#this is a mostly discussion oriented blog so inbox is always open
sanstropfremir · 2 years
okay okay sorry if I'm being annoying but I saw your posts on the peak time tag and I KNEW I met my people like I CANNOT GET OVER IT??? Like the ts reunion we never asked for? the kpop generations? all the flop connections making their rounds - is this like a holy revival ground or smth 💀 oh jtbc I will PAY for you to release the backstage talks
The ts shit is truly blowing my mind - truly tho. Bc like you're telling me a group covered no mercy, jongup auditioned, AND taeseon + the other 4 trcng members also auditioned ??? Unreal (also bjoo u will always be famous!!!!)
hahaha welcome!! peak time really is the show specially engineered for flop stans bc the amount and variety of groups they pulled is so crazy, it's def so many things that i've wanted from a survival show so far.
same about the ts shit, like honestly last year i didn't think i was gonna be seeing trcng members at ALL anytime soon but the fact that four of them redebuted and then they showed up on peak time and then TAESEON showed up on peak time like!!!!!!!!!! jtbc for the love of all things i NEED to know what happened backstage. you have to tell us i need to know if there was a showdown i am begging. and the fact that we were 🤏 thisssssss fucking close to bap reunion too like????? that would have been insane. ntx's reaction to jongup showing up tho made me fucking lose it like rawhyun was ready to blow himself up in that moment like they JUST told the judges that he rearranged no mercy himself and then a member of bap appears out of nowhere?? i forgive jtbc for the blatant drama of that move bc it was sooooooo fucking funny
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If you don't like certain YR blogs just block them, I have been doing that for three years. It makes your experience so much better.
I think this ask wasn’t meant for me (because I have another that I think belongs to someone else in my inbox) but I will take some liberties to use this moment to blab about the topic.
In my post I wasn’t actually talking about any particular blog or person. I was talking about the whole culture of this fandom. And listen, I’ve been on Tumblr for a long time. I’ve seen a lot of things. I know how the internet works and I know how fandoms work.
What I was commenting on was more based on general observation. I personally didn’t get that much of a poor treatment, mostly because I don’t say much. But when I was very new to this fandom and I was orienting myself around I saw how a lot of other people are treated.
What I didn’t say in my post and is probably worth noting is the fact that YR fandom is fairly young. Both in people’s age and in its own age. I was excited to be in a fandom that’s still forming because I like to observe how the internet’s culture changes.
At the time I got here there were a lot of speculations about the third season, but I noticed a lot of… how to describe it? It was an interesting time because people were still processing the 2nd season (especially those who were there before it aired) but there were also a lot of newcomers who, like it’s always the case, had the same doubts and questions the old fans had before.
And what I observed: the old fans weren’t very welcoming of the new fans. I know how psychologically it works – you thought you’d already been through that, you talked this shit to death with your friends and blogs you like and there’s another round of the same questions, the same ‘bad takes’ you thought you explained many times. It’s natural, it always happens in fandoms.
What I didn’t like about this phenomenon in this particular fandom was the tone – everything was always such a high stake. Someone says ‘um I think Wille’s behavior is problematic’ and the responses were always ‘LIKE LITERALLY NO! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO EXPLAIN?? HE’S A TRAUMATISED CHILD!!! HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT ABOUT A TRAUMATIZED PERSON??? HAVE YOU BEEN TRAUMATIZED???”
I did literally see someone saying ‘Oh, well, I don’t think Wille was abused’ and someone saying ‘You must have been abused to think this.’
I have a problem with that because an attitude like this discourages people from forming discussions. Someone was talking about a character and they were attacked personally for this.  You know what I’m saying?
I have a problem with behaviors like this because the internet culture, fandom especially, was often a place for me to talk about things I couldn’t talk about with people in my real life. It opened a new world for me, new opportunities to form bonds that I would never form if not for the fandom. Maybe the younger generation can’t appreciate it because it’s more obvious to them, but I was thinking about my younger self who could finally find like-minded people. And I think it’s important that those spaces can be safe and cultured enough because not everybody lives in big cities, and not everybody has access to see much of the world other than the internet. Fans attacking other fans because they disagree with what some mainstream creator decided to do with a show is the opposite of that.
Another thing is I personally have zero problem with ‘drama’ – I think a very helpful tool to clear the air very fast. What I have a problem with is the attitude ‘DON’T BRING YOUR SHIT TO THE FANDOM, GO TALK THIS SHIT IN YOUR DMS’ Well, some people here don’t have friends. Some people came here to form friends. How can they find anything when it’s not talked about ever? In every community has to be enough space to talk stupidly and with passion, even if you personally disagree with that.
I understand the internet culture enough to have some patience for stupidity. I know how to take care of myself and know how to get offline when it’s bothering me. What triggered my post was another person saying that they don’t want to talk about Young Royals because it’s not pleasant anymore. I just knew how that feels. And I knew why.
Here’s a post that’s helpful with the topic I think.
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alissagifs · 3 years
Some stats!
Hi everyone! Alissa here! I wanted to make a post to thank all of you, from the bottom of my heart, for following me and supporting my work! Continue reading for more information about the stats that I am about to discuss!
Since the inception of my blog, I just realized that I have created 116 gif packs in the short span of a few months. I am so humbled that many of you enjoy my work!
I also wanted to thank you all for following me! I now have 109 followers, which blows my mind, and I am grateful for each and every one of you!
I wanted to make some statistics regarding the gif packs that I have made thus far; this post will serve as a brief guide to my gif packs, but I may make more specific posts when it comes to resources featuring folx with different forms of diversity (e.g., disability, physical differences, race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, body diversity, etc.). 
Please feel free to make requests! I make gif packs for free, and I am open for requests and suggestions. Here is my ask inbox. You are also always free to message me more personally! 
Below is a breakdown of the different forms of diversity which my gif packs have featured so far. 
Let me know if you would encourage me to branch out to be more inclusive of folx from other/additional forms of diversity. 
For example, I certainly have a goal to make more resources for folx of diverse gender identities, queer people, and people of color. 
Total number of gif packs: 116! 
Disabled face claims: 35 out of 116 total (30%)
Face claims of color: 45 out of 116 total (39%)
Face claims with physical differences: 8 out of 116 total (7%)
Note: I did not include folx with disabilities or body diverse folx, but they can certainly qualify under this category.
I am mostly referring to folx with different skin conditions, and other physical differences, who do not identify as disabled.
Older face claims (e.g., age diversity): 25 out of 116 total (22%)
Note: I am defining ‘older’ as including folx who are at least 40 years of age. 
Let me know if anyone thinks that I should adjust this criterion.
Queer face claims: 6 out of 116 total (5%)
I am certainly going to aim to make more resources of queer folx. 
Note: Many of the people whom I have giffed have not specified their sexualities, so they may or may not be included on this list. 
Body diverse face claims: 9 out of 116 total (8%)
This is another category that I would like to add to. 
I did not include folx with disabilities or body diverse folx, but they can certainly qualify under this category as well.
