#this is a declaration of love no matter how buck viewed it so like
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lover-of-mine · 1 year ago
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Buddie Countdown to Season 7:
16 days.
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katie-the-bug · 8 months ago
Take a wild guess what I'm still reading.
For those just tuning in to my running commentary on Left Behind, we're following: Rayford Steele, a True Christian (TM) who's trying to convert his daughter and not-girlfriend; Chloe Steele, who exists just so Rayford has someone to worry about; Hattie Durham, Rayford's not-girlfriend and a newly-minted Antichrist fangirl; Bruce Barnes, failed pastor and expositor extraordinaire; Buck Williams, a reporter who's done a really bad job hiding from a global conspiracy; Nicolae Carpathia, the ridiculously charming barely-disguised Antichrist.
"As long as you don't expect me to cook or something sexist and domestic like that." Chapter 14 is off to a great start everybody.
We finally get Nicolae's take on every child in the world dying instantly, and his response has to do with quantum fields, lightning, and nuclear weapons. I understand he's supposed to be obviously lying here, but really, there's about as much proof for his theory as there is for the Rapture - which is to say, none.
Nicole also refers to the disappearance of children and "fetal material." I simply adore that a) LaHaye and Jenkins just had to make their villain pro-choice and b) this is how they think pro-choice people talk. Regardless, I'm rooting for Nicolae effective immediately.
The Steele's home gets broken into offpage, which I suppose is meant to show how lawless and cruel the world has become, but it falls flat. All the characters are back to work and traveling with only minor hitches from piled-up cars, governments are proceeding as though nothing has happened, and the characters can go shopping without incident. If the authors were trying to get across an image of societal collapse, they're failing miserably.
On call with Rayford in Chapter 15, Hattie mentions that her sister works in an abortion clinic and is getting no business because nobody is pregnant anymore, and Rayford (whose viewpoint is considered "correct" now that he's a True Christian) concludes that said sister is hoping for people to need abortions again so she can keep getting paid. Just in case you thought that the authors viewed abortion providers as anything other than baby-killing mercenaries.
The rest of the conversation has Rayford thinking Hattie is stupid for hoping her sister won't be out of business for too long. Actually, he's had a similar attitude throughout the whole story - part of the reason he beats himself up for wanting to have an affair with her is because she's young and vapid. Was I supposed to like this man? Because I don't like him at all.
M*A*S*H is still on at its usual time. But sure, the world is in chaos.
Nicolae has been declared "Sexiest Man Alive." Out of all the ways the authors are trying to show that everybody loves Nicolae, this is the funniest.
It has been mentioned several times that the Romanian Nicolae is of Italian descent. I would like to know how this matters at all. Is the Antichrist supposed to be Roman? Then why not make him Italian? And if he has to have some other nationality, why Romanian of all things? Why not American, which is what he acts like most of the time? I'm just going to assume there's some obscure interpretation of Revelation that indicates a Romanian Antichrist and leave it at that.
So, just to give you an idea of what's going on in Buck's plotline: his friend in London was on the trail of a global conspiracy. He died in a very suspicious "suicide." His other friend came to warn him that this conspiracy was coming for him before dying gruesomely in a car bombing, which Buck used to fake his own death. Buck returned to America, met with people who knew he was Buck, and went right back to reporting despite being worried that the conspiracy will arrest him for his friend's murders. He meets with Nicolae, who he knows is probably part of the conspiracy and more importantly knows exactly who he is and what he did. Nicolae is now explaining his entire evil scheme after no prompting. I think Buck is stupid, but fortunately for him, so is this conspiracy.
This whole plotline, incidentally, ends with Nicolae persuading Buck not to reveal the global conspiracy and, in exchange, phoning his fellow conspirators to get Buck off the hook. So our story about our intrepid journalist on the run from a global conspiracy ends in him not exposing a damn thing. Anticlimactic.
At the beginning of Chapter 17, Rayford watches the news. Once again, the sudden and mysterious death of every child in the world is a secondary concern to Nicolae Carpathia and *checks notes* two religious fanatics in Jerusalem yelling about Jesus Christ.
The book takes a few pages to let Bruce explain everything that's going to happen in the next seven years - and by extension, exactly how the authors think the end of the world will go down. This isn't even foreshadowing, this is straight-up spoiling the rest of the book series.
In Chapter 18, the aforementioned religious fanatics are attacked, and for some reason THIS is "turn on the TV right now" level news.
Okay so it's been shown and explicitly mentioned at least once that Nicolae doesn't use contractions in his speech. This means that, when he's pretending to act surprised about the suspicious death of one of Buck's competitors, he exclaims "You do not say!" like he's a posh French lady in a cartoon. I really want to know why the authors thought it made him sound sophisticated.
Nicolae meets Hattie and immediately gives her his personal number. We get no details, but I feel like there's a much more interesting story to be told here about the most charming man in the world being himself charmed in an instant. I know their relationship won't work out because Nicolae's gonna start acting cartoonishly evil in a little bit, but I'm gonna ship it while I can.
That concludes my thoughts on Chapters 14-19. I think I'm gonna have to start doing this in a more organized manner, maybe one post every five chapters or so just so they don't get too long and I don't have to think up silly titles for every single post. We'll see.
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floralseokjin · 4 years ago
⤑ made-up love song epilogue (m).
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Your first encounter with Kim Seokjin doesn’t go so well, nor your second, or your third… and maybe that’s because it shouldn’t work on paper. You’re an elementary school teacher living with your best friend, and have never left the country despite hitting the third decade of your life not so long ago. He’s the dad of one of your students, nearly a decade older than you and divorced. Oh yes, and just another minor detail – he’s a multimillionaire.
Your lives are lightyears apart, yet somehow, your paths having now crossed, things just seem to fall into place…
pairing; kim seokjin x reader au/genre/warnings; strangers to lovers, single dad! seokjin, ceo! seokjin, elementary school teacher! oc, age gap (oc is 30, seokjin is 37), seokjin is a dilf, romance, fluff, a final resolution, smut; oral (male receiving), penetration, got a lot spicier than i initially imagined, oc was feeling herself words; 6,503
↪︎ chapter index
chapters; i • ii • iii  • iv • v • vi • vii • viii • ix • x • epilogue  (+ drabbles)
author’s note; fun fact, I’ve never actually written an epilogue before, but it felt fitting this time around, to tie up all the loose(ish) ends and satisfyingly bring it to a close – she says as if she isn’t writing drabble upon drabble (and more) lol but you get what I mean. I hope you enjoy! Thank you for reading ~ 
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“The rabbits!” Seokjin cried out of the blue, jumping to his feet. 
Immediately you found yourself slumped into the sofa, having been leaning against him, cuddled up all morning. You sat up, confused as you looked at him. “What?”
His eyes were wide with panic. “I need to feed them! Arin will kill me if she finds out.” 
“Relax,” you chuckled, taking a hand in yours to tug him back to you. He stepped between your legs but kept standing. “They won’t starve to death. When did you feed them last?”
“Last night,” he thought. “Just after I came home from work. Maybe 7.” 
You checked his watch, seeing it was just gone eleven. “They’ll be fine for another half hour.” You stood up, tugging his hand again, but this time to lead him to the kitchen. “Come on, let’s take the stuff for brunch to your place.” 
You’d stayed in bed for a while this morning, just happily holding and kissing one another, still buzzed and definitely still basking in that post-orgasm glow. When you’d finally managed to escape the warmth of your sheets, you’d showered together. Your bathroom was a lot smaller than his – obviously – and your shower bath was even tinier, but you made it work, until you didn’t, Seokjin nearly toppling out over the side while simultaneously nearly getting rolled up in the shower curtain. Of course that had given you the giggles, but you’d composed yourself, finishing up, getting dry and then getting dressed for the day. Luckily, Seokjin had some clothes at your place, so he didn’t have to recycle the ones he’d slept in last night. 
You were treating this day like a Sunday, making the most of being lazy on the sofa before you inevitably had to go and cook brunch up. 
He stopped in his tracks, making you turn back. “You sure?” He asked, pulling you to him, nuzzling his nose against your jaw as his arms wrapped around waist. “I wanted to stay here this weekend.” 
You couldn’t stop yourself from chuckling, linking your hands around his neck as he placed a kiss behind your ear. “It doesn’t matter where we are as long as we’re together.” 
He pulled back to see you, his plump lips already curved into a smile. “You speak such truth. I’m forever awestruck by you.” 
“Shut up,” you rolled your eyes, but that didn’t stop you from stealing a small kiss. 
Seokjin decided he wanted more, pressing kiss upon kiss to your lips with enjoyable hums. “I love you,” he declared causally after the last that lingered a little. Then he grinned. “How many time will I say that today before it gets annoying?” 
You smiled fondly at him. “You could never be annoying.” You got the last kiss. “I love you.” 
A lazy day was a lazy day regardless of the house. After Seokjin made sure the rabbits were happy, fed and had fresh water, you started brunch, eating it on the kitchen island as the rain continued, falling down against the tall windows. Any other day you would have found the weather depressing, but not today. Not when you were bursting with happiness and beautifully content. Besides, that just meant you had even more of a reason to do nothing, cuddled up on Seokjin’s large corner sofa as you picked up the series the both of you had started watching a couple of weeks ago. 
At around 5pm you started toying with the idea of going out for dinner somewhere, but then you hadn’t brought along the right clothes and by now it was raining heavier than it had all day. The idea of putting on makeup made you feel even lazier, so you decided on takeout in the evening and a movie instead. 
As Seokjin was arranging the containers and plates around the coffee table, ready to dig in, movie ready to go, you slipped out a question. There’d been something on your mind all day, nothing major of course, but still, you didn’t quite know how to bring it up. 
“What time is Arin coming home tomorrow?” 
“I’m unsure,” he replied, briefly looking over at you before he opened up the black bean noodles. “I need to text Nana.” 
You nodded, opening you mouth to ask a follow up question, but hesitating last minute. He looked at you again, sensing your caution and raised a concerned eyebrow. You hated seeing him worried, so you rushed ahead. “Do you want me to go home beforehand?”
“No, of course not,” he exclaimed, before he furrowed his brow. “Unless you want to of course… If you feel uncomfortable.” 
“I don’t,” you were quick to reassure. You wanted to be there actually, if he was okay with it. “I was thinking her and I should clear the air.” 
You could see Seokjin deep in thought for a brief second before he nodded, sitting back against the sofa to take your hand. “It won’t be like last time. I promise.” 
Seokjin had already told you some of what he and Nana had spoken about Thursday evening, so you knew not to be worried about any potential conflict, but still, you didn’t want to blindside her. “We should probably check with her first though, right?” 
“Okay,” he agreed. Giving you a smile, he squeezed your thigh. “I’ll call her after the movie.” 
“Should I turn off the lamp?” 
You nodded in reply, watching Seokjin lean over his side of the bed to flick the only form of light you had off. When he rolled onto his back, you immediately pounced, hooking a leg over his hip to settle yourself on top of him, your stomachs flush. It may have nearing 12am, but sleep was not the thing on your mind. 
“Oh, hello,” he responded, happily surprised as his hands found your hips, nudging you closer. 
“Hello,” you smiled, wasting no time with meeting your mouths. 
You were a woman on a mission, knowing exactly what you wanted. Today had been lovely, and yes, you’d already had sex today, but when had that ever stopped you before? You were happy and in love and just couldn’t keep your hands (and lips) off of your boyfriend. On top of that, you were just in a great mood, full of positivity. Nana was fine with meeting tomorrow and that meant you could all clear the air and move forward. You’d finally get to see Arin again too, you’d missed her.
Things were perfect, if you did say so yourself, everything heading in the right direction, and right now you wanted to celebrate that. With Seokjin. In the best kind of way. 
“I would have kept the light on if I knew we’d be kissing,” Seokjin murmured wetly against your lips, his tongue missing yours by a second as you started to trail your way down his chin, throat and then his chest, kissing over his pyjama shirt. 
He felt you start to undo the buttons, his cock beginning to rouse expectantly which was highly amusing for you. As you exposed more and more of his chest your lips followed suit, kissing down his stomach, past his belly button to stop just above his pyjama pants, the tiny hairs that littered the skin tickling. You pulled the shirt open, working your way up again, Seokjin helpfully keeping your hair out of your eyes as he tried to hungrily watch you at work, the light of the moon shining through the gaps in the drapes casting enough light to be able to make you out. 
He let out a shaky moan when you flicked the tip of your tongue against his right nipple, laughing at himself afterwards. 
Back at his mouth, you didn’t stay too long before you sat up, straddling him. 
“Where are you going?” He wailed, annoyed you didn’t want his kisses. 
But it wasn’t that you didn’t want them, more like you wanted something else… 
You moved downwards, covers collecting at the end of the bed as you slotted in between his eagerly opening legs, his hips bucking when you cupped his now fully erect (and trapped) member. You began to run your hand up and down it, a grin on your face as you looked up. “You’re so easy.” 
Eyes having adjusted, you saw his grin was a little more bashful, eyes half lidded as he admired the view before him. “Only for you.” 
Ever the flatterer, you had him inside the warmth of your mouth in no time. You weren’t shy by any means, especially now what with all the times you and Seokjin had been intimate, but there was something about being surrounded in near darkness that gave you a fresh surge of confidence. In the glow of the moon, you could make out Seokjin’s parted lips, his eyes piercing the ceiling, giving you a glorious view of his thick neck, Adam’s apple bobbing up and down slowly as his breathing got shallower, just enjoying the moment. He looked handsome as hell – mixed with that pyjama shirt pushed sinfully open, his toned chest and stomach on full display. For you. 
Taking him deeper, you reached for him, running your hands up his stomach, feeling the firm ridges of muscle. He let out a deep moan, looking down to take your hands in his, eyes heavy with desire as he clasped them tight. You eased up a little, smiling around his cock before you started sucking the tip, caressing your tongue over him time and time again. 
He lifted his hips up, eager for more and you wrestled one of your hands free from his to clasp it around the base of his dick, feeling how wet it was from your saliva as you slowly started jerking him off, placing small, wet kisses against his slit. 
With the hand still on his torso, he slipped his fingers between yours, head relaxing back, eyes shut once he felt you softly begin to massage his balls, coating them in the spit that had dripped down onto them. You took him deeper again, picking up speed as you bobbed your head up and down. The sensation just about exploded his mind. 
“Jesus, fuck, baby,” he gasped, free hand running through his hair and tugging at the roots. “If you keep that up I’ll cum.” 
You found it cute how bad his voice trembled, pulling off to smirk. “And is that a bad thing?” 
“Nope, it’s not bad,” he agreed, a little more himself now that you’d spared him for a few seconds. “I just thought we could do some other stuff too.” 
“Some other stuff?” you laughed, lifting on your knees to crawl closer to him. You continued to massage his balls, feeling them tighten. “Like what?” 
He took a shaky breath, rolling his hips into your touch. “Like…” He paused to groan. Now you were jerking him again, your thumb rolling small circles against his slit. “Sex.” He tried again. “I want to have sex with you.” 
“You do?” 
“I always want to have sex with you.” 
And impatient now, his hands gripped your waist, tugging you to him. You squealed, fingers slipping from his cock to land on his chest, the movement sudden enough to make you think you were falling. He kissed you hastily, a soft growl in his throat as his palm grazed over your ass, fingertips playing with the frill detail of your shorts. 
“I’d be inside you 24/7 if it was possible.” 
“God, I want it to be possible so bad.” You practically lamented, his mouth on your neck now, licking strips up and down the sensitive skin. 
He made another noise, cock twitching against your thigh. You felt impatient yourself now, hands finding the collars of his shirt to push it over his shoulders, needing to strip him. He lifted his back of the bed, letting you shimmy the item off before his hands grabbed at your vest, lifting it up over your head in no time. Your mouths met in a rush, his hands palming your breasts, making you moan out, nipples sensitive as he pinched them between his thumb and forefinger. 
You went to move, wanting to get rid of his pants but he stopped you, fingers wrapping around your ribs. 
“W-wait, wait, wait, wait,” he babbled, pulling you closer. “Let me taste them.” To explain further, he caressed a finger down your left breast, making you shudder. “Mine,” he whispered possessively and then you found yourself hovering over his face, his hands cupping the soft, sensitive flesh as he kissed and sucked them in turn. 
You could feel yourself growing wetter and wetter, shorts uncomfortable as he swirled his tongue around and around your nipple, nipping it gently as he pulled away. “I love your body,” he breathed – hard. “I love you.” 
“Mhmm,” you moaned deeply, watching him suck on the other boob now. Your fingers dug into the pillow, arms trembling with pleasure. “I love you, too.” 
He made a noise of approval, finally letting you break free so you could get his pants down over his hips. His erection was so hard by now it almost stood poker straight, veins angrily visible even in the faint lighting. Pyjama pants below his knees, he eagerly kicked them off the rest of the way, watching as you peeled off your shorts. Both naked, he moaned as you straddled him, sliding up and down his cock teasingly, coating it in your arousal. 
“Honey, please,” he pleaded. His voice shook. “Don’t tease. It’s not very nice.” 
“You tease me all the time.”
He groaned weakly, unable to think of a comeback. You sat straighter, chest wet and shiny in the moonlight, his doing, and you knew he could see it too, his dark eyes watching you silently – hungrily. He looked so good, you couldn’t wait any longer. Wrapping your hand around him, you ambitiously went for it, pushing down and taking him whole. It surprised you both, groaning together as you caught your breaths. 
Although, you didn’t give him much time to get used to the feeling of your warmth hugging him tight before you began to ride him hard and fast, bouncing up and down loudly before you stopped to swivel your hips. He could feel you everywhere, his eyes practically rolling back into his head as you continued your onslaught. 
“Y/N…” He murmured, voice weak as he watched you begin to bounce on top of him again, his hands travelling up your thighs to land on your waist. “Y/N,” he tried again, unable to piece together a sentence. “Shit, keep going like that…mmfph, yeah, just like that…” 
When you felt his fingers digging into your skin you wrapped your hands around his, pushing them away. “N-no touching,” you panted, feeling him lift his legs and fold them at the knee behind you, giving you something to lean back on. 
“Seriously,” he asked, sounding annoyed, yet dreadfully turned on. 
You smirked. “I want you to lay back and watch.” 
He matched the curve of your lips. ‘Oh, I can do that no problem, honey.” He stubbornly kept his voice steady, thrusting inside of you once before he stilled his hips completely. “Could watch you ride me all night.” 
On cue, he folded his arms behind his head, biceps bulging. The casual manner got you instantly hot, bouncing along his cock a couple more times before you leaned forward, changing the angle and in turn hopefully sending him crazy. You moved back and forth, griding all over him, your arousal soaking into his pubic hair. You were wetter than usual tonight, turning yourself on as you rode him, hearing the soft squelching where your bodies met, the pressure on your clit eliciting moan after moan. 
You stared him straight in the eyes, noticing the way his jaw was clenched tight, a muscle twitching in his left cheek, but he continued to persevere, stubborn to the bone. 
That was until he felt your breasts graze against him. His hips jerked up, moaning as he was unable to stop rolling into you, and you let him, let him fuck up into you, moaning softly. 
He grunted. “Someone’s getting tired.” 
You shook your head with a whine. You could be stubborn too. Sitting up, you attempted to bounce again but his hips were working too fast by now, his fists grabbing the pillow below his head to gain some momentum. You cried out as he thrust harder, Seokjin’s own noises of pleasure gasping out of him as if he’d been holding his breath. 
“S-seokjin,” you panted, shakily holding onto his thighs. 
He wasn’t relenting. If anything he fucked you harder. “Honey, just give up,” he said matter-of-factly, yet his voice was strained, veins in his neck visible. 
Confidently he brought his hands to your hips, knowing you wouldn’t stop him now, too far gone. You let your eyes flutter closed, concentrating on how good his cock felt inside you. The beautifully crude sound of him pounding into you. 
“Yeah?” He breathed. “Let me make you feel good now. It’s your turn…” 
You nodded, moaning brokenly, and in the blink of an eye you found yourself on your back, Seokjin situated between your spread legs, finding home once again inside the warmth of your body.
You grasped his shoulders, making more noise as he rolled his hips into you, and hooked your legs around his waist, wanting him as deep as possible 
“Uh-uh-uh,” he grinned, taking your hands off him. “No touching.” 
You started complaining but then he pushed your hands above your head, holding your wrists tight with one hand. “Nghnn. Seokjin,” you moaned, feeling him start to fuck you with his entire weight. His back looked delectable and all you wanted to do was rake your fingernails down it but you couldn’t. 
Although, being pinned down by him wasn’t such a terrible thing. 
After a couple of minutes he pressed the elbow of the arm that had you imprisoned into the mattress, careful not to squash you as he brought the other hand between your legs, beginning to roll your swollen clit between his fingertips. Gasping, your legs fell back to the bed, circling your hips in time with his motions, wanting to cum now that he’d put the idea into your head. 
He chuckled at your eagerness causing you to whine. “Why d-don’t you put those lips to good use?”
“Like this, baby?” He smirked, leaning his face in closer, mouth millimetres from yours, and you just about lunged, kissing him desperately. 
He matched that urgency, at some point unable to keep your wrists in place and as soon as he let you go, you had your arms wrapped around him longingly. A groan tore from his throat, thrusts more determined as he continued to rub your clit, and you could feel your back begin to arch, toes curling into the sheets. 
He could obviously feel you squeezing around him too, ripping himself away from your mouth with a moan of your name. “Y/N. Fuck.” 
That’s all it took for you to crumble, face contorting with pleasure as you stared up at him, pulsing around him uncontrollably. 
“You’re so pretty when you cum,” he cooed, removing his hand from between your legs as he pressed soft kisses to your mouth, your orgasm continuing to wash over you in waves. “Am I pretty when I cum?” He joked, but you were too far gone to snort, let alone reply. 
He kept rolling into you, determined to keep your pleasure going for as long as possible, and you almost felt overwhelmed, back arching higher as you clung to him, a tear escaping out of one eye to run down the side of your face. He kissed it away, continuing to adore you, voice cracking, close himself now.  
“You’re my pretty woman. So pretty.” He murmured against your lips and you kissed him hard, the last of orgasm rocking through your body. Holy shit, that was a powerful one. You felt lightheaded but couldn’t get enough. 
“Fuck,” he gasped, feeling the effects as you squeezed and spasmed around him, and with one final thrust he stilled, beginning to spill inside of you. 
You cupped his face quickly, hands trembling and pushed his head up, wanting to admire his face. His plump lips were parted and shiny, beads of sweat collecting along his hairline, gaze unfocused, eyelids heavy with the weight of his pleasure. He looked positively sinful. 
You gave him a drunken smile, your own eyes barely open, and told him simply, “You’re pretty when you cum.” 
You awoke just as Seokjin was rolling over, a muscular arm reaching for you, pulling your body into his warmth. It was still raining, even harder this morning, but you didn’t care, not when you were so cosy and in love. You were still both entirely naked, which Seokjin took full advantage of, hand cupping a breast – nothing sexual in it though, more like a comfort thing. You smiled, eyes still closed and cuddled in deeper. 
“Where is he this morning?” 
There was a brief silence as he tried to work out what you were asking, but soon enough he realised and laughed, sound cracked and raspy with sleep. “He’s tuckered out after last night.” 
“Aw, diddums.” 
A Sunday morning without a boner? Blasphemy. His morning woods were part of the package, so honestly it was quite surprising to not feel him hard between your butt cheeks. 
Seokjin kissed the top of your head, making a sleepy sound, hugging you tighter to his body. “He just wants to stay in bed and cuddle this morning.” 
“That sounds perfect to me.” 
You honestly couldn’t think of anything better. 
Once you eventually dragged yourselves out of the warmth of Seokjin’s giant bed, the rest of the morning and early afternoon went by in the blink of an eye. You had just about enough time for a quick lunch before Arin was due back at 2pm, and even though you were ready to meet Nana this time, you still couldn’t stop yourself from feeling a little nervous. It was only natural, you knew that, so you didn’t dwell on it too much, but as you heard the intercom start to ring in the entryway, signalling her arrival, your worry must have been written all over your face. 
“Hey,” Seokjin said softly, calling you as you hovered by the doorway of the family room. When he saw he had your attention, he smiled warmly. “Everything’s fine.”
You gave him a reassuring smile of your own, watching him answer the call to Nana before he opened up the front door, waiting their arrival. 
Arin came in full steam ahead, her little backpack on her shoulders, her carry-on hopping behind as she attempted to ram it over the step to get inside. Nana was only just getting out of the car, you could see her slightly from where you still stood in the doorway of the family room. 
“Hello, Arin.” Seokjin greeted, amusement clear in his voice as he watched his daughter struggle. “Did you have a fun time?” 
She was too busy huffing and puffing to reply and that’s when he finally took pity on her. He reached out his arm, “Let me take your case.” 
“No!” She insisted. She was a determined little thing. “I can do–” 
She never got to finish off her sentence because as she looked forward she caught sight of you smiling at her. 
“Y/N!” She squealed, case (and dad) immediately forgotten as she ran towards you. You weren’t expecting the wave of emotion that hit you when she wrapped her arms around your middle, face in your stomach, but it was there, and it got you right in the gut. You hugged her back. “You’re here,” she beamed up happily. 
“I am,” you grinned, swallowing back your wavering voice. 
“I missed you. It’s been ages.” 
You could always count on kids to be straightforward with their words. She was going to make you cry if she carried on like this. “I missed you too.” 
“It’s only been a week, sweetie,” you heard Seokjin say. 
Arin turned to him quickly. “It’s still a long time.” Then back at you. “I thought you’d never visit again.” 
You felt your heart constrict, and unsure what to do you looked over at Seokjin, finding him equally as afflicted by his daughter’s confession. Teacher mode activated then. “No, no. I was just... busy with work, that’s all.” 
You winced inwardly at your stupid excuse, not wanting to lie to her, but unable to really tell her the truth, especially at a time like this. 
On cue, you heard Nana’s voice greeting you. “Hi, Y/N.” 
You looked over to see her stood just behind Seokjin, a small smile on her face. She seemed a little nervous herself, which selfishly relaxed you. 
“Nana,” you smiled back, “hi.” 
Seokjin cleared his throat, taking a few steps towards his daughter and you. One look at him told you he was feeling the jitters too. This was brand new territory after all – for all of you. 
“Arin, why don’t you take your backpack upstairs and I’ll tell you when mommy is going home so you can say goodbye?” 
“Okay,” she agreed simply, pulling away from you to bound upstairs before she stopped abruptly. She turned back to Seokjin and ran forward with her arms forward. “Sorry, daddy. I forgot to hug you.” 
He chuckled, bending down to kiss her head before he ruffled her hair. “That’s okay. Now, unpack your things. I’ll bring your case up later.” 
She nodded, giving her mom a wave before her attention returned to you. “Will you still be here when I get back?”
“Of course,” you nodded, ignoring the fresh tug at your heartstrings. 
“She really likes you,” Nana observed just as you lost sight of Arin going up the staircase. 
You shook your head, chuckling as you replied modestly, “I don’t know about that.” 
“She does,” she insisted, smiling afterwards. “It’s nice to see. I’m glad she’s happy with everything.” 
You nodded, unsure what to respond with, but Seokjin saved the day. “Do you want something to drink?” 
Nana shook her hand. “I’m okay, thanks. I won’t stay long. I don’t want to interrupt your afternoon.” 
