#this is a really long way to say that YES the lions are much older than they were in canon
scattered-winter · 1 year
You know, back in season, during season 1, they way Allura talked about Voltron implied it had been around for a very long time even before the lions were put into hiding for 10,000 years.
It’s really jarring that Voltron had apparently only been created during Allura’s life time and was only operational for a few decades before being locked away. If Voltron had been defending the universe for generations, I would be understanding of them being surprised that the universe had forgotten about Voltron.
Also, how than the Bayard be the “traditional” weapon of the Paladins if there had only been one other generation of Paladins.
you've actually touched on something I've thought a LOT about !! one of the big differences I'm doing for the rewrite vs the show is that I'm going super deep into the worldbuilding for voltron and the lions specifically, and I never liked how the lions were Built by someone and then just. magically had the ability to become voltron. this is gonna get kinda long so I'll break it up but this is basically gonna be a worldbuilding infodump :]
so first I have to start this by explaining quintessence. we weren't given a lot of information in the show, but from what I could gather, quintessence is the energy of life that imbues every living thing, and there are 5 different colors that have some effect on the personalities/nature of the living things. some things that I added, however, make quintessence into the literal lifeblood of the universe. every single thing, both living and inanimate, contains quintessence, from the grains of sand on the beach to the water to fire to animals to the literal void of space itself. the 5 colors all work together to keep the universe balanced out. additionally, quintessence is kind of. Sentient. ish. it's a force of nature like gravity, but it also kind of functions as Fate. it ties things together and sets the pieces on the board, but the pieces can make their own choices and shit so its not like quintessence is Controlling anyone. its just kinda. setting the stage so that certain things can play out.
for instance, five people who all happen to complete a full set of voltron paladins that just happen to stumble into each other on the same night, and just happen to discover the blue lion together.
with all this in mind, and with the additional fact that the lions of voltron each represent every color of quintessence, respectively, the lions themselves are kind of. the physical embodiment of this Supernatural Slightly Sentient Force Of Fate. they were born at the beginning of the universe itself, and their entire purpose is to uphold the quintessential balance of nature (similar to avatar the last airbender, how the avatar's duty is to uphold the balance of the 4 elements/nations). because of this, there have been hundreds of thousands of paladins since the beginning of time, thus the legend of voltron being so widely known. it's literally fundamental ancient mythology for most of the universe, so of course everyone knows about it!
zarkon, alfor, and the other paladins in that group were the last ones before the lions were scattered for 10 thousand years, making that the longest stretch of time where the lions had no paladins. so the fact that 5 humans who had very little knowledge (or none at all) of the Wider Universe just happened to be able to find and bond to all 5 lions in a pretty short amount of time can be chalked up to quintessence (fate) setting up the board for them. the beginning of voltron, with the finding of the lions, is fate and destiny, but its the paladins and allura and coran themselves who win the battles from there. because, like I said, fate sets the stage, but doesn't have any influence on what people do on that stage.
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How would the suitors reaction be when their wife ( Crewle daughter) is pregnant with triplets? And meeting the kids after birth?
With Ruggie, Jack, Lions, Malleus, Silver, Trey, Vil and Ace
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Triplets Are Here | Yandere Twisted Wonderland Crewel Daughter
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Ruggie Bucci
“What can I say I’m a beast in bed!” 
He’s not going to act like it even could have been inherited to you
He’s got a whole new air of confidence
Not only does he have the woman of his dreams 
But he knocked her up times three
Hopefully that will squash anyone else’s delusions about being with you
Either way he doesn’t mind getting rid of them the old fashioned way
“Awww they look like we had babies! Oh wait-”
“Just focus on feeding that one.”
“Yes Mama!” 
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Jack Howl
“If you faint now, I won’t catch you!”
This is the best news 
A strong litter, a perfect mate
He’s protecting his already larger than average pack
“Back away or I will not hesitate to end your life. I’ve got four lives to protect now.”
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Leona Kingscholar
“Don’t make that face.”
“What face? I’m just surprised you took me so well.”
He has mixed feelings about it
Especially when he’s catering to you as your belly swells to an almost unbelievable size
And you groan in pain
“Why don’t the brats just get here. I hate seeing you in pain.”
He’s heard of other lions so jealous they kill their kin
But as he holds the little bundles he can’t begin to fathom it
He might just cry
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Malleus Draconia
“If you and I were not made for each other, theres noway this could be.”
He’s ecstatic 
But the entirety of Briar Valley and the world around you must be made to cater to you
Devoted to your comfort and health above all else 
he even struggles to let Crewel see you
“Nothing will ever hurt my loves. My babes. My wive. I’d curse the world for you.”
Genocide Murder spree ensues should there be any pain or assassination attempts
No one’s so much as flicking you 
He’d sooner rend them to ash
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“Three…at the same time…?”
“Yes so we’ll have to get three times the baby equipment and–Silver?”
He’s barely processing any of it 
Even when he’s practically carrying the four of you as you waddle places
“Our babies…”
“Aren’t they precious they have your eyes!”
“M-m-my eyes-? Agh-!”
“Its okay babe this is a good time to cry.”
“H-how did Dad do it!? I-I’m never letting any of you leave me!”
Any protective traits are amplified even higher
And if there was ever a time he refused to kill anyone in his pursuit for love
That has long since past
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Trey Clover 
“Well I did always say I wanted a big family!”
He’s thrilled to see your tummy rounding with his children
All while you incessantly demand for his sweets and cooking
And he’s jumping to his tooth brush after a rough morning 
But its all made even better when they arrive
Little mixes of his love and himself 
“They’ll have the cutest little teeth!”
He definitely saves them when they get older
But he’s the perfect papa
Poisoned sweets and all
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Vil Schoenheit
“We’ll be parents…is that registering?”
“Barely. When we agreed to marry I doubted ever moving further than that.”
“Does it make you unhappy?”
“Not in the slightest.”
He’s brimming with anxiety 
Worry eating away as he contemplates his own jealousy and the excitement of having a  child
It doesn’t become much easier when the triplets arrive
He despises the paparazzi 
So much so he’s willing to set his rabid fans on them
Purge them of every photo of his adorable babes
He’s the only one who gets the honor
A dazzling photo of your delivery is only for his eyes
Doxx the peeping toms
“They’re all mine. I’m willing to lose everything for them.”
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Ace Trappola
“Dang! I really am amazing–Ow! Joking, joking.”
He couldn’t be happier
What better way to prove his love ownership of the sexiest woman alive if it weren’t for the giant round belly you had
And soon to be three little rascals that are further testaments of his status
He’ll whine about things 
Probably more than you 
But in the end he’s glowing with pride as you look down at your freshly born babies
“Ehehe they can’t deny that I may have children for days but I’ve got game.”
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milflewis · 5 months
ok but mob au
“You really didn’t know who I work for?”
When Yuki found out that Pierre’s boss is the Sebastian Vettel, the Lion of Singapore, and the unofficial heir to Schumacher & Co., he had only raised his eyebrows. Pierre took that to mean he had already figured it out.
Yuki blinks at him. “No.”
“But.” Pierre frowns. “Why did you — I always have so many knives on me! Is this not weird to you?” He gestures at his jacket which hangs open, showing four different perfectly sharpened blades tucked into the lining.
Yuki shrugs. “You are French, yes? You like to cut things. Like cheese.”
Pierre mouths wordlessly. Cheese.
“Anyway,” Yuki adds. “You are weird, so. This would not be weird.”
The first time Sebastian meets Lewis, his runners are wet with Michael’s blood and Lewis’s hands are pressing his head into the glass door. His face aches, nose throbbing.
“Can I help you?” he says, or tries to say. It comes out vaguely smushed.
He pushes back a little just to see. Lewis lets him move half an inch before shoving him back.
“Jesus, Hamilton,” Sebastian hears Michael say. His voice cracks roughly. Sebastian nearly cried when the doctor told him Michael survived the surgery, that they got all the bullets out and he was in recovery. He swallows thickly, as the relief makes him all dizzy even now. “I know you got out today but c’mon, let him go. This is Sebastian — I talked about him.”
The hands on Sebastian’s neck disappear and he’s rubbing at his jaw when he turns around. “Ow,” Seabastian tells Michael. His cheeks are pale and his chest is wrapped in white bandages but his eyes are alert and he is grinning.
“Sebastian, this is Lewis Hamilton. Lewis, Sebastian Vettel. Mika says we are all friends here.”
He pats Mika’s ankle that is propped up on the bed beside his hip. Mika’s eyes stay closed, arms folded in his chair, chin on his chest. There are dark bruises under his eyes under now.
“Right. If Mika says so.”
Lewis steps back towards Michael’s bed, grabbing the duffle bag from where it was leaning against the wall. Sebastian looks at his bare arms, the tattoos that go all the way down to his fingers, the rings there. His jeans sit low on his hips. He needs a shave. Sebastian recognises him from his mugshot, even of his hair is longer now and his face is more lined.
They hadn’t had the time to arrange for Michael to share a cell with someone affiliated with them, and when they had got in contact with him, a week later, he had settled in well enough with his cell mate. By Michael standards at least.
Does not talk much, Michael had told Sebastian over the phone. Likes his fucking singing though. Stares at the picture of his dog. Do you think he is lonely?
When Sebastian had brought it up with Mika, the best person for this kind of thing when Corinna is away, Mika had only shrugged, and told him that he doesn’t think it is just Hamilton that is lonely, and that of fucking course anyone who could survive nine weeks in solitary with just Fernando Alonso as company in the next cell over is someone that Michael would find interesting.
Sebastian looks away from the breadth of Lewis’s shoulders in his white tank and pulls a face at Michael’s waggling eyebrows.
“How old do you think I am?” Jenson asks, as Alex adjusts his long-rifle until it sits comfortably against his shoulder, supported by the flat roof they are lying on. 
Alex doesn’t answer, because he knows exactly how old Jenson is, and the fact that people continue to tell Jenson to his face that he looks ten years older than his actual age will never stop being funny.
“Ollie, how old do you think I am?” Jenson calls.
“Jen, leave the kid alone,” Alex says. “You could dye your hair.”
“Do I look like a man who would dye his hair solely to stave off questions about his age?”
“Yes,” Alex sweeps the street below them, marking the buildings bracketing the shop they are surveilling. “Ollie, how are you doing over there?”
He can hear him scramble around for a second before a burst of static. “Radio ready for orders, sir.”
