously, worrying about whether it's another of the delusions Julie's been stuck with ever since the Coconut Joy.
"Ever since the... the incident..." Julie began. Ruby didn't actually know her before then. But Terry had spoken of how much it changed her. He wasn't truly his fiance anymore after that, but he was indebted to stand by her side. Ruby respected him for it. But now he had a new partner, and Ruby and Julie had each other, and everyone involved was so blissfully happy that it didn't even need to be fretted about. "I've had these nightmares. There's this... dark force following me. This monster, and... and if it catches me..." She drew a sharp intake of breath. "I wake up."
"Oh love, don't upset yourself." Ruby said sadly, trying to intervene as quickly as possible. "Let's just enjoy where we are, yeah?"
"Oh, no no!" Julie replied. "It's not upsetting, Ruby, it's exhilarating, it's... it's thrilling!"
"What?" her girlfriend questioned with a frown. "You... want it to catch you?"
"Well... maybe...?" Julie attempted to explain. "I know it's... it's not right, but..." she pauses, biting at her lip a little. Ruby recognises a certain... passion to it. "I sometimes wish I could know what it was like to be captured." Ruby can see that recalling this dream has affected Julie deeply. It's brought her to the kind of excitement she's hoping to induce. Maybe in a different way, but the two could very well be introduced to each other.
"Jules... what if... the monster was me?" she asked slowly. Julie looked at her with confusion.
"I'm sorry, I'm unsure what you mean." she replies. "You... think you're the monster?:
"Well..." Ruby began. "What I'm saying is, what if I pretended to be the monster? And we... we could play out what I'd do if I caught you." She reached out a hand to rest on Julie's thigh. "We could... make it... fun." she suggested.
"Like... the same fun we were... planning to have...?" Julie asked with a coy smile.
"Yeah." Ruby confirmed, glancing away. "If that's not... y'know... really strange."
"Yes!" Julie insisted rather emphatically, shuffling closer to her. "It's not sttange, I think... I do think that would be fun." Ruby looked back at her. Her smile was genuine. Then again, with Julie it usually always was.
"Well..." she responded, a little smirk growing across her face. "I'm sorry to tell you, Miss. Loveridge, but the monster has in fact-" She shifted her free hand to Julie's shoulder, going to push her softly onto the bed, her face hovering right over the other woman's. "-caught you." She leant down and kissed her again, and whether it was the change of pace or the recreating of her dream, she could feel that Julie was kissing her back a little more vigorously, a hand sliding to Ruby's back.
OK, she really liked this. Now Ruby had to just stop overthinking it. She managed to sink herself into the kiss and switch her brain off for a minute, let her feelings take hold of her as she slipped her tongue into Julie's mouth, the other responding with a soft moan, that hand at her back pulling her in closer.
As she began to relax more though, she felt an odd pain gripping at her stomach. She pulled back from the kiss rather abruptly. Julie looked at her in confusion. "Are you OK, Rubes?" she checked.
"I... don't know..." she sayid honestly. "I feel a bit... um... weird?" she admitted, not wanting to keep anything from Julie.
Julie nodded, although she looked a little disappointed. "Do you... want to stop?" she checked.
"No! No no no, I... I want to keep going Jules, please." she insisted, not wanting to let go now they were finally making progress. But she couldn't deny that it was starting to really hurt. Still, she ignored it, slipping the fragile straps of Julie's nightie off her shoulders, reaching a hand over her breasts and caressing them gently through the satin, feeling Julie's nipples standing to attention as she moaned out softly.
Ruby was finally getting what she wanted, she'd wanted this for so long, so why did her whole body feel like it was on fire? Was that arousal? Was arousal supposed to feel like it was ripping your entire being open? For all she knew it was, so she ignored it, pushing onward. "I-if I'm the monster." she suggested. "I should probably..." She dug a finger at Iuliana's neckline, and dragged downwards, suddenly strong enough to rip through the middle of the fabric, tearing right through the dress.
She pulled the whole thing open so she could finally see her lover's chest unveiled, her breathing growing deep and shaky. Julie smiled and slipped the garment off her shoulders, not seeming to care that Ruby ripped it. Ruby ran a hand over the sudden expense of Julie's soft, brown skin, cupping one of her breasts. She stroked her other hand down Julie's waist and over the frills of her lacey knickers, her own growing extremely damp now. Julie locked eyes with her, then reached up and began to undo the buttons of Ruby's shirt, eyes fixed on her. Ruby allowed her to do it, biting at her lip in anticipation, before slipping the blouse off her shoulders.
She lowered her body on top of her partner's, the other woman spreading her legs to give her space, and as their bare chests slipped against each other, that burning feeling grows; she wanted her, she wanted her now, the lust within her couldn't wait any longer. She leant across and began to kiss at her neck, but simultaneously she ran a finger along the top of Julie's underwear before slipping her hand in. She brushed past a forest of soft but wiry hair, underneath which was unsurprisingly genetalia much like her own. She knew what felt nice to touch. She could do this. As she began to rub softly at the protruding nub in Julie's knickers, her girlfriend let out a high, rough moan, before settling into softer moans as Ruby continued to touch her.
"Ruby..." she gasped, spurring her on to rub harder. "This... feels... so... nice!" She was no longer playing the monster, she was doing this herself, she had become one with the monster, but now, now the pain was growing; ripping, stretching, breaking her.