Seokjin gestured her to enter the room, then moved back to take your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze as he brought you forward, wanting you to go next, putting the hand on the small of your back instead now. His touch calmed you. 
“Sit,” he prompted Nana warmly, and she perched herself on the edge of the teal love seat. 
“I like what you’ve done with the place by the way,” she said politely, looking around. 
“You and me both know I just threw some new throw cushions down,” he laughed, attempting to ease the atmosphere.  
Nana joined in just as you sat down on the far end of the sofa. Instead of taking the seat next to you, Seokjin perched himself on the armrest, loosely throwing his arm around the backrest, fingers grazing your shoulder. 
Nana’s attention fell to you, her expression now serious. “Y/N, I want to apologise to you.” She began. “I was out of order last weekend. I was angry but that’s no excuse.” 
“I appreciate it,” you replied, finding your bearings. “I understand it was a shock to find out about me.” 
“It was, but I still acted embarrassingly.” She looked down at the floor, ashamed of herself. “To think that’s your first impression of me.”
She had said some terrible things, yes. Not only to you, but Seokjin too, but, Seokjin had also said plenty of cruel things back. You weren’t one to hold a grudge, especially if she was showing genuine remorse, which you believed to be the case. 
“We can start anew if you like?” You offered with a small smile. 
She visibly relaxed. “I’d like that.” Then she hesitated before deciding to carry on. “I meant what I said, it seems like Arin really likes you. I trust my daughter’s intuition.” 
“She really does,” Seokjin agreed with a hum, rubbing your shoulder. 
“She’s been talking about you over the weekend – not that I’ve been prying of course,” Nana was quick to clarify. “You’re good with her.” She looked you straight in the eyes. “Thank you for accepting my child.” 
You weren’t used to having this much praise and attention thrown your way, you didn’t really know what to say, but that was alright, you didn’t think Nana was looking for an outright response. You understood how important this was for her. She needed to trust the woman that spent time with her daughter, just like Seokjin had grown to trust you. It was slightly more difficult for her considering she wouldn’t be spending a lot of time in your company, so all she really had to go off was Arin’s opinion on you. It meant a lot to know she had given you a chance. Last week you had been afraid that might not be the case. 
You smiled gratefully. “She’s really special.” 
“Yes, Y/N says she’s a talented storyteller,” Seokjin mentioned soon after, helping the conversation along as if he could sense that you felt awkward with all the attention cast on you. He knew you too well. 
“Oh really?” Nana looked delighted, eyes on you as she waited for more information. 
You nodded, complimenting Arin coming easy to you. “The stories she wrote while I was her teacher were amazing.” 
“I have the copies somewhere if you want to read them yourself,” Seokjin offered. 
“I’d love that,” she beamed. “Thank you, Seokjin.” 
“No problem. I’ll find them this week.” 
Nana’s gaze happened to fall to Seokjin’s hand still comfortably on your shoulder then, and her smile faltered. In its place appeared guilt. “Listen, I... I hope I didn’t come in between you both because of last weekend.” She turned to you. “I know mine and Jin’s relationship seems toxic and it was until a few days but I,” she paused to glance at Seokjin, “I really want to change that.” 
“You know I do too,” he agreed. 
“I don’t want to fight anymore, or have things tense between us. We both love Arin.” She caught your eyes. “We all love Arin, so that’s the most important thing.” 
You looked down at your lap but nodded in agreement. Arin’s happiness was what mattered the most. 
“It is,” Seokjin replied. 
Nana smiled, satisfied, and stood up. “Okay, I should get going.” You both followed her, starting to walk towards the doorway. 
“Um, I managed to get that Wednesday afternoon free,” she told Seokjin, “is it okay if I collect Arin from school and take her for something to eat?”
“Of course. I know this great pizza place she loves if you want the name.” 
“She already told me about it,” Nana chuckled. “I think she was dropping hints, but directions would be great. Thanks, Jin.” 
“No problem.” He stopped by the staircase, voice raising quite a lot to reach Arin in her bedroom. “Arin, your mom’s leaving. Come say bye, sweetie.” 
In no time at all she was galloping down the stairs. “Will I see you Wednesday?” She asked her mom eagerly. 
“You betcha! How does pizza sound?”
“Yay, thank you, mom!” She squealed, going in for a hug as Nana bent down.  
“I’ll see you in a couple of days, okay, darling. I love you.” 
“I love you more,” Arin murmured sweetly, kissing her mother’s cheek. 
Nana kissed her back, chuckling. “Not possible, but okay.” Then she stood up, nodding to you and Seokjin with a small smile. “Bye both. I’ll see you Wednesday?” 
“See you Wednesday,” Jin confirmed. 
You spent the afternoon playing board games together, Seokjin finding a bunch of his old collection in the attic and you had fun teaching Arin how to play, although she didn’t quite grasp the full idea of monopoly yet, wanting to buy everything in sight regardless of if she had enough money or not… It was funny to say the least, even more so when Seokjin was unable to refuse her, loaning her money from the bank time and time again. 
Where’s my special treatment, you’d teased quietly when Arin was distracted, secretly finding it adorable how much of a softie he was when it came to his daughter. 
“You know I’d buy you anything you want,” he’d replied with a grin, unable to stop himself from stealing a quick kiss. 
At around 6pm, you and Seokjin began preparing dinner for the three of you. Only you left him in charge for a little while when you followed after Arin who had gone to feed her rabbits, wanting time alone to talk with her. You hadn’t been able to stop feeling guilty about effectively lying to her earlier and after confiding in Seokjin about it while Arin was unpacking her suitcase, he’d suggested you speak to her about it. He agreed that honesty was the best policy from here on in (within reason, of course) and that she obviously understood something had been wrong last week else she wouldn’t have reacted the way she had when she’d seen you earlier this afternoon. 
She was only getting older and that meant as much transparency as possible when she was personally involved in something. She was at that age where these things would stick with her. Although hopefully nothing like last week would ever happen again. 
You stood by the doorway watching as she cooed and conversed with the Olive and Ariel at first, not wanting to interrupt. She was such a great little pet owner, making sure they were fed and watered enough, helping to clean their hutch, watching over them when they played outside. She adored them. 
After a few moments she noticed you. “Oh, Y/N,” she smiled, “is dinner ready?” 
You shook your head. “Not yet.” Stepping closer you joined her, watching the rabbits bound about. Seokjin had found the largest hutch imaginable. “Did you miss them?” 
“Yes, but daddy has been feeding them well.” 
You stifled a laugh, remembering Seokjin’s panic yesterday morning, but then crossed your arms, clearing your throat. “Hey, listen,” you began cautiously, feeling a little nervous. Arin looked up at you curiously. “Remember when I said I didn’t come over because I was busy with work?” 
She paused to think and then nodded. 
“I was lying actually, Arin.” 
Her eyebrows pinched together. “How come?”  
“Because… I didn’t want to worry you.” 
She took some time to process what you were saying before she shrugged matter-of-factly. “I was still pretty worried last week anyway.”
You smiled sadly. “I know, and I’m sorry about that. Your dad and I…” 
“Did you have an argument?” She was looking up at you curiously, finger playing with Olive and Ariel’s water bottle. 
“Something like that,” you nodded. “It was more of a disagreement.” 
“I thought so because daddy was sad all week.” 
Her honesty stabbed at your heart. 
“Were you sad too,” she asked. 
“But you’re happy now?”
You smiled at her. “Yes, everything is all fine now. Me and your dad are happy.” 
She looked happy herself at that piece of information, relaxing visibly, but then she asked a question that caught you off guard. “Do you know if daddy and my mom are happy too?” 
“I think so.” You replied as vaguely as you could, not wanting to overstep the mark. But it didn’t feel right. You tried again. “I think things will be different from now on, Arin.” 
“I hope so. I hate it when they argue.” She sounded sad, her gaze cast to the floor. 
“I know. No one likes watching their parents fight.” you sympathised. 
“What about you and my mom?” She asked suddenly, changing the subject a little. “Are you happy?” 
“Yes, I think so.” You smiled at her. “I like your mom. She’s very pretty just like you.” 
Arin beamed and then added, “You’re pretty too.” 
You wrapped an arm around her shoulders, giving her a squeeze. “Thank you.” 
“Don’t worry,” she almost whispered, “I won’t use that word again.” 
You were clueless for a moment, not understanding what she meant but then it hit you. She carried on. 
“Not until we all decide. Mommy said I might call you that one day if you want me to.” 
For the second time today you felt emotional, throat tight as you choked up suddenly. You composed yourself expertly though, taking a breath before you smiled and replied. “That’s right. There’s no rush for when we all decide.”  
Arin nodded along happily and you took her hand. 
“Should we go and check on daddy now? See if dinner’s ready?”
“I think so.” She agreed, her eyes rolling slightly. “Last week he set off the alarms because he burned my chicken nuggets.” 
“Oh, gosh,” you said, soon spluttering out a laugh. Arin joined in. Seokjin had failed to tell you that (hilarious) piece of information. “Well then, let’s hurry.” 
Seokjin was searching the pantry for something when you arrived back at the kitchen. “Hey,” he said, shooting a warm smile your way. “How’s my two favourite ladies?”
You looked down at Arin, wanting her to reply and she beamed at her father. “Happy.” 
You nodded in agreement, catching Seokjin’s eyes as you shared a private moment, silently telling him everything was fine now. He shot you a playful wink then, closing the door. “That’s funny, because I’m happy too.” 
You moved closer to him, collecting the messy ties of the apron he insisted on wearing whenever he was in the kitchen to retie them properly. “We were just checking in to see if the chef was burning dinner again…” 
With a surprised huff, he turned to his daughter, eyes wide. “Kim Arin did you tell tales on me?”
Arin erupted into a fit of giggles, you and Seokjin joining in immediately. “Maybe…” 
“It was an accident. Happens to the best of us,” he tried to defend. 
“Sure, sure.” 
Arin was greatly amused by your flippant response, but soon grew sympathetic towards her dad, stroking his elbow. “It’s okay, dad, I forgive you.” 
“That’s very kind of you,” he laughed. 
“Should I set the table?” 
“And that’s very sweet of you,” he added, eyes shooting wide. “Thank you.” 
You helped her get all the cutlery she needed and watched her leave for the dining room determinedly. But your attention soon got stolen away, pulled into Seokjin’s warmth as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders. You hooked yours around his middle. 
“Okay?” He murmured, checking in as he placed a kiss on your forehead. 
You looked up at him, a smile on your face and gave his waist a squeeze. 
“Okay.” You confirmed. 
Everything was more than okay, actually. 
Everything was perfect. 
Tumblr media
Written 2020 - 2021. Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2021
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unwrittenlibrary · 4 years ago
keep you warm and safe
summary // bonus part to my arms will hold you; bucky and his wife as she goes through the twelve hours of labor. stories, pain, games, jello and lots of love. [established bucky barnes x fem! reader]
words // 3.2k
warnings // depiction of labor, epidural usage, hospital birth & excessive use of nickname pretty girl
notes // eeeeeeeeeek i was so excited for this request! i love bucky + the mrs + this dynamic so much. note this is written in a similar style as the first piece; snippets of each hour.
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《
Hour One 
Bucky doesn’t know what to do to help you, that much is obvious to you. It might even make you laugh, if it hadn’t been for the pain that was coming and going. Dr. O had apologetically explained that you were only six centimeters dilated and would have to wait until you were at ten, which you knew, but it still sucked to hear.
You groan, a mixture of pain and annoyance, as Bucky looks at your doctor sadly. “How long will that take?” He asks curiously. 
She shrugs before pulling up your chart on the tablet at the end of your bed. “It really depends. It could be anywhere from an hour to more than twelve. Every woman goes through the stages of labor differently.” 
Bucky’s hand is still rubbing your stomach gently as he continues to ask questions. “But her water broke. Her contractions are only a few minutes apart. How can it take another, like, ten hours?” 
Your hand grips him tightly. “Buck, it doesn’t matter.” You say in a tired voice. 
He turns to you a little apologetically. “Sorry, I’m just curious.” He admits sheepishly. Dr. O takes her leave with a kind smile and a gentle pat on your shin. Bucky looks down at you again. “Dads didn’t really go in the room with their wives when I was younger. My dad and I sat out in the waiting room when Becca was born.” 
You look at him with curious eyes. “Really? Your mom was all alone?” 
“I think my grandma was with her for a while, but yeah, pretty much.” He shrugs. “We were let in after Rebecca was cleaned and wrapped up. It’s nice being able to be with you. I just want to help.” 
Your heart swells at his admission. “That’s so sweet, Bucky.” You whisper resting your head against his shoulder. “Tell me about that day.” You demand quietly, hoping a story would help distract you. 
“I don’t really remember much of it.” Bucky starts. “But I remember my dad and I sitting in the waiting room and you know, we lived in such a gloomy time. Before the depression we weren’t too well off, so I know my parents were a little stressed about having two of us hooligans.” He laughs gently and you smile. You feel yourself relax at his voice and although there’s still pain, you’re not struggling to breathe anymore. “But when my dad saw Becca and the nurse let him hold her I saw it all go away. My mom let me crawl into the bed with her. Nothing like this one, mind you. It was smaller and way less comfortable, but she still wrapped her arm around me and kissed my head and my dad introduced me to Becca.” He hastily wipes a tear away. “It’s one of the few good memories I have of back then.”
“I’m so sorry, Bucky.” You say, a little guilty. You hadn’t meant to make him sad by bringing up his family. “I wish they could meet me and our babies.” 
Bucky smiles down at you then presses a kiss to your cheek. “Me too, but I know they’re proud of me. I know they would’ve loved you. That’s all I need.” 
You groan as another contraction hits and Bucky sits up a little straighter, his hand immediately rubbing up and down your back. “You’re so strong. I love you so much.” He murmurs as you breathe deeply. 
“I’m so proud of you.” You say a moment later when the sharp pain has passed and you have a second to breathe. 
Bucky snorts and looks you over with his eyes. “Not prouder than I am of you. Nothing I’ve done in this lifetime can compare to what you’re doing right now.” 
And - well - a small part of you wants to argue that Bucky saved lives daily, but the rest of you agreed. Bucky would never do this and his support and pure adoration made it a little easier. 
Hour Three
“I’m hungry.” You complain. Dr. O had left a little over twenty minutes ago after declaring you were still only dilated six centimeters, which felt impossible but who were you to argue with her? “What can I eat?” 
Bucky’s begun pulling out some of the stuff you had packed in the go bag and organizing it in the small hospital dresser. 
“The nurse said I can get you ice chips or jello, but that’s really it.” He answers apologetically. You sigh mournfully. All you really wanted was something to fill you up. “Want me to grab some?” 
“Jello, please.” You shrug. “Are you sure I can’t eat anything? I want, like, mashed potatoes.” You tap your fingers against your stomach as you adjust your pillow behind you with one arm. 
Bucky laughs as he comes over to you. “I’m sure, pretty girl.” His hand cups your cheek gently and you look up at him with a pout. “I’ll bring you some jello.” 
“Thank you.” You smile up at him. Dr. O enters as he leaves and he pauses. “Go! I’ll be fine.” You wave him away as she comes to your bedside. He waits for a moment before finally stepping out of the room. You look at Dr. O with a tired smile. “Checking me again?” You ask.” 
“I will in a little while. I came to talk to you about an epidural. You’ve already been in labor for a few hours and it looks like you’ll be one of the women who is in labor for a tough amount of time.” She explains gently. “It’s completely up to you. You have some time to think.” 
You nod. Your contractions still hurt and they took the wind out of you when they came every few minutes, so it didn’t feel like the worst idea. “Come back in half an hour? Can I have some time to think?” 
“Of course!” She nods. “Take your time. Remember nobody is here to judge you, it’s your body and your choice entirely.” 
You smile. “Thank you.” You relax against your pillow as you wait for Bucky to return with your jello. You think of Dr. O’s advice torn between having a natural birth and the gruelling pain it could leave you in for hours. 
“I come bearing jello.” Bucky pushes the door open softly and smiles at you with two cups of jello in his hand. You frown at their small size and Bucky chuckles. “I know they’re small, that's why I brought you two.” 
You smile gratefully when he peels one open and hands it to you along with a small spoon. You moan at the taste of it and the feeling of being able to eat something even though it’s something small like jello. 
“Dr. O asked if I wanted an epidural.” You murmur in between bites. Bucky nods. “What will that do?” He asks curiously. 
You take a deep breath as pain shoots through you. “Help with these contractions in case labor goes on for hours. I don’t know some women just go entirely natural, I’m torn.” 
“Well is it unsafe?” He asks before handing you the second cup. You shake your head. “There are risks to every medical procedure. It’s not like, bad for the babies but it can have some risky side effects.” You explain. 
Bucky looks at you with intent, like he doesn’t want to miss a word that comes out of your mouth. “You know it’s up to you. Nobody else's opinion should matter, it’s not their body.” 
You take a deep breath. “I know… I just don’t want people to think I’m like, not woman enough or-“
“Stop.” Bucky cuts you off harshly. You look at him with wide eyes. “Pretty girl, nobody can tell you anything about your choices. Got that?” He tilts his head so you’re forced to look him in the eyes. 
You’ve always loved Bucky’s eyes. His emotions reflected in the blue that held your own stare until you nod slowly. 
He smiles then flexes his vibranium arm. “And if they do, they can deal with me.” 
Hour Five 
“Call them back!” You laugh as you sit up in bed. The pain has lessened considerably after the epidural at hour four, when you had only been dilated around seven centimeters. “I’m fine, Buck!” 
Bucky looks hesitant as he pulls the phone out. “Are you sure, pretty girl? If you’re tired you can take a nap or-“
“Bucky.” You whine a little. “I want to talk to my friend! Call Sam back!” He sighs as he pulls out his phone and sets it up on your little tray for food. 
It rings for a few moments before Sam’s face appears on the screen with a wide smile. “My favorite people!” He cheers when he sees you two both in frame. “Man, has anybody told you how beautiful you look right now?” He says sweetly. 
You roll your eyes. “Only every hour. Bucky won’t stop saying it.” You nudge his side playfully. “I look like a disaster, but I appreciate it.” 
Sam and Bucky both shake their heads. “Not true at all. You look like a goddess.” Bucky says sternly. You giggle as Sam snorts. 
“How far along are you?” He asks. You shrug. “About three more centimeters to go, but the doctor said it could take awhile.” 
“Should Steve and I come camp out in the waiting room?” He smirks. “I’m about to buy out the whole gift store.” 
You laugh. “Not necessary! Bucky will text you when we get closer if you want to come down.” 
Sam rolls his eyes good naturedly. “Of course we do. Life gets so boring here at the compound. Steve!” He yells out. You and Bucky flinch at the drastic change in tone. “Steve! Come here!” He looks back at the camera. “He came to help with training today, that worked out great, didn’t it? We can carpool.” 
You both nod as Steve forces his face into the camera view. You and Bucky smile brightly at him and wave. “Hey! You guys look great! I can’t believe you’re gonna have two babies soon.” 
“I can!” You shake your head. “Almost nine months of these babies inside of me, I can’t wait to have them in my arms. I want to drink coffee again and have wine!” 
The three men laugh and Bucky presses a kiss to your forehead. There’s a knock at your door and you two look up to see one of the nurses quietly coming in. “We’ve gotta go! Bucky will text you when you can come down.” You wave goodbye before Bucky grabs his phone and sits up. 
“Hi!” She smiles brightly. “I wanted to come in and say hi, there’s a shift change right now so you'll be seeing me for the next twelve hours.” 
You frown. “Is Dr. O still here?” 
She nods. “Dr. O is on call for you! We’ll be doing regular checks and then we’ll call her back when we believe it’s time to start.” You nod gratefully as she moves towards your bed. 
Hour Seven 
“D1?” You look behind Bucky’s shoulder quickly before back down at your small model ocean. He lets out a defeated sigh and nods. 
“Hit.” You smile victoriously as you place the red pin on your screen. You had sunk his carrier, cruiser and submarine. There were only two left. “A11?” He guesses.
You shake your head. “Miss.” He places yet another white pin on his screen. “E1?” 
Bucky looks up at you suspiciously. “How are you so good at this?” 
“I just know you, my love.” You smile a little too big and Bucky’s eyes narrow. “What?”
“You’re lying.” He looks your face over. “How are you cheating? Can you see over here?” 
You let out an offended gasp. “I would never cheat!” Your tone is a little over dramatic, so you’re not really selling it, but it makes both of you dissolve into laughter. 
Bucky turns around and catches the reflection of his board in the wall mounted television. He nods in an impressed manner before turning back to look at you. “Nice. I’ll let slide because you’re about to push out our children but any other time…” He trails off wagging a finger at you. 
You laugh softly as he begins to pack away the game. “I love you, Buck.” You say sweetly. 
He smiles at you. “I love you too, pretty girl.” 
Hour Nine
“You’re at eight!” The nurse cheers. “Two more, mama! We’re so close!” You look over at her with a tired smile. You had been in and out of sleep since Bucky had packed away the Battleship game. 
Bucky runs his fingers up and down your arm. His fingertips offer some cooling comfort, but you’re exhausted. Nine hours of sitting in the room, getting hourly checks and not being able to move around besides small walks has taken a toll. 
“What do you need from me, pretty girl?” Bucky murmurs. 
You shrug. “I want this to be over with. I want to have them in our arms. Why is it taking so long?” You mumble in a trembling voice. You hadn’t realized how emotionally exhausted you were too. 
Bucky sighs sadly as he stares down at you. “I’m not sure, pretty girl. The doctor said every woman goes through labor differently.” 
“That does nothing to help me.” You snap at him. Bucky’s eyes widen and you squeeze your eyes shut willing the tears gathering in them to go away. 
You feel Bucky rub his hand up and down your arm. “You’re okay.” He whispers. “You can cry, pretty girl. Nobody is gonna judge you.” He says quietly, his other hand coming up to cup your cheek. 
You open your eyes to look at him apologetically. “I’m sorry.” You whisper, but he shakes his head. 
“Nothing you say or do while going through this is going to offend me.” He explains gently. “If you wanna yell at me, yell at me. Just let me help.” 
You laugh wetly. “I’m not gonna emotionally abuse you.” You rest your hand over his on your cheek. “I just need you here to listen to me complain and say I know it sucks.”
“That’s it?” He chuckles and you shrug. “And maybe get back in bed with me for a couple minutes.” He smiles and you scoot over a little bit. 
Bucky presses himself to your side and wraps a careful arm around you. You take a deep breath and rest your head against his shoulder. You don’t even notice the tears until Bucky begins to wipe them silently off your cheeks while pressing kisses to your forehead. 
“You got this, pretty girl. Just a little while longer.” 
You nod. “Get more jello for me, please?” You ask quietly. Bucky laughs, but moves to stand up. “The cherry flavor this time!” You call out as he opens the door, his laughter echoes in the hall and it makes you smile.
Hour Ten
“Nine! You’re doing so well! Your babies are almost here.” You smile brightly at the words and turn your head to look at Bucky. 
“You know you can sleep a little? You’ve been awake this entire time.” You urge. Bucky had been with you every minute you were awake. He ate when you were asleep so you wouldn’t be jealous of the food. Finished unpacking your go bag and talking to nurses, you couldn’t imagine that he had found the time to rest. “I don’t want you passing out when you see what happens when I push these kids out.” 
Bucky lets out a loud laugh. “I promise you I’ve seen worse.” He pulls one of the chairs up to sit beside you. Squeezing both of you on there had just become too hot and uncomfortable for you. “Besides, I slept for a little while you napped.” 
“For how long?” You cross your arms over your stomach. 
Bucky rubs the back of his neck. “Like twenty minutes? I’m fine, pretty girl. I used to go days without more than an hour of sleep. You don’t have to worry about me.” 
“That’s why I worry about you.” Your hand finds his resting beside you on the bed. “I know you’ll play it off until you pass out from exhaustion.” 
Bucky smiles like he’s surprised by your love for him. Maybe he still is, even after all this time together. You smile back. “I’m supposed to be the one comforting you, pretty girl. Not the other way around.” He teases. 
You shake your head. “I think we’ve always been good at comforting each other. Doesn’t matter when.” Bucky smiles brightly at you with a nod. 
“You’re always right.” He murmurs. “What would I do without you?” You open your mouth to respond. “Don’t answer. I don’t even like thinking about it.” 
Hour Eleven
“God. Fuck.” You groan. The pressure you feel mixed with the dulled contractions was awful. “Can I push? Please?” You look down at Dr. O. 
Your room has been set up with incubators, medical tools and you felt exposed to the group in front of you. She nods. “When you start, we’re gonna count to eight, okay? Then a rest period.” She looks between you and Bucky.
Bucky presses a quick kiss to your forehead before wrapping one of your hands between both of his. “Ready, mama?” You nod hastily as Dr. O begins to count out loud. 
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” You squeeze your eyes shut and focus on her counting only letting out a breath when she says stop. “You look amazing right now.” Bucky whispers and you scoff.
“Just need you to breathe with her, Mr. Barnes.” Dr. O urges gently and he nods, breathing in with you before breathing out.
The routine breathing helps relax you for your small rest break before Dr. O begins counting again for another push. “You’re doing so well, pretty girl.” 
Bucky’s got his left hand interlocked with yours. “Breathe.” Dr. O lets out. “You’re so close.” She cheers you on.
“I can’t do this. I can’t.” You shake your head with teary eyes. After hours and hours of restlessness, you’re exhausted. You can’t help but feel this will take you out. You can hear your heart monitor spike a little. Bucky’s eyes frantically look around the room which does little to quell your worry. “Bucky.” You cry.
“We need to push, Mrs. Barnes.” Dr. O urges. You shake your head but stop when Bucky’s hand grips your chin and forces you to look at him. 
“You can do this.” His voice is stern. “You know you can. What did I say? This isn’t gonna be what takes you out, pretty girl.” You sniffle as you watch him talk. “You gotta push for me, okay?”
You take in a deep, shuddering breath before nodding. “Okay.” You say quietly before turning your attention back to Dr. O. “Okay.” 
Hour Twelve 
“A boy and a girl.” You murmur tiredly as Bucky pushes back stray hairs and wipes the sweat off your forehead. “Our babies.” 
“Our babies.” He agrees a little wetly. “You did amazing, pretty girl. I’m so fucking proud of you.” 
“Did you call the boys?” You ask. You can hear the cries echo in the room as nurses perform necessary checks. Bucky laughs. “I did. They’re in the waiting room.” He answers. 
“Are they okay?” You ask, unable to move and check yourself. Bucky looks over his shoulder before looking back down at you. “They are. They’re perfect, just getting cleaned up. A boy and a girl.” Bucky murmurs in awe. 
“Eleanor and Steven.” You whisper. “Can I hold them?”
“Soon.” Bucky smiles before leaning down to press a gentle kiss to your lips. “A couple more minutes.” 
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《
notes // i’m so glad someone liked my arms will hold you enough to want more of it! i love family bucky, he has my heart. 
replies and reblogs are appreictaed if you enjoyed this! 💞
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akitohsworld · 4 years ago
Disclaimer: So thank the horny God's I'm back! Don't we all love depressive hiatuses? We do, we do. So I hope y'all like this, I love me some bratty, shady wizard boi. Am I a simp? Yes, yes I am.
Warning: NSFW, smut, humping, teasing, very light humiliation, bunny costume
Bet. (Sub!Solomon X GN!Reader)
"Mnh fuck-", Solomon took in a sharp breath when your thumb rolled over his clothed tip in a circular motion.