I included many folx who identify as plus-sized, body diverse, among other labels and identifiers. 
Are there additional categories of identity and diversity that you would like to see represented? Once more, please let me know, as I want to contribute more diversity to role-playing, writing, and creative communities, since diversity is beautiful and inclusivity and activism are absolutely necessary!
Does anyone have suggestions about how I can better organize my gif packs?:
Right now, I only have a tagging system based on face claims’ names (e.g., fc: RJ Mitte, fc: Philomena Kwao, etc.). 
Should I make a navigation page for my gif packs?
Is this of interest or would it be helpful to folx, including my followers who use my resources?
If a navigation page is recommended, how would you suggest that I organize the gif packs that I have created?: E.g., Based on forms of identity? (e.g., Disabled face claims, face claims with physical differences, and provide links accordingly?). 
Alissa ( @alissagifs )
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arseneiic · 3 years
Short, sweet, and to the point. Follow these rules and we all have a great time.
1. Mutuals only. I must be following you and you must be following me. Only those that I follow can like starter calls, send in character asks, and reply to posts.
1a. I will not interact with non-Mutuals, that includes asks, unless it’s done anonymously and it doesn’t have a url attached.  Anyone who breaks this rule will get about a few pardons but after that will be blocked.
2. My time is limited here in what I can do. This means that I am very selective in what I reply to. Doesn’t necessary mean that I am ignoring anyone. Some days I reply to everything and everyone, others I am so burnt out from irl things or work that I just lurk and do the bare minimum. My mental health and well-being comes before anything else.
2a. Replies vary by length and time. I normally work eight to ten hours a day and experience a lot of exhaustion. Unless I don’t see a thread or an ask going anywhere and publicly make a post saying it’s been dropped, consider everything as pending / will do ASAP. Memes are okay to send in late unless it clearly states, not accepting. My timezone is Eastern Standard Time or EST. United States is where I am located at. I am usually online from 10 PM EST to 3 AM EST unless it’s a day off from work, which the online time will vary from 12 PM EST to 3 AM EST.
2b.  Role-playing is a hobby, not a job. Do not pester me for replies or asks to be answered. I am not obligated to owe anyone anything on this website. I am human and can’t cater to everyone’s needs.  Being persistent here is not going to make me answer yours faster than other people.
2c. Don’t follow, unfollow, and then refollow my blog. It’s not going to make me want to follow you back, ever. It’s annoying and no one is being crafty by doing that. If you continue to do this and it isn’t a tumblr glitch, I will be inclined to block and possibly report for spam.
3. If you do need to break mutuals with me, HARD BLOCK my blog. Don’t just UNFOLLOW or SOFT BLOCK because chances are that I could mistakenly follow you again. And that’s something we both don’t want since it would be quite awkward.
3a. I have the right to unfollow whoever I want to and so do you. Please don’t go on a hunt and try to guilt trip me into following you back again. Just don’t. I can and will tell you the reason why I unfollowed you but other than that, just let me leave in peace.
3b. Personal blogs and non RP blogs will be blocked on site. Please, if you have a side blog let me know through asks so I don’t accidentally block you. IMs are not a good way to let me know since they are closed for non-mutuals.
4. Duplicates are welcomed to follow me. The more the merrier. I do not suffer from same muse anxiety and encourage any of the same muse to follow me. Only request is that you don’t steal my headcanons, edits or icons. Other than that, we should all be able to have a good time. I’m always up for twin verses or alternate universes shenanigans.
4a. Original Characters are allowed to follow me. However, they need to be a little flesh out before I make a decision to follow them back or not. Just a small backstory or biography is all that I need. Headcanons also work if there isn’t an about page but must have about one page worth for me to consider following.
4b. Crossover Characters from other shows are allowed to follow me but I must know about said muse or else I’ll have a hard time whether to follow or not. Few fandoms I won’t interact with because I have no interest in these series are: Avatar the Last Airbender, Avatar the Legend of Korra. ( more to be added ).
5. I am a multi-ship blog. Arsene himself is ageless but his physical form is around 25 when he became a shadow / persona / demon and as such, I will only be shipping him romantically with muses around the 20s to 30s range. Some threads may get a little spicy but nothing that requires a ‘do not read at work’ type of posts. I will tag those post that are suggestive with a ‘spicy: tw & spicy for ts’ and ‘Looks like someone needs proper punishment’ for blacklisting purposes.
5a. I am open to all kinds of ships, not just romantic ones. I also enjoy platonic, rivalry, and familiar bonds. All ships are open to discussions through my IM(s) or otherwise known as Instant Messenger. Chemistry is key. As long as we interact a little, there’s always the chance that both muses can be in a relationship.
6. Things for you to tag for me are: BIRDS, CHAIN LETTERS, ORGANS, DOGS. For the birds and dogs, just in real life ones trigger me. I am fine with cartoon / art / video game ones as they are not real.
6a. Things I’ll tag for you: BLOOD, GORE, DEATH, BODY HORROR, EYE HORROR, INSECTS, MAGGOTS, BRUISES, SCARS, GUNS, KNIVES, CLOWNS. If there are anything I missed that you want tagged, please let me know through IM(s).
7. I am over the age of eighteen. However, I refuse to write smut as I am not comfortable with that subject to begin with. Please never force me to write this with you and if you keep sending things to me in this type of nature, I will report you, no questions asked.
7a. If I see any form of hate and I find out it was you that sent it, I will immediately BLOCK you. No questions asked. Life is too short to send unwanted hate, anon or not. All anon hate and hate towards me and my characters ( s ) in general will be reported and then blocked, no questions asked.
8. My pen name on here is SERE. Obviously, that is not my real name but it’s what I go by. It’s short for ‘Serena’, the English name that DIC gave Usagi Tsukino in the Americanized version of Sailor Moon. It’s pronounced; SIR-REE.
9. I am not a meme source. If you need to reblog a meme from my blog and don’t plan to send me anything, reblog from the source. I hardly get asks as it is, and for you to just use me as a meme source puts a bad taste in my mouth and I feel like I’m being used, which isn’t a good feeling. If you wonder if you should send in a meme to me, please do. I love getting asks. I do hoard them from time to time like a dragon hoards treasure but I do get to them eventually. The more memes / asks, the merrier.
9a.  Feel free to turn inbox replies into threads. Just remember to make separate post when replying. Do not reblog threads not meant for you and don’t reblog my headcanons. It’s okay to reblog my asks though if you want them to be keepsakes on your own blog. Also, it’s alright to reblog musings and images from me.
10. I rather not be bothered by callout posts and any potential drama that might accumulate. I am just here to have fun and I hope everyone else can too. Life is too short to spend on certain things that don’t matter in the long run. If I see multiple call out posts from you in a single day or that’s all you post, I will quietly unfollow you.
11.  Out of character posts will be on here from time to time. Mostly talking about life in general or me venting once in a great while. If this annoys you, please remember that this is my blog, not yours. You are welcomed to unfollow / block at any time.
