#this is a feat im no longer capable of
theycalledhimastar · 5 months
I demand your take on ABO 141 with a male reader PLEASE, there's never any good male stuff
Bestie do NOT give me this kind of brainrot, but also I accept the gift graciously-
Also, I had no idea what you wanted the male reader to be so there's a bit of everything so everyone's happy :) They come off a little oc-ish to me, the way I did the reader but oh well, I like it.
Forgive me for anything I got wrong, I'm not an A/B/O master guys. This was way longer than I initially planned, lol. Enjoy!
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Omegaverse!141 x Male reader!!!
I'm not the most bright brained alright, I agree with literally everyone else and I think Price and Ghost would both be Alphas with Gaz and Soap being betas, it just makes sense in my mind. The two Alphas need the cool-headed inbetweens to keep them from toppling everything and/or butting heads from too much hormones going around.
They're all fairly skeptical about yet another person joining them for any given reason, four people is plenty and having yet another person in the fray, while it might be helpful sometimes, is a bit of a balancing act to fit into their already perfect schedule. Changing things to accommodate you, while not the worst thing, isn't the most easy feat for everyone. Especially depending on what you are...
☄. *.
You were an Alpha, purebred, built like a brick wall and about as stubborn as one too. Although you weren't loud about it, you weren't going to let people forget tat you were not to be messed with. Raised with a bit of an ego as most purebred Alphas were, you knew you were destined for greatness from the moment you presented. Started physical and mental training as soon as you were old enough, the goal had always been the military for you, no doubts about it. But you had never imagined, in all your wildest dreams, that you would be a part of the task force.
Most people, upon first glance, would likely assume you fit right in, but shoehorning you in with two other alphas was way harder than anticipated, seeing as you immediately began trying to prove yourself before you had gotten settled in. Which, would have been adorable if you weren't so damn stubborn about it.
Ghost is working out? You join him without a second thought, attempting to lift twice as much as what he's doing. Of course, his numbers were already nothing to scoff at, so all you truly succeeded in, was nearly dropping the weight on your foot and damaging your precious alpha pride. "You alright there tough guy?" Ghost seemed amused by your ambitious failure.
"Shut up." Was all you growled in retaliation, storming off to go sulk elsewhere.
Soap is practicing at the range with Gaz? You grab a pistol and try to show off just how capable you are with it, easy right? Not really. You fumble in a way you weren't even sure you understood, and to put it simply, you missed the target significantly and blew an entire round trying to make amends. By the time you had finished it, the sergeants were trying not to lose their composure and die laughing at your cockiness despite it all. Damnit, you could normally do this all so easy, what the hell was wrong!? You set down the weapon with a nearly frightening calmness despite the seething rage in your chest that demanded respect as an alpha. Your self-righteous upbringing had done you no good now as you stormed off to go beat the shit out of the next inanimate object that pissed you off.
"How exactly did he make it here?" "Eh, cap says he's good. Let 'im cool off, I'm sure he knows what he's doin."
There was no cooling off, of course, as you ended up nearly punching a hole in the wall as you had graciously slammed into the doorway in your blind rage, smacking yourself square in the nose and nearly toppling over in pain. That was, quite honestly, the last straw for your dignity as you snarled something ferocious. Not caring that it had been rather close to the Captain's office until you were unceremoniously yanked back by your scruff, held face-to-face with the unamused John Price. Although you were an alpha, even you couldn't quite deny the effect his scent had on you now. Not one of anger, but certainly not a playful one either. He was projecting his authority, silently telling you to quiet down a little and stop being such a loudmouth showoff. Shame and something akin to an excited fear sparked briefly in the pit of your stomach before you cleared your throat and swallowed hard.
"Captain." You nodded shortly, not missing the way his hand tightened around the back of your neck.
"Heard you've been causing a bit of a ruckus for the others, been busy?" He raised a thick brow, making you swallow back your nerves. You attempted to shoot back some of your own alpha scent, but it felt puny and overpowered entirely by his.
"Not intentionally, sir."
"Let's settle down a little, you've barely been here a week, quit causing trouble or I'll have to take care of your behavior myself. Got it?" He leans close, you could swear he was breathing on the back of your neck now and you know for a fact your heart is racing for reasons you don't think are fear.
Not wanting to find out what he means by that just yet, you give a quick nod that seems to satisfy him enough to let you go. Allowing you to scamper back to your room, the adrenaline cushioning what was going to be a very hurt ego when it settled in that you had been grabbed by the collar and scolded like a child. Damnit, you would prove yourself one way or another...
☄. *.
You were a Beta, always being told you were unremarkable, nearly always forgotten in the squabble between Alphas and Omegas. So, in an effort to at least be something impressive to yourself, you took to bulking up. Genetics and luck both seemed to favor you as you certainly bulked up. To the point where you were constantly mistaken for an Alpha by anyone that didn't truly know you. If they did, they would know that you were far more of the beta disposition in reality. Laid back, cheerful, extroverted enough to make friends, but not gratingly so. The perfect addition to the task force at first glance...
Minus the fact that you were both clumsy, and a little bit ditsy from time to time.
Sure, you weren't incapable, you could definitely hold your own in battle. But it seemed that when the adrenaline wasn't pumping through your veins, you were a tangle of long limbs and jumbled thoughts. It was obvious that you weren't trying to be a mess, but the others seemed to assume you were up to something. Surely, a mountain of a man like you, such a capable Beta on the battlefield, can't be such a... dolt in real life, right?
The same man they had witnessed absolutely nail a small squadron all by his lonesome, had momentarily forgotten how to lace his boots after unlacing them entirely to replace them. And had practically tied his feet together.
"You think he knows he's doin' it wrong?" "Oh he has to by now... right?" "Guys, did I get it? I'm so confused, why is this so weird!?"
Not to say you were entirely unaware of yourself, you knew you were scatterbrained at times. But you didn't know that they had assumed you were taking them for a fool sometimes. The sergeants decided to confront you about it, with Soap cornering you after a particularly amusing incident.
"Mate, ye know we've seen ye on the field right?" He sighed, running his fingers through his overgrown curls. "uhh, yeah?" You kind of stared between the two of them, completely confused as to where the conversation was going. Gaz snuck behind you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder in a friendly manner. "Right, so you don't have to act like a total numpty off the field, you aren't foolin' anyone anymore." He chuckled, nudging your head with his playfully. It would have been a comforting thing, except for the fact that you had no clue what they were on about. "What do you mean?" "Stop acting like such a hare-brained dingus. Just be yourself, mate." He shook your shoulders gently, the two staring at you so earnestly, just trying to convince you to just be yourself around them. "Oh... About that..."
Of course after that, they both felt really bad and you had to explain for over an hour that no, it wasn't on purpose, yes, you were that messy sometimes, and no, you weren't mad for their assumption. Although Ghost certainly seemed to find it hilarious that you were such a gentle giant, and a total hot mess express. Not that he told you that, truth be told, he didn't feel the need to talk to you much off of the field. Not because he didn't like you, he simply felt you fit in so well with the betas and he didn't want to throw off things. Although he did want to know how you had gotten so huge naturally.
Price thinks you're downright precious with the stark contrast between on and off duty with you. It's like you become a completely different person and he can't help but smell the scent of a content beta every time he tells you that you've done him good. He was certain that everyone could tell just how excited you were when he referred to you as "his good lad". It was a simple nickname, rolled off his tongue before he could stop it, but you nearly lit up in elation. So now not only him, but everyone else makes an attempt to give you subtle little praises like that just to see you get all giddy, and to this date you have yet to notice, or at least say anything about it.
☄. *.
You were an omega, not what any of them expected when they were told that someone would be joining them, as omega were notoriously... well... Violence avoidant to put it simply. But you were not the type that wanted to feed into stereotypes. You wanted any excuse to not become some boring old stay-at-home omega that took care of children and housework. The parts of the world you had grown up in were very traditional and expected just that of you. "Settle down with a nice Alpha, have babies, live the peaceful life." Yeah right, it was like they didn't even know what you wanted.
So, in an effort to escape that life, you decided to enlist, and it turned out that you were... actually kinda good at it despite it all. Your fight or flight chose to flee more often than not, but that meant you were quick on your feet despite the stomach churning levels of anxiety that pulsed through your veins at any given moment. Your adrenaline raced and kept you moving before you could chicken out, and that made you a damn good soldier.
Off field was a different story but that didn't really matter seeing as you liked minding your own business and having your own space more often than not.
When you first met all of them, the aura of two alphas was quite a lot, especially as it seemed at least Ghost was projecting a little bit more than he needed to, getting across the point that there was an order to the way things were and you needed to not ruin that. (He's just nervous having an omega around as he isn't used to it and he isn't sure exactly how to act around you.)
Gaz is rather quick to step in and soothe you with his beta scent, like warm coffee and vanilla and something distinct that you hadn't ever smelled before. But it soothed your racing nerves and made you feel a little less alienated. Although with a nudge from John, Ghost realized he was only successfully scaring you, and he cut it out just as quickly.
Johnny is excited to have an omega around, although he doesn't really treat you any different than Gaz. It's the equivalent of short people acting different when they're around someone shorter than them, yknow? Like he doesn't see you as beneath him, he just knows you're different than anything he's been around and he's nosey about absolutely everything.
"Do all Alphas scare you?" "No... why would they?" "I dunno, it seemed like every omega I met before was either addicted to Alphas or terrified of em." "Uh, no, I think you just knew weird people before."
Another thing, is that Price seems to view you as a sort of stray cat. Skittish if anyone approached you a little too loudly or excitedly, but plenty sweet if they got to know you. At least, that was how it was in his head. In reality, you were just an introverted guy who wanted to at least get along with his teammates and they thought you were the cutest thing ever. Sometimes, John would call you into his office just to tell you that he noticed your hard work and he was proud of you. He loved the way your cheeks flushed whenever he got close or projected his scent a little extra, filling the room with the scent of expensive cigars and warm, woody cologne. It made you a little fuzzy int eh head and he could tell, so he avoided using it. But the face you made when you got all spacey and distracted during meetings because you were sandwiched between him and Ghost, it was just too good to resist.
"You alright there sergeant?" "Yes sir, all-all good." "You look a little flushed, you sure you're not coming down with something?" He pressed the back of his hand to your forehead, trying not to smile wider when your eyes widened just slightly. "Positive, Captain..." You squeaked.
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skellys-selfships · 9 months
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Rayman relationship headcanons {gender neutral reader}
(side note: while these hc's are based on the canon Rayman, i haven't picked a specific version from the games, kinda an amalgamation if you will, anyways enjoy! i'm a bit rusty at this </3)
• it wasn't hard to get closer to Rayman as a friend seeing as he's very outgoing. the idea of dating however was completely unexpected to him
• he slept for 100 years he doesn't know crap about confessing feelings (poor bby😭)
• he's not gonna be the one to make the first move, as much as he wants to
• much to your surprise, under that energetic personality, he's pretty sappy when given affection
• he doesn't usually like when people try to touch his hair, but you're an exception ;)
• on rare occasions when not overwhelmed by shyness, he'll discreetly grab hold of your hand, or when the two of you are alone, he'll nuzzle his snoot against your neck
• give him lil scratches under his chin, he purrs-
• he really likes it when you sing to him <3 he'll absolutely return the favor
• while expressing his feelings with words is a bit nerve-wracking for him, he finds others ways to show you he cares, leaving you small gifts and surprising you with flowers are just a few ways he does so
• if you ever catch him off guard by saying something extremely flirtatious, he'll go completely silent but his entire face going red gives away how you make him feel
• when you show him physical affection, he'll always return the favor, it just takes a little courage for him to do so
• he really likes nuzzling and kissing your neck and shoulders, not justvbecause you're particularly sensitive there, but those are both parts of the body he lacks, he's really curious 👁👁
• he is awful and extremely cheesy at flirting but is genuinely sweet when the two of you are alone and he tries his best to just let you know how he feels
• in terms of heroes capable of incredible feats, he's pretty humble. but if you ever call him "your hero" he'll nearly melt into a puddle
• you're the first partner he's really had, don't embarrass him too much when he introduces you to his friends
• if you ever ask him why his limbs float, don't. he has no clue either don't ask him if "other parts" of him float too, he will curl up into his own hoodie out of embarrassment and not come out
• he's a good listener, not just because he's a man of few words but he's just naturally a problem solver to his core
• the longer the two of you are together, the more his outgoing nature rubs off into his love life, you find him initiating things more, coming up behind you to surprise you with a little kiss every now n then
• while he's very sweet and chipper, he has 0 issue with fighting for you, wether in your honor or to ever rescue you
• no matter how old he is, he's never too old to be a bit silly, it's easy for him to brighten the mood with half of the faces he pulls. sometimes during very inopportune moments he'd look at you with the most goofy expression just to make you burst out laughing with no context
• he takes care of you so much and never asks for anything im return, getting affection and praise from you makes him simply wanna explode sometimes. he absolutely adores you💜🧡
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milkovski · 2 years
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wondernimbus · 4 years
everything you didn’t say — draco malfoy
pairing: draco malfoy x female!reader
summary: reader has secrets of her own. a party at the malfoy manor reveals them.
a/n: i had to rewrite this bc im dumb n my first draft didn't save which was Very upsetting but anyways i hope you like it :'') 
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“Well, don’t you look dashing.”
Draco’s eyes snap up in the mirror.
[Y/N] is standing in his doorway, having somehow opened the door without him noticing. She has one shoulder leaning on the doorframe, arms folded over her chest, eyebrows raised. There is a glint in her eye that Draco knows all too well; that of playfulness, of fondness. One he has long since associated with safety.
He breathes out a short laugh. “How long have you been standing there?” Draco asks, ringed fingers deftly resuming to work on his tie, but he isn’t having much success. He feels far too jittery, and as a result he keeps accidentally knotting it, only to unwind the silk and try again, over and over like some messed up routine.
Watching her through the mirror’s reflection, he sees [Y/N] step into the room. She’s wearing a plain black dress; lace sleeves, collarbones in display, the silver necklace he’d given her hanging around her neck.
