#this guy doesn't get to say a few nice things and change my world view. he doesn't get that privilege anymore
genderfluid-druid · 1 year
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Can you do with family and friends on with gavi broke things off w reader because it was too much and he loved her so much but got scared of love and broke up with her but reader was having a fashion show and Barca got tickets and when gavi found out he wanted to go and beg for you and everyone went to go get you back because they know how much he needed you but you were kinda hesitant to except returning back with him
Loved this request! I got kinda confused at the end, because of the mixed words but I got it after reading it a few times🥴🤭
Work For It -P.G
Summary: He left and now he wants to be back...
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Being a famous influencer had it's pros and it's cons. You try to always keep up with positive mind and change the negativity to positivity. And sometimes works, sometimes it doesn't.
One of the cons, is that you're always on the spotlight. You can't go out because you have a camera up to your face or fans screaming your name walking besides you trying to get their phones, markers and pictures into you. You basically have to create ways and manage yourself to have a private life.
The other of many cons, is that you almost never have time free. You're always doing something but you kinda like that because it keeps you active, so... Why not?
But being a huge influencer in Barcelona and you being a die-hard Barcelona fan means that the FC Barcelona wanted you to, kind of, promote them, use their newest jerseys, go to the matches and met the players.
Meanwhile that was the greatest thing for you because you are a fan, it was also one of the worst because you fell in love with one of them and two years later, broke up.
But how could you have been stupid enough to fall for the Golden Boy, Pablo Gavi?
He had swept you off of your feet with his charming smile, his sassy and messy attitude, joking around until he at least got one smile from you and then he just left you claiming that "It was too much", "I love you but I can't do this. Not to me and mostly not to you", "You deserve better" and simply just disappeared from your house, from your view and from your life.
So, seeing him, after almost a whole year in the fashion show you were in, along with the guys and a few WAGS, your whole stomach and body turned upside down
"What is he doing here?" You asked to your assistant and best friend, Michelle
"Do you forget that you and the Barcelona team are still connected? I believe the team gave them some tickets for the event" She said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world
"You would've known that"
"Mikky was also invited, she could've been the one giving them the tickets" She said shrugging her shoulders "I know you don't want him around you, I'll make sure of that but you can't avoid him forever. It's time for you to pass the page and move on"
"That's the thing, Elle" You sighed "I can't seem to"
Yeah, you were still head over heels for the guy that left you without a good reason. You hated it, you hated yourself for that because as much as you wanted to, you couldn't erase those brown eyes and that sweet smile that once was directed to you with warmth, love and care.
"Maybe" She began "This is the clousure you need to keep on with your life and let him be just a nice part of your past" She shrugged her shoulders once more "C'mon, cariño. You gotta pose for the cameras and look pretty"
You smiled a bit at her words and made your way to the carpet, you soothed once more your outfit and plastered a smile, everything was going great until you felt someone tap your shoulder and when you turn around you find no one other than Pedri and Ansu.
"Hola" You said hugging him quickly
"Hola. It's nice to see you after so long" You nod at Ansu
"Bueno..." You shrugg your shoulders a little "What can I say?" The three of you laughed
"You look nice"
"Thanks, Pedri. You do too" He blushes
"Mind if we take some pics together? I miss my friend" You sighed, when Gavi cut all connections with you, you made sure to cut connections with all of them too, barely talking to the WAGs but other than that, no one else from their group.
"Sorry. It's not that easy" You said passing an arm around each boy's waist and pull them for pics
"I bet it isn't... It wasn't easy for him either" Ansu said
"Oh my god!! You're here!!" You heard a femenine voice call and soon a body collide with yours. Mikky. The four of you got out of the carpet and you smiled returning her hug "You're looking absolutely beautiful, I was waiting to see you! I missed you so much!!"
"You were also invited?"
"Of course I was" She pushed her hair back and you both laughed
"I missed you too, Miks" You hug her once more and from behind her you saw Alejandro, Torre, Ferran, Frenkie, Ousmane, Ter Stegen, Robert, Raphina, their wives/girlfriends and lastly Pablo. "And you managed to get almost Barca's whole squad tickets? I need you to tell me that secret because I can barely ask for a plus one" She laughed
"I told them about the show and I think it was Gavi who asked for the tickets, he was so desperate to get them" You raise your eyebrows as Pedri coughs
"Was he?" You turn to Pedri and Ansu, who simply nodded
"Look, babes... I know you two broke it off-"
"He was the one who broke it off, it wasn't me" You said shaking your head at Mikky
"He hasn't been the same without you, Y/N" Pedri said "It still affects him"
"Then if it does, why he did it?"
"He was scared" Ansu said as you laugh
"Scared?" You shook your head "I was scared too but you didn't see me breaking things up, I loved him Ansu and it completely hurted me when he just throw us to the dead line"
"Please, just listen-"
"If you guys came here for me to go back with him, you are in the wrong" You shook your head "You're welcomed to be with me if we don't talk about him, but if you're going to do that then I'll make my exit and wish all of you the best" You said as the rest of the guys approached
"Something's wrong?" Robert asked
You shook your head, smiling softly "I was just leaving" You waved at them and left in the opposite direction
You heard footsteps behind you and you could guess who was the one but still you didn't turned around until you were heading towards the bathrooms inside of the venue
"Can you stop speed walking?" He asked and you shook your head "We need to talk"
"I have nothing to talk to you, Gavi" You said and seconds later saw him standing in front of you blocking your way "Move"
"Please, move"
"We need to talk"
"You said everything you wanted to say a year ago, I'm done with that"
"But I'm not, Y/N. I'm serious"
"So am I..." For the first time in the night you looked at him in the eyes and sighed looking away before falling into its beauty once more "It was nice seeing you again, Pablo. But I think it's time to let it go, we're just nice strangers with nice memories in common" You moved around him and sending him a one last smile you started walking off
"I don't want to be a simple stranger for you" You managed to hear and you sighed
Neither you wanted him to be but that's what he had decided.
Two hours had passed from that little encounter you had with him and haven't seen him since that moment again, you were sat with your manager and Michelle, your best friend and assistant when she sighed
"What's wrong?" You ask
"Pedri, Ansu and Alejandro are coming" She said "Want me to back them off?" You roll your eyes turning around
You were about to open your mouth when Ansu beat you to it
"Look, I know you probably don't want to see us and you don't want us to talk about him" His strong response had you shocked "and we obviously aren't him to say what exactly went through his mind at the moment of breaking up with you"
"But what we do know is the fact he has been a completely mess because of it" Alejandro said "He's shit at practice and shit out of it. We thought that with time he would get over it, but it's been a year and you're still on his mind and nothing has changed, he still has your birthday picture as his lockscreen and he tries to hide the fact that he goes through your messages, sometimes I find him crying in the shower and other times he's sadly looking at pictures of you two. We can't see him like that anymore and we bet you are exactly the same when no one's around"
"We certainly don't know what he said to fuck what you guys had but he's definitely regretting it. That night of your break up, he came straight to my apartment to cry and kept on asking: "Why did I did that?" over and over again. I never understood what he meant by that until he finally told me that he didn't felt worthy of your love, that he was scared, there was so much going on for him, you knew it and you acted on it but he didn't wanted to feel like he was a burden, he didn't wanted to put any more preassure on your shoulders, his fans were hating on you and he couldn't bear to see you sad because of it. A lot of external facts were the ones who pushed him to make that decision" Pedri said
"But he still checks his phone for you everyday, he sometimes says: "She'll be doing this" or "she'd love this". He doesn't go out with his friends anymore, he basically stopped being that little ray that fucked us up with his moody attitude sometimes" Ansu said making the four of you laugh "We don't say you have to forgive him, we are just asking, for a friend's well being, for you to clear things up and be on the right side"
"You can still be friends, you can go back to what you guys had or simply just not be anything... And that's okay. We just want, for both of you, because you are our friend as well, the best in everysingle aspect possible"
Your eyes danced in between the three youngmen
"Where is he?" You ask whispering, feeling a knot in your throat
"He left"
You nodded, turning around you grabbed your purse and smiled at them "Thank you" They smiled and you hugged them, walking off.
You went into the car that brought you here and told them Pablo's direction. You started biting your nails nervous, why didn't he had said anything from that to you? Were you really still on his phone lockscreen? Does he still loves you, just like you love him after all this time?
You quickly thanked the man and left the car, you pushed your thumb into the gates and it opened, you going straight to his door which you banged over and over again until he opened
"Gimme your phone, please"
"What? Why?" You shook your head
"Please, gimme your phone, I need to check something" He shook his head as you quickly took it from his hands and saw the lockscreen.
It was both of you, on your 19th birthday party, you smiled before feeling the phone being grabbed away by an angry Pablo
"Why have you done that?"
"Why you still have that pic as a lockscreen?"
"You don't care about it"
"If I'm asking you is because I do"
Silence flowed in between the two of you
"Gimme the real reason why you broke up with me" You shook your head feeling the tears coming up "I don't buy the half assed bullshit, I want the complete thing"
He stood in silence
"How do you know?"
"Why? We were so good, so in love"
"I had a lot of things coming on me, I was stressed, I wasn't playing great, I didn't wanted to transfer my worries and my problems to you, because you had a lot of those for yourself. I kept pushing you away without wanting to, I was and am so in love with you it fucking hurts! My fans were sending you hate, all of that combined made me think I wasn't good for you, fuck, I was so scared of fucking it up but I still did it!" He looked up to the sky, his voice was trembling and his shoulders were shaking. He was crying. "And I hate me for it, all this time we could've been together and we aren't because I let my insecurities get the best of me"
"But we can work on them, we can work on this, on us" You said "I'm not willing to let you go, Pablo. I want us. But you need to work for it because I'm not ready to go through another heartbreak"
"I will, mi amor" You hugged his waist and he pulled you closer to him, kissing your hairline "I will make us work"
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld
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fiepige · 6 months
More Sea Serpent Hobie thoughts!
(been thinking about this au all day, it's completely consumed my mind!)
I was kinda toying with the idea of Hobie being able to take a human form. (In this version most people wouldn't know that sea serpents exist so he uses it as a way to interact with humans without revealing his true nature to them)
He visits a small local fishing village from time to time to hang out with the locals- mostly at the pub, but he also likes hanging around at the harbour
Cause he just gets lonely sometimes and humans make fun company- he finds tales about daring trips to sea entertaining, but he also loves to hear stories about places from far within the mainland as he's always stayed close to the ocean.
Nobody in the village knows what he really is- they all just think he's this odd but kind loner who visits from time to time.
He's well renowned by the people in the village, both for being a nice and helpful guy and because of his unique skills*
He never pays for anything in cash but instead in old trinkets and treasures he finds while out at sea - this resulted in a few arguments at first, but now people have come to accept it, some even look forward to seeing what he'll pull out as payment whenever he visits
if he doesn't have any treasure to pay with he'll offer to pay in favours- specifically favours that involve diving.
*If you need a diving job done he's your guy
He can stay underwater forever and go far deeper than any of the locals.
So if you need to retrieve something from, let's say a sunken ship, he's your guy!
He insists on going on missions alone- it's just easier to get it done if he can dive unseen in his serpent form.
The only people he doesn't get along with are authority figures and whalers!
