#this got longer than i wanted buT HEY.... uwu''
inevitably-johnlocked · 11 months
I’m so sorry if this question is ignorant or stupid I really just want to understand so I can become educated. When someone is asexual would they still gain something from reading explicit fic scenes? Again sorry if I’m ignorant
Hey Nonny *HUGS*
SO SORRY it took so long to reply to this one... Kind of started and then it got forgotten, and I am sorry for that. No better time than Ace Awareness Week to help you understand!!
So, short answer to your question, is YES, SOME aces do, whether to facilitate in self-pleasure, or because seeing their faves happy, or as placeholders because some aces take pleasure-by-proxy, or a variety of other reasons, it just simply makes some of us happy. You'd be surprised how many of those smutty authors are actually ace themselves. It's one of those funny misconceptions that aces are all woobie-uwu-innocent-pure-thoughts-only magical creatures, and I'm here to shatter that illusion... Aces are some of the smuttiest-minded people you will ever meet. Why, I have no idea, maybe it's because we don't fantasize about sex the same way allos do that we can come up with increasingly hornier ideas? LOL No idea.
The thing about asexuality is that it's a HUGE spectrum, and no one ace is exactly the same. A sex-negative ace might get something out of reading smut because it's not involving them. Or they might not at all. Same with sex-positive/neutral aces. It's ALL a matter of what makes us tick.
BUT here's where I go into my LONG answer, and get you REALLY into the Ace Lore™.
I want to introduce you to the microlabel of Aegosexuality (formerly autochorisexuality), which is a term that loosely translates to "sexuality with oneself". The expanded definition, from the Sexuality Wiki, bolding is mine:
It is [...] a disconnect between oneself and a sexual target/object of arousal; may involve sexual fantasies or arousal in response to erotica or pornography, but lacks desire to be an actual participant in the sexual activities therein.
Aegosexuals are known to:
Become aroused by sexual content (at times) without wanting to personally engage in sexual activities.
Masturbate, but feel neutral or repulsed by the idea of having sex with another person.
Fantasize about sex (with varying frequency), but envision people other than themselves, and/or view it in third person, as if watching it on TV, instead of imagining it in the first person, through their own eyes.
Predominantly—or exclusively—fantasize about fictional characters or celebrities in place of people they know personally.
Identify as asexual, feeling little-to-no sexual attraction to people though enjoy masturbating (with varying frequency), are aroused by sexually explicit content, and/or fantasizing of such.
[/end quote]
Basically, smut turns them on, but some aces don't want to engage in the smut for-reals. This microlabel makes it ESPECIALLY confusing for newly-figured-out-aces because there hasn't been a lot of information about asexuality's huge spectrum until recently. Aegosexuals can initially believe that they AREN'T ace, BECAUSE they get turned on by porn or smutty stories, but then they're SUPER confused because the idea of having sex themselves is appalling or undesirable. It's a bizarre contradiction, understandably, to outsiders, but it makes COMPLETE sense once an ace figures this out, I promise you.
This is the microlabel I myself fall under. It's not from any trauma or past problems or medical issues. It's just me. That's it. And because of the confusion that this sexuality can bring, it often takes us a LOT longer to have ourselves figured out. For me, it was an accidental stumbling upon the "autochorisexual" label (before it became Aegosexual) and reading up on it that EVERYTHING fell into place. Before that, I thought I was maybe demisexual. After learning about it, I felt okay FINALLY calling myself ace, that I finally found the "right fit" for me. It was the piece of the puzzle that I was missing. I felt really liberated of my self-doubt after that.
And, of course, aros have their version as well called Aegoromantic, which is exactly the same but in a romantic sense.
Here are some more resources for Aegosexuality, if you'd like to learn more about this lesser-known branch on the spectrum:
What Does It Mean to Be Aegosexual? (Cosmopolitan US || November 24, 2022)
History of Aegosexuality (The Michigan Gayly || February 1, 2021)
VIDEO: 5 Signs You Might Be Aegosexual (Lynn Saga, YouTube || August 6, 2022 || 6m20s)
VIDEO: What is Aegosexuality? | Aspec 101 (Slice Of Ace, YouTube || July 15, 2022 || 3m54s)
VIDEO: Asexual Identities: Aegosexuality (Ace Dad Advice, YouTube || May 22, 2022 || 12m27s)
AGAIN, I'm SO sorry I put this ask off for SO long, but I'm glad that I did, so that I could educate you guys on my brand of Asexuality during Ace Awareness Week!
And, finally, no offence taken at ALL! I LOVE educating y'all about stuff I learned through my journey, and you were very respectful in your ask :)
Hope you are well, Nonny, and hope you're still here to see this 🖤💜
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mel-loly · 5 months
What got you into art btw??? what and who were your inspirations for such masterpieces you make??!! :DDD
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Hey Hyia!
(This is a big answer but it has all the information/answers to your question, so read it if you want to know)
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And thank you for the compliments, I appreciate a lot that!💖
Also- I actually started drawing when I was little, I usually drew drawings of MLP ponies and some random “cute” cats. I sometimes drew some of my old gacha ocs and since then I became known for a while for my drawings and my “cards” with some drawn cats lol, but that didn't last long, and then I stopped showing my drawings as much because... I just wanted to throw a tantrum? Maybe yeah- I think so-- then it was my friend Mari's(@mari-loly) turn and she got to be the best and most recognized artist in the class. Afterwards my art didn't become so “recognized” anymore, just now a little because I showed it to some new friends of mine and they think I'm very talented, but... It's not the same as before, yk? I'm not someone who has a lot of talent or whatever and people have known me for my art..
Here on Tumblr too, I no longer see myself as “recognized” an artist as I was in the beginning, like- today I have friends who are much better known and have everything they need to be more than just “famous”! So, yeah... *sighs* I miss the time when I didn't post so many fandom things and people knew more about my ocs and talked about them.. I felt happier back then... But that's okay, talking about this won't take me back in time, right? So- yeah, let's just cry--- ^^
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Regarding inspirations, I kind of don't remember much if I was ever inspired by anyone.. Maybe Ana (@loscompas-blog-uwu) and Mike (@manpleblog)? Well, when I always see their art I see a great evolution, and I feel the affection they put into their art, so... Yeah, it's my friends who inspire me the most! And like, not just them, I get inspired by others too of course💛 Also- another inspiration I had was Sad-ist, at the time when she was still doing the animations for Dream SMP.. There was no bigger animation star like the ones she did, so... It really inspired me a lot too! Like- an enchanter in animations💖 Oh! and another inspiration that I had at least here- was Zin (@taxolotl), seriously, I really felt very inspired by them, like- I was/am a big fan of their art! So, another inspiration was definitely Zin :]
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Anyway, thank you very much for the ask and if you read this far, please comment or say something! I would love to receive any comments💖
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wrestlezaynia · 11 days
A/N: Hey guys, so...this was supposed to be included in my newest fic "About Last Night," but I decided to take it out. Anyway, rather than delete it, I figured you might want to read it? Yes, no, maybe so? I could also use it in a different fic. FYI: The reason they're wet is because they're taking a late night dip in a pool. Let me know what you think and thank you for reading! 😊💖 Requests are open! uwu
They stare at each other intently, eyes locked. Their damp bare chests rising and falling with each ragged breath, so close he can feel Sami's heartbeat. Sami was no longer that scrawny little twerp who got on his nerves, he was a man and what a man! He was taller, leaner with more muscle. Kevin always felt a connection to Sami, he just never realized how deep the connection was as he leans in.
Sami can tell Kevin is nervous, they've only kissed a handful of times and a majority of them were in front of an audience. Offering Kevin a shy smile Sami reaches down to caress Kevin's cheek, gazing deeply into his eyes, communicating his readiness without speaking a word.
Kevin swallows hard, knowing what that look implies as he brushes his lips gently against Sami's. His heart skipping a beat when he feels the spark between them, burning brighter and stronger than ever.
Sami is a firm believer in love at first sight and knew he was in love with Kevin from the moment they met and the spark only solidified it as he wraps his arms around Kevin's waist, guiding him closer. Shivers up and down his spine as their wet bodies meld together.
Kevin shows his approval by moaning into Sami's mouth. Never in his life has he experienced something so erotic, nor has he ever been so aroused. By now it's painfully obvious Sami is enjoying this as much as Kevin, a series of whimpers spilling from his lips as Kevin kisses down his neck. He has heard Sami make just about every noise in the book, but these noises were positively filthy, downright x-rated and he's eager to hear more. He wanted Sami, but did Sami want him?
Sami wanted Kevin so badly he could barely think straight, his mind clouded with lust.
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love-is-a-pearl · 4 months
wait, in one comic where you drew Ash around 5 years old (The one where he got the Z marks on his cheeks) he was already masc presenting there. Does it mean he had been trans since he was a toddler or something? That's highly critical to me, good for him if he really is trans but it seems like Delia really wanted a boy if he'd been trans for so long
is more like.. for me in pokemon universe people just leave their kids go ungendered until they're 10? Kinda?
