vigilskeep · 11 days
do you have any refs for Minerva’s relationship with the other dao companions? I did not realize she and leliana was estranged 😭 also if im remembering correctly she makes loghain do the dark ritual? sorry I do like spinning her around in my head and knowing the little details she’s such a great character!!
leliana and minerva did not have a clear breakup in the alistair minerva sense but they did grow apart because of the simple reason that post dao minerva becomes politically at odds with the chantry while leliana is serving its leader. leliana is not a type of person minerva finds very easy to like or trust so while they did grow on each other over the course of dao they never had a simple friendship in the first place
alistair you probably know about bc its kind of the cornerstone of minervaposting but theres a post fully explaining it not much further down in her tag
zevran is her romance <3 i hesitate to use the word “soulmates” exactly but they definitely fit together in a way no other minerva pairing could match
morrigan she has a weird close complicated vaguely homosexual friendship with, i’m sure this is par for the course for f!wardens. they probably could have been in love if morrigan had been willing to pursue it in the start and if minerva hadn’t already gone for someone else by the end, and all that is unspoken but very present in everything about them
sten is i guess kind of the typical high approval relationship as presented in game? not much more unique. a lot of respect a lot of arguing a lot of dry humour. they could hang out in silence comfortably and they’re also both know and respect that they’re very capable of killing the other if their greater purposes ever demand it
oghren she kind of doesn’t pay much mind in origins when she doesn’t have to but he becomes part of the family in awakening. they bond over having their insane shared experiences of the blight, and also over him trying to quit drinking and her trying to quit blood magic which leads to some really wild out of context conversations for the others. and hey, eventually over first attempting to parent at similar times
wynne she has a bit of a sharp relationship with. i think this could vary a lot if i pick her up earlier, but in my main minerva playthrough i picked her up late by which time minerva had absolutely no fucking interest in getting the kind of lectures she grew up with. sorry grandma </3
uhhhh who else. shale idk man im sorry for being a fake fan but shale’s dlc truly does nothing for me it’s unfunny and i dont think abt it at all 💔 this would be written in less harsh terms if i wasnt sleepy
loghain is. well that’s a kettle of fish. minerva spares him because it happens to be a preferable move for her agenda and her way of thinking, it’s not rlly about him as a person at all. she doesn’t absolve him of anything he did, like, she still thinks he’s a bastard it’s just that she doesn’t really believe at all in the concept of justice being done if it doesn’t serve a purpose. when he’s in the party they do build up respect and a weird kind of friendship. he sucks and she’s bitter about what sparing him cost her, but that isn’t relevant, it’s not going to stop her learning from him, or fighting at his side as the best team she can quickly make them, or simply finding him entertaining to talk to. so by the end it’s as a friend that she asks him to do the dark ritual, whatever that means. post dao she agrees with weisshaupt that him being assigned outside of ferelden is wise but they continue to write to each other extremely regularly, mostly on matters of news and strategy but occasionally on the more personal
is that everyone i think thats everyone
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athenasparrow · 2 years
No. 20 - Old | Jily Micro March
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Thank you for the prompt @jilymicrofics 😘
Summary: In which Euphemia isn't the only one in the family who can incite shenanigans : )
Read on AO3 | 1533 words
WhatsApp Chat
Private : Lily Evans, Kingsley Shaklebolt
Kingsley Shacklebolt : So how did it go?
And I need to know immediately bc not sure what to buy...
Ice cream to cheer you up?
A bottle of wine to drown your sorrows?
Boxing gloves to kick some ass?
Lily Evans : Can I choose all of them?
Kingsley Shacklebolt: That bad?
Lily Evans : And worse : (
You should be lucky you found a nice man.
They’re all gone.
Not a single good one left!
Two bottles of wine?
Kingsley Shacklebolt: I did snag a good one ; )
There are still a few out there Lils! We will find you one.
Two bottles? Easy peasy lemon squeezy
Lily Evans: Doubt it
Yes two, to fix my current state: stressed, depressed lemon zest 
Or simply wallow in it.
Haven’t decided yet.
WhatsApp Chat
Private: Lily Evans, Alice Longbottom
Alice Longbottom : Hi Darling!
I told him to wave to his godmother, but apparently pesky motor function isn’t happening yet.
Lily Evans: You don’t know how much you just brightened my day! Look at those chubby cheeks!
Don’t insult my godsons motor skills - he’s only three months old.
He’s got the best motor skills ever. Give him big kisses.
Alice Longbottom: Why does your day need brightening? Are you alright?
There’s a reason you’re his favourite.
Oh look, that sort of looks like a wave
Lily Evans : Nothing to worry about, just another bad date
King is coming over late to help me wade through the “grief”
He’s bringing lots of wine.
I’m fine really, this dating life is just getting quite old, you know?
I might just take a break from it all.
That’s totally a wave Xxxxxxx
Alice Longbottom: Oh you poor thing : (
That sounds amazing, I am jealous of you Lily!
Eh I feel that, but once the right one comes around it won’t feel so tedious, I promise x
Want to come over this weekend and see Neville?
Lily Evans: You better be right Al!
You know I do.
I’ll bring lunch : )
WhatsApp Chat
Private: Petunia Dursley, Lily Evans
Petunia Dursley: <attachment>
Please choose a gift from my list for my birthday
Don’t use red wrapping paper, it’s hideous
Lily Evans : Red paper coming right up See you Saturday Tuney.
WhatsApp Group Chat
Members: Kingsley Shacklebolt, Blake Rathborne, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin
Remus Lupin: Does anyone happen to have an extra wallet with their stuff from last night?
Blake Rathborne: Nope, nothing here sorry
Didn’t think you’d leave your wallet in your pocket Remus.
Gay clubs get a bit handsy
Sirius Black: Remus loves it when I get handsy with him ; )
Remus Lupin: That is irrelevant since it wasn’t, in fact, my wallet
James’ is missing.
Kingsley Shacklebolt: Well that makes more sense.
Straight men, honestly.
Sirius Black: LOL
Remus Lupin: ????
I’m going to assume nobody knows about it then??
I’ll email lost and found at the club on the off chances it turns up.
And break the news to James that he’ll have to cancel his credit cards.
Kingsley Shacklebolt: Posh bastard.
WhatsApp Chat
Private: Sirius Black, Kingsley Shacklebolt
Kingsley Shacklebolt: Did you post it?
Sirius Black: Yup Did it this morning
Should arrive over the weekend
Can’t give Remus time to get suspicious
WhatsApp Group Chat
Members: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter
Sirius Black: Rise and shine sleepy heads
Good news Prongs, found your wallet
James Potter: After all that shit you gave me last night you have it?
Remus Lupin: That’s great. I’ll call the club when they open and tell them to ignore my email
Sirius Black: Found, not have
Club has posted it to you
Remus Lupin: A club we live fifteen minutes away from has posted us something?
James Potter: lol yeah, I’ll just go grab it now
Sirius Black: dunno too late I think
Said they’d posted it
James Potter: Okay fine
But with my wallet gone, you’re buying me lunch Padfoot
Sirius Black: I’ll be there in 10
WhatsApp Chat
Private: Lily Evans, unknown
Lily Evans: Hello! Realise this may seem a bit random, but I think someone just accidentally mailed me your wallet by mistake?
I hope this is the right phone number, but if it’s not and you know a “James Potter” could you send through his contact details please? - Lily
Unknown: Oh, hello Lily! Yes, I’m James. So sorry about that not sure how it happened.
I can come by and pick it up?
A relief to know where it is.
Unless you’re not comfortable with me coming
I can meet you somewhere
Or feel free to leave it on a bench or something
Hmm, that sounded like a drug deal
*Unknown number changed to James Potter
Lily Evans: You can come by, it’s fine
I’m sure we can manage without the drug deal
This is me <maps.google.com/droppedpin>
James Potter: But what if I’m a serial killer???
I’ve always wanted to be part of an illicit drug drop
I’m pretty sure my mum would murder me though
But might be a rather exhilarating experience 
I’m on my way
I am happy to meet on the street if you’re more comfortable!
Lily Evans: I’m pretty certain serial killers don’t announce themselves like that
And wouldn’t suggest public spaces for meetings
And lol, wouldn’t you be into killing men anyways?
Incase you didn’t know, I’m a woman,
Unless your sexuality has arisen from a deep-seeded hatred for women?
Exhilarating for a moment maybe, I’m sure the night spent in jail would bring the excitement right down.
Neighbours are moving today so just come on up. 
Apartment 526
James Potter: What? I’m lost now
Lily Evans: What??
James Potter: Why would I be into killing men or hate women?
I’m in your lobby
I’m coming up
Lily Evans: Because of the sexual aspect of serial killers?
You know? Because you’re gay you would kill men???
James Potter: I think there’s been a misunderstanding here
I’m not gay
Hold on I’m on your floor
Is it okay if I come to your door?
Cut for eventual smut
Lily frowned at her phone and moved to her entrance, grabbing the package from the console and heaving the door open.
She glanced to right to see a a very fit man with ruffled curly hair, black jeans and bright hazel eyes that danced behind his square glasses.
A very gorgeous man who was apparently not gay.
“Hi” she called “I’m just over here”
He threw a lopsided grin at her and started making his way over.
“I’m Lily” she said extending her hand and smiling at him when he reached her door.
“James. As you already know” he said grinning ruefully.
“Not gay James” Lily corrected him, biting her lip as a laugh bubbled out of her.
“Yes. Why did you think that?” James said, his brow furrowed “I’ve never been told I give off a gay vibe”
“You don’t” Lily said “but…well…look” she extended the postmarked package his wallet had arrived in.
“What?” he said glancing down at it.
“Well, the return address is a gay club” she said laughing “I’m sorry I made assumptions, but”
“Oh yeah right, of course” James said laughing awkwardly “nope, definitely straight, just there with my mates”
“It’s a fun club” Lily agreed “my friend Kingsley loves it. Used to go there every weekend when he was single”
“Kingsley Shacklebolt?” James asked suddenly.
“Yeah, that’s him!” Lily said smiling “I think he was there this last weekend with his boyfriend. Did you meet him?”
“Yeah, I’m Sirius Black’s brother”
“Oh I have heard about you. I suppose I just didn’t put the dots together” Lily said smiling at him. God, he was fit .
A clap of thunder alerted Lily to the fact that the sky had suddenly decided to open and her sofa was about to get drenched.
“Shit” she cursed running to yank the window closed.
It was easier when a second pair of joined, helping her move the old window back to latch closed.
Lily felt her breath hitch as she registreed the hot press of his body against hers.
He seemed to realise he was flush against her.
“Sorry” he said hastily, stepping back to create distance between them.
Lily suddenly felt overwhelmingly hot even though the cool thunderstorm had blown in a draft.
Her eyes flicked over his soft lips where his tongue darted out nervously. Lily had the sudden urge to taste him. She pulled her gaze away to meet his own, only to notice it was darker than when they’d last locked eyes.
Lily wasn’t even aware she’d moved, but her mind came back into her body at the sizzling feel his lips left on hers. 
He was delicious.
She fought the moan he pulled out of her, before giving in when his warm hand slipped under her shirt.
“Shit, you sound amazing” James murmured.
Lily lost herself in his lips until his hand traced a questioning circle around her thigh and she became aware enough of her surroundings that she realised they’d migrated to the couch.
As she pleaded with him to touch her, a faraway thought crossed her mind.
Perhaps dating wasn’t getting old after all.
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astro-break · 10 months
Thoughts on the 8th ep of Hypmic Rhyme Anima+. Spoilers beware
Season 1 | Ep.1 | Ep.2 | Ep.3 | Ep.4 | Ep. 5 | Ep. 6 | Ep. 7
Why am I so late with this? Bc i am affected by sleepy bitch desies and was too exhausted wwww but its my weekend so i get to fully enjoy the ep this time around
I feel like this season theres a lot more suspension of disbelief in everything thats going on. Like everything from how TBH and his crew opperate with their weird realitybending gimmicks to the procession of events. I do overall enjoy this season more than season 1 but only because the original material allows for fun interactions that isn't constrained by plot reasons. The plot is just not that great lets be honest and more of a side acessory to the main draw of seeing characters we love interact with each other
also a recap as the first opening isn't the strongest start but thats fine
I love the whimsicle atmosphere which is so at odds with the whole MTC vibe but DotsuHon just fits so at home with ww
Ooooo alice in wonderland themed? Bro you should at least stand in the doorway, thats just the first rule of common sense ww
lol are they saying that Samatoki is a child
Rio lmfao their banter is always very fun the MTC dynamics
Those teams are actually very fun and the designs are also good
Some of these sound very fun, id love to have a go at these sorts of games.
How did they get nemu????? Like shes a high ranking chuuoku official, theres no way that she would get captured. I'm inclined to belive once again its another mass halucination and not the actual persons
Yeah thats a illusion. Nemu doesn't call Samatoki Onii-chan in modern day.
Nemu is so cute tho i do like her design. Past samatoki is also a design choice www I do like their sibling bond tho broken and fractured as it is.
Lets go Rio, you've got a good head on your shoulders and some good logic
I adore Rei being an underhand bastard wwwwwwww LMAO the comedic timing is perfectttttt We love the property damage thats being done here
There we go, it was a dummy of course
Listen MTC does have a solid head on their shoulders, they do got some planning chops
Noooo the tanuuuu is so cute
Eyyyy annoyed Rio! Hes so rarely allowed to be emotional so its a very nice change of pace
Oh i like this beat. Its very Caravan Palace vibes. I think the dog head people only strengthen that imagery ww
Love the RIP usage that would usually be a very samatoki line
Go shawty is also a hilarious addition to this wwww
Oh theres a nice overlap between the styles where some manzai elements are present in MTCs rap while DotsuHon is a lot more hardcore than their usual stuff
The samatoki teef! he got fangs
LMAOOO yeah no he deserved that it was a hilarious joke ngl but not the right place I adore Sasara, he's let me adore manzai a lot more than i probably would without him
AHHHHHH MTC ending is good as always
North wind and the sun, huh. Interesting imagery since the sun is often ascribed to BAT with Kuko specifically. His solo Young Gun of the Sun is a good one. But Jakurai also has sun motifs with his speaker. I wonder what the JakuRamu interplay will be like
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Friday, February 22nd : Crossover
Last week! I hope y’all have been left with a ton of reading you didn’t even know existed to begin devouring now! I’ll try to organize the crossover list by crossed over phandom
A New Home by ilovepuppies125 | Sequel: Sweet 16
This one?? It's a GREAT crossover imo that I feel goes unnoticed in terms of Marvel themed and DP crossovers. It's about Tony Stark adopting Danielle, first to improve his image.
Why I love it? It's just a fantastic premise and it's well written. It's got a bit of a cheese to it, but it's a very charming cheese. Vlad is involved, and the entire way it's handled is just great. I love Dad!Tony, and seeing him with a Danielle who just really needs a family is adorable.
To Be A Hero by liketolaugh
Director Fury learns of Danny existing.
Why I love it? Honestly? The ending gets me. The ending just...I don't know how to describe it without spoiling it. But the ending, in my personal opinion, is the best out of all the Marvel “Danny gets recruited” style phics I've seen because it's just perfect.
Along Came A Spider by Lisa-24-7
Danny goes to New York with his friends on a class trip. Spiderman crossover based on the original Toby McGuire movies (don’t worry, Spiderman 3 didn’t even exist yet when this happened so we’re avoiding that nonsense)
Why I love it? Cute, unique idea! Some of the characters are a bit OOC, but the concepts and mesh of ideas and villains and Spiderman-Danny Phantom team up style story was just so good. It’s one of those nostalgia things for me, since it’s one of the first DP crossover fics I’ve ever read. It still holds up imo, despite some of the cheese that I now notice.