There aren't any whalers residing in the village but sometimes a whaling boat will come by to restock. Every time they do Hobie terrorizes the crew as much as he can get away with. While also being very vocal about his opinion of them in general. He's gotten in fights with them more than once.
It's also not unusual for the whalers to find their ship vandalised if they stay overnight.
When he's in his human form he lives on a small island near the village, but far enough away that he can't be seen changing from serpent to human form and vice versa
He has a small hut where he keeps some fishing equipment (mostly for show in case a human comes by and wonders how he's able to feed himself on this tiny island) as well as a small garden where he grows different greens.
He'll trade his food for stuff with the villages, he mostly trades for clothes, sewing equipment or beer at the pub
Sometimes he'll disappear at sea for weeks at a time- if any of the villagers question him about it he'll just say he was out fishing- despite him only owning a small rowboat with a small engine, that doesn't work half the time. - He uses it to get to and from the island in human form as to not alert the villagers to his true form.
At some point he befriends Gwen**, who's a newcommer, when a local overhears her lamenting the loss of her mother's trinket at sea, and they suggest she asks Hobie for help- since the guy has a way of finding things lost at sea
Gwen doesn't really believe he can actually find it but seeks him out nonetheless cause it can't hurt to ask
Hobie accepts the job. In exchange he wants Gwen to tell him about the places she's been to before she moved to the village.
(** you can kinda replace Gwen with any character you want. I'm kinda considering making a small fic for this au where the reader takes Gwen's place, but I don't have the time nor energy to write it any time soon. Also I've never written a fic from the first person point of view so I'm not sure how it would turn out lol.)
Lemme know what you guys think! 💙Any input is welcome- it can be world building stuff, story stuff, ideas for hobie's serpent form or something else!
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prettyboybuckley · 1 year
Foe valentines day prompt: #16 pretty please 🙏💕
hii!! a little quicker than last time 😅 I do love me some accidental love confessions... 😌 1.1k, continues under the cut ❤️
Buck has never really believed in the concept of Valentine's Day. 
It's all just commercial bullshit that companies use to trick people into spending even more money on useless presents and confectionary. Still, it hasn't ever bothered him that other people do in some way celebrate Valentine's Day. Not usually. 
Not unless it's Eddie, who he thought disliked Valentine's Day even more than Buck does
(It has something to do with Shannon, Buck thinks, something from the past that Eddie never explained but that seemed to hang over his head like a dark cloud during the first week of February.)
"You're what?" he asks, a little dumbfounded, only barely managing not to tilt his entire cup of steaming hot coffee all over his uniform. 
The faces of the rest of the team are similar to what he's feeling, all looking at Eddie in surprise.
"I'm going on a date," Eddie repeats as if it's the most normal thing in the world for him to say, as if he didn't tell Buck only a few months ago that he wasn't ready to date again anytime soon. Then again, that was before that whole sexuality crisis he went through. "My aunt set me up with this guy she knows from the community center, I've met him once. He's nice." 
(continues under the cut)
"On Valentine's Day?"
He must hear the skepticism in Buck's voice, and he rolls his eyes at it, though the way he crosses his arms over his chest makes it clear that he is going into defensive mode, empty coffee cup dangling from one finger. 
The others are watching it like it is entertainment, and Buck is a little surprised that none of them have spoken up yet, considering Hen and Chim are usually the first to pry and tease about things like these. 
"Yes, Buck, on Valentine's Day," Eddie says with a sigh, and he puts his empty cup down on the table with more force than necessary.
"Isn't that a little intense for a first date? You're going out with a guy for the first time on what is supposed to be the most romantic day of the year?" Buck asks. 
He sees Bobby raise an eyebrow from the corner of his eye where he's been working on preparing them some breakfast, his hands stilling where he was chopping up fruit. Yeah, Buck did go on a date with Abby on Valentine's Day, but that didn't exactly end well, didn't it? Both the date and the relationship. 
Eddie seems to be getting a little frustrated, letting out an annoyed huff as his shoulders tense and his frown gets deeper.
"Aren't you the one who always says that Valentine's Day is bullshit? And now you're saying it's too serious to have a first date?" 
Of course, Buck could argue something eloquent, like the fact that his opinion of Valentine's Day doesn't change how other people view it, and that it could influence the expectations that Eddie's date might have considering Eddie agreed to meeting on this particular day. 
But he isn't really thinking clearly since the only thought running through his head is "Eddie is going on a date with someone else" and that is even more distressing knowing it's a guy than before he even knew that was an option for Eddie. Because before, Buck didn't even think he had a chance. 
"I'm just saying, you said you weren't ready to date yet, and now you're going out with some random guy on Valentine's Day?"
He's silently begging Hen or Chim to say something, preferably to side with him, because the tension is growing and this can get very awkward.
"Jesus, Buck, it's just a date," Eddie says through gritted teeth, throwing his hands up into the air. "Why is this such a problem to you?"
The way he puts stress on the 'why' is what ends up making Buck snap. If Eddie wants to know why, then who is Buck to withhold the answer to that from him?
"Why? Because I’m in love with you, that’s why!"
Chim's eyes go wide and Hen almost chokes on her coffee. And Eddie, well, he's staring at Buck as he stands there frozen in place.
"I, uhm, I just remembered I left something in my locker," Hen says before she gets up and slips away, and Chim hurries after her, almost tripping over his feet and not even bothering with an excuse. When Buck looks to where Bobby was, he can just see the captain slipping away to his office, leaving him and Eddie all alone.
"I just…," Buck mutters, running a hand down his face as he tries to find the right words. "Sorry, I didn't mean to say that. But the idea of you going on a date with some guy on fucking Valentine's Day and it becoming your great big love story or something... I don't think I can handle that."
He shakes his head, crossing his arms over his chest, and he can't look Eddie in the eyes. This wasn't supposed to come out like this, it wasn't supposed to come out at all. 
There is a sharp intake of breath from across the table, where Eddie is standing, and Buck glances through his lashes to see Eddie nodding, seeming anxious but determined. 
"Okay, yeah, okay," Eddie says. "I'll cancel the date."
Buck's head shoots up. 
"You'll what?" he asks in an echo of the question that started all this. 
Eddie looks straight at him, nervously chewing on his lower lip. 
"I'll cancel the date. And, you know, since that means I'll be free on Valentine's Day, if you happened to have something to ask me..."
Is Eddie challenging Buck to ask him out? This doesn't feel like it's real, like it's actually happening, but when he pinches himself it hurts. 
"You, uh, you-" He has to clear his throat before he can continue, feeling like the words are stuck. "Do you- do you want to go on a date with me? On Tuesday?"
Eddie doesn't answer right away, as if he's trying to make Buck suffer through even more anticipation, something that shouldn't surprise him considering that he knows who he's dealing with. 
"Yes, Buck, I'll go on a date with you on Tuesday," Eddie replies, and Buck's heart quite literally skips a beat as a grin finds it way onto his face. 
And Eddie, Eddie suddenly seems almost shy, but he smiles and nods when Buck says: "I'll pick you up at seven?"
Just like that, Buck has a date on Valentine's Day with the man he's in been in love with for so long he can barely remember when it started. Now he just needs to hope it goes better than last time. 
From the Valentine's Day prompts list
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hurlumerlu · 6 months
miw/neo/shin for the ship ask ?
Well obviously you can guess that I love them, I haven't been subtle about it (also thank you for diving in the tag and providing me with good gifsets u.u) I love them individually - though Miw's the best and the guys are both sometimes irritating in their own way, you can't change my mind - and I love them as a trio, but I also love how they (still as a trio) interract with other characters in universe and narratively, and I love every single side of their triangle, though again : Miw & Shin have such a fun and surprisingly meaty dynamic, it's definitely my favourite out of the three.
On that subject, it is really nice to see a polyamorous triad that isn't a perfect triangle but where the non-romantic side is given (roughly) as much weight as the romantic ones. Neo isn't here when Miw and Shin meet, and something sparks without him. There's this shift, in their first bedroom scene, where Miw is bringing forth this cute and nice persona but respond to Shin's attempt at sincerity by deciding that putting her more abrasive self forward is a risk worth taking, and it's pretty pivotal ? After that Shin trusts her even when it's... pretty obvious she's lying, and she reciprocate by simply wanting to spend time with him without expecting anything from him. Like, their friendship started before The Clusterfuck, it could have blossomed on it's own, and it is important from that point on (Shin #1 Miw defender).
That being said, I also enjoy having a f/m/m polycule where the woman isn't the arrow's head. I feel like the very few stories who depict this kind of situations tend to rely on the men being bro but desiring the same woman in a weird attempt to, idk, retain some heterosexuality ? Not that it works. But here it feels like they went out of their way to avoid that, and I am here for it. Everyone gets their turn in the middle, but Neo is the clear linchpin of the throuple. Remove him and they fall appart, because of their respective insecurities. "It's time for this movie to end", say Miw, because why would she saddle the rich boy with her trashy mess ? and Shin doesn't object because why would he bother this cool girl that his crush loves more than him ? The three of them are stupidly self-sacrificial in different ways. But yeah, it's Neo's belief that when it comes to love they are allowed to have it all that keeps them together and it's just sweet.
Speaking of insecurities, I appreciate that it does actually take more than them fucking once for their relationship to be all smooth sailing, and that most of their hangs-up are pretty realistic results of, uh, living in our world. Like, Miw & Neo's poverty and their complicated relationship re: sex-work that they keep throwing in each other's face (Neo straight up calling Miw a whore, Miw arguing that Neo's a bad romantic prospect because he's poor and vulgar and uneducated) ? And you cannot convince me that Shin's conviction that he's just not as important to them as they are to him is partly from experiencing homophobia and seeing himself as the gay option vs Miw/Neo as the normal path anyone would want to take. I mean obviously gangster dad is the biggest obstacle in their path but I like that they also face internal ones. I'm often frustrated by the way polyamory is sometimes presented as the solution to love triangles (especially in fandom spaces) because imo, the neat narrative thing an OT3 does isn't that it solves the problem, but that it creates different ones. The show does it beautifully.
On a more, idk, bird-eyed view perspective ? I greatly enjoy just watching them blaze accross Thailand ruining lives without meaning to. The Mae/Phon/Ter mirrorverse doomed trio, Neo's boss, that guy Oat, the hotel manager and her family, Neo's brother, Luang I guess, even arguably Vanika... never has a polycule been such an ill-omen. Incredible Natural Disaster Energy. Three will be free and yes that is a threat.
UGH there was something else I wanted to talk about but I forgot what it was, I didn't expect this to get this long and also I'm sick and my brain isn't working super well right now. Anyway : never forget Neo fucked the step-son right after the step-mom. Or that time when Miw flirted with Neo's brother, while Neo watched them with jealousy, while Shin watched HIM with jealousy. Terrible work, team, eat some pot-brownies and then hit the showers.
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How does Naobito feel about Megumi in your Sea Glass Garden—Universe?
He’s obsessed with him.
Canonically, Naobito is one of the most powerful if not the most powerful grade one sorcerer, even after becoming a raging alcoholic well past his prime. Which means that before Gojo Satoru was born, he was most likely the most powerful sorcerer around. Yeah, Yuki Tsukumo was special grade, but she doesn’t cooperate with the jujutsu world. Out of actual combatants, he would have been at the top of the pyramid.
