#this goes for cyan too! cyan popped OFF!
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mleemwyvern · 2 years ago
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saiintvalentiine · 3 months ago
For drabbles maybe anything that's odyssey duo fluff ??? :3
ok so like................. this may not be what you were expecting????? but. but i think it came out cute................. based on one of the headcanons i mentioned in this post
Word count: 604
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Wifies has been working on the loom for hours. When Parrot got up this morning, he helped Wifies collect wool and flowers. Wifies thanked him with a kiss on the cheek and disappeared to the back of the house to work. Parrot made them both lunch and lured Wifies to the kitchen with the smell. His hands had been mottled with dyes by then, splotches of green and orange and purple, and even a smudge of cyan under one eye. Parrot had cleaned it off for him with a wet rag, and Wifies just smiled and thanked him.
The sun is setting now, and Wifies is still out back, working on the loom. Parrot knocks on the door of the small room he’s claimed. Wifies pops his head out of the doorway, eyes fluttering in the darkness.
“Wifies, it’s getting late,” Parrot says, leaning against the wall. “What are you even doing?”
“Ah, I didn’t even realize! I’ll be right out.”
He shuts the door in Parrot’s face and Parrot rolls his eyes, but waits. It only takes a few minutes for Wifies to exit, dye still clinging beneath his nails.
“Parrot,” Wifies says severely. “I’m working on a special project and I need you to promise that you won’t peek.”
“I won’t,” Parrot says, sticking his pinky out. “Promise.”
Wifies hooks their pinkies together with a pleased smile and that’s that.
. . . Except this special project takes up all of Wifies’s free time for the whole week.
Parrot isn’t going to break their promise, but he’s deeply curious, and maybe a little deprived of Wifies’s company. Sure, he’s got things to do too, enjoys their quiet downtime just as much, but it’s hard to not miss Wifies even though they’re in the same house.
He’s sullenly polishing their swords when Wifies comes looking for him.
“Parrot!” he calls out, appearing at Parrot’s side like a ray of sunshine through winter smog. “I’m all done with my project. Come look at it!”
Parrot places the sword down and follows Wifies to the back of the house. The room he’s been weaving in is stuffy, filled with so much wool and dye and string that Parrot sneezes as he enters. There’s a neatly folded bundle of cloth on the work table that Wifies picks up and holds tight as he turns around.
“I don’t really know what to say now,” he says with an awkward smile. “But I made this for you, so. . . I hope you like it?”
Wifies opens the cloth up and holds it aloft, disappearing behind a wall of color.
“That’s my feather pattern,” Parrot realizes. His wings flutter in response. “That’s— you replicated my wing pattern! On a cape!”
Parrot runs his fingers over the fabric, feels the softness of it, traces the blends and blurs of color.
“This is incredible, Wifies,” he says.
“Thank you,” Wifies says, but he still sounds nervous. “There’s one more thing.”
“To the cape that is.”
Wifies turns it around, the immaculate dye job still evident on the inside. There’s one anomaly though— the image of a single violet feather speckled with black and white. It’s on Parrot’s right, meaning that if he wears the cape correctly, it’ll rest on his left side, behind his heart.
Wifies is silent behind his curtain of fabric. Parrot sweeps the fabric aside to see him, only to find him looking down in wait.
“Wifies,” Parrot says gently. “I love it. I’m going to wear it everywhere. Thank you.”
Wifies smiles. It’s a little wobbly, but he folds the cape back up and hands it to Parrot.
“It’s all yours.”
Parrot takes it and places it back on the work table, throwing his arms around Wifies and hugging him tight. He’ll more than gladly take a piece of Wifies with him wherever he goes.
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iggyshippingcorner · 1 day ago
okay so the sickfic has spiraled wildly out of control. it's at 2k words right now and i think the final is going to be around 5k... (sigh)
in the meantime! 1k words of Stone cooking that I wrote after baking dessert for an event last weekend. features: domestic stobotnik, some named badniks, and food as love language. mostly canon compliant, takes place sometime in the crab era :3
working at the hardened mass of brown sugar with slightly damp palms. the cheesecake is in the oven, cyan watching it with rapt focus through the glass. he’s refilling the baking supplies in the crab’s kitchen while he waits for the timer to go off. the brown sugar solidified into a brick of molasses while it waited on the counter, and while there are quicker ways to soften the sugar, he’s always preferred this method. small crystals cling to the grooves of his fingers and palms as he kneads at the brick, humming quietly to the music oni plays from her vantage point. a large clump breaks off from the brick, and he rolls it between his palms until it begins to crumple, and he deposits his fresh handful in the waiting jar. 
he dusts his sugar-coated hands off over the sink. a quick rinse to make sure he isn’t leaving crumbs across the whole kitchen. the terracotta disc gets a quick rinse as well, the old clumps of brown sugar clinging to it sloughing off under the spray. he towels it dry, revealing the familiar sparrow with its forked tail and sparse plumage. it goes in the jar, pressed down into the sugar to tamp it flat. with its labelled lid screwed back on, it returns to its designated spot in the cabinet beyond the marzocco. after the brown sugar comes the flour, a hefty glass jar with a bail lid that came from his own apartment. nearly empty. he scrapes out the last two cups and sets them aside, rolling up his sleeves as he wrangles the new bag of flour. 
alpha’s bzzt-brrp! from his perch above the fridge heralds the doctor’s arrival. stone doesn’t turn around so much as he drifts to a more interruptible task and then allows the doctor to step comfortably into his personal space, arms winding around his middle. his chin digs into stone’s clavicle. they don’t speak, not yet, just stand swaying slightly as he sets the kettle to boil and begins perusing their steadily growing tea collection. as much as the doctor despises switching things up, he’s been surprisingly accepting of stone introducing some diversity to his caffeine intake.
there’s clementines in the bowl by the marzocco, and the doctor reaches past stone to snag one. he rewards the snack choice with a silent shift, his elbow squeezing robotnik’s forearm to his ribs more securely. there’s the gentlest rumble of a laugh against his shoulder-blades. he tips his head to one side, curious, but the doctor doesn’t offer any explanation. just leans in and bumps his cheek against stone’s ear, moustache tickling his jaw and lips. 
“back to the grind,” he says, a touch too loud for how close he is. stone squeezes him again just because he can, and then lets him disentangle himself. “ETA?”
stone flicks the oven light on, and they both crouch in front of the glass once cyan shuttles away with a dejected zzzrr. the cheesecake bubbles quietly. stone checks the egg timer. “another hour. hungry?”
“biding my time,” robotnik hums, and waves the orange at him. “curry tonight?”
“I’ll see what I can do,” stone replies, like he wouldn’t carve the moon from the sky with his bare hands if the doctor asked him to. “what were you thinking?” 
“surprise me,” the doctor says, all magnanimous, which stone knows to mean reasonably spicy, and containing either lamb or pork. he graciously allows stone to steal the clementine from his hands, watching impassively as he quickly, efficiently peels it over the sink, and returns the exposed heart of it to his waiting hand. he pops one of the slices into his mouth and when the flesh splits between his teeth, stone has to take a slow, measured inhale. robotnik eyes him, but he just smiles, easy, agreeable. “I’ll send cyan to you when dinner’s ready.”
“sounds good,” the doctor nods, and leans in for an entirely unprompted kiss on the cheek that leaves stone blushing in the artificial sunlight of the crab’s kitchen windows. he shuffles out of the kitchen, peeled clementine in hand. stone watches him leave. cyan beeps eagerly from her post in front of the oven, and it breaks his reverie. 
“alright, alright. let me get in there,” he laughs, grabbing the oven mitts. 
the cheesecake comes out perfect. he has to swat multiple badniks and one robotnik away from it while it cools, and wrestles it into the fridge to chill properly despite more than a few protests (“this is a perfect time to test the liquid nitrogen chamber!”). 
dinner is a quiet affair crammed side by side at the island, legs tangled beneath the counter. the doctor steals more than a few pieces of lamb off his plate, and begrudgingly eats a few extra pieces of bell pepper in exchange. when they finally cut into the cheesecake, stone drinks in the sight of his doctor’s first bite-- the way his eyebrows raise a little, the way he assesses and catalogues consistency, texture, flavour. how his nose scrunches a little and he grins toothily down at his plate in appreciation. 
“excellent again, stone,” he says. such direct and genuine praise calls for a little preening, even if it causes robotnik to smack his arm and nearly send his own slice of cheesecake flying. the doctor snickers as he rights himself on his stool again, and accepts the retaliatory forehead kiss.
they drink tea on the couch afterwards, watching some telenovela while pretending (badly) to not notice the way they gravitate closer and closer, until robotnik’s head is in stone’s lap and both mugs are on the coffee table. stone is trained better than to fall asleep while the doctor provides running commentary on the anarrative arcs at play in the episode, but he would be a liar if he claimed his eyes never drifted shut listening to the familiar cadence of his doctor’s voice filling the warm space between them. his tangents ebb and lull like the waves overhead, their quiet domesticity concealed within the crab, far from the prying eyes of the world.
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galaxyofhair · 10 months ago
Realism, Fantasy, and Suspension of Disbelief
Just a heads up, I'm salty-balls right now so I apologize if I seem bitter, I really do want to foster conversation, but I came straight here from the cesspools of Reddit and I am mad at some of the shit people there be saying.
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I'm coming to you from the Helldivers subreddit right now because I don't feel like writing all of this only to have the people of Reddit understand precisely 0% of it.
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One of things that pisses me off to no end is when something throws up their hands and immediately launches into the very bad-taste, bad-intentions argument of "Well if it's going to be Realistic, then we ought to remove ALL of the fantasy and turn it into a mil-sim you nerd!" or "Well if it's going to be fantasy, then we should just make everyone bright pink/cyan, and have all forward movement be done via front-flip, while magical unicorns ride off in the distance!"
Every story, and I mean every story, involves an unspoken contract between the audience and the writer that creates suspension of disbelief---and this contract always exists somewhere between realism and fantasy. It's not strictly possible for a story to be truly perfectly realistic without becoming reality itself, nor is it really possible for a story to be complete and pure fantasy without losing its sense of cohesion.
Every story is grounded in some realism: whether that's the simple realism of depicting human beings being human, or something small like realistic swordplay or realistic outfits---not even necessarily historical outfits, just outfits that make sense for the setting and therefore confer a sense of "real."
Every story is grounded in some fantasy: Even mil-sims aren't capable of complete realism and require some suspension of disbelief on the part of the player so that we can brush past the things that don't make sense (like having to navigate a menu to dig out an item rather than reaching into your backpack by hand) and get back to the things we're there to enjoy.
Helldivers is a perfect example of this: It's not pure fantasy, it's not pure realism. It's suspension of disbelief is based on a mixture of elements that make it a valuable bug/bot-killing fantasy while also bringing the frenetic nature of war to life in a way few other games are able to.
I try to use alternative words to describe this phenomenon because too often 'realism' calls to mind things that are hyper realistic, or even the pop-culture 'realism' of the 7th console generation (the era of gray/brown games)---and the best terms I can think of are things like verisimilitude and interactivity. A good for instance: The ability to switch the various settings on the gun, or the way that you have to be mindful of tossing out half-full mags creates a strong sense of verisimilitude in Helldivers 2. I especially love that there are animations attached to ever small thing that you do, so you rarely feel like you're menu surfing, you always feel like your little soldier is actually having to put hands on their equipment to use it.
I'll also use the word 'tactile' to describe certain things---like, I love it when a game lets me press buttons, and flip levers, and handle objects myself because it feels like I'm really holding that thing, or pressing the button etc.
And not to get into semantics but like, these are all just forms of realism simply because they help make the game feel 'real' to the player experiencing that game---but again, I think too many people are thinking of games like ARMA and Chivalry when it comes to realism.
At this point, I'm losing the plot---just stop making shitty, bad-faith arguments like this. If bringing the ARs in Helldivers closer into alignment with how real-world ARs work creates a game that feels more real and weighty, then it's probably the right move for that game. Believe it or not, real weapons have a real meta behind them and their designs---a meta that is getting easier and easier to replicate in games as time goes on. Just because the guns are %40 realistic doesn't mean the game is suddenly 0% fantasy.