Your lips pursed up in a smirk. "What's wrong bunny? Having second thoughts?"
He could be so cute. Although, being a brat just seemed more fun to him most of the time (a pity, really). Not that you minded, breaking him down into obedience was one of your pleasures after all. But moments like these were also nice for a change..
"Nnh hah W-hatever ..you're talking a-hn-bout", Solomon's pants underlined his neediness even more as his hips bucked up against your palm, reacting to your cold lips pressing against his collarbone.
It had been especially cold the past few weeks...
In a few days would be Valentine's day. Then this little bet of yours would be over. And one of you would have to admit defeat and fulfill a random request, or task or it could be whatever really.
"You think I'm not capable of holding off a few weeks?", Solomon had asked rather cockily.
Your hands had stroked through his locks in a loving, contemplating way before saying: "Hmm nope."
And Solomon, being the sneaky wizard he was, came up with a bet. Declaring you to fall into temptation first.
The rules were simple: 'No orgasms until Valentine's day.'
But it was allowed to make the other fall into temptation. In fact, that's probably what made this so entertaining in the first place. It was cute, really. Solomon was so set on making you eat your words that he deliberately tried to seduce you in every way he could.
But then one day, particularly this day, you visited purgatory hall for a proposed study session with Simeon and Luke, only to find Solomon all dressed up in a nice little bunny costume, which, by the way, hugged his waist and features so tightly you decided to ultimately end this game on the spot, and show him how dead wrong he was about your motives.
You indulged him for a while, letting him straddle you at random, taking in the view when the towel just had to slip, savouring the lascivious pictures meant to tease you just enough to come to him. All of which you resisted. After all, you wanted to have fun as much as you could.
He gripped onto the soft cushion of the couch as he leaned back more, pressing his back into it.
A laugh escaped him, turning into a moan. "Y-you must ngh be pretty desperate to... pounce on me like this..."
"Hmm, I don't remember giving you a free pass to be a brat, Sol," you palmed his strained erection, grinding into it decisively, making him groan and tense up even more. Your other hand grabbed his chin, thumb sliding over his swollen bottom lip. He had been biting it to stifle the moans.
You closed in on his face, eyes following his every expression, every movement. He looked so fucked out, almost desperate, as if he wanted to be ravished right now. Hooded eyes rolling back at the skillful movement and pressure your fingers applied to his clothed cock, ragged breaths tinting the air and dishelved locks adorned by contrasting black bunny ears falling into his face. All coming together in a delicious, submissive picture. He was close to give in. You could tell.
Oh how you wanted to devour him.
But no. You'd have him at your mercy first.
You retracted your hand, eliciting a low whine from him, replacing it with your knee instead and spreading his legs apart.
"My lovely, lovely bunny~," you grinded into him.
"Hah fu- mnh-", his lips parted at yours softly moving against his.
You nibbled at the softness before proceeding to grind into him once again as your tongue slid into his mouth. Gracing his in a soft but firm manner, hands embracing his neck, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss.
"Mmnh.. hah.."
Solomon bucked his hips against your leg. His cock twitching against your thigh when his hands finally grabbed onto your ass, grinding his aching member against you for more friction.
You smiled for a brief moment, revelling in the feeling of his desperate movements against your body. You had him now.
A moan pressed to your lips, your sex twitched down under but you ignored it.
You were not yet satisfied.
A string of saliva connected you both as you parted, relishing in his dishevelled appearance for a moment.
"(y/N)", he whined.
"What?", you asked breathily, when an innocent smile traced your lips, "Something the matter, bunny?"
"I..mngh", he pressed into your thigh on his own.
"Oh?", you held onto his locks, harshly pulling back, forcing him to meet your eyes, "So you want to hump my leg, is that it?"
He shot you a clouded, cocky grin. "You look very happy about that."
"Do I now?", your fingers traced his neck in a contemplating way and his breath hitched. "A leash would have fit you so well too. But oh well, bunnies don't get leashes," you traced his lips, "They work for their pleasure all on their own."
With that you sat down beside him, leaving him with a puzzled and almost disappointed expression on his face.
He just stared at you, laboured breathing leaving his lips for a moment.
His face lit up as he seemed to grasp the meaning of your words.
"So, you're still going to make me work for it?" He straddled your thigh seductively. "Even though, I'm so readily submitting like a good bunny?" His lips formed a small pout, bunny ears swaying slightly to the side.
It took everything not to laugh at his expression. How childish~.
You grabbed onto his hips.
"Humour me, Solomon."
He murmured something to the effect of 'no fair' and wasted no time pressing his clothed erection against you. The damp spot smeared against your thigh. His brows furrowed when you flexed it to give him more friction, hands guiding his hips for the same purpose.
"Fuck hah (y/N)..," he grabbed onto your shoulders, then neck.
His cock twitched visibly under the fabric as your finger experimentally flicked against the tip.
"I want to mark you...mnh please (y/N)," he made sure to moan that last one out in an overerotic tone. You just rolled your eyes at him playfully. But complied with him anyway.
After all, he would be losing the bet. So why not indulge him a little bit?
Your head turned slightly while his hands grabbed onto your lower back to rub himself harder against your thigh, moaning into your neck and sucking at the skin.
A pleased sigh escaped you, which seemed to spur him on, pants becoming more and more laboured. His movements becoming more aggressive to speed up, but your hands kept guiding him in a more steady pace to drag it out a bit longer.
"(y/N) please," he begged in a daze as he gazed at you through his lashes.
"Aren't you a needy bunny~", you teased, sucking at his nape and leaving a mark, making him shudder. "Adorable."
"More hah please more," his grip on you tightened around you as he buried his face in your neck, the bunny ears tickling your cheeks.
"Hmm~ Maybe if my bunny begs a little more."
"Hah mnh please, please (y/N) let me cum," his fingers traced under your shirt, caressing the sensitive skin, making you suck in a sharp breath.
Good God, this man was so good at begging.
"Mnh.. who is my cute little bunny?"
"I ammn", you let go of his hips, and grabbed onto his ass instead as you let him rub against your thigh faster, panting growing laboured and moans and groans spilling out of his lips. "I hah..am ahh your cute little bunny-"
Solomon tensed up, clawing at your back and thrusting harder and faster against your thigh, biting back a moan, when you mindlessly rubbed and slapped his ass.
"I- mn want.. need oh-"
You pulled his head back from the crook of your neck, fingers buried in his locks. "Hm?"
"Cum hah I want to cum, please"
You smirked, holding his head in place to see his expression. "Then cum, my bunny."
He thrust hard a few more times, fingers clenching at your shoulders as he spilled loud guttural moans in praise.
"ohH hah nh- (y/N)", his lips parted as he threw his head further back, followed by his body jolting in spurts against you, something wet staining your clothed thigh. "Hah.."
As soon as you let go of his head he collapsed onto you, head resting on your shoulder and hoarse pants leaving his glistening lips.
You lovingly stroked his locks, then kissed his head. "What a good bunny. You did amazing, love."
A low chuckle vibrated through him. "The risk I took was calculated... But man am I bad at math"
You laughed. "Are you talking about the bet?"
Solomon hummed, arms snaking around your waist, readjusting his position as he relaxed against you. "I can only imagine what you'll make me do... ," he breathed out tiredly.
Your lips curled upwards in a mischievous smile. "Well for now I'll devour my cute, shady bunny~,". you pushed him down on his back, gaining a surprised gasp. "Don't tell me you didn't see that coming?"
"Wha-," his face flushed redder in surprise as he looked up at you.
"It would be a waste not to use this opportunity, don't you think?" Your hands found the hem of his clothes. "Now. Where were we...?"
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harrywritingsbyme · 5 years ago
The one where Harry makes Y/n feel good
Based Off Of This Ask
And This One
A/N: Here’s some older daddy!Harry filth. It was really hard to write today for some reason so I hope this doesn’t suck. Enjoy🙃
Even though making out with someone was pretty rudimentary to someone with a wide range of experience like Harry, it was a whole lot to you. There was something about being in his lap or beneath him that made you yearn for more. It managed to get your juices flowing, your toes curling, and your mind wandering. It made you want to feel more. The way Harry’s lips moved skillfully against yours as his tongue glided against yours was magical to you. He was able to light a massive fire inside of you from simply kissing and holding you. Even after he (or anyone else for that matter) pushed his cock into your for the first time Harry was still able to pull this seemingly desperate reaction out of you. There were so many things that you wanted to feel and do with Harry that you couldn’t stop yourself from getting worked up in these moments. It didn’t help either that Harry was always more than willing to guide you through and teach you things that you’d never known or felt. Since he was a bit older than you and well versed in the bedroom, Harry felt a strong desire to teach you and help you explore your pleasure, along with your likes and dislikes on a deeper level. With this being said, for you and Harry, making out was you guys’ gateway to learning, teaching, exploring, and pleasuring one another. 
After begging Harry to come over to your place for a snuggle and a movie, “patiently” waiting for him to arrive, and getting you both comfortable and situated in your bed, the two of you were finally able to have a much needed night in together. The two of you hadn’t been able to spend that much time together, let alone talk to each other that much for the past couple of days, so it didn’t take much time for the once declared movie night to turn into a catchup session. You used the leg that you had hooked across Harry’s waist as leverage to pull yourself on top of him and into his lap. All it took was one little I missed you kiss for you and Harry to be sucked into the whirlwind of a hot and very much heavy makeout session. The way you so innocently kissed him sent sparks through Harry’s body. All he wanted to do was keep your body close to his and continue moving his lips against yours. He loved hearing your muffled little moans and whimpers as he kissed and touched you. As the kiss continued, Harry’s arms wrapped around your back and pulled you closer to him. You could feel his hands stroking your back as he softly pushed his tongue past your parted hips. As he explores your mouth, his hands explore your body. He unwraps his arms from around you, his hands begin to stroke up and down your back. As he does this, your moans become louder and filled with pleasured overtones. When he reaches the top of your back, he brings his hands back around to your front; stopping right at your chest. His large hands engulf your breasts through the thin tank top you were wearing. The way his hands softly fondled the supple flesh heightened the dampening sensation you were feeling in your panties. His hands and his lips weren’t the only reasons why your panties were becoming more and more damp as the seconds passed though. As the kiss continued on, you could feel Harry’s erection growing. You felt his cock stiffen in his boxers beneath you. At certain points, you’d even feel him buck up into you a little bit. All three of these things combined were a surefire way for you to ruin your panties and make Harry take care of you.
And it definitely worked. 
You’d leaked so much through your panties that your arousal was beginning to bleed over into the fabric of Harry’s boxers. When he feels your juices against his cock, Harry immediately brings his hands down to your thighs and pulls away from your mouth. He swiftly yanks you up a bit so that you fall back a little and spread your legs. When he gets a better view, he can see that your panties are beyond soaked.
 “Look at yourself, leaking through your panties. Who’s made you this wet, puppy?” Harry coos, bringing a finger down to nudge at the wet fabric covering your little entrance.
“You.” You mumble quickly while trying to snap your legs shut.
“No baby, let daddy see your pretty peach please.” Harry pleads softly. When you don’t budge, he wraps his hands around your around your ankles and pulls your legs even farther apart. “Now who made you wet baby?” Harry asks again, but with a bit more authority than before.
“You daddy.” You reply clearly.
“Good girl. Is your puffy little clit tingly f’me baby.” Harry continues. 
“S’throbbing daddy.” You sigh, feeling his hands glide up your legs and stopping right at your thighs. 
“Poor baby, how do you want me to make it feel better?” Harry coos in response. Seeing how worked up you were from simply making out with him was filling Harry up with a strong need to give you his cock and push into you.
“Want you inside me daddy.” You simply say. 
“My cock or fingers sweetheart? Tell me exactly what you want so that I can help you.” Harry instructs, sliding his hands further up your thighs and pushing his thumbs under the side hems of your panties.
“Want you to fuck me hard with your big cock daddy.” You beg, feeling the throbbing in your clit intensify as your conversation lingers on. 
“You sure your little pussy can handle it babydoll?” Harry asks you sweetly as he softly thumbs at the damp fabric of your panties. 
“Mhm.” You readily hum.
“Just remember, M’not gonna be able to hold back.” He says one more time, wanting to make sure that you knew exactly what you were getting yourself into. “Your cunt is just so good.” Harry praises, resulting in you turning your head away from him in embarrassment. You still got a bit embarrassed and bashful whenever Harry talked about you in a more sexual manner, which is why Harry loved talking to you like this. “So are you gonna take whatever daddy gives you sweet girl?”
“Yes daddy.” You mumble meekly.
It takes Harry a little over a minuet to get you lying in the middle of your bed, the both of you naked (it was pretty easy since you both were wearing almost nothing), and beneath him. Your legs were spread wide and your head was tilted back in anticipation for his cock. 
“Ready baby?” Harry asks once more, lining himself up with your sopping wet entrance. You give him a confident and feverish nod and you begin to feel a little pressure on your entrance. You then feel an almost piercing sensation when you feel the already thick, now swollen crown of his cock pushing into your weepy hole. 
“Oh my-!” Even though he’d pushed his cock into you numerous times now, you would never get over how big he was. As he pushes into your pussy, you could feel the sting from your walls stretching to accommodate his size. You could also feel the thick veins running up his shaft digging into your spongy walls. Even though it stung, it didn’t fall short of feeling amazing.
“That’s it baby, take daddy’s cock.” Harry pants above you, feeling your perfect walls engulfing his cock. He watches with a smirk as your mouth and eyes widen at the intrusion of his large cock inside you. 
Once he’s fully inside and you can feel him pushing up against the back of your pussy, Harry gives you little to no time to adjust before he goes straight into pounding you. When he said that he wasn’t going to be able to hold back, he meant it. Harry had one hand planted on the bed to hold himself up and the other was pressed right into your lower stomach where he knew you were feeling the most pressure. He also got to feel his cock moving inside you as he fucked his cock into you. Harry couldn’t believe how well you were taking his cock. You were taking every last thrust of he gave you like a champ. He absolutely loved hearing your screams and moans for more as he continuously slams his cock into you.
When you told him that you wanted him to fuck you hard, you were expecting it to be amazing but not this amazing. You couldn’t get enough of the way he rammed his cock into you over and over again. You absolutely loved the slight sting or pain that came along with each pleasure packed thrust. Even though there was a small tinge of pain, it was greatly overshadowed by the immense pleasure he was giving you. 
“How does it feel baby.” Harry grunts through his growls and moans, bringing the hand that was once planted against your lower stomach up to your face to give your cheek a few taps. You felt so good around him that he never wanted to stop.
“Hurts a little but it feels so good. So deep” You manage to sputter out. When he hears this, a smirk rises to Harry’s face. Hearing that you were enjoying the tinge of pain that was coming from the pleasure he was giving you made him want to not only give it to you harder, but make you completely fall apart around him. As his his thrusts got sharper and farther apart, he could feel the tightness and fire from the pit of his stomach spreading throughout the rest of his body, signifying to Harry that his release was speeding towards him. And judging by the tears pooling in your eyes, the smile spread across your parted and moaning lips, and the way your walls were beginning to contract and tighten around him, your release was fast approaching as well.
The pressure of his impending release consumed Harry so much that he couldn’t hold himself up for much longer. He lowers himself down on top of you and rests against your body. Your arms immediately go around his neck and your moans become even more strained. In this position, the both of you were engulfed in each other, pushing you and Harry right to your release.
“Cum w’me baby.” Harry pants into your ear, pressing his mouth right below it. He then proceeds to send one final sharp thrust into you, catapulting you both completely over the edge. The way your release hit you this time hit you like never before. It hit you so hard that you not only came, but you also squirted all over Harry. You didn’t even notice this. You were too caught up in how good it felt to let go. Harry on the other hand immediately noticed what was going on when he felt a warm substance squirting up against his lower stomach and cock as he came. That only made everything 10x better.  He couldn’t believe that he not only made you cum hard, he also made you squirt.
Once you both rode the large and powerful waves of your releases, Harry lifts himself up from you and begins to slowly pull his cock out of your now quivering pussy. He gives you a few kisses to the lips and softly coos to you, telling you how good you did for him as he slowly pulls his cock out of you. Once he’s fully out, Harry collapses onto the bed beside you, completely exhausted from your previous activities.
After a good five minuets of heavy breathing and wrapping your heads around what just happened, Harry figures that it’s time for you guys’ routine post-sex check-in as he liked to call it. He liked hearing how good he made you feel afterwards. He had a bit of a praise kink. 
“Is that pretty little pussy sore babydoll?” Harry coos, turning onto his side to look at your limp and completely fucked out figure.
“Mhm.” You mumble shakily, still not being able to feel anything except the small and subdued soreness between your legs and along your thighs, and the feeling of his sticky cum dripping out of you onto the sheets below. 
“Good.” Harry hums delightedly, reaching his hand out to lay it flat against your lower stomach. “I love you baby.” Harry coos, bringing his head over to press a sweet kiss to your shoulder. 
“I love you too.” You breathe out to him. “Can we take a bath?” You ask him softly. After the way Harry gave it to you nice and rough, you were in need of a little aftercare and some tlc. 
“Of course angel.” Harry coos in agreement. 
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darkmindsotome · 4 years ago
Icy Interrogation
Title: Icy Interrogation
Fandom: Love365 Masquerade Kiss
Pairing:  Kazuomi Shido x MC
Tumblr media
Word count: 2,998
Warning: NSFW Smut
Written by: darkmindsotome
Summary:  A sudden trip with no explanation triggers a game of unmasking that becomes hotter than the weather.
Tagging @voltage-vixen as requested. Prompt #10: Ice Cube Cool Down | Ice Cream Cool Down
It was a lazy day and I found myself still temporarily “homeless” and staying at Raven. When everything had happened, Kazuomi stepped up and offered me a job and a roof over my head. I was really grateful to him. Not just with the offer but knowing that I would have lost another part of myself in the line of duty without him.
As ludicrous as it sounded, he was my safe place I could run to and know I would be accepted. The man topping the world's blacklists as the number one bad guy. The man who at any moment could once more be my target. It was his loving arms always reaching out for me, willing to hold me. Me as I am, not who I was for work. Plain old Mc. It was a joy I had never experienced before in any other relationship. He was his own brand of dangerous persuasion and I continue to fall fast and hard for it every time.
Since becoming a couple, he had helped me remember the me who I was before all the lies, aliases and espionage. He comforted me when I didn’t even know I needed it and accepted me no matter how I was acting. The love and kindness of this man was an absolute truth he hid well behind his usual playboy mask. That’s not to say he was an Angel, if anything he was a Devil at times. Still, better the Devil you know right?
Raven in England was different to Raven in New York or Tokyo. It was still a grand luxury hotel but there was something a bit more reserved about it. I giggled imagining how that sat with Mr Dramatic. A man famed the world over for his extravagance and love of all things opulent.
I had been rushed onto a private jet in the early hours of the morning in New York only to wake up in an airfield in England nearly seven hours later. All my repeated requests for my boyfriend to explain why I was here were met with evasive answers. In typical Kazuomi fashion, he would not reveal any secrets, if I wanted to know I would have to uncover the answers myself. Well, game on.
When I was pondering how I would get him to crack the door to the penthouse opened, the man in question strolling inside. The dark green bags in his hand had the words Harrods picked out clearly on them in gold. He vanished into the kitchen and reappeared empty-handed moments later with a big grin on his face.
“Welcome back.” I adjusted myself on the sofa dropping the magazine I had been idly perusing on the coffee table. The ice in my glass clinked against the tumbler where a final mouthful of fruit juice remained waiting to be drunk.
“What no third degree?” Kazuomi practically purred. He was really in a very happy mood which made me even more suspicious. Seriously what was this guy up to?
“What would be the point? You already made it very clear you intend on telling me nothing. I’m not in the habit of wasting my time on a blisteringly hot day.” I shrugged pretending my curiosity was not reaching its limits.
Kazuomi was watching me intently. My little act was no doubt doing nothing to hide anything from him. Damn him and his observational superpowers. It was easy to tell that he was wanting me to bite. Take the bait and play along with his little games. ever since my questioning on the plane he had this playful look in his eyes.
The heat of the summer here was different to that from back home and I was feeling sluggish. It was so hot even the locals had dubbed the weather “unseasonal” and I had found a bit of solace in a light cotton dress.
“Fair point.” He agreed with me smiling that Cheshire cat grin. I was just about to reach for my glass to finish the last of my drink when he took it for himself. I watched as the minted apple juice was drained over his lips and slid down his throat. “Ah, that’s the stuff.”
“Yes?” He kept hold of the glass in his hand-balancing it on the back of the sofa we were sharing. The look on his face was far from guilty if anything it was yet another taunt to get me to play with him. A silent request I was already planning on fulfilling.
“Oh, you are so going to regret that.”
“Am I? I can’t wait to see what my Goddess has in mind for retribution.”
That cocky grin on his face was as irritating as it was sexy. Well, the game had officially started so I guess now it's time to play. His successful theft of my drink had given me an idea.
I moved over to his side careful to push my breast against his arm and let him see them taking a new form as they pressed into him. He was observant enough to have seen from the second he walked in that I wasn't in a full set of lingerie. Trailing my hand over his leg from his knee to the top of his thigh, I made sure to brush a little too close to his cock. He relaxed back into the sofa. Both arms now stretched out over the seat he looked like the epitome of a lion surveying the savannah.
“Mm don’t tell me my girl has been bored waiting for me?” That same playful happy purr rippled through the room. This time instead of spiking my curiosity it made my heartbeat speed up.
“You left me all alone again without a single word as to when you’d be back and with only glossy magazines to keep me company.” I whined a little as I played the part he wanted. I wasn’t so new at these little games that I would not know my own role.
Reading my target was something that kept me alive on missions. It was what made our games together so much fun. Both of us competing to unmask the other. To get the other to surrender and declare a winner. It was a little amusing that it normally “officially” ended in a draw between us even if Kazuomi was really the winner in all honesty.
“A disastrous oversight on my part. How ever would you like me to make it up to you?” On cue, he made the first play. He was matching my mock whine with fake placation in his voice. Moving his hips so my hand brushed harder where he wanted it to.
“Well, you could tell me why we are here. I thought you had work in New York to attend too.” I pulled my hand away preventing his move and brought it up to his cheek. Brushing my thumb over his lips as I looked into his eyes. He took the pad of my thumb between his lips biting down onto it before answering.
“Somethings are more important and can’t wait.”
“What things?” I tried pressing for a real answer knowing how futile it was. His eyes were locked on me in that stubbornly defiant manner he had where he was not going to give up anything until he was ready.
“All will be revealed in due time.” The grin on his face spread wider. He was certainly enjoying this.
I gave up simply stroking him and decided to straddle him instead. The sight of him trapped under me was always a thrill and not one I always had. Kazuomi was the type to enjoy what he called a perfect view. It only happened for as long as he would allow it before I was usually flipped over and he ended up on top.
Our bedroom activities were always a flurry of motion and give and take. The endless competition between us to come out on top. This kind of contest that carried throughout our relationship and into sex left us both craving more. Right now, I was looking for something he had, the key to the secret emergency trip to England that in his mind couldn’t wait.
My fingers undid his shirt while he remained very calm and collected, his arms still locked over the back of the sofa. The only part of him moving except for the growing bulge under my thighs was his eyes. They were roaming over me taking in every detail and mapping every curve.
After uncovering his broad bare chest, I dipped my hand down and relieved him of his belt. Leaning forward I covered his lips with mine. His tongue lapped at my lower lip before pushing past and ravishing my mouth. The remnants of mint and apple on his tongue dissolved inside me as the heat between us rose.
The arms that had been holding back were wrapping around me tight like a snake. The cold glass in his hand pressed into the dip of my spine causing me to groan into his mouth. If I wasn’t careful, he was going to steal all of my rational thoughts and I would forget about my self-imposed mission.
Reaching behind I took the empty glass from his hand. After breaking out of our lip lock I poured one of the melting ice cubes into my mouth. The devilish smirk on his face was still plastered there. He had never once tried to hide how he loved his kinky little games and I was always willing to play along.
I reached up and pulled a fist full of his reddish-brown hair exposing his neck to me. Dragging the ice in my mouth over that pulsating artery and feeling him moaning under me was like I was charged with an electrical current. His hands settled on my ass rubbing his thumbs over the top of the elastic on my panties through my dress. I pushed his hands away pinning one on either side of him and brought my mouth lower.
The water from the melting ice escaped my lips running across his muscles. That broad chest becoming something of a salacious slip and slide. I tracked the flow to his own waistband and slid my weight from his lap to rest my head over his now rock hard desire.
He hissed as I pulled it free from the confines of his pants exposing enough to do what I planned and no more. The hiss became an almost instant grunt as he bucked his hips against me when I slid the ice along his shaft. Rolling it and my tongue around that throbbing head and back down again. He hated to be in clothes at times like this and I was taking a little satisfaction in his discomfort. Karma is a bitch, isn’t it?
Ice melted now I wrapped my mouth around his cock bobbing my head alternating fast and slow. I was taking full advantage of the chill in my mouth before it had time to fade, seeking peeks at him from between his thighs. Each time I looked up I saw that dark and powerful look waiting for me. The one that didn’t just threaten to eat me up but promised to. I felt my own passions stirring more and was a little thankful when he freed his hands and pulled me off his cock back up into his lap.
“Is that another of your little spy tricks?” He was rushing to free me from my dress. His fingers fumbling with the buttons.
“You know I never sleep with someone when I’m working.” I reminded him of the facts, rolling my hips against him before whispering in his ear. “It’s all me.” He shuddered when I took the lobe of his ear in my mouth and gave it a little tug. Our little game was only just beginning.
“What a bad girl you are.” He chuckled pulling me to him so he could clamp down on my collar bone. A sting of pain later and I had a fresh very visible mark for the world to see. It was childish and as much as I would complain later about it I also loved the idea that he wants me so badly he felt compelled to do it. “I always knew you were my kind of woman.”
His fingers now given up with undoing my dress properly slipped into the gaps between them and tugged hard. The sound of fabric ripping and popped buttons hitting the floor like a rainmaker only served to create the music to our mood. His trousers and my panties were yet more fallen victims to our passions.
Shimming to the edge of the sofa he wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted us both off the seat. I didn’t complain about the dress I knew it would only be met with “I’ll get you a new one” later. What did make me confused was we weren’t moving towards the bedroom at all.
“Mhm… where are we going?”
“You’ll see.” Kazuomi walked into the brightly lit space that was the kitchen. Instead of putting me down on the floor, he sat my ass on the cold hard countertop. The polished marble was beautiful and smooth but damn it was freezing.
He bent down and rummaged around in the freezer for a second before pulling out a small tub with a very familiar logo.
“Is that Lady Borden?”
“A completely new and exclusive flavour. It was released today.” He smiled pulling the paper cap from the carton and then dipping his fingers into the frozen treat. He brought it to my mouth and bit his lips as I slid my tongue over his digits chasing that luxurious creamy delight.
I was so absorbed in not letting the ice cream on his fingers go to waste that it took a few seconds for what he had just said to sink in. Lady Borden was known to produce limited flavours in different countries all over the world. They were exclusive to the place so it was not a massive shock that one would be done in England, but it was released today?
“H-hang on. Are you telling me you put work on hold and flew from one side of the Atlantic to the other JUST to get this?” I snatched the carton from his hand and looked at the pale green container. Luxury Early Grey Tea flavour ice cream. I’d been so into what we were doing I didn’t even taste it.