"Jules..." she breathed, as she felt the burn of her skin beginning to slice open, blood oozing and raw flesh exposed to the air momentarily before cutting right down to something beneath even bone, something intangible. "Jules..." she whimpered. Julie is enjoying it too much to really realise though, can't she see it? Ruby's skin is literally tearing from her body, replaced by something dark, twisted, formless.
She could no longer touch. She could no longer even see, really. She had burst, split open, become what she really was. What she'd always had been. An abomination. A monster. She tried to call Julie's name again but she only let out a pained roar.
"Ruby?" Julie asked, looking at her as if nothing had changed, just with a tiny hint of worry. Could she not see the monster Ruby had become? Did she not even realise? "Ruby?" she asked. "Ruby? Are you alright? Ruby?"
Ruby jolted awake with a significant gasp of breath, panting hard. "Oh." she said, feeling and sounding dazed. She realised those last checks by Julie were real. "Yeah... yeah I... what's... going on?"
"Um... I think you fell asleep." Julie said in her usual, slightly absent way, but with a thread of sympathy. "I'm really sorry if I bored you... I think I was talking about the wedding flowers too much."
"No, no Jules, it's not that, I promise!" Ruby assured her. "I just... I haven't been sleeping that well recently is all."
"Oh, oh my dear, I'm so sorry to hear it!" Iuliana replied sympathetically, reaching out to stroke Ruby's arm. Ruby looked at her as every nerve end where she was touching tingled. "Would... would you like to sleep in my bed?" she asked, gesturing to it in the corner.
"No!" Ruby replied abruptly, and then realised how odd it sounded and corrected herself. "It's... it's just, I was having this right odd dream and... if I kip here I don't doubt I'll find myself right back in it."
"Oh." Iuliana said softly. "I do so like dreams. But it sounds like you might have had a nightmare."
"Y-yeah, it was, I mean... it was nice... at... at first, but then... well one thing led to another and I... started turning into a... a monster." she shook her head. "It felt... so... so real." Julie nodded softly.
"I see." she replied, thinking for a moment, then continuing in her happy, breezy tone. "Well... you're not a monster." she mused softly. Ruby looked at her uncertainly. "Maybe... if it happens again, you can just... remind yourself you're not a monster." She smiled and then pulled Ruby into a hug.
Ruby relaxed into being held, resting her head on Iuliana's shoulder tentatively, entranced by the warm embrace of her friend. Her friend who she loved desperately. Her friend whose affection kept her happy, kept her going no matter what. Her friend who was getting married, to her other dear friend no less, in a matter of months.
"Yeah." she lied. "I can do that."
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I feel like I'm going to be so judged whenever I do 'it was a dream' type stuff because this is the second I've done in the last few months, but dreams and nightmares and fantasies run through a lot of what I do so I honestly don't think it's that bad...
Btw Iuliana is tumblr monsterfucker ERPer trapped in AU 60s confirmed. Also Ruby is nonbinary lesbian trapped in AU 60s confirmed, but I already knew that part 😅
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stopbeingnecrophiles · 4 years ago
⚠️warning post regarding the users weimu (now ppgd), flonnezillas, & stupidneet (check blog description for updated urls)
UPDATE AS OF 5/02/2021 (BEFORE POSTING):  the user weimu now goes under the name “gabberzon“. this url was a past username flonnezillas owned, and is now in use under the user weimu. user flonnezillas has terminated (to our knowledge). stupidneet has also changed her url to darkishcircles. UPDATE AS OF 5/14/2021 (BEFORE POSTING): raquel has deleted her server. the people behind the post still find everything here relevant and necessary to bring to light. 
the following post was made as a warning to showcase the behavior of some of the users on the site. if you're a minor we highly discourage you from interacting with any of the individuals mentioned; if you're 18+, do as you wish but with discretion (and the trigger warnings in mind). we find the things these users have said and done to be morally reprehensible, and to be genuinely concerning. this isn't some random petty callout post; we sincerely believe the behavior of those mentioned to be genuinely concerning and need to be brought to light.
that being said, we also do not condone the harassment or hate towards these users. the people behind this blog recognize that bringing forth this sort of thing may incite other users to do so, but we highly are against it. sending hate and harassment is not the way to go about this. simply stay away from those users if you have nothing better to add to the situation. thank you.
(all images have been censored for proper viewing. if you don't believe the claims being made, you're free to ask for the uncensored versions of the screenshots off anonymous so long as you're 18+. usernames/icons censored are of the minors or those irrelevant to the post in the server.)
⚠️ major tw: necrophilia, lolicon + pedophilia mentions, nsfw, irl gore (one image in particular contains a 17 year old girl)/drawn guro, & underaged characters in torture/sexual situations. ⚠️
users mentioned + their past/present urls (please check description of the blog for updated urls): 
raquel/witch/cas (17 yrs at the time of posting) (neko865 > ureshichan > autismchan > weimu >  gabberzon >  omduvarmin > ppgd | past sideblogs were disgustchan, suicidegirlsjp, and now currently speedcorebeach [tw for guro/gore]) 
dasch/rena (18 yrs at the time of posting ) (catgirlmode >  slashermedia > mawisa > stupidneet > femcelirl > darkishcircles  > aspiechan > 719203727299272910822810 > 71920372729922980822810) 
maid/val/vale/valentine (20 yrs at the time of posting ) (morimiyamiddleschoolshooting > raspberry-valentine > nekrofylia > phonestalker > gabberzon > pukemaid > morimiya > flonnezillas | sideblog named ichigomashimaros)
url proof here. 
first thing we’d like to address here is raquel’s server and what goes on in it, as the server is not at all properly ran or moderated well. on her blog, she explicitly states this:
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but still allows those under the age of 16 to join her server, and doesn’t even make it mandatory to make an intro or for the users in there to state if they’re a minor or not. however there are minors that are in the server, and it’s clear who they are. we wont be showing who they are, but there are a handful that have joined and are active within it.