Then he got bumped down the list by a literal child and his bitchy compadre Gayboy Bangs Guy the Amazing Curse Gulper.
It probably stung. Naobito isn’t the sort to take wounds to his pride well—Gojo’s birth signaled a loss of status to his clan and to him personally.
In his mind, the Ten Shadows was the path to undoing that.
Power is the biggest currency of the world. And Naobito believed the stories--the Ten Shadows was the Six Eyes' equal and opposite. The Gojo clan gained so much political capital because they had the most powerful guy around, but he was convinced that the Ten Shadows would be able to match Gojo beat for beat. Before he ever met Megumi, he was obsessed with the idea of him.
It's especially exacerbated by the fact that the last Ten Shadows died.
Like, that was considered the biggest failure in clan leadership in the history of the Zenin clan. Their most treasured technique, only returned to them every few centuries, and the clan head back then went and let them get murdered in childhood.
Being the clan head when the Ten Shadows is reborn is a big deal. It signals a time of change for the clan. A coming to a new age of power, ushered in by the new Ten Shadows and all their might. If you're the clan head and you rear them successfully, then you're remembered as one of the great leaders of Zenin history.
If you fuck up with the Ten Shadows, then it doesn't matter what else you did while leading the clan. You'll only be remembered as the guy that fumbled the bag with their most valuable technique. No one remembers anything about the leader that was head when the last one died, other than the fact that he lost the Ten Shadows.
In a way, Gojo raising Megumi is worse. At least if he died, he'd be a martyr. As he is right now, he's just a mockery to the entire clan.
And it's very much viewed as Naobito's failure.
Naobito's clan head. Whether or not it's actually his fault that Megumi isn't being raised within the clan, it's considered his failure. He lost a lot of the respect of his own group when he failed to bring Megumi into the clan. He regained a bit when he got partial custody, and then lost it all again when Gojo cut them off completely.
Naobito's obsessed with this idea of returning Megumi to the clan, making him heir, and unlocking his true potential because he thinks that's the only way to salvage his legacy. It's the only way of undoing the insult that Gojo delivered to them all those years ago.
Gojo's said to be the most powerful Six Eyes in history, and Naobito's convinced that Megumi is his counterbalance. He's convinced that Megumi could be the most powerful Ten Shadows and take the clan to new heights. So he refuses to give an inch when it comes to cramming Megumi into this ideal of him.
Which really goes to show that it really is his fault that the clan lost Megumi.
Like, he somehow failed to buy the love of an impoverished orphan whose price was literally just "be nice to my sister." Megumi would have put up with a lot of the Zenin's bullshit if they had just taken care of Tsumiki.
If Naobito had made little compromises when he had Megumi, then he'd probably still have partial custody of him. If he had just allowed Megumi to bathe himself, given him a little bit of control over the clothes he wore, eased back on training so it was at a humane level, and forbade anyone from saying bad things about Tsumiki, then Megumi would have put up with the rest of their weird shit.
He refuses to see Megumi's humanity, is the issue. Everything that doesn't fit in his ideal of the Ten Shadows is discounted as unimportant to him. But those are all the most important bits of Megumi himself.
He didn't like how everyone would always be mean about his sister. He didn't like how he didn't have any choices or control when he was with the Zenin. They stomped all over him when they had it, and it was because Naobito was obsessed with sculpting Megumi into an ideal that was never real to begin with.
He hasn't given up on Megumi yet. He's still dangerously obsessed with him and wants him as clan heir. The only thing keeping him at bay is Gojo.
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cupid-styles · 3 months
okay!! i just wanted to ask before i dumped emotions into your inbox..
but anywho…my s/o and i have been together for almost 10 years, and i feel like the emotional connection just isn’t there anymore, we fight and i feel like we’ve fallen into this routine of just existing in the same space together…and recently this guy at work has been heavy flirting with me (i don’t flirt back on purpose….but i think i just have a flirty personality?? that’s what i’ve been told before idk) but like, (i swear up and down) i’ve never initiated the flirting but i also don’t do anything to stop it so .. i think i have a guilty conscience about it and im not sure what to do. it feels nice to be paid attention to, and maybe that’s why i haven’t stopped it, but i don’t know. what would you do in my situation??
(if this is too much/too personal to answer then please feel free to ignore!!)
I so appreciate you asking ahead of time, it's super sweet of you!! anyway, my answer is below the cut bc we all know I always have a lot to say :D
ok!!!! so I think there's a few different parts to this situation. one, you and your SO have been together for a substantial amount of time! I'm not sure how old you are, but if you've been together since you were teenagers or in your 20s, 10 years in a relationship ON TOP of a developing brain and figuring out who you are in the world can feel like 20 years!! even if you got together later on, you go through SO MUCH in life that can change the person you are (or change the person they are). im assuming you live together based on the "existing in the same space" thing you said, and that's also incredibly easy to do when you live with your SO. my point here being: you haven't done anything wrong! 10 years is a long time. and if you're fighting and the relationship doesn't feel like it's working, is it too far of a stretch to say that you don't necessarily want to fix the lack of emotional connection?
the second part of this is that you're definitely not getting the attention you want from your partner so it's understandable as to why this guy flirting w you at work feels good. you feel guilty bc it's a weird thing to do after being with the same person for so long! i think people have different opinions on flirting — some view it as harmless if there's no intention behind it (esp if you've been w the same person for a long time) and some go as far as considering it as cheating. I can't tell you what to categorize it as, but I also wouldn't overthink it. you're not acting upon it, you're not actively seeking it out, he's just a guy that *probably* won't have an impact in your life in the longterm.
ALL OF THIS IS TO SAY!!!!!!!! I wouldn't do anything about the flirting thing, but I would consider it as maybe.......a red flag? a minor red flag? a little "yoohoo, it's time for me to analyze what I want from my relationship"? does that make sense? like you're enjoying how it feels to receive attention from someone who isn't your partner, so what does that REALLY mean for you? probably not that you actually like this guy (unless you do!), but maybe........it's time to sit down with your SO and have a chat about your future? maybe you need to assess your needs and wants in your relationship?
I hope this made sense! and I hope you're doing alright! I'm sending you lots of love, please feel free to hop in my asks if you need help w anything else :) you'll be ok!!!!! I promise!
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thetwelfthcrow · 7 months
Sorry that ask sent early! Also, people can be part of an industry their whole lives and have completely different perspectives than others. People can go decades believing something and then be shocked that their experience is an extremely limited one. And we know that F1 and single seater motor sports in general (and all motor sports really) are very traditional. They haven’t had the shift that some other sports have had. So it would not be surprising that a man who is the son of a former F1 driver has a very limited view even though he’s been part of that world his whole life. Especially because we have a bit of an idea about what kind of father Jos is and what kind of person he is. Despite his mother’s karting success, it wouldn’t be surprising if Max hasn’t ever had to actually learn about the institutional issues in racing and how female experiences differ greatly from male ones.
Especially since we do have women sharing their experiences and we have other F1 drivers that do (indirectly) disagree with Max. Anyway I love Max and I believe that he has the ability to really be a leader (we already see so much of it) and I hope that I get to see change in him over the next few years.
I’m really sorry about ranting in you ask box! This was not supposed to go on for this long.
(part 1) / (context) / (context)
apologies for the delay in my answer!
so yeah 1) people can be in a certain field their whole life and still be fucking wrong about things (or, the politer version: have different opinions about things).
2) people can be in a certain field their whole life and still know nothing. i doubt anyone on the grid can relate to the experiences that lewis has had, always being one of the few, or the only one, black guy in the field. someone like max can live and breathe racing from the moment he was in diapers and still have no clue what lewis went through.
3) adding to that, someone like max whose dad always had the money and time to help him out with his racing career and teach him and drive all around europe to go to karting races will likely not know what it's like when - once again using lewis as an example - there's no money on the plank and someone has to work multiple jobs and deal with the same, poor equipment time after time again bc they can't just afford a new car. all of this is the same point as above; when you've lived a rich childhood, you'll likely not understand these issues
4) similarly, someone who's had a loving childhood with patience and acceptance in the parenting-values will likely not understand the feelings and experiences someone like max could've had when his dad forced him to stay out on track even though his hands were freezing, for starters.
the conclusion of all of the above is: you may be in the same industry, in the same circles, in the same context, but you're all incredibly different human beings with different experiences and you can and can not relate to each other on certain aspects. and that's okay - because that's where empathy comes in.
i don't think max said anything about all of these topics though? i mean, from the quote i've seen, all he says is 'there are less women with racing careers so the chances for them are even smaller' true. 'physically it's tough but women can train for it just as men can' true. 'i don't think team principals are inherently misogynistic' likely very naive, but ok. 'there are less women, but if there was a woman so talented to beat everyone then sure she should get into F1' similarly likely naive, but i suppose it's a nice thought to have.
yes in the quote we've seen (i keep adding this bc i haven't seen the full interview/don't know the question asked/don't know if this is his full answer), he doesn't mention that the path toward motorsport isn't easy for women and that it is likely made so very hard for them every step of the way. he's got a bit of a naive/hopeful/optimistic worldview in that he thinks women get equal chances based on talent, but there's simply less women. he doesn't say anything about the why there's less women in motorsport, but he maybe wasn't asked. he may not have had the space for it. so we don't know his thoughts on that. maybe one day we'll get it, but for now i'd put this in line with what lando's said before about women in motorsport
hope this is coherent lmao i did not sleep a lot
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alexdelray1 · 11 months
Hobie x Reader. If you want to read in Polish my account on wattpad is 'MotherMotherIsee'
That's what we do people. My name is Reader Worth. I was born and raised in Canada on Earth 779 and at the age of 14 I was bitten by a radioactive spider and since then I've been the one and only Spider-woman. Well, I was, because about three years later I got an offer to be part of the Spiderverse where other Spider people fight anomalies. I agreed because to be honest there is not much going on in Canada and a part-time job for a 17-year-old girl who goes to the most boring school in the entire universe is a miracle.
And that's how I met my friend. Hobie Brown. Curious man. He's such a cool replacement for mothers who don't believe in vaccines. Only he has more to say on other topics as well. He's an anarchist, doesn't believe in constitutions, and doesn't like his government very much. I am his opposite. I even like my government, I have rights that I can use, for example, for abortion or other things, and I think that power is needed. And that's why we don't get along very well.
-It's because of fascists like you that worlds are getting worse.- Hobie said as Pavitr watched us. Poor guy doesn't know what's going on. I just met them at headquarters after a mission.
-I'm not a fascist. I just think power is needed. So if there wouldn't be any power people would do what they wanted. - I replied. It didn't sound like what I wanted.
-Exactly. They all do what they want live their way of life.- Hobie said and nailed the turtle with Pavitr. I put my hand to my face in disappointment.
-And I think you two would look good together.- Pavitr smiled looking at us and moving his eyebrows.
-We? No! - I denied and Hobie just stared at him with shock on his face.
-I can see it. Sparks between you. Your political views may not be the same, but you are riding the same wave.- Pavitr said.
-Pavitr, baby. How old are you to be talking like that?- I asked him, placing my hands on my hips.
-In few months 14.- He replied with a stupid smile.