“Long enough to find out that you’re a grown seventeen year old who doesn’t know how to tie his own tie.”
Draco still has it in him to roll his eyes, to let out a short-lived laugh. “I do,” he mutters, yanking a little at the fabric in frustration. “It’s just..”
[Y/N] swiftly pads across his room to join him at the dresser, a tiny grin playing across her lips. Standing in front of him, she gently knocks his hands away so as to work on his tie herself.
“Nerves?” she says quietly. The grin on her lips falls slightly as she fixes her gaze on his tie, hands quickly working to loop the loose ends together.
Draco inhales sharply. His palms are clammy, his heart is beating too fast inside of his chest—to say that he’s dealing with nerves would be an understatement.
”You could say that,” he decides, curling and uncurling his fists at his sides. When she looks up to meet his gaze, he tries for a weak smile, if only to quell the storm inside his heart.
”It’ll be fine,” [Y/N] tells him with a pursed smile. She’s done tying his tie. Her hands move to rest on his shoulders, which are covered with his suit jacket. His mother had insisted he wear it, just as her own mother had no doubt insisted [Y/N] wear her dress; it is somewhat of a special occasion, after all, although what they are celebrating is hardly something that neither draco nor [Y/N] feel too ecstatic about it.
”There’ll be drinks,” continues [Y/N] with a lilting tone, thumbs smoothing over the creases of his suit. “And..”
She trails off. There isn’t really much to say.
”Dancing?” Draco suggests half-heartedly.
There is one brief second in which their eyes meet, and both of their lips are already beginning to quirk up at the corners, and then the next they are both breaking out into laughter. And it’s not the kind that hurts your stomach or has you pounding your fists on the ground, but it’s laughter nonetheless—a little rigid, a little heavy-hearted, but it’s just as relieving.
[Y/N]’s shoulders wrack with subtle giggles. “Yeah,” she agrees, nodding. “And I suspect Greyback will be giving a motivational speech.”
Draco feels his lips tug up into a crooked grin. “Hear my aunt might skip out on the party. She’s got knitting to do, you see.”
Both of them let themselves paint a picture inside their head: the infamous, untamed Bellatrix, sitting in a quiet corner with a quilt in her lap, humming a little tune to herself.
[Y/N] throws her head back in a loud laugh, and this time it’s not quite as tense. Draco watches her, laughing quietly on his own, and suddenly his heart doesn’t feel quite so heavy anymore.
He watches as the last of her giggles dissipate, and she is smiling down at her shoes again, and then back up at him.
“We’ll be okay,” she tells him softly, once more reaching out, but not to tie his tie or to smoothen out the creased fabric of his suit, but to card her fingers through his hair the way she knows relaxes him.
Staring down at her—holding her gaze, which is warm and comforting and reminiscent of simpler times, like when she would sneak into his bed at Hogwarts and they would whisper and laugh quietly into the night, taking care not to wake up any of his roommates—Draco allows himself to breathe. To feel like himself again; a boy in love and nothing more.
”Yeah,” he says, closing his eyes, leaning forward to lean his forehead on hers. “Yeah, we will.”
Gatherings at the Malfoy Manor were usually a grand event; peacocks would mill about the lawn, some wandering past the large castle doors and into the drawing room, where the guests would stroke their feathers in admiration with one hand and hold a glass of the finest mulled wine in the other as they spoke among themselves, laughing and boasting offhandedly about the ancient living room set they'd imported from France or their children's future careers. Sometimes one would have enough courage to bring up the notion of arranged marriages, only for Narcissa Malfoy to turn them down and say that Draco would choose for himself when the time came, veering the conversation away towards things like ministry connections.
Parties happened often back then—not as much to celebrate as to fill up the overly large halls of the manor with pointless chatter—but things have changed. It’s been a while since the Malfoys last opened their doors to guests.
Does this count as a party? Draco wonders to himself, watching Death Eaters filter into the drawing room, some wearing sickening grins and others looking dead inside.
There are no more wandering peacocks. No more music, no more friendly guests eager to wed their children into the Malfoy family. There are only murderers. Death Eaters. There is laughter, but the kind that has Draco feeling uneasy.
Things have changed. Draco wonders if it's for the better.
He knows he and [Y/N] can't hide here forever—at the edge of the shadowed banister overlooking the entrance hall—but they stay there for as long as they can, until his grim-looking mother comes up the staircase and beckons for them to join the party.
Party. Ha.
So Draco and [Y/N] trail after Narcissa, who leads them into the drawing room, where most of the Death Eaters have gathered. No peacocks, no music, but there is wine, and almost everyone is clutching a glass of it.
He feels [Y/N]'s fingers graze against his. Looking over at her, she sees him staring placidly in front of her, meeting no one's gaze, but she seems to feel his eyes on her—so she turns her head to the side, and Draco sees her facade slip away for the smallest of split seconds as the look on her face softens and she gives him this small, reassuring smile.
He can almost hear her voice inside his head: we'll be okay.
Draco swallows. Nods just a fraction of an inch.
People clap him on the back as he passes, congratulating him and [Y/N] for a job well done at fixing the Vanishing Cabinet. Draco nods mutely and lets [Y/N] do the talking—she has always been better at keeping her composure, masking her true thoughts.
"Could never have imagined it," cackles Alecto Carrow, marching up to them in the middle of the large room. Her cheeks are already tinged pink with intoxication, voice a higher pitch than usual. "Most I expected from you lot was.. well, nothing, really. Doubted you could even fix a dresser, much less a whole bloody cabinet!" she shrieks with laughter, some of the wine from her glass spilling onto the floor.
[Y/N]'s gaze is stony. "Thank you."
Alecto’s nose wrinkles, her chortles dying down. "Thank you?" she repeats. "S'that all you have to say?"
For a brief, horrifying moment, Draco almost thinks [Y/N] is going to bite back with a sarcastic remark—but things have changed and there is a mark on her arm now, so instead she says, flatly, "It wasn’t an easy feat." A slight pause. "We’re just as surprised as you."
Alecto grins. She seems satisfied. "Well, 'course it wasn't an easy feat, or at least for you." She takes a big swig out of her glass. "Could’ve done it myself in ten minutes, isn't that right, Amycus?"
Her brother Amycus snickers but doesn't reply. Draco knows it's because he doubts Alecto's claims just as much as they do; she doesn't seem capable of writing even a bloody paragraph on her own.
"Well," says [Y/N]. "We appreciate your.. praise."
Draco almost snorts. It’s uncharacteristic of her to be so formal, and most of all to take the high road when being insulted. He knows that if things were different, if their lives weren't on the line, she wouldn't be standing here at Draco's side—no, her wand would be at Alecto's throat.
But that little bit of humor quickly fades when Draco finds Amycus staring at [Y/N], uncouth eyes roaming from her lips to her exposed collarbones, the skin hiding just underneath the lace of her sleeves, the dress hugging her figure—
Draco feels anger flare up, hot and heavy inside of his chest. Unconsciously, he finds himself stepping forward, urged on by that unpleasant feeling worming its way into his stomach, curling his hands into fists, tinging the tips of his ears red as his fingers edge closer to the wand inside his pocket.
¨What are you looking at, boy?¨ Amycus sneers, meeting his gaze.
Draco thinks, at that moment, that magic would hardly be fit to put this ugly brute of a man in his place—no, he´d much rather use his fists, pummel them into that crooked nose of his until he kneels at [Y/N]’s feet and begs for her forgiveness, because no one should look at her like that—
[Y/N] is whispering something, but he can´t hear it through the blood rushing in his ears.
But all of a sudden, Amycus’s gaze changes. He is no longer looking at Draco; rather, at something over his shoulder, and then he is bowing his head, eyes downcast.
All it takes Draco is a brief glance behind him to realize why.
He hears [Y/N] now: he’s here. He’s here.
An odd hush has fallen over the large room. The cause is easy to pinpoint; the Dark Lord has appeared at the entrance of the large drawing room, bringing with him a familiar sense of foreboding as everyone’s breath seems to hitch. It’s funny, in a sick way, how easily the atmosphere has shifted from something like ease to suffocating tension. How Alecto, who had been cackling into her glass of wine just moments before, now looks like a dog called to heel. How Amycus has torn his hungry gaze away from [Y/N] to instead stare down obediently at his feet. How Draco’s own parents, who stand a few feet away from the Dark Lord at the entrance, have their lips pursed and their hands clasped in front of them in submission.
Draco would laugh, but he is one of them now, and his head is hung just like the rest of them.
¨My, my,¨ says the Dark Lord, tone soft. ¨What a lovely party.¨
It had been he, the Dark Lord, who had suggested the idea of a celebration to revere in Draco´s and [Y/N]´s success. Not out of fondness, of course, but out of sheer spite for the Malfoys, caused by Lucius’s failure at the Department of Mysteries. This party was just another part of his little mind games; not only had he forced their son, Draco, to let Death Eaters loose inside Hogwarts, but he was now forcing them to celebrate it.
But why is he here?
It had been he who proposed the party, but no one had expected the Dark Lord to actually come. He had other things of actual importance to attend to: things that involved torture and kidnap and blackmail. He was on the brink of taking over the Ministry of Magic, and thus was a busy man—the Dark Lord only goes where he is needed, and not to pointless parties.
Draco swallows.
So why is he here?
¨It is only right, of course,¨ Voldemort continues, his voice still so oddly soft, like he´s addressing children, ¨That we celebrate the success of our young Death Eaters. The task I gave them was not an easy one, I’m afraid, and yet they prevailed, in the end, and proved themselves to us.¨
He wonders if Voldemort has spotted him and [Y/N], and feels bile rise at the back of his throat. Draco doesn´t want him anywhere near her.
Just leave, Draco thinks to himself, his teeth gritted so tight he hears how they scrape inside his skull. Just leave.
“I must admit, a few months ago I had my doubts.. but now here we are, applauding them, congratulating them for a job well done, treating them as one of our own.. welcoming them.”
[Y/N] has inched closer to him. A moment later she feels her fingers weaving through his, squeezing his palm so tight Draco knows without having to look that her knuckles have turned a ghostly white.
He squeezes back, thinking that she might just be as surprised as him. Just as nervous.
It’ll be okay, he tries to tell her without saying it out loud. He´s too scared to speak. It’ll be okay.
¨And yet even as we toast to their names..¨
Draco keeps his head down. He can hear the sound of Voldemort´s robes rasping against the floor as he moves about the room.
But that is not the only thing he hears. Cold sweat trickles down the side of his temple, because in the Dark Lord’s voice he hears an edge. He senses danger.
A thought bounces around Draco’s skull as he fixes his gaze intently on his shoes: why is he here?
"Even as we welcome them with open arms.. as we let them walk among us unharmed, revered, almost, for their bravery..¨
¨Draco,¨ [Y/N] repeats, a little louder this time but only for his ears, and if the room wasn´t so quiet he wouldn´t have heard her ragged, almost panicked breathing, but it was and he did. 
He senses uneasy movement from behind him. One of the other Death Eaters.
¨Despite our kindness, one of them dares to turn away from us. One of them dares—¨ The Dark Lord´s voice grows colder, angrier, losing control and then all of a sudden softening again after a pregnant pause; ¨One of them dared.. dares to feed information to the fools that call themselves the Order of the Phoenix.¨
Draco hears the collective murmur of surprise that ripples through the room.
“Draco.” [Y/N]’s grip on his hand, if possible, tightens.
¨One of them dares betray us.¨
There is a brief moment of confusion on Draco´s part. He turns his head to look at [Y/N], brows furrowed as he struggles to make sense of the Dark Lord´s words.
But then Draco meets her eyes. Sees the look on her face.
¨I´m sorry,¨ she whispers, and realization hits him like a burst of icy cold water.
¨Seize her,¨ Voldemort says coldly. When Draco looks up, he sees that he is halfway across the room but his gaze is fixed on them—on [Y/N].
Amycus and Alecto are the first to move. They drop their glasses with no hesitation, sending them to the floor where they break into a hundred tiny pieces, and grab [Y/N] by the arms. She resists, wrestling in their arms, but the string of words that leave her mouth aren´t curses, nor are they pleas to let her go; no, they are apologies, repeated over and over again like a mantra as she desperately holds Draco´s gaze—”I’m sorry, Draco. I’m sorry.”
He watches as they yank [Y/N] across the floor, towards the Dark Lord, away from him. His lungs have stopped working, his heart is pounding wildly somewhere inside his throat, and [Y/N] is being roughly thrown at the Dark Lord´s feet—
Draco can´t breathe. His mind is buzzing, blanking out to a field of white, noise and heat colliding and melting until he can´t think through the blood rushing in his ears.
“Pity,” the Dark Lord whispers, gripping her chin harshly, jerking it up so that she would look at him. 
“I thought you'd proved yourself to be worthy of my praise, but instead it seems you've proved yourself to be rather the opposite—“
She snaps her head away. “Fuck you.”
“You, my child, have proved yourself to be a fool.”
“You´re never going to win.”
The Dark Lord seems unfazed. A grin splits wide on his face, stretching his lips into an uncannily amused grin as he stares down at the girl at his feet for a few seconds before nodding—and then turning around, twirling his wand in his hands—when had he pulled it out?
“And now, my brothers and sisters.”
Draco doesn’t feel his feet move underneath him, but they do.
“Lo and behold what happens to ungrateful fools who turn us away believing that they are saving the world, when in fact they are ruining themselves.”
Everything happens so quickly that Draco barely has any time to react; Voldemort raises his wand, and it seems to almost shine in the light as he points it directly towards [Y/N]—the Dark Lord´s mouth opens, the spell resting on the tip of his tongue, [Y/N] at the opposite end of his wand—
It’s as though something inside of Draco has snapped, like he is being jarred awake. He doesn´t think—just darts forward with no real goal in mind other than to put himself in between Voldemort and [Y/N], but then there are hands grabbing at his arms, holding him back—
“Let go of me!” his tone is feral. He jabs his elbow into someone´s stomach, trying desperately to wrestle himself free, but the more Death Eaters he rips off of him, the more take their place. “[Y/N]!” he is breathless. “[Y/N]—”
The Dark Lord is going to kill her. He´s going to bloody kill her.