Alex grimaces, still not used to that, as Jenson only laughs beside him.
“Michael? We got him.” Eddie leans back against the closed door.
Michael hums, closing his leather notebook. He leaves his fountain pen tucked into the middle so he remembers what month of intakes he was going over.
“Send him in.”
The kid’s hair is long and dirty, falling into his eyes and around his ears. His knees are all busted up under his baggy shorts. His face is drawn and thin, and he is glaring at Michael, jaw clenched.
He goes all pale when he sees who sits in front of him. Seems like he didn’t know whose car it was.
“Jesus,” Michael says. “You’re tiny, how did you reach the pedals?”
This morning, the kid — Sebastian Vettel, Michael had asked around — had hot wired Michael’s car in under two minutes and driven away. Michael had watched from the restaurant’s window, amused and impressed.
Mika had been decidedly less so when Michael told him, ten minutes later, that they were going to have to order a cab.
“I’m not that short!” The glare intensifies. His eyes are kind of freaky, Michael thinks. Very big and bright.
Michael holds out a hand, level with his chest, and squints. He lowers it considerably. Sebastian looks like he wants to bite it.
“Of course not,” Michael tells him soothingly. Eddie gives him a reproachful look. Michael holds back his eyeroll but takes his hand out of reach of Sebastian’s mouth.
“I have a job for you,” Michael says, watching Sebastian’s eyes sharpen. He smiles thinly. “If you’re up for it.”
“A job. For me? What kind of job?” Sebastian tilts his head to the side, making his eyes wide. His curls tumble across his forehead. The whole effect is rather sweet, Michael considers, delighted. This will be interesting.
Mika has been nagging at Michael to stop picking up strays but he thinks he will agree with Michael on this one.
Michael stretches out his back, legs interlocked at the ankles, until something clicks along his spine. He exhales slowly, sinking back into the shitty mattress.
They called for lights out fifteen minutes ago. Lewis is still in the bunk above him. Michael looks at the scratches across the metal rods. He had a good workout today, no interruptions, and his arms are nicely sore.
Seventeen minutes.
Lewis moves in his bed, rolling over to the right and for a moment, Michael thinks he will roll right off the edge, but then he is swinging down, silent. Michael holds himself very still.
"I am not interested in fucking."
"Yeah," Lewis says. "I heard."
Michael swallows. The sharpened edge of Lewis's plastic spoon presses into his throat. Lewis is dense and solidly heavy, knees on either side of his hips, one foot digging into his knee.
Michael has seen him fight. In an enclosed space like this, and unarmed, he isn't sure who would come out the better. His fingers itch with excitement.
"I found the picture you left," Lewis says quietly. The spoon doesn't move an inch. His eyes gleam in the dark like an animal.
"Okay," Michael says, not bothering to pretend not to know what he is talking about.
Lewis was fine this morning. He hummed to himself the entire way to breakfast, and he spotted Michael in the gym without even being asked. It wasn't until after dinner that he went all weird and still in himself.
Lewis presses down, just a little. Michael raises an eyebrow.
"Is he alive?" Lewis asks like he doesn't want to show his hand but is doing so anyway. His mouth trembles at the corners. Michael frowns at him. He has seen Lewis hustle in the yard at card games enough times to know that his poker face is better than this.
"Is he."
Oh. Jesus.
Michael laughs. It is too loud of a sound for where they are. He laughs anyway.
"You have issues," he tells Lewis, who only sends him a cutting look.
"That was supposed to make you feel better! Stop crying and all. You miss him, yes? Thought I could help."
Lewis stares at him. Blinks those animal eyes.
Michael makes a frustrated sound in the back of his mouth. He misses Mika. He never has to talk when Mika is around.
"He is being taken care of in that shelter you put him in. I had my people check. I was being nice! Friendly too!"
"We're friends," Lewis says slowly as if he expects Michael to say no.
"Obviously. You are being ridiculous," Michael says. "You think I would kill a dog? No!" He is a little hurt.
"You are the chief suspect in fifteen open murders," Lewis says, flat.
"Not of dogs!"
Lewis looks at him for a long moment before rolling his eyes. "How are you still alive, man? For real? I thought it was a threat."
He pushes off Michael and pulls himself up onto the top bunk, as silent as he climbed down at the start.
"No one else would see this as a bad thing."
He can hear Lewis roll his eyes.
"Literally every other person here would think you were sending a message. And not a good one."
"I was being nice!"
There is a clang of metal against metal, and their cell bars rattle. "Oi! You two! Shut the fuck up. Save the fighting or fucking for the morning."
"Gross, man," Lewis says, and Michael kicks at the underside of his bunk. "You are gross."
Maybe Mika was right when he said that Lewis might not take his generosity in the way he wanted it, Michael considers. He decides not to tell him. He would be too smug if he did.
He palms the sharpened spoon that Lewis had held to his neck and left on his pillow, beside his cheek. It is small and narrow. Michael presses his thumb against the slice, feeling it. He smiles, and tucks it under his sheet. He had needed a new one.
Sebastian had been small when Michael met him. All eyes and bony knees and dirty hair.
Then he opened up his mouth and his personality crawled out.
Michael has never looked back.
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b4tracha · 9 months
Brat (Lee Felix FF)
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I am sorry for not being active like I said I would. I went through a really bad depression when I came home from university and it was a struggle to write. I am still recovering right now. I hope you all forgive me with this fic. I love you all <3
(You are an 01 liner, so you call Felix Hyung)
Sometimes it was hard being in a relationship with an idol who was constantly busy with schedules and having to keep up with an image their company created. It made you want to give up at one point, but your love for Felix always made him change his mind. Even if he couldn’t be open with dating you, especially since you were both men, it was ultimately worth it. 
What people didn’t know was that Felix was a dom. Felix enjoyed torturing you in ways he didn’t know was possible, yet he made it feel like heaven. When he wasn’t busy, he would come over and make up for all the time he missed with you. This time, he was allowed to bring you to the dorm for once. You don’t come over often due to his fear of others figuring out the relationship, but the members always keep everything secret. They were the most supportive group of people you have been around, and you always felt safe around the other members.
As much as you enjoyed spending time with Felix, laying around, and being lazy, you didn’t want that right now. You needed something else. To receive what you needed, you had to plan. Before you headed over, you worked yourself open and inserted a plug so you didn’t have to waste time prepping for too long. You were going to let him play his game, and then you were going to bother him until he fucked the brattiness out of you. You needed him to ruin your hole until it was the shape of his dick. 
But that also meant you had to wait. You decided to take a nap. Felix would get immersed in the game before you ripped the older right from it. It was going to be perfect. When you woke up, all you could hear was the rapid clicking of his keyboard. You opened your eyes, letting them fall on the older boy before you. He didn’t even know you were awake, his game loud in his headphones. The scenario almost felt like he was a lonely gazelle and you were a lion, ready to pounce. 
You slowly took off your clothes, leaving you in your boxers. You fell on the floor, crawling toward the unknowing male. You touched his thigh softly, causing Felix to jump in surprise. He relaxed once he realized that it was just you. He pulled off his headphones to speak. 
“Baby, what are you doing?” 
“Nothing..” You hummed before pulling the male from his desk. You moved under the desk right between his legs and right in front of his crotch. 
“M/N.” A shiver ripped up your spine. You loved it when Felix did that. It was something about how Felix would lower his voice when he dominated you. The way he would say your name could make you come by itself. However, you wouldn’t let it deter you from your mission. You needed to finish it and get what you wanted.
“Yes, Hyung?” You started to rub on his clothed crotch. You slowly looked up at him with a slight smirk on your face. You and the blonde were having a staring contest, his eyes dark and heavy. You only see that when he was ready to leave you shaking on the bed. He was slowly hardening underneath your hand under the soft surface of his sweatpants. However, his blank stare gave the illusion he wasn’t affected by your teasing. The way he didn’t stop you gave you the green light to pull down his pants. Once you pulled them down, you realized that he was wearing nothing underneath. 
“Oh? Just for me?” You showed him your pearly whites. Felix simply grunted and folded his arms across his chest. You simply shrugged before shuffling closer to the man and taking hold of his half-hard cock. You licked your lips and finally took your eyes off of him. You spit on his cock before using the liquid to have a better grip. You slowly jerk him off, watching him harden within your hands. His tip was pink and wet, ready for any action. 
“Should I put it in my mouth? It’s been so long since I have blown you.” You licked his tip, feeling him twitch in your hands. He was slightly salty, yet he tasted so good. When you didn’t get a reaction from him once more, you decided to suck on the head. Then you finally felt a hand in your hair. You couldn’t help but smirk in your head about the situation. 
Suddenly, the hips of the man above you jerked up into your mouth. 
Felix held you down, a dark chuckle ringing around your ears. Finally, he gave you what you have wanted since you got here. You started to tear up and gag on his hard, thick cock. The drool from your mouth poured down, leaving Felix wet and sticky from the liquid. His sweatpants were stained from the amount of it. 
“Is this what you wanted? You wanted me to ruin you like a brat like you deserve?” His voice dropped, deep and heavy from the lust he was feeling. You couldn’t answer his question, but a soft moan slipped from your throat. “Answer me.”
“I-” You choked on him as soon as the words attempted to leave your throat. However, that was exactly what he wanted from you. He wanted to listen to you choke on your own words. He needed to get back for the teasing he had been dealing with since you woke up. 
“You don’t have much to say now, do you?” Felix growled. He pulled your head back up until you only had his head in your mouth until he forced you to deepthroat him once more. “Say something, brat. You wanted me to retaliate. You wanted this. Now take it like a good little brat.”
Felix stood up from his chair and adjusted both of you. He glared down into your misty eyes. If he kept this up, he was going to make you cry on his cock. That’s what you wanted. He gave you one more look before he began fucking your throat. The roughness of his thrusts causes you to shake and buck your hips. His grunts and the feeling of him hitting the back of your throat made your head spin. It felt like heaven and hell mixed in your head. If he kept this pace, you would faint.
Like he could hear your thoughts, he pulled you off of his cock. Your spit webbed and connected your lips and his dick. It eventually snapped as you doubled down on yourself, coughing heavily. You could barely breathe because of Felix. He must be more pent-up than you thought because he has never been this aggressive with you before. Although, you enjoyed it way too much to ask the older male to stop what he was doing. 
“Color?” The hard facade he put on fell for that moment. As much as he enjoyed ruining you, he didn’t want to hurt you. He was worried that he went too far with what he was doing with you. “Are you okay with what we’re doing right now?”