Fairly Odd Parents
A Visit to Amity Park by Anomaly25
This story. Is so old, and such a throwback that half of the series wasn't even canon or aired when this was written. So you'll have to forgive some of the “oddness” of it. It still really holds up though! It's about Timmy going with Vicky's family as they go to visit family in Amity Park.
Why I love it? Simply put, it's the first really, really good DP/FOP phic I've ever read. It's got great ideas, good pacing, FANTASTIC HUMOR. It's just? So good. I'm so sad that it's old, because I feel like due to it's age, people forgot about it, but it's still my main go-to DP/FOP crossover rec. It holds up so well, despite lots of canon events not even happening yet. It's funny too, and it feels like it could be a real crossover.
My Fairly Odd Parents by Youngbountygirl
Another go to recommendation for DP/FOP crossovers! It's about the idea that Cosmo and Wanda were Danny's fairly odd parents and he gets to be reunited with them.
Why I love it? It gave birth to one of my favorite lowkey headcanons that Danny had fairly odd parents, but lost them. It's just such an amazing way to tie two of Hartman's series together, and it's just such a cute little fic. Amazing ideas.
Murder Most Spectral by CynthiaW
NCIS and DP crossover! Danny stumbled upon a crime scene while his parents are installing ghost shields in Virginia.
Why I love it? BEST DP/NCIS PHIC I'VE EVER READ, CHANGE MY MIND. It's SO FUCKING well done! There's lots of NCIS crossovers, and they're so good. This one really, really focuses and puts a lot of thought and energy into creating and writing, in depth, about a fake case. It reads and feels like a real NCIS episode. The characterization is flawless in both NCIS and DP. It's so good, pham.
House MD
The Paranormal Case by prophetofgreed
Danny goes into the hospital. House's hospital (House MD/DP crossover).
Why I love it? Holy shit. Holy shit, holy shit I don't want to spoil anything. I cannot rave about why I love this so much without spoiling EVERYTHING. Just read it. Pham, please. Just trust me and read it. Have faith in me, guys.
Delusional by Charmed-And-More
Danny is trapped in the hospital while his hometown is being taken over.
Why I love it? This has such a beautiful and accurate portrayal of House. It really feels like a potential crossover episode. I love Danny and House’s interactions and the main overarching story that landed Danny in the hospital to begin with. I really enjoy that it’s not just a Danny gets into the hospital, but that there’s more to the story. The ending kinda gets a bit cheese imo, but it’s still incredibly solid and the entire thing is a well paced, beautiful read.
Phineas and Ferb
Just a crazy day in Psychology by Deborahpflover
Phineas and Ferb and DP crossover where Jazz interviews Candace during a therapy session.
Why I love it? It's so well written. It's a fantastic little insight into the mind of Candace and helps explore why Jazz has such a great psychologist mind.
Teen Titans
Earthbound Spirit by TheTragicHero
Danny and Starfire bonding after Danny is betrayed by his friends to the GIW
Why I love it? Honestly, Tucker and Sam are OOC. But I'll accept it because it's rarely shown and it sets up such a fucking fantastic, angsty and beautiful plot. So well paced, fantastically written. It explores a friendship between Starfire and Danny as Starfire joins the Teen Titans and Danny as he struggles with whether or not he wants to continue being a hero post-being betrayed. Out of all the TT/DP crossovers, this one? This one sticks out in my mind. This one just hits me where it hurts and has taken residence in my heart as something truly special.
Gravity Falls
Specters and Swindlers by D3athrav3n92
Danny accidentally got hit into another dimension and basically hangs out with Stan from his being in prison up and into the events of Gravity Falls. Hnn breaking rules again because it's not done but fight me.
Why I love it? Guys. I know, I know, I know it sounds so weird. The premise is so odd and so unusual for what most people write for a GF/DP crossover. But Pham. Pham, it works so well. It's so fucking well written and captures an absolutely beautiful friendship between Danny and Stan. It eventually gets to him being such a protective and great caregiver to the twins. I love it. It's so good. I'm breaking all my rules today, fuck it. I love these fanfics man.
Harry Potter
Spellbound by Iymea
It's popular but I just NEED to talk about it??? It's so good. It's a FANTASTIC Harry Potter/DP crossover. It's about Danny getting into wizard legal magic trouble and being stuck at Hogwarts.
Why I love it? It just works into and builds upon the HP and DP worlds so well. It's so good, so well written, fantastically paced, great characterization and just...it's so good. Please read this. I beg you.
The Fenton Family Smirk by MechaYourOwn
GREAT ONESHOT CROSSOVER between HP/DP!! SO GOOD! It's about Danny being Harry's long lost twin brother.
Why I love it? It follows Danny going to Hogwarts following the death of his parents, and honestly? He reacts how I feel he'd realistically would about the whole thing. The entire beautiful charm in this is in that Danny is just so??? Snarky and anger in this, which fits him so well. Heavily recommend.
Puppet by Pandemi
Oneshot where the Joker takes control of Danny using Freakshow style mind control.
Why I love it? The charm! It's got this great, well written aspect to it, combined with the great portrayals of Batman, Danny, the Joker, everything. It's an amazing oneshot!
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7fckingidiots · 4 years
hi, i love your writing! can i request for kissing hcs with the demon brothers? thanks!!
ah! thank you for the request!! hope you enjoy!!
Kissing Headcanons with The Demon Brothers
he prefers to kiss you in private to avoid his brothers teasing him or losing his composure in front of anyone
he’s unsure of how to kiss you at first but his pride would never let him admit that so your first couple of kisses are a tad messy
he takes his time with you, long nights in his study with you on his lap, just figuring out what you like
his kisses are usually very soft, he likes to hold your face gently as if you’re made of glass
good morning kisses!!!! good bye kisses!!!! good night kisses!!!! they are guaranteed with him
his favorite type of kisses are hand kisses for both him and you. he usually never removes his gloves so it’s a very intimate act for him. he likes kissing your hands because it’s still very formal and an easy way to communicate his affection to you
he prefers to kiss you in public to show everyone that your his and he’s yours! none of these lesser demons can have you, nope! you’re taken!
mammon genuinely thinks like that he’s such a dork oh my GOD
but he loves you and loves showing you to the whole world bc you’re incredible!!! and if he can do that with a kiss then it’s something he’ll do all the time
he’s really clingy so if you guys have to part to go to separate classes he’ll make sure to give you kisses you before you go. half the time you end up being late for your classes because of it
he definitely is more bold with his actions in public but when you to are alone he’s much more shy. the kisses are softer and he’s slower, almost unsure of himself and completely following your lead
likes kissing your lips the best and likes when you kiss his head the most. it’s the most direct way of showing he loves you for him and it occupies all your attention so he’ll kiss your lips whenever but when you kiss the top of his head he just melts, it’s so innocent and sweet 
kiss him outside his room and he just. shuts down. he’s proud but also key smashing inside his soul to fast for his brain to work
kissing him in his room....honestly isn’t much better Levi is very easy to fluster!! He can still kiss you he just can’t make direct eye contact with you after, he’s too NERVOUS
that being said he does like kissing you and he’ll do it absent mindedly if your sitting on his lap when he’s gaming!! he likes the way it feels and also he doesn’t have to be as verbal
he gets jealous of all the time you spend with his brothers at RAD so pls just hold him in his bath tub and kiss his face, he absolutely loves it but can’t say it out loud
your first kiss with him was so AWKWARD, he completely missed your mouth and it was out of no where. he didn’t look at you in eyes for three days
like kissing your forehead the best because he can then tuck your face into his chest so that you can’t see his face. likes when you kiss his hands especially after he’s been gaming all day! it’s a sweet gesture that will make him pass out
isn’t one for PDA but he’ll still kiss you out in public! the only times he’ll make out with you in a public place is if he knows you two are alone or if he knows lucifer will find you two bc satan is a Bastard
he likes kissing your fingertips when you two are reading together, it gives him a way to occupy his hands and enjoys how his brothers groan at him for being a sap
definitely rewards you with kisses when you two study together, it’s a very good motivator for u and him!
he gets overwhelmed very easily and doesn’t really like to be touched during these time but having place feather light kisses on his face helps him calm down immensely
he doesn’t like kissing you when he’s angry because he’s terrified of hurting you
likes kissing your cheek because it’s something he can get away with in public and he finds it cute. he likes his shoulders being kissed the best it makes him feel vulnerable but he knows he’s safe with you
king is the definition of “is for me?” when he sees you and this applies to kisses 100%
acts like he’s dying of you don’t kiss him when he asks he’s so DRAMATIC but YOU chose this ok?? kiss him he’ll cheer up immediately
his devilgram account probably has a weekly post of you two kissing because you two are just so pretty and he likes to flex that he’s with you whenever he gets the chance
whenever he sees you he greets you with a kiss and whenever he leaves you he gives you kiss! he’ll say something like “so you can remember me” and then when he sees you again and kisses you he goes “you remembered me!” my Heart.....
self love is important to him and he makes it a point to kiss any part of you you find yourself having trouble with accepting. he loves every part of you and makes sure to remind you of this every day
he likes kissing your lips the best! it’s very intimate and he loves feeling you smile into his kiss. he loves when you hold him and kiss the crown of his head
kisses the top of your head ALL THE TIME! he just leans down and bop, kissy. he will get so flustered if you ask him to lean down and give the top of his head a kiss
his kisses start out very soft, he wants to make sure you feel safe, but the longer you kiss him the more hungry for you he becomes and the rougher he gets
likes to give you light hickeys on your neck whenever you let him and he’lol always remark on how you taste
absolutely LOVES it when you kiss his up and down his arms! he doesn’t have much of an ego but whenever you do this he just gets really proud of himself, this also works for cheering him up
likes having you sit in his lap so he can just kiss the back of your neck while you continue doing whatever you were doing
likes you kissing his chest! it makes him feel nice and warm and he can easily wrap you up in his arms! he loves kissing your stomach the most it’s just so soft and he can bury his face into it and just rest there
so MANY sleepy kisses dear GOD he’s basically the CEO of them but he can’t help it!! he’s very clingy when he’s tired and just wants to feel you
making out is so much energy but he’s also a little bastard and will definitely make sure to initiate it if he knows lucifer will walk in on you
when you kiss him when he’s sleeping he smiles, wether that’s because he’s still awake or just knows it’s you is a secret he only knows
when you two go out he’s practically wrapped around you and kissing whatever part of you he can while ignoring whatever is going on
will tease you by never actually kissing your lips and always just kissing right next to him but acts clueless as to why you’re so frustrated, like “MC? I’m confused is there something you want?”
love kissing the nape of your neck so he can just litter it with kisses as he drifts off to sleep. he loves it when you kiss his eyelids as he’s going to sleep, it makes him feel sure that he’ll have good dreams
sorry i disappeared for a bit! classes got switched around so i had to adjust for a bit! i hope you enjoy these!!
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plus-ultra-oof · 3 years
Pretty | SakuAtsu | Haikyuu!! | Tickle Fic
A/N: Ok hi so I wrote this a little while ago bc my SakuAtsu brainrot never stops and I figured I might as well share it. This is my first time posting a T-fic so please be kind lol. Also, sorry if the formatting is a mess I am on my phone.
Disclaimer: This takes place post timeskip so minor spoilers for Haikyuu! It’s nothing to major other than some vague things mentioned in passing. Also includes swearing and centers around tickling within a romantic setting (all sfw).
Summary: Sakusa’s stubborn as hell, but Atsumu is more than willing to get his boyfriend to go to sleep by whatever means necessary. Especially if that means he gets to see that pretty smile of his.
“Ya know, yer hair is really soft Omi,” Atsumu said, breaking the calm silence that had settled over the room. It was actually Kiyoomi’s room in his apartment this time. Atsumu was lying on his bed, running his hands through Kiyoomi’s dark curls as the other man laid across the bed, head placed conveniently in the setter’s lap as he attempted to read a book. He was far too tired to do so, in Atsumu’s professional opinion. The way his eyes kept falling shut for longer between blinks and how his grip on the hardcover kept shifting until he was barely holding it open where it lay against his propped up legs supported it too.
“You already- said that,” he replied, trying for flat and uninterested but the cute yawn that interrupted his sentence completely contradicted his unbothered persona.
It’d been a long practice for everyone, but especially the spikers. Both Bokuto and Sakusa had to run an insane amount of cut shot drills on top of their usual work. Just watching it had made Atsumu tired, so he could only imagine how Omi was feeling. The man had been practically dead on his feet when they’d gotten back to their complex, so the way he had melted into their bed upon finally brushing his teeth was unsurprising. His attempts at staying up were though. Atsumu blamed that on his insistence on keeping his routine no matter what.
The stubborn bastard could barely keep his eyes open, but sure, making it through a whole chapter of that thick ass book was totally plausible.
“It’s true though,” Atsumu was quiet for a moment and then, when he got no response he added on, “and it’s so pretty too,” For that he received a half hearted glare that was dampened by the way he could feel the man leaning into his touch as his fingertips scratched lightly again his scalp. The twin smiled, his boyfriend really lost his filter when he was this tired.
Gone were the biting remarks and cold expressions, leaving him far more pliant than he would ever admit to. Hell, here he was, letting Atsumu play with his hair and letting out little sighs of contentment. His eyes were even gradually falling closed as he relaxed into his boyfriend’s touch.
The harsh lines of his face were softened by the low light in the bed room, and with his brows uncreased by any worries and his hair pooled around his head like a dark halo, he looked almost angelic. Like something out of one of those fancy paintings.
“Yer so pretty Omi,” Atsumu murmured absently, the words falling from his lips easily. It was a statement to him. A simple truth of life.
The sky was blue, volleyball was the best, and Atsumu’s boyfriend was a damn masterpiece.
This was only proved further when his cheeks began to warm, the pink flush only complimenting smooth skin and pouty lips, twitching down into a petulant frown despite his flustered state.
“Shut it,” he mumbled in reply, unable to come up with a proper comeback in his half asleep state. Atsumu smirked. Another thing he loved about sleepy Omi was his inability to disguise any of his reactions. It always made messing him even more fun.
“Omiiii, Yer so cute m’gonna dieeeeee,” he teased, leaning down to admire his expression more closely. The new angle let him see the minuscule twitch of the corner of his lips, a sign that his adorable boyfriend wasn’t really as grumpy as he was trying to appear, “Aw is that a smile I see?” Said boyfriend had abandoned all hopes of reading his book in favor of moving off of Atsumu’s lap and onto his side of the bed, laying back and closing his eyes.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about Atsumu,” he stated, his voice still managing to stay level and unaffected, a true testament to Sakusa’s insane amount of self control, “Now its late, let’s go to sleep,” Too bad Atsumu was too much of an asshole to let him be. And, he knew him well enough to chip away at that carefully crafted mask until his boyfriend was puddy in his hands.
Miya pouted and moved closer, letting his right hand come back up to rest in his curls again and the other land at his back, rubbing slow circles into it the way he knew Sakusa liked.
“Oh c’mon baby don’t be like that, I just want ta see that gorgeous smile of yers,” he let his chin rest on Kiyoomi’s shoulder, pressing close to his back as his arm trailed down to wrap around his waist. He placed a light kiss against his boyfriend’s temple. The first in a trail that led down his cheek to his jaw and then took a detour down and up his neck to reach his ear again, earning soft sighs and hums as he went. Atsumu smiled, his Omi really was sweet like this: All peaceful and relaxed and unassuming, “Do me a favor and lemme see it?”