Like, think homestuck "you only get a name at 13" kinda deal and the whole "what's your name?" and "what do you look like?" that the professors ask in pokemon games intros.
I like to think those are not by accident, they're more like a way to make sure kids are being gendered in the way they prefer once they become "working class", "official adults" or whatever being a pokemon trainer means in pokemon society.
Is more like.. up to the point they get a starter, kids are free to do what they want, go by different names every other day and just have fun exploring that shit yknow?
And when they get their starter, they get to make a BUNCH of important decisions, like picking their forever partner, the name that will go in their ID, their pronouns, all that shit, yknow? So, most parents will raise their kids taking that into account.
(changes can happen of course, I mean I LOVE the idea of gender fluid Ash but that's something i cant say its "canon" in my AU since I havent explored that idea in detail yet)
Is not really "he always knew he was a guy deep inside uwu" but more "kids in pokemon universe are raised in environments that just lets them test this shit out" kinda deal.
And like, I favor drawing the characters close to how they look in the anime cause I prefer that for continuity sake, but since they are cis in there they will never look too different, but I will always try and tweak some small things here and there (like, giving Ash longer hair in that comic) to imply something more.
(also Ash was canonically bullied by his peers because of the issue with his father so.. i wouldn't put it past him to dress up more "boyish" or even using his father's clothes to prove he would go and be like him but better yknow? before realizing that "Hey, is not that I wanted to be like dad. I just wanted to be a dude" lmadopaspd)
But for real... sometimes... is just not that deep? People will give sonic top scars and he is like.. 9? and a hedgehog asopdjasiodj
pokemon is just my little escapist solarpunk utopia and I like pretenting it is a better place than real life even with the smallest little things QwQ
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theblindinfidel · 11 months
Hey! Here are my Photobomb thoughts I posted as a response on Reddit haha!
Hi! Nice to meetcha! I’m glad you posted this because I’m curious to see what others will say as well!
When I first got into OMORI, I was actually not into any ships outside HeroMari and Sunburn. Sticking to the game and whatnot. It all started when I saw the cutest little meme on Twitter that Shrimp had posted and it featured photobomb. I thought:
“Hmm. I have never thought about this.”
And thus, I went down the rabbit hole and began to really enjoy it, even through watching my friend play the game. I really enjoy the childhood to lovers trope and I can get behind an enemies to lovers trope, though I don’t really see them as enemies.
So we can see the parallels between RW and HS. Sunny depicts a somewhat accurate representation of how his friends were in their childhood- (Aubrey and Kel arguing, Aubrey standing up for what she believes is right regardless of the consequences, Sunny always being regarded as quiet, Kel being goofy and oblivious but still a great friend with good morals, and Hero being the level headed member of the group.)
That being said, I believe there are definitely some truths in how the members perceive each other and their relationships to one another.
I really enjoyed how Aubrey was so worried about him in headspace. Even when his memory was being erased in Sunny’s mind, she would continuously get sad at his absence and grew distraught the longer he was gone. This is, of course, before she forgot him, alongside everyone else. She lamented about how she missed how he’d brush her hair and always gave him positive feedback. From this, it’s clear she cares a great deal about him as her friend.
When we switch into the Faraway segments, we learn she was actually the one to introduce Basil to the rest of the friend group. She grabs his hand and brings him along to introduce him. They are seen in the calendar art to work well together and you learn about them running a lemonade stand together and making fake plant decorations for the treehouse.
He calls Aubrey cute more than once which is neat because it shows he was much more outgoing when he was younger, albeit a little insecure. Now it isn’t specifically a romantic “cute”, but cute nonetheless. He could have been trying to push Sunny to agree or maybe he did like her a little but wanted to support Sunny. When he called her cute at the beach scene, his sprite turned away from her which I thought was a small thing that could be missed. Almost like he was a tad nervous to say it.
Those are all cute little things, but their dynamic is also intriguing.
Something people often miss about Basil is he is actually a relatively mischievous. You can see this from how he plays poker in the flashback, taking pictures of people when they least expect it (like Hero giving Kel some brotherly love), and a general humor in the way he lightly pokes fun but you wouldn’t expect it from him because he’s Basil.
He tends to cheer his friends on and genuinely believes in the best for them. He supports Aubrey’s cause to dye her hair pink which is also sweet.
Basil isn’t an angel, he has his flaws and issues, and he certainly isn’t an UwU flower boy by any regards. He could hold his own, he just doesn’t, he’s more of a pacifist. He DOES get angry and he DOES have moments where he is spiteful. (Bedroom encounter)
Then we have Aubrey. Aubrey in her youth was always nice to Basil and was quick to try and make him feel better about himself and he was receptive to her. It can be assumed or theorized they knew each other for awhile before they met the gang because they were neighbors, separated by a street, and she felt good enough about him to have him meet everyone. Aubrey isn’t the type to drag along some random Joe if she doesn’t feel right about it.
She and Basil both grew up in broken or weird homes and that is something only these two can really understand as opposed to Kel and Sunny (tho later on Sunny will understand the concept.) This is honestly a big deal as a kid because you feel comfortable with people like you. This is more of an emotional thing, a bonding kids don’t usually talk about, only feel. So my idea is they had a pretty solid friendship as kids built on trust and understanding. There was no judgement.
As time went on and the incident happened, Sunny, Basil’s best friend, went incommunicado. Basil, as we know, stayed out and eventually got the photo album back from Sunny even though it was ruined. That had to of hurt really bad. Regardless, he kept it with him and Aubrey eventually found it and BAM, bullying.
Lots of people have wondered why she bullied him so bad over that, but I think there’s a reason and it ties back to their friendship.
Remember when I said a lot of it was trust? That trust was murdered that day she found the album. It was shocking because Basil is Basil, how could he do that? It had to of hurt because she seemed pretty confident he would have at least told her of any anger he harbored. She felt abandoned and angry. Now this doesn’t make what she did right, it was really crappy, but she feels a ton of remorse as shown in the bad ending and to be honest, it takes a lot to apologize to someone when you are in the wrong, in front of friends and a friend’s caregiver at that! This shows she isn’t some demonic force who wants to belittle everyone. Aubrey has a heart, it can be in the wrong place at times and maybe even a little selfish at others, but when she sees she had done something wrong, she is quick to be angry with herself.
In the official art book, she is shown to be crying at the Lake Scene. She didn’t mean to almost kill him, she only wanted to push him away. This of course, parallels Sunny and Mari.
Their dynamic is interesting because Basil is really passive and hides his emotions and tries to stay gentle, although failing at times, and Aubrey being more loud with how she feels and failing when she goes too far. At their core, however, they both care a lot about each other, Basil going as far as trying to talk to her repeatedly while knowing the outcome, and Aubrey breaking down when something terrible DOES end up happening to him. She is shown in the hospital room visiting him which further indicates she really cares and is worried.
Also, big note here. It was Aubrey who recommended to everyone that they stay at Basil’s house the night Sunny has an encounter with him.
To summarize, there is a lot of cuteness and closeness in their friendship. Aubrey and Basil both come from a childhood of turmoil and have the depth to really understand each other in a nonjudgemental way if they wanted to try. The game has shown countless times how much they care for one another, and despite all odds, they end up friends again at the end. (Depending on how you interpret the end, but as far as the themes go, I’d say they do. Basil has been known to forgive quickly, as per the headspace version and pretty much everything else.) She would always stick up for him and would be taken aback by his teases and he’d be flustered and a nervous wreck, but it would be really cute.
They’re both also very nostalgic individuals! (Basil keeping the album, Aubrey then keeping it and returning to the hangout spot often)
In my experience a lot of angsty people take their angst out on the people they’re very close to if they feel they’ve been wronged by then. Hence her reactions to Sunny and Kel as well. She feels alienated in the same way Basil does, as though there is something innately wrong with them and that people won’t like them for them. They go about it differently but I think that would make them more comfortable with one another.
I like the concept of Aubrey having Basil branch out into things that he normally wouldn’t do and Basil just being a gentle person who can help her chill out. I think they’d set each other off or maybe be bad influences on each other, but more so in an innocent way.
I’m more of a timeskip person myself, I don’t think it could happen immediately after canon, but that’s just me.
Sorry for the ramble I’ve been meaning to write all this down anyhow!! Also it’s very late where I’m at so if something doesn’t make sense let me know!