“Green.” Your voice sounded foreign to your ears. It was so raspy and harsh from the treatment it just finished dealing with. “Keep going, hyung. I can take it.” You gave a small smile from where you were. That seemed to satisfy the blonde because his facade reappeared as soon as he heard you were okay.
“Are you done? Get up. You didn’t even make me cum yet.” He grabbed you by your hair. You were back right in front of his crotch. He was wet, hard, and twitching. His pre-cum was leaking from his pink tip. If you didn’t drool so much before, you would drool right now at the sight in front of you. You took your hands, wrapping them around Felix once more. 
“I’m sorry..” You pouted up at him. You weren’t sorry and he knew that too. However, you wanted to play up the innocent look for him.
“No, you’re not. Now do as I said before I leave you here like you deserve.” He took your jaw and squeezed it as a warning. You could only barely nod before opening your mouth. The gig was up for you, you needed to make him cum. The game was over. 
(I wrote too much. 50 likes for part 2?)
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typecastwritesssss · 1 year
okay but like the wind waker man. that intro. so many questions. we all know ocarina is dark but man wind waker just straight up said "and then they all drowned and the gods never came to help" hello??? how many years. how many decades. how much time did the adult hero of time buy for them? which child of zelda’s was daphnes? her son? grandchild? great-grandchild? when he stared at the rising waters and realized nothing was going to save them, his kingdom, did he think it was retribution for all the war? 
has it really been all that long? yes and also no. the lines are so blurred. the zora are birds and the kokiri are koroks and they had time to Get That Way but everywhere you look the old Hyrule, the Hero of Time himself, they're both all over the place. the deku tree is implied to be the sprout from the adult timeline but honestly who knows. the golden goddesses are statues on islands somewhere and there was a tower built to test who came after but…who and how and why? what was the tower of the gods even for? how did they know they’d need it? at what point did they accept the hero of time was never coming back so they’d probably need to train a new one? 
and oh my god, that outset island tradition. “dress your kids in green and give ‘em a sword and pray to the gods they’ll have the courage to cast down evil.” link rolls his eyes at it but he wears them to appease grandma. the revered clothes of the hero have had time to pass into “stupid traditional getup” territory. how many “failed Links” were there before Aryll’s brother? what evil could those children have possibly stricken down? the monsters in the woods?
“what became of that kingdom? none remain who know” like goddamn. say what you want about the hero’s shade in twilight princess. but at least the traumatized ghost got to meet one of his descendants and pass on his songs and his knowledge, even if that knowledge was only of war and death and combat. in the wind waker he’s a statue. an element of a legend mentioned once or twice by the last remaining holdouts of the past—holdouts who so badly want him to return, view him as the solution over all else, that they never pause to consider any other option. there are stained glass windows of the seven sages in the master sword’s chamber that are never mentioned. there is so much that is never mentioned.
nobody knows what the fuck anybody is talking about. link doesn’t know old hylian. tetra is running around the high seas (as a pirate. she and her retainers are now pirates. how did things get that way) with a piece of the damn triforce around her neck and she doesn’t know who ‘princess zelda’ even is. the juxtaposition between ganondorf, older and tired and wiser but still hell-bent on ruling hyrule even if it is a dead land full of nothing and no one, and tetra, a zelda that knows nothing, asking why he’s laughing and calling him insane. because hyrule’s dead. she has no frame of reference for his longing, or what he found so great about this sunken kingdom.
and this is framed as a good thing. the king of red lions thinks it’s better not to let either of the kids in on the loop until tetra nearly dies for lack of knowledge. daphnes nolhansen hyrule brought “the hero” back just to end ganon, and hyrule with him. was the plan always to let the sea fall in on him? maybe. i don’t know. but he rejects zelda’s plea with him to take him with them to the land that will be the new hyrule, because “it will not be hyrule. it will be your land” and that still gets me. he thinks the best thing to do with his kingdom, Hyrule, the kingdom of a whole hell of a lot of irl people’s childhoods, is for it to wash away. he wants the kids to live for the future and they do and they will and they name it hyrule anyway in his honor but he never gets to see it.
anyways i’m still mad everybody got butthurt over “trains in a zelda game” like come on now
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blues824 · 2 years
Hello may I request twisted wonderland 1st years reacting to ciel! g/n reader calling Sebastian to fight overblots?
Yes you can! Btw, Ciel is 13 I believe, so reader will be 13 and all of this will be platonic.
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Ace Trappola
You were always very rude to him, especially when he ran his mouth longer than he should have. Plus, you never covered for him. How could you have this much audacity? To be fair, you were 13. Ouch, you just slapped him for making that comment.
You eventually get closer through the unbirthday parties and bond over some tea. He always pours it for you and makes sure you get some sweets. However, he likes to act as your older brother and doesn’t allow you to have too many sweets. You act like you’re constantly annoyed by him, but you actually are fond of the idea of having a ‘normal’ sibling for once.
When Riddle overblots, his first instinct is to protect you. You, however, had a smirk on your face. It made Ace think that you had seen this coming and were prepared for it. You whispered, “Sebastian, I am here.” The first year was about to ask what you said when a demon appeared out of nowhere and started fighting Riddle.
You sat on a chair, crossing one leg over the other while propping your head up with your arm on the chair’s arm. You had a devious smile on your face, and in the matter of a few seconds the demon was right by your side again and Riddle was on the ground. Ace, trembling, asked the question, “who are you and how did you do that?” to the demon.
You and the demon had similar expressions. He responded with, “I am the butler of the Phantomhive household. These types of things are within my repertoire. I am one hell of a butler after all.” Welp, Ace is now out cold on the ground. Congratulations.
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Deuce Spade
Mans would probably ask you for help on his homework. You’ve been in Twisted Wonderland for a very short time and you still knew more about the material than he did. He was struggling for real. You didn’t have a problem with it, as long as he didn’t belittle you for being so young like Tweedle-Dumb (Ace) did often.
You actually become close very quickly. Again, he acts as a very protective older brother. He will make sure that you know your way around, that you have an inhaler on your person, and that you always have your cane to help you around. If anyone makes fun of you for it, he will gladly give them a knuckle sandwich.
When Riddle overblots, he goes to pull you behind him. What he doesn’t notice is that you go back even further, grab a chair, and sit down gracefully as you watch the chaos unfold. If Deuce had looked back, he would have been reminded of a king on his throne by the way you were sitting.
You had a confident smirk as you whispered Sebastian’s name. Said demon emerged out of thin air and greeted you calmly. The entire battle was paused out of pure shock. After serving you a cup of tea, your butler grabbed a few silver utensils off the tables and threw them at the overblotted victim.
Within a few seconds, Riddle was defeated. Sebastian had to introduce himself to everyone, and Deuce was just shocked. Since when have you made a deal with a demon?? You explained that you had made a deal with your current butler so that he would help you find whoever killed your parents in exchange for your soul. A 13 year old had to go through so much? 
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Jack Howl
You both didn’t get to really know each other until you figured out that Leona and Ruggie were the ones sabotaging the other teams and getting their star players injured. You brought your suspicions to Jack, and he confirmed them.
Alongside each other, you both worked to spoil the lion and hyena’s plans. However, everything went downhill. Diasomnia was in the lead by a multitude of points, and Savanaclaw was in second place. That pissed Leona off, to say the least.
When Leona overblots, Jack’s first response is to jump in front of you since you had no magic. However, you shook your head in pure amusement and whispered something to yourself. He was about to ask you to repeat yourself when he saw a silhouette in the sky, going straight for his Housewarden.
Once the lion was defeated, Sebastian (the silhouette) introduced himself properly after making a small scene about forgetting his manners. The expression on your face made it seem like this was normal to you, and that was very concerning to Jack. This guy even smelled shady, but you made a deal with him anyway?
From then on, the three of you got closer as a ‘friend’ group. You didn’t really put a label on your unexpected friendship, you were more acquaintances that would call upon each other for help. Plus, you both are the only ones at NRC with common sense, so have fun!
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Epel Felmier
You didn’t get the chance to become close, but you both related to each other. You both were constantly called ‘adorable’ and it pissed the both of you off. However, you had a more sophisticated approach, while Epel always solved the problem with his fists.
You are invited to Pomefiore from time to time, so that is how you grew closer to Epel. You were a positive influence on him, deemed so by Vil himself. You knew how to act elegantly and like a person of status, so the Housewarden was glad to have you around. 
When Vil overblots, Epel is scared. He has never witnessed this and had to face it in person. However, you seemed to be confident. In fact, you sat yourself in Vil’s throne and whispered the name Sebastian Michaelis while reaching up and taking off your eye patch. The purple-haired first year is very confused until he sees a figure packing Vil up like he was taking him on vacation.
Within a few moments, Vil was on the ground and the figure was making sure you were alright and unscathed. Epel came over and asked who the heck he was, at which you rolled your eyes and Sebastian ‘smiled’ and gave his classic and iconic introduction. 
You made a deal with a demon?? Oh, hell no. He has seen too many horror movies for this. You, however, being as smart as you are, assured Epel that it was a very fair deal. You only wanted to catch your parents’ killers and Sebastian would get your soul. Like Ace, he faints out of shock.
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Sebek Zigvolt
How did Crowley think letting in a literal child was a good idea? Let’s not forget about the fact that you don’t have magic either. You were also sickly. It’s literally the worst case scenario for you. The amount of times you have had shouting matches with each other is unfathomable.
He is that annoying older sibling who leaves the door open, and you can’t tell me any differently. He acts like he’s the boss simply because he’s older, until he realizes that your wit rivals even Malleus’s. Even Lilia has a hard time competing against you. That’s when it clicks: maybe you weren’t totally horrible…
When Leona overblotted, he was there on the field with everyone else. He spotted you standing still in the midst of people much bigger than you running past you. You took a seat on a nearby bench that was on the field and whispered something. The half-fae was too far away to hear what you had said, but he can see the smirk you had.
Within a few moments, Leona was brought to his knees and a man dressed in a suit was standing above the overblot victim. Sebek was just shocked. Then, you called out to the man (who he now learned is Sebastian) and you talked to him as though he were an employee.
Sebek walked over and asked who or what the guy standing next to you was. After Sebastian’s magnificent introduction, you explained that he was a demon that you had employed under a Faustian contract. You even removed your eye patch to show the mark. The poor crocodile was on the verge of fainting.