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nerdyenby · 2 years ago
Aqua time :D I’m watching H’s vod
The calm before the storm is worse, 100% agree. The event is amazing but the wait before and after the end are such low lows
H and Dave just vibing :))
“False is here too?! Surely something must’ve been scheduled” I love H so much
“It’s been 1,217 days since I’ve won MCC, but who’s counting?” “
 You?” I think I’ve seen a grand total of one Dave Krtzyy video but between finding out they’re nonbinary, this joke, and the raw vibes??? I love him
Talking about how the npc cat is thick AND smarter than all of them combined is killing me
Dave saying they hope sands of time “will do from my enemy to my lover” 😭
False is so funny she doesn’t get enough credit
Parkour Tag
Cub cracked????
False did such a good job hunting we need to talk about it
I got so startled by Beky getting H I slammed my elbow into my desk lol
Rocket Spleef
Dave Krtzy having banger opinions left and right, good for them
He really is just saying stuff and all of its iconic, from “the rare true democracy” to “channel your inner elytra”
People taking the time to type during rocket spleef will never not be funny to me
Everyone hitting Jimmy is so Jimmy of him
False top 5 :))
Dave top 10 after getting 35th??? We love that improvement
Phil is never not an icon
Unfortunate minecraft physics, rip
H and Dave being 19th and 20th is so funny because I was like “buddies :D” and H said “I’m beating you, suck it”
H affectionately bullying Dave is my new favorite thing, actually
Sands of Time
“I uh don’t have the best track record at uh
. being good at sands of time” Dave 😭
“Hi HBomb!!” from H and his teammates is so sweet
I love the calm vibes, no frantic strategizing, just clarifying and communicating
“Dave I’m gonna be pestering and annoying the hell out of you” “As you should” I love them
H: “Has anyone seen the blue pathway” also H: *is currently in the blue pathway* my streamer’s oblivious /lh
False 9th and everyone hyping her up :D
Sky Battle
I love skybattle I swear but I was zoned out like the entire time
H killing Sniff :( my boys :((
Dave was so sad when they fell, it’s okay dude <333
Good plays in round 3!!!
Ace Race
Merely vibing
H popped off and didn’t even think anything of it, the raw power
Battle Box
Aw don’t love that slump where everyone stops listening to each other. It happens with most teams, it’s not their fault, people just get too in their own heads
False literally said it was their side like three times :(
That round was clean
The final round coming down to Purpled on 2 health vs Dave on 1 was such a good final fight, holy crap
Grid Runners
Best game time :D
They’re improving every round, I love that for them
I don’t think I properly appreciated how fast cyan’s crafting grove was before just now
They slayed waterfall lamps tho
H’s mind, man
I love when people who are historically more withdrawn take charge without hesitation, MCC has done so much for H’s confidence <3
Omg they got first????
“God, our minds are so huge compared to these dorks” “MASSIVE!!”
Own that confidence kings!! Love that for them <33
H is such a cool guy, he’s genuinely enthusiastic about how they’re 2nd without a top 10 individual. He just thinks it’s neat. He’s a top player who doesn’t care about stats but experience, and that’s what makes him the epitome of MCC :)
H saying “if another team goes nutty and gets a massive amount of fruitberries points or whatever then they deserve it, they can take our spot” WHAT DID I JUST SAY?? We stan one (1) cishet white guy here and it’s HBomb94
Dave’s speech <333 I love them
I felt H’s stress there, that was so intense but he popped off
Dave doing an AMAZING speed bridge and then complimenting H’s strat, they’re so supportive I love them sm
“Sorry Dave, I’m gonna lower your points for things like that, cause you could’ve gotten first in that” “No, I do not care about that, I care about that sweet, succulent coin
 that was a weird way to describe it”
The new finalist announcement is so suspenseful only to ruin it with a bubble sound effect lol
They’re so excited to get Dave their first win since MCC1 :))
They find it so cool that they got here without any top 10 individuals “purely balanced”
“Last time I was in dodgebolt I was a wee lad [
] I was freshly 21, now I’m like 48 or something”
INSTANT he/they on he/they violence by Dave Krtzy lol
Aqua’s accuracy is wild, goodness!!!!
Their coms are so clean
H snatching that arrow!! I don’t even remember that from watching cyan
False calming asserting that she knows what she needs, not them, will never not be iconic
False saying that she’s down next arrow only for all her team to talk over eachother about how she’s got this and they believe in her <3
Dave winning the first events of seasons 1 and 3 my beloved
“False, that was insane, you 1v3’d that” “WHAT THE HECK WAS I DOING??” “You we WINNING, that’s what you were doing, you fool”
“1,217 days, bro” “It’s zero, it’s zero now!!” I love them
This team <33333
The most well-rounded team of all time, I love them.
Or as False puts it: “we weren’t cracked, we were just solid”
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fartfacethefirst · 1 year ago
I wanna read pirate au more😘
OKAY so this one is mostly about their designs and what they do and stuff!!!! :)))) ALSO I WANTED TO CALL IT EITHER MvrsP (Mermaids vrs Pirates) OR Ibvtp (Isaac Beamer vrs the Pirates)
Isaac kind of popped out of nowhere. I thought it’d be cool if he was just born out of a seashell and grew from a pearl into a mermaid. His hair is down and it’s more longer since he can’t really cut it. And even if he had something to cut it with he likes his long hair. I’d say his hair goes down to his hips/tail bone. He has a bright golden tail that’s bright and glows. His tail is really long. Idk how to explain it but it’s long with a bunch of whatever those really thin fins are attached. And of course to match his golden tail is his golden eyes.
Unlike Isaac who doesn’t cut their hair, Drew and Nevin do from hunting ships and cut their hair with knives. Nevin’s tail is mostly black with cyan faded on his fins and his eyes are cyan too. His tail and eye color change depending on the day, as the cyan colors turn dark purple in the day to blend in the water and cyan at night. Drew’s design is mostly identical to Nevin’s but instead of cyan it’s yellow and his doesn’t change color except the yellow turns darker when it’s day. The sirens all have sharp teeth and fins on their backs.
Every siren and mermaid has fins on their hands, slightly pointed ears, and gills on their ribs.
All the pirates give off Pirates of the Caribbean vibes. I haven’t really settled on a design for them so just imagine whatever you want, but they all have swords. Edward and Felix are enemies ofc, and I’ve been thinking of why they should be enemies and one of the options was that they were fighting over who’s the best pirate in town I guess.
Barry like I said owns a shop where he sells fish. Edward sometimes would go hunt for fish on his trips to bring back to Barry for him to either sell or keep. Barry still looks the same except he has more leather clothes and some more jewelry since Edward gifts him some.
Charlie was supposed to drown and now still follows Chris everywhere. Chris is like a lonely pirate or whatever. He mostly sells his treasures to buy stuff for himself and only keeps really cool treasures.
I think that’s all I got so far for now. Their personality’s are still mostly the same.
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dddomenstarstwst · 3 years ago
hiiii can i request voyerism with tatsumayo n reader? like tasumi n reader take turns overstimming mayoi while the other watches n vice verca? Idk if ure fine w poly requests or not so if u arent i apologise
Hii, poly requests are perfectly fine! Thank you for requesting this delicious piece đŸ€­
➜ Moan for Us
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Character: Tatsumi Kazehaya, Mayoi Ayase
Genre: Smut
Warnings: Switch!Tatsumi, sub!Mayoi, dom!gn!reader, overstimulation, edging, voyeurism, exhibitionism, handjob, blowjob, dacriphilia
Word count: 750
Tatsumi sits in a chair next to your bed, his eyes cold and analysing. Before him, sprawled on white sheets and moaning uncontrollably his unit mate and boyfriend, Mayoi. You've been edging him for what feels like hours, but in reality just twenty-five minutes.
Your cheeks hollow, taking more of Ayase's length. His purple hair, usually braided, now scattered across the bed. You let go of his dick with a pop, and smirk at his state. Mayo pleads you to let him come, as he was edged for ages.
You take a brief glance at Tatsumi and his collected smile, his hands grip the flesh of his thighs. Kazehaya's purple eyes are trained on you and Ayase, the tent in his pants was visible enough.
How cute. You have both your boyfriends at your mercy. Why not use it to your advantage. You motion Tsumi to come over, he looks surprised but goes nonetheless. You grab his hand and guide it to wrap around Mayoi's cock.
"I can see how bad you want it, Tatsumi. Make. Him. Cum," you whisper in his ear, the crooks of his mouth shoot upwards. Kazehaya strokes his boyfriend's shaft up to its head and down to the very base, squeezing it.
Mayo gasps, apologizing profusely when his hips thrust in warm hand. He hides his face behind his hands, muffled whimpers leaving his mouth. Tsumi tilts his head to the side, his pupils blown, as he watches his boyfriend crumble.
"Ta-tsumi, wait! N-no! T-too much!" You praise Tatsumi and reward him by freeing him dick and pumping it slowly. He falters for a second but regains his composure and continues to abuse Mayoi's cock.
Drool runs down Ayase's chin, his head trashes on the pillow, he could feel his dick twitch. Long white stripes coat his stomach and Kazehaya's hand. You continue to slowly stroke Tatsumi, trailing kisses down his neck.
"Good job, now take care of yourself and watch while i take Mayoi apart." Said boy lifts his head up, clearly shocked. He shakes his head, tears pricking at his eyes. "Relax, baby, I'll let you cum this time."
You use his cum as a lube, spreading it on his shaft. His hips jump, tears now running down his cheeks. Mayo is so sensitive after being edged for so long and just having an orgasm. You press him down on the bed, as your hand swiftly brings him close to the edge.
Tatsumi climbs on the bed, shoving his dick in Ayase's face. His calming smile encourages purple haired guy to take it in, and the latter proceeds to wrap his lips around Kazehaya's head. You chuckle, when Mayoi chokes on his saliva as Tatsumi fucks his throat.
"S-so tight!" Cyan hair sticks to Tsumi's forehead, as he frantically chases his high. You kiss Mayo's thigh, one hand playing with his balls, the other twisting around his tip. He whines, nails scratching Tatsumi's hips.
"You're gonna come, baby?" Both whine at the question. You watch as Ayase spills his semen on your hand, and Kazehaya fills Mayoi's throat up. The latter desperately tries to swallow it, small amount dripping from his mouth.
Tatsumi brushes purple hair off Mayo's face, collecting the cum that spilled and making his boyfriend lick it. You smile to yourself, "unconsciously" playing with Ayase's tip. He whimpers, shying away from your touch. You shoot him a stern look, and he avoids your gaze apologizing.
"One more time, baby! Just one more, you can do it," you comfort him, rubbing circles on his skin. Mayo nods and spreads his legs wider, watching as your hand strokes up and down his cock.
His hips thrust up, your intense gaze worsening his condition. Tatsumi pets Ayase's head, holding one of his hand, purple eyes never leaving your movements. You bring your boyfriend to his third orgasm, seeing watery spurts of cum shoot from his tip.
You stroke him through his orgasm, stopping eventually. Mayoi breathes fast, his mind hazy. You coo, praising him for how well he took it. Your boyfriend bites his lip, hiding a stupid smile. A comfortable silence settles between all three of you.
"I understand how ungodly it may sound– But i got hard again..." You see Tatsumi hide his blushing face, cock standing tall. Mayoi darts his eyes from Kazehaya to you and nods knowingly. His lips wrap around the dick before him, drawing a gasp from Tsumi.
The night's still young. You wouldn't wanna waste it.
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fandomandsparkles · 3 years ago
my goodtimeswithscar predictions for mcc:
-“why hello there”
-interacts with One dsmp member
-he falls off in sky battle for no reason
-grian joins vc to laugh at/coach scar
-he goes fucking feral in ace race/build battle
-does alright at rocket spleef :) speef
-glitches out in One game. doesn’t matter what game. BONUS: ends up winning said game
-calls a block wrongly in build mart and his team has to figure out what he means (he literally called deepslate grey stone guys)
-finds the other hermits in the event and does the wholesome waving and crouching
-has fun :)
add more if you want. there can never be too many predictions for goodtimeswithscar.