“Draco,” he hears his mother´s voice but doesn’t see her—he´s too busy thrashing wildly in the arms of whoever has hold of him, yelling out profanities and curses and [Y/N]´s name; “Draco, come. You don´t want to see this.”
“Let fucking go of me!”
But then the Dark Lord´s voice cuts through the havoc—¨Let him stay.¨
“[Y/N]!” Draco shouts, gritting his teeth. There are tears in his eyes; he doesn´t realize they´re there until they´ve fallen and he tastes them on his tongue. “Don´t touch her! Don´t fucking touch her!”
But the Dark Lord is, once again, unfazed. He turns his gaze to Draco but doesn´t lower his wand. “Watch, my child,” he says, voice ringing throughout the room, cold and unforgiving. “And pay close attention. This is what happens to cowards. To fools. To ungrateful scum.”
[Y/N]´s back is turned to Draco, and maybe it is better that way, because when the Dark Lord raises his wand, he doesn´t have to see the light leave her eyes.
Draco feels the entire world slow down. A single thought appears inside the ruined mess that is his mind, almost as if it’s mocking him—[Y/N] has always been better at masking her true thoughts. At hiding things; even from him. 
We’ll be okay, [Y/N] had told him.
She had lied.
¨Avada Kedavra!¨
general taglist:  @dancing-in-the-moonlight3 @kalimagik @alittletoomanyobsessions @hariosborn @obsessedwithrandomthings @emcchi @sxrensxngwrites @enjoying-fantasyland21 @masterofthedarkness @siriusly-addicted-to-writing @bforbroadway @hufflefluff-writer @summer-writes @chaotic-fae-queen @firewhisky-kisses @dracosvftie @heloisedaphnebrightmore @idont-knowrn @dreamer821 @peachesandpinks @slytherinprincess03​ @chocfrogaddict @nebulablakemurphy​ ​@kpopgirlbtssvt​ @lumielikesbooks​ @teheharrypotter​ @susceptible-but-siriusexual @chaoticgirl04
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hitoshisbabygirl · 3 years
Author's Notes ♡: hello hello! Welcome to another BNHAREM collab! This theme of office/work au just gave me so many ideas for some other characters I’m excited! Anywhooo I enjoyed writing this fic out a lot and surprised at how long it is actually! I tried to do a bit of progress between the reader and Shinsou but it might seem a bit jumpy, it’s over the course of a few months jump betweeneach scene!I hope you guys enjoy and check out the others fics too!! ~ bunny ❥
Warnings : NSFW! Tying up (only a little?) , pet names! (Kitten slut and princess!) oral (f! receiving) and I think that’s all!
Word count : 5.5k (another big boy!)
Paring(s) : Shinsou Hitoshi x F!reader
Summary : Falling for your boss was a feat in itself, but what happens when he wants you for himself the same way you do?
Enjoy ♡
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Working as a pro heros assistant has its perks and stressors, especially when the one you work for is the spitting image and personality of the one Mr. Shouta Aizawa ; aka Eraserhead. Quiet, tired, sarcastic but a joy to be around when the two of you could be alone , his sarcastic jokes and overall tiredness with whoever bothered him who wasn't his assistant was a fun thing to hear, especially knowing how he is. Becoming his assistant came as an odd thing too, from him saying he sees how much she worked and seeing the work she was capable of was the catalyst for him asking for her name and for her to be moved to be his assistant. And that's how [ ] found herself speed walking her way to her bosses office, tea , a bottle of water and some type of sweet muffin in her one handed tray and his files in another. Trying not to drop anything as she got closer to his door she pushed the door as hard as she could with a healed foot, sighing in relief as she was able to put everything down without incident. Hearing the door creak after she entered [ ] turned around to face her violet haired boss, a lopsided smile on his face as she straightened up “ H-hello Mr.Shinsou I have everything out for your meeting ; There's the food you requested and all of your files and documents about the the next briefing mission!” Smiling at the taller male his own smirk widened as he shut his door and strolled passed her, the smell of cologne and body wash waving over her senses.
“Thank you [ ]. You always take good care of me, '' Hitoshi said as he sat at his desk and started to open up the files, sipping the tea she brought him. Trying not to let that phrase make her skin tingle with pride [ ] started to leave, letting him be him with his work [ ] headed to the door before Hitoshi looked up and saw her leaving “Oh [ ]” he called out as she turned around , crossing her hands over her skirt that rose on her legs ``Y-yes sir?” “You look pretty today, as usual.” and there it was, the usual complimenting that [ ] wasn't used to. The compliments picked up within a few months of [ ] working with Hitoshi, the two starting already with a good work relationship from the beginning to a more comfortable friendship at work balance. For some reason [ ] couldn't help but notice she was the only female around him that he acted like this with, not comments towards her other female employees, he barely spared them a look as he saw them in the halls or gave them a small answer back to their cheery comments. But when he came over to see [ ] it was a different energy, he was more friendly, he talked a bit more about things he enjoyed and even laughed some! [ ] never even noticed the difference until some of the other workers said they were happy she had joined them because she made their boss more relaxed and calm as opposed to tired and snappy. Shaking her thoughts away she noticed Hitoshi was still looking at her, head resting on his hands as he looked her over before looking at the mess of papers under him “You ordered them for me huh? What did i do to deserve such a wonderful assistant.” He said as [ ] felt the praise make her chest swell. “I try sir” , giving her another smile as he sat back in his chair. “I have another meeting this week I'd like you to sit in on. You're smart and can help me with notes on the lesson if you wouldn't mind?” opening a shut eye Hitoshi saw the confusion then joy that ran through [ ]’s eyes “I'd love to Sir! It'd be an honor to sit in and help you!” She said as he gave him a smile he was selfishly enjoying only for him “ Great. And you can call my Hitoshi [ ], no need for honorifics when we’re pretty good friends now hm?” giggling [ ] shook her head “Sure thing Hitoshi '' Ah there it was for him, the sweet sound of his name on her lips. Watching as she bowed and left he couldn't help the raging thoughts running through his head as his meetings for the day proceeded as planned.
The next few days were odd to say the least. After his meetings Hitoshi was more quiet, slipping in and out of his office without interaction or barely a glance at even his closest friends. He didn't tell [ ] what he needed, more of a list he left the night before and gave her small but barely there smiles when she brought them to him or even brought snacks as his days drained on. This was the boss shinsou she heard of , not the hitoshi she was accustomed to. One day as [ ] sat in her room across the way from her said boss she heard a call for her, someone saying that Mr.Shinsou was needing her. Nervous about what he could need from her when he's already in a bad mood she headed up to his office before knocking softly, hearing a grunt ‘Come in’ from the other side. His office was relatively dark, just the natural light coming from the gian window from behind his grand desk. And sitting at his desk was a sight to behold. There he was, long curly purple hair tousled around as his rolled up sleeves of his normal office clothes laid tightly against his forearm, the few top buttons of the dress shirt opened to reveal the hard muscles built up as a pro hero should have. A face of tiredness, irritability and overall done was evident on his features, but as soon as his eyes met [ ]’s they seemed to have life comeback to them “Ah, you got my message” He said, his voice was laced with sleep, if the darker than normal bags under them wasn't even enough. Even with his sounding half asleep [ ] couldn't help the fluttering she felt from hearing him sound more...rough around the edges than usual “Y-yes i did , seem like you're tired sir can i help with anything?” Now having the man turn fully to face her she saw the look in his eyes , an almost mischievous glint in them as he rolled his shoulders ``This might be an odd request but..mind helping me stretch? I've been keeping up with field work and in the office too but with it all I seem to be overworking my body, I'm sore all over and not getting sleep is well….doing its damage” he huffed out a laugh as [ ] tried to hide the shock and excitement of his questioning. Being that close to her boss, a man she's come to not only admire but has caught a bit of a crush on asking her for help? But she thought it over ‘ I'm his assistant , its what im paid for’
Strolling over to him she gently put her hands on his shoulders and pushed, hearing the male under her groan as he laid back into her gestures “Fuck...I knew youd be an amazing masseuse..” he grumbled under his breath as he laid father back, sliding his shoulders deepeer into her hands as [ ] tried not to let herself to be affected with her bosses words “Dont be shy [
], you can push harder on me , I won't break y'know..” Hitoshi joked as she laughed, pressing her nails into his shoulders as a sinful moan was ripped from his throat. Feeling her face heat up [ ] just rubbed the knots from his shoulders, suppressing a squeal as the sound the violet haired man made increased. Rubbing over the back of his neck and shoulders all of the main knots she felt seemed to have worked out. Softly she stepped away from him and called out “I-Im all done sir, unless you need more?” hearing him groan as he stood she was faced with dark eyes looking her over “Those little hands of yours did wonders for me sweetheart, i should have you be my physical therapist too” laughing [ ] pushed his chest and crossed over the side of his desk to the chair that was across from his “Oh please it was nothing but me trying to loosen up your muscles!” crossing his desk as well Hitoshi came behind his assistant, placing his much larger hands on her shoulders ``Well why don't I return the favor, you've been helping me with all this paperwork and now being a masseuse for me...it's the least I can do'' he whispered in her ear as she let out an involuntary whine , feeling his hands tighten with his warm breath hitting her ear. Taking his thumbs Hitoshi did the same, rolling her muscles out of being tight and wound up, but making sure to do more teasing than [ ] expected. Every so often he whispered “Is that okay?” or some type of small praise, making sure to acknowledge . He was drawing it out on purpose, making sure to move closer to her with every push, or have her whimper with a hard roll or pinch of his larger fingers. Just as she had done he pulled away , but not before rubbing up her arms and giving that same lazy smile “Well I hope i was able to compete with your expert massage” Still overwhelmed she just shook her head and agreed , letting their eyes mingle longer before the phone ringing broke the silence. Sighing Hitoshi went back to his seat, picking the line up before answering “Hello this is Mind Jack” rolling his eyes the man answered, pushing his rolling chair side to side as he was listening to whoever called. [ ] could see how tense he was starting to get, those same shoulders sinking back to their tense state as he continued to drain on with whoever was on the other side “Yeah...the back was the way they seemed to bring in other collateral. Taking a pen from his desk and scrap paper [ ] wrote ‘I can leave and get you some tea if you want it’ and slid it to the violet haired male, his eyes glancing to the paper and back to hers. Snorting he took the pen and replied ‘You're too cute. I'm fine.’ frowning she wrote back ‘But you look stressed again :(‘.
Before she could slide it to him the sound of him yelling shocked her “Well of course there's a problem , no ones keeping a proper tab on him!” Jumping slightly at his hand hitting the wooden desk [ ] covered her squeal, looking up to see the furious eyes of the intimidating man soften before he pointed to her, curling his finger for her to come closer. Hesitantly she did, getting very close before he patted a thigh, shocking the girl. Before she could question him he slid the paper back to her “im sorry :(, mind sitting down with me? Could use a different set of ears for whatever this shit he's telling me...Unless you're uncomfortable, consent is key here and i'm not an opportunist :)’ Smiling at the small note she crossed over his leg to sit in his lap, hesitantly placing her weight down before hearing the older sounding man say something “One second Shin, gotta go get some files and the line was silent. Pushing the speaker and setting the handle down on the holding phone, Hitoshi rubbed at his forehead “This is a pain….I guess the lead we hand on a drug distributor is true but no ones properly following him..I might need to leave the office to follow from higher ground” He spoke up after sensing [ ]’s eyes on his closed ones ``But you should be resting ‘toshi not overworking” [ ] said as she felt his hand wrapping around her waist “God you're too good for me woman, sometimes I wonder how I can keep my composer around such a good girl'' Straightening her back [ ] felt her face heat up , a tingle running though her spine as he continued, getting closer to her ear “Yknow, you're always on edge with me, why is that pretty girl?” Whimpering she felt his hand stroke the mesh of her stockings “Always wearing such cute little outfits...you're like a doll” holding in her breath she gasped when she felt his fingers pinch her thigh “You still didn't answer me [ ]...” Clearing her throat she spoke up “You're just a bit intimidating is all sir..hitoshi” shr admitted as he chuckled , tightening his grasp on her waist “So I intimidate you huh sweetheart?” moving his hand away he just laid back, giving [ ] rome to breathe “You can relax,, I'm used to others ebing a bit scared of me so it's not that big of a surprise.” chuckling, he continued “ You don't have to stay on me , I was just being selfish with you”
Feeling a bit sad at his wording, [ ] turned herself around to look at him, and immediately regretted it. He looked perfect, body sprawled and relaxed on the leather office chair, a similar button up, this time black , was still left open , leaving his neck opened to see. The lazy tired look he always radiates was there, being a sense of calm from him. Since he was in the office he now wore more jewelry , a set of plain titanium bands fit over his fingers. That casually was scrolling his phone. Feeling herself staring too much [ ] cleared her throat and whispered “Well I like you...so I like it up here” And that phrase snapped Hitoshi from his scrolling “What did you just say?” realizing her open thought to herself actually was heard by him she froze, starting to rise from his lap “Ah nothing just-” “[ ], what did you just say to me..” grabbing her arm before she could get far enough she was jerked back to his face. Questioning eyes stared back at the nervous and faltering ones that stared back. “I said I didn't mind being on your lap..” She said as he smirked “But why?” Looking away from his piercing stare she let out a small snort “Well because its kinda comfy” The smirk on his face turned into a grin “That's not what I heard kitten try again” Feeling the heat spread to her face she tried to pull here arm from him only for him to hold it tighter “I..didn't say anything else” clicking his tongue he got closer, putting his nose close others “You said you liked me, or maybe my own thoughts are starting to take over” “What do you mean Hitoshi..?” Flicking his eyes to hear he realized what could happen so taking in a breath he continued “If you don't say it then I will...I like you [ ], the months you've been working for me has been the best time for me...I'M selfish with you..and i want you all to myself..I'm the boss here afterwards, so no ones really gonna question if I decide to make you mines”
Gasping at his confession [ ] tried to hide her face until a hand grabbed her chin “But if I was wrong hearing what you said then..I won't push it” Letting her face and arm go he leaned back in that chair, looking at her. Sucking in her own breath [ ] looked at him and spoke “Yes, I said I liked you, and I do, I've had one since the third week here and now its been months, I enjoy being your assistant, I like being able to make you happy and I...really enjoy being around you..” Meeting his eyes again she saw his smile before he put his phone down “Well with that squared away.. Why don't you come here kitten” By dropping his voice and rolling up the sleeves of his shirt [ ] felt like she'd just opened one of the best and scariest doors she could imagine. That was, until the phone rerung. Side eyeing it Shinsou still held a hand out for her, pulling her swiftly to his lap before answering “Yes Sir?” he started again but this time his hand traveled south, rubbing up and down the back of [ ] as he listened to the man on the other side of the phone. Something he said made the boy grab her waist hard, causing her to let out a sound of discomfort. Hearing that the violet haired male looked at her before whispering a soft “Sorry” and pulling her closer. [ ] saw what he meant ; the senior officer was all over the place, no one knew where anything from the heroes’ agencies were, all the papers, notes and documents on the case seemed misplaced or missing pieces and parts.