“Naturally. I know you’re a superfan too and the chance to get my hands on the first tubs of this was too much to pass up.” He took the pot back with one hand and used his other to push me lower onto the marble. “And now I also get to have my favourite dessert on the best plate in the house.”
I felt ridiculous laying on a countertop but I knew that feeling wasn’t going to be in my mind very long. I shivered as he took a scoop of the ice cream out once more on his fingers and drew a line on me from my belly button to my clavicle.
“It’s cold.” I squirmed. Kazuomi dipped down and dragged his tongue along the line he had just painted. Instead of going right to the top, he stopped at my chest. Taking a nipple in his mouth, swirling his tongue around it before moving to the other side.
“I’ll warm you up.” His breath over my flushed skin was hotter than anything else in the room.
“It’s all sticky.” I arched against him his trail of kisses and gentle nips with his teeth continued as he lazily painted me with more of the ice cream.  
“I’ll be sure to clean it all up and lick you nice and clean.” He vanished from my peripheral vision. I felt his heat move away leaving me laid out for all to see. His “plate”.
The ice cream was melting fast running in ticklish rivers over me and one that he had placed low down was working its way towards my core. I didn’t have time to look to see where my bad boy boyfriend had gone. With a slap on the counter from his hands, he pounced, his face buried between my thighs as he pinned me in place with his arms and tongue. All strength in my body vanished as it tried to focus on him and his targeted attacks.
“Ah! Kazuomi!” I wasn’t just arching I was sure I had probably contorted into a pretzel at the intensity of the pleasure he was giving me. His mouth was always so talented and the things he did with his fingers? My mind was getting foggy trying to keep up with him.
I was so close and if history told me anything he wasn’t far behind. I was lost in his eyes when he stood back up. The gleam of my own juices lingering on his lips as he licked them clean. With one hand on my hip and the other dragging one of my legs to his shoulder, he positioned me well enough to tell me what was happening next.
Hanging partly off the edge and stretched out in a way that meant he had full control I saw sparks the second he entered me.
“Ngh… Mc.”
The sounds of us joined together echoed in the bright space of the kitchen. The ice cream on my skin adding a new scent between us as our heat soared higher than the weather outside.
I said before Karma was a bitch. The games we had as we had our unmasking sessions added to that knowledge. Right now though as we both lost ourselves in the moment for the first of many times today I really couldn’t bring myself to be angry with them.
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chonkychornes · 4 years ago
Stay Part Seven
The one you want finally stays. 
Dark Steve
Bucky Barnes x reader
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six
*I don’t often write smut and this is soft. Please be kind.*
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A year ago you felt like things couldn’t get any worse. You’d just ended a toxic relationship with your friend’s boyfriend, all but quit your job, and felt totally alone. You’d definitely hit your version of rock bottom and you’ve been trying to pull yourself out. 
At least that’s what the therapist kept telling you. So did Nat and Bucky. 
Three days after the argument with Steve in the corridor, he proposed to Natasha and she swiftly turned him down, although she didn’t end things with him. She forced him into therapy and when she began to see a change in him, suggested it to you as well. Therapy was actually really helping and Natasha had been accompanying you for a sort of couples therapy for your friendship. 
As for Bucky …
Well, these days Bucky was something of an enigma. He was still always by your side and held your hand when you declared yourself fit for missions again. He was a lurker in the corner of the room on the single occasion Steve wanted a word in private, and when he asked whether Bucky was your guard dog, the man with the gleaming arm just growled soundly. 
Bucky still took you to movies and the theater, walks in the park, and Coney Island. Late night dinners and early breakfasts, and you’d found yourself curled up with him on one person’s couch more times than you could count on two hands. The times together always ended with a kiss on the cheek and smile from the man, but you wanted more; were ready for more. 
So when Nat pinned you for the fourth time in 20 minutes she finally asked where your head was at. 
“I give up,” you exhaled as she helped you to your feet once again. 
Nat laughs, “Oh, come on. I’ll go easy on you this time.”
You drop your arms and collapse to the mat, “That’s not what I mean.”
“What then?” She asks as she leans over you and you swat at her braid like a cat. 
“You’re like, the last person I should be talking to about this,” you tell her as you get up and get back into your stance. “I don’t know what to do about Barnes.”
“Didn’t Dr. Jill say that if we want to move on then we have to move on? Talk to me.”
You roll your eyes because of course, Natasha would take to therapy like a fish in water. You tell her what’s been going on, or in your opinion, what hasn’t been going on. 
“Why don’t you just be forward with him? I bet he digs that.” 
“Or I’m just destined to be alone, forever,” you halfheartedly throw a punch at her that she doesn’t even attempt to dodge it. 
“Okay, that’s enough of that,” she grabs you by the shoulders, shaking you slightly. “Do you still have feelings for Steve?”
“No, he’s a piece of shit,” you wince. “Sorry, I know he’s your piece of shit.”
“We’re not focusing on that right now,” but you see the twinkle in her eye and you wonder how long she’ll string him along. “Do you care for Bucky? Like, you want him to ask you to the prom?”
You laugh and soon the two of you are doubled over in laughter and it feels so good, so right. You’ve missed the camaraderie of being around Natasha and you're grateful she’s given you a second chance. 
“I like him enough to let him go all the way on prom night,” you laugh and when she nods solemnly you can’t help but bite your lip because you know what’s coming. 
“Find a way to tell him, because you deserve to be happy and I’ve seen you two together,” she nudges you for effect. “You two look really happy for two people not in love.”
Bucky’s been gone for three weeks now; a Hydra cell popped up and he took Sam and Steve with him to shut it down. You’ve been anxious without him nearby, sleeping irregularly and hiding in your room. A few times when the nothingness of night crept too far up on you, you sneaked into his quarters and slept on his couch wrapped in his blanket. Like this last night before he came back. It was like a comforting cocoon and you never wanted to leave it. 
Then the word came in from FRIDAY that they were landing in the bay and you wanted to go down to see him, but you couldn’t leave your fort of Bucky smells and safety. So when a gentle hand stirs you from sleep and you find yourself still on his couch, still wrapped in his blanket you start to panic. 
“Hey, shh,” he says soothingly. “This is a very nice sight to come home to.”
“I wanted to come see you, but … I missed you so much,” throwing yourself into his arms as he wraps his arms around you and rocks the two of you to and fro. 
“I missed you too, sweetheart,” he presses his lips to your forehead and you know you can’t hold back any longer. 
“I always miss you when we aren’t together, and I always want you to call me sweetheart.”
It’s so pure but the way he stares at you makes you question yourself. The way he gazes into your eyes makes you want to shy away, but he cups your cheeks so you can’t move away from him. 
“I’ve been waiting a long time to hear you say something like that,” he presses his lips softly to yours once, twice, three times before pulling away and climbing under the blanket with you. 
You laugh as he snuggles down behind you and kicks his shoes off, “What are you doing?”
“Getting as close to you as I can,” he’s so matter of fact that your heart feels like it could burst. “Turn around.”
You start to swivel on the couch and almost end up on the floor before Bucky catches you, “I need a bigger couch.” He grins as you get situated and you two are nose to nose. 
“Now what?” Your question holds so many meanings; what will happen in this moment and tomorrow, and next month?
“Now I can look at you properly when I tell you that I’ve been wanting to ask you to be mine for a long time, longer than you probably realize,” he says as he tucks your hair behind your ear. “Too many things kept us apart for too long, but I want to know if we’re in this together.”
“I deserve to be loved, really loved by someone who is real and not a person that I’ve built up in my mind to be something they’re not,” you tell him and he smiles. “More importantly, I want to be loved by someone I love and admire. Someone who saw the best in me when I couldn’t see it myself. Someone who continues to stand by me through thick and thin. I want to be loved by my best friend.”
“And you don’t wonder what if? You don’t have any lingering feelings or-” you silence him with a kiss. 
“How could I doubt anything when I know how you make me feel? How could I have any lingering feelings for someone who called me ‘nothing’? I’m in this with you and only you, if you’ll have me,” you pour your heart out and the tears follow. “Please say you’ll have me?”
His lips come crashing down on yours, his hands pulling you as close as possible as your own hands move to his hair. This is the moment that will replace all the other ones; this moment and all the ones to follow. 
“I want you, doll,” soft, pink lips ghost over yours as he whispers oaths and sweet nothings. When he snakes that metal hand beneath your shirt, he finds you bare, uncovered. Nipples already peaking for him. 
His hand splays over your breasts and you arch into his touch. “Bucky,” his name is breathy on your lips and he leans down to suck on your bottom lip greedily. He disposes you of your shirt and you make quick work of his own.
His dogs tags dangle between you clanking lightly and you smile shyly and give them a tug, “What’s going on, Buck?”
He sighs and sits back slightly making you frown and you prop yourself up on your elbows. “I’m just admiring the view, sweetheart.”
You squirm under his gaze and he grips the waistband of your sweats and tugs a little more roughly than you expect, but you lift your hips and shiver as the cool air hits your legs. He drops them on the floor with your discard shirts and runs his hands up your legs. Flesh and metal a surprising juxtaposition on your toned legs. 
“I can smell you,” he says with flared nostrils and fingers digging into your hips. “You’re already wet for me, aren’t you?”
A soft mewl escapes your lips, you can’t think but this doesn’t feel right. This isn’t your Bucky. “Wait, Bucky. Wait,” you toe at his waistband and he stills. 
“What is it, doll?”
“I … you …”
“It’s not right, is it?” He sighs and rubs a hand over his face, “He was like this with you, wasn’t he?”
“I don’t want to think about him, I only want you, but-”
“Let me start over,” he says and you nod, relieved. He gets it, gets you. He always has. 
“I’m sorry,” you can feel the tears pricking the back of your eyes. “No,” he says softly. “Don’t do that. I’m sorry. I love you. Let me worship you; I wanna make you feel good.”
You nod and he kisses you sweetly, warmly. Tongue caressing yours as his body sinks into yours. You can’t feel the weight of him, you can just smell him and sense him. Your body feels like it's floating on a cloud. When he drags his hand down to the apex of your thighs you open for him and he finds you slick and warm and wanting. 
His thumb circles your clit and your hips buck in response, “Right there.” He chuckles into your neck and presses a kiss below your ear. “Just wait,” he hums and then slides two meaty fingers inside of you. When he bends his fingers in your core, you feel your whole body slide under him. 
“I wanna make you mine. Mark you up and show you off,” he trails his lips, like a blazing trail between the valley of your breasts until he finds your sweet little bundle. He gives you a little nip and when you yelp, he uses that metal arm to anchor you down. His lips, tongue, and teeth attack your clit as his fingers fuck your core.
“Bucky, I-”
“Let go, baby. I want you to come.”
The coil breaks and you fall over the edge, hard. Shuddering as you comes down, Bucky continues to lick and suckle at your pussy and for a split moment you think of Steve. 
You don’t want to, but you can’t help it. Steve would only go down on you to get you ready. Not for your pleasure or even his. He never wanted you to come before him and frankly, there were times that you didn’t and he never cared. 
As your hands find purchase in Bucky’s chestnut locks, you realize that he likes this and he’s doing this as much for him as he is for you. “C’mere,” you tug on his hair gently and he crawls up your body. He reaches down to grab his shirt to wipe his face, but you stop him and pull him to you, tasting your slick on his lips and tongue.
Bucky moans into your mouth and you quickly change positions as you lower yourself to your knees and begin to unbuckle his belt. “Baby, baby,” his hand tousle in your hair. “Baby, I don’t want you on your knees tonight.” You palm his ever growing erection through his jeans and he bucks against you. “At least not like this.”
In one swift move, he picks you up and carries you to his room and places you on his bed, “You wanna sleep here from now on? This is where you do it, with me.” There’s a growl in his voice, but he’s still so gentle in his eyes. 
He strips out of his shoes and pants and when his dick bobs in front of you, you can’t help but gulp. He’s bigger than you imagined, longer, bigger around. “I won’t hurt you. I’ll never hurt you, doll.”
You nod and scoot backwards on the bed as he stalks toward you. He reaches over and grabs a condom from his nightstand and you ogle him as he rolls it on his cock. “I need you,” you whimper. 
“I know, baby. I need you too.” Bucky lines himself up at your entrance and drags his cock through your folds, gathering your wetness before pushing himself into your core, slowly. So slowly you think you might explode. He stretches you, fills you and when he reaches the hilt, he stills and brushes your hair from your face. “I’ve got you.” You nod and he pulls out only to push back in. 
You squeeze your thighs around his hips as he continues to rock in and out of you. He wants to let go, wants to take you wildly and recklessly, but he keeps the pace and waits for you to call the shots. You buck your hips up to meet his and he smiles down at you, “Take me, Bucky. I want you. I need you.”
“You have me,” he says as his snap and his pace picks up. The room fills with your moans and his grunts, nothing coherent out of either of you. Skin slapping and toes curling as your orgasm builds once again. He sits back on his haunches and presses his thumb to your clit and rubs insistently. 
“Fall, let go, baby. Just for me,” he groans and pushes into you hitting that sweet, sweet spot and you fall apart in a shattering breath as he follows you crying out your name and you can feel him pulsing inside of you. 
He pulls from you and stumbles to the bathroom and for a moment you freeze when you hear the faucet turn on. But when he returns a few moments later with a wash cloth and cleans you up, you exhale the breath you hadn’t realized you were holding. When he hears the gush of air leave your lips, he looks up to meet your eyes. 
He crawls up the bed and wraps you in his arms, “Don’t worry, I’m staying.”
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khaotic-kitsunes · 4 years ago
Ahhh, here we go. To finish up the 2019 Tamaki scenarios, a nice smutty Alpha!Tamaki scenario!
Cheeky Kitsune 🦊💋
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 “Tamaki, come on…you’ve been quiet ever since we went to the beach”
   He looked at you for a moment as you closed the door to the hotel room that you shared with the strangely quiet alpha that you called your boyfriend. Truthfully, he was surprised at how clueless you seemed, Tamaki had almost been certain that you would have noticed all the men staring at you earlier.
 It would have been hard not to, you looked so breathtakingly beautiful, that all heads had turned in your direction. If Tamaki didn’t have to keep his reputation as a hero, even he would have dealt with them. You were his after all.
 “It’s nothing…” He trailed off quietly before walking off to the kitchen, sighing when he heard your footsteps follow, apparently you were unwilling to just drop the matter like he had hoped for.
 “It’s not nothing Tamaki! Tell me what’s wrong, we came here to get away from stress, didn’t we? How are you supposed to enjoy this vacation if you don’t let me in?” You questioned seriously, reaching out to grab onto Tamaki’s wrist, letting out a squeal when you found yourself pinned against the wall, Tamaki’s chest pressed up against your own with his knee between your thighs, rubbing up against you through the material of your shorts.
 Tamaki ran his nose over the junction between your neck and shoulder, letting out a deep sigh of content while his hold on your wrists tightened slightly, ensuring that you had no way to free yourself; his alpha instincts were screaming at him to claim you. To have him prove to you just who you belonged to but at the same time, Tamaki wasn’t sure that he wanted to.
 You didn’t seem to realise why he was so bothered, so why dwell on the matter?
   “I said it was nothing (Name)…”
   You gulped nervously as you peeked down at him, crinkling your nose when Tamaki’s hair tickled the sensitive skin on your neck, it wasn’t hard to see that something was bothering your alpha and even though he said it was nothing, you couldn’t help but question him about it. He worked so hard, so of course you would worry over him.
 He was the love of your life, like hell you would let him stew in his own negative emotions. It had been hard enough to help him out of his shell back when you first met him in his days of interning for Fatgum and though he was still quiet, he was never this quiet unless something was eating away at him.
 “And I said that it’s obviously something, Tamaki” You argued quietly, slowly wrapping your legs around his waist as his free hand dropped down to your ass in order to support your weight, a blush decorating your cheek when you felt him squeeze firmly.
 “I’d much rather forget about it you know” He muttered out, sucking tenderly at your neck until he managed to pry a soft moan from your lips, a smile forming on his lips. Being able to cause such soft noises of pleasure from you like that, without even touching you that much, always made him feel better.
 “Bu-” He cut you off before you could finish talking, his lips swallowing any words that you had wanted to say to him with ease.
 You practically melted into the kiss, your lips moving against his eagerly while Tamaki used his hold on your wrists to move your arms around his neck instead, allowing him the chance to explore your body greedily with not one but two hands, well aware you would be capable of holding yourself up against him.
 “I don’t want to talk about it (Name), how about instead you just help me think about something else” Tamaki suggested, pulling his head away from your own so that he could trail kisses along your jaw, his hands running over your thighs, making their way towards your hips slowly, taking his time in appreciating every inch of your body.
 “So you admit there’s something bugging you!” You declared, looking triumphant as Tamaki stared at you blankly, unamused by your antics.
   You pouted at the way he said your name, looking away while running your fingers through his hair, tugging gently. If Tamaki was really going to be so stubborn about such a thing, then there wasn’t much you could do except enjoy the moment that he seemed to be trying to encourage.
 “Fine, fine…I’ll drop it for now, Alpha” You murmured, grinning as Tamaki pulled away from the wall, holding you to his chest while he made his way through the hotel room, dropping you onto the luxurious mattress that the two of you shared.
 “Are you going to strip for me?” He questioned, eyeing your form hungrily while you let out a giggle, smiling up at him coyly.
 “If that’s what my alpha wants…I’m surprised though Tamaki, you’re never this forward normally unless you’re in a rut” You teased, only just barely able to hide the laughter that seemed to bubble up within you at the sight of his embarrassed reaction, the tinge of pink on his cheeks making the task almost impossible.
 “Just…that isn’t…” He trailed off, seemingly unable to form the words he wanted as you began to strip, making a show of sliding your shorts down your legs, even going as far as to roll onto your hands and knees in an effort to wiggle out of your bikini bottoms.
 Tamaki couldn’t help but stare as he worked on his own clothes, trying his absolute best to resist the urge he had to slap your ass. Which was, in his opinion, a perfect view.
 “Sometimes I think you’re actually trying to kill me” Tamaki muttered, moving to rub against your folds from behind as his hands landed on your hips, calloused hands from countless hours hero’s work, rubbing over your soft skin, sending welcomed shivers down your spine.
 “Trust me when I say killing you isn’t what’s on my mind at the moment Tamaki” You giggled, moaning faintly as he began to push into you, stopping when Tamaki felt your hips push back against him. That wasn’t part of his plans for you.
 “What is on your mind at the moment (Name)?” He questioned, groaning as he slowly pulled out of your warmth, instead moving his hands so that he could squeeze your breasts firmly, gritting his teeth at the way you mewled out.
   “Do I really have to—”
   You gasped out when you felt Tamaki tease your nipples, rolling them between his forefingers and thumbs until you were grinding yourself back against him and whining out softly. He was well aware of how sensitive you were, teasing you like this was just uncalled for.
 “What’s on your mind?” He repeated, nipping along your neck firmly while his fingers teased you mercilessly, his touches growing rougher the longer you refused to speak.
 “H-Having you knot me!” You cried out, moving one of your hands to his, tugging on it until Tamaki finally decided to remove one of his hands, entwining his fingers with your own as he moved the hand to the bed to steady the both of you; enjoying the contact between the two of you all the while.
 “Was that so hard (Name)?” He smiled, groaning out as he slammed into you, moving his hand from your breast, to your hip. You arched your back as Tamaki began to set a harsh rhythm, busying himself by leaving bite marks all over your back and shoulders, anything to settle his instincts.
 You moaned out Tamaki’s name into the bed as your hips bucked back, your body eager for more of the pleasure he was providing you. Each time he buried himself inside of you, you could feel the beginning of his knot pressing up against your folds, teasing you in a way that only Tamaki could. Though you were well-aware Tamaki wasn’t aware of how much it affected you, otherwise he would do it more often.
 “You sound so perfect (Name), moaning out my name like that…” Tamaki trailed off as he squeezed your hand faintly, pressing a tender kiss to the mating mark that he had given you a few months before, the sensation making you gasp out, your back arching slightly.
   “Just for me, my cute little omega”
   You frowned in confusion at his words, turning your head so that you could look back at him, briefly forgetting what you wanted to ask when you saw how dishevelled he looked. His hair was a mess, sweat was beginning to glisten on his forehead and you could see he was tense but his eyes were glued to you, filled with love and desire, a mix you seldom got to see in your alpha.
   “What’s wrong?”
   His question snapped you out of your thoughts, causing you to turn your head away before grinding your hips back against him, moaning as Tamaki’s dick rubbed up against your spot, his knot almost pushing inside of you.
 “It’s nothing, I was just wondering who else it was that I was supposed to be moaning for” You paused, smiling as you moved your head to kiss along the inside of Tamaki’s arm, thankful he had decided to keep a hold of your hand.
 “Because as far as I remember, you’re the only one for me” You giggled, crying out loudly when Tamaki began to move his hips faster, using more force in each thrust until you were left with no choice but to bury your face in the sheets unless you wanted everyone in the hotel to hear your screams of pleasure.
 “No one, you aren’t meant to moan for anyone else. They’re just for me, your moans, your noises…” Tamaki groaned out against your ear as he tightened his hold on your hip, using his grip to lift your body enough so that he could hit deeper inside of you, causing a familiar heat to build in the pit of your stomach, a tingling sensation beginning to form in your toes, running up through your feet and legs.
 “So I want to hear you scream out my name, nice and loud (Name), I…don’t even care if other people hear you, I want to hear you scream out…” He trailed off, groaning as his knot began to swell, not yet pushing it inside of you, though your whines almost caused him to.
 You turned your head so that your cheek was pressed up against the mattress instead, whining and crying out as you felt your orgasm build until finally screaming out Tamaki’s name when you felt wave after wave of pleasure hit, your walls clenching around Tamaki and pushing him over the edge.
 Tamaki let out a low moan as his hips jerked, burying himself inside of you as his knot locked into place inside of you, causing his seed to shoot out in heavy spurts, beginning the long process of filling you.
 “L-Loud enough?” You questioned, breathless as you peeked back at him, giggling at the embarrassed look on his face, unable to stop yourself from bursting out into laughter when he pressed his face against your back. You could feel the heat coming off of his face, his reactions always made it hard to believe he was really an alpha.
 Tamaki was so quiet, so reserved and shy but at the same time, that’s what made you fall for him in the first place, you were always unable to resist him. Such a strange alpha.
 “…Well…I suppose it’s a good thing we took our vacation in another city, I can make you scream out as loud as I want this way”
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orbitariums · 5 years ago
𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐦 | 𝐝𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 | 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝟑)
part two
hope everyone is doing so lovely! i’m so excited to post this third chapter and i’m glad we’re on this journey together <3 thank u for reading!!! this chapter is supa long, please get a snack honey lol.
taglist is closed!
word count: 9.4k
warnings: age gap, sex work, dirty talk, straight filth, smut, squirting, toys, (virtual?) domination, cute dialogue!!!
𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐦 | 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞: 𝐝𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 | 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬
    Steve was flooded with morning meetings that whole day. Still you existed somewhere in the back of his mind, while he was filing through briefings and reports. He tried not to let the thought of you creep up, something he was unknowingly resisting because he didn't want what the two of you had to be bigger than it was.
But he was also trying to focus. He knew already, like muscle memory, that it would be impossible for this to become anything serious, anything beyond your work as a cam girl. You might have a connection, but you were just doing your job, and he was just satisfying himself. Right?
   And you knew too that this couldn't become anything serious. And it wouldn't, you had convinced himself. So he came out of the blue, so he surprised you. But he was still a customer. And while you had connections with your customers, it never went beyond the workplace. Though he still resided in the back of your mind.
   It wasn't until Steve was on break and heading down to the kitchen to make himself some food that he decided to fully address the events that had happened last night. When you asked to see him, he was almost scared at first-he felt that things could shift permanently because you had asked him that. But ignorance is bliss, so he'd brushed off the thought of that happening, and convinced himself it wasn't a big deal.
   But it had to mean something right? He could see himself going down a winding tunnel of you wanting to see him more and more, and the end would be catastrophe- that is, if he showed himself. But he knew he had more sense than that, could end things if necessary. It wasn't that serious, not yet.
And while he was nervous, he still thought of you with fondness, thinking of your youthful glow and how it seemed like you were drawn together in perfect timing, how much he liked talking to you and respected you. It wasn't all bad.
   The thought was enough to talk to somebody about it, except it wouldn't be Tony this time. Steve knew Tony's response would be straight forward - not to talk to her, and to find another cam girl. And he'd ask why Steve was accepting requests to talk with her about unrelated matters in the first place. And maybe the fact that Steve didn't want to hear that, didn't want things to be so straightforward and disciplinarian, should've been a warning. But he didn't listen. Instead, he went to go talk to Bucky about it.
    "Shoot," Bucky said after Steve told him he had something to tell him. Bucky stuffed practically an entire piece of toast in his mouth, his hand on his hip as he sat on the edge of one of the kitchen tables. With a full mouth he continued."'S it important?"
    Steve shrugged, holding a cup of coffee just below his beard, feeling it steam up his face. He took a big sip.
   "I dunno. I'm trying to decide that myself."
Bucky raised an eyebrow,
Steve sighed, setting his coffee down and leaning against the counter beside Bucky so they could talk.
   "I met this girl. Well, met is a strong word," Steve cocked his head to the side, after considering the quirks of his situation. He then started to wonder if Bucky would even know how to help him with this situation, it was so oddly specific. He continued anyway, under the intense, questioning gaze of Bucky. "I... found this girl online. On a cam site."
   Bucky nearly choked on his toast, his eyebrows raised as far as they'd go,
   "You? On a cam site? You? You're on a cam site?"
The more Bucky repeated it, the more surprised he seemed to become, and Steve could only watch with amusement at his close friend's bewildered expressions.
   "You say it like I'm one of the cam girls," Steve joked, shaking his head, but Bucky only stared at him, incredulous.
   But then he came back down to earth with a slightly impressed shrug,
   "Well. I gotta admit, I never expected this from you, and you're my best man. But I guessed there had to be a reason you've been so much better these past few days, and there had to be some reason you weren't bringing it up. You know you can tell me anything, right?"
    Steve grinned,
   "It's not that I was keeping it from you necessarily. I just didn't think I should put it out there, even if it's just between the two of us."
Bucky smirked,
    "Captain America has a dirty little secret. I respect it."
Steve didn't say anything, but that was slightly true. Half of him wanted to keep things under wraps, the other half of him wanted it to be his own little secret, something that was only for him. You could say he wanted you all to himself, which wasn't untrue - during your public show, though he enjoyed it, it felt less personal and thus made him rethink his actions.
He wanted it one on one, wanted to know he was partially responsible to bringing you to that point, and that you brought each other to that point together, just the two of you. So, in some ways, it was his "dirty little secret."
   "The girl I watch, she's amazing. I mean, we had a real connection, since our first private session-"
    "Private session? Maybe I did teach you well all these years," Bucky nodded.
    "Actually, this was all Tony. Anyway, I've been watching her, and yesterday, after her show, she requested to talk to me. Not the other way around. She wasn't even doing private shows that day. Anyway, I accepted, and maybe that wasn't the right thing to do, but it didn't feel... wrong. I talked to her, and she said... she said she wanted to see me. As in through the camera."
   Bucky took a few moments to absorb and contemplate, and nodded slowly,
   "And you're wondering if that's as serious as your mind wants it to be."
   "Basically. I mean, I don't feel like this is something I have to avoid or be careful with. We're not declaring our love for each other. I'm just another customer. That's what I want to believe, at least."