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broodsys · 6 months
got tagged by @plisuu, thank you again! this'll be fun >)
tagging hmmm lemme see... @jazzmckay | @streganicha | @jellydishes but as ever no pressure uwu also trying to not tag Everyone i know so other ppl can continue to pass it around lmao
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
299,998. okay that's amusing i'm glad i looked. i'm two words away from 300k lmfao
3. What fandoms do you write for?
99% dai, with a tinyyy bit of da2. also one fic (that has totally fucked up my stats page bc it's a much more popular fandom) for pkmn: sun and moon (anime) and one for cagaster of an insect cage (anime). my old deleted ao3 had more fandoms, the other big ones being les mis (movie) and inception
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
we're the last to know (pkmn sumo, little cutesy ash/kiawe thing)
sleep just a little longer (solavellan somno smut lmao)
the hidden mage (fenders during dai timeline)
domitable (solavellan smut with solas domming for once)
a matter of taste (solavellan smut where solas is encouraged to figure out his own interests)
5. Do you respond to comments?
yes! sometimes it takes me a bit but i always reply. if it's a long/thoughtful/specific comment i also try to address a bit of what the commenter brings up :')
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh that's maybe a day to die for sure. wrote that back in my first dai hyperfix period after it had come out, this is a bad end au where they get stuck in the magic future
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
my longing series comes to mind. nessa lavellan/solas. it was also my first venture back into seriously writing fic and my first dai fic ever since i got back into my hyperfix :')
8. Do you get hate on fics?
none yet, luckily
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
lmao yes i write so much smut. um... what kind indeed? i'll just say it's very character-driven - not always stuff i'm personally interested in, but hey, if it works for them, good. i shall write the thing. i write a lot of different kinks
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
none i can think of... although i do have an outline for a dragon age characters in the star trek universe fic lmao
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge, but i don't go looking, either
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
one, yes!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no. considered it at times, but it seems kinda awkward
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
all time....? well i'll say that the ship i've sailed the longest has been fenders fr
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
the fucking. cagaster of an insect cage one. god. i keep thinking about it and fanfic is nonexistent so i feel extra compelled to finish my fic for them but i just have like 0 interest. da took my entire brain over (again)
16. What are your writing strengths?
hmm... your boy can sure write some character introspection!!! honestly tho, one of the things i'm proudest about in my writing is my ability to match the tone to the fic or character pov
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
action scenes, especially fight scenes :x i can do them but they take soooo much longer than anything else and it's an uphill battle (heh) the whole way
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
while i wouldn't write another real language in fic, if it's a fan language (like project elvhen) then i sometimes include short pieces if they're different from what would normally be spoken. so like... arlathan era fic, no, i'm not going to include stuff from project elvhen bc everyone's speaking elvhen all the time. but if it's during dai era or smth and they're speaking common with the occasional elvhen word/phrase thrown in, then i'd add the word/phrase and define it at the bottom
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
that's gotta be from my bigfic series, antiquation :') specifically i think part 5, paradigm shift, is my favorite of the whole series uwu
template under the cut!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
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devilcat3d · 1 year
hey idk how i ended up here but i'm trying to build a commander deck using sharae of the numbing depths, know any cards that could come in useful? i've got a bunch of cards that tap opponent creatures but idk what else i can add
well nice to have you here anyway uwu
have you browsed sharae's edhrec page yet? that's the best resource i know of for finding cards for certain decks!
other than general tappers and payoffs for tapping things (we got a ton of support in wilds of eldraine for tapping creatures in white and blue) you could consider running more counterspells since youre in blue and white has pretty decent removal. you could almost build sharae as a control deck if you wanted since youre already controlling creatures by tapping them :p
it seems a lot of people play lots of creatures that tap to tap opposing creatures (like blinding souleater or master decoy), so running things that untap your team like drumbellower or white-plume adventurer or run things that blink your creatures like thassa, deep dwelling or soul herder, allow you to constantly have the ability to tap creatures, even on your opponents turn, which is important because sharae triggers once each turn. also blinking sharae is a guaranteed tap and card draw!
also since a lot of your cards put stun counters on creatures you can run lots of proliferate like inexorable tide and flux channeler to add more counters and keep them tapped for longer!!
thank you for the ask sorry if this is all stuff you knew already (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
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milkywaydrinker · 2 years
Day 29. Halloween + Surprise
I wanted to write some more Cringe Crew. This took me way longer than I wanted it to. I had a lot of fun though, those three are so fun.
Her phone vibrated, and a faint notification echoed in the empty throne room. Zagan straightened her back and stirred up from her boredom induced comatose. She lazily swiped at the screen, one new notification from an unknown number. The text read:
«Heya! (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠) It's Badyah! Ya know, Norma's best friend (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡ ? We're having a costume party next week!! I'd be soooooo cool if you could make it\⁠(⁠^⁠o⁠^⁠)⁠/»
Just as she was about to write back, the second message came:
«PS. It's a surprise, so don't tell Norma UwU✿»
That fully captured her attention. It was a costume party. More importantly, it was a surprise costume party for Norma. Now that sounded like a great time. Another notification popped up shortly after the previous two:
«PS2. I would be really grateful if you could come to help us with the preparations (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠) Are you free next Friday (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)?»
"Ooooooh! I'm so so glad you made it!" Badyah squealed, squishing her own face in between her palms. "We have so much work to do, and I still need to finish my costume. Wait, do you have a costume? Can I pick one out for you?" She talked so fast that Zagan was barely able to keep up. "Wow, hey, slow down." She stepped out of the elevator, already feeling lost. "What are we even doing? What's this all about?" "Oh, right." The girl scratched her chin, thinking of an answer. "So, our boss, her name's Barborah, let us throw a Halloween party in Dead End. Everyone's invited." She started to pace around the main hall as she talked. "Coincidentally, Norma's birthday is coming up too, and since we are allowed to organize a party in her favorite place in town we might as well combine the two!" She threw her hands in the air with a huge smile on her face. "That's… actually a really good idea," Zagan admitted, already feeling the infectious enthusiasm of the human in front of her. "I'm in. Let's do this thing!" "Yes! I knew I could count on you!" With absolutely no hesitation, she gave the demon a quick hug, before grabbing her by the hand and dragging her deeper into the house.
Human customs were odd, Zagan decided while floating in the air, close to the ceiling. Most of the decorations were already in place; the Jack-o'-lanterns were lit and the tables were filled with themed snacks. Other people milled around the Dead End, finishing their tasks before the start of the party. She affixed the last of the fake spiderwebs to the chandelier and landed on the floor. Badyah waved her over from the other end of the room with her usual bright smile. "I've got us something fun to wear!" She grabbed two bags from the floor and passed one to Zagan. "I think I got your size about right." "Thanks." The bag was full of black clothes with many red details all over. "What costume is this?" "A character from Norma's favorite series!" Badyah grinned. There was a playful twinkle in her eyes that immediately made Zagan suspect there was some mischief afoot. "Which is?" "Demonvania. You'll be dressed like the main antagonist, who also happens to be a vampire." "So, the big bad from a game?" She tilted her head to the side, considering it for a split second. "Are they hot?" "Oh, I bet you'll wear it better." Zagan froze. That response was thrown out so casually, she'd almost missed it herself. Badyah had seemingly moved on to other things, digging through the other bag. Not knowing what to say to that, she opted to just excuse herself from the room and change into her costume.
She had to admit, it was a great look on her. It might’ve not been the exact right color scheme, she would’ve preferred purple accents over the red ones, but the fit itself was on point. The heavy cape did nothing to limit her range of motion and left her wondering why she’d never decided to wear one in the first place. “All right! Girl, I have no clue how’d you get my size just right but-” she walked into the main hall just to find herself face to face with Norma. She and Badyah stood at the entrance, deep into an animated conversation. They were both in costumes as well, Norma with some sort of a white mask, perforated on the mouth level. It was now raised to her forehead as she talked. She was dressed in a set of work clothes stained with mud and red paint, and there was an impressively large, and wide blade strapped to her side. Meanwhile, Badyah was dressed from top to bottom in black, flowy fabric. She wore a screaming, white mask, now tilted to the side of her face. “Oooh! See! I told you it’s perfect for you.” Badyah’s smiled, her eyes sneaking looks at Norma as if waiting for something. “Zagan’s here,” Norma said quietly, completely fixated on her and her only. “Yep! Surprise! Got invited and couldn’t say no. Happy Halloween!” It took a lot to not remark on being aggressively checked out. Instead of saying anything, she leaned in, closer into her space, and whispered, “and, happy early birthday too.” In response, Norma pulled down her mask and mumbled, “thanks,” from behind it. “This is going to be the best party ever.” Badyah sighed happily to herself.
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castle-dominion · 1 year
c3x4 punked
I like a good bit of steampunk & judging from the episode thumbnail this is going to be great.
Do they have mounties in the usa? ew
smorelette sounds genuinely gross & I like weird food combinations...
Even on my first watch-through I noticed ashley was a girl’s unisex name
You should have heard the sound I made when I heard him say “chocolate mousse chimichanga”
Diva’s honour uwu He looks so sweet & angry MR: Maybe it’s a nice murder, darling; brighten your day
PARISH IS SO RIGHT, GET HER A TEA (my family also spent five minutes arguing about funnel cakes, elephant ears, beaver tails (which are crepes & crepes are not pancakes), bear paws, white claws, monster energy, & bear claws.  gee ess double-yu is a lot longer to say than gunshot wound. I propose: wed. tee yu vee, wed, ex, wy, zed. Much faster to say & it rhymes with zed to make it not alone.