Focused on listening to the man on the phone as well, she felt herself start to lay on his shoulder to better hear him, slightly curling up on her boss's lap. Gently a ring clad finger slid under [ ]’s shirt, the cool metal cooling off her burning skin. Still buzzing off his confession she decided to be a bit bold, jutting her hip out so he’d have a hand full of her thigh if he wanted to. Still talking to the man on the line, Shinsou threw her a look, raising a brow before taking the invitation to the now more exposed flesh. “Now Hitoshi-kun I think we could work on a few different ways to trap him, I can send some undercover men to join you in his apprehension, this is our fault for losing him and if we come up with a good enough plan we can begin to execute it!” Humming in agreement Shisou felt himself becoming distracted by his assistant who was whimpering at his ministrations, fingers tightening on his shoulder as she let him rub over her hip, down to her ass and squeezing , before with every touch going lower. “Sure sensei lets..work on some places that we could..potentially set up” feeling the ghosting lips of [ ] on his neck Shinsou slid his hand lower to cup over her cheek , a warning that he'd go lower. Pecking a spot on his neck was the push, the same ring clad fingers going between her skirt and pulling the mesh from her core, causing her to gasp out. Smirking as she got back was a kiss to her temple before he rubbed just his knuckle against her core that was starting to weep. Signing out in content she couldn't help herself, knowing that he still was on the phone with the man fumbling to write up things to fax over she grabbed the sides of his shirt to smash their lips together, a grunt falling from the violet as he groaned, dipping in to kiss her deeper until he heard his name “Hitoshi-kun?” Breathlessly he pulled away from the kiss, seeing [ ] pout as he grinned, stuffing a finger inside of the hole he made and pulled her soiled panties from her lower lips ``Ahem , yeah i'm here sir, sorry just had my assistant bring me some papers and I got distracted” Licking at his lips he continued to talk to the chief while rubbing her little bud casually talking to him as he faxed over details.
An agonizing half an hour later they were done and so was his teasing. As soon as the chief said he'd call later and they hung up [ ] was on him, trying to kiss him as he slipped his fingers out and away from the mess dripping between her legs ``Well well well, the kitten can be bold when it comes to being teased'' Letting out a high pitched whine she when to kiss him again but he moved, going for her neck. “Patience sweetheart, I'm not even gonna do anything.” Pulling her up higher on his lap and cradling her waist his lust filled eyes looked over her heaving chest and wide eyes looking at his “You okay? I didn't mean to scare you with how fast we were moving” Shinsou rasped out at her. Feeling heat creep up her neck she shook her head ``'m fine, great actually. Just very um..needy” Laughing at her words he leaned up to kiss her cheek “Well I hope you know i'm not done with you...I’ll let you finish those papers that were sent over...maybe if you be a good girl I'll give you more hm?” Teasing her Shinsou ran his lips over [ ]’s , the gap keeping them apart almost nonexistent as he licked at her lips , starting another deep kiss. Letting his fingers run over her hips he pulled her tucked shirt out more, unbuttoning the ones closest to him as [ ] did the same, not stripping themselves bare but just enough skin for the two to feel each other.
Letting one hand pull up her skirt and one wrapped around her throat Shinsou could feel the heat radiating from her clothed lower half that was runting over his straining hardon. Slowly he grabbed her hip to stop her rocking. Before pulling away from the kiss, both breathing hard against the other “H-hitoshi...you're a tease” clicking his tongue the male gave her a look “If anything you're the tease kitten, rutting against me like that..and then kissing my neck? Naughty girl you wanted my attention and now that you're getting it you wanna whine about it and beg about it not being enough. I promise i'll give you more kitten, I promise you I will...I really wanted to give you a proper date and be able to show you I don't want you as something quick and damn sure not easy.. but at this rate...I'll end up pounding you on this desk like the little brat you are until you learn how to listen [ ], who knew you'd get bratty if you're not being stuffed and begging for more” Kissing her cheek Shinsou let her sigh and start to semi get dressed to get the papers ``You still could take em on a date though…” She said softly as his eyes watched her smooth and fixed her skirt “That I will do” Laughing [ ] awkwardly tried to pull the stockings she had underneath the tiger to fix the hole he made. Watching her struggle was now Shinsous task as his assistant pulled and tugged, soon hearing another rip as she struggled “Take them off” Blinking, [ ] faced him “H-Huh?” “I said take them off, they'll be off soon anyways” Pointing to the clock he was right ; they only had a bit more left in the office before they'd be going home for the day. “O-Oh yeah..But what about-” “If you're nervous I'll walk you to your car, you don't have to worry about feeling exposed” As i f he was reading her thoughts Shinsou spoke, making [ ] feel her heart rise in her throat “Okay...well uhm thank you sir” feeling even more heat in her chest she left out and did as such, feeling the cool air of the building raised goosebumps on her skin. Sighing, she grabbed the stack of papers on the printer, starting to work on them for her teasing boss.
Sticking to his word Shinsou did walk her to her car, a pleasant conversation falling between the two “Well,” her boss started “It looks like we’ll be up to more faxing tomorrow, I’ll see what we’ll need tonight. Thanks for listening in too, oh and for my massage” Giving [ ] a smile he opened her car door for her and turned to leave before feeling a hand grab his wrist “Wait!” Looking back at her he saw how beautiful she looked ; hair a bit disheveled, shirt and skirt not as neat as it was before their little...break. “Yes [ ]?” she didn't understand it, it was like nothing happened . He was the calm and level headed boss instead of the teasing and fierce lover she had hours ago “Well...nothing, it's nothing” Knowing what she was going to ask he stepped closer, pushing her back against her car. Taking his hands and gently placing them on her hips he pushed himself impossibly closer, just until their lips were over each other “Oh don't worry that wasn't a fluke. I told you kitten, I'm not an opportunist , I wanted you to be comfortable before I even attempted to admit my feelings for you, especially in that way” Giving her a soft peck he pulled away “Goodnight [ ] i'll see you tomorrow yeah?” and with that he started to head for his own car.
The following day [ ] made it a point to dress a bit more risky. Wearing a deep v cut and slit up the thigh black dress that was still acceptable for work with a long sweater she came in early to work on all the filing that would need to be done. Hearing a rep on her door she looked up to see one of the other girls come in “Ouuu look at you, whos the lucky person?” Laughing [ ] continued to order “Ah whatever do you mean?” The girl, Mina, came closer. “All of your outfits are cute or a bit womandly but this, this is a minx in disguise , like you're gonna go on a fancy date but really worried about the desert afterwards if you catch my drift.” Laughing with her best friend [ ] shook her head “I wanted to switch it up, honest!” Giving her a questioning look Mina laughed at herself “We’ll see, I bet Mr.Shinsou will enjoy what you're wearing” Eying her pink haired friend and about to ask why she said that they heard someone else open the office floor door.
“Ah hello sir! Welcome in!” “Good Morning Mina” Oh, OH it was the man of the hour, Shinsou entering the place. As he walked by he too, was out of his usual attire; still ring cladded fingers but a more civilian look going on. Skinny black jeans and a t-shirt help reveal the mass that a pro hero could be. Sure he wasn't a super hulk but he was very well built , long hair pulled into a messy bun. Looking up she saw Mina mouthing the words “He's a hunk” and fanning her face. Waving at her and giggling she heard his office door reopen “Ah Mina, would you mind helping the lower floors until the rest of the team gets in, they seem to have messed up your guys parts. You too [ ]” The both of them looked at the papers that were supposed to come in to them and sure enough ; they had “Yeah i'll go! I know [ ] has more important papers to fill out!” Cheerfully she headed out , leaving the floor empty to her and Shinsou “[ ]” “S-sir?” Glancing up from the papers she saw him leaning over the door frame, eyes studying what he could see of her outfit through her sweater “C’mere..” was all he said as he slinked back into his office. Nervously she left the papers at her desk and headed into his, hearing the soothing jazz in the background “Shut the door too” Pushing the heavy wood until it shut she laid against it, looking at her boss who sat at his desk. “So..how's all the paperwork going?” Nodding her head she let out a soft “Good” before letting the quiet jazz fill the room. Leaning forward and taking a sip from an iced coffee he pointed to the door “You can lock it too” Sucking in a breath [ ] twisted the lock, hearing it click as the room now seemed a bit suffocating. “Whats up sir?” Sighing, Shinsou stood, stretching before he strolled over to her “ Now Kitten..didn't I say we didn't have to do honorifics..” feeling like a deer in headlights she started to move backwards until she hit her back on the door. Smirking he pushed his hand against the frame, trapping her between his arms “R-right...sorry ‘toshi” The smell of the same body wash and cologne took up her air and made her knees feel weak “That's a good girl, now come, sit and i'll show you what we’re gonna be working on” Following shakely behind her boss she saw he was messing with his capture gear behind his desk “Ah the reason i'm dressed so down today is for that very reason; we were gonna go initiate a look around for our guy..trying to see if anyone who works with or knows him is around then i'll take them in for questioning” Nodding her head [ ] fiddled with the weapon , rubbing the fabric “it's so interesting how soft it is” Flicking his wrist the fabric moved to wrap around her wrists and tightened, causing her to gasp “sorry , I couldn't help it” Stepping behind her Shinsou pushed his hips into hers and pulled her up to his chest “toshi...whatre-” “Shhhh, quiet princess..it's time to show you how I can handle you” wrapping his fist around the two straps he used the leverage to keep her tied up before he placed her on his desk. Starting a searing kiss the two of them made out on it, hips pushing into each other as shinsou drew out her sounds. Pulling away heaving the two of them smiled at the other “Fuck..can I?” Rubbing at her colthed slit and starting to bite at her neck, not knowing where to start with her he asked for permission “Y-yes please , please touch me” Smirking against her neck he sucked a few marks before moving lower to her heaving chest to leave more marks. As he got to her thighs he made a show going between them “Shit love...you just had to dress like
a little slut huh..you knew I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off of you..” biting at the thickest part of her inner thigh, before sucking another mark there.
Pushing her dress higher he sucked in a breath at the sight. She was wearing full laced panties, the pair thin enough to see everything she had to offer. Letting out a low whistle Shinsou kissed against the heat of her pussy, bathing in the moan of his assistant. Pulling off her panties and looking up to the heavy breathing [ ] he winked at her before sucking at her clit. A loud moan ripped from her chest as she tried to widen her legs to give him more room. Enjoying himself by making her cry , Shinsou moaned over her lower lips before sucking harshly at her sensitive bud. As pleasured whining fell and tumbled from [ ]’s lips he pulled away, stuffing a thick finger in her sopping walls. “C’mon love, let loose for me” “T-toshi! Please..” Feeling her mind get hazy with a push of a button in her walls. The coil in her stomach felt tight and rapidly getting tighter before she came, runting her hips against his fingers that continued to pump in her “Good girl..thats my sweet kitten” Overwhelmed by all the simulation [ ] looked up the the dark look of her boss who untied the ends of his capture gear. Pulling at the fabric he laid her over the desk and started to rock his tip against her sopping core. Wrapping a hand around her throat he leaned down to push their faces closer as he started to enter into her slowly. Trying to help ease the stretch Shinsou kissed her hard, shushing her loud sounds as he started to bottom out. Once he did get to bottom out the two of them sighed in content , eyes looking at each other “[ ].....I promise i'll be gentle I can't hold back anymore..you're mine you understand?” He growled out.
Clenching over him [ ] agreed, arching her back into him “Im yours Hitoshi...mark me” And with that he started a brutal pace, holding her hands with one of his own while the other held her thigh open. As the two groaned and moaned against each others lips [ ] felt herself clench hardr as another wave of an oragsm filled her mind. Seeing her tired and fucked out face filling her senses, Shinsou grinds, rubbing a pair of fingers over her clit “I'm such a close kitten.. ‘M gonna fill you up, can I?” Panting out to her he tightened his gear over her wrists as her pleasure teary eyes found his “please..inside Im on the pill its okay!” Feeling a shiver go down his spine he sped his hips up, going to fill her up as he started pumping his cum in her fluttering walls , a weak spasm was her wall's response to his fill. Letting her eyes fall shut [ ] felt shinsou breathing against her neck as her still tied hands reached to rub his back. Feeling him start to kiss her neck [ ] let out a content sigh “Hey..[ ]” he called out as she hummed “Once You recuperate we’ll go for round two...Im nowhere near done with you”
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gerberbabey · 4 years
cocaine | kiara carrera
madison bailey rlly met her gf ON TIKTOK, thats wild and now i see that my chances arent as low as i believe. anyways love that for them.
writing this made me so damn depressed. like if anyone would like to fall in love w me, im just here...chillin.
masterlist | cocain series: 2 | 3 
summary: Kiara falls in love with someone who isn’t willing to love anymore (story inspired by the mentioned song and this scene).
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warnings: that gay shit, cursing, angst, underage drug use, underage drinking, mentions of dying, unrequited love?