11a.  The best way to interact with me is to send memes / asks / inbox things. I am always up for unprompted things in my inbox. Also, my instant messenger is always open if someone needs to contact me out of character or to plot something. Don’t hesitate to talk to me. I will try my best to respond.
11b. Not interacting after a month or two with me and my blog will make me silently unfollow you or result in a soft block. Or if you don’t interact with me at all, even out of character. Also, if you are gone for more than 6 months, I consider your blog inactive and will probably assume that you aren’t going to return.
12. I’m really laid-back in nature so don’t feel pressure to reply to anything I send to you. I understand that life happens and that sometimes you just need to unwind from the stress of daily life.
13. For pronouns; either SHE/HER or THEY/THEM is okay with me. My orientation is DEMIROMANTIC ASEXUAL. I love anime, manga, video games, music, drawing, and writing. If you read all of this, then thank you! I won’t ask for passcodes but please still try to remember these at some point. That’s all I ask. <3.
( rules may be updated from time to time so please check here once in awhile. I will also post when these are updated as well ).
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braveryhearted · 4 years
Short, sweet, and to the point. Follow these rules and we all have a great time.
1. Mutuals only. I must be following you and you must be following me. Only those that I follow can like starter calls, send in character asks, and reply to posts.
1a. I will not interact with non-Mutuals, that includes asks, unless it’s done anonymously and it doesn’t have a url attached.  Anyone who breaks this rule will get about a few pardons but after that will be blocked.
2. My time is limited here in what I can do. This means that I am very selective in what I reply to. Doesn’t necessary mean that I am ignoring anyone. Some days I reply to everything and everyone, others I am so burnt out from irl things or work that I just lurk and do the bare minimum. My mental health and well-being comes before anything else.
2a. Replies vary by length and time. I normally work eight to ten hours a day and experience a lot of exhaustion. Unless I don’t see a thread or an ask going anywhere and publicly make a post saying it’s been dropped, consider everything as pending / will do ASAP. Memes are okay to send in late unless it clearly states, not accepting. My timezone is Eastern Standard Time or EST. United States is where I am located at. I am usually online from 10 PM EST to 3 AM EST unless it’s a day off from work, which the online time will vary from 12 PM EST to 3 AM EST.
2b.  Role-playing is a hobby, not a job. Do not pester me for replies or asks to be answered. I am not obligated to owe anyone anything on this website. I am human and can’t cater to everyone’s needs.  Being persistent here is not going to make me answer yours faster than other people.
2c. Don’t follow, unfollow, and then refollow my blog. It’s not going to make me want to follow you back, ever. It’s annoying and no one is being crafty by doing that. If you continue to do this and it isn’t a tumblr glitch, I will be inclined to block and possibly report for spam.
3. If you do need to break mutuals with me, HARD BLOCK my blog. Don’t just UNFOLLOW or SOFT BLOCK because chances are that I could mistakenly follow you again. And that’s something we both don’t want since it would be quite awkward.
3a. I have the right to unfollow whoever I want to and so do you. Please don’t go on a hunt and try to guilt trip me into following you back again. Just don’t. I can and will tell you the reason why I unfollowed you but other than that, just let me leave in peace.
3b. Personal blogs and non RP blogs will be blocked on site. Please, if you have a side blog let me know through asks so I don’t accidentally block you. IMs are not a good way to let me know since they are closed for non-mutuals.
4. Duplicates are welcomed to follow me. The more the merrier. I do not suffer from same muse anxiety and encourage any of the same muse to follow me. Only request is that you don’t steal my headcanons, edits or icons. Other than that, we should all be able to have a good time. I’m always up for twin verses or alternate universes shenanigans.
4a. Original Characters are allowed to follow me. However, they need to be a little flesh out before I make a decision to follow them back or not. Just a small backstory or biography is all that I need. Headcanons also work if there isn’t an about page but must have about one page worth for me to consider following.
4b. Crossover Characters from other shows are allowed to follow me but I must know about said muse or else I’ll have a hard time whether to follow or not. Few fandoms I won’t interact with because I have no interest in these series are: Avatar the Last Airbender, Avatar the Legend of Korra. ( more to be added ).
5. I am a multi-ship blog. All ships are separate in their own standings. A little less than half of my muses are between the ages of 15-18 and then the rest are in the 20-30 range. As such, I will only be shipping them romantically with muses their own age. Some threads may get a little spicy for those 20-30 age groups but nothing that requires a ‘ do not read at work’ type of posts. I will tag those post that are suggestive with a ‘spicy: tw & spicy for ts’ for blacklisting purposes.
5a. I am open to all kinds of ships, not just romantic ones. I also enjoy platonic, rivalry, and familiar bonds. All ships are open to discussions through my IM(s) or otherwise known as Instant Messenger. Chemistry is key. As long as we interact a little, there’s always the chance that both muses can be in a relationship.
6. Things for you to tag for me are: BIRDS, CHAIN LETTERS, ORGANS, DOGS. For the birds and dogs, just irl ones trigger me. I am fine with cartoon / art / video game ones as they are not real.
6a. This blog will contain sensitive themes from time to time. However, I will tag common things like those mentioned below. If you need anything tagged, please let me know through instant messaging / IMs. Things I’ll tag for you are but not limited to: BLOOD, GORE, DEATH, BODY HORROR, EYE HORROR, INSECTS, MAGGOTS, BRUISES, SCARS, GUNS, KNIVES, CLOWNS.  
7. I am over the age of eighteen. However, I refuse to write smut as I am not comfortable with that subject to begin with and also the fact that some of the muses found here are MINORS which is a big huge NO. Please never force me to write this with you and if you keep sending things to me in this type of nature, I will report you, no questions asked.
7a. If I see any form of hate and I find out it was you that sent it, I will immediately BLOCK you. No questions asked. Life is too short to send unwanted hate, anon or not. All anon hate and hate towards me and my characters ( s ) in general will be reported and then blocked, no questions asked.
8. My pen name on here is SERE. Obliviously, that is not my real name but it’s what I go by. It’s short for ‘Serena’, the English name that DIC gave Usagi Tsukino in the Americanized version of Sailor Moon. It’s pronounced; SIR-REE.
9. I am not a meme source. If you need to reblog a meme from my blog and don’t plan to send me anything, reblog from the source. I hardly get asks as it is, and for you to just use me as a meme source puts a bad taste in my mouth and I feel like I’m being used, which isn’t a good feeling. If you wonder if you should send in a meme to me, please do. I love getting asks. I do hoard them from time to time like a dragon hoards treasure but I do get to them eventually. The more memes / asks, the merrier.
9a.  Feel free to turn inbox replies into threads. Just remember to make separate post when replying. Do not reblog threads not meant for you and don’t reblog my headcanons. It’s okay to reblog my asks though if you want them to be keepsakes on your own blog. Also, it’s alright to reblog musings and images from me.