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unsoundedcomic · 10 months
Characters like Sette and Bastion started out as OCs, right? If this question makes any sense... do their pre-Unsounded selves still exist as separate entities in your mind, or have their Unsounded versions kind of taken over? When a character like Sette goes through a change in the story, is that limited to just the Sette in the comic you put out for us all to see, or does your understanding of Sette the OC that's lived in your brain for who knows how long go through a change too?
Bastion started out as an RP character and hasn't changed too much. The difference is RP Bastion is an older version of the character, and the Unsounded version you're familiar with is his much younger self. Same character, different points in his life :) I've also written something where he's an extremely old man, and something else where he's an ickle tiny boy. His whole life is accounted for.
Sette's history is much more circuitous. Her earliest incarnations were really "Sette" in name only. She was someone else, and I don't remember that version very well these days. Her current incarnation was developed a few years before Bastion's, and in a related game. Her personality there and even the deepest secrets of her origin are the same. Lion-tailed precocious sticky-fingered street urchin by way of Huck Finn or the Artful Dodger. The changes have all been superficial.
You may be using a definition of "OC" I'm not familiar with. To my ear, that means "Original Character" in someone else's setting, right? Bastion and Sette were always played in either a generic RP setting or Sharteshane, so in that sense they weren't OCs. Duane and Murkoph, however, began life in a Vagrant Story RP. That would make them OCs, yes?
All these doofy terms we make up for ourselves! :)
I will say that there are two distinct Duane's in my head. The Unsounded version and the Vagrant Story version are very different.
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Hiiii :3 I already love your writing and characterization so much, its mwah, chefs kiss.
I was wondering if you'd be okay with either a scenario or head canons where Spy and reader are having a contest in which whoever touches the other first loses. Lots of teasing ensues. No pressure! Again, love ur writing! <3
hiiiii <3 Thank you. I try my best to go for a more canon approach when writing the TF2 characters. Glad to see another certified Spy lover in here.
Spy teases Y/N and purposes an offer to them (Mild NSFW)
Warning: uhhhh wholesome cuddles?!?? no way
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- Spy is fully aware that you’re incredibly touch starved. Being an older and experienced gentlemen in life and romance, he can’t say the same for himself. He has a long streak of fucking around. This guy is a manwhore. You’re most likely a more younger adult than him. Your relationship is akin to a lion and his ruthless little cub. Sigmund freud is rolling in his grave right now.
- Your undying lust for his touch is quickly noticed by him. It take it upon himself to fiddle around with this knowledge. You hug his arm while he’s standing on the roof of the base smoking. He gently slips his arm away from your tight grasp and runs his fingers through your hair. “I see you are obnoxiously fawning over my presence as always, favori.”
- He cant lie, he kind of enjoys the fact you’re so clingy with him. His pride gets in the way of properly expressing this. He gives you a devilish looking side smile. “I will offer you a proposition. If you can resist my ravishing presence for at least two days, I’ll give you something nice and good.”
- You have no idea what he means by that, but nonetheless a challenge is a challenge and you are quite curious yourself. It’s fine for the first few hours but stress entices you to his warm body again. You oh-so-desperately want to run your fingers across his suit and explore his chest. You frown and watch him carry on his duties from afar.
- During a set-up you approach him while he’s preoccupied with his disguise kit and try and strike up small talk. You need to be around him. Shit’s way too much right now. He eyes you suspiciously as you unconsciously inch closer. “Now, now. Any closer and you might not get your little treat, mon amour.”
- Makes fun of you for being so touch starved on a regular basis. Teases you by decloaking behind you and whispering a series of rather sickly sweet french in your ear whilst nobody’s present. You can feel his calm breath on your neck and said ear. His sleepy demeanor despite the blood and chaos around him oddly helps you relax.
- DAMMIT. you want to hug this guy so bad. You pout at him as you all head back to your quarters for the night and he smiles and taps two fingers on his invis watch. Reminding you that’s it’s only two days. Consider this mercy.
- You come to him after two days. Immediately flopping your entire weight on his body while he reads in his quarters. You knew the desired time was up and you were already burnt out. “Mm. Yes, you’re worse than I thought.” He thoughtfully tells you. Putting his book down on your body and inhaling smoke from his cigar. “Very well, you’ve earned this.”
- To release you from this terrible hell, he plants a kiss on your forehead and brings you up to his chest. Cradling you in his arms easily. He lets loose on you; kissing you and exploring your mouth with his tongue. Petting your head and rubbing you. You’re locked in a fetal position in the man’s big arms so you can’t really do much. Now you know what a chihuahua feels like when its forcibly kissed by its overbearing owner.
- He’s kind of violent by the way. Expect a lot of bites leaving bruises down your neck and blood drawn. He wastes no time manhandling you. Refusing the latter. There’s no way in fucking Mary mother of god’s name he’ll be anything other than in control. He needs to feel in control of this. He respects your boundaries and wishes politely though. Not a bitey person? That’s fine. He’ll be grumpy about it but comply nonetheless with a slightly less harmful kind of torture.
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Hey 18-20 year olds? You’ve only just started the hardest part of growing up: learning how the hell to do that and how to be an adult. And yeah, I’m in the same boat, here’s some things that have helped me so far
- a friend who is older than you
My best friend is 7 years older than me, and he’s been able to give me so much advice on personal philosophy, how to work on personal issues, etc.
- a friend who holds you accountable/is very honest with you
having a friend who will take you aside and tell you “x thing you’re doing is actually making y hard/unfun/stressful/etc.” is more valuable than yes men friends. These are the friends who will question life decisions if they seem to make you unhappy, in the pursuit of making sure you’re exactly where you need to be.
- learning how to make accountable apologies
Here’s how I structure my apologies now, and I’ve had not only good reactions and conversations afterwards, but I’ve had to use them in various ways. “I’m sorry about x. Y was happening, and instead of doing x thing I should have done z thing. Again, I’m sorry.” It not only has removed the loathed “but”, but it also allows for explanation and a plan on how to avoid it. I will also sometimes add “I’ll try my best to do z thing” if I know I’m going to need some time to fully erase the mistake if it was a habit, but in general that helps a lot.
- start trying to find who is a small dose person and who’s a large dose person
What is a small dose person? For example: I know someone who I can only be around for maybe an hour when with other people before I become irritated by their presence. Is it their fault I’m irritated by them? No, and they’ll never know I am. Because I’m only around them for around an hour once every few months. That’s small dose. It’s the “you’re not a bad person I just cannot be around you for long periods of time”.
- if things you read on social media/the internet make you emotional, restructure how you spend your time
Here’s a really hot take. For those who were tuned in for the dungeons and dragons drama, I’m about to tell you guys something crazy. The draft that was leaked was actually incredibly lenient (I can’t remember what it was called haha). How do I know this? I could tell I was getting a little heated and sent it to a friend who knows way more about that sort of stuff and asked for his opinion, and he told me about other examples of it that were more harsh but not lambasted. If you read a headline or a post or tweet and get up in arms, take a step back and take a breath. You don’t have the time to get emotional about every little thing, you’re too busy growing up.
- make friends or acquaintances who don’t believe the same thing as you
My best friend is a centrist who leans more right than left. I am more left leaning than he is by a good amount. We both have very enlightening conversations because of that. Here’s the funny thing, I do hold some right leaning beliefs anyways because that better supports the area I live in. I don’t want the government grabbing the land around me because they’ve proven to be incompetent. I’m fine with looser gun control because there have been times where mountain lions just. Appear in my city. We have an overpopulation of wolves right now. A few other ones I don’t feel like sharing. My friend has changed how he views certain issues and so I have I because we talk about what we disagree about. If they respect you, they’ll debate but not argue
- not everything is about you
Building off that last point, not every counterpoint is an attack on you. It can feel like it, because you’re still expanding the telescope you see out of into two working eyes (I’m still getting there too), so being able to say to yourself that this is either a) bigger than you or b) not about you at all can help you get through more conversations more levelheaded
- you’re in puberty
Final thing: your body is still a hormonal war zone. Emotions are heightened, thought processes are everywhere, you are still growing up. Give yourself time. And grace. And kindness.
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Thank you so much for taking the time for your long reply on Schneider. You are absolutely right, and it really helps. Till is my favorite, can’t help it, but there are some things he has done that I didn’t like at all, either, and with some distance it either wasn’t as bad m or I just got used to it and ignored it. I guess I do the same with my friends, the older I get. I don’t take the stuff I don’t like so seriously anymore. I should so the same with the people I admire from afar but don’t really know.
So thank you so much for your input! And yes, I would definitely be interested in your take regarding the Schneider statement! ♥️
Hi, i think you're right, it helps that with age you know that not everything is just good or bad with nothing in between, nowadays on social media, if a person does or says one thing that others don't like, that seems to get targetted and everything else forgotten *or* completely ignored because it doesn't fit the favored narrative 🌺
While i'm happy to share my thoughts on Schneider's post, let me first share some of my pet peeves about others (or in general), because like i said in the previous post, all of them have done or said things that weren't my thing at the time or that temporarily or permanently changed the way i viewed them, just to avoid that i get a new anon response calling me a hater again 🌺
For Richard (yes, let's start there 😊) i really don't like how he is in his personal relationships, how all his girlfriends are almost carbon copies of eachother and how easily he switches from one to the other (polyamorous? Maybe, but 'sexual butterfly' i think is more fitting). As that is his personal life i usually don't comment on it, but i cringe when fans call him 'their perfect husband' 😊 Also (yes, there's more) that he almost broke up the band with his Mutter-era-mania and his feeling of being the one who was right and should have his way. What redeemed him for me is that in hindsight he completely owned up to everything that happened and took full responsibility (even recently in interviews). What i love about Richard, i've said it before, is not that i think he's perfect, but that he has his flaws and deals with them, always trying to improve himself (and imo he has improved a lot, as shown on stage the past years).
Another example is an actor i used to follow, watched all his movies, but who, as it turns out, is a big gun-enthusiast. And i happen to not like guns (rifles, shooters, whatever). I understand that in some parts of the world they are necessary to protect yourself from bears or lions or whatever, and i do enjoy watching weaponry as a sport in the olympics, how skilled the shooters are, but as a hobby? or thinking it's normal that kids can hold a gun? Nope, not my thing. That is a really big turn off for me, and i still have loads of dvd's with films of the actor, but never watch them anymore.
Okay, to Schneider's post (and again, please unfollow and/or block if you don't like my view)
- Was i surprised he posted it when he did? Yes.
