#this is Brendan and he sucks <3
crowcollectorarts · 2 months
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My friend’s Toreador for their birthday a month back :)
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gothushi · 5 months
imagine being subby with Simon, you just let him pound into you and fill your overstimulated cunt with his cum over and over again until you are both messes<3
this can either go two ways. ur both deep in a subby mood, pawing at each other till u tumble onto the bed, both whining and sniffling and whimpering as u touch each other. he’ll slide in and try to let u adjust but he starts saying sorry he can’t help it and fucks into u hard, desperate, mouthing at ur tits and nipples until the mounds are covered in hickies and bite marks. he cums the first time and just keeps going, thrusting more erratically, gasping, “need to– to cum again. wanna keep filling u!” so he does just that. whenever u orgasm u can’t even catch a break to breathe because he just keeps going messily grinding, flushing at the lewd slick noises ur bodies are making, cum dripping around his cock and down his balls making a big mess on the duvet that he promises he’ll clean up. when his cock is finally satisfied, he slides down to lick up the mess, teeth scraping against ur clit before sucking lightly while his eyes roll back
OR.. or.. hear me out
brendan has him pissed the fuck off so he comes home all pent up, shoving u over the nearest surface. couch, bed, counter, shower wall, torturing u with his fingers for a couple minutes before fucking into u quick, groaning in ur ear, telling u to be still, take it, his hands grabbing at ur flesh so tightly he’ll leave bruises to be seen the next morning. he doesn’t care if u cum once actually, not now, whilst he grinds in to dump load after load into u, getting his energy and anger out through orgasm. smacks ur clit when u whine at him, uses a couple fingers to rub at it when ur begging to please cum. he’ll bite at ur neck, licking over the mark as u cry out and whine that it’s too much and he’s gotta convince u to take more, “one more baby, easy” “lemme cum in u again, c’mon.. good that’s it” “shh shh shh,”
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kob131 · 1 month
Lily Orchard and Pokemon: Gen 3
Okay I'm gonna try to keep these shorter. But to be fair- Lily is going to start belly aching in Gen 4 beyond so I might have more to cover.
"Brendan misogynyist because he assume Gym Leader kid guy!"
Lily's, he's fucking ten. I don't even think you CAN be sexist at that age because I don't think your brain is developed enough to form complex thoughts or beliefs. Also that is LITERALLY the one time he mentions it.
"I like Brendan because he's not trying super hard to be friend or be rude!"
Again, Lily. You misread Blue who does nothing but slag you off and throw tantrums. Your view on story elements is so thoroughly tainted they can't be taken seriously.
"Brendan's salty when he loses!"
Huh, he actually kind of is. I never noticed that. I guess Brendan has about a quarter of a character. ... What, more than what May or anyone in Gen 6 got.
Still doesn't raise him above 'one of the worst rivals in Pokemon.' Also, good job Lily. You actually showed me something new. Took you only...50 minutes...
*Another captialism dig*
We get it Lily- You long to be locked into a gulag and then shot by a firing squad. Move on.
"What is it about Rock that makes it good for a first time Gym?"
That's the kind of thing a retrospective is supposed to SOLVE, Lily. You're supposed to be asking yourself 'Why did the developers choose to do this at this point instead of something else?' But so far, your video has been nothing but you either belly aching or you making half baked jokes.
Anyway- Rock is chosen to encourage the player to diversify their moveset as Rock resists Normal, the most common attacking type in the early game, as well as all of them being physically defensive, which counters most attacks in the early game as Physical Normal moves. It's also weak to Grass and Water, encouraging the player to experiment and understand type matchups better. The Fire problem is solved by either slapping the Fighting type onto the starter or giving it a Steel move in the case of FR/LG.
"Match Call is stupid! Before you could refuse everyone's numbers but now they get forcibly added and they bother you all the time!"
It's called 'world building' Lily. They call to make them feel like real people.
"The Macho Brace is dumb in the main game because you can't control what you fight in the main game so all your Pokemon become worse faster!"
... What?
First off- Wouldn't that make the Macho Brace a competitive focused item? Thus there being no real reason to bring it up?
Second- Yes, you can control what you fight. Go fight wild Pokemon with the Macho Brace. They'll give you the proper EVs if you care THAT much.
Third- EVs...can't make your Pokemon worse. They can be wasted but they are only ever buffs. And you don't need perfect EVs for the main game. Try proofreading.
"Team Magma/Aqua are good because you don't encounter them that often so they can concoct their plans!"
Lily, you just got done explaining why Maxie (and by extension, Archie in Sapphire) is a fucking moron for trying to erupt a volcano which would kill INNUMERABLE PEOPLE just to make land (or water) for Pokemon. (She says it's for people.)
By definition, they are not good just because there is less of them and thus they can make plans. It just means they have less time to fail those stupid plans.
"The Lavaridge Gym sucks because you have to navigate mud titles and which ones transport you and which ones are trainers are up to fate to decide!"
... Lily. If there are two titles right next to each other that seem to be blocking off more, distant titles that correspond to ones from above- they're probably trainers. Its very obvious which ones are trainers.
I found this out when I was EIGHT.
"Flannery stammers her intro which is dumb!"
Her character is that she's a newbie Gym Leader uncertain of what to do.
Story telling, Lily. A key feature of RPGs. Engage with it.
"Gardevoir broken because Special bulk and Calm Mind!"
A. This is a game for children Lily. Numerous Pokemon can sweep Gym Leaders.
And B. Fun Fact Lily- Most offensive Pokemon prefer high Speed over high bulk since cries are a thing. So if a bulky Psychic is broken, guess how monstrous a Psychic with say...10 extra Sp.ATK, 20 SP.Def and a HUGE increase in Speed would be.
... Oh right, that's GEN 1 ALAKAZAM. The same Pokemon you mocked as 'not being that strong'. Contradicting yourself AGAIN Lily.