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socratetris · 2 years ago
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Since it is taking quite some time, and because I pivoted from the easier thumbnail I made before WARFRAME: Lua’s Prey released, I figured I would share a little bit about what goes into my process for taking an in-game art asset and turning it into something that will pop and stand out in a youtube thumbnail.
This is not a statement that my edits are better in any way. In fact, I think my edits drastically lose a lot of what makes the artwork as present in-game work as a part of the game’s world building and artistry. Never the less, I am working in a different medium.
I consider the creation of youtube thumbnails a transformative version of collage. While some are much better than others, and by no means am I claiming mine are great, I do not discount digital collage and just copy-pasting other images. (Though people often do just that in this industry.)
First is taking a screen-cap of the image.
Second, painstakingly erasing everything around the subject in Gimp, being mindful of where the lines are meant to be, their thickness, and preserving as much as possible. This was a particular challenge on Voruna’s wolf friends, because their line work is done in the same yellow as the murals they are placed on. The line work makes aggressive use of lines that suggest space and shape, yet ever connect. Leaving a lot of the original wolves without exterior linework. My process will change this gestalt quality. Which is a pity.
Third, copying the layer. Bringing the figure to 0 contrast so that the shape becomes a single color. Selecting the shape. Growing the area of the shape by a tiny amount, “2.” then merging the layers with the wolf on top, thus creating a black outline. I actually do this step between the brightness/contrast and the sharpness parts of step 4, because introducing such a large amount of the color black I feel throws off maintaining the colors of the image. So i would rather keep it for all the parts of those filters that introduce more black outlines and shading to the image.
Fourth, over the years, I have made a streamline method of how much to change the saturation, the brightness/contrast, the sharpness, and for exaggerating linework with GIMP’s “Cartoon” filters. This time, I had to deviate, because too much brightness ended up hiding the yellow line work. Most especially on the green wolf Ulfrun. To Keep those lines on the chest visible, I had to add a step. Desaturating just the colors inside the linework > erasing them to create a transparency > cutting all brightness and maxing out contrast to turn those exterior lines black > then dropping the transparency down to 15% on that layer and off-setting the lines. The result being the lines are now visible without fully covering up the image, but we still lose some of that gold. Had I not been working on just these wolves for 4 days, I would have instead erased all but the lines on that chest fur and made them into a darker, goldenrod color, with similar decreased transparency and offset. But I didn’t want to spend all my time on this. I need to keep going to eventually see if my concept for the thumbnail will work as all. Dymar’s color, by far, is the least preserved by this process. What was a fairly muted blue-indigo vibe transformed entirely into a bright cyan
This was all just the first step. I currently have no idea how I am going to space the wolves, nor where I am going to place text into the thumbnail. The center piece of the image is going to be the Grineer Worm Queen’s hand holding an edited Prex (warframe word for playing card/poster). I will follow up with a post of the last wolf and the prex after this one.
But at least I hope this exposure of my standard process helps to present making thumbnails as something that can be more involved in an artistic sense. A lot of effort, trial, and error goes into trying to make the images into something both new and familiar, while preserving the artistry of the components and meeting the end of catching the eye of a person scrolling through a webpage.
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dragynkeep · 3 years ago
Since you are critiquing RWBY designs, let’s give some love(or hate) to the b team, JNR + Oscar and their Atlas designs (genuinely think they got the better end of the stick in terms of designs, at least compared to RWBY)
Hell yeah, let's go besties.
Now, I don't think ORNJ's designs are as bad as RWBY's but they honestly aren't that great either. JNR peaked in Mistral and Oscar's always had mediocre designs with his original and updated ones.
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Now, obviously I'm gonna start off with the thing that we all started to make fun of as soon as we saw Jaune's new outfit. The hair.
Really, I think it's a similar issue to Blake. The modelling really wasn't done well and made it look more like bananas, but when you look more at the back, it's really not that bad of a haircut. Obviously, Ein Lee draws the hair cuter than what it looks in the show.
Is it a big jump from Jaune's original hairstyle? Yeah, but I think that big contrast could do well in showing him finally getting over his insecurities and embracing his Huntsman lifestyle fully. If they stopped making jokes about how Jaune still screws up.
Really, this isn't that bad of an outfit. Jaune always has the best outfit progressions of the group and it's because he really doesn't deviate away from his core style. His black jumper with the white and gold armour remains, along with the red sash and jeans. It's all the same, but updated both for the environment and for Jaune's character.
He's got more protective boots for the snow, along with protective leather that looks secured to his lower legs, protecting places where his armour doesn't. The sash has gotten smaller, likely to show that while he misses Pyrrha, he's starting to finally move on from her, and the jumper looks updated and more mature compared to his Pumpkin Pete one from before.
The colours are all the same. I do think he's wearing just a few too many colours and could really benefit from his palette slimming down a bit. He's got yellow, orange, red, brown, blue, black and white on him. Really, a character should have no more than four colours on their design, especially since most of the group follows that.
Overall, I like it. The only things I'm not a fan of is the style of the jumper. I don't like the collar being held closed by a belt and the lopsided look of it. Jaune already has a bit of asymmetry with his sash, having the jumper do it too in the same place is a bit redundant.
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How can a character downgrade so hard?
This is a legitimate question. Nora’s Mistral outfit was her best outfit, both design and colourwise, but this outfit just goes so far from that look while jumping right into a weird fashion for Nora.
She looks like she came straight out of Kingdom Hearts. Nora has a heart theme to her design, she has the heart shaped boob window on her shirts and her emblem, but the hearts on her dress are just so distracting and look tacky. The design is overcluttered with random lines and belts holding segments together, and that dress looks even worse for Atlas than her last one.
Legit, her Mistral outfit looked better for Atlas than this. Why are her thighs showing, why are her shoulders showing? Nora was wearing a sleeved jacket when she came to Atlas, why did she randomly decide to get rid of it and just have ugly long white gloves instead? Both Jaune and Ren are wearing more suitable outfits, but why is Nora not allowed to cover up in the cold?
The boots aren’t anything like her laced up boots from both Beacon and Atlas, and they’ve designed like every pair of boots are in this arc? They look so ugly, and this is also because the metal isn’t shaded like metal and just look grey. 
The colours are all haphazard now. The dark navy she used previously has no been replaced with a bright cyan, and now we lost that contrast and most of the blue. The dark blue jacket made the red collar pop and the white sweater underneath stand out. It was right in the middle of her body so everything near it stood out in comparison. 
But now it’s all light colours with some blacks thrown in. Where’s the red that was meant to connect her to Pyrrha? Has she just gotten over it and threw red out, I liked that lil’ accent colour on her outfit. 
Now, as a positive, I do actually like the metal cuffs on her arms. They’re cute and not only look like Pyrrha’s, but have the wings to call back to Nora’s allusion. I’d remove the ones on her legs, but the arms ones are a nice touch. 
Overall, just scrap this outfit. Start again, there’s nothing worth keeping that can’t be done better. 
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Yeah, that’s a no from me, dawg.
It’s by means as bad as Nora’s, but Ren’s outfit here really does just regress from what he got in Mistal. Not only did they make the model slimmer with a rounder face, but they put his hair back in the ponytail rather than keeping it out like it was in Mistral. It just sells a more youthful appearance and calls back to when Ren was still in school, when really this is when you want him to look his most mature as a licensed Huntsman. 
Really, his top part looks so cluttered. You have far more lines and details on his shirt now, and the giant arm guard on his right arm with the neon pink armpit that just looks bad. Its way too much concentrated on his top half, and without the coat tails on his shirt like in his other outfits, his plain white pants and boots look boring in comparison. 
It also just looks like it wouldn’t do it’s job properly. Sure, Ren’s right arm is more protected, but the knife is in a position where it looks like he can’t even pull it out properly. You could put that guard down on his leg for a better position, and add some interest down there. 
Same as Nora, where’s most of his red gone? Where’s the circlets around his arms that were for Pyrrha? If Jaune can still keep his sash, why can’t Nora and Ren keep the parts of their designs meant to symbolise their fallen friend. He still has those red robes on his shirt like before, and I like the bells on them now, but it’s very minimal compared to what he used to have.
At least it’s more than Nora. 
The boots are fine. Pretty plain, but cover his feet for warmth and protection, and I like the metal decals that stayed from his Mistral outfit. They’re nice and I like when Ren has more flower motifs on his design. 
Really, this whole outfit makes him looks so thin. Ren’s previous outfit was quite streamlined, but he had the coat tails and baggier pants to give him some padding. Not to mention his actual model had his bulk out a bit more compared to Beacon. My boy’s shrunk again.
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Why does Oscar not have any promotional poses like the rest of the group? I know CRWBY forgot about him but damn.
I’m sorry, Oscar, I know you’d been waiting for a new outfit eversince Jaune threw you into the wall, but this has got to be such a downgrade from the original outfit, which wasn’t even anything super special to begin with. 
Cool, he’s wearing green like Ozpin, but combined with the red it’s just so bad to look at. Green and red are contrasting colours, like blue/orange or purple/yellow, but you shouldn’t be using contrasting colours this much. Use the green for the jacket with different shades to help add a bit of details, but keep the red as many an accessory on his sash to separate the white shirt and black pants, rather than keeping the orange. 
Because this now makes a really ugly colour palette. You have the black and white for neutral shades, but then there orange, red, green, silver and copper, with his gloves being a brighter orange than his sash and buttons. It’s way too many colours that contrast each other, you should really stick with a palette that compliments each other and one contrast for an accent. 
Think Weiss and Blake. Weiss uses white, blue, black for minor details, and her collar was a bright red. Not only was it a contrasting colour, but it was concentrated in one place for emphasis to that area, it being Weiss’ face. Blake uses black and white, with purple and yellow for accents. 
The purple was tinting her tights to add a bit of colour, keep her boots from blending into her tights, and to allude to the Belladonna flower that she’s named after. The yellow is in her eyes, and later on in the minimal metal on her body. A nice contrast to the purple, but used sparingly as to not overpower Blake’s palette. 
But here, Oscar’s wearing a long green coat with big splotches of red everywhere. It’s on his shoulders, his arms, his belt, and his boots are mostly red. The neutral black and white are on the lowest parts of his body under the layers, and are just being overpowered by these two strong colours. Nevermind the random use of orange really doesn’t help. 
Tone it back. Get rid of the orange if you want to use red, and keep the green, black and white his main colours similar to Ren. 
Now the actual outfit design is meh. The biggest downfall is just the jacket. I don’t like how it’s styled, and the gaps between his sleeves and his gloves look so dumb. Also, again, why is he wearing so many belts? The belts on his arms are distracting and disrupt the flow of his jacket, the one across his stomach just above the sash does nothing and further covers up the white shirt, and the fact that they’re red just adds to the problem. 
The main belt being red could work if the rest of his colour palette was more controlled, but it’s not so these just look ugly.
Overall, it’s mainly the colour that’s bringing him down and the jacket. Change a few things about it, get rid of the many belts, and just calm down with the green and red colours on him.   
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sparepartsbacc · 4 years ago
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Have you ever thought “too bad I’m never going to do anything with this sim” about your CAS challenge sims that never see the light of live mode?
How about “I used to love this sim, but I forgot I even had them?” 
What about feeling bad for those poor spares from legacy challenges that never got the opportunity to spread their wings and fly? Or even worse, those 100 baby challenge babies that just get kicked out into the world once they reach young adulthood?
Well, I certainly have!
That is why I bring you my newest project: Spare Parts.
Spare Parts is a Build a City Challenge dedicated to the forgotten, the unloved, the spares shoved away in our libraries never to be heard of again. 
I don’t know about you, but I have ton of sims just sitting in my library doing nothing. Spares from legacy challenges, sims from CAS challenges on Simblr, sims that I just made for the giggles, sims I made to test new packs, even sims that I intended to do a challenge with but never got around to using. And not to mention the cute townie-descended sims that appear in my saves and I never have the opportunity to do anything with, or the randomly generated townies I’ve saved!