- If i were Rammstein management, would i have advised him to post it? Probably not, but it seemed to hit Schneider pretty hard, we know now that Richard had to write in a statement on events that happened in 2019, i wouldn't be surprised if the others had to as well, so i can imagine that was a gutpunch, so maybe i would have gone with "sleep about it another night, read it again in the morning, and if you're sure..."
- Can i see how people feel it throws Till under the bus? Yes, i do (interestingly, Schneider was in the Mutter era also the most vocal in putting all the blame on Richard, where Paul f.i. also acknowledged that he himself was part of the problem. Eventually Richard acknowledged he was to blame (see above))
his statement confirmed a lot for me that i sensed was happening for the last few years, since let's say 2019. Till creating his own bubble, having his own entourage (who imho indulge Till's tendency to selfdestruct), travelling with them, things happening that didn't seem to be 'the Rammstein way' but more extreme, the separate afterparties, the invites to Row0, there were so many pictures and side stories the last few tours (2019/2022) that to me it was there in plain sight, but in the fandom that was always shot down as 'not true', 'you don't know what you're talking about', 'you are a hater' or examples given of years earlier as 'proof' that Till would never do things like that. Well, not years earlier okay, but lately? Things have changed, Schneider's post confirmed it.
Also, the post is still up. And it is liked by many people close to the band, Schneider's wife (okay, maybe that's a given), Flake's wife, who also reposted it on her own page thanking Schneider for the post, but also Jens Koch, Olaf Heine, Jörn Heitmann, Tobias Ortman, David Geslbauer (and Sven Heibig on Flake's wife's post): People who have worked with the band in recent years, some currently on tour. Liking on social media ofcourse doesn't say a lot, some people like something without even reading it, but with the content so impactful, and the post still up, they could easily remove their like, but they didn't. For me it confirmed that this wasn't just a spur of the moment thing from Schneider, this was well thought out and heartfelt.
Do i personally feel Schneider throws Till under a bus? No, what for me makes the difference is that he writes at the end of the statement "All of us, all six. We stick together." Schneider is willing to work through it and improve things. And in those last lines, i read that the rest of the band are too, including, i sincerely hope, Till himself. From what we see on tour since the post, i have a feeling that the working through has started...in the six men marriage 🌺
just my 2 cts 🌺
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loosesodamarble · 2 years
The Vermillion Family
Mereoleona doesn't seem like the type to start a family but she does have one child in the future: Leoray.
Leoray Vermillion
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Her name isn't her birth name, she gave it to herself some time after being adopted by Mereoleona. She just liked the way it sounded. The "leo" means "lion" and "ray" refers to a "beam of light."
Age: 14
Birthday: July 1
Magic Attribute: Viper
Appearance: Being adopted, Leoray bears no resemblance to Mereoleona. Her hair is a dull shade of purple. Leoray likes to have her hair long and leave it loose, only really tying it up when she's training. Her eyes a storm gray color. It should be noted that Leoray is considered a great beauty and gains many admirers when she's older.
Personality: Leoray isn't all that much like her mother. For most of her life, she had tried to minimize her presence in the eyes of others but under Mereoleona's care, she learns to come out of her shell and take pride in who she is. She tries to be stubborn and bold. Ray doesn't let her foreign and adopted nature be a shame. Mereoleona chose Ray as her child and thus chooses Mereoleona as her mother, no one can say otherwise. Her boldness shows most when she interacts with Mereo. Often times, one can find them shouting at each other things like "Can you show me more fire in your fighting?" "Yes I can!" "Oh? THEN SHOW ME!" "YES I WILL!" Ray has tried to match Mereoleona's wild energy but instinctively holds back because she remembers the trouble she caused when her magic got out of control. As much as she wants to live up to Mereoleona's expectations, she can't bring herself to be exactly like her mom. Mereoleona understands that and encourages Ray to "stand tall like a lion, even if you can't roar like one." She's observant and intelligent which comes across much more with her desire to journal her experiences and her more careful way of speaking. She's eager to try anything that's put before her as a challenge and can overlook danger if it means potential growth.
Leoray's history: Leoray originally came from a land outside the Suit Continent. Her Viper Magic (a combined mutation of her father's Poison and her mother's Vine) was uncontrollable (almost as bad as Noelle's). When she used her magic, there was often property damage or scrapes and bruises on others as a result. Eventually, the neighbors got fed up and kicked the family out of town.
The family traveled around but Ray's magic kept acting up and getting them driven off. Her training wasn't successful due to her family's lack of encouragement. The things they said were along the lines of "if you don't train, people will keep getting hurt," "once you learn to control your magic, there's be less trouble," or "you just aren't trying hard enough it seems." When she was 10, her family finally gave up on her. They waited until she was asleep and left her a backpack with bare necessities.
Ray wandered on her own for a while, living off scraps from towns and wild berries. One day, she ran into a boar and, in a panic, her magic flared up. When Ray was about to attack the boar, Mereoleona jumped in and finished off the boar, wanting to make it her meal. She hadn't even seen Leoray. Ray's attack hit Mereoleona instead and got the woman's attention. Mereo recognized Ray's struggle and decided to take the child under her wing.
Ray doubted Mereo's ability to put up with her for long. It took several months Mereo for it to get through Ray that Mereo wasn't going to abandon her. Mereo told Ray, "I'm not a woman who backs down from a challenge. I'm not backing down from training you." Deep down, Mereo cared but struggled to show it. That was the day Leoray changed her name. Mereo laughed saying it was a little clumsy but it suited Ray.
When Ray was 12, Mereo saved her from bandits, screaming at them to "LEAVE MY DAUGHTER ALONE!" Their family bond was confirmed that day.
Leoray likes really spicy food. She actually managed to beat Mereo in a spicy pepper eating contest. She had a gut pain for days afterward but she always smiles at the memory.
Whether it's an effect of her magic or not, Leoray has an affinity with snakes. She has a pet boa constrictor named King.
Loves to read and journal. Writing her thoughts have actually helped her when it comes to training her magic. Looking back and thinking through what she knows and what she's trying to do helps her find what to focus on.
Leoray is drawn to calmer people. Fuegoleon is a great role model to her, being bold and intelligent like Mereo but with an air of control. Ray loves each of her cousins: Leonidas, Cyraleona, and Eleonora (@thoughtfullyrainynightmare's ocs). Leon is similar to Fuegoleon and thus Ray looks up to him (he's even her favorite). Ray believes Cyra's kindness and grace are great strengths. Nora is intelligent and cheeky, which is cute to Ray, but she worries about Nora getting into too much trouble.
Other people that Ray is close to include Raphael, Ann, and Clara. They're all good-natured people with various other good traits. Raphael is extremely well-read and down-to-earth. Ann is adventurous without being reckless. And Clara is supportive with a bit of sass to her.
Her best friend is Merel though, since they both learn under Mereo, they spend a lot of time together. Merel may be a scaredy-cat but she's friendly and determined and so genuine about everything that it warms Ray's heart.
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swampgallows · 2 years
sorry isnt Anduin an adult? Like a grown ass man? Am I missing something? (im really new to the fandom)
i had a detailed post but the new post editor that is forced onto asks ate half of it, so im typing this a second time.
anduin is an adult man now, though still a young adult (somewhere in the 20-25 year range), but a LOT of porn was made of him explicitly as a teenager. in mists of pandaria, anduin is 15 years old, acts like a child, is treated like a child, and has a friendship with another child (a baby dragon named Wrathion that appears as a teenage boy) that becomes a major plot point. a lot of people responded by shipping them ("wranduin")—which is fine, i personally think it's cute in a puppylove kind of way—but many responded by making porn with emphasis on them being underage, aka child porn (cp). wrathion is "two in dragon years", so he's younger than anduin and technically not even a teenager, but that's a whole can of worms for a different post.
until battle for azeroth when anduin grew up and wrathion began to take on a more adult appearance, the majority of "wranduin" content was of them as teenagers or even skewed toward children.
for reference, here are anduin and wrathion's teenage and adult models, respectively:
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and here is a cursory google search for "wranduin":
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other popular anduin ships during pandaria included garrosh (who is VERY MUCH an adult), usually the racist trope of a huge dark-skinned villain "corrupting" a thin blonde white boy (wrathion was not exempt from this), and incest with his own father, king varian wrynn, in case youre filling out some kind of 'reasons to torch humanity' bingo.
even in the present day where anduin is an adult, porn of him with saurfang or sylvanas focuses on portraying anduin as the "little lion" or "young king" being dominated or "corrupted" by a significantly older and more powerful character. not saying that that's cp necessarily, but also waving the magical "anduin's 18" wand doesn't automatically absolve all the predatory implications of infantilizing him. this uncomfortable trend started as far back as vanilla (yes, vanilla, when anduin was ~10 years old. bolvar isnt his biological father and onyxia/lady prestor had most of stormwind under mind control; you do the math. people are disgusting). so yeah as one of the few recurring young characters in wow, anduin has been the subject of cp for a long time. he's an adult now, but most of the people making porn of him back in pandaria were adults back then too.
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Mario, Mickey, and Legacy Character Movies
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A legitimate movie based on SUPER MARIO BROS., many years after getting tons of sequels and spin-offs and installments, was arguably a long-time coming. Being the most recognizable video game character, that even your grandma knows, a movie made sense going back at least two decades.
We all know about the 1993 live-action SUPER MARIO BROS. movie, and the once hard-to-find anime film from 1986… But by 2006 or so, I think the time was right for an animated Mario movie. It had been over 10 years since TOY STORY came out, CGI was at a state that was quite a step up from older plasticky movies… But Nintendo protected Mario, and its other properties, under lock and key… And it was largely because of that 1993 movie.