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raquel herself is also a minor (being 17) so it’s odd that she wouldn’t make sure that fellow minors wouldn’t be kept away from some of the things that are said and shown in the server. that being said, a few of the conversations that have gone on publicly in the server have been about:
dasch’s tights and how sweaty they were, with raquel and maid talking about wanting to do things to her tights
dasch offering her bra 
talking about having phone sex together
openly condoning gore in the chats and saying it’s fine to be 100% okay with gore (which isn’t true, it’s fine to have a fascination with gore but to be 100% okay with it or even obsess over it is not okay). 
(screenshots of the conversations can be found here & here.)
we recognize that a few of these conversations are obviously jokes/banter between the three, but it is still wildly inappropriate to publicly talk like this where minors can see. you have an nsfw chat, at least use it properly.  (important to note: in raquel’s server, the nsfw & real life gore channels were opened to the public for awhile, accessible to anyone at any age, before there was a complaint to make them hidden with a role. even with a role implemented, the guro channel is still visible to those who have the ‘baby’ role [and as guro is, the content is very sexual].)
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second thing that is worthy of being addressed is how (mainly) dasch and maid fetishize irl gore, dead bodies, and crime scene photos. as stated prior, we’ve censored out the images that were posted, but if you would prefer to see uncensored versions of the images (if you somehow don’t believe what is being censored), you’re welcomed to come off anon and ask for the uncensored versions (so long as you are 18+). like the rest of the screenshots, they can be found in a separate link here.
third thing that is noteworthy of the people mentioned are the things they post publicly to their blogs. on raquel’s blogs, she has warnings in her pinned posts. 
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the warnings on her blog, while one being genuine and the other uncaring, do in fact warn users that content on her blogs are nsfw and explicitly state what she posts. however, this doesn’t mean she is exempt from criticism of what she posts. anytime raquel is called out for posting something questionable, she simply blames it all on “terfs”, that she’s allowed to post the things she posts because she is also a minor, or that you’re in the wrong for insinuating that a csa victim would even have lolicon art. raquel is not free from criticism from this, as she has posted art with actual children in it. the people behind this post mean no disrespect to raquel and the things she has been through and we respect that entirely. that being said, this does not mean you are free from criticism of the things you post willingly to your blogs. especially when some of the things you’ve posted in the past include children.  when asked why she doesn’t credit artists on her guro blog, this is what she responded with:
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someone in her notes also pointed this out, but to our knowledge she never acknowledged what they replied to the post with (censored out as they are not relevant to the post).
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regardless if you credit the artist or not, people can reverse image search to find the creator themselves. it’s also worth mentioning that you are blatantly admitting to posting from a pedophilic artist. you are still supporting this pedophile’s art by doing so. you are admitting the guro content you post is from pedophilic sources, and regardless if you source them or not, you are inherently posting pedophilic content.
we’ve provided examples of posts on her main blog here, and examples of posts on her sideblog here. major tw (for lolicon art & underaged characters), although we’ve censored the images, the content is still pretty intense. 
the next person we would like to shed light to and the things they post are maid. since the post started, maid has terminated her account. however some screenshot examples (with links) still exist, so those are what we will be using to explain the sorts of things she posts/has posted. 
before we go on, we would like to make it clear that we have no definitive proof that maid is a pedophile, but the content she is into is very questionable due to the nature of what they are. a few of things that she is into can be considered lolibait, which includes a lot of underaged girls. 
examples of the media (click the links for examples of her posting about it):
ichigo mashimaro (strawberry marshmallow): an anime/manga about 10-12 year old girls, that while not problematic itself, the creator of the anime makes lolicon-esque content of the girls (outside of the anime/manga). the media is also heavily known for being liked by lolicons.
ro-kyu-bu!: an anime surrounding a basketball team comprised of mostly young girls, the content of the anime itself is rather deplorable as it sexualizes the young girls very frequently (which is basically the only plot it has). very much known for being lolibait and liked by lolicons. 
on her main blog, she had reblogged this post:
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(post contains two young teenagers from yuru yuri.)
just on the surface, this image isn’t necessarily sexual and we do not claim that maid reblogged this with sexual intentions, however with her consumption of media known for lolibait, it makes it questionable. 
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she also has a body pillow of satou matsuzaka, a 15 year old girl from the anime “my happy sugar life”. we wont be getting into the content of the anime here, but it should be odd enough that this 20 year old woman has a pillow of a 15 year old girl. 
the last thing we’d like to address with maid is the posts on her instagram (can be found here. major tw for guro & emetophilia [all of which is censored]). a main point here that we haven’t brought up is that she blatantly fetishizes asian women and often posts about them. you can go here to look at a few of the things she’s posted and the fetish nature of the content she puts out there involving them. 
the point of this post was to highlight a few users in the animecore community who are clearly unable to host servers or interact around minors properly. we still do not condone the harassment of these users, and we would highly recommend to simply block them in response to this post rather than seek them out and harass them. there’s no point in doing so, however we realize we cannot stop every single person who reads this post from doing something. all we can do is state that we are against doing so and have no want or need to engage with that sort of behavior. 