He shifted from kissing at his neck to mouthing lightly and letting his lips graze the expanse of soft pale skin at his disposal and the reaction was immediate, even if Sakusa tried to hide it. Sure, he stayed quiet, but Atsumu could feel the shivers that ran through him when he started and how his shoulders began to shake the longer he went on. He felt him jump when he let the fingers at his waist trace lazy shape into his toned stomach.
“Atsumu-“ His name was rushed out in a breathy way that only Atsumu got to hear.
“Yes Omi?” He purred, directly into his boyfriends ear, savoring the little squeak that came from the man shaking in his arms.
“N-no,” he whined, actually whined, shaking his head in an attempt to rid himself of the tingly sensations that were quickly perforating his sleep addled mind and making him want to give into the bouncy feeling rising in his chest.
“Why not Omi? M’just tryin ta kiss ya?” He followed his movements easily, continuing the playful torment of his boyfriend.
“You- you know exActly whehy not!” The squeak was louder this time and Kiyoomi even let a few titters loose as Atsumu started using his other hand to lightly scribble at the other side of his neck while simultaneously blowing into his ear.
“Ooh was that a giggle there Omi? What’s happenin’ baby? Somethin’ funny?” Atsumu knew that if he could, Sakusa would be griping about the teasing and how this whole thing was immature and unfair. For now though, he was too busy trying (and failing) not to devolve into a ticklish mess, so Miya was content.
“Nahaha stahahap yohuhu bahahastard!” He forced out through his giggles. The sound was light and filled with gasping breathes and squeals. Kiyoomi hated it, but it was one of Atsumu’s favorite sounds. Especially when he knew he was the cause of it.
Whether it came from unraveling him like this or timing a sarcastic joke just right, he savored it each time he got to hear it, so he didn’t appreciate it when both ungloved hands flew up to muffle it.
“Hey what’dya do that for?” He asked, his own pout forming on his lips as he leaned up to see his boyfriend’s face. His eyes were squeezed shut again and the flush was even brighter now. What was really captivating though, was the way his whole face seemed to brighten, even with his open mouth smile covered up.
Atsumu couldn’t help but stop and stare for a few seconds before remembering the task at hand. To see that pretty smile for real.
“C’mon Omi, just pull yer hands away or m’gonna haveta resort to extreme measures,” Atsumu increased his effort at leaving barely there kisses along Kiyoomi’s neck, feeling his heart race against his lips when he reached the pulse point. This got a cacophony of muffled squeaks and giggles before he finally gave into instinct and moved one of his hands away to push at his face.
As soon as it came up, Atsumu saw his chance and took it.
The hand that was drawing shivery patterns over sharp hip bones immediately skittered up Sakusa’s side to find its mark just above his ribs, sending the arm crashing right back down with a muffled shriek.
“Pffft phmp uff,” Came the dampened response as the other hand stayed stubborn in its quest to deprive Atsumu of his happiness. He decided to take it up another notch, because despite his tiredness, his Omi-Omi was still able to put up a good fight. He wouldn’t have him any other way: As headstrong as he was talented.
“Fine, don’t say I didn’t warn ya,” Atsumu leaned back just enough to leave some space between himself and Kiyoomi’s back. For insurance and safety purposes, he threw a leg over his waist to make sure he would fall off the bed.
Then all bets were off.
He started actually scratching at his armpits in tandem with leaving sloppy kisses along his spine and shoulder blades and any other part of his back he could reach at the moment, and the reaction was instantaneous and oh so satisfying.
“Mmmmphhhuhuhuck AtsuhuHU! NaHAHA STAHAP!”
“What babe? Somethin’ wrong?” He made sure to speak against the skin of his back, his words sending ticklish tremors through Kiyoomi as his worst spot was attacked.
“NOHOHOT THEHERE AHATSUHU!” Something seemed to switch off in his brain as his arms finally fell limp at his sides and he threw his head back against the pillows, laughing fully now. When they did, Atsumu immediately toned it down, abandoning his underarm in favor of leaving feather light scratches down the sides of his boyfriend’s back, making him shiver and keeping him caught up in his giggles without torturing him too bad.
Omi could never say that he was anything but nice about this....Well at least at this particular moment. Sakusa definitely kept a dated list of the times that his boyfriend had ruthlessly abused this specific weakness, but that was besides the point.
“Ahatsuhuhu,” Atsumu looked up at the sound of his name falling from upturned lips and found himself mesmerized by the sight.
Now that Kiyoomi had given up on stopping him he’d shifted to flop down on his stomach, bracing his head on his arms as he tried to contain the shaky laughter still spilling easily from his mouth. His hair was tousled from the struggle and his eyes were teary from laughing so hard and he was in an eternal state of flushed and fuck he was beautiful.
Too pretty for his own good. And Atsumu’s. At this rate, he was gonna die before he got to the Olympics.
He could just see it now: Miya Atsumu, beloved son, brother, boyfriend, and teammate. Cause of death: Seeing his godlike boyfriend laugh his heart out.
Shit, ‘Samu was right, he was whipped.
“Tsuhuhuhumuuu, m’tired,” Whiny giggles followed by a familiar yawn brought him out of his thoughts and he let his fingers slow to a stop, moving up in the bed to be beside his still giggling boyfriend. He turned him over onto his back before placing his book onto the nights stand and turning out the light.
“A-asshole,” Sakusa groaned, through breathy pants, giving him a half-hearted shove as he turned to face the blonde.
“But ya love me,” he teased moving in closer to lay his head on the dark haired man’s chest, listening patiently as his heartbeat finally started to slow down.
“You suck,” he murmured in response, his tone empty of any real malice. Plus, the way he was snuggling closer and lacing their hands together across Atsumu’s waist contradicted his words anyway.
Atsumu smiled and took a final look at his boyfriend before closing his eyes to follow him into sleep. And as a man of a limited vocabulary when it came to most things other than volleyball, his last thoughts prior to drifting off were as simple as they were true: Omi’s so pretty.
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hp-imagines-07 · 4 years
Sirius Black x Fem!Gryffindor!Reader
Universe: Harry Potter; The Marauders era
Type: PURE FLUFF, ok a bit angsty but really, nothing much
Summary: [y/n] had been overwhelming herself with plenty of stuff and Sirius just wants to help her because he loves her.
Request: yes|NO - pls send more requestssss
Prompt: xxx
Warnings: just cursing really
Song: xxx
Word Count: 1.3K (kinda of a blurb)
Posted: 15th of October 2020 - !PART OF 500 FOLLOWERS' CELEBRATION!
A/N: ok, i wanted to write a pure fluff one for Sirius and here it is!! it's not really big but i hope you like it bc it's just cringing fluff
My Others Accounts: @imagines-07 (Principal Account) | @obx-imagines-07 (Outer Banks) | @stit-imagines-07 (Stranger Things & IT) | @cm-imagines-07 (Criminal Minds) | @mcu-imagines-07 (Marvel Comics Universe)
!!hp-imagines-07's 500 FOLLOWERS CELEBRATION!!
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As [y/n] felt her eyes heavy and starting to close as an instinct, she dropped her quill at the table and rubbed her eyes on the hardest way possible (without hurting herself, obviously) to take all the sleepiness far away from the bloody busy girl she has been being the last couple of weeks.
After a long breath, [y/n] grabbed the quill again and came back to the essay Slughorn had asked for everyone - except for his dearest students fucking dipshit - to the next class. Well, he had asked for this essay more than a week ago, but just as [y/n] started to read the book about the topic asked, the full moon got before she had time to think anything related to classes.
The Marauders never let her help them outside, so [y/n] would always wait for them at the common room, but this one was by far the worst of the year. Remus had transformed before they got to the safe place in the forest and where he couldn't come back to Hogwarts and attack people there, so they (basically James and Sirius, because Peter couldn't help much on his animagus form) had to contain him the farthest away from the castle, what caused a lot more bruises than the expected.
[y/n] first helped an almost-passing-out Remus, who couldn't remember what happened outside but was feeling so bad with himself that not even all of them made him feel a little bit better. Then, after Moony and Wormtail went to sleep, [y/n] helped James and Sirius with their worst bruises and cuts until the very late night.
Besides the fact that [y/n] was tutoring a third-year in Charms almost every day (because, oh, the little boy needed help with the new spells...), McGonnagal had been overwhelming her with Prefect duties. It wasn’t on purpose, Minerva just never thought that it was too much for her because [y/n] never said anything and always accepted any challenge.
But the girl was so overwhelmed…
The first one to notice was Marlene. She saw how [y/n] was barely getting any hours of sleep by being awake in the middle of the night plenty of times with the girl cursing under her breath while getting something wrong on the paper. Then Marlene talked to Lily, who is a heavy sleeper and didn't notice the missing hours of sleep from their best-friend.
After Marlene talked to Lily about [y/n], the red-headed started to notice the big bags under [y/n]'s eyes, the tiredness on her voice, how she dressed the first clothes that appeared in front of her, the way she was always looking so stressed over something that no one could point to… 
Lily then, warned Sirius about how his girlfriend needed his help more than ever and she also told him to not ask her if she wanted his help to anything, because the fucking stubborn woman would never accept help from anyone else.
And when Sirius saw [y/n] almost crying with angriness over her essay at the other side of the common room, he knew that was the moment he should act as the perfect boyfriend he was and help his love. Ignoring all the questioning looks the other three Marauders sent on his way by suddenly getting up and forgetting all about the prank they were planing on a few Slytherins, Sirius got up from the chair he was sitting at and walked in the direction of [y/n].
As the girl started to write again with her quill and the harder part being to keep her eyes open, Sirius sat on the chair beside her making [y/n] jump in surprise. "My God..." She muttered with her hand above her heart and trying to calm it down.
"Sorry for the little scare, love," Sirius said and grabbed [y/n]'s quill from her hand and closed her book before she could even protest. "but now, I'm taking you to bed..." Sirius started putting all [y/n]'s belongings on her bag while she tried to hold a few things back and protest with him, but Sirius wouldn't just give up.
Just when he had finished, Sirius began listening to her. "What the fuck, Sirius?!" The girl said furiously at her boyfriend, that gulped with her angry expression. "I need to finish this essay today! What do you think you're doing?" Sirius didn't give himself the work to answer all the questions she was throwing at him, but just threw her over his shoulder instead. "Sirius Orion Black put me down right now! I swear I'm gonna kill you, you bastard!" [y/n] screamed at him, while struggling to make him put her back down.
"[y/n] [y/l/n], shut up and let me take care of you." He simply said and she just groaned out in frustration, [y/n/n] knew that whatever she did to make him put her down wouldn't work, and just let him take her to wherever Sirius wanted for her to be.
Sirius started to walk towards the girls’ dormitory but just as he stepped his foot, the stairs became a slider and he found himself being grateful that he wouldn't be able to take [y/n] to her dorm, where there were plenty of tired girls already sleeping. So he turned around and walked upstairs to his still empty dorm with [y/n] over his left shoulder and her bag over his right one.
The first thing he did after passing through his door was to put [y/n] down. "Thank God, I was becoming nauseated on that position..." She muttered under her breath when her feet touched the floor. "Why did you bring me here, Sirius?" [y/n] asked with a monotonous tone and sat at his bed, knowing that he wouldn't give [y/n]'s bag back to her.
"You need to rest my love..." He started while walking to his bed and standing in front of her but just as his girlfriend was going to protest with him, he continued. "Don't worry about your Potions essay, I'll finish that for you tomorrow while you take care of the tasks Minnie gave you… Just don't worry, ok?" Sirius asked with both of his hands on [y/n]'s cheeks, making her look at him right in the eyes and she softly nodded at him, already feeling her eyes heavy with his caring and loving touch.
In a matter of minutes [y/n] was wearing just one of Sirius' favourite muggle-band shirt and sleep shorts and Sirius was getting ready to bed with her.
Both of them laid on his bed, under the warm and comfy blankets and held each other as close as they could. "How long has it been that we didn't do this?" Sirius muttered with closed eyes and sleepy voice.
"I don't know… But I'm never letting you go again." [y/n] whispered back against his neck and softly sighed. "It feels like it's been years since I got relaxed like this for the last time..."
Sirius just hummed back at her, but too focused on her touch to care. [y/n]'s body was laying above his, with their legs tangled together, her head buried on the crook of his neck, his nose feeling her scent coming from her hair, her soft hands resting on his bare shoulders and his hands under her (his) shirt caressing her back.
"I love you." "I love you, my love."
[y/n] fell asleep in a question of seconds while Sirius was trying to memorize this feeling of their bodies pressed against each other.
It was in moments like this that Sirius knew that home wasn't a place where you lived and it was comfortable, home was a person who you can always ask for help when needed and it doesn't matter where you'll feel like you're home.
[y/n] is Sirius' home and he couldn't be more grateful to be hers.
@cheapglitter @Weasleysmuch @missmulti @writtenbypics @littlemaladaptivedaydreamer @dralf0yy @buff-bork @rd155 @seppys-return-to-madness @luciferedits @old-soul-young-mind @pxtrickhxckstettxr @sleep-i-ness @marauderswhisperer @liberty01 @gweaslvy @weasleytwins-41 @siriuslysirius07 @turtlepad @ilovewinter101 @monimillion @simonsbluee @smokey102 @aberette13 @yourbloodyqueen @loverboyreid @eeshea @susceptible-but-siriusexual​ @weareloserstogether
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humanlighthouse · 3 years
Kitty Wu Xie AU
I have given up on making actual posts and will now subject you to conversations between me and @jockvillagersonly about AUs i will never write
humanlighthouse — Also, thinking in a much more innocent way about a dumb AU where WX gets turned into a cat by a curse or something and it's giving me warm fuzzy feelings
Can you imagine?? XG holding up a tiny brown kitten with fuzzy hair? Who swaps tiny paws at him and bites his cheek when he gets close? Kitten WX cuddled up inside of his hoodie? Taking a tiny kitty nap on his chest?? Sleeping together in sunlight??
And detransformed WX doing similar things? Responding to hair petting? Snuggling up in his neck? Napping together?