I got the idea to make an entire city from sims that had never been properly given a chance. I rolled a die to determine how many sims I would start with, and ended up with the number six, so I had to choose six sims from my library, but there was a catch: I was only going to allow myself to use those that I haven’t properly played with before. No sim that I move into this save will be a sim I’ve given any kind of limelight to, and no sim that I move in will be freshly made by me or anyone else for the purpose of this save.
If you don’t know what the BACC challenge is, I recommend hopping over here and giving the rules a looksee. They’re not completely up-to-date, but I’m going to be including the new packs best I can (which is fine because the only one that I have that isn’t included is Cottage Living).
My sims are starting off in Henford-On-Bagley, on the largest lot available (64x64). This way, they will be free to spread out as time goes by, because I will be moving any and all new sims onto this lot before allowing them to spread their wings and fly. I will also be playing rotational style, so when sims form their own households, I will be moving them out into the world, and playing with each one for a sim week, from midnight Sunday to 11:59 Saturday.
Now, for the fun part.
If you want to, and only if you want to, you can send me your spare sims. You can scour your library and find spares, unused sims, abandoned legacy founders, abandoned challenge sims, etc, and send them my way so they can get a second chance. For example, one of the sims I will be starting with is @grimheaven’s “I’m a Lover” legacy founder, Montana Grove, because she’s a lovely sim whose save file gave her Watcher no end of grief.
If this sounds like a fun idea to you, just send your sim(s) to me, either here or at @cyazurai​, in an ask or just tag me in a post; or you can just submit your sim to the gallery with the hashtag #cyazurai (along with a description if you want to). That way, I can find them. I will be checking that hashtag frequently.
I won’t be captioning these posts the way I normally do, because that’s too much added pressure. I already have 3 legacies and a Let’s Play on YouTube, and narration can be exhausting. Sometimes I might add a caption, just to clarify what’s happening, but they will be few and far between. Mostly, I will just edit the photo with things like moodlets, pop-ups, traits, actions, etc, to give you all an idea of what is going on. This way, I can keep up with my posts. I will also not be posting 10+ times a day, I will be keeping this down to 6 a day (except for the first day). 
I apologize for the lengthy read, and I will be providing a TL;DR down below for those that just want to get to the point! 
TL;DR:: Cyan is starting a BACC for unused/forgotten/spare sims from her and others’ libraries, and is allowing you to submit sims in case you want to give them another lease on life.
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literaphobe · 3 years ago
Tbh something tells me that the pink team might end up a disaster if sneeg says something he shouldn't or makes a comment he shouldn't. Cause everyone else on that team is a person who doesn't like conflict/is able to keep cool but sneeg is the type to speak his mind and not in the fun way.
ok lets do this again omg realllyyyy no way i don’t think anything much will happen w that team idt itll get too awkward or crazy anyway here’s how likely it is that each mcc21 team wins (im not being mean this is largely stats based)
red: unlikely
 this team has some of the lowest s2 coin averages and even with krtzyy they don’t stand much of a chance against some of these other teams that have like v strong duos
orange: its about how well philza and illumina end up working together aka how good philza is at providing support, illumina is a VERY consistent player whos very strong rn and doesn’t seem to be slowing down any time soon unfortunately while i think he has a very good chance of making dodgebolt idk if i see illumina winning dodgebolt 😔😔😔
yellow: comes down to fruit, smallish supports him p well iirc, everyone on this team has sort of teamed w each other before which is good for them
lime: pete and grian are a VERY strong duo w lots of experience playing together
 high likelihood they make dodgebolt
green: dream and tommy need to prove they’ve learnt from their past experience being teamed together, tommy needs to pop off, dream needs to POP OFF, sylvee needs one of her big brained genius moves, niki needs to play the best support she’s ever played, they need the right games and right order etc etc, would be good for them to play team games n avoid individual stuff
cyan: sapnap and cpk will be a good duo, but they have a new player on their team and a simmer, it’s not exactly the situation he had in mccs 18&19, plus in mcc17 they only had one new player and sapnap’s team overall for mcc17 could be considered better than this team. so i wouldn’t say they’re in the running for victory unless they nail the game order and games played
aqua: idk HOW crazily ant has improved since the last time i looked at him but for this team its about jojo baby she needs to work well w ant too for them to pull something good off but also as far as most of the games go there are teams that outplay them so i don’t see them being very likely winners either
blue: idk
 i just don’t get the vibe that they’ll win sorry like its one of those situations where. imo they feel like team red but like a stronger version of red
purple: ICB I LOOKED WRONG AND FORGOT anyway purple IS VERY GOOD punz and smajor will be a strong duo and im interested to see what this team pulls off
pink: imo george is the pvper here and some games will see them placing much higher like hole in the wall and sands of time but unless they have some kinda magic they will get beat out by some other teams in pvp most likely like there’s no real leader on this team u get me it kind of is george but like don’t bother my little kitten n everything yaknow
 they will prob get like 3/4th tho its possible if everything goes well
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halictus-writer · 4 years ago
Among Us - Sweater Weather
an among us inspired sweater weather fic 
characters and universe belong to @lumosinlove :)
1,033 words
“Okay, I mean it this time, no talking,” Logan said seriously. The teammates were crowded into Logan and Leo’s (and unofficially Finn’s) hotel room after their on-the-road win against Pittsburgh. It was late, and everyone was tired, but the adrenaline from the win kept everyone from wanting to sleep just yet, especially with the promise of a long bus ride in the morning to doze off during.
“And no giggling either, looking at you Tremz,” Thomas emphasized with a pointed index finger.
“Sorry. But that was only because I was the imposter last time, I won’t be it again this game anyway,” Logan said as the Start countdown began.
“Not how statistics work,” Remus mumbled. Sirius started to say something in return, but stopped as the shhh screen popped up. Someone in the hotel room was the imposter, and everyone else was innocent. All the competitiveness of being on the ice applied here.
The room was silent for a brief moment, but as the emergency meeting screen flared, all nine men began speaking at once. “What’s going on?” James’s voice carried over the others, looking at Pascal.
“Yeah, what’s going on?” Pascal asked, confused as to why all eyes were on him.
“Dumo,” a collective groan went out, drawing out the vowel. 
“I think you’re the one who called the meeting,” Leo said politely, while Logan laughed, pushing his feet up into the blond’s lap.
“Oh,” Dumo said, squinting at the screen.
After the group unanimously voted to skip, the silence resumed. Remus stifled a smile as Sirius’s avatar, appropriately named Cap, followed him along as he went about completing his little tasks of connecting wires and downloading data.
“Oh my GOD,” Finn complained loudly, throwing himself back onto Leo’s previously neat stack of pillows.
“No talking,” Logan reminded him, but looked suspiciously amused. A moment later, his body was found and reported by James. Discussion broke out, everyone choosing to simply speak rather than use the chat feature, except for James’s insistent typing of variant spellings of inappropriate words, seeing what was and wasn’t censored.
“I want to point out how happy Logan looks right now,” Kasey suddenly spoke up.
“Quoi?” Logan spluttered. “If I was the imposter I wouldn’t have killed Finn first!”
“Well.” Leo patted Logan’s feet to soften the blow of his next words. “I feel like that’s exactly what you would have done.” The teammates laughed, and when the voting time started, they reluctantly (in some cases) voted out the red “TREMZ,” all capitals. Logan shouted at them when “was not an imposter” flashed on their screens.
“See! See! Whatever, I get to cuddle my boyfriend now,” Logan said. Finn laughed and opened his arms for him.
Remus could feel Sirius’s eyes on him and couldn’t help but laugh. “We can cuddle later,” Remus whispered.
“Yuck!” Thomas grimaced. “The no talking rule goes back into effect now.” Remus laughed, knowing that he and Sirius, and the cubs, both had Talker’s full support; he had already defended them to paparazzi and opposing players multiple times.
“Great, now I’m dead,” Dumo deadpanned. “And I never even figured out how to connect the wires,” he added in amazement, mostly to himself.
“Come cuddle with the other ghosts!” Finn welcomed, left arm extended, with Logan held tightly in his left.
“Mon fils,” Dumo said plainly, “no.”
After a few more moments, a black avatar named “POTTS” called an emergency meeting. “I saw Blizzard vent!” James announced. “And look, Talker is dead now but no one found his body.”
“I did not vent,” Kasey said simply, with a completely expressionless face.
“Woah, goalie face. So creepy!” James laughed. “Vote him out.”
Kasey was the imposter, and James whooped unnecessarily loud. “Whoever sleeps near this room is probably mad we’re being so loud,” Remus pointed out, feeling a little guilty for the noise that was (mostly) caused by the others.
“It’s gonna be loud later too,” Finn said with a smirk, before Leo cut him off by holding a pillow to his face.
“Gross, gross, okay, new game.” James stacattoed.
“Last game,” Remus amended. He knew that Coach would hold him accountable for Sirius’s sleep schedule no matter what now, and when he was the only non-player in a given room, Coach would rely on him to enforce some level of good decision-making.
As the game started, it was silent, with little gasps announcing a crewmate’s sudden death, but they hadn’t been reported until five of them had perished. This round’s imposter was not making any mistakes. After the team (incorrectly) voted out Leo, only Remus (Loops), Sirius (Cap), Thomas (Talkie), and James (POTTS) were left.
The lights in the game were sabotaged, and when they finally came back online, Remus was hiding a grin with one hand.
Sirius followed Remus to the security room, where Remus absentmindedly clicked on the camera button. Remus noted with amusement that “Cap” stayed at the entrance of the room, and didn’t follow him to the camera. He was likely trying to protect Remus from whoever the imposter was. Remus took a moment to appreciate how adorable and sappy and Sirius that type of behavior was, before also appreciating the fact that Sirius’s protectiveness meant he didn’t see James’s body on the screen right in front of the admin room’s camera.
As Remus’s kill cooldown hit five seconds, Talker joined them in the security room, and Sirius positioned his little crewmember body (black, he had insisted), in front of Remus’s cyan one. Talker, in purple, got the message and stayed by the door. Neither man knew that the three of them were the only ones left alive.
When Remus’s kill cooldown hit zero, he quickly and mercilessly killed Sirius, for the win. The silent room erupted in cheers, jeers, and laughter (mostly from Remus).
“I was protecting you,” Sirius whined, eyebrows stuck high on his forehead.
“Sorry baby,” Remus leaned over to give his betrayed boyfriend a peck on the lips. Sirius caught his arm and prolonged the kiss, to the dismay of some of the others.
Finn grinned, now holding a hand of each of his boys. “Bitch ass moves, Loops,” he said approvingly. “Bitch. Ass. Moves.”
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aworldoffandoms · 4 years ago
Love is a Beautiful Thing - Ethan x F!MC
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Authors Note:  HI! I’m back (finally) with another prompt ask fic! I know it’s taken too long for this to happen but my laptop battery decided to shit itself and I needed to send it away to get it fixed and now it’s back and here it is! lol. I’m sorry for my mediocre writing with this one but I hope you enjoy, anyway! I apologise for any spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes. Prompt is in bold.
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC [Nicolette Valentine]
Word Count: 2, 075 (who allows me to write? Oh, me... damnit.)
Prompt: “Not only am I deeply in love with you, you’re my best friend.”
Rating: G
Warnings: Fluff and Ethan and Nic being cute. 
Tag list at the bottom of this post.
Disclaimer: All rights reserved to Pixelberry and all characters belong to them.
Ethan knew the exact moment that he fell in love with Nicolette. It was on a Sunday, their first weekend off in two months and Nicolette was staying over, her hair up in a messy bun, red hair slipping out of its hold and framing her face in the most delicate way that made her more ethereal when the sun shone on her hair, making it glow like a warm fire. 
He knew he was in love when she smiles, her cheeks and all of her smattered with freckles that Ethan found himself tracing with his fingers at night, following them like a map as they trailed from her nose, down her cheeks to the lower parts of her chest and shoulders and Ethan marvels each time he gets to see them, touch them...kiss them. 