And now look what’s happening… As of April 19th, the roughly 90-minute all-animated THE SUPER MARIO BROS. MOVIE - made at Illumination, and directed by Aaron Horvath and Michael Jelenic - has cleared $350 million domestically and $700 million worldwide. Barely two weeks or so into release… A number most animated movies have to fight for in their entire run, or even a fraction of that! And especially in post-outbreak times, where families have narrowed down their options on what they see in a cinema every year. This thing’s locked to make a billion, possibly challenge the highest-grossing animated movie record held by the 2019 LION KING remake ($1.6 billion), it’s a Mario monster…
It’s very simple. It’s Mario… And lots of people around the world have either waited for a Mario movie, or really wanted to see a Mario movie happen, or would see a Mario movie if it did happen…
In 1993, things were different. Back then, we were at - console-wise - around 4 SUPER MARIO games. The latest one was SUPER MARIO WORLD, released in 1990. You had the handheld games, SUPER MARIO LAND and its sequel 6 GOLDEN COINS, SUPER MARIO KART as well, and a plethora of spin-offs and such. Yes, Mario was very popular back then, but you could argue some thirty years later… He’s of absolute legendary status. And also, it doesn’t help that the Mario movie deviated heavily from what general audiences think of or expect of the material. A common criticism of the 2023 movie is that it’s too much of a Mario movie, that it’s exactly what it says on the tin. To the point where it tries nothing interesting with the characters/world, while the 1993 movie seemed to go way too far the other direction. I haven’t seen THE SUPER MARIO BROS. MOVIE yet, so I cannot say, I’m just observing…
Anyways, this was a case of the planets aligning: Mario has been around since 1981, there’s been gazillions of games and merchandise and appearances, and the movie is very much a “Mario movie”… Beaucoup bucks at the box office!
And another box office win for Universal in the post-outbreak era, too… Meanwhile, the usual big dogs at Disney have been having it rough at the box office… And whenever their movies - made at either Disney Animation or Pixar - don’t break even at the box office (RAYA, ENCANTO, LIGHTYEAR, STRANGE WORLD) or they get shafted to streaming because the former CEO really wanted people to subscribe to Disney+ (TURNING RED), well… Expect lots of sequels, remakes, and franchise entry announcements. We’re only four months into this year, and Disney has announced TOY STORY 5, ZOOTOPIA 2, FROZEN III, and a live-action remake of the very recent MOANA… Projects without release dates, which are still quite far off... we know about these... But yet nothing about the movie Disney Animation is releasing in fall 2024, after WISH comes out this year... Just you watch, you’ll hear ENCANTWO after a thousand more employees are laid off. Even their ever-reliable Marvel is showing signs of slowing down, note QUANTUMANIA’s abysmal legs at the box office and subsequent failure to break even. I keep hoping ELEMENTAL and WISH turn the tides, and so on.
I think… Given that Mario is a legacy character… And Disney has plenty of legacy characters, too… Ones they tend to be overprotective of…
Who is to say Disney can’t finally let the mouse out of the cage… And give us a full-blown, theatrical, animated Mickey Mouse movie?
I mean hey, that cartoon rodent’s 100th year of existence is coming up, in 2028…
Mickey Mouse, interestingly, has had more than a few unrealized movies. You know the MICKEY AND THE BEANSTALK segment of the 1947 anthology film FUN & FANCY FREE? That half hour segment was actually planned as a feature around 1940, but World War II’s impact on the studio’s features and revenue put a dent in that plan. Other features were proposed over time, including a take on THE EMPEROR’S NIGHTINGALE in the early 1960s and a THREE MUSKETEERS adaptation in the early 1980s (funnily enough, a direct-to-video THREE MUSKETEERS movie with Mickey, Donald, and Goofy would be made and released in 2004, but it bares no resemblance to the project pitched in the ‘80s)…
Disney sometimes were very strict about Mickey Mouse. Even going back to the 1940s, there were limits imposed on him following his ascension to company mascot; hence a lot of his short films circa 1948-1953 feature him as a very easy-going “aw shucks!” suburbanite, who often plays second fiddle to Pluto getting bothered by an animal. It’s like he was the fine china, only taken out during the special occasions. And sometimes, on those special occasions… People weren’t pleased!
In 1983, Mickey made his big screen return in MICKEY’S CHRISTMAS CAROL, a Dickens adaptation that ran about a half hour and was attached to a re-release of THE RESCUERS. Really more of a training vehicle for Disney’s then-new animators, the featurette had gotten some criticism for being too safe. Then in 1990, THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER came out, which was attached to THE RESCUERS DOWN UNDER. A good number of critics felt it was “too ROGER RABBIT”, too mean, too violent, had too much of a modern attitude, etc.
Then, flash forward to 1995, RUNAWAY BRAIN! Goddamn, I love that short! While it was well-received, Disney hid this one in the depths after its quiet rollout… They even attached it to a movie that no one ever heard of… John Lasseter, upon taking over Walt Disney Animation Studios in 2006, reportedly had the thing buried. Disney were often skittish about this short because of its few moments of dark humor and some scary visuals (as if THE MAD DOCTOR and PLUTO’S JUDGMENT DAY don’t exist), but some people there really, really, really found it be sacrilege. For the reasons many of us absolutely love it!
You had those MICKEY MOUSE WORKS shorts in the late 1990s, some of those were pretty fun. They’d of course later be integrated into the equally fun HOUSE OF MOUSE, still not on Disney+ even though lots of us clamor for it to be on there… But it’s like, whenever there was stuff that got made that adults and Disney animation fans really enjoyed, then there’d be a period of dormancy. Disney pulling back, being strict about Mickey. You know how on the show BONKERS, he barely even appeared in his own episode? That was a period where they were very strict about where he’d appear, what he’d do onscreen, etc.
Then for a long while, it seemed like Mickey was but a character on merchandise and some various games and a preschool show; MICKEY MOUSE CLUBHOUSE…
That was, until, in 2013… The character really came back in a big way. First, there was the premiere of the wild and outlandishly fun Paul Rudish MICKEY MOUSE series on Disney’s TV channels… And then the 2D/3D hybrid short GET A HORSE!, which played before FROZEN in theaters and was nominated for an Oscar… Nowadays, there’s a Mickey Mouse for everyone: The preschool CG stuff (that roadster race show, the “Bow Toons”, etc.), the Rudish cartoons, and the occasional other project (like those Goofy COVID cartoons animated by Eric Goldberg)…
And, no surprise… Both Rudish Mickey and GET A HORSE! attracted criticism when they first came out. To this day, there are people who really do not like the Rudish Mickey cartoons, and GET A HORSE! got some criticism for being… Again, too mean, too violent, too this, too that… I guess that’s what happens when you sanitize a character like that for so long, that some tend to not know or even forget that there was once upon a time when Mickey Mouse was a genuine cartoon character. Late ‘20s/early ‘30s Mickey was a rascal, sometimes a real jerk! There’s also comics Mickey, Floyd Gottfredson’s works, Carl Barks’ duck stories, etc. etc. Mickey pulls a gun on Donald Duck in the 1942 short SYMPHONY HOUR!
Anyways… Where am I going with this?
Look at what happens in, say, Japan… There are over 20 Pokemon theatrical anime films… Ditto Doraemon, DETECTIVE CONAN, etc. Legacy manga/anime/game characters in Japan? Tons of movies… Over here? Only ICE AGE made it to five theatrical mainline movie not counting spin-offs. SHREK would be the winner there, but even then… Five SHREK movies and two PUSS IN BOOTS movies, that’s only seven. In Europe, it’s sometimes kind of the same deal, but across different mediums. There are plenty of ADVENTURES OF TINTIN movies, for example, some live-action, some animated, and there’s also Steven Spielberg’s movie adaptation that sadly didn’t lead to a sequel.
But yeah… In another context, there’d be a Mickey Mouse movie every couple of years and they’d dutifully make good money at the box office… But Disney hasn’t made a single theatrical full-length Mickey Mouse movie, and the character is going to be 100 in 2028… That’s kind of weird, don’t you think? Some other American legacy cartoon characters have gotten theatrical movies, and also plenty of direct-to-video movies, too. Doesn’t Scooby-Doo currently have the most? Tom and Jerry have plenty as well, including two theatrical movies. The Looney Tunes were in three live-action hybrid pictures, and there are also those compilation features Warner Bros. threw together circa 1979-1983. COYOTE VS. ACME is also coming, so, the Looney Tunes have been around when it comes to theatrical movies.
Of course, there’s the worry of “cheapening” the character, the image, the brand, etc. I get that… But part of me feels, much like how Nintendo was with Mario, Disney kind of his Mickey Mouse on a leash… I think THE SUPER MARIO BROS. MOVIE shows what kind of big money a legacy character can attract in movie form, and not some random DVD movie to throw on for the kids at home… And we see how many droves of people turn out for the live-action/CG remakes of the classic animated movies. Those always make me wonder what would’ve happened if THE RESCUERS DOWN UNDER didn’t lose money in 1990/91, and Disney made a few theatrical sequels to their megabits in the late ‘90s/early ‘00s - NOT direct-to-video sequels. Like, how big would an in-house LION KING II have been in theaters circa 1998/99? Or an ALADDIN sequel? Well, that ship had long sailed, so we get the remakes of those movies now… But as far as Disney legacy characters go… Mickey, Donald, and Goofy have yet to star in a feature-length animated movie…
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mitsuki-komori · 2 years
Write something for Marie & Gauche please~~!
Yup. I’m sorry this took so long, but it’s here. I was t sure what you really wanted specifically, but I did my best. Hope you enjoy it.
Marie… Hard to believe it’s already this time. It seemed like not that long ago Gauche was caring for his precious sister alone and now she was a magic knight! Everyone was happy for her. She loves her new captain, Captain Dorothy. She even thought Kirsch was ok, even if he was a bit annoying. 
Gauche however, didn't know how to feel. Marie was happy and proud, and Gauche was happy to see that, but on the other hand, she would now be put in more danger and he would be able to watch and help her! Worse, she lives with that damn narcissistic royal and all the other boys in that squad. He would’ve liked her to be part of his squad, but at the same time his squad is the one he wants her to join the least. 
He slowly walked behind Marie in disguise, he just wanted to make sure she was ok in town. That’s when all of the sudden a boy bumped into her. Gauche restrained himself from ending his life.
“Oh, sorry about that. Are you alright?” Marie apologized, helping the boy up. There’s no need to apologize, Marie! It was all that boy’s fault. She’s such an angel!
“It’s fine. I should’ve been watching where I was going.” He looked at Marie. “Hey I recognize you, you were at the Magic Knights Entrance Exam, weren’t you?” Then he looked at her robe. “Coral Peacocks, are you liking them so far?” He asked. He remembers what squad she got picked for!? This guy’s trouble…
“Yeah! They’re great! I think I saw you too. Actually, we talked there didn’t we? We wished each other good luck before our spars! You got into the Crimson Lions.” She smiled. He nodded.
“Mhm.” He stuck his hand out and introduced himself. “My name’s Nash, what’s yours?”