KR: Photo on the ID matches captain underpants here (Everyone looks at him) KR: Sorry, my nephew loves those books. half my classmates read them but I actually never did (& then an inconsistency in which direction Esposito is facing)
Girl she probably just wears regular women’s underwear. (Also castle I’m shocked. You strike me as a boxer-briefs kind of a guy.) She actually might wear boyshorts.
Lol it’s my little brother, no social skills, sweetheart, dork, math genius... Wow that was some loud knocking Ryan Oh He looks... concerned (& is wearing a nice outfit as usual) RC: Anyone good? KR: *points, gestures, & waves* eughhhhh?????
D’André: *looks at castle* RC: Hey... KB: If you’re so innocent Mr D’André, why did you resist arreest & try to put one of my detectives through a wall? (I’d love to see that scene) RC: *looks back to the glass as if he can see behind the mirror* KR: You know, the right turtleneck, & no-one’s even going to notice bro. JE: *slowly turns to him with a huge-ass neck brace on, the poor guy. It pushes up his ears & cheeks & he looks frickin m a d* KR: Maybe a scarf JE: >:| KR: *hits him playfully?* JE: Ow
I mean castle is a bit high strung but when this buff mountain of a man stands up & you know he already put one of either ryan or esposito through a wall, like, I can understand it. Poor esposito DX  JE: I want this guy to fry, beckett! (whipsers) ow, (ryan looks at him in concern)
This is one sexy episode RC: time travelling killer! *goes to high-five lanie but she is already walking off* (Mandolin version of theme song starts playing)
“time ripple” no it does NOT sound dirty castle wtf I like how Ryan half humours castle KR: Can’t be a time traveling killer; bullet had 200 years of rust on it; if the killer had been a time travelwe, the bullet would have been brand new I like abe sanrich. Lol D’André the giant. I just listened to an audiobook on the making of the princess bride actually.
JE: So uh, is Di Andre our guy? (For someone who can say spanish words perfectly his other latin skills seem to be lacking) KB: I’m afraid not. JE: What? Why did he go all hulk hogan on me? RC: Well why did the scorpion sting the frog? It’s in his nature. (Ryan almost looks more upset than Esposito, but then again, esposito can’t really make all the facial expressions one usually would be able to.) RM: I’ll see he gets the max detective JE: Thank you captain RM: You know you can take a couple days if you’d like? Catch some movies.  RC: Read Naked Heat. JE: No. JE: No need, sir. RM: *goes to pat him on the shoulder* JE, not much of a touchy feely guy in the first place & also in pain: *eyes* RM: *single soft pat* KB: *doesn’t laugh doesn’t laugh doesn’t laugh doesn’t laugh I swear she is not laughing* JE: -_-
RC: Maybe the killer came through the time ripple naked & needed the clothes KB: RC: Like in the terminator KB: Sadly I don’t have a better theory at this point (Castle & esposito feed birds) (even tho esposito usually hates castle’s theories)
KB: Go check [xyz] out KR: You got it *turns around quickly, bumping into esposito* JE: mhhh XP
Beckett is so important in Castle’s raising of a teenaged daughter
RC: You said something about a giant moth?
Ok so Murphy is at the finance firm
RM: Any luck? (USE CTRL F U IDIOT) JE: turns around slowly KR: Nah. So far I’ve seen a lot of cool old guns on these sites. (I love a good cool old gun) RM: (talks about the cool guy with the cool gun on the site) Check it out esposito JE: *groaning as he slowly turns around* RM: *trying not to laugh or feel bad for getting esposito to move* JE: Yeah that’s nice. See back then they were into the artistry of it all KR: Yeah theyre like little sculptures.. that can kill (he says with his cheek on his fist all cute-like) (huertas probably liked this episode, he’s into guns)
RM: If I had that kind of scratch around I’d be putting it somewhere safe, like me mattress.
Podofski sent an audio file? RC: You think he offered him a blindfold & a cigarette?
KB: & can anyone vouch for that? IP: Me RC: Myself & I got your back too?
sir ACD is the time traveler, castle!
Except don’t old guns have no rifling & won’t ballistics be unable to match the gun? RC: Somehow they never prefer to be arrested for murder
RC: This has got to be a joke. Goldstein drives a DeLorean (My mum used to work at the airport & one of her volunteers owned a delorean that he had modified to look like the time machine. It was p cool.)
I love Ryan & his sunglasses They r just talking about the car, it’s valid, it’s a cool car KR: I hope [there’s something in the car that will help us], that’s a lot of doors to knock on (touches hand to car & gets burned bc it is sunny & south?) WOW FIRST NAMES? OK THEN. KR, seeing a guy with a bloodstained shirt: Hey Javi! NGL I love lord henry! Haberdashery across the park! At least it makes Esposito smile Oh poor esposito KR, with lord henry in a hold: U alright bro? JE with his gun out: I’m fine. >:{
KB: Alright, thank you ryan. RC: How’s esposito? KB: At home resting Finally the man took some time off
Castle is so cool, knows the actual period of the clothing (tho I can’t verify that). He did not go quietly into the night, he fired back
It is going to be HARD to metal detect that entire park bro, even just the area you want to check good framing & camera fun RC, walking off: Let’s say *walks back & starts moving Ryan around* Let’s say that our killer was standing over here (ryan looks like he’s had his feathers ruffled) Castle counted a bit off or had longer/shorter strides but different people have different leg length RC: It wasn’t a game! *holds up finger gun* It was an old fashioned duel! KR: *holds up his own finger gun*
I thought that castle was going to practice lockpicking actually.
OH WOW OK THEN (& I was right about the unisex name) RC: Yess well me meeting ashley has smeared lip gloss all over your face (I don’t like the guns but when you go to meet a girl’s dad that’s the only time when a gun is acceptable.) (still not acceptable actually but you get the point.) Castle knows a cool trick there! Ashley: Yeah sure, if it’s ok with your gun-- dad Ash: I respect her, she is respectable, I respect you RC: I like him. He’s respectful. (Cuz u waved a gun at him lol. Heck yeah bro XD)
RC & me: well at least some guy in ballistics had fun firing em off
Interesting motion with the coffee there
RC: Maybe it was about a girl. In fact, alexis’s boyfriend (who has a girl’s name btw) thought I was going to shoot him last night.  KB: *Eyebrows go up, smiles & kinda nods.* KR: Hey RC: Hey, how’s esposito? (Asks ryan this) KR: He’s sleeping in,, mostly because he can’t move. (His voice is more melodic here, a different cadence & pitch.) (& ryan knows that esposito is sleeping in & can’t move) (Like girl the writers knew what they were doing)
Hamlet much?
Danny is a stand-up guy & gave you a job, you’re doing better because of him... Just making a note on troy kendsworth or w/e his name was
& they got the address from him.
What a sexy doorknocker WHOA I LOVE THIS GUY Mum & my little bro just watched around the world in 80 days (I think two different versions too)! I love a good rock shanty, I love adults playing dress up, I love punk, I love simplicity, tbh I’m more into solarpunk & cottagepunk than steampunk,  Riding the penny farthing right through the club I love it Love the hats, love the time machine Sheer supercoolness of futuristic design if things were steam powered, not fossil fuels b’y Poetry <3 KB: Excuse me Mr Peterson-- RC: Can I try that?
You know what it is SO valid to ignore death here. Sadness like that is for the real world, this place is an oasis away from all that. Kinda goth with the poetry & meaning even in death.
Hey at least we know he wasn’t dead yet within the time-of-death. 11-1 but he was alive past 11.
Oh those are some sexy guns Sure beckett smell it & know they’ve been fired. Who’s adam again? Adam murphy from the finance place? RC: I THINK HE’S GOING FOR THE TIME MACHINE (When did ryan & esposito get the address & called over for interviews?) KR: it’s just a bunch of interviews, idk why you didn’t take the whole day off. JE: Because I’m fine! KR, badge in hand: *goes to knock* *door opens before he can* (the two look at each other) (Adam Murphey runs smack into esposito. Ryan is still staring at the door in shock. He turns around when castle & beckett come out.) RC: Hey esposito! (esposito is groaning & whimpering from the pain of being slammed down onto concrete)
RC: So if you couldn’t kill each other then what was the point of the duel? Me: Duels are cool castle!
Me: Go test it out! RC: Only one way to find out *handshake meme* YAY THE SANDWICH ANTIQUE GUN GUY I like this song. Ew come on pig leave the guy alone Aiming better now & still runs away from the cop lol. Hey nice guy the pig got him a sandbag. Hey nice guy he’s actually interested now & got a stand. Hey it’s just like mythbusters, remove the human touch. I like the progressions of companionship with this rando.
Castle you’re so cool /gen
I love this family. & even kind of in my ears. I hugged my mom so much during this scene & alexis is so adorable & rick didn’t even say anything. Castle answering the door in his steampunk gear: Beckett! How do you know when you’re in love? Beckett, missing a single beat: All the songs make sense Castle fulfills our need to be an adult who acts like a child.