♫ Cocaine by Pink Sweat$ ♫
Kooks could talk as much shit as they wanted but it didn’t exactly stop them from showing up at the boneyard for a kegger. They whined and complained about Pogues but still came around to the other side of the island because they knew they would have a good time.
“It’s like watching National Geographic,” Kie winced and you sputtered out a laugh, stumbling back as you tried to keep the water from dripping onto your clothes. There was a pocket of Kooks jumping around to the music, moving in a weird sort of unison that was both stiff and awkward.
“Ew,” Kie laughed as you leaned forward to spit out the water that you had been trying to drink. To be honest it wasn’t that funny of a comment but you were also high of your ass so everything was hilarious.
“I can’t breathe,” you huffed out and Kie had to hold you steady when you stumbled into her. You were laughing so hard that it was at that point where you weren’t even making any noise. She couldn’t stop herself from laughing because of how hard you were laughing.
“Oh my god (Y/N) it wasn’t even that funny!”
“Then why are you laughing?!”
“Because you’re laughing!”
The two of you burst out into another fit of giggles as you wrapped your arms around the girl, resting your head on her chest as she wrapped her arms around you and struggled to keep the two of you standing.
“Are you two ok?” Pope walked up to the two of you just as you stumbled into the sand in a laughing heap. You let out one giggled and took in a deep breath as you stared up at Pope, your head hazy and heavy.
“Chillin dude,” you drawled out and Pope shook his head before he helped the two of you up. Kia brushed off the sand from her curls and you gave an aggressive shake of your head as you brushed out the sand from hair at the same time. Kie let out a noise and Pope stepped back to avoid any sand flying at him.
When you stopped you stumbled to straighten up. Everything around you was moving fast and yet slow at the same time and you let out a laugh.
Kie couldn’t help but look at you with a dopey look on her face. She wished she could tell you just how much she loved you. The day Kie had realized she was in love with her best friend was a bit of a stressful one. Kie was a firm believer of the “No Pogue on Pogue macking rule”. Not only did she believe it would change everything if broken, she also didn’t want to have a reason to be tied down to the Outer Banks. She loved her friends, her family, and her life on the island but she knew she was capable of so much more. Deep down in her heart she knew that she was meant to travel the world. That the best way for her to succeed was to get out of the Outer Banks and into the world.
But then one day she looked into your eyes and knew she loved you. That she was in love with you.
You were friends with the Pogues before she’d joined the group but you were the first one she met. You met the rest of the Pogues through JJ, and then had integrated Kie into the group after you started working at The Wreck.
After the betrayal of Sarah Cameron and the pain she went through being ostracized by her entire school, meeting you and then the boys had been her saving grace. Sure you weren’t jumping to your feet to try and help baby sea turtles into the ocean, but you always listened to her. You understood her.
“I mean everyone’s freaking out about plastic straws but the cups are like...more plastic,” you added to her rant and she nodded enthusiastically.
“That’s exactly what I’m saying!”
She was pretty much convinced the two of you were soulmates the day you had played her a playlist that you made just for her.
Yet even though she was so head over heels in love there was too many reasons why she couldn’t tell you.
One of the biggest reasons was your lack of faith in love and relationships. Convincing you that falling in love and being in love was a good thing proved to be a difficult feat. You’d been hurt so much by the concept of love that you’d moved past the point of thinking you’d ever fall in love. You left it behind and believed wholeheartedly that it wasn’t something meant for you. You didn’t believe in marriage and didn’t believe that you would ever find that person. You’d stopped looking and that meant that you couldn’t and wouldn’t see Kie in the way she wished you would.
“Yo (Y/N)!”
You and your friends turned at that and Kie watched you grin as you ran up to the boy who called you. You jumped into his arms and Kie bit her lip.
“Dude! What the fuck is up?!” You yelled as the boy laughed and let you down. You were jumping around excitedly, “Yo when did you get home?”
“Who’s that?” Kie asked JJ and the boy turned to look at what she was talking about.
“Huh? Oh that’s Quincy, he graduated last year I think? Went to the Navy or something, him and (Y/N) were really close.”
Kie wondered why she never heard about Quincy.
“Kie!!!” You waved her over and Kie pushed down that weird feeling that was rising up and hid it with a smile. She moved to stand by you and tried not preen when you took her hand in yours, intertwining your fingers and holding on tight. She hoped that Quincy would conclude that she was yours. (You may not have been hers, but she was wholeheartedly yours).
“Kie this Quincy. He was my fuckin plug before he left,” you laughed and Quincy crossed his arms and gave you a look. Kie felt a little relieved but then thought about this.
“Didn’t you start smoking when you were like...in middle school?” Kie asked and Quincy laughed while you shrugged.
“Yeah, can you imagine how I felt seeing this 12 year old asking me if I sold?”
Kie tried not to cringe. You’d been smoking for way longer than she’d known you. Your tolerance surpassed JJ, likely because of your lack of tolerance breaks. Kie could argue that at least you’d only smoked weed and hadn’t dove into other, harder drugs. The one time you had, Kie nearly had a heart attack and the boys almost killed a boy for urging you to take it.
You’d told her once that you just really liked how being high made you feel. The strain you smoked made you feel relaxed. It eased your mind and your body.
You told her that you started smoking after your parents separated. They’d fallen out of love and decided that rather than being adults and dealing with their issues themselves, they’d put the weight and stress of their problems onto your shoulders. A year later you had decided you were going to quit because you’d fallen in love with your boyfriend of a year and a half. You nearly did stop getting high, but then your boyfriend broke up with you, didn’t tell you you why, and then ghosted you.
3 days later he’d posted about his new girlfriend (he’d reassured you nothing was going on between them when you were together. The time stamp of the filtered picture told you and everyone else otherwise).
Kie wanted to spite the people who’d led to the walls you built around your heart.
You had guided Kie and Quincy back over to the other Pogues and Kie couldn’t help but cling to you that night. She didn’t like Quincy’s familiarity with you. It was kind of childish really but it’d been a while since you’d looked eager to interact with anybody who weren’t the Pogues. Kie’s heart skipped a beat when she realized how absolutely ok you were with her holding and touching you.
The two of you were laying in her bed. The kegger had ended some time ago and though the two of you would’ve usually stayed at the Chateau with the boys, she’d decided she wanted to spend the rest of her night alone with you. She’d appreciated Quincy taking the two of you to her house.
“You really don’t think you’re going to get married?” she questioned quietly and she watched you open your eyes and look into her own.
“Hm...Yeah. Probably not,” you told her honestly.
“Why not?”
“...I don’t know. I don’t think I’d want to commit to someone that much. Plus...I don’t think anyone would wanna commit to being with me either.”
Kie would.
“But what if someone loves you...so so much, but you just won’t open yourself up to them? Would you really risk losing that before you even know it?”
You stayed silent at that. This was something that constantly went through your mind. sometimes you thought about those “what if” moments constantly. What if you’d given that boy a chance? Would you be in love with him now? Would the two of you be happy?
Yet you also thought: but maybe the two of you would be miserable instead. Maybe it would just lead to more pain.
“I don’t know if I could deal with being hurt because of love again.”
The two of you eventually drifted off to sleep. Kie’s chest hurt but she dreamt about kissing you.
Kie sometimes wished that she could be the one to bring your heart out of its hiding place. She wanted to be the person that you were willing to finally love. She wanted you to toss aside the risk of getting hurt because she’d make it clear to you that she would never hurt you.
JJ had gotten too high once, and had told her that you and him sometimes went to the dock and just sat there in silence. That the two of you would allow your worries to ease just by being beside one another and that you both knew that even without talking, or venting, or even smoking, you understood how JJ felt and JJ understood how you felt.
Kie wanted that.
She wished she didn’t have to push so hard for you to feel comfort in her, but she would continue pushing nonetheless. Despite how close the two of you were as friends, vulnerable moments were rare with you. 
“Kie, I need you to leave this alone ok? It’s seriously not any of your business,” you’d tried to shake her off and she only became angrier. The boys had shuffled out of the room the moment you’d walked in with Kie yelling at you.
She had went to pick you up and caught you snorting a line of...something, in your room.
“None of my business!? I can’t just let you hurt yourself like this (Y/N)!”
“Kie you smoke with me! Fucking weed is killing me just as much as any other drug would! If you cared so much then don’t cherry pick what you decide to care about!”
“Don’t ever tell me how I feel!”
“God you’re not my fucking mom Kie, just stop!”
“No (Y/N)!”
You’d stormed off after that argument. Out of all the people in your life you thought Kie would be the last person the chastise you for anything you did. You thought she understood. Kie felt terrible when you didn’t come around to the Chateau or even talk to her and the Pogues for the rest of the day. Kie’s heart was in your hands and you were squeezing.
The next day, Kie had bursted into your room crying.
“You can’t be mad at me for just wanting you to be ok...” she sobbed and you held her tight to you. 
“I know Kie, I know. I’m sorry,” you mumbled into her hair before you gave her a kiss on the forehead. She pulled back to look at you and she took in the worried expression on your face. She was hyper aware of the feeling of your thumbs stroking her cheek. Kie shut her eyes and leaned forward to press her lips onto yours.
Her heart broke into a million pieces when you gasped and backed away.
“Oh my god...” Kie sobbed and stood from where the two of you had clung to each other on your bed, “I’m sorry-I just..I’m gonna go-” 
You couldn’t say a word as you watched Kie rush out of your room.
“Fuck!” she yelled before the door slammed shut.
part 2...?
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redwoodrroad · 5 years
so..... now that halloween is coming up (specifically for guild wars 2), theres something that’s been on my mind, especially lately. theres always been this confusion about joko’s age and how long he’s Really been around
obviously he hasnt been around since the primevals, and last year we had the opportunity to track down joko memorabilia, and a bunch of documents were put into the trophy cabinet in the mad king’s labyrinth. within that cabinet, we then learned that joko must have actually grown up around the same time as thorn, from this page from.... his diary.... which i love lol
that said, there’s something still really odd in my mind because looking at the official timeline,
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this makes it seem like he predates oswald by several decades--assuming the mad king was in his 50s-60s (maybe 70s at the latest?) when he dies--because let’s assume joko was an adult by the time he builds the Bone Palace (assuming he did build it; i’ll get to that): if he’s even in his 20s to build the palace, that means he was born somewhere around 730 AE--and if he was (likely) a teenager when he went to Kryta to hang out with oswald, likely around the same age, that would mean oswald is 95 when he’s killed in 825. that isnt even including the possibility that joko is already a lich by the time he erects the bone palace, and why would joko decide to become a lich while he’s still so young, like you’d figure he’d become a lich to prolong his life once he reaches the point where mortality based on age has started coming into question
im gonna put the rest of this under the cut to spare my followers who dont wanna read about all this but please lmk what you think if you wanna read the rest!!
so this is where i get a little lost and wonder if joko is even as old as the writers say he is. and maybe im getting the math wrong here, or i might not have the right grasp on the passage of time, but to me, it feels entirely possible that joko built the bone palace WAY later and destroyed / got rid of any evidence that would place the event at the actual year
remember: he’s likely an adult AND a lich already when he has it built (and maybe theres no reason for me to assume he’s a lich by then; it just feels like all the more power to him if he has the ability to literally control people into building it without asking questions), and ALSO remember that AFTER he invaded elona in 860, he “updated” the bone palace to include centaur skeletons
if he builds the bone palace and decides soon after that he wants to include the bones of centaurs, he has every opportunity to claim that the bone palace was there for much longer than it really has been, and this new construction is just “an update.” who’s gonna dispute that??? anyone who says “wait a minute, this wasnt here 100 years ago, i helped you build it last week!!” is gonna get thrown in the junundu hatchery to get eaten
not to mention--no one lives in the southern part of the Desolation. it’s also entirely possible that joko shut down any transit between vabbi and the central / northern part of the desolation in 860 just to build the bone palace, and no one even noticed whether it was there or not until it was there. plus, anyone who tries to say it definitely wasnt built before that century will just be hushed by authorities. and as for the djinn at Sand Jackal Run, what do they care what this twink lich does with his time lol they dont give a shit, who are they gonna gossip to about some gaudy palace next door
and here i wanna say that i think another possibility is that joko didnt originally build the bone palace at all--it could have really been built in 757 by an architect or ruler who had their own idea of why they wanted it there, and maybe joko just swoops in later around 860, liked how it looked, and wanted it for himself. he claimed it for his own and then thought it was missing something, so he Really made it his own by covering it in the bones of centaurs--and then, when anyone asks about that palace, he just says, “oh i built it in 757, but i updated it 100 years later, dont worry about it.”
i think this is equally as likely as my first suggestion, and it definitely doesnt change why i think this is interesting--and it’s INTERESTING to me because i think it’s pretty sus that the official date for the bone palace having been built is 63 years before the mad king is killed, and to me, i just think there’s no way the mad king made it to his 90s before he’s mauled by angry krytans--OR that joko might have been so much older than him, especially if they engaged in little pun wars while joko was visiting kryta.
i mean, with that assumption, we would have to say that joko was.... in his 20s? 30s? when he meets thorn for the first time? because if we assume now that joko really does build the bone palace in 757, but thorn dies in his... lets say 60s.... thorn would have been born between 755 and 765. but if joko built the bone palace even while thorn was an infant, it would sort of place joko at a place in his life where he wouldnt need to be dragged around by his mother. if he’s capable enough to build a palace, what would he be doing letting his diplomat mother take him to kryta--she has no sway over him once he has that kind of power, and joko doesnt exactly make himself notable as a mama’s boy--and beyond even that, if joko’s really an adult while visiting kryta, why would he--a 20- or 30-year-old man--be hanging out with.... a ten year old. or even a 16-year-old? why would he be playing little games with him?? because ALSO REMEMBER: thorn was NOT the only child to his ruling parents! he HAD an older brother--Ewan! if joko would be hanging out with anyone around that time if he was that age--and this decisively BEFORE oswald kills ewan because he kills ewan After the elonian diplomatic visit--it would have been Ewan.
all im saying--and maybe someone else has come to this conclusion or posted about it already, so im really sorry if im echoing a point that has already been made--is that joko is known for manufacturing lies about himself and his history of ruling; he has every opportunity to fabricate when the bone palace was built to further solidify himself as a long-ruled king just the same as when he claimed he was the last of the primeval dynasty.
the only DIFFERENCE between that and this suggestion is that the official historians likely have no idea either way when the bone palace was really built or by whom, and i think that’s really saying something! this is what ive really been trying to get to: the uncertainty of whether that palace was built in 757 or not, or if it was even built by joko’s people at all--that level of uncertainty about a major event is something we in the real world are sort of accustomed to seeing, but in this game where we have an official timeline set up--paired with the in-game confirmation that there are those in the world who purposefully muck up said timeline for personal gain--the conception of a major architectural feat is completely up in the air! plus..... if it really is the case that this event is inaccurately noted, then what other events in tyrian history have been officially but inaccurately noted? i think this calls a lot of things into question, even if we cant say for sure what events could be inaccurate or falsely represented.