   "I mean, you're always gonna be taking that risk. You're talking to someone who's as good as a stranger. And your 'connection', it's exactly what it sounds like. You're another customer, but you've just taken a liking to each other. As far as I'm concerned, that's okay. And as for her asking you to show yourself... it's tricky. I mean, I've been on my fair share of sites like that, but I'm not well versed in it. I don't want to say it's not serious just for it to end up being serious. You know how these things go," Bucky smiled softly, and Steve nodded, though his eyes seemed a bit troubled as he looked down at the floor.
    "Right..." he trailed off, folding his arms.
Maybe he just needed to hear that he shouldn't talk to you anymore, to ease his concerns. Maybe Bucky was right. It has the potential to be serious, but it might not be. He didn't know what to think.
    "I don't know bud, but the fact that you're asking me tells me it's been on your mind. And I know you, you don't let things stay on your mind long unless they're important. Could be that this is important to you," Bucky offered, but Steve waved his hand dismissively, a little too fast.
   "It's - it's not..."
    Bucky raised his brows,
   "You think about her?"
   "Sure," Steve shifted, folding his arms slightly. "But not more than my work or anything. I don't view her as a priority, Buck. It's normal that she'd be on my mind, I mean, this is all new to me. I'm stressing for no reason, aren't I?"
He decided he was stressing for no reason. He wasn't obsessed with you, wasn't head over heels for you. He wasn't placing you over his work. It was just the shock of the new situation, the unexpected, big bang of an introduction of you into his life -- that's what he convinced himself, to put his mind at ease.
Bucky raised his hands up,
     "Hey, I'm not assuming anything. And honestly Steve, if you are... thinking about her. I think that's good. As long as it's something healthy, I don't think you have anything to be worried about. You deserve some type of distraction, and maybe that's what she is. You don't have to worry about things getting too serious, trust me. You've got a little time on your hands, that's all."
Steve took Bucky's words to heart, absorbing them so they could soak up all his previous thoughts -- which would be squeezed out in a matter of time as the reality of your relationship revealed itself. He deserved a little distraction, though he valued you on a more humane level.
    He didn't have to worry himself about the potential it could have to become something serious and something dangerous. He was smart enough, had a strong head on his shoulders. He just had a little free time. That was all.
✺ ✺ ✺
   "I told him 'I wish I could see you through your camera'," you groaned, sprawled out on your bed, just hours before your next show that Friday. "Was that stupid?"
You pouted, your lips glossy and full, shoving chips into your mouth as you bitched and moaned into the phone. You were talking to one of the girls you'd met on girlsonfilm, named Jane, who went by Scream Queen. Her specialty was being an alt dominatrix girl, who attracted lots of submissive men. You admired her work, and you were close friends. She laughed on the other end,
    "Hon, it's not stupid. I wouldn't ask or tell a customer that, though. You've been doing this for some time too, but you're still learning."
You frowned, fiddling with your gold rose shaped necklace,
    "I know. I don't wanna scare him off."
    "Please, you won't. I guarantee he'll be on your show again tonight. Men don't scare from a beautiful woman like you, not easily."
You cooed, smiling to yourself,
   "Aw... bitch if you lived in Cali you would so feature on my show, I literally love you."
   "I love you!" she exclaimed. "We'd make hella money just by being in each other's presence on camera, it'd be crazy. I gotta fly out to Cali."
   "Right?" you chuckled.
   You felt a little more at ease now. You hadn't been thinking as much about Steve as he had been thinking about you, but that didn't mean he wasn't on your mind. He was a special customer to you, even though you'd only just gotten to know him. You just liked him in what felt like a more unique way. And ever since you'd brought up seeing him on his camera, you had some regrets. You felt like it made you seem needy, bringing up old habits.
   In your last romantic relationship, you were always wanting something, things that you shouldn't have had to ask for. But ever since you got out of that relationship, you had decided to be more self sufficient. That was part of the reason why you were financially independent and constantly did so much work. You no longer depended on others for certain things, not like you had before.
    But in addition to reminding you of old habits, you felt awkward about the whole situation because you didn't want him to feel pressured or uncomfortable either. You didn't want it to feel like you wanted something more because you'd asked to see him. As far as you were concerned, the two of you, especially yourself, were far from wanting something more. For your own safety. You might have really liked him, but at the end of the day, he was a customer and that was that.
   "Well," you flopped onto your stomach. "I feel better now, so thanks. I'm doing a couple private shows after my giveaway, maybe I'll see him again. Or... hear him, rather."
    "If he does end up showing himself, keep me posted. I wanna know if he's as sexy as he sounds."
   "Oh trust me, I will. Honestly, if he keeps watching my shows, I wanna teach him how to dirty talk. I think then it'll be something serious," you joked, shaking your head. "Alright, well I gotta get ready. Bye bitch!"
   "Bye biiitch, have fun tonight, I'll be tuning in."
  You blew her a kiss and hung up, your spirits lifted after your brief conversation. You started getting ready for your next show, hoping that Steve would continue to tune in. Unbeknownst to you, he was anticipating your show tonight as well, though a small part of him was hesitant - should he continue to watch regularly? He'd let himself indulge. One more night couldn't be an issue.
   When you came on, you were excited to see that the amount of viewers had increased. You figured that since you were advertising a giveaway of your underwear, more people would feel inclined to join, take their chances. You smiled when Steve joined and waved,
   "Hey, Steve! How's it going?"
Steve — GrantRoberts Good. How are you?
    "I'm good, thanks for asking. Alright, hi everyone, thank you so much for joining! I see we've got some new viewers tonight, so nice to meet you. I'm sure you all know that today is a very special day, because I'll be giving away —" you stood up so the camera could see below your waist, showing that you were wearing a pair of purple lace panties, the pair you had been boasting about the week before. "These!" you chimed.
     Steve raised his brows at the cheeky way you operated, looking over the pair. They were cute, looked expensive. The butterfly design on the underwear was detailed and there were white gems on either side at the top. You had said last week that these were a favorite among your viewers, he understood why.
     You explained the rules of the giveaway and how it would be working, and explained that there was a link pinned in the chat box to sign up for entries. Once you posted that link, tokens and sign up notifications came flooding through. You watched with a full smile, before slowly getting to the show.
   Steve decided he wouldn't be entering the giveaway, to keep his own discretion, and because although he definitely saw the appeal, he wasn't big on keeping someone else's underwear unless he knew them in real life.
    You started by rubbing yourself through your panties, making a big deal of how wet you were, how you were soaking through the panties and wouldn't be washing them. That was how you knew you'd get people to pay up and enter your giveaway. Steve watched in amazement at the way you moved, your delicate fingers gently running over your clit through the lace panties, slipping the panties to the side every once in a while to dip your fingers inside of yourself, proclaiming how tight you felt and how much you wanted more than just fingers inside of you to stretch you out.
     Needless to say, you put on a show, and you really were soaking through your panties by the time you were done. Steve lost track of how many times he came, and it was then that he realized that maybe he liked this side of you more than what he had seen before. It was teasing and tantalizing, almost theatrical, except you were really taking your time to please yourself.
And for some reason, it practically made him short circuit. The idea of him realizing that he had more sexual interests than he was aware of basically seduced him. And knowing that he was coming to these realizations because of you made him feel hungry and crazed.
     He liked how you were barely touching yourself, teasing yourself yet still dripping through your panties, making a show out of a little thing. He kept a slow pace to match your own, edging himself and feeling grunts get caught in his throat each time he stopped himself from coming.
    You were absolutely mystifying, drawing him in more and more in every way. Your soft moans, quieter and more needy than usual, were like music to his ears. He loved the way your legs shook when you had to hold off an orgasm for the purpose of the show, so that you could hold off and increase the value of your giveaway, lengthen the time you gained tips and coins. By the time you were done, he had cum on his chest, legs and a little on his bed sheets, which he cleaned up gingerly, watching as you signed off.
You slid out of your panties and held them up to the camera, practically purring when you finally spoke,
    "Look what I did to them. Soaked in all my juices and cum just for you. Well, for one lucky winner! Tip up to increase your chances."
You giggled, biting down on your lip, and continued,
     "Well, thank you for watching. Now, I do wanna do some private shows with a few of you. So, send in those requests and tokens and I'll pick a lucky few."
     As you waited for the requests to go in, you noticed Steve's name and his large donation — of course you'd go on private with him, but you wanted to talk to other customers as well. So you queued up a list of who you'd be talking to and placed Steve, the best, for last.
    Steve got a notification that you'd be talking to him, and while you signed off, he stayed on the site waiting for his turn. Each show you did was only about five minutes, and he had twenty five minutes to spare before he got the chance to talk to you. Those twenty five minutes he used for contemplation and thinking like always.
    If he wasn't spending his spare time with you, he was either thinking or distracting himself from thinking by spending time with his fellow Avengers. And now that there was nothing to do, all he could do was get lost in his thoughts. He thought of his conversation with Bucky - though he had come to the conclusion that he shouldn't worry so much and that he deserved a distraction, there was still some part of it that tugged at him.
The fact of the matter was that, he did think about you. A lot, actually, and it had only been a few days. He thought about the kind of unhinged pleasure you gave him that you had allowed him to tap into for the first time. He thought about the need you fulfilled. He thought about how he liked you, how he felt like he knew you on a personal level and that he sensed that you were truly a good person. He liked that about you, all those thoughts. But ever since last week, the thoughts slightly intimidated him at the same time.
Take a breath, Steve, he thought. Maybe it was old age making him nervous about everything. If Tony could do the same things before becoming Ironman and still live the way Tony was currently living, Steve could have his own little pleasures. His brain just kept doing the back and forth.
    You were happy when Steve's time came along. You were so caught up in your other customers that you had nearly forgotten what you were looking forward to. When it came to Steve, all your nerves were due to excitement, and the good kind. You weren't worried about the strength of your connection and if it would become overbearing, and you had reassured yourself that you weren't being needy or pressuring him. You felt at ease.
      You clicked his name feverishly, waving your hands up at the camera when the log opened. Yet again he wasn't showing himself, but you didn't let that bother you. You had all the time in the world to talk with him, because you didn't put a limit on the time. You didn't do so pointedly, you just did it so you wouldn't have to be preoccupied with the time limit.
     For you, talking to Steve at the end of your list was like de-stressing and winding down, nothing more and nothing less. You weren't viewing him as more than a customer. It wouldn't be inappropriate to talk for a while.
     "Hey, Steve!" you waved, grinning toothily.
Steve chuckled when he saw you and heard the genuine happiness in your voice. There was something sweetly innocent about you, despite the fact that your job was anything but innocent, and the fact that he had seen every part of you within the first day of getting to know you.
Still, he knew that didn't take away from the bright personality you seemed to have. Your duality as a focused businesswoman and giggly young college girl both impressed him and held a special place in his heart.
    "Hi, Moonrose. How are you?"
    "I'm lovely, and yourself?"
Steve let out a deep sigh he didn't know he'd been holding in. Talking to you relieved a lot of unconscious stress, and with that deep sigh he found a lot of relief,
    "I'm good. It's been a long day. Lots of labs, lots of meetings."
It wasn't entirely a lie - he did have lots of meetings that day, and you were in the back of his mind throughout all those meetings, but no labs. He wouldn't tell you he'd been thinking of you though, and you decided that you wouldn't tell him you'd been thinking of him either.
    "The life of a scientist," you joked playfully.
    You felt comfortable, even more comfortable with him than the last time, simply because it felt like you had both gotten past that awkward stage.
    "I mean, you can relate. Must be busy having all the jobs you have. I mean, you're a student, you're working on clothing, you work with a state rep, you're doing this every other day. That's gotta take a toll on you," Steve listed off everything you'd told him about.
     He kept that in mind, how busy and occupied you were, because you still carried yourself so well. Maybe it was just for the purpose of customer interaction; he wondered if you acted or felt the same outside of this private world of yours.
     You blushed slightly, flattered that Steve remembered everything you did and that he even held it in close regards to what he did on a daily basis. You knew you juggled a lot of things, but to hear someone else say it felt so much more validating, whether it came from your best friend Aaliyah or from Steve.
    "Aw, that's nice of you to say," you smiled warmly. "It can be a lot, honestly. Sometimes it feels like I'm doing too much, but... it's what I have to do! And for the most part, I like doing too much. It keeps me focused. Helps me cope with... life."
    You got a little sheepish. You didn't want to get too into the things you were really coping with.
    "I can appreciate that," Steve nodded. He raised his brows to himself as chose his words carefully. "My job can be... demanding."
   "Oh totally, I'm sure. Lots of math and shit. What gets you through it though?" you asked, and Steve chuckled slightly to himself at your vernacular - it reminded him how young you were.
Steve breathed out a heavy sigh, taking in the question thoughtfully. What the hell got him through it? He supposed it was knowing that he was doing good for the world, knowing that he had a team to work with and back him up at all times, and the fact that he was in control for the most part. But as for actual coping, he was almost at a loss. Almost.
    "Honestly?" he rubbed at his beard, and you bit down on your lip, giving him a flirty smile.
    "The cold hard truth," you ensured him, puckering your lips and putting on your best game face.
    "Honestly, talking to you, probably. I don't really know how to destress," Steve felt suddenly insecure about putting this detail out there.
He didn't want to make you uncomfortable (though you had heard worse from men who were wound up like Steve), and he felt like he was delving into a personal topic. Not that you didn't already know that he was stressed out, but he didn't want it to seem like you were his saving grace. Though, you weren't far from it.
    He continued,
    "I just mean... ever since that first time with you I've been feeling lighter on my feet. I mean— I don't really... I just don't have a lot of coping mechanisms. I don't really get to have fun."
    Once he spit the words out, he felt even more stupid. He had just let you know that you had basically changed his entire mood since the day he'd met you, and something like that felt almost like a confession. Like you were delving into more serious topics. He had made his problems clear since the first time, but telling you how much you helped him felt like he was putting deeper trust in you.
    But of course you didn't see it as a deep confession. You saw it as him being true to his feelings and being honest with you, which wasn't a big deal to you since you were in a business that involved making connections and basically building men like him up. You grinned, a sparkle in your eyes as you listened to him stammer over himself. It was no wonder he was a scientist, he had this sort of nerdy charm to him.
    "I'm glad to hear that Steve. And maybe it's less that you don't get to have fun and more that you don't know how."
Steve shrugged. He had always been called boring by Tony, and Natasha took jabs at him about loosening up, getting out there and enjoying this modern world. And while he had insecurities around the fact, he still wasn't a happy go lucky party person as a result of the jabs. He was same old Steve, with the same old struggles. He looked regular on the outside (as regular as someone as big as him could look), but he felt like an outsider.
    "Have you ever tried?" you prodded. "I mean, outside of this. And honestly, kudos to you for putting yourself out there like this. I mean, you literally jerked off with me your first time here. I take it back. You do know how to have fun. You just... don't know where to find it."
Steve's face got hot. Even as he watched you more, talked to you more, nothing could compare to the first time being with you. It was definitely out of his comfort zone, doing something as extraneous as he had, and with a stranger. And when you described it like that, it seemed so much more inappropriate, but in a way that made Steve's pants bulge. And the fact that you could talk about it so casually intimidated him in the best way.
    "I guess you're right," Steve replied, and the more he thought about it, the more he realized you were actually spot on. "I'll keep that in mind."
He grinned, and you giggled,
    "Good. I'll be your therapist. But like a sexy one. A sex therapist."
You and Steve laughed at your stupid joke and Steve raised the question,
    "Okay. What gets you through it all? You're a young college girl, I'm sure you know how to have fun."
You raised your brows playfully at the suggestive nature of the question, although clueless Steve had no clue it would sound a certain way to you,
    "Oh yeah, totally. College girls, you know us. Drinking, partying, having sex with all our friends. I'm kind of a total slut." A beat passed, Steve trying to figure out what to say — like he was rerouting. You chortled, unable to hide your snort laugh. "I'm kidding, Steve."
Steve laughed hesitantly. He didn't know what young people did these days,
    "Yeah, silly me."
    "You're so cute," you blurted, shaking your head playfully. "But, honestly? I do know how to have my fun. I mean, I do it mindfully though, 'cuz I have shit to do, you know? Party hard, study hard. I go out with friends for drinks... and between me and you, I was doing that before I was twenty one."
Steve nodded understandingly,
    "Some part of me wants to reprimand you for that, but I don't wanna rain on your parade."
    “You don't have to rain, you could just spank me if it's that serious," you scoffed with a laugh, again saying the dirtiest things nonchalantly, unbothered. You were constantly flirting with customers, but with Steve it came much more naturally.
   "Spank you?" Steve choked out.
   "Yeah, you know? Like a little slap on the ass," you turned around, your ass in the camera, and gently smacked your hand against your ass, which was clad in a sheer bodycon dress that you had made yourself.
(looks something like this)
You were being playful, acting the precocious, girly way that you would with your friends. You thought nothing of it. Steve on the other hand, was getting incredibly warm, fidgety, and was trying to ignore the growing tent in his pants.
   "Like- like that?" he stammered, breathless, and you nodded, seemingly unaware of his pain.
     You turned back around and sat down in front of the camera,
    “You must not be a dom, huh. You don't strike me as one. But I'm sure if I pressed the right buttons, you could be."
     “Dom?" Steve repeated, as if the word were from a foreign language.
     "My, my, my, Steve. I've got a lot to teach you. Oh, but actually, I do have a hobby that gets me through my stress. Besides, you know, masturbating and going out with friends."
   Steve smirked, he was intrigued,
    “And what's that?"
You bounced up onto your toes so that Steve could see a full view of you on the camera. At first, when you were just sitting in front of the camera, he could only see your head and shoulders. Now he could see all of you, and he could see the dress you had designed.
   "Making clothes!" you chirped, so adorably that Steve couldn't help but smile, a warm feeling bubbling in his chest. You spread your arms out, letting the fringe on the dress spread. You placed your hands on your hips and swayed slightly in place. You smiled gently. "For my brand of course. But making the clothes is kind of therapeutic. When you work really hard on something and it comes out with the result you want, it's just this fucking... amazing, gratifying feeling. I love it."
     Steve grinned, watching you show off your clothes. He was glad to hear that from you, he believed in you and truly thought you were capable and would succeed in what you did.
    "That's beautiful," he complimented your dress. He knew nothing about fashion, but you looked good in whatever you wore - it was a plus that you made it. "Even with all I know, I don't think I could do that."
    “Oh, don't be silly. You probably could. You just have to try, remember?"
    “I know, I know."
As you stood there twirling and swaying, just letting him enjoy you, he could hear the faint sound of music playing in the background. He squinted, leaning closer to try and hear more. It was a nice song, with an upbeat electronic twist although it was R&B.
    "What's this song?" he asked.
     You paused, delightfully surprised by the question, unable to hide your ferocious smile,
    "What, the one I'm playing? It's called Lost by Frank Ocean."
     “Frank Ocean," Steve repeated slowly, so he could remember the name of the artist. You were encouraging him to try new things - why not start with music?
   "Have you heard of him?"
   "I'm afraid I haven't," Steve replied, and you chortled again.
   "'I'm afraid I haven't'," you repeated, putting on his deep voice. "So proper. You like this song?"
Steve shook his head playfully when he heard you mocking him, then answered,
     "Yeah, never heard it before."
You squealed excitedly and ran to turn it up, then ran back into the frame.
     "I love Frank Ocean, seriously. He's one of my favorite artists. What about you?"
Steve was almost taken aback by the question and took in a deep breath, shrugging as he tried to come up with an answer,
     "Gee, I don't know. I think I listen to too much old crap, probably."
      "I can get down with that." You scoffed. "Quit bullying yourself."
Suddenly, a lightbulb went off in Steve's head. He was enjoying talking to you, but what better way to combine a regular conversation with pleasure? He was feeling his need building up, the longer he talked to you. You said such outrageous things and you were so gorgeous - it was hard for him not to want you. And maybe you could both have some fun with this, and his request wouldn't feel like work, though it would definitely help him get off.
     "Hey, can I ask you something?"
     "You mind... dancing? To this song, I mean?" he asked, slightly nervous to ask because he didn't want to feel pushy.
You raised your brows in surprise, a wide mouthed smile showing up. It seemed like Steve was discovering what he wanted to see, what would make him feel good.
   "You wanna see me dance? Uh, yeah, I would love to. It's hard not to dance to this song. What, you want me to dance like a stripper or something? I don't have a pole - yet, but I can—"
Steve laughed, cutting you off and shaking his head,
     "Nah, you don't have to dance any specific way. I guess, just dance how you feel."
You lit up at the suggestion, and laughed, already beginning to sway,
    "Is this gonna get you off, Steve?"
Steve blushed, coiled like a turtle going into his shell,
    "Oh, don't be shy. I want it to. I wanna hear your moans, I want it to drive you crazy and bring you release. Is that what you want?"
You twirled slowly, dragging your hands up and down your body, dancing to the beat of the music. Steve watched, already entranced with the way your body, perfectly caught in the tight dress, moved. It almost scared him how perfect you looked, just swaying your body to a song,
    "That's what I want, baby."
The words spilled out of his mouth, just like last time. This time it felt much more natural though, easier, as he watched you on the full screen. You smiled, rolling your hips and bringing your hands up in the air to match your motions. You hummed the words to yourself, sang the lyrics,
    "Girl you know you're lost, lost in the thrill of it all."
     The song was so sensual and felt so personal to you - your job was so sensationalized and it was easy to get lost in the idea of it, the aesthetic. But it was hard work. This song felt like a celebration of that. Steve's spit got caught in his throat watching you sing along, watching your body loosen up and relax as you continued dancing around your room, your body moving freely and in such a hedonistic manner. He liked watching you enjoy yourself, liked watching you in what seemed to be your element. You were so confident, so unbothered. It wasn't awkward that you were dancing alone. Again it felt intimate, felt like he was there with you.
     "I'd tell you to dance, but what I really want you to do is touch yourself. Can you do that, Stevie?" you purred, and he grunted at the sound of the nickname you had donned for him.
      "Yeah, doll," Steve began to palm himself over his boxers, his breaths becoming heavier as he watched you. It felt so gratifying, so closed off — just for the two of you.
   You giggled, as if you hadn't just said what you had said, and got down low on the floor as you danced away, on your toes, and came back up again.
     "Hmm," you sighed. "Can I take this off for you?"
     Steve's jaw clenched, you already looked so good in the dress, but to see you take it off and continue dancing would probably make him come right then and there.
     "Yeah, take that off for me."
     You were practically teasing him as you began to lower the sleeves of the dress, still dancing and running your hands up and down your body. You wanted him to savor the moment, and savor it he did. You removed the top half slowly, your breasts tumbling out as you cupped them with your hands. You sighed again, biting down on your lip.
    Steve was breathing hard through his nose now, slowly taking his cock, which had been hard for too long, out from his boxers, where it sprung up hard and veiny against his stomach. It twitched painfully, he almost couldn't bare to touch himself. But he palmed the head, slippery with precum, with a few mindful fingers.
   "Is that good, baby? You wanna see everything?" you gestured to the bottom half which still hadn't been removed, and Steve exhaled sharply.
    "Fuck, yeah I wanna see everything. Take it all off, doll."
You felt your body react to the nickname as you slid out of the dress, clad in a g-string underneath this time. The skimpy nature of the g-string, glittery and glamorous just like you, made Steve moan under his breath. You noted his reaction with a playful smirk, tugging gently at the straps and letting them slap against your glowing skin.
    You bit down on your lip and let your entire palm run against your clothed center, swaying your hips in all directions as you slowly pulled down the straps and revealed what was underneath, Steve letting out an audible sigh as he wrapped his hand around himself. He bit down softly on his lip, eyes dark and his lids heavy, trying to restrain himself. He wanted to be at the same pace at you, wanted to see you tease yourself the way you had during your live show.
   You sighed out in pleasure, using two fingers to rub at your clit in circular motions while you stood, Steve watching silently. Then you lowered yourself to the carpeted floor, spread your legs in front of you and continued, bringing your fingers to your lips to suck on them before you went back down. The way you did it was tantalizing, so erotic and intimate. You weren't trying too hard, you never were, but this way - slow and lustful, was like you were there with him all over again.
    Your eyes became dazed and almost glazed over just at the slight tingle of pleasure. You had been stimulating yourself for over an hour since the start of your public show, but with him you didn't feel tired or worn out. And you still hadn't had the orgasm that you knew would absolutely finish you. You knew how to navigate so you weren't exhausted by the time you were through with your shows and your private chats, but still, with Steve it felt like the pleasure was amplified by a hundred.
    "Oh," you moaned, your voice going up a pitch. You wanted more, and you decided you wanted to bring a toy into the mix. "I wanna ride you, Steve."
     Steve grunted in response and you slowly got up, crawling on all fours as you dragged out your fuzzy chest full of toys, lube, and other random things for your shows. It was like a cam girl treasure chest. You returned to the frame, smiling devilishly as you sifted through all your materials, finally pulling out the dildo you wanted to use. It was a good size, six inches, and pretty realistic. You waved it around in the air,
      "This how big you are?" you asked with a seductive gaze in your eyes.
Steve stroked himself slowly as he let out a sharp almost barking laugh, a surge of sudden and unexpected cockiness running through him (because let's be honest, a supersoldier like him was certainly bigger than six inches),
      "Little more."
You grinned obscenely, appreciating Steve's noticeable boost in confidence. And in the back of your mind you thought about the three fingers you had used to accommodate him last time. He was pretty consistent - you wondered just how big he really was. If you knew him in real life, you'd probably jump at the chance to fuck him.
   "Think it'll suffice? I'm not sure if I can take that much more right now," you asked teasingly.
   Steve chuckled, a warm, deep chuckle that made your insides churn. It was incredible how much a voice could turn you on, how much you liked hearing his voice and wanted to hear it,
    "I'll go easy on you, doll."
     You raised your brows in pleasant surprise,
    "You'll go easy on me, huh? Steve, you're getting feistier by the minute. I like it."
Steve laughed, slightly embarrassed. He just wanted you to do what you were comfortable with, wanted to see real pleasure,
    "I just want to make sure you feel good."
    "Little ol' me?" you snorted, bringing out your mirror to place on your carpet so you could place the suction dildo on top. You stuck it in place and kneeled before it. "Well, you don't have to worry about that, Steve. You always make me feel good."
     You winked at him and focused, beginning to lower yourself and arch your back, your ass in the air as you went face to face with the dildo.
   "I just wanna make you feel good," you huffed, eyeing the camera as you cupped your lips around the head of the dildo, pushing your hair behind the ear and looking down as you bobbed your head slowly. Your lips wrapped perfectly around the toy, suctioning and sucking and making it wet enough for you.
     "Wow," Steve breathed in slowly, truly in awe of you. He had really never seen anything like it, how dedicated you were to the performance. You were like an artist, a beautiful, twisted artist, and you knew just how to sell your show. And somehow you did such a salacious act with so much grace, made it so sexy and purposeful.
     He paused touching himself just to watch you, but that didn't mean he was any less hard. You moaned around the toy, looking into the camera as if you were making eye contact with the man you couldn't even see, as he goaded you on, his voice gentle and deep,
     "That's it baby, you look so good sucking that dick."
Your felt your pussy throb around nothing just at the sound of Steve dirty talking. You could tell that the more you did, the more you coaxed him into it, the more comfortable he got with everything. He had surprised you multiple times tonight.  You brought your head up, lips making a popping noise as they slid off the toy,
      "It's yours."