Making ryan just climb a tree XD “hey BECKETT” (I HAVE A PROBLEM) Poor guy shot a squirrel. Poor ryan has to pick up the squirrel. RC: Oh no they took his clothes too! KR: Could you..? CSU: awwwww :’( KR: Yeah I know I’m sorry
Castle: *gets caught in crime scene tape*
Who is using a magnifying glass? I thought beckett said it wasn’t a thing since sherlock holmes (like around the turn of the century, murdoch & sherlock time)
Castle: Volcano in centre of the earth: sneffles!
Sciency ballistics thing
Right as the church bells chimed midnight. we now have an exact time of death
tragic... but understandable
I always like seeing that cute cop, the short girl with the red hair. 
RM: Speaking of tragedy, did you hear about detective esposito? Me: he’s not dead, but the poor man has definitely had more happen to him... KB: no, what about him? (concern from both kate & rick) RM: Oh... he.. *gestured behind them* (wheelchair squaking) KB: Oh! D: JE: *rolled in by Ryan with some big brace on him & a big ol spider contraption on his head* RC: God no. Dude, what happened? (Ryan looks as heartbroken as esposito) KB: Esposito,! JE: No, I don’t want to hear it. No I’m ok JE: BOOM! *Jumps up, throws off the brace right into castle’s face* JE: No I really am fine, bro; we got this stuff from storage. KR: You should have seen your faces! JE: Captain you really sold that. KR: “speaking of tragedy did you hear about detective esposito?” RM: Hey KR: Sir RC: That was good, *claps esposito on the shoulder* JE: Ow, I’m not really that fine. KR: Oh yeah let me just... sorry JE: neck brace please, neck brace. Just lock it down, lock it. KR: Yeah yeah
& then some rando comes in & calls them boys (even tho they call each other boys all the time Ryan: *narrows eyes at this guy* & beckett has her nice helmet bc like we said in a previous episode she rides a motorbike (ryan outfit 10/10)
AC: I want to go on a date tonight RC, strained: Of course, great, have a good time. AC: I mean with you dad. (I miss going on dates with my parents. Just the two of us instead of all my siblings & both my parents...) RC: Did gram put you up to this?
She may be ginger but she’s very strawberry blonde for a redhead
She gets better at lying tho, like in s5 when they have their episode 100. 
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
❝ don’t worry, I’ll be here when you’re awake. ❞ ( Leo & Mikey - honestly for either verse cause it just fits either?? I can't choose uwu;; )
| Muse interaction
"Leo you gotta be tried come on sit here." Mikey insisted giving Leo no chance to deny it as he near forced them to sit down on the couch. Turning on the TV as he went and joined Leo he wasn't letting them out of his sight right now helping letting his feet tap to the ground. "I recorded all you're favorite shows well you were away! eh they may be outta order a bit but don't worry I'll fast forward and such so uh cover ya eyes when I say." Mikey just wanted to fall back into place with Leo home again.
Mikey was excited, more than excited if anything the second he heard Leo was back. He know Leo left because Splinter sent him off on that journey. Claiming Leo was the only one ready for such a thing and yeah that was fair Leonardo was the best of them, but Mikey had to slightly question his fathers choices. Because after that first year? it just took longer and longer for Leo to come back to them. And it wasn't hard to notice that absence of their elder brother. Mikey did what he did best and found distraction after distraction to keep his mind on.
When Raph started pulling away from the family when Donnie became so wrapped up in his work he stopped tinkering away. Splinter became a bit withdrawn as well maybe he was worried about if Leo would come back as well. Maybe that was part of this whole journey thing? Made sense why he insisted they no longer do things like they used to. As much as Mikey wanted to understand that all he couldn't help but admit to himself how much he hated everything going on. Mikey moved to rest his head on Leo's shoulder, his only way to know for sure Leo was here. "Okay this is a good one! I think you're gonna enjoy it picks up on a story line last season!" he went on toe say.
One by one it was like the light in each of their eyes had started to fade. Mikey wasn't sure how long they could hold on. When he found Donnie crying in the kitchen because Raph was being the biggest fucking dick ever know, well he wished Leo was here more than ever. If Mikey were honest? he was mad. he was mad at everyone. He was mad at Splinter for splitting them up like this, mad at Raph for pushing them out from his life, mad at Donnie for thinking it was his job to fix things and mad at Leo for leavening. Mad at himself.
Even With Leo back the tension didn't seem to leave yet, it was suffocating. Eye were slowly growing heavy from being tried his head nearly rolling off Leo's shoulder as he tried fighting the urge to just knock out for the night, despite his frustration he was feeling. It was so nice to just have Leo here. Leo was always such a calming presence for Mikey if Leo was here then things were going to be fine. No matter how bad things got Leo would find a way to get things right. An arm moving to hold around their arm man Mikey wanted to vent and complain about everything that had been going on to Leo. The mess they were with out him..then maybe he wouldn't leave again. Because man that was all Mikey could think about was that Leo wouldn't be staying. He was just visiting and would leave them again go off on his own. Maybe Leo knew what was on Mikey's mind when they suddenly spoke up.
❝ don’t worry, I’ll be here when you’re awake. ❞
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"Promise Le?" Mikey's questions, a twist in his gut he felt guilty assuming that of his brother and his leader. Quirking his beak a little before he lets go of them and move to lie on the couch letting his head rest in Leo's lap. "just ta make sure you don't try." he offered a weak laugh to mask his worry as he settled in eyes focused on the screen. There was a childish need to weep and vent out to his brother everything he was holding in, Mikey wasn't one to bottle it all he expressed when he was upset far more open but. Squeezing his eyes shut tightly. Slowly breathing as he rested on his brother.
"Hey Le?" he asks "Please don't take off with out us again...we need ya not just cause you're the leader we just.." was it wrong to set the pressure on them? "it's not home when any of us are gone is all. and I miss home. But you're back so I think we'll find home again." if Leo had noticed how things were yet, nah Mikey was sure Leo was pretty smart that way after all. He sighed abit that did reassure him a little letting his eyes relax and remain closed "Better not move be rude after I pass out." he smiles a little least this felt fine, able to give some worry he had to Leo, Mikey was sure it be fine again..things would sort themself out? Letting his mind slip in to sleep. This might be the most restful night he's had in awhile he hadn't even noticed how tried he was this whole time.
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bardnuts · 2 months
OK HELLO my apologies for that aggressive intro I can totally see how it would come off as me coming to bite your head off. I promise I'm here with glee
I'm a hypermobile horse girl with a vendetta against Yarros for how dirty she did Violet
The best way to portray the EDS mindset is that there are no free actions. Some things, however, cost more than others. Run out of little energy points, and you could be down for multiple days.
The pain of EDS is a warning bell-- You can acknowledge it and push through (in fact, you have to for most of the day), but you do so by acknowledging that you'll pay for it later. It's kind of the lifestyle that you have to adopt where you reach your limit of what you can give without hurting yourself longer than a day, and stop there. Violet, though, was too special to ever get knocked on her ass. Boo! Lame!! Hiss!!!! Dull!!!!
Riding any kind of creature in a hard saddle with EDS can be a nightmare if you're not prepared for it. Saddle blankets are your best friend, but so is having fat. Violet should've been doing her best to get some fat on herself, not just that weird leg workout. She should've been bruised black and purple, because fragile blood vessels will do that to you.
I would've loved to see her seek out accomodations, or maybe fashion her own cane or crutches. It would've been cool to see her be visibly disabled beyond being just uwu tiny and pale and sometimes having some badass wraps. Also pain makes a person bitchy. Where were her days when she was too tired from giving all her energy to getting out of bed to be nice. Where was it.
Anyways there's more but it sounds like you got some good perspectives out there. Sorry for getting overexcited, hope you have a cool day
HEY!! Thanks for coming back, misunderstandings happen and I'm stoked to talk about this book because I have thoughts on it. (ftr to anyone reading this PLEASE send me asks about books I post about because chances are I could go on about them for hours).
I'm glad you're giving me more context here. When I read Fourth Wing I had no frame of reference for what EDS was like or even what specific disability Violet actually had. Hearing that there are interesting things Violet could have done in-universe to mitigate some of her symptoms (e.g. putting on fat, which incidentally would have been a pretty radical thing for a woman in a fantasy novel to try and do). I wish we'd gotten to see her pain and disability be more than an inconsistent trait that gets brought out only when it can do something cool for the plot.
Knowing what you're telling me now, the things that happen to Violet in the novel seem to be pushing the edge of absurdity. I wonder if Yarros--who, of course, is well within her rights to write a wish-fulfillment fantasy about overcoming a disability she has in real life--got carried away with the "wish fulfillment" aspect to the detriment of the actual story and representation.
Also, just to clarify, I did enjoy Fourth Wing but I also knew while I was reading that it wasn't a good novel. Disability misrepresentation aside, I could say a lot of really unkind things about it (or, I suppose, I could give it a real good ole-fashioned Criticism) so let me know if that's something you'd like to hear. I say I enjoyed it because it held my attention and there were a couple of moments that hit my "oh that's neat" funny bone. It has some fun scenes, but it's junk food. Just like the vast majority of poorly edited, heavily marketed YA "romantantasy" that's the standard fare for major publishing houses these days.