10. I rather not be bothered by callout posts and any potential drama that might accumulate. I am just here to have fun and I hope everyone else can too. Life is too short to spend on certain things that don’t matter in the long run. If I see multiple call out posts from you in a single day or that’s all you post, I will quietly unfollow you.
11.  Out of character posts will be on here from time to time. Mostly talking about life in general or me venting once in a great while. If this annoys you, please remember that this is my blog, not yours. You are welcomed to unfollow / block at any time.
11a.  The best way to interact with me is to send memes / asks / inbox things. I am always up for unprompted things in my inbox. Also, my instant messenger is always open if someone needs to contact me out of character or to plot something. Don’t hesitate to talk to me. I will try my best to respond.
11b. Not interacting after a month or two with me and my blog will make me silently unfollow you or result in a soft block. Or if you don’t interact with me at all, even out of character. Also, if you are gone for more than 6 months, I consider your blog inactive and will probably assume that you aren’t going to return.
12. I’m really laid-back in nature so don’t feel pressure to reply to anything I send to you. I understand that life happens and that sometimes you just need to unwind from the stress of daily life.
13. For pronouns; either SHE/HER or THEY/THEM is okay with me. My orientation is DEMIROMANTIC ASEXUAL. I love anime, manga, video games, music, drawing, and writing. If you read all of this, then thank you! I won’t ask for passcodes but please still try to remember these at some point. That’s all I ask. <3.
( rules may be updated from time to time so please check here once in awhile. I will also post when these are updated as well
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trickstruth-a · 4 years
Short, sweet, and to the point. Follow these rules and we all have a great time.
1. Mutuals only. I must be following you and you must be following me.  Only those that I follow can like starter calls, send in character asks, and reply to posts.
1a. I will not interact with non-Mutuals, that includes asks, unless it’s done anonymously and it doesn’t have a url attached. Anyone who breaks this rule will get about a few pardons but after that will be blocked.
2. My time is limited here in what I can do. This means that I am very selective in what I reply to. Doesn’t necessary mean that I am ignoring anyone. Some days I reply to everything and everyone, others I am so burnt out from irl things or work that I just lurk and do the bare minimum. My mental health and well-being comes before anything else.
2a. Replies vary by length and time. I normally work eight to ten hours a day and experience a lot of exhaustion. Unless I don’t see a thread or an ask going anywhere and publicly make a post saying it’s been dropped, consider everything as pending / will do ASAP. Memes are okay to send in late unless it clearly states, not accepting. My timezone is Eastern Standard Time or EST. United States is where I am located at. I am usually online from 10 PM EST to 3 AM EST unless it’s a day off from work, which the online time will vary from 12 PM EST to 3 AM EST.
2b.  Role-playing is a hobby, not a job. Do not pester me for replies or asks to be answered. I am not obligated to owe anyone anything on this website. I am human and can’t cater to everyone’s needs.  Being persistent here is not going to make me answer yours faster than other people.
2c. Don’t follow, unfollow, and then refollow my blog. It’s not going to make me want to follow you back, ever. It’s annoying and no one is being crafty by doing that. If you continue to do this and it isn’t a tumblr glitch, I will be inclined to block and possibly report for spam.
3. If you do need to break mutuals with me, HARD BLOCK my blog. Don’t just UNFOLLOW or SOFT BLOCK because chances are that I could mistakenly follow you again. And that’s something we both don’t want since it would be quite awkward.
3a. I have the right to unfollow whoever I want to and so do you. Please don’t go on a hunt and try to guilt trip me into following you back again. Just don’t. I can and will tell you the reason why I unfollowed you but other than that, just let me leave in peace.
3b. Personal blogs and non RP blogs will be blocked on sight. Please, if you have a side blog let me know through asks so I don’t accidentally block you. IMs are not a good way to let me know since they are closed for non-mutuals.
4. Duplicates are welcomed to follow me. The more the merrier. I do not suffer from same muse anxiety and encourage any of the same muse to follow me. Only request is that you don’t steal my headcanons, edits or icons. Other than that, we should all be able to have a good time. I’m always up for twin verses or alternate universes shenanigans.
4a. Original Characters are allowed to follow me. However, they need to be a little flesh out before I make a decision to follow them back or not. Just a small backstory or biography is all that I need. Headcanons also work if there isn’t an about page but must have about one page worth for me to consider following.
4b. Crossover Characters from other shows are allowed to follow me but I must know about said muse or else I’ll have a hard time whether to follow or not. Few fandoms I won’t interact with because I have no interest in these series are: Avatar the Last Airbender, Avatar the Legend of Korra. ( more to be added ).
5. I am a multi-ship blog. All ships are separate in their own standings. Goro is 17 in the ORIGINAL game and ROYAL remake. I will only ship him romantically with muses that are in the ages between 15 years to 17 years of age ( for the ORIGINAL and ROYAL remake only ).
5a. I am open to all kinds of ships, not just romantic ones. I also enjoy platonic, rivalry, and familiar bonds. All ships are open to discussions through my IM(s) or otherwise known as Instant Messenger.  Chemistry is key. As long as we interact a little, there’s always the chance that both muses can be in a relationship.
5b.  Is there any ship that you do NOT want forced on you?: I personally don’t ship AkeShu / ShuAke ( the Protagonist x Goro Akechi ). Please don’t force this ship on me. I’ll only except a slow burn for both characters and only that when both the other mun and myself agree to do this.
6. Things for you to tag for me are: BIRDS, CHAIN LETTERS, ORGANS, DOGS. For the birds and dogs, just irl ones trigger me. I am fine with cartoon / art / video game ones as they are not real.
6a. This blog will contain sensitive themes from time to time. However, I will tag common things like those mentioned below. If you need anything tagged, please let me know through instant messaging / IMs. Things I’ll tag for you are but not limited to: BLOOD, GORE, DEATH, BODY HORROR, EYE HORROR, INSECTS, MAGGOTS, BRUISES, SCARS, GUNS, KNIVES, CLOWNS.  
7. I am over the age of eighteen. However, I refuse to write smut as I am not comfortable with that subject to begin with and Goro is a minor. Please never force me to write this with you and if you keep sending things to me in this type of nature, I will report you, no questions asked.
7a. If I see any form of hate and I find out it was you that sent it, I will immediately BLOCK you. No questions asked. Life is too short to send unwanted hate, anon or not. All anon hate and hate towards me and my characters ( s ) in general will be reported and then blocked, no questions asked.
8. My pen name on here is SERE. Obliviously, that is not my real name but it’s what I go by. It’s short for ‘Serena’, the English name that DIC gave Usagi Tsukino in the Americanized version of Sailor Moon. It’s pronounced; SIR-REE.
9. I am not a meme source. If you need to reblog a meme from my blog and don’t plan to send me anything, reblog from the source. I hardly get asks as it is, and for you to just use me as a meme source puts a bad taste in my mouth and I feel like I’m being used, which isn’t a good feeling. If you wonder if you should send in a meme to me, please do. I love getting asks. I do hoard them from time to time like a dragon hoards treasure but I do get to them eventually. The more memes / asks, the merrier.