"Hoenn has too many water routes, which are boring and annoying-"
Hub, I actually agree-
"-but everyone mock IGN!"
And there it is.
Lily, people mocked IGN both as a joke abd because they gave Ruby and Sapphire, objectively worse games, a 9.5.
"No one ever talks about how Pokemon uses music! They use good themes for the legendaries causing peoples in Ruby and Sapphire but not Emerald! Certainly not BW where N is fucking stupid or Zinna's theme is intense but not battle! The remakes ruined them!"
A- People bring up how Pokemon uses music all the damn time. The Area Zero theme was dissected for giving an atmosphere of entering a new world, unknown and dangerous waters and something completely foreign to everywhere else you went.
B-Lily, the remakes simply had cleaner OSTs. They sound very much the same. You even admit this as you call Omega Ruby's OST for Groudon 'like trying to escape a star going supernova'. A supernova. A term synomous with IMMENSE, INCONCIEVABLE HEAT.
and C-Ignoring N where you just go 'N bad!'- Zinnia's theme is intense because you're facing a Dragon Specialist, using a VERY dangerous Type of Pokemon, before rocketing into space to destroy a meteor threatening to kill everyone.
"Team Aqua and Magma aged well because they're charming! Not like other villains who just spout off philosophy!"
We get it, Lily. You don't pay attention.
Doesn't change the fact that you admitted that these one-note caricatures are so fucking stupid they didn't know fucking with primordial gods would cause issues. Or that exploding a volcano is BAD. That's bad writing Lily. You are praising bad writing.
"Why did you change Wally's Gardevoir to a Gallade? YOU MADEIT EASIER, SEXISTS!"
... Because they wanted to promote Mega Gallade. And they both represent Wally growing from a shy, insecure kid to a confident ACTUAL rival.
Gallade was made because it's a fucking knight guarding a lady, moving on.
"I was pleasantly surprised by Gen 3-"
Not surprised one of the blandest Gens got your approval, Lily. Considering your response to any game that tries to have any kind of ambition is to get pissy.
Well, let's go check Sinnoh.
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hecateisalesbian · 1 year
things that have been said in theatre today (so far)
“Reginas Booty, now in Family Size”
“Kiingggg Julian I looveeee you” *said in the bathroom*
“KING JULIAN! Open the, open the door please, I only want to suck on your toeeessss”
“Can you like- eat the spaghetti out of his hand?”
“For the sake of THEATRE. I will have my butt smacked” *ensue cheering*
*smacks butt* “YIPE!!!” *tom and Jerry style*
*holding an empty microphone stand on two of its three legs* “this is Brendan. He’s a male. You can tell because” *gestures to the third leg that’s in the air”
*holding the microphone stand on all three of its legs* “This. Is brenda. She is a female.” “Females have 3 legs?” “Yes. Females have three legs”
*three people come running back stage* “Is our rat back here?? OMG YOU HAVE IT! Thank you!” *runs back*
“Ba da buh ba baaaa” *mcdonalds theme*
“WHY ARE YOU EATING A BANANA LIKE THAT YOU WEIRDO?” “You should be less judge mental of how people eat their food” “HES EATING IT SIDEWAYS?!?”
*from the backstage hallway, in the dark* “hehehehee” *moments later crawling on the ground* “chika dika haaaaaa”
*with the stand again* “You know Bisexual David right?” *adjust the stand so that all three legs are spread apart touching the floor* “This is 3D Steve. You can figure that out for yourself.” *puts the stand upside down* “Oh. And this is Charlie. You can figure this out for yourself too. Because I have no idea.” *adjusts stand to make it taller* “See, this is how tall Brendan is. And Brenda. But Steve.” *shortens stand* “His inches went to somewhere else obviously. His Legs.”
“Omg guys this is so Scurry [scary]”
*backstage dialogue* “HAHA!” “AGGHHHHHHHHHH”
“Ghursts. R. Scurry”
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crystalelemental · 1 year
Unit Teambuilding - Burgh
Oh god I never talked about Burgh.  Now I have to.  Fine, here’s your review: this should’ve been Lusamine, she was legitimately worse off.
General Overview Burgh got a grid expansion!  Lucky him!  I can’t keep up the hype; listen, Burgh was already actually good.  150% sync multipliers, and a 60% debuff rate to special defense was good.  It’s not great, but it’s good.  Burgh didn’t need the help that much.  But he got is, and it’s Furious Brain.  That’s a nice move multiplier.  He also got Hit and Heal?  Sure, it’s not necessary, but it’s not bad.  But it’s the other traits that hurt.
Superduper Effective 3 is nice but only on-type, and in the era of Gauntlet and High Score, on-type matters less than ever.  Critical Eye would be fantastic, if it weren’t appended to his trainer move, which offers him zero multipliers.  They really couldn’t give him buffing compression on par with pairs like Blue and Ethan?  They weren’t even doing well, and somehow Burgh is doing worse.
Burgh remains good but messy.  His sync is a selling point as a Striker, and his DPS gets a bit better.  But a lot of the utility a grid expansion could provide went to unneeded tools, or to the wrong spots.  So I come away from this expansion feeling...not great.
EX? Given that he’s a Striker with a good sync, I’d say it’s warranted.  Not necessary, since his main focus is beating up Azelf, but it’s nice.
Team 1: Burgh, Lucian, SC Jasmine Burgh will still want as much help with self-setup as possible, and SC Jasmine is a reasonable solution, especially when backed by Lucian.  Lucian’s debuffs perfectly complement her strengths, while feeding in to Burgh’s main sync multiplier.