I do want to hear more of your thoughts, as many as you have. I also wish we'd gotten more Violet bitchiness. That could have been fun. She's a cardboard cutout (but then, so are all the characters).
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griffonisms · 5 years
          {  @cousllnd asked:  “Oops.” oops indeed   }
   ~ Send “Oops.” for your muse to walk in on mine changing.           or send “…” for mine to walk in on yours. 
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     Ah, it was but barely sunrise...and he could no longer sleep. He’d tried for a long time, but slumber would not come to him, fickle a thing as it was for the former warden commander these days.       He’d long since decided to remain awake. And undisturbed in the quarters given to him, he leans against the windowsill for a long moment, distracted from the task of dressing by the view... and he simply... breathes. He fills his lungs with the cool air of the dawn. Goosebumps threaten to cover his bare body upon contact of the open window’s air, but he simply stays where he is. Watching the sky, how the green tinge of the breach mingles with the sun rising in the horizon, clutching a garment he’d intended on stepping into but moments before he was distracted.  He had a lot on his mind.
     Given his... occupation that would forever Taint his soul... one would think that he would have noticed another warden approaching his room. He did not. Perhaps it was the train of thought he’d been caught in, or perhaps it was the gentle pull of the calling in the far reaches of his mind, lulling him into an oddly sedated state....  But he did not realize that there was someone in his room until they had caught... an eyeful.  An eyeful indeed.       There Duncan stood-- caught mid-thought, hair loose and swayed by the gentle breeze, with his scar-littered back still facing the doorway. The back of a warrior; broad in it’s musculature. The back of a man, who should have died from the scars gained by the wounds inflicted upon him in the battle of Ostagar.  And he turns to her after realizing her presence, holding the garment in front of him to spare her a full 360 view of himself as he peers over wearily at her.      Brows furrow and his jaw sets when neither party speaks first-- and he clears his throat quietly, deciding not to address the somewhat embarrassing situation they’d both come to find themselves in.  He arches a brow at her, both in curiosity and concern. It was unlike her to enter his chambers before knocking. Perhaps, he pondered, she was simply tired... or perhaps there was something wrong.     Nevertheless-- he breaks the silence. Trying his best to appear as unbothered by the intrusion as he could, despite the sudden warmth rising in his face (in spite of the cold air on his skin).   “ I... was not expecting company.” he murmurs, eyes set intently on Roslin... as if trying to figure her out. Why was she here so early? What was so urgent?  “Please allow me a moment, and then we can speak about why you came.” 
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mochikeiji · 3 years
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Request: "Hihi! Prompt no. 49 for inumaki toge pretty please? 🥰"
49. "Mine." "I know but can you let me go?"
↠ Pairing: Inumaki Toge x Reader
↠ Warning: none! Simply fluff, mention of Yuta!
↬ Word Count: 1k
↠ a/n: this is actually my first time writing about Inumaki and I gotta say, he fits the fluff content uwu
↳ from Go! Go! Gogatsu Event
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The used to be tamed, white ball of fluff— now wild upon waking up from his dream land. Inumaki wasn't really a morning person to begin with during his weekend breaks. Usually Panda would be the one to pull him out of bed alongside with Maki (and if Yuta were present, he'd be laughing from the back ground instead of helping the poor guy), luckily all second years were given some days to enjoy themselves and for once, they had agreed to postpone training since it was their routine even at breaks.
Taking advantage of the opportunity, the lad was practically jumping in glee yesterday as he tugs onto your shirt. Wiggling his brows in excitement to have you sleep with him longer without further interruptions from the two and his teacher. Much like every one except Maki, they've gone back to their respective homes during these times rather than being cramped up in the dorms. Too many prying eyes to witness all of your private moments anyways. Pretty much explains how you and Inumaki slept back in your apartment which was still surprisingly clean as you left it.
Being the nonchalant looking guy and being the quiet one, Inumaki was not far from resembling to a feline animal. His head kept on nuzzling against your chest deeper in plead and comfort when you stopped scratching his scalp. Whenever you'd do that you catch a faint sigh and the arms wrapped around you squeezing. The little languages you've learned that meant gratitude and a silent whisper of love.
If only you could just see the annoyed mark on his forehead as he listens to you and your long time friend and comrade, Yuta. It was a real shocker to have him call you so sudden. Thinking it may be serious, you didn't hesitate to answer only to have Yuta just asking how things were in a cheery tone. That had led to a longer conversation though. Long enough for Inumaki to groan and whine gradually louder in hopes you'd just return back to sleep with him.
Oh you're mistaken. Yuta knows exactly what he's doing to push his buttons off. The used to be timid male now bold enough to ruin his friend's routine. Credits to Panda for initiating the idea and Maki, not wanting to deal with any of this, walks away from the conversation.
"Was that Inumaki? Hey man!"
Scoffing, his hands slid underneath your shirt, placing them on your sides. You glared at him softly as a warning before continuing your talk with Yuta. "Yeah, he just woke up. Not a morning person remember?"
"I'll say. Wait, am I interrupting something?"
His head shot up, nodding profusely while lightly shaking your body. It tickled your sides to be honest, you thought he was just playing around when in fact he desperately wants you off the phone this instant.
"Ah, no! He's just tickling me." coughing out a giggle. "Stop that." you whispered, covering your phone to avoid Yuta from hearing. Inumaki then pouts in defeat. Gently thumping his head on your chest trying to find the comfort he's lost on his spot. Squirming in discomfort, Inumaki whines once more. It was literally only 7 am, he still needes much more sleep after having a late movie marathon with you last night. He can get cranky if he needed to just to get what he wants. It worked on Maki a lot though it does earn him a smack on the head.
"Well, I can hear the guy's getting worked up."
"You sly little boy. You knew exactly what you were starting, didn't you?" whispering against the phone with your hand cupped over your mouth. Making sure your boyfriend wasn't listening, Yuta simply laughs and bids his goodbye to continue on his tasks.
And finally— finally you put your phone away. Ready to receive the much needed affection, but soon confusion was written all over his face when you attempted to get up. "Tuna?"  peeping his eyes from below you. Asking why you were getting up. "It's morning, silly. We have to get up eventually you know." you say after giving him an eskimo kiss.
His brows visibly furrow as he tangles his legs with yours. He may not seem like it, but his arms are quite built enough to be able to hold you down. Inumaki was strong, and you know better than to underestimate or try the guy.
"Babe, aren't you hungry?"
He claims as he huddles himself close to you like a ball. He was at the verge of sleeping, why can't you read that? "Oh, poor thing. Alright, you sleep in while I go cook us up something for later, k?" still he doesn't budge from his position nor his hold wavering even as you pry him away. You bit back an adoring smile to see him like this. Maybe you should have Yuta annoy him again. You knew about his irritation whenever your friends would come around during your time alone. It was fun riling Inumaki up if it gets him clinging onto you.
"I know, i know, but can you let me go? I promise I'll be quick."
The room went silent. You didn't realize you were holding your breath and had already been squeezed tighter in his arms. That was the first time Inumaki spoke something out of his vocabulary. Much to your relief, nothing seemed to happened. Inumaki was still in the same status as he was now, even snickering a bit from your reaction before pushing his head up away from your chest to meet with your lips.
There were shivers that ran down your spine when his hand came up to rub you from behind. Coming to a stop on the back of your head to pull you in deeper. Though the kiss was short, his actions seemed to dawn on you more than he expected, seeing as you were speechless still.
He whispers lowly, you worry about the fact that he's said two things out of his language. It was a miracle nothing happened. And he wasn't coughing blood or something, no. He remains the same as ever, feeling ever so at bliss before closing his eyes at the feeling of your fingertips running through his hair soothingly. "I have got to tell Yuta about this." giggling madly at how flustered and light your heart was, you were only met with light snores before slowly closing your eyes in the arms of your sleeping lover.
Oh well, breakfast can wait.
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© all content belongs to mochikeiji. Please do not repost or copy, ありがとうございました!! (=^・^=)
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captnjacksparrow · 2 years
We know kishi messed up a lot during the war arc, but what do you think were the best and worst moments?
I think I can't able to answer this properly because most of the complaints from the Fandom were based on Power Scaling level and they were comparing it to DBZ.
I've never read any Action Shonen other than Naruto... So, Personally as a neutral watcher... I have no problem in that power-scaling aspect... Or to be precise, I need the knowledge of other Shonen to compare and say what's wrong with Naruto.
Other than that, Kaguya nonsense is the absolute worst. Madara being the final Villain would've made it so enthralling... But since Boruto needed a plot thread, they introduced a villain with ugly design. Which is a given.
And some people say, Unnecessary flashbacks being introduced... Which I kinda agree. Like that flashback between Mifune and Hanzo is not at all needed... Kabuto's too.
And some people say, War needs Money and Man labour for Preparation, bla bla bla. Which is totally Hilarious, imo. Like Dude!!! Did Lord of the Rings or Avengers Infinity War had these kinda plots??? Didn't they just go to war without going into detail in any of these???