Also PZ would die from cuteness and overfeed him constantly
WX as a kitten is a WHOLEASS DISASTER though
He has broken about EVERY vase in Wushanju
Torn a hole in PZ's favorite shirt, that Human WX will later very badly but earnestly try to mend
jockvillagersonly — PZ isn’t even mad about it
Like he was gonna be
And the. He rounds the corner
And kitten WX a looks so PITIFUL
All big eyes
And PZ just melts immediately
humanlighthouse — When they have to bring him somewhere, he rides in the hood of XG's hoodie or in one of PZ's cargo pants pockets
jockvillagersonly — WX’s puppy dog eyes are ALREADY so powerful
They both have like ,,, anime sports show standoffs about who gets to carry kitten WX
humanlighthouse — XG wins, obviously, bc WX is very partial
But on the way home he sleeps on PZ's lap
jockvillagersonly — And PZ spends the whole ride home very smug about it
humanlighthouse — At some point, Kitten WX tries to eat something very bad for him that he likes as a human, and XG LEAPS OVER THE TABLE and tackles him
And Kitten WX hisses and swaps his tiny claws at him and XG just holds him in the air
Kitten WX spits it out and tries the puppy eyes on him, which work far better than expected, so XG sits back with him in the crook of his arm and feeds him stuff from his own plate instead
jockvillagersonly — XG can pretend to have at least some resistance to puppy eyes on actual WX, he can’t at all pretend when it’s kitten WX
humanlighthouse — PZ pats his shoulder when he gets up like I feel ya bro
jockvillagersonly — XG Looks a Little Shell shocked
humanlighthouse — His internal monologue is just a continuous scream high pitched enough to call dogs in Tibet
jockvillagersonly — This is only 1-2 octaves higher than usual
humanlighthouse — At some point they're on the couch and WX climbs over the back, head butts XG and licks his cheek and XG stays frozen for a good ten to twenty minutes
jockvillagersonly — WX has gotten bored, left, and XG is still just 😳
They get WX little mouse toys 🥺
He puRRS
Sometimes just from being around them like they haven’t even started petting him yet
humanlighthouse — He plays a lot with PZ
But sleeps with XG and is obviously super partial to him
XG sleeps half of what he usually does, which isn't much to begin with, just because he is overwhelmed by cuteness
WX putting tiny paws over his face when he sleeps
Or sleeping with his tiny fuzzy kitten belly up!
jockvillagersonly — How can he be expected to sleep!!!!
humanlighthouse — If XG had a phone his entire camera roll would be Kitten WX and then WX
jockvillagersonly — WX also yowls in the morning for food so they all wake up early
It’s his mental photo reel for sure
Gotta work in bastard WX
humanlighthouse — He bites visitors' ankles
When Huo Daofu is called in to help, he scratches his favorite leather boots
humanlighthouse — More on Kitty WX because I just spent the last 10mns goofily staring at my ceiling while thinking about it:
So WX gets detransformed and XG saves him from [unspecified danger] and WX grabs his hoodie and snuggles into him on reflex the way he's always wanted to do as a human and got very used to as a cat
Once the danger is over, PZ cuddles him too and WX makes a weirdass growling noise. They both pull back and WX is like I think I just tried to purr? Why can't I purr now, this sucks
PZ ruffles his hair and laughs
Later, XG is sitting on the couch and WX just. Plops himself down on him. Personal space whomst
And he realizes it a second too late and is like oh fuck woops, but XG grabs the legs thrown over his lap and says it's fine, he doesn't mind, so WX lays very very still on his chest for a minute or so before being like raaaaah fuck this and doing that thing cats do when they wiggle to get comfortable
It makes XG laugh and WX is like shut up being a human with too many bones is HARD okay nothing is comfy anymore
He naps on him :)
Later, PZ tries to wake him up with a little fishing toy and WX swaps at it before he realizes, then chases PZ around the house to get his revenge, by jumping on his back, claws out :p
He claws at PZ's legs a lot now, like they're watching tv and he makes biscuits on his thigh unconsciously
Or on his arm if they're at the table
The first night WX tries to sleep in his own bed it SUCKS, it's small but also too big and cold and he's alone and Doesn't Like It, so he grabs a pillow and goes to knock on XG's door. He says he could wake PZ up if XG doesn't want him there but he got used to it. XG just throws back the covers and invites him in. He doesn't get a single wink of sleep that night bc WX does, he curls up against him in his sleep and there is a very large, very human, very soft sleepy WX snoring against his ribs and XG's soul has left this plane of existence
The next day is very sunny and WX is laying flat on his back in the courtyard, soaking up the sun. He hears XG approach from further than he used to and calls him over. XG lays beside him and WX snuggles up to him with a hum of contentment. They nap together until PZ reappears to annoy WX with the fish toy, throwing it over him at some point. WX swaps at it then gets a little crazy and tries to claw at it, before turning to XG and throwing himself on his chest, face buried in his neck. He jokes that PZ is mean to him, and that only XG is nice. XG pets his nape. WX looks up at him with bright eyes, when PZ mentions (something like tuna) for dinner and WX's eyes widen of their own volition, which makes XG laugh. WX is like Betrayal! and does that thing where cat move a little way away and show you their back with disdain, which only make the two others laugh harder
Like 2mns later, WX returns and snuggles up to XG again. They have completely forgotten about the concept of personal space by then. PZ goes back inside to let them nap. WX is sprawled over his chest, noses at the skin of XG's neck gently, and on a whim gives it a little lick. He stops himself almost immediately and apologizes, but XG is beet red and blinking
He tries to get up but XG holds him back, telling him that it's fine again. WX says it was a reflex. XG pets his nape again, says that he knows. WX turns his best puppy eyes on him, which are still Very Effective as a human and XG melts. Maybe that's the moment XG kisses him? Very very softly?
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murdertrialimagines · 5 years
Sleepover Spies
“Can I request a Kazuichi x Fem! S/O x Fuyuhiko imagine where she is having a sleepover with the rest of the DR2 girls and whilst that is happening the boys are spying on them and she ends up revealing she likes both Fuyuhiko and Kazuichi and not soon after the boys would get caught? (It doesn't matter who she ends up with ^~^ nwn)”
I took a five week break even thought I had this typed in my phone for three weeks...I’m so sorry. Here it is! (Story under the tag)
PS: I wrote separate endings for each boy bc I could’t choose one!
Warning: Cussing!
Fuyuhiko knew you were at the sleepover that night 
Peko informed him of the occasion as she packed a small bag of belongings, along with a bag of snacks she had been picked to provide
He thought nothing of it until a note came under his door, telling him to go to the beach at 8pm
Fuyuhiko honestly thought it was plot for a murder, and almost asked Peko to stay back with him
But he saw the rare childish gleam of joy behind her glasses, and said fuck it
Who was gonna kill him on a day where at least half of the group had an alibi?
And hell would freeze over before he ruined a night for you two, as he knew you wouldn’t let Peko go alone if there really was a murder awaiting
So at eight he headed to the beach, a small switchblade from the market concealed in his pocket
But when Fuyuhiko arrived, all he found was an exasperated Hajime and a yelling Kazuichi
“C’mon, this is our chance to see the girls in their natural habitat! Pillow fights and truth or dareeee! Kazuichi fell to his knees dramatically, grabbing Hajime’s pant leg
Fuyuhiko made his presence known with a forced cough, both boys looking at him
“Fuyuhiko! The man I wanted!” Kazuichi got up and ran over. “You’ll come with me, right?”
Fuyuhiko shot Hajime a look, Hajime throwing a tired one back
“He wants to spy on the girls. Everyone else already left.”
Kazuichi put his hands together, trying to give the shorter boy puppy eyes
“What kinda guy spies on girls when they’re at their most vulnerable? Seems kinda creepy ya know.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Just a few minutes!” Kazuichi got up, attempting to cup his hands over Fuyuhiko’s who pulled his hands away in disgust
“You’re gonna go whether I go or not, right? I’ll go with you just to make sure you don’t try any shady shit.”
“Thank you!” Kazuichi grabbed his hand. “Let’s go!”
When they arrived at Mahiru’s cottage, the music being able to be heard from a few houses down
Sneaking up to the window, Kazuichi peered in while Fuyuhiko stayed behind
He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t curious, though, each time he heard your voice he noticed the urge to peer in becoming more prominent
And then Sonia cheerfully suggested truth or dare, much to Kazuichi’s delight
At least, Fuyuhiko thought that was where the mechanic’s heart was
In reality, Kazuichi had his eyes on you the whole time, instead of the princess. He would never tell anyone, but he was infatuated with you, He was known to be superficial when it came to women, but you were just different, somehow
And it pulled him in fast
Be barely noticed Fuyuhiko standing next to him now, nor did he care
He was invested in the questions you girls were throwing at each other; asking if Sonia was betrothed or if Peko had ever killed someone, the last one causing Fuyuhiko to let out an airy laugh
And then the questions turned towards you
“Y/n! Truth or dare?” Hiyoko asked with a smirk on her face
“Truth no way am I taking a dare from you”
“Boooring! Fine, who do you have a crush on? If you say Nagito I’m kicking you out!”
Both boys felt their breath hitch
Did you even have a crush? Who was it? Could it possibly be them?
“I, uh...I like Kazuichi?” You said it like it was a question
Gasps came from both boys, luckily covered by the gasps of the girls as well
“Kazuichi? Am I hearing you right?” Akane asked sheepishly
“Yeah, he’s a total idiot!” Hiyoko huffed. “I’d never look twice at a guy like him.”
“I think he’s cute!” You defended, cheeks red. “He’s a dork, yeah, but once you get to know him, he’s quite sweet!”
This got a small giggle of euphoria from the boy in question, and both boys had to duck when heads turned their way
“Well man, good job,” Fuyuhiko stated, slight disappointment etched onto his face. “Just don’t treat her bad, because Peko’s answer to her truth or dare question still stands, and she’ll do it again to whoever hurts Y/n.”
“T-thanks man!” Kazuichi gave Fuyuhiko a wide yet nervous smile
“Y/n~! Your man is here!~”
Both boys looked up to see Mahiru leaning out of the window, beaming. An exaggerated “Oh~!” from the other girls. “Usually I’d chew you out but this moment is too perfect!”
Mahiru left the window, and a few seconds later you were seemingly shoved into it, staring at the boy, blushing
“K-Kazuichi! What’s up?” You asked nervously, eyes darting anywhere but his gaze
Kazuichi had thought about asking you out to many times, but never thought you might actually like him back. Sure, he acted a fool when he was around girls he thought were pretty, but when he realized he was serious about you, he wanted to ask you out formally
And what’s more formal than outside a window in the middle of the night?
“So uh, I was wondering if maybe I can - I mean if you want - uh, we could possibly go on a date? Like a picnic or something, or maybe you would like something more-”
Kazuichi stopped when he noticed you were finally looking him in the eyes, the slight redness on your cheeks now deepening and spreading to your ears and neck
“Yes! I mean, sure - I’d really like to go out with you.” You gave him the teeniest smile, but he saw the world in it
Cheers erupted from the room, you looking back at all of your friends
“I’m so proud of you Y/n,” Chiaki said with a sleepy smile
“So cute!”
“Be nice to her now!”
“I, uh, I actually like Fuyuhiko?”
Both boys froze at this, the only sound was the girl’s “aww!”s and Peko’s small chuckle
“I already knew, Y/n” Peko said with a soft smile. “I think you should ask him out, the outcome just might be favorable.”
But outside the window, two different reactions were occuring
Fuyuhiko never thought you would like him
Yes, you two held hands, and went on picnics, or stayed up late talking, but that was because you saw him as a close friend, right?
But the more he thought about it, the more he realized how wrong he was
He had confided in Peko about his liking to you, and lately Peko has been excusing herself from the activities you three usually did together, leaving him with just you
‘Well, shit’ Fuyuhiko thought. ‘Thanks for playing wingman, Peko’
The boy to his side, however, was in a different state
“She likes you?!” Kazuichi hissed, looking at Fuyuhiko. “How?!”
“Maybe because we’re actually close and spend time together, and I’m actually decent around girls.”
“You two practically live together, right? I know you three have sleepovers often,” Kazuichi’s eyes lit up. “Just tell me, how’s she look under those clothes? You have to have seen her after a shower, right?!”
“I suggest you shut the fuck up.”
Kazuichi put his hand on Fuyuhiko’s shoulder, the shorter boy tensing up. “It’s a boy’s natural response to look at girls when they shower, biological code! I bet she’s got sweet-”
Fuyuhiko turned around and punched Kazuichi, causing him to yelp. When Kazuichi retaliated, the boys fell, both scuffling on the ground, yelling at each other
After only a few seconds both boys heard a familiar voice, causing their actions to stop immediately
“Fuyuhiko? Kazuichi? What are you guys doing?”
Both boys looked up to see you peering out the window, with Peko next to you. She looked ready to hop out of the window, glaring at Kazuichi with a gaze that made his blood drain from his face
“Y/n!” Fuyuhiko stood up, brushing himself off. “This bastard made some wrong decisions that ended in his getting his ass beat.”
“You’re bleeding! Hold on, I’ll be right there”
This was when Fuyuhiko noticed the feeling of something dripping down his nose and off his lip. He didn’t need to touch it to figure out what it was
A few moments later, you arrived with a napkin, holding it to his nose. “Peko, can you take Kazuichi back to his dorm? He seems pretty out of it.”
With a nod, Peko came out and picked up Kazuichi, and you and Fuyuhiko started to walk back to his room
“What on earth were you doing out there?” You asked the boy, who was now holding the napkin to his nose himself
“I was making sure Kazuichi didn’t do anything, but he did, so I kicked his ass.”
You let out an huff of air in amusement, looking at the ground. “Always starting fights, aren’t you?”
Fuyuhiko stopped walking. “I heard what you said earlier.”
This caused you to freeze, turning your head away from his stare. “What do you mean? I didn’t do a-anything.”
Fuyuhiko walked up to you, but refused to look you in the eye. “You said you liked me. It wasn’t a lie, right?”
You wanted to refute him, but you just couldn’t lie to the boy. “It wasn’t a lie. I just didn’t want you to find out...who needs the drama of unrequited love and awkward friendships when you’re in a freaking murder game for gods sake?”
“But it’s not one sided, Y/n.” Fuyuhiko stated, his voice louder than it was a moment ago. “I...like you too.”
“You do?” You snapped your head up to meet his eyes, both of you blushing at the sudden contact. “I never thought you would.”
“Would you like to go out sometime? I mean, do the things we usually do, but with a different feeling?”
You giggled at his words, taking his hand in your own
“I would love to.”
I actually did it. Back from the dead. I have two more requests in my box before I will take more! See you soon (hopefully!)
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robin-the-enby · 4 years
Pairing: personalized (so me as MC, can be viewed either as platonic or romantic)
Summary: just a few drabbles
Warnings: SPOILERS FOR VINCENT'S, ISAAC'S (IF YOU SQUINT) AND LEO'S ROUTES!!! Description of mental health issues (I can't specify, bc I don't know what's wrong with me) (it's escalating from the least to the most angsty drabble), suicide intention
A/N: This. Is. Super. Angsty. I've been struggling lately and this is for my comfort only, I'm posting this for the small chance you'd like to read it and maybe find comfort in it yourself. I must warn you though, this is triggering.
* * * * *
"Truth is...I'm not like most people." Vincent confessed, his eyes never moving from the canvas.
It was a warm and sunny day and Vincent asked Robin to keep him company, while he painted. And who was she to turn down The Vincent van Gogh?
However, this sentence quite caught her off guard. "I mean, you're a vampire..." she said and he chuckled, the sound so light and carefree it made a smile appear on her face as well. "Although that is true, it's not what I meant." his hand worked effortlessly on the painting that was slowly unravelling in front of her "I don't feel things like other people do." he explained.
The made her confused. What did he mean? As if sensing her question, Vincent continued "Ever since I can remember, I never felt any negative emotion. Sadness, anger, envy, all those things are foreign to me."
Suddenly, his smile felt completely different, despite never changing. It was strange seeing him talk about such a glum thing with such a gentle smile on his face and look in his eyes. Then again, she couldn't recall a single moment, where Vincent would be angry or any type of negative...
It came to Robin that this was probably an intimate subject for him and she certainly didn't want him to feel pressured into talking about this with her. When she voiced her concerns, he turned to look at her "There's nothing to worry about Robin. After all, you said you wanted to get to know me better, so I thought you should know." he assured her with a smile, finally looking at her.
Then the conversation stopped and they were both left in silence. Not an awkward one, perhaps Vincent was just giving her time to process it all, which was something she definitely needed.
Robin layed down on the warm grass, putting an arm over her eyes as she listened to the soft sounds of Vincent's brush gliding over the canvas.
What did that feel like, not feeling negative emotions? For a fleeting moment she thought it must've been nice, but then all the downs of it dawned on her. Not being able to be sad when someone close to you dies. Not being able to get angry at someone mistreating others... She'd hate herself if she wasn't able to feel these things and yet she wouldn't even be able to do that.
"Thank you for telling me that Vincent." Robin said quietly, her voice loud enough for him to hear. "You went quiet all of a sudden." the painter pointed out. "I just imagined what that must be like." she shrugged her shoulders.
If he told her something so personal, it only made sense that she tells him something about herself too. Robin had an idea of what she could tell him, but the thought of confessing something like that made her anxiety shoot through the roof, insecure thoughts filling her mind.
