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Yo, I'm Mun A, also known as Angel. If you have any questions about EPLP, feel free to drop an ask or shoot me a message. Credit for the icon goes to  
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munafromeplp · 5 years ago
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the amazing spider-man (andrew garfield) lockscreens
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munafromeplp · 6 years ago
*cracks knuckles in anticipation of writing a lengthy reply no one wants to read*
Coming from someone who’s never read the books, movie Mal is one of those characters I feel like people tried to be understanding towards, but then they noticed her behavioral patterns and said “fuck that”. (rightfully so). To me, Mal only cares about one person at the end of the day, and that’s herself. She’s someone that expects people to listen to her opinions, but then won’t extend that same courtesy. I’m not saying that moving to Auradon would magically alleviate any of the past scars left from the Isle, but while her friends (and I use that term loosely) are actively trying to move on, we can see that Mal is still stuck in her ways. And then when things get “too hard” for her, she runs away. She treats the other characters like they’re beneath her, like she’s the only person that matters, but she’s presented in a way that seems like the movie wants you to feel sorry for her.  
I would like everyone to reblog this post and put their reason on why they dislike Mal from Descendants 3 please and thank you :)
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munafromeplp · 6 years ago
when you realize Harry kissed Uma’s hand after she was talking to Ben because he probably heard her say “No one’s looking out for me” and he’s trying his hardest to remind her that HE is
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munafromeplp · 6 years ago
✿ Boy Names from 'I' to 'L' ✿
I: Izzy, Ichabod, Igor, Ivan, Isaac, Isaiah, Ian, Ibrahim, Ignacio, Ishmael, Irvin, Ira, Icarus, Isiah, Ignatius, Ingmar, Immanuel, Ida, Iggy, Ivo, Indianna, Indigo, Izak, Icarius, Idris, Indra, Irus.
J: Jack, Jax, Joshua, Josh, Jerry, Jeremy, Jimmy, Joseph, Joe, Jo, Jeckyl, Jason, Jeffrey, Jermaine, James, Jamie, Jacob, Jakob, John, Johnny, Johnathan, Justin, Josiah, Julian, Joel, Jared, Jesse, Juan, Jose, Judah, Judas, Jasper, Jake, Jude, Jonah, Jaden, Jay, Jerome, Jorge, Jamal, Jon, Jonas, Jarvis, Jules, Jareth.
K: Kieran, Konan, Kormac, Kylo, Kurt, Kian, Kye, Kyle, Kai, Kevin, Keith, Kenneth, Keegan, Kenny, Kirk, Keanu, Karl, Kipp, Kane, Kurtis, Ken, Killian, Karim, Kamal, Kristopher, Kristoff, Krystian, Kristian, Kristofer, Knox, Kade, Kael.
L: Lucas, Loren, Luke, Lucifer, Lucian, Larry, Lyle, Liam, Logan, Levi, Lee, Landon, Leo, Laurence, Lawrence, Louis, Luis, Leon, Leonardo, Leonard, Lorenzo, Lewis, Lance, Lamar, Lucius, Lionel, Leopold, Lorence, Lucky, Lex.
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munafromeplp · 6 years ago
👀 👀 👀
There’s a mysterious lack of witches and wizards on this campus. Is it the mutants? Is it the probable illegal activities? Probably that second one honestly.
We’re good people, I swear on Charles!
-Raven D.
We’re still accepting characters from all fandoms, but I know that a few admins would like to see some HP characters. Want to rp as your fav in a laid back university setting? Check us out!
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munafromeplp · 6 years ago
Laid-back, appless rp
Go ahead, check us out.
We don’t bite. (Unless you’re into that)
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munafromeplp · 6 years ago
Do people still RP on tumblr or did that die along with the porn back in December ?
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munafromeplp · 6 years ago
Reblog this post if you roleplay in the Marvel fandom!
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munafromeplp · 6 years ago
Pass the Happy 💛 When you get this, list 5 things that make you happy and send to the last 10 people on your notification list! 💖
I’m V late buuuuuuuuut1) My friends2) Lifting weights3) Cooking4) Dancing 5) Naps lol
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munafromeplp · 6 years ago
Multimuse RPC | Open & Accepting
Bored of mindless scrolling?
Tumblr’s shitty new algorithms and half-cocked rules got you down?
Just need some kind of distraction in which you can roleplay as characters from your favorite fandom?
Well look no further than EPLP! We are a multimuse, multifandom roleplay community set in a school in France. Characters from all different walks of life come together to study (or not) and get to know one another. That sounds like a recipe for awesome shenanigans, wouldn’t you agree?
**OCs are welcome! **We use real people as faceclaims
If you’re interested, check out @eplprp for even more information. Feel free to contact @munafromeplp with any questions (she’ll get back to you as soon as possible!)
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munafromeplp · 6 years ago
I feel like this needs to be said. ITS OK TO WRITE WITH YOURSELF. I know that it might seem like a weird concept or perhaps you do this already and are embarrassed to admit it. 
I’m here to tell you that it’s okay and I’m sure you’re not the only one. Tell me, what’s wrong with writing two characters using two different perspectives? Authors do it all the time. Actors sometimes have to act with themselves. Voice actors sometimes have to talk to themselves. There’s nothing wrong with writing a thread all by yourself. It’s almost like writing a fan-fiction! If you’re having fun why not? 
Plus, who’s it harming when you write with yourself? If anything it helps you practice writing in a comfortable way, where the only judge is you. So, if you want to write with yourself, I say why not? It’s your blog and you’re allowed to do what you want. 
You’re not pathetic, you’re not weird, you’re not desperate… you’re a passionate writer who wants to explore the dynamics of two characters the way you see them and there’s nothing wrong with that.
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munafromeplp · 6 years ago
An experiment. Will you please reblog or like this post if you are an RP blog?
Groups included with the likes if you could. I’d love to get an idea of how many people are writers on here and just how big the RP side of tumblr is.
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munafromeplp · 6 years ago
Tequila: 🤠 Eggsy: 🍳 Harry: ⌚ Whiskey: 🥃 Merlin: 👓 Ginger: 🍻 Roxy: 😋
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munafromeplp · 6 years ago
EPLP Signal Boost: Updated 5/20
Hey all you wonderful people! If you’re looking for a laid back, super chill group roleplay with a short application and a school (college) setting, then you’re looking for EPLP. We have a ton of canon characters open for rping including:
Erik Lehnsherr Scott Summers Sean Cassidy Bruce Banner Peter Quill Gamora Jason Scott Billy Cranston Kimberly Hart Matt Murdock Foggy Nelson Pietro Maximoff Peter Maximoff  Valkyrie
and so many more (these are literally only names I could think of off the top of my head!)
We also accept original characters so you can bring your own muses out to play!
Take a peak @eplprp and see if you’d be interested! Happy Munday!
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munafromeplp · 6 years ago
Y’know, it shouldn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that greeting complete strangers with death threats is maybe not the brightest idea. “Oh, see, but I’m RPing as this specific horror movie monster who –” buddy, I don’t care if you’re the actual Babadook. Being an unfathomable soul-devouring monster is no excuse for being rude.
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munafromeplp · 6 years ago
An experiment. Will you please reblog or like this post if you are an RP blog?
Groups included with the likes if you could. I’d love to get an idea of how many people are writers on here and just how big the RP side of tumblr is.
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munafromeplp · 6 years ago
Something I love is developing characters & honestly, a lot of the time I find myself getting stuck when it comes to what my character’s hobbies could be and so I’ve decided to write up this masterlist !!
under the cut you will find 90 hobbies ( in alphabetical order ) that your characters could have !
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Keep reading
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