to the users this post highlighted, if you’ve read everything through, good on you. instead of taking this as a call out post for drama (which genuinely was not the intent of this post), maybe the few of you can recognize the faults you have here and work on them and change for the better. this isn’t some post made because those behind it had personal beef or something with the users it mentions. this post was made because some of you cannot behave and act appropriately when interacting with minors and the general public. clearly not, as a server was allowed to exist with tons of minors alongside fucking weirdos. maybe give a shit about the minors you allow to interact with you. thanks
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syxma-blog · 5 years ago
Before following, I strongly urge you to read what is listed below, especially if you write in the Tokyo Ghoul RPC. Spending a few minutes on reading what I have outlined, will ensure that there will be little to no conflict for all parties. Essentials I. This tumblr serves as an independent roleplaying blog for Kaneki Ken/Sasaki Haise, who serves as a the primary protagonist for the Tokyo Ghoul Series. I do not own or claim to be the character. I also do not hold any rights to the game or anything else in relation to the series’ Continuity. All rights to the character and the series belong to Ishida Sui, Shueisha, Pierrot Co., Ltd, and Funimation Productions, LLC . II. As stated previously, this is a roleplaying blog and will be used only for roleplaying purposes. If you are a personal blog, you are not permitted to follow me unless you have a sideblog for roleplaying purposes. Doing so, will result in an immediate block. This is to ensure that this blog runs smoothly when engaging in all roleplaying activity.  III. Traits of the muse that involve personality, ideologies, and other behaviors do not directly reflect of the mun’s. If you’re one of the few that believe that roleplay is synonymous with real life, then please do not follow.  Following/Unfollowing I. I will only follow back based on my comfort and interest. If you have followed me and I haven’t followed you back within a reasonable time period, then I have more than likely decided not to follow you back. The reasons can vary and ultimately, I want to be able to immerse myself in an environment where I can always feel at ease. If you expect to be followed back, then I will suggest you do not follow me at all. Trying to catch my attention in any way will result in an immediate block. Such actions can be but are not limited to: follow, unfollow and then refollow me, sending anonymous messages stating that I don’t follow you, guilt tripping,  and etc. II. I can unfollow people for various reasons. I do not owe an explanation in the event should I decide to unfollow you. Should you inquire about my decision regarding this, I will block you for harassment. In the event that you decide to unfollow/block me, then I’ll just leave it be and move on. But do not give me a hard time about your decision, simply go on about your way. III. You certainly can earn an instant unfollow, as well as a block, if I catch you causing drama or perpetuating unnecessary type of hate (whether it be public or anon), towards others or myself on my dashboard. I don’t need to see BS being spewed publicly even though there are situations where it needs to be escalated on a public level. However, most issues can be resolved privately. In addition, Involving me in matters that have nothing to do with me will result in a swift unfollow/block. IV.  At the same time, we do make mistakes. There are those in the RPC that have shown ownership to their mistakes and willing to make the honest effort to change themselves. If I ever hurt you or made you feel uncomfortable in any way, please let me know instead of being quiet about it. I’ll definitely apologize and always be willing to rectify my wrongs going forward. Writing I. I identify myself as a multi-paragraph roleplayer, anywhere ranging between 2-4+ paragraphs. Of course, novella (4-10+) is welcome. Keep in mind, that I prefer shorter posts over longer posts for convenience's sake. In addition, I allow single paragraph and even one-liner. But both writers need to put in the effort when we are writing a thread. I am not asking you to write length for length, but if you’re not putting in the work, then I will drop our thread without notice. II. Writing will only be done with mutuals, both threads and asks. If we’re writing a thread, I would strongly prefer that if we discuss the storyline before the actual writing. Of course, I don’t mind winging the plot. But I would rather have something concrete established ahead of time. III. Literacy is a must. Of course, English is not the primary language for some of us, as it is not mine either. If that is the case or if you have a legitimate learning disability, then please notify me at your earliest convenience. I am more than happy to make any necessary accommodations to best suit your needs. I am very flexible just as long as you let me know beforehand. IV. What will not be tolerated in when writing a thread are godmodding, autohitting, metagaming, and outside control of my character. I know how to control my muse and I will portray him as I see fit. If you are caught doing such actions, I will drop our thread without warning, followed by an immediate unfollow. V. Please keep in mind that I do not respond to all of my owes in a timely fashion as much as I would like to due to real life obligations. If I haven’t responded within an ample time period (two weeks at most), then kindly notify me. But DO NOT pester me on an everyday basis about owing you a reply. Doing so will only motivate me to drop your thread and most likely unfollow you. Shipping/NSFW/Triggers I. This blog is currently do multi-shipping. However, shipping works only when chemistry is present and/or something has been discussed with both muns beforehand. As of the present moment, my muse is CURRENTLY NOT ACCEPTING any romantic ships, except for a very small number of pairings.  II. Keep in mind that when it actually does come to shipping, it doesn’t have to be confined in the romantic sense. In fact, I encourage platonic shipping with our muses. III. My writing content is adult-oriented, my works may including NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content such as nudity, sexual themes, cursing, drug & alcohol use, blood & gore, and etc. Those under the age of 18, I am still willing to write with you for the sake of a plausible story. Of course, we all should know that certain content that adults engage with minors can obviously result legal consequences for the former. In the event should I be lied to about your age, then I definitely will block you.  IV. As far as triggers are concerned, I will tag them specifically when appropriate. If there are specific triggers that you need me to post if we’re writing together, please let me know beforehand. Mun I. You may refer to me as Kamen, he/him, 28, GMT-4 (Eastern United States). I currently work full-time, 50-60+ hours a week, while providing for a family. In addition, I do have other real life commitments that take precedence. Therefore, I am not active on a regular basis. For faster communication, mutuals can always inquire for my Discord at any time. These rules are subjected to change and to be added at any given time. Be sure to check back regularly. Thank you for reading.