Steve licked his lower lip, bringing it slowly into his mouth and sliding his closed fist up and down his erection.
   "It's mine?" he asked, his voice going an octave lower.
   "Mhm, your cock. You ready, baby?" you hovered over the dildo, squatting above it as you readied yourself.
   "Yes, go slow," Steve instructed.
   "Is that what you want?" you breathed out in pleasure as you teased your slick folds with the head of the toy, rocking your hips slowly back and forth. "You want me to tease myself with your cock?"
      Steve let out an unbridled moan, pumping gently,
     "Yeah, please. I want this to be real, baby. Like your live show."
      You laughed quietly as you lowered yourself down onto the dildo, moaning as you took it in slowly, stopping a quarter of the way and just rocking back and forth, taking his request into consideration. And then, you had an idea.
"Honestly, if he keeps watching my shows, I wanna teach him how to dirty talk. I think then it'll be something serious."
That was what you had said to your friend Jane over the phone, and now was your chance to manifest it. You'd been kidding when you said it would turn your relationship into something serious, but if hearing Steve dominate you and dirty talk to you didn't make you want to fuck him even more, you didn't know what would.
   "Tell me what you want Steve. Tell me how you want me to do it. I don't wanna do a thing unless it's under your control," you smirked, waiting for him to come up with something on his own.
In that deep, husky voice of his he spoke,
     "Yeah? I want you to tease yourself, and go slow. Match my pace."
   You moaned at the thought of him stroking himself at the same pace as you, and lowered yourself a little further,
     "Is this allowed, Stevie?" you questioned curiously and innocently, prompting him further.
He got some idea of what you were trying to do, though he didn't have much experience doing it himself - at least not in the bedroom. While he wanted you to please yourself at your own pace, he also thought this might be interesting. You could do both.
    "Yeah baby, little more." You slid down further until almost all of it was inside of you, and he pumped himself a little quicker now. He groaned, the noise he made almost guttural. "Yes, that's it Moonrose. Now stop."
     You whimpered, your heat throbbing as he commanded you. You were almost losing sense of the fact that this wasn't all real, because it felt so good. You liked hearing him get more dominant with you, though you adored his regular state, which was almost needy.
     "Yeah, you can be the boss. You tell me what to do, baby."
     Steve grunted, holding back an orgasm as he watched how well you gripped the toy, imagined what it would feel like to really be inside of you. He'd be much bigger, no doubt, and make you howl with pleasure.
     "Ride it for me," he ordered. "Slow, then pick up the pace."
     "Ride you?" you repeated, beginning to lift yourself up, then back down again, slowly like he told you to. It was big enough to hit all those good places inside of you, make you wetter and hotter, give you those real time reactions. All the panting and moaning, the way your brows furrowed in concentration, the way you bit down on your lip with fervor.
      Steve watched you ride it, pumping himself at the same pace, feeling himself throb and twitch inside of his hand, speeding up when necessary. The both of your moans were loud and unhinged, filling up your respective rooms with righteous release. Steve loved how he could tell how good it felt for you, how you weren't holding back at all, your pussy gliding easily around it, leaving a trail of arousal along the shaft of the toy. You were bouncing fast and hard after a while, gasping and panting and moaning while Steve did the same in the form of groans, grunts and heavy breaths. Like you, he felt lost in translation in the best way - like nothing else was there, just the two of you and your needy bodies.
   "You feel so fucking good, baby, don't stop," Steve moaned, breathing harshly through his nose. He felt close, his stomach twisting and turning with yearn.
     "Fuck, Steve," you gasped out. You hardly sounded like yourself, in such an ecstatic state. "I'm so fucking close, baby. Steve, can I come?"
    You were still leading him, wanting him to be even more dominant and controlling with you, but you hardly needed to. You were basically giving in, you were fully committed to the act of being submissive now. Everything in and around you felt so good, "so fucking warm", as stated by you. And no doubt, Steve felt it too. Watching you take it, watching you moan in pure ecstasy as you threw your head back, your hair tumbling against your breasts, the glint of sweat forming on your forehead, the way your stomach flexed as you moved up and down. You were fucking invincible, Steve thought. Always gorgeous, somehow.
   But Steve thought he'd let this last a little longer. You wanted him to be in charge, he'd take that seriously. Like an order.
    "No, doll, hold it in for me," he huffed, though he felt himself growing close as well, and couldn't help but cum, feeling it leave him with a satisfied groan. "Fuck, I'm coming."
You whined, pouting,
   "Steve, I wanna be able to come with you."
Yeah, it was definitely easy to be submissive.
     Steve chuckled slightly,
   "That's okay, I can last a long time, darling. Keep riding that dick for me, don't come until I say so."
   With a shuddering moan you kept going. When you looked down at what you were doing, the toy disappearing inside of you each time you bent down, you swore you had never been more turned on in your life. Your brows were crossed and your mouth dropped into an o-shape. You were moaning and almost sobbing, the build up feeling unbearable. You brought your hand down, rubbing frantically at your clit,
     "Fuckkk, Steve, please let me come."
He came again with a sharp exhale and vicious grunt, but still wanted to hold off for one last one, in tandem with you. He almost felt bad, but the pleasure was so unbearable, and he knew you were enjoying it,
     "Ah, god. Hold on, I promise I'll let you come soon if you just wait a little."
You stifled a moan, cupping your breasts as you rode it without the support of your hands on your knees,
    "Y-yeah, you gonna let me come, Stevie? Please let me come, oh my god," you felt almost lightheaded with the overwhelming sense of fulfillment, rolling your head back, your eyes rolling back in your head, your glossy lips dropped open in the most sensual of ways. You didn't know what you did to Steve, how much you made him want you.
     "Go ahead, doll, come for me," Steve resolved, and when you came it was like a waterfall was crashing down on you. Both because of the intensity and because of the fact that you were squirting, letting go of all that held back release. You knew it was coming yet you whimpered in surprise when it happened, still continuing to ride the toy even as you were coming, watching as it flowed out of you, onto the mirror and more.
    "Fuck," Steve cursed, pumping fast and hard as he came again, and again, watching as you rode out your high. He could hardly even process the fact that you had squirted - completely natural, and yet a huge turn on. He slowed his hand, still hard as a rock, but coming down himself.
     You were blubbering and saying things that didn't even make sense, Steve slightly grinning to himself as you spiraled out of control. You got off the dildo with a final moan, covering your eyes with your forearm and fingering the rest of your cum out of yourself with two fast moving fingers.
      "My god," you groaned, sliding your fingers out of yourself. It was almost embarrassing how wet you were, how aroused you still were, throbbing like crazy from the aftermath. The comedown was a process, you breathing in deep and heavy.
      "That's it, doll. So good. It's okay, doll," Steve murmured, helping you come back down.
     "Mm," you hummed, removing your forearm from your eyes and forehead and instead covering your face with your hands, giggling. "Oh my god, that's so embarrassing."
      Steve laughed,
      "Not embarrassing. You did so damn good, baby."
      You groaned,
     "Ugh, don't praise me, that makes me wanna go again, and I think if I do I'll explode. On the other hand, please do keep praising me."
You laughed again and winked. It was true, because you were so turned on by his voice, especially when it was praising you and telling you how good you had been. Sure, other guys could be dominant, but with Steve it actually felt so real, it made you lose all sense of reality. It didn't feel forced.
     "Really, you were amazing." Steve tipped again - he had been tipping the whole way through. And of course his big tips were an incentive, but they weren't the only reason you talked to him. Not at all. "Jesus. I don't get worn out, but..."
   "You tired, Steve?" you smiled, teasing. "God, I don't know how I'm gonna clean this up. This is all your fault, you know."
You laughed playfully. To be fair, you had came, like, a lot. Steve's jaw clenched at the sight of it all, but he grinned.
     "My apologies."
    "Please," you shook your head, wiped the sweat off from your forehead and slowly started packing everything up.
You and Steve chatted for a while longer after that, about trivial things. This was a little unusual. Usually when you finished, you wrapped it up. But you had time, and he had time. And you both wanted to stay and chat. And it was also unusual because usually when you finished, your customer was done too, and there wasn't really room for "chatting" after that. But Steve seemed to want to talk.
    "You're fucking hot as a dom, by the way," you noted, pointing a finger at him through the screen.
    "Me?" Steve pointed a finger at himself in return. "I hardly even knew what it was, but I've got an idea now."
   "Oh, trust me, you're gonna wanna learn more. You're made for this, honestly." You sighed, and looked at the time. "It's late. This was... really, really great. Thanks again."
    "Thank you."
A beat passed, a silence between the two of you, though it was almost like you were still communicating. Maybe this really was different. Maybe it really did mean something. You were so in sync, could snap in and out just like that, and still have great conversation. You were both thinking the same thing - this was a real connection. And you were both beginning to give in to those thoughts you wanted to push back, just slightly. But this time, it didn't bring any worry. It just felt nice, blissful. Still not too serious, but still something. What you both didn't know was just how much it really would blossom.
     "Well," you said, a sigh of contemplation. "Think I really like this, Steve."
    "Me too," he swallowed hardly. He was feeling something, that same butterfly-like feeling he'd felt the first time. "I'm so glad we... uh..."
   You waved your hand with a grin,
   "It's late, I better go. It was great talking to you again, I actually look forward to this. Weirdly enough. I think I should go, though, I got school."
     "I-I got work," Steve stammered, thinking of how you said you look forward to this. He wasn't just another customer, and you weren't just some random girl. The realization was hitting him like a ton of bricks. "I'll see you."
     "Yeah," you cooed. Then, with a silly face, your eyes crossed and tongue hanging out you waved goodbye. "Byeee!"
     And just like that, there was a shift in his world, in your world. Steve didn't know what he had coming next.
🙈oof how was it y’all!!! i hope not too long LOLLL i had to fit a lot in... next chapter will be some tea! reply wit ya thoughts <3 thank u for reading, stay safe!!
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technicallymilkshakes · 4 years ago
A Change of Season
Genre(s): Fluff, Fantasy Pairing: Yixing x Reader  Word Count: 4.1k 
This is my gift for @chicken-fifi​ for the @exolssecretsanta​ event! I hope you enjoy this take on dad!Xing. Happy Holidays! 
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When Mae stampedes back into the house, a whole host of critters follow her in. A young fox kit bolts between your legs, a hawk chasing after it. You shoo away a curious chipmunk, intent on investigating the roasted chestnuts you've set out to cool. Bingo, the white hare that has followed your daughter since she celebrated her first birthday, runs in next with a little leap of joy. And rounding out the procession is Yixing, who walks into the room with a sheepish expression.
Melting ice and snow puddle along the floor like little cookie crumbs trails that lead to what is apparently a whole forest's worth of animals in your house, your daughter included. You and your husband exchange a familiar look, one of equal parts fondness and exasperation.
You beat him to placing a finger on your nose.
“Not it!” you crow victoriously.
Yixing laughs and hangs up his scarf, resigned to animal round-up duty.
You smile and hand the chipmunk, who has returned for a second attempt at pilfering, a chestnut. You watch with amusement as he promptly stuffs it in his mouth. This is the enchanted life you've become used to ever since your daughter was born.
After a dinner of rich stew and homemade bread, Mae totes her father off to play, leaving you to clean the dishes. She had not been happy with him after he had herded the last woodland creature out the door, so you're glad that she seems to either have forgiven him or forgotten.
Your mind drifts as you begin washing up. The window over the sink affords you a view of the backyard and the forest that abuts it. It had snowed long and hard the past two days, but tonight the sky is clear. The evergreens appear like frosty giants in the evening with their wintry snow coats aglow.
Winter is your favorite time of year. Your family bundles up inside together against the cold, a cozy intimacy that no other season can seem to replicate. Dinners are warm affairs, full of good food, laughter, and Mae's cheerful chatter. It feels, for a time at least, that you exist outside of the rest of the world. The only sounds are of birds, the crack of branches and the snow falling from them, then crunching beneath your feet. You never want it to end.
Such thoughts and reminiscing help pass the time, and soon enough you are drying the last dish and setting it back in the cupboard. The quiet strikes you then and pulls you into the living room in its wake.
Already Mae has fallen asleep, the gentle glow of Christmas lights dancing blue, orange, white upon her eyelashes. Yixing cradles your daughter in his arms, bending his head low to sweep his lips against her cheek. The fire he had kindled hours ago crackles dimly in the background. Bingo, ever watchful, has curled up beneath the Christmas tree to keep an eye on his sleeping charge.
A deep-seated happiness burns within you. You promise yourself to commit this moment to memory.
You come up behind your husband and touch his shoulder. When he looks up, tears sparkle in the corners of his eyes.
“She's getting so big,” he whispers. “I remember when she was just a baby. Her whole hand could only wrap around one finger. And now she already knows how to talk.”
You wrap yourself around him and feel the reciprocating bittersweet ache of your child growing up. “Oh, Yixing,” you whisper back. “We're parents for the rest of our lives,” you murmur as you rest your head on his shoulder. “She'll always be our baby.”
Eventually, Yixing puts Mae to bed. She stirs from her sleep, brow scrunching. Bingo hops onto the bed and slips into her arms. You sweep her fringe away and lay a kiss as gentle as snowfall on her forehead. Only then does she relax and slip back into sleep.
Arms slips around your waist and spin you. Yixing holds you loosely in the circle of his arms. He catches your gaze, eyes sleepy and affectionate. Mae's nightlight projects snow drifting down the walls around you.
“Love you,” he says.
No matter how many times you hear it, you always have to fight down the sudden spike in your pulse, the warming of your cheeks.
“You're just jealous I haven't given you your kiss yet.”
He's smiling, the shadow of his dimple a deep dark. “How'd you know?”
You smile knowingly. “Love you, too,” you whisper back before finally giving him the kiss he's been waiting for.
You dream that night. Or maybe it would be more accurate to say that you remember.
One spring day, when the first buds appeared on the trees, Mae was taken. You had been sleeping, and then you weren't. A great clattering came from down the stairs. Mae's crib was gone. You scrabbled out of bed, crying out “Mae!” Yixing jerked awake behind you, but you couldn't linger. There was no time to explain.
You sprinted downstairs to see two white-tailed deer dragging the crib out of the house. Vines had sprouted from the crib's wooden legs and attached themselves to the halters of the 12-point bucks. The backdoor was open and they were making a dash for the woods.
“No!” you shouted, leaping after them. You managed to grab onto one of the rails. Bingo peered at you over the edge. They were going so fast, they were dragging you through the remaining snow, which that night measured a scant inch. Snow and slush slid into your shirt. I can't hold on, you realized with  creeping horror. And just as you thought it, you jolted as the deer dragged you over the jagged end of a rock. Your fingers slipped and you came a halt, curling around the bruise blooming on your ribs.
A breeze whisked by you and you glanced up through tears to see Yixing racing into the forest after your baby.
Minutes, hours went by, and then a blinding flash, brighter than lightning, blazed through the woods. The howl of soul in despair rang out after like thunder.
You were already crying by the time Yixing came back, carrying something. He looked up at you, devastated.
In his hands hovered the most perfect snowflake you had ever seen.
Mae sits at the table drawing with Yixing. Crayons scatter across the table in a mess of color. Some have rolled off the edge. Yixing holds one captive, rolling it back and forth on the ground with a socked foot.
“What are you drawing?” you ask Mae.
“This is you!” she says, pointing to a vaguely human-like shape. There is a concerning red blotch by the head. A smaller blob she declares to be herself, and Bingo a small circle that you had thought was a foot at first.
“And where am I?” asks Yixing.
Mae points to her father's drawing.
“I'm a sheep?” he asked, confused.
“No! A bunny,” she says back.
You stifle a laugh as Yixing looks even more confused.
Mae traces the sheep's horns. “These are its ears.” Yixing nods thoughtfully, then scrawls over the paper to make the sheep more bunny-like
He's such a good father, you think. He is patient, and kind. He listens to her and responds sincerely. You are profoundly in love with them, with your family and its small place in the world.
The two drawings hang from the refrigerator later that evening. You can hear Yixing playing with Mae in the living room, bouncing her up and down on his lap as she giggles and shrieks “Horsey!” Mae has labeled each figure in indecipherable symbols, but underneath one, in handwriting too elegant to be a child's hand, reads Daddy. It is undeniable a bunny.
You had long been suspicious of Bingo. He was no ordinary hare. But you had never been more suspicious of him than when your daughter came home this year.
It was the first snow of the year, and you and Yixing had been standing outside for hours already in the cold so that you didn't miss it. And there! To your left, a bright light had flashed in the forest. You were the first to find Mae and you fell on your knees before her.
“Oh, baby,” you said, cradling her cheeks in your hands, checking her over for any injuries. She was dressed in a similar foreign garment as last time, this one made of a pale pink shimmering gossamer.
“Where have you been?” you cried. She was old enough now, if she could just tell you where she went, then maybe....
And that was the first time you noticed it. The way your daughter fell silent and stared at the white hare.
She looked you full in the eyes a moment later and said, “Bingbing says I can't tell you yet.”
Yixing came at that moment and swept her into his arms.
“Don't leave us again,” he said, voice muffled against her. “Promise me that you won't go.”
“Daddy!” Mae complained, squirming in his hold. She looked at you plaintively over his shoulder and pouted. “I'm hungry.”
The first time it happened, you thought you'd lost your daughter forever. You had grieved with the force of a death. And then you woke up on the first day of snowfall to see a white hare on your chest.
“Mae...” came Yixing's hoarse voice besides you. You turned and saw your daughter in her crib beside the bed. Two seasons had come and gone, and she had clearly kept growing the months you'd been apart. But she watched you with those same keen eyes like she knew exactly who you.
“Did you...bring her back?” you asked, turning back to the white hare. Bingo merely twitched his nose a few times. He seemed to be staring right at you.
“Thank you,” you whispered. You rested a tentative hand on the hare, who close its eyes in acceptance. After another moment, it jumped away.
Yixing watched you with wide eyes, Mae already cradled in his arms. You wrapped your arms around the both of them. “I love you so much,” you whispered in a voice choked with tears. “I am so lucky to have you both.”
It snows again the next day. You're not sure who's more excited about it, you or your daughter. Yixing struggles to get Mae kitted out for the weather, and you practically trip over yourself to shove your boots and hat on at the same time.
You had spent your free time this fall building a sled. You had cobbled all the pieces together yourself: the polished wood, the metal runners, the string that worked the rudder like reins on a horse. The winters have only grown longer since Mae was born, and you want to enjoy it while you can.
You start to wax up the candles with a broken candle when Mae huffs and puffs her way over to you, stretching up to try and reach your hand.
“No, mommy! I want to do it.”
You laugh and hand her the piece of candle. You wrap your fingers around hers, two-times clumsy with her gloves on, and help her slide the wax on the metal, lifting your daughter up when she can no longer reach.
“Perfect!” you declare when you finish with the second runner. “Thank you for your help, my little elfling.” You pinch her nose lightly and she giggles and runs to her dad.
All of you, Bingo included, pile out into the snow. You and Mae get the honors of the inaugural sled ride. Yixing bursts into a run first, yelling “race you down the hill!”
“Get him, mommy!” Mae yells, trying to scoot the sled forward. You kick off, and soon the two of you are zooming. You catch up with Yixing easily and then you are past, far past, trees blurring by.
The sled finally comes to a rest and Mae is still laughing. She has already hopped off the sled and is tugging on you, wanting to do it all over again. You roll off the sled, feeling about as dexterous as a marshmallow. Then you stand and survey how very long you have to climb back up.
“Come on, Mommy,” Mae says, slipping her hand into yours. The two of you walk forward in silence for a minute before you ask, “Where's your daddy, Mae?” 
She runs forward, Bingo dashing after her, and you call after them not to go too far by themselves. Your warning is half-hearted, though. The woods welcome Mae like a friend. Even now, cardinals flock to the branches around her, bright splashes of red against the snow like trail marks pointing straight to her. There is an undeniable magic to your child. You have a feeling that nothing could hurt her, and the only thing that could take her is a force that you have no way of stopping.
The sled glides easily back up the hill—you do your best to keep it in the tracks you left on the way down. You eye the branches of the trees along the climb. Not one of the deciduous trees you spy has a single hint of a bud upon its branches. You heave a sigh in relief.
You're the one who stumbles across Yixing first. He has fallen backwards into the snow, his phone lying on his chest, staring up at the sky. You can't resist—you pick his phone up and take a few pictures of him, rosy cheeked, haloed in snow.
You pocket his phone and stretch a hand out for him. Mae comes barreling towards the two of you, yelling “Daddy!”
Yixing takes your hand with a smile.
“I guess you guys won.”
Later that night, Yixing shows you a video on his phone. He was filming the entire sled race. You watch second hand as you tuck Mae between your legs and wrap an arm around her. Suddenly, the camera is jerking forward, Yixing's muffled challenge to a race humming through the speaker. You hear his huffed laughter, the crunch of snow and the way his jacket sleeves rub against his sides as he runs. All of a sudden, you and Mae streak by, Mae squealing, and then the world topples. From white to black to white again, you hear Yixing trip, the sound of his breath knocked out of him in a single oof. Miraculously, he manages to keep a grip on his phone.
He lays there, camera facing the sky. All you hear is him breathing. A couple of snowflakes drift by and just miss landing on the lens. You feel oddly self-conscious when you show up onscreen. Is that what you looked like? A wide grin split your face, your hair windblown. You look down at Yixing with what is unmistakably love.
The video ends when you grab the phone to take pictures of Yixing (which you have already bullied him into sending you).
“I love watching you with Mae,” he confesses as the two of you lay in bed. Your bodies have curved inward, seeking the presence of the other. His fingers wrap around yours.
“Your smile, how tender you are...” Yixing turns and presses his face against your neck. “I love you both so much,” he says.
Mae becomes increasingly more cuddly as winter wears on. It's difficult to put her to bed. She'll cry long into the night, begging to sleep with you and Yixing. More and more, one of the two of you would cave  in. She would crawl into your bed and rest in the warm hollow between your two bodies. Soon, neither of you bothered with carrying her to her bed.
How could either of you resist when you already had so little time with her? You want to hold her close just as much as she wants to be held. Everyday, you find her napping with Yixing, laid out along his chest and stomach. Your phone album is full of pictures of the two of them together.
Yixing said she took after you. But you see all the ways in which Mae takes after her father. The shape of her eyes. Her brilliant dimples. Her wavy hair. You had taken far too many pictures of them waking from a nap together, sporting matching cases of wild bedhead. It is the most adorable sight you have ever seen.
It happens earlier this year than it ever has before. On Christmas Day, Mae disappears. You race outside, going tree to tree, looking for the sight of even a hint of a bud. But there is nothing.
Hours pass in the woods, but they feel barren. You hunt for even a hint that Mae has been there, but find not even footprints. The forest is quiet and empty. For the first time, you feel the loneliness of winter.
You trudge into the house, numb from cold and disbelief. Yixing looks equally as hollow. “Bingo's still here,” he says hoarsely. And the two of you collapse towards each other with the gravity of your anguish. Why is this happening, you wonder.
Later that night, you wander in Mae's room. Lying atop her pillow is a single brilliant snowflake and a white hare.
Spring marches in with a a triumph. The flowers are riotously beautiful—bashful pinks, velvety reds, radiant yellows, and inky purples. All the life that winter has lacked bursts forth with a vengeance. And still, Mae is gone.
Bingo spends most of his time outdoors now. The sight of him upsets Yixing, which in turn upsets you. But outside of your husband's sights, you take some comfort in the hare's presence. He joins you on walks through the forest, thin tethers to a time before. You while away most of your days there now.
Where you have turned to the forest, Yixing haunts the threshold to Mae's room. He doesn't go in. He simply stares, watching the snowflake that never melts. You suspect that he's waiting for the moment it disappears so he'll know exactly when Mae has returned.
Neither of you have been sleeping much, nor well. The house is quiet, as if it's waiting with the two of you. It feels like the first time she disappeared all over again. A part of you, one you can never confess having to Yixing, thinks that she will never come back. Not this time.
One morning, you awake and find Yixing gone. You frown and throw the bedsheets off. Yixing never gets up before me. You slip downstairs and find yourself standing in front of Mae's room. The snowflake is gone.
“Yixing?” you call out, with real concern now.
It is quiet still. A pot of coffee rests on the counter. A half-empty mug sits abandoned on the dining room table, the chair still pulled out.
The backdoor is open.
“No,” you gasp, and stagger outside.
Yixing is nowhere in sight, but you know he must be in the forest. What is he doing. You hesitate at the edge of the woods. You've spent hours amounting to days in this forest, and yet it suddenly appears to you a maze. He could be anywhere.
And then you hear it. A chorus of whistles. And like magic, a path marked by the red of cardinals appears before you. You hurtle along it, crashing through bracken and bramble, until you see the sight of a very familiar back.
Yixing whirls around. In his hands is the snowflake.
“Look here,” he says, pointing to the snowflake. “The gates are open.” You gaze at the snowflake. It is like ice, or glass—clear enough to see through to Yixing's palm on the other side. All six points of the snowflake are perfectly formed like castle spires or a knight's sword, and at its hub is a beautiful ice castle with open gates.
You look up at Yixing. “The gates weren't open before,” he says. “There's a path,” he continues, body already half-turning, “the hare....There!”
He takes off, and you see the flash of a hare disappearing in the distance.
The two of you race after Bingo. The world flashes by in colors and noise, simultaneously real and insubstantial. You feel the burn of your lungs, the jolt that goes up your legs with each stride. All you have to do is follow Yixing. He is a few feet in front of you until.
He isn't.
You try to stop, but your momentum carries you forward. You break through the edge of the trees and slide right over the edge of a blind ravine. You try reaching for the scraggliest tree you have ever seen jutting from the cliff face, but it uproots and you, and it, plummet
onto warmth. Thick white blankets your lap. Yixing sits ahead of you, looking just as shell-shocked as you feel.
“It's about time,” rumbles forth a voice from beneath. You realize all of a sudden that you are sitting astride the most gigantic white hare you have ever seen.
The hare comes to a halt, lowering itself. With a gentle shake, both you and Yixing are deposited on the ground.
You gape at your surroundings. It is starless night, yet everything is awash in a glow of blue. Frost blankets the world as far as your eye can see. Without the warmth of the hare, the cold bites deep into you, undeterred by the thin pajamas you had rushed out in.
A sudden wind blows, and you shield your eyes against it. A man, or something like it, lands before you. Wings arch away from his back and a small fount of feathers sprout from his red hair, whereas his eyebrows and beard are a trim black.
“Welcome, Starbearer. Welcome, Woodweaver.” His voice is musical.
You and Yixing stare perplexed at the winged man. He approaches Yixing first.
“Thank you for returning the First Star. We humbly accept this gift.”
For the snowflake in Yixing's palms had turned into a blazing light. Warmth radiates from it, reaching you even from where you stand. The man bows his head, cupping his hands beneath Yixing's and then pushes them both up. You watch as the star ascends from its cradle in Yixing's palms until it streaks into the night sky. It settles into place, and soon, begins to color night into day.
The man approaches you next.
“Thank you for returning the First Tree. We humbly accept this gift.”
This time, the man places his hands over yours and pushes down. The scraggly tree, which you had been holding onto all this time, immediately roots itself into the ground and begins to flower and leaf. Soft showers of iridescent petals drift around you.