Team 2: Burgh, SS Morty, SS Hilbert/P!Dawn Alternatively, Burgh can roll with Sun for full sync multipliers, and...actually just better DPS thanks to Charging Sun.  SS Morty is the man of the hour as usual, while SS Hilbert of P!Dawn can serve as debuffing support.  Hilbert can participate in Dual Strike when he’s done with the debuffing.
Team 3: Burgh, SS Brendan, SC Ingo If you want Zone, you really want SS Brendan on board for the rapid Sp Def debuffing.  Ingo is...I mean the Zone is nice, but he doesn’t really do enough for specially inclined Bugs.  You want to talk a type that could use a Field pair, let’s talk about Bug.
Final Thoughts I think Burgh is fine, if high demand.  Sun is a major factor in DPS and sync, but it’s not always reasonable to apply.  His self-setup is really bad, and the only effective solutions tend to be premium.  Interestingly, having looked at his kit, I really think Burgh could’ve done better with just...Critical Eye on X Sp Atk like Ethan.  Similar setup, solves a lot of his own issues.  Outside of that, Burgh feels...clunky.  I know we all joke about how Poison types are bad, and DeNA doesn’t like Poison types, but can we start acknowledging that Bug also sucks ass?  I would really like it if we could acknowledge Bug as sucking ass, and maybe get them some good tools.  Battle Mansion Viola alt with Vivillon?  Bugsy and Gigantamax Butterfree?  Barry and Mega Heracross?  Like come on, we have some options here, just make it happen.  And so help me god if you say Variety Scout I’m breaking into your house.
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thefrogdalorian · 10 months
So the thing is…in season one the stuntmen and Pedro were seamless in their transitions. We know he filmed a few seasons in season 1
Season 2 was mostly him, and it was perfect
Season 3 was crap…the body language vs dialogue was so disjointed. You could tell it wasn’t him. It lacked, I’m sorry.
If Pedro thinks wearing the Mando suit sucks, wait till he’s gotta wear spandex. He can be locked in an iron clad contract, it still doesn’t change how him doing just voice work isn’t the same.
And don’t even bring up Vadar, he bearly moved. Din is so animated when it’s Pedro vs his doubles.
i can see what you mean but i don't think season 3 was entirely terrible in that way, personally. i don't think there's too much difference to season 1, which i just finished rewatching! you can definitely tell something is different from s2 but there were still a lot of classic din movements i loved in there. i love the way he leans on the tree and pushes himself off in ch17 for one, that's just the first thing to spring to mind.
but i hear you and i don't think anyone who loves the show a great deal and pays attention would disagree with you in saying that it wasn't as good as season two in terms of din's movements and physical characterisation. at the end of the day, unfortunately, it's the best we're going to get from now on and i personally don't want to waste energy on getting upset about it. it's sad but pedro isn't going to come back to be din full time so we just have to enjoy what we have. is it as good? no. is it still good overall? for me, yes. i think it's obvious there's a lot of time and effort put into making mando, they really do care about what they make.
i don't know how his costume for fantastic four would work, but i guess it's a bit different than the heavy armour he would've been wearing and moving in for season 2. no doubt his age and physical limitations would be taken into consideration before casting a role like that. if pedro says he couldn't handle mando, i believe him. it seems like he had a great time on set and everyone enjoyed working with him despite the nasty rumours.
i would never compare din and vader in terms of physicality but it just shows that star wars has a track record of casting iconic voices for helmeted figures. din wouldn't be the character he is if it was just pedro behind the helmet, the physicality and stunts brendan & lateef bring make him the complete character. but he's just that, a character, not real and that sadly means that there isn't just one person who can portray him, much as i would love that and love it to be pedro. in the same way as vader could never be just james earl jones, din could never be just pedro, sadly. but the character as the sum of all those parts - face, voice, movement, stunts - becomes something better than what just one person could create.
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incomingalbatross · 1 year
Seven chapters into Tenthragon! Disorganized bullet-point reactions below, by chapter.
Ch. 1-2:
I love the atmosphere so far.
These chapters do well at establishing that Brendan really is doing his best for Patric and cares about him (even if the evidence might not be enough for a small child to find security in that).
Despite that, Brendan also really gives the feeling that there is Danger here—not only that Patric isn't safe here unless he stays within bounds, but that Brendan is in some way constrained. If this were fantasy, there'd be a curse in this house.
(I have a very general idea of what or rather who IS in the "other house," but only very general. I don't know any of the whys or hows or plot developments, really.)
So it SEEMS like there are two Marys, and if so that's really something you need to EXPLAIN to the small child, guys.
Also, I don't like that thing of Mary trying to scare him into behaving by citing Brendan. I've seen that tactic before, and it is both unhelpful and unfair.
Ch. 3:
No, I don't like Mary. That's HIS money. Let him spend it. :(
Oh good. They DID explain the twin thing. Paddy doesn't need that stress.
She bought a SWITCH? It is not her job to buy a switch for a child who isn't hers! Much less to threaten the boy with it when his actual guardian didn't even want it in the house and doesn't know she got it!
Ch. 4:
Even allowing for the fact that this is all being filtered through Paddy's perspective, the list of People I Dislike here is growing. Why do they seem to enjoy scaring children.
Tentatively putting Ludovic Tenthragon (mentioned only) at the head of the list, though.
Ch. 5:
This! Is why you don't make children under your care afraid of you! They're scared to tell you when something goes wrong and then it gets worse. (It's fine, I'm sure this is the ONLY time something like that will happen here…)
Poor Paddy, locking out the dragon. (If I heard strangers partying on the other side of my wall I would ALSO be uneasy. It's bad enough being in a hotel room by yourself at night.)
Brendon gets significant points for this night. But also YES, sir, Paddy is afraid of you. Part of it is just that you all live in a cursed house.
Ah, so Eann Tenthragon was a LITERAL prodigal son.
…Tentatively removing Ludovic from the top of the list. Awaiting further information.
Oh. Oh BOY. Yes, I see someone else owns the coveted top-of-list space.