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catsblob · 6 years ago
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i made my first basics post on nov 23 2016 and current me doesnt even know that innocent bitch anymore.. though she made some points
i won’t be repeating myself from before unless it’s to clear up somethin so here we go class
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there’s no simple way to this. this relies on so many things such as post quality, interaction, active posting, and personality. if u got a shit personality, u’ll only be in this town for a month or so before getting kicked out in some way. 
make friends. yes, it’s easier said than done, but u gotta. reply to people’s posts, send asks, ask for collabs, make jokes, etc. etc. it helps to hang out w people who have similar aesthetics or interests as you! ur just gonna publicly clown yourself if u just hang out w people who have 0 commonalities w u... 
also posts? POST. preferably only sims-related stuff. many people, including me, avoid blogs that are mixture of irrelevant fandoms or are super personal. make a sideblog or a twitter to put that stuff in. yeah, its fine to post some personal updates here and there but... have mercy
this ties in with your posts getting attention. everyone starts off rough and getting lucky with a single like or even a reblog. it may take some people longer to get through, but you’ll make it if you try hard enough. don’t get easily disheartened!
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this is just a reality check everyone needs entering this community, just about ANY community. at some point, you’ll most likely get some form of anon hate in your inbox or on simsecret. don’t take it seriously. laugh it off. make some jokes about it. clown them. key point is that there is a difference between a criticism and just plain rudeness.
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within the past year, tumblr has done goofed up bad and has an automated system that flags posts that they believe is “sensitive content”. 99% of the time it isn’t so you gotta appeal it. sometimes, if you’re lucky, it’ll show an appeal button for you on the posts. if not, you can follow this method to appeal. if that doesn’t work, well, might as well just repost it.
most of the things that trigger the system are warmer tones (thinking its skin). i haven’t really noticed what else triggers it but i don’t even think tumblr staff knows that.
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there’s been an uprising of patreon creators, esp in the ts4 community, and many use this as a way to earn some money for their work. may it be early releases (most popular), exclusive cc (which you shouldn’t do. it’s shitty), wips, benefits, etc. etc. it’s basically a fancier version of a donation box.
a lot of patreon creators do exclusive cc which is quite frustrating, esp for people who 1. do not have extra cash to spend on two files of cc 2. are literal children and can’t pay. 
support who you want and know who you are supporting. don’t waste your money.
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i’m answering this as someone who creates for ts4. download sims4studio and blender (3d program - covers just about everything for ts4). you won’t really need anything else (besides, of course, photo editing programs) until you go on the deep end of 3d meshing. watch youtube videos. read tutorials (and resource tags). go wild with what you wanna do. figure out which area you wanna go ham in. poses, recolors, retextures, new meshes, building, decorating, etc. 
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if you’ve been following me for the past couple of months, you know the general jist of this. legally, according to ea’s TOS, anyone is allowed to do whatever with someone’s UGC (cc) even without notifying them. this is when it gets a little crazy.
simblr has the reputation of having rigorous TOUs where you cannot edit at all (or you can with special permission). understandable, it’s just a respect of each others’ rules. people then go to the next step to copyright their cc, which isn’t truly legally correct. i’m no lawyer, but once you put your shit into the .package format (dedicated format for sims content [EA ownership]) then it’s a free for all.
here on tumblr, people can submit DMCAs and take down your posts and give you strikes to your account (three [uncontested] strikes and you’re out within an 18-month period). for example, marigold (sims4marigold) sent me 2 DMCAs over 3 of my posts that recolored/retextured their cc. with my cc respectfully going along their TOU (reminder: this is all just a respect thing), I submitted a counter claim through support (follow the steps it shows > if it doesn’t show, choose the “other” option) and explained how the DMCA was false. 
you will then go through a ridiculous process that will take months. you will need to submit personal information to properly submit a counter, so be wary of that. after that is processed and you agree to all the terms, you will go through a 10-business day process of waiting to see if the DMCA sender rebuts it. typically, such as in my case, they did not so my content was restored after the wait. 
if you were truly falsely DMCA’d, this will be a tedious process and annoying, but it’s worth it. contest to all of them and remove those strikes so your account is not terminated permanently.
and that bout does it! those were the tips i could think of that would benefit newbies in the community and hopefully helped anyone else who was a little confused by certain things. if you have any further questions, please go right ahead and ask!
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demented-dukey · 6 years ago
Your most recent post about the list confuses me- you said people can ask to be off it and you’ll make an individual decision. So, people can ask to be on it, but then as soon as they want off they can be trapped there? I worded that poorly I don’t mean to be aggressive but it seems like a strange decision and I wanted to hear your reasoning
Bumping this ask to the top of the list, Anon.
I was wondering if anybody was going to notice that, lol. I’m being super, super careful of my wording lest it be taken out of context, and sometimes I change my mind because of what feedback I have received and I might have missed editing an old post, so I welcome anybody who wants me to clarify. *cracks neck and rolls up sleeves* This is gonna get wordy, so buckle up, kids. There will be a TL:DR at the bottom, but I encourage everybody who is interested to read this entire post. There is a method to my madness, and this is a complicated issue.