Morning dawns over the land and sweeps the ice away. Grass has sprouted beneath your feet, and little flowers like fireworks burst into bloom. You gasp. In the distance, you catch sight of a familiar castle, with spires that spear the sky. It glimmers golden in the sunshine.
“I apologize. We have been looking for you for a long time, however your daughter was an unforeseen element that confounded our agents.” He gestures with a wing to two white-tailed deer and a white hare. “All this time, we expected it to be one person when we needed two.”  He shakes his head, feathers ruffling.  
“But I digress. You have brought with you the first new season. Starvale thanks you.”
The winged man observes you both for a moment, then gives a brisk nod, the plume at his front rising.
Like a reflex, Yixing drops and gathers Mae into his arms. You find yourself in the mix a moment later. You shake with sobs, pressed cheek to cheek with your daughter. Yixing pours kisses all over both of you, much to Mae's chagrin. She is wearing the same kind of garment as before, this one with real twigs and berries stitched into it. Some berries get crushed, staining the fabric around it in halos of red.
“Will you stay?” she asks. Her eyes are wide and watery, her little hands clutching fistfuls of Yixing's sweater.
“You have my heart,” Yixing answers, helplessly in love. “For the two loves of my life, I would capture every star in the sky if I had to.”
And so, the family stayed on in Starvale.
The Starbearer walked the lands to bring morning and night. The Woodweaver felled trees and scattered seeds to make the forests grow. And their Herald of Joy showed the world what great love is capable of.
** A/N: Thank you for reading! I’m grateful for this event, which has brought forth such wonderful content and connected creators across the fandom. This was my first crack at a kid fic, which was a great challenge. Thanks to chicken-fifi for being such a good sport, and sorry that I couldn’t send you more asks! Still, I hope you enjoyed. I look forward to more of your own writing!
Happy Holidays!
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halinski · 4 years ago
Ready for just under 1k of ridiculousness?
Older sterek future fix with a sprinkle of buddie, kinda crack lmao
Pls bear with me, I'm so tired
"I could've done this myself," Derek grumbled for about the 50th time in the past week. He sat on the porch of their 2 story self-designed LA adjacent countryside house - where they had moved the pack to when Desiree had declared they would be an actor no matter what it took. While everyone knew Derek was convinced he was a strict parent, it was plain for the world to see that their kids were spoiled af.
Which was one of the reasons they were here in the first place. Five adopted kids and none of them capable or willing to change the car tires. Derek was going to insist on doing it himself but thankfully, Stiles was a lot more cunning and conniving (and stubborn) so he had arranged for service to come to them before Derek could get the chance.
"Just sit back, drink your lemonade and enjoy the sight," Stiles told him, pressing a glass of cold homemade lemonade into the other man's hand. As he withdrew, he let a hand trail up Derek's by now mostly grey beard. Neither of them were youngsters anymore after all - werewolf strength be damned. Even Derek had to be feeling the ache and weariness of age. He'd seen and felt too much since early days.
The last two decades had been less devastating than their first two, Stiles had made damn sure they would get to have this.
"I'm not old," Derek protested and attempted to hide his pout behind the chilled glass, wary eyes on the two men in their driveway.
Stiles seated himself in the seat next to him and patted his free forearm, lifting his own lemonade to quirked lips.
"We're far from that shape of youth," Stiles argued, staring out at the display unashamed. Had he hired two hot guys on purpose? Maybe so. They had a happy marriage spanning 20 years soon, a beautiful family and house. There was nothing amiss. But who ever minded some eye candy? Especially when Stiles could play with Derek's possessive side. It had certainly lost it's ugly envy and rage, but that's what made it all better, knowing that Derek was now confident Stiles would never leave him, or even see anyone in the way he saw his husband.
Even Derek couldn't deny the appeal of the blonde with a birthmark and the darker, stubblier guy kneeling at the side of their SUV. The former one had legs for days, and the latter a solid set of abs that showed even through his sweat-damp shirt.
Derek grumbled something from next to him that Stiles couldn't quite understand, too entertained by the two bustling makes in front of them. 'Buck' was apparently the blond's name and just like Stiles had once been for Derek, the young man seemed to be head over heels in love with his co-worker.
"They're so cute together," he said with a hum, watching the close interactions, shoulder bumps and eyelash heavy smiles. 'Eddie's laughter could be heard from there, every of his head shakes accompanied by a blinding smile.
"Is it just me or do they remind you of someone?" Derek asked.
Stiles could feel his gaze on him but he pertained his air of innocence. "I don't know what you mean."
Derek huffed in that amused way of his that never did grow old itself. Not a day went by that Stiles didn't surprise him and make life a whole different level of entertaining.
"Of course you don't." Derek stretched his arm and laid it out across Stiles' shoulders, who immediately leaned into him. And if he preferred to watch Stiles' outline rather than the two young men in the driveway, sue him for still being deeply in love with his husband. This was Stiles. He was perfect
"Oh my God, look! Looks like Jamie is enjoying the view just as much," Stiles interrupted his ruminations and chuckled gently.
Derek's head snapped up, alarmed. "What? He's too young!"
"He's 14, let him be a teenager!"
"14 is young..."
"The things I fantasized about at his age..." Stiles murmured.
"Please, stop." Derek groaned. So sometimes he still wasn't sure he understood the world completely or how to deal with the people around him - but he wouldn't change anything about it.
"In 5 more minutes I'll bring them their drinks. I'd say they should be sweaty enough by then," Stiles decided.
Derek laughed, the sound carrying free and loose out into the hills. "I can't believe you."
"What? I'm just getting the most I can out of this. Nothing wrong with that. And it's your own fault, you married me."
"And I haven't regretted it for a single day of my life," Derek told him.
"Good." Stiles turned to him with that sunshine smile of his. All the time in the world couldn't rob him of his vivacious energy. He leaned in for a peck to the lips.
"FYI, I'm also going to inspect the car, because they're only be putting their hands on my baby if they did a perfect job."
Derek clicked his tongue.
"So they haven't been deemed good enough for dear Roscoe yet," he mused. Sometimes Derek didn't know how the Jeep still ran. Probably dark magic. But it turned out that he had become just as sentimental about it as Stiles was. After all, Roscoe was there for the start of their happily ever after. (He blamed old age for his emotional fragility.)
"You're still the only one on that list and you know it, big guy," Stiles said in a voice that felt more like home than any material house could.
"Why don't we keep it that way? I still have a few muscles on me," Derek suggested. "I am a werewolf after all. Just for Roscoe."
Stiles hummed, nestling his head back on Derek's shoulder. "Alright. For Roscoe."
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lawrising-a · 3 years ago
( continued from here! // @pseudoneiric )
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there's a sore sensation nestling against the sensitive skin of his wrist -- not rubbed raw, exactly, considering his tie is too silky to achieve such a feat ( and he, desperately, tried to move as little as possible ) but it still stings. a chiding reminder of what he allowed to happen not even minutes ago. yellow wrapped around him, completely bound and helpless ... it was something he can't say he's done before, not like that. he thinks the correct term would be bondage, but was it? gloved hands sinking beneath layers of flesh to expose the fluttering organs beneath, and expose her own in turn. call him crazy, but that's not what he thought bondage was about. but when was anything with lilian it's textbook definition? he can't blame anyone for his display of vulnerability except himself, completely ensnared with the girl the moment they crossed paths. there were times he watered down his attraction, for both their sakes, blaming her allure for his enchantment. yet lies come clean eventually and here he now perches. the edge of his mused bed, chest rising and falling more then it should as he burns with the black markings drifted upon his ivory skin. lipstick marks painting him in a light he's not used to. he's been stripped of all his warm tones and fake boy scout personas ; left in cool colors. green pants and black marks.
‘and what are you ... the sun?’ whispered a voice earlier, like every hushed word was a secret reserved between the two of them. mat rolls his shoulders, because he doesn't feel that way anymore. never has, honestly. he wants to be beaming lights with a killer gravitational pull, but he ... isn't. the colors on him now is a striking reminder of that : yet he replays lilian's maddening words and fools himself briefly. it's okay to believe lies when she's the one feeding them! as long as she believes it, why can't he humor it? everything she said had been a warped view, a funhouse mirror at those shifty carnivals -- but it was raw honesty from lilian, and he can't turn away the swell of attention. even if he should, even if mat should waltz into the bathroom where she's currently shrouding herself away and spill out the truth. let her know he isn't some angelic force but rather a mockery of one. how matthew naively hopes he can be hers regardless of his lack of good ... it's dizzying, causing his vision to blur, because it's been a while since he's confronted this about himself. the student doesn't like it. but oh, he loves her -- a burning sensation that lights his veins aflame and races his heart.
distractingly, he presses the pad of his rough thumb against the mark on the corner of his lips. a replica of a kiss she once bestowed upon him like salvation itself ( hm, what's with the spur of religious imagery today? hah ). trying to prod away the disappointment that rises every time he feels the wishful want of her actual lips there instead. she has to -- she has to feel something for him at this point, right? that can't be an assumption anymore, can it? questions whirl around as his fingers ghost down his ruined skin, tracing over the words left with his own hands like confirmation. like he's silently saying 'yes, property of lilian eyler.' like he's finally allowing himself a love he thought he wouldn't ever have when he traces, ‘mine. mine. mine-’ that ends with him working his way back up, away from the bulge of his stomach and trembling arms -- away from 'poetry, life, religion' and back to his lips. where he's reminded, with a fuzzy feeling balling up in his chest, 'mine.' almost pushing hard enough to slip a finger through his pink lips, plush and ready for ... mat isn't sure. he just wants her to kiss him there. though he knows she won't, least not today. and even if there's this sickening greed that controls him with a talent, he lets her have that. lets her take all her time in the bathroom and tries not to beg for more. how did she elegantly put in, in all her poetic prose that he's seen briefly in the club? a loyal dog? just for you now, only ever for you, lili--
a shiver rocks his form, startling his hands to the edge of the bed to tear into as he digs his heels into the carpet ( like he once had in the bed, to ground himself, to not buck ). was his pulse racing with the life she declared to adore so much? the man sinks canines into his cheek to hold back from beckoning her out to check. no, no ; he said he'd leave her be. it's a good thing for them both right now. if she had stayed and let the fabric obscuring his view fall from his eyes, he would've reached for her. try to pull them close and he'd ramble like a mad man ... wouldn't he have scared her? some part of him thinks he still has. which wobbles his posture in order to keep his head bowed, like awaiting punishment. almost waiting for pain building in his scalp, because surely she'd card her delicate laced fingers through his hair with a bit more force if she came back out. or was that his gentle throb of arousal wanting that? she got him worked up so easily ; ah, well, at least it's a good exercise for his thinning self control ...
a sigh, shaky and human, whistles out of parted lips. dry due to the fact he can't lick them thanks to the lipstick, though he can't help but wonder if he did -- would he be licking lilian's lips that way? the material touched them ... realizing how wild he is, a thoroughly teased animal, matthew laughs nervously. jesus christ, there's parts of him strewn all around his bedroom, because there's no way mat is fully put together. his brain feels like soupy liquid dripping from his ears and hissing into his scarlet skin. a puzzle of a man that lilian expertly took apart and left half completed. no matter how hard he tries to reel himself in, chase away all the sweetened morbidness delivered, he can't find all the pieces. surely, the clever girl took some with her to the bathroom. she was ... possessive. mat learned that just now. possessive over him, envious of basic things that matthew almost couldn't believe. she'll never know how comforting it was to see. a feeling now nestled happily within because nobody's been possessive of him before! she mustn't of gotten the memo from former friends, didn't hear how expendable he was to everyone who's known him. people don't get jealous for matthew, they don't care how much he sleeps, they don't care if he isolates away -- and they certainly don't care if his eyes linger on a girl with purple hair.
because who would find him special? he's an emotional wreck everyone stays weary of, a boy to eye with skepticism. his jealousy, his rawness, his obsessive love and need is wrong and ugly. you're shunned for those things by society. to the world, mat is anything but special, he's wrong ; so wrong and he's relentlessly tried to change that. but lilian ... she thinks otherwise. feels like he feels. sensitive and lovesick. and while he's always tried to hide before, if the girl with inky hair thinks it's beautiful and radiant ... everyone else must be wrong, because lilian eyler never is! as clever as the devil and twice as pretty, so the saying goes. with a rueful smile, too boyish and gentle for his own sharp face, he thinks it's an accurate fit for his favorite person ever. his throbbing molten core of earth, the darkened reflective surface of his beloved moon.
“im excited about lunch tomorrow, you know?” calls mat, voice as rough as ever ; like he uses it too much. but during this whole date, he fears he hasn't used it enough. “i haven't eaten with another person in a while. i usually just grab an apple and loiter around the library.” did you think i ate with yuri? though the fawn haired male doesn't ask, he quickly kills that assumption if it festered in lilian's mind. “if it goes well, we could ... ah, why don't we eat together from then on? maybe everyday? maybe forever! i think it'd be ... nice.”
the last part is so quiet he's not sure she hears it, but maybe she hears it die off. senses his shyness that bares him like it's her own. matthew doesn't want to dwell in it, so he tries to push forward. telling himself to keep tearing down the walls until there's nothing left ( the bathroom walls or his own? ). she deserves to hear more then his sputters from their little session, brought on by gutting arousal and his own jittery sparks : she deserves the world on an obsidian platter. to know he does want to be owned by her, to understand he'd be so comfortable displaying that label for all to see. and for lilian to be told, sternly, that he'd choose her out of a line up with certainty most would be scared of. love isn't half way for him, ever, and lilian needs to know that. even if his heart thunders and he wants to hear more of her disarming voice instead.
“and i want to be yours ; your idea with the whole 'blindly leading me around' wasn't half bad!” heartfelt chuckling makes him feel like he's vibrating out of his skin, her skin now, isn't it? “i'd let you blind me, i'd let you led me even if i was deaf and mute. you could be all my senses, because maybe then i'd trust them more. you don't know how much i wish these words on me were permanent, lilian --” mat twists his mouth, ruins his hair more. “darling, you just ... i've tried so hard to be normal this year, more then any other, yet you make me so helpless! it's ... how do you do that? do you know how special you are, how beautiful? perfect ... well, perhaps not that ; because you're stupid for worrying about not owning me. isn't it obvious you already do? were these reminders for me, or wishes for you?"
( eyes flutter to words he can barely read on his bared parts, words overlapping due to frenzy. all true. all true )
with a tightening throat, emotions rising like waves and god he could just drown, matthew lays back on the mattress. meekly pulling the tie out from under him, only to drag it over his used wrists. picturing only her. wondering if this sight would entice her to keep going when she comes out. and he wants to say lilian, you've won! congratulations on having a lover for life! or, something like : yuri couldn't pry me from your cold dead fingers! but what stumbles out is something foolish that he immediately grimaces over. hopefully she's too shaken to judge him too much.
“i think you're my soulmate, lilian. i .. really do.” so why would i ever let you go? or deem you unworthy? it's me, im unworthy. not you, never never -- his lashes tickle his skin when he shuts his eyes. breath hitching before evening out. reminding himself to calm down because matthew thinks he'll actually explode otherwise. a bundle of nerves, of her love, is all he really is.
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wrestlingisfake · 3 years ago
All Out preview
Here we go with AEW's annual Labor Day weekend show in Hoffman Estates, just like the original All In show three years ago. I have been going to wrestling shows for days, and it all comes down to this!
The show starts at 8pm EDT, streaming on Bleacher Report (in the US and Canada) and Fite.tv for $49.99. A free pre-show will be available at 7pm EDT.
CM Punk vs. Darby Allin - This is CM Punk's first pro wrestling match since January 26, 2014, when he spent 49 minutes in the Royal Rumble working with a staph infection and a possible concussion. The following night he walked out of WWE, leading to seven and a half years of debate about what is next move would/should be. Two weeks ago he debuted with AEW and declared that he wanted to help the younger talent, starting with a match against Allin. Allin, for his part, took some exception to being the first opponent, as if he's just a stepping stone to bigger matches.
The big issue here is seeing how well Punk, 42, has held up after seven years away. I've seen reports that he's looking good in training, but you just don't know until the bell rings. Regardless, I expect the hometown crowd to be very forgiving to Punk, and Allin is good enough to carry the match if he really has to.
I feel like I ought to have more to say about this, but it also feels like everything's been said. I can't believe Punk would lose his first match in. But I can believe that if Punk insisted on doing the job, AEW would let him do that. It'd be unusual for the returning guy to come up short, but New Japan does that sometimes and it can work as a longer build to the first win. Still, it is Chicago (sort of), so my gut says Punk wins to let us feel special.
Kenny Omega vs. Christian Cage - Omega is defending the AEW men's world title. For months, Omega held four different belts, representing championships in AEW, AAA, and Impact Wrestling. But on August 13 Christian defeated Omega for the Impact/TNA world title (and later retired the TNA belt), leaving Kenny more vulnerable than ever. The AAA and Impact titles aren't at stake in this match, so no matter who what happens the winner will be a double champion.
Cage is a great wrestler, but not a great challenger for this match. For months the storytelling pointed towards Hangman Page in this spot, but Page was abruptly written off television so he could take paternity leave. I don't think anybody resents Christian for filling in, but nobody really expects the 47-year-old, recently returned from a seven-year retirement, to win the big one. It's also a rematch of something we already saw a few weeks ago, which isn't a big deal but it's a bit of a talking point when everyone is always dogging WWE for excessive rematches.
The big go-home angle on September 1 was that Omega, the Young Bucks, and their buddies destroyed Christian, the Lucha Bros., and their buddies. After the show went off the air Tony Khan promised that this kind of bullshit interference wouldn't happen in the Bucks-Lucha Bros. cage match. Well, okay, but this match doesn't have a steel cage, so I have a feeling there will be plenty of bullshit interference. And I'm willing to bet that interference gives Omega the win while somewhat protecting Christian.
Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson vs. Penta El 0M & Rey Fenix - The Young Bucks (Matt and Nick) are defending the AEW tag team title. The Lucha Bros. won a four-team tournament to earn this shot. The Bucks have relied on a lot of outside interference from their entourage lately, so to counter that this match will be held inside a steel cage. In AEW, the only way to win a cage match is by pinfall or submission.
I was at All Out 2019 when these teams last met in a crazy ladder match (which feels like a million years ago). Everyone raved about it, and also worried that the Bucks damn near killed themselves. Personally I had a really shitty view of the ring, which made it hard to follow the match. This time I've got a much better view, so I'm looking forward to some good karma.
In theory the Bucks have sworn off doing the dangerous shit from the ladder match, but technically this is a cage match so maybe they'll just do different dangerous shit. Personally I'm more intrigued by seeing them change their game to fit in the confines of the cage, which doesn't lend itself to springboard flips off the ropes. But the cage has places to stand at the top, which will encourage the idea of setting up crazy highspots.
I feel like a title change is possible, but I could just as easily see the Bucks hold the belts for another six months. Santana and Ortiz seem to be next in line for a shot, and honestly I think that would work with either of these teams. But I guess I'll lean towards the Bucks retaining.
Chris Jericho vs. MJF - MJF defeated Jericho on November 7, 2020, to earn entry into Jericho's stable, the Inner Circle. MJF inevitably betrayed Jericho and formed his own stable, the Pinnacle, which beat the Inner Circle on May 5, 2021. Jericho was so determined to get revenge that he accepted MJF's terms to perform five "labors" to earn a rematch, but MJF beat Jericho once again on August 18, 2021. So now MJF is 3-0 against Jericho. (For some reason we're counting the ten-man match on May 5 but not the other one on May 30, which Jericho's team won, but whatever.) To get this final rematch, Jericho has put his career on the line.
Suddenly everything else in this storyline has taken a back seat to the idea that this may really be the end of Chris Jericho's 30-year in-ring career. There are plenty of fans who think Jericho, 50, should hang it up, but now that it might actually happen I think people aren't so sure they're ready for it all to end. The timing for Jericho to tease this is perfect, because he could easily just win and go another couple of years, or he could easily just finish today.
Part of what makes this work so well is MJF. I think everyone recognizes that MJF is going to be a top name in the 2020s, and that Jericho wants to make this guy. So it's like, if Jericho can get retired by anyone he wants, why wouldn't he pick MJF? I think the match will feel a little flat if Jericho comes up short yet again, but if it's the end of his career it suddenly doesn't matter if he's lost too many times, y'know?
Still, something tells me this isn't the end. Something tells me Jericho has more he wants to do. And something tells me, in a few years, we may be wondering if it would have been better if he retired on this show.
Britt Baker vs. Kris Statlander - Baker is defending the AEW women's world title. I expect to like this match but there's not really much to it. Baker was feuding with Red Velvet a while back and then Statlander made the save for Velvet. Baker and her crony Rebel have brought in Jamie Hayter to stack the deck against Statlander and Velvet. I think it's way too soon for Baker to drop the title, and I don't expect Kris to be the one to take it from her. So this is kind of a formality to kill time until Baker vs. Thunder Rosa down the road.
Miro vs. Eddie Kingston - Miro's AEW TNT championship is on the line. Somehow in the past year Miro has gone from Kip Sabian's gamer buddy to a monster heel who thinks God has anointed him to beat the shit out of people. Kingston has gone from a gutless heel to the most beloved guy in AEW. Wrestling is great.
Anyway, I love both of these guys, but I can't just bet that all the wrestlers have a good time. If Eddie's going to win a championship, it really ought to be in New York. I realize Chicago is AEW's favorite and we get all the good shit, but I've had my CM Punk ice cream and I'm maaaaaybeee going to get the Bryan Danielson debut too, so I'm willing to let New York have this one thing. Just this one time.
Jon Moxley vs. Satoshi Kojima - Moxley is the new GCW world champion following a surprise appearance at last night's GCW show; I assume that does not turn this into a title match. Moxley told top contender Nick Gage "you know where to find me," and it's anyone's guess if Gage will show up here to accept that invitation.
Mox is a busy boy making friends everywhere he goes. For a few weeks he was angling for a match with a top New Japan Pro Wrestling star on this show. The leading candidate was Hiroshi Tanahashi, but several other interesting names were discussed by fans and pundits alike. After that buzz, Kojima is a bit of a letdown.
Don't get me wrong, it's cool to get a guy who's held the IWGP heavyweight title, the All Japan Triple Crown, and the NWA world title. Kojima's a legend. But at this stage of his career, he's the guy New Japan sends when the real stars aren't available. Besides which, my cup runneth over when it comes to 50-year-old guys showing up to prove they can wrestle like they're 40. And I don't think anybody really believes Kojima can beat Moxley.
Ideally, this match should end with a video message from a bigger New Japan name calling out Moxley. I'm not confident that will happen. Then again, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if Moxley showed up in NXT UK to pick a fight with WALTER.
Paul Wight vs. QT Marshall - Formerly the Giant in WCW and the Big Show in WWE, Wight debuted with AEW earlier this year as a color commentator. QT and his goons were picking on Wight's broadcast partner Tony Schiavone when Wight intervened, setting up this match.
I was actually kind of into the idea of this until Marshall showed photos of Wight's recent hip surgery. Up to that point, they'd managed to keep me from noticing if Wight could move okay, and I was willing to accept he could do a basic squash match without a problem. But now I just assume he's broken down and he'll need a lot of smoke and mirrors to do even a simple match. Maybe that's the plan, to get me to lower my expectations and be pleasantly surprised. I sure hope it works out.
I'm about 95% sure Wight clobbers QT and just wins handily. There's a chance QT's squad pulls enough shenanigans to get a bullshit win, but I'm not sure what the point would be.
21-woman Casino Battle Royale - This is AEW's funky concept for a gauntlet battle royale. Five women start the match, and then every five minutes another wave of five enters; the 21st entrant gets to come out alone. Eliminations can occur at any time, by exiting the ring over the top rope to the floor. The last woman left after the others have been eliminated is declared the winner, and receives a future title match against the AEW women's champion.
AEW has announced 20 participants: Abadon, Anna Jay, Big Swole, Diamante, Emi Sakura, Hikaru Shida, Jade Cargill, Jamie Hayter, Kiera Hogan, KiLynn King, Leyla Hirsch, Nyla Rose, Penelope Ford, Rebel, Red Velvet, Riho, Skye Blue (a late substitution for Julia Hart), Tay Conti, The Bunny, Thunder Rosa.
The 21st spot has been left open for a surprise. Ruby Soho (formerly Ruby Riott in WWE) is widely expected to join AEW, and this would be a sensible spot for that to happen. But there are other women who could potentially debut here as a swerve.
I always want to pick the surprise entrant to win these things, but they really haven't done all that well in AEW battle royales. I could see them giving the win to, say, Big Swole, and just having Britt Baker beat her a few weeks later on Dynamite. Or Thunder Rosa could win to set up a major program for the next pay-per-view. They have a lot of options, which makes it hard to predict but fun to watch.
Orange Cassidy & Chuck Taylor & Wheeler YUTA & Luchasaurus & Jungle Boy vs. Matt Hardy & Marq Quen & Isiah Kassidy & Jack Evans & Angelico - This is booked for the pre-show. Hardy's heel group has been feuding with most of the midcard babyfaces for months. I don't expect this match will blow off the feud, but it'd be nice if it did so we could move on to something else. Orange's team should probably win.
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cirrius-akiyo · 5 years ago
(Part 1/?)
Evan: I'm craving for cheesecake. I'm going out to get some. Do you want any?
Eddie is helping Hen stocking up the ambulance after their last call depleted 'em dry when the notification came in. His eyebrows shot up after reading the message. 
 Eddie: You know you are not allowed to drive yet. I'll get you some later. 
Evan: :( But the doctor said I'm clear for light activities. I'm driving. Not running there. :<
Eddie: Which is still a bad idea with your condition. 
Evan: But I'm dying for a cheesecake. How could you. :( 
Eddie: You will not die from a cheesecake craving.
Evan: Meanie. I'll have the bed for myself tonight. >:(
Eddie can't help but to let his eyes roll so far, he thinks he saw his brain back there. He can actually hears how Buck is huffing in displeasure right now, looking like a kicked giant golden-retriever. He knows Buck is joking with the "d" word, but after experiencing how near death is always lurking around, the word just send shudders to his spine. 
He can hear Hen snorts in amusement beside him. "Already looking for trouble, that husband of yours?" Hen teases in mirth. 
Eddie just shakes his head in resignation. "According to him, he's dying for a cheesecake and wanted to drive out to get some. And now I'm the bad person for not allowing him to." Eddie rants, hands swinging around to make his point.
Eddie understands the house rests are driving Buck crazy. Not allowed to do everything he usually does himself must be frustrating. If anything, Eddie is actually proud with his husband for not throwing much tantrum in the course of his healing. Eddie's eyes proceed to linger on his phone's wallpaper, the recent image of Buck and Chris snuggled in their blanket fort acts as a reminder for him that Buck is still here. 
Hen, blessed the patron of observance that she is, notices how Eddie's facial expression suddenly falls. She gingerly moves closer to Eddie, patting his back in an consoling motion. "Eddie. Buck is okay. Little scratch there, but he is fine." Hen enunciates to Eddie slowly, like she usually would when comforting the distressed victims during calls. 
That makes the wall Eddie has build so thick and high crumbling down. 
"But he almost not be." Eddie chokes on tears. "He almost leave us, Hen. Buck almost died." Eddie swallows the bitter taste on his tongue. Oh God. Saying that out loud just make the whole ordeal more concrete. More tangible than Eddie had previously perceived. He was in a state of constant obscurity after the doctor delivered the news when Buck was admitted to the hospital. Feeling like the color of the world seeped out from the corner of his eyes, leaving only grayish fog in his view. 