Why would they need these boring plot which has no relevance to Naruto anyway?? Fantasy Genre don't usually cover these aspects of war... If they want that, then they should go watch movies based on First and Second World war.
Other than that, rest of the complaints were based on their own Self-Projection or Prediction that didn't come true. Like hating Itachi + Sasuke arc because their UwU baby Sasuke got changed after listening to his Brother. Or Some people hate Tobito Reveal for genuine reasons.
So, I can't list out the worst things in War arc other than Kaguya plot.
As for the best things...
4. Madara - The Phenomena
Madara Toying with the Shinobi Alliance and The 5 Kages... 😂😂. [[Anime did a great job by adding these Amazing Jewel of a dance]]
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Is there anything to not like this part of War Arc??? ((Tsunade, I am so sorry for liking him Toying with you and everyone... You are the Exception though, You truly stood up to him like a true Hokage... But I simply can't stop admiring his Aura))
3. Itachi - Sasuke arc...
Ever since Kabuto revealed that he was going to use Edo-Tensei on Itachi... I expected he would meet Sasuke again... But also, I knew that, this time for sure Sasuke has to say Good Bye for a Final Time...
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Damn... I just couldn't. Poor Sasuke!!!
2. Tobito Reveal...
I was shell-shocked just like Kakashi. Because I got a mini-breakdown after Shippuden episode 120, an episode where Kid Obito died under the boulder saying, "I wish I could have more time with everyone"... I took a day off from my binge watch after this Flashback...
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[[My reaction after realising Obito was Tobi]]
To think that such a pure bean has turned into a mass murderer is like a salted stab on my already damaged mind. Just when I was healing my mental wound I got from Itachi-Sasuke arc.... This reveal and Obito's descent into darkness sent me to a Rock Bottom Pit....
Just stop it already!!! Damn Kishimoto. I can't take it!!
1. Founders' Era Arc...
An Absolute stunner..
A Mental Refresher... After Back to back stabs... This Arc was much needed for my sanity...
Ever since, Sasuke-Sai Arc... I kept on hearing on and on about First Hokage and Madara.... Even Madara was pronouncing Hashi's name like a Cockatoo... My curiousity level got higher and higher by every episode.
But boy!!! It did deliver to the hype we received throughout the series...
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I came into the series because of Hashirama and I ended up finding something which I wish it could've lasted longer...
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I don't even want to come out of that Arc ((Hey Oro, If there's one thing you did useful in this series, it's by resurrecting these Hokages)).
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Fun Fact : No one surpassed Madara in terms of his Power or Aura or Amount of Hair or Fame. Everyone became ugly, weak, bald and stupid.
I loved all these mini-arcs in the War Arc which absolved all the inconsistencies I saw towards the very end. Atleast this is what I felt as a neutral watcher with No Shounen Influence🤷🏻‍♀️
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allforthe-gays · 3 years
i love that andrew canonically is basically the mom friend, so here are things that have definitely happened:
neil: you should really stop letting kevin drink away his issues, his liver is probably dead :/
andrew: don't question my parenting methods >:(
neil: hey, andrew. loml. plz stop taking cracker dust <3
andrew: ofc babe
*the next day to kevin, aaron, + nicky*
andrew: mommy isn't allowed to have cracker dust anymore so you are also banned <3
andrew: now that i've removed your girlfriend from my hit list i have something i need to talk to you about~
aaron: i stg if you say what i think you're about to say-
andrew: you radiate very strong virgin energy so i just want to make sure you are aware of safe and sane sexual intercourse practices in case your gf ever propositions you
aaron: stop talking right now.
andrew: i got these for you :))
kevin: these are all pamphlets about internalized homophbia
andrew: it's time for an intervention. nicky and i have formed a 10 step plan to help you analyze your romantic and sexual preferences and by the end of the course we anticipate that you will end the program no longer be the boring cishet man you currently are
andrew: sweaty, i bought a ton of clothes for you to try on so we can keep what fits and return the rest. i got so much old navy cash from this, and i am such a dicount god that it ended up being more than 75% off >:)
neil: didn't you buy me clothes last month?
andrew: are you saying i should return all the sweatpants i just bought?
neil: ok i'll try them on, geez...
neil: ...why would you think that i might need sweatpants in tall? or XS?
andrew: i was just being thorough. you never know what sizes might fit when you're an athlete uwu
nicky: hey andrew just wanted to check in with you about something. are you doing alright?
andrew: i've been amazing, why would you ask ?
nicky: you've been listening to mamma mia on repeat for the last 3 hours
andrew: yeah. i know. it's about being a mother. i've been taking notes.
matt: why do you keep referring to yourself as mommy? is that like a gay thing?
andrew: it's becuase i am a mother
renee: it's becuase he has mommy issues
andrew: not anymore. i dealt with the issue.
allison: or maybe it's because neil is a daddy?
dan: does this make nicky a grandfather?
kevin: maybe the 'm' in his last name reminds him of the McDonald's 'M' which represent voluptuous maternal breasts
andrew: you just lost your internet privileges
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katyasrussianaccent · 4 years
i don't wanna be your friend, I wanna kiss your lips (corpse x reader)
Summary: Corpse suggests you flirt with each other to mess with the fans. What happens when you suddenly catch feelings?
Authors Note: This has been in my brain for so long so I decided to write it. May or may not write a part 2, im not sure. Lemme know what you think! My requests are open for fic/headcannons aswell 💖
It should have been simple.
Flirt, mess with the fans a little, sit back and relax.
It should have been simple.
You remember Corpse coming to you with the idea.
“Why would we do that?” you had asked, frowning at your phone screen. It had been another late night phone conversation with him; something that was starting to become a regular occurrence.
You pictured him shrug as he answered. “Fun?”
“Are you so bored you wanna make a fake relationship with me?”
“Not a relationship. Just do what we do now, but like, more.”
You had agreed before your brain had even registered it. On paper it was straightforward. You already flirted a little anyway, you were naturally a flirtatious person, and so was he. It made sense; or at least you had told yourself that it did. You knew the fans already shipped you together, you saw the things they tweeted as you occasionally lurked the ynhusband tag on Twitter. It was just innocent fun right? No-one was going to get hurt.
For a little while that was true. For a little while he called you baby and you called him darling and it meant nothing. Your face didn’t feel flush when he commented on your latest Instagram post and your heart didn’t do a little flip when he would call you just to see how you were. The phone conversations were your favourite; curled up in bed with the phone on your pillow, trading secrets into the night. He had suddenly become this constant in your life, this almost routine familiarity like brushing your teeth or going to get milk.
You weren’t sure what changed, when it had gone from being innocent fun to meaning something. It was like someone had flicked a switch, and Corpse was no longer a warm glow but this bright, blinding light that hurt your eyes to look at too long. It was almost cruel, the way you wanted something so unobtainable; the universe’s idea of a joke had no humour in it. The thing with Corpse was he was so unaware of the power he had. He was mysterious yes, but he was faceless among a sea of faces; of course people were drawn to him. And you were just another.
You started to pull away. You played different games with different people, you ignored his tweets. It was easier, if you never interacted with him, you could pretend there was nothing but shallow feelings instead of the crashing waves that threatened to pull you under. The fans had started to notice; your streams were filled with questions that you refused to answer.
“Where’s Corpse?” you read aloud as you scrolled down the chat. “Probably in his house? Go ask him.” Your tone was bitter even to you and you inwardly cringed. He hadn’t contacted you in 2 weeks, and while you were thankful, you were hurt by it. It was stupid and hypoctritical of you to be upset by something that was your own doing, and you weren’t sure what you had expected from him. He had other friends, other people to talk to, why would he have cared about you anyway?
Your phone lit up next to you, and you ignored the pang of disappointment at Rae’s picture flashing up.
Rae: Among Us???
You hesitated for a second. The likelihood of Corpse being there was high, but you knew deep down he wouldn’t say a thing to you, not on stream or in front of your friends. You could just ignore him, like you had been doing and it would be fine. You weren’t sure you believed yourself anymore.
“Guys, you want to watch me play Among Us? I’m not sure who’s playing, other than Rae.” You looked at the fast flowing stream of affirmatives and emojis. Guess you had to do it now. You opened up the game and joined the lobby.
“-yeah she looks really fucking cute,” you heard Corpse say as you logged in. You looked down at your outfit,; he definitely wasn’t talking about you in your oversized t-shirt and sweatpants. You had been on stream for a few hours now; your eyeliner was smudged a little and any lipstick had worn off with the constant drinking and licking your lips. No, he definitely wasn’t talking about you.
“Hey guys,” you said tentatively, swallowing down the feeling of jealousy at Corpse’s previous words.
A chorus of greetings hit you, and you smiled at their enthusiasm. You had played with Rae, Sykunno and Toast a few times before, but Felix, Jack and Ash were new to you, though you knew of them.
“Hey Y/N,” Corpse said. You had hoped after 2 weeks he wouldn’t still affect you so much, but the way your stomach turned said otherwise.
“Hey Corpse,” you replied, hoping your tone was casual.