(FOR THE RECORD: I do not consider everyone who says “I don’t like Rem/Rom” as an anti-shipper. I consider them as neutral, and scroll past. (Their opinion doesn’t affect me, and I’m not trying to convert anyone - they aren’t asking me to do anything. They aren’t going into my lane, and I’m not going into theirs.) To be an anti-shipper, you have to cross that line. YOU ARE DIRECTLY ASKING ME TO DO SOMETHING, whether it be to unfollow you, to not interact with you, or to be respectful of your trigger. You have crossed into my lane, and I am obligated to respond to your request how I see fit.)
💚 So, to clarify...  💚
To get ON the anti-list, at least ONE of the following boxes must be checked (and I have to have seen the post, obviously, there’s posts that I’ve not seen yet and people are welcome to point them out to me):
You have made a post that is vocally anti-RemRom, including but not limited to asking shippers to “get out of the fandom”. You are vocally and willfully trying to exclude us. (It’s a very thin line, but saying “Don’t ship this” will NOT get you on the anti-list, if that’s all you said. At most, it will just get a snarky reply from me ala “DO ship this!” and an invite to likeminded people to join my blog.)
You have made a comment on a reblog of a “vocally anti-RemRom” post, supporting them in a vocally anti-Remrom manner, including but not limited to asking shippers to “get out of the fandom”. (I’m not adding every reblog to the anti-taglist, ain’t nobody got time for that. But if I’m scrolling through the comments and yours stands out to me in an aggressive or exclusionary way, then I will consider adding you.)
You have asked all pro-shippers to unfollow you, block you, or “get off your blog”. You have been added to the anti-list so that other pro-shippers can hear your request and decide for themselves if they choose to respect it. (I can only forward your message, I can’t enforce it.)
You use a DNI “Do Not Interact” banner on your blog. You have been added to the anti-list so that other pro-shippers can hear your request and decide for themselves if they choose to respect it. (I can only forward your message, I can’t enforce it.)
You have made it public that RemRom and/or Incest is a *TRIGGER* for you, and you want to be left completely out of the conversation for your own mental health. I normally have a rule that people have to either speak publicly or contact me directly to be added to the list, but in this case I will make an exception - if this topic is so triggering that you cannot bring yourself to speak publicly or contact me directly, you can speak to a friend to contact me on your behalf to have you added to the list. (This is done on a case-by-case basis, and I will usually require some form of screencap of your friend being asked by you to forward the request to me, so I can protect myself if anyone accuses me of adding people to the list without cause.)
You have contacted me through an ask or a PM, asking to be added to the anti-list. You don’t have to give me a reason why, I really don’t care. If you ask to have yourself or your own sideblog added, I will add you. If you ask to have a friend added, I will ask that they contact me themselves - if they are triggered by me, see previous paragraph for exceptions. If you contact me through a comment, I may not see it, so please ask me again in a PM or an ask.
Now that that’s been explained, let’s shift into reverse:
💚 To clarify...  💚
To get OFF the anti-list, at least ONE of the following boxes must be checked (and I have to have seen the post, obviously, there’s posts that I’ve not seen yet and people are welcome to point them out to me):
You have contacted me through an “ask” or PM, asking to be removed from the anti-list. I will take your request under consideration. If you are asking in good faith, I will do my best to oblige you. (If you contact me through a comment or reblog, I may not see it, so feel free to ask me again in a PM or an ask. I am trying my best, but there are a LOT of notifications to go through, and I am slow. Asks and PMs are easier for me to keep track of.)
You didn’t realize you were hurting people. You have listened to me, reconsidered your actions in the past, and you have decided to go forward with a more neutral “live and let live”, “your kink is not my kink and that’s okay” stance. Depending on the reason for you getting onto the anti-tag list in the first place, I may ask that you delete or edit a post or reblog you made first, to show you’re willing to make peace.
You have changed your mind, and you are willing go forward with a more neutral stance. You may have been violently anti-ship before, but you’ve listened with an open mind, and you’re willing to be more neutral in the future. Depending on the reason for you getting onto the anti-tag list in the first place, I may ask that you delete or edit a post or reblog you made first, to show you’re willing to make peace.
You have downgraded from a trigger to a squick. You may still find us disgusting, but you are no longer emotionally wounded by the mention of incest or Rem/Rom. You are no longer excluding shippers from your blog, and you are willing to take responsibility for monitoring your own online experience.
If someone asks to be removed from the list, but is not willing to be vocally anti-ship and/or indicates their willingness to continue to actively spread hate in this fandom and stir up trouble, I reserve the right to deny their request. The list is not a “bad thing” or a public shame list, it is there to protect people: the pro-shippers, neutrals, and anti-shippers alike.
Dear Anon, if you’ve slogged through this post, you deserve a cookie. Please let me know if anything else confuses you. I’m willing to explain, and I’m open to feedback. (Dear sweet lord and savior Thomas Sanders, being overly cautious of my wording is exhausting. :/ Unfortunately necessary, but exhausting. I’m gonna need a nap soon.)
TL:DR - Anyone on the anti-list can “ask” or PM me, and ask to be taken off. If they are asking in good faith, I will remove them from the list. If someone asks to be removed from the list, but is not willing to be vocally anti-ship and/or indicates their willingness to continue to actively spread hate in this fandom, I reserve the right to deny their request. The list is not a “bad thing” or a public shame list, it is there to protect people: the pro-shippers, neutrals, and anti-shippers alike. You will only be “trapped there” if you refuse to ignore us and let us ship in peace, or you are triggered by the topic and want people to know to keep it far away from you.