Ch. 6:
Very glad Paddy is getting along better with Brendon. Sad Brendon can't spend more time with him.
Prue is very good at appreciating music.
Continue to really admire the atmosphere. The way it's not fantasy and yet in every important way, all the fairy tales are true and Paddy's surrounded by them.
Ch. 7:
All right, the dragon is Hugh. ...I can see how that fits in.
(For the record, I would like to state that it is NOT Paddy's fault this house is so confusing. If I saw a house that looked exactly like mine I wouldn't notice it was facing west instead of east either.)
OOF. So he didn't KNOW Paddy was there. Yes, I see the rock and hard place Brendon has been living between.
See, the fact that he's talking to a seven- or eight-year-old who he wants to terrify makes it difficult for me to tell how much of the supervillain monologuing is sincere—but on the other hand, the fact that he's saying it with the intent of being believed is quite bad enough. The malice is real, and it's frightening.
In conclusion: someone save the child. I'm going to stop here for the night, before I get sucked in.
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tatya-time · 1 year
He’s the guy that Brendan killed in his game but he’s back? He’s both a survivor and a hunter and he sucks!! :3
“…. why did he throw me under the bus?!?!” Tatya grumbles as she deploys Bartholomew to stay close to her and watch her back.
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stereax · 1 year
WHAT A WIN! What a showing by the stars. That said, Carolina is not a team that will allow getting walked on again. This shift in momentum is kinda reminiscent of game 6 against the Rags, Devils let the game get away from them but came back to completely dominate game 7. Much to improve still for the Devils, but an impressive trouncing all the same. Can’t allow 3 shorties or not score on 4 minutes of 5 on 3.
Carolina’s weakness is in goal clearly and the Devils need to take advantage while playing a much cleaner, tighter game defensively (their 3-0 win against Carolina was their best, most complete game during the reg season IMO). I think Akira Akira should get the start. VV looked shakier than Jack when they drafted Luke. I don’t hate 11-7 but whatever they decide, Luke’s earned a spot in the lineup. Brendan Smith, I apologize for being a hater.
I’m going to rewatch all 8 goals on repeat until game 4.
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Those are my comeback boys. Made Andersen AND Kochetkov look like SIEVES last night.
Yeah. The shorties... no bueno. VV, you can't give up THREE of those. Akira should get the start but Lindy's probably gonna ride VV until he loses. Not a bad thing but. Ya know. Akira Akira... 11/7 works well for us, I think.
Which reminds me - I was reading that in both the Rags and Canes series, the first two games, the opponent did a fuck ton of "full ice forechecking" which isn't sustainable over a seven game series - "it was big jokes and laughs on the bench for them the first two games now they are sucking wind and look shocked just like the rags did" , "now their confidence is gone". Do you think Carolina can adjust?
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I want to start journaling again. I haven't touched it since February of this year and I think a large part of me is just scared that all the things I've been holding in are going to come out and overwhelm if I let them. I LIKE journaling, I want to document this important part of my life and memorialize how things are changing and how things are staying the same, but I'm so scared to actually admit what all is going on with me. I don't want to look back and realize I'm still writing about the same shit and nothing ever changes. And frankly, I'm scared to admit to myself how much I still care about things that I should be over by now. Brendan has made me feel so fucking sick about this idea about still having hurt from Alex that I can barely even admit it still hurts. It's been 18 months, it's over it's dead it's done why does it still occupy my brain? And knowing Brendan's disdain for the fact it still does? Makes me feel ever worse about having those feelings. I shouldn't even care what he thinks, he's not my friend, he's not my partner, his opinion shouldn't matter, but I'm letting it impact me and that fucking sucks.
I've been thinking a lot about this idea of reintroducing myself. Who am I, anyway? For so many years, I've been trying to be something for other people, but who am I when I set that all to the side?
I know I'm feeling particularly existential because it's my birthday this week. I don't usually feel very mortal, but something about being another year older and still struggling with the same things.
Things I'd like to address this year:
1. The worthiness wound. (When did I first start to believe my only worth comes from giving to other people and being "perfect"? How have I let this schema affect me in relationships (patterns of losing myself in relationships, trying to please the other person all the time) and how do I rebuild my own self worth to believe I am worth loving, even when I am not people pleasing?)
2. The dysphoria/gender identity situation. (What is going on with this body of mine? Will building strength help me feel connected to this body? How can I get past the internalized fat phobia and how much is that playing into all this?)
3. Values, and by extension, Alex. (How did I convince myself to do something I find so horrible? How did I justify that to myself? How do I prevent that from happening again (again, the worthiness wound) and how do I forgive myself for what I have done?)
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dxppercxdxver · 3 months
i feel as though you have read everything i've written thus far but GLADLY i will give the people a snippet
this is in the days following the mine collapse, where our dear brendan is presumed Extremely Dead and those remaining are doing Super Well about the whole thing
The shop was a quiet, miserable place, with the absent Brendan’s specter lurking around every corner, tucked behind every shelf, laughing with his characteristic charm. With the ring of the bell over the door, each customer that passed sent Isaiah’s neck a-craning, peering over his stock just in case Brendan had at last stumbled home, to the waiting bed he kept made, to the pot of soup Aoife tended to by day and night in equal measure. Of course, it never was to be, and after the first day, the charge in Isaiah’s nerves began to diminish, replaced by an awful sucking ache just behind his ribs, somewhere around where his stomach used to be. Aoife’s face was ashen, trying as Isaiah might to console her. What had he to offer, he wondered? Should their Brendan be well and truly gone yet, the world could supply him a new best friend, but it could hardly grant the girl another eldest brother.
i gotta get back to these lads i love them so muchlies
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whatyourusherthinks · 5 months
The Mummy (1999) Review
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The Mummy! Or to use its proper name, the Brendan Fraser Mummy. It's the 25th anniversary of when it came out, so the studio that owns it is rereleasing it in theaters for those nostalgic for it to see it again. I am not one of those people. Surprising, considering I was negative 6 months old when it came out. But I do like pulpy archeologist adventure movies. It's just a shame that you really need to turn your brain off for all of them. Or at least ignore the fact that the ancient booby traps are completely impractical and the main character are always kinda terrible people. (Looking at you Dr. Jones.)