MAYBE no one else cares about this, so that’s fine, but i just keep thinking about it, and i wanted to get my thoughts out there. let me know what you think if you read all of this hoosafudge because in-game history stuff is fascinating to me, and i think it says a lot about the world these characters are living in.
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Quite often stories don't form in chronological order. Truth be told neither did the one I hope to tell here, however, I do hope to be able to write stuff often, and so it may require me to not wait for the ideas to arrive in story time line order, but to write them as they come. Which will be as confusing for you as for me. Hopefully though, the writing will still be enjoyable.
Now, some time after Anti moved to the Ipliers headquarters he managed to start dating both Wilford and Dark, quite the feat but they did go well together. This was no longer than two years after, but no shorter than four months, pin it where you will, more likely the earlier end of the scale.
Many of the Ipliers, as mentioned before, had noticed Anti's tendency for muttering, however it wasn't until this stage that they considered telling anyone other than Marvin, and even then, the thought of non acceptance was a looming shadow.
Anti had gone to Marvin first of all for some advice, They felt that they should tell the septics first of all due to the duration that they had known them. Luckily, Dark and Wilford had come with them so they didn't have to worry about saying it twice.
"Are you okay Anti?" Marvin asked, they were sat up in the magicians room, an odd place filled with all sorts of plants, crystals, candles, and vials, with old books open on the desk. The the room itself was rather messy, but it screamed Marvin.
"We're too loud, and scared- we've been doing so well at functioning we've felt like 'I', what if this makes us unstable - they deserve to know."
"I can talk or take over if you wish." Marvin took Anti's left hand, rubbing his thumb over Anti's wrist. Anti looked down at their wrist and then back up.
"We should do it ourselves."
"Do you want to go downstairs yet?"
Anti got up, their form glitching too much for Marvin to continue to hold onto. The two went downstairs, catching the attention of some of the egos sat in the living room.
"About time," Jackie commented, "you two have been up there long enough you'd think you were up to something." Jackie teased, but then paused at how serious Anti's facial expression. He still remembered clearly what Anti was capable of, the other Septics may be back on good grounds with him since he started only visiting every now and again, but he wasn't as forgiving.
Anti stood in one spot shuffling for a moment before speaking, "I need to tell you all something because i shouldn't hide what I am anymore."
He paused, awaiting a witty comment before continuing to address peoples shoes. "Its just, Marvin made this body for me but im not an I if you get it- no no no, this is not working,- lampshade theory - yes, okay, right, so like, you guys, your soul and consciousness is like, one lightbulb and your body is like, a light shade- we're like, a bunch of fairy lights and alone we wouldn't generate enough light for the lampshade so we stick together but we've stuck together that long that our emotions and thoughts mingle and we mostly feel like an I but sometimes we get unstable and its loud and-"
Anti cut off when Marvin took his wrist, Marvin immediately let go again and Anti looked up, the room contained a mixture of confused and surprised expressions. Then, to their surprise, Robbie got up, waddled up and hugged them. They hugged their brother back and tried to hold it together, whispering Robbie a thank you before glitching away.
He supposed glitching to their shared room was predictable but Dark and Wilford had found him incredibly quickly. He sighed and pulled the blanket further around him.
"Dark, We're sorry, we should have told you- it was deceptive of us- this changes a lot doesn't it?"
Anti heard Dark sigh and felt him sit next to him only guessing this as when the other person sat on the other side of him the bed dipped a little further.
"It does, and I would have preferred you told us before." Dark said, Anti waited for Dark to continue, hoping they hadn't ruined this. "but, this does not change your personality or any of our feelings I should hope."
Anti looked over at Dark, he looked rather sincere, but then again he always did when it came to serious personal matters. Anti didn't want to have to deal with a serious mood right then, they just wanted physical reassurance.
Anti reached out and touched Darks face, "Have we ever told you how pretty you are- pretty boyfriend - we love you."
Darks face broke into a smile and he put a hand over Anti's, taking their hand from his face and holding it between his own hands. Anti felt Wilford wrap his arms around their side and hug them.
"Nothing to say about me then Anti? I'm hurt."
Anti smiled, leaning into Wilfords hold, "You are very comfy- big pillow, we love you- comfy emotionally also- thank you."
"So, do me and Dark refer to you as 'They' or 'He'?"
Anti thought about it for a moment before shrugging, "Either works."
"Okie Dokie." Wilford let Anti go and got up, "Now, we've had an emotional afternoon, sho how's about I get some snacks and we have a pajama afternoon."
"If you get anything on these sheets."
"Darkling, honestly, it can be sorted, lets have a nice afternoon okay?"
"Of course."
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nozomijoestar · 5 years
1-10 for an oc of yr choice (since i don't know any of yrs (yet))
meme here
I’ll use my FFXIV OCs bc I’m finicky abt sharing anything on my manuscript OCs in public
Vaste/U’ralhana Odh:
1. What is/are your OC’s nickname(s) and how did it come about?
Her name situation is a little messy but theres a reason behind each one both canon and non-canon! The game by default gives the WoL many titles across the game to reflect your progress to NPCs like eikon-slayer, Azure Dragoon, khagan etc. all tied to feats or positions earned in the MSQ. 
For non canon titles and nicknames I’ve given her Desert Dragon due to her origin of birth from a desert tribe and their guardian animal being Drakes (as well as the fact that she’s a Dragoon and DRGs are traditionally a class associated heavy with dragons), Nine Lives because of the Echo preventing her from true death which also fits with her being a cat race etc. For more personal nicknames one of her younger brothers calls her Rala after her Sun Seeker name being U’ralhana Odh, dearest is also the most common pet name Yugiri has for her, aside from having the privilege of calling her only by her first name for her Sun Seeker side
Her formal naming convention gives her three viable names,
U’ralhana Odh - name the Sun Seekers gave her when she was born to them, the U designates tribe affiliation, followed by her given name, the surname is her father’s first name indicating he sired her (official FFXIV Sun Seeker naming convention) together the name means Ralhana of the Drakes, daughter of Odh
Osha Tayuun - this is the name her mother gave her before she left to rejoin the Moon Keepers in The Black Shroud, she never learned it was hers until the day they finally met well into her adulthood as the WoL, because Moon Keepers are matriarchal unlike Sun Seekers, the last name is also her mother’s while the given name is a normal girls name (i also made it start with O and try to sound similar to her mother’s first name, Oghii)
Vaste Valescoere - she gave herself this name after once being taught a few ancient Garlean (irl Classical Roman Latin) words by a traveling scholar from what little outside contact the tribe saw, once she made the decision to leave to be an adventurer forever she was banished for forsaking tradition, thus she felt she died and needed a new name - this was the first name i gave her because when i first started playing FFXIV i didnt know the races had naming conventions so i just wanted something that sounded like a fantasy name ( i literally just looked two words up in my latin-english dictionary fddjfd)
2. What is the color of your OC’s eyes/hair/skin?
Blue hair with natural black highlights, green eyes, light skin but not pale- all generally Moon Keeper traits but when i was starting out i knew none of that and did what i wanted, her bizarre appearance once i decided she was from the U tribe influenced her being half Sun Seeker and Moon Keeper 
3. How tall is your OC?
5′2 but only because i thought the CC slider meant 5′6 (cuz it lists height in inches and i didnt bother to check ujhghugj shes sometimes embarrassed by her height especially standing next to much taller people, shes still taller than Yugiri though so she enjoys the slight height advantage
4. What is a noticeable physical attribute of your OC?
Her hair, then her eyes
5. What does your OC normally wear? What would your OC wear on a special night?
She’s usually in her armor with her current spear glamoured to appear weaker than it actually is because the simple style reminds her of what she used as a teen before leaving home:
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^^ necklace and earrings are different but the second necklace is more typical
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im weak for the one arm/shoulder armored while the other isnt or not as much aesthetic
For more special/formal occasions w/o armor she likes wearing this:
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6. What is one word you would use to describe your OC’s appearances?
Every time she shows up there’s something dramatic (but not always over the top) happening
7. Does your OC have any markings, such as a birthmark or a scar?
She has the usual pinkish red stripes on her cheeks all Sun Seeker women are born with, in addition to a scar across her nose bridge she got during her huntress rite of passage when a sundrake struck her face (this rite is also how she got the black marks under her eyes afterwards, originally i just liked how they looked and made a backstory for them because the game lists them as tribal tattoos in CC)
The scar i gave her in CC as a ref to Guts from Berserk cuz his is similar (she obtained hers very young like he did as well):
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8. How does your OC talk/what does your OC’s voice sound like?
i chose the CC voice 2 option for female miqo’te (you can kinda hear what it sounds like here and here @2:10 since i cant find a video with just vc2 range) and im happy with it (to me it kinda sounds like Rie Tanaka? as far as i know the CC voice VAs have never been revealed so i cant say for certain, i know shes done voicing for FFXIV as Kan E Senna and Sadu and plays it as a huge fan tho) as far as how she talks all Miqo’te are said to have their own racial language unique to them that no other race can accurately pronounce or understand due to all the hissing, purring, and spitting of certain sounds (bc theyre cat ppl lol) so she’ll roll/purr her Rs, hiss her Hs etc.
On top of this system i imagine the U have their own dialect accent too which i hc sounds closer to Xhosa and Zulu mixed if a cat tried to speak it,so it gets complex! Her native accent however becomes slightly toned down the longer she spends away from the U as the WoL, but its still present and obvious enough
9. What does your OC’s bedroom look like?  His/her living area?
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the only description valid for this is an organized mess lmao
10. What does your OC keep in a special drawer?
anything small enough to fit given to her by people from her past or those she cares about that linger on her mind, shes somewhat sentimental sometimes
Gan Arulaq
1. Lizard boi has no nicknames that stick outside of being called Bataar playfully by his parents esp his mother bc he liked playing pretend as a heroic figure when he was little (i was aware when i made him in CC that Xaela use Mongolian names and are based a lot on Mongol culture of the 14th century so he follows this convention)
His first name is Mongolian for Steel, his last name denotes his tribe following the game’s convention, simple
2. he is a tan/reddish brown color for skin with black hair and natural red highlights in a short swept back style (his eyes are also green bc i wanted to see what Vaste’s eye color would look like on a Xaela model, tdlr they glow!)
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3. Gan is 7′1! the tallest of my characters period, he sees everything from up there and it creates some hilarious and awkward situations (poor guy and most doors, rip)
4. his eyes and his big curved horns
5. he loves wearing primarily clothes that expose a lot of his chest and skin in general because thats most natural to what he wore on the steppe valley back home (as well as being a little vain about his physical appearance and liking the feel of freedom in less clothes) however he can and will wear regular clothes, though in this case his fashion sense is terrible
6. when he appears you can associate him with change (succession is another word that comes to mind given his role to Vaste)
7. with the exception of minor scars from martial training and small accidents he’s the picture of normal for a Xaela
8. i actually cant remember what CC voice i gave him by number, but he does have a somewhat deep, rough voice fitting for a boisterous young man while also being capable of sentimentality and some wisdom, he has a handsome voice, he speaks bluntly but full of feeling and often truth
9. his room would be very organized and everything is neatly assigned to its place as well as being primarily spartan in layout/decoration, he’s used to practicality and function from his childhood on the steppe, lots of trinkets from nature, weapons and trophies of victory etc.
10. a ring given to him by his mother carved from sheep bone, it was her archery thumb ring
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With the Syrian civil war looking like it's winding down, what's your geopolitical wishlist for how the region shakes out? Any particularly interesting roads things could have gone down earlier in the conflict, that didn't pan out?
Idlib is still a big ???? especially with trump withdrawing and HTS completely ravaging the turkish backed NFL and other lesser salafi groups, which opens up the area to Syrian attack because HTS isn’t protected by turkey
And on that note, there is a huuuuuUUUuuUUUge ????? with the future of rojava because… well. independence isnt likely and the syrian government AND the turkish government is keen on taking what the Kurdish SDF claims.
The syria story is not done yet and thats really all i can see for the next few year, consolidation or further conflagration in Syria and Iraq.
Besides that, of course, is the continued shitmess in Yemen.
Otherwise, things may heat up between Armenia and the Azeris.. annnnd uh. Short of a global economic crisis, things seem like the status quo.
>Any particularly interesting roads things could have gone down earlier in the conflict, that didn’t pan out?             
Well, of course, the primary what-if:
Alt-history of the immediate success of the rebels.
This would require more of the army had defected than what had. Had they won in holding and knocking out Assad-loyalist urban centres in those critical first 2 years, a number of critical things would occur:
Upon the blitzkrieg of ISIS arising out of Syria, into Iraq and back in again, much more of the whole of that country would’ve been swept by ISIS. Aside from the formation of an embattled and would-be victorious, urban rebellion and the establishment of a transitional rebel government. Assad wouldn’t be totally knocked out, but he would flee Damascus to the coast where a remnant bloc would resist the rebellion. Disparate loyalist holdouts in the south would resist rebel control as well as Republican Guard and SAA dug-in defenses of neighbourhoods in central Damascus itself, but power and control over the majority of the population would go over to the rebels while the so-called regime would retreat to Latakia before the Russians intervened to protect their naval investment at Tartus and it’s ally. Hezbollah would mount a defense of the Anti-Lebanon Mountains and push back with remaining SAA down into the foothills north of Damascus where they would establish a toehold of the rural regions. Any hope for a future as we now see it, with Loyalist reconquest of most of Syria, would cease to exist or be extremely limited, to which i will get to later.