9a.  Feel free to turn inbox replies into threads. Just remember to make separate post when replying. Do not reblog threads not meant for you and don’t reblog my headcanons. It’s okay to reblog my asks though if you want them to be keepsakes on your own blog. Also, it’s alright to reblog musings and images from me.
10.  I usually am not considered spoiler free. However, I do tag recent released games, which is Persona 5 Scramble. All other games in the Persona 5 series ( original game, dancing in starlight, pq2, and royal ) will NOT be tagged. Follow at your own risk to avoid spoilers.
10a.  Knowledge in the Persona series is about ABOVE AVERAGE, please don’t keep pointing out mistakes. I know and will correct them due time.
10b. Please tag the popular ship AkeShu / ShuAke ( Goro Akechi x Persona 5 Protagonist ) / ( Persona 5 Protagonist x Goro Akechi ). I am not a fan of this ship at all and would request it to tagged at all times. Tags can be as simple as ‘akeshu’ and ‘shuake’.
11. I rather not be bothered by callout posts and any potential drama that might accumulate. I am just here to have fun and I hope everyone else can too. Life is too short to spend on certain things that don’t matter in the long run. If I see multiple call out posts from you in a single day or that’s all you post, I will quietly unfollow you.
12.  Out of character posts will be on here from time to time. Mostly talking about life in general or me venting once in a great while. If this annoys you, please remember that this is my blog, not yours. You are welcomed to unfollow / block at any time.
12a.  The best way to interact with me is to send memes / asks / inbox things. I am always up for unprompted things in my inbox. Also, my instant messenger is always open if someone needs to contact me out of character or to plot something. Don’t hesitate to talk to me. I will try my best to respond.
12b.  Not interacting after a month or two with me and my blog will make me silently unfollow you or result in a soft block. Or if you don’t interact with me at all, even out of character. Also, if you are gone for more than 6 months, I consider your blog inactive and will probably assume that you aren’t going to return.
13. I’m really laid-back in nature so don’t feel pressured to reply to anything I send to you. I understand that life happens and that sometimes you just need to unwind from the stress of daily life.
14. For pronouns; either SHE/HER or THEY/THEM is okay with me. My orientation is DEMIROMANTIC ASEXUAL. I love anime, manga, video games, music, drawing, and writing. If you read all of this, then thank you! I won’t ask for passcodes but please still try to remember these at some point. That’s all I ask. <3.
This revived blog has been established since May 23rd, 2020. Independent and not affiliated with any role play group. Written by SERE.
( rules may be updated from time to time so please check here once in awhile. I will also post when these are updated as well ).
1 note · View note
FAQ and Guidelines
Do’s and Don’ts Fanfiction Addition
1. About until-theend-oftheline
Sideblog for Marvel Content
This is a sideblog. Follows and likes and replies will come from my main blog @thing-you-do-with-that-thing. My main blog is mainly SPN content but you’ll see none of that here. This blog is marvel only and maybe an occasional personal post. 
Positivity and Zero Hate Tolerance
I DO NOT tolerate hate of any kind towards any actors, spouses (girlfriends or exes either) or characters. Yes, there are actors and characters I dislike but I’ll spew no hate and I’ll not tolerate you do so on posts coming off my blog either. No, I am not willing to tell you who I dislike since that always bring debate and hate with it.
Discussions are welcome, but hate is not. If you sent me hate I will block you. If you hate on the actors or their s/os on my positive posts or send it to my inbox I will block you. If you feel it is okay to send the actors or their family hate on twitter or Instagram you aren’t welcome on my blog either. We don’t have to share an opinion to be friendly, but there is behavior I just simply won’t tolerate.
Any character hate will make me unfollow you and if it ends up in my inbox or on my posts I will block you. 
I also don’t tolerate Starker on my dash or any other ships that encourage child abuse - I will unfollow, report and block you if I see it. 
Zero Hate Tolerance for my followers as well
Any race, gender, and sexual orientation are welcome to on my blog. You’ll see no hate towards anyone here. If I ever call people out it is based on opinions and behavior - never skin color, gender, religion or who they do or do not sleep with.
That being said I myself am a cis white bi female. I try and make my readers fairly neutral but often they fall into the cis women category. I try and not show race though (unless I have a specific reason too in the plot) and my sexual orientation show in me writing both m/m, f/f, f/m, and poly fics. 
Original Content
I am a fanfic writer. I write reader inserts for characters and actors in the MCU fandom. I write mainly write reader inserts but I write ships also. I write both rpf and character fics.
There are ships I don’t write or read but again the blog is hate free (I got zero tolerance for underage ships though). Otherwise, Ship and let sail. 
Every fic is tagged what it is and only what it is. Everything I write doesn’t have to be your cuppa tea to follow me. Just don’t be a dick about it and we’ll get along nicely.
I write FICTION. Which means the few times I’ll write a rpf ship it’s just that! I don’t think Chris and Seb are getting it on while we aren’t looking. It is all in good fun and I treat the actors and characters with respect in my fics. My fics hurt no one and I am under no illusions I write REAL PEOPLE, I write my perception of who they are and sometimes a fun fantasy of what could be.
Aside from my writing, I create Aesthetics and Icons - which I have heaps of fun with but my blog is mainly a fanfiction and fangirling blog ;)
2. How to Navigate the Blog
In my bio to the left, you can read what this blog is all about. There is a link to my FAQ which you are currently reading. There is a link to my masterlist, my taglists (where you can add yourself and read the rules that go along with being tagged) and a link to my main blog.
Further to the left, you find Talk to Me where you can send me asks about anything you'd like. And a list of Kari's Reading Lists which is MCU fic recs from yours truly. Go read and send the authors some loving.
I tag pretty carefully, so if there is something or someone you wanna blacklist - just let me know and I will tell you the tag or create one. I won’t be offended. 
3. Who do you write for?
So far mainly Steve, Bucky and Stucky x Reader along with Seb and Chris x reader.
I write a bunch of the other character too but not as often. I am open to expanding to both more ships, rpf, and characters in the future - including Hardy/Eddie Brock and Reynolds/Wade Wilson. 
I sometimes write for some of the actor's other characters as well, but that is rarer. 
4. What genres do you write?
I mainly write Angst and fluff. A crack fic sneaks in at times and smut occurs in some fics - mostly series, but rarely. I don’t write porn without plot anymore but if the plot calls for it my characters can have fun. Everything is tagged and warned for.
5. A SFW blog with NSFW content
All smut/porn on my blog is tagged and warned for. Original content and not. 
6. Requests and Posting Schedule
I don’t have a set posting schedule.
My requests are closed and they won’t open for real. Sometimes I take ideas for bingo cards or I take requests for preferences, headcanons or aesthetics BUT one shot and series I won’t open my requests for again. I simply got too many ideas of my own. Sorry.