Hen is now hugging Eddie, letting him to cry out his burden away. "Hey now. It's okay. Everything will be just fine."
"But what if it's not? I kissed another woman on the night before he collapsed, Hen." Eddie admits. He never tell anybody about that night, too ashamed of himself. But also afraid of the judgment that may come with it. 
Hen stalled. Her face morphes in confusion.
"But isn't that the night of the parents-teachers conference?" Hen frowns, recalling her memory to that day. It's not like Eddie goes to a bar or something. 
Eddie nods weakly. 
"Who?" Hen queries. Her face returns back to neutral and it make Eddie queasy in his stomach even more.  
Oh boy. Hen knows Buck is insecure about Shannon, uncomfortable with the thought that he is replacing her in the Diaz's household. Hen also knows other women that Buck are still insecure about are Lena and Ana, both of different reasons but it is not her place to say. 
"Have you talk about it?" Hen then pries. She is still regretting the day she decided to cheat on Karen with her ex, and the downfall Denny might has to suffer. She knows what had happened between Karen and her was bad, so she is confident Buck and Eddie will come back from this, seeing that Buck didn't kicked Eddie out of his hospital room once he woke up actually lucid. 
"He forgives me, Hen. Easily." Eddie sighs. He still feels like he doesn't deserve love from Evan Buckley. Evan Buckley-Diaz now. "He forgives me too easily." Eddie murmurs under his breath, not intending for Hen to hear, but she heard them anyway. 
"If Buck forgives you, then maybe you need to  start forgiving yourself too." Hen offers. 
"We're only humans floating on a rock
But I think that you are made of stardust
Unconditional, you put up with so much
I can never repay the way you love
Back to the sky, we all have to fly back home, back home
The sweetest goodbyes are never with smiles at all"
Eddie swings open their house door without any grace, blaming his occupied hands. He can hear the clacking sound of his son's crutches and the stomping of Buck's socks-clad feet coming towards him. Within seconds, his once full hands are left empty when the box exchanged ownership. The duo are gone as fast as they come, robbing the cake away from Eddie. 
"Well hello to both of you, too." Eddie huffs in mock annoyance. 
The boys are too busy in deciding which flavor of cheesecake to start off with to even acknowledge Eddie's jeer. Eddie just smile fondly, not slightly bothered. He then snakes his hands around Buck's waist and pulls on his stomach so that Eddie's chest collides with his husband's back, tendering a chaste kiss to the corner of Buck's full lips. 
"Kiss later Daddy. Pops and I need to choose now." Chris admonishes him, as if Eddie just disrupt their very top-level mission. 
"Listen to our son. You know how much this decision is important to both of us. And you have me tortured all day craving for these." Buck teases, fluttering his eyelashes sinfully. 
"Well, sorry for missing my husband." Eddie pulls his lips downwards, feigning hurt but tighten his hug regardless. 
"You know I miss my cheesecake more than ever today. So can you please go take a shower while we plate this. You stink." Buck continues to bat his eyelashes, poking fun at Eddie. 
Loosening his hold on his husband, Eddie reluctantly walks over to their bedroom, ready to wash away the day. Being alone in their room, Eddie remembers what Hen had said. Forgiving himself. Eddie never thought that is an option until Hen had spelled out to him today. It is a nice concept. Nevertheless, Eddie cannot see himself doing just that yet. Eddie feels like if he ever forgives himself, then whatever Buck has endured is meaningless. Eddie does not deserve the salvation, what more from himself no matter how nice the sentiment is. 
Eddie is brought back to the reality when his phone vibrates in his back pocket. 
Evan: Better be quick. I'm not to be accountable for a sugar-high child tonight. ;)
Eddie lets out a chuckle, his self-loathing forgotten for a moment.
Showered and shaved, Eddie steps out to the kitchen where Chris and Buck are still sitting around their plates of half-eaten cheesy and sugary goodness, chatting about something school related. Seeing Eddie, Buck immediately stood up and walks towards the oven, pulling out Eddie's share of dinner, still perfectly warm when Eddie took the plate from Buck. What has Eddie done in his previous life to deserve this man. 
Sitting down next to Chris, Eddie can see the anticipation bubbling from Buck's face as he scoops up a hefty serving of lasagna with his spoon. Eddie doesn't need to pretend. He actually  honest to God lets out a huge appreciative moan when he took the bite. No offense to Bobby, but Buck is surpassing the Captain in no time in the cooking department. 
And there are the twinkles again. 
The twinkles that Eddie has longed before and now seeing them making their comeback just make Eddie's appetite that somehow was lost to grow. 
"I love you." The words automatically fall out of his mouth, despite being loaded with food. He can imagine Abuela scolding him for talking with his mouth full. 
Buck's cheeks tinted with pink. "You only love my cooking." Buck flusters, eyes looking everywhere but Eddie. His forks keep poking the remaining cheesecake in his plate. He's used with Eddie's declarations of loves, but often they are done privately. Other time is just chaste exchange of kisses and hand-holding or sometimes they were said in playful banter. Not in serious manner as how Eddie just did. 
Chris, blessed his innocent soul supplies, "No Pops. Daddy really loves, loves you. He's very sad when you're sick." Oh. Buck knows Eddie must be worried, but he is good at masking his emotions especially in front of Chris. For Chris to be able to see that, Eddie must has shown his vulnerability, which is unusual. Now the pink has changed to red. 
Eddie think it is impossible for Buck's cheeks to get redder than this. Eddie can actually see the flush travels down his neck to his chest and he tries his best suppressing the urge to imagine how far the tint goes like they usually does when they are in their bed. A child is present, Eddie. 
"I, I... I love you, too." Buck finally confess shyly. 
Chris cheers in delight while finishing his last bite of cake in one inhale.
"Am I still on the couch tonight?" Eddie wiggles his eyebrows seductively which only successfully making Buck to blush deeper. 
"You are." 
"But when our lives are running out
And your heartbeat has taken the draw
Could you try to look around?
I'll be there to pull you back up
I'll be around you
I'm nothing without you
I won't leave you alone
'Cause when the stars are falling down
There's love in the dark (I'll be there) (I'll be there)
There's love in the dark (I'll be there) (I'll be there)"
Eddie in fact did not end up on the couch.
Waking up to some delicious smell is not foreign in the Buckley-Diaz household now Buck has taken over the position as their chief chef. Buck literally is their savior, saving Chris and him from the damnation cereals, frozen meals and takeouts.  
Eddie rubs the sleep off his face, still feeling the leftover fatigue from yesterday. A 48 hours shift will never get easier no matter how accustomed his body might be. 
No matter how inviting the smell is, he knows he needs to wash up first or else Buck will dismiss him from the kitchen. "We don't mix filth and food at this table, Eddie." Not that Buck really mind when Eddie christened the kitchen, making Buck bending over the dining table some times ago. 
Later Eddie will find vast array of baking ingredients on the kitchen counter still unpacked in the shopping bags. 
"What are you doing?" Eddie asks once he steps into the kitchen. 
Buck turns around from the stove. "Erm...French toast?" He then expertly flips the toast to its other side. "Yours will be ready in a minute."
Eddie shuffles closer, stroking Chris' hair who is happily nibbling at the toast Buck had prepared for him. 
"No, Evan. I'm talking about the baking ingredients. Did you go out to buy all this?" Eddie's voice full of concern. 
Buck proceeds to transfer the toast to an awaiting plate before turning off the stove. "What if I did?" He challenges defiantly. 
"Evan, you know you shouldn't drive by yourself. Not yet." Eddie pulls Buck's hands into his. 
Buck's face breaks into mischievous grin. "No, you worrywart. Carla brought this over when she stopped by this morning." 
Eddie doesn't realise he was holding his breath. "Why didn't you ask me to buy them for you?" 
Buck actually scoffs. "Because you will mess with the list, opting sub-standard brands in favour for cheaper ingredients. Which I will not tolerate because this is too important." 
"And what is this that is too important to not have subpar ingredients in them?" Eddie knows Buck loves to bake, more than cooking actually. But the amount of ingredients on their kitchen counter is almost equivalent to what a bakery needs daily. 
That only makes Buck to grin even wider. "Tell your Daddy, Chris." Buck calls out.
"Bake Sale!" Chris shouts in excitement from his chair, hands high in the air cheering to the news. 
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Eddie chance a glance to Buck who is still unpacking the ingredients from the shopping bags, separating them from dry to wet. They have enough ingredients to bake almost anything, so Chris is in the living room, tasked to research on what will they bake for the school's Bake Sale. 
Buck looks at Eddie with confusion etched on his face. "Why wouldn't I be?" Buck asks without hesitation.
Eddie exhales. "Ana will be there." Now Eddie wish for a hole to swallow him down so he doesn't have to face his husband scrutinizing eyes. 
Buck pauses. "So? Why is that a problem?" Buck replied back, tone almost challenging. 
Eddie doesn't really know how to react to Buck's questions. He then clears his throat. "I...I don't want you to get uncomfortable." He stutters, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. 
A beat of silence wash over them. 
After a moment, Buck closes their distance, pulling Eddie forward. Buck smells like cinnamon and powdered sugar.
"Maybe I want to be there." Buck honest to God smirks at him. "Maybe I want to stake my claim." He whispers behind the shell of Eddie's ear, making him shudders in delight and terror. "Maybe I want to show her that you're mine. That I'm yours." Buck continues boldly, slyly. 
Eddie feels the heat burning him all over. He takes a shuddering breath, all while thinking about Chris in the living room to prevent him from grinding their hips together. Oh God. Is this how Buck will punish him from now on? To let him succumbs to blue balls? 
"Pops, I found it!" Christopher pipes in from the living room, yelling in delight. 
"I'll be there in a second, buddy." But Buck's seductive smile doesn't falter. In fact, he proceeds to wet his red lips sinfully before kissing Eddie deeply. It takes all of Eddie's willpower not to moan, but as fast as the kiss start, Buck breaks apart with teasing grin and a wink. Eddie's mouth went dry.
Dear, Lord. 
Eddie then is left alone in the kitchen with a hard on. Why does Buck likes to torture him this way? If this is the path to his salvation, dear God please help him. 
Just like the weather forecast had predicted, it's raining cats and dogs that night. Eddie leaves the couch and walk towards Chris' bedroom to check on his son in case he is woken up by the thunder and lightning dancing outside their windows. Seeing that Chris is still sleeping undisturbly, he decides to settle for the night, switching off the television and checking at all the locks again. 
When he enters their bedroom, he can see Buck's messy curls poking out from under the duvet. Buck is sleeping in the center of their bed, leaving little to no space for Eddie to squeeze in. 
Eddie stroke the soft curls lovingly. Usually that does the trick to wake Buck up. "Hey, darling. Move over a little will you." Eddie pulls down the duvet, but Buck doesn't budge. 
"Evan, you need to move over a bit so I can slide in." Eddie slowly shakes his husband gently, trying to rouse the man. Still no response. 
Worry immediately creeps into Eddie. He ungracefully kneels beside the bed, half of his body on the bed. "Please Evan, open your eyes. Hey, Evan. Wake up." Eddie craddles Buck's head in his hand, tapping his cheek firmly. Yet Buck's eyelids remain glued shut. 
"Sweetheart, please wake up. Please." Eddie pleads brokenly, still shaking Buck's shoulder. When Buck's head lolled back, his features slack and unmoving, Eddie can feel his heart stutters. 
No. Not again. Not yet. Not like this. God. Oh God.
"I'd do anything to relive our memories
And listen to your songs play in my head
'Cause I hate the silence, it's the only thing I get
I wish I could hear your voice once again
And your heartbeat, all of the small things, oh, oh
The sweetest goodbyes are never with smiles at all"
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eyesfixedonthesun22 · 6 years ago
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Summary: There was no particular cause for celebration, no world threat thwarted, and no one’s birthday. The Avengers were relaxing.  Pairing: Stoner!Bucky x Gender Neutral Reader Warning(s): Drug Use: Marijuana, Cursing, Smut (18+), Voyeurism Word Count: 3,126 Gif Credit: @vivacite Beta Reader: My darling honey bun, @supersoldiersruined-me​ Notes: This is my entry to @barnesrogersvstheworld 4K writing challenge. My prompt was “Come over here and sit by me.” Thank you so much for hosting this, Attie! I’ve had a fascination with the idea of stoner!bucky for months now. Can’t wait to write more for him. 
Rooftops made you smile. It didn’t matter if it was a rooftop club, sprinting across various buildings to catch the villain of the moment, or the hidden perch you’d made at your childhood home. Being high above everyone, in your own little universe, made you smile. The Avengers Compound had the best rooftop. Technically they had the best of everything, if you asked Tony. Screw the rest; as long as you could keep the rooftop.
In the winter, the climate control dome was raised against the elements; giving off the feeling of living in a temperate snow globe. Once things started warming, the dome was lowered, and the rooftop became a mecca for the entire team.
The roof was expansive with plenty of nooks and hideaways to enjoy a good book, sunbathe, or relax undisturbed. It was littered with greenery. Flowers of all shapes and colors dotted across the shades of green. The east end housed the large garden area that was a favorite of Wanda’s. The west end had a brilliant sparkling pool half-shaded by a large wooden pergola. In the center was a large fire pit surrounded by earth toned bricks. That’s where the outdoor kitchen, bar, and lounge were all situated. It frequently hosted team get-togethers and summer barbecues. Triangular slivers of canvas stretched tight between supports to form a stunning geometric pattern around the firepit. They allowed the heat and smoke to rise undisturbed while anyone lounging below remained shaded from sun or rain.
Tonight, the entire team was gathered. There was no particular cause for celebration, no world threat thwarted, and no one’s birthday. The Avengers were relaxing. The evening was perfect for it. The sky was dusky purple; not yet revealing its stars. It was comfortably warm without making you swelter and sweat. Clint had manned the grill while Nat and Wanda helped prepare the side dishes. You were stuffed and your mind wandered to dessert.
“S’mores time!” Tony singsongs as he navigates from the elevator over to the lounge with a huge tray filled with supplies.
You should get up to help him but you’re far too comfortable. You and Bucky share an oversized cushion near the fire pit. Your back rests against the small retaining wall behind you while Bucky lays with his legs casually draped in your lap.
“Need me to explain to you what a s’more is, old man?”
Bucky may have glared at you, but you only feel the retaliating pinch. “I’ll have you know s’mores were invented before my time.”
“Impossible. There is no time before you. You’re ancient.” Another pinch. This time you tickle the sole of his foot causing him to squirm away. You regret the tickling.
Bucky walks over to the dining table and rummages through his various jacket pockets. When he’s found what he was searching for he plops down once more, head resting on your lap. He shakes an orange bottle vigorously in front of your face.
“Let’s make the s’mores s’more fun.”
“What the hell do you mean?” The rest of the team has come to gather around the fire. Nat assesses the seating arrangements and cocks her brow at you. Your return expression couldn’t say mind-your-damn-business more if you wanted. The casual intimacy you share with Bucky is nice, but it’s never progressed. Everyone was aware of the dance you two were doing except Bucky.
Bucky shakes the bottle once more demanding your attention. “According to the DSM-5 and my lovely therapist, I have depression, anxiety, PTSD, and I’m sure a whole litany of other diagnoses. One positive is that I qualify for my medical marijuana card.”
“Thank god. I’m sick of you pilfering my stash!” Clint chimes in.
“As I was saying,” he huffs, “I used my card to stock up on some ‘special chocolates’. I thought we could use some of them in the s’mores.”
“Weed works for you?” Bruce asks, clearly curious about the inner workings of super soldier metabolism.
“Shocked me too. But yes. Just need a higher dose. I’ve been smoking for years before it was legal.”
“Bucky Barnes, The Winter Stoner,” you chuckle. Your joke earns massive cackles from the entire team.  Another affectionate pinch to your side.
“I won’t share with you if you keep teasing me!”
“I don’t want any if I can’t tease you!”
Some of the team welcome the special chocolate to their desserts, others opt for cocktails. You hesitate when faced with your own decision.
“What’s wrong, doll?”
“I haven’t…”
“I have before. But back in high school. I took a couple hits off a friend’s bowl and had such a bad asthma attack I vowed never to touch the stuff again. Not to mention how unsettling it can be for my type A personality to feel out of control.”  
Bucky quirks his lips into a contemplative smirk. “I’m not forcing you, but I think you’d like this. I got an Indica strain.”
“Indica. In-da-couch.” Your face remains blank. “It’s relaxing. Other strains can give more of a head high, paranoia, and that out of control feeling you don’t want. Indicas help me turn my brain off and relax.”
You hesitate for a half beat longer before reaching for the chocolate.
“Hold up, darlin’.” He snatches the handful of chocolate from you. “You should probably only have one square of the special and two of the regular on your s’more. Don’t want you loopy high. Just relaxed high.”
“Don’t feel like babysitting loopy me?”
“Only looking out for ya, doll.” He kisses your temple before carrying the marshmallow clad skewers over to the fire; leaving you to grab the plate with the rest of the supplies.
The night buzzed. Everyone on the team was either tipsy or stoned; content and bubbly. The summer stars were hidden from view. A large storm had blown in during the past hour. It didn’t seem to bother anyone. They all knew full well the fire pit area was sheltered allowing the festivities to continue unhindered.
The team had dispersed to various parts of the rooftop. A group was enjoying a nighttime swim while another splintered off to the grill for more snacks. You hardly paid attention. You watched the thunderstorm intently as it rolls across the grounds of the compound. Thunderheads collapse into destruction only to be remade higher and darker than before as the storm inched closer and closer. You took a deep breath and realized how happy you are. It wasn’t some out of control stupor but a delicate boost of your mood.  
“Someone’s feelin’ it.” Sam’s voice cuts through your revere. You hide your face in Bucky’s shoulder unable to contain the giggles. He rubs gentle strokes up and down your back.
“You okay, doll?” He whispers low enough only you can here.
“I’m great, Buck.” You gaze up at him. “Certainly capable of kicking some asses at cards.”
You abandon the shared cushion and go investigate Sam and Steve’s card game. If you’d looked back, you would have seen the disappointment on Bucky’s face from losing your proximity. There’s plenty of chairs near the boys but the marijuana has made you overly social, so you plop right on Sam’s lap.
“Hey there, Agent.” Sam purred seductively. One hand holds his collection of cards and the other rests on your hip. Steve glances over at Bucky knowingly.
“Deal me in, gentleman!”
Sometime during the fifth hand, the storm officially arrived. The patterns and strategy which usually come naturally to you are muddled and poorly formed while stoned. A card shark you were not. The symphony of rolling thunder and lightning crackling was distracting you anyway.
Those of the group that had gone swimming had called it a night with the first flash of lightning. Your group of four were all that remained on the rooftop in your little oasis. Bucky had been feeding the fire, content to read his book while you played poker with Sam and Steve. He glances over at your face as if sensing your straying focus. You smile warmly at him and declare you’re folding this hand.
“It’s not even your turn!” Sam scoffs.
“Let it be, man.” Steve says noticing how Bucky’s looking at you.
You rifle through the large storage cabinet and dig out your favorite blanket before walking over to Bucky. He had collected the majority of the outdoor pillows creating a massive personal lounging nest beside the fire.
“Darling,” he acknowledges you; looking up from his book and setting it aside. You smile back and hold up the blanket like a suggestion. “Come over here and sit by me.”
He’s reclined against the mountain of pillows at his back, but his large frame manages to occupy most of the floor cushion. He pats the area between his legs.
You’re unsure if it’s the weed or Bucky’s own natural high he seems to impart on you, but you’re acutely aware of his body as he embraces you; your back to his chest. He reaches for the blanket, forming a cage around you with his arms as he fluffs it out to cover you both. You settle in against him, seeking his warmth. The storm has dropped the temperature and you have far too much skin exposed to fight off the subtle summer chill.
“How you feeling, doll?” The words are mumbled against your scalp. It sends a cascade of tingles through you. “Is it too much?”
Is he talking about the weed or his proximity you wonder?
“I’m actually plateauing? It’s not as nice as it was a couple hours ago.”
He reaches out of your field of vision producing a multicolored glass object. “I was gonna take a hit or two. Wanna top up? Your call, love.” With that one word you almost felt as though you had already taken one. He can’t see your face, so you nod. “What about the asthma?”
You feel the rumble of laughter reverberate out from his chest behind you. “I haven’t had an attack since I was eighteen, you ass!”
“Better safe than sorry, love.” That pesky word again.
He wraps his arms around you, holding the glass bowl in front of your face. His warm breath tickles your ear as he narrates his actions.
“Now I’m gonna do the hard part for you; so you don’t have to worry about that. I’m gonna hold the lighter to the bowl. You can start inhaling. I want you to squeeze my leg when you’re almost done inhaling.”
“See this little guy here? This hole on the side is called a carb. It helps clear the smoke from the bowl. When you squeeze my leg I’ll move my thumb off the carb, giving you a full hit.”
You wondered if anyone else explained getting stoned like a mission briefing. Probably just Bucky. “Got it.”
You lean forward placing your lips around the mouth of the bowl. Despite the mild anxiety, it doesn’t escape you Bucky’s lips have been on this same spot. The lighter sparks and he brings it towards the edge of the bowl. For a moment, you forget to inhale and simply watch the flame lick the sides of the glass and burn a corner of the green herb. You inhale gently, filling your lungs with smoke. You squeeze his thigh and see his thumb move. A rush of smoke fills your lungs to capacity. You hold it for a handful of seconds before sputtering-fuck! You can’t stop the coughing fit.
“It’s okay, honey. Coughing is normal.” His warm palm strokes soothingly up and down your arm.
“Is losing an entire lung normal?”
“Guess that asthma is still hanging around.”
Bucky smugly takes four more hits cough free while you recover. You turn your body to watch his hands move with practiced grace over the glass. He blows smoke rings on his last hit.
“Showoff.” It’s your turn to pinch his thigh. “Gimme another.”
“I don’t know, doll. We don’t have an inhaler up here and I really don’t wanna explain to the med staff why you’re in respiratory failure.”
“Don’t be an ass, Bucky.”
You’d never know but every time you say his name tingles fizz at the base of his neck in admiration.
“I have an idea.”
“Uh oh.” He continues on ignoring your sass.
“Have you ever heard of a shotgun?”
“The sawed-off form lives in my thigh holster.” Your sentence sent sparks straight to his jeans. How dare you be so unaware of his pain.
“As much as I adore your sarcasm, a shotgun is when I take a hit and pass it to you. It makes it less intense and could save your lungs a bit.”
“Pass it from where?”
“My mouth.” You could swear Bucky’s face held a subtle flush.
Agreeing to the shotgun plan, you scoot to be on your knees between his legs. Face to face. The blanket draped over your shoulders like a cape.
Spark, burn, inhale.
Bucky places his hand on your jaw, thumb against your chin; guiding your face towards his. His palm on the sensitive skin near your neck ignites you.
You part your lips and lean in to meet his but stop short. The distance between you both must be razor thin. He exhales gently. You inhale. The smoke is mellower this time, smooth and tingling. You take everything he gives you, hold, and exhale. Neither of you have pulled away.
“How do you feel?”
It’s a whisper. Your lips still parted. You feel his flutter against yours as they form the words. Lightning crackles in a spiderweb design followed by a delicious rumble of thunder. Bucky moves a hand to rest on the back of your neck.
“I feel like that. Lightning and thunder.”
Bucky closes the final distance between you. His lips press pillowy soft against your own. He’s timid. It’s as if he has no idea you’ve wanted this since you joined the team. You deepen the kiss pressing him back into the pillow nest. He tastes like s’mores. Smokey marshmallow and chocolate and something entirely his own.
“Fuck.” It’s barely above a whisper but the tone is sinful. “Babydoll, we can’t.” Your expression flips between shades of disappointment and hurt. “Doll, no. I want this. I want you. God I wish you knew.” He cradles your face, blue eyes meeting yours. “Sam and Steve are right there.”
“Where’s your sense of adventure, Barnes?”
His eyes glint; awoken by your challenge into some feral state. The responding kiss was bruising and deep but no less tender. You felt your insides thrum in turn. Bucky’s nips onto your bottom lip and neck only stoked your ravenous need for him to be closer.
Your legs straddled his lap, all prior sense of hesitation abandoned. You’re vaguely aware of Sam and Steve still engrossed in their game across the fire. The pouring rain swallows the heavy lewd breaths shared between you two.
“You’re killing me, darlin’.” Bucky sighs his words into the crook of your neck. He can’t bring himself to remove his lips off your skin. You pull back anchoring yourself with his eyes. His bottom lip is tinted from love bites. His previously tamed hair is tousled and knotted in your hand.
“I want you, Bucky.”
“Show me.”
The command falls from his mouth; his tone brown sugar sweet. You lean to taste him once more-
“Fucking hell-” You attempt to match his suave delivery, but it comes out a strangled moan. Bucky’s placed one hand on your hip and one on your ass. Using his leverage, he had pressed and pulled you against him. The new friction had your head reeling. You couldn’t help but think back to something you had read as a child in a weather book.
Lightning is a violent electrostatic discharge.
Your clothed core makes the trip down his body again while he suckles behind your ear.
Two electrically charged bodies temporarily equalize.
On the return drag, you feel the pressure of his erection against your own burning desire. The clothing between you two doing little to quell the want.
Lightning usually occurs during a thunderstorm.
This may as well be lighting. Bucky’s firm grip on the flesh of your hips had set a languid pace which ignited a molten plasma deep in your belly.
Push. Pull. Lightning. Thunder.
Each pass between the two of you creating your own storm while the real storm raged around you. There was no frenzy of ecstasy. Delicious sparks of pleasure are delivered to each of you with every collision of your hips. Your release rolled in slow and steady but powerful, like the thunderheads had earlier in the evening.
You’d have laughed if you were able. The two of you dry humping beside a bonfire while your friends sat not ten feet away. It was the stuff of horny teenagers, but you couldn’t help yourself. You were caught up in the storm and the chase to your own release.
“Bucky, I-” the declaration died in your throat with a particularly firm grind of his hips up into you.
“I know, darlin’. Me too.”
Something so simple shouldn’t be able to ignite you like this; yet it felt like charged particles danced along your skin each place Bucky touched with them all pooling low in your abdomen searching for the chance to explode.
“More.” It’s closer to a choked moan then a word. His lips never leave yours as he rolls you gently below him. The friction delivered from his weighted frame grinding against yours is better than before.
He ruts once more against you, grounding you. A lightning show explodes behind your eyelids, vision going white. Your core quakes with the aftershocks of your release while Bucky rides out his own.
Your hips still against his no longer searching for friction. The air around you feels moist and suffocating. You can’t be sure if it’s from your actions or the humid storm air. Regardless, you shimmy the blanket off stealing a glance over at your teammates. Sam and Steve appear to have switched games and are engrossed in rapidly flipping their cards over; occasionally slapping the pile and cursing at one another.
“Inside?” You jerk your head to the elevator. “It’s all sticky and gross.”
“Well I’m sorry! It’s not my fault I-” You purse your lips, struggling to maintain a straight face. “You meant the weather?”
“I did. But knowing I can get you all hot and sticky is always fun.” His eyes go wide. “Let’s go grab a shower, Sargent. Help you cool off.”
“Something tells me you’re gonna have the opposite effect.”
You grab his hand, eyes glinting as you tug him towards the elevator. Maybe he was right.  
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