Provided the explosive expansion of ISIS, the Kurds wouldve completely collapsed in northern Syria and be obliterated against the turkish border as the turks originally wanted and pushed back behind Qamishli and Afrin, where compressed against allies in Iraq and US support, halt a retreat and establish a line of control. ISIS would be preoccupied with combat in urban centres in western syria and central Iraq and would mount little more than defensive lines here in north eastern syria.
ISIS would have really emerged even stronger than they did in this timeline. They would’ve swallowed more of al Nusra, without the daring loyalist grasp on Aleppo as a buffer, and flown into the eastern half of the city, smashing against the rebel siege of Aleppo’s western half, turning it into a four way death match. Nothing of Aleppo would come out without total ruin. Similarly, without government buffer around Homs, Hama or Damascus, ISIS would proceed to take more of the critical populated core of the country, running north south from Aleppo to Damascus. Palmyra and numerous other ancient sites would experience broader destruction and looting. It would be an archaeological catastrophe. The genocide against minority groups would continue. Because of the enormous strength of ISIS, behind the frontline, more religious brigades and factions would splinter or declare loyalty for ISIS, turning a would-be stalemate into a situation where rebel forces would begin giving on the fronts to it’s west and east. Free Syria would begin a gradual decline and loss of it’s urban centres to ISIS.
Russia, having entered even sooner out of urgency of the sitaution yet with no point in propping up the collapsing Assad government and it’s maintenance across all of Syria, would attempt to bolster the remnant successor state west of the nusayriyah mountains. At some point, it would begin to assist in pushing out past the Orontes River in attempt to capture idlib (the city), Hama and Homs where rebels would be extremely dug in against ISIS. Outside of this band, there would be an insanely vicious and violent effort to hold Damascus and Aleppo. Both would likely be lost, except Damascus would hold out the longest, if not actually reach a stalemate.
This is so because the SAA, after restructuring and the establishment of the Tiger Forces, would send General Zahreddine to mount the Republican Guard defense of central Damascus as Deir Ezzor would have already been lost to ISIS by this point. With this, Tiger forces would join the Hezbollah descent from the mountains to try and break the siege of Damascus as a priority while the rest of the SAA slowly push back against Free Syria once the FSA is beset by ISIS. If the SAA and loyalists are or were to have any success, it would be the stabilization of the nusayriyah front and, long shot, the breaking of the siege of Damascus. This feat would be a crucial priority for the loyalist faction for symbolic as well as administrative reasons.
So here’s my map of uh, i guess 2015/2016 Syria in this invented timeline
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Because this would be the Zenith of ISIS power inspite of it’s strong show.
Why? Because the west would be EXTREMELY invested in protecting the fragile, newly established Free Syria as well as motivated by the threat ISIS means in this timeline, as it will control the majority of Syria and a sizeable portion of Iraq. The response by the West would likely be more than the waffling we saw, because since ISIS swallowed more of the salafist assets of the FSA and the FSA itself would be more than a simple rebellion but the primary power-broker in the region.
The FSA becomes the primary ally of the western push against ISIS (rather than focus turning to the Kurds) and after a somewhat longer period of time, we may arrive at what we have here:
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Except, perhaps more FSA would go thru Turkish territory east of the Euphrates, but I think Turkey wouldn’t have had as big a role as it did if the YPG weren’t totally diminished in Syria. So, aside from a resurgence in the north east and the Kobani push, the FSA would probably outpace the kurds in capturing ISIS territory.
And outpace them they would have, as unlike this timeline, there would be declared and enthusiastic US support on the ground by 2017, because the United States would be EXTREMELY invested in preventing Loyalist Syria from retaking it’s urban centres.
Just like what the USA did in blowing the shit out of Russian mercenaries east of Deir Ezzor in our timeline, they would give the SAME treatment to the Loyalists Once Trump takes office. If the Loyalists are lucky, they will have broken the siege of Damascus but little more besides, as Syrian army strength is severely lacking in manpower as more had defected early in the war.
Russia, not as invested in their ally as they were in this timeline, would likely be less liberal with their bombing campaigns anyway, and really wind it down once the USA fully commits to Free Syria. Russia would be extremely loud in it’s complaints and whining over it’s inability to act here, but this wouldn’t last forever.
Now. the above map isn’t static, but rather a glance at affairs at the moment of total defeat of ISIS around this time or a couple years into the future.
After this, it’s ENTIRELY likely for “Free Syria” to fragment much as the Triumphant Libyan successor state had. In spite of it’s valour, the Free Syrian army is little more than various brigades and ideological allies of convenience.
al Nusra would still be present. In fact, they would have participated and secured alot more territory than Idlib. This would be extremely an issue, and perhaps, an avenue for the loyalist to retake Syrian lands in idlib and elsewise, depending on whos a closer ally of the west or not.
What’s more, ISIS cells would just go underground as they had in our timeline and would actually intensify their revolt around the already weak consolidation efforts of the FSA. A Free Syria won’t last. It will be a clusterfuck that I can’t even begin to anticipate because of the nature of all the ideologies and brigades. This Free Syria would certainly become a failed state. What’s more, ISIS would reemerge.
In light of this, i probably overestimate the capabilities of the “free” rebels in leading the charge against ISIS.
but whatever, i spent waaaay too much time thinking on and writing about this, so im just gonna go ahead and post it without spell checking or grammar or whatever lol
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kleeboy · 5 years
okay im deleting and reposting this because i put a swear word in the tags and it wasnt even showing up in searches for my personal, and i don’t trust the mobile editor to fix my problems but its time 4 me to make a post
Here's what I’ve got for a Thunderbirds D&D AU! I'm not gonna get into numbers and stats and levels because I do that enough when I play normal d&d and I'm gay and tired. Also, there’s probably gonna be a touch of rule bending not only to reconcile d&d with the Thunderbirds canon but just to boost the fun factor a bit. It’s not like we’re setting up a playable campaign so it doesn’t really matter as long as we’re not making it unrecognisable as part of the d&dverse. At that point, you might as well just call it a fantasy AU (still lit tho lmao). This is mostly TOS based but I’ll add some notes on TAG stuff now and then in italics because I’m here to provide. It’s hefty, so everything's under the cut. Hopefully comprehensible.
IR (presumably going by some other name but we’ll just stick with that for sake of ease) is still a rescue organisation - it operates on a somewhat smaller scale but access to magic means it’s got a pretty big reach for typical d&d technology. It’s centred around an ancient deity that few people have heard of and even fewer worship. There’s only one known temple dedicated to said deity and it had been abandoned for a long time before they found it, so it’s currently being restored - if rather agonizingly slowly. Anyway, IR is deity-based because nothing screams “fight for a cause” like paladins! They’re paladins, mostly, is what I’m saying.
Jeff is likely an ex-adventurer, probably a paladin but I’m seriously considering cleric just for interest’s sake so sue me, I love clerics. His party did some pretty cool stuff back in the day, and adventuring pays well as long as you don’t die, so he’s pretty well off. He left the party and settled down in one place when Scott was born, and the rest of them presumably disbanded and went about their own lives eventually. Or maybe they’re still out there causing a ruckus. Who knows. Pretty easy to just say “and he’s not there anymore” for TAG, rationalise his disappearance as you please. Either way, at some point he decided to start an organisation that would make saving lives a bit more structured than the usual “Let's hope a squad of adventurers stumbles on our predicament” that people have been relying on.
Scott is a Battle Master archetype fighter who multiclassed into paladin. Battle Master provides the most appropriate mechanics for a field leader, and also seems like the sort of thing Scott would have been doing previous to IR. He’s the least proficient spellcaster of the group if only by virtue of his class, but access to paladin magic gives his fighting an extra kick which, along with the Battle Master maneuvers, makes him pretty damn dangerous with a sword. It also means he can cast Find Steed, and because said steed’s form can go beyond normal when permitted by the DM and we’re making the rules here I’m giving him a pegasus, which is about the fastest flying mount you could get as far as the monster manual goes. A roc would just be too much. Very VERY cool. But too much.
Virgil is a College of Lore bard into paladin. When it comes to support classes, nothing beats a College of Lore bard for versatility. He’s got the range, darling. Slap an arsenal of magic items on that and you’re well on your way to the d&d equivalent of Thunderbird 2. He has some good offensive spells and weapon training but mostly works to keep others from getting hurt. With a high constitution, the Tough feat, good armour and a shield he pretty much becomes a mobile wall to be put between danger and anyone who can’t take too many hits. Find Steed again lets me give him something interesting to ride, and what better than an owlbear. A big one. Not quite as appropriate stat-wise as the pegasus for Scott but when it comes to aesthetics I’m yet to find something as good as a bear-shaped and -sized owl.
John is predominantly a Divination wizard, with a low paladin level - two maximum - giving him access to a lot of powerful magic but leaving him, how do you say, squishy. Divination is gameplay-wise pretty underwhelming, with not many spells to its name, but for someone whose job is centred around keeping an eye on things, the ability to see very far away and receive premonitions is gonna be useful. The system by which distress calls are sent is giving me some concept trouble but when it comes to receiving it’s as easy as a focus with some capability to project images and sound, gear already necessary to cast Scrying. So, as in canon, rather than going out on missions (at least for the most part), it’s John’s job to keep tabs on incoming signals and active operations. This is all based in the previously mentioned temple - out of the way enough to let me call it a T5 equivalent. He also has the secondary job of making sure nothing else tries to take up residence in the decrepit building. They had to clear it of goblins the first time. As far as Eos goes I don’t have room for all my thoughts (so many) but let’s call her a sentient magic item. Additionally, TAG John probs gets a level or two in cleric.
Gordon is a paladin into druid, Circle of the Land (Coast). He and Alan didn't have any previous class levels before becoming paladins. Neither of his classes give any bonuses for it beyond proficiency for paladins but nobody can stop me from making his primary weapon a longbow, plus the Sharpshooter feat is helpful. Coast druid is the only subclass of any d&d class that has a specific focus on water and what could go wrong if we let him turn into animals? It also has some good circle spells, when he gets to that point. He’d probably have a lot of fun with Mirror Image. There was probably an incident that catalysed his becoming a druid, I'd like to think it's the equivalent of the boat crash just placed on a different point in the timeline. Might get into it at a later date.
Alan is just pure paladin, it's all he's really had time to do with his life so far beyond being a kid and growing up, y'know? I’ll get a little into the subclass here, all of IR’s 3rd level or higher paladins take Oath of Devotion. From the PHB: “These paladins meet the ideal of the knight in shining armor, acting with honor in pursuit of justice and the greater good.” Devotion’s core tenets are honesty, courage, compassion, honor, and duty. Also their Channel Divinity: Sacred Weapon is just really cool. Who doesn’t like glowing stuff, man. Alan's got some more powerful paladin abilities than any of his brothers but probably has the lowest total level regardless. Giving him the Athlete feat, which lets him jump and climb a lot easier, feels appropriate. He snuck a griffon home when it was a baby, and is trying to train it. It's not very well behaved and causes a ruckus when it gets bored but he adores it. One day it’ll make a phenomenal companion. For now, it will continue to attempt to eat his fingers.
Brains is an artificer! Love that class. Artificers, rather than casting spells (though they can do that), make magic items. The artificer class is from Unearthed Arcana and a lot of the mechanics can be hit or miss, it’s been revised many times by lots of different people. But when it comes to the basic idea, it’s the obvious choice for Brains. The less common a magic item, the longer it takes and harder it is to make. The higher level an artificer the more, and more powerful, their creations are. Pretty simple. Also pretty much every version of artificer you come across has some sort of option for a mechanical companion so there’s MAX for you.
Tin-Tin is also an artificer, with a few levels in paladin for good measure. Her time is split between making and repairing gear and going out on missions, and when on call is incredibly useful for lightning fixes and is incredibly creative when it comes to the ways magic items (and nonmagic items) can be used to get out of predicaments. This is the character who constantly has Inspiration. Kayo is an Assassin archetype rogue into paladin. Assassins do… a lot of damage. If you know much about d&d rules (I don’t expect you to), the only thing scarier than a bard, stat wise, is a rogue. +10 to stealth is pretty easy to get by 5th level, combine that with Sneak Attack and Assassinate and you can deal up to 26 damage in one hit with a dagger alone. I said I wouldn’t do any maths but I lied.
Penny doesn’t necessarily have any class levels, though rogue would be appropriate. She falls more under the NPC umbrella, somewhere between Noble and Spy, perhaps? NPCs have a lot less restrictions when it comes to what they can and can’t do laterally, but it’s harder to make them powerful without assigning a class. I also think it’d be really neat to use the fantasy setting to make her nonhuman. High elf would be fitting and cool, but she’d also make a fantastic tiefling. Though, like, call me biased, everyone would make a fantastic tiefling.
I think that’s all I’ve got to say on the matter right now. I have a lot more specific details that I’ll get to eventually but this post is more of a jumping off point listing some options for anyone else who might want to mess around with a d&d AU but doesn’t know where to start. Pick out things you like, ditch things you don’t, add whatever sounds cool, and honestly? Congratulations on getting through this whole thing. This post is kind of in shambles. And thanks! I love taking any excuse to pore over these books.
Shoot me an ask or something if anything’s too incomprehensible or there’s something up with the formatting. Later, skaters.
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solisfin · 6 years
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im close to a breakdown or more of a angry tantrum.
im pissed at my fucking root canal situation
im pissed that my  pinkey got fucked up
im pissed that i still havent gotten a call back from all the jobs i applied to
im pissed that potentially i have to find new insurance 
im going to call tomorrow to ask if they can hurry up for the insurance thing because its gonna end soon 
i dont wanna wait TWO weeks
i can wait 1 week maximum bitch what the fuck
im desprately trying to push on and just not let any of this drag me down harder than where i am
but i am getting sore of this.
my shoulders from carrying all these weights and problems
i am getting sore. 
i have no shoulder to lean on besides my therapist. 
i dont feel comfortable with life right now. 
i cant even sleep a full 8 hours. i always wake up two to three times
i felt like i had no aim in life last year in comparison to this year
i had something that made me smile a lot last year 
i dont have it this year but you know
im gonna smile regardless.
it makes me sad
but smiling does not need to be sad when i know i can be happy
im glad i am not in a depression rut like last year. 
it was way worse last year. 