7. Do you tag people in your fics?
Yes. Feel free to take a peek at the list and put you on any open tag lists you would like. You can find the link here. The way I set up the doc (because people kept messing with the format and taking people other than themselves off) you need to be on a computer to work it. Sorry.  
If you are interested you can turn on notifications for my side blog: Kari-Writes-Fandoms - all my writing will be reblogged to it and it will only hold my original content. That being said my SPN writing is also reblogged there but you can just ignore what you don’t wanna see - I haven’t written anything SPN in a while anyway.
8. Can I tag you in my fics?
You can tag me in any genre you like. It’s not a guarantee I read it. I’ll try and read as much as I can but I got a life.
I won’t read your fic if it has no warnings. There are things that angers or makes me feel bad and I won’t be surprised by them. 
It’s also not a guarantee I’ll put you on Kari’s Reading List. Only my very favorite things go on that list.
Characters x Reader I read: Bucky, Steve, Tony, Sam, Clint, Wanda, Valkyrie, Nat, Thor. And even if they aren’t MCU - Wade Wilson and Eddie Brock (no monster porn with Venom though please)
RPF x Reader: Evans, Hemsworth, Tom Hardy, Hiddles and Sebastian (RPF Ships as poly only: Elsa x Chris x Reader and Evanstan x Reader)
Ships (all solo or as poly with reader): Stucky, Winterhawk, Winterwidow, Winterwitch, SteveSam, Cap3, Winterfalcon, Clintasha and Steggy.
If your fic contains hate against any spouses or former girlfriends or current S/Os don’t tag me. If your fic contains hate towards any actors, don’t tag me. If your fic contains non con, dub con, mommy kink, daddy kink, underage smut or incest in any shape or form (I count Thorki) please don’t tag me. Don’t tag me in A/B/O either it is not my thing. No BDSM, choking or tying him or his partner up for Bucky either!  
1. I sent you chainmail - why didn’t you answer? 
Honestly, they are a huge pet peeve of mine. I don’t answer nor do I sent them to anyone else. I delete them as soon as I get them. Thank you for thinking of me but save it for someone else. I much rather you send me something you wrote or a heart or something.
2. How old are you?
So many... I was born August 26th, 1987
3. I got another question. Can I ask?
Sure my asks are always open. Just remember to be polite and I will be the same :)
14 notes · View notes
withoutshield · 3 years
Short, sweet, and to the point. Follow these rules and we all have a great time.
1. Mutuals only. I must be following you and you must be following me. Only those that I follow can like starter calls, send in character asks, and reply to posts.
1a. I will not interact with non-Mutuals, that includes asks, unless it’s done anonymously and it doesn’t have a url attached.  Anyone who breaks this rule will get about a few pardons but after that will be blocked.
2. My time is limited here in what I can do. This means that I am very selective in what I reply to. Doesn’t necessary mean that I am ignoring anyone. Some days I reply to everything and everyone, others I am so burnt out from irl things or work that I just lurk and do the bare minimum. My mental health and well-being comes before anything else.
2a. Replies vary by length and time. I normally work eight to ten hours a day and experience a lot of exhaustion. Unless I don’t see a thread or an ask going anywhere and publicly make a post saying it’s been dropped, consider everything as pending / will do ASAP. Memes are okay to send in late unless it clearly states, not accepting. My timezone is Eastern Standard Time or EST. United States is where I am located at. I am usually online from 10 PM EST to 3 AM EST unless it’s a day off from work, which the online time will vary from 12 PM EST to 3 AM EST.
2b.  Role-playing is a hobby, not a job. Do not pester me for replies or asks to be answered. I am not obligated to owe anyone anything on this website. I am human and can’t cater to everyone’s needs.  Being persistent here is not going to make me answer yours faster than other people.
2c. Don’t follow, unfollow, and then refollow my blog. It’s not going to make me want to follow you back, ever. It’s annoying and no one is being crafty by doing that. If you continue to do this and it isn’t a tumblr glitch, I will be inclined to block and possibly report for spam.
3. If you do need to break mutuals with me, HARD BLOCK my blog. Don’t just UNFOLLOW or SOFT BLOCK because chances are that I could mistakenly follow you again. And that’s something we both don’t want since it would be quite awkward.
3a. I have the right to unfollow whoever I want to and so do you. Please don’t go on a hunt and try to guilt trip me into following you back again. Just don’t. I can and will tell you the reason why I unfollowed you but other than that, just let me leave in peace.
3b. Personal blogs and non RP blogs will be blocked on site. Please, if you have a side blog let me know through asks so I don’t accidentally block you. IMs are not a good way to let me know since they are closed for non-mutuals.
4. Duplicates are welcomed to follow me. The more the merrier. I do not suffer from same muse anxiety and encourage any of the same muse to follow me. Only request is that you don’t steal my headcanons, edits or icons. Other than that, we should all be able to have a good time. I’m always up for twin verses or alternate universes shenanigans.
4a. Original Characters are allowed to follow me. However, they need to be a little flesh out before I make a decision to follow them back or not. Just a small backstory or biography is all that I need. Headcanons also work if there isn’t an about page but must have about one page worth for me to consider following.
4b. Crossover Characters from other shows are allowed to follow me but I must know about said muse or else I’ll have a hard time whether to follow or not. Few fandoms I won’t interact with because I have no interest in these series are: Avatar the Last Airbender, Avatar the Legend of Korra. ( more to be added ).
5. I am a multi-ship blog. All ships are separate in their own standings. Steve is 25 ( at the age when he was injected with the super soldier serum ). As such, I will only be shipping him romantically with muses his own age ( muses 20-30 ). Some threads may get a little spicy but nothing that requires a ‘ do not read at work’ type of posts. I will tag those post that are suggestive with a ‘spicy: tw & spicy for ts’ for blacklisting purposes.
5a. I am open to all kinds of ships, not just romantic ones. I also enjoy platonic, rivalry, and familiar bonds. All ships are open to discussions through my IM(s) or otherwise known as Instant Messenger. Chemistry is key. As long as we interact a little, there’s always the chance that both muses can be in a relationship.
6. Things for you to tag for me are: BIRDS, CHAIN LETTERS, ORGANS, DOGS. For the birds and dogs, just irl ones trigger me. I am fine with cartoon / art / video game ones as they are not real.
6a. This blog will contain sensitive themes from time to time. However, I will tag common things like those mentioned below. If you need anything tagged, please let me know through instant messaging / IMs. Things I’ll tag for you are but not limited to: BLOOD, GORE, DEATH, BODY HORROR, EYE HORROR, INSECTS, MAGGOTS, BRUISES, SCARS, GUNS, KNIVES, CLOWNS.  
7. I am over the age of eighteen. However, I refuse to write smut as I am not comfortable with that subject to begin with. Please never force me to write this with you and if you keep sending things to me in this type of nature, I will report you, no questions asked.