-Seriously? And soon you'll be taller than me. Listen. Just because two people argue about their views doesn't mean they like each other or anything.- I explained to him as I approached him.
-I know, but you two don't just argue. For example, Hobie has pictures of you on his phone.- Pavitr said.
-Of course he does. He must have at least one from a mission, for example.- I explained and Pavitr shook his head.
-He doesn't have at least one. He has at least thirty of them.- said Pavitr and I looked at Hobie with wide eyes.
-And you Reader always persuade Miguel to give you missions with Hobie.- Pav added and now Hobie looked at me with big eyes.
- Well, because... I do, well. you know. You have a nice guitar.- I said to Hobie and he smiled.
-And you know, your gadgets are awesome too.- admitted Hobie.
-And now I'll leave you with this information with the hope that in a few years I'll be the best man at your wedding.- said Pavitr and ran off to who knows where.
"You know, I don't believe in consistency, but being your partner may not mean consistency," Hobie announced, inching a little closer.
-I might have nothing against your rebelliousness if we talked more about other things.- I said, crossing my arms.
-Would you like to go on a date or two?- he asked, extending his hand to me.
-I'll let you take me even for a million.- I replied and took his hand. I think we will be together for some time, but if he ever changes and votes for PIS, he will be blocked. (Polish people know what I'm talking about)
That's the and for today. For now on please don't request.
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invisibleraven · 1 year
One more cause I'm on a roll. "I have to tell them", sweet tarts, bonus if it's somewhat canon-compliant?
After the Orpheum, Carrie offers Julie a mea culpa, and they become, well maybe not friends again, but friendly enough, Sure they still snip at each other, but it's more playful bark than bite, and Carrie feels better about having Julie back in her life.
Especially since it means she has her Spanish tutor back, because even growing up around the Molinas, she has never really grasped the language.
Julie had texted her that she was running late, but Carrie was free to wait out in the studio, grab a soda from the mini fridge or a snack from one of the bins out there. Carrie had just settled down with a bag of apple chips and a sparkling water when she hears a noise from the loft.
"Hello?" she calls out. "Carlos? Is that you?" She starts climbing the ladder, and spies a flash of red flannel on the bean bag. "Oh hey. You're Julie's bassist."
"You can see me?" he squeaks.
Carrie rolls her eyes at that. Man these guys take the hologram thing too far. "Yes, what did Julie leave her projector on or what?"
"Something like that," he grumbled. "I'm Reggie, by the way."
"I know," he says. "You here to hang with Jules? I think she's still helping drop little dude off at practice."
"Yeah, she told me that I could stay here until she got back. We're gonna do Spanish homework. Then math, bleh."
"I-I could help you with the math," Reggie offered. "It's been a while since I've done it and I honestly don't understand why they teach it to you the way they do, but it was always my best subject."
"That'd be great honestly, both Julie and I suck at it." Carrie descends the ladder, and goes back over to her spot, patting the cushion next to her as Reggie hesitates. "I don't bite you know."
He settles down next to her tentatively, then skims the problems on her page, before spouting off about equations and numerical functions that has Carrie almost lost. But then he gives a sheepish laugh, rubbing the back of his neck as his cheeks darken. "Sorry, math nerd. I get overenthusiastic."
"It's okay, I get it. I'm the same way about baking."
"you bake?" Reggie says, sounding genuinely surprised.
"Yeah," Carrie replies, twirling a lock of hair with her fingers, glancing away. "Our chef, Marta taught me, and it was... nice. She was classically trained, so I get the passion from her."
"Huh, I learned how to make a few things from my MeeMaw, but I'm pretty hopeless in a kitchen," Reggie says. "You never learned from your mom?"
"You mean Paige?" Carrie chuckled wryly. "Please, I doubt that woman knows what a kitchen is. And she walked out when I was still crawling. She doesn't even send me birthday cards, so not exactly the warm and fuzzy memory making type." She lets go of her hair, and wipes her palms down on her legs. "It's okay though. I have dad, and for a while, I had Rose, she was the next best thing to a mom."
"I wish I could have known her," Reggie says quietly.
"She was the best," Carrie whispers, then sniffles. Wipes at the water collecting in the corner of her eye. "We-we should get on with this math before Julie gets home."
Reggie reaches out, his hand lingering near hers, as if he wants to squeeze it-offer her some reassurance. But he's hesitating, and well, Carrie has never been one to sit by the sidelines while waiting on a (really really cute, admittedly) guy makes up his mind, so she reaches for him instead.
Only her hand goes right through him.
Carrie's eyes widen, because she hadn't seen Julie's projector, and Reggie had lifted things earlier, heck, she could see where he was denting the couch cushion by sitting on it. Reggie grimaces and looks at her. "I think I owe you a bit of an explanation."
After that, Carrie's world view changed a little bit.
Ghosts were real, who knew?
She had a lot of questions, and Reggie had very few answers, but she hadn't run away screaming or gone straight to therapy, so they considered that a win.
"Why can I see you though?" she asked.
"We think... Julie did something the night she kept us from fading? We're solid to her all the time, and the people she cares about can see us. Guess you're one of the lucky few. We're still working on being solid to people who aren't Julie though," was Reggie's explanation. He bit his lip and looked at Carrie. "Are you going to tell her you can see me?"
Carrie shook her head. "We just got back to an okay place, and this... it just complicates things. Is that okay?"
"So we can be secret friends?" Carrie had nodded and Reggie beamed. "I've never had a secret friend before, this will be neat!" Then he paused. "I guess that means I shouldn't tell Alex and Luke though."
"Probably not."
"We tell each other everything though," Reggie said. "I have to tell them about this."
"I mean, you don't have to," Carrie replied, aching to tangle their fingers together to stop his from fidgeting with his flannel.
"I really do, considering your dad used to be our bandmate," Reggie said.
That had lead to Carrie shrieking and a whole other explanation, and her vowing that she would sit down with her father (once he was back from his now totally explainable mental retreat) to set some things right.
“I kind of wish I could give you a hug right now,” is all she can say in the end. “I give killer hugs.”
“Think one of those would have been preferable to the hot dogs,” Reggie snarks, making Carrie snort out a laugh, leading to Reggie breaking down on giggles.
It isn’t until they finally stop shaking with laughter that Carrie realizes she leaning against Reggie, a solid warm being, and she throws her arms around him. Reggie almost jolts back but then her arms are around him, and what can he do but hug her back?
They only pull apart as they hear Ray’s car pull into the drive. “Still want to keep this a secret?” Reggie asks.
Carrie smiles and leans in, pressing a tiny kiss to his cheek. “I think I’m good keeping you all to myself for a bit, yeah.”
Reggie turns vibrantly red but gives her a crooked grin and a wink before shimmering out of view just as Julie opens the door.
“Hey Care, sorry to keep you waiting so long,” Julie says, sitting herself right where Reggie had just been.
“It’s okay,” Carrie replies, glancing up to the loft where she swore she saw a flash of red flannel. “I kept myself busy.”
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666writingcafe · 2 years
Everyone Gets Settled on The Train
Author’s Note: “Lucifer” = “Satan (Lucifer)“, "Satan” = “Lucifer (Satan)”
"Whoooooa!" Mammon exclaims, pointing out the train car window that's closest to him. "Check it out, MC!"
"They're sheep," I reply. "Are you telling me that the Devildom doesn't have their own version of sheep?"
"Well, yes, but human world sheep are totally different! I heard they taste a million times better!"
"Mammon, quit shouting every time you see something mildly interesting," Satan groans. "You're embarrassing us."
"And please be more careful with your words," I add. "Has it escaped your memory that the picture on my student ID is a literal sheep?"
"I'm just glad I made the right choice about reserving a private cabin for us," Lucifer responds. Per usual, Mammon ignores us all by changing the subject.
"By the way, they've got a place where you can go and eat on this train, right?" he asks.
"The dining car," I answer. Mammon chuckles.
"I'm gonna go take some pictures and then brag about it to Beel when we get back to the Devildom. Be back in a minute!" I breathe a sigh of relief once Mammon exits the cabin. While I do have a soft spot for the demon, he can get on my nerves. Satan, Lucifer, and I sit in a comfortable silence for a few minutes. Then, Lucifer asks,
"So, would you say this is similar to what's known as a family trip in the human world?"
"I suppose," I reply. "Although family trips tend to be more planned out than this."
"You know, the view out the window is nice," Satan states.
"If it weren't for the fact that bringing the seven of you along to any sort of a trip would result in pure chaos, I'd suggest that you guys could become my travel companions when I get settled back home," I tell them. Before either Lucifer or Satan can respond, a scream pierces the calm air, followed by someone yelling,
"Someone call the crew! A woman's been stabbed!" Immediately, I begin feeling nauseous.
"How much do you guys wanna bet it's the witch we're supposed to meet?" I ask.
"The guy who did it was young!" the mystery person adds. "He had white hair, and tan skin, and he was wearing sunglasses!" Someone else adds,
"Right, exactly! He was wearing a brown and white jacket, and he had some sort of strange keychain. It looked like a tail or something! He's the one who did it! He's the one who stabbed her to death!"
"Considering that the description sounds an awful lot like Mammon, I'd say the chances are high," Lucifer answers. "We better go investigate." As we walk out of the cabin, Satan stops me, glances at my eyes, and wiggles his fingers in front of my face.
"Solomon's potion wore off," he explains. "The last thing we need is to scare any of the passengers."
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bearpillowmonster · 13 days
Wuthering Waves
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I caught up.
Coming from the guy who doesn't like Tears of the Kingdom (sees an army behind me) oh, hey. I was afraid to try anything considered like it, you know, the grindy, open-world walking, parachute and climbing simulators. That included Genshin. But if there's one thing that can change my mind about a game, it's a cute anime girl and with genshin, I can't say there were many that I was interested in, meh. So this one released and it was pizazz because I saw some good looking characters that I could want to collect, that's the mechanic after all and if I saw those then there must be plenty more.
You start out picking boy or girl, no choice on features or personality. They're just static on a background so I just picked the boy and figured I'd get romance options and partner points and junk, yeah, no, that's not what this game is. The female protag was actually the one I saw, come to find out, just couldn't tell from the way she was framed. But ok, you don't build your relationship with any one girl but there's gacha mechanics so there's bound to be one to like.
Once you pick your protag, that's it, you don't get to go back but it's generous enough to let you pick who you play as in the battlefield as well as in the overworld as long as you have them.
Right away, the gameplay is actually pretty impressive, I was blown away by how fast-paced it was and felt myself shaking my head at Breath of the Wild. Sure, you don't have anything to experiment with but it does have mechanics like levitation on certain objects, a grapple, a sensor, a camera, it's neat enough to fit very nice. Having the three in your party at a time is really beneficial and seamless, you can get combos off of each other like mad, really satisfying. Aside from playstyle, they have different weapons too. Some have guns, some have swords, some have little companions that do all the work for them but they're a good buffer because they heal.
Exp is gained more through the menu though as you get canisters to apply to your characters. Some can argue that it lets you play as your powerful ones and feed your little ones so you can play as them more often so that's neat but sometimes it feels wasted because of it, not sure how you want to feel because you do get normal exp too but it's not much. I normally gave a lot to my main, because he was in my party all the time anyway, might as well have a pillar but then I realized that going down the list depleted what level I was used to playing as and couldn't pull off as good of combos as I should've so you want to try and keep your main 3 as close as possible in stats. Make sure they each have max resonators and level those up too. There're just too many things to level up.