I feel like i have a better aim in life now then i did last year. 
i just need the same space i had last year 
a space for myself to go to. 
to get away from my house and family to recollect my thoughts 
so ill find that space on my own 
and ill relax on my meditation
my own meditation throne
in spite of this all
ill atleast keep my head up and continue my confidence in myself 
i can be stabbed many times in the chest
and still smile because i know ill be fine eventually. 
i no longer wander
i am a fiend
i am a legend 
i call myself this because i can be very mischievous
i call myself this because i am capable of great feats
if you read this personal journal entry of mine. thank you.
dont worry for me.
ill be fine. 
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cactussmoke · 3 years
dear skull and crossbones emoji, how'd you get to this point in life where you seem happy. are you happy?,. if so how do i be happy too?
A lot of trial and error!! Learning what the difference between a gut instinct and acting on anxiety feels like for me has been a valuable skill. Never ever letting things stew inside my brain without finding an outlet, anymore, and discarding all assumptions whenever possible. Crying often. Paying more attention to actions than words. Learning about the world and about myself and never not being in a state of learning! Accepting times when I didn’t/don’t know better and constantly learning how to know better and do better. Hanging on to what’s working and discarding the rest semi-regularly helps lighten the load. What is guilt and shame for? It’s meant to be a catalyst to improving yourself, it think, not a well to drown in. Learning how to not drown in that well is an individual thing in a lot of ways. Am i happy? I’m finally capable of true happiness in my life, and to let it in fully i also have had to finally (slowly, safely, sanely) become capable of true sorrow. I’ve been through cycles of growth where there’s these catalyst events that have pushed me to the brink, seriously lower than i thought possible from the last time every time, and then i basically have the choice to grow more or drown. I have more to live for the longer i live this life so it’s easier to choose growth, even though its seriously difficult, the more i have proven it to myself. A lot of self discipline mentally and emotionally (especially initially) and facing things head on and finding small but potent moments of true free flowing joy. The only way i can do that is by releasing the heavy stuff, which is definitely hard work. I really believed for the longest time that it shouldn’t be as hard as it is, because of how i saw others able to deal or whatever else i had internalized, and thats just not reality. Its hard to face your shadows, and depending on how shadowy, it can even be petrifying or dangerous, which makes it necessary to go at your own pace and listen to your nervous system. It’s harder now for me to not do the work. I just turned 24 a few days ago and i have been living without other’s expectations of me holding any weight in my decision making for long enough now that i have proved to myself that i can trust myself with my own needs, even when i have no idea what i’m gonna do or what’s happening. No one gets to determine anyone else’s worth, and its actually quite a feat to be able to internalize that you simply exist and that that’s literally enough. Surrendering to that flow of real-time life happening in the moment has allowed for maximum peace. Chasing things that you dream of is always the way to make them come true, and it’s no disney movie, and it’s not meant to be. Dreams don’t need to be huge, they come in all sizes. Some days i dream of eating chocolate so i go get myself some chocolate and make my dreams come true right then and there. Its like satisfaction points in sims, if you’ve ever played it, where yeah you have a big life goal but there’s also whims to fulfill in the moment and it all adds up to much more satisfaction in that sim’s life than if you only chased that big life goal. Also, that “big life goal” can be very very simplistic if you want, and there’s fr no requirement to need to fulfill some giant goal that may feel unattainable but is expected of you, ya know. I can’t really tell anyone else if this stuff will work for them, and i know that chasing ‘true’ happiness outside of the actual moment can help to prevent it in a lot of ways. Feel your pain, my dude, and you will feel your joy so much more. Most importantly, im still figuring alllllllll this shit out and so is everyone else, in perpetuity. To be a human is to search lifetimes in the pursuit of finally knowing how to be a human, and its a great joke if you can find the humor in it, that the ‘secret’ is simply existing and accepting that existence, however it looks for each individual.
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mercenarypark · 7 years
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bonniejstarks · 5 years
I’m BACK! Why I’ve been gone and what I’ve been up to – Ania.B
It’s been so so long my friends. I would apologize BUT it was time well deserved and much needed. I did not walk away from my blog, far from it. We have been busier than ever and growing a business is no easy feat. Burn out is a word we are all familiar with, a catch all for millennials and the world’s problems. But burn out is all too real and we encounter the topic often especially when talking to fellow creators. Entrepreneurial spirit speaks to so many of us who can not handle the 9-5 grind, but who are we kidding, the grind is actually more intense when you work for yourself. I am excited to finally be able to check in with you on the world wide web again. Instagram is great and all but there is only so much you can say in a limited amount of characters. In truth the blog was broken for a few months, fixing it was put off for far too long. I even started taking coding classes just so this never has to happen again. Ask me in 6 months how that is going! It did end up being a much needed break. Self love is all about knowing when to stop just as much as it is about when to pick up again.
In the time away from the web browser I was able to focus some more attention on myself, and I wish I could tell you that I joined some bad ass classes and got a black belt in karate, or that I am now a champion chess player, but instead I took time to spend with my family, organize my life a little bit, and even though it’s not karate we did join a gym to keep moving and stay healthy, and my brother and nephew came along for the ride so we can all motivate each other. None of us is a stranger to how fast that motivational flame can extinguish when your heart and soul is just not on that elliptical with you. This post is a little glimpse into that journey. I won’t lie, it’s not been the Rocky training montage I was envisioning in my head but I will give us credit for getting to that gym somewhat regularly. Travel is not included and to be fair that does cut a lot into our work-out time. It’s being at home that’s keeping us out of shape: editing at a desk or in bed, sometimes all day everyday, driving everywhere and generally not accounting for energy gained vs. energy lost. I also have to shamefully admit that with age your body does after all require different kinds of love then it did when it was in it’s teens. ‘They’ tell you this all the time, but nobody ever listens. Well I’m here to tell you that ‘They’ are totally right and I think my time has come. It’s been an adjustment, especially because our lives are so irregular and quite literally go against any kind of routine.
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Besides getting the fam on board for motivation I have been picking up my Apple Watch so much more often these last few months. Ever since our Whistler adventure getting to know the watch environment I have been so much more confident in the benefits it has been bringing to our lives. Of course fall detection for my mum has been critical and with the most recent series 5 launch we also now have EKG available in Canada to monitor the heart whenever we need it. The idea of closing our activity rings has also been integral to the the way we view time spent moving all together. We will pick up and go for a walk or take a moment to breathe thanks to the stats we get on the Apple Watch. If you watched the Apple Keynote  you will know about this year’s addition of the titanium and ceramic watch faces, both to be worn in very different ways (one more stylish and streamlined, the other optimized for performance and lightweight, can you guess which is which?). The biggest news this year for the watch has been the alway-on-display, which has been highly requested, though as a the watch wearer I was never bothered by the on/off jerk action you needed to make to see the display AND there has been some talk about the battery life being affected as a result, something which the jury is still out on, if you ask me. Some other new and very useful features include a built in compass and cycle tracking for women, the watch no longer takes data from our phones but has it available in the device itself,  the two are becoming more and more independent of each other so you will not longer need the phone to have full functionality of your watch. And just to put things in perspective, a fertility watch alone can set you back $400! If you are still rocking the series 3 watch and wondering if you need to upgrade the answer is 100% yes! These are some game changing features that you do not want to miss out on and having them all in one place and on your wrist no less is the future of technology we could only dream about when we were using our calculator Casio watches in elementary school!
As for working out, I am still working through my bodies capabilities. My 16 year old nephew proved to be quite a personal trainer and knows everything there is to know about how to work the human body. I loved being able to learn something from him. My current circuit includes the treadmill, bicep and tricep curls, squats, sit ups, and when my back has had enough of those (which as it turns out it does more often than I’d like to admit) I will switch those out for suspended leg lifts. I have also been playing around with the Nike Training Club (NTC) app for some suggested exercises to keep myself from the monotony of a routine, from which, as I mentioned earlier, I am so far removed. And for those of you curious to peek into this aspect of our lives, or just to relate, send me a DM and a follow request on my private account @healthyania. I’m hoping to keep this as a space for myself to track progress, document my favourite ways around the gym and just to stay accountable. Cue ‘Eye of the Tiger’ on my ‘Beast Mode’ playlist!
All of these photos were shot on the iPhone 11, eliminating the consumer camera market one phone release at a time! xoxo
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Tags: Apple, Apple Watch, fitness, health, tech
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The post I’m BACK! Why I’ve been gone and what I’ve been up to – Ania.B appeared first on Trends Dress.
from Trends Dress https://trendsdress.com/im-back-why-ive-been-gone-and-what-ive-been-up-to-ania-b/ from Trends Dress https://trendsdresscom.tumblr.com/post/613681865992323072
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crystalizednight · 7 years
what does revali's diary says? :'o i cannot play the dlc atm and im really curious
Sorry for the late response friend!  I didn’t even see I had an ask until I got on my computer!  Luckily I typed it up already for a story so I wouldn’t have to go searching!  Here you go!
I won another archery competition today.  As one would expect, the village can't stop talking about my winning streak.  In short order, I've managed to break all of the previous records and set an insurmountable high bar.  Everywhere I go I recieve praise and affirmations that I am the pride of the Rito.  I...could get used to this.  The elder asked me what I would like as a prize for my achievements.  I told him I wish for an archery training groud.  If I am to keep this up, I need somewhere to train at varying elevations.  I'm hoping to master a new moce I've dreamed up...I keep pushing my archery skills to the limit.  My dive is ideal, but the ensuing ascent is not as smooth as I wish it was.  I must return to the Flight Range again tomorrow.  There, I will become stronger.  Better.  I won't rest until I succeed.  The Rito children look up to me.  I hear they wish to start training at the Flight Range too.  Perhaps it's not a bad idea to allow everyone to use my training space.  These are dangerous times, after all.  Tomorrow I will try a new strategy I've been divising to control the updraft.  I refuse to believe it's impossible.There is a persistent rumor in town that Calamity Ganon's ressurection is imminent.  It can't be true...Right?  A few years ago, scientists dug up an ancient mechanical beast called Medoh.  It was supposedly used to fight Ganon.  Hyrule's royal family is in search of someone to pilot the beast.  They say to do so requires something beyond skill.  They say one's soul must contain an incredibly sacred power for a Divine Beast to recognize them as master.  They should have just asked for me by name (FUCKING SAVAGE OH MY GOD).  To control the Divine Beast and defeat the Calamity...would finally allow me to prove myself to the world.Hyrule's princess stopped dawdling and asked me to pilot the Divine Beast.  I asked what our plan is.  I wish I hadn't.  It is completely absurd.  The Divine Beasts are little more than backup for some Hylian knight who has the honor of fighting Calamity Ganon.  ME!  A sidekick!  I thought of declining, but then she looked me dead in the eye and held my gaze as she said..."We must protect the precious life of this land from the Calamity's grasp at all costs.  Hyrule needs you, Revali."  It was so corny I almost died.  But I won't soon forget the look in her eyes.  She meant it with all her heart.  I thought Hylians only thought of themselves, but I suppose there's an exception to every rule.  I'm going to accept, of course.  But out of self-respect, I'm going to let her sweat it out a bit longer.Hyrule's princess is coming by to ask for my answer tomorrow.  She will surely be overcome with joy when I accept.  And her timing is exceptional.  I am close.  So close to mastering my new move and showing everyone what I'm capable of.  When they see it, they'll know without doubt it should be ME fighting Ganon instead of that pathetic knight.  I can see it now.  The king and princess...AND the knight...all on their knees, begging me to defeat Ganon for them.  They'll say, "Please, Master Revali!  Please use your otherwordly skills and intellect to defeat Calamity Ganon!"  I look forward to that day.I journeyed to Hyrule Castle for an inauguration ceremony.  I now bear the grand title of, "Champion."  Meaningless pomp, if you ask me.  If true strength relied only on title and uniform, everyone would be a Champion.  I do like the blue scarf though...That annoyingly silent knight was as emotionless as usual.  I can never tell what's on his mind.  Likely nothing at all.  Somehow I can't help but believe the stories about him beating adult knights in swordplay when he was only a child.  Still, he doens't stand a chance against me.  There is no one alive who can keep up with my aerial combat.  That reminds me.  It's about time I came up with a fitting name for that new move I created.  What kind of name would be worthy?  Revali's...something.  Tornado?  Whirlwind?  Masterpiece? (Jesus Christ Revali lmao) Hmm.The princess came to the village on official business, along with her shadow, that insufferable knight.  I tried to talk to him while the princess met with the elder, but he was his usual quiet self.  Why do people like him so?  I also gave him the privilege of seeing me perform Revali's Gale.  Nothing.  No reaction at all to my impressive feat.  I showed it to him even knowing there was a chance of failure, since it's still so new.  He must truly be slow-witted.  I tried to provoke him into facing me, but to no avail.  It's like talking to a stone.  Our interactions were a waste of time, so I flew off to find solace with Medoh.  What's wrong with that guy?Daruk informed me that we have been asked to escort the princess to Lanayru.  We're to see the pricness off at dawn at the mountain's base and meet her there when she returns at sunset.  Must I participate in this nonsense?  Though...I still rememver that look on the princess's face.  When she asked me to pilot the Divine Beast, she was not only determined...she seemed desperate.  She's aware she can't fulfill her sacred duties, and anyone can see how it weighs on her.  It's difficult for me to comprehend the troubles of the talentless, but...I'm trying.  It's not that I dislike the princess.  She tries her hardest.  It's simply not good enough.  No, I don't think I can spare the time to send her off in the morning, but perhaps I will fly over to greet her at sunset.  Perhaps that alleged "sealing pwoer" will show her some mercy and finally awaken this time.
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