His chest warms with love when she comes home from grocery shopping in an oversized Columbia University jumper that she got at a conference in her second year of medical school, her Adidas stretch leggings that hugged her legs in the most enticing and her long hair a mess around her shoulders, not caring about her appearance in the slightest. It reiterates how comfortable she was with him. This is Nicolette in her purest form and a smile lifts his lips at the thought that Nicolette, the most gentle, kind-hearted and compassionate woman was able to be herself with him in whatever capacity.
Ethan knew he was in love when he finds Nicolette on his couch, tears tracking down her face and a pile of tissues surrounding her, her eyes glued to the television. One glance at the TV and Ethan realises it’s a Disney movie. He should be amazed and somewhat turned off by the fact that a twenty-eight-year-old cries at a Disney movie but in this particular case, a fond smile raises his lips at the sight even when his heart drops at seeing her crying. He never likes to see her cry. He always admires Nicolette when she doesn’t hide behind a facade of what she should be. If she wants to watch a movie from her childhood then she is going to watch it, if she cries then she’ll do it. She is real. She is her authentic self and Ethan has never been more in love. 
Ethan’s in love when he finds Nicolette, sitting in front of his laptop, researching a case they’ve been trying to diagnose one night, her glasses perched on her face, her nose scrunched up in concentration, the light of the screen emphasising the bags under those beautiful blue eyes. She doesn’t know he’s there, himself tucked behind an alcove out of sight. So now, he just watches her do her thing, sift through notes, type on the keyboard. A silent chuckle escapes him when he sees her tongue poking out of her lips, a sure sign that she was in the deepest trance of her concentration. Nicolette pushes back some of the hair that had fallen in her face and Ethan’s fingers twitch to do the same but he forces himself to resist and stay put. He’s more than content just to watch her. 
It’s then that he really knows it. He could watch her do that for the rest of his life if he wanted to and he’d never get sick of it. Pure happiness and joy settle around him like a warm blanket on a cold night and he sighs at the euphoric feeling. He loves Nicolette and he’ll love her for the rest of his days on this earth. 
“I know you’re there, Ethan so you can come out of your creepy hideaway and come sit with me. I need your brain for a minute.” 
Ethan jolts out of his own trance (or perhaps he should say his Nicolette trance) and pads over to the couch, laughing as he does so. 
“‘You need my brain’? That’s a creative and articulate way of saying you need me.” 
Nicolette glances over to him, giving him a flat look before she smiles and shrugs at his words. “It’s true though, I need you for your brain and nothing else right now.” 
Ethan chuckles, his hand coming up to wrap around the back of her neck as he begins gently kneading it, finding a cord of tension there. Nicolette melts into his touch but her eyes are still focused on the notes in front of her. 
“What a shame. I would have been happy to oblige in whatever else you needed from me.” 
Nicolette scoffs. “Please, Ethan. Maybe go grab some water for yourself because I am sure as hell ain’t thirsty right now. I’m researching this case and I need to study for my boards.” 
Ethan ignores the implication of those words (he did know what it meant, he wasn’t a complete tragic) and focuses on what Nicolette was viewing.
“Practice exam questions for IMCs?” 
Nicolette signs, removing her glasses to rub at her eyes. She had been staring at the laptop screen for too long and they were starting to hurt. She sighs as she puts her glasses back on and turns to her boyfriend. “Yes, they are. It’s the third time I’m going to study it today. Can you please help me through them? I need a sounding board right now. I’m sick and tired of hearing the voice inside my head read questions back at me.” 
Ethan’s eyebrows furrow in concern at the lethargy he can hear in her voice and the small droop of her shoulders. He doesn’t want her to burn out but he figures that she’ll continue anyway. She’s as stubborn as him. 
“Okay, I’ll help. What do you need?” 
Nicolette claps and sits back from him, pulling her knees up underneath her and turns so that she’s face to face with him. “Run through some practice questions with me and then we can get some takeaway and watch a trashy movie or something.” 
Ethan chuckles, a fond smile lighting up his face. He finds where Nicolette was up to and begins reciting the question. “Okay. Here we go
 A 23-year-old woman with bone marrow failure is treated with a large dose of rabbit anti-thymocyte globulin. Ten days later, she develops fever, lymphadenopathy, arthralgias, and erythema on her hands and feet. Which of the following is the most likely cause of these symptoms?” 
Ethan already knew the answer but he allows Nicolette the time to answer herself. He sees the clocks working in her mind and her eyes light up as she finds the answer. “Is it immune complex deposition in tissues?” 
Ethan flips back to the practice test answers and he gives a nod and an answering smile at her when he finds that she was correct. He would have told her yes straight away but he knew Nicolette enough that she would have appreciated that he goes to the answered section to make sure that she’s correct. 
“Yes, you’re right! Good work!” 
Nicolette cheers with a resounding ‘yay’ as she claps her hands, her face alight with relief. Ethan grins at her enthusiasm because he knows how much succeeding at this means to her. So, it’s there, in the middle of Ethan’s living room, the sun already on its decline where Ethan and Nicolette sit and work through each question of her board exam practice test. 
It's a few hours after that, the inky black night piercing the living room, both of them leaning up against the couch with Ethan chuckling at a particular answer that Nicolette got wrong (and a particularly hard one at that, he wasn’t going to lie) that he realises he’s having the time of his life. It’s these little moments that set his heart aflame, that bring him a sense of contentment. Rightness.  
Ethan can’t fathom a time where he wasn’t having fun with Nicolette and he is so glad that he is in a position to be here with her. She is his closest confidant, a person with whom he can be himself, his best self, opinions, objections and all. A warm smile lifts the corners of his mouth and he says the next words with an air of reverence, of truth and certainty for they were the truest words to ever leave his lips. 
Ethan grabs her hand, his face serious for a moment and Nicolette stops and stares at the utter warmth of his eyes, the blue of them liquid cyan and the admiration on his face makes her breath hitch in her throat.
“You are amazing, Nicolette. You make every day brighter and I can’t honestly imagine walking through life without you. I can honestly, without any reservation, say that not only am I deeply in love with you, you’re my best friend.” 
Nicolette is frozen, her mouth popped open in evident shock but Ethan sees the effect his words have had on her. Her crystal blue eyes shine like diamonds as tears well up in them and he resists the urge to pull her to him. He needs to say this otherwise he was going to burst. 
“I realise it’s not the best time but I just had to say it. I needed to otherwise—” 
Nicolette cuts him off with a kiss, the kiss so strong that he loses his balance against the suddenness of it and falls backwards, both of them sprawled on the plush area rug. 
Nicolette breaks the kiss after a while and just looks at him, her fingers tracing the sharp line of his jaw. Her eyes are shiny and tears are slowly making their way down her cheeks as she whispers, her forehead coming to rest upon his gently, her lips mere inches away from his.
“I can’t study for my boards now since you’ve said that so we’re going to get takeaway. Call for Chinese and I’ll put on a movie.” 
There is a pang in his chest as he hears her words and he can’t help but be disappointed. A part of him was hoping for reciprocation or at least something remotely related to his words. And yet, Nicolette’s mind is different from his, no less fantastically intelligent but different and he realises that she processes things differently from him. Whether it takes her a few seconds, minutes or days, it won’t matter to him. He would wait for her forever. 
He nods, trying to not let the disappointment show on his face and plucks his phone out of his pocket and press speed dial to call his favourite Chinese restaurant just down the main street, a few metres from his condo. 
He’s just staring out at the horizon, his eyes scanning the twinkling skyline of Boston when he freezes as he feels Nicolette behind him hugging him, her head on his back and her arms tight around his torso. He shivers when he feels Nicolette kiss his shoulder, her face buried into him, almost like she wanted to melt into him completely. 
“I love you too, Ethan. I know I don’t say it enough but you’re my best friend and I thank the stars every day that we met.” She squeezes him once more before letting go. “Oh, and don’t forget the Kung pao chicken.” 
Ethan grins and his heart flies out of his chest. God, he loves this woman so much. 
“I would never forget the Kung pao chicken, Nicolette.” 
Nicolette turns to him and gives him a soft smile, her eyes shining with deep affection. “Good. I knew I loved you for a reason.”  
“Oh? Is that the only reason?” 
Nicolette smirks as she makes her way to the cabinet next to the stove where they kept the wine, her eyes alight with mischief as she gives Ethan a wink. 
“A woman never reveals her secrets, Ethan.” 
Ethan laughs, the sound light and happy, a smile on his lips as he orders them dinner. Love is a beautiful thing, Ethan thinks, and he again berates himself for resisting this wonderful feeling for so long. He marvels silently as he stares out at the Boston skyline again, the sounds of domesticity surround him as Nicolette gets ready for dinner and he’s never felt so safe, so calm...so at ease.
Ethan lets out a sigh of contentment. Love is beautiful and if he could have a beautiful life with Nicolette? Well, then... he can call himself the luckiest man on earth.
OH TAG LIST:  @senseofduties @polishchoicesfan @princess-geek @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @binny1985 @fanficnewbie @x-kyne-x  @thecordoniandiaries @rainbowsinthestorm @jens-diamondchoices @hopelessly-shipper @my-heart-beats-for-ya @landofenchantedwonder​ @flyawayboo​ @stanathanxoox​ @oofchoices​ @thequeenofcronuts​ @heauxplesslydevoted​ @trappedinfandoms​  @perriewinklenerdie​ @riverrune​ @caseyvalentineramsey @nithya @kaavyaethanramsey @whippedforethanfreakingramsey​ @theeccentricbiblophile @maurine07​ @openheartthot​ @takemyopenheart​ @queencarb​ @drariellevalentine​ @drakewalkerfantasy​ @pixelberrychoicesaddict-blog @starrystarrytrouble​ @buzz-bee-buzz @anything-but-reality​ @doilooklikeiknow​ @mvalentine​ @jamespotterthefirst​ @anntoldst0ries​  @nishas-paradise  @tenaciousdeputydreamfriend @choicesaddict5​  @fireycookie @thegreentwin​
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yanderecandystore · 4 years ago
PLEASE i need more of your among us concept, it was so good!
Hi!! How are you doing? I saw a lot of people want more of these, so I wanted to gain some time to be able to come up with more stuff about Yandere Among Us.
So, I hope you didn't wait too long. How about we continue where we left off?
But this time with an proper begining.
TW/Tags: Everyone is fighting // more characters because I hate myself! // Shy boy is a really suspicious boy // not as much as yandere tendencies, but maybe the start of them?? // All characters have real names, but calling each other by colors is a formal military way in this universe, ya know? // Mentions of blood and possibly (just maybe) scent kink 👀 // It may low-key not be like the original game but I tried ;-;
"- You're pretty sus, not gonna lie." Ch - 1 [Yandere!Among Us x Reader - Short Fanfiction]:
(Ch - 2)
"- And then I told her:' Yo, your chicken is dry as hell!' And then she beat me with a stick." You were currently talking with your best pal, Cyan! You two were in the cafeteria taking a snack-break, while everyone was trying to repair the ship by doing their own assigned tasks.
"- H-Heh, that's so you [Y/N]." Cyan said, although their tone was extremely off, like they didn't know what to say. They haven't eaten anything since the day began, and you were starting to worry if they were okay or not.
"- Buddy, are you okay? You haven't touched any of the snacks I brought you, you haven't even eaten a single marshmallow yet, and I thought these were your favorites!" You told them while shoving more potato chips down your mouth.
To you, the situation was mildly confusing, but to "Cyan" it was an absolute nightmare! How are they supposed to keep this up?? You're going to end up blowing their cover, they just know it!
They started to consider making you their next meal, yet if they did it right now everyone would be suspicious of them, since "they" have been with you ever since you two went to do tasks.
Stars help them, because things can go wrong any minute now! They were sweating under the suit out of nervousness and because of how hot and wet the suit was.
They didn't have time to clean the blood inside of the suit, so it was basically really, really sticky inside it.
They were disassociating until you've put your hand on top of theirs.
"- Cyan, what's wrong?!" You sound so worried, so loud yet concerned. For someone that was floating through space using asteroids to move around, your voice is so- Different, from the empty void out there. They aren't accustomed to this feeling yet.
"- I-I am! Don't worry about it, I, I think I just had a really long day, that's all." They lied through their teeth hoping that you would fall for it. But of course, you're way too stubborn to fall for that.