Robin hesitated on her next sentence, choosing carefuly every word "I think I have the opposite problem." His head perked up at her words, his whole body turning to face Robin, yet she still layed with her eyes covered, not looking at him. "What do you mean?" it was now his time to be confused.
"I think too much about everything. Small things, big things, things that aren't even happening to me. I like to think about it all, ponder and view from all the different angles. It's my biggest gift and a curse as well." she removed her arm and gazed at the blue sky, not wanting to be envelopped by darkness when she says this.
"A lot of things happen in the world. All the time. Sometimes...it gets too much. I feel like I'll burst with all the thoughts and emotions raging like a storm inside me and then I'm just...numb." Out of the corner of her eye, Robin could see Vincent tilting his head to the side a little. "It's like my whole mind just...shuts down and concentrates on the simplest tasks, like doing my work, eating, sleeping. I can be empty like that for months and months. The truth is," she paused to turn her head to look into his eyes, those bright blue oceans, that no longer looked happy, but rather concerned "the truth is that there's so much pain in my mind, that it refuses to acknowledge it anymore." Robin shifted her gaze towards the grass as she began to play with it "Or so I've been told."
The silence that followed was much heavier than the previous one. Robin thought it was because this time, Vincent didn't smile. No, he was frowning. Just like he did for her, she gave him time to process it, secretly hoping that she didn't ramble too much.
But after a while Vincent smiled again, though this time she thought it was for her sake only "Thank you for telling me Robin." She blushed at his words "Are you sure I didn't talk too much?" she asked bashfuly to reassure herself. Vincent nodded, chuckling "Of course not. After all, I said I wanted to get to know you more too, didn't I?" he smiled at her and the afternoon continued as peacefully as ever.
One of her most favorite things in this new life she was living was napping with Leonardo.
She was never a good sleeper, so she'd come to him and ask him if they can nap together and he never declined, much to her joy. After some time, she stopped asking. She saw him sitting on the library floor, that droopy look in his eyes and she just plopped down next to him and leaned her head on his shoulder and he understood.
Today, she found him in his room, laying in his bed for once. Once he saw it was Robin who entered, he scooted away to make room for her and she joined him. They layed on their sides, facing eachother to save as much space as possible.
But today was different. While Leonardo's sleepiness always made her relax and fall asleep as well, it seemed today even he couldn't sleep. And so they talked. At first it wasn't anything serious, everything and nothing, their voices hushed, so they wouldn't ruin the quiet atmosphere and besides, there was no reason to be loud.
But as the conversation went on, the topics started getting more serious and so turned the tones of their voices as well.
The deep sadness Leo's eyes held as he told her about his alchemy experiments was surely engraved in her mind for the time being.
"I think that because your lives are limited, it gives you purpose."
She took in that sentence for a while, before she giggled. The sadness that plagued those beautiful golden eyes was quickly replaced by confusion and before he could think she was making fun of him, Robin tried to explain, not realizing where would this sentence take her "I'm sorry. I'm not laughing at you, I swear!" she wheezed breathlessly between giggles.
Leonardo quirked a brow "And what are you laughing at then?"
Not long after she managed to calm down her breathing and the realization that she'll really have to confess something she hasn't told even the doctors in her time dawned on Robin. She suddenly didn't feel like laughing at all.
"Well, the irony of the situation." she started sheepishly. Leonardo didn't seem much wiser, so she took a deep breath and collected her thoughts for a short while.
"I actually think the opposite." another deep breath and a sigh "Stop me if I ramble too much, alright?" she looked at him and he smirked at her in a way that told her that he knew this isn't going to be a happy topic, but in no way in hell was he going to stop her. Curious bastard, Robin thought with a grumble and shuffled closer to him, that way she wouldn't have to look him in the eyes.
"This happened a long time ago, but it stuck with me. I don't remember what I was doing, I just remember, I stopped in the middle of completing the chore, for some reason, and thought to myself: Am I happy?
And do you know what the answer to that was? No. No, I didn't feel happy. To be completely honest, I didn't feel anything. But that didn't make sense, everything was going fine, I didn't have a reason to feel this way or in this case, not feel.
I started thinking about it, monitoring myself more and I realized just how numb I really am most of the time. Of course, I started to question it. Why was this happening? Why did everything feel like a dream? Why did the days, weeks, months go by, while I felt like I lived in a bubble, one that numbs everything, makes things feel muffled.
I started questioning my life. Was anything really real? Was I real? It didn't feel like I was. How does it even feel, being real? I should know, I am... Aren't I?
It started out so small. One stupid question. One easy question.
The more I thought about it, the more disconnected I felt. Every day I felt more numb. I wished I could just stop everything, but I couldn't. I carried on doing the things I was supposed to do. Go to school, do my chores, socialize with other people. I didn't know why I was doing it, it didn't make any sense, but at the same time, it was the only logical thing for me to do, something I was used to, I couldn't just stop, that would only make this chaos worse.
And I suffered through it all. When somebody asked, I didn't lie. I had no reason to. I knew there were people who'd gladly help me, but fear of annoying them and upseting them made me stay away. If they would leave, I'd truly lose my mind.
Nothing made sense anymore. My life, my choices, nothing. I was clinging to any at least a bit logical thing in my life, because everything felt so pointless, so abstract and absurd. I thought I didn't matter. That nothing I'll ever do will matter.
I still think so. I still don't feel anything most of the time, I still think everyone on this planet is worthless, even though saying it out loud feels wrong. I'm just too numb to care at the moment."
She didn't want to look at him. Through her whole speech, Leonardo was as quiet as a mouse. Finally his rich voice sounded above her head "Why didn't you just stop thinking about it then?"
Robin smiled dryly "Because it felt like I was avoiding the subject. Like it was a responsibility that I just have to get over with and I'll finally be able to breathe again."
Leonardo was quiet. Her words were strong, nothing like he'd ever heard before. There was a real pain in those words and he, as much of a smooth talker as he is, wasn't sure he could say anything that would change her mind.
So he opted for just holding her, until he'll be able to make her smile again. And perhaps a real smile this time, one she'd truly feel.
Sung woes
(I'll pretend I can sing and play the piano in this one XD)
Inspired by: Irony - English cover by Lizz Robinnet
Soft knocks sounded through Mozart's room, the great composer huffing in annoyance and turning away from his desk, where he was working on his newest piece.
Opening the door he found Robin nervously shuffling in front of him. "What do you need?" Wolf asked boredly.
"W-well, you see, uhm..." she stumbled over her words. Mozart rolled his eyes impatiently "Get on with it already." he groaned out. Robin tensed "I wanted to-to ask you, if I could play something on the piano, maybe..?"
When he just blankly stared at her, she waved her hands dismissively in front of her "O-or not! It doesn't matter, if you don't feel comfortable, I get it, hehe." she tried to laugh it off.
Mozart was in fact considering letting her play, since to this moment, he didn't know she was capable of it. Curiousity winning over his obsessive cleanliness, he sighed "Fine. Just don't get it dirty or anything."
Robin quickly nodded and rushed to the music room.
When the door closed behind her, the composer stepped back into his room, but instead of continuing his work, he headed for the bed. He sat on it and listened carefuly for any sounds.
At first, a few random melodies rang through the air, to warm herself up, he presumed.
Then, a seemingly cheerful melody, although muffled by the wall, floated from his music room.
It sounded light and airy, but had a sad undertone to it. He thought about maybe coming to listen, but quickly discarding the idea, for he himself hated being interrupted.
And it would stay that way, had the woman in the next room not started singing. Mozart couldn't make out the words from his room and so his curiosity won.
Quietly, like a thief, he crept out of his room, towards the white door to his music room. He could now hear everything much clearer and had to admit, Robin wasn't half bad. But the music was louder than her voice and it bothered him. He desperately wanted to know what the lyrics were about.
Maybe he could open the door, just a tiny bit, so the sound could escape?
Is this how others pass this room when I play? the composer wondered with a frown, feeling a bit ashamed.
If that's the case then just hear my plea: Pick me up and drop me into unfaltering sleep!
The sudden change in melody startled Mozart from his thought's, the slight glimpse of the song's lyrics worrying him. There was no way now that he'd turn away.
He reached for the knob and with the speed of a snail turned it around, making sure no potentional creaks could be heard.
He flinched at the sudden increase in volume and opened the door wider, so he could comfortably watch her. If she noticed him, he could just say he was checking if nothing happened to his piano.
What he wasn't expecting, was a hand on his shoilder and a joyful voice whisper too near to his ear for comfort "Peeping into your own room, are we?"
Mozart quickly recovered from the surprise, quickly pulling his face away from the door and facing an unlikely duo that isn't seen unless a certain physicist is present.
"What are you two doing here?" Mozart hissed at Arthur and Dazai, both writers smiling innocently. "I just noticed the sudden change in the songs, so I figured someone else must be playing and that alone is a wonder. I needed to see it with my own eyes. I didn't know Robin could play." smiled Arthur.
"I'm wondering where did all the sadness come from. Toshiko-san looks always so happy, I wanted to see what has made her so sad?" Dazai's smile turned a little sad and sympathetic, as if he knew exactly what was happening.
"How do you know she is sad if you didn't hear the lyrics?" asked Arthur. "Don't you hear? It's not the lyrics, it's the way she sings. Only an idiot wouldn't notice that." Dazai answered. Mozart nodded "I only was able to make out bits of it, but it doesn't sound very positive.
Arthur's expression turned serious "Well then we should confront her about it, singing or not." and pushed past the composer, him and Dazai hot on his tail.
The sudden arrival startled Robin and the music stopped for a short while. She didn't look at them, she didn't want to, if she did, she would break down and the song would be left unfinished.
Just as Arthur opened his mouth, her voice cut him off "Step back from me, please, leave me be, this so deceitful road that I stumble on is never going to end." her voice was soft, before suddenly increasing again.
"It's getting difficult to maneuvour and it's just worthless to try and run away, so I'll just hold my hands over my ears and block out all this noise. How can I live not knowing what life is? Sometimes my dreams seem to be more realistic, obviously I can't be called happy, then what am I after all? "
The way Robin sang felt like she was talking directly to the three men in the room with her and left them speechless.
She gently put the lid on the piano keys and quietly stood up, drying her hands on her skirt. Muttering a quiet thank you to Mozart she made a beeline towards the exit, trying to get away from the situation and probable interrogation as quickly as humanly possible.
A certain Japanese writer caught her sleeve before Robin could slip past him "That was truly beautiful Toshiko-san." he said with a smile, although the tone of his voice was nothing but serious "But if you ever need to talk... My windows are always open." joked Dazai at the end, prompting a chuckle out of her. Arthur and Mozart stayed silent, neither of them being the type of person one would come confess to.
"Thank you Dazai, really, but...I'm alright." and with a smile she was gone. But neither of the men could believe her words.
The thought came out of nowhere.
Momentary relapse
Now would be a good time to do it.
And so she did. She tied two scarves together and put them in a bag, ready to go.
The middle of the night, the sky clear, stars littered the black canvas like pearls. Would this be any other night, she would stop and admire the view above her, but tonight everything that didn’t have to do anything with her goal was a potential distraction that could change her mind.
Her brain already decided she was gonna do it and she went along with it, chickening out now would only be cowardiness, Robin thought. And if there was anything she learned from the geniuses she residet with, it was bravery.
Tiptoeing out of her room, Robin quietly crept through the hallway past all the resident’s rooms.
A muffled melody could be heard in the music room and light shone from under Arthur’s door. They must be still up, thought Robin and it made her feel strange. Would they realize tommorow morning that she must’ve went past them while they were still awake? Would they feel guilty? She hoped not. It would be best if they just forgot she ever existed.
Robin wasn’t naive. She knew she was loved and very much so, she also knew that by ending her life she would hurt those who loved her, but they were strong, stronger than she was anyway, maybe it would take a while, but they would get over it eventually.
Once she was out in the garden, Robin breathed a tired sigh of relief. Focusing only on her way she made her way through the garden, towards the forest surrounding the mansion. How hard could it be? You just have to find the right tree, pick a branch strong and high enough, tie the end of the noose around it, put your head through the actuall noose and the rest is easy, right? She could figure it out once she gets there, it’s not like anyone was following her.
“Ehm. Where are you going?”
Too soon. Robin winced. She was so consumed by her thoughts that she didn’t notice Isaac stargazing in the garden. Stupid, she reprimanded herself You should’ve expected something like this. It’s okay, you can lie your way through this.
“Hi Isaac.” she smiled her best smile at him. It felt strange, acting so casually while her end was nearing.
The air between them grew awkward, so Isaac coughed slightly and said “It’s not like it’s my business or anything, I was just surprised to see you here, and so...” his voice grew quieter as his confidence dissapeared. Mary smiled a him “It’s alright, I was just going in the forest for a stroll.” Isaac lifted an eyebrow “In the middle of the night?” “Yes, it will be an adventure! The forest can be quite spooky at night.” she grinned in response.
The physicist looked towards the dark woods, then back at his friend. “I will acompany you, if that’s okay.” Robin blinked at him in surprise. This wasn’t how it should’ve gone! He would only complicate things! But saying no could be suspicious. While Isaac took her surprised look as confusion “There could be wild animals and knowing you, you would definitely get in trouble.”
His words nearly made her cry. Once again she was reminded of how much she was actually loved. And so she agreed.
Side by side they walked deeper and deeper into the woods. While Isaac was looking up at the sky, Robin inspected all the threes around them. “We’re pretty deep in, how would you know your way back?” the man beside her wondered. Robin’s heart dropped. How was she supposed to answer to that? Maybe if I stay quiet, he’ll drop it. But that didn’t seem to be the case. “Well?” Isaac turned his head towards her.
“Uhh...I-I don’t know.” she shrugged her shoulders and laughed nervously. Isaac squinted his eyes and looked at her with a strange expression on his face. “What do you have in that bag anyways?” he asked curiously. Robin quickly shoved her bag behind her back to hide it from view, as if that would make him forget about it “Nothing important, really.” she quickly said. Perhaps too quickly. “What time is it?” she changed the subject.
Isaac blinked at her in surprise, then looked towards the sky once again “It’s close to midnight I think.” he muttered. “Well then, shouldn’t you be getting back? I mean, I don’t want you to starve, just because you’re too considerate.” Robin pushed on. “What about you?” Isaac asked as Robin started pushing him in the direction of the mansion. “Oh don’t worry about me for once. I remember the way.” she waved him off, said a quick goodbye and sent him on his way.
Isaac didn’t like that at all. Surely if she didn’t want to spend time with him she’d tell him, no? He just wanted to keep her company, since he heard from an unusually glum Dazai she hasn’t been feeling very happy lately.
Now that he thought about it, there were some red flags in his mind and the whole situation left him suspicious. Deciding to trust his gut more than logic, Isaac turned around and went to look for Robin, all the while trying to push the worst scenario out of his head.
He found her not far from the place he departed from her. She was facing a tree, holding something in her hands... "Robin?” he called out to her softly. Said woman jumped around, revealig her pale face and the object she was holding. 
A noose.
“What are you doing?!” he asked, panicked, his worst fears confirming. Robin’s face was hard as steel, determined look in her eyes. Perfectly composed, she stuffed the deadly instrument back into her bag, marching past him towards the mansion “Nothing.”
Isaac, bewildered, quickly jogged up to her “Well, you were about to do something.” “Well, not anymore.” she huffed. “So what, you try to kill yourself and then pretend it didn’t happen?” “Yes, exactly. It was a momentary relapse, it won’t happen again.”