The graphics aren't all bad, you can set the options in the settings but there was a lot of pop-in so there was no real "view from far away" mechanic or binocucom. I wasn't really bothered. The Open-World has a good variety of fast-travel points so it never really felt like a hefty run like TOTK did, nor as empty, I always felt like there was enough variety and enemies and places to interact with and fight, it's a good world.
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The stamina meter is actually pretty reasonable, you can even run up and along walls. You can climb the lip most of the time so I don't feel stuck. My only real complaint with the world is something that Zelda does better and that's side-quests. I'm always doing quests, going here or there and they usually aren't far from the next checkpoint but for one, they kind of suck. If it's not the main mission, it wasn't really worth paying attention for me, save a few, I skipped a lot of cutscenes. The way these are treated is also a bit weird because something the protag wants to talk, sometimes they're silent. I assume it's because you can choose gender but at the same time, why not commit one way or the other? There will also be little title card transitions that summarize the gaps in between like "This person went to jail." next custscene. Really weird. They've started adding characters already and so far some of those have some good stories though so I can't complain too much if they update with better quests.
But all these side-quests have to originate somewhere and it's not out in the world, it's usually at the hub or starting town which is really odd. I may pass all these places but they have no meaning to me unless I do a quest. Sometimes that quest will just be later in the story and I haven't unlocked it, which I'll get to. Other towns do exist but they're few and far between and they don't give me any quests. I think this is the part to say that it's not an MMO. It acts like an MMO, but it's not, I'm not sure that it'd run the same that way so it can be forgiven but I think that would boost the experience a tad and breathe more life into the areas that exist. Is it grindy? Well, let's talk about that.
I hate when enemies feel spongy and because attacks are constantly bringing down health rather than cold and calculated chips, I didn't feel like I was being cheated, I just felt like if I had trouble with it, it was just the level I was at.
There's actually a few different types of exp but they use different bases to level up. So we have character exp, which is fueled by those capsules I was talking about, gained from pretty much everything. Then we have weapon exp which, I'm a Kingdom Hearts nerd so of course I'm going to draw a comparison, Union Cross. You take medals and you feed them to other medals to increase the level. That's a good comparison for the gacha too, you have a few different events to choose from and it asks you who you're going after but it doesn't affect probability or really much of anything but you have a chance to win a character, not just girls either, I have this Raiden/Sephi crossover here to prove it but you're going to get a lot of items instead.
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Union X often had something guaranteed in 10 or so pulls, getting 10 each time with a guaranteed rare for events. Being that this just came out, you might run out but I had enough to do it over time. I believe it holds your place and it's a chinese gacha game, let me remind you, that's what they want, but it's perfectly manageable without it.
Right now, there are 18 characters you can get, but you get 4 from the get-go and I got so far that I got a free ticket to choose one of whomever so 5 if you get that. Can I get the female protag? That remains to be seen but I'm looking into it. I honestly think to wait for more characters to appear so you can get the one you really want and be happy with but right now, I'm more or less just getting a head-start. Anyways! The last sort of exp is Union Exp, why it's called that, I don't know, there are no guilds or unions, maybe just as an 'overall' or union of everything combined, but it's basically the level of your profile and how far you are into the story. This is gained by most things, little by little. I found that I got the most doing lengthy quests, claiming rewards and getting those fast travel icons. The thing is, this is the one that it actually requires you to get in the story. I didn't even need to worry about it until I was to meet with Chixia again and enter the Grand Library for the first time.
I was Union 11. I needed 14. So, for some reason, I got really behind, really quickly. So I grinded and did some quests but some of them I was underleveled for the first time as a character so I went out and did the little stuff that I said because, like I said, all those side-quests originate in the main town and once you complete those then you're kind of lost on what to do and just have to leg until you reach that goal. I suppose it's meant to inflate playtime but I finally got to the quest and found that I was facing enemies in the 40s, which only my protag was prepared for so I had to go and grind again to upgrade everything. A very sudden spike.
I'm a bit of an item hoarder so I don't spend what I don't need to so I had the resources to level up my characters (the capsules, which don't affect Union Level) but I just saved them for when I decided what to use them on so that I was never out. If I want to do things in a timely manner, I have to use them. After I beat that boss, the next main quest has another big jump over to level 21. Now I'm familiar with MMOs staggering their main quests so that you can stay busy with side ones but when the side ones are also staggered, it gets kind of annoying.
It's also annoying to log in everytime you open the game but alt F4 to close and you can just get back in. But back to the Union Leveling. You get to 20 and it says that in order to progress you need to get this ascension thing in the form of a training quest but the enemies are over level 40, which your character is maxed out at and you need to beat this quest to level up higher. So, if you can't beat it, the only way to get stronger is to max everything else out until hopefully you get there. I was at 40, 39, and 38, weapons maxed, all resonators filled and still couldn't beat it. It's timed. And really, I was doing just about everything else without a problem aside from some of the tower, the main missions are harder than any boss you will face in the overworld because they specifically put you in that position. So how did I improve when I was literally barred from exp points?
Well, I pulled. That's right, gacha was apparently more than optional, you need it in order to get better weapons/the same ones to feed to the ones you already have. Through this, I learned the crafting and synthesis system though I don't care much for it unless it saves me the trip of fighting the same stuff over and over. The next limit wasn't nearly as tough because it more or less acts as your final main quest for the chapter so it grants you level 50 characters to play as.
I know I said this is a single player game and technically, I'm half correct. The core is indeed single player, but there's a co-op experience where you can go and grind or fight monsters or bosses, good for leveling up but you can't get any help doing quests, it's one sided. This will probably change later on but that's the base
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shirogane-oushirou · 9 months
🩷,💌, and 🎁 for the emoji asks? :D
tysm caitie for the ask!!! ☺✨💕
gonna go for a change of pace and talk about my main man oushirou, my beloved freak of almost 15 years. gives him a little kissy. mwah.
🩷 for a headcanon about f/o.
the desire to seem non-threatening is what got him to start experimenting with things like his looks and his weird-funny-guy personality... then he crossdressed for the Funnies once and realized it was fun, actually... then he started being a little more flamboyant because it came naturally to him... and this was all in the gender-rigid environment of the all-boys-except-tsukiko seigetsu academy.
so as soon as he graduates to go to college, get an internship, enter the journalism field, travel all over the world... he realizes how even HIS view of the limits of expression are... well... limited. he feels more free to try new things, wear bold patterns, paint his nails, do his hair in even more interesting styles. as he learns new languages he also learns all new ways to describe gender and expression and sexuality. in the end, he realizes doesn't really need defined labels; he's simply oushirou, and he's going to look beautiful and handsome and charming and sexy and flirty for anyone and everyone who's willing to give him their time.
when he shows up at the 10 year seigetsu reunion, wearing a zebra stripe suit with polkadot tie, red aviators, black nails, and an intricately styled hair-do, it catches everyone a little off guard... but they quickly lean into the bold changes when they see just how much more comfortable and self-assured he seems.
(tl;dr: i hc him as genderqueer and pansexual lol. and he has a VERY nonbiney fashion sense ksjnkjnsf which is canon but like. they didn't INTEND for it to be typical nonbinary fashion, they just wanted him to be a little weirdo man. no, sorry, i'm The Oushirou Guy (tm) and i declare he's Gender.)
💌 for a snippet of a conversation we had.
(ngl i'm extremely brain empty, so i'm actually going repurpose and rewrite part of a prompt i did in... uh... 2012????? jfc i'm a selfshipping grandpa.)
“Kehe! What, are you afraid to show a bit of leg, sweetheart? You know I’ve already seen them before right?”
The door closes, and the red-head strides over to the bed and, with a grunt, plops himself down where Ro’s feet end under the covers.
“Doesn’t mean you just get to see 'em for free, you know! B'sides, if I ran around half-naked all the time I don't think it'd stay entertaining for long.”
“Oh, you doubt the power of a true pervert? Kuhihi~”
He begins to move, and Ro closes their eyes and tenses, preparing for the usual onslaught of wriggling fingers and wet, sloppy, gross kisses...
The weight on the bed shifts, and two warm arms wrap around their waist.
A quick kiss at the corner of their eye.
“…Did you get a lot of work done?”
Their shoulders relax, and a sigh escapes them as they look up into his face, much closer now than it was before. “Enough…I guess. It’s hard to say at this point.” The work of a freelancer is never done, after all.
“So then,” his hands slowly, gently travel up and down their arms, “how about a nice, relaxing, eight-to-ten-hour sleep break with me, hmm?” He moves his head to the crook of their neck, nuzzling into it. Ro brings one hand to his long hair and begins running their fingers through, the other rubbing his shoulders and back. “Just you, me, and this big ol’ comfy bed. Ah, and your pants-less legs, of course~!” He grins against their neck.
“As long as you don’t look at them, mister.”
“Oh c'mooooon, don’t pull the ‘mister’ thing on me right before bed! It makes me feel so oooold and formal. You’re so mean, sir.” He looks up from his comfortable neck-crook long enough to wipe a fake tear from his eye and pout at their serious face.
A few seconds pass, the two staring intensely at each other, before Ro huffs and breaks into a small smile. They lean forward and give Oushirou a light peck on the lips, and as they lean back to lie on the bed, his lips eagerly follow theirs, wanting more.
🎁 for a gift f/o has given s/i (or vice versa).
he travels all the time, all over the world, so he tries to bring back little trinkets from all of the places he's been. just tiny painted keepsakes. i keep them displayed on a shelf as a reminder of just how much he's been able to do, how far he's been able to go, and how many people he's met.
and while bringing back cooked food with him would be... difficult, he does sometimes bring back interesting recipes from those who are willing to share. when we meet up again, he buys some ingredients, borrows the kitchen, and cooks something to allow me to experience a small taste of the places he went to.
0 notes
i-need-air · 4 years
Hybrid!AU Wolf!Bakugou Katsuki HCs Part 2.
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Summary: Part 2 is here! While in part 1 it was mostly adoption and how he'd behave with you as a roommate, part two is him ✨ realizing things ✨ followed by how he'd be in a romantic relationship.
Word Count: 2k words [ oops, I did it again ]
Notes: So I said it'll be out in a few days but three [3] people asked me for part 2 and I'm a sucker soooooooo!! I could've just written a long ass fic but whatever, I thought I'd make it shorter in headcanons... hah lol right. Enjoy!
Part 1 here!
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× he's a wild wolf so he's very active; like you need to understand he needs to go outside if not he'd get impatient, more aggressive, snappy, so once you took him on an easy hiking trail near your house and he loved it so once or twice a month you both go together to different places [ he demands it ]
× it's hard to keep up with him bc he's literally genetically engineered to be better than any very fit human being but he slows down for you
× morning runs at 5 a.m. bc he's insane
× is also a grandpa
× watched all documentaries on any streaming platform you could provide to him, also loves reading
× as months pass and you start to have your routine in order, word comes to you that an acquaintance is looking for a security guard at his mechanical shop two streets away from your house
× you casually mentioned it to Bakugou because he was starting to act anxious whenever you'd leave the house, so you assumed he was extra bored
× seriously, the house was spotlessly cleaned, he cooked amazingly and was occupied with your old laptop and going around the city to explore, but you guessed he wanted more independence?