"- Are you sure tho? I- I could call White to see if you're sick, or maybe-" You were interrupted by the Cyan's scream while they suddenly stood up.
"- No! No, please- You-" Stars, they're terrible at this, aren't they?? They just need to shush you for now, they can't let you call someone else! The more people around them the more anxious they'll be and they will obviously be exposed to-
"- Look, [Y/N]-" -They tried to calm themselves, everything is fine, they just need to think of a way to make your worries go away- "- I'm fine, I promise, okay?" They said while putting their hands on your cheeks forcing you to look at their space suit's helmet.
You feel flustered by the sudden movement. Not only were you caught off guard by their sudden reaction, but-
This- this little thing that they did? Was starting to blossom a lot of unwanted flowers inside your heart.
' God, take a grip [Y/N]! You can't be all flustered in a time like this!' You think to yourself while shaking your head to wipe the lovey-dovey thoughts out of your mind.
You just can't help it though! You guess that ever since your team has been stuck in space- No, ever since you first met Cyan in the facility on Earth and were introduced to your team as their new crewmate, you have found yourself having a crush on Cyan. You hate to admit this, but yeah, they were always kinda
 Cute, to you.
Ah well, Cyan was always the rascal, the flirty over the top one. The one that was always playing around yet also keeping their head strong when facing a conflict. Always so radiant yet so down to earth. Oh well, here you go, simping again, oh geez...
You try to wake yourself from your fantasy world, this is not the time [Y/N]!
"- Okay-y then! I-I'm really sorry if I was bothering you!" You try to speak up yet you stutter all the way, making you feel embarrassed at how silly you're acting right now.
And while you're dealing with your inner struggles, Cyan is looking at you really confused (not that you would be able to see it because of their helmet). There is something really strange about the way you talk to them that is making them wonder what your previous relationship with this "Cyan" human was all about, and wondering if they can keep it up with this charade if they observe you and learn more about, well, "how to be themselves" around everyone else.
Actually, this may work perfectly! By getting small clues out of you, they'll be able to decipher how to properly imitate humans!
But, they're still oblivious to human emotions, so this may take more time than expected, luckily you two can spend a lot of time alone-
"- Yooooo, look over there y'all!" You two heard someone shouting while coming into the cafeteria. Oh God, really?-
Of course it was Red, who else would be making fun of you two?
Well, he is not mean, he is just- ARGH!! He keeps picking on you for liking them, and it frustrates you so much when he comes looking all smug-
If your face could, it would turn itself into a tomato and probably pop off of your body and roll away from the embarrassment.
 Okay, that was a little exaggerated, but still!-
"- How is my favorite couple doing on this pleasant evening?" He said while coming forward. His words making you turn on your defensive mode instantly:
"- We're not dating you know! I told you this nineteen times, Geez, stop being an ass
" Yep, really subtle how your cheeks lighten up at the idea of being a couple with Cyan.
And while the rest of the crew is now appearing into vision and coming forward to the cafeteria, Cyan is losing their grip ever so slightly- They can't handle this! It's- It's literally too many of you!
They can't take out every single one of you at once! This is terrible!
They need- They need to calm down and take this suit off. The heat is starting to take over their head.
"- So, how's it been for you two? Ya know, beside all the smooching-" Red says as he looks directly at you awaiting your delicious response, which was a little pouty face, so it meant that his job was done for today "- Have you guys finished your tasks?"
"- Oh! Well, we didn't manage to complete everything, the lights turned off out of nowhere and we couldn't see anything!" You tell him honestly. You're still kinda sad about it, it sucks to finish the day without completing everything you needed to.
Everyone's gathering around and sitting at the main table, it's time for a dinner meeting and assignment of tasks for tomorrow before everyone goes to sleep. God, you already miss your bed so much!
"- Ha! I knew it wasn't just in one room!... But yeah honestly me too, I couldn't finish my task because of the blackout. All that I needed to do was to swipe the card though!" Red said, while stealing one of your snacks, which earned a little "hey" coming from you, he was only joking though, as he returns the snack back to you before he can eat any.
"- Well, don't worry, tomorrow we can finish it!" Said Yellow, trying to lighten up the mood by being positive.
"- I sure do hope so-" Orange was about to say when Blue came in and interrupted all of you.
"- But what if we can't do any of them tomorrow?" Their voice echoed through the cafeteria. Everyone was silent as Blue's words caused a new feeling to arise inside the crew's hearts. Despair.
As no one was saying anything, they continued-
"- You guys seriously haven't noticed our situation yet, have you? We're floating through space because or engines have been broken by the asteroids outside, we can't even navigate this spaceship-"
"- We're trying to fix this-" Pink started, but failed to continue.
"- And while we keep "trying" and not actually doing anything, we are all in danger! Even the facility has stopped communicating with us-"
"- Blue! That 's enough!" White had interrupted his rant. His yelling was starting to get hold of Yellow's feelings, she was always sensitive to yelling and loud noises in general. Truth is, that the most positive person in your group was truly the most negative one in this scenario, yet she wanted to keep everyone together, to keep bringing hope inside everyone, even though she herself didn't truly believed in that hope.
"- W-We-" Yellow tried to speak through her sobbing, trying to hold enough strength to control her bottled up emotions from spitting out.
"- Come on, take deep breaths, I know you can do this-" Black tried to comfort her, like he would to everyone aboard.
"- We-We are all going to die here-e." She whispered in between sobs. Her breathing became more frantic and more desperate for air.
It's the eight time this week someone had a breakdown while everyone was present.
"- Blue, seat down." White asked, yet her normally stern voice made it sounded more like a command, which Blue absolutely despised.
"- I'm-" Blue started, yet, stopped themselves. Wanting to say something towards their distressed crewmate yet deciding to go away and miss tonight's meeting. Again.
"- This is stupid." They said before leaving.
"- Blue come back this instant-" White tried to call them, they didn't even look back.
 Didn't even apologise
" Brown said, trying to keep his cool even though he couldn't stand Blue's antics ever since the ship was stuck in space.
"- D-Damnit!" Orange punched the table with her wrists. God, she hated every single second spent in this hellish place. She only retracted her anger when she noticed Yellow flinching from the sound.
"- I'm- I'm so sorry Yellow-"
"- It's fine! D-Don't worry about it!" She said while trying to keep her own little charade going on. But after a month, no one believes her at this point.
"- Yellow I can lead you back to your room! Do you want to company?" Said Pink, their voice sounding just as sweet and cute as their personality. The only one helping everyone stay sane by simply being there and saying "Hi!" every "morning".
"- I would like it." Yellow had calmed herself down enough so she could at least say a couple of words. She said her good nights and followed Pink back into her room.
"- It's another meeting wasted." Green said while packing their things.
"- Well, it could be worse, right? Good night everyone!" Said Purple not really caring about anything at this point.
"- Oh, come on everyone! Shouldn't we discuss our tasks for tomorrow?" Red asked, if not begged for them to come back. How has this happened? How has all your crew started to fall apart so easily?
"- Don't worry Red, we can do that tomorrow morning." Black said while comforting White who was having a headache because of the endless fights inside the spaceship.
This was the third time just this week that your meetings were interrupted by arguing. This is only the second time Blue has actually been the cause of it though.
"- Maybe they miss their family?" Lime asked while referring to Blue.
"- We all do." Brown said while standing up and going to his own bedroom. Muttering something through his teeth that no one could understand.
The whole situation happened so fast, you couldn't even understand what just happened!
"- Are, are we-"
"- Yes [Y/N], you're all dismissed." White answered already knowing what you were going to ask.
"- Oh
. Do you want some?" You asked motioning the snacks up to her, which surprised her yet she appreciated the gesture.
"- Thank you
." She whispered. You nod your head and decide to give her some space. You knew that you didn't need to worry too much about it, as Black was there to help her feel better.
If Black wasn't in this ship, she would have already fallen apart. All of you would.
"- Well, I guess dinner has ended sooner than expected!" Red tried to joke to lighten up your mood, to which you give a little chuckle. God, today is a really terrible day isn't it?
"- Uhn, hey, you're okay? You have been quiet throughout the whole meeting." Red asked Cyan.
Oh. Oh no, please no.
"- Uhn? Yeah? I
 did?" They're so dead.
"- Yeah, it was
 Pretty odd. Last time Blue yelled you had put them in their place, and it was pretty cool of you to stand for Yellow like that". Red said remembering that day. He didn't have anything against Blue, as he knew Blue is trying their best like everyone else. Yet he didn't like how Blue started to act like an ass lately, especially not even apologising towards Yellow or even the whole crew for that matter.
Cyan was sweating like crazy. They were panicking at the beginning of the meeting because of the amount of humans surrounding them, but when they noticed how easily humans let their distrust control them, they decided to let them speak and see what would happen. Seeing them argue with each other made them feel calmer and safer.
' I won't die!' They thought.
But now? They're raising suspicion again, by literally not doing anything??! How is this possible-
"- Well, it is true but, I don't know Red, Cyan has been pretty tired all day, and besides, Blue doesn't listen to us anymore, so it wouldn't matter anyway." You tried to reason. Yes, Cyan was acting a little different, being a little more shy than their normal self but come on now, everyone has their bad days! Maybe today they are not feeling really well
You looked up at them, trying to show sympathy to your friend who you still thought was having some personal issues of their own.
"- Yeah! Exactly
 Today has been pretty crazy! I think I just need some sleep.". Yeah, really crazy! Their body had hit an spaceship filled with free food, and then they had to disguise themselves as one of the humans inside so they could easily take one by one. But now? They're regretting each second of it! Stars, the anxiety eating them from inside is worse than being all alone in space.
Well, if they ever get out alive, they'll at least have some cool story to tell their own kind about
. If there is anyone waiting for them to return, that is.
"- Oh
 That sucks buddy, but you got an point, I guess we all need to relax, and hey! Tomorrow is a new day right?" Red smiled at you two, offering a little bit of positive before you two went inside your rooms. Well, he offered a little bit of positive and a hug, to which you had gladly taken.
Although, Cyan was at first really confused about this gesture, so they stayed a little further away from the sign of affection.
"- Oh come on! Stop being a dork, come over here already!" Red said as he pulled Cyan into the tight hug. It was comforting but you couldn't lie that you felt sandwiched between the two, you tried to warn Red that you couldn't breathe, and Cyan was still panicking but now for a different reason.
Because of the helmet, their sense of smell has been limited considerably, yet by being so near to your bodies, they realized they could still take in your scent. Or maybe it was all the blood inside the suit? Who knows, they just knew that the idea of a next meal was absolutely mouthwatering, and they weren't even hungry! Maybe the idea of having a whole place filled with eleven people was starting to make them salivate uncontrollably, as a child having to wait until they can pick their next candy from the jar.
Maybe they could basket in your scent until they actually feel the need to consume another crewmate.
Red was the first to break the hug, but not before fussing your hair.
"- Well, that's my goodbye for today! I need to restore some energy before I can give you two more hugs!" He entered the door behind him, which lead to his room. An oddly well organized bedroom which was only a couple of steps before your own bedroom.
And after your bedroom, there was Cyan's bedroom.
He gave his last goodbyes before closing the door. You can't help but appreciate that dork, the endless bickering between you two was pretty fun in your opinion.
While turning your back you noticed that was Cyan looking straight at you this whole time, which caused you to squeak in surprise. God, they were way too close! And your hair is a mess!
"- Sooooo
 I guess we're alone now, right?" You asked timidly, trying your best to make small talk which still came off pretty awkwardly. You avoided their gaze while trying to come up with what else to say.
"- Yes. Yes we are." Cyan said, their tone was unnaturally dark for their nature, yet when you noticed them approaching you closer, you realized what you said.
"- Oh! No, I didn't mean it like-" You tried to explain the the misunderstanding, thinking that Cyan was about to flirt back with you, even though your comment was purely without malice! You swear it!
"- No making out in the halls, ya love birds!" Red opened his door and screamed, with his smug little face.
"- Geez get a room you two!" Said Pink from the other side of the corridor, their voice being really faint because of the distance between you.