“I don’t want to try anymore Isaac. I’m tired. It’s been six months and things are only getting worse and worse. I’m not strong enough for this, I don’t need this, I never asked for this.” the longer she talked, the more rapid and shakier her voice became. He only squeezed her tighter “We’ll think of something.” he tried to assure her. “And what do you want to do? Isaac, this is not something temporary, not even the doctors in my time can do much about this! I don’t even know what’s wrong with me!”
Isaac quickly jumped in front of her and grabbed her shoulders. Robin turned her head down so she could avoid his gaze and pursed her lips. “You’re right. It won’t. I won’t ever let it get that far again.” Isaac told her quietly and firmly, drawing her into a hug.
The physicist quietly shushed her and slowly rubbed her back as she trembled in his embrace. He maybe looked composed but on the inside he was panicking. Truly, he didn’t know what to do. He would probably ask Comte or Leo, hell, even Arthur if that helped. They were certainly wiser or more suitable for this kind of problem. But he’d help however he could. Call it selfishness, but he would do anything to keep her here just a while longer.
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sareenademon · 4 years
Bi Fang and Havik create mischief together! fluffy/weird/concerning
(Btw Havik might be a lil OOC or he might not be bc he’s the biggest wildcard in the mk universe.)
Bi Fang is the son of Bi Han and Sareena: Info on him (btw Bi Fang is inspired from Richie Tozier from Stephen Kong’s It, he curses a lot)
Once Noob Saibot got redeemed and rejoined the Lin Kuei he cut ties with all of his evil associates. This included Havik. Well kinda.
They don’t consider each other enemies and Havik still considers Bi Han his bestfriend! And sometimes he’ll randomly insert himself back into his life to cause a bit of chaos. He’s more of an annoyance to Bi Han if anything.
(Bi Fang is 10 at this point. And this before he meets Satoshi and Liu Jerrod)
Years later, when Havik found out that Bi Han has a son he became curious.
So, he decided to pay the boy a visit and meet him!
For a day, he stalked Bi Fang from a far.
Havik realized how powerful Bi Fang could be. The boy shared the DNA of a cryomancer and a demon. His ice powers could be legendary. It could be powerful enough to one day kill that bastard Hotaru.
He also realized how different Bi Fang was from his father.
Unlike Bi Han, Fang has a great sense of humor! Havik finds the boy’s pranks on the other Lin Kuei members to be hilarious! But he also notices the boy’s loneliness. He sees how the other children of the Lin Kuei shunned him.
So Havik decides he should take the boy out for some good ol, chaotic fun!
He appears to him when the boy is alone hanging out in a forest.
Havik: Hello Bi Fang, I-
*Havik watches as he runs away towards the temple. He quickly teleports in front of him and grabs Bi Fang and puts a hand over his mouth to stop his screaming*
Havik: I am not here to harm you! I am here to fun with you!
Bi Fang: You do realize how fuckin creepy that sounds right?!
*Havik giggles and lets him go*
Bi Fang: Who the hell are you anyways?
Havik: I am the Cleric of Chaos! Me and your father worked together back in the day.
Bi Fang: Cleric of Chaos? You sound like a bad guy to me.
Havik: Well I wouldn’t say bad..It’s of no matter. I’m here to see if you’d like to come create some mischief with me!
Bi Fang: Why would I go anywhere with a fucking weirdo like you?!
Havik knew that the boy wouldn’t go with him this way, so he decided to use a bit of manipulation.
*Havik fakes a hurt expression, faces away from Bi Fang and starts sobbing*
Bi Fang: Hey, are you...crying?
Havik: *sniffles* I-i just hoped you’d be different is all.
Bi Fang: What do you mean?
Havik: Nobody wants to be my friend! They all think I am a freak! I thought you could understand what how it feels...to be rejected because you’re different...
*Bi Fang’s suspicious expression visibly softens*
Bi Fang: I do know how it feels...I don’t have many friends either, they all think I’m a freak too...hey I’ll be your friend, just don’t cry.
*Bi Fang hugs Havik*
Havik: Oh goodie! Now let us go have some fun!
Bi Fang: Where are we going?
Havik: Hehe, to create havoc of course!
So that’s exactly what they do. Havik teleports them to America, California where their disruption of the peace begins.
They run around pranking random people and they do every prank in the book.
They Teepee people’s houses, egg people’s cars, put a flaming bag of dog shit on someone’s front porch, put Whoopi cushions on the chairs of Starbucks, put bugs in people’s food, stink bombed stores, etc.
Havoc scares passerbys by taking his head off or breaking his knee caps or turning his torso 360 degrees. Bi Fang laughs his ass off at their freaked out people’s reactions.
They made this really buff big guy scream like a little girl and they laughed until it hurt.
Havoc was so delighted that he finally had a mini me. Bi Fang was way more fun than his killjoy father and uncle.
He would make a wonderful son and heir!
Of course, the cops were soon called on them and They soon found themselves surrounded by Stryker and Kabal, and a couple other cops.
Havik: Allow me to deal with these party poopers hehehehe.
(At this time Kabal and Stryker haven’t met Bi Fang yet and they don’t know he’s the Lin Kuei grandmaster’s son)
Bi Fang cheered him on as Havik made quick work of the squad of officers but when he went to finish off Kabal and Stryker. Bi Fang quickly intervened.
Bi Fang: Stop! You’re gonna kill them!
Havik: I know! It’s going to be so much fun to watch the life leave their eyes.
Bi Fang: ...You can’t kill them...it’s-it’s wrong!
Havik: Come now, Do not be so dull! Just think of the chaos it will cause in their loved one’s lives! Hehehe!
Bi Fang: Y-you’re starting to scare me...if you kill them...I-i won’t be your friend no more.
The chaos cleric glared at Bi fang for a couple of moments before he sighed and released the two beaten officers.
He didn’t want to run the boy off yet. He still had plans for him.
Havik: Very, well...say, all this mischief is making me hungry. Let’s go get something to eat.
*Havik takes the boy’s hand and starts pulling him away from the unconscious cops*
Bi Fang: Ya, I’m kinda hungry too, but where are we gonna eat? I don’t have any money.
Havik: Hehehe, who says we’re going to pay for the food?
So they go to a McDonald’s. All the employees look terrified of Havik and they don’t dare to stop him when he walks behind the counter and starts making a McFlurry.
Bi Fang decides to follow Havik’s suit and starts taking some chicken nuggets and fries. They run out of the McDonald’s before another group of cops can arrive.
It was getting late and Bi Fang was getting sleepy so the Chaosrealmer returned Bi Fang to his home. Before leaving Bi Fang asked if they could go have fun again tomorrow. To which Havik replied, anything for his best friend.
Once Havik disappeared, Bi Fang ran into his parents on his way to his bedroom.
Let’s just say, they weren’t too happy to learn who Bi Fang has spent the day with. Especially Bi Han, who was livid that Havik had the nerve to kidnap his child.
Bi Fang: He said you two knew each other.
Bi Han: That doesn’t mean he is someone good or trustworthy! You know you shouldn’t speak to anyone that isn’t Lin Kuei! You are to never speak to that freak again! Understand?!
Bi Fang: He’s not a freak! He’s my friend, and he likes hanging out with me! Not like you!
*Bi Han is about to scream at his son but Sareena steps in*
Sareena: Bi Fang, you do not realize how dangerous that man truly is. He is most likely trying to manipulate and use you.
*Bi Fang starts tearing up*
Bi Fang: N-no! You’re wrong! He’s like me-
Bi Han: -Enough! Go to your room! And do not come out until I say so!
Bi Fang runs to his room crying. Bi Han feels a bit regretful for upsetting him so much, but he has the Chaos Cleric to deal with first.
He, Kuai Liang, and Smoke go to the Chaosrealm and face Havik. Bi Han is on Havik’s ass before he could even greet them. Bi Han is strong enough to pin the Cleric to the ground and starts choking him.
Havik: Y-you...se-em upset...with m-me, Bi Han...
Bi Han: *growls* How dare you kidnap my son! I’ll rip out your heart!
Havik: W-as...not kidnap, h-he came willing-ACH
*Bi Han tightens his hold on Havik’s throat. Kuai steps in and pull Bi Han off of the cleric*
Kuai Liang: Why did you take him to America? What scheme are you plotting Havik? 
Havik: What schemes? I only wanted to show the boy some fun! Your child is a riot! He is the son I have always dreamed of! Hehehe!
*Bi Han lunges at Havik again but this time Havik evades him*
Smoke: You expect us to believe you did this for fun?
Havik: ....Yes. Do you really expect me to make sense?
*The 3 Lin Kuei stare him for a couple moments and then look at each other*
Bi Han: I am warning you now Chaos Cleric. If you ever go near my son again I will rip apart limb from limb, and give your remains to demons and they will torture you for the rest of eternity...
Havik: Oh Bi Han, do not threaten me with a good time. Fine, I will leave your boy alone. You have my word.
*crosses his toes in his boot*
Havik was lying of course. But it was enough to get the Lin Kuei and Bi Han to return to Earthrealm.
Havik wasn’t going to give up on Bi Fang just yet. The potential of havoc that boy could unleash was amazing. Somehow, Bi Fang will become his son, and together they will plunge the realms into chaos.
(I’m gonna end it here bc it became longer than I meant it to be. Hope you enjoyed)
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judehayward · 4 years
Tumblr media
lady gaga voice slowly fadin in: ju-Das juda-ah-ah… this depressed goblin bastard is honestly my fav male muse like i dnt typically stick w male muses tht long i struggle bt................. i’ve played him the longest of them all n always seem to return to him. jst cnt stay away. way 2 attached to this absurd little man. it’s nai btw!!!! (josefine on the main). launches right in to jude’s intro without further adieu..... (u can also find his playlist here) 🧙‍🎨
「douglas booth & cis-male」⇾ hayward , jude, the senior radcliffe student’s records show that he is a pisces and 23 years old. he is studying ART, living in moris and can be protective, laidback, nonsensical & apathetic. when i see him i am reminded of wearing a faded smiley face sticker on your forehead while receiving a serious lecture, saying “fuck off” to inanimate objects, lead marbles instead of eyes. ⇽「nai & 23 & gmt & she/her.」
he pinterest:
me in the voice of a card magician performing on the street: round up round up pick a pinterest any pinterest!
ta-da it’s aesthetics:
lead marbles instead of eyes, a stolen hearse careening down the wrong lane, wearing a faded smiley face sticker on your forehead while receiving a serious lecture, bags under the eyes that are so big they could pack enough clothes for a three week vacation, a cigarette wobbling from your bottom lip as you squint against the sunlight, passing out on a stranger’s rooftop, placing sunglasses over the eyes of a biology lab skeleton, gangling around the place like shaggy minus his scooby snacks, saying “fuck off” to inanimate objects
about tha Bitch:
born in sheffield in england, bt they went back and forth between there n san fran a lot
jude was an unhappy accident. his parents never rly used protection bc they were super Liberal n Au Naturel n believed in the pull out method bc… they were maniacs. bt then the ONE time they used a condom in an effort to b safety conscious it broke n hence…. jude was born
they just kind of ran w it bc they had such a passionate relationship tht they were like What The Hell…. may as well! itll be fine we’ll learn to be good parents n love him like normal ppl do
spoiler alert: tht didn’t work out
they were ok to him like they weren’t fully Bad bt they just found him to be a massive burden n hindrance to their plans. pretty absent n irresponsible. they literally….. had sex all day every day n acted like a pair of teenagers. it ws a super weird environment for a kid to grow up in bc he literally had no role models or… guidance or…. anything rly. occasionally they’d joke around w him or pretend they properly knew what grade he was going into but for the most part they just Didn’t Care the way parents shd. they lost his birth certificate n dnt remember what they put as his middle name so he’s jst kind of like hmmmm............. n gives himself a diff one every time ppl ask. past variations hv included: jude pauly hayward, jude maureen hayward, jude van winkle hayward. says all of these w a very straight face
despite this he does hv some nice memories w them. usually he definitely sees them fr holidays. frm being rly young their christmas tradition hs been to get a bunch of chinese food like a Banquet Feast n spend all day smoking n drinking into the early hours. perhaps not the healthiest or most responsible bt 😔 jude rly likes it it’s kind of the one time of yr he feels he has a proper family
they r both suuuuper into the arts. rly good sculptors bt they paint too n they actually own a successful gallery in sheffield n san fran
(trauma tw) as a result he grew up around a lot of creative n sometimes pretentious ppl. the friends of his parents were more present in his life than his ACTUAL parents bc they were always jetting off to diff countries to scout out new pieces fr their galleries n just have a gd time in beautiful places without…. the annoyance tht ws being responsible n looking after someone. tbh some of his parents friends were rly damaging too bt….i won’t go into that just yet. it doesn’t rly…need properly explaining bc jude never talks abt it anyway n it….is rather triggering so i’ll jst….leav it for now tbh. basically they just were Not Nice n jude had a lot of bad memories he keeps repressed bt he also??? has some gd ones..... it was a strange environment bt he’s a survivor
(death n grief tw) he hd to do community service bc he kind of… hd a bit of a breakdown before the funeral of his elderly neighbour who bsically raised him bc her kids rly didnt care abt her they jst wanted her inheritance?? so he… stole the hearse w her casket still in it n ws jst like… drivin around the place sort of… tryin nt to cry…..KJJFHSFKJGHKFG i mean. it isnt funny its actually sad bt :/ in a very bizarre n jude way. he gt caught n taken in fr questioning bt her son kind of realised hw… broken up abt her death jude ws n had a heart n didnt press charges. regardless he stil hd to do community service bc it ws like taken seriously even tho it ws his first proper offence. doin it rly exhausted n depressed him so when he wsnt doin tht he ws just hibernatin in his room……. this ws like 4 months ago nw............ just some fun lore fr u all
bc of how he ws raised he has a p cultured taste. he luvs classic lit n p much anything artsy. he can play piano 2 n sometimes gets rly high n thinks he’s mozart level gd at composing he’s jst going fking wild on the keys in a trance...... i mean he’s gd bt… chill
he’s rly sarcastic n so deadpan like he’ll say smthn completely ridiculous bt he’ll say it w his whole chest so sincere.... it’s rly hard to tell when he’s joking or serious honestly. has an overflowing secret sketchbook n if he cares abt someone he’ll probably secretly draw them. does NOT share these drawings w the person he hates being openly sentimental. at heart he is jst a very Sad Boy w lots of repressed issues like depression genuinely just does NAT giv him a single break bt he plasters over this w wise cracks n never discusses his emotions ever. he’s actually p decent or at least tries to b. he’s kind of like tht bit in superbad where michael cera gets rly drunk n makes a toast to women like tht energy...........
he has rly bad insomnia so he like never sleeps idk how he’s Alive straight up. please go to bed sir............. he always has rly sleepy eyes n rubs them tiredly mid conversation. he smokes a lot of weed to try n compensate fr this n make him tired bt he still struggles a lot
ANYWAY that aside he’s at radcliffe doing art, focusing on fine art like painting is............... the thing he luvs most...... his style is kind of.......... taking normal things n painting w surreal colours.... he likes A LOT of colour in his paintings which is kind of a stark contrast to his personality bc his world’s so.... washed out n grey............ lovs art n philosophy n literature n photography n music.... 
ummMMMMmm honestly idk i’m blankin on what else to say. ull find him smoking weed reading an american classic or gnawing at his thumbnail n getting charcoal smudges on all his clothes. wandering the streets in plaid pj bottoms n dr martens eating frm a cereal box without care in the world. he’s p broody n scruffy n he’s mostly here fr a laidback time....... doesn’t rly like when ppl take themselves too seriously........ likes strange ppl thinks the world is mde richer by them n likes when ppl can jst bounce back jokes at him without being like erm. u dont make sense mate. bc frankly he can come up w some strange stuff sometimes.............. talking to him cn b like navigating a dark n bendy road without a flashlight....... 