What's The Movie About?
Two siblings discover a map to the ancient Egyptian city of the dead, and they rescue Brendan Fraser to take them there. When they arrive, they accidently awaken a thousand year old priest who brings curses to the land and tries to kidnap the female main character to bring his girlfriend back to life.
Y'know. The usual stuff.
What I Like.
This is an action comedy, and the best thing about the movie is the action, and the comedy. The action is fun, frenetic, and exciting. And a lot of the time the comedy is beautifully integrated as well. I've heard people say this movie is unintentionally funny, which I don't know what they hell they are talking about. All the comedy is witty, quick, and obviously intended. Beni is a perfect foil to the good guys and I was actually kinda sad he died, even though he's a slimy bastard. Speaking of which, all the characters are kind of terrible, but I love them all. Brendan Fraser is such an interesting actor, especially now days. I feel like you don't see a lot of actors doing both Oscar-appealing dramas like the Whale at the same time as weird conceptual nerd-bait like Doom Patrol. I really like the Evie character too. I like that she's smart, and even though she's a damsel in distress, uses her position to trick Imhotep and distract him. Speaking of which, I love the guy playing Imhotep. He has so many smarmy facial expressions, I love him. It's a pretty impressive performance as well, since it's almost entirely a physical one. (Actually, all his lines are a dubbed over monster voice, so maybe it is an entirely physical performance.) I also really liked Winston. There should be more characters like him.
What I Don't Like.
It's been said a million times, but the CGI in this movie is pretty bad. It's so bad even I can tell it sucks. Moving swiftly along, this movie is also really stupid. Mostly in a fun way, I might add. But if you start thinking about almost any part of it, the plot, character motivations, and mechanics of the mummy's curse swiftly fall apart. I don't like that Imhotep is afraid of cats. That's just dumb. If it played into his final defeat, like a horde of cats is what kills him, it would have been better. Finally, the movie is kinda racist. I think. Maybe? I'm actually not sure. They didn't hire any actual Egyptians to play any of the characters, but they did hire some non-white actors to play the Egyptians and this did come out 25 years ago so eeehhh... The Medjai are the most competent and badass characters in the movie, but the movie also opens with a bunch of white guys shooting hundreds of jabbering locals so eeeeeehhhhhh... Beni is a sleezy French thief but he's also shown to be really cunning and the second or third smartest person in the plot so eeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhh... Just to be safe I'm going to assume it's racist. Not maliciously so, but that's still not great. Also Rachel Weisz sort of gets sexually assaulted like 3 times and the movie plays it off, so that's also not great.
Final Summation.
Yeah the movie is really stupid, but I had a lot of fun! I think it should be clear at this point that I am a simple dude. I see fun action with charismatic heroes and funny quips, I will like. It is totally better than Phantom Menace. (Which I mention not only because movie-goers in 1999 said the same thing, but also because Phantom Menace is being rereleased in like 2 days at time of writing and I'm not watching it because I've seen it before and it sucks.)
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moviesteve · 1 year
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The Virginian’s ambitions aren’t that great. It wants to be a normal, everyday western like they used to make, in which man’s-gotta-do men negotiate morality in a lawless world, a baddie wore a black hat and a fair lady was open to a bit of courting as long as it was respectful. Can such a western be made? Is there an audience for it? The TV show The Virginian, which this isn’t, was one of several long-running series with high production values and fine actors. It ran for 249 shows over nine years, a way behind Bonanza (430 episodes between 1959 and 1973) and Gunsmoke (635 episodes between 1955 and 1975). Together, with the likes of Rawhide, The High Chaparral and The Big Country these shows went to town on the genre, working through all the permutations the western could offer and grinding out the last dregs of sympathy for it. By the time they were done, the western was dead. Clint Eastwood kept going, a lone voice, but precisely the sort of movie that The Virginian is – modest in budget, and desiring only to tell a tale of the old west with no allegories or meta-statements or fancy claims of any sort – simply couldn’t get made any more. Since then, there’s been a revival in the fortunes of the western, of sorts, with films like 3:10 to Yuma, The Salvation, Slow West, The Proposition, Django Unchained, Bone Tomahawk, Meek’s Cutoff and First Cow, brilliant all, but they all had ambitions, often revisionist. The bog-standard oater really was toast (to really mix the metaphors). Which brings us to the meat of The Virginian, based on Owen Wister’s novel The Virginian: Horseman of the Plains, which was praised for its authenticity when it was published in 1902 and led to a stampede of authors writing me-too versions of the same. Director Thomas Makowski and writer Bob Thielke stick largely to the original book’s story – about the dealings between the Virginian (hooray) and Trampas (boo), the Virginian and the Judge, who sees him as his successor, and the Virginian and fair lady Molly, who he will woo if she’ll look his way. All this seen through the eyes of a fancy New York writer, Owen Walton (the echo with Wister is clear), who is getting an introduction to the Wyoming of the late 19th century. Molly and Owen It’s a cast full of people who have the right faces for the job. Country star Trace Adkins also has the voice as the Virginian, a big rumbling gravelly thing that appears to come from his boots. Steve Bacic plays Trampas as a scowling, belly-crawling no-good to the Virginian’s upright man’s man. Victoria Pratt plays Molly, a teacher, we’re told, though Pratt seems to have decided on a bit of saloon-gal swishiness. And, with an “And…” credit, Ron Perlman is the Judge – upstanding, four-square, rumbling back at Adkins whenever Adkins rumbles at him in the scenes they share, like two volcanoes facing off. Brendan Penny plays Walton, the “tenderfoot” through whose eyes and ears we see this unfamiliar (is the idea) territory where justice and manners are rough and much needs patient explanation. Except, obviously, it doesn’t. After thousands of movies and TV shows, Walton’s narrator figure – never named in the original book – is in the way in the 21st century and that final scene, as the Virginian and his fine lady Molly walk off into the sunset while Walton trots along awkwardly beside them actually admits as much. There are other problems, like the piling on of Western cliché early on – a whipping, a near-hanging, a quick-draw shootout, a testy card game, rustlers, Indians – done breathlessly. It’s interesting in these opening scenes watching the actors attempting to put back in with their performances the air that poor pacing has sucked out. After that… kind of nothing. A formless almost-story of one minor event after another, with the odd death-out-of-nowhere maybe meant to spice things up. Until it all comes to a close with straddle-legged guns-blazing shootout. It’s not terrible, but it’s not terribly interesting either. The Virginian – Watch it/buy it at Amazon I am an Amazon affiliate © Steve Morrissey 2023
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crystalelemental · 10 months
Unit Teambuilding - Lodge Jasmine
Oh now this is a nice surprise.  I would never have expected Jasmine as the addition to Lodge, but god I will take it.  Finally, one of my high priority favorites makes it in.  And she got Magnemite!  This is really exciting to me, I actually wanted Magnemite to get in.  Now we can get a nice Steel Strike pair with special and...what, Support again?  Ugh, fine. 4* Support candy situation is fucking dire. She's good though, right?