× little did you know you were right but so wrong lol
× so Bakugou stared at you intensely and asked "Where?"
× it was as easy as telling him the location, him nodding and you thought he'd consider it; you didn't put any pressure on him because he already did so much to help around anyway
× well guess what bitch, next day he comes up to you saying you gotta co-sign his contract [cuz fuck society] meaning he got the job
× he was perfect for it because tall, intimidating, muscular wolf guy? who'd even mess with him? do they have a death wish?
× well, even before this he started to be... soft
× but once you really did show him you support whatever he wants to do, you give him his freedom and liberty of choice, he just reaaally changes, man
× he gets touchy, like his hands stay one second longer on your skin, he uses any excuse to have them on you, even his eyes follow you everywhere
× like c'mon, it's obvious but you didn't wanna put too much thought into it because we're respectful here
× not like you had a big fat crush on him and slowly started to realize it too
× sike bitch he knows
× you think his super-hearing didn't catch the way your heartbeat spikes up every single time he touches you? *please*
× i think he knows before you know
× meanwhile he is working to discover his feelings too
× so your relationship slowly turns into a couple's like relationship but without anything official and of course no kissing or such [ sadly ]
× would get jealous easily
× basically because nothing is talked between you two and deep down is insecure
× why the hell do you smell like other people? was it just a hug or something else? hell, why would you even hug people when he's right there??? just ask and don't touch some extras????
× another thing he does is getting very close to you while you talk to somebody else; scoffs and glares at them too
× ok so!! gifts! he really appreciates any gift you give him but scolds you if you do because you genuinely don't need to do that
× of course he just scolds you and calls you an idiot so I do hope you already learned his language
× it basically means that you shouldn't have done it, he's really grateful but seriously you shouldn't have
× like that one time you saved up money to get him a good computer and he forgot how to speak for like an hour
× the softest thank you ever afterwards
× still sounded rough but he was shocked as fuck
× one thing that remained in your brain were his friends, as sometimes he'd mention them
× so you took it upon yourself to find them, of course with his permission
× gets genuinely overwhelmed and plays it off saying he wouldn't mind knowing where those idiots ended but you didn't miss the way his voice trembled
× for you to find them you needed names and any information he could provide so that's when he, after a long silence and a mesmerized look on his face, started really talking about his life
× which was fucked; won't get much into detail but he was indeed in a fighting ring, people came and bet on whoever was stronger, he even had to fight his friends, everything was filled with abuse and their conditions were subhuman...
× just overall awful
× you couldn't help but hug him tight, feeling him shake in your arms
× with a hesitant voice he asked if you really did think there was a chance to find them
× just couldn't believe how amazing he felt in your arms
× or how your determination that night made his heart clench and took a big weight off his shoulders
× anywho;;;; after his first paycheck he takes you out on cute dates
× never calls them that, just demands you dress up [helps you out cuz boy got style] and takes you to a nice coffee shop or something
× AND on your fifth not date cuz you're not official but there's this weird tension between you date he finally kinda s n a p s
× you honestly didn't expect the waiter to flirt with you, he came out as very pushy and even if you were a lil uncomfortable you smiled and brushed it off
× when the waiter suggested giving you his number the sandy blond hybrid growled
× which i shit you not made the whole coffee shop freeze
× and you froze too
× but neither of you could say anything because the oblivious fuck kept talking
× basically joking about how you should keep your pet in a leash, to which you got up, threw some money on the table, grabbed Bakugou by the hand and leave before he'd rip someone's head off
× it only took you to touch Bakugou's arm to calm him down as he followed behind you wordlessly
× so you stood outside, angry, deep red eyes on your figure
× and silence
× his hand still in yours
× it was warm and amazing and you felt angry but your heart was beating loudly; angry at the waiter that you wanted to go full Karen on and get fired but excited because that growl shook you to the core, as if you could tell it was territorial and it was because of that pig flirting with you and did Bakugou Katsuki just lace his fingers with you?!
× "Oi." he interrupted your thoughts
× he turned your frame towards him and pulled you [kinda harshly] into him
× you'd make a comment about it but brain empty, just Bakugou Katsuki blushing
× "You're mine, you get it?"
× skdjflglykshs
× it sounded like he asked but it was a demand so oops you're his now ok bye
× like I said, boy isn't dumb so he lowkey knew you felt something too
× legit from there on he's just soft as fuck
× has a hard time opening up but visibly tries for you
× still continues to be a pain in the ass, Bakugou Style, but with a loving teasing attitude behind it
× his eyes give him away all the time
× they shine whenever you're in his field of view so congrats because, and this is the best part:
× oh yeah, he's yours, no takebacks
× he isn't one to half-ass the relationship; you're his now and he'll do anything for you
× big time touch starved it hurts
× because he is shy
× so whenever you introduce him to hand holding and cuddles, he can't get enough
× not big on PDA [ and not recommended since human-hybrid relationships are kiiiinda frowned upon but it's getting better ]
× although at home it's another deal
× seriously cuddle him; he's big into the protector vibe so he's a big spoon almost exclusively unless it's to sleep on top of you
× speaking of! accept that even if your relationship isn't that intimate, he'd still hint about sleeping together in the same bed
× so you better catch on when he does because he'll just click his tongue and call you needy
× while dragging you to bed
× sleeps holding you, his nose in your hair or in the crook of your neck
× unless it's summer then stay on your side 💅
× you know those kisses that just scream "I can't get enough of you"? that's his whole kissing vibe in a sentence
× hell, even the gentlest kiss gives that vibe away and it'll 100% leave you breathless
× doesn't have experience but is a very fast learner
× pays very close attention to your body language
× really into biting your skin enough to leave marks
× wear his hoodies
× no, I'm fucking serious, wear them now
× his chest puffs and he turns into a blushing mess when you do it the first times because his scent is on you
× scenting is a big thing for him so of course he's gonna love it
× 10x more territorial because now he has a mate to protect
× jealous but trusts you
× still very jealous though
× let's all pretend he is definitely not scenting you before you go out because it's in his nature and it is embarrassing
× the first time he tells you he loves you it's when he's feeling vulnerable
× the search for his friends is still on-going, he feels less than adequate as a providing mate, is pissed at the world for treating him like an inferior animal when they created him, everything is piled on his shoulders and whenever than happens he closes off
× you notice immediately
× will not tell you at first
× it's only when you go to bed and he turns his back to you when you really know it's bad
× even if you fought before, he'd angrily snuggle you at night-time
× now it's so different
× hug him, whisper sweet nothings in his ear, pull a blanket all over you both and big spoon him, he'd start shaking and talking in no time
× will hide his tears from you but you'd know
× "You're the best fucking thing that happened to me, [Y/N]... I—... Shit... I love you so much."
× neither of you slept that night
× excuse you? drink some water and pray to jesus;;; you talked about feelings, ok? communication is key in a relationship, puh-lease
× [ i have this whole nsfw hcs post already cookin in my brain so maybe I'll make it happen cuz y'all know he has a mating season and all that comes with it 👀 ]
× back to being children of jesus here
× thanks the moon, the heavens and all the gods for putting you in his life; boy didn't believe in destiny but deep down he thinks you were meant to be
× you still better wash the dishes or you'll get your ass kicked.
× you did find some of his friends, little by little, and even if he acted nonchalant, like k das cool, it was obvious he was extremely happy
× so they did get adopted too
× you got in contact with them on social media and they were all very excited about meeting
× so it was a chaotic meeting with a dog hybrid called Kirishima and a mouse like vibrat yellow guy called Kaminari
× they all were looking for Bakugou too since they were very worried about where he ended
× Kirishima shed manly tears when seeing Bakugou
× as they instantly welcomed you in their small group, they informed you both that the majority of the squad was adopted and they're in contact, while they're still actively looking for the others
× cue to the softest expression you've seen on Bakugou in public followed by "That's good"
× silence
× shock and silence
× Kaminari turning to you and whispering "You did this" with a hand on his heart, lips trembling as he wiped an imaginary tear
× insert instantly snappy Bakugou
× when everyone laughed and continued to make plans to meet up with the others, he just looked at you conversing with them, soft expression again on his features and his chest warming
× "Oh! Look, he's doing it again! Quick, take a pictur—"
× "SHINE!"
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greensaplinggrace · 3 years
honestly THANK YOU for saying all that abt baghra bc i thought i was going crazy from not liking her??? bc i haven't read the books and only summaries of them on wiki and like. i dunno why ppl like her actually even in the show bc this guy, her son, is like "i wanna make the world better for us grisha" and she's just like "no." even tho he sees that she's MAKING HERSELF SICK from suppressing her powers! she's literally like in bed coughing in the flashback yet seem much healthier at the little palace. also like after everything, after her disapproval, after the fold, after centuries of waiting for the sun summoner.. he never abandons her. he makes sure she's cares for. he doesn't harm her. and i have to wonder if baghra has ever thanks him for that, for just not leaving her alone. like i dunno how im suppose ro believe aleks is a heartless villain when he still cares for his abusive mom like this. like has baghra even told her she loved him (honestly she reminds me of a classic emotionally unavailable asian parent but maybe that's just me). also im wondering if baghra ever told aleks that he had an aunt.. bc like.. now that u bring up her isolating him it's like hmmmm...
not at me being like alina... why do u trust the bitter old woman who literally beats u with a stick and verbally abuses u every chance she gets.. just bc she showed a bad painting... like.. pls use two braincells to see that who u figured out as his mother... is also using his protection..
like baghra could've upped and left with alina. but no. she stayed bc she knew she was safe under aleks's protection.
alsoim just impressed that after his first friend tried to drown him and harvest his bones... he didn't go into hiding???? he still wanted to make a safe heaven for grisha!!! HE STILL WANTED TO PROTECT GRISHA EVEN AFTER HIS GRISHA FRIEND TRIED TO KILL HIM FOR HIS FUCKEN BONES. like... this is the guy im suppose to believe is the villain???
honestly i feel like part of the reason why LB's plotlines seem so bad and disconnected (and sometimes outright racist but that's another rant) and why darkles is disproportionately more violent and villainous in the later books is bc she didn't expect the darkling to be so popular and wanted to stick with her guns of making him the villain. but also wanted the money from aleks's popularity. but like you can't have ur cake and eat it too.
Well thank you for sending this ask! It's very sweet and very passionate. I'm glad you liked my post! I didn't put as much thought into it as some of my others lol. I kind of just talked. But it was nice to be able to finally talk about some of the problems I have with both her character and the fandom/author's perception of her.
HERE is the post this is referring to, in case anyone's wondering.
👀👀 You've hit the nail on the head for so many things, here!
Baghra is extremely emotionally unavailable, basically to the point of neglect. She's also verbally and physically abusive, traits which I doubt were only reserved for her students and not her son. Baghra claims she would do anything to protect him, but I've known a lot of parents who have that mindset and yet still harm their children because they think it's "good for them".
Aleksander stays at Baghra's side for years, and even when they're opposing each other she's never too far away from him. Idk if you've read the books but he does eventually hurt her. And as much as I don't like Baghra, I think his actions were horrid. But I'm also honestly kind of surprised it took him so long lmao.