Anyone who disagrees with me, my ask box is open. I’m listening.
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damxum · 6 years ago
Before following, I strongly urge you to read what is listed below, especially if you write in the Final Fantasy RPC. Spending a few minutes on reading what I have outlined, will ensure that there will be less conflict for all parties. Essentials I. This tumblr serves as an independent roleplaying blog for Vincent Valentine, who serves as a central character for Final Fantasy VII. I do not own or claim to be the character. I also do not hold any rights to the game or anything else in relation to the Final Fantasy VII Continuity. All rights to the character and the series belong to Yoshinori Kitase, Tetsuya Nomura, Hironobu Sakaguchi and the rest of Square Enix. II. As stated previously, this is a roleplaying blog and will be used only for roleplaying purposes. If you are a personal blog, you are not permitted to follow me unless you have a sideblog for roleplaying purposes. Doing so, will result in an immediate block. This is to ensure that this blog runs smoothly when engaging in all roleplaying activity.  III. Traits of the muse that involve personality, ideologies, and other behaviors do not directly reflect of the mun’s. If you’re one of the few that believe that roleplay is synonymous with real life, then please do not follow.  Following/Unfollowing I. I will only follow back based on my comfort and interest. If you have followed me and I haven’t followed you back within a reasonable time period, then I have more than likely decided not to follow you back. The reasons can vary and ultimately, I want to be able to immerse myself in an environment where I can always feel at ease. If you expect to be followed back, then I will suggest you do not follow me at all. Trying to catch my attention in any way will result in an immediate block. Such actions can be but are not limited to: follow, unfollow and then refollow me, sending anonymous messages stating that I don’t follow you, guilt tripping,  and etc. II. I can unfollow people for various reasons. I do not owe an explanation in the event should I decide to unfollow you. Should you inquire about my decision regarding this, I will block you for harassment. In the event that you decide to unfollow/block me, then I’ll just leave it be and move on. But do not give me a hard time about your decision, simply go on about your way. III. You certainly can earn an instant unfollow, as well as a block, if I catch you causing drama or perpetuating unnecessary type of hate (whether it be public or anon), towards others or myself on my dashboard. I don’t need to see BS being spewed publicly even though there are situations where it needs to be escalated on a public level. However, most issues can be resolved privately. In addition, Involving me in matters that have nothing to do with me will result in a swift unfollow/block. IV.  At the same time, we do make mistakes. There are those in the RPC that have shown ownership to their mistakes and willing to make the honest effort to change themselves. If I ever hurt you or made you feel uncomfortable in any way, please let me know instead of being quiet about it. I’ll definitely apologize and always be willing to rectify my wrongs going forward. Writing I. I identify myself as a multi-paragraph roleplayer, anywhere ranging between 2-4+ paragraphs. Of course, novella (4-10+) is welcome. Keep in mind, that I prefer shorter posts over longer posts for convenience's sake. In addition, I allow single paragraph and even one-liner. But both writers need to put in the effort when we are writing a thread. I am not asking you to write length for length, but if you’re not putting in the work, then I will drop our thread without notice. II. Writing will only be done with mutuals, both threads and asks. If we’re writing a thread, I would strongly prefer that if we discuss the storyline before the actual writing. Of course, I don’t mind winging the plot. But I would rather have something concrete established ahead of time. III. Literacy is a must. Of course, English is not the primary language for some of us, as it is not mine either. If that is the case or if you have a legitimate learning disability, then please notify me at your earliest convenience. I am more than happy to make any necessary accommodations to best suit your needs. I am very flexible just as long as you let me know beforehand. IV. What will not be tolerated in when writing a thread are godmodding, autohitting, metagaming, and outside control of my character. I know how to control my muse and I will portray him as I see fit. If you are caught doing such actions, I will drop our thread without warning, followed by an immediate unfollow. V. Please keep in mind that I do not respond to all of my owes in a timely fashion as much as I would like to due to real life obligations. If I haven’t responded within an ample time period (two weeks at most), then kindly notify me. But DO NOT pester me on an everyday basis about owing you a reply. Doing so will only motivate me to drop your thread and most likely unfollow you. Shipping/NSFW/Triggers I. This blog is currently do multi-shipping. However, shipping works only when chemistry is present and/or something has been discussed with both muns beforehand. As of the present moment, my muse is CURRENTLY NOT ACCEPTING any romantic ships, except for a very small number of pairings.  II. Keep in mind that when it actually does come to shipping, it doesn’t have to be confined in the romantic sense. In fact, I encourage platonic shipping with our muses. III. My writing content is adult-oriented, my works may including NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content such as nudity, sexual themes, cursing, drug & alcohol use, blood & gore, and etc. Those under the age of 18, I am still willing to write with you for the sake of a plausible story. Of course, we all should know that certain content that adults engage with minors can obviously result legal consequences for the former. In the event should I be lied to about your age, then I definitely will block you.  IV. As far as triggers are concerned, I will tag them specifically when appropriate. If there are specific triggers that you need me to post if we’re writing together, please let me know beforehand. Mun I. You may refer to me as Sanada, he/him, 28, GMT-4 (Eastern United States). I currently work full-time, 50-60+ hours a week, while providing for a family. In addition, I do have other real life commitments that take precedence. Therefore, I am not active on a regular basis. For faster communication, mutuals can always inquire for my Discord at any time. These rules are subjected to change and to be added at any given time. Be sure to check back regularly. Thank you for reading.