Jasmine has the unfortunate experience of existing at the same time as BP Clemont, who does exactly what she does, but better in every way. Jasmine TM is +1 Def/Sp Def/Accuracy. Clemont's TM is +2 to both defenses, and has X Accuracy all. Both have Endurance, First Aid (Clemont got 4, Jasmine got fucking 2), healing on sync (Clemont got Synchro Healing, Jasmine got Recuperation 1), access to Screech, and an attacking move with paralysis (Clemont hits 60%, Jasmine hits 50%). Please understand, when I say "worse in every way," I meant it. Jasmine's only differentiating factors are Team Sharp Entry, All Ramped Up, and Interference Immunity. Interference Immunity is largely useless, while the other two have value. Team Sharp Entry is often enough for Lodge Dawn to make use of, and with All Ramped Up, Jasmine can at least replicate what Lodge Dawn does for pairs that only needed +2 Sp Atk. Because guess what. Guess what guys. Apparently? +1 accuracy is enough to not even give her MPR. Have we like ever seen this outside of the stupid busted crap? MPR is a staple. A guarantee. It's literally the most essential part of every kit. How the fuck did they not give her MPR? If she had that, at least we'd have an approach of potentially buffing a lot of Sp Atk and getting her to an actual defense boosted level. But nope! Only +2 in those stats, nothing more.
I have not been this angry since Valerie's grid. This is a literal assassination. Jasmine fucking sucks, man. The only thing carrying her at this point is that maybe accuracy and +1 crit matters. it's literally all she's got, because every other tool either got hit with half the effectiveness it should have (seriously, why does First Aid 2 even EXIST?), or was just omitted for literally no reason. I hate it. I hate it so much, and just like I did with Valerie, god as my fucking witness I will make her triumph.
EX and Move Level? Without 3/5, Jasmine is just Clemont but worse.  So you best invest.  EX isn't entirely sane, given the 4* status, but she is a support and it's also Jasmine, and by following this blog, you agreed to support my favorites so you gotta.  Sorry.
Team 1: Lodge Jasmine, Ghetsis, Irida I wanted to give her more options but there aren't any, because other Special Ice options need too much.  Jasmine gives the exact stats needed for Ghetsis and Irida to always hit and keep consistent pressure, while giving a nice defensive backbone to the team.  Now I know what you're thinking.  "How is Jasmine any better than Melony, who also does these things while being good?"  And the answer may surprise you.
Team 2: Lodge Jasmine, Drasna, Cyrus/Lucian Drasna has pretty decent self-sufficiency, but misses out slightly on crit and Sp Atk.  Something that Jasmine provides perfectly, while also supplying much needed accuracy to conserve grid energy.  For Dragon-weak content, this is free, just throw in any other Special dragon like Cyrus or or something, since he also managed to have accuracy issues.  If you're daring to off-type, Lucian for gauges and damage boost.
Team 3: Lodge Jasmine, Brendan, Blaine Brendan's Leaf Storm is a source of much consternation, given that it's 90% accuracy is only offset by expensive, out of the way nodes.  Jasmine provides the needed accuracy for him, while also getting Team Sharp Entry to save a turn buffing.  Brendan can then just take Sun support.  Better still, Jasmine has Screech, which can power up Brendan's sync, which is physical, providing for a lot of tools in his kit.
Team 4: Lodge Jasmine, Anni Skyla, Blue/Lysandre Alright, let's talk about Blue.  The only guy who actually needs accuracy boosting for multipliers.  Jasmine's accuracy supply, alongside Sp Atk, really alleviates some of Blue's needs.  With Team Sharp Entry, Blue can forego MPR entirely and still be alright for Hurricane spam.  They're a fairly potent combo.  Anni Skyla is mentioned for the Zone, sure, but also because 50% AoE flinch rate is great but 95 accuracy sucks and Jasmine fixes it.  Notably, Skyla's Mini Potion All is very handy for the team's survival as well.  I'm mentioning Lysandre because...well, gotta.  With a single flinch, his cooldown effect can land a fast-ramp twice in a row.  So it's worth talking about, since he can give up one TM in initial rotation thanks to Team Sharp Entry. Shame about the lack of MPR on Jasmine though.