“I haven’t seen you in a while, how are you?” he asked.
“Oh. Uh yeah, I’ve been a bit busy I guess, how are you?” You looked down as you answered, picking at your nail polish. You glanced at the chat that was filled with messages.
corpsesbaby: You can always tell when someones lying coz they look down” llamadelrey: why is this so awkward lmao arent they friends??” simpsforrae: This is like is a breakup i swear
“I’ve been okay, thanks” Corpse answered, drawing your eyes off the chat and back to the game. You nodded as you muted your mic to go back to your stream.
“I hope I don’t get imposter, I always suck at that so much.” You watched as the screen counted down and the word IMPOSTER flashed up alongside Corpse’s name. “Guess I jinxed it guys.”
Great. Not only were you imposter, you were imposter with Corpse, which meant you would have to actually speak to him. Maybe you wouldn’t have to.
You both followed Rae as she walked up towards Greenhouse, and you cornered her while she did her task, killing her quickly.
“Everyone seemed to go right, so we should vent back towards cafeteria to avoid suspicion,” Corpse said.
“Okay,” you answered. You vented together, and you muted your mic to laugh. “This is kinda cosy guys.” You said to your chat. You briefly imagined what it would be like in real life to be so close to him.
You moved to Admin where Toast was doing his task. Before you could say a word, Corpse had already killed him and you both vented outside Cafeteria. “Fuck, that was so close,” you muttered, chuckling a little.
“Don’t worry, I got your back,” he replied, making your heart sing a little.
“Oh my hero,” you said, making a point of swooning to your chat, your voice high and airy. “How will I ever repay you?”
He chuckled, “You shouldn’t ask questions like that.”
You flushed at the suggestive tone he had taken, and you hoped it wasn’t noticeable but judging by the comments in your chat, it clearly had been. This was another issue you had with Corpse; he always made these type of comments with you and it was really annoying. You knew there was no chance he was being serious, and sometimes you wished he would stop it purely because it got your hopes up.
delilah: shes BLUSHING dreamofme: uWu yn uWu
You opened your mouth to respond when Dead Body Reported flashed up, bringing your thoughts back to the game.
“Toast and Rae are dead,” Sykuuno said. “I found Rae in Greenhouse and Toast in admin.”
“I was in balcony, I went there from the cafeteria,” you said confidently. You hated being Imposter, especially being teamed with Corpse, who was so good at the game, you had a lot of pressure to do well.
“I was in MedBay, I didn’t see you YN,” Ash accused.
“You only see if they enter through the left door. She entered through the other door,” Corpse answered for you.
“And how do you know that?” Felix asked.
“I was in Cafeteria,” Corpse replied.
“You could’ve vented YN,” Jack said.
“No I couldn’t have, if Ash was in MedBay, she would have seen me. Unless she wasn’t in MedBay,” you suggested, smirking to your cam as you muted. “It’s not going too bad I don’t think? Always feel like I’ve been arrested when I’m Imposter.”
“Little sus of you Ash to say you were in MedBay when you weren’t,” Corpse said. You gaped a little at how easy it was for him to manipulate the situation, it was almost scary.
Ash argued as the other players began to agree and discuss among themselves. You smiled in success at the text on the screen.
Ash has been ejected.
You split up this time, and while you hadn’t really spoken during the game, you kind of missed Corpse’s astronaut next to yours, and you said that to your chat. “Haha, our colours did look cute together, I agree.”
Any previous trepidation you had had disappeared as soon as you had heard his voice; and you realised how much you had missed him. You would simply just need to deal with your feelings; they would go away eventually anyway. You just hoped it wasn’t too late for you to start again with him.
You walked to MedBay with Skyunno, making small talk as you did.
“I’m glad to see you playing with us, it’s been a little while,” he said and you felt bad that you would have to kill him. As you turned towards him, ready to kill as he did his task, Jack walked in. You mouthed oops at the cam.
“What’s going on here?” Jack asked, suspicion in his voice.
“I was just saying how nice it was to have YN here,” Sykunno replied. You stood and faked your task, watching the green bar fill as you did. It would be too risky to kill here.
“Ah yeah, Corpse has been asking after you constantly,” Jack said. You blinked at the response, it had caught you off guard.
“Oh?” you replied simply. You mentally shrugged it off. Of course he would have asked about you, you were friends, that was all.
“Felix was dead in Reactor,” Corpse announced. “Oh Corpse, you’re taking a risk here” you said to your chat.
“I was in MedBay with Jack and Sykunno,” you replied, smiling as they agreed. “Where were you Ash?”
She sighed sadly. “I was in Labs, but I was doing a task, I swear!” You all agreed quickly that Ash would be the next voted out.
“2 to go,” you said triumphantly. “I thought I was gonna drag Corpse down, but it’s going okay!”
The round started again and you could feel yourself getting tired. Hopefully this wouldn’t be too much longer to finish the game.
You circled round Corpse a few times, hoping that he would understand your signal. Luckily he did, and you both vented to Decontamination where Skyunno and Jack were. The room had already started to emit steam, making it extremely easy for you both to vent unnoticed and kill them both.
You grinned at the Victory message that flashed up.
“Good game guys!” you said. The others congratulated you and Corpse on your win and you smiled at the sound of your names together. You had it bad.
“It was all YN,” Corpse said.
“Pfft you ssh being humble, it was all you,” you replied, taking your hair out of your ponytail and running your hand through it.
“Your hair looks nice,” Corpse commented and your eyes widened. Your heart started to beat a little quicker. How long had he been watching your stream?
“It’s bad to watch someone’s stream without telling them,” you replied, making a show of pouting for the camera.
He laughed a little. “What can I say, I’m a bad guy,” he said, singing the last words. You laughed at the sudden Billie Eilish.
“Guys, either play another game, or get a room,” Felix interrupted. You blushed a little and rolled your eyes, the chat going crazy from the corner of your eye.
“And that’s my cue to exit,” you said, yawning. “Bye guys, have a good night!” You wished everyone and your chat goodnight before closing the stream and leaning back in your chat. You couldn’t believe Corpse had been watching you. You hadn’t said anything too incriminating, but still.
You prepared for bed, settling back into the softness of your pillows as you grabbed your phone - a terrible habit you really needed to stop.
Corpse: Can I call you?
You gulped at the message that appeared on your screen, a gnawing feeling of nervous clung to your throat as you typed yes. His name came up almost instantaneously and your hand shook as you pressed to accept the call.
“Hey,” he greeted.
“Hey, what’s up?” you asked, trying to keep your voice even while your heart beat erratically in your chest.
“It was nice playing with you again,” he commented.
You sat up a little as you held the phone against your ear. “Did you call me to tell me that?”
“I haven’t spoken to you in a while.”
You sighed a little. “Yeah, I’ve been a bit busy, sorry - “
“You’re lying to me and I don’t know why,” he replied. You had never heard his voice like that before; so angry and hurt. You tapped your foot against your mattress as you thought what to say.
“I -”
“Did I do something?” he asked. You had been so selfish; blocking him out to avoid being hurt, but you hadn’t thought about his feelings. He was more popular than you were, you had assumed he would be fine, that he wouldn’t care if you were around or not.
“No, you didn’t do anything, I swear -”
“Then what? Because I thought we were friends, close friends and then suddenly you pretty much disappear. But you’re still streaming with other people. It’s pretty shitty of you.”
You chewed the inside of your cheek and looked up, the sting of tears threatening to fall. “It was really shitty of me, I’m sorry.”
“What happened?” he asked. “Please just tell me.”
“I don’t know what I’m meant to say,” you replied softly.
“What do you want to say?”
You blinked, the anticipation of unspoken words caught in your throat, making it hard to swallow. The taste of them was bitter on your tongue. “I...I have feelings for you.”
There. You had said it. There was no taking it back now, and you felt like your heart was about to shatter with every single second of silence that passed. You could hear him swallow on the other end of the phone. “Are you saying you’re in love with me?”
You bit your lip, taking in the meaning of the question he had asked. It wasn’t something you had thought of, you hadn’t conceptualised your feelings for him, not put them in a box labelled love or anything. “I don’t know. I feel something for you. And it kinda sucks being your friend and having those feelings. So I pulled away.”
“Why does it suck?”
You laughed bitterly. “Why wouldn’t it? Feeling something for someone that doesn’t feel the same is fucking shitty.”
“I asked you to flirt with me YN -”
“Yeah, for fun,” you interrupted.
“No, I said for fun, but really I just wanted you to,” he replied. “I feel something for you too. How could I not? Has anything I’ve ever said to you sounded like it was just for fun?” You smiled at his response, your heart no longer on the fit of breaking, but suddenly doing flips and soaring through your chest, radiating warmth through your body.
“Oh,” you said, your brain was overloaded with thoughts, and was apparently no longer capable of coherent sentences.
“Oh? That’s a great response, thanks,” he teased, but you could tell he was smiling as he spoke.
“I wasn’t expecting you to say that, I don’t really know what to say honestly,” you replied.
“Well, baby, how about you say yes to a date?” he asked.
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