"- We were not, okay?!" You yelled hoping Pink would hear it.
"- Shhhh! Some of us are trying to sleep here!" Orange banged on her door while scolding all of you. Even though she herself was making a lot of noise.
"- S-Sorry!" You responded.
Cyan distanced themselves from you, fuck, every single one of them was hearing you two. Were they all listening to your whole conversation? How were they supposed to kill anyone if everyone is this spaceship is an gossip addict? Always listening for the next tea to be spilled.
While looking at your face they recognized that same hue popping off of your cheeks. Are you perhaps sick? Actually, now they have mentioned it- What would happen if they ate a sick human?
"- Your face is red." They mentioned nonchalantly.
"- Sigh
 Yeah." You sigh defeated. What's the point of hiding something that is in your face?! Even if it's fainted, everyone can tell at this point. The only person you aren't sure if they know it yet is, well, Cyan themselves.
" An awkward silent start emerging from you two, until they ask:
"- Is it because of me?" Did they, I don't know, brought some sort of sickness aboard with them? Are you passing out? Should they be concerned that your meat could be possibly damaged because of this sickness?
Although their tone is really vague, you still interpreted the question as one of their flirtatious jokes. Truth is that Cyan loves going around flirting with everyone, even with you! And they know that this makes you flustered, so you can't tell if they do it because it's fun for them or if-
Or if they like you
.. A little bit.
"- Oh no! You won't fool me this time, I know what you're up to!" You say dramatically, trying to change the conversation to have a more silly tone, yet your whole attempt was dismissed, because as soon as you said that, Cyan started shaking anxiously.
You knew? You knew?! Oh stars, they're done for! They're so dead now!
"- W-What?!" They scream, please don't hurt them, they were only hungry and trying to survive!
 Uhn, Cyan? I'm joking." You tell your really skittish friend. Geez they really were acting weird! Normally they would have returned your joke but they are acting so easily terrified!
Did something happen in electrical while you were away?
"- Cyan
 Are you hurt? You never told me what happened when the blackout happened." You once again ask them if they were okay. What if
 They are scared because of something that happened in electrical? What if
 They saw something?
"- What? Oh, I'm- I'm sorry! I didn't mean to freak you out like that." They laugh realizing that you were only "joking" with them. Honestly, your jokes are going to be the death of them.
"- Are you okay tho-"
"- Yes, for the fifth time, I'm doing fine [Y/N]." They
 Growled? What? Their sudden anger made you take some steps back, what just happened??
They didn't realize how their tone had come off, they needed to be more careful if they wanted to keep your trust. You
 You look so distressed! Did they scared you that bad? If not, than why are you distancing yourself? Why are your eyes so
"- I-I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to
." And why were they apologising? Why does your frightened face cause such an intense feeling inside them? They were supposed to harvest your fear as an way to easily control the situation, but instead they can't help but pity your current state.
"- I've been, really stressed out, I didn't mean to yell." They say, half true, half lie. I mean, their first day is already being so strange and stressful, anyone would've expected them to end up blowing up at some point.
"- No! No, don't worry about it, I, sigh
 Honestly I'm pretty stressed out myself. I guess I was so worried about you that I ended up bothering you with my questions." You say while guilt starts to form inside you. You haven't given them enough space, maybe you been pestering them too much.
To be honest, everyone was so on edge that you should have expected something like this happening, even from someone as chill as Cyan. Before you even considered finding a way to comfort them so you two could talk about it, Cyan was faster than you and had managed to trap you in their arms.
"- Hey, it's fine. Don't worry too much, I'm glad you're worried but I can reassure you, everything is okay."
It's an little awkward long hug, but you don't really mind, it's not as suffocating as Red's was. Oddly enough, Cyan wasn't being dishonest, but that fact only brought more confusion inside their mind.
"- Well
 Goodnight Cyan, I'll see you tomorrow, kay?"
"- Yeah, sure
After some time spent looking at the ceiling waiting to see if everyone else had gone to sleep, Cyan had gotten out of their bed and started to unzip the space suit frantically.
Putting it on wasn't so hard, but getting out of it feels ten times worse now that they're sweating and tainted with the blood from the suit's previous owner. They don't need oxygen, but the feeling of suffocation inside that thing was starting to get over their heads. They needed something to cool down, anything!
So that's when the ventilation came into mind. The cold air coming from it was pleasant but not nearly enough for them, so they opened the top and got inside.
The cold air mixed with the cool metal touching their skin felt amazing compared to the heat and blood inside the suit. They need to remember to not only clean the suit, but to clean themselves very soon.
Without the helmet, their senses are so much better. They can hear and smell better, the vibrations passing through the ship helping them understand where they are and where they're going, as technically, they're kinda blind.
But who needs a great sight when they can easily smell and hear their prey from kilometers away? Speaking of which, the vents sure do help them a lot in that regard, as they can hear the soft breathing of all of your crewmates sleeping.
The smell of flesh is absolutely incredible! Just the thought makes their mouth water, maybe they deserve a little "midnight snack".
"- Eeny. meeny. miney. You!" They were deciding which one of your group should be the next, and the answer seemed pretty obvious, why not go to the nearest person?
It could lead to some issues with the other crewmates, but when they smelled your scent the need to enter your bedroom was way more important than considering the dangers of acting without thinking.
While entering your room as quietly as possible, they took a look around until they found your sleeping body almost falling from the bed. This is their chance!
Coming near you, savoring in your heavenly smell and dreaming what your taste is like, they-!... They stopped themselves from doing anything.
Your face is going to hit the floor if you continue to slowly slip from your bed.
You speak in your sleep sometimes. Not actual phrases, just occasional words. It's funny actually.
They poked your face multiple times out of curiosity. Were you awake or just dreaming? It seems like it's the latter.
You're still falling in slow motion. There is both the need to see what will happen next, and help you get back into bed.
They could just watch and see what happens. Besides, it is too dark for you to see them anyway.
 What should they do? Maybe they're wasting too much time by being here. They need to make a decision, it's to either kill you or to go back to their room.
After a couple of minutes of observing, another option has appeared, and they chose that one over the other options. They helped you get back into bed, hopefully you won't slip out again.
Maybe they should stay, just to guarantee you don't fall.
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burntmcnuggies · 4 years ago
Hawks and S/O Play Among Us
Hawks x Reader
Just a small headcanon I made since me, my mom, my brother, my step-sister, and some of my friends play all the time! If you wanna play together or just chat with me lemme know and I’ll make a private group for you all to join and chat with me! ;)
Warnings: strong language, excess use of profanity, so if you don’t like very strong language please leave! A slight little bit of suggestive sexiness from Hawks, but it’s very very brief! That’s it!
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* Cheats all the time. So make sure you both are in separate rooms. If you’re beside him playing on your phones, he will for sure peek over and see if you’re an imposter or not.
* If you’re both Crewmate he’ll stay glued to your side. He’ll do all tasks with you, make sure he follows you if something got sabotaged, even though this may cause you to lose. “Hawks go to the other one! We only have 15 seconds!” “But what if you die? I’ll be all alone, and everyone will sus me because I stayed with you all the time!” “That’s why you don’t follow me and act sus!” Needless to say it’s difficult getting him to leave your side. If you do die, he’ll start blaming your killer even though he has no proof at all. Then he gets voted out and you do tasks together as ghosts. He’s one of those people to randomly start accusing people, and will use you as an alibi. “I was with my girlfriend and brown was following us. He’s pretty sus.” Then you get spams in the chat saying “wtf.”
* if you’re both imposters, he’ll make sure to sit by you and run around freely by himself knowing you’re safe. Even in a fictional game he makes sure you’re safe... most of the time. “FUCK! FUCK!! BROWN SAW ME!!! WHAT DO I DO?!?!” “LIE!” “THEY ALL WANNA VOTE ME OUT WHAT THE FUCK?!?!” Voting occurs, and you vote him out. “YOU BETRAYED ME?!?!” “WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO?!?! IT WOULD BE SUS IF I DIDNT!!!” He’ll start pouring and follow you around in his little ghost form, assisting in sabotage and warning you if there’s anyone around so you can kill people. If you were away from each other, he would venture on his own and sometimes follow you to see if you can double kill. “Yes! Good job, dovie, you make a great sidekick!” If you are being accused, he’ll defend you immediately, which makes it all the more suspicious. Then you both end up getting voted out.
* You’re the imposter and he’s the crewmate. You kill Hawks first. Always. You have to or else he’ll rat you out immediately. He’s very competitive if you are on opposite teams. If you do get voted out he’ll rub it in your face and laugh. “You’re so predictable, dovie. It’s not even funny!” Well, apparently he thinks it’s funny. He also thinks it’s funny seeing the pouty expression on your face. If your teammate kills him, you start laughing at him. “Hah! Yellow got revenge! Thank you yellow! Carry us to victory!” He scowls. “At least I made it farther.” If you successfully kill him, he’ll stalk you through his little ghost and scrutinize your methods. “You killed him in the open, If it were real you’d be locked away by now.” “It’s a game babe. Let me play how I wanna play. You’re acting childish cause I killed you.” “I hope they vote you out. Liar. Murderer. Imposter!” When you end up winning he’ll pout. “I’ll get you next time, baby bird.”
* He’s the imposter and you’re the crewmate. He’s very good at it. He likes to wait and kill you last since he loves to taunt you. Then he’ll lie to the entire chat and act all innocent. However, if you’re playing with friends, this plan always backfires. You don’t even suspect him because he’s so good at playing the role of an imposter, it’s almost scary. If he’s the imposter, he always wins. If he’s acting sus, you call an emergency meeting and immediately convince everyone to vote him out. It’s a desperate last effort tactic to try and win against him. Of course, he smooth talks his way out of things and you’re the one that gets booted. There will be a small little thing at the end where you are playing with friends :)
* Characters, of course yours is whatever you want, but Hawks... he loves to do stupid ass nicknames that you and all your friends and his make fun of. It’s consisted of “Sexy Bird” “No. 2 Bitches” “(Y/N)’s dick giver” “chickenman” “nugget king” “Endeavor my daddy” “Endeavorsimp” “Hawks” The last one is to try and make his fans day if he has any that play when you both just play online together. His character is almost always yellow with little goggles on top, a white suit, and a mini crewmate as his pet. Many don’t believe that it’s actually Hawks, not until he posts pictures on his social media of you and him playing together.
* Playing with Friends: You, Hawks, Endeavor, Mirko, Dabi, Tokoyami, Shoto, Twice, Shigaraki, and Aizawa (you convinced him to play) All of you are on call. Hawks invited Endeavor, Mirko, and Tokoyami. You invited everyone else. (Lets all pretend that you all are normal and there’s no heroes or villains, just all adults with jobs playing kid games. (U/N) is username by the way since you all get to choose ^^
Below is a short story I wrote for this!
Small Key!
-(U/N) = You (Orange, Pink, Light Green)
-Sexy Bird = Hawks (Yellow)
-Dabeebee = Dabi (Purple)
-Zzzawa = Aizawa (Dark Green)
-QueenRab = Mirko (White)
-MyDadSucks = Shoto (Cyan)
-DarkBoy = Tokoyami (Black)
-Crustball = Shigaraki (Dark Blue)
-2wice = Twice (Brown)
-Endeavor = Endeavor (Red)
“Hey everyone!” -(U/N)
“Stop being so happy (Y/N).” -Zzzawa
“Hey Doll.” -Dabeebee
“Dabi~! Your user name is your name in my phone!!! How sweet!” -(U/N)
“Hey, I’m right here. Don’t make me come up there and teach you who you belong to again pretty birdie.” -Sexy Bird
“TMI!! I don’t wanna hear about you’re pathetic sex like Keigo. Baby dick.” -QueenRab
“Language Mirko. Please. Who else is joining (Y/N)-“ -Endeavor
“Can we just start?” -Crustball
“Please.” -Zzzawa
“I agree.” -MyDadSucks
“Shoto change your name.” -Endeavor
“Fuck off old man.” -MyDadSucks
“I am ready to begin this journey of darkness and deceit.” -DarkBoy
“Me too! Oh hell no, I’m not doin’ this.” -2wice
“Guys! Shut up! I’m about to start the game so we all have to go on mute okay?” -(U/N)
“(Y/NNNNN)! You didn’t tell Mirko about our fucking amazing se-“ -Sexy Bird
You pressed start before your lover could even finish whatever he was saying and rolled your eyes shouting from the guest bedroom. “KEIGO YOU BASTARD IM REALLY GONNA KILL YOU IF YOU SAY ANYTHING ELSE ABOUT OUT SEX LIFE!!!!” He shouted back almost immediately. “SHE CALLED OUR SEX PATHETIC!!!!” You called back. “ITS NOT BABE ITS FUCKING AMAZING NOW SHUT UP AND PLAY!!!!” The little ‘Shhhh’ appeared and it turned out you and Dabi were the imposters. You grinned widely and went towards the right of “The Skeld” map. You ran up towards weapons to pretend to do the task. You took the time to attempt to sabotage the lights like you always did, but it sadly was still loading. Then a purple little astronaut came beside you with little wolf ears. And the name labeled above was red with the word “Dabeebee.”