Team 5: Lodge Jasmine, May, Archie/Lodge May General Water stuff.  Accuracy boosting is a lifesaver for May, and having some Sp Atk in there as well is a huge help.  Team Sharp Entry ensures max crit.  Archie...actually gains fuckall, since he needs his own TM for Crit so accuracy isn’t a consideration, but I guess Jasmine cancels out the defensive loss?  Lodge May is interesting, in that Jasmine's specific buffs get her perfectly to max offenses and SEUN by first sync, while preserving May’s TM for another SEUN later. If you’re completely F2P and for some reason EX’d Lodge May, this is a valuable comp.
Team 6: Lodge Jasmine, BP Valerie, Sylveon/Masked Royal/SC Steven Okay, so Jasmine has Screech.  This allows her to power up physical attackers decently well.  BP Valerie is, of course, my obvious choice of partner, who only needs one TM with Team Sharp Entry in play.  Sylveon is a free source of Fairy Zone, while Masked Royal is rapid speed boosting and extra AoE Atk/Def debuffs as needed. SC Steven is there for when inevitably this isn’t enough to win off-type.
Final Thoughts It is…surprisingly hard to find partners for Jasmine.  I wanted to talk about physical partners, and what she could do with that, but barring the ones listed, I couldn't.  I didn't actually have anything to operate off of.  Sure, Team Sharp Entry salvages Dire Hit+ users, the slight Sp Atk boost lets her mesh with the myriad +4 pairs going on around here, but often she lacks for crit that low tier damage dealers need, and high tier pairs start not needing what she offers because everyone patches their own accuracy issues. Gimping her out of MPR because of accuracy is like the most uselessly cruel thing they’ve ever done.  It's a rough life.  Can't wait to use her.
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1:46 am pdt 2 April 2023 Sunday Domingo nicheyoubi 🌤
1:47 am pdt www.gq. Com/story/Adam-Levine
it’s closer to the end of the article than the top dated June 24, 2014 Jessica pressler tony Kelly
“There’s the carnal shit you can’t deny. [...] There was a time in my life when I lived probably a bit more on the primal level. And it was amazing.”
auto saved 1:52 am pdt I think Bcz I’ve been touched by other men I don’t think he would have wanted me once I lost my virginity when I was 19 years old. 1:53 am pdt
2:23 am pdt I wish Q never came in to my life. I only kept seeing her Bcz she was acceptable to my mom and I thought she liked me and was nice. I even said at a Denny’s? Or ihop? That she’s the nicest person in the world. 2:25 am pdt she said we’re best friends or that I’m her best friend but she never told me who she who she had s*x with. That’s basically a standard in movies like romantic comedies that you tell your best friend what you did with who. If she couldn’t tell me then she was lying. 2:27 am pdt I figured that out this moment. 2:28 am pdt
2:30 am pdt I never forced her to tell me anything and there were questions online that she left unanswered. It’s like she’s a shark in my eyes smirking that I’m blind to what was happening infront of me. That she was actually mocking me infront of my face and online with enlarging my head in pictures she took. 2:32 am pdt If she was so bold to fake liking me and do stuff to hurt me while I was trying to like her and be happy with her... I wish I could have felt more with the friends I had before I met her. I wish I didn’t feel like a fraud Bcz I was too shy to say a lot. The friends I had b4 her weren’t perfect but I think they were maybe more open to me than she was? 2:35 am pdt which is ironic Bcz I felt too imperfect so I withheld a lot of thoughts and feelings . I was in a shell.. makes me think of turtles. I don’t know. That music is my boyfriend line bothers me and a lot of other stuff. It looks like I’m not going to see the day when people from this earth start going to the new planet I heard about that is like this earth but bigger. 2:39 am pdt if there are already people there with housing already there waiting for people to arrive wouldn’t that be a surprise? 2:40 am pdt
2:59 am pdt I don’t feel much like trying to recover anymore. I am tired. 3 am pdt I wish I was somebody’s somebody. 🎶🎼🎵🎤🎸
3:03 am pdt matchmaker matchmaker find me find catch me a catch 🎸🎵🎼🎤 3:04 am pdt
3:06 am pdt I don’t appreciate you lying (pain 3:07 am pdt forehead) to me. Chop off my head now, incubus. 3:07 am pdt 3:08 am pdt
3:18 am pdt I guess he forgives Nick carter. (Tummy upset gurgle diarrhea 3:18 am pdt) I guess he thinks he did not do anything wrong and deserves to be forgiven. And women need to just suck it up. 3:20 am pdt I don’t think it is ever going to change. 3:20 am pdt I don’t feel like trying anymore. 3:21 am pdt
3:24 am pdt my clock skipped a minute. Q probably set me up to be a sacrifice. I don’t think Q helped me at all. I suffered a lot. I don’t think Q knows pain at all. 3:26 am pdt I think Q is lying and faking everything is music is her husband. 3:26 am pdt who did I have phone s*x with? I think after I moved out end of 2018, Brendan lean’s MySpace profile picture was removed. 3:29 am pdt there was one day that his MySpace was public and I saw he had an older sister named Catherine? 3:30 am pdt
3:53 am pdt incubus protects rapists Bcz he relates to them and cuts down his victims. I guess you have to be a woman to understand how violated someone can feel that you have possibly been forcibly impregnated at a time you’re not ready to be. To have someone trespass without caring about your feelings. And then they don’t want to make amends and worse. Incubus enables them to hide it. If you like that sort of man I guess the whole world is stuck with incubus. 3:58 am pdt am I the only one trying to do something? And I’m suffering to take down incubus? If incubus is incubus then that whole thing I seemed to have picked up, that idea that only bad things happen to bad people, can you really say that when incubus is your god? How about I don’t say anything anymore. Nick carter gets away with rape and murder and so does incubus (left shoulder pain 4 am pdt) me and Shannon Ruth die. And guess whose left with Nick carter and incubus? That’s right, you are. And if he’s still got libido and muscle and power do you think you won’t be next? Maybe he likes guys, too, or little boys. 4:02 am pdt