(drugs tw) once did shrooms n woke up naked in the woods curled up in a pile of leaves. to this day he recounts this as his werewolf transformation. hs no idea hw he ended up there n when ppl r like are u not. concerned jude. tht is so strange? he jst shrugs like.............. dunno....................... suppose i’m jst a werewolf upon occasion. so casual abt it. jst truly does Not care abt most things at all..... almost to the point tht it’s concerning (sometimes way past the point tht it’s concerning too :/)
this is the desc on an aesthetic i mde of his style once n sums it up well!! ‘additionally: too many pairs of trousers, a hideous amount of white t-shirts all somewhat stained with charcoal, a jumper so thinly knit it almost looks sheer, chipped teale nail varnish, a cream corduroy jacket with a cigarette hole singed onto the cuff, vintage wiry reading glasses he almost never wears, a freshly rolled cigarette behind his ear, a thrifted t-shirt with a warped bart simpson wearing a stethoscope with the caption ‘bard knwos cardiology’ and two crops hacked that way with kitchen scissors that he sometimes wears to paint.‘
EXPERT at rolling spliffs like jst. mkes them so precise n neat....... it’s his super power. his fav thing to smoke frm is banana flavour papers.................... linking 2 this he’s like. bad w emotions bt he does try..... once his friend (maggie) ws sad so he brought her a spliff wrapped in grape flavoured paper bc it’s her fav fruit n jst like. wordlessly gave it to her. it’s the thought tht counts.....
plays bass in a band which cld b a fun connection to get together??? i picture the music being like surf rock type like........... mac demarco...... bt he also luvs elliott smith n glass animals n the cure n metronomy n neutral milk hotel n talking heads n radiohead n mazzy star n wolf alice...................... idk jst like.... within tht ballpark i suppose i imagine it being................
mayb ppl he shares classes w?????? i’d like someone tht does a similar course n they hang out tgether when it comes to trips fr the module to museums or exhibits or wtever................ they both stand in front of paintings analysing it rly wrong n saying stuff like hmmmmmmmmm....... i do declare i see a, uh..... large phallus protruding from the centre of this image...... moves something in me.......... n some elderly person looking at it besides them is like Ergh. sickened n disgraced. leaves w a brow severely furrowed
someone he smokes w on the moris rooftop late at night when he cnt sleep??? mayb they’re up n cnt sleep either fr whtever reason n it’s become an unspoken kind of ritual where they always clamber out n find each other there n jst wordlessly keep them company
jude is kind of like. protective almost to a fault sometimes........... mayb some guy he’s punched......................... if they hurt someone he cares abt........... typically it wld hv been a girl he ws kind of like. affected by his first relationship bc she had a bad home situation n ever since jst wnts..... to Protect it’s kind of like an automatic instinct ingrained in him nw 😔 all sounds very noble n well bt sometimes it cn b a bit of an escalation i wnt lie
perhaps a few hook-ups??? jude doesn’t tend to sleep w ppl he rly knows bc he just..... likes it to b an impersonal thing doesn’t like getting attached fr various reasons so mayb they only kno each other via this OR mayb he bent his rules a bit..... cld either work seamlessly or hv added drama if one side hs mre feelings or whtever
currently living in moris w 2 roommates bt i’d love some neighbours perhaps..... mayb someone tht lives directly nxt door to his room n is like ://// bc he plays music loud n weeds always drifting frm his window n mking their room smell if theirs is open too................. or mayb they get on..... mayb there’s a rly mean seagull tht lands on a branch n poos on pedestrians n they both commentate on it frm their windows like david attenborough...... they’re like he’s at it again. they’ve named him n everything
HONESTLY anything if u have an idea hmu i’d love 2 hear it.......... rubs my hands tgether in excitement to plot up a storm w u all
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sulkybbarnes · 5 years
okay but how do you think adam spent his 19th birthday? and do ronan and he have any birthday traditions going forward? im so emotional on this fine sunday morning
Ah I’m so glad you asked bc I too am very emotional about pynch on this fine sunday morning. I think adam’s 19th birthday is one of his most memorable ones solely because it’s the first birthday he spends feeling truly happy and at ease:
on adam’s 19th birthday (and on all birthdays after that) he gets woken up by ronan peppering kisses all over his face. a swift gentle peck on his lips, another one to his cheek, his forehead, his nose, his lips again and again and again, until they’re both smiling. ronan kisses adam’s hearing ear and murmurs a “morning” closely followed by “happy birthday” and adam’s heart seizes with happiness
it usually takes them sometime to actually get out of bed on summer days (with adam’s birthday being in July) but this day is different because ronan wants them to take advantage of the entire day. he takes adam’s hand and pulls him up so they can stumble their way to the kitchen, exchanging sleepy kisses and with arms thrown around middles and shoulders; adam sleepily walking with his head kinda tucked into the crook of ronan’s neck while ronan fondly calls him a ‘lazy bastard’ 
their first birthday tradition is pancakes and waffles made from the same mix because there’s no reasoning with ronan and 
“it just looks fancier, parrish. pancakes and waffles.”
“you literally made it from the exact same batter. I saw you. using a waffle iron doesn’t change the facts.”
“doesn’t matter, babe. it’s still waffles.”
and they have them with chocolate spread and strawberries and strawberry jam and honey and maple syrup bc ronan makes enough for a small army. which is good bc opal soon joins them and she has her waffles with twigs
speaking of that, adam’s first gift of the day is a rock that’s always warm to the touch and changes colours from a deep green to translucent blue to golden brown depending on who’s holding it. opal says she found it in the woods and it reminded her of him, so adam takes it and kisses her forehead as a thank you
after breakfast, adam and ronan go out to inspect one of the barns bc ronan claims he needs help with something. adam is onto him but plays along and when they arrive it’s to one of the dreamt up pools of water scattered around the barns. except that ronan has somehow added a slide to the edge of it
ronan explains that the slide was in one of the barns already, and offhandedly says that all he had to do was clean it up and move it to the pool (as if it’s your typical afternoon activity) then tells adam to ‘give it a spin’
the resulting morning is one of laughter, water fights, and making a mess. they take turns sliding into the cool water, and then talk opal into doing it too but then have to fight her for a turn (actually adam just has to ask) once she gets into the game. they stay in the water until afternoon and get out sunburnt and joyous.
the rest of their afternoon is spent making a cake for adam’s birthday and this too becomes a tradition. ronan prepares the batter and mixes it and sets the oven to bake it and all, while adam sits to the side carefully choosing colours for the decoration with opal. there’s music playing as they all work on it, and ronan keeps glancing up at adam and grinning when he gets caught. adam hops off of his perch on the counter-top multiple times to steal kisses from ronan and wipe flour and cocoa powder off of his cheek (he just smears it more lbr)
the cake decoration is a messy affair that takes longer than anyone anticipated, and the end result is a monstrosity of colours and toppings that ronan frowns at and adam adores
ronan says “this looks like shit” and adam shakes his head with the biggest smile and tells him it’s exactly what he wanted. adam looks at the cake and says “god. I love you.”, ronan answers “you talking to me or the cake?” with a shit eating grin that only widens when adam rolls his eyes
this is followed by them sharing a long look and adam reaching up to kiss ronan until he drives home just how much he believes the cake (the day, ronan, this) to be beautiful. 
(ronan tells him he loves him back. of course he does.)
in the evening, he and ronan take a walk through the barns as they often do and ronan leads them to one of the smaller barns where he has set up a little fun fair with dumb games. there are balloons everywhere, lights, a little table with treats on it and the cake they made, and there are your usual fair games like throwing a sandbag at stacked bottles, water guns, throwing hoops and for each one of them there’s a small present ronan prepared. no matter who wins the game, adam gets the present. there are five gifts in total but they’re all pretty small things that make adam’s heart swell with happiness
there’s a mixtape titled ‘adam parrish’s nerd study time, college edition’, a tiny odd plant with a sticky note saying ‘for your dorm’ on it, a black hoodie that says ‘dreamer’ (ronan gleefully bought this one online like an asshole), a snowball with a miniature of the barns inside (inspired by this post), and finally a framed picture of the two of them in st agnes that adam is 100% sure is a dream product because he doesn’t remember the picture being taken 
adam loves each one of his gifts and pulls ronan into a tight hug after receiving the last one
“tomorrow,” ronan murmurs “we’ll meet with everyone else and have cake again. we’ll watch the fireworks they put up for you a day late.”
“these would be 4th of july fireworks, lynch”
“nope. they are ‘adam parrish turned 19 yesterday’ fireworks, parrish”
and adam just nods to this and hides his smile against ronan’s shoulder, feeling content and in love, knowing all the birthdays to come will be spent with ronan and their small family just like today and that they will all be filled with love 
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crowsent · 5 years
Tagged by: @willowaudreykeyes​
RULES: Answer these 20 questions and tag 20 other bloggers you want to get to know better IF YOU WANT TO
fair warning i came back from a really really fun night. its 8am and im still sleepy as shit so
1. Name: Salt, LOSAS, or Crownonumous. not my name technically but its what im called here
2. Nicknames: NaCl, Crow-senpai (by someone on ao3 and i want you to know random commenter that the nickname is a one-shot kill. i mcfucking lost my marbles when i read that)
3. Zodiac Sign: gemini
4. Height: 5"0 even
5. Languages: in order of proficiency; tagalog, english, japanese (cant read tho), castilian spanish, french (cant pronounce it for shit tho), several others im not fluent enough to mention 
6. Nationality: asian. specifically filipino-chinese 50-50
7. Favourite Season: winter. i live in texas so its hot as balls here. ill take whatever coldness i can get
8. Favourite Flower: tie between gumamelas and sampaguitas. dunno the english name for these
9. Favourite Scent: my father burns incense. the kind found in buddhist temples with a little smokey tang to it. its not smokey enough to trigger my panic response so im like it. also fond of the smell of tea, specifically jasmine
10. Favourite Colour: navy blue
11. Favourite Animal: fav is C. macrorhynchos but only by a margin bc A. hispida is a close second. honestly i think i only like C. macrorhynchos more is bc i used to see em a lot. they are adorable babies and im sad that there arent any in america. the closest animal i get here is C. brachyrhynchos which is similar, but not quite the same. i have never seen A. hispida in person but holy shit they are v beautiful
12. Favourite Fictional Character(s): cant do that. im a fickle and capricious bastard. i dont know
13. Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: hot tea with 1 tsp of honey. we have actual tea leaves in a cannister to brew. i think the ones we have rn are oolong and two different kinds of green tea
14. Average Sleep Hours: if you mean “what time do you sleep” the answer is whenever my brain gets tired bc its a heartless bitch who has never heard of consistency. if you mean “how long do you sleep” the answer is anywhere from 2 hours to 37 hours. it depends. i can function with 2 hr sleep. i can also still feel tired after 37 hours. i dont want to do math so dunno what the “average” of that is
15. Dog or cat person: i like cats more, but ive only ever had dogs. if given the choice for a pet tho id go with a snake. thamnophis or lampropeltis probably. they are ADORABLE
16. Number of Blankets You Sleep With: i dont have a blanket. i have a bedsheet i use as a blanket. bc i overheat too much
17. Dream Trip: i dont like traveling much. i hate planes, and i hate airport security even more bc they take one look at my brown ass and decide to random check me every time and that kickstarts my anxiety something fierce. but like. i wouldnt say no to a trip to the zigong museum
18. Blog Established: for my main, it was late 2018. for my side mid 2019.
19. Followers: main and side have different follower counts so
20. Random Fact: i am a pathological liar. i cannot change this. feel free to ask me if im lying to you bc *i do not notice when i lie* and i will not be offended if you ask me if im bullshitting you but thats a well known fact about me so if you want something weirder and less-known, i took art as an elective in highschool.
my teacher during 3rd and 4th year of highschool was a really chill man and a great teacher who let me submit digital artwork if our assignment allowed it. one of the digital art i turned in was of 2 visibly feminine figures dancing. romantically. its a waltz. i drew two lesbians waltzing. teacher printed it out bc he was required to, and he returned it to me when the school year was done. we have that lesbian painting in our home. my mother hung that lesbian painting in our foyer. she said that they ‘seemed like good friends’ when she hung it up and i still havent recovered from that.
das it. im done. again, yaint obligated to do this if yall dont wan
@yalltookmyurlideas @elvis-has-been-dug @vicdehart @lastvalyrian @heyhelloitsk @terra-toma @omgsomeonesomewhereonearth @ollyollyoxinfree @power-in-plain-sight @starwarsdestroyedme @deceit-propaganda
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kagehinataboke · 5 years
todobaku roommates au bc i loved the one you wrote!!! with with with erotic dreams (better if it's todoroki having them bc BAHAHA i. i'd just love to see that.)
aww thank you hon 😭💕 asketh and you shall receiveth!
tdbk: [12] Roommates AU and [88] Erotic Dreams
i went for the Bakugou route with the dreams, only because i wanted to have him chat w/ Kirishima about it. forgive me anon 🙏🏻
“You had… a wet dream?” From the look on Kirishima’s face, Bakugou can tell he’s holding back laughter.
“Shut the fuck up, Shitty Hair.” Bakugou half-rises from his seat, prepared to leave—and perhaps run straight into oncoming traffic. “Dammit. I knew I shouldn’t have fucking told you.”
“Hey, I didn’t even say anything yet!” Kirishima holds his hands up innocently. “I just needed to process it… Who was the dream about?”
Bakugou sits back down hesitantly, taking a sip of black coffee to calm his nerves. “…Todoroki.”
Kaminari snorts into his hot chocolate, spilling it across the café table. “Wait, the one who has a stupid expression all the time? The one who stays up late every night and never gets tired? The one you’re constantly saying you can’t stand? That Todoroki? Your roommate Todoroki?”
“Keep your fucking voice down,” Bakugou hisses, shoving napkins into Kirishima’s hands. “Yes, that Todoroki. And now I can’t stop thinking about it. I want to scrub my brain with bleach. And if that doesn’t work, I want to kill myself.” Bakugou slams his head against the table, rattling their mugs. “My roommate. How can I look him in the eyes now?”
“Do you think you like him?” Kirishima asks, sopping up his spilled cocoa. “From a bystander point-of-view, it’s really impossible to tell whether you like or hate someone.”
“I don’t know,” Bakugou groans, rubbing his palms into his eyelids. “I thought I hated him, but now I get all… weird whenever I see him. I feel like such a fucking creep. The guy sleeps ten feet away from me.”
“This isn’t the end of the world.” Kirishima dumps the gross wet napkins on his plate and picks up his cup. “It sounds like you’re overreacting a little. Your subconscious messes up everything in your dreams, dude. This could be a one-time thing.”
Bakugou fidgets with his empty mug anxiously. “…You think?”
“Absolutely!” Kirishima claps him on the shoulder reassuringly. “Just try to forget about it. I’m sure things will be back to normal in no time.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right.”
Bakugou says it to convince himself more than anything. It’s not uncommon to have totally weird dreams, right? That one time, he dreamed the moon was blown up, and that didn’t really happen. Dreams are stupid, and this one doesn’t mean anything. He’ll look at Todoroki when he gets back, and he’ll feel nothing—no tightness in his chest, no butterflies in his stomach—because that’s the way it’s supposed to be.
He feels a bit better already.
Hah, Katsuki— N-not there… Ah!
Bakugou jerks awake in an ice-cold sweat, his back on the hardwood floor and his legs straight up in the air. Jesus fucking Christ. It happened again. Thank god Todoroki has already left for his morning class, or he’d see what else—other than Bakugou’s legs—is sticking up.