7a. If I see any form of hate and I find out it was you that sent it, I will immediately BLOCK you. No questions asked. Life is too short to send unwanted hate, anon or not. All anon hate and hate towards me and my characters ( s ) in general will be reported and then blocked, no questions asked.
8. My pen name on here is SERE. Obliviously, that is not my real name but it’s what I go by. It’s short for ‘Serena’, the English name that DIC gave Usagi Tsukino in the Americanized version of Sailor Moon. It’s pronounced; SIR-REE.
9. I am not a meme source. If you need to reblog a meme from my blog and don’t plan to send me anything, reblog from the source. I hardly get asks as it is, and for you to just use me as a meme source puts a bad taste in my mouth and I feel like I’m being used, which isn’t a good feeling. If you wonder if you should send in a meme to me, please do. I love getting asks. I do hoard them from time to time like a dragon hoards treasure but I do get to them eventually. The more memes / asks, the merrier.
9a.  Feel free to turn inbox replies into threads. Just remember to make separate post when replying. Do not reblog threads not meant for you and don’t reblog my headcanons. It’s okay to reblog my asks though if you want them to be keepsakes on your own blog. Also, it’s alright to reblog musings and images from me.
10. I rather not be bothered by callout posts and any potential drama that might accumulate. I am just here to have fun and I hope everyone else can too. Life is too short to spend on certain things that don’t matter in the long run. If I see multiple call out posts from you in a single day or that’s all you post, I will quietly unfollow you.
11.  Out of character posts will be on here from time to time. Mostly talking about life in general or me venting once in a great while. If this annoys you, please remember that this is my blog, not yours. You are welcomed to unfollow / block at any time.
11a.  The best way to interact with me is to send memes / asks / inbox things. I am always up for unprompted things in my inbox. Also, my instant messenger is always open if someone needs to contact me out of character or to plot something. Don’t hesitate to talk to me. I will try my best to respond.
11b. Not interacting after a month or two with me and my blog will make me silently unfollow you or result in a soft block. Or if you don’t interact with me at all, even out of character. Also, if you are gone for more than 6 months, I consider your blog inactive and will probably assume that you aren’t going to return.
12. I’m really laid-back in nature so don’t feel pressure to reply to anything I send to you. I understand that life happens and that sometimes you just need to unwind from the stress of daily life.
13. For pronouns; either SHE/HER or THEY/THEM is okay with me. My orientation is DEMIROMANTIC ASEXUAL. I love anime, manga, video games, music, drawing, and writing. If you read all of this, then thank you! I won’t ask for passcodes but please still try to remember these at some point. That’s all I ask. <3.
( rules may be updated from time to time so please check here once in awhile. I will also post when these are updated as well
0 notes
maskthrown · 4 years
Short, sweet, and to the point. Follow these rules and we all have a great time.
1. Mutuals only. I must be following you and you must be following me.  Only those that I follow can like starter calls, send in character asks, and reply to posts.
1a. I will not interact with non-Mutuals, that includes asks, unless it’s done anonymously and it doesn’t have a url attached. Anyone who breaks this rule will get about a few pardons but after that will be blocked.
2. My time is limited here in what I can do. This means that I am very selective in what I reply to. Doesn’t necessary mean that I am ignoring anyone. Some days I reply to everything and everyone, others I am so burnt out from irl things or work that I just lurk and do the bare minimum. My mental health and well-being comes before anything else.
2a. Replies vary by length and time. I normally work eight to ten hours a day and experience a lot of exhaustion. Unless I don’t see a thread or an ask going anywhere and publicly make a post saying it’s been dropped, consider everything as pending / will do ASAP. Memes are okay to send in late unless it clearly states, not accepting. My timezone is Eastern Standard Time or EST. United States is where I am located at. I am usually online from 10 PM EST to 3 AM EST unless it’s a day off from work, which the online time will vary from 12 PM EST to 3 AM EST.
2b.  Role-playing is a hobby, not a job. Do not pester me for replies or asks to be answered. I am not obligated to owe anyone anything on this website. I am human and can’t cater to everyone’s needs.  Being persistent here is not going to make me answer yours faster than other people.
2c. Don’t follow, unfollow, and then refollow my blog. It’s not going to make me want to follow you back, ever. It’s annoying and no one is being crafty by doing that. If you continue to do this and it isn’t a tumblr glitch, I will be inclined to block and possibly report for spam.
3. If you do need to break mutuals with me, HARD BLOCK my blog. Don’t just UNFOLLOW or SOFT BLOCK because chances are that I could mistakenly follow you again. And that’s something we both don’t want since it would be quite awkward.
3a. I have the right to unfollow whoever I want to and so do you. Please don’t go on a hunt and try to guilt trip me into following you back again. Just don’t. I can and will tell you the reason why I unfollowed you but other than that, just let me leave in peace.
3b. Personal blogs and non RP blogs will be blocked on sight. Please, if you have a side blog let me know through asks so I don’t accidentally block you. IMs are not a good way to let me know since they are closed for non-mutuals.
4. Duplicates are welcomed to follow me. The more the merrier. I do not suffer from same muse anxiety and encourage any of the same muse to follow me. Only request is that you don’t steal my headcanons, edits or icons. Other than that, we should all be able to have a good time. I’m always up for twin verses or alternate universes shenanigans.
4a. Original Characters are allowed to follow me. However, they need to be a little flesh out before I make a decision to follow them back or not. Just a small backstory or biography is all that I need. Headcanons also work if there isn’t an about page but must have about one page worth for me to consider following.
4b. Crossover Characters from other shows are allowed to follow me but I must know about said muse or else I’ll have a hard time whether to follow or not. Few fandoms I won’t interact with because I have no interest in these series are: Avatar the Last Airbender, Avatar the Legend of Korra. ( more to be added ).
5. I am a multi-ship blog. All ships are separate in their own standings.  I am open to all kinds of ships, not just romantic ones. I also enjoy platonic, rivalry, and familiar bonds. All ships are open to discussions through my IM(s) or otherwise known as Instant Messenger.  Chemistry is key. As long as we interact a little, there’s always the chance that both muses can be in a relationship.  
6. Things for you to tag for me are: BIRDS, CHAIN LETTERS, ORGANS, DOGS. For the birds and dogs, just irl ones trigger me. I am fine with cartoon / art / video game ones as they are not real.
6a. This blog will contain sensitive themes from time to time. However, I will tag common things like those mentioned below. If you need anything tagged, please let me know through instant messaging / IMs. Things I’ll tag for you are but not limited to: BLOOD, GORE, DEATH, BODY HORROR, EYE HORROR, INSECTS, MAGGOTS, BRUISES, SCARS, GUNS, KNIVES, CLOWNS.  
7. I am over the age of eighteen. However, I refuse to write smut as I am not comfortable with that subject to begin with and most of my muses here are minors. Please never force me to write this with you and if you keep sending things to me in this type of nature, I will report you, no questions asked.