Nash… Ah! Gauche remembered! Nash was the name of one of the kids Asta grew up with! It made sense now… Of course it had to be someone involved with Asta! It’s always Asta… Gauche scoffed.
“My name’s Marie, nice to meet you.” They shook hands. They… were holding hands!
“Marie… wait… do you know Asta?” Ah, this is it! This is how it starts. Now the pieces will fit together and then they’ll get immersed into a conversation beginning with Asta and then he’ll just try to get closer and closer to his precious Marie and then- No need to get ahead of himself… yet.
Eventually they waved goodbye and went their separate ways, Gauche somehow managed to restrain himself during the conversation and he stopped himself from going after Nash after the conversation.
“Gauche? Is that you?” Gauche froze. Marie stared at him with a slightly irritated look of confusion.
“Hello.” He waved. Marie sighed.
“Gauche, how many times do I have to tell you? I’m strong now! I’ll be fine on my own, especially in a crowded town like this! What’s gonna get me here?” She questioned him.
“Everyone’s eyes will dart into your skin and-“
“Nice try big brother, next time can you not follow me around? I know you’re protective of me but I’m not a baby anymore.” Marie loved her brother more than anything, but sometimes he can just be… dramatic… that’s one way to say it. She knows he’s just protective and wants to protect her, but she’s try enough to defend herself and fight now. It will probably take some time getting used to, but she’s sure this will eventually die down after… who knows how long.
Gauche agreed to stop following her around so much and promised he’d stop being dramatic about this stuff, however, that was before he found out that today Marie would be going on her first mission today! Not only that, but she’d be going with that narcissistic royal and that Nash kid! They were going into a dungeon. Marie clearly isn’t safe with these individuals. As her great older brother, it’s his job to protect her and that he will do!
“I mean, I suppose you are pretty for your age, but nobody can compete with my beauty!” Marie listened to Kirsch. Yes, she was used to this. She had met him a few years ago, annoyed was the wrong word for it because Marie wasn’t really annoyed by him, rather… just weirded out. Nash though, completely annoyed.
‘How dare that creature call himself more adorable than Marie!? I swear…’
“You vile evil! Come out from where you are!” Kirsch yelled dramatically while pointing at a tree. Gauche just stood behind the tree. Right. Kirsch was a royal so it only makes sense he’d sense Gauche. Gauche was trying so hard to hide his presence too. He came out.
“You again!?” Nash muttered. Marie turned to Nash.
“You’ve met Gauche? Gauche! Did you go after Nash?” Gauche didn’t answer. “Gauche, Nash is nice! He grew up with Asta so there’s no need to worry about him being a bad guy. Better yet, why are you here!? You promised you would stop!”
“Asta…” Gauche spat, but it was quiet so they couldn’t hear. “If you’re going on your first mission I think I should come with you. Clearly these two aren’t dependable.”
Marie sighed and looked at Kirsch. Kirsch rolled his eyes. “I guess we don’t have a choice then to let you come! Be aware though, there will be consequences! Turn back while you can. However, admire my beauty first!”
“Shut it you damn narcissist.” Gauche walked up to the group and made it so Marie was on his right and the other two were on his left, keeping Marie as far from them as possible. 
“Whatever…” Nash mumbled. Nash’s first mission was amazing, he had lots of fun and witnessed impressive things, but now on his second mission he somehow got out with these two… and Marie. Marie was the only one there who kept his sanity together. She seemed to be the normal one, she was kind, pretty, and she had cool magic from what he saw during the exams. Before that, he only knew Marie based on Asta’s letters. He’s glad to say he wasn’t disappointed and that Asta was not a liar.
“So Marie, what do you like to do in your free time? Back at my village we did things like read stories or learn how to cook.” Nash asked. Gauche stared at him.
“Keep your filthy voice away from my dear Marie’s ears!” Gauche shouted. Nash’s expression changed to confusion. Yeah, this guy was crazy.
“Uh… ok…?”
“Brother! He’s just trying to talk. Apologize!” She crossed her arms and turned away. Gauche froze and after a few moments he sighed.
“SORRY.” He yelled into Nash’s ear. That probably scared him more than anything he’s seen or heard today. He wants to go back, abandon this mission.
“You’ve been quiet. You ok?” Nash changed the subject and looked at Kirsch who was walking ahead of them.
“‘Tis not a conversation worthy of my soothing and angelic voice!” Gauche gritted his teeth. This guy was in charge not only of this mission, but his entire squad!? Well, there was Dorothy, but she’s asleep half the time. “Alas! We are here!” Kirsch pointed at the dungeon while dramatically covering his face with his other hand.
“Great! Let’s go.” Marie cheered.
As they went through the dungeon, Marie barely ever got to walk ten steps before Gauche would stopped her. Every time Marie were to walk into a potential trap, he’d push Nash as a sacrifice. Not the best first mission.
“Marie, st-“ Marie interrupted Gauche and pushed him back, Gauche’s eyes widened.
“Stop brother! Please! I’m really trying to get stronger so you don’t have to worry about me, but I can’t if you keep shielding me all the time! I want to get stronger, and this is a good opportunity to! I don’t want to be protected by you my whole life. I want to protect you, brother!”
Gauche stood there in shock. He knew she was strong, it made him happy to know how much she cared. It’d be hard to get used to this, but he’ll try. Nash and Kirsch just stood there wondering if they should’ve heard that. Nash’s eyes widened as he saw something rather alarming.
“Watch out!” Nash yelled at Kirsch. Kirsch was able to avoid the attack from the dungeon. 
Suddenly, the room’s exits were blocked and the room started to go crazy. Some dungeon monsters. They avoided the attacks and tried their best to defeat the enemies. 
Marie was fighting two skeletons, and then she fell off a ledge to avoid an attack. Gauche reached his hand out. “MARIE!” He yelled.
Gauche tried to make his way over to her, but she was falling too fast! Then, she landed in the arms of Nash. “Are you alright?” He asked. Marie nodded and she slightly blushed.
“Yeah, thanks.” She got down and looked at Gauche. Her eyes widened and she ran to him. 
Gauche smiled until he realized Marie didn’t look happy. She ran and hit an enemy that was about to attack Gauche, he stared. “Gauche! Pay attention! I’ll be fine!” 
She was right. She was fine and she handled herself. Gauche watched in amazement as it happened. It had happened. It went by in a flash… Gauche had finally realized that she wasn’t the little girl that needed protection anymore. She grew up… Gauche was proud. She was still as cute and angelic as ever. Gauche got a nosebleed, that is, because he ran into a wall since he wasn’t paying attention. Nash shook his head in disappointment, Marie was a great girl, her brother? Not so much. In Nash’s eyes anyways. This is why first impressions are everything.
As Marie, Gauche, Nash, and Kirsch made their way to report the mission, Gauche watched as Nash and Marie talked, making sure Nash wouldn’t say anything wrong and go unpunished.
Kirsch was right, Gauche did get in trouble for what he did, luckily the consequences weren’t too severe. Nash had gone back to his base and Kirsch was inside. Marie and Gauche were outside of the Coral Peacock base to say goodbye.
“Well? Did I do good?” Marie asked. Gauche nodded with a smile.
“Yes. You were right. I’m sorry for not realizing it sooner. You grew up so quickly, but you’re still an angel!” Marie smiled.
“Yeah, I even saved you this time!” Marie cheered as she was very proud of herself. “Well, I guess you better be going now. Miss Dorothy wanted to have a tea party together! It’s going to be my first one with so many people!”
Gauche smiled. “I guess you better get to that then. However, if you ever have any trouble with anyone, you can call me and I will end them.”
Marie laughed and nodded. “Ok!”
Gauche turned his body to walk away, but he kept looking at Marie, “Goodbye my little Angel!”
Marie ran up to Gauche and wrapped her arms around him into a big hug. “Goodbye big brother! I love you!” 
Gauche had another nosebleed.
However, he didn’t hit a wall this time. He really did love Marie, she was his pride and joy. However, sometimes he could definitely go a bit overboard.
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clowncalvary · 5 months
Reviewing Every Animal Crossing New Horizons Villager (Because I Have Fallen Down The Rabbit Hole) Part 3
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Bruce: Oh? Bam's cooler older brother? For that he gets a pass. 350 Bells.
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Bubbles: Nope. No one is topping Biff apparently. 10 Bells.
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Buck: Why is this horse covered in puke? Who did this to him? 0 Bells.
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Bud: We could have had a cute lion, but you chose an ugly color pattern with a soul patch. 0 Bells.
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Bunnie: Kind of spooky looking, but in a cute way? I can not describe that while I like them, I do not want them on my island? 300 Bells.
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Butch: I assume that there are no cool looking dogs in this game, just real dogs being dogs. I am going to throw a tennis ball for this one, kind of my fave so far. 300 Bells.
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Buzz: U G L Y. 0 Bells.
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Cally: I'm going to have to start making Trash Tier its own thing because this is getting ridiculous, I honestly thought I would enjoy more of these than I am :( 0 Bells.
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Camofrog: 0 Bells. I'm from the midwest, I do not have to explain.
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Canberra: Oh? Even more ugly? Hate this dude. 0 Bells.
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Carmen: Old Betty Boop cartoon ripped straight into animal crossing. 10 Bells.
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Caroline: The savior of the squirrels has arrived :0 This design is so charming with the color mix and the cute expression! 500 Bells.
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Carrie: This is a kangaroo with eyeshadow. No, seriously, what person risked their life to put makeup on a wild animal? 10 Bells.
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Cashmere: ._. This is a sheep? Not a frog wearing a wig? 0 Bells.
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Celia: Stop. Making. Eagles. You. Can. Not. Make. Me. Like. Them!!!! 0 Bells.
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Cephalobot: Okay, I giggled, I do love a good smug robot. He is going right up there with Hal (Homestuck, not 2001) 400 Bells.
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Cesar: Either put him down or put me down. I do not want to live in a town where this guy exists too. -500 Bells.
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Chabwick: Not too bad! Pretty cute, but also very plain. 200 Bells.
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Chadder: sigh What do you want me to say? It's another ugly mouse villager and I am distressed about it. 0 Bells.
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Chai: Mmhm. 0 Bells.
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Charlise: Bad Bear. Like, why did we make the bear this kind of green and give them bad hair? Be ashamed of yourselves. 0 Bells.
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Chelsea: I imagine that this is what the embodiment of spring is supposed to look like. Absolutely darling I would not mind following her into the forest and having a picnic! 1236 Bells!