He’s a pervert, isn’t he? While he’s getting dressed, and even after he leaves the dorm, Bakugou can’t get the eerily vivid mental image out of his head. Todoroki covered in sweat, his hair blossoming across Bakugou’s pillowcase, gasping out his name, begging for—
Oh shit, he actually likes thinking about it. What the fuck? Is he really a creep? Fantasizing about his roommate, who’s, for one, a guy. Sure, he’s hotter than asphalt in the summer, but his personality is terrible. On top of that, he’s about as erotic in his everyday life as a limp noodle or a piece of driftwood. Yesterday he wore ripped jeans and a purple argyle sweater, for fuck’s sake.
Well… okay, so maybe he looks pretty good while sleeping, or eating, or exercising, or— Okay, no. That’s a doomed train of thought. But Bakugou is doomed. He’s had multiple, amazingly explicit sexual dreams about his roommate. That’s gotta be the most ‘doomed’ things can get.
“Fuck,” Bakugou says aloud, startling several people in the train around him. He finishes the thought in his head to keep from fortifying his delinquent image: I’m so totally, completely, exquisitely fucked.
And it’s true. Bakugou has been denying it for a while, as he’s so skilled at doing, but it’s true. Todoroki’s sleepy, stumbling walk in the mornings. The way his hair falls in his eyes when he bends over a textbook. How he doesn’t know how achingly gorgeous he is—but he must know, because no fucking way does someone so hot not know they’re male-model material.
Bakugou’s hand nearly fractures when he smashes it against the train railing. So much for not supporting his ’probably in the mafia’ rep. There’s nothing else to take his anger out on, though. If he goes to class, he’ll probably end up breaking a computer over someone’s head. Jesus, if he sees that bastard’s face right now, he’ll probably—
“Christ— Don’t sneak up on people like that.” Bakugou lets out a tense breath before smacking Kaminari on the back of the head. “I thought you were… someone else.”
“Who? Like Todoro— OW!” Kaminari rubs his arm defensively.
“Kirishima told you, didn’t he?” Bakugou demands, lowering his voice when nearby people glare at him. “Tell me what you know or I’ll fucking kill you.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Seriously.” Kaminari gives him a confused look. “What’s up with you lately, dude?”
It doesn’t sound convincing in the least, and Bakugou has to think about it for a while. Why doesn’t it sound convincing? He’s been running around in his own thoughts ever since that damn dream, and now he’s slamming up against a brick wall. Maybe it’s time to look at things from a different angle.
Spending all day sitting on a park bench thinking about his sexuality is the absolute last thing Bakugou ever thought he’d do, but here he is. He’s able to pick out two distinct things from the jigsaw puzzle of his thoughts. 1.) He’s probably in love with Todoroki Shouto. That one’s easy to conclude, what with the dreams and the unintentional staring and all. 2.) He needs to confess said love, before he exposes himself.
Number two is the one he’s getting stuck on. How does one go about confessing their love for their roommate? He could probably turn to TV dramas or manga to find out, or maybe those shitty fanfiction Mina is always reading. Who is he kidding, though? He’s just going to blurt it out, in acquiescence of his typical act-before-you-think behavior.
Bakugou’s been rehearsing the confession in his head with every step taken towards the dorm. So far, the possible outcomes are giving him ghostly pains in his groin, where Todoroki will inevitably kick him. Maybe he should prepare some ice in advance, just to be safe.
Fuck, he’s here already? He was hoping he’d accidentally get lost while deep in thought. No such luck. It’s time to buck up or shut up, as Kirishima would say.
Bakugou raises his fist to knock before realizing that he lives here too, obviously. He must be more nervous than he thought. It takes him four tries to get the door unlocked, his hands are shaking so bad.
Todoroki is sitting at his desk, chin resting in his hand. The sleeve of his sweatshirt is slipping down his arm, revealing a sliver of tantalizing pale wrist. God, his wrists are so fucking small, Bakugou is sure his fingers would touch if he grabbed one. But priorities: he’s on a mission right now. Still, he can’t help but notice the way Todoroki’s hair falls into his face, and the soft curve of his lips as he mutters to himself, and— Fuck.
“I’m in love with you!” spews out of Bakugou’s mouth faster than his subconscious can scream No!
Todoroki jumps, whacking his forehead into his desk lamp. While he’s recovering, Bakugou fights the overwhelming urge to jump out the nearest window. It would be pointless: they’re only on the second floor, so it wouldn’t even kill him. Fuck, he’s such an idiot. With any luck, maybe Todoroki didn’t hear him.
“Did you just… confess to me?” Todoroki looks at him with his wide, stormy eyes, a rosy blush blossoming across his sharp cheekbones, and Bakugou’s heart explodes.
Okay, so the bastard definitely heard him. What‘s his next move? Be direct? Act like it was a joke? Pretend to faint? Fuck, why’d he have to go and open his damn mouth? Why’d he have to fall in love with Todoroki, out of all the people in the world? Todoroki, who’s standing up now, still staring at him, blushing, beautiful, waiting for an answer.
Bakugou’s throat has gone dry. He’s in love with him. He’s in love with him, and it’s about damn time he did something about it. Since when has he been the type of person to get nervous about something like this? He’s Bakugou fucking Katsuki, and he’s in love with his pretty, annoying dipshit of a roommate.
“I’m… in love with you,” Bakugou repeats. It’s not exactly gentle, but it feels gentle, like a softly plucked harp string resonating in the air between them. “I’m in love with you,” he says again, more firmly. “I think I probably have been for a while, and I just thought I’d tell you. So, yeah.”
Todoroki stares at him, his expression unreadable, eyes wide, lips parted, face flushed. He looks like a watercolor painting, all soft lines and bleeding colors. Fuck, he’s just so… ethereal. Bakugou can’t believe he didn’t realize he was in love with him sooner.
“I… don’t really know what to say,” Todoroki murmurs eventually. He swallows, and Bakugou’s eyes trace the tantalizing bob of his throat before flicking back to his face.
“You don’t have to like me back or anything. I just had to tell you before I lost my fucking mind. If you want to beat me up, or ask to switch rooms—“
“No,” Todoroki interrupts quickly, taking another step closer to him. “I mean… No, I don’t want to beat you up. Or switch rooms. I— I just wasn’t expecting this.” He catches his bottom lip between his teeth in a way that nearly gives Bakugou an out-of-body experience. “I can’t tell if I’m in love with you, but I… I do think I like you.”
“You do?” Bakugou croaks. He was forgetting to breathe. “I mean… Really? You’re being serious?”
Todoroki nods, his hair falling into his face when he lowers his head shyly. “I’ve never really… been in love before. I’m not sure how you tell, but I know that I can’t stop thinking about you.”
Oh, God. Is this real? Bakugou’s heart is nearly impaling itself against his rib-cage. He sincerely hopes this isn’t a dream. But if it is, they’d probably be fucking already, so it’s a good sign that Todoroki still has his clothes on.
“Then, should I…” Bakugou swallows thickly. He’s almost afraid to ask. “I mean, can I… kiss you?”
Todoroki’s hesitant nod shatters the world into spiraling shards of multicolored glass. His timid, soft, “Okay,” sends the pieces shooting into the stratosphere.
Bakugou thought he would be impatient when given this opportunity, but his limbs move in slow motion. His hands slide down Todoroki’s arm to his slim wrist, fingertips pressing against his hammering pulse.
He’s never kissed anyone before, but it doesn’t look that complicated. He’s seen enough movies to know how to start. He slips his hand around Todoroki’s neck. His pulse is hammering against his throat, too, and when Bakugou pulls him closer, he can almost feel it against his lips.
The kiss is slow at first, barely a touch. God, Todoroki’s mouth is soft. Are lips allowed to be this soft?
Todoroki makes a soft sound in the back of his throat, and Bakugou feels it vibrating in every single one of his pores. He pushes further, slipping his tongue across Todoroki’s upper lip, catching the bottom between his teeth. He makes that desperate sound again, fingers tangling in Bakugou’s T-shirt.
Kissing never looked all that appealing when he sneered at it on the train or at the park, and Bakugou can’t believe he thought that up until now. There’s fireworks exploding in his synapses, spreading warmth to every part of him all at once. When he slips his tongue in Todoroki’s mouth, the warmth turns to a raging fire boiling beneath his skin.
He forgot about his hands, but now he uses them to pull Todoroki even closer, closer. He’s breathing into Bakugou’s mouth, or maybe stealing air from him, his eyelashes fluttering against his cheek like moth wings. His own tongue slides across Bakugou’s, tentatively, but with a purpose.
Fuck. Fuck. He’s losing his mind. How do you breathe, again? The last thing he wants to do is stop kissing Todoroki, but he needs to take in air or he’ll pass out.
They part, and Bakugou covers his lips, which still taste of Todoroki. His other hand is still on Todoroki’s waist, displacing his shirt to show a sliver of pale skin. “Does…” He lets out a weak exhale, forcing his brain to work again. “Does that help answer your question?”
With Todoroki’s speechless, idiotic nod, Bakugou’s heart is displaced again. Pieces of it go floating through his bloodstream, settling in the places Todoroki is touching him. One hand sliding up his arm, under his sleeve, the other tangled in the hair at the nape of his neck.
Fuck, this is so much better than a dream.
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beetlebop · 5 years
Numbers 1 and 12 for the love tropes meme~? For the OG Juice man!
f/o love tropes asks
Aborted Declaration of Love: How long did it take for you to finally confess to your F/O? How did it go? Were there several attempts, or was it just The One?
it took fucking forever for me to confess to him cause I’m a big nervous baby. i work myself to do it numerous times and chicken out every single time cause I’m scared. I get a lot of pep talks from ghost mom and dad they mean well but I’m so fucking nervous about it that whatever they told me just goes right out the window. I honestly probably confessed on accident like he made me laugh and something and I just smile at him and go “god I love you” and he just whips his head around really fast at that and just stares at me. It takes a minute but I finally realize what I said and get really embarrassed and flustered and just go “I have to go” and go out of the room super fast and lock myself in the bathroom and just cover my face in my hands and scream cause I just said what I’d been hiding for months. he for sure follows cause he’s not about to not have an answer why. he’s thrown for a loop sure but he’s also super smug about it. he ignores the locked door and pops up inside finding my embarrassed ass and I’m like fuck this is the worst possible thing and immediately start word vomiting all over the place like it’s ok if he doesn’t feel the same way it just slipped out and he probably didn’t like a silly little breather like me anyways and he just zips my mouth closed literally and goes “babes why do you think i even bothered to stay around this shithole? sure stirring up shit for the Maitlands and deetz is fun and all but I stayed for you.” and oops there I go I’m crying and he doesn’t know what to do except unzip my mouth and look away awkwardly and I just hop up and immediately rush to hug him
Accidental Hand Hold: When did you first hold hands with your F/O?
Lydia probably put on a scary movie to watch and forces me to watch with her and keatlejuice just tags along cause he likes making fun of breather movies tbh and me being the scardy cat i am I probably unconsciously reach out and hold his hand. hes fucking confused as all hell cause he’s way scarier than anything in this damn movie and yet I’m holding his hand as if my life depended on it. he’s not complaining though. nope not one bit.
After-Action Patch-Up: How does your F/O react when they see you got hurt? How do they tend to your injury?
oof boy if he ever sees that I’m hurt he’s immediately pissed the fuck off and ready to find whoever did it and send them to a worse fate than death. spoiler alert: it was me most of the time. once he calms down he definitely goes and grabs shit outta the bathroom cabinet and cleans my wounds and put band-aids on them. I just hold out my wounded area and go “kiss it better?” and he grumbles but totally does it. it’s only cause I asked not that he wanted to do that
Almost Kiss: What was your first kiss with your F/O like?
It wasn’t anything special just mostly him sliding up to where I was grabbing my waist and dipping my down and planting a big old smooch on my lips and I’m so frazzled I don’t kiss him back and he sets me back on my feet with a grin and starts to walk away and I just reach forward and grab his arm and he turns back at me with a brow quirked, grin still on his face, and I lean up to kiss him on the mouth which he returns obviously
Beautiful Dreamer: Who’s usually the first to fall asleep while the other stares and admires?
I always fall asleep first once it gets late enough or I just get sleepy. I always end up falling asleep on him on top of him an he just lazily runs his fingers through my hair with the most loving smile watching me sleep. Lydia has pictures of these little encounters and he wants to burn them cause he ain’t soft no matter what she says.
Bodyguard Crush: How does your F/O make you feel safe?
Makes sure if we are in public to just generally touch me maybe a hand snaked around my waist pulling me next to him, ready to fight / murder anyone that even dares to look at me or make me uncomfortable. if I’m scared he lets me snuggle into him arm draped across me drawing patterns into my back. just like being around?? something about his whole presence makes me feel super safe.
Caught In The Rain: How does your F/O react if a sudden rainstorm interrupts your date with them?
gets really grumpy and angry for sure ready to 100% fight the weather and / or that stupid breather weather man for getting the weather wrong but that all stops once I start yawning and I lean forward rest my head on his shoulder. eh maybe that’ll get done later, much later
Grow Old With Me: How long have you and your F/O been together?
if we are talking real time? it’s about 8 years it’s been a really long time time for me and him honestly
Laugh Of Love: What are some things your F/O does to make you laugh?
cracking jokes! complete with references and costume changes! definitely pulls out the sexually charged jokes once he knows that I laugh at those too. just yells out curses sometimes and it just gets me so tickled I snort, “gosh babes you’re making me fall to pieces with how hot you look” cue him actually falling apart and me crying from laughing so hard, scares people cause it always, always makes me laugh and he loves that.
Love Epiphany: When and how did you realize you loved your F/O? When and how did they realize they loved you?
I probably figured it out once I realized I was constantly staring at him way too long and getting caught every single time and he just winks at me going “like what’cha see, baby?” and I get embarrassed and almost blurt out that I do and I’m like fuck shit oh no fuck I love him shit for him he’d probably have to be beat over the head by barb and Adam about it and he’d deny it rambling that “he doesn’t like breathers especially ones not cute little pretty ones who laugh at his jokes and has a fuckin cute laugh. it’s not like he’s thought about kissing her — he means breathers — all the time and he definitely hasn’t thought about wanting to fuck her senseless definitely not.” and oops did he confess yes. but fuck you.
Marry For Love: Are you and your F/O married? If so, how was the wedding like? If you aren’t, do you plan on getting married, and if so, how would you like it to be like?
listen I have stated before that I would 1000% get over my commitment issues for this fool but that being said it’s gunna take a lot for me to actually agree. he’s been trying boy has he been trying. I do call him my husband off hand sometimes and he just goes “wanna make it official then, babes?” and maybe one day I’m just like “yes” and he’s already prepared for my whole “yes but not right now” speech and he’s thrown off for a second but he so genuinely happy because he’s been trying to marry me for ages. the wedding wasn’t anything big he took over the house again for it though and insisted that I’d wear the dress he made me with his powers — he wasn’t about to let his girl go wear some dumb old breather dress. he totally wears the same suit he did during lydia’s wedding cause that’s all he has and my dress is obviously a black and white motif. Barbara and Lydia did my makeup and he actually bought stole a ring — it’s a tarnished sliver ring with a emerald in the middle
Post-Kiss Catatonia: How did you and your F/O react to your first kiss together?
I was a fucking mess and couldn’t think straight bc holy shit we’re kissing we’re kissing we’re kissi—
he on the other hand hand been wanting to do this since day one and is really happy he did it especially after I decided to kiss him back. he’s smug about the whole thing but also he has the most zonked out look on his face the fucking sappy bastard. he decides right then and there he likes kissing me so he’s going to do it any chance he gets.
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