4:06 am pdt Q wrote on her Flickr she doesn’t fight crime. If her focus was only me the entire time, I believe it. 4:07 am pdt don’t count on Q to REALLY sacrifice anything? If she really stole art ideas from me like I suspect that’s pretty low considering she had enough money to go to many concerts including Coachella. 4:09 am pdt don’t count on Q to be a hero. 4:09 am pdt yeah I think I will stop doing stuff Bcz I’m dying anyway. So why help other people get arid of a problem they don’t deserve to be helped with? You treasure Nick carter more. So have fun! Okay? Okay! 4:10 am pdt pain left shin. I will go do whatever I want that’s on my bucket list which is probably edited now to watching as many movies as I can while at this hotel. 4:11 am pdt don’t cry to me when incubus + friends devirginize your relatives. 4:12 am pdt
5:41 left shin pain difficulty breathing pain tongue. Fox News last night? Was saying a lot of people are committing suicide Bcz of stuff on social media. If they’re purely victims and incubus is god, do you think incubus is going to save them? He is the devil? A hungry lion ? He’s looking for sacrifices, but he keeps guys like Nick carter Bcz they share a lot in common? 5:44 am pdt incubus would make me depressed too if I think about him for several minutes at a time. 5:44 am pdt
5:45 am pdt in 2017 ? There was stuff online saying maroon 5 fans are ... I forgot but I remember it was a little disturbing? Unflattering? Like they lack a sense of what sounds good probably Bcz incubus for a long time gave a lot of (left nostril pain 5:46 am pdt) below standard performances. And I can say this unbiased. Bcz it was during a time I gave him benefit of the doubt and tried to like him. And I’m trying to smile and like it but I start to feel crazy trying to like what I hear. When I watch and listen, I’m like, this is really bad. 5:48 am pdt
6:03 am pdt I am in misery there ain’t no body who can comfort me. 🎵🎸🎼🎤 i formerly liked the sounds of that song. I guess I’m a da*ned vine. Bcz my name means rose and lily. Some flowers 🌹🌸💐🌺🌷🌻 grow from vines. I’m d*mned. Dams are like big bath tubs. 6:06 am pdt he’s killing my heart again. 6:07 am pdt it’s hot in the center and my right side. 6:07 am pdt
7:43 am pdt incubus is still hurting my ribs Bcz he likes it when people are crying in pain especially women. I think he’s trying to reduce my rib cage size to crush my internal organs. 7:45 am pdt
2:16 pmpdt if the earth is expiring it’s ok if he leaves me here to die. 2:17 pmpdt
2:44 pmpdt I don’t want his unethical ass near me and I don’t want Q’s unethical lazy ass near me. 2:45 pmpdt
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songs i’d sell my soul to hear as a surprise song at eras
i’m making this before the second vegas show so if any of these end up being a surprise song at another show that's why
(3/26 edit: 2 of these were surprise songs last night i’m gonna cross them off as they go. it'll be fun)
i have the 5/14 mothers day show so it's pretty much a guarantee that one of them will be the best day, and it’s also at lincoln financial field, so if she does gold rush as a surprise song, it’ll probably be at one of the philly shows because of the eagles t-shirt line
a place in this world
the outside
should’ve said no
mary’s song (oh my my my)
our song (my sister and i both really wanted this but apparently she did it last night 😔)
*i’m only me when i’m with you* this is my favorite song off of debut i would actually cry if she plays it. she probably won’t, no one ever talks about it, but still
picture to burn would be fun too but if she does that she’d get a crowd full of swiftness screaming the homophobic version so i don’t think it’s likely
hey stephen
white horse (this was my favorite song from fearless when i was in middle school. no i was not ok)
tell me why
*the way i loved you* again, favorite song off the album
forever and always
like i mentioned before, she’s probably gonna do the best day at my show, and i will be happy with that. can’t really relate to it (#mommyissues) but it’s a good song
mr perfectly fine
speak now:
sparks fly
speak now
the story of us
haunted (my sister’s really hoping for this one)
*long live*
ours (i know it’s about john mayer but i didn’t know that when i fell in love with it)
stay stay stay
*holy ground* this is like MY SONG. i love it so much. i don’t need to hear it live to scream it at the top of my lungs, but i would foam at the mouth if it happened
message in a bottle
all you had to do was stay
how you get the girl
*new romantics*
ngl this album’s a little bitter for me because i could have gone to rep tour, i was 14, i was definitely old enough, but my parents are little bitches. i didn’t even bother asking because i knew they’d say know then i’d get a lecture
getaway car
this is why we can’t have nice things
*new years day*
i think he knows
*paper rings*
london boy
false god
me! this might be an unpopular opinion but i think it’s a bop. and if i could hear a version of it without brendan urie (🤢) and taylor’s on the second verse alone, i think i could die happy
it’s nice to have a friend (this gets some hate i think, which sucks because it’s a cute song)
the lakes
most of my favorites from this album are already on the setlist :)
no body no crime. i wasn’t gonna hope for it because it features haim but she did snow on the beach last night without lana del rey, so: i’m optimistic
ivy (not because it’s in my top picks for this album (i do like it though) but it’s my sister’s number 1 favorite out of her entire disography so i’m legally obligated to put it here)
cowboy like me
*long story short* back when i was into h*rry potter i read a really good pavender fic based on this song
yoyok (this is everyone’s favorite i think but it’s so good)
hits different (i don’t think she’s gonna acknowledge it exists but a girl (gender neutral) can dream)
like folklore a lot of my favorites are already on the set list
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