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Cheri: I really want to hate her, but I can't even find it in myself to do so. She isn't terrible and that is something that I am just going to have to accept! 50 Bells.
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Cherry: YES! Now THIS is what I was talking about with the dog villagers! She is a delight and she is rocking it! I am loving getting to see her! Would not be upset if she ended up on my island later! 700 Bells.
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Chester: Panda? I think? Either way, much like the actual animal I am not that fond of him. 10 Bells.
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Chevre: She looks like a lil eldritch goat and I really like her vibes :0 As long as I don't wake up with her standing over in me in the night then she is good in my book! 600 Bells.
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Chief: This wolf is gay. You can not change my mind. I love this lil gay wolf that looks like he should be at the country club. Him and Tom Nook go golfing, you know they do! 400 Bells.
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Chops: He looks like he should be royalty in France. This is not a good thing, and in fact it is making me itch for a certain decapitating device…. 10 Bells.
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Chow: Oh! An ugly Panda! 0 Bells.
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fandom-puff · 3 years
Pairing: Tywin Lannister x reader
Requested by: anon ‘Hi 💕could you write something smutty for Tywin Lannister with a younger female reader’
Warnings: smut, older man/ younger woman, breeding kink, reader is kinda innocent
Gif creds to owner
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“You wish to see me, My Lord?” You said softly, shutting the door to the Hand’s office lightly, not letting the heavy oak slam shut.
Tywin set down his pen, shuffling a few papers aside ask he surveyed you. He leaned back in his chair, looking more regal than his grandson ever could, his hands gripping the arms. You couldn’t help but lower your eyes, becoming fixated on the corner of the desk rather than the man who had been your husband for little over a month. “Yes,” he said slowly, his deep voice sending shivers down your spine which you barely managed to suppress. “Your handmaidens say your bedsheets have been clean for several days, now that your moon blood has passed,”
You felt your cheeks heat as your husband discussed your personal cycle so openly. You knew why, of course. The old lion needed an heir, seeing as he refused to grant Tyrion Casterly Rock, and his other son had sworn an oath. “I’m sorry, My Lord,” you murmured, looking to the ground, hands clasped in front of you.
“What for?” He asked simply, arching his elegant brow.
“F-for not being… for having… for not giving you and heir, My Lord,” you said. Tywin let out a small chuckle, the sound almost alien to what you knew of Lord Lannister.
“Do not apologise, wife. Your Lady Mother assured me that your cycles are regular enough to confirm your fertility,” your face blazed as he spoke, still unable to look him in the face. “And we haven’t… shared a bed since our wedding night. It’s my fault, really, spending too long holed up in here rather than seeing to my wife,” you nodded slowly.
“So you aren’t… angry with me?” You whispered, eyes wide. “My father said I was to please you and give you everything you desired, especially heirs a-and I failed my most important task,”
Tywin sighed softly, though he made sure not to let you hear. “Come closer, wife,” he said, trying to soften his tone, seeing how skittish you were and trying to soothe you. “Now,” he said as you stood on the same side of his desk to him. “I’m sure your Septa taught you all about the importance of primness and propriety,” you nodded, remembering you fairly minimal sex education from your Septa. “Well, I imagine your septa neglected to tell you that when it comes to producing heirs, what is often needed is perseverance. And without a husband warming your bed every other night, there is next to no chance for his seed to take root in your womb. Do you understand?” You nodded quickly, eager to show your husband that you weren’t a complete dolt. Tywin nodded, his lips curling into a half-smirk, half-smile. “Now, what do we propose we do. Something productive, wife, if you are agreeable,” he said, his brow quirking with suggestion. You felt your face flame again and nibbled your lip.
“W-we could… go to bed?” You said, not quite knowing the flirtatious innuendos of a more experienced lady just yet. “Together, I mean, if… you’ve finished your work,” you rambled, but Tywin stood up from his chair, towering over you, admiring the way your eyes widened, the way your lower lip caught between your teeth, the way the swell of your breast heaved beneath your bodice.
“Come,” he said simply, holding out his arm. You took it, tucking your hand into the crook of his elbow, feeling the fine fabric of his jacket beneath your fingertips, letting him lead you from his office to the much more secluded recluse of his bedchamber. You stared at the bed and nibbled your lip as Tywin shut the door. “Some wine?” He offered you, voice a little softer.
“No thank you, my Lord… the wine here is too strong. It clouds my mind,” you said gently, setting about unbraiding your hair, knowing the methodical movements would soothe you, the same way they did on your wedding night. Tywin watched with intrigue as he sat on the edge on his bed, removing his Hand’s pin and setting it aside, before unlacing his boots with steady hands.
“I shall have something sweeter imported. From the Arbour, perhaps?” You gave him a gentle smile over your shoulder as your hair fell in soft waves, slightly crimped from being up in braids all day.
“That would be lovely,” you said gently. “Thank you, My Lord,” you set down the last of your hairpins, allowing your hair to tumble down your back.
“Come here,” he said, gesturing you over with two fingers. You hurried over, almost embarrassingly quickly. “Would you like me to help you out of this gown?” You nodded slowly, standing between his legs, back to him as he worked on your laces, his deft fingers making quick work of them. Your gown soon pooled around your feet, leaving you in your thin linen chemise. With a steady hand on the small of your back, Tywin helped you step out of it and turn to face him. His eyes locked on your face, he dragged his knuckle up your thigh, revealing your flesh briefly before letting your chemise fall back over it.
“Please…” you murmured.
“Please what?” He coaxed, repeated the action, staring into your widened eyes as his knuckle trailed closer and closer to your centre.
“Please… my Lord, my Lord husband, please… I want… I want to have your babe in my belly. I want you to fill me with your heir until I’m swollen with your child,”
The always-composed Tywin Lannister had difficult suppressing the groan as you let your innermost desires slip past your lips. “Is that so, wife? Would you like your husband to… breed you? To fill you up until you can hold nothing more? To swell with an heir and birth a Lannister?” You whimpered, a sound which would make any highborn lady ashamed, but in the alien world of your marriage chamber, such noises would soon be a common occurrence as Tywin Lannister continued his legacy with the aid of his young wife. “Remove your shift. Remove your stockings. Then lay on the bed,” he said lowly, pulling back the covers as you stripped the last of your garments off. You made to cover yourself, but Tywin stopped you. “No,” he said, eyes roving up and down your body. “You are beautiful… YN,” his use of your given name rather than ‘wife’ or ‘my lady’ caught you off guard, but it also helped to further relax you. You watched as Tywin shed the last of his clothes, down to his underwear, your fingers twitching as if to reach for him.
Slowly, he knelt before you, coaxing your thighs apart (although you were more than willing to help) and nodding with approval when he saw the glistening of your cunt. “Has the thought of me filling you gotten you this aroused, YN?” He smirked.
“Y-yes my Lord…” you whispered, staring at him, pleading silently for him to do anything.
“Tywin,” he murmured. “Say it,”
“Tywin…” you murmured, and he almost shuddered at the way the two syllables rolled off your tongue. “Please,”
“Good girl,” he said, dipping his index finger briefly into your channel before removing it and using the lubricant to swirl once, twice, thrice around your clit, rubbing slow circles until your hips were rocking of their own accord and he could practically see the throbbing of your cunt around nothing.
Your thighs trembled and you bit your fist, trying desperately to muffle the wanton noises that Tywin was effortlessly plucking from you. You whined dejectedly when he pulled his fingers away from your heat, and without looking you knew he was smirking. “Hush now, wife,” he murmured and you heard the rustling of his small clothes being unlaced and pushed down his hips, heard the slight wet rasping of him jerking his cock to full hardness, and your cunt throbbed when you realised he was using your slick as a lubricant. “I will be gentle,” he told you, lining the head of his cock up to your entrance. “Just like our wedding night. Unless you command me otherwise,”
It was strange, the concept of commanding Tywin Lannister to do anything, but you had little time to dwell on it as you felt your innermost parts stretch to accommodate Tywin’s cock, letting out a guttural moan as your back arched. Tywin grunted, forearms braced either side of your head as he gritted his teeth, waiting for you to adjust. And when you rocked your hips and whispered ‘move, please’ it was all he could do to maintain a slow pace as your cunt adjusted to accommodate his cock after almost a month.
Soon, the slight discomfort subsided in place of a deep pleasure as his cock dragged through the depths of your channel, the muscles rippling with every thrust. Your head tossed back in pleasure, you reached to grasp onto his shoulders, feeling the taut muscles tensing and relaxing as he rocked his hips against yours. Biting your lip, you moved your legs from simply being spread enough to accommodate his hips, to wrapping around his waist, giving you an anchor to begin rolling your hips up to meet his thrusts.
"That's it," he murmured through gritted teeth, one hand grasping your thigh, pulling you tighter to him.
"Please, my lor- please, Tywin, more," you begged, looking up to him, pupils blown with desire.
"More?" he said, his voice lilting in a teasing manner. "You want me to fuck you, YN?"
"Please," you moaned, digging your heels into the small of his back for good measure. Tywin grunted, his hips beginning to snap against yours, penetrating you a little shallower, but concentrating on your most sensitive pleasure points. You tried in vain to keep up with his brutal thrusts, desperate moans tumbling from your mouth as he brought you closer and closer to the brink of pleasure. “I’m- Tywin, I-”
“That’s right, YN… take your pleasure on my cock,” he growled, hissing at the pleasure-pain of your nails scraping down his back as you cried out, coming around his cock, your entire body throbbing. With a few more ragged thrusts, he too was coming, and you could feel his release deep inside you. He gave a few more hard thrusts, ensuring his seed was as close to your womb as possible.
Grunting, he pulled out of you, admiring the way your body slackened, completely blissed out. Once you regained your breath, you made to sit up. Tywin pushed your shoulder gently, keeping you down. You frowned slightly. “Lay back, to keep my seed near your womb,” he said gently.
“I thought… you’d want me to return to my own chambers…” you said, voice a little shaky.
“I would like you to stay in my bed tonight. I’ll have your handmaidens bring up fresh clothes for you tomorrow,” when he saw you nibble your lip, looking bashful. “You needn’t worry about reputation. You are married. It’s only right we share one another’s company every now and then. And besides,” he said, laying next to you on his side. “We may have to… persevere with our quest for an heir, Lady Lannister,”
Tags: @sociallyawkward-princess @lazyotakujen @janelongxox @honeyofthegods @lxoxtxtxi
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