Yeah I mean, in terms of isolation, let's not forget that she never wanted to introduce him to his father, either. Baghra's sense of eternity clouds a lot of her judgments on relationships, which means she views most people as dust and therefore teaches her son to as well. The problem with that is that he's a growing child, and he needs those social and emotional attachments for healthy development.
I would bet quite a bit of money that Baghra has either never told him she loves him or she has told him so few times it's practically forgettable.
And everything becomes more complicated because so many of Baghra's actions are understandable because of her life and her history, but the impacts they have on the people around her, especially Aleksander, are permanently damaging. And the fact that that's never gone over in critical depth in the books or how it's glossed over in fandom is just very disconcerting. Like, acknowledging Baghra's failings doesn't mean we're excusing Aleksander's actions, it just means we're holding Baghra liable for her own. Which the fandom should be doing, considering she's the epitome of an abusive parental figure.
And Alina trusting Baghra over Aleksander is even more confusing! Especially in the show!! This is the woman who beat her and abused her and tortured her friends when they tiny little children (and who probably still does so now that they're adults). This is the woman who mocks you and harasses you and insults you on a regular basis. Why does Baghra revealing she's Aleksander's mother make Alina change her mind?! Like fuck, I'd just feel bad for Aleksander. No wonder he kept it a secret, I would too! And that painting is enough evidence?! Really?! A random painting shown to you by this abusive mentor that's been making your life hell. That's what you're going to betray your new lover over?
The friends trying to harvest his bones thing is a good point, too. I think Aleksander, especially show Aleksander, is incredibly idealistic. I think he cares too much for others - those he's deemed worth his care (a sentiment given to him by Baghra). Despite everything she's tried to teach him about hiding and abandoning others and never caring and never doing anything to help or reach out or connect with people, Aleksander still continues to do so. It's likely because he never got it from Baghra growing up, and so is desperate for those emotional needs to be fulfilled elsewhere.
His turning point, when Baghra tells him it was understandable that those kids tried to kill him because the world is such a hard place for them - that's crucial. And the reason it's possible as a motivating factor is because of that idealism and that desire to help and that desire to be everything his mother isn't. Baghra tells him this trauma he just experienced was because of the oppression of his people, and instead of following her lead and accepting that, going into hiding and abandoning everybody to their misery, he goes I can do something about that. I can make it so this never happens again. Which is usually how trauma like that combines with one's core personality traits at a young age, especially when there's none of the essential support systems in place to aid in recovery (ie, the role Baghra should have been filling but wasn't, because she decided to exacerbate the problem instead).
And yeah, one of my biggest problems with the ham-fisted "beating you over the head with a sledgehammer of evil deeds" look-how-bad-this-character-is! portrayal of the Darkling in the later books comes from the impression I get that Bardugo doesn't trust her readers. She's so desperate to have us hate this character and think him an irredeemable villain, not trusting any of her readers to engage critically with a morally gray character, that it feels quite a bit like condescending fucking bullshit. Which ew, I know how to engage with literature, thanks.
She really does seem to look down on a large part of her fandom, and imo, the infantilization of the female characters in her books seems to carry over to her impression of most of her female readers as well. Which is why the Darkling's character arc gets fucking destroyed. But he's still a good cash grab, of course, so she'll shake his dead corpse in front of the fandom for money every time she wants something from it.
Also! Another reason I think her plotlines feel disconnected (I'm sorry Bardugo I respect you as a person, but shit-) is because the writing in SaB is just bad. I mean, nevermind the absolutely nauseating implications of the way she portrays the Grisha as a persecuted group who's situation is never actually fully addressed as it should be, considering Grisha rights is what her main villain is fighting for (imo for a series called the Grishaverse, LB seems to be pretty anti Grisha), but her characters and story alone are just wrong for each other. They don't fit together.
And the ending is one of the main pieces of evidence in that regard! You can’t say the ending where Alina isn’t Grisha anymore is her “going back to where she started” when she’s always been Grisha. She just didn’t know she was Grisha because she denied that part of herself that she was born with.
Alina is reluctant to move forward or change, she struggles with adapting, and she’s very set on the things she’s grown attached to throughout her life. She also has some latent prejudices against the Grisha, and so denies the possibility of being Grisha for those reasons as well.
Alina’s lack of powers in the beginning of her life because she willfully doesn’t learn about them to avoid change versus her lack of powers at the end of the book when she’s accepted them and then they’re stripped away from her by outer forces are two entirely separate circumstances. You can’t make a parallel about lost powers and lack of Grisha status bringing her back to the start when she was always Grisha and she always had powers and she simply refused to come to terms with it because of personal reasons.
The first situation is an internal conflict that indicates a story about growth and a journey of self acceptance. Denying herself the opportunity to learn about her heritage and to find acceptance with a group of people like her because she’s tied to the past and because of the way she was raised is the setup for a narrative that tackles unlearning prejudice and learning how to connect with a part of her identity that was denied her and learning how to grow independent and self assured. It’s the setup for a different story entirely. The second situation is an external conflict that centers around the ‘corrupting influence of power’... for some reason.
In a world where Grisha do not have social, political, or economic power and they are hunted, centering your heroine’s journey of self acceptance and growth around an external conflict about... the corrupting influence of power (in a group of people that don’t actually have any power?!) just doesn’t work. It is literally impossible to connect the two stories Bardugo is trying to push in Shadow and Bone without seriously damaging the main character’s developmental arc.
The only way a narrative like this would work, claiming that she has gone back to where she started, is either a) if the Grisha weren’t actually a persecuted group and instead were apart of the upper class, or b) if the one bad connection between the two instances is acknowledged - that Alina denied a part of herself crucial to self acceptance and growing up, and that losing her powers at the end has also denied her. It is a tragedy, not a happy ending.
Alina suffered because she didn’t use her powers. She grew sick. It was bad for her. This was not a resistance to 'the corruption of power and the burden of greed', it was her suffering because she couldn’t fully accept herself.
Framing the ending as a return to the beginning can’t be done if you don’t address how bad the beginning was for your main character. You brought her back to a bad point in her life. You regressed her. This should be a low point in her arc. It should be a problem that’s solved so she can finish developing organically or it should be something that is acknowledged as a tragedy in it’s own right, for the future the world (the writing) denied her.
This is a ramble and it makes no sense and I’m really sorry, but my point is that Bardugo put the wrong characters in the wrong story. The character arc required for organic development doesn’t match the story and intended message at all. The narrative doesn’t fit the cast. She's got two clashing stories attempting to work in tandem and she ends up with both conflicting messages that fans still can’t comprehend in her writing and an ending that doesn’t suit her main character to such an impossible degree that it’s almost laughable.
So yeah, there's a few reasons why I think the story and the plot feels so bad and disconnected. I hope you don't mind me making this answer so long! 😅 I was not expecting to write this much.
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paimon-rambles · 3 years
Alphabet Fluff
Characters: Aether
A gift to my sister cause she never stops thirsting 😒 @katsukiibug
Doing all of them ;-;
Icon credit: Leheia
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Aether is opened to any activities his partner throws at him. He's not very picky.
But he does enjoy some dinner dates and strolls around the city, wheater it is Liyue or Mondstadt. He pays for all meals and snacks with the Mora he got from his travels.
Be warned, however, cause Paimon ain't gonna shut up about the food. Regardless it's comforting, followed by a nice walk through the city basked in moonlight.
Aether also in general likes to travel with you, other than Paimon you're his companion. He likes to take you to the forest to pick berries or other essential resources, beneficial for future endeavors.
Stories from his travels? Aether could ramble about for hours. Describing the little mishaps and mischief he and his sister found themselves in. Though he gets really sad whenever his sister is brought up.....oofles
He's traveled from world to world was introduced to many hobbies and games of variety, he's happy to introduce you to some of them if your willing to try something new out.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Your patience
Aether has a bit of a packed schedule; assisting with commissions and dealing with hilichrul attacks. Not to mention his mind is set on finding the 7 archons in the hope to find his sister. He's incredibly busy most of the times
He doesn't ignore you on purpose, but he's dragged everywhere. Poor guy:(
But he admires that you don't fuss about it and always hold patience. Of course, Aether will find a way to make it up to you eventually. He tends to send small souvenirs from his travels as a form of apology.
Your comfort
He recently lost his sister and is overhwaled by all these tasks placed on his heavy and tired shoulders. He leans on you when he needs that moment of peace or comfort.
He loves that you try to soothe him whenever he's in his worst moments. With your words or simple touches of comfort, he adores it all.
Your eyes
Aether loves to stare into your eyes. He finds them really beautiful and finds himself smiling whenever looking in your eyes.
He's memorized by how they lightly sparkle or glimmer depending on your emotions. Or how they light up whenever you laugh or smile.
He finds it soothing to just lean your foreheads against each other and stare endlessly at your eyes, his worries and concerns being carried away.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
He's a brother and understands when his partner is under stress or feeling down. Similar to how he notices the small gestures Lumine has that show her emotions are swirling in her head.
He picks up on the small hints and notices right away the shift in your behavior. You can say you're fine but he ain't falling for it, he's seen the signs.
But Aether does give the space you want. He recognizes its benefits and understands it himself; He's lost his kin, there are times Aether wants to push everyone away.
So patient, he's not pushing you into anything instead he's letting you describe what's bothering you at your pace. You can break down sobbing and he would wait while comfortably drawing stars on your back. He even has his shoulder to cry on if you want, softly running his hand through her hair in comforting motions.
He tries his best to give advice from his own experience. He makes a promise to cheer you later. He's just trying to make you happy again cause he hurting inside if you're not :(
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Aether pictures the future from time to time. Mainly thinking about finding his sibling. He pictures two outcomes the good now and the one he dreads dearly.
Of course, since you are his s/o, you do play role in some of the scenarios he plays on his head.
He wonders what will be of the relationship after he finds his sibling, would they continue to travel worlds as they had done previously?
It was his sister and himself life's work of jumping planet to planet and learning of the different kingdoms and such.
Teyvat is your home, you have all your plans for the future in this world, he couldn't force you to leave.
So he rather hears of your views on the future instead, listening closely as you explain everything you have planned while his heart slowly aches as he debates for his future.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
He sees you as his equal. Nothing less or more- though he looks to up you a lot
He doesn't let any status you may hold hinder the relationship, and he wishes the same. He may be a traveler from another world, praised for his achievements, and his reputation in the nation's placed his name high. But Aether doesn't want that to affect his relationship with his lover.
So yee equals =
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
He hates fighting :(
Soft boy can't handle arguing with his s/o. It breaks his heart every time. Instantly feels guilty, even if he wasn't in the wrong.
Because of this arguments are incredibly rare. He's not an angry person in general and tends to stay positive most of the time. It will only occur if he's incredibly pent up about a situation. He'd bottle up those emotions before the string being pulled and he snaps.
Easy to forgive, the moment he notices he's angry he's apologizing for lashing out. Poor boy can't handle you being scared, upset, and disappointed with him.
After a fight, he gives you the space needed before checking on you and asking if you're alright. Aether would pull you into a hug, and probably sob depending on how bad the fight was. Cuddles until your both happy again or unless you really don't want to be in his presence at the moment.