7a. If I see any form of hate and I find out it was you that sent it, I will immediately BLOCK you. No questions asked. Life is too short to send unwanted hate, anon or not. All anon hate and hate towards me and my characters ( s ) in general will be reported and then blocked, no questions asked.
8. My pen name on here is SERE. Obliviously, that is not my real name but it’s what I go by. It’s short for ‘Serena’, the English name that DIC gave Usagi Tsukino in the Americanized version of Sailor Moon. It’s pronounced; SIR-REE.
9. I am not a meme source. If you need to reblog a meme from my blog and don’t plan to send me anything, reblog from the source. I hardly get asks as it is, and for you to just use me as a meme source puts a bad taste in my mouth and I feel like I’m being used, which isn’t a good feeling. If you wonder if you should send in a meme to me, please do. I love getting asks. I do hoard them from time to time like a dragon hoards treasure but I do get to them eventually. The more memes / asks, the merrier.
9a.  Feel free to turn inbox replies into threads. Just remember to make separate post when replying. Do not reblog threads not meant for you and don’t reblog my headcanons. It’s okay to reblog my asks though if you want them to be keepsakes on your own blog. Also, it’s alright to reblog musings and images from me.
10.  I usually am not considered spoiler free. However, I do tag recent released games, which is Persona 5 Scramble / Strikers. All other games in the Persona 5 series ( original game, dancing in starlight, pq2, and royal ) will NOT be tagged. Follow at your own risk to avoid spoilers.
10a.  Knowledge in the Persona series is about ABOVE AVERAGE, please don’t keep pointing out mistakes. I know and will correct them due time.
10b. Please tag the popular ship AkeShu / ShuAke ( Goro Akechi x Persona 5 Protagonist ) / ( Persona 5 Protagonist x Goro Akechi ). I am not a fan of this ship at all and would request it to tagged at all times. Tags can be as simple as ‘akeshu’ and ‘shuake’.
11. I rather not be bothered by callout posts and any potential drama that might accumulate. I am just here to have fun and I hope everyone else can too. Life is too short to spend on certain things that don’t matter in the long run. If I see multiple call out posts from you in a single day or that’s all you post, I will quietly unfollow you.
12.  Out of character posts will be on here from time to time. Mostly talking about life in general or me venting once in a great while. If this annoys you, please remember that this is my blog, not yours. You are welcomed to unfollow / block at any time.
12a.  The best way to interact with me is to send memes / asks / inbox things. I am always up for unprompted things in my inbox. Also, my instant messenger is always open if someone needs to contact me out of character or to plot something. Don’t hesitate to talk to me. I will try my best to respond.
12b.  Not interacting after a month or two with me and my blog will make me silently unfollow you or result in a soft block. Or if you don’t interact with me at all, even out of character. Also, if you are gone for more than 6 months, I consider your blog inactive and will probably assume that you aren’t going to return.
13. I’m really laid-back in nature so don’t feel pressured to reply to anything I send to you. I understand that life happens and that sometimes you just need to unwind from the stress of daily life.
14. For pronouns; either SHE/HER or THEY/THEM is okay with me. My orientation is DEMIROMANTIC ASEXUAL. I love anime, manga, video games, music, drawing, and writing. If you read all of this, then thank you! I won’t ask for passcodes but please still try to remember these at some point. That’s all I ask. <3.
This blog has been established since January 1st, 2021. Independent and not affiliated with any role play group. Written by SERE.
( rules may be updated from time to time so please check here once in awhile. I will also post when these are updated as well ).
0 notes
jcligarcon-blog · 7 years
hey there !! for some reason my computer is hellbent on not loading popups for agirlingrey themes properly ; would you be willing to direct me to the address of your links or copy/paste under a read more please? thank you & sorry for the inconvenience!
I. HATEThis is a hate-free blog. If you have something to say, just say it. Please come talk to me, I’m really chill and I’ll try to understand what you have to say to the best of my ability. Any and all anon hate will not be tolerated and will be deleted and ignored or made fun of. Thank you. side note; again, if you are nervous to talk to me, don’t be! I’m really super chill and I love talking! II. DRAMAAlongside hate, please no drama– howver, IC drama is amazing and encouraged! Angst, love, hate, etc. all the dramas! Bring them to me! If you start drama with me ooc, that will also not be tolerated and you will immediately be put on the blacklist. OR Just talk to me and we’ll work it out. n.n But if something is bothering you irl, please don’t hesitate to come to me! I am proclaiming right now that I am a very good listener, and I will always be there to vent to or whatever you need. III. GOD MODDINGThere will be absolutely no controlling of my muse– no god modding. Please.The only times that it is acceptable is if you ask first in regards to an interaction, and if you’re writing a drabble–or something of the like. IV. SHIPPINGStanley is multi-ship by way of verses. That means one ship per verse, if such a thing should arise. That doesn’t mean you can force your ship on me. I ship Stanley and chemistry, please try to respect that. I also will not force any ships on you. But if you come and ask nicely, then we can talk about it, otherwise, it can happen naturally and organically. side note: Stanley is gay with but he's obvioulsy in love with LeFou. V. Triggers/NSFWYes, there will most likely be triggers. Everything will be tagged as such: tw; trigger. Also, there will probably be NSFW content as well. This will be tagged simply as nsfw. Any written content will be under a READ MORE. side note; Just because there will be NSFW content doesn’t mean I want to smut with you. I have to feel comfortable with the other mun, and I would prefer if it is discussed beforehand. Otherwise, fade to black. other side note: PLEASE TELL ME IF YOU HAVE SPECIFIC TRIGGERS SO I CAN TAG THEM APPROPRIATELY. VI. OPENS/STARTERSThere is a tag for all of my opens and starter posts if you would to play with my muse, just look in the navigation for one of those and respond! VII. VERSESIf there is a verse, or an AU that you would like to do with my muse, please please don’t be afraid to ask me about it! This is a multi-verse blog and while I am semi-selective, I’m not too terribly strict on who I interact with. I love love love AU’s. VIII. RP STYLEI roleplay para and icons. I don’t really do gifs because I have neither the time nor patience to find, and/or make them. I can also do inbox RP’s, if you so desire. Frankly, I do not care what style you RP with. side note; Given the current lack of material, this will for now mostly be a para only with little icon usage until better caps come out for the movie. IX. TAGGINGPlease please please tag me in posts, replies, etc. I track the tag JCLIGARCONXI. MOST IMPORTANTLYHAVE FUN! And keep in mind, that even though I have these rules, I’m extremely open minded and very flexible and I’m also really nice and don’t bite! This means that these are subject to change and not completely set in stone except for anon hate. side note; I know I’ve said this like three times, but seriously, come talk to me ooc! I love getting to know my partners! Skype is available upon request! I’m really nice I promise!
FULL NAME: Stanley Durant
NICKNAME: Stanley, Stan Steal Yo Man
AGE: 27-30 depending on verse
SPOKEN LANGUAGE: French, English
CURRENT LIVING CONDITIONS: House, moderate expenses.
OCCUPATION: Blacksmith
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