‘Alright Dabi... lets kick some ass.’ You thought to yourself with a grin as you finally got your kill cool down relinquished. The first thing you sabotaged was lights, and then you began your search for your lover. You went down and turned left, checking to see if anyone was in communications. No one. You then went through lower storage and up Into electrical. You were met with a dark blue color. Poor Shigaraki, your first victim. Keigo could probably wait. Dabi would back you up. You clicked the kill button on your phone and immediately jumped into a vent. You popped out of MedBay and pretended to do the sample task. Then your screen flashed.
*DISCUSS/ Dabeebee reported a body*
*Crustball has died*
“Well, there goes the crusty bastard. He sucked anyways.” -Dabeebee
“Where was the body?” -(U/N)
“It’s (Y/N). I know it is.” -Sexy Bird
“What the hell kinda evidence for you have that it was (Y/N)? I’ll kick your ass if you do it again. You weren’t near her you were with Endeavor and I.” -QueenRab
“Those are some pretty bold accusations against me my love.” -(U/N)
“(Y/N) was with me the whole time. The body was in electrical. We were together going down there and she kept going while I went to go do a task.” -Dabeebee
“It was Dabi! No it wasn’t, he’s a good guy! No! He’s evil!” -2wice
“It was Endeavor.” -MyDadSucks
“It’s (Y/N) and Dabi. You guys have to believe me! I know my birdie and she is an imposter right now. Don’t trust her.” -Sexy Bird
“Shut the fuck up.” -QueenRab
“Kei baby you soundin’ kinda sus, quickly blaming me and Dabi.” -(U/N)
“It’s Dabi and I. And no, I didn’t-“ -Endeavor
“I’m a school teacher, (Y/N). Don’t forget I tutored you our freshmen year.” -Zzzawa
“That makes me sound old Shƍta.” -(U/N)
“Discussion time just ended. What’re we doing?” -MyDadSucks
“I’m still voting (Y/N).” -Sexy Bird
“Oh yes, I love you too Kei’. So much.” -(U/N)
“It was dark. I couldn’t see anything. I didn’t know where I was.” -DarkBoy
“I’m votin’ Keigo cause he’s bein’ a petty little dickless bitch.” QueenRab
“RUDE.” -Sexy Bird
“I’m skipping.” -Dabeebee
“Me too.” -(U/N), DarkBoy, 2wice, Endeavor, and Zzzawa
7 skips: (Y/N), Dabeebee, DarkBoy, 2wice, Endeavor, and Zzzawa
1 vote for Endeavor: MyDadSucks
1 vote for Sexy Bird: QueenRab
1 vote for (U/N): Sexy Bird
‘That’s good no one believe Keigo. If they did me and Dabi would be- Dabi and I would be dead.’ Next turn you went left, heading down to MedBay to “finish” the samples. While you waited you checked to see if you could sabotage. A couple seconds later the oxygen depletion was activated. ‘Nice Dabi!’ You cracked a smile and left MedBay, running into a red character, Endeavor. Poor Endeavor. You successfully reached lower engine before killing the old player. You quickly passed Mirko and your face paled once you realized she would find the body and report it, seeing you leaving. You only continued in, receiving nothing from the others about a dead body. You weren’t gonna ask questions. Suddenly...
*DISCUSS/ MyDadSucks reported a body*
*Endeavor and QueenRab have died*
“Well, it wasn’t my old man.” -MyDadSucks
“I already voted.” -Zzzawa
“That fast? Who’d you vote for?” -(U/N)
“Hawks.” -Zzzawa
“WHAT?!?!” -Sexy Bird
“I agree! No wait! He’s telling the truth! No way! He’s totally an imposter!” -2wice
“You are being very loud and suspicious. You’re also only blaming (Y/N) and Dabi for no reason. You didn’t even ask where the body was. You passed me coming up from reactor. And the body was in lower engine. You were the only one I sa-“ -MyDadSucks
“I’m voting Kei’ too.” -(U/N)
“Me too.” -Dabeebee
“I will not eject my mentor. He’s taught me a lot. He’s intelligent. I believe him.” -DarkBoy
“What smarts? You’re a total birdbrain.” -(U/N)
5 votes for Sexy Bird: MyDadSucks, Zzzawa, Dabeebee, 2wice, and (U/N).
2 votes for (U/N): DarkBoy and Sexy Bird
(Dead Chat)
“I was the first one to die. It’s been boring. I haven’t been doing anything.” -Crustball
“They’re already going to win.” -Endeavor
“SHUT UP!!!” -QueenRab
“I KNEW IT!!!!” -Sexy Bird
You covered your mouth in shock that you actually got everyone to vote out Hawks. Aizawa was annoyed, Shoto was getting suspicious of how loud and pushy he was being to vote you out without any evidence, Dabi was your teammate so of course he’d vote with you, and then Twice just went with everyone else. You ran down first, running to admin with Tokoyami following right behind you. All the sudden your lover burst into the guest bedroom and stomped over towards your bed, spreading his wings and plopping beside you. “I knew it was you and Dabi. But nobody fuckin’ believed me.” You rolled your eyes and pretended to do the key scan while you sabotaged reactor. “Keigo, you were acting wayyyyy too sus. This is why you always lose when we play with friends. You’re too loud. You gotta be calm and persuasive. How on earth did you become an undercover agent for the FBI.”
“Shut the fuck up. I just wanna win that’s all. I also wanna be right, and I was, and now everyone’s comin’ and tellin’ me I’m right.” He smirked smugly and wrapped one of his wings around you, pulling you close to his chest while he watched you play. You went with Tokoyami and when you finally got him alone in navigation you killed him. Your thumb jerked upwards to go to the vent, but as soon as you did a Dark Green astronaut cane into view. Seeing you vent and leave the dead body. “Fuck!” You cursed and banged your head lightly in your head as the screen lit up. Your lover laughed. “Hey~ there’s still a chance we could win.” You sent him a glare. “Dabi will let us win. He’s a pro! C’mon Dabi! Help me out bro!”
*DISCUSS/ Zzzawa reported a body*
*DarkBoy has died*
“(Y/N) vented.” -Zzzawa
“What? Aizawa I literally just fucking saw you leave the body—SHES LYING!!!!” -(U/N)
“Is that Hawks?” -MyDadSucks
“Can you guys fuck some other time? Are you sure you saw (Y/N) vent Mr. Caterpillar man. Do you have your contracts in?” -Dabeebee
“I don’t need input from a unemployed burnt looking drug dealer. It was (Y/N).” -Zzzawa
“A bit harsh coming from a raggedy looking old man.” -Dabeebee
“Can I just point out Twice has been awfully quiet? He bein’ pretty sus right now.” -(U/N)
“I’m the imposter! No I’m not! I’m a crewmate believe me!” -2wice
“He’s too stupid to be an imposter. I’ve been with him he was in MedBay.” -Dabeebee
“Yeah I was! But Hawks is already dead and ratted (Y/N) out! So it’s gotta he her!” -2wice
“Voting ends soon. I’m voting (Y/N). My apologies.” -MyDadSucks
“Agreed.” -Zzzawa
“Awe Shoto it’s okay, I love you so much. This is why you aren’t dead yet because you’re a pure angel! -I’m sittin’ right here pretty bird- no you aren’t an angel, you’re a devilish asshole.” -(U/N)
“I love you too, (Y/N).” -MyDadSucks
“Sorry doll, votes are stacked against you. Good game though.” -Dabeebee
“Yeah, fuck you Dabi.” -(U/N)
“Anytime baby, I’m open.” -Dabeebee
4 votes for (U/N): MyDadSucks, Zzzawa, Dabeebee, and 2wice
1 vote for Zzzawa: (U/N)
(Dead chat)
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the imposter who killed me.” -Crustball
“(Y/N) I TRUSTED YOU!!!!” -QueenRab
“Guys it’s just a game, don’t take it so-“ -(U/N)
“Mirko please calm down. You’re being loud and obnoxious.” -Endeavor
“(Y/N) is right, even though she killed me. I applaud her devotion to the role. She outsmarted us well.” -DarkBoy
You muted yourself and stopped listening to the chat of everyone arguing, mainly Mirko to everyone about doing tasks. You wondered around and looked for Dabi, following him around and assisting in Sabotage. Warm hands roamed over your waist, and a soft kiss was placed on your temple, soft red feathers brushing over your shoulders and lightly dusting over your leg. “Someone’s getting cuddly.” You announced quizzically, watching Dabi lure Twice into comms before killing him and running out. Your lovers scruffy chin rested against your shoulder, his head leaning against yours as he watched your screen. “Even though I’m still annoyed that you killed me, I’m proud of you baby bird. It’s difficult for people to out talk me. Especially you.”
“Was that an insult or a compliment?” You asked not really sure how to feel about his comment. He laughed lowly, the rumbled of his chest vibrating your back. “Hmm... let’s say both. Win win, yeah?” He began to kiss up your neck, the soft smacking of his wet lips against your skin echoing in your ears and making you shiver. “Keigo... what are you doing?” He hummed in dismissal of your words, rubbing your sides gently before slipping down to your hip. “What? I can’t love on you? I show my pretty bird some affection~?” Your lips set into a firm line and you gave him a look. “...you’re still sleeping on the couch.” He pouted. “So... no sex?”
*DISCUSS/Zzzawa reported a body*
*2wice has died*
“It was in communications.” -Zzzawa
“Dabi was with me the whole time. I met up with him after he finished a task in weapons. We fixed oxygen and met back up in the cafeteria and moved to reactor.” -MyDadSucks
“You’re the only one down there, and imposters can self report. You put yourself in a bit of a bind there. Mr. Caterpillar man. Guess the teacher ain’t that smart.” -Dabeebee
“I agree. My apologies Mr. Aizawa. No offense or hard feelings.” -MyDadSucks
“None taken Shoto. The evidence is stacked against me. Good game Dabi.” -Zzzawa
“Nice knowin’ ya both.” -Dabeebee
“Wait what-“ -MyDadSucks
Victory flashed in your screen and you fist pumped the air cheering in victory. Hawks frowned beside you, pulling his hands away and tucking his wings between you, cocooning himself away from you to sulk that he had lost in a game he was supposed to be really good at. “Baby come here.” You called out to him, gently stroking his wings. He grunted and moved a wing down to glare. “...we can have sex later?” He moved his wings to wrap around you again and his arms were around you tightly, hot breath fanning slightly over your ear. “Thank you love bird~ and congrats on winnin’ the game. But...” You swallowed thickly. “B-But what...?”
“I’ll be winnin’ in the bedroom.”
“Did you forget we weren’t on mute anymore? Horny idiots.” -Zzzawa
“Hawks!” -Endeavor
“I think I should get reward for winning, doll. Wanna come to my place? Forget about that birdbrained idiot. Cum for me~” -Dabeebee
“DABI THE FUCK?! Stop being sexual. It’s disgusting.” -Crustball
“I don’t understand why you’re all like this. Was there a class I missed about being weird?” -MyDadSucks
“No. They’re just weird.” -DarkBoy
“Wait we lost.” -2wice 
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