If the fight was really bad he gives you some space to think for a bit and try to get it off his head. Afterward, he goes to apologize to you, to where you either sob together or things go back to normal right after
Apologizes repeatedly to you, you could say you've forgiven him but he's gonna continue apologizing for another hour or so.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Incredibly grateful for every little act his s/o does for him. Ever since losing his sister, he's been in a void and his s/o has been the light helping him back to his feet. Cheesy I know-
But he truly appreciates everything you do for him, it always brings a smile to his face whenever his s/o does the most simple little acts that go a long way for him. He acknowledges even the smallest of things
Simple acts such as setting up his stuff before he goes to complete commissions or cooking him some food. It always makes his day better.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Aether tells his partner pretty much everything, he dislikes keeping you in the dark. He would be really upset and heartbroken if he found out his s/o was hiding anything from him
He relies on you a lot, he tells you everything because you always put him at ease.
However, there are a few things that he would hide for a short time. He would tell his partner eventually but needs some time to plan out how to tell them. But those moments are rare and in between.
If he did find out that his s/o was hiding something from him, he'd be so torn :< feels betrayed a in way that you hid something from him.
Of course, he would listen to your reasoning as to why you kept secrets, but he starts to distance himself for a bit.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Aether works harder for you. In other words, he's constantly trying to impress you. He tries to act heroically around you to make you smile and all.
He learned to not always feel so down because of his sister and take time to be happy as well
He for sure helps you overcome any problems or barriers that have been holding you back, taking one step at a time. You work it out together and he's patient with the process
He's always inspired by you, he works harder for you and tries to complete his commissions at a faster rate so he can spend the rest of the day work you.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Can go both ways. On one hand, Aether isn't really one to get jealous, as he has complete trust in his partner but on the other hand, there are times when he gets insecure or jealous over somethings
But for the most part he isn't jealous, there are moments where he's scared to lose you like he lost his sister, to be left alone again :<<
In the moments where he is jealous, he would tell his s/o that he's feeling envious. Getting it off his chest and hoping his S/o would help calm down his worries
If he's feeling really envious, which are incredibly rare, he would avoid you for a bit trying to let his jealousy die away before confronting you
He'd feel really bad if he accidentally made you feel jealous instead. He would remind you that all his love is reserved for you and only you.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Something like that done here
An average kisser, a bit inexperienced when it comes to kissing, you're his first boyfriend/girlfriend but he caught on really fast.
But because of this, your first kiss ended up being really awkward and Aether got incredibly flustered cause he believed he did something wrong
He's still really shy whenever he kisses you, he grows flustered whenever you intimate the kiss.
His kisses are really gentle, pressing his lips against yours softly. Each kiss is filled with emotions, all his love into each one. Very gentle boi
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
A mess
Poor boi is stuttering and fumbling over his words. He a nervous wreck but he's trying his best.
He planned everything out but when the moment came he tripped over his words.
He invites you over for a nice dinner, nothing too fancy and nothing too cheap, just right. He pays for food, slowly bringing the conversation to an idea of a relationship. Of course, he's hella flustered and trying not to show(which he does) it.
Then he kinda blurts out that he has a crush on you and wants to try out a relationship
If you say yes he's gonna have a huge smile on his face for the rest day, it's really adorable TwT
If you say no, however, he freezes in place for a while, the whole thing repeating in his head up to the point where you rejected him. He apologizes and excuses himself. You don't see him for a couple of days, since aether is avoiding you, he's really embarrassed to talk to you. Oh and congratulations you get a nasty nickname from Paimon :D
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
He thought about it at least once when your relationship was growing. Similar to dreams, he had different scenarios in this head for the future and how they could play out.
He would like to get married one day, yes, but it isn't something he sees doing anytime soon as his primary goal is to find his sister, afterward however he will look into it more and suggest the idea to his s/o.
In terms of how he proposes, he takes you on a little adventure that highlights some your adventures you had together near the beginning of your friendship, before getting on one knee and popping the question.
Kind of that nostalgic feeling you get as you reminisce on some of the old memories you created together
The both of you plan the ceremony and incorporate your ideas into one. It's gonna be a big wedding though since pretty much all of Mondstadt, Liyue, and other nations that are yet to be explored will be attending.
Of course, if you wish for a smaller wedding, he doesn't mind at all and will plan out something smaller. He personally likes a small wedding too :)
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Aether isn't too keen on nicknames for his s/o but he does have a few. But for the most part, he calls you y/n, especially in public
He calls you sometimes a shorter version of your name. Or a flower that reminds him of you.
Really depends on your personality as well and which flower it associates with, or he might have a silly nickname for you that he called you once and it stuck with him. However, those types of nicknames are used rarely depending on the circumstance.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Blush blush blush blush
He might be a little oblivious to it since your his first, he doesn't realize it until someone cough venti cough points out to him.
He's in denial at first, swirling over his words while his face reveals the truth. He's crushing hard
Aether tries to mask his little crush from you and he does pretty well minus a few moments where he's got off guard, que flustering soft boi
But when he's in love, he has a smile on his whenever speaking to the person that makes his heart skip a beat. It's pretty prominent to others once you notice the behavior shift from someone random to you.
He expresses his love in a little of everything; kisses and little hugs along with serenading you in words or perhaps gifting you something. A little mix of all of them
His favorite way to express his love is to have his hand intertwine with yours. It's simple but it comforts him knowing you're close. He loves it whenever you give him a slight squeeze of reassurance; it never fails to put a smile on his face
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Shy boy gets flustered in private, he gets really flustered showing PDA in public.
Don't get me wrong he loves showering you in affection but he gets easily flushed at the idea of people watching him kiss his s/o or giving them a comforting hug.
His PDA is average, he's open to hand-holding in public because it comforts him without having to do anything too affectionate in the public eye
He doesn't brag either, most people already know the existence of your relationship.
Although for the most part, he's trying to keep it a secret because of the Fatui and the threat it could place on you. You don't want La Signora chasing after you.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
Paimon is usual around Aether meaning that whenever your feeling hungry, Paimon can point out the best places to sit down and have a delicious meal
An expert treasure hunter is in your area, and you're dating him! He knows where to find hints and little clues for treasures and can open any lock or seal. Many fortunes
He has so many stories to tell from his previous travels. It helps you connect more as you listen to him tell you every memory he can remember from the worlds he visited. You never get bored by his stories either.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He's can be really creative in his antic when it comes to making his s/o happy, but he also sticks to some more cliche methods as well
As mentioned previously he's visited many worlds and has seen the various ways people would do to cheer up their partners.
He uses that to his advantage when trying something to get that smile he loves dearly on your face
But the also likes to take some classic routes, little gifts, or acts of affection to make you happy
Perhaps a rose banquet one day and something new and really imaginative the next. He can be a wild card when deciding
One time he jokingly asked Paimon for advice, of course, she suggested having sticky honey roast as a nice evening lunch date. Which he ended up taking you to that afternoon
He's willing to do anything-within reasonable terms- to make his s/o happy. If just point something out or specify on what would make you really happy; chances are he's going to do it for you
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
100% support in you
He wants to see your goals accomplished as well. Just like your helping him find his sister, he helps you achieve your goal
If you allow him, he's willing to put aside some of his commissions to help you plan and get a better roadmap to obtain your goal
Aether helps keep you motivated whenever you're feeling down, reminding you of what you have accomplished so far. Cooking you food or bringing you some water to get your brain flowing again. As well as some encouragement from Paimon, although she tends to over exaggerate most of the time
He is also sure to help you take breaks whenever you're pushing yourself too much. He takes you outside to pick plants or berries, but it's really soothing and distracting
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
It's an adventure every day with Aether
At the beginning of the relationship, he tried to follow a more classical relationship routine. Since he was so new to affection, e mimicked what he saw other couples do thinking it was the correct way to go. But after spending more time with you he strayed away from that, adding his own ideas along with yours
He's constantly traveling the world, meeting archons and other powerful beings. There always a battle to be fought or a harbinger to run from. A lot can happen in one day
And you're his trusty and equal companion, he likes to bring you along through the chaos that is Teyvat
In other words, there is always a thrill in your relationship, plus Aether is always open to trying something new occasionally. Never a dull moment except for that one lazy Sunday where you cuddle all day, but it's really wholesome
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Aether picks up on the little things that signal a behavior shift within you. With these notices he acts quickly to be sure your alright and accesses if he needs to shower you in more affection in order to make you happy >:0
He tries to sympathize with his partner, trying to understand the emotions they're going through. He understands grief and anger, as he had experienced it with the loss of his kin, and knows how to help alleviate his s/o
But he does try his best to help cheer you up regardless of the emotions you are feeling. Paimon is even there to cheer you with her own words
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Aether's relationship with you is something he holds close to his heart. It's incredibly important to him, and he is sure to voice how important you are to him.
His s/o is that last speck of hope and happiness in his life after being filled with pain for so long. He'd be devastated without you
Unfortunately, his sister is his first priority, his family comes close. Lumine is the only kin he has. But your also really important to him, and so he tries to shower you with affection daily
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Your Paimon's close friend, you get to hear her ramble about food- a lot. But she's also really supportive of your relationship, she's noticed how much happier Aether had become since then.
Aether likes it whenever you braid his hair. Finding it soothing as your fingers gently comb through his golden locks
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
A shy boy wanting to shower his s/o in affection. He's not the most affectionate person out there but he does try to be romantic and such
He adores hugs more than kisses, he finds it further comforting to hold his partner close and reassured that there beside him. He wishes he could cuddle with you for hours however commissions among other tasks that always pull him back
He also likes kisses, there always gentle and soft and he mainly kisses you on the cheek, forehead, or lips.
So overall he is pretty affectionate and he tries his best to make you feel loved
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
He can handle it for a few days, he has trust in you and your abilities. But he does think about you whenever you have to leave, wishing he could go with you. He's already missing your presence the moment you kissed him goodbye before venturing off to whatever.
Then he starts to become worried, his head is racing even though you're fine. He's trying to stay calm in the situation, which he does pretty well but it's clear something is troubling the traveler from another world. Nonetheless, he doesn't act out that worry
He starts to take up more commissions in hopes it will put his mind off It, overworking himself just a tad too much until he finds himself exhausted and turns in to rest for the night.
He refrains from any thoughts involving you being in a dangerous circumstance, he's trying to stay positive and counting down the days until your arrival back to Mondstadt or Liyue. But he has had that one thought or two, dreading over his shoulders
When you do return, the moment he spots your familiar figure; his mind is washed with relief as he makes his way towards you. He approaches with a soft, kind smile as he engulfs you into a hug. He asks you how the journey or task went and if you hit any roadblocks or difficulties.
He takes you to dinner that afternoon to talk some more, he misses you dearly :(
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
As mentioned before Aether tries his best to make you happy, he'll try somethings out but he won't cross any unnecessary lines or ones that shouldn't be crossed
Listen- he's stolen a Gods Lyre, angered the cryo God, fought a Harbinger, and almost destroyed a nation- oh and he's a garden thief. He's willing to go to some extra lengths to make you happy-he just doesn't want to add on to the list of chaos that had occurred already
But as mentioned previously, his main goal is finding his sister and he tries not to stray from it too much. But yes, he does care about your relationship and he is sure to remind you that you always hold a special place in his heart :)
I'm done omg, yay
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