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ascensxs-blog · 6 years ago
Before following, I strongly urge you to read what is listed below. Spending a few minutes on reading what I have outlined, will ensure that there will be less conflict for all parties. Essentials I. This tumblr serves as an independent roleplaying blog for Richard “Dick” Grayson, who is commonly associated with Batman and serves as a core character in the larger DC Comics Universe. I do not own or claim to be the character. I also do not hold any rights to all comic series’ this character is in. All rights to the character and the series belong to Bill Finger, Bob Kane, Jerry Robinson, and the rest of DC Comics. II. As stated previously, this is a roleplaying blog and will be used only for roleplaying purposes. If you are a personal blog, you are not permitted to follow me unless you have a sideblog for roleplaying purposes. Doing so, will result in an immediate block. This is to ensure that this blog runs smoothly when engaging in all roleplaying activity. III. Traits of the muse that involve personality, ideologies, and other behaviors do not directly reflect of the mun’s. If you’re one of the few that believe that roleplay is synonymous with real life, then please do not follow. Following/Unfollowing I. I will only follow back based on my comfort and interest. If you have followed me and I haven’t followed you back within a reasonable time period, then I have more than likely decided not to follow you back. The reasons can vary and ultimately, I want to be able to immerse myself in an environment where I can always feel at ease. If you expect to be followed back, then I will suggest you do not follow me at all. Trying to catch my attention in any way will result in an immediate block. Such actions can be but are not limited to: follow, unfollow and then refollow me, sending anonymous messages stating that I don’t follow you, guilt tripping,  and etc. II. I can unfollow people for various reasons. I do not owe an explanation in the event should I decide to unfollow you. Should you inquire about my decision regarding this, I will block you for harassment. In the event that you decide to unfollow/block me, then I’ll just leave it be and move on. But do not give me a hard time about your decision, simply go on about your way. III. You certainly can earn an instant unfollow, as well as a block, if I catch you causing drama or perpetuating unnecessary type of hate (whether it be public or anon), towards others or myself on my dashboard. I don’t need to see BS being spewed publicly even though there are situations where it needs to be escalated on a public level. However, most issues can be resolved privately. In addition, Involving me in matters that have nothing to do with me will result in a swift unfollow/block. IV. At the same time, we do make mistakes. There are those in the RPC that have shown ownership to their mistakes and willing to make the honest effort to change themselves. If I ever hurt you or made you feel uncomfortable in any way, please let me know instead of being quiet about it. I’ll definitely apologize and always be willing to rectify my wrongs going forward. Writing I. I identify myself as a multi-paragraph roleplayer, anywhere ranging between 2-4+ paragraphs. Of course, novella (4-10+) is welcome. Keep in mind, that I prefer shorter posts over longer posts for convenience’s sake. In addition, I allow single paragraph and even one-liner. But both writers need to put in the effort when we are writing a thread. I am not asking you to write length for length, but if you’re not putting in the work, then I will drop our thread without notice. II. Writing will only be done with mutuals, both threads and asks. If we’re writing a thread, I would strongly prefer that if we discuss the storyline before the actual writing. Of course, I don’t mind winging the plot. But I would rather have something concrete established ahead of time. III. Literacy is a must. Of course, English is not the primary language for some of us, as it is not mine either. If that is the case or if you have a legitimate learning disability, then please notify me at your earliest convenience. I am more than happy to make any necessary accommodations to best suit your needs. I am very flexible just as long as you let me know beforehand. IV. What will not be tolerated in when writing a thread are godmodding, autohitting, metagaming, and outside control of my character. I know how to control my muse and I will portray him as I see fit. If you are caught doing such actions, I will drop our thread without warning, followed by an immediate unfollow. V. Please keep in mind that I do not respond to all of my owes in a timely fashion as much as I would like to due to real life obligations. If I haven’t responded within an ample time period (two weeks at most), then kindly notify me. But DO NOT pester me on an everyday basis about owing you a reply. Doing so will only motivate me to drop your thread and most likely unfollow you. Shipping/NSFW/Triggers I. This blog is currently do multi-shipping. However, shipping works only when chemistry is present and/or something has been discussed with both muns beforehand. As of the present moment, my muse is CURRENTLY NOT ACCEPTING any romantic ships, except for a very small number of pairings. II. Keep in mind that when it actually does come to shipping, it doesn’t have to be confined in the romantic sense. In fact, I encourage platonic shipping with our muses. III. My writing content is adult-oriented, my works may including NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content such as nudity, sexual themes, cursing, drug & alcohol use, blood & gore, and etc. Those under the age of 18, I am still willing to write with you for the sake of a plausible story. Of course, we all should know that certain content that adults engage with minors can obviously result legal consequences for the former. In the event should I be lied to about your age, then I definitely will block you. IV. As far as triggers are concerned, I will tag them specifically when appropriate. If there are specific triggers that you need me to post if we’re writing together, please let me know beforehand. Mun I. You may refer to me as San, he/him, 28, GMT-4 (Eastern United States). I currently work full-time, 50-60+ hours a week, while providing for a family. In addition, I do have other real life commitments that take precedence. Therefore, I am not active on a regular basis. For faster communication, mutuals can always inquire for my Discord at any time. These rules are subjected to change and to be added at any given time. Be sure to check back regularly. Thank you for reading.
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